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Chapter 1



The fast-tracking evolution of our society in terms of development in

Technology is overwhelming. More urgent than ever is the need to find ways and

means to develop human health programs for quality and future excellence also

the organization itself and the participation of the public health practitioners in the

different folks of like in rural areas particularly.

The program is a wide endeavor. It is a whole-year round project of the

Department of Health. The Rural Community Health Practitioner spearheads the

program with the full support of the administration and the staff members and

selected students nurses from the different educational institution. Posters,

brochures and fliers are given during this activity. Likewise seminars and free

medicine and medical check-up are given to increase the motivational factor and

level of awareness in the health activities as a program of the Department of

Health in the rural areas for both male and female.

It is a whole-year round project, however, it is fully implemented every

quarter of the year where a massive house-to-house campaign is initiated and

implemented to really promote the programs of the city health office.

The value of management must not be defined in terms of profit it makes

but the service it renders. The fulfillment on how they manage the public relations

image in which the success of the organization is base on the cooperation of one

another and willingness to share the knowledge they have. The services they

have rendered gives a good image in terms of perception of the clientele in the

acceptance of the different programs especially in community that Nurses deliver

it services.

Nurses touches and nurture everyone’s life. It is the means by which a

standard of living is developed and delivered to people. It is not just giving,

selling, and updating and public relation, actually Nurses combines many

activities designed to respond, serve and to satisfy clientele while meeting the

organizational objectives or goal they represents.

An institution needs to implement its desire into clearly defined its goal,

the administration and the health staff should help in the achievement of the

goals and also on the development concerns of the people concerns about

health. Outlining the desires for the development of their community is a basic

plan and very reasonable step to attain the goals.

Health education is vital to lives as a nation. It is the right of every citizen

and total attaining quality of life. Its primordial concern is the total development

of person socially, emotionally, spiritually and mentally aside from the health


Health campaigns and programs are very important tool in providing

health services in a community and if properly managed, they have the potential

of increasing and leveling up the awareness of the people and increasing the

satisfaction level of the clientele in terms of the programs provided by the

government additional it will lead to the clientele perception that is one of their

wealth and it will create a healthy family and healthy living people in a certain

state or community.

In public health and in medicine, the concept of health related quality of

life refers to a person or group’s awareness and satisfaction on the different

programs provided in the community.

In rural areas where health care services were less provided, innovated

and accessibility is poor in the acceptance of the public and also create or it will

leads them in the appreciation of quack doctors, herbolarios and even with the

faith healers.

That’s why even on the prohibition and services delivered by students

nurses health programs were not properly accepted by the people in the

community and also lead them to start feeling of not accepted, gradual

appreciations on the health programs and reduces believers on the City Health

Programs provided for the community centers.

With the evolution of health services, the city health programs and student

nurses activities still people merely look into no continuity of the services and

creating a less appreciation on the beauty of the programs.

In this reason the researchers want to determine what is the impact of the

health programs in the community center as per provided by the city health

practitioners and student nurses of the University of La Salette.


Community Health Program of the city is under the umbrella of the

Department of Health in our country just or provide a well health oriented

community. It started long time ago even during the time of world war people are

already given by the government for proper medication especially in the rural

areas even educational institution with medical programs help the government in

providing a well inform programs.

Rural Health Center is a unit of the Department of Health that extends

services up to the rural areas in the Philippines and envision as the leader of

health for all in the Philippines and has it mission to guarantee equitable,

sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor and to lead the

quest for excellence in health.

The recent change in political leadership provides the Philippines with the

chance to revitalize the health care system. This is in line with the

administration’s thrust to prioritize delivery of services to the masses and improve

the quality of life of all Filipinos, especially the poor. The differences in health

status among various groups and regions in the country have widened through

the years. These disparities indicate deficient economic and social policies,

showing the need to reprioritize interventions to promote equity, fairness and

immediate action. Unnecessary and unfair gaps in the health care delivery

system that deprive the poor of access to basic services must be reduced. The

system must work efficiently to reach the highest possible health standards that

can be shared by all Filipinos, given the limited resources available for health.

Although socioeconomic differences significantly influence health status, the

equitable distribution of quality health services is an important measure of

fairness in the country. Revitalizing the health care system must be seen within

the broader context of several forces affecting the delivery of basic health

services in the past two decades. Among these factors are the devolution of

health services to local governments, passage of national legislation for universal

coverage for health through social insurance, the epidemiologic shift and current

double burden of disease brought about by the rise in degenerative diseases and

the re-emergence of previously controlled infectious diseases, demographic

trends pointing to longer life span, greater number of adolescents and youth,

rapid urbanization, industrialization, environmental degradation and climate

change. Under these realities, the health sector must work to attain a common

vision of health for all Filipinos. Its mission is to ensure accessibility and quality of

health care to improve the quality of life of all Filipinos, especially the poor. The

DOH is composed of about 17 central offices, 16 centers for Health Development

located in various regions, 70 hospitals and 4 attached agencies.

The following is the first quarter program of Rural Health Units that focus

the public relation and branding communication:

• January 2011

Deworming of School Children (Grade 1-6) – Round 1

National Cancer Awareness Week
Goiter Awareness Week

• February 2011

Heart Month
Oral Health Month

National Health Insurance Program Month

• March 2011

Colon and Rectal Cancer Awareness Month

Rabies Awareness Month
Burn Injury Prevention Month
National Women’s Health Mont

The researchers focus only on the first of the year for the different

programs and services offered by the Rural Health Unit in Santiago City.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine and analyze the Impact of the Community

Health Program of City Health Office of Santiago City for Successful Community

Health consciousness.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Religion

d. Educational Attainment

e. Number of services acquired

2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents regarding the first

quarter of year health program of the Community Health Office in

terms of the following program:

a. Bakuna Sa Barangay

b. Rabies Awareness

c. Women’s Day

3. What is the attitude of the respondents on the program services

rendered by the health practitioners in delivering the health services in

community health center?

4. Is there any significant difference on the level of awareness of

respondents when group according to:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Religion

d. Educational Background

e. Number of Services Acquired

5. Is there any significant difference on the attitude of the respondents

when group according to:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Religion

d. Educational Background

e. Number of Services Acquired

6. What are the existing problems encountered by the respondents on the

delivery of health activities of the City Health Office of Santiago City.


The following are the assumption of the researchers:

1. That the purpose of joining or involving in the health education

campaign is there personal decision.

2. That there are different motivational factors they apply in order to

decide in attending health education awareness campaign and

programs application.

3. That there is an existing problem the respondents experience and they

are affected at different levels.


The following hypotheses will be drawn from the responses of the


• There is no signification on the impact of the health services in the

rural heatlh area when they are group according to age, gender and

education background.

• There is no significant different on the attitude manifested by the

health clientele when they are grouped according to age, gender

and educational background.

Significance of the Study

This study in general will be benefited to all recipient of the program of city

health office especially the people who were coming from different barangays.

The result of this study helps to identify the impact and perception of the clientele

in the performance of the City Health Office Staff in delivering their services.

Furthermore, the study helps them identify and measures their attitude and

awareness in the delivery of public health program used.

City Health Office. The information gathered on this study will be a basis

of enhance the public relations and health program activities used by the health

practitioners. It will serves as eye opener for the improvement of the program

and relationship with the prospect clientele of the City Health Office in the rural


City Health Office Staff (Health Practitioners). The result of the study

will make them realize their strength and weaknesses, which can help them,

become more productive, efficient and effective Health Provider.

Community Residents. The information gathered will be beneficial to

them for the improvement of the health practitioners

Researchers. The conduct of the study is a training ground for the

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, for they are the future Nurse Leaders in the City

and they can identify the best services they can apply as future health


Future Researchers. The result of the study will be their basis or guide,

for them to make their research in the different geographical location.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study involved the analysis on impact Health Services or Programs of

City Health Office of Santiago City for the Successful Community Health

Activities with reference to the survey questionnaires, unstructured interview and

observation of their working force of City Health Office Staff in Santiago City.

The researcher made use documentary analysis on the pertinent documents

about public health using journals, books and other related researches.

The researcher will be using a total of 50 respondents in each selected

Barangays that includes the mother and young professional recipient of the City

Health Office Program and Barangay Official who has an involvement in

delivering their services. The research will be using a convenient sampling in the

selection of the family recipients.

Definition Terms

The following terms were define in technical and operational as the

prescribe and how it used in the current research by the researchers.

City Health Office. It is the mandated of the organization where clientele

received different health services given to the people and provide a

comprehensive health care system for the constituents. The department pursues

this objective in cooperation with government, non-government, national and

international agencies.

Community Clientele. The main beneficiaries of this study and they are

residents of the different barangays included in this study who also the one giving

feedback, adequacy and quality of services delivered by the health practitioners.

Health. It is the general condition of the person in all aspects. It is a level

of function and or metabolic efficiency of an organisms, often implicitly human.

Health Center. It is a community health center committed to improve the

health of its community. Health broadly defined as a state of complete physical,

mental and social well-being and not simply the absence disease.

Health Practitioners. These are employees of the city health office

assigned in the different rural health unit and the one in-charge on the delivery of

the services.

Health Service. Health services are the most visible functions of any

health system, both to users and the general public. Service provision refers to

the way inputs such as money, staff, equipment and drugs are combined to allow

the delivery of health intervention.

Program. It is the activities and programs of the City Health Office

according to the mandate of the Department of Health for the clientele.

Santiago City. It is the central business district in Isabela which the

selected barangays where located.


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