5.5.1 Practice

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Question 1: Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes (2.

25 points)

Complete the table by labeling each molecule an alkane, alkene, or alkyne. (2.25 points total)

Molecule Alkane, Alkene,

or Alkyne?

Pentane Alkane




Octene Alkene



Butyne Alkyne

Question 2: Naming Hydrocarbons (6.75 points)

A. Write the name of the alkane next to the drawing of the molecule. (2.25 points)









B. Write the name of the alkene next to the drawing of the molecule. Names include: 1-pentene,

trans-2-pentene, cis-2-pentene, 1-propene, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene (1.5 points)







C. Write the name of the alkyne next to the drawing of the molecule. (1.5 points)
D. Write the name of the branched alkane next to the drawing of the molecule. (1.5 points)






Question 3: Functional Groups (7 points)

A. Identify the type of molecule shown in the drawing. (3.5 points)

Carboxylic acid






B. Identify the type of molecule from the name of the molecule. (3.5 points)

Name of Molecule Type of Molecule

Hexanol Alcohol

Isobutyl acetate Ester

Octanal Aldehyde

Propanoic acid Carboxylic Acid

Benzophenone Ketone

Dimethyl ether Ether

Chlorpheniramine Amine

Read pages 1 – 5 of the practice activity to find information that will help you answer question


Question 4: Properties of Functional Groups (9 points)

A. Consider the alcohol butanol.

i. Which side of the alcohol would interact with water? (1 point)

It would most likely interact with the side containing the OH group.
ii. Why would you expect a long alcohol molecule to be insoluble in water and a small

alcohol molecule to be soluble? (1 point)

Longer chains are most likely less soluble because there is less interaction with the
solvent. Water only reacts with the OH section of the molecule, while the rest is nonpolar.

B. Rank the boiling points of methane, methanol, and methanal from lowest to highest. Explain

your ranking. (2 points)

Menthol (highest), methanal, methane (lowest). The difference in boiling points is

because of the difference in hydrogen bonding. Methane has no hydrogen bonds, meaning it has
a low boiling point.

C. The lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom in an ester can form hydrogen bonds in some

situations, but esters cannot form hydrogen bonds with each other. How would you expect the

boiling point of an ester to compare with that of an alcohol? (1 point)

Esters would likely have a lower boiling point. This is because esters cannot form
hydrogen bonds due to there being no free hydrogen atoms, which would raise the boiling point
significantly, while alcohols can.

D. Can an ether form hydrogen bonds in the same way an ester does? Why or why not? (1 point)

They both act similarly. An ether acts like a HBA and accepts hydrogen bonds, just like
esters. However, ethers have an open space to bind with other molecules.

E. What would be the product of this reaction? Draw the molecule and name it. (1 point)
Propene + Water Propanol

F. What type of molecule is produced when butanoic acid reacts with methanol? (1 point)

An ester

G. Aldehydes form from the oxidation of alcohols. If you add water to an aldehyde, you get this

type of molecule, called an aldehyde hydrate:

What type of molecule do you get if you oxidize an aldehyde hydrate? Hint: Do the same thing to

the aldehyde hydrate that you did to the alcohol. (1 point)

A carboxylic acid.
Question 5: Biological Molecules (4 points)

A. Glucose isomerase is an enzyme used in industry. It is involved in the reaction to convert

glucose to fructose. What effect does this enzyme have on this reaction? (1 point)

The enzyme would likely reduce the necessary activation energy, while also speeding up
the procedure.

B. Why would using this enzyme be beneficial for someone who wants to produce a large

amount of fructose? (1 point)

It would allow them to do it much more efficiently and it would be faster.

C. How are nucleic acids and proteins related? (1 point)

Nucleic acids are used in DNA, which gives cells instructions. RNA is then created, which
creates proteins.

D. Why can damage to a nucleic acid lead to a person not producing an enzyme? (1 point)

It can damage the “code” of the enzyme.

Question 6: Molecules in You (3 points)

Lipid molecules contain either saturated or unsaturated fatty acids. You may have seen different

types of fatty acids listed in nutrition labels on foods. Based on what you have learned about

fatty acids, bonding, and naming of chemical compounds, see if you can make an educated

guess as to what the chemical structures of the following fatty acids are. (1 point each)

A. Monounsaturated fatty acids: Think about what unsaturated fats contain, and what number is

indicated by the prefix mono-.

There is one double carbon bond in the molecule.

B. Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Think about what the prefix poly- means in the terms polypeptide

and polymer.

There are at least two double carbon bonds in the molecule.

C. Trans fats: Think about how the prefix trans- is used in naming alkenes.

Most likely an alkene. It cannot rotate, and has groups attached to the carbon atoms of
the double bond that are fixed relative to each other.

Question 7: Energy Sources (8 points)

A. Sort the types of energy into the "renewable" and "nonrenewable" columns. (2 points)

Energy types: Coal, Petroleum, Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, Biomass, Natural Gas

Renewable Nonrenewable

Solar Coal
Wind Petroleum
Hydroelectric Natural Gas

B. What are the products of the combustion of fossil fuels? (1 point)

Carbon dioxide, water, and heat are produced in combustion reactions.

C. Balance these fossil-fuel combustion reactions. (2 points)

C8H18(g) + 12.5O2(g) _8___CO2(g) + 9H2O(g) + heat

CH4(g) + __2__O2(g) __1__CO2(g) + __2__H2O(g) + heat

C3H8(g) + __5__O2(g) __3__CO2(g) + _4___H2O(g) + heat

C6H6(g) + _7.5___O2(g) __6__CO2(g) + __3__H2O(g) + heat

D. What is a disadvantage of using biomass that the other types of alternative fuels do not

have? (1 point)

Biomass releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

E. Why is burning biomass better than burning oil or coal? (1 point)

Biomass is better because it is renewable and the material biomass is made for would
take up valuable space if not used. Oil and coal are nonrenewable and are buried deep in areas
where it would not impact anyone.

F. What advantage does nuclear power have over solar, wind, and hydroelectric? (1 point)

Nuclear power is much more efficient at producing electricity.

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