Bhakti Siddhant A

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At the end of eveery lecture, SP would recite the verse

Bhaktisidhanta story by Prabhodananda Sarasvati from the Caitanya

Candramrta, in which he says, "Taking a straw in my
So we should honor this tithi very respectfully and pray mouth, I go to you, and though you are a very
to Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami that “We are wonderful person, I request you to please give up all
engaged in your service. So give us strength, give us your nonsense ideas and just take shelter of Lord
intelligence. And we are being guided by your servant.” Caitanya."
So in this way we have to pray.
dante nidhaya trnakam padayor nipatya
"Brahmanas are like paisa and Vaishnavas are like krtva ca kaku-satam etad aham bravimi
rupees. In one rupee there are 64 paisa. the brahmanatra he sadhavah sakalam eva vihaya durad
or the position of being a brahmana is included in caitanya-candra-carane kurutanuragam

Sarasvati Thakura said, "There are sixty theories I do I take a straw in my mouth. I fall down at your feet and
not like in India," and he then gave a list of sixty flatter you. O sir, you are such a great and intelligent
prominent theories at that time. He wrote an article, man. There is no one greater than you. You are so
"Sampradayik Samanyata" in Bastam Parliament, which intelligent, rich, and beautiful. You may ask, "Why are
used the idea of a court to test all these different you so humble? Why are you flattering me? What is
theories. There was the defendant and there was the your intention? Tell me." O you are a great sadhu.
pleader? He gave Manu and Vyasa the roles of Chief You have learned so many nice things, I know, but kick
Justices, and Smarta Raghunandana was the opposition them out, please. Whatever nonsense rascaldom you
pleader, etc. have learned, whatever hogwash things are in your
brain, kick them all out. Throw them all far away and
Sarasvati Thakura was fond of speaking to the educated place all your love in the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga.
class of people. He didn't generally speak in mass
meetings of less-educated people, but was very fond of His dietry habits were typically Bengali: 7.00am - a
distributing prasadam to village people and such types. light breakfast (a little halava or a sweet) and full
The Gaudiya Math would arrange some prasadam prasadam at 11.00am, the basis of which was a large
distribution, and he would go amongst the people when amount of rice with spinach and other vegetable
they were taking prasadam and say, "Oh, are you taking preperations. He always took green papaya, cooked
prasadam. Have you taken to your satisfaction? Are you with water and blended untill it became like soup. This
getting enough? Is it cooked nicely? Are you enjoying was good for the liver and digestion. He would also
nicely? etc." Sometimes he would also lecture amongst take a little lime with his meal.
the masses, but his language was not understandable by At night he would take puris and potatoes cut into
them. It was an unusual language and no one else spoke squares and fried (a typical Bengali preperation), with
milk (lightly sweetened with a little sugar) at 8.30 -
The Jata Gosais and Brijbasis had the practice of giving 9.00pm. In the afternoon he liked to take lemon sharbet,
manjari svarupa and a manjari name at the time of which is a sweet lemon water drink with sugar, or cool,
initiation. Form the very beginning, their initiates dark (young/raw) coconut (dab).
would claim to have understood their position as a In his prasadam he liked a lot of salt, which made
manjari (intimate gopi assistant of Srimati Radharani). taking his remnants difficult.
Sarasvati Thakura did not approve of such a process He was fond of sajana (drumsticks), soft and young(?)
and would say, "First chant the name of Gauranga. Sajana is one kind of vegetable. He also liked chick-
After getting the mercy of Lord Caitanya there will be peas, fried with hing and salt, and food cooked in cow's
anartha nivritti. Then there is the possibility of artha ghee or sesame oil.
pravriti. Anartha nivritti means to get rid of all the bad He was very fond of hing; especially peanutsfried with
things in the heart, and artha pravriti means to enter a lot of salt and hing. He was very fond of sweets, and
into, or develop ones actual goal of life. Those who do especially liked the Bagbazaar rasgullas. But at the age
not obey Caitanya Mahaprabhu, their claims of being of 53 he stopped taking these sweets as it was
manjaris and their worship of Radharani is all false." He troublesome for his teeth as they were becoming
wrote "Prakrta Rasa Satadusani - One hundred faults of affected. He also liked sweet samosas.
the prakrta sahajiyas". SP liked Dhaka kicherie, which they cooked usually in
a big brass pot with many vegetables mixed in it. That
6/22/70 Prabhupad Letter: "One of our Godbrothers was Dhaka kicherie is also very liquidy with a lot of water.
chanting in a solitary place without any responsibility He liked rasam very much,
for preaching work, and my spiritual master was not
very satisfied with him." When Jagannatha maha prasada would come he would
On Ekadasi, some devotees remained in the Math, circumambulate three times and then offer full
fasting, but one sannyasi, Ashram Maharaja, took dandavats.
Ekadasi prasadam and went out preaching. Sarasvati
Thakura commented on this, saying, "He has For Braja mandala parikrama he had two camels
understood the principle of the Gaudiya Math." purchased for taking the loads from one place to
another. They also had one elephant called Kirtan Das,

which was donated by Janaki Nath Bosh, the father of
Subash Candra Bosh. Janaki Nath Bosh went on the
Navadvipa parikrama and Braja mandala parikrama.
They brought him from Bengal to Vrndavan by train.

The devotees used to say that there were two things that
were very sweet: Prabhupader dahl and Prabhupader
gal. Dahl means the dahl prasadam left by SP (his
remnants), and gal means SP's chastizement.

One time, one brahmacari was sleeping during a lecture

so SP said to throw him in Radha kund, in Mayapur
Caitanya Math. "My guru and all the acharyas are here,
so why do you embarass me by sleeping?" he said.

In the Math in Cuttak, there wa a nice pond. Sometimes

people would come to catch the fish there, because
there were many fish in that pond, and in Orissa, as in
Bengal, the eating of fish is very common. SP saw one
man coming with a rod for catching the fish and he
said, "This pond is non-different from the Yamuna. Do
not kill the fish!" This particular man was cautioned
again and again by SP but still he came. Because of
disobeying SP's order he was bitten by a snake while
fishing, and died.

In Vrndavan, early in 1935, he wrote a letter, saying

that, "I have to stay in this world ten years more, but
now I am going. The internal struggle in the Gaudiya
Math is too much. They don't want me in this world!"
In the last one or two years he became very critical of
materially motivated devotees, especially Bon
Maharaja, who was sent to London to preach, but
started a Hindu Mission there.

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