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How much do you worry about epidemics, terrorism, and crime? Discuss your outlook and
attitude about the problem(s) with your partners.
A : What’s going on in the news today ?
B : Well, the Times says there was a big earthquake in San Diego
A : Oh my goodness . Really ?
B : Yes. It says ten people were death and lots of people were seriously injured
A : What a disaster!
B : What are the causes ?
A : Earthquake occured at the night while most people stayed indoor or were sleeping . And
the earthquake was reported over 8 on the Richter scale
B : When did it happen ?
A : February 15 . Oh my god ,that’s not all
B: What do you mean ?
A : The World Week also says there’s a blizzard in Pictures.
B : Oh my goodness!
A : It says, “causing travel delays , school closures , and power outages over a large area.”
And says everyone limit going out.
B : That’s horrendous.
A : I feel scared with these terrorism
B : Me too.

A : Hi , how are you today?
B : I’m good. Thanks , Sorry to bother you . I have a question for you.
A : OK , what’s up ?
B : Arts (music, art, dance and theater) are just a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?
A : Oh , No . For me, art makes my life interesting, it helps me reduce stress, fatigue.
Perhaps people also think like me, art is a great help to the physical and mental health of
people, build confidence and help them to relax, especially to help inspire work.
B : It also seems to help those who are ill, those who have negative thoughts, etc., express
their feelings that they have hidden and suffered, to help them be more optimistic and
enjoy life.
A : Yes , me too.
B : Thanks for your good ideas.
A : And if you need any more help, just let me know.
B : Yes , you are so kind.

What are some reasons people donate money to or volunteer for charities? Only for good

A: Hi
B: Hello. Nice to meet you
A: Me neither. I could ask you a few things not?
B: Of course, so you want to ask me something
A: Can you tell me what are some reasons people donate money or volunteer to charities?
B: I think they want to make everyone's life better, want everyone to use the service better
so no one will be left behind.
A: They also develop technology
B: That's right
A: So do you think money will bring happiness or not.
B: Yes. Money is really important in the present life but it is not all.
A: Very similar to me
B: Great

Money has nothing to do with happiness. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
A: Hi ...

B: Hello ..... How are you to day

A: I'm good. Why did you invite me here today?

B: Oh I have a few questions for the next exercise so I want to ask your opinion

A: Okay, let me see.

B: Okay. Some people say that Money has nothing to do with happiness. In your opinion, do you
agree with it?

A: Oh that's a good question. In my opinion, I agree with that. Because in my opinion, money is a
symbol of material value, so it is only possible to buy material things. Happiness is a typical type of
spiritual value. Money can only provide the factors that make it easier to create happiness, be it for
you, your family or higher than the people around you. Silver is just a catalyst that helps us create
happiness. What about you?

B: Okay, in my opinion, I don't agree with that. Money, for me, can make us happy. People often say
that money cannot buy happiness, but now in life and our economy, finance is an urgent matter that
affects. serious for the happiness of all of us. Money is not everything but without money then you
do not get what you want, money is just a means like having to spice in life to Help us find our

A: Oh that's a good idea.

B: Oh , really ?

A: Sure , and if you need any more help, just let me know.

B: thanks

Discuss on cosmetic procedures (cosmetic treatments). Are there any cosmetic procedures
you think should be illegal? (LESSON 3)
A. I heard you took a trip to Swedish , is that right ?
B. Yeah , I just got back last week.
A. That sounds really nice. What did you do there ?
B. Well, I was only there for three days . so I didn’t do too much . I went shopping and went out
dinner a few times and I find it especially problematic when they beautify by slapping
A. Oh, can you tell me more about the procedure that method if you know it?
B. That's rejuvenate your aging face with the ancient practice of face slapping, both gentle and
more aggressive slaps with a flat or cupped palm improve circulation and reduce the
appearance of wrinkles
A. Wow, This will hurt the skin and may make the skin red , pain
B. I think so , It's so scrary . But not because of that that would make me bored with my outing
A. Great !!!

Do our clothes tell others about us?

Clothes can sometimes tell us a lot about the person who wears them, but the signals can
be confusing if you are not really familiar with the culture of the person wearing them.
Some clothing choices tell us fairly obvious things about a person. Where I live, if you see a
woman wearing a head covering, it tells you she is probably a Hutterite. In cases like this,
clothing can tell us something about the group to which the person belongs. Sometimes,
clothing can tell us something about the attitudes of the person involved. For example, a
high school student wearing all black clothing may well be a "Goth." Such a person may be
into the supernatural and things like that. However, it is not always easy to tell what a
person is like from their clothing. For example, you might think a person wearing worn out
clothing is poor. However, in some places, this kind of clothing (even with holes in it) is
considered to be fashionable. This means that it is sometimes dangerous to assume things
about people from their manner of dress.
.Y: Hello .... How do you feel today?
A: I feel so good! Ohh! I have a question for you
Y: Oh, Really. So what is your question?
A: Do our clothes tell others about us? What is your opinion?
Y: Clothes can sometimes tell us a lot about the person who wears them, but the signals can
be confusing if you are not really familiar with the culture of the person wearing them. Some
clothing choices tell us fairly obvious things about a person , and from clothes it also tells us
our personality, I think so.
A: Yes, I agree with you, thanks

Discuss ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime. (LESSON 3)

A: Hi , sorry to bother you . I have a question to you

B: OK! What’s up?

A: My friend from Canada will be coming next month here in our city . Could you give me some
advice I could share her about how to safe in the city while traveling .

B: Oh , Sure . There are many things you need to know when traveling in this city. When you want to
avoid being a victim of urban crime, you should not answer the door to strangers and keep your
doors and windows locked, let people know if you are away from the location of your residence
yourself , protect passwords, PINs, and usernames, etc.

A: Oh my goodness!

B: Therefore, be careful at all times, anywhere, with strangers , always protect our assets.

A: What a good idea. I will remind my friends to be careful when traveling , thanks so much.

B: My pleasure.

Do you think animals have to be used for medical research and for food? (LESSON 1)

A: Hi , sorry to bother you . I have a question to you.

B: OK! What’s up?
A: Do you think animals have to be used for medical research and for food? Can you give me
an idea?
B: In my opinion, the use of animals in research is essential for enabling researchers to
develop new drugs and treatments. The use of animals in the lab has dramatically improved
scientists' understanding of human biology and health. Animal models help ensure the
effectiveness and safety of new treatments.
A: What about with food?

B: In order to replenish nutrients and prepare food, animals need to be used and when food is
available, humans can survive and thrive.

A: What a pity! But maybe I agree with your comments. Thanks so much

Pets bring a lot of benefits to people. Do you agree or disagree with this? (LESSON 2)

A: Hi , sorry to bother you . I have a question to you.

B: OK! What’s up?

A: Pets bring a lot of benefits to people. Do you agree or disagree with this?

B: Oh , I agree because there are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can
increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking
or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and
triglyceride levels.  Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving
us companionship

A: I thinks so

B: Oh, really ?
A: Sure , and if you need any more help, just let me know.

B: My pleasure.

Shopping behavior doesn’t cause any problems to us. Do you agree or disagree with this
idea? (LESSON 3)
A: Good morning . Where do you go?
B: I go shopping for me and my family, and you?
A: Oh , me too. Do you think that shopping behavior does not cause you any problems?
B: Maybe, I disagree, because for some people, shopping is a passion, a thing to please them. If
shopping gets out of control and becomes serious, there can be problems such as lying to people
about the money you spend, it will long-lived or "chronic ", moreover debt, shopping instead of
taking care of family or work responsibilities, ... more problems
A: Uh oh, unbelievable.
B: Therefore, we need to know how to shop accordingly, sometimes we should not focus on buying
unnecessary things.
A: That’s very nice of you , thanks . I have bothered you already .
B: It's okay, I'm not too busy . See you again
Discuss advertising techniques to persuade people to buy a product
A: Hi , sorry to bother you . I have a question to you.
B: OK! What’s up?
A: How to have advertising techniques to convince people to buy the product?. I know you
are a businessman so I think you can help me
B: I see . There are eight techniques used as provide facts and figures , convince people to “
jump on the bandwagon” , play on people’s hidden fears , play on people’s patriotism ,
provide “ snob appeal “, associate positive qualities with a product , provide testimonials ,
manipulate people’s emotions . These are the most common techniques
A: It sounds really complicated.
B: I will show you a technique . With manpulate people's emotions, use images to appeal to
customer's feelings, such as love, anger, ... a hotel chain shown a businesswoman in her
room, calling home to talk to her children.
A: Maybe, I understand what I have to do . That’s very nice of you , thanks
B: No problem.

Parents should let their children have or do anything they want. Do you agree or disagree
with this opinion? (LESSON PREVIEW & 2)
A: What do you think parents should let their children have or do anything they want?

B: It's good to tell you the fact that I'm wondering between agree and disagree.

A: Can you say clearer?

B: I will agree with them if what they say and do is the right thing to do and I will try what they want
and listen to what they say, sometimes it needs us to listen to their opinions.

A: What about doing things that don't agree?

B: Well , to tell you the truth unfortunately I'm not going to agree with what they do like social evils
or illegal racing, if you agree with them then you're spoiling them.

A: oh. I will agree to let their children have or do anythings they want.

B: Why’s that?

A: Because they are grown and they all decide what they do is right, we cannot ban them.

B: You said it makes sense ok I will consider.

Discuss some consequences of the increase in the global population of older people.
A: How do you feel the consequences of the global population growth of the elderly?

B:Well, is the increase in the median age of a region's population due to falling birth rates and
increasing life expectancy. Average life expectancy increases and the population is gradually aging

A: What are the consequences?

B: As a result, the labor force will be reduced and the elderly will suffer from many diseases such as
dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

A: Do you think it will suffer from some other serious illness?

B: The Elderly people there are cases where they will have heart-related diseases, stroke, diabetes
and cancer there will be and these problems are still being sought by society.

A: So how do they need help?

B: They need the help of family members and care from the care agency.

A: oh! thanks for answer my question.

Do mobile devices save us time or waste more of our time? (LESSON 3)
A: Hello, can I talk to you two minutes?

B: Sure, what’s up?

A: Do mobile devices save us time or waste more of our time? What is your opinion?

B: Oh Uh . A good question for the present age . Of course mobile devices will have two sides. Firstly,
in fact it will be useful if you use it properly. There are many mobile apps that help you manage your
time. And you can also search for information on it. However, it is up to you, not your device. If you
have to plan something on a mobile planning tool and you follow your plan then it's good for you
and the mobile phone will be useful and will be useful but if you don't follow the plan is useless.

A: As you said, if we know how to use it, it will save us a lot of time

B: Yes. However, if you abuse those mobile devices, it will waste a lot of time and not only that, it
also affects your health.

A: Thank you very much, when listening to you speak, I can learn a lot of things in it, it's important
that each of us knows how to use it properly and when it is most needed.

B: My pleasure

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