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系列,但该系列以第15集结尾。 * C L I F F H A N G E R *



所以是的,对于将要读这个故事的读者来说,T H A N K Y U O V E R Y
M U C H !!!。我爱你!

(Are You Addicted?)

- also known as: Addicted.

Real Author: Chai Ji Dan


I do not own this story (你丫上瘾了).

The original novel belongs to Chai Ji Dan.
This is an English translation of the original novel and this translation is for
entertainment purposes only. I don't make money out of it.
Please respect and do not repost or take out without the permission of the real
translator saehan01
Thank you!
Sypnosis and Summary



Some people are like DRUGS
Once you get a TASTE of THEM,

《You have ME.》- Bai Luo Yin

《Yin Zi, I only have you. YOU are all my

A love story between two young men, from foes to a bickering couple,
withstanding 8 years of separation, suffering and surviving hardships
together. They are Gu Hai & Bai Luo Yin, in Chinese, when Hai & Luoyin
are put together (Hailuoyin = 海洛因) means heroin, a substance that can be
very addictive.

Ever since he was young, Bai Luo Yin has been living with his careless
father, Bai Han Qi and his grandmother. When he turned 16 years old, his
biological mother Jiang Yuan is re-marrying, and her partner is the party's
high ranking official Gu Wei Ting. Because of his mother's death, Gu Wei
Ting's son, Gu Hai, has been harboring a deep grudge towards his father. Due
to the random hand of fate, the 2 brothers with wildly conflicting emotional
backgrounds have been placed in the same class. With time, they slowly
developed a different kind of feeling. Bai Luo Yin's classmates, You Qi and
Fa Xiao Yang Meng, have been instrumental in the relationship.

There's a type of person who is like a Heroin. Once you got involved, you can
never let it go....
Volume 1: The Inquietude of Youth

Volume 1: The Inquietude of Youth

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 01


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 1: The Inquietude of Youth - My Mom is getting Married! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Before we start click first the video above to feel the intro of the series hihi
enjoy pillows.



"Dad, my mom's going to get married."

"Congrats to her for the wedding!"

In the early morning, Bai Luo Yin woke up with an unsettling jolt and felt the
back of his ears and neck warm and drenched with sweat. Since the scorching
summer days were still alive and had yet to pass, every day he would open
his eyes to the smoldering weather that routinely enveloped his small room.

As he willed the lingering drowsiness away from his mind, he casually wiped
the sweat off his skin with his hand. Within seconds, the persisting beads of
sweat soused the center of his palm, leaving behind a clammy sensation that
irked him.

Morning had just started, and he was already burning with anger.

When he finally forced himself to sit up, he lazily put on a pair of slippers.
Then, he slowly dragged his feet to the sink and let his head hang below the
water faucet. The ice-cold running water immediately flowed straight down
along his neck, eventually enlivening his mood just a little bit.

Bai Han Qi, who was sweeping the courtyard at that moment, was Bai Luo
Yin's father. He was a man with a stature of 185cm, and he managed all the
family's internal affairs. If he could put everything in the house in a clear and
orderly manner, that would be perfect, but unfortunately, nothing ever went

Consequently, even if he did not want to, Bai Luo Yin had always seen him
as an eyesore.

Once he brushed his teeth, Bai Luo Yin gurgled the water from the cup that
was at the side of the drain and then spat it out. When he turned the faucet on
to let the white foam drain away, he noticed that the water in the sink had
increased even more. Apparently, the drain had clogged once again.

A minute later, Bai Luo Yin used a wooden stick to stir up a piece of rag that
was inside the pool of water collected at the drainage. Surprising enough, the
water soon flowed into the eye of the drainage without much hinder.

"Dad, you threw my underwear into the drain again."

Having only swept halfway, Bai Han Qi abruptly halted when he heard those
words. He dropped the broom and walked toward the two poles that were
connected by a rope used to dry the clothes. One, two, three... after counting
a couple more times, there was still one piece of underwear missing.
Needless to say, the underwear must have fallen when he was washing the
clothes and traveled into the sewer along with the dirty laundry detergent.
"Hey, don't throw it away. It can still be worn after it's washed."

Bai Luo Yin was so angry that the tip of his nose was perspiring. "All right,
keep it and wear it yourself."

After Bai Luo Yin left, he winded around an alley and bumped into Yang
Meng, who had just walked out of his house.

Yang Meng's name was as different as can be to the actual person. When his
father was younger, he was the most well-known pretty boy in the entire
village, even more delicate than most of the young ladies. Unfortunately, the
folkways of that time were not open-minded at all, which resulted in his
father -as well as many others like him- falling victim to mishap. Thus, for
the sake of improving the gene of his offspring, Yang Meng's father wronged
himself and married a robust woman. The moment Yang Meng was born, his
father placed all his hope on his only successor and bestowed to him the
character 'Meng', which means 'fierce' in Chinese.

Regrettably, that child took after his father since he was small. While other
kids of the same age all played in the mud outside and climbed trees, he hid
in the house to sew and make paper cutouts. For those reasons alone, he had
suffered many beatings. However, each time his father was done hitting him,
he would always wipe his own tears for a while, before he then continued
lecturing him about the rightful road, with no inkling of surrendering.

"What happened to your hair?"

Yang Meng touched the top of his own head, as a trace of sadness surfaced
on his pretty face. "That's enough, don't mention it. When I woke up
earlier this morning, it was all gone."

"Did your father secretly shave your head last night?"

"Bullshit! Who else would do it besides him?!"

Bai Luo Yin snorted and laughed, "The two of us are truly linked by fate."

All of a sudden, Yang Meng recalled something and slapped the back of Bai
Luo Yin's neck. "When you called me yesterday, you hung up halfway.
What exactly did you want to tell me?"

Bai Luo Yin remained silent for quite a while before he faintly replied, "My
mom is getting married."

Hearing that, Yang Meng immediately stood upright, "You actually have a

Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath, "Do you think my dad is an earthworm,
huh? The kind that stores its energy at fifth phase, mate at the sixth and
then inseminates himself to complete the process?"

Yang Meng laughed until his shoulders trembled. "Don't tease me. I'm
telling you the truth. Ever since I've known you, I've never seen your
mom before."

"Nonsense! Last year, my mom returned home and even stayed for a
whole week, did you forget? She also frequently reversed her car from
nearby your house."

"Oh, I remember now. That's your mom? How come she looks younger
than my niece?"

"Are you looking for trouble?"

"I'm not, my niece was born just a few days ago, yet her head is covered
with wrinkles."

"All newborn babies are like that."

This time, Yang Meng did not utter another word. Seeing Bai Luo Yin's
expressionless face as he walked beside him, a layer of haze swept into his
heart. Since his best friend was small, he and his father had gone through an
extremely destitute lifestyle. Now that his mother wanted to remarry, one can
only imagine his current state of mind.

"How about I find a group of people to go to their wedding and crash the
venue, what do you think?"
"You?" Bai Luo Yin assumed a doubtful appearance, "What kind of people
can you find? A group of pretty boys who perform in an opera? To fight
with a group of armed forces men?"

"Armed officers?" Yang Meng was flabbergasted, "Your mom, who

exactly is she marrying?"

"A Major General."

Yang Meng became tongue tied, "That... that's a high military rank..."

"Keep talking."

"Talk about what?"

"The people you wanted to find."

Yang Meng's clear face was illuminated by the sun above his head-it was so
clear that it was almost transparent.

"If I look for them, it's the same as courting death."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly stood still and stared at Yang Meng with
determination. Hiding in his eyes was a ball of flame that was being
suppressed, but soon, it was going to burst out.

"It's okay, just tell me what your initial thoughts were."

Yang Meng held his breath, his confidence was visibly insufficient, "My
eldest uncle is the leader of a group of people that wail at funerals. At
first, I wanted to ask him to find a group of people to go weep at the
wedding ceremony, but now..."

"That's good!" Bai Luo Yin suddenly interrupted Yang Meng's words,
"How do we contact your uncle?"

"Don't cause us any trouble, we're just ordinary people."

"Don't worry," Bai Luo Yin reassured him, as a devious smile overflowed
the corner of his mouth, "We'll definitely be able to get your uncle out of
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 02


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 2: The Inquietude of Youth - My Dad is getting Married! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




"Xiao Hai, I've already booked the banquet. What time are we leaving

"Did I say I wanted to go?"

A faint smile cracked on Sun Jingwei's[1] secured lips, as a gust of cool air
blew along the wing of his nose and toward the tip of his brows. That kid had
always been hard to deal with. Since he was young, that stubborn
temperament and unwillingness to compromise had never changed.

"The General[2] said that this is an order you cannot disobey."

Gu Hai stood up, his tall and robust stature evincing a noble and military
demeanor. Although he strolled around the room in an unruly manner, it still
exudes a bold and overbearing aura.

"Then let him tie me up and take me there."

That casually said sentence caused the outer corner of Sung Jingwei's eyes to
narrow tightly, revealing three wrinkles.

"Is there a need for you to be like this? Madam passed away a long time
ago, and the General is barely in his forties. You can't just let him live
alone for the rest of his life, right?"

Sung Jingwei's words stabbed Gu Hai's sore spot.

"I'll never forgive him for what happened to my mother."

Hearing that, Sun Jingwei hastened to Gu Hai's side and whispered, "Xiao
Hai, you cannot say those words irresponsibly. If the General hears you,
he will skin you alive. What happened to your mother was purely
accidental. Even the forensic investigator confirmed that. How come you
are still doubting your father?..."

"That's enough, stop talking. I am well aware of the situation."

Sun Jingwei took a large step back and offered Gu Hai a standard military

"Then I will come pick you up tomorrow."

For the entire afternoon, Gu Hai spent his time practicing at the fencing club.
When he stopped for a rest and removed his face mask, a pair of rather tough
hands covered his eyes.

"Stop messing around."

Jin Lu Lu dropped her hands and let her narrowed eyes scrutinize him. Gu
Hai placed the palm of his hand on her cheek and patted lightly a few times,
provoking her to let out a jovial laughter.

Jin Lu Lu, Gu Hai's active girlfriend, was a girl that weighed around 40kg
and had a stature of 172cm. Describing her as flat-chested was a bit far-
fetched- a more suitable description would be, her 'chest and back were
plastered together'. What was normally demanded, was truly not there. If you
think that her face was outstanding, then you've never been more wrong. This
person had slightly tanned skin and single eyelids, paired off with a flat nose
and thin flat lips. In truth, from fifty meters away it would have been hard to
make out that she was a girl.

She was the 'loser' kind of girl that made our 'crown prince', who was
extremely outstanding in all aspects, fall for her. Moreover, once they were
together, they had remained good for three years already.

"How come you got tanned again?"

Gu Hai smiled faintly-it was as if all the sunlight from the window was being
absorbed by his face, illuminating it tremendously.

"I've been swimming nonstop recently."

After following Gu Hai into the rest area, Jin Lu Lu grabbed two pieces of
tissue and wiped his sweat for him. Every time she was near Gu Hai, she
could always make out a distinct scent of taboo and sweat mixed together. If
she closed her eyes, she would have imagined him to be a handsome and
mature, thirty-year-old man. But when she opened her eyes, she would only
see the face of a youthful man that lacked vigor.

"Silly girl, what are you looking at?"

Gu Hai stretched his arms out and pulled Jin Lu Lu into an embrace before
sighing lightly. "My dad is getting married, and the wedding ceremony
will be held tomorrow in a low-profile fashion."

"That quickly?"

Lifting her head, Jin Lu Lu's bright and expressive eyes stared at Gu Hai.
"What about you? Are you going to attend your dad's wedding?"

"Tell me, should I go or not?"

"Of course, you should! Why wouldn't you go? You have to let her
understand that not only one person calls the shots in your household.
She doesn't have the rights to do whatever she wants or cause trouble!"

Gu Hai hid in a deep abyss the helplessness in his heart. "I really don't want
to see them. Do you know? Before my mother's accident, they were
already acquainted with each other. With my dad's status, there's
absolutely no way he could get married a second time. You should also
understand that without me saying it."

"Perhaps you're overthinking everything."

Gu Hai guzzled two mouthfuls of water. When his Adam's apple bobbed, Jin
Lu Lu chuckled and pinched it, causing Gu Hai to narrowly choke.

"Let me ask you, if I find a group of reporters to attend tomorrow's

ceremony and let them launch an unbridled coverage, will it certainly
create a negative impact for them?"

Jin Lu Lu was shocked with that plan, "You want to crash the wedding

"I've wanted to get revenge on my father for a long time now."

"I think it won't be easy to ask the reporters. Even if they manage to
collect the news, the TV station might not let them report on it and all
your efforts will be in vain."

"You are wrong, my purpose is not to let them report it. I just want them
to bring the cameras and equipment to the venue for the sake of
disrupting things. In any case, no one can even think about being

"Oh-" Jin Lu Lu dragged out the last syllable, "I understand now.
Whether the reporters are there or not isn't important, what's important
is that the circumstance will definitely cause a sense of panic and
disorder in the host and the people involved, right?"
"You're very smart."

A peculiar spark of light flitted into Gu Hai's dark obsidian eyes.

Translator's Note:

[1] Sun Jingwei (孙警卫) - 'Sun' being the surname and ' jingwei' meaning
(security) guard, not his first name, therefore, it can be translated to Guard
Sun. We will continue to address him as Sun Jingwei.

[2]'General...' - the word used in this sentence is actually shǒuzhǎng (首长)

which means senior official, but since we know that Gu Hai's father is an
Army Major General, we will directly use his formal military rank to address
him. He is a Major General, but we will call him General or General Gu.

Major General is a two-star General Officer rank, and the highest permanent
peacetime rank in the Army. A Major General commands a division-sized
unit of 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. A Major General can only be appointed
through a stringent process of nomination and review by multiple offices and
promotion boards. Officers receiving a commission as Major General are
required to retire after five years of commission, or after 35 years of total
service, unless promoted or appointed. Major General is the 26th rank in the
United States Army, ranking above Brigadier General and directly below
Lieutenant General.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 03


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 3: The Inquietude of Youth - Let's become brothers! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[What the hell is going on?]


Yang Meng's uncle sent four men to Bai Luo Yin; they were Ma Tu, La La
Man, San Zhazi, and Si Lingdang.[1] Just by their nicknames, one could tell
that they weren't a particularly bright bunch, and even if they did have any
brains, what quick-witted people would do something like this?!

As Ma Tu stared blankly at the luxurious five-star hotel before him, he

couldn't help but to spit into his hands. Then, he clasped both his hands
together and rubbed until the saliva thickened, all the while, wearing an
extremely excited expression.

"Today, I will cry until I lose my voice."

San Zhazi was confused, "Crying cost 300 yuan,[2] but that kid only gave
each of us 200 yuan. If you cry until you lose your voice, aren't we losing

"Just take it as I gave him that 100 yuan."


La La Man crouched at the foot of a wall and looked over at Ma Tu. "Why?"

"Who told him to have a feast at such an expensive place!"

Si Lingdang stood to the side without saying anything. As he stared at the

luxurious cars pass before him one by one, he became more and more

"Lingdang, what are you doing?"

"I just noticed that the vehicles parked here all belong to the military.
This person is definitely not just anybody!"

"No shit! You think that the person throwing a feast here has the same
moral standing as us?"

"No, that's not it...what I meant was, let's not foolishly crash this place.
If we break in, we might end up squatting in prison for three to five

"Get rid of your shitty nagging. Aren't you a disgrace to us? Besides,
once this job is over with, there's an additional 1000 yuan.[2] Don't you
want that?"

Si Lingdang became listless/nervous as he looked at the rows of security

guards and opted to remain silent.

"I see someone going in. Let's also head in. Get the invitation card out
and do everything according to the plan. Once we're in, don't make a
fool of yourself."

"Wait!" Si Lingdang suddenly stopped.

San Zhazi's patience was wearing thin, "Can you be a bit smarter? If you
don't want the money, give it here."

"I...I think I saw reporters."

The other three followed Si Lingdang's line of sight.

"If by chance they're also trying to get in to do a live broadcast of the

wedding ceremony, then the ones making the headlines in Beijing
Evening News' today will definitely be us. I don't want this money
anymore. If you guys want to do it, go for it."

Si Lingdang angrily turned away with every intention to leave.

"Come back!" Ma Tu bellowed.

Seeing that Ma Tu was about to become enraged, San Zhazi quickly grabbed
him and Si Lingdang and urged them. "Stop fighting, aren't they just
reporters? Wouldn't it work out if we all go over there and capture those
two? There's four of us and only two of them."

"Exactly!" La La Man's courage increased a hundredfold. "We can steal

their equipment as well! That guy also looks like he's worth a lot of

"All right! We might as well just do that!" Ma Tu also joined in, "We're
not going to cry anymore. In any case, we would only get 1000 yuan after
crying. We can just steal the thing that they're carrying on their
shoulders and sell it. It will definitely sell for more than 5000 yuan.
Afterwards, we can give the money back to the boss's nephew and tell
him that we didn't want to do it since it was too risky."

"At the end of the day, Da Ge[3] is the smart one. Ha, ha, ha..."

As a result, the four sneakily approached the two reporters.

Those two 'reporters' were temporarily hired by Gu Hai, who had to even
teach them on how to use the equipment to film on the spot. That was
because anyone with a bit of brain knew better than to come here and risk it.
Consequently, the two lingered at the front gate of the hotel without the nerve
to enter, despite having the invitation card.

Ma Tu waited for the perfect opportunity and waved his hand at the three
behind him. "Come closer. Let's pretend to be friendly with them first
and then lure them to an isolated place. Then, we can attack."

The three nodded and followed after Ma Tu nonchalantly.

The 'reporter' carrying the camera had just gathered up his courage to walk
towards the entrance, when he suddenly saw four thievish-looking people
heading in his direction.

"Hey, buddy! Let's talk over there."


The two fake reporters howled and fled towards a small road behind the hotel
without consulting each other while the four men pursued them relentlessly.
Looking at their attitudes, the fake reporters thought that they were being
pursued by four were plain-clothed policemen. They quickly abandoned the
equipement, flagged down a taxi and made their escape.

"What the hell is going on?" Si Lingdang stared at the camera with an
eyebrow raised in shock.

San Zhazi gasped heavily, "How would I know?"

La La Man scratched his head, "Were these equipment stolen goods?"

"Who cares!" Ma Tu simply placed the equipment on his shoulder without

hesitation, "Let's go. We need to find a place to sell these. With these, we
don't need to work this month."

"Holy Shit! Our plan actually worked!"

"Ha, Ha, ha..."

Translator's Note:

[1] Ma Tu - baldie, La La Man - vile creep, San(3) Zhazi - slag, Si(4)

Lingdang - little bell

[2] 200元- $29.30, 300元- $44, 1000元- $146 (7元= $1) September 2018 rate

[3] Da Ge - eldest brother/big brother/gang leader/ boss - in this case, they're

referring to the eldest person
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 04


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 4: The Inquietude of Youth - How did you fall for her? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"What exactly is going on?"

"The two people that you hired said they were being followed by plain-
clothes policemen that day. They threw the equipment away at the last
moment and escaped, afraid that the officers would find some
information on who they were."

"What kind of information would they find?"

"Tsk... they were fake reporters..."

"Who ruled that only real reporters can carry video camera?"

"But they had fake reporters' tags on their shirt. I'm afraid..."

"Then let me ask you, how were they able to tell that those were plain-
clothed policemen?"
"Those people just abruptly chased after them, making them panic and

"Chase after them?" Gu Hai asked angrily as he suddenly straightened his

body on the sofa like a leopard. "Did you hire a group of dim-witted
people? Or plain-clothed policemen? Those people were robbers and
your men were sighted by them!"

"R-r-r-r-robbers... that's impossible?"

"Impossible?" Gu Hai closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "Then let
me ask you, what about those equipment? After those two ran off, where
did it go?"

This time, the person being interrogated no longer utter a word.

Gu Hai calmed down and waved his hand, "Just leave."

With that, the room sank into a moment of silence. Gu Hai crossed his arms
and then held the bridge of his nose. He thought of what had happened at the
wedding ceremony yesterday as he sat filled with hope only to have
everything fall through in the end.

In fact, now that he thought about it, he knew he was too naive.

Even if those two had arrived at the venue without a hitch and managed to
disrupt the ceremony, would the result change anything?

The answer was that nothing would have changed.

The father who he had revered since he was young would have still held
another woman's hand and entered the wedding hall once more. And his
mother who was lying all alone in the depth of the cold grave, dead for the
sake of her husband, still wore a smile at death's door.

Gu Hai stood by the window and gazed out. Mom, I miss you.

"Xiao Hai, it's your aunt. Are you done with the equipment? The
television station has been pressing me for them, hurry up and send them
back to me."

"It's gone."

"What, gone?"

"Yeah, I'll get you two new ones as soon as possible."

As Gu Hai ended the call, his father and new stepmother returned. This was
the first time that the newly organized family shared a dinner.

Gu Hai ate to himself without saying a single word throughout the entire

Gu Wei Ting glanced at Gu Hai, "Why are you so quiet?"

"There shouldn't be any talking during dinner, right?"

"You're allowed to talk today."

"Reporting to the General, I have nothing to say."

"Ha, ha, ha..."

A sharp and clear bell-like laughter suddenly resounded in the peaceful

dining room, nearly causing Gu Hai to choke. Honestly, such a burst of
candid laughter had never been heard in this house for the past ten years.

Gu Wei Ting appeared to be accustomed to such a sound since his facial

expression did not change and nor did he jump in shock. He simply grabbed a
sheet of tissue and passed it over to the woman beside him before he spoke in
a low tone. "Wipe your mouth, the food is spurting out."

"Sorry, sorry."

Jiang Yuan laughed lightly and wiped her mouth while her eyes landed on Gu
Hai from time to time. Seeing that he had been ignoring her, she picked up a
piece of fish with her chopsticks and put it in Gu Hai's bowl.
"Eat more."

Gu Hai was again taken aback by this woman.

He thought that Gu Wei Ting should have at least found someone who was
comparable with his mother. But the person before him now, aside from
being young and pretty, there was no other strong point about her. Her smile
carried a hint of licentiousness along with the attitude of a rural woman in her
each and every movement.

How did Gu Wei Ting fall for her?

Is it possible that he had too many exotic delicacies that he suddenly wanted
to try human excrement for a change?

"Bring your son over tomorrow and just have him live with us."

As the sentence left Gu Wei Ting's mouth, the atmosphere in the room was
brought to a deadlock again.

Although Gu Hai remained quiet, judging from his expression, it wasn't hard
to guess what he wanted to say.

"Xiao Hai," Jiang Yuan still had on a smile. "My son is the same age as
you and has about the same temperament. I think that the two of you
will definitely get along."

"If he comes, I'll leave."

That sentence from Gu Hai blocked up all of Jiang Yuan's words.

Gu Wei Ting was livid, "You can just leave now."

Gu Hai stood up and that action was mimicked by Jiang Yuan whose tone
became filled with anxiety.

"Don't fight with your father. I never thought of letting my son come
here at all. He's pretty close to his father and won't be used to living with
A forty years old divorced woman with a seventeen years old son.

Gu Wei Ting, you really know how to accommodate yourself.

For the sake of this woman, you designed a plan to entrap the wife who had
accompanied you for twenty years?

"Regardless of whether he comes or not, I still have to leave."

Gu Wei Ting's face darkened completely and no matter how straight he stood,
the slight trembles of his broad shoulders could still be seen.

Gu Hai ignored the pair of eyes that were burning in anger behind him. He
wanted to leave long ago but had always lacked the motivation to do, now, he
could finally fulfill his wish.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 05


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 5: The Inquietude of Youth - Don't Mention their Family. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[I don't even have a cellphone.]


"Wake up, don't go back to sleep. Go buy the medicines for your

Bai Luo Yin rubbed his eyes drowsily and saw that the sky outside was still

"You don't need to take a waiting number to buy the medicines. Since
we have the medical prescription, you can directly queue up."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin merely groaned and turned over.

"Hurry up and go, so you can come back early. Your grandmother is
Bai Luo Yin lingered for a bit before he eventually got out of the bed
unwillingly. Every morning for the past ten years, the breakfast had always
been the same, which was deep-fried breadsticks and soft bean curd. Every
day, Bai Han Qi would be the first one to go to the breakfast stall to buy
breakfast. Sometimes, when the woman who owned that stall had yet to
arrive, he would wait there until she did. Gradually, the two became
acquainted with each other and every time Bai Han Qi went to the stall, she
would immediately pack the breakfast and hand it over to him.

"I'm already full." Bai Luo Yin put his spoon down.

Bai Han Qi stared at his son, "You always leave a bite behind."

Bai Luo Yin had a bad habit. Regardless of what he ate, he always left a
mouthful behind. Even if he was not full, a bit of food was always left
behind; that habit had started when Bai Luo Yin was still a child. When he
was a wee lad, because his family did not have enough to eat, Bai Han Qi
always set aside what food he could for Bai Luo Yin. As a result, Bai Luo
Yin loved his dad dearly yet felt sorry for him all the same. And thus, he left
his dad a mouthful each time from his own portion.

Even though they could eat their full now, this bad habit of his had stuck

Today was Friday and the doctors were unavailable on the weekends.
Therefore, the queue at the hospital was tremendously long. Considering that
this was a top-level hospital, it was completely packed with people as if it
was a free examination day. The crowd squeezing together was looked
exactly like throng of people at the Beijing subway during rush hour.

"Hey bro, you stepped on my foot."

"Impossible, our feet aren't even touching the ground."


In the queue, Bai Luo Yin was standing behind a beautiful girl; the person
behind unexpectedly shoved into him, causing Bai Luo Yin to bump into the
girl in front of him, repeatedly. Bai Luo Yin didn't know whether he should
feel happy or annoyed. If he bumped into her one more time, he was afraid
she might get pregnant!

"Hey, handsome guy."

"I'm talking to you!"

Bai Luo Yin's thoughts were still on the beautiful girl in front of him until
someone behind him tapped his shoulder. He turned around for a look only to
realize that two more girls had somehow appeared, both similar in looks and
fashionable dressed, looking as though they wanted to cut in line.

"Hey, handsome. I'll give you two options, either you let me stand in
front of you or, give me your phone number."


The two girls walked away while giggling happily.

As if she had waited long enough, the girl in front finally summoned her
courage and turned back to look at Bai Luo Yin when she heard him speak.
"Was that really your phone number?"

"I don't even have a cellphone."


After waiting until midday, Bai Luo Yin finally went home carrying a bag of
medicines that cost 1057 yuan and 3.2 mao, a month's worth of spending.
Originally, his family was not that poor; the main reason was that there were
two elderlies in his family. While his grandmother relied on medications to
sustain her condition his grandfather, on the other hand, needed an
intravenous drip every once in a while. It was to prevent his cerebral
thrombosis from recurring.

Bai Han Qi had two older brothers; the eldest was a doctor who taught at a
well-known university in Beijing as a professor with a monthly income that
exceeded ten thousand yuan, combined with countless other projects.
However, his biggest hobby was to masquerade as a poor person. The second
eldest brother was a businessman who lived extravagantly, but every time his
aging parents needed to visit the doctor, the money in his pockets seem to
magically disappear!


Bai Luo Yin politely greeted the neighbour in front of him.

"You're back already? What's there to eat at home today?"

"I don't know."

Just as he finished speaking, Bai Luo Yin suddenly heard the sound of a car
honking behind him. He turned around for a look only to be met with the
sight of a luxurious and imposing military vehicle. Taking a second look at
the owner of the vehicle, it was a young, beautiful lady.

Bai Luo Yin quickened his pace.

"Xiao Yin!"

In order to catch up to Bai Luo Yin, Jiang Yuan had no other option but to
run wildly in her long skirt lifted up a bit. Had Gu Hai been there to see that
sight, he would have thought of dragging her before the public to humiliate

"What are you avoiding your mother for?"

Bai Luo Yin remained silent.

"I came here because I need to talk to you. Get in the car."

Bai Luo Yin did not budge an inch as he upheld a cold and indifferent

"If you don't answer me, I will enter your house courtyard."

Bai Luo Yin vaguely heard the sound of his grandmother's voice in the
courtyard and the medicines in the plastic bag he was holding were to treat
her heart condition. Bai Luo Yin struggled for a while before compromised.

"The graduation rate of the high school you're currently attending is low
and the teaching environment is also subpar. I've already contacted a
private high school, so you can go study there for two years. After the
college entrance examination, I can arrange for you to study abroad."

Bai Luo Yin only said four words, "I am not going."

Jiang Yuan had foreseen that kind of outcome, but she refused to give up.

"You can hate me and even question what kind of mother I am, but you
cannot wrong yourself like this. What can you achieve by studying in
that worn-down high school? You are the same age as the son of my new
husband. He is also attending that private high school that I have
arranged for you. There are boundless prospects in the future. What
differences are there between the both of you?"

New husband- Bai Luo Yin felt sick hearing those two words.

"Don't tell me that you want to follow in your father's footsteps and be a
good-for-nothing man his entire life, who's still riding a bicycle to work
in his forties?"

Bai Luo Yin calmly swallowed his saliva, and at last, uttered a complete

"A person's conducts and accomplishments are not judged merely by the
wealth an individual possesses, rather how much wealth they managed to
help others with. I would like to ask you, Mrs. Jiang Yuan. You drive
luxurious cars and carry designer bags, but how many people have you

Those words were like knives, practically stabbed Jiang Yuan's in the

She stared blankly at Bai Luo Yin for a long time before she started to talk
with trembling lips.

"I know that I did not fulfill my duties as a mother properly, so now, I
want to make it up to you. Since you are only seventeen years old and I
am young still, why can't you give me another chance?"

"I'll give you a chance. Don't come looking for me anymore."

Bai Luo Yin sat up, got out of the car and walked straight towards the door.

"Xiao Yin!"

Jiang Yuan got up and cried out.

Bai Luo Yin clenched his fist tightly and looked back at Jiang Yuan.

"And next time, don't ever mention that family in front of me again. I'm
sick of it."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 06


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 6: The Inquietude of Youth - The Lovely Couple. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"What? You want to transfer to another school?"

Gu Hai nodded, "The school that I am in now is too close to my house.

Since I moved out already, it's too troublesome to attend that school."

Fang Fei was confused by Gu Hai's words, "What do you mean, 'moved

Gu Hai leaned half his butt against the cabinet and heedlessly lit a stick of
cigarette. "The old man and I had an argument."

Seeing that, Fang Fei took the cigarette from Gu Hai's hand. "You're that
addicted to smoking at such a young age! Let me tell you, smoking can
affect your puberty!!"

"My puberty has ended already."

Fang Fei's eyes involuntarily shifted to Gu Hai's trousers. After that, she
calmly withdrew her gaze and pretended as if nothing had happened before
changing the topic.

"What kind of school are you looking for?"

"This will be up to you."

"I knew it. Whenever you come looking for me, it's never anything

Gu Hai laughed, "I only have you as a close relative now."

Hearing those words, Fang Fei was actually quite emotionally moved. Since
Gu Hai was a child, he had always been close to this aunt and would follow
behind her all day long. Even after they grew up, he was still like that. No
matter if it was bad or good things, he would always run to her.

"My husband is actually acquainted with a few school principles."

"Then just hurry up."

"Wait a minute," Fang Fei grabbed Gu Hai's hand. "Let me clarify that if
it's not a semi-good high school, you can't go there. The conditions aren't
as good as your previous school either, but it can't be that bad either."

"As long as I can attend the school then it's all good. It's all up to you."


When Bai Luo Yin turned on his computer and login to his email, there were
over twenty unread emails, all of which were from overseas and the signature
was from the same person-Shi Hui.

He trashed everything and then completely deleted it.

Since they have broken up, then they must be done thoroughly.

"Xiao Yin ah, come here."

Grandma Bai's voice sounded from the room next door.

Bai Luo Yin quickly got up and went to Grandma Bai's room.

Grandma Bai was sitting on the sofa, her petite and heavy-set appearance
resembled a respectable small Buddha. If she did not speak, anyone who
came upon her would have thought that she was a healthy elderly lady, but
once she spoke, it would definitely startle you.

"Xiao Yin ah, 'chop' an apple for grandma to eat."

Bai Luo Yin was accustomed to it. He immediately picked up an apple and
started to peel it with a knife, but when he had only peeled it halfway,
Grandma Bai could not look on anymore and pulled the apple skin and
mumbled something incoherent words before stuffing the skin into her

Bai Luo Yin tried to stop her, "Don't eat that, grandma."

"Thick, thick."

Bai Luo Yin understood that his grandmother disliked that he had cut too
deep into the apple, making the skin thick.

A year ago, Bai Luo Yin's grandmother was someone who was very
entertaining in conversations. During family gatherings, you would only hear
her voice. At that time, Grandma Bai was very stealthy, not even ten people
could compete with her.

Just this year, Grandma Bai was admitted to the hospital due to pulmonary
embolism and it scattered along the blood vessel that carried blood flow to
the cerebellum which led her to speak in an incorrect and inexplicable

For example, saying the word "chop" an apple instead of "cut" an apple was
considered a small matter. Most of the time, she would call Grandpa Bai
"Uncle", or call his aunt "big sister"; over time, she would even address the
young and small youth as someone of the same generation as her.
"Grandma, I'm going to my room since the computer is still on."

"Wait a moment, chat with grandma."

One thing was not said from the aforementioned, don't think that just because
Grandma Bai's speech was not the same as before, she could still talk
enthusiastically-maybe even more than ever. Whenever she could get a hold
of someone, she could go on endlessly; this caused everyone in the
neighborhood to avoid her whenever they saw her. In truth, they were unable
to comprehend the set of newly-created languages and pattern that she

"Shoes (school) has started, right?"1

"There's still a week left."

Grandma Bai held Bai Luo Yin's hand with an outrageously concern
expression, remarkably similar to an energetic little elderly lady.

"Study well and don't cause trouble (be arrogant)."2

Bai Luo Yin's tone was that of when one wanted to coax a child. "Don't
worry, I won't cause trouble (be arrogant)."

In less than five minutes, Grandma Bai started to snore; normally older
people slept less but Grandma Bai was certainly an exception. She would
wake up at eight in the morning for breakfast, go back to sleep until noon, eat
lunch, go back to sleep again until four in the afternoon, then after moving
about in the house, have dinner, and then when eight o'clock rolled in, she
would head to bed as she routinely does.

Grandpa Bai and Grandma Bai were completely opposite. He would wake up
at four in the morning and ride his tricycle out of the yard, come back for
lunch around noon, leave again in the afternoon, return to eat dinner and then
go out again for a stroll before arriving home very late at night.

The only common ground this couple had was that they were both
This muddle-headedness can incarnate when the two watch television shows.
At night, they would watch five shows and unexpectedly regard them all as
one complete show and then enthusiastically discuss the content for others to

Bai Luo Yin conveniently picked up a gown that was on the sofa and covered
Grandma Bai with it before he walked out.

Translator's Note:

1 鞋(xié) - shoe and 学(xué) - school

2 闹(nào) - noisy; be troubled / 傲(ào) - arrogant

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 07


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 7: The Inquietude of Youth - The Guy with the Baggy Pants
and Slippers! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When midday approached, Bai Luo Yin was rudely awakened by a phone

The moment he picked up, Yang Meng's cheery and exuberant voice instantly
came through the receiver.

"Hey bro, are you still sleeping? School started today and you are
assigned to class 27. Hurry up and come check in. I can guarantee that
you will get a nice, pleasant surprise."

Bai Luo Yin sat up with the jittery sensation of having been suddenly awoken
still bothering him but when he thought of how fast school had started, he felt
even more tired. While the other students were already sitting in class, he was
still calmly putting on his clothes.

On his way to the school, Bai Luo Yin felt something hard pressing against
his foot. When he looked down, he realized that he actually had on slipper as
he left the house.

Forget it, I walked this far already. I don't want to go back home again.

Second-year, class 27, that should be here. Bai Luo Yin pushed the door
open and walked in.

There was a set rule that the last student to enter late to the class always
attracted the highest level of attention from every student and Bai Luo Yin
was no exception. Nevertheless, Bai Luo Yin looked unfazed. He was already
late to the class, but instead of providing an explanation, he confidently
walked to the last available desk, pulled the chair out, and settled down.
Throughout the process, his expression remained very calm and composed.

As a result, the surrounding students hissed in displeasure at him for a good


Bai Luo Yin didn't understand the reason for these hissing sounds.

Then, the male student beside him answered his misgivings.

"You just let an exceptionally good opportunity slip away."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin only appeared uninterested, "What


"Have a look yourself."

Bai Luo Yin looked up and let his gaze stop over the teacher in charge of the
class's face for a moment. This was one of the school's most notable teacher
and because she was extremely beautiful, every time the school obtained any
successful achievements, she would act as the representative of the school;
meanwhile, every male yearned to be her student.

"If I were you, I would definitely make use of this tardiness and
apologize to her. First, just worm your way into having a friendly
relationship and then work from there."
"If you destroy the table, she will take the initiative to come and be
friends with you."

The male student smiled foolishly, "It's it because I don't even dare to do

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin finally understood what Yang Meng had meant
by a 'pleasant surprise'. So, as it turns out, it was due to this teacher. Frankly
speaking, Bai Luo Yin was not interested in a mature, beautiful woman,
especially when said woman bore a remarkable resemblance to his mother.

As Bai Luo Yin arranged his things on the desk, one of his ballpoints pens
fell to the ground. When he bent over to pick it up, he unintentionally saw
that the male student in front of him had also worn slippers to the school. Not
only that, but he had also paired it with baggy pants-how flashy.


Once those sexy red lips parted, the whole class fell into such utter silence
that not even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard-especially the
male animals since they didn't even dare to breathe.

"I'm the teacher in charge of this class. My name is Luo Xiao Yu, and
this is my cell phone number," the teacher said as she turned around to
write on the blackboard. "I've never made this public to any of my
former students, so you all should be honored."

With that, thunderous applause resounded through the classroom.

There were only two students who did not bother to write down the number.
One of them was Bai Luo Yin. In fact, he was the most brilliant, because that
number would never go through no matter what. Naturally, that was another
matter which will be brought up later on.

The students took turns to go up and introduce themselves.

When it was finally the guy wearing the baggy pants and slippers' turn, Bai
Luo Yin especially paid attention to him.
"I'm from Tianjin and my name is You Qi (special)."[1]

Bai Luo Yin was still waiting for him to say his name, but the guy had
already walked back with confidence and ease. A certain person with the
surname of Bai stared dumbfounded for a moment before he mumbled to
himself. "'My name is You Qi (special)?' What's wrong with your name?
You haven't said it yet, but you're already returning!"

However, when Bai Luo Yin looked up, he saw that the two words written on
the blackboard were-You Qi.

So, his name is "You Qi".

Bai Luo Yin collapsed mentally. Fortunately, no one had heard him
mumbling to himself just now.

Translator's Note:

[1] You Qi means 'special' - Bai Luo Yin thought that You Qi said that his
name was special.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 08


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 8: The Inquietude of Youth - How do you read this


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




"These are your classmate's name cards. Follow the location and order,
then write the seating list accordingly. Give it to me after school when
you're done."

Without even lifting his eyes to look at her, Bai Luo Yin silently took the
name cards. Then, he started to write the names on a piece of paper, one by

It took just a second for all the boys who sat around Bai Luo Yin to look at
him with envious and admiring eyes. Those eyes clearly said: It's only the
second day of school and the teacher already asking him to help her? Why?

Truth to be told, Bai Luo Yin was already accustomed to that kind of
situation. Every time he enrolled in a new class, the teacher would always ask
him to write the seating list. That was mainly due to the fact that his writing
was exceptionally beautiful.

Of course, his face was as beautiful as his writing.

"Gao Chao, Wang Jian, Wei Ze Long, Gu Xin, Fang Xiao Shi..."

Careful in the way he held his pen, Bai Luo Yin wrote the names on the paper
meticulously. However, when he picked up the fourth sheet of paper, he was
stunned before he was even able to write the name down.

"Gu... Ke? That's impossible."

"Gu... Mu? Who would have a name like this?!"

"Gu... Lang? That doesn't sound right..."

After being driven into confusion by the unreadable characters for nearly a
minute, Bai Luo Yin finally tapped You Qi's shoulder.

"Hey, how do you read this character?"

You Qi casually took the card and held it with one hand, while using the
index finger of his other hand to touch the tip of his nose. That action made
him look extremely cool as he contemplated in silence. But as cool as that
image was to a spectator, a few seconds later he sneezed, breaking the vibe.
Making sure no one was paying attention, he took out a tissue and blew his

Then trying to maintain his appearance, he gave Bai Luo Yin a glance, "Why
does it look like a celebrity's autograph?"

"I really hate this kind of person."

Having been the one responsible to write all the names for so many years, Bai
Luo Yin could read every kind of handwriting styles by now. His strength in
this area was extremely formidable that he could even recognize the most
random characters and unsightly styles. But, the thing he despised most of all,
was someone who feigned coolness and change a proper font structure
completely. That kind of stunt made it not only impossible for him to read the
characters, but also beckoned a headache to strike his brain cells.

"Look, his seat number is written on the card. Just go over to him and
ask. Stop guessing and finish it already!"

Honestly, that kind of person was not someone Bai Luo Yin wanted to get
involved with.

Bai Luo Yin leisurely walked over to Gu Hai's seat. Then one by one, he
grabbed all the books from the desk that had Gu Hai's name written on it.
However, to his dismay, the name was written in the same autograph style on
every single textbook.

Meanwhile, Gu Hai continued to stare at the book in his hand. But then,
someone suddenly snatched the book away from him.

Bai Luo Yin calmly turned his book to page one. Although Gu Hai's name
was written there, it was unfortunately written in the same unsightly style.
The style that he could neither read nor begin to understand.

"What do you want?" Gu Hai's voice faintly sounded off.

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai, "I'm writing the seating list. Give me your

"Gu Hai."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin was momentarily distracted. He looked at the
character then at the owner.

"If you're human then write like a human."

It wasn't hard to tell that Gu Hai was irritated. No one has ever dared to say
those kinds of harsh words to his face before, except his father. The main
reason being that, over the past ten years or so, he has always been getting
along with others because of his status. But now, he was just an ordinary
Actually, getting insulted once in a while doesn't feel that bad.

This character is Hai? Bai Luo Yin anxiously stared at his paper. How can
this word be Hai? It's not even fucking close!

Feeling a little bit annoyed, Bai Luo Yin returned to his seat and wrote the
name on the paper.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 09


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 9: The Inquietude of Youth – How are you able to eat this
much? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




As the teacher had requested of him, Bai Luo Yin diligently hand-copied the
seating arrangement for the 57 students in the class. Then, he passed them out
to his classmates one by one. When Gu Hai received the paper, instead of
placing it directly on his desk, he merely stared at it for a while.

Since he was small, Gu Wei Ting taught Gu Hai that a person's handwriting
could accurately show that person's true character and accomplishments. Bai
Luo Yin's handwriting was strong and vigorous, yet yesterday he said many
harsh words to him. His handwriting and his character were completely

Could it be because of my bad attitude?

Noting that, Gu Hai wanted to test out his theory.

Once the bell rang, Gu Hai walked straight toward the seat in front of Bai
Luo Yin's desk (which happened to be You Qi's seat) with his seating list and
sat there-watching him quietly.

Since Bai Luo Yin was in a hurry to do his homework, he didn't have time to
look up at the person in front of him. It was with that attitude that he ended
up ignoring Gu Hai.

A minute later, Gu Hai opened his mouth to speak, revealing a deep and crisp

"This is your handwriting, right?"

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin's brain was still thinking hard, but with just one
word from Gu Hai, his train of thought halted. Overwhelmed with anger, he
grabbed a nearby ruler and hit Gu Hai's head.

"Do you have something to say? If not, then don't bother me."

Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin's face again. He was right, it did match his
handwriting. It doesn't belong to just anyone as there was character to it. If
you only looked at his features individually, it doesn't exactly come out. But
if you see it altogether, his face was rather unique.

After a long time, Bai Luo Yin was still unaware of Gu Hai's eyes boring
through him. He was still struggling with his homework when Gu Hai
suddenly pointed to his book and said, "I know how to do this question."

However, Bai Luo Yin immediately grabbed Gu Hai's hand and pushed it off
his desk.

"Thank you, but I can do it myself."

With his hand strongly pushed him away and turning slightly red, Gu Hai's
face darkened.

"Pick up my ruler for me," Bai Luo Yin commanded.

Gu Hai didn't move.

"Why are you being so difficult? Didn't I just tell you to pick up the
ruler? Can't you be a bit faster?"

Giving a glance, Gu Hai unexpectedly complied, picked up the ruler and

respectfully gave it back to Bai Luo Yin.

As the bell for class rang, Gu Hai went back to his own seat with a piece of
paper that he had torn from Bai Luo Yin's homework in his hand. In truth, he
felt an overflowing appreciation for Bai Luo Yin's hard work.

Once class came to an end, You Qi finished gathering his things and turned
around to look at Bai Luo Yin. "Let's go eat."

"I'm not a boarder so I'll go eat at home instead." Bai Luo Yin said
nonchalantly as he walked out went outside, but You Qi caught up to him.

"Today's my treat. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin felt uneasy and said, "Can't you choose a better
place to treat me? School cafeteria?! Do you have something against

But when he suddenly recalled Bai Han Qi's terrible cooking, he shuddered
and readily agreed.

Along the way, You Qi always maintained his cool image. He wasn't fond of
wearing the school uniform, so he simply wore a plaid shirt as a replacement.
As per usual, he also kept the top two buttons unbuttoned which inadvertently
exposed half of his chest. Bai Luo Yin recently noticed that You Qi always
had his headphones with him even when he was walking on the street, and
whenever someone greeted him, he would look like he didn't hear them.

However, whenever Bai Luo Yin said a word that annoyed him, You Qi
always lost his temper. As a result, Bai Luo Yin suspected that You Qi's
headphone was never plugged to anything.

"I think that you're really cold."

Bai Luo Yin was taken aback, thinking that he heard You Qi wrong. "Am I
as cold as you are?"

"I'm only pretending," You Qi suddenly grinned. "But you actually cold
to the bones which gives off a kind of feeling that says, 'don't get close to

"Don't give me those bitter words."

Without saying anything else, You Qi looked around to make sure no one
was around and suddenly pulled out a tissue to blow his nose.

Bai Luo Yin looked at him. "Do you have rhinitis?"[1]

"So, you can see it too?" You Qi asked with astonishment.

"If I can't see it, then I must be blind."

Honestly, who can't? You Qi blew his nose no less than five times in each
class and always left his seat at the end. Therefore, whenever Bai Luo Yin
lifted his eyes, he would always see a load of used tissues inside You Qi's

Not wanting to think about it because it made him nauseated, Bai Luo Yin
forced himself to turn his attention elsewhere, otherwise, he wouldn't have
any appetite.

"How can you eat this much?!"

You Qi questioned as he looked at the plates of food on the table. He felt like
he was witnessing real life a Wu Song[2] right in front of him: two meals,
eight buns, a bowl of fried shredded pancake, three burgers, one plate of cold
noodle, and one plate of dumplings.

And that was only Bai Luo Yin's share.

"Are these even enough? I'm still hungry!"

At those words, You Qi broke into cold sweat. He had always wanted to lose
weight since he thought his legs were a bit thick and didn't look good when
he wore pants. He was always jealous of Bai Luo Yin because he was not too
fat or too thin. Bai Luo Yin's body proportion was just right. But now that he
witnessed Bai Luo Yin consumed such a large amount of food with his fit
body, You Qi was truly raging with jealousy.

"Do you usually exercise?" You Qi dared to ask, wanting to learn more
about him.

Bai Luo Yin ate the remaining food on his plate and wiped his mouth. "I
don't really exercise much except for when I walk to school."

"That's just, where does all the food you just eat go to?"

Bai Luo Yin pointed to his stomach, "You'll have to ask him. I don't

Walking sluggishly, You Qi couldn't help but to be utterly upset. He didn't

want to, but he regretted treating Bai Luo Yin to a lunch-now, his meal card
has been maxed out. He can't eat at the canteen anymore after today.

"Friend, can I borrow your meal card? When I went out, I forgot to
bring it with me." A certain someone asked You Qi while wearing an
innocent and miserable look.

You Qi picked up the meal card with his two fingers and passed it over to

"Here, just use it. You don't need to return it to me."

Translator's Note:

[1] rhinitis - Rhinitis is inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane

of the nose, characterized by a runny nose and stuffiness and usually caused
by the common cold or a seasonal allergy.
[2] Wu Song - a fictional character in Water Margin, one of the Four Great
Classical Novels in Chinese literature. Nicknamed "Pilgrim", he ranks 14th
among the 36 Heavenly Spirits, the first third of the 108 Stars of Destiny. In
folklore, Wu Song is an apprentice of the martial artist Zhou Tong and he
specialises in Chuojiao and the use of the staff and double broadswords. He
was well-known for beating a tiger with his bare hands.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 10


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 10: The Inquietude of Youth - I'll skin him alive! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




"Bai Luo Yin, come here for a bit."

During the self-study period, Bai Luo Yin was being called out by the
language teacher.

"I don't know what you personally think about me, you told me that you
don't have any complaints about the homework I gave. Even if you do
have any, you could've told me directly, you don't have to play this game
with me. I've had a good impression of you so far, but your actions this
time around have disappointed me."

Bai Luo Yin still did not understand why he was being disciplined.

"Give me an explanation, what's the meaning of this?"

The language teacher threw Bai Luo Yin's composition notebook at him.

Bai Luo Yin opened the book to look, inside there was not even a word, only
the essay prompt, yet it was torn by someone. He tried to carefully recall for a
moment, he wrote the essay according to the prompt that the teacher
requested, although it was not excellent, but it was not so bad enough for him
to tear it away and result in him being scolded by the teacher!

"You tell me, what is the meaning of this! You submitting a blank


These words sent Bai Luo Yin into a moment of shock and stupor.

The language teacher was really angry, "Drop the act, I've been teaching
for so many years, I've seen all kinds of behavior! Go back and write a
reflection paper."

"Not right..." Bai Luo Yin was a bit anxious, "Teacher, I really did write
one, I don't know who tore it out."

The language teacher slowly turned around and stared down at Bai Luo Yin
with a darkened expression.

"So, you're saying I tore it out?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Don't attend the next lesson, stay outside here and reflect, until you

Bai Luo Yin did not move an inch.

The language teacher turned her head again and growled, "Don't think that
I'm a push-over!"

... ...
Who bullied who? Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth. Dammit, once I find the
bastard that tore my homework out, I'll skin him alive.

At a random hot pot restaurant, Gu Hai was having dinner with two of his
close buddies, these two were his childhood friends, the three of them grew
up together in his dad's military base, all and all they had known each other
for over ten years.

"Has your dad tried looking for you these days?"


"Ah, this time your dad must be really angry."

Gu Hai hummed out a small laugh, playing with the glass of alcohol in his
hand, and spoke out with an unconcerned tone, "He is not angry, he just
doesn't care about me. I think he wanted to kick me out of the house a
long time ago, but he didn't have any reason yet."

"After all you're his son, he can't be that that heartless, right?"

Li Shuo poured a glass for Gu Hai, the three of them cheered and finished
their glasses.

"Did you forget how ruthless he can be? Remember that one time when I
talked back to him, he locked me up and almost beat me to hell? If my
mother didn't show up on time, I wouldn't be alive today."

Zhou Si Hu nodded his head, "Anyway, I'm still scared of your dad."

"Ah right, you said last time that someone had spoiled your plan and
took all the equipment, did you catch the guy yet?"

Thinking about that matter, Gu Hai gritted his teeth in anger.

"I found two devices from a second-hand goods store, the seller used a
fake ID, so it would be troublesome to check up. Doesn't matter how
troublesome it is, I'd like to know who was daring enough to steal my
Li Shuo smiled and shook his head, "That person is in big trouble."

Zhou Si Hu placed meat into the hot pot while turning towards Gu Hai and
asked, "I heard that that woman also has a son, have you met him yet?"

"He's better not be seen by me."

Li Shuo quipped with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that one day he'll stand
proudly over you?" Gu Hai stared at Li Shuo with his sharp cold eyes,
which almost turned a hot piece of beef in Li Shuo's bowl into ice.

Zhou Si Hu patted Li Shuo's shoulder with a smile and tried to lessen the
tension, "Ok, ok, let's not talk about useless things, let's eat."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 11


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 11: The Inquietude of Youth - Sending you a bag of toilet

paper. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[Looking at my beauty, is there any hope?]


"Bai Luo Yin!"

The moment Bai Luo Yin heard his name, he turned his head around and saw
Dong Na, an upperclassman, behind him. She smiled gently like a fully
blossomed flower as she made her way towards him. Her footsteps formed
the figure 8 as she walked back and forth in front of Class 27. All the while,
her presence attracted nearly every pair of eyes in the classroom.

"I have a question to ask you."

Bai Luo Yin merely gave Dong Na a quick glance, "Say it."

"Who's the handsome guy in your class, sitting two rows from the

"There's more than one guy sitting two rows from the back. How would
I know which one you're talking about?"

Dong Na looked around more carefully. Then, she covertly inched closer to
Bai Luo Yin's ear, whispering, "You know, it's that handsome boy who
always wear a plaid shirt. He puts his headphones on whenever he's
listening to music. Just so you know, all the girls in our class think that
he is very cool."

Bai Luo Yin already knew which student Dong Na was talking about, but he
couldn't see any of the charming traits that she had mentioned in You Qi's
person. All he could think of instead was a drawer full of used tissues.

"Tell me, if I were to chase after him, do you think he'll accept me?
Looking at my beauty, is there any hope?"

It was silent for a moment before Bai Luo Yin mentally rolled his eyes. All
he could think of was rushing home to eat as soon as possible, so he hastily
replied, "Yeah, there is."

"Really?" Dong Na tugged at Bai Luo Yin's arm stubbornly, "Then, why
don't you tell me what he likes? I've noticed that both of you are always
hanging out together."

Nearly getting to the point where annoyance was sinking into his bones, Bai
Luo Yin pushed off Dong Na's hands. Then, he told her honestly, "You just
need to send him a big pack of toilet paper. Remember, not a roll, but a
big pack."

After he answered her, Bai Luo Yin promptly strode over to the staircase.

Dong Na shouted from behind, "Is it the pack with 12 rolls or 10 rolls?"

Once he heard those words, Bai Luo Yin nearly fell and rolled down the
flight of stairs.

Yang Meng eagerly chased after Bai Luo Yin then threw his arm over his
shoulder and laughed cheerfully.

"Today, our class organized a voting for the prettiest girl in the class.
From the voting result, there are five female students with about the
same number of votes and they are all very good-looking. I'd say the
prettiest girl is the one who has a mole at the outer corner of her left

Unbeknownst to Yang Meng, Bai Luo Yin's cold gaze has been constantly
following the cracks on the red-bricked wall.

Yang Meng pushed him with one hand, "Are you listening to what I'm

"Yes I am. You said your grandmother bought a pound of green


Yang Meng slapped his own forehead in exasperation, those words he spoke
just now, had been in vain. Seeing that Bai Luo Yin still had a blank look on
his face, he tentatively asked, "Are you thinking about Shi Hui?"

Hearing that name, Bai Luo Yin's eyes flashed instantly.

"It's not that."

"Then, what is it?"

After a long time, Bai Luo Yin finally spoke, "I'm trying to figure out who
tore out my essay paper."

The house that Gu Hai rented covered an area of 120 square meters and
consisted of only one bedroom and one bathroom. Much of the space was
filled with sporting equipment. That was because Gu Hai had developed a
habit, almost bordering on obsessive-compulsive disorder, of exercising
daily; the credit of which belonged to his father, Gu Wei Ting, who had
forced him to train and exercise with the army since he was five years of age.
If he did not work out daily, he would experience an uncomfortable and
unsatisfying feeling somewhat akin to that of eating less than two meals a

Gu Hai performed two hundred push-ups easily and followed that with an
hour of high-speed treadmill run. He completed his intense exercise program
with a boxing routine by brutally hitting the suspended punching sandbag.
That left him thoroughly thrilled as he pictured it variously as Gu Wei Ting,
Jiang Yuan, and also the step-brother that he had never met.

By the time he finished working out, it was already past 8:00PM. Gu Hai
stretched his hand towards his school bag and fished out a piece of essay
paper. After admiring it for some time, he used a strip of scotch tape to stick
it on top of the writing table. Next, he took out a piece of thin paper, placed it
on top of the essay paper and started to trace out the characters. He was
extremely fond of this handwriting. It was different from the standardized
regular script, but it was not the semi-cursive script either. Bai Luo Yin
personally created this style and it was just like a relaxed person freely
extending his four limbs without restraint, while still possessing a dynamic
and unyielding strength.

The next morning, You Qi entered the classroom through the back door and
casually tossed his school bag on top of his desk as usual. That seemingly
nonchalant action caused a big bag of toilet paper to drop to the floor. A
small piece of paper beneath the bag of tissue slipped out and drifted in the
air before finally landing on Bai Luo Yin's desk.

His classmates around him saw that incident and secretly laughed behind his
back. This You Qi must be quite something to bring so much toilet paper at
one time.

You Qi ignored the stares around him and picked up the toilet paper instead.
When he could not fit it all inside his drawer, he put it down next to his chair.
As he turned around, he noticed the small piece of paper on top of the table
behind him.

'This is for you,' were the words written on the paper

You Qi was stunned for a moment.

Bai Luo Yin gave this to me? Why is he giving me toilet paper?

He stared at his own drawer, speechless for a while. He finally understood.

Bai Luo Yin must had seen that his drawer was always filled with used
tissues and realized that he did not have enough, so he must have bought
them especially for him.

Alright, this guy is normally very cold-hearted but in reality, his heart is very

Twenty minutes into the self-study period, Bai Luo Yin entered the
classroom. Under the watchful gaze of the whole class, he slowly walked
towards the last desk, took his English textbook and prepared to study outside
the classroom.

That was the school's regulation, whereby every student who came late must
stand outside the classroom. A week since school started, Bai Luo Yin had
never attended the self-study period inside the classroom.

"Hey!" You Qi called Bai Luo Yin, a bag of toilet paper in his hand,

Bai Luo Yin was surprised. That girl is really stupid. She actually bought it.

"Don't thank me. I'm not the one who bought it."

You Qi grinned madly, "What's there to be embarrassed about? It's not

like you gave me a bag of tampons!"

"Fuck you!"
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 12


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 12: The Inquietude of Youth - How Come He Always Sleeps

In Class? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




Since the day You Qi received that bag of toilet paper, it was as if he was
possessed. Before, he blew his nose many times throughout the day, but now
it has become even more ridiculous. It was to the point that he used one roll
of toilet paper in just one day. Every time after he blew his nose, he would
turn around and smiled, just like a little girl who was experiencing puppy

By this point, Bai Luo Yin could not stand that absurdity anymore. For
someone like You Qi, who stood at a height of 180cm and has a face as
handsome as Takeshi Kaneshiro, he was just plain stupid.

"I already told you I'm not the one who bought those toilet paper for
you. Could you please stop doing this to me?"
Feigning ignorance to those words, You Qi continued to blow his nose.

In the end, feeling like he had no choice but to accept it, Bai Luo Yin finished
his assignments early without raising his head. Before long, his eyelids
became heavy with tiredness and as they began to shut, his head too sank low
on the desk before he fell asleep.

Truth be told, no one would dared wake him up. Half of the class's female
students were only interested in You Qi, while the other half, can be
described as nerds, who for the majority of their free time, would play their
games. In effect, while everyone else was busy conversing with one another
or playing, Bai Luo Yin's sleeping form goes unnoticed.

But of course, everything has an exception.

There was one person who was currently not doing anything. Normally, when
that person does everything, it was quick and to the point. While his fellow
classmates, needed at least two classes to finish their assignments, he only
needed half an hour. For the majority of the time, You Qi never remained still
in his seat and would always move left and right. Thus, it was only natural
that when Gu Hai looked in that direction, he would look straight past him. In
turn, the first person Gu Hai saw every time was not You Qi, but Bai Luo

Why is he sleeping again?

Keeping his eyes on the sleeping firm, Gu Hai began to ponder on what Bai
Luo Yin does every night.

How can he be sleepy all the time? Is he really sleeping, or just pretending to
be? But, if he was really sleeping, then how can he get the answer right every
time he was called by the teacher?

"Who are you looking at?" A voice of someone standing in front of him

For just a moment, Gu Hai's eyes went from Bai Luo Yin to the person, a girl.
It was hard not to notice that this girl had a really exquisite appearance. Her
voice was a sweet mixture of Hong Kong and Taiwanese accents, that when
spoken would certainly give the listener goosebumps.

"Do you know him?" Gu Hai asked while pointing at Bai Luo Yin.

Xiao Xuan's brows rose slightly when she looked at Gu Hai. "Who doesn't
know him? He was the most handsome guy in our class. I had even asked
him out once, but it's honestly such a pity that he didn't fall for me. I'll
tell you this, he's an extraordinary person, moreover, he is really clever.
You'll slowly learn more about him later."

That single sentence from Xiao Xuan, certainly interest Gu Hai.

"Then, has he always been sleeping like this?"

"Of course! Every day before and after class, he always sleeps. Oh, I'll
tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone. Bai Luo Yin doesn't have a

When Gu Hai heard those words, his heart felt like it was being pierced by a
formidable force and the only sensation he felt was pain.

No mother.

It's a tragedy for a child to not know what it feels like to be in a mother's

"Are you feeling hot? You're sweating." Xiao Xuan asked as she picked up
a small fan. With a beautiful posture, she started to wave the fan in front of
Gu Hai, causing the boys around them to cough.

With just one intense stare from Gu Hai, the group of boys immediately went

After class ended, Gu Hai gingerly made his way towards Bai Luo Yin's desk
and looked at where said boy's stationery were placed. Lying there were a
translucent worn down fountain pen, a water-based brush, and another
attractive looking fountain pen that he used regularly for practice. Along with
those writing utensils, there was also a fifty cents bottle of writing ink which
seemed to have nearly reached the bottom. The ruler that he had did not have
scales marked along the edges. Finally, at the edge sat a simple stationery
pouch. Stuffed inside his drawer was his two straps school bag. Looking at it,
the straps had torn off several times and the threads used to stitch it up came
in multiple colors, some of which were brighter than others.

Truthfully, it's not that Gu Hai has not seen a poor person before. But, this
was the first time he saw someone with the nerve to display his poverty
without an ounce of restraint.

At the end of the day, a military car was parked quietly underneath a large
tree not too far from the school main gate. Originally, no one was permitted
to park there but this car's license plate was marked with the region's highest
authoritative symbol. Don't mention parking under a tree, even if it was
parked on top of the tree, no one would dare tow it away.

"I've told you many times. There's no need to pick me up. I'll take a taxi
by myself." Gu Hai's patience has always been extremely low towards this

The driver just smiled and nodded, "Isn't it just because we're afraid you
might get into an accident?? The traffic around here is really poor, and
the taxi drivers doesn't have a good character either. What's going to
happen if they trick you? Come, get in the car, my little master. The
General and you both have similar temperaments. Listen, it's not worth
it to waste time."

Trying not to roll his eyes, Gu Hai's gaze swept towards the school gate. He
suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure ahead and let his gaze linger
on it for a while. Then, he quickly took a few large strides and crossed the
street. Before the driver could even react, he hailed a taxi and left.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 13


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 13: The Inquietude of Youth – This person, I insist on being

his friend! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




“Excuse me mister, can you go a little slower?”

Hearing that request, the taxi driver hastily replied, “You want me to go
even slower? Look at the speedometer! How much slower do you want
me to go?”

“Just follow that guy in front of us. The one wearing the blue school
uniform right there. It’s enough if you just follow him.”

The driver snapped, his voice carried a sense of annoyance once he spoke
again. “Are you going to trouble me for half a day just to drive you along
this street? Are you deliberately trying to torment me? The taxi fare is
based on distance, not the time. If I wasted half a day just to drive for a
mile, what good would it do for me?”

Not really caring much about what the driver said, Gu Hai merely took out
200 yuan and threw it directly at the driver while keeping his eyes on his

Once the taxi driver’s hand clutched onto the money, his attitude immediately
lightened up a bit.

“Listen to me young man, if you really want to track him on the street,
why don’t you just go out and walk? Or at the least find a motorcycle—
it’s way cheaper. Isn’t it a waste of money for you to spend 200 yuan just
to be driven a few steps?”

“I can be easily spotted if I walk. Quick! He turned at the corner.”

When they arrived on the street where Bai Luo Yin lived, Gu Hai
immediately got out of the taxi and stealthily trailed behind him. In his
vicinity, there were rows of old and shabby houses that did not fit with the
high-rise buildings in the surrounding area. Gu Hai quickly judged that those
kinds of houses would soon be demolished. Those uncles and aunts who lived
down this street would soon lose their warm nests. Thinking about it again, it
was unlikely that the government would even take the time to meet with the
residents and buy out any of their houses.

Gu Hai continued down the street and saw Bai Luo Yin walked into a small

Pushing up his sleeves just slightly, he looked at his watch: 50 minutes had
passed. Now he understood clearly why Bai Luo Yin was always late. Gu Hai
observed Bai Luo Yin’s family condition and concluded that he probably
didn’t even own a bicycle.

Bai Luo Yin went into his house, put down his bag on his messy bed, took off
his uniform, and walked to the kitchen topless. He opened the rice cooker,
stared at it for a while, then shouted towards Bai Han Qi who was in the
“Didn’t you say you were going to cook congee? How did it turn into

Bai Han Qi smacked his head, regret evident on his face.

“I went outside for a while to do the laundry and forgot that I was
cooking congee. It was cooked for too long, so it became rice.”

When Gu Hai arrived at the door, Bai Luo Yin had poured water into his
bowl of rice and mixed it to make congee. He took a sip, then another with
just a plate of pickles sitting to his side.

After he finished eating, Bai Luo Yin took his bowl and went inside. Not
long after, he went out again and saw that Bai Han Qi was doing the laundry.
With his brows slight furrowed together, Bai Luo Yin angrily threw a pair of
underwear at him.

“Isn’t this underwear clean? Why did you wash it? Dad, you already
know, I only have three pairs of underwear. You threw one into the
drain, I’m wearing one right now, and you washed this last one even
though it was clean. Now, what am I going to wear tomorrow?”

Bai Han Qi looked at the underwear in question with shock for a moment.
Then he rubbed his hands on his clothes to dry them and said, “Dad will go
buy a new pair for you.”

“No need to.” Bai Luo Yin snatched the underwear in Bai Han Qi’s hand
back. “I’ll just wear this. It should be dry by tomorrow.”

Seeing the father and son bickering, Gu Hai smiled in amusement.

On this day, Gu Hai did not call a taxi to go back home. Instead, he ran,
taking this opportunity to exercise his body. While running, his mind went
through what he just saw earlier in the day—that is, the mess in the duo’s
daily lives.

Actually, he came here for three reasons. One, to find out why Bai Luo Yin
was always late. Two to observe Bai Luo Yin’s daily life. And three, because
he had nothing better to do.

Now that he had accomplished all of his objectives, something unexpected


He realized that he wanted to be this person’s friend.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 14


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 14: The Inquietude of Youth - Two people in a battle! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[I also have never met anyone that can make me apologize like you.]

On the early morning of the next day, Bai Luo Yin was late to class as usual.
When he placed his school bag down, he caught sight of a small box in his
drawer and immediately pulled it out for a look. However, once he clearly
saw what is was, he quickly shoved it back in.

What's going on? Who the hell put a pair of underwear in my desk?

Just yesterday, he sneakily laughed about a girl giving You Qi a bag of toilet
paper, and now, he had actually received a pair of underwear! Did someone
mistakenly place it in my drawer?

However, before he rummaged through his mind any further, a piece of paper
dispelled Bai Luo Yin's thoughts.
'This is for you.'

Seeing that they were the exact same words from yesterday, Bai Luo Yin
immediately threw the box on You Qi's table without even comparing the
style of the characters.

"Aren't you being extremely disgusting?!"

At that time, You Qi was lying on his desk, practically dozing off, when
something suddenly struck him in the head. He looked up and thought 'oh my
goodness!'. It was a pair of underwear.

"I see how it is! Xiao Bai, I didn't know that you're cold and retiring on
the outside, but actually deep and passionate on the inside! Two days
ago, you gave me toilet paper, and today you went ahead and gave me

"Fuck off!" Bai Luo Yin cursed at him, then picked up his books and walked
outside the classroom.

Having witnessed everything, Gu Hai laughed helplessly to himself. That guy

would rather wear a wet underwear than receive a bit of assistance. But on
the contrary, he has a lot of backbone!

That wet underwear had tormented Bai Luo Yin repeatedly throughout the
day. He had gone to sleep with it on last night and it was already dry in the
morning, but the moisture that circulated through it never left, so the ending
result was that he had diarrhea.

Within three classes, Bai Luo Yin had gone to the bathroom seven times.
After the seventh time, he actually found it embarrassing, and opted to not
return to the classroom. Instead, he remained crouching outside of the class
for half an hour until the school day was dismissed at noon.

When he went to gather his belongings, Bai Luo Yin could still hear his
stomach making noises and acting up without his permission yet again. He
hated Bai Han Qi bitterly. Since he was young, Bai Han Qi had made him
suffer many times due to his negligence.
Just as Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath and was about to walk out, something
suddenly dropped to the ground. He picked it up for a look, only to see that it
was a small medicine box used for the treatment of diarrhea.

Fuck, what evil incantation caused this atrocious thing to materialize?

No matter how confused Bai Luo Yin was, he knew that You Qi was not the
one that had given it to him, since You Qi did not leave the school building or
went to the infirmary. How could he have known that I would have diarrhea?
Let alone prepare this medicine for me in advance...

Now that he thought about the situation regarding the pair of underwear, Bai
Luo Yin also thought that it was extremely odd.

Since the underwear could not have been purchased at school, that eliminated
the students that lived on campus, which in turn, eliminated You Qi as a
possible suspect. Thinking about it more carefully, if a certain open-minded
schoolgirl gave it to me for the sake of expressing her love, and intentionally
placed an underwear in my desk to feel out my interest first, then...

No, that's wrong... how can the timing be so coincidental?

I only happened to not have any underwear to wear yesterday, and this
morning one magically appeared. Then, I only happened to wear wet
underwear today, and a box of laxative appeared. What are the chances of
that? None. These were well prepared beforehand.

In other words...

Bai Luo Yin threw his school bag on the desk and asked coldly, "Who
followed me last night?"

At that moment, there were only a few students left in the room, but Bai Luo
Yin had no doubts whatsoever. That person must be among the students here.
He must be observing my every move.

Gu Hai had a slightly sluggish expression on. He was not expecting for Bai
Luo Yin to be so astute like that. Relying on just underwear and a small
medicine box, he was able to deduce that someone had followed him last

"Stop fucking around!"

Bai Luo Yin was furious, as he angrily flung the medicine box. The box
struck the wall, bounced back and was caught firmly by Gu Hai in midair.

At that very moment, all the students remaining in the classroom immediately
withdrew. Their past experiences told them not to ever provoke Bai Luo Yin.
In their hearts, they only chanted one sentence: this person is completely
impossible to handle.

Naturally, there was an exception, and that exception was the originator of
the problem.


It was a simple word, yet, when it came out of Gu Hai's mouth, there was an
earth-shattering aggressiveness to it. As he walked over to Bai Luo Yin, each
step was firm and steady, unlike the careless and giddy attitude that the
majority of his peers possessed.

"I don't have any other intention. I only wanted to take care of you and
apologize for what I did." Gu Hai smiled while pressing the medicine back
into Bai Luo Yin's hands.

'Never hit a person that's smiling at you',[1]that principle Bai Luo Yin

"Just because of the two lousy characters that you wrote?"

Even now, Bai Luo Yin still brooded over Gu Hai's celebrity-like signature,
and it was also from that day on that Gu Hai had left an extremely vile image
of himself in Bai Luo Yin's mind. No matter which aspect of Gu Hai he took
a look at, he found him to be an eyesore, and even the way he answered the
question made him feel frustrated.

"Of course not," Gu Hai calmly admitted. "It's because I ripped your
essay paper so that I could use it to practice writing characters."

Five seconds later, Bai Luo Yin's angry roar sounded in the classroom.

"You motherfucker!-"

At that very moment, no known language in the world could be used to

describe Bai Luo Yin's wrath. Just because of a piece of essay paper, he stood
outside of the classroom during the literature and language class for a week.
At that moment, the main culprit was only stating his sin in a casual tone that
was very shallow, without a trace of fear or a bit of guilt.

With that, Bai Luo Yin firmly gripped Gu Hai's collar and forced him straight
toward the corner of a wall.

"Did you have nothing better to do than to fucking rip my essay? Why
didn't you say something to me beforehand? You are looking for trouble,

"Because I admire your characters. You should feel happy about that."

Bai Luo Yin was going to be driven mad by Gu Hai any time then, but he
could not fly into a fit of rage at that instant. He could not roar, he could not
argue loudly or cause a ruckus. Being like that tantamount to losing face. The
one thing that he wanted to do was punch him!

After suffering a few severe blows from Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai bound Bai Luo
Yin's shoulders securely while wearing an expression that said, 'I'm not going
to lower myself to your level'.

"All right, that's enough. I already apologized to you. Stop dragging it


Bai Luo Yin took in a few heavy breaths, pushed Gu Hai away and pointed at
his nose. He cursed, "I have never met anyone as shameless as you!"

Gu Hai also pressed his finger against Bai Luo Yin's forehead, "I also have
never met anyone that can make me apologize like you."

Bai Luo Yin gifted Gu Hai with that one word, without hesitation or

The crown prince master Gu leaned his tall and well-built physique against
the doorframe, narrowed his eyes and watched as the handsome and
outstanding figure moved farther and farther away. He mentally snorted and
laughed to himself.

Rest assured, we're not done yet.

Translator's Note:

[1] Never hit a person that's smiling at you (伸手不打笑脸人) - this means
that when you raise your hands to a person that has done wrong, the person
had already acknowledged their wrongdoing with a smile. So, you must
endure it and not hit them. In order words, show the person you've done
wrong to a smile and they will forgive you. (YEAH, RIGHT!)

[2] Pei! - the sound made when you spit (in contempt).
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 15


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 15: The Inquietude of Youth – Now I call this a cow! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[I’m not sewing for myself.]


"Teacher, I want to switch seats."

Luo Xiao Yu's crystalline eyes flashed as she shifted her body towards Gu
Hai and stared at him face to face, a smile as gentle looking as water then
graced her lips.

"Do you want to move to the front?"


"Then, do you want to move to the back?"

"Also no."

Hearing those words, Luo Xiao Yu's expression was filled with curiosity,
similar to that of a fallen angel. Gu Hai's heart pounded for a split second,
then quickly reverted back to its tranquil state.

"I want to move over a row over and stay in the back."

"It's like this." Luo Xiao Yu explained patiently, "The seating positions
are rearranged once every two weeks. In other words, your row will
move from the northernmost to the southernmost in two days."

"That's not what I meant," Gu Hai expressed firmly, "I want to switch to
the seat behind Bai Luo Yin."

"Switch to the seat behind Bai Luo Yin?" Luo Xiao Yu was not

Gu Hai smiled, "Since we have a good relationship, if were to sit close to

each other, I will be more motivated to study."

Luo Xiao Yu seemed to be in a bit of difficulty. Normally, students would

request to switch seats because of problems such as height issues, grades
issues or to separate female from male students...

"Go back to class first, I'll consider the seating arrangement."

"Do it right now." Gu Hai insisted, "I want to switch seats right away."

Luo Xiao Yu's face gradually turned red, her lips trembled. She was clearly
displeased with Gu Hai's attitude since no one in the entire school had ever
dared to speak to her like that. But, how come she couldn't unleash her bad
temper now?

"Alright, you can switch seats immediately in the afternoon."

Not long after Gu Hai left, a male student with bowlegs and acne all over his
face entered the office. He stopped in front of Luo Xiao Yu with a bitter face.

"Teacher, can you change my seat? Zhang Dawei keeps on kicking my

chair. I fell down three times already."
"If he kicks your chair, can't you warn him?" Luo Xiao Yu started to raise
her voice and her expression changed faster than Usain Bolt's sprint.

"Switching seats! You think switching seats is a simple thing? Could you
not hurt my feelings in the process?"

He didn't know why even though the beautiful teacher was angry, she was
still charming. Thus, the male student couldn't help but to say a few more

"Teacher, I'm begging you, let me move one chair forward and I'll be

Luo Xiao Yu was well-known for her bad temper. Since she was beautiful
and smart women and married to a wealthy man, her bad temper was
naturally by no means a trivial thing.

"Say one more word, and I will expel you out of my class at once!"

Two seconds later, the male student walked out from the teacher's office

In the afternoon, Bai Luo Yin was about to enter the classroom when he saw
a repulsive person sitting on the seat behind him. He cursed to himself but
maintained a cool façade as he returned to his seat.

When class was about to start, Bai Luo Yin noticed that Gu Hai had yet to

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, "How come you haven't returned to

your seat?"

"I've switched seats, this is my seat now!" Gu Hai smiled pleasantly.

Not only did Bai Luo Yin's face immediately turned dark like the bottom of
pot, he didn't even bother to conceal his own displeasure at all. He was the
kind of person who can make a clear distinction between what he like and
what he doesn't like. As long as he doesn't like that person, he would not say
any good words about that person even if a gun was pointed to his temple.
When the school bell rang, Bai Luo Yin turned his body back toward the
front and told himself not to pay any attention to Gu Hai- just imagine that
the person was a pile of dung.

"Students, take out your exam papers from yesterday, today we will
discuss the topic."

*cough, cough* Gu Hai used his fingers to flick at Bai Luo Yin's back, "Hey,
the back of your white uniform jacket was ripped here, but why did you
use a black thread to stitch it?"

Bai Luo Yin replied nonchalantly, "This is called a cow!"[1]


"Isn't there a type of cow that's covered in black and white patches?"


Gu Hai laughed. This guy's mouth is quite ferocious. But, how can it be called
a cow if there's only one black patch? Many black patches were needed for it
to be called so. Hence, Gu Hai sneakily took out a small pair of scissors.
Then taking advantage of when Bai Luo Yin was sleeping, he snipped plenty
of holes in the back of his uniform jacket.

When Bai Luo Yin was on his way back home, he kept on pulling his neck
back and forth. He thought to himself, how come this jacket kept on taking in
air today?

"Da Hai, are you working out?"

Gu Hai plugged in the earphones so that both his hands were free to hold the
needle and black thread. He was trying to insert the thread into the hole of the
needle at the moment.

"I am threading a needle."

"Threading a needle?" Jin Lu Lu laughed loudly, "After you left home,
not a single person is available to mend your clothes. Poor young

When he successfully inserted the thread into the needle, Gu Hai felt
extremely proud of him while wearing a face of unrestrained evil.

"I'm not sewing for myself."

A thunderous sound came from the other end of the line.

"Who are you sewing for then?"

Gu Hai lowered the volume of his earphone and spoke calmly. "What are
you shouting for? It's not like I'm sewing for a girl. Quit asking, you
won't understand anyways."

Jin Lu Lu thought more reasonably. How can a bad-tempered person like Gu

Hai sew for a girl? If he ever come across a boy tying a girl's shoelaces on
the street, he will scold them right away. It's better not to mention this kind of
useless things.

"Da Hai, I miss you, come visit me at Tianjin[2] during this weekend."

Gu Hai placed his needlework down, took off his shoes and climbed into the


Translator’s Note:

[1] cow - the word for cow 'niu' also means arrogant/stubborn and is also a
slang for 'cool'

[2] Tianjin is a major port city and one of the five national central cities of
China. It located in coastal northeastern China. Tianjin is known for its food
(particularly breakfast), culture (art performances) as well as the laidback and
humorous lifestyle.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 16


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 16: The Inquietude of Youth - You dare to challenge me? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[You, come out here.]


The next day, Bai Luo Yin came to school late again. Gu Hai stole a glance at
his uniform, it was the same one as yesterday, and thus wasn't stitched yet.
Gu Hai had been bold enough to cut holes into Bai Luo Yin's uniform
because he understood the extent of the sloppiness from the father and son of
the Bai household. He guessed that Bai Luo Yin probably didn't take off his
clothes and went to sleep in his uniform instead.

Great, now that everything was ready, all that's needed was the East Wind.

More's the pity that the East Wind didn't blew smoothly that day.

Gu Hai kept on staring at Bai Luo Yin, waiting for him to fall asleep. But
unfortunately for him, Bai Luo Yin was wide-awake and very energetic
throughout the two classes today-even his back was ramrod straight.

Sleep, sleep... Gu Hai chanted repeatedly in his mind.

Finally, near the end of the second period, Bai Luo Yin's back slumped a bit
and he gradually leaned on the desk. Gu Hai waited silently. Right when Bai
Luo Yin's whole body had stopped moving, he extended his claws.

Ring, ring, ring...

The class ended leaving Gu Hai to grit his teeth and withdraw his hand with a
heavy heart.

The third period was Physical Education; Gu Hai temporarily placed the
needle and thread into his drawer, saving it for the fourth period.

Their school had employed a new Physical Education teacher, who was a
retired military officer that carried an aura of fearlessness and
presumptuousness. Just as the class began, he cussed and scolded the entire
class about their standing posture, calling them a bunch of spineless cowards.

"You, hurry up and line up the students." The PE teacher called out Ti
Wei to the front.

When Ti Wei shouted out the order, the PE teacher immediately howled,
"You haven't eaten yet?"

Ti Wei felt wronged, "I have eaten, but I am still hungry."

As the whole class laughed, the PE teacher was taken aback. I am the
instructor and you have the audacity to laugh at me!

"Go back to your position. I will appoint a new person."

With a look of disdain, he walked past every single student till the end of the
line. His eyes finally rested upon a person whose stance was completely
different from the other students. This student's concealed expression implied
aggressiveness. Looking at his figure and posture, he could definitely become
the PE teacher's successor.
"You, come out here."

Gu Hai walked forward, carrying himself confidently with an impressive


The face of the PE teacher finally showed satisfaction.

"Shout twice, I will be listening."

Gu Hai glanced at the PE teacher, noting and dismissing him as an

insufferably arrogant type of person. As if shouting twice would give you a
reputation! Even if you hadn't asked me to shout like a loon, just as the
flowers wither away, so would have my opinion towards you.

"Orders are not meant to be shouted. If you do not have the trust of the
people, they won't listen to you even if you shout until your throat bled.
But if you have the trust of the people, they would know what they must
do even if your mouth is closed."

A collective silence fell on the gathering at the end of his impressive little

No one had expected anyone to be brave enough to utter such a fine speech in
front of the fierce and unreasonable PE teacher. They muttered amongst
themselves, this person is damned, yet they couldn't help but cheer for him all
the same. Everyone despised this kind of teacher, the person who dared to
oppose the teacher naturally became an admirable yet tragic hero in their

The PE teacher reacted as if man possessed. Why is his manner of speaking

very familiar? Looking into his eyes, why do I feel that our positions have
reversed? That's not right. He is just a student! I amthe teacher! I ordered
him to do one thing, and he did it the other way around. How did he manage
to reverse our roles? This is outrageous!

"What qualifications do you have, talking back to me like this?"

Gu Hai retorted snidely, "What then, are your so-called qualifications?"

The PE teacher's face turned livid, pointing to the ground, he said, "If you
can do fifty pushups in a minute, I will pretend that I didn't hear what
you just said."

Gu Hai just smirked, both hands at ready, waiting for the PE teacher to say

The PE teacher brought out a stopwatch, casting a scornful look at Gu Hai.


"1, 2, 3, 4,..."

The whole class started counting and cheering Gu Hai at the same time. He
moved at such a speed the likes of which you only ever saw on the television.
When the count reached fifty, there's still half a minute left. Some of the boys
were sweating, whether it was due to the sun or because they were truly
anxiously excited, nobody knew.


A burst of enthusiastic applause erupted from the ranks of the students.

"What are you guys applauding for?" The PE teacher roared loudly until
the whole class went deadly silent. He faced Gu Hai, "You think you are
brilliant? Pei! The students don't know what a joke you are! People will
look at you as a monkey and I, as the monkey trainer! You think people
truly admire you? Do not flatter yourself!"

"Then show us how brilliant you are!"

Gu Hai's provocation caused some male students to jeer continuously from

the back.

"Teacher, show us some of your abilities too! We also want to see them.
You have recently retired from the army, haven't you? We also want to
see what the integrity of a soldier looks like!"

"That's right! You have great skills, so share it with us!"


The class' jeering and Gu Hai's aloofness pushed on the PE teacher's nerve
slowly to the point of explosion. He realised that he should allow the students
to witness his capabilities, so that they won't dare to question him any further.

"Quit your fussing. See that horizontal bar? Each of you will do pull-ups
and do as many as you can. After all of you have finished, I will do it.
Listen carefully, the number of pull-ups that I can do will be definitely
more than the sum total of you all combined!"

The whole class erupted with excitement. A small group of male students
walked toward the horizontal bar. The female students were exempted and
stood around them to cheer on. Some students from another class also came
closer to watch the excitement. The previously silent sports ground was
rapidly bustling with excitement.

The PE teacher did a single pull-up, explaining that the chin must pass the bar
while the feet remained straight, not touch the ground. Only this way it would
be counted as one complete pull-up.

"1, 2... hey you, that's not counted, next student come forward... 3, 4, 5,
6,... 41, 42,..."

Although each male student did the pull-ups, none of them was particularly
outstanding since a lot of them simply couldn't sustain their own weight. In
the science class, where more than half were boys (with more than forty
students in total), even if each boy could do three pull-ups, the total would be
more than one hundred. The people who had never undergone special
training realized that it would be a miracle if you managed to do several tens
of pull-ups.

Looking around the ranks, only three boys remained: Bai Luo Yin, You Qi
and Gu Hai.

The boys had managed a sum-total of 89 pull-ups. Because of the PE teacher

stipulations, some hadn't even managed to do one pull-up. Therefore, the PE
teacher was quite confident of his chances. He could easily manage 200 pull-
ups without losing much sweat. No matter how powerful Gu Hai was, it was
unlikely that the sum total of the three boys would cross 100.

[1] Great, now everything is already prepared, all that's left is the east wind:
this is an idiom, meaning that everything is ready except the most important
thing (which is 'the east wind').
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 17


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 17: The Inquietude of Youth - Gu Hai's One Man Show. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"You Qi, You Qi, You Qi..."

You Qi's fangirls screamed loudly, it even made Bai Luo Yin's ears go numb
because he was standing beside them. He scoffed at their behaviour.

You Qi went to a spot below the horizontal bar and stood there. The bar was
shining because of his appearance. All eyes were watching him with
admiration, but he failed to give a cool, manly grin. In fact, he couldn't even
smile, because he was just so nervous inside.

Before he went up to the horizontal bar, You Qi made a 'halt' gesture,

signaling everyone around him to be quiet.

In Bai Luo Yin's mind, he was certain that You Qi wouldn't be able to do
more than three pull-ups.

You Qi started to grab the bar. His two hands desperately giving out all of his
strength as he tried hard to lift up his head. In the middle of the cheering
sounds around him, his head went over the bar, his eyes went over the bar,
his nose also went over the bar...

Then, he had no more strength.

You Qi fell down from the bar, his face was red.

Okay.... He overestimated him. Okay... I overestimated him

The boys around him were boo-ing You Qi, but the girls didn't. They would
still say, "Our idol is really cute! So, he actually has something that he
can't do."

Bai Luo Yin tapped You Qi's soft chest. "Seems like the muscles you've
trained for the last two weeks are useless. Next time, just button your
shirt properly!"

You Qi replied in a cold voice, "You are not any better than me at this."

Bai Luo Yin grabbed onto the bar.

The PE teacher looked up, he could see that Bai Luo Yin was quite nervous.
He thought Bai Luo Yin would be able to do 10 at most. Even if it surpassed
the total pull-ups of everyone in the class until now, it still wouldn't pose any

"1, 2, 3..."

As the counting went on, the PE teacher's facial expression was getting
worse. He really didn't expect that there was someone in this class whose
physical fitness was this good. As he saw the numbers went up to almost 30,
his palms began to sweat.

You Qi, who was standing on the side, was shocked. Those bowls of rice that
Bai Luo Yin ate didn't simply disappear like that!

After Bai Luo Yin did 30 pull-ups, he felt like he only had little strength left.
But, to do 10 more pull-ups should be no problem to him. He hesitated for a
while before finally letting go of the bar and went down. He should save
some stamina to walk home too!

Everyone was applauding him, as that kind of result was considered good.
Moreover, when Bai Luo Yin finished, his face wasn't even red and he didn't
even lose his breath.

It looked like his strength didn't lessen a bit and it made the other boys envy

Then, only Gu Hai was left.

"It's your turn now, do it."

The PE teacher said it triumphantly.

Someone shouted from the middle of crowd, "Teacher, Gu Hai just did 100
push up. If you ask him to do this too, it wouldn't be fair."

The PE teacher looked at Gu Hai, "Why don't we do it in the next class?"

"You do it first."

The PE teacher was shocked for a moment.

Gu Hai said politely, "You do it first, I'll wait until you're finished, and
then I'll do everyone's total number of push-ups."

The teacher's face darkened, "You really have that great of an ability,

The crowd began to shout, "Together! Together!"

The teacher couldn't believe him. He was just an ordinary student! He was
not a soldier. This brat was not specially trained for this and yet he thought
he could beat him? Absolutely impossible! He must be bluffing, trying to
scare me!

The teacher went under one of the horizontal bars, while Gu Hai went to the
other. He wasn't afraid to do it together, after all, the one who's going down
first would be the teacher.

"Help me keep my uniform safe."

Gu Hai took off his uniform and threw it to his classmates.

Someone caught his uniform, then Bai Luo Yin walked towards him and said,
"Give it to me, I'll help him look after it"

As all students' attention was fixed on the horizontal bars, without thinking
much he gave Gu Hai's uniform to Bai Luo Yin right away.

"1, 2, 3, 4..."

Gu Hai moved steadily on the bar, while Bai Luo Yin was busying himself on
the lawn. His thoughts were: Dude! Come on! I need you to do it for a long

In the beginning, those two were well-matched, both of them did it in fast
speed. All of the students were cheering for them in loud voices, because this
kind of competition was rarely seen.

Gradually, the PE teacher began to slow down his pace, the gap between the
two was slowly growing. Gu Hai, who was beside him, didn't even show a
tired expression.

"Teacher, Gu Hai already reached 100, but you're still on 70!"

Hearing this sentence, the PE teacher collapsed. He went down the bar.
Completely defeated. The rest of the time was Gu Hai's one man show.

The black thread in Bai Luo Yin's hands ran out already, but when he looked
at the bars, Gu Hai was still doing the pull-ups. He was sweating, his arms
were red, and his breathing was heavy, yet he still insisted on continuing. The
PE teacher who had already lost, only stood beside the cheering crowd. But
he merely stayed still, without saying anything, feeling defeated.

Bai Luo Yin was watching Gu Hai silently, he was stunned. He knew that Gu
Hai would win, but he didn't know that he would win by an overwhelming
difference. His physical fitness had reached the point where it was impossible
for ordinary people to accomplish. Regardless of his personality, Bai Luo Yin
gave Gu Hai his recognition and appreciation.

When the bell rang, Gu Hai jumped down from the bar, no one counted how
many pull-ups Gu Hai did, but the number was no longer important. All of
them knew that Gu Hai already surpassed everyone's expectations.

"Dude! You're so awesome!" A guy patted Gu Hai's shoulder.

Gu Hai took his uniform from one of the students, placed it on his shoulder.
Then, he walked towards the classroom.

Bai Luo Yin walked leisurely at the back of the crowd, next to You Qi,
behind a group of girls who were talking about Gu Hai.

"My God. I think he's really good, I like him so much!"

"You would not be able to control that kind of guy. He's too strong!"

"How come I've never found someone this good before?"


You Qi still had this cold expression, feeling embarrassed because he felt that
he lost today. And when he heard those girls talking about Gu Hai like that,
he couldn't help but feel devastated.

Bai Luo Yin looked like he didn't hear it as he just kept on walking.

You Qi waved his hand in front of Bai Luo Yin's eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bai Luo Yin smiled.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 18


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 18: The Inquietude of Youth – Just laugh until you die! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[I've always been able to laugh!]



In school, it wasn’t strange to boys often going shirtless, especially right after
physical education class. Normally, this was not something that anyone paid
much attention to, but in the grand scheme of things, there is always an
exception to the rule. Gu Hai probably being the only exception. With his
toned muscular body attractive enough to walk the runway, which man
wouldn’t envy him?

Back in the classroom, everyone was still talking about Gu Hai and,
unsurprisingly, their eyes were locked solely on him. Feeling their eyes on
him, Gu Hai quickly started to get dressed. Otherwise, people would start
speculating that he just wanted to show off.
He grabbed his uniform jacket and put both of his hands inside. But when he
tried to push his head through the collar, uhhh……

Go in, go in! What the hell? Why can’t my head get out?

Feeling puzzled, Gu Hai took out his head, looked at his uniform, and found a
serious problem.

Why does my jacket only has two holes? The neck? Where did the neck go?

Gu Hai hastily checked his uniform. Then, with a heavy heart, he saw a black
line along the neckline, just like little ants gathered together before a rainfall.

The hell, the collar is stitched together. How did this happen?

Blanking out for a moment, Gu Hai then quickly checked the inside of his

The needle and thread had vanished!!

Glancing up, he immediately noticed that Bai Luo Yin’s seat was empty and
the person himself was missing. As Gu Hai turned his head this way and that,
he was greeted with a faint smile, plastered guilefully on Bai Luo Yin’s
bright face. Gu Hai, who was still bewildered, wasn’t even aware of how
long Bai Luo Yin had been standing there, but judging from the look on his
face, it was clear that he had thoroughly enjoyed the show.

Bai Luo Yin simply watched Gu Hai’s expression as he slowly walked to his
own seat, sitting down silently, and then, suddenly…


No longer able to hold back the laughter that wanted to crawl out, he burst
out laughing to the point that he pounded his hand hard on his desk.

You Qi, who sat in front of him, was shocked the moment he heard the loud
cackling sound from behind him. Personally, he had never seen Bai Luo Yin
laugh that much before. So when he turned his head, he was even more
surprised when he saw Bai Luo Yin laughing till tears were flowing down the
corners of his eyes. He continued to laughed, unable to control his emotions.

“What caused you to become like this?”

You Qi’s question didn’t get any response, since Bai Luo Yin was too busy
laughing his head off.

For some unknown reason, when Gu Hai saw Bai Luo Yin laughing so
joyously like that, he felt mystified instead. It was as if he couldn’t choose
between the mixed feelings that encircled his mind. Simply put, he had no
idea whether he should cry or laugh.

Well, who can he blame? He was the one who had brought the needle and
thread and sneakily cut holes in someone else’s uniform. Since that someone
had done the same thing to him, what could he possibly say? Pushing those
thoughts aside for the time being, he quickly tried to tear open the stitches. If
he had known earlier that this disaster would happen, he wouldn’t have
brought such a strong thread. Unsuccessful with tearing it out by hand, Gu
Hai looked everywhere for something to cut the thread with.

The bell rang. Whether Gu Hai was standing or sitting down, his hands were
still battling with his uniform in an all-out attack to tear it open. But, it soon
became obvious that the stitches were done really tightly and held together
firmly. Even after struggling for a long time, he only managed to tear it just a

Unfortunately, the next period happened to be chemistry class with a female

teacher in her early fifties who was known to be strict and relentless in
nature. As she spread out the lesson sheets for the day on her desk, her eyes
scrutinized the whole class. Then, she spotted Gu Hai.

“You! Boy in the last row! This class doesn’t require you to be naked!”

At those loud words, all eyes immediately flew toward Gu Hai. Without even
looking at them, Gu Hai could tell the meaning behind their gazes.

So what if he is excellent in P.E. class, does he have no shame trying to act

cool in class?
“Teacher, I have a slight problem with my uniform. I will deal with it

After he said that, Gu Hai started to tear open the stitches once again, but
they were too hard for him. Ten minutes had passed yet he had only managed
to undo half of them.

“I’ll only say this once more. If you like being naked that much, just go
outside right now. I don’t care how other people look at you, but do
not be naked in my class. This will affect the mood of my lecture.”

Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin whose shoulders were shaking from laughter.

“You, just how much thread did you use?”

“I stitched the same number of pull-ups you did.”


Why did he do this to him? He was tired, sweaty, and yet he was being toyed
around with!

Bai Luo Yin rubbed his stomach trying to calm it down. He really had no
more strength left to laugh and it was likely that he wouldn’t have any
strength left to walk home either.

At a loss, Gu Hai finally went outside the class. Standing out there, he
continued to remove the stitches but by the time he managed to open them
all, class had ended.

The bell rang. Gu Hai went back to the classroom and noticed that Bai Luo
Yin was packing up his belongings. When Bai Luo Yin saw Gu Hai, he
couldn’t help but smile again.

Gu Hai suddenly grabbed Bai Luo Yin and glared at him. “So now you know
how to laugh, eh?”

“I’ve always been able to laugh!”

Seeing the mess that was Gu Hai’s uniform, Bai Luo Yin cracked up again.

Gu Hai gave Bai Luo Yin a rough shove and went back to his own seat.

“Just laugh until you die, you bastard!”

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 19


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 19: The Inquietude of Youth - You're My BASTARD! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Us civilians are merely a tax-payers, every time we bought things, we


Bai Han Qi raised his volume, then unexpectedly saw Bai Luo Yin coming
around the corner. He quickly finished his conversation. "Ey, these kind of
talks are futile anyway. The government's policy won't side with us
civilians. I'm going back home to eat dinner. You guys can just continue
talking without me."

Bai Han Qi then walked to Bai Luo Yin's side. "Son, going home already?
Are you tired today? Here, let me help you with your bag."

Bai Luo Yin smiled a rare smile .

"No, I'm not tired. Did you cook something?"

"I did. I'm just waiting for you to come home so we can eat together."
Bai Luo Yin put his bag inside his room, then went straight to the kitchen. He
smelled the food as soon as he opened the curtain.

"Today's food, you weren't the one who cooked it right?"

Bai Han Qi smiled shyly. "I didn't do it. Your aunt Zhou cooked for us."

"Aunt Zhou?" Bai Luo Yin wondered. "Which aunt Zhou?"

"That.... Xiao Zhou who owns that breakfast stall, your aunt Zhou.
Everyday you eat the tofu that she made, you still don't know that her
last name is Zhou?"

"Oohh...~" Bai Luo Yin suddenly changed his tone.

"Every day you always eat her food for breakfast, and now you want to
eat it for dinner too. Why don't you just marry her? Then we could save
money on breakfast too."

"What nonsense!" Bai Han Qi hit Bai Luo Yin's head with chopsticks. "She
still has a husband."

"It's been so many years, yet he didn't come home even once. Whether
he is here or not, what's the difference?"

"He does big business overseas; they can't be working together in that
small breakfast stall, right?"

Bai Luo Yin laughed, "He does big business but he still allow his wife
work hard like that."

"Okay, okay." Bai Han Qi gave Bai Luo Yin a meaningful glance. "Your
grandmother is coming, quick eat your food."

Today, Bai Luo Yin's grandmother wore a blue gown, and the collar was
hollow. When Bai Luo Yin glanced at her collar, he suddenly remembered
something and he laughed out loud.

When Grandmother Bai saw Bai Luo Yin laughing, she narrowed her eyes.
"Ah~ Today my big turtle [1] is really happy~"

Bai Han Qi pointed with chopsticks and said, "Mom, he is your grandson.
Grandson. Not a turtle."

"Ah... right. My bastard [2]."

Bai Luo Yin was speechless.

At his side, Grandfather Bai laughed until he choked on his own food. Bai
Luo Yin quickly took some tissue to clean up the mess in front of his
grandfather, and also helped him to put on a bib, before starting to eat again.

They were eating happily when suddenly Bai Han Qi's phone rang. After
answering the call, Bai Han Qi handed the phone to Bai Luo Yin.

"Someone is looking for you, it's a girl."

Bai Luo Yin took the phone, then puzzled, he left the kitchen.. He had no
idea who would call him on his father's phone.

As Bai Luo Yin went outside the house, Grandma Bai stretched her neck,
taking a stealthy a peek at Bai Luo Yin.

"Girlfriend?" she quietly asked Bai Han Qi.

"What girlfriend? How old is he to have a girlfriend now?" Bai Han Qi

put a piece of fish onto Grandma Bai's plate, "Eat this."

"Well... Before I die, I have to see my grandson get married."

Bai Han Qi casually replied, "You're still alive for the time being

"Why did you say something like that?" Grandmother Bai hit the back of
Bai Han Qi's hand. Bai Han Qi just laughed.


Bai Luo Yin could hear the sound of heavy sobbing from the other side of the
line. He didn't even need to ask because he already knew who it was. He had
a hunch that he should hang up immediately.

"Do not hang up."

The other person seemed to read Bai Luo Yin's mind. She stopped crying and
started to speak in a firm tone, "If you hang up, I will come back to find
you. I'm not joking."

Bai Luo Yin calmed down a little and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Why do you never read the emails I've sent to you? I've sent you
messages, yet you never replied to me. I'm here overseas by myself, I
don't know anyone else. This is the time when you are supposed to
accompany me. How can you be so heartless to me?"

"How do you know that I never read your messages?"

"I know, I just know it..." She started to cry again.

Bai Luo Yin gripped the phone. "Then you should've known that I'm a
very decisive person. Break up is break up."

The other person went silent for a moment before speaking, "Read the
emails I've sent to you, read every single one. If you don't do it, then I
will call your father's phone everyday until he's tired."

"No... Shi Hui..." Bai Luo Yin was angry. "Why did I never realize that
you're this unreasonable?"

"You forced me to become like this!"

Bai Luo Yin wanted to say something, but she had already hung up the

"Son? Son? Bring that bottle of beer inside."

Bai Luo Yin placed the phone inside his pocket and carried two bottles of
beer into the house. His mood was gloomy. The taste of the food that was
previously delicious had turned unappetizing/tasteless for Bai Luo Yin. In
order to prevent his grandparents from seeing it, Bai Luo Yin forced himself
to eat the food.

Before he slept, Bai Luo Yin turned on his computer and opened his mailbox.
When he saw that he had 28 unread messages, he simply moved his mouse
and scrolled over his inbox.

In order to simplify this matter and calm down s, Bai Luo Yin opened the last

"I knew you'd ignore the other emails and read this one. So in order to
prevent you from being lazy, I've decided to write the content of the
message in the sixth mail."

Bai Luo Yin opened the sixth mail.

"I'm hurt. You actually only opened the last mail. But what I wanted to
say isn't actually here. If you want, you can open the tenth mail."

Bai Luo Yin patiently opened the tenth mail, but the content was similar to
the previous one, the purpose of which was to make Bai Luo Yin open the
mail before this mail.

It went on and on, until he only had two unread mails left. Bai Luo Yin had
went through so many emails yet he hadn't seen anything important.

He wasn't in the mood to play games anymore, so he immediately opened one

of the two mails left.

"Ahh.. No more patience? I wanted you to open the other mail, but you
opened this one instead. There is nothing here."

Bai Luo Yin then opened the last mail.

"If you've read all those mails I've sent you, this means you actually
don't care about me, right? We.... Is it really over between us?"
The sadness and irritation in his heart disappeared at that moment. Instead, he
felt helpless and empty. Bai Luo Yin looked inside his deepest heart and let
his mind dwell on their social differences. The growing pressure slowly ate at
his mind like a plague. Shi Hui was the daughter of a politician. She bought
expensive dresses and ate meals that cost enough money to feed his family
for two months. He used to disregard things like that... until Jiang Yuan
reappeared again in his life, thoroughly exposing his father's poor living

Bai Luo Yin loved his father so much. Although Bai Han Qi was sometimes
silly and unreliable, Bai Luo Yin never despised him and he also never
allowed other people to despise his father. However, he absolutely doesn't
want to be the second Bai Han Qi; there would be one day where he will
stand up there, looking down at everyone else.

Those people who regarded them like little ants, he would draw out their
bones, expose their rotten flesh to the world and let them receive the cruelest

Translator's Note:

[1] Here, Bai Luo Yin's grandmother said the wrong word. She wanted to say
孙子 (shun zi: grandson) but she said 龟子 (gui zi: turtle) instead.

[2] After Bai Luo Yin's father corrected her, she still mistakenly said 龟孙子
(gui shun zi: bastard), hence the title of this chapter.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 20


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 20: The Inquietude of Youth - Scraping a FIERCE battle

stage! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Early in the morning, before Gu Hai entered the classroom, a rather

constipated and angry looking male student was standing at the doorway,
eyeing him up and down with contempt. When Gu Hai walked by him, that
student roughly yank him by the arm.

"I want to ask you something."

Gu Hai immediately shot him a glance, only to meet with a rather

expressionless face.


"Let's go over there and talk. No one else can hear this."

Trying to keep his temper in check, Gu Hai took a few steps after him.
"I wanted to ask you......" the student's steamy breath hit Gu Hai's ear as he
whispered, "Were you a veteran that's been discharged from military
service? Did you deliberately altered your identity card and came to our
school to gain experience?"


A loud and thunderous roar rang throughout the corridor for the longest time.


When Gu Hai entered the classroom, he felt as if he had won the lottery.
Today, Bai Luo Yin was not late to class. He was sitting rather comfortably
in his seat in front of him with his hands beneath his books while his eyes
traveled around the room.

"What's up? Did you get a ride here today?" Gu Hai happily sat down in
his own seat.

"I woke up at 3:00AM."

The nerves on Gu Hai's head abruptly jumped, but he didn't take Bai Luo
Yin's words seriously.

"Then what time did you sleep?" Gu Hai asked curious.


"Oh, you stayed up the whole night?"

Bai Luo Yin's body collapsed, while both his arms drooped and half his face
plastered on the desk. His eyes were fixed on a nail hanging loosely on the
wall as if his spirit has been stolen.

Although Gu Hai looked as though he was putting his things away, he was
actually observing Bai Luo YIn from the corner of his eyes the entire time.

The lines underneath his eyes were black and bloodshot, truly revealing that
he really had not slept the previous night.
Bai Luo Yin leaned further on the table, sleep came to him quickly. He
adjusted his position and fell asleep.


A creaking sound suddenly woke Bai Luo Yin up, the table from behind hit
his back hard, made him inhale a mouthful of cool air.

"I am picking my stuff up." Gu Hai said.

Gu Hai threw his ruler away, picked it up, then he moved his table back.

Bai Luo Yin's back was throbbing, but he endured it. He knew Gu Hai did it
on purpose, but Bai Luo Yin didn't want to fuss over it. Bai Luo Yin's head
barely hit the desk and quickly fall asleep.

"Hey, Xiao Bai."

Gu Hai pulled at Bai Luo Yin's hair, his action actually tossed Bai Luo Yin's
head around.

"Say, you didn't sleep at all last night because you were having lots of
fun, right?"

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai and said with a very low voice, "Let me tell
you, I am not in a good mood today, you better not provoke me."

Gu Hai didn't seem to understand, "Not in a good mood? Having too much
fun that you became sad?"

Bai Luo Yin gnashed his teeth, grabbed Gu Hai's collar, and glared at Gu Hai
angrily, "You don't understand human speech, do you?"

Gu Hai hands were swinging back and forth, then he smirked evilly.

"I really don't understand."

"After this self-study period has ended, we will start with the third
chapter, everyone should read the new chapter in advance."
Everyone became quiet, the beautiful face of the teacher woke the sleeping
students up, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai refused to budge even an inch. Bai Luo
Yin loosened his collar, turned his back stiffly to lean on the table and
continued to sleep.

Five minutes ago, Bai Luo Yin couldn't sleep peacefully, worried that Gu Hai
would continue to prank him. Afterwards, the sounds died down, he released
his worries and continued to sleep. Just as he entered his dream, he felt a pair
of hands touching his back and starting to pull at his uniform.

"Tsk... There are so many holes at your uniform, yet you're still wearing
it? Even if you don't want to throw it away, you should patch it. Did you
use up all of the threads to sew my shirt?"

Bai Luo Yin shifted his head a little bit. He started to show extreme irritation
when Gu Hai managed to woke him up again.

"Can you just shut your mouth up?"

Gu Hai expressed his feelings, "My bad, you can continue sleeping, I
swear I won't bother you anymore."

Bai Luo Yin moved his desk and chair up a little bit, making sure that Gu
Hai's hand couldn't touch him. Then, he leaned on the table, this time
sleeping while keeping his guard up.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Bai Luo Yin inwardly counted the
time. Meanwhile, his energy changing gradually from nervous into more
relaxed, his sensitivity of his limbs and ear also started decline slowly.

Suddenly, a hand crawled on Bai Luo Yin's back.

Damn it!

Bai Luo Yin stood up and started to curse.

"Fuck you! Are you sick?"

A person stood next to him, Bai Luo Yin glared at the person and froze

Luo Xiao Yu's eyes and hands were fixed on Bai Luo Yin's shoulder. The
noise died down and the whole class immediately stared at the person who
had been sleeping in the class, then being awaken by the teacher yet he still
cursed at her too.

"I am terribly sorry, I thought..."

Bai Luo Yin didn't need to glance at Gu Hai to know how his smug his face

Luo Xiao Yu's face turned dark at last, "Come out with me right now."

Going outside, Bai Luo Yin quickly explained to Luo Xiaoyu.

"Miss, I was not cursing at you, but at Gu Hai."

Luo Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly became red, "There is no need for you to
make up excuses. Not long ago Gu Hai wanted to switch his seat, saying
that because both of you have a good relationship, so he switched his seat
to sit near you."


Bai Luo Yin admitted defeat, "That's fine, you can consider that I cursed
on you just now, how do you want to punish me?"

Unexpected, this sentence that came out of Bai Luo Yin's mouth actually
made her cry.

One thing that Bai Luo Yin couldn't bear to see was a woman's tears.
Moreover, since last night until that moment, he had been faced with two
women crying in front of him consecutively. Suddenly, a thick haze layered
his heart once more. He searched his pockets for a handkerchief, but
unfortunately, he forgot to bring it along with him.

"Miss, I was wrong, please don't cry anymore."

People said that a bad-tempered person usually had strong character as well.
Then, why is she crying suddenly like this? Don't tell me she also heart-

"Enough, you can go back to the classroom, I'll stay here and cry for a


"Go inside!"

Luo Xiaoyu shouted with a hoarse voice. A line of tear rolling down from her
eyes, which made her looked very pitiful, especially when a guy see her, it
would tear at his conscience.

Bai Luo Yin couldn't bear to imagine, if Shi Hui is standing and crying like
this in front of him, his heart would melt and he would directly agree to get
back with her.

Returning back to the classroom, Bai Luo Yin couldn't escape Gu Hai's
devious eyes.

That kind of unreadable stare was profound and resolute, while concealing a
kind of crafty plan similar to the gu toxin [1].

Bai Luo Yin just sat down when a voice from behind him raised up, "Didn't
I tell you, that I won't bother you anymore? Yet you still curse on other
people. Look at what you've done, aren't you stupid?"

Bai Luo Yin was unresponsive, putting away his books neatly.

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

Gu Hai kicked his chair and Bai Luo Yin's body fall forward, but he quickly
reverted back.

Bai Luo Yin knew that this kind of person was similar to a dog. If you don't
pay attention to him, then he won't pay attention to you. If you feed him food,
then he will follow you all day long. If you provoke him, he will bite you at
the first glance.

There is only one way to deal with this kind of person, which is to stay as far
as possible from him.

"Let's exchange places."

You Qi turned his head to Bai Luo Yin, "What for?"

"Don't ask, just help me."

You Qi nodded his head, grabbed his books and exchanged his seat with Bai
Luo Yin, also not forgetting to grab several rolls of toilet paper.

Bai Luo Yin sat at You Qi's seat, he wanted to put his books into the drawer,
but then he saw a bunch of used tissues filling the drawer... He wanted to
throw them to You Qi, but remembered that table behind was his. Finally, he
left them in You Qi's drawer.

Bai Luo Yin felt very comfortable since no one disturbed him.

You Qi was very talkative, but it's not a big deal. Bai Luo Yin heard You Qi's
mumbling from behind and not long after that he went to sleep.

Suddenly, a thud could be heard.

The old wound at Bai Luo Yin's back had not healed yet, but another shove
knocked him again from behind.

Damn it, what is it this time?

Bai Luo Yin turned his head, and saw that You Qi was grinning nervously.

"Don't blame me, the person behind kicked me and forced me towards
your direction."

Bai Luo Yin was unable to think calmly as he was aware of Gu Hai's
capabilities. Bai Luo Yin knew that if he moved to the first seat, Gu Hai
would push the whole line to the teacher's table. Now, Bai Luo Yin needed to
find a way to deal with Gu Hai. He couldn't rely on his own strength,
otherwise he would lose. Bai Luo Yin temporarily get rid of his depression
and started to use all of his brain cells to think of a way to deal with this kind
of stubborn and cunning foe. The fourth period was self-study period. Gu Hai
got bored and asked You Qi to give him his toilet paper, "Give me one roll
of toilet paper, I have none left."

You Qi's indifferent look swept over six tables, his gaze freezing half of the

"A piece is not enough? And you want one roll?!"


Finally, he gave Gu Hai his beloved roll of toilet paper miserably.

Gu Hai tore the packaging of the toilet paper apart, his hands intentionally
trembled to move the roll between his hands, flinging the roll of tissue
around, before it finally fell down at Bai Luo Yin's desk.

"Oops, my bad, I used too much strength."

Gu Hai stepped quickly to Bai Luo Yin's table, took back the toilet roll, but
he threw them from the left and taking back toward the right. Doing it
repeatedly to trap Bai Luo Yin and You Qi inside.

"Hey, what happened?"

Gu Hai pretended not to know what was happening, still holding the roll of
tissue while walking back and forth, and creating more rounds.

You Qi realized something strange, then hastily shouted, "Don't circle us,
you will trap us inside."

Bai Luo Yin pushed You Qi's hand down "Let him do it."

Gu Hai stopped when there were no more tissues left, he wrote down
something on a piece of paper and gave it to the girl beside him, "Pass this
over to the boy sitting on the northernmost desk of the fifth row."
"Quick, tear this off, why you aren't you moving?" You Qi was starting to
move and tear the tissue.

Bai Luo Yin only skimmed over the message and stopped You Qi

"Don't tear it and definitely don't touch it."

Shortly after that, Bai Luo Yin took out a bunch of used toilet paper from
You Qi's drawer, placed them on the bridge of tissue, which Gu Hai created.
They rolled with a rapid speed. You Qi still didn't understand what was
happening, the desk behind him becoming an ocean of used toilet paper.

At that instant, Gu Hai knew that something was wrong. He wanted to

prevent the message from reaching the last guy sitting on the fifth row, but
unfortunately, he had opened the message and finished reading it. Not long
after that, he extended his hands to switch on the electric fan.

A gust of whirlwind blew the bunch of You Qi's used toilet paper to Gu Hai's
entire head and body.

Translator's Note:

[1] Gu toxin is obtained from venomous creatures, which makes it a very

potent poison. It involves sealing these venomous creatures in a container and
let them devour each other. The last survivor will have the most concentrated
toxins in their body.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 21


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 21: The Inquietude of Youth - Old GINGER is spicier than

young GINGER. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After school, Bai Luoyin was walking down the road with an extremely
complicated mood. On one hand, he was wondering on how to make Shi Hui
completely gave up on him, in a good way. While on the other hand, he
wanted to sincerely convince Gu Hai to stop bothering him.

Weighing his options, he decided that Gu Hai is his priority.

Shi Hui's matter is destined to be a prolonged war and he has to resolve that
annoying fly first who bothered him a lot. By getting rid of the fly, he would
be able to handle his heart's problem.

The weather was suffocating and it made people breathless. It was supposed
to be the beginning of autumn, yet his body still felt sticky, he only walked a
few steps and he would be sweating.

When will the rain fall?

Bai Luoyin walked on the streets, looking around at the stores and plants and
flowers on the roadside. Suddenly, he was infatuated by two words that he
couldn't help but stop.

Lubricant oil...


After the first bell of the afternoon class, Gu Hai suddenly found a black spot
on his arm. He ran his fingers on his desk and saw that two of his fingers had
dark stains. How can there be black powder on his desk without any reason?
This must be Bai Luoyin's doing...

So childish.

Gu Hai groaned as he wiped his desk clean and raised his hand to ask
permission from the teacher to go out. The teacher allowed Gu Hai so he got
up and went outside. The winds outside were strong and caused the door to
easily slide.

Bai Luoyin smirked when he heard the door closed.

Gu Hai washed his hands and went back to the classroom. He found out that
the door was locked and he couldn't open it no matter how hard he try. He
gently knocked the door and one student stood up to help him. Nevertheless,
no matter how hard they twist the doorknob, it wouldn't budge.

Gu Hai went to the front door and tried opening it but to no avail.

Gu Hai then thought about those black powders on his desk and he suddenly
understood what happened. All of this must be Bai Luoyin's dirty trick. His
real aim wasn't to make his arm dirty, but to lock him outside.

You think if you locked all the doors like this, I won't be able to get in?

Gu Hai walked out of the school building then stood on the ground and
looked up. The windows of class 27 are wide open. It was only three floors,
and for Gu Hai this was a piece of cake.
He looked around and no one was nearby. Gu Hai's feet stepped on the
window's frame, his hand grabbed the water pipe next to the window and
climbed quickly. His action was very vigorous, each step was light, stable
and fast. In less than half a minute, Gu Hai was already on the third floor. He
took a peek through a window inside the class. Upon seeing that the teacher
was writing on the board, he took the opportunity to quickly move his hand
from the water pipe to the windowsill.

Eh? Why is this part so slippery?

Bai Luoyin heard a loud sound outside. He knew that Gu Hai had fell down.
His heart felt like he had swallowed hundreds of peppermint candies that he
felt refreshed and satisfied. It had been so long since he had this much fun
and it was as if he was lying on a prairie and strolling on the beachside...

Bang bang bang!

A loud knock on the door suddenly disturbed Bai Luoyin's thoughts.

Didn't he just fell down? Then, how can he reach here this quick?

Director Zhang from the security department angrily knocked the door. He
shouted, "Didn't someone called to tell me that a teacher had fainted?
And why couldn't this door be opened? Open it!"

The teacher was shocked, he hurriedly put his book down and rushed to open
the door, but he found out that the door couldn't be opened.

"Sir, the backdoor is also locked."

Director Zhang stared at a sticker on the doorknob.

Bai Luoyin's patent?

"Let me do it."

Bai Luoyin approached the door and he secretly pulled out the rubber band
from the inside of the lock. Soon, the door opened and Bai Luoyin saw
Director Zhang's angry face.
"Are you Bai Luoyin?"

Bai Luoyin hesitated for a while, but then he nodded.

"Come to my office!"

His loud voice shocked some students who had just woken up from their

"To put it nicely, you are vandalizing. To put it strictly, this shows that
you have serious issues with your way of thinking and your morals! Why
did you do that prank call? And do you think you can do whatever you
want to the door locks? You have grown up, how can you do such a
childish thing like this?"

Bai Luoyin's ears were buzzing, his head was messed up, but he knew clearly
who gave Director Zhang a call. Now he could only curse that guy and
wished that his leg broke or something.

"You have to pay for damaging the public property, bring 100 yuan by

"Why do I have to pay? Those two locks are not even badly damaged, I
can fix it right away!"

"You tampered with them so you have to pay. It's the rule."

"Our family is poor, I can't afford it."

"You can't pay for it, but you can tamper with the locks? And you're
still joking about the patent. Okay, you don't want to pay? Give me your
parent's phone number. I'll get it from them."

"It's better to get it from me rather than getting it from him."

"Enough! Give me the number!"

Bai Luoyin then mentioned a series of numbers to him.

The call went through and Bai Han Qi's simple and honest voice could be
heard from the other side of the phone.

"Who is this?"

"I am the director of security department at Bai Luoyin's school. He

broke two doors locks in his classroom. I asked him to pay the fine, but
he said that his family is poor. I only wanted to hear, just how poor is
your family? You can damage the property yet you cannot pay the fine."

"The lock in our house has been broken for almost five years, we didn't
even change it to a new one. However, in these 5 years, not even a single
thief broke in. So tell me, how poor is our family?"

Director Zhang breathed heavily, he was shocked.

Bai Luoyin almost laughed out loud. As expected, a chunk of old ginger
gives adequate spicy flavor.

Translator's Note:

The original title of this chapter is "姜还是老的辣" literally means old ginger
is spicier than young ginger. It's an idiom which means the older you get, the
wiser you become. Or you could just say, experience counts.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 22


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 22: The Inquietude of Youth - HAPPINESS comes from


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


It finally rained on one melancholic day.

It soon turned into a heavy downpour. Standing at the first floor of the school
building while looking at the rain, Bai Luoyin's heart was nevertheless happy.
After craving this for so long, finally this time they could save several
hundred yuans of water expenses.

Most students who were living in the school dorms immediately opened their
umbrella and returned to their dorms. Meanwhile, the remaining ten or so
people were mostly picked up by their parents. Bai Luoyin looked at the wall
clock, seemingly in a battle with himself. He estimated that it will still be
raining even when the sky had turned dark, so he had better walk home.

Gu Hai was getting ready to walk from the school building when he caught a
sight of his own chauffeur standing outside, waiting for him.
"It is raining heavily today. It's better if you do not take a taxi on your

A slight pleading look could be seen from the eyes of the chauffeur.
Nevertheless, Gu Hai was able to tell that he was obviously forced to do so,
as it was completely different from the pleading gaze of a parent. There was
no sign of concern in his eyes, merely the anxiety of knowing the
consequences to something.

Nevertheless, he entered the car.

"Xiao Hai, the general said that today is the mistress's birthday. He
invited you to come home and have a family reunion dinner."

Gu Hai's head rested on the car cushion. My mother does not celebrate her
birthdays anymore, only the anniversary of her death.

"Send me back to my place."

"Xiao Hai..."

"I said, send me back to my..." Gu Hai noticed someone outside, stopped
his speech abruptly, then extended his hand and gestured to the chauffeur,
"Drive slower."

Outside, in the middle of the heavy rain, Bai Luoyin walked bare-foot on the
road, his body was drenched from head to toe. His clothes stuck to his body,
forming the outline of his tall and well-balanced stature. His pace was steady
and there wasn't a trace of rush or discomfort in his walk throughout this
rainstorm. Soaked to the bone, he crossed the street while wearing that torn
uniform, thus exposing bits and pieces of his wheat-colored skin.

The car slowly followed Bai Luoyin, there was no sign that he was aware of
being trailed. His hand kept on wiping the raindrops from his face. From Gu
Hai's angle, he could see that Bai Luoyin's lips had turned somewhat pale.

Gone was his vigorous and lively manner from earlier that day.

Come to think about it, what good could one sleepless night, combined with
joking around with him for the whole day, bring?

"Xiao Hai, are we still following him?"

"Just keep on following him."

"Why don't you just call him and tell him to get into the car?"

When Gu Hai shoot an icy glare at the driver, he immediately shut his mouth.

The rain continued until Bai Luoyin reached home, from afar Bai Han Qi
could be seen standing in the rain while helping Aunt Zou to tidy up the
tables and chairs. The altitude of this place was lower. It was perfectly fine
when it was not raining, but when it rains, the whole breakfast stall would be
flooded. Thus, no one set up a stall here except for Aunt Zou. She specifically
sought a quiet and tranquil place.

Bai Luoyin hurried his pace to help Bai Han Qi pull the plastic cover

Bai Han Qi shouted, "Just go inside, I can do it by myself."

"Stop talking nonsense! Do it quickly!"

Gu Hai's family car followed him silently, stopping at the entrance of an

alley. He sat inside the car, observing Bai Luoyin's bustling silhouette in the
middle of the rain, looking at the pair of father and son quarrelling endlessly
about who should carry the heaviest item as both grabbed the item at the
same time. That sight filled his heart with a faint warmth. To begin with,
perhaps this is how life should be, small yet trivial, instead of using a meal to
merely bribe people to come back home.

"Take me home."

The driver sighed, nevertheless he still drove the car and turned around.

Bai Han Qi handed 20 yuan to Bai Luoyin, "Tomorrow buy some breakfast
on the street. With this heavy rain outside, the breakfast stall probably
won't open tomorrow."
Bai Luoyin wiped his damp hair while returning the money back to Bai Han

"It's fine, I can hold my hunger for a while."

"Just take it!" Bai Han Qi urged even more, "Our family is not that poor
that we can't even eat breakfast."

"Then, why don't you give me more? With this 20 yuan, I can't even eat
fully at Aunt Zou's place."

Bai Han Qi whacked Bai Luoyin's head, "You little-!"

After chatting and laughing, Bai Han Qi tossed 50 yuan to Bai Luoyin.

The next morning, Bai Luoyin woke up and tidied up his things, then went to
school right away. He didn't bring the money, it's not like he didn't want to
take it, but he had really forgotten. Only when he arrived at Aunt Zou's stall
he remembered it was closed today. However, Bai Luoyin hated to turn back.
Hence, with a hungry stomach, he continued walking to school.

Bai Luoyin finally arrived at the classroom, placing his schoolbag down he
saw a big bag filled with breakfast food on top of his desk.

So many foods, who put it here?

This isn't to tempt me on purpose, right?

"This is for you."

Bai Luoyin stared at You Qi's seat constantly. He was still sleeping but Bai
Luoyin guessed that he was the sender. Besides him, no one knew that he
could eat this much. Every kind of food was inside the bag. There was the
Western-style pastry he disliked, bread, sandwich, custard tart, and the like.
There was also the food he liked, sesame seed cake with intestines, steamed
stuffed buns, griddlecake and porridge with eight toppings...

Well, I'm going to help myself then.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 23


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 23: The Inquietude of Youth - Gu Hai quite LIKES YOU. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin ate all the foods that he liked and left the foods that he didn't
like, then immediately placed it on top of You Qi's desk.

"I left some for you to eat."

You Qi had just woke up, he was still in a daze, then he saw a bunch of
breakfast. He immediately grinned, "How do you know that I haven't had
breakfast yet?"

Bai Luo Yin's heart touched. You Qi bought so many breakfasts for him,
even though he himself hasn't eaten anything yet.

You Qi sat up, he looked at the foods inside the bag, turned his head around
and smiled.

"Are you repaying me for that day when I treated you?

When Bai Luo Yin heard that, he thought that something is wrong. Looks
like You Qi is not the one who bought those foods for him.

"Don't eat it yet." Bai Luo Yin held You Qi's hand.

You Qi frowned his eyebrows. "Do you regret giving it to me?"

"Wasn't it you who bought these breakfast for me?"

These words didn't provoke You Qi, but they provoked the guy behind him
instead. He thought Bai Luo Yin ate so delightfully because he accepted his
good intentions, but it turns out that he ate so much without knowing who
gave it to him.

When he felt someone patting his shoulder, Bai Luo Yin turned his head

"If you don't want to eat them, just throw them away. Do not make a gift
out of something that is provided by someone else."

Bai Luo Yin's expression turned cold.

"So you're the one who bought these things?"

Gu Hai didn't say anything, but his expression answered Bai Luo Yin's

Bai Luo Yin was annoyed, "Why didn't you say it earlier? If I had known
that it is you who bought these, I'd rather die from starving than to eat

"But, you ate it already."

Bai Luo Yin wanted to spit them out, "Who told you to put this here?"

Gu Hai became angry. I bought those things for you and you are still
badmouthing me. I, Gu Hai, do I ever do something like this before? When
my girlfriend wanted to eat a pancake, I didn't even bother to queue up at the
pancake stall to buy it for her.
"If you regret it, then just pay me. Those foods cost 32 yuan in total.
Well, I won't count those foods you didn't eat, so just give me 30 yuan,
it's already enough."

Bai Luo Yin clenched his teeth. His mouth was still unwilling to give up.

"Is your family selling breakfast for living? There's no more business, so
now you guys came up with these kinds of dirty tricks."

"Yes, we do sell breakfast, and we're specialized in tricking fools like


"You bastard."


Bai Luo Yin turned around, then he saw You Qi opened his breakfast. His
heart was pissed off, he vented out his anger towards You Qi.

"Have I allowed you to eat?"

You Qi's handsome face was puzzled, "These foods I ate, isn't it a payback
from you?"

Bai Luo Yin stood up and smacked You Qi.

After the break, the students split into some small groups and headed towards
lab. You Qi walked beside Bai Luo Yin. He couldn't help but to tease Bai
Luo Yin, "Actually, Gu Hai is really good towards you."

Bai Luo Yin was thinking about Shi Hui's matter. When he heard what You
Qi said, he quickly turned his head to You Qi.

"He's good to me?" Bai Luo Yin couldn't wait to rip You Qi's mouth. "Why
do you talk nonsense like that? Which part of him do you see that you
think he's being good to me?"

You Qi tidied his collar, taking his sweet time to answer, "Just look at those
breakfast he bought this morning, just how much effort he took to buy
them all. Those cakes and breads, he could easily buy them in one trip.
But just look at the buns, hamburgers, pancakes, egg tarts, didn't he
queue at those different stalls one by one?"

Bai Luo Yin's expression softened a bit, but his tone was neither hot nor cold.
"Maybe he bought them in one stall?"

"Have you ever seen a stall that sells that many kind of breakfast?
You're satisfied with them anyway. If I had to queue to buy so many
things, I wouldn't have patience to do it."

Bai Luo Yin remembered today's breakfast, then suddenly he felt hot.

"I'm just wondering, why are you always making it difficult for Gu Hai?

"I'm making it difficult for him?" Bai Luo Yin felt wronged. "It's him
who always thinks that I'm just an eyesore! He's always searching for
my flaws. If someone can make him ignore me, I will bow down to that
person 3 times!"

You Qi looked at Bai Luo Yin with amusement. "For what? I think, Gu
Hai quite likes you anyway, every time I turned my head around, I
always catch him staring at you. I am really confused, you say, he's a
guy, but how can he always stare at you all day and night."

"Why do you think he does that? Must be thinking about how to prank

"But all I can see in his eyes is admiration for you!"


"Bai Luo Yin, why are you heading that way?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Bai Luo Yin's face beamed with delight. He went to
Yang Meng's side and grabbed his shoulder.

"Our next class is an experiment class, so we're heading to the lab."

"Oh." Yang Meng smiled then looked at You Qi. "Who is this?"

"My classmate who's sitting in front of me, You Qi."

Bai Luo Yin introduced them.

Yang Meng nodded. "Continue."

"Continue what?"

"Go on. It hasn't finished yet right?"

Bai Luo Yin patted Yang Meng's head. "What do you still want me to

Yang Meng was surprised. "You still haven't told me his name!"

Bai Luo Yin was speechless for a while. He is really deserved to be called his
childhood friend.

Meanwhile, You Qi looked frustrated.

"My name is You Qi."

Yang Meng awkwardly laughed, "Why do you have such a weird name?"

You Qi put on a cold expression, "I don't like to hear what you have just

"If you don't like it, then go change your name."


They had few casual conversations on the way to the lab, then You Qi asked
Bai Luo Yin, "That guy just now, what was his name again?"

"Yang Meng."

"What the... My name is still more reasonable than his!"

Bai Luo Yin gave a meaningful smile, "When both of you are standing
together, it looks really good."

"There's sulfuric acid inside the lab, be careful, I can throw it to you."


During English class, Bai Luo Yin always felt uneasy. One time his back felt
really hot, it feels like something was burning his back. However, the other
time he felt really cold, like someone stuffed ice cubes inside his uniform.

"I think Gu Hai quite likes you. Every time I turned my head around, I always
catch him staring at you."

Just now, he was feeling hot, but now it seemed like somebody sent chills
down his spine.

Bai Luo Yin slowly turned his head around.

Damn, it was exactly like what You Qi said!

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Your head turned around like a steering wheel, if I didn't watch you
and it fell into a ditch, what should I do?"


"The class atmosphere is really depressing, I think everyone is sleepy.

Let's do this then, who sings the best in this class? I will ask him to sing
an English song, so we could keep a lively atmosphere."

Everyone agreed.

"Now who wants to sing?"

Everyone went silent.

The English teacher smiled helplessly, "Or who wants to recommend


After a long silence, a voice can be heard from the back of the class.

"Bai Luo Yin."

Bai Luo Yin could strangle Gu Hai to death right now.

"Who is called Bai Luo Yin? Just now I heard someone recommended

Bai Luo Yin stood up, then used his leg to push his chair, until it hit Gu Hai's
chest strongly.

Since he stood up already, now he has to sing. He chose his most favorite
song, then sang it softly.

The song was very short, but it stunned Gu Hai.

This English song, was the one that his mother often sang when he was a kid.
Back then, she would do a waltz while singing this song. Her one-person
waltz was so beautiful like a lonely and pretty swan. Even if those are his
memories from years ago, whenever Gu Hai listened to this song, he could
still remember those memories clearly.

The whole class applauded Bai Luo Yin, waking Gu Hai from his thoughts.

His classmate beside him said, "Bai Luo Yin, you're really talented. How
can God give all those talents to one person? If you can simply give one
to me, that would be nice...."

Bai Luo Yin hadn't even digested the praise when a cold voice came from
behind him.

"I thought you could only use that mouth to eat."

Days passed, every student in the class could tell that Gu Hai and Bai Luo
Yin are enemies. If Bai Luo Yin said east, then Gu Hai would say west.
When Bai Luo Yin did something, Gu Hai would definitely undo his actions.
Even the nerds in the class asked Bai Luo Yin, "Why is Gu Hai always
against you?"

"He is sick."

Other than regarding Gu Hai as a crazy guy, Bai Luo Yin couldn't find any
other reason. He couldn't imagine why a psychologically normal person
would always want to pick a fight with him. He really wanted to ask Gu Hai,
what did actually I do to provoke you? Why are you acting normal towards
others, but when it comes to me, you...

However, every time before he could speak his mind, Gu Hai had already
started his attacks. In order not to lose, Bai Luo Yin could only counterattack.

As time passed, his plans to end any argument swiftly were completely
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 24


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 24: The Inquietude of Youth - Peculiar Papa Bai. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Son, this girl is calling you again."

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin had just eaten a few mouthfuls of rice. But,
after he heard those words, he no longer had any appetite.

"Dad, just hang up immediately."

Just as Bai Han Qi was about to turn it off, Bai Luo Yin suddenly snatched
the phone away from his hand.

"Forget it, just give it to me."

After many months, autumn has finally arrived and with it came the strong
wind. The wind was blowing strongly in the yard. Bai Luo Yin stood under
the tree, he felt like his own body temperature decreased. For quite some time
now, every night after he went home, Bai Luo Yin would be doing long video
calls with Shi Hui. It was very tiring for him. It really felt like he has been
lowering his defenses.

He didn't want it to be this way, so last night he deliberately didn't call Shi

As a result, Shi Hui called him today.

"Do you think I'm a bother?"

"Let's not contact each other anymore in the future."

"No. You absolutely can't do this. If you do this to me, I will bother your
father instead every day."

"Just do what you want to do."

Bai Luo Yin hung up the phone, removed the SIM card and went back inside
the house.

"Finished with your call already?"

"Yes." Bai Luo Yin nodded.

Bai Han Qi asked him out of curiosity, "Who was that?"

"Even if I tell you, you wouldn't know her. By the way, how much credit
do you have left in your SIM card?"

Bai Han Qi thought about it. "Less than 20 yuan."

"Then just get a new one."

Bai Luo Yin's hands were fast and quickly broke the SIM card into two.

Bai Han Qi tried to stop him, but it was already too late. He just stared at the
broken card that he had been using for several years now He felt bad.

"There are so many contact numbers inside that card, now everything is
Bai Luo Yin patted Bai Han Qi's shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't worry. Your phone is at home all day, yet there is not even a
single phone call coming in. It's useless to keep those numbers, might as
well delete them all."

Bai Han Qi sighed and glanced at Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

"Your inflammation these past two days, do you feel any better?"

"How's the sore in your mouth? Are you feeling much better?"

"It's better now." Bai Luo Yin walked towards his room. "Probably
applying some more ointment will do. Where did you put it?

"It's inside the second drawer in the room, the one with a yellow tube."

Before, Bai Han Qi used to help to apply the ointment on Bai Luo Yin's
mouth with a cotton bud. Now, Bai Luo Yin wanted to do it himself. He
searched the drawer and finally saw it.

"Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoid Ointment."

This can't be it, he thought.... Bai Luo Yin searched again, yet he couldn't
find it. He rummaged the first and third drawer as well until his hands were
dirtied with dust.

"Dad, where did you put it?" Bai Luo Yin shouted.

Bai Han Qi was trying to put the SIM card back together but found out that it
was a futile attempt. In the end, he gave up and put it away.

"Isn't it inside the second drawer?"

"I searched it already, it's not there!"

Bai Han Qi walked towards Bai Luo Yin, picked up the yellow ointment.
"Isn't it this one?"
Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoids Ointment.......

Bai Luo Yin's face darkened. "This is near my mouth, and you used
hemorrhoid ointment on it ?!"

"What's wrong?" Bai Han Qi smiled widely. "The last time your
grandma got beriberi, I used this to cure it too!"

"Beriberi and inflammation, is it the same?!"

"Is there any difference? That 502 glue, it can be used on plastic and can
be used on shoes too, right? Just don't mind what kind of ointment it is,
the most important thing is your sore is healing, right? You see, isn't it
getting better?" Bai Han Qi said while reaching for Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

Bai Luo Yin irritably pushed Bai Han Qi, went inside his room, and shut the

Bai Han Qi knocked while shouting, "It's not that I don't want to spend
any money, but this ointment really works. This is a multipurpose
medicine. If you do not believe me then just ask the doctor! He would
definitely say that this medicine can cure everything."

There was no movement nor sound from the other side.

Bai Han Qi knocked repeatedly. "Son, you used this cream for quite a
while already, just apply this for a few more days, it will be fine."

Bai Luo Yin had difficulty sleeping that night.


The following morning was another start of a gloomy day. Bai Luo Yin's
daily life has become a routine; he struggled with Gu Hai at day, and at night,
he has to keep himself busy with Shi Hui.

Bai Luo Yin became mentally exhausted. That day was one disaster after
another. When he woke up, his nose was stuffed. He sat up and looked
around. He found out that his blanket was on the floor.
Getting colds was inevitable

Bai Luo Yin wore one more layer of clothing. On his way to school, he
stopped by at a small clinic. The doctor examined him and prescribed him a
pack of Bai Jia Hei medicine [1].

When he arrived at school, Bai Luo Yin didn't look at the medicine. He just
took out one pill and drank it.

Later, he found out that he took the black pill.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly remembered this reminder.

"Take the white pill in the day, and you won't be sleepy; Take the black
pill at night, and you will sleep soundly."

Translator's Note:

[1] Bai Jia Hei medicine: literally, this medicine is called 'White plus Black'.
It is a popular, over-the-counter cold medicine in China. The brand slogan is
translated as, "White pill for the day, will not make you sleepy. Black pill for
the night, you will sleep soundly." The success of this medicine is probably
due to the usage of powerful and intuitive codes to communicate with the
consumer's, white symbolizing day and black symbolizing night. They give a
sense of balance and harmony with the nature, e.g.: yin and yang.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 25


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 25: The Inquietude of Youth - Bai Luo Yin's Incident. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[What’s wrong with him today?]


From morning class until noon break, not once had Bai Luo Yin's head parted
from his resting arms.

This was not the first time. His silent innocent act was somehow perceived as
a beckoning for another one of Gu Hai's ludicrous antics.

For a restless person like Gu Hai, idly sitting alone in a well-behaved manner,
at the back of the classroom, was just unbearable. As such, he gladly
accepted Bai Luo Yin's kind invitation and passed his idle time
experimenting various methods of how to wake him up. Despite his relentless
effort, none of his actions seemed to come to fruition. He even went as far as
to give Bai Luo Yin's chair a hard strike, causing everyone to stare at him due
to the sudden noise. Bai Luo Yin, however, laid as motionless as ever.
The third period was Luo Xiao Yu's, who particularly enjoyed calling on Bai
Luo Yin and have him answer her questions. This lesson was no exception.

"Bai Luo Yin."

As her crisp and clear voice chimed through the air, the whole class naturally
averted their eyes from elsewhere and gazed at him with interest. Bai Luo
Yin, with his left cheek squished red during sleep stood up, and fluently
provided the correct answer.

Bai Luo Yin has been giving answers in such manner since forever. Hence,
everybody was already more or less, used to it.

But Gu Hai was different. He remained skeptic and determined to find out the
very truth of Bai Luo Yin.

Since the day they first met, Gu Hai had always doubted whether Bai Luo
Yin really slept. How can people sleep and learn at the same time? Despite
many students saying that it is was one of Bai Luo Yin's innate qualities, such
simple explanation was just impossible for him to believe.

He thought, Bai Luo Yin definitely isn't sleeping.

To prove his suspicion, after the third class was over, he went to the school
infirmary to buy two sleeping pills. Back in class, he crushed the pills
thoroughly, reducing it to powder, and mischievously slipped it into Bai Luo
Yin's bottle of water.

Bai Luo Yin was still dazed when afternoon class started.

Cold medicines are well-known for their strong sedative properties. Take
them in the wrong order and you could easily sleep the whole day.

Feeling his lips mildly parched, he picked up his water bottle and swallowed
a few mouthfuls.

This is weird...he thought. There was a strange tint of bitterness in the water
today. The more he drank, the thirstier he became! Bai Luo Yin drank until
the large bottle was completely empty. With not a single drop of water left,
he went out to fetch some more. He refilled his bottle with hot water and
placed it at the corner of his desk to let it cool down. After Bai Luo Yin
settled down, drowsiness rapidly swept in.

This time, he slept like a log.

For the first two classes, neither of the teachers called Bai Luo Yin.
Consequently, there was no way Gu Hai's speculation could be verified. The
third and fourth classes were self-study, which were calm and quiet; a perfect
setup for sleeping. Bai Luo Yin laid dormant and never budged the whole
time. Not even when one of his books fell to the floor.

Afterwards, the class representative began to collect the homework. When he

arrived at Bai Luo Yin's desk, he called out softly.

"Bai Luo Yin, your math homework."

There was no response.

The class representative was worried, so he patted Bai Luo Yin's head and
called again.

"Hey, wake up. You have to give me your homework."

You Qi also turned back trying to trick him, "The teacher is coming!"

Bai Luo Yin continued to sleep lifelessly.

This time, other classmates began to worry as well. Bai Luo Yin had always
remained perceptive during his naps. Whenever someone called him, or if
there were matters he had to attend, he would immediately rise without fail.

What's wrong with him today?

Curious, You Qi lifted Bai Luo Yin's head. His expression suddenly changed.

"Eh, why is his face so pale?"

Having heard that exclamation, Gu Hai, whose mind had drifted elsewhere,
quickly came back to its senses.

He's not allergic to the sleeping pills... is he?

With that thought, he rushed to Bai Luo Yin's side and hurriedly moved the
chair. He wrapped his arm around Bai Luo Yin and shook his shoulder while
using his free hand to pat the colorless face. Gu Hai nervously called his

"Bai Luo Yin? Bai Luo Yin?!!"

No response.

You Qi became really anxious. "He's passed out. Quick, we have to get
him to the infirmary."

While speaking, he lifted Bai Luo Yin onto his back and tried to carry him. In
spite of his good intentions, You Qi was not able to stand up. As a result,
both of them tumbled to the floor.

Gu Hai, who was watching from the side, couldn't stand the sight any longer,
and so pushed You Qi out of the way.

"Back off! I'll carry him."

Without much effort, he single-handedly lifted Bai Luo Yin onto his back and
waited a bit for their bodies to properly balance. Once he was ready, he
quickly rushed downstairs. You Qi followed behind.

"Say, how are you able to carry him as if carrying a bird?"

You Qi was already short of breath. Even though he wasn't carrying any extra
burden, he still couldn't keep up with Gu Hai's speed.

Bai Luo Yin may not have been heavy, but surely wasn't so light.
Nonetheless, for Gu Hai who's always been exercising with additional
weight, it was nothing. In less than a minute, both of them arrived at the
school infirmary. Gu Hai rested Bai Luo Yin's prone body on the bed.
The school doctor was a relatively young woman. When she saw two
handsome guys carrying another sick, admittedly good looking one, she felt
her blood rush.

"Hey Gu Hai, what brings you here again?"

Earlier when he was here to get the sleeping pills, she had asked him all sorts
of questions. It was a nuisance having to deal with this type of person, Gu
Hai thought. Eventually, he was able to leave, believing he would never have
to come back. Who would have thought he would come running so soon?

"Do you know her?" You Qi asked.

Gu Hai didn't say a word. His eyes were fixed on Bai Luo Yin.

When the school doctor looked at You Qi, her face suddenly brightened.

"You... Are you You Qi?"

You Qi nodded halfheartedly.

"So you're the school idol! Your looks certainly live up to what they say.
I didn't expect to really guess! Let me tell you, the last two girls who
came for a checkup were talking about you non-stop..."

Listening to her chatter, You Qi became quite nervous once his gaze swept
towards Gu Hai, nothing the changes in his expression.

"Hurry up and look at him," You Qi, panicky discarded his cold persona
and urged the school doctor, "The patient is over there, you'd better go
and examine him."

When the school doctor walked up to Bai Luo Yin, her eyes lit up yet again.

"Isn't this Bai Luo Yin?"

A cold and heavy voice pierced through her ear, "If you speak nonsense one
more time, I'll have the school infirmary closed by tomorrow, so you can
go back and live your poverty-stricken life."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 26


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 26: The Inquietude of Youth - You are my medicine. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[Why are you here?]


"He took two tablets of sleeping pills?"

Gu Hai gazed at You Qi whose expression suddenly changed, "I saw a

medicine strip on his desk but I didn't really pay any attention to what
kind of medicine it was. When he came to school this morning, he had a
cold so I assumed it was just medication for common cold."

The school doctor listened in silent concentration, her eyes focused on You
Qi's face.

"How about you bring that medicine strip over here. I'll take a look at

When You Qi exited the room as he had been requested to, Gu Hai walked
closer to the sickbed and carefully sat down at the edge of the bed, silently
watching Bai Luo Yin's sleeping form. He had never seen Bai Luo Yin with
such a gentle expression before. All of the lines on his whole face were
completely smoothed out. Even if Gu Hai were to verbally abuse him right
now, it probably wouldn't disturb his peaceful state.

"Don't worry, he's fine. His vitals don't indicate any internal problems. I
suspect that when he ate the two types of medicine at the same time, it
caused a slight diazepam overdose.[1] He will be okay by the time he
wakes up. Just remember not to take such a large dose of sleeping pills
next time. One tablet is enough."

Gu Hai had been silent the entire time, his face solemn.

A few minutes later, You Qi came back inside the room with the medicine
strip and handed it over to the school nurse.

"See? It looks exactly like medication used for common cold."

The school doctor nodded, walked over to touch Bai Luo Yin's forehead and
softly declared, "Looks like he needs an IV drip. He is a bit feverish
which, combined with the drug overdose, resulted in fatigue and acute

Once she was done checking on Bai Luo Yin, the doctor went to another
room and left the boys alone. You Qi then walked over to Bai Luo Yin and
announced to Gu Hai, "I will take care of him, you can go back. One
person is enough."

"You go back", Gu Hai assured.

Those three words were spoken in a light tone, but the unyielding force of
each syllable would make anyone surrender under its heavy pressure. Once
having made his point clear, Gu Hai turned his attention back to Bai Luo Yin
and covered his body with the blanket the school doctor had provided for

As You Qi observed Gu Hai's behaviour he found himself feeling confused.

From an outsider's perspective, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin were completely
different, as incompatible as fire and ice, yet You Qi could clearly see that Gu
Hai really liked Bai Luo Yin. Gu Hai wouldn't normally take the initiative to
greet anybody, yet he didn't seem to mind going out of his way to tease Bai
Luo Yin every time the opportunity presented itself. He would typically be
indifferent towards other people but he would always express noteworthy
enthusiasm when it came to Bai Luo Yin. Gu Hai seemed to always think of
various ways to torment Bai Luo Yin however, the moment something bad
happened to him, Gu Hai was the one to anxiously worry the most. Other
people probably wouldn't be able to guess what was truly going on and

Bai Luo Yin wouldn't be able to understand either but You Qi could piece it
all together.

This was just like a boy experiencing love for the first time. When facing the
girl he likes, he never knows how to convey his feelings. Thus, he never tires
of teasing that girl, pulling her pigtails, stealing her textbooks and bullying
her until both of her eyes are red from crying. Although Bai Luo Yin and Gu
Hai are both guys, their relationship had not reached that level yet.
Nevertheless, the purpose was all the same: to attract the other person's

As far as You Qi could see, Bai Luo Yin appeared to be the only one that Gu
Hai wished to interact with in the school. The rule of male friendship was
only when one male considers the other to be more powerful, resulting in
admiration, will he take the initiative to mess around with the said person.
That's why You Qi had always thought that Gu Hai admired Bai Luo Yin.
Truthfully, Gu Hai wasn't the only one to admire Bai Luo Yin. You Qi did

The thing about Bai Luo Yin was that he had a unique kind of charm. The
kind of appeal that would only intensify with age. He was just like a brilliant
Tanhua[2] ; the silent flower that seldom blooms but even so, a man would
inevitably appear and willingly wait persistently for three thousand years,
simply for the sake of watching the flower bloom.

"I will prescribe you some medication then."

The doctor's short statement interrupted You Qi's reverie.

"Prescribe what medicine?"

The doctor smiled with sincerity as she spoke, "You've come all the way
here and it shouldn't be in vain. There's a lot of supplements for brain
nourishment right here in my office and I thought you could take some
of them with you back home. Studying in high school is very tiring so you
need to supply your brain with nutrition on daily basis."

You Qi glanced at the doctor and scoffed, "Drink it yourself then."


Gu Hai kept staring at Bai Luo Yin for a long time as he laid prone on the
mattress. The longer he stared, the more he felt that Bai Luo Yin resembled
someone. Even though the appearance of that person was somewhat blurred
in his mind, the sight of Bai Luo Yin's nose and mouth gave Gu Hai a sense
of Déjà vu.

"En..."cough, cough

Bai Luo Yin's sudden cough immediately disrupted Gu Hai's deep thoughts.

"I'm thirsty..."

A few moments ago, Bai Luo Yin had a dream in which he became Kua
Fu[3] who tirelessly ran after the sun. Quick, chase it.The more he chased it,
the thirstier he became. He hadn't passed the Huanghe River yet but the thirst
had already managed to wake him up from his slumber.

A sweet and refreshing liquid suddenly flowed into his mouth, which fully
hydrated Bai Luo Yin's parched lips and tongue. His hand instinctively
stretched out to grab the glass, but instead of the glass surface he touched
another person's hand. He could easily tell that it was a man's hand
considering how strong the hand felt under his fingertips with its well-defined
joints. Bai Luo Yin tried to take the glass from that person's hand but only
managed to grab at the edges of the glass instead.
Gu Hai brushed away Bai Luo Yin's wandering hands and gently placed the
glass against his lips once more, carefully tipping it so that the water would
continue to flow into Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

Once Bai Luo Yin felt that he had drunk enough, he pushed Gu Hai's hand

"Dad, I'm not thirsty anymore."

Gu Hai's stiff expression, which had lingered on his face the entire afternoon,
finally eased up into an amused smile, "Why are you being so polite?"

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin sensed that something was off and began
to open his eyes little by little. To his dismay, the first thing to appear in his
line of vision was Gu Hai's face. The sight of him made Bai Luo Yin's eyes
darken and become ice cold.

"Why are you here?", he grumbled.

"Don't tell me you don't recognise your father?"

Bai Luo Yin clenched his hand into a fist and reached out to punch Gu Hai,
but Gu Hai forced his hand down against the mattress.

"Stop moving around. There's a needle stuck to your hand."

Bai Luo Yin glanced down and noticed, as Gu Hai had said, the needle in his
hand and then the IV bag hanging above his head.

"What happened?"

Gu Hai thoroughly explained the series of events that had led up to this
moment to Bai Luo Yin, from the beginning to the end. When he described
what had happened he didn't leave out any of the details and, unsurprisingly,
he didn't seem to be remorseful at all. He acted as if giving Bai Luo Yin
sleeping pills was a pursuit of truth, a process of exploring a great mystery. In
that process, Bai Luo Yin was depicted as the difficult one who screwed up in
that critical moment.
Bai Luo Yin really wanted the nurse to prescribe two pounds of Suxiao Jiuxin
pills[4] for him after listening to the entire story.

"Just tell me, what I have done to provoke you and I'll apologise for it."

By that point, Bai Luo Yin was truly sick and tired of it all. Gu Hai could
afford to pay for his own squandering but Bai Luo Yin couldn't. If Gu Hai
ruined his own uniform he could easily replace it with a new one the very
next day but Bai Luo Yin only owned one set of uniform. Gu Hai could get
injured and spend the night at the hospital but the price of one IV drip cost
ten days' worth of Bai Luo Yin's allowance.

At last Gu Hai managed to figure out Bai Luo Yin's train of thought and
began to speak.

"I can afford paying for all of your expenses but I won't stop teasing

Bai Luo Yin banged his head against the pillow in frustration and glared at
Gu Hai, unable to restrain his anger.

"Are you fucking sick?"[5]

Gu Hai laughed coolly, "Yes, I am."

"If you're sick, then go take your medicine."

"You are my medicine."

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai coldly, "What do you mean?"

"If you want me to recover then you have to endure the suffering."


Translator's Note:
[1] Diazepam (Valium) is medicine that produces a calming effect. It is
mainly used to treat anxiety disorders, trouble sleeping and seizures. The
overdose of this drug can cause extreme drowsiness, loss of balance, weak
muscles, fainting, or may even induce comas. In the chapter above, the
medicine against common cold that Bai Luo Yin took (the black pill)
probably contains an ample amount of diazepam, as the black pill helps with
sleeping at night. Combined with the sleeping pills, the calming effect is
doubled and caused Bai Luo Yin's body to enter a really deep sleep.

[2] Tanhua is the Chinese name for Queen of the Night or Night-blooming
Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum), a pure white flower with the size of a
dinner plate. This flower only blooms at night and wilts/closes when the sun
rises the next day. In Chinese idiom, 曇花一現 (a flower that vanished as
soon as it blooms), this flower is used to describe someone with an
impressive but brief moment of glory, since this flower may take a year to
bloom and only blooms over a single night.

[3] Kua Fu is a giant in Chinese mythology who wished to capture the Sun.
He followed the Sun from the East to the West and drained all water sources
to quench his thirst. In the end, he wasn't able to finish his quest as he died of
the extreme heat and exhaustion. In modern Chinese usage, this story can be
used to describe a person who failed to obtain his goal because he greatly
overestimates himself.

[4] Suxiao Jiuxin pill is a Chinese herbal medicine to treat angina pectoris, a
feeling of discomfort and pain within the chest due to anxiety. Angina
pectoris is also a symptom of cardiac arrest. In short, this pill is a medicine to
treat heart attack.

[5] "Are you fucking sick?": What Bai Luo Yin meant is "Are you fucking
crazy?", since the Chinese character can be translated as sick or crazy. But I
used sick, since it is more fitting to Gu Hai's retort.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 27


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 27: The Inquietude of Youth - The government official son's


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The first monthly exam results had been distributed to all of the students.

Gu Hai reviewed his scores, and saw that they were much higher than his
expectations. His face brightened; he felt quite proud that he did so well
despite the fact that he hardly studied.

"What is your score?"

Gu Hai really wanted to know how Bai Luo Yin scored on his exams; a boy
who slept through all of his classes.

"Are you talking about the total score?"

Gu Hai nodded, "I got 521, how about you?"

"I haven't added it up yet."

"Give it to me, I'll add it up for you."

Without waiting for his consent, Gu Hai snatched all of Bai Luo Yin's exam
papers. He intended to use the scores to taunt Bai Luo Yin. After all, except
for his advantage in sports, Gu Hai can't beat Bai Luo Yin in any other

"Math, 150..."

Gu Hai was extremely surprised. He glanced at the name on the exam to

ensure that it really was Bai Luo Yin's - which it was. Furthermore it was a
perfect score. Although the average score for Math was relatively high in
their class, seeing another student's perfect score made him feel quite

"Chinese Literature, 126..."

Gu Hai was once again dumbfounded. He looked at his own score which was
96 points - a difference of 30 points! Gu Hai browsed through the rest of Bai
Luo Yin's exam results and discovered that his composition score was only
15 points from the perfect score in that subject.

"This is not fair..." Gu Hai tried to stay calm. "Even if you were to
exchange your composition with my handwriting, certainly it's not worth
40 points."

Bai Luo Yin did not want to acknowledge this kind of person.

"Comprehensive Science 237, English 131... Total score is 694? "

With these scores, Bai Luo Yin can certainly take the college entrance exam
in Beijing University and come out as the top scorer. How is this possible?
Gu Hai cannot believe it! Bai Luo Yin is always sleeping in class, and yet he
can do this well on his exams? Where is the justice?

"Did you cheat?"

"The person in front of me is You Qi, and the person behind me is you.
Who can I possibly cheat from?"
You Qi's total score was around 400 points, which was much lower than Gu

A female student beside them noticed Gu Hai's disbelief, and couldn't resist
adding a few words, "Bai Luo Yin's rank is the highest in this class. He
has always ranked as one of the top five in this school."

Gu Hai finally understood the reason why Luo Xiao Yu was so passive
towards Bai Luo Yin. It was because the students around him had always
praised him as a particularly intelligent student. Originally, Gu Hai had
mistakenly assumed this person as apathetic and absentminded; someone who
was always sleeping and not paying attention. After quarreling for half a day,
a calculating plan actually exists in this person's brain. No matter how
frustrating it is, in the end, you are the one who always hold back. But it
turned out that Bai Luo Yin's mind was extremely active - always scheming
and plotting against him. In the end, Gu Hai was always the one who had to

"You are too terrible!"

Gu Hai chucked Bai Luo Yin's neck once.

I'm terrible? Bai Luo Yin thought to himself, if it were up to Heaven's justice,
the person behind him would have been chopped to death..

"How am I terrible?"

"You've destroyed my ability to gain knowledge."

Bai Luo Yin sneered and fought back ruthlessly, "You've also destroyed my
ability to tolerate foolish people!"

Gu Hai had yet to respond when a thunderous sound suddenly diverted

everyone's attention towards the door. A stranger used his foot to kick the
back door, causing paper to scatter everywhere. The expression on this
person's face was one of viciousness; his body language implied an aura akin
to a character in Street Fighter.
"Bai Luo Yin, you fucking bastard!"

The unexpected vulgarity caused the rowdy class to fall silent in an instant.

Bai Luo Yin coldly shifted his gaze and his eyes landed on the face that he
abhorred the most. This person was called Wu Fang. Since the beginning of
high school, he and Bai Luo Yin did not get along. The reason was very
simple, - the girl Wu Fang had tried to pursue was secretly in love with Bai
Luo Yin. Furthermore, his family was well-off; he had a chauffeur, was the
son of a wealthy and influential government official, and was respected by
the school officials. That was why he couldn't bear the thought of losing to a
poor person like Bai Luo Yin.

"Bai Luo Yin, I'll tell you this. You better be good to me, or else I'll
expose your shameful past. And suppose if I really do expose it, let's see
if you still have the guts to attend this school! Don't think that just
because you've got good grades, you can do whatever you like. Although
you have the highest rank in the whole school, the day you piss me off
will be day you get out of here."

Bai Luo Yin stood up and headed towards Wu Fang, his words icy sharp yet

"What kind of shameful past do I have? Why don't you say it out loud, -
I'll listen to you."

Wu Fang laughed flippantly and presumptuously. "You really want me to

say it? I'm afraid that when I'm finished, you will be crying, kneeling on
the ground and begging me to spare you."

A brief yet chilly voice sounded out: "If you have the guts, then say it."

"Fine, remember that you are the one who allowed me to speak.
Everyone listen up. I'll only say this once. Your classmate, Bai Luo Yin is
a motherless bastard whose mother gave birth to him, but abandoned
him. Do you all realize what his mother is? If I say it, you will be very
shocked. Wait a minute. It's not called that anymore, the term has
changed. Now it's referred as 'the young woman who has taken a wrong
step in life'... Hahaha..."

The class was filled with boos and hisses. Some expressed their shock, while
others showed their disgust. Most of them didn't believe that Bai Luo Yin had
that kind of mother. They all thought that Wu Fang was envious, so he
intentionally fabricated that story to humiliate Bai Luo Yin.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Luo Yin didn't utter a single word. His
expression was blank - only the blood vessels of his upper arms stood out,
pulsating continuously.

"Look at Bai Luo Yin. You can see that he really is his mother's
illegitimate child. A motherless person will have the same alarmed look
as he has now."

Bai Luo Yin walked up to Wu Fang and lifted his arms, ready to strike.

At that same moment, Bai Luo Yin's face was suddenly sprayed with a gush
of blood.

Wu Fang had yet to understand what just happened. Bai Luo Yin was also
astonished. Gu Hai raised his fist a second time and punched Wu Fang again.
One side of Wu Fang's face became deformed immediately. . A huge spurt of
blood flowed down from his nostrils to the gap between his teeth, with Wu
Fang crying 'ow ow' repeatedly.

"Fuck you! You dare to punch me?"

Wu Fang pounced at Gu Hai but Gu Hai used his foot to kick Wu Fang's
kneecap ruthlessly. A loud sound of cracked bones could be heard, causing
extreme terror. Wu Fang gave a bloodcurdling scream and fell to the ground.
Then, Gu Hai grabbed his uniform collar and dragged him from the
classroom's back entrance to the front door.


Everyone in the corridors could hear the sound of a slap.

At first, there were people running towards them, trying to stop the fight..
However, after witnessing the scene on the ground, everyone became
frightened and turned a blind eye. Wu Fang's entire face was battered. He was
repeatedly beaten by Gu Hai until his face resembled a pile of tattered cotton.
His chin was crooked and Gu Hai's fists connected with his mouth, causing
four of Wu Fang's teeth to fall off. Wu Fang could hardly breathe as he tried
to spit them out.


Gu Hai pointed at Bai Luo Yin.

Wu Fang wept, "Damn it, why should I apologize to him? You hit me one
more time and tomorrow I will put you behind bars. If you don't believe
me, just try it!."

Wu Fang's words made sense. If Gu Hai was an ordinary high school student
with an ordinary background, beating up the son of a government official
would inevitably put him behind bars.

Gu Hai's fists were covered with blood. He placed his left hand on Wu Fang's
head while his right hand repeatedly punched Wu Fang.

A sound of shattering could be heard.

Half of Wu Fang's face had collapsed inwards.

A few girls who passed by were so scared that they immediately shrieked.
This also frightened the teachers that happened to pass by as well. Rather
than stopping the scene straightaway, they hastily called security to intervene


Wu Fang's tears flooded from his eyes. He was groaning in pain while crying,
as if he was quickly approaching death.

One male student from the class who had watched the scene carefully
couldn't stand by and do nothing any longer. He walked to Gu Hai's side and
warned him with good intentions, "Gu Hai, stop beating him! You will get
into trouble!"

Gu Hai didn't listen and continued to kick Wu Fang's thigh.


Wu Fang's body recoiled in pain, twitching on the ground like a small shrimp.

Bai Luo Yin quietly stood at the corner. He was so shocked that he became
speechless. He could not understand why Gu Hai would go to such extremes
to defend his honor.

You Qi pushed Bai Luo Yin and said, "You have to persuade him to stop.
If this continues, someone may be killed."

Bai Luo Yin walked towards Gu Hai. But before he could say anything, Gu
Hai lifted up three fingers.

"I'm going to count to three. If you still refuse to apologize, I will throw
you out the window. If you don't believe me, just try it."

"One, two,..."

Wu Fang suddenly held tightly onto Gu Hai's leg. His face was so badly
mangled that people wouldn't be able to recognize him.

"I'm... I'm sorry..."

As soon as Wu Fang opened his mouth, a huge flow of blood splurted out.
When the bystanders saw this, they became so scared that they took a step

Gu Hai abruptly manhandled Wu Fang, forcing him to kneel on the ground

and pushed his head down in front of Bai Luo Yin's feet.

"Say that you are his grandson, and that you are a bastard. "

Wu Fang paused.
Bai Luo Yin realized that this was not a good turn of events. He had wanted
to intervene and stop Gu Hai from going overboard, but unfortunately he was
one step too late. Gu Hai landed a punch and Wu Fang's gums swelled up.

"Enough!" Bai Luo Yin yanked Gu Hai firmly. "Hurry up and take him to
the hospital."

"Stand up!"

Gu Hai roared at Bai Luo Yin.

Since the time Bai Luo Yin met Gu Hai, he had never seen Gu Hai acting like
this. There weren't enough words to describe how cruel and terrifying he was


Gu Hai's furious voice echoed throughout the whole corridor. Even the
sunlight outside didn't dare to shine on this particular dark and ice-cold

Wu Fang's face was still plastered to Bai Luo Yin's feet

"I am... your... grandson... */sob/*... I am a bas-... bastard... */sob/*"

Gu Hai tossed Wu Fang away and stood up. The entire front of his uniform
was stained with blood.

Bai Luo Yin stood silently between the two boys, his heart hollow.

The siren of the 120 Ambulance Service [1] resonated. The crowd of students
watching the scene dispersed as their knees weakened. Nearly everyone went
back to their classrooms. The medical personnel hastily ran towards the
classroom door. On the verge of shock, they supported and lifted Wu Fang up
on the stretcher.

Ten minutes later, everything returned back to their normal, peaceful state.

The blood outside had been thoroughly cleaned up by the janitors, who
scrubbed the stains carefully. Nevertheless, the metallic smell of blood still
seeped through the windows and drifted into the classroom, causing
everyone's heart to shudder.

"Gu Hai, come out for a moment."

Bai Luo Yin turned his head to look at Gu Hai for a long period of time. His
seat was already empty. Many students were now deliberating whether or not
Gu Hai could possibly return to school after this incident.

Translator's Note:

[1] 120 is speed dial for ambulance service in Beijing.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 28


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 28: The Inquietude of Youth - The CHANGES in their


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After two classes has passed, Gu Hai's shadow didn't even show up, and no
one heard about his whereabouts. During break time, everyone was talking
about Gu Hai's fate, meanwhile Bai Luo Yin was only slouching on his desk,
his eyes were wide open.

When it was time to go home, Bai Luo Yin immediately gathered his
schoolbag and walked out from the backdoor. He went straight to the security
department office.

Bai Luo Yin had already thought of what to do should the worst case scenario
happened. If something bad were to happen to Gu Hai, he would lower his
pride and seek help from Jiang Yuan. Although he wasn't fond of the guy,
this time Gu Hai had become a scapegoat because of him. If Gu Hai didn't
attack the person on Bai Luo Yin's behalf, he would've been the one who's
being interrogated right now.
Bai Luo Yin was in deep thought while he was going down the stairs. The
scene of when Gu Hai gave Wu Fang a good beating replayed in his head
over and over again.

Still lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice that there was a person
standing in front of him.

"Why did you come here?"

Bai Luo Yin stopped for a moment and saw Gu Hai standing at the end of the

Neither of them moved. They were looking at each other, there was a one
meter distance between them. This is the first time Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu
Hai in a different light.

"Are you... going back to collect your things?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai went up two steps, looking relaxed. "How did you know so much
about me?"

"Are you still able to come back?"

"Still come back for what?"

Bai Luo Yin's expression changed. He grabbed Gu Hai's arm bearing an

anxious face.

"This is all my fault. I will look for someone to get you out of this mess."

Gu Hai was silent for a moment and then suddenly he laughed.

"What are you talking about? I'm going home to eat, sleep, and
tomorrow I will still return here. Which mess are you going to get me out

Bai Luo Yin's thoughts were running like a train, but after hearing Gu Hai's
words, his nervousness and anxiety suddenly disappeared.
"How come nothing's happened to you?"

Gu Hai chuckled. "Why, do you want something to happen to me?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't speak a word.

Gu Hai patted his shoulder, "I'm going, okay? I just came back here to
pick up my things."


Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin was clutching at his arm tightly, "What's
wrong? You still don't believe me? If I said it's okay, then it really is

"It's not like that."

Bai Luo Yin took off Gu Hai's bloodstained uniform, and then took off his
own uniform as well and handed it to Gu Hai.

"Just wear this to class."

After he finished speaking, Bai Luo Yin left.

Gu Hai wore the uniform that was riddled with holes. He stood still on the
stairs for a long time. Despite Bai Luo Yin's face eternally adorned with a
scowl, his uniform was very fragrant.

Bai Luo Yin walked home with one shirtless. The wind was blowing strongly
that evening and it was quite cold that he couldn't help but to rub his hands on
his arms. After passing one block, an auntie who was sweeping the streets
saw Bai Luo Yin freezing. She was familiar with all the students that pass to
and from school. Something tugged her heart and offered to Bai Luo Yin,
"You can wear one of my coats and just return it back."

"I'm fine, auntie, I can just run and I won't feel cold anymore."

"Oh, okay.... Just be careful of the cars on the street!"

Passing through an intersection, Bai Luo Yin should've turned west, but his
foot took him to the north sidewalk instead. It was rush hour and people were
getting off from work. It was a sea of people everywhere. Bai Luo Yin was in
the middle of the bustling crowd, then suddenly he felt his surroundings
become cold and lonely.

"Your classmate Bai Luo Yin, is a bastard. His mother gave birth to him
but did not raise him."


Although Wu Fang had already been taught a lesson badly by Gu Hai, Bai
Luo Yin would still remember those words forever.

Gu Hai went home by taxi; he stopped at the traffic light and saw Bai Luo
Yin's figure from behind. Actually, his back can be easily recognized,
especially because Bai Luo Yin didn't wear any uniform. He had this
handsome figure and neat steps, he really stood out even when he was in the
middle of a huge crowd.

" Mister, could you please stop the car in front of that corner?"


Gu Hai alighted from the taxi and walked behind Bai Luo Yin. He wanted to
know what Bai Luo Yin is up to this late instead of going home.

They passed by a lot of streets, the sky was already getting dark when Bai
Luo Yin stopped in front of a food stall.

"Boss, give me 5 draft beers, 20 pork skewers, 5 beef tendons, 5 chicken

gristles, 3 fish skewers...."

Bai Luo Yin took note of all the foods he wanted to eat, and then found
himself a place to sit. Soon, the beer came to his table and Bai Luo Yin
immediately took a bottle and drank with big gulps. He then slowly began to
crack open the peanuts.

"You ordered so many food for yourself, can you finish them all?"
When he heard the familiar voice, Bai Luo Yin gazed up and saw Gu Hai
standing in front of him. His calm expression remained the same. Although
Bai Luo Yin was still doubtful when Gu Hai said that he didn't receive any
punishment, he saw no signs of worry on Gu Hai's face.

"Boss, give me another set of bowl and chopsticks!" Bai Luo Yin shouted.

Gu Hai smiled happily, "My slave-life has finally ended!"

Bai Luo Yin drank two mouthfuls of beer, his tone seems to be lacking its
usual sting and indifference, "If you want something cheaper, then just go
somewhere else."

Gu Hai just kept silent, picked up a pork skewer and took a bite. It actually
tasted pretty good.

Previously, he always thought that food from the roadside stalls were very
dirty. But now that he's sitting here, looking at the lively and messy scenery
around him, it unexpectedly made him feel really hungry.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 29


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 29: The Inquietude of Youth - Drinking to the heart's content.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Don't drink too much, it's bad for your stomach."

Gu Hai grabbed the glass from Bai Luo Yin's hand but Bai Luo Yin snatched
it back and drank it up. After he finished, he hiccupped and continued to eat
the meat skewer in his other hand.

Gu Hai suddenly took the skewer that Bai Luo Yin was eating and stuffed it
into his own mouth.

Bai Luo Yin's face fell, "There is a lot of food here, why on earth would
you snatch mine?"

"Because it makes me happy."

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin's face darkened before he turned and
shouted toward the stall. "Boss, give me one more beer!"
Gu Hai was stunned for a moment before he stopped Bai Luo Yin and
shouted to the owner. "It's enough, boss! No need to bring it here!"

"If you want to cause trouble for me, just get lost!"

In the end, Gu Hai couldn't restrain Bai Luo Yin as he ate and drank to his
heart's content. When Bai Luo Yin started to speak more and more, Gu Hai
knew he had too much.

"Actually, my mother is not like that. Although she never took care of
me since I was small until now, she never did those kinds of things. She
simply looked down on my father, that's all. She's just being realistic,
and wants to live in luxury..."

"I believe you," Gu Hai could not help but smile. "Luckily, you can still
see your mother. My mother is already gone."

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai in disbelief. All this time, he had thought that
Gu Hai's life was picture perfect to the point that it was boring him which
made him nitpicked other people.

"I know what you're thinking," Gu Hai lit a cigarette and looked at Bai
Luo Yin with a faint smile. "Besides you, have you ever seen me tease
anyone else?"

Bai Luo Yin reached out and Gu Hai passed him one cigarette. The smoke
lingered before their eyes as the surrounding people vanished in the smoky

"You have known about my family situation all along?" Bai Luo Yin

Gu Hai nodded, "I knew a little bit."

"So the reason why you nitpick and provoked me afterward is all just for
you to console your own heart?"

Gu Hai stubbed out his cigarette, drank one gulp of beer, and held back his
"This isn't called 'searching for your faults', this is called 'caring'. I'm
using a special kind of way to care for you."

"Don't use my tolerance to feed your shamelessness."

After Bai Luo Yin said those words, he laughed and so did Gu Hai. As they
laughed together, the hatred between them gradually vanished.

Gu Hai continued grilling the pork skewers and Bai Luo Yin continued to

As he watched Gu Hai busying himself in front of the hot grill, Bai Luo Yin
suddenly felt that this man had become quite approachable. Maybe it was
because of their shared tragedy that triggered the sympathy in Bai Luo Yin's
heart. Perhaps it was Gu Hai's sense of justice that moved Bai Luo Yin or
maybe, it was merely the effect of the alcohol... Bai Luo Yin suddenly
wanted to pour his entire heart out to this person.

"I have a lot of friends. They are always together when they're happy,
but when they have difficulties, they just keep their problems to

Gu Hai thought about his own friends and an amused smirk tugged at the
corner of his mouth. "A common problem among men, that can't be

Bai Luo Yin drank some more, "I used to have a girlfriend. She's very
pretty and her family is really rich, but we broke up. I have been
sleeping a lot in class lately because this matter has been bothering me..."

This night, Bai Luo Yin talked about many things and Gu Hai simply sat
silently beside him and listened with earnest. Bai Luo Yin spoke of his pain
and his difficulties without any reservation, including how his family
situation had brought obstacles to his relationship, the unrealistic love of this
long-distance relationship with Shi Hui, as well as the worries about his
future, the conflicts with his mother, and not to mention the painful hatred he
had against the gap caused by social classes...
When Bai Luo Yin stopped talking, Gu Hai felt a barrier raise up again
between them, back in its place where Bai Luo Yin had raised it first. They
had been getting a little bit closer earlier, but this barrier separated them once

Bai Luo Yin was completely drunk as he stood up to go and take a leak. Gu
Hai barely managed to drag him to an empty space and told him to do it

Bai Luo Yin reached for the zipper to pull it down, where there was none on
this pair, instead, he had to pull it down to take a leak.

When he saw Bai Luo Yin was about to release, Gu Hai's expression changed
and he quickly stopped Bai Luo Yin. "Don't pee yet! Pull down your
trousers first, then you can do it!"

"I took it off already!"

Bai Luo Yin threw his hands up to show his palms while his face was red
with a silly smile.

Gu Hai released a snort of amusement, "What did you take off? Isn't it still
on your body?"

Bai Luo Yin looked down, as expected the trousers were still clinging to his

"Take it off for what, I can just pee right away, it saves the trouble."

"Who do you save the trouble for?" Gu Hai darted to in front of Bai Luo
Yin and use one hand to pull down his trousers while his other hand held Bai
Luo Yin's hand and then helped him to hold his member. "Hold this, now

Bai Luo Yin listened to Gu Hai obediently and started to pee. Gu Hai took
advantage of the moonlight and stole a glance at Bai Luo Yin's member.
Every man has one common problem, when they see another man exposing
his manhood, he would always make size comparisons between his own and
the others'.

After Bai Luo Yin finished, he looked at Gu Hai, "Aren't you going to

"Not now."

Bai Luo Yin pointed at Gu Hai's trousers, "Then, take your trousers off
too, let's compare who's bigger!"

Gu Hai let out a wide smile while pulling up Bai Luo Yin's trousers. "Next
time... next time..."

As Bai Luo Yin walked around tipsily, he would bump into something every
two steps. Gu Hai couldn't stand it anymore, so he crouched down to carry
Bai Luo Yin on his back.

Bai Luo Yin's arms rested across Gu Hai's shoulder and his hot breath fanned
over Gu Hai's neck. Gu Hai could feel his own neck burning hot every time
he lifted him up and Bai Luo Yin would nestle his cheek close to his neck.

"Are you sleepy?" Gu Hai asked.

"En...?" Bai Luo Yin replied in a daze.

Gu Hai's tone had never been this gentle, "Go to sleep for a while and
you'll be home soon."

"Who is going to sleep? Who is going to sleep?" Bai Luo Yin suddenly
raised his voice and punched Gu Hai's left cheek, "Do you want to cut my
jacket with a pair of scissors again?"

That punched made half of Gu Hai's face ache with pain. The patience he had
for Bai Luo Yin alone was unfathomable when compared to how he treated
other people. Even he himself did not understand why he could not get angry
when faced with this stupid guy.

"You jerk!"
Bai Luo Yin shouted toward the dark and empty street.

"If you say such things like that again, believe it or not, I will throw you
in a ditch."

Bai Luo Yin didn't say a word as his breath spread over Gu Hai's ear
regularly once he fell asleep. Perhaps, all the talking that he had done had
finally unburdened his chest. As Gu Hai continued to carry Bai Luo Yin, he
felt that the wind that night wasn't really cold.


A trail of hot liquid traveled down Gu Hai's neck, rolled down to his chest
and embedded itself inside his heart-awakening the emotions that he had
suppressed for the longest of time.


Once Bai Han Qi saw Bai Luo Yin, his anxiousness finally dispersed as he
hurriedly pulled Bai Luo Yin down from Gu Hai's back. He continuously
muttered to himself, "Finally found him! I'm not brave enough to talk
about this matter with his grandmother, quick, get inside the house!"

"I will not be coming inside," Gu Hai replied as he took off the jacket he
was wearing and gave it to Bai Han Qi.

"This is Bai Luo Yin's jacket. It's pretty cold nowadays, please give him
more clothes to wear later on!"

"Eh..." Bai Han Qi looked at Gu Hai gratefully, "Thank you so much for
your help today."

"It's nothing, his mind wasn't at ease today, so he drank a little bit of
alcohol but he should be okay by tomorrow morning."

Bai Han Qi nodded and as he watched Gu Hai's retreating back, he could not
help but sigh.
"What kind of family is capable of raising a child as good as him?"
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 30


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 30: The Inquietude of Youth - The ARGUMENT Between


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Gu Hai arrived home, it was already past 10 pm, the lights on his
house was on, and he didn't know who opened the door. Gu Hai went inside
his house and saw an unexpected figure sitting on the couch.

Gu Wei Ting's face was frozen, his entire body giving out a formidable aura
full of anger. His eyes followed Gu Hai's movement quietly and he pursed his
lips firmly, as if he was waiting for Gu Hai to open his mouth first.

Gu Hai didn't even spare a look at Gu Wei Ting, he calmly put down his
school bag, took off his shoes, then he walked into his bedroom to change his
clothes, only to discover that his wardrobe was already empty.

"Where's my clothes?"

Gu Wei Ting's heart suddenly sank, he hadn't seen Gu Hai for almost a
month, if not because of the phone call from the school principal today, he
would still be in the army camp right now. He came here not only in anger
but with yearning as well, he took care of all the problems that Gu Hai made,
and he only wanted to hear one word from Gu Hai's mouth, "Dad", yet the
first words that Gu Hai said to him was asking about his own things.

Gu Hai didn't receive any answer, his eyes shifted away from Gu Wei Ting's
face, and soon he saw a suitcase on the floor.

Gu Wei Ting didn't beat around the bush.

"I packed your things already, come home with me right now. I will not
say anything about your fight this afternoon. Tomorrow, I will send
someone to take care of your school transfer procedures, go back to your
old school. Jiang Yuan will bring his son too. Both of you will study at
the same school, so you have to try to accept him as your brother."

Gu Hai slowly turned his head and gazed at the night sky outside his window.

"Don't ever expect that I will go back with you, not a chance!"

After he said that, Gu Hai wanted to drag his suitcase back to his own room,
but Gu Wei Ting's foot halted him and he couldn't be stirred at all.

"You have to go back today. Even if you don't want to, you still have to
go back. This is an order."

Gu Hai looked at his father fiercely, "You are not my commander, you
have no right to order me! Even if you want to kill me right now, I still
won't live together with that family! Brother? What *** brother? I will
only say this today, wherever that family stays, don't ever expect me to
step into that place!"

Gu Wei Ting abruptly stood up, strangled Gu Hai's neck, and easily dragged
him to the window. Gu Hai's room was on 8th floor. Although Gu Wei Ting
merely used a little bit force, Gu Hai would definitely fall down.

"Fine, you prefer to be dead rather than to go home, right? Today I'll
kill you, don't you ever shout if you have the guts, I will act as if I don't
have a son like you!"

Gu Hai clenched his jaw, his body was completely straight, and his dark eyes
fused together with the night sky outside.

Both refused to budge, Gu Wei Ting exerted more force to his hand, and Gu
Hai's body got out even more easily. Gu Wei Ting saw that Gu Hai didn't
struggle at all and suddenly withdrew the strength from his hand, then he
pulled Gu Hai back inside. After all of this, Gu Hai didn't even feel anything,
instead it was Gu Wei Ting who was sweating all over.

"Are you satisfied now?" Gu Hai looked at Gu Wei Ting. "Please go back!
I'm going to take a shower and sleep. I still have school tomorrow."

"If I didn't provide you with everything, you think you'd be able to live
this well? That you can easily rent a house more than one hundred
square meters like this? I'll tell you this, I will cut off all of your
allowances right now! In less than a month, you'll be begging for me to
take you back!"

"Now that you've achieved your purpose, why are you still wasting your
time to come here? You can cut off my allowance immediately, do it
right now. Just go back and wait nicely! Just watch whether or not I'll go
back and beg you!"

"You think I wouldn't dare to do it?"

"I've never think that way. You never have something that you wouldn't
dare to do."

Gu Wei Ting clenched his fists and frowned, giving off a ruthless and
tyrannical aura. When he was still young and being faced with this kind of
unfilial son, he would've shot and killed him already. But now that he's old,
had lost a wife, and over 40 years old already, he had just started to
understand the meaning of a family, however that family has already fallen

"I don't have a son like you."

After he said that, Gu Wei Ting left with a somber face.

Gu Hai sat on the couch, dumbfounded for a while, then he breathed softly,
he realized that he wasn't feeling that uncomfortable. Whenever he had a big
fight with Gu Wei Ting in the past, on the outside Gu Hai would still seem
happy, but that fight would still stuck inside his mind for a long time. But this
time, on the outside he seemed happy, and on the inside, he still felt happy.
Gu Hai's heart eventually felt a faint sense of joy.

No allowance?

So that means, in the future he is also a poor person?

Then with this, he would be able to open the barrier between him and Bai
Luo Yin.

Is there anything else that would make him happier than this?

Gu Hai looked as if he was possessed, he packed all his things inside his
room, then he phoned his landlord that late night, immediately tell him that
he was going to move out from this place, and he intended to rent a single-
story house near Bai Luo Yin's house. The more damaged, the better.

He also decided to sell all the valuable things he had, especially his limited
edition mobile phone, he wanted to change it to a secondhand, old phone;
also, the branded shoes on his feet, he must replace it with the pirated-edition
ones sold on the street stalls. He also removed his branded watch from his
wrist, if it's really no good then he could just use a ballpoint pen to draw one.

Translator Note:

[1] 'He could just use a ballpoint pen to draw one': means that he can use a
pen to draw a 'watch' on his wrist.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 31


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 31: The Inquietude of Youth - Today, the weather is sunny. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"It is currently 6 AM in Beijing."

The next morning, Gu Hai was awakened by the sound of a weather

announcement from his newly purchased old-school cell phone. He would
normally get up at 5 o'clock every morning, but last night, he had tossed and
turned the entire time in bed and did not get a good night's sleep. He was out
looking for a rental at the night market until midnight. When he had finally
found a place to stay, the sound of crickets kept him awake. It was close to
dawn when he finally succumbed to sleep.

However, Gu Hai was filled with excitement and delight today. He jumped
out of his wooden-crooked single bed, put on his 30 yuan sneakers, and
washed himself for a bit, before he went out riding his secondhand bike.

He felt very refreshed and happy as he rode away.

Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin's state of mind was the complete opposite.
This particular morning, he woke up with a splitting headache and an upset
stomach.. His memories of the previous night were blurry. He could not
remember how he managed to get home. He only remembered that he was
out eating barbeque. He also remembered that he bumped into Gu Hai and
they chatted for a while. However, he could not recall what happened during
the rest of the night.

Bai Luo Yin glanced at the clock - it was already past 6 AM. He knew that he
was would definitely be late to school again.

After eating a bowl of beancurd at Aunt Zou's breakfast stall, Bai Luo Yin's
upset stomach finally settled as he got his appetite back. And while he was
paying, he asked Aunt Zou, "Auntie, do you know how to wash blood
stains off of clothes?"

Bai Luo Yin had assumed that any woman would know how to do this.

"Just soak it in cold water for a while and rub it a few times with sulfur
soap. If you really can't wash it off, then give it to me and I will wash it
for you."

"There's no need to. I can wash it myself."

Bai Luo Yin paid for his meal, and instead of heading off to school, he went
home. He took out Gu Hai's uniform and soaked it in a basin of cold water.
He then continued on his way to school.

He hadn't walked far yet when he ran into Gu Hai who was riding a bicycle.

Gu Hai's bicycle did not have any bells, but the frame creaked loudly as he
rode it; the noise was quite noticeable. The brake was also defective, but
fortunately Gu Hai was able to use his long legs to halt his bike to a full stop
smoothly in front of Bai Luo Yin.

"Come, bro [1] will take you to school."

Bai Luo Yin simply ignored Gu Hai and continued to walk ahead.

"Your bike is really lousy. If I ride with you, it will definitely collapse!"
"You're walking, but you can still look down on someone who's riding a

Although Gu Hai was riding a bicycle, he maintained the same walking speed
as Bai Luo Yin's pace.

They were two people traveling on the same path - one was walking while
the other was riding a bicycle; even if the other was annoyingly noisy and
fooling around, one would still feel obligated to start a conversation.
Nevertheless, Bai Luo Yin kept his silence for some time. Unconsciously,
however, he glanced at Gu Hai and realized that Gu Hai had been staring at
him the entire time.

"How can you ride a bike looking sideways instead of looking at front?"
Bai Luo Yin warned him.

Gu Hai' smiled, "The front view is not as beautiful as my side view!"

Bai Luo Yin pretended not to hear him.

"So, your family also lives around here?"

"Right!" Gu Hai said as if it was the truth. "I've always lived in this area."

"Then, why haven't I ever met you before?"

"This is the first time I'm late to school. I'm sure that on a normal day,
you're not even up yet when I've started riding!"

"I am familiar with everyone in this neighbourhood. What's your

father's name?"

Gu Hai deliberately changed the subject.

"Why don't you ask me why I'm late today?"

Bai Luo Yin's mind was like a clear mirror. He clearly knew the answer, yet
he still feigned ignorance.
"How would I know?"

"You drank too much last night. I carried you on my back all the way to
your front door. You held onto me so tight, not wanting to let me go at
all. You didn't even want to go inside your house when we've arrived."

"Can you be even more thick-skinned than this?" Bai Luo Yin gave Gu
Hai a look of disgust. "Even if I were to hug someone, I won't hug you!"

"You can say this now. But who was the one crying and whining last
night, spilling all of his past, sentimental secrets? I was innocently eating
the meat skewers, when you suddenly threw yourself at me, calling out
'Hui-er, Hui-er' [2]. It gave me goosebumps......"

Bai Luo Yin had a slight recollection of the words that he said to Gu Hai last
night. But now that he think about it again, he felt strange and uneasy. Those
secrets were buried in the deepest corner of his heart, so why did he
carelessly blurt them out to such an untrustworthy person?

"Last night, a drunken guy wanted to pee, but he had yet to pull his
pants down. He was lucky that I was there to pull them down on time, or
else his crotch would still be wet until this morning!"

Bai Luo Yin started to cuss inwardly as Gu Hai continued on with his

"I told him that I didn't need to pee, but this guy insisted that I take off
my pants to compare whose thing is bigger. Bai Luo Yin, tell me, don't
you think that this guy is really shameless?"

On the surface, Gu Hai was definitely mocking Bai Luo Yin. At the same
time, however, Bai Luo Yin's charming and innocent expressions while drunk
were stuck in his mind. And the more he think about it, the more amused he
feels. Pretty soon, he bursted out laughing.

Gu Hai's laughter annoyed Bai Luo Yin so much that he rushed towards him.
Gu Hai noticed and tried to accelerate. Unfortunately for Gu Hai, his bike
was old and defective. Hence before Gu Hai was able to gain any speed, Bai
Luo Yin had managed to grab onto the backseat.

Gu Hai felt the increased weight as Bai Luo Yin jumped onto the back of his

"Just now, when I asked you nicely to get on the bike, you refused. So, I
have to insult you first to make you listen to me before you get on the
bike. huh?..... AH!! ... You dare to hit me sneakily?!"

Gu Hai turned his head around and saw that Bai Luo Yin's back was facing

"Eh... Why are you facing backwards?"

"I'm not in the mood to look at you."

Gu Hai peddled steadily down the road. The bicycle seats were narrow and it
could barely fit two people sitting back to back. Still, they sat in a kappa
posture and passed by street after street. This was the first time Bai Luo Yin
could enjoy the scenery along his way to school. In the past, he was always in
a hurry, so he never got the chance to appreciate the crisp, morning air.

"Hey, so you carried me back home last night?"

Gu Hai smiled faintly, "So, you finally remembered?"

"I'm just guessing."

"I carried you home twice already. When will you carry me home, too?"

"Don't you have legs?"

"You have legs too, so why do I have to carry you?"

"You're the one who carried me. So, why are you asking me?"

Gu Hai glanced down for a moment. With his hands on the handlebars, he
made a sudden u-turn and ran over some rocks when he slowed down. As a
result, the bicycle jolted very hard as if it would fall apart. One could only
imagine how it felt for Bai Luo Yin who was sitting on the back seat.

Bai Luo Yin avoided falling off the bicycle by holding firmly onto the rear
frame. At first, he had thought that the pavement was originally uneven, but
he soon realized that the bumps were only getting worse. It turned out that Gu
Hai was purposely riding on the uneven road instead of the smoother
counterpart. There's obviously a smoother road beside, yet this person
refused to use it!

"Do you even know how to ride a bike properly?"

"This is the highest level of cycling. I'm working out in the front, while
you're getting a special massage treatment on the back. This is a natural
way to improve your health!"

Bai Lu Yin jabbed Gu Hai with his elbow, right at Gu Hai's waist. It tingled -
it's almost like Bai Luo Yin had uncovered his trigger point. Gu Hai took a
deep breath; his waist burned hotly at the spot where he was jobbed. As he
continued to ponder over this strange feeling, he concluded that it felt good,
in a way/it actually didn't feel that bad.

Today's weather is truly a different kind of sunny.

Translator Note:

[1] The term "Bro" that Gu Hai used refers to himself as a friend, and not as a
brother in the sense of siblings.

[2] When Bai Luoyin was calling "Hui er, Hui er" (慧儿、慧儿), it refers to
his ex-girlfriend's name, Shi Hui (石慧).
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 32


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 32: The Inquietude of Youth - Here, a pleasant scent

permeates. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The water in the basin he soaked Gu Hai's uniform shirt with before leaving
for school had already turned yellow by the time he got back in the
afternoon.. He picked up the shirt and gave it a closer look, noticing a that
large yellowish blemish persistently remained in the middle. It's not going to
be easy removing that stain, he thought.

Bai Luo Yin rarely did the laundry. Most of the time, it was his father who
did the laundry most of the time. Only once in a while, when Bai Han Qi
wasn't at home, would Bai Luo Yin wash some of his clothes and perhaps
throw in a few pieces of his grandparent's. But it's still very likely that he
couldn't wash them clean enough.

To remove the stubborn residue, Bail Lou Yin fetched a small, short wooden
stool, sat down, and began to wash. Considering that his height was over 180
centimeters, the stool was simply a tad small, which made it too strenuous to
have his legs stretched properly. Nevertheless, he anticipated that the task
would only take a while longer, and thus, decided to bear with the
uncomfortable posture he was in.

In the end, Bai Luo Yin guessed wrong.

Eliminating the tenacious mark was not a matter that could be settled in a
short amount of time. Regardless of the detergent he used, whether it was the
powdered detergent or Aunt Zou's sulfur soap, the stain merely faded a little
and could not be completely removed. Bai Luo Yin was already tired even
though he had just started washing for a while. This type of exhaustion is
completely different from the weariness felt from exercising. Despite the fact
that hard physical exercise may leave the body aching and worn out, but the
mental state remains calm and relaxed. However, this boring and tedious task
wears down everything.. Not only does it drain the body, but also saps the
mind with restlessness. As young and determined Bai Lou Yin was, he was at
the brink of throwing the uniform away.

To tell the truth, there was a brief moment he actually considered replacing
the uniform with a new one. Nonetheless, having to spend 40 yuan quickly
steered him away from this original idea.

"Lao Bai, Lao Bai." [1]

Aunt Zou's kind and gentle voice drifted into his ears.

Bai Luo Yin stood up, and used his arm to wipe away the glistening sweat
pooling on his forehead as he turned and smiled at Aunt Zou's direction.

"Auntie, you're here."

"Yes, I am!" Aunt Zou was wearing a big apron. Her long hair was bundled,
forming a loose knot at the back of her head, and on her smooth, childlike-
rounded face, settled a warm smile.

" I just made a whole lot of dumplings awhile ago, so I thought I'd bring
some over to you guys. The stuffing is minced pork with star anise
Bai Luo Yin wiped his hand with a piece of cloth that was hanging on the
clothesline. He couldn't help but drop a praise as he appreciatively took the
plate from her hand. "Smell so good!!"

"Nah, don't be ridiculous!", Aunt Zou said with a humorous tone. "You're
already used to your father's cooking, of course anyone else's food would
seem delicious.."

Bai Han Qi just came out of the kitchen. When he saw both aunt Zou and the
plate in Bai Luo Yin's hand, his face immediately blushed red.. Strenuously,
suppressing his awkwardly overjoyed, yet embarrassed expression, he forced
a wooden smile and addressed her in an unnaturally courteous manner.

"Ahh... What a coincidence!! I was just thinking of inviting you over for
dinner with us. And here you are, so kind, as far as to bring this
delightful dish over to us."

Bai Luo Yin slanted his eyes at Bai Han Qi, he wouldn't give him any chance
to leave.

"Dad, don't tell me you're going to serve Aunt Zou that hideous dish?"

"Why not? The stir-fried eggplants that I made for you last time, wasn't
it good?"

Some incidents were better-off unspoken. Once Ban Ha Qi mentioned the

eggplant tragedy, Bai Lou Yin nearly exploded. It goes without saying that
Bai Luo Yin really loved eating eggplant. The stir-fried eggplant dish that
Grandmother Bai made was especially delicious. That day, Bai Han Qi
insisted on helping by cutting the eggplants himself. Sadly, after that, the he
forgot to soak the sliced vegetable with salt water. As a result, when the
eggplants were fried, all of them turned black, and resembled more of pickles
when arranged in a dish. Yet this was only the tip of the iceberg. What really
blew Bai Lou Yin over the top was when he ate the dish and discovered that
not only did Ban Hai Qi double the amount of salt, but he also mistakenly
added dark soy sauce, as well . After Bai Lou Yin finished the dreadful
eggplants , he couldn't utter even a single word.
Aunt Zou caught a glimpse of the clothes inside the washtub. Since Bai Han
Qi was in the kitchen until a while ago, out of curiosity, she asked, "Who's
washing the clothes"

"Oh, it's me." Bai Lou Yin simply replied.

Aunt Zou became slightly concerned. "How can your dad let you do these
laborious tasks?"

"Why not?" Bai Luo Yin laughed heartily.

Without further ado, Aunt Zou walked towards the washtub, sat down, and
started scrubbing the clothes with her hands.

"Your job is to study, meanwhile the kind of thing is our job."

At first, Bai Luo Yin was flustered and wanted to stop her. But as he
approached, seeing her wash with determination and might, he suddenly lost
his courage to extend his hand and put her to a halt.. For some reason, Aunt
Zou, a typical day-to-day housewife whom by no means was any stronger
than him, seemed to exude this strong willful power while taking action. In a
nick of a time, the once recognizable stain, gradually fainted with each and
every heavy stroke applied and eventually disappeared. To his astonishment,
her handicraft was as if divine light itself had shown and exorcised evil from
the once barren piece of land. There's bound to be an expert and an ameteur
in every field.

Aunt Zou drained the dirty water and poured more fresh water into the
washtub. After soaking and rinsing the uniform a few more times, the
previously tragic scene was now laundered into a pleasant view. Although
not comparable to one entirely new uniform, but at least the horrendous
bloodstains were nowhere to be seen anymore.

Looking at the white uniform on the hanging on the clothes rack, Bai Luo
Yin's heart unknowingly brightened up.

The next morning, Gu Hai rode his bike and strolled around Bai Lou Yin's
neighborhood. It wasn't until quite a while that Bai Lou Yin's silhouette
appeared amidst the morning sunrays. The corners of Gu Hai's mouth
revealed a beautiful smile as he lifted his tall and slender legs and thrusted the
wheels forward, leaving dewdrops behind.

Bai Luo Yin was walking his usual pace when a bicycle suddenly brushed
against his body. The bicycle itself was rather swift. Moreover,
complemented with the rider's heavy build, the draft wind it created was
strong enough to make Bai Luo Yin lose his footing as his body leaned
slightly forward.

Without a second thought, he had already deducted who the stupid

perpetrator behind this was.

Just as the bicycle was about to pass, Gu Hai suddenly leaned toward the side
and stepped the ground. With a sharp pull at the grip and a slam on the
brakes, the wheels immediately stopped, leaving the remainder of the bike to
shift and draw a beautiful arc on the ground. Gu Hai smiled at Bai Luo Yin as
he leisurely turned his head towards the mark of his antic. From Bai Lou
Yin's point of view, it was more or less a young devil's grin, mischievously
honest and annoyingly playful at the same time. Perhaps, it was the early rays
of sunrise that helped paint a dash of tenderness on Gu Hai's stern, masculine

However, Bai Luo Yin was incapable of admiring Gu Hai. He nonchalantly

walked away and threw a few icy words.

"You can still drift with that lousy, second-hand bike?"

Gu Hai was half-walking and half-riding the bike, following Bai Lou Yin
from behind, "How do you know it's a second-handed one?"

"A bike gets stolen every day in this area. If yours were new, it would've
went missing by now."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Gu Hai's expression showed an

emotional setback. "If I had known earlier that bikes are easily stolen
here, I wouldn't have spent so much money on it."
"Didn't you say that you've always lived here? How can you not be not
aware of this problem?"

Of course, Gu Hai mentally choked hearing this sentence.

"Aunt Zou, please give us two bowls of bean curd, five sausage-stuffed
sesame seed bread, and two deep-fried sugar pancakes."

Gu Hai also called towards Aunt Zou, "Give me a portion as well, the same
as Bai Lou Yin's."

Bai Lou Yin jolted and glared at Gu Hai with a surprised look.

Gu Hai asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Actually, Bai Lou Yin intended to tell him that the order he placed earlier
included portions for both of them. But since Gu Hai had already shouted out
his order, Bai Lou Yin became reluctant, and later decided to drop the topic

The two boys sat in front of the table piled with breakfast. Honestly speaking,
Bai Luo Yin had no difficulties finishing all the foods alone. At most, he
would just eat less during lunchtime. However, he was more worried about
the possibility of Gu Hai wasting it. food. Afterall, Aunt Zou does serve
'generously' for her line of business.. Furthermore, all her dishes are Chinese
authentic and traditionally prepared.l. Precisely because of this, Bai Lou Yin
absolutely loathed the customers that spared leftovers when eating here.

Gu Hai took a bite of the deep-fried sugar pancake. The outer crust was
crunchy crisp while the inner dough was chewy soft. It tasted twice the
deliciousness when it completely melted inside the mouth.

"It's been a long time since I've last had such authentic, traditional
sweet, deep-fried pancakes."

Originally, Gu Hai intended to say that he was around five or six years old
when he first tried traditional pancakes. The words were on the verge of his
tongue, but he then, quickly realized that this first meal at Aunt Zou's might
just turn out to be his last if his secrets were to be exposed. As such, he
thought that it would be better to guard his mouth and decided to swallowed
the words half-way.

"Where do you usually go for breakfast?" Bai Luo Yin asked casually.

"...Usually....Hmmm,.... I don't specifically have a certain place. It's

more like randomly buyingstuff along the way and make do with it."

Bai Luo Yin didn't probe any further and focused more on finishing his own
meal. Bai Lou Yin had a peculiar habit of eating sesame seed breads. He
always separated the stuffing from bread. He would finish the sausages first,
and then the remaining bread later, always in this orderly manner. As such, a
stack of five thick sesame seed bread slowly amassed as he nibbled away the

Gu Hai noticed this and assumed that Bai Lou Yin doesn't like to eat the
bread, so he removed all the ham sausages from his sesame seed breads and
placed them on Bai Lou Yin's plate. Then, took Bai Luo Yin's pile of sesame
seed breads all for himself and put it in his own plate.

Bai Lou Yin was slightly baffled. Thus, he raised head and shot a curious
glance at Gu Hai whom appeared to be gobbling up all the bland sesame seed
bread without a faintest sign of reluctance.

Gu Hai paused when he felt the pair of eyes staring at him. "Does it make
you full when you watch me eating?"

"I can't exactly say whether I'm full or not, but I certainly don't feel like
eating anymore."

Despite his sharp, stingy replies, Bai Lou Yin's impression towards Gu Hai
had somewhat changed. Initially he felt that Gu Hai was more of a distasteful
jerk, a plague-like existence, the last person he'd be around with. Later on he
forgave him and found him tolerable to a certain degree. As of now, he felt
that it was passable, if not agreeable with Gu Hai around. He even felt slight
tinges of good impression and fondness towards Gu Hai. For a person like
Bai Lou Yin, who judged and condemned people for life based on first
impressions, such development towards anybody was unheard of. Gu Hai 's
improvement was exceptional.

"Alright, I've finished eating. Let's go!"

The sight of empty plates and bowls dispelled Bai Lou Yin's worries. This
was the first time he encountered a well-matched rival at eating. As expected,
his good physique isn't only from physical training but from eating properly
as well, he thought.

Gu Hai grabbed the bike and rode to school with Bai Lou Yin.

You Qi had spotted Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin coming to class together twice
already. He was extremely puzzled, given the fact that both of them were not
on good terms. He couldn't resist himself from asking, "Why do you come
to school together with him?"

"I ran into him by coincidence."

You Qi still wanted to ask further, but Bai Lou Yin had already turned around
and diverted his attention elsewhere.

He tossed a bundle of cloth at Gu Hai..

Quick with his hands, he caught it right away and shook it a few times to
undo the folding. Gu Hai was rendered speechless as he gazed at the uniform.
It wasn't until a while that he finally asked Bai Lou Yin, "Whose uniform is

"You even need to ask me whose uniform it is? You think I'll give you
my uniform?"

"This is mine?", Gu Hai exclaimed.

Gu Hai had already forgotten about this matter. Before he transferred to this
school, Fang Fei had already prepared unlimited school uniforms for him.
Accordingly, he couldn't care less when that bloodstained uniform went
missing.. He even thought that Bai Lou Yin already threw it away.
"This is the uniform you wore in the fight the other day.", he pointed out
as he conveniently laid on the desk preparing for his afternoon nap.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, was completely exhilarated. He couldn't stay calm
as he kept on poking Bai Lou Yin with his large pincer-like hands, asking
him over and over again, "Were you the one who washed the uniform?"


"Come on! Stop lying." Gu Hai said with a canny smile on his face, "You
dare to let your family see this uniform?"

"You know yet you still ask!", Bai Lou Yin replied indifferently.

Afterwards, Gu Hai continued to put on his smiling face for God knows how
long. The expression in his eyes was just like a pair of hooks, they were stuck
on Bai Lou Yin as they kept skimming up and down his entire body.

Bai Lou Yin washed my clothes?

Gu Hai felt awfully satisfied and happy imagining that particular scene. A
smart, handsome, young man washing my clothes with his very own hands.
And yet, it wasn't getting anywhere near the cleanliness he wanted. He must
have been annoyed, and thought: Why should I wash his clothes? I might as
well throw it away! Then, his conscious would pester him endlessly until the
thought left him completely. His eyebrows would knit like a knot and it
would only loosen when the shirt is properly cleaned.

He had no idea that the smell of soap could actually be this intoxicating.

Translator Note:

[1] Lao Bai is a nickname for Bai Lou Yin's dad. Just like Da Hai. Lit. means
Old Bai.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 33


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 33: The Inquietude of Youth - Feelings began to change. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After Gu Hai went back to his home, he folded his uniform, then he put it
inside his closet. His old mobile phone suddenly rang, producing a deafening
ringtone because it was so loud.

"Da Hai ah! Da Hai!"

When Gu Hai heard it, he knew right away that it was Li Shuo, who always
had nothing to do.

"Da Hai, what are you busy with these days? Why did you never contact
this brother of yours?"

Li Shuo's words caused Gu Hai's body to tense for a few seconds, indeed, he
hadn't get in touch with his buddies for quite a while. Since he changed his
phone and sold his computer, he couldn't even connect to internet. Because
he had no internet connection, and his phone was not a decent one too, Gu
Hai was too lazy to contact anyone else.
"I'm not really busy with anything, just went to classes, and then sleep.
It's pretty boring."

When Li Shuo heard that, he was very happy.

"Then, let's go out on Saturday, let's call Hu Zi too, he bought a new car
and wanted to show it off to you. Are you coming to our place, or do you
want us to pick you up?"

Gu Hai's eyes suddenly revealed a completely cautious look.

"I'll go to your place. From now on if there's nothing important, don't

come and look for me. If it's something really urgent, then give me a call
first, after I said okay then you can come."

"What shameful thing have you done this time? Why are you so afraid
that we would see..."

Gu Hai just casually brushed it off, "It's nothing, just remember my words
and that's enough. See you on Saturday."

After he finished speaking, Gu Hai hurriedly hang up the call.

Not long after that, his phone rang again.

"Gu Hai!!"

A loud voice from the other side of the phone shocked Gu Hai.

"During these past few days, why did you never call me first?"

Gu Hai took a deep breath, what did he do wrong these days, why is everyone
talking to him as if they were demanding payment from him like he was
indebted to them?

"Didn't we talk on the phone every day?"

Jin Lu Lu's voice could be heard from his old mobile phone, it was extremely
"Yes, we talked on the phone every day, but it's always me who called
you first, you never take the initiative to call me! You weren't like this
before, you're always the one who called me first. You... Are you
cheating on me?"

"Who am I cheating you with?" Gu Hai replied angrily. "Can you not be
paranoid all day long? You weren't this narrow-minded before! If I'm
really cheating on you, I wouldn't answer your call!"

Jin Lu Lu was sobbing, "Then, why didn't you call me first?"

Truthfully speaking, giving someone a call needs money, while receiving a

call is free. Gu Hai used to not care about these things before, even if he fell
asleep in the middle of phone call, the phone would be always connected
until dawn. But now he can't do that anymore, he only wanted to receive a
call, if he take the initiative to call someone first, he felt that he would suffer
losses. Moreover, if he used this phone for too long, it would heat up and he's
worried that his phone would die suddenly, so he simply didn't call her.

"I'm busy these few days because I'm moving to a new place, so I
couldn't contact you."

Jin Lu Lu breathed slowly and said with a tactful tone, "Where did you
move to?"

Gu Hai lifted his head to look up at the ceiling whose paint had fallen off, he
went silent for a long time before saying, "I moved to an apartment which
is not far away from school, even if I tell you the address you wouldn't
remember it."

"Tell me. If you tell me, I will definitely remember it. I will go to your
place when holiday comes."

Gu Hai's expression changed, nevertheless his manner of speaking was still

steady and firm.

"Don't come here, you're a girl and if you come a long way here, I'll be
really worried."
Jin Lu Lu sighed heavily, "But I want to see your current life situation,
since you started school up until now, I've never been to your place at all,
I didn't even know how you are doing."

"I'm doing very good. As long as you're doing good, then I'm fine too."

Jin Lu Lu went silent for a quite while, her tone suddenly became somewhat

"Gu Hai, you've changed."

"How have I changed?"

"You've never said anything good like what you've just said before. Do
you really have a new girlfriend?"

Gu Hai immediately hang up the call, if he didn't hear it, then it wouldn't
bother his heart. He didn't understand why suddenly he just lost all the
patience he had towards the girl, whom he'd always thought as a perfect girl.

After a while, the phone rang again, the sound was still as ear-piercing as
before. The walls here were very thin and there were other people living
beside him, Gu Hai was afraid he would bother everyone else, so he just
turned off his phone.

When Gu Hai was lying on his bed, his heart felt a little tight.

He suddenly remembered one thing, with Jin Lu Lu's temper, supposed if he

was in a cold war with her, then the one who'd lose their patience first would
be her. And what does it mean? It means that she would go all the way here
to find him, and then she would reveal his real identity as well as his family

This can't be happening!

Gu Hai went down from his bed again, took a couple big steps towards the
table, and picked up his phone. Right after he turned on the phone, it rang
again, Gu Hai hastily picked up the call. However, since the phone's reaction
was too slow, while Gu Hai's action was too fast, as a result, just when he
was about to answer the call, the phone crashed right away.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 34


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 34: The Inquietude of Youth - Actually, you've heard it

wrong. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After quite a while, when Gu Hai reckoned that Jin Lu Lu had calmed down,
he turned on his phone again. It did not ring immediately this time. There
were no incoming calls even when Gu Hai had waited for some time. So, he
reluctantly called her back.


Heavy nasal sounds reached Gu Hai's ears and right at that moment, his heart
trembled. Jin Lu Lu was a really tough girl who rarely cried. As long as Gu
Hai could remember, Jin Lu Lu never shed a tear, not even once.

"Okay okay, don't cry anymore."

Jin Lu Lu sobbed hastily, she could not even finish her sentences.

"I know I shouldn't be imagining things... But, you've changed so

much... Previously, although we studied at different schools, I always feel
like you're beside me... But now, I feel... I feel that you're really far away
from me..."

Gu Hai went silent for a bit, "It's not that far, just half an hour journey
with the high-speed train."

Jin Lu Lu's tears turned into laughter, "Why did you hang up on my call

"I didn't hang up, the signal was bad."

Gu Hai suddenly realized that he could tell lies so easily now.

Jin Lu Lu only hummed twice, "These past two days, I have a migraine
and it hurts so bad. I can't bear the pain."

Gu Hai looked at the time, five minutes had passed.

"This is because you always look at the computer and you played too
much with your phone. You also put your phone on your ear to answer
the call. Just imagine the magnitude of the radiation! Listen, sleep earlier
okay? When you wake up tomorrow, you should be fine already."

Jin Lu Lu took a deep breath, "Can you come and see me this Saturday?"

"I have an appointment with Li Shuo and Hu Zi already this Saturday.

How about Sunday? I don't have anything to do on Sunday."

"You've always thought they're more important than me."

"This is not about who is more important, I made a promise with

someone else already. I have to do what I've promised to do!"

Jin Lu Lu went quiet for a long time, then she faintly replied, "I'm going to
my classmate's birthday party on Sunday, so I don't have any spare time
on that day. Just come over next week then, or I would be too tired."

When she hung up the call, Gu Hai could still hear her disappointed sigh.
His lights were already turned off. Gu Hai suddenly remembered two years
ago around this time, Jin Lu Lu led a group of girls to break the glass at the
school director's home. Then, she went back to school and openly challenged
the school principal. She was wild and straightforward at that time. She was
so clear as to whether she loved or hated something that she didn't pay
attention to anything else. Although she's just one skinny little girl, she was
extremely aggressive.

He still remembered Jin Lu Lu's hearty smile as she sat on the table. At that
time, Gu Hai had thought that she was very captivating.

Gu Hai had been fascinated by Jin Lu Lu from that time on.

Perhaps, you should not touch the thing you love. If you do not touch it, it
will remain the same. No matter how much you look at it, you would still
think that it is good. However, if you put it in front of you to touch and
familiarise yourself with it, its original beauty would be eroded.

Gu Hai thought for a long time while still holding onto his phone. Then he
finally decided to send a message.

"I'll tell Li Shuo and Hu Zi that I won't go with them on Saturday. I'll go
to see you instead."

Gu Hai put down his phone and his heart finally felt more at ease.

The next morning found Gu Hai riding a bike to school with Bai Luo Yin
sitting on the backseat. This time, Bai Luo Yin changed his position. Before,
he was always sitting with his back facing Gu Hai's back. But on that day, he
faced the front with both hands pressing on Gu Hai's shoulders. This way, he
could see the road ahead and prevent Gu Hai from going through that bumpy
road again.

However, the wind was a little bit strong that day. Furthermore, the winds in
Beijing never travel alone, if it did not come with sands, then it would be
accompanied by dusts. As Bai Luo Yin stood so tall when they were riding
down the road, he wondered about the amount of sand he had inhaled with
each deep breaths.
"Why aren't you sitting? I can block the wind for you."

Bai Luo Yin simply held onto Gu Hai's shoulder firmly without speaking a
word. He even managed to sneak a ruthless pinch on Gu Hai's shoulder.

Gu Hai instantly knew what Bai Luo Yin was thinking. He immediately
assured him, "I won't pass through the bumpy road, so don't worry!"

"Tomorrow is Saturday, do you want to hang out together?" Bai Luo Yin
suddenly spoke up.


Because of the strong wind and the honks from the surrounding motor
vehicles, Gu Hai could not make out what Bai Luo Yin was saying.

Bai Luo Yin lowered his head slightly, placing his mouth as close as he could
to Gu Hai's ears.

"Let's go fishing together on Saturday?"

Gu Hai's hands were shaking. He only stared at the road ahead, as if he was
in the middle of making a difficult decision.

"I'm busy. I can't go."

Bai Luo Yin's gaze became dim, "Then, forget it."

Those three words were not even spoken loudly, but Gu Hai could hear it

"Okay! I'll find you on Saturday."

Bai Luo Yin bowed his head slightly, just enough to see the tip of Gu Hai's

"Didn't you say just now that you can't go?"

Gu Hai slightly lifted his eyelid, just in time to see Bai Luo Yin's firm and
persistent chin.

"The wind is gusty just now. You've heard it wrong."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 35


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 35: The Inquietude of Youth - FAT GRANDMA, SKINNY


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Early in the morning, the weather was a little bit cloudy. As Gu Hai rode on
his bike, he felt his arms were really cold. When he arrived in front of Bai
Luo Yin's doorstep, Bai Luo Yin had already stood there with his own things
well-prepared. He was waiting for Gu Hai.

This is the first time Gu Hai saw Bai Luo Yin in his casual clothes. In the
past, Bai Luo Yin always wore his uniform. Moreover, it was summer
uniform. Some students were wearing sweater already, yet Bai Luo Yin still
wore his vest. So his classmates thought that Bai Luo Yin's firepower was
really big. Today is a rare chance for Gu Hai to see Bai Luo Yin wearing a
long-sleeved clothing, so Gu Hai was ready to tease him.

"So you can still differentiate between hot and cold. You're still human
like the rest of us."

Bai Luo Yin showed an especially tactful smile. He picked up a fishing rod
beside him and all of a sudden, he hit Gu Hai's leg fiercely with it.

Gu Hai felt as if surge of flames lit up his lower leg. He breathed relentlessly
as he endured the pain. Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin had already dragged Gu
Hai's bike to his courtyard as they planned to walk to the fishing spot.

Along the way, Gu Hai intentionally walked with a slower pace. He looked at
Bai Luo Yin from behind for a long time. He frequently saw that other people
on the street was also wearing the same clothes as Bai Luo Yin's. When they
wore it, it's extremely ordinary. But when Bai Luo Yin wore it, he looked
incredibly stylish. Bai Luo Yin's face is young, but when he wears those
clothes, he emitted a hint of special masculinity.

"Your outfit is pretty good, where did you buy it?"

"It's my dad's."

No wonder the longer he looked at Bai Luo Yin, the more mature he

"You still wear your dad's clothes?"

Bai Luo Yin replied nonchalantly, "We, father and son, always wear the
same clothes, I don't like shopping. Whatever clothes my father bought, I
will wear it."

Gu Hai laughed, "Don't tell me, you and your father only have one long-
sleeved shirt. So when you wear it right now, your father has to go to
work bare-chested...."

Bai Luo Yin confronted Gu Hai and displayed a very optimistic look, "You
look down on us too much. So, suppose if our family of four only have a
piece of cotton-padded clothing, and if one person wears it and go out,
the remaining three people are only able to bury ourselves in a pit to
warm ourselves."

"So, do you also have fat grandma and skinny grandma?" [1]

This short sentence finally won Bai Luo Yin's knowing smile.
"So, you've actually heard about the story of Guo De Gang." [2]

Both of them chatted as they walked on the street. Gu Hai realized that Bai
Luo Yin was a very brilliant talker, and he also spoke in a way to trap
people's words. So, if he wasn't careful, he would be trapped by Bai Luo
Yin's words. In order to converse with Bai Louyin, you would have to use
your brain all the time. His words were usually very short and casual. But
after pondering over them for a long time, they would make a lot of sense.

"We're here."

Bai Luo Yin sat on a patch of grassland. He neatly unraveled his fishing
lines. He opened a can, took the bait out, and stick it on the hook. Then, he
proceeded to search for a spot which was quite even and peaceful. He then
threw the fishing bait and sat down.

Gu Hai then walked towards Bai Luo Yin.

This was a wild fishing spot. It was not too big, nevertheless the water quality
here was pretty good.

No one fed the fishes in this lake, so there weren't many big fishes. Almost
every fish was only 10 cm long. They had little meat, but it's really chewy.

"After we've finished fishing, do we have to pay according to the


Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, "Do you think this is a fishing park?
There isn't even a single person here within 3 miles. Where are you going
to pay?"

Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin's cheek. Pretending to be angry, he said, "Can
you give me a better attitude when talking to me? Every time before you
open your mouth, you always give me a long face."

Bai Luo Yin shifted, and then he slowly turned his aching face towards Gu
Hai, "I'll tell you this, I hate it the most when other people pinch my
Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin's cheek again.

Bai Luo Yin was annoyed, he scolded Gu Hai right in front of his face, "Are
you a pervert?"

Gu Hai tore his shirt buttons off, exposing his six pack body. He proudly
raised the corner of his left lips and said, "Do you think I look like one?"

Bai Luo Yin gave him a scornful expression, "Besides showing off your
muscles, what else can you do?"

"Pinch your cheeks."


Five minutes later, Bai Luo Yin moved to a spot around 10 meters away from
Gu Hai. Then, he sat quietly while continuing to check on his float. His
surroundings became a lot more quiet and peaceful, Bai Luo Yin's condition
also gradually recovered and his eyes became more focused on his float.

Suddenly, his float moved a bit.

"Da Hai ah Da Hai, is the place where I live. The sea breeze was blowing,
the sea was surging..."

Gu Hai's old phone suddenly rang, shocking the surrounding grasses until
they swayed a few times. Bai Luo Yin's grip loosened for a moment, so when
he pulled up his float, he found out that he got nothing.

"Hello? Is this Li Shuo? Oh, I forgot to call you. I can't go. Lu Lu is sick,
so I have to see her...... What? Lu Lu is together with you guys? ......"

Bai Luo Yin held his temper and patiently waited until Gu Hai had finished
his phone call, then he would throw the bait again.

"Da Hai ah Da Hai, is the place where I live, the sea breeze was blowing, the
sea was surging..."
"Hello? Hu Zi? Aren't you together with Li Shuo? ....... Together? If
you're together then, why did you call me again? Are you trying to
annoy me on purpose? I'll tell you this... I'm really busy."

The float in front of Bai Luo Yin didn't even stir a tiny bit.

Translator Note:

[1] 'Fat grandma and skinny grandma': one of the comedy skits by Guo
DeGang, a famous comedian.

[2] Guo DeGang is a famous Chinese comedian, specializing in xiangsheng

(Chinese crosstalk). Xiansheng is a traditional Chinese comedic performance
of dialogue between 2 performers or solo monologue or even multi-person
dialogue. Guo DeGang is a quite influential person and Forbes China also
named him as one of the 100 richest celebrities in the country.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 36


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 36: The Inquietude of Youth – Just for one fish! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Gu Hai finally put down his phone, Bai Luo Yin had already
disappeared from his sight. He stood up to search around the disclosed area
and after a short moment, he noticed a silhouette from across the river. Gu
Hai immediately shouted in the direction of the person that the silhouette
belonged to.

“Why did you go that far?”

Bai Luo Yin pretended not to hear him.

“I turned off my phone already.” Gu Hai explained.

Bai Luo Yin was too lazy to even look at Gu Hai.

“Say, is it interesting to fish by yourself?”

Bai Luo Yin simply kept his gaze fixed at his own float without uttering a
single word. Suddenly, the float moved and Bai Luo Yin rapidly reeled in the
fishing line. From the hook at the end of the fishing line hung a carp with
around the length of ten centimeters.

There was a bucket beside Bai Luo Yin, which he tossed the fish into and
then, he continued to throw the float back into the water.

During the half an hour when Gu Hai didn’t disturb him, Bai Luo Yin had
managed to catch between four to five fishes. In the beginning, he had put on
a composed expression, but then, he finally smiled a bit. He glanced to his
side where Gu Hai was sitting and noticed that there was only water inside
his bucket. Not even a tiny little shrimp could be seen within it. There was no
response from Gu Hai as he looked at him either.

Once Gu Hai put away his fishing rod on the ground, he slowly made his way
towards Bai Luo Yin, who was completely focused on his float. The float
went up and down a few times and he came to the conclusion that a big fish
must have swallowed the bait.

Gu Hai had already arrived at Bai Luo Yin’s side but Bai Luo Yin clearly
didn’t notice him. Glancing down into Bai Luo Yin’s bucket, observing all of
the fish fumbling around within it, he extended his hand towards Bai Luo Yin
who was still engrossed in staring at the float. However, Bai Luo Yin
suddenly raised his fishing rod in a fierce manner and reeled in the fishing
line. There was a really big fish at the end of the line and it appeared to weigh
around 3 to 4 pounds.

Upon seeing the size of the fish, Gu Hai hit Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder in a
friendly fashion, “You’re really skilled! You’ve caught a lot of fish.”

Gu Hai’s sudden movement shocked Bai Luo Yin, who was intensely
focused, which made him shudder a little and because of that, his fishing rod
abruptly plummeted onto the grass. Anxiously picking up the fishing rod, Bai
Luo Yin noticed that the fish along with the bait were no longer there.

One can clearly imagine the expression tainting Bai Luo Yin’s face.
“I’m not fishing anymore.”

Bai Luo Yin collected his fishing rod, grabbed the bucket and stood up with
the intention to leave. Just as he was about to take a step forward, Gu Hai had
already blocked his path.

“Have I annoyed you?”

“I just don’t want to fish anymore. It’s boring.”

Pushing Gu Hai out of his way with one arm, Bai Luo Yin managed to take
two steps. But before he could make it any further, he heard the sound of
splashing water behind him.

Bai Luo Yin’s mind stilled, a somewhat confused expression plastered across
his features, I didn’t use too much strength, right? How did he even fall into
the river?

Gu Hai certainly wasn’t an expert at fishing but he was capable of catching a

fish with his bare hands. Ever since he was ten years old, he had been
participating in the army’s field survival training. Since then, he had learned
how to catch fish without any equipment. As long as he could see the fish, no
matter its size, it wouldn’t be able to escape from his grasp.

Sharply fixing his gaze on the fish that was swimming around his legs, he
quietly waited for a while before moving to another spot and then, he
continued to wait patiently once more. Gu Hai fumbled around in such a way
that he quickly reached the middle of the river where the water level was just
below his neck.

“Come up here!” Bai Luo Yin shouted, “Don’t be ridiculous! The water is
really cold!”

Seeing the potential target, Gu Hai used both of his hands to quickly grab a
firm hold around the fish. While doing so, he felt a surge of ice-cold
slipperiness along his fingers that spread throughout his entire body.

I finally caught you, he thought proudly.

Swimming forward, Gu Hai arrived at the spot where the water was more
shallow and extended his hands to show Bai Luo Yin the fish he had caught,
“Is it this one?”

In that moment, Bai Luo Yin realized that Gu Hai had went down the river
just to catch the fish that he had lost earlier.

“Yes, it’s this one.”

Bai Luo Yin smiled without even trying to conceal it as he looked at the fish
in Gu Hai’s hands. The autumn sun was shining upon Bai Luo Yin’s face,
illuminating his charming features. He looked genuinely pleased and
carefree. Gu Hai could only look at him in silent admiration. In that fleeting
moment, his heart suddenly lost its balance and skipped a beat.

The smile on Bai Luo Yin’s lips disappeared in no time.

“You… are you having leg cramps?”

Gu Hai realized that his legs were still deep in the water.

Once back on shore, both of them carried the buckets filled with fish while
walking home side by side. When Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin was in high
spirits, he couldn’t help but to poke at his forehead.

“You were in such a bad mood just because of one fish. If I hadn’t
caught that fish for you, you probably wouldn’t even look at me the next
time we would’ve met.”

Uttering those words with a wide smile painted across his lips, half-serious
and half-joking, Gu Hai himself didn’t understand why he had went into the
water without a second thought. Just like the previous night, when he had
been laying on his bed thinking about it over and over again, he still couldn’t
comprehend, why he had agreed to go fishing with Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin replied with a smile, “It wasn’t like that. Since we came here
to fish, I thought we should do it wholeheartedly. What’s the point if
you’re always on the phone?”
Stepping up to defend himself, Gu Hai retorted, “Didn’t I turn off my
phone after that?”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t answer and his facial expression didn’t give any of his
emotions away either.

Gu Hai wanted to show his sincerity so he reached into his pocket, took out
his phone and waved it in front of Bai Luo Yin.

“See? Isn’t it turned off already?”

As Gu Hai waved the phone in front of his face, Bai Luo Yin saw countless
water droplets dripping from it and soon enough, so did Gu Hai.

Then he remembered something; he had completely forgotten to take out his

phone from his pocket before going down into the river.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 37


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 37: The Inquietude of Youth – Father and Son are not in one
mind. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“You’ve caught so much fish, yet you’re not going to let me eat dinner at
your place tonight?” Gu Hai straightforwardly asked without caring about
the fact that he hadn’t been invited to do so.

Thinking about Grandma Bai’s peculiar speech habits, Bai Luo Yin
immediately rejected the idea, “Just wait until the fish is fully cooked and
I’ll bring them over to your house. You can just wait there.”

Gu Hai then remembered about the men and women, both old and young
tenants, who resided at his place and his heart anxiously quivered. There’s no
way that’d be okay. That place isn’t even their home! It would be a miracle if
his secret wasn’t exposed if Bai Luo Yin really went there.

“What’s wrong with me eating at your place?” Gu Hai furrowed his

eyebrows in displeasure, “Honestly, you should be the one to take
initiative first and invite me to dinner. I’m not the one who should
remind you. Why do you lack such common sense?”

“You’re right. I don’t have common sense.” Grabbing the bucket that was
in Gu Hai’s hand, Bai Luo Yin stubbornly retorted, “If you want to eat, just
wait quietly at your home. But if you don’t want to eat, then forget it.”

The moment Gu Hai heard the word “home”, his whole body shivered.

By the time the two boys arrived at Bai Luo Yin’s house, Bai Han Qi had
already come back home from work. He was moving back and forth between
two new trees that were planted in front of the door. Once he noticed that Gu
Hai and his son had returned, he was visibly overflowed with happiness.

“Uncle!” Gu Hai called him in a heartfelt manner.

Upon hearing Gu Hai calling for him, a bright smile spread across Bai Han
Qi’s face and he replied him joyfully. While reaching towards Gu Hai’s
broad shoulder, he was about to utter a few kind words, but then his facial
expression abruptly changed, “Why are your clothes so wet? Hurry inside
the house and change into clean ones!”

Standing between Gu Hai and Bai Han Qi with a cold expression tainting his
features, Bai Luo Yin frigidly inquired, “Dad, do we really have spare dry
clothes at home for him to wear?”

“What do you mean……? I just bought two sets of clothes recently. Give
one of them to him first.”

While standing and silently listening to his father explaining the situation,
Bai Luo Yin furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. How come he didn’t buy
new sets earlier? Why did he have to buy it so suddenly? Not only that, but
Bai Luo Yin really didn’t want Gu Hai to come inside his house.

“Uncle, can I take a bath too? My body is covered in mud. If I don’t, I’ll
dirty the new clothes!”

“Enough!” Bai Luo Yin yelled and stared at him viciously. His eyes were
squinting while his lips were drawn in tight lines, visibly irritated.
Regardless of what his son said, Bai Han Qi actually looked very happy with
the suggestion, “Of course you can! Do you know how to turn on the
water? If you can’t, just ask Luo Yin to shower together with you.”

“That’s a really good idea!” A smile spread widely across his lips and the
sight of it almost made Bai Luo Yin’s chin drop to the ground.

“What’s a ‘good idea’, huh?” Bai Luo Yin yelled sharply, “Our house
doesn’t even have a decent toilet. The shower is in the open air and the
showerhead is also clogged all the time. How can he take a bath here?”

“Of course I can!” Gu Hai looked lenient, “Your family bathroom is still
covered with a plastic sheet while the one in my house is an open-air
bathroom. I took a shower using the tap water during summer and there
isn’t even any hot water!”

Bai Han Qi laughed, “We have hot water in our home! You may use it as
much as you’d like!”

Both of you, really….. Enough! Bai Luo Yin bitterly thought as he secretly
gritted his teeth. Having had enough of their ridiculousness, he grabbed his
things and went inside the house with a grim expression.

Back when no one visited his house, he never thought that it was particularly
messy. But now that Gu Hai was there, he began cleaning up in his room. He
was in the middle of tidying everything up when he suddenly heard Gu Hai
shouting, “Bai Luo Yin! How do I get the hot water to work?”

Bai Luo Yin stubbornly pretended not to hear him and continued cleaning.

After a while, Bai Han Qi angrily went inside Bai Luo Yin’s room and
complained to him, “Just go there and help him! Why don’t you have any

With a heavy sigh, Bai Luo Yin walked straight to the bathroom and tore
open the plastic curtain. Gu Hai had already stripped naked. His impressively
athletic figure was in full display in front of Bai Luo Yin’s eyes and the sight
made him want to kick his firm butt.
“You said you couldn’t get the water to work, so why did you take off
your clothes so quickly?”

Gu Hai ignored the question and reached towards Bai Luo Yin’s collar,
gently unbuttoning the top three buttons of his shirt.

“Let’s shower together! Your trousers are also covered with mud. Don’t
you feel uncomfortable?”

“All thanks to you!” Firmly grabbing onto Gu Hai’s slippery shoulder, Bai
Luo Yin suddenly kicked Gu Hai’s lower abdomen with his knee and roared
at him, “Just shower by yourself!”

An amused smile spread across Gu Hai’s lips instead, “Bai Luo Yin, you’re
too perverted.”

Bai Luo Yin was just about to leave and return to his room, but when he
heard Gu Hai’s provocative words, he hastily turned to face him again with
an ice-cold stare. When Gu Hai saw his movements, he subconsciously
covered his private parts with both hands.

“Your reaction is quite fast!” Bai Luo Yin said with a straight face.

Replying with a smile at that statement, he then earnestly asked Bai Luo Yin,
“Your bathroom is only covered with a single plastic sheet. Aren’t you
afraid that someone will see you if they come over here?”

“Usually, no one comes to our house and especially not women. So, no
one will pay attention to you even if you walk out into the yard
completely naked!”

“Is Bai Han Qi at home?” Aunt Zou’s soft voice could suddenly be heard
from outside the bathroom.

Bai Luo Yin went silent as he heard her voice: “……”

“Fuck!” Gu Hai’s body stiffened up in anxiousness, “Didn’t you say that

nobody would come? Are you kidding me?”
Laughing out loud upon seeing Gu Hai’s sudden discomfort, Bai Luo Yin
warned him with a smug grin, “You’d better behave yourself! If you get on
my nerves, I’ll immediately use the lighter to burn holes in the plastic


Not paying any attention to the sounds coming from within the bathroom,
Aunt Zou focused on the bucket full of fish, which had instantly caught her
eyes, “You bought fish today?”

“I went fishing.” Bai Luo Yin quickly exited the bathroom and smiled as he
walked towards her. “Auntie, I’ll give you two fishes if you help us cook
them. Please? I’m afraid my father will spoil the dish if he gets his hands
on them!”

Aunt Zou laughed boldly, “Look at this kid! You really can talk, huh?
Then I’ll take these home and return with the dish once it’s done.”

Hurriedly stepping out from the house when he heard his son’s words, Bai
Han Qi quickly stopped Aunt Zou from leaving just yet, “Don’t mind him!
This is not right! Just take two fishes for yourself and then I’ll cook the
rest myself.”

Wordlessly smiling, Aunt Zou simply grabbed the bucket and calmly passed
Bai Han Qi as she headed out of the yard.

Bai Luo Yin looked at his father and desperately wanted him to act. So he
grabbed onto his arm and said in a serious tone, “Later, Gu Hai will say
that he wants to eat dinner here, but can you just say that the food in our
house is awful? No matter what, you can’t let him stay.”

“This kid. How can you be like this?” Bai Han Qi frowned. “Those fishes
were caught by the both of you, so why can’t you just let him eat some of
them with us?”

“It’s not that I’m not allowing him to eat, but I’m just saying that I want
to bring the fish over to his place instead.” Bai Luo Yin absentmindedly
gazed towards their house and thought about his old grandparents, “I just
can’t let him laugh at our family!”

Suddenly understanding his son’s reasons for rejecting Gu Hai, Bai Han Qi
nodded his head and said, “Don’t worry. I definitely won’t let him stay.”

After Gu Hai had finished showering, Bai Luo Yin quickly undressed and
went inside the bathroom. As Gu Hai walked out of the bathroom, dressed in
clean clothes, he noticed the blooming flowers in the flowerbed.

“Uncle, who planted these flowers?” he asked with curiosity.

“Oh, my son planted those. Beautiful, right?”

“They really are beautiful. Is it okay if I pluck one?”

“Go ahead. Pluck as many as you’d like.”

Bai Luo Yin almost tore open the plastic sheet hanging around the bathroom
as he heard their conversation. He was brimming with fury. It took him more
than six months to make the flowers bloom in the first place!

“Uncle, may I stay and eat dinner at your house tonight?”

While in the shower, Bai Luo Yin noticed that it was silent outside the
bathroom and so he turned off the water to eavesdrop on the conversation.
His hair was wet and full of foam as he stood in complete silence, pricking up
his ears to hear what was being said…

“Of course!” Bai Han Qi laughed joyfully, “Even if you had wanted to
leave, I wouldn’t have let you! Just eat dinner here and then, you can go
back home! Hahaha….”

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 38


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 38: The Inquietude of Youth – You cannot rule over him? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Before starting to eat, Bai Han Qi had been continuously staring at Bai Luo
Yin’s face. He felt an extreme regret in his heart as he noticed his son’s sullen
expression and furrowed brows. Pray tell, why did I agree right away? Why
can’t I say the offending words to reject Gu Hai? What’s done is done. Just
because of temporary happiness, Bai Han Qi had enraged his precious son.

“How about this, I will tell your grandpa and grandma to eat at home.
Then, the three of us will go out and eat.”

Bai Luo Yin’s expression became even uglier as he fretted, “Dad, how can I
let my own grandpa and grandma eat by themselves? Can grandpa
properly remove the bones from the fish by himself? Even if I wanted to
drive someone away, I couldn’t drive my own family away. Just let Gu
Hai bring his own bowls and chopsticks to eat at the courtyard. Who
asked him to insist on staying here?”

“He is our guest, how could you be like this?”

Instead of answering, Bai Luo Yin turned around to grab a bowl. He didn’t
pay any more attention to Bai Han Qi after that.

Bai Han Qi sighed heavily, then he headed towards Grandma Bai and
Grandpa Bai’s room. Entering the room, he let both elderlies know about a
guest coming to eat dinner with them. He especially cautioned Grandma Bai
not to talk, while telling Grandpa Bai to eat more slowly and carefully to
avoid choking.

Their family of four, plus Gu Hai himself, were five people altogether. All of
them were tightly crammed into a small square-shaped table.

That night, the dishes on the table were especially abundant. Besides the
steamed fish cooked by Aunt Zou, Bai Han Qi himself had also cooked two
more dishes. Although his dishes didn’t particularly look that delicious, the
smell was actually not that bad.

Even so, despite the appetizing dishes, this is their family’s most silent meal.

Originally, Grandma Bai really loved to talk. But because her son had
forbidden her from speaking, she didn’t dare to utter even one word. Unable
to speak, her small eyes could only squint, while looking here and there with
a face full of caution. However, looking at her cheerful expression, it could
be clearly seen that she was truly fond of this particular friend of her
grandson. She wasn’t allowed to talk, but at the very least, she could get more
food for him. Thus, Grandma Bai casually took some vegetables and placed it
into Gu Hai’s plate. She then grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

Gu Hai also liked Grandma Bai. His own grandmother had passed away
when he was merely six years old. The only impression he could remember
about her was the way that she would comb her hair until it was shiny. Gu
Hai supposed that even if his grandmother was still alive, she won’t be as
kind and affectionate like Grandma Bai. Hence, in order to show some
respect, Gu Hai also took a piece of fish and gave it to Grandma Bai.

“Grandma, please eat. I can get the food by myself.”

Grandma Bai nodded her head steadily. She wanted to express her gratitude,
but since she couldn’t speak, she could only voice “Oh” twice woefully.

Gu Hai’s expression changed. After a moment of consideration, he decided to

ask the person beside him. Taking advantage of the gap between Bai Han Qi
and Grandma Bai’s conversation, he talked to Bai Luo Yin in a low voice,
“Is your grandma… mute?”

Terribly exasperated by Gu Hai’s rude inquiry, Bai Luo Yin was on the verge
of dumping all the food in his bowl on top of Gu Hai’s head.

“Your grandmother is the one who’s mute.”

“My grandmother had long passed away.”

Bai Luo Yin was in the middle of picking the bones from a piece of fish
inside his bowl when he noticed Grandpa Bai looking at him enviously. He
couldn’t help but to ignore Gu Hai first, pick the fish up, then gave it to
Grandpa Bai. Actually, Grandpa Bai could pick his own fish. However, he
always did it badly, so most likely, he would end up choking after he ate the
fish. Grandpa Bai’s tongue was not nimble and he needed great effort to
swallow down the food. If he choked, he would surely cough out all the food
inside his mouth. He was worried that he might make the guest feel
uncomfortable, so Grandpa Bai ate very carefully.

When Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin himself didn’t eat much and kept on
serving his grandparents, his heart was somewhat moved. He took a piece of
fish, placed it into his own bowl, and removed the fishbone just like what Bai
Luo Yin had done for his grandfather. Then, he put the fish inside Bai Luo
Yin’s bowl. This is the first time Gu Hai had ever done this kind of thing. He
once said to other people, if there’s a woman who can make him voluntarily
pick the bones from a fish, then this woman is definitely the best candidate as
his wife. However, it’s a pity that the first time he do this is actually for a

Bai Luo Yin had just finished placing the fish into his grandpa’s bowl when
he realized that there was an additional piece of fish inside his own bowl.

Gu Hai didn’t speak a word, yet Bai Luo Yin immediately knew who gave it
to him.

Previously, throughout the entire meal, Bai Luo Yin had been feeling
discomfort and uneasiness in his heart. Only right after Gu Hai’s considerate
gesture that his mood finally improved a bit.

Gu Hai occasionally took curious glimpses at Bai Luo Yin.

After Bai Luo Yin ate two spoons, he knitted his eyebrows before he faced
towards Gu Hai.

“There’s still a lot of bones in this fish. You didn’t remove everything.”

Fuck… Gu Hai cursed in his mind, you are in a poor, peasant’s body yet you
still want a rich, young master’s life! Just what did I, Gu Hai, owe you in my
previous life? How did I manage to encounter such an ungrateful person like
you? Whenever I do something strenuous, why does it always turn out to be
fruitless in your eyes?

Bai Luo Yin couldn’t help but to feel happy and amused. Of course he knew
what Gu Hai was thinking about.

The quiet dinner quickly came to an end. Everything was peaceful, that is,
until Grandpa Bai coughed.

The color of Bai Han Qi’s face swiftly changed. He was about to put his hand
of Grandpa Bai’s back to support him. However, it was already too late. Once
Grandpa Bai coughed, he would definitely choke. He coughed out the rice
and the fish, all of the food was scattered around the bowl. All the delicious
food on the table was completely ruined.

Bai Han Qi’s expression was taut. He wore a concerned yet reprimanding

“Didn’t I tell you to eat slowly?”

Now, Gu Hai understood the reason why Bai Luo Yin had adamantly
prohibited him from eating in his house.
Before this incident, Bai Luo Yin was constantly ridden with anxiety. But
now that it had happened, his mood suddenly became placid and tranquil
instead. He calmly stood up, grabbed some tissues and slowly wiped the
remnants of food around Grandpa Bai’s mouth. During this time, he didn’t
even spare a single glance at Gu Hai. He didn’t want to see those kind of
weird stares that strangers gave towards his own relatives. Although Gu Hai
had already finished eating, Bai Luo Yin still couldn’t explain it to him.

Bai Luo Yin proceeded to wipe Grandpa Bai’s collar and front robe until they
were clean. Just as he was about to get a new bowl of rice, he saw a hand
extending towards them.

“Let your grandpa drink a sip of water first.”

Gu Hai held a glass of water in his hand.

Bai Luo Yin didn’t say anything. He simply took the glass and hand it over to
Grandpa Bai.

Later, Gu Hai started to chat with Bai Han Qi and the two grandparents on
his own accord. As Grandma Bai listened to their conversation, she felt very
happy that both of her cheeks were flushed with excitement. She became
more and more elated as she watched them talking. She really wanted to say
something! She felt awfully restricted, to the extent that she can’t even say
one “good” word!

“Your grandson is amazing. No one in our class is brave enough to

provoke him.”

Gu Hai looked like he was playing with a child as he gave Grandma Bai a
thumbs up.

Grandma Bai’s eyes suddenly widened as she looked at Gu Hai with


“Even you cannot rule over him?”

When Grandma Bai finally realized that she had just talked, she was
immediately flustered. Both of her hands covered her own mouth and she
didn’t dare to look at Bai Han Qi in the eyes.

Contrary to expectation, Gu Hai was actually amused by Grandma Bai’s

adorable behavior.

“Yes, I cannot rule over him.”

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 39


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 39: The Inquietude of Youth - What a pity that he's a fool. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Son, walk your classmate out."

At his father's request, Bai Luo Yin promptly walked Gu Hai to the front
door. Once they reached outside the gates, Gu Hai pushed his bike forward
and bid farewell to Bai Luo Yin.

"It's okay, you can go back inside."

Bai Luo Yin didn't budge, "How far is your place from here?"

Hearing that, Gu Hai's chest immediately tightened. "Why? Do you still

want to go back with me and hang out at my house?"

"No, I just want to walk you home."

Normally, these particular words would have warmed Gu Hai's heart, but this
was not one of those times.
"I'm a man, so why do you need to walk me home? Quick, go back
inside. It's cold out here. I'm riding a bike, so it will take less than ten
minutes for me to get home."

Ignoring him, Bai Luo Yin continued to walk ahead of Gu Hai out of the
house. And under the street lights, he waved his hand towards Gu Hai,
beckoning him to follow . . .

"Let's go?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Hai actually followed.

They walked down the spacious street and watching as the weeping willows
on each side of them sway like little curtains. The trees were shedding,
causing countless delicate, little leaves to fall down in a disorderly manner.
Inadvertently, autumn had arrived in Beijing, giving off a pleasant cool air.
After surviving an extremely hot summer, people would naturally long for a
cool and refreshing respite. The autumn wind was quiet and gentle, unlike the
spring wind that always brought chills to the whole body.

"How was the food tonight?"

It was very rare to hear the soft and gentle side of Bai Luo Yin's voice.
Perhaps, this peaceful night affected him, or perhaps he felt guilty deep inside
his heart. After all, it was Gu Hai's first meal at his home and yet it was such
an unpleasant experience.

"It was very delicious."

In the quiet night, Gu Hai's deep voice held so much truth that it was difficult
to doubt him.

"My grandfather and grandmother were like that too, when they were
still alive. My grandfather was even worse than your grandfather.
Basically, he would eat and vomit, then afterward, he would eat again.
He was paralyzed and incontinent in bed for a very long time. I'm
already used to all of that..."
While Gu Hai talked, he was also repenting in his heart. In truth, his
grandfather was a hero - a hero who looked after his family. Before Gu Hai
was born, his grandfather had carried out a dangerous mission and sacrificed
his life bravely and gloriously. It was only due to his grandfather's death that
his family and all other people in his father's generation could obtain special
political privileges. Otherwise, Gu Hai's father would not have had his
current position today.

Bai Luo Yin laughed without a word.

Noting this, Gu Hai tilted his head to the side to glance at Bai Luo Yin. Not
long after, he turned his gaze away. He didn't know what Bai Luo Yin was
thinking. - said boy was gazing at the road in front of him. The Bai Luo Yin
that was quiet was very enchanting in his eyes. It didn't help that each time he
glanced at him, he was left with an indescribable feeling. The light from the
streetlamps hit half of Bai Luo Yin's face, making the light and dark play out
almost too beautiful. Gu Hai absentmindedly stared at Bai Luo Yin for a long
time. Soon, he felt as if there was a flinch in his heart, comfortably spreading
through his entire body.

He was infatuated. It had nothing to do with gender because Bai Luo Yin was
simply too beautiful. He was so captivating that Gu Hai forgot their
differences and the lack of understanding between them.

"Why do you use an artistic style to write your name?"

That one sentence interrupted Gu Hai's thoughts.

"Oh... my girlfriend found someone to design it for me and forced me to

learn it. Then it became a habit to write like that, so even if I want to
change it, I won't be able to."

Bai Luo Yin lightly said, "That's a bad habit to get into..."

Gu Hai respectfully gave a standard military salute, "Teacher Bai's lesson is

right. As soon as I arrive home, I will heed your advice."

Between laughing and talking, they were halfway to Gu Hai's home already.
Gu Hai realized that he couldn't possibly allow his living arrangements to be
revealed to Bai Luo Yin. His only choice was to make a detour away from his
home as far as possible; otherwise, he would be exposed.


Hearing Bai Luo Yin's gasped, Gu Hai turned his head around and saw there
was a big dog by his side. It had snow-white fur, a strong physique, and a
mild temper. Bai Luo Yin crouched down and caressed the dog all over its
body. It was clear that he was very fond of the dog since his face was
glowing with excitement.

"This Samoyed is really beautiful."

Before he could finish his sentence, the owner returned.

Bai Luo Yin stood up as the man and his dog left. He was still staring after
them wistfully long after they were gone.

"Do you like dogs?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin laughed, "I can get along with dogs very well. Even the
fiercest dog will warm up to me when they see me."

Gu Hai eyelids twitched; he felt more uneasy the more he listened to Bai Luo
Yin talk. Why did it seem like the words that Bai Luo Yin used were
referring to him?

"If you really like it, bro can buy one for you."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin casually retorted, "You are very poor. Can you
afford it?"


Gu Hai fussed in his mind, "Forget Samoyed. Even if it's a Tibetan

Mastiff, I can buy it for you..."

This kind of life was actually very annoying...

"Isn't your home nearby? Why haven't we reached your place even after
walking for so long?" Bai Luo Yin became suspicious.

Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder and said, "It's taking longer to get to
my place because I'm walking and pushing the bike. If I'm riding it
instead, I will be home in no time. You should just go back."

Bai Luo Yin happily walked away.

Only after he was certain that Bai Luo Yin had already left that Gu Hai
started to ride his bike.

Bai Luo Yin walked to an obscure location, turned around, and took a peek at
Gu Hai to see what he was up to. He saw that Gu Hai had turned around and
backtracked through the same road that they traveled through.

As expected...

For the sake of investigating it, Bai Luo Yin followed quietly behind him.

Actually, when Bai Luo Yin said he wanted to walk Gu Hai home, it was just
a camouflage; his real purpose was to find out where exactly was Gu Hai's
house, why is it that every time Bai Luo Yin mentioned it, he was always so
secretive. But after half an hour, he had not arrived at his home yet, so Bai
Luo Yin simply let Gu Hai go, then he used the tracking method.

Gu Hai rode his bike, but he felt something fishy, even though the footsteps
behind him were soft, he was aware that there was something odd. He didn't
even need to look back, just by listening to the sound of the footsteps, he
could determine the height, weight and general appearance of this person.

It was possible that Bai Luo Yin had followed him here.

This guy is too sneaky.

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes, his cycling movement was still relaxed and his
rhythm was still clear, there was no hint of tension and diffidence in his
Soon, Gu Hai arrived in front of a random house.

The single-story houses were all identical, with a small courtyard.

Gu Hai was in a difficult position, he couldn't just go back to the actual

rented house that he had passed. Bai Luo Yin would definitely find out that
his house was actually rented, and all those words he said before would
become lies. In order to preserve what little space he occupied in Bai Luo
Yin's heart, he decided to take a risk.

The people living beside him lived alone, they were an old married couple.
He reckoned that they must be fast asleep by this time, so Gu Hai decided to
go to their house first to stay away from the trouble. Then, he could climb the
wall to go to the house beside this house, which was his actual house.

Let's do this, Gu Hai swiftly pried the lock open, calmly pushed his bike.
Then he went inside and shut the door, he could finally heave a sigh of relief.

The distance was far and Gu Hai did not know whether or not Bai Luo Yin
had already returned home.

Nevertheless, he had no intention of going out, the wall was not tall, so he
immediately threw his bike over to the yard beside and then he neatly jumped

He finally escaped from disaster.

On Sunday morning, Gu Hai pushed his bike outside. However, before the
front wheel of his bike could barely pass the doorway, his back wheel had
abruptly turned back two large loops.

What happened?

Gu Hai was surprised to see Bai Luo Yin's figure in front of his neighbor's
house, standing upright, especially waiting for him to come out.

What to do?
Do I need to climb the wall to go out again?

Gu Hai climbed the wall to peek at the courtyard beside him. The old man
was in the yard, watering his garden. How can I get pass him?

Gu Hai's forehead was sweating.

In the end, he came up with a strange trick. He threw his bicycle to the next


It produced a loud sound.

The old man who was watering his garden was startled, he turned his head
only to see a young man standing on top of his wall, there was a bicycle
below him.

"Grandpa, my bicycle fell down in your house, can I come and pick it

"How can your bike fall down here? Were you riding on the walls?"

Gu Hai didn't care much about it since that guy was still standing outside, he
had to act like he was crazy.

"Well, I'm going to pick it up and I'll just throw it over the wall!"

The grandfather walked unsteadily, his face twisting into anxious expression.

"Why are you throwing it back there? You can just directly walk out
from my door."

Gu Hai looked at the old man with eyes full of admiration combined with
mutual understanding.

Then, Gu Hai nonchalantly pushed his bike and walked out from the front
The grandfather merely stood behind Gu Hai, he was worried.

"What a good-looking lad! It's a pity that he's a fool!"

Zhou Sihu was looking at his watch, it was ten minutes before school started.

Li Shuo was sitting beside him while playing his computer.

Zhou Sihu wasn't quite awake yet, he had been yawning nonstop. His good
weekend was ruined, he had to put up with Jin Lulu, he couldn't contact Gu
Hai, and Jin Lulu just kept on tormenting both of them. It wasn't until late in
the night that they managed to escort this young lady back to Tian Jin.

Both of them had slept in the hotel for a while before they woke up to get
ready for school.

Li Shuo heard the guy beside him yawning, he glanced at Zhou Sihu and
couldn't help but ask, "Can you drive? If you can't, just exchange with

"We're almost there, what's the point of switching now?"

Li Shuo snickered, then his eyes were suddenly fixed on the side road next to

"Wait, slow down a little!"

Zhou Sihu ignored him, "If we go any slower, we'll be late."

"It's not that..." Li Shuo continued to stretch his neck out of the window,
staring behind them till his eyeballs almost popped out, "Why do I feel like
the one who's riding that bike behind us looks like Da Hai?!"

Zhou Sihu also glanced at the back through the rearview mirror.

"You're right, he really looks like him."

Li Shuo blinked, "I think it's really him!"

"What are you saying?" Zhou Sihu increased his speed and said with an
aloof expression, "Just look at that poor appearance, can it really be Da
Hai? Besides, Da Hai has a few cars of his own, why would he ride a
bicycle? Use your own foot to think properly, can Da Hai really look that

Li Shuo thought about it and realized that it made sense. He couldn't help but

"Just where did Da Hai disappear to..."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 40


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 40: The Inquietude of Youth - A wife chased after him! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




During the morning break in between their classes, Dan Xiao Xuan swung
her hips and approached Gu Hai's table.

"Can you explain these questions to me?"

When Bai Luo Yin heard that, he immediately stood up and offered his seat
to Dan Xiao Xuan.

Gu Hai glanced at Bai Luo Yin unenthusiastically, his piercing gaze was
filled with a dense cluster of small yet deadly thorns.

Dan Xiao Xuan held an exam paper and looked at Gu Hai with her flirtatious
eyes while pouting slightly and giving an impression similar to a spoiled
child. The most frightening thing was that she wore a skimpy cheongsam[1]
underneath her school uniform. And on top of that, she deliberately leaned
forward, making it so that her white and supple breasts were completely in
Gu Hai's line of sight.

"I can't solve this problem," Dan Xiao Xuan said.

Bai Luo Yin leaned against the desk and looked at the two people in front of
him with an air of interest.

Gu Hai patiently explained the all the problem to Dan Xiao Xuan.

"Do you understand now?"

Dan Xiao Xuan's mouth turned upwards, "You spoke too fast. I still don't

As she said that, she cupped both of her cheeks with her hands, causing the
cleavage between her squeezed bosoms to become even more prominent.

Behind them, two boys were intentionally handing out exercise books...when
in reality, the owners of said books were actually sitting a few rows in front
of them.

"Please explain it to me one more time."

Dan Xiao Xuan tugged at Gu Hai's arm back and forth, causing his hand to
'accidentally' brush against her chest. After that, she smiled coyly, pretending
to straighten her uniform. In fact, during the short moment when she was
'straightening' her clothes, her neckline was opened so wide that it would
certainly draw anyone's attention.

This time, Gu Hai explained it very seriously.

However, Dan Xiao Xuan not only expressed that she had yet to understand
the questions, but she also used the excuse that she couldn't see the diagram
clearly to drag Bai Luo Yin's chair directly next to Gu Hai's seat. With that,
she sat down in that chair and successfully squeezed herself to fit front of the
small desk.
"Explain it again."

Dan Xiao Xuan's feet lightly touched Gu Hai's leg.

Gu Hai smirked lightly, "Alright. I'll explain it one more time."

He wanted to know, what exactly does this school girl want to do?

"First, draw an auxiliary line connecting these two points. After that..."

Dan Xiao Xuan narrowed her eyes slightly and observed the tiny stubbles
along Gu Hai's jawline carefully, not to mention those enticing lips. She kept
on looking at him until her eyes eventually couldn't help but to move shift to
his strong arms and down to his slender and straight legs...

Gu Hai felt someone pulling at his hand before it came into contact with a
soft area.

Bowing his head, Gu Hai felt his blood surging up. This girl had taken Gu
Hai's hand and placed it between her legs before closing them. Gu Hai tried
to withdraw his hand, but then he heard Dan Xiao Xuan's low moan.

Although he had studied in a private school for many years, he had actually
never met such a bold and unrestrained schoolgirl before.

You Qi merely stood next to Bai Luo Yin with an astonished expression.

"That woman is way too forward!"

Bai Luo Yin laughed while nodding his head, "I've always been in the same
class with her."

"Oh?" You Qi smiled, yet it wasn't really a smile. "Then, you are really a
'lucky' one."

Bai Luo Yin only smiled without saying anything.

After Dan Xiao Xuan walked away, Bai Luo Yin returned to his own seat and
looked at Gu Hai.
"How was it?"

Seeing Bai Luo Yin's mocking expression, Gu Hai couldn't refrain himself
from letting out an indifferent grunt.

"Do you think she can actually do something to me?"[2]

Hearing Gu Hai's words, Bai Luo Yin gave a snort of contempt.

Gu Hai immediately grabbed Bai Luo Yin's hand and placed it on top of his
own crotch, forcefully pushing it down while his face showed an unbridled,
evil smile.

"How is it? I'm not deceiving you, right? It's soft!"

His last two words were powerful and resonating.

"What's there to brag about? If you can, then become hard for me right

Gu Hai quickly plastered his mouth close to Bai Luo Yin's ear, creating a
steam that seeped in.

"If you move a bit, then I will instantly become hard."

Bai Luo Yin's hand was still pressing down on Gu Hai's piece of flesh. After
hearing those words, he suddenly lashed out.

"You really have no fucking sense of shame!"

Gu Hai smiled until the corners of his lips twitched.

"May I ask if Gu Hai is in this class?"

When the familiar voice invaded his ears, Gu Hai's smile froze.

"Gu Hai, there's someone looking for you outside."

Gu Hai turned his head around. Jin Lulu appeared from the back entrance
with an expression bordering on madness and insanity...

Translator's Note:

[1] Qipao (旗袍) - also known as cheongsam in Cantonese, is a one-piece

Chinese dress that has its origins in Manchu-ruled China back in the 17th
century. The style of the qipao has evolved over the decades and is still worn

[2] "Do you think she can actually do something to me?" - He is implying
like what kind of ability does girl have to entice and make him react.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 41


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 41: The Inquietude of Youth - Careless Talks, Resulted in

Unnecessary Demises. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




"Why did you come here?"

"You're asking me why I came? It's already been two days and I still
haven't been able to get through to you on your phone! Since I couldn't
get in contact with you, I actually thought you had been kidnapped!"

"Can't you see that I'm fine? My phone fell into the river and I didn't
have extra money to buy a new one, so there was no way for me to get in
contact with you..."

As Gu Hai patiently explained, Jin Lu Lu's flabbergasted gaze swept over his
entire body. Looking at the tacky color of his long-sleeved T-shirt and the 30
yuan athletic shoes that he was wearing, she couldn't remain calm.
"How can your father do this to you? Even if he kicked you out, he
didn't have to make you this miserable...oomph..."

Before Jin Lu Lu could continue, Gu Hai covered her mouth with his hand
and pulled her to a relatively quiet corner.

"Don't talk with such a loud voice. My classmates can hear you."

Jin Lu Lu gave him a confused look. If it was not for the fact that she had
imprinted Gu Hai's face firmly in her heart, she would have never believed
that the person before her now was actually her boyfriend. Wasn't Gu Hai
fearless? Even if the Emperor of Heaven were to give him direction, he
would still dare to pave his own way. Then, why was it that he lacked even
the courage to talk in front of his classroom door now?

"How come your father is making you suffer to the point of making you
become like this?!"

For someone like Jin Lu Lu, it was hard to conceal her emotions as she
persistently pulled at Gu Hai's clothes. She actually could not bear to see him
dressed in those shabby clothes.

"Stop pulling! It's going to rip if you keep doing that."

Hearing that, Jin Lu Lu pulled at his clothes even more aggressively. She
wanted to remove that intolerably vulgar T-shirt from Gu Hai's body and
have him wear his stylish clothes from before.

Gu Hai grabbed Jin Lu Lu's hands and looked around to make sure no one
was there before he spoke to her in low voice. "Stop messing around. Go
for a stroll around the school first, then after classes are dismissed at
noon, I will take you back home."

"I'm not going." Jin Lu Lu insisted, "I took three days off."

Gu Hai's heart suddenly skipped a beat, three days, what kind of idea was

"You took three days off, but I didn't. Don't tell me you're going to
wander around here by yourself for three days?" Gu Hai's eyes was filled
with coldness.

Jin Lu Lu felt like she no longer knew Gu Hai.

"You actually care about asking for a leave? You're not going to skip
your classes? Didn't you skip a lot of classes in the past? How come,
you're not going to now? I didn't sleep all night just to rushed over here
to find you, yet that's not enough for you to skip even one class?"

"I said, stop messing around. I don't have any time to accompany you
right now!"

Jin Lu Lu remained surprisingly calm.

"I knew it. You have found a new girlfriend here, didn't you?"

The temperature in Gu Hai's face dropped instantly.

"If you're going to talk like that, then get lost and go back to where you
came from."

Without replying, Jin Lu Lu stared angrily at classroom number 27, not too
far in the distant. Then she silently bypassed Gu Hai and ran as fast as she
could toward the backdoor of the classroom.

"Even if I have to leave, I must get to the bottom of this!"

Gu Hai quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her one step back. His grip was
so strong that her face became purple and distorted. But this girl has the
backbone to not let even a drop of tear well in her eyes.

"If you don't want to break up, then stand here obediently and listen to
me finish what I have to say."

When all was said and done, Jin Lu Lu was not as stubborn as Gu Hai. When
it came to weighing their emotional level, she had always been more
"If you think that I'm not giving you enough of my time, I can apply for
a leave of absence from the teacher right now, to especially accompany
you for three days. However, the most crucial matter is, it is really not
suitable for us to be seen together in this kind of place. I can accompany
you back later and then you can torment me however much you want
there, but here, you can't!"

"Why?" Jin Lu Lu asked looking at Gu Hai.

"Does there have to be an answer for everything?"

"I want you to be honest with me! I, Jin Lu Lu, am not that cheap. If you
really have a girlfriend here, I'll leave without you telling me to!"

Gu Hai was tired of explaining.

"Then, just leave."

Throughout the entire class time, Gu Hai's annoyed expression did not clear

There was no movement outside the classroom, and Gu Hai did not know
whether or not Jin Lu Lu had left, but he knew for sure that she would not
give up so easily. In the past, they had fought many times over similar things,
and it was always Jin Lu Lu who compromised first every single time. Gu
Hai did not need to worry about losing the relationship, he only needed to
think about how he would spend the next two days.

When the bell finally rang, Dan Xiao Xuan swung her hips and walked over,
appearing in front of Gu Hai's anxious eyes yet again.

Bai Luo Yin stood up from his desk and walked out with You Qi following
behind him

"What did the teacher lecture us about in this lesson? I didn't

understand anything at all." Dan Xiao Xuan cupped her chin with her
hands and blinked at Gu Hai a few times to entice him.

Gu Hai was already irritated enough with just one girl, but then another one
came. Any patience that he had left to deal with either of them was nearly
exhausted by now.

"I didn't understand any of it either."

Dan Xiao Xuan pulled Gu Hai's arm that was on his textbook, and slowly
parted his fingers. Her voice was lovely yet extremely flirtatious to the ear.

"I can tell the fortune with your palm! It's really accurate!"

Gu Hai pulled back his hand back and left. His grave and stern back simply
disappeared from the entrance.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 42


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 42: The Inquietude of Youth – No other choice but to let

her stay. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




When Gu Hai came out of the toilet, he saw Bai Luo Yin smoking in the
corridor. You Qi said something that caused the two to look at each other and
laugh out loud— that scene was quite visually attractive.

Gu Hai’s expression became increasingly gloomy.

Seeing Gu Hai standing not too far off from where they were, You Qi waved
his hand in a rather dashing manner at him.

“Was that person just now your little brother?”

“Your little brother!”

Gu Hai’s face darkened. Even if he had fought with Jin Lu Lu earlier, but he
could not listen to other people talking about his girlfriend like that!

You Qi tossed a stick of cigarette over to Gu Hai.

“Then, who was it?”

Gu Hai replied with a cold tone, “My girlfriend.”

Hearing that word, Bai Luo Yin’s wandering gaze finally settled on Gu


A loud shriek broke the calmness in that corner.

The whole corridor suddenly seethed with excitement.

“It seems like someone is fighting.” You Qi popped his head out of the
corner for a look.

Bai Luo Yin said faintly, “How come that loud voice just now sounded
like Dan Xiao Xuan?”

Just as his voice faded, the sound of a girl shouting, and another crying could
be heard again. Gu Hai’s expression changed before he suddenly strode out.
But before he even reached the classroom door, the scene before his eyes
forced him to stop in track.

Jin Lu Lu gripped Dan Xiao Xuan’s hair and dragged her toward the window
before slapping her face repeatedly. The whole corridor was filled with Dan
Xiao Xuan’s painful cries.

Jin Lu Lu seemed as if she hadn’t vented her anger enough yet as she kicked
Dan Xiao Xuan’s stomach twice. Dan Xiao Xuan fell to the floor and cried
some more while holding her stomach, but then Jin Lu Lu stepped on her.

“Fuck you! You bitch!”

You Qi and Bai Luo Yin also hastily rushed out of that corner.

With just one glance, You Qi immediately recognized Jin Lu Lu and elbowed
Bai Luo Yin.

“Say, how can Gu Hai be attracted to her?”

Without any expression, Bai Luo Yin glanced over at Jin Lu Lu indifferently.

“You ask me, how would I know?”

“Don’t you always stick together with Gu Hai all day long? He never told
you anything about his girlfriend?”

Apparently, Bai Luo Yin only responded to You Qi’s first question.

“When did I always stick together with him?”

“You’re always with him!” You Qi was extremely angry, to the point that
even his perpetually cool appearance was shattered. “The two of you were
archenemy before, but now you two are always together all the time.
Come on, everyone in the entire class is bewildered!”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t say a word, he simply turned around and entered the

You Qi only murmured behind him, “If you’re together then you’re
together, it’s not like you guys are dating. Why are you being so

Gu Hai brought the nearly mad Jin Lu Lu to the sports field.

“What exactly are you trying to do?”

Although the corner of Jin Lu Lu’s mouth was bleeding from Dan Xiao
Xuan’s fingers scratching at her, she still showed a broken smile upon Gu
Hai’s interrogation.
“I just want her to know, what would happen if she tries to my

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes and stared at her with a cold and sharp gaze.

“I’m warning you for the last time, don’t make groundless accusations
against me.”

“If you don’t have a new girlfriend, then why haven’t you contact me?”
Jin Lu Lu’s voice was somewhat hoarse, “If you don’t have a new
girlfriend, then why are you avoiding me and not letting me show up at
your classroom’s door? Do you think I’m going to embarrass you? Do
you think I’m not good enough for you?”

“I really hate neurotic girls.”

Jin Lu Lu snorted loudly, “Since you have already started to hate me, then
I will make you hate me even more. You hate it when I show up at your
classroom door, right? Good, then I’ll come here every week until you

A plume of pitch-black clouds floated above Gu Hai’s head.

“Why are you always so insistence about staying here? What is so good

“There is nothing good here. But you are here.”

Jin Lu Lu’s dedicated eyes finally touched Gu Hai’s nerves sharply. He went
silent for a long time before extending his hand out to wipe the bloodstains
on her mouth.

“I’ll bring you to the infirmary to get some medicine.”

“I’m not going!” Jin Lu Lu pulled Gu Hai back as her eyes reddened
slightly. “Actually, what I want is really simple. I only want to see what
kind of life you’re living here, is that so wrong? I would like to ask, if you
like someone, would you not care about their living condition? I just
want to be a part of your life, that is what being a couple is about. What
are we? I don’t even know where you live!”

Gu Hai looked at Jin Lu Lu for a moment before he said, “I promise you to

let you stay here for a few days.”

Jin Lu Lu’s expression immediately glowed with youthfulness.

“But, I have one condition!”

This time, Jin Lu Lu revealed a very understanding look.

“Tell me.”

“Do not mention anything about my family in front of my classmates, as

well as my lifestyle before. Now, you have to treat me like I’m a poor
man. I’m poor, you have to remember these two words. No matter what
you say or what you do, you cannot separate me from those words. And,
it’s best if you don’t show off your wealth in front of my classmates, keep
a low profile.”

“Poor?” Jin Lu Lu was puzzled, “How poor?”

“As poor as possible.”

Jin Lu Lu was shocked for a while, but then she nodded. After all, Gu Hai’s
special status was never known to anyone. Even in his previous school, the
details of his family’s situation had always been kept silent. As Gu Hai’s
girlfriend, she had enough experience to keep her boyfriend out of trouble.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 43


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 43: The Inquietude of Youth – Look, isn’t he pitiful? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


HOW PITIFUL. ___________________________________________

After school ended, Bai Luo Yin was packing up his school bag when his
shoulders were pulled back by someone until his body leaned backwards. He
asked, “What’s up?”

“Let’s eat lunch together, my girlfriend’s treat.”

Bai Luo Yin paused, “Why are you dragging me along when she came to
see you? I’m not going to be a third wheel.”

“We’re like an old married couple, would there actually be such refined
feelings left? If I tell you to go then just go, why are you wasting time?”

Without any explanation, Gu Hai stood up and simply dragged Bai Luo Yin
out with him.
Jin Lu Lu was already standing outside when she saw Bai Luo Yin come out.
She smiled brightly, “I’ve already found a good restaurant, we can go
there by taxi.”

The three went to a restaurant that specialized dishes that dealt mainly with
bone, and the signature dish was lamb spine hot pot. Jin Lu Lu was really
fond of eating lamb; it was to the point that she could eat every single part of
it. For a refined girl like herself, she was extremely infatuated with the taste
and smell of mutton— just the aroma alone would get her saliva working.

“Sitting here is okay.”

Jin Lu Lu took the menu, then ordered all kinds of dish.

The lamb spine hot pot was very delicious, but it was quite hard to bite into.
When Bai Luo Yin noticed that the people around him ate with poor table
manners, he could not help but to smile. He truly admired Jin Lu Lu since
most girls would be afraid to eat lamb spine hot pot with their boyfriend.

The three were talking and laughing when one lamb spine hot pot arrived at
their table. Jin Lu Lu rubbed her hands before the chopstick moved
continuously in her bowl. Her focused appearance was akin to that of a child,
entirely different from the person who fought at their school.

Gu Hai’s chopsticks were moving around inside the pot when he suddenly
found a lamb’s tail. Everyone who had eaten lamb spine hot pot definitely
knew that lamb’s tail meat was the most delicious part.

Jin Lu Lu blinked excitedly.

Gu Hai took out the lamb’s tail from the pot and then put it into Bai Luo
Yin’s bowl.

“Try this, it tastes pretty good.”

That kind of action felt like it had happened many times before, that it had
become a habit. Gu Hai had somehow forgotten about the person next to him,
whose favorite food was the lamb’s tail when he casually gave what she liked
to someone else.

All girls were sensitive, even though she might not care about her outer

“You’re so biased!”

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin lifted their heads.

“I love to eat lamb’s tail, too.” Jin Lu Lu said while pointing at Bai Luo
Yin’s bowl.

“Well, isn’t that easy to deal with?” Gu Hai called the waiter, “Give us one
more pot of lamb’s tail.”

“If you only want to order the lamb’s tail, you have to pay extra since it’s
a premium item.”

Jin Lu Lu waved her hand toward the waiter, then looked at Gu Hai, “I don’t
want another pot of lamb’s tail, I only want to eat the one you just took

What she actually meant was, I only want to eat the lamb’s tail that you just
gave to Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin laughed as he suddenly remembered Shi Hui, it was as if all the
girls in the world were like that.

“Here, for you. I haven’t bit it yet.”

Bai Luo Yin gave it to Jin Lu Lu.

Jin Lu Lu winked at Gu Hai as if she was giving him a signal; one can
perfectly imagine her very smug expression.

When he saw that the most delicious part was in Jin Lu Lu’s bowl, Gu Hai
suddenly felt awfully upset. But the particular reason as to why he was so
upset was unclear to him. After that, he gave a lot of food to Bai Luo Yin, but
no matter how much food he gave him, he still felt that Bai Luo Yin had been
wronged and that he did not eat well enough. That kind of feeling kept
bothering him until the bottom of the pot could be seen.

“Are you full already?” Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin was almost full to bursting already. He secretly pondered why
Gu Hai was acting so crazy today that he kept on placing food into his bowl.
Moreover, he also asked whether he was full or not, as if afraid that other
people did not know that Bai Luo Yin’s appetite was really big.

“Why are you so talkative?” Bai Luo Yin wiped his mouth.

Gu Hai went silent for a while, then he shifted his attention to Jin Lu Lu.

“Are you full?”

Jin Lu Lu snorted, “So you still care about me, huh?”

Bai Luo Yin suddenly inserted a joke.

“There is no need for you to become jealous with the relationship

between us guys.”

Hearing that, Jin Lu Lu laughed out loud immediately. In fact, she was not
really angry, she understood Gu Hai’s temper. They had been together for
three years already, whenever she was together with him and his friends, Gu
Hai would always put his buddies before her too, it was just that he showed it
off too much this time.

“Hey, I want to ask you something!”

Although Jin Lu Lu was talking to Bai Luo Yin, but her gaze was actually
fixed on Gu Hai.

Before Jin Lu Lu could ask her question, Bai Luo Yin had already opened his
mouth to answer. “He doesn’t have any girlfriend in the school. You do
not have to worry.”

Jin Lu Lu was surprised as her eyes widened, “How did you know what I
wanted to ask?”

Gu Hai, who was beside him, replied, “He also had a girlfriend before.”

Weirdly enough, Jin Lu Lu unexpectedly heard a hint of jealousy in Gu Hai’s


After they exited the restaurant, Jin Lu Lu quietly warned Bai Luo Yin,
“Help me to look after him a bit. I will give you my phone number, so
when something happens just give me a call.”

Bai Luo Yin merely smiled without a word.

Gu Hai pushed his bike and glanced at Bai Luo Yin.

“Are you going or not?”

Bai Luo Yin walked straight pass Gu Hai and said a few words to him.

“Did you come here without your brain today?”

Fortunately, when Gu Hai used his eyes to give a signal to Bai Luo Yin a
moment ago, Jin Lu Lu was in the middle of bending her body to fix her
trousers. When she lifted up her head again, she smiled brightly at Gu Hai.

“Let’s go!”

Gu Hai stepped on his pedals, but his gaze was fixed on Bai Luo Yin, who
was gradually getting further away from them.

Jin Lu Lu sat excitedly on the backseat of the bike. Even though she didn’t
have much room to sit, that kind of refreshing feeling caused all of her bad
mood to disappear as she placed her hands on Gu Hai’s waist. Her face was
glowing with excitement— every girl has a romantic dream, and that dream
often started with riding a bicycle. Countless luxurious cars would not be able
to compare to the beautiful scenery and broad back. That was truly the feeling
of youthfulness, spreading along the narrow and winding road with a sweet
scent that belonged only to him blooming quietly— it was impossible to get
rid of it for a long time.
The speed of the bike was very slow, but they were gradually getting closer
to the figure in front of them.

Bai Luo Yin was walking on the road with his shoulders as broad as before, a
straight back and strong and vigorous steps…. but in Gu Hai’s eyes, he felt
that Bai Luo Yin was kind of lonely.

When Gu Hai rode to Bai Luo Yin’s side, Jin Lu Lu coughed deliberately.
That made him turn his head to look at them before he smiled at Jin Lu Lu.

During that brief moment when they brushed past each other, Gu Hai
suddenly accelerated his speed.

With one of her hand hugging Gu Hai’s waist, Jin Lu Lu let her other hand
spread out to feel the wind as she shouted loudly.

“This is my first time riding a bike, it feels really great!”

“How pitiful.”


The two words that Gu Hai said all of a sudden, puzzled Jin Lu Lu.

“Who’s pitiful?”

Gu Hai faintly replied, “Don’t you think Bai Luo Yin is really pitiful?”

“He’s pitiful?” Jin Lu Lu was even more confused, “Why is he pitiful?”

“You are riding a bike, he is walking, don’t you think he’s really

Jin Lu Lu felt that Gu Hai’s words were unreasonable.

“He’s a man. What’s so pitiful about walking just a few steps?”

Gu Hai didn’t say anything else.

Jin Lu Lu pinched Gu Hai’s waist, “Why have I never known before that
you could care so much about someone?”

Gu Hai lowered his tone.

“How many times have I warned you already? Do not pinch my waist.”

Jin Lu Lu rolled her eyes toward the sky, feeling extremely angry. She waved
her fingers with the intention of hugging Gu Hai again, but she didn’t dare do
it. She knew Gu Hai’s temper, he lacked patience and tolerance the most. If
she wanted to stay with him for a long time, the most important thing was for
her to be obedient and sensible.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 44


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 44: The Inquietude of Youth The Inquietude of Youth – Are

you possessed? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.




“You… you live in this place?”

Once she got off the bike and returned to reality, this daughter of an affluent
family was immediately incapable of remaining calm and collected.

Jin Lu Lu walked inside with a frown and scrutinized the surroundings. In a

small house with a fully enclosed courtyard, there were more than people
living there. In front of them, a woman was in the middle of coaxing her
crying son who had fallen head first into a somersault, evidence by the dirt
covering his head. The sound of his wailing voice, as if someone had placed
blade at his throat, made everyone around him felt rather uncomfortable.

“Ah… pei…”
Following that sound, Jin Lu Lu turned her head only to an older man had
spit a mouthful of phlegm near her feet.

When Gu Hai opened his door, Jin Lu Lu’s footsteps froze in front of the

The dark room was no more than ten meters square, and inside was a single
bed, a television that was less than 20 inches in length and a small table with
the paint peeling off inside the room. Even worse, when she finally entered,
her nostril was immediately attacked by a damp and moldy smell.

“People actually live in this place?” Jin Lu Lu used her hand to rub her

Gu Hai poured himself a glass of water and drank it before pouring another
glass for Jin Lu Lu.

“Why wouldn’t people live here? I’ve lived with the army for so many
years, the condition there wasn’t that much better, but I still pulled

Jin Lu Lu expressed her disagreement, “But this place… isn’t it too


“There are no good houses in this neighborhood.”

Jin Lu Lu pulled Gu Hai to sit down while putting on an expression that

clearly exclaiming she was not able to accept this condition.

“Do you really have to find a place in this area? There are so many nice
apartments near the school that you can certainly choose from! Why do
you insist on staying just to suffer?”

“I like this neighborhood.”

“What… what is good about it?”

“It’s peaceful.”
Unable to accept that excuse, Jin Lu Lu questioned him further. “Your dad
didn’t give you any allowance?”

Gu Hai lit a stick of cigarette and smoked it silently.

When Jin Lu Lu saw Gu Hai’s current appearance, a burst of pain raced into
her chest.

“If you really don’t have any money, you can ask me! Aren’t Li Shuo
and Hu Zi both wealthy? Even if they can’t take out a few hundred
thousand, but ten thousand or so wouldn’t be a big deal, right? Just use
it to rent a better place, okay? Do you really need to degrade yourself to
this extend? Besides, a lean camel that dies of starvation is still bigger
than a horse.[1] Although your dad didn’t give you any allowance, don’t
you always have some in your savings?”

“I want to live here. It doesn’t have anything to do with money.”

Choking and coughing from the smoke, Jin Lu Lu quickly went to open the
old window when she suddenly saw an old model phone not too far off.

“Don’t tell me that you use that phone to receive my call every day?”

“Yeah, that’s what I used.”

Hearing those words, Jin Lu Lu wanted to cry. “No wonder! No matter how
loud I speak, the signal was never good!!”

Gu Hai took off his shoes and got on the bed with both his hands resting
behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling.

Jin Lu Lu wandered around the room without much interest, there’s really
nothing good here, she thought to herself before she started to look through
Gu Hai’s schoolbag.

Aside from books, there were nothing else in there.

Apparently, there’s really no sign of him having any luck with the ladies.
“Hey, how come you write your name completely different from what I
had designed?” Jin Lu Lu looked at Gu Hai angrily.

All of a sudden, Gu Hai leaped from the bed and walked up to where Jin Lu
Lu was with a peculiar ray of light beaming from his eyes.

“Let me show you something.”

Jin Lu Lu stood beside him with great expectations, wanting to know what
kind of treasure he possessed to make him so excited like that.

“Look at the handwritings on these two papers, are they similar?”

Jin Lu Lu picked up the papers and examined them closely. On one paper
was Bai Luo Yin’s handwriting and on the other was Gu Hai’s imitation of
Bai Luo Yin’s handwriting.

“It’s not similar,” Jin Lu Lu told Gu Hai very objectively, “It’s completely

Gu Hai was unable to accept that answer as both of his dashing brows pulled
tightly together.

“Is there really no part that even a bit similar? Don’t look at the shape of
character, mainly look at the style. Look at the style, do you get it?”

“No matter what I look at, it still doesn’t look similar.”

Wearing a calm and collected expression, Gu Hai took the paper and threw
them on the table without saying anything else.

Jin Lu Lu was completely amused by Gu Hai’s expression. She has been with
Gu Hai for three years already, and not once had she ever seen him become
so anxious because of such a trivial matter. The current Gu Hai truly looked
like a seventeen years old teenager who couldn’t bear to witness even a bit of
his own flaw.

Only Gu Hai himself knew that practically all of his spare time was devoted
to practicing that handwriting.
That night, the two squeezed together on that small bed to sleep.

Smelling the enchanting body scent on Gu Hai, Jin Lu Lu narrowed her eyes
faintly and kissed his chin lightly.

Gu Hai placed his hand on Jin Lu Lu’s back and caressed it gently.

With that, Jin Lu Lu softly bit Gu Hai’s ear and her heated breath spread to
the side of his face.

Gu Hai’s enticingly smooth chest tightened a bit as his powerful legs

wrapped around Jin Lu Lu, turning her over so that she was beneath him. As
if spellbound, Jin Lu Lu laughed and hooked her arms around Gu Hai’s neck.


“What is it?” Jin Lu Lu gazed at Gu Hai affectionately.

A bewitched smile appeared at the corner of Gu Hai’s lips.

“If a bad-tempered person like Bai Luo Yin sleep with another person,
what would he look like? Would he also cry out in pleasure? Would he
also burst out in curses from time to time?…”

As Gu Hai talked, his sight started to drift away from their romantic setting.

Jin Lu Lu caressed Gu Hai’s forehead gently and asked, “Are you being


“Go to sleep!”

Jin Lu Lu retorted bitterly and turned over, completely ignoring Gu Hai.

[1] “…a lean camel that dies of starvation is still bigger than a horse.” (瘦死
的駱駝比馬大) means the intrinsically superior are bound to outdo the
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 45


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 45: The Inquietude of Youth - A string of candied-fruit

skewer. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Three stressful days had finally passed.

Early in the morning, when the sky was still dark, Gu Hai already woke up.
First, he went to the park not far from his home to exercise for half an hour.
When he guessed that the time was just about enough, he rode on his bike
and went straight to Bai Luoyin's house.

For the last two days, Bai Luoyin got used to walking to school, so he went to
school a bit earlier. When Gu Hai was on his way to Bai Luoyin's house, he
had already arrived at Aunt Zou's breakfast stall.

"Why didn't you wait for me?"

Bai Luoyin lifted his head, and he saw a faint trace of joy pass through Gu
Hai's face.
"How do I know that you'll come here to eat?"

Gu Hai took the bean curd that Aunt Zhou brought to him, stirred it gently
with the spoon, and replied, "Don't I always eat here every day?"

"But you didn't come here for the last two days, right?"

There was a hint of amusement behind Gu Hai's smile.

"Why? Did you miss me?"

Bai Luoyin replied him with a cold voice, "Why would I miss you? Your
girlfriend went back already?"

Gu Hai nodded, he looked extremely relieved, "She's finally gone."

Bai Luoyin glanced at Gu Hai, his tone was neither cold nor hot, "You can't
be like this, she already told me to pay attention to you. Now, look at you
being this shameful, I'm afraid that I can't do this."

"Did you take her words seriously?" Gu Hai conveniently placed the ham
sausages from his sesame seed buns into Bai Luoyin's bowl. "We've been
together for three years, but she has always been so paranoid, honestly,
I've never gotten physical with any other girls."

Bai Luoyin couldn't bear but to speak the truth, "With her looks, no wonder
she would feel insecure."

"I'm going to hit you, believe it or not." Gu Hai said as he laughed.

Bai Luoyin lamented, "Dan Xiao Xuan suffered a beating for nothing."

"I have no interest in her, she's the one who came and stuck herself to

"You're not the least touched? A pretty girl like her, isn't she better than
that 'tigress' of yours?" Bai Luoyin teased Gu Hai on purpose.

Gu Hai didn't get angry, not even a bit, it seemed like he got used to hearing
these kinds of things.

"I don't like a girl like her. I like the fierce and straightforward type. A
girl like Dan Xiao Xuan, just by standing with her, I would feel tired
already." Gu Hai glanced at Bai Luoyin, "What kind of girl do you like?"

"The opposite of yours, I like the flirty type."

Gu Hai firmly grabbed on Bai Luoyin's nape.

"Then, why is it that whenever Dan Xiao Xuan came to me, you always
ran away?"

Bai Luoyin joked faintly, yet there were thorns in his words.

"Her?..... I've had enough."


"Candied- Fruit-- Skewer-!!"

The familiar shout surged into Gu Hai's ears, his heart brightened, he really
didn't expect that there're still street vendors who shouted loudly like this
these days. It seemed like it's been a really long time since the last time he ate
candied fruit skewers, he used to live in a quiet and scary neighborhood
before, forget street vendors, even snack bars were rare. He would
occasionally come across a candied fruit skewer store on the road, but he had
no desire to go inside.

"Uncle, please give me one."

"Do you want the Shan Li Hong one or Ma Shan Yao one [1]?"

"Shan Li Hong."

The bright red Shan Li Hong was coated with sparkling, crystal-clear malt
sugar and wrapped with a layer of rice paper. It was held in a quivering hand.

Gu Hai hand it over to Bai Luoyin, "Eat this!"

Bai Luoyin was puzzled, "Why did you only buy one? Aren't you going to

"I'm riding, I can't eat it."

Bai Luoyin sat on the back seat, then he took a crisp bite.

"It's very sweet!"

Gu Hai in front pretended he didn't hear that.

Bai Luoyin took another bite, intentionally teasing Gu Hai.

"Don't you want to try?"

Gu Hai clenched his teeth tightly, his patience almost ran out.

After a while, Bai Luoyin didn't speak at all, his mouth was filled with the
candied fruit skewer, it sounded really crispy and delicious. Gu Hai was
counting in the front, one, two, three.... it was almost all gone.

If he continued holding back this way, then he wouldn't be able to eat even a

Gu Hai was riding on a straight road, just when he was about to take a chance
and turn his head around, he felt someone pat his shoulder.

He barely turned his head to the side, the half-eaten skewer of glistening
hawthorn fruit was placed into his mouth.

He finally succeeded.

After he ate one bite, it's really sweet! Gu Hai felt as if his entire heart was
soaked inside a honey jar.

How can the candied fruit that was given by Xiao Bai be this sweet?

"Give me another one!"

Bai Luoyin guarded his food, "It's gone."

"Give me a bite!"

"It's gone."


During break time, You Qi turned his body around and looked at Bai Luoyin.

"Let's go downstairs to buy some things."

Bai Luoyin nodded, then both of them stood up from their desks.

Gu Hai coldly tossed a sentence from the back.

"You even need someone to accompany you just to buy some things?
Can't you buy your things alone?"

You Qi really wanted to give Gu Hai a couple of kicks, it's been a few times,
he simply wanted to do something with Bai Luoyin, then Gu Hai would
certainly say some sarcastic words to him. And you said that he's really
impatient with him? He is definitely the one at a disadvantage. Just look at
the muscles on Gu Hai's arm, that alone could shatter your teeth into pieces
until you swallowed them into your stomach.

Well! I'll just pretend I didn't hear him.

You Qi just adopted a shameless attitude, then he pulled Bai Luoyin to go


Gu Hai suddenly stood up, then he ran to the spot between those two guys,
just like a leopard, his arm hung on Bai Luoyin's nape, then smiled faintly at
him, "Just ignore him, go downstairs with me to play ball."

"Why can't you go by yourself?" You Qi was annoyed.

Gu Hai's cold and sharp gaze fell on him, "Can you play a ball game with
only one person?"
You Qi ignored him, and he merely said a sentence to Bai Luoyin, "Anyway,
you already nodded your head just now."

After You Qi finished speaking, he planned to pull Bai Luoyin over.

However, he barely managed to stretch his arm when viselike hands had
pinched him. You Qi began to grind his teeth yet he didn't utter a word, his
face was almost purple, he had no choice but to seek help from Bai Luoyin.

"Quick! If you don't help me soon, my arm will break!"

Bai Luoyin grabbed Gu Hai and You Qi's arms, separated them and coldly

"You two go by yourselves then, go where you want to go."


After the third class, You Qi turned his head to the back while holding his
exam paper.

"I didn't understand this question, can you explain it to me?"

Bai Luoyin just woke up, he rubbed his eyes, then looked at the question on
the exam paper, replied,

"First, you calculate all the given conditions, then you would understand
how to solve it."

You Qi took a piece of tissue to blow his nose, and he replied to Bai Luoyin
while blowing his nose, "I calculated it already, but I still couldn't do it."

Gu Hai indistinctly glared on You Qi's eyes, deep in his eyes, the challenge
was evident in the depth of his eyes.

Bai Luoyin hastily answered You Qi's question and asked him again, "Do
you understand?"

You Qi shook his head.

Bai Luoyin explained thoroughly to You Qi once more, then asked, "Do you

You Qi still shook his head.

Gu Hai sneered in his mind, an act just like Dan Xiao Xuan? Okay, I'll give
you a similar fate as her.

"You still don't understand?" Bai Luoyin asked one more time.

You Qi still shook his head.

Gu Hai's voice could be heard faintly from the back.

"Come here, I'll explain it to you."

You Qi immediately withdrew his paper, "I suddenly understand."

"You don't understand." Gu Hai stressed each word.

You Qi turned his body around, he felt a chilly wind pass through his back.

After five seconds, he felt like a hurricane blew over him, You Qi tilted his
head, and he saw a pair of eyes resembling a bottomless black hole.

"I came to explain this to you, so you would understand it completely

and make sure that the next time you see this question, you won't make
any mistakes again." Gu Hai's voice was very light, just like a blade,
streaking You Qi's sensitive and fragile heart.


One constrained shriek was drowned by the classroom's noises and glee.


It's getting colder these past few days when he's riding his bike the wind
would felt particularly cold and Gu Hai could only shrink his neck. He left
his thick clothes at his home, when he left his home he forgot to bring any,
now he was so embarrassed to go back and get them, Gu Hai was thinking to
buy a few pieces.

"Hey, where can you buy the cheapest clothes in Beijing?" Gu Hai turned
his head to Bai Luoyin and asked.

"At the zoo."

Gu Hai nodded, "Then, accompany me tomorrow to go there to buy a

couple of thick clothes."


Unconsciously, Gu Hai found out that Bai Luoyin rarely rejects him now.

"Do you know how to bargain? Teach me."

"You don't need to learn it. When you're there, you'll naturally know
how to do it."

The next morning, Bai Luoyin and Gu Hai was on the subway, actually on
Saturday it wasn't supposed to be crowded, but they happened to be on the
same carriage with a tour group, a huge crowd was packed inside the two
railway carriages and it was overcrowded inside.

Gu Hai and Bai Luoyin stood at the corner. When Gu Hai noticed a group of
people started to squeeze them, he hastily used both of his hands to support
his body on the wall inside the carriage, so he could give a big space for Bai
Luoyin and to let him stand a bit more comfortably.

Bai Luoyin pulled Gu Hai's collar, "Come and stand a little bit closer to

Gu Hai didn't move.

There was a girl beside them who continuously fixed her eyes on Bai Luoyin
and Gu Hai, her eyeballs were unlikely to shift from them.

Gu Hai realized and asked her with an icy tone, "What are you looking at?"
The girl quickly turned her head away.

Bai Luoyin turned Gu Hai's head to him again, he didn't know whether to get
angry or to laugh at him.

"Say, what do you think she's looking at?"

Gu Hai had yet to react.

"If you kiss me, then the whole people in this carriage will definitely look
at both of us!"


"How much is this shirt?"

"I'm not selling this for less than 39 Yuan!"

Bai Luoyin immediately retorted, "I'm here to pick up stock, can you sell it
for 15 Yuan?"

Gu Hai honestly felt that Bai Luoyin is very ruthless, in his eyes, 15 Yuan
shirt is not clothes, but a rag instead.

"Even if you're picking up stock I can't sell it for 15 Yuan!"

"Then, forget it."

Bai Luoyin turned around to leave, but the owner suddenly got up and
stopped him.

"Young man, do you really want it? If you really want it then we can
discuss it again."

"I don't want to discuss, it's 15 Yuan."

"Okay okay, just come over here and pick them. This young man, you're
too good at bargaining."
Finally, the two people carried a large bag of clothes, but they only spent less
than 200 Yuan, Gu Hai felt that it was very worth it.

They arrived at one stall, Gu Hai took a fancy on a piece of cotton-padded


"How much is this?" Gu Hai asked.

The aunt inside the stall lifted her eyes to look at Gu Hai, "I won't sell it for
less than 200 Yuan."

"I'm here to pick up stock, can you sell it for 15 Yuan?"

The aunt put down the knitting wool in her hand, she wore a mocking
expression and looked at Gu Hai,

"Picking up stock? Even if you came here to rob me, I'm not selling it to
you! 15 Yuan, are you kidding me?"

Gu Hai said decisively, "15 Yuan, if not then I'm really going."

After he finished, he pulled Bai Luoyin and pretended to leave.

"You should hurry up and leave!" From behind them, the aunt added one
more sentence, "Are you so poor that it drives you crazy? 15 Yuan! Do
you think the inside of these coats is made of grass?"

Translator's Note:

[1] Tanghulu (candied-fruit skewer) is a traditional Chinese snack, which is a

string of sugarcoated fruits on a bamboo skewer. The literal meaning of
tanghulu is "sugar bottle gourd", as it is coated with sugar and the shape
resembles bottle gourd. The fruit commonly used is Chinese hawthorn. In this
chapter, the two types of tanghulu sold were, Shan Li Hong, which is Chinese
hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida var. major), and Ma Shan Yao which is
Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita).
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 46


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 46: The Inquietude of Youth – Melancholy husband and

wife. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Beautiful trees were lined on both roadsides of the neat rows of European-
style villas, each circular arc-shaped small windows were patterned with
plaster stone, giving an elegant and noble feeling. Sitting in the car, his gaze
was directed towards the window, his eyes were quiet and peaceful, but there
was a faint trace of solemnity and dignity on his face.

“Commander, you’ve arrived.”

Two young men dressed in military uniform opened the car doors for him,
they focused their attention on escorting Gu Wei Ting down from his car,
then two security guards in front of them opened the villa’s door for him and
respectfully escorted Gu Wei Ting inside.

“You’ve come back!” Jiang Yuan warmly pulled Gu Wei Ting inside, she
unbuttoned Gu Wei Ting’s shirt while smiling, “The food will be done in a
while, I thought you won’t be coming home, I’ll reheat the food again.”
Gu Wei Ting’s rigid and stern face finally eased up a bit. After he changed
his clothes, Gu Wei Ting went to the bathroom to wash his hands, but
suddenly he saw Gu Hai’s toothbrush cup sat quietly on the rack, the water
was already flowing, yet Gu Wei Ting was completely oblivious.

During the dinner, Jiang Yuan asked carefully, “Xiao Hai still doesn’t want
to come back?”

Gu Wei Ting’s face fell, “There’s no need to think about him, this kid is
not disciplined enough. If I didn’t let him experience hardship, he would
never know how lucky he is to be at his own home.”

Jiang Yuan sighed, there was a hint of anxiety on her gentle and lovely
cheek, “But to make him suffer like this is also unacceptable! He’s only
17 years old, this is the most important time for him in his entire life, if
he really tasted the hardship, and if it left a scar on his heart because he
actually experienced it, won’t he hate you for a lifetime?”

“A big guy like him is not that fragile, bearing hardship is for his
experience and training, just like when I was young….”

“Are there any illegal cooking oil when you were young?” Jiang Yuan
interrupted Gu Wei Ting’s speech, “Are there any melamine in the
powdered milk you drank when you were young? When you were sick,
will the doctor give you toxic capsules? The present time is different
from that time, if you drive him off, it won’t give him any training and
experience, it will make him suffer instead, it will cause him to become
socially vulnerable.”

Gu Wei Ting never expected that a housewife like Jiang Yuan would be able
to say such sharp words like this, for a moment, he couldn’t find any word to
refute her, so he merely ate in silence.
Jiang Yuan used her chopsticks to stir her rice, she cast a glance at Gu Wei
Ting and incisively asked, “Otherwise, let me talk to him.”

“You don’t need to find him, he won’t put up a smiling face for you.”

“I’ll go and try! You see, he’s gone because I’m here, basically, he
doesn’t want to see me at all! If I can make him think rationally if I can
change his impression of me, won’t this solve the problem between both
of you?”

“Don’t worry about it!” Gu Wei Ting gave some vegetables to Jiang Yuan,
“You have to worry about your own son! He has lived a tough life, think
of a way for him to come here as early as possible, it is more important.
If he doesn’t want to live here, then I can arrange a separate house for
him. Our house in Guo Mao Qiao is vacant, right? If it’s really
impossible for him to live here then just let him move there.”

“That’s not okay.” Jiang Yuan put down her chopstick. “That house was
arranged for Xiao Hai if you let Luo Yin live there, won’t Xiao Hai want
to kill you?”

“Hmm…” Gu Wei Ting’s face blackened. “Look at his attitude, he doesn’t

even want to come back, why would I still give a house to him?”

“I’ll go and talk to Xiao Hai, persuade him to come back.” Jiang Yuan
tugged at Gu Wei Ting’s arm, her face showed a pleading expression.

Gu Wei Ting paused and then nodded.

“Then, how about Luo Yin?”

When Jiang Yuan heard Bai Luo Yin’s name, she began to frown worriedly,
“I completely have no idea what to do with that kid, he doesn’t even
want to see me.”

“Then let’s do this, I’ll go and see him.”

“Huh?” Jiang Yuan surprised.

Gu Wei Ting put down his chopsticks.

“I’ll go and talk to him.”

“This…. This kid is extremely stubborn, you….. don’t be too hard on

him.” Jiang Yuan was worried that her son would suffer.
“Don’t worry!” Gu Wei Ting placed his hand on top of Jiang Yuan’s hand,
comforted her.

“I know my limits.”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 47


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 47: The Inquietude of Youth - The war of words between Xiao
Bai and Lao Gu. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The class was still explaining the exam papers.

The chemistry teacher wore a serious look and coldly swept the class a
glance, "Are there any questions that you cannot do?"

"The first question..."

The class cried out sporadically in a lifeless manner.

The chemistry teacher raised her eyebrows, her face ferocious, while the tone
of her voice sounded like she wanted to blast cliffs.

"You still can't solve the first question? Huh? Who can't solve it? Raise
your hand, let me see!"

No one dared to raise their hands.

The chemistry teacher heaved a breath, "Alright, we'll skip this question.
Are there any other question you can't solve?"

"The fourth question?"

"You also can't solve the fourth question?" It's still the same snarl, "How
many times have I explained it? Yet there're still some of you who can't
solve this question? Those who still don't understand, find an empty
space after the class and smoke a few mouthfuls. Next time, you'll be able
to solve it."

No one uttered a single sound.

"Are there any more questions you cannot solve?"

A weak, feeble voice rang out, "The tenth question."

"The tenth question?" The chemistry teacher placed both of her hands in
her waist and angrily stared at 50 to 60 people, with a posture that screamed
'hate iron for not becoming steel' [1], "Isn't the solution to this problem
clear? Huh? A towards 1? Obviously wrong! B towards 1? How could it
be? Now look at D, only a fool will choose this. Therefore, you should
choose C! Does this question still needs to be explained?"


"Are there any more questions you cannot solve?"

The students in the class yelled together, "There's no more, we can do


The chemistry teacher abruptly smacked the table, her roar was just like a
tsunami, sweeping over the ears of each student.

"There's no question you cannot do? If every one of you can do

everything then why are we still having this class? If every one of you
can do everything, then why no one got full marks?"

A squeaking noise could be heard as the classroom's front door was pushed

"Teacher Chen, I'm sorry to disturb you for a while, I'm looking for a

When Luo Xiao Yu's melodious and bright voice rang out, it immediately let
the dead classroom to feel a kind of warm spring breeze. Everyone eagerly
looked at her, hoping that the person she was looking for was themselves.

The chemistry teacher grunted calmly as if she was disgusted that other
people interrupted her class.

"Bai Luo Yin, come out for a moment."

After Bai Luoyin went out, Luo Xiao Yu led him out of the school building.
Bai Luoyin didn't ask who is the person that requested for him, meanwhile,
Luo Xiao Yu also didn't tell him. Nevertheless, from Luo Xiao Yu's stern
complexion, it could be seen that the person looking for him this time was
surely not an average person. Bai Luoyin himself had already guessed the
general idea in his mind.

A military car was quietly parked below the shade of a tree, Bai Luoyin
walked over impassively.

"Please, come in."

A person opened the door for Bai Luo Yin, his appearance respectful and

Bai Luo Yin, without any hint of nervousness, directly entered the car,
allowing the two officers to bring him to a teahouse.

Gu Wei Ting wore a neat military uniform, he was sitting in a private room,
waiting for Bai Luo Yin.

"Reporting to the senior officer, he is already brought here safely."

"You can go out."

The smell of tea wafted faintly all over the room, Bai Luoyin silently watched
Gu Wei Ting, no change of feelings could be seen from the inside of his eyes.

"Come and sit, son."

It was very rare that Gu Wei Ting's manner of speaking could be this gentle
and soft.

Bai Luoyin confidently sat in front of Gu Wei Ting, he still kept his mouth

Gu Wei Ting casually scrutinized Bai Luo Yin, for once he was quite
amazed. Generally speaking, a 16-17-year-old child would have been struck
with terror if they saw a person like him. However, Bai Luoyin doesn't show
the slightest amount of fear. His clothing is plain and simple, yet there is no
hint of submissiveness in his posture. A flash of resilience could be seen in
the center of his eyes, Gu Wei Ting couldn't help but to appreciate and
admire him.

If you were to ask Bai Luo Yin, what was his first impression of Gu Wei
Ting, there's only one.

Why is it the longer he looked at this old man, the more he looked familiar?

"You have probably guessed what I am doing, looking for you. I am your
mother's current husband and your stepfather as well. Previously, your
mother had tried to find you, requested you to move in and live together
with us. However, you refused. I've also predicted that it would come to
this, therefore the reason I looked for you today is not to interfere with
your present life, but simply to act as an elder and give you some
suggestions in life and education."

Bai Luoyin didn't sense any hint of suggestion at all, every word is an
undisguised order. The way Gu Wei Ting feigned gentleness and kindness, is
a completely condescending attitude In Bai Luoyin's eyes.

"Thank you."
Two brief words.

Gu Wei Ting didn't take any offense that Bai Luo Yin was cold and
indifferent to him, he simply continued to impart the principles that everyone

"A young man ought to have a share of stubbornness and the spirit not
to admit defeat, at this point, you and my son are very similar. To tell
you the truth, both of you are about the same age, he is also stubborn
and rarely take my words seriously. However, if it is related to the gain
and loss of his own major issues, he's able to judge calmly. We are all
men, it's impossible to live solely for the love between man and woman.
Even if it's for your father's sake, you shouldn't restrict yourself in this
kind of environment. While you consider this as devotion and
responsibility towards your dearest people, it is actually a type of self-
abandonment in disguise."

Bai Luoyin slowly held the teacup and drank a mouthful, from its rich
fragrance, it was a high-quality tea indeed.

"I believe I can give you a better living environment, this is our
obligation. You may refuse to live together with us, but you should not
refuse a good opportunity. If you are a clever person, you should not
regard your mother as an enemy, you ought to deprive her whole
possession, she tried as much as possible to make up for her
shortcomings these past few years. This is not a type of gift or a pity, this
is your right. If you don't value it, then it indicates that you are not
mature enough, it cannot prove your integrity."

"I think, you have misunderstood."

"Oh?" Gu Wei Ting's eyes revealed his disbelief, "What have I


"I have never felt that I have to demand anything from Jiang Yuan, as I
have never considered her as my mother at all."

Gu Wei Ting was speechless.

Bai Luoyin stood up, and used his eyes to hint at Gu Wei Ting politely, "If
there is nothing left to be discussed, I'll return to my class."

"Only you yourself know, whether or not you consider her as your

Gu Wei Ting's voice loomed faintly from Bai Luoyin's back, his tone was not
heavy yet each of his words was sharp and piercing.

"If one day you succeed, the one who obtains the benefit is definitely not
me or your mother. You must think this over carefully."

"Thank you very much." Bai Luoyin smiled evenly, "I believe I am a
talented person, even if I don't take any shortcuts, I can also succeed."

Translator's Note:

[1] 'Hate iron for not becoming steel' is a Chinese idiom, meaning to be
resentful towards somebody for failing to meet expectations and feel
impatient to see their improvement.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 48


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 48: The Inquietude of Youth – I’ll let you vent your anger. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The afternoon break was the paradise of wrestlers. They were called wrestlers
because a group of men who loved to wrestle would gather at the corridor for
15 minutes during the afternoon break. You fight me, I fight you, you fight
him… continuously until the last person, which was granted the title of
Wrestling King, the leading juniors of the current floor went to another floor
to provoke the others.

Finally, the person who had beaten all of his opponents all over the school
grounds would be bestowed the title, God of Wrestling.

It’s both a childish and hearty game.

Before Gu Hai arrived, there were numerous Wrestling Kings on the third
floor. After Gu Hai arrived, not one of those Wrestling Kings dared to stick
their head out. The remaining few people who came to challenge him were
surely that kind of impulsive and inexperienced ones. They obviously
realized that they wouldn’t be able to beat him, yet they still wanted to
challenge him. It seemed like if they were able to exchange a few punches
with Gu Hai, it could increase their level by one.

The people who looked for Gu Hai to challenge him were plentiful today,
most likely those aches they received from the previous fights had become
somewhat better.

Originally, Gu Hai was irritated as well, he didn’t see any sign Bai Luoyin at
all for the past two classes! What should he do? Beside venting his anger on
these squanderers, is there any other kind of good diversion that he could


Along with a round of loud cheering, countless cannon fodder appeared

before Gu Hai’s feet.

The last two people moved forward at the same time, Gu Hai first did one big
movement, he swing his arms and knocked a 1.8-meter big jock, it was yet
another beautiful shoulder throw. The guy who lied on the ground was crying
out painfully.

The whole group of people was playing excitingly, then an unknown person
shouted a sentence.

“Bai Luo Yin has returned, let him fight Gu Hai.”

This particular sentence immediately roused a rowdy jeering from the crowd,
the uproar reverberating through the entire corridor. Prior to Gu Hai’s arrival,
Bai Luo Yin was not an easily beatable person as well, even though he was
not the strongest, nevertheless, he was highly skilled and agile, making it
difficult for his opponent to gain an upper hand on him.

During the split second that Gu Hai noticed Bai Luo Yin, his mood rose and
fell quite a several times. At first, he was relaxed and a hint of happiness
seeped through his heart, yet upon seeing his complexion, Gu Hai’s heart
suddenly tightened once more… He didn’t understand the influence that Bai
Luo Yin had towards his own emotions was this big, it was as if he lost
control of his own feelings as they naturally followed Bai Luoyin’s moods.

“Come, let’s fight one time.”

Bai Luoyin took the initiative to declare war.

Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin was unusual, he was extremely out of the
ordinary. When he was still mulling over this problem, Bai Luo Yin had
already lifted his leg. Fortunately, Gu Hai’s step was quick and steady
enough, if Bai Luoyin’s sudden kick were to hit an average person, they
would surely be on the ground already. Only after this disadvantage, that Gu
Hai looked at the person in front of him squarely, he is not in a good mood,
he is waiting impatiently to vent his anger, therefore, I will accompany him.

For several seconds both parties refused to budge, Bai Luoyin took the
initiative to attack once more, he liked to search for the flaws in other
people’s defense. Looks like Gu Hai’s weakness is difficult to be found, it’s
hard to be struck as well. The crucial point is in his arm and legs, they are too
powerful. Even if he managed to find a flaw, it will be very hard for Bai Luo
Yin to topple him. It’s just like a 500-kg boulder, although you are highly
skilled, you won’t be able to move it.

Gu Hai saw a chance, during Bai Luoyin’s repeated assault where his arms
exerted strength and his steps alternate constantly, he suddenly dodged
behind him and used his arms to embrace Bai Luoyin’s waist as an attempt to
disrupt his center of gravity. However, Bai Luoyin saw through his particular
trick, he swiftly used his elbow to jab at Gu Hai’s back with all of his
strength. This is actually Gu Hai’s weakest place. When Bai Luoyin shoved
him from below, Gu Hai was pushed back a few steps.

This guy is too sneaky, he can find my weak spot in such a short time…

One side of Gu Hai’s waist was still limp and numb when Bai Luoyin
pounced on him the second time, this time his momentum was even more
violent. Gu Hai sensed that something has definitely provoked Bai Luo Y in,
or else he won’t be putting up such a deadly stance. Gu Hai didn’t dare to
approach Bai Luoyin too hard, as he was afraid that he will hurt him for real
during the fight, and when that time comes, Bai Luoyin will surely be the one
to get the worst of it.

He must end this as soon as possible.

However, the reality is much harder than Gu Hai’s imagination, he had truly
underestimated Bai Luo Yin as he didn’t cease his assaults, every move was
exactly ruthless, every attack was particularly aimed at Gu Hai’s weak spot.
If Bai Luoyin’s position were to be replaced by other people, Gu Hai would
have punched them all the way up to the South Wall already.

Bai Luoyin noted that Gu Hai is an experienced fighter, he is completely on a

different level compared to the other students here. Each of his movements
was all planned and calculated, he has definitely undergone special training,
it’s not that he could counter several of the techniques around the world.

He has no other choice but to go all out.

It doesn’t matter whether it is Gu Hai or himself who tumbles down, as long

as he can throw a few punches, it can slightly cheer his heart up already.

Gu Hai felt that right now Bai Luo Yin has a posture resembling ‘shouting
mountain and roaring sea’ [1], meanwhile the expression in his eyes clearly
screamed ‘I want to beat you to death’. The corner of his lips kept on smiling,
yet it was a grim smile, the depths of his eyes yearn for freedom from a
hopeless situation.

Beads of sweat dripped from Bai Luoyin’s forehead, wantonly giving him a
wild and unruly look. Gu Hai was very steady all the way, showing a firm
and unwavering charm. The two energetic and vigorous young men wrestle
against each other, secretly comparing their own strength with their
opponent’s as well as recognizing each other’s worth. Gu Hai was reluctant
to knock Bai Luoyin down, yet he was also unwilling to let himself lose. Bai
Luoyin could see a kind of consolation deep inside Gu Hai’s eyes, and to his
surprise, his mood started to heal slowly.

When he spotted an opening, Bai Luoyin started to attack, Gu Hai

continuously retreated, his center of gravity was thoroughly pushed back and
in a way, giving Bai Luoyin a false impression. Bai Luoyin rapidly launched
a barrage of attacks, then Gu Hai noticed the gap between his legs and
abruptly extended his legs to trip Bai Luo Yin.

This was a suicidal move, because Gu Hai’s center of gravity was very low,
when Bai Luoyin stumbled, at the same time Gu Hai also fell down while
facing the sky, just in time to become Bai Luoyin’s soft cushion.

Bai Luoyin realized that Gu Hai let him win.

The bell had rung, signaling the start of class, everyone started to head to
their own classes, running while turning their heads and applauding at the
same time.

During the short moment that they fell down, Gu Hai’s hand happened to
press on Bai Luoyin’s butt. When everyone had left, all of a sudden his hand
started to move indecently, instead of putting it down, he intentionally
pinched it several times.

“It’s quite flexible.” Gu Hai amusingly gazed at the charming face inches
away from him.

Bai Luoyin used two fingers to poke at Gu Hai’s waist, his face wearing an
evil smile, he knew that Gu Hai was injured in his waist.

Gu hai immediately tightened his waist, he doesn’t know why is it when

other people touch this part, it will hurt excruciatingly, yet when Bai Luoyin
touch it, he only felt a tingling sensation. This tingling sensation ran through
all over his whole body, to such an extent that when Gu Hai squinted his eyes
to look at Bai Luo Yin, he suddenly felt that his smile was very captivating.

“You’re still not going? Class is starting!” Bai Luoyin stood up from Gu
Hai’s body, using his foot to kick at him once.

Gu Hai frowned his eyebrows into a knot, pretending to be in tremendous


“I can’t get up, I’ve hit the back of my head.”

Bai Luoyin speculated darkly in his mind. Since when hitting the back of
your head can hinder you from standing up? Acting shamelessly on purpose,
aren’t you? Although he had this thought in his mind, he really looked at the
person lying on the ice-cold ground, and still, he truly felt a little bit sorry for
Gu Hai.

He extended his hand to grasp at Gu Hai’s hand.

Gu Hai had already stood up before he managed to use any force.

After getting up, Gu Hai was still unwilling to let go of his hand, instead, he
incessantly guided their hands across his shoulders.

“Dust off the dirt from me, I can’t reach it.”

“Hey, don’t take advantage of somebody else’s weakness!”

Bai Luoyin exerted a great deal of effort, insisting on releasing his hand.

Gu Hai felt aggrieved, then shamelessly rubbed against him.

“Clearly I acted as your cushion on the ground, you don’t even feel
guilty a little bit? Yeah, I deserve it right, I deserve to suffer the fall.”

When Bai Luoyin caught sight of Gu Hai’s current appearance, he really

wanted to give him a couple of kicks.

However, he doesn’t understand why his hands and feet are very hard to
control today.

“Quick, get inside!”

Bai Luoyin pushed Gu Hai forward with one hand, casually dusting the dirt
off him for a few times.

At this very moment, if someone were to pour a bucket of water into the
center of his heart, it would definitely bloom into a bouquet of flowers.

Translator’s Note:
[1] ‘shouting mountain and roaring sea’ (山呼海啸) describes something
with a grand and imposing manner. It can also describe an extremely vile and
horrible natural situation.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 49


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 49: The Inquietude of Youth - I might be really drunk. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai brought Bai Luoyin back to his home, while Bai Han Qi was chatting
with other people at the entrance of an alley. When he saw Gu Hai and Bai
Luo Yin had already come back, he immediately picked up his folding stool,
there was a wrinkle on the corner of his eyes because of his smile.

“Da Hai ah, just eat dinner here. Don’t go.”

Bai Luoyin glanced at Bai Han Qi, obviously intending to drop a hint at him,
why would you let him eat here? He’s not a person who can comprehend
words of courtesy, if you ask him to eat here then he will definitely eat here.

“That’s great! Uncle is so kind as to let me eat here, it would be impolite

of me to go.”

Sure enough, it turns out this way!

Bai Luoyin furrowed his eyebrows, he looked at Bai Han Qi with eyes full of

“Today, Aunt Zou is cooking for us, we won’t treat him shabbily.”

“No need to let Aunt Zou cook today, it’s your turn!”

Bai Han Qi just stood there stunned for 15 minutes, is he actually praising me
or cursing me?

When Gu Hai entered the kitchen, Aunt Zou was in the middle of making the
noodle dough, thick and big rolling pin rolled back and forth on the dough’s
surface, after the dough was folded evenly into several layers, dang dang
dang.…. neat and concentrated chopping skills, between the dough was
sliced well, the thickness is the same, the length is similar, basically it was
unable to tell if the noodles were made by hands, because it was completely
like it was made by a machine.

“Aunt Zhou, your chopping skill is really amazing, how long have you
been practicing?”

Aunt Zhou just smiled gently, “Does this even need to be practiced? If
you’ve been cooking for more than 20 years, anyone would be able to do

“Do you need my help?”

“No need, just go to your room and do your homework, I will be done
with this soon.”

Gu Hai saw there were two cucumbers on the chopping board, he took a bite
and it was really crisp, he couldn’t help but say a few words of praises.
“Aunt Zhou, where did you buy this cucumber? The taste is really

“These are the cucumbers we planted at our home, later when we go

back you could pick one bag, bring them home and give them to your
parents. Our cucumbers are not sprayed with pesticide, you can eat them
without worries.”
“Okay, when we go back, I’ll go to your home to pick some!”

Between talking and laughing, Aunt Zou had already cut the cucumbers
nicely, they were cut perfectly straight, laying on the plate-like small door
curtains; besides that, there were fried diced meat in soy sauce, the scent of
the sauce was really rich, the diced meat was fresh and tender. On one side,
the number of vegetables was also, there were soya beans, Chinese tuna,
radishes….. all together they made a captivating view, just by looking at it
would make people feel greedy and craving for it.

“Aunt, do you want me to taste it first in your place?”

“Have you finished or not?”

Gu Hai hadn’t even stretched out his chopstick towards the noodles yet, when
he heard someone’s angry rebuke from the doorway, “Go out and work!
You dare to eat without doing anything?”

When Aunt Zhou saw Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai’s figures from behind, she
couldn’t help but wonder, these two boys, why are they so achingly sweet
and lovely?

During dinner, Gu Hai drank a bottle of beer, then he ate while chatting
happily with Grandma Bai.

This time Grandma Bai found a best friend, even after the dinner had finished
she still doesn’t want to let Gu Hai go, she pointed towards the yard and said
to Gu Hai happily: “This piece of land is filled with the crops that
comrade Liu Shao Qi [1] guides us to plant…”

Gu Hai: “…..”

Bai Luoyin pulled over Grandma Bai’s hand, persuaded her kindly,
“Grandma, you should wash your feet. Come on, let’s go back to the

Taking advantage of the gap when Bai Luoyin went out to take the cloth for
wiping his Grandmother’s feet, Gu Hai grabbed him.
“I know what your grandmother means, she doesn’t want me to go

Bai Luoyin patted Gu Hai’s shoulder firmly.

“You think too much!”

After strolling two laps around the yard, Gu Hai went to the doorway of
Grandma Bai’s room, then he quietly watching the dim light inside. Don’t
know how long this bulb has been used, the brightness is even less than a
phone screen’s light. However, when Gu Hai looked at the lightbulb and
looked at the people under the light, he suddenly felt that his heart was filled
to the brim with warmth. This is home. Night time at home shouldn’t be as
bright as the daytime, it should be dim and silent, where the silhouettes of
your dearest people are constantly lengthening and shortening on the wall.

Grandpa Bai drank a glass of white wine, and he fell asleep long ago, his
snores drifted faintly into Gu Hai’s ears. Grandma Bai was still mumbling
endlessly, sitting in front of her grandson who was patiently wiping her feet.

Sometimes, Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin is really cold, but there are times
when he felt that Bai Luo Yin is especially full of warmth.

He can be warm and cold towards people, it’s so clear. When he’s being cold,
you’ll think that he is completely incompatible with the sunlight on top of
your head. Nevertheless, when he’s being warm, even just for once in a
while, no matter how much snow accumulates inside your heart, it will melt
in a flash. This kind of person will grab your heart at all times. When you
move forward, he’ll retreat, and when you move backward he’ll turn his head
and expect you to come, it causes you to you lose your mind. Even if he and
you were of the same gender, and both of you are only friends, but when he
isn’t here, your life simply becomes incomplete.

Except for drug, Gu Hai couldn’t think any other word to describe Bai Luo

When Bai Luoyin came out from his grandmother’s room, his surroundings
had already quieted down, he only heard dog’s barks occasionally, he didn’t
know when Aunt Zou went back. The courtyard was very neatly divided,
inside the bathroom built with plastic covering was the tired posture of Bai
Han Qi, who was in the middle of washing the clothes, Bai Luoyin went back
to his own room.

He didn’t know who turned on the lights in his room, Bai Luoyin barely
stepped his foot inside when he was struck speechless.

Gu Hai had already taken his shoes off, laying on his bed, resting his head on
his pillow, covered with his quilt, and he didn’t feel awkward even for a bit.

“You better scram back quickly!”

Bai Luoyin kicked Gu Hai.

Gu Hai’s voice sounded like he was mumbling, but when he opened one of
his eyes, it shined brightly.

“I am drunk!”

Bai Luoyin’s face darkened, “Cut your crap! You only drink one bottle,
who are you fooling? Quick get up!”

“I can’t get up!”

“Don’t be foolish!”

Bai Luoyin leaned over to pull Gu Hai up, but Gu Hai forcefully pulled him
to the bed, the bed plank gave a creaking sound, Gu Hai used both of his
hands to hug Bai Luoyin’s shoulder, both of his legs desperately pressed Bai
Luoyin down. Gu Hai’s eyes were similar to an intoxicated snake, wriggling
and crawling on Bai Luoyin’s body, both were entangled together and Gu Hai
was reluctant to leave Bai Luoyin’s body, causing the other person to shiver
and not letting them to escape easily.

Bai Luoyin’s body was somewhat stiff.

Gu Hai captured Bai Luoyin’s hesitant eyes, firmly grabbed on Bai Luoyin’s
shoulder, and clashed his teeth together.
“I might be……. really drunk.”

Translator Note:

[1] Liu Shao Qi (1898-1969) is a Chinese communist leader and a martyr of

the Cultural Revolution.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 50


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 50: The Inquietude of Youth - Why does it hit him

unexpectedly? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Tonight is a full moon, the lamps were already turned off, yet everything
inside the room was still clear.

Two people were squeezed together in the bed, Gu Hai was sleeping nearby
the window, when he inclined his head, he could directly see the moon
hanging from the treetops.

"The moon festival is only two days away." Bai Luoyin reminisced.

Gu Hai casted a glance towards Bai Luoyin, his face was half-bright and half-
dark, the moonlight softened the curves of his face. On normal days, his eyes
are always cold and sharp, at this moment, they finally rested and the speed
of his blinks had started to slow down, he often fixed his eyes on a corner,
watching quietly.

"Why does the homeroom teacher look for you today?"

"How does your family celebrate the moon festival?"


The two questions, which were asked at the same time, caused the
atmosphere of the room to become slightly awkward.

Gu Hai was waiting for Bai Luoyin's reply while plotting an answer in his
mind, he realized that it is quite difficult to hide the truth of his status like
this. There cannot be a more suitable phrase for his current predicament than
'tell a lie once and you will tell countless more lies to cover the first one'. He
feared that he can't stop the day where Bai Luoyin spotted a clue regarding
this matter, and when that moment comes, the aftermath will definitely
become more serious.

Moreover, it was impossible for him to hide in this place all his life.

Even if he doesn't return and find Gu Wei Ting, Gu Wei Ting do everything
possible to get him back.

If he doesn't resist, then his identity will be exposed right away; if he fight
back, it will become the talk of the town and his identity will be completely

Therefore, no matter which path he walked, they are all dead ends.

He must win Bai Luoyin's trust as soon as possible, build an indestructible

and revolutionary friendship with him, after that, he will slowly reveal the
truth to him.

"Our family had never celebrated moon festival, the most we did was
buying one kilogram of moon cake."

Bai Luoyin peeked at Gu Hai from the corner of his eyes, he noticed a special
kind of aura from him, it is not the kind of aura that can be emitted by a
person from a poor and ordinary family.

Gu Hai shifted to one side and propped his hand behind the back of his head,
looking at Bai Luoyin in interest.
"How about your family?"

Bai Luoyin smiled faintly, "We eat moon cakes of course."

Gu Hai caught the sight of Bai Luoyin's smile and guessed that he definitely
like to eat moon cakes.

"What kind of moon cake do you like to eat?"

"The one stuffed with egg yolk and lotus seed paste."

"Why do you like to eat that kind of filling?" Gu Hai expressed his
confusion, "It's not sweet and also not salty, I'm bored eating those."

Bai Luoyin inclined his gaze towards Gu Hai, "So, what kind of moon cake
do you like? Tell me."

"The one stuffed with ribbonfish."

"Your family bought a ribbonfish-stuffed one?" Bai Luoyin didn't know

whether to laugh or cry, "Why don't you say that you'd even eat the one
stuffed with sheep tail?"

"The one stuffed with sheep tail smelled very rank."

Bai Luoyin couldn't help but to burst in laughter, the moonlight illuminated
his smile, intoxicating the heart of a certain person.

"Bai Luoyin."

"Hm?" Bai Luoyin turned his head to look at Gu Hai

Gu Hai had his back to the moon, the contours of his eyes reflected the
increasingly dark and deep background.

"Actually, I'm not like this."

Bai Luoyin replied neutrally, "Then, what kind of person are you?"
"I'm a very honest and serious person."

However, that was before I met you, Gu Hai forgot to add these words.

"Gu Hai, from now on, there is no need to say this kind of words
anymore, even if you tell me that you are a woman, I'll probably believe


After taking a few deep breaths, Gu Hai finally digested these words. He saw
that Bai Luoyin had already turned his back, he pondered, I won't let him go
to sleep so easily, besides he hasn't answered the most important question.

"Actually, why does the teacher look for you today?"

Bai Luoyin slightly turned his body around, "Do you stay here today just
for the sake of asking me about this thing?"

"It's not like that, I'm only afraid that if you suppress those feelings
inside your heart, it would hurt you."

An inexplicable feeling rose from Bai Luoyin's heart, for a time, he was
suspicious of Gu Hai's intention towards him. When you have a conflict with
him, he will give you a very hard time, as if he has accumulated his hatred for
you for several lifetimes; however, when he is kind to you, he is
unreasonably kind, as if he was indebted to you in the previous life...
Regarding the matter today, Bai Luoyin thought that he had concealed his
feelings very well, so that other people can't discover it, Bai Han Qi doesn't
suspect either, yet Gu Hai can see through him.

There are times when Bai Luoyin felt that Gu Hai resembled an insane
person, but when facing this insane person, it's inevitable that there will be a
kind of indescribable trust. Supposed if that 'wine in, truth out' night [1] was
counted as a coincidence, then his impulse to pour out his heart right now
won't be able to deceive people anymore.

Regardless of his previous doubts, those are currently unimportant, he only

needs a close and understanding friend.

"I've told you that my mom remarried, right?"

Gu Hai nodded his head, "Yeah, you've mentioned before."

"Today that man came to find me, inviting me to move in and live with

"Did you agree?"

Bai Luoyin asked a rhetorical question, "Do you really think that I'll

You really deserve to be called my bro!... Gu Hai secretly expressed his

approval, both of them have the same kind of bitter experience, they ought to
share a common hatred for the enemy.

"The thing that irks me the most is his manner when he was talking to
me, he compared me with his son, boasted about his son excessively, and
then use it to contrast with how shortsighted thinking my thinking is. Do
you know? I loathe that kind of person the most, talking pretentiously, as
if all the people in this world is inferior to him and they must listen to his

Fuck... Gu Hai pulled his bed sheet down, these words truly strike the center
of his heart.

"I'm also annoyed by that type of person, you don't need to heed him."

Bai Luoyin's voice was dry, "I just can't accept the way he speaks."

"If you really can't accept it, then you can simply curse him, curse his
son to get hit by a car and become crippled tomorrow!"

Then a loud sound of crashing could be heard, something had fallen down
from the wall and directly plunged onto Gu Hai's foot.

"Ouch, hey, what's going on?"

Bai Luoyin hastily turned on the lamp.

The old wall clock that had been hung on the wall for more than thirty years
fell down for no reason today. It fell off suddenly and directly hit Gu Hai's
left foot without any mercy. If it were not because of Gu Hai's healthy body,
this fifteen kilogram clock would have really crippled his foot.

Gu Hai furrowed his eyebrows, "Did you do it on purpose? Why does it

fall off when I've just arrived to sleep here?"

Bai Luoyin laughed until he couldn't keep his mouth closed, what general,
what stepfather, throw the entire Nyima country[2] behind your head, nothing
can beat the bad luck that Gu Hai had.

Say, this old clock has been hung for more than thirty years, why does it hit
him unexpectedly?

Translator's Note:

[1] 'wine in, truth out' night refers to chapter 29, the night where Bai Luoyin
got really drunk on the street stall and spilled his heart out to Gu Hai, the one
where Gu Hai piggybacked him home.

[2] Nyima is the name of a county in central Tibet.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 51


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 51: The Inquietude of Youth – Lend me your body to WARM

my hands. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The next few days were a blessing in disguise for Gu Hai.

The old clock that hit his leg didn’t only cause it to bruise heavily but also
wounded his kneecap, he was unable to bend his knee so he couldn’t even
walk. To alleviate his suffering, on behalf of his whole family, Bai Luo Yin
was forced to wait for Gu Hai, he had to cycle the bike for him before and
after school, brought him to eat breakfast, he has to support Gu Hai whenever
they’re walking. The only thing missing was Bai Luo Yin helping Gu Hai to
hold his thing when he went to the bathroom.

After Gu Hai leg was hurt, he became even more shameless. Every night, he
would eat dinner for free at Bai Luo Yin’s house, after he finished eating he
would shamelessly hang around until the sky darkened, and then with the
reason that he was unable to move freely, he would stay overnight there, his
manner was just the same as blackmailing Bai family.
Moreover, Bai Luo Yin discovered one of Gu Hai’s bad habit.

He really loves to hug people.

Every night when they were sleeping and when Bai Luo Yin was in a daze,
he would always feel an arm stretching towards him, embracing his entire
body. Because his bed was narrow, and there were not much space to move
around, Bai Luo Yin didn’t take it to his heart. However, when they were
riding a bike together, Gu Hai would still do this bad habit of him, he would
start to hug Bai Luo Yin with his arms without any reason.

Bai Luo Yin was really irritated because of this thing, you say you are an
adult, yet why are you going around and hugging other people?

So today, before he went on the bike, Bai Luo Yin specially emphasized one

“I’m telling you, don’t hug me!”

Gu Hai met Bai Luo Yin’s gaze full of meaning, why won’t you let me hug

Why do you even need to ask this kind of thing?!

Bai Luo Yin found out that Gu Hai always make other people to lose their
patience and burn with anger, nine out of ten words that he said would make
no sense!

Lastly, Bai Luo Yin only replied him with two words.

“It’s disgusting!”

In the past, if Gu Hai saw two guys hugging each other, Gu Hai would feel
uncomfortable and annoyed too. But everything has an exception, and Bai
Luo Yin is that exception. It’s not Bai Luo Yin’s waist that Gu Hai is
infatuated with, but rather it’s the silent endurance, the awkwardness, and his
shyness to talk about it….

The first half of the journey was quite peaceful, after turned on the corner, Gu
Hai extended his hand once again, it’s just that this time he didn’t hug Bai
Luo Yin, but he placed his hands inside Bai Luo Yin’s jacket instead.

His hand directly came into contact with Bai Luo Yin’s smooth back.

Bai Luo Yin’s hair from his head to toe suddenly stood up. It was as if his
seat had an electric switch below it.

“What are you doing?”

Finally, Bai Luo Yin snarled angrily towards Gu Hai. Gu Hai used his palm
to rub Bai Luo Yin’s back, followed by the back of his hands. Bit by bit, he
rubbed slowly as if he intentionally want to wear down Bai Luo Yin’s

“I’m borrowing your body heat to warm my hands just a bit!”

Bai Luo Yin’s face filled with anger completely, your hands are even warmer
than my body, who are you warming for? I will bear with you for a few more
days, just wait until your legs have recovered completely and see how I will
get a revenge on you! You bastard!


“Gu Hai, there’s someone looking for you outside.”

Gu Hai turned his head to give a quick look at Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin immediately waved his hand, “I’m not going to help you,
whoever wants to help then he can help you.”

Gu Hai jumped on one foot towards the door, and once he was out from Bai
Luo Yin’s sight, he immediately walked normally, it might be said that the
soles of his feet was swift as the wind, he walked boldly and bravely.

When he saw it, he considered himself lucky because Bai Luo Yin didn’t
came with him.

Bodyguard Sun saw Gu Hai, and his heart instantly eased up, he smiled then
walked towards Gu Hai, patted him on his shoulder and teased him: “My
young master, I finally found you.”

Gu Hai’s face immediately fell.

“What are you doing here?”

“Something came up so I need to find you, let’s talk on the car.”

A deep annoyance was visible between Gu Hai’s eyebrows.

“If you have something to say, then say it right here. I have no time to
follow you.”

Bodyguard Sun submissively stood in front of Gu Hai, “The problem is the

one who wants to talk you isn’t me!”

The blue veins on Gu Hai’s forehead jumped out, “Then, you can just go

After he finished his words, he immediately turned back.

“The commander said, if I couldn’t bring you, I can’t go back.”

Gu Hai’s steps stopped instantly, the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of
the heroic military vehicle, furthermore Bodyguard Sun was talking in a
bureaucratic tone and with the facial expression of a soldier. When he
directed his gaze upstairs, the window on the third floor was open, if Bai Luo
Yin were to come out from the classroom, he would be able to see him in this

“Let’s go.”

Gu Hai went inside the car with a blank expression.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 52


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 52: The Inquietude of Youth - Xiao Hai's argument with Jiang
Yuan. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"What do you want to drink?" Jiang Yuan looked towards Gu Hai while

Gu Hai smugly moved his chin towards the waiter, implying that she could
just go.

"I don't want to drink anything, if you have something to say then just
say it right now."

"It's like this, I've discussed this with your dad already...."

"If you want me to go back then you don't need to say it." Gu Hai
interrupted Jiang Yuan's words, his attitude was unyielding, "I can't live
together with both of you."

"It's not like that...." Jiang Yuan forced a smile, "You are mistaken, we
didn't even think to force you to live together with us. Our idea is like
this: you can go back to your previous home, then your dad and I will
move out, this way you don't have to wander alone by yourself. Living
outside is good, but it won't be as good as your own home, right? Your
mother had lived in that house for so many years as well, I believe that
you definitely have a deep affection towards that house-"

"When will I go back, how will I go back, does it have anything to do

with you?"

Jiang Yuan only looked at Gu Hai quietly for a long time.

"I realized, you're very similar with my son."

And then, she suddenly laughed so heartily, attracting glances from the
people around them.

"Both of you can really render other people speechless.... Haha..."

Gu Hai didn't have any expression on his face, he simply glared coldly at
Jiang Yuan, until she withdrew her laugh, she began to realize that her joke
wasn't funny. The thing that Gu Hai hates most is when Gu Wei Ting or Jiang
Yuan mentioned about another family member in front of him, forcibly
lashing upon his mind that his family has been broken since long time ago.

"Don't misunderstand, I.... hey... I found out that when I look at you, I
don't know what to say. My relationship with my son is also like that, no
matter what I say, he always has that hostile attitude. It seems that I lack
interaction with the people of your generation, I will learn well, i will try
to understand...."

"Are you done yet?"

"Eh?" Jiang Yuan's words were interrupted again.

Gu Hai stood up, "If you're already finished, then I'm going back."

"No, please wait." Jiang Yuan stood up, "Even if you don't think of me as
your mother, I have already treated you as my son. I hope you can come
home soon, if you think I'm an eyesore to you, I can move out
temporarily, I'll wait until you finish your college entrance exam, have
your own new life, then I will move back."

"You're ridiculous." Gu Hai turned his head, "If you're really sincere
about this, then why must you marry my dad?"

Jiang Yuan was speechless.

Gu Hai sneered, then walked out with big strides.


It's 8 o'clock at night when Gu Hai was on his way to Tian Jin.

He barely came out from the south station entrance, when suddenly he was
embraced tightly, Jin Lu Lu hugged both of Gu Hai's sides, there was a hint
of complain in her voice, "You've finally realized to come over and see

Gu Hai handed an exquisite box of moon cake to Jin Lu Lu, "Tomorrow is

the Mid-Autumn festival, let's celebrate it together."

When Jin Lu Lu heard these words, God knows how touched she was in her
heart. When Gu Hai was able to say these kind of words, it proved that she
had already become Gu Hai's most important person.

"Oh right, I bought a couple of new clothes for you, you can change to it
later when we go back tonight, you see what are you wearing right
now?" Jin Lu Lu said while pulling a loose thread from Gu Hai's collar.

It's really rare to see, but this time Gu Hai didn't refuse Jin Lu Lu, maybe it's
because they were at the place a hundred kilometers away, he didn't have to
worry that his identity would be exposed. When Gu Hai changed his clothes
into international branded ones, his tall and slender figure attracted a lot of
attentions. When he walked on the streets he would always attract pairs of
eyes, following him in interest, causing Jin Lu Lu to curl her lips from time to
"We talked about this already, when you go back to Beijing, you can
wear those rag-like clothes, only when you came to see me you will wear
these clothes."

Gu Hai sighed heavily, after going back to Beijing, even if you force me to
wear it, I won't wear it.

Jin Lu Lu was walking while staring at Gu Hai incessantly, until Gu Hai's

eyes met hers.

"What are you looking at?"

Jin Lu Lu puckered up her lips in a smile, "I noticed that you changed back

Gu Hai's solemn eyes shot a glance at Jin Lu Lu, "What do you mean by
change back?"

"Recently, when I went to your place and lived with you for three days, I
felt like you were being possessed, you would smile to me from time to
time, you would also say some pleasant words to me occasionally, you
never did something like that before. However, this time when you come
here, you seem like you're back to normal, not so gentle anymore, you
didn't talk much too, as if you're so indifferent to everything...."

"So, you mean I wasn't good to you before?"

"No no no... On the contrary, I really like it when you're like this, it gives
me more sense of security."

Gu Hai suddenly stood still, he turned his head towards Jin Lu Lu, and asked
her inexplicably, "Do you think I'm a decent and serious person?"

A snort could be heard, Jin Lu Lu laughed.

"What a nonsense... Of course you are. Otherwise, why would I be

together with you?"

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 53


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 53: The Inquietude of Youth - It's that fool! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The Ferris wheel escalated gradually to the peak as the beautiful night view
of Tianjin became visible to their eyes.

Inside the couple cabin, there were only Gu Hai and Jin Lu Lu.

Jin Lu Lu linked her arms with Gu Hai while pointing at the night sky on the
east, "Look, the full moon tonight is really round."

But for Gu Hai, the full moon will never be round anymore.

In his heart, there will always be a gap, every time when it is the family
reunion festival time of the year, it will be the most difficult time for him.
Originally, he had wanted to have a dinner at Bai Luo Yin's place, but Jiang
Yuan's appearance yesterday made him gave up the idea. He found out that
whenever he is in a bad mood, the person he doesn't want to see the most was
Bai Luo Yin.
Maybe it's because he's a little bit too carried away by happiness these days,
so he couldn't imagine himself visiting Bai Luo Yin's place with sullen face.

Forget it, just get over with these two days!

It was past 11 PM, the pedestrians were scattered on the streets, they were
mostly couples, it was very difficult to wait until holiday came, it'll be very
tiring. Jin Lu Lu pulled Gu Hai to enter the stores one by one, tirelessly
asking the shop assistant about the price, holding two different things to
compare. Occasionally she would ask for Gu Hai's opinion, and Gu Hai
would always say that everything is good.

"There is lingerie shop in front, accompany me to see it."

Gu Hai was holding his cigarette on the corner of his mouth, when he heard
Jin Lu Lu, he firmly inhaled his cigarette, then he exhaled the smoke in front
of Jin Lu Lu's face.

"Do you still need to wear lingerie? It's all flat....."

Jin Lu Lu relentlessly pounded Gu Hai's chest for a few times with anger,
"You're too awful!"

Gu Hai simply laughed without a word.

Jin Lu Lu saw Gu Hai's face behind the smoke screen, it was somewhat
between real and unreal, then she was suddenly crazy about him, for a
moment she didn't know what to say, her heart felt sweet yet sour, she was
moved beyond words, because this person belongs to herself alone.

Jin Lu Lu went inside by herself, while Gu Hai just stood on the roadside
while smoking.

Next to the lingerie store, there was a dessert store, during this time, this
business was very prosperous. Every customer that came out from the store
would carry an elegant package of moon cake box. There were all kinds of
moon cake with different fillings placed inside the window showcase, there
were sweet bean paste, jujube paste, sausages, fruits...... and also, lotus seed
paste with egg yolk.

Gu Hai extinguished his cigarette, he gazed quietly at the number of moon

cakes on the window showcase as it slowly decreased.


After turning the lights off before sleeping, Bai Han Qi went inside Bai Luo
Yin's room.

"Why Da Hai didn't come over today?"

Bai Luo Yin pulled up his blanket, and gave an indifferent expression.

"How do I know? It's good that he didn't come, when he's here I
couldn't sleep well."

Bai Han Qi sat on his bed while staring at Bai Luo Yin, "You didn't ask
him? I saw that you came back here with his bike, did anything happen
to him?"

"He's already an adult, what bad thing could possibly happen to him?"

"I'm telling you, this kid, Da Hai is not bad, don't pick on him too much.
He is really happy to eat here, to live here, he sincerely wanted to be
brothers with you [1], don't drive him off all the time!"

"When did I drive him off?" Bai Luo Yin twisted his eyebrows, giving an
impatient look, "He simply left without saying anything, I even waited for
him in the classroom for a long time, but I didn't see him at all, I was
being kind enough to bring back his schoolbag with me, and I brought
back his bike too, yet it is still my fault?"

Bai Han Qi glanced anxiously at his precious son, his tone immediately
changed from lecturing to coaxing. "Okay okay okay, what I said was
wrong, hurry up and sleep, it's very difficult to have a holiday, no need
to get up early tomorrow."

Bai Han Qi turned the lights off for Bai Luo Yin, then closed the door gently.
Bai Luo Yin's surrounding became dim, there was a large spot where the
moonlight shone, but Bai Luo Yin's mood was dark.

He's agitated without any reason!

There was nothing like excitement and expectation before holiday in his
heart, he was completely confused, his brain was like a messy rope,
extending down to his throat, stifling and suppressing his entire chest.

That entire night, Bai Luo Yin couldn't sleep well.

There was no one beside him. Although it wasn't any more spacious than
before, he still had to restrict his movement when he turned. Occasionally, he
would stretch his arms out but immediately pulled them back. By the time he
realized that no one was beside him, it was almost daybreak.

Early in the morning, Aunt Zou came over while carrying a food basket.

"Today, we're going to have a nice dinner, where is Da Hai? Hurry and
call him to come over here! Didn't he always want to help me? I can
really use his help this time."

Bai Luo Yin came out with disheveled hair and a dirty face, he drowsily
replied to her.

"He's not here."

After he said that, he walked towards the faucet while carrying his toothbrush
and mug.

It's already autumn, the water had turned very cold, when he rinsed his
mouth, the water would freeze his teeth until it ached.

Aunt Zhou was thinking on one side, "Say, why this kid hasn't come over
lately? I bought a lot of dish, last time he told me that his favorite food is
diced chicken in soybean sauce, I especially slaughtered a chicken for
him to eat!"

Gu Hai had a long dream that night.

First, he had a dream about his mother, she was knitting a sweater for him
beside a lotus pond. She was almost finished with the sweater, when it
suddenly fell to the pond. Gu Hai jumped into the water, he was hoping he
could get them out, only to find that his legs was stuck on the mud, it's cold!
Really cold! Gu Hai couldn't climb up, he also couldn't shout for help.

Then, Bai Luo Yin appeared out of nowhere, he kept shouting towards Gu
Hai: Grab my hand, grab my hand...... slowly, until he finally drifted ashore.

When he woke up, Jin Lu Lu was on the phone.

Gu Hai found out, his hand and Jin Lu Lu's hand was intertwined.

"Dad, I won't go back today, I have something to do, yes, I really have
something to do, during the Mid-autumn Festival last year, weren't you
on your business trip too? You're allowed to go on business trip, but you
wouldn't allow me to wander around? How can..... I'm not running
around crazily...."

While waiting for Jin Lu Lu to hang up her phone, Gu Hai had already went
down from the bed.

"You've woke up?" Jin Lu Lu smiled to Gu Hai, "My dad asked me to go

back just now, I didn't agree with him."

"Just go back, then I'll go see my aunt."

"No!" Jin Lu Lu immediately stood up and complained, "We agreed that

we would celebrate this festival together today, but you still want to rush
off and run away?! I'll tell you this, no one can even think about
separating us today, I just want to be together with you."

The two of them went for a lunch, and then they went to watch a movie.

When the movie had finished, Gu Hai said that he wanted to go to the toilet.

After she waited for 10 minutes, Gu Hai hasn't come out yet. Jin Lu Lu was
anxious, she almost went inside the toilet to find him. Then her phone rang, it
was from an unknown number.
"Lu Lu, just catch a taxi and go home! I'm going back to Beijing."

"You.... You tricked me!" Jin Lu Lu yelled inside the empty theatre "You
are not human!"

"I need to go back and see my mother. I don't want her to be alone."

Jin Lu Lu held out for a few seconds, before her hands dropped limply.


Bai Luo Yin put one rolled pork meat on his grandmother's bowl,
"Grandma, have one more."

Grandma Bai had a small bite, her few remaining teeth was chewing
carefully, the sauce flowed from the gap between her teeth to the outside her
mouth, Bai Luo Yin picked up a handkerchief to wipe his grandmother's


Grandma Bai said a lot of words, but Bai Luo Yin couldn't understand

"Mom... you have to swallow your food first then speak, you couldn't
even speak well in the first place...." Bai Han Qi complained.

Grandma Bai glared at Bai Han Qi, she quickly chewed everything on her
mouth, swallowed it, then urgently looked at Bai Luo Yin to ask him, "What
about Xiao Yang? Xiao Yang?[2]"

"Xiao Yang?" Bai Luo Yin paused, "Grandma, our family hadn't raised
a sheep for so many years already?!"

"No.... " Grandma Bai's clumsy lips made her words became even more
jumbled, "Just.... Just.... Water.... Big water....."

Bai Han Qi took a glass of water and handed it to Grandma Bai, "Mom, do
you want to drink?" Grandma Bai shook her head, she was so anxious that
the corner of her eyes had creased.

"What was his name..... Da Ge.... Da He...."

Bai Luo Yin understood it already, "Grandma, do you mean to say Gu


"Yeah...yeah..." Grandma Bai couldn't help but to nod.

Bai Luo Yin poked his chopstick on his bowl, he snorted in his mind, he only
freeloads in this house to eat, right? He only didn't come for one day, right?
Why is everyone so concerned about him?

Past 8 PM, the moon was perfectly round, Bai Luo Yin carried a box of
mooncake, and knocked on the house next door where an old married couple
lived. An old man puffed hardly while coming out to open the door, when he
saw Bai Luo Yin, he immediately smiled.

"Granduncle, I came here to bring some mooncakes for you."

The grandpa was so happy that he didn't know how to convey his feelings,
"Our Yin Zi can really take care other people ah! You still remember to
visit granduncle, quick quick, come inside and sit for a while."

"It's already this late, I'm not going inside, I still have to deliver my
friend's bike."

"What bike?"

"Deliver this bike, did you forget? Last time, my classmate went out
from your house with this bike."

The old man was staring hardly at the bike for quite a moment, then he
suddenly remembered, he pointed to the bike and said loudly, "Is it that

Bai Luo Yin was momentarily shocked, he didn't even know whether it was
said in a joking manner or detesting manner.

"Yes, it's definitely that fool!"

Translator's Note:

[1] 'He sincerely wanted to be your brother': the term 'brother' implies a good
friendship between guys, not brother as in blood siblings.

[2] Xiao Yang (尿羊) means little lamb or sheep. In this chapter, Grandma
Bai was actually referring to Xiao Yang (尿洋), which has similar
pronunciation and tone to 尿羊. She wanted to say 尿海 (Xiao Hai, 'Hai'
means 'sea') but can only remember 尿洋 (Xiao Yang, 'Yang' means 'ocean')
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 54


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 54: The Inquietude of Youth - Just want to be with you. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Eleven o'clock at night, after Bai Han Qi finished taking a shower, with a
towel hanging on his shoulder and the water still dripping, he went inside Bai
Luo Yin's room.

"When you go to sleep, don't forget to lock the courtyard door."

Bai Luo Yin nodded, his eyes were fixed on his computer screen.

Bai Han Qi went inside his room. Suddenly, Bai Luo Yin slammed his hand
at the keyboard and glared at

his computer screen in anger. Dead again! What happened today, when I
played the game I either die or the game lags, I'm not playing anymore! Bai
Luo Yin stood up, kicked his stool away and went out.

The moon was so beautiful, it's so round and bright, when Bai Luo Yin
glanced at it, he felt like spitting on it.
Fuck, who told you to be so round tonight! [1]

The door was still wide open, Bai Luo Yin picked up the rusty lock, it felt so
cold, causing his hand to freeze when he held it.

The door was barely shut close when suddenly, a large force pushed it open

"Don't lock the door."

Suddenly, a face appeared at his door and caused Bai Luo Yin to freeze in

Gu Hai just appeared out of nowhere, his face was travel-worn and weary [2].
The moment he saw Bai Luo Yin, he simply pulled him into a tight embrace
without saying anything.

Bai Luo Yin smelled the scent of exhaustion from Gu Hai's body. His heart
was beating fast and violently, it made Bai Luo Yin's heartbeat become
unsteady too.

When Gu Hai hugged Bai Luo Yin, he felt that his heart is now complete.
After he visited his late mother's grave, Gu Hai's mood became extremely
depressed, that he almost jumped into the city moat [3]. On his way to Bai
Luo Yin's house, he was running all the way, afraid that Bai Luo Yin had
already locked the door, afraid that he won't be able to see Bai Luo Yin. At
this very moment, only this place, only this person, who can make him feel
like he isn't alone.

After a long silence, Bai Luo Yin muttered, "I thought you've died

Gu Hai heaved a long sigh of relief, "When I hear you mocking at me, it
feels really good."

Bai Luo Yin suppressed his urges to bear old grudges in his heart, how can he
just forgive Gu Hai easily? When he saw Gu Hai holding him tightly, it was
hard for him to push him away, so he mercilessly punched Gu Hai's weak
spot in his waist, sending him flying one meter away.

"Fuck off! You've had enough fun outside, and now you still want to
disturb other people's sleep!"

Gu Hai couldn't even catch his breath from the pain he felt, when he saw that
Bai Luo Yin wanted to close the door again, he placed himself between the
door, then stared at Bai Luo Yin with his dark eyes,

"I'm not going anywhere tonight. I'm staying here."

"You're staying here?" Bai Luo Yin snorted coldly, "If you're paying
then I might consider letting you sleep in the pigsty."

Gu Hai laughed straight away. Using a little bit of strength, he finally

squeezed inside the door. He stroked the back of Bai Luo Yin's head and said
with a persuasive tone, "Enough, enough. Don't be angry anymore. It's
my fault, okay? I shouldn't have left without saying anything and made
you keep on worrying about me. It's already this late and you're still
awake, waiting for me."

Bai Luo Yin threw Gu Hai's hand away, pulling out two strands of his hair
along with it, "Don't be such a disgusting person, can you? Who the fuck
you said waited for you?!"

"Then why didn't you lock the door? I remember those past two days
when I stayed at your place, you would've locked it already by 9 PM."

Bai Luo Yin's anger finally erupted and he even lifted his legs. Gu Hai
couldn't care less, he firmly marched forward and pulled Bai Luo Yin into a
tight embrace, they fit together perfectly, not even leaving any space between

"Yinzi, don't be angry anymore, can you? I just came back from my
mother's grave. My heart is in a mess. Can't you give in to me just this
one time?"

At last, Bai Luo Yin's stiff body gradually went lax and warm under Gu Hai's
soft and deep voice.

After they entered the room, Gu Hai placed a box on the table.

"I bought a moon cake for you."

Although Bai Luo Yin let Gu Hai inside, his icy expression remained the

"Just eat it by yourself."

Gu Hai opened the moon cake box, he said to Bai Luo Yin with the seductive
tone, "I specially ordered them to make it for you, you really don't want
to try it?"

"I don't care who you made it for, I said I don't want to eat it so....."

When Bai Luo Yin turned his head, suddenly a huge piece of moon cake
appeared before his eyes.

It is as big as a whole pizza!

There were four large words carved on top of the moon cake, egg yolk lotus
paste, the moon cake was so full and round, rich and plump, the color was
captivating, and there was a faint sweet fragrance coming out from the cover

"I ran through few stores, and only this one store accepted my request,
don't look down on this moon cake, it definitely has a high degree of
difficulty! Normally speaking, it's really hard to make, even just with 4
egg yolks, the problem is that the mold is very hard to find), the crucial
point is that the yolk filling is not easy to stick together if you're not
careful then it will fall apart. I can assure you that this moon cake has no
less 12 egg yolks inside, I guarantee even if you just eat one you would
feel full already."

Gu Hai said it with a radiant delight [4] when Bai Luo Yin heard it, his heart
shivered slightly.
"Are you a fool? Isn't it enough that you only buy a few pieces? Why did
you have to buy the big one?"

"It's not the same." Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin with a faint smile, "Our
appetites are really big, and I wanted to eat one with you, so this is the
most suitable size for us."

Bai Luo Yin wore a scoffing expression, his eyes were like a fork, staring
fiercely right at Gu Hai.

Fortunately, Gu Hai understood Bai Luo Yin enough, he didn't wait for Bai
Luo Yin to open his mouth on his own and simply shoved one slice into Bai
Luo Yin's mouth.

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a bit, but he still opened his mouth.

He took one bite, it is so soft and spongy, he can taste all the light and
different flavors, the taste is just like his feelings for the past two days. [5]

Translator's Note:

[1] Round full moon usually represents completeness. When Bai Luo Yin
cursed at the full moon, it can be said that he felt emptiness and loneliness in
his heart.

[2] 'his face was travel-worn and weary': the literal translation is supposed to
be 'his face was covered in dust', however, this phrase is actually a Chinese
idiom which means 'weary after a long journey'.

[3] 'he almost jumped into the city moat': moat is a deep, wide trench which
is usually filled with water and surrounds the wall of a fortified place (e.g.
castles, towns). In this chapter, the 'city moat' refers to the famous moat (6-m
deep, 52-m wide) surrounding the Forbidden City in Beijing.

[4] 'with a radiant delight': the literal translation is 'with dancing eyebrows
and radiant face'.

[5] 'just like his feelings for the past two days': refers to the two days when
Gu Hai left without a word, resulting in Bai Luo Yin having these mixed
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 55


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 55: The Inquietude of Youth – Da Hai was EXPOSED. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Below the cramped single bed, laid two identical shoes.

Gu Hai was lying sideways. He saw Bai Luo Yin lying on his stomach, his
arms and legs stretched out so comfortably, while his shirt was folded up,
exposing his wide back. As the moonlight shone onto him, Bai Luo Yin’s
exposed skin was just like those bean curd that Aunt Zhou made. It looked so
soft and delicate, Gu Hai couldn’t help but to reach his hand out to touch it, it
was smooth and firm.

Bai Luo Yin turned his head over. His eyes were half-closed and half-opened.
His facial expression was indifferent.

Gu Hai breathed, while stretching his hand out unconsciously. Bai Luo Yin
seemed to realize what he was going to do, then he suddenly grabbed Gu
Hai’s hand.

“Do you know why did I scold you today?”

Okay. The judgment has finally begun. Gu Hai knew that Bai Luo Yin won’t
let go of this matter easily.

“Because I didn’t tell you where did I go these past two days?”

Bai Luo Yin opened his eyes. They were like a dark flower, blooming silently
at night.

“It’s because when you’re feeling down, you didn’t choose to come to

It’s a simple sentence, nevertheless, when Gu Hai heard it, his heart was
overcome with an overwhelming [1] feeling. He didn’t expect that Bai Luo
Yin would be silently concerned about him, it’s just the same as his feelings
for Bai Luo Yin. Perhaps it is merely an emotion showing in the eyes, yet he
can already see through the most hidden corner in the other person’s heart.
Perhaps it is only a smile, yet it can influence his mood for the whole day….
This kind of tacit understanding is almost as if it is innate. It doesn’t have
anything to do with the period of time, since the very beginning, it has
already ignited like a flame.

After he calmed his heart with much difficulty, Gu Hai said, “I’m afraid
that it will affect your mood.”

“That is the main reason why I scolded you today,” Bai Luo Yin furrowed
his eyebrows, his hand lightly hit against the bed sheet, “You don’t even see
me as your friend at all. Let’s just be strangers then!”

Upon seeing Bai Luo Yin’s aggrieved and indignant expression, both of Gu
Hai’s eyes lit up. He realized that, when Bai Luo Yin shows his true
emotions, everything that he does is always lively and fascinating.

“You are thinking too much. I don’t see you as a stranger.”

“So, what is this?”

Gu Hai really wanted to say, how can I willingly trouble you with my
worries?! However, those words are far too contentious, how can he say it out
loud! He’s afraid that if he were to say it for real, that old clock will fall and
hit him again.

“Don’t ask any more questions. From now on, if I have something I need
to do, I will definitely tell you everything. Okay?”

In spite of everything, Bai Luo Yin is not the kind of person who bears a
grudge, so when he heard Gu Hai and didn’t say a word, it means that he had

Both of them stayed silent for a long time, suddenly Gu Hai felt that he can
just be honest with Bai Luo Yin about his family background. Previously, he
wouldn’t dare to say it, because he couldn’t see clearly what are Bai Luo
Yin’s feelings towards him. But after Bai Luo Yin uttered those words today,
it really touched him, so he took the initiative to confess it himself.

“Actually, I have something I hid from you.”

Bai Luo Yin snickered, “Do you want to say that you’re actually not from
this neighborhood and the house you’re living in right now is actually

“Eh…..” Gu Hai was dumbfounded, his upper body went stiff, “How did
you know?”

“The old couple who lives besides your rented house, one is my
granduncle, and one is my grandaunt.”

Gu Hai, “……..”

“Do you also want to tell me that, your family is actually very rich?”

When he heard these words, Gu Hai felt cold sweat gliding along his back to
his nape, he was truly dumbfounded. He didn’t expect that when he
disappeared for two days, all of a sudden everything about him has already
been exposed. Even though he has planned everything carefully for a long
time, but

Bai Luo Yin is still able to see his flaws.

What to do? Tonight won’t be the last night for me to stay together with Bai
Luo Yin, right?

Starting tomorrow, will he treat me as a stranger when we meet?

“Don’t you want to ask, how do I know?”

Gu Hai said with bitter heart, his tone was somewhat weird, “How do you

“When school had just started, I saw your driver coming to pick you up
on the school gate every day.”

Gu Hai, “……”

“Besides that, when you just moved to the seat behind me, I saw you
wearing a Breguet limited edition watch on your wrist.”


Gu Hai suddenly dropped his head on his pillow, his heart was beating fast. If
you already knew since that time, then you should’ve said something! I sold
those phone, laptop, wristwatch at a low price, now who’s going to
compensate my loss? I endured all those hard days, now who’s going to make
it up for me? So all this time you were actually watching me act, if I didn’t
confess to you today, you would still treat me like a fool, right?

Gu Hai gazed sharply at Bai Luo Yin, Bai Luo Yin only glanced at the dews
outside, but he was clearly laughing at him in secret.

“You want to laugh? Fine, I’ll let you laugh!”

Gu Hai pounced on Bai Luo Yin fiercely like a tiger, they were tossing
around from one side to the other side without pausing, until both of them
were finally out of breath, but Gu Hai still wouldn’t come down from Bai
Luo Yin’s body.

Bai Luo Yin laughed until his ears were red, but his attitude was still

“You still dare to treat me harshly? Say, who’s tricking whom first?”

“Okay, I admit it’s my fault, I deliberately hid the truth from you
before! But you also have a mistake, you covered up a criminal, it is
absolutely intolerable. How about this, I won’t argue with you anymore,
but don’t you drift apart from me because of this matter, and I’ll call it

Bai Luo Yin didn’t say a word.

There was a little bit of uncertainty in Gu Hai’s heart, he kicked Bai Luo
Yin’s leg, “You aren’t really angry, right?”

“Am I a person who likes to get angry?” Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai.
“Why did you treat me like a girl? Those words that I said when I was
drunk, are meant for their family only! I don’t hate rich people, there
are so many BMWs and Mercedes-Benz on the streets, do I have to
smash them all one by one?”

Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin’s face with force, “Why didn’t you say it

Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai to release himself from his hold, “You don’t
even give me any chance to say it!”


It felt really good when he no longer has burden in his heart, he doesn’t have
to live secretively anymore.

The more Gu Hai think about it, the more excited he becomes, he turned to
Bai Luo Yin to chat with him, willing to share his own joy. However, he
discovered that Bai Luo Yin’s eyes were already closed, his eyelashes were
fluttering as if his eyeballs were moving up and down irregularly in front of
him, seems like Bai Luo Yin will soon enter into a dream.

But he was still laying on his stomach.

Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yin’s back lightly and whispered softly, “Yin Zi, Yin
Zi, don’t fall asleep first, turn over here then sleep. With the way you’re
sleeping, it will constrict your heart.”

Bai Luo Yin was in a deep sleep, hearing Gu Hai’s words he thought, of
course I’m doing what’s comfortable for me.

Gu Hai couldn’t bear to see it anymore, Gu Hai stretched his hand to grab Bai
Luo Yin’s shoulder, and at the same time he turned him over. But in less than
two seconds, Bai Luo Yin turned his body back again, he really likes to sleep
on his stomach. Gu Hai turned Bai Luo Yin over again, but Bai Luo Yin
would turn back again…. Those two had been turning repeatedly like a
pancake for ten minutes full.

Then, Gu Hai became impatient, he thought, how can this kid be so

disobedient like this? Fine, if the soft way is no good, I’ll do it the hard way
then. Hence, he cruelly spanked Bai Luo Yin’s butt.

Just how strong is Gu Hai’s palm? What kind of average person can endure
it?! Bai Luo Yin groaned, then suddenly opened his eyes, his eyeballs looked
like a fierce tiger had jumped out from them, as if wanting to scratch Gu
Hai’s face.

Gu Hai soon realized that he used too much his own strength, he hastily
rubbed those two round meat very cautiously, coaxing him, “Okay, okay,
I’m not going to hit you anymore. Go to sleep.”

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes became more and more dim, and he fell asleep not long
after that.

In the middle of the night, Gu Hai woke up because he was freezing, he

glanced at the person beside him, he was sleeping so soundly! He saw all of
the blankets were piled up on top of Bai Luo Yin’s body, just like a half-
meter tall snail shell.

This kind of situation had happened several times in the past, Gu Hai
discovered that Bai Luo Yin was usually listless and didn’t speak very much,
but on the contrary he is skilled in snatching blankets. Say, supposed if he
was really cold, yet both of his legs were stuck out, while his blanket is on
top of his back like a big ball, whether you’re covered or not with blanket is
just the same, so why do you have to you snatch everything?

Just like the few nights before, Gu Hai spread the blanket, covered Bai Luo
Yin well, and then pulled some of the blanket for himself.

Then, Gu Hai also discovered that Bai Luo Yin slept on his stomach again!

Gu Hai wondered, does he always sleep like this since 10 years ago? Did no
one take care of him? Sleeping on his stomach for the whole night every day,
yet he can still grow up until this big? It’s truly a medical science miracle [2].
However when he thought about it again, Bai Luo Yin once said, since his
parents divorced, he had always lived with his father, how can that man take
care of a child? Gu Hai still slept with his mother for around three to four
years, meanwhile Bai Luo Yin had definitely slept alone ever since he was
still a small child, otherwise how can he toss around on the bed like this [3]?

Thinking about it, Gu Hai didn’t need extra effort to turn Bai Luo Yin over,
he immediately stretched his arm, and held Bai Luo Yin.

Tonight Bai Luo Yin slept very soundly, when Gu Hai pulled him into an
embrace, he didn’t give any response, the heat of his deep and heavy breath
were all over Gu Hai’s face.

Gu Hai looked at the face within his reach. The more he sees it, the more
good looking it becomes; the more he looks at it, his feelings for Bai Luo Yin
becomes fonder, unconsciously he rubbed Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks with his

Then, he himself was dumbfounded.

What am I doing, frolicking with a man’s body indecently in the middle of

the night?

My fondness for him, isn’t it slightly beyond normal already?

Gu Hai realized, every time he’s with Bai Luo Yin, his heart never functioned
properly. It’s like there are two operation programs running in his belly, one
program is for when he’s with other people, and when he is with Bai Luo
Yin, it will automatically switch to the other program, how do they even
switch, it is strange as hell, even for himself.

Early in the morning, Bai Luo Yin woke up comfortably, only to find that he
was sleeping in Gu Hai’s arms..

Damn it! He hugged me again!

Bai Luo Yin was about to give him a punch, but his hand was frozen midair.

This guy is sleeping very peacefully, it’s fascinatingly safe and sound, the
only thing missing is squeezing him into a cradle. Anyone who sees this
handsome, strong and masculine man sleeping so innocently and naively,
surely won’t have the heart to hit him! Bai Luo Yin stared blankly at him for
a while, suddenly a strange thought popped on his mind, when this guy is
sleeping, he is really attractive, supposed if he doesn’t wake up forever, it
will be much better…….

The little devil inside Gu Hai’s heart jumped out and screamed: “Hey hey
hey! If I don’t wake up forever that means I’m dead!”

Translator’s Note:

[1] ‘an overwhelming feeling’: the literal translation is ‘overturning seas and
rivers’ (an idiom).

[2] ‘Sleeping on his stomach for the whole night every day, yet he can still
grow up until this big? It’s truly a medical science miracle.’: sleeping on your
stomach strains your neck and cause your spine to arch unnaturally. Both will
lead to pain on the lower back and neck.

[3] ‘Bai Luo Yin had definitely slept alone ever since he was still a small
child, otherwise how can he toss around on the bed like this?’: one of the
emotional reasons why people sleep restlessly (tossing around in bed) is
because they might feel lonely, worried or depressed.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 56


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 56: The Inquietude of Youth- Playing a basketball

match. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Class 27 was in the middle of an exciting basketball game.

The male students of the class were divided into two teams, each team were
led by Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai, one of them wont give a way to another, they
were fighting vigorously. Originally, the teammates passed the ball to Gu
Hai, Gu Hai would take the ball and fake a move, after that he would move to
turn the ball behind his back in a disguised dribble, he was very quick to
approach the inner line, the confident and beautiful shot gained a round of

When Bai Luo Yin received the ball, he moved one step forward, while
keeping his waist the same height as the ball, Bai Luo Yin drilled his way to
pass two guards. Gu Hai was less than half a meter away from him, assuming
a defending position. Bai Luo Yin took a glimpse at him, estimating his
defensive skills. Gu Hai suddenly smiled towards Bai Luo Yin, then he
leaned forward, his speed extremely fast, Bai Luo Yin tossed the ball up in
the air, turned his body from Gu Hai's side, then leaped high into the air to
catch the ball in front of his head.

Gu Hai retreated, rapidly reaching for the ball, but Bai Luo Yin had already
passed the ball to another student, he aimed and threw the ball, but it bounced
twice from the basketball ring. Then, Gu Hai swiftly jumped and snatched the
rebound ball, he carried the ball and turned around, easily breaking through
two guards, he dribbled until he was finally in front of Bai Luo Yin.

Gu Hai used his right and left hand to dribble the ball alternately, darting and
dodging about, Bai Luo Yin closed in step by step, not yielding at all. During
the time where both of them were struggling to get the ball, their bodies
continuously brushed and collided against each other. Bai Luo Yin attempted
to look for a gap, yet there were absolutely no flaws in Gu Hai's offense. The
longer they clashed, the more pleased they looked, and occasionally the
surrounding crowd would applaud. All of a sudden, Bai Luo Yin smiled, this
kind of happiness implied as if it had been a long time since he encountered
such a worthy and evenly matched opponent, his smile was exceptionally
bright. The sunlight above their head lingered upon his face, sketching the
contours of a dazzling and touching youthful face.

At that particular moment, Gu Hai's tightly stretched string finally snapped

and his hand also loosened.

Bai Luo Yin seized the opportunity to snatch the ball and lightly threw a
beautiful three-pointer, drawing a burst of cheers from the crowd.

Gu Hai gave Bai Luo Yin a strange look, concealing a rather vicious
ambiguity, you are really something huh! So far as to use this trick to bewitch

The corner of Bai Luo Yin's mouth perked up, creating a conceited curve,
who told you to daydream, serves you right!

You Qi sat on the resting area, he was eating snacks while watching the two
teams compete against each other. He was surrounded by a group of pretty
girls, one was massaging his back, while the other was pouring water for
him... nevertheless, his heart was still unhappy.
These two can even exchange flirting glances while playing basketball, both
of you are really shameless!

"Stop kneading." You Qi talked to the girl beside him in a bad mood, "It's
my turn to enter the court."

Therefore, there was an additional heavyweight and handsome guy on the

basketball court.

After You Qi entered the court, he played vigorously all the way, it doesn't
matter if his movements broke the rules, the only important thing was that he
has to be handsome! Just a turn of his body could make several pretty girls go
crazy, and they were constantly screaming, apparently a basketball game had
become like a concert of a famous singer.

You Qi seized a chance between the gaps and passed the ball to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai caught the ball and quickly launched his offensive move towards the
inner lines. Just when he was about to shoot the ball, You Qi charged over
and without saying anything, he stole the ball then ran away. Gu Hai was
stupefied, he never thought to guard You Qi in the first place, as he was the
one who passed this ball to him, thus proving that both of them were in the
same team, but then why would You Qi pass the ball over, only to snatch it
again later?

During the time that Gu Hai couldn't comprehend anything, You Qi passed
the ball over to Bai Luo Yin again.

Bai Luo Yin thought that You Qi intentionally fooled Gu Hai just now, so he
gave a happy and cooperative look towards him. However, at the same place,
You Qi roughly snatched the ball from Bai Luo Yin's hands again, then
passed it to another student, but then he stole it again from that student...

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai shared a look and immediately realized, this guy
came here on purpose to stir up trouble.

"Ah ah ah... Don't hit me, hitting people is a foul!"

When You Qi cried out in pain, he still didn't forget to fling his hair messily.

"Is there anyone who played basketball like you do? Go go go, don't
make trouble anymore, go back to where you came from and just act
cute there!"

After You Qi left, the basketball game continued and the time was running
out, but the score difference had yet to increase. Both teams were starting to
gather up their remaining energy, intending to beat the opposite team before
the class was over.

In Gu Hai's team, there was a person nicknamed Fei Zei Zi [1], this person
was fat and had a violent play style, he liked to roar when playing basketball,
he often charged and collided into other people unconsciously. Gu Hai was
afraid that he might injure Bai Luo Yin, so he specially instructed that guy to
guard the second key player in Bai Luo Yin's team. Regardless of his play
style, once this fellow became too excited and he saw that the opposite team
would win, he would even stamp his foot until a big hole appeared on the
ground if he could!

Seeing that it was ten minutes before the class finished, Bai Luo Yin scored
two more three pointers, increasing the difference of the scores. Fei Zei Zi
was already impatient, he didn't care whom he was guarding anymore, his
huge body continuously followed Bai Luo Yin's movement closely. Right
now, his only aim was to stop Bai Luo Yin from getting the ball as his three
pointers were undoubtedly too accurate. Hence, the reason why many people
wanted to join Bai Luo Yin's team was, because everyone relied on his three

Translator's Note:

[1] Fei Zei Zi: if translated into English, his name would be 'Fat Traitor’
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 57


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 57: The Inquietude of Youth - Someone flies into a fit of


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin received the ball again, he's also standing outside the three point

Fei Zei Zi couldn't stay calm anymore, if this three pointer succeeded again, it
would be very hard for their team to catch up their score. Therefore, without
any delay, this guy charged forward and tried to snatch the ball in Bai Luo
Yin's hand crazily. Bai Luo Yin's skills were extremely nimble, whereas Fei
Zei Zi's body was heavy, thus for him to endure Bai Luo Yin's many skills
and tricks, he quickly became dizzy and confused.

Bai Luo Yin passed the ball to his teammate first, then dodged Fei Zei Zi
from the left and caught the ball that his teammate tossed back to him.

Fei Zei Zi went mad, he turned towards Bai Luo Yin and then shoved him
with his shoulder.
Bai Luo Yin barely jumped up, it goes without saying that his center of
gravity was unsteady, so when Fei Zei Zi bumped against him like that, his
entire body collided with the pole below the basketball hoop.

When Gu Hai realized the negative turn of events moments ago, he wanted to
shout and stop Fei Zei Zi. However, it was too late. He took several large
strides, intending to catch Bai Luo Yin with his hand. But in the end, their
distance were too far apart, when Gu Hai rushed to him, Bai Luo Yin had
already tumbled down at the bottom of the portable basketball hoop.

Gu Hai's face suddenly changed color, everyone could see it clearly, when he
went to support Bai Luo Yin, his hands were trembling all over. Bai Luo
Yin's fall was not to be taken lightly, half of his face had turned purple, a trail
of red blood flowed from his nose, and his lips were also split.

"Fuck you! How dare you push him?"

Gu Hai grabbed Fei Zei Zi's collar firmly with one hand, his whole face
abruptly turned dark, his eyes looked as if they wanted to swallow him up.
No one was brave enough to move and pull Gu Hai, Gu Hai used his foot to
kick the soft muscle of Fei Zei Zi's legs until he screamed in tremendous
pain, both of his legs continued to kick at him. Gu Hai punched him twice,
insisting on beating this one hundred kg fatso to the ground, and in spite of
his struggles, Gu Hai still kicked at his body ruthlessly for so many times,
each kick was swift as the wind, until Fei Zei Zi finally couldn't shout a
single word anymore.

You Qi took out a towel to wipe Bai Luo Yin's face, while carefully helping
him to dust off the soil from his body.

After Gu Hai had finished venting off his rage, he approached Bai Luo Yin
and pushed You Qi away, Gu Hai spoke to Bai Luo Yin with a gentle voice,
"Let me look at it, does it hurt badly?"

"It's nothing." Bai Luo Yin knitted his eyebrows.

Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yin hand to keep it away from his face and looked at
him carefully, he couldn't conceal the deep anguish and regret in his eyes.
"How can you call this nothing? Will your family call this nothing?" Gu
Hai was both angry and troubled when he supported Bai Luo Yin to leave the
court, walking while muttering curses along the way, "That pole is very
hard! I should've dragged that stupid cunt and bash him against the pole
a few times, let him taste his own medicine, fuck..."

You Qi helped them to bring their bags, as he walked behind them, a

complicated expression could be seen from his face.

"Hey!... I'm talking to you, the one with the very stupid name..."

You Qi was in a trance, when he felt someone pat his shoulder once, he
turned around and was met with a delicate and pretty face.

"What are you doing here?" You Qi asked.

Yang Meng was all smiles, "Our next period is PE class. Your class is
already over, right? Why I haven't seen Bai Luo Yin?"

"Don't you see him in front?"

Yang Meng laughed awkwardly, "I forgot to wear my glasses."

"Then, how can you even see me?"

Yang Meng snorted, "With your stinky and cocky appearance, who
wouldn't see you? Say, my desk mate has developed an interest in you,
she's always talking about you in front of me all day long. You Qi this,
You Qi that, hearing it makes me wanna puke right away."

Using one hand, You Qi pulled Yang Meng's small stature into his arms,
talking while grinding his teeth:

"You want to try me?"

"No no no..." Yang Meng recoiled his neck in provocation, "I can't play,
you have skill so just play with Bai Luo Yin."

You Qi raised his chin, hinting Yang Meng to look at Bai Luo Yin.
"He couldn't play anymore."

Yang Meng's complexion changed, "What happened?"

"Why don't you go and see it by yourself?!"

Yang Meng jogged a few paces and stopped in front of Bai Luo Yin, staring
at him for quite a long time, his mouth kept on moving but no words came
out. Not until Bai Luo Yin raised his head that Yang Meng clenched his teeth
and bit back a cry of surprise, his expression akin to being crushed by a wolf.

"Holy shit, Yin Zi! How did you get yourself beaten so badly?"

It's been a long time since Bai Luo Yin last saw Yang Meng, and now that he
had the chance to meet him, Yang Meng was looking at him with a worried
face, Bai Louyin's heart suddenly felt especially warm. Extending an arm, he
easily pulled Yang Meng into a hug, moreover Yang Meng looked so delicate
and pretty, from afar it looked like he was embracing a small girl. Bai Luo
Yin habitually pinched Yang Meng's tender cheeks, while Yang Meng used
his elbow to poke Bai Luo Yin in the stomach. Both of them acted just the
same as meeting each other when they were still children, very intimate and
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 58


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 58: The Inquietude of Youth - Jealousy strikes! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Right, you haven't told me yet, why is your face like that?"

Bai Luo Yin curled his lips reluctantly, "I ran into the pole below the
basketball hoop."

Yang Meng was worried, but he was also amused. "What the... When
you're playing basketball, then just play it, why do you have to run into
the pole?"

After he said that, he reached out his hand to touch the corner of Bai Luo
Yin's mouth, then he gritted his own teeth at the sight of the flowing blood, it
was as if he was the one in pain.

"A big guy in my class bumped into me, I didn't stand firmly."

"How many kilos is he?"

"Over 100 kg!"

Yang Meng became annoyed, "That team's captain is not in the right
mind! He let a guy who's over 100 kg to play, isn't it clear that he just
wanted to injure other people? Fuck! You should ask him to pay for
your medical bill!"

After Yang Meng finished speaking, the entire world went silent, he felt that
the willow branches beside him had formed a thin layer of ice frost. He
glanced at the man who hadn't said anything at all since the beginning, his
face looked like it was painted with black oil.

You Qi wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to, the corner of his mouth only
twitched a bit.

Yang Meng looked at Gu Hai, the latter was also looking at him, he couldn't
help but to shiver, why does this guy look like he was being possessed by the
King of Hell?

"Yin Zi, who's the guy beside you?" Yang Meng whispered.

Bai Luo Yin replied him briefly with one word, "Captain."

Eh....... Yang Meng was dumbfounded, his Adam's apple bobbed up and
down, he tried to greet Gu Hai naturally.

"That.... I'm sorry, don't listen to what I've said just now."

Gu Hai slightly restrained his expression, his swift and fierce eyes swept over
Yang Meng, his smile concealed a murderous intent.

"I'm Gu Hai, nice to meet you, pretty girl."

Yang Meng got angry, "Look at here properly, I'm a boy."

Gu Hai smiled apologetically, "Really? I couldn't see it at all."

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, "What's wrong with your eyes?"
Gu Hai simply replied with one sentence, "Even if my eyesight is bad, I'd
still be able to see people, unlike someone, who fell once and then went
blind in the eyes."

Bai Luo Yin's face immediately fell, his tone also became rather harsh.

"Gu Hai, enough! Didn't Yang Meng say that he was at fault? Why are
you being so mean to him? He didn't play basketball with us anyway,
how can he know that you're the captain?"

There was a scale in Gu Hai's heart, one side is like being stepped by
someone, and tilted the other side up, which contains an old jar filled with
sour vinegar[1]. Bang! Everything flowed out without exception, soaking Gu
Hai's heart with acrid heartache.

Just now when he was mocking me, you didn't say anything. Now when I'm
just joking with him, look at you being all serious!

Fine, you only think of me as an eyesore, right? I won't waste my time with
you anymore!

Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yin's clothes, suddenly he threw it onto his body, and
turned around without saying anything.

"No, why is that guy so bad-tempered?" Yang Meng gave a confused


Bai Luo Yin was composed, he didn't say anything.

Yang Meng asked Bai Luo Yin again, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay, just ignore him!"


Bai Luo Yin rested until almost half of the class time then he came back, the
left part of his face was completely swollen, especially near the cheekbones,
there was a large bruise.
Gu Hai took a quick glance at Bai Luo Yin and immediately regretted it, just
now he had talked to himself properly, this person is unworthy to be cared
for, he always did whatever he wants, and after that he won't let other people
to meddle in his business anymore.

Nevertheless, when he saw Bai Luo Yin's condition, Gu Hai's heart changed
right away, why are you angry with him? Who would be in a good mood
after being knocked and got hurt like that? Can't you just let it go this time?
Look at him right now, you don't even say a few words to comfort him, yet
you still pull a long face? Aren't you too lacking in humanity?

When Gu Hai was still at loss, Bai Luo Yin pulled out a wallet from his
drawer and then threw it to Gu Hai's desk.

"It's yours."

Two words, stiff and cold.

Gu Hai heard it already, Bai Luo Yin is still angry!

Are you still angry?... The temperature of Gu Hai's heart dropped again, why
are you angry? Because of that one sentence that I said to your best friend?
Just now, I've planned to forgive you first, yet you're still being harsh and
unreasonable towards me? Fine! If you can, then don't even speak a single
word to me! Let's see, between the two of us, who is tougher!

Even after Bai Luo Yin threw the wallet to Gu Hai, his mood didn't get any
better. On the contrary, he was very agitated. He didn't even listen to the
teacher's words, yet he was really sensitive to the sound behind him, when Gu
Hai coughed, or when Gu Hai's desk moved a bit, his nerve would become
taut right away, it took him a quite a long time before he can calm down.

In order to endure these two classes quickly, Bai Luo Yin decided to sleep.

However, just when he was about to lean on the desk, he suddenly took a
deep breath.

The desk was too hard, Bai Luo Yin forgot that his left cheek was injured, so
when he carelessly placed

his face on the desk, it hurts so much that his intestines felt like it was being
tied into a knot. He adjusted his position in a hurry, but as a result, his wrist
bone directly jabbed the right corner of his mouth, it hurts as he breathe
deeply. But he persisted, his eyebrows didn't even wrinkle, he simply forced
himself to endure it.

As expected, every single movement that Bai Luo Yin did was in Gu Hai's

Every time Bai Luo Yin moves, his heart feels like it will stop beating
anytime. But then, this person is really strong! The last time his father
pressed him on the window, he didn't even submit to him, why does this kind
of small thing matters so much? If Bai Luo Yin can endure the pain from
lying on the desk, then why is he unable to bear such a trivial thing like
sitting at the back?

Translator's Note:

[1] 'aching jealousy': can also be translated as 'sour vinegar', it is actually a

play of words.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 59


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 59: The Inquietude of Youth – He was FORGIVEN once

again. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After school finished, Bai Luo Yin went out from the classroom right away,
he didn’t wait for Gu Hai like usual, as if he wasn’t there at all. He calmly
and neatly walked down the stairs, he didn’t even look back.

Gu Hai rode his own bike, slowly tailing behind him.

When the aunt who swept the street saw Bai Luo Yin, she stopped sweeping
and smiled towards him.

“I remember these past few days you’re always riding a bike to school!
Why are you walking today?”

Bai Luo Yin forced out a smile, “The bike is broken, so now’s my chance
to exercise.”

This lady not only had a good memory, but she had sharp eyes as well. Bai
Luo Yin had barely finished his sentence, when she pointed behind Bai Luo
Yin and said, “That’s broken? Isn’t that young man riding it just fine?”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t turn his head back, his injured left cheek became
increasingly stiffer.

“You’re mistaken, it’s not that bike.”

“It can’t be.” She laughed heartily, “Even if the bike is different, but the
young man will always be the same, no? I’m absolutely sure, I always see
him taking you to school every day.”

Only then, Bai Luo Yin finally glanced at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai deliberately didn’t meet Bai Luo Yin’s eyes, he put on a defiant

“Oh my, what happened to your face?”

When Bai Luo Yin turned his head, it just happened that the aunt saw the
bruises on Bai Luo Yin’s left cheek, she then discovered that there were
bruises all over Bai Luo Yin’s face.

“It’s nothing, auntie. You’re busy, so I’m going now.”


After they walked half way home, Gu Hai discovered that there was
something wrong with Bai Luo Yin’s left leg, the faster he walked, the more
obvious it became. Especially when he was in a hurry to cross the road, in the
middle of the crowd, he would limp heavily.

Gu Hai did his best to restrain himself from helping Bai Luo Yin, but he
finally snapped.

He rode his bike quickly, soon he arrived in front of Bai Luo Yin, he stopped
suddenly, and immediately threw the bike away on the roadside.

“What are you doing?” Bai Luo Yin furrowed his eyebrow.
Gu Hai crouched down, without any explanation, he rolled up Bai Luo Yin’s
left trousers.

A huge reddish purple bruise, with all the clotting blood, were exposed under
his delicate flesh.

Gu Hai stood up, then he picked up his bike and ordered in a deep voice:
“Get on.”

Bai Luo Yin acted like he didn’t hear him as he coldly walked past Gu Hai.

Gu Hai grabbed Bai Luo Yin and pulled him back. Because Gu Hai used too
much strength, Bai Luo Yin nearly fell onto the ground.

“What are you doing?!” Bai Luo Yin was furious.

“I’m telling you to get on!” Gu Hai shouted at Bai Luo Yin.

Both of them refused to budge for a few seconds, no one would open their
mouth. Bai Luo Yin’s expression changed, in the end he finally got on the

They remained silent all along the way until they reached the house’s
entrance, Bai Luo Yin immediately went inside, Gu Hai turned around and
was about to leave.

Since Bai Luo Yin went down from the bike, he believed that Gu Hai would
follow him into the house even if it’s against his will, who would’ve thought
that Gu Hai would actually leave just like that.


“Dad, I’m home.”

When Bai Han Qi saw Bai Luo Yin, he was stunned for a moment, the bowl
in his hand almost broke into

“Son, what happened to your face?”

Bai Luo Yin replied lightly that it’s nothing, then calmly went inside his
room, Bai Han Qi just followed behind him.

After he inquired about what exactly happened in full detail, Bai Han Qi
finally let it go. When he remembered that he was still stewing some
vegetable in the pot, he got flustered and ran out from

Bai Luo Yin’s room in a hurry.

Bai Luo Yin was alone in his room, but he was feeling bitter, did Gu Hai
finally went crazy? Didn’t they talk already? Why is he so bad-tempered?
Okay then, if you don’t want to come in, just do what you want to do, in any
case he has plenty of money, he won’t starve to death!

“Yin Zi, come here and eat!” Bai Han Qi yelled from the outside.

Bai Luo Yin yelled back, “I’m not hungry, just eat by yourself!”

Bai Han Qi went inside Bai Luo Yin’s room again, “Why are you not
hungry? What about Da Hai? He didn’t come back together with you?”

“He’s dead!”

“Dead?” Bai Han Qi’s expression changed, “Why is he dead?”

“Enough, dad, just forget about him, just eat….” Bai Luo Yin pushed Bai
Han Qi outside.

Bai Luo Yin turned on his computer. He hadn’t played for long when he
suddenly heard a familiar voice from the outside.

“Uncle, what is the food for today? Why didn’t you wait for me?”

Bai Han Qi replied honestly, “Our Yin Zi said that you’re dead.”

Gu Hai: “……..”
Bai Luo Yin walked out with heavy steps, there were sparks coming out from
the soles of his feet.

“Who told you to come inside? Didn’t you say that you’re unwilling to
deal with me?”

Gu Hai regained his crafty, evil smile, “But I didn’t pay any attention to
you! It’s only your imagination, I come here in hurry to see my uncle and
my grandma, right grandma?”

“Yes, yes.”

Grandma Bai couldn’t differentiate which one is her grandson anymore.

Bai Luo Yin turned around to return to his room, on the corner of his torn
lips, there was an obvious, thin smile that he was unable to conceal.

Gu Hai followed him inside, without any difficulties, he simply threw a bag
full of medicine onto Bai Luo Yin’s bed. Bai Luo Yin just realized where did
Gu Hai went before.

“I’ve gotten some medicine from the clinic already, why did you buy it

“The medicine you got from the clinic is bought from other people, this is
the one I bought for you, could it possibly be the same?”

While talking, he swiftly grabbed every single medicine from Bai Luo Yin’s
school bag and threw it into the trash bin in, including all the band-aids.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 60


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 60: The Inquietude of Youth - HEARTS began to stir. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After dinner, Gu Hai took the initiative to give Bai Luo Yin a suggestion.

"Let's take a bath together, I can help you rub your body, since there's a
wound on your body, it is best to avoid any contact with water."

Bai Luo Yin flatly refused, "Did I get hit that hard? It won't hinder me
from taking a bath."

"Your leg is also injured, right?"

Gu Hai's cunning gaze was heavily fixed on Bai Luo Yin's knee, hoping that
Bai Luo Yin would give him a good answer.

"It's just a little swollen, how can this be counted as a wound?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't care at all, he took out his clothes and went straight past
the shower curtain.
"What's wrong with two men taking a bath together? Why are you being
so shy?"

"I don't want to see you."

Those harsh and obstinate words didn't shock Gu Hai at all. On the contrary,
those words provoked a faint smile upon Gu Hai's face.


Bai Luo Yin was in the middle of showering when he felt the plastic shower
curtain was lifted open, exposing Gu Hai's evil yet charming face.

"I'm worried about you, is it okay there?"

Bai Luo Yin immediately threw a soap box out, angrily shouted, "No

Gu Hai put down the plastic shower curtain, as if he got the upper hand, then
walked away with a smile. His heart wondered deeply, why are you being so
thin skinned? The last time when you were drunk, you spontaneously
compared your thing with mine! It can be seen that, although this person
restrained himself on the outside, and he didn't show it on the outside, but
deep inside he's actually

much more flirtatious than any other people!

Bai Luo Yin hurried and ended his bath, then he put on his clothes while
feeling confused. He often went to public baths and took a bath there,
showering butt to butt with a bunch of men, yet it's not awkward. How come
when faced with Gu Hai, it shifted into a different feeling?

Gu Hai let Bai Luo Yin took off his trousers, his hand held the antiseptic
liquid to clean Bai Luo Yin's wound.

When Bai Luo Yin saw the white-colored cotton bud and transparent liquid,
his body trembled a little. In his childhood, whenever he was injured, Bai
Han Qi would apply the medicament for him. He would use the alcohol every
single time, and the wound cleaning process would hurt more than the

"No need to clean the wound, just apply the medicine."

"Stay still!" Gu Hai pulled and stopped Bai Luo Yin's shaking legs, he tried
to comfort him as much as possible and said: "Don't worry, it won't hurt."

Bai Luo Yin barely relaxed a little, then he instantly felt an intense pain,
permeating up to his bone narrow, the pain made him groan continuously.

"Fuck, didn't you said it won't hurt?"

Gu Hai grinned wickedly, "Do you really believe me when I say it won't

Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth.

Gu Hai felt comfortable in his heart, who told you to be angry today? If I
don't allow you to get hurt for a while, I won't feel peaceful because we're not

When the medicine was applied, Bai Luo Yin didn't utter a single word.

After applying the medicine, Gu Hai gave Bai Luo Yin a glance, seeing his
facial expression, he couldn't resist asking: "Does it still hurt?"

Bai Luo Yin shook his head.

After that, Gu Hai deliberately applied the medicine slowly, then opened his
mouth while facing Bai Luo Yin and asked: "Who is that sissy-looking[1]
boy this afternoon?"

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin exploded and replied, "Can't you say
something nicer?"

"He grew up like that, why blame me?"

Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a sinister gaze, then replied in a bad mood, "He is
my childhood friend, he lives in this neighbourhood, he's a good person!"
"What's his name?"

"Yang Meng."

"Yang Meng [2]? Nggg.... right, he's quite adorable."

Bai Luo Yin ferociously slapped Gu Hai's head, "Are you done or not?"

After saying those words, Bai Luo Yin immediately kicked Gu Hai, then put
his blanket over.

After the lights was turned off, Gu Hai started to use his unrivaled might to
harass Bai Luo Yin.

These past several days, he always took advantage of Bai Luo Yin when he
was sleeping, 'groping here and pinching there', then he realized, lying while
facing Bai Luo Yin, he couldn't help but to sneakily slip his hand into Bai
Luo Yin's pajamas.

It's so damn smooth..... Gu Hai was filled with self-satisfaction.

Bai Luyoin used his strength and pushed Gu Hai from his chest, slightly
furrowed his eyebrows then asked, "Are you nuts? It's late at night, why
are you touching my body instead of sleeping?

Gu Hai moved his head closer, residing on Bai Luo Yin's shoulder with a
shameless look upon his face.

"I just want to touch you."

When Gu Hai touched him, Bai Luo Yin felt goosebumps all over his body,
he then scolded Gu Hai while feeling confused, "You have a girlfriend, yet
you don't touch her at all, what are you touching me for?"

"Touching her is not as satisfying as touching you...." Gu Hai whispered

softly in Bai Luo Yin's ears.

Bai Luo Yin glared at Gu Hai, "What did you say?"

Seeing Bai Luo Yin with this kind of expression, Gu Hai took a deep breath
then bit his lip.

"She's not here, how can I touch her, my heart is ticklish, but you are the
only one beside me......."

Bai Luo Yin furiously pulled Gu Hai's hand out, then turned his body towards
facing Gu Hai.

"Isn't it more pleasurable to touch yourself?"

Gu Hai's words became even more shameless, "I want you to get excited
too, and then two of us fooling around together, that's a lot more

"Who said I want to join you?"

Bai Luo Yin was so angry that his chest heaved up and down, then
continuously gaze at Gu Hai, all he could do was being extremely cautious,
afraid that Gu Hai's evil hand would slip in again.

Seeing Bai Luo Yin's swollen face, Gu Hai felt that there was a bit of shyness
in Bai Luo Yin's attitude when he was looking at Gu Hai, and suddenly he
realized that this Bai Luo Yin was unbelievably adorable.

As Gu Hai thought to bully Bai Luo Yin, he saw that unbending lips and that
stubborn glance. His expression after being teased was a look of silent
endurance, yet it also showed enjoyment.

Translator's Note:

[1] 'sissy looking': CJD wrote 丿男丿女 in her novel, which literally means
"not male not female".

[2] 濨猛is the actual Yang Meng in Chinese, with 猛 (meng3) which means
ferocious. Gu Hai used the homonym迌 (meng2), which means cute.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 61


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 61: The Inquietude of Youth – Little Yin Zi and Little Hai
Zi. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Hey, I've been staying at your place for more than 10 days, but why
haven't I seen you jerk off at all?"

Bai Luo Yin turned his body to the side, unwilling to respond to Gu Hai's
question, "Even if I really do it, I won't let you see it."

Gu Hai then pressed his chest on Bai Luo Yin's back, with his infinite
enchanting voice, he said, "When did you do it? I've always been together
with you 24 hours everyday, yet I've never seen you do anything."

Bai Luo Yin used his elbow to hit Gu Hai's waist, "Do you still have the
energy to talk about this thing in the middle of the night?"

Gu Hai's waist went numb, it made him spoke glibly, "Aren't you supposed
to talk about this kind of stuff at night?"
Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes, intending to ignore this late night lecherous man
beside him.

Gu Hai stretched his hand out towards Bai Luo Yin again, straightly went
into Bai Luo Yin's trousers waist, at first he pretended to pinch the muscle in
Bai Luo Yin's lower abdomen. When Bai Luo Yin didn't pay any attention to
it, he took a chance and immediately inserted his hand inside. During the time
he was waiting for Bai Luo Yin to yank his hand out, his hand accidentally
touched the ends of Bai Luo Yin's pubic hair.

Bai Luo Yin's eyes burned like a ball of fire, suddenly he pounced himself on
top of Gu Hai's body, and he fiercely attacking his weakest point.

"If you still disturb me, then I'll kick you out!"

Gu Hai smiled until his chin almost fell down, "We're both men, what's
wrong with touching each other a little bit? Haven't you heard about it?
If another guy helped you to jerk off, it will improve your sexual

"Bullshit. Why I've never heard about this before? Besides, even without
your help, my performance is already first class."

"Oh!" Gu Hai looked astonished, "Hearing you talk like this, looks like
you've got plenty of experience. How was it? Have you fired the cannon
to your girlfriend already?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Gu Hai didn't know whether he was just curious, or he felt anxious; he kept
asking Bai Luo Yin nonstop, "Tell me the truth, actually you're still a
virgin, right?"

Bai Luo Yin replied him indifferently, "Ask yourself first, I am what you

Gu Hai had a plan in his mind.

"Then let's exchange stories, tell me the story about your first time with
your Hui Er, then I will share my story about my first time with Lu Lu."

"I don't want to hear about your first time." Bai Luo Yin said.

Gu Hai was surprised, "Why? It's such an exciting story and you don't
want to hear about it?"

"What's so exciting about it?" Bai Luo Yin said with a cold voice, "Isn't it
just about two guys jerking off together?"

Gu Hai hit Bai Luo Yin, "Who did you say is a guy?"

The spot that Gu Hai hit was exactly on the bruise on Bai Luo Yin's forehead,
it caused him to take a deep breath immediately.

Gu Hai became nervous right away, he hurriedly examined Bai Luo Yin's
bruise, and carefully blew air onto it,

"Does it hurt?"

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai's hand away, tucked his quilt up to his neck, and
simply threw a sentence, "Go to sleep!"

"No!" Gu Hai pressed his entire body down on top of Bai Luo Yin's body,
"You have to tell me!"

"Why do I have to talk about it?" Bai Luo Yin became impatient.

"To satisfy my curiosity. I'm really interested in your performance on


"Aren't you just poking on my wounds? I broke up with her already."

Gu Hai didn't know why, but when he saw Bai Luo Yin concealing and
hiding his past to such an extent, and he being concerned about the girl
named Shi Hui this much, he suddenly felt really unhappy.

"If you don't want to talk about it, it proves that you're not good at it. I,
as a representative from Chinese People's Liberation Army, look down
upon you."

It's not that Bai Luo Yin didn't want to talk about it, but it's simply because he
has nothing to say, he and Shi Hui only had one sexual encounter, just that
one night before Shi Hui went abroad. Previously, Bai Luo Yin strongly
believed that he owned this girl, thus he came to hold on her, and let her call
him 'husband, husband' from the back for the whole day. Even after she went
abroad, she still labeled herself as Bai Luo Yin's girlfriend. So, when this girl
stripped herself naked and laid herself in front of him, he had nowhere else to

Supposed if they were really broke up, leaving her virginity intact was the
best gift.

Therefore, during the many nights after Shi Hui went abroad, Bai Luo Yin
was still dreaming about the last step that he didn't manage to accomplish that
night. [1]

"If you want, you can just tell me about your first time."

Bai Luo Yin honestly couldn't imagine, a man like Gu Hai, who is so
vigorous and energetic like a tiger, compared to the small Jin Lu Lu, how can
she possibly endure him.

"My first time huh, it was mind-blowing." Gu Hai began to talk nonsense.

Bai Luo Yin started to become interested, "Tell me, how mind-blowing it

Gu Hai talked about it dramatically, when two guys talk about this kind of
thing, won't they get excited? In less than 10 sentences, both little Hai Zi and
little Yin Zi below became energetically aroused, separated by a thin layer of
flimsy cloth, it kept on extending without stopping.

Gu Hai poked at Bai Luo Yin a few times, "Have you ever tried to let other
people jerk you off? It feels exceptionally good."

Bai Luo Yin bear his smile, "I like to do it myself."

"What's wrong with two guys masturbating together? Besides, your little
Yin Zi below has been calling me since before!"

"Fuck off!"

Bai Luo Yin went down from the bed, he put on a coat and then he walked

Gu Hai intentionally joked on him from behind, "Your bathroom is in the

open air! Do you really want to let your little Yin Zi become frozen? I'm
worried about you!"

Translator’s Note:

[1] 'the accomplishment that he didn't do that night//the last step that he didn't
manage to accomplish at that night': this means Bai Luo Yin didn't have sex
with Shi Hui during the last night before Shi Hui went abroad.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 62


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 62: The Inquietude of Youth - Aunt Zhou's stall was wrecked.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After eating breakfast, the two men stared at each other, deciding whose turn
it was to pay for today's meal.

"It's on me." Bai Luoyin dug the pocket of his trousers, "Eh? I definitely
put some money in yesterday, how come it's not here?"

"If you don't want to pay, then just say it directly." Gu Hai replied
sarcastically, then he got up and left to pay.

Actually, it was Gu Hai who secretly took the money out from Bai Luoyin's
trousers' pocket last night.

Aunt Zou was in the middle of frying the deep-fried breadstick, seeing Gu
Hai heading to the paper box to pay, she hastily held him back, "Aiyo, you
two don't need to pay."
"Aunt, you don't need to be so courteous with us."

Those two were just about to get up and leave, when suddenly a law
enforcement government car stopped beside the curb, after that four to five
men went down, all of them were carrying weapon in their hands, with
menacing faces, heading straight towards the breakfast stall.

"Don't go yet!" Bai Luoyin pulled Gu Hai's bike.

After the five government officers came, without saying anything, they
smashed the stove, the kneading board, and the big pot with ladle. When the
several customers who were still eating their breakfast saw the situation, all
of them packed their belongings then hurriedly left. The matter happened
almost in a flash, all of the people there had yet to react, but the ground was
already in a complete mess.

An officer with crewcut hair and slanted eyebrows[1], took on a bandit-like

attitude, when he saw the deep fryer was still standing upright, he didn't care
whether there were any people or not, he ferociously kicked the deep fryer,
all the boiling oil directly spilled towards Aunt Zou.

"Auntie!" Bai Luoyin shouted, he suddenly rushed over, wanting to pull the
handle of deep fryer, but was held back by Gu Hai, he saw the scalding oil
splashed onto Aunt Zou's leg.

Aunt Zou's eyes suddenly opened wide, the corner of her mouth twitched, her
body immediately fell to the ground and she wailed while holding her leg

"What do you guys want?" Bai Luoyin yelled.

The shorthaired officer answered disdainfully, "What do we want? This is

called law enforcement!"

"If you want to enforce law then just do it, why do you need to fucking
break the things here?" Bai Luoyin's face turned dark.

The helping officer then showed a ruthless face, which looked rather violent,
and pointed his finger at the youngster.

"You're asking why we broke the things here?" The shorthaired officer
stomped on the ground, causing the thermos flask beside him to break into
pieces, "I'm not breaking things, it's this stinky woman who doesn't want
to move."

Aunt Zou was still sitting on the ground crying heavily, Bai Luoyin's hand
continued to tremble uncontrollably, his stern and fierce gaze focused upon
every single inch of the officer's body. He took a large step and rushed out,
but Gu Hai pulled him back once more, Bai Luoyin's eye reddened while
glaring at Gu Hai, "Let me go!"

Gu Hai was exceptionally calm, he grasped Bai Luoyin's hand firmly, uttered
each word separately[2], "You go and support Aunt Zou first, believe me,
you only need to remember their faces clearly."

Aunt Zou cried hoarsely, her right foot hurt as it kept on convulsing. There
were a lot of noisy bystanders, however none of them dared to step forward
and help her. Those officers continued to destroy things, those old-fashioned
tables were snapped into pieces, the chairs' legs and its seat were all severed
apart, and even the money in the paper box fell to the ground. In her fear and
anxiety, Aunt Zou hurriedly collected the coins, yet she left the remaining
bigger bills and let the officer took them.

So much torment, several months of hard-earned money were all taken away,
these things might had little value, yet this kind of small business couldn't
earn that much money in the first place. Moreover, Aunt Zou was an honest
person. Forget about saving some of the money, even purchasing the
necessary things would cost all of her fortune.

Aunt Zou witnessed the tattered mess on the ground, the empty paper box,
meanwhile piercing pain on her leg had yet to lessen, the only thing that
remained was her tears, flowing down quietly.

Gu Hai carried Aunt Zou on his back, Bai Luoyin went home to tell Bai Han
Qi, who intended to bring Aunt Zou to the hospital immediately.
"You guys go to school, I can handle this alone." Bai Han Qi urged Bai
Luoyin and Guhai, "No problem, no need to worry. Quick, just go, don't
waste your study time."

"Dad, I want to go too." Bai Luoyin's eyes showed deep worry.

"Listen to me!" Bai Han Qi's face was dead serious.

Aunt Zou, with a pale face and hoarse voice, persuaded Bai Luoyin, "Auntie
is okay now, you should hurry and go to school."

Bai Luoyin hadn't moved yet, staring as Bai Han Qi rode his electric tricycle,
carrying pallid and grief-stricken Aunt Zou away.

After staying silent for a long time, Bai Luoyin suddenly landed a severe
punch on Gu Hai's stomach, "I can't tolerate this kind of injustice!"

Gu Hai stood firmly, his waist didn't bend at all.

Seeing Gu Hai resisting the pain without any grumbling nor resentment,
while staring at himself with a face full of compassion, his heart slowly
began to calm down, the residual anger in his eyes also dimmed gradually.

When Gu Hai caught sight of Bai Luoyin's expression right now, a

heartache[3] that Gu Hai had never felt before invaded his heart, he preferred
to be kicked by Bai Luoyin, would rather be abused by his insults, he really
didn't want to see Bai Luoyin like this.

"I know you have a strong sense of justice, but you need to use different
strategy to deal with different people."

Bai Luoyin clenched his fist then said, "I just can't tolerate this kind of

"Okay, okay." Gu Hai spoke softly, "You still remember their face,
right? Relax, they won't get away."

Bai Luoyin snorted coldy, "It's clear that what they did was bullying
people, the stall was there, near the entrance of an alley, whose eyes
could possibly be offended by it? Usually, no shadows of the officers
would appear, yet today, they wrought havoc without any warning ......"

Gu Hai's arm encircled Bai Luoyin's shoulder, coaxing him while patting his
back, "Don't lower yourself to the same level as them."

Bai Luoyin pushed Gu Hai away, there was a subtle change in his eyes, "I
know who did this."

"Don't find her." Gu Hai held Bai Luoyin's hand tightly, "Listen to me,
don't find her!"

Translator's Note:

[1] A crew cut hair and slanted eyebrows': CJD wrote that the officer had 八
字眉 (bĿzìméi), it means八-shaped eyebrows or slanted eyebrow. Crewcut
hair is a hairstyle with short hair.

[2] Uttered each word separately :CJD wrote 一字一顿地说 in her original
novel, which literally means speaking with pauses. I believe this was to
convey all of his emotion to BLY completely, emphasizing his sincerity.

More explanation here :

[3] Heartache - CJD wrote心疼, which means heartache, but its meaning can
also be interpreted as 'to feel sorry for the people whom we love dearly', that
way 心疼 can also means 'to love dearly'.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 63


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 63: The Inquietude of Youth – Gu Hai’s insane counter

attack. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


At 10 PM sharp, Gu Hai invited the Director of City Urban Administrative

and Law Enforcement Bureau to drink tea.

“Is Commander Gu healthy lately?”

Gu Hai answered with a blank face, “Very good, how about you?”

“Me? Ah, I’m pretty good too.”

“I can see that you’re not only physically healthy, but your psychological
condition is also very good.”

Bureau director laughed awkwardly, “Psychological condition? Ah,

regarding that matter, there’s a lot of trouble recently, so….”

“If your psychological condition is not good, then how are you able to
dispatch a troop of remarkable law enforcers?” Gu Hai interrupted the
director’s words.

The bureau director’s complexion changed, his smile showed some


“Young master Gu, if there is something you want to say, please say it
directly, if we have done something wrong somewhere, please do not
hesitate to point them out.”

Gu Hai slightly restrained both of his eyes, his gaze was concentrated on the
director, not saying anything.

When the director received an icy and sharp gaze from Gu Hai, he felt rather
nervous, his heart was pounding like a drum, what have I done to provoke
this man?

“My aunt’s breakfast stall was destroyed by your Law Enforcement

Officers, my Aunt is still in the hospital right now, please explain this to

“That…….” The director’s face turned pale in a split second, his talking
became not too nimble, “Ah….. That bunch of scoundrels…… Who
dared to destroy your aunt’s stall? Young master Gu, please don’t be
angry, I will find the captain later to discuss about this problem, I’ll drag
those troublemaking brats out one by one to apologize to your aunt.”

“So if she’s not my aunt, she deserves the wreckage, huh?”

“What?” The director’s palm started to sweat, “No matter whose stall they
wrecked, it’s still wrong! I’ve educated them time and again, to supervise
and influence compassionately, to win people by virtue, try our best to
persuade, yet they didn’t listen….”

Gu Hai looked at director with a cold expression, “How about this, you
bring me to the Law Enforcement Office right now.”

“Right now?” The bureau director glanced at his watch, his face was filled
with discomfort, “They already went home by now, even if you go there,
you won’t meet anyone!”

Gu Hai smiled faintly, “They went home already? Law Enforcement

Officers still have specific working hours?”

“Of course.” The director forced a smile, “Law Enforcement Officer is

also a profession, they also need to follow the established rules and
schedules, right?”

“Then, what time do they start working in the morning?”

“They start at 9 AM.”

“But, they smashed my aunt’s stall at 6 AM.”

The bureau director couldn’t say anything, his throat frozen.

“All of them came simultaneously, you see, is this the way they enforce
the law?”

The director had just ended his formal talk with Gu Hai, then he immediately
turned his head towards four men and scolded angrily, every unpleasant
words and curses were spoken out.

Gu Hai indifferently swept a glance at these men, he only said four words.

“One person is missing.”

The director’s cold sweat flowed down, the last remaining person was the
most ferocious officer with the crew-cut hair, he was the director’s blood-
related nephew.

“Do you perhaps remember incorrectly? Only these four men were on

Upon hearing these words, the four officers secretly gritted their teeth.

“If I manage to uncover one more person and let him bear all the blame,
will you allow it?”

The director’s mouth opened, then closed repeatedly. In the end, with a long
and deep sigh, he walked outside to make a phone call.

After a while, that aggresive and arrogant officer with crewcut hair was also
summoned, once he saw Gu Hai, he became dumbfounded, he didn’t expect
that a person with such background, actually went to that place and had

That morning, there was still sheer hostility coming out from these men, now
everyone is completely listless, they continuously gazed at the director,
hoping that he could protect them.

Gu Hai took out a cigarette, and held it on the edge of his mouth, the director
immediately bowed his body to light Gu Hai’s cigaratte.

Once they saw the director’s behavior, the short-haired officer knew that he
had disclosed a huge basket. [1].

“How about this, I will give them penalty. This money can be used to
cover your aunt’s medical fees and to rebuild the stall, is it okay?”

“Don’t trouble yourself like that!” Gu Hai flicked his cigarette several
time, “Since my aunt set up a stall, which is subjected within your scope
of supervision, to prevent trouble in the near future, I decide to find a
proper shop for my Aunt to run her business.”

The director’s face changed, he forced himself to agree, “Yes yes yes, there
is still a good shop, this…… Thinking about this shop will give you a lot
of trouble, right? How about this, I will find one for you.”

“No need, I’m interested in one particular shop.” Gu Hai stubbed his
cigarette, then he smiled carefreely,

“That shop on the corner of Xin Jie Kou [2] is not bad, can you discuss
with the people there, to move my Aunt’s stall there?”

The director’s face finally turned ugly to a certain degree, Gu Hai obviously
came prepared, that shop is managed by his brother-in-law, because of the
golden [3] location, they’ve earned a full big pot [4] these few years.
Supposed if the shop was truly given to other people, isn’t it equal to ‘tearing
his own flesh’? But if he didn’t hand it over, what else could he do? This is
the man who can offend him this much?

“Alright, I will settle this matter as soon as possible.”

Gu Hai stood up, walked to the door, but he suddenly stopped again.

These men were just about to heave a sigh of relief, yet seeing Gu Hai
walking back, their faces went taut once again.

“I think… The five of you are not wrong.” Gu Hai measured these five
officers with his eyes, he sarcastically praised them, “Destroying a stall
early in the morning at 6 AM, very hardworking indeed!”

These five men looked at each other, they were nearly thirty years old
already, yet they couldn’t say anything as they were intimidated by this
seventeen years old young lad.

“How about this, I will give you a part time job! Before long, my aunt’s
shop will start to operate, since it’s selling breakfast and it’s doesn’t
disturb your working hours, you guys should come to work as temporary
waiters? I see that your hands and feet are really agile, how can such a
good job opportunity given to other people?”

The five men’s faces turned purple.

Gu Hai’s tone dropped to an extent, “So, you’re not willing?”

“It’s not like that.” One short man among them opened his mouth first, “We
are willing to do volunteer work without wages.”

Gu Hai put on a fake smile, “I’m terribly sorry for troubling you!”

“There’s no need to feel like that.” The director interrupted from aside,
“Let them help. If the manpower is not enough, I’ll help you to find
more. You must bring my nephew with you, he was a waiter in the past,
he’s very experienced.”

The short-haired officer with a bitter face glanced at the director, “Uncle~”

The director gave him a very fierce look, you ventured into a huge disaster,
yet you still have the nerve to call me Uncle? Hurry and take this opportunity
to atone yourself!

When Gu Hai walked swiftly towards the door, he was attracted by a random
bark of a dog.

“Hey! This Tibetan Mastiff [5] isn’t bad, did you raise this one?” Gu Hai
turned his head towards the director.

The director’s mouth couldn’t stop twitching, “Yes…. Someone gave it to


“Good, let me take it home for few days?”

“You mustn’t trifle with this one!” The director agonized , “This dog is
too ferocious, what would you do, if by any chance you are bitten by it?”

“No problem, there is a dog expert in our house, the dog will not be ill-

Gu Hai smiled, pointing to a man beside him, “Mister, for inconveniencing

you, please take this dog to my home!”

The director grabbed Gu Hai’s arm, he hadn’t said anything yet, but Gu Hai
had already patted him on the shoulder.


The director cried in tearless grief [7], his precious dog, his conscience! Let a
single breakfast stall tossed it all.

Translator’s Note:

Chinese, we can address the second person (you) as “你 (ni3) or 您 (nin2).

您 is the polite form of 你, it is used to address elder people or the people we
respect, it is also used in formal meeting.

In this chapter, Gu Hai and the director used a lot of 您 to address each other

[1] ‘disclosed a huge basket’ is the literal translation of Chinese idiom 濅大

篓孿, which means got into a huge trouble.

[2] Xin Jie Kou is the name of a subdistrict in Beijing.

[3] Golden (黄金) depicts a place with prime opportunity or very strategic.

[4] ‘A full big pot’: a translation of 赚的盆满钵圆, which means getting so

much profit, like filling a full big pot with money.

[5] Tibetan mastiff is a Tibetan dog breed, originating from China, it is one of
the most expensive dog in the world.

[6] ‘Cried in tearless grief’ is the literal translation of 欲哭无泪 (Chinese

idiom), which means to worry while being incapable of expressing oneself in
a complicated experience.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 64


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 64: The Inquietude of Youth - Why do I like you so much? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After two days, the bureau director personally went to the hospital to visit
Aunt Zou.

"Madam, I've come to see you, I'm terribly sorry regarding the matter
two days ago, I've already scolded those people thoroughly, I've also
given them a penalty, please show mercy and forgive us."

Aunt Zou blinked in confusion, a small stall being wrecked is a common

thing, yet she had never seen a bureau director apologize personally like this.

"Madam, there is fifty-thousand Yuan inside here, the money for the
medical fees is also inside, by all means, please accept this."


Aunt Zou wanted to say, the hospital bills and the medicines altogether won't
even amount to fifty thousand Yuan!
"Of course we will accept it!" Gu Hai immediately took the brown paper
bag, and put it besides Aunt Zou's pillow, "You should take this, you don't
have to be all polite with them."

"Yes, yes..." The director bowed unctuously, "I'm terribly sorry about
your stall, we've already prepared a new place for you near Xin Jie Kou,
every room is newly renovated, the name board was already installed as
well, it's called 'Aunt Zou's Snacks'. Please confirm the date of your
discharge from the hospital, and when that day comes, we will
immediately pick a date for the grand opening of your restaurant."

Aunt Zhou felt like she was dreaming, her burnt leg, is it worth that much?

Bai Han Qi asked from the sides, "But later once we own the store, don't
we have to pay for the tax and security fees, too?"

"You don't have to worry about it, we've already arranged everything."

Aunt Zou's expression became even more incredulous, she looked at Bai Han
Qi, then she shifted her gaze towards Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai, who was
standing beside him. She felt uneasy and uncomfortable due to the series of
fortunate events that keep on coming as if it was neatly arranged.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to manage it well!"

"Don't worry, someone will be helping you to manage the shop for the
first two months, if you have something that you don't understand then
feel free to ask her. As for the waiter...." The bureau director took a quick
glance at Gu Hai, "For the time being, we have prepared five persons,
wait until the business gets better, then we will find more."

"It's enough, it's enough."

Aunt Zou was too excited that she didn't know what to say anymore, she
clenched and unclenched both of her hands repeatedly underneath.
Previously, when she managed that little stall all by herself, it was very busy.
It was hard and tiring for her as well, her son has to go to school, the whole
family relies on her alone, she really couldn't afford to hire other people, she
really wished that she had superhuman power. After she finished her busy
works each day, she couldn't even straighten her waist up.

The bureau director and Gu Hai exchanged a few words of greetings, then he
took heavy steps and left.

After the bureau director left, Aunt Zou was unable to hold herself back, she
directly opened the paper bag, and after she took a quick glimpse, she was
very shocked.

"It's real money, there's not even one blank paper."

Bai Luoyin didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, "Aunt Zou, didn't
he say that there is fifty- thousand Yuan inside?"

"Actually, I couldn't believe it at first." Aunt Zou sighed, full of emotion,

"This fifty-thousand Yuan, didn't it come too easy? Even if I worked for
a whole year, I won't be able to make this much! Say, I got a bit of really
good luck this time, could it be that I'm going to meet a huge disaster
after this?!"

Gu Hai at the side was so happy, "Auntie, you deserve this, after all, they
are part of the law enforcement, yet they accidentally injure people, it's
good enough that we didn't investigate their criminal responsibility. It's
really appropriate for you to take this money, there's no need to be
modest with them."

Aunt Zou's tears fell down immediately, it's just yesterday that she had to
experience such a horrendous torment, the stall was smashed, she couldn't
afford to see the doctor, and her son has to go to school, her anxious mind felt
like it's going to explode....... She didn't expect that everything would be
resolved today. Hence, this is a blessing in disguise, she's so happy that she
didn't know how to express her feelings.


After they went back home, the two people sat on the roof, quietly listening
to the sound of a barking dog on the yard. The fallen leaves of late autumn
had already covered the ground, wherever the eyes go, there will only be the
melancholic thoughts of autumn, quiet and calm, graceful and subdued, and
the faint sorrow.....

"About Aunt Zou's accident, thank you." Bai Luo Yin was somewhat
awkward when he started to talk.

Gu Hai hit Bai Luoyin's forehead lightly, "Are you stupid? She is also my

Bai Luoyin went silent for quite a while, then he asked Gu Hai, "Why aren't
you going back to your own home?"

"I fought with my dad, I don't want to go back."

"Then, you can just continue to live here."

Gu Hai was surprised inside, he looked at Bai Luoyin in the eyes, there are a
deep affection and emotion within.

"Although our home is a little bit shabby, everyone treats you genuinely
and sincerely. Ever since you came here, my father cooks more carefully
compared to before. I can see it, he is very fond of you, and my grandma
likes you even more..."

"How about you?" Gu Hai suddenly blurted a question.

Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded after he heard this question.

Gu Hai observed Bai Luoyin's expression carefully. He realized that he had

accidentally asked that question, as a result, he actually became so nervous
because he really wanted to know Bai Luoyin's answer. However, the way his
heart is pounding hard right now, why is it more intense than a love

"What do you think?" Bai Luo Yin replied him with another question.

Gu Hai embraced Bai Luo Yin with one arm, shamelessly sticking his face to
Bai Luo Yin, beard stubbles against beard stubbles, a surge of youthful
turmoil slowly spreading out from their innermost being.

"I think you really cherish me."

Bai Luoyin couldn't help but smile.

When Gu Hai noticed the corners of Bai Luoyin's lips twitching, he felt really
satisfied, his warm cheeks canceled out the chilly autumn wind. Gu Hai only
wore a thin piece of shirt, yet his body and his heartfelt burning hot. There is
one kind of weird feeling, mysteriously flowing out from the bottom of his
heart, overflowing just like spring grasses breaking through the ground, the
branches sprouting tenderly. There's a little bit of nervous throbbing, a little
bit of restlessness, it itches and tickles, but it's very comfortable that it
softened the bones, so comfortable that he forget that the time is still

"Bai Luo Yin."

"Hm?" Bai Luoyin turned his head towards Gu Hai, the distance between
them was less than an inch, the tip of their nose nearly touching each other.

"Say... Why do I like you so much?"

No one knew what happened to the Tibetan Mastiff on the yard, as he

suddenly barked loudly several times, drowning Gu Hai's nonsensical talk.

"What did you just say?" Bai Luoyin asked him loudly.

"Never mind."

Gu Hai turned his head to another direction, pretending to look at the eaves of
the neighboring house.

Bai Luoyin didn't ask anymore.

Nevertheless, Gu Hai replied inside his heart, I fucking like you, I like you so
much that I can't stand it anymore.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 65


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 65: The Inquietude of Youth - Do you think it's possible? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Inside the private room of a high-class nightclub in Sanlitun, Gu Hai brought

Bai Luoyin to see his buddies, whom he hadn't seen for so many days.

"This is my new friend from school, his name is Bai Luoyin."

Zhou Si Hu laughed happily while patting Bai Luoyin's shoulder, "Bro,

you're so handsome!"

Gu Hai pointed his finger at Li Shuo, "His name is Li Shuo."

Li Shuo raised his glass and gave Bai Luoyin a toast.

"My name is Zhou Si Hu."

Bai Luoyin smiled at him.

The four young people were sitting together while chatting joyously, all of
them were youngsters with similar age, even if they have different family
backgrounds, but their hobbies and preferences are pretty much the same.
They talked about their chaotic school life to their favorite car brands, after
the automotive talks finished they ought to start talking about girls, after that
they simply have a mutual and tacit understanding about those kind of vulgar

Li Shuo reached Bai Luoyin's shoulder and asked, "Da Hai really didn't get
it on with another girl at your school?"

Bai Luoyin told the truth, "Nope."

"What did I tell you?" Zhou Si Hu gave a sincere and trusting look, "Da
Hai's unwavering loyalty to Jin Lu Lu is really second to none, it's
simply formidable!"

At first, Li Shuo believed that the reason why Gu Hai didn't show his face
much lately, was because of a new girlfriend, so when he heard Bai Luoyin's
statement, it means that Gu Hai is still committed to his long-distance
relationship. Li Shuo really admired Gu Hai somehow, other people would've
changed their pretty girlfriend seven to eight times already, but he is still
together with such a fierce woman.

"Hey, do you know Jin Lu Lu?" Zhou Si Hu nudged Bai Luoyin.

Bai Luoyin nodded, "Yes, I met her once."

"I'm telling you this, the way Da Hai acts around Jin Lu Lu, is truly
flawless. You haven't seen them together, if you see them, you'll
definitely think that it wasn't Da Hai."

Indeed, I feel that it isn't like Gu Hai, but I don't think the way he treated Jin
Lu Lu is really that special?

Zhou Si Hu's mouth kept on babbling nonstop, just like a machine gun, he
poured out what's inside his mind, he really wanted to tell Bai Luoyin
everything that made him became annoyed with Gu Hai.

"Let me tell you, don't look at his usual cold expression that he wore
most of the time, once he sees Jin Lu Lu, the laugh lines on his face won't
disappear for 3 days. Every time we talked, it's always about Jin Lu Lu,
and we would listen to him until our ears were about to go deaf. Usually,
if we want to ask something from him, we have to find Jin Lu Lu first,
once Jin Lu Lu opens her mouth, there's nothing that Da Hai wouldn't

Zhou Si Hu talked about many things repetitively, Bai Luoyin only replied
with one sentence.

"Isn't Gu Hai just like that?"


Zhou Si Hu had yet to react, but Gu Hai had already came over, he put his
hand on Bai Luoyin's shoulder, there's a hint of slyness in his smile.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Bai Luoyin drank a mouthful of beer and answered him indifferently, "We're
not talking about anything."

Gu Hai handed a glass full of wine to Bai Luoyin's hand, "Try this. How
does it taste?"

Bai Luoyin sucked a mouthful with the straw, he furrowed his eyebrows
lightly, after he swallowed it he felt a slightly smoky taste.

"It makes me choke a bit when I drink it."

Gu Hai moved the glass to his side, without changing the straw, he directly
drank from the very same straw that Bai Luoyin had just used. He even
looked very pleased with himself when he drank, as if the taste of the wine
had become completely different.

"I think the taste is pretty good!"

Li Shuo was stunned, he nudged Zhou Si Hu.

"Didn't Da Hai never drink from the stuff that someone else has drunk

Zhou Si Hu forced a smile and said, "You knew it too that meeting with Da
Hai this time, how hard his life is right now, most likely his living
condition forced him to do so."


The exciting music outside stimulated the young people's sensitive eardrums,
the four men went out from the private room and sat on the bar, enjoying the
lively atmosphere. The men and women on the dance floor swayed their
bodies around crazily, under the flickering lights is one lonesome face.

Li Shuo poked Bai Luoyin, and then he asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, but we broke up."

Li Shuo laughed, "That girl across you has been staring at you for quite a
long time."

Bai Luoyin didn't even lift his head, he asked Li Shuo a rather personal

"Gu Hai...... Does he often jerk off with you guys in the past?"

This question rendered Li Shuo speechless for quite a long time.

"Wait for a while...." Li Shuo passed Bai Luoyin and leaned in front of Gu
Hai, he stroke Gu Hai's inner thigh ambiguously. As a result, Gu Hai's face
darkened immediately, "Get lost!"

Li Shuo went back, his eyes hinted on Bai Luoyin, "Do you think it's

When Bai Luoyin saw Gu Hai's reaction, he knew the answer already.

Li Shuo continued, "Da Hai hates it the most when other people touch
him, if what you've just said happened for real, what you'll see right now
would be both of our corpses...."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 66


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 66: The Inquietude of Youth - Not as good as a dog. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Before sleeping, Bai Luoyin intentionally used a blanket to wrap his whole
body tightly, just like a cocoon, both sides of the quilt were held down by Bai
Luoyin's body, it left no space for loopholes.

Just as Bai Luoyin had expected, Gu Hai extended his legs and began to
explore the blanket that covered Bai Luoyin's body, searching for any gaps
for him to insert his leg inside. However, it's a pity that Bai Luoyin wrapped
himself very tightly, hence Gu Hai's hard effort turned out to be futile.

"How can you sleep so uncomfortably like this? Come, let brother help
you to loosen it up a bit." Gu Hai shamelessly moved closer to Bai Luoyin.

"Leave me alone."

Gu Hai's feet were still searching for the loopholes in Bai Luoyin's blanket
without giving up.
Bai Luoyin became annoyed, both of Gu Hai's feet are just like a worm, they
keep on wriggling on top of Bai Luoyin's blanket without stopping, sometime
fast, sometime slow, sometime light, sometime heavy, it made him terribly

"What do you want? If you're not going to sleep, just scram!"

Gu Hai's pupil flashed with unrestrained evil, "I think your blanket is not
warm enough."

"Whether my blanket is warm or not, does it have anything to do with


"I can warm you up!"

Gu Hai spoke while throwing himself on top of Bai Luoyin.

Bai Luoyin took a deep breath, angry and annoyed, "Why are you doing
this every single night? Are you nuts? Can't you sleep properly, even just
for one night? I'm really tired today, tomorrow is weekend, you... Eh....."

Gu Hai bit Bai Luoyin's sensual chin.


Both of Bai Luoyin's hands grabbed Gu Hai's hair.

Gu Hai didn't care about his image at all, he took that chance to lift Bai
Luoyin's quilt up, stretched his hands out, then suddenly pull Bai Luoyin into
his embrace, he felt satisfied once Bai Luoyin in his arms, his saliva/drool
flowing rapidly into the floor.

"Yin Zi~~~" He dragged the last syllable until ten meters long.

Bai Luoyin was completely at the end of his ropes when dealing with Gu Hai,
how can there be someone so shameless like him? Say, if you are really
aggravated with him, that you used your whole strength to resist him, yet he
doesn't give a damn about it, and what's more his teasing becomes even
worse instead. If he only continue to endure in silence like this, when will it
end? Does this kind of person has any self-awareness?

Gu Hai's hands went inside Bai Luoyin's pajamas trouser, slowly exploring it.

This time, Bai Luoyin replied harshly, "Do you think what you're doing is

"What's strange about this?" Gu Hai temporarily pulled his hand back,
giving a whole-heartedly loyal and sincere expression, "This is my bad
habit, I like to get close to my friends that I like, you saw Li Shuo today,
right? Usually we stick together, and every time I touch him, he would be
docile, but why is it when it comes to you, it's so hard?"

Bai Luoyin felt so ashamed because of Gu Hai's shameless boasting.

"Have you had enough? Li Shuo told me today that he absolutely never
engaged in those kinds of thing with you before."

"......" Gu Hai was startled for a moment, but he was still as stubborn as
before, "He was just too embarrassed to admit it. He's just like me, we're
both thin-skinned."

Bai Luoyin cupped one fist in his other hand, giving Gu Hai a gesture of
admiration and respect, then he kicked Gu Hai out from his blanket.

Gu Hai didn't immediately make his way into the blanket again, he stared at
the ceiling instead, pondering deeply.

"Say... why did you suddenly ask Li Shuo that kind of thing?"

Bai Luoyin didn't speak.

Gu Hai made a speculation by himself, "Are you saying that you really
want to try it with me, but you are worried, so you went to Li Shuo to
seek for a peace of mind?"

Bai Luoyin raised his eyebrows, "Say, why is A Lang barking so loudly
today? It's not like usual, I'll go out to check on him."
Gu Hai, "........"

"A Lang, A Lang." Bai Luoyin called gently.

A Lang's barks became louder, it really scared other people, Bai Luoyin
turned on a flashlight to check on him, then he found out that A Lang's paws
was stuck between the iron pillars of the cage. Bai Luoyin carefully pulled it
out, then stroked A Lang's head, soon he stopped barking, he lay on the cage
entrance while groaning. Bai Luoyin found out a blood stain on A Lang's
mouth. Most likely, it was because when he couldn't take out his paws from
between the iron pillars, he used his mouth to bite the pillars.

Bai Luoyin felt sorry for A Lang, so he placed a kiss on A Lang's mouth.

Gu Hai stood in the middle of bleak autumn wind, in tears, they got along for
so many days, but he's still not as good as a dog!

After Bai Luoyin went back to his room, Gu Hai was sitting on the bed,
constantly drawing deep breaths.

"It seems like the corner of my mouth has become swollen. It really

Bai Luoyin snapped his fingers, "Wait here, I have an ointment in my


"Do you still need to use ointment?" Gu Hai intentionally hinted on Bai

Of course you need to use ointment, Bai Luoyin sincerely held the ointment
tube, he personally applied a little bit of the ointment cream on the swab, then
he applied it on Gu Hai's mouth, his movements were very careful.

Although he didn't get a kiss, but Bai Luoyin still took care of Gu Hai like
this, it made Gu Hai's heart became somewhat excited.

Obviously, you could just hand the cotton swab to me and let me do it myself,
yet you still insist to do it by yourself, you really cherish me that much, huh?
When he felt the ointment cream on his hand, it felt so cool and refreshing,
the comfortable feeling penetrates deeply into his heart.

"What ointment is this? The effects can be felt right away."

"Hemorrhoid cream." Bai Luoyin answered calmly.

Gu Hai: ".....!!!!!"

Bai Luoyin restrained Gu Hai's trembling shoulders, comforting him

patiently, "It's okay, this ointment can be applied anywhere, the last time
when my mouth was swollen, I applied this too, and it worked very

"What if there's nothing wrong with me? Are there any side effects?"

Bai Luoyin's hand paused, "Side effects? Maybe one or two hemorrhoids
will appear."

Gu Hai's face seems to fuse together with the pitch-black night sky, except
for his bared white teeth, he couldn't be seen.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 67


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 67: The Inquietude of Youth - Kill me if you can. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The first time Bai Luoyin came to Gu Hai rented room, he discovered that Gu
Hai's room was very neat, at least it's much tidier compared to his bedroom.

"Why is your broken cellphone still here?" Bai Luoyin picked up an old
cellphone on the windowsill.

Gu Hai was tidying things up, he opened his mouth to reply without thinking,
"Forgot to throw it away."

Bai Luoyin walked outside the boarding house. He went to his granduncle's
house to take a screwdriver and tweezers, then sat on a seat made of rock and
started to get busy. In less than half an hour, Bai Luoyin disassembled the
phone and fixed it, wiped the screen, then returned to the rented room to hand
the phone over to Gu Hai.

"Try it."
Gu Hai had some doubts, he took the cell phone then tried it. He turned it on
normally, the text messages worked normally, telephone call had a slight
noise, but it didn't affect the normal function of the phone.

"Awesome!" Gu Hai's eyes showed astonishment, "It was broken already

and yet it can be repaired again?

"It's not a big deal, this kind of old device is generally very durable."

Gu Hai noticed Bai Luoyin's intelligence at these kind of things, and once
again, his feeling of adoration towards Bai Luoyin grew somewhat stronger.

"Do we need to pack all these things?" Bai Luoyin pointed at the junks on
the writing desk.

Gu Hai straightened his waist and glanced at him, "It's up to you, just take
the items you consider useful."

Bai Luoyin collected the functional items and loaded them in the bag, while
he was loading the items, he saw some sheets of paper that are sticked
together on top of the writing desk. If he never saw it, he wouldn't get angry.
But now that he had seen it, he wished he could peel Gu Hai alive, on the top
of the paper was his essay, every single sheet, all of them were taken away by
Gu Hai, this guy is way too awful!

Once Gu Hai noticed Bai Luoyin's reaction, without feeling any shame, he
even took out more sheets of paper from the drawer, showing them off in
front of Bai Luoyin's face.

"Look, is my handwriting similar to yours?"

Bai Luoyin glared at Gu Hai angrily, "Why don't tell me about your
handwriting practice, huh! Just because of these essays, now the Chinese
Literature teacher ignore me!"

"Then, you can also ignore her!"

"The one I should be ignoring is you." Bai Luoyin gnashed his teeth [1].
"You dare to ignore me? Just try." Gu Hai's strict gaze swept towards Bai
Luoyin's face.

Bai Luoyin didn't show any weakness, he fearlessly stared at Gu Hai face to
face, after five seconds, Gu Hai whooshed his face away [2].

"This one... Look at my handwriting, does it actually improve?"

In fact, even without asking Bai Luoyin, Gu Hai wanted to say that his
current handwriting had become better compared to the moment when school
started, after seeing Gu Hai's urgent need to hear his approval, Bai Luoyin
suddenly didn't want to speak anymore.

"Why don't you say anything? Is it actually good or bad?"

Gu Hai sharpened his fang in his mind, if you dare to say it's not good, I'll
kick your ass!

Bai Luoyin arrogantly and delicately shot Gu Hai a glance, faintly replied a
sentence, "Not bad!"

This "Not bad" sentence, simply pleased Gu Hai to the utmost satisfaction,
Bai Luoyin's one sentence compliment really meant a lot for him! Gu Hai felt
like he had drunk ten bottles of Red Bull, all his entire body from head to toe
brimmed with energy, as if he could lift this house then run two laps in the

Bai Luoyin was amused by Gu Hai's smug look.

Once Bai Luoyin smiled, Gu Hai's eye straightened.

Jin Lulu calmed her face while standing at the door, that harmonious and
gleeful scene she clearly saw just now, made her aware that being with Gu
Hai all these three years, she'd never seen Gu Hai with that kind of glance.
Before, those brothers of Gu Hai said that Gu Hai could only wear his second
facial expression when he was with Jin Lu Lu. Now, Jin Lu Lu discovered
that Gu Hai had a third facial expression, this kind of expression is the one
she has never seen before, it's very charming yet it hurts her very much.
All girls are very sensitive, don't even mention brothers, if her boyfriend
pampered a dog, she can't even bear to watch it.

Bai Luoyin saw Jin Lulu first, then poked Gu Hai, hinting at him to look at
the door. Gu Hai was somewhat surprised, "Why are you here?"

Jin Lulu found that Gu Hai's third facial expression only lasted for a fleeting
moment, when he turned his sight to her, the familiar look returned.

"You're asking why I'm here? Today is weekend."

Gu Hai seemed as if he couldn't give any response, he felt that every week
passed so fast, in a blink of an eye, weekend came already. Previously, he felt
that the weekdays were extremely hard to bear, but now he doesn't even see
the date anymore, as if every day is identical to him.

"I'm moving right now! And I don't have a cellphone, so I couldn't get in
touch with you."

Jin Lulu dangled the cellphone that she took from the writing desk, "What is

"Isn't this cellphone already broken long ago?"

Gu Hai barely finished his talk when the cellphone suddenly rang, Jin Lulu
pressed the phone with a cold face, then both cell phones connected.


Jin Lulu suddenly threw the phone to the ground, the intact phone split into
pieces, the broken pieces of the screen were scattered all over the place!

Gu Hai's face changed, from shocked to angry then unable to control himself,
all this happened in a split second, he strode towards Jin Lulu, grasped her
shoulder, pressed her towards the corner of the room, then questioned her
very fiercely.

"Who allowed you to break it?"

Jin Lulu held his tears, but her tone showed absolutely no hint of conceding.

"How many cellphones have we broke during our fights? Just because of
that lousy cellphone, you become hostile towards me?"

Gu Hai's eyes reddened because of the wrath, let alone himself.

"Yin Zi just repaired this phone, who the fuck allow you to throw it?"

"I let myself threw it!! So what if he's the one who repaired it?"

Jin Lulu suddenly trampled on the phone's case on the ground several times,
the sound of shattering cruelly irritated both of Gu Hai's eardrums.

"I threw it already, I trampled it already. Just kill me if you can!"

Translator's Note:

[1] 'Gnashed his teeth': 咬牙切齿 is a Chinese idiom, which means to bite
your teeth together and grind them. "Gnashing teeth" is used to describe
angry look.

[2] 'whooshed': CJD wrote嗖 (sou1) which can be translated literally into
whooshing, which means to move quickly with a rushing sound. Actually,
this word translation can be substituted to another word, but I found this
whooshing depiction really funny.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 68


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 68: The Inquietude of Youth - An unpleasant feelings. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the middle of the dangerous clash, a hand stretched out and grasped Gu
Hai's arm, whose nerves were pulsating madly.

"Stop it, it's just a cellphone, right?"

Bai Luoyin's voice was extremely flat, it didn't take much strength to block
Gu Hai's hand, but being confronted in this kind of slow-moving situation,
Gu Hai's cruel and fierce thoughts slowly calmed down, his hand that was
clasping Jin Lu Lu's shoulder gradually relaxed.

"Gu Hai, you're not human!"

Jin Lu Lu screamed and pushed Gu Hai away. She kicked the door open and
charged out from the compound house [1].

Gu Hai stood still at his current place, not stirring at all.

Bai Luoyin abruptly hit his shoulder, "You idiot, you still aren't chasing

"Why do I have to chase after her?" Gu Hai's reddened orbs were fixed
upon Bai Luoyin.

"No matter what, she's still a girl who's come from far away to find you.
No matter what, you've been together with her for three years. No
matter what, you've slept with her."

Gu Hai kept silent.

Bai Luoyin grabbed Gu Hai's collar, yelling: "Damn it, are you a man or

Gu Hai caught Bai Luoyin's hand, his voice was peaceful and calm, yet it
concealed a turbulent wave of surging feelings.

"Yin Zi, you know right, at this moment I'm only willing to listen to your
words. Do you really want me to go?"

During this brief moment, Bai Luoyin's heart suddenly lost its balance, as if a
mechanical consciousness completely manipulated his own lips.

"Yes, you absolutely have to go, when a girl's emotions go out of control,
it can easily result in a bad things."

Gu Hai turned his body and exited the door.

Bai Luoyin's tall and straight stature went numb in an instant, he bent his
waist then tidied up the mess on the floor.

When Gu Hai walked out, Jin Lu Lu had already run to another alley. After
Gu Hai saw a glimpse of her shadow, he directly took a large stride to chase
her. Not even a moment had passed and Gu Hai had already caught up with
Jin Lu Lu's pace. He saw her heading to a tree root, crouched at the ground
and started to bawl.

This is the first time Gu Hai sees Jin Lu Lu behaving like this.
He didn't understand, the reason of the rift between both of them, is it
because of Jin Lu Lu or is it because of himself?

He had previously experienced the period of falling passionately in love, the

phase of giving each other the cold shoulder, and the quarrelling period...
These kinds of patterns won't stop alternating with each other, but regardless
of the period they find themselves in, he wouldn't feel like there's something
wrong with the relationship itself.

Right now, Gu Hai suddenly felt rather tired and weary, he doesn't know
whether he's already tired with this relationship or with the things he would
do for Jin Lu Lu.

Only when Jin Lu Lu saw Gu Hai, that the sounds of weeping stopped. Even
though she is the one at a disadvantage in this relationship, but she's also
unwilling to let Gu Hai see her moment of weakness, not even once.

"Gu Hai, this is the first time you chase after me when we fought."

Gu Hai quietly watched Jin Lu Lu's reddened, crying eyes, behind her lean
and stubborn face is actually is actually a fragile lip, to his own surprise, his
heart actually felt anguish. Just as Zhou Shi Hu said previously, she's his
cherished girlfriend for three years, three years is not a short time, any three-
year relationship can create a genuine affection.

"Next time, don't do this again." Gu Hai said.

Jin Lu Lu suddenly hugged Gu Hai tightly while sobbing loudly. She thought
that both of them were already over, she always has this notion after every
time they had a row. Hence, she was always in a state of anxiety, although
she felt that she lost her face, but she virtuously faced him to reconcile.

When Gu Hai took the initiative, it shows his softer side and Jin Lu Lu felt
really grateful, as if she had received the greatest grace. She won't grudge
about their relationship problems anymore, she also realized that she had
gone overboard just now.

Both of them stood beneath of the tree roots [2] for a very long time, talking
about their previous matters, reminiscing about their memories together. A
thing they definitely do after every time they quarreled, after that they make

"I won't annoy you, I'll never annoy you again."

Jin Lu Lu wiped her tears, pulling Gu Hai's hand and said, "Let's go, I'll
help you move."

When they returned to the compound house, the landlord told them that Bai
Luoyin had already carried his things away in advance.

Gu Hai stared at the empty room as well as the tidy and clean floor, his heart
churned over. He didn't know how many times did Bai Luoyin go back and
forth to move his things, how long he got busied by this...

Only at this moment that Jin Lu Lu remembered to ask, "Where are you
actually moving to?"

"Yin Zi's house, I've been staying at his home these days."

Jin Lu Lu's complexion turned somewhat fishy, but since both of them had
just reconciled with each other, so she didn't continue to pester him about this
matter anymore.

When they were eating, Jin Lu Lu started to talk endlessly about her matters
at school, about the bitchy girl that she put in order, about an insect that
appeared in the canteen, about how she got bargained a discount from the
food vendor, about the unusual old-fashioned clothes that her teacher wore
for the entire day, about their awfully horrible custom-made batch of
uniforms that were very unsightly......

Gu Hai stayed silent all the way, until a plate of smoked duck head was
served, that he smiled and spoke up.

"Yin Zi really loves to eat this."

Gu Hai ruined Jin Lu Lu's extremely good mood.

"Gu Hai, let me ask you something."

Gu Hai lifted his eyes to reply lightly, "What?"

"Don't you think the way you treat Bai Luoyin is a little bit too good?"

"What's your point asking this kind of question?" Gu Hai's face darkened.

Jin Lu Lu was fuming with anger, she grabbed a piece of duck head and
placed it on her plate.

Gu Hai felt somewhat weird while eating, he put his chopsticks down and
spoke towards Jin Lu Lu:

"What kind of man doesn't have a brother that he's extremely close
with? Why do you always have to make it difficult for him? Let me tell
you, you really don't understand Yin Zi. If you can understand him,
you'll definitely be very fond of him. Don't look at his poor family
conditions, he's really full of talent, his taste is also quite unique. Even
though he doesn't like to smile, deep inside his bones, he's actually a
passionate person. Sometimes, he wants to care for you, but he's too
embarrassed to show it, so he does it secretly. Even if you see through his
lies, he will still oppose you. He has a sharp tongue but a soft heart, his
manner of speech doesn't spare anyone, but his heart is actually very
kind. I eat and live for free at their house for such a long period of time,
he always pretend to drive me off, but when I really leave and didn't
return for half a day, he'll definitely feel uneasy and restless. Oh right I
forgot to tell you, he's also exceptionally intelligent, he likes to tinker
with a lot of things. Once, he changed the door in our class so that it
couldn't be opened from the outside but it could be opened from the

That cellphone just now, it actually fell into the river, but he can still
repair it..."

Actually, Gu Hai only wanted to talk a few words, to lower Jin Lu Lu's
worries down, who would expect that once he opens his mouth, he couldn't
restrain himself. Once Jin Lu Lu heard this, she became even more jealous
and furious, this was the first time Gu Hai ever spoke so many words in front
of her, as far as to praise another person unexpectedly. Isn't it obvious that he
only wanted to add more fuel to her ire?

Gu Hai was completely oblivious, he believed that when he spoke

delightfully and interestingly, other people would also become interested.

Jin Lu Lu restrained her wrath with great difficulty, chewing the noodles in
her mouth fiercely. The feeling of her superiority being stripped off by
another person, is extremely unpleasant. So what if he's a man? Just because
that he's a man, Jin Lu Lu felt that she shouldn't feel that way.

Gu Hai, are you unable to differentiate who is more important?

After the meal, a lot of Gu Hai's constrained feelings were finally relieved.

When they settled for the bill, during the time that the cashier was counting
the change, Gu Hai could still manage to turn around and say something to
Jin Lu Lu, "Today, Yin Zi praised me, he said my handwriting has

Jin Lu Lu almost took the fortune tree on top of the reception desk and
thrashed it to the floor.

"Okay, everything's settled!! Take care!"

For the entire afternoon, Gu Hai accompanied Jin Lu Lu in a shopping spree

to all kinds of high-class places.

Before he slept at night, Gu Hai felt his heart was empty, when he shut his
eyes, the only thing running through his mind is Bai Luoyin's countenance.
He felt that the air he inhaled isn't incense, but rather drugs, slowly
infiltrating into his innermost being. His train of thought started to become
muddled again, his whole mind was in a mess. During the day, his mind was
clear as the bustling downtown streets concealed his emotions. But now, his
true emotions are revealed once more.

A romantic movie was playing in the high-definition TV, Jin Lu Lu was

watching while muttering to herself at the same time.

"Is this girl too stupid or what? That guy is an idiot as well, why don't
you speak up. He's really a spineless coward, I'm not watching anymore,
let's sleep."

After that, she hugged Gu Hai and squeezed herself into the blanket.

The curtain of darkness fell gradually, Gu Hai slept with his head still in a


"Da Hai, I've made a newly developed slingshot. Let's shoot a bird
together!" Bai Luoyin wiped his runny nose.

Gu Hai was dumbfounded, in front of his eyes was a white and plump child,
his big eyes were sparkling, his small mouth opened and closed, he looked
very familiar...

"Who are you?"

"I'm Yin Zi!"

Gu Hai was terrified, "Why have you shrunk into a little midget?"

"Who are you calling a midget?" Bai Luoyin placed his hands on his small
waist, "Look at yourself, you're not even taller than me!"

Gu Hai bowed down his head and looked at his corduroy trousers and his
small cotton-padded shoes, whose size is less than thirty. His stretched his
hands out and his plump arms looked like a piece of lotus root [3].

"What's going on?"

Bai Luoyin laughed, his cheeks were flushed, "We've already known each
other since small."

"Known each other since small?" Gu Hai pulled Bai Luoyin's hand.
Bai Luoyin spoke with excitement, "That's right! We're childhood

Childhood friends? That's great... Gu Hai squeezed Bai Luoyin's cheeks. So,
we've actually known each other since small, we've been together for so
many years. This is truly an exciting thing. Starting from now on, I can
always play with Bai Luoyin until we grow up.

Gu Hai was grinning as he held Bai Luoyin tightly. Bai Luoyin placed a kiss
upon Gu Hai's cheek, then Gu Hai would kiss him back. After that, Bai
Luoyin kissed Gu Hai again, then Bai Luoyin kissed again on the lips, and
Gu Hai would return his kiss... While they were kissing each other, Gu Hai
suddenly woke up.

Inside the luxurious room of the hotel, the warm lamp still emitted its light

Gu Hai sensed that his lips were a little moist, so he used his hand to touch it,
his heart shuddered immediately afterwards.

Yin Zi, did you kick the blanket to the floor again?

Translator's Note:

[1] 'compound house' is a house that refers to a cluster of buildings in an

enclosure, where it is occupied by many families or households living
together. It's similar to a boarding house.

[2] 'stood beneath of the tree roots': most likely, the tree has hanging roots
(example: willow tree), but it wasn't really specified in the novel.

[3] 'lotus root': the outer appearance is similar to a potato, but lotus root has
longer length.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 69


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 69: The Inquietude of Youth - NO ONE CAN TOUCH HIM!

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Early morning, when Jin Lu Lu woke up, she found out that the person beside
her was already gone. She got up then went down from the bed and searched
for Gu Hai in every room. She finally found him on the balcony, don't know
how long it has been for him, standing there alone while smoking.

Jin Lu Lu yawned lazily, then walked toward Gu Hai and hugged his waist
from behind.

"Why did you wake up so early?"

Gu Hai hummed lightly, then he extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Jin Lu Lu found the ashtray full of cigarette stubs, just like chunks of severed
white chalks, it was a mess, portraying Gu Hai's mood perfectly.

"You didn't sleep well last night?"

"I slept really well."

Gu Hai took Jin Lu Lu's hands off his waist, turned his body around, the areas
surrounding his eyes were grey and pallid.

"Pack up your things, I'll send you home."

Jin Lu Lu's gaze was as hard as iron, it was fixed on Gu Hai for a quite while,
then she opened her mouth and asked, "Why are you so impatient to send
me away?"

Gu hai didn't say anything, he just went back inside the house and put on a

"Let's eat together, call Bai Luo Yin too. I broke the phone in front of
him yesterday, I definitely left a very bad impression on him, so let's eat
together, I want to restore his impression towards me."

Gu Hai remained silent, Jin Lu Lu simply thought that it means Gu Hai has
tacitly agreed.

When both of them arrived at Bai Luo Yin's house, Bai Luo Yin had just
woke up, he was squatting on the courtyard, brushing his teeth and washing
his face.

When Jin Lu Lu saw it, she couldn't help but to sigh, "Don't tell me... you're
going to move here?"

Gu Hai completely ignored Jin Lu Lu's words, his eyes were constantly fixed
upon Bai Luo Yin, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"In this kind of cold weather, he's still using cold water to wash face?"
Jin Lu Lu put on a conflicted expression, "They won't let you use cold
water to wash your face too, right?"

Gu Hai didn't say any word, he went straight into the courtyard, Jin Lu Lu
only followed him from behind.

When A Lang saw there was a stranger, he suddenly barked very loudly from
the cage, it scared Jin Lu Lu so much that she immediately held Gu Hai's

"Damn, this kind of house but they're still able to raise a Tibetan

When Bai Luo Yin heard A Lang's barks, he lifted up his head, then he saw
right exactly when Jin Lu Lu held Gu Hai's arm and entering his house.

"Let's eat lunch together!"

"Okay." Bai Luo Yin answered quickly, "I'll go inside and change my

Soon after Bai Luo Yin entered his house, Gu Hai went inside too, leaving
Jin Lu Lu strolling alone in the yard.

"Hey, wait."

Bai Luo Yin was about to put on his clothes, when he heard Gu Hai's voice
he stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Hai walked until he arrived in front of Bai Luo Yin, he held Bai Luo Yin's
face with both of his hands, furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Why is there
a small pimple on your head?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't realize it, "Maybe it's because of the inflammation."

Gu Hai let out an evil smile, "Are you thinking about me?"

"Go away! Go to hell!"

Gu Hai's gloomy mood for more than ten hours suddenly cleared up this

When they were eating lunch, Jin Lu Lu deliberately said to Bai Luo Yin,
"Gu Hai treats you better than me."

"Why do you think so?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Jin Lu Lu answered, half-serious and half-joking, "He always put on a

straight face when he's with me, but whenever he's with you, he's smiling
all the time."

Gu Hai replied calmly, "You said it yourself, you feel more secure when
I'm being cold."

Jin Lu Lu obviously disagreed with Gu Hai's answer.

Bai Luo Yin leisurely analyzed, "It's like this, every man would always
have two sides of him, one with his girlfriend and another is with his
buddies. In front of his girlfriend, because he wants to maintain his own
charming image, he acts cool, if not, then how can he win your heart? It's
different when he's with his buddies, he doesn't need to maintain his own
image, his mood will be totally relaxed, he'll act foolishly and stupidly, so
it made you think that we're closer."

Jin Lu Lu finally smiled, "Look at him, he talks better than you."

Gu Hai's girlfriend was boasting about another man, but Gu Hai wasn't even
disturbed for a bit, on the contrary he felt really proud.

When lunch almost finished, Jin Lu Lu suddenly said to Gu Hai, "Try to hit
Bai Luo Yin."

Gu Hai's face fell, "Why do I have to hit him?"

"Nothing, I just want to see, aren't you two always fooling around with
each other everyday?"

"Are you crazy?" Gu Hai's voice became icy.

Jin Lu Lu was actually joking, she just wanted to create a playful atmosphere,
to test Gu Hai's feeling towards Bai Luo Yin, but Gu Hai's reaction stopped
her from pretending any longer.

"Gu Hai, I'm just joking, why are you so annoyed with me? Do you
really hate it that much? He's already an adult, what's wrong with you
hitting him just for a little bit? Just touch him lightly, can't you do it?"

"I can't!" Gu Hai stressed each word, "Don't even mention me, no one else
could even think to touch him!"

Jin Lu Lu suddenly threw her chopsticks, "Gu Hai, you disgust me!"

"If you're disgusted, then just get lost!"

Jin Lu Lu kicked her chair abruptly, then rushed out from the restaurant.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 70


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 70: The Inquietude of Youth - Gu Hai's conscience. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After Jin Lu Lu kicked the chair and left the restaurant, their surrounding
suddenly fell into a deep silence.

After a long time passed, Bai Luo Yin then asked Gu Hai, "Why did you
make her angry?"

Gu Hai's dark face brightened up, "Why do you say that i made her angry?
Didn't you see how shameless she was? No need to indulge that bad habit
of her, just let her go if she fucking wants to go!"

"Both of you are really...." Bai Luo Yin felt helpless, "How did you two
even got together in the first place?"

Gu Hai was on the side, trying to contain his anger under control! He wasn't
in the mood to answer that kind of question.

Bai Luo Yin sighed, then he stirred the remaining noodles in his bowl, lightly
said, "Okay, just calm down a bit for now, that's not a good thing if
you're always fighting with each other."

Gu Hai put the remaining cuttlefish ball on Bai Luo Yin's bowl, and then he
finished his noodles cleanly.

Both of them went out from the restaurant in silence.


After they arrived at home, Bai Luo Yin tossed a box to Gu Hai.

"What is this?" Gu Hai was somewhat surprised. "Is this for me?"

"What a nonsense! I gave it to you, if it isn't for you then who is it for?"

Gu Hai opened the box to look at it, then he saw a phone with the newest
model on market, the model and appearance of the phone were really Gu
Hai's taste, he didn't even have to guess to know that this phone was chosen
by Bai Luo Yin. There was an unspeakable feelings in Gu Hai's heart, when
he saw Bai Luo Yin's figure moving around beside him, he didn't know how
to express his feelings, he simply embraced him right away.

"Yin Zi, you're too good to me."

"Go hug my dad!" Bai Luo Yin halfheartedly pushed Gu Hai away, "It was
his money, he was the one who really wanted to buy it for you, no matter
how many times I stopped him."

Gu Hai shouted straight away to Bai Han Qi outside the window.

"Uncle, thank you!"

"This kid, why do you thank me?" Bai Han Qi wiped the sweats on his
forehead with his clothes. "If Yin Zi didn't go with me, I wouldn't know
which phone I should buy. For me, if a phone can be used to call, and if it
doesn't break down even after it fell down, that should be good enough
already. But Yin Zi said, it won't do! He insisted to give you a full
featured phone."
Gu Hai felt like honey was flowing out from his heart.

"You don't have to listen to Yin Zi, he didn't know what he was talking

Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai's butt, "You dare to say that even after getting
this phone?"

Gu Hai happily looked at Bai Luo Yin, "Then how about you? You don't
have a cell phone too....."

"What would I use it for?" Bai Luo Yin gave a nonchalant expression, "I
simply don't have anyone i want to contact, having a phone would be a

"You can contact me!" Gu Hai moved closer to Bai Luo Yin's front side.

Bai Luo Yin grinded his teeth, "You always stick beside me for 24 hours
everyday, do i still need phone to contact you?"

Gu Hai laughed hollowly, "That's also true, but now I don't have anyone I
want to contact too, thereby this phone is also a waste for me."

"Don't!" Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, "I want to use this phone to
divert your attention from me!"

Gu Hai's mouth moved closer to Bai Luo Yin's ears, his voice was deep, yet
so charming.

"Then won't you really hate this phone later?"

Bai Luo Yin immediately shouted 'scram' five times in a row! Then he kicked
Gu Hai out from the room.

Gu Hai swayed around for a while outside, he saw Bai Hanqi was setting a
ladder on the wall, he was puffing hard while trying to climb the ladder.

"Uncle, why are you climbing so high?"

"Two days ago it was raining, the roof leaked a bit, so the good dried
grains got wet again, I'm going up to patch it."

"Uncle, just go down, I'll go up."

"How do you know how to do this kind of thing?"

Bai Han Qi wiped his sweats, today is really a sunny day, the afternoon sun
was shining upon them.

"I really can do it, uncle, just come down."

Between the talks, Gu Hai stepped on the windowsill, his hand grabbed the
eaves, then he tumbled his body and jumped until he got on the roof, what
was that ladder for then?

When Bai Han Qi saw it, his eyes went stiff, he thought to himself, what did
this kid just do to go up? Just now he was still talking on the ground, how can
he just flew to the roof in a short time?

"Uncle, I'm here."

In fact, when Bai Han Qi was young, his physical condition was excellent
too, he didn't even need to do an extra efforts to climb up and down the roof,
but now he's old, his limbs aren't agile anymore, he also has a little bit fear of

"Can you really do it?" Bai Han Qi gave a doubtful expression.

"Seeing you said those word, I....."

Gu Hai wanted to say that he has done everything when he was in army
before, but he was afraid that Bai Han Qi would ask a lot of things, so he
didn't say anything else, he rather took the bucket from Bai Han Qi's hand,
flattened the mud and the cement paste skillfully, although it wasn't as good
as a bricklayer's works, but apparently it was done pretty well.

Bai Luo Yin walked outside, then shouted towards the roof.
"Dad, just go down, just let him do it, otherwise he would just be a
freeloader at our house everyday!"

"Right, uncle, just go down!"

Bai Han Qi smiled then he agreed, he carefully went to the eaves, then he
stretched his leg out to reach the ladder.

Gu Hai saw a phone poking out from Bai Han Qi's trousers pocket, it was a
phone that had been used for many years, some of the coating paint on top
has been scraped off. Once Gu Hai saw it, he just knew that phone is an
imitation phone that has been bought from street vendors, with a price no
more than 200 yuan. When he thought about his own phone, Gu Hai's heart
felt really upset.

Bai Luo Yin never talked about his family condition, just occasionally after
they went drinking, then he would mention it once or twice. Bai Han Qi's
wages is less than 5 thousands per month, and he has to feed the whole
family, every month Bai Luo Yin's grandfather and grandmother has a fixed
medical treatment expense too. These things cut down more than half of his
income already, besides their own food and drink expenses, now they have to
feed him too.... Even if Bai Han Qi didn't say it, Gu Hai knew it, he must be
clenching his teeth to buy this phone.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 71


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 71: The Inquietude of Youth - A SILENT NIGHT. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


At night before going to bed, Gu Hai asked Bai Luo Yin: "Why didn't Uncle
just open a shop together with Aunt Zou?"

"Why should he open a shop together with Aunt Zou?" Bai Luo Yin
replied with another question.

"Just think about it, that's a golden opportunity, no rental fee, no need
to pay tax, the waiters are all ready, this is a pure money-making
business! If Aunt Zou is alone, she would have her hands full, supposed if
Uncle went there to help her, it would mean that the shop belongs to both
of them, and the pay would be better than the hard-earned fixed salary
from his current work."

Bai Luo Yin heaved a sigh, "You thought really well, but my dad will
definitely be unwilling to do so."

"Why?" Gu Hai didn't understand.

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, then he moved closer to his ear.

Gu Hai felt really happy that he almost glued his entire body to Bai Luo
Yin's. Bai Luo Yin lifted the blanket then covered both of their heads
together. Their heads snuggled against one another, their foot got close to
each other, they hid in the small space inside the blanket, whispering quietly.

"What?" Gu Hai was dumbfounded, "Aunt Zou isn't a widow?"

"She has a husband, he's working abroad."

Gu Hai could feel every warm breath that Bai Luo Yin emitted upon his own
face, causing his entire body turn feverish.

"So you mean, they are afraid that people would gossip about them?"

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a moment, his shoulders slumped.

"I always think that Aunt Zou is deceiving my dad, I think she'd already
divorced with her husband since long time ago. Just think about it, she
already lived here for so many years, yet her husband never came back
on New Year's Day or on any other festival, is it normal?"

When Gu Hai saw Bai Luo Yin's expression during his ramblings, he felt like
pulling at his small ears.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying?" Bai Luo Yin suddenly hit Gu Hai's

Gu Hai held Bai Luo Yin's hand, smiled, and then he was smiling when he
spoke, "I heard it already, don't you want to say that Aunt Zou is a

"Right, but my dad always denies it."

"I think Uncle knows it clearly inside his heart."

Gu Hai was talking while using his coarse fingers to caress Bai Luo Yin's
palm, and the joints of his fingers... every single vein, every single loop and
whorl on his fingers, Gu Hai touched them lightly with his fingertips, it
seemed casual, but there was a hint of amusement. All of Bai Luo Yin's
sensitive nerves on his palms were came into life, it made his arms felt numb.
He wanted to open his mouth and scold Gu Hai, but Gu Hai suddenly stopped
moving, he simply grasped Bai Luo Yin's hand tightly.

"Your father is getting intimate with another woman, don't you feel

"No, I even encouraged him to marry Aunt Zou." Bai Luo Yin answered
with indifferent tone, "Since as long as I could remember, my dad has
always been single, I can't let him live his life forever like this forever,

"You never thought about letting your dad and your mom get back

"Never." Bai Luo Yin was very determined, "I'd rather it to be Aunt Zou,
I don't want my dad to suffer again."

When Gu Hai heard this, his feelings was somewhat complicated.

Besides him, Bai Luo Yin continued, "Actually, the reason why my dad
doesn't want to help Aunt Zou is not entirely because he's afraid that
people will gossip about them. Just think about this, that shop already
belongs to Aunt Zou right now, dad would never put his pride aside to go
and ask her for cooperation. We are all men, we understand this kind of
feeling, if it's for other women, it's still possible, but for Aunt Zou, it's
definitely impossible."

"That's also true." Gu Hai seemed lost in his own thoughts.

There was a silence under the blanket, then Bai Luo Yin lifted the blanket up
and he breathed mouthfuls of air outside.

Gu Hai saw Bai Luo Yin's chest going up and down regularly, and the way he
breathed deeply with closed eyes, Gu Hai's heart inadvertently began to beat
faster. Bai Luo Yin opened his lips slightly, radiating a masculine charm. Gu
Hai obviously knew that this is a man's lips, it definitely isn't as soft as a
woman's. Nevertheless, Gu Hai felt like he really wanted to give it a kiss.

He realized that his own thoughts are becoming more and more twisted, but
he had no intention to correct it. He knew very clearly that he doesn't feel this
way towards other guys, it's solely reserved for Bai Luo Yin alone. Maybe it's
because he admires him too much, likes him too much, and cares about him
too much, causing this small snowball of friendship began to roll, the more it
rolls the bigger it gets, and eventually it crossed over the boundary line that
Gu Hai could control. Yet he doesn't want to retrieve it back. He would rather
enjoy this self-indulgent yet nervous kind of happiness.

That night, the wind was strong, so Gu Hai went to close the window.

Just as he reclined back on the bed, Bai Luo Yin suddenly turned his body
over, his head was looking for the softest spot to lean on, before finally
resting upon Gu Hai's shoulder. His warm cheeks were nestled closely on top
of Gu Hai's left chest, his clean and tidy hair scattered around Gu Hai's neck,
his arms hugged Gu Hai's stomach as he pleased, and he had a very satisfied
expression upon his face.

Gu Hai was caught off guard, he didn't dare to move his arm that was pressed
by Bai Luo Yin's weight, fearing that once he moved, Bai Luo Yin would
unconsciously turn his body away from him. Only when Bai Luo Yin's
breaths had evened out that Gu Hai's stiff muscles could finally relax. He
lowered his eyelids to look at the man in his embrace, his hand caressing Bai
Luo Yin's cheeks gently, he was extremely careful, as if touching a rare and
precious baby.

Then he closed his eyes, quietly waiting for a good dream to come......
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 72


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 72: The Inquietude of Youth – Bai Han Qi’s good LUCK. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“Mr. Bai, the factory director is looking for you.”

Bai Han Qi took his dustproof faceguard off, then entered the factory
director’s office with tired and sleepy posture.

“Lao Bai, come, sit down.”

Bai Han Qi had no idea what had happened with the normally straight-faced
director, but he spoke very politely today, not only that he pulled the chair for
Bai Han Qi to sit, but he also poured a cup of tea for him.

Bai Han Qi was bewildered, what does he want to do?

“Lao Bai! Our factory has decided to dismiss you.”

Bai Han Qi’s heart skipped for a moment, his face turned white, he suddenly
understood why the director is acting differently from his normal behavior,
it’s simply because he wanted to fire him. Bai Han Qi’s hand that was
holding the cup trembled, he stood up and placed the cup back onto the desk,
he was standing straight in front of the factory director, his face showing an
offended expression.

“Director, you know that my son is still in high school, this is exactly the
time when I need money. I still have to support the whole family, not to
mention there’s also a monthly medical treatment fee….”

“I know.” The director interrupted Bai Han Qi, “If it isn’t because of this,
I’d really hate to let go of someone who has already worked here for
more than ten years!”

“Then, why did you fire me?” Bai Han Qi anxiously clenched his fist,
“Aren’t you just forcing my whole family towards a dead end?”

“What do you mean by forcing you to a dead end?” Bai Han Qi’s
statement confused the director, “So, they haven’t given you a call yet?”

“Who?” Bai Han Qi was bewildered.

The director scratched his head impatiently, “Seeing you like this, it means
that you really haven’t received a letter from them yet! How about this,
I’ll give them a call…….”

Just as he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door.

The factory director went to open the door, he saw a man wearing an
impeccable suit and directly greeted him with a smile.

“Oh, hello. You are already here. I was just about to give you a call!”

The man in suit only nodded while smiling, his gaze shifted to Bai Han Qi
beside him, “This person is?”

The director called Bai Han Qi right away, “This is Lao Bai, the person
that you’re looking for.”

The man immediately held out his hand.

Bai Han Qi smiled apologetically, “There’s dust all over my hand, it’s all

The man didn’t force Bai Han Qi anymore, the director beside him took the
initiative to introduce him.

“Lao Bai, this is the Human Resources Manager from Tong Jie
Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing Company, his surname is
Miao, you can address him as Manager Miao.”

Bai Han Qi nodded towards Manager Miao.

The factory director poured a glass of water for Manager Miao as well, and
then he excused himself, only Bai Han Qi and Manager Miao remained inside
the office.

“It’s like this, our company would like to hire you to work as an engineer
in our IT Department, the monthly salary after taxes is twenty thousand
Yuan. There will be a paid vacation every month, the residential subsidy
is five thousand Yuan, the transport allowance is two thousand Yuan,
and the meal allowance is two thousand Yuan, and lastly, the year-end
bonus is six months’ worth of your salary. The working hour is eight
hours a day, with double off days during festivals and holidays…..”

Bai Han Qi’s ear went numb.

“Manager Miao, your company is not printing counterfeit money,


When Bai Han Qi easily interrupted Manager Miao, who was talking to his
heart content, the manager’s heart felt somewhat sour.

“Mr. Bai, you really are funny!”

Bai Han Qi laughed hollowly, “I’m not being funny, but it just that the
conditions that your company offered are too unreasonable.”

Manager Miao took out his business card, “You’ve already worked in this
factory for more than 10 years, so you’re definitely familiar with the
factory’s daily operation. More than half of our company’s spare parts
are manufactured by your factory, your factory director and I are
acquainted as well, do you still not believe us?”

Bai Han Qi still couldn’t believe it, “The most important thing is, I don’t
understand much about technology, how can I just simply waltz into
your company and become an engineer there?”

“Don’t worry about it. When the time comes, there will be someone to
guide you.”

“If it’s like that, why don’t you just directly find an engineer? It will save
a lot of trouble!”

Vertical lines could be constantly seen upon Manager Miao’s forehead, this
person is really too selfless. This is truly a great opportunity. If it were me,
even if it’s a matter of life or death, I wouldn’t let this opportunity slip away!
Look at him, still thinking about other people?!

“Mr. Bai, if you’re still hesitating, let me invite you to visit our company,
the workshop has already been prepared for you.”

Bai Han Qi followed Manager Miao to the company in a half-dreaming and

half-awake state. He went inside and looked around. It was a spacious and
clean factory, everything was mechanized production. Those spare parts that
he manufactured with his very own hand, if compared to these finished
products before his eyes, were just like small sesame seeds.

“Mr. Bai, we’ve arrived.”

Bai Han Qi drew his attention back, he followed Manager Miao and went
inside a room.

The room was more than 30 square meter area, spacious and well-lit. A desk
is placed neatly in the middle of the room, there is a large bookshelf at the
back, there are specialized books and reference books inside, along with sofa,
coffee table, air conditioning, TV…. everything needed is there, standing in
front of the French window, there is a beautiful small park outside.
Indeed, this is deserved to be called a manager’s office….. Bai Han Qi sighed
in his heart.

“This is going to be your office.”

Ban Han Qi was taken aback, “What did you say?”

Manager Miao explained to Bai Han Qi patiently, “If you agreed to work
here in our factory, just stay here first for the time being. In the future, if
there’s anything that you’re not satisfied with, we can always replace it
for you.”

Bai Han Qi stood in the middle of the office, his body stiffened just like a

Manager Miao opened a drawer, and pulled out a brown paper bag.

“There is five thousand Yuan inside, if you are willing to accept our
sincerity, please take this, and you can work here starting from

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 73


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 73: The Inquietude of Youth – Da Hai persuaded Yin Zi. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Evening after Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai went back home after school, Bai Han
Qi prepared a large table full of dish.

Bai Luo Yin walked around the table, then went in front of Bai Han Qi and
asked: “Did something good happened today? Has Aunt Zhou left the
hospital already? She hasn’t, right? I remember the what the doctor said
for two weeks!”

Bai Han Qi’s face was glowing with happiness, he especially changed his
clothes, standing there with an impressive bearing, the question that Bai Luo
Yin asked, he deliberately didn’t give an answer, every step he took, his
leather shoes on the ground produced a tapping sound, vividly portraying the
idiom ‘deliberately putting on a special accent’ in great detail.

“Dad, why are you drunk even before drinking?”

“Hahaha…….” Bai Han Qi laughed loudly, with his beard shaved off, his
face vividly showed his graceful bearing from the time when he was young,
“Your dad just got a job promotion!

“Job promotion?” Bai Luo Yin gave a suspicious looks, “That lousy
factory still has a different kinds of position?”

“It’s not that factory, another company was looking for me, they let me
work there as an engineer.”

Bai Luo Yin’s facial expression changed, his tone was somewhat hesitating,
“Dad, it can’t be that you’ve been conned by them, right?”

“What are you talking about?” Bai Han Qi gave a straight face, “I’ve
signed the contract, the salary is good! The other party was afraid that I
wouldn’t believe it, they gave me 5000 yuan as a sign of sincerity! One of
these days if you have time, I’ll bring you to take a look at my new
workshop to make sure, you will be startled for sure!”

After he finished talking, Bai Han Qi turned around, then he hummed while
cutting pig’s ear stewed in a soy sauce.

Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded for a while, then he walked outside with large

“Gu Hai, you come here!”

Gu Hai was washing his hands in the yard, he saw Bai Luo Yin came out
from the kitchen while fuming with anger, went straight to his bedroom.

“What’s going on?” Gu Hai used towel to wipe his hands.

Bai Luo Yin calmly asked with interrogation tone, “About my dad’s matter,
was it your doing too?”

Gu Hai deliberately pretended not to know anything, “Which one?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, who let you to do something on your own
and transferred my dad to another department? What’s your intention?
Do you want to provide relief to our family? Or is it because of the phone
we bought for you, and you felt like you must do something so you will
feel comfortable?”

“Bai Luo Yin, I don’t like hearing you say these kind of things. What do
you mean with providing relief?What’s wrong with your family?
Providing relief from what? Everyday I saw uncle worked himself until
exhaustion to support this family, and my heart couldn’t bear it. He is
your father, are you going to let him suffer a living hell every single day
in that lousy factory just because of your ego?”

Bai Luo Yin’s face expression was still cold as before, “My family’s affairs
are none of your business.”

“Say it one more time!” Gu Hai’s tone became heavier.

“No matter how many times, My answer will still be the same, we will
worry about our family’s matter on our own!”

“You….” Gu Hai clenched his teeth, he was looking for something

everywhere, finally he found a small knotted broom to sweep bed, pointed it
at Bai Luo Yin and said, “Don’t you believe that I will hit you?”

Bai Luo Yin casted an angry look at Gu Hai, without saying anything, his
eyes were full of provocation, try to lay a finger on me!

As for Gu Hai, this isn’t a matter of daring or not daring, rather a matter of
willing or not willing.

Both of them refused to budge for a while, then Gu Hai suddenly dropped the
broom near his own legs, he sighed. He walked towards Bai Luo Yin, then
persuaded him softly, “I know that I should’ve discussed this matter with
you before, but I was afraid that with your stubborn temperament, you
would immediately strangle me the moment I open my mouth. Yin Zi, I
really didn’t have any other intention, I transferred uncle to a normal
department, he won’t be reading newspaper and drinking tea all day,
that also depends on his real skill and abilities to survive, I just thought
that uncle is a capable person, otherwise how can he grew such a bright
and intelligent son like you? I just want to give uncle a good opportunity,
so he could regain all the wasted efforts of the first half of his life, and
later he would still be able to stand upright and healthy in front of Aunt
Zhou, right?”

Even if Bai Luo Yin didn’t speak anything, but it could be seen from his
eyes, that his heart was definitely confused. On one side, he loves Bai Han Qi
so much. He really love Bai Han Qi dearly, he really cherished the happiness
on Bai Han Qi’s face earlier; on the other side, he felt really uneasy like this.
Why is Gu Hai the one who build his dad’s spring time? He hasn’t devote
himself enough to his dad yet!

Gu Hai stroked Bai Luo Yin’s hair with his hand, patiently soothed him,
“You see the last time I helped aunt Zhou, you didn’t say anything?
When it comes to your father why can’t you just let it go?”

Bai Luo Yin’s speaking tone was stiff, “The condition is different.”

“How can it be different?”

Bai Luo Yin was unable to answer why, he just felt uncomfortable in his

“Now in this kind of society, don’t you have to rely on connections to

survive? You have good connections by your side that you can utilize
well, it’s a wonderful thing, why are you so stubborn?”

“It’s not that i’m being stubborn…” Bai Luo Yin looked really awkward,
“I also have a lot of friends, if my family had problems, I often ask them
to help me too, but when it comes to you, why is it so different?”

Right! Why is it so different?

There was an ambiguous answer in Gu Hai’s heart, this answer, made him
felt somewhat excited.

“Yin Zi…!!!” Grandma Bai’s loud and clear shout can be heard from the

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, uncomfortably said one sentence, “Let’s
leave it at this for now.”

After he said that, he lifted the door curtain up, and went out.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 74


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 74: The Inquietude of Youth - Humorous Lao Bai. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Grandma, what happened?"

Grandma Bai sat on a folding stool, stitching a small cotton-padded mattress

while muttering to herself, "I want to eat Pi Li Bao [1]."

"Pi Li Bao?" What is this thing? Bai Luo Yin thought, then asked, "Is it a

"No!" Grandma Bai corrected her pronunciation, "Pi一Li一Bao!"

Bai Luo Yin still couldn't understand it.

Grandma Bai felt somewhat anxious, she randomly made a gesture with her
hands, "It's Pi..... Pi..... Aiya, I can't speak well!"

"Grandma, don't worry!"

Bai Luo Yin sought help from Gu Hai with his gaze, nowadays Gu Hai has
become Grandma Bai's interpreter. Previously, when they couldn't understand
what Grandma Bai was saying, they would ask Bai Luo Yin, but now that Bai
Luo Yin couldn't understand it too, they asked Gu Hai.

Gu Hai was lost in his own thoughts for a moment before his eyes suddenly
brightened up.

"Grandma, you wanted to say apple right?"

Grandma Bai grinned happily until all of her molar teeth could be seen.

"Yes....Yes....It's Pi Li Bao.."

Bai Luo Yin almost fell down to the floor, why is it so far? Fortunately, Gu
Hai's brain doesn't function normally like other people. Supposed if it were
someone else, they won't be thinking that far!

"Let's eat!"

The whole family sat surrounding the round dining table, they were chatting
while eating. It could be clearly seen that Bai Han Qi's mood is particularly
excellent today, as he unconsciously drank half a bottle of white wine, then
he began to talk about his brilliant achievement when he was young while his
saliva splattered around. Bai Luo Yin simply listened to him silently, it had
been a long time since the last time he saw Bai Han Qi's expression like
today. Although Bai Han Qi is usually joyful, he would always frown, it had
never stopped for the past 10 years until today he is finally able to take a

Actually, Bai Luo Yin is very touched with all the things that Gu Hai did for
him, he just had a little bit feeling of unwillingness to resign.

"Da Hai! Da Hai! The luckiest thing that ever happened to our Yin Zi
is..... to meet a friend like you...." Bai Han Qi reached out his big hand to
hit Gu Hai's shoulder, "Uncle really needs to say thank you. Thank you
for being so good to Yin Zi."

Bai Han Qi poured a cup of wine for Gu Hai while talking.

Gu Hai stood up then drank the wine.

His butt had just barely sat down when Bai Han Qi hit him again.

"Da Hai! Uncle is thinking about you too! Actually, I just received some
money today, and I immediately went to the furniture store to buy one
bed for you. I've wronged you all this time, you have to squeeze with our
Yin Zi in one bed, but it's all good now. I bought one bed for you too,
later on, both of you can sleep on one bed each, so there's no need to
squeeze together anymore."

Bai Han Qi said so many words, but only one sentence amused Bai Luo Yin.

Gu Hai's face turned green, he wasn't grateful, he wasn't complaining, it

seems like there is something like a barb growing in his throat, it took a lot of
effort just to swallow!

"Uncle, you don't need to spend any money, just return the bed back, I
sleep very well when I'm sleeping with Yin Zi."

Bai Han Qi furrowed his eyebrows, sighed heavily, "How can that be okay?
Since you are living here in our home, Uncle can't treat you unfairly.
Don't be all polite with Uncle, I should've bought it for you earlier, my
finances were a little bit tight before, I just received some money today,
without saying anything further I just rushed to the furniture store.
Uncle has always been thinking about this nephew of mine! Hahaha!"

Those words are really touching, but it doesn't reach Gu Hai's heart!

"Uncle, please listen to me, I'm not going to live here for a long time,
perhaps one day I can suddenly go back home. If you buy another bed,
isn't it going to be a waste?"

This time, Bai Han Qi didn't say anything.

This time, Gu Hai looked really hopeful, he was unable to swallow the rice,
he's only waiting for Bai Han Qi to make a phone call to return the bed.

Bai Han Qi's fingers tapped on the dining table for a few times, he turned his
head towards Gu Hai and said, "Let's do this, just sleep on that bed first
for a few days, wait until you go back, then let Yin Zi sleep there. Yin
Zi's bed has been used for many years already, it has to be changed too."

Gu Hai, "......."

Bai Luo Yin almost choked on the food inside his mouth, he placed his
chopstick down, rarely interfering a conversation.

"Gu Hai, since my father had already bought it for you, there's no need
to be so polite!"

Gu Hai almost clenched his teeth, I'm not sleeping on one bed with you, why
are you so happy? Why are you so uncomfortable with me?..... You brat, just
you wait and see, I definitely won't let you sleep peacefully tonight!



Translator's Note:

[1] Grandma Bai wanted to say 苹果(Ping Guo: Apple) but because she
couldn't speak well she just spoke some nonsensical word.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 75


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 75: The Inquietude of Youth - Two young men's BATTLE OF


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai walked into the bedroom and he saw two single beds placed side by
side inside the small and narrow room, there were identical sheets and quilts
on the beds, on a glance, it was like they entered a two-person dormitory

"You see, this room is small already in the first place, and then added
with one more bed, we don't have any space left for our foots!"

Gu Hai sat on his own bed with sullen face, continuously stared at Bai Luo
Yin across him.

"If there's no space for footsteps, then how did you get inside here, did
you fly?"

Bai Luo Yin ignored the anxious look across Gu Hai's face, he went inside
his own blanket happily, intentionally let out a comfortable yawn.
"Sleeping alone is really comfortable!"

Gu Hai went to his own bed furiously, throwing a sentence to the person
beside him, "Just look, tomorow morning you will get a cold!"

Without my embrace, do you still think you can have a comfortable sleep?

"I'm more than happy even if I get a cold."

Bai Luo Yin naturally turned his body away from Gu Hai, the coldness from
the back of his head was like a weapon, provoked Gu Hai's little fragile heart.

Gu Hai groaned, he stepped barefoot on the bed plank slowly to turn off the
lights. When he returned back, he was still feeling unsatisfied, so he extended
his ice-cold leg until it went inside Bai Luo Yin's blanket, straight to Bai Luo
Yin's smooth and warm back.

Bai Luo Yin's entire body suddenly shivered, he turned his body towards and
kicked Gu Hai's lower belly, sent him back to his own bed.

"Scram!" Just one direct and efficient word.

"Why are you so heartless to this extent? Every night I always hug you
to sleep, and you always sleep really well, sometimes when i opened my
arms and let you go, you would come here and hug me on your own....

Gu Hai hadn't finished his words yet, when one smelly socks was thrown to

"If you dare to come over here tonight, I'll switch room with my dad."

Gu Hai let out an evil smile, he laid sideways on his own bed, then used his
arm to support his head, a pair of deep eyes sparkling and gleaming in the
dark night. By the time there was completely no movement from the other
side, he made a beat with his hand, lightly hummed a song.

"Rúguǒ méiyǒu yùjiàn nǐ

"If I didn't meet you,


Wǒ jiāng huì shì zài nǎlǐ?

where would I be now?


rìziguò dé zěnme yang

How would my days pass,


Rénshēng shìfǒu yào zhēnxī?

should I treasure this life?


Yěxǔ rènshí mǒu yīrén

Maybe if I meet a certain someone,


Guòzhe píngfán de rìzi...

living our ordinary life....


Suǒyǐ wǒ qiú qiú nǐ, bié ràng wǒ líkāi nǐ

So I beg you, don't let me leave you.


Chúle nǐ, wǒ bùnéng gǎndào yīsī sī qíngyì......"

Except for you, I can't feel the slightest affection....." [1]

There's no other song like this song, that fits Gu Hai's current feelings

But Bai Luo Yin couldn't listen anymore, the song is a good song, but when it
came out from Gu Hai's mouth, the taste suddenly changed. His voice is the
same as his body, tough and sturdy, so when he insisted on singing a gentle
song like this, his voice really has flaws, and he's also tone deaf, every
sentence in the song doesn't fit with the tune.....

But this guy didn't seem to realize it himself, he's throwing himself into the
song like that, as if he wanted to pull apart his heart, lung, belly to crumble
into pieces, it made you feel more sick the more you listen to his voice.

Finally, Bai Luo Yin couldn't bear it anymore, he turned his body toward Gu
Hai and said, "Can you stop singing?"

"If you don't want to hear my singing, then you can sing."

"Why the hell should I sing?"

"If you don't want to sing, then I will continue singing." Gu Hai began to
play dumb.

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a moment, but he still opened his mouth and began
to sing.

Not even three minutes had passed, a low sound of snoring can be heard from
the other side, Bai Luo Yin suddenly stopped, he looked at the guy beside
him full of uncertainty... Fuck! He really fell asleep! I'm singing like this and
you're just sleeping? Bai Luo Yin's brain thought about so many words that
other people used to describe Gu Hai, the most charismatic guy in class 27,
the most manly, mature and pretty guy, strong and handsome prince...... Bah!
No matter how I look at him, he's just an immature and inexperienced little

Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, then turned his
body, wrapped himself inside the blanket tightly, then closed his eyes to

Gu Hai waited for a very long time, it was a very long time, as if one century
long, until finally Bai Luo Yin's breaths frequency became steady.

The corner of Gu Hai's mouth let out an evil smile, he lifted up his blanket
softly, then he tiptoe-ing on the floor, he moved step by step towards Bai Luo
Yin's bed.

Bai Luo Yin didn't move at all.

Gu Hai lifted Bai Luo Yin's blanket up, first he inserted one leg inside, then
another leg, finally he placed his entired body into the bedsheet.


Gu Hai's body suddenly bounced up.

A certain someone's laugh can be heard beside him, at first it was held back,
and then released slowly, until finally, the bed also swayed following his

Gu Hai clenched his teeth, "What did you put on your bed?"

Bai Luo Yin raised a round dark thing from his bed, laughing and said, "A
dead cactus in the yard."

Gu Hai closed his eye as he angrily accepted his fate...

"Aren't you afraid that you're going to lie on it when you turned over?"

Bai Luo Yin swayed the cactus in his hand, "I'm sure that before I lay on
it, you would definitely become my test subject first."

A cold voice can be heard faintly inside the room.

"You're so cruel!"

Bai Luo Yin raised his lips, "You reap what you sow."

Gu Hai's shoulder collapsed, he looked really miserable, "Help me, pluck

out these thorns from me, if there are some pricking thorns, how can I
sleep like this?"

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a while, but he still went down from the bed and
turned on the lights.

As soon as the lights on, he discovered something that caused all of his blood
vessels spurted.

Bai Luo Yin only clad himself in an underpants!!!

"Why are you wearing so little today?"

Bai Luo Yin's reply was like a clear blue sky[2], "Before, I'm always
sleeping like this."

"Then when you're sleeping with me, why did you cover everything so
tightly?" Gu Hai looked like he suffered a huge grievance.

"Find the reason on your own, now turn around!"

Gu Hai turned his body with full of unsatisfied feelings, Bai Luo Yin then
crossed his legs and sat behind Gu Hai, carefully looked for small thorns on
Gu Hai's back. Everytime a thorn is pulled out, he couldn't help but to feel
happy inside secretly, this fellow, why did he use a lot of strength just to lay
down on a bed?

Gu Hai reached out his hand to the back, stealthily touched Bai Luo Yin's
smooth thighs.

"Do you want me to kick you out?"

Early morning, Bai Luo Yin woke up very comfortably, but then he saw Gu
Hai's familiar face was lying exactly beside him, not only that, Gu Hai's hand
was placed on the hard thing between Bai Luo Yin's legs, the scene was
really unpleasant to see.

"You bastard!" Bai Luo Yin suddenly kicked Gu Hai until he woke up,
"Why did you still go to my bed?"

Gu Hai opened one of his eye, his voice was somewhat carried a bit of

"Who's sleeping on your bed? Look properly, I'm sleeping on my own


Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded, he lowered his head to see, and sure enough,
there was a huge hap between their bodies, it definitely wasn't a single bed.
No need to say, Gu Hai moved his bed, then he put it together with his own

"You saw it, I didn't crawl to your bed."

This fellow is really cunning! Bai Luo Yin cursed in his mind, then he pushed
Gu Hai's bed with his hand, trying to move his bed away, but he didn't
succeed, those two beds was like nailed together, couldn't be separated.

"How did this happen? Why can't these two beds be separated?"

Gu Hai's pondering gaze swept all over Bai Luo Yin's flustered and
exasperated face, he faintly said, "I glued it with your family's hemorrhoid
ointment, didn't you say it before? Your hemorrhoid ointment has
million purposes."



Translator's Note:

[1] Most of you probably knew this already, but this song is called 我忪在乎
你 (Wǒ zhǿ zàihū nǿ: I only care about you). Original singer is Teresa Teng, i
dont know probably other singers sang this song too, but i only listened to her
version since I was small from my grandpa's cd ^^ yes she is his idol until
now XD

[2]云淡风轻 depicts kind of relaxed feeling, a tranquil mood. Literal

translation is clear sky.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 76


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 76: The Inquietude of Youth – The relationship is finally

broken. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


During class, You Qi turned around and gave a piece of paper to Bai Luo

Bai Luo Yin opened it for a look, it’s written: “Last weekend when I went
home, I saw Gu Hai’s girlfriend together with another man, they seemed
quite intimate. I didn’t dare to tell Gu Hai, tell him yourself.”

Bai Luo Yin gripped the paper in his hand, between his fingers, Gu Hai
hasn’t contacted Jin Lu Lu for two weeks already.

Gu Hai used his finger to tap Bai Luo Yin’s back twice, Bai Luo Yin leaned
his body and saw Gu Hai stretched his hand over.

“Give that piece of paper to me!”

Bai Luo Yin lowered his voice, “Why should I show it to you? You Qi
gave it to me!”

It’s because he gave it to you, that’s why I have to see it!! Gu Hai groaned in
his mind, what do you two have to say that you can’t even say it directly?
Even sneakily passing notes!!

Bai Luo Yin hesitated, then he wrote a note and passed it to Gu Hai.

“Your girlfriend ran away with another man.”

Gu Hai’s expression changed.

After class was dismissed, Bai Luo Yin turned his head around and saw Gu
Hai was on his phone, don’t know who is he sending message to.

“You haven’t contact Jin Lu Lu for two weeks already.” Bai Luo Yin

Gu Hai only hummed once, his eyes was unusually calm, “Now I can’t
contact her too, I’m texting Hu Zi and Li Shuo, asking them whether
they have any information about Lu Lu or not.”

After a while, Gu Hai’s phone rang, then he went outside to pick it up.

Bai Luo Yin’s understood it clearly in his heart, this Jin Lu Lu, she’s
definitely playing hard to get. [1]

When Gu Hai walked back to the classroom, his face was rather

“I’ll go to Tianjin in the afternoon, I won’t be able to go back to class,

help me to ask for a leave.”

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head, “Okay, I know.”

Bai Luo Yin barely turned his body back, when Gu hai tapped his shoulder

“Wait for me to come back tonight!”

Bai Luo Yin was silent.

Gu Hai didn’t force Bai Luo Yin to nod, then Gu Hai packed all of his things
and went out from the back door.


Gu Hai came to find Jin Lu Lu, usually when it’s time after school is
dismissed, Jin Lu Lu is always surrounded by some girls, and every time they
saw Gu Hai, their eyes would be enticed by him. Because he couldn’t stand
their sultry glances and silly questions, Gu Hai usually chose to park at the
east gate under the old locust tree. When he has no phone, Jin Lu Lu would
come there immediately to find Gu Hai, as time passed, it has became a habit
for Jin Lu Lu, when she went out from the school gate she would always
immediately look toward the tree.

Gu Hai went inside the school building, it was exactly the school ends time,
students were chatting in groups at a certain corner, it seemed like there
wasn’t any nervous atmosphere like in an ordinary school, like a large part of
their future is settled already.

Gu Hai arrived at Jin Lu Lu’s class entrance, a familiar girl went outside the
class. When she saw Gu Hai, she was surprised.

“You…. Why did you come here?”

Gu Hai just asked without any expression, “Where is Jin Lu Lu?”

“She isn’t in the class, she went out already.”

Gu Hai turned his body around and left.

That girl nudged the other girl beside her, “What’s with this condition?
Didn’t they… break up already?”

“I don’t know either!”

Gu Hai finally saw Jin Lu Lu at the entrance of a cold beverage shop as she
went out from the store with a guy, talking and laughing. The guy was
holding the bag for her, she was playing around with his wallet. Everyone
who saw them would be able to see, there was something between them.

When Jin Lu Lu leaned her head to talk to the guy beside her for a split
second, she finally glimpsed at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai gazed coldly at the two people before his eyes.

Jin Lu Lu quickly shifted her gaze from Gu Hai, she acted as if she didn’t
saw him, then she openly pulled the guy’s arm closer and walked away in
front of Gu Hai’s eyes.

Gu Hai didn’t get angry when he saw both of them, he didn’t grab the guy by
the collar nor hit him, because he knew it clearly, this is the exact scene that
Jin Lu Lu wants to see. He simply went back to his car under the old locust
tree, sat inside the car and silently took a cigarette out. He wanted to think
calmly about it, whether in the end, he wants to continue this relationship or

After school, Jin Lu Lu and that man walked out, they were hesitating for a
while at the school entrance, then both of them went inside the same car.

Gu Hai followed their car from behind, and soon, the car stopped in front of a

Gu Hai saw them went inside with cold eyes.

After two hours, the sky darkened and Gu Hai went down from the car.

“Miss, can you check for me, is there anyone called Jin Lu Lu staying

The front desk skillfully searched the customer list on the computer, then she
smiled and nodded towards Gu Hai.

“Hello, there is Miss Jin Lu Lu’s booking record here.”

Although Gu Hai prepared his heart already, but when he really heard it for
sure, his brain went into a buzz, his mind suddenly exploded in a flash.

The front desk called Jin Lu Lu’s room, but there was no answer.

Gu Hai got the room number from the front desk, then he took the elevator.
He kept on consoling himself, do not act on impulse, do not get angry, you
only need to confirm a reason to break up, then just turn around and go!

Nevertheless, when he stood in front of the door, none of the suggestions just
now were effective!

Bang! The entire floor quivered.

Gu Hai didn’t knock, rather he kicked it several times, and then he

immediately kicked the door lock until it opened.

The guy was only wearing underpants, shaking, Jin Lu Lu was laying on the
bed, her body was covered with a quilt. She seemed like she had expected Gu
Hai to come since the beginning, and compared to the guy’s flustered face,
she looks very composed.

Gu Hai’s voice was calm, yet it’s terrifying.

“Jin Lu Lu, we haven’t broke up yet.”

Jin Lu Lu laughed coldly, there was a cigarette between her fingers, she
smoked slowly.

“We’re still together? Why didn’t I feel like that?”

Gu Hai didn’t speak, the room was terribly calm, the guy bent over to find his
clothes, Gu Hai walked to him and then kicked his nape, his face suddenly
turned white, twitching nonstop on the floor.

Jin Lu Lu was actually satisfied that their matter has developed this way. She
felt happy, even if Gu Hai came over and slapped her twice, she is willing to
accept it. You, Gu Hai, still care about me? You’re still jealous? So, you also
know the feeling that when your superiority is deprived by another person is
really hard to bear, right?

“I just don’t like you anymore, why do you have to find another reason
to make me feel disgusted with you?”

Jin Lu Lu’s expression changed.

“I’m disgusting? Yes!… I’m disgusting… I’m telling you Gu Hai, I

fucking did a lot more disgusting things! I’ve slept with him since long
time ago! You think you picked a cheap woman for yourself? I’m telling
you, even before I got together with you, I wasn’t a virgin already!”

After a burst of hysterical scream, there was a long silence.

There was no emotion in Gu Hai’s eyes.

“We are over.”

After he said that, Gu Hai turned his body and leave.

We are over?…

Those three words, were like three heavy hammers, suddenly hitting Jin Lu
Lu’s heart. She found out, when the real thing happened, those previous
brave words from her were merely flying ashes and smoldering smoke. She
didn’t want this kind of outcome, she was really scared with this kind of
outcome. Break up…. What a cruel thing.

Jin Lu Lu practically threw herself on the floor, the sheet and the quilt went
down with her as well, she suddenly hugged Gu Hai’s legs, crying loudly
with hoarse throat, as if that arrogant face just now wasn’t hers.

“Da Hai… I lied to you, they say men are cheap, only the one that
couldn’t be obtained is the best one. I just want you to feel jealous, I just
want you to feel a sense of crisis, I want you to pay more attention to
me… I’m only putting on an act with him, nothing more. He doesn’t like
me at all, I don’t like him as well, we did it all just for you to see…”

Gu Hai glanced at Jin Lu Lu for the last time, “Go back to bed, you’re
wearing too little, you’ll get cold.”

Jin Lu Lu terrifyingly looked down at herself, she was only dressed in


“Da…. Hai….”

She still hadn’t said the second word, when she heard a sound of the door


Gu Hai drove his car, speeding along the highway, a cold and stern
expression drew the outline of Gu Hai’s dim and gloomy face. Dark trees and
dim street lamps, one by one car passed his car from behind. Gu Hai didn’t
know how many times he turned on the road, until his entire heart was
enveloped in a huge curtain of darkness, and the chill in the air can be felt
upon his fingertips, only then he discovered that he forgot to roll the window

Gu Hai drove until he arrived at an unfamiliar street, he parked his car in

front of a shop, resting his

head upon the steering wheel, gradually falling asleep. He didn’t realize how
long he has slept, when he opened his eyes, all the shops on that street were
closed already, only KFC remained open, with several homeless people sat

The cell phone on the front passenger seat was ringing, Gu Hai picked it up
to take a look, then he saw an unfamiliar number.

“Are you still coming back or not?”

Gu Hai hadn’t answered yet, when the other side hung up the call.

The phone screen displayed 2:51.

Gu Hai put down the phone, he leaned his head on the car seat, then closed
his eyes, pondering over every words just now.
His lost soul returned in a flash.

He turned the car around, a huge amount of happiness struck his heart.


Translator’s Note:

[1] 欲擒故纵: is an idiom that means to loosen the reins only to grasp them
better. So in order to capture Gu Hai, Jin Lu Lu let him loose first.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 77


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 77: The Inquietude of Youth - A very special


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai crawled on the bed, then he hugged the blanket together with the
person inside.

"I'm broken hearted."

"Okay." [*]

Gu Hai thought, Bai Luo Yin would say something like "You still have me"
or that kind of moving words that would stir his emotion, who would've
thought that he would just casually replied with "ng" like this.

"Can't you comfort me a little? I caught both of them inside a hotel


Gu Hai let go of his hands that was embracing Bai Luo Yin, then rolled
himself to Bai Luo Yin's side, his facial expression was very gloomy, his
breath was loud and heavy.

Bai Luo Yin then turned his body, he flicked his finger on Gu Hai's forehead.

"Are you angry, Wu Da Lang?" [1]

This made Gu Hai choke, Wu Da Lang.... Have you ever seen any Wu Da
Lang that's tall, rich, handsome, like me? [2]

Gu Hai turned his body and then he lay on top of Bai Luo Yin's body, w hand
choked Bai Luo Yin's neck, angrily said, "You're not even comforting me,
and still making fun of me?"

"Why do you have to be comforted? I didn't see you're sad that much."

Gu Hai's body gradually fell down, he leaned his head on Bai Luo Yin's
shoulder, he had a hurt expression on his face.

"How can I be not broken-hearted? It's three years...."

"Stop wasting time lying to yourself!" Bai Luo Yin hammered Gu Hai's
back with his hand, "Ask your conscience, are you feeling sad or angry?"

Actually about this matter, Gu Hai had been thinking about it on the way
here, when he saw Jin Lu Lu and that guy were together in a same room, he
was extremely depressed. But in the end, where did this depression
eventually come from? Is it because he hates to let it go? Is it because his
heart was ripped apart? Those descriptions didn't feel quite right. But the
most direct pain he felt definitely came from his trampled dignity, any guy
wouldn't be able to bear this kind of humiliation. So his mood was controlled
by anger back then.

Of course, Gu Hai definitely couldn't tell this to Bai Luo Yin.

"I am really sad."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly pushed Gu Hai some distance away from him, raised
his upper body slightly, and placed his head on Gu Hai's chest.

Gu Hai's heart began to beat faster immediately. This... What is he doing? Is

he doing this to comfort me?

Bai Luo Yin soon left Gu Hai's body, and rested his head on his pillow.

"I heard it. Your conscience is scolding you."

"..." Gu Hai laid back on top of Bai Luo Yin, said with weak voice mixed
with a bit begging tone, "Comfort me."

Bai Luo Yin sighed, his hand patted Gu Hai's back, "Wu Da Lang! Listen to
your brother. Don't take it to your heart..."

Gu Hai suddenly bit Bai Luo Yin's shoulder.

Bai Luo Yin's fist swept on Gu Hai's neck, "Are you a dog?"

Gu Hai smiled, the problems that has been occupying his mind seemed to
have been untied in the middle of their fight. Maybe it should be like this
between guys. No pretentious comfort needed. No need to embrace each
other while weeping bitter tears. As long as you understand me enough, as
long as I can feel your concerns, no matter how big the disappointment is,
everything will pass after patting each other's shoulders.

"Tomorrow is Aunt Zhou restaurant's grand opening" Bai Luo Yin

placed his hand under his head, said lightly.

Gu Hai ruefully said a sentence, "So fast? Is everything ready over there?"

"More or less, tomorrow let's go there together to take a look."

Gu Hai rubbed Bai Luo Yin's face happily, "It's not tomorrow, it's today.
It's almost daybreak."

Upon hearing Gu Hai's words, Bai Luo Yin then came to realize that, I
unexpectedly waited for him for so long...

Translator's Note:

[1] Wu Da Lang (武大郎) is an ugly character from a famous chinese novel

titled Water Margin (水滸傳) who was murdered by his wife and a man she
had affair with.

[2]高富帅: is a slang, each word literally means tall, rich, and handsome. or
Mr Perfect.

[*] 嗯 there are many ways to pronounce this Chinese characters, but in
general when used as Chinese exclamative particles, this character is used to
express an approval or agreement. When used as interjection, this character
can represent words like "Okay" and "Yeah".
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 78


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 78: The Inquietude of Youth - The identity is about to be

exposed. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Madam, are you calling me because of the matter regarding that

breakfast stall?"

Jiang Yuan signaled Chen Zhang Hao [1] to sit down, her temperament was
still mild, "Right, I want to ask you, if you have found out, who actually
foiled my plans behind my back?"

Chen Zhang Hao hesitated for a moment, "Madam, I haven't found out."

"Haven't found out?" Jiang Yuan's eyes showed a color of doubt, "She is
an ordinary small street peddler, how come she could make the director
to apologize to her personally? The one who's willing to help her must be
Bai Han Qi, but Bai Han Qi doesn't have any social connections! If he
really has one, he won't be so disgusting now! It's really strange, who
actually oppose me?"
Chen Zhang Hao's gaze wavered around, he didn't dare to look at Jiang
Yuan's face.

Jiang Yuan sighed, "I really don't understand how Bai Han Qi thinks,
letting my son to eat those filthy things all day, so I searched for someone
to smash her stall! He really ruined my plan, he could also force the
director to hand over his brother in-law's shop front, to keep on selling
those junk food! I pity my own son, eating those stuffs every day, he has
a good condition yet cannot enjoy it. As his mother, how can I not get

"As a matter of fact, I think those food are pretty good, if compared to
eating at Kentucky Fried Chicken or McDonald's?"

"Good?" Jiang Yuan laughed mockingly, "Do you know, nowadays many
street peddlers are evil-minded? As long as their food doesn't kill
anyone, they will dare to put anything inside it. If my son only ate them
once in awhile, I won't fuss about it, the main thing is he eats there every
day, a lot of days has already passed, what will become of his body if he
keep on wasting his health?"

Chen Zhang Hao smiled, "Madam, even if you smash that stall, he can
still eat at another stall. Perhaps the other stalls aren't as neat as this
stall, what you do is treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

"I'm doing this to let Bai Han Qi see!" Jiang Yuan was somewhat angry,
"I'm sure he will treat his son unfairly, in order to win that widow's

Chen Zhang Hao had nothing to say.

Jiang Yuan went silent for a long time, once again asking while facing
towards Chen Zhang Hao, "You really hadn't found out anything?"

Chen Zhang Hao made an 'ng' voice.

"Okay then, you don't need to pretend anymore, I can see it already long
time ago." Jiang Yuan's eye showed shrewd light, "You go ahead and
speak out, if you speak out your problem, it won't hang above your

"That's not it...... Madam, the crucial problem is this man....... He is

somewhat special."

"Special?" Jiang Yuan's face showed despicable color, "I would like to
hear, how special he is!"

"He is...... the son of General Gu."

Gu Hai?

The complexion of Jiang Yuan's face immediately changed, how come Gu

Hai intervene in this matter?

"Are you sure it was him?"

Chen Zhang Hao nodded his head.

Jiang Yuan sank into contemplation, how come Gu Hai helped that woman
without any reason? How come he knew about this matter? Don't tell me
there is his spy on this side? No matter what I do, is he going to interfere?

"Today seems to be that small restaurant's grand opening." Chen Zhang

Hao muttered a sentence without thinking.

Jiang Yuan's facial expression became different, then she got up and left the
meeting place.


Bai Luo Yin was stranded in another kind of realm[2], he leaned against
while his head hung forward as if he could kowtow at any moment.

Gu Hai pushed Bai Luo Yin lightly, then Bai Luo Yin stumbled unguardedly
towards the other side, Gu Hai immediately took a large stride towards him,
just in time for Bai Luo Yin to fell into Gu Hai's embrace.
Bai Luo Yin exerted all his strength to stand, then opened his eyelid and gave
Gu Hai a glance, "Are the table number sign placed already?"

"All done since this morning, you should go upstairs and take a nap."

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai away, stretching his body, "I will finish the
work first, then take a nap!"

"There are five officers here already, right? What are you worrying

"Don't you see that the five officers are having a promotion to attract

Seeing these five officers outside, turning back and forth in chaos regardless
of their officer image, Gu Hai felt really delighted.

"Son, come here, help dad lift this table downstairs." Bai Han Qi's voice
came from upstairs.

Gu Hai restrained Bai Han Qi to stay, then he himself bolted upstairs, as if he

was walking on air beautifully.

Bai Luo Yin pushed the door open and went outside to breathe some fresh
air. He then saw a familiar car parked at a place not far away.

A woman came down from the car.

Different from the past, this time Bai Luo Yin didn't avoid Jiang Yuan, rather
he took the initiative to walk towards her. He had a premonition that Jiang
Yuan will come to this shop, he really wanted to ask Jiang Yuan, how long
would she keep doing this?

Gu Hai moved the table downstairs and found that Bai Luo Yin had

Gu Hai conveniently dragged one attendant and asked, "Where did Bai Luo
Yin go?"
"Eh....?! He was here a moment ago."

"I saw him", another attendant interrupted, "He went out through the
door, seems like someone is looking for him. Nah, isn't he right there?"

Gu Hai then, along with the waiter, looked outside.


Translator's Note:

[1] Chen Zhang Hao (陈长浩) : this name isn't mentioned in any other
chapter in addicted ^^ the name is only mentioned in chapter 78. I think he's
one of Jiang Yuan's connection?

[2] stranded in another kind of realm (困到一秿境界) : this means he fell

asleep, entrapped in another realm*.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 79


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 79: The Inquietude of Youth - How can it be him? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"What do you want to do coming here?" Bai Luo Yin said indifferently
like usual.

Jiang Yuan's heart writhed, "Son, I...."

"If you come here only to make trouble, just go back, today no one
would give you a chance to act atrociously." Bai Luo Yin interrupted Jiang
Yuan's words.

She was extremely shocked and grieved, she didn't expect, Bai Luo Yin could
use this "act atrociously" words to her. Even if she made mistakes in those
years, but after all she's still Bai Luo Yin's mother, when a mother is scolded
disrespectfully in such way, she will need a strong enduring mental capacity
to endure!

"Why did you seek people to smash Aunt Zhou's breakfast stall?"
Jiang Yuan's hand gripped her leather handbag tightly, "Luoyin, please
listen to what Mom's saying, that woman is not sincerely good to you.
You're still young, you don't know that people's heart is very complex,
she's good to you because she has her own purpose. I am a woman, I
know best about woman's mentality. If she doesn't have any purpose, she
won't pour her everything all out like this."

"Then tell me, what does she wants? Our family's money, do we have it?
Our family's power and influence, do we have it? If she only wants dad,
that alone is enough for me to accept her."

Jiang Yuan took a deep breath and asked, "Now that you can accept your
father's second marriage, why can't you accept mine? Do you think I
don't have any rights to pursue my own happiness? Do you think all
women's happiness has to be so narrow like hers?"

"I didn't say I'm not accepting it." Bai Luo Yin coldly laughed, "When
did I say that I don't accept it?"

"Then why do you always have this attitude to mom?"

"Because we're not in the same path."

Jiang Yuan suffered extreme pain in her heart, her facial expression was grey
like a layer of soil, to an extent that she didn't even realized that Gu Hai came

"Why did you come?"

Another voice passed through from behind.

Bai Luo Yin's thoughts immediately shifted, he didn't understand how Gu Hai
could ask that kind of question.

Gu Hai walked directly toward Jiang Yuan, then he stared at her closely with
cold and arrogant gaze.

"What do you want coming here?"

With Gu Hai's understanding and guess, he could only think that Jiang Yuan
intentionally come to make a trouble, so she's starting from Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin's shocked eyes glanced towards Gu Hai, "You.... you know

"Yes." Gu Hai held Bai Luo Yin's shoulder in his arms, his lip was kept
close to the side of Bai Luo Yin's ear, it looked as if he was whispering, but
actually whole people on the street would still able to hear it, "She's my
father's new wife, a filthy woman with gorgeous outer clothing. She
couldn't persuade me, so she wants to get help from other people. Don't
talk to her, let's go."

Gu Hai used his strength to pull Bai Luo Yin, but he didn't move at all.

Jiang Yuan didn't know whether she should cry or smile.

"You... two.... actually know each other?"

Bai Luo Yin had already understood thoroughly, but Gu Hai was still in the

Jiang Yuan one handedly grasped a hand, then agitated endlessly, "It's really
good that you know each other, I was so worried that you two wouldn't
be able to get along, whenever I think about having a family dinner
reunion, I was afraid that you two would do something bad once you see
each other. But this is good.... This is good..."

When Gu Hai heard Jiang Yuan's words, he felt as if she was speaking
nonsense, but when he heard it again, he somewhat got a clue.

Jiang Yuan still saw a puzzled expression on Gu Hai's face, then she gripped
his hands tightly, there was a thread of happiness passed through her voice,
"Silly boy, you still don't understand yet? This is my son whom I always
mentioned to you, I said that you two both have similar temperament,
you two definitely will be able get along well, you see, what I said is true,
Gu Hai, "....."

Like a thunder from a clear sky! And its roar on top of head! Bitter and
hateful! Liver and guts cut into pieces!

Its like sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, all the joys and sorrows of life became a
mixed feelings......

Why is it him? No matter what, it shouldn't be him right?

Bai Luo Yin took Jiang Yuan's hands off from him, then took a large strides
and walked back to Aunt Zhou's snack bar, he went upstairs without saying
anything, took his own bag and then went outside.

"Son, what happened?"

Bai Han Qi saw gloomy expression on Bai Luo Yin's face, he hurriedly went
down and ran after him in confusion.

Bai Luo Yin stopped his walk, he looked at the dark cavity of Bai Han Qi's

"Dad, I'm okay, I'll just go out for a bit."

The face of Bai Han Qi showed worries, "Where are you going? Say, your
Aunt's shop is going to open formally."

"Dad, I just want to go back home and take some stuffs, I'll return back
here in a moment."

After the talk, without giving any chance for Bai Han Qi to question any
further, Bai Luo Yin ran outside the shop quickly with vigorous strides.

Gu Hai was dazed for a moment, when he looked at the view of Bai Luo
Yin's back, his heart sank, then he chased after Bai Luo Yin at a fast pace.

"Yin Zi!"

Gu Hai shouted from behind.

Bai Luo Yin didn't give any response, uncontainable anger and unwillingness
can be seen from his back, he couldn't accept this reality, it doesn't matter
how good Gu Hai's family financial condition is, even if his father was a
general secretary, he wouldn't have any objection, but why he had to be Gu
Wei Ting's son? It's the family that Bai Luo Yin despised the most, why Gu
Hai had to be a part of that family?

"Bai Luo Yin!" Gu Hai howled from behind.

Bai Luo Yin still continued to walk away without turning his head back.

Gu Hai took a few big steps to chase Bai Luo Yin and then he grabbed Bai
Luo Yin's arm.

"Didn't you hear me shouting for you?"

Both of them stopped on an empty street, it was the first time their eyes
showed those kind of meaningful glance to each other.

"I heard you."

"Then why did you ignore me?"

Bai Luo Yin felt he had nothing to say, he turned his body around and wanted
to leave, but Gu Hai stopped him forcefully.

"Get lost!" Bai Luo Yin shouted.

This "get lost" and the countless "get lost" he received from Bai Luo Yin
prior to this one did not have the same feeling. Gu Hai felt like his heart was
twisted inside.

"You want me to get lost? Why the hell should I get lost?" Gu Hai shook
Bai Luo Yin's shoulder.

Bai Luo Yin firmly grabbed Gu Hai's collar, "You're a liar!"

"What did I lie to you?" Gu Hai was unable to restrain his anger, "I just
knew it today too. Didn't you hear Jiang Yuan's tone? I absolutely have
no idea that she is your mother. What did I lie to you?"

You cheated my feelings...

Gu Hai breathed heavily and stared at Bai Luo Yin with his pair of crimson
eyes. There was only one spot inside his heart that's still intact, and that spot
belongs exclusively for Bai Luo Yin alone. But now, it's going to be ruptured

Bai Luo Yin walked again.

Gu Hai pursued him relentlessly and both of them continued to ran until they
eventually arrived at the doorstep of the house.

Bai Luo Yin opened the door and he immediately wanted to close them
again, but Gu Hai kicked open the doors with his foot, the loud noise and the
shock swayed the jujube trees nearby.

"Bai Luo Yin, what do you want?"

Gu Hai pinned Bai Luo Yin on a wall in the yard with one push, Gu Hai
clenched his teeth and stressed each word that came out from his mouth,
"Am I not good to you? Do you think you're the only one who felt
wronged? I'm telling you, your mother and my father had a clandestine
affair for so many years and my mother died mysteriously! The one who
should be mad is me, the one who should be saying 'get lost' is me!"

Blue veins on Bai Luo Yin's forehead keep pulsating, the part of his neck that
was gripped by Gu Hai slowly began to turn into a dark red, full of hatred.

"Right.... Everything you said is right. Then, why are you not leaving?
Just go, and both of us will be happy!"

"You are asking why I am not leaving?" Gu Hai shouted himself hoarse,
"Supposed if I can bear to leave you, would I not have done it? No
matter how big my hatred for your mother is, it will never reach a
thousandth of my feelings for you! Bai Luo Yin, I won't stop you even if
you hate my dad, but why do you have to link that to me? Don't you
think you are very cruel like this?"

Bai Luo Yin grabbed Gu Hai's hand and gradually took it away from his

"Gu Hai, I don't have hatred towards you. I dont have hatred towards
your family too. It's just that I can't accept you, I can't accept your
entire family. Because I also have my own family, and your family is the
pain for my family, our family just can't let it go. Your dad can ignore
my mother's past, because he didn't suffer anything, but my dad can't..."

Bit by bit, Gu Hai's heart fell into the abyss.

"So you mean, I have to leave no matter what?"

Bai Luo Yin turned his body around, "I'll go and help you pack your

"Bai Luo Yin, so you're really going to be cruel like this?"

From the past until now, Bai Luo Yin never felt that the road from the door to
his room was that long.

Gu Hai's voice calmed down, but his calm demeanor could somewhat raise
people's hackle.

"No need to pack away my things. I don't want them. Help me pass a
message to Aunt Zhou, congratulation for the grand opening!"

The sound of Gu Hai's footsteps gradually got further away. Bai Luo Yin felt
as if more than half of his life has been torn apart by reality.

Gu Hai walked along this familiar road, he recalled each and every one the
memories that carved within the tracks left by the rolling wheels. He felt pain
as if his heart was being twisted by a knife. Yesterday, he broke up with Jin
Lulu and he didn't have this kind of feeling. A bare pain began to spread from
his heart to his entire body, even the pores are crying in agony....

Bai Luo Yin went out from his rooms, Grandma Bai was in the middle of
stooping towards the water.

"Let's eat mouse for dinner!"[1] Grandma Bai shouted excitedly.

Grandpa Bai beside her just laughed continuously until he coughed.

Bai Luo Yin didn't even have any slightest expression on his face.

Grandma Bai grabbed the bucket, then clumsily moved to Bai Luo Yin's front
side, excitedly said, " Me and your grandpa wrapped two buckets of
mouse (dumplings) [1], tonight we're cooking mouse, the ones Da Hai
loves to eat most!"

Since Gu Hai became Grandma Bai's interpreter, he became the first one that
Grandma Bai called correctly.

Translator's Note:

[1] Grandma Bai wanted to say 饺孿 (Jiao Zi= dumplings) but she said 耗孿
(Hao Zi= mouse) instead.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 80


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 80: The Inquietude of Youth - You Qi searched for Yin Zi. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


For two whole days, Bai Luo Yin didn't come to school at all.

He asked Bai Han Qi to tell Luo Xiao Yu through a phone call. Apart from
this, he didn't tell anyone else.

Lately, You Qi hates to converse with Gu Hai as Gu Hai has always bullied
him, intentionally or otherwise. However, he really cannot hold it back this
time. During the past two days of Bai Luo Yin's absence, everything that You
Qi did was inconvenient, he didn't know whose school assignment should he
copy from, he didn't know to whom should he gave give his leftover food, he
wanted to complain, yet he couldn't find anyone to grumble his thoughts...

"Gu Hai, where's Bai Luo Yin?"

Gu Hai plugged his earphones, listening to the Great Compassion Mantra [1],
his face was expressionless.
You Qi had no choice but to approach Yang Meng after class.

"Wow! Wow!..."

Just as You Qi arrived at this floor, he stirred up a burst of squealing. The

students who enjoyed watching a bustling scene, rushed out from the
classrooms. However, nothing could be seen except a group of people. In a
split second, the entire corridor was seething with excitement. The sound of
the female students gasping in admiration and male students flinging curses
despicably were rising one after another.

You Qi inserted both hands into his pockets, as if he's already used to
everyone watching him. With his model-like attitude, he walked into Yang
Meng's classroom door.

"Is Yang Meng here?" You Qi asked one of the female student.

The female student's mouth parted open, showing an eager smile. Complying
with You Qi's inquiry, she broke into the classroom, grabbed Yang Meng and
hauled him outside.

"Here he is." The girl smiled sweetly.

You Qi thanked her briefly, then dragged Yang Meng to the entry of a

"I'm wondering why it is so noisy outside, so it turns out that you're

here." Yang Meng yawned.

You Qi took off his cold and detached façade, looking at Yang Meng with an
impatient expression.

"Where did Bai Luo Yin go?"

"Yin Zi?" Yang Meng stayed dumbfounded for a long time, "He didn't go
to class?"

"He's been absent for two days, you don't know?"

Yang Meng nodded, "It's been a long time since I went to their house."

"Then, let's go there together after school."

Yang Meng hesitated for a moment.

"If I'm not mistaken, you live in the school dorm, right? Doesn't your
dormitory have a curfew? Why don't we wait until tomorrow? He may
come tomorrow, if he really doesn't come, then both of us will visit him
on Sunday."

"Don't wait until Sunday, let's go there today." You Qi tugged at Yang
Meng's clothes and bunched it in his hands like a flower.

Yang Meng scrutinized You Qi from top to bottom, wearing a perplexed

look, "Why are you so anxious? He only requested for two days leave,
right? If he's really in trouble, then someone would've tidied his things

"It's you who's way too calm!" You Qi pointed at Yang Meng's head, "I'd
always believed that you definitely have human sympathy. I really, really
didn't expect that you are actually like this!"

After You Qi finished speaking, he walked away with a long face.

Yang Meng watched the view of You Qi's retreating back, then muttered to
himself, "Is he crazy?"

Turning around to walk back, Yang Meng bumped into a "wall" made of
female students........

Ten minutes before classes were over, You Qi hid at the parking lot of Yang
Meng's class, he waited until Yang Meng rode his bike outside the school
gates then he called for a cab.

"Mister, would you please follow that bike in the front?"

After this one sentence, You Qi waited for the driver to let loose a torrent of
abuse towards him, yet this driver had a fairly good temper. Not only that he
didn't yell at You Qi to go down, but he also didn't utter any complaints,
following that particular bike until they reached a small alley. Turning left
and right, not even a hint of impatience could be seen from the driver, to the
extent that he hummed along with the Chinese folk music playing inside the

You Qi couldn't help to ask: "Mister, when I ask you to follow that bicycle,
don't you feel the slightest unpleasant at all?"

The driver laughed loudly, "Why should I feel unpleasant? Last time,
there's even a young lad who asked me to follow a walking person." [2]

A touching feeling welled up inside You Qi's heart, supposed if everyone is

like this driver, very sympathetic and warmhearted, this society would be
very warm.

Yang Meng stopped in front of Bai Luo Yin's house.

You Qi also told the driver to stop, then looked at the taxi fare, took out
twenty-five Yuan and hand it over to the driver.

"Twenty-five Yuan?" The face of the driver turned green, "You think I'll
accept this?"

You Qi was stupefied, pointing at the fare, "The display shows twenty-five

The driver sneered, "Young man, you are too stingy! The person I've been
talking about just now, the one that told me to trail a walking person, his
taxi fare was also twenty-five Yuan in total, but then he directly paid one
hundred Yuan without saying anything."

"Of course that person is rich, but I don't have much money." You Qi
disagreed with the driver.

The driver promptly locked the car and started to argue with You Qi.

"Young man, I'm not driving an unlicensed taxi. I depend on my

conscience when charging passengers.
How long have I drove through this path? If I drove in my regular speed, how
many miles have I drove?

"If it's according to what you've said, you have to refund my money! It's
rush hour right now, if not because I want you to drive me to this small
alley, you'd still be stuck in front of the school gates right now."

"Don't speak bullshit with me. If you don't give me the money now, don't
even think that you can come down."

"Are you a taxi driver or a robber?"

"Who did you say is a robber? Who did you say is a robber? Say it one
more time, I'll slap you in your face and throw you to the city moat."

In the end, You Qi compromised, he tossed the only one hundred Yuan inside
his wallet to the driver. When he got off the cab, he continuously swore at the
taxi driver in his heart: that grandson [3] actually gave him one hundred
Yuan? Fuck! If I run into him, I'll definitely beat him to death!

After hesitating for a long time, Yang Meng finally entered Bai Luo Yin's

You Qi followed him closely from behind.

When Bai Han Qi saw Yang Meng, he shouted enthusiastically, "Big

Maiden, why haven't you come and hang out here recently?"

When You Qi heard these two words "Big Maiden", he couldn't help but to
let out a snort. Now he figured out why Yang Meng didn't allow him to tag
along, it turns out that he still has such an endearing nickname!

Yang Meng heard the laughter behind his back and couldn't help but to
shiver. Turning his head back, Yang Meng's face paled.

"You... how did you follow me?"

"I'm not following you, how do I know your dad openly called you Big

"That's not my dad." Yang Meng replied awkwardly, "This is Bai Luo
Yin's dad."

"Huh?" You Qi was pleasantly surprised, "Hello Uncle."

Bai Han Qi smiled towards You Qi, "Are you also Yin Zi's classmate? This
youngster grows up so lively."

You Qi smiled embarrassedly, while Yang Meng stood by and rolled his

"Uncle, where is Bai Luo Yin?"

"He's sleeping!" Bai Han Qi said.

You Qi looked at his watch, it's only 7 PM, "He went to bed this early?"

"He just slept this morning, I guess he'll be up anytime soon."

Why is it the other way around... You Qi asked tentatively: "Is he sick?"

"He isn't sick, just tired, he didn't want to get out of bed."

This father... he's way too open-minded! Just because his son is tired, he
doesn't need to go to school. You Qi sincerely admired and envied him at the
same time.

When Yang Meng heard that Bai Luo Yin is fine, he directly refrained
himself from entering and disturbing his sleep. He chatted with Grandpa Bai
for a while, picking up several crisp dates. When he reckoned that enough
time had passed, he decided to go home and eat.

You Qi stealthily entered Bai Luo Yin's room and couldn't help but to be
frightened by the chaotic scene before his eyes. Things were scattered around
all places, there were almost no space for walking. The seat by the window
was replaced with a bed, a very monstrous double bed. On one side was a
board mattress, while the other side was a spring mattress, Bai Luo Yin was
sleeping on the board mattress, only a few threads of his disheveled hair was

You Qi walked over beside the writing desk, casually rummaging through the
stuffs as he pleased. However, he discovered a lot of Gu Hai's things. Wrist
watch, wrist protector, lighter... You Qi often pay close attention to Gu Hai,
so his things left a deep impression on him. He opened the wardrobe, all of
the clothes inside belonged to both Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin, every single one
of them were piled up together. All these showed that both of them certainly
have a very intimate relationship.

Bai Luo Yin woke up, staring at You Qi with a tired and gloomy gaze.

"Why are you here?"

You Qi hastily let go of the things in his hand, a smile appeared upon his
handsome face.

"You've been absent for the past two days, I'm here to visit you."

Bai Luo Yin hummed at him hazily, slipping on his clothes and preparing to
get out of bed.

You Qi noticed that Bai Luo Yin complexion was terribly sour, excluding
sickness, most likely it's an issue related with his state of mind. However,
seeing his father's behavior, there seemed to be no problem in the house.
Thus, it's probably Bai Luo Yin's personal problem.

That evening, Bai Luo Yin let You Qi to stay overnight at his home.

Everyone was asleep during the quiet night, You Qi himself was curled up
inside the quilt, unable to take his eyes away from Bai Luo Yin.

"Are you at odds with Gu Hai?"

Bai Luo Yin's heart thumped for a moment, feigning a very calm and
reserved expression.

"Why him?"
"Don't you think that your relationship with him is not an ordinary

It's not only You Qi that had uttered this particular sentence to him.
Previously, Bai Han Qi had also said the same thing, yet the impression from
the two people is different. Bai Han Qi considered both of them as good
brothers for life. Meanwhile, what You Qi implied is a much deeper and
intimate relationship.

Bai Luo Yin was not accustomed to discuss the matters of one man with
other men, so he conveniently didn't say anything.

It was already late at night, You Qi couldn't hold back his drowsiness, so he
slept first.

Bai Luo Yin watched him quietly.

He's also a classmate, he's also a friend, but why does the feeling he get
when's he's with You Qi is completely different from when he's with Gu Hai?

"Yin Zi..."

Bai Luo Yin shut his eyes, yet his mind kept on spinning around this form of
address that Gu Hai called him. He has no idea how many times Gu Hai
called out his name every night, slowly dragging out the last syllable of his
name, teasing him in amusement, yet it carried deep affection and

Supposed if this sound emerged from You Qi's lips, Bai Luo Yin will
definitely feel nauseous, but with Gu Hai, that feeling never come.

Translator's Note:

[1] 'the Great Compassion Mantra': a type of ritual speech originating from
Mayahana Buddhism. This mantra is often used for protection or purification.

[2] 'Last time, there's even a young lad who asked me to follow a walking
person.' : Remember the time when Gu Hai took a cab and asked the driver to
follow Bai Luo Yin? This is exactly the same driver that drove You Qi in this

[3] 'Grandson' in this case is not in terms of familial ties, but it's for cursing
people. In English, it's similar to 'bastard'. Bonus: the person that You Qi
would like to beat to death is actually Gu Hai (most likely not going to
happen, though).
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 81


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 81: The Inquietude of Youth – Hu Zi, quick come and save
me! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“Son, you can ride my bike to school, I’ll go to work with the shuttle

An old-fashioned bicycle was parked in front of Bai Luo Yin and You Qi,
Bai Luo Yin gripped the handlebars then called You Qi, “Get on.”

“I’ll give you a ride, it’s been a long time for me since the last time I rode
a bike, I want to try.”

“Can you do it?” Bai Luo Yin had some doubts.

You Qi pounded his own chest, “No problem.”

Bai Luo Yin sat, half-believing and half-doubting, when You Qi started to
pedal with his foot, the bike began to sway violently. Bai Luo Yin’s body
swayed left and right too, following the bike’s movement. He saw a drainage
ditch in front of them, so Bai Luo Yin swiftly jumped down from the bike, he
wanted to grab the rear kickstand but he couldn’t, so You Qi drove himself
into the ditch.

Fortunately, the ditch wasn’t wide, so the bike didn’t fall into the ditch, but
the firm handlebars stabbed that sturdy, solid lower part of You Qi.

When Bai Luo Yin came over towards You Qi, he crossed his legs while
crouching on the ground, with a painful expression upon his face.

“I said that I’ll drive you, but you still insist to try it, does it hurt badly?”

You Qi waved his hand, “Don’t talk to me yet.”

Bai Luo Yin found it both funny and embarrassing.

Finally, Bai Luo Yin helped the injured You Qi to get up and continued to
ride the bike.

Gu Hai had been staying at his aunt’s luxurious house for these past two
days. Because it’s quite far from the school, he planned to move there for a
few days and then move out, to take a look at the interior design of the house
nearby China World Trade Center. If he’s satisfied with it, then he intend to
move back by himself from now on.

The taxi was driving smoothly on the road, the scenery outside the window
changed at every step.

Soon enough, it passed through the road towards the school.

He hadn’t seen Bai Luo Yin for the whole two days, Gu Hai continuously
restrained the secret longing that welled up inside his heart. He went to
school as if nothing had happened, he went back to his aunt’s house as if
nothing had happened, as if there’s nothing different in his life, even though
the reality is definitely far from it.

The car stopped at the intersection, Gu Hai saw Aunt Zou’s store from the
window, it was full of customers. Aunt Zhou’s silhouette could be faintly
seen from the gap between the door curtains. It’s only been two days, but Gu
Hai already misses Aunt Zou’s home-cooked food, just by sitting in the car,
he could smell the sweet fragrance gradually entering the car, floating in the

“We’re almost arrived.” The driver reminded Gu Hai to prepare the money.

Gu Hai quickly searching for small change, and when he was about to give it
to the driver, he saw two people from outside the window.

Bai Luo Yin was with You Qi, they were talking and laughing, while pushing
the bike together, passing through the school gate.

Flames of anger started to burn in Gu Hai’s heart, pain and wrath intertwined
inside his mind. He stared at Bai Luo Yin’s back firmly, he stared at Bai Luo
Yin’s face that looked as if nothing had happened, his unconstrained feelings
once again attacked his entire body. So, it turns out that the one who feels
unhappy is only me, the one who cares is only me, I’m just a companion to
him, nothing more, even if I’m replaced with someone else, it’s still the same
for him.

The car had already stopped, the driver stretched his hand out to receive the
money from Gu Hai, but he didn’t move.

“What happened?”

The driver was bewildered, why does this person’s face suddenly change?
It’s not because he rode an unlicensed taxi, right?

“Nothing, I just don’t want to go to school anymore, please bring me

back home.”

“Going back home?” The driver asked Gu Hai closely, “Did you forget
your bag at home?”

Gu Hai didn’t say a word, his grave and stern expression that could be seen
from the rearview mirror was extremely scary.

The driver was being sensible, he didn’t ask anymore and he just made a U-
turn to go back home.
After staying home for two days, Bai Luo Yin felt like he’s ready to face Gu
Hai normally, but after he went inside the classroom, he found out that it’s
still very difficult.

The seat behind him was empty, from the first until the last period.

Obviously no one sat behind him, but Bai Luo Yin was very sensitive
towards the sound that came from behind, who shifted the desk after class,
who opened the back door before class, all of them made Bai Luo Yin’s heart
to tighten, this course of events, seems to go really, really slow.

However, it’s only when Gu Hai wasn’t here, supposed if Gu Hai really came
back, Bai Luo Yin couldn’t imagine what situation he would get into.

He never experienced these feelings before, thus he was unable to deal with it
easily, cruel words had been voiced out, yet his heart couldn’t withdraw it

“This is Gu Hai’s homework, he doesn’t come so I’ll give it to you.”

Bai Luo Yin casually flipped through the book, there were Chinese classic
phrases that Gu Hai wrote from his memory. At first glance, he thought it’s
his own handwriting, but when he looked at it again, he discovered slight
differences. Each word is written stroke by stroke, it showed the writer’s
patience, earnest and unwavering efforts. If Bai Luo Yin didn’t know clearly
what he wrote, these words would’ve fooled him completely.

The feelings that involved, the reason why they hate to part with each other,
it’s because both of their lives are tangled too deeply, too closely.

Not only Gu Hai’s handwriting, but many of Bai Luo Yin’s customs and
habits had started to intertwine with Gu Hai’s.

When they walked together on the street and see a familiar scene, they will
laugh together; when they’re eating together, you just put what you don’t like
into my bowl, I will put what I don’t like into your bowl; they always wear
each other slippers by mistake and take the wrong towel; after waking up in
the morning, they will wear each other’s jacket and the smell of each other’s
bodies will linger for the whole day…

Bai Luo Yin flipped until the last pages and he saw three pages filled with
small, closely written words.

One page was filled completely with “白 (Bai)”, one page was filled
completely “洛 (Luo)”, and one page was filled completely with “因 (Yin)”.

When people are practicing calligraphy, they would often write what appears
in their heads unconsciously, just like when we hear a song, we will hum that
song for the whole day. Bai Luo Yin didn’t dare to think what was inside Gu
Hai’s mind while writing those words that made him could write three pages
of words with such an intense feelings.

After class, Dan Xiao Xuan asked Bai Luo Yin.

“Where did Gu Hai go?”

“I don’t know.”

“You actually don’t know where he is?” Dan Xiao Xuan exaggerated with
a bit of lovely charms, “Aren’t both of you taking turns in coming to
class? You come today and he will come tomorrow. Every day both of
you send one person as a representative, and when you go home you
would combine the lessons together….”

“Gu Hai came to school yesterday?”

Dan Xiao Xuan nodded her head, “Yes, last two days when you weren’t
here, he came.”

Bai Luo Yin’s expression changed, he didn’t say a word.

After the second lesson ended, the class representative walked towards Bai
Luo Yin.

“This is Gu Hai’s school safety book, because he’s not here, please help
him to sign it.”
Bai Luo Yin hesitated a bit, but he still helped Gu Hai to sign it.

After school, a school council came to find Bai Luo Yin.

“This is an express package for Gu Hai, I don’t know why they sent it to
the school, help him to keep it.”


When Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu came to the private club to find Gu Hai, he
was drinking alone by himself to drown his sorrows.

One person on each side, speaking nonsense, just like caring brothers.

“Da Hai, break up is break up, previously when you were still together, I
didn’t dare to say this, what are that Jin Lu Lu’s good points? Is she
beautiful? Does she have a hot body? You can find so many girls like her
on the street, does she deserve someone like you?”

“Right, she acts pretentious for the whole day, she also takes advantages
of other people every time, pretending…. pretending to be what she isn’t,
I really hate listening to her talking, if not because of you, I would’ve feel
annoyed with her for many times already!”

“Da Hai, you should’ve broke up with her earlier, just look at the
waitresses around us, they’re much more beautiful, unlike her, right?”

“That’s right, just look at our qualification, which girl doesn’t want to be
chased by you!”

Both of them was like, you say one sentence and I say one sentence, no one
knows how many bottles of wine that Gu Hai had drunk, his crimson eyeballs
gazed at both of their nonstop wiggling lips. The golden leaf on the wall
became more and more dazzling, the wine cup in his hand became more and
more blurry, his eyes were wandering around, didn’t know where his mind is
going, misery and longing followed along the wine pouring down his throat.

Li Shuo was about to go out and call for a waiter, suddenly he was pushed
down by Gu Hai, until the fell on the sofa.
“Da Hai, what happened with you?” Li Shou was dumbfounded.

Gu Hai, as if he didn’t hear him, pinched Li Shuo’s cheeks with both of his
hands, shouted and asked him in agony, “Am I no good to you? Who else
have I, Gu Hai, treated this good before?”

“Okay, okay.” Li Shuo went along with him, “You’ve never treated
anyone else as good as you did ︿to me.”

“Then, why did you have to say such cruel words to me?”

Li Shuo transformed himself as Jin Lulu, and forced himself to say,

“Because I’m cheap, I’m fucking cheap!”

“Who did you say is cheap?” Gu Hai pulled Li Shuo’s hair that was on his
forehead to the back of his head and bit his forehead, “Who let you say that
you are cheap?”

“Ouch, Da Hai! When did you learn to bite?” Li Shuo complained in tears.

Zhou Shi Hu simply burst into loud laughter on one side.

Gu Hai was still suffering and grieving like before, sometimes he would
mutter to himself, sometimes he would curse in anger, not saying anything
else except these couple of words, why are you so cruel? Don’t you miss me?

Zhou Shi Hu sighed ruefully, “This Jin Lulu is really a disaster!”

“Yin Zi,” Gu Hai suddenly hugged Li Shuo tightly, “I miss you.”

Yin Zi?

Both Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu were momentarily stunned, why does this
name sound so familiar in their ears?

Gu Hai didn’t give any time for Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu to react, he
suddenly ripped Li Shuo’s shirt and bit his chest, causing Li Shuo to scream
in pain.
“You don’t care about me, right? You don’t take me seriously, right?
Today I’ll fuck you, if you have the guts, don’t even utter a word! If
today I can’t fuck you until you become docile to me, I won’t be called
Gu Hai!”

“I don’t have any guts!!!” Li Shuo looked up to the sky while uttering a
long and loud cry, “Hu Zi!! Hu Zi!! Quick, come and save me!!”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 82


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 82: The Inquietude of Youth - Gu Hai unintentionally showed


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai had been absent from school for five days.

Bai Luo Yin collected a pile of Gu Hai's things, his homework, test papers,
sports stuffs, and also a letter addressed to his guardian.....

After the second period in the afternoon, Dan Xiao Xuan passed a slip of
paper to Bai Luo Yin.

I heard that Gu Hai is going to transfer schools, is it true?

Bai Luo Yin stared blankly at that slip of paper, it's the first time for him to
reply a paper, previously he would've just crush it right after he read them.

How do you know?

Dan Xiao Xuan passed the paper back.

Today, I went to the homeroom teacher's office, it seemed like she was
talking with other teacher about this matter.

Bai Luo Yin didn't reply anymore, his mind was wandering throughout the
entire class.


"Dad, I'm going out for a bit."

"It's late already, where are you going?" Bai Han Qi went out and ran
after him, "Are you not having dinner?"

Bai Luo Yin already rode the bike and turned at the alley.

The place where Gu Hai was staying was located at the busiest area of
Beijing. Compared to the alley where Bai Luo Yin lived, this place had a
completely different atmosphere. One had a pure, old local flavor of Beijing,
while the other one was full of strong and modern business atmosphere.
Passing through one after another spacious streets, everything he saw were
expensive cars, high-level senior executives, beautiful women, successful
public figures....

After pressing the doorbell, a middle-aged woman with a composed look

opened the door.

"Excuse me, is Gu Hai living here?"

The middle-aged woman scrutinized Bai Luo Yin from head to toe, she had a
bit suspicion and examined him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm his classmate."

That middle-aged woman saw that Bai Luo Yin was not that old, there's a
hint of innocence on his face that he couldn't hide, the possibility of him
being a swindler was not big, so she brought him downstairs to a private
Gu Hai was lying on the bed, enjoying the massage therapist's good service.

His current life right now is completely relaxing but also became dull. Every
morning, he exercises at the gym, in the afternoon he stays at home, at night
he always gets a massage in the clubhouse, and occasionally he would ask a
therapist to come and enlighten his mind.

"Mr. Gu, there is someone looking for you, he said he's your classmate, I
just want to ask, is it okay to let him in?"

Gu Hai was laying on the massage bed, he didn't open his eyes, his tone
carried a hint of laziness and indifference.

"Let him in."

Two minutes later, the middle-aged woman brought Bai Luo Yin inside.

They hadn't seen each other for a whole seven days, and the moment when
Bai Luo Yin saw Gu Hai, he suddenly felt that the distance between them has
become really far.

After a long time, he didn't hear any sound, Gu Hai opened his eyes slightly,
and he saw a face that was familiar, yet unfamiliar to him at the same time.
The hole in his heart that had barely healed was suddenly ripped open again
in a flash, the therapist's words were completely tossed to the back of his
mind, the massage that was formerly comfortable suddenly turned painful.

"Why did you come?" Gu Hai asked coldly.

Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath, he tried really hard to make his tone as
normal as possible.

"I want to give your things to you."

Gu Hai gave an overbearing gaze towards Bai Luo Yin, "Do you think I still
need those things?"

This kind of attitude undoubtedly stabbed Bai Luo Yin's heart.

Gu Hai didn't need to open his eyes, to realize what kind of expression Bai
Luo Yin has right now, it was a painful, guilty pleasure.

"Whether you need it or not, it's your business, the teacher only asked
me to go and give your things to you, that's all. If you really don't need it,
then just throw it away."

Gu Hai didn't say anything for a while.

"I'll put your things here, I'm going back."

When Gu Hai heard Bai Luo Yin's steps gradually fading away from his ears,
he felt as if his heart was being cut out, bit by bit.

When he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, Gu Hai suddenly
stood up, and yelled: "Bai Luo Yin!"

Bai Luo Yin's steps halted at once.

"You'd better come back here!"

Bai Luo Yin paid no heed to him, he stretched his hand out to twist the

Gu Hai abruptly jumped down from the massage bed, he took a few large
strides towards the door, pulled at Bai Luo Yin's clothes until he fell back.

The masseur only bowed once, and left the room.

Gu Hai took a deep breath, staring intently at Bai Luo Yin with a cold and
sharp gaze.

"So, now you can only adopt this attitude towards me?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin fixed his clothes, looking at Gu Hai icily.

"What kind of attitude do you want from me?"

I threw my pride to come here and see you. I, Bai Luo Yin, went against my
own principles for the first time, I was worried, I wanted to see how you are
doing these days. You? From the beginning until the end, you didn't even
look at me straight in the eyes! Are you qualified to question my attitude?

"Am I different?" Gu Hai softly asked.

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything and simply clenched his teeth.

Gu Hai yelled, "Bai Luo Yin! Look at me properly, am I different from


Bai Luo Yin obstinately wore a rather strained expression.

"Just because of a status, you have the heart to sentence me to a death

penalty? Just because of a status, I'm suddenly not that person who
treats you well?"

Gu Hai's face was grave and stern, wearing a painful expression as if it was
being carved by a knife. He was unable to conceal his own feelings, he drew
Bai Luo Yin into his embrace with one pull. He hugged him tightly, pouring
out his entire week of longing, and his tears failed him, as he couldn't hold it
back anymore.

"Bai Luo Yin, apart from that day when my mother passed away, I, Gu
Hai, have never cried for another person."

When he heard Gu Hai saying those words while choking in tears, he felt as
if knives were piercing his heart.

It's not that Bai Luo Yin didn't think Gu Hai treats him well. Since he was
small until now, he and Bai Han Qi have been living their lives casually. The
first person in his life who tied his shoestrings for him, is Gu Hai; the person
who tucks him into the blanket every night countless times, is Gu Hai; the
person who put two pieces of beef into his bowl when they are having ramen,
is Gu Hai... Gu Hai doesn't even hold back when spoiling and doting on him,
gives in to him, and make sure that he won't feel wronged. To the extent that
this one week of separation made Bai Luo Yin felt like he had lost an entire
world of love.
The air seemed to stop flowing at that moment, Gu Hai's breaths gradually
became smooth and steady.

"Just go."

Bai Luo Yin merely stood still, he didn't move.

Gu Hai pushed Bai Luo Yin until he was out of the door, "Go!"

The beauty salon on the corner of the street played Teresa Teng's old song, "I
only care about you".


If I hadn't met you, where would I be right now?


How would I pass my days, whether or not I will cherish my life?


Maybe I would've met a certain someone, passing ordinary days.


So, I beg you, please don't let me leave you.


Except for you, I cannot even feel the slightest affection.

All of a sudden, Bai Luo Yin was on the verge of tears, he recalled the night
when Gu Hai was singing this song, his own self that looked down and
sneered at him. However, at this very moment, he suddenly really wants to
hear Gu Hai sing for him again one more time....

When Bai Luo Yin went back to his home, the lights on his grandma and
grandpa's room were already turned on.
Bai Han Qi was sitting inside Bai Luo Yin's room, he was lost in his thought
while fixing his gaze upon Gu Hai's things. When he heard the sound of door
closing, he stood up and walked outside.

"Why did you come back this late? Where did you go?"

Bai Luo Yin replied lightly, "I went to deliver my classmate's things."

Bai Han Qi was about to leave Bai Luo Yin's room, but he felt that he has
something he wants to say. He stopped at the door, hesitant and uncertain.

"Yin Zi."


Bai Luo Yin placed the schoolbooks he needed for tomorrow's classes inside
his school bag, one by one.

"Da Hai hasn't come over for quite a while, right?"

Bai Luo Yin stopped his movement, lowered his head and hummed.

Bai Han Qi sat beside Bai Luo Yin, staring at his face and asked, "Be honest
with dad, you're fighting

with Da Hai, right?"


"If not, then why didn't he come to our house?" Bai Han Qi felt a bit

Bai Luo Yin acted mechanically, "He also has his own house! The
condition of their family is very good, why would he always stay at our
lousy house?"

When Bai Han Qi heard those words, he was sure that there must be a
problem between them.
"Yin Zi, I'll tell you this, Da Hai is a really good kid, you won't be able to
find someone else like him. It's not like I want to flatter him, but let's say
about Aunt Zhou's matter, just how much effort he used from the
beginning until the end? You really can't find such a loyal, helpful, and
warmhearted boy like him! A fight between friends is a common thing,
you've grown up already, you need to have a broad-minded view. Don't
abandon such a good kid just because of trivial things like this, it's
definitely not worth it!"

Bai Luo Yin put his bag down, he looked at Bai Han Qi dejectedly.

"About this matter, I really can't tolerate it."

"He's a little kid, what can he do that makes you angry like this?" Bai
Han Qi simply laughed without any worries, "Did he steal your

"No, it's his father who stole your wife."

Bai Luo Yin pressed his luck, in order to prevent Bai Han Qi from talking
about Gu Hai any further, so he just told the truth bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Bai Han Qi's thought was a bit slow.

Bai Luo Yin heaved a sigh, and with a great difficulty, he started to talk.

"The man who got married with my mother, is his dad."

Bai Han Qi didn't move for a while, then he relaxed.

"You.... Did you know this from the start? So, you mean, he has been
hiding the truth from you.... He approached you with a purpose?....
That's what you wanted to say? Why am I so confused?"

"At first, both of us have no idea. A couple of days ago, my mother came
to find me, and she happened to run into him, then I just knew it."

Bai Han Qi wore an extremely shocked and incredulous expression upon his
"So, from the very beginning, both of you didn't know about this matter
at all?"

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

"What a coincidence!" Bai Han Qi beat against himself, "What do you

youngsters call it? It's fate, fate [1] right? Isn't it a very good thing?
Your relationship has gotten closer! Later, when you visit your mom,
you'd still be able to see him too."

Bai Luo Yin was petrified in a flash.

Translator's Note:

[1] 缘分 (yuan fen) means luck/fate that brings people together.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 83


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 83: The Inquietude of Youth - The HURRICANE in his heart.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"You don't mind?"

"What should I mind about? Your mom left for so many years already...
Eh.... No, about this... Your mom and I divorced for so many years
already, she should find another partner too. She's a woman, it's a good
thing if she could find someone to depend on. I know that your mom was
looking for you a lot of times, but you shouldn't bear grudges against
her, you shouldn't blame her, after all she's one of few people in this
world who sincerely treats you well."

Bai Luo Yin lowered his eyelid and glanced on the floor, "I feel that she's
really selfish."

"Aiya, son!" Bai Han Qi raised Bai Luo Yin's face up with both hands,
"Who is not a selfish person? Supposed if it's you, and you don't get
married for a lifetime, can you live all alone on your own?"
Bai Luo Yin didn't deny it, he didn't admit it too, finally he just simply threw
a sentence.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Bai Han Qi didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, "You didn't let me talk

Bai Luo Yin's shoulder collapsed, what should I do? This matter already went
this far....

Bai Han Qi's facial expression changed, "Why are we talking about your
mom? Weren't we talking about Gu Hai? Listen to my words, later you
have to apologize to him, then just see what will happen next."

"I'm not going to apologize!" Bai Luo Yin rejected it immediately.

"Look at this boy, how can you be so thoughtless like this?" Bai Han Qi
became somewhat impatient, "Was it him who made his father and your
mother got married? Isn't he also a victim from a broken family? Just
because you dont like his father, so you're making it difficult for his son?
It doesn't matter if you two really aren't get along well, but he was so
good to you..."

"I still won't apologize."

"You... Even after I said all those words?"

"Dad, don't be concerned about this. I know what I should do." Bai Luo
Yin pushed Bai Han Qi, "Just go back to sleep."

"I'll tell you this! You have to bring Gu Hai back here within three

"Okay, I know."

Bai Han Qi went back to his own room, Bai Luo Yin was still standing at the
door for a long time, he felt really upset inside. On one hand, because of the
words Bai Han Qi said just now, because of his excessive understanding, it
made Bai Luo Yin felt somewhat fond of this old man; on the other hand it's
because Gu Hai, if he had known earlier that Bai Han Qi's attitude would be
like this, he wouldn't say those kind of words, now even if he wants to take it
back he can't.

Do I really need to apologize for once?

That night, Bai Luo Yin, kept tossing around on his bed and didn't get any
sleep, the dark night finally faded, one layer marble white color of the dawn
sky emerged on the horizon, Bai Luo Yin finally made a firm resolution to
find Gu Hai, no matter what would the outcome be, no matter how much
ridicule he would get, he decided to grit his teeth and stand on his ground, to
do the utmost effort possible to restore their relationship.

Wheels were rolling on the fallen leaves at early morning, Bai Luo Yin rode
Gu Hai's spoilt bike full of determination.

"Lower your body, lower your face, lower your pride all along, a man
bowing his head down doesn't mean anything....." Bai Luo Yin kept
muttering to himself like a broken record while cycling.

There was a slope in front of him, after the slope there will be a big turning,
so Bai Luo Yin tightened the brake as he rode down the slope. But, when he
turned at the corner he suddenly dashed towards two persons, because the
brake of his bike didn't work really well, even though Bai Luo Yin extended
his foot on the ground to stop the bike in time, he still crashed into them.

Early in the morning, because of the thick fog, Bai Luo Yin couldn't see
clearly who those persons were, he just knew that they were both men, 20
years old above, their heights was similiar.

"I'm sorry brother, the brake is not working really well, are you hurt
badly?" Bai Luo Yin asked politely.

Those two guys just glanced at each other, without saying anything further,
they just marched forward and bind his hand.

Bai Luo Yin was shocked, nowadays they still do this kind of bicycle
fraud[1]? Even if it really is a fraud, there is no need to do this kind of thing!
Bai Luo Yin realized that their strength wasn't ordinary, he was aware that
this situation was far from good, so he swiftly used his hand that wasn't
bound yet to swing the bike and crash it toward them, he took advantage at
the gap when both of them retreated, he threw the bike away and ran.

The alley was quite narrow, the two men spent quite a while to step aside
from the bike, by the time they started to chase again, Bai Luo Yin already
took a turn.

Bai Luo Yin's force was ordinary, but his stamina was strong enough, also
he's familiar with the topography around here, how many road curve, how
many corner, how many alley..... As long as I keep moving around like this,
not even in three minutes, those two won't be able to carry on.

But, Bai Luo Yin underestimated these two extraordinary men.

Just when he got out from the third alley, he got obstructed by those two
sturdy bodies.

Bai Luyoin finally could see clearly, those two men in front of his eyes, they
weren't a professional hired thug yet they are trained well, their physiques
were similar to Gu Hai. Now that he moved around like that and still couldn't
drive them out, it's a proof that they had prepared everything in advance, even
if he didn't crash into them, he would still be seized.

Bai Luo Yin contemplated in his mind, whom did he provoke recently?

"Brother, we're sorry, but you have to come with us."

One of them fiddled with a handcuff on his hand, and walked step by step
toward Bai Luo Yin, Bai Luo Yin was unwilling to be kidnapped by these
kind of jerks, he kicked around, until he kicked one of the man's jaw. He
didn't expect that Bai Luo Yin would dare to provoke them rashly, he wanted
to open his mouth and cursed a lot, but in the end his mouth wouldn't open.

The other man saw that his partner was bullied, and he was about to get into a
fight with Bai Luo Yin, but the man whose chin was kicked by Bai Luo Yin
grabbed him instead. That man let out a few words of curses, then both of
them marched towards Bai Luo Yin together, one of them skillfully
restrained Bai Luo Yin's nape, and one of them twisted his arm to the back.

Bai Luo Yin bent his waist, then aimed two kicks with his pair of feet to their
crotches, they soon ran like crazy, cried and screamed yet didn't dare to hit
Bai Luo Yin. Bai Luo Yin observed that they didn't dare to hit him, his fists
was concentrated like a raindrops, his foot continue to kick around like a
wind, both of them didn't counterattack at all, they only set their mind on
putting handcuffs on his wrist. I'm okay even if you beat me to death, as long
as I beat you too.

Until Bai Luo Yin's eyes was blindfolded, and his body was tied with a rope
like a sticky rice dumpling, these two was really had been beaten

"I saw a local policeman, let's get away from here quickly."

Bai Luo Yin was thrown into a car, he indistinctly heard two of them were
talking in front.

"Fuck, I've never been feeling this vexed in my whole life, look at my
elbow, he fucking stripped a piece flesh off."

"Is it only you? When I was in the army, who would dare to go against
me? They would be facing great losses that day."

"Didn't you say that just one boy wouldn't be any problem? I told you to
call Wang Yu to come here together, but you said there's no need."

"How would I know that he still has tricks up his sleeves!"

"Okay okay, no need to talk about this anymore, hurry up and start the
car, there's someone important waiting over there!"

The car then stopped, Bai Luo Yin was carried on their shoulder to get off
from the car.

"Is he hurt?"
A familiar voice can be heard on Bai Luo Yin's ear, his heart suddenly

"No, we wouldn't dare!"

"Just look at our faces, you would know that we didn't hit him at all."

There was a burst of light laughter, "Thank you!"

"No need to say thanks, if you need anything else later then feel free to
find us again."


Bai Luo Yin felt that someone carried his body up, although his entire body
was tied, but he could feel that person's body has familiar taste, with his
broad shoulders......

The door was pushed open, then Bai Luo Yin was dropped onto the bed. That
man started to untie the ropes on Bai Luo Yin's body carefully, but he didn't
remove Bai Luo Yin's blindfold, he also didn't remove his handcuff
completely, rather, he locked the other iron hoop to one of the bed pillar.

Bai Luo Yin wanted to use his hand that was free to remove his blindfold, but
it was gripped by someone's hand.

This touch feels really familiar.

Bai Luo Yin's heart was tightened, he really couldn't accept his own

His other hand was locked to the other of bed pillars too.

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin's blindfold was taken off.

Gu Hai's face appeared clearly before his eyes, carrying an unrestrained

feeling of evil, an extreme that comes after despair, an abnormal excitement
and his readiness to risk everything...
His last thread of hope was shattered, Bai Luo Yin clenched his teeth and
glared at Gu Hai.

"What do you want?"

"You say what do I want?" Gu Hai's hand caressed Bai Luo Yin's cheeks
gently with full of lust. It was as if he was caressing a baby, except that it had
less usual intimacy and more silent domination.

"Didn't you want to leave me? Didn't you want to cut ties with me? No
matter what I won't be able to recover our relationship, right? So, I'll
simply imprison you here. Even if you want to go, you won't be able to!
You are so heartless. You don't care about me. So, I'll just force you to
care, I'll force your affection out of you!"

Bai Luo Yin almost died from his excessive anger towards Gu Hai, he didn't
want to say a word, he felt that last night he made an extremely stupid

"Why aren't you talking?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes, he didn't want to look at Gu Hai.

You don't want to look at me? If you don't want to look, I have a method to
make you open your eyes!

Gu Hai leaned his head over, without any preparation, he immediately kissed
Bai Luo Yin's thin lips.

Bai Luo Yin's body went numb and he opened his eyes in shock.

Gu Hai's eyes were still closed, he was completely absorbed, really

passionate, with his skilled kissing method and an awkwardness, Bai Luo Yin
felt Gu Hai's hands on his waist was slightly trembling.

In a flash, a hurricane swept across the sea in his heart!

Translator's Note:
[1] This fraud here is written 碰瓷儿 (Peng ci er): this is one of a common
fraud in China, they deliberately crashing cars and then demanding for a
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 84


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 84: The Inquietude of Youth - The Crazy Confession! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.



An indistinct sound emerged from Bai Luo Yin’s throat but it was soon
swallowed by the sound of Gu Hai ferociously sucking at his lower lip. Gu
Hai forced his way into Bai Luo Yin’s mouth and touched his gums with the
tip of his tongue. The moist sensation sent an electric shock throughout his
body. He had never experienced a fluctuation in his emotions this intense
before and the fire in his chest roared wildly with lustful desire. It’s not
enough, it’s not enough, he still wanted more.

In order to prevent Bai Luo Yin’s teeth from biting at him, Gu Hai put his
hands on both of Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks to keep his mouth open and forced his
tongue inside the hot cavern to explore it. The moment their tongues touched,
a strong electric current flowed through every single part of his body. Gu Hai
ravaged Bai Luo Yin’s mouth with violent greed, tirelessly chasing his
dodging tongue. He bit, licked and sucked. He would’ve swallowed Bai Luo
Yin whole if he could.
This kiss and the kiss between a man and a woman is different. It doesn’t
have an excessive amount of foreplay or any kind of sickening feelings
overwhelming them. Everything was out of intense emotion coming from the
bottom of their hearts, exceeding what the body could bear, which unleashed
a battle of dominance and power. It was fierce and wild, carrying a
destructive power akin to raging mountains and roaring seas, that crushed
their feelings into little pieces.

At long last Gu Hai’s lips withdrew from Bai Luo Yin’s swollen lips with his
hands still firmly placed on both of Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks. He pushed all of
Bai Luo Yin’s hair out of his face to the back of his head, completely
exposing his handsome face. This was the face that fascinated him, that
hooked his soul to it like that of a drug and that drained him of all of his

“Baby…” Gu Hai gazed at Bai Luo Yin absentmindedly, “You already

knew about my feelings since the beginning, right? You already knew
that my feelings towards you aren’t ordinary, right? When I kissed you,
you didn’t think that it was unexpected, right?”

Even though Bai Luo Yin’s face was very handsome his facial expression
drastically changed every passing second.

“Gu Hai! You…”

“Don’t scold me yet!” Gu Hai quickly covered Bai Luo Yin’s mouth with
his hand and enunciated, “Listen to me first. You can scold me to your
heart’s content once I’m done. I know you no longer have a good
impression of me in your heart anyway so I’ll ruin it completely today. It
would honestly be for the best if you started hating me. Hating me is way
better than you being aloof and indifferent towards me like this. Bai Luo
Yin, listen carefully. I, Gu Hai, have never seen you as a brother. I treat
you well because I like you, I serve you as a lover and I want to sleep
with you on the same bed because I want to screw you. I even want to
hear you moan in my dreams…”

Bai Luo Yin was speechless, “…..”

“Do you really think I’m indecent? That I’m perverted? I’ll tell you this;
you can’t blame other people. You can only blame yourself! Who told
you to be so enchanting? Who told you to be so flirty? Who told you to
infatuate me by just smiling at me? Bai Luo Yin, don’t you dare pretend
to be innocent. There’s no way you weren’t already aware of these dirty
thoughts of mine. You intentionally seduced me!”

Even after all of that, Gu Hai still wasn’t done with his vulgar confession;
“Bai Luo Yin, I’ll tell you this; I’ll never regret what I’ve said today!
You want to scold me, right? Then scold me all you want! The more you
scold me, the more excited I get. Every time you scold me, it makes me
want to fuck you hard! You know that this angry look of yours right
now, your tolerance, your awkward expression, that everything is really
seductive, right? If it wasn’t for my sense of decency, I would’ve taken
your pants off by now! ….Okay, you can scold me now, I will listen. Tell
me how you’ll scold me!”

Bai Luo Yin felt like Heaven was playing a big, mean joke on him by making
him endure this kind of situation. Through the entirety of Gu Hai’s obscene
and insulting speech along with the splattering saliva, he still managed to
withstand it all and stand firmly under the pressure.

“I won’t scold you.” Bai Luo Yin responded in an unusually calm voice.

Allowing his judging gaze to linger upon Bai Luo Yin’s face for a moment,
trying to understand what he had just said, Gu Hai finally broke into a
somewhat broken and pained smile.

“Are you giving up? You regret getting to know someone like me, don’t
you? You want me to get out of your life, right? But I won’t! You got me,
Gu Hai, to fall head over heels for you and you still want to run away?
Not a chance!”

If Bai Luo Yin had a brick in his hand he would definitely have hit Gu Hai’s
mouth with it.

“Gu Hai, you will pay for everything you’ve said.”

“I don’t care!” Excessive feelings were visibly on display in Gu Hai’s eyes,
“As long as I can see you every day, I’m willing to pay any price.”

“Alright, then listen carefully. I was planning to come and look for you
this morning. I wanted to apologize to you! I talked to my dad all night
and he doesn’t care about your status at all. He even urged me to ask you
to come back home and I agreed to do so! But as a result, I got
kidnapped early in the morning, got trussed up and to top it off I got
humiliated by a lunatic. Now you tell me, what should I do?”

It was then Gu Hai’s turn to be rendered speechless, “……”

“Let me go!” Bai Luo Yin snarled aggressively.

In time with Bai Luo Yin’s explanation, Gu Hai’s expression changed each
passing second.

“You…….are you telling me the truth?” Gu Hai was secretly delighted yet
he was also extremely anxious.


Cautiously gazing at the boy beneath him, Gu Hai carefully leaned over a bit
in a hovering position, squinting his eyes, “What if you’re just intentionally
fooling me again?”

With an attitude akin to a victim of some natural disaster, Gu Hai picked up

his cellphone and called Bai Han Qi.


“Da Hai, why haven’t you come over to our house lately? Uncle misses
you and your grandma always talks about you over and over again every

“Uncle, has Yin Zi told you everything?” While speaking he secretly stole
a few glances at Bai Luo Yin.

“Yes, Da Hai. Yin Zi is really immature so I asked him to go and find

you. He will probably be there sometime soon, I think.”

“Oh…” Gu Hai replied disheartened, “He might be arriving soon. I’ll go

and check by the door. I’ll see you later then, uncle…”

The situation had suddenly turned around and a composed expression grazed
Bai Luo Yin’s features. His gaze was as sharp as a knife that engraved
angrily upon Gu Hai’s face as he demanded, “Untie me!”

After hanging up the call Gu Hai moved closer to Bai Luo Yin, still as
shameless as before. His initial overbearing and brutish attitude changed into
an expression overflowing with tenderness.

“If I were to untie you, what would I do if you ran away?”

“Don’t worry, I definitely won’t run!”

Hesitantly giving in to Bai Luo Yin’s demands, Gu Hai unlocked the


Bai Luo Yin was like a ferocious beast as he pulled at Gu Hai’s arm and
kicked him until he fell from the head of the bed to the end of it and finally
off of the bed. However, those kicks weren’t enough for him to break his
spleen so he grabbed the hard metal handcuffs and then continued to beat Gu
Hai until he had completely vented out his anger. Only consoling horseplay
remained once he was done.

“Baby, don’t get angry.”

“Who did you say you want to fuck?”

Covering his head to protect it from the beating he knew was coming, Gu Hai
inhaled to retort back to Bai Luo Yin once more while the corners of his
mouth twisted upwards into an evil smirk.

“A husband who doesn’t want to fuck his wife isn’t a good husband.”

“You…!” Bai Luo Yin growled and began chasing Gu Hai all over the
After all the running and tossing around, they both felt exhausted and so Bai
Luo Yin calmly sat on the bed while gasping for breath for a moment to
stabilize his breathing. Once done he stood back up and walked towards the

“Where are you going?” Gu Hai blocked the door using his entire body.

Glaring at him fiercely, Bai Luo Yin roared, “It’s none of your business!”

“That won’t do.” Gu Hai looked at him earnestly, “We haven’t finished
talking yet and you just want to leave?”

“What else is there to be said between us?”

A few hundred million brain cells that Bai Luo Yin had accumulated for
more than ten years, just died because of the explosion of excessive anger he
had aimed towards Gu Hai in one day.

“I’ve confessed to you quite passionately so, you have to give me some
kind of reply!”

“What kind of reply?” Bai Luo Yin became desperate, “It’s a good thing
that I didn’t beat you to death.”

“What kind of reply, you ask?” Leaning d against the edge of the
doorframe, a wicked and indecent smile spread across his lips, “I’ve just
said that I like you. Can’t you reply to me with something at least?”

Bai Luo Yin’s ears reddened so much that they became purple.

“Gu Hai, can you stop acting crazy?”

“Who’s acting crazy?” Gu Hai stood up with a resolute posture and a look
of righteousness, he said, “Everything that I said came from the bottom of
my heart!”

After staying silent for some time, Bai Luo Yin finally opened his mouth to
“Both of us are guys.”

“So what if we’re both guys?” Gu Hai said boldly, “Did you forget that
day when we were walking our dog? We even saw a dog and a cat

“How is that the same thing?” Just listening to Gu Hai’s ridiculous

comparison made Bai Luo Yin want to hit his head against the wall and die.

Nevertheless, Gu Hai still insisted on it and said, “It doesn’t matter

whether it’s male or female, male cat or female dog. Just tell me; do you
like me or not?”

Bai Luo Yin’s Adam’s apple bobbed a bit, evidently nervous, but after some
time he finally responded, “I don’t like you.”

That statement made Gu Hai tense up, standing frozen at the spot in front of
the door.

Attempting to push Gu Hai out of the way, Bai Luo Yin snarled with
annoyance, “Move! I want to go home!”

Gu Hai didn’t move at all.

Since Bai Luo Yin didn’t get a response, he became increasingly irritated,
“What else do you want?”

“So you don’t like me, huh? That makes it easy then! I’ll just continue to
keep you locked up in here and I’ll only let you go once you like me

“Gu Hai!!!”

Turning around, Gu Hai tightly wrapped his strong arms around Bai Luo Yin,
who had the same height as him, and pressed their lips together again.
Ignoring Bai Luo Yin’s frenzied kicks under him, he maintained his firm and
tight grip around Bai Luo Yin’s squirming body. He kept passionately
sucking on Bai Luo Yin’s tongue, over and over again with his lips. When
the metallic smell of blood spread into Gu Hai’s mouth, he regained his
ferocious energy from earlier, as if a thousand horses were running wildly
inside him. His heart was thumping so hard that it felt as if it was s about to
jump out of his chest.

“Yin Zi!” Gu Hai’s attitude carried a rather compromising approach. He

looked at Bai Luo Yin and said, “I

sincerely like you. I know that you’ve felt it ever since the beginning. You
can disregard my impudent remarks but you must believe these words. I
won’t force you to clarify our relationship. I only wish to know what you
feel inside your heart. You don’t have to give me an answer right away. I
can wait. I will continue to pursue you and use a lot of love to crush you,.
I don’t believe I can’t touch your heart!”

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 85


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 85: The Inquietude of Youth - Call me BIG BROTHER! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama “Addicted” was adapted from this novel.


"I've wanted to do a family dinner since before, but me and your father
thought about it over and over again, and we felt that we have to be
familiar with each other first, so we would be able to eat together well."
Jiang Yuan looked at Gu Wei Ting and smiled, "We don't need to
introduce them to each other again, right?"

"There's no need, both of them already knew each other, let's just eat
while talking together."

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin sat on one side, while Jiang Yuan and Gu Wei Ting
sat on the other side.

Gu Wei Ting then placed one sea cucumber on Bai Luo Yin's bowl.

Not even one second later, Gu Hai took the sea cucumber from Bai Luo Yin's
bowl and then placed it on his own bowl.
Gu Wei Ting's tone was somewhat stiff, "There are still so many sea
cucumber on the plate, why did you take it from Luoyin's bowl?"

"He doesn't like it!" Gu Hai gave a straightforward reply, "If he eats this
he would have diarrhea."

Jiang Yuan laughed heartily on one side, "Look at these two kids, their
relationship is really good. Oh right, I haven't had the chance to ask this,
what month is Xiao Hai's birthday? Both of you were born in the same
year, but the month must be different right? We have to know who is the
big brother, and who is the younger brother!"

Hearing these things, both of them felt like they couldn't swallow their foods,
they felt lacking in self-confidence, scared that the other would be older to

Jian Yuan opened her mouth first, "Luoyin was born on May of Lunar
Calendar, what about Xiao Hai?"

Gu Wei Ting interrupted, "He was also on May."

Because of this statement, both of them became even more nervous.

This time, Gu Hai asked Bai Luo Yin first, "What date?"

"May 1th."

A bolt from the blue! Gu Hai almost fell down from his chair.

"What about you?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

I can't believe it, you're still older than me?

Gu Hai just sat straight, he was afraid of being found out so he put a layer of
challenging expression on his face.

"I was born on May 1th too, what time did you born?"

Gu Wei Ting ruthlessly interrupted Gu Hai, "Weren't you born on May

6th? "

Gu Hai, "....."

"Hahaha...." Jiang Yuan laughed until her face reddened, "Xiao Hai still
wants to be the big brother, who would've thought that it would be
snatched by our Luoyin."

Gu Hai cursed in his heart, it's completely your fault, you should've just give
birth to him a little bit later.

An obscure smile appeared on the corner of Bai Luo Yin's lips.

Their dinner almost come to an end, Jiang Yuan suddenly opened her mouth
and said, "Since your relationship with each other is really good, just
move back to our home later! This way it will be more convenient for me
to look after both of you. There will be a driver specially to pick up and
dropping off both of you to school. It will make me and your father rest

Bai Luo Yin put down his chopstick, and he told Jiang Yuan

"I can't move there, eating with you occasionally, is already my limit."

Regarding Bai Luo Yin's attitude, it wasn't unexpected by Jiang Yuan, after
all he definitely needs some time to accept their family thoroughly. The
important matter now is to bring Gu Hai back home, since Bai Luo Yin's
relationship with Gu Hai is really good, if Gu Hai went back, it will be
possible to convince Bai Luo Yin to go back too.

"Xiao Hai, you see, if you're living outside....."

"I'm not going back." Gu Hai interrupted Jiang Yuan's words. "I moved
back to the house near the World Trade Center, it's really good there."

"Oh... So it's like that." Jiang Yuan was somewhat awkward. "If you're
pleased living there, then just live there, I just feel that you're living by
yourself, won't you feel alone? If by any chance some accident happens,
no one would be able to help you."

Yes, I'm not only alone, but I feel really lonely too, if you can persuade your
son to live together with me right now, I would immediately call you

"There's a housekeeper over there."

On the contrary, Gu Wei Ting was being tolerant with Gu Hai, as long as Gu
Hai is still living inside the scope of his area, he already feels thankful.

When eating, Gu Hai put a few slices of deer antler on Bai Luo Yin's bowl,
and said in a low voice, "Eat some of this, this can treat impotence."

Bai Luo Yin almost grabbed a cup of hot water and pour it on top of Gu Hai's
head, his eyes was searching on top of the dining table, then he put all the
remaining bull's pizzle [1] on the plate to Gu Hai's bowl.

Who ordered all of these foods?!

After the dinner finished, the sky was already dark, Gu Wei Ting and Jiang
Yuan went back already, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin strolled on the street

Like what Jiang Yuan's said, there's no need to disturb these two kids, let
them exchange their feelings by their own, perhaps one day when they settled
their feelings already, they will return to their home with a pleasant feelings.

"I'm still a bit hungry." Gu Hai rubbed his belly.

Bai Luo Yin lightly replied, "It's hard to eat until you're full at this kind
of place."

"Do you want to buy some snacks before going back and eat it?" Gu Hai

Bai Luo Yin was heavily be on guard, "Where to?"

"Bring back to my place!" Gu Hai smirked like a gangster.

"I'm full already." Bai Luo Yin kept his distance from him.

Gu Hai feigned a pitiful expression to make things difficult for Bai Luo Yin,
"If you want to then we can go back to your place instead."

The real meaning is, if I retreat one step, then you must retreat one step too.

"You don't need to go to my house."

"Why can't I go?" Gu Hai walked two steps in a hurry and blocked Bai Luo
Yin, "Uncle called me several times and asked me to go to your home!"

"My father was just being polite, and you still think that he really meant
it." Bai Luo Yin rejected Gu Hai then continued to walk.

Gu Hai pursued Bai Luo Yin closely, "Uncle is an honest person, he would
never lies on what he said."

Bai Luo Yin stopped his steps, "Do you really want to go?"


"Then lets do this, call me a big brother, and then I'll let you go this

Gu Hai, "......"

The corner of Bai Luo Yin's mouth evoked an arrogant looks, then he raised
his hands to call a taxi.

"Don't be like this!" Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin's arm that was raised down,
"Do you have to be like this?"

Bai Luo Yin put on an uncompromising expression.

Gu Hai went silent for a while, he fixed his gaze upon Bai Luo Yin, "How
about this? If I call you 'big

brother' twice..."
"...?" Bai Luo Yin felt suspicious.

Gu Hai moved closer to Bai Luo Yin and said indecently, "Can you let me
sleep together with you in your room?"

"Even if you called me thousands times it would be useless!"

Gu Hai's evil smile broke, even after he suffered rejection, Gu Hai still
followed Bai Luo Yin from behind, and shamelessly fixed his gaze at the spot
under Bai Luo Yin's waist. Before, he never had this problem; even if a male
supermodel was in front of him, that guy wouldn't be different from a pile of
woods. But now, when he looks at Bai Luo Yin's tall figure, firm and long
legs, tight butt... he can't bear his imagination from running wild.

If one day, I could play with them as I please, won't it be as addictive as


It's a long walk, they walked for a long time.

In the past on the streets, both of them would talk about a lot of things
without being restrained, but today, no one would start to talk first. On one
side, someone is having an evil intentions, on the other side, someone's state
of mind has changed. Before the boundary is crossed, one still can deceive
oneself as well as others and have his own way. Once the boundary has been
crossed, every word and action you do became an attitude, this kind of
attitude is what determines where your relationship is heading to.

The wind blows, a piece of leaf finally fell down even after struggling on the
trees for a long time, it swept across Bai Luo Yin's face, floating towards an
unknown place.

Bai Luo Yin turned his head around and looked at Gu Hai, a leaf was hanging
on his collar.

Bai Luo Yin reached his hand out to take it off.

Gu Hai turned around and smiled at Bai Luo Yin. Gu Hai's beard stubble was
emitting a sense of youthfulness and charms under the street lights. This
flavour is very peculiar to a person around the age of 17 or 18, there's no
impurity, there's no seduction, what they see are purely each other in their

The time when Gu Hai came back to his home, he wore his old clothes, and
he looked very charming.

Bai Luo Yin couldn't bear it in his heart, how can he let such an outstanding
lad be wasted like this.

"Gu Hai, can we both still go back to the right path?" Bai Luo Yin finally
opened his mouth.

Gu Hai called his soul to return back, and asked, "What are you saying?"

"I think that our paths have gone bent, can I still pull you back to the
right path?"

"You will never be able to pull me back!" Gu Hai said without even
thinking about it, "The paths that we are on is not only bent, but it's also
dangerous. It slants at an angle of 45 degrees, on the side is a pit of poop.
There's no other choice but to lean against the wall, pick up speed and
then run forward, if we stopped even just for a bit, we definitely will fall
into the pit of poop!"

"......You really are disgusting."

Gu Hai smirked and then went back to Bai Luo Yin's home.

"Da Hai! Uncle missed you so much."

When Bai Han Qi saw Gu Hai he immediately hugged him and walked inside
the house together.

"Uncle, I missed you too." Gu Hai almost called him bluntly with 'father'.

Bai Luo Yin ignored those two crazy man, and went inside Grandma Bai's
Gu Hai strolled once on the yard, and finally went inside the kitchen.

"Uncle, I'm still hungry tonight, do you have something to eat here?"

When Bai Han Qi heard Gu Hai's question, he went inside and opened his
rice cooker, he saw that there still has nearly two bowls cooked rice left, then
he opened the refrigerator looking for something, his face was delighted.

"Fortunately we still have a plate of kidneys left, Uncle will heat it for

Just before sleep, Gu Hai squeezed his way through the door.

"Why didn't you let me to sleep together with you? Didn't we sleep
together just fine before?"

Bai Luo Yin stood firmly, "Before is before, now is now, before I used to
like you, now I don't like you anymore."

Gu Hai's face was like a steel, he didn't even take it seriously, he shamelessly
pointed his finger at Bai Luo Yin's crotch, "Are you afraid that you won't
be able to control yourself at night?"

Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai to make him get out.

After the door shut, Bai Luo Yin felt annoyed in his mind, I can't control
myself? You ate half plate of bull's pizzle, a plate of kidneys, and you still
have face to ask me that?


Translator's Note:

[1] Bull's pizzle is a dish in China and is considered to be a strong

aphrodisiac and is said to have properties similiar to Viagra, so it will
increase your sex drive.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 86


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 86: The Inquietude of Youth - An absurd love letter. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After class, Gu Hai went to the toilet, then a man sneakily ran to Bai Luo
Yin's desk.

Every student in the class had agreed for one identical opinion, if Gu Hai is
there in his desk, there is no way to easily approach Bai Luo Yin. Gu Hai's
psychological value wasn't to be compared to ordinary means, he doesn't
even consider the class as one brotherhood, since things must go the way he
wants. If a female student comes over, the expression showing in Gu Hai's
eyes will frighten her to go back. If a male student comes over once, he will
never dare to look towards that direction again.

"Bai Ge[*], please help me look after this matter."

Bai Luo Yin casted a quick glance at this man, "What's the matter?"

"I chase after one female student from neighbor class, I want to give her
a love letter, but my writing know it too, right? Every time I
write an essay, it always strays from the topic, I'm afraid if I really write
the letter myself, she will run away."

"What era is it now? You still write love letter ah...." Bai Luo Yin wasn't
interested in this matter at all.

"Because it is this era right now, only then writing love letter showed
true sincerity."

The male student bent his knee, he stealthily glanced at the doorway while
sticking his face on Bai Luo Yin's school desk, then implored in a low voice,
"Bai Ge, the two of us have been in the same class since junior high, this
is the first time I beg you for help! You see your penmanship won the
national gold medal, your articles are always on the newspaper, I really
want to borrow your typeface and writing style, what kind of girl you
can't chase after, huh?"

You Qi mocked from beside, "You should ask him to lend his face too,
then it will be even more perfect."

"You go away, what are you doing!" The boy casted a sinister glance, then
right after that changed his direction to face Bai Luo Yin with his begging
look, his palms were put together [1], then he bowed up and down with his
hands held in front, "Bai Ge, Bai Ge, please help me."

The motion of Bai Luo Yin's eyesight could be seen for a while, "You want
me to help you write love letter, right?"

"Yes..." The male student nodded his head.

"Then you will copy the letter?"

"No, I won't be copying the letter, I will send your writing. Didn't I say it
before? My writings is shabby and it's too embarrassing to show, in the
end you are the suitable one to write it."

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a bit, then nodded his head.

The male student was very happy, then at full speed he took a fragrant letter
paper from his desk, and one more slip of paper.

Gu Hai had already entered the class room from the backdoor.

The male student hurriedly sat properly on his own seat, like before he came
to Bai Luo Yin's desk.

Bai Luo Yin opened the paper, there was written some letters.

That girl's name is Dong Na.

The preparation was already sufficient, and the lack of time was also taken
into consideration.... Bai Luo Yin laughed involuntarily, and soon the smile
was replaced by surprise.

Dong Na? 12 rolls of toilet paper? [2] How can you fall for Dong Na?

Dong Na and Bai Luo Yin were in the same class for their first year of high
school, as she and Bai Luo Yin had been classmates, she would practically
recognize his hand writings.

This matter won't be easy to handle.... It seems that for a guaranteed success,
I need to add a little bit of touch in the writing style, right, this is how it's

Within one whole lesson, Bai Luo Yin wrote at a tremendous speed.

Gu Hai propped his chin in the palm of his hand, his gaze was bounded at Bai
Luo Yin's writing ability.

What is he up to? He doesn't listen to the teacher? Yet he doesn't sleep?

Gu Hai knows deeply in his heart, Bai Luo Yin doesn't have a habit of doing
homework in class.

After class, Bai Luo Yin seldom takes the initiative to turn around.

"I'm going down to buy some stuff, are you coming or not?"
After Gu Hai's confession, this was the first time Bai Luo Yin invited him to
accompany, stated by the one whom he earnestly need, is a really big
enticement. Gu Hai needed to secretly gather his enthusiasm, only then he
could squeeze out a "NO" from his teeth! But since they are simply men,
clenching teeth and tapping feet, to look distracted also means to turn down
the invitation.

After that, You Qi went in his place.

If I can't find anything on this desk, I'll have to say sorry for my heroic

Gu Hai took out the result of Bai Luo Yin's one-whole-lesson-of-struggle,

then held it before his eyes.

Consequently, not only it didn't disappoint Gu Hai, but the real hidden thing
here, wasn't any kind of something usual.

Gu Hai's heart froze for a moment, the fingertips that he used to take out the
letter trembled.

If we never meet by chance,

perhaps my mind will forever be frivolous,

if I were to let go of our entwined arms,

fear that I will regret it the rest of my life.

Your eyes, can easily make my vast mind flits across hurricane,

on infertile lands,

in the dark of the night,

trying to understand the scenery.

One long journey,

will be enough to make my frail heart wan and sallow,

a glimpse of the autumn ripples under every round moon [3],

as clear as the desired teardrops.

If I were to die,

how can I be unruffled,

how can love be uninvolved,

only need to love each other,

then life will have no regret.

Are these words written for me?

Gu Hai didn't know that these words are from the poetry of Wang Guo Zhen
[4], he misunderstood them as the ones Bai Luo Yin painstakingly wrote in
admiration for female student. Every sentence he read, was like nails jabbing
his heart, he believed that Bai Luo Yin didn't give him an explicit answer
before, was to deliberately seize him, wanted to probe his sincerity, who
thought, in spite of everything, he likes another person surreptitiously!

The shock was fiercer compared to seeing Jin Lulu went to hotel with other

At first only the mood was influenced, but the latter also affected the most
fragile part of the heart.

Gu Hai took a deep breath for several times, then with difficulties he put his
gloomy face aside.

Being apart from Bai Luo Yin for a short time, this time, I will raise my
power as a husband! In the realm of Gu Hai's emotion, he was determined to
stop this matter from emerging out, but only seeing Bai Luo Yin be perfectly
happy just won't do!
Gu Hai also took another piece of paper from under Bai Luo Yin's well-
written letter paper, held it himself, and he saw the girl's name, then started to
write the attack, with shameful and sharp words. Afterwards, he put a letter
written by himself squeezed in the beautiful envelope and tore the one Bai
Luo Yin wrote.

Bai Luo Yin came back, the envelope was still lying intact in the school desk.

Then he tossed a bag of pistachio towards Gu Hai's desk.

Gu Hai's heart almost cracked! After such things you've done to me, you still
want to make me happy?

Bai Luo Yin took out the letter paper then looked at it for a bit, only to check
the name, but didn't check the content, because the hand writings were so
similar, Bai Luo Yin sighed silently in his heart, just now I obviously paid
attention to my handwriting style, how come after writing for some time it
changed back to the way before? Let it be then, reckoning the very carefree
nature of Dong Na, she will be unable to spot the details.

Bai Luo Yin wrote the boy's name neatly on the envelope, there was still
some minutes before class ended, he quickly ran outside, then he delivered
the letter to Dong Na.

This eager and anxious movement yet again stung Gu Hai's heart.

For the whole lesson, he pulled his hair up at the back of the class, even if he
could counterfeit the love letter, but the one Bai Luo Yin likes in his heart
cannot be counterfeited...!

The bell rang as the class was finished, just as the class was about to stir
restlessly, a wail could be heard from the backdoor.

"Who is Guan Da Zhi? Bring him out to me!"

The boy, seeing Dong Na called his name herself, walked excitedly yet
awkwardly like a marching soldier [5].

Who would've thought that Dong Na would slap Guan Da Zhi in his face, one
really loud slap, only breathing sound was heard as the class went silent in a
flash. Guan Da Zhi couldn't think the reason, why his love letter was
exchanged with a slap in his face! Even if you don't like me, you shouldn't
have insulted me like this!

"And you also, Bai Luo Yin!" Dong Na cried like she was out of breath,
"Both of us were classmate.... back in year one, you unexpectedly helped
him to trick me, helped me to be a fool!"

"A fool?" Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded.

Gu Hai also heard without knowing what was happening.

"Don't pretend anymore! Don't think that I couldn't recognize it was

your writing! I, Dong Na, experienced what you call 'shameless'! If I
didn't scold you for now, my surname isn't Dong anymore! [6]"

As Gu Hai heard what she said, he stood up beside Bai Luo Yin like a hero.

"Are you done yet? If you're done then get lost!"

Dong Na wiped her tears, then tossed the "Love letter" to Bai Luo Yin's body,
and cried while running outside.

After the farce event passed, Bai Luo Yin felt that there had to be someone
among them who caused the problem, he opened the crappy-mushed-kneaded
letter paper again, carefully read the content written there.

Only a few words, Bai Luo Yin's face blackened.

No need to say anything, such kind of handwriting which really looked

similar, such kind of shameful and sharp language, it must be the bestowment
from the person behind him.

After class ended, Bai Luo Yin turned his body around, and shot Gu Hai with
his swift and fierce expression.

"You secretly changed the content, don't you?"

Gu Hai admitted naturally, "Yes!"

Bai Luo Yin was really angry that he smashed the desk immediately, "How
can you ruins things like this? Does it hinder you from anything?"

"You asked what it hinders me from?" Gu Hai's gaze didn't move even the
slightest, "You wrote a love letter for a girl, for me not to care about it,
you have to oppose the heaven first!"

Bai Luo Yin nearly couldn't open his mouth, he understood, he thoroughly
understood the situation.

"That love letter was the one Guan Da Zhi asked me to write for Dong

After a bellow, what follows was Gu Hai's long silence.

He came back from the death door slowly as happiness filled his heart, the
nerve that was suffering from the pent-up frustrations for two whole class
jumped and celebrated, so actually he didn't write the love letter for Dong Na,
the letter he wrote was for helping another male student. After drinking the
two-class-worth of "medicine" [7], at last there was someone who could give
him candied jujube, how can Gu Hai be not cocky? Just now he was still
loaded full in hatred, then suddenly it felt like it was applied a sweet honey,
he rubbed the brilliant cheeks of Bai Luo Yin in tenderly feeling that was
permeating in the air.

"Why you didn't say it earlier?"

Bai Luo Yin hatefully gnashed his teeth, he immediately took away Gu Hai's
hand, then scolded, "You still dare to smile! You already did an immoral
action yet you can still smile?"

"What immoral action did I do? I tell you, if it was really a letter for
another girl, I wrote those words only to show mercy!" The color of Gu
Hai's face went back as before, "Even if it was Guan Da Zhi's request for
you to write the letter, what can I do since I had made things worse?
Who lets him to make you tired? He himself chased the girl but didn't
start the work? Such a deceptive person, you shouldn't help him!"

Bai Luo Yin himself felt unable to communicate with Gu Hai, then he carried
his bag and walked outside.

Translator's Note:

[*] Bai Ge means Brother Bai (referring to Bai Luo Yin).

[1] His palms were put together refers to putting his palm joined together,
like someone who's praying.

[2] Dong Na? 12 rolls of toilet paper? remember the girl who gave You Qi a
bag of tissue?

[3] A glimpse of the autumn ripples under every round moon: I don't know
how to translate this one! But the dictionary says that it refers to a beautiful
eye of a girl.......actually I don't know how to translate the whooooooooole
poetry since I'm not good with words..please bear with me Q_Q

[4] Wang Guozhen (22 June 1956 - 26 April 2015) was a Chinese poet. (from

[5] walking like marching soldier 顺� : the term used here is shun4 guai3.
This term depicts a situation in which he walks and draw his left leg and right
and forward together then his right leg with left hand forward together and so

[6] surname: Chinese name is usually constituted for 2-3 individual Chinese
character... the first one being their family name. For Dong Na, Dong is her
family name.

[7] "medicine" : CJD wrote 黄连 (Huang2 lian2) that means Chinese
goldthread (Coptis chinensis), rhizome used in medicine...... I don't know the
true implicit meaning of this one..but in this case, it must be the superstition
of Gu Hai! LOL
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 87


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 87: The Inquietude of Youth - The perverse instincts were

revealed once more. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Come here!" Gu Hai dragged Bai Luo Yin with one pull, both overbearing
and doting expressions were mingling inside his eyes, "Let me tell you,
don't throw a temper tantrum at me just because of this kind of petty

Bai Luo Yin was fuming, "Gu Hai, it's not just once or twice, don't you
think that you've meddled too much? I haven't done anything with you,
right? Look at the situation right now, when the students in the class see
me, they immediately took a detour, afraid that they would provoke the
almighty you."

Gu Hai slightly recoiled his gaze, "So you mean, are you intending to start
something with me?"

Great... I've said so much yet every single word are all rubbish to him, the
only thing he heard is the useless thing.
Bai Luo Yin agitatedly drew out a cigarette.

After looking for a long time, he couldn't find his lighter. The male student
beside him motioned to light his cigarette, however Gu Hai stopped him. Gu
Hai took a lighter to light his own cigarette, then he used the stub of his
cigarette to kiss Bai Luo Yin's end of cigarette, taking his time to light Bai
Luo Yin's cigarette.

The male student beside blatantly stared at them.

"What are you looking at?"

Gu Hai blew a puff of smoke towards the male student, causing him to choke
and cough.

The male student left, leaving Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai alone inside the room.

"Yin Zi, the words you said just now, is it to confirm whether there's still
hope between the two of us?"

"Gu Hai, haven't you had enough?" Bai Luo Yin frowned, "I said those
things because I want to remind you. I don't care if you want to stir up
trouble at home, but don't you dare take your problems to school.
There's a lot of eyes watching us! Do you still want us to hang out
together in the future? Just take today as an example, do you realize
what kind of gossip it would create? Tell me, how am I supposed to
behave in front of Guan Da Zhi now?"

Gu Hai took his cigarette with trembling hands, "So you won't mind if I stir
up trouble at home, are you telling me the truth?"

Aargh!! Bai Luo Yin roared madly in his heart, someone please help me put
away this demon!

"Grandma, this is the new massage chair that I bought for you. You'll
feel very comfortable leaning on this chair. It can treat your lower and
upper backbone, and it can also relieve your fatigue and help you to
relax... It's most suitable for an elderly like you."

"This is really good, isn't it #Y%?"

"It's not that expensive."

"Grandpa, I bought you a device for cerebral thrombosis treatment, it's

is very convenient and easy to use. Take a look at this button, you can
start the device simply by pressing this button. If you're already done,
then just turn it off."

"Will there be any electrical leakage?"

"Not at all, this is absolutely safe."

"Uncle! Last time, you mentioned that you wanted to renovate the toilet
and bathroom. I've already contacted an interior design company, it's
nearby this neighborhood and I've asked around, their price is the
cheapest one."

"Auntie, your son has just started primary school, right? I've bought a
learning machine, please give this to him, it's for him to play as he like."

These past few days, Gu Hai had nothing to do, so he purchased things for his
house. Huge things such as wardrobe, washing machine, sports equipment...
Small things such as bolster, storage boxes, hand warmer... There's nothing
that Gu Hai couldn't buy, only things that other people wouldn't expect. A
row of ointment was arranged on top of the windowsill, salves for fresh skin
treatment, acne, asthma, rhinitis, inflammation, and medicine to raise your
vital energy.... Everything was clearly classified, that particular all-purpose
hemorrhoid cream had been completely sacked.

Bai Luo Yin was sticking his shoes inside the room, the glues he used were
all bought by Gu Hai.

"Here, let me help you, this glue is very sticky. It's not easy to be washed
off if it spills to your hands." Gu Hai stretched out his hand.

"No need!" Bai Luo Yin used his leg to shove Gu Hai away, "Just mind
your own business, I can glue it by myself."

Gu Hai squatted beside Bai Luo Yin, observing his masculine hands bustling
about, cautiously pinching the tube of glue, daubing it a bit, then smearing it
a little... The work were divided evenly between his five fingers, very
coordinated and harmonious, there's no trace of spilled glue. The mouth of
the glue tube was clean and neat, not a drop of glue was wasted.

Bai Luo Yin was very engrossed with his work that when he lifted his
eyelids, he just realized that Gu Hai was also looking at him with the same

"From now on, you don't need to queue anymore when buying medicines
for grandma. I've already notified the hospital to arrange a fixed date for
grandma's medical check-up. When the time comes, a specialist will
deliver the medications. This is their phone number, you'll only need to
contact them and set the date, then it's already settled."

Bai Luo Yin scowled, "I refuse, I'd rather queue by myself. I don't want
to trouble other people."

"What do you mean by troubling him?" Gu Hai actually managed to

squeeze the business card into Bai Luo Yin's hand, "It's his job. Even if you
don't contact him, he'll contact you on his own."

Bai Luo Yin pointed at Gu Hai's forehead with his hand, "I'll tell you this,
don't you use the family card on me!"

Gu Hai laughed, "How did you know?"

Only an idiot can't see through it! Bai Luo Yin's heart is like a clear mirror, so
recently, Gu Hai has learnt to think smart. He no longer handle things on his
own, instead he especially tried to capture the hearts of his family, so that Bai
Luo Yin will feel sorry in his heart. Everyone knows well that Bai Luo Yin's
weak point is his family, it could be said that this guy truly seizes every
available opportunity!

"There's a big pimple growing on my forehead, help me to squeeze it!"

Gu Hai suddenly butted his forehead against Bai Luo Yin's chest.

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai's fringes aside and looked at it for a moment.
Indeed, there is a big pimple.

"It's not ripe yet! Wait until it's ripe enough before squeezing it."

Bai Luo Yin evoked an amusing smile from Gu Hai, "You even
differentiate whether this thing is ripe or not?"

"Of course." Bai Luo Yin assumed a mock-serious manner, "If you squeeze
it when it's unripe, it will bleed, so it won't heal easily."

"No problem, just squeeze it for me, I can't bear it anymore."

Gu Hai sat on the chair aside, forcing Bai Luo Yin to walk towards him.

Both of his thumbs were settled on the pimple in the middle of Gu Hai's
forehead, squeezing lightly. Seeing no reaction at all from Gu Hai, he started
to use more strength. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze... then, blood flowed out, yet
Gu Hai didn't give out any response, his eyes were fixed upon the outline of
Bai Luo Yin's waist and abdomen, admiring him up and down. Afterwards,
his hand stretched out.

As expected, his face is thick enough that even though he has bled so much,
he doesn't react at all...

Bai Luo Yin was thinking, when all of a sudden, he felt someone forcefully
kneading his butt. His body abruptly went taut, aiming his fierce eyes at Gu
Hai. The main culprit took on a euphoric expression, his wicked palms were
gently stroking at those full, elastic and perfectly round bums. A moment
later, they trailed along the sexy curve of his waist and started to push them

"Do you have some kind of a death wish?"

Bai Luo Yin snarled and hauled Gu Hai's collars, while Gu Hai grasped at his
arms. Both of them tussled for a while, falling down together on the bed. Gu
Hai's breath immediately turned heavy and loud.
Bai Luo Yin's heartbeat began to quicken, his vision suddenly became blurry.

Gu Hai let out an evil and lustful smile, gnawing at Bai Luo Yin like a
ravenous wolf. Since the last forceful kiss, Gu Hai had been yearning for this
kind of taste, yet Bai Luo Yin never gave him any chance to come close.
Hence, Gu Hai could only swallow his saliva secretly. But today, he couldn't
hold it back any longer. Even if after this, he must suffer a brick wall between
the two of them, he will accept it.

His mind had been bewitched ever since the first kiss. All along, Gu Hai had
always believed that kissing is only a foreplay to love making, nothing more.
However, the feeling when he kissed with Bai Luo Yin was obviously
different. Every time his tongue breached Bai Luo Yin's mouth, he felt as if
he owned the entire world.

Bai Luo Yin was on the verge of pulling Gu Hai's hair off, a weird sensation
ilnside his heart. When he introspected himself and his feelings, truthfully, he
really couldn't reject it, to the extent that it actually felt a little bit...

How can this be?

Why is this world so messed up?

Gu Hai's rhythmic chest was glued to Bai Luo Yin's arm. Bai Luo Yin could
sense his impatience, frantic and predatory. Every time Bai Luo Yin resisted,
and no matter how tight he pulled at his hair, it only increased Gu Hais's urge
to screw him.

The jacket was abruptly pulled off, exposing the T-shirt inside. Gu Hai's hand
groped within.

Bai Luo Yin's heart nearly burst open, he felt his own lower abdomen went
cold. His arms started to fight desperately, to the point of using his whole
strength to yank down Gu Hai's head above him.

"Stop it!"
A pair of sharp swords darted from Bai Luo Yin's pupil. He didn't know
whether his own voice was to warn Gu Hai or to warn himself.

Gu Hai's breathing was violent, his hands remained at Bai Luo Yin's chest,
right on top of his nipples, and he really wanted to touch it.

"Da Hai, Yin Zi, let's eat!"

All of a sudden, Bai Han Qi shouted, causing both of them to become

motionless at once.

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai away persistently, tidying his own clothes and
calming down his breathing for a moment, then walked out.

At night, before sleep, Gu Hai reclined in his own guilt, his bulge below was
protruding. It had yet to erect fully, but that strong, enormous bulge could
easily scare people off.

"Hey, Yin Zi, that thing of yours is very soft, right?"

Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes, not paying any attention to this beast in heat.

Gu Hai couldn't bear to rub his palms along, barbarously using his foot to rub
Bai Luo Yin's butt that was covered the blanket.

"Are you sensitive here? When I touched you today, do you feel

Bai Luo Yin turned around to punch at Gu Hai's stomach twice, "Are you
done or not? Can you stop disturbing me?"

"Luckily, you didn't aim lower, or else my thing would've been broken."

In other words, I'm... hard...

Bai Luo Yin's face whizzed as if he was burned, turning his back
uncomfortably, he ignored Gu Hai. Who can be comfortable talking about
this kind of things? A pervert jerking off behind your back, teasing you
indecently, involving you in his sexual fantasy. It won't be as bad if he didn't
speak frankly, they are both men, what do they have to hide? Yet, this pervert
doesn't only act indecent, but his mouth is even more filthy. He literally told
you everything. Isn't he just humiliating you on purpose?
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 88


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 88: The Inquietude of Youth – It's really embarrassing to

show! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama “Addicted” was adapted from this novel.


Fang Fei walked out from the office building and she saw Gu Hai’s car
parked down there.

She waved her hand towards Gu Hai.

Gu Hai smiled and then he rolled the car window down.

“It’s been a really long time since the last time I saw you, where did you
go these days?” Fang Fei said while opening the door on the right side of the
car and sat inside.

“I didn’t go anywhere, just two places, school and home.”

“Go home?” Fang Fei was surprised all of a sudden.

“So, the cold war between you and your father has already ended?”
“I didn’t go back to that house.”

“You’re still living at your new place?”

Gu Hai only smiled, not saying anything else.

Fang Fei fixed her gaze on Gu Hai, “Are there any good things happening
recently? You always seem very happy inside…..”

“What good things could happen to me?” Gu Hai tapped his fingers
against the steering wheel rhythmically, “Even if there is, there are still
some things that make me extremely anxious!”

Fang Fei’s expression became restless, “Don’t tell me that you came here
because you want to seek for my help? I knew it, if you came here it’s
never going to be a good thing.”

“No.” Gu Hai replied firmly, “I just want to discuss something with you.”

“Discuss something?” There was a hint of suspicion on Fang Fei’s

expression, “Jin Lu Lu came back to find you again?”

“It barely has anything to do with her.”

“Look, I guess it’s really because of her, can you be a little bit more
resolute? She’s that kind of person…..”

“Stop.” Gu Hai raised one of his hands up, “It really isn’t because of her.”

“Then, what happened?”

There was a hint of arrogance upon Gu Hai’s handsome face that appeared
before her eyes, as if the sentences he’s going to say will bring him a lot of

“The one I like right now is a guy.”

Fang Fei’s eyeballs almost fly out from the car window.
“No… Xiao Hai, stop fooling around. Tell me the truth…” Fang Fei
spoke incoherently, her hand kept on prodding at Gu Hai’s strong body
nonstop, “How can you be like ‘that’? You see, you’re very manly, even if
I were to pick someone randomly on the street, he won’t be as manly as

Gu Hai sneered, “Maybe I have way too much male hormones, woman
just can’t satisfy me anymore.”

Fang Fei laughed, “Boy, you’re only scaring me right? Jin Lu Lu hit you
hard and now you’re taking a revenge on the society, right?”

“…. I’m telling you the truth.”

Fang Fei’s laughter gradually stiffened, her eyes were fixed on Gu Hai for a
while. She saw that Gu Hai’s face became more and more imposing, with no
intention to joke at all, she suddenly felt helpless.

“You… Actually, what happened to you?”

“I’ll tell you after we go back.”


Fang Fei poured a cup of coffee for Gu Hai, she placed it on top of the sofa,
she looked at Gu Hai with a face full of worries.

“I also don’t know why I like him so much. I’m sure my sexual
orientation is normal. I’ve never been interested in another guy while
walking on the street. But it’s not like that when it comes to him. If I
were to be separated from him even just for one day, I will miss him. I
miss him so much that I won’t be able to sleep at night. I just want to
treat him well, treat him well unconditionally, I wish I could put the
entire world into his hands.”

“This guy really has a lot of charms!”

Once Bai Luo Yin’s charms was mentioned, Gu Hai talked so much like a
chatterbox, as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn’t stop. He told Fang
Fei again all the things that he said to others for countless times, he spoke
extravagantly [1] and with a high spirit. It was as if Bai Luo Yin is the most
almighty person in the entire world, and between all living creatures in the
three realms of heavens, earth, and hell, Bai Luo Yin is second to none.

Fang Fei had completely turned into a stone.

After all these years, being Gu Hai’s cousin, she had never seen Gu Hai being
possessed completely like this, not to mention that Gu Hai even praised
someone so much like this, it’s really strange. It’s exactly this kind of
expression, this kind of attitude, that caused Fang Fei to become

Who is this guy? He successfully made my little brother became to go crazy

like this!

“What’s wrong with all these guys now? Letting go of such a beautiful
woman, but insisting on being together with another guy.”

“All?” Gu Hai slanted his gaze towards Fang Fei, “There’s another guy
close to you who’s like this too?”

“Not only that, but there are so many guys like that. Did you forget? I’m
working at the communication media field, I engaged with the media for
the whole day, I saw a lot of them. Someone whom I knew well, who is
also my best friend’s ex-boyfriend, I don’t know what’s wrong with him,
but suddenly he’s with another guy already. He’s feeling anxious all the
time too, his parents urged him to go steady quickly, but he still hold on
to another guy all day long, that’s why he feels very anxious! You too, it
serves you right!”

Gu Hai moved his lips, “I’m not anxious because of this.”

Fang Fei’s expression was slightly sluggish, “Then, why?”

“He didn’t accept me.”

“So, you disturbed me for half day just because he doesn’t like you back!
What were you actually doing with that blind fool?” The term that Fang
Fei used made Gu Hai felt like half of his life spirit had gone.

Gu Hai’s face changed, “It’s not like he doesn’t like me too, he just
doesn’t accept me, I feel that he has some feelings towards me too.”

“I can’t help you with this. I don’t want to mislead you since I am not
familiar with it. If my aunt knew, she’d definitely come to find me…..”
Fang Fei whispered in a small voice.

“Let’s do this then, call your best friend that you told me about earlier
and ask him to come here. I’ll talk with him.”


“Both of you can just talk here, I’ll go.”

Fang Fei grabbed a cup of coffee and then went back to her own bedroom.

A tall and handsome guy sat in front of Gu Hai, they were sitting across each
other, they didn’t even seem like they wanted to chat, it’s more like they
wanted to fight.

“So what you mean is, he allowed you to live at his house, and he doesn’t
refuse to sleep on the same bed with you?”

Gu Hai nodded his head, “Yes, our relationship is just like what I just told
you earlier. It’s good enough, and also quite intimate. But he just didn’t
let me touch him nor didn’t admit that he likes me too.”

“What’s there to admit?” That guy raised his lips and smiled, “Hasn’t he
admitted it already?”

Gu Hai’s eyes focused on that guy’s thin lips, he liked what he just heard.

“Since he heard your confession already, and he showed no sign of

rejection or any kind of expression, it just proved that he’d accepted it at
the bottom of his heart. Think about it, if you were a straight guy and
another guy confessed his feelings to you, wouldn’t you turn hostile
towards him? Will you still allow him to live at your house? Of course
you will be scared and avoid him! I’m not saying that he’s abnormal,
what I mean is that he accepted you already. Perhaps, he already knew
about it since long time ago, he simply pretended not to know about it
and played with you deliberately.”

“Actually, I understand what you just said, but the problem is…..”

“He doesn’t let you to touch him?” That guy finished Gu Hai’s words.

Gu Hai stood up and then shook his hands.

“Actually this problem, it’s hard to resolve this problem, the key
depends on you.”

Gu Hai waited patiently for his instruction.

“Just four words, ‘only if you dare!’”

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes slightly.


Monday afternoon, a physical examination would be held at the school.

You Qi fiddled with his clothes zipper while blurting out whatever came into
his mind: “I heard that one of the physical examination this time required us
to take off the clothes completely, 20 students per one checkup room, that
part of every student needs to be checked.”

Bai Luo Yin seemed to be ignorant, but he was actually trying to conceal his
distraught mind.

After class, Bai Luo Yin went to look for the vice class leader, he was in
charge of all the matters regarding the physical examination.

“Please don’t put Gu Hai and I in one group during the physical
“Why?” He was surprised, “You have a very good relationship with Gu
Hai, right? I intentionally arranged both of you together in a one

“….” Bai Luo Yin facepalmed, “You don’t need know, just don’t put me
in one group together with him.”

“Come, let’s go to do the examination.” Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yin’s


Bai Luo Yin replied lightly, “We’re not in the same group, our group will
go there after class.”

Gu Hai’s complexion changed. “There’s no class anyway, let’s just go

together. If you wait inside the classroom, you will feel so bored!”

“I’m a little bit sleepy, I’ll sleep first.”

After Bai Luo Yin finished his words, he immediately laid his face on top of
his desk.

Gu Hai had no choice but to walk away.

Arriving at the gym, he saw the students from another class walking out in
groups, while discussing about that ‘thing’. Gu Hai then realized that the
examination inside required to check ‘that part’ as well. No wonder that boy
doesn’t want to be together with me in one group, he definitely knew about
this in advance! Gu Hai was upset, but he was also pleased, do you think that
if I just miss this one opportunity to see it, then I won’t be able to see it at
all? I can just strip you off tonight! Little boy, you’re really making it difficult
for me.

Bai Luo Yin was just barely slouching inside the class, when the vice class
leader went inside and called everyone.

“The previous group is almost finished, the next group must go quickly.
Because there are so many classes doing the physical examination
together, so the queue has become so long. I was looking for the group
with the least people, after I checked it, the genitals checkup is the

Countless coughs and whistles could be heard inside the classroom, every girl
inside the class blushed, why do the guys still need to do check up on that

When Bai Luo Yin went down, the previous group still hadn’t finished their
examination yet, they were queuing outside the genitals checkup room.

Gu Hai turned his head, and winked at Bai Luo Yin from a distance.

Bai Luo Yin was aware of it, but he simply ignored Gu Hai’s troublesome

“Class 27, please enter right away.”

Bai Luo Yin fixed his gaze on Gu Hai who entered the room, then the door
closed firmly, Bai Luo Yin let out a sigh of relief.

Gu Hai was the first one to take his trousers off.

Ten seconds later, the examination room’s door suddenly opened, then seven
or eight students ran out from the room.

You Qi was bewildered, “Why did your examination ended so fast?”

One student among them gestured at his crotch, there was fear upon his face,
“I’ll just wait until the next group, this is really embarrassing to show!”

Several students recoiled their heads and scurried off to the very back of the

As a result, the physician walked outside, and said with wrinkled eyebrows,
“Why does this group only has a few students? Some of you, come

Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded.

The physician pointed at Bai Luo Yin’s side and said, “I mean you guys,
why are you still not moving, hurry up!”

Translator’s Note:

[1] ‘he spoke extravagantly’: the literal translation of ‘extravagantly’ is ‘like

flowers cascading from the sky’ or ‘like a deluge of heavenly flowers’,
meaning Gu Hai praised Bai Luo Yin so much with extravagant elaboration.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 89


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 89: The Inquietude of Youth – The physical examination

CRISIS continues. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama “Addicted” was adapted from this novel.


The male students were divided into three lines, Bai Luo Yin was glad
because he stood behind Gu Hai, with Gu Hai’s back facing himself. The
physician walked around the male students, carefully examining their
growing state, attempting to uncover the high estrogen secretion level inside
their body.

“You, come here.”

One short and small student with blushing face walked into a small room

You Qi asked Bai Luo Yin in a small voice, “What happened to him?”

Bai Luo Yin told You Qi calmly, “Two eggs, one big one small.”

You Qi chuckled.
Gu Hai turned around and looked at those two guys behind him, “Why are
you two so happy?”

When You Qi saw the thing that hangs from Gu Hai’s lower body, the smile
on his face stiffened in a flash, he shifted his gaze elsewhere. Fuck! Now, I
understand why those guys ran out just now, supposed if this guy’s thing
erects, just imagine how magnificent it will be! Really, if I keep on comparing
our things, it’ll only make me angry! You Qi’s brain had already played so
many vulgar pictures; if Gu Hai’s thing penetrating a little girl with a
matchstick-like body, said girl would definitely vomit on the spot!

The physician examined the students from behind, until the moment he
reached Bai Luo Yin, he smiled and patted his back.

“Little boy, your body is not bad, you can become a pilot!”

The magnesium lights focused on the thing between Bai Luo Yin’s legs, Bai
Luo Yin calmly let everyone see it, what kind of man who isn’t happy to
show off his own thing! However, he only has one exception, when Bai Luo
Yin encountered those wretched eyes, he really wished he could gouge his
eyeballs out.

When the physician arrived at Gu Hai, he immediately held his breath.

This kid, not only his lower part is frightening, but his expression is very
frightening too.

The physician didn’t dare to examine it carefully, he just walked away from
Gu Hai’s side.

After school, some students were gathering together and gossiping happily at
the backdoor.

“Did you hear? Today, after the physical examination had just finished,
that male physician was beaten up!”

“Hahaha.. Really? Why?”

“Why, you say? It’s definitely because he hurt someone’s self-esteem!

Think about it, everyone who’s growing badly got called alone to the
small room, while the other students saw it all, couldn’t he just do it in

“It makes sense.”

Bai Luo Yin was tidying his school bag, he was just about to go back, when
suddenly he heard the vice class leader calling him from behind.

“Bai Luo Yin, there’s something I need to tell you, is it convenient to talk

Bai Luo Yin walked out from the class, and the vice class leader lead him to a
boiler room, there were only two of them inside.

“About this, you should prepare yourself mentally first, it’s not certain
yet, it’s just a suspicion of this possibility….”

Bai Luo Yin just simply uttered two words, “Say it!”

The vice class leader looked around for a short while, then he whispered to
Bai Luo Yin: “They drew your blood on today’s examination, right? It’s
to examine your liver, your test results came out as positive, it’s…. they
suspect it’s hepatitis B. Of course, it’s not certain, maybe it’s just
hepatitis B virus carrier, it’s not only you in our class, there are two
more students! All of you are still suspected cases, go to the hospital to do
a further checkup.”

Bai Luo Yin’s face changed, “How can it be? I did the examination during
the first year of high school, there wasn’t any problem back then!”

“This… You know it too, liver disease is contagious, maybe you came
into contact with a hepatitis B patient, so you’re infected.”

“But, I’ve had immunization injection!”

“It’s not effective! Just now, I went to those two, they’re the same with
you, they had immunization too, but they still have this problem. About
this thing, you’d better go to the hospital to make a definite diagnosis, if
you found out early, then you can treat it early, and maybe it can be
cured. Don’t worry, I won’t tell this to the other students.”

After he said that he walked away, and only Bai Luo Yin was left alone in the
room, dumbfounded.

Gu Hai waited for Bai Luo Yin inside the class for a long time, but he didn’t
see Bai Luo Yin coming back at all, then he went to the boiler room to search
for Bai Luo Yin, but he couldn’t find him too. He tidied

Bai Luo Yin’s bag then closed the door and walked out.

Finally, Gu Hai found Bai Luo Yin on the field.

“School has finished, you’re not going back home, what are you doing,
sitting here on the field?” Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin didn’t say a word, his face looked a little miserable.

Gu Hai sensed something weird, then he squatted down and looked at Bai
Luo Yin, “What happened?”

“Nothing. I just want to stay here for a while.”

Gu Hai teased Bai Luo Yin, “Just because I looked ‘there’ a couple of
times, now you became unhappy?”

“Get lost!” Bai Luo Yin’s face darkened.

Gu Hai smirked, and he pulled Bai Luo Yin with his hand, “Get up, it’s not
good to sit on the field during this season, it’s too cold, let’s go! Go home
with me!”

Bai Luo Yin let out a long sigh, “I don’t want to go home.”

As far as Gu Hai can remember, there were only two times when Bai Luo
Yin didn’t want to go home.

The last time was when his family background was exposed by the rich kid,
this time he didn’t know what the reason is, but the problem must be
serious. This guy looks tough outside, but he actually has a sensitive heart.

“Why don’t you want to go back? Can you talk about it to me?” Gu Hai
made his expression look a little more affectionate as much as possible.

Bai Luo Yin instantly refused, “I can’t.”

“But, you can’t just keep sitting here! Come! Let’s go to my place!”

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a while, but he still got up and left the school with
Gu Hai.

On the way home, Bai Luo Yin thought about a lot of things, people are
always like this, whenever they have something looming above their heads,
they would always think that it’s not a problem. Now that there is such a
possibility, every anxiety and worry came. Women usually keep tossing
around because they think too much, they think about everything very
thoroughly, while men usually feels uneasy because they think too far, they
think very deep.

Especially for men at their age, they’re still immature, or half-mature, their
thoughts keep on swaying, it’s so easy for them to get emotional over little
things, they somewhat lacked rationality, unable to process everything
thoroughly and calmly.

Bai Luo Yin thought about it, supposed if I really have that disease, then
what’s going to happen to my father? There are two sick people already in
the house, both with incurable disease, they need to keep taking medicines for
life. If I need it too, how will my father keep on living? What kind of job will I
get with this kind of disease, and how big the restriction it will bring! All of
my great plans for the future, does it have to be ruined like this?…..

“Yin Zi, I’ll really bring you to my place.”

Bai Luo Yin was constantly immersed in his own thoughts that he didn’t hear
any of Gu Hai’s words at all.
It was a long journey, by the time they parked their vehicle, the sky had
turned completely dark.

Bai Luo Yin then realized that he had been brought to Gu Hai’s place, but it
doesn’t matter, when a person suffered a huge hit, he no longer cares about
these trivial things in life.

Gu Hai opened his refrigerator and took some frozen dumplings out.

“I only have these, you can eat it.”

Gu Hai had already asked the housekeeper to go back, so he could only cook
it by himself. He didn’t know how long he should cook it, so he just tasted it
without stopping. Not even three minutes since he put it on the pot, he had
started to taste it, after he tasted it a few more times, and he finally felt that it
was fully cooked, he turned off the fire in hurry.

Gu Hai passed a bowl to Bai Luo Yin.

“Eat the dumplings while they are still hot.”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t even move, his eyes continued to stare at the scenery
outside the window. This is the 18th floor, the view is very vast, even the
nightscape from faraway is plainly visible.

“You even want me to feed you?” Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin while

Bai Luo Yin didn’t give an answer.

Gu Hai patiently took one dumpling, he bit half of it, and then passed the
other half near Bai Luo Yin’s mouth.

“Baby, come on, open your mouth, eat this.”

Bai Luo Yin stared at Gu Hai without any expression, then he suddenly said:
“I have hepatitis B.”

Gu Hai’s hand that was holding the ladle paused for a while, and then he
asked: “Who told you that?”

“The vice class leader, he said that the test results had come out, it seems
that there’s something abnormal with my liver, they suspect it’s hepatitis

Gu Hai only replied carelessly, “Don’t listen to his nonsense, he has no

idea about what he said! Come on, eat this dumpling first, if you don’t
eat it then it’s going to be cold!”

Bai Luo Yin suddenly got angry, he just started to flare up at Gu Hai without
any sign.

“Isn’t it you who is clueless? I told you already that I have hepatitis B,
but you still want to eat with the same chopsticks and bowl with me, do
you want to die?”

Gu Hai’s expression also changed, he firmly stuffed the half-eaten dumpling

into Bai Luo Yin’s mouth, and then he used the chopsticks that Bai Luo Yin
had just used to take another dumpling and eat it himself.

Bai Luo Yin’s heart stopped for a short while, “Gu Hai, do you really have
to go this far for me?

“It’s not about how far I will go for you, but it’s just impossible for you
to have this disease.”

“I have it!” Bai Luo Yin raised his eyebrows, “I said I have it, so I have

This kid, why is he so stubborn?

“Okay, okay… You have it…” Gu Hai grinded his teeth, “But, just let it go
for today and entertain me, just do it however you want to do it, I’ll be
together with you, okay?”

“You’re an idiot!” Bai Luo Yin shouted.

“Yes, I’m an idiot!” Gu Hai shouted back at Bai Luo Yin, “Today, I’ll let
you see what an idiot can see but you can’t! You think that you’re sick,
right? You don’t want to hear anything else anyway, right? Okay, I will
cure you completely today, I will take all of your disease away!”

After he said that, he held one dumpling in his mouth and then he passed it to
Bai Luo Yin, mouth-to-mouth. Bai Luo Yin clenched his teeth tightly, but Gu
Hai used his hands to pull them apart with force, until he actually stuffed half
of them inside.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 90


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 90: The Inquietude of Youth – One crazy night. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Anger and affection intertwined deep inside Bai Luo Yin’s eyes, he felt like
he went to the wrong place, if he knew earlier that Gu Hai would adopt this
kind of attitude towards him, he would rather go back to his own home.

Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin stood up and walked towards the door, he
pulled him firmly yet carefully, how can I forget this? He’s open to
persuasion, but not to coercion, if someone had this kind of problem, who
would be calm still? Now is exactly the time when he needs my consolation
the most, why do I keep pressuring him?

“Yin Zi.”

Gu Hai chased him with large strides, then embraced him at the doorway.

“Don’t be scared, it’s okay, listen to me, Saturday let’s go to the hospital
to do the check up, I’m sure there won’t be anything wrong.”
Bai Luo Yin’s voice was somewhat low and sad, “Can you guarantee it?”

“I can!” Gu Hai turned Bai Luo Yin’s body around, forcing him to look at
himself, “What I said is really accurate, if I say that you don’t have any
disease, that means you definitely don’t have any disease!”

Although he knew that Gu Hai was only comforting him, but Bai Luo Yin
felt much better in his mind.

Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yin’s head, “Be a good boy, and eat the

“Then just in case, today you can’t get close to me.”

Gu Hai hasn’t ate the dumplings yet but he choked already, I can’t get close
with you? Then why do you think I brought you here?

After they ate the dinner, Bai Luo Yin took a bath, and Gu Hai was watching
TV outside.

He was supposed to watch TV, but the volume is not louder than the sound of
water coming from inside the bathroom, Gu Hai’s eyes couldn’t stay on the
TV for more than 5 seconds without taking a glance at the bathroom door.
Indistinct sound of the water can be heard one moment, and then paused the
next. The visual of Bai Luo Yin showering keeps appearing inside Gu Hai’s
brain, now he definitely took his underpants off already, now he should be
rubbing his back, now he should be washing the foams from his body, right?
There’s no sounds for a while now, is he washing ‘that’ place?…..

Gu Hai’s hand scratched the sofa cushion.

After Bai Luo Yin finished his bath, he wrapped himself in a bath towel and
went out.

“Do you have any spare pyjamas here?” Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai returned from his deep thoughts, “Yes, I have one in my room, just
wait here, I’ll take it for you.”
Bai Luo Yin went inside Gu Hai’s room with him.

Gu Hai searched in his wardrobe, he found a sleep robe that hasn’t been worn
yet, then he gave it to Bai Luo Yin, “Wear this first.”

Perhaps Bai Luo Yin had a lot of things weighing his mind, perhaps he
doesn’t feel like fussing about these kind of trivial things, he just took off his
towel immediately, his perfect posture exposed in front of Gu Hai. Gu Hai’s
heart skipped a beat, his breath was like a beating drum, every breath was
particularly clear, although he saw it already in the afternoon, but that was
with ten other pairs of eyes, now it’s only for his eyes. Back then it was a
glance from faraway, now it is a wild admiration from a close range.

Bai Luo Yin opened the robe, he put it on and then walked out.

Although it was just a glance of a graceful sight, but it was enough to make
Gu Hai’s heart bursted.

Is this some kind of silent hint?

Bai Luo Yin sat in front of the computer, he fixed his gaze on the screen, his
attention was focused on them thoroughly, all he could think about was the
health examination test result. Playing a game, listening to the music, his
mind gets more and more irritated, finally he typed two words “Hepatitis B”
on Baidu, then all kinds of information regarding Hepatitis B appeared in
front of Bai Luo Yin.

“Virus Hepatitis B is one kind of microorganism, it is infectious, also hard to

control; there are so many people who carries this virus, the more inapparent
the infection is, the harder to control it; hepatitis B is likely slow in showing
effect, it needs a long time to cure it, needs a lot of rest, it will impact the
studies as well as career, it might cause a mental pressure and financial
burden for the patient, and it might develop to other disease such as liver
cirrhosis, or liver cancer, as well as death….”

Those dumpling Bai Luo Yin just ate suffocated his chest, made him unable
to breathe.
After finished his shower, Gu Hai went out and saw Bai Luo Yin sat in front
of the computer with his half wet and half dry hair, his sexy Adam’s apple
moved frequently, his tightly closed lips above the firm jaw, his constantly
changed expression, his silent toughness in the middle of the melancholies, it
felt like all the brightness in the room was absorbed by his face.

Gu Hai walked at a brisk pace towards Bai Luo Yin, he bent down slightly,
both of his arms embraced Bai Luo Yin’s chest, he brought his thin lips near
Bai Luo Yin’s ears, a heat seeped through his voice.

“What are you looking at?”

Bai Luo Yin’s heart was irritated, this guy just keeps sticking closely to me,
can I not scolding him?

“Go away for a bit! You’re really annoying!”

Gu Hai still had his smiling expression with full of evil intentions, “Why,
now you learned how to welcome with reluctance already?”

Bai Luo Yin grinded his teeth, “I’ll warn you for the last time, stay away
from me!”

“Why are you like this?” Gu Hai felt wronged, “You were the one who
obviously seduced me first, now you’re dressing up like nothing
happened, you’re the worst!”

Bai Luo Yin annoyed, “When did I seduce you?”

Gu Hai’s ambiguous stare scrutinized Bai Luo Yin’s body, “Just now who
was the one changed his clothes in front of me, intentionally changed
them slowly? Don’t think I can’t see it, you really don’t have any good
intentions! You let me look at you covetously, right? You intentionally let
me get excited, right?…..”


Bai Luo Yin immediately took a tablecloth and stuffed it into Gu Hai’s

“Why did you come here?”

Bai Luo Yin was ready to sleep already when Gu Hai pushed the door and
went inside, he couldn’t help but to ask him.

Gu Hai replied while shutting the door close, “I came here to sleep!”

“You have so many rooms at your place, why do you have to sleep in this
room? I told you before, right? Don’t get too close to me, do you know
that it can be transmitted through sweat as well?”

“What else can it be transmitted through?” Gu Hai asked while removing

his clothes.

Bai Luo Yin felt that Gu Hai had completely ignored his worries, even if he
said a lot of things it would be just a nonsense for Gu Hai, so he immediately
got off the bed, and planning to find another room to sleep.

But, even before his feet stepped on the ground, Gu Hai threw him back onto
the bed.

“I remember that it can be transmitted through saliva as well, no?”

After he said that, Gu Hai bent down on top of Bai Luo Yin’s body and
suddenly placed a kiss on him.

Bai Luo Yin’s robe began to unravel, Gu Hai’s leg touched Bai Luo Yin’s
skin, their body heat started to mix together at this moment, Gu Hai’s eyes
were poisoned with an evil red shade. His teeth nibbled lightly at Bai Luo
Yin’s thin lips, he could feel his resistance and restlessness, he could feel the
fear from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Hai brought his lips to Bai Luo Yin’s ear.

Bai Luo Yin’s ears were soft, those who born with a soft ear usually couldn’t
resist persuasions.
“Yin zi. Don’t be afraid. Nothing will happen. Even if something were to
happen, I will accompany you.”

Gu Hai’s voice was not deep, but it had one kind of intense soothing effect on
Bai Luo Yin’s heart.

Bai Luo Yin shifted his gaze from Gu Hai’s face that was within his reach.

Gu Hai stroke Bai Luo Yin’s cheek gently and spoke softly, “Don’t be
afraid! You have me!”

Bai Luo Yin gripped Gu Hai’s hand, “I’m okay, don’t be like this, you
don’t have to take a risk for me.”

What risk? I just want to take advantage from this opportunity, where else
can I find good opportunity such like this? I can take full advantage of this,
and I can even hide under a selfless pretense……

“It seems that sexual contact is also one way of Hepatitis B


“You can’t!” Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai, “You absolutely can’t! Don’t be

“I am very conscious on what I’m doing.”

Gu Hai pinned down both of Bai Luo Yin’s hands, he pressed his whole body
weight on top of him, there was only one sentence keeps replaying in his
brain, “only if you dare…… only if you dare…… only if you dare……“, he
couldn’t wait anymore, this is what he wants the most, all he had inside his
brain was nothing but the fair and bright skin. He clearly remembered that
Bai Luo Yin was wearing nothing underneath the robe, not even an
underpants. A desire to join their body together and becoming one made Gu
Hai’s brain nearly explode.

Bai Luo Yin’s hand dug into Gu Hai’s flesh, a sense of despair and yearning
to escape was intertwining inside him, awoken all of his sensory nerves. Gu
Hai moved slowly, Bai Luo Yin looked like he was waiting to be punished,
he was terrified, he fell apart inside, yet he inevitably yearning for this
moment to come faster.

Perhaps, waiting is more torturing than receiving.

The tip of Gu Hai’s tongue touched Bai Luo Yin’s earlobe. He provoked,
teased and naughtily drew circles on it, before finally he used his lips to suck
it softly, his tongue is pressing and ravaging it.

Bai Luo Yin kicked firmly on Gu Hai’s legs, he couldn’t say anything else
except “No”, this is the first time for him to be played by a man in this way.
Humiliation, torture and unwillingness…… all of these bad thoughts rushed
to his mind. But he was unable to resist, Gu Hai’s tongue was too hot, so
much that he hated himself for being so weak like this. At this very moment,
he shamelessly longed for this man’s consolation.

“Yinzi, I can’t control myself anymore….” Gu Hai’s hot breath can be felt
on Bai Luo Yin’s neck.

Bai Luo Yin’s voice slightly trembled, “Don’t force me to do it.”

Gu Hai suddenly untied Bai Luo Yin’s bathrobe, he pressed his rough thumbs
onto the two red beans under the gaze of Bai Luo Yin’s furious eyes and
without listening to Bai Luo Yin’s protest, as he started to rub against himself
between his legs.


A broken moan escaped from the corner of Bai Luo Yin’s mouth, his chest
felt like it was being electrified by a pleasant sensation and blocked his
throat. He felt humiliated, he thought this particular spot was a sensitive spot
only for women so he didn’t really care about them. So, when Gu Hai’s hand
touched and played with them, he had no resistance or whatsoever against
this unfamiliar pleasure at all.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 91


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 91: The Inquietude of Youth – Laughter filled the street. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The robe was scattered on top of the bed, the blanket had been missing from
their kicks, Gu Hai was like a lion ran out from the jungle, roaring and sprang
towards its favourite prey. His member below was burning like a soldering
iron, erecting slowly but vigorously.

Gu Hai’s hand slowly sliding down from Bai Luo Yin’s abdomen.

Bai Luo Yin gripped Gu Hai’s hands, his voice was strict and firm, leaving
no room for negotiation.

“You can’t!”

He won’t be able to tolerate himself if someone else were to touch that part,
especially if that person is a man. If they stopped here, both of them still
could hide themselves under the blanket and finishing it separately, and Bai
Luo Yin would be able to tolerate it even though with much reluctance. But if
he really allowed Gu Hai to help him release, Bai Luo Yin was unable to
imagine it, he didn’t dare to imagine it too.

Gu Hai breathed heavily, “Why not? I want to touch you. I really want to
do this with you.”

“Let’s end it here.” The blue veins can be seen on Bai Luo Yin’s arm as he
gripped onto Gu Hai.

Gu Hai’s naked body attached closely to Bai Luo Yin’s, his burning cheek
nestled closely onto Bai Luo Yin’s, he embraced him tightly, let Bai Luo Yin
to fully experience the enthusiasm and explosive force from his aroused
member below. When he felt that Bai Luo Yin’s resistance wasn’t subsiding,
Gu Hai softly bit Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder, he bit them over and over again
with his teeth, as if he was transmitting a certain feelings.

“Gu Hai, I can’t do this…”

“Stop talking.” Gu Hai’s breath synced with Bai Luo Yin’s heartbeat. He
started to kiss Bai Luo Yin on his forehead, and moved down to his eyelids,
nose, chin, and neck……

When he felt that Bai Luo Yin’s arm started to relax, Gu Hai’s hand slide up
Bai Luo Yin’s leg.

The hard contact shocked Gu Hai.

Bai Luo Yin held his breath in a flash, that unfamiliar touch aroused the hairs
all over his body, countless of his sensual nerves started to expand
unrestrictedly. He turned his face and push Gu Hai’s hand, but he lost more
than half of its strength because of Gu Hai’s kiss.

Gu Hai’s hand began to rub skillfully, while changing methods to please this
baby, the pleasure that it brings related directly to its owner’s attitude from
now on. Few months ago, he was someone who wouldn’t even glance at a
handsome guy. Who would’ve thought that few months later, today, he’s
loving the feeling of a man’s cock in his hand, and the sight of it went bigger
excited him endlessly.
It was as hot as a piece of soldering iron, the wrinkles on it were flattened
from the rubbing. Bai Luo Yin’s neck began to resist and his breath became
more and more messy. Gu Hai was rubbing again for some time, Bai Luo
Yin’s body suddenly trembled and his broken breath sounded exceptionally
lewd on the bed.

Gu Hai bent his body down and pressed his bare chest against Bai Luo Yin’s.
That big thing on his lower body was rubbed together against Bai Luo Yin’s,
the friction between them ignited a raging flame. Gu Hai grabbed both of
their cock together and the instant heat melted both of them. Gu Hai’s heavy
breath sounded like a muffled thunder exploding on Bai Luo Yin’s ear.

All of the worries and anxieties, at this moment disappeared completely. All
that remained were only desire, lust, pleasure, addiction……

“Take your hands off.” Bai Luo Yin squeezed these words between his
clenched teeth.

I won’t! Gu Hai straightened his neck. I’ve waited for so many days, I’ve
fantasized about this so many times, just to see what kind of lewd expression
you would make, but you just want to settle this by yourself stealthily under
the blanket?

Not only did Gu Hai refused to remove his hands, he even fastened his pace,
and bent down to bite Bai Luo Yin’s chest.

Bai Luo Yin has been abstinent from lust for a while, how can he endure such
pleasure like this, he clenched his teeth, unable to say anything. His hands
pulled Gu Hai’s hair, his body suddenly trembled. A milky substance
suddenly spurted onto Gu Hai’s hands. Gu Hai hasn’t stopped his hand’s
movement yet, he continued to stimulate him at a high frequency, Bai Luo
Yin moaned as he continued to shoot a few more loads until it became limp.

When Gu Hai saw Bai Luo Yin’s expression as he reached climax, it made
him really excited, he quickly stroked himself few more times, and reached
orgasm as he spurted while swearing.

After he finished, Gu Hai smiled as he laid on the bed beside Bai Luo Yin.
He looked at Bai Luo Yin’s sweaty face, praising him: “Little Yin zi, you
were so sexy just now, so charming, so lustful……”

Bai Luo Yin punched Gu Hai’s cheekbone, pushing him few inches back and
made him almost fell to the floor.

But Gu Hai still coming back and embraced Bai Luo Yin tightly, doesn’t
want to let him go.

Bai Luo Yin’s breath gradually softened, he found it unbearable to recall the

But Gu Hai keeps asking questions to him persistently from the side.

“Yin zi, did you feel good just now?”

“Yin zi, which part that I touched that pleased you the most?”

“Yin zi, the sound that you made when you reached your climax was
really pleasant to hear.”

Bai Luo Yin hated it most when someone still talk dirty after masturbating,
Gu Hai was the only one who

liked that kind of talks. He felt that forcing someone like Bai Luo Yin to
share his thoughts about what they just did earlier is a wonderful and exciting

“Yin zi….”

“If you’re still talking about those things, do you believe that I’m going
to throw you out from the windows?” Bai Luo Yin interrupted Gu Hai’s

Gu Hai raised the corner of his mouth slightly, “That’s not what I’m going
to say to you.”

“Then what do you want to say?”

Gu Hai moved closer.

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai with his arm, “Just say it from there.”

“There’s no mood if I talk from here.” Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin into his
arms and embraced him. His voice was gentle and sincere, “I can love you

Under the silent night, Bai Luo Yin’s heart shivering slightly upon listening
to those words beside his ear.

“I can love you dearly, to make up for all the love you’ve lost in the past
ten years.”

That night, because of those words, Bai Luo Yin slept really well.


The next morning, Bai Luo Yin just put down his schoolbag when the vice
class leader walked over while scratching his head.

“Bai Luo Yin, I have something I need to say, come out for a bit.”

Bai Luo Yin walked out from the class, with Gu Hai followed him from

When the vice class leader saw Gu Hai, his heart quivered, he used his eyes
to hint on Bai Luo Yin, can you please ask him to go inside first? Otherwise I
won’t dare to say these words I’m going to say!

Bai Luo Yin didn’t want to let Gu Hai hear about it too, especially after he
saw the vice class leader’s serious expression, his heart became more unsure.
He didn’t want to let Gu Hai see his expression when he’s in a tight corner
like this.

“Go inside first.”

Gu Hai’s face fell, “I want to stay here and listen to it.”

I just want to hear, what rubbish words will this fool say again now.

Bai Luo Yin sighed, “Is it okay if you just say it directly? I’ve prepared
my mental already anyway.”

The vice class leader took a deep breath, then cheerfully said: “Actually,
yesterday I didn’t understand the situation completely. From five parts,
only one of them showed positive result, it proved that you already had
antibody inside your body. The students who has antibody from our
class are only you, Mao Liang and Hao Juan, the rest of us still hasn’t
had antibody yet, so we still need to continue with the immunization.”

Bai Luo Yin, “…….”

Gu Hai opened his mouth to ask, “So you mean that those three results are
the best?”

“Yes, you can say that.”

The vice class leader stood on his tiptoe and patted Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder,
“You should thank me, I gave you such a pleasant surprise.”

Bai Luo Yin clenched his teeth, his eyes stared at the vice class leader’s face

“I really have to thank you!”

After he said that, he signaled Gu Hai with his eyes, and then went inside the

Not even few seconds passed, a loud scream can be heard from the outside.
With his small and fragile body, how can he withstand Gu Hai’s strong fist.
After Gu Hai got the signal he naturally landed a few punches on vice class
leader until he finally leaned on the wall and collapsed, his hand is on his
chest, giving a ‘please spare me’ expression.

Gu Hai was furious, “Say, why didn’t you tell him a little bit later?”

“Eh?….” The vice class leader looked at Gu Hai in a confusion.

Gu Hai shouted in his mind: you just ruined many chances for me to do good
things! Originally I planned to make use of this opportunity, I will comfort
and reassure him for a few days, and then when the time comes he will fell
completely into my embrace, and he will let me do whatever I want to him.
But now you just messed everything up, my springtime is ruined!

Although Gu Hai thought that, but upon seeing Bai Luo Yin’s expression
became much better, he felt really happy. After all, he hates to see his dear
feeling troubled everyday. Such feelings can be developed slowly, if he can
accept you when he is unhappy, then naturally soon he will be able to accept
you when he is happy.

“What I said was true, right?” GH pushed his bicycle and put on a cocky
expression, “I told you since before that it’s nothing, but you were still
thinking about it for the entire night. Say, if you were a little bit happier
yesterday, we could have a much better time when we were doing it,

Bai Luo Yin was still smiling cheerfully when he heard the first half of his
words, but then his face suddenly turned grave after hearing the later half.

“A past is a past, don’t talk about it again, can you?”

“You’re going to forget all about it?”

Gu Hai felt extremely angry, I’ve taken care of you so well yesterday and
today you acted as if nothing had happened. You straightened your back,
straightened your chest up, and didn’t look at me at all!

Bai Luo Yin frowned his eyebrows and his tone was somewhat

“Who said that I’m going to forget it all? I am just bothered that you
keep talking about this over and over again, is it something to be proud

“But I just said the truth!” Fooling around is one of Gu Hai’s personality,
“Yesterday, someone was feeling really aroused, leaving a few big
scratch marks on my back, pulling my hairs, while shouting loudly….
Tsk tsk… Do you want me to imitate you?”

Bai Luo Yin advanced with large strides, grabbed Gu Hai who wanted to flee,
and gave him some violent kicks.

Laughter filled the street.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 92


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 92: The Inquietude of Youth - A YOUNG COUPLE buying

furniture. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Self-study time, the entire class was in a mess. They were talking with each
other, fooling around, some students were playing with ball at the back of the
class. It was really lively and noisy, just like a food market.

You Qi turned his body around and whispered to Bai Luo Yin, "Go home
with me on Friday!"

"Go home with you? To Tianjin?"

You Qi nodded his head, "Yes, I always talk about you to my mother, she
really wants to see you."

Seeing You Qi's mother, Bai Luo Yin felt really uneasy about it, he felt that
he isn't the type of person who would be liked by parents. All middle-aged
people around 30-40 years old liked someone who's really optimistic and
lively, cheerful, and capable to do anything. He's not really good at those
aspects, usually when he went to his classmate's house, he would just sit there
with a cold face. People who didn't know him would believe that he's in the
middle of demanding a debt payment!

"No need! One of these days if your mother is not around then I will go
there for a couple of days."

"Don't be like that!" A sense of urgency appeared on You Qi's handsome

face, "It's because my mother wants to see you that's why I invited you."

When Bai Luo Yin heard this one word "mother" he felt his head hurts.

"My mother's cooked food tastes really good."

When he heard this one word "food", he became somewhat interested.

Gu Hai tapped on Bai Luo Yin's back.

"What's wrong?" Bai Luo Yin turned his head around.

Jealous Gu said, "Saturday let's go to the furniture store together!"

"Furniture store? For what?" Bai Luo Yin had a puzzled expression on his

Gu Hai raised his eyebrow, "My new place still needs a lot of furniture,
there are a lot of empty space, you've seen it before right?"

"Then just go by yourself, why did you ask me to go with you?"

Aren't we going to live in that house together?... Gu Hai didn't dare to say
those words, he was afraid that if he said that, Bai Luo Yin wouldn't want to
go with him even more.

"You have good eyes, I would be happy if you come with me."

Gu Hai's overbearing gaze intimidated Bai Luo Yin's heart, his inner clamour
and hint were totally clear, if you dare to go to his house, I will definitely give
him a very hard time!
As a matter of fact, Bai Luo Yin was already thinking to reject You Qi, but
through this way, You Qi would definitely feel upset.

"Last week when I went home I told my mother already, and she
prepared a lot of foods for you."

Bai Luo Yin felt sorry towards You Qi, "Let's do this then, I'll buy a
present for Aunt, please help me to give it to her and tell her if I have
time on winter holiday, I definitely will go to your house."

You Qi didn't say anything.

After class, Yang Meng took out one pack of small raccoon instant noodles
snack from his drawer, he chewed them pretty loudly. Suddenly he heard a
loud shout that came from the back door, it scared him and made his hand
trembled, his instant noodles dropped into broken bits.

"Yang Meng, I called you, come out quick!"

The whole class suddenly went into chaos. Every time You Qi came to find
Yang Meng, a group of beautiful girls would come and interrogate him after
that. Are you really close with You Qi? What food does he usually likes to
eat? When you were together with him, was he cold and cruel too?.......

Yang Meng really wanted to shout, I'm not fucking close with him!

This time You Qi wasn't like how he used to be, usually he would've stood at
the doorway, waited for a certain girl telling Yang Meng to go out, and
brought Yang Meng to him. After that he pulled Yang Meng to a corner and
spoke with him. Rather, today he shouted at him full of anger, waited for him
to come out quickly by himself, and scolded him agitatedly.

"Why are you just staying inside the classroom all day? As an adult can't
you go out for walk? Look at you, very shameful! You're even wearing
your jacket and tie like this! Aren't you overeating? Look at your mouth,
it's fucking stained with the instant noodles dregs! Don't you know that
instant noodles is deep fried food? Don't you know that deep fried food is
not healthy? I'm telling you, I can see from your eyes that your heart is
really dirty, you're narrow-minded, you're really good for nothing! Why
are you looking at me? Can it purify you? You're just like a stinky clogs
beside the trash can, you're just a big fool who's just being noisy for
whole day! Don't think that I don't know you did those rotten things! My
heart is as clear as a mirror! You're so shameless....."

Yang Meng was dumbfounded, he was just sitting quietly inside the
classroom, what did he do that provoked him?

You Qi's face looked as if it was painted by a grey paint.

Yang Meng swayed his hand in front of You Qi's face, "Hey brother, let me
take you to the clinic and get some medicine for you, you can't keep
dragging it on like this!"

You Qi suddenly gripped Yang Meng's shoulder, then dragged him to a dark
and quiet corridor at the experiments building, there were archives room
around them, with photographs of the previous headmasters hung on the

Thick and heavy murderous atmosphere shrouded Yang Meng's surrounding.

"What do you want..?" Yang Meng's voice quivered.

You Qi grabbed Yang Meng's neck, spoke with a threatening tone, "Go to
my house to eat on Saturday!"

"You don't have any reason to refuse!" You Qi said in a stern voice, then
he used his finger to poke at Yang Meng's forehead.

Yang Meng stunned, just how bad this kid had suffered a rejection?!

"Do you agree or not?" You Qi asked again.

"So you dare to reject me?!" You Qi poked Yang Meng's forehead again.

Yang Meng hasn't even speak one sentence for the whole time, yet You Qi
had bombarded him with so many questions. Behind them was the picture of
the first headmaster, a scholar from the final years of Qing dynasty, who
fixed his gaze at two persons before his eyes.

Did I established this school just in order to let both of you come here and
discuss these kind of things?

You Qi vented all of the anger inside his heart, he constrained himself for
more than two months already, until today he finally found a target to express
all of his disappointments. Weren't you always treating me coldly? You never
spare me your time, right? Fine, then I'll just come and harass your friend
everyday, I'll always pick a quarrel with him everyday, until he couldn't stand
it anymore, then he will find you, and I will take advantage of him to retaliate
Gu Hai too!

You Qi felt satisfied with his own stupid ideas.

When Yang Meng saw that You Qi didn't speak, he couldn't help but to open
his mouth and ask, "That.... Yin zi didn't come to school again?"

"He came!" You Qi straightened his collar, his expression became normal
again, "He's just sitting in the classroom."

"Then why did you come and harass me?"

"Harassing you?" You Qi walked out while speaking, "I think there's
something wrong with your way of thinking."

When they walked out from the experiments building, finally sunshine was
upon them.

"There's something wrong with your way of thinking?! If there's nothing

wrong with your way of thinking, then why did you wear your long johns
on the wrong side huh! And you still have the face to fucking mock me!
What's wrong with the way I wear my jacket and tie? At least I don't
have my tie pulled all the way to my back!!"

Eh... You Qi suddenly lowered his head. That was when he noticed the thread
residue hanging loose on his chest. The atmosphere surrounding them
became awkward for a few seconds, then he pretended to not care about it
and said, "This is called character."

Yang Meng mocked, "Look at you living like this, you won't even reach
thirty years old."

You Qi, "......"

Yang Meng walked back to the class while cursing in his mind: Fuck, I let
him scolded me severely for no reason!


Weekend, at the furniture store.

Gu Hai stood in front of a sofa, he placed his hand on his chin while looking
at it carefully, then he asked Bai Luo Yin: "What do you think about this

Bai Luo Yin thought for a while, "This one is not bad, but I think it's a little
bit too big."

"Is it? I think it's just the right size."

Bai Luo Yin sat on the sofa to try it for a while, "You see, even after I sat
here it still has so much space left, you can even make this as a bed.
Although your living room is big enough, but the interior style inside is
quite reserved, if you put such a big sofa like this it would make the
living room seems bold and carefree."

"If you have a sofa this big, you can even roll on top of it as much as you

Bai Luo Yin's face darkened, "Isn't people buying sofa to sit on it? If you
just want to roll, then why don't you just buy a huge bed?"

Gu Hai ignored the stare from the salesgirl, he smiled at Bai Luo Yin

"Bed has bed taste, sofa has its own taste."

Bai Luo Yin went silent for a while, he pretended not to hear about it and
then walked away.

"I think you should buy more beds." Bai Luo Yin suggested.

Gu Hai seemed confused, "Why should I get more beds?"

"You have a lot of friends. When they're gathering at your house some
day, you would be able to let them stay overnight!"

Gu Hai replied nonchalantly, "I never let anyone stay overnight at my

place, especially guys."

Bai Luo Yin slanted his gaze towards Gu Hai.

Gu Hai immediately realised his mistake, "You are an exception, you are
my wife...."

"What did you say?" Bai Luo Yin flared up right away, he almost did a
domestic violence session inside the store, "Gu Hai, the greatest flaw that
your mother did is when she gave you that mouth!"

Gu Hai found out that Bai Luo Yin's ear turned red.

Gu Hai felt really pleased inside, even though Bai Luo Yin scolded him, he
felt happy. He thought, isn't it bound to happen sooner or later? My wife,
what are you shy about?!

"What do you think about this desk?" Gu Hai asked Bai Luo Yin again.

Bai Luo Yin shook his head, "I don't like it. It's too fancy, how about that
one over there?"

"It's too dull." Gu Hai frowned his eyebrows.

"Then just buy this one." Bai Luo Yin said, "It's your home anyway, just
buy what you like most."

Gu Hai thought: That won't do. I'm decorating this house just to attract you
to come there, every furniture, every decoration, all of them should be
according to your liking, if you don't like them, why would I buy it?

"I want to buy that desk over there."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 93


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 93: The Inquietude of Youth – A warm scene under the RAIN.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the evening, after school, rain was suddenly pouring down. Although it
wasn’t a heavy rain, but during this season the raindrops felt really cold.

Bai Luo Yin walked out from the bicycle shed and told Gu Hai, “Use this
bicycle to go back to your place.”

Gu Hai didn’t say anything, he simply took Bai Luo Yin’s schoolbag from
his back, and then placed it upon his own back, his intention was very

When they went out from the school gate, Gu Hai wiped the raindrops on his
face, and spoke to Bai Luo Yin, “Take me home.”

It’s a very rare sight, this is the first time for Gu Hai to request such a thing.
Previously, no matter how sunny or how windy the weather was, he would
always take Bai Luo Yin home without second thoughts, so as not to make
Bai Luo Yin feel tired.

It made Bai Luo Yin very content, this is the first time his younger brother
showed his weakness, so Bai Luo Yin also adopted an older brother attitude.

Along the way, the light wind tangled up with the raindrops hit them, causing
the cold to seep into their bodies.

Gu Hai took off his jacket and wrapped it around Bai Luo Yin tightly.

Only then, Bai Luo Yin finally realized why Gu Hai had asked him to take
him home.

“You don’t need to cover me, I’m not cold, wear it for yourself,” Bai Luo
Yin’s entire face was dripping wet.

Gu Hai didn’t listen to him, he took the schoolbag from his back and placed it
over Bai Luo Yin’s head.

Then, little by little, Gu Hai wiped the raindrops on Bai Luo Yin’s face with
his warm hand, this soft, gentle and pampering action warmed both of their
hearts. Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks gradually warmed up. Gu Hai’s big hands
rubbed it over and over again. This is Bai Luo Yin’s first time that he didn’t
prevent Gu Hai from making such an intimate action in public.

Both of them remained silent; nevertheless, their hearts connected with each

The wind was blowing from behind, wetting Gu Hai’s thin T-shirt. Gu Hai
quietly recalled, during this season, if it’s windy when they go to school, they
will definitely travel against the wind, and when they go home, they wil
travel in the same direction as the wind.

Gu Hai was showering inside the newly built bathroom, all of his clothes
beside him were completely drenched.

Bai Luo Yin walked out of his bedroom after searching for thick outer
clothes, then he knocked on the bathroom door.
“Come in.” Gu Hai said from inside.

After Bai Luo Yin went inside and didn’t see Gu Hai, he immediately hung
the clothes on the hook at the side, speaking lightly: “It’s really cold
outside, after you’ve finished your shower, wear more clothes.”

Gu Hai felt warmth inside his heart, it quickly morphing into a puddle of
water, flowing down the drainpipes.

“Help me to see what’s wrong with this switch, the cold water isn’t
coming out.”

Bai Luo Yin’s back faced Gu Hai, “Cut it out!”

Then, he pushed the door and walked out.

The comfortable stream of warm water fell onto Gu Hai’s broad back. Gu Hai
couldn’t help but to sigh heavily, it’s really hard to deal with a clever wife, I
can’t even trick him!

After Gu Hai finished showering, it was Bai Luo Yin’s turn to shower. The
warm bathroom was filled with seething steam. A month ago, he couldn’t
even imagine to take a shower in his house at this season. Back then, when
the weather got warmer, he used a basin of hot water to rub himself inside his
room. Most of the time, he had to go to the public bath near his home. Inside,
there were all different kinds of people. Since it’s cheap, there were many
people, so many that even the shower needed to be timed.

It can be said that since Gu Hai became his friend, Bai Luo Yin and his
family’s quality of life had improved greatly.

“I will crush you with a huge amount of love. I don’t believe that it won’t
move you!”

“I will love you dearly, I will make up all the love that you’ve lost for the past
ten years.”

When Bai Luo Yin picked up Gu Hai’s drenched clothes, these two sentences
suddenly popped up in his brain. When he listened to them, he only replied
with a nonchalant expression. But actually, he was deeply moved inside. He
knew that Gu Hai had never gave him empty words, and it’s exactly because
of this reason, that made him hard to reject it. He couldn’t bear to reject it.

Who will mind having one more person in this world who love himself?

Bai Luo Yin was only worried, that he would depend on Gu Hai even more.

The rain outside had stopped, Gu Hai was strolling in every room, until he
saw Grandma Bai cracking walnuts inside her room. She used a small
hammer clumsily, but she couldn’t really crack them well. Every time she
tried to crack it, the walnut would jump away, and she had to go and get the
walnuts back.

“Grandma, let me help you.”

Gu Hai spoke while picking up two walnuts with his hand. He used his
strength to confront the tough walnut with toughness, and the walnut
immediately broke open. When Grandma Bai saw it, her eyes widened, this
boy really has a lot of strength, his hand works even better than the small

Gu Hai used his bare hands to crack more than ten walnuts. Grandma Bai was
sitting beside him, carefully removing the shells and placing them onto a tray.

Bai Luo Yin had just finished his shower and he walked inside Grandma
Bai’s room, just in time to see Gu Hai cracking walnuts there.

“There’s a small hammer, right? Why are you showing off your
strength?” Bai Luo Yin frowned his eyebrows, “What if your hands get

Gu Hai smirked, and asked Bai Luo Yin furtively, “If my hands got hurt,
will you feel hurt too?”

Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a sideway glance, “Just keep using your hands

“You’re really cruel to me,” Gu Hai wore a look akin to a resentful


Bai Luo Yin ignored him, he walked back to his bedroom, took a book and
gave it to Gu Hai.

“Hurry up and review your history subject, it’s been 3 months since you
last touched arts subject, an exam is coming up in the next few days,
don’t disgrace me if you can’t pass!”

Gu Hai blissfully moved closer to Bai Luo Yin’s side, and asked him
shamelessly, “If I can’t pass the exam, how will that disgrace you?”

“Go study!” Bai Luo Yin angrily rebuked him.

“The Great Cultural Revolution that occurred in China from May 1966
to October 1976 was launched and led by Mao Ze Dong, aided by two
revolutionaries leader, Lin Biao and Jiang Qing, who in turn, countered
Mao in order to try and take control of the country. It is a political
movement that brought huge calamity to Chinese Nation….”

Grandma Bai was eating the walnuts, but she suddenly stopped when she
heard this sentence.

“It’s impossible!”

“Hm?” Gu Hai looked at Grandma Bai in confusion.

Grandma Bai stared at Gu Hai, spinning her eyes around and around, with a
serious face, “Mao Du Du [1] can’t be wrong!”

“Why can’t he?” Gu Hai teased her deliberately.

Grandma Bai answered him seriously, “Mao Du Du is the red, the reddest
sun.” [2]

Gu Hai burst into loud laughter after teasing Grandma Bai, Bai Luo Yin also
laughed beside him.

It’s past ten o’clock at night, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin sat on the bed, with a
computer desk between them. Gu Hai placed his elbow on top of the desk,
lights gathered inside his pupils, he fixed his gaze on Bai Luo Yin who was
sitting in front of him.

“What are the consequences of Opium War?”

Gu Hai thought about it, “Consequences? I think there are four

consequences….. No, three consequences.”

Bai Luo Yin’s expression suddenly became fierce.

“Three consequences, it really is three, first is the changes upon the

nature of society, second is the changes upon the society’s conflicts, the
third consequence…. the third consequence…. what is it again?”


Bai Luo Yin hit Gu Hai’s hand with a steel ruler.

Gu Hai suddenly withdrew his hand, exaggeratingly grimacing in pain,

“You’re really hitting me?”

Bai Luo Yin replied coldly, “I’ve asked you this question many times
already, how come you still can’t answer it?”

You’ve just finished your shower, sitting right in front of me with clear and
bright skin, handsome face, how can you expect me to study properly?

Bai Luo Yin became anxious, this guy has a rough skin and thick muscles,
even if I hit him for half a day, it would be useless! Exam is coming soon,
with Gu Hai’s current level, supposed if he were to pass the exam, that means
all of those old men who collected garbage outside would be able to enter
Qing Hua university!

Then, he thought about it.

“Let’s do this, memorize all of this for one hour.”

“Memorize this for one hour?….” Gu Hai became worried, he dropped his
head on the pillow, “You see what time is it now? Usually I’ve wrapped
myself inside my blanket already at this time. Today, I was drenched in
rain, my head also hurts a bit….”

“But you can’t remember! Now I will give you some questions. If you
can’t answer one question, when we sleep, you have to move one
centimeter away from me. If you can’t answer two questions, that means
you have to move two centimeters away from me. If you get it all wrong,
then just go to sleep at my father’s room.”

This idea, I approve!

Gu Hai stood up, his eyes showed excitement, “If I can answer them all,
can you let me sleep on top of you?”

Bai Luo Yin hit Gu Hai’s face with the book on his hand.

After half an hour, Gu Hai gave the book back to Bai Luo Yin.

“Test me!”

Bai Luo Yin then asked the questions one by one, he especially chose the
hard ones on purpose, but Gu Hai answered them all without hesitation. The
more Bai Luo Yin asked, the angrier he got. This kid was really pretending
not to know anything! He obviously understood everything, but he must be
forced first before he’s willing to do it.

When their study had completely finished, Gu Hai eventually realized that it
was already pitch dark outside.

Both of them curled up inside the blanket, the weather was getting colder,
and the blanket was not warm enough for them. Their family could turn on
the heater or light the stove, but in order to save the coal, if they aren’t
freezing they won’t use it.

Gu Hai bended his body and placed his cheek on Bai Luo Yin’s back, his
fingers were crawling on the bed sheet.

“Yin Zi, I’ve memorized everything today, shouldn’t you give me some

“How old are you?” Bai Luo Yin replied coldly, “I also memorized
everything, who would give me a reward? This is what you’re supposed
to do in the first place, and you’re still thinking that you’re incredible?”

“Then, I’ll give you a reward!” Gu Hai said as he stretched his hand to
stroke Bai Luo Yin’s chest, “Do you want it?”

Bai Luo Yin suddenly pinched Gu Hai’s arms, “I don’t want it, take it

Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin in anger, but it wasn’t really anger. Love and
regret, both feelings were intertwining inside his eyes.

Bai Luo Yin meticulously avoided Gu Hai’s stare, then he asked, “Honestly,
what do you want to do in the future?”

“I want to do business.”

Bai Luo Yin thought that it was unexpected, “Business? Will your father
approve? I think that your father would like you to walk the same path
as him, no?”

“He can think whatever he likes, I won’t follow what he wants anyway.”

“The arm is no match for the thigh.” [3] Bai Luo Yin let out a deep sigh.

When Gu Hai thought about it, he felt annoyed, so he simply didn’t want to
think about it anymore. Then, he asked Bai Luo Yin, “How about you?
What do you want to do?”

“Actually, I want to do business too.”

“Don’t!” Gu Hai grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s hand firmly, “You’re so smart, if I
were to become your competitor, I’ll definitely suffer losses!”

Bai Luo Yin merely laughed, and didn’t say anything else.
Translator’s Note:

[1] ‘Mao Du Du’: Mao Ze Dong.

[2] “Mao Du Du is the red, the reddest sun.”: This refers to “The East is red
and the sun rises; in China there emerges Mao Tse-tung”. When the sun rises
in the Eastern sky, because it is magnificent and powerful, just as how people
saw Mao Ze Dong as, they used this to symbolize the power that he exude.
The image of the red sun demonstrate how the propaganda of from the
Cultural Revolution projected Maoxism across the border and promoted the
idea that Mao was the global leader of the revolution.

[3] “The arm is no match for the thigh.”: This is an idiom that means the
weak cannot win against the strong.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 94


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 94: The Inquietude of Youth - Two evil boys make money. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"I've spent all of my money."

Upon hearing Gu Hai said that, Bai Luo Yin didn't think that it was
unexpected at all.

"Look at how you spent your money. No matter how much money you
have, it will never enough."

"Did I waste my money?" Gu Hai complained, "I've furnished my house,

right? Furnishing house needs money. And doesn't my daily life needs
money too? Right now I don't have any income, I just have expenses. I've
spent all of my savings too."

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai.

"Doesn't your father give you money?"

"He does, but I don't want it."

"Why not?" Bai Luo Yin was bewildered. "He's your father. Aren't you
supposed to use his money?"

"It's my fault. When I left his house, I said to him that I don't want his
money, not even one cent. Although our relationship is better now, I said
it already. I haven't received any money from him for the past two
months, I'm used to this kind of life already, I'll feel embarrassed if I ask
him for money now."

"You're still being polite with your father?"

Gu Hai didn't say anything.

Bai Luo Yin gave a sideways glance at Gu Hai, "Are you still holding
grudges on him?"

"I will bear grudges on him for my whole life."

"Have you ever think that it was all just a misunderstanding, perhaps
she passed away because of an accident? I'm not siding with anyone, I
just want you to investigate this matter clearly. Such a dubious hatred
like this, it would only make you suffer more. Your mother is gone, you
just have one family member left now."

Gu Hai went silent for a while, then he pulled Bai Luo Yin's hand and lightly
said, "Let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about how to solve my
financial problem."

"You.... How much do you have now?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

"Most likely I won't even be able to buy tomorrow's breakfast."

Bai Luo Yin snorted.

"Why did you spent all of your money?"

Gu Hai's hand fiddled with Bai Luo Yin's hair, leisurely said, "I used to
spend my money freely. Have you ever heard about this sentence? It is
easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it's difficult to go from
extravagance to frugality."

"Let's do this then, just stay at my home for now, if someday you have
the face to go and ask your dad for money, then you can go back."

"Then I won't ask any money from him." Gu Hai let out an evil smile
while moving closer to Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin used his hand to hit Gu Hai's head a couple times, helplessly
looked at Gu Hai who secretly felt pleased under his blanket.

"Okay, let's do that." Bai Luo Yin then prepared to sleep.

Gu Hai then lifted his head out from the blanket, he placed his hand on Bai
Luo Yin's shoulder and pressed his upper body closer to Bai Luo Yin.

"No! I can't be a freeloader at your house. Besides, it's really

inconvenient if I don't have any money. Help me to think a way, how can
I get the money?"

Bai Luo Yin turned his body around to face Gu Hai. Upon looking at Bai Luo
Yin's handsome face, Gu Hai felt a whirlwind stirring up inside his brain.

"Why are you being so polite? You've been a freeloader at my house for
almost two months, right? So what if you do it for a few more months?
Besides, my father's job with a high salary now, its all because of you,
he's really anxious about how to repay you. If he knew about this, don't
even talk about a few months, even if it's a few more years, he would be
really happy to help you!"

"Just help me to think something." Gu Hai gave a bitter expression, he

pressed his head closer to Bai Luo Yin's chest, "It's okay to freeload at
your house, but I can't ask for money from Uncle. What if one day I need
something, and I don't have any money?"

"It's okay to ask him for money!"

Gu Hai's head rested on Bai Luo Yin's chest for a while. Actually, implored
him was just his second intention, his real intention was to stroke Bai Luo
Yin's chest.

Bai Luo Yin felt numb because of Gu Hai's rough skin on his scalp, he hastily
stopped Gu Hai's movement.

"Okay, I will think about it. You just need to get money, right?"

Gu Hai lifted his head up, looked at Bai Luo Yin with his charming eyes, a
hint of shamelessness seeped through from inside.

"You helped Aunt Zhou and my father so easily, but why can't you help
yourself? Normally speaking, compared to other people, it's much easier
for you to get money, right?"

"It's not like that." Gu Hai fiddled with Bai Luo Yin's finger, "If it's about
money, I want to rely on my own ability to get it."

Bai Luo Yin said honestly, "If you want to depend on your own ability,
you won't be able to get any money."

These words hurt our Gu Hai's self-esteem after he heard that he immediately
flung Bai Luo Yin's hand, and made it as a pillow for his head. I can't make
any money? If I, Gu Hai, were to do it for real, I can quit school right now
and start from scratch. I guarantee you, within five years I will absolutely

"You really want to make money right?" Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai

Gu Hai stayed still, not saying anything.

"Actually I have an idea, you will get money quickly."

Gu Hai was still silent as before.

"If you don't want to hear it then forget it."

When he saw that Bai Luo Yin turned his body around, he immediately
pulled Bai Luo Yin into his embrace, the tip of his tongue pressed near Bai
Luo Yin's earlobe, "Say it quickly, if you're not saying it then I will grab
your little Yin zi."

Weekend, at Gu Hai's new place.

"Yao Ji! (Little Chicken)" Li Shuo put out money.

"Peng!" [1] Bai Luo Yin took all of the money and placed them on his side.

Zhou Si Hu was surprised, "Peng again?"

Bai Luo Yin just laughed, he didn't say anything.

Gu Hai looked at his own tile, his finger moved back and forth on top of his
mahjong tiles, finally, he discarded one tile.

"San Tong (Three Bamboos)."

"Gang!" [2] Bai Luo Yin immediately took out the tile before his eyes.

Li Shuo angrily scratched his head, secretly cursed, "How can you keep
doing peng, chi [3], gang, endlessly? Damn it, I'll discard one more tile.
Let's see if you can still do chi or not...."

"Qi Tiao (Seven Bamboos)."

Bai Luo Yin immediately turned all of his tiles over, "Hu le!" [4]

Li Shuo and Zhou Si Hu were astonished, again? Since we started playing

until now, Bai Luo Yin has been winning for seven consecutive times, he
won every game, undefeated.

"I can't believe this evil."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Li Shuo furrowed his eyebrows while shuffling
the tiles.
This time, Zhou Si Hu's tile was obviously good, when he was just started to
arrange his tiles, his expression was overflowing with joy. He glanced at Li
Shuo, brother is going to win this time, you'd better cooperate with me for a

Gu Hai was really quiet, it's not that he's not skilled, it's not that his tiles are
bad, it's just that he's most willing to be Bai Luo Yin's benefactor. What Bai
Luo Yin needs over there, he will offer it from here.

"Wu Tiao (Five Bamboos)." Bai Luo Yin discarded a tile.



Zhou Si Hu smiled towards Li Shuo while swaying his mahjong tile, "Forget
it, brother got it first, I'm sorry."

Li Shuo's face darkened.

After a few turns in this round, no one uttered a word, Zhou Si Hu saw that
his tiles are just one step away from winning, he only needs Liu Wan or Jiu
Wan to win. Zhou Si Hu gave a gesture to Li Shuo under the table.

Li Shuo looked at his own tiles, he didn't say anything, he really has one Qiu

Then just wait, wait until it's my turn, I will let you win once.

Bai Luo Yin guessed that his tile is going to come soon, he picked one tile,
pressed it in his hand, then he raised the corner of his mouth and giving a
cold smile, confusing the person beside him.

"Hu le." Bai Luo Yin turned over his tiles, "Zi mo. Yi Tiao Long." [5]

Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu simultaneously laid their head on the table, their
face was full of distress, I can't play anymore. He came here to play mahjong,
or to rob me? Why is he so good at this?
Those four people were playing from the afternoon until the evening, Bai Luo
Yin placed more and more money into his own bag.

Dinner time, Li Shuo can't help but ask Bai Luo Yin, "Why are you so good
at playing mahjong?"

Zhou Si Hu also asked, "Are you sure you're not cheating?"

"Actually he doesn't need to cheat." Gu Hai laughed, "I guess he

definitely can remember the tiles."

Li Shuo was surprised, "Remember the tiles? How can you remember the
tiles? Can you memorize so many tiles in front of you? Beside, those tiles
weren't grabbed by you alone, four people took them in turn, can you
know what tile you will get?"

Gu Hai bragged about his wife proudly, "I'm telling you this, he's not only
remembering those tiles in front of him, even when you're drawing your
tiles, but he can also remember it all. So when we're drawing a tile, it
depends on luck. But when he's drawing a tile, he knew it already in his
mind. If I say that he has a photographic memory, do you believe me?"

Both Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu has an admiring gaze on Bai Luo Yin, is he a
guru from some kind of legend?

Bai Luo Yin laughed, "Don't listen to his nonsense. This kind of thing still
has to depend on luck, today is my lucky day."

"Aren't you too lucky?" Li Shuo drank a mouthful of beer, "Later I don't
want to play mahjong with you anymore."

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin looked at each other. Fraudulence and evilness were
all inside their eyes.

After Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu went back, those two bad boys hid in the
bedroom while counting their money. Everything was from Bai Luo Yin's
winning against Zhou Shi Hu and Li Shuo.

"12 thousands yuan in total." Gu Hai raised his lips, "As expected, you're
really my good wife."

Bai Luo Yin who was smiling at first suddenly got angry when he heard this,
"If you say that one more time, do you believe that I will castrate you?"

"Castrate me?" Gu Hai let out an evil smile, "Then you have to find a big
basin, otherwise it won't fit."

Bai Luo Yin's ashamed and irritated face left Gu Hai's gaze.


Translator's Note:

[1] Peng: completed a set; 3 tiles with the same image, for example, 3 tiles of
8 bamboos.

[2] Gang: same with Peng, but this is 4 tiles with the same image.

[3] Chi: you have three tiles with sequential numbers and the same image, for
example, 7 bamboos, 8 bamboos, 9 bamboos.

[4] Hu le: complete a winning hand.

[5] Zi Mo: winning by his own draw without using other player's discarded
tiles. Yi Tiao Long: three consecutive sequences of one suit, for example, one
until nine bamboos.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 95


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 95: The Inquietude of Youth – The jealous one is upset again.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“All the high school students all over the country let’s exercise to radio
music 《Youthful Vigour》….. Get ready! One two three four, five six
seven eight, two, two, three, four, five six warming up, one two three
four, five six seven eight, two, two, three, four, five six seven eight…”

A crowd of high school students was jumping around on the sports ground, as
far as eyes can see, only black hairs and blue uniforms can be spotted, with
movements that showed no differences. If there’s a movement that requires
them to turn their bodies around, two people would turn their bodies to
opposite sides, causing them to look at each other’s blushing face, and one of
them would secretly change his direction.

“All classes dismissed!”

Bai Luo Yin stood still at his spot, he smiled at Gu Hai who was standing not
far from him, and both walked towards the classroom at the same time.
“I suddenly want to eat ice cream.” Bai Luo Yin started to talk.

Gu Hai stared at him, “What season is this? It’s almost snowing, and you
still want to eat ice cream…..”

“I don’t know why, but I really want to eat something cold.”

“You can’t eat it.” Gu Hai replied firmly.

Bai Luo Yin thought to himself, why the hell are you controlling me? Did I
ask you for a permission? I was just mumbling to you. Seeing you like this,
I’ll just eat it. After that Bai Luo Yin turned around and walked towards the
school supermarket.

Gu Hai chased him, “Actually what do you want?”

“I want to buy ice cream!” Bai Luo Yin acted willfully.

Gu Hai looked displeased, he glared angrily at Bai Luo Yin for a while, then
he spoke in a deep voice: “Wait here!”

After that, he forced his way into the supermarket along with a crowd of
people. The supermarket was filled with students. Supposed if you’re buying
an instant noodle snacks, by the time you arrived at the cashier, the noodle
became crumbs already.

Gu Hai swiftly moved in the middle of crowds until he finally arrived in front
of the freezer. In the past, don’t even say coming here to squeeze himself
between a lot of people, for him, buying something for other people means
lowering his status.

Bai Luo Yin was standing still when suddenly someone bumped into him
energetically and made him almost fell. He turned his head to see, Yang
Meng suddenly hung on to himself, seized with panic.

“Yin Zi, help me!” Yang Meng cried.

Bai Luo Yin patted Yang Meng’s back, “Come down first.”
“I won’t. If you don’t save me I won’t come down.”

Bai Luo Yin saw that Gu Hai is paying already from the silhouette.

“If you have something to say then come down first, okay?”

Yang Meng lowered his head and placed it on top Bai Luo Yin’s back, “I’m
afraid that once I come down you’ll just run away.”

“Where would I run to?”

Yang Meng calmed down, then he jumped down from Bai Luo Yin’s back.

“Say it.” Bai Luo Yin straightened his uniform.

Yang Meng looked around him, then said: “It’s about You Qi from your
class, is he crazy? Recently, he always pester me at every opportunity,
when he’s pestering me, he’s also saying rude things to me, every time he
would always find faults to pick on me. If I were to talk back, I couldn’t
say anything to him, after all your relationship with him is really good!
But if I don’t talk back, he would take advantages of me! Once the school
bell rang, he definitely will show up at my class door and blocked me!”

“You Qi is pestering you?” Bai Luo Yin was puzzled.

Yang Meng hugged one of Bai Luo Yin’s arm, his face was full of fear, “I’m
telling you, even during breaks he doesn’t let me off, once he caught me,
he will never let me go. Did you see that? Did you see that? He’s right
there staring at me, acting sneaky with me, that guy…..”

Suddenly, Yang Meng’s shoulder was hit by a huge hand, Yang Meng’s leg
crooked in a flash, half of his shoulder collapsed.

Defending himself from You Qi too much, made him forget that there is one
more man behind him who can’t be trifled with.

Yang Meng grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s arm while in pain.

Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin’s hand that Yang Meng grabbed to separate them,
it made Yang Meng almost fall.

Then he passed the ice cream to Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin wanted to use that hand to take the ice cream, but Gu Hai
persistently want to give it to the other hand, the meaning was clear, use this
hand to take it, how can you let him hug your other hand even when I see it?!

Then, Yang Meng saw Bai Luo Yin tore open the wrapping paper, strong
milky smell mixed with chocolate crispy skin, he can’t help but to rub his
hands, “It’s been a long time since the last time I ate ice cream, now I
really want to eat it.”

Bai Luo Yin smiled then took a bite on his ice cream, the cold made his gum

Yang Meng was like a small greedy kitten, he fixed his gaze at the cream on
Bai Luo Yin’s hand, asked impatiently, “How’s the flavor?”

Gu Hai pushed Yang Meng away and snatched the ice cream from Bai Luo
Yin’s hand. He looked at Yang Meng while putting on a fake smile, “I’ll
help you to taste it.”

Finished speaking, Gu Hai ate two mouthful of ice cream. After Gu Hai ate
them, half of the ice cream is gone.

“It’s not bad, it’s really good.”

Now half ice cream is gone already, I want to see if you still have the face to
ask for it again.

Who would’ve thought, this time someone caught up with Gu Hai’s

shamelessness. Yang Meng waited until Bai Luo Yin ate one more time, then
he stretched out his small and delicate hand, spoke while grinning broadly:
“Then, just give me a mouthful is enough.”

Gu Hai, “……”

Bai Luo Yin took one more bite, and then gave it to Yang Meng, “Okay, you
can have it all.”

Yang Meng happily ate the remaining ice cream, he also deliberately ate the
ice cream slowly. One time he ate, one time he glanced at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai was upset! It was very difficult for me to squeeze myself and queue
between the crowds just to get the ice cream for you. But it was nothing, the
main problem is that there’s Bai Luo Yin’s saliva on top of the ice cream,
you should’ve given it to me!! You should’ve given it to me!!!

After Yang Meng finished the ice cream, he jogged lightly towards the trash
can, and then he threw the wrapping paper away.

Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin calmly, “Who told you to let him eat?”

“What’s wrong with him eating it? Didn’t you eat it too?”

“Can we be the same?” Gu Hai’s face darkened.

Bai Luo Yin furrowed his eyebrows, “Gu Hai, don’t be like this!”

I always welcome those friends of yours with smiling face, but why is it
when it comes to mine, you’re so harsh? Bai Luo Yin didn’t say these words
out loud, because after Yang Meng threw the trash away, he immediately ran
back to return.

Three people walked together to the stairs, Yang Meng’s class is on second
floor, while Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai’s class is on third floor.

But, when they arrived on second floor Yang Meng didn’t stop, he continued
to walk towards third floor.

Gu Hai reminded him coldly, “Brother, you passed your floor.”

“No, I know that this is the third floor, I just want to speak with Yin zi
for a while.”

Gu Hai frowned his eyebrows, then walked inside the classroom.

Bai Luo Yin and Yang Meng stood near the classroom door opposite the
window, they continued to talk.

“You Qi is always harassing you? Why would he? Are you having
dispute with him?”

“What dispute?!” Yang Meng’s gentle voice suddenly became full of

resentment once he’s talking about You Qi, “I’ve never talking with him,
he just called me two times, who would’ve thought that he went insane
like this? Every time school is over I would run away quickly, otherwise
he would stop me at the school entrance, and he won’t let me go. Say,
supposed if he just beats me up a couple of times, I can let it go, but he
didn’t, he bombarded me with curses, how he cursed me… ah.. I can’t
describe them….”

Right when he was speaking, You Qi came.

Yang Meng immediately gripped Bai Luo Yin’s arm, his expression was like
a kitten saw a tiger. He lowered his voice, speaking nonstop, “You see, you
see. He’s coming again, he will curse at me again…”

But, You Qi only smiled at Bai Luo Yin, he didn’t pay attention to Yang
Meng at all.

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Yang Meng, “Cursing you? Why didn’t I hear it?”

Yang Meng’s shoulder collapsed, he didn’t understand, “Why isn’t he

cursing at me today?”

Bai Luo Yin patted Yang Meng’s head, just like coaxing a little boy, “Okay
okay, go back to your class. You have to attend your class now.”

“I can’t. I have to hear the bell first then I will go back. I’m afraid he
would rush out and barking at me.”

Bai Luo Yin, “……”

Finally, when he heard the bell sound, Yang Meng ran quickly, Bai Luo Yin
went inside his class.
“We’re having a test now, take out your test paper, I’ll give you some
questions, hand it back to me before the class ends.”

Bai Luo Yin saw that everyone beside him has their own test paper, and his
own desk was empty.

Bai Luo Yin tapped You Qi’s shoulder, “Where’s my paper?”

“Eh?” You Qi was puzzled, “Just now I clearly passed them to the back.”

Bai Luo Yin turned his body around and looked at the person behind him,
sure enough he had two papers.

“Give it to me.” Bai Luo Yin stretched his hand out.

Not only he refused to give the paper back, Gu Hai even replied with no
shame, “I don’t have it.”

“You obviously have two papers.” Bai Luo Yin glared at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai replied with sarcasm, “Who told you to be absent when they
distributed the papers? Do you still need it? Just go chat! Just chat as
much as you want to, just chat for a whole lesson, no need to do the test.”

Bai Luo Yin suddenly took one of the paper from Gu Hai’s desk, then placed
on his own desk.

For the whole lesson, Gu Hai barely suppressed his feelings. When the bell
rang, the back door opened, and one beautiful and small face appeared behind
it. This guy didn’t realize that he provoked someone, he still moved his hand
to call Bai Luo Yin, “Yin zi, come out, come out.”

Bai Luo Yin stood up, then suddenly someone from behind kicked his chair.
The chair leg knocked against Bai Luo Yin’s leg fiercely. Bai Luo Yin took a
deep breath, suppressed his anger. He kicked his chair, and walked out of the
classroom without looking at Gu Hai at all.

“Why did you come again?”

Yang Meng pouted his lips, “I’m afraid that he will come and block me, so
I ran out here even before the class ends.”

“So, if you’re looking for me, he wouldn’t scold you?” Bai Luo Yin asked.

Yang Meng nodded his head firmly, “He’s scared of you, if we’re together,
he’s so well behaved. You see, when I came here for you, he didn’t even
come out from the classroom.”

Bai Luo Yin felt helpless, “So you’re going to keep coming to me for

Yang Meng understood You Qi’s mind completely, “Yes, as long as he

keeps pestering me, then I will always keep pestering you.”

Bai Luo Yin scratched his forehead anxiously, “Can you find somewhere
else to hide yourself?”

“I can’t!” Yang Meng shook his head, “No matter where I hide it
wouldn’t be as good as hiding with you. He would always find me in this
school. Besides, if I have classes, can I hide? I can only go to class, and
then after the class ends, he definitely had waited at the classroom door
already, I can’t go out even if I want to!”

This problem is really complicated, Bai Luo Yin grinded his teeth, the
problem is on You Qi!


Self-study time, Bai Luo Yin tapped You Qi’s back, asked him in a low
voice, “What’s going on between you and Yang Meng?”

“Yang Meng?” You Qi pretended not to know anything, “Who’s Yang


“My childhood friend. Didn’t you go to my place together with him last

“Oohhh….” You Qi looked like he just realized it, “What happened to


“He told me that you’re always pestering him.”

“I’m pestering him?” You Qi shrugged his shoulder, he couldn’t help but to
laugh, “I’m not close with him, why would I pester him?” After he
finished talking, he took out two pieces of tissue, then he blew his nose.

Bai Luo Yin continued, “He said that every time the class ends you’d
always go to his class and block him so he couldn’t go out.”

You Qi became even more surprised, “I went to his class to block him?
Isn’t it him who came to our class all the time? You saw it right, these
past two classes, did I ever go out? Wasn’t he the one who always
running to our class?!”

Bai Luo Yin, “…..”

“Two students in front of me, can you be quiet?”

A simple yet strong warning came from behind, his voice was loud and clear.
The moment everyone heard it, the classroom suddenly went silent. No one
dared to utter a word, everyone secretly glanced at Bai Luo Yin and You Qi.
Unable to continue, Bai Luo Yin patted You Qi’s back, signaled him to turn
his body around.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 96


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 96: The Inquietude of Youth - You know what I WANT. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In every break between lessons, Yang Meng would always visit Bai Luo
Yin's class. Every time the back door opened, anyone knows that it definitely
is Yang Meng. Once it's opened, Bai Luo Yin will immediately say, "Why
are you here again?"

During break, Bai Luo Yin heard one thing from Yang Meng. During class,
Bai Luo Yin would hear another thing from You Qi. Both doesn't seem to lie,
one seemed really pitiful, one seemed really innocent. Bai Luo Yin felt really
bad because he was caught between both of them. There was also one more
person behind him who caused trouble. He didn't lend a hand to solve this
problem, but he always starts a quarrel instead.

After school finished, the first thing that Gu Hai saw when he opened the
back door was Yang Meng again.

Yang Meng retreated a few steps, he was scared when he saw Gu Hai. He felt
that Gu Hai is a person who's really hard to approach. Bai Luo Yin is quite
cold too. He really doesn't know how can these two people became close.

"I want to go together with you!"

Yang Meng's short body doesn't even reach Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, yet he
still insisted on jumping on and hugging Bai Luo Yin.

Arrived at the school gate, Bai Luo Yin stopped and then looked at Yang
Meng, "It's okay now, right? He's living in the school dorm, he's not
allowed to go out, you can rest assured and go home now!"

"Who said that?" Yang Meng straightened his neck, "Last time when we
went to your house, he was following me from behind! No, I have to go
with you!"

Gu Hai was behind Bai Luo Yin, he was pushing his bike, while waiting for
Bai Luo Yin with calm yet dark expression.

"Last time was a special case right? He ran out from the school while
risking his marks deducted, he also needs to spend money to stay
overnight, all of that just for cursing at you, is it worth it?"

"Then I still want to walk together with you." Yang Meng being
completely stubborn, "Since kindergarten we have always been walking
together, how many years has it been? If it weren't for your previous
teacher in charge of your class dragging your lessons all the time, would
we ever go separate ways? Remembering about these things makes me
feel sad, you see I'm alone by myself, to walk such a long way to home, is
it easy for me?"

"Okay okay...." Bai Luo Yin patted Yang Meng's shoulder kindly, "Lets go
together, let's go together."

The face of that person behind them became gloomier.

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, "Let's walk together three of us."

Gu Hai suddenly kicked the pedal on his bike, he rode his bike and walked
away, not answering Bai Luo Yin at all.
"No..." Yang Meng unable to understand, "What's wrong with him? Why
is it that every time I look at him, he wouldn't give me a smiling face at

Bai Luo Yin lowered his face, "Nothing, just ignore him!"

"Last time he mocked me, you said those exact same words! Yin Zi, why
did you attract a person like that?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't say a word.

Yang Meng's walk, how can it be called walking! He was completely

dancing, he turned his head around every three steps.

Bai Luo Yin couldn't bear to see it anymore, "Yang Meng, actually what's
wrong with you? I asked You Qi already, he said he wasn't looking for
you at all, he's not close with you, he said you framed him, and you
intentionally sow discord between us!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Yang Meng raised his arms and shouted, "That
bastard! That fucking bastard!"

When Bai Luo Yin saw that, he got the gist now. There must be something
wrong between You Qi and Yang Meng since You Qi was definitely
harrassing Yang Meng. There's no doubt, and Yang Meng didn't exaggerate it
either. You Qi probably think that Yang Meng is really amusing, he just
wanted to play with him and nothing more, so he can't help but to tease him.

"Hehe... You've arrived, go inside."

Bai Luo Yin patted the back of Yang Meng's head once.

Yang Meng stealthily looked around in all directions. He stood still and
glanced for a few more times, until he was sure that no one was there, then he
went inside his house calmly.

After Bai Luo Yin sent Yang Meng home, he went back one alley, and he
arrived at his home already.
Gu Hai was standing at the entrance, his bike parked beside him. There was a
pile of cigarette butts near his foot.

Upon seeing Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin spoke in a bad mood, "Go inside!"

Even after Bai Luo Yin went inside the house, he still couldn't see Gu Hai
shadow following him. Bai Luo Yin kicked the threshold, his heart was full
of anger. So, you're giving me attitude now? If you're really capable then just
stand outside for the whole night!

"Son, you came back? What about Da Hai?" Bai Han Qi asked.

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything, he put down his school bag and walked into
his bedroom, slammed the door.

Ten minutes passed, still no movements from the outside. Bai Luo Yin didn't
know whether Gu Hai is still standing outside or he went inside already.

Not long after that, Aunt Zhou's voice can be heard from outside.

"Da Hai, why are you not going inside? What's wrong with this kid?
Who are you sulking with? Oh dear... And why are you still smoking! Go
inside quickly! It's really cold here!..."

When Bai Han Qi heard that he immediately went outside. Not long after
that, he ran to Bai Luo Yin's room, knocking on the door.

"Son, come out!" A really stern voice.

Bai Luo Yin opened the door.

Bai Han Qi was exasperated, "Why are you so ignorant? Why are you
locking Da Hai outside? What did he do to provoke you again? I say,
you're so stubborn, since you were young until now, only your way is the
right way. Da Hai is a really good kid, your dad doesn't have such a good
brother like him. I really want to have a good brother like him, I..."

"Who lock him out?" Bai Luo Yin replied full of anger, "It was him who
refused to come in!"
"If you weren't pressuring him, wouldn't he come in?"

"Who's pressuring him?" Bai Luo Yin yelled.

Bai Han Qi took a deep breath, he was annoyed, "Don't say that, call him to
go inside quickly!"

"I'm not going!" Bai Luo Yin sat on the chair.

Bai Han Qi also shouted, "If you're not going then I'll go!"

"You don't need to go!"

Bai Luo Yin wanted to stand up and stop Bai Han Qi but it was too late. Bai
Han Qi already walked outside with big steps.

Bai Luo Yin followed behind him, he clenched his teeth. Gu Hai you're really
cruel, so you're using this trick now, huh? You're the one who's in the wrong
and you're still annoying me like this. Just go freeze to death!

"Da Hai, listen to uncle's words, go inside! Don't bother yourself arguing
with him, he just likes to mess around since he was small!"

Bai Luo Yin suddenly kicked the door and went outside.

"Dad, you don't need to persuade him, just let him stand outside!"

"I think you should be the one standing outside!" Bai Han Qi raised his

Gu Hai persuaded Bai Han Qi, "Uncle, don't bother with me, just go inside
first. I'll stay here for a while,

it's refreshing!"

"It's refreshing" - Gu Hai stressed those two words.

Bai Luo Yin fixed his gaze on Gu Hai firmly, "So you're not going in,
Gu Hai replied, "Wasn't it you who made me stand outside?"

Bai Luo Yin exerted his strength to pull Bai Han Qi, and dragging him inside
step by step. Gu Hai just stared at Bai Luo Yin without saying anything, but
he was screaming inside countless times, so you're cruel enough to leave me
outside like this? Can't you say something to coax me? Sometimes, man can
be weak and fragile too, we also need some affection, right?.....

"It's raining ice crystals!"

Bai Han Qi sighed, his eyes kept glancing towards the door.

Bai Luo Yin looked at the outside, ice crystals covered the shoes with a layer
of frost. He didn't enter the house at all, he kept himself busy with this and
that on the yard. Actually, he kept feeling the temperature outside, just in case
if the temperature suddenly dropped, if he were inside the house then he
wouldn't notice it.

After Bai Han Qi said that, Bai Luo Yin finally went back into the house.

After ten minutes passed, Bai Luo Yin ran through the door with a frown on
his face.

Gu Hai was still standing there full of energy, just like a soldier doing his
guard duty.

Bai Luo Yin breathed a few mouthfuls of cold air, said angrily, "Come

At first, Gu Hai didn't give any reply. And then, he raised his lip and smiled.
He felt really happy that it melted the frost on his lips.

Bai Luo Yin went into the house, and passed Gu Hai a hot water bag.

Gu Hai put his hands in it, intentionally moved closer to Bai Luo Yin, raised
his eyebrows and asked, "It's so warm! When did you charge it up? How
come I didn't see you doing that?"

"Are you using it or not? If not, then hand it over!" Bai Luo Yin reached
his hand out to grab it.

Gu Hai blocked him and he felt that Bai Luo Yin's hands were colder than

"Why are your hands also cold?" The smile on Gu Hai's face suddenly

Bai Luo Yin pulled his hands away, and spoke with an unfriendly tone,
"While you were standing outside, my dad was so upset. How can I still
have the face to stay inside the house?"

Gu Hai felt touched yet very apologetic. He used the hot water bag to warm
his own hands, then he

pulled Bai Luo Yin's hands in to warm him up too. Bai Luo Yin resisted a bit,
but Gu Hai won't let it go. A pair of big hands wrapped another pair of big
hands. Once in a while, Gu Hai even breathed into the bag. Although it was a
little awkward, but it also had an indescribable warmth.

At night before sleep, Bai Luo Yin was soaking his legs in his room. Gu Hai
didn't enter at all. After Bai Luo Yin finished, he went outside to take a look.
He saw that Gu Hai was in the kitchen, didn't know what was he busy with.

"Uncle, it's been boiling for a while, is it done now?"

"Yes, that's enough. You can serve it now."

Gu Hai filled a bowl with ginger soup and carefully carried it outside. Upon
seeing Bai Luo Yin standing on the yard, he couldn't help but to complain,
"Why did you come outside? Come back inside quickly! It's really cold!"

Bai Luo Yin looked at the ginger soup inside the bowl. He moved his lips,
but didn't say a word.

"Try it, how's the taste?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin drank two big gulps, "A little hot."
"The hotter it is, the better it is to dispel the cold. Drink some more."

"Aren't you going to drink?" Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai was drowning in fondness, he smiled, "I'll drink after you finish

Both drank a big bowl of ginger soup, then prepared to sleep. Gu Hai
suddenly saw a bruise on Bai Luo Yin's ankle. His breathing stopped. He
pulled Bai Luo Yin's leg without any explanation and asked, "How did you
get this?"

"You're asking how did i get this? During the day, someone was being an
idiot and kicked me."

Gu Hai suddenly felt vexed, he remembered that he didn't use that much
force! How did his kick turned out to be like that? His fingers stroked that
area gently, he was feeling very angry inside. Bai Luo Yin hurting himself is
one thing, he made Bai Luo Yin hurt is another thing. That fiery arrogance he
felt in the afternoon was completely collapsed, only remorse and guilt

"Does it hurt?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin used this chance to retaliate, "Nonsense, do you want to try to
get a beating?"

Gu Hai suddenly leaned down, and placed his lips gently on the bruise.

Bai Luo Yin's body stiffened, he immediately pushed Gu Hai away.

"Stop fooling around, my dad is outside!"

"I don't care, I'm so worried. I just want to kiss. Otherwise, I won't be
able to get over it."

"How big a thing is this?" Bai Luo Yin felt embarrassed and angry, "I was
kidding! It doesn't hurt at all. I often knock against things all the time,
it's no big deal. Hurry and get up!"
Not only he didn't move, Gu Hai even kissed that area more intensely. At first
he only used his lips to rub, but then he even used his tongue.

Bai Luo Yin's expression changed, then he kicked Gu Hai.

"Do you feel no shame?"

Gu Hai laughed and grabbed Bai Luo Yin's leg, spoke shamelessly yet full of
concern, "I know I was in the wrong in this matter, I shouldn't treat your
buddies like that. But Yin Zi, I really can't control my emotions. I feel
really insecure inside. If you can give me a confirmation, I won't feel
tortured like this!"

I give you a confirmation and I won't have my sense of security again. Bai
Luo Yin replied Gu Hai in his mind.

Outside, Bai Luo Yin still pretended to be indifferent.

"What sense of security do you want? Is it not enough that you're free-
loading here every day? How much more do you want?"

Gu Hai grabbed the blanket forcefully, then he completely wrapped himself

and Bai Luo Yin inside. He hugged the guy beside him tightly, without
leaving any gap in between. He placed his lips against Bai Luo Yin's ears.

"You know what I want."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 97


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 97: The Inquietude of Youth - The ANSWER. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Their breaths became heavier under the blanket, their chests were pressed
against each other, they could entirely feel each other's heartbeat.

Bai Luo Yin was flustered, the pitch dark night has become his best
protection. He could feel that Gu Hai's face was getting closer. Bai Luo Yin
moved back a little, but he couldn't avoid Gu Hai.

Gu Hai sucked Bai Luo Yin's lower lip. Then the tip of his tongue licked Bai
Luo Yin's lips slowly, as if he was testing Bai Luo Yin's patience. When Gu
Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin's body started to relax, he slowly pulled himself
away. With a 'pop', both of their lips separated, leaving a mixed feelings

Bai Luo Yin gradually became more and more accustomed to kissing this

Initially it was just an acceptance, that it wasn't disgusting. But now, he really
enjoyed himself.

Gu Hai's affectionate stare followed Bai Luo Yin's eyes, he wanted to convey
his thirst for Bai Luo Yin. He needs his answer, not only physically, but also
emotionally. And yet he also scared to know the answer. He's scared that with
just one passionate gaze from Bai Luo Yin, it would drown him in a
bottomless pit of love.

Gu Hai's tongue swept across Bai Luo Yin's chin, as if he was waiting for Bai
Luo Yin to give him permission to continue.

He wasn't as fierce as before. This time Gu Hai is really soft and gentle.

Just like what he promised: I can love you dearly, whenever and wherever, I
will always give a consideration to your feelings. I will respect you as a man,
I will wait for you until you can accept me.

Even though I always try to control you, and sometimes I stepped over the
line, but I placed you really high in my heart, and no one can't even hope to
reach you. If one day you finally become mine, it will be the greatest honour
of my life.

Bai Luo Yin slightly opened his mouth, he fell apart inside, but he also felt

Gu Hai immediately inserted his tongue inside, his tongue swept every corner
of Bai Luo Yin's mouth. Bai Luo Yin wasn't good at kissing, and Gu Hai had
never kissed someone as gentle as this time. So when they were kissing, they
soon became breathless. But this breathlessness aroused them even more. Gu
Hai's thin lips fiercely sucked Bai Luo Yin's tongue over and over again,
savoring the taste of Bai Luo Yin's tongue, until a trickle of saliva slid down
from Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

The moment Gu Hai pulled his lips away from Bai Luo Yin, he noticed the
saliva on Bai Luo Yin's lip. It was such a lewd view, it made Gu Hai's throat
tightened. Unable to hold himself back, he kissed Bai Luo Yin again.

This time, Bai Luo Yin was the one who inserted his tongue first.
Gu Hai stunned, he suddenly tightened his arm that was embracing Bai Luo

Bai Luo Yin's tongue explored inside Gu Hai's mouth, even he himself did
not expect that he would take an initiative like this. Gu Hai playfully used the
tip of his tongue to tease Bai Luo Yin's, the meaning is: come! I want to see
what you can do.

Bai Luo Yin used his hand to hold Gu Hai's head, his tongue reached deep
inside Gu Hai's mouth. Gu Hai didn't expect that Bai Luo Yin could be bold
like this. Gu Hai opened his eyes in shock, one handsome and aroused face
appeared before his eyes, a face that made his heart beats faster and his
cheeks overflowed with tenderness. Bai Luo Yin stretched and twirled his
tongue just like a surging waves, drawing Gu Hai's heart closer to himself.

Their heartbeats were like two horses running wildly on the boundless

Gu Hai's magnificient lower part started to erect, he held Bai Luo Yin's head,
his lips began to play on Bai Luo Yin's face. He kissed his forehead, bit the
tip of his nose, licked his beard stubble.... Until he reached Bai Luo Yin's
neck, he lightly nibbled that fair skin on his neck, then sucked it.

"Yin Zi, are you sleeping already?" Bai Han Qi's voice can be heard from
the outside.

Bai Luo Yin's body stiffened. Just when he was about to answer, Gu Hai's
hand covered his mouth.

Then, Gu Hai began to bite and lick Bai Luo Yin's chest. He used that
opportunity to stretch his leg out, and used his knee to rub against Bai Luo
Yin's crotch.

Anxiety, fear, and excitement intertwined inside Bai Luo Yin's mind.

The knocking sound was still there. Bai Luo Yin's forehead was full of
sweats. Every part of his body has been bitten and sucked by Gu Hai. Even
under this kind of situation, he was still being bold. His breath under Gu Hai's
palm felt hot.

Finally, the sound of footsteps leaving from the door can be heard.

Gu Hai released his hand that was covering Bai Luo Yin's mouth. Bai Luo
Yin cursed him in a low voice, "Do you want to die?"

Gu Hai rubbed his own cock against Bai Luo Yin's, he slightly groaned, then
said, "You were enjoying it too, right?"

Feeling angry, Bai Luo Yin suddenly grabbed Gu Hai's cock with his hand.

That sudden touch made it grow larger in his hand.

It was like a little monster, the size was alarming, and it's standing

"Move your hand." Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin, almost begging him.

Bai Luo Yin clearly had never touched another man's cock before, he wanted
to pull his hands back but Gu Hai's hand held him in his place. Then, he
slowly moved his hand from the bottom to the head, feeling the wrinkle on it
and the friction between his palm.

Gu Hai let out a small moan, he placed his jaw on Bai Luo Yin's chest, his
stare was lustful.

"Baby... faster please.. both of us are men, what are you shy about?"

Bai Luo Yin shouted in his mind, it is exactly because we are both men that's
why it is so embarrassed!

Gu Hai stretched his hands out to reach another little monster between Bai
Luo Yin's thighs, his little finger stroked Bai Luo Yin's pubic hair gently, it
made Bai Luo Yin's face blushed. Then, he began to move his hand fiercely,
he touched the sensitive tip, and made Bai Luo Yin trembled.

Maybe the pleasure made Bai Luo Yin got carried away, Bai Luo Yin's hand
started pumping again.
This, beyond doubt, aroused Gu Hai even more. Gu Hai shamelessly
commanded Bai Luo Yin, his breath became heavier.

"A little bit lower... Do it faster... Yes.... That feels good....."

Needless to say, Gu Hai's technique was really good, he changed various

tricks to stimulate Bai Luo Yin, it was as if he know how to please Bai Luo
Yin better than Bai Luo Yin himself. Bai Luo Yin couldn't control himself
anymore. The pleasure made him forget about his own defense and
principles. That excitement made him begs for release.

Gu Hai bit Bai Luo Yin's body, yelled 'Yin Zi' over and over again.

When Bai Luo Yin heard Gu Hai called his name, he felt that his guard
collapsed in a flash, he pulled Gu Hai into his embrace.

Muffled groans can be heard, as their bodies trembled in orgasm. It continued

for almost one minute, until their breaths gradually relaxed.

Their blanket was drenched with sweats.

One of their briefs was pressed underneath their bottom, and another briefs
was on top of their leg.

Gu Hai used his hand to wipe Bai Luo Yin's sweats, gently asked, "Did you
feel good?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't reply. His mind was still in a daze.

The second time, this happened for the second time already, Bai Luo Yin sent
a warning to himself, actually what's wrong with you? Why don't you have
any self control at all?

"My butt is wet from all the sweats", Gu Hai teased Bai Luo Yin, "Let me
see if your butt is wet as well."

"Go away!" Bai Luo Yin shouted.

Gu Hai fixed his gaze at Bai Luo Yin for a while, then softly replied, "Yin zi,
listen to me first, don't get angry."

Bai Luo Yin knew that Gu Hai won't say anything decent, so he quickly
interrupted, "You don't need to say anything, I don't want to hear it."

Gu Hai pulled him into his embrace, "What if I still insist to say it?"

Bai Luo Yin covered Gu Hai's mouth with his hands.

Gu Hai's hand suddenly reached towards Bai Luo Yin's back, trailing down
his back slowly, until he arrived to that spot between his butt.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly grabbed Gu Hai's hand.

His gaze was ferocious!

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes slightly, a sense of excitement mixed in his voice.

"Really, I really want it..."

"Never!" Bai Luo Yin grabbed Gu Hai's hand and throw it back, "If you
want to use this to give yourself a sense of security, let me tell you, don't
even think you can get it in your entire life!"

The shock soften Gu Hai's hard cock.

"Yin zi, you're mistaken." Gu Hai paused his words as he moved closer to
face Bai Luo Yin, "I want to be with you not because of this. I am a
normal man. If I only want this, why don't I just go and looking for a
girl? I want to be with you because I like you so much, that's why I'm
longing for your touch. Actually you are really pure in my mind, so
much that I don't want to dirty you."

"Gu Hai, we are both men. All the things that we can do together has
been done."

Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin's hands, "It doesn't matter to me what can we
do. I just want to know, what am I to you in your heart?"
"Two men talking about these things, don't you think that it's too
ridiculous?" Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai refused to give up, "Even if it's ridiculous I still have to ask, do
you like me?"

Bai Luo Yin ignored Gu Hai and turned his body around.

Gu Hai moved closer to Bai Luo Yin, "Are you a little moved?"

"Sleep." Bai Luo Yin replied indifferently.

Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin's bare bottom, "Do you think you're going to
lose 2 kilos if you just admit to it?"

Bai Luo Yin unable to restrain his anger, he turned around and gave a punch
on Gu Hai's cheekbone.

"Why are you asking if you already know the answer?"

Gu Hai's body collapsed back onto the bed, he was overwhelmed with
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 98


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 98: The Inquietude of Youth - The MAIN CULPRIT is found.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin woke up from his sleep early in the morning. He took one pair
of briefs from inside the blanket and put it on. After he wore the pants, he
noticed that something was wrong. He lifted his head up, only to see a certain
someone standing in front of mirror with his own briefs while shaving.

"We're wearing the wrong briefs." Bai Luo Yin faintly reminded Gu Hai.

Gu Hai lowered his head to take a look, then he faced Bai Luo Yin. The area
around his mouth was covered with foam, but he let out a seductive smile.

"I was wondering why it was so tight!"

"You're so full of yourself!" Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, "Our briefs
are obviously the same size."

"Oh...." Gu Hai let out an evil smile, "So you sneakily looked at my brief

Bai Luo Yin was upset, he stretched his leg out to kick Gu Hai's solid butt.
Gu Hai couldn't defend himself properly, so his face bumped against the
mirror, staining it with the foam from his face.

"Come here to change!" Bai Luo Yin scolded Gu Hai.

Gu Hai turned his body around, having on a mischievous expression, "Okay,

let's change the underwear. Take it off."

Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded.

"Take off your briefs. If you don't take it off then how will you change
it?" Gu Hai walked toward Bai Luo Yin, intending to take his pants off.

Bai Luo Yin retreated a few steps, but Gu Hai chased him relentlessly. Both
were fooling around again and again until they fell on top of the bed. One
was showing his ominous gaze while the other one was punching and
kicking, laughter mixed with curses, making the sleepy morning a lot more

"Yin zi! Yin zi!"

Yang Meng's alluring voice could be heard from the yard. Bai Luo Yin
looked outside through the window, then he exerted himself off Gu Hai with
one push, "Put on your clothes quickly, Yang Meng came already."

"Why is he coming again?" Gu Hai asked while frowning.

Bai Luo Yin warned him, "I'm telling you, don't be mean to him again!"

"Yes, I know." Gu Hai replied unwillingly.

Yang Meng lifted the door curtain. He saw Gu Hai was in the middle of
putting his clothes on, and Bai Luo Yin, his shoes. The blanket on the bed
was in a great mess, pair of socks scattered under the bed. The air inside the
room was heavy with male hormones aroma. Two tall and good looking guys
were busy with their own things, the scene seemed harmonious, yet, it wasn't.
They went to Aunt Zhou's breakfast stall together to eat, Yang Meng stared
blankly at how much those two boys ate. They ate more than five times his
portion alone.

On the street, Gu Hai leisurely rode his bike in front, while Bai Luo Yin
walked with Yang Meng behind.

"So, you two have been living together?" Yang Meng lowered his voice to

Bai Luo Yin immediately acknowledged it, "It's been around two months."

Yang Meng was surprised, "Didn't you hate it when you have to sleep with
other people?"

When Gu Hai heard, it he felt a sense of accomplishment, his speed

becoming even slower.

Bai Luo Yin took a quick glance at Gu Hai, while lightly replying: "He
didn't have anywhere to go, what can I do? In the end, we just decided to
live together."

Gu Hai put his legs down on the ground, raising his eyebrows in anger. He
glared at Bai Luo Yin, clearly threatening him. Little boy, do you believe that
I would call you 'my wife' in front of him?!

After walking for a while, Bai Luo Yin was almost done explaining about his
and Gu Hai's living conditions. When Yang Meng heard about it, he became

"What? So. you're saying that he is your step father's son? That.... That
general's son?"

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

Gu Hai just listened to them quietly, he didn't interrupt them, nor did he stop
them. It was not a disgraceful thing anyway, and, if Bai Luo Yin was willing
to talk about it then let him do it. Sooner or later he would have to explain
this matter clearly to Li Shuo and Hu Zi too.
Yang Meng couldn't really understand the situation, so he couldn't help but
interrupt Bai Luo Yin.

"So, is it your mom marrying his dad? Or his mom marrying your

Bai Luo Yin hit Yang Meng's head once, "What do you think? Of course,
it's my mom marrying his dad."

"Then why is he living at your house? This doesn't make any sense!"
Yang Meng blinked.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly got a headache, this matter being indeed hard to say.

"He doesn't get along with his dad, I don't get along with my mother. So,
it just happened like that."

Yang Meng nodded his head although he didn't quite understand. He rubbed
his hand.

"It's really dramatic! Fortunately, those guy that I found that time ran
away. Otherwise if they really went to cause a trouble at the wedding
ceremony and ruined the marriage, you won't get such a good brother
like this!"

Bai Luo Yin was still unable to forget about this matter.

"Oh right, I haven't been able to ask about it clearly, actually what's
wrong with those guys? How can they just took the money and quit the

Yang Meng found it difficult to explain, "So this happened. That day there
were two reporters carrying video cameras, didn't know where they
came from. When those four people saw that reporters, they were
flustered, they were afraid they will be on newspaper! They went to rob
their cameras, who would've thought that those two reporters would be
panicking! Just when they started chasing, those two abandoned their
cameras and ran away. I also can't blame my uncle because he couldn't
find people properly. He found four misers, after they got those video
cameras they just ran away, i heard that they even sold it with a high

Gu Hai stopped his bike.

Yang Meng who walked behind Gu Hai, felt scared because Gu Hai stopped
so suddenly.

"What did you say? You sent someone to cause a trouble at the wedding

Yang Meng glared at Bai Luo Yin, "It was him who asked me to do it."

"Then who did they met with?"

"Two reporters." Yang Meng made a V gesture with his fingers.

Gu Hai's face turned green, "And then?"

Yang Meng confessed everything, "And then.... they robbed those

reporter's video cameras. It can't be helped."


A mystery for more than 3 months finally solved just like this. After he felt
troubled for a long time, it turns out that the criminal is here! He persistently
investigated who was the main culprit, and unexpectedly it was his
enchanting and charming good wife!

Gu Hai stared at them with a tearless grief.

When Bai Luo Yin saw Gu Hai's response, his heart skipped for a bit, he
couldn't help but to ask, "Those two reporters, was it you who sent them

Gu Hai didn't say anything, but looking at his response, Bai Luo Yin knew it.

"Did you send them there to sabotage the wedding ceremony too?"
Gu Hai's expression became more unsightly.

Yang Meng at the side understood everything now, he couldn't help but to
beat his chest in sorrow, "Oh my god! It can't be that two sides were
actually partners, but on the contrary they killed each other instead?"

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai looked at each other awkwardly.

Yang Meng became the peacemaker instead, patted Gu Hai's shoulder, then
patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, advised them: "Both of you should be
happy, this is called fate. Think about it, supposed if the marriage wasn't
happening, you won't leave your home and move to this school, also you
won't be able to meet Yin Zi. You too, you won't be able to meet someone
who has the same misfortune as you, willingly let him stay at your house,
being devoted to him, talk about everything to him. If it isn't like this,
your feelings towards each other won't be this strong. You say, what I
said makes sense, right?"

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin tacitly swept their eyes over Yang Meng.

"Even if you didn't say that we knew it already."

Yang Meng, "....."

Every day after school, Bai Luo Yin would definitely visit the dog cage to see
A Lang's condition. Is he eating enough? Should the water on the tray get
changed or not..... Bai Luo Yin treated A Lang carefully and patiently. Every
day before he went to school and after he went back home he would always
interact with A Lang affectionately. Otherwise A Lang would seem like he
had no energy for a whole day.

"Let's go to take A Lang for a walk." Bai Luo Yin said to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai opened the cage and let A Lang out. Once A Lang is out he would
run to Bai Luo Yin's embrace, and act spoiled as much as he likes. Bai Luo
Yin played with him for a while, he saw Gu Hai beside him was burning with
Two of them walked outside from the yard, they headed towards east, to the
river bank. Elder people often went to the river bank to go for a stroll there.

On the street, A Lang would bark every time he saw a stranger, it made
everyone who walked there kept a distance from them.

They walked along the riverbank, a group of sparrows flew over their heads.

The weather was very cold, a thin layer of ice has formed on the riverbank,
the wind that blew across their face felt extremely painful. Bai Luo Yin's
hand that held the dog chain felt really cold, so cold that it turned purple. Gu
Hai turned his body to the side, he lifted Bai Luo Yin's zipper up.

Bai Luo Yin's gaze fixed on the other side of the river.

Aunt Zhou was dressed in a red cashmere coat, her hands were inside her
pocket, she laughed occasionally. Her simple and genuine face matched with
the mild ruddy color of sunset glows. It was as if she went back to her
twenties, her tiring and wan face from her work couldn't be seen anymore.
That man was standing beside her, he completely changed his entire image.
He was dressed in some nice clothes and carried a warm smile. His every
movement wasn't rough and clumsy like usual.

They didn't notice that there were two people watching them from the other
side of the river. They were looking at each other, didn't even try to hide the
affection in their gaze.

Bai Luo Yin felt some complicated feelings in his heart.

He felt really happy, yet somehow, he felt sad.

"Pick the date and get the matter done."

Gu Hai spoiled surrounding atmosphere with this one sentence.

Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a sideways glance, "Do you think marriage is a
simple thing?"

"I'm just getting anxious for them."

Bai Luo Yin was puzzled, "What are you getting anxious for?"

"Once they're living together later, won't you become a third wheel?
When that time comes, a third wheel like us will have to go to our new
house together living our own happy life, how nice!"

Bai Luo Yin went silent for a while, then he patted A Lang's head, "Son, go
bite him!"
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter 99


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 99: The Inquietude of Youth – A poor man came to make

trouble. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Saturday morning, Gu Hai was dressed in a nice clothes, squatted beside the
bed and then pinched Bai Luo Yin’s face.

“I’m going out for a while.”

Bai Luo Yin just woke up from his sleep, his sleepy voice was somewhat

“Where are you going?”

“My brother returned today, I’m going to meet him at the airport.”

Bai Luo Yin rubbed his eyes, “Your brother? Biological brother? Why
have I never heard you talking about him before?”

“Not biological, it’s my cousin. He’s living abroad, there’s not many
opportunity for us to meet. This time he came back because of his
business too, he will be here just for a few days and then he will go

Bai Luo Yin sat on the bed, “Ng… Then you should go before you late.”

Gu Hai stared at Bai Luo Yin for a while, “What are you going to do

“I don’t have any plan. Maybe I will do my homework, or maybe I will

go to Aunt Zhou’s stall to see if there’s anything I can help.”

“Don’t run around anywhere else!” Gu Hai spoke as if he was persuading a

little kid.

Bai Luo Yin frowned, “Don’t mind me, quickly do your own things.”

Gu Hai softly patted Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks, then walked outside.

After Gu Hai left, Bai Luo Yin couldn’t sleep anymore, so he changed his
clothes and went out.


Aunt Zhou was in the middle of preparing inside her stall, upon seeing Bai
Luo Yin, her face was

overflowed with gentle smile.

“Yin zi, you came already.”

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head, and walked until he arrived at the kitchen,
several chefs were very busy with their own things inside. Now Aunt Zhou’s
stall is not only selling breakfast, but also lunch and dinner, just like a small
restaurant. Because the price is cheap, the hygiene is clean, and the food
tastes good, every day the shop always full of people. If some people didn’t
get any seat, they will order to bring the food home.

Everytime Bai Luo Yin come over, Aunt Zhou would always go to the
kitchen and cook for him personally.

“Aunt Zhou, no need to do it. I can just eat anything.”

Aunt Zhou shook her head, “It’s not a trouble.”

As she said that, there was one customer yelled in a loud voice from outside,
“Give me one more beef

noodle soup.”

Aunt Zhou’s gaze changed, as if a hint of misery appeared on her eyes, but
she didn’t want to show it to Bai Luo Yin. She gave an instruction to the chef
beside her, signaled him to give what the customer ordered.

The chef was unwilling, “How many days has this person been eating
without paying?”

When Bai Luo Yin heard it he was dumbfounded, “Aunt Zhou, this person
has been eating without paying?”

“Don’t bother about him.” Aunt Zhou grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s arm, “It’s
okay, he alone didn’t eat that much. Come, sit over here. I made this for

How can Bai Luo Yin still have the heart to eat? Bai Luo Yin grabbed Aunt
Zhou’s busy hand, sternly asked, “Aunt, actually what’s wrong?”

Aunt Zhou moved her lips, yet didn’t say anything.

Bai Luo Yin walked towards the dining area in large steps, and that man
earlier was still shouting from

the corner, “Can you be a bit faster? How much more time do want me to

Everyone beside him had paid at the cashier already and got their number
while waiting for their food, his desk was the only one that was empty, yet he
was still shamelessly yelling at the waiters, and insulting them. Bai Luo Yin
intentionally glanced at him, this man didn’t seem like a robber, he seemed
like he had suffered because of his poverty, the ribs on his chest could be
seen. Bai Luo Yin couldn’t see his real age because his face had changed too
much from his hardships. He could only felt his fake cunning side of him.

When one waiter walked toward him while holding a bowl of noodles, this
man suddenly glared at the waiter.

“Why are you dawdling around? I’ve shouted for so many times

The waiter placed the bowl on his table unwillingly, then walked away with a
worried expression.

Who wouldn’t feel annoyed with him? He deliberately made things difficult
for every waiter here, the chef was busy for the whole day because of him,
and he still complained that the foods are not tasty. Other customers queued
up for the order numbers, he was the only one who walked directly toward a
desk, and occupied one big desk by himself. He always drive everyone who
wanted to sit with him away.

Bai Luo Yin pulled out a chair, then sat in front of him.

“Who let you to sit there?” That man glared at Bai Luo Yin as he eating his

Bai Luo Yin coldly replied, “I let myself sit here.”

That man slammed the desk, Aunt Zhou suddenly rushed out.

“Meng Jian Zhi, don’t be ungrateful.”

That man called Meng Jian Zhi spat his noodles to the bowl, he pointed his
finger at Aunt Zhou’s nose, cursed at her, “You cheap woman still dare to
argue with me? Disgusting whore! So what if I’m eating for free here?
That’s a given for me to eat yours, if it wasn’t because of you, would I
become like this now? It’s your duty to support me, it’s your duty to feed
me, and you still offended me, you disgusting woman….”
Bai Luo Yin grabbed Meng Jian Zhi’s collar, he kicked him until he fell
under the desk.

“Who were you cursing at?”

Meng Jian Zhi didn’t hit Bai Luo Yin back, he was curling up underneath the
table instead, cried out in pain, “Ouch! Ouch! You hit a person!”

All the customers ran out already, the door was closed, they were peeking
from the windows.

“Meng Jian Zhi! Go away!!” Aunt Zhou suddenly cried.

Bai Luo Yin sensed that there must be something between them.

Meng Jian Zhi grabbed one of the table leg, his face showed a suffering
expression, “I’m dying now, you’ve hit me badly, so you have to pay for
the compensation. If you’re not paying then I won’t go.”

Bai Luo Yin guessed that this guy wasn’t able to attain success and thus
drove himself to despair. He’s a coward that likes to bully a honest person.
This kind of person’s biggest characteristic is that they like to pester someone
endlessly and plague them with unreasonable demands, they take revenge
because of his poverty on other people. In short, if he’s suffering then other
people has to suffer too.

Maybe it was because of Bai Luo Yin’s posture, maybe it was because
everyone in the store couldn’t see it anymore, some of the waiters
immediately marched toward Meng Jian Zhi and kicked him, his exaggerated
cry irritated other people’s eardrums.

Aunt Zhou couldn’t see it anymore, she stepped forward to stop everyone,
“Don’t hit him again. Don’t hit him again.”

They stopped. Tears streamed down Aunt Zhou’s cheeks.

“Bring him outside.”

When that man heard that, he immediately stopped his cry, angrily cursed
again: “Zhou Xiu Yun, you’re a bitch. You dare to drive me away!
You’re a good for nothing, your heart is too evil, if our son look at

“You still realized that you have a son?” Aunt Zhou shouted, “Get lost!”

Some people dragged Meng Jian Zhi outside.

Bai Luo Yin brought Aunt Zhou to the second floor, her tears kept flowing all

“Yin zi, I made you see a joke. And you haven’t eat your breakfast yet.
Wait here, I’ll make something for you.”

“No need.” Bai Luo Yin stopped Aunt Zhou, “I’m not hungry.”

Bai Luo Yin already got the gist now, that Meng Jian Zhi must be the guy
who went out to do business.

Now he suddenly appeared here, it must be because he got the news from
somewhere, that Aunt Zhou had a small restaurant like this now, so he came
to claim his credits.

This kind of person is the most hateful person.

“Aunt Zhou, does my dad know about this?”

Upon hearing Bai Han Qi’s name, Aunt Zhou’s expression changed. He
immediately grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s hand, warned him in a low voice,
“Don’t talk about this matter to your dad. With his temperament, he
definitely would beat Meng Jian Zhi up.”

“Hearing your words, do you still love him?”

“It’s not that I love him.” Aunt Zhou’s face was full of worries, “I’m just
scared that he would blackmail your father! You saw how disgusting he
was, right? Is he a person? Everyday he would go to the store with
anger, and for what? Isn’t it so that one day we would get irritated with
him, and we beat him up, after that he would hope that we will feed him
for the rest of his life!”

“But you can’t just let him make trouble like this, right? When you were
suffering he didn’t care at all. Now you just passed some good days, he
shamelessly came over here. Aunt, you must not be soft on that kind of
person, it wouldn’t work!”

“Yin zi.” Aunt Zhou pulled Bai Luo Yin’s hand, “Aunt knows that you
have good intention, but he’s my kid’s father after all. This is my own
misfortune, I will take care of this on my own. Yin zi, listen to me. Don’t
talk about this matter with your dad, I will deal with him myself.”

When he heard that, Bai Luo Yin was at a loss.

“Aunt, I’ll ask you one thing. Have you divorced with him?”

Aunt Zhou lowered her gaze, she looked at the shiny tabletop, faintly sighed,
“Actually we weren’t married. We were so poor, besides not many
people got their marriage certificate. Two people sat together and ate
together, that much is enough. Initially we wanted to get marriage
certificate, that’s why he had to work outside. But then he ran away with
another woman, he didn’t go back for more than three years, this matter
left unfinished. Those days were really hard to endure, my mother in law
kept scolding at me, she said her son is not coming back because of me. I
was so angry so I brought my son to Beijing. It’s been five years since
then. He never contacted me for five years. I thought that I’m completely
done with this man. Who would’ve thought that….. Oh I won’t say it
anymore. The more I say it, the more devastated I feel.”

Bai Luo Yin hasn’t answered yet when he heard Bai Han Qi shouted from

“Son, son are you upstairs?”

Aunt Zhou quickly wiped her tears and straightened her clothes, warned Bai
Luo Yin in a low voice, “Don’t say anything to your dad, remember
Bai Luo Yin nodded his head reluctantly.

Bai Han Qi went upstairs, took a few deep breaths, then said to Bai Luo Yin,
“Da Hai called me just now, he said that he will come here to pick you up
later, he wants you to eat together with him.”

Bai Luo Yin seemed uninterested, “I don’t want to go.”

“I’ve agreed for you already.” Bai Han Qi rubbed Bai Luo Yin’s head,
“Just go. He just has a good intention for you.”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t say anything, he just went downstairs immediately.

Bai Han Qi stared at Aunt Zhou for a long time, then asked, “Why is there a
man lying outside the store?”

Aunt Zhou tried to cover it up, “Probably he’s a beggar.”

“Why is a beggar staying in front of our store? Just wait here, I’ll go
there to drive him away.”

“Don’t!” Aunt Zhou suddenly pulled Bai Han Qi’s clothes. Sensing his
surprised look, she immediately controlled her flustered expression, “It’s just
one beggar, just ignore him. He will go in a few days.”

“You… you’re too considerate.” Bai Han Qi pretended to be angry at Aunt


Aunt Zhou forced a smile at him and then followed Bai Han Qi toward
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 100: The Inquietude of Youth - Introducing the cousin. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin barely sat inside the car, when Gu Hai asked him, "What did
you do earlier today?"

"Oh, I just went to Aunt Zhou's place." Bai Luo Yin replied indifferently.

Gu Hai was able to feel the change in Bai Luo Yin's mood, he was fine this
morning, but why is he in a bad mood after he came back? Who have made
my wife upset? Gu Hai stretched his hand out to fiddle with a few strands of
hair in front of Bai Luo Yin's eyes, he gently asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing, let's go now."

Gu Hai started his car, then he passed a box to Bai Luo Yin.

"What is this?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai strenuously backed his car along the alley, so he didn't reply Bai Luo
Yin. Then Bai Luo Yin looked at the package, it was a phone.

"Why did you buy a phone for me?" Bai Luo Yin asked Gu Hai again,
"There's no need. Just give it to someone else."

"How can you don't need it? This morning I couldn't find you."

Bai Luo Yin leaned on the passenger seat, he closed his eyes, his voice was
tired and sleepy.

"You have money again?"

"I don't have money."

Bai Luo Yin opened his eyes, "You don't have money and yet you still
bought this?"

"My god of wealth has returned, right?" Gu Hai meant his cousin.

Bai Luo Yin looked down upon Gu Hai, "You always sponge off other

Gu Hai grinned, his smile was ambiguous, "He gave me money, so I should
spend it."

One man was sitting quietly in front of window inside a luxurious private
room in a five star hotel. He wore black suits matched with simple but
elegant necktie, the lightning inside the room made the outline of his face
became sharper, his face was as if it was covered with a layer of ice frost.
Although he heard the sound of a door opened, his expression didn't change
at all.

"Brother, this is Bai Luo Yin."

That man didn't raise his eyes, he just replied faintly with an 'ng'.

"This is my brother, Gu Yang."

Bai Luo Yin replied Gu Hai in his mind, was everyone in your family born in
water? [1]

After they sat properly, the waiters began to serve the foods to their table,
everything was a western food. Bai Luo Yin didn't have any appetite since
the beginning, he didn't touch the foods on his plate, quietly thinking about
Aunt Zhou's matters.

Gu Hai asked Bai Luo Yin, "No appetite?"

Bai Luo Yin then picked his knife and his fork up, "Yes."

Gu Yang beside him suddenly began to talk, a coldness seeped through his

"Hailuoyin." [2]

Bai Luo Yin then lifted his head up to look straight at Gu Yang, he was
stunned for a moment. His face was really similiar with Gu Hai, only their
personalities were completely the opposite.

After Gu Hai heard that, he paused for a moment, it seemed that he just
noticed this particular detail.

"Indeed, when you combine our names together it will become a drug."

It's a destiny, we infected each other already, don't even think to guard
against it for the entire life.

This dinner was really quiet, Gu Hai seemed like he just wanted to introduce
Bai Luo Yin to Gu Yang, without any intention to get them closer. After all,
Gu Yang and Bai Luo Yin's temperament are too similar, it would be very
hard for both of them to get along. If Gu Hai wasn't there and both are them
were having dinner alone, they would definitely freeze each other until death.

From time to time, Gu Yang always glanced at Gu Hai. And whenever he

does that, Gu Hai's eyes would always directed toward Bai Luo Yin.

During the dinner, Gu Yang didn't look at Bai Luo Yin in the eye and he also
didn't have a conversation with Bai Luo Yin. But, Bai Luo Yin could feel that
his eyes were always on him. It felt cold, sharp, and harsh. An indistinct
sense of intimidation seeped through his gaze.

On the way back, Bai Luo Yin remained silent all along.

Gu Hai could feel that Bai Luo Yin's mood is really bad, it became even
worse than before. He didn't know if it was because of Gu Yang or not.

"My brother is that kind of shameful person, but his impression toward
you is really good."

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything.

Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin's handsome face still looked displeased, he
couldn't help but to rub it, while coaxing him: "You dont like it when he
invited you to dinner? Later when I go back I will scold him for you."

Bai Luo Yin leaned on the car seat, he closed his eyes, his brain was in a

The car went smoothly on the road, when suddenly Gu Hai slammed the
brakes. Bai Luo Yin's body suddenly swayed. He opened his eyes.

"What happened?"

Gu Hai pointed his finger at the two silhouettes not far from them, he said,
"Why do I feel like that woman over there resembles Aunt Zhou so

Hearing Aunt Zhou's name, Bai Luo Yin's face immediately changed. He
looked outside through the car window, there were three shadows moving
around, one man, one woman, and one little kid. At first the kid was with the
man, then the woman snatched the kid away from him. After that the man
kicked the woman until she fell down, then the man carried the kid in his
arms and ran away. The woman stood up and chased the man relentlessly.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly opened the car door and ran out. Gu Hai followed him
from behind.
"Meng Jian Zhi, you are not a human. Give the kid back to me!"

While Bai Luo Yin was running quickly, Aunt Zhou was quarreling with
Meng Jian Zhi, their son was wailing. Tears with dusts mixed on Aunt Zhou's
face, there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

"This is my son. Why do I have to give him to you?" Meng Jian Zhi pulled
the struggling kid firmly.

Gu Hai's face turned livid, he snatched the kid with one pull, then gave a kick
on Meng Jian Zhi's face.

Meng Jian Zhi flew for more than 2m because of Gu Hai's kick, then he fell
on the ground and didn't get up.

Aunt Zhou hurriedly pulled her son into her embrace, she looked at Meng
Jian Zhi, speechless.

Gu Hai walked towards Meng Jian Zhi, he grabbed his collar, then suddenly
he punched Meng Jian Zhi's stomach.

Meng Jian Zhi immediately spat two mouthful of bloods.

"Yin zi!" Aunt Zhou shouted, "Stop Da Hai, don't let Da Hai hit him

Bai Luo Yin pulled Gu Hai, persuading him, "It's enough, he's Aunt Zhou's

"I can see it." Gu Hai replied coldly, "It's because that he's that son's
father, so I want to hit him."

Meng Jian Zhi stood up from the ground, he threw himself at Gu Hai, then he
grabbed Gu Hai's leg firmly, didn't let him go. No matter how hard Gu Hai
kicked him, he didn't let go. His body was wriggling on the ground just like a

"So you still want to blackmail me? Okay then, within three minutes, I
will definitely give you your compensation."

After he said that, Gu Hai took his phone out.

Aunt Zhou carried her son then ran towards Meng Jian Zhi, shouted at him,
"You have to go! You can't afford to offend him! If you still want to live,
then go away!"

Meng Jian Zhi still doesn't let him go.

Bai Luo Yin used his eyes to signal at Gu Hai, asked him to wait for a while.

"Go quickly!"

Aunt Zhou shouted again, while her son crying loudly.

Meng Jian Zhi unwillingly stood up from the ground, he glared at Gu Hai
fiercely, swearing full of hatred: "You just wait for me, all of you just wait
for me!"

After he said that, he walked with a limp toward the east.

In the car, Aunt Zhou was still holding her son, unable to recover from the
fright. She nestled closely to her son, feeling his existence, afraid that at the
next second someone would snatch her son away from her again.

Gu Hai looked at them through the rearview mirror, suddenly he remembered

about his mother who had passed away.

She loved him, she pampered him, she treasured him. He also had those days
when he and his mother depended on each other. He could feel the
importance of Aunt Zhou for her son, it was like how his mother was
important for him too.

Eventually, this matter couldn't be hidden from Bai Han Qi anymore.

Gu Hai finally started the car and drove Aunt Zhou and her son to Bai Luo
Yin's home.
Since this man appeared, Aunt Zhou and her son wouldn't be able to stay by
themselves at their house. If there's a little bit of mistake, the child could be
missing. The only person they can rely on is Bai Han Qi. Aunt Zhou had no
choice but to tell Bai Han Qi the truth. Bai Han Qi didn't say anything further,
he immediately closed the door and not letting Aunt Zhou go.

"Da Hai, for now let Yin zi stay at your place for a couple of days. You
know it too, we don't have many rooms in this house..." Bai Han Qi felt

Aunt Zhou interrupted with her red and swollen eyes, "We can just stay in
the spare room."

"How can I let you stay in the spare room?" Bai Han Qi frowned his
eyebrows, "I'll stay with the kid, you

stay in Yin zi's room. If there's anything just shout for me anytime."

The kid was in Aunt Zhou's embrace, "I want to stay with mom."

Gu Hai pinched that kid's cheeks, "How old are you? And you're still
sleeping with your mom? Are you not shy?"

Gu Hai pinched him once, he immediately took revenge on him, he stepped

on Bai Luo Yin's foot.

Then he looked at Gu Hai with a provoking expression.

Gu Hai was surprised, this kid is really smart, huh?

"Okay then, let's do this. Da Hai...." Bai Han Qi patted Gu Hai's shoulder,
"Sorry to trouble you."

What kind of trouble is this? Gu Hai felt extremely pleased.

Bai Luo Yin looked at Bai Han Qi full of worries, "Do you want me to stay
here too? I'll sleep with you in one room, they can sleep together in one
room. Just in case if something really did happen, I can help too."
Gu Hai's expression changed, he immediately objected, "I think it's not
necessary, so you don't believe in Uncle's strength? Besides, I gave him
some kicks already today, it's enough to make him gone for at least a
couple of days. You don't need to stay here, just go back with me!"

Bai Luo Yin gave a sideways glance at Gu Hai, his intention was too

Gu Hai remained unyielding, his overwhelming demeanor was like a soldier.

He straightened his waist and his back, focusing his gaze on Bai Han Qi, and
waiting for his instruction.

"It's okay, Yin Zi, just go back with Da Hai."

Gu Hai immediately placed his hand on Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, grinned
broadly as they went out from the house. His smile chilled Bai Luo Yin down
his spine.

Translator's note:

[1] Bai Luo Yin refer to their name Gu Hai (顾海) and Gu Yang (顾洋) if
combined it would become Haiyang (海洋) means ocean.

[2] Yes, it's heroin as we all know XD

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 101: The Inquietude of Youth - Late night house visit. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"It's okay, don't think about it anymore."

On the street, Gu Hai drove his car while holding Bai Luo Yin's hand,
"There won't be any problem."

One of Bai Luo Yin cheek was covered by the moonlight, his other cheek
was under Gu Hai's burning gaze. One time his heart felt cold, another time it
felt hot. Bai Luo Yin used his slender finger to rub his lip, pondering for a
while, then lightly said: "I always feel that, a person like him is not
someone who can be trifled with. He doesn't have any family, no one
cares for him, he has no scruples, and he made troubles with us as if it
was okay for him to die. He looked like he doesn't want to live, his heart
was dark, he dared to do anything."

Gu Hai sighed, "Actually, it's very easy if we want to beat him

thoroughly, but it wouldn't be easy for Aunt Zhou."

"He was her husband after all, there is a little kid too."

"You see, what are we talking about?" Gu Hai fiddled with Bai Luo Yin's
palm, "Is this something that we should talk about? Their age is
completely different with our thoughts. They have more worries
compared to us, even if you think it over and over again it will be

Bai Luo Yin was silent, he stared at the night scene outside the window.

Gu Hai slowly moved his hand from Bai Luo Yin's hand to Bai Luo Yin's leg,
stroking them.

"Yin zi, you're really good to Aunt Zhou."

Bai Luo Yin turned his gaze towards Gu Hai's face, "What are you

"If I get into trouble one day, will you be so worried too?"

Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a "you are so stupid" look, the meaning is are you
getting jealous with Aunt Zou?

Gu Hai understood what Bai Luo Yin meant completely, he sugar-coated his
words with a thick skin.

"I'll get jealous over anything, big or small. As long as it is something to

get jealous about, I'll get jealous. No matter if it is a human, a monster, a
bird, I will take them all on."

Bai Luo Yin smiled at Gu Hai's words.

Upon seeing Bai Luo Yin's thin smile, Gu Hai got butterflies in his stomach.
While Bai Luo Yin was staring blankly at the window, he took this
opportunity to reach his hand out, and placed it on the soft flesh between Bai
Luo Yin's legs. He began to reach the inside.
"What are you doing?" Bai Luo Yin grabbed hold Gu Hai's hand firmly.

Gu Hai's hand almost came into contact with Xiao Yin Zi.

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai angrily, "Can you drive properly? It's very
easy to have an accident on the highway."

Gu Hai let out an evil smile, "As long as you're not resisting, there won't
be any accident."

Gu Hai didn't listen to Bai Luo Yin's words. One of Gu Hai's hand was on the
steering wheel while the other hand was moving on Bai Luo Yin's body.

Bai Luo Yin had goosebumps from Gu Hai's touches. Suddenly, a huge
shadow passed in front of them. Bai Luo Yin urgently warned him, "Look!"

Gu Hai made a sudden turn, he barely avoided the oil truck in front of them.

Bai Luo Yin was so angry at Gu Hai that he went to sit at the back.

Actually, both of them were a little aroused. Bai Luo Yin didn't want to let
Gu Hai know about this so he intentionally moved to the back. But that Gu
Hai became even more shameless. Both of Gu Hai's hands were on the
steering wheel, yet that place below him stood up.

Bai Luo Yin deliberately avoided Gu Hai's gaze, but he felt as if many little
worms were crawling inside his heart.

The lift reached 18th floor. The door of the house just closed, when Gu Hai
impatiently pressed Bai Luo Yin against the wall beside them. His lips
eagerly sealed Bai Luo Yin's lips. His hands unzipped Bai Luo Yin's jacket
and pulled it down to the crook of his arm. Bai Luo Yin's chest was fully
exposed to the touch of Gu Hai's big hands.

Both of their breathing were somewhat rushing. Gu Hai constantly rub his
member against Bai Luo Yin's swelling area. Their eyes were crimson red. In
the darkness, they gazed at each other intensely.

After two times doing it, Bai Luo Yin no longer felt uncomfortable. His
hands hooked Gu Hai's head and he kissed him intensely.

The night burns with their passion and excitement.

With their fingers locked together, two young and vigorous guys breathlessly
bit each other's adam's apple and collar bone. Their little monsters below
were restrained for a long time. Both were screaming to jump out from inside
the pants.

Gu Hai began to undo Bai Luo Yin's belt.

Bai Luo Yin gripped his hand, "Go shower first."

Gu Hai shamelessly asked, "Are we showering together?"


Bai Luo Yin flatly refused. After turning on the lights, he walked into Gu
Hai's bedroom, took out the pyjamas that he wore the last time, went into the
bathroom, and locked the door from inside. The whole process were all so
smooth, leaving no gap for Gu Hai to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts.

Gu Hai stood alone outside the bathroom and grinded his teeth. Rascal,
you're so great! You got me fired up, but then you do nothing, and went into
the bathroom as you please. Wait until you come out, I will inspect Xiao Yin
Zi. If something happened to it, I'll get you!

After a while, a melodious doorbell can be heard inside the house. Bai Luo
Yin was puzzled, who would be coming here at this time? Gu Hai's dad?

Bai Luo Yin saw through the peephole, his heart suddenly shivered, he
thought such a ridiculous thing.Gu Hai obviously was in the bathroom, how
can he suddenly went outside the door? After he finally came to his senses,
he realized that it was Gu Hai's brother, Gu Yang.

Bai Luo Yin opened the door. Gu Yang seemed to feel surprised inside his
heart, but he didn't show it on the outside. Gu Hai only explained a few things
regarding Bai Luo Yin, but he didn't say that he and Bai Luo Yin are living
together. The fact that Gu Hai accepted Jiang Yuan's son willingly like this,
Gu Yang couldn't understand it.

"What do you like to drink?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Yang didn't answer him, he just walked towards the refrigerator, and
opened it. He didn't take anything out, just coldly said, "The refrigerator is
too small, it won't fit many things, change to the bigger one tomorrow."

Bai Luo Yin didn't answer, he felt that it wasn't directed towards him, it was
just Gu Yang talking to himself and that's all.

"The color of the carpet doesn't match with the tea table, the pendant
light's pattern is too old fashioned and simple, so it matched with such a
relaxed dining table. The tassels on the window curtain is too eye
catching, the wall colour behind the TV gives out such a depressed
feeling..... From where did you hire the designer? He designed this house

Bai Luo Yin kept being silent, he guessed that Gu Yang figured it out already
that he was the one who chose everything in this house, so he intentionally
said those words to him.

Just say what you want, I'll do my own things.

Bai Luo Yin opened the phone box, then took it out. He simply looked at the
manual once, and he began to test the phone's functions.

Gu Yang fixed his gaze firmly on the phone in Bai Luo Yin's hand, after Xiao
Hai met me at the airport he hurriedly went to the mobile phone store, was it
to buy a phone for him?

After more than one year not seeing him, this kid has become more mature?
He knows how to care for someone now? Or, is it directed towards this
person alone?

"Yin zi...." Gu Hai shouted affectionately from inside the bathroom, "I
forgot to bring my pyjamas, find one for me and bring it here."

Gu Hai completely had no idea that his brother listened to him too.
Bai Luo Yin didn't lift his head up, he just yelled towards the bathroom,
"Just wrap yourself in a towel and come out."

Gu Hai slightly smile, why do I need to put on a towel? I can just walk out

Then, tragedy happened.

Gu Hai walked out full of dignity. The Xiao Hai Zi between his legs were
raised high. Just like that... he appeared in front of Gu Yang with a strong
presence. The atmosphere inside the house became still. Gu Yang's eyes and
the sturdy Xiao Hai Zi made contact. Gu Yang swiftly shifted his eyes away.
The frown on his forehead showed an unusual feeling, clearly showing his
unhappiness at Gu Hai's casual action.

"Eh..... Brother, why are you here?"

Gu Hai quickly went back into the bathroom and wrapped himself in a towel,
then came out.

"I came to see you," Gu Yang leaned against the bathroom door, and asked
nonchalantly, "You don't even hide from him, why are you hiding from

Gu Hai laughed and replied, "Someone like you who's so strict, how could
you be able to stand my vulgar actions?"

Gu Yang raised his leg and kicked Gu Hai on his butt, as if he was teaching a
lesson to a naughty kid,

"Be more cautious next time."

Gu Hai smiled casually, then walked towards Bai Luo Yin. He glared at him
while pretending to get angry, lowered his voice and asked, "Why didn't
you tell me if my brother came here?"

Bai Luo Yin just laughed, didn't say anything.

"You're too cruel!" Gu Hai used his finger to poke Bai Luo Yin's forehead,
"Just wait until my brother left, I'm going to teach you a lesson."

"Your brother won't go anytime soon."

"How would you know?"

"Just see for yourself." Bai Luo Yin secretly gave a sideway glance at Gu

Half hour passed, Gu Yang put down the magazine on his hand, and he began
to walk around inside the house. He didn't say anything, he was just moving
around silently in Gu Hai's sight.

Finally Gu Hai couldn't bear it anymore, he asked, "Brother, why aren't

you leaving yet?"

"Why are you chasing me out?" Gu Yang narrowed his eyes, "Am I in the
way of you two? Just do what you want to do!"

Gu Hai's throat tightened, he straightened his neck then said, "We should

"Why are you sleeping so early?" Gu Yang's gaze was full of suspicions,
"Doesn't young guys at your age only sleep when it's really late? It
barely passed eight now, even elder people are still up."

"Don't 'people at your age' at us.... aren't you just two years older?"

Bai Luo Yin suddenly choked up, only two years older? This guy seems
really old compared to Gu Hai!!

Gu Yang placed down the magazine in his hand, he raised his lip, "Since you
want to rest, then I wont disturb you anymore. Remember to cover up
with more blankets at night, don't get cold."

Gu Hai nodded his head. Gu Yang hasn't wear his shoes properly yet, but Gu
Hai already opened the door for him.
Bai Luo Yin also stood up, then he watched as Gu Yang left.

Before Gu Yang left, he gave a meaningful gaze at Bai Luo Yin. Bai Luo Yin

As soon as the door closed, Bai Luo Yin quickly ran away just like an arrow
leaving the bowstring, he ran towards the bedroom.

Gu Hai's reaction was slower than Bai Luo Yin's, when he just started to
chase him, Bai Luo Yin already locked the room from inside.

Gu Hai clenched his teeth, while knocking on the door, "You wretch, come
out, we're not done yet!"

One voice can be heard faintly from inside the room, "The window is open,
just climb eighteen floors if you can!"
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 102: The Inquietude of Youth – Aren’t you silly? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai intentionally opened the door, and then closed it again with a really
loud voice.

When Bai Luo Yin heard that sound, he thought, is he going downstairs for
real? It can’t be, he’s not stupid! Bai Luo Yin was still worried. He walked
quietly towards the door, then glued his face onto the door, listening to any
kind of sound from the outside. For the next five minutes, he couldn’t hear
any movement from outside. Bai Luo Yin frowned his eyebrows full of
suspicions. He walked towards the window and lowered his head to take a

He couldn’t see anything.

Heavy traffic on the street, and a mass of bobbing heads. Even if Gu Hai
really climbed up, he would be seen. And yet he couldn’t be seen.
Five more minutes passed, Gu Hai’s ringtone could be heard from outside the

It made Bai Luo Yin’s heart felt more anxious, no one is outside for real!

Is he really going down?

Isn’t he planning to ambush me from behind the door?

To make sure, Bai Luo Yin sat again inside the room and waited for a while.

Suddenly, an emergency alarm could be heard, when Bai Luo Yin heard it he
felt anxious, seemed like it was from downstairs.

Oh no, it couldn’t be that he fell down, right?

Bai Luo Yin unable to endure anymore, he turned the door knob, then he
stretched his head out to see the surrounding, no one was there. He was about
to change his shoes, when suddenly his mobile phone rang, his heart
tightened. It couldn’t be that….. Gu Hai called him to ask for help? Or is it….
a call from the hospital?

Bai Luo Yin picked his phone up, then he saw Gu Hai’s number on the

No…. just now Gu Hai’s phone was in the living room, how can he called


Damn, I fell into the trap!

Just when he realized what’s going on, both of his legs were already lifted
from the ground, his waist was held tightly by a pair of big hands, his head
was hanging upside down. He could see two long legs underneath the bath
towel, an upper body wrapped in muscles and veins, and the big slippers that
belongs to Gu Hai. Gu Hai even swayed him around playfully.

Bai Luo Yin’s height reached 180cm, so no one has ever been able to carry
him on the shoulder like this.

“Screw you!”

Bai Luo Yin exerted his strength to punch Gu Hai’s waist.

Gu Hai laughed, “Screw me? That’s not going to work today, hehehe….”

After he said that, Gu Hai kicked the door open with his foot, then he used
his knee to push the door close. He didn’t put Bai Luo Yin down
immediately, but he paced around the room in circles instead. One time he
opened a bookcase to take a look at it, one time he put a doll that fell down
on the ground back to its original place, one time he hummed a popular song
while tidying the things beside the cupboard…… The whole process,
regardless of whether he walked or squatted down, he did them all without
putting Bai Luo Yin down. Gu Hai’s intention was obvious, it was to let Bai
Luo Yin know, in your husband’s eyes, you’re just like a small bird, it’s
better for you to obey your husband, because your husband has enough skill
to control you.

“Gu Hai!” Bai Luo Yin’s face reddened, he raised his voice and yelled at Gu
Hai, “Put me down!”

Gu Hai squeezed Bai Luo Yin’s butt, and said: “Call me husband, then I
will put you down.”

“If I had known earlier I won’t come here with you.”

Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth in anger, the feeling of being swaying around by
someone else is really unpleasant! The feeling of the blood rushing to his
head is really unpleasant! But the most difficult thing to endure is that, an
180cm guy like him is being lifted on the shoulder by another guy, what do
you call this? Humiliation! It’s a deep shame and humiliation!

Bai Luo Yin didn’t utter any word, he knew that once he called him
‘husband’, this guy underneath him would become livelier, so he just endured
“Call me husband or not? If you do I will put you down.”

Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes, he pretended not to hear it.

Gu Hai turned his head around to look at Bai Luo Yin. He saw that Bai Luo
Yin’s face and neck had turned red beause he was hung upside down.

His wife is his wife after all, why must he torture him like this? Gu Hai
loosened his grip, he hasn’t put Bai Luo Yin down onto the bed yet, when he
felt a sharp pain on his lower body. Bai Luo Yin had no idea when did he
stretch his hand out and punch Gu Hai’s most fragile spot under his towel.

It’s fucking hurt!

Gu Hai closed both of his legs tightly, grimaced in pain, then tightened his
grip again. Bai Luo Yin laughed out loud.

Gu Hai threw him onto the bed, then he took this opportunity to press him

Bai Luo Yin’s face was blushing, his eyes were brimming with tears, a faint
smile appeared on his lips.

Gu Hai was really angry, but he loved the expression on Bai Luo Yin’s face
very much. In the end, Gu Hai held Bai Luo Yin’s face with anger mixed
with impatience, then he suddenly lowered his head for a kiss. The pain from
before was slowly spreading upwards, but Gu Hai no longer cared about that.
His longing for this man’s flavour made him crazy. Being tormented for a
long time, he was already fired up since before.

After both of their lips separated, Bai Luo Yin couldn’t help but to tease Gu
Hai, “Your underwear can be chosen as the strongest underwear in
history. I punched it so hard, and yet you didn’t roll on the floor. It’s so

Gu Hai put up a strong face, but he couldn’t endure it anymore. His neck
relaxed, and his head fell onto Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder.

“Really.. It hurts a lot…..” Gu Hai said as he rub his lips against Bai Luo
Yin’s shoulders, “My legs also feels numb. Rub them for me….”

Bai Luo Yin just replied him with three words: “Serves you right!”

Gu Hai frowned his eyebrows, glared at Bai Luo Yin, “So you’re this

“Who told you to trick me earlier!”

Gu Hai massaged Bai Luo Yin’s ears softly, and asked him as he massaged
them, “Who tricked whom first? My brother was outside and you didn’t
tell me that. You deliberately made a fool of myself, right?”

Bai Luo Yin was upset, “You are blaming me for that thing? I told you to
put on a towel and come out, but you insisted on walking out naked.”

Gu Hai couldn’t outspoke Bai Luo Yin, so he decided to use his actions. He
tore Bai Luo Yin’s pyjamas open, and lifted both of his legs up. His head
went straight towards the floopy little fellow in between.

“What are you doing?”

Bai Luo Yin felt really anxious, he exerted his strength and tried to kick Gu
Hai, his hand grabbed Gu Hai’s hair, and tugging it. When he felt that his
weakest spot was being wrapped by something warm and soft, he repeated in
his mind, I’m finished…

He never expected that Gu Hai would be willing to do this kind of thing for

Two long legs spread onto two side. Both of his knees were wrapped by the
other’s palms. His lower legs went numb, he couldn’t move them. Gu Hai put
Xiao Yin Zi into his mouth. He put it in slowly until he reached the bottom,
and he pulled away slowly as if he was savoring a delicious popsicles. The
only difference is that the latter gets smaller while the former gets bigger in
the mouth.

Bai Luo Yin leaned his neck backwards. His chest moved up and down
fiercely. He could see every Gu Hai’s moves. A sense of shame spread to
every nerve on his body. What followed was a pleasant sensation that made
him quivered. His toes were curled up on the bed sheet. Blue veins suddenly
appeared on his arm. His waist was slightly trembled following Gu Hai’s
movement. His forehead was already filled with beads of sweat.

After a quick up and down, Gu Hai used his tongue to lick the pink soft tip.

Bai Luo Yin’s legs suddenly trembled. He couldn’t refrain himself from
letting out a soft groan.

This soft groan aroused Gu Hai even more, it was as if he could hear Bai Luo
Yin shouting, “Hubby, faster…. Hubby, it feels really good… Hubby, I
can’t take it any more…”, underneath his body as he thrust into Bai Luo
Yin in the near future.

Just when he was about to reach orgasm, Bai Luo Yin’s upper body already
left the bed. He clung onto Gu Hai’s neck tightly. His voice that was warning
Gu Hai to move away suddenly changed.

Bai Luo Yin’s face was overwhelmed with pleasure. There was no time to
move away, so he shot them all onto the side of Gu Hai’s mouth.

Gu Hai licked some of it with his tongue, and gave an extremely lewd smile.

The nerves on Bai Luo Yin’s legs were still pulsing irregularly. Upon seeing
Gu Hai staring at himself,

Bai Luo Yin threw a pillow at him. He went down from the bed and grabbed
some tissues, then wiped the filth off Gu Hai’s face with blushing face.

That was the first time for Gu Hai to see Bai Luo Yin’s bashful face like this.
Gu Hai suddenly felt like he’s going to explode because of Bai Luo Yin’s


Once the lights off, Bai Luo Yin started to talk first, “How did you get that
injury on your waist?”
Bai Luo Yin knew about this scar on Gu Hai’s waist since before, but after he
saw it clearly then he realized that this wound is more than 10cm long.

Gu Hai smiled, he seemed like he cared about it yet didn’t at the same time.

“When I was a kid, I was cut by my brother.”

Bai Luo Yin was surprised, “Gu Yang?”


“Why did he do it?” Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai’s voice was deep and cold, “When we were kid we were fighting
over a watermelon, and he didn’t get it. So he cut my waist with the fruit

Bai Luo Yin broke out in a cold sweat, everyone in your family is really

“So you think that giving you money is his duty? He’s kind to you also
because it’s his duty?” Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai let out a bitter smile, “I didn’t force him. He did it of his own will.”

“Well, to put it in a fair word..” Bai Luo Yin stopped after he said half of
what he’s going to say.

Gu Hai turned his head to look at Bai Luo Yin, waiting for him to finish his

“Your brother is more handsome than you.”

Gu Hai’s eyes suddenly became stern, his heart felt completely jealous. He
was so jealous that he didn’t realize he frowned his eyebrows, he was so
jealous that his surrounding atmosphere felt terrible.

Bai Luo Yin still insisted on teasing the person beside him, “I’m saying the
truth, I don’t know about other people but I really think that he’s more
handsome than you.”

Now Gu Hai felt like he wanted to wield a large knife, turned Gu Yang’s face
into the bottom of sieve.

Bai Luo Yin patted Gu Hai’s back, intentionally warned him, “People
shouldn’t act like a loser.”

Gu Hai suppressed the anger on his heart, then he told Bai Luo Yin
something that once happened between him and his brother when they were a

“When we were small, me and my brother went to fly a kite together.

Then the string snapped. We were chasing after the kite. My brother was
laughing as he chased after it, I was crying as I chased after it.”

After ten seconds passed, Bai Luo Yin snorted.

Bai Luo Yin asked as he laughing, “Actually what do you want to say to

Gu Hai’s face darkened, he replied Bai Luo Yin’s question with another
question, “From this trivial incident, can’t you tell that our nature are
completely different? I’m kind hearted, my brother is evil.”

Bai Luo Yin’s laugh became even louder, “No, I just want to ask you, that
fallen kite, you could just go and pick it up! What were you crying for?
Aren’t you a little bit silly?…. Hahaha.”

Gu Hai, “…..”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 103: The Inquietude of Youth - The ambassador of

shamelessness. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the middle of the night, Gu Hai woke up. Bai Luo Yin slept with his back
facing Gu Hai. He slept very soundly.

Such a quiet night like this, such a rare night like this, how can he just sleep?
It would be a waste......

Gu Hai trailed his hand along Bai Luo Yin's smooth back until he arrived at
his shoulder, then he pulled Bai Luo Yin's body closer to him, made him laid
on his back. He pinched this, he pressed that, then he used his big hands to
move Bai Luo Yin that was laying on his back became laid sideways, facing

A handsome face that made him obsessed.

Gu Hai gave Bai Luo Yin a peck on his thin lips.

Bai Luo Yin seemed to be somewhat conscious, he let out a small groan
once, then turned his body around, with his back facing Gu Hai again.

Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, he persistently turned him around

Bai Luo Yin is used to sleeping facing the right side, while Gu Hai slept at
his left side. So when Gu Hai stubbornly force Bai Luo Yin to sleep facing
him, Bai Luo Yin definitely feels uncomfortable. Between his half-sleeping
and half-awake state, Bai Luo Yin always try to find the comfortable position
for him, but no matter what he couldn't find it. It was like when he just felt
comfortable, a pair of big hands suddenly ruined it.

After he turned around again and again, Bai Luo Yin finally woke up.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Hai sealed his lips.

Bai Luo Yin was really sleepy, he has no mood for those kind of thing! He
pushed Gu Hai away, turned his body and continued his sleep.

For the entire night, Gu Hai treated Bai Luo Yin just like a pancake,
incessantly turning him back and forth. Finally after being turned for so long,
Bai Luo Yin collapsed. In the middle of the night, he tussled about with Gu
Hai. After a while, even though his spirit was strong, his strength on the other
hand was not a match for Gu Hai, so he was captured by Gu Hai again.

The dawn sky was still dark, Bai Luo Yin woke up. No matter how much he
wants to sleep, he couldn't. He just sat blankly on the bed for a while, then he
turned his head to look at Gu Hai, he slept really soundly. Of course, did he
ever sleep badly? He tossed him around many times, and yet he was the one
who slept well.

Bai Luo Yin really regretted saying "your brother is more handsome than
you" to Gu Hai.
As a result, for the entire night, Gu Hai kept tossing him around, changing
tricks to deal with him.

Every time he would always ask him, in the end who's more handsome. If Bai
Luo Yin still answer Gu Yang, Gu Hai immediately grabbed Bai Luo Yin's
member. He didn't let go, yet didn't wait, he just stroked it. He stroked it until
Bai Luo Yin couldn't hold it anymore, then finally he said one sentence, "Gu
Hai is more handsome". But it aroused Gu Hai even more. After he
finished, Gu Hai still wants to continue for the second time, and the third

Indeed, men who gets jealous easily cannot be provoked.

Bai Luo Yin dragged his tired and sleepy body towards the bathroom. He
peed, washed his face, and brushed his teeth...

Then he saw two identical rinsing mugs arranged on top of the rack, with the
photograph of him and Gu Hai on the mug. He had no idea when did Gu Hai
take a candid picture of them. He also had no idea when did Gu Hai find
someone to make something like this. Bai Luo Yin took one of the mug, then
he stared at the mug, silently nagged "so childish" inside his heart. He held it
in his hand, and yet he felt somewhat reluctant to use it.

Clean and neat bath towels, complete sets of skin care products, all of them
are new.

He was thinking, am I ready to start a new life here?

Bai Luo Yin hasn't prepared his mental yet.

Gu Hai groped the pillow beside him out of habit, it was empty.

He sat on the bed, then saw Bai Luo Yin's silhouette was moving around
inside the bathroom.

Gu Hai also got off from the bed, then squeezed himself into the bathroom.
He shared the sink with Bai Luo Yin to wash his face and rinse his mouth,
then he applied a cleansing lotion on Bai Luo Yin's face that was already
washed. After that he peed, while asking Bai Luo Yin if he wanted to pee

Bai Luo Yin really admired Gu Hai's energy, last night they tossed around so
much, and now when he just woke up he was already brimming with vim and

"I'm going home." Bai Luo Yin sat on the sofa and wearing his shoes.

Gu Hai fiddled with his own phone beside him, casually replied, "I still have
some things to do, just go back first, I will go find you at noon."

"No need to find me, just stay with your brother. Isn't he going to return
in two days?"

Gu Hai groaned, "I really wish he could just return today."

Bai Luo Yin finished wearing his shoes, and sat on the sofa for a while. He
felt really tired. His body was aching. It was as if once he closed his eyes he
would fall asleep immediately. But, in fact he totally couldn't. He moved
sideways, and leaned his entire body on Gu Hai. His head rested on his
shoulders. He treated Gu Hai as a soft cushion to lean on.

"So sleepy..."

In this instant, Gu Hai suddenly felt really blissful.

Some things are precious because they are so hard to come by.

Just like every night, Gu Hai always sleeps very lightly. He doesn't want to
miss any moment of Bai Luo Yin hugging himself of his own accord. Even
though he wasn't conscious, Gu Hai still feels very touched. He's waiting for
the day when Bai Luo Yin could open his heart completely towards him,
telling him that they are both good brothers for life and also the most intimate

Just before he went out of the house, Gu Hai reminded Bai Luo Yin, "Bring
your mobile phone, if there's anything happen remember to call me."
Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

"Even if there's nothing you can call me too," Gu Hai added again.

Bai Luo Yin turned around, his face overflowed with happiness.

After he exited the lift, not even two minutes passed, Bai Luo Yin received a
text message.

"Baby, I miss you so much."

Bai Luo Yin coldly replied, "Enough, don't make me sick."

After Bai Luo Yin rode the bus, he received another text message.

"5000 yuan has been topped up to your account."

Bai Luo Yin almost threw his cellphone outside, he broke in a cold sweat,
what does this guy want to do? Why did he suddenly top up my account with
that much money? All of it just for my number only, even if I were to use it
until high school graduation it won't finished!

Arriving at the alley of his home, he saw two of his neighbors was pointing
their fingers at his house's entrance.

"Who is that guy?"

"I don't know, last night when I went out to do some shopping, I saw him
stayed there and didn't move at all."

"Is he a beggar?"

"If he's a beggar he should've gone to subway station, or the platform

bridge, why is he here?"

As Bai Luo Yin passed those two neighbors, they smiled at him, then carried
their shopping basket and walked away.

Meng Jian Zhi still wore the same clothes just like yesterday, he hasn't wipe
the mud and dirt off his clothes yet. He just laid on the ground, he put his
hands inside his sleeves, his upper body was covered by a worn-out cotton
padded jacket, his legs were curled up, his appearance looked very pitiful.

"Why are you laying outside our house?"

Meng Jian Zhi strenuously opened his eyes, weakly replied him, "To protect
my son and my wife."

Protect? Bai Luo Yin sneered in his mind, he stepped forward and gave a
kick to Meng Jian Zhi, firmly said, "Just go wherever you want to protect,
but dont stay here at our house."

Meng Jian Zhi stood up, he glared at Bai Luo Yin.

"Do you think I don't know that you hid my son and my wife? That man
inside is your dad? Isn't he having an affair with my wife? Was it your
father who gave that breakfast stall to my wife?"

Just when Bai Luo Yin was about to kick Meng Jian Zhi, he immediately

"Don't hit me, I sincerely want to repent my mistakes, I've wronged my

wife and my son the most. Please ask them to come out, I have something
I need to say to them. I beg you."

"Cut it out! Get lost!"

"I beg you, you don't need to call them to go out then. But please go
inside and bring something for me to eat. I haven't ate since yesterday, if
something happened to me because I'm too hungry, won't you have to
bring me to the hospital?" Meng Jian Zhi gave a bitter expression.

"Who would bring you to the hospital? Why the hell should I bring you
to the hospital?"

Bai Luo Yin felt really upset in his heart, but upon seeing Meng Jian Zhi's
pitiful appearance, he couldn't bear it. He walked towards the door quickly.
Afraid that Meng Jian Zhi would take this chance to go into his house, he
immediately locked the door from inside. He went into the kitchen, then
found some steamed buns. At one glance he could see that Aunt Zhou was
the one who made it.

Bai Luo Yin was unwilling to give such a delicious food to that good-for-
nothing man.

Meng Jian Zhi wolfed those steamed buns down, his weak expression
gradually became better.

Bai Luo Yin just silently watched him at one side for a while, he couldn't
help but to say, "You still have strength right? You haven't even reach 40
yet, if you're not working you wont be able to eat."

"At a place like Beijing, a person like me, who doesn't have any
educational background and connection, where can I go to find work?
Who want to hire me?"

"Can't you do some heavy works? Is sweeping the street going to starve
you to death?"

"Heavy works?" Meng Jian Zhi snorted, he patted his weak arms, "Do you
think I can do that?"

"You're just lazy!"

Meng Jian Zhi brushed the steamed bun's crumbs off his body, straightened
his body and said, "I'm lazy? You just didn't see me when I was working
hard! My body is weak now because of that! But how was the result? It
was really hard for me to make a lot of money, and one woman followed
me willingly, but once she heard that I have a wife, she was disappointed
and left me! You say, whose fault was it? It was that whore Zhou Xiu
Yun's fucking fault! If it wasn't because of her, would I become like this

The more he talked, the more agitated he felt. After he ate some steamed buns
his energy came back, so he intentionally shouted towards the yard, "If it
wasn't because of her, would I fell sick like this?
Her life is good, she opened a small restaurant, she led a comfortable life,
and abandoned me. When I went to her restaurant, she gave me a
disappointed face! Zhou Xiu Yun, you're an evil bitch! You have
husband and yet you still seduce other people's husband! Come outside!"

This shout, made all of the neighbors came out. Everyone who walked on the
street suddenly stopped to watch him.

When Meng Jian Zhi saw a lot of people gathering around him, he sat on the
ground, then began to cry, causing a scene.

"Oh my! I can't live anymore. Let everyone judge who is right and who
is wrong. My own wife every night would come to their house and sleep
there! They didn't let me go inside and yet still beating me! I pity my six
years old son! He didn't even know who is his real father! I'm the
husband, every day I worked hard outside, but when I come home my
wife went to another man, what can I do...... Huhu...."

Everyone around him commented one after another.

"Is it Bai Han Qi?"

"If it wasn't him then who else! Who else is inside except him?"

"Oh my, how can he do something like that?"

"Yes, I see that Lao Bai isn't that kind of person!"

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 104: The Inquietude of Youth – What is shameless? 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin was irritated, he grabbed Meng Jian Zhi’s neck, then he pulled
him until they walked outside of the crowd. Meng Jian Zhi cried out with
pain, he tried to kick Bai Luo Yin’s body. Those neighbors around them
followed Bai Luo Yin while asking him, actually what happened? Bai Luo
Yin didn’t say anything, he just kept dragging Meng Jian Zhi away from the
crowd. He gave some kicks to Meng Jian Zhi.

Meng Jian Zhi vomited all of those steamed buns he just ate, while pointing
his finger at Bai Luo Yin.

“Can’t you see? Everyone in that family is bullying me….. *cough*


The door suddenly opened, and Bai Han Qi’s angry face appeared.
Under everyone’s gaze, Bai Han Qi walked towards Meng Jian Zhi, and
calmly said, “If you have something to say just go into our house and say

“I’m not going! You’re just going to beat me once you close that door.
I’m not going!”

Bai Han Qi suddenly pulled Meng Jian Zhi up, “Today you have to go, even
if you dont want to!”

“You’re bullying other people!”

Meng Jian Zhi bawled again, then he grabbed one of the woman’s clothes as
he bawling, caused that woman almost fell down. He hid himself behind her.
She immediately shouted, but Meng Jian Zhi didn’t let her go.

When Bai Han Qi saw that, he stopped his hand, he was afraid that Meng Jian
Zhi would harm the innocent.

Suddenly the door opened, Bai Luo Yin saw Aunt Zhou appeared from the
house, she hurriedly ran outside.

“Aunt, just go inside quickly. If you’re here he will get noisier.”

“Meng Jian Zhi, actually what do you want?” Aunt Zhou yelled, “Do
you want me and your son die?”

The crowd around them suddenly exploded….

“Isn’t that Mrs. Zhou? Why is she coming out from Lao Bai’s house?”

“Oh my… you see. She’s really staying at that house, what can I say?”

“Lao Bai, what a disgrace!”

When Bai Luo Yin heard those words from the people around him, he felt
that he just wanted to give Meng Jian Zhi a couple of kicks. It’s okay if it
would make him go to jail. He couldn’t bear to see this bastard anymore!
Meng Jian Zhi staggered out of the crowd, he walked towards Aunt Zhou
while sobbing, “Xiu Yun ah! How can you be this cruel to me? I came
here to take both of you home! But how can you just ignore me like this?
Even if I’m poor, I’m still your son’s father!”

Aunt Wang, their neighbor, couldn’t see it anymore, she mumbled to herself,
“That man is really pitiful, can’t they be a bit kinder to him?”

After she said that, she went to help Meng Jian Zhi stood up.

Upon seeing Meng Jian Zhi stood up, Aunt Zhou’s lip trembled, “Meng Jian
Zhi, if you’re still a man then just go inside and talk to us clearly. If
we’re here all the neighbors could see us. We definitely won’t hit you!
But if you’re a coward, then just stay outside, even if you’re crying until
you’re dead, no one would pity you!”

Meng Jian Zhi took a few deep breaths, he looked at such a big crowd behind
his back, he suddenly felt that he caused enough trouble. He rubbed the
spittle from the corner of his mouth, then he walked into Bai family’s house
with a limp, following Aunt Zhou.

“It’s done it’s done, please go back.”

That huge crowd walked away while talking between themselves, leaving
only Bai Luo Yin and Bai Han Qi behind.

“Dad, don’t take those words they said to your heart.” Bai Luo Yin patted
Bai Han Qi’s shoulder.

Bai Han Qi went silent for a while, then said to Bai Luo Yin: “Yin zi, don’t
get involved with this matter, I know how to handle it. Go to your
grandma’s room quickly, she heard the noise from outside so she
definitely will get worried. Just talk to her and persuade her not to go
out, do you hear me?”

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head, then he walked into the house calmly. When
he saw that Grandma Bai was already outside, he moved quickly towards her,
while fixing his gaze on Meng Jian Zhi.
Bai Luo Yin hastily stepped forward to stop Grandma Bai.

“Sha… Sha…”

Grandma Bai pointed at Meng Jian Zhi, her face was red, but she couldn’t
say any word.

Bai Luo Yin held Grandma Bai and brought her back to her room while
coaxing her softly, “That’s someone who has been staying outside our
house and begging for food. Everyone was trying to drive him away, so
we had no choice but to call him to go inside and give him some food.”

“Pitiful people must have something for other people to hate.”

Upon hearing Grandma Bai’s wise words, Bai Luo Yin’s heart that was in a
mess suddenly eased up.

After persuading Grandma Bai to come back to her room, Bai Luo Yin came
out again.

They were in the middle of quarrels right now.

“It’s okay if you’re together now, I don’t have any objection. But you
sacrificed me, so you must give me compensation.”

“Sacrificed you?” Aunt Zhou glared at Meng Jian Zhi.

Meng Jian Zhi rolled his eyes, then he said, “You ask me that? Aren’t you
my wife? And isn’t that son my son too? Now he snatched both of you
from me, do you expect that this matter would be settled just like this?
You two became a couple, and then left me alone. You’re eating and
drinking well, and let me sleep on the street? Do you still have any
conscience left in your heart?”

“Meng Jian Zhi!” Aunt Zhou slammed the desk, “Don’t act so shameless!”

“Who’s being shameless? I’m asking you, whose house are you living
right now? Who is being called ‘dad’ by our son?….” Meng Jian Zhi
raised his voice.
Aunt Zhou couldn’t bear it anymore, she pounded her chest nonstop, her face
looked really agitated.

“Now you realized that I’m your wife, now you realized that he’s your
son, but when you ran away with another woman, why didn’t you think
about us? You never came back for five years, you never send money to
us, why didn’t you mention anything about that?”

“Woman?” Meng Jian Zhi sneered, “You still have face to mention that?
If it wasn’t because of you, I would still be together with Xiao Wu now. If
it wasn’t because of you, will she ran away with my money? I, Meng Jian
Zhi, will say this clearly. Because of you, my woman ran away from me.
Because of you, my son didn’t recognize me. Now, I don’t even have
place to sleep…..”

When Bai Han Qi heard that, he thought that, this man is a trash from the
start. No matter how much we talk to him he wouldn’t understand it.

“Just say it clearly.” Bai Han Qi opened his mouth to talk, “Actually what
do you want?”

Upon hearing that, Meng Jian Zhi’s gaze suddenly became different.

“I won’t beat around the bush, I just want this much.” Meng Jian Zhi
spoke while making a V gesture with his hand.

Aunt Zhou’s face turned livid in a flash, “You want 20 thousand

yuan?” (around $3000)

“20 thousand yuan?” Meng Jian Zhi sneered, “At this place like Beijing,
you won’t even be able to buy toothpick with 20 thousand yuan. Even the
rental fee for your small restaurant must be more than 20 thousand yuan
right? Listen to this clearly, what I meant was 200 thousand
yuan.” (around $30000)

“200 thousand yuan?!” Aunt Zhou was agitated, “Meng Jian Zhi, just
keep dreaming!”
Meng Jian Zhi’s gaze changed, there was a hint of threat deep in his eyes.

“Zhou Xiu Yun, with that small restaurant of yours, you can make
several thousands profit easily right? Just 200 thousand and I won’t
disturb you again, it’s not too much right? If I got the money, I won’t
come and harass you again. If you won’t give me the money, I will
spread the rumour to those people on the streets. I will let everyone
know what kind of trash you, Zhou Xiu Yun, are. I won’t let you open
your shop anymore. I will make you feel too embarrassed to face other
people in your entire life….. If you don’t believe me then just try it.”

Once he finished his words, Aunt Zhou suddenly ran onto Meng Jian Zhi.

“Mr. Meng, let’s just die together!”

Bai Han Qi immediately stopped Aunt Zhou, she looked deathly pale, her
body trembled fiercely.

“Dad, bring Aunt Zhou back to her room first.”

Bai Luo Yin pushed Meng Jian Zhi until he fell underneath the jujube tree.
His expression looked unusually calm.

“This is my house. If you have something to say then just say it to me.”

Meng Jian Zhi’s weak body leaned against the jujube tree’s trunk, “If you’re
willing to replace her and give me the money, I have no objection.”

Bai Luo Yin kept quiet.

“Speaking about your family, it’s not that hard to give 200 thousand
yuan right? I heard that your father is an engineer, just design few
blueprints and he would be able to make that much money, no? But for
me, it’s going to save my life. Do you know that if I want to make that
much money, how many bricks do I have to move? I’m afraid that I will
die before that. If you give me that money, that would mean that you
saved my life. You save my life, do you know that? Is there anything
more important than someone’s life? Don’t you have any morals?”

“When will you go back?” Gu Hai looked at Gu Yang.

Gu Yang casually fiddled with the lighter in his hand, then he lightly replied,
“I’m not sure. Before I came here I planned to finish it all in six or seven
days. But the speed of the worker here is really slow…. I’m afraid that I
will stay here for another week.”

“Finish them all quickly and then go back early after it’s done.”

“Why are you chasing me away?” Gu Yang seemed to say that deliberately,
“I remember that before, it was you who were always calling me to come
back. This time, why do I feel like you’re being hateful towards me?”

I’m really being hateful towards you. Who told you to act so handsome in
front of my wife!

“I just think that you’re really tired because of the time differences.”

Gu Yang coldly smiled, “Xiao Hai, coming back this time, I found out
that you’ve changed a lot. So you know how to care towards other people

“Can you not talk with that strange tone all the time?”

Gu Yang let out a faint smile. He stared at GH, and asked, “Where did your
little brother go?”

Gu Hai didn’t react at first. After he met with Gu Yang’s eyes then he just
realised that Gu Yang meant Bai Luo Yin.

“Why are you asking about him?”

“I’m curious.”

These two words pierced Gu Hai’s ears.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 105: The Inquietude of Youth - Thinking a method to punish

evil people. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Just go away."

Meng Jian Zhi didn't expect that he wasted a lot of time and efforts just to get
those three words from Bai Luo Yin.

"What? You're asking me to go? I'll tell you this, if you irritated me, I
will drag all of you together down with me."

Bai Luo Yin was unusually calm, "I will wait for you, that is if you're
really capable to do it."

Bai Luo Yin's calmness aroused Meng Jian Zhi's suspicion and restlessness.
Why the hell isn't he getting anxious? I've caused so much trouble outside his
house, isn't he feeling agitated? Why does he look like he has a well-thought-
out plan? He isn't even 20 years old yet, he's just a little boy and thats all,
what kind of harm can he do to me?

"Call your dad to come out! I wont speak with you anymore, you're not
mature enough."

Bai Luo Yin stopped Meng Jian Zhi, his tone was cold and stiff, "Even if
you ask him to go out, he will still say those three words."

"You.... you...." Meng Jian Zhi gritted his teeth, his expression was fierce,
"Don't think that I won't dare to do it!"

"I didn't think that you won't dare. Now excuse me, could you please go
away quickly? I can put up small posters everywhere, about you
defaming my father and my aunt!"

"I'm telling you, dont think that I won't dare to offend you just because
of some people from public security bureau. I'm not breaking the laws!"

Bai Luo Yin sneered, "I didn't say I will call public security bureau, I also
didn't say that you're breaking any laws."

Meng Jian Zhi was flustered, he immediately shouted and asked Bai Han Qi
to come out again.

A layer of ice covered Bai Luo Yin's eyes, he just gave two words to Meng
Jian Zhi.

"Get lost!"

Meng Jian Zhi stayed still as if he didn't hear it.

Bai Luo Yin immediately walked towards the dog cage, he released A Lang
that had barked nonstop since before, he rubbed its head and said, "Son, I've
been troubling you these two days. Do you see that person? Everytime
you see that person appeared at our house, just go and bite him."

Meng Jian Zhi still insisted on walking into the house. But when he saw a
Tibetan Mastiff dashed towards him, he suddenly turned pale with fright, and
ran outside in a hurry.

After that Bai Luo Yin tamed A Lang again at the entrance, and then he
closed the door.

After he returned to the room, Bai Luo Yin[1] quickly turned on the
computer, and searched for some popular forum website, planning to post

He started with a title "Leaving his wife behind, abandoning his son, while
putting the blame on his victims. Look at this top-notch man putting on a
shameless act.". but he thought that it's not provocative enough. This kind of
family quarrels, this kind of society trash is too many, it wont be easy to
attract other people. So, he changed the title to "Challenging your patience to
your limit, if someone can watch this for one full minute, I will cut my own
dick." [2]

Well, to punish this scum thoroughly, Bai Luo Yin can only sacrifice his
Xiao Yin Zi.

Bai Luo Yin read some lead stories from newspaper front page to study the
writing skill and how to narrate a story. He learned them all by himself in a
short time. What kind of writing style is it? His writing is close to full marks,
even if he just wrote an essay casually, it would be able to get into newspaper
easily. Dont look at how quiet he usually is, if he wants to write something
provocative, he definitely is the expert! If he doesn't have any ability, how
can he had such a crown prince like Gu Hai under his control!

Since you already threw your own morals away, then I will let you taste your
own medicine.

Soon enough, this post attacted many people's reaction, the click through rate
exceeded 10 thousand clicks, the replies passed one hundred. Some people
expressed their anger, but some people wasn't quite convinced. Some people
thought that Meng Jian Zhi is a bastard, some people thought that a scum like
Meng Jian Zhi is an epitome of society's abnormal development, but there are
some people who harbor suspicions that the writer just wanted to hype the
Bai Luo Yin called Yang Meng, "Help me to comment at my thread."

Yang Meng was puzzled, "Bai Luo Yin, didn't you hate visiting a forum
website the most?"

"It doesn't matter, just help me."

Yang Meng was really curious at Bai Luo Yin's thread. Once he saw it, his
chest was filled with rage. He couldn't bear to watch on his own, so he pulled
his father to come and watch together with him. What kind of man his father
is? He was a famous writer when he was young, how can he stand such a
provoking language like that? His small body trembled in front of the
computer, his fingers quivered,

"Son, step aside. Dad will help you to post a comment!"

Yang Meng suddenly remembered one person, You Qi.

"Why are you suddenly calling me of your own accord?" It seemed like
You Qi was in a good mood.

Yang Meng laughed full of confidence, "It's because I know you're the
best at cursing other people!"


"Finally the moment to show off your talent has arrived! Brother, put
your literary talent and your potential to good use!"

When he heard that Bai Luo Yin wrote a thread, he immediately take a look
on it. Once he saw it he was really agitated! My foul mouth really is made for
this kind of person! He registered several fake accounts right away, every
account would write few pages of curses, without repeating the same words.

Not only that, You Qi also started to curse at his own blog. You Qi's blog was
already popular since the beginning, just like a celebrity. Once he posted a
photo, that photo could be stolen by an advertising company. It proves that
his influence couldn't be underestimated.
Soon enough, You Qi's fans caused an uproar. They keep reposting and
giving comments, it keeps repeating.

The more he cursed the more excited he gets. You Qi typed on his keyboards
very fast.

His cellphone beside him rang, You Qi picked it up with one hand while his
other hand was still typing on his keyboard.

"You Qi, do you still remember me? It's Dong Na."


"That time I sent 12 rolls tissue to you."

"I don't have any time to call you."

You Qi was going to hung up the call when suddenly a shout can be heard
from the other side of the phone, "Don't hung up yet! I'm telling you this,
I'm a forum moderator at XX forum website."

You Qi finally placed his phone on his ear, "Don't you want this thread to
appear on the front page?"

You Qi's hand that was typing suddenly stopped, he casually replied with an

"Oh my God! I will pin that thread to the front page of the forum right
now for you!"

Nearly three hours later, the click through rate exceeded a million, the replies
reached more than two thousands.

Bai Luo Yin was stunned, he didn't expect that the reaction would be this
huge. This is the first time he felt so excited because people paid close
attention to his thread. When he saw that the click through rate and the replies
increased at full speed, Bai Luo Yin was fired up, it was as if he saw Meng
Jian Zhi was being condemned in the middle of everyone, until he fell down
to the ground and die.
Gu Hai was eating with Gu Yang and some uncles.

He kept sending a text message to Bai Luo Yin, but he didn't receive any

He was really worried, so he excused himself and went outside to make a call
to Bai Luo Yin.

"Yin zi."

There was a cheerful reply from the other side, "Hey!"

Gu Hai was dumbfounded, "You.... Are you Yin zi?"

"If I'm not then who am I? Hahahaha...."

This voice indeed is Bai Luo Yin's voice, but there must be something wrong
with his mood! Could it be that after not seeing me for a whole day, he felt
restless, so just with this one phone call from me he felt too happy, and he
wasn't being himself?

"What are you doing? I sent you text messages but why didn't you reply

"Huh?.. Oh... Hahaha..."

Gu Hai let out an evil smile, "I called you once and you're this happy?"

"Yes, I'm really happy! Tonight don't come back here!"

Gu Hai, "...."

"If you dont have anything else to say, okay then. I'll hung up now. Tut
tut tut...."

After feeling troubled for a long time, it turns out that he wasn't happy
because of your call, rather it's because you weren't there with him!

At night, Gu Yang went to Gu Hai's place. He was bored, so he turned on Gu

Hai's computer and browsed the internet. He's living abroad for a long time,
so he didn't really visit Chinese website much.

He saw Gu Hai's browser showed so many Chinese websites, so he casually

opened some of them.

Gu Hai sat at the other side, he was hesitating, should he call Bai Luo Yin
again or not. Just now he thought about it again, he felt that Bai Luo Yin's
mood isn't normal yet.

"Tsk tsk... There are still so many conflicts in this society. This person
called Meng Jian Zhi... I have no comment!"

The more Gu Hai listened to that name, the more familiar he felt. He walked
towards Gu Yang and said,

"Show it to me."

When Gu Hai saw that, his expression suddenly changed. There is accident
indeed! Otherwise with Bai Luo Yin's temperament, if he wasn't forced to
such extent, would Bai Luo Yin be able to write such things that could arouse
public's anger like this?

"I should've known earlier that there must be something happened since
he didn't reply my messages at all. He even still pretended to be happy,
and didn't let me know on purpose...." Gu Hai muttered to himself while
changing his shoes.

Gu Yang stared at him blankly, "Where are you going?"

"There is something, I'll go out for a bit."

Gu Yang lightly replied, "Come back soon, and be careful on the street."

The sound of the door slammed can be heard.

Gu Yang frowned his eyebrows, and sighed, "This kid...."

Yang Meng and his father were fighting for the computer, two small bodies
jostled one another in front of the computer.

"Dad, let me curse one or two sentences."

"I haven't finished with mine yet, wait for a while, good son."

Suddenly a shout can be heard, "What are you two doing? Aren't you
going to work tomorrow? Aren't you going to school tomorrow? Just let
me do the cleaning and go sleep quickly!"

Papa Yang replied casually, "We're sleeping now, we're sleeping now."

Yang Meng also gave a docile gaze towards Mama Yang.

Mama Yang suddenly kicked the door open and went out.

The two cowards went closer, then whispering to each other, "Dad, I'm a
little bit too excited, I can't sleep. I'm going to go to Yin zi's house."

Mr. Yang swung Yang Meng's hand excitedly, then said, "Dad will support
you. A man must be loyal to his friends. Just go. You don't need to come
back tonight."

"I'm afraid that Mom won't let me go."

Papa Yang pounded Yang Meng's chest a few times, "Aren't you a man?
What did I teach you when you were small? The most important thing is
you have to be brave, if you're not taking advantage of your youth to do
some reckless things, how will you gain your place in society later?"

Yang Meng answered his question with another question, "Then can you be
a master in your own house, let me go outside in front of Mom?"

"That..... Can you just jump over the wall?"

Yang Meng showed a worried expression, "The wall is too high, I can't
climb it. If I were to take a stool and used it, mom will definitely found
"It's okay. I will carry you on my shoulder."

Late night, this father and son sneakily went outside.

"Where are you going?" Mama Yang crossed her arms and stood at the

Papa Yang and Yang Meng both answered in unison, "We're going to

"Do you have to go to the toilet together?" Mama Yang glared at them

Yang Meng grabbed his father's arm and smiled, tried to coax his mother,
"Isn't it to save time?"

Mama Yang rolled her eyes, then walked back inside.

"Just go quickly...."

Papa Yang pushed Yang Meng, then both of them sneakily went inside the

Under 1.7m wall, this father and son struggled persistently.

"Dad, raise me higher, I still can't jump over the wall!"

Mr. Yang was breathing heavily under Yang Meng, "I can't. Dad can't raise
you higher anymore. Use your own strength."

"One two three, one two three, one two three..."

This father and son shouted the numbers in unison, but every time they
shouted, they went down a bit, the more they shouted the lower their position
was. Until finally Papa Yang's face touched the ground, both of Yang Meng's
leg were still on his shoulder.

"Dad, should we stop shouting? The more we shout, the more strength
we wasted."
Papa Yang rested for a while, then he continued to squat down again,
adjusting his position, "Son, let's do it again!"

Having no other option, Yang Meng stepped on his father again.

"What are you two doing inside the toilet?"

Mama Yang's steps sounds closer and closer.

Once Papa Yang heard Mama Yang's voice, didn't know where did he get his
strength from, he suddenly stood up, it made Yang Meng unstable, and he fell
towards outside the wall.

Translator's Note:

[1] I think its supposed to be Bai Luo Yin here but in the original novel it's
written Bai Han Qi. I decided to just change it to Bai Luo Yin.

[2] It was written "哥自切JJ". I have to google what JJ is because honestly

I'm not familiar with chinese slang and I found out that JJ here is a chinese
slang from 鸡鸡 which means dick. Pls correct me if I'm wrong thanks! XD
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 106: The Inquietude of Youth - This time, he's completely

done for. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Meng Jian Zhi was still staying near Bai Luo Yin's home. He was walking
around while pondering, actually what should I do right now? Do I have to
keep doing this? Supposed if I went to extremes and really made them angry,
would it be impossible for me to get that 200 thousand yuan? But if I didn't
do anything, not only that I don't have 200 thousand yuan, it would be easy
for them too.

I'm going to die anyway, why don't we die together?

I don't believe that your energy is more than mine!

Meng Jian Zhi thought about it again and again, he couldn't help but to walk
back towards Bai Luo Yin's home. He hasn't even arrived yet, when suddenly
the Tibetan Mastiff barked furiously at him.
I wont be able to go inside the house today, so I have to try every means to
get some money, otherwise how would I carry my plan tomorrow?

Rob someone? But at this time who would I rob? Woman wouldn't dare to go
out this late night, and I wouldn't be able to rob a man.

Just when he was thinking, one silhouette suddenly entered Meng Jian Zhi's

Since it was dark, he didn't know whether it was a man or a woman, but
looking at its small body, he might as well try to rob them.

Yang Meng walked while rubbing his face, because of his fell earlier it made
his left cheek swollen. That time even when he wanted to shout he didn't dare
to. He just ran wildly all the way here. He kept cursing in his heart, why am I
so unlucky? Suddenly, someone walked towards him.

"Give me your money." Meng Jian Zhi shouted loudly.

At first Yang Meng was frightened, but after he saw that the person in front
of him has similiar body as him, with his crooked back, one leg shorter than
the other, and his entire body emitted such an unpleasant smell..... he
suddenly didn't feel scared anymore.

When Meng Jian Zhi saw that Yang Meng didn't give any response, he took
one step closer, angrily said: "Give me your money quickly!"

Yang Meng mocked him, "You have such a small body and you still dare
to rob me?"

"Are you looking down at me? I'm telling you, this small body is more
than sufficient to rob you."

He took another step as he speaks. An unpleasant smell assaulted Yang

Meng's nostrils.

Yang Meng couldn't help but to cough twice, "You're a beggar and you're
still thinking to change your profession? You have to have enough
motivation to do better than this!"
Meng Jian Zhi didn't feel like listening to Yang Meng, he ran towards Yang
Meng with a large steps, Yang Meng didn't have enough time to avoid him,
he felt as if he was attacked by a pile of poops, it was really stank.

"Brother, uncle, grandpa, please stand up quickly, okay? I will give you
money, is it okay?"

Meng Jian Zhi still gripped Yang Meng firmly and didn't let him go, "Give it
to me first."

Yang Meng took 15 yuan out of his pocket, "I only have this much."
(around $2)

But, without suspicion Meng Jian Zhi just grabbed that money immediately
and walked away.

Yang Meng stood up from the ground, he went around and around in a circle
to make the smell on his entire body go away. The smell hasn't completely
gone, so when he entered Bai Luo Yin's house, A Lang suddenly pounced
onto him. He couldn't help but to sigh, just look at how unlucky I am...

"You were robbed by someone?"

Yang Meng nodded his head, "Well it wasn't exactly like that, I gave my
money of my own accord. He was really stank, but he grabbed me and
won't let me go."

Bai Luo Yin let out a bitter laugh, "That was Meng Jian Zhi."

"Huh?" Yang Meng's mouth wide open, "That was Meng Jian Zhi?! If I
had known earlier that he was that stupid fool, I would've just beat him!
Fuck, I've wasted my 15 yuan for nothing."

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything.

Yang Meng shouted again, "It can't be that he's going to use that money
to print some posters right?"
"No, he won't be able to print much with just 15 yuan. Besides, he has to

Yang Meng sat on the bed and crossed his legs, he frowned his eyebrows and
he was lost in his thoughts for a while. Suddenly he had this brilliant idea, he
pulled Bai Luo Yin over and said, "I have an idea, but I don't know if it
will be effective or not."

"Say it."

Yang Meng then whispered something to Bai Luo Yin.


Early morning on the next day, Meng Jian Zhi bought two steamed buns,
forced himself to full his stomach. After that he went to the grocery store and
bought a cheap loudspeaker, then he went back to the alley where Bai Luo
Yin's house is.

He built his emotion while waiting for the peak hour for people to go to

Soon enough, gradually more and more people walked by, everyone were
staring at Meng Jian Zhi with a confused gaze. There were three people sat
not far from him, as if they knew that he's going to start a performance.

Meng Jian Zhi lightly coughed twice, then he began to cry on his

"Someone snatched my wife from me, my son didn't recognize me, who
in this world is more pitiful than me?! Zhou Xiu Yun you evil woman,
you left me and go with some other man, you....."

"Oh my god!"

Suddenly a loud shout can be heard from his side, it frightened Meng Jian
Zhi. He turned his head around, and he saw a man was sitting not far from
him, he cried louder than him, he cried while punching the ground.
"My wife ran away with another man, they even poisoned me until I got
pustules all over my body, and when it festered you can even see my
bones...... My own son together with his step father burned my own
house! Who's more pitiful than me? Who's more pitiful than me?"

Meng Jian Zhi was still being ignorant, why is he butting in on my business?

Ignoring him, he continued using a louder voice, "Zhou Xiu Yun, you....."


One cry can be heard from the east side, interrupted Meng Jian Zhi's weeping
sound. One person was crying while rolling on the ground. His crying got
even louder, as if he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Tell me, why do I have such a cruel fate like this? I finally had a
girlfriend after 38 years, it wasn't easy to make her as my wife, but she
was raped by someone, they even threw her into a sewage ditch....."

"What are you talking about?" The man at the south began to talk, "My
daughter was raped by her step father. Not only did he rape her, he
killed her too, cut her body into pieces, put them inside a plastic bags,
then piled them up outside our house! My heart.... It really hurts, so
much that I just want to die!!"

This man is more clever, he suddenly fell down to the ground, his whole
body convulsed, then he passed out.

The huge crowd surrounding them who has been watching them, suddenly
clapped their hands, while cheering for those people. Some people even
threw coins onto the ground. Meng Jian Zhi stopped, because his experience
is not pitiful enough, who would listen to him!

Meng Jian Zhi saw that those three seemed like they used to cry at the
funerals, he gritted his teeth and then walked away.

Bai Luo Yin walked into the class, Gu Hai had been there since earlier.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai just replied him coldly with an "ng".

Bai Luo Yin found out that something was wrong with Gu Hai, but You Qi
called him before he could ask Gu Hai.

"What happened to that thing?"

Bai Luo Yin patted You Qi's shoulder, "It's not a success yet, we still need
to try harder, my comrade."

You Qi let out a handsome smile, "You're the best at making a story, I just
did a bit cursing!"

"Thank you!" Bai Luo Yin replied casually.

You Qi waved his hand, "Why are we still talking about these things?"

Gu Hai just stared at those two who were sharing their achievement yesterday
without any expression.

He didn't ask anything, he seemed completely unconcerned.


After Meng Jian Zhi lost earlier, he went to collect some soft drink bottles
and sold them for around 10 yuan. After that he went to a printing shop.

"Help me to print something. I can't type, so I will say something, and

you type it for me, can you?"

The typist inside the shop replied him politely, "Of course I can."

"My wife's name is Zhou Xiu Yun. She ran away with another man, that
man's name is Bai Han Qi. They're living at...."

Meng Jian Zhi was in the middle of speaking, when the typist suddenly
She turned her head around. She looked at Meng Jian Zhi, couldn't believe
her eyes.

"Are you Meng Jian Zhi?"

Meng Jian Zhi was dumbfounded, "Why do you know my name?"

The typist who was polite just now suddenly became angry, she lifted the
stool and suddenly beat Meng Jian Zhi with it while yelling at him, "You
still have face to come to my shop? This bastard! This scum! I, on behalf
of many other internet users, shall eliminate you!!"

Meng Jian Zhi tried to escape by rolling and crawling out of the printing

At the afternoon, it was unusually crowded, the alley was filled with so many
news media's cars.

"Auntie, hello. I'm a reporter from Beijing Evening News, I just want to
ask something. Do you know this person called Zhou Xiu Yun?"

"Xiao Zhou ah! How can we don't know her? All of us elderly people
here always go to her restaurant to have breakfast, she's a good person!"

"Then I'm asking you, you knew her for a long time, have you ever seen
her husband coming here to see her? Or have you ever heard her
husband sent some money to her for their living expenses?"

"No! I knew Xiao Zhou for more than two years, I didn't even know that
she had a husband! I found it difficult to ask her, she's raising her kid on
her own, it must be hard for her."

Fang Fei has been going around while dragging her TV station crews for the
whole afternoon, finally when she caught the culprit, she was really excited.
She pulled the arm of the crew who was in charge of filming, and said,
"Quick, shoot him! He's over there!"

Meng Jian Zhi saw that four or five person suddenly ran towards him, with
all of their camera lenses aimed at him. He felt pleased. Well this way is also
fine, I dont need to use that cheap loudspeaker, I will put all of you on the
television right now! Let's see if you still dare to go against me! He picked a
brick fragments on the ground, then he began to write on a white wall. His
writing was really eye catching, so explicit and vulgar.


After school, Bai Luo Yin tidied his schoolbag, then he naturally turned his
head around.

"Today you...."

"My brother wants me to go home." Gu Hai interrupted Bai Luo Yin's


Bai Luo Yin wanted to say something, but Gu Hai carried his bag and walked
out from the back door already, his back was stiff and cold.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 107: The Inquietude of Youth – Dad, get married! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Bai Luo Yin went home, he saw a huge crowd near his house.

Everyone of them held something in their hands, they threw it towards the
middle space while cursing.

Some people in the inner circle even began to hit with their hands. Bai Luo
Yin is tall, so it wasn’t hard for him to see clearly what was actually
happened in the middle of the crowd. One person laid on the ground, suffered
the attack from everyone around him. Some people threw vegetables to him,
some people threw raw eggs to him, some people threw gravels to him…..

“If I didn’t read today’s evening paper, I wouldn’t know there are this
kind of person in this world!”

“Right! How can this person is so rotten like this?”

“I watched him on the TV, he made my food tastes bad!”

“This kind of scum needs to be jailed immediately, so he won’t be able to

harm other people!”

When Bai Luo Yin saw Uncle Liu from the next alley brought a newspaper in
his hand, he softly asked,

“Uncle Liu, can I take a look at your newspaper?”

Uncle Liu lowered his spectacles and raised his eyelids to look at Bai Luo
Yin, then he gave the newspaper to him. Uncle Liu patted Bai Luo Yin’s
shoulder, “Boy, it was hard for you. When you come home later go and
comfort your father, tell him not to take it to his heart. No need to argue
with that person anymore. All of us knew what kind of person your
father is….”

“Yes!” Auntie Zhang went along with him, “That day I said some bad
things about him, I think he must’ve heard that, when you go home later
please help me to apologize to him.”

After Bai Luo Yin went inside his house, he could still hear shouts from the

“Don’t come here in the future, I’ll hit you once I see you here!”

“If you dare to go to Xiao Zhou’s restaurant again, I won’t let you off!”

“Scram! Get lost quickly!”

The newspaper inside his hand was gripped so much, that it was crumpled so
badly. The whole page on the front page was about this matter. It seemed that
the editor snatched the manuscript that was supposed to be edited first, the
picture attached was also a candid picture. Even TV station news, needs to be
filtered one by one, so it’s very rare for an issue to come out on the news at
the very same day.

Bai Luo Yin knew that the hype of a news depends on luck, but to make a
news media to report this definitely needs a strong connection.
There were a lot of elderly people, they hardly used internet, so their
information must be either from newspaper or from television. Besides, these
people are really close to Bai Han Qi, their opinion and attitude will influence
Bai Han Qi’s feelings. So Bai Luo Yin really needs supports from these

Gu Yang was in the corner of the living room, ironing his trousers. From time
to time he glanced sideways at Gu Hai. Gu Hai was watching a ball game on
TV, while gripping his mobile phone firmly in his hand. He had maintained
his stiff posture for a long time already.

“*cough* *cough*…”

Gu Yang lightly coughed a few times, then he coldly asked, “Why are you
so focused when you’re just watching an advertisement?”

Gu Hai’s gaze was focused on the TV screen. He picked up the remote,

casually changed the channel.

Gu Yang silently took his own phone, then he sent one text message to Gu

Gu Hai was surprised, it was as if the moment that he had been waiting for
has arrived. He immediately adjusted his position, raised his phone up, then
opened the screen. His face had this unexplainable excitation, the contour on
his face from his forehead to his jaw emitted such a delightful expression.

Soon enough, he found out that it was just a blank message, the sender was
Gu Yang.

His face suddenly darkened, slowly he shifted his gaze towards the back.

“Are you looking for trouble?”

Gu Yang placed the trousers that he just ironed at the side, then carefully
piled them. He swept his sharp gaze over Gu Hai’s face.

“I sent it by mistake.”
Gu Hai wanted to shout, do you think it’s easy for me to wait for a call? You
sent a wrong text to me, do you know just how much feelings I’ve wasted on

“Are you waiting for a call?” Gu Yang sat beside Gu Hai.

Gu Hai threw his phone to the side, he deliberately put on an arrogant and
frivolous expression,

“Whose call am I waiting for? Do I wait for your call?!”

“I dont know about that.”

Gu Hai stood up and went to the toilet. Because he waited the phone call for a
long time, his bladder almost bursted.

Gu Yang stared at Gu Hai’s back, he raised the corner of his lips slightly.
Only at the time when he look at his dear little brother, that a bit of warmth
could appear on his face.

Not long after Gu Hai entered the toilet, his phone rang. It was a text

“The text message that you have been waiting for is here.”

Gu Hai wiped the waters on his hand, he looked at his phone beside Gu

“I told you already, I’m not waiting for a text.”

Gu Yang saw that Gu Hai’s eyes were overflowed with anxieties, he couldnt
help but to sneer in his mind. Since you were small until now everything in
your mind is always written on your face, and you still want to hide the truth
from me?

“Then you don’t need to see it.”

After he said that, he placed Gu Hai’s phone to his other side.

Gu Hai took a glance at Gu Yang, the latter was staring at him, as if he was
waiting for Gu Hai to make fools of himself. Since they were small until
now, Gu Yang had the most interest at figuring out where is the limit of Gu
Hai’s psychological barrier, then he would break through that barrier in one
go. Gu Hai’s heart skipped a beat, he picked up the TV remote and continued
to change the channel. His facial expression stiffened, he refused to admit his

Five minutes passed, Gu Hai’s phone rang again from another text message.

Gu Yang sat on the sofa leisurely while eating melon seeds, with his legs
crossed. He was full of determination to win.

Gu Hai’s heart was like a sandbag, and those two text messages were like two
punches aimed at him fiercely. Every minute felt like a training that exceeded
his own ability, Gu Hai didn’t notice that his own fingers tapped on the sofa
armrest over and over again. He straightened his back as if it was an iron
plate, his lips opened slightly….. All of those signs exposed his current
feelings, restless with anxieties, out of his wits.

This silence was soon interrupted by a ringtone from Gu Hai’s phone. Gu

Yang picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

“Yin zi….. It seems like it’s a phone call from your little brother. Do you
want me help you to hung up this call?”

Gu Hai was like a wild leopard dashing out from within a thick forest atop a
mountain, he threw himself on top of Gu Yang’s legs and snatched the phone
from his hand. Seconds later, he anxiously paced back to his own bedroom
and slam the door shut. This vivid and thorough bromance between these two
people have unfolded brilliantly and reached an extreme emotional peak.

Bai Luo Yin sent two text messages and Gu Hai didn’t reply at all, so Bai
Luo Yin immediately called him. He waited for so long for the call to
connect. Once it was connected, no one said anything. Not even a

The words Bai Luo Yin wanted to say seemed to stuck in his mouth.

Both of them stayed silent for a long time. Gu Hai spoke first, his tone was
cold and harsh.

“What’s wrong?”

Bai Luo Yin stood underneath the jujube tree, looking at Ah Lang who is
wagging his tail, and asked, “Did you find the reporters?”

GH replied coldly, “It wasn’t me.”


“You didn’t tell me about your problem. Why the hell should I call the
reporters for you?” Gu Hai’s words were harsh, “Aren’t you very
capable? You wrote that thread on your own, you got many people to
comment on it, you had your own small group to create more buzz. Your
masterpiece was everywhere. Of course the media would go and find
you. What does that have to do with me?”

Bai Luo Yin understood it now, this guy is upset.

He is such a typical person with strong body like steel but soft heart like a

Okay. Who made him your brother? Just let him win this time.

“I didn’t let you know because your identity is too special. I didn’t want
you to be dragged into this mess. I wanted you to stay low. I didn’t want
such a small issue like this brings negative effects on you.”

“I stay low? And you get all the exposure? What’s the difference in our
identities? Isn’t your mother mine too? Isn’t my father yours too?”

Bai Luo Yin remained silent for a while, then he replied nonchalantly, “My
mother is your aunt and my father is your uncle.”

Gu Hai’s heart felt like it was struck by something hard.

“We haven’t acknowledge our current identities, right?”

Gu Hai was unable to respond.

“I think I can solve this problem on my own.”

Gu Hai’s voice from the other side of the phone sounded much less harsh, but
a slight annoyance could still be heard.

“I have never doubted your capability. I admit that sometimes, you are
wiser and more far-sighted than me, you are more calm-minded than
me, and you are more adaptable than me. But, you shouldn’t hide your
problem from me right? Even You Qi and Yang Meng were involved in
your little plan. Why did you exclude me? Can’t I help you review your
thread? Can’t I help you contact the forum moderator? Am I just a rich
kid who can only depend on my father’s power?”

“Do you know why I didn’t contact my cousin? It’s because I respect
you. I didn’t want your efforts wasted just like that! If I really were to
get involved with such method, this Meng Jian Zhi would have gone
since long time ago. Why do I have to wait until now? Bai Luo Yin, your
identity and mine has no differences. You can look for your mother or
my father, anyone can solve this problem. Why didn’t you go to them?
Why do you feel that you can solve this problem by yourself, and yet you
think that I will definitely solve it using this method?”

“From the beginning until now, you’ve built the wall between us. Can we
ever overcome this wall?”

This time, it was Bai Luo Yin’s turn to stay silent, until Gu Hai hung up the

Bai Luo Yin came out from his bedroom, then he walked towards Bai Han Qi
who was playing with Aunt Zhou’s son on the yard.


Bai Han Qi stood up, he looked at Bai Luo Yin quietly, feeling touched and

“Son, you’re already an adult, you can take care your own problem now.
Dad is old already, I’m not as good as you.”

Bai Luo Yin let out a faint smile, “Dad, get married.”

Bai Han Qi suddenly fixed his gaze on Bai Luo Yin, his brain was as if it
stopped functioning.

“Get married.” Bai Luo Yin said it again.

“Son, I’m sorry. You’ve been living a hard life with me for more than
ten years.”

“We are father and son, there’s no need to apologize. I’ve become your
burden for more than 10 years too. You should lead a brand new life.”

Bai Han Qi suddenly hugged Bai Luo Yin tightly.

“Son, no matter what, Dad’s most beloved person in this lifetime is you,
no one else would be able to compare to you.”

Bai Luo Yin concealed the pain deep within his eyes, then patted Bai Han
Qi’s shoulder, slightly teased him, “Don’t be sentimental. Actually, I’m the
one who’s sick of you. Once you get married, I will be free. I can do
whatever I want to do. I will lead a brand new life too.”

One teardrop, quietly slid down from Bai Han Qi’s eyes.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 108: The Inquietude of Youth - Papa Bai's Wedding. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After last night's call, Gu Hai said everything that he wanted to say from the
bottom of his heart. He immediately had a really good sleep that night. In the
morning, Gu Hai went downstairs with Gu Yang. Gu Yang went to get the
car while Gu Hai waited for him at the entrance.

Then, a bicycle came over and stopped right in front of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai was surprised. He didn't think that Bai Luo Yin would take the
initiative to look for him first after he scolded him so much last night. It
seemed that his wifey cannot always be spoiled. Sometimes, a couple of
scolding is beneficial for their emotional interaction. Gu Hai felt a little proud
of himself inside, but he didn't show it on his face. His imposing manner
from yesterday still remained in his gaze at Bai Luo Yin.

"Why did you come here? Don't you feel ashamed riding such a broken

In other words, don't you always place us in two different strata? Today, I'll
do what you always do to me, make you feel hurt, and let you experience how
it feels like to have your goodwill treated as ill intentions.

Bai Luo Yin intentionally didn't argue with Gu Hai. He took out a bag of
food, there were warm stuffed buns inside. He stretched them out towards Gu
Hai without any expression.

A sweet smell struck the nose!

Gu Hai's eyes followed the bag and his mouth was wide opened, but he
pretended that he didn't look at it.

"What is that?"

Bai Luo Yin took out a bun and stuffed it in Gu Hai's mouth.

"Steamed buns. I bought them from Aunt Zhou just now. You haven't
eaten these for a few days right?"

"Why did you buy these for me?"

Gu Hai said that as he chewed his bun. The words he said did not match with
his mouth's movement.

"If you don't want to eat then just give it to me."

Bai Luo Yin was just about to keep the bag when Gu Hai reached his hand
out to snatch them. Actually Bai Luo Yin just wanted to tease Gu Hai. Upon
seeing Gu Hai grabbed them of his own accord, Bai Luo Yin casually let him
have the buns.

One luxurious car slowly stopped in front of them

Gu Yang lowered the car window and looked at Gu Hai.

"Do you still need me to drive you to school?"

Gu Hai was chewing, so it was inconvenient for him to speak. He
immediately shook his head.

Gu Yang shifted his gaze towards Bai Luo Yin. Bai Luo Yin gave him a
smile. The car window slowly went up. Bai Luo Yin's smile pierced through
the bulletproof car window.

Many years later, Gu Yang still remembers that smile.

It's just like a natural diamond. It looks dazzling on the surface, but it is solid
and impenetrable inside.

One week later, Gu Yang went back already. Bai Han Qi and Aunt Zhou's
wedding day is finally here.

Saturday early morning, the alley on Bai Luo Yin's house was bustling with
activities. There were two big red "喜"[1] word pasted at the doorway,
several colored lights was hung on the locust tree at the entrance, so many red
firecracker papers scattered on the ground...

Bai Han Qi brought his son, his godson [2], and the people from his office
department to go pick up his bride grandly. [3]

When they arrived at Aunt Zhou's house entrance, they were blocked by a
group of aunties, also some of the waitress from Aunt Zhou's restaurant. Aunt
Zhou was from a rural area, and those aunties are her families. Don't look at
how gentle they usually are, now each one of them is fighting fiercely to
make things difficult for the groom.

"The red envelope[4] is too thin."

Bai Han Qi squeezed himself through the crowd and headed towards inside,
he finally saw that small opening at the door with great difficulty. Just when
he was about to get inside, several aunties blocked him again.

"Sing, sing!"

Bai Han Qi scratched his head, its been so long since the last time he listened
to a song. He turned his head to Bai Luo Yin, only to find him putting on an
I-want-to-help-but-unable-to-do-anything expression.

"I will leave you, quietly.. Please wipe away the tears in your eyes......"

Everyone was dumbfounded, big brother, today is your wedding day, why
are you singing this kind of song?

Bai Han Qi was embarrassed, "I just know this one song!"

Someone inside the house yelled again, "Let your son to sing then."

For the sake of his father's lifelong happiness, Bai Luo Yin was forced to sing
with a loud yet gentle voice in front of everyone. Supposed if the bridesmaid
inside were to be replaced with Gu Hai, don't even say this one door, even 10
thick walls would be pushed away by Gu Hai.

"Still won't let us go inside?" Bai Han Qi yelled anxiously, "The song is
finished already, let me see my wife and bring her back with me."

"No, you have to do 100 push up now."

The groomsman shouted at the top of their voices, "Do you want to kill Lao

"If you can't do it then find someone else to do it."

This time, Bai Han Qi's adopted son joined. Gu Hai was dressed in a slim-fit
Western style suit. He helped his father and did the push-ups within one
minute, but it was as if the push-ups didn't affect him at all.

"He really is strong!" Several woman's hearty laughters can be heard from
inside the house.

Bai Han Qi rubbed his forehead, then smirked, "Now are you going to let us
inside or not?"

The bridesmaid were still unwilling to give up. They forced Bai Han Qi to
read out a few pages of written pledge, they forced Bai Han Qi to guess some
riddles, until finally they asked him this sharp question.

"Who do you love most in your lifetime?"

Bai Han Qi was dumbfounded, his groomsman beside him were urging him,
"Answer it quickly! Say that you love your wife the most."

The aunties inside the house were talking all at once, "Just answer the
truth, no need to deceive us..."

Bai Han Qi smiled fatuously, "My son."

Bai Luo Yin's smile froze for a few seconds, then he punched Bai Han Qi's
back, angrily said, "Dad, aren't you silly?"

The groomsman beside him were also complaining, "Lao Bai, what are you
saying now at this time?"

Bai Han Qi looked so honest and naive, "Didn't they ask me to tell the

The aunties inside the house didn't feel satisfied with his answer too, the
house was in an uproar, "How can this be okay? You only have your son
in your eyes, if our Xiao Zhou get married with you, won't she suffer?"

The door that was opened suddenly closed again tightly, Bai Han Qi was so
anxious that he sweat all over. Bai Luo Yin clenched his fist, he stepped
forward and knocked on the door.

"Mom, open the door. The person that my dad loves most in this world is

Aunt Zhou inside was startled, then suddenly she became restless. She was
really touched that tears glistened in her eyes. She ran barefoot towards the
door, urging his sisters, "Quick.... Open the door quickly."

The afternoon banquet was held in Dong Lai Shun[6] Restaurant. After that
they went back to the courtyard at the evening, only their close families and
friends remained. Tens of people sat on the round tables, they were divided
into 5 tables. They drank, they ate a big bowl of noodles, they gave toast to
each other.

Aunt Zhou's son was coaxed by everyone else, they asked him to call Bai
Han Qi with "dad". This kid's small mouth is quite firm, but when he was
given a money, he immediately turned his head towards Bai Han Qi, then
called him 'dad' with his piping voice. Bai Han Qi bursted into loud laughter,
he pulled him into his embrace and kissed him.

Bai Luo Yin drank so much that he became drunk, he was walking
unsteadily, then he kicked the stool that Yang Meng and You Qi sat, angrily
said, "Have you give the gift money already?"

You Qi and Yang Meng glanced at each other, they just laughed.

"You haven't give any money and you still dare to eat here!"

After Bai Luo Yin finished scolding them, he turned his body around, and
walked towards Grandma Bai and Grandpa Bai to crack a joke with them.
Both of them wore a Tang suit, their faces were red.

Grandpa Bai even took out his Erhu [7] and played it, joyous sounds lingered
on the alley for a long time.

Gu Hai went out to park his car, and when he came back he saw that Bai Luo
Yin was standing near Bai Han Qi's bedroom windowsill. He held on to the
windowsill, and glanced inside. It was unusually lively, a group of men were
teasing the newlyweds on their wedding night. They shouted and laughed
over and over again.

Gu Hai stood beside him. He was looking at Bai Luo Yin quietly, at his moist
face, and his raised lips. He didn't know whether Bai Luo Yin was crying or

This expression of Bai Luo Yin, in Gu Hai's eyes, was extremely lovely.


"Uncle, I'll bring Yin zi back to my place." Gu Hai smiled winsomely at

Bai Han Qi.

"It's so late already, just stay here, I've prepared the room for you."

"We're going to ruin your good thing later!" Gu Hai laughed, then helped
Bai Luo Yin to get on the car.

After they exited the lift, Bai Luo Yin leaned on Gu Hai's back, and said that
he wanted to go to the rooftop. Gu Hai didn't enter the elevator again, he went
upstairs by the stairs instead, and carried Bai Luo Yin on his back. Teardrops
suddenly fell from Bai Luo Yin's eyes. At first he was quiet, but his voice
became louder and louder. By the time when night sky shrouded the top of
their heads, he began to cry bitterly......

Bai Luo Yin's tears flowed from his cheek, to his jaw, until finally it fell onto
Gu Hai's neck.

Since he had never seen Bai Luo Yin's feeling went beyond control like this
before, Gu Hai felt that his heart was torn to shreds. Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo
Yin into his embrace, he caressed his head gently and softly, coaxing him,
"Yin zi, don't cry. You dad is still your dad. No matter how many times
he get married, he will still love you the most."

As someone who had been through the same experience, Gu Hai really
understand why Bai Luo Yin is feeling sad.

"There's no one who will cook such an awful food for me again."

Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin, didn't know whether he has to laugh or cry,
"Do you still want to eat his food?"

"There's no one who will drop my underpants and my clothes into sewer
again. No one will apply hemorrhoid ointment on my mouth again..."

Gu Hai, "......"

Bai Luo Yin laughed in his tears, then he laid himself on the ice-cold cement
Gu Hai helped Bai Luo Yin to get up then pulled him into his embrace again.
He wiped the tears on Bai Luo Yin's face with full of love, gently said, "I
can cook for you, I guarantee that it will taste even worse than your
dad's; I can wash your clothes, we can buy a lot of underpants, we can
wash it then throw them away one by one..... I can promise you that, in
this world, except your dad, no one would treat you

better than I do." [8]

The night sky gradually infiltrated Gu Hai's eyes, it was filled with
determination and tenderness. Perhaps tomorrow morning, Bai Luo Yin
would tell him that he didn't remember anything. But Gu Hai won't be able to
forget this moment forever. At this night, on the rooftop, one guy was crying
his heart out to him, saying that he wants to be loved.

Translator's Note:

[1] two '喜' : means double happiness, usually for weddings ceremony.

example at the pic at the side

[2] Godson: Gu Hai XD

[3] 迎亲 (Ying Qin): is a tradition in Chinese wedding where the groom

brought a lot of people with him and went to the bride's home to pick up and
escort her before the wedding.

[4] 红包 (Hong Bao): red envelope usually contains money as a gift.

[5] This is a song called "大约在冬季 (Perhaps in Winter) by Dave Wang

released in 2003.

[6] 东濥顺 (Dong Lai Shun): I honestly have no idea so i googled and i think
this is a restaurant in Beijing, correct me if im wrong thank you~

[7] 二胡 (Er Hu): Chinese two-strings fiddle. Example is pictured on the side.

[8] Can I complain?! In the novel Gu Hai said "除了你爸,没人比我对你更

好" which means: except your dad, no one would treat you better than I do. I
prefer the series version better where Gu Hai said "no one would love you
more than I do." >.<
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 109: The Inquietude of Youth - Da Hai bravely protects his

wifey. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After Bai Han Qi got married, negotiations happened between Gu Hai and
Bai Luo Yin.

During the chemistry class, Bai Luo Yin was laying on his desk earnestly,
when suddenly he heard his phone vibrating inside his schoolbag.

He opened his phone to take a look, it was a message sent by Gu Hai. He

suddenly felt gloomy.

We're not even more than 20 cm away, and you're still sending a message to
me, aren't you just wasting your money?

"Baby, let's discuss about this. Are you going to keep living at your
house or do you want to move in to my place?"
Bai Luo Yin lifted his eyelid to glance at the chemistry teacher, then he
secretly replied Gu Hai with one sentence.

"I'll continue to live at my place."

Gu Hai raised his phone to look at it, then he frowned.

"Your dad is married, you've grown up and no longer a child already,

isn't it no good if you keep staying at your home?"

"I don't want to part with my grandpa, grandma, and A Lang."

Gu Hai clenched his fist, his bones made a cracking sound.

"You can go home at weekend, just think that you're living at the school
dorm, my place is even closer to school."

Bai Luo Yin typed on his phone lazily, "I'm not used to it."

"Nevertheless, if you're going to college you have to stay at school dorm

too, right? What if you have a chance to go overseas? In any case, you
won't be able to see your family members much in about a year. You
should move out as soon as possible, to avoid hard times in the future."

"I won't move out."

Gu Hai replied again, "You're already my wifey anyway, how can you
keep staying at your parent's place?"

After Bai Luo Yin looked at this message, his back suddenly straightened,
and he immediately turned his head around to shot a sharp glance at Gu Hai,
just like what Gu Hai had expected. Bai Luo Yin's thumb pressed the
keyboard with a murderous look.

"If you still dare to......"

He hasn't finished his message yet, when suddenly he heard a demonic voice
coming from the front.
"Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai, both of you come here."

The chemistry teacher was angry, she narrowed her devilish eyes and stared
at the two students who were whispering to each other.

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai stood up, and was about to walk, when the teacher
shouted again.

"Bring your phone here, too!"

Both of them looked at each other, they had one kind of ominous

Gu Hai took his phone, and walked towards the front boldly. The two
handsome guys calmly stood in front of the other students.

"Read those messages that you just sent in front of everyone here."

Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin, "......."


Gu Hai took out his phone, the first word that appeared before his eyes was

Bai Luo Yin's brain was filled with the word "wifey".

"You're not going to read? If not then I will help you to read!"

The chemistry teacher walked towards them with an overbearing manner. She
snatched their phones forcefully, then furiously fiddled with their phones for
a very long time. All of the students waited for her, and yet she didn't say

Both of their faces tautened, does this teacher feel that it was too much, so
she couldn't read them out loud?

Then, the teacher asked with dark face, "How do you unlock this phone?"
Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai, "......"

They were embarrassed, not only did she confiscate their phone, they even
have to read so many messages out loud in front of everyone. Although they
changed the content, but two guys texting each other in class, that's not
something to be proud of. After the class ended, both of them stood still for a
long time at the stairs, one of them put their hands were in his pocket, strong
and masculine, full of vitality; the other one stood tall and straight, his eyes
looked sharp, just like an outstanding student in school.

"I think, we have to steal our phones to get it back."

Bai Luo Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, he rarely agreed with Gu Hai's idea.

"Yes, with her temperament, if we go and ask for the phone of our own
accord, it won't end well. We might as well steal it, we will get our phone
back, and we can take this chance to blackmail her too. Since she
confiscated our phones, she has to give it back right?"

Everytime Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin's evil smile, Gu Hai felt ticklish in
his heart, he just want to nibble on Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

Bai Luo Yin's gaze was unusually sharp at Gu Hai. Sensing danger, he
immediately took one step back.

"You say, how do we steal it?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin put on a determined posture, "This is a bit complicated, we

have to pick a lock."

Gu Hai almost forgot that, Bai Luo Yin is the master at picking a lock.

"However, I have to study that lock for a while."

Monday afternoon, for the last two periods, the teachers were having a
meeting. Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai secretly went out from the classroom, and
went to the chemistry teacher's office. After making sure that no one was
around, Bai Luo Yin crouched down beside the door lock, and studied the
lock carefully. Gu Hai was in charge of watching the surroundings, in case
someone came. If it was a student, he would immediately drove them away,
but if it was a teacher, Gu Hai would give a signal to warn Bai Luo Yin to

Soon enough, Bai Luo Yin stood up, and took a deep breath. He walked
towards Gu Hai.

"Just an iron wire and a meal card will do."

Once he got all the tools, Bai Luo Yin quickly began to work. Gu Hai kept a
close watch on the surrounding sound.

Bai Luo Yin's movement was really quick, not even one minute passed, he
had opened the lock already. Moreover, the lock didn't seem to be damaged
on the outside.

Gu Hai was pondering, "As long as we have your hands, we will never
starve to death."

Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai, "Quick go inside."

This time it was Gu Hai's turn to go inside and find their phone, while Bai
Luo Yin stayed outside.

It was really quiet there, occasionally one or two silhouettes would appear on
the staircase, but all of them walked upstairs.

Bai Luo Yin walked back and forth in front of the office. He waited for a
long time, he heard the sound of things turned upside down inside the office,
and yet he didn't see Gu Hai coming out.

Finally, a sound of whistle can be heard from inside.

Bai Luo Yin stretched his head into the room, "Did you find it?"

Gu Hai proudly showed the things in his hand, his gaze was evil.

"I found two sanitary pads and one pantyliners."

Bai Luo Yin, "......"

Wait, wait, the good news hadn't even arrived, and yet they saw a familiar
silhouette coming.

Bai Luo Yin's expression changed, he shouted from far away, "Good
afternoon, Teacher."

Gu Hai's body trembled, he ran towards the window in a large strides, just
then he found out that their phones were still on the windowsill. He quickly
placed them inside his pocket, then he immediately jumped from the fifth
floor to the third floor, he landed on top of the air conditioner's ventilating
fan. Such a loud sound made the students, who were in the middle of a
lesson, to become surprised, "Someone jumped from a building!"

Gu Hai didn't stop, he immediately grabbed the guard railing on the second
floor, then jumped down onto the ground.

Those students who sat near the window stretched their necks out and looked
below, they were stunned, where is he going?

The chemistry teacher nodded her head towards Bai Luo Yin, then walked
into her office.

Just when she was about to pull her key out, she discovered that her door was

"Weird, I remember that I locked the door already!"

The chemistry teacher muttered to herself while entering her office.

Fortunately, before Gu Hai went out, he placed all her things back to its
original place, so the teacher didn't see anything weird.

When Bai Luo Yin heard that there wasn't any sound from inside the office,
he knew that Gu Hai had already jumped down from the window. Oh my
god! Five floors, didn't know whether he's still alive or not! Bai Luo Yin ran
towards the stairs, he hasn't reached there yet when he suddenly bumped into
Gu Hai.
"I got them already."

Gu Hai's smile was charming and fascinating.

Bai Luo Yin really admired Gu Hai's skill from the bottom of his heart, and
Gu Hai showed his sincere appreciation towards Bai Luo Yin's intelligence.
Both of them looked at each other, full of admiration, as if they wouldn't find
anyone else better than each other under this sky.

Suddenly, Bai Luo Yin's face expression changed

"Oh no, I forgot to fix the lock..."

Bai Luo Yin hurriedly turned back, but he hadn't even walked a few steps,
when the chemistry teacher went out from her office.

"Eh? Why is this lock not working?"

Bai Luo Yin turned back again and wanted to escape.

The chemical teacher suddenly understood everything, she shouted towards

the two students who were running away.

"Both of you, come back here!!"


The office door tightly closed, the two students stood facing the wall. The
chemistry teacher took a stick that was as thick as a rolling pin and swayed it
behind them. In no less than five minutes, she raised the stick up, preparing to
hit their butts, and coldly said, "Stick up your butts more!"

Gu Hai furrowed his eyebrows, replying disobediently, "Teacher, are you

still doing physical punishment to high school students?

"High school student?" She gritted her teeth, "You do realize that you're
a high school student, but is a high school student actually capable of
doing this kind of thing?"
Gu Hai straightened his neck, he didn't say anything further. Getting hit by
that stick? For him, it has no difference with a tickle.

The teacher's face darkened, she glared at Gu Hai.Unwilling to give up? I'll
hit you once to make you give up then.

After that, she swiftly hit Gu Hai's butt with the stick.

Gu Hai thought that a female teacher wouldn't have much strength, so he

casually raised his butts. But once she hit him, he felt that the area under his
waist went numb. Because the stick was too thick, it wasn't a stabbing kind of
pain, it was more like a blunt pain instead. Besides, the pain slowly
penetrated from the surface towards inside, she really used quite a lot of

"Now, it's your turn." The teacher used her stick to point at Bai Luo Yin.

Gu Hai's expression suddenly changed, such a thick stick, can he endure it?

Even if he can endure it, I can't!

Bai Luo Yin hadn't adjusted his position yet, when suddenly he saw Gu Hai
going in front of him.

"Teacher, just hit me. Everything was my idea, I was the one who forced
Bai Luo Yin. Just look at his face, you can see with one look that he has a
face of someone with top marks in studies and behavior. If you really hit
him, just imagine how much loss our class will suffer!"

The teacher snorted, "I taught him for two years already, even when you
weren't here yet, and he wasn't that good! No need to show your
brotherhood loyalty to me, I won't accept this behavior. You can't run
away anymore."

After she said that, she pulled Gu Hai away from Bai Luo Yin, but Gu Hai
didn't move. He had a nasty look on his face.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly pushed Gu Hai, "Step aside, this isn't the first time
for me to take a beating."
This isn't your first time getting hit, but this is the first time for me to see you
getting hit!

Gu Hai continued to protect Bai Luo Yin with his hand, just like protecting
his treasure, he stared at the chemistry teacher firmly, "Teacher, to tell you
the truth, Bai Luo Yin is my little brother....."

Bai Luo Yin was upset, suddenly he replied from behind, "Who is your little
brother? I'm obviously your big brother!"

Gu Hai gave a swift and fierce gaze at Bai Luo Yin, didn't I say that just to
protect you? Why are you being so honest!

He turned his head towards the teacher and continued to beg for mercy.

"My dad said that, if my little brother got hit, I will also be hit when I go
home later. You see, if you hit him, he will hit me one more time. Or else,
don't hit him. Just hit me alone...."

The chemistry teacher frowned and thought about it for a while, she swayed
the stick in her hand.

"What you say is reasonable."

Gu Hai heaved a sigh.

"Let's do this then, I won't hit you, I will hit him directly. Your father
will hit you anyway. So I can also save my energy, and you will also get
one less hit."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 110: The Inquietude of Youth – Just because it’s him. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After the chemistry teacher spoke, she pulled Gu Hai with her hand, but Gu
Hai pushed her instead.

“You… you… you…” Her small eyes were perfectly round as she glared at
Gu Hai, flames of anger could be seen within her eyes, “You want to rebel
against me? I’m your teacher!”

“You could be anything you want, but you can’t hit him!”

The chemistry teacher was suddenly like a mad lion, charging onto Gu Hai
violently, she raised up her stick and tried to hit Gu Hai. Gu Hai lifted his
arm, he easily grabbed the stick with his hand. The chemistry teacher wanted
to take her stick back, but it wouldn’t budge at all. She was just like a
spinning top toy, spinning around on the ground.
Gu Hai merely used a little bit of his strength to get the stick and placed it in
his underarm, a hint of dominance could be seen deep withiin his gaze.

“I will give you two options, either you hit me, or you hit no one.”

The teacher fiercely stamped her high heels, her voice was shrill and ear-

“Who are you to ask me to choose? Look properly, I’m your teacher!
What kind of qualification do you have to speak about requirements
with me? If I want to hit him today, I’m going to hit him the way I want
to. It’s my right as a teacher!”

“So, you’re not going to choose? That’s fine.”

Gu Hai’s dark pupils abruptly felt heavy. He swung the stick swiftly just like
a hurricane right before the teacher’s eyes, towards the desk
besides. BAM! The stick snapped into two pieces, the fragments were
scattered on the ground. A long strip of mark also appeared on desk,
ferociously zigzagging and creeping on top of the table.

The chemistry teacher was dumbfounded.

Gu Hai placed his hand on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder, then swaggered outside.

“Come back here!” The chemistry teacher stepped on her high heels and
chased them outside, completely disregarding her appearance, she yelled
loudly in the corridor, “Both of you are just like evils! So what if your
marks are good? Even though your marks are good, your future would
be no other than becoming the scum of society.”

After walking out of the school building, Gu Hai’s face was still dark.

“Disgusting woman, I knew it since long ago that she’s just an eyesore!
And she even talks about society rules to me. I’m the fucking rule, so

“You…” Bai Luo Yin didn’t know what to say.

Gu Hai used his finger to poke Bai Luo Yin’s nose, warning him: “Don’t say
that I didn’t need to go that far! Don’t say that there’s nothing wrong
with being hit! I don’t want to hear you say those stupid nonsense! I’m
telling you, this is serious, this is especially serious. There’s nothing more
serious than this!”

Upon seeing this tiger-like, fierce and tough expression of Gu Hai, Bai Luo
Yin suddenly laughed.

“Actually I wanted to say, it was really satisfying.”

Gu Hai stared blankly, he turned his head towards Bai Luo Yin. He almost
forgot that, the idea to steal their phones back was this guy’s idea in the first
place! Gu Hai grinned, then pinched Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks, “Rascal.”

So, these two rascals no longer have any mood to attend class, they
immediately jumped over the wall and walked out of school. They strolled on
a food street and tried every food there. On the streets, they were each
holding a stick of candied fruits, eating while mocking the Chemistry teacher,
recalling the ‘constipated’ look she had after she got mad at them, imagining
about her intrepid movements in bed……

When they were talking about an interesting part, both of them would ignore
everyone’s gaze and unbridledly stomping their foots on the street like crazy.

The night sky gradually enveloped the entire Beijing. The bright flower shop
at the street corner was playing an instrumental piano music, Salut d’Amour.
Both of their legs were walking in tandem with the melody. Their tall and
slender shadows gradually extended under the street lights. In a certain dark
corner, Gu Hai abruptly pulled Bai Luo Yin, and kissed him while no one
was around.

Then, he turned his head around, licked the corner of Bai Luo Yin’s lips, and
said faintly, “So sweet.”

Of course. The sugar bits were left all over the side of your mouth. How can
it be not sweet?
In the past over ten years of Gu Hai’s life, there wasn’t a moment like now
where he felt such great indulgence. An ordinary conversation and a simple
eye contact can give him an indescribable sense of comfort. Even if it’s just a
quiet walk on the street, just because the other person is him, this dark and
gloomy road can instantly become brilliant and captivating.

Perhaps, the first round of love in his life has just started.

The gray bricks and red roof tiles gradually turned distant, they were replaced
with reinforced concrete walls of high buildings and large mansions. The
street became spacious and the pedestrians’ pace turned hasty. Both of them
were still walking around leisurely, their free time were spent looking at the
traffic flow and pedestrians.

Two beautiful women passed by.

Bai Luo Yin whistled at them, while Gu Hai shouted “Beauty!” indecently.

Both of them looked at each other, then pulled each other arms to quicken
their steps and walk away from Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai, with a blushing

Not long after that, another woman passed by in front of them.

Gu Hai excitedly patted Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder.

“What do you think about her?”

Bai Luo Yin looked at her, he almost hit an electric pole in front of him. This
lady has a tough and stocky build, with a fierce look. She walked like a
bulldozer, her movements are very big.

“Why do you always like this type?” Bai Luo Yin couldn’t comprehend at

Gu Hai said, “Those girls who are too gentle and demure are not good
enough to fuck with!”

Bai Luo Yin gave a sideway glance at Gu Hai and didn’t say a word.
Gu Hai then placed his mouth close to Bai Luo Yin’s ears, whispering,
“Whoever I fuck won’t be as good as fucking you.”

Bai Luo Yin suddenly got mad. He grabbed Gu Hai by his shirt collar,
pushed him against a billboard and kicked him fiercely. Gu Hai’s hands
grabbed the edges of the board, he couldn’t stop laughing.

Both of them were fooling around with each other, until finally they arrived
at Gu Hai’s apartment.

“After walking such a long way, I’ve digested all of those food I just ate.”
Gu Hai stopped.

Deep down, Bai Luo Yin felt the same way.

So, both of them walked together towards the convenience store beside the

Gu Hai asked: “Is there anything you want to eat?”

Bai Luo Yin thought about it, “Buy me two packs of guoba [1].”

“What flavor do you want?”


Gu Hai walked inside, he didn’t feel like going to the shelves to find them, so
he immediately asked the female attendant beside him, “Give me two packs
of pan fried meat flavoured dick.” [2]

She couldn’t understand it, after three seconds, her entire face blushed.

Gu Hai thought that she didn’t hear it clearly, so he repeated in a loud voice.

“I want two packs of pan fried meat flavoured dick.”

Bai Luo Yin covered his stomach with his hand, then ran outside the store.

The shop owner laughed until her mouth twitched, “Young man, we really
don’t have it.”

Gu Hai then realized his mistake, he put a bold face and forced himself to go
to the shelves and took two packs of guoba, he also randomly took some
snacks, paid for them, and hurriedly went out.

Bai Luo Yin laughed so much until he crouched on the ground.

Gu Hai watch Bai Luo Yin resentfully, he didn’t know where to put his face.

“What’s so funny?”

“Gu Hai, I’m telling you, this is definitely karma, you never behave
seriously from morning ’til night, so this time you have a slip of the
tongue, huh? Hahaha……”

Gu Hai might as well turn completely shameless, “I just want to eat dick, is
it wrong? Then, I’ll eat yours tonight.”

Both of them were still joking around inside the lift. This is one of Bai Luo
Yin’s bad habit. When he didn’t smile, he didn’t smile at all. But once he
laughed, he wouldn’t be able to stop. Once the lift opened, both of Bai Luo
Yin’s feet felt weak.

Gu Hai barely wanted to take out his key, but he discovered that the door was
already open.

“Did you forget to lock the door?” Bai Luo Yin asked.

Gu Hai’s complexion changed, he immediately opened the door, and found

out the the lights inside had been turned on. Bai Luo Yin also discovered
something wrong, his smile gradually stopped, he followed Gu Hai inside.

A hint of sweet fragrance wafted inside the room. The previously messy
slippers that were casually lying around were all placed tidily in the shoe
rack, the living room was neatly arranged by a person, everything was very
clean and orderly, the tea table suddenly held a bouquet of fresh flowers.

A silhouette came out from the bedroom.

“You’re home.”

Jiang Yuan smiled while looking at Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai.

The temperature of their faces instantly dropped, their mouths were gaping
almost at the same time.

“Why are you here?”

Jiang Yuan paused, then uttered softly: “Your father is worried about both
of you living here, so I especially come to visit.”

“How come you have this key?” Gu Hai asked again.

“Oh, your father gave it to me, he had duplicated two sets of key for this
apartment, one is for you, one is for him. He did it to make things
convenient, supposed if one day you need something, he can visit you

Gu Hai maintained a composed look, “Even if you wanted to come here,

shouldn’t you tell us first?”

Jiang Yuan smiled apologetically, “I don’t have your phone number, so I

didn’t know how to contact you. But you don’t need to worry, I only tidy
up your room a bit, I didn’t touch any of your things.”

Gu Hai stopped talking, he directly went inside the bedroom to change his
clothes. Without wasting any time, Jiang Yuan firmly pulled Bai Luo Yin’s
hand and tugged him to sit at the sofa.

“Yin Zi, mom heard that your dad has married that woman.”

Bai Luo Yin went frigid, “So what?”

Jiang Yuan looked at Bai Luo Yin anguishly, “How can you say that? That
woman has a son, can her heart accept you? Your dad too, he just
married and drive you off right away….”
“I came here of my own will.” Bai Luo Yin interrupted Jiang Yuan’s words,
“Can you stop defaming my father every time you see me? Do you think
that by belittling my father, it would make you higher?”

“Yin zi, you misunderstood mom. Mom cares about you so much, you’re
just 17 years old, you’re still a kid, how can you’re raised like this? Mom
used to have a lot of difficulties, it was hard for me to raise and take care
of you well. But Mom can do it now, can you go back with me? I will take
this chance to care about you dearly, I will make it up for you.”

Jiang Yuan said such a touching words, and yet Bai Luo Yin just replied her
with two words.

“Too late.”

Translator’s Note:

[1] Guoba is one kind of chinese snacks. I dont really know how to explain it
so I’ll just insert a picture here XD This is a chicken-flavoured guoba one.

[2] Gu Hai said “给我濥两袋锅肉味儿的鸡巴” which means give me two

packs of pan fried meat flavoured dicks XD
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 111: The Inquietude of Youth - Don't disturb us. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Gu Hai walked out from the bedroom, Jiang Yuan was still there

"Yin Zi, are you going to take a shower or not?"

Usually, whether Bai Luo Yin wanted or not, he will refuse, but today, he
hesitated for a while. On one hand is Gu Hai's pervert and indecent scorching
stare, on the other hand is Jiang Yuan's troublesome chitchat. By comparison,
he felt that the bathroom is a much safer place.

When Jiang Yuan saw Bai Luo Yin standing up, a gentle smile immediately
overflowed from her lips.

"Both of you have such a good relationship. I feel very relieved."

Inside the bedroom, Bai Luo Yin had finished searching for pajamas and had
walked into the bathroom, yet Jiang Yuan was still speaking, "I really love
seeing both of you being this friendly and close, the more I see, the
happier I am."

Gu Hai shut the door and snorted coldly, this will make you cry one day.

There were two showers and one bathtub inside the bathroom, Gu Hai had
already turned the hot water on, he'd also filled the bathtub. Just as it was
about to overflow, Bai Luo Yin shut it off, and getting ready.

Gu Hai's blazing gaze amusingly measured Bai Luo Yin's every single

Bai Luo Yin sensed a burst of tingling behind his back, particularly in the
area below his waist, he felt as if there were two balls of fire burning him. He
turned around and caught sight of a certain tall, big, and powerful man in the
middle of washing his body, as if nothing had happened. More than three
hundred muscles from top to bottom of his body were exceptionally eye-
catching, during this moment of appreciation and admiration, Bai Luo Yin
couldn't help but to sneak a glance or two.

Contrary to expectation, Gu Hai appeared to be very normal, he didn't pay

any attention to Bai Luo Yin's gaze at all.

Am I just imagining things? Bai Luo Yin casted aside his uneasiness and
worry, then quickly stripped himself naked.

The water was very hot, creating a shroud of mist, winding around Bai Luo
Yin's body, revealing circles of halo.

Gu Hai threw a quick glance from the corner of his eyes, from the tiptoe and
gradually climbing up, that perfectly straight long legs, every sway caused
Gu Hai's small conscience to tremble; that small and narrow butt, even
though it was small, yet it was perfectly round and compact, truly impressive;
Gu Hai heard that every person with squishy butts have exceptional vigorous
sexual urge. Moreover, that tall and straight back looks like a pipe of steel
has penetrated through it, the outline from the neck to tailbone is stretched
taut and smooth; it goes without saying, the facial features of that handsome
face are strong and hearty, drop-dead gorgeous...

Gu Hai couldn't help but to fantasize Bai Luo Yin wearing a military
uniform, he'll definitely be exceptionally handsome and charming. If only he
can wear the uniform, that feeling, too damn overwhelming!!

When he was thinking, Bai Luo Yin suddenly walked over, he unexpectedly
swayed those long legs of his, approaching him.

Gu Hai held his breath.

Bai Luo Yin extended his hand towards Gu Hai's head, then a strange smile
slowly erupted from the corner of his mouth.

Gu Hai was instantly electrified by this smile, causing him to feel giddy.

"You opened the cold water."

Gu Hai, "..."

Bai Luo Yin returned to his own place, silently cursing in his heart, no
wonder there's no mist every time he showered, it turns out that this moron
bathed with cold water even during the winter, this idiot is really not afraid
of death.

Gu Hai revoked his deranged, crazy thinking, and only then that he finally
felt the water temperature. Outside, the north wind was whistling, Gu Hai
was rinsing his body inside the bathroom with cold water, but he can still be
totally oblivious that the temperature of his body is still high. Bai Luo Yin's
contributions cannot go unnoticed.

"Do you want to take a soak in the bathtub?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin shook his head, "No need, I've finished bathing."

"Why do you go out so early, is it because you want to chat with your
Bai Luo Yin turned off the power switch, and started to wipe his body with

"Who says I'm going out?"

Gu Hai paused, "Not going out? Also not bathing? Then, what are you
doing staying here?"

"Watching you shower!" Bai Luo Yin let out a faint smirk.

A smile seeped through Gu Hai's face, "Then, why don't you help me to
test the water temperature of the bathtub?"

Bai Luo Yin's leg that just recently lifted, was lowered down again.

"Let me wear my clothes first."

Don't think that I don't know what's going on inside your dumb head, you
want me to bend my waist and test the water with bare ass? Do you think that
I am an ignorant girl who spent the whole day reading comic books? Such a
good cheater!

"I want you to do it now."

Bai Luo Yin walked to the hanger beside, speaking leisurely, "If you are
really that impatient, then just do it by yourself."

Just as he finished speaking, a pair of clammy hands grabbed his waist. After
that, his entire back also became wet. Gu Hai's chin rubbed against his
shoulder, and Gu Hai's warm lips attacked one of his cheeks.

"Get lost! I've wiped myself dry."

"Hush..." Gu Hai placed his finger on Bai Luo Yin's lips, speaking softly:
"Your mom is outside."

"So what if she's outside?" Bai Luo Yin jabbed Gu Hai's abdomen with his
elbow, "Fuck off!"
Gu Hai didn't go away, instead he even glued himself closer to Bai Luo Yin.
His hands that were on Bai Luo Yin's waist shifted to his neck, assuming a
compelling posture, his voice was enticingly deep and low, "Bai Luo Yin,
you are too clever, you always see through my little scheme, how will I
survive? How will my little Hai survive? The smarter you are, the harder
I get you, the more I want to fuck you. I really, really want it..."

While speaking, Gu Hai used his little Hai below to rub lightly against Bai
Luo Yin's butts, intentionally letting out obscene and heavy pants.

Bai Luo Yin was already used to hearing this kind of words, his response
wasn't as fierce as the beginning. He reached out to the back, and suddenly
grasped Gu Hai's little monster, taming it a little, then inclined his head to
look at Gu Hai.

"Do you really want it?"

Gu Hai poked Bai Luo Yin's shoulder with his chin.

"Do you want it that you can't bear it anymore?"

Gu Hai nibbled on Bai Luo Yin's shoulder with his teeth, to show his
impatience and 'itching to get on with it' mood.

"Then, just eat those two packs of pan fried meat flavoured dicks!"

Gu Hai, "...."


"What took you so long?" Jiang Yuan watched Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai
while smiling.

Gu Hai replied offhandedly, "Aren't we supposed to take lots of hot baths

during the winter?"

"That's true." Jiang Yuan beckoned the two boys, "Come, mom has
peeled some fruit for you, come here and eat."
Not knowing why, when both of them heard the word "mom", they suddenly
felt a burst of goosebumps.

"Forget it." Bai Luo Yin replied drily, "I'm going back to my room to do

"No need to worry, it's okay if you don't do those kind of work, this sort
of exam-oriented education is irrational. Your brains are supposed to be
fully rested and have some leisure time, yet they are forcing you to study.
That's why even if they got into a top university, and learning for four
years, the lowest rung of the society are still the lowest, the upper class
society will never be able to withstand the impact of those student."

We're just looking for an excuse to drive you away, but look at your futile
effort and enthusiasm... Gu Hai groaned coldly, then went inside his

Jiang Yuan stood up and tugged at Bai Luo Yin's hand, speaking gently:
"Son, let mom help you to blow-dry your hair."

"No need, wiping it is already fine." Bai Luo Yin hung the towel on the
hanger beside, shaking his head to get rid of the falling hair.

"How is that okay?" Jiang Yuan spoke while bringing the hair dryer over,
beckoning Bai Luo Yin to sit down, "Dry it, if it's not dry, you may get a
headache tomorrow morning."

"I've been like this for more than ten years, but I've never gotten a

Jiang Yuan seemed extremely wounded, her hand that was holding the hair
dryer slumped, speaking pensively: "True, you've grown so much in a
wink, a lot of bad habits had formed, it's very hard to change them."

Gu Hai knew than Jiang Yuan wanted to express her affection again, so he
walked in a large strides and snatched the hair-dryer from Jiang Yuan's hand,
"I'll dry his hair for him."
Bai Luo Yin was still being stubborn, "I don't want to. I'm not used to it."

"Let's dry your hair quickly, so we can sleep immediately."

What he actually meant is, after we sleep, won't she go away?

Thus, Gu Hai stood behind Bai Luo Yin while drying Bai Luo Yin's hair,
while Jiang Huan took this chance to say the purpose of her visit.

"Luoyin, Xiao Hai, both of you know each other now, your relationship
is really good too. I think, if I really want to give both of you a better
environment, you can consider about it right? I talked about this with
your dad, we want to send you to go abroad for two years. The education
quality overseas and here basically isn't the same. Other people's kids
wanted to go abroad but they couldn't, since you have this opportunity,
don't hold back anymore. As a son, there's no need to feel reluctant to be
away from home, you should have an ambition, do you understand?"

Bai Luo Yin went silent for a while, then he said: "I really enjoy my life

Me too... Gu Hai agreed with Bai Luo Yin in his heart.

"That ordinary high school, for me, is an indispensable life experience."

"It would be the same if you go to high school overseas, you will make a
lot of new friends, you will have enriching and interesting experiences.
Moreover, it would be more meaningful and worthy compared to here."

"Your hair is already dry." Gu Hai rubbed Bai Luo Yin's hair.

Bai Luo Yin stood up, and said to Jiang Yuan, "Don't waste your time on
me anymore, I don't have a good habit of letting the parents to make

Jiang Yuan wanted to say something, but Gu Hai turned off the lights in the
living room already.

"Our brains need relaxation and a good rest, so just do whatever you

Jiang Yuan's body suddenly stiffened, then she slowly got up from the sofa,
said to Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin, "Then you can take a rest, I'm leaving

Once the door closed, a fiendish look appeared on their faces.

"Fucking annoying, fucking troublesome."

"How did she get the key to this place? If she comes over everyday, do
we even get to live?"

Gu Hai thought about it calmly, he pointed at Bai Luo Yin and said, "Quick,
change the lock."

Thus, at 10 PM, both of them were still busy at the door.

Beads of sweat formed on Bai Luo Yin's forehead, this door lock was much
more complicated compared to the lock at school. He took a deep breath, and
said towards his assistant, Gu Hai, "I need a screwdriver."

"Then, what should we do? Gu Hai asked for Bai Luo Yin's opinion,
"Should we borrow one from the neighbor?"

"It's so late already, it's not good to disturb other people, right?" Bai
Luo Yin thought about it, "Otherwise, you can go downstairs to buy one."

"Buy it downstairs?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't even raise his head, "Yes, just buy it from the
convenience store."

Gu Hai's expression changed.

When he saw that Gu Hai didn't move, he let out an evil smile, "Go to that
convenience store where

you wanted to buy dicks."

Gu Hai pushed Bai Luo Yin against the door plank, he gritted his teeth, and
said, "So, you're just going to talk about this endlessly?"

Bai Luo Yin laughed again.

Just because of this laugh, all of those unhappy things that had just happened
suddenly flew far, far away...
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 112: The Inquietude of Youth - Their New Foundation. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Early in the morning, Gu Hai was awakened by the sound of a cell phone
alarm going off at 5:00. Entering a state of post-waking confusion, he
cracked his eyes just enough to get a view of his dark surroundings. To his
surprise, stars were among the things that jumped into his line of vision. It
was really rare to see stars in that bright yet seemingly gloomy city, so the
sight of those heavenly bodies confused Gu Hai even more. He couldn't make
out whether it was already morning or not.

Fuck! Who's the stupid bastard who set the alarm so damn early?

He remained motionless for a few seconds, dazed and irritated. Until finally,
it dawned on him. The idiot he was referring to in his head was in fact
himself. With that realization, he was able to muster enough strength to open
his eyes just a bit wider.
With great difficulty, Gu Hai started to shift. His eyelids felt like gravity had
put a curse on them. One second they were open, the next shut tight. Fighting
the urge to go back to sleep, he turned and casually looked over at Bai Luo
Yin's peacefully sleeping face. Finally, Gu Hai was able to force himself off
the bed.

In the darkness of the early morning, Bai Luo Yin was forced into
consciousness by the sensation of someone gently kissing his face. The kisses
were so gentle that he didn't mind having been awakened by them. He closed
his eyes and relished Gu Hai's kisses for a couple more minutes. When he
opened them again, the lamp was already lit. He could see Gu Hai standing
beside the wardrobe, looking for clothes.

"What time is it?" Bai Luo Yin asked as he sat up.

Gu Hai threw a couple of clothes toward him, "Wear these today. It's a bit
cold outside."

Pushing the warm blanket to the side, Bai Luo Yin dragged himself off the
bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. As he did
so, a familiar scent, one which forced him to stick his head out the bathroom's
door, started to invade his nostrils. He saw Gu Hai standing at the corner of
the kitchen, carefully and meticulously placing the food that he had bought
from Aunt Zou's restaurant earlier into plates and bowls.

That sight made Bai Luo Yin pause with the toothbrush still hanging loosely
at the side of his mouth. He silently calculated the distance from their
apartment to Aunt Zou's restaurant, as well as the time it took to go back and
forth. With this information, he was able to determine the time that Gu Hai
had gotten up.

During breakfast, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you wait
for me to wake up, so we could go out and eat instead?"

"Wait for you to wake up?" Gu Hai snorted. "We won't even have time to
eat if I did that."

"Then why didn't you just wake me up earlier?"

"Don't you already know the reason why?" Gu Hai retorted as he took one
half bitten egg and shoved it into Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

Once they got in the elevator, Bai Luo Yin stood behind Gu Hai. As they
approached the first floor, Gu Hai suddenly turned his head and gave Bai Luo
Yin an extremely hideous expression, which caught Bai Luo Yin off guard.
That simple act gave Bai Luo Yin quite the scare. But, after gaining his
composure, Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai's leg and said, "Can you not be so

Needless to say, that delighted Gu Hai. He couldn't help but smile as he

moved toward Bai Luo Yin to fix his collar and zip up his jacket. Finally, the
doors opened and the pair walked out of the elevator together.

Thank to the cold weather, the bicycle, which the two had been using every
day to get to school, had also turned cold. So, for the sake of 'exercising', they
decided to just jog to school.

Today, never once did Bai Luo Yin felt the need to sleep all throughout their
morning classes. He wasn't sure whether the reason for that was because he
had slept half an hour longer than usual this morning, but Gu Hai proudly
credited himself for that achievement.

During class, Gu Hai had a habit of stretching out his arms and touching
various parts of Bai Luo Yin's back. It was not an act that was intended to
elicit any sexual response from the person in front of him. It was just
something that he unintentionally did out of his subconscious' desire to make
sure that that person did exist. At first, Bai Luo Yin always felt a bit annoyed
whenever Gu Hai would touch his back. Sometimes, he would even get so
irritated that he couldn't help but to turn around and curse him. That was then.
Just like all things, time changed Bai Luo Yin's attitude toward that habit.
Whether he admitted it or not, he had now grown accustomed to it. It had
even come to the point where he would, in his own volition, turn around and
check on the person behind him when the latter failed to reach out to him for
some time, which happened whenever Gu Hai would try to concentrate on the
lecture at hand.

The class was dismissed around noon and the two decided to buy takeout and
make their way back to their apartment. Upon reaching their floor, the two
got surprised when they discovered that someone had once again opened their
unit's door. The sight made them stop in their tracks.

What's going on? Didn't we secretly change the lock yesterday? Could it be a

The two slowly made their way inside the living room, looking for any sign
of danger. In the end, they found no reason to panic as everything was as
when they left it that morning. They entered the kitchen and saw Jiang Yuan's
figure moving inside.

"My babies, you're back! Mom has prepared food. Go wash your hands
and get ready to eat."

The vein in Gu Hai's forehead started to pulsate heavily. He quickly pulled

Bai Luo Yin back toward the living room.

"What's going on? Wasn't the lock already changed? How was she able
to get inside again?" Gu Hai said through gritted teeth.

Damn it! She even has the nerve to get a locksmith to take the lock apart?

Just when they were about to go back to the kitchen and question her, Jiang
Yuan entered the living room with a radiant smile adorning her beautiful
face. She was wearing an expression that made it seem like the sun had shone
brightly today just for her sake.

"That's right, I forgot to tell you guys. The lock was broken. Don't worry
about it though, I already had it fixed." After saying that, she quickly
returned to the kitchen, humming as she started to arrange the food on the
dining table.

Bai Luo Yin walked toward the front door and looked at it. The lock looked
exactly the same. He and Gu Hai had worked so hard to change it yesterday,
yet that day his old lady had easily broken through it. It was so professionally
done that the only mark on it was the one he made the day before with a
screwdriver. Just one look and he was able to tell that no locksmith had a
hand at this. Everything was done personally by his mom.

Gu Hai approached him and stood to his side. He started laughing coldly. "I
finally understand."

Hearing that, Luo Yin looked up. "Understand what?"

"I can finally understand why your dad, who's so honest and sincere,
could give birth to such a smart child like you. She has just proven
herself to be your mother, and you her son. Now I know why my dad is
so obedient to your mother."

Bai Luo Yin threw a sharp look at Gu Hai. He was quite unhappy at the fact
that he was mentioned in the same breath as Jiang Yuan. Yet he couldn't deny
the fact that many of his good genes came from her.

The pair made their way into the kitchen.

"I've decided that from today on, I'll come over every day to make food,
wash your laundry, and clean the bathroom. I still can't be at ease with a
housekeeper. I don't really do much all day so it would be better to be
here to help you guys out."

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai's faces took on a ghastly expression.

Jiang Yuan added, "Of course I won't stay too long. I'll only stop by at
noon and night time."

Gu Hai's face darkened.

How can she be so disgusting? What makes her think she can just do
whatever she wants?

Jiang Yuan pushed the food toward Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai.

"Eat quickly."

Bai Luo Yin's chopsticks wouldn't budge at all. He looked straight at Jiang
Yuan with expressionless eyes.
"After today, can you not come here and bother us anymore?" Bai Luo
Yin said. Each word he spoke was accompanied by a certain weight that
expressed his resolve.

The fact of the matter was, Gu Hai had been wanting to say those words since
earlier but chose not to since, after all, she was Bai Luo Yin's mother.

Jiang Yuan's lips turned so white that not even her lip tint could conceal her

"Luo Yin, mom misses you. If mom doesn't see you for one day, my

"You don't miss me," Bai Luo Yin interrupted. "You just want to take
advantage of the situation here."

Jiang Yuan's eyes started to well up.

"I never saw you show your face when I still lived with my dad. Didn't
you also live well then?"

"That's because someone was there to take care of you. But now..."

"But now I will take care of him," Gu Hai interrupted. "Didn't you always
believe in the western education system? Well, we're already 17 years
old. We're old enough to be independent. If you're afraid he won't be
living well, I can guarantee you right now that I will always be here to
wash his clothes and make his food. When he's in pain or tired, I'll know
it. As long as you can guarantee that you won't step through that door
again, we will definitely live well. But if you insist on coming to bother us
again, then I can't guarantee that you will still see us tomorrow."

Gu Hai's voice was not loud but it held a certain authority... one that had the
ability to cause the ground to shake.

From then on, Jiang Yuan stopped coming to their home. Occasionally, she
would send someone over to bring them things like clothes and quilts, which
they didn't use. Everything was thrown into a room where it started to pile up.

Bai Luo Yin had really started to live in Gu Hai's apartment. And once he
started living there, two weeks quickly passed by. Aside from Saturdays and
Sundays, which he spent at Bai Han Qi's house, the rest of his time was spent
with Gu Hai.

The two developed a regular routine. Gu Hai would always wake up half an
hour earlier than Bai Luo Yin, buy breakfast and wait for Bai Luo Yin to
wake up so they could eat together. Bai Luo Yin felt guilty about it, so he
asked Gu Hai if they could take turns buying breakfast. As expected, Gu Hai
immediately refused. The reason was that he could drive and Bai Luo Yin
couldn't, therefore it would take him longer to get to Aunt Zou's and back. In
turn, Gu Hai started giving Bai Luo Yin driving lessons every day at noon.

After class, the two would always head straight home, have dinner, and then
workout. They would either hit the gym or play basketball, which they really
liked doing. They would play until their clothes were soaked in sweat. After
that, they would usually take a hot shower or bath. The rest of the night
would be spent doing all sorts of trivial things.

The two never quarreled, which made it exceptionally peaceful in the

apartment. The reason was probably that there was really nothing to argue
about. When their room was messy, they would both ignore it. It also wasn't a
problem when their toiletries went missing or were thrown all over the place.
They would simply use whatever they saw, regardless if it was clean or not.

They also never argued over which television station to watch, since their
preferences were more or less the same.

Their biggest problem was food.

Gu Hai promised that he would make food for Bai Luo Yin. And, being the
person that he was, Gu Hai kept true to his words. The best thing that Bai
Luo Yin could say about Gu Hai's cooking skill was: I won't die of food

It was true. If he closed his eyes and pinched his nose, the food Gu Hai
prepared was actually edible. There was, however, one dish that Gu Hai was
good at. That was boiled eggs. Every day he boiled eggs, and every time they
were cooked really well, Bai Luo Yin would give him a praise or two.

Every weekend, like a ritual, the two would go back to Bai Han Qi's home.
And every time, Aunt Zou would be at a loss for words upon seeing how
much food they would consume. In one breath, they would eat several
people's worth of food. They would eat so much and then complain about not
being full.

One afternoon, Aunt Zou had decided that enough's enough and went over
their apartment to give them a large amount of food. One week's worth to be
precise, which she instructed them to place inside the refrigerator. And
because she was the sweet aunt that she was, she would even make extra food
on her spare time and send it over to them. She did this without any

Gu Hai was always diligent and responsible when it came to washing their
dirty laundry. Of course, that was especially true when it came to Bai Luo
Yin's clothes. His, he would toss into the washing machine, but Bai Luo
Yin's, he would wash carefully by hand. Bai Luo Yin had urged him several
times to just toss everything into the machine, but Gu Hai, very stubbornly,
insisted on hand-washing them. He was very selective about which article
was to be hand-washed and which one should go into the machine.

It didn't take long before Bai Luo Yin discovered that, in reality, Gu Hai only
hand-washed one item, and that was his underpants. Every night, Gu Hai
would stand in front of the bathroom sink and would, with great
determination, scrub, scrub, scrub away. It was then that Bai Luo Yin finally
understood how Gu Hai could easily run several miles at a time without
losing his breath. Since, after all, washing clothes had already left him
flushed and gasping for air.

1 apples - the Chinese word for apple, which is pingguo, sounds similar to the
Chinese word for Christmas Eve, ping'an ye, and thus a tradition was born
out of it. Besides, the sound and character of ping of "píng guǒ", sounds the
same as ping of "pínɡ ān" which mean peace or calmness. So, if someone
gives you an apple on Christmas, it means that they are wishing you peace
and calmness.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 113: The Inquietude of Youth – Their Peaceful Night. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Friday morning came and brought the cold winter air along with it. Bai Luo
Yin was lying comfortably underneath the blanket. He had just awoken and
was currently being held captive by the unbelievably comforting warmth and
softness of their bed. It was lulling him back to sleep, sending him back to
dreamland. He had almost passed out again when he decided to shake the
sleepiness away.

Looking all around the room, his eyes involuntarily went to the direction of
the windows. From where he was, the sky outside seemed already bright, yet

What time is it?

He tried to move his arms to get his phone only to realize how tightly he was
tucked in. No wonder he was so relaxed. With much effort, he was able to
free himself and reach the bedside cabinet.

“5:20 AM. It’s still early.”

Bai Luo Yin threw himself back onto the bed, grumbling. He wanted so bad
to go back to sleep, but his eyes fell on the small lumps of white fluff that had
formed at the corners and bottom of the windows.

It’s snowing?

With that thought, Bai Luo Yin forced his eyes wide open and tried to sit
right up. He focused his vision toward the window. It was indeed snowing.
Winter’s first snowfall seemed to have crept its way into Beijing in the
middle of the night, transforming the entire city into a magical white
paradise. Although snow created a massive inconvenience for everyone, no
one would argue, since it was still such a spectacle to see it fall.

Bai Luo Yin leaned back against the headboard and started to feel the space
beside him with his hands. A particular someone was missing.

How long has Gu Hai been gone for?

It was not an uncommon knowledge that roads become slippery during

winter, forcing people to drive slower and more carefully, lest they wish to
find themselves in an accident. Knowing that, Gu Hai had to wake up
significantly earlier than usual not only to avoid the throngs of people trying
to make their way to work or school but also in case of road conditions

Gu Hai was just pulling over near the entrance of their building when he saw
Bai Luo Yin’s figure amidst the snow. He quickly stopped the car and ran to
him. When he finally reached him, he saw that a thin layer of snow had
already gathered on his head and shoulders.

“What are you doing out here? It’s too cold,” he exclaimed.

Looking at him with eyes that spoke of his deep concern for Bai Luo Yin, Gu
Hai raised his hands and caressed his cheeks. It was icy cold to the touch. The
freezing sensation that greeted his nerves traveled straight into Gu Hai’s
heart, making it throb with pain.

“Hurry up and go inside! You should at least know not to wear so little if
you wanted to come out!”

With furrowed brows, he quickly pushed Bai Luo Yin inside, treating him
like a small child who didn’t know any better. He cursed at him, then lightly
kicked his ass. It was a good thing that Bai Luo Yin was wearing a specially
thick and long sweater that fell down below his butt because although Gu Hai
was very gentle with his kick, his natural strength was still enough to hurt Bai
Luo Yin.

Truth be told, the reason why Bai Luo Yin had chosen to stay in the cold for
such a long time was that he was worried that Gu Hai might have gotten into
an accident. He noticed that the roads looked particularly slippery, so he
decided to wait outside for any sign of Gu Hai. He thought that if anything
had indeed happened to him, then it was better to suffer in the cold than wait
within the comforts of their apartment. His mind kept on torturing him with
such scary scenarios the entire time.

Naturally, when he saw Gu Hai’s car approaching the building, his anxiety
was quickly replaced with relief. It was as if spring itself had just arrived,
showering his heart with warmth and life.

The two went straight into the kitchen, where Gu Hai ordered Bai Luo Yin to
sit and wait as he prepared the table. One by one, the steaming hot meat buns,
congee topped with thinly sliced pickled vegetables, and warm soy milk were
placed on the table along with plates, bowls, chopsticks, and cups.

Fighting what remained of the cold air that had attached itself into Bai Luo
Yin’s body, he proceeded to rub his hands together while waiting for the
table to be set. Finally, it was time to eat. He was just about to move his
chopsticks when he noticed the fine beads of sweat that were dripping down
from Gu Hai’s hair to his neck and face. His forehead was especially soaked
in sweat. Just one look and Bai Luo Yin could tell that what was on Gu Hai’s
face and neck wasn’t melted snow.
“Why are you sweating?” he asked.

Gu Hai nonchalantly replied, “There was a car accident on the road. It

created a huge traffic jam. I couldn’t wait any longer, so I got out of the
car and ran. Of course, there’s no way I would let you starve.” Gu Hai
spoke while he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Those words struck Bai Luo Yin deeply. He asked himself, just how much is
this guy willing to sacrifice to take care of me? Of course, he would never
allow those words to escape his mouth.

Without him even noticing, his own eyes and lips started to betray him. He
stared at Gu Hai with a smile and eyes that spoke of his affection for him.

Noticing that Bai Luo Yin was not eating, but instead looking at him with
sparkling doe-like eyes, Gu Hai couldn’t help but smile.

“Are you touched? If you’re touched, then let me fuck you once,” said Gu
Hai mischievously.

The gentle gaze that had just risen from Bai Luo Yin’s eyes was replaced
with a sharp stare.

“Gu Hai, you jerk! Sooner or later, you’re going to be ruined by that
mouth of yours.”

Gu Hai laughed deviously at those words and then proceeded to eat. Once he
had his breakfast, Bai Luo Yin’s body felt warm and lively once again. The
two started to get ready for school.

In no time at all, the two were ready to leave. Just before heading out the
door, Gu Hai approached Bai Luo Yin and placed a down coat on him. As he
was already wearing a wool coat, Bai Luo Yin did not see any reason for
what Gu Hai was forcing him to wear.

“Have you ever seen anyone wear a wool coat and a down coat together

Bai Luo Yin tore off the down coat.

“I want you to wear it, so wear it. You’re not a girl. Who are you trying
to please by wearing so little?” Gu Hai’s tone was quite stern as he insisted
on draping the coat on Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin refused to submit to that stupid bastard. He fought him as if his
life depended on it, “Then why don’t you wear it?”

“I’m not cold,” Gu Hai quickly said.

“I’m not cold either!” Bai Luo Yin retorted with a voice full of

Gu Hai’s finger flew out and pointed straight at Bai Luo Yin’s forehead,
“Are you looking for trouble?” he asked through gritted teeth.

Bai Luo Yin was approaching the limit of his patience, “Why would I wear
that if you’re not even wearing it yourself?”

With furrowed brows, Gu Hai ruthlessly poked Bai Luo Yin’s forehead.
Then, without another word, he turned and walked into the bedroom. Less
than a minute later, he re-emerged with a second down jacket in his hands.
He put it on first before motioning at Bai Luo Yin to do the same.

Without any better option, Bai Luo Yin wore the down jacket. He then
grabbed a scarf, which he had purposely hidden somewhere in the living
room, and approached Gu Hai from the back to wrap it around his neck.

Gu Hai felt something warm enveloping his neck as he was approaching the
door. Puzzled, he looked down and saw a brilliant red scarf draped
haphazardly around his neck. He turned around and saw Bai Luo Yin wearing
an expressionless face.

It took some time before Gu Hai was able to say anything. He simply stared
at Bai Luo Yin in disbelief while stupidly grinning. Then, as if awakening
from a dream, he began to speak, “You’re afraid I’ll get cold, but you’re
too embarrassed to say it? Are you sure you’re trying your best not to
wear more clothes, huh?”
Bai Luo Yin didn’t admit or deny it.

Unable to properly express the contentment that had successfully conquered

his heart, Gu Hai placed his hand firmly on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder and
pulled him toward him. The strength in his hands was heavy, yet the voice
that came out of his mouth when he spoke was very warm. “Yin Zi, you’re
so good to me.”

A sense of warmth fell on Bai Luo Yin as he cast a side glance at Gu Hai.
Still wearing that expressionless face, he said, “Not better than you are to

Those words were more than what Gu Hai could handle. He asked, “How am
I good to you?”

“You’re good to me, but just a bit stupid.” Bai Luo Yin tried his best to
suppress a smile.

Huh? What kind of praise was that?

Finally, a slight smile escaped Bai Luo Yin’s tinted lips. It wasn’t so obvious,
but it was absolutely brilliant the moment it appeared. It was kind of like the
snowflakes that covered the ground outside—it appeared out of nowhere and
brightened the whole world, especially Gu Hai’s world.

Their outfits made them look like two bears who had escaped from the zoo.
The many layers of thick clothing they had on made them look extra stocky,
and since they were so bundled up, the two had a hard time moving well and
had to walk slowly to get to school. Well, they were going to be late anyway,
so why not take time to enjoy the scenery?

While they were on their way to school, Gu Hai noticed that the flower and
gift shops had all opened earlier than usual. In addition, each one had several
posters and cutouts with exquisite-looking apple designs hanging from their

“Wait, is it Christmas Eve?” Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin was quite unsure. He frowned and said, “I guess so.”

Gu Hai took his cellphone out of his pocket and looked at it. It was Christmas

Of course, since they didn’t have girlfriends, the two didn’t make any effort
to prepare for Christmas.

The two arrived at their classroom only to find that it was completely empty.
Looking out the window, they were able to spot a handful of people at the
playground. Perhaps they all went out to shovel snow?

Bai Luo Yin moved towards his table and found tons of apples[1] on it. There
were so many that some even managed to make its way into his desk drawer.
Needless to say, Gu Hai found loads of apples on his desk and drawer as
well. However, the mountains of apples in their desks failed in comparison to
those in You Qi’s. It was simply overflowing. Looking at the row of three
tables, it was quite a sight to behold.

After finding out where the entire class went, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai
proceeded to join them. In no time at all, they found themselves shoveling

“Gu Hai, let’s switch shovels,” Bai Luo Yin said after some time.

Gu Hai turned around. Suddenly, a snowball hit him hard on the face; it
struck him at the bridge of his nose and made him shut his eyes. When he
opened them again, Bai Luo Yin was already far away.

“You bastard! You dare play dirty with me?” Gu Hai shouted as he threw
the shovel down and chased after him. Of course, it didn’t take long for Gu
Hai to catch up to Bai Luo Yin. Soon, the two were engaged in a fierce
snowball fight.

They were having so much fun that the other students couldn’t help but to
join in. They scattered all around in small groups and started to attack each
other with handfuls of snow. A massive snowball fight had just erupted in the
middle of the school grounds. They all ran, laughed, ducked and threw
snowballs at each other. Yes, they were all high school students, yet at that
moment, every single one of them looked like and felt like a child.

They played that game for hours until everyone was exhausted. As expected,
their clothes were thoroughly soaked afterward.

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin thought that Gu Hai was especially wise. While
other students were soaked to the point that their shoulders were trembling,
Gu Hai and him, on the other hand, still had their down coat on after taking
their wool coat off.

During class, You Qi turned around and gave Bai Luo Yin an apple-shaped
lighter as a gift. Bai Luo Yin kept quiet and picked it up.

Gu Hai, on the contrary, wasn’t the least secretive. He simply patted Bai Luo
Yin’s shoulder and said, “A girl gave this scarf to me. She even said that
she hand-knitted it especially for me. Tell me, what do you think she

Without turning, a gloomy aura hovered above Bai Luo Yin as he coldly said,
“She likes you.”

Although Gu Hai was very pleased with Bai Luo Yin’s response, his mind
was not yet satisfied. He egged him on and continued to ask, “Then, do you
think I should give it back to her? She did knit it for me with good
intentions. If I give it back to her, she would be really hurt.”

“Then you should keep it.”

Gu Hai still had more to say, but before he could, Bai Luo Yin interrupted
him by turning around and reaching his hand out to stop him. “It’s your
problem, don’t ask me.”

The underlying meaning was:

It’s up to you!

Gu Hai paused for a bit, “How about I wear it?”

Those words pricked Bai Luo Yin’s nerves; his back to suddenly stiffen up
like a frozen pole.

There were some noises coming from behind him, and then, Gu Hai started to
incessantly tap Bai Luo Yin’s back again, “Turn around and take a look,
does it look good on me?”

The muscles on Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks tightened to the point where the pain
was crawling along the sides of them, yet he still did not pay Gu Hai any

Within seconds, a breeze of cold air swept across his darkened eyes.

Gu Hai gave him a glance and laughed, then he mumbled to himself. “Forget
it. It’s better to give it back to her since I don’t like it and I don’t want to
give her any crazy idea.”

Bai Luo Yin’s once stiffened muscles suddenly relaxed and the darkness in
his eyes faded.

At that moment, even he didn’t realize that the expression in his eyes held a
great deal of displeasure. Gu Hai knew that if he continued on with his
teasing words, Bai Luo Yin’s face would have exposed an even more
pleasing result. But he couldn’t. He really couldn’t. Even if he was at an
advantage, he couldn’t bear to see Bai Luo Yin suffer.

That day was Friday. Originally, they had wanted to return home early but
somehow ended up taking a stroll on the streets. The liveliness outside was
inviting them to stretch their legs out and go for a pleasant walk. There were
young lovers everywhere, carrying fresh flowers, stuffed animals,
chocolates… it didn’t matter what store it was, the entrances had all those
kind of gifts.

Gu Hai rubbed his hands together since it was quite cold.

Noticing that, Bai Luo Yin’s footsteps halted at the front door of a small
store. He pointed at the gloves hanging above and asked, “How much is

“45 kuai,” the cashier replied.

After Bai Luo Yin paid for them, he turned around with the intention of
giving the gloves to Gu Hai but found that Gu Hai was suddenly missing. He
immediately twirled his head around, but Gu Hai had already run off to a
nearby corner store.

Without either of them knowing, they had bought the same pair of gloves.

In the end, Gu Hai was the first to put the gloves on Bai Luo Yin’s cold
hands. Then, he stole the words right out of Bai Luo Yin’s lips.

“There’s nothing good to give you, so just take this.”

Looking at the warmness that was flowing out of his eyes, Bai Luo Yin’s lips
drew back into a gentle smile. He took the gloves that he was holding and
placed them in Gu Hai’s hand.

You and I, we’re both guys…I can’t think of anything special to give you that
would please you, but here’s something.

On the way home, by chance, they passed by the international theatre. The
television display screens were broadcasting the New Year Eve’s special

Gu Hai stopped, looked at Bai Luo Yin and said, “How about we watch a

Bai Luo Yin was a bit dumbfounded, since he hadn’t been to that kind of
place for a really long time. The last time he was at the theatre was when he
had accompanied Shi Hui. He couldn’t even recall the title of the movie. All
he remembered was that Shi Hui cried a lot and all he could do was pass her a
tissue. For goodness sake, he didn’t even know who the actors were.

Bai Luo Yin was hesitant for a second before following Gu Hai into the
There were a lot of Christmas’ movies which were placed into different
categories. There were romance movies, older movies, etc…

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin carefully picked one. They thought that the number
eight was the most suitable for them. It was a monotone movie with
gunfights, horror, and explosions.

Once they entered, as far as they could see, all the seats were empty except
for a few audiences dispersed in random spots.

“It’s really peaceful here!”

“Nonsense! Who watches a horror and violence movie on Christmas


People either wanted to rent a small private room at the theatre to enjoy their
movie in private or watched a romance movie amongst strangers. When they
got tired, they could easily lay on each other’s shoulder and take a nap.

Who would be like them! They weren’t tired at all and the more they
watched, the more excited they were. By the time the third part of the movie
started, in that spacious room number eight, they were the only two left!
Extremely excited at the action, they recklessly shouted at the screen without
constraint. Only until the ending song started did the two mutually place their
head on each other’s shoulder. As a result, their heads ended up against each
other. Turning slightly to look at each other, the lights were still sparkling in
their jet black eyes.

“Those 300 yuan were totally worth it!” Gu Hai said with enthusiasm
riddling his voice.

“It’s the most satisfying movie I’ve ever seen since in my life,” Bai Luo
Yin said right after.

After being silent for quite a while, they moved their heads away, looked at
each other and laughed. Soon they left the theatre with weary faces.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 114: The Inquietude of Youth - A Strange Phone Call. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


On Christmas day, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin decided to go to Bai Han Qi's
house to have lunch with the rest of the family. After filling their stomachs
with the delicious food that Aunt Zou made, the two played affectionately
with Ah-Lang before spending the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Evening
came quickly and before they knew it, they were already running late for their
Christmas dinner with Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu, which they had agreed to
hold in their apartment. The two quickly rushed back home.

In all honesty, the original plan for this celebration called for the four of them
to eat out, but since Gu Hai wouldn't stop bragging about how extraordinary
his culinary skills were, they all decided to just spend it at their home. On the
way there, Gu Hai felt a little anxious.

"What should we eat tonight?" he asked Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin thought about it for a while and said, "Hotpot with sliced lamb

"You want to eat that?"

"It's the only food that won't betray you and your claims of having great
cooking skills."

Upon hearing those words, embarrassment rushed into Gu Hai's heart, which
became very evident on his face. He turned toward Bai Luo Yin and let his
pitch-black pupils stare dangerously at him. "Are you saying that the food I
make is not good?"

"You honestly haven't figured out if it's good or not?"

Those words made Gu Hai choke. His hand quickly shot out and grasped Bai
Luo Yin's neck, rather lovingly. "Even the eggs I boil are not good?" he
asked angrily.

"Why don't you just ask me if the water you boil is good for drinking or
not, huh?"

"You fucking..."

Gu Hai bitterly took his hands away from Bai Luo Yin's neck. With a
darkened face, he sped up his pace and maintained a good meter away from

Oh? He's already lost his temper?

Trying to catch Gu Hai's attention, Bai Luo Yin released a light cough.
Unfortunately, Gu Hai was in no mood to pay any notice to him. He
maintained an awfully serious attention with clenched jaws and unwavering
eyes that looked straight ahead. His eyes' dark orbs displayed brightly against
the city lights, yet its owner's current emotion was well-hidden from plain

The two continued to walk like that for some time until Bai Luo Yin couldn't
hold on any longer. "Still angry? You're so sensitive."
In truth, Gu Hai's anger had long subsided, but when he heard Bai Luo Yin
say that he was sensitive, Young Master Gu snapped. He felt very insulted
and decided to further quicken his steps. In no time at all, he had managed to
disappear from Bai Luo Yin's line of sight.

This person...

Left with no other choice, Bai Luo Yin quickened his pace and chased after
him. With much struggle, he was able to catch up.

"Okay, okay. The food you make isn't that hard to eat. But you can still

Gu Hai kept on walking. He didn't do anything or bother to glance at the

person beside him.

"Don't be like this. I'm only saying this to help you improve!"

A dark expression was still painted Gu Hai's face as he continued walking

ahead. At this point, Bai Luo Yin had already had enough. He couldn't bear
the fact that this hardheaded person was ignoring his efforts for
reconciliation. He kicked Gu Hai's buttock.

"You are looking for trouble, huh?"

That made Gu Hai stop in his track, but he was quite unshaken and wore the
same dark expression. Bai Luo Yin was running out of ideas. Without
anything better to say, he said, "If you're still so fucking stubborn, believe
it or not, I'm going to tell Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu about your original
creation, that penis flavored meat snack!"

The corners of Gu Hai's mouth twitched, he couldn't play that game any
longer. Finally succumbing to his own emotions, he pulled Bai Luo Yin into
a rough but tight embrace. He then pointed at his nose, making sure not to
poke too hard. "You fucking bastard, you're so bad."

As expected, the only way to uncover the vulnerability of people like Gu Hai
was with the use of vulgar words.

After reconciling, the two went to the supermarket. They bought several
kilograms of freshly sliced mutton meat, along with the ingredients needed
for a hot pot, including vegetables of their personal liking. They then hurried
to get home.

By the time Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu arrived at their apartment, the water in
the hot pot that Gu Hai so meticulously prepared had already boiled. The
enticing aroma of the dish spread all throughout their little home, captivating
their guests' nostrils from the time they entered the front door.

Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu were young masters in their respective houses and
had never even so much as touched a single kitchen utensil in their lives. That
was why they couldn't help but to pat Gu Hai's shoulders -who was also a
young master- and shower him with praises after just smelling the flavorful
scent that his dish produced.

Li Shuo spoke first. "Gu Hai, you're too awesome and very capable. My
respect for you has gone up to a whole new level."

Zhou Shi Hu, who was on Gu Hai's other side, "It's true! Two years ago no
one would have thought that Gu Hai would be able to learn to cook. Yet
here we are."

"Yes, yes, yes! It's so fucking unexpected alright. You know, I didn't eat
breakfast or lunch just for this," added Li Shuo.

"I even brought a camera with me."

Bai Luo Yin looked at Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu's faces with amazement as
they continued to admire and flatter Gu Hai. He couldn't help but blush with
shame. He finally knew why Gu Hai was so confident and proud.

The four of them drank and ate at the same time. They really enjoyed the two
bottles of pre-prepared mai tai, which Li Shuo sneaked out of his house. Once
the liquor entered their stomachs, their faces began to turn red and they all
became more talkative.

"It can't be! You... you're... that Jiang... Jiang something... her son?" Li
Shuo's hand fiercely slammed onto the table as he said this, causing some of
the soup from the hot pot and the mai tai to spill.

Zhou Shi Hu, who was also in a state of disbelief, added, "After making
such a ruckus, you two are actually brothers?"

Bai Luo Yin kept silent through all these. Gu Hai asked him, "Do you want
some more spice?"

"I can do it myself."

Bai Luo Yin's hands started to move, but Gu Hai had already snatched his
bowl. He proceeded to add meat and some soup. He then took a sip from the
bowl to see if it was too salty or not. Deeming the bowl good enough for his
Yin Zi, he nodded before handing the bowl back to Bai Luo Yin.

"This will do."

Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu stared in awe at the scene that had just unfolded
before their eyes. Their friend had actually learned to care and was taking
really good care of someone. With this discovery, the two couldn't help but
crack a joke.

"Wow! This big brother is quite responsible."

Bai Luo Yin quickly looked at the two guys and nonchalantly added, "I'm

"What?!!." Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu said in unison. Dumbfounded, the two
couldn't say anything for some time. They then started laughing. Of course,
Gu Hai knew what they were laughing about. Suddenly, a pair of chopsticks
went flying, whacking the two guys' heads.

The next thing they saw was a pair of sharp eyes. "What are you two
laughing about?" Gu Hai shouted.
Li Shuo was absolutely pleased with Gu Hai's misfortune[1], "Da Hai ah,
Da Hai, who would have thought that this day would come for you too,
you bastard! How does it feel to have someone step on your head? It
doesn't feel good, right?"

"Go away!" Gu Hai said as he kicked Li Shuo's leg.

Li Shuo continued laughing. "Hey! How come you only know how to be
cruel to me, huh? If you're so capable, why don't you curse at your

"Why should I curse at him?" Gu Hai retorted.

Li Shuo kept on provoking him, "Curse him!"

From the side, Zhou Shi Hu also stated to roar, "Yeah! Curse him if you
dare! Go ahead."

Gu Hai turned to look at Bai Luo Yin, who was deeply unaffected by their
game. He was thoroughly enjoying his food as if no one else was there.

Meanwhile, Gu Hai was fighting a great battle. Should I curse him or not?

Actually, cursing someone while drinking wasn't anything serious to rack

one's mind over. Didn't they normally curse here and there when they joked
around anyways? Still, Gu Hai couldn't help but wonder why he was so
unable to say anything to the person sitting next to him.

Watching Bai Luo Yin sitting there, eating the food he prepared so sincerely
in such a well-behaved manner... why would anyone want to curse him?

There's no other choice but to be the grandson![2]

A milestone! That was the first time that Gu Hai lowered his pride to anyone
in front of his friends. Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu couldn't believe it. They
laughed so hard their saliva flowed out.

Zhou Shi Hu drank until his lips were tired. At some point during the night,
he pulled Bai Luo Yin's arm and said, "I really admire you for being able
to subdue Gu Hai. You don't know how many bad things he's said about
you in the past."

Instead of getting offended by the last part of his statement, Bai Luo Yin felt
nothing but pride with Zhou Shi Hu's words. He, however, started to inquire,
"What were the bad things that he said about me?"

Gu Hai started glaring at Zhou Shi Li. "Don't you dare fucking say it."

"Say it."

The words that came out of Bai Luo Yin's lips were sharp and clear.

Zhou Shi Li finished eating his food first before speaking to Bai Luo Yin
again. He pulled him to sit on one side of the sofa and started to tell how Gu
Hai had slandered and tarnished his character in front of him and his friends.
But of course, he exaggerated some parts of the story to make it more

Bai Luo Yin didn't take any of the things he said to heart. In his head,
everything that Zhou Shi Li said was just a joke. He listened to him though.
He listened until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. Suddenly,
everything was black.

At three in the morning, Bai Luo Yin was awakened by the sound of his
cellphone's ringtone. He had fallen asleep on the couch. He looked around the
room and found Gu Hai in a hideous state: he had passed out on the carpet.
He couldn't tell when Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu left. All he knew was that
both the kitchen and living room were a complete mess.

His cellphone continued to ring.

Who the fuck would call at this hour?

While still a bit dizzy, Bai Luo Yin followed the direction from where the
sound was coming from. He leaned against the wall for support as he made
his way to their room. Finally, he found it.

A strange number.
Bai Luo Yin pressed the green icon and listened for a second before lazily
saying, 'hello'.

The person on the other end didn't answer. Bai Luo Yin couldn't hear a single

"Hello?" His brows furrowed.

"Bai Luo Yin."

Those three words. That voice. It smashed on him like a heavy boulder. It
smashed and smashed onto his head until he was sober.

"Shi Hui?"

A slight sob that was quickly suppressed came from the other side, followed
by silence.

Bai Luo Yin felt very anxious.

"How do you know my phone number?"

The person ignored the question; instead of answering, she proceeded to

speak what was on her mind.

"During the same time last year, you and I were together. This year, I'm
spending it all by myself. It's very lively on the streets here. Everyone has
someone beside them, but I'm all alone, walking the streets of this
strange city... thinking of you. The things I'm saying... they're not wrong,
right? Do you miss me? Perhaps, you already have someone beside you
right now..."

Bai Luo Yin was caught off guard. After the person was done talking, he
quickly composed himself, "Shi Hui, don't be like this. We're over."

"I know, I've already accepted that reality. It's just that today is special.
It's just so lively and festive here. I can't control my emotions. I never
thought of getting back together with you again. I... I only want to tell
you that I especially miss you; I really really miss you. I think I'm unable
to walk out of those memories we shared..."

Bai Luo Yin started walking toward the balcony. He leaned against the cold
wall and forced himself to calm down.

"The longer you're like this, the longer you won't be able to come out of
it. Don't ask about me. Delete my number. Delete every message that has
to do with me... delete me."

"I can't do that." Shi Hui's gentle voice was mixed with sobs. "Do you
know that the only reason why I was able to make it this far is that I've
always imagined that... inevitably... we would be good again."

Bai Luo Yin's fingertips started to rise, touching nothing. The night's cold
wind blew against his breath, making it unsteady.

"It's impossible."

After saying that, Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath and hung up the phone.

1 to rejoice in other people's misfortune [幸灾乐祸 xìngzāilèhuò] - take

pleasure in someone else's misfortune

2 There no other choice but to be the grandson then! - Beijing saying,

grandson had to listen to and always respect their grandparents/older folks.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 115: The Inquietude of Youth - Late Night Interrogation. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


[I can be even more of a bastard.]


Bai Luo Yin stood alone on the balcony until the heat that coursed through
his body and mind subsided.

When he eventually dragged his tired feet slowly back into the living room,
the first thing he saw was Gu Hai lying dead asleep on the floor.

What no one knew about Gu Hai was that when he sleeps, he barely stirs but
he was always conscious of his surroundings (especially if it had anything to
do with a certain someone). However, that night this beast had drunk himself
into oblivion. It was to the point that even when Bai Luo Yin's cellphone rang
persistently, his body maintained its perfectly stock-still posture.
Seeing Gu Hai's peaceful visage, Bai Luo Yin quickly stopped in his track.
He watched the way Gu Hai's chest undulated in conformity with his breath
and how his lips slightly parted, revealing a hint of his teeth. As Bai Luo Yin
gazed at him, his train of thoughts slipped and he started to ask himself how
he was going to move Gu Hai to the bedroom. In the end, he somehow
became lost in his own thoughts.

It was extremely rare to see Gu Hai with such appearance, that is, being so
well-behaved. Honestly, it can be depicted as like when one stumbled upon a
wild panther in deep slumber, calm and inert. With only a thin shirt and long
pants on, his body stretched out across the carpet in complete relaxation.
Even though he seemed relaxed, his sturdy arms and legs nevertheless
exuded strength, seemingly prepared to spring forward and strike at any

Bai Luo Yin thought about the many aspects that Gu Hai possessed. Even
though the first impression of Gu Hai was of someone who was wild and
untamable, it was truthfully an arduous journey to discover his genuine
character. When he was apoplectic with rage, the potent look seething in his
eyes alone was more than enough to cause anyone to tremble in fear, yet his
kind-heartedness could easily provoke anyone to bully him. When he was
serious, he would become like a loaded rifle, and once his emotions had been
aroused, they could not be easily shaken off. When he was bad... he was just
unpredictably bad, and his naughty behaviors would shock anyone.

That type of character might appear complicated but in reality, they were
actually simple and pure.

Bai Luo Yin was also like that-a temperamental person. Although his
normally calm demeanor gave off a different impression than that of Gu
Hai's, in reality, he was quick to anger. In one second he could detest Gu Hai,
but then recognize all of his good qualities in the next second. For example,
he wanted to slap Gu Hai in the face last evening, yet today, he wanted to
take good care of him.

Looking attentively at Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin found that he did not have the
heart to wake him up.
Eventually, he decided to try and carry Gu Hai to the bed.

Closing in on him, he carefully slipped his hand beneath Gu Hai's body and
grabbed him by the waist. Even though he was a bit heavier than he was, Bai
Luo Yin knew that he was, at the least, able to support him. Looking at the
two, it might seem preposterous that Bai Luo Yin could even manage it, but
he was able to muster the strength. Slinging Gu Hai's limp arm around his
neck, he paced himself steadily toward the bedroom. Once inside the room,
he placed Gu Hai (gently) on the bed and began to slowly take off his shoes
and undress him.

When Gu Hai abruptly let out a low groan, Bai Luo Yin froze on the spot, but
that boy surprisingly remained asleep. Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but stare at
him again. This time, he picked up on some of the small details on his face.
Like how his short but thick lashes elegantly framed the outer rim of his eyes
perfectly, how the high bridge of his nose made his face seem rather stern and
how even the hue of his lips was deep red, one could still see that of a man.

Out of nowhere, Bai Luo Yin's fingers plunged into Gu Hai's thick head of
hair. He lowered his head and hovered dangerously close-so close that he
could feel Gu Hai's breath brushing against his lips.

Their lips met.

Bai Luo Yin was surprised at himself, especially since he did not know what
he was doing or why he would have such impulses. His mind was in
complete disarray as carnal desires (kindly) took over.

As Bai Luo Yin pried open Gu Hai's jaw, a strong whiff of liquor attacked his
nostrils. But even then, his tongue charged inside willfully. As if it has been
bewitched, he roughly exploited and took control of Gu Hai's mouth. Even as
his tongue scraped across Gu Hai's teeth, the pain that followed did not
register in his brain even though the smell of blood assaulted his nose. Soon,
traces of blood mixed with saliva trickled along the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Gu Hai woke up, raised his arm and held the back of Bai Luo Yin's
neck, responding to the advances with equal force.
Bai Luo Yin did not stop.

When their eyes locked, Bai Luo Yin did not avert his gaze. There were no
signs of shyness or fear settling on his face or ravaging his mind as he sat up
and forcefully pulled off Gu Hai's shirt and tugged off his leather belt. Bai
Luo Yin had somehow turned into an impatient and ravenous beast in the
span of just a few minutes. In his quick manner to yanked Gu Hai's pants off,
the belt grazed against Gu Hai's hip, sending a burst of pain to unfurl around
the area. In return, Gu Hai fiercely tore open Bai Luo Yin's shirt, making the
buttons fly off before he clawed open his pants and dragged them down
toward his ankles in just one swift move.

The passion circling Gu Hai's mind drew red flames into his eyes. Bai Luo
Yin had only rested his hands on his body, yet he could already feel an
undercurrent of electricity attempting to completely scorch him alive. That
kind of feeling not only woke him up completely, but it also lifted his desire
to its pinnacle while pushing him to crave for more.

Letting his urges take control, Gu Hai rolled over and threw Bai Luo Yin
under his body so that he was lying on his stomach. Then he spread his legs
apart and gripped his butt cheeks, feeling the supple, yet firm muscles
beneath his hands. Unable to hold it any longer, Gu Hai aimed his swelling
beast toward Bai Luo Yin's narrow passageway but was unsuccessful.

Bai Luo Yin tried to turn his body around, but Gu Hai countered by firmly
pressing his own chest down in order to keep him down.

"Are you going to let me fuck you or not?" the vulgar words floated into
Bai Luo Yin's ear.

Tightening his fist, Bai Luo Yin let his face sink into the bed sheet. His voice
then broke out in a slightly painful muffle. "No, you can't."

Gu Hai moved his hips forward again with a bit more force. Sensing that
invasive touch, Bai Luo Yin's body trembled violently-ostensibly fighting

"Why won't you let me?" Gu Hai asked with a despotic tone while his
heartbeats heightened. Although he was in that state, he could still sense that
Bai Luo Yin was not his usual self-more so, the agitation that he exuded was
all too clear. Even the confused and worried expression drawn on his face
made Gu Hai pause his actions.

Just as they were locked in a passionate battle, an ear-piercing ringtone

sounded, taking them both by surprise. Bai Luo Yin's body jerked up to
slightly push Gu Hai away.

"Who would call at this time?" Gu Hai mumbled to himself in irritation as

he reached over to grab the phone, but Bai Luo Yin's hand was a step quicker.
He snatched the phone and turned it off without checking the number.

"Telemarketers," Bai Luo Yin replied immediately.

Not taking notice of that, Gu Hai quickly shifted his body which caught Bai
Luo Yin off guard. Soon, Bai Luo Yin felt teeth digging lightly into his butt
cheek; he kicked and tried to raise his legs up but was held down again. Then,
Gu Hai used one hand to pull both of Bai Luo Yin's hands behind his back,
trussing him up like a crab in order to completely immobilize him. By now,
all Bai Luo Yin could do was to lie there-compelled to accept the humiliation
created by this love.

Gu Hai gently bit and gnawed all over his ass cheeks before shifting slowly
to the center. Knowing that, Bai Luo Yin started to frantically compete his
strength with Gu Hai's, but he was also... competing with himself.

In seconds, Gu Hai's tongue flicked and licked at the spot Bai Luo Yin would
never dare to talk about. When he flung his head back unintentionally and his
chin bumped against the headboard, he wanted nothing more than to curse

"Gu Hai, you bastard!" Bai Luo Yin shouted from the pain that started to
afflict his nerves.

"Bastard?" Gu Hai smiled, the kind that was seared with a hint of lunacy. "I
can be even more of a bastard."
"Da Hai... Da Hai..."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly called out. There was a sense of pleading in his voice
that Gu Hai had never heard before. Although his heart was raging with
desires, it softened the moment his own name escaped Bai Luo Yin 's slightly
parted lips. He hugged Bai Luo Yin tightly from behind and propped his chin
at the nape of his neck.

"Yin Zi, what are you scared of?"


Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin swiftly shut his eyes and willed his
throbbing heartbeat to relax and quiet down.

Gu Hai moved his finger a bit to poke that sensitive spot again. "Why won't
you let me?"

Bai Luo Yin said hopelessly, "I'm scared of the pain."

Actually, that particular reason occupied a very small spot in Bai Luo Yin's
heart, but for Gu Hai, it was of utmost importance. Bai Luo Yin could simply
tell him the truth. However, for some reason, a burst of fear that was followed
by panic had just rushed from his brain to his heart and ignited a flame in his
chest that beckoned to dry out his blood. He froze, and as if holding onto a bit
of last hope, he came to a certain realization-just don't break through his
heart's last layer of defense.

Suddenly, a peal of calm laughter sounded in the room as Gu Hai pat Bai Luo
Yin's soft ass.

"So, you can be scared as well?"

Concealing his emotions, Bai Luo Yin glowered at Gu Hai. "How about I
fuck you?"

Not to be deterred, Gu Hai intentionally provoked Bai Luo Yin. "Come, I

have no objection."
Although that was a chance for him, Bai Luo Yin lied motionless on the bed
like a dead fish instead.

Gu Hai continued to laugh, but it was clear that there was a hint of

Without warning, he moved close to Bai Luo Yin and whispered, "Baobei, it
will only be difficult for a bit, please endure it."

Bai Luo Yin's first reaction was to struggle since he thought that Gu Hai
would come onto him strongly. But in the end, Gu Hai only held both of his
legs tightly together and inserted his throbbing beast in between his thighs-
straight up sumata style. Before long, he thrust back and forth, provoking the
most sensitive and weak spot of Bai Luo Yin's inner thighs to encounter
intense rubbing. The heat that built up excited the area and burned the nerves
in his body. Although it was only dry sex, it was more than enough to make
Bai Luo Yin feel humiliated.

Bai Luo Yin tried to loosen his own legs several times but to no avail, as Gu
Hai's brutal strength stopped him every time. All he could do was clench his
teeth and endure it.

With Gu Hai's hot and heavy breaths looming over him, Bai Luo Yin became
completely aroused. He reached down to soothe his own throbbing member
but felt that it was not enough. More.

To Gu Hai's surprise, Bai Luo Yin flipped over fiercely and pushed him
down with great force before using the same method that he had just
employed to satisfy himself. Clearly knowing that, Gu Hai let Bai Luo Yin
continue stimulating himself. He even encouraged him to do so... even though
deep down his heart has that last layer of defense as well. But since Bai Luo
Yin was on top of him, seeking a method to stimulate himself, Gu Hai was
more than willing to try it out.

In the night, the two finally reached their climax when their bodies convulsed
and the satisfying moans ripped through the room.

The next few days were peaceful. With no calls from Shi Hui, Bai Luo Yin
was able to free up his mind. Perhaps, she was moved by the occasion that
day which inadvertently made her feelings skyrocketed out of control until
she called him. In truth, who wouldn't feel a bit insane after going through a
breakup? Maybe, that agonizing and persistent feeling will slowly pass now.

Soon, New Year's Day arrived. Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai returned home to

Aunt Zou and Bai Han Qi were busy in the kitchen while Bai Luo Yin was
fiddling with his belongings in his room. Gu Hai, on the other hand, was in
the yard teasing a little boy.

Meng Tong Tian was Aunt Zou's son who had been labeled as a little demon.
But, having only turned seven this year, his face was somehow already drawn
with melancholy.

"What's wrong to make you look so worried at this age?" Gu Hai asked
with curiosity.

Meng Tong Tian sighed as his small lips squirmed, looking as if he wanted to
speak but stopped himself instead.

Smiling mischievously, Gu Hai tugged his little hand intentionally. "You

have a girlfriend?"

Meng Tong Tian smiled instantly. "I have one... but maybe I don't...?"

"Maybe you have one?"

Gu Hai's big hand pinched Meng Tong Tian's slim leg as he laughed

This kid is funny.

That little boy's mood remained unshakeable as the blank expression still
overtook his countenance. After some time, he eventually said, "She's going
to torture me to death."

Meng Tong Tian's shoulder pulled back while he drew circles on the ground
with his foot.

"You ask who... of course, I mean her."

Gu Hai knew already but continued to tease him anyway, "How is she
torturing you?"

"She didn't say we were together, but she didn't say we weren't either...
is she doing that to me on purpose?"

Gu Hai burst into a peal of loud laughter before he patted Meng Tong Tian's
head. "You are definitely my good little brother. Let's try our best

Just as he finished talking, Bai Luo Yin's phone rang.

The cellphone was in his school bag, which had been flung onto the wooden
bench next to the doorway. But since Bai Luo Yin was in his room, it was
impossible for him to hear it. As it continued to ring, Gu Hai took the phone
out of the bag and answered it immediately.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 116: The Inquietude of Youth - The young master is insane. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.



Silence took over for some time before the person on the other side spoke,
"Bai Luo Yin?"

The voice of the person was steeped with feminine allure. With just three
words, it was not hard to tell that she had proper control of her pronunciation,
eloquence in her enunciation, and an extremely graceful tone. If her image
was based solely on the sound of her voice, one could imagine what a beauty
she would be.

Perhaps, Gu Hai's little heart would have palpitated slightly faster if that
voice had sought him out, but instead, it was seeking Bai Luo Yin. That, in
itself, was another story.
"Who are you?" Gu Hai immediately asked, feeling a bit annoyed at the
wavering tone.

"Sorry, I'm looking for Bai Luo Yin. Can I trouble you to give him the
phone, please?" The person asked very courteously.

One of Gu Hai's brow rose, "If you don't tell me who you are, I won't give
him the phone."

There was a silent and awkward pause for a moment. It was as if the person
was contemplating on something before she spoke, "I'm his girlfriend."

Gu Hai scoffed and then laughed at those words. He placed the cellphone
receiver in front of his face and shout into it with a particularly aggressive
tone, "If you're his girlfriend then I'm his boyfriend!"

After that, he immediately hung up without giving the person a chance to

utter anything else.

Stupid, senseless, delusional...initially, those were the words conjured in Gu

Hai's mind, but soon he felt he had been wrong instead. The person had
addressed Bai Luo Yin by his whole name.[1] That could only mean the
person did not mistakenly dial the number, she was undoubtedly calling
specifically for Bai Luo Yin.

For someone as strong-minded as Gu Hai, his only option was to probe for
the truth.

In the other room, Bai Luo Yin was rummaging through the drawer for
something. But just as he dug further inside, he suddenly touched something
metallic and pulled it out. It was a watch. Although it has been in the drawer
and covered up by other things for such a long while, the surface still
appeared brand new and shiny like the moment it was gifted to him. The
character 'Hui' was written on the bottom shell. Needless to say, Shi Hui also
has one with the character 'Yin' on it. For something of that caliber to be
made, the price should not be mentioned. After all, it was a one of a kind
custom-made lover's watch.
As he stared at it, Bai Luo Yin was completely unaware of Gu Hai's presence
behind him.

In just seconds, the watch was suddenly snatched out of his hand.

Gu Hai's rough thumb ran along the surface of the watch as he smiled, "Not
bad. It's an expensive brand?"

Silence took over the room and Bai Luo Yin seemed reluctant to speak about
the topic.

Seeing that no reaction, Gu Hai gave him a quick glance and then turned the
watch over to look at the logo embedded on the bottom shell. His once warm
dark pupils were promptly reduced by several degrees.

"What's this? You bastard. I look away for just a second and you're
secretly hiding in your room, reminiscing about your past lover?" Gu
Hai kneed Bai Luo Yin's firm butt.

Heeding him no attention, Bai Luo Yin calmly snatched the watch back and
threw it into the drawer without much care. It was written all over his face
that he was not in the mood to explain.

Gu Hai, stubborn as he was, was unwilling to let it go. "Are you feeling
nostalgic? Can't keep calm? You must be recalling those loving and
romantic days, aren't you?"

Bai Luo Yin slightly narrowed his eyes, rolled them, and then looked over at
Gu Hai with a bit of annoyance welling. When he finally spoke, the negative
intonation that muddled in his voice was all too clear.

"Do you find this amusing? I stumbled on while digging through the
drawer and looked at it for just a second, that's all. Look at you, taking
things so seriously like a fucking girl."

"Who are you calling a girl?" Gu Hai's face blackened as he reached over
and pinched Bai Luo Yin's chin. "What? I can't joke around with you
anymore? Is either of us actually taking it seriously? If you're not guilty,
what are you worried about?"

At those accusing words, a flash of red flames churlishly crossed Bai Luo
Yin's pupils.

In the middle of that bustling exchange, the phone took the lead and rang

Gu Hai lowered his head for a glance only to see that it was the same number
that he has answer previously.

"There, it's your girlfriend calling again."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin could no longer conceal the sudden change that
broke out on his face.

"It's really your girlfriend?"

Although Gu Hai calmly asked that, his heart was not calm at all. It was
instead crashing vigorously against his chest.

Giving him a quick glimpse, Bai Luo Yin simply took the phone and walked
out of the room without saying anything.

Gu Hai stood alone in the room with his teeth clenched tightly as if his life
depended on it. Every pore in his body was drenched with anger and as it
slowly seeped out, it created an invisible smoke that rose from his head. The
moment Bai Luo Yin's expression changed, Gu Hai had already guessed who
the person calling was. Subsequently, a chain of questions flooded his mind.

How long have they been in contact? Did he secretly call her when I wasn't
next to him? Didn't they already break up? How can she still say she's his

It is well known that humans are fond of imagining things, especially those in
love. They would take those innate feelings, whatever they might be, and
express them in the cruelest way- even if it was not of ill-intent.

Since Bai Luo Yin's back faced Gu Hai, he was not able to see his expression
clearly. That led his brain to work its magic by conjuring several absurd

Shi Hui, do you miss me?

Yin Zi, I really miss you. Just now, a rotten fellow said he was your

Don't listen to him. He's just my younger brother.

Really? Yin Zi, you know... I still love you.

Shhh! Lower your voice, don't let that bastard hear us. Actually, I still love
you as well...

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!! Gu Hai screamed internally as he used those kinds
of torturous thoughts to kill himself thousands of times over.

On the contrary, the actual conversation went like this.

"Shi Hui, stop causing trouble, okay? I already said everything I needed
to say. I don't want to repeat it again."

"Even if we've broken up, we can still be friends. Can't we still chat?"

"To me, breaking up means we're strangers."

"Bai Luo Yin, if you really don't care then there is no need to mind when
I call you, right?"

"I don't mind, but someone else will."

"...Bai Luo Yin, what do you mean?"

"I already have someone I like. That's how it is."

With that said, Bai Luo Yin immediately turned the phone off. Just as he was
about to return, Aunt Zou's voice echoed from the kitchen. "Yin Zi, it's time
to eat. Quickly, call Da Hai too."
Luckily, that noisy fellow Gu Hai was still in the room.

Bai Luo Yin turned around, knocked on the window and coldly said, "Come
out and eat."

At the small dining table, Gu Hai was able to hide his emotional turmoils
extremely well. He happily ate his meal and enjoyed everything placed in
front of him. He incessantly asked for food over here and handed that food
over there for others. The facade was so well crafted that he even gave Bai
Luo Yin a cheerful smile. But Bai Luo Yin knew fully well that that
despicable boy was probably up to no good again. If he was not careful, he
would be dead like a moth flying towards a glimmering light. It was better to
take precautions to avoid igniting that ticking bomb.

That afternoon, Gu Hai left immediately after receiving a phone call while
Bai Luo Yin stayed behind with his grandparents. It was only when the sky
darkened that he got a call from Gu Hai. There was nothing peculiar with the
tone of his voice as he urged Bai Luo Yin to return home quickly.

Staring at Gu Hai's name on the call history for a few seconds, Bai Luo Yin
sighed. He had sensed early on that there was no way Gu Hai was going to let
the matter from earlier go so easily.

By the time he arrived home and opened the door, Gu Hai was sitting upright
on the sofa with an impassive expression.

Judging from his posture... does he want to start a trial?

Not thinking too much of it, Bai Luo Yin leisurely walked towards him.

"Open it and take a look." Gu Hai suddenly said rather coolly.

Bai Luo Yin stared blankly for a moment until he noticed a box sitting
silently on the tea table.

What's this?

Feeling rather curious, Bai Luo Yin complied and opened the box. With just
one look, his eyes were nearly blinded! Inside the box was a silver necklace,
a gold bracelet, a diamond ring, and a brand name watch.

"What are you doing?" Bai Luo Yin asked stupefied.

Gu Hai finally raised his chin to look at him, "It's all for you."

"For me?"

Bai Luo Yin took another glance. Everything in the box matched. Let's
reiterate that, there were two of everything.

Giving Bai Luo Yin a glance, Gu Hai got off the sofa and stood next to him.
"Here, I'll help you put it on." Just as he was about to take his hand, Bai
Luo Yin abruptly blocked him.

"Are you crazy? I'm only one person. Why would I wear so many pieces
of jewelry?"

When Gu Hai spoke again, he was dreadfully earnest in his words, "You're
not going to be the only one wearing them, I will as well."

"You didn't show your face all afternoon because you went to buy these

"There's more." Gu Hai said and dragged out a huge chest from the corner.
One by one, he brought out each item. There was a wrist band with both their
names embroidered on it, a leather belt, a school bag with many faces
imprinted on it, and even underpants with their size on it...

When the bottom of the chest was visible, Gu Hai flipped it upside down.
The sound of two objects clashing against each other and falling out could be
heard. Bai Luo Yin picked it up for a look. It was a pair of nail clippers with
their mottos engrained on it...

A husband that doesn't want to fuck his wife is not a good husband!

Fuck off!

Bai Luo Yin was petrified.

For someone like Gu Hai, there was nothing he could not buy, however, for
Bai Luo Yin, it was not something that he had ever considered. Now there
were items that came in a pair, whether worn on his hands or foot, placed in
front of him.

"Where did you get so much money from?" Bai Luo Yin questioned,
feeling extremely agitated.

Gu Hai was not the least concerned as he casually placed both of his hands in
his pocket while a cigarette hung loosely in his lips.

"My brother gave me about $30,000 before he left."

"Didn't you say you wanted to use that money for your living expenses?"

Gu Hai glanced to the side and rested his arm at the edge of the sofa before
he faintly said, "There's still some left. I didn't spend it all..."

"How much is left?"

Bai Luo Yin turned to look at the box of jewelry only to feel not so optimistic
about the situation.

Gu Hai fished around in his pockets for a while before he pulled out about
$30 and shoved it in Bai Luo Yin's hand.

Looking at the remaining crumbled cash, Bai Luo Yin clenched his teeth in
anger. Even though the money was not his, he could not help but feel

"Gu Hai, is it really worth it to take things this far just because of two
watches? Even if you didn't waste all that money, things between her and
I are impossible already."

Like an obedient child, Gu Hai listened quietly, but as the last few words
crept into his ears, the expression in his eyes suddenly took a turn for the
worse. He walked over to Bai Luo Yin, stopped at his side and looked him
straight in the eyes. "Do you really mean what you just said?"
"Why would I lie to you?"

Sparkles of light glistened on Gu Hai's face as he grabbed Bai Luo Yin by the
shoulder and ruthlessly shook him, "Why didn't you say that earlier?"

Trying to put his anger away, Bai Luo Yin furiously answered, "You didn't
let me explain!"

Gu Hai's teeth tugged at his lips as he coolly patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder,
"Come here."

It only took a millisecond for an ominous premonition to rain on Bai Luo


They made their way toward the elevator and rode it down to the lowest
level. Gu Hai brought a key out to unlock the door to their personal garage.

Displayed in front of Bai Luo Yin were two identical cars: a brand new one
and a seemingly older one. The older one was the car that Gu Hai normally
drove. With just one glance, Bai Luo Yin already knew where the new car
came from without Gu Hai saying anything.

When his gaze shifted slightly to the right, Bai Luo Yin's face immediately
turned green. Two brand new mountain bikes stood silently to the side with a
rather cool aura.

The corner of Gu Hai's eyes caught hold of Bai Luo Yin's rising anger before
he lightly coughed, "Hmm...I was momentarily blinded and bought them
on an impulse."

In a fit of rage, Bai Luo Yin leaped onto Gu Hai's back and beat him. He held
his fist firmly and continued for a few more minutes until he felt his energy

With an extremely disappointed look and feeling somewhat out of breath, Bai
Luo Yin then asked, "Where did the money come from?"

"I used the bankbook that my mom left me."

At those words, Bai Luo Yin wanted to cry, "Don't tell me you bought a
house too?"

Gu Hai looked to the side, then back at him. When he spoke again, there was
a hint of reluctance in his voice, "You already know how expensive houses
are nowadays. There's only a bit of money left in the bankbook, so wait
until I..."

"Ha, ha, ha......"

Bai Luo Yin lost his temper as he roared into the air. Fuming with rage, he
clutched Gu Hai by the neck and angrily stared at him as if trying to bore a
hole through him. He wanted to curse at him but nothing came out.
Everything that he wanted to say was stuck in the corner of his lips.

After his anger gradually diminished, he released Gu Hai with the little
energy he had left. Then he crouched down against the corner of a wall and
remained completely silent.

As a twinge rose in his heart, Bai Luo Yin felt utterly sorry toward Gu Hai's
mother for her son's impulsive actions. In reality, it was not the money that
made him feel that way. He knew Gu Hai had money. It was just that this
kind of feeling made the pit of his stomach tangle in a knot.

[1] 直呼其名: in China, to address sb. by name without using the honorific,
indicate familiarity or over-familiarity
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 117: The Inquietude of Youth - The Young Master Indecent

Behaviors. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After a long while, as if taking an oath, Gu Hai boldly said, "I don't regret
any of this!"

Bai Luo Yin's eyes slightly widened as he listened to the point his face turned
green with anger, "Even if you don't regret it, I do!"

If he had known earlier, he would have kept his cellphone with him at all
time. Who knew Shi Hui would call all of a sudden and that Gu Hai was the
one who would inadvertently answer it?

Gu Hai walked toward Bai Luo Yin and crouched down beside him before
stroking his hair in an attempt to console him. "Why does it matter? I just
wanted to buy some things for you. Even if I lose everything, I'm more
than willing to. Besides... we haven't reached that level yet! Two days
ago, I was watching the news and there was a guy who dug out his own
kidney and sold it just to buy a necklace for his girlfriend. Compared to
him, I'm way smarter. At least I can afford these things."

"Why are you comparing yourself to him?" Bai Luo Yin said gloomily as
he glanced at Gu Hai from the corner of his eye, "He's fucking insane!"

"Who haven't done some crazy things in their youth?! Who hasn't
willingly acted like a fucking idiot for the sake of love? You just don't
love me to that extent yet... you bastard, how was I supposed to know
who you have wrapped up in your heart."

"You're bringing that up again?" Bai Luo Yin's anger rose again as he
pushed Gu Hai away.

That rough push rendered Gu Hai's body somewhat askew and forced him to
stumble back a bit, nearly hitting the ground. He shifted slightly in that
awkward position before crouching abreast to Bai Luo Yin once again. The
two remained silent in that position for a while with neither saying anything.

For some inexplicable reason, no heat was circulating in the garage in that
cold night. Although no words or particular sounds were exchanged, a silent
understanding had already been built between them.

After a long while, Gu Hai lit a cigarette and passed it to Bai Luo Yin, who

"You know, the things I've bought will always maintain its value. The
gold and diamond... can be invested! If one day we don't have any more
money to spend, we can sell them."

Hearing those brazen words, Bai Luo Yin intense rage toward Gu Hai was
going to cause him to spew blood any minute now.

Gu Hai turned to give him a glance before he reached out to pinch his cheek,
but Bai Luo Yin quickly evaded him. Not one to back down, he extended his
arms and pulled Bai Luo Yin into an embrace. His hand then gently caressed
Bai Luo Yin's stubborn chin.
"You should shave your beard," said Gu Hai almost softly. "I'll help you
when we go back."

Bai Luo Yin remained still in his hold, neither agreeing or disagreeing to the

"That's enough. Don't think about it anymore." Gu Hai used his soft
voice and sweet words to coax him, "Since I bought them already, can't
you at least be a bit happy about it?"

A slight pout drew on Bai Luo Yin's lips, while a depressed aura loomed over

Gu Hai moved closer to Bai Luo Yin and lightly kissed his ears with an
absolutely tantalizing voice, "Baobei, baobei, my cute baobei..."

If it was any other time, Bai Luo Yin would have already flung his arm
around and slapped Gu Hai. But, who has never had their feelings weakened

Although being filled with indignation was one aspect of Bai Luo Yin, his
heart, on the other hand, still sheltered a thick layer of remorse and

Seeing that shameless and annoying appearance, a hateful emotion swelled

up in his heart and he couldn't help but to immediately face Gu Hai and take a
bite of his Adam's apple.

Unfazed by that action, Gu Hai stubbed the cigarette bud and pulled Bai Luo
Yin up.

"It's too cold to be crouching here. Get up, let's sit in the car for a bit."

Gu Hai handed the car key over to Bai Luo Yin, who then unlocked the door
and went to sit inside. Once the interior lighting turned on, it was clearer than
the day that everything was completely brand new. Honestly, where could
one find a guy that does not love cars?!

Although the car came about in such an abrupt manner, Bai Luo Yin was
genuinely satisfied. It has a luxurious interior design with a rather
comfortable driving environment. When he placed his hands on the steering
wheel, he felt a string of excitement stir in his heart. In other words, he was
itching to start the car and take it out for a crazy drive!

"Take us to a heated swimming pool in this car tomorrow. I haven't gone

for a long time and the one in the clubhouse here is too cold that I'm
afraid you won't be able to handle it." Gu Hai said.

Hearing those words spoken with no hint of hesitation, a frightened look

appeared on Bai Luo Yin's face. "You know that I've only practiced for a
few days, right? You're just letting me drive like that..."

"It's fine, you can try. No matter what happens, I'll be with you. If we
crash, at least we'll die together."

Bai Luo Yin was reluctant, but the thoughts of giving it a go were swarming
his mind...

Gu Hai patted his arm, "Come on, take a look at the back."

"What's there to look at?"

Even though those words came out of Bai Luo Yin's lips, he still followed Gu
Hai out of the car and into the seat.

"It's quite comfortable," Bai Luo Yin said once he sat down.

Gu Hai moved in closer, letting his hot breath hover over Bai Luo Yin's face.
"Is it really that comfortable?"

Since the interior was quite narrow, there was practically no space for Bai
Luo Yin to move in when Gu Hai abruptly squeezed in. Gu Hai's devilish
hand reached over and snatched the car's remote control out of his hand, then
a clicking sound was faintly emitted in the car. Hearing it, Bai Luo Yin's head
was immediately filled with apprehension. Gu Hai had locked the car door.

Fuck! I've been fooled!

"Gu Hai, you bastard! Do you want me to hit you?"

"Come, try and hit me. The more you hit me, the more energy I'll have.
Come on, come, come, hit me!"

Bai Luo Yin's scalp went completely numb, "This is the garage."

"So, what if it is? It's our garage. Who's going to come in here besides

As he glanced toward the rearview mirror, Bai Luo Yin could see his own
distorted face written with both anger and embarrassment that mingled
together on his flushed face. He wanted to resist, but he didn't have the
strength to do so...

In just a split second, the ceiling above Bai Luo Yin's head and the unseen
sky began to spin. All he could see was a handsome face, full of charm and
wicked lewdness, shading the roof of the car from his view.

A certain someone's hand reached down into his pants...and before long, the
sound of heavy breathing and gasping penetrated the interior space for a
while as the car rocked in the isolated garage.

Soon, Bai Luo Yin could feel his body becoming limp. Before propping his
head against the window, he leaned back into the seat as his voice broke out
in a low fragmented growl

Still engulfed in a state of arousal, Bai Luo Yin had yet to calm himself
down. His vision became blurry as he gazed directly out of the window at the
pitch-black wall. He felt somewhat sluggish but satisfied (even though he
refused to admit it), so instead of saying something, he remained still and

Gu Hai gently pulled Bai Luo Yin back toward him and clutched the nape of
his neck with his firm hands, forcing him to look straight at him.

"You are mine," Gu Hai said sternly.

Bai Luo Yin's moved his lips, but nothing came out.
"I can forgive you without reservations, humor you, and grant whatever
wish you have, I can fulfill them all. But there is one thing you must
remember, I will never tolerate you having someone else in your heart."

Now, the hidden feeling in Gu Hai's sharp eyes was not that of peace or
tranquility. Instead, his entire being was consumed with disquietude and fear.
Someone of his stature appeared tough and sturdy, but what was striking at
the core of his being was pain and confusion. The deeper his feelings, the
more his heart feared the possibility of losing the one important person in his
life. There was no way he could lose Bai Luo Yin. His fear drilled so deeply
in him that he didn't even dare to think of it.

"If you betray me, I will not be lenient with you." Gu Hai said with an
unwavering gaze.

Bai Luo Yin tried to evade those piercing eyes, so he turned slightly to the
side instead, however, Gu Hai's face came into his line of sight again.

"I mean it. If I, Gu Hai, were to be heartless, you will be terrified for the
rest of your life."

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Luo Yin took his new car out on the
road. But since he was not quite experienced, the car moved rather slowly
against the traffic.

Gu Hai sat in the passenger seat ridiculing him, "Are you having a street
race with that wheelchair over there?"

Bai Luo Yin ignored Gu Hai's taunting words and continued to drive at his
own speed. It took them nearly two hours to arrive at their destination.

At this hour there were not many people at the pool. After the two changed,
they leisurely made their way into the water. Even though the water was
warm, on the first contact it still felt cool against the skin. Only after they
stayed in there for a long while did their bodies gradually became warm.
"Not bad. You swim pretty quickly."

Having said that, Gu Hai's hands sneaked toward Bai Luo Yin's chest,
groping the area for a few seconds before giving it a squeeze. In return for his
'kind' generosity, Bai Luo Yin savagely grabbed his head and shoved it into
the water. It didn't take long for both of Gu Hai's legs to quickly flap against
the water-just like a fish trying to slip away.

Gu Hai pulled his body onto the edge of the pool and made his way toward
the ten-meter diving platform, then he looked over at Bai Luo Yin and

Hearing it, Bai Luo Yin turned to face the direction of the sound, only to see
Gu Hai springing into the air before his body straightened out into a vertical
line. As he entered the water, the dive was identical to those perfect ones on
textbooks. As the surface of the water surged and created a beautiful splash,
Bai Luo Yin's eyes lit up.

Shit, that's so cool!

It is known that diving and other swimming techniques require many minute
but technical skills, not just the fundamental routines. Not to mention ten
meters, even a three-meter dive was enough to cause some people to faint.

Since the temperature of the water at the bottom was on cooler, Gu Hai swam
toward the heated pool to warm up his body.

Finally, after swimming around with his head submerged for some time, he
resurfaced only to find that Bai Luo Yin had disappeared.

Suddenly, the sound of whistles resonated in the open space, startling Gu Hai.

"Don't jump, it's dangerous!" Gu Hai bellowed out.

Unfortunately, Bai Luo Yin's body had already taken on a perpendicular

position before entering the water. His posture, on the other hand, would
probably be given an 80 or 90, points wise.

Once Bai Luo Yin's body had drilled into the water, it did not resurface.
In that split second, Gu Hai lost his sanity. His eyes quickly swept around the
pool as he swam towards the spot where Bai Luo Yin had leaped into. He
dived in, but there was still no trace of him-not even his shadow. He swam
around the area again, but nothing. It was only when his lungs gave in from
the lack of oxygen that he forced himself to come out of the water. After
swallowing several more gulps of air, he dived back in again.

Suddenly, Gu Hai felt the lower half of his body chilled.

Hugh splashes of water surged from the side and flew towards the edge of the

Bai Luo Yin coolly emerged with a peal of mischievous laughter smeared
across his face as he held onto Gu Hai's swimming trunk.

"Come up, it's almost time to leave," he yelled, waving the trunk.

Gu Hai's eyes widened as he glared viciously at Bai Luo Yin. "Throw it

down here."

"Don't you like to behave indecently? This should be indecent enough

for you."

Just as Bai Luo Yin said those words, several beautiful girls entered the
swimming pool room.

They talked and giggled as they jumped into the pool together.

Gu Hai lowered his head and looked down.

Shit! Why the hell is the water so clear? Are you trying to embarrass me to

And then... those beautiful girls swam towards him. With no other choice, Gu
Hai could only swim naked far away from them.

Bai Luo Yin stood at the deck of the pool and shouted, "Hey! Who dropped
their swimming trunk here?"
At those words, embarrassment crept onto Gu Hai's face before boring his

The girls turned to the source of the shout and their eyes zoned on the
swimming trunk in Bai Luo Yin's hand. In just seconds, they bashfully
looked elsewhere and looked around while cursing loudly, "Who the hell
does that belong to? Freaking hoodlum!"

Too ashamed to look over, Gu Hai plunged back into the depths of the water
and refused to come out.

Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin continued to laugh until his knees weakened and his
insides knotted. A while later, when the girls turned away, he made sure to
hand Gu Hai the swimming trunk. But once they arrived in the changing
room, Gu Hai roughly tortured him for a while.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 118: The Inquietude of Youth - A Formidable Opponent. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


As the days went by, it came time for those intense-end-of-the-semester

exams again. The frequent practical exams and various school assignments
had indubitably thrown all the students into a dreadful plight. Although it was
never said out loud, the teachers were secretly competing with one another to
see which class would get the highest score-thus, every day, they would
cheerfully extend class time.

Before, they would take advantage of the fact that it was light out and quickly
return home, but now the students had to virtually stay late into the night and
study by themselves. This situation happened every new day from dusk until

That kind of rigorous studying environment was the direct cause of Bai Luo
Yin's habit of sleeping in class to recur.
It was only until recently that Bai Luo Yin was able to get rid of that
pernicious habit under Gu Hai's constant attentiveness, but now it was
beyond his power. There was a mountain of assignments that were
impossible to avoid. By the time they were all completed, it was impossible
to not go straight to sleep. But... before sleeping, was it impossible to be just
a bit intimate as well?

During the self-study period, Bai Luo Yin would continuously write until he
was done and, immediately after, he would rest his head and fall asleep.

Looking up, Gu Hai couldn't help but let his eyes remain on Bai Luo Yin's
sleeping form. For some reason, his chest tightened.

Shit, I can't do anything. I might as well just sleep tonight...

With that in mind, he pulled his down jacket out of his desk and got up to
drape it over Bai Luo Yin.

It was rather quiet in the classroom for a long while, since everyone was
focusing on their studies. But without warning, a noisy outburst overtook the
silence, causing many of the students to twist their necks back toward the
back doorway. One cannot blame them, in such a dull and uninteresting self-
study period, even the slightest sign of excitement would spark anyone's
curiosity. Especially more so when that excitement was not considered a
small matter, because standing at the back doorway was a beautiful girl.

Using his tall stature to his advantage, Gu Hai turned and glanced over the
other students toward the presumably beautiful girl.

At that moment, even Gu Hai, whose taste tends to gravitate to the more
aggressive type of girls, had to reluctantly admit to himself that that girl was
indeed extremely beautiful. Her beauty was so vivid and alluring that even
the now lively environment paled in comparison. She had a milky
complexion, almost transparent, with big doll-like eyes, shaped similar to that
of a westerner, and her dark pupils seemed to hold a mixture of cleverness
and sophistication. Perhaps, her speech was just as refined as everything else.

Her physique was, for the lack of a better word, flawless-a beautiful girl
blessed with a slender waist, large bosom and long slim legs that ran for
miles. She was wrapped in world famous brand name products from head to
toe, and with the addition of her looks, her charm and grace soared.

Spoken in modern terms she was: tall, rich and beautiful!

As a result, the group of poor short boys was completely unable to sit back
down. If their eyes contained hooks, they would have already pulled the
clothes right off of her body.

What the hell are you doing standing there dressed all beautiful for? Are you
deliberately challenging our patience?

That girl was no ordinary person. With so many pairs of eyes focusing on
her, she was still able to remain unperturbed while she instead concentrated
on a certain person.

When class ended and no one moved from their seats, she took the initiative
to walk in.

Gu Hai watched as she gracefully made her way toward the desk in front of
Bai Luo Yin. Then she lowered her body and crouched down, gently cupping
her chin with her hands before revealing a bright smile. That was certainly a
smile that laced sweetness! So sweet that the hair on Gu Hai's body stood.

What are you doing? Are you trying to seduce my wife in front of me? You
have guts, daring to do something like that! You must be tired of living!

"Do you need something?" Gu Hai asked coldly.

A heartwarming smile appeared on the girl's lips as she shifted her gaze to Gu
Hai. The radiant light that emitted off of her alone, tempted the cherry
blossoms outside to bloom earlier than usual.


With that, she then continued to use those blurred eyes to gaze lovingly at the
sleeping person.
Gu Hai secretly clenched his teeth in hatred.

Why am I a guy?

The atmosphere in the classroom was revitalized as countless male students'

eyes swept around the room-jealousy visible on their faces.

Why isn't such a brilliant and beautiful girl looking for me? Why do all good
things always get caught by Bai Luo Yin?

Bai Luo Yin continued to sleep soundly, still utterly oblivious to his
surroundings. The girl appeared energetic as she patiently waited for him.
After a few minutes, she dragged over an empty stool to sit on, cupped her
chin with her hands again, and quietly stared at him without saying anything.

Eyeing her, Gu Hai bet to himself that if Bai Luo Yin did not wake up, that
girl would certainly wait through their entire school day.

Before long, a famous saying crept silently within the room, 'he who comes,
comes ill-intentioned'[1], perhaps it perfectly described the situation at that

Finally, being the one that sat the closest to Bai Luo Yin, You Qi could no
longer remain still.

The main problem was that the girl had so densely doused on perfume that it
offended You Qi's nostrils, which provoked his rhinitis to flare. Unable to
stand it anymore, he promptly turned around and tapped on Bai Luo Yin's
desk, "Hey, wake up. There's someone looking for you."

Trying to will the sleepiness away, Bai Luo Yin impatiently straightened up
his body. His eyes had yet to be opened when he heard a familiar voice.

"You're up?"

Bai Luo Yin's face froze at that moment, thinking that he was actually
dreaming since he was awakened so abruptly. Feeling rather stupefied, he
remained silent.
The girl waved her hand in front of Bai Luo Yin's face, trying to catch his
attention "What, you don't recognize me anymore?"

With great effort, Bai Luo Yin managed to reply back. "Why are you back
in the country?"

Hearing those words, Gu Hai's entire body immediately froze like a block of
cold cement. His heart, lungs, abdomen and all other internal organs
gradually lost its functions. 'Shi Hui,' since Bai Luo Yin had mentioned that
name in his drunken state once before and had nervously taken his phone
outside to receive her call, Gu Hai had held a bit of curiosity toward her. He
had always thought in the depths of his heart that that girl was merely a
figment of his overactive imagination, an imaginary enemy. It was nearly
inconceivable to him that she was actually real. Yet to his surprise, she
materialized in front of his very eyes.

Moreover, it was in such a formidable posture.

Beautiful and charming... exactly in conformity with Bai Luo Yin's standards.

Gu Hai could even imagine Bai Luo Yin's blissful expression if the two were
to roll around in bed.

He definitely wouldn't refuse or have any complaints... he would

unquestionably be like a vicious hunger-stricken wolf, attacking until the
flesh at the hip was eaten clean. Once wouldn't be enough, there would be a
second time... and after they were done, they would call each other Baobei,
Baobei, Baobei and continue to whisper sweet nothings while preparing for
the next battle...

Gu Hai's heart was quickly bleeding out.

When the sound of the bell going off signaled the start of the next class, Shi
Hui quietly told Bai Luo Yin, "I'll wait for you." Then she stepped out of the
classroom to continue to wait at the doorway.

During the entire class, although Gu Hai did not do anything, there was
actually a fierce undertaking in his head. He took the graph paper and started
to map out a strategic composition with his pen: standing on one side were
his loyal men, along with tens of thousands of army troops behind them.
Their unity was impenetrable, with a tight bound created from having a
common hatred for the enemy. For the sake of their territory, they were ready
and willing to shed blood, lose their heads and sacrifice their precious lives...

While Gu Hai busied himself in that tortuous manner, Bai Luo Yin's head
was also raging chaotically. Standing outside of the classroom was a person
that could not be easily dealt with and sitting behind him was a person that
was even harder to deal with.

As he sat there, unable to take in much of the lesson, he could feel knives
running into his back. Curious, he turned around only to meet with a pair of
unusually warm eyes. Strangely, one eye seemed to be laughing joyously
while the other was laughing bitterly in a crazy manner.

That glance alone caused a chill up Bai Luo Yin's spine before he quickly
turned away.

After class was dismissed, Bai Luo Yin gathered his belongings, and under
Gu Hai's heated gaze, he readied to leave.

Shi Hui was still standing at the doorway waiting for him. At that time,
although the corridor had heat ventilation, the cracks in the windows still let
in the cold air.

Bai Luo Yin walked out just as Shi Hui was placing her hand in front of her
face to get some warm, and although her cheeks were tinted red, there was
still a smile on her face. Surprisingly enough, there were no complaints or
impatience nestling in her eyes.

"You..." Bai Luo Yin was at a loss for words.

Shi Hui spoke first, "Let's have dinner together."

There was silence between them for quite some time before Bai Luo Yin
dully said, "Let's change it to another day. Since you just sat on the plane for
such a long time, you must be tired. Go back and rest."
"I'm not tired," Shi Hui replied softly. "I already rested at home for an
entire day."

Leaning against the back door, Gu Hai monotonously threw out a sentence.

"Go. She came all the way here just to see you and even waited for an
entire class. You actually have the heart to refuse?"

Bai Luo Yin immediately shot Gu Hai a sarcastic glance. He nodded his head
even though he himself was not sure of why he did that.

Seeing that, Gu Hai's pupil blackened... You bastard! I give you leeway and
you really take it? Are you trying to infuriate me?

With a bright and cheerful smile, Shi Hui grabbed Bai Luo Yin's arm and
prepared to leave.

But Gu Hai blocked their only path, "Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to
only invite him?"

Shi Hui weakly smiled as she looked at Bai Luo Yin, then back at Gu Hai.

With hidden knives concealed in his smile, Gu Hai looked at Shi Hui, "Take
me along, I also like pretty girls."

Shi Hui was startled for a second, but soon a bright and generous smile
graced her face.

"Okay, we can go together."

On the road, Shi Hui sat in the front passenger seat, while Bai Luo Yin and
Gu Hai occupied the back. Initially, no one said anything and kept their
thoughts to themselves. Feeling satisfied, Shi Hui glanced back through the
rearview mirror then gazed out the window. The two in the back were
engaged in their own mental battles as their eyes assassinated each other.

"Bai Luo Yin! Quick, look at that lighted path over there, do you
remember? That's the vineyard where we went to pick grapes. That time
you even carried me on your back while I plucked grapes from this to
that end until our basket was full."

Whether Bai Luo Yin remembered or not, no one knew. Regardless, it was
indelibly imprinted in Gu Hai's memory.

At the restaurant, although the three sat in a warmly lit, romantic private
room, the atmosphere was unusually strange.

Shi Hui brought out an exquisitely wrapped box and passed it over to Bai
Luo Yin, "This is the gift I brought back for you."

"Thank you."

When Bai Luo Yin took the box, he felt a pair of eyes settle on his arms,
amputating them.

Shi Hui brought out another box and passed it to Gu Hai, "This is for you."

"I don't need it," Gu Hai said sarcastically.

Shi Hui remained enthusiastic, "Why don't you need it? Since you're here,
don't be modest." After saying that, she stuffed the box in Gu Hai's hand
and put on a very frank smile.

The more she acted cute, fair and considerate, the more Gu Hai was disgusted
by her.

Unaware of Gu Hai's hostility toward her, Shi Hui took the initiative to
converse with him.

"You must be Gu Hai, right?"

Gu Hai's eyes shifted slightly in admittance.

Shi Hui continued to smile, "It seems I've guessed correctly. You must be
General Gu's son and Bai Luo Yin's younger brother. It's hard to
imagine you two would get along so well. You must be very strong to be
able to make Bai Luo Yin accept this relationship."
In just seconds, Gu Hai shot a death glare full of questions to Bai Luo Yin.

Didn't you say the two of you never talked before? How does she know

Bai Luo Yin's eyes attacked back, How would I know? I've obviously never
talked to her about it.

With that, the two boys respectively cast their sight elsewhere.

Fuck, there's a traitor. Bai Luo Yin couldn't help to add while wearing a

1 来者不善,善者不来 -one who comes, comes with ill-intentioned,

certainly not by virtue; 'beware of Greek's bearing gifts' is also used referring
to the Trojan horse.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 119: The Inquietude of Youth - Midnight Affliction. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Once they returned home, Bai Luo Yin made a beeline to the bathroom to
take a shower while Gu Hai went to sit on the sofa. He tried to calm himself
as he stared at the tray of fruit in front of him-there were several bunches of
grapes strung together.

After Bai Luo Yin finished, he walked out only to find Gu Hai sitting in the
position, however, there was one more tray of fruit in his hands. The grapes
that had once strung neatly together had all been plucked off of its' branches,
one by one, and the reddish purple juice that flowed out of them covered the
entire tray.

How astonishingly sharp of Bai Luo Yin!

In just a few seconds, he was able to decipher Gu Hai's train of thoughts.

After pushing the bedroom door open, he couldn't help but to clandestinely
curse at him for soliciting trouble, but just as he was about to walk in, Gu
Hai's icy cold voice sounded, forcing his footsteps to halt.

"Come back!" Gu Hai shouted, his hands slammed harshly on the table
while his eyes seethed.

Bai Luo Yin stood still in front of the door as his eyes swept toward Gu Hai.
He asked coldly, "What?"

"Give me an explanation."

The concern Gu Hai was alluding to was as clear as day-that being, regarding
Bai Luo Yin having had carried Shi Hui on his back to pluck grapes back

"What is there to explain? We were dating at the time. It's only normal
to do those kinds of things. What right do you have to say that to me?
You slept with Jin Lulu! If you want to put it that way, then shouldn't I
cut off your fucking dick?!"

Hearing those warring words, Gu Hai had nothing else to say.

By the time Bai Luo Yin squeezed himself into the room and settled into the
sheets, it was already a little past eleven o'clock. Just as he shut his eyes, the
overwhelming exhaustion that overtook him for the entire day finally kicked
in at full force.

While he was trying to let his eyes rest, a pair of annoying legs suddenly
stretched over and hovered above his legs before coyly resting on top. Those
legs rubbed against his-as if molesting them over and over again until his
scalp became numb with anger. Eventually, Bai Luo Yin could no longer
bear it and angrily rebuked.

"Let me sleep in peace!"

At those words, Gu Hai placed his hands on Bai Luo Yin's head and turned it
toward him. In the dark night, the pitch-black eyes staring back into his were
saturated with brilliant rays of light that would undoubtedly frighten anyone
who gazed upon them.

"Can't you talk to me a bit nicer?"

Forcing some strength into his hand, Bai Luo Yin firmly grabbed Gu Hai's
wrist. "Haven't I been talking to you like that?"

"Are you sure? You've been having that attitude with me."

Gu Hai was nearly beaten by Bai Luo Yin because of those accusing words.

"Tell me, who don't I have this kind of attitude with?" Bai Luo Yin asked
as his brows pinched together into a frown.

"You don't have this attitude with her!"

Knowing that Gu Hai would hunt around for trouble again, Bai Luo Yin had
been mentally preparing himself, but now that he was facing it, he was still
extremely infuriated by him.

"What kind of attitude did you see me have towards her? When she
stood and waited outside the classroom, did you see me go over and
accompany her? When we ate, did I pick any food for her? Or are you
saying I tried to stop her from leaving just now?"

Gu Hai's eyes were smothered with darkness as he looked at Bai Luo Yin in
anger. Undeterred, he managed to stress out each syllable. "If I wasn't there,
you would have definitely done that."

Bai Luo Yin immediately flared up as he threw his fist and smacked Gu Hai's

"Get the fuck out of here!"

"You're telling me to leave?" Gu Hai sternly asked before his elbow

pressed cruelly into Bai Luo Yin's lower abdomen.

Not one to back down, Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hui's calves several times
while yelling at him. "Yeah, that's right! Fucking leave! I don't want to
sleep with an unreasonable person!"

As Gu Hai's anger rose, he grabbed Bai Luo Yin's collar and pulled him
closer to him. "You don't want to sleep with me? Do you want to sleep
with her? You want to fuck her, don't you? You fucking bastard, you
want to fuck her?"

The blood in Bai Luo Yin's body boiled, causing the pressure to rise. Every
ounce of patience he once held was completely exhausted as his firm fist
swept across Gu Hai's face. This time, the strength was more than before.
Even Gu Hai himself thought that his nose and heart felt the same grievance.

I only said one sentence about her and you actually went as far as to use this
much strength? Who has hit me before? Bai Luo Yin, in my entire life I have
only suffered under your fist.

Gu Hai's bizarre way of thinking was the direct cause of their fight, as they
gripped each other's hair and wielded their fists at one another while kicking
each other. After their bed was torn apart, the fight persisted until they fell off
the bed. But even as their bodies struck the floor, they still did not pull their
hands back.

In truth, they were not entirely willing to fight. It was Bai Luo Yin's hands
the ones that had more strength, while Gu Hai's mouth was foul and full of
sarcasm. If he had not said anything, perhaps Bai Luo Yin would have only
hit him a few times and stop, but unfortunately, Gu Hai incessantly provoked

In the end, feeling deeply angered from the embarrassment that rose in his
head, Bai Luo Yin let his feet smash into Gu Hai's crotch.

That last kick made Gu Hai utterly disappointed. He saw nothing but red as
he stood up and turned away to walk toward the door.

Having caught sight of Gu Hai's expression and his immediate response, Bai
Luo Yin felt his own chest tighten. He swiftly stood up and caught hold of
Gu Hai.
"Let go," Gu Hai said monotonously.

Not one to easily back off, Bai Luo Yin yanked Gu Hai by the collar of his
shirt and pulled with all his might before dragging him toward the bed.

Once he got him on the bed, he pressed his entire weight on Gu Hai and held
down pressing on his shoulders. His breathing was heavy as he looked down
at him, seemingly confused. Soon, beads of sweat dripped down from his
forehead and landed on Gu Hai's bare chest.

Their eyes locked, but neither uttered a word.

After a long while, Bai Luo Yin suddenly lowered his head and released the
strength at the lower half of his body. He slowly lied on top of Gu Hai and
nestled his head near his collarbone, causing the sweat on his face to rub on
his chest. All the while, his hair scattered loosely alongside Gu Hai's ear,
unintentionally teasing it.

His breath was a harsh rasp in his ears and his heartbeats were sprinting
excessively toward the same location.

"Gu Hai, am I such a despicable person in your heart?"

At that moment, Gu Hai's stiffened body loosened a bit. When Bai Luo Yin
held him down, his heart had already melted into a pool of water.

The moment he heard the grievance in that question, the anger that took
control of him completely disappeared. His hands dug into Bai Luo Yin's hair
before gently caressing it. Then he faintly replied, "No."

"Then why are you being so stubborn?"

Gu Hai frankly said, "I don't know."

"In that case, can you trust me a bit more?"

Without responding, Gu Hai picked his head slightly up and kissed Bai Luo
Yin, feeling the sincerity that flowed between their lips as they mutually
sought out one another.
In truth, he believed in Bai Luo Yin unconditionally-believed in his character,
conducts and that his own intuition was not so poor. But then... why was he
still tormented? But the thing that was not even he could clearly say why.
Perhaps it was all for the sake of being impervious to reasons.

Half an hour later, they picked up the quilt from the floor as if nothing had
happened and shamelessly embraced each other to sleep.

The next day, Bai Luo Yin went straight to Yang Meng's classroom the
moment self-study period was over.

Yang Meng was quite surprised when he walked out of his classroom only to
see Bai Luo Yin staring at him with contempt. Seeing that, he nonchalantly
patted his shoulder and asked, "Could it be ah... why is it that you're
looking actually for me?"

Without wasting any time, Bai Luo Yin pulled Yang Meng into a corner and
began to interrogate him. "Did you tell Shi Hui my cellphone number?"

Yang Meng paused for a second and then questioned back, "Why are you
suddenly asking me that?"

Just hearing that confirmed Bai Luo Yin's suspicion as he faced Yang Meng
and whacked him three times on the head.

"You fucking... she came back!"

"It can't be." Yang Meng stuttered, "She... she... she actually came

Bai Luo Yin's eyes darkened as he indignantly rebuked, "These are all your
good doings."

"Shit, Yin Zi, you're too cool! With just one phone call you got her to
come back. Your talent is no small matter!" Yang Meng cheerfully patted
Bai Luo Yin's shoulder again, "Tell me, did you come here to thank me?"

"I should fucking thank you alright!" Bai Luo Yin cursed between his
gritted teeth.
With a mischievous smile still smothering his face, Yang Meng continued
speaking. "Stop pretending already. You're actually really happy, aren't

Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath and turned to leave.

It was only then that Yang Meng realized that Bai Luo Yin's complexion was
unpleasant. He chased after him and explained, "Yin Zi, listen to me. I
didn't want to tell her, but she kept on begging me. You already know
that I'm a soft-hearted person. It also didn't help that she was crying so
miserably on the other side of the phone. How could I be so heartless?"

Bai Luo Yin let out a long sigh, then stopped and asked him, "What did you
talk to her about?"

"I didn't say much. She just asked about how things were recently, so I
just told her honestly. Oh, that's right, I made sure to mention your new
status as Major General Gu's stepson. Hehehe..."

New status?

Those two words alone made Bai Luo Yin's entire face turn green, while the
traitor standing beside him fearlessly continued speaking as if unafraid of
death. "Yin Zi, to tell you the truth, you two can reconcile. Since she
came back to you, you should think about it for a bit. She would
definitely stay if you tell her to. Didn't you two break up because of the
distance? Now that she's back, that won't be a problem anymore. Are
you still not going to seize this opportunity?"

"We didn't break up because of that. We were never right for each
other, to begin with."

"Not right?" Yang Meng's eyes were twinkling. "It is because of your
family's status? Well, there are no differences now! Her dad may be a
government official, but your stepdad's status is higher than hers!"

Bai Luo Yin stretched out one of his hands to stop him. "That's enough,
don't say any more."

With that he quietly left, leaving a bewildered Yang Meng behind.

After he returned to his classroom, the cellphone in his school-bag kept on

vibrating. He took it out only to see one message from Shi Hui on the screen.

"Do you have any free time at noon tomorrow? Come chat with me. I'm
leaving in a few days."

Without thinking about it, Bai Luo Yin tossed it to the person behind him.

"Reply back for me."

With just one look at the message, Gu Hai's heart froze.

You bastard! You intentionally threw this difficult problem at me. If I don't
reply back, it would mean I don't trust you. If I do, I am purposely making it
difficult for myself!

"Should I reply back?" Bai Luo Yin casually asked.

Gu Hai hesitated before asking, "Do you want to go?"

Bai Luo Yin genuinely replied, "I want to go."

Gu Hai laughed until his face became numb, "Then just go. Don't let her
good intention go to waste."

Bai Luo Yin smiled faintly, "Then you go back first."

Gu Hai never thought that typing the word 'okay' on a cellphone could be
such a difficult task. That kind of feeling was exactly the same as sending
one's son to the battleground. Whether he returned or not was one thing, but
more importantly, would he himself still be alive while waiting for him to

After sending the message, Gu Hai passed the phone back to Bai Luo Yin.
Then he squeezed out some words, "I believe in you unconditionally."

The corner of Bai Luo Yin's mouth perked up, "Thanks."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 120: The Inquietude of Youth - The Trouble this Time. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Saturday afternoon at a certain cafe.

Shi Hui was wearing light makeup that made her naturally pretty face appear
even more ethereal.

"How have you been doing?" Bai Luo Yin asked, breaking the silence.

Shi Hui grabbed a small spoon and leisurely stirred the coffee in the cup, as
her big bright eyes occasionally flitted over Bai Luo Yin.


"From your complexion, you seem pretty well."

A smile forced its way onto Shi Hui's lips, "You think I have the nerve to
look miserable in front of you? I only got a bit carried away by my
emotions and you decided to just hang up on me without a care. I was
really scared. Really."

Bai Luo Yin remained quiet.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, what would you like to order?"

"Let me take a look... okay, two glasses of fruit juice."

"May I ask what flavor?"

"You can pick for us!" a soldier said as he and his comrade made their way
toward a table beside Bai Luo Yin.

Their loud voices were so noisy that they echoed through the cafe and caught
Bai Luo Yin's attention. He carelessly cast them a side glance. The two
soldiers attempted to discreetly look around the shop, but just as they did so,
their eyes made contact with Bai Luo Yin's. Then, as if nothing had
happened, they nonchalantly turned away and continued their loud

In such a spacious café, the two soldiers insisted on squeezing their way over
to their side.

"What's wrong?" Shi Hui asked.

Bai Luo Yin shook his head, "Nothing."

The two soldiers moved close to each other and whispered, "Our General's
son definitely has good eyes. Just look at how proper that girl is!"

"Hey hey... that guy has really bad luck."

Even though Shi Hui remained silent for quite some time, her eyes were
completely engrossed on Bai Luo Yin's face, looking as though she was lost
in a trance.

"Yin Zi, you've changed a lot."

Taken aback, Bai Luo Yin looked up at her, "Is that so? I didn't realize."

Shi Hui smiled faintly, exposing two dimples.

"You've become more handsome."

Bai Luo Yin didn't reply as the corner of his lips tugged back.

The two soldiers to the side called out again.

"What I asked for was freshly squeezed juice, why did you give me artificially
flavored juice?"

"Mister, you clearly said to choose anything."

"Hey, are you talking back to me? You're making it look like a soldier like me
is bullying a waitress! Go, call your manager out here!"

"I'm sorry, mister, the manager isn't here. I will switch it out for you."

Their conversation was once again interrupted, causing Shi Hui to feel
somewhat disheartened.

Bai Luo Yin said, "How about we switch seats?"

Shi Hui smiled and nodded her head, "I was actually thinking that as

The two had only moved and sat down for a few minutes before the soldiers
caused another ruckus. Apparently, a glass of fruit juice had 'accidentally'
spilled, giving them an opportunity to switch to another table that was
'coincidentally' close to where Bai Luo Yin and Shi Hui were sitting.

Even if Bai Luo Yin was stupid, he could still see through their facade.

"How about you come to sit by my side. We can sit a bit closer and still
hear each other over the noise."

Shi Hui cautiously faced Bai Luo Yin, worried he would refuse.
Bai Luo Yin glanced at the two soldiers and quickly sat down next to Shi

A familiar scent swept over Shi Hui as the sadness she felt became more real.
She looked at Bai Luo Yin's hands only to remember how many times they
have pulled her along the countless streets, or how many times they had also
wiped away her tears. What she was once familiar with had now become

"Bai Luo Yin, if it wasn't for the date on the screen, I'd almost believe
that we never broke up or that I went abroad. And that right here, right
now, we're just on another date."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin's determined eyes wavered for a split second.

"Bai Luo Yin, do you know why I came back?"

Bai Luo Yin forced himself to answer back, "Because of me."

"To be more exact, it's because of some words that you said."

Looking at her, the distance that was constructed between them seemed to
gradually fade. He could almost see tears forming at the corners of her eyes;
tears that would soon trickle down her rosy cheeks if she wasn't able to hold
them back.

"You said that you already have someone you like. I can't let it go. I
don't believe you. I wanted to ask you in person who that person is. If
you can give me a definite answer, I will immediately leave this café and
purchase a plane ticket right away."

Bai Luo Yin's lips moved, but he didn't say anything. He didn't know whether
his heart was hesitating or rather if he could not speak the truth.

"I knew it. You're lying to me." Shi Hui's tears finally flowed down as her
soft fingers grasped Bai Luo Yin's arm. With an unsteady voice she said,
"Bai Luo Yin, I'm not going to leave."

When the last couple of words struck Bai Luo Yin's eardrums, he
immediately sobered up; somehow everything seemed clearer now. He turned
to look at Shi Hui again, but this time, he spoke to her with a harsher tone.
"There's no need for you to feign ignorance in front of me. Even if you
stay here, we're still impossible."


Unable to control her emotions, Shi Hui finally held onto Bai Luo Yin's arm
and began to sob. "You don't like me anymore?"

In the end, Bai Luo Yin did not have the heart to push Shi Hui away.

The two soldiers at the side couldn't bear to look anymore as they whispered
to each other. "He doesn't like you, but I like you. You can come over here. I
will definitely love you dearly."

"That guy is quite heartless."

"Ha! Soon, he will be in a lot of trouble."

Gu Hai stood at the training ground and stared calmly into the distance at the
soldiers that were training rigorously. Before long, a young officer walked
over to where he was and saluted him.

Seeing him, Gu Hai merely gave him a glance and a nod.

The officer finally relaxed his body and smiled at Gu Hai. "Where have you
been lately? It's been a long time since I last saw you."

"Busy for no reason."

The officer laughed again, "Major General Gu left just a while ago."

Ignoring what he said, Gu Hai directly asked, "Is there a rifle?"

The officer faced the barrack and called out loudly, "Bring out the best
Gu Hai held the rifle with both of his hands and walked toward the shooting
range. Luckily, there were already two snipers there practicing, and about 100
meters ahead were several moving targets. Gu Hai remained silent as he
inserted the bullets into its' cartridge case.

After he found a good position, he followed the quick footsteps of the sniper
in front of him. When that sniper took a shot, Gu Hai also took a shot.
Afterward, he fired several more rounds toward the same target-nearly six
bullets landed on the same spot while the remaining one missed the mark.

Gu Hai's brows wrinkled together, unsatisfied with the result. Since he had
not touched a gun in quite some time, he noticed that his skills had slipped a

Soon, the snipers placed their rifles down and turned to look at the young
man behind them and couldn't help but to pat Gu Hai on the shoulder while
praising him. "Young man, your marksmanship isn't bad at all. Have you
practiced before?"

A loud roar broke out before Gu Hai was able to respond.

"What's going on? Why aren't you all practicing? Are his shoulders
something you can randomly pat?"

The snipers' expression changed as they hung their head low and loudly
saluted their commanding officer. After they were given permission, they
turned around and walked away.

The officer looked apologetically at Gu Hai.

"They just transferred over here and didn't recognize you."

Gu Hai answered back, 'it's fine' before he picked up the rifle and started to
aim once again.

The officer quietly took his leave, but before he could get far, he saw two
soldiers hastily dashing in his direction.

"You two, what have you been doing? I've been looking for you all
afternoon! You've seriously violated the code of conducts..."

Gu Hai put the rifle down and walked over to the officer.

The two soldiers lowered their heads, not daring to utter a single word.

"I let them go out. There was something I wanted them to handle."

In a split second, the officer's once solemn face resumed its gentleness.

"So that's what happened. Then forget it, hahaha..."

When the officer finally left, the two soldiers nervously sneaked a glance at
Gu Hai. In reality, Gu Hai was even more nervous than they were. If he could
stay still, he would have not run all the way over here. It was just that... in
front of the two soldiers, it was inappropriate to reveal his nervousness.

"What's going on?"

The two soldiers exchanged looks of 'you suggest me, I suggest you' since
neither could speak.

The longer they were like that, the longer Gu Hai became irritated.

"You talk first!" Gu Hai pointed at the soldier to the left.

The soldier wiped the sweat off his forehead and cautiously said, "They
were actually just reminiscing about the old days. It wasn't anything out
of the ordinary."

The soldier to the right was honest and immediately retorted upon hearing his
comrade's words.

"What do you mean, didn't say anything out of the ordinary? Did you
forget why that girl returned to the country?"

Gu Hai took a step forward while the ruthless look in his eyes shot to the
soldier to the right.
"Why did she return?"

The soldier to the left pulled the soldier to the right's sleeve using his eyes to
warn him.

You must not, by all means, tell him the truth. If you say that the girl returned
herself, young Master Gu will definitely be angry. If we were to tell him that,
do you think we'll be able to live another day?

The soldier to the right responded back with a forceful smile.

"It's the guy. He gave the girl a call and asked her to return to the

"Right, right, right," the soldier to the left parroted him. "Originally, the
girl didn't want to return, but the guy pestered her to do so."

A buzz rung went off in Gu Hai's brain before his face became ghastly pale.

The soldier on the left nudged the other soldier, motioning him to try and
console Gu Hai.

"That, Gu... young Master Gu, actually... the girl didn't mean it like that
but the guy shamelessly stuck to her and insisted her to stay."

"Right, the guy really didn't care about saving face. The moment they
sat down, he never stopped praising her, especially about how beautiful
she is. He kept on staring at her without moving his eyes as well."

"He also forced a hug on her and refused to let go."

"That's enough," Gu Hai interrupted. "Don't say any more, I get it. You
two can leave."

"That..." The soldier to the left scratched his head and deridingly faced Gu
Hai. "Can you put in some good words for us with the Major General?
Let us at least get three-class merit!"

"Let you have merit?" Gu Hai clenched his fists tightly, "You pissed me
off and still have the nerve to ask for merit? What kind of merits do you

The soldier to the right refused to budge for a second, but then he cautiously
said, "We will help you vent your anger!"

"Yeah, we can beat him up! That bastard won't be able to get off the bed
for three days."

"Three days? He won't be able to sit up for half a month!"

Gu Hai, "..."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 121: The Inquietude of Youth - You Can't Beat Me. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Gu Hai hastily arrived at home, he found Bai Luo Yin in the process of
tidying his belongings.

As Gu Hai watched him, he noticed that every strand of hair on his head was
unscathed, but more importantly, his movements were not impeded. Gu Hai
was temporarily relieved, but when he saw Bai Luo Yin shoving his clothes
and toiletries into a suitcase, he panicked.

Gu Hai could no longer uphold a calm demeanor, "What are you doing?"

Not responding, Bai Luo Yin continued on, his back seemingly stiff.

Seeing that, Gu Hai strode over and roughly grabbed Bai Luo Yin's arm.

He was petrified.
The corner of Bai Luo Yin's eyes displayed an array of blacks and blues and
the swelling made them appeared asymmetrical. The surface of his nose was
swollen and even the ala was picked with speckles of purple. Several
bloodstains tracked the nape of his neck, slithering downward before they
were blocked off by the collar of his shirt. Gu Hai strained his eyes, but he
couldn't see the mishap beneath.

Those soldiers were indeed ruthless with their hands. But as luck would have
it, Bai Luo Yin was not some lowly coward. Even though he had been beaten
up, it was not to the extent as to how those soldiers had made it out to be-so

"Yin Zi..." Gu Hai called out, his voice holding a dense air of regret.

He wanted to undo the buttons on Bai Luo Yin's jacket, but Bai Luo Yin
forcefully held his hand down. The look in his eyes was strange and steep
with stubbornness.

"Don't put on that hypocritical face, it's disgusting."

Like a dagger, that sentence pierced straight into the center of Gu Hai's heart.
His fingers and vision started to blur and shake when Bai Luo Yin smacked
his hand away.

Keeping his hand to his side, Gu Hai watched as Bai Luo Yin walked from
one room to the next, and then returned to zip up his luggage. After that, he
made his way to the front door to change his shoes.

Gu Hai was torn by conflicting thoughts as he took a huge stride over and
stared intently at Bai Luo Yin. "Where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't concern you where I go."

"Do you want to return home?" Gu Hai continued asking in detail.

Bai Luo Yin, "I'm not returning home. I won't do something that

"Then, where do you want to go?"

Bai Luo Yin's cold and stiff eyes stared straight into Gu Hai's, "I repeat-it
doesn't concern you where I go."

An ice blade seemed to run deep into Gu Hai's heart, freezing it up

completely as he blocked the doorway. "You want to go to her?"

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin had a strong urge to slap him in the face.
He wanted to make this hypocritical and unreasonably barbaric guy, who
relished in twisting the truth, wake up. Unfortunately, he was unable to raise
his hands. He commented to himself, it's unnecessary... it'll only be a waste
of time.

"That's right, I'm going to her," he simply said.

It only took seconds for Gu Hai's heart to suffer grave damage... grief,
indignation, unwillingness, anguish-all those emotions squeezed tightly in his

"Did you tell her to come back?"

Bai Luo Yin nearly grabbed the luggage and swung it on the floor. But
instead, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out, "Yes."

"Did you also force her to stay?"

"Of course. There's no need for you to ask me any more stupid
questions. I'll admit to everything now. Since I've been living here with
you, I've called her every day. There's not a moment when I'm not
thinking of her or her well being. You don't know how happy I was when
you had those two soldiers follow us. Did you know I've been looking for
an excuse to break off our relationship? You've been so fucking good to
me. You know every damn thing in my heart, down to the minute detail.
You found those soldiers to beat me until my head became clear. I can
finally tell you now Gu Hai, that's enough!"

Gu Hai remained expressionless at the door. All the emotions he once felt
seemed to have faded with those words. There was no longer any warmth
residing in him.

"Can I leave now?" Bai Luo Yin asked, his tone cold and uncaring.

Gu Hai's rigid gaze shifted to Bai Luo Yin's face.

"Is everything you said true?"

Bai Luo Yin's mouth slightly parted before a broken smile settled on his face

"Whether what I've said is true or not, you still don't know?"

Remaining silent, a gloomy air exuded from the depths of Gu Hai's pupils.

"Get out of the way."

Seeing that Gu Hai did not move, Bai Luo Yin firmly pushed him to the side
and kicked the door open. Before long, his cold back gradually disappeared
into the elevator.

The northern wind whistled by Bai Luo Yin once he was outside of the
building. The cold air of the surrounding area mingled with the temperature
of his body, creating a sorrowful and bitter feeling. There was a strange
sensation settling in his heart-it was heavy and painful and although it was
indescribable, he unconsciously knew that perhaps he was heartbroken.

In all his life, he had never felt such a thing toward anyone before: utter
disappointment. He wished he could beat him to death but that wouldn't
purge the anger in his heart.

Why didn't you believe me? You personally promised, but you couldn't keep

Were my expectations of you too high?

Were you so good to me... so good that I couldn't see any of your flaws? ... so
good that I believed every single word you said without any doubts.
So, when I uncovered your true innermost thoughts, it became unbearable
just like now?

Since that happened, Bai Luo Yin did not attend class for three consecutive
days. His excuse is that he was home reviewing, but in truth, he was hiding
out at a hotel all along. Final exams were held on the fourth and fifth day, and
Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai were placed in different examination rooms. After
their exams, neither Bai Luo Yin nor Gu Hai returned to the classroom.
Having not seen each other since then, winter break started without a hitch.

Since the wounds on his face had not faded yet, Bai Luo Yin had yet to return
home. He had no heart to return and intended to spend a few more peaceful

It didn't take long for Bai Han Qi to call his son, but each time Bai Luo Yin
would inform him that he was staying at Gu Hai's place and would return
home in a while. Without putting much thought into it, Bai Han Qi would
only feel relieved, so he never questioned him again.

Finally, Shi Hui came to look for Gu Hai.

When the two met, Shi Hui's first words were, "Can you tell me where Bai
Luo Yin went?"

In the seven days that he and Bai Luo Yin did not see each other, Gu Hai's
heart was akin to a dry and desolate terrain. But with the utterance of that
name, a huge gash finally tore open, allowing a flood of emotion to rush in.

"He's not with you?"

Shi Hui forced a helpless smile, "It would've been good if he was with me,
but I haven't seen him for a week already."

Hearing those words, Gu Hai wished he could confront himself and smack
his own face. Shit, I still misunderstood him.
"Maybe he returned home."

Shi Hui shook her head, "He didn't. I went to his house and his dad said
he was with you."

The expression on Gu Hai's face tightened as he got up to leave.

"It's okay, nothing will happen to him. He's a really intelligent person,"
Shi Hui said weakly.

"Since he's not here, is it still necessary for us to talk?"

She looked over at him and smiled, "Of course, I wasn't looking for you
only because of that."

Maybe it has something to do with Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai thought to himself
and sat back down. He definitely could not let the chance slip by if she knew

Shi Hui glanced at Gu Hai's eyes only to see the bitter coldness that lied
inside. It was rare for her to see that kind of expression on anyone's face-
much less that of a guy. For someone like her, even if it's a strange guy who
sat in front of her, he wouldn't be so cold and aloof.

"It seems you don't like me?"

Gu Hai replied in an insouciant manner, "I can't say I dislike you, but I
can't say I like you either. I just don't have any feelings toward you."

"I will work hard to make you like me," Shi Hui said with a smile.

Gu Hai grunted, then coldly retorted, "Just get to the point."

Looking at him, her big clever eyes were packed with a thick layer of
helplessness. "I wanted to ask you to help me persuade Bai Luo Yin to
reconcile with me."

An air of derisiveness hovered at the corner of Gu Hai's eyes. Did you come
looking for me to persuade Bai Luo Yin to reconcile with you again? Yeah
right, you're going to fall head first today!

"That's impossible."

Shi Hui's pupil shook, "Why?"

"He doesn't like you anymore."

As far as Shi Hui was concerned, those words spoken by someone close to
Bai Luo Yin were almost the same as personally hearing Bai Luo Yin himself
admit it. Perhaps, since Bai Luo Yin was the kind of person who always
looked at things from different aspects, what he said might contradict the
truth in his heart. But Shi Hui was honestly incapable of understanding what
motive would 'this friend' of his have to deceive her.

With a dark and gloomy complexion, Shi Hui bit the corner of her lips.

"Then... can you tell me, does he has someone he likes now?"

Gu Hai answered with an unusual sense of determination, "He does."

Shi Hui's complexion became even more unsightly, "Then, can you tell me
who she is?"

"He is sitting right in front of you."

Hearing that, Shi Hui nervously looked around the room with confusion
while Gu Hai tapped the surface of the table with his finger.

"Don't bother looking, it's me."

Shi Hui looked as though she had been struck by lightning-her entire body
trembled as she looked at Gu Hai in disbelief. Bai Luo Yin likes a guy? How
can that be?! Although one can see many of those kinds of people abroad, as
far as Shi Hui was concerned it wasn't considered an explosive or shocking
new. But discovering that about Bai Luo Yin was not something Shi Hui was
willing to accept no matter what.
"You... are you teasing me for fun?"

Gu Hai apathetically played with the lighter in his hand while the contour of
his robust face exposed a domineering manner. "Do you think I am?"

Shi Hui's heart immediately froze-even her hidden foot trembled

involuntarily as she suddenly recalled several events. She recalled the time
she gave Bai Luo Yin a call, only to hear a guy answer and say that he was
Bai Luo Yin's boyfriend. At that time, she didn't take care of it, but now she
realized how familiar Gu Hai's voice sounded. And also, the first time she
came to look for Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai insisted on going with them. Then,
when her and Bai Luo Yin were at the café chatting, those two unpleasant

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Gu Hai looked at Shi Hui.

Shi Hui's once gentle eyes suddenly hardened, her voice carried an
unyielding determination.

"Did he accept you?"

Gu Hai heartlessly retaliated, "If he hadn't accepted me, would I be here

saying these words to you?"

"Then why did he suddenly disappear?"

"That's our business. It has nothing to do with you."

Shi Hui didn't know how she came to possess such confidence, but a smile
with traces of coldness unexpectedly emerged on her face.

"Bai Luo Yin does not like you. The reason why he had those abnormal
feelings toward you was that I left. His heart felt empty so he anxiously
found someone to fill it. Since I am back, he no longer needs you. You
will soon come to find out that the only person he has ever like all along
was me."

"Your imagination is very rich," Gu Hai said, while his expression did not
change at all.
Shi Hui laughed, "Imagination or not, it's still the truth. Bai Luo Yin is a
very rational person with his own principle-and within those principles,
fooling around is fine, but he will never truly accept a guy."

Gu Hai laughed faintly, "Pretty girl, I've underestimated your mental


Shi Hui grabbed her bag, stood up and walked to Gu Hai's side, before
slightly parting her soft and rosy lips.

"You can't beat me."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 122: The Inquietude of Youth – In the End, it was still too late.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After Gu Hai met up with Shi Hui, he phoned Bai Luo Yin countless times
but was never able to get through. With a tightened heart consumed by
apprehension, he made a dash toward Bai Luo Yin’s house.

At that time, Bai Han Qi had just arrived home from work and was sitting
down on the bench to rest for a bit. However, before his buttocks had a
chance to warm up, he hastily stood up just as Gu Hai’s figure emerged in his
line of sight.

As he happily walked over to Gu Hai, his eyes darted to a spot behind him for
a few seconds—Bai Luo Yin wasn’t there. “Yin Zi didn’t come with you?”

Knowing ahead of time that Bai Luo Yin would definitely hide from Bai Han
Qi, Gu Hai had no intention of telling him the truth either.
“Hi Uncle, Yin Zi couldn’t make it and asked me to get some things for

Hearing that, the disappointment in Bai Han Qi’s eyes gradually faded and
instead he smiled. “Then quickly go in and get them.”

Gu Hai casually flipped through some things in Bai Luo Yin’s room and then
quickly went out again. He asked Bai Han Qi, “Uncle, can I borrow your
cellphone for a second? I want to give Yin Zi a call since I can’t find the
things he wanted me to look for.”

“This kid… there’s no need to hesitate in borrowing anything from me.

It’s in my room, in the cabinet beside my bed. Just get it yourself.”

After Gu Hai got Bai Han Qi’s cellphone, he quickly gave Bai Luo Yin
another phone call.

As expected, it immediately went through.

This guy definitely blacklisted my number.

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

It had been a long time since he has heard Bai Luo Yin’s voice—and now
that he suddenly heard it, Gu Hai unexpectedly felt somewhat upset and did
not say anything after.

After saying hello again and hearing no response, Bai Luo Yin asked, “Dad,
what’s going on? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Yin Zi.”

No one responded from the other side, and after a moment, the call came to
an end with du, du, du. Gu Hai was not surprised since they were his own
wrongdoings that brought such a result. It was only natural for Bai Luo Yin
to punish him, but unwilling to give up with just one attempt, Gu Hai called a
few more time before he finally turned the phone off.

The sky was already dark, but instead of going home, Gu Hai drove to the
police station.

“Hey! Young Master Gu, why are you sitting here?”

Seeing that person, Gu Hai was rather impatient and quickly said, “Help me
with something.”

“Say it.”

“I want you to help me find someone. This is a record of the most recent
phone; help me find out this person’s exact location.”

“Uh… that’s a bit complicated. You have to find a specialist in that field
and the few officers on duty tonight don’t know how to do it.”

Gu Hai’s complexion darkened.

“Do you want me to give it a try? It’ll be a little slow, but if I can’t figure
it out, I’ll call Xiao Jiang over. Whatever the case may be, we will
definitely find this person for you tonight.”

Gu Hai nodded, “If that’s the only way.”

After he received the call, Bai Luo Yin remained unsettled—he guessed that
Gu Hai must have told Bai Han Qi the truth. He was worried that that would
make Bai Han Qi concerned and wanted to give him a call, but at the same
time, he didn’t want to turn his phone on. As he contemplated what to do, Bai
Luo Yin eventually thought that returning home the next day would be quite
good. In any case, he was already tired of staying at the hotel. As for Gu
Hai… fuck him, I’ll just take it as he never existed.

With that in mind, Bai Luo Yin started to gather up his belongings.

By the time he finished, it was already ten-thirty at night. Bai Luo Yin’s plan
was simple: take a shower, go straight to sleep and return home the next
But just after he took off his jacket, he froze when he heard the doorbell rang,
thinking that the person on the other side of the door was Gu Hai. Did he find
this place that quickly? That can’t be, right?

Feeling nervous, Bai Luo Yin walked toward the door and looked through the

Shi Hui’s face emerged in his line of sight.

The moment he opened the door, an indescribable sense of frustration swept

across his heart.

After Shi Hui entered the room, her entire body was shivering. Her beautiful
face was of a purple shade from the coldness, both her hands were frozen to
the point she couldn’t stretch them out, her hair was somewhat disheveled
and the pretty hair accessories now hung crookedly on her head. Worse off, a
thin layer of mist had shrouded her pupils, making her appear even more

“You…” Bai Luo Yin was at a loss for words, “Hurry in quickly.”

Shi Hui quickly ran toward the heater and placed her hands above it while
Bai Luo Yin hastened to turn the heater on before pouring her a cup of warm

“Warm up for a bit,” Bai Luo Yin passed the cup to Shi Hui.

Shi Hui drank several gulps until her shivering legs eventually returned to

“How did you find this place?”

Shi Hui gloomily said, “I’ve been searching for you for several days
already. I looked everywhere for any news of you, then I went to all the
nearby internet cafés, hotels, and nightclubs. As I was looking, I
eventually found this place… I even thought that you wanted to hide
from me so you…” Shi Hui talked until tears slid down her cheeks.

Watching as Shi Hui used her frozen red hands to wipe away those tears, Bai
Luo Yin couldn’t help but to grab a tissue and hand it over to her. “Silly girl,
don’t cry. It’s not because of you.”

Shi Hui’s arms immediately reached out to hug Bai Luo Yin’s waist before
she leaned her head into the crook of his shoulder and cried out loud. “If you
really hate me, you can tell me and I can leave right now. Just don’t hide
from me, okay? Do you know how worried I was?”

The feeling of being touched and guilty both collided against Bai Luo Yin’s
heart as he used his hand to lightly pat Shi Hui’s back, coaxing her. “Don’t
cry. I’m really not blaming you for anything. If you continue crying like
this, your eyes won’t be there anymore tomorrow.”

Shi Hui’s sob came to a stop as she helplessly glanced at Bai Luo Yin and
coyly asked, “Can you put a cool towel over my eyes for me?”

Bai Luo Yin nodded and went to get a wet towel. Shi Hui obediently closed
her eyes and once the cool towel made contact with her eyes, her thick lashes
quivered for a second; that subtle behavior would certainly entice anyone to
pamper her.

“Before, you always made me mad until I cried, but even then, you still
wouldn’t coax me. Instead, you’d wait until I’d stopped and then cooled
my eyes for me.”

Suddenly, Bai Luo Yin recalled that short period of time— it had been very
beautiful and seemed to have happened just yesterday, but now that this
person sat directly in front of him again, everything had become a distant

What has caused things to change?

“Okay.” Bai Luo Yin placed the towel down and faintly said, “Warm up for
a bit longer and I’ll take you home after.”

Shi Hui’s expression froze before she spoke with a tone full of grievance.
“What time is it already? All my cousins’ sleep early, who would keep
watch at the door for me?”
“Did you search this late every day before returning home?”

“Not really,” Shi Hui smiled bashfully, “Normally, I returned home

around eight or nine o’clock. I’ve searched throughout almost all the
places around this neighborhood already. But since there were only a
couple placed left, it got a little later.”

After she said that, she sneezed.

Touching her forehead, Bai Luo Yin’s face tightened. “You might have a
little fever. I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“I won’t go. You know I hate hospitals the most. I’ll be okay. I just need
to sleep a bit.”

Since Shi Hui had already put it that way, if Bai Luo Yin rushed her out
again, it would be extremely unreasonable. Bai Luo Yin sighed and stood up,
“Then you can sleep here, I will go reserve another room.”

Shi Hui suddenly grabbed his hand tightly, as if she wanted to embed her
fingernails into Bai Luo Yin’s flesh. “I’m afraid of sleeping alone, and I
also… have a fever.”

In the end, Bai Luo Yin did not leave nor take a shower. He just simply threw
all his clothes into the luggage.

“I’m used to sleeping naked, do you mind?” Shi Hui bashfully asked.

Without bothering to lift his head to look at her, Bai Luo Yin said, “Doesn’t
matter, you sleep however you like.”

On the double bed, Shu Hui occupied a small space, leaving a large space on
the other side. However, once she could no longer withstand the fatigue, she
fell asleep even though Bai Luo Yin never lied down.

In the dim night, Bai Luo Yin stood alone on the balcony and smoked one
cigarette after another.

“Aiya, I’m dead tired now. Phew, it’s really upsetting when you’re not
skilled in this profession!”

Staring attentively at the screen, Gu Hai silently made a mental note of the
address then turned to look at Deputy Zhang with a smile. “Thank you,
Uncle Zhang.”

Before Deputy Zhang could respond, Gu Hai rushed out and drove straight to
the hotel.

By the time Gu Hai hastily arrived at that hotel, it was already a little past
midnight. He went to the reception desk to confirm Bai Luo Yin’s exact room
number, and as it turned out, it was the same location Deputy Zhang had
informed him. Gu Hai felt relieved as he walked toward that room.

He pressed the doorbell, but no one answered.

Shu Hui was asleep, and since Bai Luo Yin was still at the balcony, he did
not hear the doorbell.

Gu Hai rushed out of the hotel and looked up to search for Bai Luo Yin’s
room only to discover that the lights had already been turned off.

Did he go to sleep already? Should I come back tomorrow? Gu Hai hesitated

for a second, yet he still walked back in, afraid that by tomorrow morning,
Bai Luo Yin would take notice and relocate. If that happened and Gu Hai was
not there, he might not be able to find him again.

With that in mind, Gu Hai crouched down in front Bai Luo Yin’s room and
waited. He waited and smoked with the intention of waiting until the sunrise.

Once Bai Luo Yin was done smoking, he returned to the room only to faintly
hear Shi Hui mumbling that she was cold in her sleep.

When he switched the lights on, he saw Shi Hui’s arms and shoulders
exposed. Under the light fixtures, her bright and clear skin illuminated,
appearing even fairer and more delicate, and the cleavage that could entrap
people in an abyss was vaguely visible. One only needed to secretly slide the
blanket down a bit and it would be possible to see that part of her body that
would cause any man to bleed out profusely.

Bai Luo Yin looked the other way as he bent down and pulled the quilt up to
cover Shi Hui.

Just as he switched the light off, Shi Hui began to mumble that she was cold
again as if she was awake.

Touching her forehead, Bai Luo Yin could feel the sweat from the fever. He
glanced around, but the room only had one bed and blanket. He felt torn for a
long while before he eventually got on the bed and hug Shi Hui tightly.

In the middle of the night, Shi Hui opened her eyes and saw that Bai Luo
Yin’s body was exposed to the cold air. There was nothing covering him but
the quilt was covering her completely. She wanted to give half the blanket to
Bai Luo Yin, however, he hugged her so tight that she couldn’t even pull her
arms out. She felt extremely touched as an overwhelming sense of happiness
rushed into her heart. Looking at Bai Luo Yin’s handsome face so close to
her, she couldn’t help but move in closer and stole a kiss. Afterward, she
closed her eyes, feeling satisfied.

In reality, Bai Luo Yin did not sleep at all. He remained clear-headed and
aware of everything until the light of day emerged.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 123: The Inquietude of Youth – Let’s all Calm Down. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the early morning of the next day, Shi Hui was still asleep while Bai Luo
Yin patiently endured the insufferable night. As he thought about everything
that had happened, the need for food quickly shot through his mind, causing
him to drag his feet to the ground. He wanted to get some breakfast first
before returning to wake Shi Hui up.

But as Bai Luo Yin pushed the door open, he almost lost his breath—his eyes
widened in shock and his face became deathly pale.

Cigarette stubs covered the floor along with the lone figure of someone
crouching against the corner of the wall. It did not take much to see that the
person had been awake the entire night.

Gu Hai…
It was a relatively bluish-green shade of colored that overtook Gu Hai’s usual
complexion. His face was unshaven with a faint shadow that emphasized the
sickly touch of restlessness. When he heard the door cracked open, he looked
up and saw the face that he longed for. He unhurriedly stood up in front of
Bai Luo Yin and blinked a few times in an attempt to shake away the
tiredness away but even then, his obsidians eyes were lifeless.

“You’re awake?”

Bai Luo Yin slowly nodded with an expressionless face that seemed to hide
his current emotions.

Seven days had passed by without seeing each other.

Although Gu Hai had not taken the initiative to contact Bai Luo Yin, the
painful agony of missing him had long penetrated every organ in his body.
So, the instant his eyes fell on Bai Luo Yin, all reasons and misgivings
swiftly dispersed, and whether or not he was forgiven him no longer
mattered. All Gu Hai could think of was the pain of not being able to hold
that person. With that in mind, he took one large step forward and pulled Bai
Luo Yin into a tight hug.

“Come back home.” Gu Hai said, his voice was warm and full of sincerity.

Hearing those three words, Bai Luo Yin did not respond and instead
remained still. His body suddenly felt as if it was being pelted by a storm of
hail, causing him to completely freeze up. The ice-cold sensation numbed his
senses a hundredfold more than Gu Hai’s who was outside the whole night.

“I’m going to gather your things for you.”

Suddenly, Bai Luo Yin reached his arm out to quickly block Gu Hai from the

Wearing a gentle smile, Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin and began to coax him.

“Are you still angry? Can’t you offer me a smile after seeing me crouch
here all night?”
Gu Hai…

Only repeating that name in his head, Bai Luo Yin could not think of
anything else. But a second later, he felt a type of emptiness devour him just
to stripe away all his emotions.

Looking at the troubling expression on Bai Luo Yin’s face, Gu Hai could
sense that something was amiss. However, he did not question it, believing
that Bai Luo Yin’s wrath toward him had yet to subside. That was until an
indistinct sound traveled from with the room and crashed into his ears.

“Bai Luo Yin.”

Having finally woke up, Shi Hui’s head rose from the pillow when she
detected that Bai Luo Yin was not beside her. Then noticing that the door was
slightly ajar, she couldn’t help but call out.

In that instant, all the color on Gu Hai’s face was depleted as his eyes
widened and his lips parted. There was a hint of fear and unprecedented
anger unloading in his mind—it seemed his heart could rupture and wither at
any second. He turned his deathly pallor face over and let his eyes flitted to
Bai Luo Yin for a second before he kicked the front door open.

Hearing the suddenly loud thud, Shi Hui sat on the bed and forcefully yanked
the blanket to cover her chest but surprising a huge portion of her back,
shoulders and arms were still exposed. She was aware of another person on
the other side of the door to the bedroom, a stranger perhaps.

It didn’t take long for Gu Hai’s detached eyes to shift from the bedroom to
Bai Luo Yin.

The quietness that settled heavily in the room was of such a magnitude that
anyone who walked into it would tremble with utter fear.

After a long while, Gu Hai faintly spoke, “Honestly, I found your exact
location around midnight. When I got here, the lights were already
turned off but since I was afraid of disturbing your sleeping, I decided to
crouch here to wait for you instead.”
When Bai Luo Yin finally spoke, the sound of his voice was low and broken.

“Then why…why didn’t you ring the doorbell?”

“I was afraid it would disturb your sleep.”

“Then, why didn’t you leave and waited until later?”

“I was afraid that if I came back in the morning, you would have left

Bai Luo Yin remained quiet.

Without saying another word, Gu Hai turned around and started to walk

Seeing that, Bai Luo Yin abruptly strode forward and chased after Gu Hai
without hesitation. His hands quickly latched onto Gu Hai’s arm too tightly
secured them.

Gu Hai tried to calm down his racing heart before he ultimately turned
around—although it looked like he was unflustered, the gloomy and sinister
air shrouding him dispelled that notion.

“Bai Luo Yin, I advise you. This time, you have to let me go because I
don’t want to curse at you or hit you. If you don’t want me to suffer any
longer, then please let your hands go.”

As Bai Luo Yin reluctantly released Gu Hai’s hand, an excruciating pain

successfully penetrated his heart and severed all his hope, leaving him hollow
and dead inside.

Shi Hui was fully dressed and was sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for
Bai Luo Yin when he walked in. Unable to see the expression on his face, she
couldn’t help but question: “Was the person just now, Gu Hai?”

Bai Luo Yin simply nodded and carried his luggage out of the room—Shi
Hui quietly followed behind him closely.
Seeing that Bai Luo Yin was in a decidedly foul mood, she knew without a
doubt that the reason was Gu Hai. And as for what had happened, Shi Hui
can slightly guess.

Once they walked out of the hotel, Bai Luo Yin looked at Shi Hui and said,
“Call a taxi and go back home.”

“I want to stay with you a bit longer,” Shi Hui said while looking to see if
Bai Luo Yin objected.

He did not.

To say it more accurately, it didn’t matter to him whether or not Shi Hui was
beside him.

Detecting no response, Shi Hui took his silence as a tacit agreement of her
request and continued to happily stay beside him.

After walking for a long while with neither voicing anything, Shi Hui began
to speak for the sake of breaking down the awkward feeling. “Does Gu Hai
not like me?”

Bai Luo Yin murmured back, “No, it’s not you. He just doesn’t like me,
that’s all.”

Shi Hui sighed, “I honestly don’t know how things are between the two of
you, but I do think you should forgive each other a bit. That way, any
misunderstanding can be resolved. Also, you’re too withdrawn and tend
to always suppress all your feelings and keep your problems to yourself.
If you can open up your heart a bit, I think you will gain much more
than what you have now.”

In truth, Bai Luo Yin did not hear a word Shi Hui had said. His heart was
utterly phlegmatic—so much so that he could only hear the subtle and minute
sounds around him.

He suddenly turned only to see two grassy figures disappeared into the end of
the street.
“What’s wrong?” Shi Hui asked.

Bai Luo Yin faintly replied, “Nothing.”

They walked until they reached the alleyway yet the strange footsteps still
lingered in his ears.

Shi Hui smiled and said, “I’m heading home now, you rest up.”

Bai Luo Yin raised his hand and flagged down a taxi for her.

“When you get back, don’t forget to take some medicine,” Bai Luo Yin

Shi Hui nodded, “I’ll come and look for you early in the morning.”

Even now, Bai Luo Yin did not hear what Shu Hui had said. Once the taxi
left, his eyes wandered back and forth at his surroundings. He could no
longer see those two suspicious shadows from before which made him
thought, shit… since I haven’t slept all night, it’s making me hallucinate.

He continued to ponder as he went into the alleyway all the way toward the
door of his house.

The next day, an incident occurred.

Shi Hui was afraid that Bai Luo Yin had forgotten their arrangement so she
messaged him as a reminder, however, he did not see that particular message.

His tired and worn out spirit, along with the event of last night had exhausted
that he quickly passed out. He slept soundly until the early morning of the
next day when a call came through.


From the other end of the phone, he could only hear noises and several voices
jumbled together. Bai Luo Yin can almost make out Shi Hui’s voice,
however, it was very vague. He called into the phone, but there were replies.
He had even guessed that Shi Hui might have unintentionally pressed the call
button, but his guess was destroyed when he heard the explosive voice of a
man cursing about. Afterward, the person immediately hung up.

Bai Luo Yin jerked and sobered up. He swiped through the messages in his
phone and discovered that the last message Shi Hui had sent him was at 7:00

It read: I’m already at the alleyway of your house, come out.

He swiped through his previous messages again and saw that last night Shi
Hui had also sent him another message, reminding him that she would come
by early in the morning.

Bai Luo Yin looked at his watch, it was already 7:30 AM.

He dialed Shi Hui’s number once more, but it did not go through.

Suddenly, he remembered those two sneaky shadows that followed behind

him yesterday.

He quickly put on his clothes and flew out the door without washing his face.

Since the morning’s fog was very thick that within the span of three meters,
he could not make out a single shadow. He went from one alleyway to the
next, unable to find Shi Hui’s figure which ultimately him a bit flustered
before he screamed into the open space. Nothing. A cold chill sprouted in his
heart. His steps hastened as he searched in every nook until he finally heard a
faint scream.

As he followed the voice, he caught sight of three figures not too far ahead
and the scene before him caused all the blood in his body to rise.

Shi Hui was pushed against the corner of a wall; her hair was disheveled and
her clothes were torn to the point that only a few pieces remained in tack.
Two masked men, dressed in black clothing were practically up on her as
they hurled insults and threats while carrying out obscene behaviors toward
her. Shi Hui struggled for a bit, but then one of the masked men kicked her in
the stomach.

Bai Luo Yin charged forward and crazily wrestled the two down. During the
scuffle, Bai Luo Yin noticed that these two men barely laid their hands on
him. Their target was Shi Hui. Even when he kicked them, the two just
silently endured it and their cruel hands stretched out toward Shi Hui instead.

Bai Luo Yin captured one of the man’s wrist with the intention of kicking
him in the crotch but, as a result of the struggle, the cuff of the man’s sleeve
tore apart, exposing was a grass green shirt.

Thinking how no one would wear this type of green colored shirt with such a
texture besides a military’s personnel, Bai Luo Yin suddenly remembered the
look that Gu Hai gave him before he left.

If I, Gu Hai, were to be heartless, you will be terrified for the rest of your life.

Perhaps, what the eyes perceived were not necessarily the truth.

Gu Hai pondered for the whole night. Besides this pretense, no other reasons
should have caused him to endure everything for an entire twenty-four hours.
He realized that rather than being suspicious and struggle with the fear of
being betrayed, it would be better to choose to trust even if he had to pretend
to be naïve.

Shi Hui was the only person lying on the bed while Bai Luo Yin was fully
clothed. Perhaps, this girl was taking advantage of the situation. She knew
that he would eventually find out Bai Luo Yin’s location and go there, so she
intentionally fabricated the scene. And perhaps, Bai Luo Yin had not laid on
that bed at all.

… even though, there were two pillows arranged on the bed… even though it
was evident that Bai Luo Yin’s head had left an impression on it…

But he cannot think like this. If he did, he would lose. He can never allow this
kind of outcome to emerge!

As a result, Gu Hai decided that it was best to go and find Bai Luo Yin with
the mindset of wanting to say everything and let it all be out in the open. He
cannot give that girl even the tiniest opportunity. She does not deserve Bai
Luo Yin. And also… he would hate to let it end like this.

With that, the will to fight reignited in his soul.

Gu Hai went into the bathroom to wash his face but when he faintly heard the
sound of the doorbell, he quickly wiped his face with his hand and went to
open the door.

The person standing on the other side of the door was Bai Luo Yin.

At that moment, it was happiness that welled up in Gu Hai’s heart. He

thought that if Bai Luo Yin was willing to initiate an explanation, he would
not have to put up such a brazenly defiant face.

“Who said you can come back?” He asked with a joking tone.

It was as if nothing had happened.

His expression was completely different from yesterday.

When he stood outside of the door, Bai Luo Yin originally had wanted to
clear things out with Gu Hai in order to absolve the misunderstandings. But
for him, Gu Hai’s current mood made it too obvious. So obvious… that he
could not find any reasons at all to side with him.

“Those were your people right?”

Gu Hai was baffled, “What people?”

Suddenly, Bai Luo Yin strode into the room and violently slammed Gu Hai
against the wall and let his cruel and heartless gaze collided with Gu Hai’s.

“Were they the men you found to follow us? You had those people
violate Shi Hui?”
Gu Hai also flared up, “When did I find people to violate her?”

Bai Luo Yin’s face was expressionless, “Gu Hai, you’re too cruel.”

As if being awakened, Gu Hai abruptly came to a realization. Everything was

clear now, so clear, that it poured down on him hard. It was then that Gu Hai
understood what Shi Hui meant.

You can’t beat me.

“Gu Hai, you really aren’t a normal person. You’ve really made me look
at you in a new light.”

Gu Hai’s hand sank into Bai Luo Yin’s neck as he quietly questioned: “You
think I did it?”

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes did not focus on anything.

“I asked you, do you think I did it?” Gu Hai bellowed in anger.

When Bai Luo Yin did not respond, Gu Hai angrily tightened his hold on Bai
Luo Yin’s neck until his face became purple and his breaths became sporadic.

But that pair of dark eyes still remained unshaken.

Seeing that, Gu Hai knew the answer and his heart was instantly overtaken by
a chilly and lonesome emptiness.

“You came looking for me to take revenge? Then you better strike fast
before it’s too late. Take advantage of the fact that I’m still reluctant to
fight back. Direct that bit of grievances that she received back at me.”

Bai Luo Yin stood his ground.

“You don’t value this opportunity? Then let me tell you right now. After
today, you, Bai Luo Yin are just like any other person on the street. You
want to hit, curse me, those will all be a fantasy. Before, I let you do
whatever you want not because I was a weak coward, but it was because
I love you. Now, I have realized that you… are not worth it.”
“Get the fuck out,” Gu Hai said indifferently.

Bai Luo Yin stiffened legs shifted toward the door as every step he took
strummed in Gu Hai’s ears, making the invisible string in his heart tighten
that much more.

“Bai Luo Yin, you remember this. I was the one who let you leave. From
this day on, there’s nothing between us! When you’ve come to realize the
truth… even if you were to cry and kneel on the ground and beg me… I,
Gu Hai, won’t give you single a glance!”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 124: The Inquietude of Youth - An Accidental Meeting on the

street. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Hey, isn't Da Hai on winter break?" Li Shuo asked Zhou Sihu.

"It should have started a while ago. Check and see what day it is."

When Li Shuo looked at the calendar, he was completely taken back. "It's
already the 22nd... tomorrow is Minor New Year's Day."1

"Exactly, that's why I said he is on vacation."

"Tsk... it's only reasonable for him to give us a call. We can go and
celebrate together and even if we don't get to meet in person, a simple
phone call would have been enough."

Zhou Sihu sighed and replied sluggishly, "Maybe he's busy with something
and forgot about the two of us."

Suddenly, a devious smile spread across Li Shuo's lips as he jabbed Zhou

Sihu's arm. "Hey, do you think he's hiding in his room all day, sneaking
around and playing with his brother?"

"You... just look at yourself! You and your stupid immoral behaviors!"
Zhou Sihu's hand made contact with Li Shuo's head. Smack! "What kind of
games would two guys play together?"

Li Shuo patted his friend, "Last time we went to their house, the two of
them were leading quite a happy life!"

Just hearing those words made Zhou Sihu burst into a peal of laughter as
images of the day they had all dine together flooded his head. He stroked his
chin and said, "Maybe..."

"Ha, ha, ha..." Li Shuo stood up and called out to Zhou Sihu. "Let's go

Zhou Sihu followed diligently behind.

While in the car, the two chatted along the way. "I especially like it when
Gu Hai and Yin Zi are together since they're really fun to tease."

"Yes, yes, yes. It's the first time that Da Hai is so fond of another

As they talked, they finally arrived at Gu Hai's place but soon they came to
realize that no one answered no matter how much they rung the bell or
banged on the door. They called Gu Hai's cellphone and was met with
nothing... finally, they asked the property management personnel who
informed them that he hadn't seen the owner of the place for the last several

"Maybe he's traveling?" Li Shuo looked at Zhou Sihu.

Zhou Sihu pinched his brows, "Even if he's traveling, he should have at
the very least give us a call, right?"
Just as they thought that, Gu Hai's call came. "I'm at the military base,
what's the matter?"

"You're actually saying 'what's the matter'? You've been on vacation for
such a long time and you didn't even utter a single word to either of us.
We even thought someone had kidnapped you."

"Okay, come find me at the base."

With that, the two drove to their new destination.

Gu Wei Ting stood at the shore of the reservoir with solemn eyes fixated on a
figure far out in the water. That figure moved further out before it eventually
disappeared from his line of sight, leaving behind the turbulent ripples.

Sun Jingwei2 took the telescope and passed it over to Gu Wei Ting.

But Gu Wei Ting merely stretched his hand out to block it, "There's no

There was a hint of hesitation from Sun Jingwei before a string of word
flowed out. "How about I get someone to pass by with the ship and have
Gu Hai get in. For him to swim on such a cold day, it would be hard to
rescue him if something happens, you know."

"He's not the only one swimming! There are so many soldiers training,
why would something happen only to him?"

"You can't put him on the same level as those soldiers!"

He is your son! Your only precious son! You can't really be that heartless...

Of course, Sun Jingwei would never dare say these words out loud.

Gu Wei Ting's stern eyes shifted to Sun Jingwei's face while the tone of his
voice was tainted with dignity. "When did you become such a shrew? How
about you go down there with them as well?"

Hearing those words, Sun Jingwei couldn't help but shiver as he glanced
down and look at the thin layer of ice that had already formed on the surface
of the water.

"I'm already cautious just standing here. Several winters have passed by
since the last time I have gone into the water but thinking back to when I
was younger, it wasn't that hard to swim in such cold weather even if it's
for ten miles."

Sun Jingwei was still chasing after his own glorious past when Gu Wei Ting
turned and walked away. He came back to his senses and quickly made a
subtle hint at an officer standing to the side.

"Hurry up and dispatch some people over there to keep guard. If the
General said, 'there's no need to', do you think he really means 'no
need'? If something happens, the dead one would definitely be us!"

Once he arrived at his office, Gu Wei Ting simply sipped on his tea. "How
long is he staying?

"I heard Mr. Liu said, for one week. During the daytime, he trains with
the soldiers and at nighttime, he stays here. They especially arranged a
three-room place for him. Although the condition there isn't the best, it's
pretty good compared to the other dorms. His meals are specially made
for him and someone is also sent to clean his room as well so everything
should be fine."

In Gu Wei Ting's memory, it has been a long time since he and Gu Hai
celebrated the New Year together. In the past, every time New Year arrived,
he always had a task to handle.

Gu Hai had always celebrated New Year with his mother who regularly
traveled to the military base. While he stayed in the base and ate a meal...
other family's children would go shopping with their parents for New Year,
but Gu Hai could only run by himself at the training ground.
In the blink of an eye, his son had grown so big already.

When Li Shuo and Zhou Sihu hastily arrived, Gu Hai had already swum

"Young Master Gu, someone over there is looking for you."

Gu Hai wiped the sweats on his forehead as he turned to look at Li Shuo and
Zhou Sihu and made his way over to them.

Li Shuo and Zhou Sihu were stunned. They were clutching a down jacket that
was certainly filled with bundles of warmth, but as they look at the person
ahead, they couldn't help but trembled and be overtaken by the unwanted
chilly wind. Gu Hai was bare from the waist up with only undershorts to
company him-truth be told, his body was even smoother than it was in the

Gu Hai took the towel and wiped his sweats while the two swallowed hard.
Their eyes seemed to be filled with respect and admiration for Gu Hai as they
looked up at him.

Having completed his daily routine, Gu Hai was brimming with energy and
from the look of it, he was in a pretty good mood. When his big hand pressed
down on Li Shuo's head, it was as if a little baby bird was being clutched by
the head and spun around.

After he waited for Li Shuo to steady himself, Gu Hai asked: "What, you
miss me?"

Zhou Sihu pulled his neck back and allowed his mouth to draw out a puff of
cold mist.

"We just took a drive to your house. The person at the property
management department said he hasn't seen you in a long time."

"Oh, yeah. I haven't been there," Gu Hai said, using the towel to wipe the
water from his body.
"Then, your brother is not with you?" Li Shuo said mockingly.

Gu Hai's movement stiffened for a second before it quickly returned to


"Don't mention that name in front of me ever again."

"Oh! Weren't you all affectionate toward him just a couple of days ago?
Why you don't like him anymore all of a sudden?"

Gu Hai straightened out his waist. A stern expression spread across his face
before a couple of words left his lips, "I'm not kidding around with you."

Li Shuo still wanted to question him, but Zhou Sihu quickly jabbed his side
and then he happily faced Gu Hai. "Hey, let's go out and find something
fun to do."

"Okay," Gu Hai assumed a posture that indicated that he wanted to go.

Zhou Sihu cleared his throat, "Then, Da Hai... you should at least put on
some clothes before heading out!"

Gu Hai laughed after returning to his sense, "Wait here for me, I'll be back
in a bit."

As they watched Gu Hai walk off, Li Shuo could not help but rub his arm.
"Looking at him just makes me think that he's very cold. Luckily, I'm
not his father's son... otherwise, I would have hung myself a long time

"General Gu wouldn't give birth to such a coward like you! I'm not
trying to insult you or anything but just think about it yourself. You're
so weak and soft that not even a single bone can be found anywhere on
your body, yet you still have the audacity to sympathize with him?"

Li Shuo used his elbow to jabbed Zhou Sihu's belly, "You fucking think
you're any better than me? Your cheeks are brighter than any girl's
Sometimes, fate was definitely needed among people.

Just like that, Bai Luo Yin did not step out of his house for one whole week.

It was only on this day that he was finally dragged out by Shi Hui... only to
bump into some similar faces.

Just after Li Shuo had parked the car and followed Gu Hai and Zhou Sihu
out, he looked into the distance and squinted his eyes... Bai Luo Yin appeared
in his line of sight.

To say it more accurately, he had first taken notice of Shi Hui.

"Hey, isn't that Yin Zi?"

Hearing that, Zhou Sihu turned to look in Bai Luo Yin's direction and

Bai Luo Yin's eyes naturally rested on Gu Hai. However, Gu Hai seemed to
deem it not worthy of him to look at either of the two face to face as his dark
obsidian eyes fixated elsewhere. He did not look any different than before
and even his mood appeared to be better as he stood there with a dignified yet
domineering aura.

Bai Luo Yin was incapable of imaging that this person's temper was like that
of a child.

"Yin Zi, introduce us. Who is this pretty girl?"

Li Shuo smiled lecherously.

Shi Hui gracefully and confidently said, "I'm Shi Hui."

"Tsk, tsk... Yin Zi, how lucky are you!" Zhou Sihu patted Bai Luo Yin's
shoulder. "Sneaking around, keeping a secret love like this is not good.
When are you going to treat us to a meal?"
Bai Luo Yin barely managed to utter something. His eyes were still fixated...
no, more like engrossed on Gu Hai's face. Gu Hai also laughed with the same
smiling expression as Li Shuo and Zhou Sihu. Indifferent, mockery?... he
thought, but even when Gu Hai turned and left, Bai Luo Yin still did not find
anything peculiar about him.

Soon, the threesome entered an entertainment center.

Zhou Sihu frequently looked back and sighed, "What a fucking beautiful

Li Shuo nodded in agreement, "Seeing those two standing together like

that, they looked especially like a married couple. Don't you think so too,
Gu Hai?"

Gu Hai remained still without saying anything.

Once more, Zhou Sihu jabbed Li Shuo who then remembered what Gu Hai
had warned them about earlier. With that, his lips quickly shut tight.

When Shi Hui noticed that Bai Luo Yin was still standing in the same spot
for quite some time even after those three boys left, she tugged at his sleeve.
"I'm a bit cold, why don't we find a place to sit."

This time, Bai Luo Yin finally returned to his sense.

"Miss, your milkshake."

Shi Hui politely said, 'thank you'.

Afterward, there were no movements. She silently looked Bai Luo Yin who
sat directly across from her, but Bai Luo Yin's eyes drifted elsewhere without

When Bai Luo Yin had still just then, there was an absent-minded expression
riding his face, but now that look and behavior was even more blatant.
Finally, Shi Hui dragged her beverage over before she strategically took a
sip. But once her head rose, Bai Luo Yin's attention was still not on her. She
could no longer help but call out to him, "Bai Luo Yin."

He jolted slightly and let his sense returned once more-twice this action
happened in such a short span of time.

"Do you remember that back when we were still together, every time I
ordered a milkshake, you would always take the first sip. Because you
knew that the first sip was the hardest to draw out."

Although she spoke with such gentleness, her words didn't stir any of Bai
Luo Yin's memories.

On the contrary, he remembered... a recollection of scenes that occurred

during dinnertime at home. Every time the seasonings were mixed together,
Gu Hai would try it first and eight or nine times out of ten, he would most
likely throw in a bit more of salt and then add some more soup base and
water. Only until he deemed that it was good enough would he placed a bowl
in front of Bai Luo Yin.

Also, every time he steamed dumplings, who knew how many times a half-
bitten and raw dumpling was thrown into the trash bin...

"Are you saying that the food I make isn't good?"

"Whether it's good or not, you haven't figured it out yet?"

"The eggs I boiled aren't good either?"

"Why don't you ask whether the water you heat up is good for drinking or

"You fucking..."

1 The Minor New Year's Day - also called "Spring Cleaning Day," falls on
the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month of each year. It is a day for offering
sacrifices to the kitchen god and doing a thorough cleaning in China. In
Beijing, the locals have the custom to hang Spring Festival couplets

2 孙警卫, '孙,' Sun is his surname, '警卫' Jingwei mean security

guard/bodyguard, not his first name. He is Gu Hai's father, Gu Wei Ting,
personal body. I will continue to call him Sun Jingwei, which just means
bodyguard Sun, so take note when you see this.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 125: The Inquietude of Youth - Slowly, understanding love. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


For the past few days, Bai Han Qi and his wife had continuously busied
themselves with preparations for Chinese New Year. Before, they had always
enjoyed a great deal of hilarity when everyone gathered together to celebrate.
And in those moments, being consumed by the cheerful atmosphere was
good enough for them but this year was different, there are two additional
people to the family so everything must be livelier.

Aunt Zou had closed the restaurant earlier had committed herself to handle all
of the constituents for the New Year at home. Bai Han Qi, on the other hand,
was bent on being her second set of hands and Bai Luo Yin would
occasionally help out as well. But for the most part, Aunt Zou was not
content with Bai Luo Yin helping out and would rather order her own son

Everyone in the household was full of joy except for Bai Luo Yin.
Even the notoriously dense Bai Han Qi could sense that his son somewhat out
of character.

Today Aunt Zou was in the kitchen making and deep frying various sweets1
for the snack boxes. Bai Han Qi entered with two barrels of oil tightly
secured in his hands before he placed them down and stood beside her.

His dark orbs peered outside as he whispered: "I have a feeling that my son
has been a bit strange lately."

"Your son?" Aunt Zou gave Bai Han Qi a side glance.

Bai Han Qi laughed awkwardly, "I said it wrong, our son."

"Stand a bit further away so the oil won't splash on you." Aunt Zou
reached out and pushed Bai Han Qi to the side and asked, "What do you
mean strange?"

"A few days ago, I could sense that he was in a bad mood, so I've been
keeping an eye on him for the past two days. I saw him staring blankly at
a jewelry box. When he went out that same day, I sneaked into his room
and took a peek and saw that inside were all real gold and diamonds. My
son... no, our son, where did he get so much money to buy all those
things? He didn't steal them, did he?"

Aunt Zou shot a death glare at Bai Han Qi, "You're saying, he robbed a
gold store and out of guilt, he's scared out of his mind?"

Bai Han Qi's complexion was of a stern and upright male, "I'm afraid that
that is what had happened. Even if we let him surrender, we should at
least wait until after New Year?"

Aunt Zou stood with arms akimbo as she frowned at Bai Han Qi with a fire
of resentment dancing across her face.

"The longer you've lived, the crazier you get? Our son has faced so many
hardships with you for all these years and he had never even thought of
robbery. Now that life is a bit better, he wants to be a criminal? You're
very... what do you want me to say to you now? You, just go stand over
there! Don't get in my way, go, go, go..."

Bai Han Qi blocked the doorway feeling as though he had been wronged
instead of understanding what she meant.

"This woman... you're already at this age and you're still so fickle!
Explain this, we've just been married for a few days and you've already
changed. Before, even if you scold me, you would at least put on a smile,
but just look, look, now..."

"That's because you have never said such nonsense before."

Bai Han Qi scratched his head and sighed. But when he turned away with the
intention of leaving, Aunt Zou immediately stopped him.

"Come here, I have something to discuss with you."

"Didn't you just say I was in your way?"

Aunt Zou was a little anxious, "I really have something to talk about with
you. I didn't remember a second ago, it's about our Yin Zi."

Upon hearing this, Bai Han Qi quickly walked over.

Aunt Zou cautiously said, "I think our Yin Zi is experiencing puppy love."

"He's already 17 this year, it can't be puppy love?" Bai Han Qi did not
take it to heart. "When I was 17, I was already with Yin Zi's mother."

"You think things were the same back then as it is now? Nowadays, the
pressure of studying is very aggressive. Yin Zi is already in his second
year of high school and even more, I heard people say that the second
year is the most crucial year. If he doesn't concentrate on his studies, he
will fall behind his classmates."

Bai Han Qi laughed, "I trust my son."

"I'm not trying to scare you," Aunt Zou patted Bai Han Qi's shoulder.
"Two days ago, a girl came here looking for our Yin Zi. She was
standing at the entrance of the alleyway and I personally saw the two of
them leaving together."

"Was she pretty?" Bai Han Qi asked absent-mindedly.

"Pretty, very pretty... but, why are you asking this?"

After they had finished dinner that night, Bai Han Qi went into Bai Luo Yin's
room only to see that he was busy tinkering with a pile of boards.

"What are you doing son?" Bai Han Qi sat next to Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin did not raise his head and said, "I want to make a model
airplane. Once the semester starts again, the school will be holding a
model airplane exhibition."

"You can do it, son!" Bai Han Qi patted his head.

Bai Luo Yin grunted in agreement and continued with his task without saying
anything else.

Bai Han Qi thought that it was no business of his to be sitting there and
leaving would be best... but he wasn't finished with what he wanted to say
yet, so he told himself to stay... but once again he faltered, feeling rather

"So the exhibition is after the semester starts?" Bai Han Qi asked again.

Bai Luo Yin nodded.

"So, you're working on it now?"

Bai Luo Yin's hands stopped, and he looked blankly at Bai Han Qi.

"Dad, what exactly are you trying to say?"

It wasn't hard to see the look of embarrassment on Bai Han Qi's face, "I
wanted to ask..."

"You wanted to ask me why Gu Hai didn't come back with me, right?"

"Yeah... it's that. I wanted to ask you about it earlier. Since winter break
started, I only saw him once and at that time, you two weren't even
together. What exactly is going on?"

Bai Luo Yin faintly replied, "He's celebrating New Year at home."

"So that's how it is... that's good. It's best to return to his own home on
such an important holiday."

"Is there anything else?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Bai Han Qi's expression froze before he laughed awkwardly, "There's

nothing else."

After Bai Han Qi left, Bai Luo Yin was not in the mood to work anymore.
His eyes moved toward the window. Meng Tong Tian was in the yard,
foolishly waving around a stick that was in his hand. After a while, Aunt Zou
called him into the house, leaving nothing for him to look at aside from a
single jujube tree. Its leaves had long fallen, and its branches and barks were
nakedly enduring the winter weather.

Just like that, he continued to gaze out until time sneakily passed by without
him noticing. A message alert sounded, and Bai Luo Yin picked up his phone
for look only to see that it was already past 11:00 PM.

The message was from Shi Hui: "Are you free tomorrow?"

Bai Luo Yin did not reply and placed the cellphone to the side, not knowing
how many times he had already turned a cold shoulder to those messages.

As expected, the things that you have lost was beautiful only at the time that
you have lost it. Once you picked it up again, its glamour was already gone.

When he received Shi Hui's call several days ago, he could still feel his
heartbeat quickening and for a long while he was unable to calm it down.
Now, that kind of feeling had faded, and the beautiful past has become as
transient as a fleeting cloud.

Why is it like this? Am I really a heartless person? Bai Luo Yin lightly sighed
and closed his eyes.

Bai Han Qi entered Bai Luo Yin's room again but once he saw that his son's
eyes were closed, he immediately thought that he had already fallen asleep,
so he quickly switched the lights off.

Bai Luo Yin's hands felt around for the cellphone beside his pillow, but
instead, he felt a cold item beneath his fingers.

It was a nail clipper.

With the cellphone's light, Bai Luo Yin could see a line of words etched
neatly on the clipper.

A husband that doesn't want to fuck his wife is not a good husband!

The other nail clipper was with Gu Hai and only two words were etched on it.

Fuck off!

Bai Luo Yin suddenly laughed. He laughed until a touch of suspicion

sprouted in his heart and that suspicion caused Bai Luo Yin's laughter to be
consumed with pain and agony-the aftertaste was drenched with despair.

Don't tell me that... the word I have often said to him was 'fuck off'?

Very late into the night, Bai Luo Yin suffered from insomnia again.

Shi Hui sent another message: "I can't sleep, what should I do? I miss you,
what should I do?"

Ignoring it once more, Bai Luo Yin's hand reached down toward his own
underwear. He used his hand to slowly comfort himself. It was only at a
moment like this could he get rid of all his troublesome thoughts and silently
indulged in this simple pleasure that allowed his body to gradually become

A fire was ignited in his heart and flickering about-first, it was dim and
before long it exploded causing the temperature of his heart to flare up.

Gu Hai's face suddenly flashed across his mind and his hands trembled
unknowingly while bewilderment traversed throughout his face and alighted

When Gu Hai had helped him released, he had imagined that Gu Hai was a
woman-only then could he fully engrossed himself in the moment.

It's preposterous... why is it that I only become excited because of him? Have
I really become a pervert?

Anxiety, restlessness, emptiness, concern... every single negative emotion

emerged and fought against the pleasures that had inevitably gravitated
toward his body, and as the strength of these two opposing forces collided,
neither advanced nor retreated... Bai Luo Yin's heart and mind plunged into
an abyss as it suffered severely from the lingering torment.

It felt like a ball of fire had torched his body, setting it ablaze as unrelenting
waves of heat surfaced, crested over him, and silently recapitulated until
those abiding emotions finally drowned out.

Bai Luo Yin silently gave up and let himself sink, allowing his feelings to act
willfully and devoured him.

He imagined that his own hands were Gu Hai's. He imagined the way the tip
of Gu Hai's tongue traveled slowly along his body. The more he thought of it,
the more excited he felt... the more he thought of it, the more he could not
control himself.

It was to the point that he had the desire to slip into Gu Hai and thrust into
him. That kind of need was very intense and strong... very strong.

As he reached his climax, Bai Luo Yin was unable to stop a moan from
seeping out. "Gu Hai..."

It sounded like a whisper that hovered close to his ears. Bai Luo Yin, himself,
was scared by this realization.

Why would I call out his name in a moment like this?

In the middle of the night, Bai Han Qi woke up with the need to relieve
himself. But he ended up finding his son crouching outside in his pajamas,
smoking a stick of cigarette instead.

"Yin Zi."

Bai Luo Yin stood up and looked at Bai Han Qi, "Dad, why are you up?"

"I need to use the toilet. Why are you crouching here? Hurry up and go
back to your room. Are you trying to get sick for the New Year?"

Bai Luo Yin stubbed the cigarette and steadied his gaze on Bai Han Qi.

"Dad, after you've finished, come sleep in my room."

In that instant, a flush crept over Bai Han Qi's face. When Bai Luo Yin was
younger, the two slept under the same blanket but now that his son was older,
he had completely stopped asking for his father to sleep in the same room.
Today was the first time since forever.

Bai Han Qi stepped forward and grabbed Bai Luo Yin's head with a cheerful
expression. "You haven't been home in such a long time, yet you still
know how to act like a spoiled child?"

Bai Luo Yin did not say anything.

Bai Han Qi patted his son's buttocks before he chided him, "Go in, your
cheeks are cold."

1 咯吱盒 - it's a box that contains a different type of sweets -some of which
are fried - think of bento box but with snacks
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 126: The Inquietude of Youth - Almost at the End of the Rope.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Dad, I have something to ask you."

When Bai Han Qi turned over, his face was only a few inches away from Bai
Luo Yin. He straightened his face while an earnest and solemn expression
drew out pleasantly across his face.

Seeing him like that, Bai Luo Yin felt a bit awkward. "Why are you
wearing this kind of expression? I just want to have a chat with you."

"Oh..." Bai Han Qi relaxed "I thought you wanted to discuss national

If it was to discuss national affairs, no one's going to ask you... Bai Luo Yin
thought to himself.
"I wanted to ask you, what kind of person do you think Gu Hai is?"

One of Bai Han Qi's finger immediately sprung up to poke. Bai Luo Yin's
head. "What did I say? I was certain that there was a problem between
you and Da Hai..."

Bai Luo Yin let out a long sigh, "First, don't worry about that. Just give
an objective opinion on Gu Hai as a person."

"That kid is absolutely wonderful."

Then, Bai Han Qi proceeded to raise his thumbs up in approval.

Bai Luo Yin laid on the bed with his chin resting on the pillow, quietly
waiting for Bai Han Qi to continue. However, Bai Hai Qi only grunted twice
to reiterate his approval of Gu Hai's excellent character. No other words
followed those two sounds.

"That's it?"

"Yeah, what else is there to say?"

An air of defeat hung close to Bai Luo Yin's face. He glared at Bai Hai Qi,
"Can you be a bit more specific? For example, his character, personality,
his behavior towards other people and so on..."

Bai Han Qi racked his brain before he prudently replied: "There are no
problems with his character, his personality is pretty good and his
behavior toward others is quite good as well."

...what, that's the same like not saying anything at all... forget it. There's no
need to ask anymore, asking is the same as not asking anyways.

Bai Luo Yin pulled the blanket over his body and planned on going to sleep.

However, when Bai Luo Yin decided not to hold on to any more hope, Bai
Han Qi started to speak again.

"Da Hai... that kid. He comes from a good background yet he's not vain.
He's ambitious, hardworking, and also generous. The one thing that I
like about him the most is that he is realistic. He would never play any
dirty tricks or deceive people. Before, I had always thought that
youngsters don't have any conscience, but now I know that it is not like
that at all. Some of the kids in today's generation are very conscience
while some aren't. But Da Hai is a very straightforward person and
wears his heart on his sleeves. If he likes something or someone, he likes
it but if he doesn't, then he doesn't. He is absolute and can make a clear
distinction between what he loves and hates. From the way I see it, he
means what he says and will absolutely stand by it."

Bai Luo Yin listened silently until his eyes opened again and he asked: "Are
you good at telling if someone is good or not?"

"Of course. My brain may not be as good as yours, but I definitely know
people better than you. How long have I been living? How many people
have I met already? You've only lived for this long, the small amount of
people you've met only amounts to the number of fingers on your

Bai Luo Yin, "Do you think that if someone like Gu Hai were to get
irritated, would he do something?"

"Like what? Give me an example."

"For example, if he dislikes a girl and found her to be an eyesore, would

he find someone to violate her... those kinds of things?"

"How can that be?" Bai Han Qi easily knocked the question down. "Da
Hai's conscience is absolutely honest and proper. He would never do
anything so wicked and lacking in virtue."

"What if he really hated the girl?"

"Even if he were to hate the girl, it can't be more than your mother,
right? Did he do something like that to your mother? And what about
that guy Meng Jianzhi who only knew how to pissed people off? What
did Da Hai do? He only gave him, like what, maybe a few punches? Did
he kill Meng Jianzhi?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't utter another word as his eyes gradually shifted toward the

Afterward, Bai Han Qi became really tired. When his eyes became hazy and
unconsciousness slowly beckoned him, Bai Han Qi patted the blanket that
was wrapped around Bai Luo Yin's body and muttered: "I swear on my
head, Da Hai, would never do anything of that nature. Don't foolishly
ponder about it anymore. Hurry up and go to sleep."

Did I really misunderstand him?...

Bai Luo Yin's eyelid soon became heavy and before long, he fell asleep too.

After midnight sauntered by, he slept really light. The side of his ear was
engrossed with Bai Han Qi's snores. Bai Luo Yin could not discern properly
whether he was dreaming or reminiscing.

A scene of the night that Bai Han Qi got married played out in front of him.
Gu Hai had placed him on his back, carried him to the rooftop and hugged
him tightly.

"I promise you, besides your dad, no one will ever be as good to you as I

For the first time ever, under Sun Jingwei most earnest and heartfelt
persuasion, Gu Hai agreed to return home to celebrate the New Year with Gu
Wei Ting.

It was already the 28th day of the twelfth month of the lunar year.

The streets seemed more desolate and desperate than ever. Since all signs of
traffic have miraculously disappeared, the driver proceeded without any

It was common knowledge amongst the residents of Beijing that whenever

any holiday arrived, the city would inevitably become a city of ghosts-empty
and lonely. The revered traditions and customs that had once reigned above
all else had gradually lessened over the years and people have become more
and more materialistic. That, in turn, had weakened their interest in
celebrating the coming year.

Half a month had gone by since Gu Hai returned to his own place. This time,
he only needed to grab a few things before taking leave.

Bai Luo Yin's car remained untouched, in the same spot and shielded under
the protection of the garage. However, Gu Hai did not let his sight land on it
as he withdrew the key out of his own car's ignition and sauntered into the

The elevator slowly rose. Gu Hai stood alone in the empty space when
suddenly, a simple string of thought sprung up in his mind. He thought that
for the past two weeks, he had not lived like a human being...

Every day, besides eating, the time meant for sleeping was spent training. He
simply didn't give himself the time or space to think or reflect at all.
Occasionally, he would seek out an older soldier and listen as he shared his
experiences in the army as a way to distract himself. It was only then would
his spirit and energy sneakily reassembled into his body and sober him.

Frankly speaking, there were no differences between him and the military
dogs that ran crazily around the training ground! This is how Gu Hai would
describe himself.

Gu Hai looked into the cabinets and flipped through some clothes. He had
planned on staying at home for a few days.

Since the day Bai Luo Yin had heartlessly wounded him until this very
second, each and every single one of Gu Hai's emotions has diminished.
Those emotions were normally used to define a person's inner feelings, but
for him, they all ceased to exist.

Before, he had thought that the hardest thing to endure was living under the
same roof as Jiang Yuan, but now, even that was no longer considered a
problem. As expected, it was time... only time was needed for people to learn
how to tolerate things.

When he got to the bottom of the wardrobe, he saw a neatly folded school
uniform jacket that was wrapped in a layer of clothes, encasing it like a
protective box.

It was the jacket that Bai Luo Yin had personally hand washed for him.

At that time, it was so precious to him that nothing else in the world could
compare to it. He never had the heart to wear it. So there it remained
untouched after all these days have passed.

As if a spell was cast upon him, Gu Hai tore at the wrapping and flung the
jacket to the ground. He stomped on it mercilessly. Each time his foot land,
he felt as though he had just trampled on his own heart.

And soon, into his eyes crept the old somberness of heartache.

With not even a second to spare, the aching pain traveled toward the core of
his being and gripped tightly around the invisible strings that held his heart
together. It squeezed and then attacked at that empty and miserably pulsating
muscle. There was nothing he could do to ward off those unshakeable
heartaches. The pain was unbearable... so painful that Gu Hai wanted to bash
his head against the wall.

You fucking idiot! You can just fucking stay with her until you're fed up. Just
let her lie and play around with you. Sooner or later, the day will come when
you will fucking suffer!

"Tomorrow is the 30th day of the month," Shi Hui said.

Bai Luo Yin silently looked at her, "When are you going back?"

"Go back? Back where?" Shi Hui's bright eyes sparkled.

"Go back abroad. You can't just abandon your studies just like that,

An indifferent expression spread on Shi Hui's face, "So what, abandoning is

abandoning. In any case, I want to stay beside you."


"Don't say anything!" Shi Hui covered her ears, "I don't want to hear it, I
don't hear it."

Bai Luo Yin lit up a cigarette and smoked silently.

All Shi Hui could concentrate on was Bai Luo Yin whose appearance
covered every inch of her sight. That was already the fifth cigarette he had
smoked since they sat down. She heard other people say that men smoked to
pass time.

Bai Luo Yin smoked frequently... does it mean, during times like this, he
found things unbearable?

Shi Hui tried to will those thoughts away, she did not want to let those it
consumed her. But the facts compelled her to think such thoughts repeatedly.
Since she came back, Bai Luo Yin's expressions have lessened.

Initially, she could still see some excitements and nervousness, but now, only
apathetic look remained. She had thought that if she suffered such a big
grievance, Bai Luo Yin would take pity on her and be more caring toward her
in any way possible. But, besides the usual concerns here and there, she
couldn't feel anything else.

Sometimes she also felt tired and she would secretly wipe away her tears. She
had also thought of giving up, but when she thought about things once more-
about the feelings and energy that she had sacrificed, she... could not let go.

Feelings can be rekindled and reconstructed, but finding a second person like
him was out of the question.

"Bai Luo Yin, why don't we go abroad together? That way, my studies
will not be abandoned and you will also have an even better prospect and
broader view of the world. Before, you didn't have this option, but now
that you do, why don't you go out and do your best? Do you know?
Foreign high school's life is pretty good. It's not like how you guys spend
it here, so mundane and even the livelihood is inhuman. If I didn't miss
you, I would not have come back. Think about it, okay?"

When the three members of the family were eating, Jiang Yuan excitedly
said: "You know, there still hope in regard to Luo Yin going abroad."

Hearing that, the color on Gu Hai's face changed yet feigned ignorance and
continued to eat.

"He came around to that idea himself?" Gu Wei Ting asked.

"More or less."

The more Jiang Yuan talked, the happier she became as she picked a piece of
fish for Gu Hai and urged him. "Xiao Hai, you can go together. You two
can take care of each other."

"I don't want to go."

"Eh? Aren't the two of you pretty close. To the point where neither one
can leave the other?"

Gu Hai coldly rebuked, "I don't want to go."

Jiang Yuan still wanted to say something but Gu Wei Ting spoke. "If he
doesn't want to go then don't let him. He can stay and enlist in the army
afterward. Staying in the army is the same thing."

"I guess so..." Jiang Yuan laughed, having nothing else to say.

Gu Hai spoke again, "I don't want to enlist in the army."

"You don't want to enlist in the army?" This time Gu Wei Ting's
eyebrows twitched, "Why don't you? You grew up in the army since you
were little. When there is nothing for you to do, you always go back there
and run. If you don't enlist then what do you want to do?"

Gu Hai calmly looked at Gu Wei Ting and then spoke with a blank
expression. "I may have run there, but it doesn't mean that I like it."

When he was done speaking, he placed his chopsticks down and returned to
his room.

Gu Wei Ting wanted to get up but Jiang Yuan forced him to stay.

"It's New Year, don't put any more pressure on him. Let's wait until
after the New Year to talk about it again..."

At that moment, the cell phone that sat on the side rang. Jiang Yuan patted
Gu Wei Ting on the shoulder, "I'm going to take the call, you stay here
and eat slowly."

Once the phone was placed against her ear, she could hear a sweet voice
wishing her well.

"Auntie, Happy New Year."

"Ah, it's Shi Hui, right?" Jiang Yuan's brows rose in delights and she was
all smiles. "Auntie just finished eating. Say hello to your family for me."

"Okay, Auntie."

Jiang Yuan immediately changed the topic to what she was most concerned

"That's right, how was your talk with Luo Yin? Last time, didn't you say
that Luo Yin might go abroad for your sake?"

"Yes, that's true. But I ran into a little bit of difficulty. Bai Luo Yin said
he's reluctant to leave his father."

Jiang Yuan frowned, "I knew that Lao Bai would be a hindrance. Don't
worry, I'll go over and have a talk with Lao Bai later to try and persuade

"Wow, Auntie is really strong."

"I'm not as strong as you, you silly girl! I've spoken to him many times
about this matter before, but each time, he would ignore me. Now that he
is thinking about it, it is certainly all due to your hard work."

"But... I feel really useless."

"Oh goodness, my little lucky star, you have more than enough
capabilities. Listen to Auntie's words, from now on, talk to him a lot
more about it and constantly remind him as well. Your words will get to
him. Leave his father to me, Auntie will concentrate on him. In short,
let's both work hard!"

"Yes Auntie, I definitely won't disappoint you."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 127: The Inquietude of Youth - All Hope is Gone. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


From the second to the fifth day of the first lunar month, Jiang Yuan busied
herself with visiting families and friends. Hence, preparations for Bai Luo
Yin to go abroad was temporarily placed to the side. On the sixth day, she
finally found some free time to relax her mind after much difficulty. But as
she leisurely strolled around the street, she bumped into one of her old
classmates who had just returned from abroad. Within just minutes of
chatting, she was unable to refuse it when her friend enthusiastically invited
her out to continue their chat. Being the energetic person that she was, she
warmly complied and accompanied her friend for dinner.

As she listened to her old friend account on how great life was abroad, Jiang
Yuan was thoroughly convinced of her current endeavor. This had not only
confirmed her conviction but also strengthened and made her even more
determined to follow through with everything. There was no other choice in
her mind, she must send Bai Luo Yin abroad. Once he has settled down over
there, it was only natural that she will go and stay with her son in her elderly

Jiang Yuan painted an extraordinarily beautiful and meticulous illusion with

her imagination. She never once thought that it was a strenuous task to
accomplish. Her belief is that there is nothing that she cannot attain if she set
her mind on it. Just take for example when she decided to sever her
relationship with Bai Han Qi and planned to marry a rich and powerful man.
Everyone around her had thought that she was delusional, practically crazy
and that it was just her own wishful thinking. But, in the end, reality favored

No women are born under an unlucky star and have to endure hardship.
There are only women who do not seek or have the ambition to progress.

This is what Jiang Yuan often told herself.

It was already dark outside when she arrived at the villa in the military base.
Jiang Yuan quickly made food and waited. Just as Gu Wei Ting and Gu Hai
took their seats at the table, Jiang Yuan picked up her bags and made her way
toward the front door to change her shoes. While she was changing her shoes,
she said: "I have some matters to handle, you two take your time eating."

Gu Wei Ting remained unperturbed as he glanced at Jiang Yuan. "Where do

you want to go this late at night?"

"I want to take care of the matter regarding Luo Yin's going abroad. I
have to go and take a look now."

"That fast?" Gu Wei Ting narrowed his eyes at her.

Jiang Yuan smiled, "Fast? I have been complaining that it's too slow."

"Why don't you just go tomorrow? How do you know if the person will
be available to see you or not this late?"

"I'm afraid something else will come up tomorrow and this matter will
be delayed even longer. Don't worry, I already made an appointment in

Jiang Yuan had already put on her shoes and was about to open the door
when Gu Wei Ting spoke again. "You could have just hired someone to
handle these things for you."

"I would still have to go and take a look myself, otherwise, I won't be at

Afterward, she bid farewell to Gu Wei Ting and Gu Hai and happily made
her way out the door.

In reality, she had yet to make any contacts with Bai Han Qi and to make
matters worse, she hasn't heard of any new information from Bai Luo Yin
either. But in Jiang Yuan's mind, those were only minute details. When
everything was fully prepared, there will be more than enough time for her to
deal with those two.

On this day, Gu Hai sat in his mother's room the entire night.

Bai Han Qi had woken up extremely early in the morning. He pushed opened
the door to Bai Luo Yin's bedroom and said: "I have to go to Tong Tian's
older aunt's place today. Lunch is already made. It's in the cabinet in the
kitchen so just heat it up in the afternoon and eat it."

After he finished, he headed out with Aunt Zou and Meng Tian Tong with
big and small packages of gifts in their hands.

It was already the seventh day of the first lunar month as Bai Luo Yin picked
up his cellphone and saw another text message from Shi Hui. He didn't even
bother to look at the message and replied with: "I want to meet with you

A few seconds later, Shi Hui responded. "When?"

Bai Luo Yin had already gone into the bathroom by that time.
He faced the mirror and brushed his teeth. Every time he looked up, he could
clearly see the school uniform hanging neatly behind him in the mirror.

On the night of the thirtieth, before the Lunar New Year, Bai Luo Yin had
gone to Gu Hai's place knowing well that he would not be there. In truth, he
did not have anything in mind since he only wanted to have another look
around since it was once half his home, his second home after all.

Everything inside was the same as when he had left except for the wardrobe
in the bathroom that was open, and on the floor next to his feet, was a school
uniform jacket that had been evidently trampled on. The dirt and wrinkles on
it were proof that it had suffered.

Bai Luo Yin had only picked it up, took it home, and washed it.

Even now, it has yet to dry up completely.

As Bai Luo Yin began to wash his face, his skin started to tingle and he could
sense that someone had opened the door. However, the foam on his face
stopped him from opening his eyes so he quickly hurried up and splash some
water to wash it off.

Suddenly, a very powerful force grasped the back of his head and pressed it
directly into the water that filled the sink, causing him to choke several times.
By the time his head was pulled out of the water, he was met with darkness.

His eyes had been blindfolded.

The sequence of the event that happened afterward was exactly the same as
the first time that he was kidnapped and taken to Gu Hai's place. This time,
however, the person himself was enacting this act.

Soon, a familiar scent wafted passed Bai Luo Yin's nose. When he was taken
into the car and placed down, he faced the person and repeatedly asked: "Is it
Gu Hai?"

The person beside him did not respond and as he drove his face remained
cold and detached.
"Speak up!" Bai Luo Yin shouted in a stiff yet harsh tone.

If it was really Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin felt that this was absolutely unnecessary
and he could simply talk to him in a calm manner, but he was afraid that it
was not Gu Hai.

"Are you Gu Hai or not?"

"Gu Hai, is it you?"

Bai Luo Yin asked the question repeatedly and each time he asked, the
urgency in his tone increased.

Several times after Gu Hai heard his name being called, he glanced at Bai
Luo Yin only to see his expression which made him want to respond. But, in
the end, he held back his tongue and kept silent.

Bai Luo Yin was thrown onto the person's shoulder and carried upstairs.

At that moment, there were no doubts in Bai Luo Yin's mind who the person
was. However, it was because this person was Gu Hai that a wave of fear
formed in the pit of Bai Luo Yin's stomach.

Due to the warm temperature of the room, he started to sweat within minutes
of entering. Then one by one, his clothes were taken off, some were just
completely torn apart; even the sweat did not stop the chill from overtaking
his body.

His pant was torn off. His underwear was torn off.

Bai Luo Yin finally spoke, "Gu Hai, I know it's you. You don't have to be
like this!"

Gu Hai didn't hear anything. Not a word entered his ears as he pulled out his
own member and stroked until it enlarged, becoming hot and thick as though
it could conquer anything.

Then he forcefully pressed down on Bai Luo Yin's upper body and raised his
waist up.
"Gu Hai, I'm telling you... mmmm..."

Gu Hai stuffed a towel into Bai Luo Yin's mouth and then removed his
blindfold so that he can clearly see everything that followed.

Without any lubricate, foreplay or even a warning, he thrust in brutally.

In just a second, the extreme pain and anguish circulated at full force
throughout Bai Luo Yin's body. Then as if he was being torn apart from the
sudden attack, he spasmed.

Since he had handcuffed both of his hands to the back of his body, Gu Hai
could see the veins protruding from the back of Bai Luo Yin's hands. Every
vein tightened like knots and cried out in unison-pain.

Pain, yes. Today I want you to feel the pain and make you remember it for the
rest of your life.

Gu Hai moved without any hesitations-after every thrust, after every

withdrawal, all he could see was red.

Before they left, he had stolen Bai Luo Yin's cellphone and was now replying
to Shi Hui's message. He sent her an address and then instructed her to arrive
within ten minutes.

Although Gu Hai slowed down, the intensity did not lessen.

It hurts... it hurts...

The pain ripped apart his internal organs.

It was so painful that the loud sound of Bai Luo Yin's teeth grinding together
floated throughout the room.

It was so painful that both his legs trembled uncontrollably.

It was so painful that his head became dizzy.

Since he was young, he had endured many hardships and sustained many
wounds. But those were like feathers falling on him compared to what he felt

Gu Hai struggled with having powerful physical arousals and guilt that arose
in his heart.

He felt as though he had reached heaven in one moment and then kicked
down to hell in the next moment. The taste was both pleasurable and
extremely uncomfortable.

As Bai Luo Yin's back submerged in a layer of cold sweat, Gu Hai could
faintly hear Bai Luo Yin say, 'it hurts' even as he bit down on the towel.

He gently wiped the sweats off of Bai Luo Yin's forehead and whispered:
"Baobei, it won't hurt in a bit."

Not soon after he finished saying those words, he suddenly thrust with full
force making it so that the gap separating him and Bai Luo Yin was no longer
there-they were completely connected together with not even a mere
centimeter to intrude on them.

Bai Luo Yin felt like his intestines were about to explode as Gu Hai started to
speed up. His member that was about the same thickness as his wrist charged
wildly, tussling deep inside of Bai Luo Yin.

Soon, Bai Luo Yin could feel his head spinning.

It's so fucking painful.

It was so painful that every vein in his entire body tightened like a rope, his
expression twisted into different directions and he wishes he could beat
himself to death with a stick.


Finally, a scream interrupted Gu Hai's movements.

Someone had been at the doorway for almost three minutes, shaking
She had witnessed many horrifying scenes before but nothing... nothing had
struck more terror and consumed her with fear than the one before her eyes
now. Those horrible scenes before were merely attacks on her visual
sensations, but this was purely on a psychological level-completely
destroying her willpower.

Shi Hui retreated with the intention of running but she was stuck between two

"Bring her in!"

Shi Hui cried, screamed and struggled as she was forced into the room.

Gu Hai smiled cruelly as an air of coldness sank deep into his expression.
"Take a good look, pretty girl."

Shi Hui continued to struggle and squirm as she cried out, "No... I don't
want to..."

Hearing that, Gu Hai started to move right in front of Shi Hui. He violently
and fiercely... devoured and conquered the person that she loves.

"Do you see it? He is mine. Me, Gu Hai's alone!"

When the towel stuffed in Bai Luo Yin's mouth was taken out, but he did not
struggle or yell. He gritted his teeth, refusing to make any sound as sweat
rolled down the side of his face when he turned away to the other side.

Gu Hai turned Bai Luo Yin's head back again.

The scene that followed afterward became a nightmare that etched itself into
Shu Hui's skin for the next few years to come. Every single time she thought
of it, she would break out in cold sweats.

Afterward, she was carried away by one of the men. Her face was now just a
ghastly color with no hint of blood and her eyes had lost all focus as
continued to shake. She was left abandoned in an alley until a man found her
and took her to the hospital.
Gu Hai thrust in a wild stupor before he abruptly pulled out, stroked his
member a bit and ejaculated.

Bai Luo Yin simply laid on the bed motionless.

After a long while, Gu Hai opened his mouth-all the fierceness that had
consumed him had dispersed, leaving behind only pain and remorse.

"I know that you will hate me for the rest of your life for what I did."

"But... I would rather let you hate me... I still have to do it. That girl
doesn't have any good intention, she is too manipulative. You can't be
with her... I have to wipe her out no matter what. If I don't, she won't
give up that easily. I can't just stand here and watch as she destroys you!
I would rather you hurt and suffer this one time than let you regret it
years later."

"I know... we are over now. I, Gu Hai, don't have any more
unreasonable request. You just can't be with her but if you choose to be
with someone else, I will never interfere."

When Gu Hai slowly released the handcuffs on Bai Luo Yin's wrist, his eyes
became red when he saw the trail of blood that remained.

"Bai Luo Yin, I, Gu Hai, can shed tears for you. I admit that I am a
bastard in front of you! I never kept my words. I told you that I trust
you, but I ordered people to keep an eye you. I told you I wanted to
break off our relationship, but I kidnapped and brought you here
instead. I said I respect you, but I raped you... I'm not human! But, I
really truly love you."

Bai Luo Yin did not respond or turn his head away again.

"Bai Luo Yin have you ever thought about me at all after such a long


Gu Hai's trembling hands caressed Bai Luo Yin's hair. "Just now, did it
hurt you really badly?"

Neither of Bai Luo Yin's eyelids moved even the slightest.

Gu Hai suddenly froze in place before he straightened out Bai Luo Yin's body
only to realize that there were no responses from the body in front of him.

He held Bai Luo Yin's face in between his hands and called out to him. "Yin
Zi, Yin Zi, wake up."

No matter how many times he tried to keep Bai Luo Yin's head up, it simply
hung down.

Gu Hai roared out in a fit of rage, "Hurry up and bring a doctor over

It was then that the other two men there understood what had happened and
immediately retreated out of the door.

Without wasting any more time, Gu Hai wrapped a thick blanket around Bai
Luo Yin's body and firmly secured him against his chest-pain and devastation
engulfed his heart.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 128: The Inquietude of Youth – I Admit that I am Wrong. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The doctor who was brought over was a very experienced and knowledgeable
physician. He had even studied abroad for many years and had seen many
similar cases. But, this was the first time he had ever seen someone hurt to
such a degree. His thick brows bunched up into a frown as signs of
astonishment and doubt settled on his face. He looked at the wound for a bit
then narrowed his eye and averted his gaze toward Gu Hai. A second later,
his eyes returned to the wound before ended up on Gu Hai again—not a
single word was exchanged during this process.

Gu Hai became anxious, “Doctor, how is he?”

“It’s fine, it’s only a superficial wound.”

Unable to relax his worried heart, Gu Hai pulled the doctor over to him:
“There won’t be any permanent damages right?”
“This…” the doctor seemed troubled. “It’s best not to let this happen a
second time.”

What the doctor meant was that it was best not to use this kind of rough
method a second time, however, Gu Hai had misunderstood and took it as he
cannot do this type of thing anymore. His face immediately darkened, buried
underneath the somber darkness of those words. But, at this point in time, he
could not even spare a moment to think about it.

Bai Luo Yin was critically wounded. More importantly, how can he help him
get better as soon as possible is…

“Doctor, if it’s just a superficial wound, how could he have fainted?”

The doctor looked sympathetically at Bai Luo Yin and sighed. “You’re
asking how could he have fainted…? Of course, it’s due to the pain.”

Once he heard that particular word, pain, Gu Hai’s lips went pale. “Does it…
does it hurt that much?”

The doctor patiently explained, “The tissues surrounding the anus possess
an abundance of nerve endings, the majority of which, are directly
connected to the spinal cord where pain and other sensations are
communicated and or perceived. It’s also highly populated with blood
vessels. Therefore, this area is more susceptible to pain. You should go
and visit the hospital rooms for patients that had undergone a
hemorrhoid surgery. Just go, take a look. Healthy and strong men like
you, each and every single one of them, would wail like a ghost and howl
like wolves. I’m not trying to scare you, but this kind of pain exceeds an
average person endurance limitation.”

Gu Hai stood still as his stature stiffened like a wooden stake. With an
ironclad face, he tried to calculate the time…

How long did I do it? Twenty minutes? Half an hour? Or… an hour?

As Gu Hai called that moment, regrets welled up in his heart at the sight of
Bail Luo Yin’s distorted face. He truly wished he could hack himself into
thousands of pieces.

“Help me hold him down. I have to treat his wound first,” the doctor said.

Gu Hai returned to his senses and quickly went to wash his hands. When he
came back, he did as the doctor instructed and held down Bai Luo Yin’s
waist before the doctor carefully parted his butt.

Gu Hai did not dare to look any closer since he knew how grave the situation
was with just a glance at the doctor’s expression.

“If he struggles, you have to hold him down firmly to avoid getting cut
by these instruments.”

Gu Hai’s expression changed, “What… he’s already unconscious, how can

he struggle?”

Once again the doctor said a string of painful words struck Gu Hai severely.
He would rather be dead than breathe a second longer.

“He will most likely wake up from the pain.”

Surely enough, when the doctor used a speculum to slightly expanded the
rectum in order to sterilize the rectal lining, Bai Luo Yin’s suddenly moved.
His eyes had yet to crack open when his fingers curled tightly together into a
fist as pain crawled mercilessly onto every inch of his body, leaving him in

The pain in Gu Hai’s heart heightened as he faced the doctor and roared:
“Can’t you be a bit more gentle? Are you here to help stop the pain or to
kill him?”

The doctor was older and being yelled at by a kid certainly did not make him
feel good.

“Let me tell you, this process still has to be done no matter which doctor
comes. If you think I’m not treating him well enough, you can get
someone else right now.”
After his burst of struggle, Bai Luo Yin lost consciousness again from

With a pale face void of all color, Gu Hai peered down at Bai Luo Yin one
last time and held him down. Then he signaled for the doctor to continue.
This process continued for about five minutes with the doctor trying his best
to lessen the movements and be more gentle, but this only meant that Bai Luo
Yin had to suffer even longer.

Throughout this process, Bai Luo Yin became conscious about four or five
times, each time, he writhed and swayed pain. All Gu Hai could do was hold
him down and even if he could not hold him down, he still forced himself to
until Bai Luo Yin fainted again. Afterward, he would wake up once more. It
went on before the doctor said that it was done…

It was the same as experiencing damnation in purgatory for the first time.

Gu Hai’s eyes welled up with tears as he tried with all his might to hold them
back, however, they flowed down with the sweat that covered his face while
his chest remained in an everlasting tightened state—it was a heart-wrenching
and unusual sight.

Several times, the doctor could not help but glance at Gu Hai.

How can this kid be so weak and fragile when he looks so strong. The
wounded person hasn’t even cried as bad as this yet… but look at you, you
don’t even look human anymore sobbing like this.

If you had known it was going to be like this, why did you do it?

“Okay, that’s enough. I was just scaring you just now so that you’d learn
a lesson. Since his body is quite weak, he’ll be more sensitive to pain. It’s
fine, such a big kid like him won’t die from pain! But you, you have to
keep this in your memory, don’t make such stupid mistakes again next

Afterward, he attached an IV drip to Bai Luo Yin and instructed Gu Hai:

“For the next few days, don’t let him eat anything. There are severe
damages to the inner lining of the rectum so any bowel movements can
cause it to easily be infected. I’ve put him on an IV drip for now. That
should give him enough energy to go about with his daily activities.
Everything else must be avoided.”

Gu Hai nodded.

After a while, a nurse brought in medicines, the majority of which were

topical applications and some oral ones, all of which had instructions written
on the package. The doctor proceeded to pass the medicines, along with his
contact information over to Gu Hai, informing him to contact him if anything
peculiar occur. Not long after, he rushed out, leaving the nurse behind to take
care of the patient since he needed to attend other places.

When the infusion of the nutrient within the IV bag was completed, the nurse
prepared to take her leave. But Gu Hai immediately stopped the nurse when
he noticed that Bai Luo Yin had a fever. The nurse quickly measured Bai Luo
Yin’s temperature only to find that it was higher than usual, and with that,
she called the doctor who hurried back. He gave Bai Luo Yin some
antipyretic medications to help reduce his fever and instructed Gu Hai to not
let Bai Luo Yin get cold—in other words, keep him nice and cozy. By the
time he left, it was already quite late.

Gu Hai tightly held onto Bai Luo Yin with his naked body underneath two
thick cotton comforters over. This way, he can directly feel Bai Luo Yin’s
body temperature and warm up the bed.

Soon, both of them sweated profusely throughout the night until Gu Hai
sensed that Bai Luo Yin’s temperature lowered.

In the morning, Gu Hai called for someone to bring new bed sheets and
comforters to replace the dampened ones.

The doctor came to check up again, gave a few more instructions, then left
immediately after. The nurse put another IV drip on Bai Luo Yin and left
once she was done.

Bai Luo Yin finally woke up around noontime.

Before this, Gu Hai had yet to drink even a drop of water and had remained at
the bedside, neither moving or making a sound the entire time—even the skin
underneath his eyes was dark.

He mentally called out to Bai Luo Yin to quickly wake up. But at the same
time, he was afraid that once those dark eyes opened… he was afraid that he
will tell him to leave… afraid that he will not be able to atone for his
despicable crime.

However, Bai Luo Yin did not hold any feelings, except for one. Pain. That
was what he felt when his eyes opened.

Why was it so painful?

From the top of his head to the sole of his feet, from within his bones to the
surface of his skin, every inch of his entire body cried pain.

Within these twenty-something hours, it was like he had experienced the

cycle of reincarnation.

The scene from that time reached out for him, trying to pulling to drown him.
He did not dare to remember any of it, he did not dare to think. He would
rather believe that it was all a dream… just a dream. But now, the person that
caused this nightmare was lying beside him.

Those lifeless, bloodshot eyes looked him up and down.

“You’re awake?” Gu Hai tried to touch Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder, “Do you
feel a little better?”

“Don’t touch me!”

It was as expected. Bai Luo Yin was especially afraid of anyone touching

His entire body felt as if it was covered in wounds and not even a single spot,
a single pore was left unwounded. He did not want to be touched anywhere as
even the nerves on his face cried out in pain when he spoke this loud.
Bai Luo Yin continued to lie on the bed with his face turned toward Gu Hai
and his eyes fixated on him. After a long while in that position, his neck
began to ache so he turned his head to the other side with much difficulty—a
humming sound goes off in his head.

From the time Bai Luo Yin stopped him to the moment he turned his head to
the other side, Gu Hai watched him attentively. He absorbed every detail of
his actions into his brain as if it was all he could do.

Gu Hai knew that Bai Luo Yin was using these manners to express his
contempt toward him. Even though he had prepared his heart for this… it was
different, nonetheless. Having this scene really materialize right in front him,
Gu Hai’s heart tightened and twisted in all directions.

“I know… you want me to disappear from your sight. I admit, I regret it

now. You have the right to choose who you like, who you love… the right
to experience a love that I might not like, the right to go abroad… it was
me who stubbornly believed that I was right… it was me who selfishly
wanted to keep you here. If I had known you would suffer so much,
endure so much… I would have not done it even if I was beaten to death!
I would rather she lied to you. Even if you were to get hurt in the future,
at the very least, I wouldn’t have to see it…”

“When you feel better, if you want to kick me down from this floor, I
won’t even refuse or protest. But right now, please let me stay here. You
also don’t wish for anyone else to see you injured like this, right?”

“I’ve destroyed all of your dignity in front of her… it must have been
difficult to accept, right? I don’t want to reopen your wounds again, but
there is no need for you to take it to heart. Really, how can a person like
her, who is willing to degrade herself and fool around with others know
what dignity is? Of course, I am not trying to find an excuse for myself.
It was just that I don’t want you to take things to heart and be

“Yin Zi, when you’re better, you can stab me a few times.”

After what seemed like a millennium, Bai Luo Yin was no longer able to
endure all the sound and spoke. “Can you not talk anymore?”

His entire body felt sore. His spirit was extremely tired, so tired that all he
wanted was some peace and quiet. But since he opened his eyes, this person
babbled on endlessly right beside him, making his brain feel as though it was
about to explode. A desolate void had taken over his head, all he felt was the
emptiness swirling. His body was already at its limit, and he did not have the
energy to think about those questions.

“Why won’t you let me talk?” Gu Hai still insisted.

Bai Luo Yin, “I’m annoyed.”

Gu Hai did not utter another word as he lied beside Bai Luo Yin and quietly
watched him without letting his eyes be led astray.

Before long, Bai Luo Yin fell asleep again and woke up about two hours
later, feeling somewhat more energetic even though his body was still aching.

When Gu Hai saw him, he took the initiative to get off the bed and made his
way to the windows. He was afraid that Bai Luo Yin did not turn his head
toward him because he was avoiding him. Or perhaps, if he did turn, his neck
would ache once more.

In reality, Bai Luo Yin did not think too much of anything. He was willing to
comply with anything as long as his neck was comfortable since all his
movements were influenced by how his body was feeling.

“I’m a bit hungry,” Bai Luo Yin managed to squeeze out in between the

Gu Hai vaguely heard Bai Luo Yin said something to him as he swiftly
turned around with a look of surprise.

“What did you say?”

Bai Luo Yin opened his mouth again, “Is there anything to eat?”

The smile on Gu Hai’s face gradually faded as sadness replaced it.

It was already difficult to get him to talk to me, it was already difficult for
him to demand something of me… it was already difficult for me to finally be
able to do something for him, but who would have thought that it was
because… he wanted to eat.

“There’s nothing?” Bai Luo Yin licked his lips up and down.

Gu Hai steadily turned his head away, afraid to look at the expression on Bai
Luo Yin’s face. He did not dare to look, “The doctor said you can’t eat

“Oh, I can’t eat…” Bai Luo Yin muttered listlessly.

Gu Hai softly consoled him, “Don’t worry. I’m here with you. If you don’t
eat, I won’t eat either. We can be on IV drips together. Before you can
eat, I absolutely will not touch any food.”

Bai Luo Yin was about to say that he had gone insane… but then he saw that
Gu Hai had gathered all the food in the house and flung it out of the window
without any hesitation.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 129: The Inquietude of Youth - Better to Face it than to Avoid

it. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


True to his words, Gu Hai did not eat anything for three days. To be more
precise, he did not leave the room within that time frame. When Bai Luo Yin
was given the intravenous fluids, Gu Hai was also beside him with a tube
protruding out of his hand.

The doctor could not stand to look at this scene and began to complain in
disapproval. "Young man, how lazy can you get? Does it take that much
time to just go down and find something to eat?"

Gu Hai did not say anything. He extended his arm out and signaled for the
doctor to just do it.

If I tell you to put the needle in, just do it. It's not like I won't pay you for it.
After three days of treatments, Bai Luo Yin's body was almost back to
normal aside from his limited movements.

Once his physical strength returned, hunger followed-Bai Luo Yin

understood the feeling of an empty stomach. For him, it was fairly good to
just lay in bed every day since he can easily cross the threshold into slumber.
In that way, time passed by. But for someone like Gu Hai who was perfectly
healthy and was taking care of sick patient every day, hunger must have been

"You should go and eat something," Bai Luo Yin simply put it.

Gu Hai shook his head as his back touched the headboard. He narrowed his
eyes slightly as if caught in some deep thought, unable to escape from it.

"It's been done and over with. Hurting and torturing yourself won't give
you any advantages so you should just go and eat. Even if you starve
yourself to death, it won't change anything."

A disturbingly bloodless and sallow complexion rested on Gu Hai's face,

likely, due to the events of the past few days.

"I'm not trying to gain your trust by starving or torturing myself. I don't
have any appetite."

No other words seeped out of Bai Luo Yin's lips as he closed his eyes. While
he waited for slumber to befell him, he felt two hands moved along his

The doctor wanted to apply medication on him... again.

The first few times that the medication was applied, Bai Luo Yin found the
process to be the most uncomfortable, even agonizing really-after all, the
doctor was also a man. Having his rear touched by another man was neither a
grand splendor nor a glorious victory, especially when the injury transpired in
such a mortifying, humiliating manner. For that reason alone, every time the
doctor was present, he would bury his head beneath the pillow and kept silent
even if the doctor had some questions for him.

Fortunately, the doctor was a good, upright and honest person who had a
great medical ethic and attitude. He not only never taunted or ridiculed Bai
Luo Yin but had also informed him a few things that they needed to
conscious of during sexual activities. He enlightened them on various ways to
enjoy a healthy sexual lifestyle and his encounters with these kinds of cases.
Although it was inappropriate and probably not the best time to discuss these
type of matters, it nonetheless dispelled some of Bai Luo Yin's concern and

After that, he no longer used a pillow to cover his head. He had even said a
few courteous words such as 'thank you' before the doctor took his leave.

However, it was pitiful how there were very little verbal exchanges between
him and Gu Hai.

Within these three days, their conversations consisted of no more than ten

If Bai Luo Yin did not take the initiative to speak, Gu Hai would not say
anything either. Occasionally, he would ask him if he needed to use the
bathroom and other things of that nature and if Bai Luo Yin did not reply, it
meant that he did not need to and if he did need to, he would simply shift his
body for a second. Gu Hai would naturally go to the other side of the bed and
help him up.

As usual, before he went to sleep, Gu Hai would bring a basin of hot water
and wipe down Bai Luo Yin's body.

Bai Luo Yin, "There's no need to wipe today. I'll be going home soon
anyway, it's fine to be a bit dirty. I'll take a good bath once I get home."

The towel in Gu Hai's hand stopped midway in the air. He hesitated for a
second and lifted the comforter to the side.

"Since you're going to be leaving soon, if I can wipe you down a few
more times, I'll take that chance. It might just be the last time I get to. I
won't be able to later on even if I want to."

Bai Luo Yin did not say anything else. He simply closed his eyes and soon
fell asleep with the warm towel still rubbing against his skin.

After he finished wiping, Gu Hai stared at Bai Luo Yin's sleeping face for a
very long time, etching every detail of his feature into his memory. His
feelings erupted and unable to hold it back, he gave him a kiss. But suddenly,
he felt that doing something like that only made it even harder for himself, so
he pulled himself up and got off the bed.

In the middle of the night, Bai Luo Yin was dragged out of sleep only to find
that Gu Hai had fallen asleep. With his face so close to his, Bai Luo Yin kept
his eyes open.

This was the first time that he had seen Gu Hai sleeping since he was brought

In the past, no matter what time Bai Luo Yin woke up, Gu Hai's eyes were
always open-always. Sometimes, he would find him standing in front of the
windows, sometimes at the bedside but most of the time, he only laid silently
on the bed next to him. Those anthracites colored eyes were always fixated
engrossed in his visage.

One night, Bai Luo Yin had asked Gu Hai:

"Why don't you sleep?"

At that time, Gu Hai did not answer right away but after Bai Luo Yin had
fallen into a deep, deep sleep Gu Hai let his sonorous voice traveled
throughout the room.

"I want to prolong the time I have with you."

Today, he was most likely dead tired. Having not consumed any substances
for several days and nights, it would have been strange if he was able to
endure it!
The next morning when the doctor came to check on his health, he happily
slapped Bai Luo Yin's rear end.

"A young man's body is indeed amazing! I even thought that with this
kind of injury, you would be lying down for at least a few more days but
from the look of it, I don't see any more problems. When you go back,
try to get as much rest as possible and remember to apply the medication
on time."

Bai Luo Yin straightened his body and stood up for the first time. While he
faced the doctor, he immediately asked his most urgent and dire question.
"Can I eat something now?"

"This..." the doctor hesitated for a second, "It should be alright, but not
too much. Have more liquefied food, vegetables, and fruits. Also, limit
the consumption of spicy food, even better... just avoid them altogether."

Bai Luo Yin smiled and nodded, "I understand."

The doctor patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, "Then, I'll be heading out now.
If there are any problems, don't hesitate to give me a call."

Bai Luo Yin walked the doctor to the front door, "Take care."

"Okay, there's no need to see me off. Go back."

Back in the room, Gu Hai stood next to the wall without moving. Since the
doctor arrived to when he left, he had yet to change his posture or speak.

Bai Luo Yin was about to pack up when Gu Hai pointed to a backpack near
the nightstand.

"Your things have already been packed."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin went to get his backpack and went to the door to
change his shoes.

The feelings of being able to leave that bed and leave this room was amazing.
Gu Hai also packed up his own belongings. This place belonged to a female
cousin of his and he had only borrowed it. Now that Bai Luo Yin was
leaving, there was no need for him to remain.

The two walked down the stairs with neither speaking and stopped in front of
a thoroughfare where taxis would pass by often. To get a taxi, all that needed
to be done was to wave one's hand.

Bai Luo Yin took a few steps forward. He was about to raise his hand up
when Gu Hai suddenly grasped it.

"Do you really want to leave?"

Bai Luo Yin turned to look at Gu Hai with a resolution, "Since before you
did this kind of thing, you must have already predicted the consequences.
Now you have to willingly accept them."

Gu Hai hesitated, unwilling to let go, but in the end, he decided to loosen his
grip. He took out a wallet from his bag, pulled out some cash, and gave them
to Bai Luo Yin. "I forgot to put some money in your bag. Keep it for the

After he said this, he turned and walked away.

As Bai Luo Yin's eyes lingered on Gu Hai's back when he walked into the
distance, it appeared strong and determined yet lonely and desolate at the
same time, and before long, his figure faded.

Once he got in the taxi, Bai Luo Yin opened the backpack and found that
inside were medications but the package and bottles were all switched and
replaced to something else-probably done out of fear that Bai Luo Yin's
family might see what they were for. There are several articles of clothing, all
of which had been washed and beneath was something warm. Bai Luo Yin
pulled the thing out for a look: lunch boxes, each layer wrapped tightly above
the other. He opened it up, there were bland rice porridge and several
common yet simple dishes such as vegetables and fishes. These were all the
food suggested by the doctor. For Bai Luo Yin, a person that had not eaten
for three days, these were already the most delicious food...
After filling his stomach with food and water, Bai Luo Yin did not go home,
but rather, he went to find someone else.

After what had transpired that day, Shi Hui was unable to come out of the
shadow of that dark scene. She had become unusually depressed, unwilling to
communicate with anyone. She kept silent and at times, fell into a complete
daze. Upon seeing their precious daughter like that, her parents became
extremely anxious. They called on several psychiatrists to advise them, but
there was no improvement.

On this day, the household's nanny rushed over and said to her: "There's
someone outside looking for you. He said his name is Bai Luo Yin."

The deepest pallor and the brightest color flitted across Shi Hui's once pale
and sickly face. She immediately changed her shoes and ran out of the door.

When Bai Luo Yin saw Shi Hui, his ex-girlfriend, who had personally
witnessed him being XXXX by another guy, he was not flustered or ashamed
in her presence as he had imagined. On the contrary, he was exceptionally
calm and collective.

In fact, it was Shi Hui who could no longer control her emotions the moment
her eyes rested on Bai Luo Yin; the tears immediately flowed.

"Tell me that what I saw that day was all fake."

Bai Luo Yin stayed silent a long time before he calmly spoke. "What you
saw was all real."

A wild and crazy rage befell Shi Hui as she looked at Bai Luo Yin and
smashed her fist on his chest. With each and every punch that landed, she
vented out the depression and resentment that had laid dormant within her

"Why? Why did you become like this? I don't believe it. Even when I
die, I won't believe it."
Bai Luo Yin flung Shi Hui's arm away, no longer showing any sign of pity or
tenderness in his expression... and his words held no mercy in them either.

"You have to believe it even if you don't want to. The truth is that the
person I like is Gu Hai."

Shi Hui's shoulders trembled as she stared directly at Bai Luo Yin with tears-
stricken eyes.

"Don't you think what you're doing is unusually cruel?"

Bai Luo Yin smiled indifferently. "I think that your mental capacity is
strong enough to endure this. After all is said and done, you've already
directed a shameless scene of yourself being violated by those men on the

A deathly pallid color sank into Shu Hui's face; she could no longer dare to
look straight into Bai Luo Yin's blazing eyes that practically exhausted and
depleted all her imaginations to nothing.

"When did you know this? Who told you?"

"No one told me. I just came to realize it myself. You are smarter than
Gu Hai and when Gu Hai tells a lie, he can never cover it up well."

Shi Hui's voice shook, "Since you... already knew, why didn't you expose

"I didn't want to expose you. I know girls can be sensitive and I didn't
want to put you on the spot and make you feel embarrassed in front of
me. At first, I had wanted to keep this matter to myself and pretend that
it didn't happen, but afterward, I wanted to talk to you to clear things up
so that you can give up on me. But in the end, I wasn't able to talk to you
and all these things happened. I guess he was even more impatient than I
was..." a bitter and painful smile appeared on Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

Shi Hui became lost for a second and in a daze, she sat down on the stone
bench nearby, letting the cold touch consume her body.
"Shi Hui, there is no need to be like this. I am not insulting you. I respect
every girl, especially those that like me. I can understand why you did all
these things and the motivation behind why you want me to go abroad.
Trust me, everything that you have done for me, I will remember them.
But I mean it when I say that I do not like you anymore and that we are
completely over. I hope that you have the same respect for me and the
decision that I make as I have for you. If you can do that, I will have
more gratitude toward you."

"Bai Luo Yin, you have changed. Where have all your rationality gone?
Your principles?"

"Now I just believe in my heart even more."

If the scene Shi Hui had witnessed a few days ago was a fatal blow to her
then, this was the end of the world.

Bai Luo Yin offered a last piece of advice as a friend.

"Treat yourself well, after all, you are the most important person to
yourself in this world."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 130: The Inquietude of Youth – Don’t be too Cruel. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The five days that Bai Luo Yin was away, the Bai’s household was thrown
into a complete mess as confusion crushed them into a pitiful state.

Initially, Jiang Yuan had already handled all the necessary formalities needed
in order to send Bai Luo Yin abroad. She had remained in constant contact
with the school abroad, trying to maintain close ties with them. This was
done in order to ensure that everything went according to the methodical plan
that she had implemented.

Even more, Jiang Yuan had also communicated her thoughts on this matter
with Bai Han Qi who did not agree or disagree with her. He simply stated
that he will respect his son’s decisions. But when this critical moment
arrived, Bai Luo Yin was nowhere to be seen or be found.

She had asked Shi Hui, but Shi Hui said she did not know. She had asked
Yang Meng, but Yang Meng also said he did not know. Then as a last resort,
the idea of asking Gu Hai also sprung into her mind, but in the end, she
discovered that Gu Hai had also vanished.

Finally, Jiang Yuan brought not only her grievance but also the anger and
resentment to the Bai’s household—directing her annoyance where she
deemed it conjured.

She insisted over and over again that Bai Han Qi should abandon the idea of
covertly keeping their son hidden and to bring him back out. No matter how
many times Bai Han Qi explained to her that he did not have any knowledge
of Bai Luo Yin’s whereabouts, she refused to listen.

Her tyrannical actions surely did not end there. She kindly took it upon
herself to call the police over to the Bai’s residence and threatened to drag
Bai Han Qi to the station and have him locked up—distress betide anyone
who crossed path with her.

Not long after, a state of utter pandemonium crept throughout the once quiet
residence. With such extreme noise and confusion, Bai Han Qi did not have a
chance to properly enter the house when Grandma Bai was taken to the

Jiang Yuan’s suspicion continued to feast up her mind. She ordered a group
of men to follow behind Bai Han Qi’s every footstep and another group to
stay at the Bai’s residence. They stood in the shadow of the entrance and kept
a lookout for any sign of Bai Luo Yin’s appearance.

All day, Jiang Yuan continued to wreak havoc on every ground she stepped
on. It was to the point that even the neighbors became irritated with tiredness
clearly visible on their faces.

Every day, for about three to five times a day, the sound of the police sirens
would sound in their vicinity; an indication that soon the police will stop right
in front of their houses. When midday passed, noon passed, nighttime passed
—their sleep time was forcibly keep away from them. A midday nap, a good
night sleep was indeed out of the question.
The New Year had barely started and everyone’s heart was already consumed
with fear. The time normally meant to be celebrated was sheathed in
anxiousness as trepidation stalked by closely.

Did Bai Hai Qi not want to find Bai Luo Yin? Come on, he was even more
anxious than Jiang Yuan! But what good would all of that anxiousness do?
Both Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai’s disappearance occurred at the same time.
More importantly, no one could get in contact with either of them. Even if he
wanted to find them, he couldn’t!

In no time, it will be the fifteenth of the first lunar month1. While everyone
else was busy going out to buy yuan xiao2, Bai Han Qi, on the other hand,
didn’t even have a second to stand still or breathe properly.

Every day, he designated a time frame in which he would go to the hospital.

Fortunately, Aunt Zou was there to look after Grandma Bai, otherwise, he
wouldn’t even have the time to leave and attend to other matters.

When he returned home, he had to guard off that group of ‘bandits’ who had
created a disturbance and caused trouble in the surrounding area. Only doing
that was he was able to apologize to the neighbors as well.

But the one thing that made him even more displeased, somewhat angry
even, was none other than Bai Luo Yin.

How can he just leave like that and not even give a call?

In fact, this was also due to Gu Hai’s negligence. Since everything happened
all of a sudden, he had forgotten to get in contact with Bai Han Qi.

Bai Luo Yin thought that when he was still in his state of unconsciousness,
Gu Hai had already weaved a lie to conceal the truth from Bai Han Qi.
Hence, he did not think that it was necessary to get in contact with Bai Han

Early in the morning, Bai Han Qi grabbed a few deep-fried crullers3 and
shoved it into his pocket before immediately flying out the front door. He
wanted to have an early start at the hospital so that later on when he returned
home, there would still be enough time to go and look for his son.

But when he arrived at the head of the alleyway, he was intercepted by Jiang

For the past couple of days, Jiang Yuan was also extremely tormented. Her
strength had already been depleted by the anger consumed her and the ruckus
she had caused. Moreover, she was overwhelmed with concern over her son’s

“Where’s Yin Zi?”

Everyday Jiang Yuan, without a single doubt, would ask Bai Han Qi this
question. If not face to face, then she would make a phone call.

Even if Bai Han Qi’s temperament was really good, he would nonetheless
become irritated if Jiang Yuan questioned him over and over again.

“I already told you, he’s not home. I’m looking for him as well. Haven’t
you done enough already? Aren’t you done yet?”

“No, I’m not!” Jiang Yuan used her bag to attack Bai Han Qi. “You’re just
looking for him now? What have you been doing for the last couple of
days? What did you do the very first day my son left? You’re definitely
the cause of it! You and that woman must have made it hard for him and
threw him out.”

“Then Da Hai, how come he isn’t around? Did you make it hard on him
and threw him out? Huh?!” Bai Han Qi’s eyes widened as he stared angrily
at Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan’s face was livid with displeasure. She threw her, thousands of
dollars or more, brand name bag on the ground. Her heavily breathing was
drenched with hatred allowing no words to escape her lips.

Bai Han Qi, whose face was ashen with rage allowed his eyes to remain focus
on Jiang Yuan. “He’s already 17 years old, practically 18. If he really
wanted to leave home, he has the ability to take care of his own life. Is it
necessary for you to cause so much trouble?”

“Bai Han Qi, are you even listening to yourself? Is it sensible to say those
words?” Jiang Yuan’s beautiful face became distorted because of the anger.
“What do you take my son for? A pig confined in your family’s pigpen?
You feed him whenever you want then lock him up whenever you want!!
What have you taught him after all these years? Have you seen what he’s
become now? He’s cold, detached, heartless and doesn’t know his own
wrongdoings… he doesn’t even recognize his own biological mother.”

Bai Han Qi pulled the deep-fried crullers and flung it on the ground. “That’s
your own evil doing!”

After those words flew out of his mouth, Bai Hai Qi turned, having every
intention to leave but then Jiang Yuan advanced toward him and attempted to
block him. Without thinking, Bai Han Qi pushed her to the side which caused
her to stagger and fall to the ground.

Two youthful men immediately got out of the car and shoved Bai Han Qi in.

Jiang Yuan’s hair was in complete disarray as she shouted with tears in her
eyes. “Don’t hurt him, otherwise my son’s going to take my life.”

Bai Luo Yin arrived home around noon. The moment he stepped in, he found
things rather strange since not a single soul was home, even Grandpa Bai and
Grandma Bai who were always home was nowhere to be found. Ah-Lang
was in his cage, barking furiously. Bai Luo Yin went over and stroke his head
and after Ah-Lang quietened down only to face the front door and bark
crazily again.

Bai Luo Yin got up and let his eyes linger at the front door. Just as he exited,
he saw three shadows faced the west side and leaped away.

What in the world is going on?

As he was deep in thoughts, Aunt Zhang, one of the neighbor, walked over
from the east side.

The moment Aunt Zhang’s eyes landed on Bai Luo Yin, they suddenly
widened in surprise. Afterward, she pulled his arm, looked at his shoulder,
and smacked it twice.

“You… you little scoundrel! Even if you went out to play, how can you
not say something? Your dad has been looking all over the place for you
for the past two days. He’s about gone crazy by now and your grandma
was so anxious, she got hospitalized.”

Bai Luo Yin’s face went pale before he quickly pulled out his phone and
gave Bai Han Qi a call, but no one picked up. Then he phoned Aunt Zou who
told him that she was at the hospital. Bai Luo Yin hastily made his way to the

Just as Grandma Bai saw him, her ailment took a turn for the better. Grandpa
Bai, Aunt Zou, and Meng Tong Tian were all there, the only person missing
now was Bai Han Qi.

“Yin Zi, were you able to get through to your dad?” Aunt Zou asked.

Bai Luo Yin shook his head, “Not yet, it didn’t go through.”

“Try it again,” Aunt Zou became a bit anxious. “How can it not go
through? That Lao Bai4, he must have forgotten to bring his cellphone
with him before going out again.”

Bai Luo Yin dialed Bai Han Qi’s cell phone number again.

Bai Han Qi was ‘invited’ over to Jiang Yuan’s and locked in a room. Good
tea and good cigarettes were served to him, but he was not allowed to leave.

His cellphone was held tightly in Jiang Yuan’s grasp.

Just when Bai Luo Yin called, Jiang Yuan had left but when she returned, the
phone sounded. She quickly rushed over to answer it. Once she saw that it
was Bai Luo Yin’s name, she was so excited that she could barely hold the
phone steady in her hand.

As expected, this trick was useful: lock up Lao Bai and Xiao Bai would not
be able to stay still.

“Yin Zi, you’ve finally appeared. Mom has been so worried and anxious,
I was about to die.”

How can it be that Jiang Yuan picked up?

Bai Luo Yin was confused but afraid that Aunt Zou would hear, he quickly
walked out of the patient’s room.

“Where’s my dad?”

“Your dad is with me. If you want to see him, just come here. I’ll send
someone to get you.”

Twenty minutes later, Bai Luo Yin arrived at Jiang Yuan’s place.

Once Jiang Yuan saw Bai Luo Yin, she immediately pulled him into a tight
hug and sobbed. “Yin Zi, where have you been for the past few days. I’ve
been worried sick.”

Bai Luo Yin simply pushed her away and asked, “Where’s my dad?”

Bai Han Qi stood at the doorway. His pale face livid with anger stared
directly at Bai Luo Yin. As Bai Luo Yin made his way toward him, he
immediately reproached him.

“What have you been doing these couple of days?”

Bai Luo Yin wasn’t even able to reply when Jiang Yuan flew into a fury first.

“Why are you yelling at him?”

Without paying attention to Jiang Yuan, he went to stand beside Bai Han Qi.
“Dad, what are you doing here?”

Bai Han Qi glanced at Jiang Yuan before his gaze returned to Bai Luo Yin,
“Son, let’s go back and talk at our house.”

He adopted an attitude of wanting to leave again.

Jiang Yuan rushed over to blocked them and then with a harsh tone, she
glared at Bai Han Qi and spoke. “You can leave, but my son will stay

“Why should he stay here with you?”

This time, Jiang Yuan was unable to control her resentment. “I went
through a lot of trouble and had even invited you over, for what reason?
Did you really think I invited you here to drink tea? It wasn’t easy to get
my son to come here and now you want to drag him back with you?
Then hide him again? You don’t want me to see my son’s face for
another five days and five nights? Bai Han Qi, you’re also very

“Jiang Yuan, don’t be too cruel…”

“Dad!” Bai Luo Yin suddenly interrupted Bai Han Qi, “You should go
home first. I want to know exactly what she’s trying to do.”

“Yin Zi, how can I leave you here alone?” Bai Han Qi became anxious.

Bai Luo Yin turned to look at Bai Han Qi, “Don’t worry, I’ll return home
in a while.”

Jiang Yuan’s eyes swept passed Bai Han Qi, “Goodbye, I won’t be seeing
you out.”

After Bai Han Qi left, Jiang Yuan pulled Bai Luo Yin into a room and
showed him the results of her hard work for the past few days. Every three
sentences or so, she would mention Shi Hui’s name as if she was a magical
weapon that she could wield to in order to subdue Bai Luo Yin.
She was afraid that Bai Luo Yin did not know about the energy and time she
and Shi Hui had put into this matter—all the things they did for him, for his

On the other hand, she definitely did not want Bai Luo Yin to know how they
secretly ganged up and conspired together to deceive Bai Luo Yin in going

Since Jiang Yuan stated everything in this matter, Bai Luo Yin knew why Bai
Hai Qi was invited here. He also knew why Grandma Bai was hospitalized.
Even more so, he knew why no one was at the Bai’s household was there and
why Ah-Lang was placed in the cage, furiously barking about…

And he went as far as to faintly guessed why Gu Hai would suddenly decide
to do something so utterly senseless… so preposterous… so despicable…

1 The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival
also known as Yuan Xiao Festival. This day marks the final day of the
Chinese New Year. During this day, children and adults alike would go to the
temples, carrying paper lanterns that sometimes have riddles on them that
needed to be solved. The lanterns can symbolize people letting go of their
past selves and obtaining a new one, which they will eventually let go of in
the next year.

2 Yuan Xiao – During this time, Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, (the name derived
from the festival), small dumpling balls made out of glutinous rice flour, are

3 Youtiao or deep-fried cruller; a pair of lightly salted, deep-fried dough strip.

Look up the story behind Youtiao, it’s pretty interesting.

4 Lao Bai is Bai Han Qi; its literal translation is Old Bai or Mr. Bai. I’ll leave
it as Lao Bai. Married couples like addressing each other like this XD
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 131: The Inquietude of Youth - UNLEASHING those CRUEL

words. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Since the moment Jiang Yuan's sight fell upon Bai Luo Yin, she remained
silent. She thought that he was contemplating, considering the suggestions
that she had put forth. Her face that had been heavily painted with
anxiousness and fear, for the past few days, finally allowed a slight smile to
manifest up it.

"Son, everything that mom has done, are all for your sake. You don't
have to think about how things are with Gu Hai. After all, he is Mr. Gu's
flesh and blood, his biological son. Even if he remained in the country, he
will still be in a relatively safe and reliable position, but you are different.
Although Mr. Gu has also thought about you, but in the future, the
treatments he gives you will certainly differ, in tens and thousands of
miles away, from Gu Hai. Mom, don't want you to be subjected to nor
forced into this position."
After a long while, unable to hear listen any longer, Bai Luo Yin suddenly
opened his mouth.

"Jiang Yuan."

Just from hearing herself being addressed in such manner, the smile on her
face ceased and stiffened.

"Luo Yin, what did you just call me?"

Bai Luo Yin looked at Jiang Yuan indifferently. His insouciance, frankness
and tendency laid out across his face. "Then, what should I call you? Aunt
Jiang? Mrs. Gu? Or Madam Gu?"

A disturbingly sallow complexion, almost as if death had warmed over,

washed evenly across Jiang Yuan's beautiful and charming cheeks. This layer
of sickness was persistent and hard to cover up.

Bai Luo Yin peered at the pile of documents on the table and calmly said,
"Can you not make me feel disgusted toward you?"

'Disgusted,' this word was like a sharp stake that cruelly and ruthlessly push
itself into Jiang Yuan's chest, stabbing her heart. That momentary feeling of
peacefulness that she felt earlier, abruptly, exploded. The color of her lips
were drained of all the colors that once adorned it as her trembling figure
faced Bai Luo Yin.

The moment she imparted her lips, she sobbed and choked convulsively.

"Disgusted? You say I'm disgusting? In spite of everything I did for you,
all you can say is that I'm disgusting? Bai Luo Yin, what in the many kinds of medicine did Bai Han Qi shove down your
throat to ensnared you, to make you carelessly slander and condemn
your own mother like this?"

"Don't use your ugly heart to measure other people's conducts and
deeds. Beside you, no one around me are wicked or immoral."

Jiang Yuan exerted all her strength to pulled Bai Luo Yin out of his seat. She
hissed and wailed out, an interrogating tone trenched her every question,
"You say I'm wicked...immoral? You actually took my good intentions
toward you as immoral? Bai Luo Yin, will you only be satisfied after
you've kill me?"

Bai Luo Yin coldly flung Jiang Yuan's hand, that had grasped his, away.
There was silent pause between each words that sauntered out of his mouth:
"Don't use that motherly love notion to wrap around that egotistical
heart of yours again. From the beginning to the end, I never took you as
my mother. I never did before, I never did now, and in the future I never
will either!"

Jiang Yuan's body became paralyzed as she stumbled to one side of the sofa,
her hand placed against her tightened chest. She was in such grievance that
she wished death upon herself.

"Also, in regards to all those things you've said about going abroad."

Bai Luo Yin spoke as he picked up the documents and data that were on the
table. He slowly, one by one, tore each sheet in front of Jiang Yuan's face.

"Don't waste your energy doing these utterly pointless tasks again. Did
you think an insignificant little girl can deceive me into going abroad?
You've really thought too highly of her! You've really thought too highly
of yourself! If I, Bai Luo Yin, want to go abroad in the future, it won't be
through those two filthy hands of yours!"

A big piles of shredded paper suddenly crashed onto Jiang Yuan's head. They
all slowly, but surely, scattered right in front of her eyes and landed all
around her. The fruits of her, ten days or more of hard labors, destroyed in
one day!

As he made his way to and arrived at the front door, Bai Luo Yin turned his
body around once again and glanced at Jiang Yuan's cold and ashen face.

"Don't hurt my family again, if I find out a second time, I will make you
pay back tenfold!"
When he took his first step out of the room, behind him, a loud and painful
sound of sobs transmitted throughout the vicinity. It was as if war had broken
out in heaven and the muffling sounds of thunders struck this earthly ground.
The sound struck rhythmically, one after the other as it shrouded the entire
world in the mist of its' thick haze.

Bai Luo Yin's footsteps were a bit stagnant as he lightly closed his eyes. Once
he opened them again, not even the slightest sign of any emotions remained
within him.

On the fourteen, of the first month of the lunar year, Grandma Bai was
released from the hospital and the Bai's household returned to its' usual

In the afternoon, Bai Han Qi and Aunt Zou came back from their trip to
supermarket and brought back many gifts. They had planned to go from
house to house and present it to the neighbors as an apology. Bai Luo Yin
also wanted to accompany them. Since the problems arose because of him, it
was only right that he should be the one to go in place of his parents and
apologize. But in the end, no matter what, Aunt Zou refused to let him go.
She said that no married man's son should show their face like that because it
was not auspicious. So he was forced to remain in the house with Meng Tong

Meng Tong Tian, such a big kid now, only liked to play with his toy sword
and toy gun. When Bai Luo Yin walked out of his room, he caught sight of
Meng Tong Tian handling a fake machine gun. He shot randomly at the trees
in the yard.

Noticing that the little boy played with such vigor, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help
but to approach him.

"Give it here, let me see."

Meng Tong Tian very generously passed the gun over to Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin weighed it in his hands for a second, it was rather heavy. The
meticulous workmanship was clearly visible; no matter the size, the weight or
patterns, only a few craftsmen could achieve expertise and make fake product
pass off as genuine.

"This gun is pretty good," Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but praised.

An intensely proud expression tickled across Meng Tong Tian's face, "Of
course. My classmates always want to exchange and play with it, but I
am unwilling to give it to them. Even if they buy those low quality ones, it
still can't be compared to mine."

Looking at Meng Tong Tian's arrogant manners made Bai Luo Yin want to

"Must be quite expensive huh?"

Meng Tong Tian's little head flapped up and down before he replied, "Don't
know. Brother Gu Hai gave it to me."

The color on Bai Luo Yin's complexion changed once those two characters,
"Gu Hai," penetrated his ears. He gave the gun back to Meng Tong Tian and
sat to the side. He proceeded to watch Meng Tong Tian happily play around,
before he, himself pulled out a cigarette and smoked.

Kids at this age really makes people extremely jealous of them. They were
carefree, without any worries at all. Thinking back to when Bai Luo Yin was
about that age, he would also scuffle around in the alleyway all day long as
well. At that time, who would have thought about their single parent or
poverty and other things alike. The entire day was spent foolish playing
around and the only thing in his head would be, what can he do to make his
life even livelier.

A state of simplicity and purity was truly enriching.

"Brother Gu Hai also bought me many other fun things. It's all kept in a
room over there. I'm don't want to open them. I must wait until my
classmates get here before I open them. When that time arrives, it will
still be new. Let me tell you, you better not sneakily tear them open for
me ah!"

Bai Luo Yin was still lost in thoughts as his mind wandered about. Both of
Meng Tong Tian's fist stretched out toward his nose as if to guard off a thief.

Bai Luo Yin softly smiled for a second. He pulled on Meng Tian Tong's belt
and flipped him over which allowed him to turn a somersault.

After Meng Tong Tian steadied his balance, he felt extremely cool, suave,
and wanted to try it again.

Bai Luo Yin was unoccupied and bored anyways so he accompanied and
played with him for while longer. Finally, Meng Tong Tian became tired and
sat down on a little chair situated to the side. While he played with the bullet
cartridge, he counted them, looked at Bai Luo Yin and asked. "Why hasn't
brother Gu Hai come over recently?"

Bai Luo Yin appeared dejected as he unenthusiastically replied back, "He's

spending the New Year at his own house."

"After the New Year is over, he will come back?"

Bai Luo Yin twisted his head around to look at Meng Tian Tong and was met
with his long-drawn, expectant gaze.

"Why are you looking forward to seeing him?"

Meng Tong Tian nodded his head vigorously in excitement, energy could be
seen in every nod, "Because we're both suffering from the same

Suffering from the same illness?

Bai Luo Yin painstakingly ruminate on it for quite a while but he still
couldn't figure out, in what ways were Meng Tong Tian and Gu Hai alike.

"We're both being tormented by love."

Thunder struck at Bai Luo Yin's internal structure. It wasn't enough for Gu
Hai, himself, to commit those sins, he just had to drag a child into it.

"Last time, we talked for a really long time. Brother Gu Hai spoke about
all the pain that was in his heart and I also found out about my own pain.
So, brother Gu Hai said that we're both suffering from the same illness.
Afterward, I thought about it for a long while, and what he said was
really true."

You fucking bastard! You even went as far as to talk to a kid about these

Only Gu Hai would do something like this.

Bai Luo Yin intentionally teased Meng Tong Tian, "Then, tell me, what
pain do you have in your heart?"

"Aiii......" Meng Tong Tian seemed rather melancholy again, "I like a girl in
my class. It seems like, she's also interested in me but she never admits

Since Meng Tong Tian said it in such way, Bai Luo Yin could roughly
understand what Gu Hai so called "pain" was, at that time.

"Then, did the pain end and the happiness come yet*2?" asked Bai Luo

Meng Tong Tian shook his head, "What does that mean?"

Bai Luo Yin finally realized, Meng Tong Tian was just a seven years old kid,
how in the world could he understand so many idioms!

"I'm asking you, in the end, did the girl admit it or not?"

Meng Tong Tian shook his head again, "I forgot, I switched a few times

Bai Luo Yin, "......"

Not soon afterwards, Yang Meng came over because Bai Han Qi and Aunt
Zou had not only gone to their house, carrying a big pile of stuff but also
vigorously apologized to them. The problem now was that, at that time, Yang
Meng and his parents had stayed at his grandmother's house all along. They
had only gotten back today, so in reality, they didn't know anything at all
about this matter. They were quite baffled to receive such a big pile of things
and the person who gave them the gifts had also bow excessively toward

"What provoked your dad?" laughed Yang Meng mischievously.

Bai Luo Yin drew a long sigh, his hand hung loosely on Yang Meng's
shoulder with a lazy appearance.

"Two days ago Jiang Yuan came to cause trouble at our house. It was so
chaotic that the neighbors in this entire street were restless. My dad
thought that it's New Year and making the neighbors hear everything
was quite bad, so he's going house to house and apologize."

"Is it necessary to apologize just because of something like that? Your

dad is too conscious! Let me tell you, all day my mom would roar about
in the yard. There's not a single day that she doesn't roar, moreover, she
roars because she wants the surrounding neighbors to hear it. If she and
my dad were to quarrel at night time, everyone within these five streets
could hear them. The next day, it's as if nothing had happened and they
would strut proudly out the door and go about with their days."

Bai Luo Yin maintained his usual quietness.

Yang Meng glanced at Bai Luo, who had not made any sound or utter a
single word. His eyes shifted back and forth before his elbow to jabbed Bai
Luo Yin.

"That's right, I didn't get to ask you yet, how are things with you and Shi

Bai Luo Yin only replied back with two words, "Completely over."
"Completely over?" an air of surprise and astonishment washed over Yang

Bai Luo Yin was quite unwilling to discuss this topic. He only told Yang
Meng that Shi Hui will probably go back abroad after the New Year is over.

Yang Meng gaze regrettably at his friend; he felt a great pity toward this

"Tell me, why didn't you cherish such a good opportunity?"

Bai Luo Yin tugged at the collar of Yang Meng's shirt and faintly said,
"Don't talk about her anymore. Why are you looking for me? It can't be
because my dad went to your house?"

"No, tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year,
the Lantern Festival! Let's go for a stroll around the temple fair*3
together! Its boring stay home all day!"

Bai Luo Yin thought about it for a while. There's nothing for him to do at
home anyways. It would be better to go and relieve his boredom and drive
away all his cares.

"Okay. Then, I'll go and find you early tomorrow morning."

*1 同病相怜 : this idiom means those who have the same illness sympathize
with each other or misery loves company.

*2苦尽甘来 :literally means - bitterness ends, sweetness begins; the hard

times are over, the good times is just beginning

*3 temple fair - For residents of Beijing, attending a local miaohui, or temple

fair, comes second only to the big family dinner when celebrating the
Chinese New Year. Typically held at temples and parks, these week-long
events combine religion, shopping, culture, entertainment, and food, and are
open to all. Temple fairs trace their roots as early as the Wei dynasty, but
today they're lively gatherings, packed with things to do.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 132: The Inquietude of Youth – A Grown Son can’t Remain

Home Either. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


It was almost the middle of the month, and the streets once enclosed with
peacefulness, at long last, began to bustle with noise and excitement. Once
the sun rose, early in the morning, Bai Luo Yin and Yang Meng rushed
toward the main street’s entranceway, which had been completely decorated
with the traditional features of ocean decorations and Chinese lanterns. As
they promenaded around, their eyes absorbed the lively sceneries. They
encountered various performances from traditional Chinese opera, magic
shows, acrobatics to……even the distinguishable characteristics of old
Beijing’s vendors, loudly broadcasting and advertising their products.

When the blazing sun soared into its’ brightest peak and basked the entire
street with it brilliant, they joined the horde of people, happily watching and
applauding the lion and dragon dance show as it paraded down the street in
all its’ magnificence.
Their eyes were dazzled by an endless array of mouth watering delicacies that
laid out in front of them, tickling the five senses that entangled their taste
buds. This exhibition was indeed a feast for their hungry eyes. It was just like
that, that Bai Luo Yin and Yang Meng could no longer let their stomach
suffered in such agony. So, as to cure their hunger, they strolled through the
street and tried as many things as possible until their stomach hit its’ capacity
and satisfaction settled in.

“Hey, those lanterns over there with the riddles on them, if answered
correctly, there’s a prize,” proclaimed Yang Meng in excitement.

Bai Luo Yin followed behind Yang Meng to have a closer look at the riddles.

Before him was a large plaque with a red paper attached at the top. Several
string of riddles were written boldly on each sheet of red lantern paper; the
powerful strokes that permeated with each characters were visibility

The rule on the plaque read:

All those who guess correctly, will receive a sticky rice ball in sweet soup or
sticky rice dumpling. The more you guess correctly the more you receive but
one wrong guess, and it will game over. No second chance.

When it was Bai Luo Yin’s turn, he answered the first two riddles with much
ease. Yang Meng, who stood to the side, was given the responsible of holding
onto the prizes. Once those precious prizes were within his grasp, no one
could pry it out of his hands. But toward the end, there were so many prizes
nestled against his chest and in both of his hand that he could barely hold on
to them.

Embarrassment wormed its’ way on to the stall owner’s pallid face. If this
continued, in less than five minutes, all the riddled on the plague would
sooner than later be decoded.

Bai Luo Yin continued, “The fifth riddle on the third row, that idiom is,
“A crowd of good friends gathered together.”
The girl in charged of verifying all the answers looked extremely petrified as
she said “Incorrect,” with a very low voice, almost inaudible.

The stall owner, whom beforehand stood to the side, interrupted. And in a
loud, ear splitting tone, he roared, “Wrong! Next!”

“That’s impossible!”

Bai Luo Yin firmly believe in his answer. There was no doubt, in his mind at
all, that he had answered correctly. He snatched the answer book from the
girl and as expected, with just one look at it, his answer was verified.

“Are you serious, how can you be like this? We obviously answered
correctly and you still have the nerve to accuse us of being wrong? Or is
it that, you can’t give us our prizes?” bellowed out Yang Meng, using Bai
Luo Yin’s fierceness to flaunt his momentary superiority.

In the end, the stall owner himself came out. With a smile adorning his lips,
he confronted Bai Luo Yin and Yang Meng.

“It’s the Lantern Festival, a very auspicious day. It’s not that we’re
unable to give you the prizes, it’s just that we encourage more people to
participate and have a go at it as well. Two handsome men like
yourselves, I know you’re both knowledgeable and are expert at
answering these riddles. You want the prizes and you can easily obtain
them. But the crucial point is, those people standing patiently at the side.
You also have to give them an opportunity to win some prizes too right?”

Bai Luo Yin laughed to this statement and turn to leave the premises, with the
dignity of a gentleman enveloping his stature.

“Wait a second, take these!”

Upon hearing someone called out to him, Bai Luo Yin turned around. With
great agility, he skillfully caught the package that was tossed in his direction,
by someone on the other side.

After he steadied his footing, he finally saw clearly what it was. Yang Meng
couldn’t help but cry out in alarm, “That’s some freaking huge sticky rice
balls! Is it……is it even cooked!?”

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes froze, somberness congealed the blood that once graced
his picturesque features.

A memory flashed across his mind, and drowned out the loud noises of the

Once dusk sauntered by, all the street lights turned on. Together, Bai Luo Yin
and Yang Meng stood at the corner of the street. For a long while, they once
again, admired and took pleasure in the beauty of all the lights as it
illuminated across the street; painting a picture perfect illustration of the
festival in all its’ glory and magnificence. Afterwards they made their way
back him with contentment already poured deeply into their heart.

By the time Bai Luo Yin got to the courtyard of his house, food was already
prepared and everyone was waiting patiently for his arrival. Once Meng Tong
Tian saw Bai Luo Yin’s figure approached, he pulled a chair over and
gestured him to quickly sit down.

“Come, come, come, supper’s ready,” announced Bai Han Qi loudly,

excited intermingled with his voice, as his signature smile crept swiftly
toward the corners of his lips.

Everyone lifted the cups in their hands, regardless of whether it was liquor or
a soft drink, they toasted each other first before exchanging any words.

“Eat, eat.”

“Wait, we should eat the sweet sticky dumplings first.”

“That’s right! It goes without saying that our Tong Tian is the most

The whole family surrounded the table as they happily ate and chat at the
same time. Their faces full to the brim with happiness and the events of the
few precious days did not affect their mood even the slightest bit. It was as if
they had mutually agreed to seal their lips and bury those unfortunate
occurrences. It was the last day of the lunar month, they had long ago
resolved to only talk about all joyous things and determined to perpetuate
happiness and harmonious until the very last minute, last second of that year.

Bai Luo Yin calm and quietly looked at everyone smiling faces. He listened
to them discussed each other’s cheerful stories, ate soggy sweet dumplings,
and no sooner did a as a strong pervasive warmth infiltrated into the bottom
of his heart.

It was unfortunate, that he had that kind of mother, but he was fortunate
enough to have such a great family that forgave and love him dearly.

A gleaming reflection of tears in the light, shone on those earthen eyes of Bai
Luo Yin. He willed them away, out of his sight before he placed his
chopsticks down and walked out.

Aunt Zou noticed that Bai Luo Yin had left so she prodded Bai Han Qi and
asked, “Why did Yin Zi eat so little today?”

“I’ll go and take a look.”

Bai Han Qi followed behind his son’s shadow.

Bai Luo Yin returned to his own room, simply gathered up some things and
dragged his luggage out. A bag of sticky sweet balls, that he had won earlier,
was held tightly in his hand as he pushed the door open and made his way

Bai Han Qi stood planted at the front door, looking at Bai Luo Yin with
amazement. His eyes continued to drown in astonishment as Bai Luo Yin got

“Where are you going so late at night?”

Bai Luo Yin silently allowed his gaze to reach his father’s face, “Dad, I have
to go back.”

“Today is the fifteenth day of the lunar month, the time when the whole
family are together. Why don’t you go back once the holiday ends?”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t move.

Bai Han Qi looked the expression on Bai Luo Yin’s face, knowing full well
that he will undoubtedly leave, but at the same, he still urged and wished for
him to stay.

“Why don’t you at least finish eating your meal before leaving?”

Bai Luo Yin’s heart struggled for a second, a mini war broke out from deep
within, but still he faced Bai Han Qi. And, with a stern tone, he said, “I
finished eating. Please talk to my grandpa and grandma and let them
know that I’ll be back in two days.”

Bai Han Qi let out a long sigh, his heart somewhat unwilling to let go.
However, he still patted Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder and looked at with
understandings, an air of approval permeated from his gaze.

“Go then. There’s still a whole family here, even with one less member, it
will still be lively. Da Hai’s dad went to the army base, so don’t let him
celebrate the New Year alone at home.”

Nobody understands one’s son better than his father.

And, no words escaped Bai Luo Yin’s lips as he remained unresponsive. He

merely turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

Bai Han Qi stood against the strong whistling sound of the Northern wind
and watched as Bai Luo Yin’s shadow gradually disappeared into the
distance. A bitter sadness welled up in his chest, and he couldn’t help the
tears that reared its’ way around the corner of his eyes. It is said that when a
girl has come of age, she will not remain at home any longer, how can it be
that a grown son can’t remain at home either?*2

Gu Hai was dragged from slumber and into consciousness from his position
on the sofa. The lights in the room remained on and the windows were still
opened wide. He was unable to distinguish whether it was daytime or
nighttime, even worse, the exact time or date. He wasn’t certain at all, how
many days he had spent in this bemused and hazy frame of mind. His eyes,
once like two pristine stones of onyx, now lifelessly wandered toward every
and all corners of the room.

The whole room was in complete disorder, almost as if it had been replaced
with an uninhabited jungle. Bottles upon bottles of liquor were scattered
everywhere, covering the floor as it laid unwavering in the silent room. Some
bottles were full, some half consumed, and some completely empty of its’
intoxicating content. While some were strewed across the floor upside down,
others were standing upright……. aside from liquor, his stomach was empty
of all other solid substances that were needed to sustain life. The agonizing
pain of hunger, scorched and set aflame the heartache and sorrow that ate at
his internal, relentlessly tearing apart every vitality that once resided within.

Only when his lips pressed roughly against the liquor bottles, that
refreshingly cool yet bitter taste flowed down his throat, and extinguished the
painful attacks of the fiery flames. He allowed the liquor to consume his
consciousness until he could no longer perceived any sense or emotion, and
only then, was he able to rest his head and resume the slumber that was
unfairly taken away from him.

Gu Hai stood upright, from his bones to the muscles, these two mechanisms
that allowed him to be mobile, ached and sore painstakingly. He dragged his
tired and somnolent feet over toward the windows, and with one swift
motion, he pulled open the curtains, revealing the darkness of the night that
had devoured the city. His solemn eyes swept across the landscape. The
lights outside were stunning to his vision. More than art, more than
aestheticism, life presented beauty in thousands upon thousands of variations;
it was indeed, a gigantic panorama of eternal change that befell his eyes.

Large crowds of people spread out all around the streets beneath his looming
shadow. Blossoming and dancing amongst the unseen clouds in the midst of
the Southwestern night sky, were fireworks. It soared higher and higher into
the vastness of the heavens and scattered in all directions before fading into
the shadow of the sparkling stars…
Stupefied and taken aback, Gu Hai drew the curtains close, sealing his sight
from the gatherings outside. His hand gripped the refrigerator door open, only
to find that nothing was in there. His eyes like a global positioning system,
mapped out and stalked the floor below his shadow, and not before long, it
located a bottle of red wine that had not been opened yet. He then fished
around in the tight crevices of the sofa and found the wine opener that had
secretly hid itself. With skilled hands, he jabbed the corkscrew into the
secured cap of the wine bottles, twisted it several times and unplugged the
cork. The bottle kissed his desolated lips and the intoxicating liquid rushed
inside his awaiting tongue.

Gulp, gulp, gulp. He chugged it down, but after only two gulps, the doorbell
suddenly rang.

His throat paused its’ motion, practically stopping for a moment. Pretending
not to hear the invading sound, he continued to force down several more

The doorbell rang again.

With a sullen, yet calm demeanor, Gu Hai dropped the wine bottle on a
nearby tea table, straightened up his spine and walked toward the front door.

A burst of pain shot throughout his forehead from all the alcohol. All ten of
his fingers, that had not been active for days, felt clumsy and awkward as if
they were not apart of his body. He struggled to turn the doorknob several
times before he, somehow, unknowingly, managed to finally jerk it open.

Outside stood a lonely figure.

Gu Hai stared, blankly. Dumbfounded.

Bai Luo Yin was still wearing the same down jacket that he had wore the day
he left. He dragged the same luggage as before. And, his hands were encased
and kept warm by the same pair of gloves that Gu Hai had given him, that
Christmas Eve, all those weeks ago.

His hands gripped tightly onto the bag of sticky sweet dumplings, as two
attentively red ears peered down at Gu Hai.

At this moment, time ceased.

Neither of them said a word to each other. They silently observed each other
while an undercurrent of immense and passionate emotion swept under and
surrounded them.

At long last, Gu Hai strode over, each step lessened the proximity between
them. He suddenly pulled Bai Luo Yin toward him, held him tightly within
his arms and trapped him in his never ending warmth.

No one can describe that feeling of when you recover everything that you
have lost. That feeling was the same one that engulfed, possessed and
overwhelmed Gu Hai at that very moment. It tortured and continuously
attacked his heart, causing him to teeter on the verge of collapsing. As if any
second now, the edge of the cliff will crumble, sending him into an endless

Nor can anyone put into words or even come to understand what Bai Luo Yin
felt at that very moment, how precious…how dear Gu Hai was to him.

Gu Hai wrapped one of his arm firmly around Bai Luo Yin’s back, as if to
embed him into his own body, while the other hand, curled around the back
of Bai Luo Yin’s head. With his face slightly turned, his cold lips gently
caressed the outer edge of Bai Luo Yin’s ear, allowing himself to take solace
in Bai Luo Yin’s body heat.

Originally, Bai Luo Yin’s heart was very calm. Even when he pressed the
doorbell, he didn’t have any particular feeling or expectation that could be
pinpointed. But once Gu Hai hugged him with such intensity, all kinds of
emotions effervescence to the surface. Sparks of electricity ruptured
throughout his body, igniting his nerves and encased him in a feeling that he
refused to word.

After what seemed like an eternity, Bai Luo spoke first.

“Gu Hai, I’ll remember this, you owe me one.”

Gu Hai’s body stiffened for a second, as he momentarily released Bai Luo
Yin before a steadfast resolution rain over him.

“I will repay you back!”

With a faint smile, Bai Luo Yin almost relieved, urged Gu Hai to take his
belongings inside.

Gu Hai peered down and noticed the bag in Bai Luo Yin’s hand, then asked,
“What’s this?”

“Sticky rice balls, I won them by answering all the riddles on the
lanterns correctly.”

Gu Hai took the bag and glanced over at the digital clock hanging on the
wall. It was only then, did he realized that today was the Lantern Festival.

For a moment, he felt extremely touched. A twinge of happiness manifested

within his soul.

“Then, let me boil them, you just need to sit here and wait.”

After he said this, he hurried into the kitchen. And, just as he was about to
turn the gas in the stove on, his eyes caught sight of Bai Luo Yin who had
joined him inside.

“I’m warning you. You better try and cook them thoroughly in one go
this time. If you keep on tasting one and throwing one out as you go,
there won’t be anything left for us to eat.”



*1 This reminded Bai Luo Yin’s of when Gu Hai cooked dumplings for him,
and before he gave it to Bai Luo in, he would check to see if it was cooked or

*2 This refers to when a girl gets married and move out to live with her
husband, so to Bai Han Qi, how can it be that this notion would apply to a
son too. XD You funny man you!
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 133: The Inquietude of Youth – The First Peaceful night of

Sleep. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After they cleaned the mess in the room, they enjoyed the sticky rice balls
and sweet soup, took a shower, and finally lied on the bed. By that time, it
was already past midnight.

Gu Hai was unable to control the apprehension that ruptured in his mind and
let his voice sounded in the silent room.

“Another year is gone, time really flew by quickly.”

Bai Luo Yin slept beside him, his two elongated arms wrapped securely onto
the pillow as he rested his chin comfortably atop it. Those earthen eyes
slightly narrowed in amusement, seemingly enjoying the tranquility that
quietness brought.
With only the two of them in the room, their eyes only held each other, their
ears only heard the sound of the person’s voice. Everything else happening
outside had nothing to do with them or the space that kept them safe and
together. Right here… right now.

Gu Hai placed his hand on Bai Luo Yin’s neck, feeling the vein beneath his
palm throbbing vigorously—a nameless serenity streamed into his heart and
fortified itself there.

Just like a drug addict who had strenuously endured the pain of withdrawal
for countless days and was finally being able to have that addiction surge
inside his veins, this was pure bliss. The effect of the drug quickly dispersed
throughout his body, leaving even the crevices under his bones elated.

Bai Luo Yin narrowed his eyes and glanced at Gu Hai up and down.

He was still the same person, albeit a little thinner, had some seriously
stubborn stubbly encircling his chin, and the contour of his face was more
distinctive than usual.

“You should shave.”

Gu Hai crude and unrefined fingers touched the lower half of his own face;
only then did he realized that those prickling stubbles were there and that he
not shaved for a long while. In truth, he had even forgotten the date, and the
last time he had washed his face.

“Having a little bit of beard gives off a manly demeanor,” Gu Hai said
lazily, consoling himself with this shameless excuse.

Bai Luo Yin snorted and unable to hold back, he laughed out loud.

“Perhaps it would make others look a bit more handsome but for you…
forget about it. You just look old.”

An air of displeasure swept across Gu Hai’s eyes, “Why do you always say I
look old? Where have I grown old?”

Gu Hai gritted his teeth and pondered in agony of a particular flaw that Bai
Luo Yin’s body possessed so that he could make a counterattack. But, in the
end, he discovered that every inch of him was visually attractive—eye candy
for him every time he caught sight of it. Thus, there was absolutely no flaw…
not even one that he could pinpoint.

Bai Luo Yin got off the bed and walked to the bathroom before returning in
less than a minute with a towel hanging loosely on his arm.

“Go lie over there,” Bai Luo Yin commanded and pointed over to the two
people sofa near the front door.

Gu Hai slowly straightened his body, “For what?”

Bai Luo Yin mischievously swayed the shaver in his hand…left and right,
making it quite clear what his intentions were.

A flicker of light sped pass Gu Hai’s eyes as if he had reached some sort of
epiphany that had caused a smile to appear while his cheeks rose.

Before, it was Gu Hai who washed Bai Luo Yin’s foot and shaved his beard.
How was it that now Gu Hai, himself, was able to enjoy this kind of

The fact that Bai Luo Yin had willingly returned to his side was more than
enough to make Gu Hai face the heaven, drop to his knees and bow five
hundred times against the cold hard ground. If Bai Luo Yin was even a bit
good to him, he would jump for joy. But to be able to taste such bliss was
more than his heart could ask for—not to mention any other divine euphoria.

When Bai Luo Yin caught sight of Young Master Gu’s mouth stretching out
from ear to ear, he immediately knew that this despicable guy was probably
indulging in his own fantasy. At first, he just wanted to use the towel to
moisten Gu Hai’s face to prevent his wild fantasy from becoming even more
insatiable. But now, perhaps, it would be better if he let him wipe his own
With that in mind, Bai Luo Yin flung the towel on Gu Hai’s face and went to
the bathroom to grab the shaving cream. He flipped over the shaving cream
and squeezed some onto his hand before spreading it evenly on the lower half
of Gu Hai’s face and waited until the beard softened.

Gu Hai leaned back against the sofa and opened his eyes. They seemed to
scintillate fire—beautiful and soft as he looked closely at the person hovering
over him. Bai Luo Yin clouded his vision, giving him another chance to
imprint everything that made up this person into his brain.

At first, the distance between them seemed pretty far, but as Bai Luo Yin held
the shaver with steadied hand and began to move it against the surface of his
face, his own face inched closer and closer. So much so that Gu Hai could
feel the heat permeating from Bai Luo Yin’s mouth before it floated against
the surface of his own shaven chin. Bai Luo Yin maintained a stern and focus
demeanor as he went on with his task, appearing to somewhat ignore the
intense gaze of the person below him.

Apparently, it was the first time he had shaved someone else beard and that
made him want to be extra careful.

Gu Hai’s hand reached out to Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks, inch by inch.

Bai Luo Yin swiftly avoided those hands, “Don’t move around.”

With that command, Gu Hai’s hand lingered stiffly in the air.

When Bai Luo Yin stopped, Gu Hai suddenly hook the back of his head and
pressed his cheek against his own. The faint musky smell of the cream
mingled with their breaths as they drew closer. Bai Luo Yin felt intoxicated
and his consciousness became somewhat blurry as if beckoning him to give
in. But since his body was bent over in such an awkward position, he felt
extremely uncomfortable and ended up struggling free of Gu Hai’s strong

“You have to wipe it clean, otherwise it will be uncomfortable,” said Bai

Luo Yin.
Gu Hai’s eyes were raging with red flames when he spoke in a low husky
tone. “There’s no need for that. I can’t wait any longer.”

Gu Hai suddenly exerted all his energy, hook his arm around Bai Luo Yin’s
waist and pulled him toward his own body. He then intentionally knocked his
feet against Bai Luo Yin’s feet which made Bai Luo Yin who was caught off
guard lose his balance, stumbled and fell forward. Gu Hai allowed Bai Luo
Yin’s body to crash heavily on top of his own. He did not give Bai Luo Yin a
chance to respond or retaliate as he held his face and… kissed him.

Once their lips touched, sparks erupted, and an electrifyingly beautiful dance
ensued within the boundary of that connection—their breaths became ridden
with eagerness as they delved deeper and deeper into the others’ impatient

At first, it was Gu Hai who had his lips securely on Bai Luo Yin’s—tasting,
teasing and nibbling with the unwillingness to release them from within his
own hungry mouth. But afterward, Bai Luo Yin’s tongue snaked out and
seized Gu Hai’s, pulling it into his ardently awaiting cavity. Gu Hai’s heart
stopped; the mere contact of their tongues sent shivers through his nerves that
made his whole body tremble in ecstasy.

Like two famished kids that had not consumed anything for several days, the
moment they saw their mother’s breast, they would gnaw at it as if their life
depended on it.

That was the taste of remembering, missing and… longing to see what was
precious had reached its pinnacle.

Deepening the kiss, they reveled in each other taste and let their tongues
wrestled. The need to know and explore was an assurance… an assurance
that they existed in this time and space together.

For the longest time, their hands searched for each other in agony and it was
only when they firmly grasped each other, did their search ended.

Separation is a painful and… excruciatingly torturous yet trivial matter. But

never having felt separation, you will never experience the deep feeling of
love that you have for someone.

As it turns out, I miss you… I long to see you.

In every lonely night, under every cold blanket—I realized how much… I
needed you.

Bai Luo Yin gradually brought his own actions to a halt before he slowly yet
somewhat reluctantly, shifted his face away. He then nestled his own
disoriented head into the crevice of Gu Hai’s anticipating shoulder as his
lungs cried out in need of air in. Inhale and exhale, inhale and… when he
opened his eyes once more, Gu Hai’s bouncing Adam’s apple was right
before him.

Gu Hai tilted his head to the side, feigning anger as he peered down at Bai
Luo Yin who was somewhat frowning. The tone of his voice was infused
with the complaint of a person who was about to face death.

“You’ve almost tortured me to death for this entire month!”

Hearing that made Bai Luo Yin understand what the idiom, ‘the villain sues
his victim before he himself is prosecuted’ meant.

His soft face, which was normally a seldom sight to come by, immediately
tightened in dismay as frustration appeared along the lines of his statuesque

“You fucking have the nerve to say that it was me? Who is to fucking
blame for this?”

Gu Hai thought about it… the cause of the past that affected the event of
today and possibly the future. But even then, he could not find anything that
would put him at an advantage.

Ultimately, he had no choice but to admit: “Blame me.”

Bai Luo Yin coldly grunted, humph, before his hand curled into a fist and
smashed into the pit of Gu Hai’s stomach.
Gu Hai seized that opportunity to grab Bai Luo Yin’s hands, pulled it close to
his lips and kissed it. However, his heart was still a bit unstable in his
tightened chest.

“Even if I’m to blame, you also should not have been so cruel and
heartless, right? You adamantly said you wouldn’t see me anymore and
you really didn’t… and you said you will walk on the streets with other
people, and you really did. We have been apart for such a long time,
wasn’t it a bit unbearable or even a bit painful for you as well?”

Bai Luo Yin pulled his hand back and sat upright, “Even if I am in pain or
can’t bear it, I still won’t let you see it!”

Gu Hai sat up and hugged Bai Luo Yin from behind with great care, letting
his chest rested against it as his chin snuggled into his shoulder.

With great interest, he asked: “In what ways did you suffer? Tell me about

“What is there to say?” Bai Luo Yin became annoyed and somewhat angry.

Gu Hai’s seductive lips caressed Bai Luo Yin’s nap. “I want to hear it.”

His sultry voice and the heat that secreted that flowed out made the hair on
Bai Luo Yin’s neck stand on end.

“You know, you’re an especially despicable person. You always take

pleasure in other people’s pain and suffering,” Bai Luo Yin recalled Gu
Hai’s previous statement. “You said that I’m cruel and heartless, am I
more heartless than you? You got two soldiers to beat me up. Tell me,
how much have I suffered? If it happened to you, how would you feel?”

Because of a misunderstanding, the person who usually showed the most

consideration and took the best care of you actually struck you when he said
he would… every single time Bai Luo Yin thought of this matter, a fit of rage
would consume him.

Gu Hai straightened up while his gazed met Bai Luo Yin’s—a sense of
urgency ravished the expression in his eyes.

“I have to explain that. You’re right, I did order those two young
soldiers, but I did not instruct them to attack you. They misinterpreted
my intentions and thought that the person I like was Shi Hui. So when
they saw the two of you being intimate, they just…”

Bai Luo Yin felt as if two persimmons had smashed his skull, making him
feel someone disgusted. What do you call this? It was just like being arrested
for no reason while strolling the streets, then dragged to the police station and
locked up. Before you know it, you’re being beaten up for an entire day and
night only to be told early the next morning that they caught the wrong

Bai Luo Yin’s face darkened as he got off the sofa and walked back to his
own bed.

Gu Hai’s heart also became tormented, “I know that I’m an asshole

because of that. Every time I think about it, I also feel guilty, but at that
time, I gritted my teeth and refrained myself from going to see you for
the sake of venting my own selfish anger. I’m going to the military base
tomorrow. There are still some things that I have to bring back. Come
with me, I will get those two soldiers and you can punish them however
you like. What do you think?”

Bai Luo Yin shot Gu Hai a glance, “You’re the person that should be
punished the most!”

Gu Hai sprawled on the bed, letting his limbs splay in all directions as his
eyes obsessed over Bai Luo Yin’s prepossessing appearance. “Come, you
can punish me however you want.”

Bai Luo Yin ignored him and squeezed himself into the blanket.

Gu Hai used his leg to nudge Bai Luo Yin, “I gave you such a good
opportunity, yet you choose to not cherish it.”

Bai Luo Yin’s indolent voice came from inside the blanket. “Forget about it.
Just let the past remain in the past. I was also wrong, so we don’t have to
blame each other. Let’s see what your actions are like from now on.”

Gu Hai also squeezed himself into the blanket and placed his hand on Bai
Luo Yin’s shoulder.

Bai Luo Yin’s loud voice sounded loudly in the room when he gave a
warning: “Sleep.”

“I wasn’t thinking of doing anything else!”

While Gu Hai said this, he grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s body and turned him over
so that the two faced each other. Then his hands wrapped around Bai Luo
Yin’s waist, hugging him affectionately before he closed his eyes—perfectly

It had been longer than a month… this was the first peaceful night of sleep
for both of them.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 134: The Inquietude of Youth - Sleep the Time Away. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


As the sun went down, the darkness of the night dropped in the room like a
heavy curtain, swallowing everything in its presence-the absence of light was
so complete that not even the shadows survived.

Bai Luo Yin lied restless on the bed, tossing and turning his seemingly
broken body throughout the night, eventually waking Gu Hai from his light

Gu Hai called out to him with weary eyes that only opened slightly. But no
matter how many times he tried, only silence greeted him. He soon
discovered that Bai Luo Yin had not awoken. Gu Hai pulled the comforter up
toward their shoulders and gently placed Bai Luo Yin's exposed arm back

Suddenly, not only did Bai Luo Yin moved, but his eyes shot open.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin was in a complete daze. His eyes were streaked with obscurities
as his hands ferreted beneath the comforter as if afflicted by some mystery
force to search for something.

Is he sleepwalking?

Gu Hai's hand moved to caress his hair softly while thinking that it was
somewhat humorous.

Then a hint of panic appeared in Bai Luo Yin's eyes-widening much more
than usual; if one was faced with such a look, only fear would surely cross
one's mind.

Soon after, he lifted his head and as if spellbound, several strands of hair
flurried in the air and danced wildly in the silence of the night before they
plastered on his forehead.

"Baobei, what are you looking for?" Gu Hai pressed lightly on Bai Luo
Yin again.

Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes, but there was a frown on his face as the lines
between his brows paralleled each other, and this perpetual opposition at
length created a visible inquietude and excited a degree of impatient that
induced them to separate which made his expression changed to that of loss.

He mumbled a few incoherent words beneath his breath that Gu Hai could
not descry. Then Bai Luo Yin's hands began to hunt again in anguish beneath
the comforter again, incidentally hitting Gu Hai's stomach several times.

What's wrong with him today?

Seeing that, Gu Hai became confused as he felt around for Bai Luo Yin's
shoulder and then as if it was second nature, he patted that area gently until
he sensed the other person calm down. When Bai Luo Yin's breathing settled
a bit more, Gu Hai finally placed his own hand back into the comforter. But
Bai Luo Yin unexpectedly latched firmly onto his hand, refusing to let go
even though he was in an unconscious state.

After a while, Gu Hai faced Bai Luo Yin. His eyes fluttered in the darkened
room before he whispered: "Yin Zi, I'm right here."

At that moment, the tension that had once overtook Bai Luo Yin suddenly
disappeared-it was as if a promise had just been made and he readily accepted
as the truth. He voiced out an 'en' of approval before his movements ceased.
But then, it was Gu Hai who felt a faint throbbing in his chest.

He needs you so much... cares about you so much. Why didn't you feel it
sooner....? If you had given him a bit more patience and trust, how could that
event, that pain... that suffering had happened between the two of you?

... Gu Hai continued to harshly criticize himself.

Fortunately, he realized it now-it was not too late. They still had a long road
ahead of them, one in which they can walk together. He can still love him for
a long time, for a really long, long time.... love him even more than ever...

Gu Hai placed his hand on Bai Luo Yin's warm cheeks and gently caressed
them. His stared devotedly at Bai Luo Yin in state of infatuation as if he had
been bewitched by some sort of magical incantation... and no matter how
much he looked at him, it was truly never enough. He continued to do so until
his eyes became heavy and the need to sleep took over his conscious.

This slumber lasted into the afternoon of the next day. Since it has been a
long time that either of them had a good night sleep, they will seize this great
opportunity. What else was there to do anyway?

Gu Hai woke up first; he took a closer glance at the alarm and placed it back

Bai Luo Yin faced Gu Hai and asked him while still in a daze. "What time is

"It's still quite early. Just turned four o'clock," Gu Hai answered as he
grabbed Bai Luo Yin by the arm and pulled him close.

Welcoming the warmth, Bai Luo Yin's drowsy eyes glimpsed outside. "How
can it only be four o'clock, isn't it a bit too bright outside?"

"Maybe it snowed."

The word "snow" made Bai Luo Yin's sleepiness immediately increased by
tenfold. For him, that was indeed the best time to sleep. His head fell back
onto the soft pillow and he proceeded to sleep some more!

At around six o'clock, Gu Hai glanced outside again. The sky was still dark!
Why does it feel like we have been sleeping for longer than an entire night?
Fuck, we slept so long my stomach is crying out in pain.

However, Gu Hai was quite reluctant to give up the warmth, so he simply

again fell into a deep sleep... again.

Soon, Bai Luo Yin woke up with the need to use the bathroom and although
he did not want to get off the bed, he didn't want his bladder to suffer the
consequences and eventually forced himself too. When he passed by the
window again, the night sky was completely pitched black-completely
differing what from he saw earlier.

He clearly remembered that when he went to sleep it was only a little past
one. He even remembered that he had dreamt several times already, so why
had the sky not brighten up yet? He weaseled his way back into the warm
comforter, picked up the alarm, and looked at it. It was already half past
eight. According to basic reasoning, the sun should have already come out.
Even if it was a cloudy day, how could it be completely dark like this, right?

An ominous settled in Bai Luo Yin's head as he picked up his phone. "20:26"

They had slept into the next evening without even realizing it-the first round
of sleep had already swiftly passed by. He looked down at the pig lying
beside him who was completely unconscious. This person was actually
sleeping more soundly than he was. Bai Luo Yin's head fell back onto the
pillow as the back of his foot hit the soft bed.
Forget it, just bear with it a bit longer.

If he remained awake at this moment, he will not be able to fall back asleep
later. He might as well sleep until morning as to not disrupt his biological

In the end, Gu Hai crawled out of bed in the middle of the night when he was
no longer able to endure the hunger. Like a thief cloaked by darkness, he felt
his way into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator in search of some food
only to come out empty-handed. In desperation, he overturned everything and
finally found a cup noodle. He proceeded to cook it, add some seasonings,
and topped it off with some thinly sliced pickled mustard tuber. Within
seconds, he devoured it like a hunger-stricken animal.

For humans, once they have been deprived of food for a period of time
hunger kicked in, anything and everything would become the most delicious
dish in the world.

Bai Luo Yin made his way into the kitchen and caught sight of Gu Hai in the
middle of ravaging the food in front of him, taking big slurps in one quick go.
He was just about to pick up the bowl up and drink the soup when he saw Bai
Luo Yin at the door.

Bai Luo Yin stared straight at Gu Hai and waited anxiously before he spoke:
"Give me a bowl."

Gu Hai's Adam's apple bobbed around for a few more seconds and then he
replied: "There's nothing left."

Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin choked on his own spit as tears seemingly welled
up in his eyes.

An awkward smile appeared at the corner of Gu Hai's mouth, "I thought

that I was the only one who couldn't sleep because of the hunger. I didn't
eat much for the past few days, so my appetite came rushing now. The
sticky rice dumpling that we had earlier didn't fill me up after all. I... if I
had known that you weren't full either, I would have kept a bowl for
you. The sky is about to lighten any time now. You... just endured it for a
bit longer."

Motherfucker, I have been fucking enduring it all day already.

Bai Luo Yin's head hung low as he returned to the bedroom with a look of

In the end, Gu Hai felt guilty and put on some clothes and drove down
several streets in the depth of the night. He searched until he eventually found
a twenty-four-hour restaurant, bought take outs, and hurried back to Bai Luo

Early the next morning, or to say it more precisely, early on the morning of
the third day, Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yin with him to the military base. After
sleeping for more than twenty plus hours, they were completely revitalized
and felt exceptionally animated. If they were to put on those military
uniforms and stand in procession with the troop, they would not look inferior
to any of the other soldiers.

As Bai Luo Yin followed Gu Hai to the dorm area of the base, they bumped
into several military veterans who all greeted Gu Hai.

One person stopped intentionally, looked at Bai Luo Yin several times, and
asked Gu Hai: "Who is this?"

Gu Hai kicked that person in the calf and shouted for him to clear the way
with a stern tone.

"Why do you care who he is? Go do whatever it is you have to do!"

That person's eyes widened as he inhaled. He even stole another glance at Bai
Luo Yin before he lowered his head and walked away-obviously unsatisfied.

Bai Luo Yin could see the strength in Gu Hai's arrogant and despotic
demeanor. He had even thought that Gu Hai was purposely displaying his
fearsomeness and reverence in front of him which made him unable to hold
back from teasing the hell out of him.
"You're truly suited to be the General's son!"

"No, that's not it. Did you not notice the expression in his eyes when he
looked at you?" Gu Hai said calmly.

Bai Luo Yin did not pay any attention whatsoever.

Gu Hai poked Bai Luo Yin's forehead a few times and said with such
sincerity: "Stupid boy, why don't you be a bit smarter. Men can change
after they enter the army; one out of ten guys are bound to be 'like

"I see! No wonder, you always come to stay here all that time!"

Gu Hai did not seem to hear the hidden meaning behind Bai Luo Yin's words
and had even snorted to himself. "Isn't that because you made me mad."

"I made you mad, so you ran here to find that one out of ten

"You fucking..." Gu Hai suddenly looked at Bai Luo Yin's rear end and
gave it a good kick. "Besides you, I am not even the least bit attracted to
any other guy."

As the two of them bickered, they finally arrived at the room Gu Hai had
previously resided.

"Come in."

Once he walked in, Bai Luo Yin's eyes swept through the room. He was a bit
astonished since everything was clean and not a piece of crumb could be seen
on the floor. The comforter was neatly folded into a rectangular shape and the
bed sheet was pulled tightly alongside the bed frame so that not even a crease
could be found.

Seeing such cleanliness made him thought about the bedroom in their
apartment and then he thought about his own family's environment. Ah, he
could not help but sigh.
Does this soldier style of work depend on the situation?

Gu Hai could see through Bai Luo Yin's thoughts, so he gave a proper
explanation. "A diligent guard cleaned it up."

Bai Luo Yin nodded thoughtfully as an idea came to mind. "How about you
invite him to our house?"

"You dare!"

Gu Hai picked up a gun and point it at Bai Luo Yin's temple but since he did
not know whether or not it was loaded with bullets, he handled it with
extreme care-afraid that it might go off.

Unsurprisingly, Bai Luo Yin took the gun, laid it flat on his own hand and
fiddled with it. This was the first time that he had ever felt a real genuine gun.
It was hard to avoid the thrill that came with holding such a powerful object.
He lifted it up, aimed it toward the window, and pulled the trigger.

A loud bang echoed in the room.

Spiderweb-like cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the glass...

At that moment, Gu Hai was in the middle of packing up his belongings, the
second he heard the sound-it was fear that quickly appeared on his face.

Fuck, there were actually bullets in there?

Fortunately, Bai Luo Yin did not use him as a shooting target. That shot...
was quite unexpected.

Bai Luo Yin placed the muzzle of the gun toward himself and examined the
inner details. That action frightened Gu Hai to the point his heart nearly gave
way. He hurriedly pulled out the ammunition case and faced Bai Luo Yin.

"Don't play with it anymore. I'll get you an even better gun later on."

"I don't want it," Bai Luo Yin patted his legs, stood up, and glanced around
in silence.
"Why don't you want it?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin puckered his lips and laughed, "I'm afraid that if one day
when I can't bear it any longer, I'll just shoot you."

1 Bai Luo Yin meant that Gu Hai ran back to the army base to find that one
out of ten guys that 'like another guy.'
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 135: The Inquietude of Youth - At the ARMY BASE with Gu

Hai. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After leaving the dormitory courtyard, Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yin on a tour
around the nearby weapons and ammunition warehouse that stored the large
caliber guns, tanks and heavy artilleries.

In that area, there were all kinds of anti-aircraft warfare[1], firepower as well
as fighter aircrafts. Once they entered the weaponry deployment area, Gu Hai
stood to the side and personally gave Bai Luo Yin a very detailed and
thorough explanation of each weapon's function and how superior it was to
others. With all of these new information, Bai Luo Yin's eyes has been
opened to a new and different world that he had never been exposed to
As the scorching sun reached it peaks, midday approached. Together, the two
boys made their way towards the military grand dining hall and had their
afternoon lunch there.

Bai Luo Yin's eyes feasted on the table full of various mouth watering
delicacies. There were fish, meat, vegetables and even soup. With all these
different kinds of food sitting in front of him, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but
let a few words escape his lips.

"I'd always thought that meals in the army were rather poor and a bit
simpler. I would have never expected it to be so grand."

"Well, that also depends on the situation. Some barracks are a bit better
off than others, while some aren't. These are just alright," With that said,
he picked up a piece of duck meat and placed it in Bai Luo Yin's bowl, "Try
it. What do you think? How is it compared to the food I make?"

Bai Luo Yin took a bite. The smell was a bit strong but it wasn't too greasy.

He truthfully answered back, "It simply can't be compared, definitely not

on the same level as your cooking skill."

With a self-effacing and modest demeanor, a bright smile appeared on Gu

Hai's face. His lips inched closer and closer toward Bai Luo Yin until it was
in close proximity to his ear.

"Don't say it so straightforward like that. The squad that cook these,
their cooking skills aren't that bad. If they heard what you've said,
they're going to attack you with their ladles."

Bai Luo Yin almost spat out the food in his mouth. Just when Gu Hai had
asked him that question, Bai Luo Yin, in all truth, had admired his courage,
since only Gu Hai would be able to open his mouth and asked something like
that. But, who would have thought, that this guy would unexpectedly put on
such a smug and cocky expression right after. He had even actually thought,
that Gu Hai was being considerate and proper for once.

"Young master Gu, do you mind if I sit here and eat with you guys?"
Bai Luo Yin's eyelid lifted upward, catching sight of a young officer with a
very handsome appearance.

Gu Hai didn't even bother to raise his head before he coldly replied, "I do

The officer helplessly let out a smile, picked up his rice bowl, plates of food
and made his way to another table. Several times, while he ate, he would turn
and glance at them.

Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to finally ask Gu Hai, "Do you come to the
army base often? Looks like a lot of people here recognize you."

"Not as often now. When I was a kid, I used to live within the military
compound. So everyday I would interact with these soldiers."

"Then, do you plan on returning here afterwards?"

No thoughts circulated in Gu Hai's mind, he didn't even want to think about it

as he immediately said, "I will absolutely not enlist."

Just like everyone else that had asked him this, Bai Luo Yin was also
astonished at this remark. Base on Gu Hai's physical condition and family
background, if he were to enlist, he would undoubtedly have an extremely
promising future.

"Why do you all think I will enlist? Is it because my dad is a general?"

Bai Luo Yin thought about it for a second, pausing in between his thoughts,
"It's not entirely because of that. I thought since you grew up here, you
would have a deep and profound emotional connection to this place."

"You're wrong," said Gu Hai as he momentarily placed his chopsticks


Bai Luo Yin's eyes were fixated on Gu Hai.

"It's because I lived here all my life and became overly acquainted with
this place, that I am tired of this kind of environment. It makes me
weary and numb. From the beginning, since my brain recognized what
memories were, I've always been training with a group of army soldiers.
The ground has always been hard, and the military weapons are forever
cold. In my eyes, besides my mother's hands, everything in this place is

"I can understand," Bai Luo Yin faintly replied.

Gu Hai's expression was calm, unperturbed, and his eyes like the browns of a
beetle, smiled. "I'm different from other people. When other people learn
something new and they become really good at it, they would go and do it
over and over. I won't constantly do the things I'm good at. I like
challenges, risks, adventures, excitement and setbacks....... but, what I
like even more, is you."

His expression was, for once, actually pretty normal when he started to say
those words, but as soon as Gu Hai continued and the last few words were
drawn out of his lips, a treacherous gleam of light suddenly reflected in his

Bai Luo Yin let out a light but long sigh and with a melancholy expression
painted hauntingly across his face, he continued to eat.


After they've consumed their lunch, the two arrived at the training site that
was established solely for intensive drills. Here, they saw soldiers undergoing
a rigorous training session.

In the distance, on the site that was nearest to where Bai Luo Yin was, dozens
of soldiers were crossing over the thirty-meter netted wires. They all ran back
and forth several rounds until their actions couldn't be counted any longer.

It was here, that Bai Luo Yin sat down and watched the training session
unfold before his very eyes. Just from this observation, he, himself could feel
the tiredness, the exhaustion and the pain that probably ache into the core of
their bones.
"Do they all train like that everyday?" Bai Luo Yin asked out of curiosity.

Gu Hai placed his hand loosely on Bai Luo Yin's shoulder before he leisurely
said, "Those are just the most basic physical training. As far as they are
concerned, that's only warmup. The genuine training, is tens of time
more brutal and attentive than that. "

"I can feel your tragic and miserable childhood," expressed Bai Luo Yin
with great sympathy, delving deep into his words.

Gu Hai laughed, "Actually, there's really no deep feeling of being tired,

what's more important is how one suppress, endure and discipline
themselves in this kind of environment."

"Did you also endure and discipline yourself in this way before?"

Pride danced around Gu Hai's countenance as he proudly said, "Yup,

everyday I worked and rest with them. We never, not even once, missed
a single task."

"I don't see any results of it."

Gu Hai's expression became blank for a second as he faced Bai Luo Yin, not
quite understanding what he had just said. Bai Luo Yin's presence continued
to ensnare him, trapping his eyes in place as they beckoned and dared him to
tear his sight away.

"You're here disciplining and enduring it everyday, why is it that your

heart is still so weak?"

The dark color of Gu Hai's eyes deepened. He suddenly pushed Bai Luo Yin
down on to the ground. But, even then, he made sure that his arm cushioned
beneath Bai Luo Yin's head, while the other hand forcefully grasped Bai Luo
Yin's throat.

With love and hate swimming passionately within his gaze, he stared closely,
intensely, with face merely inches away from Bai Luo Yin.

"I'm weak because of who? Huh? Have you seen me anxious or

miserable because of anyone else's problems before? You little fucking
bastard, you still dare to make fun of me!"

"That's because you were never capable to begin with."

"I'm not capable?" A demonic and iniquitous air swept across and settled
harshly in Gu Hai's eyes. His hands hovered above Bai Luo Yin's body as if
teasing it. And without a second of warning, they twitched, and attacked said
boy's body, tickling him here, there, and all over. Several times, Gu Hai's
hand, along with all of its ten digits would intentionally prod the lower half of
Bai Luo Yin's body. Making sure he 'accidentally' nudge said boy's precious

He persistently interrogated: "You said I'm not capable, how am I not


Bai Luo Yin used all his strength to push Gu Hai away. He wanted so bad to
shake off his scoundrel, to get rid of him, but, in the end, Gu Hai still
relentlessly chased after him, unwilling to let him go nor loosen his grip.

The two rolled around on the ground in circles several times until finally Bai
Luo Yin's couldn't help but gasped for breath, allowing a low roar to sneak
out from between his lips.

"Stop messing around already. There are people everywhere."

"Where are there people huh? How come I don't see anyone?"

Bai Luo Yin wanted to sit up, but Gu Hai refused to let him do so. Instead, he
continued to pressed his entire weight on him.

Their eyes met each other, face each other, there were no more than a mere
centimeter separating them.

Their breaths began to change, so much so, that even the taste of it was
somewhat different. Gu Hai's fingers that were at the back of Bai Luo Yin's
head, laced into his hair. And, not before long, those elongated fingers tussled
about, caressing it, for a little while.
Their gaze fell upon each other, taking in each other's visage as a mutual
understanding swelled up and burst within their mind, within their hearts.

"I miss you."

In that moment, Bai Luo Yin's expression became stagnate. Without him
even realizing it, a rush of energy surged fiercely into the palm of his hand,
causing him to suddenly push Gu Hai off of him. If he didn't push him away
now, something else might have occurred.

He stood up and patted the dirt off his own body. Then, his arm stretched out
toward Gu Hai who was still on the ground, and pulled him up.

"Didn't you say, there's a real combat practice today? Take me to go see

Gu Hai's faced returned to its stern and unflinching demeanor, "Okay,

should we take the car or walk there?"

"How far is it from here?"

"About five kilometers." {3.10 miles}

Bai Luo Yin considered the distance for a second.

Five kilometers, only five kilometers, it's not ridiculously far.

When Gu Hai caught sight of Bai Luo Yin's relaxed expression, it made him
want to deliberately make it difficult for him so he made a proposal.

"It would be better if the two of us cross country[2] these five kilometers.
Let me see what you are capable of."

Bai Luo Yin didn't see the disdain expression that plastered itself in Gu Hai's
eyes. The will to fight and take on this battle ignited a flame within his heart.

Originally, he was a young lad that really enjoyed physical education. When
he was in junior high school, he even received a ten thousand meters' award
for the amateur team.
Even though, his start off wasn't extremely remarkable, but his endurance
was rather strong. Generally, even if he doesn't exercise or train himself, he
would still be able to run smoothly for several kilometres. So, to him, five
kilometres wasn't even considered hard.

With ease, they each carried on their backs a twenty-kilogram weighted

backpack. The two, then, started their journey.

At first, everything was still pretty relaxed as Bai Luo Yin displayed the
quality of his good physical health. While he ran, he would also chat with Gu

But suddenly, after they ran for about two kilometres, he discovered that
something didn't feel right. It was then, that he finally came to fully
understand the hidden meaning behind the saying, 'carrying a burden on one's

It had become a bit harder for his back to straighten out already, and
moreover, cross country running in an uneven terrain made his slow pace
quite appearance.

At the very start, the path was smoother, more leveled. But afterwards,
bumps that rose up and down became wider and larger. He kept on making
his way up the slanted downhill. But, what's worse was that, his path was
greeted with more and more gravels, that persistently dug into the sole of his
foot, causing pain to gather intensely in the same spot, every time he

Sensing that Bai Luo Yin's speed had begun to slow down, Gu Hai turned his
head around. A rather cheerful expression smothered his face as he teased
and ridicule the boy behind him.

"What? Tired huh?"

Once he heard Gu Hai's tone of voice, Bai Luo Yin looked as if there was
completely nothing wrong with him.

Bai Luo Yin bit his tongue down, clenched his teeth and continued to

In the blink of an eyes, four kilometres had already passed by. Bai Luo Yin
felt as though both of his legs were filled to the brim with lead that were
eager to pull him down. And his body teetered on the verge of collapsing.
Every step he took was extremely difficult to bare. It became a challenge
after all.

Up ahead was a tremendously huge slope. Bai Luo Yin's back was nearly
pulled downward by the silent, yet powerful force of gravity, which would
have caused him to descend, if he were not careful.

With much difficulty, Bai Luo Yin climbed and finally made it up the slope.
He wiped the bead of sweats that formed restlessly on his forehead. He
peered down, and his sight was met with Gu Hai's, who stood at the bottom
of the slope, staring intently yet softly at him. A relaxed and gentle smile
adorned the outer lining of his lips.

Frustration and anger streamed into Bai Luo Yin's mind and even his heart
was affected by it. He angrily flung the weighted backpack on the ground. He
looked down and at first, with small steps, he trotted down. But in mere
seconds, he quickened his pace and vigorously charged downhill.

At last, in less than a second, he scurried toward Gu Hai and clamped himself
onto his back.

With eighty-nine kilograms[3]of weight hung heavily on his body, Gu Hai

was still able to stand rather straight.

Bai Luo Yin saw the weighted backpack on Gu Hai's back as a hindrance that
was pretty much in his way. So, with much resentment toward that backpack,
he immediately tore it off and flung it on ground.

He, himself, then leaned onto Gu Hai's back, gasping heavily for air.

Actually, he even thought that if clenched his teeth together hard enough, he
could endure another half a kilometre. By then, he reckoned they would be
near the end, but when he saw how Gu Hai ran with such ease, a hateful
admiration and jealousy materialized in Bai Luo Yin's heart! He might as
well hang onto this body and not get off at all.

Isn't your physical strength extremely strong? Then, you can just carry me
and continue to charge forward. I want to see if you'll get tired or not!

In fact, Bai Luo Yin was entirely mistaken. Since the moment, he rushed
forth, and his chest made contact with Gu Hai's back, Gu Hai already doesn't
know what being tired meant.

Happiness was infused into his heart, his being and everything else that
surrounded him.

Bai Luo Yin never had this kind of feeling before. That is, having someone
carried him, while running all over the mountains and plains, with the cold
wind whistling beside his ears, and beads of sweat, the size of soybean,
lingering beneath his eyes.

The sounds of Gu Hai's breathe flowed through his thick and wide back and
dispersed throughout Bai Luo Yin's chest before it travelled deeper into the
pit of his stomach.

With each sound that each breath created, electricity sparked and shook

It was only when they arrived at their destination, did Gu Hai finally put Bai
Luo Yin down. The two laid down on the bare ground and stared upward,
eyes obsessed with the scene above them.

The space above their heads, closest to the heavens, was the most beautiful
brilliance of blue.

A few fighter aircrafts rumbled in the empty sky and flew passed their sight.

"Tired?" asked Gu Hai, as his hand stretched out and pinched Bai Luo Yin's
cheeks for a while.

Bai Luo Yin seized Gu Hai's hand, gently placed it beside his leg and held it
tightly within his own hand. Afterwards, he honestly nodded his head.
When he ran, he was tired.

When Gu Hai carried him on his back and ran, he was also tired.

From when they started until now, there weren't any breaks at all.

"Later, if you're disobedient and don't listen, I'll punish you in this way.
I'll make you run cross country for five kilometres until you admit your
own mistakes."

Bai Luo Yin shot Gu Hai a death glare, eyes fully of tiredness and

Gu Hai laughed; doting eyes, drowned in love and adoration, followed Bai
Luo Yin's handsome face.

"I'm just teasing you. When have I willingly punish you huh?"

Bai Luo Yin slowly and leisurely took in a long breath. The countryside air
was, undoubtedly, fresh and clean.

Translator's Note:

[1]Anti-aircraft warfare - or otherwise known as counter-air defense, is de

defined by NATO (The North American Treaty Organization) as "all
measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action."
They include ground and air based weapon systems, associated sensor
systems, command and control arrangements and passive measures It may be
used to protect naval, ground, and air forces in any location.

[2]cross country - is a sport in which teams and individuals run a race on

open-air courses over natural terrain. Sometimes the runners are referred to
asharriers. The course, typically 4-12 kilometres (2.5-7.5 mi) long, may
include surfaces of grass, and earth, pass through woodlands and open
country, and include hills, flat ground and sometimes gravel road.

[3] eighty-nine kilograms - let's do some math ^.^ Bai Luo Yin is only a mere
69kg. Why? Because, Gu Hai already had 20kgs of weight on him, so
altogether Gu Hai is now weighted down by 89kg of weight which is about
196lbs. D: Goodness, I would be crushed but not GU HAI XD
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 136: The Inquietude of Youth - Yin Zi successful


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The start of the new semester slowly, but inevitably, approached. The two hid
themselves at home, refusing to leave at all cost. Everyday, they would stare
anxiously at the thick stack of examination papers, that taunted and teased
them without a second rest. The answers to those questions were really
sickening to come by and had only one final outcome. The teachers had
already taken the pleasure of making it be known, that they will definitely
looked at the process that lead to the solution.

With no other choice, the two decided that it was best to divide their
workload, which meant that each person would only have to do half the work.

The whites of the examination papers glimmered as if it were stars, and

spread all over, almost covering the entirety of the bed. To the side, there
were two brand new desks, eagerly awaiting to be used. However, after it had
been purchased, to sum it all up, it had been used no more than three times.
The majority of the time, they worked on their school assignments on the bed
until they were fed up with it and tiredness lull them to sleep.

Bai Luo Yin laid flat on his stomach on the bed with the back of his hand
supporting his chin. He yawned several times, while his eyes squinted in
various degrees as he looked at and tried to remain focus on the innumerous
characters that seemingly pirouette on the white sheet of paper in unison. At
this point, he was a shade of desultory, and too enervated to be systematic.
Sooner rather than later, his saliva would have quickly dropped on the paper
and dried up.

Gu Hai's eyes moved apace toward Bai Luo Yin. His heart tightened just
from that single glance. Distress and concern only exacerbated each words
that escaped his lips.

"If you're tired, go to sleep. Leave the rest of the papers there, I'll finish
them up."

Bai Luo Yin merely looked up for a second and shook his head. Then, he
patted the spot near his side several times, eyes never once leaving Gu Hai.

"Come, lay down over here."

"What for?" asked Gu Hai as he twisted his head around to face Bai Luo

Bai Luo Yin became impatient as his brows slighted weaved together.

"If I tell you to come lay here, just come and lay here."

Suspicions shone before his eyes and inundated his vision with a strange
radiance as he rolled over and laid on his stomach at the spot that Bai Luo
Yin had demanded him to lie at.

In less than a second, Bai Luo Yin nonchalantly rested his head on Gu Hai's

So, you're just using my butt as a pillow!

Trying for a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, he quickly gave Bai Luo
Yin a side glance. But, all he could see was an air of comfort and
contentment perching securely on Bai Luo Yin's figure.

He couldn't help but to ask: "Isn't that a pillow over there......why don't
you just lie down there?"

"The pillow isn't as soft as your butt," retorted Bai Luo Yin before his lips
crunched upward. He had talked himself into happiness as he crooked his
mouth into a smile.

"You, just look at your stupid appearance......."

Gu Hai once again twisted his head around. Eyes submerged with addiction,
peering lovingly at Bai Luo Yin's now serious demeanor. He watched him lay
there on his own body, diligently working on his assignments.

His heart ached so much, to the point where he was not able to prevent the
aching from escalating.

After a long while, Bai Luo Yin could sense that a certain person's attention
had been pulled out of focus, so he allowed his own pair of strict, sharp and
icy eyes, swept over.

A warning dispersed within the room, "Quickly finish your work."

Gu Hai turned his head away, but a moment later he turned his head back

"Lying down like this is making me a bit tired."

Bai Luo Yin sympathetically picked his head up just slightly and moved.

Gu Hai cleared his throat and callously said: "That's not what I meant. I
wanted to say that, just a moment ago, you laid on top of me for a long
time, shouldn't it be my turn to lie on your butt?"

"No, I won't let you lay on me," Bai Luo Yin retorted with an absolute

"Why the hell won't you let me?" Gu Hai exploded, "I've already let you
lay on me, why won't you let me do the same?"

"That's because you willingly let me lay on you."

Gu Hai secretly concentrated all this strength.

He blinked, and once those dark pupils suddenly revealed itself again, flames
of strontium had already been set ablaze within them. And slowly, that flame
began to spread. His hand that had been resting incognito on the bed,
clutched the sheets before he abruptly struck it a few times lightly. Then, he
suddenly stopped.

Like a wild tiger, hungrily targeting its prey, he face Bai Luo Yin, and
pounce on him.

Bai Luo Yin immediately arms himself with a deadly glare, as if ready to
combat a blood-lusted wolf. His mouth then twist in a contemptuous sneer.

"Gu Hai, you better fucking behave yourself a bit more. We don't have a
lot of time left. If you mess around, who knows how much time will be

"I'm happy to."[1]

After those three words slowly escaped his lip, he immediately begins to kiss
Bai Luo Yin. His lips gently kisses the outer rim of those slightly tinted ears
before his tongue crawls out and licks it, letting the taste of it lure him in
even further. All the while, his hands worked their magic, rubbing, kneading
and teasing the smooth chest beneath. He sneakily tugs at Bai Luo Yin's
trouser, pulling in off in one go. Each and every actions were done in a very
smooth manner.

As soon as those two straightened out legs were finally exposed, a bulge had
already settled beneath the fabric of the underpants.

Gu Hai discovered that, Bai Luo Yin is a typical guy, cold on the outside but
warm and caring on the inside. At first, he may be rather unapproachable and
distant but with enough time that cold exterior can be slowly shattered. Even
more so, his mouth may be harsh but his body spoke otherwise. Every single
time, he pretended to be an honorable and serious person, but in the end, once
he was messed with, teased with for a bit, be would be stimulated faster than
anyone else.

It had been more than a month since he had seen or touched little Yin Zi and
for Gu Hai, the absence had created a longing, that told him how much he
secretly missed it. Separated by a thin layer of fabric, he patiently, gently and
tenderly kissed little Yin Zi. His tongue kissed and messed with the white
fabric of the underwear until it moistened.

The wetness, faintly revealed the color and luster of the fabric and the item
underneath, which made Gu Hai's throat tighten. With his mouth, he moved
up and down that wetted area, tracing and sketching out the shape of the
treasure beneath it until the soft head slightly pointed upward, becoming
almost visible at the edge of the underwear.

Bai Luo Yin felt especially comfortable...yet, a sense of desperation and

urgency badgered him. That annoying layer of fabric acted as a barrier and
derided him, making the burning sensation beneath his underpants impossible
to satisfy.

"You want me to lick it directly?" said Gu Hai vulgarly, "Then, you bring
it out yourself and put it at my mouth."

Bai Luo Yin sneered and gave Gu Hai an eternal death glare. But, in the end,
unable to abandon that facial expression, he depressingly replied back,
"Hurry up."

Gu Hai ignored him, pretending not to hear the urgency in the other boy's
voice. He continued to let his tongue hang loosely on the outside of that
delectable underwear, teasing and nibbling here and there.
He stared seductively at the soft head that was now fully exposed at the edge
of the underwear. His finger unfurled and snaked toward the head. Once
contact was established, he lightly grazed at it for a while.

Bai Luo Yin's waist trembled of its own accord. His breaths became heavy as
he desperately gasped for air. Red was smeared evenly on his entire face, the
color of lust and need. As he casted his eyes downward, peering at Gu Hai,
his breathe hitched. That boy was still unwilling to listen to Bai Luo Yin's
demand as he continued to stare at him.

Gu Hai placed his tongue at the corner of his mouth and sensually licked his
upper lip.

A shudder raced down Bai Luo Yin's spine under Gu Hai piercing eyes,
tempting and seducing him.

Bai Luo Yin couldn't bare it any longer....and, unable to continue taking the
pleasurable torment, he suddenly pulled out his own member and pressed it
against GU Hai's face.

A familiar warmth encased Bai Luo Yin. It was something that he had
fantasized about every night, thought about every night. And every single
time he thought of it, he was unable to stop himself from reliving it......

He suddenly pulled Gu Hai's leg toward himself. At first, Gu Hai didn't

understand the meaning behind it, but then he felt that someone had swiftly
torn his pant off. His heart painstakingly skipped a beat and in that sudden
moment a rush of heat tumbled uncontrollably in that small confined muscle.

Bai Luo Yin wants......'that', of his own accord?

This is the first time, the first time Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin, himself,
craved him in this way!!

Bai Luo Yin leaned on one side of his body, he adjusted his posture, getting
into a relatively comfortable position. He closed his eyes, and once his
eyelids parted, he found himself in close range to Gu Hai's cock. He looked at
it in details, admiring almost enjoying it. It was full of power and grandeur,
almost had once brought nightmares and unimaginable pain
to him. But, it was indeed, the symbol of his manhood.

The flames burning fiercely in Bai Luo Yin's eyes brought great excitement
to Gu Hai as he licked the base of said boy's member, and up and down the
entire shaft, rolling his tongue around all sides before he gently kissed and
licked the tip and once he worked his way up, he slowly took it into his
mouth, a bit at a time.

But, once his eyes made contact with Bai Luo Yin's again, a raging fire
boiled over his entire body, stimulating him, causing his movements to speed
up, as he sucked harder and faster.

A groan escaped Bai Luo Yin's tight lips. This excitation and frenzied state of
mind, caused him to temporarily forget his own body's fear and the rejection
that once resided on it. His mouth latched onto Gu Hai's member. It twitched
and throbbed for a while and before long, he felt Gu Hai's thighs trembled.

"It feels good......" Gu Hai didn't even try to refrain himself from sprouting
out all his feelings, " feels really good."

Bai Luo Yin only presented Gu Hai with three words, "You're so slutty."

Gu Hai paid back Bai Luo Yin with a series of excitements. First, his tongue
kissed the two balls underneath, then he heartily sucked them. The loud
sound of this action resounded in the room. Slowly, he made his way down,
gnawing and licking all around that tight entranceway. When he felt Bai Luo
Yin's buttocks and even his entire legs trembled, his nasal flared up a bit. He
couldn't help but snort. 'Humph!'. A question conjured in his mind.

Who's sluttier between the two of us?

Bai Luo Yin became aware, that often excitement doesn't come directly from
being touched, but rather from how they responded to each other.

Every time Gu Hai groaned, a wave of heat surged and rolled around in Bai
Luo Yin's mind, threatening to take over his entirety. He wished that, in this
moment, right now, he could press Gu Hai beneath his body, messed him up.
Teased and played with him until he shouted out in pleasure.

It's not that Gu Hai didn't think about 'that'.

For quite a while, his mouth greedily and eagerly hovered around that tightly
sealed passageway. He watched as that passageway contracted. But once
again, that painful past meticulously invaded his internal thoughts. He wanted
to ignore all the negative impact brought about by that incident.

Let's just talk about their bodily sensations. That absolutely pleasurable
sensation, the thrill, the high of it all. He simply does not want to dare think
about it......

......if he did reveled in those thoughts, he wished he could enter again and

Bai Luo Yin was the first to strike.

His finger poked again and again at Gu Hai's tight passageway, which caused
Gu Hai's breath to tense.

"I remember someone still owes me one."

Gu Hai awkwardly smiled, "There will be plenty of time for that."

However, Bai Luo Yin had already rested his own body right on top of Gu
Hai's body. He brought his lips close to the side of Gu Hai's ear, practically
gluing it there. His hot breath tickled the nerve in that area.

And, in a soft tone he said, "It's better to let things happen spontaneously,
than to set a day for it."

Gu Hai's eyes fled in every direction before they ultimately landed on those
white examination papers. His voice like a trapped beast, struggled. "Look,
we still have a lot of homework left to do."

Red flames trickled into Bai Luo Yin's eyes as he savagely stared at the spot
between Gu Hai's legs. His eyes emitted a brilliant glimmer.
"I would rather be punished to stand still when we go back to
school.......but today, I must take my revenge!"

Gu Hai's back straightened out for a second. He thought of the five days that
Bai Luo Yin spent lying on the bed all day. His heart suddenly lost all hope
as he remained still, unable to budge.

Bai Luo Yin was a lot more merciful, showing more kindness than Gu Hai.
He, at least, knew to apply some oil, wiping it gently at that tight
passageway. He had even carefully messed around and fooled with that area
for quite a while before he entered.

Then, he suddenly took in a long and deep breath. Even when he breathes, a
pleasurable sensation caused him to shiver and tremble in ecstasy.

It's so tight, feels so good......

Bai Luo Yin impatiently quickened his pace.

The room was filled with the sound of Gu Hai's roaring and bawling voice. It
was as if a pig was being slaughtered.

" really hurts......aren't you being too fucking aggressive......?"

There was a complete lack of pity as Bai Luo Yin's hand slapped Gu Hai's ass
for a little while.

"You better fucking calm down for a bit! You're not even bleeding so
what are you shouting for? That day I was in so much pain and became
like that, I didn't even shout and wail like you are now!"

Gu Hai continued to howl in grief. Being in pain was just one aspect of it,
what's more important was that he felt sick.

Think about it, Gu Hai, himself, could easily brawl with three men with no
problem at all......yet now, he was pressed down beneath his own wife. If
other people were to find out, how could he ever face people again huh?

Bai Luo Yin, however, had already been carried away by the pleasure,
practically forgetting himself. Even to the point where he intermittently
moaned in between his breaths. The hair on both side of his face, swayed
rhythmically with each of his movements, allowing the beads of sweat that
had gathered on his forehead to easily and confidently fly off in all directions.
That handsome face became even more and enticing than it
normally was.

Never had Bai Luo Yin's face been as striking and bright as right now. It was
as if a strong and powerful vital force had been poured into his entire body,
creating an unruly and high-spirited youth......Gu Hai twisted his head away,
bit down on his teeth and endured it.

Even if he was in great pain, he endured it. Even if he was a bit annoyed, he
endured it. As long as he thought of Bai Luo Yin's excited expression, he felt
that everything was worth it.

Finally, Bai Luo Yin moaned before a growl escaped his lips. A stream of
burning hot fluid spurted on Gu Hai's buttocks. With uneven breaths, that had
yet to quieten down, he collapsed on the bed. Bai Luo Yin's entire chest was
red, faintly exposing the joy that he had just experienced.

A sinister air, indistinctly painted itself in Gu Hai's dark eyes as he gazed for
a moment at Bai Luo Yin. Finally, he let out a light cough, hinting at Bai Luo
Yin to look at his body.

Originally, little Hai Zi was in a very high fighting spirit, but at this moment,
it had withered, becoming listless.

Bai Luo Yin was rather embarrassed. Just a moment ago, he had only treated
himself with pleasure that he had forgotten about that little guy. He wanted to
stretch his hand out, however, Gu Hai stopped him, revealing only half of his
face. And before long, the corner of his mouth exposed an evil smile.

"Now, we don't owe each other anything right?"

Bai Luo Yin was able to immediately decipher the meaning behind Gu Hai's
With confidence, he then rationally reminded Gu Hai, "The doctor said, it's
best not to let it happen a second time."

Gu Hai was surprised, almost frightened, "When the doctor said that,
weren't you unconscious?"

"You've forgotten. Even when I sleep, I can still hear everything."

Gu Hai, "........."

Translator's Note:

[1]I'm happy to - The most commonly used translation for this is, "I'm willing
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 137: The Inquietude of Youth - You get what YOU


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin’s hand stretched out toward the top of little Hai Zi lifeless form.
He teased and played around with it while sweetly and tenderly kissing the
nape of Gu Hai’s neck. Within seconds, Gu Hai felt that delectable
excitement again. He lost himself in the heat that percolated from Bai Luo
Yin’s enticing body as it encased him in an inebriated state of mind.

One of his leg hung slanted on Bai Luo Yin’s soft and supple buttocks. In
mere seconds, he gradually dragged his foot upward, allowing it to kiss and
caress every bit of skin it made contact with. As his foot drew closer to Bai
Luo Yin’s buttocks, he pressed just a little harder.

Then, his foot arched, allowing him to use the sole of it to slowly and gently,
knead and stroke it for a while. His toes unfurled in the direction of the gap
that separated the two butt cheeks from each other, and before long they
crawled toward their intended target. Inch by inch, they moved in between
that gap until they touched that spot, that tightly sealed passage.

Out of a conditioned reflex, Bai Luo Yin trembled for a while. The
movements of his hand progressively came to a halt and soon his vision
froze, intoxication drilled itself into the core of his vision. As if entranced in a
world of bliss, his entire body became really rigid.


A sudden chill manifested at the bottom of Gu Hai’s heart.

There’s definitely a psychological trauma to this!

Cause once bitten by a snake, one is scared all his life at the mere sight of a

What will the days ahead be like uh?!

Just as he was trapped in those thoughts, Bai Luo Yin had once again taken
advantage of his daze appearance and pressed his own body comfortably on
top of Gu Hai. His handsome face crooked into the right side of Gu Hai’s

“It seems, I’m feeling it again.”

Gu Hai could already sense that things did not look too bright for him,
because that naughty…that mischievous little fellow down there, that was
lying almost lifeless on his tailbone before, had started to stir with vitality

He could slightly feel the blood circulating throughout the veins that wrapped
tightly beneath the skin of that disobedience fellow.

The nerves that had always laid comfortably on Gu Hai’s head, were charged
with an electrifying sensation, before it sprinted vigorously into the meninges
of his brain.
Once wasn’t enough? Now, you want to come a second time? What a cruel
and merciless request……

Even if Gu Hai’s physical strength was extremely marvelous, he would still

be unable to withstand it if Bai Luo Yin were to torment him like this!

“Baby, you need to take a break okay. Leave some energy, we still have a
lot of assignments left that we haven’t finished yet.”

Bai Luo Yin shamelessly lie right on top of Gu Hai’s body, refusing to get off
as he incessantly rubbed here, there and all over.

He continued to caress the skin beneath his body while saying, “Just this
once, this time, I guarantee you’ll also feel good. Da Hai ah………didn’t
you say you want to be good to me?”

The soft caress and loving touches created a raging fire that had set Gu Hai’s
body aflame. Even his heart was burning with rage.

What the hell, normally you don’t act like a spoiled kid. Why is it that now,
you insist on acting like one!!

His head was sweetly turned around by Bai Luo Yin’s warm hand. He was
met with an unusual expression, one of which he rarely gazed upon. A
glimmer of light danced around beautifully in Bai Luo Yin’s unshaken eyes
as an overflow of thirst, longing, anticipation and arousal sunk deep into
those now darkened orbs.

If that kind of expression had begged for Gu Hai instead, Gu Hai would have
absolutely, without a doubt, gone insane in the blink of an eye.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t!

Gu Hai took in a long and deep breath.

Forget it, in any case, he had already accepted and suffered this criminal act
today. Letting it happen a few more times doesn’t really matter anymore.

Since his intention was to let his wife feel good, then he might as well let him
indulge in and feel thoroughly good until the very end.

This one-time meal should suffice. In the future, there won’t be these kind of
thoughts anymore.

Who made you love him uh?

In the end, Bai Luo Yin’s guarantee wasn’t even the least effective. Not only
did it not make Gu Hai’s feel genuinely comfortable, but what’s more, it
never even once reached that pinnacle.

For the entire night, it was like they were being injected with drugs and
doped to the nth degree. They tossed and turned in various ways, trying to
and using different methods to stimulate each other. And, during the very last
moment that they released, barely anything shot out. Even though his hip and
private region ached all over, he was nonetheless, very excited.

Finally, when the next morning kindly arrived, the two tasted the
consequences of the previous night.

Naturally, there’s no need to mention Gu Hai’s condition. Running a Chinese

style ironman triathlon wouldn’t be this tiring and even more so, hammering
nails into his bones wouldn’t be this painful either.

Since Bai Luo Yin indulged himself for an entire night, he quickly fell asleep
from the weariness. But, even though he wanted to take this opportunity to
rest for a while, he was awoken from the pain and remained in this state until
the first light of the morning.

As he made his way to the bathroom, and pulled out little Yin Zi, he
discovered that it was swollen. The pain seared when he touched it with his
hands and as the urine flowed out of it, the pain was even more unbearable.

With great effort, Bai Luo Yin extended one hand toward the wall and used it
to support and prop himself up, while the other hand carefully and
meticulously held onto his little friend. Sadly, not only did he needed to
endure the stabbing pain in the front already, he also had to put up with the
aching that scorched his lower back. The entire process was like a scene
taken at a battleground.

With great difficulty, he returned back to his spot on the bed. The situation
wasn’t any better even after he laid down. His whole body, from the top of
his head to the tip of his toes, felt uncomfortable. Or more precisely, pain had
happily invited itself to settle on every inch of him. Even though he was
already feeling extremely tired and sleepy, he simply could not sleep at all.

Last night delight……pleasure, had long gone, leaving behind an endless,

inexhaustible remorse and torment.

Gu Hai was lying on his stomach right beside him motionless, looking as
though he was in a deep soundless sleep. But, in reality, he had been silently
enduring the pain all along. For the entire night, not even an ounce of sleep
pitied him as he remained awake, eyes closed but staring into the darkness of
the night.

Bai Luo Yin recalled the bitter experience that had happened to him. He
remembered that one time, the atrocity that Gu Hai had brought upon him
and the nightmare and anguish that came along with it. But, in contrast to his
own conduct, it wasn’t just one time……it happened four, five times already!

One can only imagine what Gu Hai’s condition was like.

Now, Bai Luo Yin regretted it. Not only did he felt sorry, but he was also in
distressed; heartache ate away sorrowfully at his inside.

Having felt that same experience now, he can understand what Gu Hai’s
frame of mind was at that time.

His hand reached out toward and felt Gu Hai’s body temperature for a while,
luckily it was normal and he doesn’t have a fever.

When he sensed Bai Luo Yin touched him, Gu Hai opened his eyes. He was
met with an extremely exhausted and beaten face. It was completely different
from the confident and willful demeanor that once encircled Bai Luo Yin last

Seeing how fast Gu Hai opened his eyes, Bai Luo Yin realized that Gu Hai
was awake the entire time.

“You……didn’t sleep well last night?”

Gu Hai answered back with a question, “What do you think?”

Bai Luo Yin’s face was flooded with shame, “It must be really painful uh?”

“What nonsense are you saying now? In your heart, haven’t you already
figured out how much pain I’m in?”

Bai Luo Yin looked just like a child that had done something extremely bad.

With a defeated expression, his head weaseled its way into the crevice of the
pillow, silencing him.

Upon seeing Bai Luo Yin’s ashamed expression, Gu Hai couldn’t help but to
immediately yield, guilt and a sense of regret welled up in his heart instead.
His hand stretched out toward Bai Luo Yin. And, as he gently caressed his
soft hair, he consoled him.

“It’s okay, don’t feel bad anymore. It’s no big deal, my body can take
this burden.”

Nevertheless, Bai Luo Yin still depressingly buried his head inside the quilt,
leaving only the back was his head exposed. His hair was now completely
disheveled and looked exactly like a bird’s nest. For those that didn’t know
any better, they would probably assume that the one being bullied was him.

With much difficulty, Gu Hai shifted his body a bit. A sharp pain conjured at
the tip of his tailbone, followed along the rigid valleys of his spine and spread
throughout his entire forehead causing his brows to knit tightly together as he
endured the vicious pain for a moment.

Only then did he let his face stick close to Bai Luo Yin’s neck.
“Now, your front and your back side are mine alone. Even if I am in a
bit of pain, I am more than willing to.”

Finally, Bai Luo Yin leaned his face to the side, looking straight into Gu
Hai’s pair of eyes.

“Last night, you didn’t feel, even the slightest, bit of comfort at all?”

Gu Has was stumped with this sentence. In the end, should he say that he felt
comfortable or say he did not.

As a man, Gu Hai has a profound understanding toward that kind of urgent

feeling which needed to be recognized.

If he denied it, then Bai Luo Yin would suffer from this guilt for a while. But,
if he really said he felt comfortable, then he’ll only make this guy roar with
happiness. When they to do it again, would he still be able to endure it and
come back alive?

When he saw the hesitation in Gu Hai’s eyes, Bai Luo Yin quickly
comprehended everything.

This time, his once depressed face appeared to be even more gloomy as a
ghastly apparition settled on it.

Gu Hai couldn’t bare to see Bai Luo Yin suffer. He admitted defeat even if
that part of him was suffering from the excruciating pain.

“Actually, for a moment, it felt quite good.”

One of Bai Luo Yin’s eyes glanced depressingly at Gu Hai before said,
“Next time, I won’t do it like that.”

“No!” Gu Hai firmly refused, “There won’t be a next time. It’s only this
one time!”

With regards to this problem, Gu Hai had already thought about it

thoroughly. This situation can not happen again. The key to this is to see
whether it was suitable or not. Just because he loves and feels bad for him, he
should not force himself to bear this kind pain.

After all, making love is a matter that involved two people. So long as one
side is in pain, there is no need to put oneself in this type of situation. He
firmly believed that last time he made a mistake, but as long as this time
around, he constantly learn and study about it, there will definitely be
improvements. Inevitably, there will be a day when he can make Bai Luo Yin
fully accept him.

Of course, Bai Luo Yin also had this way of mentality. It’s just that, for now,
he had temporarily thrown away all those thoughts and ideas.

Last night he had exalted all of his energy already. He was definitely, not in
the mood to go about contemplating on all these matters. The most important
thing to do right now was to take good care of their body and health.

Exerting all the strength he had left, Bai Luo Yin slowly raised the upper part
of his body and extended his arm out toward the second drawer of the small
cabinet beside the bed. Inside was a tube of medicine. At first he had wanted
to throw it away, but fortunately, at that time, he was reluctant to do so. Now,
he was able to put it to good use.

“What are you doing?”

Gu Hai watched as Bai Luo Yin lifted the quilt open, with a guarded
expression wearing down on his face, he stared down at him.

Bai Luo Yin was also quite embarrassed, “I want to apply this medicine for
you. This is the one that the doctor had prescribed for me. Since I
haven’t used it all yet, there’s still some left.”

“There’s no need to!”

Both of Gu Hai’s thick brows arched, almost vertically, before both of his
hands guarded his trouser. With a rather stiff tone of voice, he said, “I’m
fine. There’s no need to use medicine!”

“Are you still feeling humiliated huh? That time I was injured, didn’t I
endure it when a complete stranger applied this medicine for me? Even
more so, you were standing there looking as well and even then I didn’t
utter a single word. Do you really think I’m happy or willing to apply
this medicine for you? I just don’t want to see you having a hard time

Gu Hai still stiffened up his neck in disapproval.

“I already said it, I’m fine means I’m fine.”

“Move your hand now!” Bai Luo Yin’s face darkened. After a while, when
he saw that Gu Hai still refused to back down, Bai Luo Yin simply used his
strength and laid directly on top of said boy’s body. He ruthlessly pressed
down on the body beneath him. And in one swift movement, he removed Gu
Hai’s trousers, and spread open his buttocks before applying the medicine in
that area.

Luckily, it wasn’t such an explosive nor such a tragic sight as he, himself,
had imagined. It was merely swollen, but even then, the swelling was rather
serious. Bai Luo Yin tried his best to let his movements, his hand, be as
gentle as possible.

Gu Hai slowly relaxed, and after he relaxed, he keenly became aware that
when Bai Luo Yin applied and wiped the medicine for him, he was also
incessantly breathing. It was as if, he was the one feeling the pain.

If this kind of considerate and care happened when he was injured under a
more heroic circumstance, and not through this kind of sorrowful situation,
he would have been extremely happiness……. blessed.

Bai Luo Yin merely shifted his position and as a result of not being careful,
the already injured little Yin Zi bumped onto Gu Hai’s kneecap.

It was so painful that his entire body curled up. He incessantly grinned with

Deeply concerned, Gu Hai asked, “What’s wrong?”

Bai Luo Yin’s brows tightened together as he waved his hands, feeling
somewhat defeated.

Once Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin’s hand had covered his crotch, he could
roughly guess what was wrong.

“Take your pant off,” commanded Gu Hai.

However, Bai Luo Yin refused to take it off, even if his live depended on it.

Last night, he was powerful and majestic as he indulged in pleasure and lost
himself in it, how could he let this guy mock and make a joke out of him

“What’s there to be shy about? I’ve even licked it already so why are you
afraid of me looking at it huh?” said Gu Hai as he picked himself up.

Once his foot made contact with the floor and he pulled himself off the bed, a
burst of pain dispersed throughout his legs. It was as if his entire body was
being torn apart by invisible daggers. In this moment, he’d even wanted to
curse the earth, the heavens and everything in his sight. Maybe then this
misery would pity him and go away.

Gu Hai’s foot, hip and every part of him that moved even the slightest,
throbbed. He slowly made his way toward the bathroom, and with great
difficulty, he arrived safely in one piece. Twisting the handle of the sink’s
faucet on, he let the warm water moisten and wet the towel that beneath it.
After he wrung the towel just dry enough, he proceeded to pace himself back
toward the bedroom. When he arrived in front of the bedroom’s door, he
rested for a while, letting the pain settle and allowing the beads of sweat on
his forehead to cool down.

There was nothing more miserable or pathetic than he was. Last night, he was
tossed around over and over again until he was half dead……pretty much
verging on the edge of life and dead. Even more so, after he woke up, he had
to serve, wait upon the other person!

The moment Bai Luo Yin spotted the towel in Gu Hai’s hand, he knew one
hundred percent what that rascal was up to. Trepidation crashed right into the
core of his head as he immediately rolled off the bed, and staggered quickly
toward the front door. Before long, he was virtually running toward it in a
great effort to escape this situation.

At first, Gu Hai was unable to move around freely since pain had taken the
pleasure to repeatedly attack him, but then, this guy scattered around the
room, seemingly with much ease, as he chased Bai Luo Yin to every corners.

“Come back here!” scolded Gu Hai in an extremely loud voice.

Bai Luo Yin also held onto his waist, keeping close to the wall as he moved
away from his predator. He gave a grimace of pain, bearing his semi fang out.

“Don’t let me catch you!”

Gu Hai picked up a leather belt and whipped the air, trying to intimidate Bai
Luo Yin.

“Obediently lay back down now!”

Not only did Bai Luo Yin not listen to a single word Gu Hai had said, he
persistently moved toward the front door. When he yanked the door with too
much force, his body suddenly felt unstable and rather light, almost as if he
was floating. He nearly fell down to the ground with the door as it slid open.

Gu Hai’s eyes widened, fear and anxiousness written roughly all over his face
as he took large strides toward Bai Luo Yin. But, as a result, his wound was
torn, causing his footing to sway.

Finally, at a distance of less than one meter away from Bai Luo Yin, he
stopped. He took in two deep breaths, laughed at himself and asked, “Bai
Luo Yin, is it really necessary for us to do this?”

With his hands, Bai Luo Yin’s wiped beads of sweat off of his warm
forehead. Suddenly, a strange feeling burst within him, he didn’t know
whether or not he should laugh or cry since things just seemed funny and
extremely embarrassing at the same time.
Gu Hai forced his spine to straighten up, bit down on his teeth, endured the
pain once again, and made his way back toward the bathroom

The towel had already cooled down, so with no other choice, he had to let it
sit under the warm water again.

Seeing Gu Hai like this, Bai Luo Yin’s heart sank and he in turn, obediently,
returned to the bed.

Enduring the discomfort and resisting the pain that seared throughout his
body, he gently and softly wiped little Yin Zi swollen form clean.
Afterwards, he squeezed a little bit of the cool medicine onto the tip of his
finger and applied it lightly on the swollen member.

Bai Luo Yin didn’t bother to turn his head around. During the whole process,
not even once did he lowered his head to glance at it.

After he finished, Gu Hai pulled little Yin Zi, with what little strength he had
left in him, for a few seconds. Feigning anger, he eyed it and said, “This is
the result of all the bad things that you’ve done.”

Pain collected unwantedly at that spot, accusing Bai Luo Yin as it spread to
every inch of his body. The pain was so merciless that his arm immediately
shot out and firmly gripped Gu Hai’s hair.

They haven’t even put their trousers on yet, when the cell phone rung.

Gu Hai picked it up and lazily glanced down at it. It was a call from Li Shuo.

“Hahaha……Da Hai, I’m in front of your door right now. Hurry up and
open the door!”

Translator’s Note:

[1] Once bitten by a snake, one is scared all his life at the mere sight of a
rope. 心理阴影 [a psychological trauma to this] – means if you did some bad
things or if something bad had happened to you before, then you are afraid to
do it again or have it happened again. Like if you were bitten by dog when
you were young, you would be afraid of a dog later.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 138: The Inquietude of Youth - The GENERAL comes for a


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the end, who should open the door?

The two glanced at each other, neither moved nor uttered a single word as
silence sheathed the entire room.

Bai Luo Yin had just finished applying the medication and what's worse, he
has yet to put his pants on. Gu Hai, on the other hand, was burdened by the
wounds he had been bearing with the entire time. And, even when he walked,
it looked as if he was being tortured.

Finally, with brows knitted together, displaying the pain that dwelled
beneath, Gu Hai clenched his teeth together and straighten up his body.
"I'll go."

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai back down and pressed heavily on him, in effort
to refrain him, "I'll go, be good and lay down. Don't move."

"You're fucking doing this on purpose. You want them to laugh at me

when they see me like this, don't you?" countered Gu Hai. One of his brow
rose in suspicion while his eyes became even more vigilant as they penetrated
into Bai Luo Yin's set of earthen eyes.

"Right now, you and I are tied up on the same boat[1], Whether we sink
or swim, it's going to happen together. If I were to tell them the truth,
wouldn't I be dragging myself under? Use that broken ass of yours and
think about it for a second."

"You......" Gu Hai hatefully use the quilt to cover himself up.

Bai Luo Yin held gently onto his waist as he continued to silently endured the
pain. He unwillingly pulled himself up, faced the front door, and moved
toward it. With every small step he took, the doorbell continued to sing an
endless tone, as if mocking him, taunting him, daring him to quicken his
pace. Unaffected by it, he calmly arrived at the front door. He took two deep
breaths before immediately straightening his waist and back. In less than a
second, he exhaled, forcing a relaxed expression on his own face and open
the door.

"You came?"

Zhou Shi Hu was quite surprise when he saw the person opening the door. He
suddenly smacked Bai Luo Yin on the shoulder for a while. The strength in
his hand was rather strong, nearly causing the boy in pain to crash onto the

"Ha ha ha......Yin Zi, you're here too?"

Li Shuo was also quite bewildered. A few days ago, the young master had
even forbidden them from mentioning this person's existence. How is that, in
such a short amount of time, they are living together again?
"Where's Da Hai?" asked Li Shuo.

With much difficulty, Bai Luo Yin squeezed a smile onto the surface of his
face, but internally he scowled at the unwanted guests.

"In the bedroom."

"It can't be. He still hasn't gotten up yet?"

The two talked while making their way toward the bedroom.

Bai Luo Yin deliberately walked behind them, and as soon as they turned
around, their gaze moving away from him, he immediately bend his back
forward, hand gripping tightly onto his waist as he bit down and grimace at
the excruciating pain that had once again disseminated throughout his body.

Every time they turned their heads to the side or twisted their heads around to
look at him, Bai Luo Yin would promptly straighten up his waist and back,
allowing that aloof expression to became visible on his face once again, as if
nothing was wrong.

"Da Hai, you're really fucking lazy. It's already this late and you still
haven't gotten up yet?" said Li Shuo talking and laughing at the same time,
and before long, he looked in the direction of Gu Hai's buttocks. In the
twinkling of an eye, his hand slightly rose in elevation and slapped it all of a

The veins in Gu Hai's neck rose, creating small valleys along the softness of
his skin, looking as if they were about to burst. His breaths became heavy as
he breathed in and exhaled, difficulty clearly obvious and made even more
evident from the sound of his voice. Fortunately, there was a blanket warding
off the sound that permeated from his lips, concealing it from the others. If
not, even if he wanted to pretend, he wouldn't have been able to.

Bai Luo Yin, stood to the side and snickered until his sides hurt even more.
On one hand, he felt that it was extremely funny, but on the other hand, he
felt really sorry for Gu Hai. These contradicting feelings, in turned cause him
to feel even worse.
After a while, when he saw that Gu Hai had not responded at all, Zhou Shi
Hu faced Bai Luo Yin and asked, "What's wrong with Da Hai?"

Bai Luo Yin could only bladder out some nonsense, "He sprained his

"Sprained his ankle?" questioned Li Shuo with a rather blasé undertone and
unimpressed expression, "It can't be. Da Hai fractured his arm before and
he didn't react to it at all. He'd even played ball with us......and now, he
needs to lay down because he sprained his ankle?"

"That's right!" retorted Zhou Shi Hu as he took a few steps forward and
ripped the quilt open. He pulled one of Gu Hai's leg and asked in a loud
voice, "Is it this leg?"

With just one pull, it created a very large gap of at least two feet that
separated his legs. One can only imagine the pain that Gu Hai was suffering.

"It's not this leg? Then, is it this leg?"

With that said, he pulled the other leg.

As the pain rippled from the tip of his toes to his inner thighs, Gu Hai
couldn't help but to roar.

"Stop fucking pulling it!" His voice, a blood curdling roar rang, creating a
sudden chill in the room.

Bai Luo Yin stood still to the side. Although he felt sorry for him, but at the
same time, he also felt like laughing again. Then when he thought about it
again, if he were to laugh at this moment, in this kind of situation, his
conscience would probably kick him later. So, as a result, he opted to simply
hold in the laughter and he held it in until even the root of his tooth ached.

Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu stared closely at Gu Hai's unpretentious reaction,

looking as if he was sincerely not faking it, they immediately crouched down
to the side. They seemed particularly solicitous to know about their friend's
"Da Hai, you're normally quite sturdy. Why are you making such a big
fuss over a sprained ankle huh?"

"That's right ah. Weren't you swimming in the freezing water in the
dead of winter a while ago? You've trained yourself for such a long time,
why is it that, the more you train, the worse you get?"

"Exactly which one of your leg foot is sprained huh? Just now, I pinched
you for quite a while and I still can't find out which of your ankle is

"Da Hai ah, can you turned over here? Even with your sprained ankle, it
doesn't mean you have to talk to us lying down on your stomach like that

"Right, right, right, just sit up. Aren't you tired and in pain lying down
like that all day?"

Gu Hai's gloomy and sinister face turned toward the two noisy people and
soon after, he faintly replied back.

"Get out!"

Li Shuo simply did not take Gu Hai's words to heart as he pushed Zhou Shi

"Hey, hold onto Da Hai and help him up so he can sit upright. He can't
use his feet so he can't support himself."

Zhou Shi Hu stood up from his position, adopting a posture as if meaning to

step forward.

Gu Hai shouted in anger, "Stay the fuck away from me. I dare anyone to
try and touch me!"

The two became rigid as their entire movements froze. They quickly
exchanged a glance.

It seems, Gu Hai is really angry. Couldn't it be's only us two that he

doesn't want to touch him?

"How about this......" Li Shuo turned, a face painted in great feeling of

empathy, "Yin Zi, you help Da Hai sit up."

Actually, Bai Luo Yin was in the middle of watching, listening, and
somewhat enjoying the sound of the bustling noise and excitement, but the
moment he heard those words directed at him, his entire body became

"What's wrong?" asked Zhou Shi Hu as he pushed Bai Luo Yin toward the
bed, "Hurry up a bit! He's willing to let you touch him."

Just that one push alone almost made Bai Luo Yin turn a somersault.

"Does he absolutely have to sit up huh?" Bai Luo Yin found himself in a
very hard predicament as distress crawled onto his face.

"Of course. We can see how difficult it is for him to lay on his stomach
like that!"

If this kind of situation happened any other time, Bai Luo Yin perhaps
wouldn't care much about this guy and just do whatever already. But, the
most crucial point now, is that, he already has a guilty conscience!

People, the more they feel guilty, the more they'll pretend to be confident in
themselves since they become even more afraid that other people will see
through their tricks. So for now, even if his teeth were broken into pieces, he
had to swallow it down!

The more difficult a task was, the more effort he needed to exert in order to
complete it.

This is definitely a man's hardship!

If it was a little girl, all she had to do was to weep endlessly and it would
have been over.

As Bai Luo Yin walked toward Gu Hai's side, Gu Hai immediately turned his
head around and stared at him.

In that moment, Bai Luo Yin, with all his heart, wished that Gu Hai would
curse him as well, so that afterwards, he can turn away and leave too. Then,
he wouldn't have any business to stay in the room any longer.

But, a moment ago, Gu Hai had caught sight of him snickering, so now, he
laid there rather obediently. If Bai Luo Yin wanted to help him sit up, he
wouldn't, even the least, be resistant or unwilling. He looked at Bai Luo Yin
in this way, waiting for him to come and pick him up.

You're too cruel......

Bai Luo Yin's lips curved into various shapes as he mouthed those words out
in silence to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai pretended not to have seen this gesture and deliberately relaxed his
body before he used all of his strength to adhere himself onto Bai Luo Yin's

Okay, you're fucking punishing me on purpose, aren't you? Then I'll fucking
help you up for real. I want to see, would it be more painful if I pick you up,
or would it be even more unbearable if you sit on the bed!

Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu stood to the side and watched. The more they
watched, the more puzzled they became.

It's nothing more than helping a person there really a need to put so
much effort into it? Don't even mention the amount of time he'd already
wasted before he took action....isn't the way he's going about this too

Bai Luo Yin inserted both of his arm into the crook of Gu Hai's arm. He bent
his own waist forward and incessantly directed all of his his strength toward
his arm. Inch by inch he lifted the upper portion of Gu Hai's back.

At first, Gu Hai didn't' want to cooperate with him, but afterwards, he felt it
was rather unbearable suffering from this kind of painful action, so as a
result, he had no other choice but to cooperate.

The two looked just like two old oxen from a farming area as they
persistently pant and gasp for air in unison until their faces choked in arrays
of purples.

"I think Da Hai's sickness is no small matter," said Li Shuo once he

moved closer to the side of Zhou Shi Hu's ear.

Zhou Shi Hu showed an air of approval to this statement.

"If he's not handled properly, there's a possibility he'll fracture or

shatter his bones."

"Then, why hasn't he gone to the hospital?"

"You've forgotten, whenever he gets sick, he likes to carry his own

burden. He's been like that since he was a kid."

Finally, after a considerable about of time, Gu Hai sat up.!!

Bai Luo Yin, as if relieved from this burden, straightened his waist and
sneakily wiped off the beads of sweat that had coolly formed on his heated
forehead. He then looked at Li Shuo and Zhou Shi Hu with an expression,
only a victor of a challenge, can produce.

"Then, we're going to take our leave first!"

Bai Luo Yin, "........."

Two fiery set of red eyes gradually made their way toward Li Shuo and Zhou
Shi Hu, seeming as though it would burn a hole into their souls.

"Didn't you want me to sit up so I can chat with you guys?"

"We can see that it's not convenient for you, so let's find another day."

If it were not for Gu Hai being unable to move around freely, he would have
had already charged off the bed and slapped each of them two hundred times
in the face.

Why didn't you say it sooner? Why didn't you fucking say it sooner?!!!

In the afternoon, Bai Luo Yin ordered two sets of take-out. One was an
especially plain vegetarian dish. With just one glance, one can easily discern
that it was bland. The other was an especially fragrance meat dish and with
just one glance, one would be rejuvenated with an abundance of energy.

Gu Hai could smell the alluring fragrance that had permeated from the meat.
And as if taunting him, it floated in his direction in great speed. Once again,
he looked at his own bowl of congee that was topped with spinach, staring
back at him. He couldn't help but asked, "I can only eat these?"

With the corner of his mouth still greasy, he replied back with, "You can't eat
anything greasy cause you can easily suffer from excessive internal heat."[2]

Then, don't sit and eat greedily in front of me. You're deliberately making my
mouth water!

The heart, once beating with balance in Gu Hai's chest, became unstable.

"When you were wounded, I accompanied you for four days, only taking
in the IV fluids. And I didn't even touch anything else."

"I can't do it like you."

Bai Luo Yin used is teeth to tear apart the chunk of meat in his hand before
he took in a mouthful and proceeded to chew on it with a great appetite.

"You're already wore down. So I can't wear myself down again. When
the time comes, who's going to take care of you huh?!"

What a beautiful excuse.

Gu Hai wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

Bai Luo Yin saw that the food in front of Gu Hai hadn't even been touched
yet, so he asked: "You don't want to eat?"

Gu Hai didn't say anything and remained quiet.

Bai Luo Yin then snatched the bowl in Gu Hai's hands and picked up the
spoon that was sitting stiffly to the side. He scooped a spoonful of congee and
placed it to the side of Gu Hai's mouth.

A smile appeared in Gu Hai's eyes as he laughed lightly and looked at Bai

Luo Yin's handsome face. And a second later, he asked purposely in a very
formal tone of voice, "What are you doing?"[3]

Bai Luo Yin coldly shot a glance at Gu Hai, faintly saying, "Open your

Gu Hai obediently opened his mouth with anticipation. Such a bland and
simple spoonful of congee immediately became a wonderful delicacy once it
entered his mouth.

The two ate together, one mouthful for you and one mouthful for me. They
ate until energy properly disbursed in their once weakened body.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Bai Luo Yin turned toward the direction of the sound and saw two tall and
sturdy silhouettes standing at the front door.

On one side, was Gu Wei Ting, with that not angry at anyone, yet still stern
and serious, facial expression. And the other person, was the conscientious
and smiley face body guard.

The bowl of congee in his hand nearly smashed onto the bed as he stared at

A moment ago, when he went to the front door to retrieve the take-outs, he
had forgotten to lock the door.......

All four of them refused to budge from their position as they remain

Finally, it was the bodyguard that smiled and started to speak first, "Can we
come in?"

Gu Hai unenthusiastically said, "Come in."

Gu Wei Ting entered the room first. His expression was rather serious, but
his eyes were filled with deep concern as they flickered toward his son. The
bodyguard followed closely behind him, with a gentle and warm smile
gracing his lip the entire time.

"Xiao Hai, the general heard that you were sick, and especially rushed
here to see you."

Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin, "........."

Translator's Note:

[1]一条绳上的蚂蚱 - "like locusts tied together by one rope." So in simpler

wordings, on the same boat; in it together for better or worse; to sink or swim

[2]Excessive internal heat - symptoms include, constipation, conjunctivitis

and inflammation of the nasal and oral cavities.

[3]What are you doing? - Here, Gu Hai used the words '您,' nín, meaning
'you' but formal. It can be used for someone older, you respect, of higher
status, etc.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 139: The Inquietude of Youth - The GOLDEN


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Wearing a rather stern expression, Gu Wei Ting makes his way toward Gu
Hai's side. He stares down at the bowl of congee in Bai Luo Yin's hand and
within seconds, the corner of his mouth hung somewhat loose as a seldom
smile worms its way onto his lips. He probably felt awfully satisfied upon
seeing this rather 'deep and affectionate feelings of brotherhood' between the
two boys.

Bai Luo Yin place the bowl of congee to the side, and with much difficulty,
he stood up and reluctantly forced his foot to take a few steps back.
Afterwards, he stood in a spot just a bit further away so as to give this
unusual father and son some space to interact with one another.

"Let me take a look, which leg is fractured?" asked Gu Wei Ting as he

adopted a posture of wanting to lift the quilt up.
Without any delay, Gu Hai quickly pressed extremely hard on the corners of
the quilt. And a second later, he picked his head up, revealing a relatively
determined and resolute expression. It was clear as the morning light that he
was not willing to loosen the strength on the quilt beneath his hands.

"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong."

Gu Wei Ting's hand paused. His own sight met with the relieved that dwelled
in Gu Hai's eyes.

"I really admire your fearless defiance and strong spirit toward pain
but, if you're sick, you have to go and see a doctor. Letting it drag on like
this, is also not a good way of dealing with it. Mr. Sun, the military
doctor that you've contacted a moment ago, when will he arrive?"

Sun Jingwei took a quick glance at his watch, "He should be here soon. If
there's no traffic, it should be no more ten minutes."

Gu Wei Ting's thick brows slightly knitted together in doubt, "At this time,
on this road, during which day would there be no traffic?"

"Then......we can dispatch a helicopter and have him flown here


All of a sudden, the color on Gu Hai's face changed to several different hues,
as a warm ripple of heat unfurled to every corner of his skin.

All the while, he secretly exchanged a few words to himself in his mind.

Fuck, the day that I was actually injured, I didn't even see you this worried or
anxious at all! Now that my anus[2]is merely swollen, you all actually want
to dispatch troops just to fly a helicopter here. Aren't you deliberately making
this even more difficult for me?

"There's no need to!" retorted Gu Hai in a very firm tone of voice, "I'm not
sick at all."

"If you're not sick, then why are you just laying there like that?" asked
Gu Wei Ting, as if he was interrogating his one of his officers.
With a calm and collected expression, Gu Hai replied back, "My body just
feels a bit uncomfortable. Can't I just rest for awhile?"

Gu Wei Ting gave Sun Jingwei a signal with a slight nod of his head,
instructing him to go about with his task according to his previous command
and to ignore Gu Hai's words.

Sun Jingwei took the cellphone, faced the door and made his way outside.

Bai Luo was resolved to fight it out with him at all cost as he anxiously took
several large strides forward. And, with each step that he made, he held in the
pain that repeatedly struck him. Finally, with much difficulty, he caught up
with Sun Jingwei.


Just as Sun Jingwei turned his head and saw Bai Luo Yin's figure
approaching him, a light smile immediately squirmed its way onto the corner
of his lips. His eyes couldn't help but to expose a ray of warm light. He had
heard Gu Wei Ting mentioned Bai Luo Yin before, and he also knew the
relationship between the two. So, it was only natural for him to be a bit more
respectful toward the young boy.

"There's nothing wrong with Gu Hai. You really don't need to let the
doctor come over," said Bai Luo Yin with a rather firm and sincere

Sun Jingwei seized Bai Luo Yin's hand with his own and shook it up and
down several times. This courteous action of his, indirectly caused Bai Luo
Yin to feel as if he had lost more than a few brain cells.

"It's been hard on you," said Sun Jingwei; those genuinely heartfelt words
sung a tune of joy and warmth in the air as it dissolved into the open space
above their heads, "I watched as Xiao Hai grew up so I am fully aware of
his temperament. Since you are able to share the same bed as him, be
kind to him in every possible way and watched over him with so much
care, then, on behalf of the General, I would like to express my

Suddenly, for a long while, Bai Luo Yin could feel the beating of his heart on
the temple of his head.

Can I honestly tell you that, in reality, I was the one who actually tortured
him until he became like this?

"However, if he's sick, he must be seen by a doctor. Even a body as

strong as iron can not be repeatedly tortured and burdened with
ailment. You already know, your body and health is your most valuable
asset. Young people nowadays are too delicate. It's already rare to come
by healthy kids like you two, therefore, you must protect your own body
and health by all means. Remember, in the future, the burden and
responsibility of defending this nation will fall unto his and your hands."

Bai Luo Yin became hazy, uncertainty rained hard on him. How did this
conversation become even more distant, the more he pulled at it and the more
he goes about preventing it, the bigger it gets?


Sun Jingwei finally released Bai Luo Yin's hand, hinting to him that he
needed to make this phone call as soon as possible.

Bai Luo Yin was still too late to prevent it before he heard the roaring sound
of Gu Hai's voice thundering throughout the room. For the time being, he
could only abort his current mission and quickly return to the room and see
how Gu Hai was doing.

At that moment, Gu Wei Ting used his hand to lift one of Gu Hai's leg, then
he bent it at the knee and tried to pushed it toward the pit of Gu Hai's stomach
before slowly pressing it down against the boy's chest. He wanted to use this
process to determine Gu Hai's level of pain and, in turn, ascertain how badly
his bones have been damaged.

Bai Luo Yin, could more or less, hear the sound of something being torn
After a while, it was only when Gu Hai was, drenched, practically dripping in
sweat all over, did Gu Wei Ting finally loosened his grip.

"Are you even looking at yourself huh? You're already hurting to this
point and you're still claiming your bone hasn't been fractured."

Do you really think I'm in pain because of a fractured bone huh?

If a look can slice a person apart, Gu Hai was definitely doing just that, as he
stared at Gu Wei Ting, eyes consumed with pain.

You are truly a good father! I am extremely grateful toward you. Every single
time I'm in pain or in some sort of big trouble, you're always here helping to
stab at me with a smile!!

"Mr. Sun, did you make the call yet?"

Sun Jingwei walked in from another room, "I called, the doctor should be
here any moment now."

Bai Luo Yin's lifeless head hung low as the tips of his ears sluggishly stared
down at the floor. He stood silently to the side frustrated, but what's even
worse was, he felt defeated.

Gu Hai, I can't help you anymore.

After just ten minutes, a helicopter did indeed land right on top of the
building. Two military doctors, immediately rushed out and at an extremely
quick speed, they hurried toward the floor that Gu Hai's apartment was
situated. With bags and bags of medical supplies tucked tightly within the
grip of their hands, they practically flew into the room.

First they looked at Gu Wei Ting and Sun Jingwei and gave them an earnest
saluted. Then they made their way toward the bedside and inquired about Gu
Hai's current situation.

Sticking firmly to the statement that he's been imparting on them all along,
Gu Hai insisted that there was nothing wrong with him.
Heeding Gu Wei Ting's instructions, the two military doctors stepped forward
and removed Gu Hai's pants. Then, they proceeded to repeatedly check left,
right and all around at both of his legs.

It was so painful, Gu Hai could feel himself hovering between the brink of
life and death.

After they looked around for quite some time, and discovered that there really
wasn't anything wrong with Gu Hai, they then suspected that his hipbone was
most likely injured. So, with much ease, they turned his waist to the side and
pressed down, while at the same time, carefully inspecting that area.

No doubt, they've proven themselves to be military doctors. The strength in

their hands were indeed stronger, crueler and even more ruthless, than the
average doctors.

Every time, they exerted their strength, Gu Hai would shout.

At first, Bai Luo Yin's body was also suffering from extreme pain since he,
himself, couldn't stand for such a long period of time. But now, as he watched
Gu Hai endured this insufferable pain, he had already felt numb to his own
apparent body's pain.

He stood numb and planted sternly in that desolate corner. All he could do
was to mentally beg the doctors to quickly stop their actions at once.

Gu Hai, you must persevere!

In actuality, Gu Hai could no longer endure this excruciating pain.

Finally, he pushed the two military doctors to the side and suddenly stood up
from the bed. Even if he was in pain, as long had he could get these two
people to get the freak out of here, he'll just bite down and bare with it a bit

Pretending as if nothing was wrong, Gu Hai nonchalantly walked around the

room in two full circles. From the look of it, it was no different from other
people, it was just that...... his face was slightly blue.

Except for Bai Luo Yin, everyone else's facial expression was drenched in

"Do you see it now?" Gu Hai looked angrily at the two military doctors,
"Do you still think there is something wrong with me?"

Embarrassment crawled onto the two military doctors' face and soon even the
color slightly changed.

One of them finally opened his mouth and said, "If you've had taken a few
steps earlier, we could have avoided having to give you an examination."

Motherfucker, you think I didn't want to take a few steps before. The point is,
it fucking hurts! If I had known you two would torture me like this, I would
have gritted my teeth together and do two hundred push ups, a moment ago,
just to get you out of here. At the very least, then, my legs wouldn't be pulled
around this like!

Gu Wei Ting's face became somewhat unsightly. Even Sun Jingwei also had
an embarrassed expression plastered on his face.

The military doctors huddled together, and after quite some times, one of
them spoke, "General, there's no damage to his bones, but it's possible,
that this is due to musculoskeletal pain, since after all, his body is still
growing. In some cases, his training sessions might also be too strenuous,
so it's also possible that his body and health has taken a turn for the
worse. It's best to adjust and evaluate those factors for a period of time,
then afterward, he should be good again."

The other military doctor kindly covered the quilt over Gu Hai and warned
him repeatedly, "Be careful and don't catch a cold."

Afterward, the two military doctors, angrily took their leave.

Gu Wei Ting and Sun Jingwei sat down at their previous spot, and after a
short while, they also left together.
Finally, peace and quiet settled in the room.

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai with a rather frightened and doubtful
expression, asking, "How did your dad know that you weren't feeling

"What do you think?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't even have a chance to respond yet when Gu Hai tossed his
cellphone toward him. He switched it on and with just one glance, there was
one message from Li Shuo.

"For my beloved comrade Gu Hai, I've already informed General Gu of

your injury. This is the bridge that I have built for the sake of you and
your father. I sincerely hope that through this firmly constructed bridge,
the relationship between you two will moved into a more tender and
relax route. I also hope, through this trivial matter, you can receive an
endless amount of paternal love."

Bai Luo Yin, "........."


Gu Hai had strongly believed that once Gu Wei Ting left, the two of them
could finally let out a sigh of relief and relaxed their distressed mind, and
even more so, their worn out bodies, but......the nightmare had only started.

In the evening, a little after eight o'clock, the had just started to eat dinner,
when suddenly, the doorbell rung and sounded off loudly in the serene room.

Bai Luo Yin proceeded to arch his lower back and went to open the door.
Once the door widened, he froze, utterly startled by the extravagance scene
that displayed before his eyes.

The corridor was overflowed with people. As far as the eyes could see,
everywhere he looked, all were army green colored uniforms accompanied by
healthy, robust and resolute faces. They were led by three military officers,
who immediately saluted Bai Luo Yin with one hand, whiling each holding
bouquets of fresh flowers in the other hand.

Bai Luo Yin looked apathetically at the three military officers as they entered
into the apartment.

"Comrade Gu Hai, we represent all the officers and men of the Northern
Anti-Aircraft Warfare, division no.7, battalion no.6, company no.3.
We're here to see how you are doing and to wish you a quick recovery."

Gu Hai, "........."

Within less than ten minutes of peace and quiet, the doorbell rung again. This
time, there were several individuals from the People's Armed Police faction.
Once again, after they presented Gu Hai with some more fresh flowers and
get well blessings, they left.

Just a moment later, more people arrived. Bai Luo Yin doesn't even know
which battalion, which company or much less, which unit, they came from.
One after another, they entered the apartment for a visit, looked around, then

In the end, not only were the visitors, officers and men of the army forces,
but even the nearby government officials, administrators, of high and low
status alike, one by one, rushed over with gifts in hands and more words of

As the night goes on, it became even more bustling with noises and
excitements as school leaders and principles, brought along with them,
several teachers who all gathered together in the corridor and practically
broke the door down and one knew how all these individuals
of various status came to receive the news of this situation.

This was the first time Bai Luo Yin became aware of how precious and
valuable the General's son's anus was!

All of a sudden it seemed, as though, embarrassment wasn't the only emotion

that Gu Hai had to deal with. He could feel the breaking point of his hatred
toward his 'good' friend Li Shuo, increased by tenfold the more he thought
about his own current situation. If it were not for him, revealing this secretive
information, how else would these series of events come about huh!

If he was genuinely injured, it wouldn't have been so bad. Even if he had to

reject those obsequious gifts, he could at the very least, calmly and without
stress, except some of them.

But! Nevertheless, the crucial point of it all was, that shameful spot, that
couldn't be seen by others, had suffered from sever damaged. And it was even
harder to open his mouth and tell anyone the reason for this damage.

Every time someone carefully inquired about it, Gu Hai wanted to bury
himself in the narrow slit of the bed and hid inside.

Even when he was faced with shame and had lost face, it just had to involve
such a great number of people.... content was he!

If he were to convey the truth, the reason for why he wasn't able to get off the
bed was because he, Gu Hai, was fucked by his wife all night
could he possibly continue to live on?

Gu Hai warned Bai Luo Yin.

"No matter who else comes, don't open the door!"

Bai Luo Yin moved toward the desk to the side. On a piece of white paper, he
wrote in big letters, 'Sick patient, need rest. We politely refused any
visitation.' Afterward, he taped it on the front door and locked the door from
the inside.

At last, the room was sheathed in tranquility.

The two slept soundly and peacefully into the next morning. That is, until
they were awakened by the noise emitting from the cell phone.

Bai Luo Yin answered the call.

"Hello, we're the property management company. It's been reported to
us by the masses, that there are piles of debris outside of your door,
preventing other owners and sanitarian personnel from passing through.
We hope you can quickly open your door and deal with the pile of things
in a neat and orderly manner. Thank you for cooperating with us.
Beeeep, beeeep, beeeep........."

In a dazed and bewildered mindset, Bai Luo Yin faced the front door and
forced his legs toward it, somewhat stumbling along the way.

Once he opened the door, a pile of about one-meter high or probably even
more, including gift boxes, cases, and baskets, flooded like water, into the

Because Bai Luo Yin's reaction to this sudden inflow was rather slow, he was
rendered immobile. His eyes slightly widened as a pile of boxes crashed onto
him. Gravity then worked its magic and pulled him down along with the gifts.

Suddenly a basket of fruits, toppled over and scattered down.

In the twinkling of an eye, a huge durian landed on top of Bai Luo Yin's

Translator's note:

[1]Chrysanthemum - first of all, this a type of flower but in the Chinese

language it is often used as a veiled reference for 'anus' with a heavy sexual
connotation. Also it can be use as a synonym for said word due to their
similarity in shape.

Since we're here, let's learn some 'vulgar' slang words:

爆菊 [bàojú] means the anus explode (hurts) as a result of forceful


装逼/牛逼 zhuāngbī/niúbī [to act like a pretentious prick/cocky bastard] -

used to refer to a person who is disgustingly pretentious, for an example,
pretending to be knowledgeable, innocent and so on.
撸管/打飞机 lūguǎn/ dǎfēijī [slang for masturbation] - the latter literally
mean, striking at the airplane

[2] Here, Gu Hai actually used the word 菊花 [júhuā] chrysanthemum, but it
makes more sense to say the slang word 'anus' instead, since it would be
extremely awkward to say chrysanthemum in a sentence, given the content.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 140: The Inquietude of Youth - A certain SOMEONE's


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


For three days, the two boys suppressed their desires, making sure to control
it at all cost as to avoid causing any other injuries to reopen. By this time,
both their little cucumber and little chrysanthemum has, more or less, fully
returned to their normal functions.

Meanwhile, vacation has finally decided that, it was time to end.

No longer will the days ahead be full of joy or idleness.

Now, they are amongst the population, that had no choice, but to get up early
in the morning and sleep late at night.

Early in the morning, Gu Hai drove out, bought breakfast and returned.
Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin was still snuggled tightly within the warm sheets of
the bed.

"Baby, wake up, wake up."

Gu Hai gently patted Bai Luo Yin's face repeatedly.

In the silent room, a few hazy groans escaped Bai Luo Yin's soft lips. No
matter what sweet, sugarcoated or flattering words Gu Hai used to try and
lured him out of slumber, his eyes still refused to open.

Gently, Gu Hai lifted the upper half of Bai Luo Yin's body up in an attempt to
wake up him, but in turn, this caused his head to dangle powerlessly. If Gu
Hai only loosened his hands up a bit, then the body within his warm arms
would, without a doubt, fall back on the bed.

What should I do? Gu Hai became slightly anxious.

He had simply wanted to turn him from side to side to sober him up, even
though his hands were rather unwilling to do so....... but, just when he found
enough courage to start this seemingly difficult task, Bai Luo Yin fell asleep
again, and within seconds, light snores sheathed over the once silent room.

Gu Hai couldn't help but cursed in his head.

Everything about the education system is evil. It ruins a person's body and
health while, at the same time, happily strangling their souls as if it's just a

Look at how tired you've made my wife!

With great determination, Gu Hai had already set his heart on waking Bai
Luo Yin wake up softly. One by one, he picked out and, with great care, he
gently dressed each article of clothing on Bai Luo Yin's body. However, just
as he finished putting socks on for him, Bai Luo Yin ended up kicking him.

Gu Hai became angry, "I bought you food, put your clothes on for you and
you fucking kick me? You are too spoiled!"

After saying this, he suddenly clenched his fist and firmly punched Bai Luo
Yin's ankle. As a result, Bai Luo Yin was immediately dragged out of his
deep sleep by the throbbing pain.

It was as if a cloud of rain was pouring down on him wherever he walked. All
of his actions were sluggish as Bai Luo Yin went about with getting ready.
He depressingly put his shoes on, depressing washed his face and brushed his
teeth, depressingly ate his breakfast, and even worse, depressingly made his
way out of the door with Gu Hai right beside him.

The two actually had to run to school.

On the way there, Bai Luo Yin remained silent, not a single word came out
his mouth as his face continuously drooped downward.

Gu Hai couldn't but to ask, "I bought you food, put your clothes on for
you, and even suffered a kick from you, and you still feel wronged huh?"

"No, it's not that."

"Then who are you showing that scowling face to?"

Bai Luo Yin shot a quick glance at Gu Hai, "I'm not annoyed because of
you. It's just, I don't want to go to school."

You're just like a kid...... a settled neatly on Gu Hai face, followed by a light
chuckle, then suddenly, with warm eyes, he pinched Bai Luo Yin's cheeks.

As they arrived at the school's gate, Bai Luo Yin caught sight of You Qi.

Yesterday afternoon, You Qi had already returned to campus from his

hometown in Tianjin. Since he is one of the student that boards at the school's
dormitory during the school year, excluding holidays, he has to arrive earlier.

Just now, he had exited his dorm building and was making his way toward
the classroom.

Even though the sun has yet to rise and the sky was still cloaked in a layer of
darkness, large groups of students could be seen walking together in groups,
conversing about the vacation and assignments.
Nevertheless, Bai Luo Yin was able to easily recognize You Qi with just one
glance. There was nothing he could do about it now since he was already
quite familiar with, not only, You Qi's walking posture, but also his artificial
personality trait.

"You Qi!" called out Bai Luo Yin.

You Qi's footsteps came to a halt as he turned around and looked toward the
school's main gate.

Bai Luo Yin quickened his steps toward You Qi's direction.

Gu Hai followed closely behind with a rather cold and indifferent expression,
and all the while, a snort escaped the corner of his lips.

Humph! The sky's so dark and yet you're still able to recognize who the
person is. Your eyesight is pretty good huh!

The moment, You Qi saw Bai Luo Yin, his cool and callous face finally
exposed a bit of happiness, made visible by the obvious smile that tickled its
way onto lips.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you. Miss me?"

All of a sudden, Bai Luo Yin's elbow jabbed into You Qi's stomach. With a
brotherly, yet friendly, tone of voice, he replied, "Of course I miss you,
How can I not?"

"Don't bullshit me. I sent you so many text messages, and you didn't
even bother to reply to any of them."

Bai Luo Yin looked awkwardly to the side and forced a laugh or two, "You
already know that I despise sending messages."

You Qi stared attentively at Bai Luo Yin for a long while, then bewilderedly
said, "Why do I get the feeling that you've gotten thinner? Don't people
usually gain weight when they are celebrating the New Year? How is it
that you're getting thinner and thinner huh?"
"I did?" Even Bai Luo Yin, himself, doesn't feel any difference.

You Qi pinched Bai Luo Yin's arm a few times. It seems, there weren't any
big changes, it was just that, his chin was a bit sharper.

The two boy's conversation flowed rather smoothly as they continued to

exchanged some more words, completely ignoring the person behind them.

The truth is, You Qi also wanted to chat with Gu Hai. But, the thing was,
even before he could open his mouth to initiate a conversation, a powerful
aura of hostility had already encircled the atmosphere.


During the morning's self study time, every class's representative started to
collect the homework that was assigned during vacation. Bai Luo Yin and Gu
Hai had already finished the English homework, given to them by the teacher
in charge of their class, Luo Xiaoyu. While, the rest of the students, on the
other hand, barely completed half of it.

After the first class ended, You Qi twisted his head around again and
continued to chatter away with Bai Luo Yin as if he hadn't finish what he
wanted to say from earlier. Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yin's school bag, pulled out
his cellphone and casually and senselessly, browsed through his messages.
Besides, Shi Hui's messages, practically all the others had not been deleted
yet. However, very few of them were opened.

Who'd known, this person was so lazy.

It's fine if you're not willing to reply to any of it, but at least look through a
couple of them.

But! He simply doesn't.

When his mood is good, he would only look at the name, and when he was in
a bad mood, this cellphone was just another decorative item that he carried

By this point, Gu Hai was brimming with pride. All the messages that he sent
Bai Luo Yin, Bai Luo Yin had checked and replied to nearly all of them.

We don't hope for him to be intimate with you all day long, or be completely
docile and obedient toward to you, but just as long as there is a bit of
distinction in your treatment toward him, then Gu Hai would be thoroughly

Eventually, he came across the messages that You Qi had sent to Bai Luo

In fact, there were nothing more than some simple messages, sent during
New Year's celebration, wishing Bai Luo Yin well, as well as blessings.
Other messages were just random greetings, probably sent out of boredom.
Every messages bore no more than ten words and the contents were fairly

There was only one message, that conveyed a bit of warmth in it.

"Yin Zi, I miss you a little!"

Miss him a little?......

Gu Hai pondered over this sentence for a while, before casting an intensely
keen glance toward You Qi.

The language and literature teacher, with a rather triangular face and round
protruding cheeks, stood at the podium and spoke to every single student.
"I only gave you all one essay to write, and the result is, there are still
two students that still hasn't completed their assignment."

The students glanced around the room in all directions, curious to know who
those two students were. They continued to guess, left and right, in an
attempt to figure it out.

The language and literature teacher spoke again, "Don't make me read your
names out loud. If you two have any conscious left at all, take your
textbook and kindly go and stand outside of the classroom."

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai stood up together and with a very smooth
synchronization they walked out of the classroom.

Not a single soul could be seen in the desolate corridor.

The sounds of many teachers' voices could be heard clearly throughout the
emptiness of the corridor as they lectured their classes. The voices merged
and mingled together. There were men and women's voices, both high and
low. The rhythm and cadence of their voices were sporadic, broken, as they
scattered into the air......

Who would have known that many years later, the sound of those
stereotypical dogmatic teachings would suddenly become so beautiful like

It was in this way that, Gu Hai let his gaze fall on Bai Luo Yin. Those pair of
passionate eyes, remained fixated and drowned deeply in only that person's
visage, in only that person's everything. Without understanding how it came
about, time......unknowingly slipped away. It seems easier to stay planted in
this spot than to endure and pass the time by staying in the classroom.

Even though, Bai Luo Yin was looking ahead, he could sense that Gu Hai
was staring at him. This kind of feeling made him afraid. Then, with
darkened eyes, he turned and gave Gu Hai a glimpse. He turned away. A
moment, even after he had already turned away, he could still feel Gu Hai's
attentive eyes digging into him. Once again, he turned and gave him a
warning with just a slight movement of his eyes.

Gu Hai secretly speculated to himself.

Why are you glaring at me huh? It's obvious, you're the one fooling around
with me!

Bai Luo Yin turned to the side and took a large stride away. Gu Hai did the
same thing and followed closely behind him.

When it was about time for class to end, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but ask,
"Why do you keep on looking at me all the time?"
"Because you're handsome."

Bai Luo Yin turned his head away, with a 'you're boring' expression painted
beautifully on his face.

Who would have expected that Gu Hai would stretch his hand out once again
and stroke little Yin Zi.

"Does it still hurt?"

Bai Luo Yin's face was kissed with a tint of red causing his skin to burn. He
suddenly gripped Gu Hai's hand and tore it away, before he angrily said,
"You fucking idiot!"

The sound of his voice thundered throughout the corridor and dispersed into
every class rooms on this floor. Bai Luo Yin became aware of the fact that
his voice was a bit too loud. At that moment, he wished he could take some
threads and stitch his mouth up, but unfortunately, he couldn't take back what
he had just said.

With a grim and unsympathetic expression painted thickly on her face, the
language and literature teacher, calmly came out of the classroom, legs
stopping right in front of them.

"Are you two not satisfied with staying in the corridor? Go, go and stand
beneath the flagpole. Quickly?"

These two pathetic and miserable boys.......their bodies had just recovered
and now they had to go and endure the chilly wind. Spring is approaching,
yet it was still extremely cold outside.

Gu Hai was afraid that Bai Luo Yin would catch a cold from the chilly wind
so, he removed his jacket and, had every intention, to drape it over Bai Luo
Yin's body. But, no matter what, Bai Luo Yin refused to let him, even if his
life depended on it. Gu Hai shifted to the side and moved closer beside Bai
Luo Yin.

Within seconds, less than a foot separated the two of them. Gu Hai made one
last move, and practically glued himself onto the other boy's body. Then, he
pulled Bai Luo Yin's hands and placed it in his own pocket.

No one saw this, and he wasn't afraid of others seeing it either. He simply
thought that, having the chance to clasped their hands together and allowing
their fingers to entwined, while being punished to stand like this, was a very
beautiful and satisfying feeling.

God has indeed fulfilled Gu Hai's wish.

After that, teachers from every other class demanded that students who didn't
complete their assignments must go and stand outside. Luo Xiaoyu was the
only teacher that didn't do this. Unfortunately, her assignment was the only
one that they had completed.

When school break during the afternoon, the two were finally able to return
to their classroom. With their entire body frozen and seemingly covered by
ice, he entered the now quiet room.

Just as they finished gathering their belongings and about to take their leave,
You Qi called out to them, stopping them in place.

"This is for you. My mom personally made it with her own hands. Take
it with you. Just fry it in oil in one go, and you can eat it immediately
after. This is considered one of Tianjin's[2] local specialty!"

You Qi handed Bai Luo Yin a paper bag, that was already saturated with

Just as Bai Luo Yin received the bag, he could immediately smell the
content's fragrance. Suddenly, a cheerful expression played out across his

He patted You Qi's shoulder, "This is awesome!"

Gu Hai stood to the side, neither hot or cold. Indifferently, he said, "Can you
be a bit more mature? Is what he gave you, really that good?"

"At least it's a lot tastier than what you make."

All of a sudden, Gu Hai's face became a shade of green. Green with envy and
somewhat angry, that is.

Bai Luo Yin turned around and happily looked at You Qi, "Tell auntie I said
thank you for me!"

"If you think it's delicious, then come to our house another day so that
my mom can cook you some homemade meals!"

Without thinking much about anything, Bai Luo Yin replied back, "Okay!"


When they arrived at home, Gu Hai went into the kitchen to cook some

Bai Luo Yin remembered that he still has the bag of delicious food in his
school bag. He pulled the bag of spring rolls stuffed with beef out and hand it
over to Gu Hai and warned him, "Remember to deep fry it in one go."

After saying those words, he went to the bedroom to work on his school

Gu Hai squinted his eyes and stared hatefully at the beef spring rolls.
Jealousy swum deeply in those eyes of his as his grip tightened on those
helpless rolls, wishing he could immediately toss them all in the trash.

But in the end, he didn't do that, because after all, he was also hungry.
Moreover, he discovered that these things, actually smelled really good.

As a result, he poured half a container of oil into the pot and when it was
warm enough, he placed the beef spring rolls in.

As he pushed the beef spring rolls around in the oil here and there, making
sure it would cook well, the fragrance floated, with much ease, toward his
nostrils, assailing it. Gu Hai couldn't resist it any longer. He immediately
fished out a few of them and tasted it.
Once Bai Luo Yin smelled the alluring fragrance, he stopped his task and ran
toward the kitchen. By the time he arrived, he couldn't see any of the beef
spring rolls anymore.

"Hey, where's the bag of delicious beef spring rolls that You Qi gave

Gu Hai pointed at the burnt and twisted things, lying lifelessly on the plate
and said, "Those are it!"

" overcooked them?" asked Bai Luo Yin depressingly, sorrow

clearly written on his face, "I remember that it was yellow before!"

"Don't blame me. It was black to begin with!"

Bai Luo Yin doesn't believe it, not even one bit. He picked up a piece and
tried a mouthful of it. UGH! The taste has already gone bitter. Even after he
put some cream on it, the taste was still not as good as the smell.

Gu Hai laughed mockingly at Bai Luo Yin as he looked at him.

"How's the taste?"

Bai Luo Yin was still not convinced, "I clearly smell that unique aroma
just a moment ago, how is it possible that it doesn't taste the same huh?"

With no sense of shame at all, Gu Hai replied back, "You must have
smelled wrong. That good smell was from the noodles that I cooked."

Translator's Note:

[1] The author left this mini paragraph in third person narrative. I like the
way it sounds in third person since it puts the readers into the storyline and
allow us to be a part of the novel. But it might seem a bit strange, so read
here to fully understand that paragraph.

"We [the readers] don't hope for him [Yin Zi] to be intimate with you [Gu
Hai] all day long, or be completely docile and obedient to you [Gu Hai], but
just as long as there is a bit of distinction in your [Yin Zi] treatment toward
him [Gu Hai] {in comparison to other}, then Gu Hai would be thoroughly

[2]Tianjin is one of the four municipalities, located in the northeastern region

of China. Its name means 'the place where the emperor crossed the river'.
Facing the Bohai Sea, Tianjin, the one-time imperial port, serves as Beijing's
vital gateway to the sea. In recent years it receives more and more attention
from visitors due to its illustrious historical heritage and other natural
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 141: The Inquietude of Youth - The CONSEQUENCES of

your ACTIONS. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


For the past few days, Bai Luo Yin discovered that, Gu Hai has been acting a
bit strange.

What's more, this strangeness reflected in every aspect of him.

Before, he would never go online to watch any kind of videos at all. The most
he would do was play some videos games for a while then head straight to
sleep. But now, he often, well practically almost everyday, he would stay up
till the middle of the night, or even worse, remain awake all night, watching

Before, Gu Hai would always be the first one to get on the bed, wrap the quilt
tightly around his body and pull it up to the tip of his chin. He would lay
there until the quilt is nice and warm, and then Bai Luo Yin would get on and
lay down beside him. However now, Bai Luo Yin was the first to get on the
bed. Sometimes, even after Bai Luo Yin has fallen asleep, Gu Hai's presence
was still missing from the bed.

Before, he didn't like to play on his cellphone. Now, when he had free time,
he was on it constantly. It didn't matter whether or not he was in class, he
would look at it. Even when he was on the road, he still took a glance at it.

Before, when Bai Luo Yin took a shower or a bath, he would take advantage
of the opportunity and go in as well. Then, he would find an excuse for them
to take a shower together. Now, he obediently took a shower alone every
single time......

What made Bai Luo Yin even more confused and at a loss for word was that,
the Gu Hai, who was always exuberant in his lust and desire before, now,
seemed to be pure of heart and even his salacious behaviors have lessened.
When they're on the road, he no longer plays any dirty tricks. When they eat,
he no longer says anything licentious or obscene. Even when they went to
sleep, he was especially well-behaved......

Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but brood over it again and again in his mind,
becoming a bit concern, almost hesitant at these lingering thoughts.

Could it be......he's actually traumatized from what I did? This is not like his
usual temperament!

When they were on the bed together, his face was absolutely brazen, his
willpower absolutely indestructible and even if his member was injured, and
his anus messed with, he still wouldn't be the type of person who would be
shaken by any of that! What's more, those several days that they spent
recuperating, he even had the strength to struggle and say he wanted this and
that. There were no reasons at all for him to wait until his health recovered to
experience post traumatic stress, right?

As far as someone as young and full of vitality and vigor, as Bai Luo Yin, is
concerned, the past few days was also rather torturous.

After they ate, Gu Hai sat to the side and earnestly worked on his school
assignments. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he incessantly counted his
fingers. Bai Luo Yin thought that he was working on his mathematics
assignments, so as a result, he walked over and took a quick look at what was
happening. Gu Hai was in the process of copying some English words.

You're just copying some English words, what are you calculating for?

Bai Luo Yin quickly finished his school assignments and grabbed his clothes
as he prepared to head into the bathroom for a shower. Now, he doesn't
bother to close the door, since he knew that Gu Hai will not go in. When he
reemerged from the bathroom, after taking a nice shower, sure enough, Gu
Hai was still seated next to the computer. His school assignments were only
half completed as he threw them to the side. With eyes fixated on the
computer screen, he didn't even blink even once. As Bai Luo Yin walked
over toward his side, he quickly pressed a few buttons on the keyboard and
all Bai Luo Yin could see was a blank desktop background......

Exactly, what dirty tricks are you playing at?

Bai Luo Yin sat across from Gu Hai, he opened an online gaming interface,
looked at Gu Hai and asked him, "Do you want me help you level up?"

Gu Hai laughed a few times, a rather sly sounding tone escaped his lips
before he mumbled a few, almost incoherent words, "There's no need to."

Bai Luo Yin's hands paused for a second as his questioning eyes swept
around here and there.

What's he watching that's more addicting than playing video games?

After playing for a while, feeling that it was rather boring, Bai Luo Yin shut
the power to the computer off and close it. Gu Hai had, for a long while, left
his computer to the side. He was now sitting alone at the sofa with cellphone
in hand, looking at random things as he browsed around. From time to time,
he would press a few buttons, staring attentively at the content while laughing
joyfully to himself.

This kind of situation happened many times during the past few days.
Moreover, this time around, Bai Luo Yin didn't receive any text messages at
all from Gu Hai. This was a clear indication, proof that the reason for Gu
Hai's happiness had no relation to him whatsoever.

It was rare but today Bai Luo Yin had to ask, "When are you going to

Gu Hai's sight paused for a bit in contemplation. He thought for a moment

and replied, "Not sure."

"What are you watching? Must be really interesting......" Bai Luo Yin
walked over.

Gu Hai casually put his phone down, stretched his body as if tired, smiled
and said, "It's nothing, just random things." After saying this, he placed
the phone to the side and went to take a shower alone.

Everybody has a strong curiosity, and Bai Luo Yin was no exception to this
phenomenon. Gu Hai was so entertained by himself every single day that Bai
Luo Yin also wanted to know what exactly he had been watching that made
him so addicted. Even more so, whatever it was, made Gu Hai's roguish
habits change so drastically.

Gu Hai's laptop was usually left open and, furthermore, after using his laptop,
he seldom erased the history, because he thought that it wasn't necessary to
do so. People like Bai Luo Yin, even if he was granted permission to look at
it, he still wouldn't be so intrigued to check.

But, as a result, today, contrary to his usual behaviors, Bai Luo Yin caved
into this curious temptation.

He took the cellphone, turned in on and browsed through the history. It was a
complete mess! Everything was cluttered there, even if it was dated in order.
Chat rooms, communities for making friends, web forums, travels, tourism,
shopping, military, cars......there was nothing listed here that could possibly
make him addicted right?

Bai Luo Yin clicked on a few of the most frequently visited web pages. He
opened them, then looked through those list, among them was a site that
required visitors to pay to view the contents. The ones that he looked at
happened to be western style videos hailing from Europe and America.

Bai Luo Yin inserted earbuds into the crevices of his ears. Within less than a
minutes of watching, his eyes widened and he suddenly pulled away quickly.
He immediately closed the page. There were still a few other videos similar
to that particular one.

The contents were rather soft core[1] and for the most part, they were all
educational in nature. The video quality was relatively clear. Some even has
explanations and subtitles displayed on the bottom of the screen, introducing
and describing some specific techniques and procedures.

Since when did Gu Hai have this kind of addiction...cravings? Was it from
the films that cause him to have these sexual fantasies? Or was it an
accumulation of all his desires ready to be released?

Bai Luo Yin's heart felt a bit uneasy as he picked up Gu Hai's cell phone and
browsed through it for quite a while. He didn't notice anything out of the
ordinary, since Gu Hai didn't send anyone else any text messages or login to
any online chatting apps. Finally, he clicked into Gu Hai's E-book and
noticed that there were nearly a hundred of e-books stored in there. In
addition, from the bookmark tab to the side that showed the reading progress,
Bai Luo Yin knew which books Gu Hai had completed.

[The Rules of Sex between Men]

[How to Make a Man Moan & Beg for Forgiveness Beneath You]

[The Rare Book of Ejaculation]

[To Capture a Male Prey]

[Methods to Flirt with a Man's Ass].........

Reading those titles, cold sweats immediately begins to circulate throughout

Bai Luo Yin's body as an extremely frightening feeling rains hard on him!

Gu Hai's mood was in an extremely high spirit as he happily whistled in the

bathroom, even his heart sang a joyous tone. It was so loud that he could
hardly contain himself. He felt that the timing is perfect and a great
opportunity has surely presented itself.

These past few days, he had painstakingly pushed himself, exerting all his
energy and efforts into studying and learning. Yet, all along, he suffered
patiently, but......he was firmly resolved on revenge. And after all is said and
done, this was all for the purpose of enriching and improving his own
capabilities as well.

In order to learn these things, he had invested in and paid many prices. For
him, this is not only a test that tortured his soul but also a strenuous test on
his body. As a normal man, he was not willing to look at those kind of videos
anymore. He was already resolved in eliminating those things from his heart
and mind.

But, for Bai Luo Yin, he can endure it!

In all honesty, when he doesn't understand some words, he would go and look
up the words in order to decipher the meanings. He took note of every single
lesson and engraved it all in his mind.

As it turns out, all the energy and care that he had meticulously put forth,
were not in vain. Through several days and night of self discipline, he was
able to hone his ability in self control. Now, he felt that his entire body, from
head to toe, was brimming with strength and energy were practically
permeated from every pore. And, not to mention, his self confident was at its
peak, unwaveringly, indestructible. Now......

His body is now ready for some actions after having accumulated all of these
powerful strength!! The bitter and hard times had finally come to an end.
There was no longer any need for him to hide in the bathroom and relieve
himself in secrecy.

During these past days, little Hai Zi, has been all alone down there, enduring
this harsh battle, even though it had been searing and pumped to its full
capacity, all along. Now, it had adopted a posture that was full of positivity as
it readied itself to welcome a new life that was surely getting closer.

Move aside, a fierce and new warrior is about to be born!

Gu Hai's entire body was wrapped with a firm layer of muscles, it was
impressive to gaze upon, and indeed, worthy of being his pride and joy. He
then proceeded to push the bathroom door open wide.

His slippers rubbed against the floor, creating a slight friction, that struck a
string in his heart, causing the rhythm to quicken as if it was being repeatedly
beaten by the stick of a drum.

Gu Hai took several large strides toward the bedroom. There was no sign of
Bai Luo Yin there either, then he made his way to the living room, and just
like before, he still couldn't find Bai Luo Yin's presence. Right after, he went
to the storage room, the gym, the studying room, and even the balcony......

Bai Luo Yin was nowhere in sight.

The heat that once wrapped tightly on Gu Hai's body, had slowly started to
cool down.

Just then, when he tried to push the front door, it was already open.

It's so late already, where could he have gone?


With his rather unskillful driving techniques, Bai Luo Yin took a gamble at
his own life and raced back home. It was as if that very life of his, depended
on the pressure he put on the gas petal.

It was almost 12:00am midnight, when he arrived. At this time, everyone in

the household had all gone to sleep.

Because he left in such a rush, he didn't bring the house key. So, in great
desperation, Bai Luo Yin, immediately jumped up and climbed over the wall
surrounding the house.

Upon smelling Bai Luo Yin's scent, A Lang barked a couple of times then
calmed down.

Bai Luo Yin rushed over to Bai Han Qi's room. *bang bang bang*, he knocks
on the glass of the widow.

All he was greeted with was the sound of loud snores sneaking from
underneath the cracks of the wall and door and into his ear.

After a while, Aunt Zou finally came out wearing a cotton-padded jacket.

"Yin Zi, why did you return home so late at night?"

Bai Luo Yin's face is painted thickly with anxiety.

"Auntie, if Gu Hai ever calls here, just say that there's been an accident
at our home."

"Huh? What accident?" asked Aunt Zou as she tightened her cotton-
padded jacket.

"There's no accident, just say there is and that'll do. Also, remember to
tell my dad to say the same thing."

Aunt Zou stiffly nodded her head, still rather confused about this whole

Bai Luo Yin entered his own room and saw little Meng Tong Tian lying
down cozily, evident that he was sleeping really soundly, on his bed. Bai Luo
Yin simply took his clothes off and slept beside Meng Tong Tian.

The quilt is a bit thin, I just have to pull it together a bit more and put up with
it. It's definitely much better than go back there and suffer.

Not long after, sure enough, Gu Hai called.

Bai Luo Yin mulled over his emotions for a while. He tried his as much as
possible to make the tone of voice sound flustered and full of anxiety before
he answered the call.

"Yin Zi, where did you run off to?"

"Da Hai, I wanted to tell you. There's been an accident at my house, so I

can't go back tonight, try to sleep alone for tonight."

"What accident? Don't worry, I'll go over now!"

"Don't come over!"

Bai Luo Yin's loud roar pulled Meng Tong Tian out of his deep sleep. Meng
Tong Tian's big eyes open, and he cried out, but before he could cry out
again, Bai Luo Yin immediately covered his mouth, causing his two little
legs to kick out into the open space.

Gu Hai could faintly hear the sound of the cry, but then it ceased. His heart
became even more uneasy.

"Yin Zi, I already left. I'll be at your family's house in twenty minutes."

Nervousness struck Bai Luo Yin's chest. He was unable to prevent the words
from immediately flying out of his trembling lips, "Gu Hai, don't come
over here. I'm not at my home right now. It's my second uncle's family
that met with a mishap. We came over to help them out. Don't worry, it's
nothing. It's just a family dispute, that's all. Cause you know, a family's
shame must not be spread abroad. If you come here, it would only make
matters worse. Listen to me, just sleep well tonight, okay. I'll be at school
tomorrow as usual. I'll tell you about it again when I see you at school."

There was a pause on the other side of the line before a soft reply transmitted
through, "Alright then. I'm won't go over. Don't forget to put on more
clothes when you're outside. Sleep as soon as possible once the problem is
resolved. And, don't get too tired."

"Okay, I know. I still have something to attend to here. I'll hang up

As he put the phone down, Bai Luo Yin's heart silently chanted:

Da Hai ah, I'm not purposely lying to you. I'm just really afraid of the pain
you'll bring me!

Meng Tong Tian was still sitting to the side, silently wailing.

Realizing that his hand was still clutching tightly onto the kid, Bai Luo Yin
quickly released him.

Meng Tong Tian small mouth opened wide as he took in deep intakes of air,
then he asked, "Bai gege[2], what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry about it, sleep now!"

Meng Tong Tian pouts and obediently shut his eyes.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly realized that he also needed to bribe Meng Tong Tian,
just in case, one day Gu Hai randomly comes over. If he were to expose this
secret, then it would be hard to handle things.

As a result of that very thought, Bai Luo Yin shook Meng Tong Tong, but he
discovered that the boy had already fallen asleep.

Simple-minded people does sleep fast!

Forget it, I'll talk to him again tomorrow morning. If I don't handle this well,
even if I say it now, he'd probably forget it before morning arrives.

Bai Luo Yin took in a long and deep breath. His thoughts were in turmoil and
distraught with anxiety. As his heart became distracted with everything, he
shut his eyes.

Translator's Note:

[1] The contents were rather softcore [口味比较轻] - content of the video are
sexual but normal. The opposite of it would be like [口味比较重]

[2]Gege - brother, I think it sounds better than saying Brother Bai.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 142: The Inquietude of Youth - Xiao Yin Zi SHAMELESS

ACT. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


On the early dawn of the next morning, it had just turned 4:30AM when Aunt
Zou leaves the house.

For the entire night, Bai Luo Yin did not sleep well at all and his mind, it
wasn't even the least at peace. When the sound of the front door suddenly
slammed, he was immediately pulled out of whatever little sleep he had. To
his dismay, not only were both of his legs exposed to the cold rigid air, but
the blanket that were wrapped loosely around him was neither nice nor warm
to the touch. With these conditions weighing against him, he simply pulled
his tired body off the bed and tried to sober up.

When Bai Luo Yin arrived at the snack store, Aunt Zou was already busy
cooking and serving. There were only a few customers, sitting rather
sporadically, around the store and nearly all of them were students.
"Yin Zi, you're up so early?"

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head, then asked for two portions of breakfast to go.

Aunt Zou gave a light chuckle, "It's your turn to buy breakfast today?"

"I stayed at home yesterday and it's pretty close to here, so I might as
well buy a portion for Gu Hai as well. That way, he can save time and
doesn't have to run over here."

Aunt Zou looked a bit distracted, almost dumbfounded for a few seconds,
"That right, I almost forgot, why did you run back home in the middle of
the night?"

Bai Luo Yin took the breakfast sets, then awkwardly smiled, "I'm just a bit

"Oh you......" Aunt Zou smiled and ceased to ask anymore questions.

It was only 5:10AM when Bai Luo Yin glanced at his watch.

Gu Hai shouldn't have left yet if I head back now.

Just as before, as if nothing has changed, Gu Hai still woke up around that
time. It had already become a habit for him to get up extra early before the
crack of dawn. Even more so, even when Bai Luo Yin was not around, Gu
Hai would still leave early. He would then head to the snack store and buy
Bai Luo Yin breakfast and bring it to school for him.

This time around, Gu Hai wasn't even able to put his shoes on yet when the
doorbell rang.

Who could it be so early in the morning?

He opened the door and to his surprise, it was Bai Luo Yin standing directly
in front of him, carrying two portions of breakfast boxes in his hand. Fatigue
was clearly drawn out on his worn out face as he looked at Gu Hai.

"You......" at a lost for words, Gu Hai stared blankly at the boy in front of
him for a short while, unable to conjure any actions.

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything and directly walked into the apartment. In
the end, without even having to utter a single word, it was this small den that
felt warmer and even more alive!

This was the first time that Bai Luo Yin bought breakfast for Gu Hai.
Needless to say in his heart, Gu Hai, himself, was extremely touched by this
gesture. His eyes remained fixed on Bai Luo Yin the entire time, almost as if
those orbs wanted to absorb his whole being and trap him in his own body.

As Bai Luo Yin rubbed his hands together for warmth, Gu Hai couldn't help
but to step forward and embraced him. The warmth that emitted from Gu
Hai's big hands covered Bai Luo Yin's slightly rosy cheeks. With an intense
and burning gaze full of love yet tinted with distress, he inspected the face in
front of him.

"You didn't sleep well at all last night huh?"

Bai Luo Yin doesn't have the nerves or even dared to look at Gu Hai's face to
face. As expected, people can not blindly sprout foolish words, because the
feeling of guilt is indeed unpleasant to the taste.

"No, I slept a bit."

"You definitely didn't sleep," Gu Hai's tone of voice revealed in it a deep

concern, troubled clearly visible by the warmth in his eyes, "If you had
slept, you wouldn't have been able to wake up so early."

I'm begging you, please just scold or curse at me a bit and I'll be alright......

Even though, Bai Luo Yin's face was as relax as the calm water on a cold
winter's night, his heart on the other hand, was just like a raging sea, pushing
forth countless waves of emotions in that small space where his heart was
beating uncontrollably.

A feeling of great sentiment and affection was still painted warmly across Gu
Hai's face as he used those tendered eyes to gaze at Bai Luo Yin.
"I've wronged you."

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin's heart became entangled, confusion and a loss
for words intermingled tightly together.

For the sake of ending Gu Hai endless loving gazes, heartaches and the
concern that ruptured in those eyes of his, as soon as possible, Bai Luo Yin
could only say that he was hungry and wanted to quickly eat breakfast.

On their way to school, Gu Hai asked: "What exactly happened at your


Bai Luo Yin knew that Gu Hai would definitely asked him this question, so
last night he had already prepared a reason to counter this.

"My second uncle has a daughter and a son. Let me tell you,
yesterday...his daughter and her boyfriend broke up. She hid in her own
room and refused to come out. No matter how my uncle knocked and
called out to her, she still won't open the door. So afterwards, out of
desperation, my uncle kicked the door opened and guess what he
discovered? My cousin tried to commit suicide by drinking rat poison
and her entire face was purple. My uncle quickly phoned my dad over,
then my dad in turned, gave me a call, told me everything that happened
and asked me to go over with him. He said that if something were to
happen to my cousin, I wouldn't have been able to see her for the last

Gu Hai's eyebrows knitted tightly together before he continued to ask,

"Then, how's the situation now?"

"She's been saved, but still threatens to kill herself! My uncle thinks that
this matter is especially shameful, making them lose face. At that time, if
it were not for the fact that he was afraid my cousin could've lose her
life, he said that he definitely wouldn't have phoned my dad over. My
uncle has a very good reputation. After my cousin was hospitalized, he is
not willing to enter the hospital's sick patient ward to look at her.
Instead, he remained outside, crouched down to the ground, smoking."
For the time being, Gu Hai briefly let out a short sigh of relief, "If there's no
problem, then it's okay. Your cousin really took things too hard. Is it
really worth it to do something like that because of a guy?"

"I know, I also have the same thoughts as you. At that time, my uncle
just said to let her die. Didn't she say she didn't want to live anymore?
Just let her die then, I'll take it as I never had a daughter before.
Afterwards, it was my dad who forced him to take my cousin to the
hospital," said Bai Luo Yin. Those words flew out of his lips as if they were
the truth and nothing more.

Gu Hai couldn't help but pat Bai Luo Yin's shoulder as to console him,
"Don't take it to heart. Both your families don't normally keep in contact
often anyways and even more, you don't have a deep emotional
connection with this cousin either."

Putting on his best acting skill, Bai Luo Yin let out a long sigh, "It just, I'm
afraid my grandparents will be worried and anxious. No matter what,
my cousin is still their granddaughter!"

"So, today you don't have to go back there, do you?" This was what Gu
Hai was most concerned about.

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a while before he sadly said, "This......depends on
the situation."

During afternoon self studying class, Gu Hai was absent-mindedly working

on his assignment but his mind was wandering about. Last night, he was
adequately prepared, but as a result, he didn't succeed at all. All this hard
work has yet to bare any fruit. He thought that this was all really pitiful and
quite unfortunate.

In order to keep his motivation at full capacity and geared at full force toward
his main goal, he decided to review the contents of what he had learned
before one more time, as to avoid any negligence he might have overlooked.
So when that moment comes, he won't be upset about how he handled
Bai Luo Yin's hearing was exceptionally sharp today. Whenever Gu Hai
picked up his cellphone, the nerves that were crowded around his temple
would tighten in anticipation as if, in any second now, an attack would befall

At the end of the school day, when classes were dismissed, Bai Luo Yin
twisted his whole body around to look at Gu Hai, "I have to go back home."

"Isn't she out of danger now?"

Bai Luo Yin replied back with a rather awkward and difficult expression,
"This afternoon, my dad called and told me that my cousin has already
returned home. But, it's still chaotic at the house and that she should at
least have someone beside her."

Somewhat distraught, Gu Hai became a bit impatient, "That's their family's

problems. Why do you guys have to trouble yourselves with it too? If she
wants to cause a commotion, then let her do it. She has a father, a
mother and a brother that cares about her. So why is it that you have to
go over there and look after her as well?"

"You already know, my uncle is still angry at my cousin. Even though

his mouth insistently sprouts such nonsense as he doesn't care but in his
heart, how can he not be worried about his daughter huh. Otherwise, he
wouldn't always call us over. Aunt Zou leaves the house before the break
of dawn and returns home really late, and she also has a small child to
take care of. My dad has to go to work as well and sometimes he doesn't
return home either. And my grandmother is also suspecting that
something is up......"

"Then, you don't need to attend class?" Gu Hai asked again with another
question of his own.

Bai Luo Yin's face hung low as he intentionally pretended to be pitiful, "I
don't always go there. My dad, my Aunt Zou and I take turns, switching
between us three, to go over there. Today is the first day so I better go
and check up on her."
Silence befell Gu Hai as he tried to remain calm.

Bai Luo Yin carried his school bag over his shoulder as an anxious
expression crawled onto his face, "Then, I'll head out first."

After he said this, he vanished into thin air like a wisp of smoke. It was so
quick that not even his shadowed could be seen.

Might as well hide one more day while I still can!

The moment he arrived home, Bai Luo Yin immediately called Meng Tong
Tian over, "Remember, for the next few days behave yourself a bit more,
do you hear me?"

"What happened?" Meng Tong Tian's face tightened in confusion at the

abrupt demand while looking at Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin could only crouch down, using a rather stern face to look back at
Meng Tong Tian and said, "There's been an accident in our family. Your
mom and my dad has been anxious and worried for the past two days, so
you better not give them anymore trouble. Be on your best behavior, you
hear me?"

Meng Tong Tian was still puzzled by the words that came out of Bai Luo
Yin's mouth, "My mom is quite happy! Today, she even promised me, if
my exam results are good this time around, then she would bring me to
play at the Happy Valley amusement park."

"You only know how to play!" Bai Luo Yin lightly hit Meng Tong Tian's
head, "Of course, your mother is pretending. Do you think she would
complain about her hardships in front of you huh? Even if she were to,
you wouldn't understand!"

The corner of Meng Tong Tian's lips twitched, unable to say anything in

Bai Luo Yin warned him one more time, "In short, just remember what I
just said. Our family had an accident so behave yourself during the next
few days!" He then stood up and let out a long sigh.

Lying really requires a lot of mental and physical strength.

Since the very first sentence that he used to lied to Gu Hai with, he has been
consigned to eternal damnation. It was after all beyond redemption so he
must continue on this lie. He prayed that before his trick is expose, he will
figure out what step to take next.

When the night sky sheathed the world in darkness and crawled its way into
his small little room, Bai Luo Yin was aware that it was time to sleep. So as
he prepared for bed, he intentionally covered himself with a few more
blankets than usual, but to his dismay, there were no warmth within the
blankets at all as his body continued to freeze up instead. No matter how he
rolled about on the bed, he foot were still as cold as ice.

This time around, he suddenly misses Gu Hai a bit......

......misses that long and warm legs of his that would incessantly rub...and
rub...and rub over his own legs and then all over, underneath the blanket.
Even though at times it was a bit annoying, but after all is said and done, it
still made him nice and warm!!

Just as he was falling deep into his own imagination, Gu Hai's text messages
came through, pulling him out of that little want.

"Yin Zi, baby. I miss hugging you while sleeping. I really want to kiss
you and touch you."

Bai Luo Yin's entire body broke out in goosebumps.........

A moment later, several more messages sounded off.

"I really regret it now...if I'd known you wouldn't be returning home for
a few days, I would've said and done anything for us to sleep together."

"Yin Zi, is it because a few days ago I gave you the cold shoulder, so now
you purposely found a way to punish me?"
"Baby, I'm going to sleep. You should also sleep a bit earlier and
remember to cover yourself up more."

Bai Luo Yin put his cellphone down. He couldn't help but let out sigh. It is
true... in order to achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary that some
things would be destroyed. In other words, you win some, you lose some!

On the third day, Bai Luo Yin really couldn't stand sleeping with those cold
blanket anymore, so he followed Gu Hai home.

After they finished dinner, Bai Luo Yin went directly toward the writing desk
and sat down to work on his school assignments. Originally, he could have
finished all his assignments in an hour, but he deliberately dragged it on for
three hours. When he completed his assignments and showered, ten o'clock
already sauntered by. Good thing it was just the right time to sleep.

The moment he squeezed his way into the blankets, a gush of warmth
wrapped tightly around his body, almost seducing him. Bai Luo Yin was so
comfortable that he sighed and his eyes squinted in pleasure.

The corner of Gu Hai's mouth perked up into a smirk as his hand stretched
toward Bai Luo Yin's waist and settled there cozily. Slowly he felt and grope
the side of that warm skin and made his way toward the front. Quickly,
waves and waves of unusual heat unfurled over and around that particular
area and spread about in all directions. As the sensual rubbing continued, Gu
Hai's hands shifted slightly and moved downward.

Warmth breaths and short gasps escaped his slightly parted lips and danced
close to Bai Luo Yin's lips.

"Yin Zi."

The sound of his voice was intimate, enticing and full of charm as he shifted
and pulled dangerously close to Bai Luo Yin's ear.

A signal consumed with danger forced its way into Bai Luo Yin's brain and
invaded his inner thoughts as a familiar sense of pain swept in like tidal
He suddenly grabbed Gu Hai's hand and held tightly onto in, trying to take
control. Even though he was fully awake and his brain was exceptionally
sober, he still needed to pretend and make his voice sound unclear, almost

"These past two days has made be extremely tired. I really want a good
night sleep."

Gu Hai's used his tongue to lick around the outer rim of Bai Luo's earlobe,
rubbing against that delicate skin over and over again, "Then, let me help
you relax."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly turned over and hugged Gu Hai in place. His elongated
arm wrapped tightly around him as if binding him within his embrace, willing
to let go. But then again, it was like Gu Hai was being tied up like a live pig
and fastening close to his own chest. It was so tight, that there wasn't even a
bit of room for Gu Hai to budge.

Then Bai Luo Yin used his tired and indolent voice to poison and cast a spell
over Gu Hai, "Da Hai, I'm really tired. Please let me have a good night
sleep okay?"

Afterwards, he immediately closed his eyes and allowed his head to nestle
cozily into the crevice between Gu Hai's shoulder.

Gu Hai stared blankly at him for a moment before the strength in his hands,
had no other choice but to gradually relax and rest gently on Bai Luo Yin's
shoulder. He hugged him tightly as they fell asleep together underneath the
warmth of each other embrace.

For the next few days, Bai Luo Yin pretended as if this 'accident' really
occurred. It was his 'turn to handle things,' so he had to return home and
remain there for the night. Then he would deliberately torture and made
himself really tired. So that when he returned home to Gu Hai the next day,
he could immediately run straight toward the bed and squeezed himself
tightly into the warm blanket.

If Gu Hai were to express any sign of desire at all, he would immediately put
on an act of: "I'm very tired. I'm really sleepy. I'm sorry, please understand
me".........this kind of situation lasted until the weekend.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 143: The Inquietude of Youth - Soon to be EXPOSED. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Originally, the two should have returned home together during the weekend,
but since a problem had arisen within Bai Luo Yin's household, Gu Hai had
no other choice but to obliged and return alone.

On Friday afternoon, once class was dismissed, Bai Luo Yin happily gathered
his belongings, shoved them into his school bag and prepared to return home.
The moment he thought about how he can rightfully stay at home for thee
entire weekend, without having to find any kind of reasons to justify his
action, Bai Luo Yin was able relax his entire body and let his mind be at ease.
Even more so, he didn't have to look at that disappointing look on Gu Hai's
face. Finally, he can peacefully enjoy these two days that he had so eagerly
waited for.
"What made you so happy like this huh?" asked You Qi from the side.

In just a split second, Bai Luo Yin's expression became rigid as he looked at
You Qi's questioning eyes and asked back: "Do I look that happy?"

You Qi can only tell him the truth from his own point of view, "Your mood
has been really strange lately."

Walking slightly behind them, Gu Hai could clearly hear what the two were
chatting on about. Naturally, his head conjured a series of thoughts. How was
it that, even You Qi was able to see the strangeness in Bai Luo Yin's mood
when Gu Hai, himself, who had been staring relentlessly at Bai Luo Yin all
day long, unable to see anything peculiar.

Everyday, he would cheerfully and even optimistically attend classes. During

the morning and afternoon, this joyous nature would remain in tack, but by
the time classes were dismissed for the day, his family's chaotic problems
would snake its way onto his face, becoming rather appearance. It was like an
underling promise that he would, without a doubt, start looking extremely
miserable and anxious at that exact time.

Sometimes, Gu Hai would think such thoughts as:

Is this guy deliberately hiding from me?

But then again, he genuinely couldn't find any reasons at all for Bai Luo Yin
to hide from him. Let alone, even dared to easily call forth any suspicions
after those few days of disappoints and setbacks had occurred.

Even before the time that Bai Luo Yin had started to lie and keep away from
him, Gu Hai had long engraved the word, 'trust' into his memory.

It would be better to have trust, than to have any other thought.

When he arrived at the school main gate, Gu Hai said, "Let me walk with
you for a while longer."

Bai Luo Yin didn't reveal any particular expression that he declared he was
not willing to allow Gu Hai to do as he had requested.
Walking along the familiar roads, the two chatting their voices away.
Whatever trouble that kept them apart all these days seemed to have
momentarily disappeared. And, for the time being, Bai Luo Yin seemed
rather happy, since not once, did he mentioned his family's problem.

When he noticed that they were already halfway toward his destination, Bai
Luo Yin abruptly started to say, "What are your plans for the next two

Gu Hai thought for a moment, "I have to return home. Didn't the teacher
wanted us to hand over the household registration booklet? Since my
booklet is at home, I have to go back and get it. I don't have any plans on
Sunday, maybe I'll go to my sister in laws or maybe I'll find a few people
to go out with me."

Bai Luo Yin stopped in place, and patted Gu Hai on the shoulder, "I'm
jealous of you. I still have to go to my uncle's house."

But.........Gu Hai did not even see the slightest trace of jealousy in Bai Luo
Yin's earthen eyes. However, on the contrary, what dwelled within was just a
bit more compassion.

"You really won't come back for these two days?"

Bai Luo Yin let out a long and dragged out sigh, "I definitely won't be able
to return. When I'm in class, I have to go back home and help out. Now,
that we have a small break, I have to deal with this difficult task. I don't
even know what these two days will look like. Sigh......"

"Isn't your uncle's family quite rich? Why don't they ask a specialist to
come and take a look?"

Bai Luo Yin straight and beautifully sculptured brows naturally knitted
together into a slight curve, "Didn't I already tell you? Normally my
uncle's family is pretty well off, but once an accident occurs, they
pretend as if they're poor. Even my cousin's medication was paid for by
my dad."
Gu Hai nodded his head, "Alright then. Take care of yourself while you're
staying at home."

The corner of Bai Luo Yin's mouth hung loose. After refraining himself for
half the day, all he could mutter out was a simple, 'Yes.'

In a rather awkward atmosphere, the two looked at each other for a short
period of time, then thinking that it was about time, he urged Gu Hai, "Then,
you should head back now. Get a taxi so you can save some time and
avoid having to walk back so far."

Reluctant sprawled chaotically on Gu Hai's face, evident enough that he was

not willing to go. Because this was two additional days that he wouldn't be
able to see him!!

"I want to go with you for a bit further."

Bai Luo Yin attempted to use kinder words to persuade him, "There's no
need to send me further. If my dad caught sight of you, he would
probably drag you back and won't let you leave."

Gu Hai immediately raised his head and the corner of his lip, in great unison
with his mood, perked up, "Wouldn't that be a good chance then?"

Bai Luo Yin became silent.

All of a sudden, Gu Hai's hand nudged Bai Luo Yin's forehead.

"Then I'll really leave now!"

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

"I'm really leaving!"

Nevertheless, Gu Hai still didn't move, not even an inch.

All of a sudden, Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai's calf and kicked it in
"Can you be quicker about this?"

There was a distinct peculiar kind of light flickering incessantly in Bai Luo
Yin's eyes before Gu Hai turned to take his leave.


Later that evening, before heading to sleep, Meng Tong Tian sat in the corner
and fiddled with the toy gun that Gu Hai had given him. He continuously
used his fingernail to pick at the shell casing which inadvertently produced a
very unpleasant and vulgar squeak.

Bai Luo Yin was quite sensitive to this kind of overbearing sound since it
always made him cringed and needless to say, he would rather not experience
that if he had a choice. What made it worse was that, every single time he
heard it, his whole entire body would break out in goosebumps, leaving him a
bit sore.

"I told you to behave yourself a bit more and quickly go to bed!" Bai Luo
Yin then pulled Meng Tong Tian's arm.

As Meng Tong Tian collapsed on the bed and squirmed his little body into
the blanket, he conveniently struck an attitude of a person that had sustained
an injury. He was lying on his deathbed in fear with eyes aimed relentlessly
at the ceiling as another shot went off. After he was satisfied with getting a
kick out of enacting his little scenario, he placed the gun down.

A second later, he looked at Bai Luo Yin and eagerly asked, "When is Gu
Hai gege coming huh?"

Bai Luo Yin shot Meng Tong Tian a quick glance, "Don't hope for that, he
won't be able to come this week."

"Awww......" Meng Tong Tian's shoulder collapsed in disappointment,

"Before, every week, I would have some hope because I know that once
weekend arrived, Gu Hai gege would come over and give me a new toy.
If he doesn't come, I don't have the heart to work on my school
"Hmmph, when he does come, I never seen you work on your school

Meng Tong Tian eyes slightly widened as he sneaked a glare at Bai Luo Yin.

As if he had just just remembered something, Bai Luo Yin looked at Meng
Tian Tong and made an earnest promised with him by linking their pinky
fingers together.

Meng Tong Tian obediently sat up straight.

"I'm warning you, if Gu Hai shows up and asks you where I've been for
the past few days, you better not say you and I have been sleeping
together. Do you hear me?"

"Why?" asked Meng Tong Tian as he blinked his eyes, a twinkle danced in
those innocent orbs.

Bai Luo Yin tone of voice stiffened, "You don't need to care about why. If
you say anything, I'll make it so that you won't be able to see him later

"Ah?" Fear immediately kissed Meng Tong Tian's face as its changed into a
shade of grey, "Then, I absolutely won't say anything."

Feeling relief and at ease, Bai Luo Yin turned the lamp off and went to bed.


The next day, bored from staying at home, Bai Luo Yin went to play
basketball early in the morning. Around the afternoon, he went to look for
Yang Meng and stayed at his house for a while. In the evening he returned
home just as dinner was being served.

Every Saturday, Aunt Zou would make a big table full of delicious foods.
And for Bai Luo Yin, this was truly one of his greatest pleasure. Today was
no exception. He quickly washed his hands and sat down at the dining table.
By this point his mood was extremely good as he stared attentively at the
table of delicacies in front of him.
"Gu Hai didn't come today either?" asked Aunt Zou.

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head. Just when he was about to pick up his
chopsticks, a call came through.

"Yin Zi, I'm almost at your house."

Anxiousness immediately poured down on Bai Luo Yin as he quickly replied

back, "Didn't I say you can't come here?"

"You're really at home? Didn't you say, today you had to go to your
uncle's house?"

Bai Luo Yin's mood did a complete 360 and became quite sour, "They don't
have food, so I have to return home to eat. After I finished eating, I'll
head there."

"Then that's perfect timing. I just want to come over and take a quick
look at you. I'll leave right after I get to see you."

Bai Luo Yin wanted to say something else, but Gu Hai had already hung up
on him.

Looking at the table of delicious dishes, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but
become worried.

How is this okay?

Bai Luo Yin thought, if Gu Hai were to see this, he would definitely think: Is
it really appropriate for your family to be having a lavish dinner, with all
these meats, when such a huge accident had occurred?

"Auntie, quick. Take all these good foods away. Gu Hai said he wants to
come here. This, this, this.........put it all in the cabinet. After Gu Hai
leaves, we can eat again."

As he said this, he carried a bowl of meat away.

Aunt Zou stared blankly at Bai Luo Yin, dumbfounded, "Yin Zi, why are
you taking it away? It's fortunate that Da Hai is here at just the right
time ah. I even wanted to add a few more dishes!"

"I want to eat meat!" cried out Meng Tong Tian who sat to the side.

There's no time for explanations. If you guys don't want to take it away, then
I'll do it myself.

As these thoughts danced around his head, he quickly picked up another

small plate with spare ribs on it and went to hid it.

Aunt Zou became even more confused and immediately looked at Bai Han
Qi, asking: "What's wrong with this kid?"

"I don't know, protecting the food? Maybe he doesn't want Da Hai to eat
any of it? He wouldn't go that far though...right?"

Bai Luo Yin returned and picked up two more plates of fried dishes. Before
he turned to leave, he warned them again, "Remember what I told you guys
that day. Don't reveal anything."

Aunt Zou's face was riddled with even more confusion than before.

Unable to look on, Bai Han Qi patted Aunt Zou's shoulder, "Children
nowadays are under a lot of pressures from studying so they like to look
for some sort of fun at times. Just let him be."

Soon, Bai Luo Yin then assisted Grandpa Bai and Grandma Bai back to their
room. A couple of seconds later, rice and other delicious foods were
immediately sent to them.

Enticed by the smell of the food, Meng Tong Tian could not help but to
squeeze his way into his grandparent's room and refused to come out.

While they waited until Gu Hai arrived, the dining room was infiltrated with
a gloomy and depressing atmosphere. Only Bai Luo Yin, Bai Han Qi, and
Aunt Zou, the three of them sat, circling the big table. On the table were a pot
of plain white porridge and two small plates of salted pickled vegetables.
Bai Han Qi is slightly embarrassed as he greeted Gu Hai into the house, "Da
Hai, you've come?"

Gu Hai smiled, nodding his head.

Aunt Zou who was at the side, heaved a deep sigh. It was evident that she
was rather distraught at this outcome, "Da Hai ah, I'm terribly sorry. You
finally came to visit us, and there's only a pot of porridge and nothing
better to serve you......"

Gu Hai consoled Aunt Zou, "Auntie, it's fine. The porridge you made,
smells just like some delicious meat."

Aunt Zou's expression stiffened as she awkwardly smiled, "This kid, your
mouth is still coated with sweetness."

"I'm not kidding," said Gu Hai in an extremely earnest tone, "I really smell

Bai Luo Yin almost spouted the porridge in his mouth out.

The two sat outside in the courtyard and exchanged a few words. At first, Bai
Luo Yin thought that Gu Hai's intention for coming over was to investigate
him. But, after only a couple of sentence later, he discovered that Gu Hai
truly just wanted to see him. He didn't deliberately delay the time nor did he
snooped around the house for anything.

It was clear in the way his eyes were solely fixed and engrossed in Bai Luo
Yin, that all his attention, couldn't be bothered to travel elsewhere. After
feeling as if he had sufficiently looked at Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai prepared to
take his leave.

It was only until Gu Hai's shadow had left the front gate, did Bai Luo Yin
then, let out a sigh of relief.

When he returned to the kitchen, he looked at Aunt Zou and said: "We can
bring those dishes out now."

All of a sudden, Bai Han Qi smacked the back of Bai Luo Yin's head, "You
childish kid, you definitely don't have any good intentions."

"Meng Tian is still in his grandma's room. I'll go to call him over," said
Aunt Zou.

Bai Luo Yin and Bai Han Qi proceeded to take out all of the meat and
vegetable dishes from their hidden compartments and placed them one by one
on the dining table again.

When Aunt Zou arrived at Grandma Bai's room, Meng Tong Tian was
nowhere in sight. Grandpa Bai slowly said: "Just a moment ago, that kid
saw Gu Hai and chased after him."

Aunt Zou was well aware that Meng Tong Tian loves to stick to Gu Hai like
super glue, so without asking any other question, she returned to the dining
table alone and ate her meal.

"Gu Hai gege!" shouted Meng Tong Tian.

Gu Hai turned back and upon seeing a small body rushing toward him like a
flying arrow, he quickly crouched down and caught him. Less than a second
later, he took the chance and hugged him.

"Hehe......" Gu Hai smiled and pinched Meng Tong Tian's little face, "How
come I didn't see you just now?"

"I was in grandpa and grandma's room all along."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 144: The Inquietude of Youth – The BIG BAD WOLF is in


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“Then you haven’t eaten yet?” Gu Hai asked as he rubs Meng Tong Tian’s
little stomach, “Your tummy isn’t hungry huh?”

Meng Tong Tian earnestly shakes his head, “I’m not hungry. I already ate
in grandpa and grandma’s room. I ate a lot, a lot of delicious foods.
There were fishes and other meats that we couldn’t eat outside.”

“There were fishes and other meats?” Gu Hai looks at Meng Tong Tian
with an expression laced with questions.

Meng Tong Tian happily nods his head. Excitement sheathed softly on his
little head, “Yeah, yeah.”
It wasn’t suspicions that awoken in Gu Hai’s head, but he couldn’t help but
have seconds thoughts about the whole thing. Aunt Zou especially made
those delicious foods for her parents so there wouldn’t be anything unusual
about that, since after all, they still don’t know that an accident had befell
their granddaughter.

But as a result, the next sentence that Meng Tong Tian sprouted, as if he was
eager to let it out was: “At first, there were a lot of good food outside, but
the moment you came, it was all removed.”


This time, distress trickled its way into Gu Hai seemingly calm appearance.

“It’s all Bai gege’s idea!” proclaimed Meng Tong Tian as he stuck his little
waist outward with a posture that screamed ‘I will come to your aid in your
time of suffering’. It was as if he himself sought out justice for his brother
that had been wronged.

“He didn’t want you to eat, that’s why he hid all those delicious food!”

The color on Gu Hai’s face ashen, practically changing to a variety of colors

that’s never been seen on another human being before. He placed Meng Tong
Tian on the ground and crouched down to his level.

“Meng Tong Tian, you can’t talk bad about your brother behind his

In the blink of an eye, anxiousness immediately crushed Meng Tong Tian’s

little face, causing it to become red with anger, “I didn’t say anything bad
about him. He’s the one being annoying first. Not only did he bullied
you, he also bullied me!”

Gu Hai looked at Meng Tong Tian with great intrigued, “Tell me, how did
he bully you?”

“At night, he always squeezed onto the bed with me and likes to steal my
blanket. He won’t let me move around and even tells me to keep quiet
and not to say anything!”

Gu Hai tried his best to stabilize the slight trembles in his eyes before he
faintly asked, “When did he slept together with you?”

“He’s been sleeping together with me all along for the past couple of
days.” After those words escaped his lips, Meng Tong Tian suddenly realized
something and cried out loudly, “Waaahhhh!”

Gu Hai couldn’t help but feel somewhat confused.

I haven’t even cried yet, what are you weeping about huh?

Meng Tong Tian cried while grieving, feeling as if he had been wronged and
said, “Gu Hai gege, I won’t be able to see you ever again from now on.”

“Why?” Gu Hai didn’t understand the reason for this suddenly outcry so his
hands stretched out and wiped the tears on Meng Tong Tian’s sullen face.

With his nose now a rosy red color, Meng Tong Tian cried his way through
the sentence, “Bai gege said that if I talk about this matter, he won’t let
me see you ever again.”

For the time being, Gu Hai suppressed the anger that rose within his
tightened chest and softly asked, “What matter?”

“That he and I stayed in the same room ah. He won’t let me tell you.”

In that split second, Gu Hai finally understood everything. Calmly he stood

up and turned, with the intention of returning, but suddenly he was stopped
by Meng Tong Tian who hugged tightly onto his thigh.

Crying loudly at the top of his lungs, Meng Tong Tian stared up at the figure
looming above his little frame, “Gu Hai gege, you can’t go and find Bai
gege! If you tell him about this, I won’t get to see you ever again and I
won’t have new toys anymore!”

Gu Hai picked up and carried Meng Tong Tian with one arm and with a
dreadfully earnest tone he said, “Don’t cry. Don’t worry about what he
said. I’ll come over whenever I want to. You’re so well-behaved, there’ll
definitely be lots of toys for you.”

Meng Tong Tian still cried, “But…he will beat me up!”

As he tried to calm the little boy down, Gu Hai lightly patted the top Meng
Tong Tian’s head. All the while, he gritted his teeth and said, “The one that
should be beaten is him.”

Meng Tong Tian then sniffed, his little nose inhaling in and out, “Then I feel
relief now.”

Gu Hai held onto Meng Tong Tian again and made his way back into the Bai
family’s little courtyard.

At this moment, Bai Luo Yin was still unaware of the incoming crisis as he
heartily devoured his meal. Having thought that Meng Tong Tin chasing after
Gu Hai wasn’t a serious matter, Aunt Zou didn’t mention anything either
when she returned to the dining room. The three ate with much enthusiasm as
they picked food for each other, while at the same time, they joyfully chatting
their voice away.

Suddenly the gate opened.

Without even glancing at each other, their eyes spontaneously swept towards
the front door.

Gu Hai was standing at that spot with Meng Tong Tian in his arms.

Bai Luo Yin choked on the piece of meat that he had just begun to chew
before his eyes slightly widened.

All the while, the grease at the corner of his mouth seem to glisten beneath
the sun’s glorious rays.


“Raise your head, stick your chest out, face forward, keep both your
hands to the side and your fingers together!”
Bai Luo Yin was forced to stand upright with his face toward the wall as Gu
Hai’s stern eyes watched over him. Now and then, he walked back and forth
behind Bai Luo Yin, somewhat in a swaying motion. With a leather belt in
his hand, he continued to walk to and fro. As he flung the belt to and fro with
the rhythm of his feet, the strength within each fling created a fast whoosh as
if the air itself was being whipped.

“Speak now! What exactly is going on?”

Bai Luo Yin’s lip remained glued together, refusing to admit his mistake
even if he were to die. “Say what?”

Gu Hai shifted his body and stood right beside Bai Luo Yin with icy eyes
intently watching over him in close proximity, “The shameful things that
you’ve done, spit them out one by one.”

Bai Luo Yin could only shoot Gu Hai a death glare, still refusing to speak.

The leather belt in Gu Hai’s hand suddenly whipped the area of the wall
closest to Bai Luo Yin causing an inhuman and dreadful sound to echo
throughout the room.

“Do you still want your ass or not?” The tone of his voice was submerged
in a very awe-inspiring yet strict demeanor. “If you don’t want to suffer
any pain, confess as as soon as possible. Or do you want to rip your
mouth open first, hmmmm. I’ll whip you ten times in a single go and
beat you until you cry!”

Compared to Gu Hai raging violent and flaring momentum, Bai Luo Yin was,
on the other hand was rather calm and collected, almost indifference. “Then,
you can just hit me. After you finish beating me, then you can talk.”

Gu Hai’s eyes burned a fiery red color as it glared sternly at the boy in front
of him. With gritted teeth seething with rage, he said, “You think I don’t
have the guts to hit you?”

Bai Luo Yin calmly replied back with: “I never thought that. I firmly
believe that you are a guy so you’ll definitely be able to strike me. So
come on, quickly. Do it. I’m waiting, don’t let me look down on you!”

Gu Hai felt as if he was being driven mad by this little bastard!

His hands then chose this moment to tremble.

Are you deliberately looking for a beating?

“You fucking bastard, you’re wearing long johns underneath your

pants,” said Gu Hai as this bit of information floated from the back of his
head and gushed out of his mouth.

Bai Luo Yin still remained unperturbed, almost too calm, “I know. Isn’t that
what you told me to do? The thicker it is, the less pain it’ll be.”

“You really think I don’t dare to hit you?” Gu Hai repeated himself once

“I’m begging you. I’m really not having those kinds of thought. Go
ahead, punch me.”

Gu Hai looked devilishly at Bai Luo Yin’s two soft and supple butt cheeks.

……he hasn’t even touched and groped them enough yet, where would he
find the courage to swing the leather belt against it huh!

For what seemed like the longest half a minute of their young lives, silence
reigned supreme and remained at a deadlock.

But what broke this earnest silence was the sound of Bai Luo Yin’s laughter.
No longer able to hold it himself back, he allowed small snicker to become a
full blown cackling session. At first, he was standing rather straight as if he
was being tied up but now he felt more relax. He moved his legs around for a
bit, loosening them before he looked at Gu Hai, eyes seemingly beaming with

“Be a bit more serious. Don’t try to be all smiley and mischievous with
me!” Gu Hai proceeded to adopt a posture that declared he was serious.
In a swift moment, Bai Luo Yin snatched the leather belt away from him and
blatantly said, “You really want to go this far? I only ate a few pieces of
meat behind your back.”

“Do you really think it’s just about a few pieces of meat?” asked Gu Hai
with a blackened face, “Meng Tong Tian already told me everything.
You’ve been sleeping at home this entire time. You’ve even resorted to
threatening a kid just so he won’t tell me……those things you’ve done,
are they true?”

Bai Luo Yin still pretended as if he had not done anything of that nature as he
stared blankly, “I don’t know.”

“You fucking……” Gu Hai immediately snatched the end of the leather belt
and yanked it toward himself. When he did this, Bai Luo Yin was also pulled
toward him, allowing him to take hold of this precious opportunity and
pinned Bai Luo Yin down on the sofa. After tussling him for a short while,
still somewhat frustrated, Gu Hai pulled him up and angrily said: “You took
advantage of my trust for you and treated me like a monkey that you
could fool around with. Was it fun?”

At this point, Bai Luo Yin’s hair was already a mess and just like before, he
remained silent, refusing to utter a single word.

Gu Hai let out several deep breaths. There was love and hate swarming his
vision as he looked at Bai Luo Yin. He felt as though he was already at his
wit’s end, unable to find a single way out.

“Tell me, why do you always run back home?”

Keeping his lips tightly sealed, Bai Luo Yin looked determinedly at Gu Hai
for a few seconds with an expressionless face.

For Gu Hai who knew Bai Luo Yin’s characteristics all too well, he can
definitely say that this guy is the most stubborn person in the entire country,
quite frankly, under the heavens! If he doesn’t want to talk, despite how
much you force him, he still will not say anything.
Gu Hai slowed his breaths down, making sure he was breathing normally and
as calmly as possible. Then he placed his hand on Bai Luo Yin’s disheveled
hair and caressed it before he tidied it up.

His voice resumed it usual tone, laced with warmth and the tenderness he had
for just that one person.

“Is it because the food I make isn’t delicious?”

“Is it because I didn’t give you the warmth of a family?”

“Is it because I said something I shouldn’t have and made you


“Is it because I gave you the cold shoulder a couple days ago so now
you’re intentionally seeking revenge?”

After asking more than a dozens of these types of possibilities and not
receiving any responses at all, Gu Hai eventually resumed his wolf like

It’s fine if you don’t want to say thing, I’m able to make you open that mouth
of yours!

His perspicacious gaze was thronged with fume, as if anger had shrouded
every corner of it already. A ferocious heat encircled Gu Hai entire being as
he forcibly tore Bai Luo Yin’s pants off.

Bai Luo Yin’s once calm and indifference earthen eyes immediately emitted
innumerable amount of icy arrows. He used all his energy to try and break Gu
Hai’s hands away from himself. But, no matter how hard he pulled at it, Gu
Hai still remained willful, obstinately clinging on to his own course of action.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly kicked Gu Hai’s lower abdomen making him writhed
in pain. But, this in backfired and instead caused Gu Hai to press his elbow
into the pit of Bai Luo Yin’s stomach. With this done, he pressed down hard,
allowing the pressure to lay evenly on top of Bai Luo Yin’s entire body. Bai
Luo Yin was held down so hard, that even the sofa seemed as if it was about
to swallow him whole.

“Why are you making it so difficult for me to get intimate with you?”
asked Gu Hai before he immediately bit down on Bai Luo Yin’s throat, at
exactly the spot where his Adam’s apple lied, semi protruding.

Bai Luo Yin’s hands snaked around and clamped tightly around the root of
Gu Hai’s neck. With great effort he retorted: “It wasn’t difficult at first, but
you insisted on making it difficult.”

Gu Hai momentarily loosen his hold on Bai Luo Yin. His eyes drew in Bai
Luo Yin’s visage, refusing to allow even a blink to tear it away from focus.

He sternly asked, “Then tell me, how can I make it easier?”

“Let me fuck you and I won’t run away anymore.”

At that exact moment, Gu Hai understood clearly what the problem was.

So this was his true intention all along.

“I willingly let you fuck me, why can’t you let me fuck you once?”

“No you can’t!” retorted Bai Luo Yin immediately with a rather long and
displeased appearance.

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes and let it remained fixed attentively on Bai Luo
Yin. If looks could kill, he used those eyes of his in a way that told his prey,
he wanted to hack him into two pieces.

“Can’t? Why can’t I? I’ve only tried it once. And that night, you’ve
messed with me how many times? Even if I let you do it once, you should
let me do it three times!”

“What the fuck, who calculates like that?” Bai Luo Yin couldn’t withstand
this anymore. He severely complained back, “I was forced that time. It’s
inexcusable, I won’t forgive you, not even once! And that time, you
willingly let me. No matter how many times I did it, it won’t be enough.”
“Enough!” Gu Hai bit down hard on his teeth and nodded, “You’re still
fucking holding a grudge aren’t you? Just because I made one mistake,
you fucking want to sentence me to death? How do you even have the
heart to abandon my penis when it looks so awesome and full of might
like this?”

Bai Luo Yin’s lips began to move, “I can be really heartless, that’s how.”

For a moment, Gu Hai was rather dumbfounded with this outcome. He

suddenly stood up, walked toward the window, stuck his head out and
screamed into the dazzling night sky. Three thundering screams made their
way out of his mouth, danced in the air and dispersed into the traveling wind.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he turned his head around with eyes full of
vigor and determinations. All the while, it looked as though the skin of a
dangerous and bloodthirsty wolf had sewn tightly onto his body like a jacket.
And to help solidify his fighting spirit, his face was wrapped in a thick layer
of confidence, that is, in the form of shamelessness.

He softened his voice, and pleaded, “Yin Zi ah, my good wife. For the sake
of our happiness, I’ve been working really hard these past few days. I’ve
stayed up all night reading, neglecting sleep and even forgotten to eat.
Considering I’ve been so diligent and meticulous, can’t you make an
exception for once?”

If it wasn’t for the fact that I’ve seen you studying as if your life depended on
it, I wouldn’t have gone so far as to run back home and stayed there all day!

It was then that Bai Luo Yin could feel the sudden chill in the wind causing
his bones to freeze as if it had been struck with an icy force.

“Stupid, it’s not because I’m being overbearing. Look, last time, I’ve
even let you try it and what was the outcome? We both suffered and it
only caused more problems,” said Gu Hai wholeheartedly.

“Yin Zi ah, last time was because I was inexperience. Just give me
another chance. I promise, this time I will make you fall in love with it
for a lifetime.”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 145: The Inquietude of Youth - A MIRACULOUS MOMENT

to witness. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


If truth be told, since the night Bai Luo Yin ran back home, he already knew
it, felt it in the depths of his bones, that this inevitable day had been long
ordained. Choosing to be with Gu Hai was the same as choosing a path with
no way out. He cannot be too preoccupied with always wanting to be the top
forever. Even more so, escaping from it only signified that there's a stain, a
wrinkle....a ripple in the fabric of their relationship.

And yet......he was not willing to part with Gu Hai.

All these contradictions, like barbed wires, thronged with sharp edges,
twisted and turned endlessly together as it clung tightly to each other. It was
impossible to unwind and straighten out this wretched entanglement and even
the most noble of all scissors would not be able to break it apart. With just the
slightest touch from these seemingly slithering wires, it had already been
predetermined that a scorching, searing and extremely painful sensation
would strike the pit of his already churning stomach.

He allowed his head to hang loose with eyes that looked as though they were
staring into the abyss of an unknown place. Within seconds, he powerlessly
laid his head upon Gu Hai's broad shoulder. He really wanted to immediately
break this person in half with his bare hands and swallow him whole until he
reached the bottom of his stomach. In this way, he would not have to worry
about being eaten by him. More importantly, he also would not have to worry
about him running away.

Gu Hai's trembling hands snaked toward Bai Luo Yin's head, lifting it up
from his own shoulder. Gently, he turned it ever so slightly allowing that
familiar face to directly face him. Love was it. It was love that shielded his
eyes, with a type of incurable addiction, he looked at those pair of stubborn
pupils in front of him. And silently within his already tightened chest, it was
as if his heart had the voice to verbalize his feelings, and it said:

You fucking smart ass, always torturing me all day. Making me impatient and
hunger stricken. When I want to eat you up, you make it impossible. And
when I want to hate you, my heart betrays me......How should I deal with

Bai Luo Yin was also keeping a weather eye on Gu Hai as voiceless thoughts
crept into his restless mind. These thoughts unknowingly imitate ones similar
to this obscene person as it scolded and cursed away.

You fucking greedy ass cat. All day, the only thing you know how to do is to
eat. It would have been good if your fucking mouth was a bit smaller. Why
must it be so big like that. Sooner or later, you're going to die from getting so

For about two minutes or so, the room was rather silent as the two sat staring
at each others' countenance. Quite different from their external surrounding,
mentally, they were hurling insults at one another.

Once again, as if clock work, they shamelessly drew close, allowing their
arms to gently take in each other's warm body. As this embrace closed the
distance that kept them apart, their lips met in a much needed kiss. It has been
a while since they've tasted each other, yet like always, their lips fitted
together so perfectly that they might as well have been doing it a thousand
times over.

What it somewhat lacked in gentleness and that feeling of romance, it made

up with passion. One that was encircled by a scorching blaze.

Their beard stubbles chafed against each other, causing boundless amount of
electric current to generate from their chin. It tickled their necks as it traveled
along and gathered closely in their chests until it reached their stomachs. As
if the end fuse of a bomb was lit, these electric currents exploded with a
powerful reach and dispersed into every single nerve in their body.

It has been a long while since he has been deprived. He could almost feel in
the depths of his heart and mind, that he indeed, missed and longed for it.
Quickly this treacherous arousal greedily emerged. Gu Hai's hands weaved
their way toward the hem of Bai Luo Yin's shirt and slowly crawled
underneath, before inching solicitously upward along the smoothness of his

Conforming with Gu Hai's intimate touches, Bai Luo Yin squarely placed his
hand between Gu Hai's legs. He could feel the member beneath the soft fabric
of the pant throbbing vigorously with vitality.

And at the same time, he could feel his own body's heat reaching its boiling

The loud sound of gasping for air and panting spread throughout the living

In this fanatical and heated moment, Gu Hai's hand suddenly stopped in track
and he faintly said, "Go shower."

But Bai Luo Yin wished to continue this.

Gu Hai, however, said once again, "I don't want to force you. You must be
quite tired as well from racking your brain just to torment me. Take a
nice bath and have a good night sleep."

After he finished saying this, he got up and started to walk away in a rather
slow mannerism.

Bai Luo Yin was right behind Gu Hai, staring at him with a very peculiar
expression in his eyes for a quite a while. Suddenly he leaped forward and
chased after him. His arm swung and made a loop around Gu Hai's neck,
gripping at it tightly with a rather powerful force before he coldly asked:

"Trying to loosen the reign before you can capture the prey huh? You
don't have any good intentions do you?"

Gu Hai drew back the corner of his mouth into a rather overt smirk, "You
know it and you still followed."

With that said, he quickly turned around and suddenly closed the bathroom
door. Looking at the lingering anger on Bai Luo Yin's face that had yet to
disappear, Gu Hai knew, that he had already agreed.

"Help me rub my back," said Gu Hai as he turned around and let his back
face Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin ignored him, picked up the shower sprinkler and slowly rinsed
his own body down.

Less than a second later, Gu Hai unexpectedly jumped in front of him, and
without any explanation at all, he snatched the shower sprinkler from Bai Luo
Yin's hand. He adjusted the sprinkler to its maximum pressure, faced it
toward little Yin Zi and sprayed the water at it as if to rinse it.

Suddenly a warm sensation gathered together in that weak and sensitive area.
It was like a big hand was on top of his member, gently and softly caressing
it. All of a sudden, Bai Luo Yin's legs weakly trembled before he shifted and
stepped back. He wanted to evade and hide from this kind of excitement that
made it hard for people, for for him, to endure.

Unfortunately, Gu Hai's hand responded with great speed and followed

closely, continuing to spray the water. Bai Luo Yin's body moved back again
until his back made contact with the ice-cold wall of the shower stall. As the
coldness that permeated from wall coursed throughout his body, he could not
help but to let a moan emerge from the back of his throat and escape his lips.

Gu Hai laughed rather frivolously, "That moan was very seductive, let me
hear it again."

Bai Luo Yin raised his hand, with every intention to smack Gu Hai a couple
of times. However, instead Gu Hai seized this grand opportunity and tightly
gripped Bai Luo Yin's wrist. Then along with having already seized the other
hand, Gu Hai bind them firmly together with only one of his hand. He pulled
them both up and held them fast at the top of Bai Luo Yin's head.

With much control and ease, Gu Hai stooped slightly down and started to
gently and slowly lick and bite along Bai Luo Yin's smooth and wet neck. His
tongue teased and took its time to taste the skin, feeling the veins underneath
throb a bit faster every time his teeth lightly grazed against it.

Accompanied by a stream of water that ran down profusely from the top of
Bai Luo Yin's head, Gu Hai kissed his way down.

The moist warmth on Bai Luo Yin's nipple brought such a shock of pleasure
that he forgot every thought that had been floating through his brain. Gu Hai
had his mouth there, kissing and nibbling on it for a while before his skilled
tongue wandered elsewhere.

Gu Hai continued to kiss and bite his way passed the underarm, down the
side of the torso, and stomach.........

The dense hair between Bai Luo Yin's leg was washed clean and softened by
the streaming water, allowing Gu Hai's tongue to easily sweep it away before
locating its main target. His tongue flicked over it briefly, bewitchingly,
seductively, then with tantalizing slowness, he slid the member in and out of
his mouth. Ever so tenderly, he sucked down on it, worrying it with his teeth
as his tongue wrapped warmly, moistly around the shaft. Each time his head
bobbed back and forth, his teeth would lightly scrape against the soft skin.
He picked his flirtatious eyes off the ground and intuitively glanced at Bai
Luo Yin. His eyes licked over him with caressing heat as he surveyed his
pliable chest, the lustrous smoothness of his belly, the sensuous flair of his
hips that flowed into the firmness of his soft and supple thighs, and the long
and flowing lines of his lovely legs......legs that could easily wrap around a
man, and with much ease, hold him prisoner until he could no longer think
straight...until he willingly drowns in a sea of wild ecstasy.

Bai Luo Yin felt pain and numbness crowded together in his limbs but even
worse, he felt a sense of shame. Now feeling as if his breaths were being
taken away unwillingly, he crudely gasped for more air. He then took Gu
Hai's head and pressed hard on it with his hands. However, having
momentarily neglecting the fact that his own member was still in Gu Hai's
mouth, for a split second, he felt an intense pain coursed throughout his

The expression of his own enjoyment and endurance painted itself vividly on
Gu Hai's face. With the look of pleasure kissing his face joyfully, Gu Hai's
member became slightly swollen of its own accord even without it being
touched or fondled with.

Under the flowing water, the two wet bodies were excited and stimulated
until their erections were at their peak. They gently caressed, stroked, kissed,
and rubbed against each other. Their breaths were accompanied by the
flowing water and blended harmoniously into a beautiful symphony. This
sound entered their ears and excited them even more.

"Baby, I want you."

Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yin's hand within his own and placed in on his already
burning member. He wanted him to know, to feel in the deepest part of his
heart and mind, that he was not able to wait any longer.

Bai Luo Yin's lip moved, but he didn't say anything.

Gu Hai held onto to him tightly, yet this hug was tender and full of
gentleness. His eyes were closed and shielded with a heavy passion that
refused to go away, and his seductive lips were slightly parted. The curve of
Bai Luo Yin's mouth, a mouth that was like saccharine, an infinitely desirable
magnet hovering within mere inches of his lips, was made to be traced by a
man's tongue. He wanted to feel his soft lips yield under him again. He
watched as those enticing lips slightly parted, breaths quickening and then
becoming shallow.

For a very long time, Gu Hai kissed him. It was like a silent promise.

This time, I will be very gentle, very soft and gentle......

Lying on his stomach on the cool sheets of the bed, he could clearly see
before his eyes all kinds of scented lubricants. Just from looking at those
items seemingly taunting him, Bai Luo Yin felt as though, he himself was at
an execution ground awaiting his inevitable death.

Amongst the various lubricant bottles, Gu Hai picked one and skillfully
twisted off the cap, allowing the aroma to dispersed throughout the room. He
squeezed a bit of the oil on his hand and kept in mind what the book
pinpointed as the main aspects.

You must be patient and meticulous. Do not act with undue haste or

On the contrary, who could have imagined that this kind of slow pace
movements and rhythm caused Bai Luo Yin to feel even more mentally
strained. He waited for a long time and continued to do so but even then Gu
Hai still has yet to make any sudden movement. So instead, this anticipation
made his heartbeat reach a measurement of 180 beats per minute. Feeling a
shortness of breath, he gasped for several gulps of air before he slowly
slipped his body off the bed.

"Hey! Don't run!"

Gu Hai grabbed one of Bai Luo Yin's leg and dragged him back to his
previous position on the bed. As he looked at the boy beneath him, he
repeatedly cursed and blamed himself mentally.
Look at what you've done. You fucking scared him until he became like
this......just go into the bathroom and slap yourself in the mouth ten times!

Bai Luo Yin bore an expression of being slaughtered on his face as he

pressed a pillow on his own head.

Gu Hai watched Bai Luo Yin somewhat amused, not knowing whether he
should laugh or cry at this outcome, "Can you relax a little bit?"

By this point, Bai Luo Yin still did not say anything and refused to listen to
any words that came from the other boy's mouth. His entire body, from the
top of his soft hair to the tip of his stubborn toes was in a state of readiness,
seeming as though it was preparing for war.

The pain was about to come soon, so he must, at all cost, stand his ground in
the face of this adversity.

Slowly and softly, Gu Hai placed both of his hands on Bai Luo Yin's buttocks
and gently massaged it. He wanted to help Bai Luo Yin's tight and stiffened
muscle to loosen up and relax within his touch, but in the end, Bai Luo Yin
still refused to cooperate.

The more he rubbed and kneaded, the muscle became even tighter. The
tighter it became, the more he wanted to use even more strength to make this
piece of meat slacken. Ultimately, the more he rubbed, the more painful it
became for Bai Luo Yin. So as a result, a wretched howl escaped his lips
along with the searing pain. He incessantly smashed his hand on the bed.

Then Gu Hai noticed that, the piece of meat in front of his eyes has already
turned slightly purple from his supposedly careful kneading. He doesn't want
to lost control again, he won't. It had been hard enough just those few
minutes ago to get this precious person to be here.

There was an internal battle raging between his heart and his head from
trying to keep his hands, his mouth from crawling all over this body, to keep
him from caressing and licking this sweet body, to keep him from stroking
him where his emotions were so hotly centered.
Beads of sweats then formed and gathered together closely atop his forehead.
Only then did he become aware that the sin that he had committed ran deeper
than he had expected. That the wound caused would not just suddenly

"Yin Zi, don't think about the situation from that day again. Please take
this day as our first time, okay?"

Gu Hai then kissed the tip of Bai Luo Yin's nose where small beads of sweats
had already gathered. In a small voice he continued to whisper, assuring Bai
Luo Yin of his solemn promise.

Hearing those soft words repeatedly resonant in the space closest to his
heated lips, Bai Luo Yin's frame of mind gradually became at peace,
tranquility finally found it way on his body, bringing it into relaxation.

Gu Hai then moved his mouth toward the nape of Bai Luo Yin's neck and
following along the ridge of his spine, he kissed along this path while making
sure to take his time. He traced the contour of each disc with his tongue as it
swept over them. He could almost feel those thousands of nerves setting off
with every contact it made with his warm mouth. He continued to lick, let his
tongue danced of its own accord, and kissed its way downward until it
reached the tailbone. He carefully twirled his tongue all around that sensitive

Bai Luo Yin could feel an incomparable tingling sensation, somewhat of an

itch. His entire waist became numb so he shifted his body as to relief himself
from this "discomfort." However, an even more intense ticklish sensation
surrounded him. it was numerous and closely knitted together as if a horde of
ants were gnawing and nibbling away at his bones.

A short while later, he pulled tightly on the bed sheet and gasped desperately
for air before forcefully letting it out. A wave of heat engulfed his brain
causing his thoughts to momentarily become blank.

At that exact moment, Gu Hai's teeth bit and nibble tenderly at Bai Luo Yin's
anus. It was as if he was intentionally nibbling lightly then hard. With much
skill, he would quicken the pace, then slow down until he could feel Bai Luo
Yin's legs trembling almost violently.

Feeling that he had fondled and teased that area well enough, Gu Hai
carefully spread those two now soften cheeks apart with his hands and
attacked the inside. His burning tongue swept all around the entranceway. As
he continued to run his tongue over it over and over again, he slowly tasted
that spot he had so long missed.

Bai Luo Yin was both afraid and excited with anticipation. His fingers
gripped tightly on the bed sheets creating a hundred or more of pleats on the

Finally, Gu Hai's tongue rested solely on that tight passageway. With much
desire sitting on the tip of his tongue, he squeezed his tongue inside.

A powerful electric current rapidly emerged from the pit of Bai Luo Yin's
stomach and sent heat rising all the way from the soles of his feet, to sweep
through his body like brushfire. Then, a torrent of desire flowed through him,
tightening on his internals in a steel vise. A familiar warm sense of pleasure
ignited inside him as the marvelous, erotic heat continued to engulfed him
whole. It turned his blood into a viscid flame that fired his body from the
inside out.

His toes jerked from the shock of this electric current and suddenly his waist
became rather erect, before curving into a slight arch. Unable to hold it back
any longer, he moaned into the pleasure.

Since you want me to be in pain, is there really a need to make me feel

pleasure now? You want to first send me to heaven then kick me down to hell,
don't you?

Once again, Gu Hai poured some lubricant on his fingers. His other hand
skillfully snaked its way to Bai Luo Yin's member and worked its magic
there, seeking to provoke an excitement out of that fellow. While using this
enticing method as a distraction, his fingers now moisten, sneaked toward
that tight passageway and slowly pushed inside, inch by inch.

Quickly, Gu Hai's finger was wrapped tightly inside by the warmth of the
inner wall. His finger felt so warm, alive and strong as it slowly moved,
pushing in lightly and softly. And that same warmth sent a tingling sensation
spreading up his own arm in rippling waves of heartwarming contentment
that flooded every single of his being.

A smiled graced his lips as he looked at Bai Luo Yin with eyes that seemed
as though it could describe the other's boy emotions.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, right? You don't feel even a bit of pain at
all, right?"

It went in so quickly and so easily like that? It can't be! The difference in size
is completely incomparable!

Bai Luo Yin turned his head around to look. As it turned out, it was just one

Why the fuck are you showing off for when it's just one finger huh?

Bai Luo Yin angrily twisted his head back, he could not help but to mentally
complain about his own hardship.

It's still too early, I just have to continue to endure it a bit longer!

When Gu Hai stretched out and inserted the second finger, he sensed a great
deal of resistance. With this kind of obstruction opposing him, he patted then
lightly slapped Bai Luo Yin's ass several times, urging him to loosen up so
that his muscle can relax and not push his fingers out.

Bai Luo Yin did not utter a single word as he gritted his teeth together tightly.
To make matters worse, his body refused to cooperate or loosen up even the

Without any better option, Gu Hai restored to pouring some more lubricant
on his hand. He increased the friction that he had on Bai Luo Yin's still
throbbing member, letting his finger tease the tip once a while as to keep him
excited and stimulated. Taking advantage of the interval between Bai Luo
Yin's slow intake of air, he pressed his fingers in without any letup until it
fully entered.

"How does it feel?"

Bai Luo Yin truthfully said, "It's not really comfortable. Feels a bit

Gu Hai was completely confidant in himself as he replied, "Don't worry,

it'll be better in a moment."

Along with the rhythm of his soothing breaths, his fingers slightly and slowly
moved up and down against the warm wall that tightly encased it. It was
quick, then it slowed down. This pace continued until Bai Luo Yin gradually
became accustomed to this stimulant and the feeling of discomfort slowly
lessened as well.

A strange and exotic kind of feeling welled up in his chest and gushed forth
from within his scorching body. He couldn't discern whether it was a
comfortable feeling or not. But, at the very least, the taste and feeling of this
kind of sensation was not difficult to endure.

A gentle breeze chose this moment to eddy over them, caressing them in its
passing with the sweet smell of the lubricant.

All the while, Gu Hai was already fired up, his blood was boiling and racing
at full speed. Every single time his finger slipped in, he could feel the tighten
muscle smothering him. A familiar sense of pleasure emerged from within
his memory, making him a become a bit impatient, he was itching to get on
with it. He wanted to relive and taste that pleasurable feeling again, the one
that beckoned him into ecstasy and dragged him into a death that was

No, this won't do. I can't be impatient. The book already said it, there's still a
finger missing. I must completely stretch it out.

With regards to someone like Gu Hai who is anxious and need to quicken
things up, this was indeed a great test of endurance.
Feeling a bit swollen, Bai Luo Yin felt that it was somewhat unbearable, so
he twisted his head around and said earnestly, "Can you take one out?"

A painful expression painted itself on Gu Hai's face.

It was hard enough to squeeze it in, now you want me to pull it out once
again. Are you trying to suffocate my precious little Hai Zi to death?

Are you trying to suffocate my precious little Hai Zi to death?

"Bare with it a little bit longer, it'll quickly feel better."

Gu Hai patiently ingratiated himself with little Yin Zi.

Finally, he was able to make this little fellow fully erected.

Two minutes later, all of his thoughtful and earnest preparations were in

Gu Hai slightly squinted his eyes and when he opened them again, his eyes
were shimmering with excitement.

"Next you'll witness a miraculous moment!"

Translator's Note:

[1] You fucking greedy ass cat. All day, the only thing you know how to do
is to eat. It would have been good if your fucking mouth was a bit smaller.
Why must it be so big like that. Sooner or later, you're going to die from
getting so stuffed!

I wanted to explain Yin Zi's thought here in case anyone doesn't get it, he
meant, ".... the only thing you know how to do is think about having s**. If
your appetite toward *it lessen a bit, it would be good. But why must it be so
big? You're going to die from thinking about it too much!"
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 146: The Inquietude of Youth - The GLORIOUS MISSION

has been ACCOMPLISHED. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the silent room masked by the sweet smell permeating from a small bottle
held securely within Gu Hai's warm hands, the remaining lubricant was
squeezed on his own member. Making sure to thoroughly smoothened the oil
evenly on that seemingly ebullient and scorching hot fellow, he pressed down
on Bai Luo Yin's waist.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly let his member face the target of its craving
and little by little, inched its way in.

In that split second, Bai Luo Yin's earthen eyes, once shut tightly from this
sexual endeavor, instantaneously shot open.

Gritting his teeth hard against each other, as if his precious life depended on
it, produced a distinct and beautiful outline of his lower jaw. For a moment in
this indefinite space, his breathing briefly eased, making way for his face to
stiffen with an overwhelming sensation. The large veins in his neck that
pulsated beneath his brilliant skin was the only clear evident that his life has
yet to be take away. That he was still alive.

Gu Hai's breathe became stagnant for a fleeting moment when he squeezed

inside a second ago. This time, he discovered that Bai Luo Yin did not shout
nor bellow out in rage. With much relieve swelling in his once tightened
chest, he warmly smiled. However, it could not be helped that there was a
slight amusement in the way the corner of his lips curved.

"Do you trust me this time? I said I won't let you be in pain so you
definitely won't be in pain."

Bai Luo Yin stared blankly into space for a few seconds and without
warning, he let out a wail of anguish: "I fucking trust you alright! How is it
not painful? It fucking hurts so bad!"

There was a pause in Gu Hai's movement as an expression of disbelief

quickly drew across his face. "It can't be huh? Just a moment ago, all
three fingers went in...according to what I've read, there shouldn't be
any problems!"

"Three fingers, three fucking fingers......" Bai Luo Yin was fuming with
anger between his already gritted teeth as he turned to look behind him.
"What good is three fucking fingers huh? Are you fucking playing
around, it's more than five fingers already," he cursed, still full of rage.

Gu Hai's eyebrows rose simultaneously as he asked in a ridiculing manner:

"Are you praising me or are you mocking me?"

Bai Luo Yin powerlessly lie on his stomach, letting the cool fabric kissed his
skin as he blankly stared at the arabesque designs on the headboard of the
bed. He incessantly chastised himself:

Serves you right! You don't have enough brains to learn from the previous
incident! He said it wouldn't hurt and you fucking believe him?
Once again, Gu Hai pushed in a little bit more which made Bai Luo Yin felt
as though his bones were grinding against each other. In all honestly, he
could not bear it any longer. As he lied on his stomach, he shouted into the

This time, Gu Hai dared not budge; not even the slightest. He gently lowered
his upper body, allowing his chest to meet with Bai Luo Yin's smooth back,
while their lower halves remained connected. Once their skin kissed, sparks
ignited, unfurling throughout their sweaty bodies. With much compassion
drowning in his eyes, Gu Hai reached over and allowed his hand to rub
tenderly around the back of Bai Luo Yin's neck. The hot intensity of his hand
as it caressed his beloved's neck left a burning sensation that spoke of the
start of an inferno to come.

Softly he asked, "It really hurts?"


"Then, what should we do?"

Bai Luo Yin scowled miserably, reproaching him, "Take it out!"

Gu Hai became helpless and without any other option he slowly withdrew.

But as a result, Bai Luo Yin shouted into the room, unable to bear even the
slightest friction caused by the retraction.


"What exactly do you want me to do huh, go in or pull out?"

Bai Luo Yin gasped for air, the overwhelming sensation caused his internals
to heat up and even when he tried to pull more air into his lungs, it still was
not enough. His body felt weak as if all the strength once circulating within
was forcibly removed.

With much effort, he powerlessly said, "Don't move, just stay like that,"
his voice was weak with almost a hint of pleading.
"I can't hold it." Gu Hai replied truthfully.

Who can hold it after coming this far?

"Even if you can't, you still have to!" retorted Bai Luo Yin heartlessly,
"Wait until it softens then take it out."

In the end, little Hai Zi indeed remained inside, as Gu Hai waited, trying his
hardest not to cause any sudden movement.

Several silent minutes passed by with only the sound of their breaths
invading their ears. But even then, not only was Bai Luo Yin unable to relax,
instead it became even harder for him to bear this excruciating pain.

At that moment, Gu Hai lightly patted his back, "Hey! Looks like it got

Bai Luo Yin turned a shade of green when he heard those words sung out of
Gu Hai's mischievous lips.

Today, he has truly trod into a dangerous criminal takeover zone!

Countless emotions gushed into his heated heart and crowded the space once
unoccupied. Ordinarily, this eminent and handsome face would not be
frightened by any awe inspiring wave of emotion, but this time around, it
tightened with such sped, even Bai Luo Yin himself was unable to take full

Toughening his heart against this natural desire, his eyes wandered off into
the night. He watched the night sky stood high, crowded by the towering
buildings displaying its brilliant lights as it competed with the inky canopy of
the darkness, freckled only by the fewest of stars.

Where can I take shelter from this inescapable feeling?

Smitten with Bai Luo Yin various emotional adventure, a smile crept its
hideousness on Gu Hai's lips. If this smile alone was on Bai Luo Yin's sweet
lips, it would had burnished Gu Hai's soul into a beauty it could never
achieve on its own. Before they met, they were one, but now, they are half
yet somehow even then, they had become so much more than before.

The longer he let his eyes run down Bai Luo Yin's neck and down his back,
he felt his own spirit sink just a little deeper. Unable to contain this
uncontrollable emotion, he reached toward his face and touched it light
before the urge to kiss took over. Though his skin was beautiful and sweet
like honey under his lips, it is the feel that sent Gu Hai's mind into a sensual
state of intoxication.

Bai Luo Yin restrained himself, ignoring those warm kisses and tickling
sensations on his skin. This only provoked Gu Hai who then kissed his face
again, it was so delightful that he did not want to stop.

Gu Hai kissed his tinted cheek one last time and softly said, "That's enough,
we've already reached this point. It will be over once we've endure it for
a few more minutes. Even if it hurts, the pain will only last for a moment.
Last time you messed with me, in the beginning it was painful, but
afterwards it also felt good. I'm not lying to you."

Bai Luo Yin's eyes immediately brightened up, a flash of light danced
beautifully across them, "How about we switch again?"

"Don't. Wouldn't that mean you were in pain for nothing?"

Ouuucchhhh.........Bai Luo Yin painfully pounded his fist on the bed.

Gu Hai smiled, actually it was almost a giggle as he squeezed some more

lubricant on the root of his aching member that had not have the chance to
feel the warmness inside yet. With much care and love in each of his actions,
he slowly moved.

The pace was extremely slow, so slow that even Gu Hai felt the pain of
having his member consumed. Knowing well that Bai Luo Yin was also
finding it unbearable, he tried as much as possible to excite and stimulate
little Yin Zi so that it too, was not feeling much pain.

For the first round, a whole minute had been used up, Gu Hai looked at the
time nearby. Based on his incredible physical strength, going at this speed, he
reckoned even he would not be able to complete anything in one given night.

Summoning up all his courage, Bai Luo Yi braced himself and said, "Go a
bit faster."

"I'm scared you'll be hurt."

Having given up all hope, Bai Luo Yin could only weakly say, "Better to
just get the pain over with, rather than to prolong the agony."

Not listening to a single word that sung out of the other boy's sweet lips, Gu
Hai continued to followed his own, excruciating slow yet, enchanting rhythm.
He heard Bai Luo Yin's breathing become deeper, his posture altered a bit yet
he stayed close, not moving away from his touches.

The second time he pushed in and pulled, it did not seem so difficult. It took
half a minute for him to gently push in and pull again. Following that slow
pace rhythm allowed for the third insertion and retraction to be even more

Within ten seconds......Gu Hai gradually quickened his pace.

Bai Luo Yin's teeth were screwed tightly together and even if it hurt, he
refused to utter a word. He remained this way until he could no longer tell if
his rear was sore or if another sensation had replaced that soreness, but at the
least he did not feel so tormented.

He tried to loosen his jaw, letting the muscle around it relax before he took in
another deep breath. This time it was easier to breathe and he didn't feel any
particular pain. He twisted his head around to take a quick glance.

Gu Hai's eyes were close with an expression of enjoyment kissing every

corner of his face. This kind of joyous expression would make living creature

Just seeing that pleasurable face of his made Bai Luo Yin snorted rather

Hmph! Don't be pleased with yourself, sooner or later, you'll also have to
endure this.

Gu Hai had already occupied every inch of Bai Luo Yin's tightly walled-in
passage. He suddenly became aware of the short period of time, where he lied
feeling wasted. He thought of the struggles that he went through, there were
hardships and setbacks, but knowing that he was able to arrive at this moment
made everything well worth it.

It felt so comfortable, so tight, so hot that the euphoria of the pleasure

warmed his veins, coursing through them. It felt so incredibly good, that no
words could sufficiently describe it. With such pleasure crawling to every
inch of his heated body, the urge to urge loudly into the ebony night tickled
his tongue senseless.

With breathless impatient, Gu Hai pushed in all the way, leaving no space
between them. Bai Luo Yin once relaxed demeanor immediately became
distorted again, his brows twisted together in disagreement.

His hand clung tightly onto the bedside as he pitifully spoke, "

Those words were so sudden it almost pulled Gu Hai out of his feeling of
exhilaration. He carefully observed Bai Luo Yin's face as he lightly caressed
his forehead, "Feel out the sensation a bit, is it really pain?"

After saying that, he pushed in all the way again.

In the twilight room, Gu Hai's fingers caressed his skin as if afraid a heavier
touch would break the heady magic. Bai Luo Yin felt as though acupuncture
needles were being placed on him. For a split second, a tingling sensation
spread almost evenly on his entire body, beckoning him to name it, to cave
into it but still he was unable to describe this 'pain'.

After a while, that sensation was gone and his body became relaxed once
again. But this time, it seemed even his bones had softened, it too felt

With ecstasy exciting every twisted nerves in his body, Gu Hai let his
throbbing and hot member push in several times.

In that moment, Bai Luo Yin's body curled, the upper half of his body
slightly arched up. Before, he was all logic and feigned cool detachment to
the sensation that he could not possibly named but that was only until a
broken ragged moan inevitably tore its way out of his sweet lips.

Then something not only stirred in him, but it took over his thinking. As if a
match has been lit and dropped on his already fuel soaked body, a scorching
flames was set ablaze and eagerly circulated to even the tiniest and most
hidden part of his being. Under Gu Hai's electrifying touches, the rest of the
world became an unimportant blur that had long been banished into the far
recesses of his mind.

The lower half of his body trembled as waves of electric shocks seared about.
Unable to bear this sensation, his hands shot forth to grip tightly on Gu Hai's
arm, even his fingers felt weak as it dug into the skin beneath it. He prayed,
almost pleaded for him to stop.

And it was in this way that......Gu Hai moved incessantly, without any pause.
Once again, he roughly charged in. With his member magnificently facing
that part, he firmly thrust in with a mighty force.

Bai Luo Yin's neck perked up, a painful expression painted exceptionally
well on his face. But, along with that pain there was also an intrinsic
difference to it. At that moment, Gu Hai could clearly sense that Bai Luo Yin
had absolutely reached or at least touched upon that delightful state of

Once again, Gu Hai pushed roughly in then with his low and beguiling voice,
tuned with an unearthly charm, he asked, "Do you feel it?"

Bai Luo Yin could feel the heat, along with the redness, gradually growing on
his cheeks. By now, they must be beyond attractive rosiness, possibly
bordering an embarrassing bruise.

As the realization of this sensation became known to him, his brows wrinkled
together and his lips remained sealed, refusing admittance even if his life
begged otherwise.

Gu Hai slightly straighten up the upper half of his body and from that angle,
he concentrated on intensely stimulating that tight spot. This increase in
friction cause Bai Luo Yin's waist to give out and tremble, almost violently.

His toes tingled as if candle wax had been poured on them causing them to
curl as they dug deep into the bed sheets. His eyes were closed, shielded by a
heavy and unspoken passion. His breathing was quick and shallow and his
seductive lips were slightly parted as beads of sweat danced closely to each
other on his forehead, telling him that they want to roll down his heated face.

In the now heated room, their breaths had long intermingled in a chaotic

"Do you feel it?" he whispered in a warm, breathlessly husky sigh, in a

voice that draped around over them like a warm blanket on a cold winter's

Bai Luo Yin's expression was written with shame and resentment as he
endured silently, still unwilling to admit anything.

A second later, Gu Hai became so wild and erotic, it was almost as if he was
lost in a state of confusion. His roguish nature unearthed from its deeply
hidden confinement and started a rebellion. He wanted so strongly, so
desperately to know the answer to his question.

He forcibly leaned Bai Luo Yin onto one side while at the same time, lifting
one of his leg and placing it on his shoulder before pressing down firmly on
the other leg. In this posture, it was easier for him to access that spot and
strongly thrust in.

Bai Luo Yin's waist was held down by Gu Hai, and both of his legs were
spread wide open. Without even the chance to feel the shame or the
humiliation that should have attacked his heart and mind, all of his emotions
were yanked forth by the numerous and consistent frictions that excited his
nether region.
A pleasurable and tantalizing feeling gushed from below. This incredible,
indescribably searing sensation erupted from deep within his belly and
thrashed about wildly. Waves upon waves of exquisite ecstasy unfurled
throughout his body in ever increasing maelstroms of heat. While series after
series of thrilling electric currents pulsed outward from the deepest and most
hidden part of that private vital center buried within his pelvis. Feeling the
strained, intense need, soar high in himself, Bai Luo Yin completely lost all
of his mental capability. Enchantment has brushed his senses and his logic
aside, and in its place, all he felt was hot, fiery desire.

The rapture of Bai Luo Yin's wild throbbing responses sent fierce shivers of
pleasure over throughout Gu Hai's member. It then crawled its way up his
body, carrying his five senses on an endless, swirling crest to the pinnacle of
passion, then lingered there in brilliant, timeless bliss.

Gu Hai's waist was like an electric generator, both the strength and its
frequency were astonishing. He looked carefully, with lust and seduction in
his supercilious eyes at Bai Luo Yin. His formidable and imposing manner
appeared as though he wanted to take Bai Luo Yin and swallowed him

A shattered moan squeezed its way out from Bai Luo Yin's stiffened throat.
He felt as though he was going crazy and his entire body refused to listen to
him, as it took control of itself.

When Gu Hai heard the alluring moan flowed out of Bai Luo Yin's mouth, he
brought his head forward and stared down. He saw his tinted face when he
looked deeply into his lovely eyes. Even with the faint starlight and the light
from the distant moon, he could see the rich contour of his handsome face.
His eyes were bright, eager, and sultry with passion that betrayed the words
that escaped his lips.

Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin's moistened chin and faintly asked: "Do you
feel it?"

Bai Luo Yin clung on obstinately to his last bit of self righteousness. When
Gu Hai thrust into him with high intensity once again, Bai Luo Yin could
instinctively feel that he could not hold on much longer. Even more so, little
Yin Zi was already swollen so hard, to the point that it was aching.

Every single moment, Gu Hai connected with him, it pushed him to the edge
of exploding, however there was always that little bit of hindrance that
stopped him. He felt that if he was tormented with this sensation again, he
would indeed lose his breath and die.

He tried to use his own hand to relieve and free himself of his overwhelming
sensation, however, Gu Hai's quick hand flew forth and stopped him from
doing so.

Then, immediately afterwards, Gu Hai's fingers pirouetted its ways slowly

from his Bai Luo Yin's knee, and trailed inward along his inner thigh. As his
fingers danced along, teasing him and leaving a trail of tingling hot sensation,
it finally met little Yin Zi and held tightly on it.

Not only did he not help him release, he even went so far as to prevent him
from releasing. Second later, his rear end was cruelly thrust against just as
before. For a long while now, the taste of this pain had already changed.

Bai Luo Yin felt as though his body was burning in a sea of flame. Little Yin
Zi was already pumped to its full capacity. It was held on and strained to the
point where even breathing was difficult for him. The consistent electric
currents in his rear was like a tidal wave flowing endlessly as it made its way
toward and connected with the shocking current in his member. He can feel it
so vividly; he won't be able to bear it much longer.

Gu Hai suddenly slowed down. But even then, one by one, with every thrust,
there was strength and accuracy.

Every time he closed in on the gap that dared to separate them, he asked over
and over, "Do you feel it? Do you feel it? Do you feel it?........."

Finally, Bai Luo Yin crumbled. A warm, reeling sensual sexual awareness
took control of his body. His brain said one thing, but the overwhelming
power of his desire made his heart and loin say something else. As he
collapsed into this pleasure, there was a sudden pause in his breathing before
he shakily replied in a low roar, "I feel it."
The admittance of his near climax sensation felt relieving.

Hot beads of sweat rolled eminently along Gu Hai's warm cheeks and flowed
down toward his chin. He licked the salty sweat from the corner of his curved
and arrogant lips.

"Good, let's come together."

In that split, inevitable moment in time, as if a magnificent force made up of

ten and thousands of men and horses had charged force and arrived at the
battleground, it became hard to predict and sought out where the high
frequency of their excitements began and where it ended.

Bai Luo Yin's entire body and even his fleeting soul was placed in the midst
of a scorching heatwave that sought to engulf and consume him within its
raging flame. This flame refused to ease as it continued to burn and set him
on fire......

It felt as though an ammunition was secretly hiding within him and in any
given moment, it was going to abruptly split open and explode. Every single
nerve in his body turned fluid and molten as they convulsed in a lusty spasm
of passion.

In one moment, he had instantaneously freed his soul from redemption, then
right after this mirage changed and he was now soaring high toward seventh
heaven. As this unearthly pleasure consumed him, he fluttered about in this
seemingly false reality.

Once Bai Luo Yin returned from his state of euphoria, an extremely greedy
guy had already gazed upon and taken in the whole intoxicating scene. Even
more so, he had carved this image into his brain and allowed it to travel
through his veins like drugs for an addict.

Today, Gu Hai's felt so good that he exploded in a sea of ecstasy.

Especially during the last moment.

He tightly hugged Bai Luo Yin's heated body and as if to become one, he
thrust into the pinnacle of his breaking point. It was hard and full of grandeur
that even he was unaware of. Though swiftly diminishing to shadows of their
initial ecstasy, spasms continued to shoot vigorously through his body like
wandering, aimless rockets.

Being able to hear his moans, out of control and in its animalistic nature right
next to him, along with the feeling of his hot breath hovering over his ear,
made Gu Hai wanted to simply take him over again and connected with him
until he died!

Physically satiated, the aftertaste of it made Gu Hai still a little dazed as he

plastered like super glue on Bai Luo Yin's sweaty and still hot body.

Excited and full of joy and expectations, he held tightly onto Bai Luo Yin's
shoulder and said: "Baby, what do you want, you can tell your big

Bai Luo Yin's tightened fist swept past the left side of Gu Hai's face, "Who is
older and who is younger hmmm?"

Gu Hai immediately caressed the left side of his own face in a sulky manner,
before mockingly saying, "Fine! Looks like you still have some strength
left in you. This is proof that I didn't fuck you hard enough just a
moment ago! How about we go again?"

After saying this, he faced Bai Luo Yin and pressed hard on him again. But
Bai Luo Yin quickly responded, his hands snaked toward Gu Hai's neck and
firmly gripped it, wishing he could choke him to death.

The two tussled about on the bed for a while. But even then, their touches
were soft, their voices laced with unspoken sweet words.

In the end, it was Gu Hai who loosen his hands and let go first, before softly
saying, "Okay okay, go take a shower. Afterwards, we can sleep a bit
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 147: The Inquietude of Youth - A step FURTHER in


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin fell asleep soon after he had taken a bath. Perhaps it was due to
the fact that exhaustion had sunk too deep into his skin and too harshly into
his already weakened bones. Or perhaps, it was due to being mentally and
physically worn out from the night's pleasurable taste.

Taking advantage of Bai Luo Yin sound asleep, Gu Hai gently spread his butt
cheeks apart to see the condition inside. Fortunately, it was only a minor
swelling around that area and there was no trace of any other injury. He took
the medicine that he had prepared beforehand and lightly smeared it on the
swollen area. Feeling relieved, he finally laid his own fatigue body next to the
form beside him.
As he looked at Bai Luo Yin sleeping face, he noticed how the rhythm of
their breaths conformed with each other, creating a silent yet harmonious
symphony. In that moment, an indescribable feeling stitched its way into the
core of his soul, perpetually warming his heart. Those feelings of guilt and
shame that has been oppressing his heart and mind into the pit of darkness,
has weakened tremendously. Now, it has been replaced by a strong sense of
self-pride and hopefulness about the days ahead.

This person has finally, in all senses......become a part of him. He belongs to


His heart and body has his name carved deeply and beautifully in it.

There was no longer any need for him to be afraid that some charming girl
would sneakily cornered and take him away.

It was with this optimistic mentality that he continued to drown in as he laid

there. In the end, he unexpectedly went as far as to pull Bai Luo Yin into his
arm. Tightly yet gently, he embraced him, allowing the heat from their bodies
to intermingle.

As he hugged Bai Luo Yin for the remaining of the night, a smile was silently
painted on his lips, lulling him into slumber.

Early in the morning, when Bai Luo Yin woke up, Gu Hai's obsidian eyes
were already opened. He had been casting several surreptitious glances at him
for about half an hour now.

"Does it still hurt?" asked Gu Hai.

Bai Luo Yin nonchalantly shifted in his position then turned away. Besides
being a bit tired, he honestly didn't feel anything else. Not even pain.
Compared to the excruciating pain he felt after that unforgettable experience,
this time around, the treatment was, to simply put, top of the line VIP.
Thinking back to yesterday's sexual entanglement, their love making scene,
Bai Luo Yin was still slightly traumatized as an air of fear hovered in close
proximity to him.
Later on, if he was to be played with in such a wild manner all the time,
wouldn't that mean, he'd never be able to free himself from his grasp, his

With just one glance at Bai Luo Yin's expression, Gu Hai knew right away
that he was not in any pain. This realization caused an overwhelming sense of
self-esteem to crawl in and crowded his heart.

In this moment, he was extremely pleased with himself!

How about it? Still going to make it difficult for your husband? If I say I
won't let you feel any pain, then you definitely won't feel any pain. What's
better, when you wake up the next day, even your energy has been revived.
Later on, you should obediently satisfy your husband's crotch, hahaha.........

Bai Luo Yin was still in the midst of pondering through those recollections,
when suddenly, two big hands like tiger's claws seized his body and strongly
held on to him in a rough embrace. Several sweet kisses landed on his face,
leaving behind smooching sounds as it left its marks. Quickly, his lips were
tightly sealed by Gu Hai's own honey laced lips as it greedily and roughly
sucked hard on it several times more. Once his lips were hot, moistened and
weakened enough, it was left unattended. Gu Hai kissed his way toward his
ears, neck......

His 'spot' there, has yet to sufficiently recuperate......yet this person was
already hyped, showing off his liveliness in such a crazy appearance, even
going so far as to pounce on him like a ravenous animal.

Finally, Bai Luo Yin's hand roughly smashed into Gu Hai's forehead.
Summoning all the strength he had into his hand, he managed to push Gu
Hai's face five centimeters away.

"What are you doing?" Bai Luo Yin breathed out angrily, "Why are you
being so crazy this early in the morning huh?"

Without warning, Gu Hai glued himself to Bai Luo Yin again. As if he wasn't
already close enough, he shamelessly stuck, stitched, plastered, his own face
to Bai Luo Yin' cheeks.
Seconds later, beaming with joy and excitement, he said, "I like you. The
more I look at you, the more I like you. Why are you so charming, so
attractive huh?"

A dark and sinister aura settled on Bai Luo Yin's face, causing his brows to
furrow before his fist flew towards Gu Hai's stomach.

"Go away!"

After they finished eating breakfast, Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin and
asked, "I have to go back home and get my residential booklet, do you
want to go together with me?"

At first, Bai Luo Yin didn't want to go over there since it was Gu Wei Ting
and Jiang Yuan's house. But, once he recalled that it was also the place where
Gu Hai lived since he was a kid, as well as where Gu Hai's memories were
deeply buried, he became quite interested in that place.

"En, okay."

A rather obvious smile penetrated Gu Hai's eyes, "I made you feel good for
only one night and now you can't even be separated from me?"

Hostility immediately ate its way onto Bai Luo Yin's sullen face. Without
warning, he furiously lifted one of his leg, turned his body with great agility
toward Gu Hai, who was caught off guard. He knocked him down face first
and pressed him firmly on the sofa. Then, he quickly grabbed a nearby
dusting brush. Gripping firmly on the brush, he ruthlessly smacked Gu Hai's
lower back and buttocks a few dozen times.

When they locked the door to the apartment, Gu Hai was still bitterly
complaining, "Why are your hands so ruthless?"

Bai Luo Yin laughed even more, not paying any attention to what Gu Hai had
just said.

When the car arrived at the villa within the military base and they got out of
the car, their entire beings were enveloped by a kind of cold and cheerless

Bai Luo Yin cannot help but to take a quick glance at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai once happy and cheerful expression was now replaced with a stern
and apathetic coldness.

A tightening, almost suffocating sensation, raced at full speed into Bai Luo
Yin's chest, provoking within him a feeling he couldn't describe. All he knew,
he felt was that, perhaps Gu Hai asked him to come along, not solely for the
purpose of allowing him to see his home but even more so, he was seeking
some sort of comfort.

With a key held steadily in his hand, Gu Hai unlocked the door, pushed it
open allowing the two to enter together.

There was no one at home.

The interior decorations of the room were simple and unadorned yet elegant.
Everything in the room has been placed in a neat and orderly manner, even
the floor is polished to the point that it shined.

It looked as though no one ever lived there.

Although this kind of room was pleasant to look at, it easily gave off a kind
of oppress and stifling feeling. Someone like Bai Luo Yin whose laid back
and carefree, would feel uncomfortable staying here.

"Do you want to see my room?" asked Gu Hai.

Without replying, Bai Luo Yin directly followed Gu Hai inside.

This was a really neat and tidy room, so much so that, not even a single
poster hung on the wall. The quilt was folded neatly into a square shape and
the bed sheet was pulled tightly to the edge of the bed as to not allow any
wrinkles to be seen. With such a room, it would cause anyone to think of the
room that Gu Hai had lived at in the military dormitory.
Despite the fact that he had not returned here for a few months already, the
room remained the same as it was before, neat. There was even a flower pot
at the ledge of the window, emitting a faint yet sweet aroma.

It was evident and easily enough to perceive that someone came here
everyday to clean up.

Gu Hai crouched down near the cabinet and flipped some things around in
search of his residential booklet.

Unable to help with much, Bai Luo Yin walked around the room. He looked
at the books on the bookcase; apart from some famous literary novels and
reference books, the remaining were all comprised of military books.

At the upper level of the bookcase, there was a beautifully bound book sealed
between the others. From the look of it, it didn't seem like it belonged with
the rest since it stood out so much. Bai Luo Yin brought it down for a look, it
was only then did he discovered that it was a photo album.

Inside were several photos of Gu Hai from various stages of his life. There
was even a picture of Gu Hai when he was just one hundred days old. It was
hard to imagine, that he once had such innocence and pureness in his eyes.
Soon after, he saw some photos of Gu Hai when he was teenager. It was a
group picture of him with some kids from the military base. Standing
amongst the group of kids, his domineering and aggressive demeanor was
hard to miss; there were also photos of him with officers of all ranks and
military troops; and ones with his brothers and comrades strolling around
together on the streets......

Bai Luo Yin noticed that in all of Gu Hai's photograph, whenever a

photograph was taken, he only had one posture, one expression......that was,
he was rather stiff and indifference in all of them. He couldn't help but want
to burst out laughing, however, he also felt a touch of sorrow carving its way
toward the bottom of his heart.

He recalled that once, Gu Hai had told him, the him before was a very proper
and serious person. At that time, Bai Luo Yin just snorted disdainfully. Now,
after having seen these pictures, Bai Luo Yin unexpectedly found that it
wasn't so hard to imagine.

Perhaps, before he had known Gu Hai, Gu Hai was truly the type of person
he said he was. His life was after all always enclosed with a sense of
seriousness and stiffness. It was almost as if his soul was made from metal
scraps and put together to form a whole being. His heart and the feelings that
went along with it, had long become numb, and in turn, his character
naturally gravitated towards a calmer psyche......

As he flipped through the pages of the album, Bai Luo Yin's earthen eyes
were fixated on one particular photo.

The Gu Hai in this photograph was probably around three or four years old.
His little body leaned gently against a woman's embrace, with a very well-
behaved and obedient manner shrouding his entire appearance. The woman
looked very dignified, the atmosphere around her full of gentleness. Her
facial features were somewhat similar to those of Gu Hai's. Bai Luo Yin
guessed that she must be Gu Hai's late mother.

Amongst all of the photos, this was the only one that showed Gu Hai smiling.

Staring at the photo, at the Gu Hai he's never seen and the smile that graced
his lips, Bai Luo Yin seemed as though he was still daydreaming. Then,
without warning, the photo album was swiftly snatched from within his

"What are you recklessly looking at?" asked Gu Hai, pretending to be

angry as he looked at Bai Luo Yin, "Did I give you permission to look at

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything.

Gu Hai asked again, "I look extremely handsome don't I?"

To that, Bai Luo Yin only replied back with two words, "Extremely

Laughter finally found its way into Gu Hai's voice as he placed the photo
album back on the bookcase.

"Did you find the residential booklet?"

Gu Hai waved the brown booklet in his hand around, "Right here."

"Then, let's go," said Bai Luo Yin as he pushed the bedroom door open.

Gu Hai hesitated for a moment before he faintly said, "I want to go to my

mother's room."

Bai Luo Yin could only nod his head understandingly, "Okay, I'll wait for
you outside."

He then took the booklet from Gu Hai's hand and watched as he disappeared
into his mother's room. Right after, the door closed in front of him. Suddenly,
there was an abrupt change in Bai Luo Yin's mood; it became somewhat
serious. Perhaps, it was because he could sense the sorrow and desolate
atmosphere that emitted from the room.

From the start, Gu Hai had never taken the initiative to mention his mother to
him at all. Bai Luo Yin only knew that his mother had already passed away,
but as far as when she passed away or how she passed away, Bai Luo Yin
was completely in the dark. Yet, contrariwise, in regard to his family matters,
Gu Hai understood it all as clear as day. And often, Gu Hai took the role as
the person to comfort him. Despite the fact that he was the one who actually
needed to be comfort.

Now, Bai Luo Yin could clearly sense, even feel it in his now tightened chest,
that the pain Gu Hai suffered was even more bitter and harsh than his own.
He, himself, had merely never experience a mother's love and affection, but
his mother is still alive and around. He can still see her whenever he wants.

However, Gu Hai has long been stripped off, torn cruelly away from that
world full of warmth. Those once brightly lit days has fallen into a pitch
black night. And alone he sat it in.

With somewhat of a melancholy expression staining his face, step by step Bai
Luo Yin made his way downstairs. He wanted nothing more than to give Gu
Hai and his mother some space, one encased with peace and quiet.

When he arrived down the stairs, near the living room, the door suddenly
opened, a beautiful silhouette walked in.

Jiang Yuan looked at Bai Luo Yin for a brief moment and a second later, her
dark and gloomy face brightened up bringing out her youthful appearance. It
was as if, she had completely forgotten those disrespect words that her son
had said to her before. There was nothing else but happiness welling up in her
heart as she looked at Bai Luo Yin with warm and caring eyes.

"Luo Yin, why are you here?"

Bai Luo Yin indifferently replied back, "Gu Hai said he needed to get his
residential booklet, so I came along with him."

"Oh, his residential booklet! It's in the second drawer of his cabinet. It's
placed between a book there. I'll go take a look," informed Jiang Yuan as
she struck a posture signifying that she was going to head upstairs.

Bai Luo Yin stopped Jiang Yuan, "He found it already."

Jiang Yuan stopped in place, then a smile graced her lips, "It's good that he
found it then."

Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything else.

Jiang Yuan gazed at Bai Luo Yin before inquiring, "How about staying
here for lunch?"

"No, Gu Hai will be out any moment now and we're going to head out."

After saying that, Bai Luo Yin headed straight out the door.

The car was parked at the gateway. Bai Luo Yin sat inside and waited for Gu
Hai. He casually looked toward the villa, through the French-style window,
and into the room. Jiang Yuan's shadow was swaying back and forth around
the spacious room; sometimes it was clear and sometimes it was a blur.
From her appearance, it looked as though she had more or less completed her
tasks. Then, she sat down at a table near a window for a moment. She calmly
and quietly sat there, staring at the world outside. He wasn't able to
distinguish the expression on her face.

Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to guess: What does she do everyday? Could it
be, that apart from tidying up those huge rooms, she sat there like that all
day? Isn't she bored? Isn't it meaningless? Or could it be that as long as
those high price furniture and decorations were in front of her eyes, nothing
else mattered?

Jiang Yuan leaving Bai Han Qi to marry Gu Wei Ting, had always made Bai
Luo Yin felt that she loves money and power. But, now looking at her sitting
alone like that in this empty and desolate house, he suddenly felt differently
about things.

If Jiang Yuan really wanted to pursue a lavish lifestyle, why didn't she just
approach a rich chief executive officer? Why would she choose a soldier?
How could a woman whose selfish yet intelligent like her not know the
hardship of being the wife of a military general?
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 148: The Inquietude of Youth - ALL MY HAPPINESS.」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


On the road back home, Gu Hai casually ask Bai Luo Yin: "What do you
want to eat?"

Bai Luo Yin thought about it for awhile, but even then, nothing came to
mind. So he simply blurted out, "Anything is fine!"

"Do you want to eat noodles?"

A sign of distress colored Bai Luo Yin's face. His brows scrunched together,
creating wrinkles that spoke of his silent disapproval, "Can't we eat
something different? Since I moved back to your place, nine out of ten
days, we've been eating noodles."
Gu Hai was happily tapping his hand on the steering wheel rhythmically. He
quickly glanced at Bai Luo Yin with a smile brushing gently around the
corner of his lips: "This time it's different. Before, we've always bought
instant noodles and cook it as is, but this time, I will personally knead
and roll the dough."

Bai Luo Yin eyes slightly widen before he painfully casted them toward the
car's floor mate before shutting them, then after what seemed like the longest
time, he reopened his eyes again.

"How about we just buy the instant noodles instead?"

Taking another glance at Bai Luo Yin somewhat pleading appearance, Gu

Hai remained unperturbed and insisted on keeping up with his previous
statement. Bai Luo Yin simply sighs, caving in since he didn't want to attack
or wound Gu Hai's enthusiasm. If he had known earlier that it was going to
be like this, he would have given Gu Hai a clear cut and precise answer when
he has asked him what he wanted to eat a moment ago.

I want to eat this and that is what I should've said. That way, it would've cut
off all his evil intents.

Just as the two arrive home, the position of the sun clearly indicated that it
was time for lunch. A sweet aroma of freshly cook food floated around in the
hallway toward their apartment. Simply sniffing other people's home cooked
meals made Bai Luo Yin a bit reluctant to enter the front door of their

Gu Hai, on the other hand, was brimming with joy and expectations as he
entered the kitchen.

While waiting for food to be prepared, Bai Luo Yin sat in the living room,
playing some games on the computer. He glanced towards the kitchen when
he heard loud noises of inconceivable imagination travelled from the kitchen
into his now tingling ears. He could not help but feel terrified as he listened
to those noises continue to pervade the apartment. From time to time, he
wanted to sneak toward the kitchen to take a quick look, afraid that Gu Hai
was not being careful and had already stabbed himself in the neck with the
vegetable knife.

"Yin Zi!"

Hearing Gu Hai called out for him, Bai Luo Yin quickly put his laptop down
and walked toward the kitchen a bit anxious.

The door in front of him was closed which urged Bai Luo Yin to push it
open. With just one look, he was immediately scared. His skin felt as though
it wanted to run off in another direction.

The sink, the cutting board, the stove, the cabinet of plates......everything was
all covered with flour. Gu Hai's clothes, shoes, neck, face......were all
horrendously painted with white flour. Only the bowl that 'supposedly'
contained the flour was not covered in flour or showed sign that it once had
any substance in it.

"You......what did you call me for?" his voice faltered as he turned to look
at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai swayed both of his big hands back and forth, displaying the two well
kneaded dough, that looked as though it was about to swallow his hands
whole. Beaming with happiness, he happily said: "I wanted you to have a
look. I've kneaded and brought the dough to life."

Bai Luo Yin, "........."

By the time Bai Luo Yin returned to the kitchen again, Gu Hai had already
started to cook the noodles. Looking at the remaining noodles on the kitchen
counter, Bai Luo Yin cannot help but to be surprise at the final outcome.
Although it was a little thick, it really was long and stringy. His eyes
brightened up with invisible sparks, revealing the pleasantness that settled on
his face.

Wow! It's really noodles! It's not starchy it's not lumpy, it's not's
really noodles!

Bai Luo Yin picked up a string and pinched it in half between the tip of his

Gu Hai coldly explained: "What are you foolishly doing? Why are holding
the noodles like that?"

"Seriously, is there really a particular way to hold noodles huh?" retorted

Bai Luo Yin unconvinced, "Every time I've seen Aunt Zou holding it,
she's very casual about it and even then, it doesn't break!"

Gu Hai's sharp tiger eyes was trenched with a raging wild fire as he glared at
him, "In the eyes of onlookers like you, Aunt Zou is just casually holding
them, only experienced and talented people like us, understand the way
to hold them! Do you see? This is the right way to hold the noodles."

After saying that, he gently put one strand of noodle in the palm of his hand,
then with utmost care, he placed it in the pan. Unexpectedly, as he placed one
end of the noodle into the pan, the other end was still stuck to his palm. The
noodle was shorter than twenty centimeters, yet it still broke apart in the

Gu Hai's face became slightly embarrassed.

Seeing his face like that, Bai Luo Yin slapped his shoulder, "I'll pretend I
didn't see anything."

Having said that, he walked out of the kitchen.

Behind him, Gu Hai shouted, "Hey! Come back here, that demonstration
just now was not good!"

The family's downstairs meal smells really good......

The second he shut the windows, Bai Luo Yin almost jumped out of the

Ten minutes passed by once more. Guessing that it was more or less done,
Bai Luo Yin knocked on the kitchen door again, "Done yet?"

Inside, Gu Hai was frantically coughing, so he didn't hear the loud knocks on
the door at all.

Not hearing any reply, Bai Luo Yin pushed the door open himself.

A thick cloud of smoke was surging around inside and Gu Hai, himself, was
practically hidden within it. He stood in front of the gas stove with the handle
of the frying pan tightly in one hand, while waving around a big ladle in the
other. The fire beneath the pan has become a raging flare, leaving a black
semi burnt stain on the front of Gu Hai's clothes.

"What are you doing?" Bai Luo Yin squeezed out between coughs as the
smoke pulled him into the midst of it.

Gu Hai looked as though he didn't hear him and continued to boldly fry the
black substance in the pan.

Is it possible that he's making the sauce for it?

Bai Luo Yin pondered on this, while at the same time, looked around for the
noodles. After searching for quite a while, he still could not find it.

Finally, he found a small bowl of closely packed lumpy dough. There were
small and big ones; the big ones were the size of a thumb while the small
ones were only as big as a fingernail. There was no need to further
explanations, these were definitely the noodles that Gu Hai had cooked.

"I've changed my mind!" exclaimed Gu Hai excitedly as he gave Bai Luo

Yin a quick glimpse. His eyes were bursting with enthusiasm as if a breath of
new life has been inserted into him.

It was only then that Bai Luo Yin discovered that Gu Hai's entire face was
blackened and a small section of his eyebrows were missing.

"Didn't you say you were tired of eating noodles? Today, we're not going
to eat noodles. Instead, we'll be eating fried dumpling knots!"[1]

Bai Luo Yin, "........."

The sun has finally decided to rest as it made way for the moon to take its
place up high in the unending heaven. The faint lingering lilac sky finally
faded into the shadows before it was under siege by stars that seemed to
lighten the night. This never-ending darkness crawled into their silent place
and consumed them under its thick blanket.

In this cold and awe-inspiring darkness, Bai Luo Yin awoken with drowsy
eyes to find Gu Hai leaning against the headboard of the bed, smoking a
cigarette. The side of his grave and stern face was lit up by a brilliant halo of
light casted from the nightstand beside the bed. Although a forbidding air
painted his face, the light upon in revealed an ineffable serenity that seek to
remain unspoken. The ashtray sitting soundlessly on the short bedside cabinet
was piled up in a high mountain of cigarette stubs.

Who knew how long he has been awakened.

Bai Luo Yin remembered clearly that they had lie down to sleep together.
And even before they had fallen asleep, Gu Hai's face was kissed with a
roguish and mischievous smile which spoke of sexual innuendos.

Now, he has completely changed into another person.

Sensing the person beside him moving around, Gu Hai pinched the cigarette
stub, putting it out. He turned his head slightly to the side and let his eyes fall
on Bai Luo Yin's form. "You've awaken?"

You didn't sleep all along?"

Gu Hai faintly said: "No, I just woke up a moment ago."

Bai Luo Yin dragged his sleepy body back, sat up and leaned against the
headboard. He extended his hand, hinting to Gu Hai, "Give me one."

"Don't smoke. If you do, you won't be able to sleep afterwards."

Bai Luo Yin rolled his eyes then shot Gu Hai a quick glance, "Then, why
are you still smoking?"

"I'm addicted."
Not listening to a single word he said, Bai Luo Yin crossed the upper portion
of his body over Gu Hai's lap. With his buttocks sticking up in the air, he
stretched his hand over toward the bedside cabinet and grab a cigarette.

Taking advantage of this grand opportunity, Gu Hai groped Bai Luo Yin's
butt, feeling the firm yet supple muscle. Bai Luo Yin on the other hand, was
indifferent to it, seeming as though he didn't care about this sexual endeavor.
After grabbing the cigarette, he lit it up and blew smoke out from the side of
his mouth.

"What are you thinking about?" ask Bai Luo Yin, stealing a side glance at

Lightly closing his eyes, an indecent smile wormed its way onto the corners
of Gu Hai's lips. "Say, why did the noodles break when it was cooked?"

Bai Luo Yin narrowed his earthen eyes at Gu Hai, "The reason you're not
sleeping is because you're thinking about this in the middle of the

Gu Hai remained silent, not saying anything.

The room sunk into a silent tranquility. And, this looming silence was like a
poison for them, in that void of sound, the unknown direction of their
conversation was laid bare.

Any moment now the cigarette was quickly going to die out, and only then
did Bai Luo Yin opened his mouth and asked., "Are you thinking about
your mom?"

Under that gleaming reflections of light beneath the nightstand, Gu Hai once
roaming pupils, sorrowfully became stagnant. It was as if, a cloud of misty
haze had suddenly frozen up, to the point that even the temperature
surrounding him declined to an unnatural degree.

Bai Luo Yin nipped the stub of the cigarette, and faintly said: "I've
discovered, when you're really in pain, you always like to endure it by
yourself. However, only until you aren't suffering anymore, you'll come
and pretend to be pitiful in front of me."

Gu Hai's entire body stiffened, refusing to budge.

In that silent and unwavering moment, Bai Luo Yin's arms stretched over. He
wanted to, with all his heart, to pull and take Gu Hai into his arms to embrace
him, but Gu Hai's body hardened with much effort, refusing to be held.

In truth, he was unable to move his body.

In the end, Bai Luo Yin, himself, slightly leaned toward Gu Hai before he
took the initiative to face Gu Hai's thin lips and kissed it.

His warm lips were met with coldness and as he parted his lips, a slight chill
pervaded between their lips and teeth.

There was no need for anything to be spoken or be disclosed between them,

Bai Luo Yin knew all along that Gu Hai had already sat alone for a
really...really long time, in this once silent room.

He held Gu Hai tightly, firmly, almost desperately in his arm while using his
own thin lips to pass to him, all the warmth that was circulating within his
own breath, within his own body. He let this warm kiss continue until Gu
Hai's body gradually relaxed, and willingly let all the weight from his body
press on him.

Bai Luo Yin's back kissed the cool bed sheet while his chest stitched tightly
with Gu Hai's.

With his arms still wrapped strongly on Gu Hai's chilled body, Bai Luo Yin's
fingers almost met each other around his firm back, almost desperately
digging into him as if to absorb him into his own body.

The entanglement of emotions that holed up in Bai Luo Yin's tightened chest,
too, gradually restore its normality.

The last remaining glimmer of light from the nightstand was blotted out by
total darkness as the two nakedly hugged each other. After what seemed like
an eternity well needed, Bai Luo Yin's hand moved towards the top of Gu
Hai's head. His trembling hand, gently caressed and stroke Gu Hai's hair.

Something like this was not what Bai Luo Yin was used to, that is, this
seldom tenderness.

"I don't know what I should say to you. You already know, I'm not
really good with words."

Gu Hai lazily smiled and warmly looked at Bai Luo Yin with eyes drowned
in the colors that represented love and affection.

"Then, can't you just break that rule for once and say something nice to

Bai Luo Yin asked seriously, "What do you want to hear?"

With that, Gu Hai pretended to think about it for a while before opening his
mouth to say: "I want to hear you say, hubby you're awesome!"

Just hearing that caused Bai Luo Luo Yin to knee Gu Hai in the crotch.

Gu Hai couldn't help but to groan into the slight pain that was searing in his
nether region. His groan was so pretentious, anyone who heard it could easily
draw out his current his emotional state.

"You have me."

Gu Hai's hands that were gently caressing Bai Luo Yin's warm back suddenly
came to a halt.

A moment later, Bai Luo Yin softly repeated those words once again, "It's
okay, you have me."

It was in this unspeakable moment, Gu Hai's cold and crystallized heart,

thoroughly......completely, softened all at once. It felt as though the bottom of
his heart was being flooded with an overwhelming, unwavering wave of
emotions that he, himself, was unable to control.
It was as if time ceased, as if his breath was taken away from him, as if in this
world nothing else exist. There was nothing in this world that could give him
more comfort than those three words.

At the stage in his life, when he was at his lowest, feeling helpless, lost, pain
and suffered......he had always thought that he would forever hide alone in
that lonely, desolate and empty room, licking his own wound. However,
against all expectations, those three words broke through the gate where all
his sorrowful memories and pain, deeply reside.

All the grievance and unwillingness poured out at that moment. Even though
he could not bear to touch upon that weak corner of his soul, he could already
feel two hands tightly holding onto him.

Gu Hai lightly bit Bai Luo Yin's warm lips that were sweetly sealed on his.

In that split second, feeling the slight pain, Bai Luo Yin pulled his tongue and
swept it across his lips, there was a hint of sexual arousal sitting at the tip of
his tongue.

A second later, waves of heavy breathing transmitted from within the quilt
and throughout the room as they continue to touch and kiss each other.


"Does it hurt?" Gu Hai leaned toward the side of Bai Luo Yin's ear and
asked, whilst this chin practically rested on said boy's shoulder. Bai Luo Yin
gently turned his head to the side and sweetly kissed Gu Hai's warm neck.
His lips could feel the blooding rushing about in the thick vein beneath it.

All the pain and suffering once within your embrace has become unworthy.
All the sorrow once within your comfort quietly disappears into the distance.

Finally, using a bit of strength, Gu Hai bit into Bai Luo Yin's shoulder.

"Yin Zi, I only have you. You are my only happiness."

Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth and bore the pain. He could vividly feel the
heavy weight of that love carving into his heart, taking over and consuming
his mind.

"Don't leave me." Gu Hai managed to roar out in low voice from within his
tightened throat.

The pleading sound in his voice rained on Bai Luo Yin and entered his chest,
causing him to tremble, almost violently. He gripped firmly on Gu Hai's hair
as if afraid to lose him to the night, before he desperately let out, 'okay.'

Translator's Note:

[1] 面疙瘩 miàn gēda - fried dumpling knots: similar to Gnocchi or German
Spaetzles, miàn gēda is made from very soft flour dough and dropped in
various delicious soups. It is a Northern Chinese specialty; many eaten this
for breakfast or comfort noodle type soup.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 149: The Inquietude of Youth - Seeking a


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Never once had Sun Jingwei imagined that Bai Luo Yin would invite him out
for a meeting. Sun Jingwei himself had always been somewhat interested in
what kind of person Bai Luo Yin was since he was after all the General's
second son. In terms of what he knew of this young boy, it was based on
what little Gu Wei Ting had mentioned to him. As little as he knew of Bai
Luo Yin, he also doesn't know much of Bai Luo Yin's mother, Jiang Yuan.
Even though she was the General's wife, he seldom had contact with her and
from what he did know of her, she was considered an intelligent woman. So
without much interaction with either of them, how would he be able to
properly pinpoint their personalities?

After they sat down, Sun Jingwei took the initiative to speak first.
"How are classes? Tiring?"

"It's okay."

Sun Jingwei softly smiled before taking a sip of his tea.

"My daughter is in her third year of middle school. She's always busy
with a thick pile of assignments. It seems, no matter how much she does,
it never ends."

"That's unavoidable since she is in the graduating class."

Looking at him, Sun Jingwei noticed that Bai Luo Yin was slightly calmer in
nature than Gu Hai. And in comparison to the younger military men that he
had trained, he seemed more earnest and passionate in the way he spoke.

"I've been in the army for a long time so most of the people that I've
interacted with are from there. When we do something, it is always clear
cut and to the point. In that way, it keeps us moving quicker from one
task to the next. Because of that, it's quite rare for us to all sit down and
calmly have a chat. So when it comes to times where I have to sit down
like this and not feel the need to make a quick and decisive decision, I
find it much harder for me to talk. This happens especially when I'm
talking to kids around your age since there's a huge difference in the way
we think. Therefore, if I've said something wrong, please pardon me."

"Uncle Sun, you're too polite. You're an elder, I should have been the
one to say those words."

Sun Jingwei laughed out loud and patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, "Let's not
beat around the bush anymore; it won't get this conversation anymore.
You didn't come looking for me just to have a chat right?"

Straightening himself up, Bai Luo Yin looked sternly at Sun Jingwei, eyes
sparkling with curiosity.

"Yes! There are some things that I want to ask you."

Those words piqued Sun Jingwei already curious mind as he looked at Bai
Luo Yin with great interest, "What do you want to ask me? Who is it
about? The General?"

Bai Luo Yin paused briefly, carefully processing through his thoughts, "The
General's late wife."

Once those words escaped his lips, he couldn't take back. Those seemingly
simple words were spoken in such a firm and strong tone that the atmosphere
around them became somewhat heavy. So much so, that even Sun Jingwei's
expression was affected by it. In just a split second, it was now riddled with
seriousness. His eyes were instantly touched with a gloomy aura that refused
to leave.

"It's about Gu Hai's mother," Bai Luo Yin repeated once again. This time
his voice carried a more serious tone since Gu Hai's name was attached to the

Sun Jingwei remained silent for a few more seconds, clearly struck with
surprise before he awkwardly smiled. "What made you want to ask about

Bai Luo Yin calmly replied back: "I believe that there exists a huge
misunderstanding between Gu Hai and his father. And that
misunderstanding lies in his mother. Deep in Gu Hai's heart, there's a
direct relationship between his father and his mother's death. I want to
clarify Gu Hai's mother died. I want to do all I can, to help Gu Hai get
rid of those painful memories and make him acknowledge his own father
once more."

A small bit of frustration swamped Sun Jingwei's face, however, as he looked

at Bai Luo Yin dead in the eyes; those eyes unyielding eyes that spoke of it
own accord. In that moment, he could not help but to feel admiration and
appreciation toward the youth before him.

"You're very clever. Choosing such a provocative reason to try and

obtain information from me. Your way of thinking is very beautiful,
however, even though I sympathize with you, there's not much I can do
to help. My hands are tied as it is and I only know so much. I've already
talked about this with Xiao Hai countless times, but he simply does not
believe me at all. I can't find anymore evidence to prove that the General
is innocent. So, I advise you to abandon this idea. Don't let this small
matter destroy the peaceful relationship between you two brothers."

"Your words and my words weigh differently in his heart. If I believe

that his father is innocent, then I can also talk to him and make him
believe that his father is innocent."

Bai Luo Yin's statement was rich with substance, powerful and resonating. It
was completely unlike an exaggerated opinion of a child that did not know
his own abilities. This child clearly knew the immensity of heaven and earth
when he allowed those spirited words to swim out mouth.

With the way spoke, it sounded more like a wise man's deep and subtle way
of thinking. Sun Jing Wei's eyes slightly widened as he restrained the
movements of his pupils. The expression that crawled unmistakably into his
eyes carried with it, a faint but brightly lit astonishment. Now, he better
understood why Bai Luo Yin was able to leave such a deep impression in Gu
Wei Ting's mind when they had first met.

"Since you wanted to know these things, why don't you just ask Xiao Hai
directly? Everything that I know, he also knows. Whether you ask me or
ask him, it would still be the same."

"Before I can convince myself, I don't want him to know what I am


Sun Jingwei took a deep breath, his face now revelled with a smile, as if he
had come to term with this prospect. "Then, that's good. I will tell you once
more. In any case, you are also part of the General's family. This event
happened a long time ago, it's really not much of a secret anymore."

In that moment, Bai Luo Yin once unperturbed mind suddenly became
somewhat nervous, even tense as if a stabbing sensation was eating into his
heart, trying to stop it from pumping. Perhaps, it was because Sun Jingwei
was going to once again uncover Gu Hai's deeply engraved wound. The only
difference was, this time around, it was Bai Luo Yin, himself, who wanted to
replace Gu Hai and experience those unbearable pain again.

"This situation happened three years ago. At that time, the General was
in charge of overseeing the engineering of a weapon research and
development project. Later on, this military intelligence was discreetly
inquired by a foreign military industry magnate. They sent over people
to negotiate and wanted the General to sell this secret military
information to them. They even went through the painstaking task of
listing all kinds of rather generous conditions. But, the General remained
unmoved under their subornation.

Afterwards, the General decided to personally delivered this secret

military information, so in turn, this brought about the design of two
routes, specifically made to throw those overbearing foreign magnate off.
Among two vehicles, one of them would be tasked with transporting the
fake documents. But the thing was, no one knew, not even the military
officers that were instructed to escort those documents were clueless and
unaware. Everyone believed that, that particular vehicle contained the
genuine documents.

However, in reality, the real secret military information was held tightly
within the General's palm. He had worn civilian's clothes and taken a
taxi to deliver it. As the proverb says, the most dangerous place, is the
safest place, so in this way, no one suspected that taxi. The General
effortlessly delivered the secret military information to a safe and secure
location. But, the other vehicle met with a mishap. It came to no surprise
to the General since he had earlier expected it to happen. He had already
guessed that the foreign military industry magnate would not give up or
admit failure, so that gave him more reasons to designed these two routes
for the vehicles to travel through.

However, what the General had absolutely never thought of was that, his
wife, madam Gu, had unexpectedly boarded that vehicle, Moreover, she
had sustained serious injuries during the midst of the vicious firefight.
She was immediately sent to the hospital but sadly, before she arrived,
her breath was gone and she passed away.

At that time, Xiao Hai was only fourteen years old, he simply did not
believe the news of his mother's death. On top of it all, at the same time,
there were all kinds of rumors going on within the military compound.
All of which concerned your mother and the General's relationship.
These things added on heavily to the suspicion that Xiao Hai already
bore in mind. He strongly believed that his mother should have not
shown up in that vehicle and even worse, everything that happened was
neatly arranged by the General. All of it which was for the sake of
assuring the General and your mother would be together without any
hindrance. That was how this malicious plan came about and caused the
death of his wife."

Listening to everything up to this point, Bai Luo Yin was able to completely
understand the reason for why Gu Hai instantly knew that he was Jiang
Yuan's son. That was, how he could react and go out of control like that and
how he could say those hurtful words.[1]

As it turns out, in his head, there was already a screening of him and Jiang
Yuan as enemies. Two people that cannot live under the same sky, everything
for him was already absolutely irreconcilable.

"How did his mother learn of this information? Also, how was she able
to catch up with the vehicle so quickly afterwards? Wasn't the vehicle
escorting the secret military information travelling in an especially well
designed path? How could she so easily discover the path?"

Bai Luo Yin also harbored some suspicions of his own.

"The fact is, many of us were also perplexed by this sequence of event,
since as you can clearly see yourself, it was and is still hard to
understand. We've searched through many clues and exhausted all
sources but all was to no avail. I, too, cannot help but to think of it in this
way, perhaps during that time, madam Gu suddenly had a telepathic
moment with the General and felt that he had met with danger, and
quickly rushed out to assist him. Of course, I know that this reason is
unreliable, simply absurd, but no matter how much it does not make
sense, I believe wholeheartedly that the General is innocent. I can even
vouch with my own head. This matter was definitely not something that
the General had planned in advance."
The complexion on Bai Luo Yin's handsomely constructed face stiffened
with coldness and the tone of his voice bore nothing but harshness, "But
your head was not enough to make Gu Hai's thoughts weaken. You can't
even convince me."

All of a sudden, Sun Jingwei forced a smile as he laughed bitterly, "This was
something that I had just said to you a moment ago. Though I
sympathize with you, there's not much I can do to help, my hands are
tied. Even if I were to tell you, you would still harbor a suspicious
mentality. So, this situation can only be set aside like this. I hope there
will come a day, Xiao Hai will suddenly realize, will suddenly understand
the General's hardships. Perhaps, this riddle will involuntary undo

Bai Luo Yin's mindset, even his heart became heavy, until Sun Jingwei took
his leave.

It was as if the entire world was crowded inside that small throbbing muscle
within his chest. He now knew, the cruel and painful memories that Gu Hai
had suffered alone in.

He hastily rushed back to school.

Fortunately, classes had not been dismissed yet and the 'good' thing was, Bai
Luo Yin merely skipped two classes and nothing more. Standing at the
classroom's doorway, Bai Luo Yin took several deep breaths. Trying his best
to suppress the heaviness in his chest all at once, before he nonchalantly
walked in as if nothing had happened.

"What did the teacher in charge of the class want with you?"

"Oh, nothing in particular. She just wanted me to write a report."

The dismissal bell rang loudly throughout the school indicating the end of the
school day which every students always longed for.

Gu Hai gathered his belongings while continuing to ask: "What report?"

"Wasn't there a consensus that our class was selected along with others
as outstanding? We need a report introducing the fundamental
circumstances of our class. The teacher thought that my writing style is
pretty good, so she thought that it was possible for me to do it for her

Gloominess attacked Gu Hai's face, he didn't even bother to try and refrain
himself from cursing: "Does she think her student is stupid donkey huh?
Something that she can just order around as she pleases?!"

Bai Luo Yin remained silent, not saying anything. He simply picked up his
schoolbag, followed Gu Hai and walked out together.

While they walked, Gu Hai was still complaining, "In the future, if she asks
you to do something for her again, you shouldn't do it."

"Why?" Bai Luo Yin thought that Gu Hai took too much care in this.

Gu Hai, on the contrary, was not in a good mood at all, "You're asking
why? You wrote that thing for her, yet the other teachers don't even
know, so they'd still make you complete their assignments on time."

"It's alright. I write really quick anyways. I can just make up for it later
and it'll be fine."

"Doesn't making up your assignments mean you have to spend more

time and effort huh? There's not a lot of time after school as it is, now
those assignments are just going to occupy half that time."

Due to the fact that there were other students walking in front of and behind
them, Gu Hai did not shamelessly say:

If you spend another half an hour on an assignment, that's half an hour less
we get to be intimate with each other. Anything or anyone that tries to occupy
our time on the bed, will never be spare!

Looking at Gu Hai's unwillingness to spare anyone or listen to reasons, Bai

Luo Yin could not help but to reply back, "Can you stop wasting time? You
sound just like a bunch of nagging girls."

"Did you just say I'm a nagging girl again huh?"

Gu Hai had every intention to use his own skillful yet murderous hands to
stealthily jab Bai Luo Yin's penis, but Bai Luo Yin's reaction was a lot swifter
than his. Bai Luo Yin jetted off ahead, out of that mischievous boy's grip.

As he ran away at full speed, he would turn around occasionally to look at Gu

Hai's somewhat surprise appearance. While there was a slight pout on Gu
Hai's disapproving lip, Bai Luo Yin himself wore a beautiful cheery smile.
Like a pouncing wolf, Gu Hai urgently leaped forward several times, chasing
after him.

On the road, the two talked and laughed cheerfully, enjoying their moments
together. Today, Gu Hai feigned laziness and bluntly said that wanted to eat
out. This certainly brightened Bai Luo Yin's entire face causing him to
immediately become excited.


In reality, he did not have an appetite at all.

Right now, no matter what he was given, it would all taste the same.
However, in order to make sure Gu Hai could not see through him, he
stubbornly shoved three big bowls of rice, one after the other, into his mouth.
Afterward, he even bought a big pile of snacks.

As they continued on the road, he happily ate, to suppress his surging


Translator's Note:

[1] Yin Zi is referring to when he and Gu Hai found out about Jiang Yuan's
relationship to Yin Zi and how Gu Hai was pissed off yet still he was unable
to understand why at that time.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 150: The Inquietude of Youth - A FIERCE MAN occasionally

becomes a NAGGY WOMAN.」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Bai Luo Yin was lying on his stomach working on his school assignments
while, Gu Hai on the other, had already finished his earlier in the day. Having
nothing better to do, he laid beside Bai Luo Yin and began to pester him.

Truth be told, Bai Luo Yin felt rather distraught and uneasy today. At first,
such a simple mathematical problem became unsolvable even after he had
tried various methods to figure the answer out.

In the midst of racking his brain for the right solution, he suddenly felt a hand
teased rather seductively along the hem of his pants. Then it slipped in. That
sly and mischievous hand travelled along his tailbone and made its way
downward. It was like the fuzzy tip of a bristlegrass[1] sliding back and forth
between the crevice of his buttocks. It was ticklish, so ticklish that it left
goosebumps all over his body.

Suddenly, Bai Luo Yin tightly gripped Gu Hai's once roaming hand and
pulled it out and away. His brows stood high as he stared with a stern and
severe gaze. "Do you want me to finish this assignment without delays or
not? If you want me to, then leave me alone and don't come too close."

Gu Hai glanced to the side. He thought about it for a while, weighing the pros
and cons in his head. Ultimately, as one could have easily expected, he
obediently shifted and turned to the side.

Less than twenty minutes later, as if he was a moth attracted to the brilliant
light, Gu Hai who once laid patiently to the side, squirmed toward Bai Luo
and stuck to him again. Gu Hai poked him here and gently touched him there.
After noticing that Bai Luo Yin did not have any reactions, his courage to
continue gradually increased by tenfold. His moistened tongue started to do
its evil deed above the surface of Bai Luo Yin's neck.

Bai Luo Yin was going insane!

Letting out a sigh laced with frustration, he bit down on one side of his teeth,
with the other side slightly parted, he closed his eyes. Once he opened them
again, he suddenly grabbed his books and smashed it right on Gu Hai's
temple. He angrily got off the bed and went to the side table. As he propped
himself down in the chair to do his assignments, he did not even bother to
spare another glance at that shameless person on the bed.

Probably feeling bored out of his mind, Gu Hai brought his laptop on the bed
and browsed around just to kill time.

By now, it was already eleven o'clock, almost midnight.

To his own dismay, Bai Luo Yin did not even finish half of his assignments

Everyday at this time, he would have already thread his way into the bed
sheet and fallen into a comfortable, deep sleep.
So that's why Gu Hai was always at the side causing a commotion, was he
also anxious?

Bai Luo Yin sneaked a quick glance at Gu Hai who was quietly facing the
computer screen. Who knew what he was watching right now.

Out of the blue, Sun Jingwei's remarks floated back into Bai Luo Yin's head
again. Since he returned until now, those words played back in his head
countless times, refusing to be pushed away. These lingering thoughts were
about the cause of Mrs. Gu's death; about everything that Gu Hai's had
endured all those years......

Every single word was engraved deeply in his brain; so deep that he does not
know how to just forget momentarily.

Bai Luo Yin lightly sighed.

He sighed so lightly that even he himself did not realize he had done it. But it
was also because, he knew subconsciously that he did not want Gu Hai to see
the differences in his mood.

By the time he finished all his assignments, it was already twelve o'clock. Bai
Luo Yin stretched out his tired body and made his way to the bathroom for a
refreshing bath. When he returned, he caught sight of Gu Hai staring
attentively at him, eyes brimming with strangeness. But, Bai Luo Yin did not
care about it and continued toward the bed. He comfortably dug his body into
the quilt and let out a big yawn.

Just as he was about to turn the lights off, his hand was abruptly blocked.

"Get up," said Gu Hai.

"What are you doing?" asked Bai Luo Yin, not amused.

"Get up!" Gu Hai's tone was ravaged with seriousness as he looked squarely
at the boy in front of him.

Bai Luo Yin was puzzled at this sudden demand, "I'm only sleeping a little
later tonight. Do you really need to take it this far?"
"I told you get up. Did you not hear me?"

The sudden coldness in Gu Hai's voice shocked Bai Luo Yin until he felt his
scalp go numb. He realized that the situation was somewhat bad. To make it
worse, based on Gu Hai's tone, it did not seem like he was joking around
either, but he could not think of why Gu Hai was being like this. In any case,
he was certain that Sun Jingwei would not inform Gu Hai of their

Nevertheless, Bai Luo Yin sat up.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed and stared at him with such intensity, it was almost
as if he wanted to gouge out all his internals and display it out in the open.

"Tell me, why are you in a bad mood?"

Bai Luo Yin's eyes immediately swept toward Gu Hai, "Who said I was in a
bad mood?"

"You're still putting on an act with me!" said Gu Hai before his hand flew
forward and gripped Bai Luo Yin's neck. Suddenly with great force, he
pressed him onto the bed and hatefully said, "Since class was dismissed,
you've been putting on a fucking act with me the entire time! You're still
doing it even now! Aren't you tired?"

Bai Luo Yin's chest tightened with anticipation. Since when has the mask he
worn to deceive Gu Hai became this ineffective already?

"You don't want to tell me?"

Gu Hai's hand suddenly stretched down into Bai Luo Yin's pants. Taking
advantage of the fact that he had caught him off guard, his finger poked Bai
Luo Yin's sensitive entranceway. When Bai Luo Yin tried to evade him, Gu
Hai immediately chased right after and conveniently slipped his finger in.
Within a moment, his finger was instantly wrapped tightly by the heated
warmth inside.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" threatened Gu Hai.

Bai Luo Yin was not in the mood to argue with him. While he tried to pull his
arm away, he said, "There's nothing wrong to begin with, what do you
want me to say?"

A rather devious smile emerged on Gu Hai's lips. The position of his fingers
were very accurate which allowed his sudden and rough attacks to hit at just
the right spot. Every time he pushed them in, boundless nerves around that
vital spot generated electrical sparks and dispersed throughout Bai Luo Yin's
burning body.

Bai Luo Yin's body then arched forward in excitement as he let out an
unbearable moan.

Gu Hai's tongue danced in a rather gaudy circle at the side of his own lips
before giving it a lick. With eyes drunken in lust, he let an obscene word sit
scrupulously at the tip of his tongue and as it flowed out of his mouth, his
voice was laced with a suave and smooth tone.


As that word entered his ear, Bai Luo Yin felt as though someone had given
him a big slap in the face. In that moment, the swelling imprints of those five
fingers had already kissed his face a shade of red. He tried with all his might
to pull Gu Hai's devilish hand away, however, in effect, he assisted in
pushing those fingers in instead.

Every time Bai Luo Yin fought to get rid of him, Gu Hai's other hand would
press randomly around his bulge. In the end, Bai Luo Yin's strength was
nearly depleted, leaving only enough energy for him to pant rapidly,

The corner of Gu Hai's lips curved, " you want it that bad?"

Bai Luo Yin tightly closes his eyes.

Perhaps, this was the best way to forget it.

A second later, Gu Hai flipped Bai Luo Yin's body over. In this position, he
can look directly at his sweaty yet handsome face.

From the front, he roughly thrust in.

The searing pain was followed by an insurmountable pleasure and soon after,
the feeling of shame was accompanied by intense sexual desires. Little by
little, Bai Luo Yin's head became paralyzed. Suddenly, he hooked his arms
around the back of Gu Hai's head and forcibly pressed it down toward his
own face. In an extremely crazy and desperate manner, he nibbled and bit Gu
Hai's sweet lips until traces of blood flowed out along the corner of his lips.
Ever after their lips pulled apart, unwillingly, a single strand of saliva left
their connection in tact.

By this time, Gu Hai could already feel the overheated passion that teased
and provoked his aching body all the way to its boiling point. He then spread
and propped both of Bai Luo Yin's long straightened and delectable legs on
his own shoulder. He grabbed Bai Luo Yin's smooth waist and pulled him
roughly toward himself.

Every time he ruthlessly thrust in, every inch of his member would enter all
the way to the root, sparing not even a centimeter between them. And when
he pulled out completely, there was an increase of noises, similar to that of a
buzz or hum, circulating through his ear[2], uninterruptedly.

Gu Hai's hand snaked toward Bai Luo Yin's erected member, wrapped around
it and rubbed it at a very high frequency. With much skill, he used his
fingertip to stop over at the tip, scratching and teasing it as he pleased. The
indulgence of this gratifying sensation alone caused the nerves in Bai Luo
Yin's waist to explode, sending waves upon waves of electric current
unfurling throughout his body. In that moment, his waist trembled, his thighs
tingled and his toes twitched.

"Baby, does it feel good being fuck by your hubby?"

Bai Luo Yin grabbed a pillow and pressed it firmly on his own face. The tone
of his burning breaths sounded exceptionally passionate as it travelled
through the cotton wads and dispersed in the air around them.
Finding that pillow rather despicable, Gu Hai tore it off of Bai Luo Yin's face
revealing his hot and heavy breaths, along with the lewd and irrepressible
moan that slipped out from within him tightened lips. Struggling to cope with
the irresistible pleasure that set ablaze all of his reasoning, Bai Luo Yin's lips
only managed to moan out a vague yet seductive moan: " feels

After a burst of violent thrusts on the bed, there was a short period of
tranquility that befell the room.

Just a moment ago, Gu Hai felt lost and disoriented as he rose to cloud nine
but now that his head has sobered up, he once again transformed from a brave
and fierce man into a nagging woman. He leaned close in front of Bai Luo
Yin and continued to ask in details.

"Exactly what is the reason for your bad mood?"

Bai Luo Yin collapsed and opened his earthen eyes, "Why do you still
remember this huh?"

"If you don't say it, I won't be at ease."

"There's really nothing. You're just being too overly sensitive," said Bai
Luo Yin lazily, "I sat in the teacher's office for two whole classes and
typed on the computer the entire time, how can my complexion look

Gu Hai paused for a while, "You're not lying to me?"

Letting out a long sigh, Bai Luo Yin coldly said, "If you keep on going on
like that again, I'll ignore you."

Those words left a very deep and formidable impression on Gu Hai. Right
after hearing it, he immediately behaved himself.


On Saturday, without Gu Hai's knowledge, Bai Luo Yin went to his house
again. This time around, Jiang Yuan was still alone in the house.
When she opened the door and saw Bai Luo Yin standing out there in front of
her, Jiang Yuan could not help but to be surprised.


"I have something to ask you."

Jiang Yuan's complexion changed; her head somewhat confused, even more,
she was also a bit nervous. However, when she thought about it again for a
few seconds, she has not done anything recently. With that in mind, she felt
relief and pulled Bai Luo Yin into the house.

"What do you need mom for?"

Even though hearing the word 'mom' was somewhat harsh on his ears, Bai
Luo Yin was already not in the mood to entangled himself in these small

"It's about you and Gu Wei Ting."

Jiang Yuan laughed embarrassingly, "Ah this, then let me go get you a
glass of fruit juice. We can chat slowly."

Bai Luo Yin took advantage of this moment to look the living room up and
down. Every piece of furniture has a feeling of familiarity to each other as
though they all came from the same time. Although it was not old fashion, it
still gave off a feeling of solemness. This kind of solemn style was not
something that Jiang Yuan was fond of. The arrangement of everything, from
the big sofa, the bookcase, to the small tea set and hanging ornaments; none
of these were in accordance with Jiang Yuan's personal taste. Or perhaps it
was better to say, none of those things belonged to her.

Jiang Yuan sat in front of Bai Luo Yin and looked at him. She smiled warmly
and said, "Why are you suddenly interested in me and Mr. Gu?"

But rather, Bai Luo Yin did not answer her question and instead opened his
mouth to ask: "Why didn't you renovate this room?"
"Renovate?" Jiang Yuan was surprised at this firm statement, "Why do I
need to renovate it? The furniture here are all really expensive. I don't
even have the will to throw a piece away."

"You can store them all in a warehouse or find a place to set them up."

There was silence on Jiang Yuan's face for a while before she asked, "Why
did you suddenly ask me this?"

"I just think that, living in a place where other people used to be warm
and affectionate to each other, doesn't really conform with your
character. Or is it that, you like the feeling of possessing other people's

Jiang Yuan could not help but to laugh. Even though, she laughed out loud, it
seemed to be hidden with disappointment and frustration. There was no
happiness mingling with the sound of her voice.

It was not very often that Bai Luo Yin saw this kind of expression on Jiang
Yuan's face. In his impression of her, Jiang Yuan's expressions are always the
same. Beside smiling when pleased with herself, or roaring in frustration, it
was really rare of her to have any sort of meaningful or deep expressions.

"I had wanted to change it once, but after changing it, this will still be
someone's house. Even if I change all the furniture, tear down the floors
and walls, the outcome will still be the same. Whoever's room will still be
their room. There are already names assigned to all the rooms. I can only
go in and clean up, I don't have the right to occupy it."

"Then why don't you move out? Base on his abilities, finding a new place
for the two of you wouldn't be so complicated right?"

"If we move, he will be unwilling to return to the new house since he's
already reluctant to leave here."

Bai Luo Yin's head was riddled with bewilderment, "Then, why don't you
comply with the military rule and follow him to the army base?"
"What kind of status do you think I should have to enter the army base
together with him? Do you think that by just having a marriage
certificate, I can openly and honorably face those people who, behind my
back, point their fingers in blame at me?"

"It is all worth it for you?"

"I love him."

When those words came out from Jiang Yuan's mouth, Bai Luo Yin thought
that it was rather ridiculous. But when he thought about it more carefully, he
felt that there was nothing ridiculous about it at all.

If he and Gu Hai, two guys, could arrive at this point today, how can this be
that beyond belief?

"Tell me about yours and his story during that time."

Translator's Note:

[1] bristlegrass - binomial name 'Setaria viridis' The name is derived from the
Latin word seta, meaning "bristle" or "hair", which refers to the bristly
spikelets. The genus includes over 100 species distributed in many tropical
and temperate regions around the world, and members are commonly known
as foxtail or bristle grasses.

[2] the blood vessels in your ears can be constricted, which is made more
intense normally with a more intense orgasm
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 151: The Inquietude of Youth – The DISCOVERY of a


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“Mr. Gu and I came to know each other four years ago. It was one of the
hardest time in my life. During those days, I ran to every part of the
country. I didn’t know where I was going or what I wanted to do. Later
on, I finally ended up in Xiamen[1], working as a front desk receptionist
at a five-star hotel. At that time, Mr. Gu was on a business trip in
Xiamen and it was by luck that he checked into the hotel that I worked
at. The first time I saw Mr. Gu, I was overwhelmed by that grand and
impressive manner of his. I felt that the man in my life should be like
that, powerful, intimidating, aloof and not in touch with reality……”

As Jiang Yuan continuously spoke, her eyes were overflowed with rays of
brilliant lights and vibrant colors. It was as if she had returned to that period
of time in her life where craziness roamed.
“Afterwards, I racked my brain to think of ways to become friends with
Mr. Gu, however, he always kept at a distant far away from me. Then, I
heard that he already had a wife but even then I couldn’t just give up.
I’d even put my life in danger by trespassing into the military base. But,
I was nearly assaulted by a group of dull-witted soldiers. The rumors
began to spread at that time. It was then that Mr. Gu’s wife came to look
for me. She spoke to me for a while. She was an extremely educated and
cultured woman who didn’t curse or mock me. In a very calm and gentle
manner, she told me the difficulties of marrying a military man.
Truthfully, I really admired her, but even more I envied her; envied that
kind of graceful and noble air that she possessed.

I stopped for a period of time, ready to give up. But before long, Mr. Gu
unexpectedly took the initiative to contact me first and told me that his
wife had passed away. I thought that it was a kind of opportunity for
myself. When Mr. Gu was in his lowest spirit, depressed, I continuously
thought of every possible way to comfort him. And that was how we
came to stay in contact for two years. It was only last year that I finally
received Mr. Gu’s acknowledgment.”

Bai Luo Yin’s sharp eyes swept over Jiang Yuan’s face that was brimming
with happiness.

“In other words, before Mrs. Gu passed away, Gu Wei Ting didn’t
express any good feelings toward you?”

Jiang Yuan let out a heavy sigh, “At that time, I think he did have some
good feelings toward me. Yet, now that these memories are swimming
back into my head again, I think I was quite ridiculous.”


“The things that you can’t obtain or have lost will always be the best.
Even until now, I’ve always felt that the person Mr. Gu loves all along is
his wife. I was just a pastime amusement for him when he was lonely. Do
you know? Every time Mr. Gu returns home, the first thing that he looks
at are always the items in that room, not me. Whenever he mentions his
wife to other people, the feelings that emits from his eyes are deep,
profound and strong. But when he mentions me in front of other people,
the expression in his eyes are shallow, frivolous. Perhaps, this is the
difference between like and love. ‘Like’ is passion, love is painful.”

In reality, Bai Luo Yin was not concerned even a bit whether or not Gu Wei
Ting loves Jiang Yuan. What he was concerned about was exactly how deep
Gu Wei Ting’s feelings for his wife were. Why have Gu Hai never noticed
those kinds of deep and heartfelt feelings?[2]

Was it because of Gu Hai’s negligent or was Jiang Yuan’s perception


“Are you doubting that what I’ve said are lies?”

With just one look, Jiang Yuan could see through Bai Luo Yin’s thoughts.

Bai Luo Yin remained silent.

“Do you really think there is a need for me to lie? That I’m deliberately
making myself look pitiful so that I can win over your sympathy? Or
that I’m deliberately making myself out to be innocence as to distant
myself from Mr. Gu late wife’s death?”

Even with Jiang Yuan being frankness blatant, still Bai Luo Yin did not
lessen the sternness in his tone of voice. “In regards to Gu Hai’s mother’s
death, how much do you know?”

Jiang Yuan bluntly said to Bai Luo Yin, “I don’t know anything nor do I
ever wanted to look into it. If I say, that I slowly got close to Mr. Gu after
his wife’s death, would you believe it?”

Bai Luo Yin wanted to look for a loophole in Jiang Yuan’s words, but he
ended up empty-handed.

Paleness crawled onto Jiang Yuan’s youthful face, “Luo Yin, I may be
greedy, but I’m not despicable. Not to mention at that time, I don’t have
the means to act that way. Even more, I don’t even have access into the
military compound. Do you really think I have the ability to go in there
and injury a heavily guarded military man’s wife? If we were to
disregard her status as a General’s wife and, instead base it solely on her
family’s background, even if there were ten of me, I still wouldn’t be able
to compete against her.”

Bai Luo Yin nonchalantly stood up, faced the stairs and walked up.

This was the first time Bai Luo Yin saw a panoramic view of Mrs. Gu’s
room. Last time, when Gu Hai had opened the door to go in, he only caught a
quick glimpse of one corner of the room. It was not exactly the same as what
he had imaged a dead person’s room would look like. There was no large
photo, flowers arrangements, or any prayer altar. None of that kind of
atmosphere was presence in the least. It seemed just like any ordinary
person’s room. Even the skincare and cosmetic products were still neatly
placed on the dressing table. The only thing was, the caps on those products
were all open. Bai Luo Yin picked up one of them for a look, it was dated
three years ago.

Who knew how many times Gu Hai entered this room during the last three
years and how many times did he, like Bai Luo Yin now, pick up these things
to carefully look at it.

All the arrangements and ornaments in this room was simple yet elegant;
holding an unspoken grandeur to it. A faint fragrance floated around. Without
even needing to look at Mrs. Gu’s photograph, Bai Luo Yin could already
imagine what kind of woman she was as she sat down in front of the dressing
table. She undoubtedly exuded ladylike temperament, that is, in terms of
being cultured and brimming with courtesy.

Above the bookcase, there was a photo frame. The picture in the frame was
the same one that Bai Luo Yin had seen in Gu Hai’s photo album; Mrs. Gu
carrying a young Gu Hai with happiness painted gently on their faces.

When Bai Luo Yin placed the frame back to where it belonged, something
suddenly fell down and landed to the side of his foot.

He picked it up for a look. It was a necklace. It was very thin and delicate
with a dazzling diamond inlaid securely in the middle of it.
Discovering a jewelry in Mr. Gu’s room was not something new to marvel at.
A woman like her, even if there were a case of jewelry, it would not be
strange. But, because this necklace was placed in an obscure spot, almost
unnoticeable, that it actually attracted Bai Luo Yin’s attention.

Also, it did not seem to adhere to Mrs. Gu’s taste, Bai Luo Yin carefully took
the time to examine her other jewelries for a moment. Fundamentally, the
workmanships of the other jewelries were exquisite yet it was simple and
elegant in style. But, this necklace was too opulent, especially the red
diamond in the middle. The diamond itself looked rare amongst the other
precious jewels. One carat was probably worth more than a million dollars.

How could Mrs. Gu have this kind of necklace?

Furthermore, it was not placed in a brocade case, or stored up carefully. It

just laid in an obscure corner of the bookcase where nobody had taken notice.

Bai Luo Yin took this necklace and walked out of the room. By chance, Jiang
Yuan was standing outside of the room with a rag in her hand.

“Do you still need to go in? If not, I’m going in to clean up.”

Bai Luo Yin shook his head and look into the room from the doorway. He
saw that Jiang Yuan was carefully wiping every nook and corner of the
dressing table.

“Is this your necklace?” Bai Luo Yin suddenly asked.

Jiang Yuan took a glance at it and said, “It’s not mine, it’s hers.”

Bai Lu Yin wanted to leave with the necklace, but Jiang Yuan quickly caught
up him.

“You’re taking her belonging away with you? Did you talk about it with
Gu Hai already? Every time he comes back, he always looks through and
checks his mother’s remnant. Don’t even mention something going
missing, if it was placed in a different position, he will lose his temper.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll return it soon.”

As Bai Luo Yin walked out from the villa, he suddenly realized:

Since Jiang Yuan placed everything back, undamaged, to its original position
after cleaning Mrs. Gu’s room. Then, this was proof that the necklace had
always been placed there from the beginning?

It was somewhat hard to understand why Mrs. Gu would just casually place
such a precious item on the bookcase like that. Base on her nature, even if she
was not fond of this particular jewelry, wouldn’t she at least store it properly?


That night they had dinner at Bai Luo Yin’s house.

On the way back to their apartment, Bai Luo Yin took the necklace out of his
pocket and swung it right in front of Gu Hai’s face.

At that moment, they happened to walk by a huge shopping mall. The

doorway to go inside was so bright, it was as if the sun had risen again; and
the brilliant lighting that shone above made the diamond even more dazzling.

Gu Hai suddenly stood in place, his pupils became stagnate for a short period
of time before he took the necklace, placed it in his own hand and carefully
looked over it.

Bai Luo Yin carefully observed Gu Hai’s reaction.

Even he himself was somewhat nervous…tensed.

A moment later, Gu Hai was suddenly quite cheerful, “Is this for me?”

There was a sudden paused in Bai Luo Yin’s expression. He could feel the
numbness crawling under his scalp.

All of a sudden, Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks, ridiculing him: “Is
this my reward for making you feel good everyday?”

Gu Hai doesn’t recognize this necklace! He actually doesn’t recognize it?!

Didn’t he memorize all of Mrs. Gu’s remnant by heart?

With eyes full of disbelief, Bai Luo Yin continued to meticulously look at Gu
Hai’s appearance. While his facial features displayed a relaxed and cheerful
air, Bai Luo Yin’s chilled chest, on the other hand, was just about to burst

“It’s not for you. I just picked it up along the road a moment ago,” said
Bai Luo Yin, taking the necklace back.

“Where would you find something this good huh? Go and pick up
another one for me.” Gu Hai started to make fun of him, “Just admit it.
You want to give me a gift yet you’re still embarrassed.”

Bai Luo Yin tightly clutched the necklace, refusing to give it up. He then
quickened his pace. As they departed the glaring light within the shopping
mall vicinity and gloomily stepped into the darkness, he was afraid that Gu
Hai might have seen the quality of the necklace.


The next day, Bai Luo took a trip to the military base.

“Who are you looking for?” asked the soldier on guard with his cold and
stern looking face.

“I’m looking for Gu Wei Ting.”

The soldier’s expression was suddenly painted with astonishment “You’re

looking for General Gu? You……who are you?”

For the purpose of making sure he would be allowed in, Bai Luo Yin had no
other choice but to force himself and said: “I’m his son.”

“His son?” sneered the soldier, “You think I don’t know what his son
looks like? You have guts, pretending to be General Gu’s son huh?”

Bai Luo Yin’s expression was extremely calm, “If I say I am, then I am.”
“Hey man! I said, you really have guts, trying to pass yourself off as a
member of the General’s family. Even more, you’re being rude and
unreasonable, you don’t want to live anymore huh?” While he said this,
he lowered the gun’s muzzle toward the pit of Bai Luo Yin’s stomach; his
face full of determination.

Inside the guarding room was another soldier who was sitting down. At that
moment, he was boringly having a meal, but when he heard the commotion
outside, he lifted his head and took a glance. He stopped chewing and quickly
stuck his head of the window.

“Hey, Xiao Dongzi, release him and let him in.”

The soldier called Xiao Dongzi put his gun down, looked toward the soldier
who had just called for him from the window and asked: “Who is he huh?”

“The General’s son!”

“Isn’t the General’s son Gu Hai?”

He coughed, “Ahem……he’s the General’s second son.”

That soldier intentionally emphasized the word ‘second’ and looked at Xiao
Dongzi, giving him an indiscreet wink.

Xiao Dongzi smiled, quickly understanding the gesture without being

explicitly told. He withdrew to the side then made a very inviting posture as
to allow Bai Luo Yin in.

Bai Luo Yin deliberately avoided the smirk and ridiculing smile on that
soldier’s face. Since he had planned to come alone, he had already prepared
himself for the disdainful looks.

After going through numerous difficulties and obstructions, Bai Luo Yin
finally saw Gu Wei Ting.

By that time, the sky was already dressed in darkness. Gu Wei Ting wanted
to go together with Bai Luo Yin for dinner, but Bai Luo Yin rejected his
offer. He took the necklace out of his pocket and placed it in front of Gu Wei

Gu Wei Ting looked at the necklace, somewhat unclear, “What is the

meaning of this?”

Bai Luo Yin replied with a question instead, “It doesn’t look familiar to

Since it is Mrs. Gu’s jewelry, she must have worn it before or at least taken it
out. Even if these two reasoning does not exist. After she passed away, her
family could have tidied her remnants on her behalf, so they should have seen
this necklace. It is impossible that they don’t have any impression of it at all.

However, Gu Wei Ting’s reaction once again shocked Bai Luo Yin.

“I’ve never seen this before.”

Gu Wei Ting answered Bai Lu Yin in a very definite and clear-cut manner.

Translator’s Note:

[1]Xiamen – 厦门; Xiàmén) is a coastal city in Fujian Province in China. It

has been an important port for centuries and became one of China’s earliest
Special Economic Zones in 1980. The name Xiamen means “door to the
house”, referring to the city’s centuries-old role as a gateway to China.
Xiamen is a very vibrant, affluent and modern place, though by Chinese
standards it is a small city — only 1.9 million in the city itself and 3.6 million
counting suburbs. It has many non-Chinese residents and a range of
restaurants, bars and stores that cater to them. It also has several universities
and some areas popular for tourism. The most important tourist area is
Gulangyu, a small island close to downtown which contains some beautiful
colonial buildings and is car free.

[2] He meant, why hasn’t Gu Hai notice/realized the deep feelings that Gu
Wei Ting has for his mother.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 152: The Inquietude of Youth - THINGS start to take SHAPE.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Sun Jingwei met up with Bai Luo Yin once again, the first sentence
that came out of his mouth was: "There must really be nothing to do these

Bai Luo Yin impatiently took the necklace that was wrapped up and showed
it to Sun Jingwei.

Sun Jingwei stared blankly for a moment, then replied, "What's the
meaning of this?"

His reaction was exactly the same as that of Gu Wei Ting. It was clear now
that no one had ever seen this particular necklace that belongs to Mrs. Gu

"I found this necklace in Gu Hai's mother's room."

Sun Jingwei sat down and calmly looked at Bai Luo Yin, "What do you
want to say?"

"I think this necklace have something to do with Gu Hai's mother's

death. I've asked Gu Hai and General Gu, they both don't have any
impressions of it."

Sun Jingwei smiled faintly, "What can this prove anyways? Madam Gu
has many jewelries, how can the General and Xiao Hai remember every
single one of the. Not to mention, Madam has passed away a long time
ago. Even if they were to have any impression of her belongings, it's
possible that their memories of it are blurred."

The look in Bai Luo Yin's eyes were very resolute, "I've checked all of Mrs.
Gu's jewelries. This particular jewelry is the only one that is completely
different in style from the other ones. Also, all her other jewelries are
kept in a customized cabinet, only this necklace was thrown to a corner
where no one can see."

Nevertheless, Sun Jingwei's expression remained unmoved, "With Madam

Gu's status, it's normal that people would regularly give her gifts.
Perhaps she doesn't like it and casually threw it there."

"It can't be," Bai Luo Yin firmly believed in his own surmise, "She
wouldn't recklessly throw something this precious like that. She must've
not received this necklace for long, then suddenly the incident occurred
and there was no time to put it away before her death."

"Bai Luo Yin."

Sun Jingwei stood up and patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, "I know your
heart is set on helping Xiao Hai, but this matter isn't as simple as you
want to think it is. At that time, General Gu had put forth a lot of efforts
in order to find the truth, but in the end, we all came out empty handed.
Since the other party could conceal this matter so well, they must be
someone we can't go against. If we were to further investigate this again,
who knows what larger troubles we could drag out instead."

"I don't care how much capabilities he has, I just want to find out the
truth. I can't let Gu Hai not even know how his own mother passed

Looking at Bai Luo Yin' stubbornness, Sun Jingwei's face became helpless.

"Then what have you found out so far?"

Bai Luo Yin picked up the necklace from the palm of his other hand, "This is
a clue in itself. Such a mysterious necklace appearing in Gu Hai's
mother's room and strangely not kept safely, these two points alone are
worth being suspicious about."

"It's just like what you've said, merely something to be suspicious of. At
that time, we suspected more things than you are now, but even after we
thoroughly investigated, there were still no answers. I know that you're
very clever and outstanding, but these are things that you should not be
thinking about."

"Could it be that you don't think this necklace is a hint?" It was clear
now that Bai Luo Yin's mood was somewhat riddled with anxiety, "The
incident occurred after Gu Hai's mother received this neck. Who gave
her this necklace? What is his motive......?"

"That's enough," Sun Jingwei once again interrupted Bai Luo Yin, "Son,
go back now, it's already really late."

"But......" Bai Luo Yin still wanted to speak, but then Sun Jingwei's cell
phone rang so he had no choice but to keep his mouth closed for the time

As Sun Jingwei picked up the call, he also started to walk out. Bai Luo Yin
followed out after him, calming himself down a bit as he continued to tell
himself not to feel so anxious. Sun Jingwei put the cellphone down, looked at
Bai Luo Yin and with a smile before apologizing to him.

"The General is looking for me. I have to leave at once."

Bai Luo Yin suppressed the need to talk again once he saw the look on Sun
Jingwei's face. There was already no way for him to continue on anymore at
this point.

On his way back, gloominess rained on Bai Luo Yin's emotion. He had
thought that Sun Jingwei would be overjoyed at the turn of event after he had
showed him what he found, however, it produced the opposite results. Even
though there was a smile on Sun Jingwei all along, Bai Luo Yin could still
discern the contempt in his eyes.

Yes, that right. With such a puzzling case and also having the situation
happened a long time ago, who would believe a student like him could solve
this elusive riddle?

But amongst Bai Luo Yin's various thoughts, the situation was actually not
that complicated. But, it was just that they were the one's deliberately making
things more complicated.

Perhaps, the truth was sitting at the top of their heads waiting for them, so as
long as they reached their hands out toward it, it would be enough to reach it.

Although he was struck down multiple times, Bai Luo Yin is still able to
incessantly encourage himself. The more others thought that something was
impossible, the more he wanted to accomplish it! He is this kind of person,
the more obstructions there are, the braver he is, stubborn and strong-willed.
If he were to easily give up like this, then he is not Bai Luo Yin.


"What brings you here again?"

Jiang Yuan was stunned as she looked at Bai Luo Yin standing in front of the
front door gasping for air.

Without saying anything, Bai Luo Yin rushed toward the second floor, and
went straight into Mrs. Gu's room. Frightened, Jiang Yuan followed
immediately after him. He eyes widened when she saw Bai Luo Yin
anxiously rummaging through things, looking for something. The room that
was just tidied up not so long ago was now turned upside down by him. The
things in the cabinets were tossed around forming a pile, while others were
indiscreetly flung to the side. Just looking at the scene unfolding before her
eyes caused Jiang Yuan to tremble in fear.

"My baby, you can't be acting recklessly like this ah. If you break or
mess with her things, Gu Hai will have my life and Mr. Gu will also be
very angry with me."

As if he did not hear anything at all, Bai Luo Yin persistently searched
around in the drawers.

"Son, what exactly are you looking for huh? Just tell me, mom will help
you look for it."

Bai Luo Yin continued in his own way. He then opened all the jewelry cases
in the drawers and cabinets. Inside every single case, there were some sort of
jewelry inside; none of them were empty at all. Bai Luo Yin suddenly
realized something. If the madam's necklace was casually thrown to a random
place, then the necklace brocaded case would also not be properly placed in
the cabinet. His eyes shifted around and quickly he spotted an obscure case
on the dressing table. When he picked it up for a look, it was empty. He then
placed the necklace inside, it fitted perfectly!

The excitements that were drawn brightly in his eyes was hard to mask as he
held the case tightly in his hand, "Has this case always been empty?" asked
Bai Luo Yin, turning to look at Jiang Yuan.

By now, Jiang Yuan's expression was painted in anxiousness, "How many

times do I have to say it before you believe me? I've never moved her
things before. However it looked like before, that's how it is now."

Bai Luo Yin left Mrs. Gu's room and sat down on the sofa in the living room.
Then he opened the small case again.
It was not that much different from the other jewelry cases; the only thing
missing was the etched trademark. No, that's wrong, there is a trademark. It
was just that the marking was on the inside of the velvet padded case.

Bai Luo Yin looked carefully at the English sign on the velvet padding,
'danger', danger......all of a sudden Bai Luo Yin felt as if his brain had

He rushed back to Mrs. Gu's room and pulled Jiang Yuan who was in the
middle of cleaning out.

"I need you to do something for me."

This was the first time Jiang Yuan saw that Bai Luo Yin needed something
from her. "You don't have to say what you need or don't need from me,
just tell me."

"Do you know any experts in the jewelry industry?"

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment, "I actually don't know any, but I have
many good friends, I suppose among one of them, there should be
someone that would know know one. What's going on? Do you want to
do a jewelry evaluation?"

Bai Luo Yin's mood became a bit more stabilized as he unhurriedly said: "I
only have this red diamond necklace and a jewelry case. Relying on these
two things, can you track down the source and origin of this necklace?"

"Red diamond......" Jiang Yuan slightly narrowed her eyes, "Are you
talking about the necklace that belonged to Mr. Gu's late wife?"

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

Jiang Yuan's cautious expression fell on him, "It is said that red diamonds
are really rare. Even some highly experienced figures in the industry
have never had the opportunity to gaze at it. I have only seen it once
myself. Since it is so uncommon, every transaction should have a very
thorough and detailed record. I'm not going to say I'll certainly find
something, but I will try my best."

Since Jiang Yuan said it like that, Bai Luo Yin was confident in what he was


Two days later, Jiang Yuan came to look for Bai Luo Yin once more.
Without any exception, both the transaction record and necklace itself was
handed over to Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin went to look for Sun Jingwei yet again.

After two days had peacefully passed by, Sun Jingwei thought that Bai Luo
Yin had already given up due to finding it difficult, so he did not expect him
to take this so called "clue" and looked for him once again. This time, not
only did he have the necklace but he also had a thick stack of paper of data
with him.

At first, Sun Jingwei intended to just heedlessly look over the papers for a
while then send Bai Luo Yin away. But in the end, when he picked up that
stack of paper, a name immediately caught his eyes.


The first time he heard this name was three years ago, straight out of Gu Wei
Ting's mouth himself. When Gu Wei Ting was in charge of overseeing the
engineering of that weapon research and development process. The United
States military industrial magnate sent over a person for negotiation, with the
intention of buying out this secret military information but instead, they
suffered a rejection. And at that time, the person who was sent over to
negotiate had this name.

In order to further determine whether this was the same person or not, Sun
Jingwei continued to read some more. As expected, he saw the detailed
information of the person with whom the transaction was processed for.

Indeed, it was that man.

"Where did you get this material from? And where did you find this
necklace again?"

At that very moment, Sun Jingwei saw the change that occurred in Bai Luo
Yin's eyes. He had never expected that, the breakthrough for this three years
old case would be unexpectedly found on such an obscure necklace. What
caused him to be even more surprised was that, the one that discovered this
small detail was an ordinary kid.

Bai Luo Yin told Sun Jingwei in details the course of events in which he
found this necklace, as well as, how the person who purchased it was tracked

This time, Sun Jingwei listened earnestly.

After Bai Luo Yin finished talking, he looked at Sun Jingwei and asked: "Do
you recognize this person?"

"To tell you the truth, this was the person that the US military sent over
to negotiate at that time."

Bai Luo Yin clenched his fist as the color in his eyes changed.

"Calun must have inquired around for the date in which General Gu
was delivering the secret military information, but he couldn't find the
specific route that he was travelling. So, he had this necklace sent
directly to Gu Hai mother's hand, hinting to her that the General's
mission would be met with danger. In this way, it was through her that
he would be able to scout out the specific route in which the documents
were travelling. Because Calun was confident that Gu Hai's mother
would definitely sought out General Gu. It was just that he didn't
anticipate General Gu would take care of matter himself like this......of
course, these are merely my guess. Because I only know so much."

Sun Jingwei's expression had never been this grave or imposing before, but
he certainly assured the majority of Bai Luo Yin's guess.

Bai Luo Yin's brows knitted together as he continued to say, "But that is
mere speculation, there's no conclusive evidence. It would still not
convince Gu Hai. Take for instance, how did Gu Hai's mother learn of
General Gu's operation route of travel? This is the crucial question. If
this question cannot be solved, all other answers will have no way of
coming forth. Because, at that time, many people knew of this false route
and that also includes General Gu. If he sent people to give Mrs. Gu
these words, then this kind of possibility wouldn't exist."

"Actually, there is someone you can look for," Sun Jingwei thought out
loud to himself.

Bai Luo Yin's pupil sunk low, "Who?"

"His name is Zhen Da Cheng, former Chief of the General Staff[1] in the
2nd Division, 7th Office and he is also Gu Hai's uncle. The Chief of the
General Staff in Division 2 was responsible for gathering military
intelligence. Zhen Da Cheng's strength is tremendous and not to be

"Then why didn't you guys immediately look for him when the situation
first occurred?"

Sun Jingwei's face turned grim, "We can't. This is what the official records
demands, no one is allowed to disobey. Besides, Zhen Da Cheng and the
madam has severed their relation as brother and sister a long time ago.
It is not necessary to investigate anything else."

Bai Luo Yin understood, and also knew what he himself should do.

However, Sun Jingwei's voice became cold as if commanding Bai Luo Yin:
"You must not seek him out. I'm also just saying this and nothing more.
This person is not worth investigating and moreover he is really strange.
You'd only find trouble if you were to look for him. You absolutely won't
gain any advantage from this at all."

Bai Luo Yin secretly replied in his heart: As long as there is a glimmer of
hope, I have to try.
Before he took his leave, Sun Jing Wei looked at Bai Luo Yin and warned
him repeatedly.

"Remember, everything that we've talked about, don't let the General
know. He is already tired as it is, don't let him suffer again."

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

Translator's Note:

[1] Chief of the General Staff - The Chief of Staff of the Army is an
administrative position held by the highest ranking officer in the army. While
the CSA does not have operational command authority over Army forces
proper (which is within the purview of the Combatant Commanders who
report to the Secretary of Defense), the CSA does exercise supervision of
army units and organizations as the designee of the Secretary of the Army.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 153: The Inquietude of Youth - Da Hai, Hug Me. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Passing through a small park on the edge of a courtyard, he was surrounded

by the smell of the forest, accompanied by the sounds of birds singing and
insects wailing in unison. As he continued to walk, Bai Luo Yin finally
arrived in front of the tall and wide main entrance of Zhen Da Cheng's
Chinese style mansion. When he approached it a bit more, two guards
blocked his way in.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for Zhen Da Cheng."

The guards looked Bai Luo Yin up and down before one of them asked with a
calm and collected face, "Your identity card?"
Bai Luo Yin took out his student identity card and citizen card, the only two
forms that were on him at the moment. One of the guard went inside, while
the other guard stared attentively at Bai Luo Yin as if he was preventing a
thief from approaching any closer or entering. The look in his eyes were
bombarded with thorns as they pricked Bai Luo Yin all over from head to toe,
making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

A while later, the other guard returned with his chin held high, hinting at Bai
Luo Yin to enter.

It's that simple to enter?

Since Sun Jingwei had warned him beforehand, Bai Luo Yin was already
prepared to be thrown out. In all actuality, he did not expect it to go so
smoothly like this.

But the moment he was inside, Bai Luo Yin discovered that he was gravely

Making it pass the main entrance was only the first step.

The huge courtyard could easily cause anyone to become speechless. There
was such an intense feeling to the land beneath his feet, that even he felt a bit
overwhelmed at the immensity of it. When one thought about it, it truly is
reckless to waste such precious natural resources like this in pursue of a need
to possess a spacious and luxurious private courtyard.

In the center of the courtyard was a fish pond. Early in the spring mornings,
the surface of the water was sheathed in a very thin layer of ice, and the water
itself was crystal clear. It was possible to see the fishes beneath the thin ice
swimming around from one corner to the next cheerfully.

At a distance a bit far from the pond stood a couple of old trees, ones that
seen time passed by as it usually does. On every one of those trees were at
least three to four bird cages hanging on the larger branches and the birds
trapped inside tweeted incessantly almost in unison. There was also a parrot,
lively yet well-behaved in manner; it kept on chatting away the same words,
"Hello, hello, hello."
Just as Bai Luo Yin took one step forward, he could right away hear the
sound of a large dog barking furiously.

It was a fierce and formidable otterhound[1]. In all honesty, it was quite rare
to see them around.

Bai Luo Yin's earthen eyes brightened up with delight, he couldn't help but to
take an immediate liking to it, so much so that for the time being, he had even
forgotten his own purpose for being here. Without even a hint of fear, he
advanced and started to tease this dog, attempting to play with him. At first
this otterhound had a rather ruthless and violent attitude toward Bai Luo Yin,
as if warning that you cannot approach nor touch it. By now, an average
person would have kept a respectful distance from it already, but
unfortunately, Bai Luo Yin was not one of those people, he doesn't do things
as normal people would; he couldn't lose to this. After less than two minutes,
this dog sure enough identified with Bai Luo Yin.

"Your skills are not to be taken lightly!"

Bai Luo Yin's body stiffened when he heard the voice.

A moment ago, he was too overly delighted that he didn't even notice the
presence of another person behind him. Quickly he stood up and turned
around, only to meet the face of an extremely ordinary looking man. Such a
person, one can easily bump into a great deal of them on the streets. If he had
not personally seen him here, Bai Luo Yin would have absolutely not taken
him as a high official.

"My dog here only recognizes its owner. You're the first stranger that
could approach him."

Bai Luo Yin looked at him apprehensively yet his tone was laced with
coldness, "You're Mr. Zhen?"

Zhen Da Cheng, nodded his head, "I am."

Astonishment crept into Bai Luo Yin's mind, he's said to be strange yet I
don't see anything strange about him!
"Mr. Zhen, I have something I wanted to ask you for help with."

Zhen Da Cheng laughed indifferently, "I know."

Bai Luo Yin wasn't even able to open his mouth yet when Zhen Da Cheng
walked passed him toward the area where the trees were arranged and stood
close to the trunk. He then began to play with the birds in one of the cage.

Thinking that it was not an appropriate time or place for him to talk, Bai Luo
Yin remained silent for the time being. He wanted Zhen Da Cheng to finish
his own matter first before having a serious talk with him about the situation.

After Zhen Da Cheng finished playing with the birds, he didn't even bother to
give Bai Luo Yin a glance and kept walking toward the hall in the opposite

Bai Luo Yin silently followed after him.

As they approached the front door of the hall, Zhen Da Cheng went inside but
Bai Luo Yin was blocked outside.

"I have something to discuss with Mr. Zhen."

The man standing at the doorway merely looked at him with a zombie like
face, cold and stiff.

"I know, but right now Mr. Zhen is busy. He doesn't have any time to
talk with you. You can wait for him out here first."

Bai Luo Yin's eyes wander along the window sill and glimpsed inside, Zhen
Da Cheng wasn't doing anything at all. He was inside by himself drinking tea.

There's plenty of opportunities for him to chat ah, but I can't just anxiously
walk in.

Later, Bai Luo Yin figured out that people like Zhen Da Cheng tend to put on
airs[2] and drown in their own arrogance. Where else wouldn't they act
exactly like this?
Since he was told to wait out, then he might as well wait well.

This waiting game lasted until noon.

Early in the morning, Bai Luo Yin did not have a chance to eat so his
stomach has been crying out in hunger a long while ago. When he saw that
someone had brought food in for Zhen Da Cheng, he knew that it was
hopeless for him to try and enter, so he intended to return after having a meal.

Once he arrived at the main entrance that he had first entered, he was blocked
by those two guards again.

"I want to go out."

"You need a written statement from Mr. Zhen to go out."

Without any better option, Bai Luo Yin could only backtrack and turn back,
returning to that hall again. Then he asked the person at the door: "Sorry to
trouble you, but can you help me go in so I can inform him, I want to go
out and eat first."

The zombie face guard with the cold expression only said: "When he is
eating, no one can randomly go in and disturb him."

Bai Luo Yin was forced to wait.

This time around, the waiting took longer than an hour.

Finally, he saw someone carrying the leftover food out.

"Can you help me notify him now?"

Yet again, the zombie face guard spared him no glanced and stiffly walked
in. Not even a moment later, he stiffly returned.

"He said, you can leave if you want, but don't expect to come back in."

Bai Luo Yin stared blankly at that guard, there wasn't even the slightest sign
of a joke in the tone of his voice or his face. His hand tightened into a firm
fist as he secretly encouraged himself.

What's there to be scared about in being hungry for a while, since he already
let you in, that means he has at the least agreed about fifty percent of the
way. The remaining half of this opportunity, you must create it for yourself.
You must endure and control your temper. Make him see your sincerity.

Just from having these kinds of thoughts, Bai Luo Yin's mind calmed down a

After Zhen Da Cheng finished his meal, one by one the other people also
went to eat, leaving only Bai Luo Yin standing outside alone in the courtyard.

The phone in his pocket rung and with just one glance, it was a call from Gu

"Where are you?"

Without thinking much about it, Bai Luo Yin replied, "At home."

"What did you eat this afternoon?"

Bai Luo Yin thought about it for a second, "I ate dumplings."

"Fuck, that's so awesome! Hu Zi and I went out to eat. We picked the

dishes that looked good but it actually wasn't."

You should be happy with that......Bai Luo Yin said silently in head.

Gu Hai asked, "Are you coming back tonight? I'll make you some noodles
to eat when you get back."

In this moment, he remembered the noodles that Gu Ha made and he

suddenly thought that it sounded delicious.

"I'm not sure. I'll tell you beforehand if I go back. You can eat first,

After he hung up, Bai Luo Yin let out a long sigh. He turned around to look
inside the hall quickly and to his surprise, he did not see Zhen Da Cheng in
there. His chest slightly tightened before he moved from his position a bit. He
stretched his neck and tried to look inside through the window but still he did
not see Zhen Da Cheng.

"Mr. Zhen?" Bai Luo Yin looked at the zombie face guard and asked.

"Mr. Zhen went out."

"When did he go out?" Bai Luo Yin was quite alarmed.

"When you were on the phone a moment ago."

Bai Luo Yin felt rather remorseful at this turn of event and hurriedly asked
that zombie face guard where Zhen Da Cheng went. That zombie face guard
just casually turned his head to the other side, closed his eyes and did not
reply back.

Without any other option, Bai Luo Yin went and look around the courtyard
himself. Finally, in the farthest room to the west, he saw Zhen Da Cheng
taking off his jacket, preparing to have a nap.

There was no need to ask, he already knew that it was impossible to enter.

The afternoon sun was ferocious. Being stranded underneath it would daze
anyone into tiredness. Affected by the heat, Bai Luo Yin let out a big yawn
and stretched out his body before staring senselessly at the other people
standing in the courtyard. Beside the zombie face guard, every other room all
have a guard at the doorway. Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to think:

Exactly how many people have this Zhen Da Cheng angered? That is, for him
to go so far as to dispatch so many people to guard himself.

Furthermore, Bai Luo Yin discovered that these zombies face men were all
naturally trained. No matter which one of them he turned to look at, they all
did not move. A moment ago, they all had their eyes open and oddly enough
now they're all closed. The peacefulness in this courtyard was so
extraordinary that he could only hear the sound of birds chirping. Not even a
moment has passed yet before the faint sound of snores transmitted through
the air.

Bai Luo Yin listened carefully for a while, it didn't sound like it was coming
from the room, moreover every room here appeared to be soundproof quite
well, so it was not possible that snores could be heard.

But, just now he clearly heard it.

Bai Luo Yin's brows rose as he casted a side glance. He noticed that the
zombie face guard that was standing to the side had his eyes closed; the rise
and fall of his chest moved coherently with his breaths. Bai Luo Yin
cautiously approached him for a closer look, as a result, the snoring sounds
became louder and louder, it was quite obvious now that the sound had come
from his nostrils.


Surprised crept its way onto Bai Luo Yin's face.

These group of guy aren't actually sleeping while standing are they?

The facts had been proven. What Bai Luo Yin had thought was correct. All
the men standing guard with their eyes closed were all sleeping. Seeing them
like this cause shivers to crawl up his arms. But then he suddenly recalled
Sun Jingwei's words of advice.

This place seems to be really ominous.

More than two hours of standing have passed in silence and Bai Luo Yin
didn't even dare to take a nap, afraid that after he fell asleep, Zhen Da Cheng
would slip away in front of his eyes again.

Finally, Bai Luo Yin had waited until the moment that Zhen Da Cheng sat up
from his bed. In just a split second, his own tired nerves immediately liven
with vigor.

Bai Luo Yin straightened up his waist and back. He watched attentively as
Zhen Da Cheng put his clothes on, got off his bed, strolled around the room,
sat down for a drink, pick up a call......then with small steps, he leisurely
walked out for a look.

At last the waiting has ended. Bai Luo Yin hurriedly walked toward the
doorway to inquire after him.

Mr. Zhen's shadow emerged in front of Bai Luo Yin's line of sight with a
smile neatly gracing his face. Bai Luo Yin thought that this fortunate time
was good, so he took one step forward.

"Mr. Zhen......"

"Hahaha......Lao[3] Li, you're finally here!"

The sudden burst of warm greetings and laughter behind Bai Luo Yin
awoken him from his dream. He turned around, Zhen Da Cheng was already
giving another person a hug. The two talked and laughed rather cheerfully as
they passed by him and entered into another room.

Bai Luo Yin stood there for a long while before he took a few small steps
back. Then he continued to walk toward that room they entered and quietly
waited outside of there instead.

The two sat down inside for a game of chess. From the looks of their game,
they had just started.

"You standing here will disturb Mr. Zhen chess game, please wait over
there." Another zombie face guard looked at Bai Luo Yin and extended his
hand out indicating for him to move away. Although his expression was quite
respectful, in reality he was chasing him away.

For the sake of answering this riddle, Bai Luo Yin endured this humiliation
again. He waited at a spot just a bit further away and continued to wait.

The color of the sky gradually darkened. In just the blink of an eyes, it was
already time to have dinner. Zhen Da Cheng and the friend that he was
playing chess with had their dinner in the room. The delicious smell of the
food slipped through the window and dispersed teasingly around Bai Luo Yin
which cause his mouth to water and he couldn't help but to swallow with a
yearning for some substance. There was already no way for him to retreat, if
he did, all his precious efforts would have been wasted.

With no other choice, he picked up his phone and sent Gu Hai a message,
telling him that he won't be able to go back, then he continued to endure the
torment of hunger.

This time around, the meal lasted for two hours, Bai Luo Yin himself can no
longer feel the hunger. Probably because he was so hungry he lost his

Now, he could only pray that Zhen Da Cheng would quickly come out, even
if he were to give him just five minutes of his time for a talk, he would still
be content.

Finally, after waiting until that chess playing friend departed, Zhen Da Cheng
came out to send him off toward the main entrance. Bai Luo Yin quietly
followed after. Both his legs were already numb by now so his walking
posture was slightly lopsided. Yet even then, his eyes still contained a very
small traces of excitement.

This day will quickly end soon. At this time, he shouldn't have anything else
to do, right?

As he watched Zhen Da Cheng, Bai Luo Yin quickened his pace to meet up
with him.

"Mr. Zhen, we......"

"You haven't left yet huh?"

Zhen Da Cheng showed great astonishment toward Bai Luo Yin's presence.

Bai Luo Yin very calmly told him, "I have been waiting for you all along."

Zhen Da Cheng nodded his head and without saying anything else, he
directly went back into his bedroom. Bai Luo Yin was intercepted at the
doorway again. Then, he looked on unemotionally when he saw Zhen Da
Cheng watching television inside. After that, his wife returned, the two
watched television together, then soon afterwards, the lights in the room went

Bai Luo Yin's heart also died out with coldness.

The guards outside have also been exchanged and allocated to the
entranceways of all the rooms. The batch of guards this time looked even
more bold and powerful and the lighting that hit their faces at just the right
angle, made them look even more sinister and dreadful.

It seems, I'll have to crouch here for the night.

Bai Luo Yin lit a cigarette and senselessly looked at the arrangement of the
courtyard. This time around, he noticed that, this place doesn't seem like
someone's home. On the contrary, it looked more like a Buddhist monastery.

It is possible that Zhen Da Cheng was also abstaining from eating meat in
order to pray to Buddha?

Bai Luo Yin laughed at his own thoughts, can someone that believed in
Buddhism have such a malicious heart?

Just as Bai Luo Yin was right in the middle of amusing himself, he suddenly
felt a chillness at the top of his head and he immediately lifted his head up for
a look. Someone was holding a big basin. He wasn't even able to respond yet,
as the big basin of cold water came splashing down on him. It soaked his
cotton padded shirt, woolen pants, and flowed along his neck and ran inside.
Every stream of water was like an ice blade stabbing his skin and flesh before
piercing his ribs. Bai Luo Yin felt so cold that he abruptly jumped up and
pulled his attacker's collar.

As his body shivered and his lips trembled with coldness, he asked: "Why
did you splash me with the cold water?"

The attacker expressionlessly looked at Bai Luo Yin, "You can't smoke
here. I was only helping you put out the cigarette."
Bai Luo Yin was so cold his teeth clattered against each other. His fist that
smashed against the attacker's chest was ridden with ice shards.

The attacker opened his mouth again, "You can't make any loud noises
here. If you want to fight, I can take you outside."

Bai Luo Yin's body stiffened like a block of stone.

By the middle of the night, a layer of thin ice already formed on Bai Luo
Yin's clothes. His hair has already become strands of thin icicles as they
individually joined at the top of his head. He also felt that his legs had
already become frozen and numb; there was no feelings at all anymore. At
this moment, if they were to be amputated, there would be no need to inject
anesthetic. For the sake of warming himself up, Bai Luo Yin started to run
around the courtyard. Yet, just as he ran, the dog barked and once the dog
barked, the zombie face guard came over again.

"You can't make loud noises here."

Bai Luo Yin at long last has completely experienced the painful feeling of
hunger and coldness. He could barely endure this difficulty. But the most
unbearable thing was, the endless waiting and not being able to see any hope.

Bai Luo Yin went to the corner furthest away from Zhen Da Cheng's
bedroom and huddled. He then gave Gu Hai a call.

In the depth of the night, Gu Hai's voice sounded so warm.

"It's so late, you aren't sleeping yet?"

Bai Luo Yin's hands were trembling quite terribly, "I'm a bit cold."

Gu Hai's tone was full of love as he spoke, "Are you stupid or what? Cover
yourself with more quilts when you're cold! What use is there to talk to
me? Go into the cabinet and grab another quilt now. Be quick and don't
be lazy about it!"

Bai Luo Yin smiled with much difficulty, "No, I won't go. I want to talk
with you."
Gu Hai paused for a moment, his voice softened a bit, "You miss me don't
you? My little baby?"

A gust of cold and violent wind suddenly flew by, Bai Luo Yin quickly
huddled his neck close to his knees, but nevertheless, the coldness made it
challenging for him to breathe. This kind of coldness seeped directly into the
thin cracks of his bones, drilled deeply inside and weakened that bit of
willpower that still existed in Bai Luo Yin. His head swam as he felt his
vision blur and then a strange sensation descended upon him. There was an
alarm bell pounding incessantly in his heart.

You can't faint. You absolutely can't. They'll definitely throw you out if you
faint. Once you're out, you won't be able to get back in.

"Why aren't you talking?"

Bai Luo Yin bit down on his teeth, willing the shivers away for a moment. As
he listened to the breaths transmitting from the other side, his heart was
finally filled with warmth. The warmth that he so longed for.

"Da Hai, hug me."

"......Yin Zi, you're so well-behaved. I'm hugging you now, sleep soon."

Translator's Note:

[1] Otterhound - a large, rough-coated hound with an imposing head showing

great strength and dignity, and the strong body and long striding action fit for
a long day's work. It has an extremely sensitive nose, and is inquisitive and
perseverant in investigating scents. The Otterhound hunts its quarry on land
and water and requires a combination of characteristics unique among
hounds-most notably a rough, double coat; and substantial webbed feet. Once
he's latched on to something, his perseverance, determination, and stamina
(like those of his relative, the Otterhound) are legendary.

[2]put on airs - thinking you're better than someone else; arrogant.

[3]Lao Li - Lao is a prefix indicating that someone is older or for

familiarity/closeness. It can also be Mr. but, I think it's best to keep it this
prefix. Actually, in the previous chapters when Jiang Yuan calls Mr. Gu,
she's actually saying, Lao Gu. But I used Mr. Gu instead. I will change it all
to Lao Gu later when I have some time since I prefer using the Lao. It's also
going to Lao Bai for Yin Zi's dad XD

***Yin Zi calls Zhen Da Cheng, Mr. Zhen, in Chinese the title is Zhen
xiansheng, xiansheng being a direct translation of Mister [Mr.]. But in this
case, it makes sense so it's kept as Mr. So basically, it's a give and take,
depending on the person!
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 154: The Inquietude of Youth - The TRUTH APPEARS. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


It was in this way that Bai Luo Yin endured it for the night. In the end, even
he himself, did not know how he had fallen asleep. By the time he woke up,
the sky was already painted in a bright array of colors.

In a distance not too far from him, the otterhound sat in its cage staring at

Fatigue bewitched his whole body as he willed this weakness away, but his
will was overcome by this weakness. Except for his eyes being able to slight
part, Bai Luo Yin could not move any other parts of his body. His pupils
shifted around with blurriness before it landed on cleaning personnel's figure,
swaying back and forth in the courtyard. Letting his mind wonder off, he
remained silent, waiting for the moment in which his limbs would gradually
recover its usual liveliness.

Earlier in the morning, Zhen Da Cheng had already gone out. When he
returned during the afternoon, Bai Luo Yin was still huddled quietly at the
same corner far off in the distance.

"Who's that?" Zhen Da Cheng looked at the doorway and asked the guard.

In a low tone, the guard reported, "It's the person that came looking for
you yesterday."

Astonishment crawled into Zhen Da Cheng's eyes as he looked on ahead. He

had truly thought that Bai Luo Yin had left earlier in the day already. Never
would he have thought that he would actually still be here. Even more so,
from looking at his appearance, it was clear that he had slept outside in the
courtyard for the night.

Young man, your willpower is pretty strong, I want to see how long you will

When Bai Luo Yin saw Zhen Da Cheng, he immediately propped his hand
against the wall and force himself up. The thin ice that had formed on his
clothes had already melt, but what remained now, was the dampness leaving
his clothes practically wet with coldness. Having sat in the corner for one
night, the dirt on the ground had covertly weaved itself into the fabric of his
clothes, sticking rather stubbornly against his will.

Step by step, he walked toward Zhen Da Cheng with this sorry-looking

lifeless appearance. Yet even then, the silhouette of his face was still kissed
with willfulness.

"Excuse me Mr. Zhen, do you have time today?"

Zhen Da Cheng stood in place, turned his head to look at Bai Luo Yin and
with a slight smile, he said: "I do."

Bai Luo Yin was actually rather startled and at a loss for words by this turn of
Zhen Da Cheng continued on to say, "But......I'm not in the mood."

Bai Luo Yin boldly yet courteously asked, "Then what would put you in
the mood?"

"If you want to talk to me, at least clean yourself up a bit."

The coldness emitting from the clothes caused Bai Luo Yin to shiver and
when he attempted to open his mouth again to talk, Zhen Da Cheng had
already turned around and walked away.

During the afternoon, when the sun was at its highest peak, scorching the
ground beneath it with rays of light, Bai Luo Yin retrieved a basin of water.
He took off his cotton-padded shirt and pants before trying his best to rub the
muddy dirt off.

Not only did he have to endure the cold and hunger, but now he also has to
endure those eyes that mocked and derided him, as well as the contempt that
painted brightly within them.

Since he was little until now, the humiliations that he had suffered were
incomparable to the thirty something hours that he had suffered here.

Finally, after he finished washing his clothes, Bai Luo Yin hung them on the
hanging pole in the courtyard.

Afterwards, he looked around for an area that had an abundant source of

sunlight and bask under it. When he fished his cell phone out of his pocket
and tried to swipe it on, he discovered that the battery had already died out.
By now, Bai Luo Yin was already at his wit's end. Having come this far, all
he could do was continue to wait here. He silently wished that all this could
result in something, otherwise he doesn't have the face to return back.

Towards the evening, Bai Luo Yin went to look at his own clothes. As a
result, he found that the hanging pole that once held his own clothes, now had
someone else clothes hanging neatly on it. What was even worse, his cotton-
padded shirt and pants had fallen to the ground, moreover, looking at the
dirtied footprints on his clothes, he couldn't even tell how many times it had
been trampled on.

When Bai Luo Yin picked them up, he heard a burst of laughter ringing out
from behind him.

With great difficulty, he tried with all his might to control the raging anger
that conjured within him. Feeling dizzy and lightheaded, he walked toward
where the water faucet was and rinsed his clothes out again. Looking at the
clothes that had nearly dry, now drenched once again, a thin layer of ice froze
deeply inside of Bai Luo Yin's heart.

He did not hate this bustling group of people that enjoyed other's torment.
But in fact, he took pity on them. He pitied that they lived in a place lacking
of human warmth and affection.

Unable to hang his clothes on the pole to dry, Bai Luo Yin had no other
option but to stand in an open space, with both his hands out, holding on to
his clothes.

The sky has darkened again.

Another day has passed by with no answers.

Bai Luo Yin has not eaten in two days already. After standing for such a long
period of time, both his legs felt a little soft and weaken to the core.

A gust of wind flew by, bringing along with it, a very strong aroma of freshly
cooked food. Bai Luo Yin found a place to sit down and tightly gripped the
two article of clothes that was still wet.

Suddenly, a steamed bun rolled toward the side of his feet, bringing along
with it, the smell of soil and flour fused together.

Looking at it, Bai Luo Yin's stomach suddenly started to twitch and seconds
later it grumbled.

He angrily raised his head.

His eyes met with a small figure, a kid, younger than he was. He stood in
front of him with a rather cheerful smile, staring at him. Not only was he the
one who had thrown the steamed bun toward him just now, but he also kicked

Even when everyone had gone to sleep, Bai Luo Yin still did not give that
steamed bun another glance.

This night was even more unbearable than the previous. He couldn't take
shelter in his cotton-padded shirt or pants any longer. The cold wind
heartlessly infiltrated his clothes, braiding itself securely inside the threads.

It was not possible for him to crouch down, since he was afraid that if he was
not careful enough, the clothes would rub against the earth again. It was not
possible for him to move, he was afraid that his movements would create
noises and awaken that noble dog.

Pained and without any other option, he could only stand in this way like an
honored Buddhist statue, waiting silently for the early morning to approach
and bring with it the new day's light.

Early morning of the third day, Zhen Da Cheng strolled over from his
bedroom and saw a figure standing perfectly straight for the longest time at
the doorway.

The clothes have been thoroughly cleaned, face a deathly pale color, lips
purple like an array of bruises, and eyes brighten and expressive.

With much difficulty, Bai Luo Yin spoke. The sounds that came out was as if
someone had used a knife to scrape at it, making it raspy.

"Good morning Mr. Zhen."

Zhen Da Cheng's usually indifferent face finally exposed a sign of amazed.

He looked at Bai Luo Yin up and down as if he had discovered a trace of
deceit. But after staring for what seemed like ages, he still ended up empty-

In this moment, Zhen Da Cheng faced Bai Luo Yin squarely.

A handsome and resolute face.

A pair of stubborn eyes.

And an extraordinary spirit.

Zhen Da Cheng could not help but think, if he were to continuously give Bai
Luo Yin a cold shoulder like this, would Bai Luo Yin wait until he died?

After a while longer, Zhen Da Cheng patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder. It was
only then had he discovered that Bai Luo Yin's clothes was freezing.

"Please come in."

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin felt as if he had broken through the gates
of hell.

"Mr. Zhen, this time I have something to ask of you......"

"There's no need to say anything," Zhen Da Cheng waved his finger, "I

Bai Luo Yin was somewhat amazed and shocked, "You know?"

Zhen Da Cheng returned Bai Luo Yin's student ID card and citizens card
back to him, then faintly said, "When I saw these, I already knew what
your intentions were in looking for me. It's just, I didn't expect that the
one coming here...would be you. I always thought that the first person to
look for me would be Gu Hai."

Bai Luo Yin's fingers trembled with excitement. Since Zhen Da Cheng said it
like that, it was proof that he was definitely someone that is familiar with the
situation and know the facts. So, those events that he had rationally
constructed were linked together. First, Mrs. received a hint, then she forced
herself to go and look for her elder brother for help, wanting him to look into
this secretive military information. But as a result, the information that Zhen
Da Cheng collected was also false. Due to this false information, Mrs. Gu
mistakenly got on the vehicle that met with an accident.......
Bai Luo Yin told Zhen Da Cheng everything that he knew, hoping that Zhen
Da Cheng could provide him with some sort of evidence that Mrs. Gu had
gone to him seeking information. As well as promise that those information
won't fall into another person's hand.

Zhen Da Cheng quietly listened.

His reaction was not at all what Bai Luo Yin had anticipated, that is, he
expected him to be astonished or felt somewhat difficult in accepting his

On the contrary, he was very calm, so calm that it was almost as if he didn't
hear anything.

Bai Luo Yin nervously waited for an answer.

After a long while, Zhen Da Cheng spoke: "If I said she killed herself,
would you believe me?"

Bai Luo Yin could feel his own body trembling as his eyes slightly widened.

"If I said that, she knew all along that this route was the false one, and
also, that I myself knew this route was false as well, what would you

In this unbelievable moment, the beads of cold sweat that had formed on Bai
Luo Yin's forehead, suddenly dried up, seeming as though they were not
there from the beginning.

"I am the eldest in the family and she is the youngest one. My youngest
sister. My favorite sister. But, since the day she married Gu Wei Ting, I
severed my ties with her without looking back. Because I knew that there
would come a day when she will sacrifice everything for this man. I
deliberately cut off my affections toward her from then on, afraid that,
when that day arrived, I won't be able to continue on. In the end, that
day inevitably came, moreover, I was the one that personally sent her
toward that disastrous road."
Bai Luo Yin understood everything now.

"Even now, I can still remember the day that she came to look for me.
She kneeled in front of me and begged me to tell her all of Gu Wei Ting's
plans. I told her explicitly, Gu Wei Ting is in a taxi and that it was good
enough if she calmly remains at home and wait. She said it was
impossible, if she didn't get on that car, if she didn't do something and
just waited, the opposing side will continue to track down Gu Wei Ting's
whereabouts. Once they figured out that he was in an unguarded taxi, he
would undoubtedly be killed."

When he spoke until this part, traces of pain appeared in Zhen Da Cheng's

"I'm saying, this is only one possibility, there is another possibility, his
whereabouts were not discovered. She told me, when she gets on that
vehicle, there are also only two possibilities. One is she will die, the other
is, she won't die. Since there are risks either way, then let her be the one
to take responsibility for this risk."

At this moment, Bai Luo Yin suddenly understood the origination of Gu Hai's
hidden softness as well as his firm and unyielding heart.

"At that time, I bitterly detested my own status. I often thought, why did
I have to undertake this position? If the opposing party did not know
that her brother was in control of this secret information, why would
they go and threaten a weak and helpless woman? If those things were
not in my hands, even if she were to place a gun to my head, I wouldn't
have the ability to send her toward that disastrous road."

There was a huge difference between Zhen Da Cheng's remorseful and guilt
ridden expression now, in comparison to the one painted cruelly on his face
before when he had tormented Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin thought that, he must be a man that took all his pain and conceal
it deeply within himself.

"Do you know why I allowed you in, and talked about these things with

Bai Luo Yin answered tentatively, "Because my perseverance moved

you?" Even if his head held these thoughts, when he said it out, it somewhat
lacked in confidence.

"Because my dog didn't bite you."

Bai Luo Yin, "......"

"If you didn't tame him, even if you died waiting here, I still wouldn't
give you a glance."

By this time, Bai Luo Yin doesn't know if he should laugh or cry.

"I raised this dog for more than ten years. In my memory, he's only been
honest and well-behaved twice. The first time was when my younger
sister came here looking for me. The second time was when you came
here looking for me. All along, I've always thought that dogs are more
reliable than humans."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 155: The Inquietude of Youth – The PLIGHT within the


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After losing contact with Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai immediately called Bai Han
Qi. It was then that he found out, for the past two days, Bai Luo Yin has not
returned home. He used every method to seek Bai Luo Yin out but even then
he couldn’t find any information to his whereabouts. When he recalled Bai
Luo Yin’s strange behaviors from before, uneasiness started to intensely
shroud his heart.

Wandering anxiously around the streets all night, Gu Hai became dazed and
his vision blurred a bit.

Where has that bastard gone? Why does he always disappear mysteriously
like this? Why doesn’t he think about the consequences before he does
something? Why doesn’t he consider how worried the people around him
would be?

As these thought devour his mind, his tightly clenched fist smashed against
the steering wheel.

Gu Hai’s heart was pained with anger and anxiousness that refused to leave.

Just as he was about to start the car and continue on with his search, he
suddenly received a call. Glancing at it, he doesn’t recognize the unfamiliar
number, yet with anticipation he picked it up.

“Gu Hai.”

When he heard Bai Luo Yin’s voice, Gu Hai had the urge to smash his
cellphone, however, his gripped tightened instead; it was as if he was holding
on to a lifeline, beckoning it for help.

Looking at the front of the phone, he shouted: “Where the fuck have you
been for the last two days?”

“Where are you now?”

Gu Hai steadied his breathing and tried his hardest to calm his troubled
nerves. His tired eyes glanced around in all four corners for his own location.
After he informed Bai Luo Yin of his whereabouts, he threw his phone to the
passenger seat. His grip loosened before he allowed his head to fall back. As
he closed his eyes, a long and deep breath finally escaped his lips, bringing
out with it the fear that consumed him.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Guessing that it was nearly time, Gu Hai unlocked the door and got out. He
stood outside beside his own car and waited for Bai Luo Yin. Five minutes
later, a taxi stopped in the distance not too far where he was. Bai Luo Yin’s
shadow emerged from within the taxi. The raging fire that Gu Hai had just
suppressed a moment ago, suddenly exploded as he stared at Bai Luo Yin and
took large strides toward him.
Since Bai Luo Yin left Zhen Da Cheng’s place, he wasn’t able to wash his
face, or eat a proper meal, instead full of joy and expectations, he rushed to
look for Gu Hai. Just as he paid the driver, he felt a quick and powerful pull,
causing his body to uncontrollably move backward.

Gu Hai gripped the back of Bai Luo Yin’s collar and fiercely dragged him
toward the side of his own car. He then pushed him heavily against the car

Anxiety was painted on his face as he looked at Bai Luo Yin and bellowed
with rage, “Where the fuck did you run off to for the past few days? Do
you know I looked for you all night? Do you know how worried and
anxious I was?”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t even have the time to shake away or consider the pain he
felt. But instead both his hands shot out and tightly clutched Gu Hai’s arm.
The excitements in his eyes burned Gu Hai’s cheeks. It was hard for him to
suppress the eagerness, the intense emotion that welled in his voice, “Gu
Hai, do you know? I’ve found out the cause of your mother’s death
during that time. She was not killed because of your dad’s design.
You’ve misunderstood your father……”

Gu Hai’s face did not show even the slightest sign of astonishment or that he
was touched, on the contrary, it was drawn with darkness and gloominess
instead. He emphatically interrupted Bai Luo Yin’s words and angrily
rebuked: “I only asked you, where were you these two days?”

The throbbing excitement in Bai Luo Yin’s pupils gradually cooled down.
The corner of his pasty, colorless lips slightly moved all of a sudden and with
difficulty he threw out a few words, “I went to Zhen Da Cheng’s house,
that is……your uncle.”

Suddenly, Gu Hai flew into a violent rage. Both his hands shot out and
ferociously held Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder. His voice like a raging thunder,
loudly sounded off, “Who told you to go find him? Who told you to go?”

As Gu Hai violently shook Bai Luo Yin, swaying him back and forth, the thin
and flimsy pieces of paper that he had held tightly on to, fell to the ground.
His eyes became lifeless.

It was as if the aftermath of spending the last two nights in the freezing cold
had finally decided to appear at this moment. His stiffened fingers pressed
into Gu Hai’s arms and one at a time, he peeled them off before inch by inch
tearing himself away.

Then he turned and left.

Gu Hai didn’t chase after him. After he frantically vent out all his feelings,
what remained was the emptiness and desolation. His brain became a blank
piece of paper and the ability to think has already been lost, disappearing
with the sound of Bai Luo Yin’s footsteps. He looked at the file slightly
swaying carelessly on the ground. One by one, he picked the sheets of paper
off the ground, not even daring to look at it. He wanted to immediately rip
them up but he doesn’t have the courage to. In the end, unable to control his
temper, he kicked the car door at full force. This kick alone left a deep hollow
impression on the metal surface. Even more so, this hollowness was riddled
with despair and agony.

Bai Luo Yin wandered the street lifelessly. He relied entirely on his instinct
to identify the direction in which he was going. Both his legs felt heavy with
each step he took, it was as if lead had been poured deeply inside. His neck
could barely support his head as a buzzing sound rung off in his head. The
buzz rung again and again, wearing him down. He placed his hand on a
random sign that was standing nearby for support and quietly relaxed for a

To the side was a restaurant. Bai Luo Yin already hasn’t eaten anything for
the last fifty plus hours or so. So, even when a bowl of noodles was placed in
front of him, he still couldn’t tell what it smelt like or how it tasted. His
appetite had waned away long ago and what replaced it was, the numbness.

Conjuring just enough appetite, he took a few bites. But immediately after
these few bites, he suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation stabbed at his
internals, bringing with it a strangeness that sat at the tip of his throat. Using
what little strength he had left in him, he quickly rushed out of the restaurant
and threw his guts out at the side of a trash can. He gagged and huffed for air
as he puked out what little he had consumed. The urgency to let all the
substance out was so strong that it made him become extremely lightheaded
and even more fatigue.

It’s so painful!

Tears spilled out of his eyes uncontrollably and left trace marks on his pallid

He staggered his way back home between consciousness and

unconsciousness. Once he arrived at home, he immediately went straight to
his bedroom and plunged on the bed. The feeling of it was so strange to his
body that he couldn’t tell if it was soft or no. But.

It’s so cold.

Bai Luo Yin lethargically tore his wet clothes off and covered himself with
two quilts.

It was still cold.

His body heat didn’t so much as drain away or seep out slowly, it abandoned
him with callous speed to leave him helpless and shivering in the wake of its
violent escape. He tried to control the trembles that unfurled all over his body
but it was of no avail. After struggling for a while, he lost consciousness.

Gu Hai remained at home for the entire day depressed. Between sleeping and
awaking, awaking and sleeping, he didn’t bother going to school. Nor did he
contact Bai Luo Yin. In the end, he slept until he couldn’t sleep anymore. He
picked up those sheets of paper from the side of his pillow. Page by page,
word by word, his brain swallowed all the information up, engraving itself
deeply inside.

After looking through it, Gu Hai quietly sat up for a while, eyes glued toward
the window, looking at the outside.

The inside of his hollow heart were so dry and desolate, that not even a single
drop of tear flowed out.

Jiang Yuan opened the door and saw Gu Hai’s depressed face, her heart
thumped for a second. She had been terribly worried for several days now
and finally, this young master has returned just as she had hoped.

Gu Hai didn’t even give Jiang Yuan a glance as he passed by her and went
straight to the second floor.

Jiang Yuan stood at Mrs. Gu’s bedroom door. She had already sufficiently
prepared herself. If Gu Hai discovered something abnormal, if he started
tossing around blames, she will take responsibility for all of it.

In these three years, Gu Hai had stayed in this room countless times. When
he entered his footsteps were heavy and when he left, his footsteps were
drenched in sorrow. Never had there been a moment like this, calm, revere,
and grieving in silence……he finally admitted and accepted this reality, his
mother has already passed away.

“Mom, why were you willing to die for him, but not willing to live for

Gu Hai attentively gazed at Mrs. Gu’s photo in silence as he wiped away the
tiny dust particles from the photo frame.

“A man that is able to make you willingly give up your life, must be a
good father right?”

Gu Hai’s childhood emerged from the back of his mind; the images of every
little interaction that he had with Gu Wei Ting floated clearly in. Those
moments, those three years of feelings that he himself had covered and
deeply buried has subtly began to regain its position at the bottom of his

From the first the time he thought highly of him, with respect until he
loathed, hated him……by just lighting the fuse of an explosion, three years
of misunderstandings and pain burst into flame. He suddenly understood the
expressions in Gu Wei Ting’s eyes, grief, remorse, sincerity,
helplessness……also, there was another scene that he had erased from his
memory: the night before Gu Wei Ting got married, he stayed in this room
for the entire night. Early in the morning, he stood up and faced his late
wife’s picture, and with the utmost respect, he gave her a firm military salute.

“Mom, I don’t have any other request. If you love me, please always
bless and protect me and Yin Zi until the very end.”

Gu Hai looked gratefully at Mr. Gu’s photo and bowed.

Finally, he tenaciously glanced at it once more, straighten his back, and

steadily marched out of this room.

Jiang Yuan was the already outside pacing back and forth in circles, countless
times already. When she saw Gu Hai emerging from the room, her expression
was rather calm as her heart suddenly loosen with ease.

It seems, he didn’t find anything wrong.

“In the future, there’s no need to go into my mother’s room and clean it
everyday. The things that she used when she was alive, if it’s valuable,
leave it there and if not, burn it.”

Surprised ate away at Jiang Yuan’s appearance, making way for her eyes to
slightly widen. In actuality, she doesn’t know the meaning nor the
implication behind Gu Hai’s word. As she waited for the raging storm to
approach, Gu Hai had already effortlessly removed himself from her line of

The sky outside was sunny and cloudless.

Even though classes were about to be dismissed, Gu Hai still went back to
school. Yesterday, he had treated Bai Luo Yin so badly and made him so
angry that he disappeared without uttering a single word. Now, the anger in
him has vanished and all he felt was moved. He wanted to face him and
expression his feeling of gratitude. He wanted Bai Luo Yin to know that,
everything he has done for his sake, is worth a lifetime of Gu Hai’s thanks.
However, Bai Luo Yin’s seat was absolutely empty.

The look on Gu Hai’s face abruptly changed. He immediately dialed Bai Han
Qi’s number on the spot.

“At the hospital.”

Hearing those three words, Gu Hai’s head was just like an explosion that had
blown up, he frantically rushed out of the school building, flagged down a
taxi and went directly to the hospital.

A scene incessantly rolled again and again in Gu Hai’s head, Bai Luo Yin
emotionally grabbing his arm, proclaiming to him the results of the past two
days. He had never lost self control like this before, he had never been faced
with such a difficult situation like this before……at that moment, he must’ve
wanted him to give him a hug, and say, ‘you’ve worked hard’, even if it was
just a meaningful look in his eyes, it would have been enough. Even if it was
just that, it wouldn’t have made it so unbearable for him to turn away, leaving
only a disappointed and lonely back.

Once he arrived at the hospital, Gu Hai hurriedly walked toward Bai Luo
Yin’s ward.

Aunt Zou was the only one there.

“Da Hai, why are you here?”

“How’s Yin Zi?”

Aunt Zou pointed toward the inside of the ward, “He’s sleeping.”

Gu Hai softly pushed open the door as not to make so much noise and
entered. Bai Luo Yin was lying on the hospital bed, his face was colorless,
pallid. He looked pale and haggard, unlike his usual self. Gu Hai sat beside
the sickbed and looked carefully at Bai Luo Yin. From the lines of his eyes to
the ones on his lips, he took them all in.

Pain then coldly carved itself into his heart. It felt so terrible watching him
like this and knowing that he was hurting.
Yesterday, he also had this appearance.

Yesterday he came looking for me with this appearance! Why didn’t I see it
then? Why did I uncontrollably yell and shout at him? Why was my head full
of anger and rage? Why didn’t I push it away and make space to care for
him, to love him?

“Yin Zi.” Gu Hai softly called out.

Bai Luo Yin heard Gu Hai’s voice and slightly cracked his eyes open, but
quickly closed them again.

He didn’t have the strength to talk nor did he wanted to talk.

Gu Hai quietly sat for a while then with a dark and gloomy expression tracing
the outline of his face, he walked out.

Seeing Gu Hai smoking at the entrance of the corridor near the stairs, Aunt
Zou seemed as though she had just realized something. She turned and
walked toward him.

“Da Hai ah, did Yin Zi provoke you, so you shut him outside?”

Gu Hai’s expression was of confusion and surprise in that moment before he

stared at Aunt Zou’s face, “Why do you say that?”

She sighed, “Ai……last night when he came back, he had a fever. Later,
his fever was so bad, he was talking nonsense. Saying incoherently that
somebody wouldn’t let him go into the house to sleep and made him so
cold that it was unbearable. I thought, these two days he wasn’t staying
with you, so I……ahhh, auntie is also just guessing. If there is no such
thing, then don’t take it to heart.”

Suddenly, Gu Hai’s hand that held the cigarette, stiffened, crushing half of it
while the other half fell to the ground.

[I’m a bit cold. Talk with me.]

[Da Hai, hug me.]

Aunt Zou watched as Gu Hai immediately jumped from the top of the second
floor stairs to the ground of the first floor.

She couldn’t help but to be a bit scared of this sudden action.

What is this kid doing?

While she was still in a frightened and doubtful state of mind, Gu Hai had
already rushed out of the hospital.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 156: The Inquietude of Youth - BURSTING with RAGE! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai went straight to Zhen Da Cheng's residence.

It can be said that, he doesn't have any feelings toward this uncle at all. From
when he was born up until now, he met Zhen Da Cheng less than three times.
If his mother hadn't occasionally mentioned him a few times, Gu Hai
wouldn't even have known that he had this kind of relative in the first place.
His knowledge of Zhen Da Cheng was heard entirely from some other
people's mouth. Such description as, his eccentric temperament, stubborn and
intractable behaviors as well as his abnormal ways of doing after
he heard that Bai Luo Yin went to look for Zhen Da Cheng, he couldn't help
but to immediately fly into a fit of rage.

Two guards blocked Gu Hai.

"Your identification card?"

Tightening his hand into a firm and steady fist, Gu Hai punched one of guard
in the face, "Identification my ass you motherfucker!"

At first, caught slightly off guard by this sudden action, the other guard
pulled back a bit, but then, with a darkened face, he charged toward him. He
wasn't even able to stand firm yet before Gu Hai fly kicked him in the chest,
casting him toward the side of a wall, where he collapsed into the corner.

The guard that was punched in the face earlier, wanted to surprise attack Gu
Hai from behind, but unexpectedly, Gu Hai's movements were quicker than
his. Once again this guard was punched on the same spot, immediately a
large portion of his jaw to caved in, what was worse was that his couldn't
even open his mouth anymore.

Then, the guard that had collapsed at the corner of the wall wanted to shout.
But, before he could, Gu Hai ruthlessly raised his foot and kicked the back of
that guard's neck with the back of his foot. When the only sound heard was of
a 'snap' filtering the air in one go, that guard did not lifted his head anymore.

Like a raging hurricane, Gu Hai burst into the courtyard with a sinister and
menacing look painted thickly on his face. In a flash, he arrived outside of
Zhen Da Cheng's door.

When the zombie face guard saw Gu Hai, he couldn't help but to be surprise.

How is this boy's expression even more frightening than mine?

"Mr. Zhen is busy right now. You can't go in and disturb him."

Gu Hai shot him a quick glance and laughed coldly, "Do you know the pain
of having your balls broken?"

In that moment, that zombie face guard felt rather stunned.

In less than a second, the snag in Gu Hai's shoe had already made contact
with the zombie face guard's crotch. His face that was once drawn blank,
abruptly twist and distort in various painful expressions as sweats eagerly
dripped down. After falling face first to the ground, he incessantly groaned
and twitched; the crotch area of his pants rubbed against the earth and left
behind traces of blood.

Zhen Da Cheng was inside the hall drinking tea. His back was facing the
window, leaving him completely ignorance of the events that was happening

Taking a few large strides, Gu Hai entered the room. Seething with anger, he
suddenly snatched the teacup in Zhen Da Cheng's hand and threw it on the
ground. Because the impact of this force was so strong, a fragment of the
teacup bounced back up toward the back of Zhen Da Cheng's hand and cut
into it, making way for a red line of blood to appear.

"Zhen Da Cheng."

Boiling with rage, Gu Hai let these three words, like a poisonous snake about
to attack its prey, slithered out from between the gap of his tightly gritted

Zhen Da Cheng shot a quick glance at Gu Hai, as if he had already foreseen,

at an earlier time, that he would come. His complexion was rather calm as he
asked: "What are you doing?"

"You fucker!"

Along with this thundering roar, Gu Hai suddenly took hold of Zhen Da
Cheng and slammed him to the ground. His tightened fist full of might, like a
cloudburst of raindrops smashed down on its prey.

When Zhen Da Cheng was young, he was fortunate enough to have been
already regarded as a high ranking military officer. Now that he is in his old
age, he still persistently exercised and trained in order to toughen up his body
and health. His bones are very robust, so much so that even when several of
Gu Hai's punches landed on him, he didn't feel anything.

But the problem is, Gu Hai has gone insane.

An insane person's strength is endless, boundless, infinite, inexhaustible.

Zhen Da Cheng could only force himself to withstand the pain, yet even then,
he did not retaliate. Even if he were to endure this beating, no matter how
tough his bones are, being hammered with such a powerful force, even his
sturdy bones would eventually break.

Besides, he is still Gu Hai's uncle, was there really ever an uncle who had let
their nephew strike at them like this?

"Protect Mr. Zhen!"

The sound of someone shouting this catchphrase sounded off. Right after, ten
assault rifles appeared, propped up against the window sill from the outside
and pointed inside. Then, seven to eight individually uniformly charged into
the hall. It would be easy for so many people to subdue one person, but
subduing two people is quite difficult. That is because, they have to pulled
Gu Hai off, while at the same time, ensuring that Zhen Da Cheng would not
sustain any injury.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Gu Hai was like a powerful lion with endless
stamina, full of life, violent and bravery. Whoever is closest will surely get
bitten. Don't even bother to approach, even if just a little bit.

In the end, those seven or eight men went toward him, looking for trouble.

Sadly, they made Zhen Da Cheng lose his dignity when they were unable to
pull Gu Hai off of him.

From outside the room, someone fired a single shot.

Zhen Da Cheng immediately became anxious and angrily opened his eyes,
shouting, "No one is allowed to shoot him!"

After hearing his command, those men that were pointing their assault rifles
into the room, uniformly placed it down. While the men in the room, that
tried to help by intervening, all stood still, not daring to move at all.

This person dares to hit Zhen Da Cheng. Whoever is backing him up must be
very influential. Nevertheless, it's best to not act blindly without thinking it

Those men that were once outside, holding their guns, also entered the room.
One by one, they stood steadily with the other seven or eight men, forming a
wide circle. With helpless expressions, they faced Gu Hai and Zhen Da
Cheng, who were in the center.

Zhen Da Cheng looked up and found a lot of heads and more than ten pairs of
eyes full of alertness above his head. Just looking at them made him
extremely angry, in any seconds now, his lungs were going to explode.

I told you not to shoot. It doesn't mean I don't want you to strike! Do you all
want to wait until I take my last breath before you come to help and collect
my corpse huh?

Waiting until Gu Hai stopped striking, Zhen Da Cheng had already lost half
his life.

When night falls, it was dead silent within the courtyard.

At random, Gu Hai roughly pulled one of the guard from the circle, leaving
an open space. With a leather strap in his hand, he looked at him with fiery
eyes and ruthlessly flung the strap against that guard's neck. The sharp pain
caused him to draw back the corners of his mouth, slightly distorted it. In a
flash, like the sun gradually setting, a dark red swelling emerged.

"Tell me, did you deliberately make things difficult for Bai Luo Yin?"

Forcing the pain in his neck back with great difficulty, the guard shook his
head. He stood perfectly straight with an expression that seemed to say, this
person has a clear conscience.

Gu Hai flung the leather strap again. It landed on the same spot, with the
same amount of strength as before. Instantly, the dark red on his skin turned
bloody red.

"The people that made it difficult for him, speak up and tell me who he
is and what he did to him. If you don't say it, you can suffer in his place."

As those irate words escaped his lips, Gu Hai once again raised his hand that
was holding the leather strap.

Without much thought, the guard immediately pointed his finger to a man
further to the side, "He......he poured cold water on that boy."

Once those words dispersed into the air and etched itself into Gu Hai's brain,
his grim expression emitted an even more ghastly appearance. His dark
pupils constricted while the corner of eyes slightly twitched.

Step by step, he walked closer to that man and stopped right in front of him
before quietly observing with eyes consumed by a deadly toxin. He pointed at
the nearby fish pond.


The man remained motionless.

"If you let me kick you in, don't expect to come back up."

The man narrowed his eyes, letting the darkness sink deep into his pupils,
before he unyieldingly acknowledged Gu Hai's threat. The corner of his
tightly pursed lips stretched out, revealing an unbending stubbornness.

Gu Hai quickly let his fingers curled into a firm fist and stretched his hand
out. This movement was done with such a powerful force, at such a high
velocity, that it created a rough swiss sound, as if his bones had cracked for a
split second.

Startled by Gu Hai's quick and sudden movement, the man lost control of his
legging and staggered a few feet backward. Without having any leverage for
him to take hold of, he was unable to stop himself. The bitter coldness
nibbled further and further into the core his bones once his entire body was
submerged in the pond.

Gu Hai's foot pressed heavily on the man's head, forcing him to sink deeper
underwater. Three minutes later, the man started to struggle violently and
seconds later, one by one bubbles swam up toward the surface of the water
and popped. Gu Hai firmly and relentlessly pressed him down, refusing to
release him. Only when his body stiffened and started to convulse
uncontrollably, provoking the fishes in the water to swim around in panic as
if their heads were being chopped off, did Gu Hai grip his head and pull it out
of the fish pond.

"Speak out the next person."

Within two hours of terror, all those that made it difficult for Bai Luo Yin,
tormented Bai Luo Yin, mocked and ridiculed Bai Luo Yin......none of them
escaped. All suffered a heavy, disastrous price; tens of time more than could
be counted.

The atmosphere of this mansion's courtyard, originally dead and lifeless

became even more frightful, cold and desolate. Now, it was similar to a tomb
of the living dead.

A kid was crouched at the corner of the wall, trembling. He looked at Gu Hai,
fear welling in his eyes before he willingly made his way toward him.

He was the last one to be reported.

His guilt was, he had looked at Bai Luo Yin, laughed and kicked a steam bun
from the ground, toward the side of his feet.

"You're a kid so I won't hit you, but you better remember this well.
Look at them and how they met their ends. When you are as big as I am
now, I will come and look for you to settle this. You just slowly wait for

The kid's eyes widened with horror and panic, unable to hold it in anymore,
he burst into tears.


Once again, Gu Hai quickly arrived at the hospital. By this time, the sky had
already been covered by an inky darkness.
Arriving at the ward, the doctor on duty informed Gu Hai that Bai Luo Yin
had already returned home.

"He returned that quickly?"

The doctor nodded his head, "That child was not willing to stay in the
hospital, so after his fever retreated, he immediately went home."

With that said, Gu Hai went straight to Bai Luo Yin's house.

At that moment, the whole family was in the side room eating dinner. Meng
Tong Tian was the only one that had finished eating. He was holding onto an
airplane remote controller, maneuvering it around in the air with skills. When
he saw Gu Hai's silhouette, Meng Tian Tong's face brightened with
happiness. Unable to manage his excitement, his hands loosened on the
remote control and the airplane dropped perfectly straight into the ground.

"Gu Hai gege, you're here!"

Gu Hai caressed Meng Tong Tian's head, and asked: "Where's Bai Luo

Meng Tong Tian pointed his little finger, "He's laying down in the room."

"He didn't eat?"

"He ate, but puked it all out."

The color on Gu Hai's face changed, he turned around and entered Bai Luo
Yin's room.

Bai Luo Yin was slightly propped up, against the headboard of the bed with a
soft pillow behind his head. His eyes were opened a bit, but not quite enough
to make him aware. Compared to this afternoon, his complexion looked a bit

Gu Hai softly caressed Bai Luo Yin's forehead. He felt the warm skin beneath
his hand and noticed that the temperature has dropped, however, his limbs on
the other hand were still ice cold to the touch.
Feeling that someone had touched him, Bai Luo Yin's eyes shot open in a
quick flash.

"What are you doing here?"

Gu Hai didn't say anything, he just stretched his hand into Bai Luo Yin's
blanket and wrapped both of his foot in the palm of his hands.

Bai Luo Yin immediately pulled his foot away. He looked intensely at Gu
Hai and said some harsh words that would sufficiently break his heart and
cause him to grief.

"I don't want you anymore."

Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin's foot back again, then he retorted with some
words of his own that would sufficiently make Bai Luo Yin furious.

"I don't want you anymore either."

In a flash, Bai Luo Yin's sharp gaze immediately turned toward Gu Hai. With
great agility, he furiously lifted his foot that Gu Hai had held onto, and in one
go, he suddenly gave the pit of Gu Hai's stomach a couple of kicks. Although
his body might be weak, his strength was not to be taken lightly.

"Then, what are you still doing here? Fucking go back to your house!
Asshole, fucking leave now! The further the better!"

Not only did Gu Hai not leave, he crawled on the bed, took hold of Bai Luo
Yin and embraced him. Within seconds, his tough and fierce pupils met face
to face with Bai Luo Yin's own intense orbs.

"Do you only know how to be willful with me? You dare to be willful
with me, then why don't you dare to tell me about your grievance? You
dare to be willful with me, then why don't you dare to act like a spoiled
child toward me? You dare to be willful with me, then why don't you
dare to admit that you're wrong?......You look, look at your foolish
behaviors! In this entire world, you can't find a second person that's as
foolish as you! Do you think I need you? If there was a second option, I
wouldn't have needed you a long time ago! I'm a man, but next to you
I'm just a piece of decoration that can't even do anything. Besides
venting, going fucking crazy, and making you feel good, other than that,
I'm just a fucking useless person!"

Bai Luo Yin doesn't even want to open his mouth, instead he remained there
motionless. Fortunately, his strength had recovered in comparison to earlier,
otherwise his own anger would have killed him already.

Gu Hai's clenched fist smashed against the wall causing a huge chunk of
plaster to fall down.

"Why did you want to go look for him? You are my beloved, the apple of
my eye, why would you let them bully you? Why?"

This time, Bai Luo Yin was still silent.

The inside of the room was quiet and peaceful for a good moment.

Bai Luo Yin glanced to the side. The emperor that had roared a moment ago,
had already withered into lifelessness; his energy seemingly drained away,
fading into the air with the sound of his outrageous roars.

And the corners of his eyes were now welling with tears.

Bai Luo Yin doesn't know where this sudden anger that coursed through him
came from. He suddenly looked at the back of Gu Hai's head and smacked it.

It was in this way that the tears Gu Hai was trying to patiently and silently
endure to himself, dripped.

"You fucking have the nerve to scold me? Look at yourself, just like a
bitchy girl. No one even touched you yet and you're already crying.
Honestly ask yourself, am I the one that takes you as a decoration, or is it
you who takes me as a decoration? It's not that you're useless, you just
think that I'm extremely useless, that's why you think you're useless!"[1]

With these words said, Bai Luo Yin's entire body became sweaty from the
raging heat within him.
"You're such a strong man! If you're so strong, then why do you have a
high fever? If you're so strong, then why are you wrapped up in a
blanket, lying in bed? If I, Gu Hai, were to strip naked and stand outside
for one entire week, I still wouldn't catch a cold!"

"Then take all your clothes off now if you dare. If you don't take it off,
then you're not a strong man."

"Bai Luo Yin, you're the one that's allowing me take it off."

"Yeah, I told you to take it off, what about it?"

Gu Hai really took it off.

But, he had only just taken two articles of clothing off, when Bai Han Qi
walked in.

"Oh! Da Hai, you want to stay here tonight?"

Gu Hai smiled awkwardly. Embarrassment along with bashfulness kissed his

entire face as he pulled a corner of the quilt over to cover himself.

"Yes, that's my intention."

With an aching stomach, Bai Luo Yin looked at Bai Han Qi and powerlessly
point his finger toward the doorway.

"Dad, throw him out."

Bai Han Qi contemplated for a second, but finding it a bit difficult to do, he
said, "Da Hai already took off his clothes, it's not appropriate if I were to
throw him out right?"

"Dad~~~~~" Bai Luo Yin implored pitifully.

Bai Hai Qi cleared his throat then swallowed before rubbing one of his ears.
He muttered almost incoherently to himself, "What's the temperature for
tonight? How did I forget when I just heard the weather forecast a
moment ago......hmmm......?"

He parted the door curtains and walked out.

Translator's Note:

[1] "It's not that you're useless, you just think that I'm extremely useless,
that's why you think you're useless!" - Yin Zi is saying that, Gu Hai thinks
that he's useless because Yin Zi was the one that discovered the reason of his
mother's death.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 157: The Inquietude of Youth - The ADORABLE


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After Bai Hai Qi left, Gu Hai made his way into Bai Luo Yin's blanket and
continued to wrap his hands firmly around his foot. At first Bai Luo Yin
refused and struggled for a while. But afterwards, feeling the nice and warm
heat spread throughout the sole of his foot and up his legs and his entire body
wrapped rather pleasantly and comfortably with relaxation, he didn't make it
difficult for Gu Hai anymore.

"Eat a little bit. Tong Tian said that you puked up all the food that you

Gu Hai got off the bed with the intention of walking out, but Bai Luo Yin
quickly pulled him back.

"Don't go and get anything. I'm not hungry and I still feel a bit
nauseated right now."

"Then you have to eat a bit of congee."

"I don't want to eat it."

Unwilling to give in, Gu Hai gave Bai Luo Yin a quick glance and walked
out anyways.

At that moment, Meng Tian Tong was standing outside playing with a stick,
but once he saw Gu Hai, his face brightened like a flower that had just
blossomed in the early spring.

He hugged Gu Hai tightly and said loudly, "Gu Hai gege, you're not
leaving tonight?"

Quite happy, Gu Hai also looked at him, "Nope, I'm not leaving."

Meng Tian Tong's head tilted to the side, eyes brimming with excitement as a
wide smile appeared on his lips, "Do you want to sleep in my room?"

Gu Hai was dumbfounded at first, then he recalled that Bai Luo Yin's room
had already been given to and belonged to Meng Tian Tong now.

"That's right. I'm sleeping in that room."

"All three of us can sleep together!"

With his excitement, Meng Tian Tong enthusiastically ran a loop around Gu


Gu Hai pulled Meng Tian Tong to a stop full and with a very good
temperament, he said to him, "Tong Tian, sleep together with your mom
tonight okay? That bed is pretty narrow. I'm afraid it won't hold all
three of us."

"It's fine, I only need this small amount of space and it'll be enough."
Meng Tian Tong then proceeded to show him how much space he needed
with the posture of his two little hands.

Gu Hai lightly coughed as he looked a bit awkwardly at Meng Tian Tong,

finding this matter a bit difficult to deal with.

"Your Bai gege is sick, he needs a lot of rest. He definitely won't rest well
if all three of us sleep together."

"Who said that?" Meng Tong Tian's eyes revealed a bright and shiny light,
"Bai gege has a high fever, my mom said when you have a high fever you
must sweat a lot. And, and only when you crowd in together and sleep
will you sweat a lot."

Gu Hai placed the palm of his hand on his forehead and rubbed at it before
letting out a long sigh, then he quickly looked at the bedroom. He patted
Meng Tian Tong's little head and said, "I'm going to make something for
him to eat. We'll talk about this again later."

Meng Tian Tong happily nodded his head, "Okay, okay," then he ran off.

Gu Hai let out a cold groan.

I'll lock the door when I return to the room!!

He cooked a bowl of congee and went back. But, because he did not lift the
door curtain seriously, when he moved it just a bit, the bowl of congee
slipped and fell on the ground with a loud thud. Then he looked up.

Meng Tong Tian was lying on the spot that he had lie on before, hugging one
of Bai Luo Yin's arm and sleeping rather soundly.

With a slight pout playing at his lips, Gu Hai couldn't help but to tightly grit
his teeth together.

Your movements are really quick you little brat!

Gu Hai picked up the fallen bowl, went back to get another and returned to
the bedroom again. He placed on the bowl on the table first, then without
saying anything, he picked up Meng Tong Tian and walked out.

Sometimes Meng Tian Tong still had nightmares, and this was one of those
time. His little feet would kick about for a while as reluctant painted thickly
on his face.

Just by chance, Aunt Zou came to look for Meng Tian Tong and caught sight
of Gu Hai holding on to him. She couldn't help but to laugh rather cheerfully,
"This kid really likes to stick close to you. Every day he would always
hopes that you'd come."

Very carefully, Gu Hai passed Meng Tong Tian into Aunt Zou's hand before
mentally letting out a sigh of relief. When he returned to the room once
again, Bai Luo Yin had taken the bowl of congee in his hand and was just
about to eat it.

"Let me do it." Gu Hai snatched the bowl.

Not refusing this gesture, Bai Luo Yin just let himself go along with him.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, close to enough to Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai
scooped up a spoonful of congee and placed it close to his own lips. He blew
at it again and again before using the tip of his tongue to taste it. Only after
he felt that the temperature was good enough, did he carefully placed it close
to Bai Luo Yin's mouth.

Bai Luo Yin obediently opened his mouth and ate it.

Thinking about the fact that Bai Luo Yin did not eat for two whole days, Gu
Hai became distressed and felt sorry again. He couldn't help but to start
talking about it, "Tell me, you're also very energetic! Why didn't you
adapt to the situation at that time huh? Didn't you bring your cellphone?
If they didn't let you go out, then couldn't you look for someone outside
that could've entered and given you some bread, or ham sausage?"

"If that was the case, I reckon you wouldn't look at me right now."

Gu Hai let out another long sigh.

It's too late to talk about these things. It's over now, he'd starved already. No
matter what I say, it can't be mended.

"Wait a moment."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly raised his hand to block the spoon that Gu Hai brought
toward him.

Gu Hai immediately became worried and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Luo Yin held tightly onto his stomach with a painful expression smearing
across his slightly pallid face. His mouth opened and closed as if he wanted
to throw up again. He hesitated for a moment, but then decided to get up from
the bed. If he needed to throw up, he had to go outside and do it.

"Don't go out, just throw up in my hand." Gu Hai stretched his hand out
and patiently waited.

Bai Luo Yin gave him a quick glance, "Aren't you disgusted uh?"

"I'm not disgusted by your vomit," said Gu Hai sincerely as he looked very
earnestly at Bai Luo Yin with eyes drenched with expectations.

Bai Luo Yin looked at the wide and smoothness of Gu Hai's palm, then his
eyes wandered about and lingered at the clear and distinct lines that etched
beautifully on it.

Those hands that had held him gently countless of times.

Where would he really find the will to go and puke on it!

As a result of this sudden nauseating sensation, he leaned slightly backward

with his neck straightened out and eyes a bit glossy, staring at the ceiling
above. Enduring this painful sensation, he mentally prayed that the congee
would behave properly and remain quietly in his stomach. More importantly,
it better stop welling upward.

Just as he was secretly conjuring his luck, he suddenly felt a surge of strength
on his stomach, slowly and gently massaging it, up and down. Bai Luo Yin's
eyes hung low as he peered down, once again he saw Gu Hai's hands.

"Do you feel a little bit better?" Gu Hai asked with a slight knit in his
brows, the anxiousness clearly visible.

Bai Luo Yin honestly nodded his head.

Watching as Bai Luo Yin's gaze followed the movements of his hand as it
moved up and down, his eyes eyelashes incited a very slight almost inaudible
rustling sound. Although it was not long, but it was soft looking, thick and
dark, almost like the luscious fur of a newly groomed cat on a hot summer's
day. Even more alluring to Gu Hai's eyes, were some strands of hair tucked
cozily behind his tinted ears and the some that hung loosely above his
forehead, lingering at the edge. In this moment, those strands calmly stuck
there, just like its owner's with his calm and docile mannerism.

These little details.

These little moments.

The more Gu Hai looked, the more he fell in love.

"Do you want to eat a few more bites?"


This time, Bai Luo Yin was very delighted when the feeling of contentment
ran a full course through his veins and into his beating heart.

While feeding him one spoonful at a time, Gu Hai laughed and giggled about.

Puzzled and with a slight pout on his lips, Bai Luo Yin stared at him, "I'm
just eating congee, what are you so happy about huh?"

"Watching you eat congee is really fun."

A streak of darkness flashed across Bai Luo Yin's face.

What's so fun about eating congee? Is this person's brain welling up with
nonsense and rubbish now?

It was probably due to eating too quickly and too abruptly, Bai Luo Yin felt a
bit of discomfort aching his body again.

Gu Hai's hands quickly stretched out to assist him.

It was like this that, he ate for a while, relax for a while, that this bowl of
congee at long last successfully entered his stomach.

"Is it still unbearable?" Gu Hai asked, welling with concern.

"Just a little bit."

Very patiently, Gu Hai rubbed and massaged Bai Luo Yin's seemingly fragile
body. From the fine contour of his clavicle, to his stomach, then just a bit
lower and back up. Again and again he repeated these soft massages, slowly
and softly, moving upward then downward. Sometimes he used his fingers
and sometimes he used the palm of his hands to rub.

By now, the area around Bai Luo Yin's stomach had warmed up and become
more comfortable in great abundant.

Feeling the nice and comfortable touches, Bai Luo Yin's body relaxed and
loosen up before his eyes to narrowed into the pleasure.

Just when he was feeling drowsy and ready to doze off, he suddenly felt a
burst of ticklish sensation near his chest and instantly his eyes shot open.

As a result, he discovered that Gu Hai's rubbing had already strayed, taking a

different course elsewhere. From the center of his chest, those fingers slowly
shifted toward the left side at the small protrusion that made up his nipple.

"Where the fuck are you touching?" Bai Luo Yin said angrily.

Gu Hai laughed and pinched Bai Luo Yin's cheek for a while, "I'm just
touching a little bit that's all. Is it really worth it to be so sensitive like
this huh?"
Where did you touched just a little bit huh? Do you know how long you've
been fucking rubbing there?

Bai Luo Yin was too embarrassed to say this out loud.

In the end, Gu Hai instead asked with a very mischievous light in his eyes:
"Do you want to do it?"

Bai Luo Yin pulled out his hand and roughly slapped Gu Hai on the forehead,
"I want to with your uncle you fucking bastard!"

"How can you do it with my uncle huh? You only belong to me. Only I
can fuck you."

After those words escaped his lips, he crawled on top of Bai Luo Yin and
roughly shifted his head down toward his chest. His mouth latched greedily
on to the left side of Bai Luo Yin's small nipple. Using the tip of his heated
tongue, he licked and teased at it awhile before sucking at it. All the while his
right hand pinched and kneaded the other nipple. He pulled away then teased
and sucked in the other nipple while now pinching the left side causing it to
slightly give in to a shade of pink. In this way, both sides were attacked and
played with simultaneously. He continued to tasted both nipples with much
pleasure and delight for a while......

Bai Luo Yin couldn't stand this kind of teases and provokes anymore
at once, he stuck up one of his leg and bend it before his knee threateningly
met with Gu Hai's crotch.

After lightly caressing and rubbing Bai Luo Yin's chest with slowness and
eagerness for a period of time, Gu Hai halted and did not move his hands any

He immediately pulled the blanket over Bai Luo Yin and tucked him in. Then
he pulled him into his warm embrace and tightly hugged him.

"Okay, you need to recover from your illness. Your body is still quite
weak, so I won't bother you anymore."
With a serene and hidden deepness in his earthen orbs that spoke of the
passion and temptation that had emerged, Bai Luo Yin looked sharply at Gu
Hai and complained, "Is it necessary to say those words now that you've
aroused me?"

Gu Hai brazenly gave himself an explanation, "Isn't it just because my little

Hai Zi misses you too much?"

With that said, his hand slithered down his own body and without any
restrained he started to reward his little Hai Zi, pleasuring it as much as he

To the side, Bai Luo Yin was completely given the cold shoulder. Listening
to the sound of Gu Hai's crude, hot, and lusty voice, and looking at him
aroused with a pleasurable expression kissing the outline of his handsome
face, his heart began to beat faster.

It was as if, every single breath that erotically crawled its way of his moisten
lips were saying, "Beg me......ahh.......if you beg and act like a spoiled
child toward me, I'll serve and take good care of you immediately."

Unable to take that tantalizing temptation, Bai Luo Yin turned his own heated
body away and faced the other side before his heart snorted out in an oddly
cold tone of voice.

Don't I have my own hands? Can't I do it myself?

When Gu Hai heard the movements coming from the person beside him, a
mischievous smile smeared cross his slightly sweaty face. Shifting his body
slight down, he pressed his chin almost painfully on top of Bai Luo Yin's
waist. With fixed and lecherous eyes, he stared at Bai Luo Yin's little Yin Zi,
taking in the details of it; from the beautiful lines that shaped it out, to the
skin and the dewy substance that sat teasingly at the tip. Even though he had
seen and tasted it many times, the sexual desire that entrapped and beckoned
him at every corner still remained.

"Rubbing at it rather energetically ah? How about I help you?"

Bai Luo Yin's bashful ears turned bright red as the blood rushed toward the
tip of. The heat from Gu Hai's breath kissed his skin, leaving a warm aching

Stiffening his neck, Bai Luo Yin said: "There's no need to."

Gu Hai lifted his head from Bai Luo Yin's waist and moved slightly inward.
Within second, his hot and awaiting tongue licked Bai Luo Yin's inner thigh,
almost close enough to little Yin Zi. But just not quite. Savoring the taste of
Bai Luo Yin's soft and supple skin, he continued to slide his tongue down,
almost to the end of his ankle. With skills, his tongue swept to the other leg
and licked softly and slowly upward. Stopping here and there to nibble and
press his teeth into the warm skin before he came face to face with that little
throbbing fellow.

Feeling extremely hot, Bai Luo Yin unconsciously straightened out his back
so that he was now lying on his back again. This action caused little Yin Zi to
touch Gu Hai's mouth.

Gu Hai jokingly said: "You say there's no need to, but still put it near my

Since they've already arrive at this point, Bai Luo Yin wasn't shy or blushing
with shame anymore. With much eagerness and his own desire consuming
him, he dug his fingers tightly into Gu Hai's hair and pressed his head down.
Once Gu Hai's tongue wrapped softly around his shaft and moved up and
down, a strong undercurrent of electric current raced toward Bai Luo Yin's
head, causing his eyes to blur and muddling his thoughts.

Taking into consideration that they were at Bai Luo Yin's house and there
wasn't any lubricant available, Gu Hai couldn't do anything beyond that.

After the pleasurable delight, the two hugged each other tightly. There was
no resistance as their lips latched onto one another. They kiss, sloppily,
eagerly for a long time, letting their tongues dance and entangle one another
as they explored the corners within. These kisses were laced with passion,
sexiness, and every one of them held a promise of everything.
Neither of them were willing to separate from the other first as the both of
them continued to feed greedily from each other's lips, their days apart having
fueled their hunger for each other and bringing it to a new height.

"Yin Zi, those things that you've so meticulously sought out for me, I've
read them all and I'm also convinced of the hidden truth it holds. From
today onwards, I won't be at a loss for my mother's matter anymore. All
the good that you've done for me, I will keep them in my heart. I scolded
you because I felt sorry and because I love you dearly. Don't be angry at
me okay?"

"If I was really angry at you, would you still be laying here like this?"

Bai Luo Yin lazily fiddled with the strands of hair that hung loosely on Gu
Hai's forehead, "Actually, at that time, I wasn't angry. I rather
disappointed since I thought that no matter what, you would at least
praise me a bit."

"Your motive and competence are worthy of being praised, but your
method of approaching it is not good, so that point needs to be criticized
on. In the future, you are not allowed to use this kind of method to
resolve things. No matter who it's for. You can't harm yourself for the
sake of others. If this happens again, you will absolutely not be forgiven
so easily. Do you hear me?"

Bai Luo Yin did not utter a single word.

Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin's ear and held tightly onto it before asking
again: "Do you hear me?"

Bai Luo Yin finally opened his eyes and lazily replied back with a few words,
"I heard you."

Feeling satisfied, Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin and gave him a kiss. It was
the kind of kiss that tasted sweet, especially when deep feeling of love was so
strongly entwined in it.

Then, he softly whispered, "Sleep."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 158: The Inquietude of Youth - I MADE you LOSE FACE. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the blink of an eyes, May had long last arrived. The once brisk weather
was now starting to warm up as blankets of sunlight endlessly hung high in
the infinite sky above. Two days ago, a rare occurrence took place in an
apartment that belonged to two youthful adolescents. Bai Luo Yin and Gu
Hai was diligently working for the first time. They cleaned, gathered their
thick clothes and quilts and neatly put it away in the closet. Surprisingly, in a
bizarre weather change, the next day, the temperature dropped and became a
bit cooler.

For nearly three months, their days were comfortable, ordinary yet peaceful.

The amount of times Bai Luo Yin returned home lessen with each coming
On the weekend, he only went home for a meal, accompanied his family for a
while, take A Lang out for a walk here and there for a while......then
afterwards, with a rather brazen face, he would steal all the delicious food
that he could carry out and stuff it all in the refrigerator back at their

Bai Luo Yin's driving skills had improved tremendously so on occasion when
Gu Hai became a bit lazy, he would let Bai Luo Yin take his car out for a
drive to buy them breakfast.

On another note, Gu Hai's culinary skill had improved immensely with each
dish he made. The noodles that he made doesn't become doughy anymore and
for the majority of the time, the strands did not break. Now, it slithered in one
whole into the cooking pot. Although at times the length varies and were
unevenly matched but once eaten it was tasteful.

The passing of their days, with just the two of them together, was peaceful
and full of delightfulness.

One afternoon, due to the fact that someone among the two of them ate one
more quail eggs than the other, a quarrel broke out. These two 185cm old
teen adults, retardedly use their chopsticks to strike each other in the head.
While they continued to attack each other with chopsticks in hand, they also
urgently tried to stuff their face. After each having eaten about half the bowl
of rice and other dishes, they then started to run blindly all over the room,
playing around like two crazy maniacs.

Bai Luo Yin was always able to mount a sneak attack on Gu Hai. Not
wanting to be beaten, Gu Hai put on a fierce face, looked at Bai Luo Yin with
sharp eyes and chased after him.

Bai Luo Yin dodged and hid until there was no place left for him to hid.
Before long he suddenly fled outside the front door and firmly, with
unwavering hands, he held onto the doorknob, stopping Gu Hai from coming

For a period of time, Gu Hai was at a deadlock with Bai Luo Yin but thinking
his thoughts through, he locked the door from the inside. 'Click.'
Aren't you pretty capable? If you have the ability to, you can directly use
your finger to pry the door open.

Feeling satisfied, Gu Hai looked outside through the peephole encase in the

Upon seeing Bai Luo Yin's utterly discomfited and flustered expression, Gu
Hai stealthily laughed to himself. After sufficiently laughing rather joyfully
for a moment, he swaggered back into the dining room, sat down, and calmly
continued to eat his meal. All the while he snorted in his head:

You little bastard[1] You don't want to press the doorbell or give me a kiss,
then I will not open the freaking door for you!

While Bai Luo Yin was still outside mulling over how he could get in, the
elevator door that faced him, opened. A familiar silhouette emerged into his
line of sight.

"General Gu......Uncle."

Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to laughed a bit unnaturally.

Gu Wei Ting's formidable figure stood in front of him for a long time. When
he took a glimpse at him, even the softness in his eyes were ridden with a
somber and desolate air.

"Why aren't you going in?"

Dodging his gaze, Bai Luo Yin could only say, "I'm about to go in, it's just
I haven't pressed the doorbell yet."

Not exactly thinking much about it, Gu Wei Ting immediately stretched his
hand out toward the doorbell and pressed it. This action in turn helped Bai
Luo Yin in completing this simple task.

By this time, Gu Hai's ears were standing rather erected. Once he heard the
doorbell rung, a proud smile curved into the edge of his mischievous mouth.

Can't take it anymore, huh?

With a cocky expression painted brilliantly on face, he walked over.

Slowly, he unlocked the door. Slowly, he opened the door.

Then, with great speed he pulled the person outside of the door into the room.

Without warning, he suddenly sneaks attacked the person's mouth in one go.

This sudden seizure was very precise and right on the spot.

At that moment, even Gu Wei Ting whose facial nerves were normally
paralyzed in one constant position, exposed an expression full of shock and

It's been seventeen years. Within this seventeen years, except for the time
when Gu Hai was born and sprinkled urine on his neck, this father and son
never had any other additional bodily contact.

Naturally, there was no need to mention what Bai Luo Yin's expression was
like. His hands had already covered half his face. He laughed so hard that his
chin was going to quickly dislocate anytime time now.

Gu Hai was flabbergasted.

When did this old fool get here?

The person I kissed just now can't be......FUCK!! No wonder it felt like
kissing a piece of freaking steel plate.

The three stood still at the doorway, none of them willing to crack their
mouth in order to say something. The atmosphere was completely dead. If a
fly was to zip by, it would have dropped to the ground within seconds of
touching the air around them.

After a long while, Gu Hai abandoned his own despair.

In any case, the kiss has already happened. If I were to say I kissed the wrong
person now, wouldn't that be the same confessing without being pushed to?
Since things has happened like this, might as well let it stays like that. I'll be
ready to risk everything and fight it out if anything else.

"Dad, you came."

Wearing a splendid smile, Gu Hai looked at Gu Wei Ting.

Gu Wei Ting laughed a little stiffly, but this time, he was genuinely laughing.
Compared to his laughing expression before, this one was even more

Bai Luo Yin lightly coughed a few times and followed behind Gu Wei Ting
into the apartment.

Once he arrived at Gu Hai's side, he pouted his own lips and blew Gu Hai an
air kiss in return.

The distinct sharpness in Gu Hai's eyes was a clear indication that he was
angry. He grinded his teeth so hard, it probably shaved of a layer of his
enamels already.

"You're eating?" Gu Wei Ting smelled the aroma of cooked food.

Gu Hai continued to parade about this feigned enthusiasm, "Yeah, how

about you also take a sit and have a meal?"

The reason for why Gu Hai dared to say something like this was because he
was confident that Gu Wei Ting would not cause himself the trouble of
staying and having a meal with them.

But who could have guessed that after Gu Wei Ting received a kiss from his
son today, his mood became extremely pleasant, so right away he agreed.

The two sons sat across Gu Wei Ting. As they looked at him, trying to not
arouse suspicion, they clamped a meatball in between their chopsticks and
simultaneously placed it in their own bowl.

Two meatballs remained.

Gu Wei Ting took one, which meant, there will be an all-out battle for the last

No sooner said than done!

At the same time, their chopsticks immediately pressed against the edge of
that plate. Then they slightly paused for a moment and readjusted the position
of their chopsticks to an optimal position. But before they could even carry
out their individual battle strategy, they watched as that meatball rose high
into the air. Seconds later, with a graceful fall it dropped into Gu Wei Ting's

"Taste pretty good." Gu Wei Ting ate it in one bite.

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin mutually gave each other a glance before letting
their head hang low. Then they pushed the rice in their bowl around lightly,
flicking it from one side to the other as if sulking.

Gu Wei Ting looked at Bai Luo Yin and asked: "Did you make this?"

"No," Bai Luo Yin casually pointed at Gu Hai, "He made it."

Gu Wei Ting faced those two rough and older hands, different from the ones
he remembered from all those year ago. He honestly, couldn't imagine how
those two hands could roll these meatballs.

Indeed, they were worthy of being called father and son. Gu Hai could
immediately make out all of Gu Wei Ting's inner thoughts with just one
quick glance.

"The meatballs were ready-made from the market, I only made the

Hearing those words, Gu Hai mentally complains of his own injustice.

When I was still a kid in the military, you've never praised me before. Even
when I performed remarkably. But, now that I made a bowl of meatball soup,
you're already eagerly singing me praises. As it turns out, is your son only a
man good for cooking in your eyes?
After they finished in, Gu Wei Ting wandered about in the house back and
forth, looking at everything around. When he saw that the towel on the sofa
was crooked, he helped to set it up straight. And when he saw socks lying
around in random places, he picked it up and tossed it into the
bathroom......Bai Luo Yin was rather embarrassed. Say, this person is a
General. His position in the army is of high importance but when he is here,
he tied up his son's place.

"What is this?" Gu Wei Ting picked up a translucent medicine tube.

Gu Hai's complexion changed to various unearthly tones. He suddenly took

one large stride forward and simply snatched the lubricant away in one quick

To the side, Bai Luo Yin stood with embarrassment and distress painted
sickly on his face. it was an alarming dangerous yet thrilling moment.

Fortunately, the brand was written in English.

Fortunately, Gu Hai snatched it without delay.

Yesterday someone went crazy and wild with eagerness. And insisted
relentlessly on playing on the sofa. Bai Luo Yin tried to ward him off, but he
was unable to resist his evil delights and instead accompanied him. As a
result they played until they got rather HIGH[1] into the pleasure, to the point
that they had forgotten to put away the 'proof of their guilt,' back in the

Gu Wei Ting's questioning eyes swept toward the item in Gu Hai's hand.

"What kind of item is it that you won't even let me see it?"

Gu Hai laughed awkwardly, "Hemorrhoid ointment."

Gu Wei Ting slightly strained his eyes before looking attentively at Gu Hai's

"You don't believe me?" After those words left his mouth, Gu Hai
immediately unscrewed the cap on the bottle, and smeared a little bit on his
mouth. "Look, isn't it a hemorrhoid ointment?"

Gu Wei Ting, "......"


Recently, there has been a scrumptious rumor spreading like wildfire within
the school grounds. The leading protagonist in this rumor was the most
popular in all the rankings. With his dashing good looks, this person was
none other than, comrade You Qi. It is said that he has a new girlfriend. Even
more so, this girl is a university student from Beijing Film Academy[3] who
had supposedly acted in XX soap operas before. The family is filthy rich and
her way of doing things were immoral, almost questionable......the version
pertaining to why You Qi pursued her spread around about twenty minutes

Yang Meng would also occasionally pay attention to these kinds of things.
And sometimes some senseless girls would come and ask him about it. In a
sad turn of event, he became one of the people that disseminated the rumors.
Now and then, he would like to defamed You Qi's image. He would make
him out to be a cheap and despicable man, a scumbag. The more he said it,
even he himself doesn't know which words were the truth and which were
fake anymore......

One day, You Qi blocked Yang Meng in front of the school main gate.

Not surprised at all, Yang Meng immediately rolled up his sleeves, and put
on an attitude as if wanted to fight it out with You Qi, even to the point of
risking his own life. However, when You Qi extended his hand out, Yang
Meng instead thought about rushing under his arm and escaping.

In the end, You Qi saw through this simpleton's ill-conceived plan. And
within seconds, his elbow suddenly clutched his neck. Stuck in You Qi's
elbow, Yang Meng admitted defeat without much struggle.

"Help me with something," said You Qi.

Yang Meng stared blankly, dumbstruck, "You're not looking for me to

settle some troubles?"

You Qi was also dumbfounded, "What troubles do I have to settle with


"Nothing, nothing......" Yang Meng laughed mischievously.

It's good that you don't know.

His attitude livens up, becoming more like his regular self. Yang Meng's
careless and casual appearance has finally appeared again. He patted You
Qi's shoulder and started to ridicule him: "Hey bro, I heard that you
recently got a new girlfriend?"

"New girlfriend?" You Qi deliberately emphasized and bit down on the

word 'new'. "When did I have a girlfriend before?"

"You know, last month, you and that girl......the famous one in our
school, Du...that little flirty little slut, what's her real name?......whatever,
it doesn't matter what her name is. You have the guts to say you weren't
together with her?"

You Qi was not in the least concerned as he laughed, "Sex scandal that's

Yang Meng severely retorted back, "You really fucking thinks you're a
star with a sex scandal huh? You fucking cocky asshole, that's you."

"Stop being stupid and noisy already, let's talk about the more serious
matter instead."

You Qi pulled Yang Meng toward a spot beneath the flagpole and said with
utmost seriousness to him: "I need you to help me."

"Help you with what?" Yang Meng asked.

As if having something in his conscience and feeling somewhat like a bandit,

You Qi's eyes peered around the school ground at all four corner for a few
seconds. Only when he was certain that there was no one close by, he was
able to conjure enough courage and say: "There's a girl that's older than
me by five years who has been chasing after me. I don't like her but she
keeps on relentlessly harassing me."

"You're not talking about that girl from Beijing Film Academy are

Distress traced closely on You Qi's face, "All of it spread to you already?"

Nonsense, I was the one that spread it too...... Yang Meng tried to curb the
evil intent that beckoned to crawl atop his face, before his disdain gaze swept
toward You Qi's face.

"You're still being fucking cocky about it with me? You're deliberately
complaining and grieving about a girl bothering you in front of a single
person like me. If you're a man, just go and fucking dump her!"

You Qi depressingly replied, "I really want to dump her."

Yang Meng secretly observed You Qi for a moment and discovered that he
wasn't foolishly saying nonsense, instead, he really does look extremely
anxious and somewhat sad.

As fate would have it, things were truly strange.

When a beautiful woman is placed in front of you, you don't have that instant
attraction. However, when you are lonely and empty, even an ugly girl would
interest you.

"Then what are you looking for me for?" Yang Meng asked again, "What
can I actually help you with?"

"You can help me in a very big way."

The moment he mentioned this matter, You Qi could feel his own spirit
bustling with energy, returned again.

In that moment, a very ominous premonition crept slowly into Yang Meng's
head, "You're not asking me to go in your place and say some harsh
words to hurt that beautiful woman are you? Let me tell you, that's
something I can't do. In the Yang's family, all our ancestors and even
those preceding them were all firm supporter of feminism. Not even one
woman can be harm!"

"No, it's not that. You're thinking way too ahead of yourself."

You Qi gloomily smiled to himself before he peered toward the sky for a

Having heard those words, Yang Meng let out a sigh of relief and loosened

If it's not, then that's good.

The one thing that he was extremely unwilling to do was hurting someone.

"In two days, that girl wants to invite me to dinner. I want you to
disguise yourself as my girlfriend and go with me. That way, it would
make her completely give up any lingering hope or crazy illusions."

The breath that Yang Meng had just let out in relief crept its way back into
his throat when he swallowed. In just the blink of an eyes, that pretty and
elegant face of his rose into a reddish purple color. It looked like a pig's
kidney had been placed in his mouth. And his teeth were grinding harshly
onto it. The air that emitted from his nasal reeked of blood and tasted like
iron. It was anger that dispersed itself throughout his body.

"You Qi, you!!......"

You Qi patted Yang Meng's shoulder very energetically, "I believe in you!"

Yang Meng shouted, "Why don't you just directly go and find a girl?
Why on earth do you want me to disguise myself as a girl?"

The words that ran out of You Qi's mouth was a praise and curse at the same
time, "Because I think in our school, there's no girl as pretty as you."

Yang Meng unconsciously nodded his head, "You're cruel."

He turned his entire body away with every intention to leave.

You Qi quickly pulled him back, "Don't be angry, I'm not trying to belittle
or insult you. The way I think is like this okay, she herself is studying to
be a performer. If I were to find a girl I don't like to play out this
charade, she would definitely be able to see through it with just one
glance! You and me are different. You're a guy. I can naturally be very
intimate and affectionate toward you."

"Do you think she is more likely to see through the two of you acting out
a charade or more likely to see through the disguise that I'm actually a
guy?" Yang Meng grinded his teeth harshly.

You Qi pulled at Yang Meng's shirt collar again and again before patiently
telling him, "If you cover up your Adam's apple, I can guarantee that she
won't be able to see that you're a guy."

Yang Meng wanted to cry but no tears fell.

Dad, I'm making you lose face again.

Translator's Note:

[1]小样 (xiǎoyàng) little guy - mild insult also used as an affectionate term

[2]High - the author used the word 'HIGH' in English here.

[3]Beijing Film Academy [BFA] - is a coeducational state-run higher

education institution in Beijing, China. The film school is the largest
institution specializing in the tertiary education for film and television
production in Asia
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 159: The Inquietude of Youth – The FIERCE GENERAL of

the YANG’s FAMILY. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


By not only using a gentle but also a slightly forceful method, You Qi was
finally able to persuade Yang Meng.

On Saturday afternoon, You Qi boldly took Yang Meng to a cosmetic shop.

The moment they entered the shop, an androgynous looking stylist looked at
them as they walked in. The person’s voice was a bit coarse but the manner
of speaking was simply put, soft and gentle, quite pleasant to the ears.

“Excuse me, may I ask, do the two of you want a cosmetic surgery or a

You Qi gave Yang Meng a quick glance up and down. Scrunching his nose
up a bit, he looked again from the top of his tussled hair and quickly down to
the crotch area of his trousers.

“Give him a makeover.”

With a slight furrow of his brow, the stylist gave Yang Meng a glance, then
his gaze swept toward You Qi for a glance. Ultimately, his eyes remained
fixed on You Qi’s face, with a rather ambiguous expression drawn in them.

“Actually, I want to give you a makeover even more. The room for your
improvement would be even greater. By just touching up a few places, it
would make your image reached an even more unprecedented level. How
about you think it over for a moment?”

By now, You Qi became a bit anxious, “Another day, for now just do it for

With a shrug of the shoulder, the stylist faintly replied, “Okay then, both of
you can follow me.”

A few minutes later, You Qi and Yang Meng was led to and arrived at an
empty makeup station room by the stylist.

Entering the room, Yang Meng let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, it
was a closed room. No one else needed to see the hideous process of him
being changed from a man to a woman.

“Tell me what you are thinking,” asked the stylist as he crossed his arms
together against his chest while his eyes slightly narrowed into a sharp angle
and traveled up and down Yang Meng’s figure.

Yang Meng pretended to be a deaf person while his little hands toyed with
the hems of his shirt.

Without hesitation, You Qi bluntly told the stylist, “Change him into a

Once those words crept out of You Qi’s mouth, Yang Meng could feel his
own shoulders trembling with nervousness. He then imagined what the
stylist’s expressions were; probably searing with a sinister look.

Who would have expected that this stylist would cheerfully accepted this
statement without even a hint of strangeness. Even more so, brimming with
interest, the stylist asked, “What kind of style do you want? A cute, next
door neighbor type of girl? A wild natured and unruly dancing type? A
capable and experience at her workplace type? A beautiful and noble
eldest daughter of an affluent family with a bossy attitude?……”

You Qi looked into space and contemplated for a moment, before a smile,
etched with an evil and malicious intent, played out on his finely drawn lips.

“Just make him a little slutty, that’ll be good enough.”

With a quick swoosh, Yang Meng turned his neck around, looked squarely at
You Qi’s sharp eyes and roared in anger, “Are you fucking looking for

Normally, You Qi rarely indulges himself. This time around, an exuberant

coat of excitement played out in his smiling expression before he tilts his
head slightly to the side and let his grin widen.

The stylist gripped Yang Meng’s head and turned it back around so that he
was facing the mirror. Then through the mirror, the stylish looked his face up
and down for a moment before making some hands gestures, as if to study
Yang Meng’s facial structure, looking for the discrepancy between his face
and that of a woman. Afterwards, the stylist stared at him some more and
thought over from where should this transformation start at.

Looking at the stylish professional appearance, Yang Meng couldn’t help but
to feel nervous and worse the severe drumming of his own heartbeats weren’t
helping him much either.

Could it be that he was the first customer who came here to have his gender

Giving Yang Meng another quick glance, the stylist could easily make out all
of Yang Meng’s inner thoughts. All of a sudden, his long and slender fingers
came forward and pinched Yang Meng’s cheeks for a second before he
cheerfully saying, “You don’t have to act as if you can’t relax. I
completely understand your preferences. Nowadays, there are
crossdresser everywhere, you should learn from them. Since you have
the intention to do this already, you have to bring out your own style and
self-confidence. What’s the point in caring about what other people think
or their gazes?”

Yang Meng is a country bumpkin.

He crooked his neck at an angle and looked over at You Qi, “What’s

You Qi pulled out his cell phone and searched it up on Baidu[1] for a while
before he passed it over for Yang Meng to see.

Immediately, Yang Meng’s eyeballs widened and turned a sickly shade of


When the stylist started to put makeup on him, Yang Meng could not bear to
look so he simply shut his eyes and silently endured while guessing:

What the heck, is this stylist a man or a woman? From the look of the chest
area, it looks flat, but nowadays there are many women that are flat-chested.
Listening to the sound of the voice, it seemed to belong to a man but then
again, each and every movement resembles a woman.

A wicked idea materialized in Yang Meng’s mind. He wanted to stretch his

hand out toward that person’s crotch area and have a touch to see if that little
toy was there or not.

“Females like us, must learn how to take care of ourselves. Look at your
own skin, although your skin is really white, your pores, on the other
hand, are quite big, so I have to put more powder on your face……”


It’s enough that you’re a woman, why on earth do you still have to put it on
me? Isn’t it clear how humiliating this is for me already?

Ashamed and resentful, Yang Meng opened one of his eye and peered up.
This resulted in his vision landing on this ‘female’s’ neck. That Apple’s apple
was now moving back and forth ah! It continued to sway about blinding
Yang Meng’s eye.

Overcome with boredom, You Qi sat to the side and played on his cell phone.
Every so often, he would take a quick glance at Yang Meng. But after a
while, he wasn’t able to tear his eyes away anymore. Rather with fixed eyes,
he stared at Yang Meng. To say it more precisely should be, he was staring at
Yang “Meng.”[2]

Geez, looks simply amazing!

At first, You Qi thought that Yang Meng is pretty normal looking. It would
have been ‘OK’ enough to just put on a fake wig and wear a skirt. There was
no need to waste so much and effort like this. But the opposing side was no
ordinary woman, so for the sake of being secure and thorough in his plan,
You Qi nevertheless brought Yang Meng here.

As a result, it was not in vain!

The person was still the same person; there wasn’t any extreme changes
done, but surprisingly it was hard to tell which part of him had actually
changed to make him completely become a woman. Even more amazing was,
he was such a beautiful, alluring and glamorous looking woman.

“It’s such a waste that you’re a man,” said You Qi truthfully as he slightly
nodded his head in agreement with his own statement.

Yang Meng looked at himself in the mirror. With just one glance, he already
felt like giving up all the hope that he had left toward this world.

The stylist pulled Yang Meng into a fitting room so that he can change his
clothes. Unexpectedly, he had even taken the time to give him a set of fake
‘Fake breast.’

No matter what, Yang Meng refused to wear it, he even went as far as to put
his life on the line toward his firm disapproval. With no other option, the
stylish could only call for You Qi to come over and convince him.

“You can just fight it out this one time. Since you’ve already disguised
yourself as a woman, you might as well play out the role a bit more
thorough. Think about it, the more thorough you are, the more other
people won’t be able to recognize who you really are.”

Yang Meng contemplated for a moment. It really was because of this

reasoning that resulted in him deciding to endure this humiliation and suffer
in silence.

After finishing up with Yang Meng’s appearance, the stylish began to harass
You Qi again, insisting that his makeover would be free of charge.
Originally, You Qi did not want to do it, but as he stood in front of the mirror
and looked at himself, he really didn’t match up to this “beautiful woman”
beside him.

Twenty minutes later, You Qi came out of the makeup room.

Yang Meng immediately went crazy.

What the hell? Why did you make him look so fucking handsome and cool
like this? And made me look so weak and ugly?

Once the two of them walked down the streets, the percentage at which
people kept on turning their heads for a look, or murmured something about
them, was at a rating of one hundred percent.

As a man, Yang Meng was poor, short, and ugly. But as a woman, he was
immediately tall, rich and beautiful.

While walking toward the designated location, Yang Meng was really
conscious of his own body. Having these two fun bags on his chest was
extremely awkward and uncomfortable. Yang Meng poked it with his fingers
several times and noticed that there was an ample amount of elasticity inside.
Just from poking at it, he couldn’t help but to laugh and liven his own mood
up. Then he pulled You Qi’s hand and said: “Hey, look at these, they’re at
least a C cup right?”

Once those words left his mouth, the people around casted looks of
astonishments at them.

You Qi coughed lightly, “Hey, lower your voice a bit.”

Yang Meng glanced around at the pedestrian nearby. Now even more
conscious of his words and actions, he immediately shut his mouth.

You Qi’s eyes swept to the person beside him for a quick glance. His heart
became surprisingly astounded. Why was it that before, when Yang Meng
wore men’s clothes, he did not think that he was bold or unconstrained, but
now that he wore women’s clothes, the more he looked, the manlier he

When they arrived at the restaurant, the Beijing Film Academy beauty had
arrived there at an earlier time already and was waiting patiently. You Qi was
received by a waitress and led to a private room. Yang Meng’s heart started
to jump about violently. He had wanted to betrayed You Qi and fled several
times before, but fortunately, each time You Qi discovered this and without
delay pulled him back.

Once the private room door was open, a beautiful girl stood up. Just when she
was about to look at You Qi and pull him in, her eyes went to the side and
met with Yang Meng instead.

In a flash, the smile on her face froze.

The moment Yang Meng saw the shock that attacked this beautiful girl’s
face, he mentally spat at You Qi several times.

Damn it, he really doesn’t know how well off he is.[3] Such a beautiful girl
chasing after you, what the fuck are you actually thinking, huh?!
This beautiful girl was after all five years older than them, and she was also
someone who had seen the world. In this kind of situation, not only did she
not threw things down in anger, but instead she maintained a good image of
herself before enthusiastically inviting the two of them in to sit.

“What do you want to eat? You can order whatever you please,” she
asked before passing over the menu to You Qi’s hand.

You Qi directly placed the menu in front of Yang Meng, before his voice
took on a slick and slimy tone and asked: “Meng Meng[4], what do you
want to eat?”

Yang Meng remained unresponsive, his eyes lingering on that girl.

Unable to bear it, You Qi gave Yang Meng a quick glance.

Fuck, this guy is actually staring as if he’s freaking entranced by this pretty
girl already.

Vexed, You Qi stepped on Yang Meng’s foot bringing him back from
whatever trance he was in.

Slight pained by the sudden attack, Yang Meng almost burst out in swear
words. But then a few seconds later, he became aware of his own gloomy
predicament. He could only lower his voice, chant a magical spell and cursed
the person beside him.

After ordering some dishes, You Qi took the initiative to give an


“This is my girlfriend, Meng Meng.”

Looking at the beautiful girl, Yang Meng could only give her an unnatural

The beautiful girl returned a smile back. Even though she was studying to be
an actress, Yang Meng could still make out the extreme depth of sorrow, the
heartbrokenness and unwillingness that crowded her eyes.
At this very moment, he really wanted to stretch his hand out, lightly caress
that delicate person’s cheeks and console her wounded heart. Unfortunately,
You Qi had warned him repeatedly beforehand that it was best if he did not
open his mouth to talk so much as to avoid suspicion. Therefore, Yang Meng
had no other choice but to silently take pity on her.

Rather than saying that this beautiful girl was studying to be an actress, it was
better to say that You Qi was. For the sake of making this beautiful girl
completely give up, he however decided to go all out with all he had.

While eating You Qi constantly move about. He would give Yang Meng
some food in one moment, then asked for Yang Meng’s opinion the next
moment. Then a moment later, he would sneakily seize an opportunity to
touch his breast without a warning or much less a permission……he acted
with ease and comfortability. Surprisingly, this intimate act between lovers
were acted out to the point of perfection.

Unfortunately, no matter how careful one is at executing a plan, it is still

possible to overlook something important.

You Qi didn’t notice it yet.

However, Yang Meng has.

His ‘breast’ has become crooked.

Yang Meng exerted all the strength in his buttocks to try and tighten his
stomach so that in turn would strengthen his chest area and possibly allow the
fake breast to hold on better, but no matter how much strength he used, his
‘breast’ continued to slide down. Since he was sitting in front of a table, his
‘breast’ was just about to sit right the top of the table. If he were to bend
down, it was bound to look weird and unsightly.

As a result, Yang Meng picked up his handbag, covered his chest area and
said in a high pitch tone of voice: “I have to go to the bathroom, you two
have a nice chat first.”

Outside the private room, he jogged toward the bathroom. Without thinking
much or looking at the signs, Yang Meng rushed into the men’s bathroom.

This quick run caused both side of his breast to be lopsided with a height
difference of five centimeters.

Facing the mirror, Yang Meng laughed mischievously at himself for quite a
long time. It was amusing after all.

Willing his laughter away, he then started to use his hand to adjust his

By chance, a man wanted to use the toilet. Just as this man walked in, he saw
Yang Meng standing there with his hand down his shirt. Immediately, the
man’s footstep came to an abrupt halt before his eyes slightly widened in
sheer shock.

Five minutes later, with a flushed face, the man apologized on the spot.

“Sorry, sorry……”

Ashamed the man quickly rushed out and ran into the other bathroom.

Translator’s note:

[1]Baidu – incorporated on January 18, 2000, is a Chinese web services

company headquartered at the Baidu Campus in Beijing’s Haidian District.
Baidu offers many services, including a Chinese search engine for websites,
audio files and images. Baidu offers 57 search and community services
including Baidu Baike (an online, collaboratively built encyclopedia) and a
searchable, keyword-based discussion forum

[2]“Meng” – in Chinese ‘Měng’ from Yang ‘Měng’ [猛 meaning

fierce/brave] is spelt the same way as ‘Méng’ [萌 – bud/sprout = small and
cute] of màiméng [卖萌] which means to ‘act cute’ or ‘sell cuteness’. The
only difference is the tone marks that gives these character their different
meaning. In this part, You Qi is seeing the cute part of Yang ‘Meng’ instead
of the supposed fierceness. In the earlier chapter, Gu Hai also brought this up,
saying “Měng? more like méng.’ [Fierce? More like cute.]
[3]“…doesn’t know how well off” – idiom [身在福中不知福-
shēnzàifúzhōngbùzhīfú] means, not appreciate the life one enjoys; growing
up in happiness, one often fails to appreciate what happiness really means; to
live in plenty without appreciating it.

[4]Meng Meng – You Qi calls Yang Měng, [萌萌- Méng Méng] using the
character for ‘cute’ and not the characters for his real name.

[5]Yang Family: I like to think this title is a play on Yang Meng’s last name
‘Yang’ in relation to the famous Yang Clan. [I’m probably wrong but here’s
a lesson on the Yang Clan]

Yang Clan

Over a thousand years ago, the Northern Song Dynasty was constantly
invaded and, ruled by a corrupt and lackadaisical court, teetered on the edge
of destruction. But one loyal family had both the courage and the prowess to
lead the fight—and keep the dynasty alive.

Starting in the 10th century, generation after generation of the Yang family
risked everything to defend the Middle Kingdom. The family has since been
synonymous with unwavering loyalty, its legacy recorded in a collection of
stories known as Generals of the Yang Clan (“Yang Jia Jiang”). [many tv
series were made of their family legacy]

A Loyal Legacy

The family’s first famous warrior was Yang Ye, a former Northern Han
Dynasty general. After the Northern Han surrendered to the Song, he
tirelessly went to war to save the young dynasty’s borders from the Khitan,
who were incessantly invading from the north.

Dreaded by his enemies, Yang Ye was nicknamed “The Peerless Yang”

(Yang wudi) for his fearlessness in battle. His greatest moment came at the
strategic Great Wall portal known as Yanmen Pass, when he won a critical
battle against numerically superior Khitan forces. He quickly became one of
the emperor’s favorite generals.
This prompted jealousy from the other generals, and Yang Ye’s compatriot
Pan Mei eventually abandoned him on the battlefield. Overpowered this time,
Yang Ye was captured and starved to death.

Yang Ye had eight sons, and perhaps the most outstanding was Yang
Yanzhao. As valiant as his father, he was also very adept at the art of war.
Over a 20-year-period, he managed to secure the Song Dynasty’s borders.
Even the Khitans, who saw Yang Yanzhao as their biggest enemy,
respectfully compared him to Mizar, the sixth star of the Big Dipper, and
reverently called him “Yang the Sixth.” Alongside the rest of his family,
Yang Yanzhao fought for his country until his death at 57.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 160: The Inquietude of Youth – A TRULY HUGE and


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Just after the Beijing Film Academy beauty left, Meng Meng’s pretty,
flirtatious and alluring face immediately became fierce and ridden with a
sinister aura.

“Fuck! You almost choked me to death. Next time, don’t fucking come
looking for me for this kind of thing.”

You Qi happily threw his arm over Yang Meng’s shoulder and showed him
with praises: “To tell you the truth, your acting was pretty good today.
I’ve discovered that you have the potential to be a woman. How about
you cut off that toy dangling between your legs? In any case, it’s in the
way no matter where it’s placed.”
“Fuck you! You think by cutting off my dick and scooping my balls out,
I’ll become a woman?”

Blinking his eyes in surprise, You Qi suddenly gave Yang Meng’s mouth a
little slap as to warn him.

“I told you, you should be a bit more reserve. You haven’t even strip out
of these clothes yet.”

“I don’t give a shit, she’s gone anyways.”

Yang Meng reach over his head with the intention to remove his fake wig.


You Qi stopped him, “Why are you in such a rush? If you take the wig off
now, you’d still have these sexy clothes on, the thick makeup and then
there’s also your buzz cut. How would you look like? Do you feel no
shame in frightening people?”

Yang Meng was not in the least concerned about those words.

“No one recognizes me anyways. I’m more than willing to scare whoever
that wants to be scared. It’s better than always having to scare myself.”

“You’re so pretty!!”

But the thing was, at this moment, You Qi was still drooling over Yang Meng
in this disguise.

Looking the person beside him with his lecherous eyes toward him, Yang
Meng’s fist swept towards You Qi, but as a result, he wasn’t even able to
strike him yet when he tripped on his own high heels and stumbled forward.
Fortunately, You Qi’s reacted in a timely manner and grabbed Yang Meng’s
waist and prevented the rented clothes from kissing the earth.

“In any case, she’s gone so you should also leave as soon as possible,”
said Yang Meng quite unhappy with this whole ordeal.
You Qi rolled his eyes and asked: “Where would I go huh?”

“You’re asking where? Go back home!”

Giving Yang Meng a stupid look, You Qi then pulled at his own clothes:
“The clothes that I’m wearing now are also rented just like yours are.
You need to go and remove your makeup and clothes, and you think I
shouldn’t go do that as well?”

Positively annoyed, Yang Meng mentally rolled his eyes.

Forget it, I’ve already wasted a whole day with him already, it can’t get any
worse if it’s just awhile longer.

Beside the cosmetic shop was a car maintenance and repair center.

Today is Saturday, and as usual Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai each drove their
beloved cars over here for maintenance.

After waiting inside the center for a while, Bai Luo Yin incessantly yawned
yet still tried to push his tiredness away.

“I’m going outside for a smoke and wake myself up for a moment.”

After saying this, he walked out.

Bai Luo Yin stood outside the door, lit a cigarette and with contentment, he

From the distant, a couple or more precisely said, lovers, walked toward his

At first, Bai Luo Yin didn’t stand out here with the intention of looking at
people nor did he have the urge to. But, this particular couple was really eye-
catching and flashy. A handsome guy and pretty girl, it was as if they had
literally walked right out of a drama. Bai Luo Yin couldn’t help but to stare
for a few more seconds, but moments later, the more he looked, the more he
realized that the man looked familiar. Then his eyes swept toward the
cosmetic shop nearby.
You Qi had already walked by right before Bai Luo Yin’s eyes. With that,
Bai Luo Yin dared to confirm his guess.

“It’s really you!”

You Qi was startled and stood a step back, before he returned his gaze toward
Bai Luo Yin.

“Why are you here?”

Bai Luo Yin immediately pointed at the shop to the side, “I came here with
Gu Hai to wash the cars.”

Yang Meng was standing beside You Qi. He was scared so witless, he almost
kicked his high heels off. His soul on the other hand, was tempted to drag
itself out of his body and fly high up into the sky.

OH SHIT! Why is Bai Luo Yin here? Fuck! Isn’t this pushing me to the edge
of death?

A single tear ruthlessly dripped from Yang Meng’s eyes before he swiftly
turned his entire body away in avoidance of his childhood friend. He even
wanted to hide beneath a nearby car as to avoid this unsightly humiliation.

How is this possible? The gods do want me dead!!

Yang Meng sorrowfully beat his own chest for a while, but then something lit
up in his heart and a flash of light sprinted across his eyes.

I’m wearing woman’s clothes! That’s right, I’m wearing woman’s clothes,
why should I be scared? Anyways, the two of them are chatting. As long as I
find an opportunity to run into the cosmetic shop, even if Bai Luo Yin’s eyes
are really good, how could he recognize me by just seeing me take a few
steps huh?

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Meng turned back around.

Bai Luo Yin had already stared at her back for quite a while now and finally
Yang Meng turned back facing him. He couldn’t help but to be amazed from
the bottom of his heart.

As expected, she’s a beauty!

“Who’s this?” Bai Luo Yin deliberately looked at You Qi and asked.

You Qi stared at him awkwardly, he didn’t even dare to laugh even if he

wanted to, “My classmate from before.”

“Tsk tsk……” Bai Luo Yin wore a suspicious expression as if he was

Sherlock Holmes, the great detective, “Really? When I saw you two
walking a moment ago, you were laughing and chatting quite cheerfully.
It looked rather intimate!”

You Qi talked quite evasively.

Furrowing his brows, Bai Luo Yin then pulled at You Qi’s clothes, “You’re
dressed so handsome, it must be a date, right?”

“When am I not handsome?”

“You’re not going to introduce her to your friend?” asked Bai Luo Yin
immediately, unwilling to listen to any other excuses.

The entire time You Qi was holding back the need to burst out laughing, he
endured for quite a while that even stomach began to twitch.

You two grew up wearing the same underpants and you still need me to
introduce you to each other?

Having already placed his foot on the first step that would lead him into the
cosmetic shop, Yang Meng suddenly quickened his pace even more once he
heard those words flew out of Bai Luo Yin’s mouth. As a result of this, Yang
Meng had forgotten that he was wearing high heels, so the moment he leaped
on the steps, he stumbled and sprained his ankle. He nearly fell and rolled
down from the top of the stair with this reckless action.

When Bai Luo Yin saw this sudden absurdness play out before him, he
pushed You Qi forward with a bit more strength then he should have,
“You’re not going to help her out?”

You Qi gave Yang Meng a pitiful glance before he laughed and walked over.
Bai Luo Yin followed behind him.

Yang Meng was in so much pain that an ugly grin had already crept up the
corners of his lip. But, even if he was like, he still tried to frantically escape
this situation by facing the shop entrance again.

“Hey Meng Meng, are you okay?”

You Qi helped to hold Yang Meng up. As You Qi helped him, Yang Meng
squeezed out a few words from the gaps between his teeth. “If you fucking
dare tell him I’m Yang Meng, I’m going to fucking kill you.”

You Qi pulled closer to Yang Meng’s ear and whispered, “Don’t worry, Bai
Luo Yin can’t tell who you are.”

At that moment, Bai Luo Yin had already arrived at You Qi and Yang
Meng’s side.

Seeing Bai Luo Yin close, Yang Meng hung his head low. Trying his best to
avoid those piercing gazes that lingered on him, Yang Meng gathered and
pulled his hair from both side of his head forward so that it covered about
three quarters of his face.

“Is she that legendary Beijing Film Academy beauty that everyone’s
been spreading rumors about?” asked Bai Luo Yin as he looked at You Qi.

You Qi’s expression frozen for moment before he immediately nodded his
head in agreement.

“Hello xuéjiě.[1]” It was rare for Bai Luo Yin to have such a refined and
elegant attitude kind of mindset as to strike a conversation with a stranger
like this.

Yang Meng’s heart couldn’t help but to be distressed and embarrassed about
The good friend that he had played with since he was little young until now,
unexpectedly called him ‘xuéjiě’!!! This kind of attack is not a burden that an
average person can carry on their shoulder AHH!

When he saw that Yang Meng had kept his head lowered and did not say
anything, Bai Luo Yin became slightly puzzled.

Everyone had said that this Beijing Film Academy girl who specialized in
acting was quite open-minded and had also acted in several dramas. Even
more so, she was already around twenty something years old, so how can she
be frightened from seeing a seventeen eighteen years old person talk to her

With these thoughts in mind, Bai Luo Yin gave Yang Meng a few more
glances. In the end, the more he looked, the more familiar this person

“You Qi, why do I feel like she resembles someone huh?”

You Qi looked at him, dumbfounded at those sudden words, “Can’t be?

There are probably stars nowadays with the same appearance.”

With the exact same appearance?

Bai Luo Yin thought to himself.

Someone with the same appearance as Yang Meng? Which hospital is so

formidable, with such high-level hands that they’re able to make the person
looked as if they came out of the same womb?

“Xuéjiě, can I ask you something?” Bai Luo Yin took the initiative to strike
another conversation.

Yang Meng suddenly trembled, trying his best not to let this overwhelming
fear be seen. He lowered his voice before bringing his pitch a bit higher and
asked: “What is it?”

Bai Luo Yin glanced at You Qi, “For the time being, can you lend me your
girlfriend for two minutes? Just two minutes, I’ll return her back to you
immediately after.”

You Qi gave Yang Meng a quick glance then lightly coughed a couple of
times, “Then, I’ll go in and change my clothes. You two can talk.”

After those words sang out from his mouth, he jumped in the shop first.

Yang Meng’s impressive boobs bounced up and down irregularly, betraying

his own nervousness.

“Xuéjiě, we have a friend name Yang Meng. I think that you and him
really resemble each other. Do you know him?”

Yang Meng shook his head, “I don’t know him.”

Bai Luo Yin suddenly stretched his hands out and went straight for Yang
Meng’s C cups. It was too late for Yang Meng to evade this sudden attack.

“Don’t misunderstand, I saw that your breast is crooked so I wanted to

help straighten it out for you.”

A devious smile dragged the corners of Bai Luo Yin’s mouth into a wide

Hearing those words, Yang Meng knew that without a doubt he had been
thoroughly exposed.

He lifted his head, pushed his hair to the side of his ears and with despair
written all over his face, he looked at Bai Luo Yin.

You cannot look down on me! You cannot look at me with strange eyes! This
is my selfless dedication in substituting for someone else so that they can
avoid this calamity!

Bai Luo Yin did not know whether he should laugh since he found this
situation to be both funny and extremely embarrassing, “Why are you
dressed like this huh? Is there some sort of emptiness in your life?”

Yang Meng let out a long sigh. Since he had already reached this point, there
was no need to conceal it any longer either, so he told Bai Luo Yin the who
story from beginning to end.

After Bai Luo Yin listened to the entire thing, he only gave a five words
evaluation, “You two are something else!!”[2]

Yang Meng was utterly distressed, “Then……I’ll go and change first.”


Bai Luo Yin pulled Yang Meng back, stopping him in his track, “What’s the
rush? Such a great work of art, why would you want to ruin it that
quickly huh? Let me properly enjoy it again. Also, not to mention, this
cosmetic shop is truly good. I didn’t even recognize you at first.”

Seconds later, Bai Luo Yin fiddled with Yang Meng’s clothes and moved
him back and forth, they turned him around here and there He studied him
from head to toe; he also didn’t forget to seize an opportunity to molest him
as he teasingly touched and flirted around. Normally, where would you find a
place that would let you touch such a pretty girl as you please without paying
any money or breaking the law?

Gu Hai waited inside the shop for a while before his came together and a
slight pout kissed his lip a shade of bewilderment.

Why is it taking him so long to smoke one cigarette?

Feeling stuffy and becoming a bit bored from waiting around, Gu Hai wanted
to go outside for a breath of fresh air. But, the moment he walked toward the
entrance door, his foot suddenly came to a halt.

His good wife was standing outside, openly molesting, flirting and touching a
beautiful girl.

Even worse, the beautiful girl was struggling and pushing him away with a
helpless expression masking ‘her’ face, however, Bai Luo Yin was not
willing to listen or stop. Not to mention, hugging and even fucking mounting
a sneak attack on ‘her’ soft looking ‘breast’. He had even gone as far as to put
his hand under ‘her’ skirt……Gu Hai thought that he was clearly mistaken.

As a result, he rubbed his eyes and wiped again and again, but still he
discovered that it was indeed Bai Luo Yin.

Gu Hai’s mind was seized by a furious sensation, causing his chest to tighten
and a twinge erupted in his heart. He wished that he could charge over there
immediately and choke that girl to death, then throw Bai Luo Yin over his
shoulder and take him back home so that he could have his way with him.
However, his past experience told him that he cannot impulsively charge
forth, he must remain calm, cool-headed and observe for a while. This was
not like Bai Luo Yin’s normal conducts or deeds, perhaps there was
something fishy hidden within.

I must remain calm, I must remain calm, I can’t go out……Gu Hai mentally
repeated to himself while backing slowly away from the door.

When his eyes swept outside again, that beautiful girl was already gone and
Bai Luo Yin had a sulky expression on as if he still wasn’t satisfied enough.

Fuck, I can’t stand it any longer. If I can remain calm in this moment, I must
be a stupid cunt!

With large strides, Gu Hai dashed out.

Bai Luo Yin was about to go in to the car center, even though he was still
casting a few more glances at that cosmetic shop to the side. Without paying
attention to the fact that there was a person in front of him, he bumped into
Gu Hai.

“Hey, I was about to go in and tell you something. It’s very amusing!”

Gu Hai’s dark and gloomy face would scare anyone who actually looked at it
properly. The eyes he used to stared attentively at Bai Luo Yin with was that
of a deranged lion that had gone berserk.

“You want to tell me how you were on the streets molesting a girl?”

Bai Luo Yin’s laughter echoed. After a moment, he still he wasn’t finished
laughing yet, “How do you know?”

Heated, Gu Hai stressed out each syllable. Each breath could choke, scare
and burn anyone into oblivion.

“Because – I – saw – it – all.”

The moment Bai Luo Yin saw Gu Hai’s complexion, he could tell right away
that he had definitely misunderstood, so he quickly gave him an explanation,
“That’s not a girl. That’s Yang Meng in disguise. Hehehehe……you also
couldn’t tell that it’s him?”

“I still can’t tell,” now Gu Hai sorrowful eyes looked at Bai Luo Yin
instead, “Can’t you think of a more reasonable excuse?”

“I’m not lying to you!” Bai Luo Yin unhesitatingly retorted with resolution.

Gu Hai stood there with his darkened face without saying even one more
sentence. It was easily to tell that he was still painstakingly pressing the
raging fire in his head.

No matter how Bai Luo Yin explained it, he was already angry anyways.

Regardless of whether you molest a beautiful girl or molest Yang Meng, as a

husband, my heart cannot be delighted over something like this. If you don’t
give me a serious reason today, don’t expect this matter to pass by!

Looking at Gu Hai’s unrelenting expression, Bai Luo Yin also had no

patience, “If you don’t want to believe me then don’t!”

He turned with the intention of entering the car shop, but then he saw
someone emerging from the cosmetic shop to the side.

“Yang Meng!”

Bai Luo Yin shouted.

At first when Gu Hai heard Yang Meng’s name, he was still considering the
authenticity of Bai Luo Yin’s words, but you know, as a result, this Yang
Meng had already changed out of his clothes and came out. He was
completely different from the beautiful girl that Gu Hai had seen before. How
can he believe this huh?

However, for Bai Luo Yin, it was as if he had just caught his savior. He
immediately dragged Yang Meng over and placed him in front of Gu Hai.

“I didn’t lie to you right?”

Gu Hai still had a negative expression on his face as he stared impassively,

“Don’t tell me, that girl and him are one person?”

Surprised painted itself beautifully on Yang Meng, before all of sudden he

firmly pulled on Bai Luo Yin’s sleeve cuff and looked anxiously at him.

Fuck, didn’t you promise me that you will absolutely not rat me out?

This time, Bai Luo Yin was dumbstruck, flabbergasted. It appeared that he
indeed made this promise to Yang Meng.

How should I handle this?

Gu Hai gave Bai Luo Yin ten seconds to answer back. In the end, within that
time frame, Bai Luo Yin didn’t utter another sentence.

As expected, Yang Meng continued to act stupid in the light of this


“What girl huh? Yin Zi, what is Gu Hai talking about? Where’s this girl
at ah? Why don’t I understand anything both of you are saying ah?”

That is enough from you……Bai Luo Yin squeezed those three words out
from within the gap of his tightened teeth.

I’m trying my best to protect you. You better not bite the hand that fucking
fed you!

Translator’s note:
[1] Xuéjiě – there no word for this in English, but it means a senior or older
female classmate [too long to write it all out]

[2] You two are something else! – Someone or something that cannot be
described in words. It’s not a good thing, but a great one.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 161: The Inquietude of Youth - How AM I Not GOOD?! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“It’s done! Gu Hai, come get your car.”

After hearing his name being called, Gu Hai immediately got in his car and
drove off without even waiting for Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin followed closely behind him with his own car. When he made a
U turn onto the road, Gu Hai’s car had already vanished. There was a
massive traffic ahead and even worse, the light had also decided to turn red,
making it nearly impossible to move even the slightest. Bai Luo Yin leaned
his elbow against the car window. Counting from the car closest to his then
straight ahead, there was none that was the same as his.

Fuck, the traffic is so severe, how did he fucking drive off?

Gu Hai was already over three kilometres away. The numbers of times he
ignored and ran the red light, seize an opportunity, overtake another car, even
he himself could not remember it clearly. All he heard were the sounds of car
horns continuously ringing in various directions. His eyes swept towards the
rearview mirror. Looking at his own face, it was as dark as the bottom of a
pan. Worse, at this point, his heart was even darker than that blackened pan.
He gripped the steering wheel so tight that the leather had about torn off.

I don’t understand. No matter how I look at it, I don’t understand. I know

perfectly well that Bai Luo Yin is not that kind of person, but I still don’t
understand? [1]

Behind, Bai Luo Yin continued to pick up his speed but still he couldn’t
move much. As it turns out, there was also a strong feeling of being troubled
and infuriated by the way that things have turned out crashing about in him

Being in this traffic jam is infuriating, but being misunderstood is even more
infuriating. I’ve never seen someone so narrow-minded. I’ve already
explained to him, yet he still fucking put on a sad face with me! Why don’t
you use your stinking feet to think about it? if I really wanted to molest a girl,
why would I pick this time, under such circumstance ah? Why would I do it
on the street, right in front of your eyes?

After a while, the traffic wasn’t so severe anymore and his mood somehow
eased down a bit with the slowness of the cars around him.

Bai Luo Yin began to ponder over things again from a different angle.

Actually, you can’t entirely blame Gu Hai. He was obediently waiting inside
for you, yet you had to go out like that, and even did something so obvious,
aren’t you deliberately making him misunderstand? It’s not like you don’t
understand him. Even when he doesn’t have a person to be jealous over, he
would try to find a target, you yourself know full well that for him anyone has
the potential to be a rival. If he were to be overtaken with jealousy and
actually found a love rival, he would probably eat his own heart out and
silently die of anguish![2]

Also, what the hell is wrong with Yang Meng? Did he not have anything
better to fucking do than to wear woman’s clothes? It’s fine if he wanted to
wear it but why did he have to appear here and walk toward me? Even if he
did appear before me, why did he change back to men’s clothes so quickly?
It’s fine if you want to change back, but why don’t you fucking let me say that
it’s you?

Then there’s You Qi, what the fuck are you doing? What kind of fucking idea
is this? If you don’t like her then why don’t you just be upfront and tell her
huh? You just had to find someone to act out this fucking play. It’s fine if you
want to act out this play but you just had to fucking get a guy to do it. Even if
you want to get a guy, why does it have to be Yang Meng of all people. Even
if it’s Yang Meng, why did you have to fucking let me see you both……

After thinking it over and going in circles again and again yet never getting
anywhere, Bai Luo Yin successfully eliminated himself and Gu Hai from the
cause of the situation and place the fault on someone’s head.

In thinking this way, his head and heart felt a lot more at ease and, he
wouldn’t have to anxiously chase after Gu Hai’s car.

As he was driving, he saw a deli shop at the roadside. He stopped his car and
bought four pig’s trotters. Two days ago, Gu Hai had mumbled about
wanting to eat pig’s trotters, but every time they returned to the shop after
classes were dismissed, it was already sold out. Today is the weekend, so it
was a great chance to get some and bring it back to lighten the mood a bit.

Once Gu Hai had already driven his car midway, he saw a sweet roasted
chestnut shop just a bit up ahead. With a tightened chest and a heart that was
beating relatively quicker than normal, he pondered for a slight moment then
allowed his foot to press harder on the accelerator, guaranteeing that he
would definitely drive pass that shop.


He hasn’t even driven a few feet yet before he suddenly pressed hard on the
emergency brake in one quick motion, causing the body of the car to stop
abruptly and rocked about for a while.

Gu Hai hesitated for a while, but still he got out of the car and let his foot,
along with his heart take him to the roasted chestnut shop.

This was after all, his baby’s favorite.

Anger he can feel, but nonetheless he still must pamper and love him!

“Boss, give me three pounds.”

Gu Ha waited for a moment and saw a newspaper stand to the side. He

carried the bag of chestnuts and walked over and asked the boss there: “Is《
Delta》 5 monthly magazines out yet?”

The boss nodded his head and passed a copy over to Gu Hai.

This was also a magazine that Bai Luo Yin likes.

Every month, like clockwork, Gu Hai would buy it for him, never once
missing a single publication.

“You can read it for free again!”

Gu Hai mentally let out a cold snort. ‘Humph!’ before he carried the things
and returned to the car.

When Bai Luo Yin arrived at the apartment, he went straight to the kitchen,
he took the pig trotters and some other cooked food and placed it all into the
cabinet. Then he opened the refrigerator for a look, from the sight of it, there
wasn’t any large flat bread or steamed bun. It seems, today he will be eating

Getting the rice, he poured a cup into the pot and took the initiative to rinse
the rice before cooking it. Normally, Gu Hai would do all these daily things.
Today, it’s already that time and that master hasn’t entered the kitchen yet. It
was clear that he was preparing to quit his responsibilities.

Bad temper you have there…… Bai Luo Yin apprehensively mutters this
sentence to himself.

If you don’t want to cook, then I’ll cook. After it’s cooked, don’t bothering
eating it if you don’t like it!

Bai Luo Yin had just finished washing the rice properly and was just about to
add water when Gu Hai walked in.

“You don’t have to do it, give it to me.”

With an expressionless face, he looked at Bai Luo Yin and stretched his hand

But Bai Luo Yin did not pass the rice pot over to him, instead he frankly said,
“Let me cook it.”

“The rice you cook is too soft, it’s simply impossible to eat and it’s just
like congee.”

After saying that, Gu Hai immediately snatched the rice pot.

Bai Luo Yin snorted coldly, “The rice you cook isn’t all that great either.
It especially hard every time and always get stuck and rubs painfully
against the teeth. When swallowed, it rubs painfully against the throat
before entering the stomach. And when it’s digesting, it rubs around
painfully in the stomach and worse when it comes out it rubs painfully
against the intestines and out. It’s uncomfortable all around.”

Those string of words excited Gu Hai’s inner anger. His face ashen as if it
was at the terminal stage of uremia frost.[3]

“Don’t eat it if you don’t like it!” Gu Hai pushed Bai Luo Yin to the side,
“Go wait over there!”

The kitchen door slammed shut in one go.

Tsk……You can’t even tell I was kidding? Boring!

With nothing better to do, Bai Luo Yin walked to the living room. The
moment he sat down, he saw a plate of roasted chestnuts on the small coffee
table. In a mere second, happiness immediately kissed his face a light shade
of red before he quickly picked up a chestnut and put it in his mouth. While
at it, he easily grabbed a magazine that was lying on the armrest of the sofa,
by chance, it was the one he wanted to read. As a result, he ate and read
happily. This simple life was quite beautiful and very gratifying.

When Gu Hai came out from the kitchen and saw Bai Luo Yin on the sofa
with that delighted appearance, his complexion became even more unsightly.

It was obvious that he peeled those roasted chestnut for him, bought that
magazine for him. He wanted to absolutely spoil and love him dearly……but
in the end, when he saw this carefree scene in front of him, his heart, on the
contrary, felt uneasy.

“Did I let you eat it? Did I let you read it huh?” Gu Hai’s face remained

Bai Luo Yin answered back with three words, “I’m happy to.”

The flame smoldering in Gu Hai’s heart willfully emitted from within out of
its own accord. But, he suppressed it making sure that it remained within, in
this manner, he instead scorched his own soul black. He was after all
unwilling to let it flare out and break lose.

Gu Hai himself does not feel annoyed, stupid or cowardly.

In dealing with a lover’s feelings, he had always upheld a promising

principle, if he can let him do what he wants, then he will. If he can endure it,
then he will. Someone that is brave enough to bear it, is a true man.

Then, his solemn and stirring body, like a bolt of lightning flashed back into
the kitchen once again.

When they were eating, Gu Hai remained calm and collected the entire time
and did not say anything. The atmosphere stifled Bai Luo Yin making it
somewhat difficult for him to bear. Several times he wanted to open his
mouth and say something but each time he was choked by Gu Hai’s furrowed
brows. They were so tightly drawn together that the sharpness in his eyes
were even more distinct.
Bai Luo Yin picked up one of the pig trotter, broke the sharp hoof end of it
off and placed the remaining in Gu Hai’s bowl. This part was the best to eat.

Dwelling not so deep within his heart was pride.

Gu Hai was somewhat proud of himself.

As expected, ruling by means of virtue is effective.Actually, he is already

aware of his own mistake, and took the initiative to be friendly as to express
his goodwill to you.

Gu Hai continued to maintain his cold and indifferent manner. He did not say
anything, nor did he smile. It was as if everything was as it should be and
natural in all aspect. Even after he finished eating, he didn’t have any other
impressions or thoughts to add to anything either.

After eating and resting for a moment, Bai Luo Yin asked Gu Hai: “Do you
want to go work out?”

Gu Hai didn’t pay any attention to him.

Without any better option, Bai Luo Yin went to the gym by himself. He ran
on the treadmill and waited. Waited for Gu Hai to come in. But even as he
got off the treadmill and was dripping with sweat, Gu Hai still did not show
his face.

Wiping his sweat, Bai Luo Yin left the room, feeling a bit unsettled.

His immediate action was to sought Gu Hai out, but he wasn’t where he was

After he walked around through all the rooms for a while, he finally
discovered that Gu Hai was standing at the balcony.

Taking a quite glance at his solemn yet desolate silhouette, Bai Luo Yin went
directly over toward the balcony and stood behind Gu Hai for a moment.

Although Gu Hai could sense his presence, he however did not turn his head
Very naturally, Bai Luo Yin gently placed his arms on Gu Hai’s shoulder.
Then raising his head up just a tiny bit he rested his chin on one side of Gu
Hai’s shoulder before pressing his entire weight down on his body.

“I’m a little cold.” Bai Luo Yin started to talk.

Those were undoubtedly foolish words!

His face was still braving beads of sweats yet he insisted that he is cold!

But, Gu Hai loves to hear these kinds of lies ah, especially when Bai Luo
Yin’s hand was flirtatiously toying with the buttons on his collar. And even
more seductive was the heated steam that emitted from his breath, it touched
and kissed the inside of Gu Hai’s ear, tinting it a lovely shade of pink. Before
long, Gu Hai’s heart had already started to sparkle with excitement.

Gu Hai pulled one of Bai Luo Yin’s arm forward before using the cigarette
stub to burn his skin. Of course, it wasn’t extremely hot but Bai Luo Yin still
subconsciously avoided it at once. Two strands of hair on his arm was
shortened slightly, but it didn’t hurt. On the contrary it, the sensation was
somewhat ticklish instead.

Gu Hai finally turned his body around. Before his eyes was Bai Luo Yin’s
handsomely sculpted face, eyes crowded with languid movements; his bangs
were soaked with sweats and hung loose, with charm and enticement drawing
out each strand to perfection. After exercising, his skin had a healthy glow
that glistened almost ethereally beneath the nearby light.

In the end, Gu Hai couldn’t endure it anymore.

His big hand suddenly pressed against Bai Luo Yin’s forehead and pushed
him against the corner of the wall. Bai Luo Yin’s back met the wall with a
silent thud.

“Missing a woman now?”

Bai Luo Yin knew already that the words Gu Hai spoke wouldn’t be anything
good. Fortunately, he had prepared for it, so he wouldn’t be so angry.
“I already told you, that was Yang Meng.”

“I don’t care who he is. I don’t care if he’s a man or a woman. Didn’t
you molest him?”

“You can say that.” Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth and admitted with much

Gu Hai gripped little Yin Zi.

With eyes seething of a cold demonic presence yet also teeming with an
extremely soothing charm, he stared attentively at him.

“I can’t satisfy you?”

Why does those words sound so naughty? As if it was beckoning for a

spanking from Bai Luo Yin once they escaped Gu Hai beautifully drawn lips.

Bai Luo Yin wanted to slap him in the face as to stop him before he went too

Modesty was indeed a word that was not appropriate to place on Gu Hai’s
ability on the bed. His sex ability that is. Even though, Bai Luo Yin did not
want to admit it.

He was still thinking when the lower half of his body suddenly became cold.

Bai Luo Yin lowered his head and looked, feeling dumbstruck.

“Fuck, this is the balcony. We’re out in the open. Are you fucking

Without warning, Gu Hai turned Bai Luo Yin around and pressed him hard
against the wall so that his back was now facing him. Without wasting
anymore time, he pulled out his own little Hai Zi and smiled with a dark yet
mischievous smirk.

“I want the Heavens to see and judge for me, how am I not good?”
Bai Luo Yin howls in anger, “Gu Hai, if you fucking dare to that here,
believe it or not, I’m going to kick you from the eighteenth floor down
right now?!!……”

Translator’s Note:

[1] I don’t understand ah. – Gu Hai is referring to Bai Luo Yin’s behaviors
toward the female Yang Meng.

[2] To eat one’s own heart

To feel bitter anguish or grief.

To be consumed by jealousy.

[3] uremia frost – a colloquial description for crystallized urea deposits that
can be found on the skin of those affected by chronic kidney disease.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 162: The Inquietude of Youth - The LUSCIOUS


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"I believe you, but I'm willing to pay the price with my life."

Gu Hai bit his lower lip before letting the corners curved into a kissable

Having pushed Bai Luo Yin back and turning him over so that he was now
facing the wall, Gu Hai bind Bai Luo Yin's hands together and pulled it back
as if he was cuffing him.

Bai Luo Yin knew it all too clearly, a lot of times, he cannot allow the
atmosphere to drag him to the edge of exploding. Because, once harsh words
are spoken, it would ultimately be resolved with the use of violence; once
force is involved, the one to be at a disadvantage and suffer is him. Since he
was young, Bai Luo Yin had never shown his kind of vulnerability to another
boy of the same age before. Much less in such manner. But, what made him
meekly resigned to this adversity is not this temperament, this nature. So
every time those words are beautifully and delightfully spoken, once spoken,
regret would crawl out; by then, it was too late to regret it.

"I think that you'll like it."

As Gu Hai thought aloud to himself, his fierce little fellow jumped out and
immediately burst forth with an outstanding abundance of vitality.

Although it was already May, the night wind was still somewhat cool,
especially as it blew lightly by against naked skins. The coldness that brushed
by was made even more appearance by the nip in the air.

The beats of sweat that had beautifully formed on Bai Luo Yin's smooth body
after exercising, had completely evaporated all at once in this glorious
moment. Now his entire body was emitting cold air instead as he tried to
relax his stiffened muscles.

Finally, the hard and scorching member that was practically dancing amidst
the invisible particles in the air, charged with full force into his body.

It was aching with life and excitement.

Bai Luo Yin's narrowed passage stretched open as if eagerly waiting for the
hotness to burn his insides.

At first, the slowness of each stroke was somewhat painful to bear, however,
moments later, as it slipped in and out in accordance with the rhythm of his
own breaths, a blazing fire ignited within him. Bai Luo Yin's tightened
fingers unfurl into relaxation. His breaths were fixed with unearthly heat, full
of urgency as it pirouetted in the chilly air around them. The expressions that
played out on his warm face at this moment, revealed all of his emotions.

Perhaps because it was their first time choosing to be exposed in this kind of
setting; perhaps because it was their first time using this position, the two of
them were exceptionally drunken with excitement.
One of Gu Hai's stern arm snaked around Bai Luo Yin's firm yet supple
waist, so that his back was glued to his own chest. The closeness of their back
to chest contact was practically stitched with gold wires, allowing for no gap
to come in between them as their skin kissed each other in this heated
exchange. In this way, these rough and tantalizing thrusts produced an even
stronger effects, leaving the nerves in excitation.

Twinkling rays of light flashed one by one before Bai Luo Yin's eyes, it was
as if there were countless pairs of eyes looking at him with pleasure and
contentment. Sweltering with shame and resentment, he endured with
difficulty, however he couldn't help but to fall deeper and harder into the
excitement that ravished his reasoning and enticed him into submission.

Although, he hated the man behind him, but he also took pleasure in this
incomparable love and humiliation.

Perhaps being fucked into feeling so good and the taste of pleasure being so
seductive, Bai Luo Yin exhaled with a tearful, sobbing moan for the first

Delighted by this deep and enticing moan, Gu Hai's emotional fuse was
instantly ignited into an overwhelming flame.

Gu Hai lifted one of Bai Luo Yin's leg, allowing his arm to rest behind Bai
Luo Yin's bent knee as he slightly pulled it a bit further out as to give the
nether region the maximum exposure. Bai Luo Yin's face was riddled with
embarrassment while a dangerously crimson red color rose beautifully on it.
He pulled one of his hand away from his back and move it towards the wall;
all five of his fingers roughly dug into the cool wall as he supported himself.
His uneven breaths were mixed with obscure sounds of his throbbing
heartbeats. After the sudden rise of the jerking and thrusting motions
continued, all the obscure feelings that welled within instantly became clear
and tipped at brim of fanaticism.


Bai Luo Yin's neck suddenly perked up as his waist shook uncontrollably.
Due to the trembles, his straightened leg bent. His other hand, that was still
behind his back, firmly pressed against Gu Hai's naked belly as if to resist
and pushed him away but in reality, it was asking him......begging him.

This was a fatal hint.

Gu Hai was like an explosive whose fuse has been lit.

After passing through a short period of warming up, he burst with a

shockingly formidable and powerful force. He used all the strength in his
hands to hold Bai Luo Yin's legs then spread them open to its limit before he
started to thrust without any reservation, just like a machine gun, fiercely
shooting powerful and infinite amount of bullets at a high frequency.

This created a wave of sexual stimulation that crashed uncontrollably through

his body.

Bai Luo Yin was nearly overtaken by dizziness as waves of relentless electric
currents consumed him. A ball of fire suddenly formed at his belly. The
harder little Hai Zi thrust into him, the thicker, the hotter it became and the
fuller his insides felt. Each thrust was harder and deeper than the previous,
hitting him to the hilt. It was making him really hard as his arousal grew and
an orgasm started to build in his body while every nerve seemed to tense and
tingle at the same time.

With the last thrust, pushing him off the edge of sanity, he finally reached his
climax and felt his own desire exploded with urgency. Releasing himself, Bai
Luo Yin nearly collapsed and scream into the pleasure. His legs suddenly
became rigid as his entire body started to shudder with overwhelming

A thin, cloudy transparent liquid spurted out and struck the wall in front of

This Bai Luo Yin who trembled like a fool in his arms, made Gu Hai
pleasantly surprise.

This was the first time that little Yin Zi was not comforted and Bai Luo Yin
still orgasmed with such a pleasurable sensation. Either way has its own taste
to it, however, it was equally too wonderful for words.

After that, it was as if Gu Hai had become addicted.

The entire process that continued and lasted for a longer time, would be the
envy of all men.

Within this time, Bai Luo Yin experienced an exhilarating thrill that brought
him close to the edge between life and death. At intervals of time, he would
shoot a load and every time, it would consume a huge amount of his stamina.
Until the very end, both his legs were weakened and trembled without
constraint. His mind had also fallen into an extremely confused state.

"Okay......ahh......I can't take it anymore......"

After shooting another load, Bai Luo Yin started to refuse more strongly, in
an almost pleading tone, "......ahh......don't toy with it anymore."

"Just like that and you can't take it anymore?" Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo
Yin's cheeks, "It's still early. I haven't even come yet. Why are you in
such a rush?"

All Bai Luo Yin could hear was Gu Hai's voice, tight and insistent. If only he
could see his eyes full of sinful lust.

But nonetheless, the words had reach Bai Luo Yin, bursting into the dark
recesses of his consciousness, exploding a powerful light. Every inch of his
body was drenched in sweat. Unable to bear it any longer, he started to
complain: "Is your fucking dick made out of iron huh?"

"Originally it was made out of flesh, but you had to go and molest
another person. It got angry and became iron."

Once he finished speaking, that iron rod began to recklessly swell and rose

Bai Luo Yin's body had already reached its physical endurance, but Gu Hai
was still over the roof with raging vitality. His hand reached out towards the
front of Bai Luo Yin's delicately shaped member. Because he had already
shot repeatedly, that area became exceptionally sensitive under Gu Hai's
kneading and grip. This entice teasing instantly made Bai Luo Yin's voice
collapse as he begged.

"I really can't take it anymore......don't mess with it......Gu Hai......Gu


"Have you learned from your mistake? Next time, are you going to
randomly molest other people as you wish?"

Gu Hai asked while working up to the final moment.

At this moment, Bai Luo Yin's mind has completely become empty, all his
wisdom had flown away. No matter what Gu Hai asked, he nodded his head.

As a reward for Bai Luo Yin's obedient, Gu Hai increased the frequency and
intensity of his hand as he pumped little Yin Zi again.

All Bai Luo Yin felt now was pleasure, hazy and heavy, overwhelming so.
Gu Hai's hand played his hungry flesh, strumming out the thick pleasure,
wave after wave, crashing into his soul. He opened his eyes, shuddering once
again at the thought of his earlier orgasms. The power, the release that tore
through all the nerves and muscles, nothing in the world could have prepared
him for this inevitable moment.

Bai Luo Yin thought of the building pressure of insurmountable pleasure, of

Gu Hai working him, filling him up with ecstasy. The pleasure was so
intense, so great, so conquering, it left him feeling weak and vulnerable in its
glory. So much so, that he could barely hold his voice in much longer.

He trembled as the pleasure drove him, dangerously close to breaking down

into tears. Unable to hold his voice in any longer, His tearful, sobbing tone
mixed with a stuffy roar broke through the coldness and carried into the night
by the breezy wind.

This wild and demented thrill made them high, drowning them in an
unearthly ecstasy as a fireball coursed through them simultaneously, setting
them on fire.
For the last time, Bai Luo Yin, along with Gu Hai ejaculated cloudy white
fluids together. His body naturally became weak and drained of energy. The
pleasure that lingered in his body, refusing to leave, almost scared him

In a split second, as Bai Luo Yin raised his hand but his arm was still
unconsciously trembling.

This was the first time, after they've made love, that all his strength had
completely drained and escaped him......

The time for sleep was still a distant away.

They took a bath together, then the two leaned against the bedhead and
watched a movie. Bai Luo Yin's eyes were fixed on the computer screen, but
soon images on the screen quickly became a blur.

After the nightly event past, his head suddenly hung low, then with clarity it
rose up and the computer screen became clear again.

Gu Hai resumed his considerate nature like that of a good and honest man as
he looked to the side at Bai Luo Yin dozing off.

In a soft tone, he asked: "Tired?"

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

"Come here, lie on my stomach." Gu Hai patted his own belly.

Once those words sounded off, Bai Luo Yin did not refuse this gesture and
immediately smashed his head on Gu Hai's stomach. His eyelids drooped and
soon the sounds humming around his ear became vague and distant again.

The movie was coming to an end, the female protagonist suddenly asked the
male protagonist a question, "In the end, what do you exactly like about

The male protagonist hasn't even answered yet when Gu Hai's line of sight
swept towards Bai Luo Yin's face.
"Yin Zi......Yin Zi......"

Sensing that someone had gently patted his cheeks, Bai Luo Yin opened his
eyes, his expression was a somewhat drawn with impatience.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you like about me huh?"

Bai Luo Yin was so tired, he could barely think straight, and having Gu Hai
woke him up just to ask him this kind of retarded question, how can he have
the patient to ponder over this? As a result, he directly replied with only one

"When did I say I like you, huh?"


The moment that this sentence came out, young master Gu immediately
became unsettled. The stomach that he had especially allowed his wife to use
has also become a stingy wonderland. No matter what, he refused to let Bai
Luo Yin lie on it anymore, so without much trouble, he just picked Bai Luo
Yin's head up and pulled it to the side.

With this kind of torture, Bai Luo Yin sobered up. The movie had also ended
and the ending credits, plus the original soundtrack began to roll.

"Let me think about it."

Bai Luo Yin started to face this question squarely on. In the end, whether he
faced it on or not resulted in the same conclusion. He racked his brain and
thought about it for quite a while and still he did not come up with a concrete
answer. Slightly pouting his tint lips, he even narrowed his eyes and stared
attentively at Gu Hai from head to toe. He looked until a laughter broke out,
but still he couldn't think of what part of Gu Hai attracted him.

"Did you think of it yet?"

Gu Hai was very serious in regards to this question. That was how important
it was to him at this moment.

Without putting more thoughts into it, Bai Luo Yin told him the truth, "I
can't think of which part of you is good ah."

Gu Hai's ferocious fangs stuck out, "You can't think of even one thing?"

An awkward smile adorned Bai Luo Yin's lips.

Normally, when Bai Luo Yin smiled, Gu Hai would burst with joy and be
over the moon. But now, when Bai Luo Yin smiled, Gu Hai was full of anger.

He pouted and stick out his mighty penis, "You also don't like this here?"

Bai Luo Yin immediately lie down and pretended to be dead.

Unfalteringly, Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin back up. He insisted on knowing
the reason why. Bai Luo Yin became annoy at this pest. He faced Gu Hai and
heavily smashed his fist against his chest twice, "How about you say it

Thinking over this question for a bit, Gu Hai said: "You're very stupid and
also like a kid."

Bai Luo Yin was lethargic for a moment, before a strong expression of
contempt ate at his face, "You have the nerve to call me stupid! And said
that I'm like a kid?"

"It has always been like that. When you sleep, you look especially like a
kid. You would turn towards me and wiggle your way into my

Gu Hai often reflected during these times, all of his baby's expression left
him infatuated.

Nevertheless, Bai Luo Yin shamefully trembled for a moment.

Without warning, Gu Hai became even more exhilarated by looking at him.

He pulled Bai Luo Yin and bind him in his warm embrace, then pressed Bai
Luo Yin's head against his chest.

"Baby, come. Suck on my nipple for milk."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly looked at Gu Hai's belly and punched him a few times
before angrily saying: "You should really sell those fucking jewelries." [1]


"Please spend some money on getting a good psychiatrist to look at your

sickness. That is what you should properly do."

Gu Hai laughed involuntarily, then calmly looked at Bai Luo Yin for a while
longer. A little later, he asked: "Think of anything yet?"

Bai Luo Yin remained silent once again.

Still staring, Gu Hai boldly and without shame at all reminded, "Don't say
you like my wisdom, my maturity level or things of that nature. I'm tired
of hearing those."

If Bai Luo Yin had a hammer in his hand right now, he would have had
already chiseled another hole in Gu Hai's gaping mouth and make it look like
tomato sauce.

"Why aren't you talking again?" All of a sudden, Gu Hai poked Bai Luo
Yin here and there.

This provoked Bai Luo Yin into shooting Gu Hai a death glare. His sinister
eyes, looked like that of a little demon. Actually, he had a guilty conscience
because even until now, he still hasn't thought of a decent answer.

A warm smile braced Gu Hai's lips before he pulled Bai Luo Yin down
toward the pillow, allowing him to lean to the side. Then he pulled a blanket
and gently covered it over him.

With love crowding beautifully in his eyes, he looked at Bai Luo Yin, "If
you can't think of anything, then don't think anymore. Now sleep."
Truth be told, in his heart, he also couldn't think of a definite answer to this
question either. Those two things that he had said earlier was just him
speaking without thinking the matter through. If he continued to say it, he
could find a pile of reasons.

In his eyes, Bai Luo Yin is perfect. Even all of his imperfections are perfect.

It was the same for Bai Luo Yin.

In his eyes, Gu Hai was also perfect. So perfect that he doesn't know how to
briefly describe or appraise him.


Every year, when the school's annual sports competition started, every class
would nervously prepare for it. Now was indeed the time for everyone to put
to use their own personal charm, so many male students would fight over the
registration sheet. The female students were slightly more cautious, but there
were also many that were eager to give it try.

A wave of excitement and positivity set off throughout the school campus.
Every time a class ended or school was dismissed, there would be many
students at the track and field, nervously exercising and training in other
various methods in order to prepare for the upcoming competition. The
campus sweethearts also had to move their base and relocate elsewhere.
Originally, they like to lay on the grass and whisper sweet nothings to each
other. But, now none dared to say anything, since they were afraid that in the
second they finished speaking, the next second, a javelin would stab them to

Also, after the school day was dismissed, many male students would
continuously come look for Gu Hai to register.

Bai Luo Yin turned around for a quick glance and asked: "Are there a lot of
people altogether?"

Gu Hai shook his head, "No, there's a lot missing."

"I saw a lot of people registering ah!"

"They were all foolishly serving as scapegoats in order to make up the

shortfall in registration, so I drove them all away."

"Which class doesn't have a few scapegoats huh?"

Bai Luo Yin took the registration sheet and meticulously looked over it. The
boxes for the men's 5k run and 1500 meters run were completely empty.

"Sign me up for these two here." Bai Luo Yin pointed at the spot,
indicating to Gu Hai where it was.

Gu Hai opposed immediately, "No, you can't. the competition for these
two are on the same day. One is in the morning and the other in the
afternoon. You won't be able to endure it."

"That's my problem. It would be enough just to fill it out for me." Bai
Luo Yin was very persistent about it.

It was not that Gu Hai did not believe in Bai Luo Yin' strength. It was just
that he doesn't want him to endure that kind of tiredness. Running during a
competition and running to toughen one's health up are two distinct ideas. He
doesn't want to see Bai Luo Yin work himself to death for the sake of striving
to have his name on the top ranks.

Gu Hai suggested, "Let's change one of them. I think you can also do the
400 meters run."

Bai Luo Yin became angry, "You clearly know that my explosive force[2]
is insufficient."

Along with the distress that adorned his face, Gu Hai let out a long sigh.

Annoyed, Bai Luo Yin immediately snatched the registration sheet and fill
his own name in the empty space for the 5k run and 1500 meter run. When he
saw that the 400-meter relay was lacking, he also filled his name in for that
event as well.
During the final day for registration, there were two events that were still
vacant, too bad that each person has a limit for how many events they register

If they could repeatedly register, Gu Hai alone would be enough to represent

their entire class during this battle.

"No one has registered for the javelin and 400-meter hurdle yet." Gu Hai

Bai Luo Yin looked around the classroom for a candidate. As he looked back
and forth, he thought that these two remaining events were suitable for a
taller person. Nearly all the taller male students in the class had registered for
an event already.

Only You Qi remained.

Originally, he wanted to look for him to seek out his opinion, but that jerk
had run off somewhere. Annoyed Bai Luo Yin took initiative and
immediately let Gu Hai filled You Qi's name in those two empty spots.

Translator's Note:

[1] Jewelries - he talking about jewelries Gu Hai had bought for them

[2]Explosive force - the momentum to charge forth at a higher frequency

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 163: The Inquietude of Youth - The PAIR that SUFFERED

together. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.



The gloomy door of the records room burst open with a sinister gust of wind,
revealing an alarmingly frightful and wide smile. The eyes of the person that
held this smile was loaded with evilness and an expression kissed with
malevolent. Anyone that gaze upon this presence would have immediately
became worried and panicky.

"Your class sport appointed student didn't ask for your permission and
signed you up for the 5k run and 400-meter hurdle?" Another burst of
laughter, without restraint at all, sounded off, "What was he thinking huh?
Even if he was in a rush to get something to eat, he should have at least
find a sturdier person ah!"
With grievance, Yang Meng angrily looked at You Qi, "Are you fucking
done laughing yet?"

You Qi held back his smile and put on a more earnest appearance but once he
saw Yang Meng extremely delicate shoulder, small and soft face, plus his
sullen and terrified mannerism, he scoffed before bursting out laughing again.

Yang Meng swung his head around with the intention of leaving.

You Qi yanked him back, "Don't be mad, aren't I consoling you huh?"

"Is this how you fucking console someone? Isn't it obvious that you're
just rejoicing in my misfortune?"

"Absolutely not, absolutely not," You Qi lightly slapped his own face a bit
as to calm himself, "I'm comforting you in disguise. Think about it, if I
were to be miserable with you, sighing and wailing in despair, wouldn't
that make you even more depress? You have to look at this as a joke and
laugh it off. In any case, you're already regarded as expendable; a
scapegoat, so just run at your own pace. Just fight for it during the
preliminaries and get eliminated."

"There's no need to fight for it, I'll definitely get eliminated," said Yang
Meng with a sorrowful stain on his face.

You Qi lightly coughed, "That's true as well. Even if you make an all-out
effort, you still won't make it to the finals."

"What!" Yang Meng roared, "There's no fucking preliminary for the 5k

run, it goes straight into the finals. As long as you get on that freaking
track, you must keep running ah! 5k!! I'll drop dead! It's already
unbearable to just walk, don't mention running!"

"Can you be a bit more hopeful about it huh?" You Qi patted Yang
Meng's head for a moment, "Isn't it just 5k run? Just go and piss for a
while and the run will be over."

"Fuck you! Do you have an enlarged prostate? Who spends that much
time to fucking piss!!"

Listening to him, You Qi once again bellowed out in a rather mischievous

and shameless laughter. This time it lasted for quite some time.

Yang Meng looked at You Qi with an extremely hateful expression; honestly

if looks could kill. "I should take a picture of your despicable appearance
now and expose it on the school's website, that way everyone can see this
unrestrained immorality of yours!"

You Qi stuck his head out of the room and looked outside for a second, "The
bell's about to ring soon."

"Then you should go back."

While walking back, Yang Meng secretly cursed himself.

Ask yourself, who are you looking for to grumble about your grievance with?
Of all people, you had to look for him? He's just waiting to see you make a
joke out of yourself and you still fucking jump into the shit hole! If you're not
a fool, then who is? It's more unbearable this time, right? Even more sullen,
right? Can't fucking figure things out, right? You deserve it!

By the time they got to the head of a flight of stairs, You Qi was still
cheerfully looking at him with tears of laughter welling in his eyes.

He then shouted out a sentence, "Good luck to you!"

Yang Meng watched as You Qi departed toward the other direction before he
ruthlessly spat on the floor.

Fuck! Don't fucking let me see you again!


You Qi cheerfully opened the back door with a carefree mannerism then
cheerfully entered the classroom with a carefree mannerism as well.
Immediately after he cheerfully sat down in his own seat. When he sensed
someone patting his shoulder from behind, he cheerfully turned his head
around in yet another carefree manner. With a carefree smile gracing his lips.

"Yin Zi, what happened?"

Bai Luo Yin had made a copy of the registration sheet and passed it over to
You Qi, "Our class had two events that were still vacant so I filled your
name in both."

You Qi's carefree face, revealed a vague uneasiness, "What events?"

"The sports competition events!"

First You Qi became dumbfounded for a moment, then after he suddenly

pulled the registration sheet from Bai Luo Yin's hand and looked at it for
several seconds. His eyes slightly widened with dread before his face
darkened as if a layer of soy sauce was smeared on it.

"This......can it still be changed?"

Bai Luo Yin told You Qi with great certainty, "It's impossible to change it
now. It's already been delivered to the Headmaster's office and it'll be
typed up soon."

A bolt of lightning struck You Qi atop his temple out of nowhere, sports is
indeed his greatest weakness ah! He stared at the events he was enrolled for was even more disastrous now; more like a thunderbolt shot down
on at him on clear sunny day.


He had never even touched one before!

400-meter hurdle? Wait a minute......why does it look so familiar the more I

look at it? Fuck!! Yang Meng also has this event. I'm going to drop dead ah!
Is this retribution?

Taking advantage of the last minute of class, You Qi decided to talk it over
with Gu Hai.
"How about we look for someone else to replace me okay? Our sport
competition has a point accumulation system. The class total
accumulated points will determine the rankings right......don't let me
drag the entire class down."

Truthfully, You Qi looking for Gu Hai was the same as pulling out a sword
and cutting his own throat in a suicidal attempt.

Gu Hai's heartless eyes swept toward You Qi's handsomely sculpted face.
The tone of his voice wasn't serious but it was very forceful.

"Look for someone to replace you? Why don't you look around, how
many students in our school doesn't recognize you huh? The first
competition is only an additional 8 points and nothing more. 20 points
will be deducted from cheating during the competition. Think about it
yourself, is it worth it?"

You Qi was silent for about ten seconds. When he opened his mouth again to
say something, the dismissal bell sounded off.

After class was dismissed, You Qi went to look for Bai Luo Yin to beg him
for help.

"Can you talk with Gu Hai? Doesn't our class have a reserved player for
the competition? Just let that reserved player replace me and it'll be

Bai Luo Yin only patted You Qi's shoulder and tilt his head to the side with a
slight smile, "I support you."

You Qi simply was stumped for words as he stared blankly.

"I think you have a pretty good physique. I see a rather promising
potential in you, it's just that you lack physical engagement. You just
need to exercise more to toughen up. Also, recently you've gotten fat, I
think you can just take this good opportunity to exercise more, and
consider it as losing some weight."
Bai Luo Yin is always accurate in nipping at people's lifeline.

You Qi most beloved is his body's appearance.


He takes the most offense when other people criticize his body like this.


When Bai Luo Yin specially started to put it in that way...


Given the fact that his evaluation holds a lot of weight in You Qi's heart.

If he said that You Qi is fat, even if the digital scale said that he is skinny...

You Qi will also think he himself is fat.


At the end of the school day, Yang Meng dragged his heavy footsteps toward
the track.

5k. 5k.

Just thinking about this number made his liver tremble.

Such a vast and obscure track, where exactly is my resting place? One lap
after the next, when will it end ahhhh?

"Give me your things, I'll hold them."

Hearing a familiar voice, Yang Meng turned around and saw two very
familiar figures coming into his view.

Bai Luo Yin gave all the things that was getting in his way to Gu Hai. He
planned to start at this section of the field and give it a try in order to get a
feel of it.

"You've also registered?"

Upon hearing Yang Meng's voice, Bai Luo Yin then discovered this
unnoticeable existence amongst the tide of people.

"Yeah! The 5k run," said Bai Luo Yin nonchalantly as if it was a simple

Yang Meng nearly fell with the sudden gust of wind that carried those words.

He himself already knows all too well what Bai Luo Yin's level was. To
make a more conservative estimate of the previous year's competition, Bai
Luo Yin had passed him, at the least, five or six laps. Recalling the scene that
time, when all the other contestants had finished running and he was the only
one left alone on the track, to miserably continue counting his laps, Yang
Meng wanted to beat his fist on the ground and cry out bitterly.

"What are you doing here? Waiting for your classmates?" asked Bai Luo
Yin casually, since he simply didn't think that Yang Meng would have
anything to do with the competition.

Yang Meng inarticulately shook his head, then nodded, they shook his head

At first Gu Hai only thought that Yang Meng was an eyesore, but now that he
had seen his dull-witted expression, he couldn't help but to be even more


Without hesitation, he immediately urged Bai Luo Yin with a few words,
"Quick, you should run now."

Bai Luo Yin merely nodded his head and got on the track.

Gu Hai followed closely behind, "How about I run with you for a few
laps? I'd just get bored waiting here anyways.".
The two was just about to start when Yang Meng chased after them again.

"How about I also run with you guys? It would also be boring for me to
just wait here."

Since Bai Luo Yin had no objection and Gu Hai also doesn't have any
complaints, the three started to run together.

Watch him closely, watch him closely. Just breathe down his neck if you have
to. You absolutely must not get left behind. You only need to stay close to him
for ten laps then you'll be victorious!

Yang Meng's standards of victory is to not make a spectacle of himself. That

alone would be good enough for him!

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai ran very effortlessly. The first couple of laps were
only considered warm-ups so their speed wasn't too fast. They casually ran
while chatting about their day; mostly in regards to things that happened in
the class and their respective family.

Yang Meng would occasionally stick in a few words here and there. Every
time he spoke, he felt a great sense of achievement crowding in his heart.

See! I can run together with the former long-distance running champion and
the major general's son. Not only can I keep up with them but I can also have
a chat too!

As the fourth lap began, Yang Meng's speech became somewhat strenuous.
Each time he spoke, he would gasp for air; then after he finished talking, his
breathing became even more chaotic. Only when he tried with all his might to
take a breath, was the air guaranteed to enter smoothly into his lungs.

Once the fifth lap arrived, Yang Meng, in base terms, could not talk any
longer. He could only listen to Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai, who were ahead of
him, talk as he silently followed behind them.

At the sixth lap, Gu Hai suddenly patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, "Let's start
for real now."
Yang Meng, "............"

What a cruel and merciless sentence.

At that moment, Yang Meng was already so tired, his train of thoughts were
all jumbled up, along with his awful physical condition.

But, the four legs in front of him had just started to liven up with an infinite
amount of energy.

Yang Meng looked on helplessly at those four long and strong legs, surged
forth like wild horses riding the desert sand. In but only a mere second, as if
pulled by an enormous electric current, they disappeared out of his line of
sight, without even informing him.

Yang Meng's speed, on the other hand, was getting slower and slower, like
some old cattle diligently plowing and weeding the vast farmland.

"Steady your breathing. It's a bit too fast right now. Three steps, inhale,
Three steps, exhale......"

Just as he was counting his way through this rigorous task, he heard familiar
voices coming from behind. Yang Meng suddenly felt a surge of coldness run
up his arm while his eyes slightly widened of its own accord in fear.

What the fuck, how could they pass by me so fast?

He couldn't help but to look in awe as the two tall figures flashed by him
from behind then disappeared ahead. Bai Luo Yin cheerfully turned his head
around and laughed at him.

Fuck, you still have the strength to laugh? How can you still be this happy
running that fast?

The person to the side was even more savage and vigorous. Although he was
carrying two heavy schoolbags on his shoulder, he was still able to talk away
without any restraint whatsoever.

Are the two of you even human?

After a moment, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin passed by again, and another
moment later, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin passed by again.........

You don't need to compete with them! Just do the best you can and it'll be
good enough. Remember, your only opponent is yourself. For today, just
being able to run is a victory in itself already.........said Yang Meng secretly
to himself.

There's still four laps left to go. Just four final laps left, Yang Meng clenched
his fist tightly.

From behind came those familiar voices again, "There's still one lap left,

This one sentence nearly caused Yang Meng to stagger.

Only one lap left? They're almost done running already? How can that be?!!!
I've calculated from the beginning, they've ran six laps before the start of the
calculation, how could they finish before me? Besides, didn't Gu Hai say he
was only going to accompany Bai Luo Yin for a few laps? How was it
possible that he ran until now? Not to mention, he's also carrying so many

They must be goofing off! Definitely! That's right!!!

The two suddenly sped up.

Who knew if Gu Hai was being intentional or not? When he sped by Yang
Meng, the school bags on his back suddenly bumped into Yang Meng.

At that moment, both of Yang Meng's legs already felt weak so being
bumped into by the bags on Gu Hai's shoulder, his whole entire body
staggered to the side. He tried to steady his legs in order to find a proper
balance but still be couldn't. Ultimately, he miserably fell to the ground.

Bai Luo Yin didn't even turn, because when Yang Meng collapsed to the
ground, Bai Luo Yin had already sprinted toward the finish line.

"How do you feel?" asked Gu Hai.

Bai Luo Yin slowed down his breaths, "Not bad."

Looking at him with warm eyes, Gu Hai reached out his hand to wipe the
beads of sweat on Bai Luo Yin's face, but Bai Luo Yin avoided him.

"No need to wipe it. Let's go home and take a shower."

Shoulder to shoulder the two left the school's main gate.


When You Qi finally got to the sports field, the sky was already painted in an
inky canopy of darkness. There was no one at the track by then. All the
students that were once running were completely gone by now and the
students that lived on campus went to their evening study sessions already.

Now was the most appropriate time to exercise.

You Qi swung his arms out, and kicked his legs out back and forth as to
stretch and relax his muscles.

As he prepared to run, he suddenly heard weeping sounds coming from

somewhere. It was vague, yet it also carried an unclear abundance of curse
words. He followed the sound to find the source of it; and the weeping
became louder and louder. Even more so, the more he listened, the more
familiar it became.

" ankle is legs are cramped and so

are my arms. Huhuhu, my entire body is completely cramped......I still
have two laps left to go. I have to finish running before I can go home
ah......Huhuhu......they ran three laps and I only ran one lap ah. He only
bumped into me a bit and I fell head first down ah......"

You Qi lightly coughed twice and the weeping sounds ended abruptly.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 164: The Inquietude of Youth - The WARM PREPARATION

before the COMPETITION. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"You are really your uncle's nephew."

You Qi squatted down and looked at Yang Meng's unsightly expression.

Yang Meng, on the other hand, did what anyone would have done in that
kind of awkward situation; he fiercely wiped the tears off his face and
dropped his bottoms to the ground before quickly turning around to hide.

With his back was now facing You Qi, he said: "I'm telling you, my mood
is really bad today; it's best if you don't provoke me."

Arching one of his brows, You Qi suddenly kneed Yang Meng's back; there
was a slight provocation to his teasing tone, "So what if I provoked you?"
Like a baby tiger whose tail had been stepped on, he swung his body back
around and firmly held tightly onto one of You Qi's leg.

Then, he began to yell at the top of his lungs.

"Look! Look! Just come have a look ah!! You Qi is on the grass

Yang Meng's physical strength may not be on the same level as the latter or
of his friends, however, the power of his vocal cords are not to be
underestimated, to say the least of it, was that it had a ground shattering
power. There was a high probability that he had inherited his mother's finely
tuned tradition. With the way that he was shouting, his voice deftly
reverberated throughout the entire sports field. Although the school building
was a bit over thirty meters away from where they were, all the students' ears
perked up once they heard this thundering sound.

Startled, You Qi promptly squatted down again and covered Yang Meng's
mouth. His brows screwed tightly together as he looked at the back of Yang
Meng's head and wrenched it back in one quick motion.

"Hey, shut the fuck up!"

Sullen, Yang Meng stayed silent. About a minute later, You Qi suddenly felt
wetness on his own hand. As he pulled his hand away, Yang Meng began to
cry again. His fist beat the ground beneath him repeatedly while tears flowed
down his despondent face. Looking at his agonizing self, it seemed awfully

"No......What are you crying about?" You Qi became a bit worried, "I
barely used any strength a moment ago ah!"

"It has nothing to do with you." Yang Meng continued to sob rather
spasmodically. A mournful expression ate as his face as his eyes faced the
night sky above, "You don't understand the bitterness in my heart. Just
go away okay? Let me cry for a while by myself for a moment. After I
finish, I'll still be a strong and courageous man."
"What don't I understand?" You Qi sat crossed-legged on the ground with
an unperturbed expression lining his handsome face. "Isn't it because you
need to run in the 5k race during the sports competition huh?"

"How do you know?" asked Yang Meng as he listlessly clutched a handful

of grass, those once beautifully drawn out grass that covered the ground. He
sighed in between his hidden anger.

You Qi reluctantly cast a glance in Yang Meng's direction, "Weren't you the
one that told me?"

"Oh, that's right. I did tell you." As the sequence of event rushed back into
his head, Yang Meng wept yet again. Honestly, listening to it, it sounded like
he was in the midst of singing a song. He was indeed worthy of being called
'nephew of the leader that wailed during a funeral rite.' [1]

Seeing Yang Meng's shoulder drawing back and forth as he sobbed, You Qi
who seldom lowered his tone below a satirical diatribe, now, softened his
voice a bit.

"What's there to cry about? If you're afraid of losing face, then just give

Yang Meng whined, beat his chest and stomped the heel of his foot on the
ground, "Do you think I can just give up if I wanted to? Why don't you
ask if my father would agree to it or not? Or if the Yang's family
ancestors would allow it or not?"

You Qi, "......"

Yang Meng drowned himself in tears again, "Uhhhh, ahhhh, what should I
do huh?......"

You Qi can see it clearly now, this fool's looking for trouble even if there isn't
any, someone must be bored!

"Okay, you can sit here and cry by yourself. I'm going to run."

The sound of Yang Meng's miserably weeping abruptly came to a complete

stop. As if nothing had happened at all, his eyes followed You Qi before he
asked: "What are you doing here running about like this right now?"

Thinking about it to himself for a moment, You Qi hesitated but out of

consideration for his own honor, he chose not to tell Yang Meng the truth.

"Just exercising to maintain good health."

After You Qi ran five laps around the track, he stopped and he stood still.
When he looked over towards the center of the lawn, he discovered that there
was a small dark speckle there. As he took one step at a time towards the
center, it was clear now that the speckle was Yang Meng, still glued in the
same spot.

"Why haven't you gone home yet? The sky's already dark."

Yang Meng sighed in despair, "I still have two laps left that I haven't

"Then quickly go and run!"

Yang Meng faintly mumbled, "I don't want to run."

You Qi sat down and look at Yang Meng again. This time Yang Meng was
not crying anymore but his face also lacked any kind of expression. He held
his head up, while staring blankly at the track not so far ahead. Several leaves
fragments sprinkled at the back of his head, practically stitching into his
fluffy hair. His appearance made it looked as though he had the misfortune of
being bullied.

You Qi let out a 'pffff' sound, but it wasn't of mockery, instead, it was a type
of helplessness.

"Is it really worth it for you to go that far?"

Yang Meng dispiritedly said: "Today Bai Luo Yin and I ran together. He
also registered for the 5k run. In the end, he ran passed me several times.
Ah, you know how the saying goes, constantly comparing yourself to
others will only make you angry ah......"
"And you still ran with him?" You Qi doesn't know what to say to make it
better anymore, "Why didn't you try to run with Gu Hai huh?"

"He was also there. Even when he was carrying a huge pile of things, he
still ran faster than me." The more he talked the more grievance he felt.
Yang Meng's mouth drew back and opened again in preparation for another
round of tears.

"Enough, enough, enough. Stop howling already. From the way I see it,
there's no need for you to cry. If it was really because of the difference in
your levels, then having a good cry after losing to him is actually worth
it. But, you're bawling because you still have 1.8k to go? That's

Yang Meng tightly pulled back the corner of his mouth into a pursed, with an
expression as though he had suffered from an excruciating insult.

"That's enough, quick, return home now."

You Qi even took the initiative to give Yang Meng a push, "It's cooler at
night; look at you, you wore so little, you'll definitely catch a cold."

Having said that, he took out a tissue and blew his own nose.

Yang Meng remained motionless.

You Qi couldn't sit still any longer, so he immediately got up and looked at
Yang Meng before saying: "If you're not going to leave, then I will."

There was no response from Yang Meng.

You Qi started to walk away but after about ten meters in, he turned back to
look at Yang Meng with a resentful expression.

"What is there to suffer about? Your class sports appointed

representative selected you for those events is proof that he thinks highly
of you! Aren't I different from you? I've never even touched a javelin
before and what did Gu Hai do, he registered me for that competition. I
am more afraid to lose face than you, otherwise, why would I be here
exercising huh?"

Just hearing those words, Yang Meng's gloomy eyes suddenly shined as if the
entire milky way had rushed into them.

"Really? You've also registered for a competition? Which ones?"

You Qi unhappily imparted, "Javelin, 400-meter hurdle."

"You also have the 400-meter hurdle? Hahahaha......" In that split second,
Yang Meng was kissed with an overwhelming sense of excitement. He
quickly pushed himself up and off the grass before patting You Qi's shoulder.
Then, he delightfully said, "Then, I'm going home now!"

Fuck! I consoled you for such a long time and you didn't even care. Just when
I fucking mention my own misfortune just a tiny bit and now you're cure!?

Humming a joyous tune, Yang Meng started to walk away.

Looking at Yang Meng's back, You Qi clenched his teeth.

Just because I took pity on you.

It was only several days later did You Qi realized that allowing his heart to be
merciful was not worth it.

Just after he told Yang Meng, the next morning Yang Meng took the news of
him being in the competition and spread it throughout the school campus. In
less than three days, all the teachers and students in the entire school campus
knew that You Qi was a participant in the sports competition. Even worse,
they knew with great details which competitions he was in, what team he was
placed in and even what time each competition would take place.

You Qi was indeed pushed toward a rather harsh position.

If I give up now, it's the same as running away before the battle even started,
how shameful!
With his level, not giving up would be even more humiliating when the time
comes. It's impossible to back out now, You Qi could only try his best and
exercise as much as he can.

"Hey Mr. Big Star, you're here practicing with the javelin?" Yang Meng
muttered from a distance as he walked over.

You Qi picked up the javelin and pointed the sharp head and point it at Yang
Meng, "Don't fucking come over here, I'll fucking stab you to death if
you do!"

Yang Meng had figured out what You Qi's practicing time was, so the
moment he was free, he came for a visit to see his progress and also to give
himself an excuse to be lazy.

Occasionally, when he saw You Qi's improvements, he himself would

become nervous; as if he was facing a formidable nemesis, so he would
quickly step up his game and practice even harder. This was all in fear of
making a fool of himself and being unable to find a companion just as bad as

The two always practiced together and gradually You Qi started not to care
about Yang Meng's immoral actions. Once in a while, he would also
supervise him and excite him into practice. Although Yang Meng was
inherently weak, upon You Qi's pressure and urge, there was a slight
improvement in his skills.

Yang Meng stood at a distant a bit far from where You Qi was and watched
him. With one of his hand high in the air, Yang Meng waited and as You Qi
began to run forward, Yang Meng let his hand fly down. With that signal,
You Qi suddenly let the javelin fly out of his grip. The whole movement was
done in one quick go with great elegance; and his posture was very standard,
quite pleasant to the eyes; and looking at the distance at which the javelin
was thrown, it appeared quite far as well.

"That's good!" Yang Meng shouted and clapped excitedly.

"Good, how is it good huh?" You Qi calm and collectively went to pick up
the javelin, "The end of the javelin hit the ground first, no matter how far
it travels it won't be good enough."


You Qi became a bit anxious.

My posture is clearly correct, why doesn't the head fly into the ground first?

Yang Meng gave You Qi a suggestion, "Why don't you turn the javelin
around? That way the head will touch the ground first right?"

You Qi, "........."

The two practice the hurdle race together.

Since there were no field hurdles and they didn't want to borrow it from the
gymnasium, one of them ended up serving as the hurdle while the other
person stride over. Because Yang Meng was a head shorter and You Qi legs
were quite long, it was always easier for You Qi to stride over him. But when
it was Yang Meng's turn to stride over You Qi, it was not that easy. Sadly, for
the vast majority of the time, he would stumble and fall over You Qi's body.

It was Yang Meng's turn again.

"Are you ready?" Yang Meng shouted.

You Qi turned his head around and gave Yang Meng the 'OK' gesture. Then,
he turned his head back and deliberately lowered his head even more so that
the height of his back also dropped lower as to avoid it if Yang Meng fell
down on him again.

Yang Meng started to take off, once he got close enough to You Qi, he
suddenly lifted one of his leg, while the other leg tightly pulled in, then he
firmly landed.

This was the first time after Yang Meng leaped, his foot actually landed on
the ground. He was slightly bewildered, somewhat unconvinced that it
actually happened. So he excitedly patted You Qi's back, "Hey, I really
crossed over you?"

You Qi didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you getting up?" Yang Meng became puzzled.

You Qi tried his best to open his mouth, "Move your fucking foot, you're
stepping on my head!"





There were two guys in the bathtub.

Bai Luo Yin leaned his head gently against the edge of the bathtub and let out
a long sigh of relief. Being able to take a warm bath after exercising felt
extremely comfortable and indeed worth the wait. He lifted one of his leg,
there wasn't any unbearable feeling. He lifted the other leg, it seemed a little
sore but it didn't feel that bad.

Gu Hai sat in front of him. When Bai Luo Yin lifted one of his legs, he would
take a glance at the spot between his legs. Bai Luo Yin lifted his own leg, and
his eyes traveled toward that spot again, just like a professional hoodlum.

"You ran for such a long time today, do the soles of your feet feel sore?"
Gu Hai softly asked.

Bai Luo Yin moved his toes, "It hurts a bit, but it's okay."

"Let me give you a massage."

As Gu Hai said this, he started to use his fingers to massage the center of Bai
Luo Yin's foot.
Thinking that it felt really comfortable, Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes and let
Gu Hai do want he wanted.

At first, it seemed that way, pleasant, but after it became more and more
strange. When Bai Luo Yin unwillingly opened his eyes, he found that his
toes had run inside Gu Hai's mouth.

His other foot was lifted out of the water and was now playing close to Gu
Hai's face.

Gu Hai leaned his body in close to Bai Luo Yin, allowing their chest to
almost taste each other. The bathtub wasn't big enough so the two could only
lie down. One of Gu Hai's arm wrapped around Bai Luo Yin's waist while the
other gently, lovingly caressed his face.

"The competition is going to be tomorrow. Haha."

Gu Hai doesn't know whether he was saying it for Bai Luo Yin to hear, or for

Bai Luo Yin only let out an 'okay.'

Casting a seductive look at Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai spoke again, "You have to
rest well today, haha."

Staring back, Bai Luo Yin could hear the resentment in Gu Hai's voice, so he
emphasized his 'okay' a bit more than the previous.

With pouted lips, Gu Hai depressingly remained silent for a while longer.

Suddenly his eyes brightened with excitement as if fireworks had been lit and
was now sailing into the night sky.

"That's right! Your competition is the day after tomorrow right?"

After he said that, he glanced down. His hand snaked out and slithered
toward the spot between Bai Luo Yin's leg. It was the same of kind impatient
as to when a child wanted to suck on teats for milk.

As a result, Bai Luo Yin grabbed hold of his wrist.

"Your competition is tomorrow."

In a sulky manner, Gu Hai said that it was 'no problem', but once he saw the
deep disapproval in Bai Luo Yin's eyes, he obediently gave up.

Before they slept, Bai Luo Yin suddenly kicked Gu Hai, "Do your best
tomorrow. Fighting ah."

Gu Hai's tinted lips rose into an impressive smile, "You think just 'fighting'
is enough, why not express it?"

While Bai Luo Yin shot Gu Hai a death glare, Gu Hai instead pointed at his
left cheek.

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a moment, but nevertheless, he moved in closer and
gave him a sweet kiss.


Slightly turning his face to the side, Gu Hai pointed at his right cheek.

He really wanted to curse him out. You're not fucking done yet?


Once he saw Gu Hai waiting impatiently, with an anxious expression, he

found it unbearable. And that unwanted twinge struck his heart. Without any
better option, he leaned in and kissed him again.

Gu Hai also pulled in and branded a kiss on Bai Luo Yin's soft lips.

This time, drawn with an overwhelming sense of contentment, they slept.

Translator's Note:
[1] refers to the uncle that Yang Meng asked to help Bai Luo Yin ruin Jiang
Yuan's wedding to Gu Hai's father.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 165: The Inquietude of Youth - To THEE comes DOMESTIC

violence! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After the opening ceremony of the sports competition ended, the gunfire
sounded off at the field, announcing the start of this year’s game.

The first event was the preliminaries for the 100m sprint.

Since Gu Hai was registered for this competition and he was placed in the
third group, he immediately went to check in right after the opening
ceremony. Bai Luo Yin and a throng of their classmates sat together at the
bleachers to watch the competition.

Held tightly in Bai Luo Yin’s hands was a camera he had been eager to use.
He planned on using it to take pictures of Gu Hai entering the field and for
during the game. But as he turned his head to the side toward the entrance of
the field, he saw You Qi a couple seats over, wearing a sport uniform that
made him look heroic and glamorous, so without hesitation he quickly
snapped a shot.

Hearing that sudden snap, You Qi twisted his head to the side and was met
with a familiar face. He asked the student beside him to exchange seats,
before he sat down beside Bai Luo Yin.

“What day is your competition?”

“Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.” You Qi faintly replied


While his eyes were still plastered on the photos, Bai Luo Yin asked again:
“How was your preparation?”

You Qi could only impart with honesty, “It was the same as not

Bai Luo Yin was about to speak again but as he slightly looked up, the first
five team contestants had already entered the field one after the other.
Whatever he had wanted to say before, he had completely forgotten. His eyes
shifted around the procession, jumping quickly from one contestant to the
next as he hopefully searched for a while. Stretching his neck up a bit, he
finally saw that familiar silhouette; feeling relieved he let out a sigh and
allowed his mind to settle down. Then he quickly picked up the camera, and
let the lens follow Gu Hai’s every movement.

Feeling a great affinity with a particular pair of eyes that was aimed at him,
Gu Hai lifted his head up.

And in the split second that Gu Hai’s head rose to looked at him with a warm
smile, Bai Luo Yin quickly pressed the shutter button to capture this
unforgettable moment.

A young man, kissed by the brilliant light of the mighty sun, stood frozen on
the field below.

Bai Luo Yin put the camera down and looked over the image he had just
taken for a moment. Looking at it, he couldn’t help but to let a smile embrace

“So stupid.”

You Qi discovered that when Bai Luo Yin said the word ‘stupid,’ an
indescribable feeling spilled out from between his lips. Since the moment Gu
Hai appeared, to the moment Bai Luo Yin picked up the camera to take a
picture, and even as he finalized and saved the picture; the entire process
seemed very ordinary. But because Bai Luo Yin smiled, everything became
extraordinary, almost magical.

Who knew when Luo Xiao Yu [1] showed up, but right now she was sitting
on the bleacher just below Bai Luo Yin and You Qi.

“Miss.” Bai Luo Yin called out.

Luo Xiao Yu glanced back and looked with a smile; Bai Luo Yin
immediately captured this breathtaking moment.

The competition was starting now.

All the contestants from each group lined up in their given position on the
field. The first set of contestants on the track were already preparing
themselves; some seemingly nervous while others were raging with

Once the starting pistol was shot, a row of people like delicately carved
arrows on an archaic bow string dashed forth. As if there were wings glued to
their feet, each one of them burst forth with an astonishingly powerful force.

An onslaught of cheers broke out wildly from the bleachers as students and
teacher stood and shouted with enthusiasm.

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes were extremely focused, even to the point that they were
singing with observation and judgement. Not only was he enjoying the
bustling scene, but he also secretly remembered all those who threaten to take
the championship from Gu Hai.
The first group will finish soon and the second group was preparing
themselves. The audiences that had just quieted down a moment ago, became
lively and full of energy again.

From within the horde of people that were raging, someone cracked a joke.
Seconds later, there was a burst of loud and rowdy laughter, accompanied by
boos and whistles.

Bai Luo Yin couldn’t make out clearly what it was; all he heard were three
syllables “chocolate”.

You Qi looked at the male student behind him and asked: “What are they
laughing about?”

The student happily said: “Our homeroom teacher is too biased. There are
so many athletes participating in this competition, but she only gave Gu
Hai chocolate.”

In that moment, Bai Luo Yin suddenly placed the camera that was raised up
in his hand down.

A brave boy stood up and shouted, “Teacher, you’re biased. Why did you
only give Gu Hai chocolate?”

Compared to her normally explosive temperament, Luo Xiao Yu seemed

exceptionally gentle and soft today. Not only did she not used those pair of
beady eyes to glared at them, but she didn’t even refute anything that was just
said. She just remained with an extremely pleasant smile; a smile that
revealed a tint of bashfulness, even more so, her rosy cheeks resembled that
of an eighteen years old girl. It was rare to see Luo Xiao Yu so amiable and
easy to understand like this, so many students wanted to take a group picture
with her. For once, the atmosphere of this class was wrapped with joy and

Bai Luo Yin paused for a few seconds, then he lifted the camera in his hand
up again.

The third group of contestants appeared on the track and lined up in their
respective spot.

Only then did Luo Xiao Yu started to rectify the rowdy situation with her
more demanding tone, “Stop making so much noises. Quiet down, Gu Hai
is about to start his run.”

When the word of command ‘ready, set’ went off, informing everyone the
next group was about to start their round did all the contestants crouched

Gu Hai was the last one in the row. As he crouched down, he even looked
toward Bai Luo Yin and grinned, revealing his signature smile. Bai Luo Yin
wanted to curse at him, even though that smile had a great effect in reassuring
and comforting Bai Luo Yin’s feelings.

Bai Luo Yin doesn’t know why he was so nervous. When he participated in
the previous year’s competition, he never had these kinds of feelings. It was
obvious that before the competition, he had evaluated Gu Hai’s speed so he
was confident that those other students were not his rival.

But still, he could not control the savage speed of his own heartbeat.

Sure enough, at the start, Gu Hai’s speed was a pace slower than the other

Bai Luo Yin’s heart tightened.

It was only after ten meter later was he able to relax and the other classmates
started to shout and cheer rather vigorously. Even Luo Xiao Yu was
abnormally excited as she tore at her voice to cheer Gu Hai on.

After fifty meter, it was obvious who was at an advantage. Seeing this
positive prospect, the ongoing shouts became cheers of victory.

Just right after Gu Hai crashed into the finishing line, Bai Luo Yin looked at
the stopwatch in his hand. Unknowingly, he had gripped the stopwatch so
tight that it became fuzzy from his sweaty palm.

It could have been due to Gu Hai’s slow start, or the reduction of his speed
midway into the race, but either way, his speed was slower than usual by just
half a second.

Regardless, this speed still placed him at number one in the group and easily
broke the school’s record for this competition. Because of this spectacular
victory, it directly added twenty points to class 27’s overall score.

As Gu Hai made his way back to the place where his classmates were, there
was an explosive burst of applauds and cheers greeting him. Although he
wanted to immediately run over to Bai Luo Yin and stick close to him, he
tried his best not to. Instead, out of courtesy he greeted Luo Xiao Yu first.

Luo Xiao Yu immediately pulled Gu Hai over by the hand and incessantly
praised him, “Your performance was pretty good.”

The group of male students nearby looked over with envy riddling their eyes.

“Take a picture! Take a picture!……”

Someone shouted this out in one quick go and soon the entire class started
another loud ruckus as they continuously demanded Gu Hai and Luo Xiao Yu
take a picture together.

Who’s going to carry out this mission? Ugh, was there actually need to ask
myself that?

He then picked up the camera that was sitting behind him.

“Make sure you take a really handsome picture of me ah!” said Gu Hai as
he looked at Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin secretly clenched his teeth.

It’s enough that I’m taking a fucking picture of you and you’re still being
fucking noisy!

Gu Hai put his hand on Luo Xiao Yu’s shoulder, not to mention, he was also
wearing a bright and joyous smile that matched the beautiful face beside him.
It was quite hard to tell that they were student and teacher since they looked
more like lovers.

Just as Bai Luo Yin placed the camera down, Luo Xiao Yu hinted at him to
take another one. This time, using her pretty fingers, she pulled Gu Hai’s ear,
with an expression on her face that showed she was reprimanding a
mischievous student. Going along with her, Gu Hai also corresponded with
an obedient apparent.

In others’ eyes, it was a good match but in Bai Luo Yin’s eyes, it was
extremely annoying!

For the entire morning, one after another, all the competitions sped by. Other
students in the class also participated in many of the other competitions.
Beside Gu Hai, there were also other students that were placed first in their
class, but Bai Luo Yin noticed that Luo Xiao Yu wasn’t shouting as loudly
with excitement as she did before. Nor did he saw her demanding to take a
picture with any of the other students.

Once the afternoon competitions came to a glorious end, the school’s

headmaster announced dismissal earlier than normal.

On their way back home, they happened to pass by a shopping center. Gu

Hai’s footstep came to a halt before he turned to look at Bai Luo Yin: “How
about going in to look at some shoes since you’ll be competing
tomorrow? We should get you a pair of good running shoes.”

Bai Luo Yin annoyingly replied, “Didn’t we buy one the day before
yesterday already?”

“We bought it already?” asked Gu Hai with an astonished expression,

“How come I didn’t see you wearing it huh!”

“Didn’t you tell me not to wear it until the day of the competition?” As
he said that, he grabbed hold of Gu Hai’s hand and pulled him, hinting at him
to hurry up and keep walking.

Gu Hai was one of those people, those little masters, who must buy
something if they passed by a shopping mall, otherwise they won’t feel at

Bai Luo tried with all his might to pull him away but no matter what he
wouldn’t budge. He listened as Gu Hai still insisted on purchasing another
pair of shoe.

“Hey, what do you think about that yellow pair on the window display? I
think it really suits you if you wear it.”

Curious, Bai Luo Yin turned for a quick look. Not only was it a new model
that had just hit the market, it was also an ultra-limited edition set but the
price tag fucking set it at more than 3000 yuan! [$500 usd]

“Whether it’s suitable or not doesn’t concern you, let’s go!” Bai Luo Yin
started to pull Gu Hai again.

Gu Hai was like a stubborn donkey, no matter how he was dragged, he still
refused to leave. In the end, he still charged into the shopping center and
bought that pair. When he came out holding it in his hand, his face was
flushed with happiness as a smile stretched at his lips from ear to ear. It
wasn’t at all like when he fished his money out of his pocket but instead it
was more like he had won the lottery.

Bai Luo Yin became a bit worried.

How am I going to cure this fool’s addiction to spending?

“Should we buy some sportswear?……”

“That’s – enough – from – you!” Bai Luo Yin suddenly became angry.

“Is there anyone that waste money like you?”

“How can you call it wasteful? What we buy are all genuine goods at a
fair price ah. Is it wrong that I used the money to buy some basic
necessities for our place? If you don’t spend the money in your hands,
then what are you leaving it for? Have you ever heard of this saying?
‘People that don’t spend money won’t be able to earn money. Only
spending can promote production, only when there’s pressure will there
be power!”

“I only see you spending. I’ve also never seen you producing anything?”

“How haven’t I produced anything?” Gu Hai moved in closer to the side of

Bai Luo Yin’s ear. With a smirk, he said with his hot breath: “Don’t I
produce a steady flow of ‘milk’ every day to feed you?”

With a slight widening of his eyes, Bai Luo Yin ruthlessly gave Gu Hai a
firm kick.

Once Gu Hai was able to walked back to Bai Luo Yin’s side again, Bai Luo
Yin couldn’t help but to ask with a few words, “Doesn’t your dad give you
allowance every month now?”

Gu Hai nodded his head in agreement, “Yeah, otherwise do you think I

would dare to spend like this?”

“That’s good. In the future, you can give me the money. I’ll keep it safe
for you.”

“Okay, starting from next month.”

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes slightly wavered, “Why starting next month? He
hasn’t given it to you this month yet?”

Gu Hai seemed slightly disheartened as he spoke, “It’s been given to me.”

Just looking at him, Bai Luo Yin felt a bit of uneasiness crept into his heart,
“Where’s the money?”

“……it’s gone.”

“What day is it today huh, and you spent it all already?” Bai Luo Yin
flew into a violent rage, “What are you doing? Spending so much money!!”

“I used it to buy things last night.”

Bai Luo Yin’s brow knitted extremely tight together, “When did you buy
things last night? I’ve been by your side the entire time; how could I not

The corners of Gu Hai’s mouth pulled back for a while as he looked squarely
at his Yin Zi, before he calmly said, “When you fell asleep last night, I paid
for all the things that were in your shopping cart.”

Bai Luo Yin’s head exploded into tiny bits. He doesn’t even remember how
long ago it was that he had logged into that account. Ever since he learned
about online shopping, he had habitually added things that he liked into the
shopping cart. He thought that one day when he finally has an online bank
account, he would purchase each item one at a time. He’s been saving those
things for many years now so a lot of things that he had liked then became
things he doesn’t like anymore. But, he was too lazy to delete them from the
cart. He was even thinking about the day that he would just empty it all out in
one go. As a result……

Bai Luo Yin clutched Gu Hai’s shirt collar and pulled him close toward him,
with a mournful expression coloring his face, “You’re really something
ah!!” [2]

“This is the first time you’ve done something so romantic.”

After saying that, Gu Hai even used his hand to cover his face. His
expression at that moment lacked shyness.

Bai Luo Yin casted Gu Hai another glance. He really wanted to fucking cry.

After they finished bathing, the two lie on the bed early like they normally do
for a rest.

While Bai Luo Yin was looking at a magazine, Gu Hai was playing on his
cell phone.

Bai Luo Yin flipped through some pages, then casually shot a quick glance at
Gu Hai. Gu Hai was in the middle of using those big thumbs of his to tap
quickly at the speed of light at the keyboard on his phone.
“What are you doing?” Bai Luo Yin moved in closer.

Putting his phone close, Gu Hai let Bai Luo Yin look, “Chatting ah.”

Bai Luo Yin remembered that Gu Hai seldom chat with other people. And
normally, he would only log on to quickly look over messages that were sent
to him.

Why is he in such a good spirit today?

“Who are you chatting with?” asked Bai Luo Yin without putting much
thought into it.

Gu Hai’s big thumbs paused for a moment, “The homeroom teacher, Luo
Xiao Yu.”

Bai Luo Yin immediately snatched Gu Hai’s cellphone away from him and
took a quick look at Luo Xiao Yu’s account username, then he tossed it back
to Gu Hai.

Looking at him with a warm smile, Gu Hai happily said, “She took the
initiative to add me and was just chatting with me about you; saying that
you’re the most intelligent student she brought into the class among the

Actually, Bai Luo Yin wasn’t listening to what Gu Hai was saying at all. He
directly picked up his own cell phone, logged onto his chatting app and sent
Luo Xiao Yu a friend request. He even looked at his own profile to make sure
that his name was written there. After a long while, there was still no reply.
The person beside him was still chatting.

It’s clear that Luo Xiao Yu is online.

Bai Luo Yin doesn’t believe the action of this demonic person, so he sent
another request. This time, he was met with an immediate decline.

He had heard a long time ago that Luo Xiao Yu never publicized her personal
account username nor has she ever added any student.
Bai Luo Yin seized Gu Hai’s cell phone again and opened the address book.
He found Luo Xiao Yu’s contact and compared the number listed there to the
number in his own address book for a moment. As expected, they were two
different numbers.

No wonder, every time he requested a leave of absence, it never went

through. But Gu Hai’s request all went through!

Suddenly, an image of the two photos that he had just taken this afternoon
emerged before his eyes. One was of an arm around the other’s shoulder, and
one was of a hand pulling at an ear.

That ear……that arm……

“What’s wrong?” Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin suddenly leaned his head to the side and stared attentively at Gu
Hai for a few seconds, then his hand stretched over.


Gu Hai’s ear was pulled by Bai Luo Yin from the headboard toward the bed.
Gu Hai let out a haunting howl, tried to escape and even struggled for a while
but to no avail. Bai Luo Yin firmly yanked Gu Hai’s ear and dragged him
around the room in one full circle. Afterward, he narrowed his eyes at the arm
that he dared to place on someone else shoulder and let his fist to
sumptuously rain down upon it.

It was only when Gu Hai’s arm became completely numb and his face
wrinkled together into a wild chrysanthemum that Bai Luo Yin stopped.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Luo Xiao Yu – Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin and You Qi’s homeroom teacher.
The one that wrote her name on the blackboard at the beginning of the

[2] You’re really something ah! – the Chinese counterpart is ‘你可真是我的

祖宗!’[You’re really my ancestors!]
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 166: The Inquietude of Youth - The MIGHTY strength of

Yang Meng's FEET 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Under Bai Luo Yin's strict discipline, Gu Hai blacklisted Luo Xiao Yu's
account and deleted her phone number of his own accord. He had also
promised that he wouldn't secretly go in or out of her office without
permission, or have any sort of contact with her during extracurricular
activities either..........

During the afternoon of the next day, Bai Luo Yin's 5k run was about to start.
From the moment, the roll-call started, to the moment Bai Luo Yin entered
the field, Gu Hai could feel the anxiety in his own heart heightening, even his
heart throbbed just a bit normal than usual. He stood at the highest spot on
the bleachers, so that Bai Luo Yin could easily see him with just one glance.
But also at this distance, it was not too close as to give him any pressure.

You Qi stood at the designated spot where the javelin competition was being
held and prepared for the preliminary competition. At first, it wasn't an
interesting competition, but because You Qi was participating, the popularity
of this competition suddenly increased by tenfold. No matter which side You
Qi stood facing, several hundreds of cameras and video recorders were aimed
at him from the bleachers.

Fortunately, You Qi was number 50 something, so he didn't feel pressured.

Knowing that, he took this chance to look at the 5k run competition.

Also, standing at the 5k run competition field was Yang Meng with a poised
expression upon his face. But once he saw You Qi, he laughed. He silently
hoped that he could finish the entire race without making any blunder. Then
as if it was second nature, he automatically shifted his gaze towards Bai Luo

After a gunshot sounded off, a bustling group of contestants dashed forward

with great power; it was as if the wind were parting for them to smoothly
pass through.

Bai Luo Yin ran in a moderate pace, not too fast, yet not too slow. He was
situated at the middle front position and ran almost effortlessly. Yang Meng
followed not far behind him. Although he ran somewhat strenuously, at least,
he wasn't at the last place.

Soon enough, the contestants at the front passed by the area near the javelin
competition spot. You Qi took this chance to shout, "Yin Zi, fighting!"

Bai Luo Yin turned slightly and grinned at You Qi.

Not long after, Yang Meng passed by.

You Qi shouted again, "Hey! Yang Meng, if you really can't do it, just
give up!"

Yang Meng glared fiercely at You Qi.

Among an enormous crowd of people, his small body struggled, yet still he
refused to yield. When other people ran and passed by their respective
classmates, everyone in that class would shout and cheer for them with great
enthusiasm. But, when Yang Meng passed by, his classmates kept silent.
Seeing this made this thin and small figure feel somewhat dreary.

Actually, there was no need for Yang Meng to suffer like this, he brought it
upon himself. Before the match, he told all his classmates: 'When I'm
competing, you absolutely cannot cheer for me. Don't even shout my name.
Just let me lose my face without attracting public attention......'

Turning his head around, Yang Meng saw that there were more than ten
people behind him.

Not bad not bad, the distance between me and the last contestant is still quite

Entering the fifth lap, the gap that separated them gradually became more
obvious. Beside the lead contestant that was eliminated, only four people
remained in the front. Bai Luo Yin was one among them; the other three were
all from the same class. It can be said that it was his solo battle against a
group of three enemies.

At first, they were running at the same pace as Bai Luo Yin. But, slowly Bai
Luo Yin discovered that his advancement was met with some resistance.
These three people continuously did everything possible to outflank and
besiege him. They incessantly altered their speed, which in turn affected the
rhythm of Bai Luo Yin's pace. Even worse, they would always skirt the
sideline of the track without any remorse, as well as attempted to trip or pull
him so that he would fall.

A lot of people saw this situation; and by this time, all his classmates were all
cursing in rage.

Gu Hai furrowed his eyebrows together tightly and stared attentively at Bai
Luo Yin for a while. Every time those three used those dirty tricks and made
Bai Luo Yin's pace unstable, Gu Hai's complexion would become unsightly.

Luo Xiao Yu suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Gu Hai.
She earnestly warned him, "Don't go down and cause trouble. Those kinds
of circumstances are normal during a competition. You can only blame
them for not preparing enough and resorting to those kinds of method."

Gu Hai looked as if he didn't hear anything before he took one step at a time
down the stairs.

Behind him, Luo Xiao Yu pulled Gu Hai's arm with her hand, "Our class is
currently in the first place. If you cause trouble now, all our previous
efforts will be wasted. I believe in Bai Luo Yin's abilities. Be patient and
let's watch this competition together. As long as you cheer for him,
everything will be okay."

After she said that, Luo Xiao Yu took the lead and shouted, "Bai Luo Yin

Soon after, the other classmates followed her and shouted together.

"Bai Luo Yin fighting! Bai Luo Yin fighting!"

Once Bai Luo Yin heard this, he lifted his head up and his gaze swept over
toward the audiences on the bleachers. He wanted to give his classmates a
smile, but then he suddenly saw Luo Xiao Yu pulling Gu Hai's arm.

In that instant, he became distracted. Almost as if he had gone into a trance,

he nearly bumped into the person beside him. This sudden action alone
caused him to stagger a bit.

This time, Gu Hai's eyes slight widened; he couldn't hold it in anymore.

He flung Luo Xiao Yu's hand off his arm with great force and assured her
that he won't bring any shame to their class. Then, he looked towards the
field and walked off.

Yang Meng was still leisurely running behind; the distance between him and
the person in the first place was getting wider and wider. But compared to the
day that he practiced with Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai, his improvement was
obvious. Yang Meng was also bewildered at this phenomenon, based on Bai
Luo Yin's speed, he should've surpassed him long ago, but why was it that he
was still nowhere to be found even until now?

Curious, Yang Meng turned his head around. He saw that Bai Luo Yin wasn't
far behind him and even worse, he was being attacked by two people at both
sides. The third person who was running in front of them was most likely
their accomplice. Their goal must be to make this person the winner.


Yang Meng became angry.

You're bullying him? Yin Zi, don't worry, I'm coming!

When Bai Luo Yin caught sight of Yang Meng turning his head, smiling at
him, his strength suddenly returned with full force. He drilled his way into
the narrow space between the two people blocking him, and urgently ran
passed them; in this way, he was able to temporarily get rid of them

When those two people saw Bai Luo Yin running away, they quickly
increased their speed to chase after him. However, they didn't anticipate that
there would be a hindrance ahead of them. Yang Meng looked as though he
was drunk; his steps were irregular and his whole body was swaying back
and forth. When those two went to the left, he went to the left, when they
went to the right, he also went to the right....

Actually, Yang Meng was already tired to the point that it was almost
unbearable, so when he was tossing around like this, how can he feel any
comfort? Even if those two ran slowly, it was still faster than Yang Meng. If
he wanted to block those two, he had to use four times the amount of strength
than he was using now and exert his utmost efforts to surpass them.

Yang Meng no longer cared about the ten laps difference he had compared to
other people. His only goal right now was to do his best in stopping these two
guys, so that Bai Luo Yin would have more time and establish a position in
which it would be impossible for the others to exceed him.

You Qi stood on the javelin competition field. He calmly gazed attentively at

that small and feeble silhouette that was not too far from him and was in the
middle of shoving and cursing in anger.

Suddenly, he became stunned, there was an unshakable feeling in his chest; a

kind that was unexplainable and overflowed in his heart.

At that moment, perhaps it was because he saw Yang Meng running on the
field while incessantly whining without an end, he couldn't help but to feel
touched towards Yang Meng's tenacity and perseverance.

No one knows how much Yang Meng was afraid of making a fool of himself,
afraid of being in the last place, afraid of being the only one left running on
the field......

You Qi was the only one who knew this. He had always teased Yang Meng's
way of thinking, but when he saw Yang Meng abandoning those distracting
thoughts just for the sake of his friend, he suddenly realized that those
thoughts weren't ridiculous at all.

Yang Meng's lungs were going to explode and both of his legs had begun to
shake, almost as if they were struck with tiny lightning bolts. This time, it
was shaking for real. This wasn't at all an act.

Looking ahead at Bai Luo Yin, he had already surpassed those two by half a
lap. Yang Meng thought that he can stop now, but when he thought that Bai
Luo Yin could be surpassed and blocked again by these two scoundrels, Yang
Meng couldn't help but to grit his teeth in anger.

I might as well drag them down until they collapse......

Perhaps their strength had reached its limit, perhaps an inhuman strength had
truly surged out of Yang Meng's small body and attacked them, because from
the look of it, those two scoundrel's steps and the rhythm of their breaths
were starting to become chaotic. Even as they cursed, it seemed to be a bit
sluggish and lacked power.

Yang Meng turned slightly and shot a death glare at both of them as he
secretly mocked them.
So, this is the extend of your abilities huh?

While he was in the middle of these thoughts, those two suddenly burst forth
and caught up to him. They maneuvered their way to either side of Yang
Meng and began to shove him left and right repeatedly. It is clear to anyone
that Yang Meng is short and small, but if he were to use a huge amount of
strength as they did, he would die in the middle of a deadlock with them until
the end of the battle.

"You Qi, You Qi!......"

His name was being shouted out from a small loudspeaker.

You Qi had just recovered when a groundbreaking shout came from the
bleachers again, causing him to turn for a look.

"It will be your turn next. You only have one chance!"

You Qi took one javelin and stood at the run up starting point. Just as he was
about to lift the javelin up, he suddenly saw Yang Meng staggered then fell
on the field.

"You fucking bastards!!"

You Qi suddenly shouted in anger. The javelin in his hand was suddenly
thrown toward the track. As it flew, the javelin drew a beautiful parabola into
the sky, and went straight toward those two wicked guys.

"Aaahhhh......What's going on?" cried out one of them in fear as he gasped

for air, "Why was the javelin thrown over here?"

The other guy couldn't even shout out as he hugged his foot and rolled about
on the ground. There was a big hole at the toe of the shoe; a section of it was
torn off and flipped over. This hole was indeed made by the javelin and one
of his toes got injured by this 'accidental thrown.'

A hidden smile played on You Qi's lips, he was secretly pleased by his own
evil deed......
Fuck yeah, the head of the javelin unexpectedly touched the ground first. This
is the first time that it was successfully thrown!!!

The audiences on the bleachers and javelin competition field were surprised
and burst into laughter. This time, You Qi didn't mind them at all. He
immediately walked towards the track and tried to explain to the judges.

"I'm sorry, it's a mistake, it's a mistake."

"Next time pay attention. Is there anyone that would throw the javelin
like that? Look at yourself, throwing it at random like that, who would
have the guts to participate in this competition later huh?"

"Yes, yes, yes......"

After You Qi respectfully admitted his mistakes, he looked at Yang Meng

and ran toward him. Yang Meng had already stood up but the only thing was,
there were no longer anyone behind him.

"Let's go, I'll run with you," said You Qi.

Yang Meng was so tired that there wasn't even an ounce of energy left in his
body. Even as he spoke, he was out of breath, "You......why are
you......running......together with me......don't you have......your own

"I'm was eliminated," answered You Qi rather nonchalantly.

Yang Meng smiled with a sigh of relief. The strength in his body suddenly
return in one quick go. As expected, You Qi's misfortune and failure always
gave him strength and encouragement.

After running for several more steps, Yang Meng asked again: "Am in the
last place?"

It was extremely rare for You Qi to say something so pleasant to the ear,
"No, you're not. You've already left those two behind just now."

"That's good then."

Yang Meng wiped the beads of sweat of his forehead and continued to drag
his heavy feet forward.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 167: The Inquietude of Youth - DOWN goes another


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After getting rid of the two people at the back, Bai Luo Yin quickly launched
an all-out close combat with the opponent in front of him.

Originally, the level of his skills was above his opponent's. Unfortunately, he
had exerted too much energy to fight off the previous opponents, so now Bai
Luo Yin needed to employ even more energy to catch up. To make matters
worse, the person ahead, like his predecessors, wasn't virtuous either. Every
time Bai Luo Yin drew near, he would intentionally get into his way just to
obstruct him. He had even made sure to frequently change the rhythm of his
pace as to oppose Bai Luo Yin. This person's attacks were, for lack of a better
word, a complete suicidal tactic since he practically did not take his own
stamina into account.
At that very moment, Gu Hai had already reached the most outer lane of the
race track. Contrary to Luo Xiao Yu's expectations, instead of directly
attacking that person running at the first place to a bloody pulp, he calmly
told Bai Luo Yin, "Keep a three-meter distance away from him."

Hearing Gu Hai's voice, Bai Luo Yin's restlessness and anxiety were
suddenly alleviated.

Gu Hai had stayed at the military base for such a long time, and had also
undergone many military trainings, so it was only natural that long-distance
running was one of the most fundamental drills. Taking the breathing rate,
running posture and leg patterns of the person at first place into
consideration...... he can positively surmise that, as long as Bai Luo Yin
maintains his own speed and rhythm for three laps, that person will consume
all of his own energy and won't be able to keep up anymore.

As expected, after two and a half laps later, that person was already
exhausted like a deflated rubber ball.

Once Bai Luo Yin quickly surpassed him and occupied the first position, a
thunderous applause exploded from the bleachers, followed by the cheers of

It was only at that moment did Gu Hai caught up and ran beside Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin was somewhat tired, but he could still endure it. As he twisted
his head to the side to glance at Gu Hai, he still remembers how Luo Xiao Yu
had dragged him under a spell of jealousy just now. Sullen, Bai Luo Yin
angrily scolded him right away: "What are you doing here?"

Tilting his head slightly to the side, Gu Hai happily said, "I miss you."

No one can ever imagine, in this kind of awe-inspiring competition, sung

with the spells of encouragement and overflowing with intense passion, the
two young men who were running side by side, were unexpectedly
exchanging such nauseating words of love. What was even more
unimaginable was that, in the middle of this long-distance battle, that
challenged one's willpower and endurance, someone could still spare the
energy to fool around and banter flirtatiously.

There are still five remaining laps.

Bai Luo Yin looked at the time; attaining first place is certainly not a
problem, but in order to break the record, he had no choice but to risk it all.

Gu Hai noticed that not only was the front of Bai Luo Yin's jacket was
drenched in sweat, but his breathing was also not as steady as it was in the
beginning of the race. It was most likely that he had used up too much energy
a while ago, so at this moment, he was experiencing some difficulties.

Seeing that there were four laps left and his wife still needed to endure it, Gu
Hai couldn't take it anymore.

"How about not running anymore?"

Bai Luo Yin's handsome immediately face sank before he turned his head
around and said furiously, "Is there anyone who fucking cheer people on
like you?"

A frown immediately drew on Gu Hai's face, "Aren't I just caring for


Bai Luo Yin completely ignored him. Following his own plans, he started to
increase his speed during the last three laps.

With a tightened chest, Gu Hai hastily asked, "Why are you speeding up?"

"To break the record."

"Break the record?"

Gu Hai looked as though he had suffered a huge blow, his face immediately
darkened, "You better fucking take it easy. Don't be stupid. Being able to
attain first place is already good enough. Why do you want to break the
record? Even if you earned extra points, it will be added to our class'
total score anyway, what would you benefit from it?"
With much difficulty, Bai Luo Yin opened his mouth, "Can you stop
wasting my time?"

Isn't it obvious that I'm extremely tired as it? Yet, you're still here dampening
my fighting spirit. I honestly don't know what you are doing here!

During the last two laps, the rhythm of Bai Luo Yin's breath had become a
complete mess. He was no longer able to follow the regular pattern of his
own breathing.

Even Gu Hai, who ran besides him, could feel the shortness of breath that Bai
Luo Yin was suffering from. His heart truly ached anxiously for him; he
wished he could tie Bai Luo Yin up, throw him over his shoulder, and
immediately carry him to the finish line.

Just as Bai Luo Yin was intensely struggling with his own willpower, Gu Hai
started to talk again, "Slow down, you'll definitely get first place. Look,
finishing the race is already good enough."

Bai Luo Yin completely disregarded his presence.

Gu Hai couldn't bear to look any longer. He even went as far as to use his
strength to hold Bai Luo Yin back, forcing him to slow down.

Bai Luo Yin braced his last bit of energy to stare Gu Hai down before
roaring, "Fuck off!"

The gunshot of the last track had been fired.

Bai Luo Yin had already refused to give in to his own body's limitation.
Charging forth meant a complete loss of breath, a loss of consciousness, and
numbness to his body......

At that very moment, Gu Hai no longer spoke discouraging words. The most
important thing was to let Bai Luo Yin reach the finish line as soon as
possible so that he can quickly escape from this miserable abyss.

"Fighting, fighting, baby. Just one more breath and it'll be over
Fuck...... Listening to Gu Hai's words of encouragement, Bai Luo Yin
suddenly felt that he wasn't running a race, but giving birth to a child

Finally, his chest struck the red line.

A thunderous burst of cheer came from afar while a cluster of cloud scattered
above his head.

In the moment after, Bai Luo Yin gasped heavily for air and allowed his
weak limbs to slow down into a walk on the track.

"The record is broken," said the timekeeper as he looked at Bai Luo Yin,
raised the stopwatch in his hand and showed it to him.

Bai Luo Yin paused for a few seconds. Just as he turned his head around to
look at Gu Hai, Gu Hai was already looking at him with a warm smile.
Looking as though he had just realized something, he suddenly charged onto
Gu Hai's back and firmly bit into his neck. A second later, without any
restraint at all, he started to pound his fists on Gu Hai's shoulder, while
laughing heartily. His laughter echoed throughout the tartan racetrack,
spreading a long bout of happiness.

At the same time, a genuinely ugly guy and his pretty girlfriend were still on
the track, stubbornly defying the odds.

"How many laps left?" Yang Meng asked You Qi.

Since You Qi started to run together with Yang Meng, up until now, he
honestly doesn't know how many times he had heard this question.

"There are still two laps left. The last two laps."

Misery appeared upon Yang Meng's pallid face, "There's still two laps? I
can't run anymore."

You Qi punched Yang Meng firmly on the butt. It was so painful that Yang
Meng whimpered to no end.
"Hurry up and run, it's only two laps left, what are you crying for?"

Watching as the other contestants passed the finish line one by one, Yang
Meng realized that he was the only person still running, so he asked, "Am I
the last one?"

"Why are you worrying about what position you're in? In any case, you
only got two laps left. You must complete it."

"I'm not running anymore!" Yang Meng began to vent his anger once

Annoyed, You Qi looked at his back and gave it another punch. During the
entire course, Yang Meng had already lost count of how many times he
endured You Qi's punches.

Yang Meng was like a donkey, while You Qi was the farmer who drove the
donkey forward with a small whip in his hand and continuously beat him.

"Yang Meng, fighting! Yang Meng, fighting!......"

When Yang Meng entered the final lap, a round of encouragements and
cheering suddenly erupted from the bleachers. If it were not for the blockage
in his throat, no matter what Yang Meng said, he would definitely burst into

For the remaining half a lap, Yang Meng was struggling as if he was already
on his deathbed. He doesn't even know how he was going to finish the race or
how many times You Qi had whipped him. In short, he finally managed to
finish the race by not halting his steps. It was in this courageous manner that
the 5k run came to an end.

After coming to a complete stop, Yang Meng was depleted of all his energy,
You Qi on the other hand, was brimming with excitement. He even went as
far as to lift him up in an embrace.

Yang Meng was so touched that he burst into tears and pulled You Qi's hair
as to convey his gratefulness.
After five minutes, Yang Meng halted his actions and You Qi had also
sobered up.

Both looked at each other and blinked several times.

While one abruptly pushed away the other away, another hastily leaped
downwards. Then they looked dumbfounded at each other again.

"What did hug me for?" You Qi was like a thief who cried wolf.

Yang Meng flew into a fit of rage, "Who hugged you? Clearly, it's you
who hugged me first!"

"I hugged you?" retorted You Qi as a layer of disdain painted across his
face, "You fucking came in last place. I feel ashamed already just by
standing beside you, why would I still hug you?"

"So what if I came in last place? So what if I came last?" Yang Meng
shouted, "You weren't even in the competition for two minutes and you
were already eliminated, yet you still have the fucking balls to criticize

"Whose fault was it that I got eliminated?"

"Don't try to make up excuses, that's all you could do in the first place."

You Qi narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth tightly together, "You
bastard, are you already tired of living?"

"You still have the guts to scold me?! Let me tell you asshole, the
number of times you hit me just now, I've counted them all in my head!
If you have the balls, stand here and don't move. Let me hit you back!"

"You think I'm stupid?" said You Qi before he walked away.

Limping with his swollen legs, Yang Meng followed closely behind, "Come
back here, we're not finished yet!"

The three days' sports competition finally came to an end with Class 27
seizing total victory. Altogether they ranked first in eight different
competitions, four of which were obtained by Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai. There
were two relay competitions that they participated in together and won.
Having broken three records resulted in Class 27 taking the lead by a wide
margin and gaining the title of "Champion Class".

Meanwhile, those three expendable scoundrels that hounded Bai Luo Yin, all
asked for leave the next day. Their shadows were never seen again until the
end of the semester.

In regards to the 400-meter hurdles that You Qi and Yang Meng participated
in, every hurdle fell under their tenacious struggle; not even a single hurdle
was left standing by the time they were done.

However, the sports competition this time also brought them an unexpected
"outcome". They themselves also had no idea which idle person had uploaded
snapshots of Yang Meng's match online. The incident where You Qi hit Yang
Meng resulted into a snapshot of him stroking Yang Meng's behind.
Moreover, there's also that last emotional embrace, where Yang Meng teared
at You Qi's hair, while You Qi was wearing a euphoric and infatuated

In short, the ruckus created by those snapshots caused these two undoubtedly
innocent people to become 'close gay friends'.

The days passed by quickly. Whether intentional or not, Luo Xiao Yu would
still look after and pay extra close attention to Gu Hai, but Gu Hai never
acknowledged any of her kindness. This happened so many times, that even
when Luo Xiao Yu had a proper reason to call Gu Hai to her office, he would
refuse to go and in turn, she would always suffer a rejection from him.

In the end, Luo Xiao Yu was so worried, she had no other choice but to find
Bai Luo Yin.

"Since you are together with Gu Hai every day, I wanted to ask you,
does he have any complaints about me?"
Bai Luo Yin told Luo Xiao Yu frankly, "He doesn't have any complaints
towards you."

"Then why did he......"

"He also doesn't have that kind of interest in you." Bai Luo Yin quickly
added in a few more words.

The way he said this sentence invoked a burst of fear within Luo Xiao Yu's
mind. Bai Luo Yin didn't directly specify anything; thus, that sentence could
have thousands of meanings; it also couldn't be considered as offensive or
slandering either. If Luo Xiao Yu misunderstood, then this matter would be
over; if she understood the underlying implications, then as long as she
acknowledged it and knew her own limitations, she would know what she is
supposed do as a teacher.


Final exams had ended and summer vacation was also over. It was in this
wordless and silent manner did their third year of high school arrived.

Since the arts and science class had been divided during their second year,
there were no more class separation in the third year. In all, it was still the
same group of students, still the same teachers; the only difference was, Luo
Xiao Yu was no longer there.

One day, Bai Luo Yin casually said, "Luo Xiao Yu is pregnant. She's
taking maternity leave in advance."

Contrary to expectations, Gu Hai didn't seem to be surprised, "It's her

husband's first child and her grandparents' first grandchild. If an
accident were to occur, who will take responsibility? The school's
headmaster must had also understood this reasoning, that's why she
allowed her to take a maternity leave during her first month of

"How do you know that it's her first month of pregnancy?" asked Bai
Luo Yin as he assumed a taut face.
Gu Hai replied ostentatiously, "Nowadays, pregnancy can be detected in
three days, right?"

Bai Luo Yin, "......don't tell me, you're the one who accompanied her
when she had the check up?"

At that moment, Gu Hai finally heard the hidden meaning behind Bai Luo
Yin's words. Knitting his eyebrows tightly together, he firmly dragged Bai
Luo Yin into his embrace. His big hand grasped at Bai Luo Yin's sturdy chin
before he angrily said, "You even fucking suspect me of this?"

Bai Luo Yin smiled, "Aren't I just being happy on behalf of our father?
He'll be holding a grandson so soon."

Gu Hai's face turned demonic before he ferociously bit Bai Luo Yin's lips.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 168: The Inquietude of Youth - HE WILL COME BACK. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


During the first half of their semester as third year students, there were about
seven to eight students missing from their class. Some went to another
province to take their college entrance examination since there were problems
with their residential permit, some transferred to a better school while some
went abroad ahead of time......Soon, discussion and options about the future
quickly became daily topic during break time. Subsequently, their upcoming
college entrance exams also added to their burden, let alone those
unavoidable small and large competitions that were coming at them like
flying arrows.

A few days ago, Bai Luo Yin participated in a nationwide senior high school
student's physics competition, and tomorrow he will also participate in a
biology competition. These competitions are one of the method for him to
attain extra credits; if he receives a pretty good ranking in the competitions, it
will be an enormous advantage when he takes his college entrance

Recently, the subject of college recommendations among teachers and

students had caused a great clamor on the school campus, and Bai Luo Yin
was naturally one of the most eligible candidates amongst the others.

Entering winter, the weather gradually became colder.

As usual, Young Master Gu nonchalantly walked around the apartment with

only his underwear on. Bai Luo Yin was reading a book on the bed at the
moment. Every time he lifted his head up, his eyes were met with Gu Hai's
sparkling six packs that were proudly and beautifully attached to his lower
abdomen. Just like an old married couple, Bai Luo Yin was already used to
Gu Hai's glamorous exposure. Actually, to be honest, today wasn't so bad; on
days when he was in an extremely good mood, he would even take his
underwear off and saunter nakedly around the apartment.

"I've packed your things already so check it one more time. Is there
anything else you need to bring?" Gu Hai passed the schoolbag to Bai Luo

Bai Luo Yin casually looked through it for a couple of seconds with an
indifferent expression drawn across his face


Gu Hai snatched the book in Bai Luo Yin's hands away and shoved the
schoolbag in front of Bai Luo Yin again. This time his expression was written
with seriousness.

"Check it again," he demanded.

"What else is there to check?" Bai Luo Yin became impatient instead,
"Aren't I just going to a competition? All I need to bring is the admission
ticket and a pen and it'll be good enough right? What else are there to
Gu Hai took his shoes off and got on the bed. He shifted around for a second
before grudgingly sitting cross-legged in front of Bai Luo Yin. Little Hai Zi
that was wrapped inside his underpants pointed magnificently towards Bai
Luo Yin, while he himself adopted a questionable expression as though he
needed to reproach someone.

"I've served you all day long and you still think I'm annoying? Do I have
to jerk you off all day so that you'll feel better?"

Bai Luo Yin tightened his thick eyebrows together into a frown while his
slightly tinted lips pursed. That expression in Gu Hai's eyes was clearly
saying 'you don't appreciate the plentiful that you're living in.'

"How big of a problem is it? Since you arrived home until now, you've
been wasting your time doing that."

The muscles on Gu Hai's legs tightened, just like a lion that was going to act
out violently.

In order to end this meaningless debate as soon as possible, Bai Luo Yin
reluctantly picked up the schoolbag beside him. One by one, he took
everything that was in the bag out and placed them on the bed. After that, he
forced himself to read the names of these things out loud and compared them
to the necessary items on the check off list. Only after that, did he finally drag
his lifeless and inarticulate eyes back toward at Gu Hai.

"Is it okay now?"

Gu Hai looked attentively at Bai Luo Yin for a while, then nodded his head,
"Okay, sleep early today, I'll drive you there tomorrow."

Just as Bai Luo Yin was just about to say 'there's no need to', Gu Hai's mobile
phone rang.


Gu Hai went silent for a while, then he glanced at Bai Luo Yin, pushed the
door open and walked out.
Bai Luo Yin put the book in his hand down and looked outside, secretly
guessing who was calling. Whenever Gu Hai answered a call, he would never
do it behind Bai Luo Yin's back. The only time he did was when Bai Luo Yin
slept or if something unexpected occurred.

Five minutes later, Gu Hai entered the bedroom with a slightly grave
expression sprawled on his face.

Bai Luo Yin tidied up the things on the bed and placed them on the desk to
the side before casually asking, "Who called?"

Gu Hai threw the phone onto the bed, somewhat depressed, "My brother."

Bai Luo Yin also sat on the bed as he looked at Gu Hai and asked, "What

"He ran into a bit of a situation over there, I might have to go over."

Looking at Gu Hai's complexion, Bai Luo Yin realized that the situation must
have been serious.

"Since he gave you a call, that means he needs you over there. Then, you
should go as soon as possible."

Gu Hai went silent, not uttering a single word.

Watching him in silence, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to ask again, "Has
the ticket been booked?"

"Someone booked it for me already, the flight is tomorrow morning."

The corner of Bai Luo Yin's mouth twitched. After what felt like half a day,
he finally spoke again in a low tone, "So fast."

"I want to change the flight to the day after tomorrow. I still have to
accompany you to your competition tomorrow."

Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai, "Don't be stupid and waste time like that.
Changing your flight is really troublesome!! Your brother is already this
anxious and you still have the nerve to drag your feet around and delay
this? I'm not handicap that I would need someone to accompany me to a
competition! Just go tomorrow morning. Don't change the flight and
quickly pack your things now."

When Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin was energetically packing his belongings
for him, his chest tightened and a foul mood draped his figure.

"You're really fucking eager to see me leave, huh?"

Just as Bai Luo Yin bent his waist to open a suitcase, those words rang in his
ears. He paused and turned his head around to to give Gu Hai a quick glance.


When Gu Hai heard that word, he walked towards Bai Luo Yin and gripped
his waist with a rather strong force. Using the lower half of his body, he
firmly bumped his little Hai Zi against someone's butt which caused that
person to nearly fell forward.  

"Can you stop fooling around?" Bai Luo Yin angrily straightened himself
up, "Even if I don't want you to go, you still have to go right?"

Hearing those words, Gu Hai suddenly became well-behaved.

Before turning off the lights and letting sleep consume them, Gu Hai hugged
Bai Luo Yin tightly against his chest. Pulling him in closer, he whispered
softly against his ear, "You really won't let me accompany you for just
one more day?"

Bai Luo Yin glanced at Gu Hai, "Are you going to die if you don't
accompany me for one more day? Even if you stay with me tomorrow,
you would still have to leave the day after tomorrow right? You're
already an adult and you still can't differentiate which is important and
which isn't?"

"Nothing is more important than you," said Gu Hai truthfully.

Bai Luo Yin encircled his arms devotedly around Gu Hai; the side of his
handsome face was illuminated by the evening light, outlining a cold and
desolate expression. .

"Sleep, you need to wake up early tomorrow."

Actually, Gu Hai really wanted to be sweet and affectionate with Bai Luo Yin
tonight, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself and
incessantly demand more. Realizing anything more would only compromise
what Bai Luo Yin needed to do the next day, he forced himself to abandon
those thoughts instead.

Honestly, sleeping together like this felt pretty good. Even if they satisfied
their sexual desires now, a few days later, they will undoubtedly crave for it
again. It would be better to just quietly embrace him like this and enjoy their
last tranquil and comfortable night together before departing.

This time, the two suffered from insomnia at the same time, but they covered
it quite well since each believed that the other had already fallen asleep.

In the middle of the night, around 2 AM, Bai Luo Yin restlessly got up and
went to the bathroom.

When he returned, Gu Hai was still lying on his side with his face toward the
empty spot where Bai Luo Yin had occupied.

The room was barely lit by the waning crescent moon and under the veiled
darkness that would soon overcome it, Bai Luo Yin silently watched him
while the sound of the clock ticking sung a repetitive tune. Suddenly, a
nameless sorrow dragged his mind into depression as it tied a tight knot
around his beating heart. All but too soon, he could feel the suffocation that
ruptured in his chest.

Gu Hai who was sound asleep had shed his icy arrogant and unshackled
feelings; without those, he was more like a innocent child, unaware of the
world around him.

As Bai Luo Yin ran his eyes over him, etching the details of his face into his
memory, he suddenly realized, for once, he doesn't know what lie hidden
deep within Gu Hai's heart. He ached to dig at all of it and uncover them one
by one, but he was also afraid that once he knew what they all were, the
worries that would overcome his mind would become infinite. As it seems,
with his current status and abilities, he's still lack the power to lighten Gu
Hai's burden. He only can silently hope that Gu Hai could quickly resolve the
problem and return to him as soon as possible.

Although his unresponsive appearance made it look as though he had been

dragged into a deep soundless sleep, Gu Hai was anything but that. He was
actually silently listening to the handle on the clock slowly ticking, not only
the time, but also his breath away. While he begged for time to cease, so that
he can lie there for just a bit longer, he suddenly felt a burst of warmth;
someone's face had snuggled against his neck.

At first, his heart was already as calm as water, but with that sudden warmth
fanning his neck, a huge wave rose and consumed him. Gu Hai could no
longer pretend anymore. In the twinkling of an eye, he practically pressed Bai
Luo Yin down on his own warm chest, then he extended both of his hands
and pulled Bai Luo Yin into his embrace.

"How long will you be gone?"

Relaxing into his arms, Bai Luo Yin finally managed to squeeze out the
question that he had been suppressing for a long time from his throat.

"At least two weeks."

Letting those words actually escape his lips, Gu Hai's heart immediately
spiral into an endless darkness.. He has been together with Bai Luo Yin for
almost one year now. Besides that short period of time around Chinese New
Year when they were separated due to a fall out, the many hours, days and
months after, they were inseparable. For other people, two weeks doesn't
mean much, but for Gu Hai, who was deeply in love, two weeks felt like an

"For the next few days, you should return home. Don't stay here by
yourself or else I'll be worried."
Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything else. He simply lay on top of Gu Hai's body
and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Gu Hai went out first. His flight was scheduled at 6
AM, while Bai Luo Yin's competition began at 9 AM. After having watched
Bai Luo Yin for a while, he didn't have the heart to wake him up. So he
simply left a small note for Bai Luo Yin instead, telling him that he had
already bought breakfast and had placed it in the microwave, so all he needed
to do was to heat it up a bit before eating.

By the time Bai Luo Yin woke up, Gu Hai was already hundreds of
kilometers away from him.

After coming out from the competition hall, Bai Luo Yin didn't return home
as Gu Hai had instructed him to. Instead, he went back to their small nest

In the refrigerator, was a container of the bone broth that Gu Hai had cooked
yesterday. His current cooking skill was already quite different compared to
the past. Besides common dishes, occasionally, he would also attempt to
cook more complicated dishes, all of which was in order to satisfy Bai Luo
Yin insatiable stomach. Bai Luo Yin took out the bone broth and noticed that
the top layer of it had already solidified, so he carefully scooped out the broth
with a ladle, then he pours it into the pot with the noodles in it.

The flavor of the noodle was pretty good but the only thing was, it was
overcooked, so when he ate it, it was a bit mushy.

As expected, eating alone made him lose all his appetite. Bai Luo Yin was
completely done after eating only two bowls of rice.

Since it was still early, Bai Luo Yin took an afternoon nap. After he waking
up, he went to play basketball and jogged by himself. Then he returned and
took a bath, read a magazine and listened to music all by himself......His ears
were missing the sound of a certain person's soft and loud voice; his eyes
were missing a certain person's silhouette moving about in the room in front
of him.
Soon, his heart also felt extremely empty.

Bai Luo Yin turned off the light and went to sleep alone. When he closed his
eyes, he suddenly understood what Gu Hai's mood and thoughts were when
he wanted to accompany him for just one more day.

Since Gu Hai left until the next day, Bai Luo Yin had only received one text
message from him, informing him that he had finally arrived.

Afterwards, there were no more news from him.

Bai Luo Yin guessed, once Gu Hai landed, he had to immediately deal with
the problems.


Once class ended that evening, Bai Luo Yin had planned to return to his
home. As he walked out of the school entrance, he accidentally ran into You
Qi and Yang Meng.

"Why are you out?" ask Bai Luo Yin as he looked at You Qi.

While walking, You Qi replied, "Staying in the dorm is really

inconvenient, I plan to move out and live off campus."

Bai Luo Yin glanced at the two guys walking together. One was tall, while
the other one was short; one is uncaring while one is pretty, but once they
were together, they match quite well. It was only natural that he had heard
about all those sex scandals, as well as seen those pictures. That's why he was
able to have those initial thoughts. Even if he knew those rumors weren't true,
when he saw those two together, he couldn't help but to tease them.

"You're not moving into their house are you?" Bai Luo Yin asked while
pointing squarely at Yang Meng.

You Qi was surprised for a moment, but then noting the underlying tease
within his words, he looked at Bai Luo Yin and happily replied, "Yes, we're
officially living together now."
Bai Luo Yin looked at You Qi with a gaze that held a deeper meaning behind
it before he started smiling.

When Yang Meng looked at Bai Luo Yin joyous expression, he became
rather puzzled.

"Yin Zi, why aren't you bothered by these kind of things?"

"Bothered?" Bai Luo Yin was a bit confused now.

"Let me tell you, ever since those rumors started I don't even know how
many male students had looked look down at me in disdain. Every time
they bumped into me they would curse and call me a 'pervert'. But look
at you, not only did you not avoid me, you're even joking about it. You
really have a big heart!"

Bai Luo Yin lightly coughed for a second, and replied with a stern
complexion lining his face: "It's probably because I'm a quite open-
minded person."

You Qi's eyes were glued on Bai Luo Yin before he asked, "Where's Gu

"He went abroad."

"He also went abroad?" Yang Meng was surprised for a moment, "Several
students in our class also went abroad. Why is everybody so anxious to
run abroad recently?"

Bai Luo Yin faintly replied, "He will come back."

Translator's Note:

[1] brother - he means his cousin, but 'ge - brother' in Chinese also implies
older male that's normally close to you
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 169: The Inquietude of Youth - Don't LET ANYONE


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After suffering on the plane for twenty plus hours, Gu Hai finally arrived in
San Francisco, California. The person that came to pick him up at the airport
was Gu Yang's personal chauffeur. He was extremely respectful as he took
the luggage from Gu Hai's hand, said a few words of politeness and showed
him to where the car was parked.

As the car travelled along the road on the way to their destination, Gu Hai
impatiently looked at the chauffeur and asked, "Where's my brother?"

"There were too many things that he needed to attend to, so he couldn't
make it."
"How are things looking here?"

The chauffeur's face was sketched with anxiety as the color slightly drained
from his face, "It's hard to say."

Casting his gaze toward the unfamiliar scenery outside, Gu Hai did not ask
anything else, but instead, he let his mind wander elsewhere......Wander to
arms he would rather stay in.

The car drove continuously for a long while without making any stops until it
reached Gu Yang's residential. The person who came to open the door was a
young and well-kept housekeeper, who upon his arrival, took the luggage in
before diligently leading Gu Hai to Gu Yang's office.

The moment Gu Hai pushed the door open and entered, Gu Yang was leaning
back against the sofa with his eyes closed. With just one look, the thin and
pallid appearance that smeared his face was all too evident of his current

Hearing the click after the door closed, Gu Yang cracked the slit of his eyes
just enough to catch sight of Gu Hai. Only then did he willingly widen his
eyes just a bit more and waved his hand, hinting for Gu Hai to sit down
beside him.

After Gu Hai settled himself down, the first sentence that he heard crawl out
of Gu Yang's mouth was, "The matters at hand are more or less dealt

As those words travelled into his ears and registered throughout his brain, Gu
Hai could only slowly raise a questioning brow and stare at him in
amazement. The silence once encasing the room was now disintegrated as Gu
Hai pelted Gu Yang with an earth shattering roar. A roar that could have
made anyone gone death, "Then why did you make me come here?!"

Not shaken by this uproar, Gu Yang finally became completely sober as he

shifted his head to the side as to have a better look at Gu Hai. He stared at
him with a calm and questionable glint in his eyes as though he was expected
this kind of reaction.
It's been a year already and this kid seemed to have gotten taller again. The
edge and corner of his face are even more distinct, even his eyes are
sharper and even more piercing than ever. He looks a little more like a man

"There are too many things to do here, I need someone to help me take
care of it all."

"Don't you have an assistant? You do realize that I'm completely clueless
about your work so what would I be able to help you with? Aren't you
just wasting my time? If I'd known earlier, I wouldn't have come!"

In that split second, Gu Yang's hand flew out and pressed hard on Gu Hai's
neck, pushing him slightly back into the sofa. With narrowed eyes, his cold
and desolate gaze ran over his face.

"What do you have to do there? Attend class? Work on your

assignments? The matter I have at hand involves human lives. With just
one slip up, one carelessness, you won't be able to see me anymore. Look,
even though there are many people under me but when it comes to
urgent and important matters like this, I don't even dare to use any of
them. I'd rather let a family member handle it and even if they mess it
up, it'll still be better than being sold out and betrayed by someone else."

Listening to those last couple of words, Gu Hai held his anger back. He
composed himself, wearing a stern and resolute face before looking at Gu
Yang again and asked, "Does my second uncle know about this?"

"I don't have the nerve to let him know. My old man's temper is
extremely explosive. If I can keep it under control myself, then I'll try my
best first to not alarm or disturb him."

"What do you plan on doing next?"

"This matter isn't considered such a huge deal, but then again it's not a
small either."

The muscle on Gu Hai's face tightened, "Embezzlement isn't considered a

huge matter? Do you think this is China!"

Gu Yang pressed down on Gu Hai's arm, hinting at him to take note of his
voice and even more so, his behaviors. It was possible that there were
surveillance cameras hidden here without either of them knowing, therefore,
the best thing to do was to be cautious.

"Actually, it doesn't necessary mean that it's embezzlement. To say it

more frankly, it's more like someone is messing with me. I didn't even
take a single penny, what kind of proof could they possibly find to use
against me to take me down. I intend to return home to China first, and
lie low until the fuss dies down. While there, I'll find someone to
temporarily deal with things here. Honestly, that won't do let me think it
through again."

Just hearing those particular words, Gu Hai immediately asked, "You want
to return home? For how long?"

Gu Yang remained silent for a long while, before faintly replying, "I'm not
sure. In any case, it might not be a short period of time."

"If you stay for about a year, how could my second uncle not know

"It's fine, if we can resolve everything as soon as possible, I'll just take it
as I'm going on vacation. But, if I need to be there for a while, I'll lie to
them and say the branch company took over a project that needs to be
completed in the country."

"Don't forget, you're still attending school. You're only an employed


Gu Yang let out a long sigh, "Actually, it's a lot easier to deal with the
school situation here. The harder part is the branch company over there,
it's such headache already."

Gu Hai fiddled with the cell phone in his hand, asking, "Then what do you
want me to help you with by making me to come here?"
Giving him another quick glance, Gu Yang turned and blatantly point at the
scattered documents on the office desk; the meaning behind his expression
was clear, almost too obvious honestly.

"I have to complete all the formalities before I can return home. The
branch company over there also has a pile of matters that needs to be
dealt with. I have to complete them all as scheduled since the business
contracts had already been signed. If the contract were to be violated,
the penalty alone is sufficient enough to burden you for an entire
lifetime. Right now, there's a lot of pressure riding on that pile of
documents and during this susceptible period, I don't dare to rashly look
for strangers for help."

Gu Hai could only nod his head.

The problem he was currently most concerned about, was how much time
was all of this going to take. Truth be told, his own worries were
painstakingly teasing his brain numb.

"Of course the sooner the better," he finally managed to mutter out almost
incoherently to himself.

Gu Yang grudgingly curled his lips, "You're anxious......? I'm even more
anxious than you are. Staying just a minute longer, is just another
minute of danger I'm in. But some matters cannot be avoided and must
be neatly handled. Just the slightest carelessness, the trouble will become
even worse so we must quickly let settle everything."

"That's enough, there's no need to be so chatty. Just tell me specifically

what you want me to do."

Actually, Gu Hai was feeling even more anxious than Gu Yang.

Looking at the obvious anxiety that breached almost too beautifully on the
contour of Gu Hai's face, Gu Yang immediately reached his hand out and
snatched his cell phone away. Then as if time had slowed down, he pulled the
SIM card out and snapped it in half right in front of Gu Hai.
Gu Hai never expected that Gu Yang would act out in such a roguish manner.
He didn't even have a chance to guard against this atrocity yet. So, by the
time he responded, the cellphone's SIM card was already destroyed.

"Fuck! What the fuck are you doing?!!" Gu Hai instantly burst into a fit of

Coldness stiffened Gu Yang's mannerism as he casually look at Gu Hai, "I

want to prohibit every and all forms of communication as best I can.
Your cell phone's anti-tapping system is too weak. For now, we only have
this specialty made cell phone to use. Besides making only necessary
calls, don't even think about touching it for anything else. For the sake of
your brother's absolute safety, just sacrifice it for the time being."

Full of grievances and resentment, Gu Hai tightly gripped Gu Yang's shirt

collar before his teeth gritted roughly against each other in anger. Then with
narrowed eyes, he glared at him.

"I can't sacrifice that!!!!!!!"

"No one dies without their cell phone."

With indifference written on his face, Gu Yang let his cold gaze swept over
Gu Hai's angry face, "There's no benefit whatsoever for you or me if we
have our cell phones with us. With your phone on you all the time, it will
only bring down your work efficiency and delay our progress in finishing
on time. Don't you want to leave here as soon as possible? If you want to,
isolate yourself from everything and everyone on the outside world and
properly work for me!"

Gu Hai's red eyes were like two heated nails, forged in a smoldering fire pit
then drenched in a frozen lake, one by one they pierced through Gu Yang's
chest and puncture his beating heart.

"But, of course you can leave now. I won't stop you."

The moment Gu Hai approached the desk and picked up those documents, he
felt devastation and longing simultaneously wrung at the bottom of his heart.
My adorable, pitiful, and lovely wife ah, your husband won't be able to
return for the time being, obediently wait for me at home. Don't let anyone
else kidnap you by all means.

For the next two days, Bai Luo Yin stayed holed up at their small nest alone,
somewhat anxious as he waited for Gu Hai's phone call to come through.
Since he knew there was about a difference of nearly five hours between here
and there, he was afraid that Gu Hai's call would come late at night and
disturb the neighbors' resting time. So as to avoid this trouble, Bai Luo Yin
never returned to his father's home.

During these two nights, he slept horribly; the peace of mind that he once
held onto every night was ripped away from him and in its place were the
tosses and turns that caused him to lose valuable sleep time. The first thing he
did early in the morning was to look at his cellphone, but to his dismay, there
were still no replies.

Unbeknownst to him, Gu Hai's cell phone had long been disconnected.

As Bai Luo Yin swiped his messages up and down, refreshing it over and
over again, hoping that a message would arrive, he browsed through his
contact list. Unexpectedly, he saw Gu Yang's number.

When did I save his number?

Bai Luo Yin was rather puzzled at this predicament, so he pressed down the
call button for a try and to his surprise, the call went through.

At first, Bai Luo Yin wanted to hang up immediately since it was already
really late at night in San Francisco, and also because he was afraid to disturb
someone's resting time.

But as a result, Gu Yang answered the call pretty quickly. Hearing his voice,
it sounded rather energetic.

Bai Luo Yin didn't even have a chance to speak yet when Gu Yang started to
speak first in a rather frank, monotonous manner, "Gu Hai is here with me.
Everything is fine. There's no need to worry."
Silent took over Bai Luo Yin's senses for a long while before he finally
managed some words and ask, "What's wrong with his cell phone? I can't
get through."

"I disconnected his cellphone. There are some things happening here and
it's really inconvenience to talk with others.."

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin immediately understood the underlying
meaning behind it.

"I won't take the initiative to call again. If any things happen just tell me
so that I can also mentally prepare for it well."

"What could possibly happen?" The tone of Gu Yang's voice suddenly

softened a bit, "Should I call him over to take this call? He just fell asleep
a moment ago."

Bai Luo Yin's brows slightly knitted together while the corner of his lips
curled, "Since you've said it like that, can I still say 'you should'?" With
that said, he quickly hung up and carelessly gathered some of his belongings.

Going back home!

I can't stay here anymore!!

These days were the first time during the past year that Bai Luo Yin felt he
had the most freedom. He not only started to arrive late to classes again and
but his habit of sleeping during class also crawled back as well. Since there
was no longer anyone sitting behind, he didn't need to painstakingly restrict
each and every one of his movements or words anymore......

The biggest advantage of all was that he could casually strike up a

conversation with anyone he pleased, chat with anyone and look at anyone.
In this way, he didn't need to be on guard with someone's drilling eyes.

Even though these days were boring and tedious, Bai Luo Yin could still find
some use in them to fill his own emptiness. Only then was he able to make do
with this bad situation and endure each passing day.
One day, after classes were dismissed, Bai Luo Yin patted You Qi's shoulder,
"Let's go together."

You Qi was flabbergasted for a moment, but nevertheless, he immediately

agreed with excitement, "Okay."

Once the two made it to the school main gate, Bai Luo Yin's footsteps halted,
while You Qi's continued moving.

"Don't you need to wait for Yang Meng?" asked Bai Luo Yin.

You Qi grudgingly stuck his lips out, "You're still resenting the fact that
our 'popularity' isn't booming enough?"

Bai Luo Yin snickered, "Last time I ran into you at the main gate, weren't
you and Yang Meng together huh?"

"That was just by accident."

Just as You Qi said that, Yang Meng shouted and his voice rang through the

"Yin Zi!"

Turning his head slightly to the side to look at You Qi, Bai Luo Yin couldn't
help but to smile, "An accident indeed."

Having nothing to say, You Qi remained silent. Altogether he had only

encountered Yang Meng twice by accident, to his surprise, Bai Luo Yin
somehow still managed to see it both times.

Yang Meng, you really know how to pick the right moment to appear!!

The three walked together on their way back home. They chatted about
various topics, a bit of this and that.

Normally Bai Luo Yin wasn't talkative or liked to talk much, but since he felt
really empty lately, the words flowed out more smoothly. He would say
several sentences here and there, and the more he chatted the more willing he
was to speak.

As they were walking through a street lined with restaurants, Bai Luo Yin
took the initiative to speak first, "Let's not eat at home today, we can find
a place to eat, it'll be my treat."

Yang Meng and You Qi exchanged a mischievous smile.

Since Bai Luo Yin insist, who are we to not take advantage of this?

The three entered a restaurant, ordered several dishes and opened an ample
amount of beer bottles. As they ate and drank, time decided to fly by. In the
blink of an eye, it was already past 9pm.

You Qi looked at his watch.

It's time to leave.

Bai Luo Yin was facing an empty beer bottle, his eyes staring blankly at it for
a long while. Who knew what he was thinking as he let his gaze remained
attentively on it.

Yang Meng, on the other hand, had already fallen asleep, leaning on the

You Qi patted Yang Meng's back, but he didn't respond at all.

Finally coming out of his stupor, Bai Luo Yin said, "How about we get a
taxi to take him home?"

"Won't his dad beat him up if he sees him like this huh?" You Qi looked
a bit worried.

With a firm and resolute appearance, Bai Luo Yin tells You Qi, "Don't
worry, his dad really wants to see him like this. He'll definitely be proud
of him. We can send him home."

Listening to Bai Luo Yin's suggestion, You Qi went to flag down a taxi and
helped Yang Meng in. Then he also sat down before calling out to Bai Luo
Yin, "Get on."

Bai Luo Yin merely shook his head, "I want to walk back."

"Why do you want to walk when there's a taxi here already?" You Qi
was puzzled by this seemingly odd action, "Aren't yours and Yang Meng's
home separated by just an alley?"

Not paying attention to the words that scraped out of You Qi's mouth, Bai
Luo Yin faced the east side and started to walk off alone.

Watching Bai Luo Yin walking off, You Qi hesitated for a moment before he
took out some money and hand it over to the driver. Then he tells the driver
the exact address and that he must take Yang Meng home.

Afterwards, he got out of the taxi, look in Bai Luo Yin's direction and chased
after him.

Bai Luo Yin's footing was somewhat unstable as he swayed a bit here and
there. Among the three of them, he had drunk the most.

Once You Qi arrived at his side, Bai Luo Yin immediately stretched his arm
out and swung it over You Qi's shoulder. In just one swoop, half his weight
practically pressed down heavily on You Qi, making it harder for You Qi, but
easier for himself to walk instead.

A type of relaxation built up on You Qi's handsome face. This kind of

underlying gentleness seemed quite natural and he himself felt rather
generous. It was in this manner that he helped support Bai Luo Yin while
they walk forward together.

As their legs moved, taking them one step closer to their determined
destination, Bai Luo Yin spoke first, "How far is the place you're renting
from here?"

"Not far, it's pretty close to your home so we can just walk back

A hiccup drew out of Bai Luo Yin's mouth before he shook his head and
giddily said, "Let's go, go check out your place."

"You don't have to return home? It's already past 9pm."

A lifeless expression colored Bai Luo Yin's sullen and inscrutable

countenance for a moment. As if swirling into another daze, he shook his
head again.

"There's no need to return home, it's annoying!"

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 170: The Inquietude of Youth - One SLEEPLESS NIGHT. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Yin Zi? Yin Zi?......"

You Qi patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder a few times, but he didn't receive any
respond. Before You Qi dragged his legs to the bathroom, Bai Luo Yin had
mumbled on about how he still wanted to have a good chat with him, yet
after he relieved himself, this guy had already fallen sound asleep.

Should I bring him home? Or should I give his dad a call and let him come
over to get him?

You Qi looked at the time, it was already past ten o'clock.

No matter what I do, it would be quite troublesome. I might as well let him
sleep here.

With those thoughts in mind, You Qi gave Bai Han Qi a call, informing him
that Bai Luo Yin will be sleeping at his place for the night.

There was only one quilt on the bed; it seems there was no other choice but to
squeeze into one quilt tonight.

You Qi had also drank to the point where he felt dizzy and somewhat giddy,
noting silently to himself as the alcohol was kicking in full gear now. Just as
You Qi took off his shoes and was about to get on the bed, Bai Luo Yin
flipped over. Then as if second nature, he proceeded to take of his T-shirt and
within seconds, his pants was gone too. Now, the only article of clothing left
on his smoothly sculpted body was his underwear.

Whether deliberate or not, Bai Luo Yin's hands slithered toward the edge of
his own underwear. In a sluggish manner, almost as though that piece of
fabric was a hindrance to his freedom, he hooked his finger firmly around the
edge and dragged the underwear toward his slightly bent knees. Wiggling his
legs left and right as to remove the underwear, without the use of his hands,
he kicked his legs up and down a few times. Soon, his underwear slipped
almost too neatly to the sole of his feet.

During that time, You Qi did not have a chance to cover Bai Luo Yin with
the quilt yet. Now Bai Luo Yin was lying there completely naked, from his
neck, down to those toes; he shifted his body around for a while and
eventually he lied horizontally on the bed.

There was a slight widening around the corners of You Qi's eyes,
accompanied by the rise of his brows. As if a bucket of water was splashed
harshly against his face, You Qi suddenly sobered up from the drunkenness
that had previously overtook him. He remained planted on the same spot
beside the bed, with a frighten expression outlining the entirety of his
handsomely flushed face.

Oh my fucking god! How did things turn out like this?

This is the first time he came to my place and he went as far as to bring this
kind of courtesy with him?

You Qi rubbed his forehead, willing the dizziness that rode back away while
nervous beating his chest, like hammer on a concrete wall. Hastily turning the
lights off, he finally drilled his way into the quilt.

At first he kept his eyes wide open and sneakily looked at Bai Luo Yin who
laid dead asleep beside him. His rather handsome brows faintly wrinkled
together into a beautiful curve and the lines that painted into his lips stretch
out very evenly. Each line that brilliantly contoured his face exudes
manliness and brought along with it a type of charm, an enticement.

You Qi's hand stretched out and gently touched along the outline of Bai Luo
Yin's chin. Keeping his eyes glued there, You Qi felt the short and fine
texture of his beard stubbles until the palm of his own hand became very

When Bai Luo Yin mumbled, You Qi immediately pulled his hand back.

Bai Luo Yin rolled over until his back faced You Qi.

During the entire ordeal, You Qi didn't dare to let his gaze travel down for a

After a while, the sound of Bai Luo Yin's breath evened out and softened
altogether. His bizarre action might have been caused by the alcohol finally
kicking into his system. Feeling his eyes weighing down, You Qi's
consciousness gradually became a blur and before long, he closed his eyes
and slipped into slumber.

In the middle of the night, You Qi was awoken by the tossing and turning
from the person beside him.

Owing to the face that he had always slept by himself and having also drank
more than he had anticipated before he went to sleep, You Qi was nearly
scared to death the moment he was abruptly awaken.

What the fuck, why is there someone here?

Shaking the sleepiness away, his consciousness slowly wormed back.

That's right, last night Bai Luo Yin didn't leave.

You Qi was still lost in his thoughts when one of Bai Luo Yin's leg suddenly
crawled its way into the space between his legs, causing their legs to now
stick rather warmly together. You Qi immediately held his breath, not daring
to let any air escape his lips as to avoid awakening the other person.

Unfortunately, this time, Bai Luo Yin was shifting his leg around as if he was
unconsciously seeking out a comfortable position to rest at, however, no
matter how he tried he still couldn't find it.

At that moment, You Qi was struggling through a violent battle with his inner

Should I push him away or not?

Or should I let him struggle in confusion and continue to rub around like this
until he's satisfied?

Just as he was still letting his imagination run wild, Bai Luo Yin suddenly
stretched his hand out and push it straight into You Qi's armpit.

You Qi was startled by another one of his sudden contact. It wasn't because
he was extremely sensitive or anything, but rather this young fellow's hand
was extremely cold, so cold that You Qi's entire body broke out with

Quickly getting up, You Qi scanned his surroundings. One side of the quilt
was wrapped rather tightly around Bai Luo Yin's body. However, much to his
dismay, his side of the quilt was missing, causing a large portion of his back
to be exposed to the cold air instead.

What the heck, he shouldn't be the one freezing......yet, how come his hands
are still so cold?

Just as You Qi had lie back down, Bai Luo Yin stretched his hand out and
drilled it into his armpit again. Not surprising at all, these movement were
done unconsciously.

Why aren't you nice and warm yet? This is my most ticklish spot!

Having no other choice, You Qi gripped Bai Luo Yin's hand and pulled it out
from his armpit. Holding his hands in a firm grip, he noticed that Bai Luo
Yin's hand was a bit bigger than his hand and the joints were even more
distinct. He can sense how sturdy it was as he encased it in his own hands.

Once Bai Luo Yin's hands were all warmed up, his foot also refused to stay
idle. Bai Luo Yin's toes started to creep along the quilt, seeking out the
warmest territory. Soon, it naturally migrated toward the center of You Qi's

When did he develop this crazy habit huh?

You Qi mentally cursed while brazenly enduring this attack.

Just when Bai Luo Yin dug his toes into his leg muscle, You Qi had a kind of
sensation whereas his nose was going to bleed out heavily.

Bai Luo Yin is normally quite a proper and serious person. Why does he
become so flirtatious once he's on the bed?

You Qi carefully took in a deep breath, afraid that any other sudden
movements would create a loud sound and cause the young man beside him
to act out in an even more bizarre way!

As soon as Bai Luo Yin's limbs had warm up, he quickly returned back to his
honest and well-behaved nature; even better he had fallen sound asleep,
evident by the evenness of his breathing.

Once You Qi turned his head to the side, all he breath in was the smell of the
alcohol that sipped out from the seam between Bai Luo Yin's lips as it lightly
parted when he exhaled. The faint yet intoxicating fragrant could easily
bewitched anyone close by.

You Qi had seen Bai Luo Yin's sleeping patterns countless of times.
Ordinarily, when he twirled his head around, this young man would most
likely be leaning forward against his desk, knocked out.

But, this was the first time he had seen him sleep so soundly like this. It was
completely different from when one was having a light sleep. His thick brows
were smoothened out, the corner of his mouth slightly rose, and occasionally
he would mumble a few words that were almost inaudible, just like a small
child that hasn't grown up yet.

You Qi stared blankly at him for a few more minutes, almost as if he had
fallen into a trance. It was only when Bai Luo Yin cracked his eyes slightly
open was You Qi finally dragged back from his stupor.

"Gu Hai......" called out Bai Luo Yin almost incoherently.

You Qi was startled by the suddenness of this moment.

Is he awake or just sleep talking?

Bai Luo Yin's hand suddenly smacked the bridge of You Qi's nose. The pain
ached so bad that a few tears almost fell from You Qi's eyes.

"Give me some water," Bai Luo Yin muttered.

You Qi miserably rubbed his nose.

If you want some water then just ask, why did you have hit me too?

As those thoughts swam around in his head, he felt around in the dark for the
lamp near the bedside. Much to his dismay, he couldn't even find it after
trying to for a while. He finally gave up and directly felt around for the glass
of water on the bedside cabinet instead.

The sound of the water splashing against the glass provoked the thirst that
welled up in Bai Luo Yin's dry throat. Without waiting for You Qi to bring
the glass to him, he immediately leaped forward and grab hold of the glass
himself, gulping it all down in only a few mouthfuls.

After he finished drinking, he placed the glass down and immediately pressed
his entire weight down on You Qi's body without budging.
It was all too evident that from beginning to the end, he wasn't awake at all.
All his actions thus far were done by instinct alone.

However, You Qi was actually suffering tremendously. Needless to say, Bai

Luo Yin pressing his body heavily onto his was one thing, but the thing was,
he wasn't fucking wear any clothes!

Bai Luo Yin's head crooked into the side of You Qi's shoulder, with the upper
half of his body plastered like glue to his. But the most frightening thing was,
the soft little fellow between his leg was hanging out at You Qi's belly......not
even a layer of fabric separated such intimate contact.

What the fuck is this called?

You Qi tried his hardest to restraint the sinister thoughts forming in his head.
Little by little, he peeled Bai Luo Yin off his body. So long as his thoughts
deviated to such nature, he would warn himself straightaway:

It's a conditioned reflex that caused him to glue to you like this, or he's
treating you as Gu Hai. It's best if you don't do anything stupid, otherwise
you'll suffer greatly!

Struggling bitterly for more than half the night, You Qi was finally able to
fall into a deep sleep once the sky started to lighten up.

Early in the morning, the alarm clock rung for a long time before Bai Luo
Yin finally woke up.

Last night, You Qi was so tired that he didn't even hear it when the alarm
sounded off.

Bai Luo Yin grabbed the alarm clock and looked strangely at it, then he
casted a quick glance at the person beside him.

Which big star crawled into my bed?

This unparalleled small and handsome face is refreshing to look at first thing
in the morning.
Ignoring who the person beside him was first, Bai Luo Yin did what he
thought was most important which was to shut the alarm clock off since he
wanted to sleep for a while longer.

But after trying to switch it off for what seemed like an entire day, it didn't
work; the alarm was still screaming in his face and hurting his inner ears.
Rubbing his eyes, Bai Luo Yin watched as a mathematical question appeared
on the surface of the alarm clock.

Is it possible that once the question is resolved, it will stop barking out so

With nothing else to lose, Bai Luo Yin gave it a try. He inputted the answer
and the alarm stopped for a few seconds, then it started to ring again before a
riddle suddenly appear on the surface. Once Bai Luo Yin finally guessed the
answer, a maze popped up on the surface. With great difficulty he solved it
but sadly, another mind-boggling riddle teased his brain......

By the time Bai Luo Yin resolved all the questions, the tiredness that once
consumed him had sailed away already; he was no longer trapped by

This thing is fucking awesome!

Bai Luo Yin decided that he must buy one when he returned home.

After he finished fiddling with the alarm clock in his hand, Bai Luo Yin
looked at his surroundings, before twisting his head around to take a quick
look at You Qi.

Although he had drunk a bit more than usual last night, but nevertheless his
conscious was clear the entire time. He remembered everything that had
occurred, but what he doesn't have any impression of was everything else that
happened after he had fallen asleep.

The place that You Qi rented was pretty good. Although it wasn't as good as
his and Gu Hai's small nest, it was better than the place that Gu Hai had
rented before.
Just as Bai Luo Yin lifted the quilt up and was about to put on his clothes and
get off the bed, he immediately became dumbfounded instead.

Fuck, where did my underwear go?

Turning around to look at You Qi, he immediately dispelled the thoughts in

his head

What's he doing taking off my underwear?

He slightly scrunched his face and rummaged through his thoughts.

Most likely it because you're used to sleeping naked at home, that's why this
habit broke out when you were already deep in sleep. Fortunately, You Qi is
a man, otherwise this misunderstanding would have snowballed into
something bigger.

Bai Luo Yin quickly put on his clothes and got off the bed before running
straight into the bathroom and splashing cold water on his face as to rinse it
off. Then he sauntered back into the room to wake You Qi up.

You Qi opened his drowsy eyes and looked at Bai Luo Yin, asking, "What
time is it now?"

Bai Luo Yin was tying his shoelace when he heard the other boy's voice,
without raising his head, he said, "Hurry we're late."

Sighing, You Qi let his head fall back heavily onto the pillow.

I'm going to be late anyways, might as well sleep a bit longer.

Once Bai Luo Yin saw You Qi lying back down again, he advanced toward
the bed and forcefully gripped his shirt collar, pulling him up. Narrowing his
eyes at him, he started to berate him with a rather cold tone, "I'm already up
and you're still wasting time? Hurry up now!"

You Qi weakly propped his upper body up against the bed of the bed. After
being pressed heavily beneath Bai Luo Yin's weight for half the night, his
ribs were still sore and hurting right now. With confusion riding his mind, he
eyes swept towards Bai Luo Yin.

This guy is full of life and energy; when he walks it's like he's floating on air,
and when he stands motionless, he like a rifle. He can be as manly as he

It's fucking hard to imagine that the young guy that glued himself heavily on
my body last night and this guy now could be the same person!


Staring at himself through the mirror, Gu Hai could easily tell that he had lost
at least five pounds. There were some obvious changes marking his face; the
lines around his eyes were jet black, his lips a shade of purple, accompanied
by hollow cheeks and unkempt beard......

......this was a grand manifestation of being lovesick.

Since Bai Luo Yin was not beside him, Gu Hai doesn't even have the strength
to wash his face, nor did he bothered with his appearance, seeing as he wore
the same clothes from morning until late night.

Looking at his enervated state, even Gu Yang became weary.

"Look, even if we're busy, we still have to get along right?"

Gu Yang brought a cup of coffee toward Gu Hai while at the same time,
taking the chance to look up and down at his face drawn with no will left to

"Did I mistreat you huh? You get three proper meals a day and eight full
hours of sleep. Even I don't have the luxury of living such a grand

Gu Hai shot him a deadly glance, his voice was so restless, it sounded hoarse.

"I don't care if you don't give me any food, or make me stay up all night
helping you handle things. I don't have any complaints as long as you let
me make a phone call."
Gu Yang laughed faintly, "Who do you want to call?"

No words came out as Gu Hai remained silent.

Gu Yang asked again, "You want to call your little brother?"

"You don't need to care about who I call. Just tell me if I can or not,

"You can't."

Gu Hai twisted his head around and walked away.

"There's a telephone booth outside not too far from here. I don't have
any objection if you go out and make a call."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 171: The Inquietude of Youth - The CALL FINALLY went


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After constantly being on the move for the entire day outside, Gu Yang
finally dragged his exhausted body back home. Entering, he immediately
removed his heavy coat and hung it neatly on the clothes rack. As he casually
slipped his finger beneath the knot of his necktie and loosened it, he intended
to take a nice and hot shower first before anything else.

Passing through the studio, he glanced inside for a moment and noted that Gu
Hai was not there. He entered the room for a look around and noticed that the
tasks he had given to Gu Hai before he left earlier this morning had already
been completed. By now, he figured that Gu Hai must have returned to his
own bedroom to rest.
Since everything seemed to have gone smoothly for the day, Gu Yang
leisurely entered the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of water splashing about almost sporadically from the
bathroom, Gu Hai popped his head out from the kitchen and took a glimpse
around. Apparently, the fascist was taking a shower. Thus, for the sake of
showing his appreciation toward this lonely man that had spent his entire day
bustling about outside, tirelessly getting all his work done, Gu Hai decided
that today he will personally cook a delicious meal for him. And at the same
time, giving him a chance to experience the warmth of a family.

When Gu Yang was showering, he could smell the savory aroma of a home
cooked meal seep through the cracks of the door and into his nostrils. It had
the kind of smell that carried with it a motherly touch that had long been
absent from his life. Staying abroad for so many years, he had little to no
opportunity at all to eat authentic Chinese cuisine. Even if he had the raw
ingredients to cook it himself, he was still unable to make that kind of simple
yet rich in flavor kind of dishes.

"What's going on today?" Gu Yang wrapped himself in a huge bathrobe

and leaned against the kitchen door. Looking a Gu Hai busying himself, he
began to scrutinize him, "Are western food that hard to eat? Must be if it
forced someone like you to go into the kitchen and cook for yourself."

Even as those words spun around in his ears, Gu Hai continued to

methodically handle his task in an orderly manner before calmly stating a
simple fact, "I've always cooked my own meals at home."

In regards to this matter, Gu Yang was aware of it to some extent, yet

nevertheless, he had continuously maintained a skeptical attitude towards it.
But today, his doubts were proven wrong. As he stood there, he actually
witnessed the scene of someone's big hands, obviously unsuitable for
cooking, handling the kitchen knife with much skill and ease. The sound of
the knife hitting the cutting board resounded from the long unused chopping
board. A moment later, even and slender slices of cucumber were placed onto
the prepared plate beside him.

Gu Yang's visage revealed astonishment. When he was home just a year ago,
Gu Hai was still clumsy and awkward.

Who on earth possess such powerful skills to train this valiant and fearless
man into an honest, considerate and diligent househusband in just a year?

"Go out first, it's not good to be exposed to the smoke." Gu Hai kindly
reminded him.

Without batting an eyelid, Gu Yang calmly left the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, a few small plates of appetizers were served at the
dining table. Even better, there were also a pot of chicken soup that had been
simmered for two hours, as well as several brown slices of meat patties.
Arranged neatly on both side of the table was a bowl and a pair of chopsticks.

"Let's eat." Gu Hai readily said.

Gu Yang's movements were slightly shaky when he picked up the chopsticks.

He took a piece of thinly sliced beef and tasted it; a thick and strong flavor of
seasoning entered his mouth. Instead of being oily, it truly satisfied his
yearning for good food. If lard were used instead of olive oil, perhaps the
flavor would become a bit more authentic.

"It's not bad." Gu Yang casually complimented him, but in truth he was
downplaying his praise.

Gu Hai ate boldly and freely; typical of a man from northern China, where
every bite was honest and straightforward. But as for Gu Yang, he ate calmly
and leisurely as he assumed the appearance of a man who had no appetite.
Most likely, this behavior was formed because he had been accustomed to
eating western food for years on end.

Observing him strenuously from the side, Gu Hai was nearly finished eating,
however the other person bad barely touched anything with his chopsticks.
Taking note of this, he immediately snatched Gu Yang's bowl away, placed a
lot of food into it, then shoved the bowl back to him, hinting at Gu Yang to
eat everything.
Gu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Gu Hai before he began
to question his motives, "Why are you suddenly in the mood to cook

"Weren't you the one that said this? No matter what, the days will still
pass by. I can't just eat those sweets and greasy foods all day long." As
those voice escaped his mouth, a smile finally emerged on Gu Hai's face. Not
surprising at all, this was the first smile that painted his lips in the past few
days, "Besides, you've never tried my food before, right? This meal is
especially made for you. I noticed that you've been very tired these days,
so I wanted to express my appreciation."

Gu Yang's watchful eyes drifted away from Gu Hai's face for a moment, then
he faintly smiled, "There's no need to bribe me, I won't lend you the

Gu Hai was surprised at first, then he laughed, not in the least concerned,
"What do you take your brother as? You're away from home all day
long. If I really wanted to make a phone call, I could've slipped away at
any given time to make a call. Why would I lie to you just to use the

The strong tone of Gu Yang's words, emphasized the underlying meaning

behind them, "You better keep it that way."

After dinner, the two entered the studio and diligently work on their own task
in silent. Every so often, Gu Hai would secretly lift his lids up and scan Gu
Yang's appearance for a while. During that time, Gu Yang would incessantly
knead his temple and yawn, exhaustion was surely raining down on him.

"If you're tired, then go to sleep first." Gu Hai knocked on the table beside
Gu Yang.

Trying his best to keep his eyes open, Gu Yang grabbed the coffee cup at the
side and took a sip before listlessly replying, "I'm fine."

Half an hour later, Gu Yang had completely lost consciousness.

Gu Hai's evil scheme prevailed. He patted Gu Yang's cheek for a while and
seeing that he didn't respond, he happily said, "You're not the one who has
the final say in whether or not you will actually lend me the phone."

Humming a joyous tune, he stealthily infiltrated Gu Yang's bedroom. After

rummaging around for a few minutes, he soon found the allegedly specially
made phone. Checking through the phone's call history for the past few days,
he unexpectedly found Bai Luo Yin's number.

Yin Zi called?

Fuck!! This bastard didn't even tell me!

Gu Hai was so furious his eyes burnt a fiery red as if hell itself had taken over
him, causing a heatwave to ravage his inside. He wished he could take this
chance while Gu Yang's was still unconscious and violently beat the life out
of him.

His heart churned and seethed just thinking about his baby.

Yin Zi is definitely worried about me, he definitely misses me, he's definitely
not okay without me......

As Gu Hai imagined this myriad of possibilities, all sorts of feelings suddenly

welled up in his heart, causing his hand that was clutching the cell phone to
tremble involuntarily. After being here for an entire week, this was the first
time he was finally going to call his beloved wife whom he had been
yearning for all day and night......

At that time, it was 9 AM in Beijing. The sun was hanging high, displaying
its brilliant rays on the school grounds.

Bai Luo Yin was leaning atop the school desk like usual, his spiritless eyes
were fixated on a nail protruding from the corner of his desk.

The sound of his cell phone vibrating sounded off.

Bai Luo Yin quietly fished it out. Looking at the number, he discovered that
it was Gu Yang. His heart tightened as he hurriedly answered the call.
"Hello?" Bai Luo Yin lowered his voice as much as possible.

Hearing Bai Luo Yin's voice, Gu Hai's heart was struck with an
overwhelming wave of heartaches.

It hasn't been easy! A week......I can finally hear the sound of your
voice......your breath.

After not hearing any response from the other side, Bai Luo Yin suddenly
realized something. With an unsteady, shaky voice, he asked, "Is this... Gu

Gu Hai's tears were on the verge of falling.

It was discussion time in the classroom at the moment. Good thing, the
teacher had left, leaving the class chaotic; this created the perfect opportunity
for Bai Luo Yin to answer the call.

"Are you okay over there?"

Gu Hai's tone gradually returned to its normal, "I'm okay, just a bit tired."

Hearing Gu Hai said that he was tired, a burst of pain struck Bai Luo Yin's
chest, causing it to throb irregularly. If Gu Hai, whose bones are made of
steel and was always bursting with energy no matter how tormented he was,
could say that he was tired, then this must mean that he was really worn out!

"He is your brother, it's only natural that you should help him. Try to
bear with the tiredness a bit okay? After surviving these days, you'll be

"You don't feel sorry for me at all?" Young Master Gu felt wronged; the
grievance was evident in his voice.

Bai Luo Yin seldom soften his voice, "Even if I feel sorry for you, I can't
do anything...... I have no way of going over there to help you."

"Actually, I can bear the tiredness. It's just...I can't bear missing you."
Those words comforted Bai Luo Yin since he wholeheartedly felt the same
way; the only thing was, he doesn't have the ability to express it like Young
Master Gu.

"When will you come back?"

Gu Hai stayed silent for a long time before faintly saying, "Soon. The
matters at hand are almost complete. After meeting another person in
two days, I can go home and hug you to sleep again."

Bai Luo Yin lifted his eyelids to glance at the classroom door, the teacher still
hasn't come in.

"How are you?" Gu Hai asked again.

"I'm very good," said Bai Luo Yin.

"Don't say that just to please me. Be more specific, where did you eat
during the past few days? What did you eat? Where did you sleep and
who did you sleep with? How many hours did you sleep, did you sleep
well? Did you kick the quilt? Did you catch a cold or anything......?"

Bai Luo Yin immediately weakened and collapse on the desk, "How am I
supposed to answer when you asked so many questions all at once?"

At that moment, Gu Hai was lying on the bed. He turned on the air
conditioner and spread the quilt over his body. As he spoke on the phone, a
pleasant and satisfied look radiated from his eyes. He had been ridden with
loneliness for so many days, it is inevitable that he would feel an intolerable
need. Besides, he was wrapped snugly beneath the quilt right now. If he
didn't take this chance to sneakily do some indecent things, he won't be able
to forgive himself!

"Tell me, did you jerk off during the past few days? How many times did
you jerk off? What time did you do it? And every time you did it, how
did you touch yourself?" asked Gu Hai as he started to create a lewd and
sensual atmosphere.
Bai Luo Yin became stiff as he hurriedly scanned his surroundings. The other
students were enthusiastically discussing the topic in question.

Now is not the time to talk about these kind of things!!!

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Gu Hai asked insistently, "You

touched yourself a lot of times, right?"

"Not even once," Bai Luo Yin answered in whispers.

Gu Hai snickered, "Come on, not even once? I don't believe it. If you
really haven't done it, why aren't you speaking louder? Why are you
being so shy?"

Bai Luo Yin really wanted to yell at him from the top of his lungs.

I'm in the fucking classroom right now! You think I'm going to stand on the
teacher's desk and announce to all the students: I, Bai Luo Yin, didn't jerk off
even once during this entire week?

Not caring much about that, Gu Hai minded his own business and he
continued to lustfully indulged himself, like a beast in heat, "Baby, I really
miss you...ah...little Hai Zi also misses you......let's make love on the

Hearing those lewd words, Bai Luo Yin managed to squeeze out a few words
from between his gritted teeth, "Dear, I'm in class right now."

Gu Hai's hand that was about to undo his pants paused for a moment. It
suddenly dawned on him as he said, "I forgot about the time difference, it's
morning over there right?"

"What else?" Bai Luo Yin patiently informed him, "It's the second class in
the morning now."

Gu Hai stayed silent for quite a while, not uttering another word. It was only
a bit later did he then opened his mouth again, "I don't care. It wasn't easy
for me to snatch this phone. Who knows when we'll be able to talk to
each other again next time."
"How did you snatch the phone?" Bai Luo Yin was extremely curious.

Now that he mentioned this subject, Gu Hai's became exceptionally pleased

with himself, "I cooked a meal for him today and slipped a drug inside
his food. He's sound asleep right now..."

"You......" Bai Luo Yin went speechless.

Having this kind of younger brother is really unlucky.

"Yin Zi, my little Hai Zi is already erected. Can you imagine what it
looks like right now? Ah, that's right, you can definitely imagine it. It's
always pleasing and toying with you until you come in pleasure every
single time, how can you forget what it looks like......"

Bai Luo Yin nearly collapsed into a complete meltdown. He did not have the
heart nor was he unwilling to hang up the phone, but if he let Gu Hai
continue to talk nonsense like this, then he'll just feel terrible, since he was,
after all still in class right now!!......

"Gu Hai, listen to me......"

"Tell me, tell me how your ass is craving for me......" Gu Hai deliberately
uttered an arousing, muffled moan, "Come, let me lick little Yin
misses me, right? Hm?"

Bai Luo Yin, "......"

"I'll start by licking from the end of the shaft, it tastes very good. I keep
on licking it to the head of your cock. You're so slutty that you quickly
became wet... I take it all into my mouth, sucking hard before slowly
pulling it out, letting my tongue wrap warmly around it, then suck
hardly on it again......does it feel good? Baby, tell me, does it feel good?"

Bai Luo Yin shut his eyes and stiffly endured the whole ordeal.

Say what you want, I'll pretend I didn't hear it.

"Wait a moment..." Gu Hai suddenly stopped.

Bai Luo Yin sighed, letting out a breath before feeling a bit relief for the time

After a while, this bastard turned on the video call and showed him a close-up
of his member, "Baby, quickly look, it became swollen so fast. I really
can't hold it in anymore, so let me thrust into you......"

Bai Luo Yin's eyes betrayed the shock that drew on his flushed face.

Just by chance, You Qi to turned his head around, "Yin Zi, look at this
question for me."

Bai Luo Yin's hands trembled causing the cell phone to nearly drop on his

"What's wrong?" You Qi asked, "Your complexion is a little strange."

Quickly hiding his cell phone inside his pocket, Bai Luo Yin concealed little
Yin Zi beneath his blue and white jacket. Then, wearing an extremely
awkward and embarrassed expression on his face, he walked out.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 172: The Inquietude of Youth - The BROTHERS mutual


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Since Gu Hai was inexperience, it was inevitable that the first time he slipped
a drug into someone's food, he added more than necessary. This resulted in
Gu Yang sleeping soundly until around ten o'clock the next morning.

Gu Hai chatted until the first glimmer of light peeked from the distant

Gu Yang on the other hand, was fully charged to several thousands of units.

After having chatted for the entire night, Gu Hai reluctantly hung up the call.
And although he lacked sleep, he put on an insouciant appearance and moved
his foot to the washroom for a relaxing bath. Not long after, he reemerged
even more energetic than he ever was. He finally changed into new clothes
and shaved the stubbles that once dotted his chin. Comparing his appearance
now to the one from a few days, it simply looked as though he had been
switched for another person.

Gu Yang himself felt as though he had been stuck in a long and endless
dream, whose key had been thrown out, making it impossible to escape. In
this dream, he and Gu Hai were having dinner still and no matter how much
they consumed, the food remained, allowing the scene to perpetually rage on.
By the time he had awaken, his stomach was still bloated and his head felt
dizzy as if a bout of fog had rushed in, clouding his mind.

Just as he cracked his eyes, Gu Hai was sitting at the side of his bed with a
face smeared by the warm morning sunlight. In front of Gu Yang's eyes, a
brilliant smile then blossomed on Gu Hai's face before a faint breeze brushed

"Ge, you slept so soundly!"

Gu Yang rubbed his brows and lazily asked, "What time is it?"

"A little past ten."

At first, Gu Yang pretended to be calm. He then nodded his head and slowly
picked himself up and placed his hand on Gu Hai's back. After lightly patted
his back for a few seconds, he suddenly pulled his hand back and struck the
back of Gu Hai's neck. Fortunately, Gu Hai was quick to react and had
already tightened his neck muscles, otherwise this powerful strike would had
caused him to lose consciousness.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" His voice was filled with severity and
coldness as he stared.

Gu Hai merely sent out a casual look, "I saw you sleeping soundly so I
didn't have the heart to wake you."

Like a raging hurricane, paving through a crowded street, Gu Yang leaped

out of his Gu Hai's line of sight. A moment later, a fit of loud crashing noises
came from the bathroom before he came charging out and quickly changed
his shoes. After neatly tying up his laces, he grabbed his briefcase and left
without repeatedly saying anything else like he usually does.

Never had Gu Hai seen his brother so lively and energetic about something
like this before. It was clear that once he was anxious to a certain degree, he
surely doesn't waste his time.

Since Gu Yang left in such a rush, he didn't have a chance to arrange any task
for Gu Hai to handle. Furthermore, his personal things and tasks weren't
allowed to be randomly fiddled with.

Having nothing to do, Gu Hai attempted to sleep but couldn't so as a result he

decided to go out for a walk; incidentally he had left Gu Yang's cell phone
charging in the outlet.

By the time Gu Hai returned, Gu Yang had already arrived home before him.
As Gu Hai pushed the door open, he was met with Gu Yang's figure sitting
on the sofa in the living room with a stern and complex expression lying
across his face.

"Why did you come back so early?" asked Gu Hai.

Choosing to simply nod his head, Gu Yang then suddenly exposed a cold and
menacing sneer. "It's only natural that I would come back sooner since I
didn't get to meet the person."

"You didn't meet the person?" Gu Hai could feel his own chest tightening
just the slightest as he questioned him. "Who did you go to meet?"

"Mr. Jie Sun." [Jason]

Gu Yang had mentioned about this person to Gu Hai before. Gu Hai

remembered that this person appeared to have a great influence on the matter
that Gu Yang was going through.

A slight sense of anxiousness slowly clawed its way onto Gu Hai's face as he
moved in closer toward Gu Yang and asked, "Why didn't you meet him?"
"You're really asking why?" retorted Gu Yang grudgingly, "I had already
set up an appointment to meet with him at nine o'clock this morning, but
in the end, without even a proper reasoning at all, I was late for more
than an hour. You should also know that Americans are really strict
about their views on time. Delaying any of their time is an extremely
disrespectful behavior."

"Apologizing isn't effective?" Gu Hai quickly asked.

Gu Yang merely shrugged his shoulder, "It's effective, but it requires time.
Do you know how many days I had to wait just to have an opportunity to
meet him? I didn't take the initiative to tell you this first, but the reason
we've been delayed for the past few day is because of him. If only he'd
just nod his head, then we could have immediately left already. But if he
doesn't nod his head, then all the data and work that we've been
continuously working on days on end would still be useless."

By now, Gu Hai wasn't the least worried about Gu Yang's frame of mind; he
simply fired out a single sentence.

"Then do you still need to do something?"

With just those words, Gu Yang was practically being angered to death by
Gu Hai. He was already so anxious with madness, yet Gu Hai was
disregarding him. He needed someone that could help him resolve these
issues and make his worries go away; an assistant that understood and cared
for the anxiety in his heart, but instead he asked a completely troublesome
and muddleheaded fool to come!

"When are you going to understand things properly huh!?" Gu Yang

seldom exposed a worried expression.

Gu Hai firmly told Gu Yang, "If I were to clearly understand things, I

would've quickly left by now. I wouldn't have wasted my time with you
at all."

Having said that, he returned to his own bedroom and dug his tired body into
the blanket. Gu Hai slept for a long while.
By the time he woke up, someone's head was resting on the pillow beside
him. Who knew when Gu Yang had lie there; one of his hand was supporting
his chin as he incessantly stared at Gu Hai. His eyes were so piercing that it
made Gu Hai's mental capacity immediately flood with fright.

"Why are you on my bed?"

"Have you slept enough yet?" asked Gu Yang.

Gu Hai rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn before lazily saying, "If you
didn't bother me, I could have slept even longer."

"Preserving your energy so that you could continue pleasuring yourself

at night right?"

Gu Hai faintly sniffed the strangeness that lingered in the air, then his eyes
flew back and settled on Gu Yang's face. He watched as the corners of his
mouth pulled into a twisted, sarcastic smile while his gaze didn't specifically
expose any significant meaning.

A type of chillness nipped at the center of Gu Hai's heart, causing it to lose a



Gu Yang picked up the cellphone and waved it back and forth before Gu
Hai's eyes.

"Don't think that just because you've deleted all the call history, I
wouldn't know that you've made a phone call."

Gu Hai turned his head back and stubbornly forced his gaze toward the
ceiling. His tone was still stiff as it had been before when he spoke again.

"In any case, I didn't reveal anything about you to anyone. I only gave
someone I miss a call and asked how he was doing, that's all. It's because
you've been unreasonable. You already know that I'm away from home
against my will and missing the people closest to me is unavoidable. Even
a prisoner can set a date to get in touch with their family once a while,
yet I'm no better than prisoner."

"Missing the people closest to you?" Gu Yang let out a close laugh, "I
actually want to hear this, which person are you missing huh?"

Gu Hai didn't bother to reply to his question, but instead said, "You already
know yet you still ask."

Gu Yang was full of interest as he narrowed his eyes, looked at Gu Hai and
faintly said, "At first, my mood was pretty gloomy today, but after
hearing him moan several times, it immediately cured me."

Hearing those words, blood immediately rushed toward Gu Hai's widened


"You intentionally recorded our calls?"

Gu Hai casually spread his hands out, "I didn't intentionally record it, the
phone was pre-installed with this recording function. I carelessly heard
it, that's all. Who would've expected this ah, Gu Hai, what are you going
to say about it huh?"

Remaining silent for a moment, Gu Hai's scorching eyes, like a powerful

machine gun aimed toward Gu Yang's face and shot at a high velocity.

"Tell me, if I let my uncle hear this recording, how would he react?"

As if his hands were a fierce arrow that had been released toward its target,
Gu Hai's firm grip immediately shot out and seized Gu Yang's neck. His eyes
were now tainted with anger and resentment; it was as though in any second
now it could wring the life out of the person reflected in them.

"You dare!!"

Narrowing his eyes, Gu Yang grasped Gu Hai's wrist tightly while the aura in
eyes began to change from a brooding to an icy pungent sharpness.

"If you want to save yourself, be a bit more moderate later on. You can
play around but don't be serious."
"There's no need for you to care about my business! Deal with your own
fucking mess first!!!"

Gu Yang patted Gu Hai's shoulder, "Both of us can encourage each other."


After that phone call ended, Bai Luo Yin went three days without receiving
any other news from Gu Hai.

In the blink of an eye, it was Friday again. The stack of assignments that
racked up into a tall mountain actually Bai Luo Yin felt gratification for the
first time, because it meant that for the next two days of this weekend, he had
a bit of something to do.

Just as he gathered his belongings and neatly placed them in his schoolbag,
You Qi turned his head around.

"Did you think about what you're going to do this weekend?"

"Working on the assignments, what else are there to do?"

"Go to my house." Once again You Qi invited him.

Bai Luo Yin thought about it for a while, this suggestion wasn't bad; he's
never been to Tianjin before so he could take advantage of this opportunity to
go look around. Furthermore, he had already declined You Qi's invitation
quite a few times before. This time he would feel embarrass if he declined
again and since Gu Hai wasn't here, he might as well give a favor into this
friendship. After sorting through those thoughts, he nodded his head at once.

Who knew why, but the moment Bai Luo Yin nodded his head, You Qi
unexpectedly didn't feel so excited. Perhaps since he knew that Gu Hai wasn't
around, he was able to receive Bai Luo Yin's silent acceptance. Before, the
cause of all the rejections that he had suffered was attributed to Gu Hai's
presence, but now...

Once they got on the train, Bai Luo Yin once tired and restless eyes
brightened up a bit as he watched the sceneries outside sped by from the

"This is my first time going so far away."

You Qi's brow twisted together then he scoffed, "You consider this far?"

"This will be the furthest I've ever been. I'm not lying to you. Since I was
young, I've never been out of Beijing before."

Bai Luo Yin pulled out a stick of cigarette, but just as he was about to lit it,
one of the train attendant walked by.

"Sir, smoking is not permitted here."

Bai Luo Yin smiled apologetically and pinched off the cigarette butt.

You Qi looked attentively at Bai Luo Yin's features and asked, "Is there a
place you want to go to?"

"There's too many." Bai Luo Yin casually rested his listless head back
against the chair before lazily saying, "I like places that has the sea."

"Hehehe......isn't the sea with you no matter where you go?"

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin's expression sunk into a lethargy. It was
only after a moment had passed did he then realized the meaning behind You
Qi's words.

Silent fell between the two as they sat still.

Suddenly, You Qi really wanted to ask another question. He twisted his head
to the side and looked calmly at Bai Luo Yin. After struggling through his
thoughts for a moment, he was finally able to ask.

"Bai Luo Yin, exactly what kind of feelings do you have towards Gu

Bai Luo Yin didn't answer.

"Then, what does Gu Hai feel towards you?" You Qi had already asked in
such a frank and straightforward manner.

After a few seconds, the head that was to the side of You Qi crooked over.
You Qi's shoulder suddenly sank a bit before a kind of sadness eased its' way
into his heart.

Fine, you've fall asleep...this jerk really knows how to sleep!!

You Qi's house was located downtown. After getting off the train and taking
a taxi for a while, they quickly arrived.

"Mom, this is Bai Luo Yin, the one that I've always mentioned to you."

You Qi's mother enthusiastically greeted them, "Quick, come in."

The first time he saw You Qi's mother, Bai Luo Yin was quite alarmed. He
instantly understood to whom You Qi should thank for his superior genes.

She's also extremely beautiful!?

Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to look at her for a while longer. He had
always thought that Jiang Yuan's face did not match her age, but once he saw
You Qi's mother, he finally understood what ageless beauty truly meant.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 173: The Inquietude of Youth - The PREPARATIONS before


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"You Qi, call your friend over here so we eat together."

While taking the opportunity to wash his hand, Bai Luo Yin casually looked
at You Qi and asked, "Where's your father?"

"Oh, he's on a business trip."

Bai Luo Yin wiped his hands, then went out together with You Qi.

Mama You made a table full of food and with just one look, it doesn't seem to
have been made for three people. Moreover, the way each dishes were made
and its arrangements looked extremely appetizing. The smell alone could
easily provoke the hunger out of anyone that was close to burst forth at full

Mama You smiled and called for Bai Luo Yin to take a seat, then she spoke
with a gentle voice, "Just make yourself at home, take whatever you want
to eat, Auntie doesn't know what you like to eat, so I just made a bit

Bai Luo Yin laughed, "I'm not picky, I like to eat everything."

"I heard it all from Qi Qi. He said that you really can eat and that your
appetite alone is bigger than our whole family."

Bai Luo Yin shot You Qi a sideway glance.

Can't you praise me on something a bit better than this?

Giggling, You Qi placed some vegetables on Bai Luo Yin's plate.

Bai Luo Yin wasn't good at talking with older adults, especially those that
were parents, so he was just simply listened to whatever Mama You said and
answered whatever Mama You asked of him. He couldn't find it in him to
take the initiative and start a conversation. But, he really likes Mama You and
the way she handled herself. This was the kind of woman he likes; pretty on
the outside, yet competence and innately full of warmth and gentleness.
Every time she spoke, warmth would easily ease its way into his heart.

In truth, Bai Luo Yin wholeheartedly envied You Qi.

"Come here, I'll give you more," said Mama You as she stood up.

Bai Luo Yin shielded his bowl and look up at her with a polite yet somewhat
embarrassed smile, "It's more than enough, I'm already full."

"You're already full?" Mama You's beautiful eyes instantly shot opened,
"How can that be? Our Qi Qi said that you can eat at least five bowls.
You've only eaten three bowls so far! It's still too early!"

After having she said that, without allowing Bai Luo Yin's any chance to
explain himself, she quickly took his bowl and filled it to the very edge.

Actually Bai Luo Yin was indeed somewhat full; owing to the fact that he
hasn't eaten like he normally does for the past for days, his appetite had in
turn shrank a bit. Hence, the amount of food that he could consume had also
lessen. But, if he were to eat another bowl, it wouldn't be a problem and even
more so, Mama You's culinary skills was really good. There were so many
dishes that Bai Luo Yin had never tried before and every one of them looked
so mouthwatering, so this bowl of rice quickly went down into his stomach as
well. .

"Come, Auntie will fill your bowl again." Mama You stood up again.

This time Bai Luo Yin was really stuffed, so he had no choice but to
adamantly refused her kind gesture.

"Auntie, I really can't eat anymore."

A hint of disappointment appeared and painted itself across Mama You's

beautiful face, "Is it because the food doesn't suit your taste?"

"No." Bai Luo Yin immediately denied it, "It's all really delicious."

"Then why did you eat so little?"

Bai Luo Yin whined, "I ate a lot."

Mama You let out a long sigh, then dispiritedly say back down in her seat.
She raised her chopsticks, swayed them around in the air for a moment, then
dejectedly placed them back down again, "If you're not eating then I don't
have any appetite either."

Seeing her in a low spirit, Bai Luo Yin softened his voice, "Auntie, how
about giving me another bowl?"

Mama You's eyes suddenly brightened up before she happily received Bai
Luo Yin's bowl.

This time, Bai Luo Yin swallowed the food down with much difficulty.
Fortunately, everything was tasty, otherwise it would have been unbearable.
He deliberately ate in a slow pace until those two placed their chopsticks
down before he himself ate the last bit of food.

"Are you full?" Mama You asked him.

Bai Luo Yin quickly nodded his head, "I'm full, I'm full."

With great difficulty, he stood up and let out a deep sigh. At long last it was
finally over and he was able to let his mind and stomach relax a bit.

"Then let's cut a watermelon." Mama You said with a smile laced with
happiness and enthusiasm.

Bai Luo Yin, "......."

At night, Mama You slept really early. Bai Luo Yin on the other hand
remained in You Qi's room and incessantly walked around as to help aid his

"Do you want to drink a cup of hot water?" asked You Qi.

Bai Luo Yin painfully shook his head, "There's no more space inside my

"Why are you exaggerating? You Qi laughed, "If my memory serves me

correctly, you ate a lot before."

"I haven't eaten much these days," said Bai Luo Yin why he rubbed his
stomach, trying to wan the uncomfortable sensation that tumbled all too
eagerly inside.

"You're missing Gu Hai aren't you?" There was a hint of jealousy riddling
his tone as those words seeped out.

Bai Luo Yin's hand suddenly stopped for a moment, then he faintly replied,
"Why the hell would I miss him?"

Although he knew that Bai Luo Yin's words had no credibility, but the
moment You Qi heard his answer, a sense of happiness rushed into his heart.

Looking squarely at Bai Luo Yin, You Qi called him over, "Come here, I'll
help you."

Without thinking much, Bai Luo Yin sat beside You Qi.

You Qi stretched his hand out and placed it on Bai Luo Yin's chest, then he
caressed it slowly from there toward his stomach. Bai Luo Yin's muscles
were really firm and felt soft under his hand and even though he had just
consumed such a huge amount of food, his lower abdomen was still tight;
from the feel of it, there wasn't any trace of unwanted fat there at all.

As he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and tried to relax, Bai Luo Yin
suddenly remembered Gu Hai. Normally, whenever he ate too much or when
his stomach felt uncomfortable, Gu Hai would always be the one who
caressed it and took the uneasiness away. It was always strong but balanced
and before long, he would feel much better......

You Qi was rubbing rather energetically, but then Bai Luo Yin suddenly
grabbed his wrist.

"I'll do it myself, Gu Hai."

You Qi's expression stiffened, after awhile he finally opened his mouth and
asked, "Who did you called me?"

Utterly embarrassed, Bai Luo Yin shrunk back, "It was a mistake, just a
slip of the tongue......"

"And you're still saying that you don't miss him?" You Qi's face turned
green with jealousy.

Bai Luo Yin's stomach suddenly felt a lot better; he immediately stretched his
arm and hook it around You Qi's neck, all the while wearing a cheerful
expression. He pointed toward a guitar at the corner and asked, "Is that

You Qi secretly grinded his teeth.

If you wanted to divert my attention, can you at least not be so obvious about
it?'re both really worthy of sleeping on the same bed every day, even
your temper and nature has started to become rather casual!

"Play a song for me." Bai Luo Yin continued to shamelessly demand.

With a darkened face, You Qi sauntered toward the corner, grabbed the guitar
and brought it over.

In the middle of the night, You Qi remained wide awake and Bai Luo Yin
had just fallen asleep. You Qi waited and waited on like this for a while.
Finally, Bai Luo Yin's limbs grabbed hold of him, just like a koala bear
climbing a huge tree. You Qi laughed at himself.

This is really good, someone else painstakingly went through the troubles of
cultivating this great habit, yet I'm the one who gets to reap the benefits.
Gu Hai, you better not come back! 


One week later, Gu Hai was finally granted amnesty.

Gu Yang's main problem had already been handled; all other relevant matters
had been perfectly handled and everything else had also been handed over to
the assistant. All the people that must be met with had been met with, all the
works that should be completed had also been completed, and whatever
remained could only be resigned to fate.

After safely enduring this day, Gu Hai was granted liberation from this
treacherous prison sentence.

"Can I go out for a walk? Since I've arrived here, I haven't been able to
cruise the streets yet." said Gu Hai.

Gu Yang was rarely in a good mood and when he saw that pitiable expression
written on Gu Hai's face, he relented all at once, "Don't go too far, you
must keep a low profile. If you feel like someone is following you,
immediately give me a call."
"Aren't you too cautious?" Gu Hai asked in disdain.

Not looking at him, Gu Yang casually threw a card toward Gu Hai, "If
you're shopping, then just use this card."

The corner of Gu Hai's mouth curved, "You really understand me."

Gu Yang raised his chin up to look at him, "Go quickly and come back

As a result, Gu Hai vanished for the entire day. It was already a little past
nine o'clock and his shadow had yet to reappeared. Gu Yang couldn't sit still
any longer. Feeling a bit restless, he repeated looked at his watch. Gu Hai had
been out for more than ten hours already......normally speaking, he should've
been back earlier, it can't be......

Thinking about all the possibilities, Gu Yang suddenly leaped from the sofa
and sped towards the entrance to change his shoes.

But, he hasn't properly worn his shoes yet when the door suddenly shot open.

In just a flash, Gu Yang's movement all stopped.

Someone pushed two shopping carts in. There were boxes and cases of all
sizes piling up inside the cart; it was piled up higher than the average person.

"Don't tell me, you were out all this time just to buy these things?"

Gu Hai replied while unloading the things from the carts, "Yeah, I'm so
freaking tired."

"Didn't I tell you to come back early?" Gu Yang said angrily.

Gu Hai put on an 'I have my own reason' expression, "If I come back
earlier, I won't be able to get everything!"

"Why did you buy so many things? Didn't I tell you to keep a low
profile? If you really want to bring all of these things, all the people in
the airport will stare at the two of us!"

"I don't care. These are all presents that I have to bring back with me!"

"You can't bring them." Coldness rushed into Gu Hai's eyes, "We hid
ourselves for half month for what huh? Isn't it all so that we can depart
tomorrow without any problems!!! All these things that you've brought
would only be a hindrance. We'll have get our baggage check, then
handle all other formalities, and you're still trying to cause us more
trouble? Are you willing to be stopped at the airport?"

Hearing those words, Gu Hai's hand movements stopped for the time being,
then he looked at Gu Yang with an 'I could care less,' expression and
grudgingly said, "Tell me, aren't you being too hostile lately? Are you
going crazy after all this huh? What, I can't even bring back some good
things for my Yin Zi? These are all legal things, what rights do they have
to stop me?"

Gu Yang realized now, this bastard Gu Hai had been completely strung into
infatuation by the devil's magic.

"Okay, I had enough with your nonsense. Let me tell you clearly, you
can't bring all of these things. All of them must remain here!"

Gu Hai still adorned that same expression and stubborn tone, "I will
definitely bring them."

The dispute went on for nearly half an hour before Gu Yang finally took a
step back.

"You can bring them if you want. Just choose two small ones. It's
impossible to bring everything."
Gu Hai was as stubborn as an ox and refused to relent, "Since I bought it
already then I have to bring them all. None of it can be left behind!"

The sounds of clenched fist smashing something transmitted throughout the

room., Gu Yang's eyes were twisted with a scarlet red tone by now. He
grinded his teeth hard, then stepped forward with large steps as if to snatch
away Gu Hai's gifts.

"If you dare to touch them, then try it!!" Gu Hai roared out like a wild and
mad lion, "If you dare to touch just one, I will immediately call the police
station and let them come here to arrest you!"

Gu Yang, "......."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 174: The Inquietude of Youth - The YOUNG MARRIED


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After bustling around in between classes, with arms thrown over each other's
shoulder, Bai Luo Yin and You Qi walked out of the classroom.

Since Gu Hai went abroad, Bai Luo Yin and You Qi's closeness has soared to
the sky and shot past the clouds up high. Even the campus online gossiping
forums have started to discuss how You Qi abandoned Yang Meng and had
fallen in love with someone else. One of the site administrators also took the
initiative to post a post titled, "My most trusted friend has unexpectedly
snatched my boyfriend."

Today, You Qi asked a rare question, "When is Gu Hai coming back?"

Bai Luo Yin deliberately pretending to be a bastard said, "If you didn't
mention it, I would've almost forgotten about that person."

Just as those words left his mouth, a phone call from Gu Hai comes through.

"Yin Zi, I'm back. I'm at the airport now, waiting for the baggage to
check through......"

The moment he heard that familiar voice and the words-that he's been aching
to hear-spoken so softly entered his empty head, Bai Luo Yin was unable to
control the warmness that crept into his heart or his expressions. Actually, he
really wanted to conceal it, but unfortunately, apart from excitement, there
was nothing else that dared to cross his mind.

After putting his phone away, he gave You Qi a knowing glance and without
saying anything else, he immediately turned around and started to run ahead.
In less than ten seconds, he charged out of the school and, like a raging
storm, rushed towards the road......

You Qi stared without expression as Bai Luo Yin's shadow race amongst the
throng of students, then vanished into the wandering streets. His ability to
move has ceased once he felt his heart plunge into the depths of an icy

At that precise moment, Yang Meng passed by his side. Recently, the gossip
had been spreading around like wild fire that refused to be put out, so every
time Yang Meng saw You Qi anywhere, he would change direction and go a
different path so as not to be seen with him. But today, upon seeing You Qi
with such a dazed appearance, he wasn't able to suppress his own curiosity
from blossoming. Willing the immense ramifications of being seen together
in public to the side, he approached him.

"Hey handsome, what are you doing here huh?"

A fireball had already bloomed in You Qi's mind yet there was nowhere for
him to vent it all out. Now that a soft skinned fellow with tender feelings has
suddenly emerged at his side, it was only fitting that he would trample on
Thus, he gripped Yang Meng's collar and spun him around three times
without any proper reason. After Yang Meng was able to steady himself, You
Qi grasped him by his shoulder and frantically shook him about several more
times. Pitiful Yang Meng, with his brain shaken to the point where it was
going to ooze out or worse, is still unaware of what You Qi was doing there.

"Didn't you just fucking say you've almost forgotten about that person
huh? He only gave you a call and you freaking vanish. Tell me, why did I
have to hear his voice? Why did I have to hear what he said?!!"

Yang Meng stared straight at him and blinked several times, "It's because
you have really good hearing."

You Qi, "......"


On the way to the airport, Bai Luo Yin's heart was beating hysterically as if
any second now it would bolt out of his chest and reach its destination faster
than he himself could. He could hear the persistent beating , hear the longing
that strummed wildly full of hope. And although it is faint and as thin as a
thread, it is there. Yesterday night, he felt that being able to meet each other
again was only a faraway wish that remained in the indefinite future. He
didn't expect that today; this happiness has finally arrived.

Bai Luo Yin spent half an hour in the taxi, not only to calm himself down but
to also keep his heart from leaping about faster than an untamed lion, but in
the end, the closer he got to his destination, the harder it was for him to
control the excitement that beckoned so lovingly.

Once the taxi came to a complete stop, Bai Luo Yin took advantage of the
time he was paying the driver to suppress his emotional turmoil.

Gu Hai was standing at the baggage claim hall, waiting for his gifts to come
through the conveyor belt one by one. Gu Yang was standing beside him
wearing a black sunglass, with an apathetic look drawn coldly on his face.

"Is it all there?" Gu Yang asked.

Gu Hai had already remembered it all by heart, there was no need for him to
count it as each gift rolled out, "There's still two missing."

He was even more anxious than Gu Yang could ever start to imagine. In all
honesty, he wishes he could crawl into the that conveyor machine and pull
out his own things first.

Bai Luo Yin searched around the airport a few times until he finally found
the baggage claim place. From far away, he could see Gu Hai stooping down
to grab his things. At first he wanted to rush over there and give him a huge
bear hug. But then he saw Gu Yang's silhouette standing beside Gu Hai with
that pompous appearance. He gradually let his own hasty steps slow down
into a steady one instead. Remaining calm and collected, he faced their
direction and approached them.

Finally, after seeing that all his gifts were there, Gu Hai heaved a huge sigh
of relief.

"You really know how to come back huh?" Bai Luo Yin faintly let his
voice fan out.

Sensing the breath behind him, Gu Hai's entire body immediately stiffened.
The moment he immediately allowed his body to twirl around, his heart
nearly leapt out of his throat like a whirlwind spitting out its target.

Bai Luo Yin was standing behind him, wearing that familiar school uniform,
adorning that lovable smile and those piercing eyes were fixed only on him.

At that moment, there were no words to describe Gu Hai's feelings. For the
past twenty days, this face had incessantly appeared in his dreams and today,
he was finally able to see it in person!!

It only took Gu Hai two large strides to reach Bai Luo Yin. Without thinking
of anything else, he suddenly pulled Bai Luo Yin into an embrace, and tightly
hugged him, unwilling to ever let his arms let go.

"I missed you so much, I nearly died."

Gu Hai said this while at the same time pressing his hand gently against the
back of Bai Luo Yin's head, letting his warm cheeks snuggle into the crook of
his own neck so that he could fully sense the longing and intimacy that had
been absent.

The two remained hugging for a few more minutes, unmoved by their
surroundings as they held each other tightly. It was as if time had decided to
freeze just for them to take in each other breaths and bask in the warmth that
eagerly enveloped them.

Gu Yang who was standing to the side watched on and finally let out a light
cough, warning them to finish up as soon as possible.

"Shut the fuck up and go cough somewhere else!" Gu Hai looked at Gu

Yang with furrowed brows and dumped those words at him.

Then he continued to act as though there was no one else present and
affectionately nuzzled into the side of Bai Luo Yin's ear.

If Gu Yang had a rifle in his hand at this very moment, he would have shot
the immature bastard dead already!

Bai Luo Yin reluctantly pushed Gu Hai away first, then he cast a side glance
toward Gu Yang's face. Although Gu Yang was wearing a pair of sunglasses
and Bai Luo Yin was unable to clearly see his expression, he could still sense
the cold and stern eyes behind them.

Bai Luo Yin laughed inwardly; the situation was different from what he was
expecting. This time, Gu Yang did not treat him with contempt but rather the
corner of his lips curved into a smirk.

As the three walked out of the airport, Gu Hai faced Gu Yang and executed
out an order.

"I have to go back home with Yin Zi."

Gu Yang did not say that it was okay, nor did he say that it was not okay. He
wore the same expression the entire time so it was almost impossible to make
out his frame of thought.

Still maintaining a reasonable mind, Bai Luo Yin spoke, "You should
return home with your brother first. He hasn't been back in such a long
time, so you should at least help him settle down first okay?"

"He doesn't need me to help him settle down." Gu Hai looked frankly at
Gu Yang and blew out a whistle, "Right, brother?"

Gu Yang raised his brows and stared back before letting his eyes narrow
behind the sunglasses, "It just so happens that one of my friends wants to
meet up."

After having said that, he turned around with ease and confidence then took
his leave.

Bai Luo Yin stared at his retreating form for a couple of seconds.

Noticing this, a pout inscribes itself on Gu Hai's lips giving way to an all but
too apparent jealousy. All of a sudden, he kneed Bai Luo Yin's leg, "What
are you looking at huh?"

Bai Luo Yin shifted his gaze back to Gu Hai and casually asked, "Why did
your handsome brother come back with you?"

Gu Hai's eyes darkened with envy and spite, "Remove that word."

Seeing Gu Hai like this, Bai Luo Yin didn't say anything else and smiled

With just one look at Bai Luo Yin's resplendent smile, the expression in Gu
Hai's eyes looked as though the numbers '502'[1] were repeatedly being
written in them. 'I love you, I love you,' they spoke. He immediately stitched
his face to Bai Luo Yin's, refusing to pull away.

He didn't know how many times he wanted to say 'I'm broken' so that he
could convey all the miserable days he had suffered through without him.

This long journey away had taught Gu Hai an important lesson. Later, no
matter where he goes and no matter what he is doing there, he must, at all
cost, bring his wife with him, otherwise it would be impossible for him to
pass the days by.

"Let's go, back to our home." Gu Hai naturally placed his arm over Bai
Luo Yin's shoulder.

Not caring much about the closeness, Bai Luo Yin's eyes casually swept
toward him, "You're not bringing those things with you?"

Gu Hai twisted his head around for a look, there were still two carts behind

"Why did you bring so much things back?"

"Those are all the presents I got for you."

A startling sensation welled up in Bai Luo Yin's chest, "All for me?"

"Of course they're all for you." Gu Hai looked affectionately at Bai Luo
Yin and said with a loving smile, "The day before I left, I went to all the
stores and looked around for all these things. I know for sure that you'll
like them so I bought them."

Bai Luo Yin grumbled out a few words, "If I didn't know any better, I
would've thought you actually went on a vacation......"

"How huh? No matter how much hardship I've suffered, I've never
forgotten to make you happy!"

Gu Hai's words made him look as though he was worthy of the greatest

Looking at the carts packed with gifts, his heart couldn't help but beat just a
bit faster.

Actually, your safe return is more important than anything else in this world.

In the taxi, Gu Hai sat extremely close to Bai Luo Yin in the back seat. His
desire began to stir around incessantly as he attempted to inch in even closer.
While he pretended to place his arm over Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, his hand
had in fact started to slither into the opened collar, touching the soft skin
inside. After Bai Luo Yin took control of his hand movements, Gu Hai leaned
his head against the other's shoulder, feeling the warmth that fanned over
from his breath. From there, he looked up and watched as Bai Luo Yin's
Adam's apple moved about. Looking at it with keen eyes, he carefully bit into
it in one quick go.

Even though, Bai Luo Yin repeatedly warned him, it was completely useless.
In the end, he took hold of Gu Hai's hands and linked their fingers tightly
together until they arrived in front of their apartment building.

The elevator slowly rose, and within this enclosed space, all Bai Luo Yin
heard were arousing breaths. The higher the floor number rose, the more
frequent and intense the breaths against his skin were.

Once the elevator door shut with a loud bang, the two were instantly engulfed
by each other's desire.

They forced their way into the apartment and slammed the door shut. Gu Hai
gently pressed Bai Luo Yin's head against the wooden door before frantically
raining violent kisses on him. His forehead, cheeks and chin were assaulted
without restraint. His tongue then urgently entered Bai Luo Yin's mouth and
desperately tasted every corner that he had long dreamt of. Bai Luo Yin's
mind became a blank space; both his hands firmly clutched Gu Hai's neck as
he urgently responded back. The tip of his tongue pressed against Gu Hai's
throat, robbing him of his own breath as he greedily latched on.

They gasped for air as their chests moved up and down against each other. It
was as if the peaceful sea has been broken in by endless layers of turbulent
waves that refused to dissipate.

If you chase me then I'll quicken my pace up the riverbank, so come follow

Gu Hai nibbled Bai Luo Yin's collarbone while Bai Luo Yin's hand touched
Gu Hai's smooth and firm chest. All the while, the fabric that covered their
aching members rubbed against each other creating a warm sensation. It told
them of the passion that raced from within, like a thousand horses on a
scorching desert, and the longing that they have miserably suffered through.

Keeping their lips sealed, the two somehow staggered toward the bedroom
and collapsed on the bed. Bai Luo Yin ripped off Gu Hai's shirt and
desperately bit his left nipple then he licked over it to ease the pain.

Gu Hai let out a pleasurable moan, followed by a husky groan.

"It feels so fucking good......ah, I can't hold it......"

In a flash, he turned and pressed Bai Luo Yin beneath him then let his hand
snake into his wife's pants. It crawled past the dense hair and quickly found
the little beast that had long since stirred with vitality. His rough fingers then
gently smoothed out the folds at the top. Bai Luo Yin's body immediately
arched, his brows knitted tightly together as his warm breath fanned out over
Gu Hai's face.

Gu Hai's hand slowly shifted lower, further past those two warm balls, and
arrived at Bai Luo Yin's tight passage. With a lewd expression eating at his
face, he suddenly pressed one of his finger in just slightly.

"You miss my little Hai Zi right?"

Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to let out a seductive moan. Once he saw Gu
Hai smiling, he immediately bit into his Adam's apple.

Unperturbed, Gu Hai started to laugh even more briskly. He hooked his arm
around Bai Luo Yin's neck and forcibly pressed him against his chest so that
his own frantic heartbeats could transmit into Bai Luo Yin's ear.

Bai Luo Yin breathes heavily, trying to relax his respirations. After his hands
slid up and down Gu Hai's smooth chest, they gradually shifted lower. His
hand rubbed against the fabric above the little devil that has been waiting
most eagerly with anticipation.

Gu Hai suddenly lifted one of his own legs and let it traveled down Bai Luo
Yin's body. His big foot then strongly caressed Bai Luo Yin's ass and pressed
down, while his hand remained on his warm tinted cheeks. With love and
affection, he gently caressed them as his breath became more and more

After a moment, Bai Luo Yin opened his mouth to speak, "Let's tidy up
everything first, then take a nice bath. Afterwards, we can go out and eat

Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yin's chin, repeatedly uttering with a sinister smile,
"I want to eat you."

"You must be extremely tired after sitting on the airplane for more than
ten hours. Rest first then we'll talk about that again."

"I'm not tired."

Gu Hai clamped down on Bai Luo Yin's body in rebellion.

"Just thinking about how I can fuck you, I'm immediately energized!"

Bai Luo Yin's fist pressed hard against the corner of Gu Hai's mouth.

Gu Hai continued to roughly press Bai Luo Yin beneath him, before he
attempted to tear off his pants.

"Can you let me have a good look at you?" said Bai Luo Yin with much
difficulty, "Since you've returned until now, we haven't been able to say
a few proper words to each other yet."

Gu Hai's movements became sluggish but even then the lecherous smile that
welled up in his eyes as he looked at Bai Luo Yin was all too obvious. He
pinched his cheeks and said in a delectable tone, "Then in a moment, you
have to take a shower with me."

Bai Luo Yin fiddled with Gu Hai's hair for a second before agreeing.

As the two began to tidy up the things that Gu Hai had brought with him first,
Bai Luo Yin discovered that all these things were expensive, so as a result he
faced Gu Hai and asked him several questions regarding the source of his

"Hey, that's right." Gu Hai fished around in his bag for a couple of seconds
then he pulled out a card and tossed it towards Bai Luo Yin, "It's the money
my brother gave me. I'm afraid I'll blindly spend it all so I'll leave it with
you for the time being."

Bai Luo Yin casually asked him a sentence, "What exactly happened to
your brother?"

"Embezzlement of public funding." Gu Hai replied without much care.


Bai Luo Yin had just placed the bank card in the drawer, but once he heard
those words, he took it out and tossed it back to Gu Hai.

"Then you can hold onto it yourself."

At this point, Gu Hai was already thoroughly amused by Bai Luo Yin. He
couldn't help but to smile at him, "This money is absolutely clean, so don't
worry and put it away."

Translator's Note:

[1]'502' - these numbers in Chinese is wǔ líng er. When you say these
numbers, the shape of your mouth is the same as saying, 'I love you' or in
Chinese, 'wǒ ài nǐ'.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 175: The Inquietude of Youth - I ONLY WANT TO TOUCH

YOU. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Two bodies squeezed tightly together in a marble bathtub; both their legs
were crossed while their chests pressed warmly against each other. Their
dripping wet cheeks touched in a moment of silence while their eyes took in
the other. It was as if they have not seen each other in years and now that
they were so close, it was necessary to catch all the subtle changes that were
drawn on their faces.

After what seemed like ages of letting their skin kiss and reveling in each
other's presence, Bai Luo Yin spoke first, "You've lost weight."

"No kidding." Gu Hai's hand pinched Bai Luo Yin's stomach as he whined,
"I missed you all day long that I couldn't even eat or sleep. How could I
not lose weight huh?"

Bai Luo Yin asked again, "Since your brother returned home this time, is
he planning on going back?"

"From what he'd mention, he'll only be here for the time being to avoid
things. He'll eventually go back. Although this time, he'll stay a bit

A pensive look appeared on Bai Luo Yin's face.

Gu Hai's attention had unknowingly wandered off somewhere else a long

while ago. His toes unfurled and dug into Bai Luo Yin's calf while his knee
deliberately ground against Xiao Yin Zi again and again. His hand
surreptitiously snaked downward, grabbing at a few strands of pubes that
were floating in the water. Biting the corner of his lips, he erotically tugged at
the hair for a while which immediately attracted Bai Luo Yin's notably sharp
and stern eyes.

Yes, it was definitely those sharp eyes that drugged Gu Hai and took away
half of his soul.

Taking in those addictive eyes, he urgently lowered his head, allowing the tip
of his tongue to lightly touch the surface of the water before sliding it up
against the wet skin in front of him. He tasted the soft skin on Bai Luo Yin's
chest and continued to drag his tongue until it pressed hard against a nipple.
Gu Hai nibbled at it lightly, letting it harden in his mouth.

At first, Bai Luo Yin was able to hold his voice in for a while, but once Gu
Hai's tongue flicked against his nipple and the strength as he nibbled
increased, he couldn't help but to let out a stuffy moan.

"Gu Hai......"

"I'm here."

Exerting his strength, Gu Hai sucked the nipple in one quick go causing Bai
Luo Yin to go into a spell of trembles.
Bai Luo Yin groped around in the water until he finally found Gu Hai's
monstrous Hai Zi. He took it into his hand, feeling the heated veins rise as he
fondled it. Once he saw Gu Hai with an aroused and impatient look adorning
his flushed face, he immediately patted his back, making him stand up
straight. With a flattered and lustful expression, Gu Hai watched as Bai Luo
Yin opened his mouth and suck in a family jewel. The warmth inside of this
mouth nearly provoked Gu Hai to release early; he could clearly feel the
beginning of his orgasm deep in his balls and at the base of his spine as he
held his breath for a second.

"Yin Zi......" Gu Hai called out in a low sweet voice in between trembles.

Bai Luo Yin lifted his eyelids, taking in a quick glimpse at him before he
slowly moved his mouth and carefully rubbed his tongue along the crease at
the tip, smoothing them out. Having been together for such a long time, they
had already figured each other's body and characteristics a long time ago;
especially what excited the other specifically and using that method to bring
about this excitation. All of these, they had already remembered clearly by

Gu Hai's breathing became more and more coarse as he moaned out in

irregular patterns. Bai Luo Yin used the tip of his tongue to lick around the
tip for a while as he continued to toy with the shaft. Taking in Bai Luo Yin's
lewd actions, Gu Hai immediately tightened the muscles on his legs before
his big hands took Bai Luo Yin's head and pressed it firmly towards his own
crotch. Bai Luo Yin's throat was so stuffed that a pain drew out from his
voice once he was able to squeeze out a muffled noise. That alone heightened
Gu Hai's barbaric desire with his longing that had accumulated all those
weeks away. His hands maneuvered Bai Luo Yin's head at a faster frequency
while he moaned in a low voice, laced with intoxication and pleasure.

Bai Luo Yin's cheeks began to ache; the corner of his mouth felt as though it
was about to burst open with the fullness. He pulled the large member out of
his mouth for the time being and tenderly licked around the outer rim with his
warm tongue as if he was savoring it. From the top, he slowly and gently
rolled his tongue over the tip, sweeping over it. He continued to patiently
treat this sensitive part with more stimulation.
"You're so slutty. What am I going to do if someone happens to kidnap
you one day?" With an obsessed and infatuated expression painting almost
too beautifully on his face, Gu Hai's hand caressed Bai Luo Yin's warm and
flushed cheeks. "If you serve someone else like you are serving me
now......just the mere thought of it suffocates me. I can't stand it."

Bai Luo Yin ignored Gu Hai's illogical delusion.

Gu Hai's hand trailed along Bai Luo Yin's smooth back all the way down. He
caressed the inner part of his ass for a while, then using the moisture from the
streaming water, he inserted a finger. Because there wasn't enough lubricant
and that sweet and tight passage hasn't been touched for such a long time, Bai
Luo Yin felt a slight pain; Gu Hai's finger also sensed a formidable

"It seems you've been really well-behaved for the past few days ah."

In order to reward Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai lifted his waist up, putting him into a
kneeling, almost lying down position. He spread Bai Luo Yin's butt cheeks
open and let his tongue act as a substitute for his finger to widen and loosen
up the entrance.

Bai Luo Yin hasn't received this kind of sexual pleasure in such a long time.
His waist lightly trembled as he shirked forward, but Gu Hai's tight hold
pulled him back.

Enjoy it to your heart's content. I'll make you feel good today.

Using the bath water as lubricant, Gu Hai finally charged into that forbidden
area that he hadn't seen for the longest of time. As he joined their bodies, all
the while remaining inside Bai Luo Yin, the two knelt down in the bathtub
simultaneously. The water splashes about as their knees trembled at the
sensation of their connection.

Securing both of Bai Luo Yin's hands behind his back, Gu Hai then forced his
lover's body up so that his back stitched tightly to his own chest. He gently
shifted Bai Luo Yin's face to the side and gave him a passionate and intense
kiss. Then he submerged the upper half of Bai Luo Yin's body into the water,
leaving only his two ass cheeks sticking out from the surface. Gu Hai
willfully enjoyed this scene, taking pleasure on the ass that appeared even
more erotic, round and plump from the water running freely down upon it.
Biting his lips, he pinched it, feeling an adequate amount of softness and
firmness taking shape in his hand.


A clear and distinct slapping sound echoed into the water and swam into Bai
Luo Yin's ears. A painful sensation immediately emerged on the surface of
his ass. Just as he had yet to endure it, another slap met his skin. Although it
wasn't hard, it still felt numb and painful. His ass continued to receive the
same attacks, slap slap; this kind of pain was mingled with a certain type of
pleasurable sensation, causing him to be driven mad with a sense of

Bai Luo Yin instantly twirled his head around to protest.


"You really like it."

Gu Hai understood Bai Luo Yin better than he himself did.

Soon after, the intense sounds of slaps and rough thrusts intermingled almost
too harmoniously. Gu Hai's slaps had a very distinct musical cadence to it; it
was very quick, and wherever his slap landed, that area became exceptionally
hot, almost scorching the nerves beneath Bai Luo Yin's thin skin.

"Yeah......ah......Gu Hai......"

Bai Luo Yin moaned out uncontrollably and repeatedly as if he was losing
himself in this addictive euphoria.

Afterwards, the slaps and thrusts increased in strength and frequency. His
consciousness tried to resist it, however his waist continuously remained
erect, welcoming the strong and alluring excitement.

Finally, with a crumbling and broken moan, the culmination of Bai Luo Yin's
repeated pleasure is released. Gu Hai frantically galloped about in the narrow
passage for a few seconds, then a low roar flowed out as he reached his


After the bath, with their bodies soaked in a sweet scent, the two kissed their
way toward the bed.

"How about you take a nap for a while first and I'll go down to get us
something to eat? We can eat then take a nap together afterwards."

Gu Hai appeared as though he hadn't heard a single word. He casually took it

upon himself to tear away Bai Luo Yin's bath towel. With a mischievous
smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, he said, "Let me see if the slaps
damaged anything or not."

Astonishment rose on Gu Hai's face once he pulled the towel away. He

discovered that there was underwear snuggling Bai Luo Yin's hips.

"From what I remember, when you come out wrapped in a towel, you've
always gone commando..."

Hearing this shameful matter spoken out so casually, a bright scarlet color
tinted Bai Luo Yin's face. This habit that he developed under Gu Hai's fervent
training was forced to change suddenly as a result of after having stayed over
at You Qi's place for two nights. He had no other choice but to force himself
to keep his underwear on. And every time he got on the bed, he would make
sure to check and see if he had his little underwear on or not. Of course, he
couldn't discuss this kind of embroilment with Gu Hai.

"Tsk tsk......" Gu Hai still indulged himself in this new found transgression,
"Are you playing with me by trying to set the mood huh?"

Bai Luo Yin lay face down on the bed and remained silent. While not saying
anything, he pretended to be dead.

Gu Hai's hand grazed around the edge of Bai Luo Yin's underwear, giving it a
tease before he pulled it off. He saw that the light wheat color skin had taken
up a faint redness to it; and although there were no handprints left behind
from the slaps, it was still burning hot. He placed his cheek on Bai Luo Yin's
ass and after rubbing and snuggling against it for a spell of time, he stuck out
his tongue and pressed it on the soft skin, sliding it around diagonally in an
attempt to taste every inch.

"Don't be like tickles......" Bai Luo Yin laughed then pushed Gu
Hai's head away.

Gu Hai let out a groan followed by a smile, "It's going to be even more
ticklish, do you want it or not?"

Without giving Bai Luo Yin an opportunity to respond, Gu Hai immediately

opened his wicked mouth wide open and nibbled down on Bai Luo Yin's ass,
specifically on the inner area that was slapped to a peachy reddish glow. The
ticklish sensation triggered all of Bai Luo Yin's nerves, sending both his legs
into an intense trembling session. He was like a carp flailing and rolling
around on the bed incessantly in an effort to escape.

Gu Hai pursued him relentlessly, refusing to ease off. After the playful bout
ended, Gu Hai managed to tightly grab hold of Bai Luo Yin's hands and flip
him over with his boundless strength so that he was lying on his back. Gu Hai
then bumped that hard and aching little Hai Zi that was hanging out down
below against Bai Luo Yin's sensitive passageway. Once their movements
calmed down, he repeatedly rubbed at it while staring at the person beneath
him in a lewd manner..

"You're not done yet?" Bai Luo Yin used his hands to resist Gu Hai's chest
that pressed down on him.

Gu Hai lowered his head close to the side of Bai Luo Yin's ear, then used the
tip of his tongue to tease his burning earlobe. His hot breath fanned out and
danced above the ear before he softened his voice.

"You don't want it?"

Bai Luo Yin turned his head slightly to the side with an expression of one
that refused to give in. Seeing this, Gu Hai deliberately teased him even
more; he let his hand slither down towards the tip of little Yin Zi then he used
his finger to callously scrape at it in an agonizingly slow manner. Both of Bai
Luo Yin's brows knit tightly together as he bit down on his lips and stared
attentively at the fierce yet lustful look that burst from Gu Hai's eyes.

"You really don't want it?"

Gu Hai rubbed the area around the throbbing passage with the tip of his warm
and leaking member; the tender slowness of it was borderline painful.

Bai Luo Yin's seductive gaze bore a luminous spark that ignited a flame in
his heart and spread throughout his cheeks and aching body. He forcibly took
hold of Gu Hai's neck, making sure he felt the strength as he held onto it. As
he gasped for breath with much difficulty, his voice carried a sense of
impatience that was riddled with accusation. Yet, all the while, there was a
sense of willingness to surrender flowing along with it.

"Aren't you just talking nonsense now?"

"If you want it, then beg me."

Licking his lips, Gu Hai mischievously grasped Bai Luo Yin's throbbing
member. His grip was so tight, it almost made Bai Luo Yin unable to catch
his breath.

Bai Luo Yin stretched his hand down to try and break Gu Hai's strong fingers
apart, but the more he tried to break it off, the tighter the grip became.

It was so painful and it touched at just the right nerves that his willpower was
potently affected. Fine and delicate beads of sweat formed across his
forehead as he stared angrily at Gu Hai, who still wore that roguish and
naughty expression on his face.

"Beg me. Beg me to fuck you."

Gu Hai was challenging Bai Luo Yin's endurance, while simultaneously

trying to establish his absolute dominance over this enticing moment. With
difficulty, Bai Luo Yin endured this lecherous need; gritting his teeth hard, he
grudgingly cursed this body that Gu Hai had long trained to become his own
personal property. Through meticulous and loving touches, and with eyes that
seemed as if they were engulfing his mind, leaving not a single crevice
unsearched, Gu Hai had brought all his understanding of Bai Luo Yin to the
point of perfection.

The resistant defense that was erected in Bai Luo Yin's heart slowly but
surely collapsed. Letting his eyes sink deep into the ones opposite of his, he
suddenly pressed Gu Hai's head into the crook of his neck; a shattered and
feeble plea broke through his voice.

"I beg you........."

"Beg me for what?" Gu Hai bit Bai Luo Yin's throat while one of his fingers
danced down furtively and poked that weak and sensitive spot.

Bai Luo Yin's body arched slightly while he tried to control his breathing.
Impatience seared his body and trickled inside his veins as he bit down hard
on Gu Hai's ear. He muttered vaguely, ""

Gu Hai had long endured this insufferable rebellion. Just hearing those two
charming words, he nearly went insane and plunged into that warm and tight
territory. He slowly slid his member in, then suddenly with more force and
power, he thrust into it again and again. Every time he felt that he had hit the
sweet spot, he would let his soul be consumed as he reveled in this intense
and euphoric feeling.

As the taste of ecstasy aroused every single one of his nerves, Gu Hai let out
a low roar. His big hand reached out and took hold of Bai Luo Yin's chin. In a
fit of excitement, he dove down and rained kisses on the warm and trembling
lips that awaited his. They tasted of sweetness and were soft even when their
kisses were rough. After the kisses stole their breaths away, Gu Hai pulled off
unwillingly and asked in between gasps of air, "Yin Zi, you'll only let me
fuck you?"

Bai Luo Yin bit his lip, savoring the taste as he slipped his hand into Gu Hai's
hair and held it tightly. His waist arched and undulated along with the rhythm
of the thrusts. Under Gu Hai's vigorous thrusting and soulful moans, Bai Luo
Yin's voice was utterly defeated allowing a broken murmur to willfully crawl

"Yes.........yes, only you can fuck me."

Gu Hai held Bai Luo Yin's hand, entwining their fingers; his eyes were
swollen red, as if blood were going to flow out and drip down at any second.
Without any control, he bit and nibbled on Bai Luo Yin's rosy lips, neck,
chest.........he was like an extremely ravenous beast, who after having caught
an admirable prey, began to frantically eat at every part of it.

"Baby, it's so hot, so tight inside's gripping me so hard, I feel so

good......" Gu Hai selflessly praised his lover.

Bai Luo Yin however listened until his eyes were shooting with flames. His
fist swept toward the back of Gu Hai's ear, "Can't you stop saying those
disgusting words every time we do this?"

"It's because I know you like it."

As a wicked and sinister smile braced his mouth, Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin
into a tight hug and deliberately glued his lips to the side of his ear. Without
any integrity at all, he continued to let loose and spout even more vulgar

"Baby, your little hole is sucking me in so tight, is your brother's cock

luscious? Why are you swallowing it so energetically?........."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah.........."


In the evening, they called for take-out and decided to eat on the bed. Gu Hai
enthusiastically ate with a voracious appetite. But all the while, he would also
look for any opportunity to fondle Bai Luo Yin.

How can he still be in such high spirits after playing around the entire
Now that Bai Luo Yin was looking at Gu Hai's body, an impulsive need to
think of his six-pack rushed into his head.

Before sleeping, Bai Luo Yin had just pulled the quilt over to cover himself
when Gu Hai tore it away. Gu Hai spread his legs apart, and without
explanation, he took little Yin Zi and sucked it in with his mouth. Bai Luo
Yin doesn't even know how many times they had wildly done the H[1] deed
already during the entire afternoon. By now, his member was already a bit
swollen, so the moment Gu Hai's mouth moved, a ticklish and slightly painful
sensation pierced through his nerves, causing his tears to nearly flow out.

"That's enough from you......ah......I can' hurts......oh......"

As a matter of fact, Gu Hai likes seeing Bai Luo Yin with this kind of
expression. The kind where it looks as if he wanted to cry but doesn't;
especially when his tears beckons to escape from the pleasure.In this life, his
greatest joy was to play and mess around with Bai Luo Yin.

"Ah, ah......"

Gu Hai suddenly increased his suction, causing Bai Luo Yin to tremble and
release, shooting out his essence. Making sure to not let a single drop fall, Gu
Hai swallowed it all.

Once Bai Luo Yin tired out and collapsed, Gu Hai wrapped him tightly in his
arm. All the while his face was brimming with a unique sense of

"I miss you......"

Gu Hai kissed Bai Luo Yin's exhausted face.

Bai Luo Yin took in a deep breath and sighed, "You've finally said
something humane."

Suddenly Gu Hai pressed his face into Bai Luo Yin's glowing neck and lazily
caressed it incessantly before softly calling out, "Yin Zi, Yin Zi, Yin Zi, Yin
A tall and strapping man binding himself in your embrace, acting like a
spoiled child was not a very unpleasant experience. Just looking at him, Bai
Luo Yin immediately thought of A Lang.

"What are you doing?" Bai Luo Yin pulled Gu Hai up.

Gu Hai cracked his eyes open and squinted while drawing out a yawn, "I'm
not doing anything, I just miss you......"

Bai Luo Yin knows it, when this person has gone insane, it was best to not
pay attention to him. Just let him quietly act out for a bit and everything will
be fine.

As expected, Gu Hai calmed down a moment later. Bai Luo Yin propped up
Gu Hai's face and realized that he had already fallen asleep.

This was the first time he had fallen asleep first after doing his evil deeds.

After being tormented for over 20 days, then sitting on the plane for more
than 10 hours, how could he not be tired?......

With an aching heart, Bai Luo Yin gazed attentively at Gu Hai for the longest
time; all the while, his thumb brushed away the tiredness lining those cheeks.
He pulled the quilt, covered it neatly over them as gently as possible, and
embraced him, falling into a deep sleep.

Translator's note:

[1]H - hentai [pervertedness in Japanese]

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 176: The Inquietude of Youth - SOUNDING OUT THEIR


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


At the first light of dawn, Gu Hai was awoken by the loud sound of an alarm
resonating throughout the room. Out of habit, he felt around for his cell
phone only to discover that it hasn't sounded off yet. So he got up to look
around for the source of the sound. Finally, he was able to find the culprit that
refused to be silenced. He pressed it for a long while. However, the wretched
alarm won't stop. Feeling a bit irritated, he moved it closer to his face. It was
then that he noticed the riddles appearing on the surface of the alarm.
Bewildered and amazed, both his eyes shot wide open. He then started
solving the problems.

The system of this particular alarm clock that Bai Luo Yin had purchased is
even more advanced than the one he found at You Qi's. Also, all the topics
and riddles were especially set up by him. It took Bai Lou Yin from daylight
to the rising night to personally search about for these questions that at the
very least, were slightly difficult for him to answer. As a result, this miserable
comrade Gu Hai was still not able to figure it out even after playing (and
whining) with it for 20 minutes. The alarm ended up waking Bai Luo Yin.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth first. Let me solve it."

Their plan to buy a proper breakfast was already completely and utterly
shattered by the time they were ready to leave. Without any better option, the
two young men settled with having a slice of bread each.

"Why did you buy an alarm clock like this?" Gu Hai asked casually.

Bai Luo Yin, without putting much thought into it, easily replied, "I saw it at
You Qi's and thought that it was fun so I got one."

Young Master Gu, whose mind is always closed and tense to the point that
the slightest stimulus can cause it to wildly stir, immediately made a simple
yet huge comeback.

"You saw it at You Qi's?"

Upon hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin's expression suddenly became
lifeless. He mentally cursed himself for his own carelessness. After letting
out a forced cough, he began to speak again. The tone of his voice was laced
with a sense of indifference.

"Yeah, You Qi moved out of the campus. Yang Meng and I went over to
give him some things and I saw it unintentionally."

Gu Hai merely nodded his head at these words and did not speak again.
Having been away for three weeks, this was his first time to enter the
classroom again.

The instant that Bai Luo Yin pushed the door open to enter, You Qi's head
automatically spun to face the door. His eyes then met Gu Hai's.

In the past, whenever he would see the two of them together, You Qi would
not have any strong feelings about it. However, having become closer to Bai
Lou Yin the past few days changed this. Now, no matter how he tries to see it
differently, the vision of the two guys together just doesn't feel right for him.

After class, he went to look for Yang Meng again.

Every time a situation involving Bai Lou Yin arises, You Qi would
immediately seek out Yang Meng. There were two reasons behind this: First,
he is Bai Luo Yin's best friend. Through him, You Qi is able to get the most
profound understanding of Bai Luo Yin. Second, Yang Meng is quite stupid.
Generally, talking to him makes you feel better as the act is always more
saddening compared to whatever problem you may face.

"Can we not talk in this kind of place every single time, huh?"

Yang Meng's hand was pressed against the Records Room's door. Every time
he spoke, he would glance at the deceased former headmaster's portrait
hanging nearby. You Qi, who would normally stand upright whenever he
talks to Yang Meng, was crouched down at one side of the room. The sound
that came out of his mouth when he spoke was colder and more gloomy
compared to the deceased headmaster's portrait.

"I've been dumped."

Hearing those words painted Yang Meng's face with several shades of
confusion. He asked, "When were you in love?"

"Two days ago."

You Qi started to pick at the icy floor tiles with his hand. It created a sound
that was similar to that of a mouse digging a hole into the ground. Im gave
Yang Meng's scalp a sense of numbness, which made him cringe. In this dark
room, seemingly out of nowhere, a vicious burst of cold wind blew by,
causing him to tremble and crouch down beside You Qi.

"Two days ago? With who, huh?"

Originally, You Qi didn't want anyone else to know about this, but the
resentment and aching that dwelled inside his heart was too much for him to
hold in. After struggling with it for the past two classes, he felt that he needed
to word out this secret. Even if he were to be met with mockery and ridicule,
it was better than keeping it in like this.

"Bai Luo Yin."

At first, Yang Meng was expecting You Qi to return home, but after hearing
those words, Yang Meng's gaze became dull.

You Qi, who was expecting Yang Meng to curse or bawl out that he was a
pervert, was surprised to see his friend being so unshaken by this revelation.
Yang Meng appeared to be very calm; it was as if he had already known
about this from the beginning.

"He doesn't like you?"

You Qi nodded, "Yeah, he probably never liked me from the beginning."

Yang Meng put on an insensitive and thick-skinned expression, "Then, you

can just continue to stay with me."

"Huh?" You Qi gave Yang Meng an astonished look.

In return, Yang Meng met his gaze with a cunning smile.

"Don't tell me that's not possible! You ran off and abandoned me first.
You chose the mistress and now that the mistress dumped you, you
should return to my embrace. Rest assured, I won't hold any grudge.
Men, right? Who hasn't had an affair at one point."

After saying this, Yang Meng stretched out his arms and hugged You Qi.
This caused You Qi's face to darken.

Fuck! Even after talking for half a day, you still fucking think I'm joking

You Qi pushed Yang Meng away. "What are you laughing about, huh?
Who's laughing with you?"
Yang Meng, who was acting out the role of a nagging wife too seriously, then
took on a bantering tone and assumed the pose of an annoying wife. Now that
he's started, it has become almost impossible to drag him out of this act.

"You're so heartless! I've already taken the initiative to take you back
and you're still fucking scowling? What's so good about him, huh? Is it
because he got first place during the 500-meter run? If I had known
earlier that you and him had such sentimental feelings toward each
other, I wouldn't have helped him block those two guys."

It seems that Yang Meng's stupidity indeed has no limits.

"I'm not joking with you." You Qi's face was helplessly wrung with pain.

Yang Meng's back slackened, "I'm not joking with you either!"

"I really like Bai Luo Yin!"

"I really like you too!"

Yang Meng was still happily laughing out loud when he saw You Qi bury his
head into his own knees. A large piece of the floor tile was dug out and
painted faintly on it was a small pool of blood.

The smile on Yang Meng's face started to fade as his complexion turned a
pale shade of blue.

"Hey buddy, don't tell me you really meant it?"

You Qi shot a depressing gaze which met Yang Meng's nervous pupils.
Although his voice was neither soft nor heavy, it sounded extremely lethal as
it escaped his lips and dispersed into the open space.

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

Yang Meng remained still. After a long while, he started to take large
backward steps until he bumped onto the wall behind him. This caused Yang
Meng, whose center of gravity was not steady, to bounce forward from the
wall and fall onto the floor. He felt around for a bit before quickly staggering
back up, then frantically faced the corridor and, without any word, ran out.

Less than a minute after, he turned around, ran back through the corridor, and
into the room. He came to an abrupt and full stop in front of You Qi. There,
he stood like a statue, completely rooted to the floor.

You Qi wiped the sweats that had formed on his forehead. He knew that
Yang Meng's actions were caused by this truth which he so callously dropped
on him. His fear of it caused him to run away from the scene, like patient
suffering from rabies.

You Qi, who was caught by surprise by Yang Meng's calm acceptance of his
confession, has now, made his point.

"Don't tell me, two days ago, you were really courting Yin Zi?"[1]

You Qi let out a deep sigh, "I don't know if it counts as that or not. He
didn't acknowledge it and I didn't say it clearly either."

Honestly, Yang Meng was incapable of accepting the fact that Bai Luo Yin
would like another man. Even if You Qi was extremely handsome, it was
impossible to use him as a substitute for a woman.

"Then, how do you know that you were dumped?"

Yang Meng had just exposed You Qi's deepest pain. Now, he has no choice
but to bare it all.

"Because I feel like Bai Luo Yin has always liked Gu Hai."

These words caused Yang Meng to start sweating profusely. "Don't scare
me like that. They're brothers."

"But, they're not related by blood." An expression of indifference and pain

spreaded out on You Qi's face and made its way into his voice.

Yang Meng started to shake his head. "That's impossible. There's

absolutely no way Bai Luo Yin would like another man. He had a
girlfriend before. Last year, she even came back to the country just to
look for him!"

"What happened afterwards, huh?" You Qi questioned, "Did they


Cold sweats started to form on Yang Meng's spine again. He remained silent.

A moment later, You Qi suddenly let out a smile without any particular
reason. Before long, this smile turned into quiet laugh.

"Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I'm the one who likes Bai Luo Yin,
so it was easy for me to use my own heart and actions to measure his.
Maybe his relationship with Gu Hai is normal after all, and I'm the one
who's using a strange point of view to give another meaning to their

Unknown to You Qi, Yang Meng has not heard a single word he said. He was
in the middle of recalling all the times that he had seen Bai Luo Yin and Gu
Hai interacting-how he would always suffer intense rejection from Gu Hai
every time he attempts to join them.

"How about this?" Yang Meng suddenly gripped You Qi's arm, "I'll give
you an idea. I'm not entirely sure, but perhaps it can sound out their real

"What do you mean?"

Yang Meng lazily scratched his head, "Two days ago Yin Zi went to my
house and left his coat there. I keep on forgetting to give it back. Here's
what you should do. Tomorrow, bring the coat to Bai Lou Yin and say
that he left it at your place. Do it in front of Gu Hai. Look at how Gu Hai
will react. From there, you'll know right?"


The past two nights have allowed Gu Hai to discover the changes in Bai Luo
Yin's habits. He has become less intimate with him during bed time.
Originally, the two would always sleep in the nude. But now, regardless if
they take off their clothes before hitting the sack, Gu Hai would always wake
up in the middle of the night to find Bai Luo Yin dressed in his undies.

In addition, he finds it harder now to get Bai Luo Yin to embrace him. In the
past, Bai Luo Yin's would naturally search for a warm place to bury his arms
and legs and that would always lead him to move closer and embrace Gu Hai.
But now, even hugging him has become a challenge. He wasn't as obedient
anymore and would always unconsciously turn away towards the other side.
Even if his limbs were frozen like a block of ice, he still wouldn't willingly
turn over and drill his body into Gu Hai's for warmth.

What's going on? Could it be that I was gone for such a long time that he
changed this good habit again?

This situation is causing Gu Hai some good nights' sleep. He would wake up
in the middle of the night to meticulously train Bai Luo Yin again. But it
wasn't just Gu Hai who was losing sleep because of this. Bai Lou Yin, who
originally slept quite soundly, is pulled out of his slumber whenever Gu Hai
would pull his hands to press it under his arms. With great difficulty, Bai Luo
Yin tried his best to not kick Gu Hai away, but then the latter decided to take
one of his feet and squeeze it in between his legs. When Bai Luo Yin was not
able to get up in the middle of the night to drink some water, Gu Hai was
forced to get up and personally feed him a few mouthfuls.


Early morning the next day, as usual, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai entered the
classroom together.

Upon seeing the pair, You Qi's heart started to scream out of anxiety. He's
still unsure whether Yang Meng's approach to this situation was sound or not.

If by chance, the two are genuinely together and I hand over this coat,
wouldn't it be the same as defying the mighty god?[2] Gu Hai wouldn't just
rip off both my legs, right?

You Qi was still pondering about the sanity of this plan, when Bai Lou Yin
reached his seat and spoke to him.
"How did my coat ended up with you?"

This caught You Qi by surprise. He was stumped for words. If he hadn't

prepared mentally, he would've carelessly blurted out the truth already.

"That night you stayed at my place, you took it off and placed it on the
chair. The next morning, you forgot to put it on before leaving."

"Oh! I was wondering why I couldn't find it. Geez, after causing such a
ruckus for a while, it was actually with you."

Just as Bai Luo Yin was taking back the coat, he suddenly got the feeling that
things were not looking too encouraging for him. He twisted his head around
to find that the blackboard[3] behind him had turned cold and frozen.

Translator's Note:

[1] you were really [courting] Yin Zi - 谈恋爱 tánliàn'ài - has two meaning,
to court/pursue someone and to date/go steady. So, in the sentence that Yang
Meng asked You Qi, he could also mean, "You were really dating Yin Zi?"
But, I chose to use 'court' since it's more appropriate for the situation. Also in
the next sentence, You Qi says, "He didn't acknowledge it and I didn't say it
clearly either." The word 'acknowledge' can also be translated as 'admit'.

[2]太岁头上动土 - 'Tàisuì tóushàng dòngtǔ' literal translation is, to break the

ground where Tai Sui (a god) presides or defying someone with great power
or strength.

[3]blackboard - Gu Hai

Tai Sui, also known as Grand Duke Jupiter or Grand Commander of the Year
is probably one of the most highly respected and feared deity in the Chinese
beliefs. It is said that if your Zodiac animal clashes with the Tai Sui or you
have inadvertently offended him, bad luck will befall you for the whole year.
In order to have a good and peaceful year, you need to pay your respect to the
Tai Sui.

There are two diverging explanation on the origin of Tai Sui. According to
the scientific school of thought, the Tai Sui phenomena is attributable to the
movement of Jupiter (hence the name Grand Duke Jupiter), which impacts
the magnetic field around us, depending on the year we were born.

Whereas in the Chinese mythology, the Grand Duke Jupiter or more

commonly known as Tai Sui (太 岁) is actually a position in the celestial
heavens which is in charge of the world's affairs for a particular year, i.e
determining the annual fortunes of all of us mortal beings. Just as the Jade
Emperor is the Ruler of Heaven; the year Tai Sui is the Ruler of Earth. The
above is related to the Taoist calendar which is organized into a series of
twelve Earthly Branches (the Chinese Zodiac animals) rotating in accordance
to the five elements, resulting in a 60-year cycle. And in other words, there
are 60 heavenly generals who would rotate to take up this almighty position.
A person's happiness, health, luck and fortune are all under his watchful eye.
It serves as a reminder to stay away from evil activities, to take good care of
health and to perform more caring activities. The year Tai Sui will take note
of all the good deeds and misdeeds of everyone. In 2017, the ruling Tai Sui is
General Tang Jie (唐杰).
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 177: The Inquietude of Youth - The RAINSTORM that came

with the RAGING WIND. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Someone was trembling with fear and anxiety for the entire morning whilst a
cloud of darkness loomed close by. Even when he was in the lavatory, he
kept glancing left and right, afraid that if he was not careful enough, his own
penis would disappear. Once the afternoon rolled by and classes were
dismissed, he did not wait for this supposed retribution to happen.

Could it be that I thought wrong?

You Qi silently tidied his belongings but by a twist of fate, his eyes fell on
Gu Hai for a second. Gu Hai lowered his head as he fiddled around with
something. You Qi stood up and walked toward the doorway; he was scared
witless with every step he took for the fear that a fierce tiger would violently
pounced and clawed him. Keeping himself aware, he finally made it all the
way to the door unscathed. He sighed as a sense of luck overtook his

Fortunately, I didn't get beaten. Fortunately, their relationship is

unexpectedly normal.

Once the school bell rang, Yang Meng immediately dashed toward class 27,
preparing himself to watch the drama unfold.

But, You Qi merely walked out of the classroom intact.

"Hey!" Yang Meng shouted in order to get You Qi's attention.

With an honest and bright expression, You Qi walked over.

The moment Yang Meng saw You Qi drawn with that kind of mood, he
immediately knew that the situation was probably not what they had

"How was it? Did you give the coat?"

You Qi nodded his head, "Yeah, I gave it."

"Did Gu Hai look anxious to you?"

Turning slightly to the side, You Qi glanced inside the classroom, "So far,
nothing yet."

An inquisitive look dotted Yang Meng's face, "Did you say every word
according to what I've taught you?"

"Of course." You Qi said very calmly. "I've said it word for word."

Yang Meng frowned, still feeling a bit concerned. "Did you say it in front
of Gu Hai? Are you sure he heard you?"

"I'm sure." You Qi deliberately lowered his voice and move closer to the
side of Yang Meng's ear, "Initially his complexion changed when he heard

"What happened afterwards?" Yang Meng blinks were raging with


Unperturbed, You Qi pulled out a sheet of tissue and blew his nose, "I didn't
have the nerve to look afterwards."

Yang Meng rubbed his chin and retired to cogitate. Suddenly, someone patted
him on the shoulder. As he turned around, he discovered that it was one his
former classmate.

"Have you been well?" The friend cheerfully looked at Yang Meng.

At first, Yang Meng did not understand what was going on but a few seconds
later, he noticed that friend glancing and winking at You Qi repeatedly. It
was only then that he understood the meaning behind it.

"Fucking great you bastard!" In truth, Yang Meng's small mouth was quite

That friend still cheerfully poked fun, "It's fine. Don't take it to heart or
feel pressured. I'm a very open-minded person. I wish the both of you all
the happiness. Fighting! Fighting! Fighting!" He enthusiastically said
while waving his hand in the air.

Yang Meng's face immediately darkened.

On the road, You Qi was casually humming a tune. The thickly painted smug
ravaging his face now was completely different from yesterday's pitiful one.
Simply put, it was practically two different people.

Sensing this obvious change in the atmosphere, Yang Meng narrowed his
eyes toward him while a disdain look fell on his face. "Hey you, do you
have to go that far? Even if their relationship is normal, it doesn't mean
Yin Zi likes you. Huh?"

You Qi still maintained an optimistic attitude, "At least it proves that

there's still a chance for me!"
Yang Meng glared at him, then firmly issued a warning, "Let me tell you, if
Yin Zi doesn't have that kind of interest in you, you better not hurt

"Do you think I have the ability to hurt him?" You Qi's handsome cheeks
glistened beneath the bright sunlight. He was that kind of person. He was the
master of being unshakeable even when others were to pursed to the point of
spitting blood.

"If he's really not interested in me, there's no use in putting my life on
the line!"

"Then, what are you pleased about?"

You Qi continued to walk leisurely, "I figured he's single!"

Yang Meng truly admired You Qi's ability to amuse himself. He turned
toward him for a quick look. Although, it was forbidden for a man to fancy
another man, Yang Meng thought that this did not hinder You Qi.

Is there a need for such a handsome guy to go this far huh? There's so many
women to chase after, yet you just had to make things hard like this? If Bai
Luo Yin is genuinely moved by him, this would be a great loss to all the girls
in the school!

Noting the silence, You Qi bumps his shoulder against Yang Meng's, "Let's
go. Your buddy is going to take you out to eat."

Yang Meng didn't have a chance to respond when suddenly a strong burst of
wind blew by. His mind was written with great alarm as he turned his head,
creating a whooshing sound. A middle school student had quickly swept by,
kicking his skateboard along the road, leaving behind a menacing view of his


Yang Meng's heart was still jumping wildly.

How can a skateboard scare me like that? Could it be, I've been anxious all
along? Why do I keep feeling as if something is going to happen?

His gaze shifted toward You Qi who also had on a frightened and doubtful
expression in his eyes.

So, I'm not the only one that felt the ominous air looming whistling by.

After walking quietly for a while longer without any mishap, You Qi patted
Yang Meng's shoulder again. "False alarm."

Ahead there was a huge corner that they needed to go around. Feeling an
imminent force linger, Yang Meng's heartbeat suddenly quickened. But, once
they turned pass it, there was no one there; even the underbrush did not reveal
any wandering swordsmen.

A burst of throbs ruptured inside of Yang Meng's chest.

Did I watch too many action movies recently?

"Dude, do you have any cigarettes?"

Yang Meng and You Qi's footstep halted simultaneously. They practically
turned their heads around at the same time before becoming stiff as a corpse.

Behind them stood a row of men; each one tall, bold and exuding a powerful
aura. You Qi was over 180 cm, but standing in front of them, he had to look
up as well.

After a long while, You Qi hesitatingly answered, "No, I don't smoke."

The robust man furthest to the left unexpectedly fished out a lighter; the
flame immediately charged toward You Qi's face. You Qi took a sudden step
back to evade it, but he accidently stepped on a nearby lid, nearly causing
him to fall back with his face staring at the sky.

"I have a lighter but no cigarette, what should I do?"

Yang Meng was frightened until his face turned a pallid watercolor.
Compared to You Qi, his strength was a bit more limited than his.

His voice became a bit distorted as he spoke, "How about I go buy you a

"There's no need to." The robust man put his lighter away and put on a face
smile as he looked over at You Qi, "I'll simply beat it out of you."

Both of Yang Meng's legs trembled as his smile faltered like a wild
chrysanthemum withering during the eve of autumn.

"I can go, right? I was just accompanying him. We're classmates....and
we just happened to bump into each other......"

Another strong looking man pulled Yang Meng's collar causing Yang Meng's
feet to immediately leave the ground.

"Sorry, little brother. Together the four of us are call, 'None shall live'.
[1] Unfortunately, today you're out of luck. You just had to walk with
him. Remember this clearly for later. You should only involve yourself
with things you're supposed to and not with things you're not supposed.
It's just better that way, so that you won't give yourself more trouble."

Five seconds later, a murderous howl broke out in this tranquil corner.

"Boss, can you not hit my face?" You Qi shouted, "I still have to go to
Beijing Film Academy for an interview!"

"Between hitting your face or fucking your ass, you can only choose

"Then you can just hit me."


Once they returned home, the two sat facing each other. Gu Hai's hand hit the
table before he looked at Bai Luo Yin with an insincere smile.

"Say it yourself. Don't wait for me to force it out of you."

Without any fear at all, Bai Luo Yin spoke, "What do you want me to

Gu Hai raised his chin up slightly, "Say whatever there is to say."

"I don't think there is anything to say."

A shot of flame stormed out from the depth of Gu Hai's eyes, but he quickly
suppressed it.

"Then tell me, where did this coat[2] come from?"

"We bought it together."

Gu Hai clenched his fist, causing his knuckles to crack. "Are you forcing me
to get rough?"

Bai Luo Yin's expression changed, "Don't you know everything already? I
stayed at You Qi for a night and forgot my coat there."

The blasé expression that sealed Bai Luo Yin's face made Gu Hai's blood
flowed backwards from head to toe.

"You stayed for a night? Just one night?"

Since things have reached this stage, Bai Luo Yin thought that there was no
need to cover the truth up anymore.

"More than one night. I stayed so many nights, I don't even remember

All of Gu Hai's patience and calmness were pushed to the peak, now it was
on the verge of exploding out its cage. Any slight carelessness on his part, it
would have tread out of him like a ticking bomb already.

"If You Qi didn't let it slip up and I didn't ask you, you had no intention
of telling me?"

With an expressionless face, Bai Luo Yin merely said, 'Yeah.'

Gu Hai's fist smashed the table before a distinct crack formed at where his
hand landed and spread out toward Bai Luo Yin's hand. Bai Luo Yin's
expression changed abruptly. A second later, Gu Hai furiously lifted him up
and threw him firmly on the carpet nearby.

"Bai Luo Yin, aren't I too good to you?" Gu Hai straddled Bai Luo Yin's
body with a livid and ashen complexion stringing along the lines of his stern
face. His emotions were raging like a torrid storm gone gravely out of
control. "Do you want to fucking run wild? I only left for a little over 20
days and you ran off to someone's else bed. If I were to leave for two
years, are you going to fucking forget who I am?"

"Gu Hai, what are you saying? Are those even human words?" Bai Luo
Yin was also lit with anger, "I didn't tell you because I thought that it
wasn't necessary! What do you mean running to someone's bed? Do you
think that I'm a female cat that will go into heat the moment I see a
male!!? You Qi is a guy, and I'm also a guy, what's wrong with two guys
sleeping together? Before I met you, I don't even know how many guys
I've slept with already. Do you want to fucking look into all of them?"

Gu Hai's face darkened as a sinister aura stuck the atmosphere. His voice was
rough and merciless as it slipped out.

"Before being with me, I don't care who you've slept with, but now that
you're with me, sleeping with him is out of the question!"[3]

"What do you mean out of the question?" Bai Luo Yin's words aggravated
the situation; he was practically pouring oil on fire. "You won't let me sleep
at home alone, you won't let me sleep with other people, then tell me,
how am I supposed to sleep? What differences are there between You Qi
and Yang Meng? Isn't it just a small bird and a big bird?[4] It's okay if I
sleep under the same blanket as the small bird, but if it's with the bigger
bird, we must've messed around?"

The anger that devoured Gu Hai from the inside out caused Gu Hai's lips to
tremble. "You slept under the same blanket with him?"

"Yeah, not only that, I also slept naked. There are even more exciting
things, do you want to hear it? That day I drank a lot and even lost
consciousness. When I woke up the next morning, my underwear was
gone. This is the great habit that you've created! Don't you have this
crazy sickness where you like persecuting yourself? Don't you take
pleasure in imagining it all? Today, I'll give you enough space to do just
that. Think whatever you want to think, I won't say a fucking word!"

A scarlet red color burned Gu Hai's eyes; it was already impossible to make
out any of his emotions.

"Bai Luo Yin, you're playing with fire. Do you know that?"

Bai Luo Yin suddenly laughed grimly, "Gu Hai, you're not the only one
that has grown a brain! If you think that everyone in the entire world
thinks the same way as you do, then I can also imagine things as well.
Weren't you and Gu Yang secretly abroad for quite some days?"

"That's my brother." A note of austerity seemed to have landed on Gu Hai.

Looking squarely at him, Bai Luo Yin kindly reminded him, "I am also your

Gu Hai forcibly gripped Bai Luo Yin's neck as a dark mass crowded his
vision. Like the king of hell demanding someone's life, his hand flew out and
pulled Bai Luo Yin's leather belt. Without undoing the belt buckle, he
directly snapped it off.

"Bai Luo Yin, if you recognize your mistake, this matter will pass!"

Under Gu Hai's grip, Bai Luo Yin's face twisted abnormally, causing his
pupils to enlarged. A cold and gloomy light reflected in his intense eyes,
leaving no room for any trace of compromise to lie within them.

In a fit of anger, Gu Hai tore away Bai Luo Yin's pants and hissed in a loud
roar, "Believe it or not, I'll fuck you to death now?!"

"What reasons do I have to not believe you?" Bai Luo Yin's eyes revealed
a sense of sarcasm in them, "Didn't you fuck me half dead once? I'll lie
here today and take a good look. You can persist and fight to accomplish
this one-time goal of yours now, otherwise, once you've lose this
opportunity, it won't come back again."[5]

Gu Hai's hands shook violently. He had attempted to retrieve his senses from
this wild intoxication countless times already, but every time, Bai Luo Yin's
unyielding demeanor destroyed it all.

Translator's note:

[1] None shall live - the idiom is '片甲不留' [piànjiǎbùliú] which means, "not
a single armored warrior remain,"; "utterly destroyed"

[2]coat - previously Yang Meng said that Yin Zi left a coat at his house, but
somehow the author changed it to 'clothes' when You Qi gave it to Yin Zi. I
kept it as coat since 'clothes' is vague and doesn't stay true to what Yang
Meng said.

[3]Sleeping with him is out of the question! - you can't sleep with him!

[4]Isn't it just a small bird and a big bird? -鸟[diǎo/ niǎo] I'm not sure if the
author is using diǎo [penis] or niǎo [bird].

[5]once you lose this opportunity, it won't come back again. - [不然过这个村
就没这个店了] or for [机不可失,时不再来] meaning 'opportunity knocks
but once.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 178: The Inquietude of Youth - THREE BIG WORDS for you

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


There was completely no sign of the door being pushed open.

Gu Yang couldn't be blamed for this, since he had knocked a few times
already and unfortunately, no one answered the door.

When he passed by the front porch, he could hear the distinct sound of
squabbles from inside. As he entered to take a glimpse, the situation inside
was a terrible mess. Two men were rolling around on the carpet, tearing each
other apart. One's complexion was flushed in a deep shade of red, while the
other was panting heavily. Beside them, a broken leather belt lay abandoned.
A certain person's hand was stuck firmly on the edge of the other person's
pant. Supposed Gu Yang came just a bit later, he might have been able to see
a live broadcast.
Bai Luo Yin was the first to hear movements pervading from the side. When
he glanced sideways, he caught sight of a tall silhouette sitting down in front
of them.

The familiar face revealed a hint of coldness.

The atmosphere that had intensified and reached its climax was suddenly
caught in a deadlock because of this person's arrival.

"You two can continue, there's no need to mind me."

Without regards for the two, Gu Yang nonchalantly crossed his legs, picked
up a nearby magazine and browsed through it.

Once again, the anger on Gu Hai's enraged face increased by tenfold, "You
get out first!"

"Do I really have to?" Gu Yang looked up and threw a shady smile at Gu
Hai, "In any case, I've even heard your phone record, you think I'll mind
seeing this?"

The color on Bai Luo Yin's face changed to various tones as his eyes dilated
from shock and lost its focus. He shot a death glare laced with questions and
doubts in Gu Hai's direction.

The violent atmosphere that had built up with great difficulty suddenly
changed in this brief moment.

Bai Luo Yin took advantage of Gu Hai's momentary hesitation to kick him
away. He then swiftly put on his pants before going into the bathroom with a
blank face. Gu Hai remained rigid at the same spot while his despondent yet
spiteful eyes chased after Bai Luo Yin like a vulture, unwilling to resign.
Actually, the moment Bai Luo Yin kicked him away, he could have easily
pulled him back and held him down firmly beneath him.

Unfortunately, some feelings are only alive during that particular moment.
Once lost, it won't come back.

Gu Yang had leafed through a few pages of the magazine in his hand, yet
none of the content was to his liking. In truth, he was actually observing Gu
Hai's emotional turmoil throughout the entire ordeal. Apparently, before his
untimely arrival, this young married couple wasn't being intimate with each
other, but they were instead on the verge of having an all-out vicious battle.
But, since he was here now, not only had the fight ended but his presence was
inadvertently a benefit for these two lovers instead.

"You guys had a quarrel?" Gu Yang casually asked without putting much
thought into it.

Just as Bai Luo Yin happened to push the bathroom door open and walked
out, Gu Hai seemed to have deliberately answered right at that moment so
that he could hear it.

"We're just trying to figure out who's more insensitive!"

Ignoring those words, Bai Luo Yin entered the bedroom, still wearing an
expressionless face.

Without any warning, Gu Hai roared from the outside, "If you really want
to leave, I will pack your things for you to save you the trouble of
searching for them since you don't even know where you've placed

Having said that, not only did he still felt dissatisfied, he just made himself
even more angry; He was going to burst any time now.

Gu Yang set his magazine to the side before looking Gu Hai's distressed
appearance with extreme interest. He was especially curious as to what
methods had Bai Luo Yin used to reverted this young yet accomplished
brother of his to someone with the IQ of a three or four years old child. But,
looking at Gu Hai throwing his temper tantrum and stomping his feet like
this, it was actually quite adorable. The muscles that wrapped around his
body, from head to toe were trembling chaotically even if he wasn't using any

After a very long time, Gu Hai seemed to have finally realized Gu Yang's
"What are you doing here?"

"Freeloading," said Gu Yang with an indifference attitude, "The last time I

ate the food you've made, I thought that the flavor was pretty good. So
today, I'm here to taste it again."

It was then that Gu Hai realized that it was time to eat.

"Come on, let's go to your place." Gu Hai stood up.

Gu Yang was flabbergasted with those words, "What are you going to do at
my place?"

"I'm going to cook for you!"

"You can't cook here?"

Casting a glance to the side, Gu Hai deliberately increased the volume of his
voice, "I have to cook for three people here. If I cooked at your place, I
only need to cook for the two of us!"

After saying that, he entered the kitchen and saw Bai Luo Yin lightly pushing
the leftover bowl of noodles from side to side.

"You're not leaving?"

Bai Luo Yin ignored Gu Hai and busied himself with eating the noodle inside
the bowl instead. He looked as though his feelings were not affected in the
least by their previous interaction and his appetite appeared to be as strong as

Gu Hai pressed his hand against the doorframe; his tone was still harsh as he
spoke, "If you won't leave, then I'll leave. I'll stay at my brother's place
so I'm not coming home tonight. I'll also give you enough space to carry
out your fantasy."

After Bai Luo Yin finished eating his noodles, he sipped his soup. And by the
time, the soup was finished, Gu Hai was already long gone.

Inside the private room of an upscale restaurant, Gu Yang ridiculed Gu Hai.

"I remembered someone said that he'll personally cook me a meal!"

Gu Hai threw Gu Yang a side glance, "It's good enough that I'm fucking
treating you to this meal with my own money, why the hell are you being
so demanding?"

"In your eyes, is Bai Luo Yin the only sensible one? Are only his
demands alone not excessive?"

"He even more insensible!" Gu Hai abruptly hit the table, causing the bowl
of broth on the table to spill.

Gu Yang's gaze unexpectedly turned grave, "You better control yourself!"

In a mere hour, Gu Hai's anger had completely died down. Looking at the
table full of mouthwatering dishes, images of Bai Luo Yin eating the leftover
noodles invaded his mind, causing his stomach to turn somersaults.

During the afternoon, Gu Hai did not go to school.

Gu Yang had just returned from abroad and was still in a susceptible phase,
so he did not have the nerve to appear in public or overexposed himself
much. Even most of his friends did not hear the news of his return. As a
result, he had been keeping himself at home. If he could avoid showing his
face in the public, then he would do just it.

During the entire afternoon, Gu Yang focused solely on Gu Hai walking

around in circles; his appearance resembling that of a wandering ghost.

It wouldn't have mattered if he was only walking around. And for the most
part, he would only be annoyed when he looked at him. But, the problem is,
Gu Hai was not behaving!

In Gu Yang's study room wall, hung a famous painting that he had purchased
and brought back to his place for almost two days. The painting portrayed a
half-naked man. However, for no reason at all, it managed to anger Gu Hai,
causing him to immediately smash the moment his eyes fell on it. After
smashing it, Gu Hai even trampled on it. And just like that, the masterpiece
worth several hundred thousand of yuan was ruined beneath his feet.

"Apparently, my uncle made a terrible decision in letting you stay at the

army base for so many years. You didn't learn anything at all. What you
managed to learn is the temper of a ruffian soldier instead!"

Before, amongst the children of the same generation, Gu Hai only had a
common language with Gu Yang. But now, his words were absolutely
unpleasant to the ears.

During dinner, Gu Yang noticed that Gu Hai was utterly distracted; as if his
soul was not there at all, so he couldn't help but to mock him.

"Do you want to go back?"

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes and shot a glance toward Gu Yang, before saying
with a stiff expression, "Who wants to go back?"

What he meant was, is your brother that weak?

Gu Yang secretly replied from the bottom of his heart, the way I see it, you
won't be able to hold on much longer. If you don't handle it well, you'll fall
apart by tomorrow morning.

Early into the night, Gu Hai was already lying in bed, tossing and turning
around by himself, feeling tremendously tortured. As soon as he stopped
moving, an image would immediately pervade his mind.

Bai Luo Yin was nakedly embracing You Qi.

It was as if he had witnessed the scene with his very own eyes, and no matter
what he did, he could not pass through this vicious threshold. If he loathed
him then it would not have mattered much, but the problem is, he still missed
him. His mind conjured all kinds of scenarios where Bai Luo Yin was stuck
home alone and how pitiful he was. These two contradictions were jumbled
together in his heart, tormenting Gu Hai to the point where he was nearly
driven to madness.

At midnight, Gu Yang had just turned off the lights in his room when he
suddenly heard a burst of chopping noises charged into his ears from outside.

He hastily draped a layer of clothing over his shoulder and went out. In the
end, what he discovered was Gu Hai standing alone in the kitchen, chopping

"What the hell are you doing?" Gu Yang spoke while wearing a stern and
frosty expression.

Gu Hai only gave him a faint smile, "I'm cooking a meal for you. Didn't I
promise you this earlier today?"

"Fuck, do you realize what time it is?!!!"

At this moment, Gu Yang, who had always been a cultured and refined man,
simply could not refrain himself from exploding with profanities.

Gu Hai ignored him and went about with his own tasks.

Before Gu Yang could flare up with a anger, his cellphone suddenly rang. To
his surprise, it was a call from Gu Wei Ting.

"Uncle, why did you call me?"

"You haven't slept yet?" Gu Wei Ting's voice sounded extremely energetic.

Gu Yang sighed with ease, "I'm getting ready for bed."

If it weren't for your beloved son causing a ruckus, I would've fallen asleep

"Oh, if that's the case, then I won't be going over."

"Wait a minute, you want to come here?" Gu Yang was astonished at this
sudden realization.
The person at the other side remained silent for quite a while before speaking,
"Since you returned home, I've been busy the entire time. I've finally
had some spare time today so I wanted to visit you. But, now that you are
preparing to go to sleep, it's fine. I can visit you another day."

"Uncle, you can come here. I don't mind sleeping a little bit later." Gu
Yang stole a glance towards the kitchen to see if Gu Hai's fingers were all
intact or not. Then he turned back towards his phone and said, "It just so
happens that Gu Hai is also here, so you can come."

"He's also at your place?"

Gu Yang only replied him with a quick 'yeah'.

You better get here quick and take a look at your good son!

Gu Yang hung up the telephone call. When he went into the kitchen again,
Gu Hai was already nowhere to be seen. Looking at the meat on the cutting
board, water had already seeped out of it. He turned around and walked
towards Gu Hai's temporary room; there, he saw Gu Hai was fiddling with
his cell phone in his hand.

"Your father is coming over in a bit." Gu Yang informed him.

Gu Hai seemed as though he did not hear anything Gu Yang had just said. He
simply placed his phone down and went directly to the bathroom.

"I have to go home."

Gu Yang leaned against the bathroom door, observing Gu Hai as he

rampantly took out his large member to take a leak. The loud sound of
running water revealed his current anxiety.

"Why so fast?"

Gu Hai's face twisted incessantly before Gu Yang's eyes as he spoke, "I miss

.........didn't I say, at the least, you should hold back until tomorrow

He had yet to lash out those words when young master Gu energetically rush
out the door.

Not long after Gu Hai left, Gu Wei Ting arrived.

"Uncle, you're here."

Gu Wei Ting nodded his head. It seemed like he came here directly from the
army base since he had yet to change out of his military uniform.

Gu Yang brewed a cup of tea, then handed it to Gu Wei Ting.

"Why did you suddenly come back?" Gu Wei Ting went straight to the

Even though he was facing a person with such a grave and stern expression,
Gu Yang still managed to keep a calm composure as he spun his web of lies.

"The branch company had invested in a project in China. They sent

several people over here to conduct research and I'm one of those

Gu Wei Ting coolly fixed his gaze on Gu Yang for a moment. It seemed like
he was in the midst of searching for some kind of flaw from his face. Rather
than saying that Gu Hai is Gu Wei Ting's son, it was more fitting to say that
Gu Yang is Gu Wei Ting's son, since Gu Wei Ting understood Gu Yang's
thoughts deeper than Gu Hai does.

"If you have any difficulties, you can tell uncle."

Gu Yang smiled faintly, "So far, so good."

Gu Wei Ting laughed while patting Gu Yang's shoulder, "The best thing a
young man can do is to take on and resolve his own burden!"

Gu Yang secretly sneered.

You should've said these words to your son!

Gu Wei Ting chatted with Gu Yang for a while, before he suddenly

remembered what Gu Yang said on the phone, he then asked, "Where's Gu

"He already went home."

"Already went home? Wasn't he still here when I called just now?"

"Oh, he left just a moment ago."

The loneliness in Gu Wei Ting's eyes gradually dissipated as he spoke,

"What is he doing at your place this late?"

"Just hanging around."

Gu Wei Ting nodded his head, "Then, I'll get going as well. It's better for
you to sleep earlier."

As he looked at Gu Wei Ting's car sped away, Gu Yang suddenly felt an

ominous premonition.

He won't visit Gu Hai at this hour, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. After
getting back into his place, Gu Yang was riddled with impatiently gave Gu
Hai a call as a reminder to lock his door properly. If by chance, those two
guys get too overly excited, did something unnecessary and happened to get
caught by General Gu, the consequences would be too ghastly to

Just as Gu Yang made the call, a cell phone ringtone rang inside the other

When Gu Hai's anxiously ran out of the door, he had forgotten to take his cell
phone with him.

Gu Yang picked up Gu Hai's cellphone. He remembered that Gu Hai was

looking at his cellphone before he decided to leave. He guessed that the cell
phone should still contain the message from Bai Luo Yin.

Curiosity crawled its ugly head into Gu Yang's mind. He was terribly
intrigued of the message that Bai Luo Yin had sent. Just what kind of content
did it hold that could cause Gu Hai's attitude to do a complete 180 in a
twinkling of an eye.

In the end, Gu Yang only saw three words that was sent six hours ago.

After he finished reading the message, Gu Yang simply wanted to take a

knife and slit his own throat.

If it were the words, "I love you," it would have been worth it.

But unexpectedly, it was, "I am hungry"!!!

Gu Yang threw Gu Hai's cellphone to the side.

You two can seek your own happiness then!

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 179: The Inquietude of Youth – CAUGHT in the MOMENT!

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


As the elevator door gradually cracked open, Gu Hai’s footstep stagnant in a

moment of shock. He stared ahead for a few seconds before quietly walking
out. Bai Luo Yin was crouching in front of the apartment’s door near a messy
pile of cigarette butts. When he heard the sound of the elevator door starting
to open, he raised his eyelids for a quick glimpse, then quickly let it hang low
again. Noting that the cigarette hanging loosely in his hand was only half
smoked, he took a deep breath of it and flung it on the ground with the rest.

Gu Hai crouched down close by. His eyes immediately swept toward Bai Luo
Yin, taking all of him in. Keeping his sight only on him, an incomparably
gentle and soft expression painted his face the color of warmth. It was as if he
was a completely different person from the bastard that was causing trouble
this afternoon.

“Why aren’t you going in? Aren’t you cold staying here?” As those words
broke the silence, he held Bai Luo Yin’s hands, feeling the soft skin beneath
his own ice-cold like a piece of frozen iron bar. Distress and regret crawled
up his face immediately as the cold sensation gripped his heart.

“Were you outside waiting for me the entire time?”

Needless to say, this question was outright ridiculous to ask. Isn’t it obvious
from the pile of cigarette butts on the ground!

“I just saw that message a moment ago.” Gu Hai lifted Bai Luo Yin’s chin,
“If I’d seen it earlier, I would’ve come back immediately and make you
something to eat. Did you eat yet?”

Bai Luo Yin remained silent as those words percolate through the chilly air.
He looked attentively at Gu Hai, not daring to break away.

Just one look at Bai Luo Yin masked in this appearance, Gu Hai knew with
certainty that he had not eaten yet.

“Come on, let’s go in. I’ll make something for you to eat.”

Gu Hai stood up and tried to pull Bai Luo Yin along inside, but in the end, he
couldn’t move him. This beating heart that had frozen over for half a day had
finally melted completely in this noiseless moment. It was like an iceberg that
after proudly basking beneath the sun’s brilliant light, at last, transformed
into a pool of water.

In the dead of night, thinking of how Bai Luo Yin crouched here and waited
for him to return home, he wondered, if……if he had not seen that message,
would he have waited here for the entire night?

Letting the silent of this tender moment overtake him, Gu Hai’s arms
wrapped around Bai Luo Yin. As he embraced him, he could feel the cold air
that swallowed his whole body from head to toe.

“Can we go inside?” Gu Hai pleaded softly, “If I act out like an asshole
again, you can beat me right away. No matter how angry I get, I won’t
ever leave you home alone by yourself again.”

Bai Luo Yin’s stiff hands gently caressed Gu Hai’s neck, allowing a slight
chill to trace along the arteries beneath and flowing into the center of his

“If you didn’t come back, it would be meaningless for me to go through

this door.”

Gu Hai lovingly caressed Bai Luo Yin’s hair, pushing a few strands to the
side before his warm cheeks snuggled into Bai Luo Yin’s cold and shivery
face. His heart tightened and seared with remorse.

“In the future, I will never leave. Never again.”

At this moment, an irrepressible sensation beckoned veiled feelings to

cascade from Bai Luo Yin’s trembling lips as he tells Gu Hai’s the words that
had long lie dormant at the bottom of his heart.

“Those 20 days that you went away, the most painful thing for me was
sleeping alone. Every time I felt the space beside me, there was no one
there. I would wake up, unable to fall asleep again. That reality…it
scared me. I was really scared…so scared that something would happen
to you. I……didn’t dare think about it. Every day I closed my eyes, I tell
myself that you’re lying here beside me. I drank because there’s this
insufferable pain in my heart. I slept with someone else because I wanted
to find a companion so that I wouldn’t go into panic and lose myself. In
reality, it didn’t matter who that person was, so long as I fell asleep, that
person is definitely you.”

These words…so foreign as they are, knotted tightly together like the stems
of morning glories climbing its branch at the earliest glimpse of sunlight. The
warmth and sincerity that encased those words, flowed all too willingly into
Gu Hai’s heart, weakening it. It was almost hard to believe; touched at the
core of his being and moved his soul between sentimental feelings of love
and guilt.
“At that time, I should’ve given you a few more calls. I should’ve not
made such a long phone call, then went without contacting you for so
many days. I’m too selfish, I cared too much about my own self needs
and……always neglected your feelings.”

“What use is there in saying these words now?” Bai Luo Yin seized Gu
Hai’s ear, “All the things that has been done, has been done!”

“How can it be of no use?” Gu Hai used his stubbles to rub against Bai Luo
Yin’s lips, “At the least, it lets me know how sorry I am.”

“So what if you know?” Bai Luo Yin sharp eyes swept towards Gu Hai’s
warm and gentle ones. “Now that you know how sorry you are, next time
there’s an argument, are you going to try even harder to fuck me to

“No, no, no……you fuck. You fuck me.” Although Gu Hai laughed
shamelessly, there were traces of regret echoing in his voice.

“You’re the one that said this. Next time you act like an asshole, I’m
going to tear your pants off without any hesitation!”

With utmost delight, Gu Hai willingly nodded his head.

Bai Luo Yin smiled. His smile, like a flicker of warm light dispersed in the
dark and gloomy corridor, illuminating every part it touched in an endless sea
of brilliance. It was so crystal clear, that the joy it brought was all too obvious
and much needed.

Just one look, Gu Hai’s heart was instantly drenched with intoxication. He
gazed into the clear spring that sprouted inside the deepest part of Bai Luo
Yin’s eyes. Everything else surrounding them had lost its clarity and hung in
a sea of blurriness. Only his eyes, his nose, his lips……left a clear and
ineradicable impression that engraved deeply in his mind.

Exerting a slight force into his hand, Gu Hai pushed Bai Luo Yin’s head back
against the wall behind him.
Their lips sealed.

At first, the kiss was light and gentle like dragonflies skimming the surface of
a serene body of water. Then the kiss deepened and intensified
immeasurably. Never had these light red lips been loved in such an exquisite
and delicate way like this before. The corners of their burning lips were pried
open and as it swept across the other’s teeth, the tip of their moistened and
trembling tongues can be felt as it met. Gu Hai’s rough hand cushioned and
protected the soft hair at the back of Bai Luo Yin’s head, while Bai Luo Yin
hands gently cupped Gu Hai’s cheeks. Their feelings were deep and strong,
drawn with love and longing……

Under the dim lighting, their long shadows stretched out and splayed across
the elevator door.

That was only until, at a certain point in time, these two long shadows were
abruptly severed.

However, they were still completely unaware and showed no signs of worry
or trepidation.

Time seemed to have ceased in this moment.

Aside from the two of them sinking deeper into this irresistible passion, there
was another person drafted with utter shock and mystification.

Gu Wei Ting’s only intention was to come see Gu Hai for a moment, but this
moment became the most unforgettable time in his life.

His two sons were engaging in an illicit and detestable behavior that defied
the natural order of things in front of his very eyes.

General Gu does not have much leisure time within his busy schedule to
come here merely to see such a passionate scene radiate to all corners. If
other people suffered from a nosebleed, it would certainly be from envy,
admiration or hate derived at sight of this scene, but his nosebleed on the
other hand, was a forewarning of the blood shed that would come with the
uncontrollable wrath.
The two were still selflessly lingering in ecstasy, oblivious of the dark
presence. Suddenly, a loud breaking sound shot from the door.

Gu Hai raised his brows and cast a side glance, only to see Gu Wei Ting’s
ashen, stern and imposing face appear in his line of sight.

But, when Gu Wei Ting looked to the side, all he saw was Gu Hai moving his
tongue out of Bai Luo Yin’s mouth.

There was no time to react as Gu Wei Ting had already shot forth, like a
mighty arrow, and ruthlessly dragged Gu Hai away from Bai Luo Yin. Then
immediately after, he heartlessly kicked him. Gu Hai’s body suddenly
smashed against the door. A loud thud broke through this unforeseeable
moment of violence. That thud was the sound of the back of Gu Hai’s head
hitting the steel door.

It is possible to imagine, after the back of his head suffered such a huge
attack like this, how dizzy and faint Gu Hai must have felt. Fortunately, he
had exerted his strength to grip the doorknob in time, so that his body did not
slide down to the floor.

That alone did not satiate the overwhelming anger still raging on inside Gu
Wei Ting as he turned to face Gu Hai and raised his hand high.

Bai Luo Yin was riddled with an unsettling feeling as he quickly rushed in
front of Gu Hai, shielding him.

The fearful and intimidating aura that seeped from Gu Wei Ting could easily
elicit fright from anyone who came close to it.

“Do you think I won’t dare touch you?” Gu Wei Ting glowered Bai Luo

Like a mountain formed by thousands of years of natural formation, making

it unshakeable, Bai Luo Yin remained motionless in front of Gu Hai, as if
ready at any given moment to bravely shield him with his own life.

Sensing a presence in front of him, Gu Hai suddenly gained control of his

mind and dragged Bai Luo Yin behind him, while the image of an evil
creature without any restraint feasted on his face and its monstrous aura veil
the air.

“Don’t you dare touch him!!”

Gu Wei Ting, whose body is like that of a ferocious tiger, jolted.

“What did you just say to me?”

Bai Luo Yin wanted to cover Gu Hai’s mouth with his hand, but
unfortunately, it was too late. Just as his hand shot out, Gu Hai firmly grasped
it, holding it in his own.

“I don’t have any objection if you beat me to death, but you can’t touch
him. If you hit him, I will stop calling you father!”

“Do you think there’s some sort of value in you calling me father?” Gu
Wei Ting forcibly clutched Gu Hai’s collar and pulled him over with a
formidable strength. “Now, I’m eager to not have a son like you!”

“It’s too late for you to regret it now! Who told you to let my mother give
birth to me?”


Gu Wei Ting’s anger rose to the point where he nearly suffered from internal
bleeding. Yes, this bastard is despicable, but he was Gu Wei Ting only blood;
and he alone was the embodiment and hope that his late wife entrusted to

“Both of you, come in now!!”

Right after this earth-shattering roar, the two bastards entered the apartment
together to receive their interrogation.

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

A calm and collected appearance laid out across Gu Hai’s face, “Didn’t you
just see it all?”

Gu Wei Ting flung the glass that was in his hang vigorously in Gu Hai’s
direction. The loud shattering noise stung Bai Luo Yin’s eardrums.

“You better talk properly to me!”

Bai Luo Yin pulled Gu Hai’s hand, hoping to persuade him to cool down a
bit, but Gu Wei Ting caught sight of this movement. Out of nowhere he drew
out a military lash and suddenly flung it, with a powerful force, at the two
that were firmly holding both their hands together. The scorching pain ached
as it spread throughout the nerves, swelling his hand red; Bai Luo Yin
forcibly tolerate the pain while secretly taking it several deep breaths.
Unexpectedly, even then he did not release his hand but instead, tightened
them even more.

“You two are indeed great brothers to each other!”

Gu Hai’s heart tightened with a twinge before he suddenly pulled Bai Luo
Yin’s hand toward his face for a closer look. There were distinct traces of
blood coloring the back of his hand now. Gu Hai’s eyes also darkened into a
deep red color, nearly matching the ones before him. Just as his anger was
about to flare out into a wildfire, Bai Luo Yin snatched it away by speaking
ahead of him.

“Uncle, this is all my fault. I was the one that seduced Gu Hai first.”

Gu Hai panicked and the anxiousness in his head heightened. He hoops his
arms around Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder, then angrily said, “Do I need you to be
my scapegoat?”

Bai Luo Yin lowered his voice, “Don’t worry. Your dad won’t do
anything to me.”

“Are you his son or am I his son? Even a cruel and wild beast will not
devour its own cubs! No matter how angry he gets, what can he do to
“He won’t kill you, but you’ll still suffer!”

“I’m willing to endure it!”

Gu Wei Ting watched on with a dark and gloomy face as his two sons seized
and tore away from each other in front of him. In the end, unable to look on
anymore, his hand suddenly smacked the table, “Are you two done wasting
time yet?”

The two went silent at the same time.

Even then, Gu Hai still did not forget to massage the back of Bai Luo Yin’s
hand that had suffer a hit from the lash.

Gu Wei Ting stood up, walked toward the front of them, and stared
attentively at them.

Gu Hai confronted Gu Wei Ting with the face of a first-class soldier

preparing for war.

After a long time, GU Wei Ting spoke, “Is it because the two of you have
lived together for so long and don’t have girlfriends, that you guys would
do something like this?”

Gu Wei Ting has been in the military for quite a long time so he had a deep
understanding of an environment with only male. This kind of thing did not
matter much since occasionally some men would overstep the boundary of
what is proper. At the least, it was better than insulting or defiling a woman.
But, the premise is that this occurrence should not happen on a regular basis.
It should not overstep its boundaries or be taken to a degree that goes against
morals or nature!

“No.” Gu Hai answered with an unyielding and strong-willed manner that

seemed to also beckoned trouble. “We both had girlfriends before. But,
because we love each other, we gave up on the romantic relationships
between a man and a woman, and chose this path of no return instead.
But, even then, we will never regret this, not even one bit!”
For some unknown reason, when Gu Hai said all those words, Bai Luo Yin
realized in the depth of his heart, that even if on the road ahead they will be
greeted with a raging storm of difficulties, he will never turn back or
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 180: The Inquietude of Youth - The FATHER and SON'S

formal Discussion. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"Love?" Gu Wei Ting's eyes widened like that of a fierce tiger on the verge
of a bloody battle, "Two men has the audacity to speak so shamelessly
about love here?"

Immediately after saying this, he walked toward Gu Hai, pulled him by the
collar, with the intention of throwing him toward the front door. However,
Gu Hai had already established a defense against it by firmly grounding his
foot to the floor. Even with a formidable anger matching that of an
unstoppable tornado, Gu Wei Ting was still unable to drag Gu Hai from his
spot. Not even a bit.

"Go back to the military base with me right now. It's time for us men to
have a good talk."

"I'm not going!" Gu Hai's keen eyes matched that of his tone, clear and
precise, "I'm not going anywhere. I will stay right here."

"You will go today, whether you want to or not!"

Gu Wei Ting tried to drag Gu Hai away again. If this were to happen three or
four years ago, disciplining Gu Hai would have been the same as flinging a
toy to the side. Now, it was impossible. He is already a lot older while his son
was in his prime. Ironically, Gu Wei Ting had once hoped and looked
forward to a day where his son would no longer surrender under his power
and authority. But, as that day truly approached, he discovered that he
himself has unexpectedly felt a sense of loss and disappointment instead.

Now, he wished that Gu Hai was still only as tall as the table. So as long as
he widened his eyes even the slightest, he would obediently stand still to the

"You dare go against my wish!" Gu Wei Ting kicked Gu Hai's calf.

Although the shoes were leather, not many could withstand the formidable
strength that wrapped around his kicks. Both of Gu Hai's knees nearly gave
out and crashed toward the floor. Yet, even then, he obstinately resisted,
neither yielding or buckling under the intensely dark aura. No matter what
was thrown at him, he refused to leave with Gu Wei Ting.

When Gu Wei Ting's hand moved toward his waist, a cold breath of air
rushed into Bai Luo Yin's lungs.

A second later, a gun was pressed firmly against Gu Hai's temple.


One word commands are often ones that cannot be defied.

Gu Hai stared attentively at Gu Wei Ting's robust face. It was as if it was

carved out by a thousand swords as it narrowed and looked back at him
without a trace of fear or sense of capitulation.
Noticing this unwavering exchange, the color on Bai Luo Yin's face abruptly
changed. Once Gu Wei Ting's finger moved just the slightest, his heart would
skip a beat, nearly giving out in that moment.

"Go back with your dad." Bai Luo Yin's mouth opened, carving a path for
those few words to crawl out.

Gu Hai did not turn his head as he spoke, "No! I won't go!"

Gu Wei Ting's finger had already touched the trigger.

Panic drew on Bai Luo Yin's pallid face. Even though he understood the
saying, a cruel and wild beast will not devour its own cubs, but the moment
he saw the expression masking Gu Wei Ting, the possibility of his opening
fire, wrung his eyes dry with pain.

"Go quickly!" Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai with as much strength as he
could mutter.

Feeling the sudden push, Gu Hai shot Bai Luo Yin a glance from the corner
of his eyes before calmly saying, "I said, I won't ever leave you home
alone by yourself again."

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear it."

"But I can't pretend I've never said it!"

The corner of Gu Wei Ting's mouth drew back at those obdurate words. And
in that moment, Bai Luo Yin witnessed the most gut wrenching and terrifying

The trigger was pulled back.

He really pulled it without a second thought.


The sound ruptured and reverberated. In that instant, Gu Hai did not sway
even the slightest. The powerful force that shot out bore into his brain and the
pain that latched on to his skin exploded at the top of his head. Both his ears
buzzed as if any second now it would go deaf yet even then his consciousness
was still very clear.

Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin was ravaged with a deathly paleness. His face
ashen, his heart nearly shattered to pieces as his whole body trembled.

There was not a drop of blood on the muzzle of the gun as Gu Wei Ting
pulled the gun back. His cold and stiffen appeared to have loosen up a bit.

"I'd say, you've at least matured a bit!"

In his lifetime, Gu Wei Ting had seen many people who would rather die
than submit. Even when a gun was aimed at them, they would still show no
signs of fear and instead face it with a courageous expression. But, when it
comes to a millisecond before the gun fire, nearly all those people would
consciously cower and surrender. This was not because they were cowards or
weak, but the natural instinct for survival and nothing more. The number of
people that could remain lofty and motionless the entire time under such
compelling aura could be counted with the fingers on one's hand. Luckily, his
son was among one of those people.

Actually, Gu Hai was also afraid, but he knew that there was another person
who was even more afraid than he was and that person is the one holding the

The gun barrel was not loaded!

By the time this realization struck Bai Luo Yin, he was already drenched in
sweat. At this moment, he really wanted to bellow with rage at this pair of
father and son: Next time you two engage in this kind of drill, give a warning
beforehand. Is here anyone else out there that would scare people like this?

Gu Hai thought that after enduring this shot, Gu Wei Ting would let him go,
but he was gravely mistaken.

"I'll give you two options, either you come with me of your own free will
or I send for someone to drag you out! If you come with me now, there is
still a possibility that you can come back here, but if I send for someone,
don't even hope to come back here. I will take you along with this
apartment back!"

"You can't take this apartment!"

The fine lines on Gu Wei Ting's face tightened as he dubiously narrowed his
eyes, "I can't? Is there anything I can't take?"

"Because the owner is now Bai Luo Yin!"

Bai Luo Yin's complexion shot to various color as he threw a glance toward
Gu Hai, "When did you change it?"

An impression of boyish insouciance broke out as he replied back, "I

changed it a long time ago. It's just I never told you that's all."

Bai Luo Yin, "........."

With an overcast face, Gu Wei Ting's tone remained terrifying cold, "It
doesn't matter who this place belongs to, and it doesn't concern you
anymore. Think about it carefully, it's up to you whether you go or not!"

Bai Luo Yin's heart gradually fell into a moonless abyss, constructed with
only the darkness. He suddenly realized, if Gu Hai really leaves, this could be
the last night he spent together with him here. If he doesn't leave, this could
still be the last time they see each other. After weighing both options, it
seemed the former was a bit better of a compromise.

"I can go!" the words suddenly flew out of Gu Hai's mouth.

Bai Luo Yin secretly expressed his approval of those bold words.

As long as the green hills last, there will always be wood to burn. Because,
where there's life, there's hope.

"But, I must take him with me!" In that instant, without any restrain or
breaking of his firm stance, he firmly drew Bai Luo Yin's arm back.
Bai Luo Yin chewed over on that sudden surprise.

That should be okay, right?

Their tenacious gazes simultaneously swept toward Gu Wei Ting.

"I have no objection."

After saying that, Gu Wei Ting turned around and walked toward the front

Gu Hai heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, they have obtained a bit of victory in
this onerous moment.

Later on, I'll just work on changing this old man's way of thinking and
everything should be fine.

Bai Luo Yin, on the other, did not feel optimistic about the situation. The
moment, he entered the elevator, a nameless and ineffable fear suddenly
crashed into his heart with an intense force. He felt it in the crevices of his
bone, the moment they set foot in that base, they would be completely

In the car, Gu Wei Ting sat in the front, while Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin sat in
the back seats with a stifling and depressing aura looming over them.

The car entered the base courtyard. Once it came to a complete stop, Sun
Jingwei and a few other soldiers were waiting outside in a uniformed manner
for them.

"General, it's already this late and you still brought the kids with you?"

Gu Wei Ting pointed at Bai Luo Yin while looking squarely at Sun Jingwei,
"Arrange a room for him. Let him stay here for the time being."

Hearing those words, a strange and doubtful expression cloaked Gu Hai's


What do mean arrange a room for him?

"Then, what about me?"

Gu Wei Ting pressed his hand firmly on Gu Hai's shoulder, "You are
coming with me of course!"

Gu Hai's face was swallowed by the darkness of the night.

"I only said that you two can come here together. When did I say you
can stay here together? Besides, what qualifications do you have to
discuss this with me?"

The underlying meaning of those words was: Take a good look, whose
territory are you in now. You want to mess around here? Don't even think
about it!

With just one look, Gu Wei Ting hinted at Sun Jingwei to take Bai Luo Yin
away. However, after the situation with Madam Gu had passed, not only does
Sun Jingwei has a great impression of him, but he also had formed a firm
bond with Bai Luo Yin. When he glanced at Bai Luo Yin and saw the
unwillingness that painted his expression, he couldn't help but to say a few
more words.

"Why not let the two of them stay together?"

Without warning, Gu Wei Ting roared into the night, "If I say take him
away, take him away!"

Sun Jingwei immediately stood straight and salute him, "Yes, General!"

Gu Hai only gave Bai Luo Yin a quick glance. He didn't stop or chase after
him. He understood that placed in this kind of military base, it was downright
impossible, hopeless, to resolve this by force. He must find a peaceful way to
negotiate and do his best to coerce his old man into submission!

On the way, back with Gu Wei Ting, Gu Hai maintained a calm demeanor
while mentally drawing out a strategy to guard against the precarious battle.

In the end, once they arrive at the room, the interrogation phase was
immediately skipped over. Gu Wei Ting merely looked at his watch. It was
already in the wee hours, just a bit pass 2:30AM.

"Sleep first. Everything else will be discussed tomorrow!"

"You don't have any mission tomorrow?"

"You are currently the most important mission!!!"

Gu Hai groaned in resentment. All the enmity that consumed him was painted
roughly on his face. Even if Gu Wei Ting wanted to calm down and push his
anger away, he couldn't help but to go red.

This father and son pair lied down on the bed together. It seemed, this was
the first time in their life that such a situation occurred.

It was a given that Gu Hai suffered from insomnia. It was natural that Gu
Wei Ting could not sleep either. Neither of them spoke or even so much
moved the slightest. It was like two ice cold dead corpses were lying across
the massive bed.

Gu Hai continued to endure this strenuous moment; he endured it for nearly

two hours until the person beside him began to snore loudly.

Noticing this miraculously moment, Gu Hai quietly got off the bed and
sneaked into another room. He searched throughout the room for something.
After opening every drawer, he would wait for a moment and listened to see
whether the sound of snoring was still there or not. Finally, Gu Hai found the
thing that he was searching for. It was a tube of anti-inflammatory ointment.
He tiptoed back to the bedroom and draped a random jacket over his shoulder
before walking out.

"Are you going to find him now?"

Gu Hai's footstep suddenly stopped as he secretly cursed his own luck!

The light in the room brightened up. Gu Wei Ting sat up on the bed while his
stern and gloomy eyes scrutinized Gu Hai from a distant.

"What are you holding in your hand?"


"What are you doing with that ointment?"

"You hurt his hand."

Gu Wei Ting could hear the accusation and complaint that knotted in Gu
Hai's words. His line of sight was crowded with much more scrutiny. In this
absent-minded and disappointing state, it seemed as if he did not recognize
his own son.

"Every time I go out on a mission and received countless injuries, I've

never seen you showed any concern at all."

Gu Hai smiled awkwardly, "If you don't intervene with Yin Zi and I, I
promise in the future I'll care about you even more."

Gu Wei Ting's thick brow rose questioningly as he faintly said, "It seems
your illness is pretty serious."

"My illness had long been like this. It's already fallen into an incurable
state. Even if you want to cure it now, it's too late."

"Who said those despicable words to you?" Without warning, Gu Wei

Ting heartlessly reprimanded him again.

Gu Hai stood perfectly straight. Facing, the angry face staring back at him, he
already felt numb to it.

"Dad, I'm 18 this year. You can't just slap me like as if I was a kid
anymore and expect me to obediently listen to you. I already have my
own view on life. I have my own criteria to distinguish and make a
proper judgement on what's right and wrong. I won't be influence by the
force or violent you impose on me. So, please take note of your word and
action. Learn to respect me. Not only am I your son, but I'm also an
ordinary citizen."

Gu Wei Ting had already gotten off the bed and sat at the sofa nearby. He lit
a cigarette and looked at Gu Hai with an insincere, superficial smile.
"Then tell me, what criteria do you use to judge what's right and

Step by step, Gu Hai's upright body approached Gu Wei Ting. The light
reflected on his mature face, casting a faint circle of brightness around it.

"If I feel that it is right, then it is right. If I feel that it is wrong, then it is
wrong. If I picked up something, then it's a benefit. If I lose it, then it's a

Gu Wei Ting's face twisted into disgust as the corner of his mouth pulled
back. "What a bunch of nonsense!!"

"I'm just trying to lighten up the atmosphere," Gu Hai suddenly laughed

and walked toward Gu Wei Ting's side, "From now on, we can talk

Actually, the reason Gu Wei Ting brought Gu Hai here was not to keep him
captive, but instead, he wanted to find a way to change his way of thinking
and nothing else. It was just, Gu Hai's words were just extremely stifling and
bitter. Nine out of ten times, it puts Gu Wei Ting in an awkward position and
consumes him with rage. If he had this kind of attitude, that is one who fully
accept another person's views, earlier in the night, Gu Wei Ting would not
had struck him.

Then, the father and son sat facing each other and started to speak peacefully
for the first time.

"Dad, let me say something first. Where did you put Yin Zi?"

Gu Wei Ting stared at Gu Hai with a cold face, "Do you want to talk to me
or slyly get something out of me?"

"No, you've misunderstood," Gu Hai tried his best to loosen up his tone of
voice, "I'm just curious and wanted to ask, what kind of room is it?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

Gu Hai continued to say the words that on his mind, "It's not a crummy
room, right?"

The gentle lines that had just crawled up on Gu Wei Ting's face started to
tighten up again.

"Does it have four rooms? Three rooms? It's not two rooms, right? At
the least, it should have its own private bathroom. You're not going to
make him use the public toilet or baths, right? Don't get me wrong, I'm
not intentionally being concerned for him. I'm thinking for you. Right
now, he's also considered your son. It's not good for people to see him in
public like that."

Gu Wei Ting held firmly onto the last bit of patience he had, "There's no
need for you to worry about those things. I've already made

Gu Hai nodded his head, "Then, we can start."

Gu Wei Ting lightly cleared his throat, "When did you started to have
this kind of perverted thoughts?"

A worried frown squirm it way on Gu Hai's face. His mind was still running a
hundred miles an hour, with anxiety chasing close by. He mulled over his
thoughts repeatedly until Gu Wei Ting stopped talking. It was only then did
he raise his eyes.

"Dad, can I say something else? I promise this is the last time."


"The room that Yin Zi is in, does it have a feather comforter? It better
not be natural silk. Nowadays, it's obvious those silks are fake once
they're cleaned. It's not warm at all."

"......I think, we have to resort to violent means again."

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 181: The Inquietude of Youth – The BRAINWASHING


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After enduring some beatings, Gu Hai was exceptionally punctilious as he

opened the corner of his swollen mouth to eat breakfast. Directly in front of
him sat Gu Wei Ting, with his calm and unwavering eyes staring, practically
drilling a hole into his face.

“You’re not planning on staring at me like this for the rest of my life,

Gu Wei Ting coldly replied, “A lifetime won’t be possible. I won’t be able

to live until the day you die. But, as long as I’m still alive, don’t even
think that there’s any hope for you to regain your freedom back.”
Gu Hai stopped chewing and he stared at Gu Wei Ting with a dark and
sinister gaze.

“Don’t force me to abandon my own family.”[1]

Those words did not seem to draw out any distressful emotion out of Gu Wei
Ting. He simply stood up and tidied his clothes before he faced the mirror
and insouciantly said, “If you can really kill me, I’d be proud of you.”

“Crazy old man….” Gu Hai mumbled to himself.

Gu Wei Ting’s hand halted around his collar before he shot Gu Hai a glance
from the corner of his eye, “What did you just say?”

“I said……I’ll work hard!” said Gu Hai, waving his fist mischievously.

Then, he glowered madly in his own head.

Gu Wei Ting finished straightening out his clothes, put his shoes on, and said
a few more word to Gu Hai before leaving, “I’m going away on a business
trip for a week.”

Gu Hai’s eyes brightened up.

Noticing the obvious change in the other person, Gu Wei Ting urgently added
a few more words, “I’ll send someone over to watch you.”

The brilliant light in Gu Hai’s eyes were mingled with a bit of anger and
resentment, he retorted intrepidly, “Don’t I have to go to school at least? I
can’t give up my studies because of this, right?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I’ve already requested a good
teacher for you two. With a renowned teacher, who has a 100% positive
feedback rate, giving you lessons face to face, it’s a guarantee that you’ll
be able to study well.”

The corner of Gu Hai’s bruised lips that had turned purple drew back, “Are
you being tricked by an educational facility somewhere?”
“If he can trick me, then he can also trick you back into the right path.”

A contemptuous expression settled on Gu Hai’s face.

Before taking his leave, Gu Wei Ting added a few more words, “I don’t
have much patience. I’ll only give you one week. After a week, I’ll come
back to check your progress. If you’re still defiant and refuse to come to
your senses, then we’ll have to think of some other methods to rid you of
those thoughts.”

After speaking, his strong and vigorous footsteps gradually disappeared.

Gu Hai quickly stood, grabbed the ointment that he had hidden for the entire
night, and went straight to the door as fast as he can.

“Young Master Gu, this way please!”

Two special forces soldiers, each carrying a rifle, made a respectful gesture
for Gu Hai to see him off.

“Thanks.” Gu Hai maintained a calm demeanor, showing no signs of


Just as he was about to go out, two shadows suddenly flashed by with great
speed, grabbed Gu Hai’s arms, and forced him in another direction.
Naturally, Gu Hai cannot tolerate this kind of coercion. He immediately
threw his hand out and fought back. A tenacious brawl broke out between the

Those two special forces soldier weren’t to be reckoned with. If they were
personally handpicked by Gu Wei Ting, they must be the cream of the crop;
elites amongst the others and more than enough to handle Gu Hai.

Before Gu Wei Ting left, he had also instructed them, not to care who he
was. If he does not comply with his commands, then there is no need to
hesitate in using force to bring him down. Nonetheless, the two were smart
enough to know that they would not be able to bear the responsibility for
causing him any injuries. Therefore, they can only attempt to subdue him.
Although this process was more strenuous, however, it was safer and less

The two were afraid of offending Gu Hai and incurring harm upon
themselves. Therefore, the moment they handcuffed him, they made sure to
give him a praise, “You’re worthy of being the General’s son! You’re really a
giant among men!”[2]

Fuck, where did he find these two stupid bastards……Gu Hai cursed to

In the end, the two special force soldiers escorted Gu Hai to a room. Bai Luo
Yin was also there. The moment their eyes met, a sense of surprise also
appeared. Gu Hai couldn’t help but to turn around and yell back, “Why
didn’t you guys tell me earlier that you’re bringing me to see him?”

One of the soldier held his head high and staunchly replied, “You didn’t

“Fine, just go now.”

With synchronized steps, the two walked out.

“Wait a minute, unlock the handcuffs first.”

Seeing Gu Hai taken here with such force like a criminal, an insufferable pain
rushed into Bai Luo Yin’s heart. Then he saw the injuries that danced on his
body as well as the especially deep and big wound that sat next to his lifeless

He was really beaten after all.

The anxiety that consumed his mind and caused him to tremble with fear for
the entire night, had indeed happened.

“You didn’t sleep well, right?” Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin with his
bruised face.

Bai Luo Yin moved his lips, yet even after a long while, nothing came out.
“Oh, that’s right.” Gu Hai took the ointment out of his pocket and gave it to
Bai Luo Yin, “I wanted to give this to you last night but my dad found
and almost confiscated it.”

Bai Luo Yin reached his hand out to take the ointment, lowered his head for a
look, then asked: “Why are you giving me this ointment?”

“Wasn’t your hand hurt by the whip?”

Bai Luo Yin stared blankly before confusion rose on his brows. He had long
forgotten about it already, yet Gu Hai unexpectedly remembered it.

“Look at you, getting all bruised up like that, and you’re still giving me
the ointment?”

“Honesty, these aren’t anything unusual. I don’t feel anything at all,

they’re actually more like mosquito bites.” After saying that, he pulled Bai
Luo Yin’s hand and look at it with an angry expression, “Fuck, it’s all
bruised up!”

Once those words flew out, Bai Luo Yin felt that Gu Hai’s tone was like a
knife, stabbing deeply into his stomach.

“Before you left, didn’t you promise me you’ll maintain a proper

attitude and not get into any confrontation with you dad?”

“My attitude was pretty proper,” Gu Hai had on an expression full of

grievance, “I told him I wanted to have a nice talk with him. He also
agreed. At that time, I talked to him in a polite manner. But, he was too
unreasonable. After talking for some time, he started to hit me.”

Bai Luo Yin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked tentatively, “Did you ask
him about my condition?”

With difficulty, the corners of Gu Hai’s mouth pulled back into a bright smile
“You’re the only one that understands me.”

Bai Luo Yin went silent, unable to say anything.

“Oh, that’s right. I was about to ask you, which room did Sun Jingwei
placed you in? How’s the condition?”


“Did you sleep last night? Was the bed wide enough? Was the quilt
warm enough?”

“Did Sun Jingwei say anything odd or tried to lecture you? Do he tell
you what he was going to do with you?”

Gu Hai said so many things all at the same time. Bai Luo Yin did not respond
to any of the questions. He just sat there with a gloomy face and refused to
give Gu Hai a glance. From the start, Gu Hai was already riddled with
anxiety. Since he had put so much effort into speaking, if he did not hear any
response, one can only imagine the mood he was in.

“Why aren’t you talking?” Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yin’s head with a bad

Bai Luo Yin’s fierce gaze swept towards Gu Hai’s face, “Don’t bother me!”

Last night, Gu Wei Ting said a lot of harsh words to him, yet Gu Hai didn’t
take it to his heart. But, just this one sentence from Bai Luo Yin, he fell into a
world of pain.

“It wasn’t easy for the two of us to see each other yet you’re giving me
this attitude. Aren’t you being too cruel?”

Bai Luo Yin silently replied in his heart.

No one is as cruel as you. Just look at what’s been done already! It’s really
fucking……you’ve done exactly everything that I was afraid of![2]

Even when the teacher arrived, Gu Hai was still unable to speak a single
word with Bai Luo Yin.

This teacher is also an officer in the army, who has a graduate degree. He had
experiences in tutoring some soldiers before, all of which were done
voluntarily. This was the first time he was asked to teach in such a
methodical manner. Nevertheless, he was still in front of the General’s son,
so it was inevitable that he felt a bit nervous.

“Let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Hua, male, 26 years

old and a graduate from Beihang University.”[4]

Two frozen and expressionless face stared at him.

“Well, I’m very happy to teach you here. My knowledge may be limited,
but if something is unclear, you can tell me anytime.”

*Cough cough* “……there is no need for you to call me Mr. Zhang. Just
call me Xiao Zhang will do. Everyone calls me that.”

“Okay then, let’s just start the lesson.”

While the teacher was busy talking to himself in the front, the two were each
lost in their own thoughts. It was all too obvious that not a single word
entered their brains since neither was actually listening.

Gu Hai doesn’t understand, why did Bai Luo Yin suddenly became angry?

Does he not like it that I brought him here with me? Does he feel wronged?
Does he regret it now? Does he want to go out? Or did I say something that
angered him……

Bai Luo Yin couldn’t help but to cast Gu Hai a glance from the corner of his
eye. He found him with a seemingly worried frown on his face, thinking of
something that he could hardly guess. With just one look at him, Bai Luo Yin
could not bear to look again. He felt that Gu Hai was unusually pitiful, just
like a small kid who collected scraps, the more he looked, the more agonizing
he felt at the pain that gripped his heart.

At a little before noon, lunch was arranged in their respective rooms.

Someone especially delivered the foods to them.

During the afternoon, they continued to attend their lessons. Once it was
over, Gu Hai finally saw where Bai Luo Yin was staying the moment they
were each escorted to their own room.

After much quarreling about nothing for half a day, it turns out, he was
staying at Sun Jingwei’s room, just one path away from Gu Hai.

Although it was only one path away, Gu Hai was not allowed to pass
through. He had no other choice but to look over there with impatience and
anxiety sinking into his bones.

After he ate dinner, someone knocked on the door.

Gu Hai walked over to open the door and saw an unfamiliar face, wearing a
white coat and glasses. The typical image of a doctor.

“Did you go to the wrong room?”

“Are you not Comrade Gu Hai?”

It goes without saying, this must be another one of Gu Wei Ting’s stupid idea
to attack him.

“I’m a comrade[5], but I’m not Gu Hai.”

The doctor smiled politely, “Then, you must be him. I specialized in

treating that ‘kind of sickness’.[6] My name is Wang Xiao Man. I’m a

Just as Gu Hai was about to close the door, the female doctor suddenly went
inside. She must have received training since her movements were as fast as

“……Do you usually just go inside your patient’s room like this?” Gu
Hai’s face darkened.

A rather professional smile appeared on the doctor’s face, “Let’s get to the
main subject.”

“Sit down.” Gu Hai raised his chin.

The doctor was somewhat overwhelmed by this unexpected kindness.

“You came at just the right time. There’s something troubling my mind,
see if you can help me get rid of it.”

“There’s no harm in saying what you’re thinking.”

Gu Hai furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “Tell me, why is he ignoring

“Excuse me, but who’s this ‘he’ that you’re referring to?”

“Aren’t you a psychiatrist? You should be able to tell everything that’s

on my mind. Is it necessary for me to say it openly?”

The doctor was somewhat embarrassed, “Then, I’ll try to analyze it for a

Gu Hai nodded his head.

“I think the reason he’s ignoring you is probably because you don’t
listen to him.”

“I don’t listen to him?” Bewilderment crawled on Gu Hai’s face, “How did

I not listen to him?”

“Just think about it. In his lifetime of experience, a large part of it is

taking orders or giving orders. Each person’s method of processing a
problem and the environment he lives in has a huge connection. His train
of thought is always linear and precise. It’s neither rational nor
emotional. There is no room for hesitation. Each time he’s met with a
problem, he must respond immediately. But you, as his son, live in a
completely different environment…….”

“You’re the one that is his son!” Gu Hai suddenly became furious, “Your
entire family are all his sons!”

The female doctor turned pale and lost her composure, before she spoke in a
timid voice, “How can you say something like that?”
“The person you’re talking about and the one I’m thinking of are
completely different people!”


“A psychiatrist? Don’t interrupt me. Lousy, good for nothing.” Gu Hai

waved his hand with a dark face, “Get lost quickly, don’t wait for me to
chase you out!”

The female doctor, “……”

Translator’s Note:

[1] 大义灭亲: to place righteousness above loyalty to one’s family. [Gu Hai
would choose Bai Luo Yin over his own family.]

[2] 人中之龙 – a giant among men – a threat not to be messed with

[3] You’ve done exactly everything that I was afraid of – 怕什么来什么 =>
越怕什么 就来什么 [the more you’re afraid of something, the more it will

[4] Beihang University, formerly known as Beijing University of Aeronautics

and Astronautics – BUAA [北京航空航天大学] the abbreviation BUAA
retained even after the English name was changed in 2002. It is a member of
China’s Project 211 and Project 985 group of key state universities, with a
heavy focus on high level technological and scientific research.

[5] 同志 tóngzhì – means ‘comrade’ but is a slang/euphemism for

‘gay/homosexual’’. There Gu Hai is emphasizing the gay part when he’s
speaking so basically saying, “I’m gay, but I’m not Gu Hai—”

[6]…in that kind of sickness – She’s saying, “I specialize in treating

comrade’s sickness” or in other word, “—in treating gay patient.” She using
an indirect way to say it like Gu Hai is.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 182: The Inquietude of Youth - The ENERGETIC RAT


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After the psychiatrist left, two special forces soldiers came and took Gu Hai
to a small auditorium where a "special welcome performance" is waiting for
him. Truth be told, it wasn't really a welcome performance, but more of a
masturbation show, as Gu Hai was the only man inside the spacious

All the performers were gorgeous women who had large breasts and equally
large butts. One after another, they emerged on stage to entertain Gu Hai,
either through dance or song numbers. This outrageous scene was exactly
like that of a crown prince choosing a concubine.

It does not take much for Gu Hai to realize that his father really spent a lot of
money this time. He doesn't even know how his father had managed to find
all these female performers in such a small span of time. Every type was
there and every kind of show was available. Each of the performers were
dressed in such a way that they show off the beauty of their bodies, and many
of them were there to give terribly explicit and vulgar performances. Every
one of them was there only for Gu Hai.

Suppose if he was replaced with a group of perverse privates, it is certain that

not a single one of these women would be able to get out of the auditorium

Gu Hai kept his head low all throughout the show. Yes, he would
occasionally lift it, but his eyes would always remain closed. Honestly, it
wasn't that he had no desire to watch. It was just, he wasn't in the mood to be
here at all. He would rather be beside Bai Luo Yin.

When the sponsor of the program noticed that young master Gu was showing
absolutely no interest at the performances, he reprimanded the female
performers. "Just what kind of food did you eat? There's so many of you
here, yet not a single one can arouse the interest of one man! I told you to
increase the range of your movements, didn't I? I told you to express
yourself more emotionally! Looking at every one of you with such lifeless
expressions. There's not even an ounce of stage presence in any of your
performances. Let's not even talk about him, even I wanted to sleep
while watching you!"

"Just how big do you want our movements to be?"

The female performers started to protest in succession due to the unfair

treatment that they were being given.

"The dance we performed is ballet. Regardless if we go back and forth,

the choreography is still the same and is comprised only of a few steps.
Besides, the arrangement is already bold as it is. Any more changes and
it will be completely inappropriate!"

"Stop quarrelling!" The sponsor's face darkened, "What is the next

performance?" He shouted.
Someone answered from behind the curtain, "Female solo vocal."

"Skip it. Go straight to pole dancing."

Gu Hai actually opened his eyes and watched this performance. However,
since the dancers' movements were not at par to his usual standards, it only
took him a couple of minutes before his mind started to wander again. For
him, the only thing worth looking at was actually the pole, which stood in the
middle of the stage.

The performances which followed were all carried out by a group of crazy
women who did nothing but sway and move wildly around on stage. It can be
said that it was their attempt at a sexy dance. These "performances" were
accompanied by both fast beat and sensual songs.

Since Gu Hai was seated at the first row, he was able to see each of the
performer's big, round breasts. They glimmered under the lights and
demanded for his attention, the moment he opened his eyes.

Deep in his heart, he truly wanted to laugh.

Has Gu Wei Ting gone insane? Rather than this extravagant and wasteful
show, wouldn't it have been better if he just sent me some DVDs I can watch
in my room? Isn't it far more simple and efficient?


Back in his room, Gu Hai had just finished taking a shower. He laid on the
bed and started fiddling with his cell phone. Fortunately, Gu Wei Ting did
not confiscate this communication device.

"Yin Zi..." Gu Hai's soft and sensual voice went through.

The person on the other side kept quiet for a while. He then made a whining

"What are you doing?" Gu Hai asked.

"Waiting." Bai Luo Yin said, rather grumpily.

Listening to Bai Luo Yin's voice, Gu Hai could immediately imagine how his
little face was filled with exasperation but also tenderness right at that very

"Are you still angry with me?" Gu Hai asked gently.

Bai Luo Yin nonchalantly replied, "Why would I be angry with you?"

"Not angry, huh? If you're not angry, then why don't we chat for
awhile?" said Gu Hai. Happiness evident in his voice.

"You really know how to redeem yourself quickly, eh?!"

Gu Hai burst into a loud, hearty laugh, "So, you want to hear me call you
'wife' huh?"

Bai Luo Yin was actually standing beside the window while he was talking to
Gu Hai. So, he could clearly hear the other person's laughter along with the
midnight wind. He simply couldn't keep the corners of his lips from curving
into a smile when he heard that familiar laugh.

"Have you treated your wounds yet?"

Gu Hai's voice changed into one drenched with misery. "Where would I
find the medicine to treat my wounds? You're lucky you have someone
to worry about you. I don't have that."

Bai Luo Yin rolled his eyes and snorted coldly, "Then just go and die!"

"You really want me to die?"

Bai Luo Yin was speechless. He intentionally changed the topic.

"You were gone for a long time just now. What have you been doing?"

Gu Hai continued to be playful, "Are you persecuting me for not calling

you earlier?"

"Well, a little bit." Bai Luo Yin finally admitted his feelings.
A quick rush of happiness consumed Gu Hai's mind upon hearing those
words. For a moment, he was unable to think of anything to say to properly
express how he feels. He just kept on smiling and thinking about the
expression that played out on Bai Luo Yin's face as he spoke.

It was only after a long while that he was able to compose a proper sentence,
"I just watched a show that my father arranged."

"Show? What kind of show?"

"Hehe...In order to bring back my interest towards women, my father

specifically invited a group of female performers to entertain me. Each
one of them has a pair of large breasts that bounced in front of my eyes.
You didn't see it, but the way those butts were swinging around, it won't
surprise me if they ended up on top of my penis. It was really a top notch
show and I would've really...but the thing is, you're here...that is, if you
weren't mine, I would've already..."

Gu Hai had yet to finish his sentence when Bai Luo Yin hung up.

I see, someone's jealous....The corners of Gu Hai's mouth drew back into a


Bai Luo Yin stood near the window and lit a cigarette. His dashing eyebrows
curved into a frown as he secretly thought to himself.

"Just how awesome would it be if this paved path did not exist between us?
Without this obstruction, I'd definitely jump in through his window and give
his ass a good round of beating!

Unable to fall asleep, Gu Hai got up from the bed in the middle of the night
and walked towards the door. He pushed it open and saw that the guards have
changed. He thought that these must be the night shift team.

"Bro, come in and sleep for awhile." Gu Hai enthusiastically said as he

patted one of them on the shoulder. The said person slowly turned his head
towards Gu Hai, and as he did so, his neck produced a rattling sound. He
obviously has a stiff neck.
"Thanks, but I'm not tired." After saying that, he turned his head back to
its original position, producing another burst of rattling.

What a great dedication you have towards your work! Gu Hai told himself
after returning to his room. He hit the door with a loud bang.

Gu Hai walked towards the window and gazed out into the distance. He
couldn't see anything except for the deserted training ground. Because his and
Bai Luo Yin's rooms sat side by side, their doors and windows faced the same
direction. This makes it impossible for them to see each other.

At this very moment, Gu Hai truly wished that he was that sentry on guard
duty who was standing in the middle of the cold night. Even though he won't
be able to move, at least he would be able to gaze at Bai Luo Yin through his
windows-even if it was from a distance.

One week, Gu Hai thought. He couldn't possibly sit still and stay resigned to
this fate while he waits for his death like this.

After dinner, the special forces soldier guarding Gu Hai changed as usual.
Immediately after taking their post though, the two officers on night shift saw
three privates walking towards them.

"What are you doing? This is a restricted area. You may not enter
without any permission," says one of the special forces soldier.

One of the privates-one who has a round face-spoke, "Young Master Gu

told us to come."

"He told you to come here? Why would he do that?"

"Young Master Gu said that he is bored to death. So, he wants us to

accompany him and play mahjong."

Just as the private finished speaking, the door opened. Gu Hai's grave and
stern face-the one which sent chills down the spine of even senior officials-
poked out of it and appeared into the two special forces soldiers' line of sight.

"I told them to come over....."

The two guards were just about to retort when Gu Hai raised his chin, daring
them to continue speaking. At once, the three privates proudly entered into
the room. Anyone who knows Gu Hai personally, is well aware that he is one
of the friendliest and most approachable people when he is in a good mood.
But, when he is in a bad mood, a single glance from him is enough to frighten
you to death. It was this trait that allowed him to fully inherit his father's
commanding nature.

Truth be told, the two special forces troops had every intention to stop Gu
Hai. However, they quickly abandoned this idea the moment they saw his
eyes. In any case, the General did not give any order to stop people from
going inside Gu Hai's room, except for Bai Luo Yin.

"It's better to not offend him as much as possible!" thought the two

Inside Gu Hai's room...

"What? You want us to dig a tunnel in the middle of this room?" asked
one of the three privates.

Gu Hai nodded, "Yeah, is there any problem with that?"

"Digging a tunnel is not a problem. We've dug so many before. So

there's really no issue with that, especially if it's just a small one. As long
as you're willing to take responsibility for it, then we can definitely do it.
However, the problem is the amount of time needed to complete this

"How long will it take to dig it?" asked Gu Hai.

The three looked at each other with faces that were riddled with worry and
doubt. The first looked at the second. The second looked at the third. The
third then looked at the first.

The first private then began to speak. "If it's just the three of us, I estimate
that it will take about a month."
"A month?" Gu Hai's face turned green. "I won't even be here after a
month. What would I need a tunnel for then?"

One of the privates cautiously asked, "When do you want it done?"

"Within three days."

"Three days?!" The three cried out together, "Then you'll need one

The following day, after the two special forces soldiers on night shift took
their post, the pair saw a huge group of privates walking towards them. They
were carrying huge bundles of packages on their backs.

"Everyone halt!" One of the special forces soldiers roared, "What are you
all doing?"

The leader of the group replied in a loud voice, "Young Master Gu said
that he is bored to death, so he wants to hold a party tonight and he
wants us to accompany him. We will sleep here after we are done
playing. We brought our beds with us."

The two special forces soldier gave each other a meaningful look, then one of
them opened his mouth and started to speak in a harsh tone, "Have you all
asked permission from your superiors? Staying out all night is a serious
act of misconduct! There's so many of you leaving the dormitory without
permission. It will take a miracle for the officer on night check to not
catch you!"

"That won't be a problem. We won't get discovered since all of us are

from different squads," replied the leader.

The two special forces soldiers suddenly broke out into cold sweat. Young
Master Gu really has the ability to summon so many people!

Gu Hai casually opened the door again and faced the two special forces
soldiers. He stood on the side to let the group of privates in. All the while, he
continued to stare down at the two guards with an expression that screams
'you must not disobey me'.

For the next three nights Gu Hai's room was filled with the sound of singing
and dancing as he and the group he summoned put on a show of peace and
happiness. The music they played was so loud that even Bai Luo Yin could
hear it loud and clear from his room.

"Say, Young Master Gu never stops partying day and night. Doesn't he
ever get tired?" says one of the special forces soldiers.

"If you're locked up for the whole day like he is, you will also go crazy.
Never you mind. Just let him do as he pleases. As long as he doesn't go
outside, he can be as loud as he wants. Also, what he's doing is better
than him attempting suicide," replies the other.

"Yeah, that's true." The special forces soldier who spoke first paused for a
minute, then began to speak again. "Hey! Come to think of it, why do I
always hear the sound a shovel hitting against something?"

"It's probably some kind of special musical instrument."

The group of privates who came to Gu Hai's place started to depart in droves
early morning the next day. They all carried bundles of soils on their backs
with shovels stashed inside.

Bai Luo Yin has been hearing the noisy rumbles coming from Gu Hai's room
for the past three days. Time and again, he asked Gu Hai about it, but the
latter never gave him any answer and would simply smile. It wasn't until the
fourth day of Gu Hai's "partying" that that disturbing noise finally stopped.

When it disappeared, Bai Luo Yin, who was standing in the middle of the
room, suddenly felt a bout of uneasiness in his heart. His mind started to
create all kinds of scary scenarios involving Gu Hai. While those thoughts
danced around in his head, he suddenly heard the distinct sound of a rat
digging a hole coming from below his feet.

Even a good room like this has rats in it? he thought to himself.
What started out as a faint sound slowly grew louder and louder. And with
every moment that passed, Bai Luo Yin's heart is slowly overcome with
doubt and suspicion. A few more moments passed and he started to hear a
single voice. It was as if someone is speaking, exactly underneath him.

Has the rat succeeded?

Bai Luo Yin abruptly crossed the room with huge strides. Suddenly, a crack
formed at the exact spot where he once stood. The crack grew bigger and
bigger, until it turned into a hole.

Holding his breath, Bai Luo Yin awaited for whatever made that hole to
emerge. Seconds later, a muddy hand stretched out from it.

Fuck! Bai Luo Yin shouted.

Another hand emerged and with one push, that energetic giant rat's whole
body reached the surface. He had successfully dug himself into Bai Luo Yin's

Bai Luo Yin was so dumbfounded that his brain stopped working
temporarily. He felt like he was inside a fairy tale.

"Yin Zi!" Gu Hai shouted happily as he rushed towards Bai Luo Yin, pulling
him into a tight hug. The funky smell of mud assaulted Bai Luo Yin's

After releasing Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai cheerfully motioned towards the hole
and enthusiastically said, "Can you see it? This is our 'tunnel of love'."

All throughout this scenario, Bai Luo Yin remained motionless. He felt dazed
and confused, and could not bring it upon himself to react to anything. A few
more seconds passed, then Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai away. An expression
of towering rage painted itself across his face as he faced his muddy lover.

"Are you insane? Can you be a bit more rational?!!"

Gu Hai stared at Bai Luo Yin calmly. His demeanor then became serious and
"If I were to treat you rationally, it means that the intensity of my love
for you will decrease. If that happens, are you willing to accept it?"

There will always be that particular day-that one day when our feelings will
start to dull; the day when I mature and become composed, while you become
wise and open-minded. The passing years will eventually wear away the
sharp edges and corners of our emotions as we become more and more
sensible. I will no longer make such a big fuss over a wound on your hand. At
the same time, you will no longer tear your hair out or stamp your feet just
because of something I said. But when that day truly comes, we will always
have a little bit of something memorable to cherish, right? Otherwise, how
can we support this relationship...this love, throughout our entire lifetime?

Grand and spectacular is good, average and ordinary is also fine. When the
time comes, naturally, aren't we supposed to enjoy it to the fullest?"
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 183: The Inquietude of Youth - The GENERAL's SUDDEN


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.



Without another word, Gu Hai went straight to the bathroom and took a bath.
He carefully washed all the mud off his body, and emerged livelier and more
energetic than before. Upon stepping out of the bathroom, he saw Bai Lou
Yin lying in the middle of the bed, wrapped tightly under the comforter.

Oh! You’re quite conscious of yourself today!

A lusty smile spread across Gu Hai’s face as he slowly approached the bed.
He lifted the comforter and saw that Bai Lou Yin was lying on his stomach,
his face plastered onto the bed sheet. Honestly, he looked like someone had
bullied him and he was trying to stay away from that person. Gu Hai quickly
laid on the bed beside Bai Luo Yin. He then–very sensually–placed his hand
on the small of his back.

Sensing Gu Hai’s hand touching him, Bai Luo Yin stirred to shake the other
person off. He then moved away from him and towards the other side of the
bed. And as if that wasn’t enough, he also turned his head away to the side. It
goes without saying that Bai Luo Yin was quite angry because of the tunnel
that Gu Hai had dug up.

Gu Hai pouted sullenly. He moved his hand again and caressed the same spot
on Bai Luo Yin’s back. Once again, Bai Luo Yin stirred and moved further
away from him. Not one to have his determination dampened, Gu Hai moved
closer to Bai Luo Yin. He then touched the small of his back once more.
Once again, Bai Luo Yin, without uttering a single word, moved away. This
went on for a couple more times until finally, Bai Luo Yin had nowhere else
to move to.

Feeling a bit successful, Gu Hai happily moved closer to Bai Luo Yin. He
placed his mouth close to the side of Bai Luo Yin’s ear and softly said,
“Don’t move anymore. If you do, you’ll fall off.” Clearly, he was trying to
seduce Bai Luo Yin with his deep voice.

Bai Luo Yin wouldn’t budge. He continued to look at the other direction,
refusing to say anything.

He just laid there, motionless; staring at nothing in particular. Gu Hai used

his hands to try and make Bai Luo Yin look his way, but the latter, stubborn
as he was, kept resisting. No matter how many times Gu Hai tried to turn Bai
Luo Yin’s head to look at him, he remained unsuccessful. Bai Luo Yin would
simply turn his head back the other way. This kind of behavior left Gu Hai
perplexed. It was the first time that he had seen Bai Luo Yin employ such
a petulant attitude.

Gu Hai doesn’t know if he should be worried or happy.

“Yin Zi?” Gu Hai softly said. “Look at me.”

Those words further annoyed Bai Luo Yin. He shut his eyes tightly and made
sure his lips remained sealed. One look at this fellow and one would think
that he is preparing to be interrogated by a formidable foe.

Seeing his actions, Gu Hai immediately moved his hand.


Gu Hai’s hand made contact with Bai Luo Yin’s round ass. Of course, he
controlled the amount of force he used so as not to be too excessive. He then
whispered softly into Bai Luo Yin’s ear, “Behave and listen to me. Turn
your head over here.”

Bai Luo Yin’s resolve remained steadfast. His neck was wrung tight with
such arrogance that it did not turn no matter what Gu Hai did. After waiting a
couple of seconds for a response, Gu Hai started to threaten Bai Luo Yin.

“If you don’t behave, I’ll continue to hit you.”

As he said that, he slapped Bai Luo Yin’s ass once more. Still, Bai Luo Yin
showed no sign of yielding. He slapped it again, and again, and again. Every
time his hand would make contact with Bai Luo Yin’s ass, Gu Hai would
would look at his face. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

Finally, Bai Luo Yin’s waist shifted away to avoid Gu Hai’s harassment. Gu
Hai’s big hand chased after his ass again. However, his movement has
changed from slapping to massaging it.

Bai Luo Yin tried to shake Gu Hai’s hand off, but he was no match for Gu
Hai’s strength and swift movements. Taking advantage of a momentary
opening, Gu Hai grabbed Bai Lou Yin and immediately turned his body over
towards him. Within seconds, Bai Luo Yin’s arms were encased in Gu Hai’s
big hands while his eyes were compelled to properly gaze at Gu Hai’s own.

Gu Hai stared intensely at Bai Luo Yin for a moment. Then, without saying
anything, he went on and tried to kiss him. Bai Luo Yin pulled his head back,
avoiding Gu Hai’s kiss. Gu Hai chased after him again, and once again, Bai
Luo Yin managed to dodge his advances.
It was as if the circumstances surrounding their reunion was telling Gu
Hai: it’s going to be difficult for you tonight.

Seeing as how the situation has already come to this, Gu Hai quickly
straightened his waist and used Xiao Hai Zi–who had been hanging down
there– to communicate with Xiao Yin Zi. He shifted his position and moved
his pelvis so that Xiao Hai Zi made contact with Xiao Yin Zi. He did this
several times, until he felt Xiao Yin Zi starting to come to life. Within
seconds, the expression on Bai Luo Yin’s eyes had changed from defiant to
corrupted. Gu Hai moved closer. The tip of his nose pressed against Bai Luo
Yin’s as he ridiculed him.

“You don’t recognize me. You only recognize him, right?”

As much as Bai Luo Yin hates to admit it, he really understands Gu Hai’s
body very well. So well, in fact, that he understands it significantly better
than Gu Hai’s heart. The same is true for Gu Hai. He can easily arouse Bai
Luo Yin’s senses and excite his body, but when it comes to Bai Luo Yin’s
heart and mind, Gu Hai cannot grasp it completely.

Gu Hai lowered his head once more to give Bai Luo Yin a kiss. As expected,
this time he did not avoid it. Bai Luo Yin’s tongue reached out and wrestled
with Gu Hai’s for a while. After some time, Gu Hai started to tease Bai Luo
Yin. He would kiss him for a moment, then stop; kiss him again, then stop;
then kiss him again, and stop again. He played out this tease until Bai Luo
Yin’s once straight brows wrinkled furiously together.

Gu Hai moved down and started licking along Bai Luo Yin’s collarbone.
From there, his tongue made its way upwards, sweeping past Bai Luo Yin’s
Adam’s apple, straight to his chin. After reaching his lower jaw, Gu Hai
moved down once again and started doing the same thing–starting with Bai
Luo Yin’s collarbone. This slow and erotic method was employed to
completely wear down the patience of the person to which his tongue was

Finally, completely aroused, Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai to the side. He
pressed his hands firmly against his sturdy chest and caressed it. Afterwards,
he proceeded to rub and carefully fondle those small soft nipples. Bai Luo
Yin could feel Gu Hai’s body heat rising. He lowered his head and started to
kiss Gu Hai’s chest. He started near the collarbone and worked his way
down, until he reached one of his nipples. He kissed it softly first, then gave
Gu Hai a nasty stare. His eyes moved back towards that perky nipple again,
and licked it. After which, he glanced at Gu Hai’s face once more, as if
daring him. Finally he sucked on said nipple. He sucked and licked it while
one of his hands played with Gu Hai’s other teat.

No longer able to control his emotions, Gu Hai started to moan. His breathing
also became hot and heavy. He needed this–needed to feel Bai Luo Yin’s
touch. He slowly placed his hand inside Bai Luo Yin’s pajamas and made his
way up to his chest, rubbing and caressing it. After some time, he stopped.

“Whose pajamas is this?” He asked.

Bai Luo Yin pulled away from Gu Hai’s nipple and quickly answered, “I
don’t know. Just found it in the drawer.”

“It’s so ugly. Take it off.” Gu Hai made a move to undo the buttons.

Bai Luo Yin’s hand that was on Gu Hai’s other nipple paused. His expression
also changed. He gave the look of someone who had been interrupted while
in the middle of doing something highly important. His eyes darkened as he
laid on his back and stayed there motionless.

Noticing the quick change in Bai Luo Yin’s mood, Gu Hai moved his hand
and pinched his cheeks a couple of times. Then he softly asked, “What
exactly is wrong with you today?”

After a long while, Bai Luo Yin lazily replied, “I want to go home.”

“Do you regret coming here with me?” Gu Hai asked. As he uttered those
words, his complexion changed. Clearly, he was afraid to hear the answer to
his question. “Or…do you regret being with me?”

“No.” Bai Luo Yin softly sighed, “I want us to go back together.”

Once those words escaped his mouth, Gu Hai finally understood what was in
Bai Luo Yin’s mind. He immediately comforted him. “I want to go back as
well. But, if the situation hasn’t been resolved yet, we won’t be able to
live with ease and have peace of mind, right?” His voice was full of

Silence filled the room for a moment. Those words floated in the air and
attempted to drill its way into Bai Luo Yin’s head but he remained indifferent
as if he did not hear anything.

“I want to eat the noodles you make.”

“So…you can also act childish, huh?”

Gu Hai jokingly said those words, but in reality, his heart was already
overflowing with happiness. So much so, that he could almost feel the pain of
not being able to comply with Bai Luo Yin’s request.

“Don’t worry. Wait until we return home. I’ll cook delicious food for you
every day.”

A smile can finally be seen on Bai Luo Yin’s face. He started to speak again,
“You’re a lot better than my dad now. He has been cooking for so many
years, yet the food he makes is still so hard to eat. But you, you’ve only
been learning for a few months, but your food already tastes like it’s
been cooked by an old master.”

“That’s because our strategies and goals are different. Your father
knows that his son is grown now and that he’ll eventually live
independently. So, even if he were able to make great dishes, it won’t be
of much use. But for me, it’s different. I want to be with you for a

If the world could only stop moving at this exact moment, and those words
repeated over and over again, just how wonderful would that be? Never had
such warmth flowed into their hearts before…and with such ease. And it
happened at a time when they longed for home. A home just for the two of
Bai Luo Yin moved closer to Gu Hai. Slowly, his hand reached for Gu Hai’s
chin. He then forced him to look at him. With shy but meaningful eyes, he
looked straight at Gu Hai’s eyes then faintly said, “Marry me, stupid Da

“Okay.” Gu Hai answered quickly. His warm eyes, which stared into Bai
Luo Yin’s with so much affection, were brimming with happiness. “I can
marry into your family and live with you.”

With much strength, Bai Luo Yin pulled Gu Hai tightly towards him. His
tinted lips were laced with a smile that offers but a small glimpse of the sea of
happiness that has currently formed in his heart, bringing life into his entire
being. In a burst of madness, he wildly nibbled Gu Hai’s lips……

Saturday afternoon came. Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai were in the middle of
their class, when suddenly Gu Hai turned his head and gave Bai Luo Yin a
devilish smile. “There’s good news.”

Puzzled, Bai Luo Yin asked, “What good news?”

With great enthusiasm, Gu Hai said, “The conference that my dad is

attending has been extended. He’ll be stuck there and won’t come back
for another two days.”

Bai Luo narrowed his eyes and gave Gu Hai a contemptuous glance, “You
call that good news? If he comes back later than expected, wouldn’t that
mean that we’ll have to stay here longer?”

Naturally, Gu Hai has a retort. “You have to think of it like this. The later
he comes, wouldn’t we be able to dig this tunnel even further out?”

Bai Luo Yin, “……”

Hearing the two’s conversation, Mr. Zhang couldn’t help but want to butt in,
so he let out a light cough. Of course, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai regard him as
a complete eyesore. Ignoring his clear demand for attention, the two young
lads continued their exchange as if Mr. Zhang wasn’t even there.

Bai Luo Yin continued, “Is the information you received accurate? Make
sure it’s not a smoke bomb that your dad is using to deliberately expose
your mistakes. Then when the time comes, he’ll conduct a surprise check
up and you’ll be caught red-handed!”

A fearless expression painted itself on Gu Hai’s face. It was the look of

someone who is not afraid to defy the gods who are residing in heaven and on

“So what if he catches us? In my heart– the way I see it– he’ll have to
accept it sooner or later. Besides, he calls that female psychiatrist daily to
ask for updates. There’s absolutely no reason for any sudden check-ups
to occur.”

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin withdrew his worried gaze and grumbled
aloud to himself. “Last night my dad called and asked if I was going to
return home today. He doesn’t even know something happened.”

Gu Hai stared at Bai Luo Yin for a moment. He looked like he was
contemplating a very hard decision.

“How about you go back first? I don’t think anyone will stop you if you
leave this place. I mean, their goal is to separate the two of us, right? If
you return home, that will support my father’s desire.”

A cloud of sadness enveloped Bai Luo Yin. He shook his head weakly. “I’m
afraid if I go out, I won’t be able to come back in.”

Gu Hai’s lips moved, but no words came out.

A moment later, Bai Luo Yin’s head turned towards Gu Hai. He then said, “I
want to tell my dad the truth.”

“Don’t!” It did not even take one second for Gu Hai to oppose Bai Luo Yin’s
decision, “You can’t tell him!”

“Why not? Won’t he find out sooner or later? Rather than someone
going over there to tell him, it would be better if I take the initiative and
admit it first.”

Gu Hai poked Bai Luo Yin’s forehead for a moment, “Are you stupid?
Aren’t we supposed to deal with it together?”

In return, Bai Luo Yin stared at Gu Hai with sharp eyes, “Actually, you’re
just afraid I’ll feel sorry for my dad and change my mind about us,

Feeling defeated, Gu Hai shamelessly curved the corners of his lips to form a
smile, “How is it that you understand me so well?”

Seeing that crooked smile, Bai Luo Yin immediately tightened his grip on the
book in his hand and smacked Gu Hai with it.


Seizing the very first opportunity that presented itself, without warning, Gu
Wei Ting, quickly returned home the next day. He left before dawn and
arrived at the military compound just a bit past one in the morning.

The moment the two special forces soldiers saw Gu Wei Ting approaching,
they let out a sigh of relief. They have finally completed their mission. They
felt as if a heavy burden has been taken away from them.

“Good morning, General Gu!” The two greeted as they gave him the
standard salute.

Gu Wei Ting nodded rather grumpily before asking, “How was his behavior
these past few days?”

“Extremely well,” One of the soldiers quickly replied.

A slight–almost impossible to detect–smile painted itself onto the corners of

Gu Wei Ting’s lips. “Oh, is that so? How? Let me hear it.”

“He has been very cooperative and did not make things difficult for us,”
said one of the soldiers.
“Every night, he would return to his room when the time to sleep comes.
He never attempted to secretly sneak out,” added the other soldier.

“He would quietly go wherever we take him. And when he’s told to do
something, he would, without question, do it. He never resisted,” said the
other soldier.

“Oh! And he wasn’t picky with his food either.”

The two soldiers continued to praise Gu Hai in front of his father.

A slight frown formed on Gu Wei Ting’s face. His eyes also narrowed
slightly. “Do you think I don’t know my own son? Must you really praise
him so much like that?”

A panicked expression fell on the two soldiers’ faces as they tried their best
to refute what Gu Wei Ting just said.

“Sir, with all due respect, what we just said is the truth, and nothing but
the truth. For the past few days, your son has really been well-behaved.
He was never outrageous. Not even one bit.”

“I concur. Indeed, a few nights ago, he caused a ruckus for a moment.

But for the last two days, he’s been especially well-behaved and slept
really early.”

Gu Wei Ting’s cold and stern gaze softened a bit, “It’s been hard on you
two. You can go back to your quarters and rest now.”

It was only after Gu Wei Ting said those words that the two soldiers were
able to heave a sigh a relief. After performing a proper salute, the two
marched away.

Gu Wei Ting waited for the two soldiers to disappear before pushing the door
open and very carefully entering Gu Hai’s room.

Meanwhile, Gu Hai was still on Bai Luo Yin’s bed, diligently “plowing”
Suddenly, the two heard the sound of the door being pushed open. Gu Hai’s
movements stopped abruptly.

“Sun Jingwei, is it okay to place your luggage here?” says a voice coming
from outside of Bai Luo Yin’s room.

“Doesn’t matter. Anywhere is fine.” said Sun Jingwei.

Fuck! They really came back that quickly!

In one single moment, Bai Luo Yin’s once heated body cooled down. His big
hands immediately flew out and forcefully gripped Gu Hai’s neck. He looked
at Gu Hai with eyes that are covered with resentment and anxiety.

“Didn’t you say that there will definitely be no surprise attack?”

Gu Hai was also wearing a rather surprised expression. Unlike Bai Luo Yin
though, he was able to quickly calm his mind.

Lust once again appeared on Gu Hai’s eyes as he slowly ran his thumb along
Bai Luo Yin’s lower lip and said, “Let me finish this round first, then we’ll

“Fuck.” Bai Luo Yin said as he ruthlessly landed a punch on Gu Hai’s finely
sculpted chest, “You’re a fucking beast!”

Gu Hai’s lips curled into a devilish smile after hearing this. He used both of
his hands to grab Bai Luo Yin by the waist and pulled him up to a semi-
sitting position with Bai Luo Yin’s back against the headboard while
positioning the legs atop his shoulders. He then takes Bai Luo Yin’s arms and
placed them on top of the headboard for support–so that Bai Luo Yin doesn’t
slide down.

Gu Hai then very swiftly shifted his position and grabbed both of Bai Luo
Yin’s thighs. He spread Bai Luo Yin’s legs open slowly, while his hands
made their way to his inner thigh, stopping at Bai Luo Yin’s groin. He
massaged that area with his thumbs for a little while, causing Bai Luo Yin to
take a sharp breath. Gu Hai wrapped his hand around Xiao Hai Zi, and
moved it up and down, up and down. He did this without breaking eye
contact with Bai Luo Yin.

Once he was fully hard again, Gu Hai pushed inside Bai Luo Yin. At this
point, fear and pleasure unlike any that he had ever felt before consumed Bai
Luo Yin. This situation is driving him mad. Yet, he doesn’t want Gu Hai to

Outside the room, Sun Jingwei stood in front of Bai Luo Yin’s door. He
asked the soldiers on guard, “How is he recently?”

“Not bad,” starts one of the soldiers. He pauses then continues. “It’s just
when he sleeps there are some sounds…”

“What sort of sound does he make when he’s sleeping?”

“That is,” begins the soldier again. “Well, uh…it’s…we always hear him
cursing in his sleep.”

Sun Jingwei blinked a few times, concern spread through his face.

This kid still has that kind of habit?

Inside, Gu Hai continues to charge at Bai Luo Yin in full speed. Both guys
are about to reach climax. Bai Luo Yin’s waist started to tremble, his legs felt
really weak as he held onto the headboard for dear life. Gu Hai, on the other
hand, continued to thrust. With low moans, the two were able to finish their
dirty deed at the same time. Gu Hai collapsed onto Bai Luo Yin’s warm body
for a moment. He then reluctantly pulled Xiao Hai Zi out.

“Do I have to go back now?” Gu Hai says as he gets off the bed.

Bai Luo Yin took hold of Gu Hai’s hand and said, “Don’t go yet. Your dad
is definitely looking for you now. If you go out, you’ll walk right into his

Even after searching the entire room, Gu Wei Ting was still unable to see any
trace of Gu Hai. He only had a couple of seconds to pause and think of how
his son managed to get past the guards, before Gu Wei Ting flew into a fit of

Rotten kid. As expected, he was able to sneak out!

The two pitiful special forces soldiers had barely laid on their beds, when
their squad leader came into their room and woke them up with a loud bang.

Back in Bai Luo Yin’s room, the pair have been desperately straining their
ears to make sure they hear everything that’s happening outside, when
suddenly, the sound of distinctly quick and powerful footsteps came.

“General, why are you here?” Asked Sun Jingwei from outside the door.

Gu Wei Ting did not say anything. He stood in front of Bai Luo Yin’s door
and vigorously knocked on it. After a few moments, he said, “Quick! Hurry
up and go in!”

Bai Luo Yin quickly pushed Gu Hai into the tunnel. He had just covered the
floor with a rug when he remembered something he forgot to tell Gu Hai. In
essence, he wanted to say that Gu Hai should not lie on his bed when he gets
to his room. Instead, he should hide somewhere where he can stay until they
find him. In the end, it was too late.

The banging on the door became louder and more intense. Finally, Sun
Jingwei spoke. “Xiao Bai ah, are you asleep yet?”

Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath then put on a sleepy face and started walking
towards the door. As he slowly opened the door for a look, what greeted him
were two utterly amazed faces.

“Uncle Sun, Uncle. When did you guys get back?”

Gu Wei Ting didn’t say anything. He simply took a step then walked into the
room. He walked towards the bed and lifted the quilt. There was no one there.
He crossed the room and opened the cabinet, no one. He walked towards the
window and pulled the curtains open. Still, no one.

His stern and raging eyes turned and honed in on Bai Luo Yin. “Gu Hai isn’t
here with you, is he?”
Bai Luo Yin looked at him with wondering eyes. In truth, he had to dig
through the deepest part of his mind to put up this innocent act.

Gu Wei Ting’s face took on a gloomy countenance. He walked out of the

room with Sun Jingwei, leaving Bai Luo Yin alone. Meanwhile, Gu Hai has
managed to get back into his room undetected. Just as he was about to lay
down on his bed, an image of Bai Luo Yin appeared in his mind. It was as if
a divine light had turned on inside his brain. He ran the other way and hid
inside the wardrobe instead.

Gu Wei Ting had just arrived again in front of Gu Hai’s room. He faced the
two soldiers flanking the door and in one breath roared, “Go find him for me
now! If you can’t find him, don’t you dare come back!”

Useless! You can’t even watch over one person.

As Gu Wei Ting walked into the bedroom, he continued to mutter all sorts of
expletives. His heavy breathing, ridded with a sense of worry, was
exceptionally vivid as it entered Gu Hai’s ears.

Gu Wei Ting quickly walked towards the wardrobe and slowly opened its
doors. To his surprise, he found Gu Hai curled up inside, with eyes slightly
squinted in strain.

Gu Hai effectively wore an expression that made him look as though he had
just woken up. Once hit by the room’s bright light, he quickly used his hands
to block it away from his eyes, creating the illusion that he had been asleep
for a long time.

“Dad, when did you return?” he asked. His voice raspy and riddled with

Doubt settled itself thickly onto Gu Wei Ting’s eyes as he spoke, “What are
you hiding in here for?”

“Sleeping ah…” Gu Hai mumbled back listlessly.

No wonder I didn’t see him on the bed a moment ago. After searching
forever, he had just been hiding here, sleeping. Wait a minute…

“What are you doing in here? Don’t you know how to sleep on a bed?”

Gu Hai laughed bitterly, “The room is too spacious and empty, and the
bed is too big. Only when I squeeze inside this small space, can I feel the
warmth of a family.”

Gu Wei Ting, “……”

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 184: The Inquietude of Youth – The Surprisingly GOOD


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


By the time Gu Wei Ting lay down, Gu Hai was already sleeping soundly
and the lights in the room have long been turned off.

He stared at the darkness for a couple of minutes before his hand started
creeping towards the switch. He couldn’t sleep so he wanted to turn the lights
back on. His hand had reached the switch but then he decided not to press it.
He looked at his son who was sleeping soundly beside him. They were
merely inches apart. Seeing him in such a calm and relaxed manner, Gu Wei
Ting can’t help but feel the urge to observe him closer.

Since Gu Hai was a kid, Gu Wei Ting can only count the fingers of one hand
the number of times he’d been able to look at him attentively like this. His
last memory of such a time was when Gu Hai’s face was just the size of his
palm. Yet, in the blink of an eye, that once innocent face had turned mature
and strikingly handsome.

Years of absence from Gu Hai’s life robbed Gu Wei Ting of not only the
chance to experience the joys that come with being a father, but also the
chance to watch his only son grow little by little into the fine young man that
he is today. Try as he might, there are so many details about Gu Hai’s life
and personality that Gu Wei Ting can’t remember. For one, he has no
recollection of the first time Gu Hai called him “father.” He also has no
memory of the very first time Gu Hai learned to walk. He also does not know
what his son liked to eat as a kid, or the toys he liked to play with.

As far as he can remember, every time he would face his son, Gu Wei Ting
has always worn a monstrous appearance and a rather formidable aura.

When Gu Hai lazed around during training, stirred up trouble at school,

licentiously wandered around, and even when his twisted love affair was
exposed, it was always .this strong and sinister image that loomed over him.

Gu Wei Ting neither tried to hear his son’s side nor did he ever ask him to sit
down for a proper talk. His means for solving whatever problem he faced was
always to throw a fit of rage and beat Gu Hai. The sad part of this reality is,
for the longest time, this was the only way that the two ever interacted.

In all the years that passed, Gu Wei Ting never showed any warmth towards
Gu Hai. Even during the first few days after his wife passed away, Gu Wei
Ting never stuck around. He ran off; went from one place to another. He left
his only son alone. A son who was forced to deal with the misery of losing
the only person who showed him love and compassion all by himself. He
never once thought how broken-hearted, sad, or devastated a 14 year old
child could be when faced with such a tragedy. What’s worse is that it never
occurred to him how traumatizing that experience was for a child.

So the moment, he saw his son–who was more than 180cm–tightly holding
on to his own leg and huddling inside a small wardrobe, a stabbing pain
unexpectedly struck his heart.

He thought, “Regardless of the mistakes Gu Hai had made, the one person
who should take the blame is me.”

Gu Wei Ting quietly observed Gu Hai’s face in the darkness. Even he was
not aware of how tender his own eyes were as they stared at his son. As he
took in all the details of his son’s face, Gu Wei Ting saw two cotton balls
stuck on Gu Hai’s hair. He immediately reached out and removed them. He
then saw a trace of mud at the corner of his mouth. Without even asking why
and how it got there, he wiped it away.

The lights were still off.

Gu Wei Ting lay down on his back. Not long after, he sensed Gu Hai turning
over and moving closer to him. Of course, Gu Hai was already in a deep
sleep and his guard was already down. What remained is some semblance of
innocence and the undeniable promise of youth.

Ignoring the person moving closer to him, Gu Wei Ting turned to his side,
facing Gu Hai. He was about to close his eyes when he felt someone grab one
of his hands. Those two hands were warmer than his by tenfold. And as they
wrapped tightly around his, Gu Wei Ting’s expression became listless for a
moment. His eyes fell on Gu Hai once more.

He’s not awake. Is he just subconsciously looking for a place to warm his

As he looked at his son in this state, Gu Wei Ting became deeply moved.


During breakfast the next day, Gu Wei Ting was contemplating the situation
he and his sons were facing. He kept quiet for a while, pondering by himself,
before he turned and asked Sun Jingwei.

“What do you think about Gu Hai’s situation?”

Sun Jingwei had just taken a spoonful of porridge. He nearly choked on it

when he heard those words.

“You’re asking for my opinion?” He asked in a somewhat startled manner.

“Is there anyone else here?” Gu We Ting raised a brow.

Sun Jingwei never expected Gu Wei Ting to ask for his opinion regarding
this matter. To say that he was shocked by this sudden show trust is an

He placed his chopsticks down and smiled awkwardly before taking in a deep

“Actually…as parents, I don’t think we need to make such a big fuss

over a minor issue like this” he says. “More often than not, our strong
desire to control our children backfires and causes them to be even more
determined to do the very things we don’t want them to. I say, let them
decide how to handle things themselves.”

“Take my daughter for example. She dated a guy when she was in her
second year of junior middle school. They’ve already broken up yet her
mother and I still don’t know exactly what caused them to separate. My
daughter has learned from her past and is better now. The one time she
opened up about it, she completely laughed the entire matter off as if it
was a joke. Just think about it! If my wife and I had known about their
relationship when they were still together, and tried to break them apart,
would she have inevitably taken the matter as just puppy love? Wouldn’t
that joke of a relationship become real and genuine in her eyes?
Similarly, if you were to personally break the boys up, wouldn’t the two
of them subconsciously define their feelings as love? Actually, what have
you seen? Hugging? Being intimate? Think about it, when we were
younger, who wasn’t affectionate with each other, huh? Perhaps, two or
three years from now, when they’re living in a new environment, they’ll
turn back and look at everything and see that all of it was just a joke and
nothing else.”

Gu Wei Ting remained silent. His gaze never left Sun Jingwei as he
contemplated the things he just said.

“Do you mean, I should let go and not care about this?”
“I never said that you shouldn’t care,” Sun Jingwei kindly smiled. He was
much calmer now. “The best you can do is guide them. Whether they
listen or not is totally up to them.”

Gu Wei Ting gave a cold snort when he heard Sun Jingwei’s last statement.
“Then he definitely won’t listen.”

“In all honesty, I think you’re overthinking this matter. Do you

remember Xiao Zheng from the third brigade? That guy who–during
one of the nightly room check-ups–was found squeezed inside one
blanket with with Er Hu, the soldier who slept beside him? After further
investigation, it was discovered that their relationship wasn’t normal,
and they were immediately expelled. But what happened in the end?
After leaving the army, they’ve both respectively got married and had
kids within two years. Now, I reckon there was never anything between
them from the start.”

“I’ve already thought about everything that you’ve said. But the point is,
my son is not Xiao Zheng or Er Hu. You’ll never meet such an unusual
breed like him, even in a hundred years.”

Sun Jingwei stifled a giggle.

Even if he’s an unusual breed, he’s still your offspring.

“I don’t think he’s unusual in any way at all. But because he’s your son,
you subconsciously think that he’s unusual. If this kind of situation
happened to my child, I would also be anxious and eager to separate
them at once. But the point is, you can’t rush this sort of situation. It’s
useless to be anxious about it. Right now, those two are at a phase where
there’s yearning and affection for one another. What can you do to
them? Send one abroad and lock the other up in the military base? If
they keep on thinking and worrying about each other like this, no matter
what you do to separate them, they’ll continue to think of ways to get
back together.”

It might not have been evident, but mentally Gu Wei Ting acknowledged
those last few words. It gave him the will–but not the strength–to consider
another course of action.

Controlling either Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin or the situation was impossible,
but ignoring it all together was impossible as well. From the looks of it, no
matter what he does, those two would not allow their passion and love for
each other to be weakened or whittle down.


Once afternoon class was over, Gu Wei Ting summoned his two sons to have
lunch with him.

“After this meal, you both can leave and do whatever you want!” Gu Wei
Ting said in a low yet powerful tone.

After hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai–who were busy burying
their faces in their plates– lifted their heads. They cannot believe what they
just heard.

“Dad, what do you mean by that, huh?” Gu Hai asked with furrowed
brows. He then glanced at Bai Luo Yin from the corner of his eyes.

With indifference written all over his face, Gu Wei Ting simply let his gaze
sweep by him. “What I mean is, you two better not hang around in front
of me anymore. Just looking at both of you annoys me.”

Silence. This bit of good news was totally unexpected and unbelievable so
neither of them were able to respond immediately.

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Wei Ting with disbelief. Just this morning, he was
still worrying about the secret tunnel that linked his and Gu Hai’s rooms. He
had been considering to quickly cover up the tunnel in fear of Gu Wei Ting
discovering it and beating Gu Hai again.

It seems he had nothing to worry about after all, for things have taken a
sudden turn for the better.

To Bai Luo Yin’s side, Gu Hai’s hand started to move. He reached out to
touch Gu Wei Ting’s forehead but his hands were met in midair by a pair of

“Dad, wait. Are you suffering from something?”

“Don’t act stupid with me!” Gu Wei Ting’s expression darkened, “Hurry
up and eat! After you finish eating, leave immediately!”

Gu Hai’s black pupils flickered as he spoke, “Dad, you don’t care about me

Gu Wei Ting only spared Gu Hai a few words, “Excuse me. That can never

“Don’t!” Gu Hai pretended to be obedient and innocent after he succeeded in

gaining an advantage. “Dad, you can’t ignore me ah! I’m still counting on
you to guide me to the right path. If you stand aside and do nothing, then
what would happen to me if some twisted idea comes to mind and I start
causing trouble again?”

Gu Wei Ting continued to eat the food inside his bowl. His expression
remained calm and composed. “When I cared for you, you never stopped
giving me a hard time. Now that I stopped caring for you, you can do
whatever you want. At least I don’t have to see any of it anymore.”

“Then, what should I do if I miss you?”

This sentence finally caused the chopsticks in Gu Wei Ting’s hand to stop

Looking at the sudden change in his father’s expression, a knot immediately

wrapped around Gu Hai’s heart and strangled it.

Oh my God! Don’t tell me he’s touched by what I just said? What should I do
if he really changes his mind and make me stay here? Fuck! I’m so stupid. I
should’ve just kept my mouth shut instead of saying that!

Gu Wei Ting shot Gu Hai a quick glance. Then out of nowhere, he burst into
laughter. Not a single word was said again. The three simply continued to
finish the food inside their bowls.
On their way out, Bai Luo Yin gave the father and son a quick glance. Gu
Wei Ting was smiling as he bid his sons farewell. His smile reminded Bai
Luo Yin of Bai Han Qi. He would always give him the same sincere smile
every time he would leave home.

“Dad, I’ll be going then!” Gu Hai finally said. He was carrying two large
bags as he stood at the entrance to bid his father one last farewell.

During the entire time, Bai Luo Yin kept his eyes on Gu Wei Ting. However,
when Gu Wei Ting shifted his gaze towards Bai Luo Yin, the latter
immediately moved his eyes in order to avoid meeting Gu Wei Ting’s.

As they walked away side by side, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin greeted Sun
Jingwei who couldn’t refrain from letting out a heavy sigh as he watched the
two figures fade into the distance. “Bai Luo Yin is a pretty good kid.”

Gu Wei Ting, who was standing next to him, shot him a side glance, “How
about I introduce your daughter to someone else so you can forget about

“Don’t…” Sun Jingwei laughed while shaking his head, “I’m not worthy of
being associated with the higher ups.”

Gu Wei Ting laughed along with him. The two then turned around and went
inside together.


As they made their way back home, Bai Luo Yin couldn’t help but be
consumed with anxiety. He was so overwhelmed by this emotion, that he
could not conceal it from the person beside him.

Gu Hai placed his hand on the back of Bai Luo Yin’s head and happily asked,
“Don’t tell me that you’re still mulling over last night’s shock?”

“No, it’s not that,” Bai Luo Yin quietly replied. “I suddenly remembered
my dad.”
Gu Hai halted his steps, “How about we go straight to your house?”

“No.” Bai Luo Yin suddenly gripped Gu Hai’s arm tightly, “I’ve been
wanting to tell you….I plan on confessing to my father.”

After hearing those words, Gu Hai, whose mood that had just started to relax,
suddenly became serious again.

“Is it okay if we take a breather first?” he wearily asked.

“Let’s get it done as soon as possible. Since the first try is always the
most impressive, the second is weak and the third one is exhausting…”

Gu Hai’s forehead dropped to his hands, “It can’t be that torturous…”

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 185: The Inquietude of Youth - HOW WONDERFUL is a


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin returned to their apartment and quickly gathered a
few necessities before making their way to Bai Han Qi's house. By the time
they got there, the sky was already completely shrouded with a dark veil,
with only a few stars puncturing this seemingly inky darkness.

The two arrived just a couple of minutes after Bai Han Qi. And as they
approached his house, they caught sight of a portrait of a happy family living
a quiet and peaceful life. Aunt Zou was in the kitchen cooking what can
easily be assumed as another delicious meal and Bai Han Qi was sitting at the
dinner table, talking to her. Meanwhile, Meng Tong Tian played contentedly
with his toys in the yard.

Without saying anything to each other, both Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin halted
their steps upon reaching the doorway. In his heart, Bai Luo Yin truly felt
like he was not returning home to visit his parents. The warmth that comes
with knowing that you'll see people you hold dear to your heart was not there.
Instead, what resided within was an awful emotion that can only be compared
to the need to permanently silence someone so as to prevent them from
divulging your deepest, darkest secret.

On his side, Gu Hai's eyes remained focused on Bai Luo Yin. He has not
uttered a single word ever since their arrival. In his heart, Gu Hai was
hurting-perhaps far more than Bai Luo Yin. His eyes reflected all the sadness
and anxiety that darkened his lover's face. A twinge weaseled its way into Gu
Hai's heart, gripping it with its claws.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally spoke.

"How about..?" He begins. Worry was very evident in his voice.

"I've already decided," Bai Luo Yin quickly interrupted; his voice feigning
confidence. He already knew that Gu Hai was going to ask him to reconsider
this decision.

After saying this, Bai Luo Yin started to move, but just as he was about to
take a step towards the door, Gu Hai pulled him back using a bit of force.

Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai with warm and sincere eyes. "Don't worry.
I've already made my promise to you, haven't I? I won't change my
mind about us. I definitely won't change it."

"That's not what I'm worried about," as he said this, Gu Hai's hand
reached out and ruffled Bai Luo Yin's soft hair. "I'm worried he'll get mad
and beat you up. If that happens, observe his face and behavior. If they
don't look well, just do what he wants you to do first. Do you hear me?"

Bai Luo Yin did not say anything. He simply gave Gu Hai another reassuring
glance and started to move towards the door once more. However, Gu Hai
pulled him back again.

"Why are you wasting time like this?" said Bai Luo Yin who was starting
to become impatient.
Gu Hai's face was painted with anxiety. He hesitated for a while, but still
decided to speak.

"If your dad really starts hitting you, I don't think I'll be able to stand
back and watch. If I try to block him or lose control and retaliate, would
you mind?"

"Yes, I will mind!" Bai Luo Yin immediately retorted and gave Gu Hai a
deadly glare. He then turned around and went through the door.

Gu Hai followed closely behind. It was quite obvious from his appearance
that he was far more nervous than Bai Luo Yin.

"Sons, you've returned?" By this time, Bai Han Qi was in the middle of
watering the plants using a watering can that he held tightly in his hands.
Once he saw Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai entering their house, a loving and
affectionate smile immediately spread across his face. Gu Hai was at a loss
for words as he looked at that bright smile. His gaze shifted towards Bai Luo
Yin who was wearing an expression similar to that of a kid asking his father a
difficult question.

As expected, this confession that Bai Luo Yin was trying to make, was easier
said than done.

Faced with a task that could potentially break the heart of someone brimming
with joy to see him, Bai Luo Yin couldn't help but to want to slap himself on
the face. Especially so since the heart he's about to break belongs to his
dearly beloved father.

Upon noticing the distressed faces of his sons, Bai Han Qi promptly placed
the watering can down and approached them.

"What's going on?" He asked.

With much difficulty, Bai Luo Yin mustered enough courage to open his
mouth, but just as he did so, Aunt Zou's loud voice came out from the
kitchen. "It's time to eat!"
Bai Han Qi moved past Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin. He then placed his hands
firmly on both guys' shoulders and in one go, happily pushed them towards
the kitchen.

"Let's eat first. Whatever you have to say, will have to wait until after

Funny thing was, the two had just eaten lunch with Gu Wei Ting. And now
they have to eat dinner with Bai Han Qi.

Without any better option, Bai Luo Yin was forced in a situation where he
has to swallow the words he wanted to say along with the food that's about to
be served. As he ate dinner and pretended like nothing happened, his mind
began to slip away. Meanwhile, Bai Han Qi kept on glancing at Gu Hai and
Bai Luo Yin from across the table. He was taking note of their strange
complexions while secretly trying to guess what they needed from him.

After some time, Bai Han Qi began to speak. "After we've eaten and drank
enough, the three of us can have a good chat."

After eating, Aunt Zou took Meng Tong Tian to her room, leaving only Gu
Hai, Bai Luo Yin and Bai Han Qi inside the dining room. She has been
sensing the intense atmosphere between the three and did not want to get in
the way of what they had to discuss.

Bai Han Qi spoke first. "You can speak now. What exactly is going on?"
His gaze fell on Bai Luo Yin.

Bai Luo Yin did not dare look at Bai Han Qi directly in the eyes. He stared
intensely at the dining table while he searched for the words he needed. Gu
Hai placed his arms (which have been resting behind the sofa) around Bai
Luo Yin's shoulders. As he felt Gu Hai touch him, Bai Luo Yin quivered.

Bai Han Qi began to laugh. He reached out to pat Bai Luo Yin's head,
ridiculing him. "Why are you still stalling in front of me? Aren't you
normally capable? Did you get into some sort of trouble? If that's the
case, then you don't need to worry. Daddy will give you an allowance!
Just tell me, how much do you need?"
Finally finding the courage to speak, Bai Luo Yin replied, "It's more serious
than that. You have to prepare your heart for it."

With those words, Bai Han Qi's complexion immediately changed. "You
didn't make someone's daughter pregnant, did you?" He asked with wide

"It's more serious than that." Bai Luo Yin's eyes remained fixed on the
same spot on the table.

At this point, a pool of cold sweat had started forming on Bai Han Qi's
forehead. "Did you make someone's daughter pregnant...and murdered

Bai Luo Yin, "........."

Gu Hai kept silent the entire time. He pretended to be deaf and mute to give
father and son the opportunity to really sort things out. However, when he
heard the things that Bai Han Qi said, he wished he just told him everything
the moment they entered the door. Suddenly, Gu Hai didn't know if he
wanted to laugh or cry.

Taking in a deep breath and willing all the courage he could muster towards
the tip of his tongue, Bai Luo Yin clenched his teeth and mentally stomped
his feet. "Dad, I'll just tell you directly. I like a guy."

At those words, the muscles on Bai Han Qi's face suddenly tightened. He
drew a very deep breath and looked at his two sons with an expression that
fell somewhere between angry, confused and amused. And although no one
can consider the look on Bai Han Qi's face to be that of a pleased man, there
wasn't an ounce of shock on it either.

Suddenly, silence-one that's thick, gloomy and draining- filled the room. No
one dared say anything. Bai Han Qi rubbed his forehead and scratched his
brows. He let out a couple of sighs. And then, silence again.

Gu Hai glanced at Bai Luo Yin whose weary eyes seemed to tremble. It was
quite obvious that he was trying his very best to hold his emotions back. Gu
Hai then looked at the older man. With difficulty, he gathered enough
courage to break this deafening silence. He let out a sigh and spoke.

"The guy that he's talking about is me."


Silence again.

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai were like two criminals, trembling with fear and
trepidation as they waited for the judge's sentence.

After some time, Bai Han Qi lifted his head and looked at Gu Hai and Bai
Luo Yin with eyes filled with sincerity. He finally spoke.

"Yin Zi, come with me," he said sternly before standing up.

Gu Hai stood up first. "Uncle......"

"This has nothing to do with you." Bai Han Qi's crestfallen eyes brushed
past Gu Hai. "It will be fine if you just wait here. Us, father and son, need
to have a good talk."

This was the first time that Gu Hai had received such a cold and detached
look from Bai Han Qi. His eyes slightly widened as his heart began to sink.
Immediately, he found himself spiraling down into a depressing pit of

Gu Hai gripped Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, with an insane amount of strength-
one that he's never used before to touch Bai Luo Yin. Refusing to let his lover
go, he faced Bai Han Qi and said rather loudly, "Uncle, if you're angry,
please just direct your anger towards me. I was the one who seduced Yin
Zi first. I was the one who pestered him. Surely, you know that your son
was never like this?"

Bai Han Qi replied with a calm and composed tone, "I'm not angry. I just
want to have a good talk with him."

Gu Hai still refused to let Bai Luo Yin go. He clung on to him as if his life
depended on it. It wasn't until Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai to the side with
great force, that the latter finally released his grip.

"I know what I need to do. It's enough if you wait here."

Even after hearing those words, Gu Hai still wanted to reach out and grab
hold of him, but Bai Luo Yin had already followed Bai Han Qi into his old
room. Gu Hai wanted to follow, but the door was shut right in front of his
face. Without any other choice, he moved forward and pressed his head
firmly against the door, listening with all his might.

An invisible thread wrapped itself tightly around Gu Hai's throbbing heart. It

wrapped so tight that he could vividly sense the pain stabbing through his
entire being.

Uncle, you must not-by all means-hit him! Even if you want to scold him, you
can't be too harsh. He's still your flesh and blood; your son!

Inside the room, Bai Luo Yin and Bai Han Qi faced each other. Bai Luo Yin's
figure resembled that of a child who was about to be scolded by his dad for
doing something wrong.

Bai Han Qi can't remember the last time he saw Bai Luo Yin wearing this
kind of depressing expression. His image of Bai Luo Yin had always been
that of a man with a straightened out chest wearing a calm and composed
expression. It was very rare for him to see his son in such a distraught state.

Bai Han Qi spoke first. "It's fine. There's no need for you to endure it
anymore. Actually, dad had already saw this early on."

Bai Luo Yin's head shot up the moment he heard those words. His expression
changed instantly from somber to surprised. "You already knew?"

"In the beginning, I only had a suspicion. Nothing more. I just thought
that the two of you...your relationship was not ordinary. I had always
thought that you two were especially friendly with each the
back of my mind, I always hoped that your relationship was not like
what I had imagined it to be. However, in the end, you still confessed to
me. That's good. This way I can cast off my apprehensions and have
peace of mind." After saying this, Bai Han Qi was able to force a smile.

Bai Han Qi's smile was bright and sincere. But, in Bai Luo Yin's eyes, it was
drenched with agony. So much so that even he could feel his father's pain.

"Dad, you must be really disappointed in me, aren't you?"

"No, that's not true!" Bai Han Qi quickly replied with a stern voice. "In
my heart, you'll always be the best. There will never be a second one like

On the other side of the door, Gu Hai was trying his best to hear what was
happening inside. The fact that all he could hear was the vague sound of
words being exchanged and not some loud dispute somewhat helped him
calm down. Although in his heart, he hoped with all his might that Bai Han
Qi had not covered his Bai Luo Yin's mouth and started hitting him.

This thought struck fear into Gu Hai's very soul-causing his entire body to
break out in cold sweats.

"Yin Zi, dad wants to ask you," Bai Han Qi started. "Are you with Gu
Hai because you're lacking paternal love?"

As those words treaded into his brain, Bai Luo Yin became speechless. He
momentarily became lost in his own thoughts.

Gu Hai doesn't look that old, does he?

Seeing that perplexed look weasel its way onto Bai Luo Yin's face, Bai Han
Qi knew right away that his son misunderstood him. He looked at him and
bluntly asked, "Dad just wants to know...what exactly did you think..? About
me getting married that is. Was it such a huge attack to you?"

The way things have unfolded really pushed Bai Luo Yin against the wall. He
felt like he had nothing else to hide. Finally, things have come to a point
where he can tell his dad all the words that he has long kept hidden at the
very bottom of his heart.
"Honestly, your marriage has left a huge gap in my heart. But...Gu Hai
appeared and filled in that gap," Bai Luo Yin said. His eyes started to well.
"Dad, he's really, really good to me. He has never let me do any work
before. If you taste the food he makes, you'll definitely be able to see the
great love and care that he has for me. In this world, besides you, there's
no one else as good to me as he is."

"Dad knows. Dad can see it all." Bai Han Qi nodded his head repeatedly.
He walked forward and cupped Bai Luo Yin's cheeks in the palms of his
hands. He then asked, "If I get a divorce for your sake and take good care
of you starting from today...can the two of you return to having a normal
friendship again?"

These words struck Bai Luo Yin hard. He felt like a bastard; the worst son
any father could ever have. It was as if every inch of him was worthless and
wicked. He has never had such a hard time raising his head in front of Bai
Han Qi before.

He lifted his head a bit and saw the unwillingness to abandon hope painted
strongly on Bai Han Qi's eyes. He suddenly bursted into tears before his
knees gave way and he crashed onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Dad!" He cried out dad in a loud and hoarse voice.

In that lingering and memorable moment, Bai Han Qi understood everything.

Looking at his beloved son with tears cascading down his face, he thoroughly
accepted this reality.

"Dad, I really can't leave him. I can't be separated from him. Please
don't be mad at me, okay?" Bai Luo Yin cried out painfully in between
sobs as he hugged Bai Han Qi's leg. His head was swirling and he felt like
vomiting. It was as if his blood had turned into mud and his heart was
struggling to keep a steady beat.

Bai Han Qi's eyes had already turned red. He crouched down, helped Bai Luo
Yin up and softly patted the back of his head while calmly saying, "Son,
don't cry. Dad doesn't blame you. You've sacrificed so much for me, so
it's only normal that I should understand you. In this lifetime, there's
nothing else that I can ask for except for you to be well. If you really love
me, you have to be a bit better to yourself..."

This entire time, Gu Hai remained glued to the door. When he vaguely heard
Bai Luo Yin cry out just a moment ago, the string around his heart further
tightened. No longer able to control his emotion, he exerted all the strength in
his body to pound on the door several times.

No response.

He faintly heard the sound of Bai Luo Yin weeping and his heart nearly
broke. It felt as though it was being gripped in an ice-cold vise; it ached as if
it will implode inside his chest at any given second. The sobs came
reverberating into his eardrums once again. As anxiety consumed his entire
being, he immediately kicked the door down.

As the door finally gave way, Gu Hai was finally able to see what was
happening inside the room- that is Bai Han Qi giving his dear son a hug, tears
running down his face.

Gu Hai then saw Bai Luo Yin's tears. His chest nearly cracked open. Like an
insatiable fire that has finally burnt all the oxygen in his body, the scene left
him listless and nearly empty. All he could do was stay still as a melancholic
mood took over his entire consciousness like a black cloud, raining sorrow
and anxiety down on him. Those tears-the tears that he never wanted to see in
this entire lifetime- they were crushing his very soul.

Bai Han Qi lifted his head and saw Gu Hai standing in the doorway. He
pushed Bai Luo Yin softly away from his body and walked over towards him
Gu Hai.

"Uncle..." This was the only word that Gu Hai could mutter as he saw Bai
Han Qi slowly approaching him.

As he finally reached the spot where Gu Hai stood, Bai Han Qi allowed their
eyes to meet. With a sincere gaze, he patted Gu Hai's shoulder and walked
out of the room without saying another word.
Gu Hai quickly runs towards Bai Luo Yin's side and worriedly asked, "Did
he hit you? Where did he hit you? Was it hard? Did it hurt?"

Bai Luo Yin choked in between sobs as he forced out a reply, "I wish he had
hit me."

Gu Hai did not know how to feel about those words as he pulled Bai Luo Yin
into his embrace. He could clearly feel him trembling. He tightened his hug
then asked softly, "Why are you crying if he didn't hit you?"

"Because I want to." After saying this, more tears flowed out of Bai Luo
Yin's eyes-like water from a dam they overflowed, drenching his cheeks. The
muscles on his chin continued to tremble even as he tried to force it away.

Gu Hai gently wiped Bai Luo Yin's tears away. He then softly said, "Don't
cry. It's fine now, you have me."
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 186: The Inquietude of Youth - The TUNNEL is


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the blink of an eye, two weeks passed by without any incident. That is
until today...

Today, a thorough inspection of every nook and cranny in the military base is
being conducted. And as it progressed, not surprisingly, Gu Wei Ting and
Sun Jingwei's rooms became the main focus of the inspection. It seems that
the Ministry of Supervision[1] has stumbled upon a peculiar situation while
inspecting their rooms. However, instead of recording their findings (or
rather, because they couldn't dare record what they found), the Ministry has
decided to send two supervising soldiers back to the military base to
discreetly make further inquiries regarding the situation.

"What?" Sun Jingwei asked with a surprised look. "There's been a breach
of security inside my room?"
The supervising soldier carefully nodded his head before cautiously speaking
again. "That's what the monitoring equipment is showing. It's a Level 2

"What?! Level 2 Danger?!!" Sun Jingwei's voice quickly rose along with
his temper. "Are you saying that I'm keeping something illegal inside my

"No, no, no. It's not like that at all." The supervising soldier hurriedly
waved his hands. "There are many types of risk factors that leads to a
Level 2 Danger. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're secretly stashing
weapons or items that could be threatening. In some cases, when the
structure of the building is altered, the equipment used to monitor these
changes will also indicate a Level 2 Danger."

"How can that be? I've never even so much as moved the furniture in the
45 years that I've lived here."

The supervising soldier started to laugh awkwardly when he heard those

words. "We understand," he said. "Believe us, we trust in you. But this is
our job. If a problem is detected, we have to try our best to eliminate it
before it escalates. We hope you understand our position."

Sun Jingwei suddenly let out a hearty laugh. "I've been a soldier for so
many years, do you think I don't understand your difficulties? Being
overcautious is a good quality, especially when it comes to our security.
It's only natural that you have to be very careful. Even the slightest
negligence could cause a large mess. The earlier you discover the
problem, the earlier you can eliminate it, the better."

As the two soldiers walked back to the center of the room, the equipment
started to produce the same loud and high-pitched sound. It reverberated
throughout the enclosed space.

There was no denying it. The problem had something to do with that area of
the room.
The two inspecting soldiers crouched down to have a better look at the floor.
It did not take long before they found a small crack on its surface. Shock
spread across their faces. They glanced at each other-disbelief clearly painted
on their faces.

One of the soldiers looked to the cavalry scout who was standing near the
entrance of the room. Immediately, the scout walked to the side and took a
thin iron bar which he passed to the inspecting officer. They used it to lightly
lift the floor upward.

With very little effort, the floor opened revealing a huge gaping hole before
their eyes.

"A secret path?!" Sweat rolled down the side of the cavalry soldier's
forehead when he saw the tunnel.

At the same time, an expression of disbelief painted itself on Sun Jingwei's

face. "I've lived here for 45 years, and I was never aware that this tunnel

The cavalry scout made a move to go down the tunnel but Sun Jingwei pulled
him back. "Wait a minute. I'll use a lighter to test it out first. This path
could be a hundred years old from ancient times. There might be
poisonous gas inside."

The cavalry soldier rubbed the soil at the mouth of the tunnel. With an
awkward expression, he began to speak, "There's no need to trouble
yourself, sir. I've touched it just now. The soil here is still new. I reckon
it's only been a few days since it was dug."

"Ah..." Sun Jingwei was speechless. "How is that possible? I've been here
the entire time. No one would dare come here without my permission.
Besides, what use would I have in digging a tunnel?"

The cavalry scout stood up and patted Sun Jingwei's shoulder, "First, there's
no need for you to worry. I won't report this to the higher ups for the
time being."
How can Sun Jingwei not be anxious? His eyebrows wrinkled together into a
tight knot as he incessantly pondered about the situation.

Could it be... that someone wants to harm me?

On the other side of the wall, a similar situation was taking place.

A dark and gloomy aura filled the room as Gu Wei Ting's stern expression
beckoned all to not approach him.

Which immoral bastard wants to frame me and make me lose my dignity?

Sun Jingwei was lost at his own thoughts as he continued to stare at the
tunnel. He searched for reasons behind the purpose of this opening inside his

"I have to go down for a look," he finally said.

The cavalry soldier blocked him, "It's better if I do it. My limbs are still
more agile than yours. In case there's something dangerous down there, I
can escape faster."

"There's no need to." Sun Jingwei waved his hand. With swift movements,
he quickly went inside.

Inside Gu Wei Ting's room, the cavalry soldier was attempting to stop the
general from doing the same thing that his friend just did.

"General!" shouted the soldier. He was afraid that something bad might
happen to Gu Wei Ting. "Please, let me take care of this dangerous

Without another word, Gu Wei Ting simply and quickly made his way in.
Needless to say, the two miserable old men found themselves looking at each
other inside the mysterious tunnel.
Gu Wei Ting emerged from the tunnel wearing a severely stern expression.
He was accompanied by Sun Jingwei. The appearance of these two senior
officers made the temperature inside Gu Wei Ting's room drop several
degrees. The aura he emitted forced everyone on their feet.

"General, who do you think dug this tunnel?" asked Sun Jingwei.

Gu Wei Ting merely snorted at those words, "Who do you think? Who else
stayed in these rooms aside from the two of us?"

"It can't be?" Sun Jingwei was immediately overwhelmed with shock and
amazement. "How could the two of them dig out this long tunnel within
such a short period of time?"

"Do you think they did it themselves? There are so many soldiers in the
army. They could've easily found a few to help them out. With that many
people, this tunnel would appear in no time." Gu Wei Ting walked
towards a table with a tea set placed on it. He took a sip from one of the cups.

As he took his tea, Gu Wei Ting's face was riddled with confusion and
annoyance. The combination of these two expressions made it impossible to
tell how he truly feels. 

"Even if others helped them, it's still impossible to not leave a trace of
this mess behind! Think about it, digging a tunnel is a rather huge
project. Where did the shovels come from? Where did the extracted soil
go? How was it possible that the guards on duty were all unable to notice
such an activity? It's just......a lot of things don't make sense!"

In all honesty, Gu Wei Ting was just as curious as Sun Jingwei as to how his
son was able to accomplish this task.

"Bring the surveillance video to me." Gu Wei Ting quickly said. His voice
gave no clue regarding the current state of his mind.

In less than an hour, Sun Jingwei was back in the room. Along with him was
a recording of the surveillance camera from both their rooms. The two old
men moved closer to the screen as they watched the video from Gu Wei
Ting's room with full attention.

They couldn't believe how the entire process played out. As the video
progressed, so did the expressions on their faces. Both their eyes and mouths
grew larger and larger with every minute spent watching the men dig through
the floor of their rooms.

Gu Wei Ting thought that the whole thing was so preposterous and conniving
that he couldn't stop his hands from trembling. Years spent inside the
military, yet no one has ever made him fume with such rage before.

"Tell me, was I wrong when I told you that you'll never meet such an
unusual breed like him even in a hundred years?"

Hearing those words once again made Sun Jingwei admire Gu Hai. It was
wrong, but he couldn't stop himself from acknowledging this emotion.
"From the way I see it, Xiao Hai's courage and insight is quite
marvelous. His ability to organize and bring his plan to fruition is
nothing short of amazing. He definitely exceeded my expectations.
There's no doubt about it. He'll definitely be a talented person in the

"You still have the nerve to talk for him?!!" Gu Wei Ting's violent and
thunderous roar filled the room.

Sun Jingwei immediately stood up. Even after all these years, Gu Wei Ting
still frightens him so much. He held his breath as he waits for the next words
his friend will speak.

Gu Wei Ting paced around the room with an expression that can easily scare
the life out of anyone within eyesight.

"A talented person...a talented person?!! All I see is a hoodlum! Being

bold and having guts does not make him a talented person! Having the
capacity to plan and organize does not make him a talented person! If
this kid takes a wrong turn...even the slightest, he'll definitely be a
cancer of society! And you still want me to just let him be? If I were to
leave him alone, I assure you, within seven to eight years, he will make
the Gu family's ancestors lose their dignity completely!!!"

Those harsh accusations struck a chord in Sun Jingwei's chest, causing him to
reply angrily. "Nowadays, isn't it just a matter of taking it all in
regardless of whether something is right or wrong?"

"Just look. What do you think this means?" Gu Wei Ting's anger
continues to rise. So much so that he had the urge to immediately raise his
fist and beat Sun Jingwei up. "If someone takes all the right and wrong,
then that's just a trick to deceive themselves and others. But what is he?
He completely lacks principle! He's utterly despicable and shameless!"

Sun Jingwei did not utter another word. He stood still. Eyes fixed at nothing.

Still fuming, Gu Wei Ting dropped on the sofa. His gaze was consumed by
hate and regret. "To think that I felt sorry for him that night. I really
believed that he went inside the wardrobe to sleep by himself. After
causing a commotion for half the day, it turns out he was just inside the
tunnel...and he hid in the cabinet. How dare he trick me?!"

"Eh..." Sun Jingwei couldn't stop himself from reacting to those words.

Gu Wei Ting leaned back against the sofa. He closed his eyes and used his
fingers to massage the bridge of his nose. After a while, he stopped. His eyes
shot open then narrowed.

"Bring me the surveillance record from your room."

Sun Jingwei's heart tightened. He started to speak but sounded unstable.

"Perhaps they just thought it was fun to dig a tunnel. Isn't it natural for
kids today to be a bit rebellious?"

"I asked you to bring the recording!" Gu Wei Ting roared.

A sense of panic rushed into Sun Jingwei's head. He had no choice but to
oblige. He brought the laptop to Gu Wei Ting and stood to the side with
frozen limbs.

For the first few minutes, the screen showed nothing-it was almost
completely dark. The only thing they could make out was two elongated
shadows moving. It wasn't clear what they were doing, though Sun Jingwei
has his suspicions.

He felt uneasy. He began to silently pray for some sort of divine intervention
as he hoped that the lighting in the room would remain dark as it was now
until the recording ends.

Then the inevitable happened.

Like a heavy rainstorm on a beautiful spring morning, tragedy stroke. Merely

seconds after Gu Wei Ting decided to fast forward the video, the figure of the
two boys emerging from the bathroom naked appeared. Without switching
the lights off, the two went straight to the bed and started to cling lovingly
and touch each other.

Sun Jingwei walked out of the room. He did not have the heart to look at the
scene unfolding before his eyes, especially with Gu Wei Ting beside him.
Roughly around half an hour later, he returned to the room. The computer
was already turned off and Gu Wei Ting was still sitting on the same spot on
the sofa.

The only difference between when he walked out and now was that this time
Gu Wei Ting's eyes were closed. There was no distinguishable expression
painted on his face. In fact, he looked really calm. Not an ounce of anger can
be seen either on his face or his posture. And that was the scary thing about

Sun Jing Wei knew, without a doubt, that the two boys are finished.

"Last time, didn't you say not to judge them as I've only seen them
hugging?" Gu Wei Ting coldly said while laughing. "This time, I saw

For some unknown reason, Gu Wei Ting's laughter really upset Sun Jingwei.
So much so that his face turned colorless after hearing it.

Gu Wei Ting was not able to sleep that night.

Early the next morning, he sent someone to bring Bai Han Qi, Jiang Yuan
and Aunt Zou together for a meeting. For the first time, the four of them sat
together around a table.

Aunt Zou was extremely nervous. Her palms continued to perspire heavily as
she tries her best to fix her hair and straighten her clothes. Not only was it her
first time being in such a luxurious place, it was also her first time meeting
such an important person.

Bai Han Qi, on the other hand, seemed rather calm. This composed
demeanor, however, is just a front. Inside, his mind is racing. From the
moment the military car picked them up from their home, a storm has started
to rage inside Bai Han Qi's head.

What did Gu Hai's father call the two of us here for? Gu Hai said that his
father is not getting involved in this matter anymore. Is it possible that he
invited us here for a drink in preparation for a wedding?

It was Jiang Yuan who broke the silence around the table. "Lao[2] Gu, what
did you call the three of us here for?"

Gu Wei Ting looked at everyone with a rather solemn expression. His eyes
moved around the table once. As he was about to speak, Aunt Zou's hands
started to tremble uncontrollably.

"I want to speak with you all about something." Gu Wei Ting casted a
grave glance at Bai Han Qi, who was sitting in front of him. "In nature, this
is an extremely serious matter. I hope you all can prepare your hearts

Bai Han Qi looked at Gu Wei Ting straight in the eye and simply nodded his
head. Aunt Zou immediately nodded as well.

Jiang Yuan couldn't believe what she was seeing. She's used to Gu Wei Ting
wearing a stern expression, but the one he's wearing today was different. It
was dark and cold; silent and powerful.

Seeing her husband like this brought on a new feeling to Jiang Yuan.
Perhaps, the information that he wanted to impart on her-on them-was more
than what she was ready to hear. At this time, she couldn't help but to well up
with nervousness.

"Lao Gu, what exactly happened?"

Choosing not to beat around the bush, Gu Wei Ting announced with a cold
face, "Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin have an abnormal relationship."

"An abnormal relationship?" Jiang Yuan's expression immediately

changed. More than anything, she felt confused. "What kind of an
abnormal relationship?"

Gu Wei Ting looked at everyone's faces before he spoke again. He stressed

out every word to make sure everyone understood him, "Same-sex-love."

Jiang Yuan turned pale. She knew that her husband was not joking.
Meanwhile, Bai Han Qi and Aunt Zou showed no particular reaction at all.

"How can that be?" Jiang Yuan's once rosy lips were now white as snow.
"Lao Gu, who did you hear this from?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

Jiang Yuan was so shocked that no other words left her mouth. She simply
sat there, eyes and mouth wide open.

Actually, Gu Wei Ting did not care much for Jiang Yuan's feelings or
reactions. What he was most concerned about was Bai Han Qi's thoughts,
who-being Bai Luo Yin's father-stood on the same ground he was standing

To his surprise though, Bai Han Qi only laughed awkwardly, "You asked us
to come all the way here just to tell us this matter?"

Gu Wei Ting sincerely admired Bai Han Qi's calm expression. "I want to
hear your opinion."

Bai Han Qi looked at Gu Wei Ting's cold and harsh face before cautiously
asking, "How should I address you?"

"Lao Gu is fine."

"That won't do." Bai Han Qi replied rather politely, "You're older than
me, I will call you Gu Lao Ge[1]."

These words proved to Gu Wei Ting that his impression of Bai Han Qi was
correct. It was clear that before him sat a genuinely honest person.

"Gu Lao Ge, thank you for your sincerity in inviting us here today.
Regarding the problem concerning the two should I say it?
We, husband and wife, share a unanimous opinion about it and that is to
let nature take its course."

He pauses then adds, "You can put your worries aside now. There's no
need to worry that we will make things difficult for the two of them. We
are not the kind of parents that are not open-minded. Even more so, I
especially like Da Hai. If he were to really enter our family in the future,
we will treat him as our real son. Hahaha......"

Translator's Note:

[1] Ministry of Supervision (MOS) *of the People's Republic of China -

responsible for the supervision of law enforcement around the country,
including efforts to tackle corruption. It is also responsible for ensuring the
effectiveness of the State Council and the people's governments of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central people's

[2] Lao - means 'old' and is a prefix used before the surname of a person to
indicate affection or familiarity.

[3] Lao Ge - Older brother

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 187: The Inquietude of Youth - How to REALLY make


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After letting out an exuberant burst of laughter, Bai Han Qi finally noticed
that inside this private room, he was the only person who dared to wear a
wide smile on his face. The remaining three silently stared at him and showed
a cold expression as if the temperature of the room was below 20°C. At first,
Aunt Zou had every intention to squeeze out a smile along with Bai Han Qi
since she too held the same feelings regarding this seemingly "strange"
situation. However, once she felt the two pairs of eyes-of the two sitting in
front of her-shooting sharp and dangerous daggers in her direction, the smile
at the corners of her mouth dies down involuntarily.

At long last the silence that loomed over them for what seem like ages was
finally broken when Jiang Yuan spoke up again. Unsurprisingly, the words
that crawled out of her mouth were harsh, hurtful and demeaning as they
rained down on Bai Han Qi.
"Bai Han Qi, did you bring your brain with you today? Our son is
suffering from such a serious problem, yet you still have the guts to
laugh!! Should I call you a kindhearted and generous person, or should I
call you an idiot? Our son is not experiencing puppy love nor is he
cheating on a girl. He is having problems with his sexual orientation.
This is a serious mental illness. Don't you understand any of this at all?"

Although confronted with Jiang Yuan's harsh accusations, an exceptionally

cool air of calmness still played out on Bai Han Qi's expression. So much so
that even the aura around him seems relaxing.

"I believe you should look at yourself. Then, you'll be able to see the
reason for why our son doesn't like women, right?"

Steam rose above Jiang Yuan's head at those words. Caught with such fury,
her eyes were immediately sprinkled with an inky crimson color that were
soon going to spill out. She points her finger firmly at Bai Han Qi and
continues to catechize him. "What do you mean by those words?"

All of a sudden, Gu Wei Ting's hands slam on the table. Then he himself
bellows furiously, "Both of you, stop quarrelling!"

As soon as Gu Wei Ting shouted, no one dared to make a sound.

"Bai Laodi[1], I'm going to make it clear to you. I will never approve of
the two of them being together! Ever. I only invited the two of you here
to resolve the problem. Regardless of whether or not you acknowledge
the issue, it has already happened. Also, what I have to say is, whether
right or wrong, you and I both have this heavy burden in our hearts

Jiang Yuan took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears. She looks as though
she was far more broken-hearted than anyone else was.

Even though the meal was already served, no one moved their chopsticks. All
the while it was only silence and a divided sense of right and wrong that
pervaded the atmosphere between them.
Gu Wei Ting brought his wine cup up and sways it in front of Bai Han Qi's

"Bai Laodi, I hope that after you drink this, you can think of a concrete
solution to this problem."

After clinking their glass of wine against the other, both drained the contents
in one gulp.

As the proverbs goes, wine has the unique savoir faire to incite a person's
courage. After Bai Han Qi finished his cup of wine, his cheeks immediately
flushed red, while his pupils were beaming with giddiness and a youthful

"In regard to this problem, I would like to say wholeheartedly to let

things take their course."

Gu Wei Ting, "..."

Jiang Yuan, whose tears had dried up, fixed her gaze at Aunt Zou

"Didn't Yin Zi say that you're like his own mother now? Then, I would
like to listen to your opinion as his so-called mother about this

Aunt Zou's heart tightens as she unconsciously shoots Bai Han Qi a quick
glance. Not long after, she shifts her gaze back at Jiang Yuan. Letting out a
sigh, a hint of embarrassment and awkwardness seeps through her smile.

"The truth is, I only intended to be an audience in today's meeting."

Hearing such simple words, the answer lacking substance in her opinion,
Jiang Yuan became extremely livid; to the point that it nearly drove her to an
untimely death.

Looking at the two in front of him and their reactions to what he had just
informed them, Gu Wei Ting finally understood everything. The couple he
invited today were neither his allies nor his comrades, rather they could be
called complete reactionaries instead! No wonder the relationship between
their two sons can develop and deepen as swift and violent as it did. As it
turns out, there were actually two despicable people aiding their heinous

"I don't care how you two educate your children, but I must look after
my own son!"

Having said that, Gu Wei Ting proceeded to walk out of the room with a
gloomy and dark face. Meanwhile, Jiang Yuan grabbed her bag and glared at
the two who remained seated with furious eyes before ruthlessly following
her husband out.


During the weekend, Gu Hai woke up before the crack of dawn and
conscientiously washed his face and rinsed his mouth. Afterwards, he fixed
his hair into a natural and easy style before changing into his some clean
clothes. When he walked toward the side of the bed, he could see that Bai
Luo Yin was still sleeping peacefully.

As he silently leaned against the bed to watch him for a few more seconds, he
blew a few strands of hair sitting near Bai Luo Yin's eyes and watched as his
lashes began to flutter. Lowering his head just a bit more, he whispered
softly. "Yin Zi, I'll head out and buy breakfast first. By the time I come
back, you had better be done putting your clothes on! Got it?!"

Instead of replying to Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin immediately buried his head
deeper into the quilts.

Used to this kind of reaction, Gu Hai simply smiled and sweetly kissed Bai
Luo Yin's tinted ear. "I'll get going then."

The fuzzy, indistinct voice-that had attempted to pull him out of his
comfortable sleep everyday-gradually died down. By the time Bai Luo Yin
opened his eyes again, the sun was already high in the sky. There were no
familiar scents of breakfast wafting from the kitchen. Nor could Bai Luo Yin
see Gu Hai's tall and muscular figure within his line of sight.
For the entire morning, Bai Luo Yin searched everywhere for Gu Hai. He
even took the initiative to call every single person he could reach and yet
none of them had any news regarding Gu Hai.

Consumed with terrible anxiety that seemed to stab at his heart repeatedly,
his feet brought him to Bai Han Qi's workplace.

"Was Da Hai taken by his father? Two days ago, his father invited Aunt
Zou and I to discuss something. After listening to his opinion, it seems he
was very adamant in his disapproval regarding the two of you being

Just as Bai Luo Yin turns around to leave, Bai Han Qi pulls him back with a
bit more force than usual.

"Don't go looking for Gu Hai's father so recklessly. The military base is

not a very good place. If by any chance you manage to provoke someone
there, they won't be imprisoned even if they were to beat you! Or worse,
even kill you."

Taking his father's words into account, Bai Luo Yin then simply held Bai
Han Qi's hand and began to console him. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. My
mom is there, so they won't dare harm me."

After he finished speaking, Bai Luo Yin left Bai Han Qi's office hastily with
large and vigorous strides.

Bai Han Qi could only sighed heavily as he watched his son walk away.

This kid... there's completely no way of going back for him anymore!


The moment Gu Wei Ting saw Gu Hai, his first words to him were: "Enlist
in the army."

Gu Hai was utterly shocked and puzzled by Gu Wei Ting's sudden change of
attitude towards him. Because of Gu Wei Ting's rough method of handling
this 'problem,' their relationship-that had just gotten better a few days ago-
became tense and cold once again. But Gu Wei Ting had already stopped
caring about their kinship. In Gu Wei Ting's judgement, Gu Hai had not taken
this short lived sentiment between father and son earnestly either. So even if
he treated Gu Hai well, this son of his would only manipulate him for his
own gain.

"You should give up on this idea altogether. I've said it before, I will
never enlist in the army."

Gu Wei Ting's complexion metamorphosed, giving off a cold aura that

became even more unrelenting. Within seconds, his manner of speaking also
turned ruthless.

"Either you enlist or you break up your relationship. You can only
choose one!"

Gu Hai's gaze turns sharp, "This is my life. I don't need anyone to dictate

"Hehe......" Gu Wei Ting sneered coldly at him, "Then, show me how big
your determination is! Didn't you fearlessly dig a tunnel huh? Starting
now, you'd better stay inside that tunnel. If you still can't understand
your problem or get over Luo Yin, then don't ever hope to get out of

In just a few short hours, Gu Hai had managed to land himself into a dark
tunnel. A situation opposite from his warm and cozy room earlier that day.

At the time, in order to finish the passageway as soon as possible, he wasn't

worried about making it wider. Instead when he had it made, there was barely
enough room for one person to pass through. As a result, aside from sitting or
lying down, it was impossible to stand up from where he was. If he were to
try and move, he could only slowly crawl around this uncomfortable and
claustrophobic tunnel.

Gu Hai closed his eyes and imagined that the end of the tunnel was Bai Luo
Yin's room. In that room, where he had lay down countless times, his mind's
eye saw Bai Luo Yin laying on the bed, waiting for him, all the while
wearing an arrogant yet lovable and awkward countenance. Gu Hai burned
every detail of Bai Luo Yin into his memory as he remained there in the
darkness. So as long as he could endure staying in this tunnel without a hitch,
he could reach Bai Luo Yin's room. He would then be able to hold him
tightly in his arms and accompany him to sleep.

"General." Sun Jingwei said as he stood at the doorway, hesitant to go


Gu Wei Ting was sitting in his chair, pretending to read the newspaper, but in
the truth, none of the words actually registered in his mind.

"Come in."

Sun Jingwei entered with a depressed face and a dreary cloud of darkness
looming over him.

Gu Wei Ting spoke indifferently behind the newspaper, "If there's anything
in your mind, say it directly."

"Take Xiao Hai out of the tunnel. The temperature at night is very low
and the surrounding walls are damp and humid. It's too harsh for him to
stay in there all night long. If by chance, anything bad happens to him
and possibly afflicted with frostbite, wouldn't you be the one with the
most regret?"

It was a long time before Gu Wei Ting replied, "Is there anything else?"

Not another word came from Sun Jingwei as he remained still.

"If there's nothing else, then take an early leave." Gu Wei Ting stated

Sun Jingwei's face looked like he still wanted to speak, but then he held back
his words.

Noticing the obvious hesitation, Gu Wei Ting shot him another glance,
"Why haven't you left yet?"

Weighed down with remorse, Sun Jingwei trudged slowly towards the door
and began his exit.

Looking at his subordinate's retreating back, Gu Wei Ting suddenly spoke up,
"Next time, it is not necessary to report about his situation. The entrance
of the tunnel is in my room. Even if he dies inside, there is no need for
you to pull him out."

Sun Jingwei's footsteps came to a sudden halt before he finally pushed the
door open and silently left the room.

Gu Wei Ting put the newspaper down before his gaze unconsciously swept
towards the floor. It has been more than ten hours and within that period of
time, Gu Hai has been inside the tunnel having had nothing to eat or drink.
Gu Wei Ting never heard him utter a sound or even a groan. Gu Hai always
had that extremely stubborn temperament as he continues with his silent

Meanwhile, Sun Jingwei had covertly lifted the floorboard on his end and
squeezed a blanket inside the tunnel.

In reality, he had already snuck some food to Gu Hai during midday and also
around the evening. Although there was some concern on his part because he
doesn't know whether Gu Hai had eaten it or not.

While pondering upon this issue for the moment, a phone call from Bai Luo
Yin had disrupted his train of thought. He could clearly hear the anxiety in
the young boy's voice informing him that he was currently at the entrance of
the military base, yet he was prohibited from entering.

Sun Jingwei merely offer some kind words and advised him, "Yin Zi, it's
better for you to go home. Xiao Hai is alright. He is sleeping in the
General's room right now. In two days, the General has to leave on a
mission. This time, the mission will last for two month so he wants to
properly accompany his son before his departure."
Bai Luo Yin still had some more words he wanted to say, but Sun Jingwei
had already hung up the call.

At midnight, Sun Jingwei tossed and turned on his bed, unable to sleep. It's
not surprising, who on earth with a conscience would be able to sleep! All the
while there is a live person underneath the floor in such a cold place!!

Upon exiting his room, Sun Jingwei noticed that the lamp in Gu Wei Ting's
room was still on. He couldn't help but to sigh heavily as he watched the
flickering of the light for a moment.

In the end, he is your son, who is freezing beneath the floor. Do you think it's
possible to sleep?

Sun Jingwei went for a walk while smoking. He strolled around and around
until his feet brought him to the entrance of the base. As a result, he caught
sight of a familiar silhouette.

Instead of leaving, Bai Luo Yin was still standing in front of the entrance like
a sentry guard on duty. The only difference was that his clothes appeared
more flimsy.

Sun Jingwei hastily approached him.

"Son, why haven't you returned home yet?"

Shaking his exhaustion away, Bai Luo Yin replied in a slightly hoarse voice,
"I'm waiting for Gu Hai."

Hearing those words spoken so softly, with a bit of sadness welling in their
tone, Sun Jingwei's complexion immediately changed. It wasn't possibly to
make out whether he was seething with anger or anxiousness.

"Didn't I tell you already? The General wants Xiao Hai to accompany
him during these two days. You should obediently wait for him at home.
What did you come here for huh?" Sun Jingwei walks out and drapes a
coat on Bai Luo Yin's shoulders as he spoke.

Instead of keeping the coat on, Bai Luo Yin returned it to Sun Jingwei.
"Uncle Sun, do you think that your words can deceive me?"

For a short while, Sun Jingwei was rendered speechless as a hint of

helplessness seeped through his eyes.

"Even if Xiao Hai was being locked up by the General, you can't be as
foolish as to wait here all day long, right? What can you achieve by doing
this? If by chance the General comes out and finds you here, he will
definitely become even more angry. Listen to uncle, okay? Quickly go
home. If there's really something important that you need to say, it's
better for you to wait until tomorrow morning before coming here

Since Sun Jingwei put it that way, Bai Luo Yin really turned around and
began to walk away.

However, before Sun Jingwei could let out a sigh of relief, he saw Bai Luo
Yin looking around for a dark corner. Before long, he crouched alone in that
nook and hunkered down.


Sun Jingwei felt lost having run out of words to say to the boy.

These two kids, they really know how to make someone worry!!

Translator's Note:

[1]Lǎodì - an affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much
younger than oneself
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter
188 Chapter 189, and Chapter 190


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 188: The Inquietude of Youth - CHALLENGING the TWO


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"General, it's been three days already."

Gu Wei Ting merely gave his bodyguard a glance and nonchalantly asked a
question that he himself already knew the answer to. "What three days?"

Hearing Gu Wei Ting countering him with such a blatant question only
managed to strengthen Sun Jingwei's resolve, making him even more
persistent. For the last two days, he has been riddled with such anxiety that
even the thin skin on his lips had dried up with blisters. The calmer his
commanding officer was, the more terrified and fearful he became. Even
when he dug into the deepest recesses of his own heart, he was unable to
understand what they exactly meant to Gu Wei Ting, every second that Gu
Hai spent underneath in that dark and lonely tunnel.

"Xiao Hai has already stayed in the tunnel for three days."

Gu Wei Ting snorted coldly in response, "It's been less than three days.
Just barely over 68 hours, that's all."

These harsh words struck Sun Jingwei with such displeasure that he couldn't
keep his mouth sealed any longer. "General, is it really worth it? Have you
seen how much worse your complexion has become for the last two days?
You're going to collapse before Xiao Hai will if things keep going on this

"What do I look like huh?" Gu Wei Ting was utterly reluctant to admit to
his mistake as he continued to speak, "Am I not well?"

"If you didn't take this matter to heart, how would you be able to
remember the time so clearly?"

Gu Wei Ting was momentarily at a loss for words as he cast a dark glance at
Sun Jingwei. "Don't come here trying to dredge up some embarrassing
facts. Do you think I don't know what you're doing? You come here all
day long and then have the nerve to send down rice, food and even
blankets for him. Even if he were to stay down there for half a year, it
wouldn't be considered long enough!."

Sun Jingwei's complexion immediately changed of its own accord. "General,

I'm only doing this for your sake. If he really was a criminal, I wouldn't
care one bit if you seal up that tunnel. But the point is, he is not a
criminal. He is your son! It's such a dark place with no room for him to
even stretch his legs out. Even if there were food and water, it would still
be unbearable!"

A cool and indifferent glance called Sun Jingwei's words into question.
"There are two openings at either side of the tunnel. You're telling me
you've never snuck him out of there and into your room to eat and drink
or have a good sleep?"
"If he really wanted to, it would have been great!" It was only at that
moment did Sun Jingwei dare to speak the truth. "General, frankly
speaking, he could have used all the things I sent down to him, but he
didn't. Those things, after I sent them down, they came back up the same
way, untouched! Even the blanket that I squeezed down there for him,
he didn't even tear it open to cover himself up. He would rather remain
down there in the severe cold than use it. General, what season is it now
huh? Even when we were outside with several layers of thick clothes on,
we would still rub our hands together for warmth! Think about Xiao
Hai, how do you think he endured these last three nights?"

Although there was a silent ache striking at his heart, Gu Wei Ting's
expression remained indifferent.

"It's best if you don't deliberately exaggerate this."

"General!" Someone like Sun Jingwei--a hefty man as he is--was so ridden

with anxiety, he nearly wept out bitterly. "I'm not exaggerating. Xiao Hai
really hasn't eaten or drank anything at all! If he was acting sharp yet
petty-minded like he did before, it would have been good. But this time,
he's really standing up to you!"

Gu Wei Ting bellowed in rage, "Then let him die down there!"

Sun Jingwei's sorrowful gaze watched Gu Wei Ting attentively for a long
time until he faintly speaks again, "General, if you didn't give me the
order, I don't have the nerve to rashly go down there. So as of now, I
don't know what Xiao Hai's condition is. I don't know at all." Once that
last word left his lips, with a heavy heart, Sun Jingwei walked out of Gu Wei
Ting's room.

When Gu Wei Ting finally stood up, he suddenly felt a spell of dizziness
overtake him. Only by remaining stationary for a while was he able to steady
his footing and gain a proper composure. He also hadn't slept in three days
and two nights. In truth, the reason he intentionally sent Sun Jingwei away
and intentionally showed no concern to Gu Hai's matter was all to create an
opportunity for Sun Jingwei to rescue Gu Hai. Every night when he lay in
bed, he would think of Gu Hai covering himself up with that damp blanket
and curling into the warmth as he passed another day in that dark tunnel. Gu
Wei Ting never once thought that since the beginning, Gu Hai never once
threw the blanket over himself......

After pacing around the room several times, Gu Wei Ting finally stopped at
the spot where the entrance to the tunnel was. He stooped down and carefully
listened to any sounds of movement coming from within. Even someone who
has a keen ear like him was unable to detect any sounds at all. So much so
that not even the sound of a single breath could be heard.

Gu Wei Ting suddenly lifted the carpet covering the entrance into the tunnel
and nimbly drilled his way in. During his descent, he crouched low and
advanced forward quickly discovering a body lying on the ground not too far
from his gaze.

Seeing the sight ahead of him, Gu Wei Ting's head became blank; he
stumbled somewhat in disarray. Countless times, his back would knock
against the walls of the tunnel, causing the dampened earth to rub against his
well-ironed military uniform.

As he drew closer, Gu Wei Ting was finally able to see Gu Hai breathing. In
that moment, his fearful mindset dissipated and his once throbbing heart
returned to its normal beat.

Since there was no light in the tunnel, Gu Wei Ting was unable to see Gu
Hai's complexion clearly. Although, he could undoubtedly feel the ice-cold
aura permeating from his son's body as he reached down to check on him.
Sun Jingwei was right, Gu Hai had not eaten nor drank anything, a blanket
was there neither. Even worse, there wasn't even a bedsheet to separate his
body from the damp earth. Gu Hai's clothes pressed against the wall of the
tunnel. It had long been moistened and dirtied to a rather sorry state causing a
faintly moldy smell to linger around him.

Gu Wei Ting reached for Gu Hai's hand. It was beyond cold; the feeling as
different as night and day from the warm hands that had gripped his that
night not too long ago.

Sensing someone close by, Gu Hai's hand shot up and gripped Gu Wei
Ting's. Even in such a state, the strength in his son's grip was not as weak and
listless as he had imagined at all. On the contrary, there was somewhat of a
tenacious power that seemed hard to defeat, encircling his form.

"Dad......" Gu Hai calls out, his voice strong and distinct.

Gu Wei Ting's solemn eyes took on Gu Hai's darkened form and not ignorant
to his obviously beaten condition, a bit of rationality flowed back into his
head for the time being.

"Go back up with me now and obediently listen to my arrangements.

Everything that has happened before, I will forget it all and never bring
it up again."

Even as the darkness continued to hover over him in this cold place, Gu Hai
did not let his resolution falter. He still firmly held onto the words that he
spoke three days ago.

"I won't enlist in the army."

"Is it that unbearable for you to stay by my side?" Gu Wei Ting's voice
was flooded with the intense emotions of grief and indignation.

"If you can accept Yin Zi, I can stay by your side every day."

Gu Wei Ting forcefully pulled Gu Hai's collar. The warmth that had
accumulated over the last couple of days is slowly yet surely dissipating little
by little.

"It's impossible for me to accept that kind of relationship."

"Then you can go back up." Gu Hai said faintly as a crippling ache struck
his chest, "I'm doing quite well down here. In my opinion, living a life
with no food, water or a warm blanket is by far easier to endure than
living a life without Yin Zi. If you have any compassion or feel sorry for
my suffering here, then you shouldn't force Yin Zi and I to break up.
Trust me...that kind of separation is a hundred times more painful and
bitter than what it feels like being here in this dark place."
Hearing these words come out of his son's mouth, Gu Wei Ting grit his teeth
together. The anger that he earnestly forced away crawled back into his head.
"That kind of pain is not within my range of acceptance. Even if it
tortures you to death, I won't feel sorry at all!"

Gu Hai's strong voice and the dark aura that swirls in around him
intermingled. "If that is how you feel, I won't be seeing you out."

By the time Gu Wei Ting made his way back uptop, an impulse to command
water be poured into the tunnel and drown Gu Hai sat at the tip of his tongue.

"General, your second son has waited outside for three nights already.
No matter how we urge him, he refuses to leave."

Upon hearing this news, not only was Gu Wei Ting unmoved, he became
even more angry and annoyed by Bai Luo Yin's actions--that he deemed

"Let him in and bring him to me!!"

When Bai Luo Yin entered, his complexion seemed no better than Gu Hai's.
He blanched, the color of a moonbeam or an ivory carving masked his
countenance. Blood had drained from his face as he remained still.

Taking into consideration that Bai Luo Yin was Jiang Yuan's son, Gu Wei
Ting's tone was slightly alleviated.

"Who allowed you to stay in front of the gate every day? Do you know
what kind of vile disturbance this creates? Do you know what you're
doing is making it very difficult for me? At first I thought you were a
sensible and intelligent child that sees the big picture. But in the end, I've
discovered that my judgement was completely wrong. Both yours and
my son's lack of virtue is not only horrendous in a superficial manner,
but also profoundly ingrained in your cores!!"

After hearing the accusations, Bai Luo Yin only replied with a few words.
"Where is Gu Hai?"
At this moment, Bai Luo Yin did not care about anything else aside from Gu
Hai's condition.

That question, asked with that expression undoubtedly picked at Gu Wei

Ting's sensitive nerve.

"Didn't you want to know his condition? I've allowed you to come in
today just so you can see for yourself how much harm the two of you
have created for yourselves because of your unwilfulness and your rash
actions! Do you see this tunnel? Gu Hai has been lying in there, without
eating or drinking for three whole days now. Only when he can't endure
it anymore, acknowledging his mistake and admitting his defeat, will I
take him out of there."

A throbbing pain struck at Bai Luo Yin's heart, wringing it dry as if trying to
bleed him out. That sentence alone haunted him, taunted him, replaying in his
mind like an echo. His insides still felt as if the winter wind was blowing
right through his skin. Seconds later, a bitter and insufferable pain flooded his
senses, leaving himself almost suffocated.

He had been in that tunnel before so he knows well enough how cold it is.
Even worse, he had also once suffered from the cold and hunger. So in
regards to the feeling of starving and freezing, he knows the taste of it all to

With an aching heart, Bai Luo Yin suddenly stooped down and attempted to
go into the tunnel. But before he could, Gu Wei Ting used all his strength to
pull him back, nearly causing him to fall backwards. Disregarding Gu Wei
Ting's strong grip, he struggled with all his might. Then with a signal, a few
special force soldiers marched into the room and forcibly subdued him.

Gu Wei Ting kicked the cover that sealed the tunnel, revealing the opening.
However, he intentionally did not allow Bai Luo Yin to go in.

Bai Luo Yin continued to struggle then tenaciously kicked his feet
repeatedly. The tunnel was only 10 centimeters away from him. If only he
could just reach it, Gu Hai would be in his arms again. However, he was
incapable of going down there, he was incapable of even seeing Gu Hai.
Even a single glance would suffice. Even a single hug would do. But he was
still unable to reach his partner.

"Listen well. If you promise me right now that you will break off this
kind of relationship with Gu Hai, I will immediately let him out. If one
amongst the both of you can reach this compromise, I won't make things
difficult for the two of you. You can do as you see fit!"

Gu Wei Ting's words were like sharp knives stabbing at Bai Luo Yin's heart.
He hissed as he looked straight at the tunnel and bellowed.

"Gu Hai, Gu Hai......"

At that moment, Gu Hai was just about to close his eyes and endure this
endless torment. But, once he heard Bai Luo Yin's voice, his eyes shot open

This was the first time in three days that Gu Hai twisted his head in the
direction of the tunnel entranceway. A stabbing pain pricked his eyes as he
strained them in an attempt to see better. Yet, all he could faintly discern was
a ray of light flickering from the opening. The urge to open his mouth and
respond to Bai Luo Yin's call sat spiritedly at the tip of his tongue. But in that
moment, he suddenly could not speak at all. He couldn't respond to the voice
that called out his name. This was definitely one of Gu Wei Ting's schemes.
He cannot allow Bai Luo Yin to believe that he was really down here.

"Gu Hai, Gu Hai......" Bai Luo Yin's voice became more and more panic-
stricken and hysterical.

Listening to his voice and the agony that dwelled within it, Gu Hai could only
clench his teeth firmly and forced the tears back from rolling down the side
of his face. He still did not utter a single word.

"How is it? Have you figured it out?"

Bai Luo Yin's angry eyes gaped at Gu Wei Ting while the stubborn will
within them collapsed little by little.
"Have you dug a grave for your son in advance? Have you ever
wondered how your late wife will look down from heaven and see
everything going on? What would she think of it all?"

"You don't have to care about what she thinks. I'm asking you right
now!" Gu Wei Ting's eyes were consumed with a sense of arrogance and
tyranny, as if nothing within his sight was worthwhile.

"Make the promise and the two of you will live a harmonious life. If not,
I will take it as I've raised this son in vain! Even if he dies, I'll still admit
the same!"

Bai Luo Yin's line of sight gradually shifted towards the tunnel entrance once

In his heart and mind, Gu Hai silently prayed.

Yin Zi, you must stand your ground! You're my beloved wife that I am most
proud of. No one can fight against you. No one can threaten you. You
cannot disappoint me.

An intense and strange aura of surrender shrouded the room as a pallid color
rose on Bai Luo Yin's dignified face. One of his legs slowly kneeled to the
ground and his hands firmly clung onto the opening of the tunnel. He then let
out a loud and explosive roar that bored its way into the passage, touching at
every crevice and corner it could land on.

"Gu Hai! Gu Hai, listen to me and you listen well! Starting from today
on, every day that you sleep in this tunnel, I will sleep at the side of the
road. Every day that you don't eat or drink, I will not eat nor drink
either. Between the two of us, whoever agrees to this compromise first,
that person is a fucking asshole!!"

After saying these words, Bai Luo Yin suddenly stood up and kicked the
cover, sealing the entranceway into the tunnel. It fitted so well that not even a
gap could be seen. Then he faced the door and took several large strides out,
ignoring everyone's flabbergasted gazes.
The next night, as usual, Bai Luo Yin found a hidden corner to sit at. He wore
the same damp cotton-padded clothes that had yet to dry up. The night wind
continuously blew by him as he enjoyed this "pleasure torment."

It was already very late into the night when two big and warm hands
suddenly reached out and draped a thick overcoat onto his shoulders.

Sensing this, Bai Luo Yin's cold and stiff neck twisted around for a look. As
his gaze met with Bai Han Qi's warm and generous face, the countless guilt,
shame and uneasiness that had devoured him whole, instantly floated to the
top of his throat. Bai Luo Yin's lips moved, yet the words sitting at the tip of
his tongue did not sound out.

"Son, just elope!" Bai Han Qi did not say these words imprudently.

Every word he spoke was often earth-shattering.


This kind of suggestion...

Under this glorious sky, splayed with unclear stars, only a father such as Bai
Han Qi could say it with such sincerity.


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 189: The Inquietude of Youth - YINZI goes to FIND GU

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Bai Luo Yin received such a huge attack from Gu Wei Ting yesterday,
he did not even shed a single drop of tears. But just after hearing Bai Han Qi
say those words a moment ago, a painful stabbing spread throughout his
chest. Before long, a sweltering heat rose on his cheeks, followed by tears
that he tried to force away. Unable to hold it in any longer, he suddenly
choked with sobs.

“Dad, I know that what I’m doing is hurting you, but if I don’t do this, it
would be even more painful for me. Do you know what kind of torment
Gu Hai is suffering through in there? His dad imprisoned him in an
underground tunnel without letting him eat or drink anything. There’s
not even a blanket for him……”

“Alright.” Bai Han Qi caressed the hair on Bai Luo Yin’s head, “There’s no
need to say anymore. Dad understands it all. Just listen to what I say.
You and Da Hai have to go as far as you can. Wait until the day Da Hai’s
dad figures things out and comes around, then the two of you can come

“How did you suddenly come up with this idea?”

“It wasn’t sudden. I’ve already thought it through for several days now.”
Bai Han Qi tightly wrapped his hand around Bai Luo Yin’s arm. “Dad’s
psychological endurance is poor. Actually, I can’t watch you suffering
like this.”

Bai Luo Yin glanced at the overcoat draping off his shoulder before he turned
his head around to look at Bai Han Qi. His eyes seemed to light up with
realization as it lingered on his father’s face.
“Dad, don’t tell me you’ve come here every day for a quick glance at

“A quick glance? I’ve been squatting here for several nights already. It’s
just that I never showed myself, that’s all.”

Just as Bai Luo Yin’s tears were about to flow down once more, Bai Han Qi
quickly spoke again to prevent him from doing so. “That’s enough, that’s
enough. Dad was just teasing you for fun. If I really saw you suffering
like this, do you think I’d let you stay here in the cold? I would’ve
dragged you back home already.”

Bai Luo Yin could faintly sense it. Bai Han Qi lied because he has always
understood his son the best.

After what seems like ages, Bai Han Qi finally spoke again, “Think of a way
to get Da Hai out of there. Then the two of you can leave here as soon as

Hearing those words, spoken so firmly by his kind father, an overflowing

sense of anxiety flooded Bai Luo Yin’s mind, causing a thick layer of
anxiousness to sprinkle across his pale face. “If I leave, then what will you
do? What if he causes a disturbance at our house again? Even if he
doesn’t go, my mom will. Don’t you already know what kind of person
my mom is?”

“Don’t worry,” Bai Han Qi says as he patted Bai Luo Yin’s back. “If you
both really want to disappear, they won’t be paying any attention to me.
Please, they would be long gone treading across the world in search for
the two of you. At most, they’ll come to me looking for information. If
my mood is good, perhaps I’ll leak a bit of details. If not, I won’t pay any
goddamn attention to them .”

Bai Han Qi’s remark did not dispel Bai Luo Yin’s apprehensions at all, in
fact it increased his sense of guilt instead.

“It won’t be that easy to make them leave. Since you’ve already clarified
your attitude toward this situation, they’ll definitely regard you as our
accomplice. The moment we leave, they’ll definitely use every unethical
means to make it difficult for you. Once we know of this, we would have
to come back.”

Hearing his son speak such words, Bai Han Qi could only swallow and force
himself to pretend to not care. “Then you guys can’t give me any details of
where you’re heading. Better off, don’t even give me your contact. That
way, if they come looking for me, it’ll just be a waste of their time. And
I’ll look even more magnanimous in their eyes.”

“If we were to do that, then we’ll be even more uncertain.”

“Yin Zi, listen to dad.” Bai Han Qi takes hold of Bai Luo Yin’s hand.
“There is no need for a father to make it difficult for another father. Lao
Gu is not that kind of person. If he doesn’t have any heart or soul, he
wouldn’t be in the position that he is in now. As for your mom, I’m not
even the slightest bit afraid of her. Before she was able to cause a ruckus
as she pleased because I didn’t want to stoop to her level. But, if she
dares to come here a second time, I won’t be polite anymore!”

Bai Luo Yin shakes his head in disapproval, “This method is still not

“You don’t trust your dad’s strength?” Bai Han Qi suddenly grabbed Bai Luo
Yin’s head and twisted it to the side, forcing his son to look at him. “Who
raised you? If you can be impartial toward Gu Hai, why can’t I towards
Lao Gu?”

If you can be impartial with him, my mom wouldn’t have ran there to be with
him, thought Bai Luo Yin since he did not have the nerve to say it out loud.
Although his father’s heart was by far stronger than his, he was still afraid to
hurt Bai Han Qi’s.

“Dad, even though I trust you, I still can’t do something like that.”

“Son!” Bai Han Qi said then turned Bai Luo Yin’s head towards the direction
of the military base entrance. “Look over there and think hard about it.
What is the most important thing to you right now huh? Da Hai is in
there. Alone. At this point, we don’t know whether he’s dead or alive.
And you’re still in the mood to think about what happens afterwards?”

Bai Luo Yin turned his head back and said, “He is Gu Hai’s dad, he won’t
really do anything to him.”

”Death itself is not so scary. What’s scary is being alive and having to
suffer through it! If you really want to accept this situation and move on,
then what did you run here for? Do you think that being stubborn and
refusing to leave for my sake is good? If so, have you ever thought about
how I feel having to see you like this?”

Bai Luo Yin did not utter another word as he turned to look at the
entranceway into the military base again with bright eyes that were somewhat

Subsequently, Bai Han Qi went on to say, “Yin Zi, you’re not young
anymore. Even if I don’t say it, you should already understand. I would
rather someone stab me twice than see you suffer here in the cold.”

“If you let someone stab you twice, I’ll regret it even more. I’ll be hurt
more than you’d know. Dad listen, I stayed here and endured the cold
because I wanted to.”

“This kid, how can you be so selfish ah? Can’t you put yourself in my
shoes and give it some thought?” Bai Han Qi began talking until his mind
was struck with even more apprehension. It wasn’t long before a type of
anxiousness overcame him and his once calm voice became a roar. “Do you
think I’m letting the two of you go because I’m afraid that you’ll both
suffer? I’ll be worry-free instead! The one in a complete mess right now
is Gu Hai and who can say for sure that you won’t be next. If you stay
here, I won’t have any peace of mind!”

Bai Luo Yin thought that he owed Bai Han Qi for many things…… he was
afraid that in this lifetime, he won’t ever be able to clear this debt.

During the afternoon of the next day, Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Yang several
phone calls in an attempt to set up an appointment for them to meet face to
face. But every time, Gu Yang would refuse saying that he had something he
needed to attend to. In the end, Bai Luo Yin did not bother to call anymore,
he simply went over to where Gu Yang lived and waited outside the entrance

By the time Gu Yang dragged his tired feet home, it was already 11:00 PM at

A sense of surprise rose in Gu Yang’s eyes when he saw Bai Luo Yin
standing before him alone at his doorway.

“What are you doing here?”

“I called and you didn’t have any free time so I came to wait here.”

Gu Yang had on an indifferent expression, as if he didn’t care at all why Bai

Luo Yin came to find him.

“Gu Hai didn’t come with you?”

Gu Yang does not have an inkling of the fact that Gu Hai had come out of the
closet. After Gu Hai left that night, Gu Yang had never taken the initiative to
get in touch with him. As for whether or not Gu Wei Ting went to look for
Gu Hai, what happened at the apartment, or what situation Gu Hai was in
now, Gu Yang was completely unaware of it nor did he feel like asking about
any of it.

Bai Luo Yin didn’t have any retort for this particular statement.

“It’s so late already and you came here alone. Thinking about it, I don’t
really have the guts to open the door now.” Gu Yang laughs coldly.

Shooting Gu Yang a quick glance, Bai Luo Yin said indifferently. “Don’t
worry, I don’t have any interest in you.”

“But I’m afraid I’ll be interested in you.” There was a strangeness pouring
forth from Gu Yang’s eyes that prickled Bai Luo Yin from head to toe. It
made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Once the door was opened, Gu Yang walked in with a calm and collective
demeanor without saying anything. Hesitantly, Bai Luo Yin followed him in.

“There’s only one pair of slippers.” Gu Yang said as he switched out of his
shoes and into the slippers.

Bai Luo Yin took off his own and placed them on the shoe rack. He kept his
socks on as he stood on the floor. Luckily, Gu Yang’s room was entirely
covered with carpet so even if one was barefooted, it wouldn’t feel cold to the

Gu Yang merely looked at Bai Luo Yin’s feet before silently making his way
into his bedroom.

By the time he came back out, there was a pair of plain cotton-padded
slippers in his hand. Without bothering to look at Bai Luo Yin, he throws it
towards his guest’s feet.


“No need to be polite. I was only afraid that your socks will make my
carpet dirty.”

Not bothering to look at him, Bai Luo Yin went straight to the point, “I want
to ask you for help with something.”

“Ask me?” Gu Yang apathetically responded, “Why should I help you?”

“Because the one in trouble is your brother. When you were faced with
difficulties, he helped you. And now that he’s facing his own tough
situation, you can’t just sit there and watch while remaining indifferent,

“Who made the rule that if he helped me, I must help him in return?”
Gu Yang solemnly ignored the question, refusing to buy into it.

Bai Luo Yin answered with two concrete words, “Morals and justice.”
“I’m the kind of person that doesn’t have neither morals nor an idea of

“You have it.”

Gu Yang merely said ‘thanks’ and then walked into the bathroom.

This bath took over a full hour and counting. Ultimately, Bai Luo Yin took a
deep breath and knocked on the bathroom door. “Do you want me to drag
you out?”

“There’s no need to.” Gu Yang’s lazy voice transmitted from the other side
of the door. “If you want to take a bath with me, I would be more than
willing to.”

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin felt sick to his stomach, so much so that
his chest felt congested with a pool of blood. If he didn’t have enough
patience to hold it in, the blood would have been thrown up already.

Both have the same surname “Gu” yet how can there be such an extremely
huge disparity between their personalities? When Gu Hai heard that
something was wrong, he immediately flew over without any objections. Yet
surprisingly, when this person that heard that Gu Hai was faced with a
situation, he still leisurely took an hour long bath without knowing the
situation clearly!!

After getting out of the bathroom, Gu Yang unenthusiastically said, “I want

to sleep so go back.”

Bai Luo Yin remained motionless and stared blankly at Gu Yang, “Gu Hai
has been locked up in an underground tunnel by his father for four days
now. Currently, I’m not sure whether he’s dead or alive.”

Gu Yang’s hand–which was in the process combing his hair–came to a pause.

But soon his composure returned to normal.

“So that’s what happened……I seem to have heard that if people don’t
eat or drink anything for three days and three nights, they will die.”
“That’s impossible, he won’t die.”

Gu Yang put the comb down and turned around to look at Bai Luo Yin,
“Since it’s impossible for him to die, what use is there for you to come
here and ask me for help?”

After a long while, Bai Luo Yin finally spoke, “Let’s get to the point. What
do you want so that you would agree to help?”

Gu Yang walked toward Bai Luo Yin until he stepped past the boy’s personal
space. With slightly raised brows, he faced Bai Luo Yin and looked over his
handsome appearance. Gu Yang’s fingers then reached out to stroke Bai Luo
Yin’s forehead with an attempt to smooth out the frown between his
eyebrows, however Bai Luo Yin stepped back to avoid it.

Gu Yang’s cold and detached mannerism remained in his countenance yet his
eyes looked as though they were raging with a demonic fire. It seemed to
burn with such heat that anyone within his vicinity would be terrified.

“If you sleep with me, I will immediately get him out tomorrow

A cold and stiff expression swiftly settled on Bai Luo Yin’s face. The corner
of his mouth seemed to be wrapped with countless arrows of ice, that if he
open his mouth, those arrows would altogether shoot out and strike Gu Yang

Gu Yang waited. He waited for Bai Luo Yin to fly into a fit of rage out of
humiliation, either that or helplessly surrender. In short, either way is fine.
All he wanted was Bai Luo Yin’s response.

“Before hearing the recording of you panting and moaning for Gu Hai, I
really didn’t have any interest in you. But, after hearing it, I’ve
discovered that I really want to fuck you.”

Gu Yang’s hand was at Bai Luo Yin’s lower abdomen as his bantering
expression became even more distinct. “I guarantee, only the two of us will
know about what happens tonight. How about it? Think about it for a

Bai Luo Yin swiftly gripped Gu Yang’s frivolous hand tightly, to the point of
a sound–like sandpaper being scraped against drywall–could be heard. Gu
Yang in turn gripped his hand back with an even more formidable strength.
The flesh on Bai Luo Yin’s hand put up a strong struggle against Gu Yang’s

“I’m not the least inferior to Gu Hai. Thinking about it, I have even
more experience than he does.”

Unable to listen to those foolish words any longer, Bai Luo Yin finally began
to open his mouth to speak. The only thing was, in that instant, his eyes
changed from sharp and incisive to gentle and mild instead.

“Well, how about this, I’ll introduce you to someone. I think the two of
you are a better match for each other.”

Gu Yang looked at Bai Luo Yin, eyes full of interest, “Who?”

“Zhen Da Cheng.”

Gu Yang, “……”

After squandering around until midnight, Gu Yang still held onto his original
position saying that, “if you don’t agree, you can leave. I want to sleep.”

In the end, just as he was about to switch the lights off, Bai Luo Yin also got
on the bed. When the plank of the bed frame shook for a moment, Bai Luo
Yin’s body leaned closer to Gu Yang’s. The latter actually believed that Bai
Luo Yin was truly going to accept the compromise just like that. But, as a
result, Bai Luo Yin just sat on the bed motionless, staring at him attentively.

“I don’t like having a pet crouching on my bed keeping vigil on me.”

Having said that, Gu Yang immediately closed his eyes. After a good amount
of time had passed, he did not hear any response. He cracked his eyes open
just a bit and discovered there was still a shadow beside him. Still motionless.
The shadow simply remained sitting beside him. Bai Luo Yin’s face was very
pale and sickly, his eyes dark and gloomy, showing no sign of life while the
corner of his mouth held onto a sinister smile.

If this was a person not familiar with the situation, who had awoken to see
this scenario, they would have definitely be scared to death.

Unable to take the disturbance any longer, Gu Yang finally spoke out, “What
exactly are you doing?”

Bai Luo Yin calmly said: “Gu Hai’s ghost entrusted me with some words
to give to you. He did not die in the tunnel, he died beneath your bed.”

Gu Yang pulled his head back as his eyes widened just the slightest. He was
terrified to the point that he was seeing stars.

“You two are worthy of being a couple.”


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 190: The Inquietude of Youth - GU HAI successfully


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Acting as if he did not hear anything, Bai Luo Yin remained to the side and
continued to speak garrulously without getting to the point. “Before he died,
his face was completely purple. His lips were so parched like that of an
old dried up tree bark. He kept on crying out miserably: Brother ah,
brother ah, I’m really thirsty. My fingers are all broken from being
chewed on. I drank my blood dry already…brother ah, brother ah. I’m
really hungry. My stomach is stuffed with tree roots and insects from the
soil that was dug up. Brother ah, brother ah, I’m really cold. All my toes
are all split open, mutilated and bloody……”

Hearing Bai Luo Yin’s dreadful voice, Gu Yang shouted coldly at him to
stop, “Don’t take me as Gu Hai. I am not that easily swayed.”


Bai Luo Yin suddenly screamed without any warning sign at all. His voice
was so loud and crisp, that it provoked Gu Yang’s pupils to widen.

“I see Da Hai. I can really see Da Hai. He’s under your bed……”

After saying that, he immediately leaned down at the side of the bed; his
upper body scuttled beneath, while his legs and feet remained on top. By then
his head had already reached the floor. There was an obvious sound of
excitement in his voice that he could not suppress once he spoke again.

“Da Hai, say whatever it is you want to say. I’m listening.”

Suddenly, the veins on Gu Yang’s temple jumped; unable to bear the thought
of it, he kicked Bai Luo Yin off the bed.
Even then, Bai Luo Yin continued to speak to the air beneath the bed
although no one else was present in the room. The way he spoke was clear,
precise and orderly, to the point that it seemed like he actually did hear
something. Many of the words used were very sensational, all said for Gu
Yang to hear. But, Gu Yang pretended to be deaf. Bai Luo Yin was like an
audio recording device, patiently and painstakingly saying those words over
and over again.

At long last, Bai Luo Yin successfully tugged at Gu Yang’s supposedly

impenetrable nerves and annoyed him. Unable to continue bearing with this
tedious behavior, Gu Yang quickly and violently got up and grabbed Bai Luo
Yin’s belt, with the intention of hauling him back up onto the bed. But, Bai
Luo Yin’s belt loosened and gravity took control by dragging his legs and
feet off the bed. Gu Yang’s eyes merely widened as he watched the boy’s
entire body slip to the ground, leaving only the belt in his hand.

“Da Hai……I’m here to accompany you. I’ll go with you…” whispered

Bai Luo Yin listlessly, his strength dwindling along with his breath.

Looking morose, Gu Yang lugged his body off the bed. He wanted to pull
The foolish boy up, however, he quickly noticed that Bai Luo Yin’s body was
really stiff. Within seconds, anxiety overflowed his face as he made haste and
switched the lamp on. What he saw then was Bai Luo Yin’s sickly
countenance, depleted of all colors. His eyes were opened wider than usual
while his lips trembled as if wanting to say something but was unable to.

Gu Yang carried Bai Luo Yin onto the bed and quickly called for a doctor to
come over. By the time he hung up the call, Bai Luo Yin had already lost

“Fuck! I’ve lost to you. You didn’t use this method to keep a hold on Gu
Hai, did you?”

Gu Yang stood at the side of the bed at a loss for words, with a dumbstruck
expression trickling from the side of his face. Even the wrinkles between his
brows seemed to have tightened tremendously. Since the moment Bai Luo
Yin requested help from him, he had already decided he would help. As for
his unreasonable demands, it was purely out of evil delight.
First of all, he wanted to tease Bai Luo Yin and secondly, he wanted to make
him give up and back out of this difficult situation. Only then could he have a
smooth and peaceful night of sleep so that he could be energetic enough to go
to the military base the next day.

Who would have guessed that in the end, he himself was unexpectedly
extorted and wronged by Bai Luo Yin instead!!


Early in the morning, Gu Wei Ting received a call from Gu Yang.

“Uncle, are you at the military base?”

Finding it rather peculiar to hear his nephew’s voice so early, Gu Wei Ting
quickly constructed a defensible wall in his mind to guard against any sudden
attacks. “I’m here. What’s going on?”

“Oh. I have something I wanted to ask you for help with. What do you
think, is it more convenient to meet face to face outside, or should I go to
the base?”

“You can come over here.”

After hanging up Gu Yang’s call for just a moment, Sun Jingwei knocked on
the door and entered to remind Gu Wei Ting that he has a conference to
participate in. He was in the middle of getting ready when the call came
through. Now, the car for the conference needed to set off at once.

“Oh, there’s a conference today……” Gu Wei Ting’s fingers tapped the

desk, “I’ve forgotten about this matter already.”

Having said that he got up and tidied his things while incessantly massaging
his temple with his hand. From the looks of it, his mental state did not seem
to be well either.

Sun Jingwei stood at the door, his eyes stared straight ahead on the floor at
the center of the room the entire time. When Gu Wei Ting shifted his gaze
over, Sun Jingwei turns his head around and feigned a calm expression as if
he was aloof.

For the past two days, Sun Jingwei had been quite obedient and guileless. If
there were no urgent tasks, he barely entered Gu Wei Ting’s room. And
always upon entering, he only spoke a few words before taking his leave.
With each time, never once did he mentioned Gu Hai’s situation.

Just as Gu Wei Ting was about to leave, Gu Yang’s call came through once

“Uncle, I’m already at the entrance.”

“I have a conference to attend now. You can stay in the guest room and
wait for me for a while. Or, you can go directly to my place and wait

Even after he put his phone away, Gu Wei Ting felt a strange aura hovering
over him which left him feeling insecure. So as to give himself a slight peace
of mind, he dispatched two more soldiers to guard the door. Then, with a
stern and powerful glare, he intentionally exhorted to them a few words using
a life-threatening tone.

“He can freely enter or exit, but he cannot leave with anyone.
Remember, guard the two rooms on either side well. If something
happens, I’ll be looking for you two directly.”

“Understood sir!!!” The two soldiers shouted uniformly.

Gu Yang emerged from a luxurious car, wearing an extremely flashy outfit.

He had on a sleek black suit that outlined his slim figure, a hat–definitely an
expensive one–an oversized pair of sunglasses and a stern and dignified
expression to match his overall appearance……he leisurely walked over from
the distance with much grandeur that the four soldiers on duty thought that he
was a famous movie star once they saw him.

After he showed his identification card the four soldiers conceded and
allowed him to enter, their eyes brimming with envy and respect.
“Did you see? The General’s nephew is really handsome.”

“His nephew huh? I thought it was his son!” The soldier sighed, “He
really looks like him.”

“His son is still studying. When have you seen him dressed like this?”

“That’s true.”

Once he entered the room, Gu Yang did not say anything further. The first
thing he did was to immediately tear off this ridiculous looking outfit.

This is so stupid.

He really wanted to look in the mirror and slap himself hard in the face.

After changing out of his clothes, Gu Yang began to walk about until he
finally found a small crack on the floor of the living room. He then carefully
and cautiously moved it to the side. He took in a deep breathe and made his
way down.

At this point, Gu Hai was already the same color as the earth he lay on. This
made it hard to distinguish where his body was which caused Gu Yang to
nearly stumble over him.

“Gu Hai……” Gu Yang tried to call out, “Is that you?”

Gu Hai cracked his eyes open and tried his best to focus. After a few seconds,
he was finally able to make out who the person was in front of him.

“Why are you here?”

His voice sounds broken when he spoke. Just hearing it nearly made Gu
Yang think that he had entered the wrong tunnel.

“Don’t say anything. Come out with me first.”

Gu Hai had been hunger stricken for nearly five days now, but even then, he
still has the strength to shove Gu Yang to the side. “Go away, I would
rather die than submit.”

This stubbornness, even when in the face of adversity, brought a sense of

annoyance into Gu Yang’s already roughed up nerves. He shifted closer
again. Although he couldn’t see too clearly in this dark and cramped tunnel,
Gu Yang narrowed his eyes, just enough to display his displeasure. His eyes
began to well with anger then without warning, he slapped Gu Hai in the

“You better fucking behave. Bai Luo Yin made me come.”

A dirty and messed up monkey emerged from the tunnel. It was already
impossible to see what his clothes had looked like originally and his face–his
defined and well sculpted face–was caked in dirt to the point where it was
hard to see his facial features. This kind of appearance would make anyone
think of an image of a miner in the aftermath of a mining disaster. The
miserable condition of those miners who had suffered for a few days until
they were rescued by being lifted out of the debris and into the open air was a
great portrayal of Gu Hai at this moment.

“Water,” said Gu Hai as he waved his hand in front of Gu Yang.

Gu Yang quickly brought over a cup of water. He propped Gu Hai up with

his arm then fed him several big mouthfuls.

After he finished the water, Gu Hai lay back down on the floor again. His
eyes were bloodshot, the surface of his lips was covered entirely with
frostbite that refused to leave. Unsurprisingly, it was a ghastly sight for
anyone to take in.

Yet, even under this circumstance he nevertheless seized Gu Yang’s hand

and incessantly asked, “Where’s Yin Zi? How is he?”

Gu Yang yanked the front of Gu Hai clothes forward as he stared at his

cousin, eyes brimming rage.

“Look at the state you’re in and you still have the audacity to think
about someone else?”
Gu Hai continued to ask, “Yin Zi sent you with a message for me, right?”

Anger rose from Gu Yang’s stomach and traveled all the way to the sensitive
skin at the top of his temple. He fiercely grabbed Gu Hai’s head with his
hands and smashed it against the floor. “Is there something wrong with
your fucking head? Didn’t I tell you that it’s enough to just play around?
Didn’t I warn you not to be so serious? Why didn’t you listen to my
words? Why?……” Gu Yang’s yelling immediately stopped. He found no
other words to speak.

Upon seeing Gu Hai’s head, that was smashed heavily on the floor earlier,
had already started to bleed out, Gu Yang stopped his savage actions. He
pulled Hai up and held him tightly against his chest. Never once had a
complete sense of fear and heartache appeared so impressively on Gu Yang’s
face until now.

“Ge, you’ve said it too late.” Gu Hai calmly started to speak, “You should
have said that before I changed schools.”

Gu Yang randomly found some food for Gu Hai to eat so that his stomach
was well fed for the time being, then he took him into the bathroom. After
taking a bath, all of Gu Hai’s limbs cramped up, leaving him sore and even
more tired than he was previously. While putting on the change of clothes, he
grimaced in pain from each movement.

“Hurry up and stop wasting time.” Gu Yang urged him repeatedly.

Gu Hai grumbled bitterly, “I also want to be faster, but my arms and legs
won’t listen to me at all!”

With a cold face, Gu Yang stepped forward and helped Gu Hai into the entire
set of clothes that he had worn previously. Normally, Gu Hai is just a bit
more robust than Gu Yang even though their statures were about the same.
But, after being tormented for several days, his body had lost several
kilograms of muscle. Once he was able to get into the clothes, they fit him

Gu Yang passed his hat and sunglasses over to Gu Hai. Looking at it, Gu Hai
hesitated for a moment.

“Isn’t it too stupid looking? I’m not wearing it.”

Gritting his teeth, Gu Yang fastened the hat on the stubborn fool’s head.

I’m letting you off easy by not wearing women’s clothes here! I’m not making
you lose face yet you still want to be picky!

After changing into the clothes, Gu Hai put the sunglasses on and stood in
front of the mirror. He looked almost like Gu Yang when he first entered the

“Good enough?” Gu Hai asked.

Gu Yang nodded his head in approval.

Just as Gu Hai was about to open the door, Gu Yang suddenly stopped him.
“When you’re walking, keep your pace a bit more steady. Here’s the car
key, it’s parked at the side of the street.”

Gu Hai remained silent for quite a while before he suddenly asked, “If I go,
what’s going to happen to you? What if my dad asks?”

Little bastard, good thing you still have your conscience. Even at this point,
you can still think of me.

”Just go your way, don’t worry about me. I have my own way.”

Finally, Gu Hai gave Gu Yang a grateful look before pushing the door open
to leave.

Gu Yang quietly stood waiting at the door for a moment, listening to the
movements outside.

As he had anticipated, after Gu Hai walked out, those four soldiers did not
have any reaction since the similarity was very high. Even if there was an
area that was not quite similar, the sunglasses concealed it. Also, coupled
with this overwhelmingly flashy get up, it would make it difficult to doubt
this person’s identity.

Gu Hai then escaped in Gu Yang’s car without a hitch.

After some time, Gu Yang sent Gu Wei Ting a text message: “Uncle, I have
something to attend to, I’ll head out first. I’ll come and look for you
again when I have time.”

Then he changed into Gu Hai’s clothes. He looked around in the room for a
while until he finally found a bundle of rope. Once he completely cleared up
the crime scene, he takes a bottle of water and the rope and made his way into
the tunnel.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter
191 Chapter 192, and Chapter 193


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 191: The Inquietude of Youth - A JOURNEY OF LOVE. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


During the first day inside the dark and cold tunnel, Gu Yang secretly prayed
that Gu Wei Ting would not discover his existence too early. In this way, not
only would it give Gu Hai a bit more time to fight his way out but the two
could also escape without any hindrance.

Once the second day arrived, Gu Yang found it slightly difficult to endure the
harsh conditions. Simply put, this tunnel was not meant for a human being to
stay in. For someone like Gu Yang, it felt like he was being cooked in pot of
cold stew. If it was just a matter of it being the cold weather, then he could
easily handle it. But, the main problem was the dampness. Since Gu Yang
has sensitive skin, it took only about ten hours for the painful itches to form
and spread throughout the surface of his body. When the itches became too
unbearable, Gu Yang would frequently untie the rope around his wrists and
scratch his skin to relieve himself. Nonetheless, even as he suffered, he still
prayed to the Heaven that Gu Wei Ting would come down a little later. This
way, Gu Hai could run a bit further.

When the third day finally rolled in, Gu Yang started to curse in anger.

Gu Wei Ting, you ruthless fascist! Gu Hai is your son! He’s been in the
tunnel for eight days already!! Think about it, eight full days without eating,
drinking or sleeping; don’t mention a human being, even Superman would
die!! Even if you’re ready to punish your own family for justice, can’t you at
least look at your son’s corpse? Don’t tell me that you want to save some
expenses on cremation, so you resorted to directly burying your son down
here like this, is that it?

With resentment, Gu Yang picked up the water bottle beside him but before
he managed to take a sip, he discovered that it was already empty.

Gu Yang’s body had long been ridden with frostbites that seemed to have
drilled into his bones, leaving him numb… Aside from his stomach, he has
lost all feeling in all the other vital organs in his body. Even worse, the only
food supply that could possibly keep him alive was also scarce.

With each passing minute, Gu Yang’s admiration towards Gu Hai increased

to a whole new level. He couldn’t even start to imagine how Gu Hai could
endure such a dreadful situation without any water for the past five days. Not
only that, he was still able to walk properly after being pulled out of the

What a fucking capable person!

But when Gu Yang pondered on it a bit longer, there was something else that
influenced him to be such a capable person.

Someone like Gu Hai was able to survive under these harsh conditions was
purely due to an unprecedented sense of willpower and motivation that drove
him forward. Inadvertently, it was worth it for him to endure all these
hardships. But what the hell am I doing here? Is it for the sake of protecting
their love? What does their love have to do with me? Haven’t I been against
their relationship the entire time?
Poor, pitiful Gu Yang. Even after enduring this senseless torment for three
days, he still doesn’t know why he let himself be reeled into it.

One hour…I’m going to give you only one more hour. If you don’t save me in
an hour, I’ll!!… I’ll climb up by myself!

During this entire ordeal, there was one other person experiencing this
torment with Gu Yang. This person was none other than Sun Jingwei. Every
single night as he closed his eyes and allowed sleep to overtake him, he
suffered from horrible nightmares. In these dreams, Gu Hai would struggle
and cry out for help with tears–that have been mixed with dirt–rolling down
his face.

For the last three days, Sun Jingwei’s complexion has gradually changed
from a somewhat healthy wheat-colored tone into an unsightly sallow shade
of brown. Unsurprisingly, even his spirit was subjected to an agonizing
torment. His tolerance toward this cruel act has been completely destroyed,
leaving behind only sympathy to riddle his mind. For him, nothing is more
important than a human life. He would rather be demoted than look on
without helping as a child lay dying beneath his room.

As a matter of fact, an hour before, Gu Yang had already prepared to climb

out. However, his hands and feet were bound. During the past two days, he
could untie the ropes with much ease. But unfortunately, he was met with
complete disaster today. This time around, both his hands have already gone
numb, and as a result, he couldn’t even summon an ounce of strength to tear
at the rope. Nevertheless, it was also thanks to his inability to untie the ropes
that the time was delayed, or else his efforts for the last two days would have
been in vain.

Meanwhile, Sun Jingwei had removed the floorboard and proceeded to make
his way into the tunnel.

In that moment, Gu Yang had already wriggled himself towards this opening
of the tunnel. In turn, this would allow the unaware Sun Jingwei to have a
much better chance of finding him. Once Sun Jingwei came close to where
Gu Yang was laying, Gu Yang was suddenly frightened to the point that the
hairs on his skin stood tall and it was not from the cold this time.
Where the hell did he come from? The opening of the tunnel is obliviously

After his initial panic had settled, Gu Yang was suddenly dragged by a
powerful force from the other opening of the tunnel. As soon as his eyes
came into contact with the bright light, his entire body became rigid as stone.

Gu Hai, you bastard! I’ll fucking kill you!!! Why didn’t you tell me that
there’s another opening right here? If you’ve told me earlier, I would have
fucking escaped already!!!

After this realization, Gu Yang tried to calm his aching nerves from
exploding. Since his face was covered with a thick layer of mud as dark as
the night sky, it was hard to make out his features clearly. Due to this, Sun
Jingwei mistook him as Gu Hai.

“Xiao Hai, I remember the day you went down, you weren’t tied up like
this. This… why are you tied up now?” Sun Jingwei was about to untie the
ropes around Gu Yang’s body but he was stopped in his tracks by just a few
words from the person in front of him.

“Uncle Sun, it’s me, Gu Yang.”

Sun Jingwei’s expression went dull immediately. Then, as he carefully

looked at the trussed up man once more, he finally realized that it really
wasn’t Gu Hai.


Gu Yang spoke first, “Quick, call my uncle. I have something important

to discuss with him.”

In less than a minute, Gu Wei Ting came bursting into the room.

Once Gu Yang saw Gu Wei Ting, his face that was drawn with great injustice
like that of Dou E’s[1]pitiful situation, instantly looked as though he is ready
to take down the opponent that appeared in front of him.

“Uncle, you have to find justice for me!” Gu Yang waved his hands and
feet, intentionally showing Gu Wei Ting the ropes. “When I came to look
for you that day, I had orignally wanted to try and persuade Gu Hai.
But! Who would’ve thought the brat had such an evil scheme in mind!
He tied me up and shoved me into the tunnel. If Uncle Sun didn’t pull me
out in time, I would’ve died in the tunnel by now!”

After listening to Gu Yang’s explanation, Gu Wei Ting’s expression was

simply drawn with a complete sense of loss. But no matter how furious he
was, he must undo the ropes on Gu Yang’s body first.

“Didn’t you send me a message before you left that day?”

Gu Yang forced a bitter smile, “Gu Hai walked out of here wearing my
clothes. Think about it, how could I have sent you that message?”

An image of a powerful and magnificent hurricane was engraved on Gu Wei

Ting’s face like a live painting.

Two days ago, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai diligently loaded their cars with food
and clothes. Under Bai Han Qi’s earnest and attentive gaze, they officially set
out together on a journey of elopement.

Bai Han Qi watched, seemingly lost in thought, as the shadows of the two
cars gradually disappeared into the distance.

“Hey, I don’t really know if doing this is for their own good or will it
harm them instead…..” Aunt Zou’s face was filled with anxiety when she
expressed her concern.

Hearing those words, Bai Han Qi laughed thoughtlessly, “We’ll just give it a
try. Not preparing might turn out to be a good thing.”

“Try it out?” Aunt Zou suddenly pinched Bai Han Qi’s cheek, “Is there any
father out there like you? You’re carelessly treating your son’s youth
like an experiment! What if it fails, who will take responsibility and
compensate for it?”
“In life, there’s no direct path that will genuinely lead to true success or
complete failure. Every single step taken is a meaningful experience.
Walking on a crooked path isn’t necessarily a bad thing. And at the same
time, walking on the correct path the entire time isn’t necessarily a good
thing either.”

“That seems reasonable enough……” Aunt Zou’s brows rose as she shot
Bai Han Qi a side glance.

Bai Han Qi laughed mischievously, “Of course it is. For young people like
them, traveling the world is not a bad thing. Who on earth hasn’t done a
few absurd or idiotic things during their lifetime?! Just look at such an
honest and well-behaved man like me. When I was young, I still
managed to do one or two groundbreaking things by myself.”

“What groundbreaking things?” Aunt Zou asked.

“At that time, my parents were completely against my marriage with

Jiang Yuan, but I was bold enough to follow my dreams. They also used
all means possible to obstruct our marriage. Let me tell you, they even
threatened to disown me. Despite it all, I refused to compromise with
them. It’s our love, so why should other people have a decision in it?!!”
Bai Han Qi’s expression was packed with pride and dignity.

“And then what happened?” Aunt Zou asked intentionally.

Bai Han Qi’s shoulders collapsed as he answered, “After that, we


“From your words, isn’t it clear that this was a bad decision then?” Aunt
Zou’s voice carried a hint of anger, “But you still allowed them to leave!”

“With that said, if I hadn’t divorced Jiang Yuan at that time, would I
have been able to remarry again? Would I have met you?”

Aunt Zou was rendered speechless, “…”

Having said that, Bai Han Qi became even more pleased with himself,
“That’s why everything has its own advantages and disadvantage. The
key is knowing at what given time do you measure its worth. I am a man
who has faith in life. I believe that in your life, there exists a meeting with
another person that is carefully planned by the Heavens. When the time
comes, you will encounter such a person, a kind person possibly. But at
times, you will also encounter some disasters. Honestly, for those kinds of
matter, even if you want to avoid them, you can’t…”

Aunt Zou heaved a heavy sigh, “It’s such a pity. Yin Zi’s homeroom
teacher called us yesterday. I was told that Yin Zi achieved brilliant
results in every competition he participated in. Because of this, the school
is considering giving him a recommendation for a university without him
having to take the entrance examination. They also mentioned that Yin
Zi should return to school and decide on this matter as soon as possible.”

“Huh?” Bai Han Qi’s complexion paled, “When did this happen? Why
didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I’ve told you already. I explained it to you last night. You even said
‘yeah’ to me.”

Bai Han Qi suddenly hit his forehead, “Oh no, I must’ve fallen asleep
already at that time.”

“You regret it now?” Aunt Zou asked.

“……How can that be?” Bai Han Qi laughed awkwardly, while maintaining
his ‘wise man’ like’ image, “This was a decision that I made after
carefully thinking it all through. How can I simply go back on my

Aunt Zou merely nodded her head in response and said, “Well, let’s go home

As Bai Han Qi turned around and began to walk, a subtle thought floated into
his mind, but at that time, he didn’t voice it so as to avoid it. After feeling
stifled for a while, he couldn’t help but to ask. “Did that teacher say which
university they want to recommend him to?”
There was moment of silence before Aunt Zou replied, still somewhat
hesitant, “It should be Qinghua University. In anycase, if it’s not Qinghua
University, then it’s Beijing University.”[2]

At the mention of those two universities, Bai Han Qi’s tense body
immediately twirled at full speed. Within just seconds, his clumsy legs rushed
off in the direction that Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin had driven away in. He
shouted at the top of his lungs, hoping that maybe his voice would be heard.
“SON! My brilliant son……”

Meanwhile, Aunt Zou hastily ran after him. With just a few large strides, she
was able to grab hold of him. With a flustered and exasperated expression,
she scolded him, “Why are you chasing after him now, huh? They are
long gone!.”

A mask of distress settled cozily on Bai Han Qi’s fine face.

Sighing yet again, Aunt Zou resorted to dragging Bai Han Qi back, “Enough.
Just accept your fate. This is also a part of Heaven’s plan. You won’t be
able to catch up to them.”

Bai Han Qi gritted his teeth, “The Heavens are really despicable!”

On the road, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin drove in separate cars. Surprisingly,
neither of them showed any sign of fear in having to escape in the middle of a
difficult situation, or of having to be far away from their families. Instead,
what hovered over them was the fresh and brilliant color of youth. Perhaps
this brilliance occurred after they had experienced all those tribulations along
with the immense pressure that they have endured to get this far. So now that
they are finally free, they suddenly discovered that being alive is truly a
beauty that should be held at the highest degree.

Rather than confining yourself in a cage, which doesn’t only harm you but
also others, it is better to escape and enjoy the freedom and happiness to your
heart’s content.
In their mind, this is only one of the many journeys that they will both take in
their life together. Why not take advantage of their youth and go crazy while
living to the fullest?!

Once they arrived at a desolate countryside bordering the mountain range, the
two cars gradually slowed down before coming to a complete stop.

“Do you want to take a leak?” Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head.

Finding that simple gesture rather lovable, Gu Hai grinned at him, “Then,
let’s go together.”

Bai Luo Yin easily pushed Gu Hai to the side, “You better keep your
distance from me.”

Instead of complying to those words, Gu Hai simply took out his huge cock;
all the while, a wide and bright smile still lie across his face.

Sighing, Bai Luo Yin grabbed Gu Hai’s body and turned him to the other side
so that both of them were standing back to back.

“That won’t do!” Gu Hai cried out as he quickly turned his body back, “If I
face that side, it’s going against the wind! Do you want me to piss all over

Bai Luo Yin’s shoulders quivered happily.

It has been a long time since Gu Hai had last seen Bai Luo Yin smile or
laugh. The beauty that those smiles held was so radiant that the sight of it
caused his heart to throb just a bit faster. As if captured by the moment, Gu
Hai couldn’t restrain his eyes from drawing towards Bai Luo Yin’s seemingly
dazzling face. His gaze trailed from the other boy’s face, then down a glance,
then up a glance and back down again, lower and lower his stare went……

Bai Luo Yin cleared his throat, “Hey bro, you’re pissing on your hand.”

Pulled back from his daze, Gu Hai hastily look down.

“Where? My hands are dry.”

Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin merely smiled without saying anything.

Gu Hai knew without being told that he was being fooled. So, as Bai Luo Yin
fixed his pants, Gu Hai deliberately groped his round and plump butt cheeks
a few times. Surprisingly, there was no retort.

After they finished settling their business, Bai Luo Yin–who loves being neat
and clean–took out a bottle of water to pour it for Gu Hai to wash his hands.

“What a waste!” Gu Hai complained. Ever since he came out of the tunnel,
he had notably adopted a great habit of conserving water.

Once their hands were cleaned, the two leaned against the car for a smoke.

While taking a look around the area Gu Hai asked, “Do you recognize this

Without bothering to look, Bai Luo Yin simply shook his head, “I don’t
recognize anything. This is the first time I traveled out this far.”

“Don’t tell me, you’ve never left Beijing before?”

“If you asked me this question two months ago, that’s what I’d definitely
say. Unfortunately for you, I took a trip to Tianjin a while ago.”

“You went to Tianjin?” Gu Hai had not even an ounce of interest as he

spoke, “What were you doing in Tianjin??”

“I went there with You Qi.”

Hearing those words, a hint of bitter jealousy began to saturate the air around
them. Gu Hai lightly brushed away his cigarette butt while mocking Bai Luo
Yin, “So, you’ve eloped with him before?”

Although he knew that Gu Hai said those words out of spite, Bai Luo Yin’s
face still sank. Then he faintly said, “Believe it or not, I’ll drive the car
back right now?”
Noting the sudden change in his complexion and his voice, Gu Hai chuckled
for a moment. He faced Bai Luo Yin and inched closer before taking a bite of
his chin. The scent of the cigarette wafted along his chin then into his breath,
mingling with the scent of weeds and wild flowers. Combined together, they
gave off a natural and unruly sense of excitement.

“Hurry up and decide. Where should our first stop be?” Gu Hai asked
with one last pinch of Bai Luo Yin’s cheek.

Instead of helping, Bai Luo Yin made things even more difficult for Gu Hai,
“I can’t think of anything in such a short time.”

Gu Hai contemplated for a while before speaking, “How about this? I have
a trick.”

In the height of their youth, Bai Luo Yin watched on blankly as Gu Hai took
off his shoe and threw it up in the air. Then with a thud, the shoe landed on
the ground.

Their eyes simultaneously travel downward. The shoe pointed west.

“Okay, we’ll go that way then.”

In the end, Bai Luo Yin merely stared at Gu Hai, at loss for words, “……”

Translator’s Note:

[1] Dou’e: the main female character from Chuzhou in a play (The Injustice
to Dou E) written by Guan Hanqing. The story tells about a poor, innocent
woman who was wronged, accused of killing, and tortured before she was
sentenced to death. Before her execution, she swore that her innocence would
be proven if three events occurred after she died, which were: her blood will
spill on her clothes but it will not drip onto the ground, heavy snowfall will
occur in the middle of the summer and the snow will cover her body, and
Chuzou will experience drought for three years. The three events happened
after Dou E’s death. Years later, when her spirit appeared before her father,
her father reinvestigated her case and her innocence was brought to light.
Then, the people who were involved in wronging her received their due

[2] Qinghua University and Peking University are two of the best academic
institutions in China, both located in Beijing.


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 192: The Inquietude of Youth - Looking for a PLACE TO


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


As they were driving the cars toward their random destination, Bai Luo Yin
suddenly made a phone call to Gu Hai and asked, “If we keep heading west,
we won’t be able to see the sea anymore, right?”

“Not necessarily. If we keep on driving, we’ll eventually reach Western

Europe. You can also see the sea there.”

Bai Luo Yin remained silent for a long time before faintly saying, “What if I
say I want to go to a town that has a sea?”

As he continued driving, Gu Hai turned his head slightly at the rear view
mirror to glance over at Bai Luo Yin who was driving the other vehicle, yet
he did not respond. A short while later, his foot abruptly pressed against the
brake pedal, halting the car in the middle of the road as if to make an
emergency stop. This in turn nearly caused Bai Luo Yin to hit his car from

Suddenly, Gu Hai got out of the car and angrily made his way toward the
front of Bai Luo Yin’s car.

“Get out!” He shouted as he knocked on the car window.

Bai Luo Yin opened the car door, but just as he was about to get out, his head
was enveloped by a powerful pressure. Both of Gu Hai’s hands reached out
and took hold of Bai Luo Yin’s face. His sharp and fierce gaze shot invisible
arrows straight at Bai Luo Yin’s countenance.

“Why didn’t you say that a moment ago?”

A seemingly annoyed atmosphere framed Bai Luo Yin’s expression the

entire time. “I wasn’t really thinking much about it then.”

“Wasn’t thinking about it? You think it’ll just disappear if you didn’t
think about it?” Gu Hai said as if to lecture him one word at a time, “You
say this now after we’ve driven west for over 300 kilometers already? Do
you know how much gas we’ve burned out during these 300 kilometers?
Do you know how many breakfasts we could’ve eaten with all that gas?
Really now……you know don’t know how expensive daily necessities are
when you’ve never been in charge of a family. Seeing how wasteful you
are, we won’t even have enough for ten days. By then, we would have no
choice but to go back!”

Bai Luo Yin did not utter a word. The corner of his eyes simply narrowed
into a 45 degree angle as he stared down attentively at the zipper on Gu Hai’s

“I’m talking to you! Are you listening?” Gu Hai grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s
head and lifted it up again using a deceitful expression to threaten him.

Bai Luo Yin tried to suppress his laughter to the point that his internal organs
began to hurt.
Gu Hai stuck his sturdy chest out, adopting a stern posture as he berated the
other boy, “Stop being all happy and cute with me. Act proper!”

The sound of Bai Luo Yin’s continuous laughter immediately transmitted

throughout the open space. This joyous vocalization was so bright that even
Gu Hai was pulled into a spell of smiles and laughter himself. In an attempt
to try and control his own laughter, Gu Hai’s hand reached out with the
intention of wanting to strike Bai Luo Yin, but Bai Luo Yin—being one step
ahead of him—quickly ran away. Not surprisingly, Gu Hai’s hand grasped
the air before he looked up, then he ran after Bai Lou Yin, closely behind

When Bai Luo Yin quickened his pace and ran around the car, Gu Hai also
sped up and went a full round after him. After a few more rounds, Gu Hai
finally realized that even if he keeps on chasing like this, he would never be
able to catch Bai Luo Yin sooner. Quickly taking note of Bai Luo Yin’s pace
and his position on the other side, Gu Hai approximated the timing. Then he
leapt onto the roof of the car, flipped over and from there took hold of Bai
Luo Yin, locking him tight into a hug.

“What can I say for you to be good?” Gu Hai grumbled affectionately,

“We’ve already driven this far. If we were to turn back now, that’s just

“If we take another route back, we’ll be able to see different sceneries.”

“It’s pitch black, what’s there to see huh? Besides, wouldn’t it take even
longer to go another route?”

Bai Luo Yin hesitated for moment. There was a touch of sadness in his voice
once he was able to speak again, “How about we just forget about it? Let’s
just continue driving west.”

Gu Hai looked bitterly at Bai Luo Yin for a while when suddenly his hand
slammed on the car.

“Forget it, let’s go east!”

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin exposed a brightly lit victorious smile.

The two wanted to sit in the same car and have something to eat first before
heading out again. It was obvious to see that once the trunk of the car was
opened, it was full of food and nothing else. They carried a large bag and sat
in the driver and passenger seats to stuff their faces.

Gu Hai took out a small milk carton. But, just as he inserted the straw for a
drink, Bai Luo Yin snatched it away and sipped from it in his own mouth

“Look at you! You’re so lazy. I have to put the straw in for you just to
drink milk.”

After saying that, he was about to grab another carton when Bai Luo Yin
blocked him. Bai Luo Yin turned his body around and took out a carton of
warm milk from inside an electric heating container then passed it over to Gu

“Drink this.”

Gu Hai’s expression became slightly sluggish, refusing to take the carton.

Noting this rebellious act, Bai Luo Yin shoved it directly into his hands,
“You’ve been starving for so many days, it’s best not to drink the cold


Gu Hai’s heart was just like the carton of milk in his hand, warm, to the point
that it was burning his insides in flames. Each scarlet flame that flickered
radiated heat.

“When did you heat this up for me?”

“Just a moment ago, before we got out of the car. Give it a taste, is it
warm enough?”

Complying with Bai Luo Yin’s words, Gu Hai inserted the straw and drank a
mouthful. There was a small smile at the corner of his lips. With just one
taste, he felt that it wasn’t milk that he was drinking, instead they were his
feelings that have been deeply moved. The look on Gu Hai’s face softened as
he gently took hold of Bai Luo Yin’s head and lay a kiss on his rosy lips. Bai
Luo Yin’s lips were now covered with those “feelings of being deeply

After dinner, the two found a hotel to spend the night. Early the next day,
they started their journey again. They drove into the night of the following
day until they finally reached Qingdao[1]. There, they decided to stay for the
time being.

While the cars traveled along the side of the road, Bai Luo Yin could hear the
sound of the raging waves reverberating against his ears. As he rolled down
his car window, his eyes were met with the endless sea that stretched out into
the horizon. Seeing this, Bai Luo Yin was unable to hold back the excitement
that welled up at the bottom of his heart. He immediately stopped his car on
the roadside and began to walk toward the beach not too far off in the

Gu Hai also stopped his car and followed Bai Luo Yin down.

“It’s beautiful.”

Only those two words were needed to express Bai Luo Yin’s feelings at this
very moment.

Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet, sprinkled with stars so brilliant that
they drew the eyes heaven bound, both boys looked out at the sight ahead.

Although it was already night time, the magnificent sea that surged forth
nevertheless covered every corner that they looked at. Their hearts and minds
opened up even more as they stood at the seaside, feeling the wind brush by.

“I don’t want to leave.” Bai Luo Yin lay down on the sandy shore, “I want
to sleep here tonight and watch the sunrise at dawn.”

Gu Hai’s face collapsed with defeat, “Hey, can you let me enjoy the feeling
of lying on a bed for a moment?”
From the tunnel to the open road, he had nearly forgotten what a pillow and
blanket actually looked like!

Nonetheless, Bai Luo Yin still had on a reluctant appearance.

Gu Hai urged him, “This beach is no good. Qingdao has a golden beach
that’s pretty good. I’ll take you there for a look tomorrow. Right now,
come and help me find a place to sleep at. We still have a lot of things to
tidy up!”

In just a minute, Bai Luo Yin was sweet talked by Gu Hai back to the car.

After pulling out two fake identity cards, they successfully settled into a

Just as they finished showering and had lain down on the bed, Gu Yang’s call
came through.

“Where have you run off to?”

Gu Hai’s hand was trailing along Bai Luo Yin’s neck before he caressed his
bare and smooth back while speaking, “Qingdao.”

“What?” Gu Yang’s tone did not seem impressed. “I struggled for three
days to give you two three precious days, and you’ve only ran off to
Shandong?” [2]

The annoyance in his voice is obvious even to Gu Hai as he began to give

him an explanation. “The first day we had to pack up, set up a false
identity, and change our license plates……this hideous mess delayed us
by one day. The second day, we finally set out. Originally, we had come
to an agreement to travel west but the little bastard suddenly changed
his mind and said he wanted to go to a place that has the sea so we had to
turn back around to another road. I’m quite familiar to Qingdao since I
came here before. We’ll be staying here for the time being.”

One can just imagine Gu Yang’s mood at this point just from hearing those
“Ge, why aren’t you speaking?” asked Gu Hai.

Gu Yang went silent for a long while until he coldly replied: “Your father
has found out that you’re gone. I reckon he will launch an operation to
hunt you down soon. If there’s no need to, don’t run around everywhere.
Stay there for the time being and if things become suspicious, move on to
another place again.”

A cautious look painted itself deeply in Gu Hai’s eyes as he answered, “I


“Where’s Bai Luo Yin?” Gu Yang then asked.

Gu Hai turns to look at his side.

Hmm…Yin Zi was lying here just a moment ago. Where did he run off to

“That’s fine. There’s no need to look. Just tell me his phone number

“What do you need his phone number for?”

Gu Hai hadn’t finished speaking yet but the person on the other side had
already hung up.

A moment later, Bai Luo Yin returned after having gone to the balcony to
give Bai Han Qi a call.

“Come here, I have something to ask you.” Gu Hai beckoned for Bai Luo
Yin go to him.

Complying to his words, Bai Luo Yin casually lay down besides Gu Hai.

“Did you look to my brother for help?”

Bai Luo Yin nodded his head, “Yeah.”

The color in Gu Hai’s eyes gradually sunk before his line of sight locked with
Bai Luo Yin’s face.

“Did he make it difficult for you?”

“Make it difficult for me?” Bai Luo Yin pretended to be confused as his
brows pulled together creating a few soft lines, “What difficulty are you
referring to?”

“For example…… did he seize the opportunity and propose a severe

condition that you needed to satisfy?”

Bai Luo Yin’s mind went into utter shock.

Gu Hai understands Gu Yang extremely well too, huh?

“How can that be?”

Bai Luo Yin laughed recklessly, not in the less concerned, “You’re his close
brother. It’s only normal that he should go and help you out. Is it
worthwhile for him to set a condition for me?”

“He really didn’t say anything?” Gu Hai persistently asked, determined

with his words.

Looking squarely at him, Bai Luo Yin firmly shook his head, “He didn’t.
When I told him the situation, he agreed immediately.”

“As expected!” Gu Hai bitterly slammed his fist on the bed.

A fearful tremble gripped Bai Luo Yin’s chest as those two words sounded

Is it possible that this lie has been exposed?

In the end, Gu Hai said with a darkened face: “As expected, that fucking
bastard treats you differently! Normally when someone finds him for
help, he always sets a condition. I’m no exception. He actually gave you
the green light……”
Bai Luo Yin remained silent, completely dumbfounded at himself. If he had
known earlier that Gu Hai was going to be jealous over something like this,
he would have told him the truth instead.

“I’m telling you, you’re not allowed to tell him your current phone
number!” Gu Hai intentionally told him repeatedly.

“Why would I tell him my number?”

“That’s good.” Gu Hai then snorts, “You can’t sneak around and use my
phone to contact him either!”

Listening to Gu Hai’s repeated nagging, Bai Luo Yin became angry at the
statement, “What would I contact him for?”

A pleasant smile of satisfaction kissed Gu Hai’s lips as he used the blanket to

cover Bai Luo Yin’s head.

“Go to sleep.”

The next day, the two took a ferry to Huangdao’s gold sands beach. [3]

Since it was an off season for tourism, there were not many tourists. The sea
water was a lot more crystal clear than before while the sand was even more
clean and exquisite. When Bai Luo Yin first set foot on the beach, it felt
exactly like stepping on soft cotton.

What Gu Hai had said was correct, this beach was truly more beautiful and
magnificent than the one that they had seen last night. Once the two found a
quiet corner to sit down on, Bai Luo Yin stretched his hand out to touch a
small shell. He picked it up and waved it back and forth in front of Gu Hai’s
eyes, then flings it back into the sea. It was awe-inspiring that such a small
shell can also create a small splash that blossomed out into a small wave that
faded into the calm sea.

“AHH!!!” Without warning, Bai Luo Yin roared into the open space as if to
relieve himself of a heavy burden. His voice loud yet soft, trickled into Gu
Hai’s ear like a grand symphony being played out. After shouting, Bai Luo
Yin’s heart and mind was overflowed with a sense of happiness that he hasn’t
felt for a long time.

The people around here can casually look all they want. I don’t know any of
you anyways.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Qīngdǎo – Combining fresh sea air and dashing good looks, Qīngdǎo (青
岛) – the name means ‘Green Island’ – is a rare modern city that has
managed to preserve some of its past while angling a dazzling modern face to
the future. Its blend of concession-era and modern architecture puts China’s
standard white-tile and blue-glass developments to shame. The winding
cobbled streets, historic German architecture and red-capped hillside villas
are captivating and there’s so much to enjoy in the city’s diverse food scene,
headlined by the ubiquitous home town beer Tsingtao. Meanwhile, the
seaside aspect keeps the town cooler than the inland swelter zones during
summer, and slightly warmer in winter. [lonely planet]

[2] Shandong – a coastal province of the People’s Republic of China, and is

part of the East China region. Qingdao is a city in eastern Shandong
Province, it is also the largest city in that province.

[3] Gold Sands Beach – located in the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula
of sea shore in Phoenix island Huangdao District of Qingdao. It is near
Yellow Sea in the south. Its shape is like the crescent. Gold Sands Beach is
more than 3500 metres long and 300 metres wide. Because that the water is
clear, the beach is flat, sand is like powder and the colour and lustre is as
gold, it is named “Gold Sands Beach”, which is the largest and most beautiful
beach, known as “the first beach in Asia”.

(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 193: The Inquietude of Youth - The SELFLESS CITIZEN! 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“You’re doing it all wrong. Look at me.”

Gu Hai stood up and facing the magnificent sea that surged forth against the
delicate sands, he shouted loudly.

“My name is Gu Hai, male, 18 years old, from Beijing. The person sitting
down beside me is my wife. Two days ago, last year, we fell in love with
each other and made it official. It’s been a year already since our
journey together started! Despite the ups and downs and the constant
disasters thrown at us, we will not surrender or hesitate to advance

To his side, Bai Luo Yin watched as the plumes of Gu Hai’s breath billowed
out and quickly dissipated into the air. The voice was unexpected. It was
loud, with an agreeable trace of huskiness and a hint of more power than the
once frail body could produce. Hearing it in such close proximity to him, Bai
Luo Yin wanted to bury his entire being into the sand.

After divulging this supposed secret, a sense of relief also tugged at Gu Hai’s
mind. A small smile drew back the corner of his lips as he looks down at Bai
Luo Yin with provocation. “Do you dare?”

The underlying meaning to those three words were, ‘are you as bold as I

“Why wouldn’t I dare to?” Bai Luo Yin also stood up and shouted loudly,
“My name is Bai Luo Yin, male, 18 years old. My family lives in Beijing,
Xicheng district on the most brilliant Lane 48. I am a third-year student
studying at Beijing X High School, Class 27, who’s also a rather bad
youth. Standing beside me is my wife. After enduring his shameless
harassment, out of compassion for his mental state, I took pity and
decided to marry him into my family. Since my father-in-law does not
agree to us being together, this marriage has yet to be settled. But, I am
wholeheartedly devoted to my wife’s love. Regardless of whether he will
continue to have this mental illness or not, I will never betray or leave
him in this lifetime!”

Gu Hai immediately started to laugh. The laugh was not only in his voice, but
it also welled in his eyes, in the way his face changed into that vision of
relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. Yet, truly, it wasn’t only in his face
either. His laugh came from within the core of his being.

You little bastard, you got me.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Gu Hai went on to shout, “Gu
Wei Ting, I’m telling you, even if you send a whole army troop with
thousands of men to hunt us down, I will still say those same words from
before. If I firmly believe in someone, no one can even think of changing
it! If I firmly believe in a relationship, no one can even think of tearing it
apart! If I firmly believe in these feelings, no one can even think of
destroying them!”

“Gu Wei Ting!……” Bai Luo Yin shouted those words but then he halted.

Raising his head, Gu Hai turned to look at him with great expectations.

“I fucked your son!”

Gu Hai ground his teeth as his big hand quickly reached out to pinch the back
of Bai Luo Yin’s neck. Bai Luo Yin burst into a spell of smiles before
laughter rang out from within his throat. The laugh came from him like a
newly blossomed flower – timid at first then it grew a bit at a time. Gu Hai
watched him attentively. The other boy wasn’t done yet though. He could
tell, from the way Bai Luo Yin rolled his eyes back to the sky and half bit his
lips. It was all too apparent, from deep inside his chest came a great shaking
motion that caused his facial muscles to grow tight. Gu Hai’s brows rose,

In moments, Bai Luo Yin’s laugh was more like fully blossomed flower
petals being thrown into the brilliant sky then falling around on everyone
nearby with unrestrained gales that debilitated him to a stomach-gripping
breathless picture of glee. Gu Hai wanted to maintain the sternness sheathing
from his face—since after all he was the one being laughed at—but before
long, his mouth twitched upwards and he too fell into a spell of laughter.

“All these setbacks will not wear down our fighting spirit!”

“No difficulties will stop our footsteps!”

“We’ve joined together to oppose a common enemy!”

“We will never waver!”

The two shouted until all the oxygen in their lungs was nearly depleted.

All the people nearby practically walked away from them, leaving behind
only a man who stayed firmly in his spot. The two simultaneously moved
their gazes toward him.

The man merely looked at them and laughed inarticulately, “You two are
really stupid!”

As a result, the two stupidly cute boys took this man and threw him into the

Gu Hai took out a video camera that he had turned on before and showed Bai
Luo Yin the video playback of what happened a moment ago.

“You actually recorded it?”

Gu Hai looked at him happily while saying, “Of course! This kind of
mutual understanding is rare.”

Bai Luo Yin stretched his head over for a look. The silhouettes of the two
people on the screen were painted with exuberant youth and liveliness.

“Say, when we look at this a few years from now, will we be terrified by

“We won’t.”

Gu Hai placed his hand firmly on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder, “It’s rare to have
a chance to be silly in life. To not be silly or make a mistake means to not
have lived a youthful life.”

The sea water rose, and the few tourists that were scattered around started to
depart the area. Afterwards, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai found a restaurant and
ate a great meal comprising of the most delicious seafood. On their way back,
they bought a tent and two bed comforters to set up. They intended to spend
the night on the beach so that they can watch the sunrise at dawn of the next

In the evening, as usual, Bai Luo Yin gave Bai Han Qi a phone call, briefing
him on their current situation as well as inquiring about any new
circumstances at home.

“Gu Hai’s father hasn’t gone over to look for you yet?” Bai Luo Yin

Gu Hai also moved in closer to listen.

“No, he hasn’t. It has been unusually calm for the last two days. No one
has come at all.”

Bai Luo Yin did not feel at ease, “You’re lying to me, aren’t you?”
“Why would I lie to you? Listen here, it’s really calm and peaceful in the
house right now,” replied Bai Han Qi.

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin was extremely puzzled.

According to logic, it shouldn’t be like that!

After putting the phone down, Bai Luo Yin faced Gu Hai and asked, “Do you
think my dad is telling us the truth?”

“From the sound of it, it doesn’t seem like a lie.”

Bai Luo Yin’s brows pulled close to each other forming a frown as he
thought to himself.

What is Gu Wei Ting planning to do?

“That’s enough. Don’t think about it so hard. Let’s worry about it when
it happens. Look, the sea breeze is really gentle tonight and the moon
hanging high in the sky is quite luminous against the darkness. With
such a beautiful scenery like this, there is no need for my wife to go and
think about those troublesome matters. It is better to accompany your
husband by being very romantic for a while.”

Hearing those nauseating words, Bai Luo Yin simply grabbed Gu Hai’s head
and pressed it into the sand.

After working hard for half an hour, the tent was finally set up.

Being annoying as usual, Gu Hai pinched the smalls of Bai Luo Yin’s waist,
“Come here, sit on me.”

Truth be told, being underneath Bai Luo Yin was Gu Hai’s most erogenous
and preferred position. In this arrangement, not only could he reap some
benefits by not having to do much, but he could also directly observe and
enjoy Bai Luo Yin’s erotic expressions.

But, of course, this was also the posture that Bai Luo Yin despised the most.
A while ago, Gu Hai had talked until his face turned blue in order to persuade
Bai Luo Yin into giving it a try. From then on, he has been so fond of it that it
was getting out of hand.

“That won’t do.” Bai Luo Yin refused his beckoning immediately, “The
tent is not high enough. If I sit up, my head will hit the roof of the tent.”

Gu Hai was not willing to give up, “We can remove the tent!”

Once he finished saying that, he quickly went to untie the knot around the
tent stake.

Noting this, Bai Luo Yin quickly took hold of Gu Hai’s hand, “You’re being
fucking stupid again. Believe it or not, I’ll take advantage of the time
you’re sleeping and throw you into the sea?”

“Even if we don’t take the tent apart, people will still know what we’re
doing inside. Instead of letting them watch from the outside, we might as
well let them see it directly. Not to mention, there’s no one here! It’s
awkward having a tent covering us. Having the moon and stars in the
sky above our head is a lot more romantic!”

Bai Luo Yin’s hand firmly gripped the frame beneath as he angrily said: “I
want to go home.”

Gu Hai immediately admitted defeat, “Fine, fine, fine. We’re not going to
do that. Just lay on me……”

The sounds of their bodies colliding against each other during sex consumed
the tent while alluring gasps spread out and mingled with the breeze that
whistled by. It was fast and slow, relaxed and tight, then soft and rough……
in the meantime, the balls of flames that radiated from their bodies rushed out
wildly along the open flaps of the tent and traveled toward the surging waves.
They crashed against the surf and were repelled back before settling calmly
on the surface of the sea.

In the deep of the night, the two embraced each other tightly to sleep. Even
though there was only one tent to cover them, they were still able to sleep
In the early morning of the next day, the sky was still painted in a canvas of
darkness when Bai Luo Yin awoke with errant excitement.

After he finished putting on his clothes, he grabbed the camera and made his
way out of the tent with a small smile tugging the corners of his lips.

Meanwhile, Gu Hai slept very vigilantly. The moment he became aware that
the space beside him was cold and empty, his eyes immediately shot open
bringing him out of his slumber.

At this time of the day, dusk was slowly waning in the open sky and their
surroundings were filled with cold fog. Gu Hai stepped on the soft sand and
walked towards Bai Luo Yin one step at a time. Once close enough, he
reached out and encircled his hands around Bai Luo Yin’s waist from the
back. He tightened his hold just a bit, making sure the loving warmth from
his body spread before he rested his chin on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder.

“The sky is still dark…” Gu Hai’s lethargic voice drifted into Bai Luo Yin’s
ears, tickling it.

“Who waits until daybreak to see the sunrise?”

Nuzzling closer, Gu Hai’s lips were now glued to Bai Luo Yin’s warm cheek.
He rubbed against it for the longest time, feeling the soft and familiar skin.

“Quick, look!” Bai Luo Yin exclaimed as he pointed towards the vastness
that spread in front of them.

Gu Hai lifted his head and looked up. A streak of rosy red clouds emerged in
the distance just above Bai Luo Yin’s finger. It slowly changed to a deeper
shade as it dispersed across the horizon, creating a colorful glow in the sky.
Soon, the sun rose halfway, causing the surrounding clouds to be engulfed in
an array of scarlet hues. The sunlight gradually became brighter, blending the
sky and the sea into one beautiful scenery meant only for them to view. A
pleasant feeling of warmth draped their bodies to the point that their bones
became soft and ridden with happiness……

“Come, let’s take a picture.”

Gu Hai lifted the camera and placed it in front of their faces.

With their backs facing the sea and their heads resting upon the sunrise, they
snuggled their faces close to each other. As they looked at the camera lens,
mischievous smiles bloomed on their faces, exposing a secret, mutual
understanding that only existed between them.

Once the photo was taken, they looked at it with curious eyes. Within
seconds, Bai Luo Yin laughed joyfully as he glanced at Gu Hai.

“Why does it feel like a buddhist ceremony?”

“Have you ever seen such a handsome buddhist monk before?” Gu Hai
proudly praised himself, “Later on, I’ll use it as my laptop’s wallpaper.”

It was from this day on that Gu Hai’s photo album had one more picture of
his exuberant smile.

Not far from where Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai were, was a pair of lovers being
photographed in their wedding outfits. The bride had on a glamorous
wedding dress as she stood atop a large reef posing in various postures while
the groom shifted back and forth beside her. Just right below where they were
standing, a photographer and a consultant touched base. They talked–their
voices were inaudible–while moving their hands in all sorts of positions.

After watching them for a moment, Gu Hai thought of something and spoke.

“That woman looks really ugly. If she wasn’t wearing any makeup, what
would she look like?!”

Glancing at Gu Hai, a seemingly annoyed Bai Luo Yin gave him a shove,
“Why do you care what other people look like?!”

Seconds later, the two walked side by side towards their own tent.

Just as they finished tidying up their belongings and prepared to leave, they
suddenly heard shouts reverberating not too far from where they were.
Curious, their eyes followed the source of the commotion. They discovered a
crowd of people swarming the area where the couple were previously having
their wedding photoshoot. Judging from the sounds, it looked like an incident
has occurred.

“Come on, let’s take a look,” said Bai Luo Yin.

Giving each other a quick glance, the two placed their belongings down and
sprinted towards the disturbance.

As they approached the area, they came to realize that the bride had fallen
into the sea. Gauging from the photoshoot earlier, it was most likely due to
her excessive posturing and carelessness that caused her to fall from the reef.

Normally jumping in to rescue someone was not a difficult task but the
crucial point was, it was winter then. Who would actually dare to heedlessly
jump into the cold water? Moreover, the bride was wearing a wedding dress
that seemed to weigh more than ten kilograms. Even worse, once submerged,
the wedding dress soaked up the seawater and became even heavier. When
the bride had just fallen into the sea, two men began to pull her gown in an
attempt to save her. But due to the increase in weight, they were nearly
dragged into the water as well. Ridden with apprehension and seeing no other
options, they gave up.

In no time, the groom was driven crazy with anxiety as he watched his bride
sink deeper into the sea. He stood on the same spot at the top of the reef and
let out a heart wrenching howl. He completely had no idea of what to do!
Unfortunately, at this time of the day, the lifeguards had yet to wake up.
From the looks of it, by the time they arrive on the scene, the bride would
have been dead already.

Unable to look on, Gu Hai took off his watch and cellphone and pressed it
against Bai Luo Yin’s chest for him to hold onto.

“Wait for me right here!”

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes widened slightly as fear visibly drew across his face,
“You want to go down?”

Without answering, Gu Hai quickened his pace and made way towards the
seashore. Just as he tore of his shoes and jacket and prepared to jump into the
water, Bai Luo Yin pulled his hand back at full tilt. He then asked with a hint
of worry tracing his voice, “Are you sure that it’s safe?”

Instead of saying anything else again, Gu Hai jumped directly from the reef
into the ocean beneath.

In such cold weather, Gu Hai had jumped directly into the sea without having
done any prior warmups. The group of bystanders were terribly shocked as
they watched this event unfold. They thought silently to themselves.

Does this young man not want to live anymore? There’s no need to go to such
lengths to save someone! Is he just asking for a death wish?!

Complying to Gu Hai’s words, Bai Luo Yin stood waiting. His eyes lingered
on Gu Hai’s form from the moment he jumped to when his body entered the
water. Although he was unable to see them, he could feel beads of sweat
forming on his forehead that were rolling down the side of his face. His chest
tightened, making way for a nameless feeling to wring his heart.

If something were to really happen, he would also follow after him and jump
in. Everything else can just be as it is.

Meanwhile, Gu Hai swam while dredging about the water. At this point, the
bride had already sank deeper. Concentrating, Gu Hai swam further out a few
more meters. Suddenly, he sensed something unnatural in the current and
plunged deeper into the sea.

All the bystanders ashore inhaled a deep breath of cold air as they looked on.
The photographer muttered to himself, almost incoherent. “That young man
is very kind. It’s sad that he died like that.”

Hearing those words, Bai Luis Yin’s complexion immediately turned a pasty
white. He quickly climbed onto the highest section of that reef and looked
out, with focus, at the surface of the water. His eyes, barely blinking, scanned
the area from one vast corner to the next. Ridden with worry and anxiety, he
felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat.
Gu Hai, you must come out!

“Young man, you shouldn’t be depressed and take things too hard!”

A couple of seconds later, Bai Luo Yin was pulled down from the reef by a
foolish man, who continuously plead with him at the top of his lungs.

“Young man, I failed to stop him from doing such a stupid and
dangerous thing because I didn’t have the time. Don’t you dare follow
him and imitate such a disastrous move! Having the heart to save
someone is a great thing, but you also need to act according to your
capabilities. I’m only able to tell you this, restrain your grief. He is a
good person!”

“That’s impossible! He will not die!!”

Bai Luo Yin bellowed out in anger as he resentfully shook off the person
holding him.

Just as he flung the person’s hands away, Bai Luo Yin heard an exclamation
crying in surprise from the side.

“He’s out. He’s actually coming out!”

Scrambling, Bai Luo Yin hastily ran over to the spot that Gu Hai emerged

At first, Gu Hai wanted to pull the bride along with her wedding dress to the
shore. However, he realized that carrying both was too heavy of a burden for
him. In the end, he dove deeper under the water, grabbed the dress and
forcefully tore it apart. After he managed to free the bride from the tangles of
her leaden garment, he proceeded to support her as he swam towards the

Once they were ashore, the lifeguards also rushed over to assist one by one.
The bride was lifted onto a stretcher and quickly given CPR. A moment later,
she regained consciousness and cried out that it was cold. Hearing her, the
emergency personnel quickly covered her with a thick blanket. Soon, the
bride’s emotional tears fell from her eyes.

Once Gu Hai caught sight of this scene, his heart was instantly relieved. In
the end, all his efforts were not in vain.

Bai Luo Yin immediately wrapped the jacket, that Gu Hai had previously
taken off, around him while urging him to change out of his cold and wet

Out of nowhere, a swarm of reporters rushed over. As soon as they got out of
the car, they bee-lined over to the site of the incident.

As the news people questioned him, the groom pointed towards Gu Hai. It
was evident that he was emotionally moved as he spoke to them. “It’s that
young man. He’s the one that jumped into the water and saved my

As a result, several reporters turned toward Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai and ran
over towards them as if trying to chase them down. The two had just set up
their tent again and were about to change their clothes when suddenly they
were surrounded by a throng of reporters and cameramen.

“Hello, I heard that you saved a person just now. Excuse me, may I ask,
are you a local person? What is your name?”

The moment Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin noticed the video cameras, their
complexions changed.

Without saying anything, they exchanged a quick glance, took one huge step
backward and jetted off into the distance. With the reporters wildly in pursuit,
Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin didn’t bother to take their belongings or change out
of their clothes. It was in this manner that they escaped without looking back.

Unable to run any longer, the reporters soon stopped and gasped for air.

“That’s strange. There are actually still selfless people out there that
does something good like this without leaving their names behind just
like Lei Feng……”[2]
Translator’s Note:

[1]勇往直前 – literal : to advance bravely {do not confuse this idiom with
”Advance Bravely” 《势不可挡》《Irresistible》}

[2] Lei Feng [雷锋] – Léi Fēng (18 December 1940 – 15 August 1962) was
a soldier of the Chinese army in Communist legend. After his death, Lei was
characterized as a selfless and modest person devoted to the Communist
Party, Mao Zedong, and the people of China. In 1963, he became the subject
of a nationwide posthumous propaganda campaign, “Follow the examples of
Comrade Lei Feng.” Lei was portrayed as a model citizen, and the masses
were encouraged to emulate his selflessness, modesty, and devotion to Mao.
After Mao’s death, Lei Feng remained a cultural icon representing
earnestness and service. His name entered daily speech and his imagery
appeared on T-shirts and memorabilia.
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter
194, Chapter 195, and Chapter 196


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 194: The Inquietude of Youth - Jiang Yuan's SUDDEN


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


That afternoon, Gu Wei Ting's car was parked in front of the police station.

Within just second of his arrival, the Chief of Police rushed out to greet him.
"General Gu, why didn't you tell us in advance that you were coming
here? I could have sent a car over to pick you up!"

Giving the eager man a quick glance of acknowledgement, Gu Wei Ting

promptly headed inside the station with a wooden expression. Following
closely behind him, the Chief of Police instructed his subordinate to serve a
Gu Wei Ting a cup of tea.

Seeming somewhat perturbed, Gu Wei Ting waved his hand in refusal and
said almost incoherently 'there's no need.' Then looking squarely at the man
in front of him, he resorted to not beating around the bush and bluntly asked,
"What I've mentioned to you last time, how is it coming along?"

"We've been keeping surveillance on it at all time. Please wait a moment,

I will retrieve the data."

In just a short moment, the Chief of Police meticulously collated all the
statistical data before handing it over to Gu Wei Ting.

These were all the recent call records collected through Bai Han Qi's phone
number. The main reason why he did not harass Bai Han Qi for information
was so that he could quietly play out this plan in his own way. If he were to
march to Bai Han Qi's home, he was afraid that the disturbance would
inadvertently alert him.

"We've organized the data in accordance with the frequency of each call
from long to short distance. Generally speaking, the phone numbers that
had a high frequency of calls were usually within Beijing. In all, not
many were from outside of the province. In additions, the majority of
calls were only made once and each time it lasted less than 10 seconds.
We've concluded that those might have been made to the wrong

Gu Wei Ting carefully examined the numbers from top to bottom, until he
sharply focused his eyes on the fifth phone number.

"What area did this number come from?" Gu Wei Ting asked, keeping his
mind open to any loophole.

The Chief of Police took a gander at it, "Oh, this is from Qingdao,
Shandong. It's considered to be one of the cities that has very frequent
calls within the province."

Gu Wei Ting narrowed his eyes in contemplation as brilliant rays of light

silently flashed across his eyes, carrying with it a sense of fear that would
wring anyone asunder.

Once again, Gu Yang was summoned by Gu Wei Ting to the military base.

"Have you been busy lately?" Gu Wei Ting asked with a considerably soft

Hearing that, Gu Yang faintly replied, "It's been good. I have some people
help out with specific projects so I only need to gather and report the
collected materials."

"There's a small matter that I want to trouble you with, but I'm not sure
whether it's convenient for you or not."

"Hehe. Uncle, there's no need to be so polite with me."

Gu Wei Ting smiled and said, "You're an adult now. It's only normal that
I should also be courteous when speaking to you. Besides, you already
have your own career. I can't just conveniently take advantage of you
just because we're related. Nor can I randomly waste your time!"

"It's fine, I'm not busy. Just be direct with what you have to say," Gu
Yang replied.

Noting Gu Yang's carefree attitude, Gu Wei Ting's complexion slightly

changed as a strange look of complication took root in his gaze.

"Have you had any contact with Gu Hai?"

"No", Gu Yang replied sternly.

Gu Wei Ting nodded his head, "Okay then. Since you're not busy, help me
search for Gu Hai and bring him back. I don't want to use my personal
power to search all over the country for him. This would be a
disadvantage to my reputation if it were to leak out and worse, this kind
of situation is completely unacceptable in the army."

"Where am I supposed to find him? He had already cut off all contacts
with us. At this point, looking for them is like trying to find a needle in a
"I'll give you a clue. They are in Qingdao, Shandong."

After hearing those words, Gu Yang was still able to perfectly disguise the
surprise that beckoned to shoot out from within his eyes. "How do you know
that they're in Qingdao?" Gu Yang asked while feigning ignorant.

"Through investigation." Gu Wei Ting replied matter-of-factly.

Silence overtook Gu Yang.

"If I continue with the investigation, I'll definitely be able to find their
exact location but I don't want to personally handle this matter. Don't
ask me for the reason. I'm feeling really uneasy at the moment. In short,
I have confidence in you and I want to entrust you with the task of
dealing with this strenuous ordeal."

A sense of guilt squirmed its way into Gu Yang's conscience as he watched

the uneasiness riddling Gu Wei Ting's face.

"Since he has done something like this, you're still acknowledging him as
your son?"

"If I acknowledge it, he is. If I don't, then he isn't." [1]

While Gu Yang continued to ponder on that phrase, Gu Wei Ting had already
walked out of the room.


The person standing in front of Gu Wei Ting was a man name Hua Yun Hui,
a subordinate that he had personally enlisted to receive special force training.
Normally, Gu Wei Ting does not call on him for assistance. The only
exception to this would be when Sun Jingwei had his hands full, Gu Wei
Ting would then hand over some missions for Hua Yun Hui to handle.

"I have a mission for you."

Standing perfectly straight, Hua Yun Hui focused all his attention on his
commanding general before he spoke in a seemingly monotone voice. "Yes
General. I am at your service."

"You can relax a bit." Gu Wei Ting's large hand pressed on Hua Yun Hui's
shoulder, "This mission involves my family matters, so there's no need to
be so serious."

"Family matters?" Hua Yun Hui asked with curiosity, "Isn't Sun Jingwei
always in charge of your personal matter?"

"He has his hands full lately."

The truth was, Gu Wei Ting does not fully trust Sun Jingwei anymore.

"There's someone I want you to keep an eye on. It doesn't matter what
method you use, you must keep surveillance on his whereabouts 24/7.
Don't let him out of your sight."

Hua Yun Hui's nerves immediately tensed, "Who?"

"My nephew, Gu Yang."

When Sun Jingwei saw Gu Wei Ting returned, he rushed to him and asked,
"General, where did you go just now?"

Gu Wei Ting's stern gaze immediately swept towards him, "What


"Just now, your wife came to look for you."

"Jiang Yuan?" Gu Wei Ting's brows wrinkled into a small frown, "When
did she came here?"

"She just left a moment ago. I let her wait in the room but, once she saw
that you weren't here, she immediately left. General, you should show
more concern towards her. When something of this nature happens, it's
only normal that everyone will find it hard to take. After all is said and
done, she is a nonetheless a woman. Psychologically, she won't be able to
handle certain things as well as you do. When I saw her a moment ago, I
can tell that her mental state doesn't look too well at all."

Glancing away, Gu Wei Ting did not say anything else. He continued to busy
his time away with work late into the night before he eventually instructed
the chauffeur to take him home.

Even as the darkness rolled into the night sky, Jiang Yuan has yet to be taken
in by slumber. She sat alone in the dining room lost in thought.

When she heard the door opening, she slowly raised her head for a look.

As Gu Wei Ting walked in, he casually turned his head for a glance and saw
Jiang Yuan sitting not too far way. The dim lighting casted against her form
revealed the paleness that masked her delicate face. Jiang Yuan stood up and
slowly walked towards Gu Wei Ting, her appearance was sickly and drained,
unlike her usually lively self.

"Have you eaten? If not, I'll go cook something." She asked as she does
every day.

Just as Jiang Yuan was about to turn away, Gu Wei Ting grabbed hold of her
hand, "Don't worry, I've eaten."

The only word that came out of Jiang Yuan's mouth then was "oh".

In the past, Jiang Yuan had always longed for Gu Wei Ting to return home as
soon as possible, just like an imperial concubine longing for the Emperor to
personally come to her. Every night, she would lay on the bed and hope for a
day where if she were to wake up in the middle of the night, the pillow beside
her would unexpectedly be occupied by another person. However, even
though Gu Wei Ting was calmly beside her now, she still felt nothing but

"It's quite late already. Why aren't you sleeping yet?" Gu Wei Ting asked
while taking in the details of her face.

Letting out a faint smile, Jiang Yuan said almost incoherently, "I can't

The Jiang Yuan in Gu Wei Ting's mind was always full of life and energy.
Simply put, she was straightforward, outspoken and quick to word her
thoughts when needed. When she is feeling uneasy about something, gritting
her teeth and fuming with anger was one of her many actions but when she
consumed with happiness, she would dance around. In all, she can sometimes
be vicious and lovely at other it was quite rare to see her rather
quiet like this.

Gu Wei Ting held Jiang Yuan's hand and asked with a soothing tone, "Why
can't you sleep?"

"I miss my son." Jiang Yuan answered honestly.

Gu Wei Ting slowly closed his eyes and willed his heart rate to slow down at
the anger that seemed to rose within him. For the past few days, his words
were too harsh when he had randomly bellowed in anger. Thinking about his
own previous actions now, he suddenly began to hate those kinds of

"You didn't go see Ban Han Qi?"

Jiang Yuan shook her head.

Gu Wei Ting was somewhat flabbergasted. Based on Jiang Yuan's

personality, it would have not been a surprise if she had gone to the Bai's
home and cause a complete mess.

"Why didn't you go?"

Glancing over at him with delicate eyes, Jiang Yuan softly replied, "For the
past few days, I've been thinking about the words that Lao Bai said. He
said the reason Luo Yin has feelings towards another man was because
he has a mother that's neglects him, which in turn caused him to start
rejecting women."

"That's utter nonsense!" Gu Wei Ting said angrily. "What type of

objective reasoning is that? The truth is there, is only one reason. The
two of them are bastards!"

Jiang Yuan maintained her silence.

Calming himself down, Gu Wei Ting lit a cigarette and slowly smoked it.

Without any warning, Jiang Yuan started to sob spasmodically.

Gu Wei Ting turned his head for a glance, while his brows slightly pinched

"Look at yourself, what are you crying for? You're already an

adult...come here. Don't cry anymore...." said Gu Wei Ting as he pulled
out a tissue and wiped Jiang Yuan's tears away.

Even then, Jiang Yuan continued to sob sporadically while saying, "I
suddenly feel that my son is pitiful. Before, when he was sensible, I've
never once thought that he was pitiful. But now that he has done
something like this, I suddenly feel especially sorry and regretful. Every
night, I would dream of him. And in it, he's out in the world, alone and
famish. He's only 18 years old...other kids his age are still in their
parents' embrace, asking for something to eat and drink. Yet, my 18
years old son is wandering alone. Even though he has a home, he cannot
return to it."

Gu Wei Ting's heart softened, however his tone is still as stern as ever.

"They brought it upon themselves. It is really worth it for you to be

sorry and regretful?"

With her tears stained face, Jiang Yuan turned to face Gu Wei Ting, "Lao
Gu, have you ever thought why our sons' relationship became like this?
Doesn't it have a direct relation with our marriage?"

"What are you trying to say?" Gu Wei Ting's vision gradually sank.
"We're married. Does it make any sense for you to say these things
"I don't regretting marrying you. I've just been thinking why Xiao Hai
grew to like Luo Yin and why Luo Yin had also grown to like Xiao Hai.
As I kept thinking about it, I only found one possibility. That is, these
two boys both lacked maternal love. For Xiao Hai, his mother passed
away and Luo Yin was not with me since he was little. So, when they're
together, they must have felt a bit of sympathy for each other."

"There are many people out there that lack maternal love. How many of
them would actually do something like that?"

With emptiness coloring her eyes, Jiang Yuan picked up a pillow and held it
against her chest.

"Lao Gu, did you know why Gu Hai suddenly changed his attitude
towards you?"

Gu Wei Ting has always held some suspicions regarding this matter. At first,
he wanted to ask about it, but as time went by, he thought that it was
superfluous, so rather than mentioning it again, he merely took it as his son
had finally gotten over it.

"It's because Luo Yin found out the truth about Gu Hai's mother's

Gu Wei Ting's body shook in shock as he stared at her in incredulity.

Suddenly, his pupils seemed to have split open, paving way for a luminous
light to shoot out towards Jiang Yuan's face.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Yuan choked in between sobs as she spoke, "Sun Jingwei didn't want
me to tell you. He was afraid that you'll be upset and suffer again. And...
I didn't want to tell you either because I was afraid you'll keep thinking
of her. But now, I'm even more afraid that my son will suffer. He is the
only person in this world that has my blood."

Translator's Note:
[1]认则有,不认则无 - To acknowledge it means that it exists. To not
acknowledge it means it doesn't.

This is the closer translation of the phrase that Gu Wei Ting said, but due to
the awkwardness and cryptic meaning that it gives to the overall translation,
its been changed. Do take note, this translation might change. -


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 195: The Inquietude of Youth - A SURPRISE ATTACK on

the STREETS. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


In the twinkling of an eye, two weeks have peacefully passed by since they
have been in Qingdao. During the second week, the two had ended their days
in the hotel and moved into a rented apartment for the time being. The
reasons being, one to save money and two, to avoid having to go out too
frequently. During the day, they would hide in the room together and review
their assignments but once night fell, they would head out and take a stroll on
the beach. It was in this simple way that their days together were enriched
with contentment.

"It looks like someone is knocking on the door." Bai Luo Yin stretched his
head out to look at the doorway.

Giving Bai Luo Yin a glance, Gu Hai immediately stood up to open it.
"Hello, it's the express delivery company. This is your package. Please
sign here."

Once he saw the shape and heaviness of the item in question, Gu Hai's face
sank; even the color seemed to become slightly ashen. Needless to say, it
contained books again. For the last few days, Bai Luo Yin had nothing better
to do than to search online for school books. From text books to reference
books and even workbooks of various subjects, he purchased nearly 100
already. Every day, when the deliveryman arrived at the usually appointed
time, Gu Hai was the one who signed for the package. To make matters
worse, nine out of ten times, the books were all bought for Gu Hai himself to
read while Bai Luo Yin was only in charge of supervising. Consequently,
every time Gu Hai saw the delivery man, he had the urge to kick the bastard

"Why did you buy more books huh?" Gu Hai's face darkened even more
than before. "Can't you buy something else as well?"

"What else is there to buy huh? It's not like we are lacking anything."

"What do you mean, we aren't lacking anything?" Gu Hai fiddled with

the cigarette lighter in his hand, "There are no more condoms, why didn't
you think about buying a box of it?"

Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth, "A box......"

"And sex toys too. I looked online yesterday and there were so many
different kinds. There were some really interesting looking ones that
we've never used before. Why didn't you pay attention to any of it huh?
Those would definitely improve our quality of life. Look at what you're
buying......nothing else but books!! Damn it!" Gu Hai bitterly threw the
books in his hand to the ground.

Upon seeing this puerile act, Bai Luo Yin narrowed his sharp eyes towards
him, "Pick it up."

Feeling wronged, Gu Hai pouted his lips and cast an angry look at Bai Luo
Yin for approximately three seconds. Then, as if sensing the sudden change
in the atmosphere, he slowly bent down to pick up the books without waiting
for Bai Luo Yin to start counting down.

Satisfied, Bai Luo Yin faced Gu Hai and asked, "Did you finish reading the
book that I gave you two days ago?"

"Yeah, I finished it."

In just seconds, Bai Luo Yin's seemingly all-knowing eyes scrutinized Gu

Hai, but even then, Gu Hai's clear conscience persevered.

"Bring it to me. I'll take a look at it."

Bearing in mind Bai Luo Yin's tenacious demand, Gu Hai readily handed the
book over to him. Although somewhat suspicious at first, Bai Luo Yin
nonetheless flipped through the book in a rather calm and casual manner.
True to his word, Gu Hai had indeed finished writing in it.

Not surprisingly, when Gu Hai was first handed the book, the answer sheet
had already been confiscated by Ba Luo Yin early on. With that, it was clear
that these questions were all answered by Gu Hai. Furthermore, in order to
prevent him from contriving any tricks, Bai Luo Yin intentionally examined
each situation listed in the book thoroughly. This was to further see if he had
foolishly written anything without thinking it through. As a result of the
examination, everything looked good.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Gu Hai reached out to take the book

However, Bai Luo Yin suddenly withdrew his hand and gripped hard at the
seam of the book. There, he felt that the thickness of the book was slightly
strange. As he flipped the book open again and looked at the page numbers,
he was immediately enraged.


Flipping through the book one page at a time, he noticed that every other
page was missing. He flipped again, another page was missing. Needless to
say, this rascal must have torn them out!

Noting that Bai Luo Yin's expression had fallen through and his own
deceitful actions had been exposed, Gu Hai hastily fled to the other room. Bai
Luo Yin pursued closely behind. It was not hard to tell that he had taken this
as a challenge and refused to let it go. After a short while, he was finally able
to capture Gu Hai in the bathroom. Without much trouble, he grabbed the
mop leaning behind the door and ruthlessly struck Gu Hai. The guilty boy
scuttled to all corners of the room while the mop flew down to attack him
repeatedly. Ultimately, he ended up at a small corner, struggling to survive in
between hits.

"Stop hitting me. Baby, you're hurting me. Who will serve you later

"I don't need you to serve me. I'll still be able to live well even if it's just

With much ease, Gu Hai roughly pushed Bai Luo Yin against the wall. This
sudden contact caused the huge item, once hanging out silently between his
legs, to press up against Bai Luo Yin's family jewels. Taking advantage of the
crude moment, he pruriently rubbed even harder. When he detected Bai Luo
Yin struggling, Gu Hai bit hard on his earlobe.

"In other words, you only have me. Who else can satisfy you huh? Even
if both your hands were rubbing it until they're dislocated, it still won't
be able to keep up with half my speed."

Before any more titillating words gyrated out of his lips, Gu Hai suffered
another round of beating!

"Hey, I can hear the phone ringing," said Gu Hai.

Still not releasing Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin listened carefully for a moment. It
seemed Gu Hai's cell phone was indeed ringing. Slightly pursing his lips, Bai
Luo Yin finally loosened up his grip and let him go before the two made their
way out of the bathroom together.
Seeing that it was Gu Yang's number with just one look, Gu Hai answered the
call and casually said 'Ge.'

"I've already arrived in Qingdao. Where are you staying at?"

"Why are......" Gu Hai was flabbergasted, "What did you come to

Qingdao for?"

"Your dad sent me here to capture you!"

Gu Hai snorted, "Look at the person he sent. He looked for half a day
only to end up sending an accomplice!"

Carefully listening to the small conversation, Bai Luo Yin picked up his own
cell phone and browsed through its call history for the last couple of days.
After looking through it for a while, he suddenly became aware of something.

"That's enough, where are you right now? I'll go look for you." Gu Hai
said indifferently.

"Up to you."

After hanging up on the call, Gu Hai faced Bai Luo Yin and said, "My dad
already knows that we are in Qingdao. He'd even sent my brother here
to capture the two of us. Tell me, is he brainless?"

"Do you actually know if Gu Yang is on your side?" Bai Luo Yin asked
without restraint.

"What about it?" Gu Hai answered with a question instead, "If he was
working with my dad to vent out his anger, why did he help us that

The color on Bai Luo Yin's face changed at those words, "I'm just urging
you to be a bit more cautious."

"Okay, I know. I'm going to head out."

Just as Gu Hai left, Bai Luo Yin immediately gave Bai Han Qi a phone call.

"Son!" Bai Han Qi's laughter trickled from the other side. His voice was
crisp and bright, making it sound as though his mood was pretty good.

"Has Gu Hai's father gone to our house for the last few days?"

"He hasn't!" Bai Han Qi let out a light sigh, "I've also wondered about
this. It's got me confused too you know. Since the two of you left until
now, he hasn't shown up at all. You mother hasn't either. Neither of
them came here to ask about anything."

Compared to Bai Han Qi's relaxed state of mind, Bai Luo Yin's mind was
being ravaged by an unwavering sense of uneasiness that caused his chest to

"Dad, if it's convenient, use someone else's ID card and change your
phone number. I might have to change my number as well."

Startled, Bai Han Qi's breathing became heavier, "Son, what's wrong? Did
something happen over there?"

"No, nothing happened." Bai Luo Yin quickly consoled him with a few
more words, "I'm really good over here. Aren't I doing this for the
purpose of guarding against the unexpected?!"

"There's no need to worry. If something were to happen, dad will cover

for you!"

Those few words bitterly gripped at Bai Luo Yin's heart.

"Oh, that's right son! Dad has some good news to tell you. Two days ago,
a teacher called here and said that the school has already fixed a
recommendation for direct admission into the university for you. This
time, there's no need for you to worry about it anymore. Just relax and
have fun over there."

Bai Luo Yin's brows rose slightly, "From what I remember, the
recommendation needed to pass through two evaluations. I haven't
returned to school since, how did it pass the evaluations so thoroughly?"

"I don't know either!" Bai Han Qi made a huffing noise, "When you'd
just left, I took a trip to the school and asked about it. At that time, the
teacher said that if the student doesn't come, it doesn't matter if someone
else does. But strangely enough, yesterday a call came over to notify us
that your evaluations have been approved and complied with their
conditions. Afterwards, it was immediately classified as a direct
admission into the university. As of yesterday, the file has been

Bai Luo Yin became suspicious at the peculiarity of that event.

"Son, in two days, I'm going to chat with the teacher again. You two
should come back as soon as possible! Since our ancestors have brought
such a brilliant student worthy of Qinghua University, I should arrange
a few tables and invite some close relatives and friends over. We should
at the least show our faces!"

"Okay, I know dad. Just don't forget to change your phone number."

Immediately after hanging up, Bai Luo Yin began to rhythmically tap his
fingers on the writing desk as if they were a set of drums. With each
successive round of taps, the heavier they struck the table and thus they
became louder and more intense. Suddenly, his fingers halted and huge
waves of light flickered from what seemed to be the depths of his eyes.
Without hesitation, he picked up his phone to call Gu Hai.

"Da Hai, don't go meet up with your brother. Quickly come back here

Listening to Bai Luo Yin attentively on the other side of the call, Gu Hai was
raided with confusion. "Why? I've already arrived at the hotel's

"Don't worry about the reasons. It's enough if you just return here
Thinking that something has happened to Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai's mind was
immediately smoldered with anxiety. Just as he turned to leave, he suddenly
sensed a gust of chilly air rush towards him from behind. He took a large
stride to the side, compelling the person that attempted to mount a sneak
attack on him to engage.

Gu Hai had the brim of his cap pulled very low and was also wearing a pair
of black sunglasses. At first, this person only had some suspicions, but after
the quick exchange with Gu Hai a moment ago, he was certain that his target
was indeed Gu Hai.

This was a skilled individual. His fighting skills were not in the least bit
concealed. After Gu Hai punctiliously hurled several tempestuous fists at
him, he realized that this man was completely different from all the other
skilled men that he had encountered before. As their fists met each other, Gu
Hai quickly noticed that the attacker was not the least bit afraid of hurting
himself. Instead, the assailant was refraining himself from hurting Gu Hai,
since his goal was to try his best to subdue his quarry!

Sensing the odds of ensuring success were not too high after exchanging a
few more punches, the attacker suddenly lowered his head and said a few
words. "Huidu Hotel. At the corner of East street."

Although in full combat mode, Gu Hai was well aware of his surroundings so
when he heard those words, he immediately discovered that there was a small
instrument hanging loosely from this man's collar. Composing himself but
still not feeling too encouraged about the turn of events, he gave the man a
ruthless kick and rushed off. To make matters worse, Gu Hai didn't know
from where those men were going to ambush him from, all he could do was
leave it to chance as he made haste and continued westward.

Soon, the two footsteps sounding off from behind him multiplied. Gu Hai
knew clearly that the situation was not too optimistic but for now, besides
running, there was no other alternative. So as long as there's an opportunity
for him to make it out alive, he would firmly grasp onto it.

A couple of minutes later, Gu Hai scampered into a bustling commercial

street. He swiftly maneuvered his way through the throngs of people in the
surrounding areas before entering a shopping mall. Then like a mad man, he
rushed towards the third floor and charged into the staff lounge. As he swung
his head, left and right, looking for a way out, he noticed a window and
immediately jumped out of it without much thought. Surprisingly, he landed
safely on his feet without hurting himself. This thoughtless jump led him
down to the back alley of the shopping mall and distanced him further from
the main streets.

Gu Hai stopped to catch his breath. By chance, just scanning his

surroundings, he observed a youngster standing to the side.

"Buddy, help me out. In a moment, wear my clothes and cap and run
over there. I'm being chased by a group of debt collectors. Don't worry.
They won't make it difficult for you once they discovered that you're not
the one they're looking for."

The youngster's face immediately paled as he waved his hands repeatedly to

object. "I don't want to wear it. I don't want to wear it......"

Without another word, Gu Hai stubbornly gave his clothes to the youngster to
put on. Then he took the kid's hand and shoved it into the pants side pocket
where there was a stack of bills inside.

"Help me with this and all that money is yours. If you don't help me,
there's no use in having it! Consider and handle it yourself!"

This youngster's face turned purple with pain as Gu Hai's hand, like a pair of
iron pliers, tightly gripped his shoulder. Eventually, under Gu Hai's attentive
gaze, this unlucky individual wore his clothes and bolted north.

"I see him! He's over there. Follow him!!"

Gu Hai's nerves tensed. Looking to the side, he saw a car and quickly fled
towards the back of it. By chance, there as a beautiful woman crouching on
the ground looking for something. Out of options, Gu Hai pulled her up,
pushed her against the nearby wall and kissed her!

The group of men majestically passed by Gu Hai from behind.

As the sounds of their footsteps gradually faded, Gu Hai let the woman go.
He didn't even know where he had kissed her. It was soft and had a trace of
fragrance to it. The woman's luminous eyes looked on at the face in front of
her. It was bright and seemed to be lit with rays of sunshine, handsome and
unruly. At first, she wanted to slap him, but she unexpectedly was not able to
raise her hand.

Making sure the area was clear, Gu Hai gave her a quick glance and laughed
awkwardly. "Sorry. Seeing that you were so beautiful, I couldn't hold
back for a moment."

For someone that had just met with an event that was quite sudden, the
woman's mental state was exceptionally good. Not only did she not get angry,
she even faced Gu Hai and laughed.

This was the first time Gu Hai's roguish behavior succeeded like this!

At the roof of a high building, a lone sniper stood still with the muzzle of his
gun aimed at Gu Hai's calf. This person couldn't help but sneer.

He obviously has skills. In spite of everything, he's still able to stealthily

make the best of a bad situation. Fortunately, there's also a skilled person
here, otherwise, this reckless kid would've fooled us.

With that in mind, he rapidly pulled the trigger.

Just as Gu Hai was about to leave, he suddenly felt a sharp pain strike his leg.
He bit down hard on his teeth while his face distorted into a grim and pale

What had struck him was not an ordinary bullet. Although it was not lethal to
the body, the painful sensation that it produced was just as bad if not worse
than a normal bullet. Worse, after the pain slowly subsided, an intense level
of numbness will take over and the spot that was struck will instantly lose its
sensation. Gu Hai was aware of the numbness that began to creep in the
moment he found it difficult to lift his wounded leg. Meanwhile, the group of
people that ran the other way were coming back towards him.
Trying to will the numbness away, Gu Hai truly believed that he was now
screwed. But, with just a few short sentences from the beautiful woman, he
was able to find a way out of this seemingly impossible predicament.

"Why does your complexion look so unsightly? Are you not feeling well?
I'm about to head home so I'll take you to the hospital on my way there!"

"Is this your car?" Gu Hai asked.

The beautiful woman smiled, "What if it is?"

Taking that as the answer, Gu Hai promptly opened the back door and
crudely stuffed her in before he sat in the driver's seat. With haste, he started
the car, maneuvered it towards the main road and stepped on the gas pedal,
rushing off.

As the group of men rushed ahead, a car swept by them from the side. It was
then that they discovered that their target has escaped.


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 196: The Inquietude of Youth - The TWO YOUNGERS’

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


On the road, Gu Hai swerved and turned the car several times. As he took
quick and sharp turns at various corners, avoiding other cars along the way,
he too was engendered with confusion that left him somewhat dazed.
Meanwhile, the beautiful woman continued to remain calm and quiet in the
back seat. Once Gu Hai felt that the surrounding areas were secure, he slowly
turned the car back along the main road that he had previously driven from.

“Turn at the traffic light ahead.” The woman suddenly opened her mouth
to speak, her tone not the least bit perturbed.

Although Gu Hai felt grateful for this turn of events, it was only when she
spoke did he remember that there was actually someone sitting back there.

“I was being surrounded by a group of men. If you didn’t happen to be

where you were, it would have been hard to escape.” As he said this, there
was a faint discernable smile smeared at the corner of Gu Hai’s lips. Now
fully aware of the other person, he glanced at her through the rearview

The woman’s voice was gentle when she finally spoke again, “I could tell.”

Seemingly surprised at the response, Gu Hai asked “You could tell?”

“I knew you were in trouble the moment you rudely harassed me.”

This was the first time Gu Hai had ever heard a girl say the word ‘harass’ so
many times. He thought to himself:
How can such a young and beautiful girl that drives a relatively fancy car
like this also have such a bold and unconstrained behavior? She’s not that
kind of person, is she?

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll kidnap and sell you?” Gu Hai asked trying to probe
for some answers.

As one of her brows slightly rose, the woman laughed, exposing what can be
described as a simple yet contented set of dimples.

“You’re not that kind of person.”

“You could also tell something like that?” Gu Hai turned around and gave
her another quick glance.

Slightly smiling, she nodded her head, “Intuition.”

Feeling apathetic, Gu Hai had nothing else to say. At first, he wanted to find
a gas station to fill the tank up in return for her kind gesture, but when he felt
around in his pockets, he remembered that all his money were already gone.
In the end, all he could do was give her an apology.

“You’re a resident of Beijing?” She asked.


“No wonder, your accent sounded so familiar! Are you here on a trip or
visiting relatives?”

“Visiting relatives. You’re a local here?”

“My parents are in Qingdao but I’m attending school in Beijing for now.
Hey, you’re also studying, right? From your appearance, you look no
more than 20 years old.”

Gu Hai laughed, “You’re the first to say that I’m young. My wife always
says that I’m old.”

Taken aback by those words, said in such a natural manner, the woman’s
eyes burrowed into his face. In just seconds, her brows rose to match that of
the incoming question, “You already have a wife?”

“Yeah, I got married early!!” Gu Hai said with a bright smile stretching
from ear to ear.

“……” At a loss, the woman could find nothing else to say.

When he was just one route away from the apartment, Gu Hai slowly stopped
the car and expressed his gratitude one last time.

Still somewhat startled at his previous statement, the woman took the
initiative to speak first, “Give me your phone number so that we can
always keep in touch.”

“My number always changes, so it’s no use even if you know it.” With an
insouciant air, Gu Hai opened the car door and stepped out.

The woman followed. Once she was able to take a good look at Gu Hai, her
eyes were overflowing with ripples that resonated to and fro with the words,
‘don’t be like this.’

“I’ve helped you with such a huge matter and you don’t even want to
give me your number? Aren’t you just being too stingy about it? Look, I
didn’t even demand any gas money either,” said the woman in a
contemptuous tone of voice.

Thinking through the circumstances, Gu Hai was already welling with

anxiety. Even worse, the strength in his affected leg has yet to return. All he
could think about was urgently returning to Bai Luo Yin. He did not want to
continue nor did he have the time to waste dealing with this unnecessary

“The phone was already taken by those people. I really have to change

Hearing that, the woman did not make things awkward or difficult for him
again. Afterwards, she merely waved her hands, “Then we’ll meet again if
fated to.”

After saying that, she pulled out a small bottle of perfume, faced Gu Hai’s
back and fiercely sprayed it several times.

As Gu Hai walked away, he was rather puzzled at her action. So much so that
he lifted his arm and sniffed his own clothes.

Do I stink or something? Why the hell did she spray perfume on me?……
Whatever, I have to hurry back to Yin Zi!

When Bai Luo Yin was unable to get in contact with Gu Hai, he was
compelled by this urgent need to give Gu Yang a call. Once connected, Gu
Yang told Bai Luo Yin that Gu Hai did not pull through with their
appointment. A couple of silent moments later, Bai Luo Yin told Gu Yang
the situation at hand and after thoroughly understanding everything, Gu Yang
repeatedly warned him not to be reckless and go out.

No words could be said to quell Bai Luo Yin’s worrying mind. Even after
hanging up on the call, he remained waiting in the room, full of trepidation,
as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

After what seemed like an eternity, there was finally a knock at the door.

Getting up, Bai Luo Yin quickly rushed to open it and was met with Gu Hai
standing outside, grimacing in pain.

“What happened?” Without delay, Bai Luo Yin reached out to support him.

Actually, in this moment, Gu Hai’s leg was more or less better already. But,
once he saw the deep concern that was painted intensely in Bai Luo Yin’s
eyes, even his good leg was pierced with pain.

With his arm resting on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulders for support, they entered the
room. The entire way in, he cried out ‘ouch’ and ‘shit’ as if he was in
extreme pain and gushing blood.

“Exactly what happened?” Bai Luo Yin asked again.

Abiding by Bai Luo Yin’s worried insistence, Gu Hai took to telling him the
situation that he had gone through. The only thing was, he changed the
beautiful woman into a young man instead. At first, this narrative had a trace
of drama tangled in it already. Now that it was coupled with Gu Hai’s
dilapidated eloquence and unreliable facial expressions, not only did Bai Luo
Yin not express any sympathy, there was also doubt riding across his face.

“Why does it sound like a movie?”

“Really!” Gu Hai anxiously explained, “I was really attacked! If you don’t

believe me, just look here. My leg was also hit by a bullet!” While talking,
he rolled up his pants to show him, but in the end, aside from a few strands of
hair, there were no indications of anything else.

Looking on, Bai Luo Yin’s nose took in a whiff of an intense scent. It was
not that he was being sensitive, but it was because this perfume was
extremely strong. Truth be told, he had smelled it the moment he opened the
door and at first had thought that it was a lingering scent from within the
corridor, but now he discovered that it wasn’t. The source of this fragrance
was, instead, pervading from a certain someone’s clothes.

Bai Luo Yin let his eyes remain on Gu Hai for a moment longer. The tone he
used was interspersed with ridicule as he spoke, “Those hoodlums’ bodies
were sprayed with a lot of perfume huh!”

Gu Hai’s complexion was circled with listlessness. It was only then did he
understand that woman’s intention.

You really can’t poison a married woman’s heart!

“Oh, it’s not from those hoodlums. It’s the fragrance from the room.
You know what kind of person my brother is. He likes to fucking use
these flashy things. Say, even if he ordered a private room, why did he
have to order one with a theme? A romantic one with flowers and……”

“Didn’t you say a moment ago that you didn’t go into the hotel?” Bai
Luo Yin interrupted Gu Hai’s rigamarole.
Gu Hai was in turn surprised instead, “Did I say that a moment ago?”

“Nonsense!!” Bai Luo Yin’s eyes instantly ruptured in coldness.

Noting the change in the atmosphere, Gu Hai hurried to explain, “It’s like
this. This leg, wasn’t it hit by a bullet? Why didn’t this bullet leave
behind a scar huh? I reckoned it broke apart when it struck my leg and
that fragrance was dispersed from the bullet.”

Bai Luo Yin laughed coldly, “You made that up yourself!”

Having said that, he swung his hand away to leave, but Gu Hai quickly
grabbed his hand and held it firmly.

“Let go!” Bai Luo Yin shouted with a serious tone.

Gu Hai became anxious, “Don’t you know how to feel a bit more sorry or
worry about me? Even that beautiful woman I accidentally met on the
street was better than you. At the least she knew to help me out!”

A dark and sinister gloominess crept up Bai Luo Yin’s crestfallen face; it was
the kind of dreadful look that would frighten anyone who came upon it.

Seeing his face, Gu Hai finally realized what he had just bluntly grumbled

Without giving him another glance, Bai Luo Yin returned to the bedroom.
Suddenly the door was slammed so loud that even the earth trembled!

When it was time to sleep, the bedroom door was still firmly shut and Gu Hai
had taken to nestling uncomfortably on the sofa. The more he thought about
it, the more grievance he felt.

What the heck……was it easy for me to escape today, huh? If no one helped
me out, I would have long been captured and sent back to Beijing already. By
then, you wouldn’t have anyone to be fucking angry at! Would you be fucking
happy if something were to happen to me? Do I have to lose half my life for
you to actually know how to feel sorry and regretful towards me? Fuck!!
Heated, Gu Hai grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s cell phone and found Gu Yang’s
number and dialed it.

“You’re to fucking blame for all this! Weren’t you well off staying in
Beijing, what did you run here for? If my old man asked you for help,
did you really have to help him, huh? Yet you have the fucking balls to
refuse me?”

Gu Yang only replied with three words, “Are you crazy?”

“Just look at the fucking mess that you’ve caused today! Even if you
fucking came here, why the hell did you have to call me out?”

Without saying anything else, Gu Hai hung up the call but even then, there
was still a flame burning on inside his heart. Suddenly, as if recalling
something, he picked up the cell phone again for another glance. This glance
only agitated the flame and invoked a raging anger in him.

“Bai Luo Yin, come out here now!” There was a loud bang when he kicked
the door.

Since there was no response from the person inside the room, Gu Hai kicked
the door again.

“You have the fucking face to say that to me!! Come out here!! Today,
the two of us must have a good talk!!”

“Don’t be an asshole!”

The door was suddenly pulled open, revealing Bai Luo Yin’s cold and
gloomy face.

With a darkened countenance as if he had emerged from a vicious death

match, Gu Hai lifted the phone and angrily said, “Why does my brother
know your phone number?”

“I gave him a phone call once. Wouldn’t he know my number then?”

“What did you give him a call for?” Gu Hai roared in rage.
Slightly frowning at the accusation, Bai Luo Yin also roared, “I couldn’t get
in touch with you. Who else would I call if not him?”

“That’s not the main point!” Gu Hai retorted severely, unwilling to listen to
any excuses, “We’ve completely deleted our address book already. How
do you know his phone number?”

“I remember it by heart, is there a problem with that?”

With a pause between each word, Gu Hai asked, “You remembered his
phone number by heart?”

“Yeah!” A burst of red shot from Bai Luo Yin’s eyes, “When you went to
America…you went for more than half a month. Let me tell you, I
fucking stared at that number every single day. Even when I dreamed,
that number appeared. If it was you, would you forget it?”

A moment later, the room sank into a deathly stillness as Gu Hai’s tyrannical
aura was swallowed up a little at a time. Just when Bai Luo Yin turned
around with the desire to leave, Gu Hai pulled him by the waist into an
embrace. Struggling, Bai Luo Yin took to ferociously seizing and pulling at
Gu Hai’s clothes. But Gu Hai tightened his hold and continued to hug him,
refusing to let go or give up even if his life depended on it.

After a long time, Gu Hai started to speak, his previously overbearing attitude
was hardly sheathed with tenderness.

“You can’t be angry with me!”

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin became even more ravaged with anger.
Fucking anger!

You came back with your entire body infected with this fragrance then yelled
at me left and right. Now you’re ordering me not to be angry with you?!

“Actually, the truth is, the young man should be replaced with a woman.
I didn’t dare tell you because I was afraid that you’ll get angry.” Gu Hai
said truthfully, laying himself open as he tightened his hold even more.
Fuming with rage, Bai Luo in gritted his teeth, “Do you think that I am

Gu Hai gently caressed Bai Luo Yin’s back and pleaded in a low and soft
voice, “Don’t be angry with me. It’s a crucial moment right now. We’re
fighting a battle alongside each other. How can we be fighting amongst

Bai Luo Yin coldly asked, “Which asshole became angry and started
acting like a fool first?”

“I did, I did.”

“You confess?”

Gu Ha readily nodded his head, “I absolutely confess.”

Narrowing his eyes, Bai Luo Yin snorted before a small smile pulled back the
corner of his lips, “I remember we came to an agreement back then that if
you acted like a fool again, your pants will be immediately torn off.”

Hearing that, Gu Hai’s eyes slightly widened and his face tensed up. He
deliberately pretended to be confused. “I don’t think so?”

“How can I forget such an important matter hmm? At that time,

someone even kindly invited me to fuck him to death!”

“You’ve definitely remembered wrong.” Gu Hai ridiculed on, while

averting his eyes.

“Xiao HAI ZI!! Today you have to behave and accept this


Hi dear pillows! Few chapters left and we’re done in Book 1 of ADDICTED
(The Novel).

Who were excited to read the last chapter?

It’ll be a sad ending.

I’ll always keep you updated.

Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter
197, Chapter 198 and Chapter 199


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 197: The Inquietude of Youth – The ENEMIES have been


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Since the day of the ambush, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin changed their phone
numbers without delay yet again as to avoid any other unexpected surprises.
Elsewhere, Bai Han Qi had also taken the initiative to purchase a new SIM
card, used only for the purpose of getting in contact with his son. Over the
week, the two were particularly sagacious in handling everything they did.
Taking into consideration that their safety is paramount, they rarely ventured
out unless an unusual situation arose. After meticulously mapping out their
plan, the two were finally prepared to meet up with Gu Yang.

The three settled to meet in a private room at an exceptionally hidden

restaurant to chat and dine.

“You should get a haircut.” Gu Yang said nonchalantly.

Gu Hai lifted his head and ran his hand through his hair, unconsciously
measuring the length with his fingers before speaking in an uninterested tone.

“Really, huh? I think it’s still short!”

“I’m talking about Bai Luo Yin.”

Hearing his name, Bai Luo Yin finally picked his head up and absent-
mindedly said, ‘oh’.

Gu Yang’s ambiguous attentiveness to such a minute detail spawned a blitz

of jealousy within the room. Letting his eyes rest on the person beside him,
Gu Hai placed his hand on the back of Bai Luo Yin’s head. With a rather
stoic aura aligning the contours of his face, he gently caressed Bai Luo Yin’s
hair, letting the softness play out against his skin. Tilting his head slightly to
the side, allowing it to nearly touch the other boy’s head, Gu Hai deliberately
said some words just for Gu Yang to hear.

“I think this hairstyle is pretty good. It’s not too long or too short.
There’s no need trim so neatly.”

Bai Luo Yin shot Gu Hai a glance but opted to not say anything.

“Where do you intend to go to after?” Gu Yang asked, seemingly


Keeping his hand on the same spot, Gu Hai racked through his thoughts for a
moment. “Probably Yúnnán [1], if not, we’ll head to Tibet. In short, the
further from the city, the more isolated the place, the better.”

“When are you leaving?”

“After the New Year.” Gu Hai said matter-of-factly, “Winter in those

places is hard to endure so we won’t be leaving anytime before the New
Year. It’s best to stay in this place for the time being since it’s pretty
nice. Unlike the severe and dry coldness of Beijing, it’s a lot more
comfortable spending the winter here.”

Seemingly apathetic, Gu Yang cast Bai Luo Yin a glance. His voice was calm
and collected as he spoke, “Are you guys planning on celebrating the New
Year here?”

Scooting closer, Gu Hai snuggled his arm around Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder and
cheerfully said, “Isn’t New Year the same no matter where you celebrate
it? What’s important is who you spend it with. We missed the chance last
year so it’s a given that we must make up for it this year.”

“Why did you miss the chance to last year?” Gu Yang asked intentionally
as one of his brows slightly rose.

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai exchanged glances, both recalling the pain and
suffering that took root in the previous year. With neither saying a word, the
room deafened with silence.

Naturally, Gu Yang did not question any further.

After chatting for a while longer, Gu Hai suddenly said, “I’m going to the

Once the door closed after Gu Hai left, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Yang found
themselves alone together. Bai Luo Yin placed his chopsticks down and
looked straight at Gu Yang without saying anything.

Slightly turning his head to the side to catch the other person’s eyes, a
tenuous unintentional smile that was somewhat laced with an unusually cold
arrogance emerged from Gu Yang’s stern countenance.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Bai Luo Yin lightly parted his tinted lip and slightly narrowed his eyes
questioningly, “My examination for direct entry into the university was
somehow approved without trouble, were you the one that worked it out
with the school?”

The corners of Gu Yang’s mouth pulled back and as he spoke his tone was
nearly ice cold to the ears. “You’re such a narcissist.”

Bai Luo Yin countered with an even colder gaze, one that demanded the
viewer to back down. “I do hope that is the case.”

“The hairstyle you have now really doesn’t suit you.” Gu Yang
emphasized this observation once again.

“Whether suitable or not differs from person to person.”

Gu Yang scoffed, then without warning, his hand reached over towards the
person in front of him. He turned it over and slid the back of his hand along
the side of Bai Luo Yin’s face for a moment.

“Your facial features aren’t anything special, but the shape is perfect. If
your standard of beauty always emulates that of Gu Hai, then this visage
of yours can only remain at the level of every other average looking man
on the street. I think that’s such a pity, wasteful if anything.”

Heeding none of those words, Bai Luo Yin immediately gripped Gu Yang’s
hand and flung it away disinterestedly.

“Your standard of beauty is quite high. However, I really don’t know

how to appreciate it.”

Gu Yang’s brows rose as he took a sip of the beer. Within seconds, a

semblance of a smile, yet at the same time not a smile, appeared as he looked
at Bai Luo Yin with interest. “It’s seems I’m really starting to like you a

“Then you can slowly develop a relationship by yourself.”

As the two continued chatting, the door of the private room suddenly burst
open with a thunderous bang. In seconds, five to six bulky men, armed with
weapons, barged into the room and surrounded Bai Luo Yin and Gu Yang.

“Don’t move!!”

The atmosphere instantly stiffened. Bai Luo Yin and Gu Yang exchanged a
quick glance then simultaneously stared at the men before them.

“Where did you all come from?” Gu Yang asked coldly.

One of them opened his mouth, “Master Gu, you’ve taken General Gu’s
trust for granted. In spite of knowing everything, you failed to escalate
and report!”

“He trusted me?” Gu Yang laughed grimly, “Then what brings your
squad here?”

Although the men looked at each other in consternation, they nonetheless

gripped the rifles in their hands tightly.

“Master Gu, we don’t want to waste your time. If you’re wise, you
should quickly surrender the person without delay. That way we can
properly head back and report on this.”

Gu Yang narrowed his eyes and stared at each one of them with a judgmental
gaze before faintly asking, “Who do you all want me to surrender?”

“Stop pretending!” A man with an explosive temper shouted angrily, “We

saw him walk in here.”

“Really?” Gu Yang casually spread his arms out, “Then do tell me, where
is he?”

Unaffected, the leader issued a command: “Go search immediately! If he’s

not found, seize these two and take them back with us!”

At the tumultuous order, four to five men hastened their feet and dispersed
throughout the private room. They searched every nook and cranny of the
interior that could possibly conceal a person. One of the foolish men even
took to ruthlessly kicking the floor just to see if there was a hidden path
beneath or not.

Noting this act, Bai Luo Yin couldn’t help but to sneer mentally.

You think the passageway is the pit latrine,[2] huh?

After thoroughly searching throughout the place, only the washroom

remained. Someone took to wringing the doorknob, but in seconds, he
discovered that it refused to budge.
“Someone’s inside!!”

Hearing his stentorian voice reverberating from that side of the room, the
remaining four men quickened their pace and uniformly ran over. Two of
them kicked at the door, while the remaining three stood behind to cover. In
less than a second, the door opened and just as those two men were about to
charge in, they were suddenly rammed backwards by someone. Caught off
guard, the duo crashed onto the three men that were maintaining their
position behind them. As the five men stood their ground, they looked ahead,
their eyes slightly widened in astonishment.

Inside the tight narrow space stood more than ten odd men, all bore a sinister
expression as they stared at them.

Shit! We’ve been ambushed!

The stunned men wanted to retreat, but unfortunately it was too late. There
were safety in numbers for the men they were facing now. Even more so,
each and every one of them were all skilled individuals who knew their stuff;
evident in the split second that it took them to subjugate the intruders. Not
only were their rifles confiscated, their hands were also tied tightly behind
their backs.

Unable to move, they all stared with discontent at Gu Yang and Bai Luo Yin.

“Master Gu, nothing good will come out of you openly provoking the
General like this. The weak cannot contend with the strong. It can’t be
that you don’t understand this saying?”

“Whether or not I understand it is none of your concern.” Gu Yang

turned to those ten or more men and gave them a signal with a slight twitch at
the corner of his eye. Then he instructed them, “Lock them all in the
washroom and confiscate all their communication devices. I will find
someone to assist you all with getting in contact with the General. You all
should take a rest as well.”

Unsatisfied, the leader shouted with vigor, “Master Gu, as a person who
behaves with integrity, you need to leave yourself an escape route!”

Gu Yang sneered bitterly, “I don’t know whether or not I have an escape

route, but I know for sure you definitely don’t!”

“You’ve also underestimated us!” In just seconds, the leader’s disposition

brandished the colour of someone ranked as an elite. “Today, Laozi[3] will
let you experience what outflanking actually means!!”

Just as those vociferous words flew out, another group of men, comprised of
roughly 20 or so, clamorously broke through the door. Fortunately, the
private room Gu Yang booked was big enough or else this place would not fit
so many people. Looking at these men now, each and every one of them were
tall and bulky. To worsen the situation, they were all well-equipped with
superior quality weapons.

This time around, it was not hard to imagine how tremendous Gu Wei Ting’s
determination was in this endeavor. Just for the sake of one person, he even
resorted to utilizing such significant amount of police force.

Just as these people charged in, the five men who were previously subjugated
were instantly replenished with confidence.

“Master Gu, you can decide what to do now!” The leader spoke out again.

Gu Yang looked at the disposition of the force displayed before him as a

thread of anxiety colored his face. “I really want to surrender him to you
guys, but the point is, he’s not here!”

Hearing the sternness in Gu Yang’s words, the opposing men’s faces changed
to several indiscernible expressions. From the looks of it, whether the
opposing side confronted them or not, Gu Hai never once appeared during the
entire ordeal.

“It’s fine that he’s not here. The two of you being here is more than
enough. Tie them up first!” Shouted a loud and hoarse voice.

Four to five men simultaneously made their way towards Gu Yang and Bai
Luo Yin’s sides. Surprisingly, even at a time like this, Gu Yang still has the
impulse to banter around with Bai Luo Yin.

“Tell me, if 20 or more people were all locked up in the washroom,

would they all fit?”

“That would be terrible,” said Bai Luo Yin as a mischievous smile played
out across his face.

Just as the person was about to tie them up, his hands suddenly trembled.

Quick to notice the sudden change in his subordinate, the leader let out
another roar, “What are you being stupefied about!? Move quickly! I’ll
take the blame if they get hurt!”

Bang! A bullet flew past the leader’s ear and ferociously punctured the wall
behind him.

This was a genuine bullet.

The leader’s facial expression changed in the wink of an eye!

In that exact moment, Gu Hai broke through the door, dragging a sniper in
with him.

“Perfect! All the ‘terrorists’ have been captured!”

Once those words filtered into the room, ten rifles suddenly emerged from
outside of the windows. Their muzzles swayed left and right, causing the
reflection of light from the scopes to shine throughout the private room,
making everyone shiver in fear. Since the sniper’s leg was hit by a bullet, all
he could do with great difficulty was to lean against the wall.

The leader could no longer restrain his anger as he roared, “Risk it all and

Gu Hai aimed the gun at the leader’s head, “There are twenty odd men
here, none of you are using real bullets that would actually hurt anyone.
However, I’d like to apologize in advance ‘bros’. I’m not that merciful or
kind-hearted. The bullets I’m using are all real.”

Just as he finished saying that, another round was shot and the leader’s
immediate reaction was to roll on the ground. Although no one was gunned
down, the twenty odd soldiers’ hearts sank coldly. Killing any of them would
be like stepping on an ant. However, if any of the three boys were to meet
with a slight mishap, they would have to drag their families to the grave. One
side can freely open fire without any qualms, while the other side had bullets
but did not have the nerve to shoot them. How was it possible to fight?

Gu Hai stood in the center of the private room with a domineering air while
carrying a mighty distinction, “All of you look carefully. Altogether, there
are fifteen rifles aimed in here. I’ll give you all fifteen seconds. As long as
you flee to the washroom within those fifteen seconds, you will be safe.
Those that haven’t gone in, can taste a hail of bullets!”

Just as those words dropped to the floor, several of the washroom assistants
conscientiously came out to vacate the room for those group of men.

If they were normal civilians, they would have bolted to the bathroom already
and the space would probably be swamped. However, these twenty odd men
were experienced combatants. They did not struggle or rush as they walked
into the bathroom with gloomy expressions. As the room gradually lessened
in the number of people, only the leader and his sniper did not budge, instead
they took to glancing at the remaining few seconds. Bai Luo Yin suddenly
hijacked the sniper’s rifle from his hand and shot him a few times.

He won’t die from these “bullets” anyways, might as well use this
opportunity to take revenge for Gu Hai!

Once the pain consumed him, the sniper immediately fell to the ground and
began to roll around in agony.

Who knew when the leader had begun to properly understand the situation
that he was placed in? He suddenly stood up with bloodshot eyes and walked
unwillingly into the washroom. Afterwards, the assistants pilfered all these
men’s communication devices.
Gu Yang’s cold eyes swept past the stolen hardware before he finally spoke
again, “Don’t worry, someone will contact the General in your place.”

The corner of Gu Hai’s lips curved into a smirk, “Don’t even think about
going back home for New Years. It’s a much better atmosphere if we all
celebrate it together!”

Bai Luo Yin faced those dozen or more men who were on his side and faintly
said, “These people are in your hands now. Give them three meals a day
and ask for some blankets for them in the evening. Don’t forget to treat
them with great hospitality!”

“Don’t worry, none can escape.”

In the end, the three mischievous boys cheerfully took their leave.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Yúnnán (云南) – the most diverse province in all China, both in its
extraordinary mix of peoples and in the splendour of its landscapes. That
combination of superlative sights and many different ethnic groups has made
Yúnnán the trendiest destination for China’s exploding domestic tourist

More than half of the country’s minority groups reside here, providing a
glimpse into China’s hugely varied mix of humanity. Then there’s the eye-
catching contrasts of the land itself: dense jungle sliced by the Mekong River
in the far south, soul-recharging glimpses of the sun over rice terraces in the
southeastern regions, and snow-capped mountains as you edge towards Tibet.

With everything from laid-back villages and spa resorts to mountain treks and
excellent cycling routes, Yúnnán appeals to all tastes. The roads are much
better than they once were, so getting around is a breeze, but you’ll need time
to see it all – whatever time you’ve set aside for Yúnnán, double it.

[Lonely Planet]

[2] pit latrine – An outhouse or pit toilet is primarily a hole dug into the
ground, into which biological waste solids and liquids are introduced, similar
to a cesspit. If sufficient moisture is available, natural bacteria within the
waste materials begin fermentation.

[3] Laozi – means “I”, although it’s used in a very arrogant or jocular



(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 198: The Inquietude of Youth – Lao Gu SURVEYS the


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


Since Bai Luo Yin left, Bai Han Qi would anxiously wait for him with a
mind full of hope and expectations… Hoping, hoping. Finally, it was Gu Wei
Ting that fulfilled this hopeful mind of his.

Today was the festive day of Xiao Nian [1], a day before the Lunar New
Year’s Eve celebration. A day where malted sugar candies were eaten and
offers were made to the kitchen god Zaoshen.

When Gu Wei Ting entered the Bai’s small courtyard, Aunt Zou and Bai Han
Qi were in full swing of activities in the kitchen. Plumes of white smoke
emerged from the chimney, floated out into the courtyard and pervaded the
atmosphere with the alluring fragrance of meat. Not far in the right corner,
Grandpa Bai was in the process of tidying up bottles and jars, while Grandma
Bai, who was afraid of the cold weather, remained inside the warm house
watching some television shows.

In just several months, Meng Tong Tian, once but the size of a newly grown
bean sprout, had grown taller yet again. Still at the age where his imagination
run wild with the cold breeze of the wind, he refused with all his might to
stay idle inside. In turn, he stubbornly stayed outside instead. After running
around the big trees a few more laps, he saw someone entering the courtyard.
Out of habit, he put his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a small box.
Lifting the lid, he took out a single string of small firecrackers [2]. Then
using all the strength in his little body, he viciously twirled around and
dashed forward. As soon as he stopped close enough to his target, he smashed
the firecracker on the ground besides Gu Wei Ting’s feet.


The clear and melodious sound of the firecracker popped off beside Gu Wei
Ting’s ear.

Gu Wei Ting casually shifted his gaze towards Meng Tong Tian, while the
latter took to stealthily covering his mouth with his little hands to conceal the
snickers that beckoned to crawl out.

“Tong Tian, you’re being naughty again!” Aunt Zou’s voice echoed from
the kitchen as she stretched her head out of the house.

Meng Tong Tian faced Gu Wei Ting and made a silly face before his little
feet bounced up and he vivaciously dashed off into the distance.

Bai Han Qi finally emerged from the kitchen, donning a big white apron,
looking as if he was a professional when in fact, all he did was stir up more
trouble in the kitchen.

“Gu laoge, you’re here.” Bai Han Qi forced a strained smile as he took off
his apron and entered the house with Gu Wei Ting.

Once they were seated, Bai Han Qi poured Gu Wei Ting a cup of tea. When
he held the cup in front of Gu Wei Ting, he politely said a few words, “It’s
not the best tea or anything but please make do with it.”

Gu Wei Ting’s sharp gaze swept across the room, taking in a panoramic view
of everything inside. Although the house had been repainted, and adorned
with a new sofa and television, the old-fashion style of it all were nonetheless
impossible to conceal.

Bai Han Qi spoke first, “Gu laoge, you must have been quite busy
recently, huh?”

Gu Wei Ting indifferently replied with a few words, “It’s been okay.”

After that, Bai Han Qi could not find anything else to discuss with the stern
looking man sitting before him. Silence instead overtook the room as he
waited for a quite a long time for Gu Wei Ting to ask about their sons’
whereabouts. However, during that seemingly endless wait, Gu Wei Ting did
not open his mouth to speak another word. He only sat on the sofa wearing a
wooden face. Don’t even mention Bai Han Qi, who was currently suffering
from a guilty conscience, even an innocent person with a clear conscience
would feel extremely pressured and suffocated by Gu Wei Ting’s imposing

Without warning, Gu Wei Ting stood up and took a few large strides toward
a door close by. He drew open the curtain and entered Meng Tong Tian’s
bedroom. Unperturbed by this action, Bai Han Qi simply followed in from

“Every weekend, Yin Zi and Da Hai would come and stay at home.
When they’re here, our little son would always sleep with my wife and I,
so the two of them can sleep in this room.” Bai Han Qi unknowingly added
the last few words.

Gu Wei Ting turned around to look at the extremely strange-looking double

bed as hints of suspicions revealed through his eyes.

Seeing Gu Wei Ting’s expression, Bai Han Qi laughed awkwardly,

“Originally, there was only one bed in this room. Since Da Hai often
stayed at our house he and Yin Zi would squeeze themselves into this
bed. After my wages increased, I bought a bed for Da Hai as to avoid the
two boys having to cram in together. Who would’ve thought within less
than two days of buying the bed, Da Hai had somehow turned it into one

Hearing the strange event, Gu Wei Ting lifted the bedding and glanced at the
bed below for a moment. His sight was met with rows of nails lining the edge
of the bed where the two beds connected. It was evident that those nails were
strongly and sturdily embedded there to keep the beds together.

“At that time, if I were a bit more aware, perhaps what’s happening now
wouldn’t have occurred.” Bai Han Qi could merely heave a heavy sigh.

Hearing Bai Han Qi’s words, Gu Wei Ting’s expression changed to several
indiscernible ones. Under Bai Han Qi’s nervous gaze, he abruptly walked out
of the room.

The two elder men sat outside and chatted for a while longer. In truth, rather
than describing the scenario as a chat, it was better off describing it as an
employee reporting their work to a superior. This depiction fit better because
during the entire time, Gu Wei Ting never spoke a word while Bai Han Qi
jabbered on endlessly beside him.

“Honestly speaking, Da Hai is actually a really good kid. If he were a

girl, I would have gladly accepted him, send out a palanquin with eight
carriers to get him and have him marry our Bai Luo Yin a long time ago.
At that time, I didn’t know that he was your son. I even thought that he
was the same as our Yin Zi, a poor kid. During the time he lived here, he
had always helped with anything possible. A while ago, water was
leaking into the house from the damage in the roof and he was the one
who repaired it. He’s also found someone to repair the outside bathroom
and install a cover on it. Not only that, the work that my wife and I have
now, he was also the one that sneakily took care of it for us……to tell
you the truth, it was like I was making use of your son back then.
Recalling it now, I feel very apologetic about it all.”

Those strange words made Gu Wei Ting felt as though the person that Bai
Han Qi had just meticulously described was not his son or a person closed to
the son that he knew. However, hearing it from Bai Han Qi’s mouth, it felt
genuine. He gazed at Bai Han Qi for a long while before he willingly opened
his mouth to speak for the first time.

“Do you really hate me?”

Bai Han Qi was struck speechless, “I hate you? Why should I hate you?”

“Could it be that you don’t hate me at all?” Gu Wei Ting’s eyes flickered,
“I snatched your wife away.”

“Oh……” Bai Han Qi was completely indifferent to that statement, “If you
didn’t mention it, I would’ve forgotten about it. Jiang Yuan is your wife
right now, HA?!”

Gu Wei Ting looked on in silence, “……”

After another moment passed, Gu Wei Ting went to the courtyard and
strolled around it once again. There he witnessed Meng Tong Tian wildly
running around the area with a toy rifle on his shoulder. Hearing the usual
commotion echoing around them, Bai Han Qi pointed at Meng Tong Tian’s
rifle, then faced Gu Wei Ting and said, “Da Hai was also the one that
bought all of his toys.”

The moment Meng Tong Tian heard the words “Da Hai”, he immediately
launched like a rocket discharging at a high velocity towards Bai Han Qi’s
side. He hugged his waist and asked, “When is Gu Hai gege coming back?
I haven’t seen him for a while now.”

When Gu Wei Ting noticed the raging expectation burning ablaze inside
Meng Tong Tian’s eyes, he suddenly felt that this unnamed child is closer to
his own son than he ever was.

“I’m leaving.” Gu Wei Ting lifted his feet and started to walk towards the

Bai Han Qi was rendered with astonishment.

He’s leaving? Just like that? Without asking anything at all?

As they approached the doorway, Bai Han Qi caught sight of a military

vehicle parked outside and beside it stood the driver, wearing a thick
overcoat. When the driver saw Gu Wei Ting walking out, he hastily walked
over and opened the car door for him.

“Gu laoge.” Bai Han Qi called out.

Hearing his name, Gu Wei Ting halted his footsteps, then turned around and
gave Bai Han Qi a glance, “Is there anything else?”

“You really don’t have anything else to ask?” Finally, Bai Han Qi was no
longer able to restrain his own curiosity.

Without blinking, Gu Wei Ting merely smiled coldly, “If I asked, would
you have told me?”

Bai Han Qi swallowed hard, his face crowded with a bit of amazement. At
that moment, Aunt Zou unexpectedly came out and squeezed a few things
into Gu Wei Ting’s hands.

“Gu laoge, it’s Xiao Nian today. Please take these malted sugar candies
with you and eat it at home. We made it ourselves.”

Receiving it, Gu Wei Ting’s tone softened a bit, “Thank you, I also wish
you a good year.

Having said that, Gu Wei Ting entered the car under the driver’s careful
Inside the car, Gu Wei Ting took out a malted sugar candy and tasted it. It
was crisp and had a sweet smell to it. The flavor was pretty good as well.

Noticing this, the driver happily said a few words, “It’s been many years
since I’ve eaten one of those.”

Deeply moved, Gu Wei Ting sighed with sorrow. It’s not that, is it? In all
these years, he has yet to properly celebrate the New Years.

“General, there is a call for you.”

Gu Wei Ting picked up his cellphone. The call was from the leader that he
had dispatched to Shan Dong province.


During the last few days, these 20 or so men suffered to the point of not
resembling a person anymore. They remained sitting uncomfortably inside
this small room all day long. There was no room for them to lie down and
even worse, eating, drinking, taking a leak, and going for the number two
were all done in the room amongst each other. But, what caused them
extreme torture and fear the most was the fact that they could not get in
contact with anyone one in the outside world. All they could hear from the
outside were the sounds of firecracker popping as they longed for their close
relatives on these festive days.

When Gu Hai dragged the leader out, the formidable aggression that
enveloped his form from a few days ago had long dissipated. What was left
instead was the frame of a mighty foe that was now dejectedly and
depressingly following behind Gu Hai without so much a harsh word or
unreasonable demand.

Looking sternly at him, Gu Hai pressed the gun on his forehead and forced
him to lie about this so call “military situation”.

“General, we’ve kept watch for more than half a month already and
there’s yet to be an ounce of information on their whereabouts. When
you ordered us to keep our eyes on Gu Yang, I have dispatched several
men to take turns in watching him for 24 hours a day, but there’s still no
signs of suspicious activities. Is it possible that those two are no longer in
Qingdao? New Year is approaching soon, although I have no problem
with it, there are several soldiers here who’s been working nonstop for
the last three years. It has been difficult for them to get a vacation this
year……therefore, I would like to request the General to withdraw some
of the men from here.”

“All of you may withdraw.” Gu Wei Ting ordered indifferently.

Hearing this order, the leader’s expression brighten up. It was the look of
someone overwhelmed with an unexpected favor from a superior.

“General, are you speaking the truth? We can all go back now?”

For a long while, silence took root on the other side of the call while on this
side, the leader’s heart strained with so much anticipation that he did not dare
to breathe heavily.

“Yes, tidy everything there and return at once.”

Those few words unexpectedly brought back the leader’s vitality and pushed
away his previously dejected mood. Immediately injected with this wild
exuberance, he took to replying in a loud and crisp tone, ”Thank you
General for your kind understanding!”

After hanging up the call, the leader flew to the washroom at the speed of
light and shouted loudly, “Brothers, we’re finally free!!!”

In front of Gu Hai’s attentive eyes, the herd of men suddenly burst with joy
and ran out of the hotel. It was as if the outside world were their own family
waiting for them to be release, and in any second now, they would all be able
to reunite with their close relatives.


After eliminating this huge obstacle, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin were finally
able to take in a breath of fresh air. Feeling rather relieve at the outcome of
things, the two decided to take a stroll and roam the streets. Since they were
out already it was only natural to buy some food and take it back with them
to eat later. Tonight, they must properly celebrate this resplendent victory
against the mighty General’s plan to encircle and annihilate them. [3]

When these two valiant and handsome young men walked the streets with
such soldierly magnanimity, it was naturally unavoidable that they would
attract many side glances from passersby, especially the females. As Gu Hai
and Bai Luo Yin continued on with their stroll, two girls were walking
behind them the entire time. From time to time, they would discuss which of
the two were more handsome. When they arrived in a relatively secluded
corner, one of the girl couldn’t hold herself back anymore and audaciously
shouted at the top of her lungs:


Not the least surprise, Gu Hai remained indifferent to the lingering presence
since he had realized long ago that they were being followed. The moment he
heard those words echoed from behind them, he suddenly quickened his steps
just a bit and casually placed his arm on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder. Under those
girls’ watchful eyes, he brazenly kissed Bai Luo Yin’s cheek; a sweet and
loving kiss. While the girls were still imbibed with shock, Gu Hai slowly
turned his head around and threw them a charming and cheerful smile. Then
he tightened his hold on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder and swaggered off.

A loud shriek rang out from behind them. Who knows whether it was out of
fright or excitement.

Before long, the two arrived at a convenience store. Gu Hai patted Bai Luo
Yin’s shoulder, “Wait out here for me, I’ll go inside and buy a pack of

At this time, there were many people in the convenience store and the line to
pay was extremely longer than usual. While Bai Luo Yin obediently waited
outside for Gu Hai, a sense of boredom rained down on him. His eyes
wandered the area when suddenly he caught sight of a small
tanghulu [5] shop.
It’s really difficult finding a shop that sells tanghulu in this area!

Pleasantly surprise at this great discovery, a hint of happiness sprung into Bai
Luo Yin’s eyes. He called out to Gu Hai from in front of the convenience
store’s entrance, however, without knowing whether Gu Hai heard him or
not, Bai Luo Yin immediately turned around the corner and entered that small

The biggest sign of the holiday season is the huge crowds of people
swarming every possible corner. Besides the locals coming out for a stroll
and shopping, there were also tourists who were eager to explore and
purchase. Even the simple task of buying a stick of tanghulu required
everyone to line up and patiently wait. The thing was, Bai Luo Yin despised
waiting in line. As a result, Gu Hai was normally the one who would cram
against the crowd whenever they went shopping. However, today was
different, he could no longer resist the urge. It had been such a long time
since he ate one of those tasty treats that the craving for it was unbearable to
hold back.

Once Gu Hai walked out of the convenience store, he discovered that Bai
Luo Yin was nowhere in sight.

Even as he picked his eyes up and gazed into the distance ahead, all he saw
were hordes of people and no signs of Bai Luo Yin.

When they left the apartment earlier, neither of them brought their cell phone
with them. Now that they have lost each other, there were no means for them
to get in contact with each other.

Normally, if they lost each other, it was not such a huge matter since there
was nothing for the two of them to be anxious about. If worse comes to
worse, they can immediately hail a taxi and return home on their own. But
the problem was, it is a particularly sensitive phase for them right now. If
even so much a small breeze rustled the grass beneath his feet, Gu Hai’s
entire body would break out in cold sweats.

After standing in front of the convenience store for only a minute, Gu Hai’s
heart sank into absolute panic. He wandered around the streets and small
lanes in search of any signs of Bai Luo Yin’s shadow. Never once did he
expected Bai Luo Yin to go shopping, especially in knowing the kind of
person his lover was. In the depth of his mind, Bai Luo Yin has been
captured. Captured right in front of his eyes. The entire time, his eyes were
only concerned with seeking out its target that he never walked inside the
small shop and looked around.

Consequently, by the time Bai Luo Yin emerged from the shop, Gu Hai had
already run off somewhere else.

By the time, he returned to that convenience store, there was still a sea of
people bustling inside. Noting this, Bai Luo Yin did not pay any attention the
situation since he thought Gu Hai was still inside waiting for his turn to pay.
With that, he opted to waiting outside instead. While waiting, he ate the stick
of tanghulu in his hand, savoring the sweet flavor. As he continued to wait
for Gu Hai to come out, that stick of delicious tanghulu soon became
completely devoured.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Xiao Nian: [or Preliminary Eve] – a festival on the 23rd or 24th of the 12
month of lunar year when sacrifices are made to the kitchen god. Xiao Nian
means the preliminary eve, a prelude to the Lunar New Year’s Eve
celebration. It is said to be the day, the Jade Emperor, the supreme ruler of
the Heaven, inspects mortals, and rewards or punishes them. On this day, a
paper effigy of Zao Wang, the Kitchen God, who is the recorder of family
functions will be burned. This is done to send the Kitchen God to the Jade
Emperor and report him on the household’s transgressions and good deeds.
Families often offer sweet foods like candy in order to “bribe” the deities into
saying good things about the family. Back on earth, it means, it’s time to start
festival shopping. Flowers, sugar, new year pictures are all in demand.

[2] Firecracker: This type of firecracker doesn’t need fire to light it up. It can
produce noises only by hurling it to the ground.

[3] ‘Tonight they must properly celebrate this resplendent victory against the
mighty General’s plan to encircle and annihilate them.’: the words in bold are
supposed to be ‘the victory of communist against the Guomindang’s encircle-
and-annihilate campaign’. Since it’s kind of wordy and I’m afraid most
people wouldn’t understand it, I decided to simplify it and change it to the
bolded words above. [Nath]

Kuomintang – Founded in 1912, the Guomindang (中國國民黨, literally

China National People’s Party) is the oldest still active political party in the
Chinese-speaking world. It constituted the first elected majority in the
Chinese National Assembly of 1913. After Yuan Shikai‘s coup d’état, the
Guomindang devoted itself to the mission of reunifying China, defeating the
warlords, and defending the country’s territorial integrity from foreign
powers. From 1927 on, the Guomindang ruled over China with an iron fist.
But in 1937 the “golden era” of Nationalist China came to an end, as Japan
invaded the country.

Click here and learn something new with Sae!!

[4] Hey Handsome! – The Chinese counterpart is “Shuai ge!” Do you guys
prefer the english or Chinese?

[5] Tanghulu – sugarcoated hawthorne or other sugarcoated fruits on a stick


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 199: The Inquietude of Youth – The YOUNG MARRIED


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


“Hey? How did you get here from over there?” Bai Luo Yin’s bemused
eyes captured Gu Hai’s tall figure marching towards him from the opposite
side of the street. As those seemingly pugnacious steps moved in closer, the
strong bellicose aura percolating throughout the atmosphere around him
could jar with that of the bustling and boisterous crowds scuttling about.

The anxiety had long engulfed Gu Hai, completely detaining his brain,
rendering any logical thought impossible. His lips, once the lovely hue of
terra cotta and carnelian, were now a silent purple from the disquietness that
was conceived within his heart the moment Bai Luo Yin’s presence vanished
from just a few minutes of his own negligence. But now that the missing
person stood before him, holding a stick of tanghulu, gaily savoring the sweet
taste to the point that the side of his lips were kissed with sugar, how can his
heart and mind not burn with rage?

Keeping his eyes on him, he walked over and bellowed out, “Where the
fuck did you run off to?”

Bai Luo Yin’s face immediately tensed up and even the bright smile that once
adorned his lips waned. “I went to buy two tanghulus.”

Having said that, he passed the remaining uneaten stick of tanghulu over to
Gu Hai.

Gu Hai refused to take it, letting his eyes imprison Bai Luo Yin’s instead. He
maintained a darkened face and asked, “Why didn’t you at least say
something to me when you went to buy the tanghulu? Do you know how
worried sick I was?”

A watchful silence besieged the space between them before anger

recalcitrantly charged into Bai Luo Yin’s head. “I did tell you! You’re the
one that didn’t hear it!”

“If you had properly told me, wouldn’t I have heard it?” Gu Hai said with
imperious aggression that invited his voice to rise. “Couldn’t you wait until
I came out so that we could go get it together? What the hell, would you
have died from the craving if you ate a bit later?”

The stick in Bai Luo Yin’s hand that was still stretched out towards Gu Hai
suddenly dropped to the ground with a thud. Before long, the remaining
pieces of tanghulu were also smashed on the ground beneath their feet. A
thunderous roar then rang out amongst the raucous laughter passing by them.

“Fine! See if I fucking give a shit if you get to eat any or not!!”

Bai Luo Yin seethed, then he quickly calmed himself down, turned around
and walked away!

With haste, Gu Hai forcibly grabbed the hem of Bai Luo Yin’s shirt, but the
other lad took to ruthlessly shaking it off instead. When Gu Hai grabbed
again, Bai Luo Yin also shook it away once more. The two that were talking
and laughing on the street just a moment ago were now tearing each other
apart. After a few more seconds of pushing and pulling, the pressure of a
raging sea of anger forced Bai Luo Yin’s sturdy fist to brutally land on Gu
Hai’s face. As the saying goes, you can hit the person but not his face. Gu
Hai’s mind darkened like that of a gathering storm clouds. As anger afflicted
his chest, he picked up his feet and kicked Bai Luo Yin’s ass.

Fine, fuck it!!

That kick was the breaking point of his patients which had completely drawn
out all of young master Bai’s wrath. This time, there was no use in saying
anything else. He was blinded by a five-course serving of wrath that tasted
bitter yet unsurprisingly sour. Bai Luo Yin’s face erupted to a dark shade,
black like the bottom of a pot that had burned for too long. He marched off,
flagged down a taxi and left.

Gu Hai stood on the street, fuming with rage between gritted teeth as he
watched the taxi gradually disappeared into the sea of cars. How big of a deal
was it? Just because of a stick of tanghulu, the two had torn at each other
furiously. It was true, a harmonious relationship was not something that could
be truly nurtured overnight or even a short period of time.

Lifting his head to squint up at the sky in an attempt to catch a glimpse of

color, Gu Hai then closed his eyes and let out a few heavy breaths. Just as he
was about to return, he suddenly saw the small shop that sold tanghulu. As it
turns out, it was just one corner away. With just one look, there was still a
rabble of noisy, excited customers inside.

It must’ve also been crowded when he was queuing to pay too, huh? Isn’t he
normally unhappy about being in the crowd?

He turned around to glance at the fallen tanghulu on the ground. Thinking

about it, a sense of regret and distress subconsciously formed in his chest,
gripping it just a bit. Glancing once more, he turned, went in the shop to buy
a few sticks of tanghulus, then carried it back to their rented apartment.

Having returned earlier, Bai Luo Yin was now in the bedroom processing his
thoughts. The bags of goods that he had previously purchased with Gu Hai
and brought back with him were thrown at the front doorway unattended.

Once Gu Hai entered through the door, the floor near his feet was stacked
with bags that had been lying there for a long while now. He first tidied them
up in an orderly manner then picked up a stick of tanghulu and stood rooted
at the bedroom doorway. Just as he cleared his throat, he was met with the
back of Bai Luo Yin’s eerie figure. Without seeing the expression that lined
his face, one could make out the gloominess that exuded from his body. Even
after hearing Gu Hai’s voice, he did not turn his head around.

When Gu Hai sauntered into the room and placed his hand on Bai Luo Yin’s
shoulder, he was immediately answered with a ‘fuck off.’ Undeterred by that
expected reaction, Gu Hai playfully stretched out his hand, holding the stick
of tanghulu in front of Bai Luo Yin. But Bai Luo Yin unswervingly flung his
hand back.

“You’re really angry?”

At those words, a sense of coldness licked at Bai Luo Yin’s tongue and crept
into his voice, spreading across his skin like the icy tide on a frigid winter

“It’s not fucking worth it!!”

“Do you have to go that far? Isn’t it because of a tanghulu, huh? Besides,
you’re the one that smashed it to the ground yourself. Look, didn’t I buy
it back for you? If it’s not enough, there’s more in the other room.”

Bai Luo Yin’s brows drew close as anger boiled deep in his system. It
churned within his mind, making it nearly impossible for him to control

“It has nothing to do with the tanghulu at all!”

“Then what’s the reason? Because I’m terrible to you? Tell me yourself,
aren’t you to blame for today’s situation? If it was any other time, it
wouldn’t have mattered as much but what’s happening now, huh? If you
couldn’t find me, wouldn’t you be anxious?”

Bai Luo Yin deliberately maintained a strong-minded attitude, “I won’t be


Gu Hai knew full well that Bai Luo Yin’s harsh words were said in a moment
of anger. He proceeded to point at his own face and said accusingly, “Look
here, look at the punch that you gave me, it’s already bluish green. Is
there anyone out there that punch a person like you? Who am I for you
to hit me however you want?”

Keeping his eyes on him, Bai Luo Yin’s foreboding eyes pressed at the
person in front of him, “Didn’t you also kick me?”

“Where? I didn’t use any strength at all!”

“Whether there was strength in it or not, you’d know?”

“See! And you still have the nerve to say you’re not angry!” Gu Hai
reached out and pinched Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks before teasing him, “Did
that kick really hurt that much? Let me look at it. I want to see if you’re
bruised or not.”

“Fuck off!” said Bai Luo Yin in a sulky tone of a querulous child. His mood
seemed to have ricocheted between low and…lower.

Gu Hai gave him a warm glance and as a smile tugged at the corners of his
lips, he jauntily picked up the tanghulu and took a bite of it. He glanced again
and praised the sweetness in his mouth. “The taste is really good. You don’t
want a bite?” He passed the stick towards the side of Bai Luo Yin’s mouth.

The entire time, Bai Luo Yin simply ignored the pea-brained jerk.

Gu Hai pulled his hand back and rubbed the stick of tanghulu along his own
lip again, then took a bite, savoring the sugar that glued to his mouth. “Yeah,
it’s sweet and crunchy.”

This behavior immediately made Bai Luo Yin think that there was a mentally
disturbed child standing beside him.

Still in his own world, Gu Hai ate several more pieces until there were only
two remaining. He waved it back and forth in front of Bai Luo Yin again in
an attempt to lure his aching taste buds. Then he asked, “You really don’t
want any? If you don’t eat it now, there won’t be any later.”

“I already said I won’t eat it, so I won’t.” Bai Luo Yin roughly vocalized
that sentence.

“I’m going to fucking make you take a bite of it today!”

Immediately after saying that, he bit a whole piece of the sweetened fruit off,
pulled it off the stick and, let it hang loosely between lips. Then he grabbed
Bai Luo Yin’s head with both his hands and attempted to press it into his
mouth. Bai Luo Yin shifted left and right, trying to dodge the invading
attacks but to no avail. After a while, the constant rubbing caused his lips to
be covered in a thick messy layer of sugar, bullying his mouth to break open.

Half of the tanghulu and someone’s mischievous tongue charged in at the

same time, allowing the sweet taste to pervade every corner of his mouth. It
was a sloppy attempt, but nonetheless, a kiss was a kiss. As Bai Luo Yin
chewed on the tanghulu, he deliberately bit on Gu Hai’s roaming tongue. The
painful sensation shocked Gu Hai, forcing him to withdraw his playful
tongue. Instead of retreating, a slight smirk appeared on his face instead. He
slowly licked the sugars that clung at the side of Bai Luo Yin’s mouth, bit by
bit, until it was clean.

In this simple yet endearing manner, the two quickly reconciled and gathered
in the kitchen to prepare a magnificent dinner.

Gu Hai cut and sliced the vegetables to perfection and allowed them to pile
up on the cutting board. He stopped his own task for a moment and glanced
to the side. Bai Luo Yin was in the middle of washing a cucumber ah……his
hand was firmly gripping the cucumber, rubbing it up and down, up and
down. As Gu Hai continued to keep an attentive gaze on the movements of
Bai Luo Yin’s hands, deadly flames immediately began to flare up in his
heart and surround the space within his chest, provoking tendrils of smoke to
desperately escape his burning body.

“It won’t be clean if you wash it like that.” Gu Hai warned him from the
side while averting his eyes.

Bai Luo Yin responded with a few words, “Then how should it be washed
so that it’ll be clean?”

“Bring it over here, I’ll show you.”

When Bai Luo Yin complied and passed the cucumber over, Gu Hai
immediately put the end of it into his mouth without hesitation. First, he
slowly extended the tip of his pale pink tongue and sensually licked it for a
while. Then, he pushed the cucumber halfway into his mouth before pulling it
in and out in a slow tantalizing manner. All the while, his wicked eyes bled
out with an irresistible sense of eroticism and sexual innuendo as he glanced
at Bai Luo Yin from time to time.

Bai Luo Yin, on the other hand, has had enough with Gu Hai’s wickedness.
Looking at Gu Hai’s unruffled appearance, he immediately snatched the
slobbered cucumber away from his mouth and went to pull his pants down.
Handling the stolen fruit as a formidable weapon, he used it to poke that
restless ‘little chrysanthemum’ down below.

Caught off guard, it was too late for Gu Hai to evade the incoming assault.
He was nearly captured by the suddenness of it. But fortunately, he was able
to force enough strength into his hand to intercept the cucumber at his
tailbone. After his thrilling escape from that dangerous situation, he saw Bai
Luo Yin toss the cucumber in the trash can. Even then he had the nerve to
complain begrudgingly.

“Why did you throw it away?”

“There’s saliva all over it now. If it shouldn’t be thrown out, who are you
trying to disgust with it?”
Gu Hai scoffed and jokingly said, “You think I’m dirty? When I fed you
mouth to mouth, was it not enough, hmm?”

A gentle flush of pink tinged Bai Luo Yin’s cheeks, making him look
vulnerable and bashful. He kept silent and washed the remaining vegetables.

Noting the warm aura that encased the tranquil space between them, Gu Hai
gently embraced Bai Luo Yin’s waist from behind and carefully rest his chin
on his firm shoulder. His voice then softened with a touch of sweetness as he

“When are you going to cook a meal for me?”

“Don’t even think about it. That day will never come.”

Gu Hai instantly cried out in grievance, “Isn’t it obvious that you’re

bullying me? Just exactly how have I served you, huh?”

“No one forced you to.”

Slightly pouting first, Gu Hai then bitterly bit Bai Luo Yin’s ear. His tongue
danced out and licked the outer rim several times before tracing circles along
the inside. These enticing movements caused the rhythm of Bai Luo Yin’s
hands to immediately spiral into chaos.

“Hey, I bought sex toys. After dinner, the two of us can play,” said Gu
Hai seductively as his hot breath fanned out on the side Bai Luo Yin’s neck,
leaving behind a warm sensation that tickled the sensitive skin.

Bai Luo Yin’s body stiffened as he turned around to look at Gu Hai. His teeth
ground against each other creating a creaking sound. “You really……!! I’m
not playing. If you’re dying to, then go play with it by yourself!!”

“It’s really interesting!” Gu Hai persistently incited.

In the end, finding it impossible to resist the enticement, Bai Luo Yin asked
out of curiosity, “What did you buy? Let me see it first.”

“Tsk tsk……” A devious smile played on Gu Hai’s lips, “Who said he

didn’t want to play a moment ago?”

“Let me see it first!”

Seeing the slight frustration in Bai Luo Yin’s narrowed eyes, Gu Hai
continued to smile shamelessly. “We’ll talk about it again later. If I take it
out now, I’m afraid we’ll just end up playing with it right away. If that
happens, even our meal won’t be as good anymore.”

Since Gu Hai said it like that, Bai Luo Yin’s mind became even more
uncertain. As a result, when Gu Hai was diligently cooking in his own world,
Bai Luo Yin sneakily made use of the opportunity to enter the bedroom.
Making sure not to create too much noise, he incessantly flipped through
everything in search of these mysterious items. In the wardrobe, on the
bookcase, the drawers of their small studying table, beneath the pillows……
all the places that could be used to hide something, he combed through them
high and low. Unexpectedly, he still could not find any suspicious item.

“Baobei, it’s time to eat.” Gu Hai shouted loudly from outside of the

Fruitless in his search, Bai Luo Yin was forced to drop his investigation.

Today was Xiao Nian, a festive day that not only everyone from old to young
heartily celebrated but they also seek to eliminate their misfortune and any
lingering illness during the holiday. With a positive mindset, the two decided
to have a drink.

Before having their meal, they had agreed to only have one drink, and in no
condition, should they have more than that. But, once the liquor ravaged their
throats and the words flowed out of their thirsty mouths, the more imbued
they were with excitement. Another sour and vile taste slipped into their
mouths, slowly intoxicating them but it was not enough to steal away reality.
In just the blink of an eye, another cup of liquor streamed smoothly into their
awaiting stomachs. Gu Hai deliberately poured more for Bai Luo Yin and as
that cup flowed to the brim, his own was also filled.

Once Bai Luo Yin drank, especially if he has one too many, he would
definitely become a silly fool. Gu Hai had assiduously sought out all the
chances that he could find to put more liquor towards Bai Luo Yin’s lips so
that he could see this moment of silliness.

In no time, the two slumped sideways on the sofa. Staring straight ahead, Bai
Luo Yin looked at his own flushed face through the small mirror sitting
silently on the tea table in front of them. Thinking that he must have caught
some sort of sickness, he buried his head into Gu Hai’s shoulder and rubbed
against it incessantly. After finishing, he took another look at himself. It was
even redder than before.

“It looks strange.” Bai Luo Yin mumbled almost incoherently.

Although Gu Hai’s mind has already been devoured by intoxication, his body
was still wide awake. His fingers crawled out and sternly gripped Bai Luo
Yin’s shirt, pulling him so close that their face nearly collided.

“Nothing’s going to happen if you rub there. You have to rub here.” As
he said that, he pointed down towards his own crotch.

Within just seconds of him saying that Bai Luo Yin’s head instantly fell, like
an iron ball crashing on Gu Hai’s idle penis, causing him to wail. Afterward,
Bai Luo Yin turned his face halfway to the side and stole a glance at Gu Hai
before laughing to the point his sides ached.

“Have a taste, it’s very delicious.” Undeterred, Gu Hai fished his large
penis out and placed it at Bai Luo Yin’s mouth.

Bai Luo Yin instead groaned coldly and twisted his face to the other side so
that the back of his head was facing Xiao Hai Zi.

Gu Hai suddenly remembered something and pulled Bai Luo Yin up. “That’s
right! We haven’t played with the sex toys I bought yet!!”

The moment Bai Luo Yin heard this, his spirit energetically rushed back into
his body, dragging a bit of his soberness back. He straightened his back and
sat upright in a rather obedient manner while facing Gu Hai.
“Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and go get it. Huuurrrrryyyyy!”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chater 200,
Chapter 201, and Chapter 202


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 200: The Inquietude of Youth – GU HAI’S WILD


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


When Gu Hai returned a minute later, Bai Luo Yin’s intoxicated eyes blazed
towards him and the things that he was holding. He was instantly struck

Bai Luo Yin truly thought that Gu Hai would bring out a fancy vibrator,
scented aphrodisiac, or something of that nature. Instead, what he brought out
are two sets of clothes, which he was holding tightly in his hands. He swayed
them back and forth as he walked over. The thing is, it would have made
more sense if the clothes were see-through or had openwork designs. But
they weren’t. Instead, these fucking clothes were the kind that covered and
hugged the body tightly!

With eyes that beamed brightly as if he was presenting a precious treasure,

Gu Hai shook the clothes out in front of Bai Luo Yin.
After a closer look, Bai Luo Yin saw that what Gu Hai was holding were:
actually a 1960s’ military uniform with the cotton cuffs folded over, exposing
the inner design, and; a red cotton-padded jacket made from the same era. On
the surface, were two brightly colored peonies in full bloom embroidered
beautifully on it, emitting a strong smell of one’s native land.

Drunk as he was, Bai Luo Yin’s innate intelligence–IQ–remained unfaltering.

This time around, he was not going to be easily fooled! Giving gu Hai
another quick glance, he swiftly grabbed both of Gu Hai’s ears and firmly
yanked them back. All the while, he wore an expression that warned the
other, he’ll be fighting against this fool’s scheme even if his life depended on

“Have you ever seen anyone using a military uniform and a cotton-
padded jacket with flowers on it as a sex toy before?!!”

FUCK! No wonder he couldn’t find anything. The “sex toy” was actually in
front of his eyes the entire time. It’s just that he didn’t know what it was. At
that time, he had mistaken it as the landlord’s grandmother’s dowry that was
left here!

Noticing the sour look on Bai Luo Yin’s unimpressed face, Gu Hai hastily
rescued his own ears, rubbing at them to relieve the lingering pain. Soon after
he explained, “These are for the roleplay.”

“Roleplay?” Bai Luo Yin’s agog eyes narrowed slightly and swept towards
Gu Hai, questioning him, “What role are we playing?”

“I’ll…” Gu Hai pointed at himself, “Act as the village chief!”

“You….” As if contemplating, Gu Hai paused for a moment.

Quite curious, Bai Luo Yin waited earnestly.

“You’ll act as a spineless coward man’s wife!”

Bai Luo Yin’s hand flew towards him, but before he could anything, Gu Hai
had already protected his own ears from being assaulted by those tenacious

“Why the hell do I have to act as a spineless coward man’s wife? Why
don’t you act that role?”

“Shhh! Don’t argue with me!” Gu Hai sternly held his index finger close to
his lips as a secretive expression eases onto his face. “Just to tell you, this
jacket is too small for me. My shoulders are too broad to fit in so I can’t
wear it.”

“Do you think I’m stupid?” Bai Luo Yin scoffed as his brows rose, “All
our clothes are the same size!”

“If you don’t believe me, then I’ll wear it to show you!”

Having said that, Gu Hai grabbed the jacket from Bai Luo Yin. First, he
properly inserted one arm into the sleeve, then overturned the other sleeve
before slipping into it. This way, the back of the jacket twisted in a loop,
which made it hard for him to fully push his other arm through. It would be a
miracle if he could actually wear this jacket without discomfort.

“See, I can’t even get my arm into this sleeve.” Gu Hai feigned distress as
he stared helplessly at Bai Luo Yin’s disbelieving eyes.

Bai Luo Yin fixed stared at him for a long while, probably thinking that it
was ridiculous to see Gu Hai wear this flower printed cotton jacket. Finally,
he dim-wittedly burst into laughter. At the same time, he also incessantly
nodded his head in agreement, never once thinking to take a moment to look
at the back of the jacket for any devious scheme.

“You really can’t wear it!”

“Right? Why would I lie to you?”

After saying that, Gu Hai took off the cotton jacket and handed it over to Bai
Luo Yin, who immediately put it on. Although it was a bit short, it did not
influence the play at hand. It wasn’t hard to tell that Bai Luo Yin’s
appearance had drastically changed once the jacket was properly on. It fit him
so well, that he seemed to have transformed into a native from the era where
it was from. Gu Hai even brought out a pair of pants for him, but the moment
Bai Luo Yin saw that they were a horrendous green color, he immediately
refused, no matter what was said to coax him.

“How can you pair a red jacket with green pants?”

Gu Hai stubbornly dragged the pants on Bai Luo Yin’s legs while persistently
saying words to trick him. “Only this kind of pairing will completely
illustrate a peasant woman that’s simple, honest and kindhearted.”

“I’m not acting like a peasant woman!” Bai Luo Yin argued vehemently.

Upon hearing the other person’s complaint, Gu Hai stared at Bai Luo Yin,
feigning a fit of imaginary anger as he reproached him. “You’ve already
agreed and changed into the clothes so you can’t just go back on your
words like this.”

After pondering deeply about it, Bai Luo Yin finally promised to comply.
After this, Gu Hai simply opened the front door and walked out.

‘Knock, knock, knock!’ Several knocks on the door resounded in the room.

Young Lady Bai promptly opened the door. Standing outside was the village
chief Gu, who was worn out after enduring the hardships of a long journey.

Following the script that had been discussed beforehand, Young Lady Bai
respectfully greeted him, “Village Chief, why have you come here so late
in the night?”

When Gu Hai caught sight of Bai Luo Yin acting as a naïve and foolishly
cute person, he suddenly felt that the person who opened the door for him
was not the spineless coward man’s wife, but the spineless coward man
himself wearing his wife’s clothes.

“You can’t be like this. It’s no good!” Gu Hai came out of character and
began to criticize him. “You have to shyly yet happily say this line! Why
do you have to say it shyly? Because you are having a secret love affair
with me. Why do you have to say it happily? Because your husband is
unable to satisfy you. You miss me and you have been longing for me to
come to you for many days now.”

Bai Luo Yin gave him a glance, understanding the hint.

Gu Hai waved his hands, “Let’s start again.”

And thus, he walked out the door again.

Not long after, there was a knock at the door again.

As the door opened, Bai Luo Yin remembered to perfectly act out his part.
He smiled and cheerfully said, “Village Chief, why have you come here so
late in the night?”

His innocent smile consumed and replaced the stupid appearance he had
before with a charming naïvety. It was so mesmerizing that village Chief Gu
had to hold himself back from stretching his hands out to caress Young Lady
Bai’s warm and slightly rosy cheeks. He did this in order to uphold his good
moral standing and reputation as the honorable village chief. Hard as it was,
he determinedly restrained the wicked and perverse intentions that beckoned
to burst.

Bearing an air of inviolable righteousness, he confidently stepped into the

house. Unsurprisingly, once the door was closed, he immediately exposed a
frivolous and vulgar smirk.

“Your man is not home?” He questioned Young Lady Bai as his big thumb
lightly pinched the latter’s chin, lifting it just a bit so that their eyes

Young Lady Bai bit his lips and stayed silent. The truth was, he had forgotten
his own lines. But, by a stroke of luck, the naive expression that painted his
face portrayed the appearance of someone who is in the middle of both
rejecting and welcoming his desires. The alluring expression managed to
distract and captivate village Chief Gu to the point of confusion.
Keeping his eyes on him, village Chief Gu took one small step forward,
trapping young Lady Bai into a corner and pressing his body against his.
Panting heavily, he softly kissed and nibbled young Lady Bai’s smooth neck
as if wanting to devour it all in one go. As this act continued, a lustful
expression that said he could no longer restrain his desires stained Gu Hai’s
face a light currant color.

“Chief Gu, what are you doing?” Young Lady Bai pretended to shove him

Hearing his enticing voice, a wicked and unrestrained smile danced its way
onto Chief Gu’s handsome face. “What do you think?”

Without any warning, his hands slithered down into young Lady Bai’s pants.

“Tsk tsk…you’re not even wearing your underwear? Is it because you

know that I’m coming here today?”

The mood was suddenly broken as Bai Luo Yin took to speaking the truth.
“You took it off of me before the roleplay.”

Those words caused Gu Hai’s actions to halt for a moment. His face
darkened as he roughly spanked Bai Luo Yin’s ass before instructing him,
“Be more serious. What roleplay? Who’s roleplaying with you? Right
now, you’re young Lady Bai and I’m village Chief Gu!”

Growing annoyed and impatient, Bai Luo Yin punched Gu Hai’s chest and
shouted, “I’m not playing anymore!”

“Okay, okay, okay. I’m the one who took it off. I’m the one who took it
off. It’s the village chief who took it off for Lady Bai. I want to fuck you
so if you’re wearing underwear, then how can I fuck you? Right?”

As soon as he heard Gu Hai’s appeasing words, Bai Luo Yin immediately

immersed himself back into his role. “Village Chief, my husband will be
home any moment now. You should quickly leave,” he said.

“So what if he returns? It’ll be great if he comes back. I’ll show him
what a true man is like!” Gu Hai enthusiastically replied. Immediately after,
he tore young Lady Bai’s pants off with one swift movement.

Lady Bai struggled to stop him from taking it off. He looked at the village
Chief with innocent eyes that pleaded. “Village Chief, don’t be like this.
My husband has already started to suspect me. I’m afraid…”

“What are you afraid of? He’s a spineless coward and a useless husband.
What right does he have to not let someone else love his wife?”

What kind of logic is this?!!

Young Lady Bai continued to struggle, but the more he struggled, the more
exhilarated Chief Gu became. And, the more energetic he was, the more
passionate he was in shooting his mouth off. “Filthy whore, you’ve already
let me fuck you all kinds of way. Who are you acting all coy for now?
Spread your legs open or else I’ll have to force you!”

“Chief Gu, my husband has returned!” Young Lady Bai suddenly cried
out in fear.

Upon hearing that, Chief Gu immediately revealed a wild and beastly smile,
“Just in time for him to see!”

“It’s not that. He has really returned. I heard the sound of someone
knocking just now.”

Since the script was originally created this way, when young Lady Bai
panicked hysterically, village Chief Gu simply thought that what he was
saying was still part of the scene. As a result, he further forced himself on
him without any explanation. Chief Gu immediately ripped open young Lady
Bai’s little cotton-padded jacket and proceeded to vigorously rub his perky
pink nipples.

“There’s really someone knocking at the door!”

A bit of resistance will set the mood, whereas a violent one will definitely
spoil it. Especially when the beautiful wife kicked Village Chief Gu’s crotch.
Even a man with the dirtiest mind in the world would be forcibly knocked out
of consciousness.

‘Knock, knock, knock!’

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin immediately exchanged questioning glances.

No fucking way? The spineless coward really returned?

Gu Hai reluctantly stood up and slowly wobbled his way to the door to open
it. As expected, Bai Luo Yin had too much to drink. Not only did he not use
the time to take off the short cotton-padded jacket, he even fucking buttoned
up the part that had been ripped open. Once he finished tidying himself up, he
stood at the door, ready to greet the guest.

The moment the door opened, Gu Yang thought he had teleported to another
era. One was dressed in a military uniform accompanied by a pair of rain
boots, while the other was dressed in a red cotton-padded jacket with flower
prints and a pair of green pants.

What kind of joke is this?

Bai Luo Yin was truly immersed in his role. So much so that it was
impossible to drag him out of it. So the moment he saw Gu Yang standing in
front of the door, he said with astonishment, “You’ve returned, you
spineless coward!”

Those words caused countless dark lines to emerge on Gu Yang’s grave and
stern face, quickly organizing into an indestructible net.

On the other hand, Gu Hai quickly sobered up the moment he saw Gu Yang’s

The fuck. Couldn’t you have picked a better time to come? You just had to
drop by at precisely this time to spoil our fun!

Gu Hai was still feeling aggravated when suddenly, his beloved wife hugged
the other person’s arm. And as if that wasn’t enough, the drunken fool began
to fucking explain and say with a voice full of grievances that the village
chief had taken a trip out of his home to greet everyone and that, “the two of
us are still husband and wife.”

Feeling anxious, Gu Hai immediately pulled Bai Luo Yin back towards him
and angrily said, “Look carefully. Who is your husband, huh?”

Bai Luo Yin shrieked loudly, then turned his head to look at Gu Yang before
shifting his intoxicated eyes back to Gu Hai. “Hey, I just realized that the
two of you look exactly the same. The spineless coward and the village
chief is played by the same person. That means, if he’s a spineless
coward, then you must also be one too!”

Shit, the alcohol really got the better of him.

Once Gu Yang smelt the smell of alcohol permeating throughout the house,
he knew right away that these two fools were up to no good. At first, he came
over with the intention of bidding them farewell since he was planning on
returning to Beijing the next day. But, seeing their immoral behavior, he
realized that even if he were to say something, it would have been the same
as not saying anything at all. As a result, he tugged the corner of Bai Luo
Yin’s cotton jacket for a second, then he gave Gu Hai a profound look before
directly taking his leave.

After Gu Yang left, Bai Luo Yin remained standing at the door–confusion
still drawn on his face. The innocent expression painted across his face so
lovingly provoked Gu Hai’s mind to be shrouded with much jealousy. The
kind that caused a fume of smoke to emit from his ears and blanket his eyes
with anger.

He quickly pulled his wife into his arms and tightly embraced him before
raining kisses on his forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. Each kiss was soft then
rough–domineering and possessive.

“Stop looking! Even if you keep on looking at him, he’s still not your

Bai Luo Yin still could not comprehend what had just happened, “The
person who left just now, is he the spineless coward or the village chief?”
This time, Gu Hai modified his own character and said, “The person that
just left is the village chief. I am the spineless coward, the one that you
were originally paired with.” As those words warmly trickled into Bai Luo
Yin’s ears, Gu Hai gently molested his rosy cheeks.

“Then, why are you wearing the village chief’s uniform, huh? Take it off,
I’ll go and give it back to him.” Bai Luo Yin continued to slur out his
questions and statements while attempting to rip the uniform off.

Gu Hai immediately gripped his hands, stopping his lecherous fingers.

“What? Are you addicted to having affairs? Why aren’t you paying
attention to your man? Go! Go into the bedroom with me. We need to
settle this matter tonight.”

As a result of this strangely intoxicated moment, Gu Hai’s character fully

changed from the village chief to the spineless coward.

“Listen to me carefully. Right now, I’m the coward and you’re my wife. I
don’t have the capability to perform any sexual acts so I can only watch,
unable to touch you. You must fulfill your duty as my wife and give me a
show every day to satisfy my cravings.”

Gu Hai thought that after saying those words, he would have to come up with
a string of persuasive sentences to lure this handsome man to spontaneously
initiate the show. However, today, young Lady Bai was especially obedient
and conscious of his needs. In a rather slow and enticing manner, he tore off
the little cotton-padded jacket and got on the bed. He then proceeded to light
up a cigarette.

In the silent and dimly lit room, Bai Luo Yin’s face and chest were stained
with a burning carmine color that yearned to overtake his entire skin. He
placed the cigarette loosely between his parted lips then inhaled slowly. His
system quickly responded to the smoke, and he could clearly feel his lungs
being wrapped by a warm blanket.

All the while, Gu Hai’s eyes feasted on the handsome man that was luring
him. Although his lovely eyes were brimming with seduction, they were
somehow still gentle and laced with bit of warmth. Florid cheeks and
flawlessly sculpted lips as if crafted by angels themselves. Sitting this close
to him, Gu Hai could clearly see the lines that makeup Bai Luo Yin’s face
glistening attractively under the dim light. All these features make up a
delicate and almost angelic face that makes Gu Hai want to throw him down

Taking another slow and small drag of the cigarette, Bai Luo Yin lightly blew
out a mouthful of smoke and cast an indiscernible glance towards Gu Hai. It
was a courageous, masculine and enticing, and it mesmerized and beckoned
Gu Hai to swallow him whole.

Bai Luo Yin’s upper body was exposed, revealing his finely toned muscles
while his lower half was only covered by those atrocious looking pants.
Armed with impossibly long legs that seemed to run for miles, Bai Luo Yin
was the only person who could pull off that look and still remain extremely
sexy and erotic. With his eyes on Gu Hai, Bai Luo Yin naturally parted his
long and smooth legs, revealing the healthy lines that shaped his kissable
inner thighs, which ascended lovingly up to his crotch. The slight bulge
between his legs remained still and undisturbed. It was clear that the little
beast was still fast asleep and needed to be urgently aroused.

Having placed the end of cigarette inside his mouth, Bai Luo Yin
intentionally let his fingers slither down his body in a slow erotic gesture
before finally stopping at that sweet sweet spot between his legs. He began to
slowly rub it. Up and down, his fingers slipped and grazed his crotch. The act
alone was so slow that it was annoying to a certain extent. His movements
followed the slow and heavy rhythm of his breath. Tilting his head slightly
backward, he let some of the smoke that he had inhaled earlier to finally
escape his mouth. Slowly it rose and filled the room.

Bai Luo Yin gazed Gu Hai with eyes that were both slightly haughty and
indolent. He gave off the expression of someone whose sexy body was
destined to only be admired from afar, and not be touched or played with.
From time to time, the cigarette at the corner of his mouth would lift upwards
in a taunting and disdainful manner as he looked down and teased the admirer
whose gaze cannot be averted from him. This seductive look was intended to
lure and excite the only person he wanted to trap.
Looking at him, Gu Hai’s pupils suddenly contracted before the smell of
blood attacked his nostrils. This version of Bai Luo Yin was driving him
completely insane!!

In the future, even if I lose everything, I must have at least two bottles of
liquor stashed at home at all times. A lifetime of sexual pleasure will be
completely dependent on it now!

Slowly, little beast between Bai Luo Yin’s legs started to wake up. The
outline of it stiffening beneath the loose pants became faintly discernable as if
trying to burst out. Bai Luo Yin slid his hand inside his pants and slowly
dropped his head slightly back. All the while, he let out a series of titillating
moans and gasps before increasing the movements of his hands as he rubbed
gently then roughly against his aching member.

By now, only half of the cigarette remains at Bai Luo Yin’s mouth. It was
being gripped tightly by his teasing fingers that seemed to intentionally push
it in and out slowly as he inhaled and exhaled mouthfuls of smoke. Soon, the
cigarette was going to be exhausted to the point of obliteration just like Gu
Hai’s waning patience.

Not completely unaware of the lustful eyes following his every move, Bai
Luo Yin teasingly dragged his pants down a bit at a time, until the back of his
hand and dense pubes were all that remained between Gu Hai’s view and his
treasured beast. Gu Hai’s heated gaze targeted that area relentlessly,
unwilling to budge even the slightest. He wished that the raging flames in his
eyes could ignite the surface of this lovely lad’s pants so that the hidden
territory beneath could be completely exposed to him.

The cigarette has reached the end of its short life, leaving only a lingering
scent of smoke. Bai Luo Yin nipped its stub before casting Gu Hai a faint

Gu Hai could no longer endure this delightful tease. Like a fierce tiger
rushing down a formidable mountain range, he pounced onto Bai Luo Yin’s
irresistible body and forcibly tore his pants off in one go.

“Aren’t you a spineless coward?” Bai Luo Yin asked deliberately.

Gu Hai ruthlessly pushed his heated body against Bai Luo Yin’s, while his
hand snaked towards his own thirsty cock and stealthily thrust it in that tight
spot he’s been eyeing.

“You’ve fucking cured me!”

After a round of intense thrusting that consumed a good amount of their

youthful vigor, the two finally reached their first climax with neither of their
cocks softened. Intoxicated with each other’s scent and the urgent need to
satisfy their lingering thirst for the next person, the second round started
quickly without any of them taking notice.

This time, Bai Luo Yin’s quickly flicked his warm tongue against Gu Hai’s
chest before slightly moving his head down to lightly bit his nipple,
provoking an alluring moan. He then slowly emerged from beneath Gu Hai’s
hot and sweaty body; the same one that seemed unwilling to part from his. He
climbed on Gu Hai and roughly shoved him back using as much strength as
he could muster.

Making sure their eyes remained connected, he slipped Gu Hai’s rock hard
cock inside his tight passage and began to move his pelvis in satisfaction. Gu
Hai happily leaned against the bed and leisurely lit up a cigarette, inhaling a
puff of smoke while admiring the way Bai Luo Yin slowly and enticingly
rode him.

Enjoying the electrifying pleasure that currently consumes his entire being,
leaving him in a state of ecstasy, Bai Luo Yin let out a light moan. Without
pulling out, his waist curved forward, nearly kissing Gu Hai’s nose. He
kissed Gu Hai’s cheeks, then dragged his lips down just the slightest and
inhaled a mouthful of smoke from his lover’s cigarette. Then with a smirk, he
exhaled the smoke onto Gu Hai’s face which he so willingly inhaled. A
second later Gu Hai inhaled another mouthful of smoke, then closed his lips,
trapping the smoke inside his mouth. As soon as Bai Luo Yin leaned over and
kissed him and their lips locked, Gu Hai passed the mouthful of smoke into
Bai Luo Yin’s mouth.

The smoke seeped out from between their slightly parted lips and spread
along the lines of their flushed faces.
From the sweaty surface of their hot bodies to the center of their beating
hearts, the two were completely intoxicated with each other.

As their lips remained sealed, their tongues started to dance against each

Suddenly, Gu Hai tightly gripped Bai Luo Yin’s waist while his body was
still beneath him. He then used some of his strength and thrust into him hard
and fast. Unanticipated pleasure and excitement quickly took over Bai Luo
Yin, causing his lips to break away from Gu Hai’s and move down to bite
hard into his chin instead.

With stuffy moans, he managed to squeeze out, “ah…no…it’s too fast!”

Gu Hai lightly smiled when he heard this. He quickly released his hold of Bai
Luo Yin and said, “Then you control the speed.”

Bai Luo Yin sat upright and pressed both his sweaty palms down on Gu Hai’s
chest. He then started to slowly rock in place.

Before long, without any warning at all, Bai Luo Yin’s cock–the same one
that had been obediently sitting between his legs–rapidly rose in excitement.
Gu Hai quickly noticed the awakening of that monster. He responded to it by
reaching out and fondling it. He grasped it and, using the tip of his finger,
played with its tip, which had started to leak. Bai Luo Yin quickened his
speed as a conditioned reflex.

Even as the excitement from their act distorted Bai Luo Yin’s handsome face,
in Gu Hai’s eyes, it was still exceptionally enchanting.

Gu Hai’s hand reached out to gently caress Bai Luo Yin’s face.

Reveling in his warm touches, Bai Luo Yin lowered his body again and
embraced Gu Hai. As they passionately kissed each other, trying to convey
all their feelings, their bodies began to move simultaneously, provoking their
heated breath and sensual moans to intertwine and resonate throughout the
“Is this the spot? Huh? Is it?”

“Yes, it is….yeah…ah…Gu Hai!”

Feeling the excitement taking over his own body, Gu Hai tightly buckled Bai
Luo Yin’s head against the pillow. With a rough and deep roar, a layer of
white cloudy liquid escaped from Bai Luo Yin and settled onto Gu Hai’s
abdomen. Meanwhile, his own essence was filling the inside of Bai Luo
Yin’s body.

“Yin Zi, I love you.”

Although just slightly under a spell of intoxication, Gu Hai used this rare
opportunity to confess his feelings once again.

Bai Luo Yin’s burning face pressed closely against the side of his face,
before he faintly replied, “Ok”.

“Ok?” Gu Hai twisted his head to the side and shot Bai Luo Yin a quick
glance, “Just this one word? Nothing else?”

With his eyes closed, Bai Luo Yin merely muttered ‘yeah’. When Gu Hai
nudged him again, Bai Luo Yin’s head slid directly onto the pillow.

Hey! Don’t sleep!

Even as Gu Hai shook him a couple more times, Bai Luo Yin still remained
unconscious. As usual, he latched tightly onto Gu Hai’s body and fell
soundly asleep. Seeing him like this, Gu Hai did not have the heart to wake
him up even though he felt a sense of tightness in his chest.

Nevermind, I’ll take it as you fucking owe me those words. The day you
remember it, you have to make up for it!

(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 201: The Inquietude of Youth - Their LUNAR NEW YEAR's


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


It was the eve of Lunar New Year. As the night got deeper, the sky, once
sheathed in a lingering beautiful shade of lilac and pale gold, is helplessly
consumed by darkness. The moon rose, illuminating the tenebrous sky while
proudly showing everyone across the land the magnificence of its form. As if
by habit, the shimmering sparkles of stars silhouetted into the darkness. One
by one, they began to appear-some choosing to grace the sky in solitary,
while some emerged in clusters.

The city also began to light up brilliantly. All over, buildings and streets and
started coming to life. Although in comparison to the night sky, its beauty can
be considered faint, nonetheless, it happily displayed its own brilliance.

Before long, a trembling gust of wind, slightly stronger than yesterday's,

drifted across the skyline, bringing with it joyful noises and festive chatters.

As if separated from the outside world, the military compound presented a

different atmosphere-one that's void of any merrymaking. Within these walls,
silence ruled.

While in the middle of sharing a very quiet meal with General Gu, Jiang
Yuan broke the silence with a light sigh, followed by a few well-chosen
words, "Last year, whether for good or bad, we had a child around. This
year, it's just the two of us. Celebrating New Year like this just isn't
right. Honestly, it's quite sad."
After a moment, Gu Wei Ting calmly gave Jiang Yuan a glance after hearing
what his wife had to say. He began to speak, "I should have let you
celebrate alone then. That way, when I accompany you next year, you
wouldn't feel so sad."

Gu Wei Ting's statement forced Jiang Yuan's lips to purse tightly together,
"If even you hadn't come back, I wouldn't know what else I'm living

Once Gu Wei Ting spoke again, his voice was calm but authoritative,
"Children are not part of your body. In a sense, they are merely worldly
possessions. Even if they don't leave, they still do not belong to you.
When they eventually settle down and get married, you will be left with
only one person to celebrate New Year with. If you feel lonely, then you
can have another child."

"Do you think I can just have a child whenever I want, huh? How am I
supposed to make one by myself?" Jing Yuan's voice was failing her
attempt to mask her annoyance.

Gu Wei Ting smiled faintly, "I can give you my friendly assistance."

"You!!!" Jiang Yuan's slight annoyance was quickly replaced with smiles
and laughter, "How come I never knew you were such a smooth talker?"

"You're flattering me too much. I'm still a far cry from Lao Bai."

These words silenced Jing Yuan who began to slightly pout once again. A
few seconds later, a beautiful rosy red color started to stain her smooth
cheeks. She raised her gaze, revealing eyes that were kissed with rays of
bright lights. They seem to sparkle even more as she looked warmly at the
person beside her.

"Honestly, we should really consider having another child. Xiao Hai and
Luo Yin are only 18 years old and we're not that old. More importantly,
we have the ability to raise another one. Think about it, with one more
child, wouldn't life be even more fulfilling?"
"I have no objection." Gu Wei Ting's brows slight rose, "After all, my
hopes for Gu Hai has died long ago. Now, I don't expect anything from
him anymore. If you can give me another child, I'll be able to entrust my
hope and energy to him."

The lights in Jiang Yuan's eyes grew even brighter. "OK," she says with a
soft smile. "Then...if we really have another child, are you going to dote
on him or strictly discipline him?"

"Dote upon him? Do you really think I'd dare dote on another child?
Look at Gu Hai! I doted on him and look at how he's turned out!"

"Huh......" Jiang Yuan couldn't hide her surprise upon hearing General Gu's
words. In fact, his statement caught her off-guard so much that it turned her
face pale. "You call the way you treat Gu Hai doting? Can you imagine
how a child would turn out if you decide to strictly discipline him? Or
how he'd be after your trample on him?"

"Well, in any case, if he doesn't have a strong will or is not perceptive of

things, he won't be able to withstand my rigorous training."

"Since you put it like that, how do you expect me to even dare have a
child?" Jiang Yuan could feel her heart sinking as those words left her own

Indifferent, Gu Wei Ting sneered coldly, "If he can't so much as take my

method of instilling discipline, then how can I allow him to be called my
son? What's the use of having a son like that?"

"If we follow the logic of what you just's like saying a child born
with an innate illness or disability should be killed. A child is not brought
into this world to be used for the fulfillment of any personal objective.
When couples decide to have a child, it should be so they'd have someone
to love and care for."

Jiang Yuan continued, "I wish I had a little girl who would stay by my
side all day long and weep about the silliest of things. That to me is
happiness. Just the thought of it makes me happy."
"When did you become so motherly?" Gu Wei Ting shot her a glance-one
that was neither judgmental nor compassionate.

Jiang Yuan merely heaved a sigh, "Ever since my son left, I've come to
realize that the things I used to stubbornly pursue were all superficial.
Without my child at my side, everything is meaningless."

Remaining calm and quiet, Gu Wei Ting decided to focus on finishing the
food in his bowl.

After some time, Jiang Yuan spoke again, "Have I become a great
grandmother to you? Are you finally fed up with me?"

"Even if I was, I won't ever leave you for someone else. I'm the kind of
person who would rather not deal with inconveniences."

After this, the rest of the dinner was spent in silence. That was until Gu Wei
Ting spoke again at the end of the meal.

"Starting tomorrow, you can come to the military compound with me."

"Go with you?" Jiang Yuan tried her best to conceal her happiness. In all
honesty, General Gu's invitation really pleased her. So much so that it once
again ignited the bright lights that appeared in her eyes earlier in the night.

Gu Wei Ting nodded his head, "Yes, come with me to the military

After dinner, Jiang Yuan was able to fall asleep right away. Perhaps it was
due to the fact that she had finally been able to unload the thoughts that have
been weighing upon her to her husband, but she suddenly felt really tired the
moment she laid down.

On the other hand, Gu Wei Ting couldn't sleep. He stood in front of the
window, lost in his own thoughts, as he stared at the city skyline, which was
brilliantly lit by the fireworks and light shows that were put up in celebration
of the Lunar New Year.

Why do I miss my shameful son so much?

Meanwhile, his and Lao Bai's shameful sons were in a public square setting
off firecrackers and playing to their heart's content.

Gu Hai took out two thick steel pipe double-explosive firecrackers [1] and lit
them up while firmly holding them with both hands. Upon seeing what the
stupid monkey was trying to do, Bai Luo Yin felt scared and wanted with all
his heart to stop him. But he knew it was too late to do so as the wick had
already started to spark, so instead, he took two large strides back to avoid
close contact. Seconds later, a series of loud thunderous explosions started to
sound off near his ears.

As the explosion came to an end, Bai Luo Yin saw Gu Hai still holding the
remains of the firecrackers firmly in his hands. This sight made him so angry
and scared that he couldn't help but scold Gu Hai.

"Are you an idiot? Who would light up a double explosive firecracker

while holding it?"

Even after Bai Luo Yin's reprimand him, Gu Hai still looked quite pleased
with himself, "Do you dare?"

Bai Luo Yin coldly responded, "Is this an ability that you should be
bragging about? If you're really good, then why don't you shove it up
your crotch and light it up, huh?"

"You fucking..." Instead of anger, Gu Hai met Bai Luo Yin's words with
smiles and laughter, "Believe it or not, I'll shove it up your asshole and
light it up there."

These words enraged Bai Luo Yin, who immediately started chasing and
hitting Gu Hai.

"Don't hit me. It's bad to hit people during the New Year." Gu Hai
wrapped one of his arms around Bai Luo Yin's neck, "We still have
fireworks that we haven't set off yet. It's almost midnight. Let's hurry
Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai walked towards their car and opened the trunk. Gu
Hai started taking out the tubes of fireworks that he had placed there earlier,
and just as he did so, the ember of the cigarette stick in between his fingers
came in contact with the wicks of some of the firecrackers, igniting them.

Luckily, he was able to notice this right away. He couldn't afford to remain
calm. Very swiftly, he grabbed Bai Luo Yin's hand and pulled him to the side
as if their lives depended on it. They ran until they were a safe distance away
from the car.

Unaware of what was happening, Bai Luo Yin was in the middle of running
when he suddenly heard a loud explosion. At least 10 fireworks soared into
the night sky-lighting it up with various colors. The sight of the fireworks
shooting from the car was so magnificent and beautiful that even if twelve
men simultaneously lighted firecrackers together, their efforts will still fail in

The scene it created can be likened to that of flowers blooming during the
arrival of spring; how they magnificently open up and reveal their colors for
all to see.

This glorious explosion, though, was only the beginning. Quickly following it
are smaller explosions. Sparks also started flying in all random directions-like
fireflies seeking refuge. As they continue to scatter, several exploded near
Bai Luo Yin's feet.

By the time the two guys' eyes shifted from the sky to Gu Hai's car, it was
already consumed by a large raging flame. The flames slowly ascended to the
sky, growing bigger and bigger until it got to the point where half the skyline
was dyed a fiery red.

After a long while, Gu Hai hesitantly mumbled, "What great fortune!

Everything is thriving!"

"What great fortune?" Bai Luo Yin roared in response. "Your car is
fucking ruined! Why didn't you take a better look when you were
moving the fireworks? Why are you just standing there? Hurry! Go and
put the fire out!!"
Bai Luo Yin was about to go and put out the fire when Gu Hai pulled him
back. "Don't go. It's already ruined. There's no saving it even if the
flames are extinguished. It's better to just buy a new car than to spend so
much on repairs."

It didn't take long for regret to tug at Bai Luo Yin's nerves. His brows
wrinkled together in a stern frown as he looked at the flames ahead. That
huge flame was burning stash and stash of paper money.

Seeing that regretful expression on Bai Luo Yin's face from the corner of his
eyes, Gu Hai couldn't help but tease him. "In society nowadays, you should
be ashamed to call yourself the son of a high official if you haven't burnt
a car at least once."

Hearing those crazy words, Bai Luo Yin scornfully gritted his teeth in anger.

And thus, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin's plans to set off the firecrackers came to
a sudden end. The two drove back in one car. As they traversed the streets,
everywhere started to bustle with noise and excitement. Outside of the car,
gorgeous arrays of colorful fireworks blossomed in the night sky. Bai Luo
Yin sighed with sorrow as he let his gaze focus on the scenery outside. If he
had known early on that the car would become scrap, he would have raised
his head into the heaven just a bit longer to take in the sight above.

The night sky then must have been especially beautiful!

It's inevitable that one must pay a devastatingly high price to obtain some
things in life. And since you have already paid dearly for them, why not just
treasurer this hard to come by happiness to your heart's content?

After shifting his eyes back, Bai Luo Yin stared attentively at the electronic
display screen inside the car. At that moment, it displayed 11:59PM. He held
his breath in and just as the number jumped, he swiftly turned his head to the

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

The two spoke at the same time before reveling in each other's joyous smiles
and enjoying the warm presence of each other. There was no need to pretend
any longer. Just staring at each other's faces eliminated any trace of regret or
sorrow that crowded their hearts. An unspoken promise resonated within
them at this moment that seemed almost ethereal.

For all eternity, we will never forget, the New Year's Eve that we spent
together on the road.

In the middle of March, as the weather gradually became warmer, Bai Luo
Yin and Gu Hai prepared to set out on a journey to Tibet.

While they were packing, Gu Hai seemed somewhat reluctant. "You Know,
the auntie at the food market know me by face already. Every time I
bought vegetables, she would always give me a small discount."

Bai Luo Yin did not even so much as spare him a glance as he sneered, "I
reckon she gives discounts to everyone who buys vegetables there."

"Who says?" Gu Hai said, strongly standing his ground. "Before the New
Year, she never gave me any discount. When I went back there after the
New Year, she never took any of the small changes. And sometimes, she
would also give me a few scallions for free. After we leave, who is going
to give us discounts, huh?"

Hearing the slight complaint, Bai Luo Yin furtively gave Gu Hai a glance,
"You burnt a car and immediately got a fucking discount."

"I've discovered something. Why are you so cold and detached?"

I'm not cold or detached. I'm just not as expressive of my feelings as you are.
Nor do I say everything that's on my mind out loud repeatedly like you do.
How can I not feel sad? At the very least, we've been here for three months
already. Every day, as soon as we open our eyes, we are greeted by the
beautiful sea and get to enjoy the breeze the moment the windows are pushed
open. Where else can we find such a cheap place with a beautiful view of the
After they properly pack their belongings, they ate their last meal in this
apartment. As their conversation went on, the topic of school was
unintentionally brought up, and without thinking much of it, Bai Luo Yin
mentioned said a few words.

"You Qi passed the second round of the examination for Beijing Film

After hearing that name, Gu Hai raised his head and looked at Bai Luo Yin,
"Why did you get in contact with him?"

"I didn't. I saw it on the school's online forum. Someone posted a list of
students who are eligible for the third round of examinations for the
Academy and I saw You Qi's name on there."

"Could it be someone else with the same name?"

Bai Luo Yin snorted then let out a small chuckle, "You think such a stupid
name can actually be that common?"

"That's true." The chopsticks in Gu Hai's hand came to a sudden halt before
he deliberately said, "You seem rather concerned for him."

"At first I wasn't so concerned, but ever since we fought about him, he's
made a lasting impression on me."

"You're fucking saying that deliberately, aren't you?" Gu Hai quickly

became hostile.

Having already been accustomed to Gu Hai's mood swings, Bai Luo Yin
naturally changed the subject.

"That's right. I haven't asked you, have you thought about which
university you want to go to yet?"

Gu Hai haphazardly replied, "It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?" Bai Luo Yin became annoyed with his reply. "Can
you be a bit more ambitious?"
"Who said I'm not ambitious?" Gu Hai's eyes swept towards Bai Luo Yin.
"Even if I attend a university, I won't waste my time there. I plan on
starting my own business after two years. Whether it's attending classes
or being an entrepreneur, I won't be neglecting either one. I'm a very
practical person. Theoretical knowledge doesn't attract me, nor do I
fancy walking the path of a government official so going into business is
the best for me."

Bai Luo Yin thought that it was not a probable idea. "What about the

"Since I have a solid plan, I can definitely secure the appropriate

funding. I can start small and gradually expand."

"I'm afraid, once the money is in your hands, you'll show off and spend
it all in less than two days."

"What are you trying to say?! You make it seem like I have no self-
control at all."

"Have you ever had any to begin with?" Bai Luo Yin was extremely

Gu Hai's brows rose questioningly as a flash of light swept past his eyes,
hinting at something that was obvious to both. "Which aspect of me do you

"Eat your food!"

Translator's Note:

[1] 二踢脚: literal - double kicks: a firecracker that goes off twice; once on
the ground and again in the air. (double-explosive firecracker)

(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 202: The Inquietude of Youth - A SMOOTH ARRIVAL IN

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


"How about this car model?" Gu Hai asked.

A luxurious SUV was displayed in front of Bai Luo Yin. It was the Land
Rover Discovery 3 model that had just come out not too long ago.

Bai Luo Yin responded to the question with one of his own. "Why did you
rent such an expensive car?"

"What do you mean rent?" Gu Hai leaned against the car door as his
healthy and bright face concealed a small cunning smile. "This is brand
new. I bought it."

These words caused Bai Luo Yin to narrow his eyes slightly at Gu Hai. He
examined the lines of his face in search of any sign of mischievous deeds.
"Bought it? Where did you get the money for it?"

The unspoken implication behind his words was, 'I thought you fucking
handed over all your money to me already? How did you manage to hide
away a stash of it? Tell me the truth now!'

"Do you still remember that red diamond necklace? I sold it." An air of
satisfaction shrouded the atmosphere around them as Gu Hai proudly looked
at Bai Luo Yin as if what he had done was something phenomenal.

"When did you sell it? How come I didn't know anything about it?" As
Gu Hai's gaze remained on him, Bai Luo Yin realized that the person in front
of him had become even more deceitful.
"When we were still in Beijing, that person contacted me, he was
interested in buying it. At that time, I just dismissed the idea, but two
days ago, he called me again. And when he did, I thought there was a
chance we might need an SUV, and it was better to just hand over the
necklace to him. In any case, it's useless in my hands and honestly, what
if I lose it one day? The money would've blindly been lost too!"

Thick beads of sweat formed chaotically around Bai Luo Yin's forehead the
moment he heard those words, "Fortunately we didn't bring the property
deed with us!"

"Doesn't it also cost a lot of money to rent a car? Since we're not using it
just this one time, it's better to just buy one. After our university
entrance exams are over, what are we going to do with all our time, huh?
There are still many places we can travel too!"

At those words, an insincere smile flattened still on Bai Luo Yin's lips, "If
we keep on spending our days like this, will there still be any exams left
for us to take?"

"Why are you thinking so far ahead? There are still three more months
to go. Come on, let's go, go, go! Get in the car first. We have to leave
now, otherwise, it'll be dark by the time we're out of this province."

Bai Luo Yin did not move. Instead, he stared at Gu Hai with a set of calm and
expressionless eyes

The corner of Gu Hai's lips pulled back. His whole body stiffened for a
moment, then as if struck by some unknown force, he loosened up. His head
dropped slowly as his hand slithered down the side-pockets of his pants. He
felt around until his fingers made contact with the slightly cold surface of a
metallic card. As if part of a picturesque slow-motion scene in a film, he
reluctantly passed it over to Bai Luo Yin.

"The rest of the money from selling the necklace are all in there."

This time, the corner of Bai Luo Yin's lips hooked into a curve instead, "Get
in the car!"
With that, the palms of their hands rose into the air and smack roughly
against each other. HIGH FIVE!!!

The new car is ready to get a taste of the road on this journey.

There are two routes that one can choose from to get to Tibet from Qingdao:
the Sichuan-Tibet and the Qinghai-Tibet. After careful consideration, Gu Hai
and Bai Luo Yin decided to take the Sichuan-Tibet route on their way there,
and the Qinghai-Tibet route on their way back. That way, they would be able
to see more sceneries along their journey.

The SUV was completely packed with every possible thing they could need.
Prior to this trip, Gu Hai had researched diligently about all the things that
could happen to them and comprised a thorough list of items to bring along.
Since he was responsible for the preparation, it was only natural that Bai Luo
Yin was responsible for the inspection. The two had vigilantly considered all
the sudden emergencies that can possibly occur as well as the methods to
combat each.

Three days after they left Qingdao, the two arrived in Chéngdū.[1] Due to
their extreme happiness and unwavering curiosity towards this city, Bai Luo
Yin suggested that they stay and explore it for at least two days. After two
days of playtime, as promised, they continued their journey.

The two encountered countless problems while on the road. From their car
breaking down and road constructions to abnormal weather changes, and
even robbery, they've more or less faced all the mishaps any traveler could
experience on the way to Tibet. But thanks to their courage, intelligence, and
foresight, they were able to overcome all these without much worry. The only
thing was, they arrived at their destination four days later than planned. By
the time they reached Tibet, it was already April.

As the car continued to smoothly cruise on the appointed route, the road
gradually and quietly elevated nearly 3,000 meters [2] above sea level
without them even realizing it. The further they proceeded, the sky became
more and more crystal clear. One by one, snowy mountain peaks wrapped
with streaks of clouds and nearly transparent mist, started to appear before
their line of sight, promptly eliciting their weary minds back to soberness.
Bai Luo Yin's bright eyes immediately swept towards the window for a better
look. It didn't take long for his fingers and toes to tingle with excitement
while flashes of light drew across his face, bringing forth a beautifully
evocative smile.

Brimming with happiness, he pulled Gu Hai's arm, "Quickly look over

there, it's a Tibetan antelope!" [3]

Gu Hai slowed the car down just enough to keep it rolling. A reddish-brown
Tibetan antelope stood at a distance not too far from them. Its strong and
muscular body revealed the endurance required to live and survive in this
high altitude and bitterly cold atmosphere. The moment he saw them, the
antelope quickly sprinted north in a graceful posture as if soaring off the
ground, parading the vivid colors of life.

"Are you having any difficulty breathing?" Gu Hai asked while taking in
Bai Luo Yin's features.

Bai Luo Yin's train of thoughts was drawn back from the sight ahead. He
touched his chest. He has not felt anything strange yet, but it was possible
that the excitement suppressed everything.

Gu Hai stopped the car and passed him a liquid capsule medicine.

This type of capsule is taken in advance to guard against altitude sickness. [4]
For the past few days, the two had been properly taking it without fail.
Unsurprisingly though, Bai Luo Yin did not like the taste of this medicine.
And his dislike is made even more evident by how he would always waste
time before actually ingesting it. But today is different. Today, he obediently
took the capsule before Gu Hai could force him to. This is probably because
of the breathtaking scenery unfolding before his eyes. It's so beautiful that it's
only normal to ignore this small annoyance.

"If you feel any discomfort, you have to tell me right away, OK?" Gu Hai
kept telling him repeatedly.

Bai Luo Yin would always respond by nodding his head. "Don't worry, I'm
fine. Focus on the road."
Finally, the two arrived in Lhasa, Tibet around noon without any further

After the car stopped, Bai Luo Yin immediately and happily pushed the door
open to get out. To this, Gu Hai responded by immediately pulling him back.
He then proceeded to prep him for their outdoor adventure. Sunblock,
sunglasses, and even a by one, he put them all on Bai Luo Yin. And
he just won't allow him to go without all of these.

At first, Bai Luo Yin thought that Gu Hai was overacting by making such a
big fuss over a minor issue. A few steps out in the sun, however, his mind
completely changed. He realized that this guy was quite wise instead.

The sunlight here was unusually powerful, to the point that, exposing one's
skin directly beneath it leaves a burning sensation that seems to tear the flesh
apart. No wonder Tibetans had suntanned skin and looked rough and valiant.

Originally, the two had planned to rest once they arrive in Tibet, but they
could no longer wait as excitement rushed through their veins. They quickly
grabbed something small to eat before heading out to Jokhang Temple. [5]
The rest of the afternoon was spent basking beneath the scorching sun,
watching worshippers prostrating, chanting the Buddhist scriptures, and
praying at the front gate with crystal clear eyes and sincere expressions. The
sight deeply moved Bai Luo Yin, who thought that it was terrible not to
believe in any faith.

As he sat there, watching the bustling scene ahead, an undefinable twisted

sense circled his chest.

"I should also pray." Gu Hai's words suddenly took hold of Bai Luo Yin's

Bai Luo Yin shot him a glance from the corner of his eyes, "They're
praying for their next lives. What you are praying for?"

"I'm not praying for the next life. My only wish is to stay beside you for
the rest of my life."
Bai Luo Yin was unable to conceal neither the warmth that beamed from his
eyes nor the smile that kissed his lips. He jested, "On behalf of Buddha, I'm
here to help your soul find peace in the next life!"


On their way back from Jokhang Temple, the two went to a famous local
Tibetan restaurant. There, they drank genuine Tibetan highland barley wine
[6], tasted the unique flavor of butter tea [7] and ate authentic pulled lamb
meat. Unfortunately, since the two were still not accustomed to Tibetan food,
these did not satisfy them. They immediately expressed their continuous
hunger after finishing their meal.

In order to satisfy themselves, the two went to a small noodle restaurant they
saw and ordered two big bowls of noodles each.

By the time they checked in at the hotel, the sky was already dark. The
temperature between day and night in Tibet was completely different so the
moment Bai Luo Yin stepped out of the car, he was ravaged by unspeakable
shivers that ran up his spine. Quick to notice this, Gu Hai placed one of his
arms around him. With this, the two entered the hotel side by side.

Once they were finally able to take a bath, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin
discovered that, to their dismay, they had been exposed to too much sunlight.
Even though they had taken proper measures to protect themselves, the back
of their necks were still sunburned to the point that their skin peeled. This
was nothing. What made it even more miserable looking was that the area
covered by the sunglasses and the areas that were not covered simply looked
like two completely different shades. Just one glance at the mirror and it was
clear to both lads that their 'beauty' had been destroyed.

As Gu Hai gently applied the ointment for Bai Luo Yin, he felt especially
sorry. "Look, your skin is so burnt even the soft flesh is exposed. Does it

"A little bit," said Bai Luo Yin as he inhaled deeply.

When it was Bai Luo Yin's turn to apply the ointment for Gu Hai, he noticed
that there were no distinctly burnt areas on his skin. But instead, it was only
somewhat red and numb to the touch. As he continued, he couldn't help but
sigh, "Your skin was so nice before. Now that it's been burnt like this, I
wonder when it will become normal again?"

Gu Hai's eyes suddenly lit up. "My skin was really nice?!"

Bai Luo Yin was embarrassed to say it, but although Gu Hai's hands were a
little rough, the skin on the rest of his body is rather smooth and beautiful to
look at. Especially since it wrapped his toned muscles so nicely. So,
whenever he traced his hands along those smoothly sculpted muscles, it felt
extremely nice to the touch. Incidentally, this was also one of his features that
turned Bai Luo Yin on.

"It's not bad."

Upon hearing this, Gu Hai's eyes were struck with astonishment. "How come
you've never mentioned this before?"

"Why would I say it out of the blue?" Bai Luo Yin paid no attention to it.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, felt a bit unsettled. "Why can't you say it?
Whenever we do it, I always praise you by saying your lips are sweet,
your legs long and straight, your butt round and plump, and how
flirtatious and tempting your little hole is as it sucks me in. Think about
it, what have you praised me for before? That day, you only praised that
I have a big cock after being fucked until you climaxed with pleasure so
many times......and you only said it after I forced you to."


Bai Luo Yin only stared at Gu Hai. He wanted to immediately shove Gu Hai
onto the bed frame.

Before bed, Bai Luo Yin watched as Gu Hai fiddled with a piece of cotton
cloth. He used a pair of scissors to cut a hole in the center of it before roughly
measuring the size of his face with his own hands. When he felt that the size
of the cloth did not fit his face, he would continue to cut it down some more.
Alas, he ruined it by cutting too much!

Realizing this, he got another piece of cloth and started cutting again until it
came out perfectly.

Finally unable to hold it any longer, Bai Luo Yin asked, "What are you
doing?" He simply couldn't comprehend what Gu Hai was doing.

Without raising his head from the task at hand, Gu Hai merely replied, "I'm
making a mask."

"A mask?" Bai Luo Yin asked. He was more puzzled than before. "Why
are you making a mask?"

"So I can wear it on my face when we go out tomorrow. I think, by the

time we get back, the sunburn on my face will finally even out."

With questioning eyes, Bai Luo Yin grabbed Gu Hai's creative invention and
used it to cover his own face. After doing so, he immediately noticed that the
mask only exposed his eyes. This made him fully understand what Gu Hai
wanted to happen, and couldn't help but admire his imagination.

"Do you want me to make one for you?" Gu Hai asked. It was obvious
from his tone that he was brimming with happiness.

Bai Luo Yin slowly shook his head, "Save it for yourself. When you wear
it out tomorrow, stay as far away from me as possible, and don't tell
anyone that we know each other."

Gu Hai smirked. "You really don't know what's good!"

Giving Gu Hai a quick glance, Bai Luo Yin snorted then laughed. "If I really
don't know what's good, then how could I have fallen for you?"

Gu Hai's warm eyes immediately shot up as he attempted to pounce on Bai

Luo Yin. He was trying to tidy up the bed by rolling over the pieces of cloth
and threads when Bai Luo Yin kicked him out of annoyance. Without any
better option, Gu Hai decided to properly clean and tidy the bed first before
lying down.
First, Master Bai praised him and said that he had nice skin. Then, without
any warning at all, he told him that he has fallen for him. With these thoughts
circling his mind, he was whisked away in a world of self-satisfaction for
nearly ten minutes.

Gu Hai started to brazenly touch himself and moan in an attempt to seduce

Bai Luo Yin. That is, until he suffered another one of Bai Luo Yin's ferocious

Soon, the lights in the room were turned off...except for one. From one
corner, there illuminated a flicker of light which was accompanied by a
natural buttery fragrance that pervaded the entire room.

As Gu Hai looked for the source of the light, he discovered that it actually
came from a small lamp that Bai Luo Yin was clasping in his hands.

Bai Luo Yin's crystal-clear eyes followed the movement of the light that
slowly swayed back and forth against his face. Within seconds, the
seriousness that silhouetted the side of his face quietly softened and

When Bai Luo Yin sensed that Gu Hai was watching him, he turned to face
him. A warm smile painted his face. He softly said, "Look! It's a butter

In Gu Hai's eyes, that smile-that breathtakingly beautiful smile illuminated by

the lamp-was very pure and warm. It was a treasure that he would not trade
for anything in this world. He reveled at its unassuming glory, taking in the
magic of this simple moment.

As their gazes lock, Gu Hai couldn't help but encircle his arms around Bai
Luo Yin's shoulder and glue his face gently against his.

This action made Bai Luo Yin smile. He carefully placed the butter lamp
back to its original spot and was leaning back, preparing to go to sleep, when
Gu Hai's hand suddenly reached out to touch his forehead.
"You have a low-grade fever." Gu Hai sternly said.

"Really? I don't feel uncomfortable or anything." Bai Luo Yin casually


Gu Hai quickly turned on the bedside lamp and leaped out of the bed. Before
Bai Luo Yin could even ask him what he was doing, Gu Hai was already out
the door. A short while later, Gu Hai returned to the room accompanied by a
doctor who measured the temperature under one of his armpits. Indeed, it was
a low-grade fever, but it was severe.

Bai Luo Yin should be fine after taking some antipyretic medicines.

Although the doctor reassured them several times that Bai Luo Yin will be
fine, Gu Hai nonetheless still felt uneasy. For the whole night, he did not
sleep. He simply hugged Bai Luo Yin tightly. In his heart, he feared that
something unexpected might happen if he blinked or shifted his eyes away
from him just the slightest. He has heard many rumors that catching a cold on
the high plateau is a big deal that no one should ever neglect. In some cases, a
simple fever can significantly worsen in just one day, leading to high-altitude
pulmonary edema [9], a potentially deadly disease.

Bai Luo Yin's fever was completely gone by early morning the next day.
With that, the two set out on a journey to Lake Namtso. [10]

This lake that sat on the highest plateau and was one of God's most beautiful
masterpieces. It would be impossible for anyone to define the kind of majesty
and boundless beauty it possessed. Nor would it be possible to sense the
serenity that it held without physically being there to immerse in it. The lake's
azure water was like a sparkling translucent drop of tear at the foot of a
snowy mountain. The mist that stepped lightly on the surface of the water
stretched out into the boundless horizon, letting sunlight shoot through. The
same mist painted the edges of the lake, making it look like a paradise.

Standing on the lakeside makes one feel like he has long been removed from
this world, and that his whole spirit seems to have been washed clean by the
water that flowed gently into the lake.
Walking on the vast and magnificent grassland, looking at groundhogs, wild
hares, and gazelles while listening to the wonderful sound of melting icy
layers, all the sufferings the two have endured before suddenly became tiny
and insignificant in comparison to all the beauty that was in front of them.

Translator's Note:

[1] Chéngdū:

Chengdu is located on the edge of the fertile plains of the Red Basin in
China's Sichuan Province. Due to its agricultural wealth, Chengdu is
sometimes called the "Land of Milk and Honey". The Funan river bisects the
city, although boat traffic, common until the 1960s, has all but vanished.

The greater city area is now divided into 5 urban districts, 4 suburban
districts, and 9 counties, altogether home to more than 14 million people.
Chengdu has a reputation as a very "laid-back" city that emphasizes culture
and relaxation and as a result of this and much green space is ranked one of
the most liveable mega-cities in China. It is credited with a good nightlife
scene and contains many new western style buildings in the large city center.

Not counting the diminishing forests where they originate, Chengdu is

China's "Panda Central". Just on the outskirts of town in the parks and
gardens of the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, scientists study and
breed both the popular black and white giant pandas and their raccoon-like
red cousins.

Summer weather is hot and humid, as the city is surrounded by small

mountains to the east and sits in the Red Basin. Furthermore, an hour to the
west lie the foothills of the mighty Tibetan Plateau and the fabulously scenic
mountains of west Sichuan.

The city is famous for its lack of sun, so don't come expecting to get a suntan.

[2] [3]
[4] Altitude sickness - also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a
pathological effect of high altitude on humans, caused by acute exposure to
the low partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude.

[5] Jokhang Temple - ("House of the Lord") in Lhasa is the holiest site in
Tibetan Buddhism, attracting crowds of prostrating Tibetan pilgrims and
curious foreign tourists every year. It hosts the annual Great Prayer Festival,
as well as all ceremonies of initiation for the Dalai Lama and Panchen
Llamas. Follow the link to learn about Jokhang Temple: History of Jokhang

[6] Tibetan Highland Barley - also called "Qiang" in the Tibetan language, is
made from the main grain in Tibet - highland barley.

According to history record, in Tang Dynasty, about 7 centuries, Wencheng

Prince married Srongtsen Gampo, and also brought the brewing technology
of Han people to Tibet. 1300 years have passed by, Tibetan Barley wine
representing wine culture in Tibet enjoys a reputation from home and abroad.
Click the link for further information: Tibet Highland Barley

[7] Butter Tea - known as Po cha in Tibet, is made from churning tea, salt,
and yak butter. The tea used is a particularly potent, smoky type of brick tea
from Pemagul, Tibet. A portion of this brick tea is crumbled into water and
boiled for hours to produce a smoky, bitter brew called chaku. This is then
stored until used to make butter tea. To make a serving of Po cha, some of the
chaku is poured in a wooden cylindrical churn called a chandong, along with
a hunk of yak butter and salt and churned for a couple of minutes before
serving. Click the link for further information: Tibetan Butter Tea

[8] Butter lamp - The light from the flame of the Butter Lamp symbolizes the
wisdom of the awakened mind, dispelling the darkness of delusion and
mental obscurations. Butter Lamps are used in nearly every Tibetan temple,
household, and altar. They are traditionally burned with ghee butter. Butter
Lamps are normally made of silver, brass, copper or white metal.

Butter Lamp Offerings

"Of all the methods for accumulating merit through generosity, offering
butter lamps is second only to the practice of tsok."

"What is the meaning of butter lamp offerings? We do not offer the lamps
because enlightened beings need to see them. Rather, the offering of light is a
means of dispelling the darkness of our own ignorance, giving rise to clarity
and wisdom. We offer them with the wish that their light will illuminate the
lower realms and the bardo, assuaging the torment of beings who suffer in
darkness. We also aspire that all beings will develop greater mental clarity in
order to discover the causes of long-lasting happiness in virtuous actions of
body, speech, and mind. Finally, we offer them so that the inner light of great
knowing will arise in all beings' minds and remove the darkness of ignorance
and intellectual obscurations."

- H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

[9] High-altitude pulmonary edema - Severe AMS (Acute Mountain

Sickness) can also take the form of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema
(HAPE.) This is where excess fluid develops in the lungs, either in the lung
tissue itself or in the space normally used for gas exchange. This means
individuals are unable to perform gas exchange properly, and so a person
cannot get enough oxygen to function normally. It is caused, again, by poor
acclimatization and is often more common in males, although it is not clear
whether this is behavior related or due to genetic susceptibility. HAPE can
occur without the traditional signs of AMS.

[10] Lake Namtso - Namtso, Tibetan for 'Heavenly Lake', is often described
as being next to heaven because of its lofty altitude, stunning beauty, pure
blue water, and spiritual associations.

It is the highest saltwater lake in the world. Snow-capped mountains and

open grassland, dotted with yak herds and local nomads, surround the crystal
clear water of Lake Nam, making it one of the most beautiful places in Tibet.
Click the link for further information: Lake Namtso
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter
203, Chapter 204, and Chapter 205


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 203: The Inquietude of Youth – THE WORDS YOU OWE

ME. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


On their way back from Lake Namtso, the two decided to go and soak in the
water at Yangbajing hot spring.

The steam from the hot springs here was famous for rising many meters,
hundreds even, from the surface of the earth and ascending into the clear sky
like waves of water on a breezy summer day.

Bai Luo Yin seemed a bit stunned when he saw the hot spring’s owner walk
outside with a warm smile on his face. He leaned to the side and fished out
two eggs from the mouth of the spring and hands it over to Bai Luo Yin and
Gu Hai.

“Go ahead and eat it. They’re boiled now.”

Looking at the eggs, Bai Luo Yin simply narrowed his eyes just a bit and
swallowed, not daring to accept them.

The owner chuckled before speaking in a heavy Henan accent [1], “I’m
telling you, it’s definitely cooked.”

Being the one that was not as cautious as Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai promptly
accepted the eggs and started to peel one of them. The egg white appeared
transparent and seemed a little soft, not at all like the firmer ones cooked at
home. At first, they had thought the egg yolk would still be in liquid form,
but after breaking it to the center, the yolk was already completely cooked.
Once he took a bite of it and chewed, Gu Hai realized that it was rather tasty.
By then, he couldn’t help but praise the owner’s ingenuity.

“The eggs boiled in the hot spring water are pretty good.”

After saying that, Gu Hai gaily handed one over to Bai Luo Yin, “Taste one,
it’s really cooked.”

I’m not worried that it’s not cooked. It’s because it’s too cooked, thought Bai
Luo Yin, feeling surprisingly terrified as he pouts.

“If the hot spring here can boil an egg until it’s completely cooked like
this, wouldn’t a layer of our skin peel off if we go in?”

Gu Hai’s eyes slightly widened before his brows drew close. His face was
daubed in incredulity as he looked at that sweet naïve boy in front of him.
Tilting his head to the side, he immediately burst into a spell of laughter.
Even the owner who was standing to the side couldn’t help but laugh along. It
was likely that they were both laughing at Bai Luo Yin’s adorable statement
and the lovely expression that settled on his youthful countenance.

“Are you stupid? If that was the case, do you think they would actually
let us bath in boiling hot water? The water in the hot springs has already
cooled off a bit. Do you see that outdoor pool over there? The water in
the spring there has been cooled. We’ll be bathing over there.”

Looking at Gu Hai as he meticulously explained it, Bai Luo Yin was a bit
embarrassed, evident by the punch pink color that crept up from his neck to
his cheeks.

“You never told me that, how was I supposed to know?”

“It’s common sense. You actually needed me to tell you?” Gu Hai laughed
again, putting his hand on Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder.

Feeling disgruntled, Bai Luo Yin shoved Gu Hai’s hand off, snatched the egg
and made his way towards the dressing room.

Shit! As expected, having been with this fool for so long my IQ has also

Even though this pool of water had already cooled off, it was still a bit hot to
the touch. It was only after a long while was Bai Luo Yin able to withstand
the temperature and actually enjoy it. Gu Hai delightfully swam around the
perimeter in one full circle before stopping at Bai Luo Yin’s side. The two
leaned against the edge of the poolside by side and let the flowing spring
water scrupulously massage their bodies, making them feel as if there were
waves of heat coursing throughout their being.

As far as their eyes can see, there were mountains topped with pure white
snow surrounding them. And, right in front of their eyes, were the tranquil
grassland and flock of sheep leisurely moving about from one spot to the
next. Every breath they took were laced with the smell of grass that seemed
to have saturated the air long ago, leaving their senses pure and clear as the
open sky. In this day and age, being able to enjoy a hot spring bath in this
kind of environment was truly rare.

Just as Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes for a rest, he suddenly felt a lecherous
hand inching down along his spine, wandering to the side of his sensitive
waist. Finally, it slid towards the edge of his swimming trunk. With a strange
whooshing sound, his eyes immediately shot open. When he noticed a young
couple frolicking and chasing each other in the pool not too far away and
some Tibetans walking back and forth along the shore, he quickly took hold
of Gu Hai’s hand, stopping its salacious behaviors.
“What are you doing? There are people everywhere!!”

One of Gu Hai’s brow rose as a smile tugged at the side of his lips. He moved
in closer and let his hot breath fan over Bai Luo Yin’s ear as he spoke,
“What are you scared of? They’re all Tibetans anyways. Even if they
curse us, it’s not like we’ll understand any of it.”

Bai Luo Yin was rendered speechless, “……”

Once the night sky rolled in, the temperature outside dropped precipitously,
giving Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai a definitive reason to stay in the hotel. Not
surprisingly, there was a small hot spring pool built in every room of the
hotel and inside was an abundance of medicinal herbs that can effectively
ward off the cold and lethargy.

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai both lied back in the refreshing pool, chatting and
eating fruits from the nearby plates. This kind of pleasure was very satisfying
for their body and mind.

“I don’t want to go back.” Bai Luo Yin faintly said with his eyes still

Gu Hai gently wrapped his arms around Bai Luo Yin, hugging him from
behind while his hands flirtatiously linger about between his legs. Every
breath he took radiated warmth that spread at the back of Bai Luo Yin’s neck,
tickling the tip of his ear.

“We don’t have to go back if you don’t want to. We can stay here and
become Buddhist monks.”

Bai Luo Yin didn’t hear a single word Gu Hai said, since nine out of ten
times, his words were unreliable. But, leaning back against Gu Hai’s soft skin
and relaxing like this felt extremely comfortable.

There was no need to think about anything else.

Although, there was a vast and tranquil world out there, in here stood a small
room. A small room that only held two people who were leaning cozily
against each other, talking about everything that circled their minds.

Gu Hai’s arm quietly wrapped around the side of Bai Luo Yin’s slender
waist, slowly shifting up and down, massaging it back and forth several
times. Finally, his hand reached his chest, giving way for his rough fingers to
lightly graze and play with the two now erected nipples.

As Bai Luo Yin’s breaths became heavier, the corner of his eyes fell on Gu
Hai. As if his alluring presence was calling out to him, he turned his head
fully to the side to gaze at him, taking note of the way his tinted seductive
lips seem to emit waves of cool air as it parted.

Gu Hai captured Bai Luo Yin’s aching lips in a sweet kiss. At first, it was
gentle like the small ripples that flowed quietly along the surface of the water.
Then as if starving for the other’s taste, the kiss gradually deepens, becoming
more passionate with each passing second. Waves of heat started to form and
unfurl inside their bodies before rolling downward and converging.

Letting their burning lips remain locked, the two simultaneously reached out
and grabbed each other’s hard and throbbing member, playing with it
lovingly. As if admiring and reveling in the feeling that roused their lusty
bodies, their hands sped up, then slowed down, sensing the veins within the
members rose. In this way, as they skillfully maneuvered their hands, they
were also able to manipulate the other person’s mood, until both lose control

As Gu Hai squeezed some shower gel on his hand and patiently smeared it all
over Bai Luo Yin’s body, Bai Luo Yin closed his eyes and kept silent.
Amidst the rising mist, his handsome and flushed face appeared real in one
moment then like a fantasy in the next moment. Gu Hai’s hand snaked
toward the soft skin between Bai Luo Yin’s legs. Feeling the ticklish
sensation, Bai Luo Yin suddenly evaded him for a moment. Just as he could
adjust himself, Gu Hai’s hand stealthily danced towards his ass before he
easily slipped a finger in.

Bai Luo Yin’s eyes cracked open just the slightest. His intimidating eyes
captured and besieged Gu Hai’s whose desires seemed to color his entire face
as he shoved his finger in harder.

Bai Luo Yin’s brows rose slightly, weaving together momentarily before he
let out an enticing moan that excited Gu Hai to the point that all the hair on
his body rose along with another extra stimulated friend.

Since it was not wise to bathe too long in a hot spring on such a high plateau,
the two quickly wiped their bodies dry and got into the soft bed.

Wishing to continue his unsatisfied desires, a certain Mr. Bai let his hands
travel towards a certain Mr. Gu’s body, preparing to have a beautiful and
pleasant meal. Sensing Mr. Bai’s provocative teases, Mr. Gu unexpectedly bit
his teeth and stood his ground, recalling all the unfairness he had suffered in
the past. Looking squarely at Bai Luo Yin, he decided to seek compensation
for all his suffering.

“You have to praise me first, if not, you’re not allowed to touch me.”

Bai Luo Yin shot Gu Hai a cold and charming glance. With just that, half of
Gu Hai’s soul immediately left his body while the other half reluctantly
remain, strung together only by a thin translucent piece of thread.

You won’t me touch you? Then, I’ll just use my mouth to defeat you.

Giving Gu Hai another seductive glance, Bai Luo Yin swiftly bent down and
sucked Gu Hai’s left nipple. Taken aback, Gu Hai abruptly swallowed a
breath of air. A quarter of the remaining half of his soul dissipated yet again
while the remaining quarter was strung up somewhere unknown. But today,
he is going to be a proper husband and persisted no matter what.

If you don’t say something, I’ll leave you high and dry. [2] Let’s see who can
hold out longer between the two of us.

“If you don’t praise me, don’t even think about touching me!”

Village chief Gu promptly pushed away from the anxious young Lady Bai.

Bai Luo Yin completely lost his patience. Fuck, you’re harder to please than
a woman! If you won’t let me touch you, then I won’t. Am I going starve to
death without you?

As he turned his body away, the back of his head heartlessly confronted Gu
Hai’s blazing eyes.

Not to be outdone, Gu Hai relentlessly pulled out his secret weapons. He

quickly placed his nimble fingers and flirty tongue close to Bai Luo Yin’s
waist to tease him. Unsurprisingly, this was one of the areas that Gu Hai had
focused on exploiting since the beginning. Bai Luo Yin, on the other hand,
does not know what method Gu Hai had utilized on him. His waist was not so
sensitive like this before, but now Gu Hai has trained it so that it can hardly
be touched without feeling extremely sensitive.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Bai Luo Yin finally declared his

“Your skin is really nice.” Bai Luo Yin fiercely cursed himself for giving

The tip of Gu Hai’s warm tongue circled around Bai Luo Yin’s erected
nipples, “What else?”

Bai Luo Yin inhaled sharply and replied in a cold and indifferent tone, “Your
muscles are really firm.”

Gu Hai’s finger prowled towards Bai Luo Yin’s ass before he provocatively
toyed with the opening by rubbing and lightly rubbing it.

“What else?”

“Are you done yet?” Bai Luo Yin unyielding eyes tackled Gu Hai’s straight

Gu Hai’s finger charged in furiously, thrusting back and forth with a despotic
demeanor inside the tight and narrow passage. It hit Bai Luo Yin’s fatal spot
repeatedly until small sprinkles of sweat formed and outlined his face.

“I said stop!” Bai Luo Yin faintly exclaimed even though an ambivalent
expression descended on him.
“Are you going to say it or not? Hmmm?” Gu Hai’s firm body weighed
heavily on Bai Luo Yin, stifling his movements. Then, he pushed another
finger in, making it hard for him to resist this stimulation. “You haven’t
finished praising me yet. If you don’t praise me until I’m satisfied, I’ll
keep torturing you like this……”

Bai Luo Yin’s torso has already risen off the bed sheets. His twisted face, as
he became completely aroused, was exceptionally erotic in Gu Hai’s eyes.

“@#……it’s big……”

Gu Hai’s impish brows rose deliberately, “What? I didn’t hear you.”

Still rather vexed, Bai Luo Yin’s hands flew out and clutched Gu Hai’s ears
until it became bloody red.

After the passionate exchange, as if suddenly recalling something urgent, Gu

Hai’s eyes immediately fell on Bai Luo Yin.

“You still owe me some words!”

Bai Luo Yin exploded all at once, “What else do I owe you?”

Whatever I could say or couldn’t say have all be fucking said already just
now!!! What else do you want to make me say?!!!

“Don’t worry, don’t worry……” Gu Hai started to display a gentle and

considerate attitude again, “I’m not talking about those kinds of words.
It’s some very serious words. At that time, I said it to you, but you never

“What words?” Bai Luo Yin asked.

“Do you still remember the night of New Year’s Eve? We had drunk too
much and role-played. I acted as……”

“Don’t remind me of that!” Bai Luo Yin interrupted rather intensely, “I’ve
never played that with you. Don’t mix me in that mess you’ve made up!!
If you keep giving me that nonsense, I’ll fucking get mad at you!”

In regard to that night, Bai Luo Yin refused to admit it happened even if his
life depended on it. Although there was sufficient evidence, he still
vehemently denies that he had done something so ludicrous. Every time Gu
Hai mentioned it, Bai Luo Yin would howl loudly about it like an angry

“Fine, fine, fine, let’s not talk about that game. Let’s talk about what
happened after. Do you still remember what I said to you then?”

Bai Luo Yin honestly shook his head. He doesn’t even remember such a
large-scale game, let alone what was said at the end.

Gu Hai pulled close to Bai Luo Yin, allowing their faces to nearly touch, “I
said I love you.”

The bottom of Bai Luo Yin’s heart slightly trembled as he turned his head to
look at Gu Hai, only to find that the latter was gazing at him with an
extremely soft and tender-hearted expression.

“Shouldn’t you also express your feelings?”

Bai Luo Yin evaded Gu Hai’s piercing gaze, “I didn’t hear it.”

“I LOVE YOU!” Gu Hai said loudly once again, “Did you hear it this

Giving him another glance, Bai Luo Yin simply nodded, “I heard it this

Then…there was nothing else.

Gu Hai waited until all the water in the hot spring pool had nearly evaporated
but even then, he did not hear another word from Mr. Bai. When he turned
his head to look at Mr. Bai, he was already lost to the dreamland to confess
his own feelings.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Henan – Yu for short, is a province located in the Northern Central

Region of China. It shares its borders with six other provinces, Shandong to
the northeast, Hebei to the north, Shanxi to the northwest, Shaanxi to the
west, Hubei to the south, and Anhui to the east. The eastern portion is flat and
part of the North China Plain, one of the most densely populated areas on
Earth. Indeed, Henan is the most populous province in China, with almost
100 million people. The mountainous west and southwest is more remote
with vast expanses of forest. The Yellow River (mother river of the Chinese
nation) runs through Henan.

[2] leave you high and dry – to leave someone in a difficult situation without
any help


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 204: The Inquietude of Youth – CALLING the SONS HOME.

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


For the past couple of days, since there were no urgent matters that needed to
be rushed in the military compound, Gu Wei Ting was left relatively free to
attend to his own affairs. For some indiscernible reason, he was suddenly
interested in going to Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai’s depraved nest for a look.

When the front door was pushed open, a rather oppressive atmosphere could
be felt permeating the entire room, leaving a dull scent to roam around.
Perhaps, the scent lingered since the windows had not been opened for such a
long time.

Once Gu Wei Ting pulled the window curtains to the side and cracked the
glass frame up for a look outside, he was met with a bustling commercial
street, crowded with an endless stream of cars and people maneuvering at
every direction.

As he let his eyes travel out a bit further, he noticed a vehicle driving into the
neighborhood. His heart suddenly tightened when two people emerged from
within the car, but when he took another glance, those silhouettes had
disappeared, leaving only the noisy streets to infiltrate his ears.

On the balcony sat several pots of flowers that had started to wilt. The once
colorful and blooming plants had now lost half of its luster in a competition
to match the room’s dull atmosphere. The watering can that was thrown
outside was still there, but after freezing and thawing throughout the entire
winter, its shape was now deformed.

Gu Wei Ting scanned the rooms with his curious eyes. On the kitchen
countertop were tableware such as cutlery, glassware, and dishes, all of
which were in a set. All the seasonings were sorted and placed properly in a
small overhead cabinet. The lid of a jar containing the salt was still open as it
was before and the salt itself had already become small hardened lumps. A
small spoon was resting inside the jar, silently waiting to be used.

Letting his eyes linger on the jar for a few seconds longer, Gu Wei Ting
couldn’t even start to imagine what it would look like if Gu Hai used his two
big hands to hold such a small spoon. What was even harder to imagine was
how could Gu Hai calmly stand here, cooking and working on such
extremely tedious and trivial things.

Then his eyes moved to the side. The once green vegetables had long
withered and any remaining leaves that had given it a glimmer of life now
weakly collapsed at the edge of the basket. The vegetables inside the basket
were in a sorry state as well. Speckles of dark spots were scattered all over
the surface of the potatoes, making it even more evident that it had already
gone moldy a long time ago. The eggplants, on the other hand, had shriveled
and decayed until it was the width of a little finger. The only remaining thing
that did not seem completely bad was an onion. Although it still looked good,
once Gu Wei Ting picked it up, he realized that the outermost layer of the
onion that sat on the basket has become rotten, slippery and muddy.

When he opened the fridge, there were all kinds of cooked meals, soft drinks,
marinated meats, and vegetables……all of which were tightly squeezed in
there, but nonetheless, they were very neatly stacked. Perhaps before being
forcibly taken away, they had wanted to prepare an extravagant lunch, but
unfortunately, there was no time.

Gu Wei Ting made his way towards the bathrooms. Fortunately, both
bathrooms were still very clean. The toilet cover was changed to a brand new
one before they left and contrary to some of their sloppy behaviors, the
bathtub was thoroughly cleaned after every use as well. Strangely, there was
bald duck sitting silently on the vanity unit. Originally, the duck had a
luscious lock of feathers but someone’s fidgety hands plucked it all off.

Stacked neatly on the shelf were a set of toiletries arranged for two people. A
bottle of face wash was practically full while the other was nearly empty. It
was clear that the two used these skin care products interchangeably and
didn’t differentiate which was “mine or yours”. For them, whichever
belonged to either didn’t matter since they belonged to each other.

Gu Wei Ting picked up the toothbrush holder and carefully examined the
details on it. Printed on the surface of the cup was an image of Gu Hai. The
Gu Hai permanently embedded there had an adorable and mischievous pout;
an expression that deserves a good belting. On the other cup was an image of
Bai Luo Yin wearing the same mischievous expression. Gu Wei Ting placed
the two toothbrush holders next to each other, and as expected, the two
pouted lips joined into a kiss.

Seriously, I don’t want to admit that these two idiots are my sons!

With just one glance, it wasn’t hard to notice that the bedroom had been
tidied since it was a lot neater compared to the last time he came over. There
were only one thick comforter and a long fluffy pillow laying comfortably on
the bed. Judging by this simple arrangement, it was easy to guess how the
two usually slept. When he pulled open the bedside cabinet to the left, there
was a box of condoms with every possible color inside, and in the cabinet to
the right was a box of lubricants containing every possible flavor.

After a while, Gu Wei Ting sat on the bed and gazed quietly around this
small yet warm and cozy bedroom. Contrary to his stern expression, there
were all types of emotions circling his heart.

It was already the ninth day since they had arrived in Tibet. Gu Hai and Bai
Luo Yin spent most of their time running around and exploring every well-
known scenic spot. Occasionally, when they were tired, they would stroll
along the small streets in order to gain more knowledge of the local

When Gu Yang called, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin were sitting on a boat with
leather plastered on the side, in the middle of Lake Yang Zhuo Tong Cuo,
enjoying the view of the beautiful mountain landscape around them.

Today, the wind that blew across the lake was unusually strong, making it
somewhat uncomfortable when they opened their mouth to breathe.

“Hello?” Apart from the howling wind, Gu Yang didn’t hear anything else.

Gu Hai also used all of his strength and shouted loudly, “Ge, what’s up?”

“Your dad agreed not to interfere with the two of you anymore. Hurry
up and come back.”

“What? What did you say?”

Feeling quite lazy to repeat himself again, Gu Yang hung up the phone
immediately after.

As the strong wind continued to relentlessly fly by them, Bai Luo Yin
quickly pulled up his collar which covered half of his face. Then he helped
Gu Hai pulled him up a bit too.
Once Gu Hai put his cell phone down, he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s
going on?”

“I don’t know. All I heard was my dad something, something, then the
call disconnected…….” Shrugging his shoulder slightly, Gu Hai placed the
phone back into his pocket. Not in the least concern, he said a few more
words, “Don’t worry about it. If he wants to chase us down, then he can
do just that…… master, please steer the boat further out!”

Two days later, Gu Yang called again, “Have you arrived in Beijing yet?”

Still, in a daze from being unwillingly pulled out of his sleep, Gu Hai faintly
answered. “What do you mean, ‘have we arrived in Beijing?’”

“Don’t tell me you two haven’t left yet?”

“Left? Left to where?”

Gu Yang’s tone immediately hardened with an icy touch. “Where are you
guys now?”

“In Tibet!” Gu Hai said as he yawned and sat up.

“I’ll give you three days. Pack up now and get on the plane back to
Beijing immediately.”

In just a split second, Gu Hai’s exhausted mental state sobered up, “Return
to Beijing? What would we return to Beijing for?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t hear anything I said when I called two days

“I was on the lake when you called. The wind was too strong that day
and plus, all the birds were chirping so loudly around us. I didn’t hear
what you said clearly at all. Can you say it again?”

Humph! Gu Yang snorted coldly, “Looks like you’re living a carefree life.”
Heeding him no attention, Gu Hai glanced down at Bai Luo Yin who was still
sound asleep and gently caressed his body. Then he lazily asked, “What
exactly is going on?”

“Your dad has agreed not to interfere with the two of you anymore. He
has given you five days to return. He said he must see you by then. You
two already wasted two days so there are only three days left. Leave as
soon as possible.”

Gu Hai laughed grimly, “You’re setting up a trap, aren’t you? You don’t
have any good intentions!”

“Who’s setting up a trap? Stop the nonsense and get come back

The hand that Gu Hai employed to slowly slide up and down Bai Luo Yin’s
body suddenly came to a stop before his expression finally returned to its
normal color.

“Are you really telling me the truth?”

Gu Yang snorted then laughed again, “Is there anything exciting about
tricking someone with your IQ?”

Having momentarily forgotten that his hand was still on Bai Luo Yin’s chest,
Gu Hai abruptly gripped the sensitive skin too hard. The sudden pain
immediately dragged Bai Luo Yin out of whatever dream he was having. But
just before Bai Luo Yin could erupt like a volcano at its boiling point, Gu Hai
hastily stretched his hand out to stroke his hair a few times. In just a few
seconds, the gentle sensation lulled Bai Luo Yin back to sleep again.

By the time Bai Luo Yin woke up again, Gu Hai was already sitting in an
upright position on the chair beside the bed with a rather anxious expression
outlining his stern face.

“What’s going on?” Bai Luo Yin vaguely remembered hearing Gu Hai
talking to someone on the phone earlier this morning.
Gu Hai let out a sigh, “My dad won’t interfere with us anymore.”

Bai Luo Yin’s expression was rather calm as he slowly sat up and quietly
shoot Gu Hai a glance, “Then, what are you still worried about?”

“I don’t know.” Gu Hai’s gaze slackened, “I just think it’s quite boring

“……you’re crazy.”

Giving him another glance, Bai Luo Yin put on his clothes, got off the bed,
then lazily dragged his legs to the bathroom. Within seconds, he walked back
out with a mouth full of toothpaste and looked squarely at Gu Hai. There was
a hint of warmth and unwillingness in the way his gaze fell on the person in
front of him.

“Actually, I don’t really want to go home either, hehe……”

Gu Hai stood up and walked towards the bathroom. With a similar lazy like
expression to that of Bai Luo Yin, he leaned his body heavily against the
doorframe. A ray of light touched with a mischievousness appeared in his

“How about we stay here for a few more days?”

“That’s enough.” Bai Luo Yin rinsed his mouth, “You don’t want to
return home?”

The corner of Gu Hai’s lips perked before he said a couple more words, ‘I
have conflicting thoughts’, then he listlessly walked back.

When Bai Luo Yin finally came out of the bathroom, Gu Hai was already
sprawled on the big bed, groaning as if he was in pain over some sort of
imaginary nonsense that he had just contrived. Seeing him like that, Bai Luo
Yin also lied down beside him and grabbed his hand.

The two that had been suffering together then howled and wailed
dramatically about their grievances.
A moment later, they suddenly jumped up and began to excitedly pack their

We’re going back home. We can finally go back home!!

Regardless of how beautiful the scenery here is, it does not belong to us.

Like spurring a horse to its full speed, Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai tried as fast
as they could to get home. However, by the time they returned, it was already
the end of April.

When Bai Han Qi learned that Bai Luo Yin was returning home, he stood
outside of the house every day with high expectation. His expectation for his
son’s return was so high that his neck had grown quite long. So long that it
could surpass that of a giraffe. Finally, the son he longed for was actually

Before long, the two returned to their own respective home.

In order to see Bai Luo Yin as soon as possible, Aunt Zou did not go to the
restaurant today. She had even taken the measure to go out and purchase
grocery early in the morning so that the kitchen table was crowded with
plates of food. After quickly finishing, she began to hover at the doorway
without any restraint. She remained there until 2PM before she finally saw
Bai Luo Yin’s shadow came into her line of sight. With just one glance, her
tears immediately began to roll down uncontrollably.

“My child, you must have suffered a lot out there, haven’t you? Look,
your little face is all burnt now. Just look, you’re so dark, so dark…”

Bai Luo Yin actually felt embarrassed to admit to his family that he was
tanned from leisurely traveling and relaxing.

“Quick, go over and see your grandparents. Your grandma cried the
entire night because she didn’t see you on New Year’s Eve. She even
thought something had happened to you. No matter what we said to
console her, she wouldn’t listen.”
Bai Luo Yin’s heart sank as he hurriedly walked towards his grandparent’s

The moment Grandma Bai saw Bai Luo Yin, she burst into tears just like a
little child, “Grandma thought you had died….” she muttered between

Looking at her, Bai Luo Yin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He quickly
began to coax her, “Grandma, aren’t I here now? During New Year’s, I
had to go to another province to participate in some activities. It’s a very
important activity that the school organized, and if I didn’t go, they
wouldn’t let me take the university entrance exams.”

Grandma Bai asked again, “Didn’t you even miss grandma?”

At those words, a twinge of pain couldn’t help but squeezed its way into Bai
Luo Yin’s heart. He held Grandma Bai’s hand tightly and said, “Of course I
missed you. I missed you every day.”

However, from the look of it, Grandma Bai appeared to have not heard what
he had just said. She incessantly asked the same question over and over
again, “Didn’t you even miss grandma?……Didn’t you even miss
grandma?……Didn’t you even miss grandma?……”

Grandma Bai said each of these words very clearly, to the point that even she
was unsure of how many times it must have circled her frail mind.

By now, Bai Luo Yin was on the verge of tears. He got up to get a towel to
wipe Grandma Bai’s sullen face.

Grandpa Bai, on the other hand, could only draw back the corners of his lips
into a small smile once he saw Bai Luo Yin’s face. His stroke complications
were more apparent now as he could only mutter ah and smile some more at
his grandson, unable to say anything else.

Just as Gu Hai’s car entered the neighborhood, he immediately saw Gu Yang

standing at the entranceway to his residential building. Gu Hai sat in the car
and began to smile at him, but Gu Yang instead stared at him with an
expressionless face. Gu Hai got out of the car and walked towards Gu Yang.

“How did you manage to get so burnt?”

To that, Gu Hai merely grinned from ear to ear, “How bright looking is this
skin tone.”

Gu Yang sneered coldly, “Your teeth are so white.”

After a few more words of exchange, the two walked side by side into the
elevator. As the elevator rose, Gu Yang cast Gu Hai a glance to which Gu
Hai also returned a glance. But then their eyes met. Their gazes seemed rather
incompatible like that of fire and water. Perhaps they both recalled the
incident regarding village chief Gu and the spineless coward.

Once they reached the doorsteps of the house, Gu Yang finally spoke, “Your
dad is inside.”

Gu Hai’s footsteps halted for a moment as he gazed vigilantly at Gu Yang.

“What? You’re already at the door, yet you’re still afraid it’s a trap?
Where did all of your guts go?”

Gu Hai groaned coldly, then walked in.

At that moment, Gu Wei Ting was sitting on the sofa in an upright and still
position. His expression did not change much even after he saw his son
whom he had longed to see returned.

“Dad.” Gu Hai faintly called out.

Gu Wei Ting did not respond. It was not clear whether he heard it or whether
he was unwilling to acknowledge Gu Hai’s presence.

Still hearing no response, Gu Hai grabbed his luggage and went into his
bedroom. Then he placed his things down and changed into some
comfortable clothes before walking out to get a glass of water. It only took
him a few seconds to gulp down the entire glass.

“I said I won’t interfere with you two, but it doesn’t mean that I will
support you either. If you want my approval, wait until your next life.”

Gu Hai secretly voiced to himself.

I don’t need your approval. Just if you don’t bother us then that’s enough.

Even though Gu Hai had those thoughts, he still responded out of courtesy,
“Thank you for your understanding dad.”

After hearing that Gu Wei Ting’s expression took a slight turn for the better
as he glanced at Gu Hai. In fact, he had been secretly observing Gu Hai the
moment he stepped through the door. It was just, he didn’t openly stare at or
give Gu Hai a proper look.

Gu Hai wanted to thank himself for taking a trip to Tibet because the trip had
led Gu Wei Ting to believe that he had endured such hardships to the point
that he did not eat well and had to sleep outdoors in the cold nights.
Altogether it probably seemed like he did not spend any pleasurable times
there. If Gu Wei Ting knew that Gu Hai had spent his days like he was on a
romantic honeymoon, he reckoned that his father would send him away to
serve a death sentence in a fit of fury.

“Let me ask you, what plans do you have regarding university?”

“I don’t have any plans.” Gu Hai answered honestly.

From a short distance, Gu Yang looked at Gu Hai with a gloomy expression.

Unpleasantness eased its way into Gu Wei Ting’ gaze, “You don’t have any
plans? Then, what do you want to do? Are you just going to take the
university entrance exams? With your ability, even if you beat yourself
to death, at best you’d only make it into a third-rate university. Aren’t
you ashamed of yourself?”

Gu Hai doesn’t have the slightest interest to discuss this matter with Gu Wei
Ting. Even if he spoke his mind, Gu Wei Ting wouldn’t understand. He
might as well keep his mouth shut and do whatever he wanted to do instead.

“Put the cigarette down now!” Gu Wei Ting shouted loudly in rage.

Without any other option, Gu Hai put the stick of cigarette back into its

A second later, Gu Wei Ting pointed his finger directly at Gu Hai, “I’ll give
you a suggestion. Either you enlist or take an entrance exam to become a
national defense cadet. If you stay in China, these are your only two

“Can you stop criticizing and telling me what to do with my life?”

Looking at Gu Hai’s attitude, Gu Wei Ting immediately became angry, “I’ve

already given you all the freedom that I could possibly give!”

Just as Gu Hai was about to speak again, Gu Yang interrupted and spoke
first. “Uncle, let’s wait until after the university entrance exams are over
before discussing this matter again. Let Xiao Hai rest for a couple of
days first.”

Gu Wei Ting’s cold and sharp pupils stared intently at Gu Hai for a long
while before he finally stood up to take his leave. But once he got to the door,
he abruptly stopped. Then without even turning his head around, he said,
“I’ve removed the two boxes from your bedside cabinets!”

It was only after Gu Wei Ting had entered the elevator did Gu Hai realized
what he meant and reacted. He gritted his teeth roughly together and shouted
while fuming with anger:

“Old – perverted – thief!”



(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 205: The Inquietude of Youth – Graduation Approaches. 」

Author: Chai Jidan

Translator: PrinceofMidnight07

Proofreader: Zhang


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


It was only after the May 1st vacation did Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai returned
to school.

At this time, the atmosphere in the classroom was already shrouded with a
layer of smoke and flames as if a mighty war had been waged. The
previously self-centered and vain girls now attended class with unkempt hair
and untidied outfits while all the boisterous male students who sat at the back
row had become completely well-behaved. Even the students who slouched
over their desks and slept throughout the whole year now sat with their waist
and back rather straight……

That’s why, when Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin leisurely walked into the
classroom, they were immediately considered different, strange
even. “Huh… didn’t you moved abroad already?” You Qi asked while
looking at Bai Luo Yin with astonishment.

The corners of Bai Luo Yin’s lips drew back, “Moved abroad? Who told
you I’ve moved abroad?”

“Yang Meng.”

“You actually believe his words?”

“Then, where have you been all this time?” You Qi asked.

Instead of answering, since he didn’t think it was a good thing too, Bai Luo
Yin had no other choice but to divert the topic instead.

“Oh yeah, I heard you participated in an interview held by Beijing Film

Academy. How did it go?”

“I passed.” You Qi casually replied, “I’m just waiting to take the cultural

Looking at him, a cheerful expression spread on Bai Luo Yin’s face, “Nice! I
heard the exams to get into Beijing Film Academy are harder than
Qinghua University. How did you manage to pass it? Don’t you need to
have connections and spend a lot of money?”

“I’m also quite confused. I only went there just to give it try since there’s
no harm in giving it a go, you know? Honestly, I didn’t expect to pass at
all. But during the first exam, a teacher somehow took an interest in me
and kept in contact with me since. They’d even coached me for free.
When the second examination results were announced, I didn’t even go
look at it. The teacher was the one that called me and informed me. At
that time, I still didn’t believe it. It was only until the third exam did I
actually started to prepare myself properly. Even though I didn’t have
much expectation, I still managed to pass it. To tell you the truth, this is
a rather unexpected outcome for me.”

Seeing You Qi’s appearance burst with life as he recounted his story, Bai Luo
Yin felt genuinely happy for him.
“Don’t forget to give me your autograph on graduation day. Just in case
you become popular one day, I can sell it for a decent amount of money.”

You Qi laughed mischievously, “Don’t say it like that. We’ll still keep in
contact even in the future. Also, even if I become a celebrity, I won’t be
an arrogant snob and forget you guys.” Just a second later, he took out a
tissue and blew his nose.

Bai Luo Yin looked at You Qi with concern, “I’m really worried that when
you’re on stage, your snot will run down your nose even before you
finish singing one song.”

“Can you stop using that to make fun of me all the time?”

Bai Luo Yin simply smiled without saying anything else.

As if remembering something, You Qi suddenly grabbed Bai Luo Yin’s hand

with a look of urgency coloring his face.

“Yin Zi, you have to help me. My knowledge of cultural things is

terrible! Even if I passed the interview, if I get eliminated because I
couldn’t pass the cultural class, it’d be a waste! Since there’s still some
time left before college exams start, you should tutor me.”

“Okay.” Bai Luo Yin quickly answered with delight.

You Qi had yet to express a single word of gratitude when he suddenly felt an
intense burst of pain seared the back of his hand. Someone had taken a screw
off the school desk and flung it directly towards Bai Luo Yin and You Qi’s
tightly joined hand. His aim was accurate and ruthless, hitting the target spot
on. In just seconds, the back of You Qi’s hand that was struck turned an ugly
red color.

Bai Luo Yin’s dark and icy gaze swept towards the person behind him.

This time, You Qi took the initiative to speak first, “Oh yeah, Gu Hai.
There’s something I’ve been meaning to thank you for! A few days after
I was beaten up, I went to the interview with a bloody nose and swollen
face. Surprisingly, the teacher that interviewed me said there was a
unique sort of damaged beauty to my image. Not only did my bruised
appearance made me stand out among the other candidates, but it also
left a deep impression on the chief examiner.”

The corner of Gu Hai’s lips pulled up into a curve, “Then, I’ll punch you a
couple more times. Maybe you’ll be given an acting role in a movie

When classes were dismissed at the end of the day, Gu Hai was called over to
a teacher’s office without prior notice. Bai Luo Yin stood in front of the
school gate and patiently waited for Gu Hai to return to him. As he continued
to wait for Gu Hai to come out, Bai Luo Yin sat on the railings outside the
school and smoked a stick of cigarette. A moment later, Gu Hai sauntered
over and snatched the half-smoked cigarette from his hands. He placed the
cigarette into his mouth and smoked a few deep breaths before returning it to
Bai Luo Yin.

That morning, the two rode their bike to school as they usually did. It has
been a long time since they felt this kind of special, nostalgic feeling. Bai
Luo Yin stood on the frame of the back seat, while his hands firmly pressed
onto Gu Hai’s broad shoulder. He gazed at the street before his eyes and
watched as it gradually shrunk and became shorter.

“Do you still remember? Back then, when we’d just known each other,
you’d always sat backward as we rode this bike.”

How could Bai Luo Yin forget? At that time, every bit of Gu Hai was a
complete eyesore to him. Now that he thought about it, he still felt a bit
confused. It was obvious that Gu Hai was his archenemy, so how could their
hostile relationship develop into one as affectionate as it is now? If Bai Luo
Yin could go back in time to how things were before and closely examine
everything that’s occurring now, he would definitely be completely confused
at his own actions. Perhaps, the world did turn upside down.

Sometimes, the thing that we least expect to happen to us, will, on the
contrary, happen for real.
“Tell me, how much longer do you think we’ll be able to ride this bike?”
Bai Luo Yin asked all of a sudden.

Gu Hai glanced down and took a careful look at the bike before he answered,
“This bike should be quite sturdy. The only thing is, the chain is a bit
rusty. Once we’re home, I’ll put some oil on it and it’ll be as good as
new! At the least, we’ll be able to ride it for another two years.”

“Who said I’m talking about this thing?” A melancholic atmosphere

surrounded Bai Luo Yin’s form as he looked at Gu Hai’s back. There was a
hint of gloominess and trepidation in his voice as he spoke, “What I mean
is, how much longer can we ride this bike together? Just the two of us…

“As long as you want.” Gu Hai happily answered as he turns to give Bai
Luo Yin a warm glance. “If you’re willing to, once we attend university, I
can still take you there then pick you up with this bike. Now that we’ve
agreed to this in advance, you definitely can’t stay on campus. We’ll still
live at home together. Even though it’s a bit far, it shouldn’t be a
problem at all. Besides, university students have a lot more free time, so
we’ll also have a lot of time to be on the road.”

Imaginations are always beautiful.

However, in the midst of these wonderful feelings, Bai Luo Yin could faintly
feel that there were only 20 days or so remaining for them to ride their bike
on the road like this.

Three days before university exams start, students were dismissed for

Taking advantage of the two days break, Bai Luo Yin decided to return
home. This was done so as to give his family peace of mind before exams

As he was leaving, he encountered Yang Meng at the school entrance. Since

they were heading towards the same direction anyway, they decided to walk
back together.
“Oh yeah! I haven’t asked you yet. What did you fill in as your goal
when you submitted the application form?”

“Don’t even mention it.” Yang Meng’s face fell down, “I’ve been worried
to death just thinking about it.”

Bai Luo Yin shot Yang Meng a questioning glance, “What’s wrong? Is
your goal too high?”

“My father forced me to attend a military academy. He said that for

generations our family has yet to produce a soldier. He hopes that I can
bring honor to our ancestors and also adamantly added that a soldier’s
salary is pretty good. After graduation, we’ll be assigned to our
respective post immediately. You already know that I can’t go against
him. At that time, I could only grind my teeth and apply that academy
before the others. It doesn’t help either that all the courses are

Hearing those words, Bai Luo Yin scoffed and burst out laughing, “What is
your father thinking?”

“How would I know? Once he has an idea in mind, he’ll persistently

stick to it.” Yang Meng could only sigh heavily, thinking about his own
predicament, “What should I do if I really get accepted, huh? Now I’m
scared every day just thinking about it.”

“Don’t be scared!” Bai Luo Yin patted the back of Yang Meng’s head,
“Don’t worry about it. You definitely won’t pass the military

After that, the two walked in silence for a while before Yang Meng suddenly
turned and asked, “Yin Zi, where exactly have you been a while ago?”

This time, Bai Luo Yin was at a loss for words.

“Yin Zi, don’t tell me you don’t think of me as your close friend
anymore?” Yang Meng asked inquisitively.
Bai Luo Yin breathed sluggishly as he tightened his hold on Yang Meng’s

“To tell you the truth, after so many years, you’re the only person that
I’ve genuinely regard as my closest friend. Using the word ‘close friend’
to describe our friendship is a bit strange since I’ve always thought of
you as a family. But even you also know that some things are better left
unspoken even to those people closest to you. Because I care about you,
I’m afraid of hurting you.”

“It doesn’t matter even if you don’t regard me as your close guy friend.”
Yang Meng cheerfully patted Bai Luo Yin’s shoulder, “We can be close
sisters too. I’ll be totally fine with that.”

Bai Luo Yin, “……yeah, don’t say that. If you were to join the female
armed force examination now, maybe you’ll really pass.”

Yang Meng jumped on Bai Luo Yin’s back and gave it a hard slap.

The two parted ways at the entrance of an alley. Yang Meng turned and
entered the alley first while Bai Luo Yin took a few more steps ahead before
turning into another alley. Now, these two close friends were only separated
by an alley, full of low built houses. As Bai Luo Yin silently walked, he
suddenly heard Yang Meng’s shouts ringing through the air from the other

“Yin Zi, you’re my idol. In my life, you’ll always be my model. No

matter what you do, I’ll always support you!!”

Listening to Yang Meng’s heartfelt confession, the corner of Bai Luo Yin’s
eyes was clouded with unshed tears.

Gu Hai was home alone when he heard a faint knock at the door. In just
seconds, he opened the door and was met with Gu Yang’s stern expression.
When Gu Yang walked in and noticed that Bai Luo Yin was not home,
astonishment immediately filled his eyes.
“How rare! You’re the only one here?”

“Yeah.” Gu Hai looked at him dispiritedly, “He went home.”

Without much thoughts to it, Gu Yang casually asked, “Have you eaten?”

“I have, but not much.”

Gu Yang shot Gu Hai and icy glance, “Let me ask you something.”

“Go ahead.” Gu Hai lit a cigarette.

“Are you only living just for him?”

Billows of smoke freely flowed out of Gu Hai’s mouth. His sharp gaze was
filled with confidence and determination. Not even the slightest sign of
mockery could be seen as he replied with honesty, “I’m not living only for
him, but also for myself.”

“Do you even have your own outlook on life? Your principles?” Gu Yang

Gu Hai sneered bitterly, “When did you start to speak like Gu Wei Ting?”

“I’m merely questioning the merit of your words.” Gu Yang narrowed his
eyes as he continued to look at Gu Hai. “I don’t see the slightest hint of you
planning your own life.”

“Planning ahead for him is the same as planning for myself.”

A superficial smile appeared on Gu Yang’s life, “You’re already incurable,

village Chief Gu.”

“I’ll always be better than an insensitive person like you, spineless

coward.” Gu Hai lightly brushed away the cigarette ash.

Gu Yang’s face returned to its previously stern appearance, “I am not here

to joke with you. The university I’m attending now has a branch in Hong
Kong. I plan to continue and finish my studies there. After graduation,
I’ll probably stay there for a while to expand my career. That’s why I
want to ask if you have any plans to go to Hong Kong?”

“No.” Gu Hai swiftly replied without any doubts in mind, “I’ll never leave
Yin Zi alone in Beijing.”

“It’s not necessary for you two to be together while you’re studying.” Gu
Yang was very objective in his wording, “How long the two of you can
maintain your relationship…or feelings, can’t be measured by the time
amount of time you spend together. If you really want to act in
accordance with social convention and attend those two universities
you’ve applied to, I’d like to offer you a bit of advice, don’t waste your
time. If what you want is a degree, I can tweak the system and give it to
you right now.”

“Gu Yang, don’t expect me to count on you for everything just because
I’ve taken some money from you. The amount of money that you’ve
given, I’ve remembered it all clearly. It won’t be long before I give you
every single penny back. Don’t think that you can tie me up or control
me by using any kind of familial affection or wealth. The path ahead will
only be paved by me, Gu Hai, alone, not the one that you guys want to
pave for me.”
Are You Addicted? [1] - Chapter
206, Chapter 207, and Chapter 208


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 206: The Inquietude of Youth – Brother Gu’s Sexual

Intention. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The day after all the university entrance exam had ended, the students
spontaneously organized a thank you banquet for their teachers.

During the banquet, teachers and students opened their hearts to each other
for the first time. As the conversation continued, it was the words from a
math teacher that left a very deep impression in Bai Luo Yin’s mind, so much
so that he felt emotionally moved by it.

Her words, although simple resonated within him, “Bai Luo Yin, every time
I saw you sleeping in my classes, I actually felt really sorry for you.
When you start university, please don’t stay up all night anymore. Make
sure you get plenty of rest and sleep as much as you can.”

At this banquet, Bai Luo Yin also saw Luo Xiao Yu. Although he had not
seen her for nearly a year, she was still very beautiful and elegant.
Unsurprisingly, she is radiating with even more feminine allure, more so than
she did the first time he entered her class all those years ago. She brought her
daughter with her who looked quite similar to her. She had a pair of beautiful
dark, big and round quick-witted eyes that was constantly gazing at things
here and there. In just a mere second of her introduction to everyone, her
adorableness was so blatant that all the students were scrambling (nearly
fighting really) to have a turn to hold her.

With a warm and gentle smile, Bai Luo Yin walked over to Luo Xiao Yu,
“Laoshi, that time when I spoke to you, my words were a bit overboard.
Please don’t take it to heart.”

“Look at what you’re saying, what kind of teachers hold grudges against
their students?”

Hearing those words brought a sense of relief to Bai Luo Yin as he took out a
small square box from his pocket and gave it to Luo Xiao Yu.

“Laoshi, this is for you.”

Luo Xiao Yu’s expression shined with a pleasant surprise, “For me?”

“Yes, there’s a mirror inside. Whenever you’re feeling down or not in a

good mood, just take a look… in the mirror and you won’t find any
reason to be angry anymore.”

Luo Xiao Yu laughed until her face flushed a lovely hue.

This thank you banquet for the teachers is also considered to be a farewell
dinner party for the students. Apart from organizing gifts for the teachers,
students also organized gifts for their own good friends.

Amongst the students there, You Qi was undoubtedly the most popular one
and received the majority of the gifts. Every time a girl came over to give him
a gift, the other–of course, jealous–male students would punish him by
making him drink a shot of liquor. Consequently, less than halfway through
the banquet, You Qi had already drunk too much.
Bai Luo Yin sat beside You Qi the entire time. Taking advantage of the time
that Gu Hai left to use the restroom, he fished something out from his bag
and gave it to You Qi.

“After thinking about it for a long while, I seriously couldn’t think of

anything to get you, so I read up on some remedies for chronic sinusitis. I
followed several rules from an old traditional Chinese medicine doctor in
order to make these. There are three treatments in total here. Use them
for a while and if it’s not effective, every dollar will be refunded.”

It’s unclear which words touched You Qi emotionally, but nonetheless, You
Qi was on the verge of tears after hearing them.

“Yin Zi, actually I……”

Bai Luo Yin interrupted him, “It’s fine. You don’t need to say anything
else. I understand.”

After saying this, he gave You Qi a tight friendly hug.

“Yin Zi, I actually got you a gift too but I’m too embarrassed to give it to
you in front of so many people. I left it at the hotel’s reception desk. If
you want it, you can go get it after the banquet ends. But, if you don’t
want it, then just throw it away. It’s not something that’s worth a lot of
money anyways.”

With a crooked smile, Bai Luo Yin’s heavy fist smacked You Qi’s back a
couple of times.

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to tell you this, you’re the most handsome
man I have ever seen in my life.”

At that exact moment, Gu Hai had just walked out of the bathroom. When he
heard those words, he nearly stumbled and fell on his head.

Even before the banquet ended, Gu Hai received an urgent call from Sung
Jingwei instructing him to rush over to the base. Without any other option, he
unwillingly left before everyone else while remaining bunch of students
continued to party.

After, the loud ruckus lasted until a bit past nine o’clock before the students
finally started to head back home one by one. Bai Luo Yin went to the front
reception alone and explained his purpose, the receptionist passed him a huge

The moment Bai Luo Yin opened the package and saw what was inside, his
eyes immediately heated up with tears that tried to beckon back. You Qi has
given him a set of quilts.

As Bai Luo Yin walked out of the hotel, he quickly gave Gu Hai a call, but
no one answered. Although he wanted Gu Hai to be here so that they could
head home together, he had no choice but to take a taxi alone.

When Bai Luo Yin arrived in front of his house, he noticed that the door was
open just as he was about to open it with the keys. Without thinking much of
it, he went straight inside and saw Gu Hai in the bedroom earnestly hunting
through the closet for something. He was so focused that he did not even
detect another presence in the room.

Getting no reaction, Bai Luo Yin directly kicked Gu Hai’s butt, “Why the
fuck didn’t you answer your phone?”

There was a moment of silence before this person turned around. And, like a
magician in the process of conjuring a trick, his face transformed into one
that was grave and stern.

“Gu Yang……” Bai Luo Yin was dumbfounded.

Gu Yang looked squarely at Bai Luo Yin with a rather irascible yet amused
expression, “How are we going to settle this kick?”

Not one to be deterred, Bai Luo Yin sagaciously procured a reason to justify
his action, “Why are you wearing Gu Hai’s clothes?”

A cold and arrogant smile spewed out from the corner of Gu Yang’s lips,
“It’s not suitable to wear my clothes when I have to do things that make
me sweat.”

Today, Bai Luo Yin’s mood has been fluctuating quite immensely and added
on the fact that he had a few drinks, it was only natural that he would become
agitated as soon as he heard those words. He immediately gripped Gu Yang
by the collar and tried to yank the clothes off, “Fucking take it off now!”

“Hehe……” Gu Yang laughed devilishly, “Do you feel sorry that I’m
destroying his clothes? You’re quite protective!”

Disregarding Gu Yang’s attempt to efficaciously ridicule him, Bai Luo Yin

was determined to rip Gu Hai’s clothes off Gu Yang. Soon, the two entered a
duel. Although Gu Yang continued to give Bai Luo Yin leeway, Bai Luo Yin
was unwilling to forgive his unruly and despicable action. It was unclear
whether Gu Yang did it intentionally or not but when just Bai Luo Yin lost
his defense for a mere second, Gu Yang seized this perfect opportunity and
forcefully pushed him onto the bed.

Even when he was down, Bai Luo Yin’s firm grip continued to tear away at
Gu Yang’s collar to the point that a large part of it opened wide.

Since Bai Luo Yin does not have even an ounce of sexual desire towards Gu
Yang, he was completely immune to this unintended exposure. However, Gu
Yang thought otherwise.

“Bai Luo Yin, it’s not a good habit to use brute force in order to settle an
argument. Just a moment ago, you molested my ass by giving it a hard
kick. I haven’t even settled that with you yet. Now, you’re trying to tear
my clothes off. Tell me, how should I settle both of these matters with

Consumed by rage and resentment, Bai Luo Yin reached out and strangled
Gu Yang’s neck in an attempt to break loose, but to no avail.

Gu Yang’s eyes slightly widened as a flash of light conjured in his pupils,

“Bai Luo Yin, I’m not Gu Hai. My ass is not for you to kick whenever
you want.”
With that being said, he immediately pulled at Bai Luo Yin’s pants. Since he
used too much force, the pants tore and the sound of the fabric ripping flowed
chaotically into Bai Luo Yin’s ears. Bai Luo Yin immediately roared with
anger and bloodshot eyes, “Gu Yang, get the fuck off of me and go away!
Don’t make me fucking hate you!!”

“You’re welcome to hate me.”

As Gu Yang’s facetious laugh carried on, he waited for an opportunity to

slither his hands towards Bai Luo Yin’s T-shirt and tear it open. Then he
shifted his large hand towards the side of his waist.

Bai Luo Yin abruptly quivered and kicked gave Gu Yang’s stomach a hard

Gu Yang held up his two fingers, “This is the second kick. You’re always
so passionate that I’m feeling a bit embarrassed.”

After these words came to an end, he pressed his entire body onto Bai Luo
Yin’s body. Both his hands dug into Bai Luo Yin’s hair to hold his head
down. This was also in order to firmly nail this struggle body into the bed,
him no room to even budge. Bai Luo Yin’s fierce and angered eyes locked
with Gu Yang’s, who in turn gave him a frivolous smile.

“Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai and I are essentially the same. It’s just that one is
a vulgar hoodlum while the other is a more refined one. Whatever Gu
Hai can give you, I can too. Not only that, I can give you whatever he
can’t give you. Soon you’ll realize that I’m more suitable for you.”

“I would rather listen to him curse than have to hear your pleasant

Gu Yang was not in the least perturbed by his words as he continued to

relentlessly attack Bai Luo Yin in an attempt to chisel away Bai Luo Yin’s

“Actually, when you fainted in my room that day, I already did what I
needed to do to you. There’s really no need for you to treat me like a

Bai Luo Yin did not show any signs of weakness even after hearing those
accusing words, “You’re too self-absorbed, don’t over fantasized what
happened. A person like me may not have much talent, but compared to
others I have an extra ear. It doesn’t matter whether I’m asleep or
unconscious from having fainted, if even a housefly landed on my arm, I
will immediately detect it.”

“If that’s the case, then I’ll have to do more and say less.”

Then, under Bai Luo Yin’s cold and watchful gaze, Gu Yang gradually
lowered his lips. While Bai Luo Yin’s body stiffened even more at every
centimeter that brought their lips closer, Gu Yang’s body blood flowed
chaotically and turned into waves of burning electric current that left him
feverish. Just as his lips were about to touch Bai Luo Yin’s, he suddenly
stopped and his eyes darkened.

“As expected, I like pretty faces after all.”

Bai Luo Yin does not understand what he meant.

A second later, Gu Yang forcefully dragged Bai Luo Yin into the bathroom
and washed his hair without his permission. As Bai Luo Yin incessantly
struggled, the water and bubbles from the soap splashed all over Gu Yang.
For the first time, Gu Yang roared.


Bai Luo Yin does not know what this fucker was trying to do.

After he was done washing Bai Luo Yin’s hair, Gu Yang once again dragged
towards the front of the mirror. With both his hands glued to the sides of Bai
Luo Yin’s head, he looked meticulously into the mirror then he picked up a
pair of scissors that was lying nearby.

“I can’t take it anymore. I have to give you a stylish hair cut today.”

As his brows slightly wrinkled together, Bai Luo Yin could feel all the blood
in his body flowed backward all at once. It was beyond his knowing how to
properly discern the emotions that imbibed him at this very moment.

“Your entire family are insane!”

Looking into the mirror, Gu Yang gave him a sly smile, “Originally, my
family was normal. But, after meeting you, we’ve all gone insane.”

“Do you even know how to cut hair?”

Gu Yang skillfully maneuvered the scissors, letting it dance lightly in circles

from one spot to the next, “When I set my mind on something, it’s not a
matter of whether I will or will not do, can or cannot do it, but rather if
it’s outstanding or not and competent or not.”

With that being said, he speedily gave Bai Luo Yin’s fringe a snip. With this
one snip, there is no way Bai Luo Yin can back out now. If he doesn’t
continue until the cut is done, he was afraid that it will give Gu Hai
nightmares once he saw it.

Gu Yang wrapped a piece of cloth around Bai Luo Yin and started to
formally begin his masterpiece.

In the midst of it, Bai Luo Yin suddenly spoke, “The opportunity to get
direct admission into a university, I already gave it to somebody else. I
still have to thank you though.”

“Why did you give it away?” Gu Yang asked without getting too deep into

“I don’t have the criteria needed to pass the examination. Nor do I have
enough qualification for it. Besides, I am confident in my own ability to
pass the university entrance examinations.”

Gu Yang snorted then laughed, “The two of you are full of moral

During the conversation, the fundamental outline of a haircut was already

half completed. Watching Gu Yang’s adroit techniques play out, Bai Luo Yin
secretly wondered, how did Gu Yang obtain this type of skill? Before, he
heard that Chinese students studying in a foreign country had to wash dishes
in restaurants to make a living. Was it possible that Gu Yang was once a
hairdresser in order to earn enough money? ….. After thinking for a while,
Bai Luo Yin became sleepy due to the high amount of alcohol still flowing in
his bloodstream. Before long, Bai Luo Yin’s head suddenly hung low.

Gu Yang had no choice but to trim the hair around Bai Luo Yin’s neck and
ears. After he finished, he lightly raised Bai Luo Yin’s head so could lean
back into the chair with his head face upwards as he slept. When Gu Yang
was about to trim Bai Luo Yin’s flowing fringes, he caught sight of his
sleeping face and suddenly stopped his movements.

By the time Gu Hai returned, Bai Luo Yin’s haircut was already finished and
Gu Yang was in the middle of blow drying his hair.

Seeing this intimate gesture between them, all the body coursing through Gu
Hai immediately changed its courses and rushed towards his brain instead.
He strides into the house with big steps and snatched the blow dryer from Gu
Yang’s hand. At first, he wanted to bellow in rage after seeing Bai Luo Yin’s
face and how soundly he was sleeping, he reluctantly restrained himself.

After they walked out of the bedroom, Gu Hai faced Gu Yang and punched
him severely on the chest.

“What the fuck are you trying to do?”

Without even so much a twinge of pain, Gu Yang’s darkened face turned

towards Gu Hai, “What was I doing? You tell me, what I was doing? Gu
Hai, this isn’t the first or the second time. You have to wake up! I’m
your brother. I don’t care if you act like an idiot or get tough in front of
other people but don’t even think about trying that in front of me! If I,
Gu Yang, stabbed you once before, I can stab you again a second time
right now!”

Before long, Gu Hai’s mood gradually cooled down. He sat down on the
sofa, lit up a cigarette and smoked it an expressionless face.
After a while, Gu Yang spoke again, “Your dad looked for you again?”


“What for?”

“What else could it be?” Gu Hai’s face darkened, “Just about enlisting

“Since he spent more than half of his life climbing the hierarchy in the
army to get the rank that he has now, how can he not be worried seeing
that he won’t have a successor?”

Gu Hai let out a long, relaxed sigh. His complexion has improved a bit now,
“Let’s not talk about that. Why are you here?”

“I’m looking for a document. I need to use it for a court appearance

tomorrow. The lawsuit is pretty suspenseful and it doesn’t look too
promising. You have to come tomorrow. Even if I lose the case, at the
least, I’ll have some moral support. See you tomorrow at nine o’clock in
front of the courthouse.”

Once he was done speaking, Gu Yang changed back into his own clothes and
walk directly out the door.


(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 207: The Inquietude of Youth – I ONLY WANT TO BE


Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


After Gu Yang left the apartment, Gu Hai entered their bedroom again only
to see that Bai Luo Yin was still sound asleep on the chair. Gently touching
his hair, he noticed that only a portion of it was dry while the other half was
still damp.

With the thought of not wanting him to get sick, Gu Hai took out the
hairdryer. But still welling with a fit of unsightly anger, he changed the air
from hot to cold and immediately switched on the hairdryer before facing it
towards Bai Luo Yin's head. Although it was summer, the air conditioner
inside the apartment was set to a very cold temperature, making it completely
impossible to feel any hot air. The sudden burst of cold air blew towards Bai
Luo Yin at such speed that it caused him to quiver and wake up with a
frightening jolt.

Bai Luo Yin's drowsy eyes rushed towards the mirrors for a quick glance and
contrary to his expectations, the hairstyle was actually pretty good. Without
any other thought, he looked towards the hairstylist standing beside him and
realized that it had turned into a completely different person.

"Where's your brother?" Bai Luo Yin asked.

Once those words enter Gu Hai's brain, the annoying name repeatedly rang
out in his head before he abruptly hurled the hairdryer towards their study
table. He glanced at Bai Luo Yin, his eyes written with a dense ominous aura
that beckoned to erupt.

"You haven't fucking stayed with him long enough, have you? Are you
pissed that I came home early?"

The two questions shot forth with no inkling of a need to distinguish right
from wrong. It penetrated Bai Luo Yin's nerves so deeply that his mood took
a turn for the worse. He honestly could not comprehend at all how Gu Hai's
brain was wired.

How can a simple haircut become so complicated and twisted once it passed
through his brain?

"That's right! It's best if you didn't fucking come back at all tonight!"

Having said that, Bai Luo Yin despicably tore the cloth covering his body to
the floor. Just as he was about to walk away, a firm hand suddenly gripped
his arm and held him in place before he was forcibly swung backward. It was
so sudden that Bai Luo Yin's head nearly smashed the cupboard beside their

A second later, taking advantage of Bai Luo Yin's momentary imbalance, Gu

Hai swiftly pushed him down and press his body on top.

"You want me to die of anger, don't you?"

"Who's making who angry, huh?" Bai Luo Yin's slender fingers grabbed
Gu Hai's clothes as he looked straight into his eyes, "What did I do wrong?
He pestered me endlessly and insisted on giving me a haircut. Aside from
letting him cut it, what else could I've done? Do you want me to slap him
in the face? That's your brother! If he wasn't your brother, I wouldn't
even acknowledge him at all!"

Two pairs of eyes locked amidst the dark gloomy aura that swerved between
them while their breaths weaved with an oppressive feeling that seemed to
suffocate them.

After being in a deadlock for what seemed like an eternity, Bai Luo Yin
finally broke their gazes and spoke with a relentless tone, "I don't want to
argue with you anymore."

Afterward, he immediately pressed his hands firmly against Gu Hai's chest to

push him away. The first attempt was unsuccessful and Gu Hai was still
staring down at him with a determined look on his face, refusing to budge
even an inch. His second attempt succeeded in pushing the stubborn bull to
the side only when he exerted all his strength.

Still feeling agitated, Bai Luo Yin tore his own clothes off, threw them
roughly on the bed then made a beeline into the bathroom to take a bath. Left
alone to lie on the bed, Gu Hai's eyes silently traveled to Bai Luo Yin's
scattered clothes. He eyed them for a moment while thinking of the person
that wore it, then he buried his head in and inhaled the captivating scent that
was Bai Luo Yin's alone. Slowly but surely, the alluring smell helped him to
soothe his emotions.

When Gu Hai was about to get up to take a shower, he discovered something

that caused his blood to boil as it coursed through his veins ready to explode
at any second. Bai Luo Yin's pants had actually been torn apart and ripped
seams created a wide opening. Each broken thread that hung loosely to either
side of the seam seemed to pull mercilessly at Gu Hai's heartstring.

Grabbing that pants, Gu Hai headed towards the bathroom door and tried to
push it open. When the door did not open, he immediately gave it a violent
kick. Then he went inside and walked up towards Bai Luo Yin who was in
the middle of taking a shower. With a darkened face, he threw the pants that
were gripped tightly in his hand on Bai Luo Yin's wet body. Without saying
anything else, he forced his way out and slammed the door with a bang.

Feeling rather aggravated at how things unfolded, Gu Hai then went

downstairs to the basketball court of the apartment complex to play a game or
two until his whole body was drenched in sweat. As the sweat continued to
form and dripped down his body, it was as if the rage in his heart was
simultaneously escaping him as well. By the time he glanced down at his
watch, it was already past one o'clock. Glancing up at the window to their
apartment, he figured it was time for him to go back and sleep.

Once he arrived in front of their apartment, there was a piece of paper stuck
on the door. On it was several large words written in a fit of anger.

"Unreasonable people, please make a detour!"

The corner of Gu Hai's lips perked, revealing a smirk as he pushed the door
opened and entered.
Bai Luo Yin was already asleep by now. Gu Hai showered first before he
squeezed into the blanket. However, not long after he lied down, Bai Luo Yin
sat up.

The flames of the lights emitted a faint blue light that quickly faded once it
touched the tip of the cigarette. Then puffs of smoke charged out from the
corner of Bai Luo Yin's lips.

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes and turned slightly to the side to looked at the
person beside him. Instead of seeing said person's face, he was instead met
with the wide expanse of Bai Luo Yin's bareback. As he looked at it for a
moment, he unconsciously stretched his hand out to touch it.

"Can you explain to me, what exactly happened to that pants?"

Without fooling around, Bai Luo Yin bluntly answered him with three words,
"I don't know."

Not long after he said that Bai Luo Yin sneezed which was then followed by
a second sneeze. Seeing him in that semi miserable state, Gu Hai reached out
with the intention of dragging him back to the bed, however that stubborn
boy refused to budge. When Bai Luo Yin sneezed for the third time, Gu Hai
completely lost all his patients. He forcibly hooked his elbows around Bai
Luo Yin's neck and pushed him down the bed.

Before Bai Luo Yin could utter the words 'fuck off', Gu Hai sealed his lips
with a demanding kiss. Under Gu Hai's tyrannical control, Bai Luo Yin's
breaths were forcibly stolen and every possible violent or hurtful words that
he could say was swallowed one by one......then he slowly rained kisses from
Bai Luo Yin's chin to the sides and tip of his nose, eyelids, and ears. Gu Hai
continued kissing his face with his soft lips until Bai Luo Yin's ragged
breaths steadied then became completely chaotic again.

After a few more kisses, Gu Hai's sneaky lips came to a sudden halt as he
stared at Bai Luo Yin with sparkling eyes.

"Is it because there's no more pressure to study, we've also taken care of
the problems with our parents, and our days are quite comfortable that
you don't feel at ease if you don't fucking argue with me?"

Gu Hai was an expert in two things, acting stupid and blaming the other party
even though he himself was guilty.

Bai Luo Yin's displeased gaze swept towards Gu Hai, "Get off of me first,
then I'll tell you exactly what happened to that pants."

Giving him another kiss on the cheek, Gu Hai obediently shifted to the side.

Two seconds later, a miserable blood-curdling shriek echoed inside the room.

"Owwww!!!... Don't pinch me! You can't pinch me there! Men shouldn't
make it difficult for each other like that. Ow, ow, ow!!!!!"

When Bai Luo Yin iron like fingers finally stopped its assault, Gu Hai's
pained face had already turned into an ugly shade of purple.

"Gu Yang wore your clothes and hung around our apartment. I
accidentally mistook him as you and gave him a hard kick. But he wasn't
willing to forgive me and kept on insisting that it was all my fault. Then
we started to argue and before long, it worsened into a fistfight. Look,
that's how the pant became like that."

Gu Hai's heart tightened, "He didn't hit you, did he?"

"No, we were trapped in a deadlock for a while then after a few minutes,
it ended."

"He must have fucking done this on purpose......" Gu Hai mumbled to

himself as he stared at Bai Luo Yin. Only after another second passed by did
he suddenly realized something strange and quickly asked, "Then how did
he manage to give you a haircut?"

Barraged by the stream of questions, Bai Luo Yin's patience to answer turned
to annoyance. He retorted angrily, "How would I know?! You should've
asked your ancestors this freaking question! How did the Gu family
become crazy like this? Each and every one of you is so weird!!"
Gu Hai did not say anything as he listened to Bai Luo Yin's outburst with a
hardened face.

"I'll only explain that much. Now it's up to you whether you believe me
or not!"

After those words flew out of his mouth, Bai Luo Yin sullenly turned away
and let his back faced Gu Hai once again.

Gu Hai's strong arms gently encircled Bai Luo Yin from the back before he
nuzzled his face into the crook his neck. When he spoke, his voice still held a
strong and unyielding tone.

"In the future, try as much as possible not to provoke him."

A small ceramic pot sat innocently in front of Bai Luo Yin. Looking at it, he
really wanted to snatch that pot and smash it on the head of the person behind

"How did I become the person who provoked him? When did I ever
provoked him first?"

Gu Hai seemed to not have heard anything that Bai Luo Yin's had just
accounted. He simply minded his own business and continued his tirade,
"He's not as simple as we are. Someone like him is much more
complicated than you can ever imagine."

"He can do whatever he likes. I have no interest in knowing anything

about him." Bai Luo Yin said, his tone laden with indifference.

Firmly grabbing hold of Bai Luo Yin's hand, Gu Hai calmly spoke, "I don't
want you to understand him. I just want to remind you to keep your
guards against him. Don't lightly regard him as someone that walks the
same path as us."

Bai Luo Yin suddenly remembered something and he sneered coldly.

"But he said between the two of you, one is a vulgar hoodlum and the
other is a more refined one. Essentially, you're both the same. It's just
the way you show it is different."

"The same my ass!" Gu Hai gritted his teeth in anger as he continued to

justify himself, "He's fucking praising himself! There's a huge difference
between us! I may have a sharp tongue, but I have a kind heart. He's a
fucking merciless bastard who speaks harshly and refused to admit his
own mistakes! Do you still remember the story I told you about the kite?
Just from that trivial matter alone, you can clearly see the difference
between our characters!"

It would have been better if Gu Hai never mentioned that matter again.
Unfortunately, once he mentioned it, Bai Luo Yin felt like laughing again.
Instead of seeing Gu Yang's evil intentions, all he discovered was Gu Hai's

"Don't you give me that mischievous grin! I'm being serious with you
here!" Now sulking, Gu Hai grabbed Bai Luo Yin's flushed cheek and pulled
it to the side-although making sure not to pull too hard.

Bai Luo Yin muttered up enough nerves to refrain himself from laughing,
"Okay, okay. I get it already."

Slightly pouting, Gu Hai glared intensely at Bai Luo Yin's face for some
time. It did not take long for him to notice the strange flicker of lights
reflecting in Bai Luo Yin's bright and clear pupils. And even the corner of his
mouth seemed to twitch on and off as if trying to control itself. Just looking
at, Gu Hai felt the parlous state of his own pride suffering a harsh blow.

Gritting his teeth, Gu Hai immediately pounced on Bai Luo Yin with all his
might, "You still have the nerve to laugh? You still want to laugh? I'll let
you fucking laugh to your heart's content then. I'll let you fucking


Early morning of the next day, Gu Hai was rudely awakened from his sleep
by a call from Gu Yang at seven o'clock.

"Are you up yet?"

Gu Hai yawned, "Why did you wake up so early? Didn't you say that
your court hearing starts at nine o'clock?"

"Do you think this is the same as going to class? Where you can simply
barge in when the bell rings?!"

Feeling slightly annoyed at the disturbance, Gu Hai sleepily rubbed his eyes
and replied impatiently, "Alright, I got it. I'm getting up now."

However, after the call ended, Gu Hai immediately buried himself into the
sheets again instead of getting up as he said he would. Just as he turned to
face Bai Luo Yin in search of his warmth, he saw his eyes moving about in a
battle to wake up. He smiled, thinking that Bai Luo Yin's expression was just
like that of a small innocent mouse. Unable to control himself, Gu Hai blew a
breath of air against his lashes and teased him for a while until Bai Luo Yin
completely regained his consciousness.

"I have to go out in a bit. My brother has to attend a court hearing so I

have to accompany him. After I've washed up, I'll cook some congee for
you. But the time you get up, you can eat it right away"

"There's no need." Bai Luo Yin stretched his body out, "I have to go out

"What are you going out for?" Gu Hai asked while putting on his clothes.

Bai Luo Yin relaxed his muscles as he sat up, "Didn't I mention to you that
I gave up my chance to enter a university without having to take the
entrance examination? At that time, there was a teacher who helped me
manage this matter. Since I've abruptly given up such a great
opportunity and didn't even say a word to that teacher beforehand, I
think that it's quite rude of me. I want to head over there and give the
teacher a proper explanation."
Gu Hai nodded his head, "Have you contacted that teacher already?"

"Your brother helped me to contact that teacher."

All of a sudden, Gu Hai's complexion changed to various colors but he chose

to not say anything else.

After the two showered and cleaned themselves up, they went to the bedroom
together and changed their clothes. Bai Luo Yin turned to look at Gu Hai
with a warm smile and said, "You can go first since I'm not in a hurry

"Let's go together!" Gu Hai said brightly.

"We're not going in the same direction."

"I'll want to drop you off first, then I'll go find my brother." Gu Hai said
pleadingly as he looked at Bai Luo Yin.

"Why do you want to waste time? It's more convenient if we just drive
our own car! Besides, didn't your brother urge you to go over quicker?
You should hurry up now. I'll drive my own car in a bit!"

However, Gu Hai still insisted, "I want to drive you there myself, or else I
can't relax."

Unable to persuade Gu Hai to change his mind, Bai Luo Yin had no choice
but to hasten his movements and head out the door with him.

Just as the car took a turn to leave the neighborhood, Gu Hai received another
call from Gu Yang.

"Where are you now?" Gu Yang asked.

There was a hint of impatience in Gu Hai's tone as he spoke: "I just left the

"How long is it going to take you to get here?"

"I'm not sure." Gu Hai said he slowly sped up, "I need to take Yin Zi
somewhere first, then I'll go look for you."

After a moment of dreadful silence, Gu Yang's cold voice transmitted from

the other side.

"Are you driving his car?"

Just as Gu Hai was about to say 'yeah', a car suddenly darted out from an
intersection towards them. Feeling anxious, he stepped on the brakes, but
there was no response and the car continued to move ahead at its own will.
Gu Hai gripped the steering wheel as hard as he can to maneuver the car. It
was only after making that sudden and thrilling turn did he barely managed to
avoid a dangerous collision.

"Let's not talk right now."

Gu Hai hastily hung up the phone and immediately swung his head to the
side to look at Bai Luo Yin. Bai Luo Yin's expression alone told him that he
was completely shaken and scared. His eyes were slightly widened and his
breath came out sporadically as if he could barely breathe.

Feeling sorry, Gu Hai's long arm reached out before his fingers weaved into
Bai Luo Yin's hair, gently caressing it. Then with a soft tone, he comforted
Bai Luo Yin, "Did it scare you just now?"

Reveling in the comfort of Gu Hai's touch, Bai Luo Yin took a deep breath
and faintly said, "In the future, try not to pick up your phone or make a
call when you're driving."

Gu Hai gave him a warm smile before he turned his head towards the road.
Noticing that the car was on the verge of getting on the open road where
other vehicles were coming towards them, Gu Hai immediately stepped on
the brakes with all his might. But there was no response. He stepped on the
brakes again. There was still no response...

....and time stopped.

In a flash, Gu Hai's gentle smile became frozen on his face......

(Are You Addicted?)

「 Chapter 208: The Inquietude of Youth – THE END OF YOUTH. 」

Author: Chai Jidan


The BL drama "Addicted" was adapted from this novel.


The car made a sudden sharp turn and charged onto the road. Bai Luo Yin's
deep heavy breaths faintly echoed with the spine chilling feeling that raced
down his back. He could feel his heartbeats pounding chaotically in his chest,
beckoning to rush out. The beating gets louder and louder to the point that he
could clearly hear the cacophonous thrumming rhythm. The sound was
intolerable as his breaths get deeper and deeper by the second. He swung his
head to the side to look at Gu Hai.

"What's wrong with you today?"

Gu Hai turned stiffly like an old rusty machine and smiled cunningly, "I'm
not completely awake yet."
Noticing that the street ahead was a straight line with fewer vehicles
presence, Gu Hai heaved a sigh of relieve for a moment. It does not matter
that the brakes were not working properly, he could forcibly decelerate by
shifting the gears from one to the other. Calming himself, he shot Bai Luo
Yin a glance from the corner of his eyes only to discover that Bai Luo Yin
was looking straight at him with a bit of restlessness and impatience drawn in
his eyes.

"Gu Hai, I don't know why but I feel really nervous."

At those words, every single tightened muscle on Gu Hai's face suddenly

loosened up as he deliberately slowed down his speech and adjust it to a
warmer tone just to console him. "Everything's okay. You were just scared
a moment ago. You'll feel better after I tell you a joke."

"Okay, tell me." Bai Luo Yin faintly said, somehow unenthusiastic.

Like the incoming spring days after a harsh winter, a warm, gentle and
relaxed smile drew silently on Gu Hai's lips, "Close your eyes first."

"Why do I need to close my eyes?"

"You have to close your eyes to listen to this joke."

Bai Luo Yin does not know what farcical scheme Gu Hai was trying to
conjure but welling with curiosity, he complied and closed his eyes. He
thought to himself, if he was going to fall into a trap then he might as well
fall properly since at best it would just be a surprise attack and nothing else.

"It is said that there's a village with a constantly high fertility rate......"

Gu Hai said calmly while shifting to the second gear and lifting the clutch to
loosen the throttle which immediately decreased the speed of the car.

Sensing the gradual change of speed, Bai Luo Yin was about to open his eyes
but Gu Hai started to speak again, "One day, an official from Tianzhen
county went to this village with the intention of spreading knowledge
about contraception. He brought a box of condoms with him and taught
the villagers how to use......"

Hearing that Gu Hai was still talking, Bai Luo Yin let his eyes remained
closed to the darkness that was stretching out in front of him. Although he
felt that something was strange, he reasoned that Gu Hai had urgently pulled
the brakes because there was another car ahead.

Gu Hai silently took in a deep breath and waited for an opportunity to shift
into the first gear before he slowly pulled the handbrake up. Then he
carefully tightened and loosen it intermittently as to avoid any making any
sudden noise......

"Then two years later, some officials went to the village again for an
inspection and discovered that the village still had a high fertility rate."

Just as the car was about to come to a complete stop, a massive logistic trunk
suddenly emerged at the speed of light from an intersection. In just seconds,
it directly swept by the front of their car.

"Do you know why?" Gu Hai asked as thick beads of cold sweat dripped
down his forehead.

Bai Luo Yin shook his head, "Why?"

"A man said this to the official: 'I listened to your words and wore it
every day, but I discovered that it was impossible to pee if I have it on so
I cut the tip of it off.'"

Hearing those ridiculous words, Bai Luo Yin scoffed and immediately burst
into laughter.

Meanwhile, someone was crossing the street and the massive truck ahead of
them abruptly pulled the emergency brake. It was so sudden that even if Gu
Hai wanted to turn the steering wheel to evade it, it was already too late.

"What's the difference between closing your eyes or having it open just
to listen to your joke?"

Just as Bai Luo Yin was about to open his eyes to look at Gu Hai, he
suddenly felt a powerful and violent force like that of a thousand militant
horses galloping majestically on the wasteland charging towards him. In a
split second, his head swung intensely to the side, nearly crashing into the
solid glass window. Although the clear sky was not in his view, he could
vividly feel it spinning and flipping uncontrollably with the earth. Loud
droning noises then blitzed into his ear and rung in complete pandemonium
before a heavy object pressed firmly on him, making it impossible for him to
breathe normally.

When he finally opened his eyes again, all he could see was Gu Hai's face
plastered in front of his......along with the blood that dripped down
rhythmically. Each droplet was magnified clearly in his vision, bringing a
sense of utter devastation to his insides.

Bai Luo Yin's face turned a deathly pale-he could almost feel the white in his
cheeks as the blood drained. His hand ashen as he held dearly onto Gu Hai's
face with both of his trembling hands. He pressed his palms lightly into Gu
Hai's face as if trying to keep his head from falling out of his hands while his
fingers tapped it softly in an attempt to wake him up. At first, his voice hid
deep in his throat but as the blood slid onto his hand, he shouted for Gu Hai.

There was no response.

Gu Hai remained silent and even his closed eyes showed no sign of

When Bai Luo Yin shifted his gaze from Gu Hai's face for a moment, he was
met with a frightening scene playing out in front of him that made his heart
suddenly stopped.

There was a rear-end collision between two cars, causing the front part of the
car to be severely damaged. A broke steel plate sharp enough to shatter the
windshield to pieces pierced straight into Gu Hai's back as if it posed no
resistance while his shoulder and head suffered the most lacerations.

But......he came out almost completely unscathed aside from the small
scratches on the back of his hands.
Although the driver side was also destroyed, the damage was not as severe as
what the passenger side has sustained. If Gu Hai did not rush over to shield
him at the last minute, he would have not suffered such an extremely parlous

Since the accident occurred on such a bustling commercial district and the car
that struck them was the city's public vehicle, the driver ahead does not have
the guts to flee from this perilous responsibility. He quickly got out of the
vehicle and examined the situation at the rear before dialing 120.

Feeling extremely distraught with the situation and worried that the car would
explode, the driver quickly rushed over to help Bai Luo Yin out. And, just as
quickly, he and Bai Luo Yin tried to pull Gu Hai out only to discovered that
Gu Hai was being jammed tightly in place by the steel plate that struck him.
Breathing heavily while trying to calm himself down, the driver rushed to the
trunk of his vehicle and grabbed some tools. When he returned to help again,
he was stunned by the scene drawn in front of his eyes.

Bai Luo Yin used his bare hand to pull the steel plate that was blocking Gu
Hai's escape. His five fingers were soaked in blood, making it hard to see
where the deep cuts that produced it start and where it ended. But what was
clear was that two of his fingernails were slowly peeling off then it was
broken completely as he exerted more strength.

For the sake of getting Gu Hai out of the wrecked car as soon as possible, Bai
Luo Yin ignored the throbbing pain that tore his skin and nerves.

When the road was finally sealed off, Bai Luo Yin sat in the middle of the
street holding Gu Hai tightly while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. At
once a fountain of red came from the wound on Gu Hai's back, ebbed and
flowed in time with Bai Luo Yin's terrified heart. His hands were dyed in red
as it pressed lightly on the wound, trying to prevent any more from leaving
Gu Hai's body but his efforts were wasted. The blood continued to slide down
and mingled harmoniously with the blood from his own wounded hand
before dripping endlessly on his pants. A pool of blood that was part
congealed and dulled to a reddish brown soon formed around them.

The pain that welled in Bai Luo Yin's chest tore his heart to pieces as he
tightened his hold on Gu Hai's bleeding, unresponsive body. The despair
surged with every expelled breath he took, always reaching a higher peak,
never sufficiently appeased by his long intakes of the fresh spring air.

"Gu Hai, Gu Hai......"

Even when Bai Luo Yin's voice became hoarse from shouting his name, Gu
Hai still did not show any reaction.

The driver that stood nearby watching them, carefully said as a reminder to
him, "You should put him flat on the ground. Holding him like that is

As if deaf to all the noises surrounding them, Bai Luo Yin does not hear what
he said. He held Gu Hai firmly against his chest, unwilling to loosen his arms
and allowed no one to come closer.

There was never any other moment in his life that made him felt so frightened
and helpless as he is now. Once he picked his head up and glanced around,
only the unfamiliar faces of strangers appeared in his eyes.

Who can help us? Who can wake him up? Who can stop his bleeding? Who
can prevent the passage of time from flowing and allow hope to remain as
long as possible, forever even......

"The hospital called just now. They said since it's rush hour, the
ambulance is blocked by traffic on the road here."

As if he was being struck by a series of lightning bolts, Bai Luo Yin's eyes
heated up. He lowered his head to look at Gu Hai, feeling as though his heart
was being cut out and torn apart.

"Which way is it coming from?"

"From the east......hey? Hey, what are you doing?"

The worried driver questioned him intensely trying to get an answer while the
crowd around them shouted with fear-drenched in their voices. But Bai Luo
Yin heeded them no attention and let the noises remained behind him with
every step he took forward.

By now, there was already a long traffic jam going towards the eastern and
western roads. But none of that mattered. He simply carried Gu Hai's
bloodied body on his back and charged ahead. As he ran madly along the
right side of the road with vehicles that constantly moved and stopped, a trail
of blood and tears spilled out from the corners of his helpless eyes and
stained the ground.

Gu Hai, nothing must happen to you! We were famished for so many days
and still managed to survive. We've overcome the desolate feeling of isolation
from our families and found joy in spite of the suffering thrown at us
together. The things we should bear and the things we shouldn't have to,
we've already bore them all. Open your eyes and look, we're only one step
away from happiness!

Da Hai, Da you hear me calling you? Just answer me once, please
just answer me once! We've just bought our SUV a few days ago, there are
still so many places we haven't gone to yet. Listen to the future, we
don't have to be scared anymore when we travel afar.... we won't miss those
beautiful sceneries anymore.

Gu Hai remained unresponsive as his head rested on the crook of Bai Luo
Yin's warm neck. Every time Bai Luo Yin's heavy footstep met the ground as
he ran, Gu Hai's face would rub against Bai Luo Yin's cheek again and again.
The temperature of his cold, nearly lifeless body decreased a bit at a time
with the frequency of Bai Luo Yin's breaths.

All pretense of quiet grieving was lost. The world ahead turned into a blur,
and so did the sounds. Bai Luo Yin felt his heart skip a beat as he tightened
his own on Gu Hai before more tears traced down his cheek, and just like
that, the floodgates opened once again. So many tears burst forth like water
from a dam, spilling down his dirtied face. His chin trembled in fear and his
breathing became heavier than before. He was strenuously gasping for air
that seemed to escape him as his throat burned, forming a silent scream. But,
with everything seemingly against them, his worn-out legs were still speeding
Da Hai, your body can't cool down like this. If your limbs turned to ice, what
should I do?

By the time Bai Luo Yin's legs became numb and lost all sensations, a few
medics were rushing towards them. They carefully took Gu Hai off his back
and urgently lifted him into the ambulance.

Bai Luo Yin's legs buckled and his knees weakened before he collapsed at the
ambulance door. His complexion was deathly white as large beads of sweat
rolled down along the side of his cheeks.

As he listened to the sounds of the doctor's footsteps quickening and various

equipment echoing all around him, Bai Luo Yin's body began to tremble
uncontrollably...... There was an emptiness in his heart and numbness
pounding his brain. And, as the salty tears continuously ran unchecked from
his face, he could sense the sheer nothingness that now took hold of his soul
threatened to engulf him entirely......

At this moment, he suddenly realized that in his mind, Gu Hai has always had
the strong body of an immortal being. All of his so-called courage and
fearlessness are all firmly built upon this unwavering foundation. The reason
he dared to say those harsh and passionate words in front of Gu Wei Ting
back then was not that he did not fear that Gu Hai would die, but rather it was
because he simply believed that Gu Hai would never die.

Moreover, in Bai Luo Yin's consciousness, sickness has never visited Gu Hai
before. His healthiness was eternal, ingrained deeply in him and he never
needed to be taken care of.

In the past and even unto this day, Gu Hai has always been the one to take
care of him. When he was sick or suffered even the smallest wound, he
would bustle about just to take care of him. In the depth of the night, he
would always keep his hands and feet warm. When he was trying to cook,
wash clothes, or buy breakfast......

His energy and spirit always seemed endless as if he has never stayed up with
him all night as if his daily routine always lasted several more hours than
And so, when Gu Hai collapsed into his embrace and doesn't wake up no
matter how much he cried and called out to him, Bai Luo Yin's faith was
completely shattered.

It seems, he is not immortal after all. He can also be wounded. He can also be
weakened. He can also sleep and never wake up.

As it turns out, I'm so afraid of his afraid to the point that I will
never hesitate to give up everything in my possession in exchange for his life,
so long as he can survive.

The traffic jam did not improve at all. But just as all the medics were feeling
helpless about the situation, a helicopter suddenly appeared in front of
everyone and snatched Gu Hai's life-that was hanging on a nearly translucent
thread-back from the hands of death.

The emergency room light was on the entire time.

Bai Luo Yin's tears have long run dry. He could feel his mind waning...again.
He could feel it slowly unraveling, the threads of every happy memory he
could ever recall, all but disarray of strings scattered about his feet as he
looked at Gu Hai's blood painting his hands red.

When Gu Yang finally arrived at the hospital, the person that stood before
him was covered in dried blood and had no sign of life whatsoever.

After a long time passed by without any exchange, a doctor walked over, "He
is out of danger for the time being and has been transferred to the intensive
care unit."

Bai Luo Yin's pallid lips trembled, but no words came out.

When he turned around, Gu Yang was standing behind him.

"You actually wanted to kill me, didn't you?"

Although Gu Yang's voice was not pressed with urgency nor relaxed, it
appeared to be drenched in seriousness inside that tranquil corridor.

"You're a very dangerous person. If you stay beside Gu Hai, you're

bound to destroy him."

"Were you constantly trying to give me a good impression of you so that

I would let my guard down around you? Or could it've made
up your mind to get rid of me a long time ago, but your conscience made
it difficult for you to go through with it so you wanted to compensate me
in advance?"

Hearing those stern words, Gu Yang did not give him an answer.

After a long time, Bai Luo Yin spoke again, "Thank you for giving me such
a nice hairstyle before sending me off."

An undercurrent of darkness surfaced in Gu Yang's eyes as he remained still

and silent amidst everything.

When Bai Luo Yin walked by Gu Yang, his legs stopped involuntarily.

"If Gu Hai wakes up and asks for me, you can just tell him I died."

A burst of cold shivers suddenly erupted in Gu Yang's heart. Just as he was

about to turn and say something, Bai Luo Yin's silhouette had already
disappeared from the end of the corridor.

The good impressions that I expressed towards you were all real but I'm
sorry, he is my most beloved brother.


Bai Luo Yin went to the market for the first time to buy vegetables and meat
before carrying it all back home alone. He turned the fire on the stove for the
first time to make stir-fry and beef stew. He busied himself until the sky
slowly changed from a vibrant blue to a dark lonely night. When the last plate
of food was served on the table, the first plate has already turned cold a long
time ago.
Standing silently in front of the dining table, Bai Luo Yin stared attentively at
it for a minute. Then he grabbed his belongings and left this place forever.

In the dead of night, when the twilight faded to blackness, Bai Luo Yin stood
alone on a large bridge and shouted until his voice became hoarse: "Gu Hai,
I love you!!! Gu Hai, I love you!!! Gu Hai, I love you!!!..."

Gu Hai, I love you.

He screamed those words into the night over and over again until the awful
hollowness and waves of wretchedness in his heart burst. His tears flowed
freely before his knees collapsed on the cold stone surface of the bridge.

Gu Hai, I'm actually a coward. I'm afraid of loneliness, afraid of traveling

far, afraid of hurting my family and those close to me......but because I met
you, I've become stronger.

That is why you have to live properly for me!


Ey Pillows!

What a kind of ending. I didn’t expect the end of the story.


Did you cry pillows?

Don’t worry, there’s still have a Book 2 where you can continue to follow
their love story.

Anyways, if you want to read other stories you can check on my list
especially the TDODL by Wuyiningsi. I’m hundred % sure it will give you a
lot of lessons.

I’m very thankful to all my pillows who read this translated BL story and also
voted for it. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for you support. Thank
you for giving a time to read the story. And also thank you Author saehan01
for letting me republish this story again.


Before you officially leave this book, I’ll introduce you to my other Wattpad
account: Article17
(You can read my “own” story there. And it’s about Chinese BxB)
See you all there Pillows!

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