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Assessment is an important element of learning since it evaluates whether or not

the educational goals are being accomplished. Grading, placement, progression,

instructional requirements, curriculum, and, in some situations, funding are all

influenced by assessment.

Students nowadays must possess not only basic reading and math skills, but also

skills that will enable them to cope with an ever-changing world. They must be able to

examine, think critically, and draw conclusions. Changes in  students' skill sets and

knowledge requirements necessitate new learning objectives, which alter the

assessment-instruction connection. Teachers must play an active role in determining

the assessment's goal and substance.

According to theoretical models, the goal for implementing exit exams is to

encourage students to put effort into their learning. According to the theory, the concept

of a level exit assessment event provides a means for determining how curriculum,

instructional activities, and assessment merits influence student effort and

Theoretical Framework

Bloom's taxonomy of learning outcomes was one of the first and most well-known

attempts to develop a framework for what students should learn as a result of the

educational process. It was also intended to allow the creation of data banks with items

measuring the same learning result that could be shared between universities, reducing

the amount of time spent preparing exams. Bloom's original taxonomy was published in

1956 and distinguished three domains of knowledge (cognitive - mental skills, affective

- feelings and attitudes, and psychomotor - physical skills), but only the cognitive

domain was developed in depth: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis,

Synthesis, and Evaluation. The six categories stated  create a hierarchy in which the

next level of learning outcomes cannot be obtained until the previous, more basic one is

mastered. They were frequently used to demonstrate the breadth of the assessed

learning outcomes, which were frequently limited to only the first category (knowledge),

despite the fact that other categories, such as comprehension and analysis, are

frequently referred to as the most important educational outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

The research project is a correlational study that investigates the relationship

between level exit assessment and academic performance of Third year Education


Relationship of the Variable

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this research is to analyze the extent of significant

relationship of Level Exit Assessment and Academic Performance of 3rd Year

education students in First City Providential College. The results of this study will serve

as a basis of a proposed educational framework for students’ higher academic


Specifically, it endeavors to answer the following sub problems:

1. What are the results of the of Level Exit Assessment and Academic Performance

of third year education students?

2. What is the significant relationship between Level Exit Assessment and

Academic Performance of third year education students?

3. Based on the extent of significant relationship, what proposed educational

framework can be developed to attain higher academic performance?


1.Level Exit Assessment has a significant relationship to Academic Performance of

Third Year education students.

2.Level Exit Assessment has no significant relationship to Academic Performance of

Third Year education Students.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the Relationship of Level Exit Assessment Exam to

Academic Performance of Third Year Education Students. The researchers come up to

this study to point out the effectiveness of the Level Exit Assessment to encourage and

motivate Third Year Education Student to excel in their academic performance. The

researchers conducted a survey to gather information from respondents which are

Third Year Education students, ages 20 years old and above which is the usual age

range of Third year College students. The researchers used the purposive sampling

technique in conducting a survey through google forms.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in probing Relationship between Level Exit Assessment and

Academic Performance of Third Education Student . It is beneficial to the Third Year

Education Students which will inform them that Level Exit Assessment is very

important in motivating them to study harder and put more effort when it comes to their

learning. This research will also serves as a guide to the teachers on how they will

prepare their students before, during and after the level exit assessment. It will also

benefits the parents on how they will handle their children in preparing before taking the

level exit assessment . Lastly, This study will help the future researchers by explaining

on how Level Exit Assessment affects the students academic performance.

Definition of terms

Academic Performance- measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects.

Analysis- careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how

they are related to each other.

Application- the action of putting something into operation.

Affective-  something that evokes feelings, or emotional actions or actions driven by


Bloom’s Taxonomy- a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational

learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity.

Cognitive-  relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and

understanding things.

Comprehension-  the understanding and interpretation of what is read.

Exit Assessment- determine students' learning progress and their attainment of the

learning standards

Educational Framework- an organized plan or set of standards or learning

outcomes that define the content to be learned in terms of clear, definable standards of

what the student should know and be able to do.

Evaluation- the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of

something; assessment.

Knowledge- the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through

experience or association. 
Synthesis- the combination of ideas to form a theory or system.



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