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BioSystems 204 (2021) 104408

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Prokaryotic symbiotic consortia and the origin of nucleated cells: A critical

review of Lynn Margulis hypothesis
Antonio Lazcano a, b, **, Juli Peretó c, d, *
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Miembro de El Colegio Nacional, Mexico
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Universitat de València, C. Dr. Moliner 50, 46100, Burjassot, Spain
Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), Universitat de València-CSIC, C. José Beltrán 2, 46980, Paterna, Spain


Keywords: The publication in the late 1960s of Lynn Margulis endosymbiotic proposal is a scientific milestone that brought
Endosymbiosis to the fore of evolutionary discussions the issue of the origin of nucleated cells. Although it is true that the times
Gene transfer were ripe, the timely publication of Lynn Margulis’ original paper was the product of an intellectually bold 29-
Asgard archaea
years old scientist, who based on the critical analysis of the available scientific information produced an all-
Non-mendelian inheritance
Structural heredity
encompassing, sophisticated narrative scheme on the origin of eukaryotic cells as a result of the evolution of
Microbial consortia prokaryotic consortia and, in bold intellectual stroke, put it all in the context of planetary evolution. A critical
historical reassessment of her original proposal demonstrates that her hypothesis was not a simple archival
outline of past schemes, but a renewed historical narrative of prokaryotic evolution and the role of endosym­
biosis in the origin of eukaryotes. Although it is now accepted that the closest bacterial relatives of mitochondria
and plastids are α-proteobacteria and cyanobacteria, respectively, comparative genomics demonstrates the
mosaic character of the organelle genomes. The available evidence has completely refuted Margulis’ proposal of
an exogenous origin for eukaryotic flagella, the (9 + 2) basal bodies, and centromeres, but we discuss in detail
the reasons that led her to devote considerable efforts to argue for a symbiotic origin of the eukaryotic motility.
An analysis of the arguments successfully employed by Margulis in her persuasive advocacy of endosymbiosis,
combined with the discussions of her flaws and the scientific atmosphere during the period in which she
formulated her proposals, are critical for a proper appraisal of the historical conditions that shaped her theory
and its acceptance.

1. Introduction Margulis’ lifelong advocacy of the biological significance of symbi­

osis, which for a long time was considered by many restricted to lichens
In March 1967 the Journal of Theoretical Biology published the article and few other textbooks examples, contributed to its recognition as part
“On the origin of mitosing cells”, by Lynn Margulis (who at the time of the conceptual frameworks of issues ranging from the role of the
signed her work as Lynn Sagan), in which she famously proposed that microbiome in human health, to the discussions on the evolution of
the symbiotic association of once-free living prokaryotes had given rise mutualism, morphogenesis, and the emergence of evolutionary
to mitochondria, plastids and the basal bodies present in nucleated cells. innovations.
Although it is true that the hypothesis of organelle-producing symbiosis The chimeric character of eukaryotes is firmly established. Although
is part of a storied series of theoretical schemes that begun in the late the recognition that mitochondria and plastids are descendants from
19th century (Khakhina, 1993; Lazcano and Peretó, 2017; Sapp, 1994), free-living prokaryotes is supported in full by phylogenetic, genomic,
the publication of Margulis’ paper was a milestone that brought to the metabolic and cellular evidence, how symbiogenesis actually occurred is
forefront of scientific discussions the issue of the role of endosymbiosis far from being understood in full (McInerney et al., 2014). Although the
in the origin of eukaryotes. available evidence has finally refuted Margulis’ proposal of an

* Corresponding author. Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), Universitat de València-CSIC, C. José Beltrán 2, 46980, Paterna, Spain.
** Corresponding author. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.
E-mail addresses: (A. Lazcano), (J. Peretó).
Received 1 March 2021; Accepted 11 March 2021
Available online 17 March 2021
0303-2647/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Lazcano and J. Peretó BioSystems 204 (2021) 104408

exogenous origin for eukaryotic flagella, the (9 + 2) basal bodies, and evolution and eukaryogenesis with the geochemical evolution of the
centromeres, the association of spirochaetes with protists demonstrates planet. As documented by Sapp (1994), by the late 1960s advances in
that, at least in some eukaryotic microbes, motility is due to symbiotic molecular biology had led to the isolation of chloroplasts and mito­
consortia. As reviewed here, an analysis of the arguments successfully chondrial DNA, and there was an increased interest by cell biologists and
employed by Margulis in her persuasive advocacy of endosymbiosis, geneticists on the endosymbiotic origin of chloroplast. It can be argued
combined with the discussions of the flaws of her original ideas and the that the time was ripe for the acceptance of endosymbiosis, but in fact
scientific atmosphere of the period in which she formulated her pro­ Margulis’ ideas encountered harsh opposition due to (i) the strict sep­
posals, are critical for a proper appraisal of the historical conditions that aration of life sciences into a number of unconnected fields; (ii) the
shaped her theory and its acceptance. microbial theory of disease that view prokaryotes as pathogens; and (iii)
the stiffening of neo-Darwinism, that assumed that point mutations were
2. Endosymbiosis: from a bad penny to academic respectability the only source of biological diversity. Although she always remained
reluctant to admit it, the fact that for many she was a young non-tenured
Few, if any, scientific theories or hypothesis are born without his­ female professor with a rather small publication record, spoke against
torical precedents, and indeed few researchers can claim that their ideas her views (Lazcano and Peretó, 2017).
are free from proposals of their intellectual forerunners. The same is
true, of course, of Margulis’ endosymbiotic theory. The discovery of 3. Planetary sciences and cell biology
chloroplasts and their mode of reproduction was rapidly interpreted as
evidence of their bacterial origin, and from the end of the 19th century In the wake of the 1957 launching of the first Soviet satellite and as a
onwards a number of proposals on endosymbiosis where published, result of a complex mixture of social, political, military and scientific
including some which suggested symbiosis as a teleological alternative interests, the USA academic world received an extraordinary support
to natural selection (Khakhina, 1993; Lazcano and Peretó, 2017; that led to the strengthening of research in universities and employment
O’Malley, 2015; Sapp, 1994). opportunities (Dick and Strick, 2004). The National Aeronautics and
The recognition that a number of endosymbiotic proposals had been Space Act of 1958 created NASA, and with this unexpected opportunities
made since the late 19th century has led some to question Lynn Margulis and support for planetary sciences rapidly developed. Thanks to the
intellectual originality. These petty criticisms should not be taken at face critical insights of Joshua Lederberg and other life scientists, NASA
value. As underlined elsewhere, her original proposal was not a mere stopped defining life-sciences as a “man in space” program, with space
archival summary of past hypothesis or a simple listing the available biology as a branch of space medicine or physiology at high altitude or
evidence of the traits shared by free-living prokaryotes and eukaryotic contamination, and became committed to exobiology, which was
organelles, but a renewed evolutionary historical narrative of the role of defined as the study the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the
endosymbiosis in the origin of nucleated cells (Lazcano and Peretó, Universe (Wolfe, 2002).
2017). It is often forgotten that she began her paper by quoting the work NASA’s lavish support to the study of the origin and evolution of life,
of those she always recognized as her scientific predecessors. As she changed forever the research environment. Space exploration led to a
wrote in the beginning of her rather lengthy paper, “[a]lthough these renewed, vigorous interest of the geochemical history of the Earth,
ideas are not new [Merezhkovsky (1910) & Minchin (1915) in Wilson which facilitated the recognition of microbes as agents of geological
(1925), Wallin (1927), Lederger (1952), Haldane (1954), Ris and Plaut change. Stimulated by the financial backing of NASA, a scientific com­
(1962)], in this paper they have been synthesized in such a way as to be munity with different backgrounds started to develop a new framework
consistent with recent data on the biochemistry and cytology of sub­ for the study of planetary sciences. Their work was supported by a
cellular organelles” (Sagan, 1967). number of senior researchers like the geophysicist Lloyd V. Berkner, who
Margulis was quick to acknowledge the significance of ideas that chaired an advisory board that assisted NASA and whose work in the
were on the margins of scientific respectability, and vigorously pro­ modelling of the evolution of the terrestrial atmosphere recognized the
moted the work of almost forgotten scholars like the American anato­ key role of cyanobacteria, and of paleontologists like Elso Barghoorn
mist Ivan Wallin, and of scientists like Konstantin S. Merezhkovsky and Preston Cloud, who had extended the microbial paleontological
(Kowallik and Martin, 2021), Andrei S. Famintsyn, and Boris M. record into the early Precambrian. For the first time in the USA academic
Kozo-Polyanski, who represented the sophisticated Russian school of environment, prokaryotes were seen not only as agents of disease but
symbiosis that had been largely ignored in the USA and other Western also as active components of the evolution of the planet.
countries. It is fair to say that the current familiarity that the community This new scientific environment clearly favored the acceptance of
has with these authors who, with few exceptions, were largely unknown Margulis endosymbiotic proposal, that linked prokaryotic evolution and
outside the circle of historians of science, is the outcome, to a consid­ the emergence of eukaryotes to planetary development. It is true that the
erable extent, of Margulis promotion of their work (see for, instance, times were ripe, but the timely publication of Lynn Margulis’ original
Khakhina, 1993; Kozo-Polyansky, 2010). paper was the product of an intellectually bold 29-years old scientist,
Margulis proposal was not a simple remake of previous hypothesis. who based on the critical analysis of the available scientific information
As noted elsewhere, she rejected Wallin’s scheme according to which produced an all-encompassing, sophisticated narrative scheme on the
plastids had evolved from mitochondria, and refused Merezhkovsky origin of eukaryotic cells as a result of the evolution of increasingly in­
ideas on a polyphyletic origin of life and his suggestion that the tegrated prokaryotic consortia.
eukaryotic nucleus had evolved from a mitochondria-like microor­
ganism. Although her rejection of the orthodox population genetic 4. Heredity and endosymbiosis
theory sometimes put her in odds with neo-Darwinian premises
(O’Malley, 2015), she was quick to acknowledge that endosymbiotic Genetic variation in a population can be due to point mutations,
entities and prokaryotic consortia, like conjugation and meiotic sex recombination, genetic drift, lateral gene transfer, symbiosis, conjuga­
followed by fertilization, represented a combinatorial mode of evolu­ tion and meiotic sex followed by fertilization. As Maynard-Smith once
tionary change over which natural selection acts (Lazcano and Peretó, remarked, “the relevance of symbiosis is that it affords a mechanism
2017). whereby genetic material from very distantly related organism can be
Margulis proposed a coherent, step-wise but not necessarily slow brought together in a single descendant … and the possibility that new
process in based in microscopic observations, ultrastructural evidence, evolutionary potentialities may arise suddenly if genetic material that
biochemical and molecular biology information, and microbial ecology has been programmed by selection in different ancestral lineages is
that recognized the role of endosymbiosis, and connected prokaryotic brought together by symbiosis” (Maynard Smith, 1991). One can pursue

A. Lazcano and J. Peretó BioSystems 204 (2021) 104408

the comparison beyond the mere accretion of genetic sequences as apparatus originated from an endosymbiotic, spirochaete-like organism,
mediated by plasmids or viruses. Highly integrated symbiotic associa­ leading to a chromosome partition mechanism dependent on
tions can be compared to lateral gene transfer (Archibald, 2014; Lazcano DNA-microtubule binding, which had originated from a hypothetical
and Peretó, 2017). First of all, as discussed elsewhere in detail, the replicative centriole-DNA complex.
components of prokaryotic symbiotic consortia have all been shaped by The search for evidence supporting her view on the phylogenetic
a previous evolutionary history in which selection acted upon their connection between undulipodia, mitosis and meiosis defined her pro­
different ancestral lineages. Secondly, the symbiotic association be­ fessional career. She rapidly recognized that the paraphyletic nature of
tween different species is the outcome of natural selection acting on an protists, in which an extraordinary variety of mitotic strategies can be
originally nonadaptive partnership, i.e., the symbiotic partners are first observed, could provide clues on the numerous variations, by-ways and
acquired independently of the selective advantage they may eventually dead-ends which must have taken place during the evolution of mitosis.
confer to the newly formed consortium in a given environment (Lazcano Hence, she suggested an evolutionary sequence, which she accompanied
and Peretó, 2017). with a number of naive drawings that she prepared herself, that started
Symbiotic consortia can lead to the evolutionary integration of with the establishment of the consortia formed by the spirochaete-like
diverse genomes. Depending on the degree of independence of the endosymbiont and the ancestral nucleocytoplasm, followed by “at
different components of a symbiotic consortium, a wide variety of non- least two series of mutational steps were required: one leading to the
Mendelian, i.e., non-chromosomal mechanisms have evolved that development of some attraction between nucleic acid of the host and
guarantee the transmission of the partnerships. Beyond the explanatory that of the symbiont, and eventually, to permanent connections of
power of a definition of evolution based on a mere change in gene fre­ daughter endosymbionts precisely to daughter chromosomes of the host
quencies, as in classical population genetics, for Margulis (as for many in the formation of chromosomal centromeres, and a second one leading
other life scientists) the full range of biological consequences of sym­ to the segregation of the replicated daughter endosymbionts to opposite
biosis cannot be reduced to the mixing of genetic material from different poles of the host cells … [insuring] continuing selection pressure for
species in a descendant. This includes, of course, the striking examples of improved mechanisms of host nucleic acid segregation” (Sagan 1967).
non-Mendelian behavior-dependent inheritance of symbionts, as the Margulis (1981) recognized the spirochaete origin of the eukaryotic
anus-to-mouth feeding of pupae by adult termites, and in the licking of motility apparatus was “the least accepted, most original, and most
neonates that have been described in many different mammal species, questionable aspect of the SET [Serial Endosymbiotic Theory]” (Mar­
that guarantee the transmission of microbiomes. gulis 1981). What led her to suggest and insist an exogenous origin of the
At a cellular level, the inventory of non-Mendelian mechanisms components of the mitotic machinery? She was keenly aware of the
comprises cytoplasmic heredity, as in uniparental chloroplast inheri­ morphological similarities between eukaryotes flagella and spiro­
tance and the well-known maternal mitochondrial transmission. An chaetes, and of their association with unicellular flagellated eukaryotes
exemplary case is the microaerophilic amitotic multinucleated giant where “have been mistaken for additional flagella”, as components of
amoeba Pelomyxa palustris, where the perinuclear distribution of its motility symbiosis. In fact, the morphological similarities and the com­
different bacterial symbionts increases the likelihood that the amoeba parable staining properties of spirochaetes and eukaryotic cilia had led
offspring will receive at least one full copy of its prokaryotic genomes. the latter to be described as “spirochaetes or pseudo-spirochaetes” since
The listing of the multiple cases of microbial consortia associated the late 1910s (Adams et al., 1925; Kuhn and Steiner, 1917; May and
with a variety of protist species exhibits is an extraordinary array of Goodner, 1926).
evolutionary strategies that guarantee the continuity of the symbiont As Margulis wrote, “[b]asal bodies” (found at the base of eukaryotic
associations, although the detailed mechanisms are largely unknown. flagella of these motile centrioles, or some other submicroscopic ho­
One of the most striking examples, to which Margulis devoted consid­ mologues are considered to be the repository of the nucleic acid of the
erable attention because of her hypothesis of the exogenous origin for replicating system and, thus, the descendants of the genes of the original
eukaryotic flagella, are the different motility symbiotic partnerships of symbiont, although, as she continued, the DNA associated with (9 + 2)
spirochaetes and nonmotile bacteria with different flagellate protists, bodies “has evaded detection because it has very little metabolic re­
including the trichomonad Mixotricha paradoxa, the oxymonad Pyrso­ sponsibility … identification of (9 + 2) homologue-specific DNA …
nympha, and several devesconivid species, which are found in a variety should eventually be possible” (Sagan 1967). This was not a whimsical
of termites and wood roaches (cf. (Smith and Douglas, 1987). The proposition. Her suggestion of an exogenous origin of the centriole was
complex history of these motility associations is revealed by the poly­ based on (i) the superficial morphological similarity of spirochaetes with
phyletic modifications of the attachment sites of both the exosymbionts eukaryotic cilia discussed above; (ii) the striking examples of the
and the protist surfaces revealed by ultrastructural analyses (Margulis, motility symbiotic partnerships that led to surprising morphological
1981; Tamm, 1980). The synchronous beating of the spirochaetes is a holdfasts of spirochaetes and the protists’ outer surface; and (iii) the
hydrodynamical issue that requires no genetic explanation (Machin and experimental work of Sonneborn and his associates that suggested that
E, 1963) (Lighthill, 1976), but the nature of biochemical and molecular the cilia-rich cortex of a number of ciliates, including Paramecium,
signals involved in the maintenance and coordination of the reproduc­ Euplotes, and Tetrahymena are endowed with an genetic system with
tion strategies that maintain the consortia. considerable autonomy from the nuclear control (Beisson and Sonne­
born, 1965).
5. Mitotic components do not have an exogenous origin Centrioles, kinetosomes, microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs)
and (9 + 2) bodies are all part of motility systems of eukaryotic cells.
The most innovative proposal of Margulis endosymbiotic scheme They are generally surrounded by the so-called periocentriolar material
was the hypothesis that the nucleated cell motility structures, i.e., the that nucleates the microtubules of both the mitotic spindle and the
eukaryotic flagellum and the related structures including centromeres, cytoskeleton (Marshall and Rosenbaum 2000). Centrioles are the paired
centrioles and the (9 + 2) basal bodies, had originated, as she wrote, constituents of mitotic centrosomes in animal cells and, as seen in pro­
when “some ancestral amoeboid acquired a motile parasite, perhaps tists, during mitosis become kinetosomes (basal bodies) when their 9
spirochaete-like, by ingestion. The genes of the parasite, of coded for its (2)+2 microtubular axonemes grow outwards (Chapman et al., 2000).
characteristic morphology, (9 + 2) fibrils in cross section. Amoeboid The awareness that during the cell cycle centrioles double from two to
host cells which retained their endosymbionts had the immense selec­ four per cell and segregate during mitosis, combined with observations
tive advantage of motility long before mitosis evolved; they could of ciliate kinetosome replication (Lwoff, 1950), were interpreted by
actively pursue their food” (Sagan, 1967). The core of her postulate was many as evidence of their genetic autonomy, prompting a search first of
that the eukaryotic flagellum (undulipodium, in her usage) and mitotic DNA and then of RNA associated with them. However, the significance

A. Lazcano and J. Peretó BioSystems 204 (2021) 104408

of spirochaete genes to eukaryotic genomes is quite modest (Rochette superphylum of Argard archaea that now include Lokiarchaeota, Thor­
et al., 2014). In fact, it is now recognized that the de novo formation of archaeota, Odinarchaeota and Heimdallarchaeota, which at the time
centrioles is an example of structural inheritance, i.e., a non-DNA in­ being appears to be the closest lineage to eukaryotes.
heritance of cytotaxis or cortical inheritance somewhat equivalent to Environmental genomics thus suggest that the nucleocytoplasm
prion duplication (Beisson, 2008). Neither centrioles or centromeres lineage is monophyletic and is nested within the archaeal domain.
contain DNA, and the RNA found in them does not play a role in neither Available information supports the contention that Heimdallarchaeota
in their assembly or function (Johnson and Rosenbaum, 1991; Marshall are the closest modern kin of the original host that engulfed the pro­
and Rosenbaum, 2000). teobacterial ancestor of mitochondria. A decade of laboratory work led
to the isolation from a deep marine sediment of ‘Candidatus Prom­
6. The quest for the host etheoarchaeum syntrophicum’, a small Asgard archaea related to
Lokiarchaeota (Imachi et al., 2020) with a complex morphology pro­
The nature of the prokaryotic phagocyte that originally hosted the ducing membrane vesicles and protrusions resembling eukaryotic filo­
ancestor of the mitochondria remained over twenty years an open podia and microvilli. Its genome encodes for a typical array of ESPs,
problem. The issue is complicated by the fact that phagotrophy has not including members of a dynamic cytoskeleton system, like actin, profi­
been observed in contemporary bacteria, most of which are walled. lin, and gelsolins. A remarkable observation was that P. syntrophicum has
Questions on the origin of the host are, in fact, inquiries on the nature of a reduced metabolic network, with restricted biosynthetic capacities and
the origin and appearance of the entire nucleocytoplasm. Although the a highly specialized heterotrophic amino acid catabolism, and that
presence of nuclear specific molecules and structures such as the nuclear grows in a symbiotic association with a sulfate-reducing deltaproteo­
pore complex, LINC complexes, and the nuclear envelope itself is well bacterium and a methanogenic archaeon.
documented (Devos et al., 2014), the topological continuity between the This cultured Asgard archaeon, due to its remarkable cell charac­
nucleus, the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell plasma membrane is teristics, is the first experimental model that can be used in more inte­
well-established. Suggestion of a viral origin of the eukaryotic nucleus grative biological approaches beyond the genome and proteome level
arguing that it is the product of the invasion of a protoeukaryote by a (Akıl et al., 2021). Remarkably, the obligatory syntrophic lifestyle of
DNA virus (Bell, 2001, 2020; Takemura, 2001) fail to recognize that the P. syntrophicum has implications for constraining and testing alternative
nucleocytoplasm is an anatomic, functional and ontogenetic unit and models of eukaryogenesis (López-García and Moreira, 2020), as well as
that the issue of the origin of the nuclear envelope cannot be separated the metabolic phenotypes inferred for the closest described relatives of
from the nature of the prokaryote ancestral to the host. eukaryotes. Since the Heimdallarchaeota genomes encode not only for
Although the complex endomembrane system of the heterotrophic traits involved in heterotrophic fermentation and in anaerobic and
aerobic Gemmata obscuriglobus is a demonstration of the extraordinary aerobic respiratory chains (Spang et al., 2019), but also for the kynur­
potential of bacteria to develop complex intracellular structures, no life enine pathway for the aerobic biosynthesis of NAD+ (Bulzu et al., 2019)
forms are known that correspond to an intermediate stage between they may colonize both oxic and anoxic niches, supporting the possi­
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. bility that the primitive eukaryotic host was a facultative aerobe.
Following Margulis proposal that “eukaryotic cell arose by a specific
series of endosymbioses”, a diversity of events and microbial compo­ 7. The search for the mitochondrial ancestor
nents in these ancient symbioses have been postulated. The most explicit
models of eukaryogenesis underline metabolic complementation or Our partial sampling of biodiversity has also shaped the debate about
syntrophy as the driving force behind the association between pro­ which alphaproteobacterial lineage is the extant closest relative to the
karyotes. For Margulis the cohesive force for the association of pro­ mitochondrial ancestor. Classic phylogenomic approaches pointed out
karyotic microorganisms en route to eukaryotic complexity was survival to Rickettsiales, an alphaproteobacterial order with members exhibiting
in an oxygen-containing atmosphere, represented by the origin of the a diversity of symbiotic lifestyles (Wang and Wu, 2015) and references
“first aerobic amitotic amoeboid organisms” endowed with respiratory therein). A recent survey of ocean metagenomes identified thirteen new
abilities. In her updated version of the model, Margulis proposed that alphaproteobacterial clades, one of them being basal to the rest of
the host of this primordial association was a Themoplasma-like archaeal Alphaproteobacteria (Martijn et al., 2018). Methods addressing issues of
cell (Margulis, 1996 and references therein). Since she modified her the phylogenetic reconstruction such as long branch attraction and
original scheme to argue that the association of spirochaetes had pre­ compositional bias allowed the authors to propose an early divergence
ceded the engulfing of the mitochondrial ancestor, in later years she of mitochondria that appeared before the emergence of all the currently
became intellectually enticed by the “Thiodendron” consortium, which is known clades. However important might be the phylogenetic position of
actually a non-stable association between aerotolerant spirochetes and the mitochondrial ancestor as an early branching alphaproteobacterial
motile sulfidogens, to postulate a primitive consortium of spirochetes lineage, for any eukaryogenesis model it is necessary to know the
and archaea as precursors of the nucleocytoplasm (Grabovich et al., metabolic features of its closest extant relatives and contrast with the
2021). results of the top-down approaches reconstructing the metabolic map of
Phylogenetic methods and functional inference from genomes reveal the protomitochondrion (Gabaldón and Huynen, 2003, 2007).
new microbial lineages, among them candidate descendants of those The search for the identity of (at least) two partners involved in the
involved in the process of eukaryogenesis. In 2015, Ettema and co­ primitive consortium during eukaryogenesis has been complemented
workers described a new phylum of archaea (Lokiarchaeota) by meta­ with questions that include the issue of whether mitochondria (i) were
genomic sequencing (Spang et al., 2015). Phylogenomic analysis of the established early or late during the emergence of nucleated cells and (ii)
sequences recovered from marine sediments revealed that the the chimeric nature of the partner genomes participating in the primi­
Lokiarchaeota form with eukaryotes a monophyletic group. As shown by tive consortia. Based on phylogenetic distances (Pittis and Gabaldón,
the eocyte model (Rivera and Lake, 1992), the notion of a paraphyletic 2016), proposed that proteins of alphaproteobacterial origin were
archaea challenging the classical three-domain tree of life is not new, but latecomers during the complexification process of eukaryotic cell or­
functional analysis unveiled that Lokiarchaeota genomes harbor a di­ ganization. A recent updated study using ancient gene duplications
versity of genes encoding cytoskeleton components including tubulin (Vosseberg et al., 2021) has shown an intermediate incorporation of
and actin, proteins involved in vesicle trafficking and in the ubiquitin mitochondria during eukaryogenesis and, at the same time, confirms
pathway, and other eukaryotic signature proteins, i.e., ESPs. Further that the early archaeal host likely was endowed with some
phylogenomic and functional analyses (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al., eukaryote-like traits, such as cytoskeleton and vesicle trafficking com­
2017) expanded the repertoire of ESPs associated to the new ponents. This observation is consistent with the identification of ESTs in

A. Lazcano and J. Peretó BioSystems 204 (2021) 104408

Asgard metagenomes (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al., 2017), as well as changes. That was, in itself, a major intellectual feat that worth
the phenotypic traits of the first cultivated lokiarchaeon (Imachi et al., remembering.
2020) and the biochemical characterization of Asgard profilins (Akıl and
Robinson, 2018) and gelsolins (Akıl et al., 2020), which indicate the
presence of a dynamic actin system in these archaea. Declaration of competing interest
As for the issue of the chimeric nature of genomes of the partners
participating in the eukaryogenic consortia Gabaldón (2018) has dis­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
cussed a model of “premitochondrial symbioses”, going beyond interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
simplistic consortia, and trying to explain the genomic heterogeneity of the work reported in this paper.
the primitive archaeal host, which apparently harbored a diversity of
bacterial genes different from the alphaproteobacterial contribution in Acknowledgements
the origin of mitochondria (Pittis and Gabaldón, 2016). This appears to
be the case, for instance, of an enzymatic machinery involved in the The results discussed here are based on a previously published paper
hydrogen metabolism of anaerobically-adapted eukaryotes that was Lazcano and Peretó (2017). We are indebted to Drs. Jose Alberto Cam­
acquired from an ancient lineage close to extant Anoxychlamydiales pillo Balderas and Ricardo Hernandez-Morales for their help in different
(Stairs et al., 2020). The most parsimonious scenario is that this meta­ aspects of the work reported here. Support from DGAPA-PAPIME
bolic innovation took place before or concomitant with the mitochon­ (PE204921) and DGAPA-PAPIIT (IN214421) to A. L., and Agencia
drial advent. These and many other gene exchanges contributed to the Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant
mosaic evolution of eukaryotic metabolic pathways already postulated SETH ref. RTI 2018-095584-B-C41-42-43-44 co-financed by ERDF) and
by Margulis in her original work (Sagan, 1967). the European Union H2020 (BioRobooST project ID 210491758;
MIPLACE project ref. PCI 2019-111845-2, Programación Conjunta
8. Conclusions Internacional 2019, AEI) to J. P. is gratefully acknowledged.

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