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•••°•°•VISUAL REPORT •°•°•••

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What is 'Mental Health'?

According to the World Health Organization, mental

health is "a condition of well-being in which a person
recognizes his or her own capabilities, can deal with
typical stressors of life, can work successfully and
fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community."

More than half of all Filipinos will be diagnosed

with a mental illness in their lifetime. But not
everyone will receive the help they need. Over 14% of
a population of 1.4 million Filipinos with disabilities
were identified to have a mental disorder and have
receive the medical help they need (Philippines
Statistics Authority, 2010).
There are various reasons why students are finding
it hard to cope with any mental discomfort. Some are
having challenges because of their academic stuff added
to their priorities and others are just being pushed to the
edge. Everyone one of us are no exception being stressed
and feeling burned-out but the only way to ease that is to
start from ourselves. Change our environment and
maybe find someone to talk to. Leave our pride and
toxicity behind.
CHMI | Q4 2020

Factors Affecting STEM Students' Mental Health

Loads of work
Environmental discomfort
Other priorities
Financial difficulties
Lack of sleep
Unhealthy environment

Dealing with a person's mental illness is no easy task.

However, that doesn't mean that it cannot be cured.
Those list of solutions are one of the most common things
a person can do to help their selves along with other
people. Although not everyone experience the same,
people have different ways of dealing with mental
illnesses. It is best to find a way most applicable to them.

Actions that can help with one's mental illness

1. Opening up to a friend/venting
2. Take care of yourself
3. Rest/ Take a break
4. Seek a Professional

It's normal to experience pressure, or a change

in our environment, as well as the changes and
stress that comes with it. The only thing we can do is
respond accordingly.

Raising Mental Health Awareness

1. Recognize your signs and symptoms.

2. More resources for mental health.
3. Eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness.

No matter how hard it gets, even if it feels

impossible, at least you’re YOU. Just hold on and
keep going, don’t let go no matter what. Life is full
of pain and suffering, but we are NEVER ALONE.
Group 1

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