Thesis Proposal

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A Conceptual Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Complex-Delta Wing CFD &

Design Performance

基于复杂三角翼 CFD 和设计性能的无人驾驶飞行器的概念设计

Thesis Proposal Report

Supervisor: Prof. Xu Yuanming

Candidate: Thanhalul Alam Deep
Student number: LS2005209

School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering Beihang University, Beijing100191, China


Abstract :

In the present decade, UAV is getting a more fascinating vehicle for various sections such as carry on military
equipment, delivery products, etc. The main purpose of this paper is, Introduce a new concept of UAV, Preliminary
design for Complex-Delta wing, and optimization aerodynamically performance. As a concept design, there are
some basic key points and showing the entire design step by step with a proper road map. That method will be
divided into three sections. Firstly, layout design for the wing part and selection of the airfoil shape for UAV.
Meanwhile, Create a conceptual design with suitable 3D software. Secondly, the weight prediction method, in this
section, is majorly configuration with payload weight, takeoff weight, so on. Thirdly, preparing for the final
simulation for various boundary conditions Takeoff velocity, cruise velocity, landing velocity, and critical angles
positions. Those all simulation sections are done by ANSYS workbench. And Finally, Need to analysis all of the
section combined and compare with convenient UAV platform point with CFD performance.

Keywords: Design , UAV , ANSYS 2018 , Delta Wing , Airfoil , Aerodynamic performance , 3D software .


1.1 Background....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Historical Landmarks.........................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Modern UAV’s..................................................................................................................................................4
2.Thesis Statement ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Design................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Conceptional Design.................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Airfoil Selection...........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Mission profile.................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Take-off Weight Build up................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Aerodynamic..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1Aerodynamic Force ...................................................................................................................................6
2.4.2 Aerodynamic Coefficient ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Dissertation Structure........................................................................................................................................7
3.Methodology for conceptual UAV Design..................................................................................................................7
3.1 Layout Design Method .....................................................................................................................................7
3.2 CFD Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.Parliamentary Results & Discussion........................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Optimization......................................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Discussion......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.Working Plan Including Time ................................................................................................................................... 10
6.Reference .................................................................................................................................................................. 11

1.Introduction :

1.1 Background

The idea of flying preoccupied man since the beginning of time. The wish to fly has been put to test since ancient
times (Dedal and Icar), and then to projects with fundamental science (Leonardo da Vinci 1452- 1519, Montgolfier
1783). The flight dream never stopped here, it continued with light flyable machines that were easier than air
(SantosDumont 1899, Zeppelin 1900-1909), then machinery that was heavier than air (Otto Lilienthal, 1890-1896),
and then continued in World War I and World War II.[1] The evolution of unpiloted machines had known the same
evolution as the one’s with human command, and military conflicts would have proven which is more efficient. The
technological and design evolution influenced the development of unpiloted machines, thus reaching a complex
design over the years, see figure 1

Figure 1: Evolution of UAV

1.2 Historical Landmarks

Specialized references provide sufficient cues to highlight the most important moments in the evolution of
unpiloted aerial systems. A number of significant projects from beginning till 1980 can be viewed in Figure 2.

425 i Hr d Hr 1483 1754 1783 1840 1860

Archytas Leonardo Lomonosov Bienvenue Launoy Phillips d’Amécourt

1994 1946 1955 1960

1900 1917 1924 1935
1849 Ryan SD-1 QH-50A
Tesle Ketteri DH 82 RPI TDR1
Baloan Firebee II
ng Bug Fi 103

Figure 2: Development of the first projects

1.3 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are a class of aircraft that can fly without the onboard presence of pilots
Unmanned aircraft systems consist of the aircraft component, sensor payloads and a ground control station. They
can be controlled by onboard electronic equipment or via control equipment from the ground. When it is remotely
controlled from ground it is called RPV (Remotely Piloted Vehicle) and requires reliable wireless communication for
control. Dedicated control systems may be devoted to large UAVs, and can be mounted aboard vehicles or in
trailers to enable close proximity to UAVs that are limited by range or communication capabilities. UAVs are used
for observation and tactical planning. This technology is now available for use in the emergency response field to
assist the crew members.

UAVs are classified based on the altitude range, endurance and weight, and support a wide range of applications
including military and commercial applications. The smallest categories of UAVs are often accompanied by ground-
control stations consisting of laptop computers and other components that are small enough to be carried easily
with the aircraft in small vehicles, aboard boats or in backpacks. UAVs that are fitted with high precision cameras
can navigate around the disaster area, take pictures and allow the crew members to perform image and structural
analysis. As UAV operations require onsite personnel, it will be helpful for onsite crew members to access the
disaster area first before entering the disaster affected area. UAVs that are suitable for outdoor operation and can
fly at reasonable altitude are used for disaster impact analysis. The important aspect of such UAVs is that the initial
assessment gives a clear disaster planning direction. After the survivors are detected via image analysis, crew
members can then try to make contact with the survivors and perform quick rescue operations. Nano UAVs can be
used in-built and combined with robots capabilities and can be a very useful in detecting structural damages to
buildings and detect survivors trapped inside debris.

In recent years, increasing research efforts and developments are improving UAV for various application and
reliability. UAV is still in experimental stages at the moment. Also, a shortage of skilled onsite crew member is a
bigger problem. [2]

1.4 Modern UAV’s

The development of smart technologies and improved electrical power systems led to a parallel increase in the use
of drones for consumer and general aviation activities. [3] As of 2021, quadcopter drones exemplify the
widespread popularity of hobby radio-controlled aircraft and toys, however the use of UAV’s in commercial and

general aviation is limited by a lack of autonomy and new regulatory environments which require line-of-sight
contact with the pilot.

UAV Design Principles presents the basic design principles of UAV’s and the components that comprise a complete
unmanned aircraft system, avoiding in depth technical details.

2. Thesis Statement

2.1 Design

UAV Design aims at creating the “overall picture” with respect to UAV functionality and, consequently, to indirectly
motivate the reader about the challenges that need to be overcome in order to make UAVs fully operational,
reliable, and safe[4].

Figure 4 : Conception Design (UAV)

2.1.1 Conceptional Design (UAV)

Basically , Aircraft design divided three major parts . Conceptual Design is the one of major section as well as first
step for the creating new model aircraft or UAV . Conceptual design is a very fluid process. If there is any
affordable requirement then need to consider with this pattern. As UAVs is more increasing for various types of
works now a day . According to that, we will modify a conceptual drawing .

2.1.2 Airfoil Selection

The airfoil affects the cruise speed, takeoff and landing distances, stall speed, handling qualities (especially near
the stall), and overall aerodynamic efficiency during all phases of flight. The front of the airfoil is defined by a
leading-edge radius which is tangent to the upper and lower surfaces. An airfoil designed to operate in supersonic
flow will have a sharp or nearly-sharp leading edge to prevent a drag-producing bow shock. The chord of the airfoil
is the straight line from the leading edge to the trailing edge. It is very difficult to build a perfectly sharp trailing
edge, so most airfoils have a blunt trailing edge with some small finite thickness airfoil.

Study shows that Airfoil with Camber is aerodynamically more appropriate. It increases lift and reduces drag and
also it produces lift at zero angle of attack. As an example, A five-digit airfoil 65-2XX series is shown where last two
digits define position of maximum camber. From a rough estimation we can choose the position of mean camber
at 0.12 of mean chord i.e. 12%. So our airfoil can be named as NACA 65212 Airfoil [5]

Figure 5: NACA 65212 Airfoil

2.2 Mission profile

The requirements for UAV were stated by thoroughly understanding the literature that are reviewed before
starting to design.Few methods are carried out to design the UAV, which starts from plotting the constraint
diagram based on the requirements posed in order to select the design space. [6]

Takeoff distance and landing distance = 100m to 200m

Cruise distance = 37.5 m
Endurance = 8-10 hours
Maximum Takeoff weight = 500Kg
Cruise velocity = 55m/s
Range = 1000m

2.3 Takeoff-Weight Buildup

Design takeoff gross weight" is the total weight of the aircraft as it begins the mission for which it was designed.
This is not necessarily the same as the "maximum takeoff weight." takeoff gross weight, or "�� " is assumed
to be the design weight.
�� = ����� + �������� + ����� + ������ (1)

The aircraft weight at each part of the mission can be numbered. Thus, �� is the beginning weight ("takeoff gross
weight"). The aircraft weight at the end of a mission segment divided by its weight at the beginning of that
segment is called the "mission segment weight fraction." These mission segment weight fractions can be estimated
by a variety of methods. For our simplified form of initial sizing, the types of mission leg will be limited to warmup
and takeoff, climb, cruise, loiter, and land.[ 6 ].

2.4 Aerodynamic

Aerodynamics is the way objects move through air. The rules of aerodynamics explain how an airplane is able to fly.
Anything that moves through air is affected by aerodynamics, from a rocket blasting off, to a kite flying. Since they
are surrounded by air, even cars are affected by aerodynamics.[7]

2.4.1 Aerodynamic Force

The aircraft moves forward, the air molecules slide over its skin. The molecules closest to the skin act as if they are
stuck to it, moving with the aircraft ("no-slip condition"). According to Bernoulli's equation, the total pressure
(static plus dynamic) along a subsonic streamline remains constant. If the local air velocity increases, the dynamic
pressure has increased so the static pressure must decrease. Similarly, a reduction in local air velocity leads to an
increase in static pressure. In fact, lift is created by forcing the air that travels over the top of the wing to travel

faster than the air which passes under it. This is accomplished by the wing's angle of attack and/or wing camber.
The resulting difference in air velocity creates a pressure differential between the upper and lower surfaces of the
wing, which produces the lift that supports the aircraft. All aerodynamic lift and drag forces result from the
combination of shear and pressure forces.

2.4.2 Aerodynamic Coefficient

Lift and drag forces are usually treated as non-dimensional coefficients as defined in Eqs. (2) and (3). The wing
reference area, S,er or simply S, is the full trapezoidal area extending to the aircraft center-line. The dynamic
pressure of the free-stream air is called "q," as defined in Eq. (4). [ 8 ]

L = qsCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)

D = qsCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)

q = 1 2 ρV2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)

By definition, the lift force is perpendicular to the flight direction while the drag is parallel to the flight direction.
Remember that the 2-D airfoil characteristics are denoted by lowercase subscripts (i.e .. , C1) whereas the 3-D wing
characteristics are denoted by uppercase subscripts (i.e., CL ). Drag is normally spoken of as so many "counts" of
drag, meaning the four digits to the right of the decimal place. [9 ]

2.5 Dissertation Structure

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Conceptual design and requirement of this dissertation

Chapter 3: Simulation and Experiment setup

Chapter 4: Results and discussion

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future works

Chapter 6: References

3.Methodology for Conceptual UAV design

For the conceptual design procedure described in this study. a custom sizing methodology is employed, which
combines the traditional aircraft and UAV per-sizing methods with computational simulations. This methodology
will describe within two section (layout design method and CFD methodology).

3.1 Layout Design Method

Based on aircraft design methods are described [6][9]. It also includes the aspects of unmanned aircraft design
and is a combination of analytical. It can be used to carry out a complete layout design study and aerodynamic
analysis, unmanned aerial vehicle configurations.

New Concept ideas

Design requirement

Concept sketch

First-guess Sizing

Initial layout

Initial analysis
- Aerodynamic
- Weight

Sizing & Performance Preliminary Design


Revised layout

Final (CFD- Analysis)

Figure 6: Layout Design Method

3.2 CFD Methodology

The CFD analysis was conducted using the ANSYS Flow Fluid commercial software (ANSYS@ Scientific Research,
Release 18.1). The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes is solved using finite volume on unstructured meshes and for
all cases, the turbulence closure is modelled using the standard 2- equation k-ω turbulence model.To ensure the
data calculated in CFD are independent of the mesh, the mesh convergence study was first performed.[10]

Preliminary study for selected airfoils was performed to determine a suitable aerofoil design for the UAV fuselage
design. The criteria for the aerofoil are

1) high L/D ratio

2) high speed aerofoil
3) high stall angle and
4) reasonable thickness.

4. Parliamentary Results and Discussion

In this section , will write down simulation result which will be done by ANASYS 19.2 flow fluid software . According
to the simulation result , we will explain about the CFD performance such as (lift, drag , Angle of Attack , Critical
Angle performance and so no ) . However , In this following section, we can also discussion about layout
design .We will obverse a new conceptual UAV according to the aerodynamic views and also need to obtain all of
design section according to our road-map.

4.1 Optimization

When the design team is satisfied that the iterative process Fig. has produced aircraft , the next question is:
Is it the best design? This leads to an optimization analysis,

The optimization may be carried out by a systematic variation of different parameters, such as T /Wand W / S,
producing a large number of different airplanes and plotting the performance of all these airplanes on graphs
which provide a sizing matrix or a carpet plot from which the optimum design can be found:

In recent years, the general field of optimization has grown into a discipline of its own. Research in optimization
theory had led to more mathematical sophistication which is finding its way into the design process. It is likely that
airplane designers in the early twenty-first century will have available to them optimized design programs which
may revolutionize the overall design process. [ref 11 ]

4.2 Discussion

In this following section , we will details discussion regarding to simulation result and also analysis the data , which
will got by Anasys Software. And we shall compare our analysis data with some UAV’s performance .

5. Working Plan including time


Complete all course work

Learning the Numerical Analysis process
and basics of Design

Literature Review, Gathering the
information about theoretical Study and
complete the opening report

Studying ANSYS

Simulation & data collection

Mid Term Evaluation


6. References


ii. Joint Network for Disaster Relief and Search and Rescue Network Operations.

iii. Kimon P. Valavanis and George J. Vachtsevanos, UAV Design Principles: Introduction, Chapter 07

iv. Daniel P. Raymer ,Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach

v. Wing Layout Design & Airfoil Selection for a Transonic Business Jet

vi. P. Panagiotou, S. Fotiadis-Karras, K. Yakinthos,Conceptual design of a Blended Wing Body MALE UAV

vii. http://www.nasa.govaudienceforstudents5-8featuresnasa-knowswhat-is-aerodynamics-58.html

viii. Daniel P. Raymer ,Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach page-262

ix. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 376 ,012056, Conceptual design of high
N Varsha and V Somashekar 2018
performance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

x. Pang Jung Hoe, Nik Ahmad Ridhwan Nik Mohd , Numerical Prediction of Blended Wing Body Aerodynamic Characteristics at
Subsonic Speed

xi. David Hue,∗ Olivier Vermeersch,† Didier Bailly,‡ Vincent Brunet,§ and Maxime Forte¶ ONERA–The French Aerospace Lab,
92190 Meudon, France, Experimental and Numerical Methods for Transition and Drag Predictions of Laminar Airfoils.


xiii. N. Mathioudakis, P. Panagiotou, P. Kaparos and K. Yakinthos,A Genetic Algorithm based Method for the Airfoil Optimization
of a Tactical Blended Wing Body UAV*

xiv. Martin Burston, Roberto Sabatini, Alessandro Gardi and Reece Clothier RMIT University - SAMME, Melbourne,
Australia,Reverse Engineering of a Fixed Wing Unmanned Aircraft 6-DoF Model Based on Laser Scanner Measurements

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