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Power BI Class One

James Stratton

November 20, 2021

Introduction Our Data Getting Started Visualizations Publishing

What is Power BI?

Power BI is basically a way to make some graphs, and then turn them
into a dashboard that you can share with others
Excel can already make graphs, but on Power BI . . .
§ They look nicer!
§ They can be automatically updated more easily
§ They can be shared with other people faster
§ They can be more interactive

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Introduction Our Data Getting Started Visualizations Publishing

How does Power BI work?

You load some data into Power BI

§ Old data, e.g. a spreadsheet you made
§ Updating data, e.g. loan applications as they come in

Then you create a report using Power BI Desktop – which you’ve

Then you can view the report online using Power BI Service – which
is online
So you can view your report anywhere – on someone else’s computer,
on a tablet, on a mobile phone

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Plan for Power BI Classes

Power BI is a bit tricky to use at first

CEO is excited about Power BI and wants to see how we can use it
We’re going to learn it together!
Today: go through an example to see how Power BI works
Please stop me and ask questions – you know a lot more than me!

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Introduction Our Data Getting Started Visualizations Publishing

Impact Assessment Survey Data

I sent you a spreadsheet with some data

The data is from the Impact Assessment survey we did earlier this
year, and from some loan applications
The data isn’t important! It’s just an example to show how to use
Power BI

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The Data

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What might we want to see?

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What might we want to see?

What are the most common types of crop?

How much money do our clients make?
Which regions produce the most?
Do our clients produce more than non-clients?

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Opening Power BI

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Entering Data

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Entering Data

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Power BI uses the word ‘visualization’

This is a fancy word to mean graph

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Making Visualizations

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Visualization 1: What crops do our farmers grow?

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Visualization 1: Remember to filter!

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Visualization 1: The result

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Visualization 2: How much do our clients make?

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Visualization 2: Power BI doesn’t know what you want!

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Visualization 2: The result

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Visualization 3: How much of our clients’ revenue comes

from farming?

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Publishing to Power BI Service

Everything we’ve done so far is just on your computer – now we want

it to be everywhere!
The program on your computer is called Power BI Desktop
Now we’re going to upload it to Power BI Service

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Publishing to Power BI Service

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Get the Power BI App

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Get the Power BI App

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Get the Power BI App

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The Visualizations Appear on Mobile

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