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Characteristics and Values Associated with Ethical Behaviour

1 and 2. Honesty and Integrity- these are two common terms often associated with
each other but are two different words. You can be honest without being integral but you
can't be integral without being honest. Integrity is a steadfast adherence to a strict moral
or ethical code which means that even without anyone looking at you, you will still be
telling the truth and stand by your principles while  honesty is being free of deceit. You
can be honest with one person and will not be in  another. 

3. Trustworthness and Promise- keeping- trust builds relationships. For a business to

thrive one must establish trust with their clients and its workers. Disclosing agreements
or breaking a contract is a total opposite of this ethical behaviour in the corporate world.
Trustworthiness and promise keeping also includes commitment and agreement with the
executives and staff as well as the company and the public. 

4. Loyalty and confidentiality- this simply means that no amount of money or any form
of bribe can buy a person. For example, when you are given information in confidence, it
must be kept to anyone unless approved by the client. 

5. Fairness and openness- open mindedness is a must in the business world. An entity
should be open to new ideas, different beliefs, and tolerance to acceptance of diversity.
They should be open to possibilities of new competitors and harness fair relationships
with them. 

6. Caring for others- caring is showing genuine kindness to everyone. When a

business decision needs to be made, careful consideration of the options and how each
one may affect a person or community helps reduce the potential negative impacts,
depending on the industry.

7. Respect for others- having basic respect to the rights, privacy and dignity of the
people is an essential business ethical behaviour. Entities who treats every individual
with respect regardless of their race, sexuality, religion, or nationality will gain back the
respect they give. 

8. Responsible citizenship- this boils down to abiding laws and regulations. An entity
and/or most especially the workers must be aware of their responsibility and role in the
company and the whole of society. 

9. Pursuit of excellence- by giving their best and providing the best quality of products
and services is considered ethical. Constantly seeking improvement, and being
innovative and creative in their work. 

10. Accountability- every decision that we create, we must hold ourselves accountable
for it. When creating a mistake we have to accept any consequences that result and do
so transparently.

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