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mM' &SP!&8'1A M±¥M8 PWWIK! JIW:11 NEEMidtliiWIMi+HSfiWii"'*FR 1¥65#
' . ..
~t· organization, and the government of provinces, ·.

t~~- ':
CON$TITU'.1'.10_~ .
. cities, municipalities. _and baraTJgay_; the scope .
and appllcation of the powers of -municipal ·.
ordinances. contracts, liabilitles and· enterprises


(SUAREZ, Political Law Reviewer (4002),,p.~ ·
[hereinaftef SUAREZ]). : ·. . · · · · ·.:

I·~r.:._.:. . ·
·Political Law : . . . ,
It is a branch of" pubtic law which deals with the .
Constitution .. . ...
It is·a .body of°'rules and ·maxims In accordance with
. ..

~tr 6rganlzation and operations ·of · the · g9vernmenta1 . which the. power~1'0'f. so'vereignty:·~~~ habitually
t}\.::::·l .orcans ofthe .State -and defines the· relationsof the., . ~xercised (CQOL:.EY, <:;on~titu(ion~J - Limitations, p. ··
.4t . ·...
~f{:: . 9tate ~ith ~~-e i!"ha_bita.r:t~ of its 'territory ·(CRUZ··&
1M!> . CRUZ,. _,Ph1l,pp117e Poiitice! LaW; .(2014), p._. 1
mt'···· [Mre.inafterCRUZJ). With particular reference to.the Constitution of·the.
~·.' · · · · Repµblic c>t' the Philippines,' it is a written instrument
ffy,::.'. ,Subjec'ts Covered by ~hd. Included tn the ~t~i:iy: .·
enacted bythe direc;t'action 'ot:th~ people by Which.
ll,f:-~ of Philippii1e Polit_ical Law: (C·AEL2) . the 'fundarnental powers of the gov.ern·ment ar.e·
fft. t. · 5lonstitLitional Law- It is a branch of pubnclaw · establlshed, limited, and defined; and by which-those
f~,; \ · Whict, treats ·:qt constitutions,· their riature, · powers are.· di~~ibuted arnonc · . ·tn:e. · several .
~~>· formation. · amendment, · and . ·l{lterpretationp/:". departments for their safe and useful.exercise, for
~-~ (SINGO, -Philippine Law (1962),,. -p.,-ft'l~?!f.· the ·benefit of the booy'- politic;:. (MALCOLM .. &
~{ . [h_erein~ft~r~f~CQJ).. . . · {,:"'/(:,'.),· LAUREL, Philippine<?mst~tu~iontil Law.(1936), p. 6):
l~-- · 2. ~dmJnastratlve Law.-. It 1s. a study q_f t~e 11,w~,.. , :"P !I . · . : · . r, ·•r
~-:... that re?ulate the, adm1rn~trallve .organization),~~,.;.. ~~ { ....~!fl~S: of ,c,9~,~1t1:1t1oas: ·'
~':':. operations of. the governmental organ~,eif't.tis:.. i :'IJiL.¥,fZJJtj;fo.t9rrg_; · .· · · . . · . . '. .
~if. · stat~. ~nd ?eterm.ines..the compe_t~r.15~~f.·the;? ~i . ~:,-'-:vYrlt~r,n. .:
one w.aose precepts ?re 9!J)bodied
~IF' adm,rnstrative · authorities and A'l)e:' remed1~1,~,:J : lO oji~;:~ocumentor set of documents; and.
fi':: : available ·io fhe individi:Jal in case)pf~~i~lationpv·'-l;~ ·.. b. - U~Wfll~fO - consis~ of rules which have not
ri;.· his· ri~hts (Id.-). . ·. · ... · : . --:::: j;:,;:_..:::7 ·.- -: ·&i.. .
b,1en,inf~J]rate_din~o a si~9I~_. COf)Cre,te form
ft: · 3, !;.~ect1on. Law·- -'~..IS a ~h~d_y)jrt.h_lc:1,ws~f.ules-;~
e r~A ·~fl.t ~re-
S\attered In van<?US so~rc~s_. such
t~.f.:, , ~nd procedures 1~volv1n1gHt~e ~~3.l!_uct··°:f -~~~ jH- ,..j~S ~~at~te43~ of_. a. fundamental ctiaracte_r,
~lif;: ·: :· . election· of ;:ill pqbhc -offic1~s· wno''\,.\!tlf~xetc,gi. _ ... ,;tJ "(,11)!:f~•.c/~1;;;;::c:t~tls1ons,.-.c<:>m1J1entarles , of
fk}t::·:: :· ~.e powe~s· of g~Ver1\merif''·~ra11f5~Et~gto (mfo,c''
1. ·' ~l;li;tl~Js,/cu~.toms ~n~ tradition.s, a.nd·
f~{\'-:· ·within their fum~t,pns and _resP,~b11l~i~l1/q.J.V .
~t·· .1. ,baw _of PtJ~li,c Of:icen~ ,...._·1! ·ist~ stug¥49f the i,h~·-..: .
rt! .certain c9rn,:no!1 !aW principles,· ·- · ·· ·
_-. ·. _. · · ,·
~1l::: crea_bop, mod1fic.at1on, and·.c.:hssoh.\~?Jlt-Ofpubl!CJ..~_/;j·l!) ... ~s\:;e~tQ.. ?,.ngm:.
t,'ff;''\, office as well as the eligibility'of P,li91ic officElts;-·-...»~L.-a,--"'Er:iacte_d (Conventional) - one· that .is
~.~··::. . . the ~.anoer of theil''elect_ibn 9r ap'p.Pi!lttmefiW:~nd_· ·formally_. str6ck 6ff -at a def)nite.·time and
iii·t .. · .·. assumption ofoffjce,tJ,einights,.du~ie,s;.R<lw~rs, :place· f_qll_owing a· conscious or 'deliberate
ffw ... inhibitions and liabilities,-'and the ··in'odes ·Of effort:taken l;>y-~.constitl.ient·body·6r.i:ulet;
r;;;'#l,:,. •. · · t_erminating officiai relati9ns .(Id.): . ·.· . . ·. ·ana · ·.· ·· · .. ·. : ·
f~".·/, 5. ,baw ~n ~uhlci~~~ :C?rpora_tion5::-7·lt__ is,a_,~t~dy_ . b.. E~olVed · (~lJTnUl_ative). 7 r~sults. }rom
~~-... · · of. tne .general -pnnc1ples gover-nirig, municipal political·evolution: not- inaugurated- ·.at :any .
'.i!\if;;-:. . . -::;_ corporations:, · t~.e laws: affecting lhe cre~tion,: · · ·.. · · ·' · · · · . · .
~.,· :.. .· • •. • • ',r , •. • • • •

'\:__: ·"f'.X'.Ec.UTIVE coMM11"n;E :. .- . s~JECT·cbMMIT'TE1;· · · :· MEMBl':ns· : .· 1• Anvi:sEns ... · : · . .

·~- .... ~x C~LL c.,SUMANQOI .. CHERISH KIM . B ... FERRER. AARO?-l- FRANZ SP, ·AURELIO, .. Atty,.. ADONIS v .. GABRIEL,
-.~: '-,_-9',ier-,all Chairpmrm, ,. ERI.CA .Sub)ict Chair, . ,CHARI,QTIE KARA . ·VI~ORIA. ,·.C(\SES, ·'Atty:JOSE /\NGEµ} A··oA,VID
l. ··MAE C. VJSTA ChalrJ?ersp,i for VINA .S. ·'b\sJNILLO .t.sslstan·r MARIA KAT.RINA L.DATUIN', and Atty.'LAURJE A. 'PE .
.,:: . · . 1cademics; · BF,N · "l{EI . E. Subject· . Chair, · .ROEN · ·o. JOBN LORENCE N, -DE MESA,-. -- ..
'!ii , •. :·: '. )3ARBERO 'Ch_alrpmon for_Hotel : ..MEC!,N9 Subject :: .Electronic . MA1UA ERICA I,:. DELA\ CRUZ,
M~.t:::;:': . Operatlons,JHEts~ALOUISEE .. Daia-Prqces~lnK, .CHR:ISI1AN' s. FMNCES .. Ci\MILLE •. A. ..
~e,:';,--. · D~o Vice Chdlrpersortfor ··1'ADURAN Constitu:tlonaI'IAwl, _.. FRANC~CO.- ·. FEJU'.)IN'AND. -:·
••· fs;;_ ···,·. ~cretarlat, .EARL· )USTIN. M ··» ..
~ . · '. X.I\MllAO Vice •Chairpt_r,son for · Constitutional 1-aw JI, J.F.ONORE REGn-,A PORITA ~- LJ\.V ARIAS, ·
_].:, •. ··;.Operd~ions," ~: _ANGE~C~.B. ~- , .)':. ··DE.QQLI,N)O ·JAIME NIKOL,Al ~.:·PAGGAO ... '
;,,,.• .. -, , · D! 1:EON Vice. Chairperson.for ·A~mm1~trat1ve Law-and Law·on·. MARIA ·YSABELLA . ·B.
l'>f:. :.' ·. :: ,·· Fi7!ance, ARRA -01.M,'\YA J. · Public ''(?orporation .... FRANCIS PALAMOS, Ell.AINE ROSE S.
. ~{ . .' ::fcBAil~GAN V-lc• Cha}°rperson' ~ .;ARTHUR -A. co~uz "Elect{on . T~.iuid MAYRELL t. TAN. '·
: ..-: :,'.'. 0~Audlr, JO~AN N. CiiAVEZ Law and Law on Public Officers, '
, , ·. · ·V!ce. C/!airperson forEDP, HANZ ar,d OERA1'11 . ,D. ~U.AN
. -~ . . . · DC~YL D.TIU. '. . Vice. 'Public I11tem(l(!<m.a1Law ..•.
·· _ \:<, . . alrperscn for Logistics; an_d
--·~, , > · . ce Chairperson for Membership


• Nff:-Ek.'OFF - ·8§14\tb&INHMi4

. specific time ·but. changing · by accretion . befQre· the effecti'vify pfthe 1987. Con~t\tution are
rather than by. any systernatlc method. · · admissible (Fildte·o· · v, Sandiganbayim, ·G8 .. No.
79543, Oct. -16, 19.96). . . '
3. As to amendment: . · In case 'of doubt, the '·provisions · of the Constitution·
·a. Rigid.-· one which can-be am~nded only ·shouid beconsldered self-executlng (Manila f:'.rin'ce
·through a. formal and difficult. precess; and .' Hotel v. GS/$,
.. ~.R, No.·122156, Februery
3,.. 1997),
b. .F.lexible - can be amended t:,y ordinary
-1egislation as i'n the: case of al) unwritten Self-Execufing Provision · ·
constitution (NAGHLJRA, butlin.e . It is a provision wt:iicH 'is.· complete -, ir:, itself and.
in ·Political law (2016),:.:p. ·2 [hereinafter, becomes 'operative'without the 'aid 'of supplementary
NACHURAJ).·. . . . . ~- . or: legislatJori,. or. that which· supptles a.
· sufflclent-rule by means of whlch' ,tt;ie.fighfit gran'ts
Note: · The · Philippine Cc:insJitutio.n: is . written, . · may be·e_njbyed·orprofoct(id-(Manila,Prince Hotel v,
. .conventional; a~d rlgid · (Id). ~- , : · · . ·. G.SIS, .supre}>. ·· . , .' . .. °> . ·. ·: . . <. ·. · ' . : . . . - .
Effectiv.ity of ihe ·C.o'r)stitu'tlQil .. · · · Ex~mple: Section 11, . Article . XII . of. ·-the
The present, Philippine Consfitutlon took· ~ffect.on Constitution, wt)jch .. expressly ·fese_r:yf:!$ . to f.iiipinos .
. F_ebrua/)(_2. 1987., the date ofits rc;\tlfication .speclfie areas. of investment, such .as . the .
. in the plebiscite field onthat samedate and,notj?n,.....=_..=-_fl.!:lv_elopmentofnaturalresources ar:id:QJNnerstiip of·
the, date its -ratifioation was proclaimed· (D~J:~oif.v. lT T. · 1~"'""-"e-9_,,ucational Institutlons, and -~!Jver!l.sing .

· .. · · . · ' ,·. · · ·· -/YZ°j ·r~

· Esguerra, G.R_. No. l,..-7f3.059J·August 3J/3f!Bl&. · \...:,) ).:q~1n.Efss~_j~elf~executing_(Gsmboe v. Tfwes, G.R ..
~O'. 1·765l9,}ftJ~ 28 2011) .. · :
PrirtC?iples of ~Qll~titu~,~~al c~9J)~?tf~ ..~,W~U) -. ·

used in the Constituti?n Jllt:fStr_fefgivte11

·1. ye·rba _leg,s. - · whenever :·~ss1b{~,;ls~~"'N9n..-;Self~F.~cutT~f Provlshm · . . . . · 1. A\~-- ' · ·. ·:. · . . · . . . . -
.. . .
· ·thei~) · ~ .. ·.}.t,).saPff>Vi~i.91);-'Ji!)J.C~lays . .dow·n a gen~ral .prin~iple

ordinary·, except_t;,hete.i-:hnial. tern1s.. ·f[~. JM.an_i~a.f?rin~~.'f-to_te(~f_/,SI~,supra). :> . . .··. ·
. are. employed,. . rr. - -;[ . t"'<>,R"-. : . \ ... , ( f). t. . . - - . ·.
2, Hatfo: Jegis es.f anfnJO;'Jl'S~re. !!fie~~~~!il:j RUie; ~\!ili,,P,f,ovi,lons in. _Artlclo.. JI . are :
~rt:ib!~UltY., the. war.els ofi'Ufe·G.~,r..st1tut10't,i.
sficrGl9 · C9~Berall~ not }elf-e'§ec~tlng.; p_rqv!s1011.s,.. which, - .·
be intefPr.eted ·jn. accq( a,w.e~Witti th~ intent!Dt:. "TlJli~b.sent1,erwb.iil'r~}~egi~~tion, .. "do . riot. embody.
lhe frame~s; aFJ~.· . · . .. ~.:::.!:~ ~ · . r:J.l~~~!:dicja~yJ~~- 9r~,tab1e: &"onst1t1:1tion~~ .:~ighw. •. · .;rh_ey . ·: :
3. !it mag,s · va'leat.- .. <tP~n.f),y~e·i[;-'1-:-:itfil:l.eret Zs~· e .4ta~g111des. m: .tprmutatmg·.. and
Co~sti~ution has to. be iqler,pre~d Jfl\Wqpl_e.g;t 1t~~~!(;!,q'.l~,~'!)·
·imP,lemen~ng J_e9isla_tion, 'as well. as_ in ..
(Franc,scov~tJ.qR, <;)_.R:Ng.1602~; Ni/~vefjm
~rf.ii '·jiefr:gfei1~9¢_?5' .
· -,.,'{!ffe.fg llo.ri8J'- Ermit91 G_.R.,-Nb.· 1871?7; August 1 ~.:
. . ~ O; 2003).
. .
· . ·. · . . :'\ .
.. .
·. 1-i.
.· ~
.· · ~
If the P!ain rrfeanihg of the word :Ts·Cl!l9!ear:;rit _!s.~fe ·1 • J · • /..~ -~
.. ScrEN~{)Jf.:µ.
:,./ 1
. I''
. . ,.. . . . . . , . . . · .
. . . . . ·. . .
to construe the ConstitQtion ffom·.wlfaUap~aF$,·.or-r:--==.~.:fli~~ft_ffe -0Jp.r,~rc1 of such provisi_OflS doep not give
its face." The · proper lnte°r.pretationNnefuJJ're, ". { 'iis,~'i-~riY.1cause of. action before me. courts
depends ._nior~.'Oi'( ti6y., it. was und_ersto~if'°,b:y~~ .lV.i!.-l(e~orig _v. 'coiv[ElE.C., .·G,R.. No .. 161872; ·April
people adopting it than·iri.the,fran'lers',un~erslanding---.i:==13, 2004). . · . · :- · : . - ·. =· . ·:
thereof-(Civil Ubeqies Unir;:,n -0
fixecutive· Secre.ttfry, · . . .. . • · · · · · ·
Gj{ '.'f':,lo: {338.96/Febrqary 22, · 1991:). : . . -: - : : . Exceptj~n·:· · T.he · Supt:em~·. Court . ~ffirm_ei .·. the
· · - · justiciability'·of. the i~$Ues. wised· b°~sed on··.Section
In the: deterrpi.riation: 6f·tl:J~,qu~;t~~ whether.. a.·.· .. · 16,of Article.JI that..:'the,State shaUptotec.t-·arid
Co,:,st1tution-a1:_proy.isJ0n ·IS ..ll'land_atQfy or direQ~Oi"y; ·.: · .... advc;1rice. the rlg!i_t of the pea.pie'to' balanced an~ a
tM~ primifobject is tq as.certaih the le9islative intent· . · .healthful· ecolpgy ·in.:accqi'd· with the· itlWir'!{ arid
(Tanada. v. euenco, G.R. No. L-10520;February-28, · . h_armony ·of n.atufe~· in· fhe following cas·~, Oposa· v.. ·
1957): ··· · · -~,. · ·.. . <.. .· '. ·. . · · · : · _Factotfin,. ~(· (G.R, No; 101083,· JtJ/y ;,o... ~9f?3J. .·

The: Cphstitutioi:i should · likewjse · ·operate. . . oo~trine of co~s'~itutlo~a1 s~·~rem.~cy. _ .

prospectively: otily, unl~ss··.'the· word.s l;lmployed · . · : , If a law ·or a. contrac,t. violate.s.: any norm of tt:ie
. show a . clear . intention . th.a!.'' ft should: t1,ave . !=!·. . c;:oristitutioh; ·· that·. ··laV>'.. or,· :ccir:itract, .,wheth·er
· · retrosp~cfive ·~ffeqt (Pe,:alta v. -pir:etitof of f'rlsons,: : promulgi:ltecf OY· th~ l~gislatlve or exe.cutive branch ..
G.R. No. L-49, P!o":'ember ..12, _t9.45), ·.: ... · .. · . . of ,he_ govemm~n~ or _entered· i~to.. b.y priv~t~ persons_.
. fon~rix~te purposes, is n!Jl!. and void. and. withput .
. ~c~o;dingi~. Article nr,· Sectl~ff ·12: -th~ of 1987·. any force.arid effect.Since ttie -Constitution is the·
Constltu~~on has been held ·to qppfy. prospectively; . .fundamental a·ri9 ;· Jaw of t(l°e la.hd; it ·. is
t!'lerefore, ·waiver~ of· the right to cou.nsel ·during · deemed ·writt_e!1 in ev~iy statute and-every contract
custodial investigation Without the benefifofcounsel (Manila Prihce Hole! v. GSJS, supra).
,. .

. . . ·.. ~
Pwis . ~& . fWMS+Ftli 4eeWt•!ff PE&
·' . .. . .
Wh~n .the courts declared a_ law to be inconsistent Two-part test employed in. Lambino. -Case to.
·with the Constltution.uhe former-shall be void and determine .whether· the. proposal was a revision·
the latter- shall govern '(CIV/L:,CODE, Art, 7,. par.:(?)), ·or.amendment: ·
1, Quantitative test. .: whether the proposed
Adrriinistrative . · or . executive . acts, o~ders · arid . change ts'so extensivetn its· provisions as to
-regulations shall be" yalid'"ooly. when they are not change dire.ctly U-ie "substance entirety" of, the
·. contrary to the. laws, ·0r . t.he.. Constitution (CIVIL Constitution ·by the deletion or alteration of
·· copE; Art. 7-,.,par.~· (3)). · · numerous. provlsions. ·-The Court.examlnes only
~:;-· .· .. ;_ . . · ... ····~·:.,.~ ... : . .. .. . the number o( provisions and not the degree of.
,.:~'.-'.: s, ESSENTIAL PARTS· Of A.GOOD WR11TEN c.harige; and ·. · · .. · ·
;,.' .. CONSTITUTION·:.(LSG) . . .

r. :
\.' 1 .: Constitution· ·of: .Liberty - the ",series of'

'· ·
prescriptionin;~ttfng°::f~rtti-the.furidamentalcivil '
and. political "rights of the· citlzens .and, Imposing.
2 .. , QualitaUve
test. ~ whether change will._.
accomplish such far-reaching changes in 'the.·
.nature.'" of: 01.1r" basfc, ·governmental plan· as -to
;,:· limitations on· the p.owers of. government· as· a · amount-to a revision .. ·, · · '
(:.:· · means of securing the·enjoyment of those rights, ·'
t,=· . e.:g., Article /Iii · -.. : · . '. · · . · . .Justlclabte: Whether.there is an alteration in the.
~... . . . . . . .. . structure of govern.mef)i Is .3 subject of
;: Note:" S~nie 'authors .wouldjseparate from the . iriquiry.\ Thus, ,•a··change in the. nature of the
'.i-"'. ·· Constitution of - Liberty . what. they : _call a .. ~ · ': : , 'basic gove~hmental plan".lnclude·s '.'change in' its
:J,,· . . ·constitution 'of Social' JLi'S·tice .wh!cn consi.~!~'/;Q.{ . . .. . fundamental frain~worl<. or. tt,e :fundamental
t~.·. . .of p'rovjsions_ s"ettin.9 f9rth .economic,. social,.~~<};:' fl~ . ·· · _ .p·owers of its branphes,~ A 'change'· in; the ·nature
!<' . cultur.a1·~ght~; !n_.tti_e0Philippimi·C.onstituti"o_n!Jnjfi_~;,.c•-'_;J ·. ·:. 9f {he. basic ~o\f.err:m:i~.r:ita·1p\~n -~ls.a .indu_des
~~, ....,ould pnm.arily refeF·to_Artic!e X!ll,· · · ·,·! (.'i>:·,:\ ,..--;:,--:-.Sh.~ng~~!f.iat Jeopardize, the tr?d1t1onal form ·of
;t.. .. . · ,. · · . , ·. . : ·· · . . . · ..,/
~":,. 2. · C~n~ti~utlon· <?f .§.over~ignty._- th~:·PJ6\i1sio~s~./
!: . .·pointing out · Jhe. mpde. .-. or· tP.f.ocedure. · 1o(l.,.~':1
0·;·.:ri{j';..:' . ~~~0.~EJ~~!l)~!"lt and · the syste~ (?f check .. and
B'ali:inee~·flai_nbif!O v. CD_MEL_EG; supra). .
· . J~\ . . · · ...· ·
l?"' . · ·accotdaoce ·with· wl:lic.h.:fqrn'lal c9~9~~s in .t~,,.-.·'i• ·. Step~_· in Jjbf~mendment.. or. ~ev._isi~n of the
rtJt. . , fundame~.n.tal law rray __ be broug~ti;a~~tp"'°e,g.;. J.~. Co11stitu~o'1i , \_(Pr.pposal, · . 'Subrn1ss1on; .- and ·
it · .ArticleXVl{;and" · ... .0,7 ·. "'v~'.,: 7 .' ~.l\~. ~~tificaqpn) H .. l. . . · ·. ·. ~-
~- · . · · · · ·· · . · . ·/c.~ · R'r"· · : ,~~ t .}
1. Proposa.~for ~mendment.on:ev1s1onmay be
J,J ~~e;JI.Yt~/:-r~!:7· .- . . . . .. . . · . . - ·· .
!· .
~- :: 3. Cori~~i.tution o_f _§ov_~rii't-"1~nt~~e~erle's~p}'
prov1s1ons · ou~hning . t.h_e"'O{~rnia!1~1B:of
i~v;;:· · -goven:iment,. em.1meratmg· its ~wer{);c, 'lay111g ·
;-<J . . a: ··C.Q!!'gr.~~'t.·-as a ,constltuer:it·. Assembly .
t7. · ·. ·.(CONST.Art. XVJf,.Sec ..·-1, par. (1))' · · .
~-. · .. d~wn ·ce~~in r_l,.ll~s·_rela_tive.~o· ifiaj.t:iinwra~idn; . f::n,~)ry, _Acting-upon-~. vote of ~(4 of all its members.
j,tf~: · and defin11:1g the electo~c1te; e.g., A'iJicf~,YI,-VII, i.-H/ff1·:' .r•,·"I · ·. . · . . ·. ·
•!!.W:: . "VIII, 'anclJX .. (CRUZ, Constitt1lior1tfr~aw '(?~f#)r·~.:.:.,..,_c:'.:;[_N9(e;iSinG~.th_e cronstitution is silent abo~t the

l _. , · p. 6-"().-
, .,.·/:.
· A_rt.. )(VJJJ. ·.
. ·. . . . . · ·
· :. : · . ·
. · '{{.. · (itV ·.
· · . · · · ~.12\ · · · ·
\qt:.. C.·. · AJ'J!ENDMENT.S AND· . REV!SIOl;JS (CO_N~T: ·
. ... method and·_since the amendatory process has
· . _been·.committed_to 9<?ng~esl?, Cmd~r the·"politlsal
· 9~estiofl"· dqctrine .Consress. shoui9 t>e free· to .
· ....choose which·~ver met~od it_p~ef~rs.;· ·provicJ.ed
.-.:: ~ . .. . · ·· . ·. · · . : ·i. . . that both ,,fipu~e: vote·.·.:Separa_tely. ·.· This is
~'i:\:~~ndment_broadly ref~rs to·a _cha_age.,that add~;. ·pecau·se the power tp·propose a!'flendrrterits is ·
;; re.~uc~s,: · !)r. <l~letes- : without . ·eltenng the· bas1p· . -·. giv.en.'· not ·to .. a·· ·.unicameral· -body but - to :a ·
\.principles involved.·. ·,'::--· . - : · ·· ... · · . bi.carrieral·. 'body: . .- (BEiRN'As;.... The ·1QB7
::/"'~:. · ,: . . ·: · .. · .'. · .. ,_ . . . · . - ., ... · ·Cons#ti.Jti_br(pf tJi.e Repablic of tfle Philippin~s;· A
"\\Iii:: ~~evisio'r)" broadly imp.lies a: change ~hat alters at . Coinm~°rJtf3,Y · (2Q09), · p. . 1-34~ [hereinafter
)least- one:·basic princip)E{ in· the Constltuti"c;in,. like-··.· BERJYAS, Commentary]).. _.'"· ·, · · ··. .
,,;~ltering'the. principle. of separation :of powei:l:f.6r tf:re' . ·
·: system of checks-and-balances.' There · . is'· also~ '::. "lote: When Cpngress, acting. as· a Constituent
}Elliisicm. !f the cha.nge alteri· the. substantial eritir~ty, " · ... ',Assel"!lbly, brnits:to prpvicte'tonhe implementing· .
. ~r ~he consJitution,· ··as ,wheh. th~ .change ·'affects . · · detai!s·; ·Cotig"tess. actirig ·as·· ~. ·1,.egisiatil{e-
~\.ll;>stantiel"-l?rovisions. of the co(l:stituticin. · :" · .: ·. · .·. ~rsembly".this time, can .enact the·.,
· ·· implerJietiting legislation· . .fo fill" in· the. gaps
'.~~vis_;~-~.9~fl-~~~-l!y·:a~~ct~severai: ~rovi~i~~s of t·h~ · foliowil')g the· general · rules on· .lawrnaRin~f
.c.onsbt~tion, whi!e._am~ndrnent g~ne'rally affects .only· (ltnbong v, -Feir~i, · · ·-G.R. · · No. · L.-3.2432; ·
:'.the specific proyi"sion.. being ai"r)entled (Lambino ·v.· : Sep~ember'-r.t, 1970).,. · .. ·
·:COMELEC,. G.F.?." No. 1-74153, 'Qc~ober 25, "2006): .
~).:(:·.. .. .
. •;.
1.l .•


- ...
ii *¥ Ullt! #iW,84 O W ma,1 AM



Con.stitut_ion~I ·co~vention (CONST.• Art.

WWI P5P Ct HNI! _ P9iihtWPZ •&l).ffl).j-Si·

1 ... Section· ··.2 ·of the law does not suggest an

XVII; Sec. 1, par:-(~)) .. ·. . initiative·on amendments to lhe Constltution;
i. Called 'for such purpose by a·'2J3 vote of 2. The law does not provide for the contents of a
: all the M~mbers ofConqress: or. . petition.for initiative ·ori the Constitutlo'n;
ii. · By a .majci"rity .vote of 'all' its (v1ernbe(s;, 3:, ·No subtitle :is · provided for initiati\7e ···on the.
· Oonqress may submit tothe electorate, Constitution.; and :; ·· .
' the · · question of · calling such . a · · 4.· While RA. No. 673~ ex!:)rted utmost dilig.ence
convention (CONST. Art. XVII, Sec. 3). ar_1d care in rYroviding for. tre. details" in the
implementation of. ini.tiative -and referendum on
c. Pe<;>pl~;~ '1~itiative· (CONST..Art. XVII; Seb. .. natibnaJ'.and_local legislation thereby giving thern
2)- . . . . special a~tention, it failed, rathifr inteniionally, to
Amendments · to the Constitution· may be do so t:>n" the system of ini~iative on amendl'T)ents
. . directly" proposed :b.Y tbe...people· .ppon a .. . to_tha Cocistitui.ic,n (Santiagov. COMEL.EC, G.R.
· petitlon.ofatleast t2% ct-thetotal number ; Na. 12-73~5, March.·19,1997).
of reqistered' voters, '· of which ev.ery
legislative district must be represented t>y at . ln'·th.':'} later Lambino v. COMELEC(G.R. No.
least 3% of the reqistered voterstttereln. · · 1.74153_, 25, :2006), .the-Court -refused to
· · · · · · · · . revisit the ruling in ·santiago '1. ·coM5LEC in order
!we:,· addltlona] :essentia!. elementsr .. ·_,,_.;,,~::-k!9_Jes9iv.ethe Lan:,tiino. peti~-on: · . ·.' ·· · · .
': . People: must-~uth9r andpersonJUicl>rgn~1! · T -r,: Y""--~ · : .. · · ;
.. the entire proposal: an,d : .e: ~.
.11,: _Propo~al must be em~tX.Pecj~ln af __.trUQfl..:==-B~:.~os
_-> .
·.LJ .l_h..1. .a~d~~·in L~:17b11:.o that; .even ·assum_mg_that
. . · · . · .

~.7pS;i~,ya!rcl·to,nnpl~ment trye C(?nstrt~t,~nal


· . (Lambmo v. CO.M_E_/fE[ij:~·~~o'. .· ··· . p~9v1s~nhSn .,~.~J!_ves to. amend_ th_e C!'.>nst1tut1<;>n,

· 17·4·153, October 2?/2®(,ji&_/7'· .,.,,-.--~--"":tn1s,,,_w.1l(""tii~t{chang~.the result since the· Lambmo ·
: . . . · . · ._'.!(C,.~ , ),,·: t' : :n.~ · Jr' ·@J;tition\viol~f~.ct.t.?Et~ion 2, Article ~Vil of the
· 'Limitations on the Ex~r.eii,lf;-of. ~eople.f:s ~k &t>nstitU~(?.n. ·~Tr· be-~ valid !n.itiatixe, the present
· . Initiative: · J.' . ;f · f · · -~At~· 'lnltiative ~ustti't.,srqoo:,p.lywilh•Section 2,.Article XVII
i. - _The · e!ectora~~/.~~~:f~!l~Y.· ij"P~0p~s~· 11r,..:'-of11i'eCo,hstitoti9fij;Y~ii\ before ·complying with R.A.
· amendments thioC19"1~11·!t1at1ve:\ ~~~ Hi'! ~~73~·.·. .l~~- -v --~ -, •• • • •
. . . I1· .4;" "'. 'I '1I- . "''Lr---~illlL-~
\"\.~Jll[!Ji. '-:'. }J . ~ -.' ~., . .. .. . .. . . .
. R~tionale: · ., it: woulil ..!. ~be c:Jlactically" ., '-~e ~e0~ion 10 MeJnbersofthe··supreme Court.
impos~ible to .Jt.i,9"jfr:J1! re\(lsl9M-tof. e_lt1i V"r.fite~J,.d~:: fi·eif.1 ~·o~tiqr ·. that ·~.A. No. 6735 is
Constit1:1tion.:t~roug~~'ac'tiorii'.:by_ :t;d~~tir~~. ..~:&yf!ic._i.iftt'· aricf · . aiJ~quate to amehd- . the
electo~a_l . popt,.!lati9n ·:{D_elibe~.!fan, ~;§K~f:i'~,- . 'y,.OJ1f1ttj:i io~_,.th_ru a '1cr~1~·s i n!tiative .(Lambino. v.
. Const,tultonalpommis~ton;p: 1~!-4 .8)~~lE?,:)'-s1:1pra) . .jl. , · · ,. · . · .
. :Formlil~tion :of pro~is~s ·r~v~in~~Q.IEN'Qtt~":h~i~edbi.t·h~ ~eth~d ~ pro~o·sal
Constitution ·requires °both e:lbQ~-~a~"R~ftl'a..~tt-r{°e~¢Jbsifo}i~retion of the l~islature ((3onzaies.
·debat? which _can ,only be done'<!,lfr~-':'9~a n..;•'[,:A_10Jr1.E~e. sup,:a). · .. :· ...
C()ll~g1al body (BERNAS, ; ·1.987 P"ftfltR./J)ne . l\ ·i.L "": i~ .'. · ·· · . ·· · · · ·· . . . ..
Constitution' Reviewer (2Q11);. p. ·546:~~- -""".'2~~ Submlssi.on of Pro·pqsal to.the People
... [here,inafier BERNAS;Revfewer]), . Either Congress as a .Constituent-Assemblyor .
. . .- . . .. tb~ ·G.9nstitutio1;1al,{;om.1ei,tfon shall·-sLiomit:the
· ii:. :'No ameridm~nt 1A .this .rnanner·sh~II be . prop.osed.. changes, td·th'e people. However, if:
:·. autl)orized _wjth,in. 5 -years:-/ollowing. th~ . ' · · . neither C~ngress.!'is a c;_on~tit\,lent Assembly por
r~tificatior.i.. of"·this ConstitutiOl'l· {o( until . . the Constifutiohal ·convention. submits the
· 'FebrUary··:2; 1-9.92); ·no,:_ otiener··thc!n ·. · .changes;·.that··is', designates· the· time and
. one~ every.5 ·years{ · · ·· ' .. · circunista11ces for:the.plebiscite, Cong re~· as an
· · ·· . ; · · ordii:iary legis·l~tive bodi· may do sc;i· (BERNAS,
iii: TJ:ie Congress.· shall provide _f~, fhe . ·.;suprq_ at.54_4). · · · ·: , ·
. im plementatioi:i. of;..the . exercise qf: this . .
right.(CQNST:. Art..XV/1,' Sec. .'2).. ·. · · : ·:· Doctrine_of.P~oper·SUbmissjon .
.. . . · : , , . · ·,. . . . ·· , . . . . . : . . . .- . Submission . o_f .· piecen'l,fi?a_l: .amendme"r-)ts is
The. lnitiath,e 'and' Referendum. A~t .: (R~A.... No. . , .. · lincon·stituttCinal. Al) · the amenarnerits . must. be
. 67~5) · ·. .. . , · ·. ·. '. . ·. · . ·:_ . · . ·: · · · . · S!Jbrn.itted for ri:itification. at ·one: plebiscit~ only: The ·
RA No. 6735 ls Jrfcqmplele;·inadeqiJa..fe, or wa'nting people ~ave .to: be· given-·a. proper frame ·of r\:lfer~nce
./n essential tf:lrms·and;ccfndffipns.insofar .as Initiative · :in arriving-at their de.cisfon (Tolentino-v.COMELEC,
on tfle Cqnstitution is ·concerned. G_.R. No; L-34150;-0ctober 16, 1971).
Tlie SC ruled,_ among others, that: · ·

4 j'
.. .
... . ,.

f' '
The Court ruled that; underthe context of Art. XV of
the 1'935 Constltution, constitutlonal <amendments
may be submitted for ratttlcauon in a regular election
Section 2
The Congress may, by law, adopt new name for
the. country, a national anthem, or a' national seal,·
~~- (aonzete« v.. COMELEC, supra) because 'there · . which shall' all be truly reflective and symbollc of the ·
~i . nothing 'in the said provision to indicate- that the ideals, history, and traditions of the people. Such-law
t.f.!,i. "electlon" ,thereiri referred to 'is- a ·."special," not ,!J ' : shall take effect only upon its ratiflcatlcn by the
~·~· . general. election. (Re: Nomination. Of .Atty.. Lynda people .in a national referendum.
lf· Chaguile; ,4.M, No. 13-04-03-SC, Dec. 10, 2013). 0 The
..;..: · · .: · ·· · · · · · · . Flag and Heraldic Code o'fthe Phlllpplnes-,
·~l'J. 3. · Ratificatlon·(CONST. Ari. XVII,. Sec. 4). (R.A. No. 84f}1) .. .
· ·Afte,:.submission, the proposed i!:hari'ges · M,;1y.28 _ National Flag Day.(Sec. ?). . ..
~ valid whenratitied'bythe majorityof.the-votes
[\f· . cast 111 .a-·plebisdte, held. 'not ea.rlier than 69 The period from. May. 2,Er)p·June_ 1.;2 of each-
,.,, .. , ·, days nor.
later th~'o·-90 days:·. · · · · .. ·. ·-. . .: declared as "Flag Days;" . .during which period all
'}:· a:· A~er~apprqval by Congress or Constltutionel . offices, · .aqencles, · · and instrumentalities· ·.·of:
r,~. :· · Convention of..the,proposed.:amendi:nent(s)_:. ·government, business establishments, lnstltutlons'of
tiiw · orrevlslon.or · learnlnq, and .private homes are- enjoined to 'displ§ly .
J:i' · · ·
b. .' After certifi~ati~n by the COMl;:LEC of .the> . . .the flag (S'!c. 26).. · ·· ·
f.t~/ ·
·,.;. .
:suf,ficiency of _the petltionby the people; . . . • . . . . . . .
fitf·. · · . · . · .· · · . . . .. (.'.?;) · Prohibited Acts: . · ·· . · · ·· · .· . ~~

!;'.~f: ..
D.ate ofEff~cjivity o~·anArne_ndmen't or' Re_vis!~.!f.::..J;(· .· 1. H> muttlate, ~efac~; defile, trample, on; qr ~fst ..
]t, Since S~c •. 4 .(?f·Artlcte- XVII ·o! -!he CQns_t1t~tJ~~/ ,·,\. c~mt_empt·,or ~o~m1t any act or.omlsslon castrnr;1 · ·
~\-.·... says that any amendment or revision "shal~ be y,;il!d;;:_,.:r:.~?i _dishonor or nd1c_ule upon l_he flag. or 9ver its ·
\f' .· , surf~cif _ ·
~he~. rc1tified\.: _t~E: ·. date _.':>f ·...~ffectivity .. of__ · . ·. . . -. · . ·· ·..
i!~;t.·. . amend~en~ or re~!s10~ sho~ld ;be thE:,.sai:n.'e "'.:Y.· H_,at; 1 /\; ~i,t~~'.S(P_:-!'Ii~flag to_ any persori or .obJect by .way of.
~"!,· . ·. of the date of rabf1c;:itior:i;. tliat- 1s; the dr;1y.-01:Vwt11ch'-' ~ '.:· :·comJ:Jl1m~cit·or salute;· .
the. votes ~re· .i;:ast. .,How~ver_,' the(~f(iie:ndment~J\ , . ·3.- Touse~l}?{{lag: . · . . .·
ft~;:. '. themselves_ . mig~t'- ~[>~cify . .-_(;?th_e~is?,}-..(~.E:R_NA,§,·.1· , a·. A~fa ~r~pery, festo~~-· tablecloth; .
,J.,t. · i::~,p-
_Gomr:nenfa.ry, _supra at,. 138?); '; : :;-"-;.~. 1 : b. , ~~ clfv9.f:f~9 _for ceilings,. :v.:an~; statues -~r ·.
?i·"'~- · · . · :·· . _. . · . ·~ . . \r~,.;;,,. . -.~, ~tti_eqt';)bJeftS, ._- : . . · . .
1-t·-: ·Judicial ~eview of Propd.sal~<,· ·~1.-;--,;· · : · ~- c. !As-a.J>enn~nUnthe ~ood, side·, back and top
Th.e ·sobstan~!3 of'the prop_~~~i~ ·is::ri~;~l:)je~~~ : ·~"t:~~.lA~C?!9f:V~ffiGles;· . · . . I:
,,Pfi-f·· judicial review since .whi:lt- to -PtBposp~;le(t-to(tJia ,;tJ' d.· 'As~~Jf;ofwhip;·.· . . · . ; , , ·
~£~\\·: _~i~dc,m0f .t~~ -9.onstit\.le_nt Asse?1l~Yi::l:'.l'o~~rer,
'.tli~: · 1· •1 . .e. . Fm unveiling mont,Jm~nts or:statu~s;·_c\nd_ . : . .
.. ,j . : ma:n!l~.r .m~'51ng the -proposal ~s ~~b).,e~t..t~1ud1cfa1 . ,; i,~--L · As ~ra?~m~rks. o~ for mdust;,
, .rev.1ew. · T~1s .1s . beccl'US!:} a Const1tue);it.~s$elllb(Y._.,;.;:..;,r'~·-!;~ ,. ; ;, \9!.,._agnqulturallabels· or de.s1_gns: · · , . . . · ·
/·. · qwe1, its· ~xistenc_e.and deri"'.!:is"all Jt5S'~CithoritY,1'10'--:..~~......;4~"J!'.daisplaythe ·f!ag: · · .. · · , · , · . . . . ·
:_. .power fr'om th~ Co~stit\;itio.n. -1-:f:~nce; V(tl'ethe~{.pri!'l.~t' . a. Unde(any painting or.picture; . · · ··
'._· if :h<!S._ a~tad · accqrdir:19.· to,dhe .C~n~til~iiP.~,h·rn\Jst b.: Horizont~ily fa~e-\:Jp'. It shall· .al~ays be
("-al'oVays:p~ a,ma~~r.·of:jµ,oici·a}GOQnizcln_ce (f3E;RNf{~, · ... · hoisJed-cllo.ft and be allowedJ9 fall freely;
;' · 'Reviewer, supra_·~t-545). ·. ·.. ·. : · · ·,·, .. ·.. '· . c·. serow ~rn'y platform; or · . • · · · · · ·..
:<·. _. . . '·, . .. · · :· ·. ·,,·. . ... , ';:. . d, _.1n:discc;,theq1.1es,· c~kpits/·nlg111t,:ano.d~y
· · Matters which-m~y·b~. Revie'A'ed·by-the Co1,1r:f:· · . ·cJubs, ~~inos, g·ambling-joints, and places
_.1.,. Whet!1er or not a·.proposal wa~·approve~ by-ttie · .of vice.or wliere frivolity prevails: .· ·.
\·,-_, ·. req,uired·nu1TJb~Wof_v9~e~ of;: · '·· · : . 5.. ·_To wear the_flag·in whol.e or in part:a~ costume.· a
:\2.. : . Whether . or.· ,!JO:t the appr.ov~d. proposals· wer~.. or uniform; · · ·. ' ·
:} . : properly. subn'l)tt!:}dto the peopl~ for. raiirl~tk>'n; 6. TQ add any word1 figure.: mark;· picture,. design,
<· . or . . .... '· . ·.. . ! ' ·. ,:. ·_-dra_wings, .aavertisement;. ·ot imP.rint- of any
-;~_.· _1/'/l;tetfier.. q~.nqn_l:!e,proposals_ v_,,ere .ratlfiee:i by · .. nature on'the.flag; ... · · . . . .. ·
<:· . majority 6( th.e.V()t~1?. c;ast in··a 'plebiscite called · ·.. 7.· -:To print,u pain~. ·or .attacfi repr~.s~rifatiori of-it\e·
·/:' . fc,rthe·pt.!fp'ose (To/enfirio_-v.:·coMELEC, $Up'.a). ·. · Jflag_on. tiat1'C:lkeict1iefs, napkins, cusHions, .. and · ·
. . . . ., . .. other articles·tifmerchandise;. . . .
,:p.: . .GENE.RAL PROVISIONS. (CONs/Ait. XVI):_: · ·: 8. Jo di$play in puqlic any f()reign flag,· except in
:~;, ·:- . ·. . : . ,.: ·. :. . ··- · emba·ssies.and other diploniatio.establishments,
-'·Secuon 1 · · · · · .. · · ... · ·· · · · · and in i;>ffice~ of intematio~akorgani~~tions; .· ·.
'i;~*o~-fiag .of the- Phi°lippines .shall b:e ·r~d.:.whit~;- and 9. · To use, display; part of any advertisement
pllle, with a sun and three.stars, as consecrated and ' .. or ir.ifoiTierciali and . . . ' . ..
_;fi..tms:,r!3dby tl')e people; and rec;ognized·, · 1'0. 'ro~display th.e flag in front of,buildir,gs or offices
·~ ~- . . . '·· . . :. . occupied by aliens (Seq. 34).· . . .
., ~r.~:.;·

. .
- -,
'* •• iWARJP


,, . ,,,-w.wst .. YAIP.S&MWM>&ta.HS§!PSF8WASiiffAHNWW.WM#ii%itiMCi .z+~
The rendition of the National Anthem, whether Reason: The universal acceptance that . a police
played or sung, shall be in 'acccrdance with the force is a civilian function [and] a publicservice, and
musical .arranqement and composition of Julian [therefore)-should not be petformed by milltaryforce
Felipe (Sec. 37):. . · (Carpio v, ExectJ(iye S1:tc;etar.y, "G.R, No, -96409,
Februajy 14, 1992,· citing an _explanation ·by;Com.
The National . Motto .shall be "Maka-Diyas, · Maka.., Teodufo C. Netividedduring the deliberationsot the
· Tao, Makakaiikasan! at· Makabansa" (Sec. 40{ Constitutioriel-Commlssl on-of .19116). · ·

$ect{~nc.4 . , : . Since the PNP is civilj~n._in- character, it 'is subject to.

The Armed Forces of .the Phillppines :shall be the. jurisdiction: of the Civil · Service Commission
composed' of a citizen armed. force which shall (Men<:foza.v.PNP; G,R No. 139658, June 21, 2005).
undeFgo military tra·iniog and .serve as may be .:.- . --. ·· ·, .
. proy.ided 'by ·law. ·It· sha]! · keep.' a.·.regular force Sec.tion 11 .. . . . .
necessaryfor.the security of the state.: The ownership :and· manaqement.iot mass media
· ··. -. ~ · ' ·· · · sh_all .beIimited to citizens .ofthe .Philipp{rles.• or to
Section·S . . . . . eorporattons.: ccoperetives, 'or ·association, whplly~
1-'. All .. members ot.the armed .torces shall. take an owned and managed ·by citizens. ·. '. . .
. <:> or affirmation. fo uphold . and defend the . . - . : .. . . . '· : ...
Constitutlon..-, · . ., . ~~~='""'='Q,J:!!y Filipino citizens.or corporations or associations
2. The State shall strengtl=ien the patriotic .§Pirif.and· ~ 'T 1;1fleifst{O%,Of the capital qf'which is owned by such
. natioi:,~Jistic_ con~~ic:i~sne~~of th:~J.Jil!IJ}a~~~nct tLJ }l\iie'°:~-s~all,~e .allo~~.d to ~ngage in th~·adv'ertising
re~p(:lctforpeople s.rlqhts m the,.pelifpi'mamc,;;~=""'"=;J!)9.~sJry. if/~"'- : . · · - · ·. . .· · . ·
. · the,r duty.
. . 1·
.- · . ·
. . th .
, ,,f;i'· '\,)/
~/.-..,~' A. .
.: ~,,/! ,~ '·"' · • ..·. .. ·· · '
3 . . P rof ess1onaism · m e ar,, ,e.,, . J,r:ee~.,..;.,-~_Au" - A, r.~-,.'°", ·. "<. "'. ,:·. · ., ·,, ·
',J~-~- -~
: , ..
adequate tern.urier~tion. :fl!~t;vbl,.efitif'-of . i\§\ · · -t· .vr .. . t . ~-v~li -~ ' · .· <·· . <:
· · members, st:iall be :a primEt/~ori'c~~,,of tie StatE( , ·~.t~ · . ?\~ ··, .: · l · .'-~ Q
f/ \N~~L : · . .
The· armed forces.· shi;ill._- be ,1nsul_at13d from· ·"" ·".'t ·_. · ~ .··co~'itfERATlONS.
partisan po)itics·. !'Jo me1be,:-:;tJf.jhe mili~ry.sha.r·. ~: . ·. f, · : ., , , ;; ·. ',, . •. . . · :·· · . . i · ..
•eng'age · djrect1y· and. in#i(e'etlyfiir( any~par'HS]i'n'-:·~ t,. :··§p,r. ,J i .- · ~ ~ ....... · · , ·· ·
pplitical activity, ex_cept 1P~~~t'e.!I ·. -~ ., . -"~(1W;&;J.1~AT~b~Al1~RRl'.[<j?RY. .
· 4. No member of the, u,~e, active "::~·L.:;:-:-_. · _;fft:;,Y · 1? -~·1 . ·· :· ·' : ·· .... ·
se~ice·.-'sh~II. af'any ft~e~4t~.:,a_~&PJ.R1l'<S~ - %/f.errito~1t'the'P~i~p~ines·-·.' : .· .. ·~ .·
~es!gnate~1m any ~pac1!f,to-a\i-v1ha~~~l~o~~\ .{,d\~,<11~~,onal' lemtory/_com~r1se,s tHe: Ph1hpp1~~ ·
m the GovernmeAt inclucl,tng-.Gopc o~~AY~f~ "·a,-c 1g._elago, 1;'W1th ·arY.··the' islands and waters
their subSidi~ries. ~ . · ... \, . - :~~,_..;· ~~-~,,_p~; 6'1-~e?.t~rein, ar9·~:~IIbthe~territories:o~er::'."~icli
5.. Laws on-.r~tirement of m1hta~ officer5\~halJ..:fJ~ lEr,,rrf~:~h,lipPmes J1a~ ·sovereignty or JUT1Sd1ct1on;
~>- Jif terrestria1, : ffu'(ial;: ·and aerial·
6: · all~w. e~tensio_n of their servic~~ . . ,?-;'~\:,,_~-:.;_,.cf~sf19g
The officer~ and. men of the regut~t-t.b~letfie=.,,.=-"""rn;t~~f.)S}\!):U;:!9<=tfrig its territo_rialsea; tl"!e seabed·, tl)e
armed. forc~s ~hall be. re?rui!~d -~fQ!l~~t1ally it 1fe.\,\~-1nsu!_ar··.~hel~es;:_an.~ -~th~ri~u_bm~.t!ne .
.frqm. -al!·· provm~es _and ·.c1t1es·:,_-as_ ·,s;;the w_~_tets around,'be.tween, ;;,nd·conf'.)ect1.n~ .
. pracUc~ble, ~. · · ·' · · . . · ·· · ·., . "-='l'tfe islands: Qi' the arct:iipelago,·regardless ··of their .·
7: .· The-tour of duty.of.the. Chief of Staff of the:arrried . or~adth arid dimensions, form part· '.the. internal . of
. ··. : forces · exc~ed 3 ye.ars: · However, in. waters cit th~.Philippines.(CONST.:·Aff; I): · .·
times of war.: or·: other·. ri'ational ··emergency : ' . . •' .··' . . "i.
: :the.· Qongre'ss,. ttie ·presider:it may R~A.. ::No:· ·-9~22· °(A~ ·le~' . Amend·
td · Cerfain.
extend such tour of duty:. · ' : · .... ,,· :: · .. · ·. · Proii.;sions of R.A~· /Vo; ·304~, a.hd, to "Define the
· Archipefagic · Bas·eJiries.-of' ·the .Philippines) is
. >~b~e:· The. -~;;~~tit~ti~n:·d~e~ .-~~/-prohibit ... Consfi~ufionaf: · . · : . , , . . ' ·.
· shortening 'cit th~ te'ni,ire bf. a· Chief, of Staff,Wt\0 1.·. RA.- ·.No'.-. ·9522 · lias ·merely· dem;m:'ated the
·is- incompetent. (BERNAS,· Commenta,y, supra ·: coontry's ·. l"('!aritime.. zor:ies .. and··. coritii:,ental
· · at'.133,7): · · · ·
::., · · in
· ·she.Ives ·accordance fo. UN CLOS Ill and n'ot to
deli neat~ Philippine 'territory;° . · · ·. · .
.s~ctlon, s .- , . . .... , . '. . . . . . . 2. . .Ttie. fi'~rriework . of· ttie: .. ·r~(li'me· of"> islar:ids
Th~ State.·shall establish and maintain 1 · pofic·e force, · sµggest~o ~yiheJaw is· not ir;ic9·ngruept wit~ the.
which- shall be. national iri' .scope .. and· civilian in·, . Philippir.)es' enjoyment qf territorial sovereignty
char~c~er, to bE! aclmiri_isteredanct_controlled. by a · over the ·areas of Kalayaan Group of Islands and
Natic;inal .Police Coml)'lission .. t'he authority of ·local the· Scartior~ug~;. · · . · . ·. '
executiyes over. the police ·units in their jurisdiction 3·. The claims .over Sabah··remai.ned 'even with the
s~all be provjded'b_y·law. · · adoption of the amendments; .

. . .
... ··-··-·--------------


' . .
4. Most. import~,:itly, the baseline law$ .are rn~rl:l Territor.ial Sea consists of a belt· of se·a adjacent to.
mechanisms for the UNCLOS Ill to pre.cisely t.he b~selines exte[ldil)g 12 nautical miles out.yard
describe the delimitations. It serves. as ·a·iiotice (UNCips, Art. 2, par..<!»·
. to the international family of states a.nd it is in' no'
way affecting Of' producing ,any· .effect 'lik~ e·~selln,es. are' low Ii.tater lines along the. coast as
enlargement or diminution of territories; and ' ': . · marked on large scale charts officially-recognized by
5. The .argument ~hat RA. No: ~522 .has·convetted the 'c;oa~t:al .State. The wiclth 0f the territorial sea is
the internal waters into archipelagic waters is . '!'ea~(.ired_from·the baseline·( UNCLOS, Art: 5).
u'nteriable: ·. l;he. politicat' · branches of .
the. government may p~ss. dome~tic''laws. that' · Co,:itiguous Zone is a band of wate'r exti:inding from
will aid in. the competent security m~asures and.. the puter edge·of.the territorii,i'isea up to 24 nautical
polic\es that. will regulate innoceiit.passage-as . miles .fr0[T1'the baseline.,.Tti~ State may only exercise
innocent passage is a right;:d on .cti's.lomary the' 'co·ntrol··:· necessary to.. '.prevent and 'punish :
law--'flo state ·can.validly. invoke sovereig1;1ty to infring~ineiit of its cu"storns',:fiscal, immig~ation or
deny a right. acknowledged by.. moder.ii states · sanita.ry laws and reg~lations (UNCLQS, Art. 3q). .
· (Maga/Iona v. Errriita, G.R.:_No:,187'1€>'!, f>.'ug'ust.. -~ .
16,2011). . ·.: E>!:~iusive·Eco~o'oli.cZone. (EEZ) extendsfrom the ·
baseline. to' ~~·maximu'n:i of 200'nautical miles.. 'n:ie' ·.
'Ar:c.hipelagic Doctrine ·, .. ; . : . . State. has -;soverelqrr, rights. for tf\e purpose. of
'The ·~eC?nd. sentence· of .Articl~·.'I of th~ 1~18_7.-/,'.') expf~ring and exploitinq, conseryin~·~nd.maiiagjng
. Consbh,1tlon 1s an affirmation of· the .·ar,~ti1pela~).C..;();"\ the natural: resourc~s found . within the c zone ·
doctrine,. under ':"hich.. we. ·conn~ct .~e ··,9sY,.t,!;\ · (UNCLOS.Arts. 56-57).
. .., .: polntsof our archipelago with stra1gflt'tmsel,mesl9Q.~'':'· r·\ . .' ·.. . . . .
~'.,}~,./·, consider alt the waters enclosed thereby as intJf613\·t·;· <t.Note: · ~N<;LO~ ·111 has nothing -to do 'with the
{F::i~~·. · waters, The entire archipelago· is ireg~rded .f!s:,6rl_~/'_!N·~·;t1~t~srn.gcfr{?t
~*;:: .. · _ many thousand islands (9RUZ, supfq(,a"f_·'24);"·
J. .
t~f:. · int~grated unit i~stead of bE!in~ fragl)1er)t~9~~to·so~;, t1 trea~reg1:1tl:1Jf~g,_.a,:r:iong others, :'ea~use rights over
.loss) _of territory. It is· a multilateral

;.:\,.-,:J ·mantime ZJ?RE:·S (1.e:·,' the terrltortal waters [12 ..

· ·:. · -, ,· ·:·\ . , /( P'1i nautical m]e1iiJ·fr£lm·the baselines], contiguous zone
:,. , ::· ,,:he_··d~~initi1:>n. in Article 1.'.covers.,.{t:i'e{fs?...~P~iflg, ·.t,~f [21 nau~ial !tnff~s from the: ~a~eli~es], exclusive
f\f'j.: .. terntorres: .'.". . .: ,,..P..-.:-\r:---.~"· ., :r.:~._·e~.?"'~·~.W Zin:e.~[2~.o· .' ~aut1ca1:·.rmles from the·
,,JL ·1. T~qse·cede~·t?·:the ,u.. ~ff.o.y_:Spa;~_.:,undert~~· ct) ba~el11"!,~s]),·~cint1nentc1I shelves that UNCLO~
. Treaty of Pans
. . m 1898';:
. '\.\":v~/
, ·<>.:.,;:<?"•.:P~:r..,
, - · \._'-,-~
~ r·,• .i1. 111-d.eJi1P-J1§.""':;
'-!{l . .J:t"' •.;;, ,,: ..,.~'
-Jt,,.~u .• ./ . · •. . .
2.· Those defined in 'the treafy_,be~een"·the -~. · :J · ·"'~..... ;Jo',;;:...:/· :. · · ·
and Spain on November!,.. 1~~t&.df'1\'-is/anf 1;3as.elirie&·1aws ·such· a~.~ ·~522 ·are enacted .by
· of Cagaya'!,· Su~u, and S1bu~o;_ '.:.. "'· ·:." 4 . ·· · 1.-../
~:\~U~~~L~S I~(· States . Pc!.~1es to -Fl'lark.-o~! spe_c1ffc. ·
Those defined. m the tr.eaty ,' betw~~~;.ltie<u .s ·,_...,A'';:-'.• ~-~.~;r.sunts~along their coasts. from.which basehne~
·and· ·Great Britain in Januai:y 2, 1·~~0. -;;;~;t~e~7"',;~a'{~~.i:.'ejth~rstrai~h( or ~cinti;,ured, to serve .as.
Turtle.and Mapgsee Jslarttls;· . \,f'· " ( '!',..( . . . . geograp~~c ~tart1.n.g_pomts.~!=> mE:as~re.the breadth of
The islands. of Batanes . t.mder~~h,~ 1935 ·... ·lhEf·-mant,rne zones and .contirient~I. st:ielf. Thus,
.. Constitution; and. · · .,· ., ·.' · .. ·:·"'~ ·· · · . . bas~lia~s : . laws,_.. . are>: .nothing . l,JLit · statutpry:
· 5,· Those· contemplafe,d·in ·toe phrase ~belongi~g· tc;> ·: rtlechaiiiSms for UNCLOS·JO States p~rtfes to delimit ·
·. :,- ·,. the Phili.ppines by historic right dr leg~f :title".. iri. : · . witb.'pr~cision·the.ext~nt.o(thefr"n:i<!ritimezqi:i~s a'i,d ·.
: · the 1973 Consti.tutiori (Id, aq2}. · · · ., · continemtal.'shelves: l!i'-turn, t.hi_s ·gives notjce ·to_· the
·. ,. ·. . · · - · . . . rest· of:.the'·intematiol)al community .otthe s·c;Qp,e of.·
/:Definitions.~· un~er . the .. '19'.82'·: u~·ited .'. ·Nations ttle · maritime <'space and submarine . areas·· within
~t~.onv.ention on·fhe Law 'of th~ Sea (UNCLOS) . ~· . : :#hic;h'.Stafes 'parties· ex~rcise: treaty-bas~d 'rights·;·.
·,:( ... · ·. ·, . · . . ·... ·. . .. · ·. · '.. . namely~Jhe·exercise· of SOVefEiignty ·OYer territorfal
··Arc.hipetago is a grou.p-of.islands,including parts of. walers··(Art: 2), the,j.4i'isdiction 'to enforce customs,
,.;lslan'd~ •. int~rcotinecting ·waters. ·and other natural : . .. fiscal; 'ii'ru'nigratio.n.· and ::· sanitation laws in U:ie
}~~,t_ur'e~which:· are·· e:lo.sely ·i~teirrt31atecl; that- ~.uch . . · toatjgu_ous zone (Art. 3~): and the exploitthe
·tSJands; Waters, an{:! other' natural .featllre·s form an . . . living : a.ncl' no'n~livin'g. resources in· the. exclusive .
.?li~!nsic.geographical, eC'onorhic, an:a:·politlcal:entity economic ·zboe .(Art.' 56},and: ccmt.inen.taf:shelf. (Art ..
(Sr w~ich·.'historically have bsen regarded .as suctl . 77) (Milgalfonav: Errrj?t?, supra)': . ' · ·
··Cl:)NCLOS.Art'46}' ·.. -. ". ·. ·. · .. · ·'· ···'· · ·., .... ·,.
,. :1(i '. ~. · . ' ., .. : .. : ·. . , ·.. ·. . .· .· B._ .THE· CO.NCEPTOF T~E.STATE.. ·:· ..
'.(;:.'~chlpelagi.c W~te~ incl.ude .the 'wat~rs' around,
··-::.;~~tween and . : connecting the. islancjs of the · . State . .. . . ·. . .
: -~~chJpelago, irrespective of·· ·.the· breadth ; and It is a community 9f persons, more or les·s,rum.erous, ·
~1mE:nsion (UN.Cl,.OS, Art, '<16), :· · · · ,· · permanently occupying a 9efinite,por'tiori of terrjtory,
· · .. ·independent of contrpl/ and possessing a


'·,=-~§· . C0 NsiiTuT1.o*NAL ·LAW
I >
;,- : ~ ·-~L"?i'\Yt!SMMMW!i!MNWNMi



. government to .which a·gr~!;lt body o.~ the Inhabitants

render·.habitu_al obedience (GARNER, tntroduction

.· . .,. tiARYMh#li!kriftit!fWfiffi&fh#hl'AR
t••WS&il-3Mthb¥t yM$A

. /'

Soyerelgnty --: supreme. and uncontrollable .'

~wer inherentin a Sta.le .by which that State is
to PotiticelScience,
. .
p. 41 [hereinafter
. ~., governed (GARNER, supra at 238, 170) ..
,.' I

A. · politically . org~:1nized . sovereign· community . Kinds: (LP.IE)

inoependent of outslde control. bound by ties· of a. ·Legal - the power to. issue commands;
nationhood, legally -supreme W1.thin its territory, b. folitical - 'the power... behind' the legaf
acting through a .government fu.ncu"onhig under. a sovereign . or the: sum total of all the
regime of l~w (CIR v. Campo~ Rueda, No. L-13250, influences which lie behind the law;
October 29, 197.1). . . · · c. [nterna! :._ . power . to control S_tate!s a..
domestic affairs; and ·
.' Distinguished .from: ,Nation: ~tale is .a legal d. · gxternal e-- power -to -dlrect ·.the -Stata's
.. concept, .whilenation is an-ethnic qrraclalconcept relations witH other States (CRUZ, supra et: ·
. (NACHURA,:s~pra·at~~). : . .. : . ··.. ·'43). . . . . ·-'

· D.istinguiShl;?d fr~m ~overnment:' C_ha"ra'cteristics:-(PECA-13)

.: tneiely;ao_)nstrumentality·of the State.through. which a.". fermanent;
the will-,of the State lsimplemented and realized(ld.). ~:·. £Xclusive;.
· . · · , ;·· ·. . ·. .
Elements of a St~te: (PT-SG) · · ,
1 .. feople; .. · .· · _. . .
. ·

/~ f;t, ·
»:: : J
; ~ """===·==__:_c:·. ~omprehenstve; ·
j'(-=:a~,..~b~~i~te;, . ...
\/~·f!f~vi~~pl~; _ · -.
:. ·
. ' .
. .

2 .. Ierntory;. . . . . . ,,/' --<"-~) . .[

~a.-==;... ,_--:, """'; tJ !~~h~,:i~~le,.arid . . .. . .
3: §overe1gnty;and . fl!;-.,<'\.- ~1~ ' ~~nipres~1_i;.,t1ble(CRUZ; supra at'43): .
. 4. !?ovemment (CRUZ, supra ~rf$.Q/·,. , . ~-~""''°4,-"""--.:.; . '(_'); . . . ~''\\.· · . . · . . -'
f . "'
... · · . . . · · ~ ,.fA'h fl' ."';;t. . Pn'ric1pl@s~Soyere1gnty · . .
Note: 'There, are· ·some ·Writefts'"W1;-Jp/s'ug9es~ tvJi:f. ,!ff~ ]{ : · \ . . '\: {? ·" 't :_ . . . . . : : . ·
~~dilio~al el.ements, · ~d V<f{f'- · rec#gn~tt9~!. ~n'd /l,6,_:__E_!f?-9itof 6\i('Jg)\f ~·overeigntY, . . . . .
po_ssessio~ c:,f a 7'uffi«;1en~tlli"§l)e·et.b{c,v,,,z~lio~]I . F,'.olrtip~ law~- t~r.m1:r sovereign, .wtieth(tr
·. . . . .·. : . ·. -, 3.0":-:--f.r . . q;. ~~~ ~ii~ ~~rn~at1~Je·_1,or n~~·~ _y.i1tl')· ·.those ~f- .th.e new.
Vnde·nhe 1933· Mo-nte'vid~<>.~S-0:'lt~en!i~n\«?n .tf.l :. -~~~ so.v1rElign, c:JMezautol}iatic·any <il:.>r.ogated, ·un!es~.:.
Ri~hts an«;t Du.ties of State~;--tlile~~Jat.'"'~s~~~p~on..:;~~~ _:_!~~~~XPfessl~.r~:en_acted_b_Y the affirmati~e ·
of 1~t~rn~t1~~~1 la":' ~hquld\;ppi:;1sfii,SSt 1-:,'f9llowing\E~ Ji,"\- ~1t 2'-W'~ff- ·~"(e,$e~gn. M~mqpal r~maip ·.
_quahf1ca~1ons: -\v ;, ~,- ~'~
1. Perma~ent p.o~~la~ion; . ·~ . .. :- .. · :.
Eff.l ·
;:p ~.,
d$:.~.f<:}""J,,j,r~~ (M _cano1fl4";Asuncion,AM. No. 133-J, ..
/.~~!f9A1,J 82( · jj' . · _-: _·. , .. . . . · ·. _·.
2. Definea tern~~ry,. :
3. Goyemment, a,:i.d-
'\:··. ·:· _ · . . c, · v·~
.Y. ·:·./
. :- 't.~. . '-: .. ,or"ri::-NJl"\t.:P,ol!!JJ:al L_a:~:;l - · . ...
.- ·./ ' . ·· .
. .
, .
.. ·.
4·. .Cap_a?ity. to.· enter int'?· relatio~~'ll'{ithj~0tl'l"Ej!Y~t;l~Je lj~s-? relattoi:~ betwee_n.the
· · states. ·· .· . . .- · _· ,.~ J?n"?""'~·=---"""_j:.w~\~,,rj~Jp~ ruled (CRUZ _supra at/5). ··. · . :'
co~~i~ering. the .ab~-~~ .ei~m«=:rit~.'. the·)~~r;;';±_~~ i\/l.~~~!~.~t!c_al !--aw~ .. .- .: . . _. · ~.· • ••
Provm6e of-/lf.orth Qotabato v, The. Government of~".,,.~Jhes~laws. regulate private relations only. (Id.).
. ·.the Re.publ{c 'of.the· Philippines-(GRP).Peacf3 Pane/. . . . .. . , ..
an Ancestral .Doinf]f(I (G.R.No. ·· 183_594,. .Octofier·14,' .· :of'
··. Effe-~t B~lligerent O~cu pati~_o:·
2008),... d.ecla_r!3d ·as.' the ·propos'eci ... ; _. · ;Th!:')re · is iio change 111 s<>YE!~Eiignty during · a .
·Memor~ndu,:n, Qf~ Agr.eement.. _ot'l.'· 111~·-:-Ancestr<!l_ · .·. ·· b_elligerent occupation.· The poJiti~l··law~·of tl'le·'
_Domain between t)'ie. Mqr.o.·lslacnic . occupjec('territory; excej:>t:those of treason:··
. Ljberatiori· F.ront, concluding: ttiat- ~he· !3angsamoro_'. · . · .(lca'!r~l. v. _Mis~,· G.R. N9._ l-200, March 28,
Juridical. Entity iS· a sta!Ef "fn all .but name as it meets · · 1~46),ar!:3 merely suspe~ded, subjecl-t<;> reviva_l
.the criteria ·of a"!)t{the· Mon.tev[deo . : .' under_. .jus. · postlim/nfr;,m_ :'up'cio- the .. e.nd of-
··convention." . .- .. , opcapatien.._'But-the nofi:poli~ical laws (!'hl:lniclpc;\I
.·. . ,. laws) are dEi'emed_ cqritlnu·ed un.Jess·chaaged. by·
1 ... PeopJe.-.~ r'ef.~rs. to :the inhabitants ,o.(1he,.State .,..,the·belligerent occupari(since.they-ar~. in.tended
... who_se num.ber. is·. j;apa!Jle': "tor .seff~suffici~nc.y _·... to ·govem relations .of ir.idivid1,1als aS; among
. · ·.and·-self-detei:is~(CRUZ,isupr;1al .21..:22).· · · ·.· themselv.~s a~d · not .generally.!
· · · ·· · changes in regimes 'or .rulElrs (CRUZ, supra at
2. :Territory - a\ix~d pqrtio~ of thei .SUl:face of th~ ·., · ... 44)-. . . .
earth inhabited by the people of the 'state.and
· ::'. _:subject to excll;lsive sover'elgn_~1,1_thor1ty .. ·. : .Note:: Jhe Con.stitu.tlon:is a .political' iav.!,; Civil
Co"de and Insurance Act·a·re hon-political. laws·
. (Id} ·' ·.

. . .
I~·.' · ¥ El
c·o.NS.TIT.UTION . A·L· LAW (.
881-H RWii.M 94*6MI

diJ!iiM'&FW ?M NIIMiliiiMM'MJ>dHMMH~i&WM!3b*?fGN5JPI taHHAfNS#bNM¢M&S984iMii!*NW if.i:ttU~ ...~~
~: ... wh·at is. suspended is
tha'exerclse-of the rights . . power pl~nary ii"! <;:hara~ter (Tcjlflada Ii. ·Angara,
of sovereiqnty, with the control and· government G,R. No. 1.18295, May 2, 1_9f{7).
f~j/ . · of the 'territory· OCC\.) pied by. the enemy passing
r~:. ·'
tempbr~flli ·tcr the occupant :.(La.urel. v. · Misa,
:, . . • lfnperium is tlie State's authority to.govern as

i ~- sup~a1._. · .el'l'.lbra·ce~ in the · c;oricept of _s0vereignty;

incluq1;1s passif!g :faws, 'gPverning·· a. territory,
tf"'.:.. Note: Ttie rule suspendlnq po.litica1· 1aws a_ffects . .,. maintaining· peabe and ord8r ·over ·..'it, and
f~', · <>QIY tfi'e -9lvili~rr inhabitants· of -the -occupled. defendihg it against fore.ign invasion ·(Lee· J.-long·
~~i. territory and Is not intended· to bind .the enemtes H.ok·v. David, ·G."R.: No. L.-30389,-0ecember' 27,
ii. : in arms· (CRUZ, supra. at 44). · . . f9.72). . · : ,· ,· .. .

t~: . :. :
..... '?;· . •. • ~· . . . .• •• . . ~ ..

'As ·;fer, ju.dic_ial· c:i"e~i~o.~s;."the .same ·a~~ .valid ..

%'.. · · during th~ occupatlon and .even beyondexcept.
' . '

PC?u)1n"iµm is" the :capi;lcity of tt,e sta_te to OW~ or

acquire property· (Lee Hpng Hdk v.. Dayid,
4/ · those· ·of ·a political 'comptexton, which · are· .-supra). ,; .,: . . '. .: ·-. · .. · · .. · ·"'
Si{:.'_· · ·~utom~tJcally-~nfoll?~ :lipon· the ·restor~licin of
·",i'W-: the leg1tim_ate,c;1t1.thqrJt¥(-CRl!JZ; supra=at 45)., . . "Princ.iple "of Jtis .Posfliminhim· . . .
~~··· .· · · ·· ·· · ·· . · · ·. At the end of iiie occupi,{tion; whenthe occupant .' ·
~~~-·.: Thus, a person convicted .of treason against the Is pusJ~cj, ·fr.c;m:r the. territo_ry,.,.'the -, political laws
.t~r,:. :. · · Japanese= lmperiat: "Forces ·,Wc:is; a!ter "the . -which · .had: 'been . suspended :during the
lr:' -, ·-; · . occupation, · entitled to .be.: released ori : the,,/:\ · ·. -occupatlon shall autqi;nafically become effective ·
ground that the ·s~ntence imposed on him_ for~~~ <t'., · · ag!Jin:~(Peralta ~: Oire'&to_r-,qfPrisons, supre). · .. ·
, political o.ff~nse had ceased to be valid (Peral!?;(/.·.'\ ·· · · ' ·
v. Director of-Priso,_-,s, G.R. No .. ~-49,Novek_i~1::J!{.,' ;: ';j" ' ·
rn-ttiifsalli.e,yein;·political.l~ws of the belligerent
12_, 194$).' .: ·· · · · . . ~Jl. ·_·: , ;;.~--~~ ~pa·~t~af~·autom~1i~_ally_ abrogci.ted upon .the
. . . . . . · . . ;/ l;:'./f,,,~~0,.:. , ~~~im~o~ the_ o.ccu·pation_'(Co Kirn Cham v..
"But-if the conviction was f9r_ a non-poht1cat-_v i!l v~l~errin~et,, G.FJ,,-t'_lo, L-5,. ~epterrber·17,
·o.ffense, like defamatio~; th? s~ntenc~ w"O"lild ~ot!\,-:;3ll · 19.4~)- · 1fl''\" _. · · ·.. · . -· ·
. : · be ·aff~9tetfby. t~e. term1nat1qn·of _the ,occu",?.nf_,... \ !. _. .. -/·
/1.\- . ·. . .. . ·.
·::_·. · . .((;RUZ, $UPr:~·at 45). · ·. . .,,~- f:\:~. · ,(,;l . }:>- qpv~'rr:i~~rit. ::·::.. . T~e .·. age,:icy , or·
· · . ·. · . . . · - · ·/Y. · :t.·.,~·
·: E~ect ot-~·e~olu~onary~~.e.rri~!_rl. . . -~
: . ·. · · -A. revo!ut,qriary · go.vernm~pf 1~::,t,ci,1;1n'q·-b~P,~ j:':l
tJ .
. !,,:~ · ... 1nstnm1e · tali~. Jt)rough wh1<;:h the will of :the
Staffe._. !~- ,,"ex_pre.ssed, .·a'.nd, re~l_ized
~4i~i/~1a'a1;J3$),. · · ·
\:. ·. constitution'..'-! However;·°"'"',~he · ?r.e.vl?!\iltiorJa-ty · ·-rj · -". -<!.:::.U,lf{:~,lf>" :. . .. .· ..
9f .
r:= :" .' . gover'(lllient. did_ no.Lrep~?rate\1~1::--Po'l('.~~ant .;j'/ . . .~oy,ern;lll·en,t_.. of ·.. ~he. : R~p.ubfo O! the
. ; · ·.·
. :> ·<:o_nsti~t1on, · After,-11:is_tallin!?: 1tselH:~~;~deJ':te _,,:
·. · .. ·. :· goverome~t.. :the_· .. rev.olui10.~_ary')f;~oven;i~.7
11~:rr~· ~[~~
the D~ct~ratlcm in th.e·same w~M rj3PUP,~~fed.t~e . J•{:·•r-.:... Ph_i!!PP,~ ne.s·.-: ... . . _- .

~~..:. ?.-·.~·.··
. . :· '. . ·
_corporal~ : ._gove~nmental e.ntlty .-._.thr~ugh._
£.~hl~~.f~n_ctions;<?f g?v.ern!""'eFlt ~·re~exerc1sed
.· .

· · could not. escape ,responsib1hty. fRftthe .,S,tc1.te's- . : throughout .tlie · Phthppmes,· 1ncludmg, saye'-as .
.. · good faith complianc~_,wfth· its treaty~)!g~tions . ·, : ·,_the,, contrary-=:app~ars· from'..-.the :.context, .the
_:.. und~r intematioriaJ law .. During.the.irjter'rign·um,.·, ·va" ··a,rrns Wht~h:p9li.tical authority is maqe
._ · :"·: . ··when: no· con,stitution'or Bil.t: qf ·Rigtits e~isted,. · . ~ffectixe;. whether ·pertaT11h:ig "fc1 ·
iF.,:. , __a_irect1ves·. a()c!·. oraet~ .is~ued · by- .gover.n:rner:it · :· regions,:. the ·provincial,.· c_ity,! or;/ ba,angay
"":··. ·. officers· were· valfd ·so long as· these.-officers did· · : subdivisions· at.other forms of !beat goverhme"nt
F- .. : no"t exc!')'ed ·the :aulhority:._.grim_ted .th~'m ·_tiy.'the':" . .·.)REV .. ADM." COPE.:' l~tro(ii.Jqtqry . Provisions, .
;-:;'.·:. ·· rev.ol~ti(?nary·_gqve~ment The:dfrectives a[ld.. · Sec..2,_par.-(1}). · ·..... · ...• ·. . . . .
}i: ·:orders. -s~ol:Jld · ·not have· also. violated·. the · .. -: · .. . · . . ·. . ·
. :,~'t' :- -Covenant ·'or i· ti')~· Declaration . (Repub/ic ." -v~. . . .- . Clas~lfic~tlbns ~.f Gove~n.rrle.nt:. . . · .. ·
\~·;,,_:\ 9a_n.digan_bayan, :· G..R,: No, .. 1fl47..'6.8, July ·.~1, .· . ·.a .. As. to the ·existence or- abscmce of title:
t··· ·. 2003) . . . . . . . :· and/"or controi · · · . ·.
i·,;;:-: · ·.· ._. .._-· . ·. · . :.: _'·. · ··.:. · · · · L. ·_o~jµre:.:.:_hc;is a_rjghtfu,-iitj_eio~ex.erci:;:;e_.:
~- ·' D.tictrine of ·Auto~Umitatlon . · . poy.,~ran~ t:o"r1frol 'over V,e State ancfits
\.·.. !hef'· PhiJippir1~S . ·. adheres J> , principie~ ·:·Of '.. t.erritory, l=his. ·is. r.egardles's of'ttje . .fact
) : !ew. as·a limitation:to the exercise of lhat it m·ay·not possess aducil, power .pr
).'··its soy~~eign~. It rn~ari~-'ih~t"any.-state may; by , :'control, ei~het .. bec.ause th~ &~me ·has
-::·· <:on_sent,,express:_o"r .implied·, submit :to a .·· ·
beeti witli~frawn. from it ·or b~cause it
K- /E.!stric\i.on of it~ sovereig_n' rights~ A .state then, if . : . : ... t,as·~not- ·Y~t a"ctuaily' entered. into the'
_,ii;. 1t1.choo~es to, may .'ref~ain .'frorrl" the exercii"e. of . .r exerCiS.eJh1;1reM(CRUZ;·supra at" 40) ...
>·.:.W.tiatotherwii,e · is illimitable cornp~tenc~: There. .. .·
·.. · mayJhus be a curtailment . .. . . 'Of. what
. . otherwise·is
- .

. . ~ - . .
AW ii&i
• MSW& S 51Z:t#

The goveinm~ntunde_r.Cory Aquino a~c;l ii.·: Federal . Governr:nent - one in which

•the Freedom Constitu~ic,n was·a dejure the· powers of the' government are
governrner:it was established dividec1"between two sets of organs, one
.· by:_authorjty of the legilirDate·sovereign •. for national affairs and the. other for local
-the people (Lawyers League for a Better affairs, each organ . being· supreme
Philippines v. Aquin"o, G.R:·· No·. ;'73748, Within its .. own sphere; consists of
Arfay22, 1986).. · · autonomous local- government units
merqed. into a single State; · wilt, the
T·he : ··.government .\.m~er, ··Gloria .. national ; . govern"merit .: exercising a .
· . Mac.apagal-Arroyo,established after.the . · limited ·. degree · of power over the
QUSt~r of Esfrada, . was a
,de "jur.e . domestic· affairs· .. 'but · ·generally f1,.1!1
. · .gqvernment_(Es(t£'!~ait.. ."pesieft.q, G.R. .discretlon of ·the external affairs of .the
· Nos. 1467/0-._15,,2,. 2001). : · . Stat~·(D.E LEON,...supra· at 12). ~
. { ..
ii. De fact~ ·.:..exerci~es. 'actual. powe'r 'o~ cit
-Func,ions ·G~~~-rn~e~t=-: . .
contro] ·.but .. without l_~gal title. (G.RUZ, · . ·. ·· a.·. Constituent.·-._,fun.ctl:01;1s." ·....:.. · cornpursory
·st.ip_ra~at,40).· ; ·.. ·-.· .. ': ·.:' : . ·.... .. : functions ·Which·. are constltutlve- .of the

u 1,J :,/
Thi:ee.'.(j)l(inds.of.DeFacto Go'V.ernm,nts . . . s~ci~ty: : :. · :--:_ ·.. · , .
(PPI):. . .: · :· · · · · .· ··· ··: ~~,, . b. : M1mstrant_ !~nct1.on:>' , - undertaken. to
. i. . De.Ja.cto -~~~per .: g_civetn,.~~~fi'r th~( ~~j~ance.. tli~ gene~al. mt~rest of the S~tety
. gets possession ~nd ·9,9jf~~~"':-·1fJ\..or · ,. ani:t:-~,~r~ -rnerely ~?t1onal (B_acam. v.
. ,us~rp.~, ~y fo~~e o.~ by).l-1e_V.?IC,_~jt,,e~--='=~;;~ 1t9_0~_G;R._N~ . t. ~657, November 29,.
......._= _--.,,~95~A;'+;.. .
. r:na1onty; the·;nent__.;..
: :and malhtains' Hseli"'~gaih,sf;,tfi'e,-,\Vifr9f ..:ifl~;
. the la~ter. .. ·. : /4:.t"'"--/ f
~°""""'~ . ~:'. \,. · . . . .
.f: 1.;_. W> -, l{ ;j;f _The\ pr~•~!~~il~~term1~mg wheth_er or not a

ii. o« facto governm.enrb.~,far,~mourlt ~- £\. go~~rnmeriitf.~~~~' e~erclse . certain of. thel,e

ma!n\\~b.Y.,o''~,·~;\ .:...,-~ptl~al,fuh~~n~~rre: , (.1_) that a governn:iert
for(:e _ "establistfE}l;[.?,l~~g.'/
.military forces wioJF(va,~e and pccy_p~q.:1~1 . -''"'lwsF.i~u{d d~ fi:;,rJP. ....E;. wublt~ _w~lfa(e. those . things
territory of thf:l ~~my IJri tt'le c~mr~'e~fL ~~I '-, ~wh•<:}1 ·pnv~Je '.. c~~lt~I ~o~kl .. not natur~lly
.. , wac -: . , · . · <t.'U. . _ . ,~- .'... : ~\~,1 ,rr,j~':>;;J.undrrtake::ar~~}?t~a~ a gov~rnme~t ~~ourd do
111_ !ndepen.d~nt· . , 9'5?Y.e.rnb:JJt. . . .. ·-:- ~ tho~~)"lg:r,Wh10H~Y ,ts w~ry. nature _it 1s better.
· . esta_blished by \rr~io~:~bit~~1$
. country who rise\~ ins_u.~r<:uo;>l ~Iris~
· oHm~fi
. ~~-
li ~'?7~
~ff!" .
: .t';f. ao-t111'n'Jste~ f~r.;the . puphc v.:elfare..
,~7.s. ~P,Y · __prfvpt~.' 1~d!V1du1:11 or grou_p of -
. : , the pareht · state\(9b: Kim; ~~ . ~c _ . : , . ,r:a£Pi~au!!§ (~~';Jtldez.Y~~- v. csc,_ GR. Na ..
· Valdez .Tan ~eh, ~ap_r_a). :·· \~ .. · . t"' -~~#~'A'u&iu/3. 1.99.3)._ . : . . · :

b,. A_s_to·t~~ r:~~~tl~~shi_p ~~e~~~tl!l~~L~~~~!,&:: i~i!J_~u;_,bane:·c.~s~_oiAgri~~l~u~J p;~dif

: . ~od· 1.~g~sl.~ti~e.b_ranches. -~, ..' .:Yl'l ~
· .. , · ·1 .. ,.~Pres1de,:1t1al . gov~r.r:i!'1en(~~ti1El~_.
· ··
MA..1e(/:iftd(r'_at1e:n·,.of- .
."i>,.af'(!\9:_<ff..~ra_t,ye:"Fman'?mg A_dmm1sfrat1on . v.
Umons·· m ~ovcrnment
. . . sep.aration. of'. e~e~u~1ve.and _lsgralaey,,~~~~G'o/~1:'at,onsaT?d:C!f!ices; the S.C..held _th:at ·MT he ..
· powers·. to two· distinct governmental .- ·: growmg complex1ti~s ·of mqdern· society xxx
.. branches. . . . · . . . : -;-,. · · ·.. · ." : have rendered:this traditiorl?I classification xxx
. _ii.· ·Parliamentary "gov~1:.,1,tient ..,.":tf.iere.."1s: · . "c]U"ite JIJ'.'~ea·nsu~:•. not to say"ob~olete!'. (G.R. _No.
. fusidn···. of· .bqttl. . the execu'iive ·,ahtl . L-2:fff.84,.N6lifJmber 29, ·1!J69J; ; .. · -·- .
: . legi~lative· power~. althq~"gh •"the actual . . . . ·~i .
. .exercise . of ."the ~xec·utive -.pow~rs.. is· . N~yerthei~ss,.: the, -s~r'ne . has . not . enti(~ly
yeste'd.. ·fr_i · Prirne Mii:11SiE:r"~:wllo ·:is ... ·.. become so~. In the case of $'1ipsid"e'lncbtpo;ated
·_chcisen.,_- .py;· ··and :accountab,le: ·.tq, . · v. CA (G ..R_.·No. 143377, F!:]bruary 20, 200_1),"the ··
. Parlia_me.rit (DE Li=:~N,· T.f!xlbqok on (he. : sc ·h_eld that a· government ijgency~the:Bas·es
· . P.hilippir:1e · Constitution. ·(201.4), p. 13 ·conversioh . and. Developr:nent. · Authority
:{hereinafter_DE_LEONJ). · . .. '·'. .(BCDA)-:-co1,M ·not tnake ~SB of.-the" principl~
• - · · · ' · ·. tha,t pfescriptlon· doe~ not ·run- against the ·state; ·
.' .. c. ·. As .to· centralization.-of.-coritrol · ·. · . · . Since. th~ BCDA· was cr~ijfod ·as, a separate
·· . ·,,- i: ··.un;"~ry-_Govemrrient:.:.,.· 6ne in which· . · · eiiti1Y .'from··. the .. goyernnierit ·-With the ,...,,.,
: . . . . th.~ confrol .of.r:iational and IQca·l·a~airs, is . function' of developing ·former.military· bases.into
exerci~ed by ·1h~·. 'central· or . economicallyviable und.~rtakings,. such agency
· .. govemment~.r. ·.. single( .. central_izt:ld ·.. ·coi:ild noi· .be considered . as . part- . of the
· g6vertimen.t, exercising power:s over govemrnent . for' of applying ·the
•b"bth 1he· internal and external.affairs of -doctrine·.
· ihe state. ·. · ·


fJ:;.. e sw:a,M1&1 RAE ic1mv.
~·· wt. Fl4 "

fif· ME MifliSNMt
~:;·. ms+@·@.ea MiS&GSMFiew+1M1a+¥hiiJC4CfSfth#¥!&-?tiWffd?¥ 4

tii . Doctrin¢
.of Paren_s .i=>atriae.·(Pareht
People)·· . . · ·
of the
- .. . .
to the performance of its ·multifar.i9us function; -are
far greater if such .a. fondamenta'I pri11ciple were
!%/ . The government asquardian of the rights· of people ·abandoned and the availability of judicial rem.edy ·
~~1 · may initiate ·legal . actions for and in beh~lf of a · were not thus re~tricted. · ·· ·
~\ particular individual (Gav't. ·of PH.l~lands .v.. El.Monte
:.~;'·.· _.: d.. e N_o. L-9959;_,_De_cember. _1_3, .1.. 9.16_.~- .: With the well-known propensity on the part of our
· people to go to court, at the 'least provocation; the·
"'1'-' ·When actions. concernlnq the childhave a telatlon to Joss of time and energy required to defend .against .
;(· th~ publlc wel(are.odhe well-being ofthe ·child: the law suits, in the absence of such a basic principle
,.,:r . State may act'to promote these legitimate·.interests. that constitutes such an effective..obstacle, CO\.Jld
~1 As parf!ns patriaf], -, the Stale has the. inherent right very well be imagined (Air Transportation· Office v,
,:~fj at:id'duty to ~i_d. the moral development of · Spouses-Ramos, GR. No. 159402, Feb. ·23, 201.1).
~,-?· their children, ~nd;'l~!,!S, assumes a .supportiriq role . _.
:if ··.for>· parents .to · _fulfjll )h~ir·: p,ar~r:ital : obli_g.ation~.. Test to Determine if Suit is Against the S.tate ·
!\}~; (Samahan.:. Nf! ·· .Mga_ ··· f?_rQgreflo/)'}9 .. Kabataan - If. the .enforcement..of the decision rendered" against ·
!~~/ o(SPARKJ. v. Quezon City, G.R:; .N.o: 2254,4:J, .. August the public officer or ageri'.cy impleaded will.rE'iqiiire an.
Ji~·- oa;·2011). · . - - .· . ·. · . · · · · <:' .· affirmative. act -trom the 'State, then, it is. a 'suit
·:fl,\' . . . . _. . . . . . . -, · - · agairist the State (Sanders v .. Veridianf:i;·GR. No. L:~ ·
J~f C.. ST A1:E .1~""!.UNrrv .. . · . · , . .- __ 46930, June· 1.o; 1988).· · , ... · · . · ., .

~{ '-·fl.a.sis: _The· '.:Stc!t~ .:'!lay n.ot-:be · .sued without Jtf,,:;;;; · ~: suit: is

;i1{· ?onserit (CON_ST. Att, XV,\,~~'?··:J(.- - ·.·. . .· . //··f_/( ,\.
a·gain~t the State< of ~h~ is· ·
named as. - defendant:- if 'it: produces _ adverse··
f;~t R; s~n~· "The°re c~i'i -~· no teg~I right againsftti~?>:_:-i:\ on. th:e p.ublic treasuri whettier in. t~~ ·
~t%:" aJt~ority:·wh_ich:mai<eti the l~w:·e>n··which the _qgfuit:.~~:-t~;.~i~~rsem~~\o(funds·~r·foss o~.p.r~pertr, thep\,Jbl)c
:\'t d~p-ehds''. (Repupl(<? y.° Vil/aspr1::GJ{ No; L;~67~,;- · '. ·(i:;, •..-,,:.Qf.{!£~1".'"f r.~S7·7de? against ··not bemg h~ble his . , _ m
,-_·, Noverilbec28 1·973) ..., . · .. · >.,.,."'.(',;,- \..,/ •_J per~onah,:~P__ .acity _ (Begosa ,.y .. Chairman, PH _
_:· : · . '.- '° .' . : . .',: . -· . ·(>'Jr ./\J}. Velerans;. Gjffft.No. L-75916, April 3Q;. _19.70) .. ·· . . _
! '[Another] purpose - be.hind :ttiis p_ii,:ic;ipl,¢.Js,t<"°"·:1'1\ . ,. // r,_ \ . . .- _ . . - ·. _ · .. _
,. -the.los~ of goyernmental effic(e.ncY,J!!fe;3~.~t~tJtll?!the .· . f\. -. Conse~u~ntl~. t~ .doctnne._ha~_no-aJ:>p)1c~tiQnwhere
:-_Jime an9. energy it wolilcf 'regu!(ev'to_.detenii"itseJ_f,-. '1<1 !he: ~Ult/aga!pst '~U<?h _a. P';lbhc. -off1c1_al had: to· ~e
,}~~amst.lawsuits (Leon~rdi.a lf./'hu.tur.t;fJ.Vi§_[;-s-.. ''l msbtl:~~i ·be~us~~?..!_h.1s· c;;otnply _with the
· Joe., GR: Nl>:" 190289; Januai(/(7,~·20'ff1);.,~." . -~, - .. !ti . du.ty'\!~l?!?S~~:~·i'J.S~atu.te, ·. which . J'lad<:Jy
,( ·. ·_·: . · · . · ·· · ·. ·,.~. ' ;. ;;.,.,.-;;.(-(, ~·) (~ !=Jp.propnal~(tp_y_l;ihe0funds for the·benef1t 8f plaintiff or.·
';:-Th~ .. d~c'trine:·.. ._is . als<;> .:0.~ntiw}~~:~'Jtht:i...roy:!1 . rH peti.ti~ner · (Jsidrb V. Philippit,e , Veter-a,:,~ 'Affairs
,prerog~t.ive of di.~hones~~,:beca~SEt,:i~_grp,ptsJ~e . t:~E>/!JffJ, G.~: "'!o. '(9156, :.Jun.~;'.22, 1989)-:- __
'.S,tate the. defeat'anyJeg1.t1.roate·cla1m _:s·,>i<'::;:c/,r;-n. _ · , . · · . .
;~gainst it by-simply 'invoking its_n9rj-sg];i6il!ty (P.~r-~,Ci!,';_;;;.')\.5uit--iS::aga(nstJhe ..state; when: .
Nt.Rc; .G.I~. W.o. · 104269, N9vember·:1~'.f_1., 1,f9_93i}.r..J·.
·:,\. - · · · .-. . · . . .· ·. · · . - ~~·..J:t . · . · · 1_ . Jhe RepubJi<>_"is $Ued_ by i}arri.e; . .
2. ·: ,:he·sl!it is agf;!ifist an unincorporat~d agency; or.

f~ciologic~I Basi~ of State Immunity . ·-:.- .- .. - 3. - :Wh1:m the. si.iit .is on 'iis ·-.face aga:irist . a .
flractical ·considerations qi°ctate the est~blishmentof · government officer~ but tl:le ·case , i~ $uch that ·.
: n : !i'nrf!unlty.. ,from: sJ.,!it. ir1. -fc!vor:· .6( tt,e Stil!e:- · . . ultimate lia.bility)Nill" belong· not. to the officer .but
therwise, and th_e State is.suable at the insta·nce of ·- to the govemment.(BERNAS, Reviewer, supra
.. er.y individua.1, government:service may. be . at 530).. . - . . , . . _. . . . . .
~,everely obstructed ·and.'pl!blic· -Sj:lfety:endar,gifr~d . ' . .
,)~cause.·of the m,imber bf suits that ~e ·statt;1 has to Consent to 'be S~ed·or Waiver ~f, hrtmunity
~~fend i:lga.inst. · _ · · ': By'::consenting. to . pe . .'sue.d, .. tlie. State does· ·not
ni:icessari~Y.admit that it-is:liable .. ln Stich a case. th~
~~etaf jusU(icati~n.s·h·ave--be.e,~ offer~d tq S\Jpport·· . State i;;;· merely ~iving the pl~intiff cq::han.ce to.pr9ve
. ,: adoptioif of lJ:ie: doctrine:_ i_n the-: ~hi'lippines,' but that the State:is liable-but the··State "retains the rfght
t .offered in· Provid(}nce Washington Insurance 1o·rai~~ all,]awful d~fenses. .(PH-~qck Industries, Inc~: ..
<Y: Rep1,1b.tfr::' .of the' Philippines· ·is -~th1f. most v. Board pf Liquidators, G.R, No/84992, Decembe(.
ceptab_l~ expic1nation;~ a·~ording,to·Fr. $em~s. a 15, 1989)·.. . . . .
.t!J.n_ized co111rnenta~or_.or)· Cons~itutionar Law; to .
The un[versal, rule 'is th~t where· ttie<Slate 'gives its
c6nse.nt to b'e s1.i-ed by private parties .. eitt\e.r 'by .
\9o~Uriued adh~r.enc~·: to the doctrine of non- general or special law, it may lrmit claimi;i°nt's action ..
.. ,bi.lity is. :_not. t~ be. deplorec(for. as aga1nst the . only :UP:~o the'li ofj:>roceedi°ngs anterior.
i;9!)venience that r:nay be· cau_sed private parties. to the stage 9f'execu~ii:>n; Disbursem¢nts of public· ·
,~· IQss of governin~ntal efficiency: and the. obstac.te funds . must be covered by· the .. corresponding
: :· . . . . ..


~.• ,.,,,e~ftfff· till MB>'.Z'TIDll4ts,S1¥>?P*i .+M-Jd¥tf2 4!Mlti-it4'>,.,,MFselbiiWIIFlXrm

1. '=\'S'~"Wtiiacw@en?wuPP1Q1tt&1KtbPffl~
. .. .
. . .
. - . WM -
b SMS§CiiNfftl!t&n

· appropriation a$ required . by" law (Republic v. only .way.· by:° which it- may relinquish or :
Vil/asor,; supra). ., . abandon this "imi:n.unity (Callado v, IRRI,
G.R. No: 10648(3, May 22,· 1~95)..
\n/aiver of State lmmunify.EssentiaiJy Legislatiy~ ' · '
Waiver of state Imrnumty islaqislative in nature, and 2.. Implied Consent . .
therefore the same cannot be g"iveri by the· President . a. ·. Whei:i:·the·.State commences lltlg_atlon, it
' (Republic V:Sandoval,. G. R. No. 84607,. 19, becomes vulnerable. ttj . counterctatrn
. ·1993)° or- other adrninistrative officers (veterans (t=roilah.".v. Pan Orienff:J1 $.tii'pping, G:R. Nb .
. Manpower &-Protective Services, Inc. v. CA, G.R. k6060, Sepfember'3o; :1954); ·.. ·
No. 91359, ·sif!pte.m~e.r ~5, 19SJ2). · ··.· ·: · · · · · ·· ·... ~ ·
. , . " ·. . . Excep~lon:·wh_en.the State-intervenes-not
Whatever acts or utterances . that · then President -for th~:purpose. of asking for· any' affirmative
Corazon Aquino may · have ·done or said .(in the 'relief,· but· ~niy_ for the purpose- of res_isti~g
aftermattt .oftheMendlolamassacre), the·same··a"re the· ·dafm"'·precisely. because of immunity.
not, tantamount: .to the State·: having waived. its . from ·suit·(um v. Bro·wne/1, G.R.· Na, 1.-8587,.
immunityfromsuit. The Presiqent's act of joining the ·· ·. · ·. M_arcb 24, >t-960).'. ·: · · .· ·· ·
marchers, days' after :the tnctoent, does. not mean . . .. . .
that. there was, ~n admission by \}:le Stateiof any: · b. When thEf.State enters l~tq .a bustness
· liability. In. fa.ct, -lo borrow tr.e-."wqrds of. petit1one_c]t,..,= =---=--:::""'_· contract In its· proprletary'capactty ·

was an. 'act of solidarity by the governmen!,).Y.i!ff-tfie iLJ•. .l. :;""-~ .·- .. ·. ·.:. . . . : -. · · ·
people." .. Moreover: petitioners rely·· Of.l'~Pre~}iJ.ent •.' J\
! -vf.T~q~capae:itl_esof thi! Stat11 In entering· r
Aq_uinb's speech promisinq- that t9.-99,g~r9m\"!:1.t-:.==.::"';:r;,,.=,,,,~ 11" )nt"c;,.contra"cts~·- · · . . . ' .
WOlllda~dress the g_r-ieyances:~f t~¢Jat!_Yi~t5!~ifthis · . . :·"~J.V A¢t~\~".re. ge"t:;tio__ni~. ·- .. by rig~~ · of.
·alone, . !t:.cannot -b~· mf~rred· },bat-~Q.~J3ta.~_..1ba~~<-,-~49onon:i_1.· ..cor ,,. . bµ_s1o~ss relations; .
admitted ai:iy liability; much-:l~J~~a"Q ~ybeJi11ferre1 i .
)f '~{. .''\'~.(~t.· Qr_ propriet~ry. ·acts.,. The
Saf)dovaf, supra).
. : F_o.~~s.~f sta·t~·~Co_hs~nt
. . :r
·- ., JN.,.._ ~----·1·
fhat . it . has· _;cons"ented to ,~ · stiit'f(R-e~ub.fic~: ;.~ If'"' · . \ s1~t~ mar,•r1esued (US. v'. G/.l(~to, GR.
l .. ~
,,..-',,· ~ .
fo<t~led:-.l- · ~ir~l r 1:~:,~~ . . f ._:
} . No).'w,rqrf;\_February
..,.g__ __,__..!! .,~:
2p, J990),

T~~i;~~\sl~!8 mu~icipal --~rporati?n
- •

· 1..· · "II :~ l( ·· · _\ · · · bi '-.:m:JWJ.?,~~ · ·. :t are ttwo~fol~· m :character: . (1). p\,lbhc/

_. It ca~ ?·e ~ive_n. only _by !ffi~el,'ff:·.t~1f1¥.$~1~£ve ~:~--- -:.__:/~ovi~flI1l~~~~~ .. · ana .···(ii) · ·corp~rate/
bo~y~_in a gen~ral or"Sfil~.C•fil:,i~w-fifft..)k~~(C v.,:~ ,·~-.~,! KS)jp.roR~e~t:9i1W1th_·.r~spe~tt9-:p_r9p.netary
:F_ehc19no1. ~.R .. No. 708!{$r1Mar_q~12(JlfJ, 'lJ .. It~ ... ~_.,. .,f.-..,.,.1,"."~' fur,i!tions1,~ ·ml,lnic1pal_ corporation ·can ·
may_.not··be given .by a\c;_nere·c~nse:Q;<;>-"th~~ · :~./'-~ . byf _held,_l.11able :to .third· per~on~·.ex
gov~rr:ime~t "(Republicv. _F!"ef. _risim~;-ig_.R.f'!o. L;_.~*--,.., ,,;/.',·. '. ;.. A'-b'!tra~i{o.tex_delicto. They m~y" al~o.
36084, August 31, 1977). ~ ' Sr'[f'-·'~~;:; ./'::·:?!3·s.ul:!J~~t to suit up~n cor:itrap(s and.its.
· · ·: .· ... ·. .:. · ·_· : , .·_. · ·, . 7.:,.-:.,, ':--' .:!.~-:;-,.pi · 'fJl?t.':;f't'hus,· the mu11icipality--wa~ held.
a. General Law · . · .. .. ~,......_..f. lir] :;~==---=--=-~~ \--f\,)Ha}::Jle tor· the· death :_of ~ member of a.
. .Moriey. clc!ims arising-from conlr~s'\..wl;iich_. ~. ;r,A,J. '~ . t. A--{"firzilf!/a. · troupe, which. was
. ~:coufd .. sE:it\le. as·, a·. basia of· civU~--a&,tipri l.v ..l .. --~ .cor:or.tiission'ed by· $8id 0ii:iunicip,ality· tq .
. ·.. ' .. between private ·parti~s' must "be· firsi -fil~~=>;~~-:.. · ·. ·' .. : perfcitm·· ·ft,>r . th'eir :fiesta- when. the·.· .
. '. : .:·with.tbeCommission."on~vdit(COA)·befo_re· ... ~- .· · .. p~rfomj,fr1c~ :.stage'·-:cotrapsed ·:and_..
· a s!Jif.may·btdiled:in court·,The .COA mus.! · . . _.pinn·ed·.· him, uncfernel'lth· ·-(Torio. v.:·
. . .act.upon.the-claim within 60 d_ays . .Rejection- F,o"ntfJni/la,-GR. No. :L-29~f!3r· Oc!ob~r
of the· Claim ·al!thori:.;?:es_ .the claimant to · "2~, .1.9r8). · i .. · · _. : · . . · ·.
· ._elev.ate:tJ:te·rnatter-'li::> the. Supreme.Court.on' . . ' ·• · · ·, · · . . ·. '. .·
. . · :. · certio._rari'(Ac~ No.. ·3083 .& C,A:: {Yo.. ·321,."as . ."ii. Actaj1,·i,.;,perii....: by righ(of·so~ereign
. ·, , : amendedby Secs.. 49-50, P.D. No. 1445):: ... . ... : power..and in ·the exercjse ·of sovereign,
. . ... .. . funtt{ons.; )her~·is·nO:.implied consent to..
,. · ·., · l,_bca) Government.Units· ti~ve ;th~· pa"wer"to: be 'sue.a :(@S" v, Ruiz;-.G:f.?. "Nq: L-35645;"
. · .scie ,and .be.·sued ..(i.:ocal.G.overnment-.Code . . May 22,.. 19Eft!):. :00 • :·.'· • ._. • • ·, :· ; • •• ••• '··
· ·. ·· {LGG)/.Sec, ·.?-2, pa( (2)). · .. · · :· ·.: :>: ·. . "
·-. .. ··. · N9t~;- tn: ex~rcising. tt:ie ·. po'Ner. ·. ot··
. b. : SpeciaL L.aW (Mfirritt ·v. Go~·i. of the.. PH · ·. · · eminent doniairi, the State exer6is~s· a·.
.. · .... _. Jsfan~s; G.R. No: L-111.54; Mt/rcfr.21, ·191-6). . . power jus iTTJperif,, where. p.rqpei1.y has
. . · been tal<en :'without ·just ·col"!lpensatipn
By virtue:·of P,D.· No. ·16.20~- the grarit.-of . · · .b·ejrl"g pai~· .. Th~·- defense of immunity
immul'.'lity ,to. International .. Riee Research ·· · _from suit"cannot be _set _up,·.ln·Jm ·atti"on
.··lnstitu"te (IRRI) is clear and unequivocal,· for- p_ayment ~Y the owner (Republic. v..
· express-waive~ t)y its Director General· is the. •Sandiganbayan,.supra). . . .


f·· ..
' ••
• •
·.1· 7~l5:
. :·_
,lo: l-f
(, , _ 1
>v o• a,khHiiS lf?FB&Mf ; s,w;ea , ee:&&MWRiift~tt&BPi!l&MWk> e:eee 1st Fnwst2&1SiGtriF.ii!IB.1
c..:r· ~ ·.... .·

r c. When It would be lnequltable for· the
State to claim . lmmunlty " (Amigable_ v.
sovereign. its' commercial actfvities or economic
affairs. Stated differe'ntly; a State may be. said to
!'.'.:.:;::·· Cuenca, G.R.. No -, L-2640Q, February 29, . have descended to the level otan individual and·
·: - 1972). Thus, it cannot' be applied ,against a can thus be 'deemed to have tacitly gi.ven its
~': cltlzen. who has fifed a complaint as a result . consent 'to be sued only wh_en it 'enters into.
~ of the ·state's act' of entering' .and taking business contracts. It.does not apply wherethe
~{ possession 'cit a private property without just .. contract relates to the exer¢ise of its sovereign
~:'· compensation 'and without fitst. initiating functions (Ghina Nert. Machinery(!. Equipment
regular' expropriation. pro~eedir.igs.(DOTC v, Corp ·V Santamaria supra) '·
[f .
Spouses Abecine, G.R. No. 20648.4, June ·. : .. . , . . .
t . 29, ·201_6)._ .. Note; The head .. of
-State, who . is 'deemed the
~f . . , _ _ .. , ·
personification of the state, is Inviolable; and thus ·
~:;' -Effect where No-·Consent is Clearly ShQWrJ . _enjoys immunity frorn.sult (NACHURA, sapra 47),. at
). '
Whe~~ no consent is shown.etate lmm\Jhity from suit '. -, · .. · .' -· : ·. .- .. ,
·~.r:. may . be invoked as. a defense by ..the courts sua . . GOGC:s ·Do
NOT Enjpy the 'lmmunlty of the $fat~
~···· .sponie at .any stage of_ the -proc,e~dings, because from Stiit- . .

-: . ·· .
waiver of : immunity, being ' In . ' deroqatlon .of A governmentowned and 'controlled corporation has
f sovereignty, 'will hot be inferred lightly. and must be: . a_ personatity of its.. own, distinct and, separate from
{:-.. ·. construed in etrtotissimijuris (Reptfblic v. F:elic[ano, · that · qt the · Government (Rf!Jyo v. Court of First
1j;- .
. . -· ._. . . .
. --1~~ · · . lnst~nce.· of
.r>c/ .,tJ( December 19, 198_1).
~ulcjca(),· '. G-.R. No. . L-55273-if3,
tl~ ·State lmmi.mi~y ~f Foreign ·States·. · . /_: · '(/ · ".) ·. · · . ·. . · . · . · . ·
ti.. In international law, "in:irm,mi{y" . is . col!1,no8Jcf_•. '. :.:1.i: R_iJ!es .-R~gardir19 ·-Suits_ ,against ... ~.overnment
)~'-' understood as 'an exemption. of the·.state and1pf~,' , .• ,,. ~g~nc1es:r.;'\. . · ·. . ·. ·· .

(:1,K organs from the iurisdiclion of another-state.-Tttis (§: :':'i'(:::.n~1:ien.~~H~Is lnco.rporat~d Agency
t-1.r.· ·anch-ered on-the priri~iple of t~e sover~,g~equality':.,' yi · :.An·lneor'~ratedAgency h~s_a.charter-of its o~n·
~~;. of states under which one state p~n~t. ass~r.t·\...,~J · .. and ~o~.~es~e;, a . 1und1cal . per~onahty·.

jurisdictiorfover another in violation.gf1h~m:axjm p~,. . . T~ . indep~fi'~en~ of the -State, .. e.g., - .GOCC
t:f .. i,:t parem .non. hapet .imperiuin )N,bi~ '!)~fins' "an !l · ·. 'A;~supra at 50). · ·. · .
( .. equ~l has no 'p.~-.,yE!r ove_r'_an .. e9.u_~("P-Ht_ ,v. f.~: · ·
if .. I . -~ · ·. - · ·. · . _-: ;_. ·
rt.f: · NLRC, G.R. No. 108813, Dec;.. ef.q;··1.9~':l..-· · ~. f'ii a; ,ft ils. provides.that it h~s the right-to
~-:' '... . · ~-·jt' =:-:."':S->Pl· ~-:-i .l·~ij ~~J!~7~~~~}i:Jed,it is c;1n ·.expr.!;!SS. ·consent
·~: .. Th~_-doctrine' ~f. S~ate immuni1Y\~~~!a1~JlVttl_abl~(j' r7/ .. ~ar:@flt!.$.~S0able.This i_hcludes a suit for tort_.
~f: ·!?reign-States m.sof~r as _they ar~-,~~~.tit't~J~e.suid· '·,{/ ,·. . .. (SSSv. CA, ~.R. No._ L-412P9, Febru_ary21,
:t . . mthecourtsofthe local State.(Syq':'1ir~:LoP,1ez! G.R. ... }~"':· . 198.3); - ·. . · · . . . · . .. . ·· ·
~t· ·No. L-1648, August·17, 1Q49). · ~\--?.J:: , . _:;.,_q.1w•~.1!-f~;3 .. ·. . . . · ·· . ' . ·
•.'~IE,: . · · · ,... · , · . . : < . . · {/".· ·. : /f1!;'.;r-:...-"'.~li.J.1J~....c!~;~:..-4f.:jTu_c!iarter is. silent, inquire into its fu()ction
Subrnissipi:t by a fo~ei9n · state to."·1~c~~.luiis~icJion
·:·;:.;. be clear- and uneqaivoeaL It· !'J1Us.J..:~-~...:~~iv~n·
. .', ·-_.·_ · . · b~sed on t~e · purpose :for which it. was
· · created (Malong v. PNR, .G.R. No, L_~4Q9:JO, ..
;.,·e~plicitly · or by necessary· implj~·ation (Re'f)ub/ic of · - · Augu~t 7, 1985). , .
:· lpdonesja 11.•• Vinzon, G.R, No: 154705; Jµne'. 26, · , i." · Propr)eitc!ri- ff the purpo_se is io·_obt~in.
. 2003). . . . . . . · specia~ corporate · b~neflts ,. 'earn or
· · ·. . ,. .. Pecunia,Y Pr.Ofit,.,uable; ·. . . . ~
:' El_<t~'nt of Sovereign l~in~ni~ ... ' ' ii. Go:«erqrnental ..,_-ifit·is-,n._the·lnterest of'
/:J:here are twe::i .: conflic~lnrj'_cbncepts·. of sover~ig(l 'health;·s~foty a['id.for the al;lva.n.cem:en(
i,'J_l'\1munity,'!'}aeh _widely·.held and firmly,establish~d: - . ·. :bf:p11blic g09d a:ndwE!lfar<;1., affecting the
( 1.. Classical' or · abso.lute. '1he.ory.- s3: s_o_vereign . · ,public in g'e·Qeral, not :s1.1.abl~f (B/aquera
~.-1· '.' cannot, .willieut· it~ consent, be made. ·a v:~Jca/a; G,R. No. 1()9406,·$,eptember
(. . respondenr'il") the co'.urt·s of a.nether soveI·eign.. 11; 1Q9~).· . . . · . . .. . ..
jz·.. _.Restri~lve. thepiYs·:.-. the: ·.ill'l!lll!nity: 'of. the:·
·;:.;_.: . sovereign is tecegnized·. ·only· wlth·-:.regard to·. . 2.. vJ~en' -$~jt. i~·-· a9-ai11st ~~ ·_.u·~-l~co·~~:~ated·
.\ : . puf:?lic. -acts Pr a~t~ j~re'.imp·erilof a- state, but · ·: · 'Age11cy · · .· · ..· · .. · · ·.-. . .
·..' '·: ... ncit. '.villi . regard ,to . private _acts or: ·c!cts jure . . . ' Ah . 0nincorpo_rated .Ag~ncy
has . 116 · juridical
·· . gestionis (China. Nat'.!:'N_facl)ih.ery./?,. ~quipmen_t-· .. pe,:so.mility.. ·,.of : . the . State
·· Gorp. v. .Santarhf:lr(a, · ·GR.': N.o. .· 18~72, · .- · . ·.· .(NACHV.~A;.supra. ~t-~1). _· · ·
F~bruary 7,: 2012). · · · ·
a. :·wheh if 'piimarily' pert'orms govemmerital
., ~ -. ·. .The. restrlc:tlve. :appli~tion: of Sta.~~. frri111unit;· i~ . .functions: Not ~1.,1able without State.cpnsent

-~t-. · . . . .
i€:)'>.',proper-only when the' _pro.ceec;lings aris~ out·cif even' if 'p,erfon:ning- ._proprietary function
\;,;·.- : · .commercial transactions · of ttie foreign incidentally· (Bureau,.of.Printingv. EJureau of.

~i~.. : .
• d(1·
:t~·. ·.
WPBIP ¥15 1 nm· li&MRS 1!95¥ s,. 1¥8 id n:7

SWibidl W&WRJMN.i@Pidilb !'1&!4Qiff'ii$Fiit#Mif·fit,JR,lfii-&Sf. j*1 ifiWI fiiii'ltti

Printing. Emp(oyees'n., GR .. No. U · · N'ote: Before levy on execution.may proceed; a

1'5751, January 28, 1961). Thus; even in the . . . claim for paymentof the judgment award must
exercise of -proprletary functions incidental first be filed with the'COA, which has the primary
to its prirparily: goyernn:i'E?ntal func.tions, an .· .jurisdlction to examine, audit, and settle ·"all·
unincoroorated agency still cannot. be sued . . debts.and claims of anysort" dlie from or.owlnq
without its consent'. (NACHURA;· supra at · · - thEt~Govemment or' any of j~s subdivlsloris, ·
39); . ' . agencies,:. and lnstrumentalltiee, inc/uding
GOCcs: (Agrfj. I( .. COA. G;R. No. 167807,
· . Note: Even: if the .office befng sued· is· an December 6, 20.11): ·
unincorporated ag,e~cy .of the gov'ernmerit.
the defense of Imrnunlty fromsuit-willnot be . Ru!e,s· ·. Regarding .. Payment .of lriter~sts by
availing if. the only causes bf action- directe~ Govemmen~in Mon.ey J.Ud{;lments it . . .. .
. · · it. -are · preltrnlnary injunctiorr and · Ge,;1e.ra1·Rule: Government cannot be.made to pay
ma/1i:lamus. Thedefense of state immunity . interests:.:',' . . .
from ·$uit·does. not apply in 'causes.of J1ctidn · ···
which donot seek to lrnpose.a .:charge or. ~xcept.ibns::·(E3W) · · .
·· financia] .'''liability . .-again,st : . the : . ·State 1'. · gxpressly stipulate.d.(Saraso/a v. · Trin1dad,G:R.
(GOROSPE,':P()fitica/. ·.L_aw. (20r6).; ·p. 71 . No. 145/)5,·0qtober 11; 191-9); . · ..
· fl}~(einafter;. G,ORO~PE]).. · . ""'"'""""'?~-s=~""""~minent domain (BE,RNAS,:Commentary, supra
· ·. . · · . . >*~ . 1.- - .. af.'403)·
b. · Whe~ .. it p.erfo.rrns primaril~pra°;~ary.

l\_) }\fs~fo'fie~.µ_f.
collection.. of _taxes· (Saraso~a v,
functions: - . ', - /'-<(~ -f, ;.~.,,...f,c;.;.=~>=c~ t.rm,J;a;1,,..,.supra);or ' . . ··.. '. . .
G~ner~I ~i;dCY. Suable · (pivi{" ·J.f~io.atft1cs 4 .. W.h~e ·§J~v~ment agrees th pay interest

November 8,
· · ·. .
1, 98.8). · rc-. ·";/ . · ,f""' · · ,:;»
Administration.. v... C,1, ;,~-~~_9,/t'-5~:8~6~~""=?~-:.,,p,\!.r~~~e-

. '· . if. ~ . . _..; f..·. "'ff· !1••

)l- ~7
f~f4.sarasolav. Trinic;tacf,supra).
l °'\\ ··/f..! \ ' .· · :
.1,~'o._ .B:.\Jles Rtga)'q_i.'\'9 Sul\ against P.ublic. Officers
. -
· Exception:. When ttll~ propr;(etaryJunctions·.A)·'\'. ' .·. 'q.· : . t ;· .f) \l . · ,· · . .
9re in.dispensable_·ir111l~~]i~char{fe-'!!-!!s"'""""r~neral"I R~ie:\'1"Ji~~4p~tr1ne ?f State: !m.munity
9qv_er_~r.nerit~I· .f!.rn_c ~~s;..fl~ 1s - ~okso·g~~ 1~· t.:;:-a~~l.~s,~b c~n:~Jalhts...fil~d ag·a1.~st,pffi~i.,1ls.. of· the
· (MDb!I Pf!L Expfor. lt<J!l:!, }pc,. v. ustoms;;...,,·;trw?.1ate fo~acts pe~ormJ.~Jbythem ·m the d1schacg~.of ·
Arrastre ·service,, , '(!;fl«...: ij. N~ 23139,~~·".::::"their._dliji~i\hi9 tlie ~~cipe of theiMPthority.. A suit
· ...: : De_c'ember 17~ 196.6f,\ (A\· \~ \~- \r1\' "'.f-1 ,,f8,gamJfJP!®rffi efficers:;in.
i,c the discharge of. official
. · . .· . \ .JI'._,, \ .' ;~?~~ ·~. ,~t.-:.ifa_n~tiof{s": hictJ'7::ire })qyernrnental in character is a
Rules_. Regarding .. G~mishgtent ~r ti~"-~f.e:.:_'5 <~if~af.stthe.state;(NACHURAisupra at.82) ..
· Government ~qvemmeht o,pos1to,fy.~'-.,~y/ ~·,.;/·· f."'.J' · . :,r· .- , · . · , .: · ·
General Ru.le: · Govemment .fu\dsdepds!tec(~1~~~~f.~ptio,.t1s: ,/ . . . · . · _.,
. PNB_ or aut~~rized 'de~os_itortes ca\Qot·be;s-ubjf€~}-~a~~,.tilf4~t0"c!o~n'l;P-~V~li:,u_blic officer to do ;:in act required
· garnishment JPNB v. Pab'f!lah, G.~f.JQ.Slp.8,.,fl~"-"'---=-"."""-"':,b~~ ?d_-,}/'.. · .· . . .'. ,: . · , .
June. 15, .1978), . , - .. : ·· . . . . ,~ ·· U / -;, · { !2,, \""i;:Q.\e,..,,t.t'.fihh1.m-from·enforcing an a~t claimed to -·
.~ : . . ~~:- . J.v1t.t::J_y.-(.(ncQnstitutional'(/d.);. : . . .. .
E:ic:c·ep~ions: '. '. . · 0
· .'. • ·. -"!=...-.-...:-.,==r.:-To<c:ompel . the ·paym.ent .·_qf .da.rn~ges ·-from
. 1. ~. Where law,· or ordina~ce · t:i_as·' alre_ady been already · appropriated . assuranC:e. fund ; or· to ·~,rspec\fic ar;nount_to pay · .,. . · refund :!~x.. oyer~payment~. from a:.fµnd ..alrea.dy :.,
a v~li~ governmental :obligaticin;.. ' · . ·.· . available.. for thaHl1,1rp0$e.·(/d;J; · · .. - · · :· ·
2. · Funcfs. belor-:iglng" to gove.rnm~nt corporat(Qn~ 4.. To,:secute ·a judgment·that·the officer impleaded , .
which,·can. sue· and:··'IJ.e su:ed that are 'deposifed ·· · . may satisfy by'himself'without tt:ie s~te· having·..
·.... : witJ'ia bil'nk (Municipality of San Miguel, Bulacan ·. to . do:a positive act to'assisthinl (Id.);·· . : : . ·
. v: · Fernantiez; .GR> No .. ·U·6'1744,. June· '25, 5. Where·the goverrim.ent·itself lias violated its own
.1984); or ,.' · ·. · ··_ .. _ . · laws·(sanders v. Veridif:;iio,'supra); · ·.. · ·
· 3. 'If the' funds belon_g, to .a 'public corporatipn · or' ii 6. · ,Where. the pllblic ()fflc::iaiJssueil'in ·ti.ii personak... -
GOcc:which'ls ctothe~witti:a pe(sonalityofits .capaci.ty (Lansang 'v. CA, ·G.R. · No. 102667, .
·own, ·separ-a(e .~nd distinct frc;>m- that of tb~ · · Fe_bru'ary 23, '20.00): . · · ·
. governmen.t, the'ri its:fund~·.are,·r:1ot e:X~mpt 'rrom..... . .. . .. . ·,,.. ~-
·.. 'garnish'nient. This· is.- so. because ·when: the ·o: · GENERA°!.,. PRINCIPLES._AND.STATE
' · government enters irito corti.mercial'business; it ..POLIC.IES (CONST:·Art.II)
. . abandons it~ sovereign capacity ~nd is . to be
treated like.'.any other: corpor.a1ion· (National . .1-: .. Democrati'c and Republican·State . .
.Housing'Au/horityy.. Heirs .of Isidro Gufvelondo, a
· : .The Philippines 'is demo9ratic arid republican
: G.R.- No. 19441'1,.Jime 19, 2003}'. · ·· state. Sovereignty
. .
. .
in the people-and '



•• HE&S&SWiiMWISfi&IH eaae ?Xi 1144CHMS t '" f HI

. government authority emanates frpm: them Doctrine of In.corporation.

.· (CONST. Art.·11, Se_c. 1). °The Ph[' ad9p~s·:\he generally accepted
principles of intematiqnal· law as part of the Jaw
.Democratic · of. the land· arid adheres· to-th.e policy of peace,
Understood as ·. "participatory democracy";. equ'ality, 'jµstice,: freedom: cpoperati6n, and
coi:itemplates ir:,stan"es wl:l~re the people would
. act . . directly, and . not through . their .:. . . - ,, .
amity with-all. nations· (COt:JST. Art .. J/, Sec. 2).
. .·· .
·· representativ~s (Tolentin<()... v. ,CO,;.tELEC,. G.R. iw'o Method~ ·of Making lntern~t.ioilal laws
No. 14[!33.4;January 21, 2004)... · · • Part of the Local 1-~ws..of the Phillpplrrea:
· a... Doctrlrie of' Incorporation ..:.. . By 'virtue of
RepubliC;!ll . . . ·. this: doctrine • .the Courts have applied the· ·
A government which- is run by the. people of
. rules international. law in. a number ot.
through thei( chosen.· ~epresentaJives. wpo, 'in· ' . ca·ses.ev~n ifs't,1chrules.had not previously
· turn, :are accoi.mtable to· the sovere,gn will of the been .subject ·of:. statutory : enactments,
people (CRUZ, $Up.r.a 'at·90). . · · · · · .- J:iecause '·tf!ese gt::nerally:. .aceepted
· prlnclples- · ·of , lntematienal, law · are
R~·public~nism . . automatlcatlypart of our- ov./n' (Kuroda
.. ': a. -Essential features::,. v.. Jal~ndonCG,R. 'No. L-2662, .March 26,
i.. . Representation; and · , . . 1949). . . . .
'it. Renovation. · · /"-- · · '. · .
..b .. Manifestations: . . · · · . . ,,;--f'f,)t' Note~. International .taw the.r.~fore can be
.i. · Ours-ls a gover.r;imenloflaws and nofr,,fi';~). . used by Philippine courts to settle domestic
: men (Vi/lavicencio·v .. tsukben, G:R.(}r-,if:··,.,/) . dlsputes in mu~h. the same -way that they
. L-14639)' Match 25, 1_919); . . . · )J i..': ..'.\/;..,..,.',.;,. woH~1 use the C1v1I. Code or the Penal ·Code
. ii. Ruleof maJ?r.ity (Plµr~_l!ty in. ele<?t!~s)t..,.'. t'f.~~~~H~::s>-therlaws _pas~~9 by Congress. ·· .
iji. Accouptat;>il1ty·of:pubhc officer~-(,v . >v J'l . --:::7~\ · · . . . .~ ·: . ".: · · . ·. · ..
iv. Bill·-of rjgt\ts.; .. · · . C/ · .. · _/t..J 1 · .' Siiicz~ftreaties·become part.of the Philippine :
v., Legi·s[~t_ure· ~oa_nnot .: pass' 'jrr(pea!a~e,,·,...,f1 ~avf -wrllr, .
· t>y . rati~ication, the 'princlple of
. lnws; Md .. . · ...'1'~-:~~~.::i: •. ti( . .,ritfurli'ural.10~1 upph~~.only to~custotl}_ary law. ·
· vt: · Separ;a~on . qt · ~~ers {fvfOklURfh.,. }J.·' . . · · ef{id :lr~aties wh1c!J have 15.ece>ri}e part of lP
. · supra -al 96). . . fr'?::.? ~~' · . . . . " iJ · . :._f ~st91J;,,,ary~_ law. (E;JERNA$, · :' <;;.ommentary,
._ . .· . · . . . , · \:'~ ~v ~...,.~;
.. ~- ~~nunciaUon · of. . War · -'~pd ~-p,cttine c;,-c.-~5 (11
):A>, ~.., -.'\.
·,J,t ,,)-.i .. , .· .~ ,:i . ~"-
. ~ .. ,...\(....- ..
•• • • .:-~~t~;£~ · · . ·.
. ..
•.,;\slfP.'.t:<!,arr6.t~~ · . · . . . . ·: · . ·
· .. ·
, lncorporatio)'l· · · J, 1/J.-
· . °":":;':?.~__:'/'\ (. · b. · _Doctr~ne of ·Tr'ansf9rmation - Generally
·· · · · :. . ·: · ·. · · ·. - · · :· · \). · · ·. . · \:). · . . · f•l.,.~_;; : . . aqcepted pr_i.~cipJes.?f in.temat)oria),law are
... R~mun~!at,.on .o.f War_ . . . (\7/ . / · . _/':"-; 'l\f~>:r. localiz.ed t)m;,ugh leg1~lat1orr (A_gustm v. Edµ, ·
. The Ph1hppmes·war as<'a°l'l m.strum~r.rf.",.. ~.!:..;.~.......*'~~'M.No;·l.al9.112;. Pe/Jruary 2,.. 1979).· .
.:.'_.'·:·_·,'._·. · ot'n.·a_t._loo·a_ I po.11__c.y (CON_s_T. · Art. f '·. ,~~'··ce·,·"···.
· 2_1~·.';.;.~\J:. · ·· ·· · · · ·
..,:" •. Rules Jn ·case -of .Conflict :bet;,.,,ee(i·International
~~··.· : The law ·,authori;z'es a declaration .not- of.war but :Law ani:tMu'nrcipal -Law:· .. · . . ·. . .
=' of.a state:otwar; in.line with ·a. ···Efforts sho~!d b~·ex_ei-t~.d 10 hannonize
· our renunciation of war as ari insln.iment -of. .. the:m;· so as 'to· give effect tQ b<;>th. ,. . .
... ·:- , . national,-policy (CFWZ· 10:.1). lf~uggests . , b. If the .conflict ii,.._municipaL la>V
- /-~··. a wat already lieguri or.pr6yoked'by the $n€{rriy. .: ·.-~ho!,!ld be _uph~kf.'.as, agaii:ist.internatiqnal
.:-: . · and the-.existence ot wtiich-we are only affirming .. · . . . , . laW .because .it r.epresented: an ~xercise ot ·
, .. ·., In· other. words,' we are not: the ·aggrassor .,bu·t . . ·. . . . · the ·po)ice '. power. which,· 'being· inherent, .
. merely reacting to·an·~ggressior'I (Jd.'.at 326). ·. . . . .-; .· ~Ol)lg-not.'be bargained'away or sl.i_rrendim~d
·· · ·· · · · · · .; .···~ ~ ··.t.h(ough.tbE(·mediom·af:treaty.,(/chong v:
". . As· member· pf Unite~·Nations,:tl:le,·P,hilippines. . Hernande-z;, ·G.~. No. L,-7995, 'May 3.1,.
,,-.: :.:. does' not ·mere1y·-re'nounce'war .but.adheres. to 1957). ·. .·. . ·' · . · .
i:i ·. Artl~le 2(4) of the. UN Charter wh\ch says: "All: . · ·· :.: - · • · "
r-:lt.-: Mel')'lbers: shan · re_fraln· in. ··t!ieir -·intema~iorial · .. Note:· ·\Jnder· tl,e 1969.V~e'?na Conv~nfi<?_n on
· ·'· . · ·.relation~ ·from'.the -threat or use of force :against · . The Law of Treaties, which incor.por.ate~· the · -
'..'-':' the territo~ial .integrity qr.pqlitical:lndependence .. d6ctrif')e ~f-pacta sunt'seryancf.a, evejy.treaty·:in"
"''. '.·,pf.any state, 'o.r in 'any· other m1:1nner incon~isteot ·force is. binding. upon the pai=ties .to. it-:and· must
·f _·_with Purpose.s of.the -U.nif.ed NaUqns. n : - • · ·• l;)e;perfonl'.led lWthem in good faith (Art 26). ·
J: . . • • • , • • ' ,,.. • .. • •• • •' • :• : • • • • ~I ~ • • •' ' • ' • ' '

:·':"· Note: The·~ Phllippin~s , renoun<;es· aggre.:,sive,' ·. A p(lrty :may: not invoke the . provisiotls of its

r .. arid npt defensive war '(BERNAS; Reviewer,,

su.pra a_t 14]:·· . . :,
· intemai. law a~ justification- for its failure to
p_ei-form·a treaty (Ail, 27}': .

.· ..
. ' 441 SSW &eSM·e, 'if.iii 1 »=- ·r,l#t:fbiV liBWiNQN


3. Civilian Supremacy , .. ·, . . -· The· command · tnat ~hurch and State be

·.. Civilian authority. is, ·at all times, supreme :over. not interprete9" to mean hostility.
. · · tt:iemilitary. The Armed Forces of the Philippines to religion -(Ag/ipay v. Ruiz, G.R. No. L-45459,
(AFP) .is .the. protector of the ·people .arid the March 1_3, 1937). '
.State. Its goal is to ~S!,ure th~ sovereigo.ty of the
: St~te. an<;! tl')e integrity· of ttie·natl~mal territo'ry Under the principle of separation and
. (CONST.. Ait. II, Sec, 3): . .. . state, the'i'e are· matters and issues which are·
. . ... . .
peyond .the competence and jurisdiction of the
Er:,sur~d·by: . ·. . qourts of .justi6e, · i.e. religious doctrines and·
a. The lnataltatlonof the President.jhe highest. · discipliriary matters·(Taruc v. De fa Cruz, 'G.R.
clvllian ., authority;··. as . the · ·corrimander~in- .. . No. 144801; March 10, 2005).
· -, Chief of.theAf'P (CONST.. Arl.. VJ/,.Sec. ·1$);
... and . . : -v: , .· ··. .. ';' . ,Typ,es of Sepa.ratlon. (Est;ada v. Esc,:ftor,/J,.M.
b.· The. requirementthat.members of the 1A.FP .. :'·NO'-, P-02..,-,165{ /uhe 22, 2006):. . . ..
. to ·. uphold. and.· d~fend· · trre . .a .. Strict separation ar:i absolute barrier to
Constltution, whlchis the ftindar:rien.tal law.of . . formal lnterdependence · meant to protect
th.e.cil,(il m:>Verilment (CONST.Art..XVI, · Sec: the State. from the church, The state's
5, per. (1)). · · · · · . ho~tility towards .religlci°n ·allows · no
· · ' . ·. ·--==--.,_..,,.-:::..__ interacticn between the two.' . ·
· Tt' o! t_h~_.milit_ary in· th~ -~~lr0{:i'pli5: 1-r T ;:"'"'''s,,~ .: ·· · ·. · · ·. . .
:10 .conduct Joint ~1s1b1hty patrors. ~J~h~~"W... t_..; J \/b:fSW~,.-~eut~a~lty an: .appr'?a~h not. totally
. does .not constitute .breach pf<.-tf'le:i~y1~'!1=-==~"" 4 IJ..b~le:t<?.rehg101:1 ls stnct m holc!1n? that
'. supremacy .clause , (lf?P_ v. ~J1":ora{\(l~lffNo. . · ,~ehg19n~"ay not be used. as a basis (or .
. : -141284,August15, 2000}-:/ (-.<;)}/'
·~r-·"'':"'"""~~~*--.-~-·~d~~~fica~fo for purpos~s ~f
. : . .. . . /C.}""1 J.:'. t 'iR) ·1r· ~w . ~ctt~visml9t.,secular criteria may b!3 the
4, Compulsory. Military ,,.ind~"'~;/c· :vii ier.vlc~; .tjl~ 4t.. · .l!lasis,tt,~ gov~rrimental
«, \\ action. ·
~ . t (1r J ·\\ .
' . • . • .f.·~· l -:_,
· J;>rotecJion .of People ai:,~ Stat ,·· · · , ,I-\,/\, · · · ·
The prime·duty ofthe <;dv~m#eAtis -t~ se~.flliif"' · . · ~--;,enev~e~..Q4~~trality wall of separation is
andprotect the _people., tfne-~overnli\ent"~Y'?j~1i t-.--:::ljl,Jw ·. meant t~.~rot~ct\ the church from the state.
call upon,the peopl!;) to d~f~pd :&ie St~t~arid,un;-,. ~;:;;3~ ArecognJ:i!es·,tnatreligion plays an importa,:it
· the· 'rulfillm.ent: thereof,~"a'i1KdtizeQ~\};t\_ay·be ~~.{:J · /i;~$3°iri t~p p~~liB life of the [people] .. It does
re_tjuired, undel' conditiph~, 0r~vict~b.f~~· o~ lt')w· -7·.&QIJ.:Say,~h'a~1e},eryaspect and all respects
··render . per~ona_l ·. milit~. ·or~: ci~1~R~ic~ «\1~~.f' i
· (CONST. Art .. I/, _Sec.
· ·. :. .
4r. \· · . . .
· ·· \ ·. · · · ·. ~
~ij_)~ ·jl ..;;)'; ~ · ;·,.{( .
~;?'re-:Jrall be s.eparation.
lf .
. "..V ___..i;:9 .• N~t¢:·Tt:ie 1~87 Constilytion, as adopted by,
. . . .

T9 feavl:l_t_he·.orQa,nizalion of\f;ln.~rrny le>.t~$~1f?::-fr\V · 1~ Filipi.t}o. people;. -incorpori:ites . a~d ·

.. of the c1bzE!ns woul<:J ma~e,th1s <!1~f~e5:.~~ _../ad~.te~/tC? the b!,!nevolent c,eutrahty
. Go~e~nment_- e.xc.~sable·· sho~·~;_u,e9~_-.,"... ~==~"'i:v1.'\-<~. ~r9Jjch (Estr~da v.. .f~scritor,_sµpra). · ·
, . ~uff1c1ent m~n -wJio, woul(l· vo_lunte"e.~1cf~ · ·11st 11 ;f. ~:S:.."<c~~/'··.·. . · · · . . . . :
· ·· therein_. (People . v. Lag"!a(l,···G.R.: No:··~. 92, . l't/ !l.JR~i.t!{orced by: : , - .= · · _- . · ·. . . · .
. . · J.t1/y .13;·193.8):- .; .. ·. ·· · · ~--=~_..,~ a. _fre~dotn ·or religion clause (90NST.Art,-111, .·.
. . ··.··.Sec, 5); . .
5;·d Oide~;.General.Welfare. ·' .'. : · b... Non-~~labiist:iment,. . of:. . religfo'n' . clause
: The maintenance of. 'peace .. and : order,-; the: . : ·, : . : (CONST,Aft: Ill, Se-c. 5); · ,' · · '
· . · · protection .of·life;, libeity~.'and property; and the . c. f\lo .. religious test clause .(CONS.T. Ad. Ill, .
promotion of. the geA~ral ·welfare. are. esseotial. . . .:-. : Sec. ·5); , . ·· . ·. ·. · · · . .
Joi' . enjpymenf by .an the people of 'the· d.. · No-·sectoral represent~tjve· from· ·religi9us
bl~ssing.S;of·democracy (CONST.·A'rt. II,. Sec. SJ.. s·ector (CQN.ST.,Art. .Vi, . sec, s;par. (2)); ·
. .' . . . .
.e,. · .Prohibitio'n aga·inst ·. app.ropriation.·' for
s~para.tto~ of ~hurct,··~"~ -st~te . sectari~n· (CO.NS.T.Art•. vr.
Sec. 29,
:the · s-epar.ation of. Church .and State shall bt:1 . par:·(2));. arid . · ·· ·.,. . · · · · .
io~i0Jabl.e (CON;$T. Art .. I{ S(!.c: 6). ·. . · · . : · · f:: Non.-r.egi~tratio!1. of r~ligiqu·s· denominations
and se~s- as.:political ·parties (CONST.,Arl.
·. U~der our c~nstitutional it.·.is. not· the .. · 1x-9:·s._ec.·2; par. (5))._ . . ·.. . . ,: . -
. · task of the · Staie to favor any religion by
p~otecting it ag:ainsf · i:in · attack·· by another . , ·.E?(c~ptions_:·.. ,·
·religion. Vis=-a-vis.religious differe~ces, the State . a> .Churche_s, parsonages, efc., • a~tually,
enjoys no banq_uet,of option·.(lg/ :Cris~ov. .directly". and ·exclusively· used for religious,
CA,.G.R. No. 119673; 1ufy'26; 1996) ... · ' · charrtabl~. arid -educational purposes.· shall


---------·c-o·SA-NN·B·E:D·~uL A!·~·!·!·T·RA·~·Zf.·!·/J·A·!·9·f.·flA·~·,o·f'·s·-·~ll:lf.M-b:=·
111 111':11 w.'!"lilo·,9-·,----,--o:;.,
.. _. ........a•m1••~.-
ma .. ..-.... mn~•~~m,..•w-.,-r,m .., ..... ,,.. ... .,........ as@u.r.mimmamm££21111ta~e111111lll!!lf.A~rr~~~
be exempt from taxation (CONST. Arl. VI, justice .n its rational and objectively secular
Sec. 28, par. (3)); conception may at least be approximated
b. Prohibition against appropriation for (Calalang v. Williams, G.R. No. 47800,
sectarian purposes does not apply when a . December 2, 1940).
priest, qr like persons, is. assigned to the
armed forces, or to any penal· Institution or 10. Full Respect of Human Rights and Dignity of.
governrnent orphanage or leprosarium Every Person -
(CONST- Art: VI, :Sec. 29, par. (2)); The state values- the. dignity ·Of every human
c. Optio1al religioos · instruction for public person and guarantees full respect for human ·
elementary and high. school students rights (CONST. Art.·lf, Sec. 11).
(CONST. Art, XIV, Sec. ·-3, par. (3)); and
· d. Filipino ownership requirement for 1 he right to security of person is a corollary of
educational institutions does not apply when the policy that the State '!guarantaes full respect
the same is established by a religiqus grc;>up for human rights" under, Section 1.1 of
or a mission board (CONST. Art. XIV, Sec. the 1987 Constitution. As the government is the
4, par. (2)). chief guarantor of order and security, the
Constitutional · guarantee of the rights to· life,
7. Independent Foreig11· Policy and Freedom liberty, and security of person is rendered
from Nuclear V/eapons ineffective if 3overnment · does not afford
The Slate shall pursue an independent foreign. :), protection to these rights especially when they
policy. In i1s relations with other states, the:0· · •1' are under threat (Razon v. Tagitis, G.R. No.
paramount consideration- shall be r.atiei'l'~l {;.:ill}· 182498,_ December 3, ·2009). · ·
sovereignty, territorial integrity, national inte~~t;([:,''·· .
and the right to self-determination (CONST.''f.rfif "--,Jl:,. Right t9,l;-ife of the Unborn . . ..
II, Sec. 7). · »: ,?t;· _},,,¢.;;'iff~~\]Ji,~:9J~l~ shall e~uaJly protect the life of the
. /~!:/"' ,.. ' J rimtn'er-~:~nd the life of" the unborn from
The constitutional policy of a. "s~_Jf#e'liant an~A,,.~~ · .concepijQ,i\(CONST.Art. II, Sec. 12).
independent national economy;,4oes nQF;\>''ti · /·~ \;,
i!! {• ~1 .
?ecessanly rule out the e~W,1'. ~rf0re1gn -~4
• i ....
! •. ~. •••• ......
~ •
The grot:rcti9n_ accord~d to. the un~rn starts
investments, goods anc!;~"·-servic,~sfir . It · W:{t from/ cqnce/iit1on whloh in equivalent to
contemplates neither "ec~;®r,riic $.E!;£i~sion• tl\ nor. fertil1zatiqn. \ · .
"mendicancy in the inte,~ati0nar~·g&IJ.llnlin.lif §'j;i •.:;¥t_~:;:-::~~~~T_;:::-·--,;;p . .
(!anada v. Ang<Jra, supra)_~",,"'· ,i:AA:--1~,, .. it) ""''t . The'\t€e'".lfp°l'otection of the_ unborn _un~~r .
· . · "'~· ~~ f i:,J Section 12, Article · II : of the Constitution
!he Philippines, consistent w~n.· the ',~"atior1al ·~ .. ~ effectively prohlbtts. and outlaws abortion and
interest, adopts and pursues a poh~}'._<;>f.lreedorr. ' use of abortitaclents (lmbong v.,Ochoa; _G.R.
from nuclear weapons in its territS>.['Y (COl)tS.!e, .. f'lff4819,Apri/·8, 2014).
Art. u; SE>c. 8). The policy doelfnot
prohibit the peaceful ·uses of nutlear ..~nergy 12. Right to a Balanced and Healtnful Ecology
(BERNAS, Reviewer, supra at 16). -a • • • • The State shall protect and advance the right of
the people to a balanced and healthful ecology
8. Social Order in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature
The State shall. promote a- just. and dynamic (CONST. Art. II, Sec. 16).
social order that will ensure the prosperity and
independence of the nation and free the people The right to health and to a balanced and
from poverty through policies that provide healthful ecology is a right that. can -exist
adequate social services, , promote full independent of any constitutional grant or
'employment, a rising standard of living, and an recognition. This right emanates .from being cl
improved quality of life tor :111 (CONST. Art. II, human (Oposa v. Factotan, GR No. 101083,
Sec. 9). Jufy·30, 1993).

9. Social Justice. By authority of Section 16, Article II and under

The State shall promote social Justice in all various statutes,· several · government agent~ .
phases of national developrnent (CONST. Arl. If, were required by mandamus to undertake the
Sec. 10). cleaning of Manila Bay and its surroundings
(MMDA v. Residents of ManilD Bay, G.R. No.
Social justice is neither communism, nor 171947, December 18, 20,a).
despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy, but the
humanization of laws and the equalization of
social .ind economic forces by the State so that


' '

W Pi!K$fNWkki2WF.Aiiih>J¥ WENE WWWifi{liiMME-?BfiitJ\I Mi

13. Labor ·· Kinds of Decentralization:· "

The. Stale affirm~ labor ;:is a primary· social a. Decentralization of Power<:., an· abdication
economic .. force. It shall protect tl')e rights o_f · · .of politlcal .. power- in- favor of · an LGU
workers and prqmote their welfare '(Q-ONS,T.Art. declared to be autonomous. It amounts to
. II,. Sec. 1~). · "selt-lmmolatlons; sines the. autonomous
government-. becomes accountabfe not to
1A. Economy_ . · the central authorities but to its constituency
The State shall . develop a self-reliant· and . (timoone' v, Mange/in, G:R. .No.' ,80,391,
.. independent· national · . economy· effectively february.2-8, 1989) . .. . . . . -. ·
". controlled b.y: Filipinos (CONST:.A(t.·11; ·sec .: 1-9). . b. bec.enti:allzation Qf.·Admlnl~tratlon - the
. . . .central · .. g6v,ernment.·· merely. .. delegates
The State recognizes. the indispensable role of administrative· · -powers . . to · political
. . the . ', prlvate sector-,' . encourages private '. subdlvlsions: : ()),-to· .. broaden the · base- "of.
enterprise,' and provides incentives. tp .needed . g_overnm.ent powers; .and (ii) to make LGUs'
_ . -investments (CON-$T. Art. Ji,' Se'C..: 20). more responsive, 'accountable, and ensure ·
. . . . tun< development ~nd .' self-reliance. Ttie
· s~:c.tion20 is no more thanan acknowledgment .·· president·. exercises ~ge·i:ieral supervlslon" ·
. over them, but· onty . fo ·eni,il:ire.. thatJocal

1ru~. i~
of 'the importance of private initiative in building
. the nation .. However, it is not a call' for offlc~1=T ......,,;..~--~ .. atfairs .are administered 'accordinq to' Jaw
·. ab,dlcation-.of, duty. (o(the. State) to the);itite~fy ~,.;,"'{~jmborfa.v. Mal)g~lin, supra)... . .. .· .
. t9 'PrO!T!Qte dtstrlbutlve justice an~)<:~Lritety~ne •1 J\/ :r.:~~: · · ; .: ·,. · · . . .
when the common ·good so,deJ;nal'\(f°S~f\1.a,Z!].~==,=..,~ T..{)e ~CJ~do.wn-the followmg rules in:Gaazon
,. .
Redio Commur,icatioris Ass''ii\~fl.kf"t'hc. · · · . ""11:'--{2J.:~ff~.R.Na. 93252; August 5, 1991):
· v. Rey_es, G.R. No. 8_69p3, l),f6'ire~~/f.,6;..,.,1j..,9~'1>~~,~Q~(:,au£~,ol"('ly, -untier tl'le. Constitution,
· . . .. . ~· . . 4.-j
l" V · .;._ .: 'ii.)) 7' ~ ·1nv'ei_lve.,s5..:p\ mere · decentrallzatlon of
15. Agrari_an R~fo,:_m / · "'1~ /' . l '. ·. , li : 1~ .cf.... adm_ihifti'at~?~~not -of. power; in which local
... The State_ shall ·prom~t~ g~mp1ehens1ve ru~':1-1 ,,,,._,,.,,~ ·. · __gffictal%_(~.\T.~1il:c1ccounta~le--to the central .
·development and agran~n'.J~for.ri,(C0((1ST."".'Art. . .... _: ~ov~rn,\e~\J_~ithem·anner the law may
//;'Sec.,21). · ii,, .......,,; . .\ ~.J,t' ), ·t~---:· .R'g7'- Qrov1de;·faYid 1·~
.·. . · . . · .: ·. ·,- . . . . ll ,..,,.-.f"-I . ..,.\_. ft·~:,:-..,.~-~ b.' Jhe_ ni:~ ~~0~S~itutio~ does not prescribe
·The· policy o_f agranan r1,forr:n.J.fd.e(~l;:\!~~i:§..:£__ _/~~~.., ali.5;\'n,f··. :_:. .'
· Article II of· the Co~stit.~tior,rc;!,:JJ;l~ctua~"l ~i- . / .J::?/ . £. ~,t,D . : · ·. .
. alstrib9.tlon of land iApi.vldua!)y ·.1t{) ~er{~- tJ{@1::. J;'q~ Acp.ess·"~9: ·opportu~ity for -Public
,b~neficiaries or.coJlectivel.x i'n conson~~. 'it~:! ."~~~~fy1ce /!·. } . . .· . · . . - .. ,
.. Section 4, .Article XIH (H,aC(f!ndal:tJjsita, /gt~-~ /y,'r}~ S~fe sha!J?' guaral'liee ·.equal access· t~·
Ple'sidentialAgrarian Refprrh..Counctl~.R~~EN'Y\.b@P~!'t?~\tie~ public .servi~e· .and prohibit J/!.r-
171101, July 5, 20.11), · .. '\:
.· · .. ·. .
·1~. ·Lp~~l.Autono'rny .
_ .
\-~d Qv
-: --:r."'-,--..::-~ .~ll!1p~yrwst1es·a_s.may be·detrned by __law
~c-"'=~(&go/~'t:';Aft; JI, -S,ec: 2fj).. . ·
·. · ~- ,, .[ ·. · .1\. ff. 1:;_,'1~1.:,· ·-~·,.P" ..... ·. ... ·.. :. _:· . . . . · .
. .
· · :The .State shall ~ens1:1re the. autonomy~e.f~~I _.1.Vl,£~~ta'I-j\.l~fice · d.o.~s, nQt char:npion divfsiory ~f
governments (CONS.T; -4.rf.,-.JJ, Sec.. _25).· . , .. -~~ p_roperty.or equality of efbnom1c; s~atus; w~at 1t
· : :.. · .... :· · . ' ·.. :~. _.. . ··. :.: - · ... : ·. ·and.the:C.i;>n.~titution··i:lranty'~r'e e·q·ualityof
. The principle of iocal autonomy urider.-the:·1'9.87. ·. oppqrtuniW,: equality.'of political rights.:eqi.iality
.. · Constitution sirr:ipli .means "de.centralization";· · ·: : : before the law, eqoality bety.iee.ri \ialues· giyeh .
·. doe~ not !11~1<.e the. !ocal governments sove·reign. · . an.d: receivE!d _9n.the .. bl:;'!$is ·,of eff9rts e~erteq iii
· yiitlJfn_the state .or an ~.{mperiu~ in impetio;",i.e., . · _tli'eir .prqductio~. (Guido ,v. Rural Pr9f}ress·
· a _state within a ·stf!l~ (Basco. V:· PAGOOR,·G.R,. , .. Admini'strati9n,'G.R .. N,o. ·.L~2089,. October 31,
No'.·9.164~•. May14,.1991). . .· .... · · ·1949).· . ··:. ,.· .· : -·

:·Note:·· There .:shall . be. cr.eated .au.tonomo1,1s !: This provision ·does · r,ot contain . a judicially ..
· regions . in · fv'luslim . ·Mindanao~ and iri . ·tl')e· enforc.eable :,,constitutio-nar -right and merery
. · _Ccir(!i_llerc!s consi'sting · of· pro'llinces, · cities, specifi~s a ·guld~llne ·for'le~israti\/e· action.· it is
·mun(cipaljtie·s,:· and geog~aphical ·a~eas sha)'.ing not iritended . fo· compel tlie : State: .to · e·n:Sct
common and distiryctive hi~torical ·and ·c1,Jltµral .. :- . '.-' p·os'i.iivem~asures:that y.,o'u1d·accommodat.~as.
', 'he,ritage., ,ec;:onomi.c 'and social structures. ,,i'c,:d · many as·p·o~isible.into public;: 9ffice: The·privH.ege·-
other · relevant .'characteristics: · within fhe may be subjected· to limitations· such ~as the- .
· .. fr~rriewdrk ·of this Constitution · and 'the· provisio'n of 'th& Omnibus 'Election 'Code oli ' '
. national' sovereignty. as well as territorial ·nuisance' c·andidates ·(Pa.m~tong.v.· OOMELEC, .
. ln~egrlty of the Republic of the Philippines G.R. No:161872.;· '2~94). ·. .
(~ONST.Art. Xi Sec. 15). . · . . .

. .

18 B~ OPE~ATION~ .,
CON.STITUT1·o·N"Ai.. LAW 1 ·
- MEMORYAID 2019. . , .
~a,rw &01119HM:6NPF dbEAA 7§1 i +4D&fl>62flWW4iiSl~l&11Ed#l,QZ?;· i.!Z
. 18. Honesty and Integrity in Public Service_· The principle· of separation of powers obtains. not ·
The .State shall maintain honesty and integrity in through express provision but by actual divisi~n In
the public service and take positive and effective our-Constitution ·(Arigara-v. Electoral Commission,
·. measures again's(graft and corruption (CONST. · G.R. No. L~45081, July 15, 1936). ·.
Art. if, Sec. 27). . , . conc::entration0

. Purpose: Toprevent the of authority

• 19. Full Public Dlscloaure of all Transactions ·. iri one-person or group of persons.that.mlqht lead to
Involving Public Interest . · , · .. ·· :. . . · · ·_ . irreparable error or abuse in , its, exercise to the .
Subject to. reasonable: conditions prescribed i;>y detriment of republican institutions (P.an9asinan
Jaw, the State adopts and implements a policy of . TrenspottstiorrCo. 'v, Public Service· Commission,
fuiJ public disclosure· ot- all Its. transactions. $.R No. 47065, June-26, 1940). _ ' ·
involving· public; interest (CONST.-Arf,."IJ,".Sec,
.28). .. ,. . . . . There is a· violatlon of this .pi-incipi~;.wh'en there is
impermissible ·(~) .. inter.f~reilce with ".and/or (b)
. The policy ~f,·fuli. public discl~~ui'e ·is· a
··self- . · assumption · of": another: 'departmem's functions .
executing .. guarantee 'and .does. not need ·. (BfJ/gfca v, Ochoa, Q.R. No. 2085f39, .Nove1T1ber·19,
implernentlnq legi$1ation: ·What'may be provided. 20:13).. . ..
by raw are. reasonable conditions. and limitations,
and not the .undertakinq of the govEimment to . Principle of:Blen~ing of Powers · · ·
disclose. transactions, involving . public: interes~/c'.,::) !h_st~nces wheh pov.:ers are not co.nflned exclusively
(Legf3spi v; CSC,. G.R. No. L-'-72119, _May J~f!; ,_,.Ji · within onedepartment but are assigned to or shared
1987). · · · · · · -, · . /; J[,~·~ by. several departments (NACHUR_A,supre at 9.7).
. ·. . ... . . . ,. . .· .. ' . ·: . -J~ ·.-.~.:·-;·1-,. ~-~- ...,.,~ ... . . . . . . .· ..
This proviston recognizesthe duty of off!cfaltf9~ n ~;\,:)_1;.i(aniplespf,Blendin·gof Powers: ·
. to give i~f?rm:3tion .ev~n if nob09y ·?ewsi~d~f}?-!\'....0;H'tf.'ie~lpenfpreparesa budget and Congress
T~i~ provrsion is es:>~ntlal to.hold_p~9.J19,:<?f!ic1a!s~7 }( -". ·· e~_~cts·~~n ~ppr9priation bill pursuant to that
accountable ta the people. The.1:1~;:;ence of ,ap.\.:--tl · · bu~get:{QONST.Art. VI!; Sec. 22). · · · .
imi:;,le"J:nen.tingJegis·lat)~n is-..not~n\t.~<?:~se i~· n.,..9l.r-··1l, _2:_ T~·e ·i:rtll1Jd\nt'ent~.r.s into and r-ati_fies a treaty
effectmg suctr .pollcy (Pro.'(11:u;.e J:9f~:·Norlh l,j . ·_withJ/re,911 \<;:o_ur:itnes ;_:md-_the S~pate concurs
Cdtabato · :\{. . G~P.·.. Pe,_a.r,.r/Ypanpl;~~G.R~ .. !;;\ :._ . · .with_,the .fameVCONST.Art. VII, Sec. 21): .
No:183591, October 14 ·t?f9)·
.. , _:·,')> .·· · ···. ~... :/j 3:- .!b,~t.9._ra. ~t. (?_fJ~Tnesty'. by ~h~· .'.Pr~si~ent _is
· · . · · ... · . ·· · \'.i7·.=J<>\.,Y''.i'1.: ~~:~,~ · 1,;~1· · · ' sl:!~ject~:.W.t~~,::doncmrence<;>fa maJonty·of all
~ote: Al~hough ~1t1zt!ns_clr~'€!~rg~~,thE5_nglil~ .. : ~rrl. . them~l!-'hers"ofthe·Congress:fCONST.Art.. V!I,
informatroA and· are ~nf1tle.~ to.,as!,lss':~°-officljll - -r;•:1 .Sec. 1.9-, paJ;. "(2)}. .
rec:or.ds, the Constitution.'does~of accoJcMhem . ~#-~..., . ':·· ·.: · .·.. ..
the right to Gompel cust~dians of ojfi_yiat.'.r"e~~irds.· /tt_;i'F;.'lCHECl<S AND BALANCES
· to. i:>repare lists;' ~bstreicts, summ~ffs'.~J:(e"'-".,z;::~./;~~.~::,,...;,; ·· · · · · · · · · · . ·
l_ike in, .their_.. 'desire to ·acquir~Untori;itatJon:. Allows_ b"ne department. to· resi$t encroaehments
( Valmon_te .. v,: · Belmont~, ·G.R. ' 'N.~',z![,4930, · ~~i, _:its prerc,_l'..!~tive~.. or to . .'r(;lctify mistakes or_ .
·· .. February-13,.:19.89}... ,. .. .excesses ·committed.· by the·1otlier- departm.ents
.. . . . , . ' (CRUZ,supraaH.35):"Howev~r;)l;les_uprem~ Cou('.t
~-~E. s·EPARATiO.NOF POWEijS · is the·-final .arbiter .to dererhiine\-ihet-her·th1ire-has
be'en an ; encrdac.hment: . between. -the:·:,branches·
~i-n~ prrncipl~ .b(sep;rauoi:i.otpowe~$- O'rdains that.' · · :(Angar~ v. The. Electorl'J/Commission, sµprf!J: ..
~ach of th.e three great brancl)es of 1::i"overnri:wnt has : .
;~xclusive cognizance of..and is. s1:1prerrie in:matters: ·: .Purpose:-To secur.:e coordin.a!io~ in the working~ .of
J~llirig · its·· own constiti,lfionally·. · aJJooated · · ·ttie various departments of the
. . governmen't: . .
·~phere .. :_ constitutional . resp.ect·. and a· .·becqmi_ng· '.
.,eg~rd for {he sovere!gn" ti_cts pf a c::o:equal br~nch ... .Exam.pl_es of.C.hecks a.nd:liaianc~s: ·
·,revenfa this Court from pryini:r into th~ internal· . · 1. · ·pr!!!sid_ent · . ... . . .. . .
:o_rkings of ihe.Seriate. Where no·provi~·!on.of the. , a. . His· approval is requjred iri ·ttie law-;maKlng ·
'}:>nstitution -or. the .taws: or even tlie. Rules.-.-of the pr.ocess· Congre~s>He' may exercis~::-
• en~te i s' clearly st.iown fo. have. been violate·d, veto power (CONST. Art~ VI, Seci 27): · . .. .
}~teg~rded' . cir . overlooked; ·. grave ai;>use ·'of b: . He ma·y riullify·a·c6nviction in a. criminal·case
~scretion ¢annot be iti1pute.d to Senate .officia.l_s for' ·: by pardoning tt,e offend.ei (CONST.- Art/VII;
J:~s,: done, within: :their qpmpelence · .and . authority ·· . Sec .. 19)._-. ·
·•efensor-Santiago v. $µingona, 'G.R. No. 134577, .
O.~ember 18, -1998). ·


- -.,

& CM I .. ?Iii fCb M&<b&Wti


P!liwi_S ha« 141Wi4M&a 4Mi IIHY&A Sfl ... YKWZI& '
I tFlii&FrB&iSS@IXP=&&&iiM
·NI· -
·2. Congress .. Reason: lt iS: based upon the ethical principle that
· a.. May. ovemde ... the veto · power of the sucl).delegated power.constitutes not only a right but
President by a vote of 2/3 of all t.l;le- members a duty ~to be· performed by the defegate ·through the
.. ,,.- . of each house (CONST,.Art. VI; Sec. 27), · instrutrientality .of his own ju'dgrrient ·and not through
~·b. Its consent. through. 'the Cornrnisslon on the Jnterveninq mind of another. A-further delegation·
Appointments ·is ' necessary . Irr · ,the of such 'power, unlese permitted by the sovereign
. appointments Of certalre 'officers by .the power,-wo.utd constitute a .n·e·gation.of. this· duty in'
President (CONST '.Ar{ VJ; Sec. 18).·. · . · .violation of the.. trust -reposed. in .. the delegate .
c. Congress-:·· may · refuse .to · -give its mandatedto ·discharge.'it'directly· (CRUZ, supre at··
'•coneurrence to' an. amnesty. proclalmed by- f60)·. . . . , ·. · . .· ,· . ' · . · ;-·· · ...... ·.. .
the Presldent'orthe $en ate refuse· to-concur . ·· · ·
to· a treaty- the·. President has concluded Exceptioris:. . . . .
. (CONST. Art; vu; Secs.-_J9 -~- 21). · · : . Permlsslbte Delegations: (PETAL) .(CRUZ, Political
d, .Sole 'power to. impeach· who may Law, supra at 162) . · ·
. 'only be. removed by-impeachment (G_ONST.. 1. Delegatioris to..the fe'ople ~t ·large; .
. · ·:. · .. Ar.i.'XI,-Sec.. 3). _ · · a.· ·R.A. 6735 -'TheJnitiativ.e<and Referendum ·
e: ·. May define, pres.cribe·, andvappcrtion 'the . ,• ·, . Aet as . authorized.. by . the. constltutional

.. jurisdicticm ofthe various courts but may hot > ,mandate for the -creatlon -for -a system of
deprive the: sc·:ot its jurisdiction over cases_-==~-·,,:.__ · .' tegislation . by initiative and referendum
' in
·: , e.n,um·erat~d Seq. ;5 of Art:' VIIIJG.BNST: ~~~d:f?..Of.!S!, ~rt. ·.v,'.
Sec .. 32). ·. · .' · , · . .
_·_. :, Art: VI//, ·Sec.-2). .: : _ . .: .' _,-.-~;p'~ ~- M f\JbJ~A,;~]fbrsct_te.··rs :requ,.r~d·- _m. the··<:>n,
... .- .. . · . -. ;;f ,.,0, I,: ·::..,,= --'-"""""•. i qjvr§J61\merge_r, abehtr_on of pro"'.rnce, i:;rty,
3. 'Judiciary . . · . -· · .-f.,f... ~,:p"="'"' ·

~~~!'.fni9j1>~ltY,·or'barangay or ..the sut;,stantial ··

In general, has th~ power t9fge'tt~Je)n~it.licii·,c!fl"' ..~·"'--~......:a1;~!~io'h·~-its ti.ound~ry '(CONST.:.Art._ X, ·
act done by V:ie- Co_ng~ess.,tyip-'f,r.~s),e:fenvandhj~i · jf ~)7' -~ec~~f~,\;, ·.· · . · J • .· . ·
subordinates, or. · -Jl1~ ~"V.if::onstitutionir .bf'\ · ..&i.. · t . · ~... 11 ~- ,~ . ·· · ·. ·
.. Comrriissio!'is (CQ/l(S-T.1/l1· Vfll,·{sec .. Angara.;,:'' fi 2.· _smefigenc},kow~rS\Of'the.P~~sident: .
... v. E;Je~toral_CommissionP,G.:'f}:':,-No.·k4!3{Xfr1:-JfiJi · ·-.-~lnt~es of ~a'r.o.r.o\rer nati<;n!tal:emergency, tt,e j
·< 15, '19:36). _ · .. _. {4~ Q. .,- ; -t · .~lf"':i 1.:(':'@:Efon~r.ess m_~j;by~l~w.aut_horizei-~t1.e:Presiqent, I
. ·. . ·. ·_ ·. : .. :.' } :. ..,.~ j!_ ... \ . _~-:ItS,,1·.l ."'~<\1:\ for /a ~~mit~~~rii!>d ·A_nd s_ubJect- :~p · ·s~ch !

·... When .. the .Jud19!a_ry lt'1ed1a,t~s, (fc>Ji~~~ · resift@9ps ~s·_,tJi,il·ay prescribe, ·to exercise i
· C?n,stiJ~~onal bounclar:i~~1 Lt ¢.<;ij~·no1~se~ ~nyr.ii~. 1. ~ -P9~~riynecis~~/and .proper. t_o_ carry 9_ut a !.
·. supE:norJty._oveFth~ oth.e~i:l.~part'.J:!_ent\~~'w11~~..1¥\~)f'.d~~~)ed··.1~at1ona,tf . pol)<;y: lJn1ess sooner l!
·: ass~rts the solemn · an·~ , sa.~r~d:. ·oq_l!gai~D"'"'~ ~~~te,ijraw!Jj:byresgl~tion qf. ~h~ Co.ngress,· such
~ .'a,ssiqm~d to it .~Y tlie Cons!!tul1~n_\!:;~e.te(fl'ii_rJe~..,..,y~~!.'Jer~sfla!I ci:ia~e-upo~ fhell)~x_t adjoumm,_~nt
confhct1n9 .. claim~ of ,-au)ll.onty· ·:.Uq~er(J!\~'!IDi>J.!jer~0r.(CONef.A[f.- ~/, Se'c;. 23; (2)).
Constitution arid to e;,fablis_b· f~~the·p~i~s.J.Q_arf.!:£.~..1>,:----_.,""
. actual cont_r9:.i~rsy- the. - righ~~-w~Q.-)111~~~':>.,.i?'~i?(ons
__;Y. ~-.,_. £ .. · ·.
.for tfie Ve.stur.e of .. Emergency
. . . ·.
instrument_·l?!;)fures and 94_~ra!'ltee~JcLt!/em 1t1 ·,J-J~
W~'#%s<ihll;le President: _(E_LSE)' •· : .. . . _· .
. (Angwa v.. The Eleeto(!'II Commissioh,. sflp@J . . .!.'\i 1 '."'\.).a~;:.~isle_oceof war ··or some other. national .
. · ... '; .·, ... ·: :.'-·->·· _-. , ... ·-,-.· :.""~·- ~i:nergericy;· -:· · ..... :,.. ':'" . . ·
Test·in,. ~et.~.rrnJnlng~wh~ther'a -gi'1'e~·-P.o.Wer ha_s b. Detegation mu~t.:be·- for- ~.'-l:imite_d° period· .
been· ·validly · eierc:iseil·.'·:
. . dep·artment: .: .' ·.
. . .. . .
. ·.· ,, :_, :.:
... ~. 'partlcµJar
. .
· .
. ···-only;
. . ·. . : · . · · ·.,· · · ..
c. ·. Delegation. rY)ust- .be .§Ubjec;t·. to .such
. · .

The'. test applied is nof necessarily or always t'1~- : ·. _. ,.restrjctfon a~ tt,e. C_on.gres;,·:may prescribe;'.
natur~ of. the..·r~:The {ir~t i:;riter!o.n ·js· wt,eth~r.or · .'. · .and . · : . · .. · _ . : : · .. : · · :, . ·. .·.
·not the pow.1;1r- _in··.q!-Jestion; rega(dless·_of~itif·nc,ltur~. . .. · d, -· ·Emergency: power~ "be·:§xetcised .to"
. h_eis .bee.n.·: con~fi.tut!onaily conferred UP0!1 the . . carry. out_~a.'l'latie>nal)>oHcy. :d~qlared by :ttie'
-department'- claiming:- its;_ exerci~e: (C~Ll,Z,~s,upra · ~t ;. · Cong res~ (CONSL Art.· VI, :3ec: 23,. par. .
_137). ·. : ·. .· . . . . . . ., ··. (2)). · · '• .. · .• · .:
:· . ' ·. '· . ~ • ..
·~qwe.R:S· · · .
'{ '

~ ,; . . . ..
o ..e1.ieciAT10N .oi=
. . ··-. . .
Not~: Conferment bf ·emei'ge~cy .pow~'rs ort'the
· 'President,.j_s ·not. rrianqatoiy ori ·the\ Con'gress
Pfinciple . of. :N~n;Deh~gabifi~y : of L;~gislative . (CRUZ,' _sop,~ ·at .164):- Mere emergency itself
·_Power.. · ·. · - ·· . cannot' should -not create :power- (Rodrigu_ez- ·
.v.. Gella_,.G:R. No. L-6~66,februa,y._.2,-1953). · · ·
Genera.I·' Rule: Pqtestas · defegata ndri de/egari . .: ..
potest - what has .. been d.elegated cannot· be ..


·. . SAN SEDA .
3. ·Impose· an .additional· Quty on all imports not
exceeding: ... , 10% ad · valorem whenever
.riecessary' Provided, That... upon · periodic
. )nvestig~tions by the", commission and
recommendation of the National Economic.and
· .. D~velopment Authority (NEDA), the President.
: ·n:iay cause-a gradua.1reduction of rates of import
duty granted in · -Section 1611 of. this Act•
. including· those subsequently gran'ted pursuant .
'fo thls section :(RA. No. 10863, ·othe_rwise known
. as· the Customs Modernization:and. Tariff Act,
~ec_ 1608,par,,"(a)J,· · : ... , . · ·
.. · . ...:
Requ.isite~ r9·r the Exe"r~i~e·of Pqwer:-(iR-CPR)
1. 'ln, the Interest of. gene·ral welfare and national
security; and. . . .
Does not ·r~q4ire··. -<!· Requires a. delegation ~--· · Recornrnendattonof NEDA . · ·. . .
deleqatiorr. from: . the from 9qrigress . a. .Before anyrecommendanon is submitted to
· Cqngreis_ .. the President by the·· NEDA the · Tariff
. '. (NACHURA,.supra at 102). .,r-·.'0 . Comrn!ssion'.sh_alh::o"iiduct an f~vestigation.
, '. .. · .. · _ . . ; -: . ·. _· · . - a·;..-}( .b.. · f.ublic · hearings. by the Tariff· Cornmlssion
~- 3,_ Iariff powers of the _President; (. ·; {~/,'.\ shall be.· held, . Wherein interested parties
· ·The·. Conwess m~y .. by. l~w authorize \·~h~/ ';;J ·.:. , · shal_l be afforded reasona~le opportunity to
, Presjdent to" flx within .. specifled limits, ,arfd. · .. , [,....._---:-:-,, beprfsent to produce evidence and _to be
subject to such limit;:itions and restr-ictic:m?ilsii\. 1f, :-....1..t.:L~--~~~aFP'., ·· . , · · ·
may lmpose.. t~riff rates, ·!!'l'P~':!"'..ali0,.,-ex_port/ H ·c. '-;-.-T~e'.~~ep?rt' _of-the Tarif1 Com~is·sion shall
qu~tas, to!1rage and_w~arfage_cfV,~-.(;'~ndothef~.:=}J .. . · be ,~~~-!111tte_d_to t_he NEPA_wcth!n 30 days
duties or- Imposts, '!/lthlO the fra~!'W.'{~r~ qf tt.Je [i\ ·. afwr:}li~ termmat1on.of th~ public hea_nngs
national . develop me~·. ·P.!.9(:JJam ,) : c,f7' the: fl . . . .; · (fA;~Not.\·10863, Sec. 1608,. par. (b)).
' Gdvemment (CONST. Arf:,A,!};'Sec. 2B(pa2 (2)k_. 11•1\ ·-j . ·~ \\_ · : · .
. . . . . .: : ·.~,f,~1 j0.,r~. ,... [,~~ . . __ Ex~~pb~':!: ~~f~~m~~~ation qf NE!)A is NOT
It was_ held· _t~at. the_, fr)(Lng ·-o(_E~f~~ ii·~~ljl r;j f~<'\,_~]f~!fl:~~~·:tryipos1bon ot_an ad:d1tion~I duty
essent1.ally_legislative ~owen~~Qf~,;,(e}arrte'!j' [~ ·{ not ex~51ql)g,,)J'.O%·ad valor(;J_m (RA No. 10863,
delegated to the_ President, he; .may ex-ercise/Jt . , d ·Sec. -1608, par. (b)). ·, . .
.. directly (Pl;i {nterislan§I ShiP.pihg ~ss'/.J':jv. CA, .. f:r,..-hi . .- ·· ·. . . . · · · . ·. .
'.. ·G.R.· No. 100481; Janµa,y-22, · 199,7-f_:;;..P·· /.!.,..~-'-'/,, ·,,?.~f.,Rl~~J,.!}". Qf:Ord~r .lssue_d ~~·the Presid~nt:
. · ,. . . (('}, : /. ,: ,,..,....- ............i.:4!_,......i;.t,)f-+~il increase~ .. reduction, or removal · of
· . The su.bject of Articl.e VI Section\lt.H2-)[6fithe ~xi_sting protective rates. and !he imposition .:of
· ·_Constitution Js_ not: -the -Rower -fu~~g'btiate import _.q~otas or l:>an : ""'. 30 . ·days · :after ··
. trec;1t)es. and· "in_ternationa_(agr~errterits, _qut. th.e. ,·proma_l~at1on-;:an~: .. .· .. . . . ·
· power to fix tariff rate~. · impoi:t _c;11id ·· .export_ . 2. _rmp9~1tion of add1t1qnald_uty not exceeding 10%
. ,, . quotii3s,:and .other_ taxes. (AKf?A '(AN·v.. Aquif]O,: . ad valorem_-::' a.t the discrefion .. oUliE:· President
. : GR. NQ.. 1705,16; July 1q.- ~098);. (R.A. No. 10863, $ec.- 1608, par .. (q)), ..
.. Jexible .Clause '.· · ·.. . D~le@~.tio~'to. ~dhllr:ii~ti-~ti~~.~odies of .111~' p~w~r of
,hder the . Flexible'·· Clause,. the .President i~ sub_ore:j1nate·legjslati6n; and· · . .
JTlpoweredta: (RID). ·.
\ ,· .1 • • CilJ.,t~i-l~gis(atlVe .l?O'wer,.i:- the authoritj-d~legated
_:. !f1cr'ease, reduce; or remove .existing ,Bates bf . · by ttie lqw-mak1ng body to· an administr.ative bbdyto ·.
. : _ import duty inc;:ludirig any necessary· change ·in adopt rules ar:id reglillations intended t9 ·ci;irry out the
' . classification· . . . . . . . . . -' . ·.. provisiqns of·_."a l_ay.., and implement me· legislative
=: • • .; •• ,
PP!_icy·-(CRUZ;'$Upra.afZ4): . ·.·. .· . . .. · ·.
~~ :.~«::>nditioM:,tha ~xistirig rates ma~··be·ir:icteas·~d :-
.. , .. or .decrease11· to ·ariy- I.eve!, _in one or seve-ral · J;ixamples of.\l~Ud Deiegations·:
:~, ·sta_ges,but in no·case shali"the in'creasedrate of . . a .. Th_e · power 'delegi:ite<:! to._ the . Energ.y
:. 'import• higher.· tha1t.-
/· 100% ad valorem:,, . ·. ..
m'axlmum of
: ·. . . · .... · . · .
. Regulatory Bo_ard (ERB) to fix and impose a
· · ,JJniversal ch;:irge . on electricity" e,nd-users
· · · 'wi:!S. c,hallenged as·-·an undue delegati<:>n of

}· Estal:>lis~ Import quotas. or ~i~
_commodity,- as may be·neb~ssary; and
ot· ~n; . the_power. to tax:.The Court; however, ruled
· that th~ delegating la'(liwas con:iplete in itself
.; . . :· ' .


. •• '*" m

Ph I ri'fiMMifit&NSti&NHM'Z5

and lt:,e am.aunt to. be charged was made· · -Indeed, wit.~out a statut~ry declaration bf policy, ·
certain by the parameters ~et by· the_ law · the del~~ate would in effect; make or formulate
... -itself (GerQchi v. DENR, G.R:. No. 159796, such policy. which Is the essence of every. law;
:. July_ 17, 2007}. · ·· ·. · -· · · •. without the afoiemenlioned standard, there
· would be· no means . to dete{mine, with
· 'b. The. stand-by authority .granted· to, the . . reasonaple certainty, whether· the del.egate ha~ .
President to increase the .rate of VAT·from · .. acted Wit.hin or beyond the scope ,of h·is authority
. · 1·0% 'to .12o/; is -not -an. undue ·c;lelega.tion. of (ABAKADA Guro Party List v. Poris1ma, G.R.
legislative power-to tax. but simply N.o.. 166715; August 14, .200$).
a delegation of ascertainment- of _facts: upon.
··Which-enforcement acid-administration of the
increase rate under the law' is contingent>" ..
' Congress does not 'abdlcate its functlons or · 'l'HE LEG IS LA TIVE
u'f1d.uly' de!e'ga~e.. power when ·i~ -desctibes . ·, ... ':bE~,ARTM.ENT •.. · .
. 'what [ob.must be done; .who must do it, and
what is. the scope ofhis ~uthol'.ity' (Ab~kaqa ·· · ...
. . . Guro · v. ~xecutiiie Secretary, CfR. ', No. . . Power, Define~. · . .
, ' ·16BQ5~, Sep.·1, 2095) · · · -· · · . . . Legislative power-is-the authority to make laws.and
· ··. · . . · · . : · ·. ' · · ·, · :. ~.a==~.9"'-~ter and repeal ~h~m. V~s~ed bythe Constitution
~xamples of-Invalid Delegations:. · · ~-- . : yj·IIJ tpe"'G-fl!:'Qress, it rs a derivative and de"fegatect ,
a, ·. Theauthority given by'LTFRB",to BW~n.cif~:~us i .
~fY!J.'Vl'.~rj(B~/YAS, Commentary, supra at 676): · .
· operators _to set a fare rar:if}e ?.Ve~aA~ a~~y,e Jl).e,d.=i=----:._,--;__~~~· L.;'~~" . . ., . ·. . .. : .
. . existing, authorized 'fare: (Killj,lang_~ ~~- . It 1s~~e1ted}~Y,oi:1,gress, except_ to th': .e.xt~nt
. L;3b0r Center . v. Garcia,. p-~~b,.i;P11 §.38-1f'~-:,1~~se.Q{.l'.:~-t~;~~ P~~);l)e by the provrsrons on·1rnt1at1v~ ·.. ·
December 23, 1994). f('r':'· 7,( s" ·. JOr· x . ~gd refe{en.<t~cµ,~9{'{ST:Art.._VI, Sec. 1).. ,
b. sectton 68.of 'the Rev\self Aatnj~jitrat~teCod.~·. 4t~
.ff?. . . r;
't. f. ,. \-. . . . . .'

~1· .a: ,.rC-

of ·1911·. authorizing ·.lh~' President tlb <create .·.{.f'\ Note. Dele!;Jab~n,ohl~f\1~Jat1ve ~wers 1s permitted.
· l (' · · · h '- ,,. >.:-,·t( ~ d · 1 t...1m-.-,~:...Ji'-J\:t;-'
. murnc p'a 1ties t rougu .exec!;!.,V(;l'·OT ers. ,,.-e,ae~ ii,,
..,J ,\ !,,,
re-· · h ~ d' . ,_.. · -'4 1.. ·G
cons,, 'd•era t'ion~..
, I G·R8-."B';.;,.:J238··25:~De "t,;;12-"-".,. ]?~ .--•"",~/ t. ~ 1scus~1orr ot,
A ·d't · :G
v. . u , or. _ ener~. . .
196[?). . .. .-
rv:od-.-4·. .
~. _. . .
~:...: :.:~Jt, --.
ffiegati,;m of Pt!w,~JJ,{l
M ~·;l~TifJJ[}JJ . ~t
e~er-a I
. . .
" ~.
• _
J fr· . .
. . ,
. .· · :. · . . f. <!,..~ .. ,-·.;_~~:...r::' OP~ ~)~E~~t,!.f~IVE· P_QWER 'TH~OUGH_
4. . Delegah?.n t?'.l=oca_lGov~rr,uy~ ,t·.Umt~:~'li~ · . t_i. · . I. ~;rNITy()lyWAND-'RlsF.ERENDUM ·. · ·. ·
·T~e ·1eg1slabon by loca~'110/13~~ment'5!J. no~ Jif.-,@7-,11,.~Y :! ,1 u .: .· . ..
regarded. as a · ~f.::.ger:ie$l· l~9.1§la lv.~ · >'fpitia}t'v."e': · )1 , · / . · ·, . · ·· . ·.
.. power, but rather as the g'r.~nt of. tl:l'\\.~uth'bcity~' /P.~W°e~fth.¢Ypeople.tb propose ame"t1dments..tb the
... prescrl~e_~. lo~al.. r~g.ula~i<?'li.~,.- ·,atce~gtrig~i'.it.o-.~~tit,;.y~n:_or. t~jpropose and e·nact. _legislation·
· ·: ~m"'!lem~~1a! practiGe, -SU~Je?~f 1;:qµ~~..t~;fh~~l'ir'qµg~..,;a.n\~1~ctt0h call~'for the pur.pose (R.A No:-
- · . int~rpos1t1ortof.t.hesupenor n·~ ca~~<:ff ~.fe~-~ltJ7"'=~"~·
.' .(Pe<;Jp{e v. '(era, G.R.. No. ·.L-45_6_8~o~~ber.
, · 16,·1937)'. ·. . · · ·. · · · · .....,~;
tv:i ~
Z35($.1J.<p)B,j{ar. (a)J; .
*.":-<"";('· . : · . .. : . . .
.l --~·C.a_s.sesofJoitiative: .. ·

· . : . . '. · · ..
. '. :
- ·.· .

. · , ·- · · . ··. . · ·: .. """"=.::,;a=1-:""'·.tn.iti~tive-..on . -the .. ·.Co·n·stitut.icm .. · - petition.

· Two-FolcfT~st fo.1'Vali~, be1eg~tion: ·· /. ': . ·proposing,t!'la Cor-istitution~...
. .. 1.- :Complete.ness ' T~~t - ·the . · lav."· · : ~e · (Please refertQ Ame·ntlments and. Re,vi~i<;ms)
. c;:9.rriplete in all its .essential terr)'ls a_nd· conditions ·- 2.. .Initiative· on : St~tutes ..:.. peiition' proposing· to . ·
wh~n it'leavesJtie· legisla(ure .SQ that·th'ere ·Will . eriact a·.nationa(.legislation; and .. .
be· nothing ·1eft· for· the ·delegat~ to ,do·· Whe~ it·. 3. ·Initiative· 'on Local:- Leglsiation ,-:; pe.tition- .
reacties him: except to· entorc·e· it- ((.).s... v.. Ang · · proposing to enact. a. r.egional; · provir:icial·,. city;".
Tang Ho, G,R. No,L--17122;-:.F-e/Jniary 27,.1!!22). · municipal · or barangay ·1aw, · resolution or.·
. :' ·: - .. ·· · . . ; ·. ·· . ·. ·· ·..·-: ,. . · Of~inanc~:(R.A_. No: _673q; $ec. 3,,-par .. (a}i. · .
2. · Sufflele.nt· ·standard . Test . - ·,it ···must fix ·a : r • , :

. standard (the. : limits. of which a~~- .s·uttJciently. . ,Local initiative... · ·

'dete.rniinat~· or . determinable~.::to wl)ich the· Not fess \han 2,000 voter.;; . in' ·case of
delegat~ rr,ust conform in the performance·of hi~ . autoriompus r.egiqn~. 1.000 in cc1se provjl')ces and of.
functions '(Pelaez·.v.,Auditor-Gene.ral;- s!)):>ra), · ·. . cities, too. in cas~ .o.t_m\Jnicipalities, and SO·i~,case·
. :· . .· . . . ...·
· · ·· . of barariga'ys, -f"l'.'la.Y file. a 1:fotltfon with-t!i.e·.Regional
-Th.e . Couft has recogfliZed. the . "tc;illowing· )IS Assel"!lb)y ..o_r local .legisla.tive .!,ody, respectively,·
suffi.cient · standards: ~public·: ·interest," "ju~tice proposing .the adoptlcin, enact([lefit. 'rep·eal, or. ·.
.and .equity," "public convenience ·ar:,d welfare" · arnendmen·t,- of any law, ordinan·ce, ·or resolution
ancJ·"simpncity;- economy and welfare~: · .·· · (R.A.- No. 6735, .Sec., 13). · · ·



IIMS . 1£ P. ·g ¥4&414!JMliMaMiM;
3it9SW#'&:#W4fliN& PAM¥,lith0M&S·®29iMP-ft.t>~

· Llmltatlons oil Loc'al Initiative: . 31, 1975). Pres. M~·rco.salso had. legislative powers
. 1. · Power of local ·initiative shall not be exercised pursuant to the No. 6 of the 1976 Amendments. ·· ·
·:· more than once a year; ·. . .
2. ·:,_Initiatives .:_Shall extend . only ·to· subjects or The presidential exercise of ··legislative powers. i.n
'matters which ~r:_e within the-Ieqal.powers of the time of martial law is how conceded as.valid. The
local legislative bod1es to enact; and · clear authority of the Presloent is saddled on ·sec :3
· .3. _lt'at any tirne;·-befote- the "i_nitiative is held, the {para. ·1 and 2) of the Transitory Provlslons.whlch
local legislative body should adopt. in toto the . provides . that "The incumbent" . President of the
proposltton . presented; the . initiative shall be Philipplries sha.11 initialiy 'convene the . interlm
'cancelled (R.A. No, 6735, Sec. 15). · National Assembly' 'and . shall preside . over· its·
. sessions until the Interim Speaker ·shall have been
··' Limitation. on "Loca"i· Legi!?lat{ve Body vis-a-vis elected;'." and "All proclamauons, orders; decrees,
:.-.:- Local Initiative _--. . .. . . instructions, arid -acts promulgated; issued,' cir- done·
::-_.· Any proposition·or_- ordinance approved through trre. by .the incumbent be part· ofthe law
-. :'system:·oHniti~tive and referendum- shall nof-be of the land, and· shall -rernain valid, ·bin~ing,. and
: · rspealed, modified, or arnended by the Sanggunian effective even·. after lifting· 9f martial· law ·or t~e
':. . within 6· months from the date· ofi approval thereof, ratlflcatlon of . this .. -Constitutlon." (Sanidad · v.
. / apd may be amended-modified, or "repealed within COMELEC, G:R. No: L-4464~,- Octob,er 12,· 1976)..
.;' 3 years thereafter by avote of 3/4 of all its members. . . .. , . . . . _
.,_'!.Jri case ·ofbarangays, the-period shall be 18 months .:•0, Note: This Sanidad case was decided not within the,
<. after approval. (LGC; Sec. i 25). · ·. . · A J~f?J-7 · ambit of the 1987 Constitution. , · . .. · · ·
. . . i~·.~~~t{t::\ . . ·. . . . . \ ·. . . . . .
i:°Jndirect1nitlatlv~ ··: - . \':\/,.,:'(}(:.,,{ The extraordinariness of then President Marcos'
<E.xercise of · initiative- . by· the - people througl)i ·'q/Y'/ '_.j _po_wer ·not ,,.only. enabled · him to. supply for the .
.- proposltion :·sent to' t~e :··!3onm?ss or th:e~:~6c~li-{?1,·?i.:t~ii.@~!~F~-$~~en the ratter;:-i_n_ 'the judgmerit of the
/:_l.~gislat,ve_ ~dy for_ action· (R.~; ·.No. 6_!,~§7;-'Sec. 3, >."'
-::,~_?r,fb)). · · · , · . . . . . t~ 7 .
!J Pres1cl,eflt,!!f~•\E:dor w~s.unab_le to act;orrany matter"
. ,.lb:o:~ . that·ml;ly_n~p,t;1mr:neo1ate a?tron:,: but,~ _als<>; enabled_
. . . 'L';;:./(· _;;..:·-n. · the . F'res1q~n~ ip uAd_q_ legrsla,tur~ mlg_ht
}Referendum . . · . . _. · . ,-rf_9; l· ,~'" .' . . _ 1 :'.{. . ha"'.ei ~ogi:Jno\
to, _nis. sat(sfacti.on·. (BE~NAS, .
:J~Q'tVer of. the > ··to;_;~piproveipr,,"'r-e1e<~\ L,iComme1/ 6~4). ·. · . .. · · ·· · · · ·· .
·.:-l"E;!glslationthrough an _electior.i,Mll~d fo,i::J~atpurpose"'> . tt~.. · if ·.. · iJ . '~! _ · · · .': .'. · · · . .
''. R.A. No, 6_735, Sec. ·3~_'pat_· (qz)r'_·=:?..J.::}:j . ~.,.._ , f;,-J . ·No~ER;::·f,lfi'IJ:~:\~-i:~<;;~alled .. b_lo.od_(es:>. r~vol_utioo · of
· '··. · . .. • · ·. · · · :. "".,· . ·1-:-z,y;}) . ,~f) () · · February!'.1.ft§.§;~Br-esrqentCorazon -~q!Jll'lO ,took the
· ,asses of Referendum ·(R.A. ''N.'<J;',,6t"l35/;.Sec.?,. t,
I reins of-power undera revoluti.onary government.On·
ar,·(c)):· ·, ·. ·, ,: ,_ , .· .. :\y::-:-., ."''\\" ~ YL..-M,;a~ch- .. 24, .- 1-986;·- she ·issued .. her historic
x .:. Ref~rendum ·on Statutes_....:. "p°E1titi$·r:i-:,~g~appr~v4:....)r'.:: :Pt9fl,wn~ti~n "l',J-o._ 3,. proml,!lgatii,~r··th_e' Provisf?nat
. ·-.or reject an actor·taw, ~r:par.t theretqr.p~s!>,e_c;l\b".Yh-,:;.:.-::..:...,G0nstlt1:1ti0ril, or more popularly ref?rred to as the .
. . Congress; anq · · · · . . · . --~ ;(" _: . .(/,J .· Freedom Constitution. 'Untler ArticlE!'II; Section 1 bf
:.. Referendµ_m on - !.:.ocal.-L;aws ...,: ~g~J:-:,.(fr.QCess·. the Freedom · Constitution, the· President shall
.i;:i· -.yhereJ;>y. the· . registered: voters. of .· u,e:·.·
local ··cohtinl.le- . t~ .. exercise- .:_le"gislative _pow!;fr.. until : a
. : i;g6vemment.llnits rnay·~J)prove;~amend,oi' reject legislature ·is elected. and conyened. tinder a- riew
</any · ordinance . enacted , by.·.·the · Sanggunian· constitution ·(Municipality of San .Juan -y::_ CA, GR.
'·•. -CLGC; Sec,. 1 i6). ·· ·· · · No __ 125183; $eptember029, 1997). · ·
'-: • : ..... , . ;,; • • • • . •. . . . • .. I• • .. •

~-followjpg cannot ·be· th& .subject of an Under the 198i Constitution,--ai1·.general legislati\ie
a· tiv~_or referendum petition: . . . '· po'wers are how ve"sted exp"reSsly Congress• .:m<;I: In
t-t~:P_etition em_bracf11g in_ore than. one ~ubjest the - Presi.dent·cah only ex·ercise legislatilte ·powers·
.:S"l:i~II be submitted-to th~ electorat_e;·a·r:id throug_h a vaiid d_slegation by Congress;· (e.g.,-.tariff,
-~~~tu,t~s- involving em.e(gency mea$ures_, the powers ~mefgency pr/wer$). . . .·
f~~~ct[!·ient- 'qf whi~h: iJ- ~P/ilCifically :.yested_ · in
:.8:>ngress bythe Coo!>btutron.-cannot-be sutnect. Preside.nt :noes· N~t Hav~. Leg.i~lative P_ower
·i~·:_':ef~rl;lni;lu_ m untit 90-i:lays after. l~eir effectiv.ity d1;fri_rig Ma.rtial·Law ,ur:rderthe .1987.Constit.u~i9n .
1f?._:A.. No. 6735, Se.c., 1.0). · · · . '·. . · ·· Under the 1987. C6n$~itution; "a stpte qf martial law
(;::-:-·;· .. ,·. . ·.,· :· · ..... · . . . · :. . doe"s noLsuspelid th.e op·eration of th'e·.ComWtution.
,id,ent's ':-egislative Powet ~uring Martial Law. nor supplant _the· f1.,1_~dioriing ;of the .. ciyil. cciuJts.· or-
-.::,_';;, -~~~ ~- RE:voluti_onary Gov13rnn;aen_t. · . legislative-assemblies, nor a1,1thorize"the conferment
'fr!~91slat1v_e powers· of then · President Marcos . of jurisdiction c;,n- military court~- and -agencies over
i;:e.,;d.eriv.edfrom his marlii3I law powers and from . cjviliar,s where cj~ilian courts are able tc:, function nor
.;._)<VII, Section .3 (2) .of -ttie 1973 Constitution . automatically suspend the privilege· of· the writ.
;'.!.J.0, Jr. v; COMELEC,.. GR. Nb. L-:40004,- Jan. ,(CONST. -.Art.· VII, Sec._ 18, par.. (4)). The 198_7


- N"Al
MN N24


6 AFM\IMIPS? ·.;w.

Constltutlon rejects Aquino, Jr. -v, COMEL[=C which While "residence is dornlclle", in election ·
gave plenary legislative-. power to the President as l~WS,. "domicile is not. residence" be.cause '.
martial law administrator '(B.ERNAS Commentary, . domlcile requires 'the fact of. presence
supra at 920). · ' coupled v.tith;_tf:le,_ lntentlooto remain (a(li(TIUS
· manen.di): 6r intention to. ~eturl') when· absent
HOUS~S .OF CONGR~_ss (enimus .rf]ver'tendi) .(Romualdez-Marcos v.
Nature: Bicam.eral - composed of COMELEC, ;G.R:· No: ,119f}_76, September .
. ·1. . Ser\ate; and : · · : 1_8, 19_f5), . . . ~ '. ..
2; · House of Re.presentative.s_(CONST .. Art. VI, Sec.·.
·. . 1), " ·. T~·acq~i're ~ dornlcile by chdi·~·e. t~ese must
·concur: . . . . . .
Compp'sitlon/Q~aiifie.ations/T errns of Office: . j. . · A'l}lmu_s .ntan~~di~- residence .orbodily ·
1. . -~_ENATE· . . . . .. presenc~. In .the ·.n:eW locality arid <'!n
·ypl'nposition: ~4. elected at; larg~ '. by th~ ; : 'lntentlori to' rernalnthere; and .':
qualified. voters of the .Philippines (CONST:'Ait.. ii: · ;Animus: non reverlen.di..__ an Jritenlion
Vt, Sec: 2}.. . . ·.: · .to-abandon t~e. olddomlclle (D.omino :V..
. .. -· · · · COM{ELEC, ·.GR. No:-_.134015, Ju/y·-1,9,.
·. ·.Note: Tha·.,numb'er. can be.·chariged·· only'. by _. ·· 1999). :
.. c¢,nstitu~if?_natamend!"1erit. ~he' phras~ "as. ~,,,;,.,,=e,,;...~_. . · .. : . . ' ~ . :_ . . . . . . . .. . ..
..'·be pr.qv1de_d'l;ly_law" 1n_Sec~1on 2-hc!S ~.,,~efl3~ce
to the .mechanics for electing _th.e_,j,enat~~~ at t
1ru· ·1"',.=7-~----_--4.F~rson_s d01! IS
'. \ ·.1.'l'"cil'l~~er!:l_~ · to· fO!"tmue · al'}?-:WJII -~_ot_ :be
· .. large, 1 and not to the numbJ':7·~fS)ef.lafu[~:.-.=:""",=-c.,J~ ..{(. .9!le,;ne~lost lJntd ,a new one IS established ..
· . .'"'""~~-V-~\-s. : . .· . · · · .:
· . .. . , ·· , ', , { ~~'<
· :(~EF.?t:JAS, Co0mentary, SJ.JP(U--PH!9~).."_/-:"'"'··
J .. .f'/ _.,.,.,.,.._..,~...,..,.:;f= "'t-q~$,,_~Ce~st~lly effect a_ Ch!3~ge of domlcne
·m "

Qualiflca~ions: (N35-8AVY,.N!F\ :/'· ( ""1r" . ,v_,. ·.~ne;:Ql\H,t,q.e~on.strate ah actual removal or

a.' Natural-born citizen J>f'm-etifruli~pines. .W ~~ -~\\ .. ~n.aqtµ~J·c~a~ge of.. dornlcile: a bona :flde
. those wt_lo are citiz¢.'ns of ,:the PWilipp\nes ' ·, · · · i1:1ter,ticiNof1~b<\lp.doningthe former place 9f
. :from birth without haiift'g;.1oz6erforrtr~rny1ict -_--,--:-r~sictehc;;e'-'and. 'establi~hing·a new one, and
.t6. acquire or J>f~e'ot'jHheir~·R.hillp'P.ioe'-;t.;_''11.7''. 1efinite_\~ctt-;,v{J1ich·c~r~espond -~ith. the
.. citizensh)p (COf':IST~ Arli,-Nt:S~c.-2: · . b ~yjjjp·'t...>., . · p;irpose!J 1,if.1=1q;ther. ·.words, - tnere .. must
. .. , . . : _;\ ~~ ~ : ,,\_: ~ ;:;,-·c$_;.,.;_w •• Jl].~~11-Y,J?,,~_a-/1,~(!JU~ 1T1~ne1_1di CClUple? with
t' ·A -.1:}atura~b.orn Cl~Z~rlr\\1\lhO\\~~e·s
. . . .. citize11ship by i:iatu~M~~ti~p. ii\~ ,
":n1s,~ ·jc'r i::~:zf.)"'
lf•"- ~i:,Jjfws;np.fYlrel(ertendJ .. The_ purpose to
.'i.f~faai1yfan~~-~Jft~e.dom(ci!e of cho_ice._mus_t j.

country _buU~ter 1s re~at~1at~tt/e~?\@"s~~Ll.l1 · '~~iJlie ;t~t _an. 1~defm1te pe~1o_d . ·of= time; the I·;
... status C>f -~emg. ~ riattl{~.l-_born\.c1J1zer::i~~ '-..~ ~h~ge_{?f res1denc:e-must_be voluntary~ and
. th~refore ·1s qu~i!fied 1?\be a, in~b-~,\~~n~\"~ .-t9-e_.resrdeg_!e -~t- the- pl~~- .chps~n:for t~e
: . Col')gre~s· (Bengzon v: H.ff=T,. '.G:'R~'N~~,;,-Ae~.&.O?Jit1lemj.lst b~ c;i~tual. (L1mbo11a y.
. . '. 1428_4~. May 7, 2001)_- . '1.\~C)Mstf~.~{.supra).··.:_· . . . · · . : : . ·
.. b, · . A~ }¢.ast 35 year~ of- age on th~~~~N~IJ~Je~.~.·a·n; ·.ihteh_tion . aba~q_o~ · .. tb
. . : election; . . . . . : . ' . cannot:.legally be, ir:iferred .from his a"ct..of .
.c ... Able t? ;Bead 8nd Write; ,.. . . estaolishing a·hq(l'le ·e'i~~.wtiere...c;,rotherwise
· d. Regist.ered y9ter;. and . . . , . .- · conducting . .-J1is· ;.act1y1fies . .thereih-, · in _the-
· e-.. ·_ae~ident·of.the Phil\ppines fornot_les~ th~n · absen~.El. 9f _clear ·sh·owing: -that. t,e_ hai;i
: g' years · immedi;:itely_ preceding the . day of : decid.ed to. adppt a ·new r.el,ideoce (Lim v.
· the _elec_tio~ (C?f:JST. Art. Vt,.. Sec,. 3}._. . · .' · P~laei, sup~a). .'. ·
,• .·.
·· Residence. . , . . ·.· Note: '.In Poe~L/~manzares \/,. COMELEC Vi/here on·e:~a~i.tua!!y're~ides ar.i'd. ·No.·
.(G..R. 221°697, fyf_arph ··8,': 2016),: ·the· · ·
. . . to. _which,·. when ·h~ is absent.- .~e has the . . · .. · COM.ELEC. ·r.e.fused.: to consid~r- 'that· :the
: ·intention of.returning (l,im v.,Pelae~, .House· ·· . ,' . ' ~tition_er's::_ cjo~ipile .~as ', been: iim'ely
..·....··: E/e.cto~/ Tribu,jf!l'Case No .. 3-6): ·. · ·.. · : ·changed as. of May·,~4;-200!5. and maintair,~d
. . . . 1hatalthough thf;ire is.physical presence and.
:. The~ tenm· ··"residence'' as .used ·. im .lhe animus :manendi,,there is .no anfmus:'non
. ~leetion law ·js syn·onymous;with ."domicile." revertendi.~. .· · ·: · · . . ·
.. wfJTch imports i:iof only intention to ·reside in
- . a:.fixed place but ·also personal presenc.e in .: 2~MELEC
·. : _ _.·. 'The ~orite~d~d~~~~t th~ ~foy o~:
. that place· coupled with -conduct iRdtCative. O.f : . 'an alieD former Filipino. cannot be. co,,mt~d .
su2h intention (Li,:nbona V. COMEl:.EC, ·G.R. · .. ·uniil h.e/sha:_obtaihs a. permanent reside.nt
No .. 1 ()1097-; June 25, 2008). , ·· "'· visa .or _reacquired· .Philip.pine . citizenship


. IT . . ':,,- . . ,,.;.) ..., . . : · . W I . ~~-:·
· . . · · ·-tJT-10:rv~L--~A·- .. · .- '. t~:1;,rw· ·
!5'!!lP'k9PF'¥M cwniirs; e dM 4:2 N i G't4 Wlb . :. .. . · ;Afi£?'1§9WL1i<tfhl1#1m«rSi!l!Jd~ : \

since she is still. an Amerlcarr until July 7, a

"immistakablyrequires candidate f~r senator to
·. 2006 on the basis of previous cases ruled . be certified. illegal-drµg clean,. obviously as a'". the SC. . pre-conditton to the validity of a cerllflcate of
. . . ' candid.fey'.for senato.r or; with lik~' effect; '~
< However, the·SC held that the other cases · condition,s/ne qua_npn tobe voted upon 'and, lf
. previously d~c!de.d. by the: court "wherein · .proper; ·be .pro~iai(11ed as · senator-elect, 'The .
resldence was counted": only. from the. . CQMELEC rescill'ltio11 completes the-nbain with
acqulsltion: of permanent. residence were ' the proviso .that ;r[nlo· 'person elected to' any
decided as such because _tJ.i_ere.':·i$sparse . · .. public office shalf'enter;upon the duties of his
evtdence on establishment· pf · residence. · · office. until he has·,undergone : rnanda'Wry. drug
These. ·cases .cannot. be applied in 'the: ·te.s"t~ :(Pimentel, Jr. 'v..· ·COM_ELEC;,: (;°.R •. No'.
present case. Here, thereis ()yerwhelmb:19 .. · . .1-61658,,Nqvember'-3, 2098).· .:
. ·.·evidence. that Poe-dectdedto permanently . · . · '-'. ·. · · -. ·: . · · '
. abandon her. US residence and-reside. in the Term_of 6: ye~rs; cornrnencinq noon at
. Phllippines as early as M!:IY 24-, 2.005. ·· 'on · the 30th d~y of June ··.r:iext tollowfng::tf.ieir
.·,.. ' . . ···· . election (CONST. Art. VJ, .sec; 4:. CONST. A'rt .
. , Tt,eoty. ?f Legat'-li:tiposs'1bility°-: · .. XVJ/1,.Sec. 2;par.. (2)) .. ·. .
The>theory. <that'· it · would· be /ega/ly . · . ; ..
· · imposl$J/, impose 'the .t-year -residency 'Te~m ·t,ir,;it: No' Senator' -sha1i serve tor mor~ ..
. requirement··in .a_- newly' created, pelitical' /.'<~-... than . . 2 :'- consebat_ive· . terms.~ Volunta.ry.
·• 9istrid_( V:'bich· .':i~ t_his · -.~se.( i~. the l~ ))/ •. . · · _renunciatic;>n,of· t~.e office for a_r:(y !engt_h o'. time
. Congressional.. District ·.of' Makab, createct)'/ ,\ · · shall not -be considered as ah. 1r\terropt1on in the
:·.. un~e~ RA. 'No·.-78_54; barelir4 _111onth_s·q1qi~_i'\ ·:,,"j :Gontinuity of,hi~ serviee for the)ull teim forwhicti
. the . time .of ·._the May 1.995 election~j ·~- .,.ii:'" '-rr',......,.,he~s(efected(CONST.,Art.VI;· Sec.. 4)..
inapplicable.·. . ·· · ·, .p7,
tJ_ ·.._;.i.,.1-·..:• ...... ~~..: ..,.,,-.,;,i,~).. · ·.-' · · ,.
: ·.·. ·' ·.· . · . · ·. '.' . · <::f. t)1f·-·2~HOt:1SE1'ClFREPRESENTATIVES·' ;_ l·
. The'SC nifused 'to ap·p1y :1he-'·t6~6'ry in (his{,.J1 ' .. . . Jr:~·. : · . ·,: .. : : . . . . · ;

. ca_s~. ~-~·lec;I ~hat ·_a -~ew. pollt!.~~!{f.listri'ct_J$'<"l\ . . ,compfs))i\n:_no~'._,:rior{:3·, tl)an· ·25~ .members, i
' n~t- ~reated ou,t .of:th_1,n.-~1r, }t!.,s· ,~Rl'it~~ 01,1t r J:. · u_nl_es,fot&erw,se fixed by Jaw, cons1_stmg of: .
: _·from, P/;1it at.1:1. ~earang,.yii.un~Jaf3_0gr.?ph.if [1. ·· _a. Di5.t~c~ ·~E:-Pr~s~ntative~· "'. elected .from

· area., Ii: -,this -.c:ase tb~;:..pld. M!i!nlc1pahty·o~ ·j.;-:1 · . {eg1s\at1ve~91stncts aeporboned among the
, _.MakaU. l.h_us,,-.peopl~~tlo~Ct®f~ liv~'q_:iJ:i· f,;j . ~{/W0v,i~~rt~\~itjes··and thE! Metrc:>politan
._ .. t~e·-Qld · mu~_icip~li_ty ~ri.Q[._to l)i\.e~C?,!~,atior.i~J'_ 1(1 . . ..... Mzitl.iIDtea.·(CONST. A,rt. VI; Sec. 5, par._.
ttie oew_·leg,_sl~tive ~1str_1cilB~ryjf~~U!lt~e ;~. ._.,~/ .. · . ·, .. :(1)); .an~ . . · .- . · . _ .
. ._ ... · yeaHe~1den9y (Aq1umo '(:?{){ff~L5.<::;.. G.R. 1:_{=~;;:,, b.. P_~rt~-L,st· ..Repres_ent;:1ttv~s; - · · st)all
· No. 120265, September 18;--1~~5lii,J. --<'; ..-,r-:.:/.it-1~_qoost1tute-20% of the· total n·umber of the·
.· . ' . . . :. . _: ... ;..,;:,,"'._ . /~··P...,..-·,:....~.....;...:...,.~tnbersof the House of Re'ptesentatives
. ·. :; · ..Two.. ~onclusioh~: may_be.~.'r~\\'n~ ...lff · · · · including tho~e under.the p'arty+~f (R.A: No .
. . i.. · If.a p~~oo ret~im; his domit'!U¥;?,f-;9,~.9in, · .. ·. · · . 7941, o~he,rwisft know'}. ·as--the· Party _.List
.. , fqr . ·. purposes· . of: . th!3 rE!sidence -System A~t; -Sec.-'11; CONS_!; Art: VI, · Sec.
req~irE:!me.nt.. fcjr . "representatives,· -tlTe. · · 5, par.·(2))_.: . . . ...
•or1e-year.·.perioq. is· ir.t.elevarir !;,eca(JSe,. · ... · ' . : . ..
. ,'by ltigal fic.tion, -whereve.rlie may be,. ne ', . Qua1ification ·' under'. ·. the . ,·: cbnstitution:
. . Is:· -cl 'rEisi,dent'.of h!.~. doioicile.·,or" origin; . ' "Un1ess ·otherwi~"Edlxed by f avi (Art. VI, '$ec, ·
·and ..... · ' ... : ·5,par~·(.1));'··~: · N

.... ·.: i[:. ·If a·.person re-estal:>li~hes .a p~~viously . . . '

.. abandoned domicile or 'acquire a. n·ev,( ·· The. CoFJstitution 'does· ·:not preclude the .
· one, tb_e one-year requ1rel'T)entm!Jst be . Congress··from 'increasing· its· ·membership by
. satisfied (Romualdei•Marcos. . v. · passing · ·a:- · 1aw, · other. ·.than a·: general
COMELEq, .~upraf : ' · '· · · ·. - ·re;:ipportionmenflaw.:Theis; a- law ·cbnver.tirig· a · ·
· · · ·· · ·· : m"1,Jnicipality:. i'nto .- a .. l;lig~ly· ·urbanized-.· city
COMELEC · : Cannot · · · . the · · · .· · · · aufomaticalfy· qe;!lttfa a. new legislative district, ·
.- -Cc;>1istitu_t!onal Req~frements:: _: ·.·... , ·. and ·consequently·increc1ses:-the membership:of
; The c.ourt struck down: as, ,u·nconstitutional . the . Hous·e ... of . Representativei, ;: (Mariano.: v..
Section 3e (g)ofRA No .. 9165.(C9mprehensiv~ c_.OMEL,Ec;;,~-~- No_:·1:185:7:7, Marc.Ji 7i·._1995);.·
· Dang~t'oui3-. Drugs Act ~f 2002). Secti~h 315 (g), ·
'as s6ughj 'fo; be' implemented :by the. assc1ilE!d
·COMELEG :res'olt.i'tic>"n,·as ifeffecti1raly enlarges· ·
the. qualificatiqn'. ,requirements enu'm.erated::jn
Sec.' 3, ',Art. VI of the Constitution. . -
As 'couched,
~ it .


me- aw
"'' "·
t?IAMIA&& Wjt d F I &Vf M5i£1 ii ;_ & ? !EF ;;iitH·Mi

DISTRICT REPRESENT ATNES · . · There is no reason why the above pr'nclple,

which. involves.the 'creation. of an .additional
Qualifications: (N25~RAVV-V~1) district within a city, should· notbe applied-to
·a.· · Natural-qorn··citizen of the Philippines; additional districts in provinces.' Indeed, if :
b. ·.At: least 25 years of. age on the day of. the 'an a(fdi(jona/· · legislative 'dlstrict ·Cl'eated
election; r within. a city .ls. not requlred to represent a
c.. ·.Able to· Bead ~d Write; · . populatlon of at least in order to be · ·
d. ~xcept the party:list · representatives, a valid, neither. should such· be needed for an .
regist~reo ·· the district in which he . additional .district in a proyince,-cqnsidering . elected; and . · . . , "moreover thaf:a province is entitled to an
·.·e. · A _Besident thereof for- a period 'ot not 'less initial seat by the ··mere ·fact pf· its creation
than 1'year. irhme5Jiately preceding the _day and :regardless of _its- population "(A.quino Ill
of the electlon (CONS-T.·.Art. Vl, Sec. 6). v... COMELEC, · (iR. No. ·tB9T93, .April 7,
2010). ·. · . ,..
Rules 0.fApp9rtionment.6f Le.gis.lative Districts
. a; .. Under the Constitution ... · . The power-to createa province, or a city with
L · Legislative· districts shall: be · made in. a population of}!50,.0QO.or more.,.requires ·
. accordance ·.with . -the. number of · al~o the.power to creale,a)~gis1ative district
. . respective-inhabitants andon the·b~~,;<="==:.~
ot. · a unlform . and, _progress_i_'\(~\..,;rario-
(CONST.Art. Vl,.Se~. 5,p~f:1'(1)).~,
·vu· · ., N~tt~~
1- .
beca~se. a- ,prp~i~ce or-a~:<;ity;. once the
s _popu1_at1<?n. Je~ches is
U. . /\{ J,al-'!tO.{!lat1~lly_ entltJe~ to o~e representative

ii. Each city .yith.-not;,--=-·:-::__~ ..!( ~h~~,.t:<'p~c. 5_. (~);. Art,~le _VI ?f.· the
lnhabltants, 'shau ,hqV_fr~atY,'.~psf"'.1 ~-~~--'~n~~j.t~~!on and:Sec._ 3 ~UJle (?rdmance ..
(C0~$'.~~,~($~ 0c-P6~~:'"'=..._.., _. ,,.:'P{~~~~~~\
. repres.en~_ayv~-
par. (3)h . . · ,l,c,. . .:,, /.
. iii. Each· prov!_nce,·/lirres~,,ct1v~.. _of ·ttre 4]~ }l
u» _ ;{ """~ \h· ~,~·!,
the· Constitution. ..
).'1, •· · ..
1~ ·xr9f9;,.,cannot._ be_ ~elega_ted ~o a. '
. , _

nµmber of 1nha~1tf1htS, J#i enti~f~d t-;> at .•\,/·~. r~,g1_on~·p7;.lj5l'all~g1_slat_1ve 1lo~y- because

least 1 represeri/at1'\le:··(.€:ONS1t"'A'it:--:Vi;.-LH1r""'\s-.1s. ~r~ationa_[· leQISlature 8:_nd a~y
. $ec.,_5, p~r. (~))ff ~ W . · ._l - ~4'··.~ !!~! r::;:'.~: -!l;lcr~~~~l.m_ts·,all?~ab_le _m_en:ibersh1p.~r.1n ..
IV-. Each leg1sJat1ve,d1StF)ctshall c mpos.e~--~-~--·t-cl · Js 1~culri~Q,~ P,_me~be~s~1p._ tnr.ough. t)le
as ·_far -as ~praqii~~(~~ offc uous::-~-?."!:~ . · ~m~tl?~iJ ~f: le_g1sl.at1ye :?l~tflCtS. b.e :
. com.pact . andi ~di~ceni:"' 0ry;;=~··-;.-,:'.-., -~ tT)ba•,~ ..!J}Jl ~atlon~l ·1!:IW: Only Congre&s ·
(CONST.Art. v1;~,.Se.c?5,i:par.~f3:. . ·. j.6 Jt.. :~_;;,s-j~~J.. . en~ctsuc;tya l~_W.(~ema _v.-COME;LEC,
-v. Reappo~ionment•:·of legis~tiv~@J,s)r-i·t_sifr-,,, . "'--,,:~~ .R,J_o .. 1_775f}7, July 1_6~_ 2008). . . ·
. by Congr~ss 'l,'.ilhiri\~years'--"'/ ""· thjJ( · in slma v. CO'MELEC, tile · sc
. . r~t':lrn of ev_ery cer,siii\(CON~.:4tt:.,:?[;rEN~\~ )l'iValidated.'Sec. 19; Art. Vr of R.A.'No. 9054,

· · · . · . . . . · . . . . . \~ Yo =,.,._-===--:::
· · · . · Se·c. 5, par.-(4)):

··~· .· Junspr~~~~c~ .: : .
" //1-..,. ,_,., ;:;-:--~:~..;, .-,.otlte'r-w.isefkno~

A, j\t:"-'I\
· . ~- _,(
/ ~~ an Act Providing for the
.·(().~1bw{rnousRegion in Muslim· Mindanao,
;ih~far iis i~_grant.ed_._tothe ~fy'M Regional
. There. 1~ . no · specific provision . rn.~~--~;;:....,;.~ ~s,ser:nblyme pow~r to cteate provinces and
Constit~bon. that fixes a 250,00Q. mirnm'-!~ · · - c1t1es; which could in effect -result in the
.. po~ula~1or:i , lh:3t . compos·e : evecy creatfdri of legislative districts. . .
leg_1sl;:it1ve:<11sfnct.· P.lamly read, Section. 5(-3) · -. · ·
of. ttie Art VI of;th.e-.eonstitution reqOire_s·a· · the creatio~ of legi~i~tive districts ·dpes .ribt·.
250,00Jfminimum poputation-only for a city_ need-eonfirmaticin by P.lebiscite:ifit does not
t<;> be emiUe.dto'a-representative, but _·. ii1'ilblve· the creation ·oh;r local·.government .
. . tor.a province. · · · unit: (Bagab,;,yo Ii. COME.t.:Ec; -GR ,Vo.
· ·' ·. ·. . 1769'-(Q; Diic~mber-8; 2008); .
Ttie 250;000 · · m1rnmum. : population·. . . . · . · · - ·
requirement. for cities . only applies to . iis ~errymaoderirig . . . . . .
. inftiefi/' legi$1ative district. . .- --In ottier. Words,· It is · the . formal!on of one. legislative ·district· out ·of
while. Sec:· 5(~); Art.· VI of the. Cori~t°itution separate 'te.rritories· for the' purpose of. favoring . a
. r~quires. a .city . to· have; . a .minimum. candiCilateor JI party. JI is. n0tailowed· (BERNA$;.
: population .of 250,000., to·. t5e... erititlec(tci a· . Reviewer;·$U/1/!a at ~26Y · · . . .
r.ep(esentative; it does riot have. to ·increase .. . .
its. population by·_ ;:mother· 250;000 to be The. Constitution pr~scribes · gerrym~~dedng ~s it,
enti_tled to an addit(onaldistrict. . . mandates each_legislc:itive distric.t to (:orriprise;. as far
~s, practicable·, a co"ntiguous,. .-cof!ipa<,t and adjace!lt ·
territory .. (Nav~rro· v. -. Ermita, -. G,R.- No.: 180050;
February .10, 2010)-.. · · ·


=· v. CONST.lTUTIO.N.AL·.· tAw.1:
M ¢ 4 . IMNW L . · 1


PARTY .usr REPRESENTATIVES .. statutory policy of .enabling 'Fllipino cttizena :

Qualific~tions: (N25-RAW-VR1-M} . belc:mg,ng' . to ·_marginalized. . and .
a, · Natural born 'citizen: · r : . 'underrepresented sectors to be elected to the
b, At least 25 years of age on · the day of the. . House of Representatives'. (Ang Bagong Bayani
· · · -election; . · · v. COME;LEC, supre). . .·. .
. . .
Note: In case of the youth.sectorhe must. be tn Atong Paglaur.n.the SC pointed out-that there
· at.least 25 but notmore than 30 years old Was an "inherent inconsistency" in the Ang
. on the- day of the election (R.A: No.· 7941; Bagong 8<1yan/guidelioes since.the requirement
Sec.-9)', ·. · · ·. · · ·· .· · .. that the majo('pPliticgil parties should represent

tlie ·'ttm,arginalized • and underrepresented"
"" .
i.::-: . : ··Ar,y. · .youth' sectoral· representative. who sectors'. essentially "automatically disqua(ffied'
. ·~·· . .attains the aqe of 30 during his term.-shall be these-major iii::irt!Ei.s from' the ·party-l_ist_system .

allowed· .to continue- in ·.office .until ' the
t.· · · -explration ofhis term. '(R.A. No. 1941; Sec: 2. As for the ~uidelines provided in -, the case of
'· · ;· "9, par,·(2)): .. . . '.BANAT v, COMELEC (G.R. No. 179271. April
:JI' :

_21-~ 'zoos), the .SC said that the· such gt.iidelines-

f./ · c. ·Able to Bel':!d~ndWrite; "me(ely·fqrmalizE!d theprevalllnq'practlce" when
~. . · · d. A registered· yoter; it . prohibited : major political parties .. from
t:; -~. e. • -A fieside_nt of the -Philippines for a ·pefiod·of _>-.: partlclpatinq in the party-list 'elections even if'
~-,. ·· n5>t· less ~ha.h ·1 ye~r im,mediately precedJ_IJef;.~:'l- 'throt.i~h their allied sectoralorqanlzations.
~ _ · · -ttie. day of ~e e.lect1on; and· .· /, , [/' .:,1 · :,._... · · . .- ·. . ··
~t . f.. A bona .fide Member·:of the party:,t>,r.. :-_ ···.,:/) P~rall'!e(ers m the Election of.Party-L1~~s .
~- ~rganization w_hich he seeks _to represeny~ri. : : :·-:.! .J~we -~i:e .tjl? the party-list electio'n in
·i. · · at le~_st 90. days pre?eding _the day,_.of".'.t~,( ·}?f.~tlt!~h,j!JP!?,11'1, wit;. ·. · . . · ..· .
,f · · .. election (R:A. No. 7941, Sec. 9):.-;fl·;r. ..) 1( ,· 1~. · ·Tfie.d-20'¥; , allocat1on - ?0% of the total
;l .. . . ·. · . .. f.·)· .. · /\Jj · membe(,~p.lpof.the House-of Representatives is ·
·f< The·P.a~-Li~t:system · . , .. l,\11-. . , _.j_.,...~f\ . the--mp-x1p,ll!m .num~er C?f seats ~!located._ f<:>r
;,.,i;.: . . The Party-List · Syster() ... rs a .~-~e·ch:c[~J.Sr.ti· . of .. I{ · · f · partyjtst1,ei1'tesen.fat1ye .. In other. word~•. there ·•s
t(' . proportiona( ·repr~se~tation. · !~~tie · e1feJion_ ·0 . 'j/~ .. ·o~';?_-~parw.-li~\.s·e~t for every four legislative.
;~~;·: represen!at1ves to .. the · Houstl(..<>;f . Repie;-l?e':ta_t,ve~"\ P..:A · d.1s!?,lct~.l~at;:,\~· · :. : . . - . ·
·.~\ · from. nat.1onal, · regional; -·anl( teatorat.1.P'art1es;:;-c;>r_ · .1~fr j ... ~,(,'IT.f.? 'ifi'l't";TJ: . ·.. · · · ··
,i.:._.. · organizations, or coa)itia.ns· th'er~of,te.gjstef.~ed ~~~- {j 2. Th~t~'f.:tfil'i3s-'tioiH. - A guaranteed seat. far'~
.. ::,:: the CO~l;:hEC (R.jl.: No. .-7941, Ser;.@),?-;-..\.·~ . ·. fl t';/ · · · party-Ust organ~zation garnering 2% of the·total'
~-f. . _- ... · ... ·. . . . ·. . · · \.~ -~ ;. .r .
r._ ~1~-+-~ "?te~. cast._· ih~. g~a_ran~~sd seats . sh'~IJ be
·;;,- Tbe party-list -ts •not synonymous!-0Jthe : J,f.lj/.1-'. .<hstnbuted m a first rourld of. seat -alrocatron to
:f.i· .
0··representation," The frame·rj"}6(the;.i-~.!37-·~·'.::•.!.'.,:..:,~~!4a'rt1Fs"'.:ithat. receive at least two ;J'.iercent of_ the

...,.,.. Constitution··ctid not int!;ln.d fo leave outt::rfon-se.ctpra! . . '· ... total J;>arty~list·votes; ·: ·. · .. : · . ·
:· · parties" in the party-list"syster:ri a_nd:exd\;!~·i,'{~y°limit· . ·.: . . . ·. . . . . . .
· )t to sectoral· ~rOllpS, The. frai:ners -Jl'itendeq the- N'ote:· .
. :·. Ttie· ·Supreme· :Court in :BANA'T . v..
'. ··'sector~) ·parties to cbnstitute··a ·part, but no~ .the-·. ·coMELEC/ stru~ ~own·as unconstitutional the. ·
<. entirety, .of the· party·list ·systern·-(~tong ·Pag[aum v. two percent thr~shol,d in· the. distribution ·of
.. · COMEl:.E,C,·G:R. No. 20~766; April 2; 2°01.3).. . · · . -~ . ·. ·additional p;arty-list seats in the second cl~use. of
. . ·. . . ·. . ~- . .·· . ."Sec; 11-par. (Ii) ·(Jf R.A. No. 7941. the Court h.01d
. Purpose . . . , . '. · :: . . tti~t ·the c.onlinued op'eratior1of the··two perce.nt
· The purpose of the Party-List ·system is to'·eriable threshold .'in:, the· distrib:ution ·of {he· additional.
...:.. : : ·certain· Filfp,ino· citiz~ns; especfally' ttiose belonging s~a~s'fr_ustrates thEfattairiment pf .,he.permissive
';. .to· .marginalized.;' ano: u·nderr~j:ires~ilted · s.~ctors, .·. ceiling that 20% of the members:'of the House of
..:. ·orga:nizatiol"\~ •. and. parties; ·t~>'- be_ elec_ted to_ the · :Representatives:· sflall : consist ·of·· party-list
i... ffous·e of. Representative.s '(Ang·,Bagong -Bayani-. · . · rep.resentativ~s. . · .. . .. . .
~- OFW Lab·o,..Party-v: COMELEC, GR: No. '.147589, ·. · .. · ... ··
_;:_:·26 2001) .. . .. 3•. Pr:opo_rti~f'!ai'representati~J.l - .The additional
efj,.,- . · · . , ·.-. ·. . '. · . . ·: ... .. · . . se.ats, tt1at · is, · the ... remaining· seats ·. after
~tt: : ~revlous Ruling's· ·Reversed, by ·the .Paglatim ·. · ·a'Jlocation of the guaranteed· seats~ shall be
1f; Ca~e: '·:: · . . .. . ·. · _ _.. ' . · ; · ..di.stribµtecf · 'to·· the. - party-li!>t oi"ganizatlons
•·: 1. : Ang Bago'ng Baytlni's -parameters for ttie party. . including those that r'eceiyed less than 2% of tlie
list ·sys't,em -states t~at "while "e"veri m'ajorpolitical 'total votes: a_ncl .
parties _are expressly ·alloY.(ed~Y RA.' No. 7941
~nd the Constltution to participate in the pa_rty-
.. · list ~ys~em, 'th~y must comply with the de~lared

. .
. .
. . : .' .
I 27
•• .• "
·co,N··STl"'f.UTJQNA'L LAW I·
IW# A fl&ND\riBSCRII ''!iCP!l'PIMl-tNii'hl:tPN


4. The .3-seat cap. Each· q_ualifled party,. 'd. · The nol'Tiinees of . natlcnal 'and -reqional
regardless of. the -number ··of ·votes· it actualfy . parties or orqanlzations bona· fide
obtained,· is entitled-only .. to· a maximum -o{ 3 members of such parties or' orqanlzations,
· seats (BANAT v. ·-CGMELEC, supra}. · .
· ·. · · · ··.:· · Note: Any elected party-list-representative
. Summary 9t··."f'\lew Parameters. (Guidellnes.·tor who changes h_is political· party or sectoral
Screening· Party-List · Apptlcants): for, F!¥1rtY·:Llst affiliation during his term of offtceshall forfeit .
·Elections· as set. by .' the court: .In tha··:Atong . his seat: Provided, that if he. changes his
Paglau.,i,.Calf,e '; .' . . .. . : · political 'partyor sectoral affiliation within f3
. "a: Tl;li-ee dlfferent.qroups rnaypartlclpatejn the- · · · months before an election,. he shall. not be
party-list.system: (Nr{S): . · .: · .. . eligible for nornlnatlon '.as· party-list
j. ... _Na"tional parties or- organizations:·: . : representative." under' . t;Js.' new .. 'party or .
ii: · Be.giof.lal·partleiNJ>r.drgai:iiiations; and. · · _ orqanization (R.A No. 7941; Sec: 1?)- .· : ·
iii.· §ectoral partles or or$aniiations. . . .
· · In-case. of vacancy in the seats resElrv~d for
b. · Nationa;·. :· parii~s or·.· ~r~aniz~tloris -s and ' 'party-nst representatives.vthe. vacancy.shaf .
. ·regionarii::rarties: or ofganiizations .. dc?<not . . . be 'autorrraticatly filled .by the." next
• need to· organize along sectoral lines.arrd do · · representative· .ftorn the list of nominees in
··.· not·need-to rep~ese~t_any "marginalife~~"'-~· the·.order s4bmitle~·to.·!_he COME~~<; by the·
.t111dem:presented'\ ~ector:. . . ·. -:,1'1:;:;;'"'.. 1r 1 'h.
· ,:;:o-'~:,__s~me _party •. organ12"0t1ori; or·._coaht1on,·_who
·. ·.,. :· ·' ·· .. ; . : .:. . · -</ ·· ~ V f'~/ ·,,f'.s'fi.alt.~erve for the unexpired t.erm. If the list
To require all ·ie'iii~I- J?s:lrti~~~-:~:,,!/-:- i(~!1,a~sted,. the .. p"arty, o_rga~ii:ati~~! c;>r
µnder t~e par:tyfhst ~yste~1CJ,it_ePf~JJ;J.:lt"'.ffi.e ·. ..,,,~bah9~1:f~ncerneq ·shall_ submit ·ad~1t1onal

·~r \
. , !'mar~inalized and. undrep'F~,~9:!~~;"'.'·•·w·~~ nti!tf'![!~esJ(f.A."No:.7941; Se¢. ,16).
depnve and exclud~,:.C~¥)··Jt!1ct!lal .. ·,fia_~) -.-}.(" ',.,_,rQ,·l~ . ,.·.' .
·ideology-based.and: 1aus"e"".o,~Jti~e 'parti!:ili_. -1,t~ :~ e. 5(_ur~1}~jctor~parties or- ~rga_nizati~ns may
from th"e J:) -j ,, : · , . .C..r*}
: . e;ther \ ( fbj3\ ·marg1pah;zed. ·and
· : . · . -· : ·J ft~? If- . · · f~-":'~-*
. c... Political parties p/rti~iate -ii:i. 'p,ar:'{'5,Q.(t,~l~i Iii·!
. · -:elections p~ovlded ~eXt~gis.ter'.un_d~r ~~~,
nJ'"I ':'--:--qnderre'~r~.Mf~d" or:· 1~·cking. · in "w_ell-
ra'--~ · i.. ··
tl-..,='J W. ·
1i;onsfituencies, ".
·· ·
· .'. · · .
. · .

.. . · · · p.a~y~list.~-y:st~.m ~n~;a'~J?\fiel;cj[l~~~2~'..~-f~.9nc:,:ug~~haJ t~ei.r prir:icip_al. a~vocacy

,. in le.g1slatiye d1str1ct ~l~cJ10ns ..
· · · · · · · , · · · · . ·: · ·i\:.~ · :J. ~ ··· ~ s: ... &l ..r(;,_,-1..~'l?
~~-. : · 'fJ. 1 'l't'*- · ,.;·· e_,ami.rite,t~~it>ec1al J~~erest·and concerns
/; Q17theirf.secto(.1. : . . . . .. . ··
· : A political_"party;·wh.e~e·r·ma~\t':~~@-, . (~. .jg/~~? ~rgjnaliid. and. -.und1rf~presen.t.ed ·
· fields-. . candidate~ ~· i~~- fegisla~e- ."ejs~t~ &'\. . . .)-secto_rs &re ·as follo~s; JH.l:.FL.9W-PUV)
,·, ·erect~ons ..• ~n- ·p_art(C.'P~_te · ·-in~J>~rtfv.t!f~lE·NY'::'\r- · / !:!andi_s~\>ped, · ~ndigenous: · cullu~f'II
: · .elections· only through ·_1ts.sectqi:-3_!iwll'lg~h~~ ., .>l l .. · ...~. ~~~uo1ties, _. fisher· . folk, ·. ·.babor,
·. m~st sep;:irately register ~n1J~~~l:lE:_&~~i.Stf~ ":\~~.}Q~rse-a.s:. Worker~_.: ·ee.asa.nt, ·yrba'r1 .>
· . system. The sector~! .wing_ IS·'D~~~eiy~o · 'll<../f ~~ '-~;fThor,·and ~e.terans ... · : .'· ··· .. ···· .
· . · . indepe~cjent s.ectoral .. party an~. i~ ·!ft-ik~ _to l'i: -_}. ~.?"if.'· Se.c;:t~rs\ la~~ ~well-define_d. pplitie'al · · · .
· · the·po_l1t1cal party through·a.coalit10~. · · -~~ ··· ·. const1tuenc1es• include: (PWEY) · .
. .: . . . . . ·' froff;lssiqi;tal{r, Wom·ei;i,,.§lcierty, an_d the
· . : · A political ).arty' _refers· tq. ~h organi.zea Youtl'l. · · ·
· . . g~oup: of .citizens advqcating an: idepldgy. or•. . ·
· ... · ... : prattorrri, .. "pi:incjples ·and. policies· "for· 111e . · · . Note; . The . ·enumeration · of . sectoral
' . :. gen~ral ·CO_riduct of: govei'nme1;1t ~md- Whlc.'1; . ..' group·s ... whlch' . "lack . weil·deffned
· ·... ' , ··.as the;ite nieas:1s. of sec·uring. ·. , corrstltuencfes" Is· notexhaustive. e,g., '.
. : · .. · thElir·-a_doptior:i,,:,,ul~rly: nominates and:.; Industry-Trade Gr9iip;,; · ··
' · :supports q;irtain pf its'lec;iders··and member's . · . · · . . etc. . . ·.:.r· . .

as .. carJd!daJes for pub lie. "office. It is a·· . . .c ,

·· .national'· party- ·wti~n: its constitu'ency ls · · c~~fal.
·The eie·ment is. not .wheth~r ", a · .. ·
... ·, spread .over- ·th!:l- g~ographical. tei.ritory··of .at sector -is" specific"ally enumerated,' but;
. least a· majcirify,pf the !E!9idns; _lt ·;s· a re.9ional . . whether . a : particular . orqanization
,. party. when. its :constituenc;:y is .-spread over.: ..
·, ··· cornplles: with. the. re.qliireme_nts··.of the
: · .·. tlw geographical ter.ritory_ of- ·at - le.ast·. a ~onstitution ·and R.A. · No. 7:941··(Ang ·
. rt,afori.ty .. of .. the . cities· an~ .. provinces. LADLAD· L~BT" Party· v, C9f.4ELEC,
.. comprising 'the region (R.A: No.· 794t ·$ec . G:.R. No. 19058.2,.April 8, 2010).' ·.
. 3; par. (c)): · · · ... .....


$4W5Hff*i!A »W-1 WP PAM
" t i+s 1_ fr1'.+mmiTZPZPMCII

-~_·.?.:.·... SAN BfDA L.-IW CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATION? - M.f~10RY AID ~019 . ;
·~ 1iJi ~· HiCNXS:MitiSWtF,ri M HffiPiitM@AAWMWWFliiG3·f$\AM4«il SLiQZ:Z,tf

1·~?.j) f. · · A niaj~rity of' tbe· nie~ber~ of the sectoral .'

parties or orqanlzatton must belong to the
seat. -which is .
according to proporti~inal
,.•f. .. mar.gii)alized and underrepresented sector represeritatio'n, but is in np
~.~.~.~.~··.·_:_.-:... they represent. -The same. is true for those way to ex~eed 3 &eats per
·:::. who· lack· well-defined- political DFganiz'ation ''
. . ·. constituencies. '. -, . \'f..i:r-"':"\~" w - '
g: . Th~ no.~~n~es' of -sectoral · parties or, . ,,;,;~ -~,. ~-!.t • •
.!~:· organizations must either: Must beHa resident ·o'(N'ci_· ·. ·s'pe.c!al. ' resJd.ency
·,.!;. :· ~o
i. belong· th_eif respective sectors, or · his legislafive · district requiremept in e fegislative
ii. .. must.: have. a: track .reccrd .of advocacy for
~~s,::~.-:....·'..~.:.;.~~:~.:-:_._·_,_· for at least · 1 . yea·~ district . .
• ..= their.respective sectors. . immediateiy _before the· .. ·
:;;i,. . h. · National.-· r~gional, .and .sectoral parties. or election·· · ·
t.~.r_('. . organi~ations sh'iilll disqualified even
.ff some'. :of. their ;riomi'nee's are· disqualified;'

1\/. .: :-. by.

:~''·· . . . . 'provided ,that-. they. 'have at. least. one
Elected.,'i.~:·, Vot~d i u'p_q_n. p~rty o.r .
~~-~jm~ew~_orernain_s:qu,alified: . . - __ by name.' . .orgahjzaJion. It js :only
·!'J:, . Party. List. qrganizati,::in )Vlc1y I\IOT Remove Its . wh~n .:a party is, entitled to
Jfft( . Repres~ntativ~ in HO~)m~~ubs.titute Another represE)ritatio~ .. that
'designates whc(wili' sit as
·it ·
~:Jt;1. A party-list -representatlve is ·1.n· every sense "an · .,)'>.
\l: ~leictecf,.memb_er of th~ House ot.Re.pre~en!ativ7~;,;?"f.i'J(
jf!;f i , _Alfhot,igh_the,vote castin a party-list election rs a vote•·/·",
. ~el)'r.esenta:ttve.,_· . '

ii'i'' . · .for.a pai:ty, .sueh. vote,:i.ntheend, _wQuld pea vqt~JoJt ·,.) ·\

• ;t• its nominees, who; in 'appropriate cases, wbi.JJa-:·•·:. { ,•
. A;,. ·.
L , •

evef')fually:: sit ·:in, the HOR.' They-: 1:J~v.e: the. safne: :/·· -~ P~es~;11-9!_f'9~~ _seat-' i_f Loses ,.his ~e·at, iii which
k::tt· -deliberatlve .' rig'hts,. aalaries, -: and, emoJi(!ll'ent~'-) L--· 'ne/sl'le,.~t;).):li~_Qe:S. party case. ' hershe: 'Will . be
.f: · (Abayon v, HRET, GR, No.. :18946$i'./ffobtµary1yLJ!
.~; · .2010). Thus, they may only· be remove.ct/either by~---"T.!
or affiliatiotJ'!,!n\ .
. .
· :sub'~t_)tut~d. bY, ·:~nother ·
• ;j fl. :~ · .: . . q1,1al1f1ed · . person . m: the
~~\; expul$ion . with · t~.e ._c.oi:icurrence_ <?..!f~t~f.;'.3111"'tne. · I;) . ,J
iJ. \ , . · par.ty/~r~~mizi:lti~n>. ba_seci .
{: : · me1J1bers_ofU-19 House:ofRepr:~,~~tc;1t1':'e,t{C...Q~S-°C;.· L\ · .,
i!tr [ · ·t . ·. oo,t~e !1s_t ~1..1bm1t~ed. to the .
~L Art. VI;· Sec, 1 ~);. or the El~'<>!p.ral,· either-, ~, J : ,-< • .!i. · .\. : COME~.E;C · . ·: ,· . : . ·
?.>_;f. t_hrou9h · al'.)._ · ,elec;tion . pcot~st:X 9r,,qd6_,;.';1t1arfai!lo . · kt
~,.r · . · ·r. ·' ti( · ti.. ~ I' .. . <.......:, '°' .fi,:fI · .
~/ .. · proceedirJg (CONS . Art. VI, Sec. 17}~.t:_0< . ~.i ,
r(\' . . . . : . . . : . ·, .. '·. .... . ·~::::-~~~:>·<(~, . . )I tj -lri. ·af .. va~r\cy, 'a ir( case: . of vaqancy, . a .
!t : ·.·
(f:lfJ'a$~:r_efer to.·
E!tf9tion -~?Ws for'a!(nijre.~'Jf._~ef'!sfie. .
d1s~uss1pn Ofl th~ Part-y.:.L1s_t Syster11). · (t,~-:::!.J .
i: i,~- sg~cia! el~c.ti9ri rn<:)y},~ :s.ubstitutioo vinC bS . made
__./, ;,. . '.~/~l9,;:~~e:'isl,ed,t~at · thl3 .within. tl:le party; ba~ed· on
"~--. . ... · . . . : ,. .. ... - . . .. · ( ,/ ,.,...~.,.., ...0 ...... ·ya£ancy~takesplace. at ll:ie . lisl;.:sut;,.m_ilte.d.. lo ··t.he
)L, Term_ of'Offi~.e'.: ..3 years; cq~mencirl.Q'fat n?f~/oh_ . ·1east 1,y.;ar before the C9~EL,EC.; ,' . · ·
i\ · the .~0th .day of_··Jul')_e n~xt followjng: t1:ieir<~1;1_rctifjn
'~-. (CON.$..!,.-.~rt se.c.>]J_. yt, . ·-. .. ·'·.,,;·;>-:-..
nexfeleotion ... '..
.. . .
... !~tm Limit: :~0 Jti~m,b'e~ of: ~o~ ~h~i,· sery,e f~r. . A.' .· ., . :_district A, partf1,ii
-- · mgre ·. than .3- 'c_qn~ec:::utiv;e. · ·:t¢fms: Vol(mtaiy .representa~ive i.s .not canilot ~it if he rartand.lost
·i·. renunqi~ti¢'ri. qf tne 9ffjce ror 'anY, length. of time shall · · · ·
.··.: ··no_t be: cons.idered'a.s' ah·in.termptlon in. t,he contin_ulty· prevented, frol'T) running irrttie pr~vious: election. '· ..
· · agalfl as _.a·, d.istrict . . · · , · · ·
)f' ·.of his servic~ for''the'full.term-for ..which tie was repres~n.tativeifhe./she ·.'.· .
·-Ry -~i~ct~d_,f(;QNST .. A.[!.'l(I, S,ec_.JY .. . lost:during the ·· ... · .,
. =.:Distr}<:t .trid P-~~y °tis~'~~prese~t~tive~,.. election.·.
· · .Ois~in.guis~ed--., , .
. . .~ ... . . .

A ·.change. in ·c1ffili~tlbnA . change in ··-~ffiiiation

·within ·montllS. prior.'_ toWithii; . 6: nionths·.: prior to
election · does· ' not electi~m:i:irohibits the party-.
prevent a districtllst . representative . from
-,- Elect~.d · accoi:dirig' .Elected · nationaliy;- ' .. with
. repr~sentative · from sitt1n'g · as ·. repre.sentative
\: legislative . 'distric;t ·. party-)ist . organi'zt;1ti6ns
rurirJing under his new under· his new party or
the constituents· · of garnering at least 2% ot'all
party. . .or~anizatiqn.- · · . , ·
the votes .casf for 'the party-
l_ist _-sysfem ... ehtitled -to _1 (CON~T.
. .
7{)41; .(;f:?UZ,
supra'at .· 2.14): ·
,•, :·


4fP777141 I W ••
e A+h4r Mi+fl#

·· The enumeration· of. qualificatlbns in· Sec. 6. is · allowances" (BERNAS, Reviewer., supra at 231). ·
exclusive: .Congress m·ay not · add ·anything .to it . T.he qeletion of this rule in the present prqvision is an
. . .Commentary, supra
·. - at 719), implied permission · for. !he Congress .. ,to vote

Note: The qualificati~ns p~escribed for becoming-a "~

all.owanees in fc1vor of its .members (CRUZ, ·supra at .
. . . .
member . of· the -Congress are co·nlinuing
i'eq\.,lire~ents~ that i~. th~y must be poss~ssed for ... LEGISLATiVE PRIVILEGES/PARLI.AMENT ARY
the ent.ire duration of th~ me_mber!s ir:ic.umbency IMMU'N°l"TIES .
·.·(CRUZ, s.upra-at.2.19). · · 1. Privilege from;Arrest .
. A,Senato(or Member of the HOR shall, in all
ELECTIONS . i. ·. offenses punishable· by not more than 6 years
· 1 :. Regul~r - second t,,,1pnday ·of ·May, ey.ery 3. imprisonment, .be privileged from arrest while
. ,years. (.CONST. Art. VJ, Sec. 8). . . . the .eongress is·in session (CONST. Art -VI, Sec.
· -'11),.: whether regular er speclal andwhether
i=o~·- the Senate,: half ··at th¢ membership is .· or not the. -legislator .Is' .·actually -attending
. elected every 3 years on· evendate (CONST. . ·. session .. Hence.. it". is . -not available. while
<, Art .. Vl,··Sec. 2). · . · .. · -, · .· · .Congres~ is. in: recess (BERNAS; Reviewer,'
2. Spe_cial .: in case otvacancy in Con'gress . s.upr? ·at232)i~- .· · .
No .. specialrelection .will· be "called if vacancy~-"'== :· ..... ,.. ,: ·.' . r •. · • ·• • .: • • ·

occurs: ' .. . . .: ' - . , x~~-- 1r ... · '}~-;::.,~ati.9.:nale:_To_ ensure representatlon . of th~

.. a•. · At le'."st. 18 months before the )ile!t r1~1a_r. l;, 1. J\]cof!.stj}tl;'?:_~t~ of the .. member o~ the Congress:by .
_ele.~t1on for members of. the0$~~'1eh?J:.-~r-r-"-....,,.....:--·•,,,,~"Rtev~n!!J.lEt~ttempt~ to· keep rum from attending
. b. At least 1. year before :;,tfie,,ft,:,i;e·g_Plar· ... ·.. "1ts"'-sfssi.~ns'/CRUZ,-~ttp;;a at 228).. · ·· ·
election for ~embers _..::60.t~~~~~o~§~""'.ef~~·~- ....,.. ~~\, · ;=-\; . . · · ·
·. . . Representatives (R.A.,.fl,<t(J_6fJ.~ff$.<fc.. 1J: ~ .1r ..:\o/. ~~~,: S~~, p~ri~d from its
. · . .- 1/ . Y/. _/' ·lf'. ~}t~ L~-1n1t1at co~~~n111~,U!:1b!_.its f!n~I ad1ournrnent
VACANCIES . . . J ;f. f ._,.{\,~ · ·(CRlf!Z, StiP..~a,tJ~B-229) ·
In case of vacancy· in ·the· S~rfa,~,-qrin the.'rlQR-:-nt,----j \ .. ,..4 t . -· - ..
. special ·ele.ction "may" be c~llec:i'.-·tQ fill suchtvac1rrif~:J11 -c;-'"JJ}J,,he1may .h&~ever ~e arrested,. even whefl the :
in the· manner presc.rib~d. b,!11~~,Al-~t the se,rator{?~i1:;.·0:,,)r;j: f.lous(;le·is in ~~ssioNfor crimes punishable by a
~-e~ber o!'lhe HQR th1;1s etepte.~~t\f'!l s?:only fqr ~\ · Pe~~ m_~re thar')J6 years (Peop/~ v. Jalosjos,
the _une:xp1(edterm (CONST~,1rlrNl;lS.~t{J(fa.-;;_"\.. l~ i,,'f-"\, j11f.J':l9s. 1f2lfl-Sl"§6,F_eb. '3, 2000).
· · · · \} '-.i ) l: ~~'\.'-..-a.i :Jf,.,,/f,;_;,•f,',{/i:;,/ If -'~ //" . · ·
The particular Chamber of Co~wess ~,tiere'"'<_~E!~r~i >%t~1i>il1ege;(f Speej::h and Debate . • ·
?cc~rs __must pass eithe·r a r-es~,tution (f.<Gong~~~i,Me 1. 6'f'.'ber ·sh,~(!. be_ que~tioned ·nor·be. ~eld
· m sess_1_6n or the ~~na~e Pr~s1tf~rt or t~~Slr--IENl~~~Eif.'J~·any .,.9>fl'ier place !or· G!nY spee_ch ·or
must_- sign a certtf1c~bQn, 1f ·Co'hg~essJS~.Q~ff'----L-: ~-"'"9J'~~~~~th~Co_ng~essor ~n any ,~omm1tmen~.
session: . · . ~ -.f--::_.V/1~='?"JP"t~~r~f'.G,OOST;Arl. VJ, Sec. 11). · ; , ·..
· ~- Declaring the existence of the ':J°'a~nc_y(/r:i~. \ F ·/\\""'°"'\". :··· . · . . . ·· ·.
. . b. Calljng for a ·spec\al -election to be.;~J.~· 1/l0~at1?.nale_:To enable the legislator to e?(p~es.s ·
·. · wit]linA5· ·to 90 days .frph:i the date of the~''.":••*'"'view~. ~_e;;iringJ..1poa::i.. the .P.Ub_lic_ interes1 wilf.101.:Jt
resolution or certifi.cation'.,(R.~, No .. 6545, . ; .-: . fea( of .account.abili~Y. qiltsjde · the h_a)I~ ~f th~
· ·Sec. 1). . . ·. , . · · . · . . ~· · ·' ·. . . . · ·, legjsl_atur.e ror his .inabilfty· · support~ nis
. a • s.tat¢r.nents·:with the us.tial evidence r~qufred fn
.. Note: The senator o·~-represen.tatiye.~1¢"cted to fill .the. ;th¢.,cou:t_. ofjusti~e.(CRl/Z; supra· {iif~2~J:" · . >
vaC<iticY sha"II serve. only, .for tlie ;\.inexpired. term:··
.. (CONST. Art.. VI, $ec: ~). ' . Re.qui'~ement$-.,;t~ Av.ail . ri.f ·the". Piivilege of
Speech ·and Deb.ate: · ·.
SALARIES .. · a.-· ·:that "the'·rerr'iarks'· must he rnade ·while the
. The salaries :i:>f.. Senators and ·Memt:,e~s of tlJe HOR..• legi_sla.tu.reo'r fhe··iegislative committee .is i_n·
shall . .be .determiried by-' law.· No increase .in ,said . -~ession: and'.·. .. . -. . ·. .
. . compensation· sliall .. take .effect until after.. "the. · · b: That they' rnust.. be made- in :connectipn with·
ex.pirati0n of _the tun te;:m. of i:!11 the Members 'of..tlie. ·. the official duties (CRUZ, ~upra .
. . Sehate . and· the; HOR approving, such incr~ase a.t 22.9) . .' ... · ·, .. · . . _ ·.. '. · · •, --. : .
(CONST.Art. VI, Sec.· 10). . ·
:·1nus, the Su~reme Court sustained the pri~vilege· .
··There · is n~ · prohibi~ion . against the, receipt. of .·_of.speech of ·senator Santiago, ·aftei:.stie had :
· al.lowances by· the. members of the. Congress;: th-e deliverecl a . speech on the . Senate .floor,
salary· of ':the. m~mb~rs of th~ corig.ress does not . lam,.basting the· SC. and calling th~ justices
inclu_de "per.:diems · and other · emo!Limer:its ·anq . "idi.ots."_..TtieSC t;leld ..tha_t·her privilege speect,:i is


·- MNW WEe+S IMM~Rlill§h Fifi iM5"ttflAAI WUiiii+,UiMi'titttJfJ'.?.i"1f
" ' .
not . actionable' criminaliy or in·· .a .disciplinary subdivision, agency cir instrumentality thereof,
proceeding under the Hules bf .. Court, Despite including GOCCs Qr their subslofanes during his
the dismissal, however, the SC expressed its . termwithout forfeiting his seat (CONST: Art: VI, ·
. deep · concern 9ver 'the l?1nguage· ·of · Senator ·sec. 13).. ··
._Sa".tiago (Pobre v, Santiago; AC. ·7~9~1.Augus.t
25, 2-009). Forfeiture Is automatic upon assurnption of such
other offi¢e incompatible . with his seat in
A lawmaker's participation iR. media intervlews is Congress · (Quinto .v .. COMELEC, G.R.: No:
not-a legislative·. act.. but is ·"political ·ih nature.". 189698; D.ecember 1, W09). .
outside the ambit of, the· irriri'\uriity_ .. conferred
under the Speech orDebate Clause ih. the -1987' ' Exceptionr No forfeiture shall fake place if the
· .Coristitutiori-'(Trillane.sIV V; Ca_stilfo-Marigomen,. - member ·of.·· Congress holds . · the· other
G.R. No -. n'3"45i, 'foAar_ch .14; 2018), · · ·. · . · . ~government off_ice in an. ex 9fficio capacity, e,g.,
... . . . the -Juaicie; and· Bar Council
N~te:The member of the COngr't}Ss-may.b'a held.· · (Liban v.. Gordon, G:R. No. ·1753p2, July 15,
to account" for . such speech dt:. 'tie bale by the· . .2009). . .,
House tp wt,ich he belongs ·(!\I.A CHURA,. s11pra,
at. 26.1). 'He 'can be .subjected :to··disclp!ir:iary ,l=orbid~E!ii Office
action By the -Gong ress itse.11' (Chavez, 1C JBC, Neither shall appointed·to any office Which
. G.R. No. 202242, April 16; 2013) .. · ·: ·• · · - /~//;) may, have . been . created or· the emoluments ·
. . . ..' . . ·: . ·., .. · . . /l/, ,..- -+~ ·. thereoflncreaseddurlnqtheterm for which he .
Each House may determine. the rules of; it~?:.. :;,. . . was elected (CON$T. Art. VJ, Seo. _13}. . . . .
proceedings, punish its. Mem for disor~~rJy:'.~ '. / \ .· · · . ·. . · .
· ~eha\dor,: and w_ith'the. concurrence of ,21a;q~ ~if .:.;;!L.:..,,..,. ,..,_T~e b~~~; aqainst., appointment ti> the office.·
. its members, s~s~end. qr ~~pel a· ~er:np
7r. (\ •<f!~:i·~~~Wa,t~~1:;?f~he :emolum!:)i'lts thereof ~ncr~ased
. penalty of suspension. whe111mposeJl,,~naUnotv 1;, - · shaJl~,f'io~ever,·last only for·the ..durat1on of the
. - exceed 60, days (CONST.' Ari. Vlj:$eC::16,"par;~i.:)i..· . term fo[/f~trloh.,th~ memt;>er <;>f_·cor:iwess was·
· .(3)). ·: , . · 't~/(- ~- ),:...-'f;- ele~tef(fl(:ff:!URA;_supra :at-262).: ..,- . .

"in_ q~~er;~'.1~ct( in:siitl'&*~ 1~~:ie
·\{!::_ . : g;t The-~&s~~~ill;~ati~~-.. in lne
sec~nd: s~~tenGe of
ifo;, >0i< . -~ - : -~') . t\\. . . .Se~~~!' J~ ~ePJ~::S
of ~.freC.~h_stiJ~f1~n·· . ·.:
This· section· w_.~s· taken O{:.JS.a,c:c~?Yi:9:b_~~'ct;.,6-:
e1~usE:l·:.1 of Art. 1 9f-.thE: ..~~~ti,~,?D. 'Ofttl\~.. ;;.1
,~j t f?( the ·d~ratjon oM~e.E>-_yeat .
·. ~(1:'1f(~f~P(J'.":~· fron:, · Congress. before .
. · lhe"-'eri1,p.£-:j!,1s·. term (BERNAS; Commentaf)I_, _
Urnted Sta.tes. ln that·country;,,1$.!on·t,~s,.· f'-1. . _supra at 731): . -
always beeli underst~od'fd n:1'~~
t~,at)l.J~Ciugr . · ' \-.;:;::·rn
exempt from. prosecutlo.n or c1v1l··aSti91l§Jor their · } ·: '.}.,, ~Parliamentary ·
·. .
Inhibitions · ::-·a.l:i.d.
words 'uttered in-.Ccingress, t~e:-'efrfemb.etsf~15r::-::~~: ...::~L. :..=oisquatifications: . ·.· ·.·, .. ,,.· · ·. . . . .
·congress· m;:iy; ·nev,ertt:ieJess, ·be ~uestiof.!'e.¢1-ih . -' a, ."A of.Congress shall not perso'naJly
· Congress:its.elt Observe-.thaf "th~f~fri;3Jmot·be . · .appiar. ·a~(.counsE3I before . ,any.: court · of
questioned in any other plai,e''. !han Congress.· ,justic~ 01<before·.the Electoral Trib!,Jnals, · or
· ' · . ", · ·. ·. : . qu~_si-Judici~I · al")d:·... other '. administrative
. .Furthermore. the R1:1les bf the}io,us~:{RLile XYI( . bodi~? (CONST. ·Art::.,v1;.:sec.=. 14),
· Sec; 7), ...recciQnize -the Ho't.1se·s·.ppWe~'to.. h6h;t a· ·-. · ·· · · ·· · · ·. ~
· member ."respon.!3ible .. :"fof :words spoken· in , Ratioric'!le: To.forest~ll_any ~ndue,influenc~, ·
deba.te". (Osme/!Ei, ·Jr.)1. :pef.idatun; G.F{ No;· L-·. : .~e'Jil~erately or not; upon the b·oc;ly wliere he
17144, October:28;__ 1960)._ .. .' ·. : . ·, · .. -_· ·-: _ -is appearing (<pfWZ,:s'upra at,237-238) .. ,

1sci.osuR.ES AND·cpNFLict oi= i°N.TEREs.+ The" prohibition ,applies ·to_: ·a ·~enatot

·Members of the· Senate and ,the. HOR :shall inake· a ·Member of. the : Hou$e . who . appears ~in
;'.~11. : . disclosQre.. ,bf ·. the\r.: financial .and · 'pusine·ss : in\ervehtionH ·. in one's ·. o.wn interest , aftet
iDfe'rests~ ·Tfiey sh~II. notify the +lo~se cbnc.emec;l of . ·'p°urcha'sirig shares of ;,tock of icorpor£1tiOJ1 a
. :_Potential _cdnflict ofjnt~r-e~t tt}at. mayarise from the . a.
whicl:f: was· party to . a suit (PuYat v. de .·· .
1!mg of ,a · proposed legislation of ,whic;h · ·they~are · . .' Guzman,
·. . .G.R: No:l,A5.1122,
. . . . 25, ' 19.82)
. Mar .... ..
,. Uthors (CONST. Art. ·-r;,, Sec.: 12)- . · .· . : . '·. .
.:·- . . . . ~-- . : . . . .- . . Thei. law . firm to whicb the ' Senator or .;
.: :. isaiJAL1FICATl0Ns.AN0·1NH1e1r10Ns·,· . Member of th~· House 'is . a· partner. is. not
: ~ - In.compatible. Office . . ·. · . : . , . · · pr.oHibited (BERNAS, Commentary,supra af
. •. General Rule: · No Senator -or Member of the . 733-734). ·: · · · .. ·· ,· · .· . - .'
.. > ·. House. of Representatives may hold· any .ottier
: . Office or employment in the G6ver~inent, or any.


* W&MW& HA hi NiiS •
• e
co.N·.$TlTU.TIONA.L·-'LAW I .
-..~:,j,084 &ifMiM 14:+s A jii-kplt h M Wftwf t&Pk·f#W°,ttIt 25SMMSS HM ib&NMMMWl(Ht¥1f? 5'·it1dkti),CMI
· .b. A member. of Congress shall not, directly or d. To reyoke ,or extend ·the . pr~sidentia·1
indirectly, be. interested .firraneiatly . .iA_ any proclam~ticin of.!TI_artial law or.suspension of
contract with, or in.any franchise or special the. writ o( ha/:Jeas corpus (CONST. Art. VII, '
privilege. granted. by the Governm~r:it,. or any Sec.-18). .. · . · .. ·
. subdivlslon, .' agency, or instrumentality
thereof,.. ·including any· GOCC,. ·. or . its · Reqular Session· .. and Special. · Session,
.· subsidiary; .durtnq his 'term of. office· Distinguished
· (CONST_,Art .. VI,-, Sec.. 14). · · · In a specie! session, ·.the· Conqress. may consider
· · · · "gener~I- legjslation or onl}/. sucti subjects -as ·-the
'. iiation~le: .To_:prevent abuses from being President may designate; while in ~·regu/atsession,
committed b.1/th1;3members of-the Congress·.. . the :power pf tile Congress .ls :not eircumscrlbed
· . to· ·the prajudic~ · of -the .publlc weifare and · · except. by ordinaty Jlmifatibf"!s ·(A,:aneta.v: Dinglasan,.
· . ·. · partlculany of l~gjlin:,ale contractorswith the· . G.R•No: L-2044,.,tiugust 2.6, ,1949). . · . .. ·
· ·. g9vernment·whQ otherwise·~ight. be placed .· · · · . · · · ·· · ~· ·
.. .' at -a dlsadvantaqeous position vls-e-vis. the N~te:·. U~der: the ~1987 ·cdn:~titution,··u1e Pr~sident
· legislator (G_RUZ,,suphJ at 2~_9). . may call aspeclal sesslonany time -,". The language·
.. . :. , ·· . . ·· . . . · . is: not exclusive, The'-~r~sident,is:given the power to
. The. prohibited 'coiitrects·are tbose that: • call a session -and to .speclty .suejects he." wants ..
· .. · : . involve a.flnanclaljnvestmentor business g~_--fE_nsictered,but-it does not empower hlm'to prohibit .
. . ... _ which themember of the CongreSS,_E;lXf)e"i:fs ir ·r <?PnJR:!e~liOI) of_:·. other . subjects· .{BERNA_S, ..

.250). .. .

, L-~<~-~==~~ - .
· (o derive, profit or. gain (QELE.O/XI; s£Jrp_-;:a·
• ,,.. ~
et. t:..J .J.O~if1'1},'enfif%. supra et' 735). . .
, .I:' ..._ ,. • ,1,.,.;,1:---_.
~~b -<f N~- .>"'~
.L!:..! .. . .
. Vomnt,a~. R,.~e~ . ,, ', . , · .
. ! .
, ..

f:e also shall _not inteP,?en~~)~t· m.att~~""'='FaktW.., p1ap~et~c\_fhe· adjoufnment of ·congress

oefor'e any .offi~e of thf'9~v.~romel}(for-his, :1;( .((),E LE©N~sµP,rcV~t~2&.3i6).
pecuniarybenefitorwfaere·ti,elfiay.~ec,alle.~' I/~ .lA
-upon to act.on ac;cfJnt of Jii$. o1ce. (Id.), ·-A,}- c·ompul~ory ~~E:'~ffi~ \·.:-
. L -'~ t \~ : . . . . ,·. ..

· · .-_. . ··'

(e.g.,... . Congress~~h-;:P.'Eff peditig9_:"·:.~~n~4f' ~ l'~~in>l~cewhe?trt1 ...~~~pn_gress.adjourns (Id)..

~~llect,on of a c1~1~r"'1ser,vpnt's repremiID'l">\ !W' c.-::_.,, JiJ!Jl' f . }-~ ~ iJ · ... · .; . · ,
: .· · · . :. .· /q''~.....r~ . '.at.
._.check fora stipuf?te'd~e}if!d at 23!J), · ... ~~---:~.;;·~, .....--E~E.~TIPN',OF ENAJ'l'fF PR.~_SIPENT, Sf)EAKER
-'~,;~:"J~OfTH~fi &P,~~, AND ~THER 0.FF.JCERS .

~- ~s·.to the. members o;{thl)t.,.~9, -1 ·
· ~~ _ge'°!eral·~ro1liblt1o~aS'·t,the~1~$,!C~e
. their professions (ld.J\ ' · ·. \ ~lP~
Or\ -~;.'.f~ ai7. ~r}J's'1_d~r-Tt~+~r..Speaker of. ~he · ':IOR_. i_s
_.k.:~\~~~i-:.:!pJOL)99,'a: m~wnJY-VOte of all ltS respective
-":" : :·;· Eat?h · Hou~_e. shall.- phoose such other.
. ·: .· :. · . · · . ·.- \\, _.-. '- .. ~ -~oftitfyf.{as,,Wihayd_eef~:·n~~s~ary··(CON~J: Art. VI;.··
sess1_0Ns. : .. ·. .. '·"\. . -~~,. sc1E. r{S...~1.6!Jlar:.r1~->-. . .. , .. ·. _; _. .· .
1·. ·~e.9ular·Se,;;s1ons
· . _Congr.ess convanes oric.e· every
· -~~
-~~~z--~. \.~.
. · ..

:, · 'Monday o_f ~.ulyfor·its-regular sessfo1:t:...uflJ.ff.s ·a 1, -~ ,~~~ati¥~~srcl~n~·ang-a f-19.use Speaker,.,but silenf"

· ... : ,
expli.dt on 1h~ manner of e)eelirig a
. ·

aiffer:ent fixed by--law, until 3.0-di:!£'?Ms 9re , 1\Aro~t~,-,rfi'~nnerqt se{ecling the.other o(fie.f!rs iJ1_ both- ...
~he opening·_of its next regµlar session, The .3~--~41iambers_ ·of. Congriiss. ·The ,method.· of choosing .
. . day pe;jod. i~.ttie rriini!Jlum_period of:r~ce_ss·~bd.. . who.will~ ~~ oth~r officer.str:i.ust,be- prescribe~: by. lengthened by Congress ii:l-its discretion; the Seha"te .its~Jf, The.-Rules of. the: senate ·neither ·
· ·1us exclu~iv.13 ot.:satu~tjays;_·_~.t:Jnda'ys,~nd)(;lgal . provide· f9r-_'th!:: :positlons,9f_·rnaJ~rity_._an·d· min6ritY,
'. holidays (CONST. Art. VI, Sec.-15). · · · · leaders ·nor prescribe .the: rnal'.lner- of -creati.r19: .such
. · ·.. .· · ',. , ·pffi_ces· c?Y ot c~oo$1ng.. ttie. ·tiq.tders. t.hereof. such.
· 2 .. :· Speclai .Sessi_.OJlS · .. offices ~xist by traditiqn_a:1.d :long p_ractiqe (Santiago ..
. .-. · a .. C~lled _by the· Presi~1;mt _at. any· time v.. ~ain(fona;-Jr.,.. G.R,N9 .. 1~4577,.Nov. 18, .199"fl) ..
· (CQN.ST, Art, v1,.-.sec. 1.5); · ·, .' . .
. ·. ~: ·To' C<!ILa:~pecial ·election .du~ .to vacancies The methoa- ot ch~osi~9 ··who.
wi;·, . b.~-_th~ i~t~e~ .-
: . : · ·iry. the . cifflces · o.f 0,e. Pr~sident ·ahd Vice . ., o.ffiGer.s-iri th\ci:¢tm.gress:.Sl:lctt ala Minorjty ..Leader, .
. President at :10 a.m. on.the tt'lird.·day after .. · is meri,lly· ·.a.: deriv~tive, ,of the- · e~ercise of. the
. :· ' . . .the" v~cancies. occurred ff)ON$T.. Art, VII, . . .. prerqgativ_e·corifer(ed ·by thl:l' Constitution -ttiat each.
:.:. Sec.10);· · .· .· . ,°· house $h.all choose· sue~ qfficers as it:may -~eE!ril
c. · To.decic!El on the ·dis~_bility of the Pre~ident- · necessary.·. Ther~foce,. sucti method must be·
. becaus.ea majority of.all the merrit;>ersof the .-prescribed. by· the: C-o.ngress··itse.lf, not. by ·th.e· Cou~·
·.cabinethave "disputed" his.ass:ertion fhat·he (Bagi.Ji/at, Jr. v. Alvarez, G.R,:Nd . .' 2277.f,7:, ·J!!IY 29,_
is ·able to .discJ,arge the powers ·and dutie:s .?01().. . . . . .. : .
of his office (CONST. Art: · VII, Sec.: ·i1, par,
(3)); _ahct. · '. · · . .' ·· ·· · ·


. . . 1j~~~,
W I F*:4918 . I
m.. _
l·,•. . c):r(Q;.
if.. IUizett:!:nsae,
!CBl#b@C, . ~
. itWPIHti0&1TTV99HYWN:5fl¥i#IIA88
.. . b&PSPMAMfAMGTllffi,J[~~~~
Jnstances When·theTwo Houses Vote Jointly:

f··~· .. Quorum . .
Major-ity of. each -House_ shall constlt!,.ite a quorum to
1-: Revokin·g or extending proclamation suspending
the privilege of writ o(habeas corpus (CONST.
t·i,:. do busir:iess, but a sm·aller numb.ermay adjourn from '· Art:-:v11: Sec. 18); and · . · ·
day to .day ahd may .compel th·e attehdance of aq·sent 2 .. Revoking or. extending declaration of martial law
· Members in such manner and :u·nder ~.uch penalties . . .. (CONST. Art. VII; Sec. 18). ·
~ as such 'House -may ·d~termin-e (CONST. Art. VI, ·
r,t.\. Ser;. 16,p'ar:(2)) .. · ·: . , . 'RULES·OFPROCE'EDINGS· ·
ff. ,· , ....: .... ! •
Each··· house may determine . the .. r~les of its
proceetiings (CONST.. _Art .. VJ,. Sec.
. The basis for d~terrrilning the existence. of a qi.iorup, par. (3)).

. in the Senate -sl:iall be the "total r.iumber- of Senator~·:. These are· needed. for the orderly conduct of the
who ·~re·. in· the .., 90Lintry .and ytith1n . the 'c6erc.ive ·. _sessions. of :the. .Congress (CRl.,JZ ·supra at 24~).
.. . .
jurisdiction ·of the Sen~te (Avelino v. Cuenca,· G.R .
· tyo.-L-282'1, Mareh-4, 1949). .
. .. .. .~
· · · · ·such·· ,°uJes ·~re··
subje.~t '.to revocation,·
.modification or waiver .at the plea~ure- of. the body
~~ ·· ·.
ij· Voting Majorities . .. . .. adopting them (Bagu/lat,.. jr. · v:
Alvarez, G-.R,· No.
i~\ 227°75!, July 25, 2_017). ·· ' · ·

Majority of ali"merrlbers of Congress· means majority.
,.. . of the ·eritife composition of Gcingress·reg~rdle~s· bf·
~:: . the number .of -rnembers present or absent during The .power o~ the" Conqress to promulqata its· own .
. "time the question- is brougbt 'to the floor -as."!orig 'as /..~' rules to ·govern "its own proceedinqs .is generally ..
. there is quorum, t.e., (?412)'+ ). for the S~nate -~f!i:I'),,?( exempt from '[udlclal supervision and interference,
·. (250/ 2J-+= 1 fortheHQR {Senatey:-Erinita, G.R;i,No(.-.l:...,) .excepton a "clear· sryo~ing · of such .arbitrary and.
·;>~.:. 169777;AprH20; 2006). . · . :. ·. ·.. f::i.,:,f;; -, \i{~ irtjp~~vide_nt·us~ of.-the power a~ ~ill constitutea
,i ; · ." ·. · · . . · · ·)({: ,~·
,·,.!:\.-~~m!al.of dy~,pr9cess (Lagma(J v. -Pimentel Ill, G.R.
;j. · -, f!,fajorit!' or_the _House means 50%: 1 ·of the.:,.~~t~Wt!:(1' :~_;.fi/l[;JlJ~9.~~~,F,;ebtuary_"6,·2018). . .
-,f.}t.,. rTjembersh1p of the. House who· are ,..,w~flm . the'-" "[ ~"~?\. . · . . · ·
lf./· co~~ci~e jurisd!clid_~· .of .congre~~(.}:VJith\n ·· th_~:-~ : , DISCIPUN~jClf ME~BE~S · . . . . .
Nt: Ph1l1.pp1~es)., Thus, .m .AV.elmo _Cue[J,egtf{G,R. N,¢--··~ I~ E~ch ~ou~J:; ~~Y. punisb.its Members for chsorde~ly
li. · L-2?21, Marc~- .4, 1_919), ·t_!,e s9,.J~1e~::~~.~t--.1~. !~; · .~eh.av,or.;_:fin.~'. ~1f:l-.the concurrence ?f 2/~ of-all tte
.$.,~ · senators constitute a·_quorum.,be:tause. 11jel'.e:cwer~. -/;~ Men:,ber";j; su~pe,\d·qr expel a Memb~r.:.A penalty of
)j- only. 'present, whife!;[Jin1_\rs:rt!ft for bein~~- ~,.!\. _susJ:ienjron, ~h~Hi\ i'nipos~d. · shall" not exce~d 60
· '
in a ho$pital in the -Philippihe-s'·a11ct,;grr6ttj_ti°pjs
.,,~, - ·•· ..,·,
. f:i;l
1. days-:YQOfJ..~if:;"A'fr.'~.~
·-~· ...,1,.·,l' · Jff~IJ."-'"
f Sec,·-16, par. ,(3)). .· ..
' the c"ouhtry·_.,...-12 is··)Tiajority of":23:. · 0..PlY"t! . ,:::,/ · . · ~.;!..:.,-!""~·- , . . · : . . · '.
are in·tt,e,Philip'pii:ies are c9nsidlr.~;i,id'eJe{,:r1in~19 rY
!he inter~~eta!l~fi of the Pt}_rase dis?rderly be)Tavior
quorum. ·· . ·. . .. "· .. ·.·:"'~ .\·1 _ .' · · :
'-~f"7"·•:;l~;;~he·pr~ro~a!1ve·.of _the· :_House conc.~med and ·
. .·· . . ·' · . . i. · · . ~>>14:J . _ _::.k..1.::ft-,,~~'1'.'}PtE.~J~.d1c1ally reviewed (Osm~f!.a v.'Pendatun,
There··is. ~ diffe.rence be~ween a· .maj0ri!9. of''.~_IJ{ftje_.-:,._,~J.....:G.R,-Ne!.;lf.-:-17t44, 28, 1960). .•
member~_-of:" the. -Hou:>e~ and·.~'~o(i!Y," 1t,\!;the ·, · / · · · · :. · ·· · ·· · -
,. . ·House"; ·the l~tter .requiring' J~ss _ntiml;11~ftJ!i~.!1-.the. . · . t,o~iitv_er;, the- courts: rriay ·ann.ul a.ny expulsion or
l.· first. Therefor~; a_t?!?olute.rnajoriJy (12Ji>(a!!the . · ~uspensldn' meted ·o'ut ·fn· violation.. of ·the. votir:ig
;:-::- . -m·eml).ers of. the.. Senate · 1ess one (23}; GbnstiMes .". requ{(en)'ent; -or: excess -of in
rriax.imum'·period:of' the
• -:{!-:· . constiU.itional majority·of the Senate for toe _purpose ·. ··nie~e. are·,. proqedural rnatter.s . ·and
i:.·. _
of a:_qi.Jorui:r:i:(AV~/{iw Ii. Cu:~nco(supra/. . · . ·.
. : ·. ·.. ,, . ~ . . ...
. .. th~i-eforeJusticJabte (CR.UZ supta ·ar 244): ·
:: . . . - . . . : . . .: • .
. ·: . : :: ·:
·.~-.' · lnstan·ces .. :VVtien "the . Two Houses . Vote·· ·: · _Member.s. of ·.congress may also ·be' preverilivel~, .
~·'£-ol,: .Separately:·· .. ~··· . . . ~ . . . ~uspend~d:~by the Sapdiganbayan. i.n· conn·ection·
·: : 1. Choq~ing the .EJresidl=lnl -(CONST.:~rt .. VI{: Sei. . . . with vfolation .of t~e provision~ of R_epu61ic·Act No ..
·,.. : .f4J;· · · ··. ·: ... : , : : : · .- · · . ., · ·-.. • . _;30t9.othei:wjse·knowh_as the-Anti-Graft an!'.J Com1pt ·
.·.. 2 .. -petermine President's· d_is.ability (G_ONST. Art.· . . Practit::esAct.·_. . · · · · : .. , · . · : · . . . · :.
:;· · ·, . .y11,: Sec. 1.1); ·.,-. ·. · . : · - . . · ·.·· ·. ·. · ·
'}. 3: Co,:ifirmirig7the:nominatipn bf the Vice-President ' Tile 'or<;l~r'of: .sbsp~nsion l>reii:ribed:'by No. ·R.A.·
' (CONST:.Art. VI; $ec_. ~); · : · . - · . : _-: • ·.,- · . 3019.-is·· dist_inct from t_he'.power ~f :cong"r~ss -to
:4. · ~Decl~ring e>tiste·nce' of. a state·:of .w~r in· joirit : . · discip!ine.,its o.~ ranks under the.Constitution. ihe
·session (CON$.T. Art·VI; .see.. ·23J;·arfa· .... · · . · suspension cont~mplatetf·iri Art. VI, Sec. 16.(.3)is a
·5.:. Proposin·g·Oons}itutiqnal amendments .(CQNST .. • ·punitive ·. rr]easure . .that. i~, imposed . upon
Art, xvii, s~c. 1). · ·, .. by -the S.enate or. the' House of
· RE!pre'sentatives,as.the Case ·may
b.e, upon a.n erring
member. (Defensor~SB;,:,tiaga· .v. S.andiganbayan,
G.R. -No.. 128055,April 18;"-2001).. . .


fl ...


& ·- A · ,, 'tsww a ;.JJWf&inc,:ssw w MIS IS!.& Effi

Both Houses of Congress have estab.lished a Code. ·is by amendmeht or curative. .l.egislation, .not ·by
of Con9uct over Which; theii: . res·pecl!ve .Ethics judicia.l ~.ecree (Casco PH Chemical. Co., Inc. :V;
committee exercises jurisdiction (Code of Cooduct Gimenez, G.R. No. L-17931, Feb. 28,· 1963).·_.
and Ethical standards f6r Public Officials and
Employees( ~-A· 67-13); · Note: The lawmaking process (n Congress ends
. when the ·bill is approved by both. Houses. and: the
·.JOURNAL ". certification does not add .to thevalidity ofthe bill or
lt·iS a·record ofwhal is dqne,and-paS( in a legislative cure any detect already present upon its passaqe.un
asse'mbl/(CRl/Z, s.upra at24,5J: . . other words, it is Congress and not
. · , the signatures of the' : presiding · officers that is.
E~~h House shall- keep a Journal ~t'its· proceedings, essential (Astorga v.. Villegas, G.R.. No: L'-23475, ·
and. from time to· .time. publish tne same ... excepting April ·-30; · 1974): Thus, in Astorga·, the. Sehate .
sucn-parta as may•. in its judgment;·a~ect national President and · the. President ·Withdrew .their
securitY:(CONST .. A.rt. vt, ~~c.. ·16, par.- (4))... ~ignatures afterthe enrolledccpy .. of House'BlllNo/..
., . . 9266-si.ghe& by the .secretarles of both Houses -as .
RECORD .. : .. ·. · . . · well as by· t.he·.p~esiding officers· thereotwas found .
It is tiie ·Word for word transcript of the proceedings not to · be · the biil c\1.1ly· approved· by Conqress. ltt ·
taken du~jng the session: recognition-of .the for~going, the ·Court declared RA
·. · : · · .. . . . .' . . . . ·-=--==·· @§f not_ to h.ave been duly enacted and therefore
Each House shall ·al sq keep a · Record;:"oF1ts. Ti 1 didf OhQ_ecomelaw. . . ·
proceedings. (CONS·T.'Alt. VI, Sec. 16, ,¢1'(4})~· {"',) /\. }"· -~ . · · . . ..
· ' · · 4?,.~') f. · ·.._..,.,,-,-,:;.--=;'~!~C?J::epi=ftiSY.· ~~tween .Joumat Entry and the
Matt~rs. _Manda_ted· l,)y_ .tha- c~os:titut1~,:,l~~be . .: Enrall~tfB!IJ..?'\,'\-. ·. . . . ·· ·. ·
Entered. int~ the. Journat: . .l Ac:~) .,7«'df':'~,,.....,.=:-~;.~n-oa~!fot~1scr.epa.,_r1~y bet:,ve7-n Journal entry_ and the .
1. Yeas and nays on. the t~,r~f~}kti.J:J,,a'tre,~a1ng._.9.5>. ":ii ~JJrollecf.~b1fl';~f:i.~':~)l4:lf·preva1ls (Field v, Clark, .143
.fi~ .
a bill (Alt. VI, Sec. 26, paf{f(2))~,f . ·t . .
2. Veto message 0Mh~·Pr.e9ident
. par. (1)); . ·
.Ifl· i'--_.;p-,
. ~:t -··:.~ . ·1:,.1t1n
}ls 649-J, e~~!'.>t ;jp~ matters; which· under the
Vl~~Sec. ·27; ;/'-.-)\. Constitution, ~.l(ll;f ~~ entered _into tne Journal·
• -~,rn~r~rnsr&.g1tlit. tVilfe'gas,_sii'J!?.ra): · . ·
~, , • Jl . ~_:....-T 'l .
3. Yea~ and n,;tys on re-pats_i'~g-a_;l;>ill yet?wd QY~~e-;~ i; j t:~_-.1._!ffe·". ( . \\ 1 ..; il . ·: . . . ·:
,<.:!.>, ;/ ;i _l'!

President {Alt, V!, Sec. 21; P,;irht));. ·~. ·. &:!'r.;:;;:;:frr;:;.;if'BJO.U,~NMEN"f p==J [° ·. . .'. · ·
4. · Yeas·~nd nays·on any q~_eidQ~,at t~~\.uest of~'!j~:11.:~: ~eithe~/i:if~~e,<;!,iiiring fh~ese~s.ions of. the Congress
. -1/5. of ti;ie m~ml?ers P:~svnt,..~rt.. 'l;J§,rJe"?f'6'::- ~'-. , l I s1~Eiafl;';7'),th.~t1~
par. (4));-~nd · ~ lJJ \ ·
· 5. The vo_t~ · o'. :.ea~-~. mem\,e~ of. "tQe· ff~"tis~t:;J· '1'Yi'.!ilc
.q\~.,I ..t~p,.cq~s~nt of .the ·oth~r.· adjout~ for
,k',,~~r!{)fl&!1~ days,' any.o!her plac_e·than that
·' the j/,P Holl.les sha!I· pe. sitting (CONST,
Reptese~tat1ves m rmpeaf~tuent c-a~es,('Aif.~~V, .Sec_.,;~6. par/5)). . . .
, Sec. 3, par. (3)). · . :'\;· · · ,, .( dC'JEN'T\Jv /. ~- · ,/ · . -. · . ·
· · · . . · . · ~ 7.,...-'>l>,~-.1+ · _,.;j;,<~f.,l\~J~uinm.ent:
The Jpl:'r!1al. is. regard~d as concll!s)v~-"'.<i~~:J.PS,P,.~bt"'"""=',=:1~· ~{\¥"\?}>JYf , · .. · ,. .
to m~tters .th_at ~r.e re_quir_e.c;I b~ thl:) Consti'-:~1!_00/~t~e. ~: .![ .e~:x_-\~a!J~~nd. .
recbrdeci .thetem: With resp~~!- to other r:natte(§,·m l.V!.13:~-·.§ma· · :die .:..._ ,y.:1th· rib: .'appoin.ted. ·.date . .for
. the .. abs~nce ·. of. ev1,e1~nce ·. fo :.the.· .~i:l.trary;: ffi'~:=r.P."--=='''':-" resumptkm. . . . ·
Journals ·. havif ~ls6. Qeer, ·..:a_cG~i'ded c:t;mclU.S.iV~ . . · . .. . : .. :.· . . . .
, ,effects. (Arroyo ·v.. Qe .Vfi!,.G.R. No. 127,255, •ip1ace'.' refers.not'to the building·b1,1t the politicai ti.nit .
. A1:1gust:t4, 19.97). . where fhe House·s 'inay·be SiUing (GRUZ, '.supia. at
. · 250).'· ·, ... · . _' r .. -'.> .·, .'_., ·. . .• ·-
.. Enro)lel.Bilr'-Theory . . . _
· · An enrolled b.ill is' one dl!IY iptroduced an.d finally .. The lerm "recess" has a definite legal meaning.. 11··:
pass.ed by'b_ot.hH(?.uses; ~i.Jthenti_cated-by the· proper . nieans.'·fhe interval between a·session· ·of Congress
o.fficer$·ot _eaqh,:and approved by the .Presiden_f. It_. . tiiaf. has adjourned. ·:and anotber . 'p'f.: the: ·sani(;'l
. _ is conclusive. t,1pon the,co~rt~ as rega~ds the-_tenor ·of . Cdngress. It doe's not .refer .to the inter.val between
. -the ·mei:isUrE;? passed by .Con!'.j'ress ·and approved bf · th~~session of on·e Congress and.thatotar.1other. In
the P~esident (Mabanag v. Lopez.Vito; G.. R. ·No. L- . ·.· that case. tfle. i11ter.val ·is .nqt refer, as :a. ,•recess~
1123, Maren 5; 1947)._ . ·. · .· ·. ,· ... but-an adjournmenfsine die (Aytora v...Ca~tillo, G.R.

if. tl'i_ere has· be.en a~·y n,istake in ti.,;. ~~i~·ilng ·.ot'.the

·Np. L-19313, .January ·1[), 1962}. ·•. , \
... ·· .
bill befor~ it was certifie1:I by the office~s '.bf Congress. v.
. Note: ln.Arnau/t Na.zareno'(G.R. No. i,~3820,· July,
and approved- by the .Executive,:on. whicn we ·catinot' 18; 1950), 'the SC "ruled that .the Senate . is a
.. speculate, :·with·out jeqpard.izing . the :principle·. of ..continuing· boqy. However, iri Neri: v.' Ser:,ate
s·eparation of powers and .µndermining· .. 9rie .of the· Qommittee on Accq1mtability of Public.Officers and
comerstones·of our democratic system: the remedy . Investigations
. . (G.R. No. 180643, ,,Sep. 4, 2008),.lhe


. .
-~ m +t'+HPaavw see+ p
**' .
Mi 505
~. .. . . .
t, .: SC clarlfled it· b·y. saying that the Senate· is not a se~urity of Tenure of Members: ·Membership ·in

I~: , co'ntinuing: body, but _a:ci',>ntinl.Jing. institution. It ruled. .the. Hous.e Electoral Tribunal may not be terminated
~f,- that" "on the nature .qf the Senate as a 'continuing. except for·a just cause, ~uch as, the expirc!lion of the
m1'. · · body," tt:iis Court 'sees fit to issue a· clarification. · member"s cpngressional ·term of office, 'his .death,
;. .Certainly, the're is ho debate thl;ll. the Senate· as an . pecmanent· disabiHty, resignation from the. political·

in$tit~fion .i~ "continu_in~."a.s It i·~ not dissolved _as an party .he represents in 'the· tr.ib!fhal, formal affiliation
\ ·entity wffh. each national election or. change in the witti 'another political 'pai:ty; qr remioval for other valid
I< :composition . of. its members. However. In the. cause. A member may· npt be expelled by .the House .
?b:" · cond(Jct Qf its · day-to-day. ·bus)ness' the Sen~~e· of of R,epresentatives for· "pa.rty disloyalty~ short of·
~::: each Coflgress acts separately and independently of proof that he has· .f9.rmally affiliated with another .
~ · · the Senate .of .the .Cong ress before it". . · _, ·· J>?lilieal ~VP.LIP (Pimeritel, J.r: ~- HRET, ·supra). . . :.
~i\:. ' . . : .. .... . ·. . : . . . . .
~'::. The.Senate .ls a. eontinuinq institution while the Jurisdictl,on:~nd Power of Electorat Trl~un~is: ·.
~~,: ·.Hp:usf}isnot::Ttie.form~risnot~issolvedasan-~ntity .. ·. 1. S.ole judge ·of all contests- relating· .tQ the
~l -, with each "national eiectten :oi: phange. in. the ", . election.. · and quallf.icati'ons. of their
~':.· composition· of_ its.·· members .(N~ri v. '.Senate· ··. respective ·.Members·· (CONST. ··'Art. ·VI, Sec..
t .. Commlttee·ori'Account~bi/ity of Public Officers and . . . 17);· :.
J-, lnyestiga.tions, supre). -: . ·. . .
'ft · · '· ·· · Requlslte's fo·r .the· · Exercise >ot HRET
·r ·.TH~ ElEGT:O.RAL.T.RIBU.NALS ••/-\ . Jurisdiction . .
."~:" . '. ··: ... . ... '.: . . .. .. ·. ,•j'~/)( Once. ~winriif)g candidate hasbeen: (POA)
'(j.,: .se.nate Ele~oral. Trlbunat (~ET} and H~usf- of/···\. a. eroclaimed;· . ·· . . .· : .
I· . Representat)ves.Electoral Tr,1bunal.(HREJ:) ~,;.i-J.,' • \'.] b. ·T.~ken hi~ Qath·; and·,... : . .
tl Compo~~tion: .. ·. ; ."'. . • · t;-f.• ~=,:.,L-7-::,,.C:·· ~s.~-ycned 'Office as a Member of the HOR
't". 1 .. 3 Supr_~me ·c9u('t J,ust1ce~· ·cjes1gnatecq~yft~,'f:...>.,;.;.!.c_.':;,;.p{.Vfl.?f}ns-.Chafo v.· 1COMl=LE,C. G.R. No.
:·~{. 'Chief Justi~~;.and ,. . · _....& : / tf .
"'.'-:"--+?-23~1. Apfil·l,·.2007).. ·: · .... ·. · ' .
:~.· 2. 6 members. ~f. t!Je Chamber conc,et'ped(Senat~\...,;;.,j . . · ... · ·trlt, . , · · .,.. · . ·
i··· or HoR) 'chosen· ~,n . the basis· oJ :Bf.6portronfil~'··i'\ · ·. wKl:i~ \ the above . requisites· · coneur.
;t,,, . represen~ati9_n.fmm polit!c's3I p~~# -~~l?'·:lrt~s ~l l . S©fv1~L"\C's . · j_urisd_ictio!1 oyer., election
:f . . or organizations reg1stereq,.yf.ld'er tht'P<:1cty-h~t ! .) . : ...J.f6nt~~ts 'tflating to his election, re!wns, and
t:if. : system,, Sel')ior Justi~e ·~~aJJ,.act~!,Ct'!.airmaa·"' l:-\ ,~ 4~ualiQcatior::is. E:nds, and the HRET's qwn
·~, · · -_(CONST,. Art: VI, Sec. 1 n<,ifY ~~-:').'\ .. ~~-;:~. . .Jf: [ °\:.,{ ~J[r~~i0t~1.~g 1ns (Agg;,lb~o v. COM'=:LEC,
.\~. · .. . . · ·. . · · ·:· .. : ''\, ··.-pr, ;:o.Z, . F,,1 1?t'1. '"G.t8..-;./!!9.~1637[)6,.January 26, 2005). . .
'•1;! tvteml:)~rs of the El_ectoralTrib.Uf"!al~f~~jpp~,irted ~#·· · 1.c'j . · ' . '. ... : · . . :. . . : ' .. ·. . ·. . ·. ..
~~ the house cor.icerhed: House of Remreser,itatlves or "~ · The term. of office of a Member of the House .
{f: . ~Senate: ~~der· . Se.ptioff '17, 'Articl~>,~:::J>f.. ~,he . I.·.·::.'-.,.~\,;~f.Representatives. bEfginsonly '•at no9n on ...
'~'. ,Constit1:1tioo, ~ach ~hamber .. of .c;:ongr.e~s exe~<;..i$~e·s-.:;,..!..-· __!....;,::__,.,the!thirtieth. day.of Juhe next follQJNing their
:,'t. the. power· to cho;ose, within :constitutiqoallyc;l~fi.ned el.ection·.:• .. Th\1s, · until'. such · time, the : . '
~:~ limits, who among their rnembers.woulct\~criRYthe .. COMELEC retains jµrisdiction.,:Also,· before
. if··. allotte9. ·s· ·~ec;1ts pf ·each. ·cMmbe(s: respediv.e. a
there is ·vaiid or pfficiaf..taking of tl:)ef bath;

'~f,-.. electoral tri,bunal (Pimentel, Jr:i y:· HR/E'T,"·.G:R No.
• ·,.,
.141489-:90_:N9ve,mbf!!r2{}, 2002}~ .;, · · ..> .. .' .
. . .
. it mu$t be,e.(1}.b~fore:·llie.'Sp~aker of..
. ... :the ..H,o~se.. of.:RE;Jpr~sen_tatives,·an¢ (2f iti
. .· . ope.n session (Reye.s v. 'COMELEC~ G.R.,
·f.r. -Not~: T~e n·eea for... the.Elect'o~I- Tribunal'i{early '•, .. No. 207264. Jun~ 25, 20J3F' · .. ·.:' .
{i ·· ·organization.. is Obvious., CORS.idering. the Tash qf- ·. . . · • · . . . · . .' · · . . ·.;'
l( election cont~sts· alr.eady.waiting tq be: filed: after~ · . Not~: ··,"E!e'ctoial .. Tribu~als · have.. no
Ji,.-;:and. even. before; th'e proclamation 'of. the ·,winners.. . .. 'ju'risdiction.. . . .:b.ver·! _:. :\ .: pre-proclamation ..
"f This·.is. als~ the·-reason why, 1,1nlik~r·tl1e·commission · conlroversies· ·.which.·· under :· the· .
~::: . on-· Appointments, the ' Electoral <tribun'als .. are· jt.iri~dictibn of 1t)e· ,.CQM.ELEC· (COMELEC .
.;f::{; supposed· t.o· continµe fun.ctioning· ~v.efl during the : R,esoluti6nWo. f]804.(2010), Rule 3,: Secs: t
::. .,rE;Je~ss (QRUZ, supf<;l at 268)... . . . ·· · · · · ;in~ 2). . · ·
. . \ .
. Nat~re: N~n-p~rtlsan cot1~:.. 'rt ~ust ti'e independent . When 'there'.'h!3S been ~roc;lamatioh and a .
:·./ot. Congt.ess and devoid ·Of partisan ·:fnflu'ence and .. . d!:)feat~d·6artdldate'claims to be the ~inner,
·.·. .' -c~i:;sideration .. D.isloya{ty_tO the:p~r.ty and .b,:e·ach of ~ · · ·__the·.' El~ctpral : Tfibunal. · ~as. "jyrj~dlction ·
,: ( party .. di~~ipline .-are not ·valid .. gr,aunds . for ._'the · (La-zatin v... COMEL;EC, . G..R:· No. · 80001,
. ·:: .expulsion·o_f'a men:i~er (Bbndoc·v1 Pineda,:G.R:No, Janµary 25,. 1-988). ·.
. ~ . . . . •.
. . · · ·.
, , 9771-0, September 26,' 19~1).
. . .. .. .



Jurisdiction, once acquired, is not lost upon Representatives nor of any other entity, and it stands
the Instance of the parties but continues until to reason that the appointment, the supervision, and
the case is terminated. the control over the said employees are wholly within
the Tribunal itself (Suanes v. Chief Accountant of the f'
Mere filing of a motion to withdraw protest, Senate, G.R.. No. L-2460, Octo~r ze,' 1948). .
without any action on the part of the tribunal,
did not divest it of jurisdiction. An election It is Independent of the COMELEC. Cases before
protest is impressed with public interest in the Electoral Tribunal are governed by the Tribunal's
· the sense that the public Is fnterested In own rules (Lazatin-v. HRET, supra). ,j
knowing what happened in the ·election·s.
.-For this reason, private 1nterest must yield to COMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS j
. the common goQd (Robles v. HRET, G.R.
No. 86647 February 5, ·1990). Composition:
1. Senate President -· acts as ex officio chairman
Note: The HRET decides whetner·a party· who st:iall not vote except in case of a tie;
list· representative Is. quallfled. But the 2. 12 senators and 12 members of the House of ~-
. I
COMELEC can decide whether a party-list Representatives (CONST. Art. VI, Sec. -18).
organization Is qualified to join the party· .
lis_t system (Abayon v. HRET, G.R. "('?~-=~ote: The twelve Senators and twelve Members of
18946_6, February 11, 2010). ,,,,,,:-~~ lT ·r ~~~, of Representativ~ shall be elected by
. · . ./ ~ U }~~h · fH~. on the basis. of proportional
T~e doctrine. of prlmary/j~,.,_,d_(c~11.,;===r.e_p_r_~e~Ji~~!rorn ~e political parties and parti~s
dictates that pnor reeou~,~/~;~&:[!:~~ Is .. or org~~.t~~\ reg1sre.:ec1 under the. party-list
necessary bef<;>re_ one ").,ilY_bnt)~.!J.t~~,fl.titi~yste~ r&P.~n~d;_therein (CONST. Art. VI, Sec. ·
to court. Fum1sh1ng ~?~PY~~fr pe!ition_e §i r~ {()). 1 '\ ~( \11J \ ·
letter to the Sen~te hPresl~pt an.f! to. th'~ {.} if~. , \ f . . , \\ . . ..
Speaker of the Ho~e of ~epre~ntatives .J. ~/\. ((No. of . enat~ (pr;R~resentatives) of a pollMal
does not· constitut~?ffiit"PPmary reccx:f(? J!llr"~rty7Tojal No.iot:_~i:iaiors (or Representatives)) x
~e~ui~ prior to · ihtf--i~~ocatio~ o!'~':,,~JIL~2~tsJ,. \ i_·-
Junsd1ctionof the S~pr~~1Court. ({)rilonY.._,,,r,rrr,T;/f ci . .l _ t==ifi
. · · ·

De , Venecia, G:R. .N'0:q ~OO~.)V'!1Y 31, f::.~·:For the}~Jiµ~e, ;. poli~I party must have at least 2
2009). ~- { ff)\\ · ?.,\\_ ~ . ·t:~em ,, 9,~!9be ,~n~1to one seat in commlsston
· .; . \\ --· \ ·.16~ ·
The d~ISIOnS of the ,1ectora~1.tribll~-·~l/-_-1
f?. .t";,~,/J(p.~!~~e,~t. R~tmding Qff is not. allowed.
·-~gr~~~' ~ 1rnot mapdatory to el~_ 12 sena~ors~O
be reviewed by the S(;t only u~n shQ,wt~"-, ,,.,,d-ttte:·eomm1~ion; wl:l~t the Constitution requires rs
of g~ave_abuse of discreti,~n in a ~titiQll..:y~,.::;,F~1~~~~es~·must~,;·:at least a majority of the enti're
ced,oran filed under Rule ·6? oft~~ ~ul~~'-of~~etr.i.bershlp,(~~11ngona,Jr. v. Gonzales, G.R. No.
Court (Peffa v. HReT; G.~No:3J.r3{)37f=:-- ..~1~9'{(;·~of}er20, 1992). .
March 21, 19.97): ~~ V] } ,-.
fl.,\"--....,,\\...~· . ·.
~ . . ~~,- .~/111rf~Houseof Representatives, however, the SC
2. Rule-making power· · ~--=alfowed the ·. rounding . .- off in computing the
The power of the 1:fRET, as the sole judge of all proportional representation in the Commission on
contests relating to the election·; returns and Appointment (Coseteng v. Mitra, Jr., G.R. No.
qualifications of the Members of the House of 86649, July 12, 1990).
Representatives, . to promulgate rules and
regulations relative to matt~ within its Powers:·
jurisdiction, including the period for filing election 1. Acts on all appointment~ submitted to it within 30
protests before it, is .beyond dispute. Its rule-
making power necessarily flows from the
. session days of Congress from their submission
by majority vote of its members (CONST. Art. VI, ·
general power granted it by the Constitution · Sec:. 18); and . . I
(Lazatin v. HRET, G.R. No. L-84297, Decem~r 2. Promulgates . Its own rules · of proceedings 1 ·
8, 1988). (CONST. Art. VI, Sec. 18).
(Please refer to Election Law on clarifications on I
The chairman of the Commission shall not vote, : .
jurisdiction of . HRETISET, .PET, and except in case of a tie. The Gommission shall act on
COMELEC). all appointments submi,tted to it within 30 · session
days of the Congress from their submission .. The
Independence of l;lectoral Tribunal . Commission shall rule by ·a majority vote of all the
ihe employees of the Electoral Tribunals are its Members (CONST. Art. VI, Sec. 18):
own, and not of the Senate nor the House of



Note: Ad interim appointments not acted upon at the which decision shall be. considered as a final
time of the adjournment of the Congress even If the disposition of such a motion for reconsideration.
30-day period has not yet expired, are deemed .by-
passed under Article VII, Section. 16 of the A mononto reconsider, however, is not in order if
Constitution. · • filed during the last pleW3ry session ? of the
Commission prior 'to an adjournment of Congress
The Electoral Tribunals and the Commission on (Rules of the Commission on Appointments, C,hap.
Appointments shall be constituted i.yithin·thirty days IV, Sec. 18). ·
after the Senate and the House of Representatives
shall have been· organized with the election of the The Commission shall meet only while Congress is
President and the Speaker. The Commission on in session, at the call of its Chairman or a rnajority of
Appointments shall meet only.while the· Congress is ·all its members.(~ONST.°Art. VI, Sec. 1~). ·
in session, at the call of its Chaim,an or a majority of
all its Members, to discharge such powers and Veto Power of the Member of the Commission
functions -as are herein conferred upon it (CQNST. Any member may move for the suspension pf action
Art. VI, Sec. 19). by the Commission on any nomination or
· appointment favorably recommended by a standing
Rationale: This provision is based on the need to committee and the Chairman shall suspend the
enable the President to exercise his appointing conslderation · of said nomination- or appointment ·
power with dispatch in coordlnation with the . ,.'.') Provided, that, such suspension may be taken up on
Commission on Appointments. · · .,, /"/'.i; the next. succeeding session of the Commission;
/ .. )/' · ,, Provided, further, thaUhis section shall not apply to
The rule that the Commission on Appointments'. ~n' \
nominations or appointments taken up by the
meet only during the sessions of the conaress isJl)e :: / _.Commissiop.~uring the last session prior to a sine
reason why ad interim appointments are pery:!Jfftec;l, 1 · -~·~~-· ·adjouinroent of Congress (Rules of the
under the Constitution (CRUZ, supra~:~!'!)/ .,.t.lJ
Coriimlss/on;fr\ Appointments, Chap. IV, Sec. 20).

Ad Jnterlm Appointments . ·: ~':., (( ),'-"'·: i_ POWERS .tffl~pNGRESS ··

These are appointments made du_rilig, the ;r:etess, I . ! . . /j tJ \\ . · ··
subject to consideration later py-tjfe-Coni~ission op_ I· i Classlfl?ti~fl of:fowers:
Appointments, for confirmatio,n or., (Id.): ....'\ · f \ 1. LeQlslat~ye \\ · .. .· .
. \ / =c:::")-»;; \~:::,--.. f l az-:-.:-GenefiF:~~ry power (CONST, Art. VI,
These appointments shall be eff~ctiv~cO!lly\mtitt~~ !. i "5ac,,JJ;.,..,~-./ .
Commission .on Appointmerits.··or-,'.~otil·th,e nejd [ J b. Specific· power of appropriation (CONST.
ad~oumment of the Congress, r:ef~t'!ng) lo ~J,e .l.r-,'.~ Art. V!, Sec. 24); : . ·. . · .
adJoumment of the regular or 5MciaJ:~~S'ess1on ·1: . <;. :;.<.c;;"', I8-Xat1on and expropnation (CONST. Art. -VI,
(Guevara v. lnocentes, G.R. Nb. L-255,17;MairJh}5,::.:-.~L ... ··,·,.-:,:.-.-.,.,See. 28); · ·
1966) immediately following the re~( :,yh~q -sald d. Legislative inv~stigations/inquiries in aid of
appointments were made (CRUZ, supra'¥jt268). legislation (CONST. Art. VI, ·Sec. 21); and.· ·
· - .., .. --~ · e. Question hour (CONST. Art. \(/, Sec. 22).
But where the Congress is in session. the President · . .
must first clear his nominations with the Commission 2. Non-Legislative - includes power to:
on Appointments (Id.). a. CanVB;SS presidential elections (CONST.
Art. VII, Sec. 4); .
Rules on Reconsideration of Resolution of the · b. Declare the existence of a state of . .war
Commission (CONST. Art. VJ, Sec. 23, par. (1));
Resolution of the Commission on any nomination or c. Delegation of ernergency powers (CONST.
appointment may be reconsidered on written motion . Art. VI, Sec. 23, par. (2));
by any member who voted with the majority or the · d. · Call speciar election for President and Vice-
prevailing side. presented to the Chainnan not later President (CONST. Art. VII, Sec. 10);
than 1 day after the approval of the resolution: e. Giye concurrence to treaties and amnesties.
Provided, . that said motion for reconsideration be (CONST. Art. VI/, Sec. 21);
taken up on the . next plenary session of the .. · f. .' Propose constitutional amendments . -
Commission. If the majority of the members present constituent power (CONST. Art. XVII, Secs.
approves such motion for reconsideranon, the .1 and 2);
nomination or appointment' shall be reopened and
submitted anew to the cornmtsslon. · A motion to Note: Constituent. power is the power to ·
reconsider the vote on any nomination or formulate a Constitutiol') or to propose
appointment may, however, be laid on the table and amendments or revision of the Constitution
and to ratify such proposal, whereas


P HIM •etfflN+,mw IMM#fi 191 WAFPMB. ¥PWJ

. legisiative. powe.r is· the. power •to pass, flied. Thereafter, . the Committee
repeal or amend ordinary laws· or. stat1.Jtes. should decide whether the-complaint
. (BERfVAS, Re~iewer,. supra at 21?.J- The .· is sufficient in form-and :in substance.
Congress can only ·exercise a constituent 2. The Committee,· after hearing, and
power by express. constitutional n:iandafo. · by a majority vote of ·a11 its Members,
. shall su~mif its. report to the House ·
g. Confirm certa'in appointments (CONST. Art. .within.' 60 .sesslon days from ·the
VI( Sec. 16), . . . referral of the complaint; together.
h. 'Impeach (CONST. Art. XI, .Sec. 2);· ·· ·.· · ·with thecorrespondlnq resolution.
·3. · The : resolution shall -be calend ared. .
The House of Representatives shall ·have· for conslderatlon by the House Within · ..
the exclusive power tomitlate _-all cases' of ·· · '; :·'1 o.session days from receipt fh_ereof..
· impeachment (CONST. Art. XI; Sec.. 3,_par. A . .vote ofatleast 2/3 ortneMembera of
(1)). 'The $enate shalt-havethe sole power · · .the House shall be· necessary either-·
to try and· decide all· cases .of impeachment · to afftrrn: a favorable resolution 'with
'{CONST. Art.. XI; Sec: 3,.. par. (6)); \The .the Arficles ·of. Impeachment of the
President•. the Vice-President, the Members· · · · Cornrnlttee, or override 'tts contrary
of the. Supreme Court,"the· Members pf the ,. · 'resolutlon, ,rhe vote of each Member
· Constitutional: . Commissions, and · t~i:="=""=~-: ·· · . s.hail be..recorded. , . .
Ombudsman may be _removed fr9_iy.r.0ffrce 1' :T \-,~'"'· · · .··. ;
on inipeac~rne1:t _fo'r, 'and ~.9. ~cti'.f~,pf, ,,J
. culpable ~10Jat1on ·of the..c. -~?~li!i,J!l?J!.r-;=='-'"=~--:{
_ty '. · · . · .
t~;~~Q, sent _to t~e-Sen.ate,wtiich
. ...w1~1;:" )rY_ ··.~nd ::.decide cases,. of
· ··

· tr~_ason,_ bpbery'. gtaft an21 :0rfu~o.f;r.f')ffiet _ .· ;. "~ll]lPi~fhment:. · : . ·· · . . .·

high cnmes, or. betray:al ,40vyah<;:.;. t~1:1s~~-':'-..,,,_~~1!-lf-,P~d·. by at least V3 <?f all me
(CONST. Art. XI, Sec,J)_,(;:("1.. ·f'
· 17 " -;r ,1 :J
·r,. .
rr1 :~ · .W . ' ~~'f".)e;IJl'qrrs: of_ the House, t~e same..
· Lt'~. ~ · '\\s,ifall . 'tonst1tute th~ Articles of
Note: No impeachl'!JE;_nt prifc~edi9gs ..shall . ,.
be initiated against}HfJ;avr.e '6ffi<rID· mo~. ·.
1 . ""l~j~;ct.iment..
· · \\ •""'ll · ·
· .· · .
than once within f3 "'~J)E:l~J~c.i .. ot . op.e "ye;ii"°';!>. · ,~-rJb"P'·
(CONST. Art. XI, S~c-:},f'P,W,(5)). ![iitiati~u ifjj:t21 · · ;,,~t.he·J~ipea<;timent··aii.d

T.rial~~d f@nvic,tion: The Senate tries,
convicts by·a vote
t~kes place by the ~ct~of....f:~in_g-;6f.]J1pgand ':~.'.i:-/ . . . · f v:,'of21Jrof alt}the·members of t~e Senate
referral or end(:?rser1ntwf.1~e.i~~$--q~t,~. men ,'!i\1 ;-Ck. Zi?ASU)f\R~t1fplitica/Law'(2_018),' p. 810-
complaint · to· the · f!,ouse· ·tom~!~':, o~ · -~~1J:;r·~./Bt;!f[her'iflt)after SUAREZ}). ·
Justice (Franoiscot· · V. ~ Hou~~.P ~"O,F.5 ....7A~ ·. .jl ··J/ ·. · · : · · · •. ·.
J:?epresenfatives,. G~. . Nd!,~. . 1~Q2&:'t~~cid~~ qisaJ;:>llity.. of the President in cases
November 10, 2003).'· '\, . ·. ~\ (. 5(;rt·~l :ff' ~i.Yh.~r.~··.majority! _of ~he Cabinet. 'dispute ·his
· ,: . . 'I:\ · ?. ~-"-~:.£...~ -afoS:et'rti~.J;ttha~e·i_s aole. to discharg~· liis duties
lmp~achmenf · and: ·quo \v,<1(~~,<1V-aY...._..-=~~e.Cfri§;V::'~1l,y11,Sec. 11); '· . · ·- · .
proceed ·indep-enpe:itly of .. '*1Ch\ ot~eg'as ·\ 1:· j} l~~?~~br,extendpr?clamation of su~pensicin of ·
these . reme(;!ies· are distinct . af"i:te..;:(1) - -~-fl { \..;p)i-vilege of writ of habeas ·co.rpus or declaration
jurisdictioi;i (2) grounds, (3). applfoable q.1les==-;::--~ of martial law :(f?ONST:·Art.Vllr$ec. ·18); and· . tp i11itiation;·fil!ng ··and di~missal., · · k. :· -Power with·· regard. to ·btilizatton ·of natural
and'(4)1imitations·(Republid(.:Seieno,:G;R.. :·resources (CONST.Ari. x11,:seo. 2). ·· · .... · ,.
No. 237428, May 11, '2018) ... ·. · · . · · · .
. . . ·: . ' . . •. . ... 'Not_e; ThE;!' 1987· Coi:istitution·'emood.ies a grant o(
·Pr.ocedure.of lmpea'ehmentc· ..: · --. . plenary legislative power to the·: Philippine ·
. The simplified procetfure of.impeachment is legislature·; Thus ·'"any· power: de·emed · ·to be
.as ,foUOw~:. . . ~ - . . : _.. . ~ 1.~QiSJ8tive ·.by': us~ge ::an(t traditiori, ·)S :ri.eCe'S·s·arny
, i. . Filing 0f. a complaint: Thi$ .··~tarts· .the pdsses.sed·by Corigre·i;s,'~·nress ttie organ·ic 'acW has
·. proce!;ldin·g·s tot impeachmerit:·. ·. ·1odg~d : ·it., elsewhere:"·.: (Bl::RNASi · Commentary;:.
·1: The' complaint is' filed -~ith_er by_ a ··sup~·af 6,_76):.,_· ... · '. ·.·:. · • . · . :. . . · . ·· ·:
member·.· ·of ·' .the' ' House ·. of ·
Re.presentatives; · or ·by: :any. citizen ·uinitations·on the P.ower; -ci~ ·Co~gr~s~:
upon a resolution ·oJ ·endorsement by 1: · ·su BST ANTIVE LIMITATIONS ·..
any member ihereof.': '· a .. '. Expressi · . . .. . . .
· -- i. · !;Sill of Righ.ts (CONsj; Art. '111); .. -
. 'if: • Complaint. · is referreg : to. ··the prop~r . ·' · .·1. No law stialJ··be·'passed abridging··
CommiHee,.. · . · freedom of ·spe~eh, of. expression·,
1. The . . · Committee conducts or of the· pr~ss; .the right of the
de.liberation of the complaint that.was. . . _people _peac;:eably, to assemble arid


·coN::ST.ITUTJO .'N:AL· LAW· ·1
e&¥iifl¥ At tiMM&W HF MRPriiMWM IA W t FSNANWiil'I.Z..l: Jb!~.
pcititl.on the government for redress: '· of' . ·
Speaker '. the . 'House of
· of grie_v~nce·s·,(Sec. 4); . Represeritatives; the Chief Justice
· 2. No· law shall be made·rE!_~pecting -~n of: .the Stip(eme· Court, . and the
· establishment . of · 0 religion or 'heads · . of ·, Constttutlonal
prohibiting the free·:exerci~e thereof Commissions : may; by law, be
(Sec. 5); · ~· · · ... . ..; . authorlzed, to auqrnent.any item ir:i
3. . No 'law impairing 'lh.e, obligatiqn 'of ·. the 'general· appropriations law for
. contracts Shaff bepassed (Sec, 10); thEilr respective..offices from savings
· ···and ·· · · -: . ·ih 'other items ·of their 'respective
. ·. 4 . .' No·. ex post fa.rif'o·· law :~r bill" Qf · , appropriations· (Sec, 25:par>(5));
· : .. -attainder shallbe enacted (Sec. ·22}: 9: · Discretionary funds approprlated for
. · ii. 'On ap.propr_iati·onstCONST.Art; V!) . . p~rticuia'r . offlcials : . shall . be
,· · ·> .f .. · Prohlbitiori ·against- use .of -public disbursed only for.public purposes · . ·
. . . . rriohey': o'r. prol)l3ity.: for religious . 'to.' tie'. supported . by . appropriate .
. purpose .($ec:_29~ per: (2))'; and· · vouchers· and .. subject .to · such
<-.2·. ·No · · speciflc .funds . shall .b.e. guidelin,es as mc;ty be:,prescrib!,!d'by
appropriated or~>Paidr -for use .or ··, ··... l«;iW (Sec·. 25, 'per, (6)),· .
· bensfit.'·9f·~,iy,i:efigi.on; ·.S-ect;' 'etc., . 10. It;by the end of any fiscal year.the
·. e.xcepffcir.prie_sts;;etc., assiqnedto · · > · - ·. ·congress shall. have··tailep to pass· .
... .. : · '. _AFf:'.,_ pehal._in_st_itu~iCl_ns: · etc. ("?e.~><':-J . ·. the g:en.e_ral appropriations ··bill :for ..
. . ·. 2fh (2)).. · . .. · .. · - . · ·:- )'./:! /J, the.errsuinq-fiscal year; ihi::i ·gen·eral ..
. · .3. · ·Au ··c;1·ppiti.pria:tion,'· reven!Je: or -!~rat~<·'~ . · · . appropriation's law for the pretei:liM _
: l;>jlls.,:~ms. aut~o~izing !h.<;reas~ oUt:if\\";:.:.>..·· ·. ·: · -fiscal ,year·'·· shall·· be. deemed
R':,l~hc. debJ,: btll~_of local,3ppJ1catJ911.,, : · ~._,;__ .~..~. · f,;; ·ref!:!_fic1ctefar; (emairi in force

exclusively · iri"' the l';fc,ius"e.. of"--' 1r · · ~

·and·:· piivat!3 ... l?!lls· ·~hall .. ojf1,iiia{~,·.j~··' :'.::.,.:"~"{._
!' '.t and·. effec::t·,-. until the general·:
appropriations bill i~ P.~~sed by the
· :?lit,· Csngress ?.sec; 25, .par.. (7JJ; . . ..
· Repr~.s~r'itatives,;· .bu,t··:fn(·s~na~~t,_.~. . ·. ·
· ·. l"fl.ay propose ... Of :}Ctlfl~Ur W!!,!!f.,.J··1.. ·
. -'. ,- .· i:lrn.eridri:lents· (Sec:\2#}{,i'...~·. · }-. . -. .
,rn~· 'j{ ~~ geheral appfopriaJion iaw ~U?t .
· J/ 11. ··1;>,eb~sedpn the bUdg~tprepared by. · ·. ·
· 4. The<Gongre~s.~~y.fiorin~reasetli~·. [*. .-. · / JI) :_t~e Presidenl .. (CON~T. ··Arf '_VII!·
ap~ropri~lo11~:,.:1y..cq~~Jlde~:_b~~ ,·:_A. . / ··I· S~c. 22). · · .---.· ·
th"3 -:Pre.s1qentJe~-.;t_h~:~t;iJa~1?t.J.:::p.,! ·. ·. •J'Ji ·.: · ·~fJ~-;;.•. ,~)r:-, .,:·:-r..o;, . · .': · · . . · · .
fhe·G0ve~t;)me!)t.~~s ~P-0;9tfi.~:>d·l~ll;i_q' ,·•:! .. "lfu~{OOl(blrhitations o,:i the Po_wer·Qf-the
b1,1t!get_.(Se.c-:2q/p~r,dt)J;·:;~\ . !,' · . }', I _ G_o(l~ress _tc;> ApJ)r9prlate Public. Funds·
·5. . provisio~ .:. or:, ~nabll:nr.nt · ~~all _6e . · . f :l-<". ,l·: fl. ·.. '. ·: .· -The fo;llo~i?g.are:;~~- implied ·u:mitati~ns
embraced· . . -- . tti.e-~.-:..,,ge.neral . ..-,· ,.! , •::r· .·;r::-:>- ·. · on _the said power. : .- .
. : / .:appropria\ioi:is bill ·.tjnfe~'~ it ·refal~s+:,:· -1\ '~µ·a;· T~'e :appropri~tion ,t)tJst be· d~yoted'.
. · -spe.~ificiilly ; -to· ;"'sorJ\e.f. pa)1ic.61ar . : to a·_public pl,irpose; anq ·· ·" ·
· · ·. appropriatioh(·therein:'\\A:riy,jsuch· :b.· The. sum autt,qriz~d to be -released·' '..
. ·: : . · ;pte\lts.iorl·..ti'r.,.:eil'Mlm'ent'~Ralkbe .'. . 'inusf'.'tie. 'det~rmfnale ·or·· at lea·st .
· limited·,,··in·' .. its, ··<;iper.ation. to.·.-the· · .. ::0:: ·••. •• -: • :·· detetminable {'P.asciJal v;·Secretaty
, appro·prlati'on·.·-to:-wh1ch' it ·relates. ··· · ,: ·. -r,jt",_ ··.'Pubtic·'··:.,.Woms: . ·t1nd
. .{$,~c..'~5,.·par::(2)){ . . . · :. · · .. . . . . Comm.iJriicatioiis;··-'G~R.:: N,o. · . L- ..
6. ··The· r;,r6c~tl(fre, ,:in ..' approving . : ·::: ·10405, Oeceml:fer'2~; 1-980).. : ·· ·
· · 'appropriations-' fdr the · Congress ·. · ·· , ·: :· iii: oi:i ·tax~tion '. · ·: . ·: ·. . . . ,·, .- .' · ._-: .
. : : ' shalrstriGtly-toilow the·procetiure for . . · ..:·; ·. . : · ·1. : · Nb; law granting -ary tax exemptio'n· .
. .· . . . . . 'approving app,ro"priatron~:. for other. . . ~frail be·, .. pass'ed ., .without ... the
. · departments: :an:d- · ·a·gen.cies ($ec. . . . ··concurrence 0fa·iftajoffty ·o( all the ·
· : · .. : 2!5, 'par.'·(8))/: · · · .· _·: · · .·· . · ·.. ·.. · ·:: ·: Membets· of.the Congress (CONST.
· 7,: A ._special i'IP.Propriatio.ns bill. shall· . · . · .· ·Art. VI, ~ec. ?B; par, (4)J:.·. .
. .,. ·· • specify the. purp"ose· fqr· which' ·it is· 2\·· .Air .mon~y '.qollected" ·.on any tax ..
· · · : · jnter,de!,'.l; a·~d1shall be· sup·ported b{ ··. · . . leyiecl for ~ ·spec,ial -purpese.·shall bi:3
·. funds 'ac;tuaily. available. as. certjfied a
... tieafeci. as: $pecial. fll!'id :and paid
. ·.· ·b)'."the ~Na~ron'al tre.asurir, ·qr to .be·. ~ · ·· · , · : ·out."for· Sucti pUrQbse· orily (CONST .
. . . raised ti_y 'a c.or:res:pondihg·revenue . · ·' . - ·. ' · Art. VI, Sec. 29, pat, (3)); and .
. proposed !herein (Sec:.:291·paf. (4)); · 3. All' revernies anct,assets ·.. of non~.· .
. 8.. Nci law shall be- passed ·authorizing · :stock, •·. n·on-profit. :-educational·.
· _: : any.. .tra'n.sfer .. 9f appropriations; jristitutions·: ,used actually; directly.
however.: ·. ttie. , Presfdent, . th~- a.nd exclusively·. for . educatiol")al
Presidenf of the Se.nate, the purpos·es _shall. be · exempt from


W F&Ht&M Ni #·iry@ I M 4511

kikF&t CHi+. . ¥4k3M .... MfY.SiliMKiM¥£FZl&bSF . ;@s;ti Mii#n4ttjS iRsn,

taxes and duties (CONST. Art. X(V, Reasons:

I.·• Sec: 4, -per. (3)). · . ,. To prevent hcidg_epedge or log:rolling
iv: On- -eonstltutlonal -jurisdiction o'f . · .: legislation.'(Centra/ Capii. v. Ramirez,
$upreme Court· . . · · . G.R. N.o. L~16197, March 12;- 1920). ·
1. N_o law. shatlbe passed "increasing
the.' appellate jurisdiction of · the Hodgepodge or · log-_rollln.g
Supreme coort as provided in the · .: -legislatiQn . . . .
Constitution'. Without its advice ·and · ~ny.a~ containlnqseveral subjects wi"th
.. · .. · concurrence- (C()NST:Art. VI, sec: · tJnrelated matters. representing diverse
3Q}; _and . :. . · . interests,· th~ main ),bj~ct of · such
-2, The Congress-may not deprive the combination b.eJng to unite the members
. SC of its minimum [urisdlction over · ef.l.he'. leg1slat.i.Jre.:who 'favor any one of
~ases enumerated in 'A_rt. VIII; Sec.' , tne subjects insupport ofthe whole.act
·5 'of the Constitution (CONS:r. Art. ·.(C~UZ,-supra_at.279). ,, · ..... ·.
. '· vtII• Sec. 2)·. · . · . . · ii. . To ·.prevent:·s~_rprjse or. fraul upon the
V, .· Otherllmltatl~ns: · .. .: . legislature; ari_d ·. :. . .. '
. . 1. No.Iaw gi'ct'nljng titJe of royalty or . .:. . T .. ,· . -1 . • ,. · • • ·
· ·" ·nobility' shall ·be passed. (G'bN$T. _ 111. . -?: ~al[ Y al?p~1se. t_he people :(Centra1
.. . Art. ·YI,·Sec/3.1):··· · . · . . : ..,,~-~, ~ Cap,z .v. Remirez, supre). . . .. _.
2. No law _sha!I be passed'.·?ffa~li~g l j. ·1 · :;;~.Q~te:· However,· the title need not. be an
any ~~t·~~ of_the Gove~t!J_~nt1..9c__1ts ~ . -'-I / il)'¢ix-,(?ftliecontents bf the bill. It is enough.
subs1d1~nes in any;uf sf~~~t:1%I-...~:-·~=-:·
. - , __,,,., . ffb.tfl~"tl~e to be comprehensive en"ough to·
. or.aoy __ 1nv~str;n~'4t"gfpub)15,!1!1ncls, -~~~cl9,dt\s\iejec_ts ._·r~lat~d to ~he ,geµeral
. .. . . from . th~ 1.u;9sd1~~,P,1~f;,.~-U:i~ ....pllr,pose ..t):J.Tu the statute s·eeks to achieve

. · Oomm1~s1on op-~<,ht(~O~~T:Ar;f;,) ·. ·}
-... . ,~-o,. se.c. ·3>f. . "('/
b .. _Implied, .·.. . /1-·. ·If. t.
! . "'¥1
1~ "'\~.. IN,,... . . •.. 1,987)\
. ., · · ·n ·. t{( f)"
r . · :\ . . . · · . · . .
..,Tir:i~·~-tvt~B';i-G,R.·NI;): 'L-7569.7, J.une ·18,
. · ·· , ·
· · i. · . P.{ohibitiorra.gai(lStjf~1:llft?le laf~~rj<:!_-::=_ . _·::;;;,,,,·-~ -T~r.\~~.;..~e.13~irig~.Of! : s~p~r;:if~ ." days;
. · . ii. ·-~on,delegat1on o~ tp~w,ers . _(N~.PHf;JEtJi,/ i:,., .tp" f: · P~.ntfc1 cop1~s of th~ bill- in ·1t$ final _fo~.m
. . . ; supra·.-at 26~;._. K J-~~fi . -_]\. 1,i0~11u;:i:'Y~ · ·. { · d•sP-,e\Iredlto r-riem~rs.3 days_betpreits
.c. Juri.l?prudence:· . JI ~ ~ ....if,\..... '·-. : ...;::::: · l~assage :·E:ib~pt..· WhE!n the· Presider-it
i. Congre~s cafinot Pl~tg~ 1'f,_pt.~
.• ~ho~~:Sr_¥.I . lV1. f#/ceryffi~~ef1
· of elect~ve 1f -~e" s~ir:,e ~)ltJ'\ go~~~ ~..Z-~~~c/
;,lt~ imtn.e~!ate enad~ent to ·
~..:; m9et. a PlJ,Ohc calamity or _emergency;
. _beyo~_d... the1~ term\ .. as -:·~?ed.(lg~ _hJI:....,... '""'.fl"1~. _ · ypo~ _its ..¥1st reading, n9 amend~ent· ·
C~msllt_ution. (.C~UZ;~$upra· .-:a~'!. ~ iti~~vP-~ l-'- ' - . ~l!owe~j~nd· th~.. vot.e I.hereon·. taken
Ktda v. Senate, supr_a),\,. . .. ~\, '-.·SC'.[£·~-i·\~ / 1mmed1ately, and · the: .yeas· and . n~s
ii. It .ca~r,iot a nE!w·te?.~. an~-;.tre~~!Y--J. ·, :-f:P·. · ~t~J[o_·in1o tlie. JO'l,lr'r.!al· (CONST.:Art.
~PR(:ilnt-th:e_:occupar-it o.f.the·J,19s1fidjy.JoJJii~~~!": -r{\)·\{(1Sec.·2'6, par. (2)); . · · · · .
~ew term {Id.), . -. . ' ·~, fv'J. 1~. 1( t~ t~\ \ ~/_. .. ·.. · ·. , ·. ··. . ·.. ·
.iii.. 1, ca~n_ot:grant-le~i.$!a~~:·franc~is.e~fQ,i;;,_~e:l~V(t:,;:;~-"":::·· ·F~rs.t- .i:e.adlns, ,"': inv~lv.E1s reading _Of·the·
. oper-at1on·.of puph,c ut1ht!es wh1eh shall, o&'°"=":£'"':""' . . numper. and the·t1t1e oft.he mea~ure·and .....
·. ex.c!usiv~ in., qt,_ar.;1cter aric;l _whJch shall not refemng of.. ino thE! ·proper ci:i~mlitee by · .
. :,.- b~ ·-~ubject _to, amenc;lrn~r;it, alteration, .. or the:.. S~nate.:.P(e~i9e.nVqr.-·the Speaker ...
. re.'J;ieal. :when: _'comffi:ori:.'·good so· -requires· ·. {CRUZ:,. supra at 274). · .. · . · ·
· (Ta'wang Mii/ti-Purpose :'.CobP..eraiiv.e v. La· ,, . : .-: ·. · ·. :· . •. · . . . .. . . ,. .
. Trinidad· Water District G·R. No. ·166471- se~ond·,r~a¢11ng.:.. the b11l 1s
·: ·Ma.rdh-·2~; 2011): .. · . ' . . '·-. . . ' . . .. . : entifE!tY.•s~:rut!,deoat~d. upon-, and .
· iv ... Laws,.· shali· have ·no ,r-etroactive effect,. . · · . · .· . a!'flended 1f.n~cessary.. This is.the most
... unless ·.me contra~y·· is- :provided (PERT/ . . . -importari't ~~G~ ·i_r(the ,pass.age of a bill·
·.CPM. Manpqwer' :-EXRonen't .- Co.; Inc. ·v: . i. ' · (Id.). , .. : · 0
, ._ ••

. Vini.Jya, G.R.- .. N_9,:197,_~28,·.Sep__.5, 2012). : .· · N .•. ·T. · -b·,·,·· . · .... d· . ·, .· ·

·. o_e; h-e.. • ,:a.s ·aP.provef on- second...
·2. ~ROCEDURAL.l.JMITATIONS .. ·. · · . · .. . _· re~ding" is printed" in i~s final forni and
' ... a·. · A pill· shal.t· emt?race· cinly ._1 ·.subie'ct; to. be. . ·. ~opi~s t~e·,distdbl,Jt~d· least at'.
. · · _stated in the title of the bm (CONST. Art: v1; . . days bef,~.retn¢ thir_d·r.eading .. · · .
.Sec .. ?6, par: (1)); . . ·. . · :_ · . . .

•• -+hir~ ~e~-~-ln-~.~ rn~~bers.regist~;:th~lr.

·· vott::is - either·.yea or "r-'1ay..(CONST.·Art.·
· 'ill,· Seo .. 26, paP: (2)). :anq, ~xpl€1in their .
-vote if they are·· all.owed by the rules
(CRUZ, supra·at 274): · ·

· 40
. . .

----------------·- .. .



f·r:: .' . MHM

,.. Not~: No further 'debate is allowed duri!')g_ TM. exclosivi_ty···of the preroqative · of the
i·-~,. .· ' the third re~ding: _HOR means. simply that-the· House alone
. , can lnitiafe the. pasaaqa of a revenue bill,

The phrase ·"except when·-the·presldent such tha.t.:if the House does not initiate one,

·; · . .
1v· . cettffles:to thenecesslty of i.ts-i'mrfie~iate ._. no revenue-law will ,be·passE?d, But once the
enactment" · ,qualifies .· not' · only, : 'the House has· approved a revenue bill :and
requirement that "printed copies· of 'ablll'.in e passed ·l~ on to the Senate, the ·se'riate can

. · its fir:ial form must be · distributed to 'the · · completely -overhaul lt, by amendment of ·.
"members ·3·ctays·before· its·p1:1'§sage" but . parts-or by substltutton of the whole, and
: also the; requirement.tnat befor.e ;:') -blll- can. · . ·Come,out with one.completety different, from
. become .a. law.r it musthave passed -~three_. . . · what ··the House- .approved (Totenttno v.
., · readlnqs, on "separate days" (Tolen.(ino. v. . · ·sect{3{ary otFiaence, supra) .
Secreta7.-_of Finance,· ·G.R;. N9 .. ':1'1Q455;_ .. · · · . .

,.:r· .·
October-30,.1995).. . ·: · :.-,: .: · ln.casesofbfltstbat mus'fo.riginat.~
.. . exdusi.vely in the. HOR,. 'the Constitution
·A J~gislative._act will not be· declared invali_d .. does not prohibit,the Senate to prepare for a
,qill ln 'aritlclpatlon of the bill cominqfrom the
.'. fornon-cotnpllance-withthe internal rules of

. =, tt;ie House .(Arr9ya.,v::·oe venecie, G.R. No: ~- Lower House-as long as it does not act on it
1;27255,.Ju'iie_:Z6, '19g8); . .. .· u_ntil 'it ·re~.l;!ive.s the bill from the HOR
· . ·· · . · ·. · ·· . . ~ · · · (Al;varez v, Guingona, -G. R No. · 1-18303,
c. Appropriation.. revenue-and tariff blns: bill~>H .. : ·.· · Januaiy:31, 1°996). · .
authorizing ir,¥re~se .of_-public· debt, bill§i6V.?·..~); · . . . · ·, · . · . ~pplicatio~ •. ~nd ·.·private ··.bills ·. ~f!ij#: ~-;; ;, \J · ·01ca·mer~l-~onfer~nce Committee
originate ·exclusively in the HouseV.f./_' ,-.:,·.L~ ·In- ..;·-_.a bicameral system, bills are
Representatives (CON$T. Art. VI, ·Se'!Y.-.,-'24},.--'.','fr~;~i:.'::;..-.1.n_..,._tQd~pl;lnsientlypr9cessed by. both _houses ·ot
" . ·. . ·. · · · · .. · . · >..-·;::/ ·
·r~:"°·\( ·-~~-G~f)gress. Ttie· ·. Conference· Committee
.!,··· · · .- Ap'!;>r~priation' l:J!U: · -,. _"(7::-'' :' · ./~-j1j : · co~.jip°\!~9. ofim¢m.bers -~!)r.r:iinated for_ b~th
~t . A bill whtch _!_he pn!!l<il:Y.and sp,Er~!fj<fpurpo~t·-~-"'j.~ ·· · extra~c0hst1tut1oral creation of
··!3 · is·.to·~utt,cirize the release· of ..fPnd.~;{.c~m t~e. ' ~l · · · · q,ngrest whose -~nction is to propose to·
{: · : pub'lic·· treasury (B'ehtJ?..<it;r:v. .Se,fr~aiy of ti\· .:: . ··-ioh~esst;,_ ways of ·re·conciling conf)lcUng.
~:;. :· Justice, -.9.R... No. Lf_';f.?.E}21',-,4f1Q~a,y tjJ;'\ ~:] :- · · · · Jrovi~i_t>.ns·l?und'inthe·.s~nate ver::.ioil· and
-:;:, · 1936J. ·... ·, . · "t ..t1!~ui~rswn.of the.bill. ·
· \t/V -c::-:::fr:J'.:-S-:- ,. -~~ : i·:ij:-:' · ·
~Ji,..! . ~¥·'
.. . ;,~-,; . r!'.
~. . . ~. ~:r~~,\.~~j- . . . , .

tt7~-. _.: -.~:i0

. :r·

. . .
.. .,.:..
.(.... ·--· ::a . ·~~ . -~... .
~,-· . '. ·
?>· · ' . · . ·
. ~~tt~~~--,:~i1 t~~e~·· ~-~~~~;\~11~s: fr · {~~io~!~-~~1th~n~~ncir~;;.~t~~I~
tpe governn'le_nt· (CRUZ, supra;at...?:t.D)·::· _-· :...,./?..~··!·1{,-'/,,_;1~91¥ . -1\!loreover,_. their proposals' need.

:-.;-·: .. . . . · _. · · . · ·: · · ; ..· ,_.. )/•.: .. · ,;:;;,,-_;-..::-,.....,;! both Houses. of ·Congress

· Tari~ Bill .. '.~ ... · . .'.~ ·. _:' -: F<:r ··.:
One that ·spec1f1es t!ie ·rates·or'it_~t,!3~\to be
lf'-f: .. ·.j ... -. ·. ·
. ·
.· (BERNAS!~ommen_la~, su1:1ra atf89-79or
. ·: . · _- ·· : · . . ·:·
'·, imPQs.~.d o'f11mporfed· arti¢1es.{/d;J':""':·'.· · · . Folio.wing. : us ·.. practice, .·amendments
:.·:'. . . ·,.,~. . ...... <. . gerniane·t.o the,purpose of the.bill could be
Bili'Authorizin·gl11~rea·sa,\>fPu.b!ic--De~t · · intrciduced. ·even if these-.Y..(ere not- in either.
· On~·, which·· cr~at~ ·. public incjebte9r:,ess ,. , bill· · (Tolentinq v. Secretary of
_:such:c:is tims·tor-O:ie \!3sUabc;:e of tionds-·and Fin,iinc~·sui?_'tf!): ·. ~-, ··: ·
'other--fortn$ ofobligat-ions'.J$1Ndb,·:s11pra, at
19?).' ·. · ... ·. '.• . The .. Bf~~'rneral Gonferenc·e. Comm.ittee· · is
,·0 :\• ·.:_.. •. • .::o. I:· •. ·, .•· .•· ... ; ·:.-.ndt'Tequir:ed to com.ply, 'with th~ "3,rea~ihgs
· .. _!}ill' of Local Applicatiort · · .. .. ,· : on ·,3· s~parafe· days" requirement arid with
: One· iovolving · purely, local or. mli'nicipal ·. . . . . limitat1dn o'n no-amendment on tt\ird'reading.
· col'l'eerns_,lik~,:a charter:.:.'of a· City · (CRUZ;_ . rul.e··(ABAKADA Guro Patti List v.. ·Ermita,
. ., . .. .-:·- ···. . · · · : ·. .: , '~ . . .. .... GR. No. 168056, Sep: 1;'.2005).' ·. ·... .- ·
... ·. . : . .. : . ~. ~ ~ ,.
;• .·.. · · · _.priv~te ~jlk ·. , . · :· ···. · ... ·. · · · . P(?VVE:R qF.:_APPR.O~RIA'!'l6.N. . . . . .
:·.; ·.. : ·. ·one that·attects,pr-ivate pe.rsons;_such <i!S a · . · · The '·spend Irig. power, ·.called. the. ·''.power . of. ·the ..
'.' ·. · · bill · .gr.anti_n·g · ··citfzei:,-ship. to :·a·: ~specific pu_rse" belongs to Gongress,.su6ject-only to the veto
for~jgner· (BERNA$, Commentary; 'supr~ at R9.We'r'ofthe 'Pre·sident.· 11 carries· with il the p·owerto
775).· . . spe~ify.the prpjed or activity ·funded Linder the.
·1 appropriation- lijW·· (PH:. Constitution . 'Ass'n .. v.
\ Enriquez, Gf~. No. _113105,August 19,.1994). .



Classific.ations of A.ppropria'tloo ·Laws:.' . :. . V'oting 14-0, the. SC ·decl~r.ed its latest-tteratlon as

1 . · G~nei:al · ~ppro.Pfiatl,on· law ·~.Pa.sse.d .annually, · ·the "Priority DevelopmeritAsststance Fund (P OAF)"
· . intended for tJ:u~.f\nancial,operatl.ons 9f.the entire as unconstitutfonal (Belg/ca v. ocno«. supra) .
. . government' fi_~cal period; .. and . . • ..
2. Speci~l. apprppi'iatioo .• law. - -deslqned for ·a · Two Kinds of Lump-sum Discretionary. F.unds,
. spe.cifi.c.,:>1.1rpos.e·(C8U.Z;·stipra at 306). · Under.the Pork Barrel $y~teni· ...,:.. · ·; . .
, .. .. . · ·•·. . . T.h.e, Pqik Barret .System involves two kinds of lump-
. e·uc!geting f!n:>ce~s. oi:ttie'.Goverliment (PLEA): : sum discretionary funds:. . . . . . ' ..
1.. .. ·freparation "':-. The.· ffrst: step · is 1. First, tnereJs the. Cpngfe$slon,al Pork· Barrel ·,-t;,:is)<ed upon the .~~~&utive Bnanch .. ·: · which ts.herein :defined· as· q ki.f"\c;l..of·lµ(np-~u1J1,
and ... 1:;oyerl>.. tl:te -. ei,l!fTJ!3.ti.9n' of . gpv~r,nmen~ .. ' . discretionary .fund., 'wherein 'legisli;!\ms, either:
revenues; .the: Aet.eimh1a!io~·.-· of . f?udge~ar.y. · . · · Indiv,idu~lly.-:. qr ... collectlvely- .- e.rm~nited· into
.priorit\es ?l.n"d. :actiyit_ies:·"".ithiri-. the .constraints. . . ··committees, are able to effectively -controt
imposed · .a\'.~lla.~f~. t .r..ev~nll.~s.. , ;;inti . certain. aspects of the fun.c!.'l:i utilization ~hrough
borrowing lir'l:lits,,.qnd. tlie .transtatton et desired .· .various·.: post-enactment measures .... and/or
·p.rioriti~s and .ai.tivjtf i[!lO :e.xp~nditlJre' levels. . · . -practices: ..and ' . .. . , ·. · : . .
.2 .. Budge( . .beglslation .,.. · Coiigress ... enters··\h<3 . 2. ·.Se.condr, there. is.. ttJe.:Preslden~i'al fork .Barrel
·. ·. pi,cture ancf:de.lib~.r.ates.,or:ads-on .tne:.bu_dget . . which is.herein,defi'ned as a klnd·pf.lump-sum,
. prepo_s_a)s; :o.r .)h_~· P~e~!P~~t:,.,:Congre~~;. _in~ t~ib=--=":'"""'~!screti?.~~.ry:fui:!d: which a~lows. ~he :~resid~nt_ to
. exer.c,se . qt .. ,ts ; 9:WQ. Jµ_dgmen.t .an.Q _"'!Js~cfr,:i, "jf. 1 '\ · _oet~.[l'ltne the :manpe. r of ,,ts .utihz13.t.101:r.(B.elg1ca.
for,mu!ates . an. '.app~oprjatipn .. acJ.~~re~ely.
. follow(r:ig. the p'roce~s.. establl$ff~~
\u ..I ,Jv.}JcfJ.@_tt:supra),. : .
"PlL'. .,\.~..==.,,,;;.,..,.,.__':_, J·.: /J ,,...,:·~\ • ·
. · ... · ·:. <
· ·. · ·
Co11st1~ubon, which specifies tJ;;~nq.1119.f'.le.Y-rn,ay · .. Unc.Qr:1.~tlt1.1t,pfl~l~tyof Congressior;tal Pork Barr-el

. w1~h .an.-.ap.propnpt1~0.1na~.~2fJ.!3W-~ .· r. ·,.

b~ paid ~~orn th~ i::re'\'l~.u~.,e?Sffept>1~~~ordJmeir--~-€?A9(,,,
li5) T' ·Q.~G.a.u§eiIt Yl~~t~~) \!:·.· .
3. · Bu:cJget gxe,"utloJJ:...- '.TAs~e_d"Q~~J~e~ec~trver;: ~' .f,, Sep~ratlo,,:1 #,f po'&'ers .-. From the rnoment'.the ·-.
.. ~~~r -P~Jre) is . 'unc0nstitutional .
. - . .. . ..
th,e;thi_rtt ph;1s~·O~ th~;b.u~,9~ pro~9e_ss·~~~~!~_.£S}·:~ ...:...._J~~-~eco~~~Jt~c\lve,any prov(sion 9f la_w.that·
Jirl \.: ernPfJ.'.,'ers qlq!).1}1~1\Sor any -Of: It~· rn_,~mber~ to. _'
4 .. Budg~t .. Ac;:~9._4~ta~il.i.1: :-~~e·:
V~no4.s· opera,t11:inal aspefc!s,!'.;lv-t);udgeti~g. ·.,,/
.eY..a!tlatiQ'i'flfyf-?,!I ! t:z·' .J.!1,1)lay1, any: t<(jl~ j~ ~h~ ·lr_nplem.e~t;lijoo .'.Pr
-act',lal ,perfo~m~nce· ~n. 1D!,!.1;:1ll~ap.~ed~Q~~:;!.~~ e.nt9'h,.em~nJlt>f ..T~ law ;v1qlates-_. ~tie y.rlne1pl~ .•
tar.gets, obligation~ · in ,·.r,:~l;J·.• , _e(~OI, ~. hire_p_;.:J.::~· : 0f·~~ .§!"! t1<:'!! ·,of. i1 po~er,s .• : antJr. · 1s · .thus .. ·
_a~d wo!"l<,.,accornp~1she:d?~a~~Jf.~. pat: ;,; 1 .it-~ ~t;_,_r.i.s;t:i ut1<,1rla~<J f ·: . · - . : · ... . ·- . . ;
target~ set Pt the-,\t!l)e,th~i~ger5.c1t bu Q.e~er1Ei· Jt£4~ "'£.9../j · · // · ·<.j/. .. , · •· '· · •· '· '·.
-~pprov.~d_ (.Guingqna .Y-:~..pp.ragoft:-· ~{!8f>"-__'1$f._Q'" "'<:.:8~~P~~: S!rJpe th~ restric~on _ol;li:Y pertains.!o."any
94~71; Aprfl 2Z; 1991)'. : . · ~~- .. . . ''-. . ~~~e 1n·t,I,~ 1ml)i!:)rfentati:qnor;rE:_nt the P!
. . . ·, < :· - . .. . ·· . . \ : ·. ~, . 0"'c1~- -rt'"\ l::~w.~eor:igr~-~~may~till exerc1;;e ·its -~vers1ght .
-N~~~:. :T~_e .f!xi.s!eri,ce. of app~JpJlation&. an.<;!,.ttiEf'~1--::..t~mcti99,,~s-~ameans of checks.: and ~alanc~s. · .
~va11~9.1ll,ty.- .9f · .fund.~ : !=!re, 1_i:i91~.~~l'}-'~§rn~~"""'~-~ti!_:\~ 4tio:s~~en?,ctment.. rneasu~e:. ~11.o)!Vmg, ·
regu1s1teitto,·Qr.can.d1tions sme-qqa:'liJ~P f.6/.;ti'.ie ·1\J;f j~\'-!el;)1slit,of'part1cipation beyond..,gflt1s bereft ·
execu.tion- o.f gbver11mentcontraet~_:(COM.~€_.C ·l.'\. Jl. .. 1\:;pV.any· .. c0nstilt:J!jqnal .. b~sis · ··-and. hence, .
v, Quijano-Raai/la, G.f;?. No, .1.51'99.2; ·$eptemba,-.' =:'=:""=-:ifnp.ernii~sible 1nt~r.fe.i'ence and/br assumption of .

. 1£$, 20d?)... ,: · · . ·.··· . . . : , /·... : . , .e~ecuti.v~ (un_etio.ns.i.,·, -. · · . .- ,

Pork :ij~/~~i:!~·:4~¢c.mst.i~~ig_n~j ··, .. ·.. ·:-::· ~ > -: · :' ,• ·... ·. :P.ost-enact~e·n~ '. ~e~s~~e~ .which ·_gciv~rn .":the:
Pork 'b.arr.el:. is. ''.an: ~PPtOP.i'iatipn o.t. g:C,vernmenf . areas.· pf proj~ct,:fur:id. release ';H!d
spending i'n.eant fo(;zed ,prpjects ~nd secured fund'e n~t .r~lated .. to,flinctions. of
solely..,. or. , pdmi:irily .;· to · briog · · money, · 10. · a c·ongressi.onal;oversight bur allow .legislators:to,
representative·~ 'ci'i$trict•_:, (AraullQ-v •. A,qJ!lno_.111, G.R: , intervene and/pr. c!S~ume d,utle.s.:that_rprop~riy ..
No. 209287~J,u/y 1,.. ~01'4).· : ·: · . '.' · . to .the· sph~re· af. ·budget,. executiol').
. . . , .. : . · ' , .: . . . · . Legislators ·.liave ·. been , xxx, .-·. au,tttorized to
Pork Barrel &:ystem.'.i{the.coJlectiy~ ~~9.dy (U,l~s :of .'7'. participatej_n-"the Vclfi.ous ·operationaraspects.

~ and pra-cti.ce!?-;.iA.wh1;1teyer.narn~ orforr'o, th:,iitgov~rn. . o.f. budgeiing.~.-'.including "tt'le eyaluatlon ::9f

:the n'lanr1et by Y'hict, lllrnp;.sum. discrepon_ary:funds,, . ~~rk. ·.ar.d financial. plans·. for .: in'dl~idual'
primarily : i11tended. .for local· 'p'r'ojects1 are _uffliz~d · .. :. ac,lvl~les:;. i:Jnd th~ ."re"gulatlo.n· aJid r.elease of
·through. the· .. · re'.sp~ctlv~ .. ·PEir.:t.ic.ip~tiohs. ,. .'of-.. 'the- · .. tu.rids" i11,vioiation o! the .. sep13ration, 9f powers
L~gislatlv~ and Executiye branches· of.. gov~mn,ent, · · prin'ciple (Belgica y_:pchoa, .supra),.. - . . . .·.
·its m·em~er.s·; . · . .. ·. .} . .
. · · .·. · , · ·
:, .


" . . ..

--~~----------------- .

z, : Non~Oelegability of

l.egis.lative· Power - the

WS-Ntf' db ......
··Certainly; the framers of the Constitution did
2013 PDAF Article, insofar as it .conters post- . · not contemplate. that existing laws in the
enactment .... identification . authority .to stetute-books including..exi,sting_presidential
·'.individli~Llegislators,· violates 'the principle of . decrees apprbpriatlnrf. public money are
· , nori-deleqabllity · 'since · said legislators are reduced· to mere ~bills" that must again go
-allowed to . individually exercise the power through the legislative mill, The · only
otapproprlatlon, whieh-is lo.dged in Congress, · reasonable interpretation of said :prov\sions
· .... · · · · ", : -: ' ·· ' · · ·· · (Secs. 24 imd.Z1, 'l!,rt.. VI) of the Constitution.
. That th~.power,to appropriate must be exercised whlcrr" refer to "bills" is. that they- mean .
', :,-. _, onfy. through legislation is elear from Sec. 29, · appropfi~tion_:; measures ··ST( ILL. : TO BE
par... (1),: Art··VI of .the 1987 -Constitution which ·P.ASSED-· ·by: · Conqress · :. Guingona· · v,

t' · ·.
-~·""' states.that: No. money. sh'a!l be paid:out-of the . Carague, G.'R. N9 .. 94571; .Apti/2?, 1991).
Trf!~st!,Y,. ., ;exqept, ·. in.!·:_ parsuence or· . ·· ·
1·. ·· ·,. EJ_n'app1fo_pri.~ti<?.n, · b. · ·The general:· a~~rqp'riali~~·-:law .rnust be.
J. · -.c,. • : . -based··.:on -the' budget: prepared by the'
· 3. ·ched:~: ar(cf Bal~mc~s .- the lump-sumrpost- · . President. (CQNST. Art. VII,.see: -22).
enactrnent. ; : legislative.. . ldentlflcatlori ,· ·: .. ''.·. ., v- , •..••..

. budgetirl'g_s.ystem . fosters · the. creation : of a c. Congress.: · may .. not· ·. ·increase .' the
. "bl,l<;lget within ·-:·r;t budget": .. which . subverts appropriations . · recommended. by the ··· ·
.the prescribed. -pro~ea_ure of -p.res~n.tment and~/;') President ·. -for. the,· -operatlon of ·, the'
· consequently .1mparrs ;_the. President's power,"9t,-~;.,:'){- , Goyem-inent: as· .speclfled iri the- bu<;lget .
item veto,. · · A."-;,:/./\ ·(C(?NST..· Arl. VJ,, _Seo: 25, pa,:.. (1)); ·.
4. Acco~otabillty ·:-::. the· _.mechanism .her{/i~·~.,. .:;.J . . . . . _ . :· .· .
,np~m;ally:. , dol'.)_e ,,.· ·thr<;>ugh. th,e ·. power \j cf.t·_ ,:""'.,:_,!,..<'7··... RaJi:?~ale:. It· is _ihe_.P~esident VJho; a_s:~hi?f ·
. ~o~g_ressrona.l: ~vers1ght_ · The . fac_!,;-5;~th~t· '/t~::.J.L:-,:'L,.::?:..'.'t;iA1rn1i,1strato~'.3!1~ :enfot?er ?f the -.r~~s. i~ 1n
. · 1nd1v1dual·l~g1slator~ · are ·given pos~-:.e!'!,ac1ment\., ! \ . . ~thef2~st·po~Jt1ont9·det~rm1ne the· needs of
roles in the iniplernent;:ition of. the11:>Ljdg'!!t mak~_sJ~·--:-::}:! the;,?li~9ovemment · and . propo$e · · the
.. it, _:<;lifflpu_lt- .for· ,the!l'. · t?: ~eco'!'e) _-~[~J_~~7ref t~cl..-·T:~ · . · -~ -cojfe1~noihg/ .. ap·pr¢pr.iati9ns therefor.. on
obs~rvt:~s::wh~ff~crut1rn7'ng.- __J!~~fsb~aJ1r:r9,_ or . F{ · . · ti_}~ _b~s.1~0Lex1st1ngor_expected sources of
rnm:ntonng.; .'> ;:
th~,app~qpnation.. law.
)he: > ,-·•RJ;P;~1,1.1'.entatjpn_~· ·
!'.-?.-:.,. , ·..:.;-:,..~. , . • : 11
C?k 'f'.'\. ~ 1._.~eve~-e (f,_RUZ;:s.upra_a(4.62)i
-: Jr .,ff,.. · \ · , · · . .· · · ·. · ·
. . ·
Lo~,;11' ·.A.u~9-~oiny. ·. 7 · -~~fh'.'orfaJr-(g?;;.'.lf]divic:!!!A!
legislators · to.-,mtervene_u::i,y"urely,4~91,,mattet~. 1
. J.)rd · ·
a~r,~[i:JfR\Wf~,1~. ·_ot . ~en~c_!.rne1;t :s~all be
~em.l;i •.rm:::!;.d:·:lnthe genera( appropnatl()~~ bill
. througfJ:. th.e·.U&e.: pf ·.their porl<?b.aii.e1',rf!rds · for . i'oi · . :: unless· it· . relates ·$pecifically · to , S~me
.. ·.... _ loca_l :gov~mrrie,i")t . p~0jects · .si:il?v,frts,..~~n.uine 1:f.-:-;::-.:'7"1 .:· :._ p~r1k;tilar.. .:1p_proptiation_ the~eh {(J_ONST."
." .. local·autonomy,(Be/g,c~v: Och_qa},$Uet.a). · ; · 1; .. , .f.jt.1~~~.tlrl, Vl1·$ec,-25,·par,.(2)); ··.- - ·-,. · .
·. . . . ,· ·. . . ,· . . .. ·<-=v·- ·. . >,,..,_~:::.~L.:-i~..:Z~i'.t.!~/~e.2·t~.--.. ·~· .
)iimita~lon.s·o~ ~fl'.e_.Po':°"~(t~,Appr~p-~!~,~: (.j(/ .. · ... R_at~?·':i~le,.T<l :pr_eve~t- ~~ide·r~~-or. ir(eleva_nt
··J.-. ··.Constitl.Jt1onal··. -hm1fatlon . on :\'-,.S.f',~CIAL· · pn;:iv1s1ons that .1n ·the· g~.neral ·
,;-: .·. appropriation rn~asur(!s· ·. . . ~.--::-:· .. '. a·ppropr.iations bili: to ensure iheir' ~pproval .
-~·', It rnµsfspe:cify·the·,publ.ic.purpose for. which the . . · (CRUZ; supra '~t 3P9l · : · · . ·. · ·
:- : ·sum is·,°,inter.ide& . - . . : . '. - .. ;.>. .. •.' .. . .
'._b.. It must. be..suepoi:tecl by funds aetually .availa~le . ~- F9rrrt, c9ntent and l'!_lanner·of preparatiOf!·Qf·
,:•.. ,. , as certifi~d- tQ by.the National Treas.urer,9r to. be · ... · · l;ludger shall .be prescribed by law (CQNST. -
.\;-. -i-:alsed · !)y·, i;L.;C0rre:;;pon.ding.:r.evenue prop:os-al · . ·· Ait. VI;. Sec.~25, par .. (1));" · ~ .
:/ ·lndu.ded therein (CONST.· Ari·. w; Sec. 25, par. ,,. · · ·
)·.:.·.(4))., . .. . . .. , :, ·. f ... ·:shall: 'Stric;tly. ,.follqW :the, _.proce~ure . for ..
. . a~proving ·:appropriations· for· · · olher ·
:t(; R~ti~naie:.·.. ~o~: ,~is~~riti~~e~- ·th~· .. prac"tice: of. ..·-. · . depar,tm~nls and·aQ_e~:de$ . (C(?N$T;Ar( VI, .
(_{:·.' :fi9tit1ou·s :· approprialions·. ·th~t,.-were.. frequently . . · · Sec 25; · P.a.r. (3}).. · ·. · ·. . ,: . .:'' ·: · ·
1:1:,;~,,: ,enacted·&y the: Congr.ess,even -if if kne.W that no . . . ~ : . ._ . . :. -
:' ." fuhcls ~ere-av~ilable'(CRUZ, supra at- 308). ·. · ·g. · Protiibitio~ · ·against,· .ei:iactmen\ . of : laws.
.· ...·, · authorizing • · transfer; of appropriations:
} _Constitutional·. ·limitation . ().; .. GENERAL · .. ·(d~ctrine ot'ausmentc1tiori);- · :: ·
0 ·
.:,.' approJ:>rlatiphs'·law· . .. .. . .
~-.·..!.\II .appropriation;· reve11ue, or .tariff.. bills, bills
':'· authorizing the increas·e of the pabiic debt, bills

t · ·i?.f .local . applicatio_n, ... ari.d. private." ··bills, shaU
· ·Originate· =e,tdusively ... in .. the . · House · · ·of
;;,'i}:· Representatives·(CONST. Art. YI, Sec. 24); · -

d . Sit a+I A 1

*' wawsit&dl
?@'&ri?lsiPwPPa· ufw a , aNM¥itia1i?Pti1 i ·wE1atew+1ee'llrlw¥
. Ratlonale: Stopping. the practice in the past even if the item belonged to-arroffice outside the
of giving the President authority to transfer Exec\.Jtive, To that extent did the-20t 1 ·and·2012. ·
funds from. one department. to another or GAA.s contravenethe Constitution," ·
under .one appropriation law to another, ·1
which in.effect invested him with legislative· ·· Disbllrieme.nt Acceleration J>rogram (OAP} _J
power to appropriate, thereby· providing a' A program clesigned by. the.DBM ·to· ramp up J
· loophole. for violations of the· approprlatlons · spending·· -after- · sluggish disbursements had · :.1
act (DELEON, supreet 274-275): · · caused. the growth. of ·1ti·e.''Gross Domestic J
Product (GDP) to slow .'down, the 'tubds 'under ·,
However, the. Preiicien't, Pre;ident of lt)e . · the .° OAP· were taken . from: ( 1) unreleased . l
Senate _Speaker of the House, Chief Justice appropriatlons: (2) unproqrarnrned funds; (3) · ·J
of 'tne . Supreme- Court, and -Heads of ca"y"Over appropriatlons 'unreleased. from the· · ,j
ConstltutlonalOomrnisstons may,,'be. · previous year; .and (4) budgetsfor slow.~moving· ~
authonzed to augment any. item the _itein~ or projects ·that .' 'had' been· .to J
ge_neral · appropriations law .. tot · their support :f.;iste'rsdisburslng -projects .: (Arau/lo v. . 'i
respective offices from savings_ in other. Acfuino~supra).... · , .,, ·. · . ·. · .1
Items of their ·. respective. appropriation . . .. . . .
(90N$T. Art:. VI, Sec. 25, par. (q)):· · . · · In Arau/lo. v. ·Aqi:tinb·,.. the SC· declared "as ..
unconstnuuonat Jhe ~ acts and-practices- under

:~~i~:~~:i;t;~:~!~:·1 J · l(r~t~~~~~it~
. . . ; •... · · -:, · .· ~-==-.a~

· ~ftl~-d:~1:~h0~ withd;~~ar .. ~~~bij.gated ~f · ·:

·.egos.under the !~~octriri_e of q;~,ii~"e&-plsiTI!~J~~-a:::.=,:· .-~~ Ultb-tip~nts·.. from .. th:e·. irn~lemen"t1ng
· agency''.· (Nazareth v. Yi.Ila,:, · ~w,/8-,f?''No. · . . · .. ~ . ~e~c;!~s... ~nd·· the declaration ·. ()f tj,e
. 18FJ.635, January·29, 20].3).\{)~-f~-':"=-":·:;s:~ ........ ~~~thar~n ·tmqbligat_ed. a.n~tn1ents .and

·. . . · .· ..F,Cr.\.'·.~- ! . ,py·: .¥-" ·: . · t ·~,n!flJt.;is~d~ppropnati.ons ~s sav,~9s ·.~
. · Requisit~s for: a .V~l~d rrail~f~r of/F,unds:.:. .#~. LI\\. '. \ . · prtor..toJfi~~ ·end· of ·the fiscal year .and ..
· ~L-SoPa). : · .!/._ ·. :· / .. L. ·.
l!.,.J!<>. . · · q · wit~.gCJ~1,o';{nplyi~r,J :wiO:,: th.e, st~tutor(
i I. ' Ther~· ,.s·.: a ,~l!i%<--;.~~thori2j.lnrtf:ie· •s ·, .... ff' def1M~v,:;i0t.sav.1ng~ contained In the .
. Pfes1_denf; the Pgr~~iEl~ri~ of thel ~enm.011 · :'~ fJW_.,,_: . ,.·. Ge·~~ta.1~p.P.r\:ipna.tionsAct }G~);· .
· the : Speaker r, of,,....tie·· . Ho\)se f.O~ ~ J; ,,·_The~ transfers . ·of the:

: · Representa~~ve~.·41'11e.~~.hi~r:&~~ce, · ~f ;if.~{ · · · · ~l Cc avi9gs. of'.lf-}e exe~uuve tb

' . the·Supteme. Coi'.1~'('8/id·,u,~;,¥1~1:\as o!~
.j •<f' -? ;j ~pto·pq_ati~ns O'f·9ther· offices ·outside
~.;': .. '.' ·. the . GorisUtutio~l1J .Cqzi!11i~i6);!t\~~a~-.... t)].~:,· · ~, th;Y· e>te'qptive (prohibited ¢r:oss- .
~· : · : transfer ·funds wr_in tli~ r~~~w · ·~~ , : b,9rderc\.lJ9m-ent.ation};· . .'
....~·~~/./ I:: ii. ~~~t~~d~:td b~ i~~t~~~i ~~~~¥@S)~).~~> . i/;~~:~~cl~~i~~f;;~;::~~!tc~~~t~~!J~i.
.. ; .: ·.:·. ·ge~e'r!3ted·f~orn. the 'EiQp'roW!P.tioJl~~f~~~~,:.,~_ny appropriat(on·:·in the _GM: ~ir:ice ;
''· ....... t·'. their respective Qffices~d~:"0".t) ~=~,,.,-;; ....c(\ ·fau~mentahon .can-:only be mal:le from :
·~·. ,~-:-.;·,. il.!:· The furpose ·. of-:, ihe trlrl'l~trr{.,ij to i,,' ;{)\Jc:..\'\ . ~i:ie.exi~ting....item .to·· anotl'le-r exi~ting. _ 1
.:.Y\;~:1.i•·:,: '··,~ug~e~t~n ~xjstin~ ltemj~··the"gen.~~I, 1.Vl~. · 'iter:i hj t~'e:budgel~_~n·d.' .: , . · :. ; . : ~;
·:i.~;,·. ', ... ·_appr.opn_at1ons · law ·for their· re~.p1;1ctive~-- 1v. 'fhe usf)··of unp(og~ammedJ1,mds rn the·
·: -~:.._ : · : ·offlces ·(Arau/lo. v. Aquino, ·G.R. · f':,lo•. · · ·. · · abs~rice ·.<if;-·· · a·, ·1egal~Y: · · requ)red-:
,, ''=:'-'/.'.' ·, -~·209-ZB-7, July .1; 201,4). . . : ·'.· ·: · · · . .. ·. : ·c;e'rtification .by the· .Natidrial T.ea'surer· ,.,
. ,: : . . . . . . .. . . . ttiat . ·-the:' whole'·. revenue . collections , ' ,,
Pr~~if?i_fe·d Cross-Border·Augmentatioris . ... . , exci:ieded·the:t9talrevenue:targ~_ts:· - .
l_r1 Arau/lo v._.L\quino, the sc· rule.d tl;lat tbe GMs ,· ... ·. · · · · · ···.,: '
· .of ?011: and_:._2012 Jacked ·valid prol)islons to 'l,.lnpr.ograrrimed Funds.;.. ·. ·. ·.
. , _ .-authorize Jun<;J· , :transfe"r; · "The·· ·afor.equoted· . . . .. .· Apj:>rcipriatfo'ns. tha( provide~ ·~tandby
·,.:·:. provision's the:G~s·· of. 2011':~nd 201:2 ·were·. . ' ·, . .: ··.: · iricur,··additional: ·ag~ncy ·· i
.. :::.: ;'-. · textl!ally· unf~it~~I t~ ·_ttie' Consfi(ution·· for not · ,: · : ·, .· .?..blig';:itions· ."for .. :.Priority PAPS._ w~n .. ·
:.· ' ·~~.. : . i;:errying the phrase '.'.for their 'respectivf> offices" · · revenue :·c0lle9tiohs ·exceec,fed target~•.
.,: ;<:.;: :" 25 (5), si'.Jpr_a .. Tt,Eti.mpa.ctof{~aid] phrase : .. · · ·, :and.' when adqitional foreign funds ·are .. · ·1
;-..:. ·::: ':/W~1Hci authbrize only transfers offunds within . g1:1nerated (Arau/lov. A_qli,ino,°sllpra).. ·.. ·
:.:.>.: ·: ,'··rf3!ro·tfices (i:e:;fr:r,the casfi of the °F?r~sident, the ., .- · · · • · · · ·· · .. - ··
· > ·':·::· :··:·t~~IJ.s~er wa$.·to ah-·item of ..appropri.ationYtithln !fate: lo-~ r.e~9luti~n.:d~ted: F~bivary ~..
· ~ '. ·. : , , 'ti;;x.e.c1;;uve). The p~qvisi()ns·carried ~ different .20~ ~. · the SC partially-·· grante.d.·the·
· '•: . ·_P! l?9 ( to. augment P..ny item. in this Ac(j, ~nd , ~.mqtion for..r~cor.rslderation filed!' by the
'. -~- ·: ..~e, .~ffe_c!.. Was that the .2011 arid·· 201.2· GMs ' OSG and ·allowed :t'1!3 fuodir:ig -of PAPs
-~ · '.' •...~re!)y ~ltf3ran¥ allowed.1he ·transfer· of funds not cove°red. by·any ap·propri'ation in the .
· : '. .-· . V:~~msa:~ngs ·to augment any·.ttein'in· th~ ·G.AAs GAA, Thus;· only a.cts (1 ), . (~). and. (4) ·

: . J. : ·14'.J, 201s SAN.BE~A c.ENT~ALIZEo s:0.~ o~ERA:rioNs·

./{f~i::.~;/!-~~·-~\~~.·. ':. '· . .. . : . . . .

·--------· ·- .......
PIW +.tMcif P . fdt HW#i

tttV!>Mft EMAISFA Wfl . ¥1Wi11 a.aase @§'~49 IE B#fMtWIW
are ·now deemed· illegal. The SC also . Rationalec To further. bolster the principle of ...
· - upheld. .the . efficacy of DAP-func:t~d

t: separation ot church ·.. .and · State and. •·
. . projects by applying .the operatlve .'fact . emphasize the· neutrality of. -the S!ate in .
doctrine. . · .. ecclesiastical matters (CRL/Z; supre at 315). .
. . . .
• • • >'

h. 'Discretlonary · funds. appropriated · for. -- . Payment of public· funds is prohibited to

i,.I ,

. particular officials shan'be.dlsbursed only for
. public. purposes ·(C{JN,ST. Art, VI, Sec. 25, ·
. per. (6));.
ecclesiastics o.nly "as such," Which means
. that they. may be paid from public funds. if .
they serve: the ·.goye'rnment in . ·a·. non: .
(Jcc/esiastjcal capacity - (CRUZ . supra . at

. Dlsc;retr~naiy Funds "317). : ... :. · .' . ·. :' · -
.• · Funds appropriated .bY. Conqress-forcertain
actlvltles- of the governm~nt,.tobe.disbursed Not . -~very ·governm~rital . acti;ity which

!. "
-at 'the dlscretlon of -certaln offlcil;)IS . (i.e. involves the ~xpen~iture of public'funds and .

· : · intelligence funds):· said .;fu.hds .rnust ,be which has sorneretlqious t_int'is violative_of
_ . disbursed .. only ._.·for .. -public .. - purposes, ··the. Constltutiori (Bt,;ces :v.. Es(en.zo, ·G.R:
;).. , -s,upporte~ ·by-. appropriate<vouchera.. and . · /116: L-,.53487,.May 25, :19a.1j. As long as.the
.. ·,s.ubj,~ct. -to . the ':gujaelin'es·· as . rnay- . be . ·. pr.imary,pu.rpo'se .of 'the expenditure' is. one
r~- ....
· · prescribed t;>,y la~.. · . ·., . .
. · · · ,-. · · . · : . ··
. . .
· by ·
0 ·') ·
which co.uld:'legitimately oe undertaken by
apgropri1!1te . legislation.,. .such expenditure.
L A1,1t6m~ti~t;~ap:pr.opriation-,f. the· e1t<!~-:1J ·. : "will notviolate.the Constitution, even if .there
i~· of any.fiscal yec1r>_th.e Congress shall ij·av.EJ~,:'. ;~, . are_incidentalfesujts.that ..~re .m.ore or)ess·
'? ~.
. :. failecl.~o- pass::the g~_a,·appropriation~}iif ..
· for··the. ensuing· fiscal· ye~r. the ·geri~ral·
:·,1 . .
" --
~eligious _in ch'ar:aC!e~ (Aglipay v- Ruiz,. G..R. · ·
No.,:4_5459, Marqh·13, .19,37).

!~ .: .. ·. appropri(;ltio.~s lay.,. fqr' ttie prec:edfn~_'.plc~j.:'/'. :~-2":::~,:./-~·~. : . . , . . : · · . ,.
. ·. year,shall:be deemed,reenacte.9;.aJid sh~II\-· L1 · ~Furthermore, the constitutional. prbvision

. remain in .force arid effect·unt1fth'e generafJ,...J•j• · · .' - . do.~l111:otinhibit the· use of public·propertyfor
: appropri~tions· _bill i;:, · . pa_s~~s_j/ by_.
. Cong~ess.. '(CONST, t,rt.. Vf/§ec,·~~5(par.
i·) .
· re\(gi*u\ purposes·. wt,en the reJigious
c~ar1ct~i\of.such· use is. merely incide_ntalto
tA . . . . i··
. . .(7))... ; .- . . . : :- ·. .,.Y:9<. ·. v,~,,; ~··· . ifJ/!IJJ0fWY . u~e '. which .. r.s ' ayailable
: , .- . . . , . ·· :: J,(~ , ,/.;:::~. . : :~, ,.''.l' . ;.m~lis~rimin~telyto the' public-in general '(Re:
.. · .· Not_e:•.Artiele-V,1, S-e~!~'ii 2.~?i~~~r-~P.i!l'.':J.,. ·. r:;1 ,:;[jpf(.tl~(;?l.7'..q_iJ'y.
'. Q. ".ya_lrtnciano, rf.olding of
- · . : SRe'aksot,an "approprra.{ionjvqcf.~4JY /a~.J . - , .- 'l · 'Re1JJijQY.S-·~Rituals at the Ha(/ -of. ;Justice .
·:•, -~9t ar:i ."approptjati9n l'!l)lq~~'.¢.C?<?,i:}.gres~.. !·':) . Buildingin. Quezon City,.A.M No, 10-4.~19:·
. ,. the. autom~tic;g_eneral · · fr._:_:r=-in ~C, _March 7,·._201:7): .. ·.. ·- . :·
' 'a'ppropriatl~ns . l~w for ,tfie pr~s~~ii;i~ fiscal )! :· >\ .-; . ~~--=:...., '. . . . . ,. . ·. . .· · · ·. ..
.. ye.a.r is',co.nsidered "an-.ap.prop.~_.!1tionp'r~d~--:..::l.:.::-3;,..,.'-l~p1ie~.l:imitatron~ . cm. · the-. Pow~r. t9 . ·
. b}' laW" (D_ELE(!N, supra_a_t._2JlJJ·. : i'(-:.:J · . · Appropriate: .. ·. -,. . . . . . .,,· .. - . . ..
. . ·.: · ;.·;::,: . · . ; ... : ·, .: ·. :-':-~J::':"(.'.') . . .. a. :dev0,ted to a ..
·. - There)s no prov1~J9.[l '.".I our-.Con.s.t1t!-;Jt1on~hat·.- , . · .pubhc.p.1.1rpose,. . .. :· . ·. . .. ·. . . . ; . · . .
· provi.desor·prescribes any particu)ar form of , . b. The sum authorjzed·to be·release<;I must be ·
.,w.ord~: ;or... '/eligioµs 're,c;:itats in:· Whlcl;l. a·n: . · .· · determinate'· . or·: ·.at least·: d.::ltermin,;1ble
~u"tl)qrizatiqn_or appropdation· t:,y '¢9rrgress . . : (GRUZ, .supra at 306-307).. ·
shaJI be.., ~l!:CE:lPt that (t be. ~m.~de by i· . . . · . . · . ... -~, ·· · · . ·
Jaw.". An, .appropriation-· may b~ made·. LEGISLAT.IVE-f>~OC~S~ · · .. · ·.
: ,, \· impliedly '(as . ,by p'c;1st but ...s·u~sisting . . . '·
::. ·$1at,ion.~):-as v.,,elJ•.as.~xpressly,for the .BiJI · , .. ,. · . ..... . . . . .
. .' . fil';.cal.year (as.J:>y enactment.:oHaws ·A" draft.of a .law,subrhittep· to the consideration of a
. •, . _by' tn.e· _pres·EHJf;c«:?ngre~~). j!,ISt. ·as·. said . ·legisl.ative ·.~dy .:for. tts -a(lopti.or.i, .'(Bouvier's·.Law .
. appf6P.riatiql:!' may. be mad.e. !n gene~f .as Dictionary).· .
we.II :as · i_n.- ·SPE:Cific· terms-. (G1:1ingona .. .V-
,.cwagu~_,· supra):·;_.-·.- · . ·. / ·-.:· . · . ·. ~es~~·µti~~ . . .·. . . -~: :. : · : .. · ... · · · ... ,_ .. : . . . ..
Afo~mal.express_ion.·o.f.opi9-lon,:,~ill.or ir:,t~nt·b,y an :
. _j._. · Appr9pr~tions. for: sectarian purposes ,.. offlc1al .b9dy · or gr9up (WeP,ster:s·: Thrrd.. New ..
prohibition .agains·f ~xpenditure .. of·i public tntern_ationa_l Dictionary {197(lJ)... · . . ,. ·. . ·
. ·.., ·mo~ey..or,.p'rope'r1y· for: reli~ious · p1.irpo~es
·. . (G_Of-:l~T. Ar-t. VJ, s~·c._~9. par. {2!)~ ·: .-· Res9lutio.n_Scare e·mployed .witi,:. r.~sp~ct. to·'. matters·
within the e~clllsive a\,lthority,of-th~' l;;iw-rri'aking body
or t<;> ·express;an ·attiWc,l~- ·or opinlofl; resoluti,:ms do


. 45
MrilMNI rrrw . .....

not require the -approval ;Of the President to be bills.inltlated in:each-of.said respective·
effective(DE LEON; supra at 2()7). · · · houses, before. said · bill is transmitted · to .the
. . . · -: .· 'other house: for its concurrence or amendment.
Kinds of Congresslonal Resolutions: (SCJ) , Verily, to construe said provision In a way" as to
1;, ft.Im pie .- .pa'sse9, for the exclusive use or proscribe any further chanqes to a bill after one
. · .purpose of etmer.Hcuse: : · .. . . househas vot_e_p_on it would lead (ci absurdity as
. : 2. g,oncurrelit -:· passed independently· in· one .. ··this would · mean-··that·: the , other· house of.
· House a'nd.. ratified-by ..the other; and : · . · · ·· ... Congress would _be·d~prlveq;of .its constitutional ·
. 3.-. Joint·::-- .approved .by'o_oth· Houses; ·-voting._ .power to amendor.tntroduee .. changes to said :·
. separately.' in a joint--sesslcn. Congress : may · · bill. i:_hu~. Art. VI, Sec.· 26 (2} qfthe Constitution·.
· wjthdraw the ·power .·IQ: fix .tariff . ·ra~es,'1 .e.f~,. .. . · :·.cannot be'ratthe'!lntroductiohby
delegated: .to . the Presldenf -by me.ans of · a. . the .Blcameral ·. conrerenee ·committee · of .
.resolu-~ion:(ld.}. ' .-_ · · · · · : .-. amendments -and' disagreeing
·, . . . .. '• pro.visions.'jrr._l;>ill.s wat °h_ave.. been acted.upon by:
Steps:.(oia:Eilll~t_obeco01~··a Law: · · . : ,. ·· · · . .' · .botli houses of Conqress.lsprohiblted (:Ab.akada
· 1. ·.Must ·.tie.· .approved. ·by Congress - · -the, . • -Garo,P.arty·tis"f v.. Efmitarsupraj..: ·d · · , .
; :- : ·. iegislative' ~ctioA ,required'. of- : a . . . . : · ... •.;. ·." •· . : '.. . . ·. v, . : ,._ • ' : ; . • . •.
':positjv~·:;ict;""tbt:1re·,ls .racHmactm~Ald:if law.. by. · Both- the-· of thre~- re.adjl')gs on ·.
: --1egislative ·inaoti9n_.· · ..--. · •· .. .- :'· ;·_ · : · ~~..:c...~· ·:1>eparq~e :days and distributiorHif-printea copies·
2. Must, ~e: appro.ve_d,.-by.. ~h&-: Pr~siden_ .,:-a"~s llJ· "::!~~~g!.thJ;-ej!q·3')-~_ay~:~efore-itsl?·~s.s~gem.~_Ybe
approval . may·· be_ positive .. or.·/_
_··(BERNAS, Reviewe~, supr~-at e.p· ~~)4::
in~~on l 1 · . :\,-ld1~per.,s$.<:I.
1 w1th._-upon .the ·cert1f1cat1o_rv,tN--the
},. ~:;...-=°==~~ ~fe.s~~_,pt~_tJh~n~cessity..oUtie:tiiWs irrim.ediate
. .. · .: . · ·. ·• ·· . ,. · .. f',,(':· \. :./·'· . · : _.; ""ein~fmel)_t~to · meet c;l.- pub.he ~calamity -·or
-Profes_s ~f_Eriactin.g-Law.lJ> ·. ;#..:. ~t) / ._,.~;..~~--~~-,,_e~ ..~fgt_~&·f~?J-!:V:ST. Art. VI, ?ep. 26;.par: (2)).·
• A_ bill Is Sl~hed by·1ts author(rl~P,dwed.·.With:th~ ··r "fi!. ··) . ~\:.~~~ '\ ·. · ·. ·
· Se.cretary_.ofthe House. !t -maf or:1gio~{e-frcfm.e~ti=ltMf ,fn,}. A~ Con{.erenc.~¥Contp•uttee repo~s · - transmittal
· '..
thE: l_o~er · or ~pp~f Ho_~se.p:yxcepif:~Pp,_r9~~~io~,Ji~).~.· ~f. t~p- biU·'t,a~fJ,f.QY\d'ori: · third ·.rebding · by one
. or t~r!ff -bills, bills. &10}~3,)T11jmg·11n~i'easE: ~<?J1ill . . -~se·t~:,th\·.Pi~~rtef:ou.~efor.concµrrence. ,The
. public deb~~·brlls=~f local appucat10Q;~'.'mct·1:inyl\_"!.teb'11!}: 7~ r_j~otheJHouseisnalt1. oJ)o.w the·· If
. whic~ ·shall ?rig in.ate.exclusr~LYiefr~m- _t)le 'l:\ClU,S.9fO~'\J.ill!l!J,/'<.»t~'ejot~~~, '1Jci~se . ;t3pproves '.the. bill. ~itho,ut
Repre~entat1ves (AGRAZ.O,. Statl{IQ,:Y C.o'$.trm;;t1on~"::J..-,:::-_" aml.@f9,er.1t51;the 1lj.Js p_~ssed by Congress.and_
.. (2(!0!}), ·,P· : ·5 .. [hereinafte.tQA@5'~·LO)~{a@.forylf!i8=- 7
.-:~ · ·.\~~ 1 ~·.ibJ~
ponstruction]). · : . . · 'f· ' , ·,'. \<)<:~, .. · ~1 .• ~~)I\~-@ er ·f;:}"?~se ~~t~odlices al'!lendmerits, witti
, · ' _ • • .. · : • • · ·\· ;, · " •0 .... ~l.P ~ ~ .. "~15wNei -the::t:>rJg111~b.fig hlous~_does ,:,at agree, the-.
_ 1. ·:First ,re~~ing ~ -~eadi~Q. of\J}le .r:,u~~er-a .til.!-~)fil(etEf~J5~~ wil~Jb¢ ;-;:s~ttled · tha'. G~!'Jfefence'
-of. th~ . bill; : which · ~s-:,1hel'\, r~fer(~~-··t .. ~~:-.Jr; ~\?-'"" . ll)~ltt~~s· :offboth :Hb.use~. -T_h·a Co_nferer:ica_ ..
· .. -.appropnat~··: Comm1tt1:1e·· 1if<f>&-·: ·.s.tu,d~~-~ -1',_. · ·Coftm:i1~~,f~)fep~ri..~U1-have to'be:approved by. ·
.; .... recomrnend~tio~. wh_ich.: may\~l'!C~;<J~,1ri~~r.~-r~pe\tr\~Jes
. ·conduct of pubhq. hearings. ThE!. ~Offl{lllt~~W1II 1;.. ;.f ~i.J,.S~.e[Jvt5y_Cong re~ and ~ereaft~r.senf (o the·
submit. its .· r.eport an_d · recommend~i0.a-4,or IV,,__ ~£,of!S~ent'(G0.NST.:.~(t.. VI,·Sec.-26,:,oar. (2)). .-
Qfd~_r-:.that'it will b~ considered

... ·Galendar..for..secof!d:areaolng (Id.):·. - ~-.- ... ·· 1 .. :-. ,· .. ;. :· · ·,.. :. :. _. · .- · .,_ .....

· . · ·.. ·.. , : · ;._ ~:·:_.:- ·. : .. - · •: ·. ·:.·: · · , ... · ·_.· . . ·.,:it:, i_s<_v.ilthin.-_:. .:1he: . -ppw~r, . of the ..·. ·sicameral
.2. Second reading:- 'reading. oqhe '.bill: in.fuJI Willi . . · .-: Cc:ihfererice--Cbmmitteeto· its reportan
. the •a'~eridmenfaprop~~e~ QY ,the,. Conimi.ttee,:-if.. ·": entir~ly. rt~,;.v·p)'ovision·.ifiahs not' foUi:id either in .
aiiy;_iunless, cqpies·=ttj_ereof·are distfi'buteci:and, . . .. : the-House :bill ..or in· Jhe. Senate· bill. And if· the .
such re~ding i~. <!ispensed wiih:·The ·bi( Will be. . . : .._._ · Com_mittee . can · propose .. ari '.·:· c;lmendment
subject · to debates, peFtirieAl . fnotiOl'IS, ··:ahd.. . : .consisting, of prie.o'r,two:pro\iisiQn~·; there is riO
· . amer:'ldmer.ils·.. After:-the,a.tmindrrieritS'·s~alf.have . '. r~asoil . w~y-' :·w· ->: c~nnot· · :J)ropose .-... :seVE;!I81 .:
· li>e"el':l·~etect.'upoil,.the bill.wilf b~ v.oted oh· sec9nd · -provisic:ms•. .-:coJle~liv.ely· : cotisiclered .. ·as . ~an .
. reading (Id.). : . ·-. ·· ,. . . · .. amer1drrier.1t in the ·nature of a·.subsfitute" so long .
· ·- ·· ·. ·• :, . ·· ,. ·: a_s'.-the·amendmer:itis gerrnar1~-tcfthe su:bjectof
:_ . 3.. Third· :reading· .-:.. _sµ_bm~;iq~ .'of the 'bilt· ,as: . · tt}e· 'bills·. before·. th~- Commjttee .. (Tolentino v: · ·-
. apj?roved. on ·rea·dirig -for a finiiJI vote. by · s_ecr.etary of.Fihan:ce,. supra). . ' ·- ·. _- ·
. 'yfias-a·nd·.nays·(Id:) .. · ··. - · ·. ·. · .. · · .-_- .. :.: · ~ :· ·· .. · -, · · · · .... . ··, ·. , - ·,. · . · ··
. ., . . .. . . . .. . . . 5." · :AtithenticatfoJY·:o{''.blll~ ·-· _. 'signih9 ·. by 'the
· N6te: ·The· "no·· amendment on · ifie· third · . ·:·speak~ra_nd.ttie -S~riat!:) Pr~sidenJ ?fUie printed
· · reacfii:rg~ ci~use. is: NO"f- applic_able'·to· the _· · cdpy :.of. ·the :approved . t>m; ·"followed by .the-
·eicam·i!'ral Conferen'ce c·omi'Tritte'e. The' Mnos . :certification by the r~i;pecthte ·sacre'taries ofthe
. ·,arrien'dr'nent:rule".'f:efeirs· only to the pr.ocequ~e to 'both: Houses, before it is sent'to the· President
.b.e followed. by· each· house of· Congres·s· W!lh (CONST. Art. _VI, Sec. _26, par: (2)). ·


6. President's approval or veto - transmittat of entire bill even . if _it may contain objectionable
. · the 'acthentlcated ·.bill to the· Presldent. 'If: he. features.. (Bengzon v. Drilon, G.R. No.103524, April
' approves the same, he shall sign it; Q\h.erwise, . 15! _1992). . .
· .he°'·s'l:iall veto ·;t 'and returrr the · same with. his
objections to the House ·where•. it:·c>riginated, Jtem . . .
whi'ch · shall eriter the objections. at large in· tts Particulars, the details, the· distinct and severable
Journal . and proceed to . reconsider , it. The v.
parts oi·the bill. (Bengzon Drilon, supra).
.. ' . . .. . . ~
President.shall communicate his· veto of.any bill ·.; .

. to. the House where it oriqlnated withi,n 30. day.s .. The Constitution provides that only a particular- item
. after. the date: of receipt thereof; otherwise; it · . or items may· be vetoed, The power to disapprove
' .shall become a. law ·:as if he ·had, .siqned-It . any' item 'or items in an appropriation !,)ill does not
L. . (.CO~ST,, Art. VI, sec. 27, pa_,:. (1)).. ... ·.. · of
granrth~ authority to veto a part- .an item and to
!~·. : approve· the ·rem::iihing· portion of 'the same item·
{ · 7. Reversal of veto - If, after such recon:;;id~r~ti6~. . · (Gor'lzales Ii, . Macaraig, Jr.; - G:R. No. 87636,
f: two-thirds of :all the .Members of such Rouse November 19, 1990).
;: · shall : agree .to .pass the bili, it shall' be: sent, . · ·
¥( . toqetherwlth.the cbjeetlons.ito the.otherHouse, "An.itemln a revenue bill does not refer to an entire·
frl. · by which it shall Jik~wi~e be'reconsldered, and ·if ··section ini'posing a' .particular kind of tax, but rather
F' _ approved bytwo-thlrdsofatl Ure Members·ofthat · · . . to the .subiect of the tax and the tax rate" (CIR v.
:_i.f.- · · House, it shall become a law (CONST:-Art. -Vt,.:..-."\ GT!',, G.R._-'No.' L-4742.1, May 14, 1990). ·
Bec.·21. par. (1)). .' . , . , /i/' ~-yr. :-· '-. . . .
k , · [,.:// . . .\... A'vetoof a ..condition in an -appropriation bill which
~ How a' Bill Passed Become_s·at;:aw-: · \';/...:{';, _:,.~· did not include a veto of the items to which the
~111:,._:.:·.;:·;:,•:·;_.1.:·· When the-President :~igns it; t: . . ,;
\I ,..J.~_ce>,Q,9.ition r~Ii:ited. was 'deerned invalid and · without
:.:. 2. , When ·.the . President vetoes 'it .. blJt- the: ·y,tr,.f<i lt:" n;}1.:.i.-e.ff~~t;-..yll~tsO~ver (Bolinao Electronics,v, Valencia,
·- ;6v~rri.~den. b(2/3 of alHhe._rne_m~~af' ~ach·~-".li
House, or - , . . . .(,·;-'. ,, /'-"": · ·.
3,. W!)en it:ie : P.~e~ident does· ,n.o~ · 'aS!, l~p-~n t!l~".''"'1\ ~xce'?.ti~~ 'ltie..Exe:eption: ·.. .

,.,. _. · , ·
30, 1964): ·

. .
~- meas.ure·~ay~ afterAh,~;~at~:,c!f..EeC~lpt. f-:i _Doctrme;5>flp,~ppropriate Prov1s1ons :-- a prov:is11;>n.
ttf: thereqf(CONST:Art, VI, s,~Gj;2'7,·.p~rr~'(t),}.~· Ci!-.. • ~=-·\ that is,J-~colj>~tit~~ionally.,-,:;napp~op.riate for a~ ·
"'.: r·,\· approprtat,on3b1lll'l"!?)Ybesmgledout.forvetoeven1f
f~ ·.
.. ;-.... ;-· . ·.: ...
Poc::~·e.t veto ·:· . · .· ·_: ''
-/1(~·.:··:A:."' .
· \',(~·,=:?2,·h. t:::~<
Vetoing 'of a b!I! py an. execotlveJ:,y.n9kaof1rig .1rutlit,·- f ,I ,v: Maoara,g~_i/.ft/Si!lpra).
t,'i',1 . ifi;S.. no-t:~]J,?.p,fqpff~JJon ocrevenue:"item'' (Gonzale~
· - · · · ·· · .
'11~ time·{Black's J._aw.D1iitio!JJf/;y){\.. .:· .!; · L·i/ · . · .. ·,,. · ·.· ·. · '. · , · . · · · · .· · . ·
..f· .. · · · · . · · · ·.' ... · ·. · · :·. -\~:·:,., . ·y\ .,. ·. 1- ·: F~,;rfl:i;\X provi$i0n whig.:h does not.relate·to any,particular.
~'~-~.'._·,·. Thekctonstit_tutioTnh_
?o~_s.· nbbt- ·allqw ·t~e. '~xt,1 g..t'i..~/:~:';\
..~f¢i~ef •)tte.:~,ri,\;::o~. ~~ich= e~te~dt~. in its·: operation:dbeyod·
poc e :·v.e 9 .. , 1.s -1s· .. e.aause .;m~.c. ·on · ..o,.-.. y:,e--~:~·:-',, .. : '!. m;...,.;;::o,...:.:.: ·appropna ,on, · _1s·· cons, ere.:·· an
nd an
:f· president for a period of30 01;1ys.after'¥~ceipt;of:if!'1e :'. "i~appropriate, prov1sion," which: can ·be vetoed.
-~ . ·bitl.wilfmake'the bill a-law asdHhe·.J?,re~cf~Jt.l')as· · .. separately· from. an .item.- .Also included. are
'\;.: signed it:(GONST. Art V(, Sea,'.27,par: (i))~---~- · . · ::un·constitutional proyisions and provisions -..vhich·are
]t· , . . . intended .,1:1mend other laws .(PH <r;onstitutlon
:~( . Pteside_n·tialVeto . ·:. , .. . · • . Ass'n -v:-El)rlq_u~z,supra) .... ·. .' .
· ~;i·;: · T~o K~_nds:_ ~ ._ .
. . . . . ~ _. ,. • · ..
. The.. ititer:it°- [6f ·

~i- ·. ·

1,-· ·G_e':)eral, VetQ -. If the Pr~si_de_rit.oisapproves. a
'.bill .enac_ted.:by ..Congress, he'.-sh0l.il9 veto,·th~
?ritire :'bill. HEf· i~;:·nol.:allowed. to veto separate
'item.· veto] ·is' to preyent .the
legislature -from forcing the President to:\1eto an
·entire·. appro.priation ·faw : thereby ··pa_ralyzing the·.
\i .item·s of a- bill.- · · . goverr,ment .(Henry·v. 'Ed~ards,,1:.a.;- 346 So., 2d,, .
"· 2. ·. Item Veto·..:. It is the.power ohm:'Executive to 153 (1977)).·:: ·. . .. .
. . . : Velo. S~parate .1ems .. ~f . a.n · ,appropr_iation;
· revenue.or tariff bill without.·vetoi[ig-the·<,mtirEf Exec'utiveh'npoundn:ient-- It re(e'rsto thEfrefusal-of
. . biiJ,.(CONST .. Art. v,;·sec. 2.7;par. (2)).. ·. · · _· ..• the. Presideiit tci spend-tunds'alre~dy,altocateci by.
. Corigress' for spedfic· p1;Jrpose: 'It is the .failure-.'to
General ·Rul~: .. 111 th.~·exe~d.~e·of the vet~: P~V>'.~r,.dt'· spend .ell' obligate l;)udgef authority ··of anY.~ type .
. is gen'erally·:-all· or -oottiing_; Partial veto is· invalid : · {PHIL<:;Ofl/SAv. Enriquez, G.'R. Nb. 113105; August
except where iten) yeto_ is anowed. . ' . -19, 1994). ·.: · ·:· . . .. .. .

R~ason. · for Excep~ion;. Whe~ . ·it.· comes to Note:· In the,c_ase·.of PHl(.CON$A v. Enfiqu~z.supra,
·appropriation, . revenue,· ·or. '(ariff ·bills, the the· SC~W.ithout a-<;lefinitive·ruling on.the validity of.
Administration iteeds :. the· money to ·run the ·impoundment-allowed . 'the·· . President's
.. machinery of government arid it can'npt veto the . ."impOl.indfTlent" of a. special provision in an item in
. '


nil &Ff!IR9f#iii-$- ;qseesaes @MUBGM .Mi!iff\SW11>9 S,SHiiaw&ttiari &

the appropri.atiOl)S law reiatjng tQ the ~eactivation.Of . . C:::ongress.ional veto is· subje_ct to serious questions
the· Citizen Armed · Fc:irces Geographical Units. involving the principle.of separation qf powers (id.).
(CAF<:3U). ·. . . .
The··sc· noted that in or deferring the OVERSIGHT FUNCTION
. implementation . 'or . an .. appropriatiol') . item, the,
Presidentin effect.exercises a vetQ'power. that is not Legislative 'Inqulrtes
expressly the Cbnstitutlon_.The· source of May refer to inquiries related. to the implementation ;
·t.he .. Exei;:utive. ~uthority· . must then • be found or re-examination of.a_ny law.or appropriation, .or in
elsewh~r.e. connection with any proposed legislation or dor' the
formulation of or jn connection wjth future.legislation,
.Nonetheless, the SC found nothing in the tanquaqe or will aid in . the review or. formulation 'of a' new
. used in the challenged special provislori that would ·' legislative policy, or enactment· (Sen.ate· Ru.le~. of ..
imply· that.,Congress intended to deny to the Procedures Governinq' Inquiries·· in. Aid. of .:
. President the right to defer or reduce the spending. Legislation). . . . -. . . .
But even .assurnlnq aiguendo-tbaHhere was such an .

intention, the ;appr.~priation law )s no.i the proper The power conduct·in·aid of'l~gislatfon
vehicle. for such.purpose beC81JS0 there .ar.e.existing inberent'In the power to legislate, .·and as such; the.
. · laws on tb~ creatlonof the Cf.\FGU's.:to be a1;rren~~~;cs:.=--=-=',::~';memaybe exercised by,V-1~_Conwess even ln th'e
The SC ref'!'l!~d~d the petitioners thata p~Jsto,ri'in·r; T ;;,i,b~~~,__of· ~n_y · [express). _cons~i!~tional grant :
8!) appropn~.h~ns· -a_ct y~mno~. be use~}o./eP~:?{ or 'i-.J 4(~nate\')~'&-!!;~ta,supra). . · · _- . . .
amend.other laws. in this case, f:';o/N( ..'fq91~ an,d,...,...~"'"""'°=-·· .,.9 if .;, ~ .
RA No:·6758.. . . . : . j~ \J~P""'':-- T~--~1e1 -~t~e
. exercised by- 'each --~ouse, ?f
. ·. · ·,_ • · : · -,f . (~; F "",.,,,;,.,,.,.,.,.,.,l'7"""'€iong~~~Rli";.!:~Y-S~W1m1t.tee._thereof ~ven_ 1_f therels ·
Leg1slat1ve /.Congress1onal-~e16)."" _ ;t;:t f ·-, --,;- ,Q9.pencl\ng'lflS.l$lat101;tas long as the inquiry:, . ··
It is _a rneans w~e!~by _the [~~lsJa{u;v.can_,'j,lock M !ft~ Jh is wghi~\t~efJu~s,f.ction of the le_gislative body -
modify the adrntnlsfrative a~t1on taken ur.der the · "'··_,."!!. · mak1!;lg it; .and ti ) ~- · . . . ·
.. ~tat';lte. I\ i~ _a·· form ·of ,!e91s!~r#,co~·trq1-;in~~J-~'2:~.1!:'µst~he
· 1_!llplementation :of·· _:Pc!f\1c~la~--:~x-~c~_t1v~·.aot19,.rl:;.-,_.!gfj t~-:- ~~,ir.®.J. ~iir~cessar~ to _l~E: ex!:)rdse of
{{k~ pof,_erin ~.t~yeste._?\?Yth~Const(tut1on;·.~uchas
(PHILCONSA. Y- Er:mquez, J~gt;.?);.
. · · : , ,
It · r:J\;
I :·.J...,f i ·
-t. · . · f::t'~2'Ji~*i,.;7jl~ilto l}g1slate ·o/1,t~".'Jx,pe~ a mem~:r .(f!engzon .. '-'.'·. '
. ::.1-~::'. ~e, ~luff R1lJ/:Jon ·CoJ!lm,ttee, G.R.. Nm.·
·. Legislative veto is a s~atu~or~{wa},i.islonr~.lfi(•eJg'tne~'I! /;,--s'9 ovtSrhb~~O, 1991}: ·· . ,. . ·
President or an admfnistrativ~ag·e~c.\ to ~~~ft\!h JC.fA:",//!.._'t:y tl f if · ·· . . ·, . · ' · ·
. . proposed implementing. rules\and.r~la_t1~~0f\.~ "::irJ.lef(ghJase_,1duly pljblishe_d :11..11~s qf,. proce9ure~
· law to CongrEiss ·,whrcl\ .. by :,~Jself ·oR:~_tht~~, 1.,r~q~i(¥sfh~Senate .9f every Ct;>ngressto publi~h its
committee·formed by it, ·retains ~'·right" ti( "pc,:t@? E:-F.-rut~of:f"i'i'focedurefgoverning.. inquiries in aid of.
·to. apP:r.ove or dl_sapp_rnv:es~cl7 ~ulatiops~a~r'er.:.......l::L11Jg~~t19n ~,~9~tfev':ry ~en.ate is disti_nct·from th.e
they take effect · · · . · ,(9.r-,-~;......
. __ · -~\~ :"''"'-...,,,,..,.:-'"?1"~1~or.!2\i~~f after it. Smee Senatorial elections
. · · . ·. . · . . -~ /f''r... l\ ;([ ar~'-t;i'._~'tfJ\ivery3 years .fqr· 1/2 .of·th~ Senate's
. As such, a legislative . veto· .in ,:t~·e: formc.-::°V . .fV.R..Fm~~b:ets~ip, the. composition-· the .Seriate also or
· corigressional ,oversight committee:is-'in the.-:{orm of"-"'-~"""'cnangesby·the· end of each-terr.n. l:::ach Senate may·
an·' ini,yard~turrilng: ~~legation. ~e~igiJ~d to attach ,a .· a
. thus enact diff~rent s~t of iul.e~ as it l'.l')ay:dsem0fit
congre$siona1·1e_as.h.'(other thc1,n tf:iro~ghsc~utir:iyand·
investig~tioh) t<;i an -whic!i'-.Congre:iss·has .ihe ·requisite of publication of the.-rul~s·is inlen.ded
t:iy·ia.w initially; d'~legafed ·b(Qad:powers.-lt radical~y . to satisfy. the basic reql,iirerp~nts of :due prcicei-ss
·. changes ~he_de~ig~ or ·struptllr~of'tf!<=?.C.onst!Mi9rl:~ · ((;iarcillano .. v, ·House .. o;... Bepi:es~ntatives.
· diagrarrr.of power as itentHiststo Congress ;3,dfrect. . Committees Of!. ·Public /nforniatipn, G'.R ... Nos..
roie in enforcing, applying :o·r. im plerrienting its·· own· . 170338 ~ ·1-79275, Decf!,mbe,r 23, ''2008). ·'-, . ·.
laws.'.{Abakada Guro Pwty List v/Pur/sinia, supra):·
•,, .: Sec: 21-,.Art.. ·VJ··ot,,t_ii~. t987:Coo~iituti6n.eiplicitly: ·
Not~:.'Legislative vefo is unconstitutional' (Abak~d'a · provi~es,. ttrat "the- Sen ale • or. tlie _ House of
'G--µro Party.i.tst v: Purisim~;·supra).: . . . . .. · .: .. · Repre$ent?tives, or ~riy cit its respective.committees
may· .. conauct inquirie~: in .. ard·. of. legislation· if1
ForlJl:. . . accordance with .its· duly publisheq· ._rul~s · .ol~.:.
· . 1.. · Negative ..,. subjei;;ting the ~xecy.foie action· _to . procea'c.1re." '·
aisap·proval by Congress, . ' ·
2. Affirmative· ;._ requiring approval . of . the
eiecutive action. b.y· Congress·· (NACHURA,
. supra:at 328). .


rr.,. _ Lirnitatiors
· Investigation:
ne-e,-t QABQ5CYGl!MP!694!

on the . Power of Legi~l'ative

.1. It mus(be in aid of legislation;· _ ,
is@ JIM#ft'124iiKlf' dbaiR&\#9 M4PM5%M!

However, in the conduct of its day-to-day business,

the Senate of ~origress .act~ separately and
independently of -th~-_ Senate· before_· it. Th!JS, 'all
2. · - acc6rd.ance ·- with ~4ly pu.blished. rules - of - pending fnatters and·. proceeding·s; i.e., uripassed
. . procedures; ·a-ncl_ . -...- . : ·_ ' ·,, '. . ·.
- 3. · Right of person appearing. ih or affected by such _
bills and · even legisiative investigations, of the
·Seri ate. of a particul~r 'Congress are con~idered
),I',: .
inqu'irY be· respected .(CONST. /l,rt. \'/I, Sec. - termin~ted upon the expiration·of that <;;ongress:and
if&, ..
.21). · . :, - . it i~ merely bp~ional on. the S.enate 9f the·succeeding
t ·. . . I . Congress to fake .up ·such.unf!riisn~d-:matter~; not in
111-:. .The .q);.iestjons that may. .be-raised ·in: aIeqislative the same status; out ~s if presentedfo,r the first tim'e .
ft ' . investigation do, not necessaruy have to be relevant · (Romero II v'. Estref]da,·. G_.R:· tilo.17410.$. April 4; _
f- to anii' ·-pending.· 1egisJa:tibri :- .prov.ided ...that. they are
-relevant 'tci. uie "subject -matter o(',lhe . Jnvestiqation
- 200$1). - - . . - - ..

being conducted .(~malilt v~Nazar~no, ~1,ip~).
- .: , .<. .. · ' , ·. · · ." ·
. !_h_us, "it is:iricumbent upon t-t)e Sen~te t~·plibflih·the· -
rulesfer its le_gislalive'·inquiries,ir'H:1ach·-Congress·or. _
~ the Pqwer. of Legislative· lnve~tigation includes:' . .othefwlse make tlie pubtlshadjules clearly stat~Jhat
1·': Thepewar.Io issue.stJminons:-and·notices; the same shall ·be . effective·.";n. ·s_ybs.eqti~rit
:.: . :?-· :T'.he0power to declare and/or puolsh'a person-in _ _
t.f ....

C()_ngressesoruntil they are amended-oi-repealed

..-. contempt; and • · ·. '- · .. ··· '. .. to su(ficie_ntly put p·ublic'_ on· notica~·.{Neri-v. Sehete,
//_ · -3.. The _power - to· determine - the· rules of its _,.,-, · G:.R. No: 180643i Sept~rnber 4, ZOOBJ.-"' ·
;::.. _-proceedings (Amau/t-v .. ~azare~Oi.supre). .tv'',;:?,){ . _· .. . . . . • . . . i" . . . . .
~-.- ', _ · . _ .- - --, - :· ·-; ·,.: .: · _. - .-._ . .:- ·_ -: , , /_; - 7/ ,;;,\ The 9atd_ .mvestiqatton must at .least express a
•;_..·...·-~-~-.··_ P~wel')!> lssueS~mmon~-- ·.--,· _ · - . · - t' /;,,:: .: -', ..,,. ·sugge·stion. of a cont_emplated legislation; amerecall
.· Antone ,exc;ept th~ Presidinf-'~_nd .JU$tices ofyJ~fu>. : ,'-.'L-~PJir 'the· S-~rngress to 'look into t~e matter wil! riot .
tt.;:, Supreme .Oo_ur._t·may ~e ,sam_rno.~ed;._N~r may~~u,';_t· . (! )> il?!!ffif:e·c~~n~zon .v. $enatft Blue Ribbon _C-om'!71ltee;
~- - prever-rt a _witness fro~- c;1ppeanng tn Sl}_c;;tiJheanng~.._,.. il S'!pra)~~·:-•J,\ · · . - . _ , _ ··· - --.
r- (Senatf! 8/u~,Rib~on-.¢ommitt'lev. M~f.8tdfi<:_on'._G:~·rd_ j .· . . yi}1\ . · . . .. -. · .' ·. · · .
~.;,__;:,··-.·-:.,_:·_ '._· .-fl.Jq. 136760, ·July'29i ~003)'. ·. - . ·, \. \_; /{ . _ ,?·" r\_ Appljcabll~ty! of Sub' Judice Rule ·to Legislative
, _ . · . - _ . · ._: - .d;S: J':_":;:;.~ · · -· J,1 lnquiries.f l \ . . _
f Powedo P.m'!ist:i c·ont~njpf~ '?..:;;::<· \Ji.(~;, . . •. l,l ·Ttie:·S~btJud/c~ R,\JI~.(lit."ui:ider.juc!gmenr) res\rids
f '. · · · . F~ilu_re~or''i'efus~I .to att~nd ~;.{~~itimat"lh1egisi~tiv~,· l"J
carn,me,Jits., -apd_.·dl~closures.> ·judicial·
f .- _
ft\ .
'i[lv~st!g'atio~ - qr _' q(,the> witt1w,f~'!1ay~~-
0 r:a _pr9c~1.,~J~i~fto~·~~id '. _ -prejudg_ing . th~ ·. 'issue,
p1,1.nished _ -as ·.1egislat1ve · conte_n;ip,. _ ly~a'Y,:_,incl.a-ct:~ , ,;; i . tnfluet1c1r1g:i;::t.t!f:I~? c;ourt, - or_ · obstruc~109 the

I~f · _,
.-·impriso.nry,~n~,forth_etluratioj,:oftl'i'ifs~id~·(fma~/t !:':J administration ·of justice (Romercr.l/ \I.' Estrada, -
·· · v. NEJzareno;_supra)'.: . .· .. :. xl .. ');j ·. l:J..:.T-~~upra). :' : _ - - _ '. . - · . -. .
!· }-~:~r:~t-_J'.•:_·::k.
. ~ .::- -~~. ·: . . · · · - ~. · _... · -- ., . -·_-_:_. ·=-.:~.,~-Wr - : ·. · .r~· .. · · :· . : ·_ ---= : · •. •. : ·- •.
_ c.?nte.~pt ':· · - . , . · . • . : .. _ _. :- _('~i---: - ·></:;::.'.:-:.£.S:1~'owe,j~4'hen'a resoluti6n_ wti_i~h was' explicit c:in

otDts~ega~(,l or. dJ~Q~~tence, ~o the r~~s -or:;~r(Jersr _
'1.' _ ol!:t.leg1s)at1ve:or,-.1ud1e1~l !)Jfdy_-ar·an 1nt~~pgon_of
the sut;,Jec;t.and n!=lture of th_e t_nqwry to be _cm:id!,Jct~9
· -- by the resp_orrdert Committee w~s· pa$se_d before
(~- · its ·proceed.fngs by disorderly ;behavior .or"'frisol~nt - lhe · conduct- of. the investigation, mere: filin_g::of a·

,A . .;;.

~t . . to such a body... '

langtiage·in :its presenc~' -or'so ,_ne~r·thereio as· to'
disturb its,:prj:>_ceedings or to Jmpair the -respect:duel
. ..
. criminal "or ·ari adminisfrauve 'complaint befo're a·
court . or .. a qua'sHucficial . _body . should· p()t
automatic_a_lly.,:. bar . ·the-. .conduct ·. of legislative
,ii-'..::.. · ·, • ·· · · ·, . i,:ives_ti~atl6n. ~ -: ..... ·
·~.~. ..1_~-·:_ ~.~.:. The SC held 1harthe offender COUid be imprisoned : ' .....
·· indefin_itely .. by ·.the'ii,.- }t : b:ei'ng. a contii:n,!in-g - - Persons ·under'legi~iative investigatioi:r--;fe· ~Ot b~frig .
;1,: _ - _ .institutjon;:.provided·: tha(th·e.; p.unishment- did ·no\ Jn.d[ctec!as acc0sed in·'·a.criiriinal proceeding t:iutare
;: .\ _ - beco!i)e .so lpn(fas to violate due' process '(Arna ult .v. . . merely sumn:ioned, ·a!? : 'resource 'persons, ... or
_ Na~at~nb,: _ siiprE!)i .P:-s fo_~ ·th-i:- :H9ft. -t~_e· .sar)1Er - witnesses, in a _legislalive - 'inqu'iry. Henc_e, - they
· dec1s1on··de.clared tlial the imprisonment ·could. last . cannot, on' the gr9'1,!nd .,of.. th_ek. right ag·ainst' self~
. -nqt only'; during. the· se~sior{ wh'en ·the'. qfferise w_a·s . · in.e:rimlnati<?!i, altogetner ·decline· appe~rfng before
. ·: committed ~-ut until the fi~_al. adJournroent 9f the body . the Cc;m·gress, . · altJ:ioug'h · they .- may _ invok~ the
. _(eg,,JJ'laximum of ;3·ye~rs) (L9renzo Shipp/ng.Cerp. - privilege when a question calling'.for' an incriminatihg
Ii. - Distribution ManagementAss:n.j)fthe PH[..,. G.R. answer is ·propounde~ (Standard: CHartered .Ja'ank v.
. Nb. 15_5.849, Augy~t,31,···2o_{1). ·_, - . . - . ·senate --c;ommittee·on Banks, G.Ft No:· 16?:173;_
lJecember27, 2007). - · · ·
· Continuity csf Legjslative· lnq~iries . .. .
:rhe Senate· as an institution is "continuing," as it i1, - 'N.h.ile it is a ~alutary and noble ptactic~ for Congress
'not-dissblveci' as an ElQtitywith each national election . to.. r~train from issuing . subpoenas. to' executive·
Of Chang~- in the. composition .. of its members. officials
. until ...resorting to
it becomes
. . ·. necessary, . the.

. . . ).
89 A t ·¥

fact remains . that . such requests are . not- a 3. Eliminate executive waste and dishonesty;
compulsory process. aeing mere req4es.ts, theY. do · 4. Pr~v·en~ executive usurpation. of . legis)ative
not str.ictly·call .assertion of executive privilege·: · authority; and .. ,: . · ·· .. · · . :
Thus, . respondents' .faih.Jre to" the ·privilege ·. 5. ·Assess .. executive. · conformity · with' · the
during the House Committee investlg.ations· _did not congressi.cinai perception ·o1 'public interest._; ,.
amount ·to a waiver thereof (Akbayan ·v. Aquino,.
supra)> · The power .Qf o~ersitiht'. embraces· :1:1·11 activities
· · undertaken . by · Congress to enhance · its·
· Oversight.Function 'or ;'.Questipn Hour" · . . understanding, of :··arid influence · 9ver ·.the.
The heads .of departments may' upon their own lmpJem~ritaticin of 1.egisla~ion lt-has-enacted .. GI early,·
initiative, 'with. the consent of ·the President·, or upon .·. · · · . oversight <ccmcems ·,· post-enactment, -. measures
. the request of either' House, as the. rules of each . undertaken b.y" Congress'(Abakada.'.GiJro. Party List"
house provide. appear before and .be heard by v.. PIJ.[isima, supra),. . · ... · . · ·: :,·· ·
-such House· on any, matter .. pertalnirm.-.-to their ... ·. · · · ·:··" ., . _ ·: ·•..
departments.Written submitted to. Categories· of C9ngressional · Oversight .·
the: Prasldent of .the Senatetor:·~t:i~ ·Speaker of-the : Ftinctio)is:·(S.C'->··· ·, . , ·. -:':. ...· . : .: : ·
· House .ot Representatives at' least ·3.·days·.before. '· 1.- Scr1.1tlfly·_' .;.,,.;io:iplies. :.a:. le.s:ser· intensity ·c:ind, .
. theit.-scheduied appeararice.Jntejpellattons ~hc:!.!1 'not ·continuity·.,, ·-0f ·.: .attehtion ., ·, to. : .aomlntstratlve .,
be fimited towrittenquestlons.but may cover mattele= . ~- .operations . .Congres's.m~W request-tntcrmetlon ..

, related ther~to.·WH.en the security of t~e:?t~::ef:the ,r ~,· -,,- ·""'al'l,report :. from ' t~e ', other ·• hrar,,ches ... 9f
-pubuc inter~st' so re_q~ires, th~ appear~i;iee sh~U be, J\jg9,v.e~9rq.e.nt~· l_t -can giv~: ,rf::c.o,mmend~tions or
conducted· m·· executive ses~1on (9tQN$.f:>;.;'l\/f:;,¥~-='::'""-"""'s:..PJ~ss1eJ6lbttons for .con~1de~at1on of the,
Sec. 22).·. . · .. ·. >f'.,(' - \..!,,.,;:..--. · ·. .'lh'l.g,Lv~a~J1'--!~~-b~sed pnrnanly.on:the·p~wer·of
1-f ,, ~,!;/
','P.°'-"--~,,,.,~~~-~pi'bP.r,iallof1.~~eongress• ; : ; ·. ; , : ,•,, .. · • •
"'t~ it
, . ' , •,.. ,·· I ; .,• • • .

--Rationale: The ov!iirsight !U')F!i~is~;if1t~(ct~d·.t18)

e,nabJe Coi::igress· to_:determine how.;,we 19..,S. ·.1t:.has 41.~ . Cp~gr.~~it!J:\-~nv.~stlgat.ton_ .· -. W~ile'''·
'/.fl!:.., COfl9[eSS1~diJ. ~<;_rt/\hoy_1s.· ,:egarded·aS a.. ,pass1ye_ · ..

Revi.Jw-e_r, supra at 249) .... ·
' ·
b~ If' ., ·. r,-:--~11,·~r-:.-
. passed · are·· . being_ impjment~}:I :· . (f?ERNAS, ,:-!.i,i:·, : · proc~ss, qfa·IQ'b~tiJJtat the:facts · that are readilY. :-
.,,,..-¥val~fble,gdp)jt~~ftc,nalinvestiga.tiori·i.ny-0lves:a .'
. . ..,.~-.d ·. · -~ · ·~1.:'---., t:.""' .~or~ intense dig9Jf.1\;J'Of facts· ·recognized um:re·r
-The. framers. of the. H:187 cinstihlt~o.n. rem~ved .16.e~:,., ·
~"2i ~~ciron 2. ~. 4,nl¢1e~V;L '.. ·. . '. .. ,·.· · , · · , · , . · ,· :· .
·mand~tor.y nat~re· · of.· s·uch ~PP~~-nc~.r~r~r-,~h~~~3, ;:,_~.l~gW@JJve;~.!-iP.~r;vJs.ion'- othery,iise known: as
quesbqn · ho.l!r: •.~ :the preser\t ~~.nJ.t!tub6'i~~P\.}3S'.to'Tifi.. tf.''.( TeJJ!,if~}ve;•:<>tJ:l)S .the· . mo~!.-?n~ompas~mg .·.
conform m.ore. fully ·10 a s~fem. 9{~ se~~l~q_ ..of/,ffJ )}~J~/f}Y 9,~by_ wl)Jch Co9gres~·e:i<erc1~es 1ts oversight .
powers .. T(?, that extentr th~ ~estiop\t10urr=@:~i~i~·'- ..... · '~~,.;.7 g_&:-: §!,lpervisiql'l ~onnotes-·a .contin\,ii~g and
. ·pr.esently understood, _rn... this "1:cnisdicfi'on,. e~ ~,.,,., (~w.qrmw4'· ?wariness orr ·. t,he. part.·. of. a
. froitr. the. question period· of~tre pa1li~aQt~\!·~,Nf\~:.con~?SiOnal kmmittee regar_ding executive
. systern.. .. · .. , : '\~ · . /';' ,,~i~~P:~ati\3JJ.:i. }JI
a ,given . ~dmini~trativ.e'· ·area:. . .It-
. · .' · · .. ·.. . ·:' . · .. ·~: .-.;:...Q0, ~ ...~na~~l~~~_.1C9?gr~s~ to: scru~inize:.the: ex~~qisE:. of
In- ~~e. the o_v.ers1gtlt .func.t19n of c1:mgfe~· ~a'i.Jbe_ "K /J ~~\r~jl_~e'd· l~w·n:,a.~!t:i9·: authori~y. anq .pem'iits
fac1htated by·c;on,pulsory process qnly_to. t~"'!3id,~n~ 1\ Jil~~on~ress. to·. r.~t~m part·, of that .delegate';:!.:
that i.t. is.p.erform'ed in legl;;lation: ·, ... :· ."'~-==== . authority: (Ab,;:Jkada Guro -~arty List 11.. Purisirna/
) . ,: · > · · , ·: . · · ,· , . · . :' · · · · · · : · pl,ipra). ' .: . :. . · .. : ~ · · · ·· •· ·
.: A'n'd t~e. ORiy. ..way for depa'rtment_he.ids tci e.xempt . ' . '.. . . .. ·,· ·..
· · .. themselves ·from· it is by, ;;i "valid claim- _bf -exeet1live · · · Nqfe: The. reqµirel)1ent_ that .{he .im.plem·~~tiog-11.ll~s ..
· · privilege.· Th'ey are.not exetnpt-·by the rn~re fact 1hat . .of a iaw bE1 s·ubject~d ·td·appr.oval · b.y Congies$:,as· a·
~he( ar~ deparym!alnt· heads .. On:'Y· .9pe: exe?utive · ·cQnditio_ri ,for theii:-,;effect~vi~y 'vli;>lafos ··1'1<;!··,cardfQal
9ffic1aJ, mc;!y be !3Xempted. from, this ·power. lt-·1s lhe.. i;:on?' principles ·9fbicatn'eralism,and ruJe· ori ··
President . ori · whqm -~xecutive--. power is· vested, pr~?°s~ntrhen.l · · .He!)ce, · . leglsl~tive . veto· . : is.
hen·ce.beyonc! the:reacti.°'ofC~ngress ·~xcepfthrough. unconstitutioAal.. . : . . . : . ' . : . . . . . . ·.. . .
lhe .. power: of impe~chmer'it· (Senate. -v:- firmita, .
· supra_):. ·. . · · : ·· · GongreS:si~~~t ~~~~~i~ht is n~{
uii'~~nstitutiorial per
.. .. · . 'se. It is integr.arto ·tne::"chEicks and balances inherent ..
P~~t-enac~inent · .liil~asures . Un.~~rta.ken · · by ··in· a·:.~emocratic systertf of ·government' Hawe.vei-,, ·· post~nactment congressionaf ..mMsures;.stloi.iid be .
1°:. ·:Mon.itor bureau.cratic :complian6.e with program·: ... limited to scrutiny ar'id---iilvestigation' '(Abakada ·
· objectives; .. .. . · G.ufo Party List v: Putisima, supra). .
2.· .. Dete~!ne wh~ther .a.gencies
. : administered, .
p(o·perly ate . . : ~··. . . - . . . 1 . ;
. . .· .
.... ~ ...
·.· ..


DI GSHAiftSI . 16 3¥1& Rili'i I . ,l!J.I:r.J;;.:::c,;.;<..;;

Exe·cutiv~ Privile~fe . .
The power of the • Government .to withhold ITHE ExEcuTtvE DEPA~~~EN~I
information. from the public, the" courts .. and "the
Congress:(CONST. Art. VI, Sec. 22). .
(Please refer- to a . more extensive discussion ot. EXECUTIVE" POWER
executive privileg.eon the Executive Depart_riiepf).. · U. ts the power.
to enforce~·and administer the.laws
. . (COOLEY'.. supraat ·183): · . .
Operational Proximity Test . . . . ..
Cornmunlcatlons- which 'are close· enougt, to the ~. _Th.e.-executive· vested hi lhe President of.the
President to _be ~evel_atory of his deliberations· or to Philippine_s (CONST., Art.' VII, Se:c. 1). ., .
pose-a risktothe-candor.of hls.advisers arecovered
by the privilege .(Neri v.i Senete; sllpraj. · ;: · QUALIFICATION~ OF THE. PR.ESIDE.NT. AND
· ·,. . ,·THE·VICE~P~E~IDENT: (N40.-R~\l'f\fR10) : · ..
The President, . however, . has ·the. constltuttonal .1. · Natoralabbrri citizen of the Philippine~; .. · . ..
aut!iori.ty to prevent a· member of. the .armed forces · . 2.:
At least 40·:years of age on "the day of. the
from t~stifying betere a legislatfve inquiry, by virtue . . election: . .. . .
of his· power· as _-corhman:<;ter-in-chie(:and a militar.y . s. ·
Able·tg._B~ad ~d Wri"te;·. · '.
offlcer-who.idefles. euch-injuncticn i§' liable·.,!:mdi;lr 4. · Registered Voter; and· .' ·. · ; :, .. ·
·. military justice (Guden! v, Senqe, G.R -. No 170165, · 5 .. ,flesident.ot1ne.-Philippines least 1.0 years:
Avgust 15,2Q06).. ·. '. _; .· . , · ·. · /'") · immediately·preceding such election (CONST.
· · · . :- · · . ·• · . .,; --·; . ·. x}/Y< . -·. - Alt. VII,. Sec.. 2)..: .. · . . · . ·. ··
lnqulrtea in Aid of l;:egislalion and·Questioh\ /'./ ~\· ,. . : ·- .. . . . . . . .
. . Hour, Distin~u.isbe~· . !.L{~l'\/\i\ TERM OF_OFFl~E.·. ·_._; .• ·. . . . . . ·. .
• • T.t:i,e President: .and the . .V19e-Pres1dent .shall . be
, · ,. • •. ·· ; L .'/

z ·n_;1:;~9~e~4>~\~~f}Ct _vote ·:'?.f the -people .f_or a- term .of 6·

:··-·· +'l . y_ears'10JJN-9f Art._ VII, Sec. 4). · .
·t·:~Ji ·. .· .: ilii{\ ·. ~ '. . . ·.. ~··.-· . : ..
>-~~t :.The .Pres1\:j-e_n.nfhal) NOT. be'; eligibl.e any re-. tor.
· i .,}"_ eJect)on:_ J~Ol p"1rrson .-. Wh<> . ~as_ :SLICCe_eded as_
. t •t,
.·, . h~
P-res1de~ c1n~ ha!?: serv~d· ~s ~ueh for- mc;>re .t~an 4 · s~all t:>iqu;:i1,red for elect1011: to _the sar:ne office .
at am1,i1'_1we·:(~~f:JS,T-r;.rt. VII; ~ec: -4, par. (1))...
f: ~i~::-ft,~. . . ·: , .
~' . . ,·: :..;, ~·~~.i_:~L.ft;:·
~-. [; .Note; .A
.pEititio_n .asking whethe~· _Joseph ;Ejercito
I·· r,(_:__~-~~adaj who. .-elected: Pr~~ident .;On May 11,
. . ~ .. . . . . ·, ,.,~ .. . . . _ . ):;,;i;:1(9,?,lh~~a"."!'lo \,ought the_ presidency_again ~n May.
Any_·: m.~tter for : the . MatJers .. reJ~ed t~7ttii~~ :.::...~_'.!'.!!::i.Qh.2~JLCITTJ.~ co~~r~~ ,;by; the .u~rn on the_··P.resi9ei;,t
pi:lri:~ose·-of legislation -:_ :• -departm_enlt. riJY:'("\{ . . 1 . fr~ ~ny r~-eled1or;, ··.was f1l~d._ Estradc1 ~as not··
"' .•.·.· ',.-. , ·. ·'' · ·x:,._( . · . e!ected Pre.s1de.nt the second tune he .ran. S111ce the
issu·e on -th~ proper i11terprEitaticin ot the J>hrase ~any
.· .. reelection"·will t;,e·'pr~mi~ed on :a··per~on-·s··second · ·
. · ·:'(whe,h~( irnrryediate or not) ilection. as· Presid~ht; . .
· · th"ere ·;s no caSf: or controversytd be resolved In.this ·
case:·No live conflict of Jegai rights exists. Ass·ufT!ing
_an actua_l case or coi;itrove_rsy existe9 prior -·to' the· .
procla·mation- _pf... a · Pr:Sside.nt. who has "been duJy · · ·
. 'elecfed. in the ,May fo; .2010 -~l~~tion~.-- th!;) sam·e. is
n_o longer: true tod.ay .. Following the res~lt~ 9f"1hat .
el~ction, Estrada wa$ not· elected President-. for ·the '· ·
s~cond .. ·time" ... fhu_s,. any. qiscussion : of his. i·r~- ·:.
eleC.tion" Y.'.ilf simply be hypothetical and speculative.· ·
· It w1Wserve no useflll:or practical-purpose,(Pormehto ..
v.. _Estradc1,
. -G._R. No.
. :191988,
. .. . August 3·1,
. 201.0);
. ·.

cl.ose. i;i¢r~ti~y; :of. ~he te~t -~t the p'a!'dP~.
extended . t~ Estrnda shows ttiat both the prin9ipal
· penalty .of reclusion p~rpetua · and "its accessory
penalties are ihc.11,ided in. the. pardo11 .. The· sentenci:l
which s.tates that ~he'·i.s hei'eby .. restored to his civii
~nd · politic:al rightst expressly · remitted the


u,,,w... Rwwe&n t.Wi w · _,u · . · ta zews4am eest;paa as m ·: hw+al'MD§¥H ea11a,•wawm
accessory, penelties that attached to' th~ princlpal . quallflcatlons of the P~~sida"ntor Vice Presjdent, and
penatty · (RisosNidtil ·: v.. COMELEC,·. G.R: Nb .. '. may promulgate its rules for the purpose (Macalin"fal
206_666; January- 21, 2015) .. . v. PET; G.R.
. No.191618,
23, .201·0).
. .
No ·Vice~Pr.esident shall -serve more:..than' 2 for Th~ PET;-: as.· intended by framers ·. of. the the .
consecutive terms, Voluntary .renunciation of t~~ · Constltutlon, is to be· anfnstitution.lndeperrdent; but
. office for any fe.iigth of timeshall -not be considered not separate, from "the juqicial. department, i.e., the
as ari. interruption in. the -continulty of the service for Supreme.Coun (Ma~~lintal v.'.P~T, supra).;.
the fuli term for which'he·was. elected (CONST. Ari:
. VII, $(:}c. 4, par: '(2)}:· · / . . . . . . .. OATH·OF" OFFICE. . .
Before they antaron the execution of their office, the ·
The Vice:,Pra$ide'nt-,r;aybe appointed a. fv1~mber . as . President, Vlce-Presldent, or .the Actjog · President
·of the t:iab.inet.· Such ·appoititmerif tequ1_res·· ·no . · · .shall take the oath, or affirmation (GONST. Art .. VII,.
confirmation· (CQNST: Art: VI{ Seo. 3, par. (2)):' . .. : Sec."._5). · ··, · .··. . · ·
.r • . ..• . . . . • ~ .. ' -i: · .. · I;_ ..
ELECTlON: . .: . .. . . . · Oath. -: ,. . . . · :·.; · · ·· , . ,.. · ·· ,.
. · 1. Regular ..,..:2nd' Monday'of May, every,6 years ."All.o\1twardpledge·foad"eunder ari'Irrirnediate sense.
· (C.ONS.T; Art. VII;. $ec. 4);· ... · · . · ·-, ··.·. , · of r.es13onsibilltyto~G.od;.(801.ivif]r's Law Dittiona;y}·:
-·2. Special··. · "". · :. ·. · · · · ·'- ....:·· ·· .. · :.· .f =:·: ·:.· · .. '· .. · · ·. ·,· · .
.Regoi~lt'es:·· : . ' .. .· .· . : ...... ·.· . . .: ·,y' .• ~:: r~:;:u""".':'=;,;:~. ,.fle'.:o~t~.a ~
ri~t source of substantivepower bu_t is
a. ·o,eath, permanent .d1sab,lrty,;f(om !1 . · /&~Je1w-·-.1!:)t~r:_1~ed IQ,. deepen_ the sense of
. . '. otflce,' or-resiqnatlen of bc:,tJ)if~~e~e,n.t_,,,.;~~e_qfisitJ,ility.~f~the · President and' ensur~ ·8 more·
..... 'and the Vlce-President; -/",i:;,, . V/7·, . . . _cc;msti~i6'u91ife;:.~arge of.his office (CRUZ, su'?ra
b. · If !tie vacancies occ1:1r tn/re,~~ j1:8rn,9tiths~~7~~34:§J..:,. -~~~.Zt-..:~ · · · . . · · , _- ,: . · . . ·.
. .· b13"fcfre·the ·ne_x~remu!~rJ1:>.l!f9idflJ.t1ar ~fet:tioi:1- ..h1 it' -is>.c · ~\ ·. ~ -?-"{)'\ .. ." · · · . . : · · . · · .- .
_:and.. - : ., · · f · 'v,ff · -ff · •. · r: 4rl · :h:flinil~_t!on \ rf.·. · l • ~ _ , . ·; · · . :."
c. _A: la':" P.~SS~d: by'·~~~.~re~{. cal1i~g ~a ,;. '·. A~~eT,f:_ded~et(qr,i·~n ~- :Plc!C~ .of. -~n. o~t~, "if.the
· · sp_ec1.al_ _-e!e.9t1on · to ~1~9?".1 P~e~1~fil!1: anp:-11- }~~!?'.~nt .'(i_ce'.t\'te~19e~,t, o.r ~res1den~ dqes .
· · · Vic~· Pre~1dei:1t·to·b~{tretd'f!Ft ~ar.l!e\ th~'%S:,:.:., -~C?t1ile_h~ve_1ry_-~o,d'(D~ ,i~C?N,. Sl}Pf;'& at 321). . ..
-days nor'la1er.thafl"6_0 .g~~fl(fro1'11the. timeEPfrr... .7 •• ~ • · •.... J. _:· ·.
a,-.~~,:, · · , · . : · ·.: · ·. ·· · ·
. , ': ;such·_call_(CC>NS.T:·~ff.':--i:!~;;~e.rekt.~. ~~~!.:P.RIVIL~,~~:(Ct· fl{S!.-IA_f!:\V~l;_s';c.-__ 6): . . . _ ·:
. . . · .. . .. ~-r-ff) ~- \~ ~-- 5'! !))·~· 1rn#4~~~1a, 1,rimts.p1ty _. . .,.. . .. .·
:· Congress as C~mtassmg_ Bf,ai!l'.1 \ ··. ~~"'- ~ ..\.,,. : ,,,,. (_~fus19rit, ':!.:Jfing hrs tenwe -;<>f .offic!=) or.
·.:rhe prqclarnation·' of· presidential~· an~;:s,vi~~,,__:,, ,};/,__;,,,,;,,~~ al. in<;P.'hiben~i· soed .in·. any civil.
·. · presidenffal Wln~ers _is ·a_ tu~di"~ri of .Go.pgres.~1~"-'-"...-/.&-or.Ycrimir;ial ·c~~jj_(Rubrico:v: ·Ar_r.oyp;- G..R-. No.
. n~tofthe COM!;:LEC (Macalmfa_'/y.,·_COMIEl:.~C'.'ftf!t,"JF}Z.ff\_r~_;j'JJ39J;f. Fetm:,ry 18~ 2~10).. · ... _. ... · .
. f\(o: 157.D_13, July io, 2003) ... · .. -it~,.;, . ---d~~~~/.··'t";,.;.,,. ..#" . .-: . . . :. , ·: .
· · .. ·. · ;. ·. ·· · . . . · · -~ /_9.n "."'~,,...,.~·":"N,~fo:-J:\l~o~gb. f!ot expressly prese'rved in the .
· ~o_ngre:is,m~y c.ontinue th_~_ c~~va~~ eyel} af't~!°.£1he . 1\ jT l\.,\'i5i~~6!1.si1t~~10.n, the ·,P.i'~_sid~ntial imm,l.lni_ty·
fir;al . adJournment . of ses.s1ons, AdJ<Wr:i;u:p~nt· l'v Lr'J,. ·1wm,su1t remams prese(Ved un''
teri;nin"ates·.-1egislation· but n~t · ,the nbn-legislative'~.;=r-"""'-d" goverrimenf·(Rilbrfco·v: Arroyo;·supra). · · ·. ·. · ·
fu"nctions.of·Co11gr1;1ss: such as oanvas~ing·'ot votes . .. . . ·.• ·. . . . ' ·. . .. · . .
- (Pimenle{ v.
Joint .. Canvassing Coinmittee, G.R: No.··: . .~atioriale·:. :The ·g~nt ·to. the· ·Presiclent of.··tfie ·
1~3783,' Jime -~2, 2004). · '. .:' .· . '., 1 :' . ·. "! . . . ptivilege ofirnin.(:fi,i_fyfrorri suit· is assti"re''the- t~>
. · , ;• . . , · · ·. ,.· .. .,.. ·. , ... · ~ · .. · ··.. ·. : e.xerci;>.e_of P~esic!ential di.rtie.sand-f1,1noti~~s free
The·.tun~tlonof'CO'ngress:isnot'"" . .. ·. from any:_hinc!t.ance :or distraction,.cotisidering
. hf!s ·authority_to· examini{ tl)e c(;irtific~tesof-c;anvass . . . ··. ~ tfi"at· :being .. tti·a:_ Ch;°ef .. ~x~cuti_ve'. :_of: . the·
· for authenticityand.-dll"! E3}.(ec1,1tion". Fo( this _putpbs_e, . . . Gov_e·m_h)~{lt_ aside.from. requiring ·an:
. · · · .Congr~ss· ' ml.isl· :pas~·-
a . : !aw ·g~vei'oing'. tl:fei~ . . · 'of· :the office· ,.holder's :urne., also ·. d~mands·
c~nvas_s,ng.:function'{BERNAS, Reviewer., "$up/a .at · ;u·nai-videtr·:atti:intion.fSoliven ti., °Makaslar-,: ·G.R.
286)". · .. · .. · · · No:·82585, No.v; 1_4; "1'9'88):_ · . : ·. · · · :··.
. . : . . •. . . . : ·.. ·. . .._.: ::: . . .~ . :
'\ . . . .. . ·- - '• ~ .
·· fn th~ event· of· a· contest ··relating to the eiectio~,· -.· · ·Bu'tthi; pi"ivile~e 'o(imrnuni~yfrom st1it, .1ienains
. retums, and qualifications ·of the President and.Vice .. · ' . : .. to ~e President ~.Yvi,rtue of th_e offic·e.and m~w
. Presi~ent·· !he Supreme Court shall be:the. judg~ . · · . be invoked on1y· by- t.he holfl~r ofthe. office·; not
'(Id.). . · · · · · · '. · · ·.. · . • · · .: . by .~ny 9th~r · p~rson irJ Ifie Preside~fs. behalf.
· ... ·:: · ·· ·Thus·, ~h accused.In a criminal cas·f3.lri whichthe
SC ~s·the.Pre~ldenti~I-El~~to~I T~ib~~a·l.-(PET} .. Ptesidenf is· ci;,mplai.nanf cannot raise · the
· Th'e SC, .si.~g en ba'?c, shall ~e· the sole judg~ otaU presi~enli:;ii prh1ilege ~-s·a· defense to prevent the
contests relating to tAe election; returns, and. c;ase .from pr~c~eqing c,1~fainst such· acc~sed:

. 52 I 2019
. '

' .

' ./
.c.o·N·.STlTU1IONAL.·L.AW·i'. · . :. ·'. ···r·>;:\· -i"

. *'***''* ;g
,,.,, +/ &SIW\.'H'*f'&AU> M+ttn 9M ' PIAiil i·'i+Rik~i@ii
. . ., . .
ab.a.; . *~.l,'
·. ,•..:....
· Moreover, there r~ nothing ln.our laws that would
· .. C. Nh.otadequladtf:1JhOt.Wfyingof_a ~Olllpelliri·~~i~d
v'-:. .preveot the Presldentfrorn waiving the privilege·· t ~. ~OU .JUS 1_ the lirnit~tion. :ofc: tt,e
(Solivan v. Makasiar,
. . :s.up,:a). · . · .. · pm(lleg_e_ and of. the . unavailability,,'.bf the
~;, .- !nf~rm,.?1t1on: else~he~e- -by: an apptoprfate ·

ef. ·
. / Duratl~n·of P~esfd~~tial·l~_ml!"nity .·
Aft~r...his tenure, the -Chief Executive cannot
invoke ..immunity 'from -sult for civil .damages · ·
. · mve~tigatlng authority (Neri: v. .· S.~nate,
supra). ·. ·
~r\,. arising .'out of .acts done ·by him while he- was · Sc;:ope o(Executlve Privilege '. . ..
tl!':s.~1 . · President which. were not performed in . the .

Executive privilege. covers .·.all .copfidentlal or
'1)' exercise .. offlcial.dutles . (L;strada y. Desierto, .
· G:R .. Nos, 1'46710~15,·March 2,:200.1). . ·.
classified ·infotmation 'between the President
-and the public officers covered by this executive

. order, includlrtg: .. : .. ;. ·· · ·
.·· A depi':lrtmel')t .. s~cretary cat:1n9t-. fnvok~ . · a., .
Conversations" and . correspondence
. · . _presidentia!' ·)mmupify .in ;:i ·petition· . directed ·, between .the- President arid the public official- .
-. . : against 'him·. and :not ·the P.residerit where the · covered by this.-executive order; · · : . ·

. -~ questioned acts·are,those of ih.e p'etitloner's and'.' b. . Militar,y,.. diplomatic/ and" 'other" national
not' of ihe· Rresident· ((3/oria:.. v,.. CA;. GR; No.-· .. security . matters. whlch in the interest of
{' , ·11-!190:); At,1,~us.t.45, 2000). : ... . natioriaf security. should not be divulged;
.. ~ . c.' -lnformation between ... inter-government .
if · The- rule- is that. un1~..:vni1 acts bf .pubtlc offk:ial~~/.) · : . aqencles' prior to the conclusion· of treaties·

ar~ not acts of .the st_ate_and the officer who a,c~Js:/}·· . and executive atj'reements;~ -· .. . .
illegally-is not acting as·suct:i.but stands· in(th~·_., ,:\_. · d. Discussion in clos:e~.doorCabinet.meetings;
·same- footlhg ·.as. any· other .trespasser. ltq~·;.. : t ~-~l .. · · an'd . · .. . . . · · ·
intent .of the· framers· of. the Co.nstituti.on-is cie,fr, · .' .~) · ~·~ . e. Ma,tters .. affEictirig.. 'flatiohal ... security and
·: that the immunity of the _pre~iderit (rom .$_!1~ J.f~/j~~~;:;:ti.+?"·..:...:Ru.tjliF_order (Chavez v. Public Estates·
~!): .. concurrent. only with his · tenure ap,cl;Sn6t hi&~::" ~i · :-4!..:.ft.tifh,6r,ity; s.upra; E o.. No. 464, Sec. 2, par.
term.·. _A~plyjng tt,e ·toreg9i,:ig .. r~t19Aate:to··thts,~:f ·. · · . ·: (fJ);_/Pli{ldly.upfield in Sena'te v. Ermita).
!!.. II \ · ,. . ·. ·, · ,; .
case, 1.t· 1s fo~~T'. Pre,~~9-.~,A_t Arr?'f:P•"' 1·.,
ca.tirio.tuse·tl:)e pr~s1denM.I 1mrt1.un.1tyf[.Qf,Jil':su1Ho ~ Id
st.ii~l9 he_rself. (rorri jµdicial_,.rp'f.atil).Y,~at!woul~, ·_, :\
. · . ·
f.>~rsqfl fover.ed by the executive prlvll~ge· 1s a
: persph· irit pol~essi~n of inforriiati_onwhich is, in
···.. : . . aSS!3SS. •:Wheth~r~ . Wifu,ip, ·. -tJi~e~ COritext-~ ·
of amparo 'pr:o~eding$; -sfj.~~aS!'fe§.P~JilSib~~~Qr: I)·,
r;,l, ·.ttte:fut!gi;!ient ~f-tlqe hea~ Of office .concerned,
· ·t,~!~ct.'~<:tefj}'-fed in Section 2 (a) of. E.O. No.
acco1,mfable· for the_ abduc:tign_ .9.f,t:R9,cl'd$uev'({~· r :'f.
the Matter 'of the f.eti!io.n.for 'flf/('!'~rnpato iJ 464--(.Sfl.(IJ!@~Y!-Ermita, supra).
: · . . , · ·· · · ,
· an~ , Habeas · ~at.a ·if.I f.~vo_r.~ (!,.f Nc/tjel "H. · . · .1~.:...:,...3;m Official re~idence· fQ,: the President; ~nd
.: ·
. .

· Ro.dnguez; None/ H. Ro~nguez v)'•:Mt1.capag;3/7. } \.1; :1 '.-n~~"· . : . . . · · ·
Arro.yo; G.R;· No:· 1'91805, Novem~~(15, .~P1,)P:.r..~:;..'l.::.:.iip:,..:sarar-i~-Of the Presiqent and Vlc'e·Pre.-sident
· . - Vf·. I1\f are l:l~tex~lned by. law and not
2;· Executiv·e·.P.rMl~ge · . ., · .· ·"1.\:-:>£:i . deere·ased duri.i:,g· tenyre (CONST. 'Art VI(,
.. ·tt. 'is· .fue right. of Uie: -President a·ng-'!jJgh:-level . Sec.' 6). . .,. . . ·
. e'XeQutivS'officials: fo Withhotd'·inform.afior-i from·· . '. · · •·
... Go1:1gre·s·~;.ttia:co~rts::.and:lJltjmaJel~. the:public: . PROHIBrrior,.ts, IN_HIBl"TIQ.NS: . . ..
·· · .· : · ·, ... ··· · .. · · · a. · No increase. in salaries.until after the expiration··
·. · The 'nej:::es:~ify··f6r. withh.oldlhg:. the· 'i~fonti~tion- ·. ·of
fhe:term' of th!:l ·indumb'ent (CONST. Art. VII, .
: ... must··be: of S~Gh _a higt:(degree ~s.t9. oa\waig.h ·. . .. · · Sec~ 6); · : · · · · · ·.. . ·
.·. the pObiic 'intet~~l1n enfo.r~ing that. qblfg_ation J_n. .
·a partic1,11er:c~s.e (~Mate v. {=tJnita_, supr9).
-··.·.· .. •.· .. ·... ··.· .. ··.
·. ·o.. Their 'Salari.e& sl:1all not be decrea.sed ·during
·. . VI(, .sec. 6); . ... .
. .... .- their·tenure (CONSLArt:
. ~equi&it'e~· for: itre Exec·~ti\te:PrlvileS~· t6 · bb · . . .· . . . .. . . ' (.
.c.· They st:iail ·not Jec.eive ·any other emolum~rits
Va'lldly Cla.imecfby.the.-Presit:tent: '(QPC) . ·
a. :·· The' ¢ornm.unlcations··re)ate·to the power to .. from the. governmen.t _:or,, any otber source·
· enter into .an exec1Jtiv~:agreementwittfcither· (CONST. Art. VII, ?ec. {3); .
· - CO.ur:,1ri·a·s\v.Hfoh. iSa ¢uir1fes~~npal ~rid nor:1~ ·· · ·
.· .d~legabte power of the·Presi~erit; .... ·.. . :, d. -The Pre!?ldei'it, ·Y.i~·e Presider:it;. the .M~nibefs of
b:. tli~ ·: ·c'ominunication .. was r~ceived·. by, a the Cabinet, · and their deputies· ·or assistan(s
i'neinber 'of the Cabinet :which through . shalt Rot hold any other offic;;e, or empioyn;ient .
. . Proximity test. is COVEfred by the"ex1;1cut~e . 'during tenure, unleSl;\ otherwise provided in .
. pr[vi,lege;·arid.. the Constitution (CONST. Art. VII, Se.~. ·13);



.- I 5~
r Not~:°' However, . the. Vlce-President may be . Power of Administrative Reorqanlzation
· appolnted Jo the. Cabinet without the need ·of Under Sec .. 31, Book 111. of EO No. 292
.. conflrmation by Oornrnlsslon on · Appointments (Admlnlstratlve Code of 1987), "the President, ·
(CONST...Ari. VII, see; 3, par. (2)). . . subject. to the policy of the .Executtve Office: and
in order .fo achieve- simplicity, ·-economy- and
This, prohibition: .rnust not, however, be sfficie·ncy, -shall have the continuing· authority to.
construed as, -applyii")g to posts. whlch 'are reorganize the acmmtstratlve structure of the
occupied without addittonalcompensatton in an . Office of the Presldent."- . .
·ex~o(ficiOcapacity, · ~S- provided by law and as
required by the primary functions of the. said . jhe· President's· power to .. reorqanlze th~ Office .
official's offlce. (Nat'/. ,Amnesty • Commission Ii. · ·. ofthe President under $ea. ·;31, (-2) and (3) of EO
CO.A, G.R. No. 156982; Sepfemb~r 2, 2004); No: 292 should be distinquished from .his power
to fe_organize'.the Office of the'President.Proper.
e. Shall. hot; -directly qr. indirectly;· practice. any ":LJnder Sec. 31. (1.) cif:E.O, No .. 292, the.President .
other proresslon, pa;rticipate in· any business, or . : can. reorganize the. Office .ot.: the. President
be finaricially interested in any contract with. or., .Proper .by abolishing, -consolfdatlnq -or m'erging
in -any- franchise c:,r speclat. privilege granted by, . units, .or· b:y tran~ferring functions from' one Li nit
.-thEi..'govemmerit or any subdivision; agency, or · : . . to another, In contrast, under Sec. 31 (2) and (3)
- instrumentality th~reof., 'Including GOCCs ·Q1'=•""'"''~"'"= of.EO 292; the President's power to reorganize
· their subsidiaries (CONST. Ari. Vfl, SeG.·.::1~'fff{"r.
(1)); ',
· ·. ·
,. · ·. . ' ·•
- .. .'
.»: · f~,
· · ..
·.. U j \,.
·7.. T - '\ .c ,9ffi~soutside the Office-of the:!?residerit Proper
b_~t- s,911:..~thin the Office of the. President_ is
f_ ::_=..,,,..,,.,,.,,..-==,,}.. liJJl!tej:l .,.:to.\.merely transferring functjonl:} or
- f. Strictly· avoid conflic.t of inter~t~n th,~.J,9nduct . ·· ·<~g~eies,;}r,pn;i· the bffice of the President .to
. of their :Office. {CONST. Art/V1T;d$e9/13~__,pa-r: -":"'~~!'.:"",="'-~0~~Pl:!f!~bt~- 0 oi'1Agencies, and vice versa ....
(1)) ; an d. . . . y,,;, ,~··· . . ~·
/? ~
. . . . . . . . fl J;° ") i" . . . . fQ) ,i. '°1: ~ -"'\ -~
'\":'!' ' ·f . \,.'"t~-'-; -~{:. .
> ~"\ . .
. . - : .·
· · . .· . - · j/ v .f. · . p. -~it~
g. M~y ·not · appoint · s'1.q\'Js~ </ J.r"'
reli:JJives by ,:·\.;\,
. con!;languinity.' or · affinit'y~jiti?J.n. the_ lr41h'·c;1~,r...e...,lffT'---a1s~e
;:& . A . .Y,?l1d \~eprg~m~atton · must '.not. only be·
, exerc;ised ·t~r~y,g/!t )egitimate a1Jth.ority :but"must
pursu~)ra ~ood·faith .. A reorgatri~ation
. degree - of the f?.resii@t--,c1~ :M~_m'~rs~r~ ~~~- t-~·1);$is sal~ to· be}~rrie~\out in is done .
Constitu!iona! -Commis·sLb~2i-o~the .?Jfi~~ o~ tfu~~~i~:1• }J"'e:3'for· 13u~o~es)ldf"ecil~omy. "!nd effici~ncy. .(Pichay.
. Ombudsr'n~n. or ast, tse~r~taries.U\Under":·1:.::t:~:· f Jr. Jr(;)_ffjce9f Th_J l[)eputy Executive ~~c;retary .
. Se_creJa~e:5; ~(,airmen of'.Piaqi ?f.~l>J1~~s. or Fl 1-i ;:-"\. f5/j;(fga~.
Afj(air~(/~#f1stigativeand Adjudicatory. i.
offices, mcludmg GQC<'.:~\ l:iAd1h~ir .suos,<~l..a.pes~ · c'!(-.,_rJ..iy';.@.ty1g9h, -~f~· Nd!!f 96425, July 24;· 2012). '
{ CONST. -Art. VII, Sec. 1-3,,\par. (2)l · ~, E.3:l ··':'.~\'::;y· ,
· .1, ·. ;1 · · . - . <. · · _ l·'
· · : :··, -"'. . .. ·. :\--_-: ~ . _.,;.~~":,., V_;{"f~~e-?uti.v'."~ Pow~f ar:id·Adm.ini_str~tive'Power,
R~ti.~nale: These i~hib!1!o_n~~~e in li!f~,.~it ~\~~ ''. y;r\~-...._DJst!v(u.1,s_he_d/ · . . · : . . . . · . . ·
. principle that 'a -put?,llc office ,s.-~, pubh~,;~&~~ntdJiI::~--Y~e?u.t~'l.. P~'l.vw. ~ertams . to the power to
should ·not .b!3 abuse(! ·for..perSOQ~h:<3.dVJi'nj:~g'e""••==s=-"..-,;>1"'·1;lE(O{~a.9,ef aarr11~1ster .the la'v'.'.s:. It. ,sha)I be
(ObNST. Ar.t XI, Sec. 1)-.·. , · _ · ·: 3'~~~/-!, . . "" 1,T 1\ "t<v~~s~e~rf'tne Pres1pe"!t. -~f the Ph1hppmes,. and
. . · . ·. . . ·.. -. , · , .· · ~;._11..'sed throl'.mh.·the maF1itord. offices of the
. · . POWERS·. O.F .THE PRiSIDENT.: . (EAR-CMP:Sb~,~~ecutive, departn:ient. (C(j)~ST, :Aft:.VII, ~.e.c.. _ 1).
Bl~·EO). . ·... · · :.. ·,_: ;·; :, : . --t :. ·:t . _. .-· · ·.· . , ·O.i:i. t/:le Qtt°1.ef:hand,:ac;l_m1m_str.at1vep9wer re_fer-s
. · -1; . gxe~_utive Power(CQN$T. Art .. VII; Sec. _.1)
. ·. to the P;re·s1d.ent's coti_trpl ov·er alf stl~h execut_ive
, The nav~ tontro1 of all exeoutive· -~ ' : .d.epart.m€ints·, ·, bureirus, and . _offices.. He·. shall-.
depa.rtm~nts,. bu·~~ai.Js 'and ... offices.·. He·: shall . .:ens.Ure . that. Jaw.s .· .. are . ,Ja{thfu.ny· )e):(ecuteq.
'·~nsure ·that . laws: :are °.raithf.ully, ·executed.. .(CO/'IIST.·Arf. VII, $".~c>17). .
(GbNST:" Art: Vl/,. Sec .. :17)..' H )s the po\Aler t«:>
. enforce 'and·. adinif.iister· .~he· l_aws, '(NAC&URA of Ad~-i~-i~lrati~·e
·Power ~eorgani~~ti~o'· . ·..
. ~upra at 3q5). · .:. · · It- is· the·. Pre.siqent's . continuii:ig .. autnority to .
• • .:: : ·i~ • ' • • . . ·r~brganiz~ th.e. e.x~cutiv'e .~dmch. which J.hclu.des .
1 . r .. ,

: F.c;iithful ·Exe.cuti.9:n/ Take-C1:1re ·:clause ·- 'uritif .. .. '. th_e t<;>. b~feaiJs}1,r1d
·and. Linless,·a law is declared· unconstitutional, ·, ,.agenc;.ies,. ·to· ·cre~te~ .ari.d abolish :·qffic;.El~. to ·
.. ·· the President lias'a ·duty to'·execute it regardless . .. : ..trar.i;sfer _fu"r1c;t1bns:, to .' .create ,;ind ·cr;:issify
. flmction~; ' services, . ."and . ~ctivities; and to
_.ofhis dqubts_as:to.Hs·validity ((;RUZ: supra at ··.·
· 4:19). · :'. .· .. .-·-·· .· ... , .. ·. · ,· . . . . standardize salaries and· in(:lterials: It is effected·
. ·. i_n.,good faith if if ·is fqr the °f)U.rpos~. O°f ~COh.Orl)}' .
"•,r • or to.make .bureauc,ra9y rrio,re effic_iE?nt. (MEW!l,P.
v.. Executive Secretary, GJt No. 160093, July
31, 2007). .:. . : ·. . . . .


.v . "~- ... _ ·;.· •.

.. SAN BEDA l/\W(.':l;NTJlt,l/ZE;D.BA!I OPE/IATIONS _ MEMORY AID 2019 . ,.
\. . ·id kl -ae. m+we cMNtes a ?i+ae w MEf.WM&t e1uwwas1wm4prm~,w;z:~~!!l'!!!~

2... Power' of 8P.P.olntment . The Court 'held .that the -rule ag-~inst
App.ointment· !' selectlon . by. the authority midnight: i3pp0.intments ~OEiS not apply
,. vested with·the power of an 'lndlvldual who-is to .. to .appointments made by President·for
exerclse , the functions of · a give'n .offlce · . · a member of tlie S_upreme Court (De
(NACHURA, supra at·356). Gastro v. JB9, G. R. No. :1910(!)2, ·April
20,: 20fO). : · - · . · .
:The.. app.ointing power is- :ex_ecutive ih nature
(Goverrin'i"ent v. · $-Ptinger, G.R:· No, L-Z6979, . The ruliHg In De: Ca~{o v. · JBC. gr~:mted
· April 1/19V). Sirice j:ippointment to office is an_ the· authotity, to-: then President. Gloria
'executive·.tunctiqn;"the legislature may not u~urp Maeapa~at-Arr.oyo·: to appoint··· Chief·
f.:.; . · such ·function. The ·.regislaJure· ni ay cceate. an Justice, Renato-Corona· as· successor 6f
.. ·bffice ·and· prescribe .the :qu·alificattons' onhe
. . retired C~ief Ju~tl~e R·eyna~o;Puno.
.· ierson··who ·n:fay 'J-!old the ·_offic~ •. but· it ·.m~y
t. . n~ithei"'si:i-ecify·,who;shall' be appdint_ed to such ·.
qffice. noi.. ·actually appoint.' hir'n · (Manalang v.
· · Note: Saitj ·prohibition =·applies. only to
µresidential appointments·. There Js. 'l'lo

~ ?iiitqria,:io,·G.R, L-6898,'Af:rif30, 19.54) .. law. that prohibit~ lcx;al ·~xe.cutive
.,.. . ~ officials· . fr:oll). · mai<ing. · aj:i'P9intme.nts
r:· .However, there is no. encroaoninent· on the d,utjng tht'l last days· of their- tenure (D~
r· piscretiorf.of the ..i;ippointing authority:when the ·. Rama .v, · CA, ·-G.R .. No.' .1'31''136,
fi-· .' Civil -S'ervlce.. Cotnmissson · (CSC) revok~s: ai:- · ,...,.\ · · ··February 28, ·2ao~r .- I•

·appolntl!Jerif on: _tt:i.e· gri::i'und· that the rerriovaJ~s>(f'J{' .. -- . '

s-. the '[incufTl~en.t}-employeewas ·qo,:ie· in bad ff it~'/,,,-f... ': \ .. ·. Ad interim:antJReglila(Appolntments, ·
~'., In. such instance, th'e: csc. is. not acttiaUY.:: ,._Ir\ . · ·:_: · . : . · .. · : . . D!s_ting~ished · .. . .
t: . dir.ecting the appointment of another bur sin/p~y,,·, · ! .. :L
r,,· ~l"derln~- the. reiristate~:~nt . of ·th~ . il!~alty, j!,:~
_.remove~ employ~e ·(9er1lle~· v. e~Q;,-.:efR. No.t ,.! ...
i.i 180845, Nov. 2?,·2017).. . ·
· · ( ..,,- .
· . · · · · · · · · . r \ · 1r /•-7,J -.
l/ ·. K1n#s . ~f_.: .· Preside~:~i~(__>.~P~.9~trt1~tf~ {,)
· :,..,->-11
It is. an .a'6p~ntn'.i,ent"1ade
It is ·ah ·appoiotme.rit

t . : co_nie.r;np1.atE!d_.ui:1der .secJr_,\'l.'1~,,~r:,pcle~Vll_:,:"~ I';'_\ · ~Y ·1~_~( ·P(sid~t. whi~e m~de . . :.t,y· · .. the.
f.ff;:· a. . . R~gul;:irp~e.s1den.tial,,a~p-91~~m,~~!~; ~1t~ qr .
. co~~-~.~~~-~.;fts;.;t.:~PJ.· m fr.4:ts.idEin~_.: · while
sess1ohqr,·e.ess. ·congress.. .is in
· A'ppom~ments-;-and "re"c.~s·s· 9.r:;t~cl-mtem71?
: appoi.ritm¢nts : ·. ' .. ·. . Y::,\?:~:.)"·:,.~ . .-· 'jl. 1
1, ... ~ ·
: 1,d.- ·
.. ·. ·... ~:.#. ~ . . :.· .· ... 1-zr ~ ·. )-')", : . . · . .!t;r-

• ':'~~2:s.~· · · · ·
· ~=esSion.~ '"·· -·
'·. ·. ' · · ·'

~-t·· Not~: .A.n :·ad .. :interin:,. appo1.11Jrne.rat . is -a · ./-:,.,.

l.lf..~~- permanent appointment unl.e"sY-otner.#J1eP,.::. •·

t--· · inclicate'd (P~Mv:.1AC; G.R:~&,o_ l-65439, ·

•,i[. '•.

· ·Novemb'er:13;_.'1985)'.· · · · .·· . \'-:::\-..}·~. · .. ·:·.- ··

,4,. .. _:: __ .~· .· ·: .:. . . . - --~1..~: . . .·
•1~. • .· . ti .". Appointments made by an Acting President;

i·J .·. . . .
,~ · -
c Midnight.appointment .: appointment made
_-by .ttie President.-"2. months, immediately
beforethe'next presidentialelectionsup to It. s_hall ~ase to:tie ~alid if · ·on.te' confirmed :by · ·
disappr.ovea by .tl)e·.CA.'or· · the· CA; .jt .contihue.s.. .
.::,'_:::.···;:>.. . the end of h!S term: This type Qf appointment
·:. Js J?fohlb.iti:i'cf bythe Con~tituiion·.. ,: .. · · · · · upon- ne'><t adjoumm.ent:of. : .. Luim, th_e e_nd·. of.. tbe
the· Congr.ess_·. · , term. ·. ·pf,' . · the
·· ·eiception io''Midriight .A:~~dlnt~~~-t~. .. . . .. . appojntee: ...
Requisites: (T~N). · . · · . .· . ~. :
. i.: OriJy·Terrtporary appointments ean ~~
. extended; .. . ·: ·-. : , : .: . . . .. . .
ii. Appotntrnents 'only in. the gxecutive. T.ermlnatlon of Ad Interim Appo:int_ments: .
Deparfrnent.and. : : : ..,:,: · .. : . · ' , ' : <1: Disapproval of the· appointment by'th~i"CA;
· i_ii. ·· It' · is · tieces.sary to. ·make·.: such ·or ·· ·.. · ... . . ·--. ·· ·
· · appointment· . "because 'continued .b. Adjournment' by the ·congress iivitho't.1t ttie
-vacancies will .preiudtce -public service . . · ·cA acli~g on the appointrrrent.(NACHURA,
or er'idanger p·u~lic ·safety (PLM v, /AC, . . .supra at.397~35.B). .
·supra). · ·

. .
"' sMJ:'iwws . I "MM?"'AB:OUA . i iht&i.df fySbfF:i #iM#S iPMtfWyiiB:t4.:lili

· When the .. CA disapproves an . ad interim d, Officers whose. appolntrnents are vested in· him
appointment, the appointee. can no . longer be · · · by_ -the Coristitutlon. (CQNS.T. Arf. VII, .sec:: 16,
. - extended a new appointment. lnasrnuch , as . the ·. par. (1)). · ·· a final decision-of CA lnthe exercise
· · of its checking power ori the appointing authority of . Only· 'appotntrnents under the first ·sente.nce of
. the President Such disapproval lsflhal and -binding S_ection '.16, · Article Vii need. confirmation of th·e· ·
. on both the appointee arid the appointinq ;power, . ··Commission onAppolntrnents (Sarmiento v, Mison, .
·G.R. No. L-7~97 4,-Df]cember 17, ,1987).· ·
But :When an: ad. Interim appointment -ls by-passed
(by-passed.appeintrnent) because of la-ck of time :or- The. Congress:'cannot, law, expand .tha ·1i_st of
. failure of . the CA Jo..orgarii.ze, '.1hE!re. · is · no final public offlelals required · to I:?~ ·rionfirlT)ed. ·by . the
· decision by the- CA to.give 'or,withhold 'lts consent-to Commission· on ·Appqintments as providect under
the appointment· Absent such· decision, the A_rtfple .'vfl.l, Se.ct{qn 1f of the Constitutton (C,~lderon.
President.. is free . to ren~"'.l( the. : ad interim··,. · · v. Carafe; G.R. ·No:_ 916·36,_April23, 1992).· _. · · -. ..
appointment..·. · · ' , · .· ·. ' ·· · · . .
Thepollce f~rc~ fs different f;.om and ·,ndependenf~f
. . 1_ . .
A by-J)ass~d'appointment is one· that has notbeen

finally acted uponen the merits ·by the 'Commlsslon .

. . .
' , · the ~t'med.forc~~and the ranks-inthe miiitary
slrnllar 'to "thosj3."-i_rf the Philippine' National Police:·.-.·
~re not.

on Appointments · at-the :close:· of the· session)>~_.,, .,-1hus·,.·directors. and chief superintendents · of· the
Congr!9ss (Matibag_v.·. Benipayo, GR. _No:j~9'036,T · "f ·.·~-e:J.Q,. not ·tall under t~e flrst cateqory of i'
April~· 2_002); . . . . ~~~ . f.\\,._. -'L-'.. g'r.~fic~t~nt@,~rpo.lntee~.req_uiring"Gonfitl"( th~
.. _ . . .. , , --;p'~:(.'" \ ,[.~~=-=-~<,ilmr:r1s~fo!))-OQ,,f\PPOl~tr;nents(Manalo It. Slstoze;
Limita_tion as ~o the. Nu mber of J}.fhe~tl1r,9Ncati . . G,~M,<?;,~07~'B~~ugu,_st -11, · 1999). · . ·. , .
Re'!_iew the.P~e~i~ent's Re-~p~~i.n'tm1~Jg •.B.v--:-:_*-~-. .:~0.· ",)<' · . . ·. -: . -~ . ';.
J)assed Appo_mtee - ·.. . f/;. .
b ~ / .@) ~,r -~e,pomw_wnt~.(9".9}} ~ffl_r)g.c_apac1ty are hot requrre9
A nomin~tion or appoi1Jtrr-..efnti.vvl;i1ffei1 · his bedtl ·· ~t~ .fo.~e·s.u5tinitte~\~_t~e :commission.on·Appolntments
bypassed.~hree(3) times ~hair b!:! rep.pried·gufoyt.t!e .•,r.r;"'•. for concyrrence;.(.,{) \ .. . . ·
stanc;ling b
committee.· ?o!'!;:ernecf'---:--to-"'~"",,·i··· · -:-;-'ff · i· · . .:-i-~ . · ,. ·. . .
trye'c.on.,n:,i~.sion_for its_c!PP.r<?'pr-i,;3t~,.f'cl~i<?n: i1the'F(~~/!)_ 1t <-=.:_Nqrf Si~ce. ~: qM?a"i:trt1~ntSe~retary is t~e :~tter ~9~.
. . pl«:_n~ry sessl6~; provided_ t~~JJJ-0!.. er:-iber-~hall:)i~\\l rFu}~ ·the p=>res~_de~t~=?t~~._actmg appq1_nte_e .. r:nust
!31lowed ·to ·:inyo!(e . th.e·1i ·stf~P.~!1StQIJ.l8fw, the .;:.~-;~:::oecess~'lln)avfJtie P!ifsJd~nt's-co_nfi~~nce. Thl:'s, .
~onsideration of the.appoin~mei::i\iri1tpis}@'a~~~i ::q9:
·1 tlie!v.~~:Aaty,r~'t}:\eoffice, .the Pre~ident must·· ·
NEW. _ RULES ·oF UiE\\lcoM¥_IS$16J!.~' ../~.PN~: ,~i~@p_.,q~.s1oj6n atting,ea§acity a pe(son,of her _choice
. ~PPOINTMENTS, Marc~ 7, ·2~1 T,.__Set;;. 25~--tr . . "',i.u.J. · .'~~~~nifeC..~Jfgr~.ssJft i.~ ~esslon. T.h~~-per-son:may.
.. .. , . .. . ' . ' ·' ---~~- ·. · . f ~,..,,,,..~~~trnoJ11:5e· _th~~i~rmanentor acting appo11;ite_e
Three Strike R_ule , . \, .,:_. . ·~ .· ',;.!_S'(~f,~fin:Jffl?{el;Y.1,;. v•. ·Ep111ta, G'.R. No. 16497{3,, Octobe(
·A... nominati~r:1. ·or- appoint,:nent ~JJich_)a '~:..~--sr'r:_;:~~1-tJ_(.290~;)".-~_,; ;/~ ·.·. · ·. . ·. ·' . .
bypassed 3 times. sh~II ·be· rel'.rort'e~ -1:1ugpyj tfia-~<--~'\~-.,1v,,/' : .. · .. _:: : .
standing . ·com_mittee c9ri.ce1rre0:V j-to ·-1,.· 'A App-o1,Fitmen.ts. -wiJh. Prior· Recommendation· or
the coh1!1Jissjon.. fo~ it~ appropriate action l!1,ne..J.l.~ 1:f .1i..$i~j!:iJ'1fil°f~nl!J.r the Judi~ial aod Bar Coun_c!I;,_ · ..
· plenary ~ess1on, (The Ne.w.Rules._of.the'Com_mission_-=--.,.,,::. .a.:,;of . the- St.iprem_e.. Court. and· all
an "AppQintmfjnts;.:sec_25, · March:7; 2(!1?'):·: · . · :·. :. . : · . ·."fo)A!e~ eourt.s (GJiWST-Art.; Vlf/; Se~. 9); find
· · · ·· ·· ·. · · · - , ·' . · .::.b.. o~budsrn~n ~md his 5'-C!pput~es\(90NST.
· 'u.rider this·. ~l·e, :l)_orriinees·:can. only. be ·hypasse_d , ,1rt. >Sl;·Sea. 9)-. .. : , .1· · . ,·
·thre·e times; after which, lhe CA should· v.0te.ori :the ·· · - ·. · ', · · ,, · · · · · ·· ·
. apprdv~l .or rejecticin,.of the" norni_i'lee.."lf teject.ed,-the' . App~in;m_~n-t{ ~eqµIrinid,lo·~i~;:itlcir:i.s" .by: Multi·,
Presiderif should rio lorjger reappoint the--official: · · .Sect~r.;11·$~oups: .· : :·. . · ·. :· .. ·. . , < . ·
·· ~ ..~. · .. ~ · ,. · ·· · .. a-... 'fl~gion~J.GdJi$vJtaiiv~ commjssic;>A."'(CONST.
)\ppOintment,$ Requ.iring the··· ConS·eht-. Of the Art. X, ·S°eiC.' l 8,.·P~'-:(1))): .and.:· ·· . ...- ~
·co,:nmisslon on Appointments; · ·: . - ;- : · ·. . b. Party-list rep~esentalives,b~fo~e the Party~
a. .' Heads of executive "dep·a_rtm_ef_lt~; ·. . List l-avicGO.NST. Ar{XVlll,-$e.t."1}.: · .

. Exception:· Appo_intment·.of VlG~~~e~i~_ent.. as A~~~int~~~~~~ith~o~t·N·~~d -~t_b~

member·of the Caqinet requires no confirmation .· ·. ·. a.. · Those- . wtio'se . appointments are .not ..
. · (C<?NST. Art. VII, Sec. 3, par: (~)); .;.- · :. : ·. otherwise'prqvided tofby-law.; · · .
: b. mos~ wliorn ~e mc1y be,.;1~thorized by law
. b.. Ambassadors .and' other public, ml{lislers and tp-appqint; and:· , .,.
·consuls; - ' · . :· . c. Those other. officers lower. In rank whose·
· c. Officers ·oqhe AFP from the ra,nl< qf colonel br a'ppointme'nt .-is' vested .. by· "law" ir:) th"e .
na::'.al caP.tairi; and · · President alone·(COJ>JS'r: Art.VI/, Sec. 16). · ·
.. · ' .. •. ·•


ll!SI ~iMKid&4eial¥5iDP ! INAi BFM"':1_@.Zf-JliMMJSifl\lftliiiWPiWb&WFlliNBii&Ptfyb

Appointlr1g. Procedure ·-for those that ·Need CA . The: appointment' to the post of Solicitor
Confirmation: (No-CIA) , .· ·· General cannot tie
merely'by virtue of one's
a. Nomination by the Presldent;: .." office· (ex-officlo) .as DOJ .Secretary, and
b. fonfirmation by ' the Oomrnlssion on vice. yersa. · Similarly; · '. the concurrent
· Appointments; .
c. Issuance of commission; -and . .... de.sigpations cannot be justltled-by ar9.uihg
that the powers· and· functions of the ..·OSG.
d. -Acceptance by. the-appolntee (CRUZ; supra ·at .are required· by the pr.imary func:tioris or
399),·.. ! .· ·: included bythe,powers'ofth~'DOJ;·and vice
versa. By law and by: the· nature of their
· Thi~ kind of appo(ntmeot".is deemed co.mple~~ . powers and functions, these· two (2) offices .
upon-acceptance, P~nding .suc;h- acceptance, · . . -~re. independent. 'and distinct . from. each
which .ls, ):iplional- to ·'>ttie '.~ppoiritee, the ~ : other (Fun.a i,,;;Agra, supra):· ·
appointment ·:,'nay still. be. :validly·. wlthdrawn, ·.·
~pp·o1ntment-:to-a ·putS11c 'office.cannof be'forced ·· · ·: b. _-fhe spouse and relatives ~-y c~n~~riguinity · ..
. upon any citizen ·a~cept-Tor"purposes,.of.defehse or affinity wittiin the .4111 civil. <;le_~i:ee .ot 'the ·
· :onhe Stati{ under Article it, -se·ctioil 4 as an Presldent-snau not, duririg ·liis-f'enure, be
exception·. ·tc(:·.the .. rul~ .' ::ag~iti·st . involun,tary - . appcinted as: . . . . . .. . . '
S!;l_rvitude'(La~on v, Rom,er.o, G,R.-No. L-3081, .. · l.' .. Mem~ers. :.' . of .. the· . Constitutional .

October 1"4, 194_.9) .. · . ·
: · . · . .: . ·

precede step 2 (C.Rl)Z supra· at 39.9).. .

.. _; ...
·.· . ·In·· .FJ_d,,i~t~rim :app~int~erit~!: staps ·1,. /3,-:.~~.,f~;;>,
r ·:: ·
· · ·· . .,

iii. Sec;retaries; . . .
· -Cornrnlssions:
ii. . Members· . 61 · ·the
of . ·the
. .,.

. . , . · . . . ". . . . · · , · . . .- '. TF;~,t/•'}J _. . . .

For·. _..ap_pomtn:,ents · .whrch po· not;. requu;~-- ··;·;;.r__.:........
iv:_ .. Uno~rseore_t*ies/or '.
. v. .~!:}airman of-· heads .·of bureaus, or.
. .. .

co.nficmatiqn;:~tep· 21s-skipped (,e(~ -~J..!• ·r1·~.2~:;;;-;,-:-.l9mc9:s_, ii'.tch.fd.lng_· GOCG :aJid · tt,eir_ · .

. . 393).. . . . · ... · · ·' , . :, ;/./7 · ~-'/tr. . .· [ .
'--..!<::::.~-~~b_si_diarfes·_(G_~f:o./ST.-Arf. 11~/;-Sec. ·1_31 .
.. ·· · · · ·. ('-;/ : · ·· ··. · .!l.--;j , .
. Limitations on"Appoi";;,._I( . . ;/~,~-- . . ,.- if I;.\ ·. _.: . .· · . ' ··. ·. ·.·,. . .· . . .
!PJ1,r.(2)). ·

·.a::· t~e ~en:i_b~rs· -~f the Gapjffe'f..t~'r:l_d::=-their ·. ~) · c:··--~f~qjnt~e-i;its···extend?d _:_h)o'. .. ~n Acting .

~ qeput1E:~· an~-- ~·sslsta~~~;'.'::ihall :~if;~Mf)les9. - J:.~ . · !:)res1oen't;~
st,all e~ec~ve . u~_less ·
· . otJierw1~\: -pro_v1~¢d·19;m1~ (?on~~t~t!9n :hoi~\ !,i \. · iei_c:,~ed,b~i_Jhe electe~ President· w,1thin: _90,·· ·
. any;<:>ther·office- or -e~l?J~ym_Sl'J~94f!!1~ 'tl;_l~t,r ··. kf -~5-'.ay~1{foiJfJ\t~a~umption or reaa~samption ·: ·
y,j .
. . . . . .. . :_. ~:J(~.
'),- ~,. -.~ ,~ . v·
.·tenure (C_ONST.AFLVll,;_Sec;i/:3c1;P.'3lf: (1r)')'.~;i
t,,.,. · .
-ef~J!!g'§;;(.CONST. Ait: VII; Sec. 11); · .· . :
. .. ·-: : . . ...
·_. --·D.oupleiM·ump_le bffic~s'
·. ·-\ :~ ·,: . tt ...,;._·
_-The pow_~r- !he·§udceed{nr,: presideot td- 9{
. · :On~ :<:=a111;1<>t· b_e~ yali.t!IY ··aif~~J~te ·· ~nd<.J;,.i_t;:<)~!~yqkif appoiri~ents· fllad~ .by·an ·Ac_\ing
· . ·assume <1$. DOJ $ecretary an<:J.-~ncurr.e~ly' ;...::...:::L._..i-~.lf:!F~sident . ev.ider:itly . .- refers- only · to
.?s.-Solicitor General._The- . proht~ltion ~-pp)ies · · · . app_ointments irj the-Executive Department.
. I regardless, of Whether :_eitlier.':6t~·tt6th the . · . It has no"·applicatlon to_"appointmerits fo the
. ."ap¢ointmenfs. a'n(·merely_ tetnpci1fry:''o(in . : . : ·.. :·Jua}daty,_ .be~use o_r.· a·oting _:temporary.
·'.·actlilg capacity .·"(F,una _.. v:"Agra, ·G.R: No~· . ·· · · · ··appoin\n)erits. · can cinly ·:. und!,irrnine .- il'le
. :-:191644; Feb. f9; 20.t.3);·· · .··· · · · _:-_ .· . ·. . ·· :~:- iadependenc~ -ot·the Judiciary due to their

. . < ,_.Th;
,. ·· . :··

of ·muftipJe offices ~re·: . .

.· . ·· ·..
_0{'1iyz~x~ept1o.~s ~-~aih'sf.the
..... .
. . ·., . ··being .rev_ocable·at ·~m:·(De-Caslro ii. JB¢,
h,clldi~g. .
G.'R_. "No: 191002, -March 1-7, ·2010). . .•.
• • • • • ; • • • • •••

·_. i:· · Jh_ose ·: provided··· · f9r··., under·· · ttie . · · · ·d. · Rresi~ei'l.t, .o~· Acti~-g~Preijd~nt .shall not'
· ·. Can·stjtutiori, :a.bth" : :"the·. Vice tn.ake ~PJ)<:>i'r-itmeot$' except-temporary .ones
· .. :. _.. Presi~!;!· .b_econ:ii{ a- member -~f the t_o ~xe¢ot\vepos!tion.s 2:monttis ir:ritnediatery .
· · · . · Cabinet (.CO,VST.- Ait .. .-.VJJ,,-Sec,"3);· '· before·the next-.P~esidenHal·elections ~1n9 up::
· : ii. . PoSlS 'occupied \,by: Execu-tiVe :officials . : ··to· t.h0 · erid:· Of~ .hi~ terln Whe·n· ·co;i~lnued ·
' -~p'e·c{ in ._Se&. ·.13;:-Ait.<Vl_l" without: vacaney."wifl·. prejodfce· public''service·-or··
~dd1tional cqrnpens'atlon .: ir:i. ex . officio , endEi'rger ·. publiC:. s·afety (CONST.-. .VII, .. Art:··
,;;apacfties as provlded-by·;law.and ,is"·. _: _Sec.:15)/ar.i_d _:._ :- .. ,·· . . .. ·
r~quire:d--by the- ·pri01ary .fun~ions of;the: · ' · ,· . ·· . · ·,
... officials' offices (Public.Interest Center, . e .. The Piesident shall have-"the power-to mak·e
· inc-.tV, Elm~; G:'R. -No." 13.t;J96t5, June 30, . c\PPOintments during: the . recess· the of
·2006):, ·.'. ·.,,;. . C(?ngress, ~hether voluntary,ilsory;. 9r
but· su_ch·. appointments shall be i::?ffei:tive· ..
only tiritil disapproval. by tne·cA or uritil the
.. . . . .· .


I 4- a .. ,,.

" w
• • ~ • J
~'lX\\lNM I
. T - M4A SFSEN Ii ft iii

. next adjournment of the Congress (CONST. The power ·of supervlslondoes riot include "tbe
Art.. Vii, Sec. 16, per. (2)). · power of control., but the. 'power of control
necessarily includes the power of supervision
3. · Pow~r of fiemo,va!/ Di°sciplin~ty Power: (Ottic«__ of the -- Ombudsman v. Fetalwii:o,: . Jr;
supra). . · ·
· GEinerai Rule-: From the express power of -..
· appolntment, the President- derives t_he implied· The P~es"id~nt has- - general supervisron over .
, l)OWer bf removal (<;;R_UZ,.supra at 407): local . gcivern,nent . units · and autonomous
. . ,. .. _ . Fegional governmerit~ (CQtyST. Art. X, Sec. .4).
. : Excep~io.n.s:· ·:. . ·./ · · · ~- · ~.. · ·· · · · · ·
a: :i"hos~ · : appointed, -by. him Where - :th!3 . D,o.~t_rine·-:of· ·.Qualified· .Pofitical Agency or
.. C_onsfitutfon- prescribes certain. methods. for . ~te_r-, ~go 'Principle . . "I ·- .. . .
· separation · . from · public . . service, . e.g., ·, - ·It ·declares - that; -save. in. matters on which: the .
- impea'chm~n.t (Id.);; '>. - . . - . . :. . ' ·constitution. ot the. circumstances; require the
.. :t-JQ.t~.= ln~9far., .Deputy Ombudsmen ·-,. Presjde·i:1()0_- act personally, executive ·and
. .. . . are concerned; the Pr;l:!~i~ent'.s.authorrty to _ · administrative functions are .exercised through'
· pPJ>O[ilt- · them: ·induct~s._.' l?Y· necessary : - .ex_e·cutive.' departments headed by cabinet.
[mpllcation, the c;JUth_orityAo·,remove_ them, . secretaries, whose acts- are 'presumptlvely the
.especlaily so.' since _cl. -lp'?Y : has expresj~~~~~ acts ofthe President unless disapproved by the
co_nferr~~ ··upon:_ hlm .S~id po~eir, .,bi':'.rr-fie ·"fu·-,· · ~ :-:rat:_e{_ _(Hontiiletos-,-_J3.araquel v.· · T9/I Requtatory
shares-with the Ombudsman _(_f.JR:}Z,,~µpra
at 408). - - . . · · _ f.~ ')
r~-=--==---,,... ;((- /\/~ar<Jt~{:__··No:f812_f:!~,-
Ir .,> ~- . ·. .
Febryar.y_ 23,.'20_15). . ·
., . . . •
_ b. Judges~ot low~r.. cour-ts •. lJ~%~-sr~faifft[ci- · _ . · _,,,_~~~~l~":All..1~)\ffrsr.~_edion.,of Articl_.e VII o! ~he·
by · the - P.~es_1dent;. a;tY
s~JJ;l~i7 tg;.,,..,tne--'"·=-1_:-:~~-·=, ...Q.9-ns-t1t1;1~cm, '~eahng . _. w1_th- · the ·. Executive
_c,iiscipfina(.y auJl:JQTity ,f ~"'?nr ~y . ~% _...)-:• -~1:_ DeP.e'1~_fqt.,\~gi,wlth ,the -enunciatiqi:i of. th~
=--· r_em:ioved· only. _by · Jh!:l. · -~¥rem? Cout.f 4,!';-.. JN;.. pr1ndiple ~1t. "T~~ exec\,ltive · power shall be
(CONST.Art. VIII, -S¢.c,_. 11\f:'_ t ·· /r-.-.,l-·-., vest~d in li. P~~d1nt 9f the Rhilippin~s." Thi$
c. -Thpse .~lectej:l l_ocal 4fTIC~s;,sinqet~e.'power . ·· 11mr1--m·ea·~s thc;1ti~'e,P.r~si,dent_ofthe Philippines [s_the ·

is excl.usively ·'.V$st~dfiM-tq.e_prop-lr ce>ti!:?
(LGC, Sec 60), and~ ;i..; . · \.
.IL r.:<}~eq;_i.J~veot/tf?'C~o}~rnment_
,,._, ;:;-,;;'TI''J:;:?,.'.R t;;;i._andJ. np ·. 9. heF""JJha .cabinet secretanes
?f the ~hilippi"!~s: ,
d: !n alJ'._.other\\~f.t~r~: tb€"']~~ of'-:~;:;_::..~~-?"_-.. pe~J.~AY.i·. in re~!1ty bllt .th~- projection of t~at
re~val ma~ be e,•lFf.j"'.•f l),'r~use as,a; j :,,-CO,.!!f,Yfes•&•~lc'~~na .,. Sec,eta,y.of lnteno,,
l'l)ay be,._.prov1ded b}( l~w afHl11J a~~~~c~.;-;;i .;,£«~~v~ £P)l_o. 4~570, 'A!]_r.i!-21, 1,939}. - _ :
with the _ prescrie,~d. '-~dmir\~~-t~lf..:,"'1 '·"';/ .:....'~- . j· .J . - . __ . . --- ·. ·
- : proceelure (CONS-T. A'\ ~X-_B, ~~- .:y.c,~~"'1/; :7'( Cis, t!J.e Ex@c~t1ve ~cretarx when acting ."by .
·. . (3)), . -· · . - \< ·.. _ "-'!-~ ~~Cft·~-~ · !h~-- 9f thja· P~esident;'.' ryiay re',!er$e ·t~e
·. _ · .; . _ - ._. .. .. .. ~~ · - .? ":--..,..~~~ l_ ~ · _ 'dJ'i¢,[sio1'J·..;c,,,01,--!anotherdepartment secretary
. Note: Members of .-the Cablhe~ sf::.:,.@/<]tljE!r"=--=--=='_-~:4:-~i~~ga//~mes v: Pano,.G.R..No, L-27811,
..:execut!ve :c_:>fficials, whose. ter,n.. _of~ffi.a~J is --.- if. 1\ p~~·ed7, ~967):· · ·· . . . . · ·
- .determined, at the pleasure of U,e'· Pfe-sii.f'ent, Vll ~· -:-- . . __ . . - . ·, · . . ·-a'
.. their s~pa(ation' is effected not by th~ proces~....;. . ; .Ttiis. power merely applies· to the ·.exercise· of
. re,nc:.:,v~I .. !?ut . by tile ~xpfration ·qf ·tt,ei'r· term ... - · -:control "()Ver ~he acts ·_b{ the. $ObOrdin~~e in. the:
(CRUZ;-$qpr_a 4_08). · . · ·. :. .. . . · ·: ' p~rformance: · of ~is~ duties : (A,:ig~Angc_o v.
-. _. : . ·.. · · ·. · ' . . Castillo; G:RNb:·L-.17169,.Nov-:!30; 1963).
4 Po\Yer of Q9ritroi · = : , . , _ " __ . . . .
The - President shall · have- control of · all ·the --:: ·_, <AppJyi~g ·_this. · dobtrfn'e,:· _the. :po~er :- of-.· .the_
- ex~cl!µv~ ·_departrneritsi .bµr~aus'.. arid·. offices '>.President. to· ..-· reorgahizEl, · thtf : Natio·nal ·_
- (.CONST. At(. VII, Seq. ·17J. .. . . ... _. :·· -_Gqveriime1;1t:.may ...1Je ..vali~M.-deleg~ted t<> his
. Cabi"rwt--.Mernbers··: exe)"cis,ng control over __ a
·: F.'o_wer offi_ce,r'to··alter:_-modify, nullify, or. s~~: . . ,.. _parttcular . :-exec\,lt1ve,·. department · (DENR.-y.
: . ?side i,yhc!.t a .: sµbo~din~te. _._ has · d'o'!le · ifl . th~· -- · D~NRRe9f9n Xlf.EmP.foyee's, :G..R. No. 149724,
·perfprma.nce.-of his,dutie_s and l<> .substitute his ... .ftu°q_usl 19; 200$): ~ . · - . · · · · ·
ilidgment to that of t_t,e. fc,~rt1er: (Offi.ce qhhe·
Omb~dsmah v. Fefalvero, .Jr:, G.R:- No'. 211.450,· - · 5. Military powers (C_QNST. Art: .VII, Sec. 18) ·_.
-J.uiy 23; £;JJ. · · - ·._.a-.:~ Callin~ oot pov,,e:r · '.. · . ·
. . .. . Tq-Call._"but the.-AriTJed. Forces to prevent qr ·
.PoWer of sUPervi.~i~n -~ ~: . - .. . suppres$ lawl~ss · violeticE;; : invasio~. or
Supervision·.,nvohies ov_ersighf of~ .subordinate re!lelljon; -.
. to-ensur.e t~at the ~ules followed. . .
.... l •



The ·. conditions ·· 'of · "actual invasion or . b. Suspension of the of writ of

• rebellion" and "public safety requires it" habe-as .corpus;
need·not concur before the. President may
exercise its "calling out power". The only'- Grounds for suspension: invasion cir
criterlon is that "whenever it becomes· rebellion AND when public· safety requires it.
necessary," the President may call the (CON~T.Art. VII; Sec. 18, par. (1)).
armed forces "to prevent or suppress
lawless violence, invasion,·. or rebellion." :ffects· of suspension. of Privilege oi the .
(SANLAKAS v. Exeutive $(!Jcretary, G.R. ~rit:_ .. ..-- .. ,
. No. 159085, February 3, 2004).
i. Suspends· the issuance vf the-wrlt or··,,..
habea.s corpus which. is the:· remedy '\·
President, as Cornrnander-in-Ctuef ·his ' against illegal arrests and detention ..
powers ·are broad enough to incl~d~ his (CONST.M. VII, Sec. 18). ·. \
prerogative to address exigenti'es or threats ii. The- ·Proclamation however does not
!hat e~daogcr_ the government-, and the very affect the- right to post bail (CONST. Ari.
integrity of the State (L::igman 11. Medialdea, Ill, Set. 13); '
G.R. No. 23·f658, July 4, 20'!7). · ·. iii. s·uspension·:of the _privilege of the·writ
applies ·only to per~ons· facing charges
The calling out of :!he armed forces to ·of rebellion or· offenses i'nherent in or
directly connected ' with . invasion ...
prevent or suppress lawless Violence is a .:7.,-.
' (CONST.Art. v.11.- Sec. 18; 'par. (5));. . .
.-_ paw~r tha_tth~ :con'stituti?.n~-i~ecl!y_vest~,.iQ//J
the · President, .. She did 'not needii;i~--/o:Jfe,, iv,: Persons )m:es.ted· must ·-be. charged . ·
. conqressionaf authority tt'J exercise jfl"e··:'- ::~';@. .within-three (3) days; if n·ot;'theymust be
same. If there ·.is· a need · to. pacify ':ihi: , · ~:' released (C.ONST: Art. VII, Sec.. 1.8, ·par.
people's fears and stabilize the situatlon, th~ . ':':-' ' .:~,~ ,/ ttiJW"; and ·
· President has to. take preventlve'<action ·: "' ,'y;f{iPJ-oel_amation does not supersede
(Ampatuan v. Puno, G.R. No.:196'259, June ·. / ,r!~ilian authority . (CONST. Arl. VII,
7, 2011). . /·:7- /se9..1 l3, par. (4)).
.. .
c. Decl;ara\ion of Ma-rtial L<iW
The President has discretionary authority to
declare a "state: of rebellion". The court may The Con·s~tution grants to the Pr~siden~ the
only look into the sufficiency·of the factual
basis for the exercise .of the, p·o-.-v,er.(Lacso_n
: ,Ecovsi\ki-rr1l:
J$l~~l~~1i}o ~et~rmine the .territorial
ot ma,:t1al law and the suspension·
v. Perez, _G.R. No. 147780; .,¥~rto;_2001). of the privileg_e of the writ of habea$ corpus.
:-:*'*'"}t He may put the· entire Philippin'es or only· a
In determining the existence otrebeillion, the :;i:A't1~$f.fV?,Mthereof un_de_r martial law (L~gman· v.
President only needs -to. con~iife hirnseff
that there is p:robable causEiror evid~-nce
... ,,_. • ~.• IJ'l,.,,-ltfeaioldea, supra).
. .
. . .

showing that more l_ikely than not,1u:E$.ellion Grounds for Doclaration: Invasion or
was committed ' or is being. co~mitted. . retiel!ion AND wh~n public safety requires it
Accuracy is not the same ?IS sufficiency as (CONS~ Art. vu; Sec. ·1a, par. (1)).
the former requires a high_er ·d~r':le ·· of
standard. To require him to .satisfy a higher ' Not~: The President .may olil.y exercise this I

standard of proof would restrict the exercise powei'iri case of actua) invasion or rebellion
of his emergency powers. (Lagman v. (Lagma(l ·v. Media_ldea, sup/a).
Ttie word "actua/n is not found in Art. VII,
Sec. 18 of the 1987 Constitution, which
Military tribunals are slmply instrumentalities
pr0vides that "The President shall· be the
of the ·executive power provided by the
. legislature for th·e Commander-in-Chief to Commander-in-Chief of ail armed forces of
the. Philippines and Wheneve.r it becomes
aid him in enforcing discipline in the arrne ·!
forces (0/aguer v; Military CommissionNo. necessary.,- he may cafl out· such armed
34_. L-54558, May 22, 1987). - forces to prevent or suppress lawless
violence, invasion or rebellion. In case of
' invasiqn or rebellion, when ·ihe pub.lie safety
· Note: The Philippine National Police is
civilian in character (CONST.Art. XVI, Sec. requiras it, t.e may, for· a period not
6). A member ofth·ePNP is under the actual exceedjng 60 days, suspend the. privilege of
jurisdlctl_on of the clvlllan courts (~.~- 6975). .the writ of. habeas ·corpus or place· the
Philippines dr any part thereof under martial
law." . ·


•• IMMtiiifti
OO ktHSik#f ti4:'renCS W PSHHiGTPitl

~tke, MN ·IWM,SllJ_INIWf ft II I WSiiMN·kiilf*!**l,PSHA,RWNS?f#M&WMJCl&SM.4\1¥6ihfdkiliGP3ff412AMAIWA

c'onstitutlc~inal . Limit~tf~ms: .on the .. subject to· the Court's review ( of the
Suspension of the-Privilege ofthe Wr'it of. sufficiency of. its ·factual basis upon th~
'Habe:as . Corp·us .. and Declaration :ot . petition .of any citizen. ·
Ma"ttial Law · · · ·
°:'. Thus, whenever there ; is a determination .
Duration: Not-more .than·60 days,,fo"llowing : that.the ·invasion or -rebellipn· perslsts :and
which .lt shall be lifted, unless. extended by· public safety requires· the -, extension . of
Cc:>ngrass"": (CONST. 'Art:YII, ·Sec, 18, par. rnartial law or of .the suspension of the
.·(1)).. . . . . . . privilege of, the· writ, the .Congress lnay· ·
exercise its -authprity to ·grant such extension
Note: The.'c·oogress, if n~t·i~·se~sion. s_hall, .. as may be requested by the· President; even
· :· ·.. within 24 hours following sucti proclamation · ·if it be subsequent to Jhe. lnltlal.extenslon.'
or suspension, convene in-acccrdance with . .~ ,.,
. its rules "without ..aily need of "(CONST. call Section 18-, Article Vlt did not .also -flx the
Ait. VII~ Sec: 18;. _pa~. (2j9, . . .. perl_od .of the extensloncf the proclamation
and -suspension. How.elle_i-..·; it _citei,1r1y .gave
-~-. Duty· .. of.".~he P,.-e$_i(te.~t-. ~o-· R~port 1~·. · .the-Congress the" a·uthori( dectdeon.lts :
C~~gre~s.:Y"\thin 48 hours.personalty O~ in dur,ation; thus;·the provlslonstates that that
vvntmg {90NST.·Art, VII, J$, par. (1)). .: -the extension shall be ."for. a period· .to ,be
· , .: .'. · ... ·. - . .. ·. . :. ., ·._-. - : Ji:?·_
· .. -·:r· :';.-=-,~~,,9eterrr:iiried_by _the.,cqng·res~." 1.t it.were _the
· Aut~or1ty.,_of Con.9.~es_s _tQ -~J..YO e_ or j. J ']\. T ;,f;l~~Qtio_n of theframers-ef Ihe CQnstih~tion_to
... exten~ t,he. of ·-~;,~1~r.1/t1?,,n: . '-:.:'.'. :1.:. vJ . .;. · Hifut~be extension to .. si~ty; (60).. days,· as.
. , ~~··ll)pJOrlty_ 'llqte· of .. alf_ l_l~JJ:~em·~~rr y_p,titig~·-==.:.<~,-~titip~l;_~ in G,R. N.o. 235f:1,35.the?ri:z:e, they
J?mtly.(90"NST.:~r:t •. \ffl, ~iia(Ji!-P.~ffJ);,, ...~--- . ~\~ou~~not~have. expr~$sly "'.e~t~~- in the. ·
. : · .. . ·. · . ·. /. ..V/ · ~.!':': __ -l:~ • · · ,,,,._"·,p~)r,e,\t~e . p,ower .to. fix. _tts. ,dllratlori ..
·. N_pte~ .T~e .<?on;,t1tutiogr~~~1
nu·rnber t>t t, .t.h~ ls aP,qwed to
~p/'c1~¥.ttt;rJ · ~t\ -
· ·. apP.rove· an. exter;is_1op;,.9f.:.ITI~rt1al lq:tl,..9JJ.tig ,f":,r ~ .... -.
·?-'t ~.)t~ · (f-afi(r!.'a1,1.-\i.Rfme'!.fel: Ill,. _r,3:R,:. No .. 23_59~5, . ·
· !, . \\:'·) · ,\
B).. ·.
. •
· · ;, . . · ·
• ,
. ·su~pensiq~. _of. the R,~ift}_r§p# _b~ 1hf. w\i~pt. ... l!iT, :.,l'c .,, ; ·-_-vhe. lill]itptions~ to . t_he· exer_c~e· · ·of· th,e
. -: habeas corpus _(LaJimf3n 'Y,i- Pirne.ntel, , G~R./" !!1jl · ~.... l~. · ~00gres~ion~ ~~t~ority _to .. ,e>c~enc:f· st,1ch
; . No. 2359.36, feb,1yap:_..1.pt1; ~018~~-, \ . . ~0,;'-DJ."f!ffe'..d . J1~9.clam~f~- g~~usp,er,s!pr :~r~. th~t:. · · ·..
·· · · · . . ·. ·

tf:r~ _!'llart,_al_ lciw~~i .~t;3 :$1.!SPensY~~~~E\:~

-~~eridff."J .. Eyf)~:
./ :
.\\.'.. · ~.\· -· · .,.<'.", \-~---·~V.~'--'J:fht:1(ext~pJj.'9.0- sh.o.uld be ... !Jl?_On tl:ie
The C.::in~ress h~s--rn~e~.dqati. ii. P.;_:)lPrE;/itfe~.v~lniti~t.ive'.·.· .
"-:~/:" -~1·:f · i.t_ !/ ~ho~t.cp be: . ~roun_d.ea
. ... - .
on. !he
,- . pr_lYJIE:~~ ~f _the wnt ot:~a_be_as''c~r:p_u~~stt:ta. __/,'AJ~) . , iers_1st~n9'e of _the!" tnV~$1?n·. or, re,b71hon
. Const,tutit;>n dp~s ·not ~ltm1t·. "th~pe~1def:"l~~~~:::_.z;( · ;fanp _th7,@ema!)9S. of pul;>f1:C safety; a'mf ,. ·
·.,whic;h· Jt'.cah"·axtend !he~me'(-£:ifgQ7~/j~lEN1'\2':., )ti',~ is. sl,!bject to lhe ,Court's revi~.w.ot th!:3
Me_dia/dea~_..supra). . · . '. ·.f.i.0~~~~$1.:,::~
·: X::'.~f»..1enc;y .. of its .. ~a~t~al :basis upon the
-.". -~ ·.; . ·.. ,.· .. _·.~ . ·,- .. -~..:.?((J1. : .;::-~-,V~~~\~~~Ution, of.. any··9).ti~E;-~ (l:.aflmen __v. ·
·9. ongreS"!(IYJ.!IY ,E?( P~otl~~~n
orS_uspens.1on l')llo,re Than c:;>nc.f! ·-:·
~·.f:1me1te~,silpra~ .. ~- •. ·:·.·.
. . .. . .. ..
·;.,". .
. .
-~ _,
. ..
...~. Sectlq'n:'tB, A!1iGle VU of the·'Oc;institution i~ .. The. _Go.ngress _ lS · ~ n?~ .: C(1nSJ_1~ut1ooally
• ·.. ·; as tq .how rija~y."tiriies t~e. . . " mand~~ted t°. co:~~ene..m_ JQmt ses~l?tl.:.for any ..
. · .Congrias.s, .. · upon · _ th.!3 · ini_tiatiy.e .,-0f . the- . otl}_!:lr ... Pl!r~o?e e~~ept_ . to .._vote.· JQ1_nuy Jo. . .
. '. p:residerit; rnay "exfej"lctthe PrPcl_alJlatiori- ·of - ... revoke'_ the· ·-: ~f7Sl~e~t'~ ·--aecl~~~t11m_ Qr-._ .
.'""martial.-1aw orth~ su"spensiori"ofthe privileg,e. ' . su~p(Jns1on· (Paaill~_ il .. Congress~ G.R::NP ...
· . ·'.~of .h¥Jbe.?S corpµs-, s_ucb sileQCt;3; "however: .-P!671; J_u/y·25, 2017t ·.·' .. · .. ·. ·. . ·
. : sh.o:Uld--not be .construed as·a vacuum, flaw . ·'-. . ·-Authorit{ of .the· .Suprem~ ·. qo~rt~ · To.
·, .":of qefi9i.eoc/Jn.· the provisioo.: Wi:iJle "i~ d~es ·, · inquire·. into the sufficiency of.-"th'e·. factual' ·
· ,mt· specify, -~h~- n~ll)l:Ser . of Jim~s that" t~e ·-basis.for s1,.1ch: ~c;ti9_n, .at the instance" of -any:.-
. · .. ·. · · Con_gtess;. is;, allow~d: ·. tp· :· aP.pi"oye · . an· citiZJ_en·. Decisiol')- !'TIUSt ·be. promulga_ted <~O·..
. ·. .extension of martial law or.-tj)e suspension of ... . .
·.e _v/r·,·.t. ~f hafi"ea.s co_r.pi.Js., .
·. . . ··.. . . "th··~ipriv. ilege·.·of. th_·· days -.from. ·its filing (yONST.. Art. YII, .Sec..
- · 18, par. ·(;3-l).'- ·.· ' . •... :· -. · ·. , - . · · ·
· · · .Section>J..8,.·Ar.ticf.e:vn i.s'that-the ·only .. · .. , . 1 . . . . . ...
. ,, .. Jj,:ni.t~tkms . ·.to. .the'.·,'. . :pf t~e · ·. The·:co~siituti.on~I ~~-lrdity of t~-e-'.P(e~!de·nt's
. . . . 96iJgre'ssional auth:ocjty, to.· .exte"nd su?h pro~l;,1mat_ion of rr:iartial la\\' or s.u~pension of
. ..,,- pr<;,c.lam.atio~ cir sosper.isiori .ar~ .that the ·the·writ-pf..h'abea$ i.s·fil'"$t. ~ politic~/·
ext!;!nSion.should be.upon "tt)e·Pfesident'.~ . "que_stion. ir:i tt1e~:h~!")ds· of
Initiative; :t.hat it-shc;,uld· b~,grourided pn the • . · before it becomes a justiciable· one. In" the .
per.sistence. of the invasipn. or re.be_llii:>n .~nq ha nos of the Court· (Faitun v. Macapagal-
the- d~mands ·?f p.Ublic ·s~fety; ~nd tha.t it is Arroyo, G.R. No: 190.293, MEJrch_ 20,.2012).

60 201\3
. . . .·
, eoar!+te·wB1asms:H114uwan&.cSM¥P441»a:1
Id m, IA& •seemnwi1Jt¥taM%1M
a,e @tsAWwe; +s£P'Rlr· _
Altht>ugh 'the Co~stitution res~rves the SC . proclatnatlon has already' been lifted
.the power. to' review the sufficiency of such (Sl?,NLA~S v. ·Exec'utiv~Secretary;supre).
.· proclamation or suspension, SC must allow
Congress tcexerclse its own review powers; ·A distinction must be· drawn between the
which is-automatic: rather than initiated. Only Presidents' authority- to declare "a -state of
when.Congress defaults should the SC step national. . e111ergency" 'and .. , to-. exercise
-In as Its firial rampart (Fortun v. Macapagal- . emergency ,pci_y.,er;,. · TcL the . ~rst,: as
Am;,yo, supra).:. · .elucldated bythe .Court, section 18; Article
.·'· .. ·.. ·. · VII gra11ts the President such' power. The
Judicial J~ower- .to Review Sufficii?-ncy 'of : exercise· of 'ernerqency.powers.tsuch as ttie
the.Factual Basis.of the -Prcclarnatloruof takir:,g 'of ~privately0owned public'.. utility and
Ma·rti~I : 'iiaw· and, :the Congression'al business affected with'·public':ir:'iterest under
· Revoke lt,'Pistinguished ,. Art X!f Sec?.17; requires delegation from a.
The Court: may strike down.the presidential- Congress:(Davia ii. Macapagal-Arroyo,~R.-
_proclarn.ation in' an appropriate proceeding 3;
. No. 171 ~96, -,May -2006). _. · · . . . . . : . ·
· . .- filed. py any citizen. on .the·:ground of lack of
.. sufficient 'fac.tuar basls. On- the other hand,' · :MILIT,ARY:POWER {~artii:\l~Law}··
· .Cdngtess-may·r.evoke· the proclarnatlon or .. . : _Underth'.e-1973 Ct:msti!1;1tion:_and
.suspenslon, which revocation shall. not be · Und~r the· 1 ~87 Constit4tion, Distinguished
• set.asideby.the President."
..... ·. .·
. ~ . ,
. (:-:_i A

. P-L !':)'' J ."\.

~, . '•·. . . : ..... , ...

, In . reviewinq . the sufficiency. of the fac,fol:if/ · · , ·

· : . basis of the.proclan'lation -or- susperision~M1~'- · i..i ;;\
CouF.t considers only· the lnformatlon '~11t:1 ·· · · '.'_:L,_ .
<:lata -avallabte to the President prior ar.n'.;_..J'' .. ,.~· · .. ,..,.,__,, ·'",
'the time. of. the-declaratlon: it -is_po.f;..airov,.,ec:I.:.}_ j ~ : . - .lnva~q!i!1:-,-,o_, · reb~ hon,
( . ·
~9~7 Const1tut1o_n
. ...
. tQ "undertake .an !ndepende~t:;i,f.fvesJigatior:{L.,H or ,mm,~fk~! dang~r- . ha_s narro':".e~ . the pleading~.- on ttip';9f1~~hahj(.<r"'f\ thereofw1 ~~.r
~te public ~rou_~~ .to,· ... [act.~al]
. Qong~.e.$s·.f!1aytc1ke into_ c,9n1>1.de_r~iior;rrot. t.i
safety ;e,~u,~7s\ . -·:.. ,nva_s~o(l or. repelhori,
: pn1y· aata aycfi_Jable. Bf.i.~~~cf. bqf,lit,d=ii,yisi · y·,\. . .I ~- ·\_.:· whe~ .. p~bhc. safety:
'events supervening t~·~:a~ctar:~tipn. .-.
.. · · .· i . ,/ <--,·:f'; ..:,., !'.,~
. ~ . r' ;l
. ,1 ,~I
il. fl · '<\ ·
'"". :·,;nry:~..-.:·~~.· Comn:,entary,
r_equires it (B!=RNAS, ·
·. : .· . .. ·• ,,. ' ... -- -;P' i i ,. ~.;_;-,. ·-~.1- . -.. _..~~l.'. ••~· .-·::!tfaf,>;)'-i,Y • ·554' .
· 1n· ._a.?~i\_i~ri:i·th.~ F<:'~rt·~· je't!e;r(B?.Wer~ · Id ---~::ru~. '. . · .. · '/•
· pa$Slv_~; 1t IS Ofl_ly\?Y.:Jlfle·,f)hng Off.a !, •f ' .·
.. p_et1tl6_n"in :arr apptopri~te P.to_c;eeding"by a . r.(:.....
·, ·dijien.' ?.n't~~ olJ,_er h_a~d_;.cory_gi:~~!lr¢vi.e~ .. j;.\:t~' ,,.:~:~ . . .... , . . . . .
. .. :m.ech~rns~.:1.sa1;1tom at)~' 1n·.ti,~.,~13~s.e}!}?pt::--~ . rid.e.fimte),, ... dur:atio11. t-_iot _.exceedmg .60 days,
· . may be· acbv; Cqngres':rit1>elf;~.1<any·. (BE;f!NA$.,, . _. s~bJ_ec;t · to... extension
_· ;_time after ·the _proc:larr.1.a_ti_q~_'.oi·~~JP.2J1~!!JI'.) .C_omfl'}e_'!fary, St.JP..~~ at. w,~. the consent <)f
. '·._was made.(Lagwa.n v0 Me91eldea1 '!;upra). '. 9~.6)_. .. - . . . .. · . Cbt)gre~s.
. ... - : • : :·~.· v, ' . .. . . . .. .•· ·. . ·.- . • . t . ..... . . . ....

- ' Ways· to· .. Liff the . ProclamatJon ·or

. ...S~spensfo.nj (~qRN). · -.. .· · · : .. ·.
·.·i. :· !,ittirig'by tliet.Pr~'side.nt-~imself:. · E,tC)usive .·.·prerog'atii/e :sha'red···. . by· ..... ~ha·
Ii. ByQperatioo···afte(.60 days; . of.· the:. · · Pr~sfderif, Preside.nt . ·. 'V'ith
lit~ gevpcation by.Congre$S; and. ·· ... (GOROSPf=, supra at ,Congress \
_·iv: ·: ~u.Uificatiori.'~ by : _the .~upreine ·: Court . _5.13J.. ~~ . . • '. . . .
' . , . · (CONST: Art. VII, $ec;,.18) · · . · · Reason: They exercise
·. . ... ~:· . \:. . . - . . . :. .the powe.r,.. not . ·orily
. . ·'the' fa·ctuaf·.necessity of calling out- the . , ~eqqe·nti~lly;. · but in · a
\'ami~'d.forcesi~ a' dlscretic;mary power solely . sense . jointly, , since;·
after ·the. Pr.e~ident has
. ' .. vest.ed·irr'lh~ President. T~u~ .. generally, th~.... ,':
ini.~iate.d .: . . . . the
· SC cannot overrule the President's wisdom ·
.. or substitc.ite .jts. own L1nless the President's'. proclamation .or
. · ·decision is toiany bereft faduai. basi~ {IBP. of suspeasiori'; qnly tt:ie
· v:· :tamo;a, G.R. :No. 141·284; August 15, Congress can mainla_in
the same ba$ed on its.
2000). ·. '·. . . ' .. . " .· . ·.
Altho.ugli . tii~ Court may look into· tJ1e own evaluation- of the
. sufficiency of the·factual basis of power; situat_ioo on '•the' ground,
· thi_s · · is no longer feasible · when· · the a p·ower ,·'that ~e

~ ...
NtiR@ hM'l'ffl

·co-N,S.TI.TU.T.IO'NAL ·LAW.·, .

nc:,t .
HCA -~iHPf &ti
, .. k4Mi3

· President does
have · · · (Fortun . v..
~upra)... ..
Presld~~t. - · exercises A state- of martial law
. plenary .: legislative -does not supptantthe
. power. .. ·runctioni'ng · of · the.
None .. ·congre,;s'· .i~itiat~d, · (~quino,· . sr.: ' V, ,legislatiye. . . ··-
. review (within. 24 -hrs: ·COME,L5e, suprs): 'assembtles. - ·..
foilowing. ·'. ~uch ~ot~:·.. In .. Sank;/ad ~· · -= · .. · ., .
. proclamatiofl . or CQMELEC; s_upra;dhe Note:, In : the actual
' '
· siJspen~ion, · c~nvene
: ~ with~ut rieep of a ~Ir),
SC held ·:. that the
theater· · of' war,". the·
. presldential 'exerc;;ise-.of martial . ' . . •' law
leg lslative powers- · in .adtnlnlsfrator's word is ·
..·· 'Citi~en. . ioltf~t~d- times· ofrnartlal .law is law; -within .theIimlts l;Jf·
r~vi_ew.. before -ttie SC.;. ,now:a:_. conceded- valid .the :Bi'ff -of· Rights. But
.questioning 'the Jacfual· act::· . : .· ... ·:. 'outside' the theater ·of
'?'a.iis · .. for . {he : .. ., 'war.the operativelaw is
. - ~··,:,~~ . · _ ·.
U \.f · 'l ,-.YA ·
proctarnatlon · ..,..__,,,;.,.-o-:
!!1~·-~v .
ordinary · law:·T~ this
susperislon. ·-~,:,:.10: t~ extent.. · the .1987
· ,,;:;
~ · r"':1:.-·
. . :r · · · provision · , · · rejects
. ·R~ason.~~ -,~) ~p.a··-$.=x-..---,. o~"'"~~ A~ . Aquino;- . ' Jt,', ·. v.
· . coristi~t~q[, v~M•ty ~t·~_, .; .. ""~~,<_,;,.. · ~~ . .. · COMELEC,· supra;
the i A v~~Jperf!s' . _;·{}- . . A:· •, '\:· 'K) \ ·. . whlch. g~ve. .. -pie.nary
prp~t~tr'J~~l':. of flaf11a!1 ~ : ,{\ . ' ... ·. \:' l ·' .. \. . - le·gislativ_e power !o _tn~-
l~"?f ·O! S!(lsi>e1:1s10~ or:-. .r·,-., . · ·. \·r. li')'t mar.tialfaw
... .th,e7prJyile:ge
ilh . .._~:io--ft
· on ~e.atf corp. r. s ~!rJt,,
:1.-: I ~ L · 1i!J
f ..
j,~ ,,.,. -".filW'. '
,,,JJ.=""'. t"· · · · ·
- ·. ·
"ii ·
l r.: , . Ii Cc:Jmmentr1ry, -supfc! at.
: ·. a:d;,oultc'al ques.tion 11;1_:,f:':._iim· ·:-- ~- . . ·-j · .. ~ ~1 N 920), . ·. :-, · · . .. · ·. ·
t(~i\~s of:-Cp,\gress' -.i_~IJJJ.!-f!:''°h) .'·j--1~.-· f l H · · ·. · . ~ :
. . b~f~re'<!\\. be~1irl.~.s....a_..-··r--) · IP°JJ ,I · · · ·

. . · . jiJStiei~Ble.
,, -,.,,tJ ., ~ . otle~~~.the
' ,<J;,.... ~f
~ c:. · Jjf
l:laoos 01~ the,<f;;Q1:J,(! ,-.-, • ·1 <'.t.,. ~ : '';-- _;. _ ... : ~ ~
· · .. (Fo*tun ·. 'it. t;@acc1~!b'al~" · :: .-. .: ·mbitaiy )fo_m.m1s·~on . ,. . .. . .. .
.... ·ArrQyo; supra)~: · .. · ..- :-~ ''°""-!"'~. -~Juris~)ctiori t9,,.1ie_ar does, _n~t supplant !h?
..... ·--: .· "1\.. . .. , -s~ • 1Et.,.T1!e~.·., 'j.l:la_i~_~t functior:ung _of_. t~e c1_v1I
Ease o( re9{~tl';>-lli._.~ ~9~11lan.,~:Mtfr~9~,·PE:[!Od, .ce>,~rts . npr ~uthonze
The Cong~ss...,.,t,01Jr:1g ~-==-=:_""' -<':If. ~~igi~w {.Aqufno, t,he·., cqnferment · of
· jo'intly, -b'y ·a_ vo.~ 'ofJit . 4!~~-v... .
1\ /~ . .
lea~t a.majority of~alMt§,:, · L:ii 1--. ;t;o,ffmission. No: · . 2, .courts. ahd . ag~ncres
-)1ii(tary. juri~dictipn . o~ · rri_ilitary
··Me? _1egular.pr_ ==- .<;,R. No.. L~3,7364, May o_v,er, '' .(wher.~
·spe_~!aJ_. s_es_sion,_.·may" ~ ~. -~975)., ·:· _: .:. · _.- ·.\ civi_l.. f.o.~.r:t!l;.a(~ -able._to_
revoke · ,- such · ·: .. · ... .' . function). · ·· ·· .
p"rocla.matrofl. · .·, ·.;:~or:. · .. : · ·. .· . · ··..: ~-. !1. ', -·~ ...... : ·
-suspension,.: :· .. y,,hic.f) ·:· ~. _: :·.. ·.. .The. 1S:$7 :Constitution
:feVOC:atio'fi ·sf'}alf ' ... ' , . ·· adopf!r'the ~9pen· COIJrt"
se( :..- aside ... by ... the : . . ·'., . . .. rule . )n . Qunca-;,_ : v. .
President: . . · ' . . Kahanamof<u/ 327. U.S., ...
Note: ·Martial law· m.,1y .
·., ~,(14,.. 321. :(194;6)'. and
also be extended ·. ]:>y.. . .
' ·. · ·, ·
. . .. '.
: · r.eji:lcts.~he. y.or:itrary rule
·.. first· .. enun,c(ated in
C9ngres~-• .for a. peiribd , :. . . . . . _. "Aqutrii:i,')r.:.. v. Mili{a.rj
to be determined _by it;. Cornmission. · fl!.o. ·,2, ·
by. a joint vote 'ot b_oth ..
-supra · . (BERNA$·
·Houses .. ·The initiative . . . Commentary, supra . at
for extension, nowever,
can on\y com~ fr.a~ the. . .
. Pr~sident,


cousrrnrnoasi, LAW' l
w11· IP EiC- f"XWh!'=!,

. SAN 8£0A.LA.W'':~NTl!ALIZ£0_ BAR OPERATIONS - 'Mq.!~RY AID 2019

Sri! 2M+a.+ i$ MW&Mi&I tf#B-?AA· SABRSP.SWf&Mii+U~:Jlll..~-=~.a:.t

It ·Js. dtscretlonary · on the· part ofthe.President- and ..

may not be controlled by the legislature or reverse.d .
by the court, unless there Is E! constitutional viqlct~ion
Proclamation of' martial ..A state of martial law (CRUZ:, supra iJt 443). .
law autom;iitically . does not -autornatlcally
suspends the pr:ivli,ege... suspend the 'privjlege of
The ·1egat effect of pardon ts to restore.not only the
. . .

'of :the writ of habeas, the wrlt (CONST. Art.· offender's·li.berty but alsohis civil and pollticalrlqhts
corpus ."(Aqu.ino; Jr. v. · VII, Sec. ·1B; (rrrelation. (I~: at 448)_. ·.
· G.R.. · No. · L-.I to Aft. '/II; Sec. 15).
35546, Septeinbet. rr.. . . . b.'
Su [ect
1·1m'1•at'10·ns. . imposed bv .the
' 7 .
· ·1974). ·. · · rvtoreo.ver,.. the.' 'same -Constltutlon, - the 'pardonlnq pQwer .. cannot . be .
'shalt apply·. only. to restricted or controlled by legislative· actlon (Risos- · :
persons judicially_. videt.v. COMELEC; G.k. No. 206666, Jenusry 21; .···
t:h~rgei:f(or-.r~b~IIIOl)Or -~015) .. ,:, . : . . .
offenses 'inherent Jn or · · · . ·
directly connected with . Doctrine o.f Non-Dim.,inution/N<:>n~lmpalrr:nentof .
·the lnvaslon; and that 'tfie President's .Power o! Pard~n
during the , suspension . ~ny act: of .Cong_ress by . wa,y . of. st~tut~ cannot
· .; .of the ·privilege- of the. . . to, ?eli~1~ the 'pardonlnq power of the
· · ·writ, ::any, person ··.tnus ;.:.<u· Pres1d.enHR1so~-V1da/v, COMEU;C, su~r;~)._
arrested · -, or ,detaiA~.d; ·;_:....').{ · · • · _.:. ·. · · ·. · . ·. . · . . . · .· ·
. ::-..
· .shall ·' be. .japicially.; :k ,-;\' Llrnltatlons: .. · · . . .. · · . ... · . . . . .
·. :within a da~}-~.· ;.:.-. ,:·?·'\· a .. Cannot b~·granted 1n,cas~~ of_(rnpeac_\lrnent
otherwise he shall 'J4~;' •,, · ~· { . . 0-:·..,._ , .(C9J1,S!-Art. V/1,.S~c. 19)_,.. . . . ·
: released (C.ONST.~1ttt.t:''.rf·'·r·,;;...:..:.:.:...i.b:--9a;1n9~ be granted lnvlolatlons .of.ele.ct!on
vt: Sec· 're par.<('5)) · .J·~(" · -----:ic;1ws;w1t1:,outthe. favorable recornrnendatlon
, . '. . ' . · /. :?..-;, · .. ·.J .. ..,g:· . . ·of' t~~~90.MELE?(CONST. Art:· IX-.0, Sec. ·
- . •, . · .... I
··'::. \·· .;v ·. -ii .....\ · 51"/t
1:f h \~ ·
,. \\·
. · . · . '
. " ·
· · ·- . ·· :·. · · · · .... · · ··tfi'~Ci{"'="'.fl·-:.. 'i.A' .. c. Cpn_p,e.!1ira11ted onlyaflerconv1ction'by.!inal
. _ear~onmg Po~er1Power.of ~~';~ 1'i.i.g1~t~J"~~;,, · L.\ · J.~d.g~en}\~xc~pt amnesty (90NS.7'. Art .. vii,
• . .) .. ·. .,/:<. . ',' ,:..c-.,,
. ---.... ... ' -; ~-, r,., I: . 'I.'\ ,,/Sec.~, 'f.9...• People v. Salle, Jr.,. G.R . . .fl!o." (~<;:·P.AR ;. ~>/' :=.:/2,;))). t<.~~ .. \iii
,J.. ~-.
~;-t'1/!y.~!,;;pe,c;f/T/bf;r4/·1995}: . . .
. .
. a..'.·· : .. : · .t;j., ·. 1--j:::;·:;:'i;' · . ·,::,:\ 1 l,J . :·d. "'~@llf.>Lbe"Q.r_aptedm cases of leg1slat1ve
b .. .g,ofl')mut~bons_;. ,; ·"~·::i:J·.,,\:· ·. tr ·~:/'. . . · coRtempt or c1v1I contempt.(C:?UZ, ~l,.ll?(B .at.
c. Eardons~.. · ..,,... .·. . . \'1 . · .· \\ . f · ,-•(__ ·. · .... ·.: 440);. . .. . ... . .. ·. . · :.
· d. · 8mnesty;.and ... · . . . : ::\.· / .. :.J · . ·., ,t ,<.'.1~~,,1~··cannot absolve convict of (ld.)r ·
e. Rem.lssion. · of. fin~s · and t6,!:f7:ituces./~J:i-::£;i..'::'.~.'1:.i:.~.:cfa'rinot · · restoi:e · . Ryblic . off\ces ~!ready .
am.nesty (.CONST .. Art. Vll,.See,,19). /i'\J'.. ·. · . .. · ·. -forfElited (Monsanto l!'· Factorqn,, .. Jr., · :G.~. ·
.:~{:> ·. . .. ·.: . : . . .·...· ..... ,. ·. ·.. . . ·..... ·,t~ · '-/
, '\.:,:;·,. .,. .No .. 7,823"."',· Fe.<!ru<Jry·
·" 9., .1989 . 1•11 . ·
s,i.z . The Pres1d.ent may.. ext~nfl execu\1\/.e der-r-ie_ncy fo~ · .· · · . ·
~:,_-. · ~dr,nlnis°trative penal_lies~.(f3E8t,/A$;'R~v~f'JWf'r.,.~UJ2T~.. . . E:x~ep_(lo~:.. If a pafd5m.'is give.n) he~:was
~:#:, at '315). The Constitutioh l"('·no ~1~tinct1on as to .. <l~quitf~d on the gro~n!'.1. .aid ~?t .comn,\f the .
il" ·tt,e extent of· tl:ie par.doning p0wer~ ~xcept with· . crime; reinstat~ment..and ba,ckw; due
~;_' respe~t to· lnip~ach_m.ent··s:a~~s.(LJ~m1;1s. V, :or.bos; · (Garcia·v •. COA,.G.R:· No. L~.75,02.5, Sf!p..··14;.1993) ..
?;. , G.R .. No. 9903.1, dcto't;er:15; .19~1):_' · · · · · · · ·
• {. · . ··· · . . :.. ; . · · :' .. · · ·.. ·. Kinds,of·Pard.on: . ... .
::~·,., Reprieve -.postpon~s,.:tf;l~exE:icutto,r:i.·~t.c!.s·ent~nce .1., Class'iffoation as to effect:·. . . . .
f,~. · to a ~ay:certaJri '(Pepple, v. V~r.3,. ~.f?. 'No .. L-~p68p, . a... Plenary:>-: exlingoi·sh~s' a!I·. the- ·penalties:. ·
,:t . t:'Jo.vember 1( 1~37): : · .. ...: ... · .. · ,' , . ·.: : . :. imposed' including·ac;c.essory djsab.ilities. · .
•.. \:·c~inmutatlo~·.· ::_'. ·~ · ~e~i~~iori' ·.o{ ~ ·:: p~~ ~f ·. th~
b. ·.Partial ...: does, not e-xtingvis.h.' al! peh.alties
(CRUZ,'supra·at·446).: - ·
'11:" ··,.punishment;~ s1,1bstit1:1tior1.of ,:1 lessei:-p.e·naltyfor.the
~{ :.orie o~igina,uy:!nip0sed:(PE19p/~ v. V,e_i.a,.:sufrc;iJ.,'. · . 2: ·: Classifl.catlon·as "to.. Pre~.ence'of cond1tl.on:.
·~~· ·-.::.. . .·.. :. ·.; . . . ·.· .. . . · · · a. ·Abs·o141e·pai'do~ .. :i·doe~, not impose· any
t·:· .PardQh :.. an·.~ct ·of grac;:.e, proce~ding .from .th~ c.ond.ition 4pon. th.e paraonee, wh.o ha:> no
·. po.wer entrusted with the exe.cution of thEc! ,law.s,. option -at all af!d mµst. a?cept it wne.ther he
~· Which exempt$. the .. ind,lvidual, on. wtiom it is . like.s it or riot (Id.). · ......
>.~stowed, ·frqm the .la.w 111me:t~.for a b. · Conditional p~rdon . - effectivity of the· ·
··. snme he .has committed, ·.(Tiu v.. Dizon, .G.R, 'No. pardon is· subject· to conditions ~hich the·
~,211269, June 15,' 20161• ·. . . • . . . . · .
offender must. fulfjlL ·It. has no .force · until.

t:i~·'.. ' . '/ •



·-- ·--· .. .
. CON'-STI.T.UTl:.a· N'.AL LAW·f
.Pifdl2@&¥5 M.

accepteq oy_ the: p.otential .. pardonee, wh9

h~s-th'e right to reje~t it (Id_.). ·

Rati~nale.: .The coni:liti6ri may··. ~e '·tess

acceptable to him .. tban the . original
punishment ··and.·.may. in fact· 'be more
· onerou·s·(Cab~ntagv.' Wolfe;G·.R.. No.. 3080,
:May 5,. 1906,·. BER,:JAS,_ ~eview_er,:supra al
.317) .
. : ~ .:. . . '·
Am'nesty . : . ···. ·· .
·.· -cornmorily.xfenotes . a general·
.. :· pardon tdi re bels. for-their. treason· or. other .
,high "politlcal offenses, 'or tlie forgiveness·
which orie _sovereign grants. 'to the sublects
of.'·anothe.r,. who have offended; by··some ' , . . . ... .· . . ,. .
-breach, :the· la'* ofnatlona. Amnesty looks No:nee<;f f<,}f d!s·,in.cracts Acceptance . ·is
·.- backward, and abolishes and puts into-, of. acceptance. necessary
-oblivion,::th,e offense it5elf;·it so<pverlpOk.l,-..::.:..-= .. ' · ,: . :, ·
and obhterates tl)e' off~nse. with W"~),9.IFl5°e"is ·-u·· .'-f 7lGi.fl'!~,.;fU~i:a_at 45'4). · · . . .· .
char~. by· 1 • • }). I ;}' ~~; ···. .
.that the .. pers<:>n r;!!a~ep::,..._ . : : ·.. · . _ ·
· -arnnesty .stands. before the J$1~Wl:r~Jsffi.f~i,.,,.=_-"- ~~~!(Fof.1].~ qf Exe.c;ut"te <?lemency
. though . h'.e:_ had :·§:d t>. rib~9ff€nse Tfi~"-~~Jr(,for~~-1-:~f executive clemenqy are the
. · (Magdalo v.- 'C0MEtEOfGR(JJJ.o-:f.-<19Q;J,9J-:~'

Jun~ ·19; 201.'2).· ... ,f~

·.. :· -J' ..:'!i-y/'

'ff · · fr:-· ~
Y~:' r: ·
mi <='~:.:. _j,~. :co~J'!'i"Q!~J!QQ)-\,F~~u~tion?.~ .n:ii.tigation· of the
A pen~~Y-(~fp~,.PIJ./,ftppmePolittda/L~w;_supraaf
<A· '. \. -. · · . · . · ·

. Npte: A. gr~ht o~ amp~sty bf the Wresident ,:/\.;"'~ : . 444)~; "\. l .._ : · cJ)
. . must be ~ith. the -CO~c'qr?Jery.ceof a\hiiii.
·· · of all-the' Jy1empersi!!0,F-Sc,r;(g~ess.CON~?
~Jofiry_. .. 1~
~,,i~f:r--::--f . . \_ .; . -~
, , . .
,..~~Repf~ve·~ qos~r:wm_~hJof se_nten~e to.~ d~te:
: ·• / ·

· .4,o.rt. Vll,-$e·c. 19)... It ·.,.~·el

~ ·. fu~\.lw;,:~l±i cet:_te;irn, 9r S\ay.;oif~~eCuh<,>n(CR!)Z,':Philtppme ·
; .· · · .· · '· · · ~~ (J\.
_Potifi~'fjfaw'-suprai~t444);· ..·: -~--~" ·.
. ·. ·· . .
Pardon:and.'Amnes~, .P!sii~gu1 ~6lid\: ~- ~ -1 ·;;~ . : ,;/;f;)/ . ~ ~--4 _# -~ . ~-. ' ,_ . . . ·. · :~ ·
,. . : ·· · · · . .. · : \.:..if·.) 'l. . · ·!>.'- ?:·., .• k..:~....,,- Prj1~9- re~ase.1rg"m-1mpris<?nme·r)'t·,
_b~t ~!thout
,z_.n . '~; ~l~Jc.sto~,;;t1~erty,_, a.s pa_~olee 1~ rn ·_the
·;'··~ 7 4ic ~tody~~ft~e le;}"" alt~ough not..m ~011frneri:ier:it
:r~~u'.UI tJ:J~.7.X~~ra~~n.of~IS ser)tence_'(<?RUZ,_ suprn_
--1 . ,· c;J-~)~f\j·/ ·... . .· . ·: . , . .. . .
"'"""-='~' -<!'\· -x. ~ . • . . . . . .
. -LQfra_~~o~~f;}~·c"fil_·. ~·-1-l i\_x<~~;t·8~o_n:mu~t. o.e:d,i~tingui~he_dfrom_ parole . ·
, : : COC11nJOn .cnmes"".l.!. , .-1\ t..r
:i..\}.IJ-tti~h~· lc;!tter m-volye~"Only. a release of th~
. . . ·. ··- , .. ·.· -.:, .... : · .. -~ .. -·"'=,-~~<fo'nvict'frorriimpr-isoom~j-it:btit.not a-restoration
• , .• ~ : · .. · ':: ·of.~is i!be(ty (CRUZ, SUJ?ra:~i'';45.3)_: ... :... · . . _.·· ·: 0

.; .....
· · i3~~nte~. -·1~\
~r.~s~~s. of. :·G~~~t~~- to,1~: 4 .. R~mlssl.oii . of ··fines... ai:id 'fhrfeitur~· ~mer~I-Y.
persons . p.rever'lts. · the' .. c;ollectiori·: ·of . . Jines or . ttie
· cqhfiseation.of fo'rf~ited·pro petty;' It cannot' have .
. t'1~· 'eJf.e.ct reb..irhing:pr.op~,:ty''Which •'Mas. be.erf
,"' ·. • '' • '·,-1, '\ •
• • I • •,·
'· vested in )thfrds .parties· or ·money- alreaqy' fri
'Requires· concurrenc~. of · Doe.s.- .. n_ot . require· . p1,1blic treasury . (BERNA$; · ·. Phiiippine
Congress·· . · · .·. ,· .. : · 'of; .· ·. · , Consiit*ion_Rei,tiewet;svpra· ;;it·315). · · ·
'.. . . . .. . ·Corigr~ss. . . ' ·: . . .. . ~ .. ·.. ,; :
. ·1. I!ofrowlng p·ower . . ,
. The-President rrmy.contri!'ct'or-gilarantee-·f6relgo ·
. lqans on beha!f · ·of . ttie . R~public . wiih .. the ..
. ··Public ·act which· courts. Private.act w.hich must . · .. cbncurr:ence· of ·the· Jl./l.orfetary:Bo13rd,_ s.ubject tq
··s·uch:l1mitations as may·be prov-ided·by laW.
·may-take judicial notice . ·fie· ·: ·pleaded . ··and
. . ~ : . : . . .· p~pv~.~. . _:_
. . . . · .. •. ·' . ·

' i-he Monetary. Board .shali· .submit to· Congress .

. 're'pbrt on loans within ·-30' day~ 'from 'th'e. end· of
::··, every·quarter:(CONS_T. Art~ VH.-Sec. ·20).: ·
: . ', . : ..


·coN-.s·Ti&iu~T10NAL LAW~~-~~41~1~
USll&i+ CC4ii ¥1-SHStS!


_,,_...., sBitUnm11m1!Z\OiMNtbtj!J\5M2£1UWt,lb3i!&':aani!:J!:ffl'4fJ!l'ZL"'.NiW!i&W,
r'"il,Y,', lli'."'l'a.:ll
. .
h.'atlc 'Power' .. · . and .the settlement of·. claims .. The validity of
.The President's diplomatic power inherent in-his · these have never been seriously questioned by
position as Head of State includes: · . oor·c?urts (Baya_n Muna V, Romulo, supra) ..
· a.· ·The pcwer to maketreaties (CONST. Art.
. VII. Sec. 21);° .. · . . . . . . However, the. President -may not, by executive
Q. The power to appoint' ambassadors, other. agreement; enter into a transaction which: is
public 'ministers; and consul's .{CONST:,Arf. prohibited by' statutes enacted prior· thereto.
Vlf,Sec: 16',.par. (1)); . . Under the Constitution,. the. main function of the
c. The. power te receive ambassadors -and . -~~ .: . . Executive is· to. enforce the' laws _encicte'd . by
·. other public ministers dulyaccreditedto .the 'Congress." He may ."· not· · defeat' ·1fi!glslative·
Philippines. (BE8/'IJA'S,-Commentery, supra . enactments that have acquired. the status of law,
. :at 941~942); and r " ... • • ' • • 'by. Ihdirectly repealing· the .same .thro'ugh an
d.·: 'Deportation power:(Tan Tong-v.::Peportation . executlva ... a_greement providing : ,for:· the
. · .. Boerd, GR, No. L.:.7.680<April 30, ·.r9_~5). . . . ·. -pertorrnaoce 9f the very act prohiblted by said ·
. ., , . , . ·. 'laws (G_onza/es · v. Hechenove, G:R: No. L-
· Treaty-Making .Power and Ratiflcatiol"!. . .. 21~9·7, ·october.22,':'19.63): .: ' ' ·
· · . The power to ·negotiate, · enter; · and · ratify
· · international treaties-ts vested Jn. the President, ~- · ..§.ud_g~tary·.Pt,wer . · . .· . : . : - · ·
subject' to the concurrence of the Senate. ', . . .. . . . · Within 30·daY$ from.the opening of every regular· .
: ., . · ;_ . ... ,: . · . . , .. ·, : : ·. · . · ..:,-. : , , ,' · .. ;,.,:) . . · .sesslonvthe President shall ' Co.ngress
. · ~o_..treaty or ·int~rhatic,,nal agreem~nt ~h~II ,:e.e~/;j _ ~- _bu~get .. of _e:<periditu.res · and :·sou'~ces .ot.:
yah~ and. effective unless concurred 111, by ,at:/··\ ·· · ·financing,. including" receipts ·from existing and ·
.. · least 213 of all' the Members _of ::the S.e~.a'tf ;·:' J.: · ·
e_ropos_ed revenue measures (CONST. Art 'vii,
/CCJN_s.T,:ArtN/1, Sec. Q1): ..... , .... : : . ' \5 '1'..' : ..· '.;' l-~.sec.22).·....... , ..
. . . .. ·. . . .·· i{? ·p.···.;-r·-! ,·.;.·.. ;·.-:-:.~,. _( ,:), . . ., .
. . T.he rble of th~ s·enate is limit~<!.onlrJq,·_g(vfng ·o"r°:":J ·l (~---~-cc'.i,;;,;J;:si'.'mayn.ot in~rease the. appropriation
... ~ithholdir)9. ,its. c<;>nS~r:!t,. o_r:-:conc'4_r!~n·ce,'to . .thj\:..t'i· . . . . . recorryl'T){;ir~ed·bt the Presidentfor the.·<)peratioi1.
r~Ufi~ation-.tte~re.·u_·iswm.,1~:t~'e <f9~~ty Qf tl}.¢';;---11,. '· .. of. tl')e 1P~v-~n.m~nt·as:.specified in ,the. b~dget.
P~!=l~1.c!ent- -tC>.. Je~us~ Jo: ::,ub.!':-f!;.f!e~~t::-.f:dt.~e:. . jil :. · · The fJr:m~c.of}ter1t'...and mf~fler _0f prepar!,lt100 of.
, ~-epate.o~ •. bavmg-: secar~~:}tf-cons~nl~fo_r:·.1t.!? f~ · . . the: if6.c!g~t Sl'i,f111· be p~escnbed by:· Jaw:(C.ON$T ..
: r1:3t1fi.c.~t10n,-:ref1,1se..'.~~ r:~fj~~;·lt. . ~"mf~.h': the'\ e_•. :' .· 'P:rtfl~ ~Jc._23.,par. (1)). ·.: . , ..;,tte,to:rat~ra~f~r.atywt.tm_l\f.i,?~-6,!;'-~.n ·. rr-;"1.. · ·, ·'.~,i1-~:-',ri°;\i7,r.7 ... · . ·. · ·· - .· .
t!J · .
· ·sighed in:its'behalf is·a.seriQ(IS s1ep~tti*"'i'!ho.i!Jla
~, not. be taKen tightly~.. ~uctj1;iet~~s,.'(Jit~il"!•tt,:e:
'.coinpeten,ce· ,Qf . . the- .Pr_esi.i:Jen_{·,.}\1lor'i~i\w.~i-~h
rt . ·
..Thi~w.e».i.s.iJ,)r6perlyentrusted to the executive
.department as ~e President who, as .chief
. ~-S~"":'-:-,i:iqministr~~qrand e_nforc~t of the.
la":"'s, .h.,·in:the ·
· ·C?clnnot lJe ·~ncroacheq, b.y the Co.1,1~vJ_s(,:.:a'wnt . of j<, ·~;-ii ~- '':..·b.~_~t:.R0~1hon .,.tq dete.~m1re the· needs ·:of. the
. " . : . m~r:idarnu_s, (Aqai/ino PJ1:1,er1!el,·'Jf},v:. 'Offf~~~T~~>U! .....:...d~~-eve#t~~~t· :~nd · p_rqpose. t~e · c~rreSP.O~d!ng:
.... :: ... (~e Exectit1v_e.,9ecre~ary_.'. .GR f':I0:-1/58._0.~'!3;;_;,;ulY_. ; ~ppropnat1ons th~refor..on thef. basis.of ex1stir)g
: 6;.2005). ,·. <' . · . ·. . , · ·. · ,;~: · '. : ·qr .expect~:d :sou~ce_s of.revenue (CRU?, supra
· · ·.. ·• ·.. · ..... : .· ·.,-~ .'·: .· "fJ(-462.).,,,·.·,: · .... ·.. , ; ·
.. Agreements· that· are:.permanent'.and ·original ··· .· . . ·. ·. :··· ::· :· .. · ·, ,
... sh~uld ii~ er;nb.c:idiec;Ii.n'.<J:fre?!Y.~n'd 5e~d -~er:i.~f!:l : .' .. · '·· fo. Informing Power . ·. .. . ..
· · concurrence. Agreeinents;,:wh.ich.'ilre ·. , · ·: . The. President=.shall aQdress · 8ongress at the.
temporary'-or.m~reiy 'imp,ien,Ejntations of treati~s . opening df its regular . sesskiri. ·He. ·may,. also· ·
oi' . st~tutes .·. ~lr~ady .-)fi · for.Ge . do·. · r:i.ot- · ree9 . ·_app_ear..~efore it' a~· any other· um~· (CONST. Ar(.
¢onc'urrence .(BERN,4._s;· Rev.iew,~r, . supra Jlt Vl/;·,$ec: 23)., : ·. . . . . · .. ,. ·. · - ...
322); . ·. · .. . . '· '· ..... ",.: . . .. : . ' ....
· The information .may ·be. rieeded for .the basi~ of
;r'ii:e. P.resi~~flt. C~!J: :_E~t~r. int~:.ail:·$~e.c~tiv.e·
. . ~gr1;1.ement, ': Wlthoµt ''th~." Ct;?iJ _&urrenc_e;: .. of
· '.the le'gis.lation'(CRUt, supra at463); ·. . ·..
. . . . : .
Senat~" . . : · <',.. :.. · ·· ' · . . · · ·-:' ·Th~·8resid.ent"Js!:J_any. discha~9es· the 1nto.rmi~g
. '. ... ThEtcight' of thtH~xecU.dVEl'-tO·~nter 'into binding. . ·, p9wer tbrou'gti .what known as t't,e 'stat~· of the ,s.
.... agreements·~ithoutth.e n'!:?'Ce~sityof subsequent :'. . · : Na,tio_h ~ddress (SONA) (CRUZ, sLJpra ·:a.t,464):'
.· .... Senate. approval, has ·b.~en:.c::onfi,'rmed ·by. long:
· , usage. From the·~arli.est-days.:af·our tiis.tory;w·e k. · 6esid·u~J P_ower · . . . . . . .
. . . . have' . entered .· ..into·. : exticutive' . agreements .. · Th~ po~er.s of the Presid~nt.are more than the
co\;ering ..suet) subjects . as . ecfrriniercial and: · sum- ·of· the ·executive powers · · expressly
. consular r~latibns·. mi:>s't favoredsnat(on 'rights; e·nu.m(:lrated in the Constitution. He also
. patent . rlgtits.. . trademark .. and . copyright .) . exercises all powers which · ar~ _n9t cieariy.
·prot~~~ion, pcista( and' navigat_io~ ~rrangemerits legi~lativ!:! or judicial. '

2oi$·SAN sioA CEN''(RA~IZED BAR op6AATIONS I 6.5


.Judlclal Rest.raint . : _ . ·Note: The qualiflcations fort e members ofthe- SC

A 'theory of judicial · interpretation that encourages and any other collegiate cou under Art. VIIJ. .seo ..
judges to limit the. exercise of their 'own: power in 7(1 )·of the Constitution have een enumerated-in an
·c,ertain. cases (Puno, J, Concurring & .Diss.eniing excluslve ·manner .and thus annot be reduced. Of.
Opinion,. v. HOR; suprs}. · increased ·by'C.ongress.throu h.ordlnary legislation.
However, ln the case of judgE! .ofctber'lower courts,
As a judicial stance, it is .anchored cin· a heightened · thif p rrnitted to add to the·
regard tor democracy. Deference to the majority-rule constltuttonal ·qu·alificalions·,.. he same being only
constitutes the flai;j"ship argumen] of judicial.restrafnt minimum requirer:nenti;"-(CRU , supra at 475~476)..
which . emphasizes tbat -in· der,ocrati~;:"_gov.ernc;1oce: .
majority /ule is a necessar,i princlpte. !t 'nudqes the. · Qu.afrficatiQns: ·.
. judge .Who considers .dernocracy as an jrttrinslc and -1. Ctiief Justice and .Asso iate -Justlces of the .
fundamental value to grant thatthe dlscretion 'of the .. , S.C:. (t,1--40-1~~c11:i1f- .' _..-·. . : · : . ·.. :· . . _-
legislat1.1re_ ls large and.thathecannot correct ariyact .· a.·. J~atural-born:citizen; . .
or enactment that ·come.s .berore the court ·solely .· b. ·At·Jeast" yea~~ old; . . ·· . . ····'
because. if is believed -to l:>e'..unwise .. Adherents of . c. 0·15 years judg1rnf a Joy.,er.court
judlclal restraint· . Wc;lrn·· that . ·. U))de(,. certain ._- or has. been eagaged in the: practice ·9.f law
· · 'circumstances, u~e of judicial-review.has .. in ttie.Philippiries fort e same pericd; and.'
. a detrlmentaleffect-cn thecapaclty of_the:demqc~atic-=.z..._·=-~- d .... A-person.of proven: Qf:!1petence, "!nie·grity,
11u· .
~o:;;:~~;)~~~~~Y·jr v11;,
~Y~\te~ !O·fu.ri~!i~n effeGtivE;_ly (,.J, ~qOf!,IFring& ~j~"'-eropity;· an:d !odepe d_eric~ (CONST:.-Art.
DIS,Jent1n.9_ ?p,mon, Fra~~s~o'.v. 7)!. . . -
Appointments (o the Ji.Jdic:;i1:1_ry).',·e~u)~_w.eru~:
·:·. · ,,y .. hr ~ · .-,.?.:""'-"'~""t"e
. .... c- ,'
. "'k= · . ,_11•
. · . 2:_-'"'.Pt:~~'d"~Jf~u~tice-a_!l~ . so.cfate Justices of

. 7). t.

· '\ (
~~ . , ~ · . , · ... ·. . ..
·gp~J{!9~t!~ns · 'as those · · provided
.!h:.. Just1fes,o.,(-the-Supreme
f) .'~;\ · ·
ourt .(B.R:129,·Sec._.
· .
·. '!:
. ~~11"'"'. 1.---~-. . . l\ .._:.. ' .
. ,¥~ ::'. ~!
Ci~~~E:fl~ .of~.!.!!~' :~ ·11~1- __t,-:f..t:.\~~gi°bnal
PfithP.Pi\es 7 -:. l ·'-,. ~-~ J.:.. I' · A,.,.-. .. . ..
~es: ·(e:;1.35.1 O•elPI) ·
. _
~- ·,r.:«!. : ·.··. ; ,t:: m~n•·ij,i11B a. ~tJze,:t qfthe•7lii1hpp1 ~S, . _. · . ·
t--------t-----· ~~ =J...,,,...,11;-·
..,.."!---' .-!;--~-:,ii-0.-+.:.
_.,._.-,.='"!. ~::::r:::',:;.:?'.°'
b. f/j,'t.!!J
$t 35 yeaJ old;, · .,. · .· . ·
Ag!;i 40 y.o. er'\ R"(<t~j~. ~~ 0· ~-c'j! ~s be~i;:;;:~r.ijj~ge'd"·f r ~t least 1o·years in .
0 ·,; .Lgl>"/~i{f!l·

.. (at least) . . \ MTC\~~~o"~-- pra~tice°'o'f;Jaw·iri he-Philippines ·or has·..

. · :- · '}, - :1,, · ·.-~;r~~"\... '1~ '-..-~/ \",,., .eld p,flblie_o,~e,nth Philippines·r.eq\Jiring·
• ' °\"'-""- [//;of-..:.__,,, I .. , ,.
·e:xperi'en~e.. · 15· years ··cir.·: · _re Praq~J~ of1~,>:~~·_;.,i.r ~tl1tJ:1ssion ~ .-~he ."P. ?tice pf )aw _as:_-a_ri.
~s,· a ju_d_ge. of., in. ~" ~ 'l":N,"f\r'>- . Jtid1~pens~tle.r_equ1s_1_t, ah?· :. .
.. l_ower. court.·- oc f>h1liP.~JA,.eS"~~ b · ~~AR~~~.9.--ot prov~n. omp.e~en_ce,Jntegnt)I_, , ..
engaged . ·in · "the ),'ai~~~ltl) ~ ~,.. . Y' ~ro~ffy1 af!d !n,dep.en. ence (B.P. 129, ·S~c:
practice o.f. .law in ,put-?fi~ffi~Jin . }/!l ~1~
1 ~. : : . · .
~,:r · · .- · : · · · · · .-_.
the -Philippine~· .for t_he:Phili"p~lllflS-=~!.,: . · . - . .· . ·.. .
.u;e same period reqliirinQ . . '.f. _ l'v1_eJr~r:>ol_1~an., ;. ~l!.!l~U:>. I . ·-a~~ . Mun,c!_pal ..
admission· . lo C1r<;~1t .T)'.•al C~l;I~ Ju~g ~: (C~0-5-CIPI~ .,. -,
. . . (
,.. the prc!qtice·of. .- a .. ·£m~e,1:f.¢f~h.e e~;. · . ,. ·. . ..
law· . as. an . . _b•. "At least_ao y~ar~·old; . . . ::-., ....
,· indispensable · : · · . ·. ·. c<
Has ~e~o
.ei'!ga~~9_fo 'at .1!;:~~.t§. ¥.~?rs"incthe ·.
. ·:· requisite for at · · .. · :Pr~cbc~of.lay11nthe hlhPP!f)es.oU~as_held_·. ·
• •• '> ·... . ,least: ; '. . · · .. ·. publ~c_. _?ffic~. Jri _J~e ~itipplres_ reql:iiripg •
· ·: RTC: 1·0 years .· . -'.'ld~1ss1~n to t~e ~r ct1~e. _of. law· as ,m _.
· • MTC:' 5. years . . . -11:id1spensabJe _requls1! ; and· . . ..
· · d. · f!,,. _per~o_n.of, i?rov~b.- ll)petence,:!ritegrity,_
: frobity, and Jndepen e.ncE'f 78.P_ 129, s~c.
. Cha·r:~c.ter. A. p~rsoi1. qf
proven. co,n~etence, ·, 26). . . ~ . .
integ"rity; . · probity, · ,and
.. ·· ..
···.. : . ,i'.: .. ; :

' ....
":(CONST. Art:VIJJ, Sec . .7;"8.P.·129,-Secs::z,.. 15, cine!
26) · . .

74 · 1 2019 SAN. BEDA CltNTRALIZED-

~ . . BAR .
f ·
~I E·Ml&ilfflit&WfllPe:Fil
,;: BW~ LA;.,c:TRAL:~£:::i::::::~ M~:c/D 20_19

it,. Procedure fo.r.
Appointment (CONST. Art. VOi, The rule therefore is that ·an act or omission
-Se.c;. 9): . . . . . . · ; 'c.ammitt_edprlor toor at.the time of appointment
": 1. Appointed by President from among:a list pf at or electionrelatlnq .to an official's qualifications .
· feast 3 nomineesprepared by the JBG for every to hold office as to ·render. such appointment or


vacar:icy(CO~ST, Arf.,-Y/lt, Sec.·9,par. (1)). .
2. Any vacancy in the ~C .shall .pe filled:withi_n ~O-
days from occurrence thereot(CONST.Art.- VIII,
electlondnvatld.js properly cthe ~ubj!=l~1,of· a ._quo
w~rran_topetitlon, provided that _th.e reqilisltes for the .
commencementthereof are· present. However, acts

i!:' Sec. 4, pet. (1)). . .. ': . . . or omlsstons, e:v~n-lf. It relates to the qualification
f . 3. -. For lower· .. courts, · President shall issue the of fnf~grity, b.elng. .a . continuinq requirement but .
k . . appointment90 dc:)yS from submlsslon of.theIlst .nonetheless committed,..during fhe lncurnbencyof" .
tt._.· : ·. · · (CONST. Art. :VJl/,. Sec, ~; par. (2)). · _ · . . · a vali<;!ly appointed and/or validly elected· offlcial..
i: . cannot be the subjectof equo wan:anto·proceeding;
· Noie:· .. Such,° .appolntrnents . conflrmatlon b.CJt of some_th1ri~·-e1se,·which; may. be· impeachment
, · (CONS.T-.rArt.VIII, Sec. 9; par .. (1))., ·· · (Republic v-. Seren.o, _G.R .. No.: 237428;.May ··11,
. . . ·. · · · .: .· . 201-8)-::~. .. . · ::--. .. .

fr .
@ · The-prohl9.l.fion ·agai~;t· midnight ~ppointments does .· ,
not apply to appolntments In-the Supreme Court (o«: f>ower to Discipline . . .· .

Castro. v. · JBC, supra): ·. . The $upr¢m.e Court eh berio shall have the' 'power

Tehure·.bt justi~~;•U:td.Jud~~~-:- . ; . ·. · . · ·. · Y:"~ -e- t~:_ .. ~i.;ciplin~_-jlldges oflower' courts; -0R .. 0

:,;. · 1: $upre.rr1e·. ·c?urt'. -:- . holds .. offlce -,during .:gqqc(_;;}(. z. · Order t~e dismiss~! ~~ judges o_f lowe~-courts b::,-.
it· behav10.r ur:it1I they· reach 70 year~ of agef:or/. :,\ :.. a -vote of. a ma1on~y of .tne .Members who·
~f.. . . beco·me _incap_acjtatedto- discharge. th,eir d~_ir1:1s:',:'.... ; \ actually too~ part:o.n "the issues in th.e case· and
~ (CONS.T. .Art. V/11,.-"Sec .. 11).· May be remo~. ·_el(.'·"'.' ..
} ,.;...~- voted}t)ereon·(CONST: Att . .VJII, .Sec .. 11).
if. . - , . . . NST. ·dx',· . ' ·- .. . ..... .. i: ·\
. f:.rJ··-"'{ · ;r..:;:::. .=:. if::;-::.2~'""·;;·,::'i . ~- · - , · ·: ·. . · .·. ·

' ~- -. ·.
t~.~, only· through impec:!chment (CO. __ ·. .-
j· .
·: Sec.. 2)... · .· · ,_.

· ·· · · . · . .,,,:,,_,;/ . ',:/ 1 Note:-rhe-.f1r~t clause wa~ .not lnten9ed mat all
2: Lower: .Court~· -:- . hbldS ·. office /qDri~g goo~/\..,.) · administrati~i\jdisciplinE!rY. cases . sho!Jld be he<!rd
behavior ·until . they. reach 70 ye''ai~,qt age 9r:--"·1i!_-. a11d · decide'<:ljj 1% the Whole : Court. It is ·-merely a

-bec_ome.·1~9apacitated·_to~isci,;i~.e~:~lr;.:quti~s' (',(. _declara~)9jf o~ th'~.. gr~i:it of ~h~t disc;:ipl\na_r.y·po~er t~; .
. (CONST,:Art. VIII, Seq._ 1.1);:!,7·. -:·: ir-..:::-:;,< 'c; . I''\ _ and the,r~e.t"rllT!tJR~bOfl · of'. th~.. procedure'·m the
~:: · · · · :· . . :· . ·· . /<;:'...,>- ·_--tr,;-":-i~ · ·. :_ · ·t .''T exer,cisEf·the{eof_1:>~; the Court en _bano·. (People v.·
J\!o law .shall be passe.d· reorg,~nizir,igr;Cg·-~f:Judi~r.y ·. r.:?J. G_~c(J(tfyF,!7}.{{JJ}'!<:};716(!49, _July 1,a:'1995):
ft.' when ·it .undei:rnines the · security of,::tenl!te otJ.:-it~ .:. ,, ·.. · . '<-.tlii..WY··. ·: . , ·. . · ·. · ' . : · · I
~,;(. memqers.(CONST. Art, _VIIJ,· Se~~~ft'·~:JJr\\ . j/ . 1~{.j Purst:Jarit to· .the ·fir-st claus~. the_ Cqu_rt · er'I_ bane · !_
t . · . '. ·. · .. · '. - . . · · · : · · : . . .:--r.· · · · · 1 :\- · · . ,;_ .__adqpted -a resolution; Bar Matter .No. 209, provicjing
'ff The Ousfor-"of Chief Justice.Serenol\:.~;:-;Y . _. }-~_.-;,..t~~-t'..:declsioo"s of the· SC oa:.disciplinary en .
, ;. . By a vot~!of. the Sc 0_1j. May j·1,: iQ.~:s :yo!~·cf_:t0~.".~;~':..iD:b~ric~!i~Aeede_~- <:nly_ \\the~ •the'·."penalty ·1mp_osed."is .
~-';:.0 grant- th~ P$lltton for Quo Warranto -a!;J,; ;f.~rp,_er
..._··f,}:·::_·':_ d1sm1~sal of_. a Jlldg~•. disbarment of- ··a : lawyer;
r Chief. Jus!lc~;..Marja: Lourdes ,p ,A_:. Sere'Qb;~9ldi_ng . s_usp_ensio~ bf . either for inotir"tha~ ·;1. ye·ar, or fine
i,. . ~hat. ttie. _lahg'u~ge of s~ction. 2; Articls XI· o_f. the ·· . e)'.(ceeding_· 10;000 .. peses· (People.·. v. · · Gacott; Jr;, · .
J.-: Constitution. does nqt-".for~close a.· quo -warranto. · : s'upr:a}. . . :·..... . . ·. _.,., .
. \· ~ctiori~aga·lnst .impeachable officers-. 1-he pro"'.ision . :.,·: .. : · ,, .
uses th~: pe_rm(ssive"term ."may'' which,--,ir:i statutory. : Tt,e ·se_c.ond~iause· i!.l lntet1tlo11c:!.IIY·s:eparated··from
. constr.uction; · .denotes discretion: ,and· q_arinot be . ·the first liy,a c;o,rirna. ··Evidently, .in this -instance, the.

· r ..

construed: a&. having manqatory ef{ect" (RepublicVr
,Se,:6no) G.WNo. .2~7.428, Ma~·1(-201_8).. . . . .
. · ·. . . · . ·. ··. ·. · ·. ·· ··. · .. · .. ·
. aqtninislrative case must be delib"erated-upon-· and·
decided by the 'full Court its~lf.(PeoJ!)/e Vi GtJc.oft Jr_., ..
·supra).; ·. . . .' : ... · · ·• .. _. ··:-.-: ·_._-··/·, ·. ,.
t~ : By its tenor, Section.2, .Articje XI o·f th~ ·c.onstitµtion ·. ·
J.(:; · allo\yl? the. io_st!.t~tion·~f -qt10 warranto'.acUori ega!nst.. Altlipugh. cinly,cases."involv.i_ng·dis~issal'bf jud_g~s of
.J;.·'. an ·1mpeachable.· officer, ,After ,all, 'quo Vfarranto · · lower cou·rts ·are' ~pe_cific;ally re·quired fq be de.cith:~d ·
t';, petition _is .P,.red°icated, ·gr:ou_nds. distinct from th6~e ... b.y .the Court en.:b·ang; -in c6gnizai1ce of the n!:led for·_-
z'.. . of imp!3c1_chment T,h.e former qu~stions the ·v_apgityof · .. a. thorqligh •a'nd . judkious· ev'alu~tion ~f: ·serious .
~~"?-; . .Pl:iblic officers appointm_ent while._.th1(.latter indicts'~. . . charges against.lT!embers of the ju.d!ciary;.·1t is only·
f;; :· hi_rn·foc the· so.-caJled impeachable ·offens°f;s without ·· when ·the: .penalty· lfnpo~ed . does · hot ·e~ceetl" ·
;,</. · ques"tioning.hts·tjtfe to. iM office.he hoi.ds. (Repµblic suspension :of mbre than .1 · .year or· a fine. of .•
W.i~. v, _S~re90,· G.R.,-_N6. 23.7428'. M~y t/, 20:1.8).. _, · .. · P.10;000.00; or both, .that°the··adminlstrative,matter
m~y ·be decided .iri division (People. v. Gacolt; ·Jr;,.
~r·· • • : •• , • , , . .• ~ .
supra). · ' · · ·.· · ·

. .
I 75
iild4k M~W±M> 14W &d . ' 4 ~ E Nl_fhii MIJHW !IM;;

: ~· 1~MB&¥¥4i iarff9ii&i41»1fH±. ·RiibfiiWI 6#;!16 ffiftt#i&E.ffiffl;&Vli iHPNiPiiM M'f:41S4"*'8+s>Hl'IE#~£<4 '""""""


The SC, relaxinq.the application of the Rules
of Procedure, held that a motion forreconstderatton
It is: the!onal cow:f, all the lo"wer CQtJrts
. being,:of.:statutory.c;reatioA .(CRUZ, supra a( 469), a
of decision alaw must be decided by
. · .. ·, . . : .
the concurrence of a
majority··of its members, A
· Co"mpo"sltlon and Ses~ions: One"Chie(Justice·and ... deadlock. in decidihg the motion will sustain the
· 14' Assodate· Justlces·:may sit ·en bane or in its con~titutionality of th~ law even though .it has been ..
discretion, .in di\llsioris. ·of ·3,-. ,5; . or 7 members. previously declared unccnstltutional by a majority
(CQNST.:Art; VIII, S_ec:··4/pa(. (1)).. · · vote on the Decision up forreconslderatlon (League
of Ciiiet;-of the" _Philippines v. COMELEC; GR. Nos.
Primus Inter among_equals)- The" t.atln" 176951,· 177 499, t:ln"Cf-178056, Decemberz«, 2009).
maxim lndicates -that a. person is the 'most senior of \ · · ·.I.·-~ · ·· · · ·
a""·gr9up ."of., people.: ~haring the .. same rank.. or Dhilsion.Ca~~; ', .. ···
· offlce. T.he phrasehas beenused. todescribe the Oth'er 'eases. or. matters. may. be· 'heard 'either in
status-corrditlon. or role of the Chief Justice in:n1c1ny di~ision Qr en. tjanc·
a~ .the Rule~ 'of Co\:Jrt ·. may
supreme .courts around the world (Carpio-Morales, provide (SE.RNAS, Commentary, ·supra at 964). · ·
J.,. Dissenting Opinion, Pe .Csstro ii. JBC.- supra}. ·'' · ·. ·· . ..' . . '
:~ . . . .: :> . · _..- · · : . ·- .
-C~~"e!?-· ~r matters'.. ·he.ard ·by. a· dlvlslorr ~halt be

The.usaqe ir:tSec"ti.on "4, Par.1, Article V/1/-ofthe word . _ · 'decided or" resolved with the concurrence-.of., a
Sha/I-an ip:1_p.E!r..a"ti~~~-operating to im_POS~· a du_tyt,~~=.,..~[l.~J~rity <;>f th~ memb~rs who _actually took part inthe
may. be .eriforced=-should . not be ,d1s5e~affle.d. - 1•• ~~t_Sr-ajrpn.s on -the:JSSU0S ·In the case and voted .
Thereby, .Sec. 4,._Par. 1 imposes on'nlt_he l'. . · th) e<f~;@4.Jn·no casei,withou.t.t~e concurrenee -of
··imperative~· duty . to 'make an.: ~Ppj1in~e1t k,o.t?--,-=-~)!,L~~t 3.~iu~q.temb~rs,:Whenthe req_uired number
Member c,f the Supreme C_ou~-w~...t·'.9?~~sffi'om rs rn;>t~_pfa(n~'.\1~~- c_ase shall be decided en ·bcmc
· the occu·,of; t~e{t9.1Yre..,..9..f..:,tl:ie"'7"":1'.GQ/Y..§p41f~Ylll,:,:S~c ... 4,i par: ·(3)). ·:··. ·-. · ..
Preside_nt to<:lo so ~111 be a_ cle.wi1~09e.<$1eneeto th9;· ff~ ~f' . ·· l · -~ ~.4-):\. --: · :_ . - · ·
Constitl;Jtion (Be Castro v. JB(!/,_supi;aji' -J ·
le.· -1:~ .<:tas~s ate c1_'~fef'ed;,,_r,tatters are resol_ved. "Cases"
· . · '. :_.. ·.
Cases· to .be Heard ·a11cf:; 'DJ:c,c(ed
. . ·/i . ·.} · .Eb· J~ ·----...!.:~('~a~!5.?.~tr,pvers1~(~r9-~~htto the Court for th~ first ·.
:111!"" Orne. vy17:ece .th~ i'E3g"!n;ed_-number of.·Votes- 1s not
(C2DSAE) : .··:·· :- · '. ·_- . '· !t4-1/i-· .;. · : . ~-- · · ~...,,-,. l!1il :s;6gj'l3!,f-redfthe~e t~~n~
tle~ision·._. The only way to
1:. -All ·cas_es·-i_nv~lvih~. th~ -~g.ri~t)tuti~nafi~y:0.1:~~~i,Spos~prthe·ca~Mti~~is to·ref~r it_'lo the Court en
·_tr:eaty, mternationa1;on~xed1i,\1i~ ~gre )ent, ,or::~:-:_-:!!!.,nc (Ffo.1!Jf,tJ.v..Jcoron{:!, G.R .. No. 13-1457, August.
·. · law "(CONST. _Att: "."'lfl,.. s~'? .4-:'fj'~f: (~))}, \. . 'r,-( !
'rn~.i;i~°§.9),J.i' · ;rJ·~:f.~ · · . ·. · ···. · · : · ·.
2. AJL other cases which un~er.~m·ev~uJe!(o><~~vr.t~
are reciuir~d to- be: hear~, e,:,: :b~[!ci lit~'c;f~.
l}c,h,, 1'1fl._, · ).' . '
t;.:'ij ·
h' · .· · ' .
'~l!;{~~?. hasj;~l~eadyfoeendecided by ·trie division
. '
·, thos~ · ,. :· involving · . the_\· . -gq.n~jluti?o/'lit::-,-<_>..:_,/~~~~e_lo~Jng_·party;rne·~.ari Jl,1R, the·fail_ur~· ~f the
. apf>l_1ca.Mns, .. · or _qi:>e.rat1oi\, of pt~1.d~Q~ fE· -
1~y,~n!9xes.olve})le mot,on··bE3~use. o~ a tie 111 th.e
."i:Jecree·s,: proclamations, . o.rde~, instr~oi'is~~tirig-;doe!r-_..P..of.l)!!avethe case·.undecided: Thus; H
· ordinances, an"d other reg·u1aJion5:{?,(?~~-ii%'tt:c'~~!~.Y~tl~~,~~~~1tlirt'a_ti~-;the MR 1$ l6st-The assailed
VH/, sec .. 4, par.- (2));_·:· , · ' ·,_ "'- VJ--. 1 fl a~~~st~°&;!%fliotrecons1d~red.anp- ·must ttierefore be
... · ~. Cases . hec'ird·· by. a. Qivision .- w.hen. tt:ie -=req!Qt.~d ·: ! VJL}ij'~egJe#affimied. (Forticb. v. Corona-, supra). · · .
majority iri the not.obtained (COii/Sr.--=,,;,,-.=-~~ , . ·· '.-. ·., . .. , ._-· · . . . ' .. · · .
- . Art. VJ/I, Sec. #,·par. (3j); ·; .. ·-··. ·. ·.. . . ..Note: Division de(;isior:t or re.solution is a decisioa.or . . ..
4; ·: Cases where the ··~c mOdifie_s or r~vers_es. a ·. resoll.ttJon:of thE:·-~C The.·sc sitii:ng_ en:bancfis_.
. doctrine or principle, of law prev.iolls_ly..-lai~'dow_n_ "NOT _an·app~ll?te ."c"OUrt"vis~a~v:iSits Divisions, an~ it.
·. 'ei1her en-:banc. or in division .(QONST. · Ait. VIII, · exercises "no .. appellate :jurisdiction over the ·latter: ·
_Sec-,.-4)_par. (3)J;.. · · .. · ; . : .. • ·.. · ·. Ttie .only .con~tr.aint·is~that any' doctrine .or prirc;;ii:lle ··
. 5. · Administrative 'case!?·:.where the ·VOie is for ~he. of. lawJilid- down by. the· court, eithercrendered en-
. . · dismissal of.a_judge of"a lower court_-or'otherwise baf?c· or: in .dJ11i~icm( may be "_ove·rtumed or·iever:;;~d
.. . . · '.d!s~ipii,:ie suoh ju~ge, (CONST .. .Art .. VII!, :Se<!, · ONLY: .by-. the Cm.i~ ·· s!tting·' ~n bane (Fil'estorie
· · 11);.aod-.·. · · ··. : ... : · ,_.,.., :·· · ·· _. Ceramics··/hc, v ... CA; ·GR. ·No. 127022, June· 28,:.
6. · .g1ec11on , contests for President. -and.· ·Vice- 2000).·: -- · · · · ·.
. . . ·President (CO./IIST. Art.· VI/,, $ea;.4, pqr. (7)), . . · ·' ' · · :~ ... . .
. ·: . . . : "· . ,, . .. ·. Requir~men~~ ·-f~r-.l{e~de.rl_n·g.Decision~
·When.the· SC s.ifs e~ banc,;·ca·se~ .are decia.ed by the · Th.e·Qonstitu.tion·.requires th~t:. (C2MJ;L)" . .
· ooncurre·n_ce of. a·. inajorjty... of·,th"e· ,jlbo . 1. · The conch.isions.ofthe.SC !11 any ca·se·su.bmitted .'... ~
. actual/y.took_parl,if.l-·the 9eliberatioos."pi1·tt:ie-issue$ · to it for decision ·en bane.or in division ' ·
'in" the case and .voted thereon, ·:provid.ed there is .. reached in ·:consultaticin . before the. case fa· .
quorum (CONST .. Art. VIII, Sec.- 4(2}: Sec. 4(3),_:Seq. .~ssigned, to a
M~!lltier for· "the· -..,_;riting of't!ie
11). · · · · o~inion of the Court (CONST. Art,ym,- Se!'). 13);


. .. . . . :
~: ... -g CQN~STITiITJ0NiL~LAW1·e"n~~1'~~.
' ~ •., :.

~I • aM!f-.·W(iii&M#i;f i.RAA,ISE9¥¥1¥1 iM0BW,N¥ IP~l,iff·fi&WiiHMif¥1£:U:ISQSW $iffliv1t%·XBffl .?hri!B,0~ ...~ · ...~~· . , ~ -

A ~ertification to
this effect signed· by the Chief The period for: decision making under Section 15,
2 Justice shall be.,issued and a copyJhereof Article VIII does nol ·apply to \he Sandiganbayan
attache~Ho the .record.'9f the case and served
(only 3 months); being a special court. The,proyis.ion
upo'n the parties.(CONS'T. Art. VIII, Sec. 13); refers to courts of low~r collegiate le~~! \hat
3. Any Members who_to.okno:part, ordisser.ited, or in the present hierarchy. c)Pplies only to the GA(12
; ...
. abstained from a decision .or· resoh:)tion;' must months) (Re: proble'rr'idf Delays in Cas~s Before the

.. . state the reason thereTor., This. anG! .the above ·
. requ.irem~~ts . shall. ba obs~ivecJ b·y .all lo\'{.er
Sandiganbayan,: A.M.. No. 00-8-05-SC, ·Nov. 28,
2001)., .
n.'.·.· ·.· · collegiate courts (CONS.T. Art. VJIJ,· Sec. 1.3); ,
11 4._ No decision· -shall be · rendered . by any court · Although a. decision witl"\ir~ the maximum ·period· is
rf- wlthouf gxpressing therein clei;irJy and distinctly. . ma~datory, .. failure· to arrive at the· same wiil not·
,~: . . ·the. facts· and .the law on which it -ls based . divest the -court. of jurisdiction, Without' prejudice to
{ (CONST. Art: VIII: Sea.J.4., par...
(1));!and ' any 'responsibility· that may attach" to, the judge·

J:. .
ff ·.
5. · No·-·. petition- :,for; re.view·· or. motion. for
reconskieraticn etadeclslcn ofthe court shall-
be refused due. course or denied wltaoutstatinq
(CR(!Z,.-supra at 589).'·Despite explration 'of t11e
mandatory period, the' court-shalt'declde or resolve
the. case or· matter· submitted to it. without further
rr; the ,begal basls therefor.(CONST. Art.'·Vlfl,.Sec. · delay (N~GHURA,suprt(at 404):.. . . .
l· · . :. 4' ~ar. _(2)).. . ·. . . . . . · · ·- ... · . . ·: . Powers ofth.e·supreme Court:
~~ ·.·. A Sitl p~rjui90 judg.ment.·is· one· that- is· rendered --';.) ·1. Exercise originai j.t1ris'(:!iction
~{. ·. w.ith0ut,._a :,statement o~)he facts in support <>yJJf/.Xi · a. Over · cases affecting ambassadors, other
f conclusions, to· be later' supplemented by, the· ,nn~j~( ··'.\ · 'public minis~~rs and -consuts; ·
f'~ judgm.~nt. The. s.c.' express .its dis.c:1ppro~~I ofd!:if<·.:" t.
.b. . Over petitions for certlorari, . prohibition,
i},· . practice ,of .of : stn perywco ·.Judgrnenis: .... :..'.t.r;-.-.·-,..,._ m~p~amus, quo· werrento, and habeas
flt,'. (NACHURA,supr.aa~ 39.8). . . ,. . . ../f! \:;.,
·'t\,.:...,_-,~>-·':9f.P.t!f(,CONST.. Art. VIII,. seo. 5, par. (1));
~·· .· . . ',' . · _ : ,,,,--;';/ · · ,..., l J !\ .,._ · · · . · . .
t, .Note: The constitutional_'rrfandate.. the.Oi0-:..dec1s!0Ji:1-L1 . .
: --··afld"
. ·:c. . Re~j~~. of. the !actua.1. ba$iS . fo~ the
ff . shaJI _be· rendere(!i :by- ?ny .court w1thou.~,.~~~ress19g~~l\. ·. . de_yl~f~~~m .of mart1a~ Jaw~qr suspension of
~·-" and d1stmct1x.the fa~c~Jrod}~e:;Ja_w.on· .. /{ · . · t~~ ijmv1!_ege .of wnt of ~abeas. ~orpu~ ..
~:. which 1t 1s. pased-does not pres!J)ae the1!'7~id1ty oj .· f.··\. fpOtY,ST."frt:VII, Seq. 18; pat. (3)/> · : _
~· "memorandum de~isions" whjqh'.fidopt~pY;feference'\.,.t··i Jf Ii · -~. ·. . - .
If. · . the fil'ld!ngs,of.fact and CC?nCIU~i?ns~f::laiY,.y<?r;itaJfl,~R · r1,~'j 2 .. E~~fc;l~JfR.Pll!~fe jurisdiction · .
ff',·· in the decis~11;>':qf.jhferior tribun«!~(<JJl~/3r-i1Natt1~J t,!-} . a.-. :'0,i,,:i:fu:.ful.~1-j_udgments and _orders._of lower.
[f._;: (!las. ~omm1ss1on .v.. ,CA, G.R. N~!1.1.J?3,,Vuly2-}, .. ii) court~ .rn. !:!Ii .. case~ ..' ·m wh1c~ the
.;s~ .. 1998). ·. ·· . · · : , ,A.', ... \\ ... · t!~,;.. . . ,. .-:,i: ·_constrtut1or:,ahty·or validity of any ·tr.eaty,
f · · · , . ·. · .. . ., . .ff'-,../l:.t .. ·. /::.::,,!;'.~·,.,·:';r>·:~inter~auonal or exec::u'tive ·agreement, t~w.
··1t. . .Neither does,the isimance Of minute:resolution$,'t.jf.):J.!.......:.u!.:....:.L~w!2.?pr,e'sidential decree, proclamation, . order,
·*'_. · accord~~ce witti ..-~he.1,n~er~al Ru Jes ,o~[13'e·$tifr~foe . .instru~tion, .ordinanc~. or . reg!JlatiQl'l :is in
t:· .. Co!Jrtr v1ol~.te ·the .abov.~··.rule.,(Age>y~\b;&1u1eta· question; . . . . .
k ... Cehtfjr, '{nc.;:.G.R.,."No ... 19!3398, March_ 21.~. ·2012): b·.. All ~ses ·involv)ng the legii:i!i~y of any· tax
,t . Mini.Jte.'resolutiQns', 'which dis.miss.{he;ac;tion's .fil.ed: . . impost, assessment, 'Or: toll, or a,ny penalty.
, ;-· · befor:e· it;: constitute.,actuaL. adjudicatipns· cm. the·. , ·' rel~tion thereto;
,'..\:~.·· r:nerits;Whei'l°the·court·dpes nol find afly rev.ersibt~ · - c. · All'.cases in whJch. the juri~diction·· of any.·
,._ erro'r . if-!,. the· decisio,n .of the· CA ,;ind deni.e~ the · lovver :court is·fo iss~e; · .' , · : : . _.:. . ·.
· f).etition, there is no·.need for the Court to fulfy explain· . d. ·. All .~rimin al' cases· in Which tne ,.penalty .
its p~ni_al;·'s(nce it already· means tl)at it agrees With .' .. · · ... im.f;)pSed is r~c/1.)siOn perpetuaor, t)igher; a!')d'
. .and adopts ·th.e' f)ndings and· cqr:i~lusions · of the ·cA · · . e. All'cases io: ~hich.·only.a,_ questi0n of law is·

r . . . . ,_ ; . . . . ·;.·. . . . . . . . . ·. . .
·;': :'. (Agoyv. Araneta··Center, Inc:, supra). .

· t,-r,·.· Period .for. Re·nderlng.D~cislons

. ,·
. .
. . · in',!ofved (CONST.,Art. Vil/,. S(lction 5; par.··
(2)).~ = :· . , . . ·... ·

. .. .... . . : -

:.f . An·:ca~es· or' matter~ filed: 'afte(' tl'ie effectivity ot the . .Note-: . The Constitut(on ·. that'"nQ' law .
~~.· 1987. Cdnstitution' must be decided "o'r-·. 'resqlved sh.ail. .be .· passed . incre~sing·. ·the· . app.ella'te
~: ·. )Nithin. 24 months: from·~ date. ·of ·'Submission ·fcir 'the juris.dic.tion i.:>f.the 'Supreme Cour} as· pr~Vit!E;~ in. ·
~~? Supr.e(l'le-' ,.Cq1..i'r-t.. and;·. tJnle~ r~d°!Jced.' ·by .th.a this Constitutiqn without - its advice ·and
4'!· ·supr.eme Court;. 12 ~onths (or all lower collegiate · · concyrr!3nce~ · (CONST. Art:· VI, Sec.; 30). This ·
~ · c.6urts, and·. 3 .,rrion'ths·. 'for ·au other' lower courts provision is ·intended to give ·the 81,Jpreme Court .
(CONST-."Art.. \/111,:Sec .. 1-s,· f,af.'(1)), ·· · · ,· -.. a ineasureofcontrolov0rcas0s.J)lace'd·under'its
· ·· · · · · .. . _appellate jllrisdiction. ··.the ·. ·iodiScrirl)inat~
.enactment of .iegislation'enlarging its appellate
jurisdicUo.n cao unne.cessarily· b!Jrden. th'e ·court



.and' thereby undennfne Its essential function of pr.aetice of law; Integrated of the;
expoundi{lg the law· jn its most profound national and legal assistance jo the ·underprivileged
aspects (First .Lepanto Ceramics tnc., v. CA, (CONST. M, VIII, 'sec, 5, par. (5)); ·,,.
· ·G,R.' No. 11057.1,. October 7, 1994)-
ExP.anded. Rule-Mal!lng · Power under th(!
.. Formal:Re.qulrem'e.nts of a Valld D.eclsion 1987 Constltutlo,n: . ·
No de~s.ion ·. sl'rall be rendered by ariy court a. SC was given power to promulgate rules for
without .expressing ·lhE1rein clearly and distinctly· tho protection and enforcement of
"the facts and'the law on,which it is bas~d. constitutional rights, e.g., writ of arr,paro,• .
b. Pqwer to 'disapprove rules. of procedure .of .:
No . petit!on • fo"r review or. . motion for special courts and quasi-judicial .bodlesi and
"r.eC<?nslderationQf:.a.decfsidn of the courtsheu , . c. 1987 ·constitution took·awey ttie."power o(. · refused 'due course. or denied without_statlng Congress !O repeal, alter •. or ,SUl)plement: .
. . ihe 'legal b.asls the"refor (CONST. Art. VIII, Sec, rule!> 9)n<,eming. pleailing,.· practice,' and
. : . 14). ~· pro~ure · (Baguio . Me,rl<et· Vendors: V."
• · . determ1n1ng .· Cabat~Cortes, .G:R..Ne:. 1t$59?2, Febrµa,y

Jl!dgmo~t.or 11n~r order the merit~ 2~. 2010). ' . . . . . ·. ·, · . · ·

ot the case shaH'be In writing personally and ·. ·- ' · ···
directly. prepared "by. .:ihe jl.J_dge; stating· i:lea~-----=- The rule .making" power inclu<iles the inhe_rent •
and distinctry t.qe· facts and the-law on w).)icN'ifls Ur 1· ~~ to> suspend its own rules in particular •
.J:las.ed, .signed .bY him and fifed witl}.,.,t':!~-cl~~ of · \Jca};e~rd~rto d<1,Juslica (Lirri v. CA. G.R. ·No ...
_cou.ct (RULE~-~F-.~O~RT,.~~Y~"JJ};~,·~--~-~-lft'f!,#11:>v~mber 1.~.. 2008), . '. · ...
_.The juclgment ·musl0be wljtfe'~-~ j>IJicia~;;,--him"!tati)q~,A)!?-:Making ~ower: {SUN):: '
language, .peri;opall¥ 1;1ntl ,;tl~~yre~red.blll.\ . ·;['. ~T · a~oti~~ \~lmplilied 'and: j(l'e.xpensive
the Judge and 'Signed byJ1im aF)srshalf corita if .;:~ .1\\. . P,roceaufe fol'~peedy.dispositlon of cases;
:. <;learty distinctly a ·statemef'it- of t~e fatts ~-t:A .
b. QniforTQ (or[a)~l:owts iri the same graoe;'.ana

r a\. · . -~,
· p.rovedoP-~.dmitted by11)'ll~i::~ecl-an~~-1~--;';:-'~-~hall ~);:._,dim1nis_h,_irycrea_se ,or ,m~ify

tfpon which, the judgme~i'fs:°·~~~ (~~LE~
. QOVl<T, R_a~e 120, -SSftJ.~
·3.. Efec~oral tribunal f.or- ~rF~lde'ptl~'QJ~e:Et i;-: .."-Pei~.
; substant,ive rlgJ\'s(C~'."ST. ~rt:.~I!!, ~eq. 5,·
. < !)}5 h=>'j I , , . · _.. . . , : .', .' : ·
c),_ f_-,ppq,in1'!lent ·-·:SP.Point_s all·-0fficials ..
Presid!'lltlal coi:1tests S~tinll~g_.eali.,_ , .:!'. .,,?,...,,a pl~~es.'ol~e ,Jud1c1ary ln accordance·.:
contests 'relating -t_o. the eJectJorr~~etur-Q:~ a~l:iJ.:.... ·:?% ~He ~rvll · ·la~· (CONS.T.. ·Art.. VIII, .
qualifica.tion of.the f>resipe"Qt·or"!~Pr~~~1'. . "':' ~ : 5/tlr.(6)J;}. · . · . ,,
(CqNST:~rt,·tllt,Sec:4,patJ).·· ... ~CtE;N1"al~ ·;, .. i1 ·• : · ·
·. . · " · ·. ·· ::p... -., · • . _P._pwer,o:f.adpi1nistratlve supeNlsion: .. , ·
The-:Jurisdiction of ·th·e '·Supreme otf'rtQe!lte~-::"·Wi_n"iitr;tie'e',supervisiqlj 'over· all ·cour'.fs .and
by Section 4; paragraph· 1, t,rtlc ~'?_l!., V:'iflhri . 1{ JI .A._~ti'}~~6_nnfjl th~l'eof -<9.0NST. Art. VIII, Sec. 6).:
· 1f}B7 ;·Constitulf<_>.n; .would~ not_ include~~s 1·~ l- ~.,. ··. . · · ': · ·.: • · . · .- · . .. .
dlr.eptly, bToogtii .. before - It, · questioning in'e"""~- Under BatM{!tter No.·209i-admin1strative Gl!Ses
qualiijcarjp_~·,'Of a:cahdfdlite,for: tl)e pres!(lency .wh!ch are to'9e heard' bY. SC.en:lian9 Includes:,
.1·, .Or'Yk:e-presidency b~Jore the elections are held. ·' only: · ·. . · · · · : . ·. · .
'(Tecso.n'v:COME:L~c;:r:;:t(Nq. 16143:1, M'a{Ch a. :·The "disnitssa1·.,of. 'a ·1uc1g_e,. 'Gttlcenpr ·.'
3,-2()04), : .· ·· ·. . . · ., . :· · · •· emplpyee qf the ,h1diciiiry~ . · ·: .
· ·.·. ,.· · · ,· · . . b. Dlsbarment''9flawyers;· .. ··.' ..
4, . Temporary assignm.ehts .<>f·Judges of .lower c .. Suspension ofmor'e than one year; or.
· . .courjs to others statio11s·as· public inter~st may d. Fil'lE! . exceetling· Php1o;ooo· (Peop/e. v.
' - . . . lequlr~-an~ f'.!O:r io excef!d 6.months without the Gacott, supra). · . ··. . · . .
· co.n!lent of tne judge· concerned (cb~sr.:.Art. · ' · · ·
· Vil(, Sec.·5, par-.. (3))... •. ·'·. · · · · · ,. • Note::·The' Ombl)as~an may ·~ot·'lnitlate or
,, ·. .. i,. ··. , · · : . ···• . ~·: .investrga~ ;'a · crimjnal· 'or. ··admiril~traUve.
!h. 'Ot'der•a change of venue.or. place of trial:to · complaint before his•office.agalnst,a judge; he· ·
. ; . Bl/Old miscarriage of. jU$tlce {CONST. Art. Viii, ·must first lndorse the case'to SC for -eppropriatE) ,'.
·: ._;:,,~e.c. 5, par. (4f!· .. . . · . . · acti~n (Fuenfe$ v. Offir;e'of tM.Ombudsmarr-.
. : .;. , • • ! •. · ... . . Mindanao, G.R:. Ne. '124(?25;·'(:>ctober 23, 2001; .
. . .., 6... · Rule·ll,1aklrlg Power ·-·.promulgates rules ·see R.A. No. 6770, 'Other.wise .l<novJo· a's. The,
·... concerning~ the protection and enforcement ot Ombudsman Act of 1989,..Sec .. 21) .. \. .
...... c;onstitytlooal' rlg~ts; .. pleadtng,'. practice . ahd
• ·.pr.oced\lres . in all courts;· .. ed"!'lisslo'ns to the


... .·
• '~ • ltd

ldJWitWA91SRI&&¥ tm$iSAi: S&iMB O+ehil 11-49&4$& h

However, this prerogative :does not extend to law applicable to all income owners (Nitafan v. CIR,
crlmlnal acts unrelated to the· performance of supre). · · :· .· . ·.
official functions. Thus, Where the has
been . charged .. with reckless · imprudence JUDICIAL AND·BAR COUNCIL (JBC)
resulting in nomioide, he cannot ask for· the, Compoaltionr (CONST,·Art.. VW. 'Sec. 8, par. (1))
dismissal of. the same on the ground that the · ·1 .. Exsoffic1<> chairman: . .
. case had .nof been. referred to the SC first .. a .' the Chief Justice· of the Supreme Court·
(G.arcia v. "Miro; G:·R,..·No. 167409," March 20, 2.. Ex-officio members:' . .
2009). , ... . a.· SecretaryofJustlce . .
b,".: ON!: (1) Representative of Co!lgress from
9. · Conternpt powers . eittier"l:iouse .but not bojh { Chavez v. :JBC,
Contempt of .court .has been defined .as a · G.R. No. 202242, April ·/6, 2013). · ··
defiance of th~ authority,.justice, or.dign.ity of the- 3. · ReguJar mernbersi ·. . . . ·
. court; $UC!i .. conduct as: tends. to bring '.t)le . ~- Representativeofthe IBP.;
. autbority and adrninlstration of the law into . b, Professorof Law; .
disrespect 'or to. interfere :with .,_or prejudice· . c: . Retired member of·SC; and·
. partles lltlqant.or their witnesses during litigation .d. · Representativeof private.seetor
{lf?onog v. Judge /bay, AM. No. RTJ-.09~2175, 4. · Secre~ry"_de.. officio: · .. ' · .
July 28, 2009).· · .a. · Clerk 'of ·the Sl!preme ,Court-(CONST. Art.·
, ·. · · · .. · · .. · /~ . . v111;-sec._8,. p~r. (3))". . .
~- . · Direc! contempt, ~hich i~. summ;;iry,,,,j4')i! . . . .
· committed' fn' the ·j:Jresen·ce of or so nea"r'ai/ ~\ Note: In Chavez v. JBC, supra, the high court voted ..
eouit ·as :·to . _obstruct or··. interrupt.hM~ ,,-.:·/l\ :r,.z .in' c,Jecidlng · ttiat on1y one ·member irom· the ·
prdceedings. ·before. the· same, 'incluain:'g, ·· ,.,.,f bfca·meral"Pl:lilippfne-Corigress should be in:the JBC. · ·
· ·:disre.spect··. to\"/ard ·· .tl:Je· cou_rt. o~~j(?i~(]~.:~f.@.~tipj:e~?J.Cou_rf. ·citing_ retired Ju~tice Consuefo .
· personalities toward others.: or r~f.u§'arto be··/ ,1 Ynares~sa~tf~go;· ·said: A ·perusal of th~ records of
~worn :. or·. to: an~wei:: as _a . 'f!I:m~~s;· or -~·t::i !
the ~p~~ti_!fti"1l,nal'." C~mmissiof1 reve.als · t~_a!·.. th.e.
- su_bscnbe. an. affidavit 9r. (,iepqM1pn -~h1:,,.r,v' . \\: ··co~pos1t1q~ w~~e :J~9. refleftS._th_e· Comm1~s1on's
, laWfully. required. to. do sp.";(Rlltfi=.S' OF ?J ·.
de~1r:e "to7hawe1ri the· Councll .a1 representat10.n for.·
.· . C.()IJRT, R~(e 71, Sec.-,Jt:-··' . ~/X':;::t"._ "'" · /\l .
~he~~aJ~f.e1~,\:1enf_s"ofthe communit~." ·xxx T_he: ex~

· · 1HJ . ~~;:;tr~;~~~ee·r:;t1:ai~eb~;:e~ a~:

· · · · /(_, .: · · · 0-"-- · · ~ i·, -t offic1.o·· Xmerntiers'I\ of. the Council · consist of
. ·.
. b...• 0i~1

. hearing. (?ar~te _v.'. B<!!deria~f1,M- ~£

· can be punished, 9nly ~-af;teS:,nqti«;:e- .an:E°L· tn·. con:ippsep:of.vanous stakeholders m the J!Jdic1ary.·
.fof:~-.<M-fJ.; ... 1 .: ..rf,~··unrn_istak'eatilet~n~r.ofArticleVI(!; s_"ection 8~(1)
· 00-1261, March 31·, 2000). '>-,. ~~,:_.,1 · . · ,j-::flJ,v,,~lttR·treat e_ach ex-offlc10 member as representing ·
. . . :. · . . . : . .·· <t ·. _;..,-~.::::.f'-"t.t.>.i..:..dfle•eo!:eqi)al 'branch of government. xxx Jhu"s,"the
_th~ power·t0Aunfshfor contempt;~(inh1tp~t'.i[! . J~C.. was .de.s_ign_ed~o:have·i;even vot_j'rig_memb~rs. ·
all . cou~s so as to ):>reserve orde~)~;{J~~1c1al .. · . :"''·th·the- t~re_e _eto~f1.c1~ mei:nb\;l~s hav~_ng equal .say .
proc.e~drngs . · .. as . ,..,,ell·· · as '. to· t.ipno1cl . the. .m. the· choice qf Jud1c1al nomme·es,··
administration. of · justice·. The courts must ·.. . · · ,
·exerdse· .the .. power of_" c;oj-itempt: for p.urpqses . . AppoiQtment.. '. · ·' ,: · . . .
that are ·'impersonal 'because· "that p.ower is.. . : Regular:m~mtiei"s of"the:JSC.shall ·be appoir:ite.d by_
. intended· ·as· ·a .~afegµgj-dnot for the .jtiqges b\,lt "the . P.residenftor cl ·.four-year term:with. the. ccinserit .
""i ..
.- for the furictioris they exer.cise (lrionog ·v~ Jadge
· -,bay,supra).. · · ·
,of the Commission on Appoin.tmerits (CONS TI: Ari.
· . .VIII, $(;)~. 8, pa(. (2)). · ·. ·· · ·

'\·. ·$~1~ries, ·security ·-ot :'''.f,mure,. Non~JJ.i.aicia1. . . p·o~ers-,aAdi::unctlo.nsl (RRS) .

,} .. Assignment . .. ·. . : .. . . . . . : -.', . : . . 1 .. · Recpmmend appointees Jo the _judiciary~
Jf: · The 'salary of the Chief.Ji:lsUce a·nd ofthe Associate · . 2, .Recommend .appointees to the Office of the
. '.;; Justices of the sc: find ofJudges oflower courtshall · Or.ntiu~sman and 'his ·deputies; .and . ,. . . . .
f,: · be fixed· .by law. Du.ring.·their continuance: in office; . · 3:. -May· exerc;ise .§.uch ·other. functior\s as may be ·
·,i.( . their salary
">: ·
shall- riotbe. decreased (CONST. Art.. . ·. assigl)ed by the· $Upreme Court (CbN~T. Art.
:l~ _.vm,_sec,·_10).· · .. :· / ··.-
.. · "" Vf/f, Sec;-~). · · · . ·
....· .
.~t The change .of 'phraseology of said 'provlslon ' from . The duty of:the JBC submit ~ .list of nominees
t. "shall not be dimlntshed" to "shall.not be decreased" befo,:e the start. of the President's mandatory 90~ay
t: manifests·~he·int~r:it of the "framers to subject . pe(i9d to appoint is ministerial,but it~ selection of tt,e
:; . . the salaries of justices and judges to a general tax ~~mdidates whose names will be. in the . !ist .to be
~~!-:. . .
submitted to •the. President lies within the· discretion


... •l!lllllimma•-••-•••llllillll!i:lllllem:
:~m:!l ·

of ·the JBC. For m~ndamus·to_.lie against the JBC,. · . Judicial canbe Jnv.oked to: , . · ·
therefor-a, there.should be an unexplained delay on. · 1. · Deny-access to. speciflc.portions cit the-Court's
its part in· recommending nominees to·the Judiciary, records . to, th.a: Members . of :the · House
that. is, In subrnittinq .the ·Jlst to. the President (De · : .Prosecution Panel and. the Senate
Castro v. JBC, · supra).. . . · . . . . ·.. ,.:.. , ' ··-: [mpeaehrnent -Court; and
While the-JBC vettlnqproceedings is ·s·ul.generis~ · ·2: Prevent ·the·oral disclosure of-_speclficmatters·by
and need not beforrnal or·tria(type, theymust meet · the Justices or- officials of the"'~Supr:eme Oourt
the minimum requirements bf due. process .. As· before tl'r~ Senate Impeachment .Court (Sereho .·
always, an applicant- give·n a reasonable > J, Concurring and Di.ssenfing opinion;· /n: Re:'
opportunity 'and time to· be heard on the.charqes . Production of CounReoords .ena oocuments
against him. or her, .if th.ere are .any·.(,Ja.rde(eza_.v. · .. .. and the Attendance·· of Court :,Officials. and·
.Chi(lf Justice Sereno, G.R.No. · .:-i13-"t81j -August 19; Employees as- Witness~s un'der the "Subpoenas ·
201_4).. . . .. . i> .· ·. ··:'.i: ·: '·· of February·10; 2Q1.? and the venous [
the Jmpeachij;,efit · Prosecution- :·:P,ane~ f:Jateif .
Positi.ons. : Requiring · tne. Screening· ". and Jahuary·19 end 25, 2012, February}4, 2012). .
·Nomination by the.JBC: · ·. • .,, ., . .. ' . '. · · '.·· · . : ·. :, ., · · ·
1: Justices- . of·, fhe- :Supreme/ ·.Court, . 'Court ·of . Certain lnformatlon contained in th~ records of cases'
. · Appeals, Sandiganbayan, .juqges .:of.. ttie; ·loyver, . . before·· "Jhe .·. Supreme >Court are considered .
· courts {CONST."7\rl: .\.ti/I, ,Sec,9,· par:-(-1)); an_g..:...,..=-~=-=-c.onfidentialand are exempt from disclosure. The
2 .. ·. 0!'11bi.ld~m~n i:nd his. deputies. (kCON's'T: A[!..f(T,"_ 'LJ-.~}"'arj~es·:fr?m. t~e -~ictates ~f th_e· i_nt~.grity of "the ·
. Sec. ~). · . .. . . : .. .,P,,:: · }~q~rf,f".~c.1..~.on-ri;iakr~w·tuncll?A,· wbl.~~ ·ffifY.· be
· · : · . ·. . . • · · · .. ~\ >- t;;.-=.==-=~~.9tedJ3Y.,>ttt~-... d1s.c!osure -.of. 1r:iformat1on. (In' Re:_
Supr.eme· Court's Superv1so_ry~~wer~~r?~e · .. .,. Pr~iff1G.!i~rf.oJ;9.p~r:t, Recor~s_.·and Documerrs and .
Jf3C •. - . . · ·: · . jY :~:):tf?'.~;,,---""'§:-...the-AJtencJ...~'e Qf;,.C,9.1Jrt"9ff1c1als-~ndE.mployees as
The superv.isory authOrit·Yof the-:~u(tb-ter Jn.e·JB.8} ·y, · -'tMitne$'srs.-1:1.p<f,elf::.!Ji~Subpoen?S of February 1 O,·
covers the ·overs~eir:ig of;con;i'Pliaifc~1<.tithJ~s rulel."f .,~ • .20.12 an"'fl the\"'(tari'?);._~~Lettersof the.. Impeachment
It .is the po"".e.r of. oversighti}>r -~h.e:~M~orify· ~~. ~e ....CJ/", Pr'!!}!.~t,on P_ag~I Jji<;J.t\d Janva!Y 19 and 25,. ~p 12,
that ,subordinate· officers. pJ1~9;r;n://the1rAJiit.1es, rt ;Js·\ 'FeoruarJt1'4;20FJ.:.c-..:..\\A. . . .• . .
ensures ·that the·:laws·and,Jhe~fUJe.i;; .g.ave~ning\lffe7 ij t.4'7r~. -r·- .. ~ v_-,- ,·ll , . ... , ·.· '
<?oric::juc:t of·c:i ·.goverilmeryt ~n~1ate' obse~ed. ·aad.gm_-6_Trm)tlvileQ.~ct.. -Doc;1;tmenfsJof.'Communicatioi:is·.Not":'ith.·H.oweve!; thefsopte.nje~ . ay not":_,<~~fij~i.scJ,bs.l.(r!:h(ADRIP.INS) : · ..
prescribe. ·1ts own·-m~nr:i_er,o\e?CE!f~"J.t\On·}it,$i~f~~ : ·~~ · ,/f: S9-~~ctlo'hs·-~cwas· the result-Of.the raffl~ of
has no· d1s<;::re~iotl on· this ma~ei!ie~&~pt"f~J?~'.>.~~I~
:_that the ruli3S· are_Jollowed J{,ardale~a:V,~~~:iteQq_f!;;;:i
I G.R. 'No. 213181, August 19, 2~14)., .,
r "-~.jy~c
·.taken-·by ·the Court· ·on
C.J!Sfmclud«tJm·the-.a~·enda.of"t~e Courtls
.· ~y.?"sf s1ory;pn-acts !<1.flt~nal t.o.p~ndmg cases,
· · ' · '· · ·. ···· · · · '\.. · . ~. · 61:"/E'l ~~c~t9'wheref ·a party· litigant· .requests
JUDICIAL P.RIVJU~GE_!·. ·. -~ ·: . ~ · ·, :)(~,~~ !JJfotm~I) w,,~theresult,of t.he raffle of the case
. The : 'privilege· .insulates· ·.the· .Jud1cl~f,Y! _§);nJ ~;,c-;,."""""".:::efpu(S11~nt-jcf"Rule7, :section 3 of the Internal
·improper intr.usipn inlo ttie- fun~tion_s. of..~ w~6i~I 1;: A ~R\ Co11rt,(l~SC),:· .. , .• -. :.,.. ·.
branch . and · st:iierds. justices;; .. ju_dges; an'a,~._Qurt-1 Vl l2i>·t0~Qaa'.Qeli.!:>er:atlbn$.·~r·thEl. delil;,e~ations of tl'.ie
officials _and emplo"yees·from· publjc "scnjtiny· ·odlfe:--"'~"Me.mb~~~· in court· .sess"i~ns · on C8Sl:lS: and
.pressure of pubJic.:opinion·-thar':WoOld.·impair ·.a . . · n'latters'.pen.dibg before the.Court:·.·,. .• · .=-· ,
iudge\; ab!lity'.to rerider 'impa~ial- ~eii.s1ons}/o Re:. . . 3.. Cou.r:t-.B~c.o.rd.S'cwl;lich·~r.e: "pre~dec)sior:ia1~· and'
Productioh- of. Court· Rec:or:ds.··and,Doouments:and '.fdeliberntlve?Jr.i natun~•. hparticular, documents
'.the,Attendance "Of"C£itir(Official$,and.Empfqyees·.as . . and other commuJ'.licatrorfs which are· part·,ar or
' Witness~s ·\mder,the. Subpoenas .of; flfbrua_ry: 10, .. · .. , , to. the deliber~tive ·process-, }.~./·notes, ..
-.. 20.12 an.d th(;' Variou~ t:eJfeis. qflhe. "iinpeachme.nt" .. dr.;i~~·· -resear,c/:1 .p.ap.ers,·· internal ,..discussions;
. Prosecution Pa.nel dateo Ji,n"r.iafy19 ani:f"25;· 2012, · . internal··. memoranda, .. .4ec.ords,· \'of:· internal ..
. February":t-4, 2012)>"·: :.-:, .::,_ ..;__ :...:·>'.. ·., . ~-. . . ·. ~ deliberatlonsi-aridsimilarpapers.··. .
·. . ·. -:· .. ~·~·', -.--: ·.·· ·:: ·:··.::....:.·:. . ;· -~ · :_ . i ·'· · · .4.: ·co!'lfiderjtiai.·!oform~tioi:-i:·s~el,i(Eid·oy·JUStiCElS,
. Judicial Privilege, 6r.t;ie·right··,of·the .)udieiaiy tb ·.·judges, court"offic~is: ·and'·-er.nployees .ir'Uhe
. · "c0nfidertiality"of certain informatio!l, is!=!d..froni course ofthelr.:official functions, mention.ed in (2)°
. Juai.cial:.P6wer :(Carpip J,: S(i"p~rate. :opinion/ Jn,·Re:, · ..: ·. a,:id· (;3). above;. are:.priviieged :even. ,after· tti"e_ir
Productio"!7 ot Court. Rec.otds and Doc.oments-.and .terr:n of e>ffic.e.··.. , . · '. • . ·
'the"Attenqance.of Coµ_rt bffiqial~. arid"Employees.. as ·s. . ~ecords. of cases .that are· still fe.n·dhig for
. Witnesses- Uf')der the Slj_.bpoenas of.Pe_brua_ry··10,. . :dJ3cisi6n are·privi!~ged ma~eriafs.tha~,canr.i6t be
20.1'2 ··and .tbe ·. V.arious Letters ·of- the· 1mpea.chment disclosed, _exCE;}pt 001y· fql' pleadings,:o:rders; an~f.
Proseqution.Pa.neldated Januwy. Ui"a(!d ·29, ·.2012, . have .been made E(vaila_ble by
Febru.ary· 14; .2012). · ·· · · the ·"e general.public. · · ·. · -




~ e· .
r, . CtMW 44 44,M N I I -th AN

.6;. · -Theprinclpleof comity or·INter-departmeptal
. cou rtesy: derrtahds ithat the highest offlclals ·of
J(Jrisprudence implies that justices and j4dges may
not b'e subject' to·any compulsory process·in relation .
f · 'each :: department· .be exempt from the ·, IQ .the: performance of tf:leir adjudicator.y·.functions

! . compulsory processes ef the 0111er depanrnerits. (SenalfJv. Ermita! <S.R. No. 169777;· April 20, 2006).
~:. ·. 7.. Theae · privlleQes. .belonq to ·the. §~pre me .
r {: ·

{i ·
Court as an institution, ·Aot to· any justice or ·
.judge. in hls or, her indivi~ual capacity. Sin.ce the'.
Court'. is higher .than ,t!Je.' individual justices or: : CONSTl'l'UT~PNAL :
it·.· . ·. . · iudges, no sitt'in·g,or retired justice or judge, not'. . Co:MMTSS-IO'NS ·. · ,. ...
--even the 'C:>hlef: Justice·,· mayctaim .exceptlon .· ·. ··. ', .. • ... ·: .. · .. ·. . · ...... '
; .
wlµ;iout ·t)ie .. :Gt>nsent of . the- }}ourt '(In' ·Re: .· · .''
. . =Production: of. cooi: · Rec.crrds· :alld Documents tndependent constttuttonat co~missioiis
$¥. and ,the, .Atlendance=··of· coutt · 0fficia/s. and (Cbtil$.t. An: ix-A; -Sec, 1): · :- · .'
> ·· as
Employees. Witnesses_-:-underiheBubpoenc1s. 1: Givil servic;~'\isiion. (CSC); ' . .- : : ·.
:··. , of February··10; ,2012 an·d.the·-V{JriOU'SLetters o'f -: · 2. Commissioi'i'ori'Elections'(COMELEC); arid
r.. the, 'Jinpeachment 'Prosecutkin: Penet ·c1ated. . on
3. Cornrnission.. Auqii (COA)~·: . · . . ',
ifl , :Janoary::1f):'and;25>201·2,February 14, 2012). · r, ·. . ... ; ·· · --. · · -:
t· · -:. . , · , · · .-, · : -e • · ', ,. • -: ·; • Tt:i~:CSC, COMEL:eo. and the COA 'are
equally pre-
r:' · The .. lnternal'Ru.ies·of th·e:.SupremeCourt (IRSC) . eminent inthelr respective-spheres. Neitheronemay
,1/ prQhibifs th_e dls.clQsur.e of: . . ;/~ claim dominar'l'<;:e '·over· ·i~e· others~ . 'fo . case' of

1. Res1,1it of the raffi_e-0f c"'ses; · . 1· · • ./1/ ... <\
con:tJicting rulings, itis··m:e Judiciary wh'ich interpr~ts
2. A9trons taken -by the. Co1,1rt. on each oa&e,,-~.I!:-. ;\ the meaning of-the··law and ascertains·which view
.1.nclud¢d. int.he agenda of the Court's ~essiqj\L(<\•!}i!j shall· pre'vc1il·'•rcsc it. :Pob·re:· G·.R: No. 160568, .
ifi,; 3. De~i~er~tiomrof:the,~~~b~rs~n.cour~ ~ess~~n~ ·.·.. '.;;i:.:.:-S,;@.~'?11:>er11,~;2004).. . : ' .. . ; · ·.' .-· ·
~,·. on cases ar:id matterspend1ng·before 11, /,· . ! , ..
,1,.,.~:.~. · ~s11_.1• • •• • " • -·· • •• • • • • •

~.;,;:. 4:·: The: privileg1;··?9ainst ·a~~clo~ure ·.o!)1'r~e,.kinds\./j f The'C;o":~r~f ~m:·on·Humc!n .~·ig~fs..(CHf3). a_rthough
~- .

_ .of ·mformabon/co,mmuniaallon · · \~:~·kF1own ~{L,j
delib~~tive,.:··pr:oC~!!S '~:pri.~-ile~f,{1ln ·,R$~·-r~ . included ifi··~
a const,tu\t~rtal·. creation. 1s, ·· norietheles.s, not
~~,:.~e_r~~ of offices. ac~orded fiscal
. Pro_duc~1onipf .Cpurt Reco.rds.··-a(!,d> Qqq.uments ;~~ auton~myi(b9, cof}strtutronal·_or _leQ1slat_1ve· ~at. (Cr.lR
· and:: ~hJ'i:; Af.!E!nd"!nce·' Qf. _£c;r,1.rt- · Dff/,pia!S<"ang t·~
EmP.{OY1fs·· _ss?qiation_Y·:" CHR,. G.R:·· Nik '155336'.'.
·,tne~ses'f:mper-the;..,Subpoenas~ 1::,1- Novem!jer2 ,: 200~):· ·. · ·. . · · '., ·. · . .
of.February::10,.2012 a~tl~!lJJyari6',,J.$·~;9tte~:.?-! k# ·. : . ~f.ll(?.r1~JI:p~ ·., ;' . . '. ' .· . ' .
lhe :,11111,ea.chm.ent· f?'!'_se.09.J!!!h:#1-fo/itf!. date._~ · rf,~J
Prohlbltl\>.o§·. . . .

-· '·.:
19 and.2-5, 2~1.2, Fef>{IJ:'!}Y5t.4,l012)l:
• ··•.. , ... : :'·.·."1 J\ · ·
ki ·
N~ _men:ibe.r. of a Constitutional. Commis.sio~ shalf,
('<i.m-cdunn~~IStenur~:·., :.' ... , .... ·· .
.To; ~ualify. ~or:: pn;>t~~tion ,unc;l(? · 'th~;·;1~1.1t,e_~ativ~:_/J,t(<:1\1,~!'}'.'at.her Qffic~·?r.employmen.t:: ·... :
· prm;;e~s ·pnv1l~g~; the ,agency :.JJJust ~t)9w ttr?t1{tfe-i--:".&:.....:-2;.,,,..t;r1gagein.the fracbce 9f~1w.professloh; : .
· both·pre,c;ie·G[slonal and d~~E!ra,HyEi'·· · '3 ... Engage.. in t~e ~c~ve.m~i:i~gem'E:nt ~nd -contr.ol
. , · . :· · .,,. t· · : :; · ·: .. ··.-.:--.· --:·: :~~:) . · . · Of.JIOY bus1n~~s ."'.'l~'c.h _IA··_a~Y:·.~Y ·~ay b_e
A do·~umen,t: 1s/~pre.·~~.c1s1onal"-1f. 1t, prect'!des the ~ffected}>y the func~ons bf-hl.i..offu;;e; and . · .
decision .:to . Which·.:it . relates.:,: in other:. words; 4: · -Be finan<;:ially infereSted, directly '6r indirectly, in
.. commonl_oatiofis'iai:'e :conside're~.. : j::,r~detjsional if: . . . . . . . ·ai:rY,_cpntract with. or. in ·any)ranchise,.'<:)r
they· .were- ·made''" th·e.-attempt· to a. fin¥!1. . · _granted'.'_' bi:., th~':· Gp\lemment,.·'._any ·of · its·A :mater}ar is :~deliberati~e •.'?,_on lh!3 ~the.r · · : ,subdivisions,· .ag.encies,.. or·· instrumentalities, -
h~~d;. i(-it< ..teflects. 'the.. ;.give~a'rid-tal<e' of the ... ·. · .. iricluding.:~·gciverritnent:.Owr,ied ~m·~··:cfontrolled.
cons\.Jltative process. · · · .· · ·. · · · · ., · . · ,: · · · ..,.. · crorpo.rafions'li:iir. subsidiaries, (CONST. Art;
. ·~·.. ,.. · ,. · .• ·. . . . · ... . . ..... - IX-::A, Sec. 2),;. :. :· · ·: · ..... ''.
Tlie m~mbersi"of.-t.1)43.Court ri'i_ay not be·cornpelled:to l ·. . .. : · . ·. :· :..' ·. . . .' ·. . :· · :
festify In the impeac~rni:int proc~iedings · againsf the · · Safeguards . :that, (;_uara1_1tee · lndep.ende11ce of
Chiet·Justlce· 0r.:other members of.the Court ab.out . . ·Commissions::· .. ·· . .·· · :- . ··. . ... · · ·
lnforrriation they acqui,red.iri:the'pertorJT!ari.ceof their 1 .. Th~y are constitutloi:1allycreai~d~mfmay.not be
offi~i~I. fu'nc;µon-.of,?djUdi~~tion:.(ln Ro:. Productiorfot · . . :.. : abb_li$hed·!:>Y statl.lte -(09NST. :Art.· JX~A. Sec. 1)) .
CourtReco.rds·andDocumentS'·andthe :Attendance ·2. !=ach:ls .~xP,ressly .descri!:)ed as .'1ndep~ndent~
ot Covrt· Of!iciaJs·.and · Emp/oyees··:as,~Witne·sses·. • . ·· '(CONST.Art. IX-A;.Sec.1); .' · ·. .
. ·.·,. und~r.tfie s_ubpoehas;of'Febr-aary_'.10,'2012_and. the· ...,. . ... _.._: .... :,.: ·. _- . . . , · · .. ·., . '•

*;~~:f~:· . · Vanpl.{~ .ietters ,of the .. lmpea~hment:.Prosecu{lon.

f?anel dated.January 19 am! 25!.2<l12; -F~bruaryJ4;·
201-2).. ·.-·- , · ~ .. ·
.:1:he.. _,c~o1c~ .of . ~ tecnporary.· ~ha1"!".1an 11'.1 t.h.e
a,bse.nc_e of..~he ~eguiar .. c~a,r., upder
that..,_,d1scr~tion,· .. That- d1s,:;r~Uo.n. -c1:1nnot. be
·~·:;' ·. . exerc:;Jsed', . eve.n . with.... its. cpnsent,. by the .
; , Presid~nt: 6f. the_ Phil_ip_pines,:T.he · ~omm lssion


. :
.. . 8-1

itself .rnust choose the temporary .Chairrnan

.. (Bri!lan_tes ·.v. Yorec, .G.R. No: 93867; December

interim eppolntment because there is· no .final

disapproval under Section 1"6,- Article VII of the
as~.w Ii MAW

1-B,· 1990); Constitution, and-such new appointment wili not

:.. . . . result in the." appointee serving beyond the·fixed
·Each is conferred. certain powers andfunctlona term of 7 ·year~ (Mafibag v, ·seni~;BY_O,:.supre). ..
which cannot be reduced by. statute (CONST. '.
Art."IX-8, C 8,P); ':' · :-,·. '. . · ·,. '. · .. T~ sum: \JP,· .the Court ,r~states its ruling on Sec.
· 1 (2), Art. 'IX (D).of the Constitution!
3. The : Chairmen . and. :;mei:nbers- cannot· be a. The 'appointment of members of. any of the ;,_::,

removed except by impeachment (CONST. Art: three. constitutional commissions, after the
·:. XI, $iw:'"2); . . . . ..... expiration of the uneveA,- terms of office of

4. rh~ :ch~jrmen.and ·members. are ·give~ ··fa.1~1y

long terms qf office ot ~j:l'.11.eii. (7) years (C.ONST.
the. fir~t. set of commtssloners; shall always
· be·foi:·-a-.fjx_ed terrnot se:ven (7) years; an·
. appointment for.a tesserperlod is void and
. Art.~ IX-8,
. . . D,. Sec. 1, _pai.
C.{!, . ... (2));
. . ·, ... . . unconstitutlonat

. .Where'·the <con~tiiuticin or, for' that. matter, a · The 'a"P,pointi11g,; authorlty cannot. v'atidly
. statute: has, fixedJh_e._terrri:.of_.o_ffii::e.of~,publlc" shortenthe full term "of. seven_.(?) years in
· official, . the -appoin~i_ng.=. authority -is . with~-=""=-- . . · case of the.explration of the term-as .this will
_a1.1thori~y to ~pe_cify ifl th~. appoin~~!,·.~;-fe'~r:n-~- ·)~r 1\ in the··. -dlstornon of 111~--· rotational
- sh?rler.-or, longer. tben what. ·the ~8.~f:!Qv1if~f: lf lL . ~ . · / f sy,st~';!:'-prescrlbed by the. Const1t~t1on: .
the .. v~ca_n~y . calls,.. for ·· a t1,1lr~~~rf~-<:1J=-.,=-::""'""·~, ,t {. ;"- ·. . . ·· . .
appointment, the Presldent i_sflJhqu~pl~:Cr-{!(tiar . · -~~pp,ol,iJfft!~rts to .vacanctes resulting -frorn
toextenda promotional appg(htm(°l),.~9re,~~~""-"'-'.,. ~.r:t~wcay_,.~s(deathreslqnatlon, disability
for _less. tha_n; seven. Y~¥f}·efw-fa {(." T'!ifi.1 )C ".). . ,.,. -~r '\i~f?.e~_c:J)J'trJ_e~t)shall. qnly .be: ·for the
·. Chairman,_ pqA, G:R.· ty;o. -f9.t],9.1, ,f,pril._2;r: ·1':i,~- .•l», ·_ "doe_xp!f{a··..ROJl1on_. of. the.··term- of the

. . - . . . . . . ·: · r ~;~
2012). · · . . If. . .ft..
·r.~-~-T, ,~
11.· -· ... :
p .·· · . :,-4,,f·, . . f!r~de_c.~~s_~r)oi.Jt J:!pp0mtments cannot .
?'·---. --tie ,e_ssw:,~~l)j~~-unexpired portion. as this
.. 5, Th,e .. 1erms .. Qf·. office-·ff-'Z'tl:l!3'fth~i~en~~-:~-:·~~,.. 119(11 li~e~i~~s~pttl}e stagger\ng· of t~rms
,. . memb"e~ _of all. th:es: ...:..ii-~O,['lm1s~(1{lS-:ar:~'"V;,;J~".il j~1d:dowp..1:1Rd~Q!Sec._1.(2),.Art. l?( ~D) •. :
.. . stc1g~ered in· such .;:i ~,;:iyCqs 16(1~1.n. :_;_.....,/JJ:fl» /} ·
the -:-_;:;:f: ... -~ft.· ·. · : · · ·
: opp·or.tunityfor appointrri\t1,t."Qf·tJ1~m 9'-' Rft eHl? I 1 ;(.;~ · c.;-,;,e{"·tl£eComr:nissiqn, e,g._: · COA,
body by the same _P_res_ict~~t9(eOfS>;;g, ~ t~$.~. _1,<0v·/,::{©,.0Mi;{Ec o'i!'~s·c, who were· app9intedfor,
C & D, $ec.-1; p_a_r. (2)); :~ ·. . \t· ·. : i.P :--.. ":~r1.1 '---.i~',,~.full t~rm or_J,eve.n years and wJ-Jo served
. ... . ' ' \\ : . ~ : . '~ ,.,,,,,,,,, ?. th¥ entire I/- Reric;,d, ;:ire barred from
6. The Ch;;i_irqien: ~nd meiT\ll>~rs m~ n. l_..:'~·"fel: ri'\~ .-~· riapp'ointr:9,,ent_.. to: · any : po.sition·. ··ih ·._th~
. r~_appoi,nted . or. appoil:1t~a.. 1~ an: ~~Jl1riQ~'o -~ 1 'I i · -~~roqiis.a-ioJ"l.Co~ollari!y, t~e fir~t appoin_tees

. see:. 1, par, .(2));_ ·.

. ,· . .. . .
. . . u., .
. temporary ca_pacity (G_ONST,. · A'rt~>:("""if);"'lf;a'r'=~"".:_~:'\_·~i[,
·.,_. v-.._v4·1~\~/~'als.?
· ·... · .. · . . · ·. ~~"" l Jl. -:~P'Teappo1ntment. . · . · · .
fhJ,,;7¢'.ommis.s_iOAunder th~ ·.~on'~tilu!ion
~.overed by the proh1~1t1on aga1rst
· . -· . Th . . . tmen
''· e, WJJrd .:. "re~_ppo10 . t" , mean~ a· -~econu ·. . "-~--==-='°
· · - . · · .... - ··-' . ' ·. . . ·. · ' . . . .. . . . ·
··appoi11trn.ent to one and the_ s_arn·eoffic_e,.. H~nce,. . d. ,,A.coll'\ni]ssionelwh~>.resigns ~f_ter.s~rvint:J:in- .
the prohibition. 011 reappointment,. does·.nc;iJ j:Jei . . the· Comr:nrs!:iiori for-less. than seven years is ·
. se" preclude the promo(i.pnal.. apJ?ohi_tment or .... eligible for"an app""'position of ..
.·· ' 1.1pg"i:aoe ofa cqmmi~_s"ion_erfo chai~man.,."subjei;:f ··. Ghairmardor.the unexpi~ed;.portion ·-o( tt1e ·
'. ··. tothis·proitjso:,the appojnt~e's.ten.ure.1r1office. . : term. of the departing chairman .. Such
do~l> not. exce.ed·7: years in <!11 "(Funa·_v: The . . . appoi_ntinent'is not covered by the ban on
Ob.aif,:nsri,.coA, supra): .· .. ': ·:· · : .·. _· · ' reap"pointmerit;provide·d ihaqhe aggregate
· .,, · · · · · ·· · ·· _perfo~.: ot )t)e · l_ength . of. · se-iyice. as ·
Th_e pr.(>hibition o·n reappoiritm~ht.-Sectio~-.1. (2); · ·. . commiss.J.?nei'- .and -t~e· unexpired_. period of
· Art\cl~ rx-e:··of t~_e Con_stitu.tio_n·applies neither to.· th~. t~rm -cif the .predecessor- will n.ot ·exceed
· ·disapprove<;i ,nor_.- to·· by~passed..··-a~ : .i()tetjm : . sev~ri (7) years ar'.id provided fl.lrt~· the ·..
. appoinlJT)ents. · : _ A : . :"·: dlsapprove_d·· ·. ·ad.. '- , yacancy in the posiUori,of Chaimiah·resulted .
. .interim appolnqnent . cannot . be.. revived· .. by . from :dec;!th/resignation,disability or removal°
· ~nother ac/_:"~ntenm: ~ppointment b~cause. the· · !).y°, ir:hpea·chnient.'·.The Co'urt clarifies that
. disapprov~l-is final u_nd~r Section 16, Ar:ticie_ VU . . ·.:· ·~eappointmenr foun"d i"n Sec.:-1. (i), Art. IX·
of.·. the Constitution, . ·and·· not because a . (D) mea~·sa movement to·one and the·same
r.eapppin.tmeri"t· is pr9hibited··. UQd-~t "Se"C!ion · .1 • \ offi.ce (Commissioner ·to . .Commissioner or
. Arti9le. IX-A of the Cor)stitutlan·..-A-.by0p~ssed ad · ·chairman tb Chafrm·an)i On the "other. hand,.
. . inter(m. be r~vived by-a riew ad an -appolntme~t inv~lvipg a movement to a



different position or office (<;;ommissioner to If the rules prt:>mulgated by ·a Commissior:i. are
Chairman) · Would constitute · a · new ..inconsistent with a statute, t~e statute prev~ils
appointment and, hence, not, in the strict (Antonio v. · COMELEC, .... G.R. No. .1·35869;
legal s~nse; a reappointme'nt ·bar-red under September 22, 1~99). · ·
·· ·· the.ConstitUtioa. . . .. · . · ·: .. : . .·
11. The . Chairmen and mer,nbers. are subject to :
e. . Ariy me.mber ~f fhe Commission canrio.t be certain-disqu_alifications calculated to strengthen
. i:ippointed or designated in a te'niporary or _their integri~y (CONSf, Art. IX-A, $ec. ··2); and ·:
ac.tin!1 capacity · (Fun~ v. · .Vill;3r, · GJ~. · ·No.
192791, Aprit24,·2q)2). ·;... . . · ·· : 12. The Commiss\ons may ·appoint· th.eir ·awn
officials and emp\oyees in wit!\ G,ivil
· .. 8. The $alaries of the Chairmen and members are SeNice .Law- .(CONST. Art. ,x~A; · .Sec.. 4,··
· fixed by law and· may·. no,, be.:de~reasec;l :during NAQHURA,, at 325).. . .. · . . supra
· :'!heir, continµance in: office (CONST .. Art:· IX~A. · .
·SBc .. 3)/ . . .; · ··· · . . . Ap'poJntm~nts made by . the Commission: are.
. ·.. .subject to .Civil Servicf;'} Law ar:id Hules as al~ .
No.te;-: 'A:rt. · XVII), .see. 17 otthe -Constitution mat~E!rs pertaini!lg to :appoint'T):ents are within .
provides :that until. the : conqress . provides the realm of expertise of the <C.SG (Ombudsman·
. otherwise, the Chairmen of .t_he Constitutional . v. CSC,.G.R: No .. '.59940, Febru_ary 16,'·.2005) ..
Cornmlsslons snaltcecetve. an' annual salary 'of ,e:'>
~04,00() pesoseach. · .. ; · . · .. .: . . : · ,/:::'/.},( . Decisions of the Commissions ..
. · . · ·. . .: ·: , . . .. ·:.:·· . '. · ·:. · . · . .· { )/ ~/\ E,ach ~ommission shall deciq~ by a majority vote
9. · The Commissions ·e..nJoy ... fiscal.' _autori~fl;l,Y.''<it-1 :of all its· ·members any case or matter .brought.
· (CONST.·Art. JX-A-Sec. 5);· · · , ·. . - .... ,'),rt ...
·.··,j;J{~f.6r~ i_t fHhin 6_-0; .days_-. from _the-0dat13. of. its:
. • • ·, . e ·: ' • . • •• · ••• , • • • • • • ~,;.Y ! _ • /1 ·~ub'miss.ron-tdr or-resolutlcn (CONST .. Art..

. · ·. The Co.~st!Jutlonal-Corrimissicins al~~~~tttfed fo~! Lf 1.x.:-,O.;-s-e~'.l.J)i· . .. . .. -

automatic. release of funds. The (t}o-'report, n9:t.~,-k · . !JI!\· . . · ""
releas~'-'- poliay of, the· cpA may ·A9! 1~: vali~?"-f!.., AnY_ ease )P1i-
~-a~er_ brought· _bef_?r~ it should be
·, enforced a~alnst .. offices ve~)i,c,I~· W'!?--::-fls.ca_l · l.{ .. decided bj tHtr rTtaJor!ty vote of all ,~s members and.
autonomy for whom···appr9Jff.iationsfmust. bl!,, ·.\••\. .not only1pf t~pse~ho participated and. took part·in .. ,
_ au.tdn:iatically. relea~ed (Q$..C./t..'._ D.Bjlif1:G.R .. Ne,,.-.-., E:-i · the deliperati,91Js. ({;strella v, COMIELEC, · (?.R' No ..
.. 1.58701, July 22; -20.0p). t6.~•y -sr,:,;'.!,'-;.J..,"a \~.,..,, f'.:1':; .16<J4'~;:;M@.:Z7[.ZQJ},1)· .
.>. . • • >-~~ • • 6-~j'fi.{._~,' ·~,..-! t":~ , •• •1,.:._{~:£r:~·J-1 ~· • • • '• •
• • • • I _.: ' • • ~' < •

10. Each com_'!1issjon ban_~ "'.i~,::E!.Gm\Jl~ate ~ ·} / <?.q~sl~~ring_th~ COM.~LEC's ma:npow!;li' and 1o·gistic
· own proceduraJ .rules,. provide~· jheyp~o not ·i:1.:.._;._l!J!;!~tat19ns, 1t. ,s ·sensible. to treat the proce~ura1·
·diminist,,,ipcrease., ·or modify sub,\a,'Qji'1ce.rights · /•:;; .. Jeqbii;~eQts·or.i tfeadline~ realistically. ·9verly-strict
(tho~h .subject to· ~isappr9val{~Y the/1C')'~:,-; . .!!.....;.:~aaliefr~A~-fode.adlinemight indu?,e th~ Gommissiori
(CONST..Aff .. JX~A,. Sec: 6); . t.:( •. ·. /,(1:d . . . to· r~s.olve ·e.lec::;tion contests hurnedly l;ly reason of
· · . ' · · · .... , . · · \~-:::;-,./..) -·' . lack .of time. (Alvarg~ v.,. COMEL.EC, G:R..
The· _ruie$ of'
procedure :of quasi.-juaic~f:boqies .. . No .. 1'42527; · March.: 1, -2001), . . . .- · : : . .. · ·. .. .
. ·: shalf.:·rer;nain.. effective ~ntil disapproved :·by ·the . . · · · · · .: ·
(CONST. ·.~(.1. VJ/I; -S~c: ·s, p_ai. (~)),: Thu~. ' · . 'A qase: or .matter is de.em13~.submitted f.O( deci_sion.
· · Where ·the :COMELEC used .the word es hall" in its . . .or. re.solution upon the _fiUng:~ft'1~:,Jast pleading·, l:>rief1:
.. ."·Ruies· instead bf ·r(1ay" ~·s Jolina in R.J.i,.;:(;646, or ·memorandum required by •lhe roles .of 'the·
. the:SC·.h~ld-it Wc\S irpproper and highiy. irr~gular .'Commission· or ·oy__ the- Commissicin itself. :unless
.-.:(Grego ·v:
C€JA_1lf=LEC, ·GR.· No. 1.2tW5~, June · otherwise provided bythe·Cons.ti.tution orby law·, any.·
· 19,..1997): . · · . ·· : ., ' . ·deqision,· order; or· ruling of each, Commission may·.
· · .... -· · 'l;je· _broug!'lt to the SC on certiorartbyih13 aggrieved·
. T~e.:C~n~ress iia_s· rio th~ poyje~ ·t~ revie...; ~-les party within 30 days thereof (CONST. Ari.: l~A, .sec. .
. promulgat.ed-by·.the·Commissi9n· {Mac;alintal ·v. · i). · - · · · ·
·. GOME.LEG; G.R: {'J~. ?.57013, ju/y_-1.(),·20b3). ·....... _·· is .n.o decisi6~: 1.:1ntil the·,d.raft is signed .and
. ·. ·1rt case ot'd~riflfct.betwe.~.n- ~ ·rui"e of .proc.edute ·.. promulgated. Hence, if .. a Co,:nmissioner .signs ··a
. . .. . prom~Jgatecf by a Com!TI.i~ion and ·a. Rule qt ded~ion ,... hut . retires·. befor.e·.. the_. de.cision . is· .
· ~ourt;'the· rul~·of the Commission shoulct.:_prevail; -promulgate_d, his vote does.n0t·count:even if it was
, · if the·.proceedir'i_g is pommissiori;'but_if_ tie · who penned. the decis.ion -· (Ambil, J,:. v.
. ,- . the .proceeding is before a court, the '1,l(les of . COMELEC, G._R. .. ·Np. 14339[!; October 25, 2000;
,,,,_:.. · .. _- -·pm.irt · prevail. }4rlielo,.·., it, .CA, . G.R;_ No. . · · Dulnayas, Jr_. v. COMELEC, _Gj{ Not;. 141~52753,,

·(.. . .
.,.. . · 107852; Octobw 20, 1.993)... ·
. . . · ..
· :· .. · ,. . Apiil.20; 2001) .

.~-~:..-· .- . . . .
~~":." ···1


• ii

"ro'.~1lkP!FiAl#fSSft I iii W Whi5 INB :IPi,&if!tiP.KWA4Mi4tftPESMMfti4Mtff11 &P M19$t&iS9JWi I ilftl

Revit1w of Flnal : Orders, Resolutions. · and Term: 7 years wit~out reappofntment..

Declsjons ,· -, ", · ·: ·. · · ·
Declslonsot.the'Ccmrnlsslons may be brought to the The prohlblflon of reappointment applies. even if the.
Supr.eme·Court 011 certioreri under F{ule 65. of. the Commissioner has served for less-than seven years
. R_ules ~f Court (CONST. Art. IX-A, <Sec. 7), unless. · · (BERN_AS, Commentary, supra at ? 015).. '
otherwlse-provlded-by law. ·. .
Appolntment to any vacancy shall 'be only for the
Mannerof Revfew: unexpired' term ·of the .predecessor, ln. riO ease. shall·
1.· Civil_ Se~ice Co.riuni;;_slorf · any member . be' appointed: or: 'designated in . a .
Who:'By·the·aggrieved party temporary -or acting capacity' (CONS.i: Article IX-B,
Wher~: Court c{Appe~ls under.Rule·43 Sec. 1, p't1r.'(2)). · · ·
When::·.within·. 1'5 ·:aays ·from notice (Revised
Rules on .'Administratbie:: ceses Jn the Civil Scope of.the..Ciyii Service ... .' .
. Servitf:-·rRRA_C.CS); .Rule · 13; Sec: 70;
Rule 43,. sec. 4)?· · , · ·· · · ·
'Embraces , : .all:
lnstrumentallties.vand '~gencies of-theGovernment,
·1J1:anthes,. '· i· ._:_ ··sub.divl_~ioni!

.. ,.. ;. • ·. . lhcJuding. 9°\>Vemment-ow.ned.·. ·'and~·. controlled .

2. · Cdmmfss.ion on.Au.dit ·. · . ·'.' : · . corporations·with qriginal qhart¢rs='(C~NST.' A'rticie
. ·. Wh9::By-tl")'e aggrJeved- party 1x~a, Sec, 2, par. :(1). . :. . . . ..
· · 'Where:· Supreme. Court ori ·certiorari under·~.1-~;,-.::--""''"==..,,_ ·.:. _- . · .· ·. ,· . · . : . : · .·. . ·
. -<_::c,:-- . ~r ·,- 1~~·G1v.(.Sery1cesxs.tem·covers o.n~y-Gpcc~ ~th
65 · . ··; ... ·. . .· . . .
1·~-:_:Je (,. . .
pq~in~'t- ?'lr~.ct_er (PN(?C Ene(gy·."f;)evpt ", Cor_p. v,
· · 6:,
_ Wt:ien; VV1tf11n ·30_ day_s-fn;>m..nottc.e,,t~oc
.Sep._ 3t : ·. · ·. · ~!:{).-~~;;~~,,==·,,~-f{!ji~~~:ft.-~~:._.~~p~em~~r
..' . . .. ~ _1, 1,991). . _.
3: ·Comml!?sion on ~lections/'.,.\,~~~~----:z:= ...0isq.i,l~~J!fi~~~b'n~._. .... · >: .· .:··. . ·
. Whq_, ~Y the aggne~ed·pa~¥.(~ ,~·_,(.,.,,, 11!J.> ··.K' . ·~,i? N?. ~a~!R<3}E(~fi~ has lost_J~ any el~ctlo~.s.hafl,
· ·Where:_ SL1preme·Gou'1 °t?ceHioF uneJer Rule 4~ . ..t11\ W!th1t1 y~~,i;,~~~:~l!cftelect10~. l;)e·appointed to
65_ . · .: ._ ,7 · ·~'!. . .·I. -1..; . ,.,"A. · any . ffice 1ij)ht, ~~vernment;or anx eocc. or
. _Whe!l:· Withi_n- 30 dc1ys f.fd~11q,tice.(R't>C;'°Rllf,e_ i~r._,:-in-ai\,~~i.diariel?, -(CONST .. _Art. IX-_B,
· .· 64;- 9.~<?, 3}: . .' . . · . ~ 11---~. if .. · · t -~'-')·iiiffl t~--~ecJ!3). ·. lr , -, ~ . . ,··. .. . . .. . . .. .
. :- ..: : .: .. : · ·. .. .: -~ _.,,.-Ao· ... __:..,,\ = ·~:;.!! ~~-Rational_e: Jfiie=:qe.feat~-~-'<;_andidate .. _~as. just·
_Jlldgmerii$.', .final o_rder~"o~...{~folu,t10~\9f the :::iillf~~7f@=ij;9c~etbyt~~ elector~t~.a.~d. it is as if th.e
CQMELEC ~n9 ~he C_OA lliii=l-Y ~e{brobr'~-. ~~~l
. ..,.. , . aP,PFQt en~ coott'aver;ies.ttie voice and.the will
aggrieved·.pa_rty to:the .Supr~f e e'octrt o1(c~qtanS;_\. . ?(.,_l~-;..or.;;_,lfff'. lect1rate'y,s,f.JAREZ;· s,upr.a__718). · · . .'.
I· . .-~- . .~ ' ./ : . : ;J ... ;
und~r-~_ule 6.5 ..(ROC, Ru/e·6"1~'-Sec. ~}.. At:1~1s10QJ~"'
order or. r,~s.qfiJtiQf'! of a divi&ioQ,:.9f.. the~OMI;~~,;/ ~~urp_Q~~!The :.PTPh.i_brti~n,
.m1,1~t-be,rev1eWf~ ~y_t~e-COME~EC eri b.'(fc(.~.~U~'i\~'la~~:fdlJc.ks"
~r · ·. : · "·
·apr:ioiotni!:lnt of
)f the: extirp~tlo.n_ ·(stop) .. of 'the.
rnot!<?.!1 for recons1deratloJ'.l, bef~r!3~e fi.nal,-en..,_g,a~~-~pt>1!s ~~.$t7Jfi~· (BERNf>,S, ·. Rev,ew~r, _supra at
dems1t>n:m~y l;>e.brought tq the .Su~F.fl.._rntf~K:ow=-==~ . 386~-- .. V !Y
:\~S~/. : : . : . . . . -. . .
. . . : . · ·· ,
. certi¢!rtlii. :rn~:pr~areqll,i;,ite -filing of •. a~root1..o~t.~r. Y.1-;1"·A
reCOnsiqercition . is i:na_ngat<?ry: ,·(Amb1i:'.~c:.._~ 1\ ~o=Pelectiv.~>ofticial' . shall·. b·e eligible for
C.OM~LE9.t '$upfa): · . . -:. · · / . · ~=,...-~ appoiAtm,e.nt,or.:,de~i'gnatiorfin any: capacity to
..:' . ' ': .· . . .. . .... : ·. - :. . . . : . . . . ·. . . . . '-any. p1::1bjrc :office :or positien· duri~g. his ·tenure
. l. CIVIi,.:SE~YtCE · COMMISSION. '(C;ON.$T. · ~ff; , -(CONST-. Ai'!: 1X-B, Se.c: .7;:par.'(1 ))::. , .. \ ,; .
· ·. /X:..B) · . . . . ·., · :~ ·: :... · .. ,. ·. . ·. · . ·.. · ·:. · . · · . ·: •, - · , · , . - · · .. - · : . ,:: . · ,: .. ·
.. composltion.:.'(Sec. 1,--p~r.. (1)) . ,._.. . . . . .Excep_tlons:... ; : :, _ .':·· ·:.. . . :: ..
· 1: · ~; and . . · .. ~.. . ·· .· . . . . a. ViceP'resld1:i'ntmayb~ appointed member of
·2. -2 c·ommissions'rs.-:· · . · . · ·.. · 1 the Cablnet;·and . .. · · .· · ·. · ·
. . .. . .( . . . .. 'b .. ~e.i:ntie~ ~rc.ongress'is de~i~ri-~~ed _to fi_t _'!h_
Qualificati_O·IJ~_of Meor!;)ers_: (N~35-C!) :.·:· . . the Jud1c1al and· Bar. -COUEIClt' m ··ex off1c10
. 1. ~ ..·Natural-born citizen; ·. . . '· · . .: . · · · · ..; ca·paci.ty . (BE!RNA,S,.··Reviewei:,·,.. sttpra at
· 2. At'least' 35 y~ars old at the li'me of appointment;. · · · ·. · · ·: · ~86). _-: : · : ·;·. · · ··: .) · ·. ' , >. ·.
3:.. '-'.'fith-prov,en.~apa1; i?ubffc administ~!ion; . . . · · ·-'

: :·,and . ·.·· · ,. . . .,. :.·. . · Note: Whe~0' fhe ~lective 9tficial·i~ a nie.:.iber ·of
4, · .l\lot.13 :eandldate·.:;for- any ialectlon· .Immediately 1he.'Senate or Jhe· Hous:e ofRepres~iitatives, he·
.... ·j:i·reced_ing thejr ~ppointm.ent (G;6N$T.Ar:ti.c_Je_./X- may.·,11ot-hold i:i'riy -~th'e{office.or. em.pkfyment ir'l.
:·· : fiJ, -Sf#c..- 1,: par. (1)). . . _. , ·; · ·tne Goxerriment·qc ·aoy subdivision; agency, or
t ..
.. ·'. · .,. · · · .. . -' , 'ins\ruiTI§ntalAY .thereqf; . 1nc!Lidirig . GO:CCs or'
Appol1;1to:ient:. Appointed. by the: (?re;,ident wilt, t_lie their . subsidiaries;· ,.quring ·his: -lerni · witbout-
consent ·:pf the. Commfssion on Appoinfments forf.eitirig his s_eat'(c'ONST_~'Art.:_.V.I, $.ec. ·13). '.
(CON$T. Article IX:B,·sec. 1: par. (?)): .

84 I·. 2019·SAN
. . .. BEDA

Incumbent national legislators lose their elective However, the. prohlbitlon of engaging in partisan·
posts only after they have been appointed to political actlvlty does. riot. apply to' department
another . government offlce, while other secretaries (Santos v. Yatco, G.R. No. L-13932,
... incumbent elective officials must first re'sign their .. December·24,. '1959). ' '
- ·
posts, before· they .can . be appointed, thus·
runnlnqthe risk of fosing the elective post as well .. .Role o.f · ·,the Civil- .. Servfoe -Commlsaion in · ·
- "as not being the other post (Flores Appointments · · ·
v. Ori/on, G.R .. No. 104732, -June 22, 1993).· The role. of . the . CSC ·in the. appqintii:,g process· is
· Jimited to the: determination· .of the qualifioattons of.
3. · Unless otherwise .allowed by .law- or· by .the the ·candid.ates.for .appotntments.· plays no role 'in
' .. primary functlons- of his position.vno appointive the ohotce of·Oie' person-to beappointed (t;3ERNAS;
. · >o~cial.shall-hold any other offipe o~ empl.oyment Commentery, supre-et 1052).· ·
· . in tneGqven:iment qr any .subdivisiorr, a~ency·or · · ,
; . lnetrumentattty-tnereofincluding GOCCs or· their. . 'Security ~f ·Tenure a'nd-,Re~oval: ·.. . . . ' .. :
subsidiaries (CONST, /frt.IX~B. Sec .. 7,: PW, (2)). No officer or empk>ye.e't>f.theCSC shall be removed
• ;·.~ .... •-, _: . .-: • I .·• =· · • ·. . .· OF suspended .except tor cause .. provided bY law
Note:: 'The' · above ·. provlsion " must he. . (CD_NST. Arl:./X~B, Sec-:~e•. pc1r._(3));
distinguished jrom Sec: ·,1·3,:'· Art.: .VII -ot. _the · · · ·· ·· -· .. ·.. ·
:constit~tio_n..· The former Is meant to lay down :•tor
The phrase cause provided by .law" means for .
· the' -gen·e·ral. rule .. applicable to all appointive .....,-, reasons- which_ the. -law and sound. ,public policy
public· officials and employees, while the lattehi:{?J 1 ·reicog'nize' as sufficient,warrant · for removal, that .is r .
meant to-be the exception applicable only.t~··~~// ·:'\ ,IEfgal· cause. and.. · not.: m1:1reiy .causes which .'th'~ .
. President, _the \'nt, M.embers ot ti:!~··:·"! :,1 appointing ·powe/ in the .exercise of d_lsc;:retiorr may .
,C~bJn~t,.. : ~heir_·. d~puties·.. and c:1ssistan~s-. (~i'('if:_· : :.:;~·L.,-9~-~m,s~ffij)!3·nt. (De los Santos ~; Ma/larei .~Lfpra
.. Lll)ert1es _ffnion v; Execut1v.e:·.S~r;;retary, .sYefa)!,:.~({i-~}:.'..:,Il!;tsr guaraht_e~_.qf ..BOTH. pro_ceQut~I - and
· · ,..-Q"' · -· 11_~ H . subsfanUve.....itlue process (BERNAS, Reviewer,

0(!1cl~I: '? n:-'o govern.m,eQt:_9,ff!tes-:a~a.-,... f.;k' · ·. . 1· . : · · . . · . . .

Jh~re is. no··l7ga.t.:o~j~qtion._t6 t'.~o~ero.m<:lQ.t.\-:f) _·supra__af.37,~fi\\-:.·:· · ·.·: .. ,.· ·· ·
.·of b(?_th,i,;Joryg9,~·.there .. !ii .While ab~ht14r · f offic~. does. not imply- removal of
· : . · .

... is,.· ~o. _.incompatibility.·, The,:;:cnfpiart<-tes_t. in .' . it) .the. incutt:ieijt o jc~r •. ·this. is. only true ·Wher.e. the
det~mii11ing ..· ~ -wheth~r. i.rf~91.pati~il({Y. -~;<i_$~i\· ~,!t}: abolilioE::~CE:__~,~dohe-:iri·wiod faith:·Th·e right ~o
. · betw~e:n _lwo offices 1.s · ~~et~e~<gf:i,e(RffLCe.;,::1.~• !.,) a!X>l~_.cap,RRr~f~, -~1s.cha,rgeernploye~s l(l·the.other .(Pt1k_71i;·/9-te:rest;cefiJte;~ l,,,j. v1olat.1on~f!'.!t.Ht~,e1y1I·-service. law nor. can. 1f be

ln.c.. Y·.:~'m.fl,. ~·~:'No:: 1389~oyf!I!f3~t,006J! .
:"; ,. . . , - . :· . ._ . --~- , , -i+. _
J:i · e~~~cised. for :P:!:Jrsoncil _or ~olitical rea.sons (Brion(;~
[;1:-:-:;---'{":'T:,Gsm~n~, · G.R.. Nq.. _ L _1253_6, .. September. Z4,,
4. No officer or. emplc;,yee 1n the civJ(ss~!:¥1.Ce.shall- /":" ··z-1.9,~B)n · ·. · ·. ·.. ·. · . · . , ·
. · engage; directly'- · or·. ·lndi~ecUY,;~. ii;, /¥¥·-.::~.till.." .; ~··.. ,.:..u:..~ . · . :·. .· · ·· . · ·· .
. elecuon_ee,ririg·.,or. ,partisan- .politit~; ca_01l?~11g~-- · 'N~t~i-.-O!ficJ_als-.-~nd _emel_o_yees holdin~ primar'ily_.
· (COf:J.ST._ Arl. -IX-8, Seed?: par, ·(4))-:i.~{j · . cor:1f1den~~l--;pos1tions · c;ontn:iue only 'Jor s<;> long as
·· · .,._. ·: ·· · · ·· · -· · confideoce in .them endure·s-..Tl:le t'erminatioh of.their
. PartiS~O' P.o_lftic;al Ac~ivi,)'. . '. . \' cifflciai· relatiQil can· be ju,stifre.d·OA th.e gl'ound' of loss
Us ·I .~he ,a<;:tiye ·support ·fo.r. o·r,c!ffiliation,y,.,ith t)"le of ·canfidenc.e·,th~it case;c·ess~tibn--from
. ., cam~e: :of ·a·- ·political -party: or candidate. Tbis . '· office involve·S'no removal but. the eXpiration o.f the·
·. ··.·would lricl.1;1det ~r;nong: others;. being. a·.candidate term of o_ffice·.(Hemandez--v .. : Villegas; G,R.. ·No. L~
· . for .any efectiv_e office br ill:'IY poUtica! · 17287, Ju.qe 30, 1.966).... ,· ·: ·. · ··
co'nventit;in,·-;being an:.offic1;1r or .member of any
··. politt!,al .. commiftee, party· or: _or.ganizat1011; Non-CompetiUve p.osifions also Enjoy. Security
' de)iv~ririg ·'S.P!3~Ch~s.:··c~nv~s~ing or s'olidtlng_· ··of.Tenure . ' ·'- . . ... · .. ·. '
: .votes or-·political suppor:t or: contributions {or. any The :constitutional provisions _me.rely_ constitute:the·
·. poHtlc~I;· party. or candiqat_e.,··or,··.iq gerier~I. policy-d~tenninlng; prifnarily cci'nfidentjal, and- highly
_:_ becoming·-actively identit1ed.Wjtl)1he:$.uccess or. ~eehnical -p6sitiQns as ·e~cieptions- ··to ·t.he· · tale
· failure' .6t ·any: c:a'nd.idate/s for.. electi!}fl -to. ·pul;llic · · r~quiring appointments in · the Civil :~er.vice .\to: be ·
office··(Ciiti/ S.ervfce RI.ill:!$, Rµl~XV/11; _Sec: 14): · · on the basis ~fmerit and fitness as petermined
·.. · .... ,., ..: · ,··i-~' _:. · .. · .. ' . ·, .'·. ·: . ·, . · · ... · ·from competitiv~ exan_,inatio.ns bufthe Cot:i~titµUon
. N.ote~· JoJn·t Circular No.· 001. s. 2016 of-· tne . does.:not exempt such positions· from the op~ration·
·COMEI..EG. an~ qsc.reiteraied:A~ IX:Sec. 2. (4).- ·of. lhe principle emphatically :and ca.tegorically
. that '.l'.JO officer. 6r er'nplo.yee ·in th.a civil service · enunci!)ted in Sec. 4·of Art. Xll, that-: !'Jo officer or'
· ·s_ha(J engage, 'directly or in~irectly,_ iri any.· employee in· the Civil.Service sh§III be· rem·oved or
electi6rieering or partisan polittqal.. campaign; . suspended except for cause a~ provid~d l;>y law, and



- AL. LAW l .
4 jiMI ll. W fJP4i+w4t& ..
MA ttiiM MIMlf:·, . I w6@Cwssi4tdtlAfll?IIMftli5-HIWt4AiOPSBY1i9SIPM!Fd

which recognizes no exception . (Corpus v... Addition~!· ccrncensatton . . .

_Cuaderno, Sr., supra). When: ·for one·· and the same. office · for. which
ccmpensancn has been ftxed.therels added to such
(For a more <extensive discussion on: the· . fixed -compensaton an· extra · reward in the form of
classification of officers lrr the .civil service and their· bonus and the like (BER(vAs,·commentary,.supra at,
security ot ten ore, please refer to. the Law on P,ublic · ·1068). . .- ·
Otticers) · · · · ·
Double Compensation ·,·
Self•Or.ganizati'on· . . . . Refers to two sets of.compensation for two. different
The right tc:i°"se.lf-organizati9r'l.shall not be d.enied 'to qffices held concurrently byone officer {Id); .
government employees (CONS.T. Art. IX-B, Sec: .2i·
par. (5)). · · · · ·
There .is no-general prohibition 'again;r h~lding two
. .. offices which "are not incompatible; but whel'). an
B}lt employees in.the·civil service may n'otresoit to. . :· officervaccepts asecond 6ffic~,,~e;,can.:drqw the
strikes,. walkouts, . and 'other . _ temporary work . .salary attached to 'such second office. only when he
stoppages, like workers in )Ile private; sector; .to . . . iii· specifically. authonze'd··by ·.la\N to: receive double
pressure tl)e gove.rnment to accede to :tfleir · compensation' (Quimson v.. Ozaeta, · G.R. No.. L-
demands (Gesite v. CA, G.R. No: .1235~2-65; . ·_832_1, March 26, ·1956). · . . .
_;,,;,~.=---±,,,,._,,".:,;;_., . ·. _ · ·· . _. · .
.Th~ nght
. . to. orqaruze
.'·. does.
· . · not. ·-.mciu~~:
N<;>l(ember25, 2004).: · ..
· . · t~;/'
»-:: -. f 'r .· ,lj.x ~~:i~-membe_rsof a Boar.<!are n~t entitled to per:
· · .·

~ht~~ ~...J JJlf!.lfl5!.(P'J=-~:.v:.c_OA. G.R.. No.


July 3,
strike (SS~v: CA, G.R.No. 85279/µIY:~~/!BJt""'==~{!:JJi!
I/·'"-, . : · . -'. .: _ .

There is yel no Iaw permitting ei:pt1,i~:~Jrf~,0~vil""'''':_:.r.A0s~pt~1~~r~~}~quivoca) the

service to strike (Repqb/ic v, C,4:-.;fff;prciJ' I·. 0.
C-:;._-· .gr;ant of'tboth;~~P}:!t~lion pay and retirement- benefits
. . -. . . . -, . · · ·i' ,;_l · { ·
! ,
··'¢... _·1"-. 4(~ ;~~late_ t~:e . clajs,titu_!io~,a.1 proscription _on additional
. Functions of,the ~SC as tti~. Ce~~ral. P_e.rsonn~,..."'\ cor;npens,ptron ~(iefo/{i.,_v. _ NPC, G-.R. No. -166570,
.Agency of the qovern~ent:.{~~~f2S) ~-~---- · ~r-aec~fflb"~r 18, 2p~~k4 \. ,: . ;
~: i6_
eff1c1ency , ·mtegnt\11 iresmonc:t1veness :<-:::;,':'.:,-.Vc '-'--.i.
f:rl. ix-
It . ·.. 1 · •••.. _Q (~. • '
1. ., ·· · : : · ·.
Ji> ".'<! \' "\ l:">'\ '.~.//Y').j " IJ '
t-~~ff . . ·. - ·. ·. ..
' r ·

_·proy~essiveness· '~nd · ~~u~,.~ in~~\~,· "C1vrr;~·-·r-;~~;gom~~~i\liin: -ff

Service; ·, : '~.'>.;.d; · \ ~._.,A· . ES, .,~_,,J',~,.- ,j1"~!f~lmaq; and1 ii ...
_ 3. · To· §.trengt.hen_the !Tierit.a\drewa\~s sy~~ c;z_·] --.~~~)mmi~tion~ryJ-· ·
4. To !nte.9fat? ~I.I human re~'~~u~ces:it1velo~~"'"'µ.,,,,-/~Y- ·.· j( . ,• . . .
programs for all levels and- r.~ks.: _an~,. (;s'(:\rr"EN-rt~¥JijjJ.ficat1~os:-(N_;.:f5)_CIM) . -. . · · ·
5. To !n~titutionalize a man~gemen1;;-~li~t~~_:_..J..1ry~1(lra'tWrn;,.cr~i2;en; . · .. . :
conducive to publiC•!3CCOUnt~bilit~\~PS~u· :r, ~-=:r.,=;,.::r?(~~il~~~~~e~r~ old: at the tin:ie of appointment;
IX-8, Se~. 3);,and . ~. · · . · ,: :i. ·
!\' if s·§.gfi~~~cfeg~e~hd~de.r;· ·..' M-l : .· .: · . . .
6. 'To §.ubm1ttp thePre~1dent and.the Coi:igr-e·s.?an· lV..:t . .!12:!~pP.a-.cai:id1date 1.1:i.'any_·elect1ori !mmed,ately
- .: ~nnual , report o.n · its: . personnel, .···pfograifi . .~----precred!ngthe:appoihtment;,antl :· . .
(C.ONST,ART. IX-8; S'ec:·3): · . :' · . · · .5: ·Majority,.· 'including· · cbairr.nan, .. mt.t~t- be
.. '.Me_mbers of _the. :F'hilippine. Bar who have been .
Prohibition·: _Ag:a.inst ·. °Ad~itlohal · and· D.o.ubi~ · enga'ged.·irr· the J)ractice, of_ law for· at least 10
Compensatioi:l · .: . , .: ·_ . . · ·ye,us (G._ONST,,'Ait. /X-C, Sec,.1, par. (1)f .. ·
· N6 el~ctfv.e or,appoin_tiv¢ pubJic .qfficer or employ~e • · ·. ·. · · · · ·. ·.. ·
~l'iall .. receixe . : aclditior:ial, . -,dOµQle, ~r,. 'ii:tdire~t !:~gaging in the. Practice of Law: .
ccimpensation, unless specifically authorized bylaw,· .. · Engaging in· an_y :a9tivity, in .9r out of. court; which .
: ;non~cceptwithout ttie o.onsent.of the congfess; -any ·requires ·the. appli~tior.-.of 1a·w.- legal .knowledge, '
·present, emolument; ··offi9(},'or tjtle:of any· kind:from ' training, anq experjence (Cayetano v.· Monsod, GR ..
any fl:lreign ·government (CONS.T.Arl. )X-B; Sec:' 8, No.· 1·00113,"SeptembiJr-3,.-1991). . .
p·ar. (1)). · · ·- ··· · ' · ' · ' · ·. ·-. · ·.:· •. · .... · . .- .. .- ·.,·· ·,...;ierit.atid:.Te~in . . . .
. P~_nsioris or gfatuitie.s shall b~ ·cori;;d~red as n~t : Members of the COMELEC. ar~ ·appointed bY: the .
. additional,; ·daub!~. ·or·.· ind_ire'ct . compensation Prei_sident ..with.. tl:ie consen~;~f_ thE!°· Commission of·
(CONST: Art. tX-B,Sec. 8, pat: (2N.. · · · Appointment for:· a Jerm. of 7 ··. years· v,iilhoLit
reappointment (CONST .. Art. ~X-C, Sec'., 1, pflr. (2)).



ISII . hf MM If HMMWWIWIC .444Jb a
·: . tf, however, the. appointment · was ea interim, a · White: the question' of p~rty lead~-rship has
'. subsequent renewal of .the. appointment does· not implications.on the COMELEC's- performance of
. violate the ·prohibitior:i on. reappolntments because its. functions under. Section 2, Article. lX-C of the
' no · previous appointment was -contirmed by th.e . Constitution, the same. cannot be said of the
Commission on Appointments,' Furthermore; the issue pertaining to· a
member's expulsion from
total term of-both appointments must notexceed.the . the. party. s.uch .expulslon is for the moment·ari
· 7--year limit (Matfbag_ v .. Benfpayo, supre): issue bf party membership and- oiscipline, in
. Whicl:i. the CQMELEC: cannot : intervene, · giv.en
· · Constit1.:1tionar Powers and Fu11ctions: · . the limited scope of 'its.. power over. political
1: -Enforce.arrd administer all.laws and regulations. parties {Atienza v.'
relative. tothe conduct of an-election, plebiscite, . 188920, February 16,-201()); .
initiative; referendum _qr recall; .
~, . . 7. Fiie, .. upoh .~ verifi~d: c;:o~plaint, c/6ri"its .own
2; · Exclusi',!'e>onginal j~risdiction :over alt· contests : . . . initiative, petitions ih court for· -the 'inoluslon or
relatihg·to the election.retums and qualltlcations .. : exclusiorr ·o! voters; -in~estigate .. 'and, where
, . of '"all ele_ctiv.e r~gional ..- provincial and _ci~y : , appropriate; · prosecute · cases of violations. of :
.· · offloials; , : etection laws; · .,. · ·

~ 3. · Exci.usi~~ appellate jurisdiction over all contests . . 8, . Recommend ~6- _Coh'~ress· ~ffective. measure's. to .
':: ~- . inyolving elective municipal· officials decided' l}y /. ....'. · .. minimize election spending: including limitation
· RTC · or ··,nvolving elective barangay offic~t~l'.?'( of ptaces where propc;1ganda materials 'shall be
decided by the.fv'IJC; Decisions, [Ina) orqeref;,;;0r;~/.,...?~
rulings· of- the 'COMELEC contests invot_yjl;lg :·:..
. elective._rtlunicipa(<!nd· _baf!"lngay offlces shalUlf.~: ';
~:cJ .
posted.iandto prevent'and_ penalize a!I forms of
election frauds, ·offenses-, malpractices, and
< \;J.:.-;- . .....:.<nu!san·9.efandjdates; · : - · . · · _' ·. . < :· . .
final,: executory and ·u.nappea_labte; :..,.f?. t;:;· ·•.'l).;1;...~2>"·~,;i~'~.:.~
. ..- ·. · .. · · · . · . . .
_., · · ... · ·. · ,. : · -:· ·. · · · · ,..,.,'/;{ ·· ·. ~J f·-_r 9. RecomrnE!pd to.the·Presidentthe remo-;taf ofany ·· ·
By. vlrtue: of- B.P.: 6W, lh_e C:o'MS[J2.C. has· u,e,fl...., ( . offic:er . .ootemployee. if has· 'deputized, or the
'.auftiority . to· issue::·thif· ext.raordl9~i:y:(::wdts !}tP"/i imposiJ,itf~! ·any· o.lher __ di~cipiinary action_,· for:
. c~r:!io~ri, prohibjti?n_; a_J1q __rl1~!1?..a&i.~tb,~~fityi9 . {i v(ola.tjp~ ~ntsreQard ?~! or dis6be~iEll')Ce !<'hits
· ~1d of:!ts:app~Jlate )uns~1<::t1~Cl'.-·(RE:laq,pa:go~'t '}_...\ .. dire9t1v1alorder, o_r ~ec1s1o_n;_and:_ ·• · ·
· .-· · ' · >·
N_o: :11,8861JMf>o1'?.lf,'~fl,.~5).
· · ,· ·. , :~!T
~-· .· ~ '-:'.' · · ~.Ji._ J _.l_: __ :: ·. · . .· ·_and:.· Congress
s:;::.::?::;;;dj') . S-~~::,, };'l to. s~g.!1)1t")pr:~.-t'ij'~; ~
·. · . · _·
·4: "D13·cid:e; save.those~ in':'olvin~t~~,.N1;,Y~te;;~~ · _r~if . ....'i~~iv~ r~po_rt t_1:ie·:conduGt- of each'?~
qlf.~S\J~s · ~- . affecting. :: ·. ele~~!?-~~--,,t~P!u~•'J9 f/L. :.
el~Gtror:i, · ple_bg3c1t~; ·. ln1t1at1v:, . referen?urn .qr ·
d_eter!llmation of _the_ 01:1mber>f:lo~. toc,;;itlop of ·. '" .. -..,,.:,-, reC;al! (~~.N$T. :Art.· IX-:9~ S~c. 2).. · ,.. · ·
. polling. places; app6iiifmen_t' ot_ ele.ct!f>Jl'..rifficials };:1{.,·~:-,'.,~:--:J~--. s. · . . . . .
· ·and in.spectors;·_and:;rceg1stratibn:of~ot~rs,·;,{;;;;;:?5.~;'.l.u:.c....,Re'g.tff~tiorr of. J>ub,ic· Utilitie~,
·. · : . ·. · . , · · ,- .- :.'· .,· ·. · · · · t.l' · Ir, :t · · Franctiises · •
Media,· ·arid
:. , ~_. ,· ·
' ,5 .. Deputize. '{/ith. the do~correni;e on~~11Rr-J~id~r\t. '"J:he . COMELEC-. m;:iy,: <:l.uring :·tire. -~rediOn. :period,
~aw er:iforcementa·genc\es aod instrurn~nlalities 'super:vlse or regull;lte ttae·utilization 'of' ali·franchfses ..
. for th;e. e~dusive ,··purpose>of eirsu,:irig ,rr~e; : or permits ·ror the 'operati~n cif ·transportation and
orderly, _honest,·-pea·ceful; and cr.edibfe .el~ctions; · :other- public u_tilities~ .m~di~, c1ll grants, pri1,11le'9.·es .<!11~
· . ·. · ·. ,, · . , , .: ; . . ::· ·•: _;. · , · · . .conce:3siqns gran!ed by_ the . Government ct ariy
t( ·. Regis.tar; -after iufficient' public~tion, politiqai . su~ivisi6'n1 age1_1cy; .. or. :fn·str.umEm~c;11ity ··thereof, ·
. parties; organiiatiori~··or: ..~oalitions ...which must · · ·inctuqir:ig_ 1:1ny GOCC .or lls sub~idiary (CONST.Art.
present- '· tt)eir_- _.platform: .or "program· pf ... · ./X-C;'~et; 4j/ • . .
. gover.nme'nt; . . . ' . . . . ' . ' .?
·. .'Tl'.ie .aim. of
su~ti supen,:isi~no or 'teg~lation: 'is_ lQ
·The· COMELE'C·_._.may ir:itervene i~.:·disputes · . 'ensure· equal ·:opportuni~y. time; .arid spa~e',.- arid., the
. int~rn~I .fo. a· pa~tyonly ,i.,rim neceisaiy to. th_e· · · .r.ight' to ,reply, inc.h,Jding- re.aso11abie,. equal nit~s fpr .
. discharge . ·or i~sconstitl.itioi;ial functjons. The . ·public information campaighs'. and forums amdng
· COMELEC'.s. power-: to, ri:rgi~ter-' political parties · . candidates, (CONST. Arl._ IX-C, -S~c; 4). . . .
.. '. necessarify' .involved. ·the . determination of- the --. ··'· ,. ' .
'.,_.:_::_·. : persons· who ·,riust act on
it$: behalf: Th_us, .the · . Section 4, _Arti_~le i:X~c:~f. th~ Consfit,Ut\<;>ri onlY:grar:its .
,'r . · ··.CO!VJELEC·'· . rriay · -'resolve:· an .- intra-party: . -GOMELEQ supervisory and r~·gulatory powers·over
,,r · readership dispute, in' a proper .case brotJght . · . · lhe. enjoyment ·or utili~ation ~of Jill fran·chises or·
~:; . before' It. as an. incident of. its power ·to register ·pe'rmlts-for tbe opwation; • int~raiia, oftrc)nspo·rtation .
:,ii,'._.. . poliii_caf part_ies (Atienza.v.:GOMELEC,G.R. No._ and· ·. otheir. puqlk: utilities. · Tl)e · COMELEC's
. ·188920;:Februp_ry:t-6, 2010);.. · .constituti_orially delegated powers of supervi'sion ·anc,l · .
·regulation do not exten.c;I to .the ownership per se of ·
. MAB.F . Aa;tCMH•!, Wiis+t§RHIWCC -+fMj·P&Kphfi*MMi·Hftirtftf4Ui)GFfk.'

.PUVs. and .. transport termlnals.: but. ·pnly to the A motion for reconsideration is a speedy and ·
franchise or. permit ·to operate the same (1-United · adequate remedy. Rule 65, Sec.. 1 says that
Transport Koalisyon (1:uTAK) v. COMELEO, G,R . .' : certiorari may be.resorted to when" there is no either
. No. 205.oio. April 14, 2015). · · plain;_i;peedy, and adequate.remedy. Hence, a case
may be brought to the Supreme· Court only after .
Prin.t media. may not, be competed "to allocate free . reconsideration. As a consequence, only decisions the Commission, .Such wquld amount to a · ·en ben« may .be brought to the court. by. certiorari
taking of· . property without · just compensation .: · · since ·Art.·. IX-G, Sec .. 3 states that .motions for
· (PhilippinePress tnstitute v. COMEL.EC; G.R, No. L~ reconsideratlon..of decisiensshallbe decided by the·
1"1969.4,.May 22,:1995). . . · .Co.mmisslorren b.ane (Reyes 'v, RTC, supre). · ·
. . .. • ··....
The tarpaulin .which . 'contains ttie ·. tieading : Exc;e~tiori: ·S.C.m~y take. cognizance ot a petition for
"Conscience v~~e·-Jind .1ists.,car:,didate.s, .as either Certiorarl.u.nder Rule- 64 to review .an interlocutory
"Team Buhay (Ar:1ti RH)" or "Team l?~tay (Pro:~H)".
0 · .orderissued by-a of the C.OMELEG:on the.
is 11.ot a .campaiqn materlal since it. merely, contains . gro!-Jnd ·of 'the . issuance' being· made .without
·· speech on .a matter pf public. concern, . ._t.h~t is, a . ': . .: jurisdictior., or. in excess qrJurisdiction or wifh·grave
statement of.either appreciation-or criticism on votes · · abuser of discretion ·amounting" to lack orexcess of.
· madein thepassing of the RH law. The COMELEC· -jurlsdictionwhen it doesnot appear to be specifically
. [thus)· bad· no . legal· ·basis to · regul13te · exp~essio~£.,==s;,,,.~2Y2de·c;i .under the C~MEL.EC· Rules of Procedure
.rnade by :private· citizens, As :s~ch., COl\1l=l:EEC's'\"" T -~- atJHe:,.__mat.te_ris onethat tf'le .CO~EL_EC en bane
order to remove the tarpaulin posted _b}:<J,t,,_~~se· lJ · ~; siya~c.c;nsider,.or a.Division is notaufh9r-ized
of Bacolod. be~ri~g the _heading ~CopscJen.c>eJy,~~~:::=--"--=, q~ctf 0~1t~~inbJirsof .the Division unanimou~ly ·
was .. w:iconst1tl!t1_onal . (Dloe_es(!~/9f:.,:B~~!~d- v. . _ ·V.ote'To_~~er.t?;t~~~Otv!EL~C..ertbanc .. Of necessity, .
CO~ELEC, G.R. No:·2_05_728,:~~hll'~,VWtffe)-""·'.""]$_-,th_e,~.~19¥.e'~"lpai:Jy:-~can directly resort tci -~hE} Court · ·
· . ·· . · · I .. · . · ·. '·\1'.J;:.'}:"',~/ ·· {: . m;· . ·x~ .l;l_ecaosei. tt,~~.SP~ffeltJiCen_,bMe is not the pr.oper
Rule~ on- th.e E~~r_cise .o! . i1:1e 'C~~E~E~ 9! i!s · -4ft\· JHtum .in\whi~\ tn~, rri~.tter· concetning. the assailed~.
Q4as1-Judlcial. Powers .. i . · . // . I:_ · ,."\,/')..-,.int~r1otut!5ry Off1S;1J)a-[l b'e re.viewed (Cagas v.
Th~ ~.OMEl~~·.s!PJls.q\Ja1r-:Ju~r6!!r~r~(!~E'L:'ijC, G,F{t1.~tfli41·39;January 24, 2012).
. p9wers· ls ·sl!b~eqt:·to $ect,qrr."{3-o.f/Ar.t. fX{C wl\'i'~n.. ,7. l~t t..;.,...~ }.. · \\ '. , ~ · · . · . - , ·. · . :
. expressly requires that:-· . It ;,-r-,i H . : \ :·· 8\~~ie.on ·._!:J<_C~J?.~i~n·:11!thoug_h Art. IX-A;· Sec.·. 7 · .

· cqntroversies.,. sh.aJI ,-~er.:qc!e\ide~?_:Rnne~
CQMEL~C in divisi<;>n;:·a\~ _.). ~•. · · ~'-.
2. Th~ motion for_ recons1d~r-~t1on·sfj~I be. ~91 ~-., ·
· · bfthe COMEL_E9 en bane\ .. ·.·. -~ -~-
. j;~ c~'1?-JG.r!'
1. :_;\II election cases;. incl~ail'lQ-4Jilre'-~~amation ;.::_.,.._~;.i.~rs/9,§;~~e·ffi..lpr~m.~
Court the powe'r·t9:review
1~{7Yd~~!ig, orpe~;,~rtrffi"Jing·of the C_OM~LEC, Sec ..
'..~~~{~~t its ·~uch ··.P§wer _t~ a_ fina! ._d~cisi.on_ or.
of. We CO_f\.1ELE~ ·en bane and does NOT·
--~"" ·~te);lcl to~~9:rnterloc.~lory_c;>r.deri.ssoed-by a
· · . . . ... · · \.. , ·· ~ ~,-.: ( ....~'(°"Jt:'),~·r<Sl.f+t~SO~EL~G~(i)tf1eFWisEf.stat~d,th_e ~burt h~~ ·
Th.e COMEtE<;; f;n-Bancdoe.s llf>~'h_~ve the·a1:1jqoi'_it9'..,...~N~p.~#~r'tl,q~,rey1ew· 011 ." an interlocutory
t_o -~~ar and ·decide: ."··cases ·. ~f'\-J;ir_~{~st~900~.._,.?r{~~qff:~.~-rj.'~~n;:il resolution !ss.ued by··a Divi~i~n ·
<fl~~~~f.°~v. _C~A1f=L/E~·~·.R ~~: _·1,78~~. :tviJ{:~~~-LE~-~~-a~~~;v..:COMEL~C, su~r~)- . ·/
. . . ·. : , · -~ortQ Jun~ ·1, ·1~95, qe.cisions· gourq be re:viewed·· ·
· .,ludic!_al.· _: ~evi~~·i ,Qf: ,he .. D~~isl.~ns -of . ~he-_· · :. · . only.°-by. .the Supr.~n:ie _co.urt__ by p_ertiorari under, l~uie
. - C::OM,ELl~G · . . · .. . · .. . · ... , · . : • ·. · · ·· · .. . · . . . . . 6p·,· .Now, howeve~• .JUdgme11ts' or .. final· nrq.ers .of
-'·Only decisions .-.of"ihe ·cm~ELEC ·en bane mc1y _be .. · qµlisi-judiciaf 'ageRdes ..may· be .. appealed :_to· '·the .
. brought. t9. "the .·S1,1preme ·Cowt by Cf!lf.ior.arf'uryder : - . ._: Cpurt o.fApp~ais.. "llift:iin 1.5 .days f~om "!'ioti.ceihereof, .
Rule _55· (Reyes. v. _R'f:C, G.R. No. "108886;,May 5, · . in ·acc.0rq~nqe With Re\lis.ed ,Administrative ·circalar
19f)5). Th13 Supreme., Court ha~_no:power lo· review., .-- ·No. 1-95, Jun·e :1_995; pufsuantro R.A. No. 79Q2. The·
on certiorari. ~Hl in.terl~tory. orde( or even ·fim1I a change is -purs"uantto Secti_cm-7" which:says "Unless.
resnlution iss.ue~. by_.a· Oivision. ·of .the.0-COMELEC ·ott,ef""'.iSE! .pmvided by <;;onstitution· .ot by··law:.:"
_(Ambi/.Jr. Ii. COMELEG_,:~tiprj)_. · ·. . ··: : .. : . · · · (Cagas v. COMELEC,. sµpraf · .
N~t:e; .An~· .motlo~ ·. to ·.,r~·con~ider ·. a; de.clsi~~,' -- :The,'.S.4p~em_e·.Court :di~p~r:isec1. with t·h~ ;nel:ld tor
. - resolution, order. or· 'r1.Jiirig:. o(~· Division .shall .be _recon:~iiderationn,of_.only beca'use:.ttiere was hatdly
.. i'esolv.eq. by: the. Commissio.11 en . bane.. e~cept enoygl)· 9pporfl.inity.. to m_ove for ~ · recO:nsideratio.n
mo"tlons ,on intei'l.ocutory orders of the· division and obtain. a swift:,.'reso.lutioh· ir-t time·for .. the. 1°998 ·
. which shall: be . re·so,ved,_by, .tl:le. division w,hith . elections·:... · bu( ·,·also:·. the .. petitioh .. in\'.OIV~S ·
. issued the·. order: °(i993 COMELEC RULES ·oF tran"scendental. cdnstitutional issues. (validily of
PROCEDI.JRE, Rul_e 3, 5_ee~ion ·9, PW, ,(c))._.'; . .. ' . conducting· exit polls) .. (ABS-CBN Br-_oadcas_ting ·
·, ·. . Corporation· . v, COMELEc: · G. R. N~. : ·, 133'486;
Ja(JLiary 28, 2000). · · ·


. .

iii?f m't+HH· WSWAIMS :·,s,~0-F#lfCW*lfi? ffifl 4\ tlCR!!•P.IWBi'>CtBf!lAl
dSl1'l&bnifi¢k@$dzr133!'.7U:t·. "'t

The -c~rtiorar/.jurisdictlon of the su·preme Court Powers and Duties of COA:

ii; limited. to. decision~. rendere'd·. in actions or . 1. To examine· and audit all forms. of government
P.rciceecjings ·taken cognllZance · of . by· .the revenue;
Commissions in the exercis.e of their adjudicator}'. 2.-. To examine antl audit all forms of.government
or=qu.asi-judjcial p.owers'. It do~s·n.ot.referlo purely ex.penditures;
executive powers stich. as .those ~hith. relate ,to::the.
. GO!yt.ELEC'13.. . appoir:iting. . power . . (ABS°CBN -No~e: COA's exercise·o~ its generc;il audit'~ower
BroaqcastingCorporation v. COMELEC, supra.J. · · is among ·the ponstitution-al mechanisms.. that .
gives · life ·to tt-ie check and balanc~ system
Torule otherwise would burden theCourt witl} · . inherent .. in . our,.. form ·or g,ovemm·ent.
:i:idminis'trative·. questions . that ·· best ventilated Furthermqre, it has also been declared that the
before·t1ie RTG,. a court which the·1aw: vests with the COA. ·is er,dqwei'd··with· ~nough 'latitude. :to;
powerto eie~cisloriglnal'jurisdi~tion overall cases det~rmine, .prevent, ·!:Ind ·OisallQW irregular,
not- within th~ · ·E?X~li.1siv~ · jurisdi.c.tfon'of :'~ny court, unnecessary, ·exc;essive, ·. ext~vagant. ot .
~{ tribunal, pef.soii Qr body exercising judicial or.quasi- . unconscionable ·expenditures· .of .government : ·

t .

. judlciatfuncfions {Garces'v. Cpurt.of Appeals, G.R ..
No. 114.79.5,·-:July:-Jl,. 19,9.~,.>~r:i<;l. ·Arr,b1/i. Jr. v,
COMELEC, supra). ; . . ·. . . . . . • .
funds (Dimapilis-Baldoz v. GOA, .G.R. · No:--·
: t'99,114, :.July 16, 2013).

(~;, ·:... . ., 3. to settle gov.ernment accounts; .

1{w . ..s(mHarly,: -actlons .. ;tc;iker1 . b~ ·t!1e... 90MELEC. ~s_.,.,,.:~) . '. . .
pr~~e.cuJQ[",~OfTI~·J~~1~919tl,?!).of. the Jr-!}:!1 ,<rt_ . . No~e: This ~~ans the power to s.etll~ liqu_idate.d
court which· has acquired.. jurlsdlcrion. over (tln~t · ·· '· accounts, i.e.; those accounts ·which ·may be
criminal :ca~'e- (People v.J)e/g;1do,G.'R...Nos. 93~fi{:.' :" '.' ,\ . adjusted simpiy by an .arithmetical process: It
32; September t». .f9,9'q).·. .' .. ··.. . · · \1 ;.·: ··,'; ...;L_.~oes n9t,.\nclude the power Jo fjx t~e. amount of
. . . . . . . . . . ... -. . . >-·f' l.; .:.:n·!LL:..:.~fll)."~upfix~d or undetermined debt. (C!?mpania·
(For furtfJ_e.r,se~-Elec!ionL~~.5;--"
. .. , , · .. f'/
~t Ir- . .. -J.-}'.,
GenerafjfE! Tobecos:v. Frenchend Un.!J'On,.·GR..
No. L·1/9.9t?, November 8, .1918). · - ·
·1)1. C.OMM~SS.I.~~ ON'~UDIT (CONS(~(;f-~le_JX·W·>··1\l -, . 'r tt \ . . . :. . .
· c.omposiJfon: · · \· . ·.. : ,,.~ -1~ .. :::;::.-.,. .: q~fin~
),/ 4. To the scope and techniques for its own
.. 1. , 1. Cli.air~~il)and . ·. . ::;:.;,-."' . 1,/''::=.- . . ·\· .. ~udifjhg groc\dur~s; . · . . · · · :: :- · .. -:-
J. . 2. · 2 ~dmn:t1ss1o~ers, . · ,~· ,:: '~:''-.- · ~. ~.
i--. . . . . ·. · · . · :. : . · . . . . . : . \:_/'
.._-::,;c:,:C..,.j:) :. \~·'· . , :; ·/ . :
5.. 1:'?.}?r':~~lgat~ account1l'l9 and .aud1t~ng· rules
'.t1R9!uj;i~g.'~~~)J,;,fo!. tti¢ prev~n\1on ~md
i§: . Quahfiaabon.s.:~~·35,10-1) ·. ._ .. ;,_;::;.-z4_) l,.,} ··
(,:;;:iJ· t11sallQ~~.IJf~,., of .. ·irregular,·. unne.~ssi:lry;
-~· · 1 .. _Natu~aH:>om~1tizen;· : ... . '.\,-;-..6,,.1'<, :;,. ·fl · I·'/ .. e;xcess1ve, .~xtravagant, · or !-mcon~c1o_nable
l·. · 2. AUe_ast'~·yearsold a~lhS.. time(p(,appqi~tment;. :.1,:;.,..,.........::.:--expenditures;.and . . . , ·. . ,
·l: 3. CPAs ~ith. at leasMO_y:e~rs. a1.ff;iitiry~p:i~p.erience·.••/;;·£·:';~:·;;t.:l:!0---~.°ide administrative. ·cases .. involving'
i.s.· · · · or member~ 9f-th~ Bapv1th at le~i:?V10 yef1rtm}~-'-·7~..:.__;,..J__ ,:expeAd1ture of public fµM~ (CONST. Art: 1x~o,·
"f .. experierice'jri ,~bepracJic.e:ptli:lw.(a{1<>lif1]:~'~hall · :sec. 2).. . · ·
,t:;;.:. ~II· metnpers :-1;,elm;ig to·. th·~.· same·'R[-Ofes.,s1on);
,:r~.· · = . ·._11u:10.. : .• ·: ·...• .- ·.: ..... ..... : · .. ··-,c-·..• Note: T~e ·c;qA can decide mon~yclairns ba_sed.
::.;- . 4., Nolia·.candidat~ =in-·any .~le.~tidn. !mmet;ll~t~Jy .on law:· But 'ifa m'oney claim. is -!'.letiied. ~Y 1a:w;-
Y. · · . pre-oe,qing·appointment(CONST Art. fX7D,-Sec. COA h~~ .no a~tho.rity to pass ju'dg,:n_eht·on .the
't: · rm·
·1. , t.·par • .', · ,.
!;. •. '. • .
·'-a • • •• ·

. .

. ... constitutionality ~f fhe law (Palre(io . I(: CQA,.
(3.;R. ·No: 1'62224~ ·June !, 2DiJ!J, ·
,-,.:·~' .
· · · ·. · · ·· ·:
'.t.·: Appointment an.tfTe~m... . · . . . . ,.. - . . . :,· ..
,;f· · APPOinted by:ttie .Presid.ent with lhe ·co11sen(of-ttie ··-' CO.A's Post-P,,.!'.idltt~gAuthotity~,(CA.N'O) . .
;f·._.·Comroiss.1012.:ot: ,i>,ppointm.en.ts f~:ir_ ~(term· ·1.: ·constitutional bodies,. commissions a·rid.offices
t> · year:~·withoufr.~app.ointrn~nt: _. :: ·. : . ,. . .. · .. that hav~ be.en granted fiscal. atltoriomy· under .. •

J. ~ ·~RPOl11t~ent ·.t~ any. ~acan-~y ·s~~II

''/. .. unexpir~d portion of.. the term Qf. the p~edecessor.
b~ :only. for, :th~
the .Constitution; ·, . ... · . · · . ·. ·. ·
.. · 2. At1tonomou·s.State· LJ.niversjties · .~nd · C.oileges ·.
· .(SUCs}; · . .-. . . . ...
· · ·

·;...... ....:::.. : . - . . . .. : . . .: .
. . · _3.: . !fon-gov~mrrie.nt.entities 'rec~i,ving ·si;f!,sidy_ or· ·.
:t· .
in .'no :'cas~>st:i1n a'ny·.. nie'~Q~f· be c:ippointed: .or
d,esig'nafod:. ir;' .. a.· terriporaiy, or,.. '.actfng . :~p_acity
(CON$T:.Art.J?(·D,Sec.:·1, pa,:, {2)),'·, · :· . : .
·. equity,. ~irectly. or indirectly from .or through' the ..
. . . :_ .gov.ernmen'twhich ·are·required by.1a'!"' or ,by (he.
···gr.anting institutio1;1·to to· ·suth audit ,it's a··
A'~ : • "-> • . :· condition 'i)~ iubsidy or equity; and. ·: .. ·.. ,.. .
4. · Qther · GOCcs· 1;1,:id thei.r s'-:lbsidh:1(ies (COfl!ST.
,Arl .. lX-D;Se~. ·2)-.·.:·, . .



ew n, e &it. M#i

· -The provision on post-audit. is a recoqnltlon of the . shares 'purchased using the..: said funds.: However,
. fact" that there' are. certain gover'i_'lmeht institutions declaring: the said funds .as partaking -the· nature of
which. can. be· hampered in their operation by pre- private- funds, ergo subject to private appropriation,
. audit' requirements (BERN.AS, Commentary, supra removes .them from 'the .coffer of the public funds of
at 1103), .... · the gove'rnment, and consequently renders . them
lmpervious fo the .COA_audit jurisdiction. Clearly, .the
COA's Non-Exclusive P.owert~·Aµdit pertinent provislons of ·P.D. Nos.· 96~ and· 1468
The COA does' .not -have .the exclusive power to divest -the COA : of its. constitutionally-mandated
examine' and audit. gov~r.n.rn.ent entities. As St,JCh, function - and · -underrnine its · constitutional
. pul,)lic - corporations under. CO A's [urisdlction · rriay independence. ·Accordingiy, Article -: 111; seotlon _.5 .of .
employ· 'private· auditors. However, COA's findings· ' 'both.P.D. Nos.:961:and,1468 must be struck down.
and. conclusions: necessarily prevail. over those; of for peing · unconstitutional :_ {Philippine . Coconut
private auditors,. 'at least insofar. as . government. Producers ·Federation,'Inc.. (<:;OCOFED),· 'e!, al. v..
: agencies a.nd-officials are concerned (DBP v. GOA, . Republic-, G:R. Nos.: 177;857-5}3·&.G.R Np. 178193; .
G.R; No. 88435, Jahuaiy _ 1.6, 2002): . Janutiry,24, 2012) .. ·.· ·

. . r-,iot~: COA'.s:aut!lority to ctJfine the scope i;;t

its.audit'·. . ...
is exelusive °{CONST. Art. lX~D •. Sec. -2;.par .. (2)). · N · · ... E.· .· ·. ·:·-:··;: · ... · . ·
. . . . 1..... . . --=~ ,._ ·. . ATIONAL ' CON.QMY AND .
. Jurisdictio.n of the'Commission . -~_ye=--;-- y
" shall be passf:ld exempting any,,::entity·pt.Jhe. ~ 1 ,-._ / _}- :~., .. ·. ·
r .;;:·"'"'">:i.< . ' p ATRIM.ONY-
·. · '. ..
. .. .
. •
-·Gov~rQrJ10!)t, Or}iny investment of-~~!,llf~un~!:itf~~I}!-:.. ""-:" -;;,,."";- ·_,,f. f.._,,,;,:'x · · _- : ·. . · ·:. · : ·:
th'=:-jur.isdiction of the Commis_sioc:1:.9:~udll_t<p)NST. --~-.~'.fh~~~l.d.,,..~f~).~f !h! N~ti~md Economy: · ...
. · Art, IX.-D, Sec .. 3). ·
,· : . ·
Jutisd.icti~n ?ver GO~<?s //,
·. -J
r:::r1 '.;/ .-r.
,f'' -~),,/. _,_, .--:.-..
~:l. . ff. ...
,'iL r.~-"<Moi;,~~q!Jit~,l~~, dlstrtbutiori · of. opportunltles,
}rJ }/,.' ·~Vt~ incop,e'at!f,i'·i(e'attp; ·, . .
f'.11:~ . ot
'2?"- lricre{ase · ~ea)t_t\~for ,the benefit ~f the people;

c.Q ;_ ~ .__ . '.. .· :

The Const!tution vests in the;rCOA <;1pd1t-JU[:~?_!~tlon .-~·-··-.,. ~ ang] . 't,
<?ver· :"gove_r~ment:-o~ne' ~a?,-d..
corporat,_ons, ·w,th -original {ct'iart13.tS;
• ·
d .. or. contr.ollP."d
qpntron.~f-~i. _q,,"
as·~well!,';;~S':::.. l!~! t... -:[-'.mar. 91)}, ..
,, - · , t' ;, ,/ l !,I _::., , · ,- f ·r- ~i• - ,
1Jp.creksed P~<?<l!.lctJi_ty (CONST: Arl . .X/1, ~ec. ·1,

\I .' . · ·
. ,. r·· ~. .-..., ~ .corpora
fh1ll . 1oas--::;:;;.-;:,.-;,.,.,.Jb
,. . ·=~.:l..,M.U,11...:, . ·,·r.r,,,,..__ . WYi!,==-
. - JI11 ..
. • - . · ,. - ,
without ·original .. cllarters·:. -~ -~©.$fs· ~~r~_np1:1~~-~-;7.:-.:=~~g,sJjr,~,'ctrLn,e.(Juf,p Regalia_) .· . '
c~arter~.a~e:subJect fo GPA P,t~-g~(I{!,\fv'.l;f~.,.._\"~CC~ff; j. :11:J!!:'iv.~/s~feuda.f'tfl'~~h~t:iat_al_l ·l_a.nds we~e h~ld fr?m
with.out ongmal chart~r:s are\s1:.1bJ_ec\l,.to. tz<?,~PR~~-1;_~ ~t~e.,~liwrr.' All t~nds ngt otherwise ·clearly ?PPe'.3nn$J
aud.1t., . .The .. determmmg -fa'?tor .. of\fOA~j"a~tl -~ ~ -~~·e..g];i,"'ifatel~'owried 13re pres1,Jmed to· belong to the .
jurisdi<?ti?n is go'-'.~:nrneRt own:~ship ortQntro)>'~((Carft70 v. · ·lns,l)tar Govemm_ent'. G.R:. !'fO'. 721
corporab,on (F~llc,ano . v.· (;O'A,)g. EJ... No~,1/1Zt~i'tc"-f\f\e..'g{.tlaffi,:2._~; .190{J)f'. . ,:. ' . . :
Janua,y 14, 2004).- · . . . : .\._---· 7i ~~~:-::.L-~_,;,,,~....;· '7'"-Y./·· .· . . . . _ ·. .
: · .· . ""' ~.. Y./1;; :=<"'=:~'°laf.i~&i.Jl~f:le publjc ,domain,· waters, minerals,
. J.urisdic,.ion over LGlJ_s . . . ..-. ·.~,"'-~ :[ _ )\ l.f c~a)_rp~f.Ci'_liWrh, · an~. o~her min!')ral _oi]:>, tin:f9r~e~ of
. L~Us, though g~aF)ted local fiscal ~utonorny;.-ar.~~-11 -·· V. ll'@1.entlal ~nergy, fisJ1enes, forests;.or timb~r, w1ldhfe, .
within the auditjurisdiction·otthe:coA(Ve/Qso, e.t,a1;<'-':"'""'"''"""'t1ora··arid' fauna· and 'other natural· tesources are·.
v. COA/ G..R.;No, .193677, .$epte;pber/{ 2011). : ;_. . ownetl· the -st~tJ.)vitti"ifie·.exceptio.n of.'~gri~ul~ural
· · · · '·· · · · · lands, all other···natural ·resources· ·shall .. 'not be .
Juris.diction -o_ver C.oconut\:evy· Funds·· . : ... . -, . · 1;Jlienated (GONST; Art, ,XII, Se'c. .2). ... ·. " . ·. ·
the Gonstitutipri, by expre~s- provision; yes.ts· the: · · ... . · ··. :. ·
. C'OA with ;tl'fe .. resp6nsibility. for ·state audit. As ar:i ~cip~io!'l,i . _ ..
· . independent. ·$Upr.ei:ne ·state-· auditor·,. ·its ... :~u.dit · · Any'larid.-Jn.the possession oran occupa'nt and'of his ·
· jvtisqic,Uon .canriot :be· und~rmined by_ ..~iiy' law. . predecessors-i[l~interest- sinc::E! time· inirtiemorial (Oh
I nd~ed; under .Article IX· (D). Sectjon 3 o.f tt:ie 1987:.. . Cho, v. Director of Land; GR. No. 483,21,.August 31,
Constitu.tion. ~no-iaW shall be pa~sed exerilpt_ing any ·1946).' · .· . · . :· · · . . · · · : ..
· .entity:ot--the Gove·rnment or. its s~bsi<Jiary ·in. any ·. ,
. guise .whatever, .or .any investmeht ·qf .p.i.J!)lic Jun'ds, 'umit~tiOl,lS on ··the··· Disposltio.n of 'uie ·State -~f ..
. from the jurisd\ction .of the ·commission· on: ·Audit." Alienable"Land$ of-the Public ·· · · ·
· Following · the nian9ate · ·,of· · _the .. :COA and:·· the .1. · Only agr:iculturt31 lan~s ofthe public dorriain_ m~y ·
paramefers.set forth by J!Je:foregoir;ig p~ovisions; it is. .be. alienated:{CONSEArt. XII; ,$.ec. 2; 'pat.· (1)); ..
clear that ·it has_juriSdictlbn:;p:Ver. the cocoriut:.,lew .2 .. Only .. Filipino c'itizens:may acquire.lands QUt not
fonds,. beir:ig special -public'·fun<;fs. ··conversely, the . m9re than 1'2 hectares by pur~ha_se, homestead,
c·oA has fhe_.power, authority ancfduty t6-~xan1ine, or.grarit, or·lease no more· than 500 hectares.
audit and·. settle ali . accounts pertaining ·to. th~ \;.._ ·Prlvat~ corpcirations may on_ly leas.e nqt more ·
cqcon.ut levy.funds and, consequentiy, to the \.!~PB thari 1,000 hectares for 25.years, renewabl_e for

. .
LP ISSQA ±iPhi'ltME HIW18 ¥&14

another ~5 years (CONST.Art. XII, Sec, 3,. par. 4. The use and enjoyment 9f the marine wealth ·of
. (1)); . . . .thearchlpelaqic waters, tertltorial sea, and the
3. _The exploration, .development, · and utilizatlon EEZ shall reserved ·for Filipino citizens
. (EDU) of c1II naturalresourcesshall be under the · (CONST. Art. XII, Sec. 2, PW· (1)); and· ..
· full control and supervision of the State either by 5. Utilization -of natural resources in rivers, lakes
directly undertaking such EPl:f or· through co- bays and !'y be allowec(ONLYon a
'prcducuon, joint venture, or production sharing "small scale"'to Filipjno-citizens·qr' cooperatives ·
,: . agre'em'ents with: ... . ·~with priority for. subsistence fishermen andfish ·
. a.: Fjlipino·eitizens; ·or· workers. (CONST.·:Art. · XII, $ec. 2; BERNAS,
'b. Ccrporations, or 'associations at _least 60'Yo Reviewer, supraet 461). . ·
of whose .capjtal is owned ··by such citizens
(CONS·T.Art. XII, Sec. 2~ par. (1)).... · Pub fie ·~tiliti~s
(; . .: P.r~nchis'e, ·. certificate; ,.or . ~ny. other. form: of.
. 'Exception: ,,.. . . .. · auttiorlzstlon forthe ORERATION.'qt a public utjlity:
.·. · For large~scale _EDtJ.of minerals, petroleum, and ·. orily fo Filipino .citlzens · or· entities with 6.0%· capital
. , .othermirteral oilsvthe President mayenter.lnto, · owned :by sue:h-cit_i~ens (ObNST- 'Ar:t. XII;'Sec: 11);_
. · agreements with. foreignaowr:1ed· corporatlons'
lnvolvlnq technical. or- financial· assistance. ·PubJic. utllltyIs a·.utility corporation which renders·
(CONST..Art. XII;· Sec. 2, par:, (4)). · ·. · ·· . ·.. 'service to the general.public for- compensation.

·--~hese- agr~ements . .: t~- .servi~e .ciq'ntra,cf$-;5?.·;h~ essentj~l-f;;;·ure.:.of-~ public· ~tility .. is· th9t the.
which· involve · foreign : management. ,{tflq?/''~\ · service is not confined to.privileged individuals butls
· ope~atioij -provided that 'the ,Gove~ment ~-~a.'.!f:\'::;;'l, open . to ·ari·:inaefinit~---pu~I!~• (1/oilo Ice and con ·
r~tam. that degree of_ c;qnt~ol. ~~ffic1ent to c;l11ef.!<, •.•. ,,L,S,~g,:_ag~ C5>._:~\v.. Pub/Jc Utihty · Boerd, G.R. No. L-
. and regulate the affairs ofindlvidual'ente)'.B1'S~~\'!tf\8.ll~~J;yM{l.rs_lJ,)2,-1923). . ·
and restrain undesired activities .(La',-Buga/~.J H . ·· :. -''"·-'\~ ..~}\, · ·. · · . · · · .
· B'laan Tribal.Assoc:,et-al. v~ $eqr.ffiltf.DEN~/;__.~JJ,· ,Such-frarichfi;IA, etc., .S:hall neither be exclusive,.nor
e,t al., G.R:.No .. 1278.8_2, Decembe,r~-{00.4{,.,,V--"'-"fl . tor._ a· per..i9,a UdtJ,ger_ than. 50- y.ears.;ind- .s.ubjecf to .
. . · . .. . .· -·.: · · :·_ ',p-• ·J:,,";:;r.>" .' ..,.1 . -arnendment,l;alt~ration·or. fepec:!· <:::ongress; an
· Al~--f3, c:iu,~!lt:ie'dp,ri~§t~cto<t . {f). ~~~c,utiv/ .an;f·rri~nagin_g.officers ·.must be Filipino .
(F1llpmo c1t1zens, or corpor'~J1q.ns:ot:as~oc1ations'<> r-·l citizep~;(CONST. ~it. XII, Sec. 11). · ...
at _,least 60o/,i of whos~\q:tl'>it~J""l~to,tnea.·81Y. f ;;.i · . . . "fj:~~5;;~:7. · · , . . · · ' .: .. · t
Fihpino citizens) may be foC onlyc~·P,efiod,T-1'9\ ~i.' Tti~.- ·pr.el:ii,~!i.9£J~..:of .t!'le Constitution is agajnst
exceeding 25 years, renew~15\e:;f9Pa~other'2,5 . pl · foreigners· and for~ign .corporations being given a
years (CONST. Art: ?(II, ~~c: 2,\i;)aJ::(1)).:\. · t , [;}..,.:fr!'3[1~hiseto (?~~~TE a·public. ~tility. _Bl,lttliey may
. . ... , . . . . . . :_'-;\,.,,~/-. . · __,...,,(,.,,,:; .q~~t!J~.J~c1htres (Tatad v, Garc1!l,. · G.~. · No.
The mterpretat1on of the term ''capita.I" rn Secfi(ifri·:-----·-':1:.14A0221!April 6, 1995). · . · ·
11, Article-")(II ·of. the .Cohstituti&'n : h.;fo~iar- :· ·
reachlng ir')1p1ications · the ~atio.ria~:,ec§, of
Cla$sification Lands of the· PubJic·-Pomain
In-fact; a resol.u.tion,.of this.:issve will.dl)termine (CONST.'Art: x11; Sec.:~):0. · ·

wnether Filipinos·af~··masters, or s.ecqnd•class · t. A_gricultura't; ·

. citizeps; iri t~eil· owi:,_ co.uhtry.·What- i~.. at_staRe 2.· .- Forest or timber;'·
h~re·· is .. :whether Filipinos· .. 9r foreign_ers.· will 3. , M1nerai lands; and .
. · have eifectille.jontroloftl:ie national econqjiiy. 4. Na'tional p~rks. - ..
· Con· commcio · shares· have·:voting
rights ·whic·h tr.anslate io co_nlrol, as ·apposed to · · The dassifie<,1tion°ot ptiblic lands- is a·functi~i) at th~· .
. ·_preferred_'s_hares'.:'which.usually-:'have·· nq .v,oting · : _ executive ·-branch- .of government, sp~cifically1..the
·. · righ~s.- the··ierrrt capitai in· $ectiqn ·11,. Ar:ti,c!e:XII . director. -bf ·1:mds'·(now .:the director: o{ the. '!;,ands
of the Constitu_tion refers... Qnly. to 'comrQb'!l · M,;i'nageme·n~Bureau). Th~ decision Of1/le::dir.$:ctqr
' ·shares. (Gaf11bOa v. ,Teves;- G:R. ·No:-.1:76579_, of · 1~nd~- when. approved t>Y · the_ Set;r.etary:':of . the
· · J(;/n·e 21:J, ·2.01,.1). :. ·-. :·· · . Oep~rtment of.Envircirn:nentSl')d Natura.I Re.sources
. ,·.·. :(DENR) as. to q1:1e·sti9ns of. _fact is.:conclusjve upori
, -· Note:.Th~,25-ye~rlimit is not applicabi.e:to water the·cqurt. Tne principle behind,this ruling is,that.the
.. :righ'ts f9r irrigation,' water:·supply,. fisl)eries, or · ··s_ubject ·-: .ha's<_been exhaustiv.ely weighed: arid
. industrial. us~s .other than. the· development.of · discussed- .arid · must· therefore be" given· credit
· power (CONST. Art. XII, .Sec. 2,. .par. (1)).'
- ' . . . . .
(Republic.v. lmperiai,G.R: No; 130906;F,ebruary,11;
1999). . . .
Re~son: · Beneficial us~ of w~ter: is the, me~sµre' " ·
and limit ofi the. grant. (CONST. Art. XII, Sec. 2,- ·
par .. (1)). ·. · ·


·-coNSTrrUT.IO;N·AL.- LA WJ ·.

Requirement of Reclassification Conversionor Organization of. Corpora_tlons

It ·requires· the positive act of .government; mere The Congress shall not, except by_ genera!. law,
. issuance of title not enough (Sunbeam Convenience ·: · provide for. the formation, organization, or regulation
. · Food:v. _CA. G.~. No. 5()16.4, January·29, ~990).: of private -corporations. GOCCs may be -created or·
.established by special charters In the interest of the
. An affinnative act from Jhe execu1Jve :or legislative is common good and the test of ec:onomlc
neces~ry to reclassify property of pubifc dorninlon. · · vlablllty (CONST. Art. Xll,·Sec. 16). . .
, And tile sale of the propertymay be a~ortzed only_
by Congr~ss through a duly enacted statute (Laurel: · . . Monopolies, Restraint.' of Trade, and Unfair
v. Garcia, G.R.·No. 92013, July 25;-1990). · . ~ompetition . .
Private Lands · . · "The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when
General Rule: No private land shall be.transferred the public interest sorequires. No· combinations "in
or' conveyed individuals, corporations, or · · restraint of trade or u_nfair competitlon shall . be
associations qualified to acquire or holcflands· of tbe . .allowed (CONST. Art XII, Sec. 19}. »- : . , ·
pub.lie.domain (CQNST:·Art. xu-se: 7).:· · The operation of monopolies is-not totally banned by
· the Constitution. However;· the State shall regulate
·ExceptlQns: (l~-CP)._ them when public interest so requires (Eastern
.1; Foreigners who !n!lerit through ,intestate · Assurance· v. L TFRB, G.R. No. 149717r October 7,
. succession (CONST. Art. XII, Sec. 7);
2.. fo~er nateral-bom Filipino citizen m~y~-t5e--a u-- ~~-- .
. · =2003).

. _tran~fer~ of private lands·subject t,()-1@,i~ns. IJ· [•m~'{akeover of Business A!fected with

· · ·

, provided by law (CONST.-Art. X!Jt~·~Jt"~ -"'"°'~~(le lnJereS\.. ·. . .

3. OWnership in ~ondominium u9ifs,t~-~A . ~ · The"''may.Je.(Tlporarilytake over or direct the
The CONDOMINIUl.fACT, ~6.""6~ . · _,,_.....-~1:jpElrl[l!iort\~'ari~y ··~vately-owned· public , utility or ·
·· · · / ;(_h [ . :. ru, . ·:h.'. ~i!'les~ affe..q_ect.::~ public Interest: . •·.
Note: Section 5 of the C~dorhlr)Jum ~· (R.lf: ·t~ ~1\\ In tirqes a\._'\Atio~i\11emergency;
4726), expressly allowsJforeigQers to,i acquire . f'.!,~/~. 2. Whe~ the ~l)if !fl\etest so requires; . · ·· ·
.. condominium _units and ,ftl'a(JJSjh con~~lnlilifi 111,if : 3:_~uri~g the \~m~~-
' .. cy · and under. reasonable
.· · corporations up to not m~~-lj-~O%_ol·~'t~:-.1!~lj't.\/'j;\1.erm~prescribe<i by it; and 1 . ·· _
ahd ol!fstanding cap~I ~~~- of_j!;.;'filip(n' :.-. ,~d~.:l T~~rily iake--cJv~ or d_irect_t_he operati~rt of
owned or controlled co¥om1plumc~tion.':-~~· ant ~ptet/ ownE¥1 public utility or business

owned by a Condominiuril; Corpo~tiori.~~/::1

. l
Ullder this set up, the OW~E!f511!P··of@!~an 1sfil 1 :f) a ~ ~ wttp i~bliW interest (CONST. Art. x_11.
,!e.gallyseparated from·t~unrt•¥· T{\Eh~a~ iS!:.p, 7). !/ 't!/H · ·
· /, .


unit-. _owner~ is· simply \ merri~r: 1tl./~''1 /RO~, XJf;Sec.1fmus~bereadwithArt. Vl,Sec:·

·. Condominium Corporation. \s -long 13~ 60~9?f~\-~-..])le,,p{wer to ~ke over the operation of publ~
the .membe~ of this CondomlqJum ~uorr-S-J.jl.ulill~-"''is~""'a¢ivatedonly If ·Congress .grants
are Filipino, the remaining mempe~(.;aq>~=ef!i~A~~wersunder Art. VI, See. 23. ~- XII,
.foreigners, (Hulst v: -PR _Buildeis~.IVfao. ·-!\ ,1 ~~'7.-. .lj(ves ti)~ power to the State .nofto the
1563~, September 25, 2008). · · . · ,~ .1. V l~~laerit: The· President . acquires emergency
. . · ~wers when given "to her/him by Congress in-a s~te
4. · farity · right agreement, !Jnc;ler the 193S · of emergency declared · "by Congress . (David v.
Constitution (Moss v. --Director of Lands,· G.R. Arroyo, GR. No. 171396, May 3, 2006).
. No. L-i7170, November 22, 1977). . .' · .. ·
The temporary takeover by .the gov~mment extends.
Note: An alien, since he has no right to· acquire . only to the operation of. the -business and not to the
-privat6. land; has no right to challenge. the validity of . ownei:st,ip:·thereof. AE. su~ the- governn:ienf is not
. the. lease of a piece of land which his wife has required to compensate the private 9fltity-owner of
t;tcquired·· (Matthews ~- Tayl<Jr, G.R: No .. 164584, ·tne said business· as there is no transfer of '
August_.29,, 2006). . · ·"' . ownership, whe~r pennanent or temporary. The
private entity-owner affected by . the . temporary
.. Practice of Professions- . .. takeover ~nnot,, likewise, claim just compensation
· The practice of all professions in the l?hilipplnesshalr for the us~ of the said bµsin.ess and its properties as
_ be- limited to Filipino citizens, save In · cases · ~e tem~ry takeover by · the government is in
prescribed l;>y law (CONST. Art. XL/, .Seq: 14). . exer_cise of its-police power.and not.of its power of
eminent domain (Agan v. PIA TCO, . GR.· No.
155001, May 5, 2003).

' ..



No resettlement of urban or rural dwellers shall be

SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN undertaken without adequate consultation with them
RIGHTS . and the communities where they areto be relocated
(CONST. Art. XIII, Sec., 10, par. (2)) ..

Social Justice as Envisioned by the People's ·organizations are bona fide associations of
Constitution: (ERC) citizens with demonstrated capacity to promote the
1. §quitable diffusion of wealth and political power public interest and with identifiabJe leadership,
for the common good; membership, and structure (CONST. Art. XIII, Sec..
2. Begulation of acquisition, ownership, use, and 15, par. (2)).
· disposition of property and its 'increments: and
'3. Qreation of economic opportunities based on Policy of the State on Human Rights
freedom of initiative and self-reliance (CONST. "The State values the dignity of every human person
Art. XIII, Secs. 1 and 2). and guarantees full. respect for human rights
(CONST. Art. II, Sec. 11).
Social Justice - . neither . communism, nor
despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy; but the As the government ·is the chief guarantor .of order.
humanization of laws and the equalization of social . and security, the Constitutional guarantee of the
and economic forces by the State so that justice· in · rights to life, liberty . and security of person is
its rational and objectively secular conception may ,0 rendered ineffective if the government does not
at least be approximated (Calalang v. Williams, G;R~,.· _.l '. afford protection to these rights especially when they
· No. 47800, December 2, 1940). _?.;.':?//'\ ar~ under threat (Razon v. Tagitis, G.R. No. 182498,
,·--1~:·;: •· . : ·1 December 3, 2009).
Article XIII covers State policies >:
orb'. ! _.-.. . . ......
(SLAUH2WR) ,,:o·· ('.,,i+t ;~:..CQ!-1MISSloN ON HUMAN RIGHTS (CHR)
1. -Social Justice·' ,,,,-:J ,. Ii --------;1\,1
....... i•
2. ,ba~; ,·~t, ··· ·., __.:1,~:i Compositi~:l~hairman and 4 Members
3. Agranan and Natural Resources ~efotr.n: r • ,. ' I\ · ii :! \ .
4. . .!,lrban Land Reform and Housi_og; .. ' f ';-::-? l : Quallfi~o~s: '~ ' .
5. Health; . · ..,,f5/" "f/<:.-~~· ; \ 1. Nat4fal~ ~.itizens of the Philippines; and
6. !junian Rights; tF~., . .
;}!;;·. "":: \ 2. A ~jonty of ~om shallbe members of the Bar
7. Women; '°'-""· .,,. · J··:,. '~';\.. 11· ·: (Q..ONST.M Xf!/7Sec. 17, par. (2)).
8. Bole and Rights of People's-f?!.garti~tJqn. ,·~;{; :_· j <s:»>
·-., ·,;.;..-;:·· ·\ ..': j' I [: Powers and Functions: .
Agrarlari refonn, control over agrlculturaUands i l~L, lnvestigat~ human rights violations;
The Court concluded that the tarm~: -worker ~ . 2. 'Adop!_ its operational guidelines and rules of
beneficiaries (FWBs) will never have CO(!~ol O"'.~rttie _:.,:<--:-----procecUJre, and power to cite in contempt .
agricultural lands· as long as they.'. r.em~iriJ as 3. Provide appropriate- legal measures for the
stockholders of HLI. Since control over,~g(i~ltural protection of human rights
lands must always be in the hands of the 'farmers, 4. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons, or
the Court reconsidered its earlier ruling that the detention facilities; . .
qualified FWBs should be given an option to remain 5. Establish a continuing program of research, ·
as stockholders of HU, inasmuch as these qualified education, ad information to enhance respect for
FWBs will never gain control given the present the primacy of human rights;
proportion of shareholdings in HU. 6. Recommend to the Congress effective
· · · measures to promote· human rights and to
In light of the foregoing consideration, the option to provide for compensation to victims of violations
remain in HLI granted to the individual FWBs will of human rights, or their families; · · ·
have to be recalled and revoked .. Moreover, bearing 7; Monitor· the· Philippine Government's
in mind that with the revocation of the approval of the compliance. with international treaty obligations
SOP, HU.will no longer be operating under SOP and on human rights;
will only be treated as an . ordinary private · 8. Grant immunity from. prosecution to any witness
corporation; the FWBs who remain as stockholders 9. Request the assistance of any department,
of HU will be treated as ordinary stockholders and bureau, office, or agency in the performance of
will no longer be under the protective mantle of RA its functions; · .
. 6657 (Hacienda L,u;sita Incorporated v. Presidential 10. Appoint . its officers · and employees in
Agrarian Reform Council, G.R. No. 171101, · accordance with law; and
November 22, 2011). · 11. Perform such other duties and functions as may
be provided by law (CONS~. Art. XIII, Sec. 18).



· CON-STIT.UTl·ON·A·L . LA·W- -1

. .
Llmltatlorrs on the.powers of the OHR The requiren:i°ent_of passing·'a medical ·e.><"arii'ination
The-Commjsslon's power is only investigative. It has test before one may be admitted-to a medical school
no prosecutorial power, For prosecution.-it must rely... is an exercise · of potice, power. for the protection 9f
on the executive department (BERNAS; Reviewer.··:· . Jt:ie he~ltli. of the _publi~ ·1'1rou'gh regu_l?ti<?ri .·O:f the-
supra at"-506}." . medical profession (Tablarin · v. Guf(iereiZ,- GR. ·
78164,.Ju/y 31, 198:7). ·': · · · . . ·
Th~ CHRis-.not a court of justice ora ql,Jasi-jydicial
. agency. Its function is -merely torecelve'.evtdence- Educational Institutions m.ust be:·
.artd make findings o((ai::t -regarding -human rights .. 1:.: Owned solely by- citizens of the -Pnluppines. or
· violation involving civi"I and political rights (Carino v, · · corporations or· associatlons 'at . teast. 60: per
(;HR, G.R. No.' .96681· December·2, 19flt); . ' . ·. .centurnof tt,e'capital of whic~ is owned. b_y such·
· · ,. ·· ···• · · · · .ci~zE!ps; .except those establishedby relig_ious
The CHR hasno "pow~r tolssue 'a .r~stfaililfrig·o_rder . . groups and mlssiorrbcards],' · :· ·· _- .· ··,.
or- a writ.ofinjunction and has -no powerto cite for.: · ·2. "Controlled and· ·actminist~red .'by citizens of Jhe ·
. contempt tor violation .of the.. restraining order or-a · · Philippines: and . . . ,- · ' · ..
writ of preliminary injunction ... lts power to. cite .for . 3: ··.· Establish.ed··.f9r-all.and Flot exclusively.foraliens, .
contempt s.holi.ld -be understood to apply .Q.hly to: . . . andno group:o{-aliens shall comprise morethan
violations · of its adopted operational· guidefires and . · V3 of the. enrollment in ar:iy.·~ch~I (C.Of'!ST.. Ari_. -
. rules- of. procedure · essential · to · carry out .. J!!==-~
· :; _i~vesti~atorial powers; ~hi~h_ it. is .c·or:i~~!9,i01fa.ll~ ~u·.
XIV, Sec. 4, par.. (2))·., · .
··'i\ .. ~"."",~ .·. : • ·.: ·.· ·.. ·•
. authonz~~ t~· adopt·· (Simo~ li'.. CH!JJ_,~-/'~-~~~(!Jo. ~ · · . .N\~:1.ffhf·~r,?.v,s,ons.J>J -~ec. 4; par-.. (2), ,shall ~?t
· ·.:
-. · . : ·
· .· ..
. . .

-1001.50, Janu[!ry-5,.·1994). · ·· #r;r.":1 -~-.,._;'a.J?,Jo l ffi.cb.00r~··el?tabhsbed .f.or. fore1gn_-d1plomat1c

· . . . · . . . · '·"l',. . :~,;"'""" · .
persollp~V.age(\t.heir .d.ependents .. a_nd, unless
• The .cre~tion · o~. ~l:iR ·m_ay.-~ ~~Jit~~!_gpallr~oth~~ffe'~-,_,¥{ovi~~)t . tiy law,: for other · foreign
mand_ate_o•. but 1t 1~. -~ot; ·.in i'lE:y,sJriel' ·s~nse,. \f.\). )'7. -t~;:npora!)' re.~•q.e.d!~\. . . · .. · •. _.
cp,islttutlonal commtsS!OA :(Cf/REA/( CHR,. G:IR. ,01~- ..h. . \· ~ q· · \. . ··· .
Jr .·· {. ' . · ··· /~?-"'. National!1Lal)g'U\9f)\ : , . . ·
Np: -155336;: July ?1, 2006).· {, ' ·
.' · . . :. J'.i -~ fl _. -~-----:---. 1·:-:-rnefiatlanal
The CHR does ·not ·enjoy fjs€a!':",0)1Jtonom.. a'sr~~'--;; i;I; !-~-J(~~it'
-,.r laligi:rage-bf the·Philfppines is Filipino.
evilves,. it ~ha(l1~be .fur:ther 'developed and .
Const!tut~on· grants · ~si:a1 · ~utoifo~( "on·1 ~i.t9_: t~e:;,,,);1~1;~J)¥1\1Fiche1on ~~'sis,-qf~xisti,:i_g:phili~P.!De· anq other.
Constitutional__ C~mm1ss1onS\_uh~~-c~~of the~-..:.i..=:_.,,-::;;·langu~if~fli · _(}N.ST_._ AH{XN~Sec: 6,·.p;:ir. (1)). . ...
19~7 .. Constitutlo"h: . the· i J:ud1Gf\1)1• .\'1i · ~h~=-i . , ,.,, i1.J..'1 . f
~-4 N . · · . · ·. ·., . · · ·. ·
Ombudsman (CHREA v. <;;H~~U/:Jf.~l'.: Z~.. ·. _
@ta . .,r.::;~,<;>~,1~J1ffi4
es··(Jf comm§r.iication;~r:id instruction, tl:le
·. . .· · _ ... ·. . . ·\ · ,.· .. ~: ·. ~z_5i~:· ,--i..; ·-.~~l~ngu?~ges·~fW°!:Ph_iliPP!l1E;?S ar~ Fi!ipino:_and, .
{For. ~urf!!~r. cf1sc_~ss1on _.: ?f . Alfrz,an ~~gfft.~'s~e J~t(l\).>The'»'ise ': · pr971a_ed;:.-l?y,,,la~,-: ~-nghsh. T,~e
Co(?sflfut,onalLaw II) . . 1•
'\. • .... , 1.. . . .,S'i:fE-:-;" i::r,:e~,o~.a~;p°fijnguaws .,.are· .. the· _aux,hary .o~c1al ·
. · ·. · · ·. . ·. · -~ · ·· . : · . 7, :-'~ ~--,....:1.~..Aa'rtgy_a9es~1;;~gipns-and Jmxiliary ·
· .. ·· · ·-~ · . · · : : : '· · .., · -r· 0.A'~;.. ::,;.,m'fmia'(i,f.: ip~JJ.qc!ion_.·_th~rein; ··Spanish. and ·Ar~bic.
.·· . · : · ' · · ·:·· '· · · · · · ·., · . '.1.;.. 1\ ;f
·lb1\lk\¢-ptpmotedon a volunta~.aa:~ optional basis
Et>UC.ATI(!~-' S'?.~~l'_l~,~-A ~'J+..~;=_:!_::!f..,~s:f':Art.,XI_V, .Sec.- 7)..... ·... •.·.. · . · ...
. · TECiINOLOGY'·:·ARTS.·. · . - ...... _....., · . '·· ···..; · · · ..

.. · CU.
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LT·u»u A·.N»· · · ,, .. ·
Sp·o·R.T.S ,.i i F.ree
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• · · · '· _ . ~.. · · ·-· .. ,· . : ·. · ·.··.- . ·.. . The .s.tat~· r~cog_niz_e.s·the complementary.;rol~s of·
p(!bli.c ·and·.:private.: Jristituti6r:is ,:io 't~e, educi'ltional
' ·,. . ·. .. . : . .. .. . -.:_:._ ":;". :_'.··:". :' _: ·system and stia!I' exer.~ise. re~sonable supervision;lpa( Characteri~tics.ofE~ucatio.o.Vl(f'(ich t)?e ·and . regi:tlation .. of ·an· 'educational:· iristitutiohs
.. ·.. · 'StateNtus.t-Pro.motearid Protect:. . ((;ON$T; Art. x1v,·,s~c:;: 4,:p~r-.,:(1)),· . . .
·( : duality eq~Qatf9p;_; :· .. · ·. ·. ·, ·: . ·:: . . .. . ·. . _.· · .. · ;- :1
2., :Ai::c~~•!Jle e"<j_u_catio_r:i.(C.ONST;,Art.XIV..S.~9- 1); . · .· . -As rrfay:be gleaned fi'om.lbe·above.provision~ such . ·:
· 3 .. J=tjucation. that.- is: ~relev~r:ir to: th_e't1eeds·'of the .: .... · pow.~~- to. r.egulate-:is' su"bject,;!o·the· 'req~ir~rrierit o(
·. people (CONST. frt. XIV. ~9.·2,.p_ar: ·(t)); · . reasonablen·,··Moreo_ver;· <::onstitutfor:i ·alldws .
· · ·. · . . · ·. ; . . ·. . ··. .... . .. · · . me"t~1y·the regulation and sup.ervisiori·ofe.duc'ational ·.
t eacherS\SU~pended foi; 6::moriths. canno.t .demand . · · : . in_stitu"tions_•. riot the.·deprivation·cif their. Fig'hts. (M.iriam . .
. :. re.1.ns.tatement in- the same·.school V.:bere' their--place. . . ·
'.. had been tak~n tly_ others and _shouit{ accept College- Foundation, ·inc:. v.' ·CA, .. G.R-.:· No>1.2-7930, .
·--as.sfgnm~nt elsew~ere. ·. The exfge.ricies.. :of.' -the D~~er.nb"er :15, -2(!.~0) ... ·.- ...... ·. ·:.. . .
. servic.e required thQfteaehers,~hould."be-appoi,:ited
.. t.Q. r.epla~e .. those SlJSpe_nde.d in ord~{' no.t .to· d_eprive
Stl:ld(lntS of.the righl._to e9ucation "(Superint,incf.ent v..
. Azarcon, G:R: No. 166435, Februaiy·11, 2008) .. · · ·
. . I



Three (3) Views on Aspects of Academic The right to 'discipline students finds basis in the
Freedom: . 'freedom of "what to teach" (DLSU v, CA, G.R.
1. From · the standpoint · of the educational Ne>. 127980, Dec. 19, 2007). · · · ·
institution - lo provide that atmosphere which
Is most conducive to speculation, . Termlnatlen of Contract Ruie
experimentation and creation.. "Four essential · The termination of contract rule provides that when
freedoms" of a university or the freedom to . a student enrolls in .a .given school, h·e: is ·registerjng
determine for Itself on· academic grounds - tor the 'entlrs semester and· after the semester-ends,
-a. Who n:1ay teach; ·. the school . has no dutyto accept hin i because the
b. What may be taught;· contract is deemed terminated (Alcuaz v. Philippine
c. How shall it be taught; and Schoof of Business Admininttation, G:R. No. 76353,
d. Who may be admitted to study (PTA of St. May 2, 1988).
Matthew Christian Academy v. Metropolitan
Bank, G.R. No . .176518, March 2, 2010). Pursuant to· this rule, the school. may refuse re-
admission of students (Afcuaz v. PSBA, supra).
2. From the standpoint of the faculty
a. Freedom in research and in the publication· However.ithe ·doctrine laid down in A/cuaz, insofar
of the results, subje;~t to the adequate as it allowed 'schools to bar the· readmission or re-
performance of his other academic duties; enrollment of students ori the ground of termination
b. Freedom in the classroom in disr.ussing his of contract, has been reassessed. The SC held the
subject, less controversial matters which contract between the school and the student is not
bear no relauorrto the subject; and . i; .: · \:, anordinary coritract.It is imbued With public interest,
c, Freedom from institutional censorship or~_- )\, considering . the high priority given hy the
discipline, limited by his special position In. J::- Constitution,to education ond the grant to the State
the community (1940 Stetemen: «:
:y. ::f'ef~SJ:IB<HY.!.\~r;yand r~gu'Jatory · powers over all
Principtes; American Association· · of . :
~c,alfifnru"t~stitut,iohs(Non· v.. Danes II, G.R. No.
University Professors). · .J 6'BJI 7, May.[40, 19SOj. · · .
·. . ( t \.. ' .
3 .. · From the standpoint of the stud~nt\.,right to A unive;sjf~ ijas\the right to revoke or withdraw the
enjoy in school a guarantee of the Blll"of Righ( . honor o~{dls~'hctib'nit has awarded compared to a
(Non v, Danes II, G.R, Nb .. 89311, May: ·,. t~· studentswbo ~lrea~y graduated ifthere is evidence
1990}. · · : .,_ that s~faitfil .. _i'St1nction was obtained throu"gt, .
· . · · ,;. . . · ·:, ,2~~ · fraud {&#.,:;: '. f Regents v. William, G.R. No ..
Requisites of Due Process for"Studenfu.·befor:.e 134625, August 31, 1999). .
Imposition of Disciplinary Sanctio.ns: (NEA2D)
1. Must be informed in writing ~f the· .ti atu re
· and cause of the accusation against him;
2. Informed of the .!;vidence against him THE.FAMILY
3. Right to ,8nswer charges against him, with
the assistance of counsel, if desired;
Rlght to ,8dduce evidence in his behalf; and . Marriage, as an inviolable social institution is the
4. Evidence must be Quly considered by the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the
investigating · committee or official state (CONST. Art. XY,. Sec.• 2).
designated by the school to hear and decide
tha case (Ateneo de Manila Univers,ty v. The··stafe shall defend:
Capulong, G:R. No. 99327, May 27, 1993). . 1. The right of the spouses to found a fami!y. in
accordance with their religious conviction and.
General Rule: Schools may only take ·the dernands of .re~ponsible parenltiood; ·
· disciplinary action for acts committed lnslda the 2. The right of the chlldre_n to assistance, including
campus. proper care and nuti:ition. and
from all forms· of neglect, abuse, cruelty,
Exceptions: exploitation, arid othor conditions ·prejudicial to
a. Violations of school policies in connection · their develc-pment;
with school sponsored activities, or ' 3. The right o.f the famlly to a wage and
b. Where the misconduct affects the student's Income; and .
status orthe good name or reputation of the 4. The right of families. or family associations: to
school (Angeles v, Judge Sison, G.R. No. L- participate in the planning and Implementation of
45551, Feb,:uary 16, 1982). i:,olicies and prugrams that affect them (CONST.
Art. XV, Sec. 3).


ji 4 WifHtiii •lfli-e-M11

,w,, iWfiiWB_a r!FVWN 71GSSPPltkli~·¥i69iEtii¥1bM4iiBPMil RS i!ilK E MMl#illfflll

Note:- In t_he" case of .fmbo'ng _v. Ochoa (G.R.. · No. ,: .

. 204~19, 'April 8, '2014), the Supreme ,Court ruled that
the RH Law •. by giv.iog· absolute· authority 'to the
spouse who would 1.indergo a-procedure, and barring . .- ..
theojher spouse from, p,articipating .lri the decision '
' would drive a wedge between the h~sband and wife,' '
posslbly- resu'itlng . ln bitter animosity. ··and
.ei:idangering th~ marriage and -the family: :au for the' ·: .....
sake . of. raducinq the· 'populatlon. This wouid. be a , ·
marked departure from the 'policy of r: the-Btate to
protectmarriage as. an· inviolable social. institution. ·
• I • • • • • •

Moreover, .sec .. 7 .of th~ R.H: Law it}sofar 'as ailows: . it

minor-parents. _oi: ' minors" who -have ,!i"uffered'~a ,,
mis.~arriage access to 'modern -methcds of f9mily
pl.anning_ without .wrtttenconserit from their parents
_o"r guardian/s is declared unconstltutional Jar the . '
reason 'that rt is ~>'recis~IY:i.n-:·si:icli situations when -a: ' .
.rnlnor parent needs .the comfort, care •. advice.. ''I"~
• .. • •• ~ ..
guidance: of her ow_ri pare~!s. The· _StatE_;,.-i-c~:fir:iot )I. ~ ,· ··
replace hernaturalmother ~nd·fatherw~efl 1t,~.~..q;ies t ~,[\/ .z- -;:~-.. · ·
to providi_ng._her.n,eeds-and con:1~<?_rt:J~ say't~:q.t.!~'E:k===:s:-! -P, ,,.,,. '~~-4.
~<?7.r-:.;.~~-~-- ~:()·:·
consent rs no_ longer relevant .rs _gl.farly~Q]tf3m\lY
: '\. ·
, · .. "'~~ ...- ._h:'-\. i·
P~o~'\fu~,ii,ce{'; JP' ' i • ~ j '\?\ ·
Umbong v. Ochoa, supra): .. ./. '

· While
~~n~ti~uUo~ Doe.s·NqT
marrlaqe mu t. be' rffgardetl as;..?n .,-\_;.;.. ,

indeed · . \i, .()~·\.
inviolable s9cral instiiutio"n-, t~~'"jjrg~l..inten~ment•ot::-"1111; · · · ~ l ..
,> . '.
,' $ectio{l:2 is not,to l~y dQvmf~1=1nl~et·prolijbition@f7> c.(!'~- i. J · ~ ~~ .
divorce. (BERf.J,1_$.,Comm·e~~ary,,,o . 1 ~~7 A~'lippifuJ~·,
C'?nstitution,supra:at:1~14)\\~.J;,-~ ·1_ \,,-<~. ~-~:.:::·
nt. ·
iTjj}}? . . ·
· .·_iJ_:__J
· · 'Ji ),=,.-.:-ft\
l~,;; ... '/ . .-
~m .,,,-,· 7,1,...,! ·
~,,I .
. . ;, . : l .
s_.;,.-::;. . · 1, };-,;,""". ·
· · · . . -~ 1
_con~ti,!Jtion- D'oes . N.OT- ~:r.EShH:i~ .S~~ Se~. r Jt J ·.
Marnage , ·:··\· ~-- ~~~ _./1:. ·/.·~ : :'
'.~e right to p'.iy~cy as·~- .co~porient~f.p f.S, . ·"-.:/~- -·.·, / ; .:/- · ·
hbe~.ln the Due:Proc~sspia~~e also. inbl1,1d_e'~@{';[Fr-..ff\r'../ ·/. . / ··
freedom to choose wftom ·tom~. _Thi~~a§_,,th~~/.-\'>,... ·· , · .·
·t<;\} ;,/ .·
yfrg1nia_. :which_· \riv'a!ldated . a:
importof_the:US ,&"upteme CQurt's 11:llif{g,ifi·Q,yirig,~t,r:,..~-r="''-'
law'~~ti.i~i.t1r:ig· 1', .,f /\;~'i- ;,-. · · . · · ·.
mterr1;1c1al .m~mages·. Thls_.wa~ ~lsp ope~('!,ti~_.lVl ..("'\...,..;/-"·. > .· ,·
·essential rulings· in:-OhergE!fell-v.Hodge.'s. whicn hela~ · ·
same-sex lflarriage:as·'co.ristitutional:(Capin-Cadi.iv. · .· . . . .
Breaf Hospital.and'. Colleges; tn.c., G.lf No,_ 1874-17:, · · · ·· ·
February·24, · 2016). · · _ . . · · · ..;

. ; . ". .. :.; :· .· ·. . .... . . ·. .~

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.;.' ·.
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