Tugas Bahasa Inggris Maritim TGL 18 October 2021

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18 OCTOBER 2021


NIT :2160800009



ANSWER: I thank you,ladies and gentlemen,who have allowed me to introduce my self.my name is
Ratiwi Lestari Nababan,from SUMATERA UTARA medan,where I was born in sidikalang,four junetwo
thousand and three,I am a protestant Christian.i am the fourth child from five brothers, I am eighteen
years old my father works as a consultant and my mother works as a teacher.I think it’s enough to
introduce my self.THANKYOU…

2.The reason for taking this major(marine)?

Answer: It crossed my mind, when I opened the information in the official manual, I saw that the
Marine Science Study Program has a lot of interest in general, this is because most of them have a
view in the future prospects. In my opinion, this major is very difficult but it grew in my mind. I will
definitely be able to go through it happily because I want to have a maritime graduate degree. The job
opportunities for Marine Bachelors are currently quite large. But if we review again, we can advance
the industrial aspect in Indonesia in processing marine biota, because Indonesia is a maritime country
where the potential for natural wealth from marine resources in our country is very abundant and
should be utilized and preserved from an early age. It is very unfortunate if the results of our marine
potential are illegally enjoyed by foreign parties. The reason I chose the Marine Sciences study
program was because I saw the reality conditions that occurred in the Indonesian sea which were very
less than optimal in terms of management and preservation. In addition, there is also a socio-
economic aspect where the welfare level of coastal communities, especially fishermen, is still low
compared to garden farmers. Therefore, as long as I am still pursuing higher education, I try as much
as possible where the knowledge I receive can be applied, applied to the field and coastal
communities. Where this is in accordance with the tridharma of higher education, namely education,
research and community service.

3.why poltekpel Surabaya:

Answer: The reason I chose to continue my education at the Surabaya Shipping Polytechnic is because
I believe in the vision of the Surabaya Shipping Polytechnic which is to become a center for
international sea transportation education. And graduates from Surabaya Shipping Polytechnic are
also very well-known companies.
4.are there any other long-term goals after yout bon voyage ceremony?

Answer: I have arranged the long term when I graduate, since I was declared graduated at the
shipping polytechnic, among others, the first one is that I must be able to carry out or carry out my
education with satisfactory grades and study seriously because I believe that my efforts will never
betray the results and when I graduate I will I really want to sail with the abilities that I have traveled
for the next 3 years, and my career, if God allows me, I want to get to the maritime master level.

5.what type of ship would you like to work on? Why?

Answer: because a cruise ship is a type of passenger ship used for cruise purposes. Passengers who
board the cruise ship just want to enjoy the time spent on the cruise ship. and the most important
thing for me is that it works while traveling the ocean.

The boatswain shall follow the orders of the chief mate or deck officer in charge
of navigational watch to lead the work of ratings in the deck department.

The deputy boatswain and ship’s carpenter shall adhere to the orders of the
chief mate, deck officer in charge of navigational watch or boatswain to take
charge of the maintenance of anchor gear, deck equipment, materials, tools and
lamps, as well as check the closure of cargo tank vent and inspect the water tank.
The daily measured water conditions shall report to the chief mate.

The able sailor, quartermaster, sailor should handle steering and observation
when the ship is sailing, or on watchkeeping at the ladder entrance when ship is
berthed in the port, and are responsible for the cleanliness of the internal and
external hull, deck machinery and living cabins as well as for the preparation of
cargo loading and unloading in accordance with the orders of the chief mate,
officer in charge of navigational watch or boatswain.
Deck cadets shall assist in and practice the work of each level seafarer under the
guidance of the master and officers. The tasks of deck cadets are assigned by the
master and chief mate and are assessed according to specified training and
appropriate evaluation items of the on board training record book for deck
cadets and/or reinforcement training records book.

Deck trainee shall assist in and practice the work of each level seafarer under
the guidance of the boatswain and ratings. The tasks of deck trainee are assigned
by the chief mate and are assessed according to specified training and
appropriate evaluation items of the on board training record book for ratings
forming part of navigational watch.

Seafarers without certificate of competency issued by the competent authority

shall not in charge of navigational watch.

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