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CURSO Idioma extranjero-inglés PROF: Alex

Exercises about past continuous (aff / neg / int)

(Exercises about past continuous)
1. the / she / going / right / was / to / now / academy
2. lots of / Peter / drinking / was / water
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
3. giving / exam / they / algebra / were / the
4. ? / singing / concert / was / the / she / at
5. French / we / speaking / weren`t


1. Run = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / around the park= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Aff)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(neg)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(int)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Dream= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ of Stephany= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Aff)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(neg)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(int)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Take = _ _ _ _ __ _ / some broken pencils = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Aff)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(neg)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(int)= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

On either side of a gorge high in the Peruvian Andes, an aging rope bridge sags
precariously over the Apurímac River. Every spring, communities gather to take part in a
ceremony of renewal. Working together from each side of the river, the villagers run a
massive cord of rope, more than a hundred feet long and thick as a person’s thigh, across
the old bridge. Soon, the worn structure will be cut and tumble into the gorge below. Over
three days of work, prayer, and celebration, a new bridge will be woven in its place. The
Q’eswachaka bridge has been built and rebuilt continuously for five centuries.

(A cada lado de un barranco en lo alto de los Andes peruanos, un viejo puente de

cuerda se hunde precariamente sobre el río Apurímac. Cada primavera, las
comunidades se reúnen para participar en una ceremonia de renovación. Trabajando
juntos desde cada lado del río, los aldeanos usan un enorme cordón de cuerda, de más
de treinta metros de largo y grueso como el muslo de una persona, al otro lado del
viejo puente. Pronto, la estructura desgastada se cortará y caerá en el barranco
debajo. Durante tres días de trabajo, oración y celebración, se tejerá un nuevo puente
en su lugar. El puente Q'eswachaka ha sido construido y reconstruido continuamente
durante cinco siglos.)

1. What is the central topic of the E) The traditions of people living in the
reading? Apurimac River
A) The ancestral knowledge about 2. What does MASSIVE most likely
Peruvian villagers means?
B) The continuous rebuild of the
Q’eswachaka bridge A) different
C) The strategies to preserve an ancestral B) great
bridge of rope C) unlimited.
D) The different bridges across the D) plural
Peruvian Andes E) Enormous.
C) villagers would probably make a
3. According to the villagers that build the demonstration against the authorities.
Q’eswachaka bridge, it is inconsistent to D) using it similarly to the thicker rope
argue would probably be risky for people.
that E) it would not be necessary to cut and
tumble the old bridge every year.
A) they will probably continue doing that
every year. 6. Which is the right sentence?
B) they have been doing that work for five
centuries. A) you were singing ?
C) they rebuild the old rope bridge once B) she was wining the game
in a century. C) they were typing some documents?
D) they do not belong to only one single D) he wasn`t riding that animal
community. E) we were reading sometimes
E) they work on the bridge, but they also
celeb 7. Which is the meaning of BUILD?

4. We can infer from the bridge’s A) built

construction that B) make something
C) construction
A) it is very important to utilize different D) engineer
kinds of materials. E) do something
B) the ceremony was celebrated every
spring for three days. 8. What is the structure about PAST
C) every villager is as precarious as the CONTINUOUS?
rebuilt and new bridge. A) S + V_BE + V(ING) + C.
D) not only the residents but some B) S + PAST V_BE + V(ING) + ?
politicians help building it. C) ¿PAST V_BE + S + V(ING) + ?
E) modern technology was not D) PAST V_BE + S + V(ING) + C + ?
necessary to finish the structure. E) S + PAST V_BE + V(ING) + ?

5. If the cord of rope used to build the 9. the right gerund verb is …
bridge were as thick as a person’s
finger, then A) carefully.
B) singging
A) the future bridge over the Peruvian C) stoping.
Andes would not be useful at all. D) writing
B) more rope would probably be needed E) liking.
to put human lives in danger.

What is the heaviest living creature in the world? It’s not an elephant or a blue whale, the
heaviest organism is actually an aspen. Pando, as it is called, is a clonal colony of a single
male quaking aspen; basically, it looks like more trees, but it’s actually just one living
creature with one massive underground root system. The plant’s estimated weight is
6,000,000 kg.
A clonal organism is a group of genetically identic individuals that have grown in a given
location; it’s basically just one individual, with more manifestations. In a way, all these
trees are actually one tree. All the individuals originated vegetatively, not sexually.
Vegetative reproduction is a form of asexual reproduction in plants, with new life emerging
without the production of seeds or spores. The plant is basically cloning itself!

(¿Cuál es la criatura viviente más pesada del mundo? No es un elefante o una ballena
azul, el organismo más pesado es en realidad un álamo. Pando, como se lo llama, es
una colonia de clones de un solo macho de álamo temblón; básicamente, se ven como
más árboles, pero en realidad es solo una criatura viviente con un sistema de raíces
subterráneo masivo. ¡El peso estimado de la planta es de 6,000,000 kg!.
Un organismo clonal es un grupo de individuos genéticamente idénticos que han
crecido en un lugar determinado; es básicamente un solo individuo, con más
manifestaciones. En cierto modo, todos estos árboles son en realidad un árbol. Todos
los individuos se originaron vegetativamente, no sexualmente. La reproducción
vegetativa es una forma de reproducción asexual en las plantas, con una nueva vida
que emerge sin la producción de semillas o esporas. ¡La planta básicamente se está

1. What is the main idea of the reading? B) conveying

C) mixing
A) There are many heavy individuals D) evolving.
living nowadays like aspen Pando. E) disappearing
B) The heaviest animal is the one which
weight is more than 6,000,000 kg. 3. According to the information about
C) The weightiest living creature on Pando, it is consistent to say that
earth is a quaking aspen called
Pando. A) its heavy weight could only be
D) Pando is an exception of nature comparable to blue whale’s weight.
because it has a big amount of clones. B) it belongs to a quaking aspen forest in
E) A clonal being is a set of genetically which there are some clones.
identic individuals in the same place. C) it is one individual with a great
. amount of copies genetically identic.
2. What is the synonym of the word D) its vegetative reproduction is not a
EMERGING? matter of interest for the author.
E) its weight is the sum of the different
A) arising species of trees and aspens.
5. If a new research finds that Pando is
4. We can infer from the Pando’s form of just a forest of different types of
reproduction that genetically
different quaking aspens
A) it is the only way how quaking aspens
generate copies of themselves. A) the male quaking aspen would suffer
B) it did not need a female quaking an increase of its original weight.
aspen to create identic copies of B) most of the ideas of the author would
itself. be corroborated by the evidence.
C) it consists in a form of reproduction C) many lumberjacks would take
without the need of seeds or spores. advantage of this research to cut aspens.
D) it was part of Pando’s evolution D) the blue whale or the elephant could
developed to create more aspen be the heaviest animal on Earth.
species. E) its copies’ would maintain the heavy
E) it is not related to reproduction done by weight that is common in aspens.
other living creatures on Earth.

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