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Statistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyge, and interpret

numerical information and data.

Statistics is both the sicience of uncertainty and technology of extracting

information from data.

Statistics is used to help us make decisions. This is especially important in

health care and public health.

In statistics Indivisuals are people or objects include in a study.

A variable is a charechteristics of the indivisual to be measured or observed.

Population (N)
A population in statistics is a group of people or objects with a common theme
when every member of that group is considered, it is a population.

Sample (n)
Sample is a small portion of the population.

Parameter is a mesures that describes the entire population.

A statistics is a mesure that describes only a sample of a population.

Descriptive statics involve methods of organizing, picturing, and summarizing

information from samples and populations.

Inferental statics involves methods of using information. From samples to draw

conclusion regarding the population.

Variable Classifications
Quantitative vs qualitative

In quantitative there is interval and Ratio

In Interval there is no true zero, In Ratio there is a true zero.

Quantitative variable
Nominal and Ordinal

Nominal applies to categories, lables or names, and cannot be ordered from smallest
to largest.

Ordinal applies to data that can be arranged in order in categories.

Sampling frame is the part of the population from which you want to sample
Therefore, you want

Omitting population members from the sampling frame.

Errors in Statistics
Fact of life error (not snandard)
sampling error
The population mean will probably be different from your sample mean.

Error you want to Avoid

Non - Sampling error
Using a bad list
Make sure that you pay careful attention that everyone in the population who is
supposed to be represented in your sampling frame is in there.

A simulation is defined as numerical facsimile or representation of a real-world

Simple Random Sampling

A simple randome sample of n mesurements from a population is a subset of the
population selected in such a manner that every sample of size n from the
population has an equal chance of being selected.

Startified Sampling
First, the list is divided into groups, or strata.

Startified = taken from groups

Systematic sampling
Arrange all the indivisuals of the population in a particular order.
Pick a random individual as start
Then take every kth member of the population in the sample
"Kth" means "every so many"
Cluster sampling
For geographic location.

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