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WD Preguntat 0/4 pts mona es aie ‘Themadinum dscharge (caudal gosto) of 3000 m/s wich s marked by the ue row fecha azul with probability of 40% means (gif adischarge that.\elect. the correct answer or answers) 1 se eanasp sue aca 60 anon rome 1. enpromec veces en 20 os mse alana BD rrecunta2 0/1 ts Las siguientes dstrbuciones de valores oignales 0 sus logaritmos tienen el coohiciante de sesgo de CERO (elect the corect answor/answers) Pregunta 3 1/Apts ‘Select the paramatars which do NOT characterize the “Cantral Tendency’ of dataset: stewnes (2399) tondard deviation cooficient of variation BD Preeuntas 9/1 ts caudal medio quo se iuala 0 supera el 70% de fos ene el valor stun {Gaus} negativo (re or fae) Verde Fao WD Preguntas O/ Apts “The varabilty of a dataset is characterized by the following parameter (select the cconect answer oranswers) standard normal vaiable epuntuacin estan Probal “The maximum discharge (caudal) marked by he blue arrow fecha azul) with probebilty of 4% isa dscharge tht... (select the correct answer/answerse (2 ne iguat supers con a probabil de 96 Pregunta 7 1/1 pts Por su concepto, el"tactor de frecuencia reauency factor que anicamos en fs lstioucionesestadistcasasiméticas correspond a escoger lo corecto) © standand nama ails de Gaus epunacn eatin) WD Preguntas 0/ tpt Comet the fallowing phase (select he corcet word for 70K) “The standard normal variable x (-untuaion estdnday in the Gauss dstributon indicateshow many X00000Kis the dividual value placed (= encuentra) above oF below the mean (=promedio. Pregunta 9 A/Apts “The retum pasod of a maximum cscharge caudal whichis equaled or exceeded (ualo o soprade) vith probaity of 20% is elect the corect answer: Pregunta 10 1/Apts Lasregls de Ree y Sturges definen (eect the correct answer/answets)

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