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Name: RUTH L. SAYDE Program/ Year: MALL-1 Student Number: 210048 Date: June 3o, 2021



Author/s (if any,

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write the Type (Book,
Publishing Company, Content of the Reading Material Briefly discuss why it is related to
organization of the Title Ebook, Journal
Website, URL, Date (Highlight relevant information) your topic
website if it has no Article, Etc.)
On educational value

As defined by Iliko et al. (2017),

sustainability pedagogies are
considered to be innovative pedagogies
that foster values that lead to behavior
change and cause students to be more
sustainability oriented (p. 15).
2019, Discourse and
Communication for Literary texts are useful points of
Education for
Sustainable Education, departure for raising environmental
Sustainability: This article presents the results of a
vol. 10, no. 1, DOI: awareness because literature presents
Lykke Guanio- Developing small-scale study testing the
10.2478/dcse-2019-0002, the reader with constructed
Uluru Ecocritical Literature Journal Article ecocritical literature circles approach environments and actions, and in
Circles and its impact on student-teachers’
/publication/333778062_Edu children and young adult literature,
in the Student conception of their own ability to
cation_for_Sustainability_De these environments are specifically
Teacher Classroom meet the competence aims on
veloping_Ecocritical_Literat shaped in order to socialize children
sustainability in their teaching.
ure_Circles_in_the_Student_ and young adults into ways of being
Teacher_Classroom, and behaving.
Retrieved on June 29, 2021
Geraldine Massey and Claire Bradford
(2011) have consequently argued that
ecocritical (children’s) texts may
construct ecocritical awareness in the
reader provided that the reader adopts
the reading position invited by the text,
since this may lead to an adoption of
the world view advocated by the
literary narrative.

Like-wise, Timothy Morton (2007)

argues that we need to consider how
nature is constructed in art, since it is in
art that the fantasies we have about
nature take shapes and since our
cultural ideas of nature are currently
getting in the way of properly
ecological forms of culture,
philosophy, politics, and art.

The environmental philosopher John Stephen Sperling’s “Education in

Passmore proposed a useful Change” asserts still more strongly that
2007, Pedagogy: Critical distinction between essentially “there is an inevitable and strong
Approaches to Teaching scientific “problems in ecology,” correlation between learning, relative
Literature, Language, which may be addressed and even autonomy, integrity and sustainability
Composition, and Culture resolved through experimental in human systems” (Huckle and
Volume 7, Number 3 doi: investigation and technological Sperling 1997: 26).
Ecocriticism and
10.1215/15314200-2007- change, and the much broader
Greg Garrard Education for Journal Article
005, Duke University Press, category of “ecological problems,” Joy Palmer’s “Emergent
https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudf which are “features of our society, Environmentalism” project “suggests arising out of our dealings with firm confirmation of the fact that
sm_and_Education_for_Sust nature, from which we should like to people’s personal experiences in and
ainable_Development.pdf, free ourselves, and which we do not with the natural world are by far the
Retrieved on June 29, 2021 regard as inevitable consequences of most significant influences on
what is good in society” (1974: 44). environmental thinking and

Ecocriticism: A 2016, BRICS Journal of Eco-criticism is also a response to

Eco-criticism is a study of culture needs, problems, or crises, depending
Sandip Kumar Study of Educational Research,
Journal Article and cultural products (art works, on one's perception of urgency. First,
Mishra Environmental Issues 6(4),168-170,
writings, scientific theories, etc.) eco-criticism is a response to the need
in Literature
that is in some way connected with for humanistic understanding of our
criticism_A_Study_of_Enviro the human relationship to the natural relationships with the natural world in
nmental_Issues_in_Literatur world. an age of environmental destruction.
e35f6/download, Retrieved In large part, environmental crises are a
on June 29, 2021 result of humanity's disconnection from
the natural world, brought about not
only by increasing technology but also
by particularization; that is, a mentality
of specialization that fails to recognize
the interconnectedness of all things.

Literature and environment studies In terms of the academy, eco-criticism

— commonly called “ecocriticsm” is thus a response to scholarly
or “environmental criticism” in specialization that has gone out of
analogy to the more general term control; eco-criticism seeks to reattach
literary criticism—comprise an scholars to each other and scholarship
August 1, 2011, Annual
eclectic, pluriform, and cross- to the real concerns of the world.
Review of Environment and
disciplinary initiative that aims to
Resources, doi:
Lawrence Buell, explore the environmental Ecocriticism begins from the
Ursula K. Heise, Literature and dimensions of literature and other conviction that the arts of imagination
Journal Article 111109-144855,
and Karen Environment creative media in a spirit of and the study thereof—by virtue of
Thornber environmental concern not limited to their grasp of the power of word, story,
any one method or commitment. and image to reinforce, enliven, and
direct environmental concern—can
Retrieved on June 29, 2021
contribute significantly to the
understanding of environmental
problems: the multiple forms of
ecodegradation that afflict planet Earth

An Analysis of Eco- March 2016, International Literature can be perceived as an Eco-critics are mainly concerned with
Dr. Mallika criticism and Journal of English aesthetically and culturally how literature transmits certain values
Tripathi Literature with Language, Literature and constructed part of the environment, contributing to ecological thinking.
Dr. Ratan special reference to Humanities, Volume IV. since it directly addresses the Environmental crisis is a question that
Bhattacharjee the works of Hardy Issue III, questions of human constructions, cannot be overlooked in literary
and Dickens such as meaning, value, language, studies.
3673805/An_Analysis_of_Ec and imagination, which can, then, be Consciousness raising in environmental
ocriticism_and_Literature_w linked to the problem of ecological thinking, and the ethical and aesthetic
ith_special_reference_to_the consciousness that humans need to dilemmas posed by the global
_works_of_Hardy_and_Dick attain. ecological crisis, force literary scholars
ens, Retrieved on June 29, to recognize the important role
2021 literature and criticism play in
understanding man’s position in the

The world of literature throngs with Ecocritics encourage others to think

works dealing with beauty and seriously about the aesthetic and ethical
power of nature. However, the dilemmas posed by the environmental
concern for ecology and the threat crisis and about how language and
2015 , Veda’s Journal Of
Roots of that the continuous misuse of our literature transmit values with profound
English Language And
Ecocriticism: An environment poses on humanity ecological implications.
Literature (Joell), Vol.2
Exploration of the have only recently caught the
Issue 2
History of attention of the writers. It is this Ecocriticism not only gives emphasis
Dr.Vathana Fenn Research Article content/uploads/2015/08/Eco
Ecocriticism, A sense of concern and its reflection in on the ‘harmony’ of humanity and
criticism1.pdf, Retrieved on
Literary Theory of literature that have given rise to a nature but also talks about the
June 29, 2021
the Post-Modern new branch of literary theory, destruction caused to nature by the
World namely Ecocriticism. This paper is changes which take place in the
an attempt to give a brief history of modern world for most of which man is
the gradual growth of Ecocriticism directly responsible.
as a modern literary approach.

April 2015, International

On Teaching Methodologies and
Journal of Education and Armstrong (2013) indicted that
Research Vol. 3 No. 4, teaching strategies were used to
Teaching Strategies support students learn the desired
Ariel E. San Jose, Orlich, et. al (2012) believed that good
in Teaching 8116330/TEACHING_STRA objectives of the lesson.
Ph.D. Journal Article teachers reflect the way in which they
Literature: Students TEGIES_IN_TEACHING_LI
& Jerlyn G. Galang will present a lesson and through their
in Focus TERATURE_STUDENTS_IN Bay (2012) maintained that the
education, have a variety of
_FOCUS, Retrieved on June success of the teaching strategy
instructional strategies at their disposal.
29, 2021 depends on the frequency of its use
in the classroom.
Mulligan (2011) pointed out that
Center to Teaching Learning (2014) effective teaching requires ‘flexibility
found that teaching effective and creativity, constant monitor and
teaching does not only involve the adjustment’ of the teaching techniques.
utilization of tools, techniques, and
strategies but also the Knutson (2014) on the other hand
comprehension of meanings pointed out that choosing the
specifically on how students learn, appropriate approaches in teaching and
process information, motivates how these approaches are done is
themselves, and the things which pertinent to students’ learning.
hinders learning.

This study set out to examine the A modernized teaching methodology

restrictions of traditional literature has been gradually realized, which
teaching and the feasibility of focuses on integrated and
modern, integrated-approach interdisciplinary teaching approach.
literature teaching in raising This establishes the strategic
2018, Advances in Social
ecological awareness for learners. foundation of the implementation of
Science, Education and ecocriticism in teaching literature.
Humanities Research
Building This study aims to figure out how
(ASSEHR), Volume 258,
Environmental this research approach could be
Atlantis Press.
Awareness through Journal Article applied in specific disciplines in
Ho Thi Van Anh https://download.atlantis-
Implementation of schools in order to build
Ecocriticism in environmental awareness for
pdf, Retrieved on June 29,
Literature Teaching students.
The findings revealed that applying
ecocriticism in teaching literature is
a practical and efficient way of
raising environment-awareness
without distorting literature nature.
2017, Journal of Applied Rosli (1995) proposes three main
Linguistics and Language This paper examines the findings of approaches to literature teaching;
Research Volume 4, Issue 2, a study which investigated adult information-based approaches, personal learners’ attitude towards response-based approaches and
Chittra Muthusamy Methods Used in
/publication/314237370_Met approaches used in teaching and language-based approaches.
Syahaizad Mohd, Teaching and
hods_Used_in_Teaching_an learning literature in a tertiary ESL
Salleh Angelina Learning of
Journal Article d_Learning_of_Literature_in classroom. Rosli (1995) suggests some teaching
Subrayan Michael Literature in the ESL
_the_ESL_Classroom_and_A strategies that could represent some of
i MARA, & A. Classroom and Adult
dult_Learners'_Attitude, the lead up activities for study skills in
Nalini Arumugam Learners’ Attitude
Retrieved on June 29, 2021 reading literature such as prediction,
summary, forum or debate,
retranslation and opinionative

Literature fosters an understanding According to Vethamani (2007),

and appreciation of cultures and various questioning techniques should
ideologies, which are different from be viewed as strategies towards
the learners’ native culture, which ‘unlocking’ literary texts and
may be regarded as a ‘standard’ or developing critical thinking skills
‘norm’. among learners.
June 2010, English
Gurnam Kaur Instructional According to Padmini (2009), such Savvidou (2006) notes that Carter and
Language Teaching Vol. 3,
Sidhu & Chan Practices in Teaching exposure stirs reflection and Long put forward three main
No. 2,
Yuen Fook Literature: stimulates action as literature approaches used to teach literature, i.e.
Journal Article
Sarjit Kaur Observations of ESL enables learners to understand, The Cultural Model, The Language
xt/EJ1081570.pdf, Retrieved
(Corresponding Classrooms in empathize and participate Model and The Personal Growth
on June 29, 2021
author) Malaysia vicariously in a number of cultures. Model.

More importantly, literature puts

learners in touch with a range of
emotional experiences and
expressions that encourages self-
reflection and the education of the
whole person.
This article argues that junior
researchers in literary criticism
should learn to interpret literary
texts in ecocritical approach as they Ecocriticism is a really new branch of
2 Oct. 2015, International do with the rest of the literary literary criticism. Using it requires
Journal of Innovation and devices of age. Strategies to carry certain knowledge of basic strategies in
Scientific Research out the interpretation exercises are order to reach a clearer understanding
ISSN 2351-8014 Vol. 18 No., suggested for the learner to find a of what is intended by the text of which
Ecocritical Approach pp. 369-378, http://www.issr- guide along his path towards ecocritical reading is going to be done.
Neema Bagula
to Literary Text Journal Article reaching the meaning that the story This owes much to the fact that most of
Interpretation p?journal=ijisr&application conveys. Ecocritical approach other literary branches are usually
=pdf&article=IJISR-15-155- reaches results that are not different developed in respect to a number of
03, Retrieved on June 29, from a tool of speech for the defense guide lines. Hence, for this particular
2021 of the environment. The whole work technique, some strategies have been
aims to make it clear to the suggested by early literary ecocritics.
researcher about the ecocritical .
reading techniques applicable to
both poesy and prose that fit the
nature-reading paradigm.

On learning activities
The activities proposed follow the
task-based learning methodology
Different teachers, researchers and
and they will help to teach the L2 as
educators have reached the conclusion
July 2015, UNIVERSIDAD a vehicle to improve the world in
that environmental education must
DE JAÉN, which we live in.
have as it is a main purpose “training
Eco-Didactics: Centro de Estudios de
world inhabitants who are both capable
Applying Postgrado, This section of the paper will be
and willing to choose lifestyles and
Ecocriticism and devoted to describing the importance
Torres Barriga, Journal Article behavior which allow the environment
Environmental Issues m/10953.1/2592/1/MAR%C3 of designing a syllabus in which
María Trinidad to maintain itself as a productive and
in Secondary %8DA%20TRINIDAD%20T environmentalism has a stronger
supportive ecosystem” (41). This
Education ORRES%20BARRIGA.pdf, importance. As mentioned in
means that learners must be trained to
Retrieved on June 29, 2021 previous sections, nowadays
become environmentally literate
textbooks for secondary education
citizens who can make decisions and
include information and interesting
solve problems for a positive
activities dealing with the different
contribution to the environment.
aspects of the environment but
sometimes this is not enough due to
the fact that they do not cover all the Therefore the presence of
aspects that environmentalism could environmental education in the
embrace. For this reason, my aim in curriculum is extremely important
this section is to propose a different because if the people of the future are
way of working with this issue in better educated from the environmental
order to make the students aware of point of view they will choose more
the importance of the environment, effective policies and will make better
dealing with this topic for a longer investments or avoid environmental
period of time. disasters that have been taking place
due to irresponsibility or arbitrariness.
It is also true that some of these
disasters could not be avoided under
any circumstance, but even the
measures taken in order to solve them
could be more effective if people are
more aware about the importance of
such a serious issue. Thus, “only
informed consumers, producers and
citizens have a choice of doing the
environmentally right things” (5)

Gritter (2011) cites a series of

July 2014, International suggestions for ways that teachers can
Refereed Research Journal use particular teaching methods to
Vol.–V, Issue – 3, make in-class discussion of literature
The study aims to survey what more exciting for their students.
Rischelle G. strategy works best in teaching
Learning Activities 9037039/LEARNING_ACTIV
Aggabao & Journal Article literature to suit student’s needs in
in Studying Literature ITIES_IN_STUDYING_LITE This confirms what Sialongo (2010)
Marissa R. Guiab understanding and appreciating
RATURE, Retrieved on June says that Literature is a product of a
29, 2021 particular culture that concretizes
man’s array of values, emotions,
actions and ideas.
On module development

It explored and synthesized literature

related to understanding modular
learning and how it can be
March-May 2014, I-
implemented effectively. It is an in-
Understanding manager’s Journal on
depth review of literature addressed
Jill Friestad-Tate, Modular Learning - School Educational Modular Learning, Organizational
topics including, Educational Theories
Carol Schubert Developing A Journal Article Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, Change, Innovation, Online
supporting modular learning, the
& Craig Mccoy Strategic Plan To Learning, Technology, Andragogy.
development of modular learning, and
Embrace Change 97629, Retrieved on June
innovations in education and
22, 2021
technology. Analysis and
recommendations as well as a proposed
definition of modular learning are

The study is about the development of

teaching materials in the form of
modules to be carried out. Similar to
the current research, it focused on
developing a learning module by
December 2019, Atlantis
Development of honing student’s poetry writing skills.
Press, Advances in Social
Poetry Writing It is related because both utilized
Science, Education and
Hainur Anisa, Learning Module poetry.
Humanities Research, Vol. Development, Teaching Materials,
Khairil Ansari, & Assisted by Religious Journal Article
384, https://www.atlantis- Poetry
Mutsyuhito Solin Songs for Junior Wena emphasized in her book, that the
High School UNIVA provision of quality textbooks was still
l-19/125928459, Retrieved
Medan lacking, the textbooks used emphasized
on June 22, 2021
more on the mere mission of conveying
knowledge or facts. Therefore, it is
very important to create a teaching
material that is easy to understand and
interesting for students.
The Practice Of 13 May 2019, Cogent
Teaching approach in It assess the implementation of
Modularized Education,
modularization, Assessment and modularization in Ethiopian higher
Curriculum in Higher
Journal Research modularized curriculum, Challenges education institutions with particular
Wondifraw Dejen Education Institution: doi/pdf/10.1080/2331186X.2
Article of modularization active learning; reference to the instructional process
Active Learning and 019.1611052?needAccess=tr
continuous assessment; instructional (active learning and continuous
Continuous ue, Retrieved on June 22,
process; modularization assessment).
Assessment in Focus 2021

Modular approach (MA) improves the

effectiveness (by reducing the gap
between what we intend to teach and
The study focused on the
April-June 2020, Sir Syed what is taught). Modular Approach
development and validation of
Journal of Education & (MA) is being commonly used to
modules for teaching Human Rights
Social Research Vol. 3, Issue design courses of programs/workshops
(HRs). The researchers developed
2, DOI: for human resource development,
modules consisted of nine units,
Haroon Ur Rashid, Development and capacity building, and training
based on previous modules and
Ashfaque Ahmad Validation of Module r-vol3-iss2-2020(182-189) programs for teachers, and higher
Journal Research literature. This has connection to the
Shah, & for Teaching Human https://pdfs.semanticscholar. education.
Article current research as it will aid in
Dr. Muhammad Rights at Higher org/9f6e/d65d91931ac9b085
developing the module.
Sarwar Education Level f34e537b91467b9c04d3.pdf? Various initiatives of recent reforms are
_ga=2.92559774.201121844 concerned about shifting the emphasis
Teaching Module, Human Rights,
3.1624332499- of classroom situations from instructor
Human Rights Education, Teaching
1381432750.1571279645, to the learner (Mizrachi, 2010). Module
of Human Rights,
Retrieved on June 22, 2021 is the best option that can be employed
Higher Education
in the classroom as a learning material
for learner-cantered learning and

October 2012, TOJET: The The aim of the research is to design and
Design and
Turkish Online Journal of develop a module based on learning
Development of
Educational Technology, Isman Instructional Design Model; style and appropriate technology
Norlidah Alias & Physics Module Journal Research
Volume 11 Issue 4, Learning styles; Appropriate according to Isman Instructional
Saedah Siraj Based on Learning Article technology Design Model for Physics in the
Style and Appropriate
xt/EJ989258.pdf, Retrieved secondary educational setting and to
Technology by
on June 22, 2021 test the effectiveness of the module. In
Employing Isman
order to achieve this aim, the researcher
Instructional Design set two research objectives. The first
Model objective is to describe the design and
development of a module based on
learning style and appropriate
technology by employing the Isman
Instructional Design Model.

Cross as cited by Balderas (2016) on

the characteristics of module he
stressed that learning modules are the
progeny of two reform movements in
education that included programmed
learning and mastery learning.

Development, Lardizabal (2004) said that a module is

Effectiveness and The paper presented and tested a a package of learning activities that
2017/09/19, Research Gate ,
Acceptability of developed module that is compatible learners have to accomplish. It can be
Module for the with the ethnic background of the used as part of a course, as a complete
Aniver Masinsin /publication/329771095_DE
Problem Solving and Research learners that will develop their course, or as a curriculum design. A
Critical Thinking problem solving and critical thinking module can be a short-segment
E,Retrieved on June 22,
Skills of Alternative skills which is the second learning program interwoven between other
Learning System in strand of the ALS program. forms of instruction to cover limited,
District of Tanay II specific units rather than an entire
course. She classified the use of
modules, together with programmed
instruction, self-learning kits and
correspondence courses, and mastery
learning technique, under the self-
pacing method of instruction.

January 2011, TOJET: The The article discussed the main goal of
Turkish Online Journal of new model is to organize long term and
Instructional Design
Prof. Dr. Aytekin Educational Technology, full learning activities. The new
in Education: New Journal Article New Instructional Design Model
İŞMAN Volume 10 Issue 1, instructional design model is based on
Model the theoretical foundation of
xt/EJ926562.pdf, Retrieved behaviorism, cognitivism and
on June 22, 2021 constructivism.
Similar to the current research, it aims
to develop a quality integrated learning
July 2020, International modules.
Journal of Advanced
It discussed about the definition of
Engineering, Management The module functions as a learning tool
Integrated Learning module, learning objective
Wiwy T. and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol- that is independent, so students can
Module Development conditions that require modules,
Pulukadang, 6, Issue-7], learn in accordance with their
on Department of module quality, effectiveness,
Hamzah B. Uno, Journal Article respective speeds. According to the
PGSD Students, module compilation procedure,
Haris Panal, Keysar , Ministry of National Education (2008:
Gorontalo State advantages and weaknesses, the
Panjaitan mages/issue_files/7IJAEMS- 20).
University, Indonesia nature of integrated learning, and its
excellence and limitation.
.pdf, Retrieved on June 22, Modules are a set of teaching materials
2021 that are presented systematically so that
their use can be learned with or without
a teacher or facilitator.
How to Design Three key things to think about This will help in designing the
Online rces/articles/how-design-
Amy Burge Effective Teaching when designing a module that can instructional module of the current
article/blog effective-teaching-modules,
Modules apply to any teaching subject. study.
Retrieved on June 22, 2021

One of its research aims is to develop a

basic electronics learning modules
Development of June 2017, Jurnal Development of Basic Electronics
based on problem solving. What makes
Mustofa Abi Learning Modules of Pendidikan Vokasi, Volume learning module based on problem
it similar to the current study is that it
Hamid, Didik Basic Electronics- 7, No 2, solving is using ADDIE model
Journal Article also aims to develop a learning and
Aribowo, & Based Problem through needs analysis, curriculum
instructional module which both
Desmira Solving in Vocational pdf/206584233.pdf, analysis, literature study and student
teachers and students can use.
Secondary School Retrieved on June 22, 2021 analysis.
When you create a module, you have to
pay attention to the logical relationship
between the needs in the learning
process, aims, learning outcomes,
learning resources, learning and
teaching strategies, assessment criteria
and evaluation. As expressed by
Donnelly & Fitzmaurice (2005, p.100)
that “In the process of devising a
module. The key is to forge
educationally sound and logical links
between learner needs, aims, learning
outcomes, resources, learning and
teaching strategies of assessment
criteria and evaluation”.

2018, Curriculum and

Instructional Materials Describing Modules for Self-Paced
Center, Oklahoma Learning,
Department of Career and Creating the Cover Sheet/Objective
DEVELOPING Technology Education, Sheet, Creating the Vocabulary List,
MODULES FOR https://www.okcareertech.or Creating the Learning Plan,
Craig A. Maile and In relation to the current research, this
SELF-PACED g/educators/resource- Developing Information Sheets,
Margi Stone Book will aid the researcher in creating and
LEARNING center/competency-based- Developing Assignments,
Cooper, Ph.D. developing the instructional material.
A Handbook for education-cbe/dams- Developing Job Sheets
Teachers competency-based- (Performance Tests), Writing the
education/TheCIMCGuideto Pretest/Posttest, Creating the
DevelopingModulesforSelfPa Answer Sheet
Retrieved on June 22, 2021

 This book covers the essentials of

designing learning:
Christopher 2006, Routledge, This has relation to the current study as
Designing Learning  supporting and promoting
Butcher, Clara it will help in supporting the
from Module outline Book student learning
Davies & Melissa h/faculty/arts/Documents/De development of the module or
to effective teaching  matching content to outcomes
Highton signinglearning.pdf, instructional material.
 selecting effective teaching and
Retrieved on June 22, 2021
learning methods
 assessment that supports and
promotes learning and provides
 feedback
 learning materials and resources
for diverse learners
 C&IT tools and how to use
them best
 creating an inclusive learning
 managing and evaluating your
 quality enhancement and
assurance processes.

This will help the researcher in

becoming a logical module planner,
aware of the important decisions to be
2005, Technological made, and the variety of possibilities
University Dublin available. According to the authors,
Donnelly, Roisin; ARROW@TU Dublin, planning a module is a process that
Designing Modules Curriculum design, modularization,
Fitzmaurice, requires time, commitment and a
for Learning constructive alignment.
Marian viewcontent.cgi?article=100 thoughtful, systematic approach. This
4&context=ltcbk, Retrieved will guide me through the process of
on June 22, 2021 structuring learning into modules and
by working through the chapter. It will
facilitate to design a module that
supports your students’ learning.

The Development of
May 26, 2020, ResearchGate,
Learning Module of This paper describes the application
Chalard World Journal of Education, In connection to the current research,
Educational of basic knowledge creation on
Chantarasombat1 Vo. 10, No. 3 , DOI: one of its objective is to construct and
Administration and module of “Educational
& Wichian Journal Article 10.5430/wje.v10n3p19, URL: develop the Learning Module of
Educational Institute Administration and Educational
Rooyuenyong htpps:// “Educational Administration and
for Students in Institute for students,” in master of
v10n3p19, Educational Institute for students.”
Master of Education Education degree in Thailand.
Degree in Thailand
d, Retrieved on June 22,

The study focused on the

development and validation of a
worksheet in Science, Technology
Instructional Material
 Development Education and Society assessing the In relation to the researcher’s study, the
Development: A
Mary Corinne R. Journal of availability, adequacy of output of the study will help the
Work text in Science, Research
Selga Multidisciplinary instructional materials, and the researcher in constructing a module for
Technology and
Research needed topics in the course, and the ecocriticism literature.
level of validity of the activities
along content, format and

15 related literatures (2010 up to the present; make sure you’ll include at least three to five related researches/ articles)

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