15arc76 Urban Design

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‘of identification, appeal to evahutor arnt your usy [u]adalt 6 [Alt foll fy ISARC76 Seventh Semester B.Arch. Degree E; ination, Aug./Sept.2020 Urban Dest: Time: 3 hrs. (10 Marks) What af@ the five mental map elémetts proposed by synch in his book- “The image ofthe city"? + ~ & (10 tants) Sy OR S ‘What according to Jane Raeobs are the uses oftig@walls? . (10 Marks) Elaborate on the genefators Shorea Oy City as per JaneJacobs. What are the four conditions that Present to genegate gdiverse city? . (10 Marks) eS Discuss the idea of “Collage cs alternative spgrsich to building cities as proposed by Rowe and Koetter. (20 Marks) Ss ay ra

S (20 Marks) Ny 4 Mot Elaborate on the formance dimensions and two meta criteria as envisaged by Lynch for the making of Pgbod city. (10 Marks) . Discuss the tif hormative theories juentioned in the book “Good City Form” by Lynch. N = (0 Marks) - E OR Elaborate on the urban rea bMty ‘of Connaught Place, Delhi. (20 Marks) a3 Modute-5 Charles Correa in his projects created climatic controls through the very configuration of the built form. Elbgrlfron this eneny-passive environmental aprosch with any two of hs projects. (20 Marks) : OR How did rea establish a relationship with people's activities and the built environment through @epan design? Elaborate with any two examples, (20 Marks) ‘Scanned with CamScanner Important No & unl 1] |. | 1SARC7.6 Seventh Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination, June/July 2019 Urban Design ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 1 Gordon Cullen describes three primary ways in which our environment produces an 10 emotional reaction; these may be described as OPTICS, PLACE and CONTENT or the fabric of towns. Elaborate on these concepts. (20 Marks) OR With reference to Kevin Lynch’ urban theories a) Elaborate on assessing a good city with vitality, sense, access and control b) Elaborate on the meta criteria of efficiency and justice ¢) Elaborate on the differences percieved by Lynch in his book “The Image of a City (1960) and book *Good City Form’. (1981) (20 Marks) Modute-2 Describe the typology of urban spaces with sketches. (10 Marks) Describe the imagibility of urban space (10 Marks OR Explain Jane Jacob’s theory under 3 parts of examination of city planning errors, economics behind city planning, decline and regeneration 20 Marks) Modute-3 Explain Aldo Rossi's approach and theory regarding the structure of urban artifacts. Explain how his seminal book was a basis for the city of Berlin, (20 Marks) ‘OR Could the urban space be classified as two basic firms of the street and the square substantiate your argument with references from urban theories. (20 Marks) Module-4 : Discuss the readability differences between the following urban settings a. Church Gate, Mumbai (10 Marks) b.. Gateway of India, Mumbai (10 Marks) oR Describe critical resignation through the interpretation of Kenneth Frampton and elaborate on how Charles Correa, deciphers it. 20 Marks) Module-5 Elaborate with Indian examples on the environmental approaches of Charles Correa and also the physical and built environment around it 20 Marks) oR How did Charles Correa’s work try to create equity in the environment through urban planning in India? Elaborate with at least 3 examples. (20 Marks) ‘Scanned with CamScanner CECSISCHENE USN [im] al llr [ob [e] ISARC7.6 Seventh Semester B.Arch. Degree Exami ation, Dec.2018/Jan.2019 Urban Design Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 ‘one: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each modute. snaiprectice Module-1 Describe the various types of square as mentioned by Gordon Cullen, Aid with sketches wherever necessary (10 Marks) Elaborate on the importance of square in an Urban setup and narrate your experiences of inhabiting an urban square highlighting the positives and negatives in its design. (10 Marks) oR A town needs public squares, they are the largest, most public rooms that the town has” (10 Marks) “But when they are too large, they look and feel deserted”, Discuss the two quotes mentioned above from Christopher Alexander's a pattern language aid with sketches and examples. (10-Maeks) Module-2 Describe in detail the five types of elements that build the image of a city as per Kevin Lynch 20 Marks) OR With the help of examples write a note on edgesiedge conditions in a city with respect to, Built clements that serve as boundaries Penetrability Curse of border vacuums (Jane Jacobs Ref.). Why some edges in a city are not lively? (20 Marks) Mo. Narrate your experiences of walking through an urban street with respect to: Built and unbuilt elements Relation between human body and street scales (anthropometry/building heights in section v/s street width) and its effect on human comfort Changing nature of the street through sketch sections What makes it alive or dead? 20 Marks) OR Discuss the influence of bye-laws and regulations on the built form of the city with examples. (10 Marks) List out the advantages and disadvantages of developing a “Vertical City” and a “Horizontal City” (10 Marks) lof2 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 10 15ARC7.6 Module-t Write briefly on any two of four examples of public spaces mentioned below: Connaught Place Church Gate Ballard Estate Gateway of india (20 Marks) OR Through examples, elaborate on formal and informal’ urban environments and readability/egibiity of cities (20 Marks) Modute- What was Charles Correa’s approach 10 ctitical regionalism? Elaborate using an example (20 Masks) oR Describe how human activity following examples: i) V.V. Puram Food street, Bangalore ii) Manek Chowk, Ahmedabad iii) Any Food street ofan Indian city (20 Marks) influences the built environment using any one of ‘Scanned with CamScanner ce) 50, wil be treated as malpractice. Wiss popes id lore Important Note: 1. On completing your ans, compulsorily draw ding 2. Any revealing of dentifietion, appeal to evaluator 6) usw [i [ny fib lal doh [5] ISARC76 Seventh Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination) Dec.2019/Jan.2020 Urban Design e Ay Max. Marks:100 Time: 3 hrs. 10 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. What are the elements of Kevin Geis sieory Imageability? What are the significant aspects of each element in a city? (15 Marks) ‘What are the modes of documenting agd reading an urban area? “> (05 Marks) OR What was the theory propoged by cordon Cullen? Elabofate With examples and relevance in urban landscapes? v (15 Marks) Deseribe a ‘Block’ with'Fegpect to an urban neighbotheod (05 Marks) Module-2 Socio-economic, aiid cultural determinants iffluence urban design and architecture in Various ways. Digeuss with relevant examples (20 Marks) OR ‘What af@the salient principle of “Eyes on the street” theory by Jane Jacobs? (1S Marks) Compare the two scenarios. With'reference to public realgY along the strect edge in a mixed use zone : “A street with a primary school and one withsbops" (05 Marks) Module-3 What is the meaning ang'implications of urban grain and textur®hra city? How do these matter in reading a city? ‘ (20 Marks) oR Define “Urbafi"Space’, Discuss probable typologies that ‘make urban space and the ideal characteristics of the same, (15 Marks) Who proposed ‘Collective membty’ concept and baie describe. (05 Marks) Module-4 Discuss the Temporal qiglities prevalent in the urban environment of a city core. (1S Marks) “Gateway of India’ as an'urban space for pyblic gathering. Highlight the characteristics that define the space. (05 Marks) OR Discuss thehree normative theories that Lynch describes in ‘Good City Forms’. (20 Marks) Module-5 Charles Correa’s approae)) to Housing design in urban realms has distinct principles and ideologies. Elaborate onthe salient aspects with illustrations. (20 Marks) OR Human activity-has an impact on the environmental quality of the urban life and built spaces, Substantiate on the relationship between the two. (20 Marks) ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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