Grace Ann Lautrizo Bsed Fil Iii-A: ST ST

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A. Given the following school situation, how would you apply the 21 st century assessment
characteristics? Use the template provided.


Before the school year starts, Mr. Cruz the principal, called the teachers to a meeting
and discussed the plans for the coming school year. One of the agenda of the meeting is the
improvement of the tools and methods that the teachers utilized to assess students’ learning.
As per record, the school utilizes traditional assessment practices. He challenged the teachers to
present an updated assessment instrument/tool that is aligned with the required skills of the
21st century.


Assessment Instruments/Tools Currently Used

Instrument/Tools For what is it used? How often is it used?

Test Paper Use to conduct any kind of After every lesson.
test (diagnostic, aptitude and

Flash card Use in oral recitation to test After every topic.

student communication and
speaking skills.

Reading charts Use to test reading abilities of Every quarter



The current assessment practices of the school is aligned with the 21 st century assessment
fundamentals in terms of:

21st Century Assessments Current Assessment Practices including instruments

that exemplify the 21st century assessment. Note:
Activities and instruments may be repeated as long as
they exemplify the characteristics.
Assessment Activities Assessment
1. Responsive  Heterogeneous tasking  Oral questioning
2. Flexible  Simulations Heterogeneous task 
3. Integrated  Simulations, Heterogeneous  Performance based
task assessment
4. Informative  Simulations  Tests
5. Multiple Methods Simulations Heterogeneous task
6. Communicated Oral reading   Reading charts  
7. Technically Sound  Simulations  Oral questioning
8. Systematic  Simulations  Performance based test

B. Situation Analysis

In relation to what were discussed about instructional decision in assessment given the
following situations, what necessary assessment actions must be done? Come up with a sound
solution/decision/set of actions.

Situation 1
Preparation of detailed lesson plan for the next grading period.
Assessment Action:
Preparing tools and things to be used in making different lesson plan knowing the competencies
of student /learner also knowing the right objectives to be used accordingly.

Situation 2
Learning targets for the next topic that will be taught.
Assessment Action:
Preparing activities to be conducted during the process. Determining skills and capabilities of
the learners so you can smoothly interact with your student.

Situation 3
Readiness of the class to proceed to the next lesson or activity.
Assessment Action:
Brainstorming among the class. You may also introduce the next lesson through games or any
energizer you think best suited giving them assignment to be research and read at home.

Situation 4
Preparing for a parent teacher conference where in students’ strengths and weaknesses are
expected by the parents.
Assessment Action:
Gathering accurate details about the strengths and weaknesses of the students that should be
shown and expected naturally by the parents. Making ready to the tools to be used.
Communicating harmoniously with the parents about the conference .

Situation 5
A grade-level competition that requires representative from each class.
Assessment Action:
Choosing the best on the tract from the class in helping him/her enhance his/her skills in order
to have the best, you make conduct skills testing a friendly competition to know and come up
with the appropriate competitor.

C. Given the following situations, identify what student learning outcomes must be set as well
as the assessment that will be done to ensure that the student learning outcomes will be met.

Situation 1

Teacher Jan aims that her student in Mathematics will have mastery of the four
fundamental operations.


Teacher John should employ specific activities so his student must have full interest and
cooperation with the topic he is teaching. He can also administer assessment through games or
board work assessment. In that way the student can work on his/her own can think on his own
and come up to a great and right answer.

Situation 2

Teacher Ted, handling Science class wants his students to have mastery of their lesson
about conversion of units of measure before he advances to the next lessons. He does not
simply aim for concepts but he wants to have his students acquire the skill in converting unit of


Teacher Ted should slowly teach his lesson and make sure he receives feedback or reaction
about the way he teach in that way he will be able to identify each of his student question and
confusing thoughts and return an authentic response to their respective opinions and questions.



B. Directions:

1. Choose any subject or course that you are interested in. Get all the topics from the subject
that you have already covered in your class. Choose only two topics from your list.

2. For each of the topic, write three student learning outcomes.

3. Finalize your output for this activity using the templates provided. Use the template below to
organize your thoughts.

SCIENCE a. Evolution
b. Biology
c. Organisms
d. Zoology
b. Arithmetic
c. Geometry
d. Measurement
ENGLISH a. Creative Writing
b. Subject Verb Agreement
c. Conjunction
d. Literature

Topic 1:Biology

Subject/Course: SCIENCE
Topic/Subject Matter: BIOLOGY
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
List the enzymes involve in the process of digestion and how they function on each benefiting
Recognize the significance of biogeochemical cycles in order to equilibrate our environment.
Apply the principles of scientific inquiry. Differentiate the theory from a hypothesis, and
differentiate facts from opinions in regards to biological sciences.

Topic 2: Creative Writing

Subject/Course: : ENGLISH
Topic/Subject Matter:Creative Writing

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Write with proficiency in one or more literary form, (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction).
Demonstrate practical awareness of classic contemporary and avant-grade models of one or
more literary form.
Response to peers work in one or more creative literary form with constructively critical


Case 1:

Based on the previous school year’s data, particularly the new enrolees, there were students
(since they have different backgrounds) who cannot cope well in the general basic subjects
particularly English and Mathematics. In preparation for the coming school year, the
administration mandated the Academic team to improve their skills in those subjects.


Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used:


Students have their one difficulty to cope up the lesson in Mathematics and
English. We know that some of the student saying that they understand it sometimes.
There is so many reasons why this things happen because of the distraction and not
paying attention. This is the problem of the student. Teacher must explain the lesson
step-by-step. In mathematics teacher should create a activity like math game that can
help the student. Practice them to solve a problem so that they can enhance their skills.

Case 2:

The school received an invitation to join an international competition in the field of

Mathematics. In the invitation, the organizer asked for five representatives from the school a
week after the letter of invitation was received, since there will be an orientation and couching
schedules. The VP for Academic Affairs endorsed the said invitation to the Subject Area
Coordinator (SAC). What should be the next step(s) to be undertaken by the SAC?


Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used:


Subject Area coordinator must do do the following steps, 1 st the coordinator must
choose the student that was good in Mathematics to participate to the competition, 2 nd give
them an exam that can test their skills and knowledge and lastly they need to guide the
students until the competition begins. Also the teacher teach the students of some technique
and strategy.

(Group Activity)

Note: You need to do some research in order to help and guide you in doing this activity, most
especially in the cases indicated in the template.

Case Assessment activities to be done/action

and/or decision
Implementation of Education For All (in the Assessment activities:
Philippines) Evaluating countries or each of the family
situation and implements such accordingly and

Gathering data and accurate information about
the benefits advantages and disadvantages of
having one.
Readiness of Students for the national Assessment Activities:
achievement test Review their knowledge skills or conducting
group review about the lesson having been
tackled and form all of it in their minds.

Letting them utilize their schema and
integrate those through different aspects.
Implementation of K to 12 Curriculum Assessment Activities:
Gather data on how will this curriculum will
work on the 21st century learners conducting
exam on how you will go to your desired and
suitable tracts.

Benefits of this curriculum must be tackled to
the parents as well as to the students having a
clearer view of the results of this curriculum.

A. Complete the mind map on the 21st century assessment by filling the
main characteristics in the big circles and the sub-points in the smaller
circles. ( Note: you may add smaller circles, if necessary)
Authent Clear
ic Objective

Appreci Technical
ative Sound
Informativ Innovat
e ive


Communica arent
Flexible Systematic
le Responsi
ve Balance

ble e
Targets Progres

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