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Contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP

Ini adalah beberapa contoh soal latihan maupun ujian mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Bisa
dipakai untuk soal ujian semester 1 maupun semester 2.
Soal terdiri dari  20 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal menerjemahkan dari Bahasa Indonesia ke
Bahasa Inggris.

Silahkan coba dijawab

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d. 

1. Bob : “lets go to the canteen!’ Lina : “…….. I am hungry”
a. It’s a good idea
b. it’s not good idea
c. I disagree
d. I hate it
2. Bob : “……… of our new friend? Lina : “She is beautiful and friendly”
a. Who is the girl
b. what a beautiful girl
c. Would you mind
d. what do you think
3. To keep the rare animals exist, we must not …….them.
b. protect
c. hunt
d. kill
4. Cow and buffaloes are ……. But tigers and lion are carnivorous.
b. microbes
c. herbivorous
d. viruses
5. Mr. Bob is a/an ….. He looks after some animals in his large garden behind in his house.
a. Fish monger
b. animals liver
c. fruit seller
6. Lina : “ I want you to come to my party tonight.” Aliana : “……….. I have a lot of homework
to do.”
a.It’s a great
b. I agree with you
c. I am afraid I can’t
d. it is a good idea
Yesterday my mother was ill. My father and I took her to the doctor. First my father
talked to the lady who was in charge of registration. She typed the data about my mother on the
computer. Then we waited for my mother’s turn.
When her turn comes, I accompanied her to enter the doctor’s room. The doctor listened
to my mother’s complained patiently. The he examined my mother by putting the stethoscope on
her chest. After that, a nurse, to take my mother’s temperature so she put a thermometer in my
mother’s armpit. He told me that my mother had a bad influenza. He wrote a prescription and
gave it to me. He advised my mother to stay in bed for three days and come back after a week.
Then father took my mother home directly and I went to the nearest dispensary.
7. Who was sick yesterday?
a.My mother
b. the writer’s mother
c. my father
d. the writer’s father
8. What did the doctor do first after the patience enter his room?
a.Examined the patient first after the patients enter his room.
b.Took the patient’s blood pleasure by using spignomonometer.
c.Listened to the patient’s complain patiently.
d.Wrote a prescription and gave it to the writer.
9. What is used to take the patient’s temperature?
10. “After that, he took my mother’s blood pleasure…’(second paragraph). The underline word
b. complaining
c. putting
d. using
11. Why does the writer write such kind of text?
a. To present his pointing of view
b. To retell events for the purpose of informing
c. To persuade the readers to go to the doctor
d. To explain how the doctor explain the patients
The following text is for number 12-14
Two year ago when I (11)…….in elementary school, I (12) …. Two close friends. At that
time we usually (13) … every afternoon.
12. a. am b. was c. will be d. have been

13. a. had b. will have c. have been d. have

14. a. played b. plays c. play d. are playing

15. Arrange the following words in to good sentences Were – stewardess – very – the – kind –
helpful – and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 2-1-4-6-5-3-7
b. 4-2-1-3-5-7-6
c. 3-5-2-1-4-7-6
d. 4-2-1-6-3-7-5
16. Bob : “ how was your flight?Lina : Oh, It’s was ……enjoyable. I like it.’
a. Rather
b. about
c. not
d. really
17. My school ….. an excursion a week ago.
a. Took
b. takes
c. taking
d. taken
18. Lina went to Borobudur temple yesterday. She used …. Own car to travel.
a. Mine
b. her
c. you
d. him
19. Bob wrote a letter ……
a. Tomorrow
b. yet
c. last night
d. at present
20. A mini bus is a/an…..
a. Means of air transportation
b. means of sea transportation
c. Means of sky transportation
d. means of land transportation
B. Translate to English
1. Saya adalah seorang pelajar SMP kelas VII.
2. Saya belajar setiap hari di rumah.
3. Mereka pergi ke pantai Kuta dua bulan yang lalu.
4. Tanggal 20/4/2011 adalah waktu yang sangat menggembirakan.
5. Kita sepakat bahwa kita akan terus bersama-sama selamanya.

Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 Kelas VIII

Mata Pelajaran  : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan  : SMP__________________
Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Nama Guru :______________________

1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

I. Answer The questions below by choosing the right answer between a, b, c, or, d

The text below is for questions 1 – 4

Last month, Salma and her parents were on holiday in Singapore. It was Salma’s first
visit,but her parents had been to Singapore time for business.
The first place of interest they went to was the Singapore Zoo. They enjoyed watching
the animals and had close encounters with them.
The next day, they visited the China town point. They shopped lots of clothing made of
silk. Then they visited the Mandai Orchid garden. They were thrilled to see orchid of different

They really enjoyed their stay in Singapore.

1. How many places of interest did Salma and her parents visit?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

2.What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To tell about Salma and her parents’ holiday in Singapore
b. To describe about Singapore zoo
c. To tell about shopping mall in Singapore
d. To descibe about interesting place in Singapore

3. They enjoyed watching the animals ( paragraph 2 )

The synonym of the underlined word is ......
a. Have fun
b. Take place
c. Looking for
d. Take care of

4. Which of the following statement is correct according to the text?

a. Salma and her parents visited China Town for shopping on the second day
b. The enjoyed watching the animals on the second day
c. Salma and her parents has visited Singapore for several times
d. They were thrilled to see orchid of different colours in Singapore’s Zoo

The text below is for questions 5 – 7

Dear Angel

Hi friend, here I invited you on my 13th birthday party

Date : Monday, June 7th 2014
Time : 4 p.m.
Place : My house
Jl. Mawar - Wanasari
Please come! Without you the party will be different

Cheer, Egi

5. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To invate someone
b. To inform someone
c. To ask someone going to party
d. A celebration of birthday party

6. Where will the party be held?

a. At Agi’s house
b. The house
c. At Jl. Mawar – Wanasari
d. At Angel’house

7. Egi hopes that Angel .....

a. brings a present
b. attends the party
c. wears a new dress
d. sings and dance

The text below is for questions 8 - 12

Long ago in the Neverland, there was lived a very beautiful princess, Snow White. The
queen was her stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty. So, she wanted Snow White died.
Snow White knew about the evil plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made friends
with seven dwarfs.
The queen turned into a witch. Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her a
poisoned apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.
Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming revival her with a kiss. They lived together
happily ever after.

8. Who were involved in the story?

a. Cinderella and Glass Shoes
b. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
c. Alice in Wonderland
d. Sleeping Beauty

9. Why was the queen jealous to Snow White? We can find the answer in …
a. Paragraph 1
b. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 3
d. Paragraph 4
10. She escaped into a forest ( paragraph 2)
The words "escaped" has a close meaning with ....
a. Take care
b. Runaway
c. Keep in touch
d. Give help

11. Why did Snow White’s stepmother turn into a witch?

a. Because of Snow White’s beauty
b. Because of Snow White’s wealth
c. Because of Snow White’s boyfriend
d. Because Snow White was her step daughter

12. Which one is not correct based on the story about?

a. Snow white’s step mother was jealous of her beauty
b. Snow white knew her stepmother’s evil plan, so she escaped to the forest
c. Snow felt happy when The witch gave her a poisoned apple
d. Finally, Snow white lived happily with a prince

The text below is for questions 13 -15

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock
didn't go off. Then, I (13).......... in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making
breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so (14) .............. that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted
to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money.
Finally, I ( 15) ............... the three miles to my school only to discover that it was
Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

13. choose the correct word to complate no 13

A. am
B. Is
C. Were
D. was

14 choose the correct words to complate item no. 14

A. Finally
B. slowly
C. lately
D. Quickly

15. choose the correct words to complate item no. 15

A. walked
B. run
C. running
D. walking
16. Our family – last Sunday – Bojong sari Water Boom – with – We – Went to
1 2 3 4 5 6
The correct arrangement of the jumble text is ....
a. 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2
b. 2 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2
c. 1 – 6 – 3– 4 – 5 – 2
d. 1 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2

17. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph .

1. Jack had an accident a few days ago.
2. Jill went to the hospital too visit him.
3. He is still in the hospital now.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. He had to go to hospital.
A. 1-4-3-5-2
B. 1-3-5-4-2
C. 1-2-3-4-5
D. 1-5-3-2-4

18. in – seven – Snow White – woods – dwarfs – met – the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct jumble words above is....
a. 3-6-2-4-1-7-5
b. 3-6-7-2-4-1-5
c. 3-6-2-5-1-7-4
d. 3-6-7-5-2-1-4

19. Arrange the following words to be a meaningful paragraph

1) For several days they had through the ocean with a wonderful night and days.
2) It started the voyage from Southampton England to New York USA.
3) In April 1912, about 2500 passagers and crews had a great voyage with a very great ship
called Titanic “ The Unsinkable Ship”.
4) After that, the coque crashed the iceberg and the water started filled the ship.
5) Finally the unsinkable ship Titanic sank down before reaching to New York on April 15th,
1912 at 2:20 in the morning and only 700 people survived.
6) It was the greatest and the most terrible marine disaster ever.
7) Then, the unseen iceberg was suddenly appeared , Titanic could not help avoided colliding it
on April 14th, 1912.
a. 3-6-2-7-4-1-5
b. 3-2-4-1-7-6-5
c. 3-2-1-4-7-5-6
d. 3-2-1-7-4-5-6

The text below is for questions 20-22

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must
join this camp.
The activity will take place at Telaga Herang camping site
and last for three days.
for further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Bangodua, May 22 th, 2014

The Chief of Scout Organization

20. When will the activity be held ?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August

21. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?

A. June 6th.
B. June5th.
C. May 26th.
D. May 25th.

22. Who must join the activity ?

A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Telaga Herang people

The text below is for questions 23-24

Dear, Mila

Mila, don’t forget to study

Together at my house at 04.30 p.m.
Be on time!


23. When should Mila come to Cindy’s house for study togather?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. In the night
d. In the evening

24. Which one is not true on the short message?

a. Cindy expects Mila to come on time
b. Cindy and Mila have an appointment to study together
c. Cindy and Mila will study together at Cindy’s house
d. Mila reminds Cindy about Their appointment to study together

The text below is for questions 25 -26

To: Liz

Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to

go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to
meet Mrs. Sri at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t
be angry.


25. How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?

A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Relieved
D. Guilty

26. Mom writes the text in order to …

A. apologize for not keeping the promise.
B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her.
C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting.
D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.

The text below is for questions 27-29

To : (085 297 777 622)

Koko, I need your help. Could you come to

my home to repair my Laptop? My laptop is
broken. I need it to make English assignment
and should submit tomorrow. Please come
around 10.00 a.m. I really need your help?

From : Safarani ((085 243 522 211)

27. Who is the receiver of the massage?

a. Safarani
b. Koko
c. English Teacher
d. You

28. I need it to make English assignment

The word “it” in the sentence refers to….
a. Phone
b. Laptop
c. English Assignment
d. Help

29. Why does the writer need help?

a. Because she need her friend
b. Because her laptop is broken
c. Because she has English Assignment
d. Because she need help to repair her laptop to do his English Assignment

All students of class eight C are supposed to gather in
the school yard on Monday June 12 th, at 10 a.m. for
practicing flag ceremony.
Please be on time!


30. What is the purpose of writing the announcement?

a. To inform students of nine A for practicing flag ceremony
b. To ask students to prepare flag ceremony
c. To confirm students of nine A that the ceremony is canceled
d. To invite students to attend a meeting

II. ESSAY: Answer the following questions correctly

Long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. Her parents passed
away, she lived with her step mother and step sisters. Cinderella was very sad everyday because
she had to do the housework alone.
One day, the king wanted to find the wife for his son. He invited all the beautiful girls to
come. Cinderella was very sad because her step sister did not let her go. Her sisters went to the
palace without Cinderella.
Luckily, The Angel cam and helped Cinderella to go to the palace. In the palace,
Cinderella danced with the Prince. He fell in love with her; then he married her. They lived
happily ever after.

31. What does the story tell us about?

Answer : __________________________________________________________
32. He invited all the beautiful girls to come
“He” refers to
Answer : __________________________________________________________

33. Find the meaning of the following words into bahasa indonesia
a. Step mother : _________________________
b. Step sister : _________________________
c. Pass away : _________________________
d. Invate : _________________________
e. Very sad : _________________________

34. Write down a dialogue about offering service/ offering help based on the following situation!
“ your mother bring a log of boxes, and you offer help to carry it. And your mother say thank

35. Make a short massage about inviting your friends to have dinner at your house!!
buat pesan singkat untuk mengundang teman kalian untuk makan malam!
~Good Luck~

1.What is the picture shown?

a. leg
c. chin
b. face
d. arm

2.We can touch and hold something with. It has five fingers. What is it?

a. hand

c. foot

b. knee

d. food

3.Tono has ……………………..

a. headache

c. stomachache

b. backache

d. earache

4.How do you express sympathy.

Roni: What’s the problem with you Erni?

Erni: I have a terrible cough.

Roni: …………………………………
a. How nice

c. What can I do for you?

b. I’m sorry to hear that.

d. That’s

a pity you are.

5.Dodi : My sister, Eni, gets sick easily.

Meta : She must ……………………

a. brush her teeth regularly

c. lift something heavy

b. eat much candy

d. take some minerals and vitamin

Number 6 -7  Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs of present perfect tense. .

6.Budi …………………….. in SMP 3 since 2006.

a. has studied

b. have studied

c. studied

d. studies

7.They………………………..Indonesia for ten years.

a. speaking
b. have spoken
c. speaks
d. has spoken
Number 8. fill in the blanks with past continuous tense.

8.He…………………..his leg when he was playing football

a. is breaking
b. broke
c. break
d. broken

9.Susi has a headache. Which medicine she must take?

a. CMI-Sunny chlorell
b. Rub-in lespain
c. Biogesico
d. Not at all

10.Udin has a pain in his right eye. Does he need to rub his eye with balm?

a. Yes, he does

b. No, he doesn’t

c. yes, she is

d. No, he isn’t

We have been growing since we were born. We grow and chan

ge continuously. No wonder, there are a lot of changes in our lives. We are getting bigger, taller, faster
and more intelligent. Physical changes started when we were babies and make maximum progress when
we’re teenagers. We were around 49 cm long when we were babies and 140 cm tall when we were kids.
Entering the teenage period, however, we can reach up to 160 or more. It is really fantastic.

11.Have you been growing since you were born?

a. Yes, we do

c. Yes, I have

b. No, we don’t

d. No, I haven’t

12.When do we have physical changes?

a. when we are babies

c. forever

b. when we are teenagers

d. when we are babies to teenagers

Nina is Riko’s old friend. They were classmates when they were studying in elementary school. They
hane never met each other since Riko and his family moved to Jakarta. Now, Riko is in Bandung for a
family visit. He accidentally meets Nina.

Riko: Hi, Nina. Long time no see. How are you?

Nina : Hello, Riko. Very well, thanks. And you?

Riko : Not bad. Thanks.

Nina : What brings you here, Riko?

Riko : I’m on my holiday. I’m visiting my granny.

Nina : How long are you staying here?

Riko : I’m not sure. Probably two days.

Nina : That’s not long enough. Anyway, are you free this evening?
3 Riko : I don’t think so. We ‘re celebrating my granny’s birthday.

Nina : How about tomorrow? Are you doing anything tomorrow?

Riko : Whay time?

Nina : Say, at 3 p.m

13.Did Riko lived in Bandung?

a. yes, he did

b. no. he didn’t

c. yes, they did

d. no, they didn’t

14.Who visited grandmother?

a. Riko did

c. Riko and his family did

b. Nina did

d. Nina and her family did

Fill in the blanks with Present Continuous Tense.

15.They ………………………. Nina’s birthday.

a. are celebrating

b. celebrate

c. celebrates

d. celebrating
Number 16-17 fill in the blanks with Past Continuous tense.

When Rudi …….(16)………… to the market, he ….(17)……. some money.

16.a. walk

b. walked

c. was walking

d. is walking

17.a. find

b. found

c. was finding

d. is finding

Butet and Iwan are talking about

the traditional games festival they have just visited.

Iwan : Well, it was a nice festival, wasn’t it?

Butet : Yes, it really was. The games were very interesting.

Iwan : Did you meet Shanti, the EQS reporter?

Butet : Yes, I met her outside the studio.

She was with two people from foreign countries. Their names are Rustu and Kirsten. I think they really
enjoyed the festival.

Iwan : I also enjoyed the festival. But I think we can be very tired after playing all of those games. I think
video games are more relaxing. We don’t need to run a lot.

Butet : Perhaps you are right. But, don’t you think games like pulu-pulu and hide and seek are more
challenging? We can play and do some sports at the same time. They are more tiring than video games
but better for our health.
Iwan : I see your point.

Butet : Besides, we also have some other games which don’t need much movement likecongklak or
bekel. Tell me, which one is more exciting, playing traditional games in

the yards with your friends or playing video games in your room?

Iwan : Yeah, I guess playing with many friends is more enjoyable.

Butet : And video games are more expensive than traditional games aren’t they?

18.What festival have Butet and Iwan just visited?

a. traditional festival

b. traditional games festi


c. games festival

d. video games festival

19.Did they like the festival?

a. yes, they did

b. yes, they are

c. yes, they do

d. no, they don’t

20.Are all traditional games more tiring than video games?

a. yes, they are

b. No, they aren’t
c. yes, it is
d. no, it isn’t
Airplane can fly 150 km/hour
A Bus can run 120km/hour.
A Bicycle can run 40 km/ hour

21.An Airplane is the ……………………..

a. fastest
b. faster
c. fast
d. slow

22.A bicycle is ……………………………..than a bus

a. fast
b. faster
c. slow
d. slower

23.In the last examination, Andi got 9 in history, 8 for English, and 7 in Math. So, Andi got
the………………in History

a. good
b. bad
c. better
d. best

Although congklak is very popular in Indonesia but some strong evidence shows that

congkiak originated in many other places with the most ancient culture. People in most countries in Africa
know this game as Wari. Some findings in Jordan, Middle East, have proved that people already played
congklak around 9000 years ago. These findings do not only make congklak as the most popular game
but also the oldest game in human civilization.

24.Where does congklak originally from?

a. Indonesia
b. Africa

c. Jordan

d. Middle East

25.Country from Middle East in the text above is……..

a. Indonesia
b. Africa
c. Jordan
d. Wari

Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi referensi belajar ya sahabat KBI 

1.The certificate of marriage should sign by the couple getting married or it would be illegal.

Jawaban : A

Key word : By

2.The area where a microchip is manufactured must the cleanest environment possible.

Jawaban : C

Key word : the cleanest

3.The artist getting accident must be so tired after having performance in Bandung as she fell asleep on
the way home.
Jawaban : B

Key word : So tired; fell

4.In the previous entrance test, the participants could ask one another as there was no one handling the
class where they got the the test, but they didn’t.

Jawaban : A

Key word : but they didn’t

5.The freshman failed to follow the advice of his senior that he studied hard and not to go out too much.

Jawaban : C

Key word : Failed to follow the advice ;that

6.The man standing over there asked me whether he_____the flowers from my garden.


B.Might take

C.Ought to take

D.would take

Jawaban : B

Key word : Asked me; whether

7.The theory of continental drift assumes that there_____long-term climatic changes in many areas
during the past.

A.must have been

B.Must be

C.must have

Jawaban : A

Key word : Assumes; during the past

8.Although research scientist had hoped that the new drug interferon_____to be a cure for cancer, it’s
applications now appear to be more limited.


B.Had proven

C.would prove

D.will prove

Jawaban : C

Key Word : Had hoped

9.Berta : Can I have your report soon?

Jono : Sure, I_____it before you go to the meeting.

A.will finished

B.will have finished

C.Am going to finish finishing

10.Look at this street, it is very muddy, it_____have rained heavily last night.





Jawaban : D

Key word : Muddy; last night

1.There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. Some____are tigers, horses
and whales.

2.There are many kinds of animal in the world. The elephant is one kind some____kinds are tigers,
horses and whales.

3.There are three colors in the U.S flag. One of the colors is red.______are white and blue.

4.There are three colors in the U.S flag. one of the colors is red._____colors are white and blue.

5.There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two._______are fall and winter

6.Spring and summer are two of the four seasons______seasons are fall and winter.

7.There are many kinds of geometric figures. Some are circles_____figures are squares. Still_____are

8.There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is a square._____figures are rectangle, a
circle and a triangle.

9.Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved line.______have straight lines.

10.Some ships are fieled by petrolium_____are propolled by atomic power.

11.Some boats are used for pleasure__________boats are used for commercial fishing.

12.Many people like to get up very early in the morning______like to sleep until noon.

13.out of the twenty students in the class, eighteen passed the exam_____failed.

14.out of the twenty students in the class, only two failed the exam.______students passed.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat KBI 

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