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Equal Voting Access (EVA) for PWDs Report on the 2021 Anambra State

Governorship Election.

An Assessment of INEC Preparations for Persons with Disabilities.

Executive Summary

This Report presents the findings of the outcome of the Assessment of

Provisions by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in preparation for November 6 th , 2021
Governorship Election in Anambra State, Nigeria.
Persons with disabilities are generally known to be facing several
environmental, institutional and attitudinal barriers that can impede on their full
participation and contribution to the socioeconomic and political development of
their society. Consequently, many of them suffer many deprivations and denial
of their rights. Voting during elections has been observed as one among other
citizenship rights of PWDs that is often violated and ignored. Hence, many
PWDs suffer violation of their rights and disenfranchisement in silence.
The year 2021 will be witnessing another off-circle Governorship election in
Anambra State. It is expected that all eligible registered voter would participate
actively by coming out to vote for the candidate of their choice. As the election
management body, the Independent National Electoral Commission is required
to make provisions for the smooth conduct of the election and ensure equal
voting access for all. The effective and full participation of over 400,000 PWDs
whom are eligible voters in the Anambra 2021 Governorship election will be
determined by the level of access and provisions made by INEC to ensure that
they come out and vote on equal basis with others.
Laudably enough, INEC has developed a framework on access and participation
of persons with disabilities in the electoral process, which it has committed to
removal of barriers that hinders PWDs' access to electoral process. According to
Objective Two (Work with relevant stakeholders to facilitate the development of
accessible electoral facilities and infrastructure), Objective Three (Encourage the
participation of PWDs in all aspects of the electoral process) and Objective Four
( Establish strong partnerships with relevant stakeholders to promote access and
participation of PWDs in the electoral process) of it’s framework, PWDs are to
enjoy Equal Voting Access in all electoral process in Nigeria under it’s
However, the Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act
2018 also known as the National Disability Act, which was signed by President
Muhammadu Buhari on the 17th of January, 2019 which state act on disability
have been prior equally been implemented by the Anambra State Government
on 18th December 2018. The Anambra State Disability law in it’s second
schedule, part 2, section 52 and 53 highlighted the implementation and
promotion of political participation and voting access for PWDs in Anambra
Sections 1, 3, 26 and 30 of the National Disability Act made provisions that
support PWDs participation in the electoral process. These provisions are in line
with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
(UNCRPD) which Nigeria has signed and ratified. In particular, the Convention
provides in article 29a: I - ii as follows. State parties shall guarantee into: Ensure
that persons with disabilities can effectively and fully participate in political and
public life on an equal basis with others, directly or through freely chosen
representatives, including the right and opportunity for persons with disabilities
to vote and be elected, inter alia, by:
Ensuring that voting procedures, facilities and materials are appropriate,
accessible and easy to understand and use; Protecting the right of persons with
disabilities to vote by secret ballot in elections and public referendums without
intimidation, and to stand for elections, to effectively hold office and perform all
public functions at all levels of government, facilitating the use of assistive and
new technologies where appropriate.
It is against this background that this study aims at assessing the Independent
National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) provisions in her preparations for
November 2021 Governorship elections in Anambra state.
The purpose of our rapid assessment therefore is to provide an evidence-based
anticipation of issues that might affect PWDs in the forth-coming Anambra State
election. It is also to engage with policy-level election stakeholders and persons
with disabilities ( PWDs) towards addressing these issues. Its specific objectives
are to:

1. To evaluate PWDs Knowledge About Disability Law and INEC policy in

Anambra State,

2. Document and evaluate INEC engagement and voter’s education with

Various PWDs clusters in the Forthcoming Elections in Anambra State
3. Assess PWDs needs and expectations from INEC in the election and
INEC’s security provisions for the forthcoming Election in Anambra State,

4. Make recommendations to enhance PWDs participation in the electoral

process in Anambra State, and enhance the confidence of PWDs in INEC
programmes and efforts to meet their needs during the forthcoming election.

Research Methodology

Field Work:
Field work for the assessment took place in September 2021 and included six
local government areas in Anambra State:

1. Onitsha North
2. Onitsha South
3. Awka North
4. Awka South
5. Nnewi North
6. Nnewi South


The survey’s data collection method was solely based on the primary means of
data collection, which combined:

1. Four Key Informant Interviews (KII), and

2. Two Focus Group Discussions (FGD).
3. Administration of Questionnaire

The key informant interviewees ( KII ) included:

1. An INEC official,
2. State Cluster Chairman of the Blind Association of Anambra State,
3. State Cluster Chairlady of the Albinism Association of Anambra State,
4. State Cluster Chairman of the Deaf Association of Anambra State and,
5. State Cluster Chairman for the Physical Disability Association of Anambra
Finally, fourteen (14) persons participated in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
across six (6) LGAs selected from the state’s three (3) senatorial districts while
60 responses were gotten from the administration of questionnaire to PWDs In
Anambra State.



Majority of the key in-depth interviewees and few cluster members are aware of
the National, State and INEC disability policy framework in Nigeria and
Anambra State. Most of the cluster head clearly stated the dates the various
dates these bills were signed into law. The Cluster heads of the blind, deaf,
albino and physical disability stated that the National Disability Act was signed
on the 17th of January 2019, while that of Anambra State was signed on the 18 th
of December 2018. For Cluster heads; their knowledge about the bill, is that it
was created to give PWDs a sense of inclusiveness and equality.

But, same cannot be said about most cluster members’ respondents; who feigned
ignorance of the details and components of the National Disability act, Anambra
State Disability act and INEC policy Framework for PWDs. It was glaring that
there is need for more enlightenment amongst PWDs and the general public on
the provision of the act both at the National and State Levels.

Respondents in the FGD complained, that despite the law and it’s provisions,
PWDs are still faced with discriminatory actions and attitude from the society.



According to the cluster leaders and heads of PWDs in Anambra State; INEC
has being engaging persons with disabilities in Anambra State, irrespective of
the clusters, also, INEC have the stakeholders forum and have displayed the new
polling unit added to the existing ones all the clusters were invited to ask
questions. Overall, the cluster leaders affirm that they have being enjoying a
cordial relationship with INEC.

Also, INEC have involved PWDs in the process of Continuous Voters

Registration. A cluster leader for the Albinism cluster, rated INEC seven (7 ) on
a scale of 1 -10. As the election proper approaches, and stated also that INEC
has assured PWDs that they will be in cooperated as election observers in the
process on November 6th, 2021.

For various clusters heads, they alluded to the fact that they do step down
INEC’s education and enlightenment to it’s members, and are glad to say that
many of it’s members have permanent voters card (PVC), while those who don’t
have, have temporary voters card (TVC ), while awaiting the production of their

From the responses from the respondents; there is an improvement of INEC’s

engagement and relationship with PWDs, in relation to previous gubernatorial
elections and general elections. INEC according respondents are hell bent on
creating an inclusive and engaging electoral process for PWDs in Anambra State
and have given assurances of making all votes counts.

According to further responses from KII respondents; INEC also do approach

PWDs and conduct interviews and forum sessions with PWDs , where they are
given opportunities to air their challenges and expectations from INEC.

But this is not the same situation for cluster members, as majority of them stated
in the focus group discussions, that their relationship and engagement with
INEC is poor.



According to the response of the Anambra state INEC Head of Department,

Voter Education and Publicity, INEC has added more polling units from 4608 to
5720 so as to create more access for PWDs to polling units. The respondent
alluded to the fact that INEC is in collaboration with Joint National Association
of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD) Anambra State chapter, to collate
details of it’s members and their polling units, so as to make adequate provisions
for them during the voting process. INEC has also made provisions or all
assistive devices and all needs for PWDs to have equal access and participation
during the voting process on November 6th 2021. INEC insists that it have
always invited JONAPWD and PWDs to all it’s programmes, trainings, forum
and workshops on elections in Anambra State.
In Response, to security provision for PWDs in the forthcoming Election in
Anambra State, INEC insists, that it have being collaborating with security
agencies and they have made assurance of safety for PWDs, which have been
transmitted to them. In essence, INEC is urging PWDs to come out and vote, as
their security and safety is guaranteed and assured.

For the PWDs, the responses from the cluster heads indicates that their member
is worried particularly about insecurity in Anambra State, and this notion was
confirmed during the FGD, as many cluster members are responding that they
are skeptical and reluctant to vote in the forthcoming Anambra Governorship
election, with a respondent from the blind cluster, openly stating that he won’t
be participating for safety reasons.


Socio-demographic profile and responses

What is the Disability Cluster of your disability?



Spinal Cord Injury


While describing their clusters, 46 of the respondents, which represents 77% of

all respondents, are from the physical disability cluster, while 11 of the
respondents which represents 18% of all respondents are from blind cluster and
lastly, 3 respondents with 5% in the responses collected, are from the albino



55% Female

Responses based on sex, indicates that 55% of the respondents which is 33

respondents are from the male gender, 27respondents, representing, 45 % of the
respondents are from the female gender.





0% 1.7%
Igbo Non Igbo

What is your Ethnic Background?

59 respondents, signifying 98.3% of the total respondents, are of the igbo ethnic
background, while 1 respondent representing 1.7% of the total respondents
which is 1 respondent, is not igbo.

What is your State of Origin?






40% 76.7%



2.0% 2.0% 5.0% 2.0%
Anambra Abia Ebonyi Enugu Imo Rivers

46 of the respondents are from Anambra State,1 is from Abia State, 1

respondent is from Ebonyi State, 3 respondents are from Enugu State, 3
respondents are from Igbo, 8 from Imo State and lastly 1 respondent is from
Rivers State. All representing; 77%, 2%, 2%, 5%, 12% and 2% respectively in
State of Origin responses.

General Responses to Research Questions

Are you registered to vote in election?

100% of the total 60 respondents are registered voters, who are eligible to vote
in forthcoming elections in Anambra State.

Do you have a Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC)

60 respondents, representing a 100 % of the respondents, have permanent

voter’s card.

How easy was it to vote in the last general election in Anambra?

On how easy it was for PWDs to cast their vote in the last general election in
Anambra State; 51.7 % of the respondents which is 31 respondents said it was
very easy for them to vote, why 38.3 % of the respondents which is 23
respondents responded that it was fairly easy to vote. While 10% of the
respondents representing 6 respondents responded that it was easy at all to vote.

As a PWD, are you planning to vote in the forthcoming Governorship

Election in Anambra?

Don't Know


97% of the respondents representing 58 of the respondents acknowledge the fact

that they plan to vote in the forthcoming Anambra Election, while 2respondents,
representing 3 % of the respondents, said they don’t know if they will be voting.
Do you have concerns on effect of Covid-19 on your participation?

On concern on the effects of Covid-19 affecting PWDs full participation the

forthcoming elections, 71.7 % of the respondents responded that it won’t affect
their participation, while 28.3 % of the respondents are of the opinion that it
would affect their participation.

What are the Special needs of PWDs to election and voting process during
Covid-19 era in the forthcoming elections?

In terms of special needs of PWDs in Anambra State, there is a majority

agreement, that special provisions should be made for Alcohol based sanitizers,
Availability of methylated spirit, INEC enforcement of Covid-19 protocols,
priority voting for PWDs, Availability of Disability friendly polling booth and
lastly, there is also a need for adequate security provision for PWDs.
Are there Special arrangement made by INEC for PWDs participation in
the forthcoming governorship elections?


respondents which represent 63.3% said no, they are aware of any special
arrangements made by INEC for the participation of PWDs in the forthcoming
2021 Anambra Governorship elections. While, 6.7% of the respondents
representing 22 respondents, said they are aware of the special arrangements
made by INEC for the participation of PWDs in the forthcoming 2021 Anambra
Governorship elections.

Are PWDs worried about their security and safety during participation in
the forthcoming 2021 Anambra Governorship election?

93.3% of the respondents which are 56 respondents are worried about security
and safety in the forthcoming Anambra Governorship election, while 6.7% of
the respondents which are 4 respondents affirmed that they are not worried about
safety and security in the forthcoming election.
To what extent are Security Agents prepared to be committed to PWDs
safety and security in the forthcoming Anambra Governorship elections?

5% 7%

To a large extent
To some extent
Not at all
Don't Know


38 respondents are 63% of the total respondents agree that the security agents
are not at all prepared to be committed to PWDs safety and security in the
forthcoming 2021 Anambra Governorship election. 25% of the respondents are
15 respondents who agree to some extent, that the security agents are prepared
and committed. 7% of the respondents, which are 4 respondents, agree to a large
extent, that the security agents are prepared and committed. Lastly, 3
respondents, which are 5% of the total respondent, said they don’t know if the
security agents are prepared or committed.
Has INEC engaged PWDs cluster in their preparation for the forthcoming
Anambra Governorship election?

56.7 % of the respondents, making 34 respondents of the total respondents,

affirmed that INEC has not engaged their cluster in preparation to the
forthcoming 2021 Anambra Governorship election, while 43.3% of the
respondents; which is 26 respondents, insisted that INEC has engaged their
cluster in their preparation for the forthcoming elections.

Has INEC provided resources to step down training and voters sensitization
among your clusters in the community?



I can't say

42 of the respondents which is 70% of the total respondents, responded in
negative, that INEC has not provided resources to step down training of voters
among clusters in PWDs community, while 28% of the respondents which
represents 17 respondents, affirms that; INEC has provided resources to step
down training of voters among clusters in PWDs community. Lastly, 2% of the
respondents, which is 1 respondent, cannot say if INEC has or has not provided
resources to step down training of voters among clusters in PWDs community.


Below are the summarization of key findings from the survey on Equal Voting
Access for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in the forthcoming Anambra
Gubernatorial Election of November 6th 2021 in relation to the research
questions and objectives.

On the PWDs knowledge about the National disability law, State Disability law
and INEC Framework for PWDs during election, it was very obvious, that
majority of disability cluster heads during the key in-depth interview, are aware
of the contents and provision of these law and framework, but majority their
members, are not fully aware of these laws. During the focus group discussion;
most cluster members complained that even if there is any law on disability that
might be available or existent, that the impact is not still felt, as they still face
discrimination whilst questioning it’s implementation level.

Secondly on the question of INEC’s level of engagement with different PWDs

clusters in its preparations for PWDs inclusive participation in the forthcoming
Anambra Election, the cluster heads of each disability clusters in Anambra State,
insisted that INEC has being engaging them in seminars, roundtable discussion,
workshops and training as regards the inclusion and involvement of PWDs in
the forthcoming elections in Anambra State. A cluster leader for the Albinism
cluster, rated INEC seven (7) on a scale of 1 -10. As the election proper
approaches, and stated also that INEC has assured PWDs that they will be in
cooperated as election observers in the process on November 6th, 2021.

For various clusters heads during KII, they alluded to the fact that they do step
down INEC’s education and enlightenment to it’s members, and are glad to say
that many of it’s members have permanent voters card (PVC), while those who
don’t have, have temporary voters card (TVC ), while awaiting the production of
their PVC. But this is not the same situation for cluster members, as majority of
them stated in the focus group discussions, that their relationship and
engagement with INEC is poor. Even responses from the questionnaire
administered, shows that; 51 % of the respondents, making 25 respondents of the
total respondents, affirmed that INEC has not engaged their cluster in
preparation to the forthcoming 2021 Anambra Governorship election, while 49
% of the respondents; which is 24 respondents, insisted that INEC has engaged
their cluster in their preparation for the forthcoming elections.

Furthermore,42 of the respondents which is 70% of the total respondents during

questionnaire administration, responded in negative, that INEC has not provided
resources to step down training of voters among clusters in PWDs community,
while 28% of the respondents which represents 17 respondents, affirms that;
INEC has provided resources to step down training of voters among clusters in
PWDs community. Lastly, 2% of the respondents, which is 1 respondent, cannot
say if INEC has or has not provided resources to step down training of voters
among clusters in PWDs community.

On INEC’S Special Provision for PWDs; INEC announced it has increased

polling units in Anambra State from 4608 to 5720 so as to create more access
for PWDs to polling units, and is in collaboration with JONAPWD, to provide
the list of it’s members, thus as to make special provision for them. As for the
cluster leaders, they are confident that INEC will make special provision, while
their members in their response during FGD and questionnaire administration,
stated that they are not aware of any special provisions. In fact, 38 respondents
which represent 63.3% during questionnaire administration said no, they are
aware of any special arrangements made by INEC for the participation of PWDs
in the forthcoming 2021 Anambra Governorship elections. While, 36.7% of the
respondents representing 16 respondents said they are aware of the special
arrangements made by INEC for the participation of PWDs in the forthcoming
2021 Anambra Governorship elections. And also, they raised not much concern
as regards COVID-19, as long as priority, NCDC guidelines and protective
materials (such as methylated spirit and nose masks) are given and produced by

Lastly, on the issue of security and safety of PWDs during the forthcoming
elections, cluster heads, members and questionnaire respondents, are all worried
about their safety; though all of them would love to exercise their right to vote.
100% of registered voters, who responded to the questionnaire, are ready and
eager to vote. But 93.3% of the respondents which are 56 respondents in
response to the questionnaire administered are worried about security and safety
in the forthcoming Anambra Governorship election. PWDs are also not
confident about the preparation level of security agents as regards the
forthcoming elections, these worries where shared both in the KII and FGD with
cluster heads and member, while 63% of the respondents to the questionnaire
administered, are of the opinion, that the security agents are not prepared at all.


Many PWD respondents in Anambra State are worried about the high rate of
insecurity and activities of unknown gunmen in Anambra State, but would love
to exercise their franchise and participate equally in the electoral process in
Anambra State, if there is a high level of visible security, protection of lives,
properties and improvement in their voting access needs and demands, then they
will come out and participate in the electoral and voting process on November
6th 2021, and in future elections.



Findings from this study indicate that the majority of the PWD
respondents had specific expectations of INEC, Security Agents, Media and

We list these below.


The PWD respondents in our study expected INEC to conduct elections in line
with these provisions by:
1. Mandating voting priority and preference for all PWDs,
2. Providing sign language interpreters and signage posters at polling units,

3. Providing Braille ballot jackets and papers for the blind and allowing
them come to the polling units and box with their trusted aides,
4. Ensuring to provide a disability-inclusive environment,
5. Employ PWDs as INEC permanent staff,
6. Site polling units at disability-friendly locations,
7. Provide election materials, especially Form EC40H, in accessible formats
at all polling stations,
8. Provide disability desks at each INEC offices in each Local Government
Areas in Anambra State,
9. Provision of Umbrellas for the Albinos and giving them priority, as their
skin is prone to skin cancer under prolonged sun exposure and
10. All voting process should be done by observing all Covid-19 protocols
Using NCDC guidelines.


1. Provide adequate security with mandate of protection of lives of citizens

and voters in Anambra State especially PWDs.
2. Engage with relevant stakeholders on security issues; including traditional
rulers in Anambra State.
3. Produce weekly security briefs and reports with and aim to improve
Security intelligence and boost the zeal of PWDs to participate in the
forthcoming November 6th, 2021 governorship elections in Anambra

1. Create more awareness and enlightenment on the National Disability act,

Anambra State Disability act and INEC policy framework on disability.
2. Involve in high level voter education and publicity.
3. Help spread JONAPWD charter of demands via their medium.
4. Promote programmes that are inclusiveness driven for PWDs in the State.


Provide PWDs with:

1. Capacity-building assistance for PWDs,

2. Adequate voter education and,
3. Support PWDs with access to assistive devices, and Advocate for their
right to voting priority.


The findings from this assessment lead the Centre for Citizens with Disabilities
(CCD) to offer the following recommendations for action by key stakeholders:

1. Make prioritisation of PWD access to voting mandatory, not advisory. Section
56(2) of the INEC Electoral (Amendment) Act, 2010 states that “The
Commission may (emphasis ours) take reasonable steps to ensure that voters
with disabilities are assisted at the polling place by the provision of suitable
means of communication, such as Braille, Large embossed print or electronic
devices or sign language interpretation, or off site voting in appropriate cases”.
The word “shall” should replace “may”,

2. Make election materials and facilities accessible for all PWDs. This includes
Form EC40H, polling units, and assistive resources such as sign language
interpreters, tactile ballot jackets, and magnifying lenses,

3. Train polling stations officials adequately to understand and respond to PWD


4. Sensitize the public on the needs and challenges of PWDs to reverse negative
public perceptions and attitudes towards them,

5. Collaborate with the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, security agencies,
and other stakeholders to fully implement health and safety protocols during
voting and result collation.

6. INEC to encourage deaf voters to come with personal sign language

interpreters to the polling unit to minimize communication gap

7. INEC to recruit sign language interpreter volunteers to support their

engagement with deaf voters on Election Day.

8.INEC should collaborate with the security agencies to reassure electorate of

their safety and security, to down tension and brace up security challenges
especially in some flashpoints to ensure accessible, credible, free, fair, and
peaceful election.

9. Provide Disability Desk officers at each INEC LGA offices.

10. Collaborate with Security agencies and also create a two-year election
preparation plans for off-season Elections that Includes states like; Anambra,
Kogi, Edo, Ekiti, Ondo, and Osun.
11. Provide Umbrellas and shades for albinos or allow them vote early as 8am to
avoid them being under the sun and prone to skin cancer.

12. Conduct all voting process should be conducted using the NCDC guideline
and Covid-19 protocols.


1. Provide adequate security with mandate of protection of lives of citizens

and voters in Anambra State especially PWDs.

2. Engage with relevant stakeholders on security issues; including traditional

rulers in Anambra State.
3. Produce weekly security briefs and reports with and aim to improve
Security intelligence and boost the zeal of PWDs to participate in the
forthcoming November 6th, 2021 governorship elections in Anambra

1. Make awareness and enlightenment creation on the National Disability

act, Anambra State Disability act and INEC policy framework on
disability a high priority.
2. All media organizations should get involved on voters’ education and
3. Pro-Bono media offers on issues that deserve awareness on persons with

1. Provide disability-friendly infrastructures and voter education,

2. Collaborate with INEC and other stakeholders to support INEC-trained

PWDs to step-down the training to their members in the rural areas to ensure no
one is left behind in voter education,

3. Educate all PWDs adequately on INEC’s new election

protocol regarding Covid-19.

4. Interface with PWD cluster heads and leaders to step down information on
voters education and training from INEC to their cluster members, thus as to
keep them abreast with trends and necessary issues in the electoral process in
Anambra State.

5. Promote JONAPWD’s charter of demands to relevant stakeholders.

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