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RULES SECTION WHAT IS A WARGAME?. RULES INTRODUCTION. Models. Units Characteristics The Toro MOVEMENT PHASE Terni. SHOOTING PHASE Choose a Target Check Line of Sight & Range Roll to Hit Roll to Wound Make Swving Throws Remove Casualties WEAPONS Weapon Types Special Weapon Characteristic ASSAULT PHASE Declare Charges Move Charging Units. Fighting « Close Combat Determine Assault Results Loser Checks Morale Sweeping Advances & Consolidation Pile-in Moves. Multiple Combats Special Close Combat Attacks MORALE. Taking Morale Tests Fall Bick Regrouping GW, Cid root Neon, Onk Ork ds CHARACTERS. Paychic Powers UNIT TYPE RULES Bikes Jetbikes Monstrous Creatures Jump Infantry Aniillery Beasts 6 Cavalry VEHICLES Vehicle Types Vehicle Movement Carrying Infantry Vehicles and Shooting Vehicles and Assaults UNIVERSAL SPECIAL RULES ORGANISING A BATTLE. Choose Forces Prepare the Battlefield Choose 3 Mission Deploy Forces 81 Cleanse 81 Secute and Control 2 Seek and Destroy 82 Recon 83 Take and Hold 83 Mission Special Rules. 84 BACKGROUND SECTION ‘THE IMPERIUM OF MAN. . . 92 THE IMMATERIUM m THE XENOS THREAT 28 HOBBY SECTION DARK MILLENNIUM 163, COLLECTING AN ARMY... 170 COMBAT PATROL 182 QUICK PAINTING 184 INSTANT TERRAIN 183 ‘SPECIAL MISSIONS 190 Night Fight st Patrol wm Rescue 2 BATTLE MISSIONS 193 Hold At All Costs 194 Maat Grinder 194 Buoker Assault 195 MAKING FORTIFICATIONS . 196 RAID MISSIONS 204 Sabotage 206 Ambush 206 Strongpoint Attack 207 BREAKTHROUGH MISSIONS 212 Rearguard Pr Blitz 23 Breakout 23 KILL-TEAM 24 CAMPAIGNS 230 Earning Experience Points. . 242 Infantry Battle Honours... . 246 Vehicle Battle Honours... . 248 Buttle For Phoenix Island. . . 250 THE GAMING HOBBY. 258 SHOWCASE 262 EXISTING UNIT TYPES... . 264 TEMPLATES 265 REFERENCE 266 PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP Copyyht © Games Workshop Lid 200 Al Rigs Recred. Bae for Macys the Choe ft he Cadel device, Evy Meu Er symbol devin, Eye of Trex, Wither. Warhomnr 40000 device, Desble- ended /Inperia Fl AIK. Spice Muse. Spice Masse Chaps sod Space Murine Caper ign, El. Tyas. Gest, Colder Demon he Ti logon. Coden Games Workup the Gunes Wor ett degen, Ti, Fie Waris Chit andl asocied sus the lathe Cia Dasha of the Far Fear’ tape, sae ces and rice sg, haces vehi mage ro the Washam $0000 iver ae citer TM snd/ox © Canes Wokshop Lid 200-204 aul vege in th TUK snd ote cousin sound the world. All Rights Reened. Sct de we UK gute design on 207484 Brssh Catogeng i Pabition Dats A loge ecard fr ths book wus from the Bish Linry Printed in Chin WUSTRALIA ‘CANADA Gamer Worksep Games Workshop. 2 Liverpool See 259) Biol Ci Tagen Unit ati os vx us Games Worksop Willow Ros Leno Games Workshop (22 Baye Die Clee ari ‘Marl New South Wakes ed, 2568 Product Code: 60 040199011 revgee-wedohep sk ISBN, 1 9454-468. FIGHTING WARHAMMER 40,000 ‘hat you hold in your hands tells you all about how to fight battles based in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, providing the core rules needed to play the game. It gives some of the background information about the Warhammer 40,000 universe, its history, environment and flavour. It can guide players towards deciding what sort of army they might choose to play, how to go about collecting the models, painting armies, putting together a tabletop battlefield and even finding an opponent to play against. This book may seem a bit daunting to the beginner, any bound collection of almost three hundred pages of information can be intimidating, but you don't need to read it all at once. The three distinct sections — Rules, Background and Gaming Material — offer very different things. The Rules section explains the game mechanics, and once you've grasped the early parts of this, which cover Movement, Shooting, Assaults and Morale, you are pretty much on your way. GETTING STARTED First and foremost, you can't fight a battle without troops, which in our case are represented by models. Model armies, just like real ife armies, contain different kinds of troops and vehicles under the command of an officer. Some of the armies you can collect and control in ‘Warhammer 40,000 are human, such as the massively diverse Imperial Guard or the zealous Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes. Other armies consist of alien races, such as the ancient and mysterious Eldar, the barbaric green-skinned Orks, or the monstrous entities of the Tyranid hive fleets. Playing a game of Warhammer 40,000 requires models. When players first start playing games they should play with whatever models they like the look of, rather than concern themselves overly with precisely what they are and how they function. Maybe they know someone who already plays the game, and can use some of their models, or maybe they could even play a couple of introductory games in a store or at a gaming club. Familiarising yourself with how to play does not mean you need to collect a large army beforehand. When starting to collect an army, you'll probably want to Use itll at once, so the best way to begin is by collecting a few squads of troops and some vehicles that can fight equally effectively against many different kinds of enemy. Later, as your collection grows, you can add in Sarr oa Coser pee pee more of the special troop types that are particularly good, at fighting certain types of opponent, but may be weaker against others. The bigger the collection, the wider the choice and the bigger the battles that can be fought. CHOOSING AN ARMY Before you start collecting an army you'll have to decide which one you want it to be. Different races have different skills, troop types, special abilities and technological assets. For example, the Imperial Guard, the human troops of the Imperium, fight in very great numbers of men supported by a variety of tanks and artillery, while Chaos Space Marine armies usually consist of markedly fewer, more elite units of men, often supported by mutated creatures and warp-spawned daemons. Both armies can play in the same battle but will be used in very different ways, The details that make up any army are provided in the Warhammer 40,000 Codex books, which are a collection of rules and explanations that cover the types of troops, weapons, vehicles and special rules that different armies can call upon. The army lists are a useful element of the game, as they outline the choices you will face when Putting your force together, imposing certain restrictions ‘on how you combine your troops. This is to preserve the character of the different armies and to ensure a balanced selection of troops. Within the selections permitted by an army list, the options provided are very flexible. It is very unlikely that two players would ever pick precisely the same force and same combination of troops from any list. CODEX BOOKS (Once you have chosen the army you want to collect, you'l Reed to know more about it: how it fights, what special ‘models it can include and what its army list contains. You'l find all this, plus background information, racial histories, ‘special characters and other detais, inside the Warhammer 40,000 Codex book for that army. For example, if you decide to collect an army of mighty Space Marines, then all the information you will need to make the most of your collection will be contained within the pages of Codex: ‘Space Marines. As well as telling you more about the race, this book also covers uniforms and painting schemes, 2 detailed description of the different weaponry they can use, the different troops types and the restrictions you face when selecting the models that can take part in a batt. A TYPICAL SPACE: MARINE ARMY (A) Terminator Squad - Elite Space Marines equipped with the virtually impregnable Terminator armour and carrying the deadly storm bolter. They can teleport directly into the midst of the enemy's battle lines. (8) Land Raider ~ Land Raiders are the mainstay of the Space Marines’ armoured might. Their sponson-mounted -lascannons give them superior firepower, and they can also be used to swiftly transport squads into battle, These tanks are heavily armoured and can withstand most firepower that the enemy can throw at them. (C) Land Speeder Tornado — A fast attack vehicle that can fly and is extremely manoeuvrable. The Land Speeder Tornado mounts a heavy bolter for gunning down infantry and an assault cannon to take on heavier targets. It can inflict a lot of damage but is only lightly armoured, (2) Two Tactical Squads (one with Rhino Transporter) ~ Tactical squads are highly flexible troops that make up the majority of squads in most Space Marine armies. Their standard equipment of rapid-firing bolters can deal with most opponents, while heavy weapons can be issued to deal with any enemy vehicles or monstrous creatures. Tactical squads can be mounted in a Rhino to transport them rapidly across the battlefield (E) Dreadnought — Dreadnoughits are huge, heavily-armoured fighting machines. They can be armed with a number of heavy weapons that can destroy tanks, mow down infantry or crush enemies in assaults (F) Assault Squad ~ Equipped with close quarter weapons, such as pistols and chainswords. Their jump packs enable them to quickly engage the enemy. (G) Command Squad ~ This army is led by a commander who represents the player in person. on the battlefield! They can be accompanied by a bodyguard which includes experienced veterans and specialists, such as Apothecaries (H) Bike Squadron — Fast attack Bike squadrons make excellent assault troops and are very manoeuvrable. They can engage the enemy quickly to support the Assault squad. ‘THE WORD OF THE EMPEROR 1S THE RULE OF THE IMPERIUM! 3

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