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Technology is all around us. Nowadays, technology devices become plays an

important role in our daily lives, and when we say technology used to create something
that serves a practical purpose in human life. Technology uses many different ideas like
this one, to make our lives very easy and problem-free. Transportation, social media,
and more all of these has made the way easier to communicate to avoid being alone.
Not having technology in our lives would make us feel like something in our lives is
missing. Yes, that’s how big a role technology plays in our lives if we think deeply about
Technology is a boon for many of us by making our lives easier such us, saves
time, enable instant communication and interaction, easy access to information/
products or services. Though technology has changed our lives for the better but, there
are many negative implications also like, it can causes addiction, health status.
In the subject “Technology for the learning Science” in my opinion we will learn of
how science and technology play a major role in connecting of teaching science and
benefits of science and technology. Essentially, Science and Technology have
introduced us to the establishment of modern civilization. This development contributes
greatly to almost every aspect of our daily life.
As a student and as a future teacher technology is important to us. For example,
tablets, laptops replaced as our notebooks, and we can search what we want on our
smartphones. We can present our works through power point presentations. You will
never waste your time in making visual aids such as maps, diagrams and others.
I have experienced the frustration of technology as the tools we possess
sometimes do not cooperate. As a students I have found myself in techno-hell in front of
my classmates. It is embarrassing but I have also found my co-students who are very
forgiving and willing to assist. None of us can be literate in all of the wonderful
technology available to us-it is constantly changing and differs depending on the setting
in which one finds oneself. Practicing patience, becoming willing to learn new things,
and knowing that “I can’t break it” allow me to let technology enrich my world and send
me to places I would have never dreamed of going.
Finally, I think that use of technology in the classroom should not be an excuse of
the educator to remain glued behind a podium without interaction with the students;
instead the technology can clearly be an opportunity for interaction between the
educator and the material, the material and the students, the students and each other,
and finally, the educator and the students.

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