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Lontoc Aina Gail B.


1. Explain the functions of the skeletal system.

Why do we need a skeletal system? Try to imagine what we would look like without
it. We would just be muscle and skin. We would look like deflated balloons. Because
skeletal system works to stabilize and connect the bones together not only does it
connect them all together but bones work together to hold up the body’s weight as well
as making it possible to make specific movements in our daily lives. The skeletal system
works to provide support, protection, and movement for the whole body.
Bones are an extremely important part of the skeletal system. Our body are very
complex organisms, and has 206 bones that perform various functions. Bones allow us
to move and support us. Joint allow bones to move. If we didn’t have joints and our
body was one very long connected bone, then we would be very stiff. We would have to
keep all of our body parts very straight. You wouldn’t be able to bend your elbow or your
knee. It would be very hard to live without joints connecting bones. Bones also protect
many vital organs. So, if you were to fall on your chest where your lungs are without
bones, then your lungs would get damaged easily. With bones, the bone would take
much of the impact so the organs wouldn’t get damaged.
Overall, the skeletal system protects internal organs, moves differently in everyone’s
body, makes human to human communication/interaction possible.
2. In what ways does the Integumentary System protect your body throughout the
day and your lifetime.

Since our skin plays such an important role in protecting our body and as
we all know that skin is the largest part of our body and needs constant care and
miniaturization to achieve a healthy glow and we should keep it as healthy as we
can. As our body’s protector, the skin is the first line of defense against foreign
substances entering the body and protecting us from the impact of numerous
types of environmental exposure and allows us to sense our surrounding
The integumentary system is the body system which surrounds us. This
will help us keep from getting sick or having damage to our bones, muscles, and
internal organs. One of the skin’s important functions is to protect the body from
cold or heat, and maintain a constant core temperature.

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