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Principles of Programming

General information

● Class hours:
○ Nguyễn Thị Minh Huyền (
● Lab hours:
○ Nguyễn Thị Tâm (
○ Nguyễn Thị Minh Huyền

Course Objectives
● Help students to understand the concepts behind language design, i.e. to
think about languages in terms of
○ Naming and binding
○ Data types and abstraction mechanisms
○ Control flow
○ Subroutine closures
○ Concurrency
○ ...

● Programming languages and compilation
○ Formal specifications (lexical, syntax, semantics)
● Names, bindings, and scopes
● Control flow
● Subroutines
● Data types
● Data abstraction and object orientation
● Functional programming
● Logic programming
● Scripting
● Concurrency (optional)

● Michael L. Scott (2016), Programming Language Pragmatics, 4th edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
● Robert W. Sebesta (2019), Concepts of Programming Languages, 12th Edition, Addison Wesley.

● Textbook reading before class hours
○ Q&A at the beginning and at the end of each class
● Homeworks submitted before lab hours

● Quizzes and assignments (40%)
● Final exam (60%)

How to study effectively?
● Always take notes (that helps you to memorize better and to identify what
you don’t understand yet)
● Identify and revise all new concepts after each class, read further
documents if needed
● Do yourself all assignments as much as possible
● Improve your English reading comprehension skills by reading and
reading again
● Self-studying is very important

● Why study PPL?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and R. Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Why study PPL?
● There are so many programming languages
○ 688 listed on Wikipedia as of Sep. 2021
○ Evolution: constantly finding better ways to do things
○ Language design for special purposes or special hardwares
○ Personal preference: diverse ideas about what is pleasant to use
● Help you choose a language
○ Special purposes
● Make it easier to learn new languages
○ Concepts have similarities (data types, control flows, abstraction, etc)
● Help you make better use of whatever language you choose
○ Understanding of language features, implementation costs, how to do things in languages
that don’t support them explicitly

● Why study PLP?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Programming domains
● Scientific applications
○ Large numbers of floating point computations; use of arrays (e.g. Fortran)
● Business applications
○ Produce reports; use decimal numbers and characters (e.g. COBOL)
● Artificial intelligence
○ Symbols rather than numbers manipulated; use of linked lists (e.g. LISP, Prolog)
● System programming
○ Need efficiency (e.g. C)
● Web programming
○ Markup (e.g. HTML/XML), scripting (e.g. PHP), general-purpose (e.g. Java) languages

● Why study PPL?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Language evaluation criteria
● Readability: easy to be read and understood
○ Overall simplicity: manageable set of features and constructs, minimal feature multiplicity, minimal
operator overloading
○ Orthogonality: a relatively small set of primitive constructs can be combined in a relatively small number
of ways, every possible combination is legal
○ Adequate predefined data types
○ Syntax considerations
● Writability: easy to learn and to create programs
○ Simplicity and orthogonality; Abstraction; Expressivity
● Reliability
○ Type checking; Exception handling; Aliasing; Readability and writability
● Cost: the ultimate total cost
○ Training programmers; Writing programs; Executing programs; Reliability; Maintaining programs
● Portability: easy to move from one implementation to another
● Generality: wide range of applications
● Well-definedness

● Why study PPL?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Influences on language design
● Computer architecture
○ Languages are developed around the prevalent computer architecture: von Neumann
● Program design methodologies
○ New software development methodologies led to new programming paradigms, and
consequently new programming languages

The von Neumann Architecture
● Well-known computer
architecture: von Neumann
○ Data and programs stored in
○ Memory is separate from CPU
(Central Processing Unit)
○ Instructions and data are piped
from memory to CPU

○ Basis for imperative languages

■ Variables model memory cells
■ Assignment statements model piping
■ Iteration is efficient
The von Neumann Architecture
● Fetch-execute-cycle on a von Neumann architecture computer

initialize the program counter

repeat forever
fetch the instruction pointed by the counter
increment the counter
decode the instruction
execute the instruction
end repeat

Programming methodologies
● 1950s and early 1960s: Simple applications, worry about machine
● Late 1960s: People efficiency became important; readability, better
control structures
○ Structured programming
○ Top-down design and stepwise refinement
● Late 1970s: Process-oriented to data-oriented
○ Data abstraction
● Middle 1980s: Object-oriented programming
○ Data abstraction + inheritance + polymorphism

● Why study PPL?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Language categories
● Imperative languages
○ von Neumann based languages with central features being variables, assignment
statements, and iteration (e.g. Fortran, Pascal, Basic, C)
○ Object-oriented languages (e.g. Smalltalk, Eiffel, C++, Java)
○ Scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, JavaScript, PHP)
○ Visual languages (e.g. Visual Basic .NET)
● Declarative languages
○ Functional: main means of making computations is by applying functions to given
parameters (e.g. LISP, Scheme, ML, F#, Haskell)
○ Logic, constraint-based: Rule-based programming, in which rules are specified in no
particular order (e.g. Prolog, VisiCalc, RPG)

● Why study PPL?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Implementation methods: Compilation vs. Interpretation
● Compilation vs. interpretation: not opposites, not a clear-cut distinction
● Pure compilation
○ The compiler translates the high-level source program into an equivalent target program
(typically in machine language), and then goes away

● Pure Interpretation
○ Interpreter stays around for the execution of the program, being the locus of control
during execution

Compilation vs. Interpretation
● Compilation vs. Interpretation
○ Interpretation: greater flexibility, better diagnostics (error messages)
○ Compilation: better performance (10 to 100 times faster, less space)
● Common case is compilation or simple pre-processing, followed by
○ Most language implementations include a mixture of both compilation and interpretation

Layered view of computer
● The operating system and
language implementation are
layered over machine interface
of a computer

Additional terminologies
● Additional components for compilation
○ Load module
○ Linking and loading: collecting system program units and linking them to a user program
● Von Neumann bottleneck
○ Program instructions often can be executed much faster than the speed of the connection (between a
computer’s memory and its processor); the connection speed thus results in a bottleneck
● Just-in-Time (JIT) implementation systems: delayed compilers
○ Initially translate programs to an intermediate language
○ Then compile the intermediate language of the subprograms into machine code when they are called.
These machine code versions are kept for subsequent calls
○ Widely used for Java programs, .NET languages
● Preprocessors
○ Processes a program immediately before the program is compiled to expand embedded preprocessor
○ E.g. C preprocessors expands #include, #define and similar macros (preprocessor instructions)

● Why study PPL?
● Programming domains
● Language evaluation criteria

Introduction ● Influences on language

Principles of programming ● Language categories
languages ● Implementation methods:
● Programming environments

Notes: Slides borrowed from M. Scott and Sebesta

materials provided with their books
Programming environments
● A collection of tools used in software development, e.g.,
○ Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
○ NetBeans
○ Eclipse

● What are the most important criteria for evaluating
programming languages?
● What is the difference between machine language

Questions ●
and assembly language?
What distinguishes declarative languages from
imperative languages?
● Explain the distinction between interpretation and
compilation. What are the comparative advantages
and disadvantages of the two approaches?
● What is the difference between a compiler and a

● Write programs to find the
greatest common divisor of

Assignments two numbers in 6 different

programming languages at
Programming assignments your choice, including at least
one functional language and
one logic language.

● Read the overview of
compilation (Scott book,
section 1.6)

Next course ● Watch this video on lexical

Preparation assignments


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