On The Road Group 6 EM FR

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Group 6- Deepshikha Das Gupta, Sahitya Raj


On The Road: Background Information

On The Road is an advisor for your wheels which runs on an android or IOS based application founded as a result of
Innovation and Incubation program of Jagdish Sheth School of Management by Deepshikha Das Gupta and Sahitya
Raj. It provides self-driven vehicle owners an alternative way of connecting to local garages near them as per their
convenience of time and location as and when they require service. Through its application it also provides local
garage owners an opportunity to increase their earning potential by reducing their idle time. The main objective
behind On The Road is to eliminate waiting time of the vehicle owners, install trust in the unorganized sector of
garages, increasing earning potential for local garage owners by reducing their idle time and reducing cost for the
vehicle owners by time-based discount.

The Founding of On The Road

“Being a mechanical engineer certified by Society of Automotive (SAE), I always had a fascination towards vehicles be
it a 4-wheeler or 2-wheeler,” said Sahitya. After participating in an ATV making competition by M&M, he developed
interest in the making, working and overhauling of vehicles. Once faced by a faulty spark plug of his bike, he was not
able to get a authentic spare part in the local garage of his locality and was forced to take his bike to OEM run service
center which costed 40% more than what would have costed at a local garage.

“Being a girl, it was always difficult to go to a local garage or a service center and sit there for hours to get my vehicle
repaired. Moreover, I had no knowledge about the parts and the right prices that should have been charged and the
garage owners would take advantage of that and charge higher rates,” said Deepshikha. Seeing the recent digital
transformations, she felt that the vehicle repair and service industry has a high potential to shift from an unorganized
sector to an organized sector. The vehicle repair and service industry is at the start of its digital transformation, and it
is a good time for the launch of such an application which can connect garage owners and vehicle owners and
convert it into an organized sector making it easier and accessible for both the stakeholders.

Dynamics of Vehicle Service and Repair Industry

Current Market Scenario

India is a growing economy which means purchasing power is increasing with growing GDP. Now average Indian has
somewhat higher propensity to spend. The credit system of India has also strengthened with Indians taking credit for
multiple purpose including vehicle loans. This has impacted the automobile market. Indians with money in their
pockets or ability to get credit have started to invest in buying a vehicle – two wheelers as well as four wheelers. This
has also impacted used car industry as those who want to buy cars but are constrained economically comes to this
market to fulfil their dream of owning a vehicle.

In Bengaluru alone, there is going to be 1.2 crore personal vehicles as per RTO which includes around 75 lakhs two
wheelers and around 25 lakhs four wheelers. The used car market is also growing at a phenomenal rate with a CAGR
of 15% and is expected to reach to the level of 5 million units in 2021 as per the report of Mordor Intelligence. With
such a large number of vehicles on road, it requires a large enough infrastructure to provide repair and maintenance

services to these vehicles. Currently, OEM run service center, unorganized local garages and new age startup
services like Pitstop etc., are the players in personal vehicle repair and servicing market. As per the research
conducted by Business World, 65% of the car owners switches to unorganized player after their warranty expires.
(exhibit 2). It is also expected that as repair and maintenance expenses rises, the number of off-warranty vehicle
owners may rise to as high as 75%. Why is this going to happen? One important aspect is that the cost of repairs in
organized single-brand OEM workshops is extremely high. Furthermore, most manufacturers' paid service
penetration is only about 52-55 percent, with the rest being free services. This is the same scenario in 2-wheeler
segment also. When it comes to unexpected repairs, vehicle owners turn to category A local garage (Exhibit 3).
People go to local garages for small repairs as well because they charge only a nominal fee for the specific parts

Over the next five years, the vehicle servicing business is predicted to rise by more than 65 percent. According to
industry estimates, the car servicing business is about Rs 20,000 crore, and it is predicted to grow to Rs 33,000-34,000
crore by 2020.The servicing market for cars which are older than 3 years (typical warranty coverage duration of OEM)
constitutes a large portion of the overall vehicle servicing market.

On The Road will be catering to the local garages as their customer and vehicle owners who are not in the warranty
coverage provided by the OEM as their primary consumers. The vehicle owners discussed here in case of 4-wheelers
are self-driven small and medium segment hatchback, sedan, or SUV owners and in case of 2-wheelers are those
possessing less than 200 cc 2-wheelers.

Despite of so many vehicle owners going to local garage, they are still not able to generate good earnings and retain
their customers. The prominent reason behind this is the improper capacity utilization and when it comes to
retaining customers, the unorganized sector of vehicle servicing lacks trust. On The Road will be providing customers
to these local garage owners based on their rating and ranking as per quality indicators(exhibit). This will help them
to reduce their idle time. On the other hand, the quality indicators will ensure the quality of service and hence enable
trust and waiting time will be eliminated as convenience of time and location will be provided.

Vehicle repair and service industry has three major players namely OEM run service center, local garages and new age
startups like Pitstop Car Services. Automobile Industry will be competing against these new startups to deliver quality
services to the vehicle owners. Local garage owners both category category A and B will be collaborator as well as
competitor for us (Exhibit)

Business Idea
The primary consumer of On The Road are the self-driven vehicle owners who are not in the warranty coverage of the
OEM. This includes small and mid-segment hatchbacks, SUV and Sedan in 4-wheeler segment and owners of 2-
wheelers under 200 CC. In many cases, these vehicle owners are owners of a used vehicle which are not covered by
any OEM. These vehicle owners typically demand the value for money services. Sometimes vehicle owners having
multiple cars goes to a local garage for the service and repair of the usually smaller car (Exhibit). Theses vehicle
owners have options to go to OEM run service center but the sheer high cost involved which is 40-50% more as
compared to local garages. This is the reason that 65-75% of vehicle owners turn to local garages post their warranty
expiration. They do have new age startups like Pitstop Car Services but the trust factor is low in this segment also.

These startups have essentially become an online garage instead of aggregator thus the high capital cost involved
makes the scalability of these ventures low.

Pain points of consumer

The problem which is in the current status quo for the vehicle owners is the waiting time in finding the right garage,
going, and waiting there and then leaving their vehicle if the service requires long duration. Sometimes they also face
the issue of unavailability of authentic spare parts. They also fear of getting duped by the local garage owners. This
shows that in this unorganized sector, trust factor is low. They do not want to continue their warranty with the OEM
or visit OEM run service center for vehicle repair services as the cost involved in OEM run service center is 40% more
as compared to these local players. They also face the problem of not able to take their vehicle to the garage because
of time crunch. (exhibit). They sometimes are not able to find the right garage with the required capabilities to
perform the range and sensitivity of vehicle repair services. Aesthetics of shop sometimes also plays a crucial role as
sometimes these vehicle owners refuses to take service from the local garages

Service Gap
The vehicle owners in this fast-moving digital age does not have time to wait in front of garages. Moreover, the
penetration of smartphones coupled with low data rate has made digital service application very desirable. Now
people expect ease for any task or services they want to take. The same is in the case of vehicle repair industry. There
is a nascent need of such applications which can reduce the time cost involved. The trust factor is also low as majority
of these garage owners specially of category B are not able to retain their customers sometimes even after providing
service equal to or even better than OEM run service center. The unavailability of spare parts and their authenticity is
sometimes also hindering the quality of services.

There are many service gaps in the unorganized vehicle repair and service market. On The Road will be focusing on
the most important gap of matching right garages to the right vehicle owners. This will increase the trust factor as the
vehicle owner is given a choice to choose among the multitude of local garages available in their locality based on
their ratings and quality indicators ranking. This will reduce unnecessary time cost involved in the finding of the

The second gap addressed by us is the waiting time of the vehicle owner to be eliminated. Since the vehicle owner can
book a service at the convenience of their time and location, this will take waiting time out of the equation. Moreover,
the issue of time cost will be reduced as the garage partner will be either performing the services at the location of
the vehicle owner or the garage, whichever is feasible to the vehicle owner.

The third gap which we have addressed is the option to provide high trust services. Since there is a high trust issue
among the vehicle owners, we are providing a checklist for the garage owners as well as a rating system for the
vehicle owners and they can choose in accordance with their preference. This will give a sense of option to the vehicle

Solution to the gap

In order to fill the service gap in matching of the right customer to right garage, On The Road will be using the past
history of the user to recommend the best garages in their locality. They will be given the option to choose from the
rating and ranking of the local garages. In order to build trust, we will provide a checklist to our garage partner and

consumers. This checklist will comprise of steps which will be followed in a particular service and for each step
the garage partner will have to upload a visual evidence before and after the service done. For this we have to
standardize the product bouquet. For this we got insights from the consumer interview and after looking into the
product offerings of some existing startups like pitstop. We are preparing our product offering according to them
and trying to calculate the cost for a standardized services from the interviews done with garage owners. There
will also be rating system in which both garage owners and vehicle owners will rate each other and, on that basis,
discounts will be offered to vehicle owners and commissions will be charged from them.

Payment is another trust issue. For payments it can be done either offline or online. In online mode, it will be
prepayment and they are also entitled for the discount offers. It can be done directly through app which will
redirect the owners to payment gateway. They can either choose UPI ID or google pay/phonepay/paytm QR
code. In this case the payment will be withheld by us until the services are completed and owner approves of the
condition and quality of services and can be refunded in part or whole to consumer if it is proven that service
quality promised to them are not met. Once owner confirms the end service from their app the money will be
sent to garage partner’s account immediately. In case of offline payment or payment to vehicle partner directly,
vehicle partner will have to submit the commission charges at the end of the month through the app. To ensure
the service promise made to consumers, garage partners will post a 360-degree video before and after the
service on the app which owners can check at their side. In the invoice to ensure that they have not been duped,
every spare parts model name, brand name and cost will be distinctly mentioned. This will also be followed in
case of change of oils.

To ensure availability and authenticity of spare parts, local garages will be ranked as per their performance on
the quality indicator, so their earning potential is tied up with their performance level. This will incentivize them
to deliver good service and maintain the brand promise which we give to our consumers. On The Road will be
providing the range and sensitivity of services to its consumers as all types of local garages providing all kind of
services will be listed there which satisfy our basic criteria of quality indicators.

Desirability and Feasibility of Solution

The main problem behind the non-scalability of new age startups like Pitstop is the huge capital expenditure for
turning the unorganized vehicle repair and service industry. This has led to them becoming an online garage which
limits the scalability of such operations. On The Road is not trying to become an online garage rather it will be an
aggregator for such services where vehicle owners will come and find the right garage for their problems at right price
and convenience of time and location.

There are many expectations by the garage owners which are not fulfilled in current paradigm, and this has led to
dissatisfaction. On The Road has picked three of the gaps and is trying to solve these problems. In this, the time cost
gap is the most prominent which can be solved through the application of On The Road. The trust issue follows that
and there exist technologies which can be used to install trust. The 360-degree view and the checklist can be inbuilt in
the application. The payment system can be done by partnering with any of the payment gateways available. The best
way for payment gateway is the fixed cost plan offered by gateways as this will reduce our cost.

The solutions mentioned above provides a huge degree of control for us as we will be in the driving seat with this
approach. Since it is an unorganized sector, sometimes it becomes difficult to maintain the brand status and promises
because of the involvement of unskilled labor. The solutions are incentivized for the garage owners and their earning

potential depends on their service delivery performance which will keep the rein in our hand and maintain the brand
promise to the consumers.

Priority Solution
As per the desirability and feasibility of solution, we will prioritize the solution which are most desirable and feasible
(Exhibit). This exercise shows that the solution which should be taken as priority for our consumers is the reduction of
time cost. For this the first step should be to develop the application which can match the vehicle owners and garage
owners. This will require the listing of garages on the platform, this will also help to generate traction for the
application as this will be the step towards network effect. In order to successfully match both the parties we need to
develop the ranking system as per our Quality Indicators. For this the checklist and 360-deegree view solution has to
be done. The above following steps will also help to install trust (Exhibit).

When it comes to trust, payment and quality of service becomes very important. The solutions offered in the payment
domain must be transparent and the grievance redressal system should be robust as this is an unorganized sector,
switching cost is low and loss of trust can easily result in customers and consumers switching to competitors.

Value Proposition
The main value proposition of On The Road for vehicle owners is the elimination of waiting time and overall reduction
of the time cost involved. On The Road also installs trust which lacks in an unorganized sector through its quality
indicators and rating system. The accessibility and ease of finding right garage which suits the vehicle owners will be
one of the major value proposed by the On The Road to the vehicle owners.(Exhibit)

Since it is a platform which will bring the vehicle owners and garage owners together, the value proposed to the local
garage owner is the opportunity to increase earning potential by getting new customers and retaining the customers
through On The Road. This will help them to better manage their capacity and reduce the idle time. This increases the
scope of operation for the listed garage owners which would have not been possible in the traditional paradigm.

On The Road is eliminating waiting time for consumers and idle time for its customers, reducing time cost for vehicle
owners, raising trust for owners and earning potential for the garage partners and creating a platform where both
vehicle owners and garage partners can create values for each other. (Exhibit)

Differentiating factor

Local Garage
The main differentiating factor of On The Road when compared to its competitors is the installation of trust. When it
comes to local garage, being an unorganized sector, the trust is low. Vehicle owners are always in the dilemma of
getting duped. The authenticity and availability of spare parts also plays a major role for a vehicle owner to decide
the garage. On The Road through its quality indicators and checklist method is removing this dilemma as vehicle
owners can get real time update on the status of their vehicle through the visual proof uploaded on the application
by the garage partners. The payment system is also transparent which is very difficult to find in the unorganized

New age Start Up


The differentiating factor when it comes to start ups like Pitstop is the fact that these companies have become an
online garage with franchises. This limits them to provide options to the vehicle owners. The huge capital involved
also increases the cost and vehicle owners ends up paying more than local garages. On The Road is a platform which
connects vehicle owners and garage partners. Garage partner will go and collect the vehicle to provide the service
and drop the vehicle at the desired point. The trust level is also low as the services provided are not uniform but in
case of On The Road the rating and ranking system, time-based discount and earning potential of garage partners
depending on their performance accommodate the non-uniformity present in the unorganized sector. This gives the
option to the vehicle owners to make informed decision which in case of our competition in this domain do not

Decision making units in Vehicle Repair and Service

When it comes to vehicle repair and service, On The Road is focusing on self-driven cars and 2-wheelers. By doing
analysis of the above-mentioned target group, it becomes clear that the ultimate decision maker is the owner of
vehicle but in the process there are others involved in influencing, executing, using and buying. The major influencer
in this case is the young generation (millennials and gen Z). The user varies as it can be the vehicle owner or the
family members. The gate keeper in this buying journey is the vehicle owner. (Exhibit)

Revenue Model
In order to decide from where the cash needs to come, the dilemma which needed to overcome was whether to
charge the vehicle owners or the garage partners. The subscription-based model was not feasible as it would have
restricted the upscaling and would have limited the traction of the application. After deliberation, it was decided to
charge the garage owners a portion of their total invoice for every successful transaction they make through the app.
Since garage partner will be paying us, they will be our primary customers and vehicle owners will be our primary
consumers. After taking service, consumers can pay to garage partners either through our app or directly to the
partner. It can be done directly through app which will redirect the owners to payment gateway. They can either choose
UPI ID or google pay/phonepay/paytm QR code. In this case the payment will be withheld by us until the services are
completed and owner approves of the condition and quality of services and can be refunded in part or whole to consumer
if it is proven that service quality promised to them are not met. Once owner confirms the end service from their app the
money will be sent to garage partner’s account immediately. In case of offline payment or payment to vehicle partner
directly, vehicle partner will have to submit the commission charges at the end of the month through the app.

Sales Funnel
In order to develop the sales-funnel we need first to canvas the locality to get all the local garages listed. This data can
also be gathered through third parties like Just Dial etc., After canvasing the locality, we need to scrutinize the data to
find out the garages which satisfy our minimum quality parameters and segregate them into Category A and B local
garages. After getting the data of such garages we will send our salesperson to such garages to convince the owners
about the value we are creating through our application. The salesperson after converting the garage partner can list
them at our platform.

For vehicle owners, we need to collect data about vehicle owners as per our specified target group. They can be
collected through housing society, offices and third party websites. To collect such data we will be deploying a lead
generation team which will be collecting data from the above source, scrutinizing and segregating it. After due
diligence, a salesforce dedicated towards vehicle owners will visit the offices and society to organize a umbrella
campaign in which they can generate awareness and can showcase how the app will work and what are the value
which we are creating and proposing.

Brand Logo

TVC of On The Road


MVP of On The Road


Dynamics of the Market


Wants and expectation of consumer and customer

1) Define the consumer want.
1. Ease of vehicle servicing which includes ease of location and timing
2. Cost
3. Trust
4. Availability and authenticity of spare parts
5. Aesthetics of shop
6. Value
7. Range and sensitivity of services
8. Add on services
2) Define the consumer
Vehicle owners (2 wheelers/4wheelers)

3) What are the options available for fulfilment of the wants of your consumers? (In Vrinda’s
For instance,
a) OEM run service center
b) Local Garages
c) New age startups

4) What are the expectations of the target consumers from each of the options identified in
Question no. 3)? Put them down in the table below for each option.

Table 1

Option no.a) OEM run service center

Serial No Expectation
1 High Quality of service
2 High Trust in service
3 High cost
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4 Authenticity of spare parts

5 Availability of spare parts
6 Aesthetic of service center
7 Should be able to provide range and sensitive repair services

Table 2

Option no.b) Local garage (category B)

Serial No Expectation
1 Small Repair services (small planned maintenance/
small breakdown)
2 For the repair of bikes/scooters under 100-150 cc
3 For the repair of small hatchbacks
4 Convenience of location
5 Low cost
6 Less sensitive services

Option no.b) Local garage (Category A)

Serial No Expectation
1 Small to medium and sometimes very sensitive Repair
2 For the repair of bikes/scooters under 200 cc
3 For the repair of small hatchbacks and mid segment
4 Convenience of location
5 Low- medium cost
6 Low to medium sensitive services

Table 3

Option no.c) New Age startups

Serial No Expectation
1 Customisation of services
2 Discount offered
3 Location and timing convenience
4 High quality of service
5 High availability and authenticity of spare parts
6 Add on services

5) Which option would you target out of the identified options in Question no 3?

Local Garages
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6) Rank/rate/prioritize the consumer expectations of your chosen option as mentioned in

question no. 5.

Expectation (Local Garages) Rank/prioritize the expectations based on your

understanding of your consumer

Ease of vehicle servicing 1

which includes ease of
location and timing.

Add on services
Expectation Rank/prioritize the expectations based on your
(Local Garages) understanding of your consumer
Cost 2

Trust 3

Availability and 5
authenticity of
spare parts

Aesthetics of 7

Range and 4
sensitivity of

Value 6

7) Rate how the option chosen by you fulfils the expectation in terms of (High, Medium and Low).

Seria Expectation (Tentative list) Fulfilment of Expectations by

l No local garage
1 Trust Low
2 Cost Medium
3 Convenience Low
4 Aesthetics Low to medium
5 Authenticity of spare parts Low to medium
6 Availability of spare parts Low to medium
7 Range of services Low to medium
12 | P a g e

8 Sensitivity of services Low to medium

Gaps Identified and their Solutions

List of Expectations Ranking of the Fulfilment of the Gap.
Seria Expectations by expectations
l No. consumers (High, Medium
and low) by your
chosen option, for
instance Home
Trust 3 Low- Cat A Option to provide
1 Medium – Cat B a high trust
2 Cost 2 High Since they already
provide cheap
services, it will be
difficult to tap the
3 Convenience 1 High Since they are
located in every
locality, there is
no gap
4 Aesthetics 8 Low The shop
aesthetics is very
low, so owners
sometimes prefer
to go to Cat A
local garages
instead of Cat B
5 Authenticity of spare parts 7 Low- Cat B Owners go to local
Med- Cat A garages to get a
near authentic
quality of spare
parts either
because of non
availability or cost
6 Availability of spare parts 6 Low – Cat B Owners go for
Med – Cat A common spare
parts as sensitive
as well as costly
spare parts are
not maintained in
13 | P a g e

List of Expectations Ranking of the Fulfilment of the Gap.

Seria Expectations by expectations
l No. consumers (High, Medium
and low) by your
chosen option, for
instance Home
7 Range of services 4 Low- Cat B Owners go for
Med- Cat A common services
as they generally
provide less range
of services
8 Sensitivity of services 5 Low- Cat B Owners don’t go
Med- Cat A to local garages
when going for
high sensitive

Serial No. GAP identified Solution

1 Trust with the local garages 1. We will provide a checklist to our garage
partner and consumers. This checklist will
comprise of steps which will be followed in a
particular service and for each step the garage
partner will have to upload a visual evidence
before and after the service done. For this we
have to standardize the product bouquet.

For this we got insights from the consumer

interview and after looking into the product
offerings of some existing startups like pitstop.
We are preparing our product offering
according to them and trying to calculate the
cost for a standardized services from the
interviews done with garage owners.

2. There will also be rating system in which both

garage owners and vehicle owners will rate
each other and on that basis discounts will be
offered to vehicle owners and commissions
will be charged from them.
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3. Payment is another trust issue. For payments

it can be done either offline or online. In
online mode, it will be prepayment and they
are also entitled for the discount offers.

It can be done directly through app which will

redirect the owners to payment gateway. They
can either choose UPI ID or google
pay/phonepay/paytm QR code. In this case
the payment will be withheld by us until the
services are completed and owner approves of
the condition and quality of services and can
be refunded in part or whole to consumer if it
is proven that service quality promised to
them are not met. Once owner confirms the
end service from their app the money will be
sent to garage partner’s account immediately.
In case of offline payment or payment to
vehicle partner directly, vehicle partner will
have to submit the commission charges at the
end of the month through the app.

4. To ensure the service promise made to

consumers, garage partners will post a 360
degree video before and after the service on
the app which owners can check at their side.

5. In the invoice to ensure that they have not

been duped, every spare parts model name,
brand name and cost will be distinctly
mentioned. This will also be followed in case
of change of oils.

2 Availability and authenticity 1. To ensure that we have availability of spare

of spare parts parts we will approach major OEMs
distribution channels to provide us with
original spare parts at whole sale price. These
spare parts will be stocked up in each region
central hub. For eg For E city phase 1 & 2 in
Bengaluru, space near Kauvery hospital can be
taken as our central hub and all spare parts
will be stocked there.

In the event of unavailability of spare parts by

our garage partners, they will be supplied with
the spare parts within 30 minutes at either
consumer’s location or at partner shop (base
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2. To prove the authenticity of spare parts, we

will procure a certificate saying authentic
spare parts used. It will be shown on our

Additionally they will also be provided

guarantee of replacement for a period of time
which will vary according to the depreciation
rate of spare parts.

3 Range and sensitivity of

services Product offering

It is divided into 2 categories

1. Swift services – This will consist of services for
2 wheelers which will be delivered within a set
time frame for eg 1 hour at the desired
location of consumer and at their convenient
time if other factors are set by us are met and
will include services like
1. air checking and puncture repair
2. brakes check and repair,
3. clutch plate check and repair
4. Chain and sprocket tightening and
5. Battery related issues
6. Spark plug and carburetor cleaning,
repair and replacement.
2. Routine Service – This will consist of services
like general servicing of 2 wheelers for which
there vehicle will be taken to the garage
partner’s shop (base command). It will be in
two packages which are
1. Vehicle Wash

2. General Servicing- It includes following

service which will be sold as one
a. Engine oil change
b. Complete overhauling of
suspension system
c. Complete overhauling of
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braking system
d. Complete overhauling of
clutch plate and chain and
sprocket system.
e. Vehicle wash

These will be the services only given to 4 wheelers-

1. Reincarnation Pack-
a. Ac vent cleaning
b. Car interior sanitization
c. Dashboard and interior vacuum
d. Vehicle wash
2. Metallica (Body Repair services)-
a. Dent removal and repainting
b. Wind shield and window panes

These will cost 10%-40% less then the sum of total

services in that package. The discount rate will be
decided on the basis of availability of our garage
partners unused capacity.

Desirability of the solution from the consumer point of

view and Feasibility of the solution

Serial No Solution Desirability (Rank the Feasibility of the solution

solution as High, (High, Medium and Low)
Medium and Low)
17 | P a g e

1 Solution for Trust High High

2 Solution for spare parts High High
3 Solution for range and Medium (Because we High
sensitivity of services need to find out more
services which can be
clubbed together and
can met the need of a
vehicle owner looking
for a low cost

Solution Ranking Ranking Ranking

(Priority) (desirability) (Feasibility)
1. Checklist 3 2 High
2. Rating system 5 5 High
3. Payment High
system 2 3
4. 360° view 4 4 High
5. Invoice 1 1 High

Availability and authenticity

1. Central hub 2 2 High
2. Guarantee 1 1 Medium
within set
period of
Range and sensitivity of services
1. Product bouquet 1 1 (high) Medium

Desirability and Feasibility of Solution

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Sl. Gap Rankin Solution Details of the solution Desirabilit Implementatio

No g of y of the n Feasibility
. Gap Solution
1 Trust with 1 =Checklist 1. We will provide a 2 Medium
the local process checklist to our
garages garage partner and
parts consumers. This
checklist will
comprise of steps
which will be
followed in a
particular service
and for each step
the garage partner
will have to upload
a visual evidence
before and after
the service done.
For this we have to
standardize the
product bouquet.

For this we got

insights from the
interview and after
looking into the
product offerings
of some existing
=Rating startups like
system pitstop. We are
preparing our
product offering
according to them
and trying to 5
calculate the cost
for a standardized
services from the
interviews done
with garage
=Payment owners.
2. There will also be
rating system in
which both garage
owners and vehicle
owners will rate
each other and on 3
19 | P a g e

that basis
discounts will be
offered to vehicle
owners and
commissions will
be charged from

3. Payment is another
trust issue. For
payments it can be
done either offline
or online. In online
mode, it will be
prepayment and
they are also
entitled for the
discount offers.

It can be done
directly through
app which will
redirect the
owners to payment
gateway. They can
either choose UPI
ID or google
=360° view pay/phonepay/pay
tm QR code. In this
case the payment
will be withheld by
us until the
services are
completed and
owner approves of
=Invoice the condition and
quality of services
and can be
refunded in part or
whole to consumer 4
if it is proven that
service quality
promised to them
are not met. Once
owner confirms the
end service from
20 | P a g e

their app the

money will be sent
to garage partner’s 1
In case of offline
payment or
payment to vehicle
partner directly,
vehicle partner will
have to submit the
charges at the end
of the month
through the app.

4. To ensure the
service promise
made to
consumers, garage
partners will post a
360 degree video
before and after
the service on the
app which owners
can check at their

5. In the invoice to
ensure that they
have not been
duped, every spare
parts model name,
brand name and
cost will be
mentioned. This
will also be
followed in case of
change of oils.

2 Availability 3 =Central 1. To ensure that we 2

and hub have availability of
authenticit spare parts we will
y of spare approach major
OEMs distribution
channels to
provide us with
21 | P a g e

original spare parts

at whole sale price.
These spare parts
will be stocked up
in each region
central hub. For eg
For E city phase 1
& 2 in Bengaluru,
space near Kauvery
hospital can be
taken as our
central hub and all
spare parts will be
stocked there.

In the event of
unavailability of
spare parts by our
garage partners,
they will be
supplied with the
spare parts within
=Guarante 30 minutes at 1
e of either consumer’s
replaceme location or at
nt within partner shop (base
set period command).
of time
2. To prove the
authenticity of
spare parts, we
will procure a
certificate saying authentic
spare parts used. It
will be shown on our

Additionally they
will also be
guarantee of
replacement for a
period of time
which will vary
according to the
depreciation rate
of spare parts.
22 | P a g e

3 Range and 2 =Product 1

sensitivity bouquet Product offering
of services
It is divided into 2
1. Swift services –
This will consist
of services for 2
wheelers which
will be
within a set
time frame for
eg 1 hour at
the desired
location of
consumer and
at their
time if other
factors are set
by us are met
and will include
services like
2. air checking
and puncture
repair services.
3. brakes check
and repair,
4. clutch plate
check and
5. Chain and
tightening and
6. Battery related
7. Spark plug and
cleaning, repair
23 | P a g e


Routine Service – This will

consist of services like
general servicing of 2
wheelers for which there
vehicle will be taken to the
garage partner’s shop
(base command). It will be
in two packages which are

Vehicle Wash

General Servicing- It
includes following service
which will be sold as one
Engine oil change
Complete overhauling of
suspension system
Complete overhauling of
braking system
Complete overhauling of
clutch plate and chain and
sprocket system.
-Vehicle wash
These will be the services
only given to 4 wheelers-
-Reincarnation Pack-
>Ac vent cleaning
>Car interior sanitization
>Dashboard and interior
vacuum cleaning
> Vehicle wash
>Metallica (Body Repair
>Dent removal and
repainting services.
>Wind shield and window
panes replacement.

These will cost 10%-40%

less then the sum of total
services in that package.
The discount rate will be
decided on the basis of
availability of our garage
24 | P a g e

partners unused capacity.

Factors and Attributes

Task 1

Q1. What factors have you created?

 Trusted local garages at owner’s fingertip.

 Bike and car advisor at your fingertips.

Q2. Which factors have you reduced?

 Time cost of vehicle owners

 Idle time of garage partners

Q3. Which factors have you enhanced?

 Trust in vehicle owners on local garages through standardised services and process.
 Earning potential of the local garage owners
 Capacity utilisation of garage partner

Q4. Which factors have you eliminated?

 Waiting time of vehicle owners

 Doubts regarding the trustworthy nature of services.

Task 2

Serial List of attributes Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 On The Road

Number presently offered (OEM) (Local Garage) (PitStop)
1 Trust in service High Low Medium Medium
2 Cost High Low Medium Medium
3 Convenience of time Low Low High High
and location
4 Waiting time of High High Low Low
vehicle owners
5 Aesthetics High Low High Medium
6 Authenticity of spare High Low High High
7 Availability of spare High Low High High
8 Range of services High Low High High
9 Sensitivity of High Low Medium Medium
25 | P a g e

How will we add value?

Competitor 1 On The Road Value Added

(Local Garages)
1. Found something faulty 1. Found something faulty 1. Elimination of Vehicle
in vehicle in vehicle. owners waiting time.
2. Find nearest garage 2. Go to our app or do a 2. Elimination of idle time of
from local owners either web search for garage partners.
through web search or Automobile Explained. 3. Option availability for
through enquiry from 3. Search for garage in vehicle owners to choose
relatives. your locality and select the garage partner based
3. Go to the finalized the best based on our on their ratings.
garage. rating based on our 4. Based on the rating, the
4. Find out what time will quality indicator. garage partner can charge
be taken to do service 4. Book the service which a fee higher than the low
5. If time is okay with the you want or if you want rated garage partners.
owner then wait in the customization describe it 5. One platform to solve the
garage or leave the in your own words, select Vehicle owner’s problem.
vehicle in the garage. your timing and location.
6. If time is not okay then 5. Garage partner will visit
go to next garage. to your location according
7. During service to the problem service
sometimes vehicle owner can be performed on site
are faced with the or taken to garage
situation of unavailability partner’s shop.
of authentic spare parts. 6. In between services you
8. Inspection of vehicle will be notified with a 360
after service is done. Degree view and visual
9. Payment to the garage. proofs of service being
performed through
7. After service is
performed you will be
sent a notification and a
360 degree view of the
vehicle and the vehicle
will be delivered to the
picked up location.
8. You can make the
payment when receiving
of the vehicle through our
26 | P a g e

Decision Making Units

Stages of Local Garage PitStop On The Road

Influencer Neighbors/Family Reference/Search Reference/Search
members on internet/ on internet/
younger younger
generation generation
Initiator Vehicle Owners Vehicle Owners/ Vehicle Owners/
family(younger family(younger
gen) gen)
Gatekeeper Vehicle Owners Vehicle Owners Vehicle Owners
Buyer Vehicle Owners Vehicle Owners as Vehicle Owners as
well as tech savvy well as tech savvy
generation generation
User Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle
Owners/driver/family Owners/family Owners/Family
members members members/anyone
having access to
the internet

Q. What is in it for each role identified above from your value proposition?
For vehicle owner- Ease and convenience of vehicle repair
Knowledge about local garages
Trust and security
Time based discount
For Younger family members- New tech related solution
For Drivers- Easy pick up and delivery

5.Who pays, how they pay, why should they pay you?
Garage partner pays us because we are providing them with business.

Sales Funnel
27 | P a g e

Identify Who are they? Who identifies them?/How Profile of the

are they identified? person/KRA/Metrics
(if applicable)
Individual Vehicle 1. Housing Lead generation
owners Society/Boards analyst (2)
2. Office KRA
3. Garages 1. Get society data
2. Get Garage data
3. Refine to find the
data of self driven
cars and cab fleets
with minimum size
Cab fleets 1. Office
2. Garages

Access Self-driven vehicle 1. Data from My Gate Profile of the

owners App. person/KRA/Metrics
2. Data from the housing (if applicable)
board committees. Lead Generation
3. Data from Justdial an Analyst
other third party KRA
agencies 1. Get society data
4. Data from the local 2. Get Garage data
garages 3. Refine to find the
data of self driven
cars and cab fleets
with minimum size
Businesses which 1. Data from third party
operate a fleet of service provider like just dial.
cabs 2. Locating and finding them
through web search

Differentiation/Pitch 1. No waiting Pitch will be made through Profile of the

time the sales person to the self person/KRA/Metrics
2. Convenienc driven vehicle owners by (if applicable)
e of time showing our app and the ease Consumer
and location and accessibility it brings with Acquisition
3. Time based the points mentioned in the executive
discount adjacent column KRA
4. Authentic 1.Convert the data
service provided by the lead
guarantee generation analyst
through our into app user.
quality 2. Visit the housing
Indicators society and do door
and to door/ Umbrella
checklist campaign to
28 | P a g e

program generate awareness,

and visual create interest and
proof successfully convert
through the the self driven
app. individual vehicle
owners into app
3. Visit the offices of
cab fleet businesses
to persuade them to
use our app for
servicing and repair
of their fleet.
1. One stop
service for
2. Fleet size
3. For business
like the
model of
service can
be provided
on the
location of
parking as
well as can
be taken to
center by
the garage
Acquisition Sales is closed by Garage partner will pay for Payment is realised
the prospect each successful transaction if we receive the
installing the app through our app payment through
and then choosing a our app we cut the
service within next settled upon
1-2 months. commission rate and
if the payment is
made directly to the
garage partner then
he has to make the
payment of
commission in next 7
29 | P a g e

a) Type of Sales Force Required?

1. Lead Generation Analyst

- KRAs

1. Get society data

2. Get Garage data

3. Refine to find the data of self driven cars and cab fleets with minimum size of 5.

4. Provide the data to acquisition team

2. Consumer acquisition executive


1.Convert the data provided by the lead generation analyst into app user.

2. Visit the housing society and do door to door/ Umbrella campaign to generate awareness, create
interest and successfully convert the self driven individual vehicle owners into app user.

3. Visit the offices of cab fleet businesses to persuade them to use our app for servicing and repair of
their fleet.

b) Marketing & Sales Organisation Structure

30 | P a g e

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/deepshikha-das-gupta
Contacts: 9620811795, deepshikha.gupta@ifim.edu.in

Skill Set Summary

 Leadership : Led the school as the School President and Discipline Minister of the school and organized various events for
the school Planned and delegated responsibilities as content head in Hult Prize, a UN’s sponsored event. Leading
creative team in Kanyathon.
 Analytical: Proficient in Microsoft Office, basic understanding of research in business.
 Quantitative: Completed a certificate course on Research in Business.
 Communication: Good presentation and interpersonal skills. Enthusiastic orator and debater.
 Computer Proficiency: Competent in MS Office, SPSS, Tableau
31 | P a g e

 Multitasker: Ability to balance workload efficiently with a zeal to go for the extra mile.

Professional Experience

 Design Thinking- Analyzed FabIndia to find out existing problem and give a feasible solution to the
problem. Built a Prototype of the solution.
 Industrial Analysis Process: Analyzed digital payment industry and Paytm in particular to understand
the growth of payment industry

 Introduction to Blockchain Technologies (INSEAD)
 Financial Markets (Shine Projects)

Work Experience:
ParentOf Ltd. 3 months
 Analyzed and assisted operations team to find problems in operations and make them more efficient.

Co- Curricular, Extra Curricular and Achievements:

 Content Head of HULT Prize Campus Event

 Associate- Content Team- KANYATHON
 CoCo responsibility in IFIM
 Led the school as the School President
 Remained the Discipline Minister when in school
 Won laurels at HR events at college level
 Volunteered for School of Hope for their campaign.
 Taught underprivileged children of Tarapore Balika Vidyalaya
 Participated in various inter, intra, state and international debates.

 PGDM (Finance) JAGSOM– (2020-22)- CGPA -8.5
 B. COM, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) – (June ’19) – CGPI- 7.22/10.0
 12th, ISC, J.H. Tarapore School– (Mar ’16) – 82%
 Languages Known: English, Hindi, Bengali
 Hobbies : Debating, Public Speaking, Travelling, Cooking, Interior Designing, Event management
32 | P a g e

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahitya-raj-58008948/ ,  
Contacts: 7667267841, sahitya.raj@ifim.edu.in 
Skill Set Summary  
 Leadership: -President of Student Council at IFIM institutions, leading team as Campus
Director in Hult Prize, led teams successfully in Unicharm as Machine leader, led team in
National competitions like BAJA SAE, Project works, Committees etc. Planned and delegated
responsibilities to guide the team to achieve the set goals. 
 Analytical: Competent in working on Excel, SPSS, KNIME and
ORANGE. Equity Portfolio Creation.  
 Quantitative: Performed Time and motion study to find out area of improvement to
increase efficiency.  
 Communication: Good interpersonal and presentation skills, team cohesion.  
 Computer Proficiency: Competent in MS Office, Knime, SPSS.  
 Multitasker: Ability to balance work load efficiently with a zeal to go for the extra mile. 
Professional Experience  
33 | P a g e

Work Experience: 
Unicharm India Pvt Ltd. – Production and Process Engineer                                                17
 Job Description 
 Led a team of engineers and operators as Machine leader 
 Responsible for the production and maintenance of diaper making machine, counting
machine and autopacking machine of size XL 
 Reviewed and analyzed monthly & weekly production plan against target volume,
capacity, and resources. 
 Optimized resources (3M) and minimized break down. 
 Project to make a low cost "Dry sand abrasion test rig" to be installed
in department’s workshop 
Analyzed the process and found out cost cutting area to bring the cost down by 30%. 
 Made sector wise portfolio of top companies listed on NSE of each sector to check
the effect of sectors in market.  
 Made pitch book containing industry and sector overview and valuation for upcoming
IPO of GO AIR.  
 Made investment report by doing fundamental and technical analysis of companies
like Laurus Labs, Rossari Biotech among some of them.  
Usha Martin Ltd.                                                                                                                      2 months 
 Worked on a vocational project to find out the area of losses in the wire making
 Assisted the team of engineers to find out solution to minimize the loss. 
Damodar Valley Corporation                                                                                                  2 months 
 Worked in the boiler department of 660 MW thermal power plant to understand its
Co- Curricular, Extra Curricular and Achievements: 
 Campus Director in Hult Prize-a global social entrepreneurship event conducted in
partnership with the United Nation.  
 Conducted first hybrid event of Hult Prize Pan India.  
 Secured 1st position in BAJA SAE 2016 with team Junkyard Warriors. 
 Successfully organized “Madhuram” as cultural committee member 
 Taught underprivileged children of Punjab under “Project Prayas” an initiative by
SLIET Longowal. 
 Winner of Inter University level of CS 1.6 
 Education 
 PGDM – JAGSOM 8.42/10 (till date)  
 B.E. – Mechanical Engineering specialised in
manufacturing, SLIET Longowal – (JUNE ’18) – 7.14/10.00 CGPA 
 12th, JVM Shayamali- (March 2013) – 86% 
 10th, St. Stephens School- (March 2011)- 9.8 CGPA 
34 | P a g e

 Languages Known: English, Hindi 
 Hobbies: Reading fiction novels, playing football, basketball, chess and video games 

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