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JonPL/2021/534 Date: 17.02.2021 ‘The Team Leader, Casta Engineers Pv. id. ins wth m/s. SOL as House No. 492, Stor 7, ohana, Disk Senepat, Haryena-13100r Sub: Independent Enginering Serves for 4laning of ind-Gohane (pkg-1) section (Green fed ‘ignment) km. 0.0000 kr. 40.601(Length 40.601 km) of NH-352A in the state of Haryona under ‘BaratmaleParyozana under NHMO) on hybrid Anulty Mode (HAM) ~ Submission of Design ‘and Drawings with GAD of Road Over Bridge (ROB) © Km 3+995 (CA Chainage 3+-988) eg. Ref. (9) Concession Agreement dated 07.06.2019 (2) Your ofie letter no: CASTA/NHAI/HR/Jind-GobanayIE/2020/159 dated on 22.12.2020, {W) Our eterno. GIHPL/2020/392 dated 23/11/2020 ear Si, “This & with reference to the above mentioned subject and in response to your letter no 159 dated 22.12 2020, wharan you have raved the obznatona onthe suited Design and Drawings of ROD ot kan, 3+995 (CA Chainage-3+988) vide ou letter no 92 dated 23/11/2020. The observations were set ‘our Design Constant =/s Ruy Project Pvt Lid and they have sent complances to your observations as "abuleted beow: ‘S.No. [186 Observation Design Consultants replies. ‘Gap sabi rested on firmly compacted sol wth good sll ‘Properties, more over we provide Separete foundation fr gap As per observations, the | Slab fr which RE Wall vendor rlsing concer regarding placing of ‘Gop sob shouldbe rested on | geostrps in our earler projects we faced similar eve, fr your ‘he foundation. You re | reference screen shots oltachedherewtn by Ms, EARTHICON requested to caret the ‘SYSTEMS (} Pt. Lid, O40, Oka Phase 1, Bh 110020. or | arangerent of gap seb. Alter gap sab here should be | Lterature for Recommendation for Gap Sab and Approach Slab provision ofthe approach siab. | hasbeen ataced fr your better understanding & review and Pease cet the ‘moreover apprcach tab of 3.5m f ao maintained from face of ‘rangement RE wall towards approach sie ard Wf we use tis ype oF ‘arrangement may ead to least no of ats at approaches of bridge, whic in tum reduce maintenance due t more than 2 jain ‘Shoe te Per PE ond Pare | adjacent othe rallvay track, | We woud Ike to bring to your knd note that P2 & P3 are at | 2 | Hence track surcharge oad ” | least 6.0m away fom centre ine of future rack bt not present should be considered fr doing_| fem existing wack and for your revi, ile and ple cap design, ‘ratings i attached showing stance from athe ple cps ‘Since pes for Pier PD, P3 and 3. | ples of Pir Pt and’ Ps ore Noted. diferent length, “hence Oo | int tacs should be done, ‘eg Oe loo, is Sn Shep Wl lot Ne. Magli Pace, Se Rois, ei -350085 malin gohong@bgin, Ph 7799999, 01270121 ON UASOBD.2019CHISIL JonPy2021/534 Date: 17.02.2021 slips nse ARR nea ‘Malton ation neta ma onan aie renee OF ‘You are requested to kindly review and gve your concurrence on the submited Drewing nd Design vide ureter no. 392 dated 73/11/2020, 0 that we can start ther formals fo aking approval from Relays aseaiy as possible ‘Thorking you and assuring you the esto services tal times, we remain Yours fathly, For 8 on behalf of Bind Gohana High Gopyta 1) General Manager (Tech) & Project Diractor, National Highways Authority of india, Project Implementation Unt (PIU)Rohtak, 305, Vidyanketan Road, Near D-Park, Mage! Town Roftak-124001 (Haryana) 2) The Independent Engineer, M/s. Casta Engineers Pvt Ltd in3V with M/s. Sow Ltd A 26, 1* Flor, 8-1 Extension, Mohan Cooperative Indus Estate, New Dalh-10048 Boge 20}. JIND GOHANA HIGHWAY PRIVATE LIMITED ‘eg Ofc At Flr, Vis Surya Shopping Mal, Pet No.8, Maram Palace, Sec 3, Rin, Oi 11085 a jn gthana@bqec Pr 299999, 011-27540305, CN UAsSO9020T9PTCSHSSIE P3 OF Ew wD EARTHCON SYSTEMS () Pt. Lt. ‘40, a Phase 2, Deli 110320 emai swan Recommendation for Gap Slab and Approach Slab Technical Note ev. 0 13% May'2020 Recommendation for Gap Slab and Approach Slab \Whenerer the abutment pers designed wit ple foundations, itis customary ta place closing ‘wal bein the pile cap. This creates a gap between the cosing wall and the art wal, A gap slabs invariably provided to bridge this gap. This gap can vary from Im to Sm. mA ca Some ofthe structural engineers are using a bank seat to support this gap slab on one side ‘and the approach slab onthe other. This bank seat sits about a meter behind the closing wall ‘The bank seat crates a problem in construction because it interferes withthe sol reinforcing elements of both long walls and closing wall So, this practically renders this scheme lunworkaole. However, the practice is going on without realizing how it should be implemeted inthe fied “The other disadvantage ofthe bank seat Is that it ereates a lne load over the reinforced fil ‘lose to te closing wal. Let us admit thatthe closing walls andthe adjoining long wals inthe Immediate vicirity are not designed as per the true agykment procedures of RS wall and this Une load s ignored, isk rowel of 5 “At times it has been noticed that after the constuction of RS walls is completed, the “structures team mobiles to construct the bank Seat, gap slab and approach slab ete. The ‘structures team cuts open the RS wall embankment and creates space for construction of ‘backseat by removing the sol alongwith soilreinforcng elements! In aneinstance, even the ong wall anels were cut to construct bank seat a per the des. raged Of 5. e Itis obvious thatthe us of bank eatin the present form isnot a good solution. fis proposed to make Gap Slab and Approach Slab monolithic and with ths eliminate the bank seat and ‘achieve a uniform load distribution, Psge3 OF 5 S joy van fa eee em on —| u 2 H HHH i HL TGA TEEETH

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