Correlation Regression

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Dr. Md Razib Alam

Dr. Md Razib Alam 1

The Coefficient of Correlation (r) is a measure of the strength
of the relationship between two variables.
Also called Pearson’s r and It requires interval or ratio-
Pearson’s product moment
scaled data.
correlation coefficient.
It can range from Pearson's r
-1.00 to 1.00.
Values of -1.00 or 1.00
indicate perfect and strong
correlation. -1 0 1
Negative values indicate an Values close to 0.0 indicate
inverse relationship and weak correlation.
positive values indicate a The Coefficient
direct relationship.
of Correlation, r
Product Moment Correlation

Dr. Md Razib Alam 3

Partial Correlation

Dr. Md Razib Alam 4

Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination (r2) is the
proportion of the total variation in the dependent
variable (Y) that is explained or accounted for by the
variation in the independent variable (X).
It is the square of the coefficient of correlation.
It ranges from 0 to 1.
It does not give any information on the direction
of the relationship between the variables.
Regression Analysis

Dr. Md Razib Alam 6

Bivariate Regression

Dr. Md Razib Alam 7

Formulate the Bivariate Regression Model

Dr. Md Razib Alam 8

Multiple Regression

Multiple regression involves a single dependent variable and two or

more independent variables.
• Can variation in sales be explained in terms of variation in advertising
expenditures, prices, and level of distribution?
• Can variation in market shares be accounted for by the size of the sales
force, advertising expenditures, and sales promotion budgets?
• Are consumers’ perceptions of quality determined by their perceptions
of prices, brand image, and brand attributes?
Multiple Regression

Dr. Md Razib Alam 10

The general multiple regression with k independent variables is
given by:

Y ' = a + b1 X 1 + b2 X 2 +...+bk X k
Greek letters are
used for a (a) and a is the Y-intercept.
b (b) when X1 to Xk are the
denoting independent
population variables.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 11

List of Variables for Our Example
Output Variable (Y): csat
Predictor variables (X): expense, percent, income, high, college
csat= Mean composite SAT score
expense= Per pupil expenditures
percent= % HS graduates taking SAT
income= Median household income
high= % adults HS diploma
college= % adults college degree

Dr. Md Razib Alam 12

. regress csat expense percent income high college

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 51

F(5, 45) = 42.23
Model 184663.309 5 36932.6617 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 39351.2012 45 874.471137 R-squared = 0.8243
Adj R-squared = 0.8048
Total 224014.51 50 4480.2902 Root MSE = 29.571

csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

Dr. Md Razib Alam 13


Dr. Md Razib Alam 14


Anova Table

• Source – This is the source of variance, Model,

Residual, and Total. The Total variance is partitioned
into the variance which can be explained by the
independent variables (Model) and the variance
which is not explained by the independent
variables (Residual, sometimes called Error). Note
that the Sums of Squares for the Model and
Residual add up to the Total Variance, reflecting the
fact that the Total Variance is partitioned into
Model and Residual variance.
Anova Table

SS – These are the Sum of Squares associated with the three sources of variance, Total, Model and
Residual. These can be computed in many ways. Conceptually, these formulas can be expressed as:
SSTotal The total variability around the mean. S(Y – Ybar)2. SSResidual The sum of squared errors
in prediction. S(Y – Ypredicted)2. SSModel The improvement in prediction by using the predicted
value of Y over just using the mean of Y. Hence, this would be the squared differences between the
predicted value of Y and the mean of Y, S(Ypredicted – Ybar)2. Another way to think of this is the
SSModel is SSTotal – SSResidual.

Note that the SSTotal = SSModel + SSResidual.

Note that SSModel / SSTotal is equal to .8243, the value of R-Square. This is because R-Square is
the proportion of the variance explained by the independent variables, hence can be computed by
SSModel / SSTotal. Dr. Md Razib Alam 16
Anova Table

df – These are the degrees of freedom associated with the sources of variance. The total variance has
N-1 degrees of freedom. In this case, there were N=51 students, so the DF for total is 50. The model
degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of predictors minus 1 (K-1). You may think this would
be 5-1 (since there were 5 independent variables in the model, expense, percent, income, high, and
college). But, the intercept is automatically included in the model (unless you explicitly omit the
intercept). Including the intercept, there are 6 predictors, so the model has 6-1=5 degrees of
freedom. The Residual degrees of freedom is the DF total minus the DF model, 50 – 5 is 45.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 17

Anova Table

MS – These are the Mean Squares, the Sum of Squares divided by their respective DF. For the Model,
184663.309 / 5 = 36932.6617. For the Residual, 39351.2012 / 45 = 874.471137. These are computed so you can
compute the F ratio, dividing the Mean Square Model by the Mean Square Residual to test the significance of the
predictors in the model.
F=36932.6617/874.471137= 42.23

Dr. Md Razib Alam 18

Overall Model Fit

• Number of obs – This is the number of observations used in the regression

• F – The F-value is the Mean Square Model (36932.6617) divided by the Mean
Square Residual (874.471137), yielding F=42.23
• Prob > F - This is the p-value of the model. It indicates the reliability of X to
predict Y. Usually we need a p-value lower than 0.05 to show a statistically
significant relationship between X and Y.
• R-square shows the amount of variance of Y explained by X. In this case the
model explains 82.43% of the variance in SAT scores.
• Root MSE: root mean squared error, is the sd of the regression. The closer to zero
better the fit.
Dr. Md Razib Alam 19
Overall Model Fit

• Adj R-squared – Adjusted R-square. As predictors are added to the model, each predictor will
explain some of the variance in the dependent variable simply due to chance.
• One could continue to add predictors to the model which would continue to improve the ability
of the predictors to explain the dependent variable, although some of this increase in R-square
would be simply due to chance variation in that particular sample.
• The adjusted R-square attempts to yield a more honest value to estimate the R-squared for the
population. The value of R-square was 0.8243, while the value of Adjusted R-square was 0.8048
• Adjusted R-squared is computed using the formula 1 – ((1 – Rsq)((N – 1) /( N – k – 1)). From this
formula, you can see that when the number of observations is small and the number of
predictors is large, there will be a much greater difference between R-square and adjusted R-
square (because the ratio of (N – 1) / (N – k – 1) will be much greater than 1). By contrast, when
the number of observations is very large compared to the number of predictors, the value of R-
square and adjusted R-square will be much closer because the ratio of (N – 1)/(N – k – 1) will
approach 1.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 20

Parameter Estimates
csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

csat– This column shows the dependent variable at the top (csat) with the
predictor variables below it (expense, percent, income, high, college and _cons).
The last variable (_cons) represents the constant, also referred to in textbooks
as the Y intercept, the height of the regression line when it crosses the Y axis. In
other words, this is the predicted value of csat when all other variables are 0.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 21

Parameter Estimates
csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

Coef. – These are the values for the regression equation for predicting the dependent variable from the
independent variable. The regression equation is presented as:
csat = 851.56 + 0.003*expense – 2.62*percent + 0.11*income + 1.63*high + 2.03*college

These estimates tell you about the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent
variable. These estimates tell the amount of increase in csat scores that would be predicted by a 1 unit
increase in the predictor. Note: For the independent variables which are not significant, the coefficients are
not significantly different from 0, which should be taken into account when interpreting the coefficients.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 22

Parameter Estimates
csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

Std. Err. – These are the standard errors associated with the coefficients. The standard error is
used for testing whether the parameter is significantly different from 0 by dividing the parameter
estimate by the standard error to obtain a t-value (see the column with t-values and p-
values). The standard errors can also be used to form a confidence interval for the parameter, as
shown in the last two columns of this table.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 23

Parameter Estimates
csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

t-The t-values test the hypothesis that the coefficient is different from 0. To reject this, you need a t-value
greater than 1.96 (at 0.05 confidence). You can get the t-values by dividing the coefficient by its standard
error. The t-values also show the importance of a variable in the model. In this case, percent is the most

P>|t|- Two-tail p-values test the hypothesis that each coefficient is different from 0. To reject this, the p-value
has to be lower than 0.05 (you could choose also an alpha of 0.10). In this case, expense, income, and college
are not statistically significant in explaining SAT; high is almost significant at 0.10. Percent is the only variable
that has some significant impact on SAT (its coefficient is different from 0)
If you use a 1-tailed test (i.e., you hypothesize that the parameter will go in a particular direction), then you
can divide the p-value by 2 before comparing it to your pre-selected alpha level.
Dr. Md Razib Alam 24
Parameter Estimates
csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

The coefficient for expense (.0033528) is not statistically significantly different from 0 because its p-value is larger than 0.05.

The coefficient for percent (-2.618177) is significantly different from 0 using alpha of 0.05 because its p-value is 0.000,
which is smaller than 0.05.

The coefficient for income (.1055853) is not statistically significantly different from 0 because its p-value is larger than 0.05.

The coefficient for high (1.630841) is not statistically significantly different from 0 because its p-value is larger than 0.05.

The coefficient for college (2.030894) is not statistically significantly different from 0 because its p-value is larger than 0.05.

The constant (_cons) is significantly different from 0 at the 0.05 alpha level. However, having a significant intercept is seldom
Dr. Md Razib Alam 25
Parameter Estimates
csat Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

expense .0033528 .0044709 0.75 0.457 -.005652 .0123576

percent -2.618177 .2538491 -10.31 0.000 -3.129455 -2.106898
income .1055853 1.166094 0.09 0.928 -2.243048 2.454218
high 1.630841 .992247 1.64 0.107 -.367647 3.629329
college 2.030894 1.660118 1.22 0.228 -1.312756 5.374544
_cons 851.5649 59.29228 14.36 0.000 732.1441 970.9857

[95% Conf. Interval] – This shows a 95% confidence interval for the coefficient. This is very useful as it helps
you understand how high and how low the actual population value of the parameter might be. The confidence
intervals are related to the p-values such that the coefficient will not be statistically significant if the confidence
interval includes 0.

Dr. Md Razib Alam 26

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