ESP Nisa Sugandari 201812500232

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Name : Nisa Sugandari

Class   : X7B
NPM   : 201812500232
Review Question 54
1. This behaviorism method is very suitable for the acquisition of abilities that
require practice and habituation that contain elements such as: speed,
spontaneity, flexibility, reflexes, endurance and so on, for example: foreign
language conversation, typing, dancing, using a computer, swimming, sports
and so on. etc. This theory is also suitable to be applied to train children who
still need the dominance of adult roles, like to repeat and have to be used to,
like to imitate and are happy with forms of direct rewards such as being
given candy or praise.
2. Behaviorism In behavioristic theory, educators dominate in the process of
learning activities. His job is to transfer knowledge to the learner, by
providing a stimulus, reward or punishment in learning activities to achieve
good learning outcomes. While students are seen as passive objects.
Cognitivism The role of educators according to cognitive learning theory is
as a guide to develop the cognitive potential that exists in each student. In
learning activities, the active involvement of students is very important. To
attract interest and increase learning retention, it is necessary to link new
knowledge with the cognitive structure that is already owned.
3. Constructivism and progressivism make students as "subjects", because by
making students as subjects they will be able to think systematically and
through these ways such as providing analysis, consideration, and
conclusion actions towards selecting the most likely alternative for solving
problems faced by students. .
4. This difference will be able to cause a gap between students, if a teacher
cannot control the differences that occur. So, students who are smart will get
smarter and those who are less intelligent will be left behind.
5. look more at the side of the development of the human personality.
Humanism focuses on the problem of how each individual is influenced and
guided by personal desires that are linked to their own experiences
Review Question 62.
1. Needs analysis can be an important asset for English teachers for specific
purposes (ESP) to identify the main requirements or needs of their students
and determine the areas where they lack skills, so if you don't do a needs
analysis you may not achieve the desired learning objectives. .
2. the target to be achieved to adjust how long it takes
3. Yes, because the placement test is included in the needs analysis which is
used to collect information about the needs of students. Learning needs refer
to what the learner needs to do to learn. This relates to the methods and
activities in the learning process that will be used.

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