Realization and Reaction Paper

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Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy may be recommended as part of your cancer treatment by your doctor. This is governed by the
nucleus of the cell. The instructions for directing this process are encoded in DNA, which is found inside each nucleus.
The DNA of cells might be damaged from time to time. In a healthy cell, the DNA will either repair itself or instruct the
cell to die. Cancer, on the other hand, damages the sections of the cell's DNA that control cell division. DnA is unable to
repair itself when these portions are destroyed, and the cell dies as a result. Instead, unrepaired DnA causes the cell to
divide uncontrollably, resulting in more damaged cells known as cancer cells. As cancer cells expand and displace
normal cells, a tumor emerges. The tumor creates its own blood supply as it grows larger. Because cancer cells do not
adhere to each other as well as healthy cells. They have the potential to break out and penetrate neighboring blood
arteries. Cancer cells in blood arteries have the potential to spread to other parts of your body and develop new
tumors. Metastasis is the medical term for this. Additional tumors could develop in the lungs, liver, or bones.

Chemotherapy medications work by focusing on fast-growing, replicating cells, which are found in cancer cells. As
the cells cease proliferating and die, the tumor decreases. The majority of chemotherapy medications function in a
methodical manner as they circulate throughout your body through your bloodstream, damaging metastatic cancer
cells in other organs. Chemotherapy medications, unfortunately, are unable to distinguish between fast-growing
normal cells and cancer cells, and as a result, some of your fast-growing normal cells, such as those in your bone
marrow, digestive system, and hair follicles, are damaged or irritated.

Chemotherapy is an effective treatment for many types of cancer, but it also comes with a risk of adverse effects.
Some chemotherapy side effects are minor and controllable, while others can be life-threatening. Chemotherapy
medications can have serious side effects. Each medicine has its own set of adverse effects, and not all drugs produce
all of them. Inquire with your doctor about the potential adverse effects of the medications you'll be taking. During
chemotherapy, you'll see your cancer doctor (oncologist) on a frequent basis. Your oncologist will inquire about any
adverse effects you're having, as many of them can be managed. You may also have scans and other tests to monitor
your cancer during chemotherapy treatment, depending on your situation. These tests can help your doctor figure out
how your cancer is reacting to treatment and change your treatment accordingly.
Investigative Documentaries: Kuwento ng isang cervical cancer survivor, alamin

Jennifer Germino is a Facebook group moderator. Cervical cancer is present in this population. Cervical cancer is a
cancer that starts in the cells of the cervix, which is the bottom section of the uterus that attaches to the vaginal canal.
One of their wishes in this group of cervical cancer patients is to never lose hope and to complete recovery for cancer
patients because in this group, they may express sentiments and thoughts that they are unable to communicate with
others such as their family, friends, and so on.

This is a private Facebook community with around 2000 members. People also have a group chat where they share
their cancer stories. One of the members shares her experience with cervical cancer and how, due to a lack of funds,
she is unable to treat her cancer on an ongoing basis. So she requires finances to treat the cancer as soon as possible
because cancer is a fast-growing cell in the body, and she must cure it as soon as possible to avoid more suffering.

Jennifer has also been diagnosed with cervical cancer and is currently in stage 3. To make the most of her limited
time, she created a Facebook group. She found sympathy in this group, as if she had found someone to lean on or talk
to about her situation, especially since her siblings had abandoned her. She initially refused to undergo chemotherapy
because she believed she would die soon, but she eventually decided to do it so she could be with her family. Until she
is cancer-free, it indicates the tumor is gone, but it is still possible for the tumor to recur as long as her cervix is not

According to the expert, knowing the number or having a restriction on time makes a person cherish it more. Every
hour counts, so utilize it wisely, and we'll always be grateful, especially because we can't go back in time and alter
things if we want to.
Pinoy MD: Facts and myths about breast cancer

This video discusses the facts and myths about breast cancer, especially since most women are afraid to go to the
hospital these days. Through this video, we will learn the signs and symptoms, as well as the facts and myths about
breast cancer, so that we can be aware of what is happening to us and what should be avoided to avoid breast cancer.

Nikki Canlas opened up about her situation, which is that she is dealing with breast cancer. She felt something grow
a jolen on her left breast at first, but she dismissed it because she had never felt pain on it until she was in a motor
accident, after which she felt pain on her left breast all the time and until the lump in her left breast became larger.
After that, she decided to go to the hospital, where she discovered she had stage 3 breast cancer. She questioned why
she was subjected to such suffering. Despite her terrible circumstances, Nikiki is now fighting her sickness. and she
said she was simply thinking about her family or that's where she gets her strength.

According to the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer
worldwide, not only in the Philippines. If you have a visible lump in your breast and are experiencing chest pain, it is
important to contact a doctor as soon as possible. Functional breast imaging, in addition to biopsy, is one of the most
effective approaches to identify cancer. Breast cancer can be treated using brachytherapy, according to Dr. San
Agustin. He also emphasized that being in a car accident does not necessarily mean they have breast cancer, especially
if they do not have a lump or experience breast cancer symptoms. There is also nothing to lose by leading a healthy
lifestyle, particularly when it helps to build our bodies and, as a result, we can battle other diseases besides cancer.

As a result, we must understand the facts and myths about breast cancer in order to avoid and prevent it, as well as
to check ourselves in order to treat it quickly and prevent it from worsening.

This video discusses the PROS AND CONS OF ONCOLOGY NURSING, which Rachel Lyn will cover. For the past 5
years, she has been an oncology nurse. She worked in acute care oncology, and they were either her favorite or she
had a soft spot in her heart for them. So her first pro for oncology nursing is the relationships she builds with her
patients, and her second pro is that staffing ratios are frequently lower when providing chemo. Her next pro is a little
more subjective, but it is the main reason she loves becoming an oncology nurse: it feels like such a honor to be there
for someone when they are going through something as terrible as a cancer diagnosis. Her next pro kind of contradicts
itself, but one of the best aspects of her job as an oncology nurse is that patients will occasionally come in just for
chemo. The next pro is if you don't love ivs, next pro of her is that the pros are gonna outweigh the cons by one and the
fact that there are so many opportunities for patient education with oncology is her last pro. Her first con is how
emotionally draining the work can be, her next con could be a pro depending on like what you want in a workplace,
the next con is that oncology patients can become quite ill and the fact that chemo is so unexpected is the next con she
has, and the last con is that you must complete some continuing education every two years. As a result, she was given
a total of 6 pros and 5 cons.

Rachel Lyn had an experience with two patients of similar ages, one of whom was on their last day of chemotherapy.
They had gone through multiple cycles and had responded quite well, so they were enjoying the end of their
chemotherapy or treatment. Then she had another patient who had not responded well to any of the treatments they
had received, including multiple types of chemotherapy, surgery, but their cancer had spread and their prognosis had
deteriorated to the point where they were discussing comfort care measures, and the patient and her family were
upset about what they had discovered. She stated many more things she had experienced as an oncology nurse, but
these are some of them, such as staying in the inpatient setting because she feels that if she was in the clinic all day,
that's all she'd be doing.

I learned a lot from her, particularly about her experiences as an oncology nurse, why she loved her patients, why
she was admired for her work, and so on. I also learned that as an oncology nurse, you are there to watch the changes
in their lives, to see the ups and downs, as well as the hardships that they face. Sometimes you have to do more
monitoring depending on what the type of chemo is and patients may require vital signs to determine whether their
vital signs are normal or not.
Salamat Dok: Ihza Mae Espina suffers from Lung Cancer

Aizah mae espina revealed her experience with lung cancer in this video. She mentioned that she got it from
secondhand smoke and from his coworkers. She initially suspected tuberculosis, but it turned out to be cancer. She
stated that it doesn't matter where she received it; what matters is that she can continue the treatment.

According to the global adult tobacco survey, the majority of secondhand smoking happens inside bars and
nightclubs. Second, there is public transit where secondhand smoke may be gained, third, it can be obtained directly
inside the house, and fourth one, it can be obtained at work.

For smokers, we must take responsibility for what we do, especially since we are endangering not only our own
lives but also the lives of others who inhale cigarettes. We must value and care for ourselves, especially since we
cannot get it back when we are in danger of losing our lives.

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