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2 Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
(PFRS) - Accounting standards issued by FRSC.

-Constitute the generally accepted accounting

GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING standards observed in the Philippines.
-PFRS include the following:
Accounting - “the language of business", it also
follows basic concepts or principles for its proper  Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS)
use.  Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles  Philippine Interpretations developed by
(GAAP) - comprises the conventions, rules, the Philippine Interpretations Committee
processes, principles, standards, and underlying
assumptions that are used in preparing financial
-Members of the accounting profession have
-Sets out the concepts that underlie the preparation
agreed on these principles and accepted them on
and presentation of financial statements for
the basis of experience, reason, custom, usage, and
external users.
practical necessity.

GAAP is not rigid or unchanging – accounting

principles continue to evolve as a response to the PURPOSE OF THE FRAMEWORK
changes in the financial information needs of
business stakeholders.  Assist the FRSC in developing accounting
standards that represent GAAP in the
 Assist the FRSC in its review and
adoption of existing International
Financial Reporting Standards.
-the official accounting standard setting  Assist prepares of financial statements in
body in the Philippines. applying FRSC Philippine Financial
Reporting Standards and in dealing with
-Primary task of FRSC is to improve and topics that have yet to from the subject of
establish accounting standards that will be an FRSC Statement.
generally accepted in the Philippines.  Assist auditors in forming an opinion as to
whether financial statements conform with
Philippine GAAP.
 Assists users of financial statements in
interpreting the information contained in
financial statements prepared in
conformity with Philippine GAAP.
 Provide those who are interested in the
work of the FRSC with information about
The chairman and the members of the FRSC serve its approach to the formulation of
a term of three years that are renewable for another Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
The Framework - is not a Philippine Financial Those who contribute assets to a business have
Reporting Standard (PFRS) and hence does not legal claims on those assets.
define standards for any particular measurement or
disclosure issue. In case of conflict, the The accounting equation states that the total assets
requirements of the PFRS shall prevail over those of the business are equal to the sum of the assets
of the Framework contributed by owners and the assets contributed
by creditors.
The Framework deals with the following matters:
• Matching Principle - Profit or loss is computed
 Objective of financial statements by deducting expenses incurred from the income
 Underlying assumptions in the preparation earned during an accounting period.
of financial statements
 Qualitative characteristics that determine -This means that the income recorded and reported
the usefulness of information in financial in one accounting period should be matched
statements against the expenses that directly or indirectly
contribute to the generation of the income.
 Definition, recognition and measurement
of the elements of the financial statements
• Accrual Basis - Income is recognized when it is
 Concepts of capital and capital
earned, regardless of when cash is received.
Expenses are recognized when incurred, regardless
of when cash is paid.
• Periodicity (Time Period Concept) - To make
Accounting calls for scientific approach toward the effective economic decisions, timely financial
recording of innumerable business transactions. information must be made available to decision-
There are various accounting conventions, makers.
principles and concepts that are meant to serve as
-The periodicity concept assumes that the
guidelines to the whole process of accounting of a
operating life of an enterprise may be conveniently
business entity.
divided into time periods of equal length (such as
The following are basic concepts which form the one year), called accounting periods. This allows
basis for proper accounting: accounting to provide information on a timely
basis and makes it possible for users of financial
• Business Entity Principle - This concept states statements to assess the condition and performance
the business is considered a separate accounting of the business across time periods (for example,
entity, distinct and separate from the owner(s). The comparing the amount of net income this year to
personal transactions of owners are not included in last year).
the records of the business.
• Going Concern (Continuity Assumption) - The
Accounting entity - is an organization (or a financial statements are normally prepared on the
section or division of an organization) that is assumption that an enterprise is a going concern
accounted for as a separate economic unit. and will continue in operation for the foreseeable
future. It is assumed that the enterprise has neither
• Dual-effect of Business Transactions - The
the intention nor the need to liquidate or curtail
resources controlled by a business are referred to materially the scale of its operations.
as its assets. For a new business, these assets
originate from two possible sources:

o Owners
o Creditors who extend loans to the business
• Cash Basis of Accounting - A method used in  expenses
accounting for business transactions. Under this
Elements for the statement of changes in equity
method, income is recognized when cash is
and the statement of cash flows:
received, and expenses are recognized when cash
is paid.  Assets
 Equity
-The basic purpose of accounting is to provide  Revenue/income and
quantitative financial information about a business  Expenses
that is useful to users in making economic
Accountants/bookkeepers - accumulate financial
information through the preparation of financial Assets - is a resource owned and/or controlled by
statements. the enterprise. It is expected to provide future
economic benefits to the enterprise.
Financial Statements - is where the information
collected and processed in financial accounting is - Are acquired by an enterprise as a result
communicated to users on a periodic basis. of a past transaction or event.

-Financial statements are the end-product - The enterprise should have the capacity
of the financial accounting process. to restrict or prevent other entities from enjoying
the economic benefits arising from the use of the
 Statement of financial position or balance Cash – money on hand, or in banks, and other
sheet items considered as medium of exchange in
 Statement of comprehensive income business transactions.
 Statement of changes in equity
 Statement of cash flows Accounts receivable – valid claims from
 Notes to the financial statements. customers or clients arising from the provision of
services or delivery of goods wherein the price for
these services or goods have not yet been paid (on
THE ELEMENTS OF THE FINANCIAL account or on credit).
Supplies on hand – refers to supplies purchased
Financial statements - portray the financial by an enterprise (Ex: bond paper, envelopes,
effects of transactions and other events by printer cartridges, pencils, etc.) which are unused
grouping them into broad classes according to as of the reporting date.
their economic characteristics. These broad classes
are termed the elements of financial statements. Merchandise inventory – goods which have been
bought from suppliers for resale to customers at a
Elements for the measurement of financial price higher than cost.
Property, Plant, and Equipment – long-lived
 Assets assets which have been acquired for use in
 Liabilities operations. (Ex: Land, building, machinery,
 Equity furniture, fixtures, equipment, vehicles)

Elements for the measurement of performance are:

 Revenue/income LIABILITIES
Liability - is a present obligation of the enterprise - Also called partners’ equity, in the case
arising from past events, which are to be settled in of partnerships, and shareholders’ equity in the
the future. case of corporations.

-Liabilities are settled by paying cash, the

delivery of goods, the provision of services, or
settled in some other form. ELEMENTS PERTAINING TO
Accounts Payable – amounts due to suppliers for
goods purchased on account or for services • Income - refers to increases in economic benefits
received on account. during the accounting period in the form of
inflows or enhancements of assets, or decreases of
Salaries Payable – salaries due to employees liabilities that result in increase in equity, other
which are unpaid as of reporting date. than those a relating to contributions from equity
participants. The definition of income
Utilities Payable – amounts due to utility
encompasses both revenue and gains.
companies for electricity, heat, light and water
charges. Revenue - arises in the course of the ordinary
activities of an enterprise and is referred to by
Advances from Customers – amounts received
different names such as: sales, fees, interest,
from customers, in advance, for the delivery of
dividends, royalties, and rent.
goods or provision of services. (Unearned
Revenue) • Expenses - refers to the decreases in economic
Loans Payable – obligations of an enterprise to benefits during the accounting period in the form
lenders (such as banks and finance companies) to of outflows or depletions of assets or incidences of
be paid on demand or at a specified future date liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other
agreed between the enterprise and the lender. than those relating to distributions to equity

-The definition of expenses encompasses losses as

EQUITY well as those expenses that arise in the course of
the ordinary activities of the enterprise.
Equity - Creditors and owners both have claims
on the assets of the enterprise. The claim of
creditors is known as creditors’ equity or simply,
liabilities. The claim of owners is known as
owner’s equity or simply, equity or capital.
Recognition - the process of incorporating in the
- Is the residual interest in the assets of the
statement of financial position, or statement of
enterprise after deducting all its liabilities. Equity
comprehensive income, an item that meets the
refers to the claim of the owner(s) of the enterprise
definition of an element and satisfies the criteria
to the assets of the business after all the claims of
for recognition.
creditors have been settled or paid.
-An item that meets the definition of an element
-Equity arises from the original investment
should be recognized if:
by an owner (proprietor, partner, or shareholder)
into the business. Equity is increased by additional  It is probable that any future economic
investments by the owner/s, and by profit earned benefit associated with the item will flow
during a period. On the other hand, losses and to or from the enterprise
withdrawals by the owner/s decrease equity.  The item has a cost or value that can be
measured with reliability.
-Following these two main criteria, we can - Is the most commonly used measurement
summarize the recognition principles for each basis in accounting because it is deemed as the
element, as follows: most objective basis.

 Asset is recognized in the statement of • Current cost - Assets are carried at the amount
financial position when it is probable that of cash or cash equivalents they would have to be
the future economic benefits will flow to paid if the same or an equivalent asset was
the enterprise and the asset has a cost or acquired currently. Liabilities are carried at the
value that can be measured reliably. undiscounted amount of cash or cash equivalents
 Liability is recognized in the statement of that would be required to settle the obligation
financial position when it is probable that currently.
an outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits will result from the • Realizable (settlement) value - Assets are
settlement of a present obligation and the carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalent
amount at which the settlement will take that could currently be obtained by selling the
place can be measured reliably. asset in an orderly disposal. Liabilities are carried
 Income is recognized in the statement of at their settlement values; that is the undiscounted
comprehensive income when increase in amounts of cash or cash equivalents expected to be
future economic benefits related to an paid to satisfy the liabilities in the normal course
increase in an asset or a decrease of a of business.
liability has arisen that can be measured
(Users of financial statements are mentioned
again. See reviewer 1)
 Expenses are recognized in the statement
of comprehensive income when a decrease
in future economic benefits related to a
decrease in an asset or an increase of a INFORMATION PROVIDED BY
liability has arisen than can be measured FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
• Financial position - This refers to the condition
of a business, in monetary terms, as of a given date
or point in time.
THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -The financial position of an enterprise is
affected by the economic resources it controls, its
Measurement - is the process of determining the financial structure, its liquidity and solvency, and
monetary amounts at which the elements of the its capacity to adapt to changes in the environment
financial statements are to be recognized and in which it operates.
carried in the financial statements.
-Information about financial position is
MEASUREMENT BASES primarily provided in a statement of financial
position or balance sheet.
• Historical cost - Assets are recorded at the
amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair o Liquidity - the availability of cash in the
value of the consideration given to acquire them at near future to cover currently maturing
the time of their acquisition. Liabilities are liabilities or obligations.
provided at the amount of proceeds received in o Solvency - the availability of cash over the
exchange for the obligation or in some long term to meet obligations when they
circumstances, at the amounts of cash or cash fall due.
equivalents expected to be paid to satisfy the o Capacity for adaptation - the ability of
liability in the normal course of business. the enterprise to use its available cash for
unexpected requirements and investment

Performance or profitability - refers to whether a

company is able to generate profit or incur a loss
during a particular accounting period. Information
about performance is primarily provided in a
statement of comprehensive income.
Summary of Information Provided by Financial
Statements and Elements of Financial Statements The statement of comprehensive income has two

o the profit/loss portion (income statement)

o the other comprehensive income portion.

Income Statement - also called statement of

performance, profit/loss statement, or statement of

- Is a useful tool for evaluating

management’s stewardship of the resources of the
EXAMPLE OF STATEMENT OF enterprise. It is also useful in assessing the inflow
FINANCIAL POSITION and outflow of cash.


Information concerning changes in the financial

position of an enterprise is useful in order to assess
its investing, financing and operating activities
during the reporting period. This information
provides financial statement users with a basis to
assess the ability of the enterprise to generate cash
and cash equivalents and the needs of the
enterprise to utilize those cash flows.

Statement of Changes in Equity - shows the

balance of the owner’s investment in the business
at the beginning of the accounting period,
additional investments made by the owner,
withdrawals (drawings) by the owner for personal - Responsible for selecting and applying
use, the profit or loss for the period, and the the accounting policies and principles which are
balance of the owner’s investment at the end of the appropriate for the company.
accounting period.



Underlying assumptions - refer to concepts

which are assumed to have been applied in
preparing financial statements. There are two
underlying assumptions:


STATEMENTS  Going Concern
While all of the information needs of these users
cannot be met by financial statements, there are QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF
needs which are common to all users. As investors FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
are providers of risk capital to the enterprise, the
provision of financial statements that meet their Qualitative characteristics - are the attributes that
needs will also meet most of the needs of other make the information provided in financial
users that financial statements can satisfy. statements useful to users. The four principal
Financial statements that meet most of the needs of qualitative characteristics are:
other users are known as general- purpose
financial statements.  Relevance
 Reliability
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS These refer to the content of financial statements.

Financial statements are prepared at least  Understandability

annually.  Comparability

Interim Financial Statements - shorter- period These Refer to the way financial statements are
financial statements that are prepared for periods presented.
less than a year such as monthly, quarterly, and
Relevance - Information has the quality of
semi-annually .
relevance when it influences the economic
The frequency of preparation of financial decisions of users by helping them evaluate past,
statements depends on the needs of users and the present or future events, or confirming or
cost-benefit consideration (the cost of preparing correcting, their past evaluations.
financial statements more frequently must not
The following are the ingredients of relevance:
exceed the benefits obtained from the use of these
financial statements). o Predictive role - Information is relevant if
RESPONSIBILITY FOR FINANCIAL it is used to make predictions of, say,
STATEMENTS future cash inflows or income in future
Management - has the primary responsibility for o Confirmatory role - Information is
the preparation and presentation of the financial relevant if it is used to confirm or correct
statements of the enterprises. the earlier expectations of a financial
statement user.
o Materiality - Information is material if its o Prudence (Conservatism) - Is the
omission or misstatement could influence inclusion of a degree of caution in the
the economic decisions of users taken on exercise of judgment needed in making
the basis of the financial statements. the estimates required under conditions of
-There is no clear-cut amount uncertainty, such that assets or income
considered to be material. In determining are not overstated and liabilities or
materiality, management would ask: “If expenses are not understated.
this item is misstated or omitted from the -Whenever an accountant
financial statements, would it affect the encounters situations involving reporting
economic decisions of users?” If the uncertainties, application of prudence
answer to the question is yes, then the item requires the accountant to choose an
is considered material. alternative or accounting method which
results in higher expense or lower
income. The intentional understatement
Reliability - Information should be free from of income or overstatement of expenses
material error and bias, and can be depended upon is not a proper application of prudence.
by users to represent faithfully that which it either
purports to represent or could reasonably be o Completeness - The information in
expected to represent. financial statements must be complete
-Elements that enhance reliability include: within the bounds of materiality and cost.
An omission can cause information to be
o Faithful representation - information false or misleading and thus unreliable.
must represent faithfully the transactions
and other events it either purports to
represent or could reasonably be expected Understandability - Financial statements should
to represent. be readily understandable by its users. Words and
-This means that the actual effects other accounting terminology being used are those
of transactions should be properly expected to be known and understood by users of
accounted for and reflected in the the financial statements.
financial statements.
-For this purpose, users are assumed to
o Substance over form - It is necessary have a reasonable knowledge of business and
that transactions and other accountable economic activities and accounting and a
events are accounted for and presented in willingness to study the information with
accordance with their substance and reasonable diligence. Information about complex
economic reality and not merely their matters which are relevant to users should not be
legal form. excluded merely on the grounds that it may be too
-The substance of transactions or difficult for certain users to understand. Where
other events is not always consistent with necessary, additional explanations need to be
that which is apparent from their legal included in the financial statements in order to
form. facilitate understanding.

o Neutrality - Financial statements must be Comparability - Users must be able to compare

the financial statements of an enterprise across
free from bias. Financial statements are
accounting periods (this is known as intra-
not neutral if, by the selection or
presentation of information, they
influence the making of a decision or -For example, well-prepared and presented
judgment in order achieve a financial statements for 2012 can be compared to
predetermined result or outcome. financial statements for 2011 and other prior
periods for the purpose of determining information should not exceed the benefits of
improvements in business performance. having these information available for decision-
-Users must also be able to compare the
financial statements of different enterprises, such • Balance between Qualitative Characteristics.
as comparing financial information for two or In practice, a balancing, or trade-off, between
more enterprises in the same industry, in order to qualitative characteristics is often necessary.
evaluate their relative financial position, financial Oftentimes, relevance and reliability are not
performance and cash flows (this is known as present simultaneously as desired. Generally, the
inter-comparability). aim is to achieve an appropriate balance among the
characteristics in order to meet the objective of
-A company usually compares its
financial statements. The relative importance of
performance against the performance of
the characteristics in different cases is a matter of
competitors and industry leaders in order to
professional judgment.
motivate itself to greater achievement and address
any identified areas for improvement.



While management desires to provide the most

relevant and reliable information to financial
statement users, there are several constraints that
may cause financial statement preparers to issue
financial statements which are less relevant or less
reliable than they want it to be. These constraints

• Timeliness. If there is undue delay in the

reporting of information it may lose its relevance.
Management may need to balance the relative
merits of timely reporting and the provision of
reliable information. To provide information on a
timely basis it may often be necessary to report
before all aspects of a transaction or other event
are known, thus impairing reliability.

-Conversely, if reporting is delayed and all

aspects are known, the information may be highly
reliable but of little use to users who have had to
make decisions in the interim. In achieving a
balance between relevance and reliability, the
overriding consideration is how best to satisfy the
economic decision-making needs of users.

• Cost-benefit. The cost of providing financial

information include the cost of maintaining
financial records, computerization, salaries of
accounting personnel, supplies (paper, ink,
electricity), etc. The cost of providing financial

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