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A statement of cash flows, when used in conjunction with the rest of the financial
statements, provides information that enables users to evaluate the __________.

a. entity’s ability to affect the amounts and timing of cash flows in order to
adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities
b. organisational structure of an entity
c. changes in an entity’s profit before tax
d. All of the above

Which of the following is not an example of cash flows from operating activities?

a. Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services
b. Cash receipts from sales of property, plant and equipment, intangibles
and other long-term assets
c. Cash receipts and cash payments of an insurance entity for premiums and
claims, annuities and other policy benefits
d. Cash receipts and payments from contracts held for dealing or trading
An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a

a. from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting

b. from the LIFO method of inventory valuation to the average cost method
c. in the tax assessment related to a prior period
d. in the service life of equipment, based on changes in the economic
Which of the following is not classified as an accounting change by IASB?

a. All of these are classified as an accounting change

b. Change in the accounting policy
c. Errors in the financial statements
d. Change in accounting estimate

On January 1, 2019, Titi Corp. acquired a equipment at a cost of $500,000. It is to be

depreciated on the straight-line method over a five-year period with no residual
value. Because of a bookkeeping error, no depreciation was recognized in Titi's 2019
financial statements. The oversight was discovered during the preparation of Titi’s
2020 financial statements. Depreciation expense on this equipment for 2020 should
a. $200,000
b. $100,000
c. $0
d. $125,000

Counterbalancing errors do not include

a. an overstatement of unearned revenue

b. errors that correct themselves in three years
c. errors that correct themselves in two years
d. an understatement of purchases

A company using a perpetual inventory system neglected to record a purchase of

merchandise on account at year end. This merchandise was omitted from the
year-end physical count. How will these errors affect assets, liabilities, and equity at
year end and net income for the year?

a. Assets: Understate, Liabilities: Understate, Equity: No effect, Net

income: No effect
b. Assets: No effect, Liabilities: Overstate, Equity:Understate, Net income:
c. Assets: No effect, Liabilities: Understate, Equity: Overstate, Net income:
d. Assets: Understate, Liabilities: No effect, Equity: Understate, Net income:

Why does IASB prohibit retrospective treatment of changes in accounting estimates?

a. The IASB allow the retrospective treatment for any type of presentation
b. The IASB view changes in estimates as normal recurring corrections
and adjustments, which are the natural result of the accounting process
c. IASB does not prohibit retrospective treatment of changes in accounting
estimates, but is silent on this issue
d. The IASB prohibits retrospective treatment of changes in accounting
estimates because IFRS requires it

On January 1, 2017, Henri Co. purchased a patent for $595,000. The patent is being
amortized over its remaining legal life of 15 years expiring on January 1, 2032.
During 2020, Henri determined that the economic benefits of the patent would not
last longer than ten years from the date of acquisition. What amount should be
reported in the statement of financial position for the patent, net of accumulated
amortization, at December 31, 2020?
a. $436,375
b. $357,000
c. $420,000
d. $408,000

On January 1, 2020, Henri Corp. changed its inventory method to FIFO from
average cost for both financial and income tax reporting purposes. The change
resulted in an $800,000 increase in the January 1, 2020 inventory. Assume that the
income tax rate for all years is 30%. The cumulative effect of the accounting change
should be reported by Frost in its 2020

a. retained earnings statement as an $800,000 addition to the beginning balance

b. income statement as a $560,000 cumulative effect of accounting change
c. retained earnings statement as a $560,000 addition to the beginning
d. income statement as an $800,000 cumulative effect of accounting change

Maleeque Co. purchased building that cost $810,000 on January 4, 2018. The entire
cost was recorded as an expense. The machinery has a nine-year life and a $54,000
residual value. The error was discovered on December 20, 2020. Ignore income tax
considerations. Before the correction was made, and before the books were closed
on December 31, 2020, retained earnings was understated by

a. $810,000
b. $558,000
c. $726,000
d. $642,000

On January 1, 2017, Kim Corporation acquired equipment at a cost of $250,000. Kim

adopted the double-declining balance method of depreciation for this equipment and
had been recording depreciation over an estimated useful life of ten years, with no
residual value. At the beginning of 2020, a decision was made to change to the
straight-line method of depreciation for the equipment. The depreciation expense for
2020 would be

a. $18,286
b. $25,000
c. $35,714
d. $12,800

Rado Inc. reported cost of goods sold of €550,000 in its most recent financial statements.
The following changes also occurred during the period: Inventory increase €120,000,
Accounts payable decrease €30,000. The company prepares its statement of cash flows
using the direct method. How much should it report as cash paid to suppliers?

a. €430,000

b. €400,000

c. €700,000

d. €550,000

Investments normally qualify as a cash equivalent only when they have a short
maturity of __________.

a.Three months or less from the reporting date

b.Six month or less from the reporting date

c.Six month or less from the date of acquisition

d.Three months or less from the date of acquisition

Which of the following is not an example of cash flows from operating activities?

a.Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services
b.Cash receipts from sales of property, plant and equipment, intangibles and
other long-term assets
c.Cash receipts and cash payments of an insurance entity for premiums and claims,
annuities and other policy benefits
d.Cash receipts and payments from contracts held for dealing or trading purposes

A statement of cash flows, when used in conjunction with the rest of the financial statements,
provides information that enables users to evaluate the __________.
a. organisational structure of an entity

b.changes in an entity’s profit before tax

c.All of the above

d.entity’s ability to affect the amounts and timing of cash flows in order to adapt to
changing circumstances and opportunities


1. Peristiwa yang terjadi setelah tanggal laporan posisi keuangan 31 Desember 2019 (namun
sebelum laporan tersebut di otorisasi untuk diterbitkan) dan memberikan bukti tentang
kondisi yang terjadi pada laporan posisi keuangan dan mempengaruhi realisasi piutang, maka
diperlukan ……
a. Pencatatan jurnal penyesuaian secara langsung pada akun Laba ditahan
b. pengungkapan hanya di Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan
c. Pencatatan jurnal penyesuaian untuk piutang pada 31 Desember 2019
d. pembahasan pada management commentary di laporan tahunan.

2. Jika suatu perusahaan terdapat transaksi dengan pihak-pihak berelasi (related-party

transaction), maka diperlukan pengungkapan informasi berikut, kecuali………….
a. jumlah transaksi (dalam rupiah) pada masing-masing periode laporan laba rugi
b. sifat dari transaksi di masa depan yang direncanakan oleh kedua pihak dan syarat
c. sifat hubungan antar pihak yang bertransaksi
d. jumlah jatuh tempo dari pihak-pihak yang berelasi pada saat laporan posisi keuangan

3. IFRS mewajibkan
a. Pandangan integral paling sesuai untuk menyajikan laporan keuangan interim.
b. Semua perusahaan yang menerbitkan laporan tahunan harus menerbitkan laporan
c. Prinsip akuntansi yang sama harus diterapkan pada laporan tahunan dan laporan
d. Tiga laporan keuangan utama juga harus disajikan laporan interim.

4. Network Corp. mengidentifikasi empat segmen berikut: SEGMENT A-Total Revenue

(unaffiliated) $255,000-Operating profit (loss) $30,000-Identifiable Assets $900,000;
SEGMENT B-Total revenue(unaffiliated) $600,000-Operating profir (loss)
$(55,000)-Identifiable assets $800,000; SEGMENT C-Total revenue $225,000-Operating profit
(loss) $6,000-Identifiable assets $450,000; SEGMENT D-Total revenue(unaffiliated)
$90,000-Operating profit(loss) $4,000-Identifiable assets $225,000. Segmen manakah yang
memerlukan pengungkapan?
a. Segmen A, B, C, dan D
b. Segmen A dan D
c. Segmen A dan B
d. Segmen A, B, dan C
Revenue Test = 10% x (225.000 + 600.000 + 255.000 + 90.000)
= 10% x $1.170.000
= $117.000
(Segmen D tidak reportable karena kurang dari $117.000)
Loss-Profit Test = 10% x $55.000
= $5.500 (semua reportable)
Identifiable Test = 10% x (900.000 + 800.000 + 450.000 + 225.000)
= 10% x $2.375.000
= $237.500
(Segmen D tidak reportable karena kurang dari $237.500)

5. Pada Januari 2019, Morina Inc mengestimasi bonus akhir tahun untuk para pimpinan
perusahaan sebesar €720,000 untuk tahun 2019. Jumlah bonus aktual yang dibayarkan pada
tahun 2018 adalah €660,000. Estimasi bonus 2019 adalah subjek penyesuaian akhir tahun.
Berapakah jumlah (jika ada) beban yang harus disajikan pada Laporan laba rugi kuartal (untuk
3 bulan) pada periode yang berakhir 31 Maret 2019?
a. €-0-.
b. €165,000.
c. €180,000.
d. €720,000.
Pembahasan :
720,000/4 = 180,000

6. Abasa Corp. dan divisinya menyediakan informasi berikut untuk periode yang berakhir pada
31 Desember 2019: Penjualan kepada pelanggan yang tidak terafiliasi $2,500,000; Penjualan
intersegmen di mana produk tersebut mirip dengan yang dijual dengan pelanggan tidak
terafiliasi $750,000; Bunga yang diterima dari pinjaman yang diberikan pada segmen operasi
lain $50,000. Abasa dan divisinya memilliki operasi manufaktur yang sama. Abasa memiliki
reportable segment jika pendapatan segmen melebihi:
a. $330,000.
b. $250,000.
c. $255,000.
d. $325,000.
(2.500.000+750.000) x 10%
7. Pada tanggal 15 Januari 2019, Valley Inc melakukan pembayaran atas pajak bangunan untuk
tahun 2019 sebesar $560,000. Pada minggu pertama bulan April 2019, Valley melakukan
perbaikan mayor yang tidak direncanakan sebelumnya pada peralatannya dengan biaya sebesar
$1,400,000. Perbaikan ini akan memberikan manfaat sepanjang tahun. Bagaimana kedua beban
tersebut disajikan dalam laporan laba rugi triwulanan yang berakhir masing-masing pada:
3/31/19, 6/30/19, 9/30/19, dan 12/31/19?
a. $140,000; $1,540,000; $140,000; $140,000
b. $560,000; $1,400,000; $-0-; $-0-
c. $140,000; $606,667; $606,667; $606,667
d. $490,000; $490,000; $490,000; $490,000
(560:4) ; (1400:3)

8. Exa Inc memiliki piutang usaha (net) sebesar $600,000 pada 31 Desember 2018 dan
$660,000 pada 31 Desember 2019. Penjualan tunai (net) pada tahun 2019 sebesar $390,000.
Perputaran piutang pada 2019 adalah 7.0. Berapa total penjualan (net) pada tahun 2019?
a. $4,020,000.
b. $4,800,000.
c. $4,410,000.
d. $2,730,000.
Pembahasan :
(X - 390,000) / [(600,000+660,000) : 2] = 7.0
X = 4,410,000 + 390,000
X = 4,800,000

9. Di bawah ini adalah informasi dari Toba Inc.: Aset lancar terdiri dari Persediaan 220,000;
Piutang usaha 122,000; Beban dibayar dimuka 60,000; Investasi jangka pendek 150,000; Kas
8,000; Total aset lancar $560,000. Total liabilitas lancar adalah $200,000. Berapakan rasio
acid-test ?
a. 0.8 to 1.
b. 1.4 to 1.
c. 2.8 to 1.
d. 2.5 to 1.
Acid test ratio = (8.000+220.000)/200.000

10. Kerugian persediaan karena penurunan harga pasar sebesar $1,600,000 terjadi pada bulan
Mei 2019 atau setelah penerbitan laporan triwulanan pada 31 Maret 2019. Kerugian ini belum
tercatat sampai akhir tahun. Bagaimana jumlah kerugian ini seharusnya disajikan dalam laporan
triwulanan yang berakhir masing-masing pada: 3/31/19, 6/30/19, 9/30/19, dan 12/31/19?
a. $400,000; $400,000; $400,000; $400,000
b. $-0-; $1,600,000; $-0-; $-0-
c. $-0-; $533,333; $533,333; $533,333
d. $-0-; $-0-; $-0-; $1,600,000

Stream 2
11. Which of the following is not classified as an accounting change by IASB?
a. Change in the accounting policy
b. All of these are classified as an accounting change
c. Errors in the financial statements
d. Change in accounting estimate

12. An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change

a. from the LIFO method of inventory valuation to the average cost method
b. in the tax assessment related to a prior period
c. from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting
d. in the service life of equipment, based on changes in the economic environment

13. Why does IASB prohibit retrospective treatment of changes in accounting estimates?
a. The IASB view changes in estimates as normal recurring corrections and
adjustments, which are the natural result of the accounting process
b. IASB does not prohibit retrospective treatment of changes in accounting estimates, but
is silent on this issue
c. The IASB allow the retrospective treatment for any type of presentation
d. The IASB prohibits retrospective treatment of changes in accounting estimates because
IFRS requires it

14. Counterbalancing errors do not include

a. an understatement of purchases
b. errors that correct themselves in three years
c. an overstatement of unearned revenue
d. errors that correct themselves in two years

15. A company using a perpetual inventory system neglected to record a purchase of

merchandise on account at year end. This merchandise was omitted from the year-end physical
count. How will these errors affect assets, liabilities, and equity at year end and net income for
the year?
a. Assets: Understate, Liabilities: Understate, Equity: No effect, Net income: No effect
b. Assets: No effect, Liabilities: Understate, Equity: Overstate, Net income: Overstate
c. Assets: Understate, Liabilities: No effect, Equity: Understate, Net income: Understate
d. Assets: No effect, Liabilities: Overstate, Equity:Understate, Net income: Understate

16. On January 1, 2017, Kim Corporation acquired equipment at a cost of $250,000. Kim
adopted the double-declining balance method of depreciation for this equipment and had been
recording depreciation over an estimated useful life of ten years, with no residual value. At the
beginning of 2020, a decision was made to change to the straight-line method of depreciation
for the equipment. The depreciation expense for 2020 would be
a. $12,800
b. $35,714
c. $25,000
d. $18,286
Depresiasi 2017 = $250.000 x (100%/10 x 2) = $50.000
Depresiasi 2018 = $(250.000-50.000) x 20% = $40.000
Depresiasi 2019 = $(200.000-40.000) x 20% = $32.000
Nilai Buku 2019 = $(250.000-50.000-40.000-32.000) = $128.000
Depresiasi 2020 = $128.000 / 7 = $18.286

17. Maleeque Co. purchased building that cost $810,000 on January 4, 2018. The entire cost
was recorded as an expense. The machinery has a nine-year life and a $54,000 residual value.
The error was discovered on December 20, 2020. Ignore income tax considerations. Before the
correction was made, and before the books were closed on December 31, 2020, retained
earnings was understated by
A. $810,000
B. $642,000
C. $726,000
D. $558,000
Pembahasan :
Tarif Depresiasi = $(810.000-54.000) / 9 tahun = $84.000/tahun
Understate = $810.000 - Depresiasi 2 tahun (2018 & 2019)
= $810.000 - $168.000
= $642.000

18. On January 1, 2020, Henri Corp. changed its inventory method to FIFO from average cost
for both financial and income tax reporting purposes. The change resulted in an $800,000
increase in the January 1, 2020 inventory. Assume that the income tax rate for all years is 30%.
The cumulative effect of the accounting change should be reported by Frost in its 2020
a. income statement as an $800,000 cumulative effect of accounting change
b. income statement as a $560,000 cumulative effect of accounting change
c. retained earnings statement as a $560,000 addition to the beginning balance
d. retained earnings statement as an $800,000 addition to the beginning balance

19. On January 1, 2019, Titi Corp. acquired equipment at a cost of $500,000. It is to be

depreciated on the straight-line method over a five-year period with no residual value. Because
of a bookkeeping error, no depreciation was recognized in Titi's 2019 financial statements. The
oversight was discovered during the preparation of Titi’s 2020 financial statements.
Depreciation expense on this equipment for 2020 should be
a. $125,000
b. $0
c. $200,000
d. $100,000
(500.000 / 5)

20. On January 1, 2017, Henri Co. purchased a patent for $595,000. The patent is being
amortized over its remaining legal life of 15 years expiring on January 1, 2032. During 2020,
Henri determined that the economic benefits of the patent would not last longer than ten years
from the date of acquisition. What amount should be reported in the statement of financial
position for the patent, net of accumulated amortization, at December 31, 2020?
a. $357,000
b. $408,000
c. $436,375
d. $420,000
Pembahasan :
$595,000 × 3/15 = $119,000
$595,000 – $119,000 – [($595,000 – $119,000) × 1/7] = $408,000.

21. The primary purpose of the statement of cash flows is to provide information
a. that is useful in assessing cash flow prospects
b. about the operating, investing, and financing activities of a company during a period
c. about the cash receipts and cash payments of a company during a period
d. about the entity's ability to meet its obligations, its ability to pay dividends, and its needs
for external financing

22. Under IFRS where a company uses the indirect method, which of the following would not
be reported in the statement of cash flows?
a. Purchase of equipment using a note
b. An increase in inventory
c. Depreciation expense
d. Retirement of bonds payable

23. Machine which cost AUD213,000 and had accumulated depreciation of AUD114,000
was sold for AUD111,000. This transaction should be shown on the statement of cash flows
(indirect method) as a
a. addition to net income of AUD12,000 and a AUD111,000 cash inflow from financing
b. deduction from net income of AUD12,000 and a AUD111,000 cash inflow from
investing activities
c. addition to net income of AUD12,000 and a AUD99,000 cash inflow from financing
d. deduction from net income of AUD12,000 and a AUD99,000 cash inflow from
investing activities
24. Zul Incorporated, had net income for 2020 of $5,000,000. Additional information is as
follows: Amortization of patents $45,000, Depreciation on plant assets $1,650,000, Long-term
debt: Bond premium amortization $65,000 and Interest paid $900,000, Provision for doubtful
accounts: Current receivables $80,000 and Long-term nontrade receivables $30,000. What
should be the net cash provided by operating activities in the statement of cash flows for the
year ended December 31, 2020, based on the above information?
a. $6,820,000
b. $6,870,000
c. $6,740,000
d. $6,840,000
Cara : 5,000,000 + 45,000 + 1,650,000 - 65,000 + 80,000 + 30,000 = 6,740,000

25. A company acquired a building, paying a portion of the purchase price in cash and issuing a
mortgage note payable to the seller for the balance. In a statement of cash flows, what amount is
included in financing activities for the above transaction?
a. Zero
b. Acquisition price
c. Cash payment
d. Mortgage amount

26. The share dividend should be reported on the statement of cash flows (indirect method) as
a. an outflow from financing activities of £310,000
b. Share dividends are not shown on a statement of cash flows
c. an outflow from investing activities of £310,000
d. an outflow from financing activities of £200,000

27. Happy Corp.'s comparative statement of financial position at December 31, 2020 and
2019 reported accumulated depreciation balances of $800,000 and $600,000, respectively.
Property with a cost of $50,000 and a carrying amount of $38,000 was the only property sold
in 2020. Depreciation charged to operations in 2020 was
a. $212,000
b. $200,000
c. $188,000
d. $224,000
Akumulasi Depre property yg dijual = $50.000 - $38.000 = $12.000
Beban Depresiasi = Akm. Depre akhir - Akm Depre Awal + Akm. Depre Prop
= $800.000 - $600.000 + $12.000
= $212.000

28. Alana Company prepares its statement of cash flows using the direct method for
operating activities. For the year ended December 31, 2020, Alana Company reports the
following activity: Sales on account $1,300,000; Cash sales $740,000; Decrease in accounts
receivable $610,000; Increase in accounts payable $72,000; Increase in inventory $48,000;
Cost of goods sold $975,000. What is the amount of cash payments to suppliers reported by
Alana Company for the year ended December 31, 2020?
a. $951,000
b. $855,000
c. $999,000
d. $1,095,000
(COGS - account payable + inventory)

29. Sophia Co. reported sales on an accrual basis of £109,000. If accounts receivable increased
£31,000, and the allowance for doubtful accounts increased £10,000 after a write-off of £3,000,
what amount of cash sales does Sophia have?
a. £91,000
b. £85,000
c. £65,000
d. £75,000
[109,000 - (31,000+3,000)]

30. Rose, Inc. reported net income of €34,000 for the year ended December 31, 2020 Included
in net income were depreciation expense of €8,400 and a gain on sale of equipment of €1,700.
The equipment had an historical cost of €40,000 and accumulated depreciation of €24,000.
Each of the following accounts increased during 2020: Patents €4,500; Prepaid rent €6,800;
Non-trading investment €1,000; Bonds payable €5,000. What is the amount of cash provided by
or used by investing activities for Rose, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2020?
a. €5,400
b. €17,200
c. €12,200
d. (€3,800)
($40,000 – $24,000) + $1,700] – $4,500 – $1,000 = $12,200.

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