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Original Study

Human Insulin Does Not Increase Prostate

Cancer Risk in Taiwanese
Chin-Hsiao Tseng1,2,3
To evaluate the association between human insulin use and prostate cancer risk, 498,407 Taiwanese men with
type 2 diabetes were followed for 6 years. Results showed that human insulin use was not associated with
prostate cancer after multivariable adjustment. Therefore, there is no concern for an increased risk of prostate
cancer in insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes.
Background: Whether human insulin can increase the risk of prostate cancer is rarely studied. Patients and
Methods: The reimbursement databases of all Taiwanese patients with diabetes from 1996 to 2009 were retrieved
from the National Health Insurance databases of Taiwan. An entry date was set at January 1, 2004 and a total of
498,407 men with type 2 diabetes were followed for prostate cancer incidence until the end of 2009. Incidence for
ever-users, never-users, and subgroups of human insulin exposure (using tertile cutoffs of time since starting insulin,
cumulative dose, and cumulative duration of insulin) were calculated, and the age-adjusted and multivariable-adjusted
hazard ratios were estimated using Cox regression. Results: There were 72,948 ever-users and 425,459 never-users,
with respective numbers of incident prostate cancer of 768 (1.05%) and 6282 (1.48%), and respective incidence of
236.87 and 276.88 per 100,000 person-years. The overall hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) indicated a sig-
nificant negative association with insulin in the age-adjusted model (0.910; 0.843-0.981), but lack of association in the
full model adjusted for multivariables (0.989; 0.912-1.072). The hazard ratios for the different categories of the dose-
responsive parameters might show significantly lower risk with insulin use in the age-adjusted models, but none of the
hazard ratios were significant in the full models. Conclusion: This study suggests a lack of association between the
use of human insulin and prostatic cancer risk in patients with type 2 diabetes after multivariable adjustment.

Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, Vol. 12, No. 1, e7-12 ª 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Incidence, National health insurance, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Taiwan

Introduction insulin might promote the growth of the prostate by mechanisms

Long-term insulin treatment has been shown to increase the risk that upregulate the production of aromatase.4
of overall cancer mortality and incidence.1,2 However, whether in- Some in vitro and human studies provide evidence for a potential
sulin use might increase the risk of prostate cancer is still a subject of risk of prostate cancer associated with insulin use. For example,
debate. insulin and the serum of diet-induced hyperinsulinemic rats might
Theoretically, hyperinsulinemia as a result of insulin resistance in promote the growth of a prostate cancer cell line.6 The promotion
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus might increase the risk of of in vitro growth of prostate cancer cells might be induced by
prostate cancer via the insulin-like growth factor pathway3-5; and insulin through its enhancement on steroidogenesis,7 or its abro-
gation of the leptin inhibitory effect on prostate cancer cell growth.8
Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, In human observational studies, insulin level is significantly
Taipei, Taiwan
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, associated with prostate size9; and a recent Swedish prospective
National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan cohort study showed that higher insulin level might predict the
Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine of the National Health
Research Institutes, Taipei, Taiwan incidence of prostate cancer in men with a benign prostatic disor-
der.10 Another recent retrospective nested case-control study from
Submitted: May 29, 2013; Revised: Aug 8, 2013; Accepted: Aug 27, 2013; Epub:
Oct 11, 2013 the United States showed that in contrary to patients with diabetes
using metformin and thiazolidinediones, those who used sulfonyl-
Address for correspondence: Chin-Hsiao Tseng, MD, PhD, Department of Internal
Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, No. 7 Chung-Shan South Road, ureas or high-dose insulin tended to develop high-grade prostate
Taipei (100), Taiwan cancer.11 Furthermore, a recent human interventional study con-
Fax: 886-2-23883578; e-mail contact:
ducted in men with prostate cancer suggested that a diet rich in fiber

1558-7673/$ - see frontmatter ª 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer February 2014 - e7
Human Insulin and Prostate Cancer
from rye whole grain and bran might inhibit prostate cancer pro- identification number (n ¼ 64), and unclear information on date of
gression by reducing the exposure to insulin as indicated by plasma birth or sex (n ¼ 2100), a total of 498,407 male patients with a
insulin level and urinary C-peptide.12 diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus were recruited.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether human Those who had ever been prescribed with insulin (human insu-
insulin use would increase the risk of prostate cancer in patients lin) before entry date were defined as ever-users (n ¼ 72,948;
with type 2 diabetes mellitus, by using the National Health In- 14.6%); and never-users (n ¼ 425,459; 85.4%) were defined as
surance (NHI) databases of Taiwan. those who had never been prescribed any insulin before the entry
date. To evaluate whether a dose-response relationship could be
Patients and Methods observed between insulin and prostate cancer, tertile cutoffs for the
This is a retrospective cohort analysis using the NHI databases following 3 variables were used: time since starting insulin in
including all patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus during the months, duration of therapy in months, and cumulative dose in
period from 1996 to 2009 in Taiwan. The study was approved by units, were calculated from the databases and used for analyses.
an ethics review board of the National Health Research Institutes All comorbidities and covariates were determined as a status/
with registered approval number 99274. diagnosis before the entry date. The ICD-9-CM codes for the
Since March 1995, a compulsory and universal system of health comorbidities were16-18: benign prostatic hyperplasia, 600; ne-
insurance (the so-called NHI) was implemented in Taiwan. All phropathy, 580-589; urinary tract disease, 590-599; hypertension,
contracted medical institutes must submit computerized and stan- 401-405; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (a surrogate for
dard claim documents for reimbursement. More than 99% of cit- smoking), 490-496; stroke, 430-438; ischemic heart disease, 410-
izens are enrolled in the NHI, and > 98% of the hospitals 414; peripheral arterial disease, 250.7, 785.4, 443.81, and 440-448;
nationwide are under contract with the NHI. eye disease, 250.5, 362.0, 369, 366.41, and 365.44; dyslipidemia,
The National Health Research Institutes is the only organization 272.0-272.4; congestive heart failure, 398.91, 402.11, 402.91,
approved, as per local regulations, for handling the NHI reim- 404.11, 404.13, 404.91, 404.93, and 428; and cancer other than
bursement databases for academic research. The databases contain prostate cancer, 140-208 (excluding 185). Medications included
detailed records on every visit for each patient, including outpatient insulin, pioglitazone, rosiglitazone, sulfonylurea, meglitinide, met-
visits, emergency department visits, and hospital admission. The formin, acarbose, statin, fibrate, angiotensin-converting enzyme
databases also include principal and secondary diagnostic codes, inhibitor and/or angiotensin receptor blocker, calcium channel
prescription orders, and claimed expenses. blocker, aspirin, other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, alpha
The identification information of the individuals was scrambled blocker, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, and 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.
for the protection of privacy. Diabetes was coded 250.1-250.9 and Baseline characteristics between ever-users and never-users were
prostate cancer 185, based on the International Classification of compared using the c2 test.
Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). The incidence density of prostate cancer was calculated for ever-
The databases of all patients who had been diagnosed as having users and never-users and for different subgroups of exposure. The
diabetes and being treated with either oral antidiabetic agents or numerator for the incidence was the number of patients with
insulin during the period 1996 to 2009 and who remained enrolled incident prostate cancer during the 6-year follow-up (from January
in the insurance program after a selected entry date of January 1, 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009), and the denominator was the
2004 were first retrieved from the whole nation (n ¼ 1,554,800). person-years of follow-up. For ever-users, the follow-up duration
The entry date was selected based on the following reasons. First, was either censored at the date of initiation of insulin glargine or
the first insulin analogue (ie, insulin glargine) was marketed in other insulin analogues, or prostate cancer diagnosis or at the date of
Taiwan in February 2004. Therefore, all of the patients recruited at the last record of the available reimbursement databases in in-
baseline at this entry date would not have taken any form of insulin dividuals without incident prostate cancer. For never-users, the
analogues, which might show a different risk association with cancer follow-up was censored at the date of insulin initiation (including
from human insulin.13-15 Second, this entry date allowed a follow- human insulin or insulin analogues) or prostate cancer diagnosis or
up of 6 years such that a large enough sample size of incident cases the last reimbursement record, depending on whichever occurred
of prostate cancer could be collected. Third, insulin glargine or first. This ensured no exposure to insulin of any form throughout
other insulin analogues would have been used in many patients who the whole follow-up period until censor in the referent group of
had been previously treated with human insulin before the intro- never-users; and no exposure to insulin glargine or other insulin
duction of insulin analogues in Taiwan. If these users of insulin analogues in the group of ever-users of human insulin.
glargine or other insulin analogues were excluded from analyses, Cox proportional hazards regression was performed to estimate
many of the previous users of human insulin might have been the hazard ratios for prostate cancer for ever-users vs. never-users,
excluded from the analyses. and for the various subgroups of dose-responsive parameters based
After excluding women (n ¼ 746,843), patients who had a on the tertile cutoffs. The following 2 models were created: (1)
diagnosis of diabetes after the year 2004 (n ¼ 533,525), patients adjusted for age (age-adjusted model); and (2) adjusted for all var-
who held a Severe Morbidity Card as having type 1 diabetes (n ¼ iables compared previously as baseline characteristics between ever-
5521 (in Taiwan, patients with type 1 diabetes were issued a so- users and never-users (full model).
called “Severe Morbidity Card” after a certified diagnosis and they Analyses were conducted using SAS statistical software, version
were waived for much of the copayments)), patients having a 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). P < .05 was considered statistically
diagnosis of prostate cancer before 2004 (n ¼ 6916), duplicated significant.

e8 - Clinical Genitourinary Cancer February 2014

Chin-Hsiao Tseng
Table 1 Baseline Characteristics Between Ever- and Never-Users of Human Insulin (n [ 498,407)

Human Insulin
Never-Users, n [ 425,459 Ever-Users, n [ 72,948
Variable n % n % P
Age (Years) <.0001
<40 23,230 5.46 4684 6.42
40-49 75,703 17.79 10,857 14.88
50-59 115,302 27.10 17,472 23.95
60-69 103,530 24.33 19,191 26.31
70 107,694 25.31 20,744 28.44
Diabetes Duration (Years) <.0001
<1 44,268 10.40 2677 3.67
1-3 86,160 20.25 6833 9.37
3.1-5 83,806 19.70 9386 12.87
>5 211,225 49.65 54,052 74.10
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 47,209 11.10 15,246 20.90 <.0001
Nephropathy 40,486 9.52 21,037 28.84 <.0001
Urinary Tract Disease 51,663 12.14 20,139 27.61 <.0001
Hypertension 207,094 48.68 48,164 66.03 <.0001
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 54,330 12.77 19,110 26.20 <.0001
Stroke 50,162 11.79 18,712 25.65 <.0001
Ischemic Heart Disease 79,968 18.80 24,837 34.05 <.0001
Peripheral Arterial Disease 39,808 9.36 17,616 24.15 <.0001
Eye Disease 22,982 5.40 15,244 20.90 <.0001
Dyslipidemia 169,553 39.85 34,543 47.35 <.0001
Congestive Heart Failure 19,139 4.50 8929 12.24 <.0001
Other Cancer Before Baseline 35,897 8.44 8809 12.08 <.0001
Pioglitazone 8409 1.98 3310 4.54 <.0001
Rosiglitazone 35,439 8.33 15,681 21.50 <.0001
Sulfonylurea 320,019 75.22 65,839 90.25 <.0001
Meglitinide 27,024 6.35 11,951 16.38 <.0001
Metformin 263,528 61.94 62,602 85.82 <.0001
Acarbose 31,711 7.45 14,194 19.46 <.0001
Statin 77,990 18.33 19,335 26.51 <.0001
Fibrate 79,121 18.60 18,442 25.28 <.0001
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin 158,925 37.35 42,472 58.22 <.0001
Receptor Blocker
Calcium Channel Blocker 109,985 25.85 31,522 43.21 <.0001
Aspirin 105,874 24.88 31,181 42.74 <.0001
Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug (Excluding Aspirin) 229,657 53.98 60,222 82.55 <.0001
a-Blocker 72,788 17.11 23,696 32.48 <.0001
Clopidogrel 6706 1.58 2648 3.63 <.0001
Ticlopidine 10,660 2.51 4243 5.82 <.0001
5-a Reductase Inhibitor 2295 0.54 754 1.03 <.0001

Results all comorbidities and other cancer, and higher proportions of using
In Table 1, baseline characteristics between ever-users (n ¼ other medications.
72,948) and never-users (n ¼ 425,459) of human insulin are Table 2 shows the incidence of prostate cancer between ever-
compared. All of the variables differed significantly between the 2 users and never-users of human insulin, and among the different
groups. Ever-users are characterized by older age distribution, higher tertiles of the dose-responsive parameters for human insulin expo-
proportion with a diabetes duration  5 years, higher proportions of sure. In the models evaluating the overall hazard ratios for ever-users

Clinical Genitourinary Cancer February 2014 - e9


Human Insulin and Prostate Cancer

Clinical Genitourinary Cancer February 2014

Table 2 Exposure to Human Insulin, Incidence of Prostate Cancer, and Hazard Ratios Comparing Exposed to Unexposed

Exposure to Incident Prostate Cancer Incidence Rate Age-Adjusted Model Full Modela
Human (Per 100,000
Insulin Cases, n n % Person-Years Person-Years) HR 95% CI P HR 95% CI P
Never-Users 425,459 6282 1.48 2,268,887.92 276.88 1.000 1.000
Ever-Users 72,948 768 1.05 324,224.92 236.87 0.910 (0.843-0.981) .0142 0.989 (0.912-1.072) .7917
Tertile Cutoffs
Time Since Starting Insulin (Months)
Never-users 425,459 6282 1.48 2,268,887.92 276.88 1.000 1.000
<23 23,691 234 0.99 106,609.67 219.49 0.903 (0.792-1.029) .1257 1.013 (0.886-1.158) .8491
23-55 24,277 258 1.06 108,672.92 237.41 0.931 (0.822-1.055) .2613 1.033 (0.909-1.174) .6204
>55 24,980 276 1.10 108,942.33 253.35 0.896 (0.794-1.012) .0766 0.932 (0.821-1.057) .2712
Cumulative Dosage of Insulin Exposure (Units)
Never-users 425,459 6282 1.48 2,268,887.92 276.88 1.000 1.000
<200 23,589 250 1.06 110,251.25 226.75 0.870 (0.766-0.988) .0315 0.977 (0.859-1.111) .7218
200-15,000 24,336 237 0.97 105,713.33 224.19 0.892 (0.783-1.016) .0849 0.995 (0.870-1.137) .9377
>15,000 25,023 281 1.12 108,260.33 259.56 0.965 (0.856-1.088) .5611 0.996 (0.879-1.130) .9562
Cumulative Duration of Insulin Exposure (Months)
Never-users 425,459 6282 1.48 2,268,887.92 276.88 1.000 1.000
<0.5 24,148 280 1.16 109,719.42 255.20 0.977 (0.867-1.102) .7057 1.086 (0.961-1.227) .1875
0.5-7.8 24,001 221 0.92 107,640.00 205.31 0.819 (0.716-0.937) .0037 0.924 (0.805-1.060) .2601
>7.8 24,799 267 1.08 106,865.50 249.85 0.927 (0.820-1.049) .2300 0.950 (0.835-1.081) .4379

Abbreviation: HR ¼ hazard ratio.

Adjusted for all variables in Table 1.
Chin-Hsiao Tseng
vs. never-users, a significantly lower risk of prostate cancer was An important clinical implication of the present study is that,
observed in the age-adjusted model, which became insignificant while evaluating the potential risk of prostate cancer associated with
after multivariable adjustment (full model). In the models used to a certain medication, adjustment for age only might not be suffi-
evaluate the dose-responsive exposure to human insulin, although cient to infer a cause-effect relationship. The comorbidities such as
some categories in the age-adjusted models might show a signifi- dyslipidemia, nephropathy, and ischemic heart disease, and
cantly lower risk associated with insulin use, none of the categories concomitant medications such as metformin, thiazolidinediones,
showed a significant association in the full models. and sulfonylureas should always be considered for adjustment,
because these are important factors for prostate cancer and are
Discussion commonly used in patients with diabetes who might have a long
The findings of this large population-based study suggest that duration of diabetes and happen to use insulin.
exposure to human insulin might not increase or decrease the risk of Hyperinsulinemia as a result of insulin resistance might poten-
prostate cancer (Table 2). However, in models that considered only tially increase the risk of prostate cancer.3-5 It should be pointed out
the adjustment for age, a false negative association might be that an association with endogenous insulin hypersecretion should
observed (Table 2). not be readily translated into a scenario of the use of exogenous
In a previous 12-year prospective follow-up of a large cohort of insulin for the control of blood glucose in patients with diabetes.
patients with diabetes, use of human insulin at baseline (from 1995 The present study did not support that the use of human insulin in
to 1998, before the marketing date of insulin analogues in Taiwan) clinical practice would increase the risk of prostate cancer.
is not significantly associated with the risk of prostate cancer mor- Although misclassification of prostate cancer might occur, such
tality.19 Taken together with the findings of the present study, it is a probability was low because labeled diagnoses should be printed
almost safe to conclude that use of human insulin might not affect out for all prescriptions handed to the patients. Because the da-
the risk of prostate cancer in terms of either mortality or incidence. tabases were derived from the whole population, there was no
Insulin users had a higher probability of receiving other oral concern of potential selection bias related to sampling error. It is
antidiabetic agents (Table 1). Among them, metformin and sulfo- also worth mentioning that the sensitivity and specificity of using
nylureas were the 2 most commonly used (Table 1). Metformin and the “Severe Morbidity Card” as a surrogate for the diagnosis of
thiazolidinediones might reduce the risk of prostate cancer incidence type 1 diabetes in the study are not known. However, both were
and mortality, and patients using sulfonylureas might have a higher believed to be good for the following reasons. Patients with type 1
risk.11,20,21 This might have caused a more complicated condition diabetes would tend to request such a card because card holders
and probably a biased estimate if these concomitant medications can receive a waiver for many of the copayments that patients with
were not considered simultaneously during the analysis of the as- type 2 diabetes would not. However, such a card would not be
sociation between prostate cancer and insulin use. The higher issued until after a diagnosis is confirmed by the history of diabetes
proportions of the use of metformin and thiazolidinediones among onset with ketoacidosis together with laboratory examinations of
insulin users might have attenuated the hazard ratios toward a C-peptide and/or glucagon test. It should also be stressed that such
significantly lower risk in these patients if the only adjustment was a possibility of misclassification of type 1 diabetes would not affect
for age (age-adjusted model in Table 2). the conclusions of the present study, because in secondary analyses
Dyslipidemia is a significant risk factor associated with the the hazard ratios in Table 2 were not remarkably affected even if
growth of the prostate.9 It is also an independent risk factor for the patients with type 1 diabetes were included in the analyses
prostate cancer in our previous study.18 Additionally, we also (data not shown).
identified several comorbidities as risk factors for prostate cancer, This study has several strengths. The databases included all
such as nephropathy and ischemic heart disease.18 Therefore, a lack claim records on outpatient visits, emergency department visits,
of adjustment for many potential confounders might also have led and hospital admission, and we used the diagnoses from all
to biased estimates in the age-adjusted models (Table 2). sources. Cancer is considered a severe morbidity by the NHI and
Insulin is always used at a late stage of type 2 diabetes when most medical copayments can be waived. Furthermore, there is a
pancreatic b cells are exhausted and most oral antidiabetic agents fail low drug cost-sharing required by the NHI and patients with
to adequately control blood glucose. Furthermore, insulin might be certain conditions such as low-income household, veterans, or
indicated for those with nephropathy and ischemic heart disease patients with prescription refills for chronic disease are exempted
when most oral antidiabetic agents might be relatively contra- from the drug cost-sharing. Therefore the detection rate of pros-
indicated. Therefore, indication bias associated with insulin use tate cancer would not tend to differ among different social classes.
might have existed if these comorbidities were not included as po- The use of medical records also reduced the potential bias related
tential confounders in the models. to self-reporting.
A recently published study from Denmark indicated that insulin The study limitations included a lack of actual measurement data
users might have a lower risk of prostate cancer.22 This finding is for confounders such as obesity, smoking, alcohol drinking, family
somewhat similar to the age-adjusted model in the present study history, lifestyle, diet, hormones, and genetic parameters. In addi-
(Table 2). It is worth mentioning that the Danish study fell short of tion, we did not have biochemical data such as levels of blood
a lack of information on the cumulative duration and dose of glucose, hemoglobin A1c, insulin, C-peptide, or prostate-specific
exposure, and was unable to differentiate the use of human insulin antigen for evaluating their effect. Another limitation is the lack
and insulin analogues, and lack of adjustment for many potential of information on the pathology, grading, and staging of prostate
confounders. cancer.

Clinical Genitourinary Cancer February 2014 - e11

Human Insulin and Prostate Cancer
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The author has stated that he has no conflicts of interest. duration and insulin effects. Diabetologia 2012; 55:948-58.

e12 - Clinical Genitourinary Cancer February 2014

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