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WEEK 8: STAGES OF LABOR AND • Lasts approximately 6 hours in a nullipara and 4.

hours in a multipara
DELIVERY, DANGER SIGNS OF • A woman who enters labor with a “nonripe” cervix
will have a longer than usual latent phase
LABOR → Nonripe cervix is not yet ready to dilate
• Although women should not be denied analgesia at
this point, analgesia given too early may prolong
1. Describe common theories explaining the onset of this phase
labor → It should be given later than the latent phase
2. Assess a family in labor, identifying the woman’s • Measuring the length of the latent phase is
readiness, stage and progression. important because a reason for a prolonged latent
3. Use critical thinking to analyze ways that nurses can phase is cephalopelvic disproportion that could
make labor and birth more family centered require a cesarean birth
4. Identify areas related to labor and birth that could → If disproportion between the fetus and the
benefit from additional nursing research or pelvis occur, the pelvis is at fault
application of evidence-based practice. → if the fetus is the cause of disproportion, it is
STAGES OF LABOR not because the fetal head is too large but it’s
presenting to the birth canal at less than its
Divided into three stages: enormous diameter
• A woman can (and should) continue to walk about
1. A first stage of dilatation which begins with the
and make preparations for birth, such as:
initiation of true labor contractions and ends when
▪ Doing last minute packing for her stay at the
the cervix is full dilated;
hospital or birthing center
2. A second stage, extending from the time of full
→ Preparing baby dresses or diapers;
dilatation until the infant is born; and
kakailanganin nya during her stay sa hospital
3. A third or placental stage, lasting from the time the
or birth centers
infant is born until after the delivery of the placenta
▪ Preparing older children for her departure
4. The first 1 to 4 hours after birth of the placenta is
and the upcoming birth
sometimes termed the “fourth stage” to emphasize
the importance of the close maternal observation → Pag bibilinan ang mga anak to stay safe,
needed at this time. especially the eldest son/daughter
▪ Giving instructions to the person who will
→ It’s helpful in planning nursing interventions
take care of them while she is away
to ensure the safety of the woman and her
▪ In a birth setting, allow her to continue to be
active (Greulich & Tarrant, 2007). Encourage
I. FIRST STAGE her to continue or begin alternative methods
or pain such as aromatherapy or distraction
The latent, the active, and the transition phase.
→ Aromatherapy – aromatic essential oils to
A. Latent/Preparatory Phase improve the health of the body,mind and
• Begins at the onset of regularly perceived uterine
→ Distraction – mental distraction, it can really
contractions and ends when rapid cervical
reduce pain and the effect is just in the mind.
dilatation begins
It means that you use your brain to focus
• Contractions are mild and short, lasting 20 to 40
attention on something else. You can put
seconds. Cervical effacement occurs, and the cervix
your pain in the background and focus on
dilates from 0 to 3 cm.
playing games, counting, using breathing
→ Multipara progress more quickly than techniques and many other activities.

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B. Active Phase • During this phase, a woman may experience intense
discomfort, so strong that it is accompanied by
• Cervical dilatation occurs more rapidly, increasing
nausea and vomiting
from 4 to 7 cm
• A woman may also experience a feeling of loss
• Contractions grow stronger, lasting 40 to 60
control, anxiety, panic or irritability
seconds, and occur approximately every 3 to 5
→ because of the intense and duration of the
contractions. It may seem as though labor
• Lasts approximately 3 hours in a nullipara and 2
has been taken charge of her
hours in a multipara. Show (increased vaginal
→ A few minutes before, gusting gusto ng mga
secretions) and perhaps spontaneous rupture of the
mother ang pinupunasan ang kanilang
membranes may occur during this time.
forehead ng cool cloth or na rrub ang
kanilang back.
• Difficult time
→ She may knock a partner’s hand away from
• Exciting time
her also.
• Frightening time
→ Her focus is entirely to the birthing of her
→ This phase can be difficult to a woman
because contractions grow so much stronger
• The peak of the transition phase can be identified
and longer than latent phase. Can experience
by a slight slowing in the rate of cervical dilatation
when 9 cm is reached. As a woman reaches the end
→ It’s also exciting time because something
of this stage at 10 cm of dilatation, a new sensation
dramatic is happening.
occurs and that’s the irresistible urge to push
→ Frightening time – as a woman realizes labor
is truly progressive and her life is about to II. SECOND STAGE
change forever. In a few minutes the woman
• The period from full dilatation and cervical
will have a new baby and life will never be
effacement to birth of the infant; this stage takes
the same
about 1 hour (Archie, 2007).
• Encourage women to remain active participants in
• A woman feels contractions change from the
labor by assuming what position is most
characteristic crescendo-decrescendo pattern to an
comfortable for them during this time (Albers,
overwhelming, uncontrollable urge to push or bear
down with each contraction as if to move her
→ Except, flat on back - this may lead to supine
hypotension syndrome
• She may experience momentary nausea or vomiting
C. Transition Phase • She pushes with such force that she perspires and
the blood vessels in her neck may become
• Contractions – peak of intensity, occurring – 2 to 3
minutes/duration of 60 to 90 seconds and
• As the fetal head touches the internal side of the
maximum cervical dilatation of 8 to 10 cm
perineum, the perineum begins to bulge and
→ Strongest intensity
appears tense. The Anus may become everted, and
• If the membranes have not previously ruptured or still may be expelled
been ruptured by amniotomy (artificial rupture of
• As the fetal head pushes against the perineum, the
membrane), they will rupture as a rule of full
vaginal introitus opens and the fetal scalp appears
dilatation (10 cm). If it has not previously occurred,
at the opening to the vagina. At first, the opening is
show occurs as the last of the mucus plug from the
slitlike, then becomes oval, and then circular. The
cervix is released
circle enlarges from the size of a dime, then a
• Both full dilatation (10 cm) and complete cervical quarter, then a half-dollar. This is called crowning.
effacement (obliteration of the cervix) have

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III. THIRD STAGE B. Placental Expulsion

• Begins with the birth of the infant and ends with the • After separation, the placenta is delivered either by
delivery of the placenta. the natural bearing-down effort of the mother or by
• Two separate phases are involved: gentle pressure on the contracted uterine fundus by
▪ placental separation a physician or nurse midwife
▪ placental expulsion → Creed’s maneuver
• Pressure must never be applied to a uterus in a
A. Placental Separation
noncontracted state
→ As separation seems completed, the • If the placenta does no deliver spontaneously, it can
placenta seems to follow uterine segments of be removed manually.
the upper vagina. The placenta has loosened → With the deliver of the placenta, the third
and ready to deliver when there’s: stage of labor is already complete
• Lengthening of the umbilical cord
• Sudden gush of vaginal blood
→ Not complete separation → Labor Is a local process that involve the
• Change in the shape of the uterus abdomen and the reproductive organs but
• Firm contraction of the uterus because it’s such an intense process it has
• Appearance of the placenta at the vaginal opening systematic physiologic effects on both
women and her fetus
Schultze → Intensity is so great that almost all body
• If the placenta separates first at its center and last systems are affected by it.
at its edges, it tends to fold onto itself like an 1. Physiologic Effects of Labor on a woman
umbrella and presents at the vaginal opening wit h
the fetal surface evident. A. Cardiovascular System
• Appearing shiny and glistening from fetal
Cardiac Output
→ Schultze presentation • Each contraction greatly decreases blood flow to
→ Approximately 80% of placenta separates the uterus. This increases the amount of blood that
this way remains in a woman’s general circulation, leading to
an increase in peripheral resistance, which in turn
Duncan results in an increase systolic and diastolic blood
• The placenta separates first at its edges, it slides pressure.
along the uterine surface and presents at the vagina • The work of pushing during labor increase cardiac
with the maternal surface evident output 40% to 50% above the prelabor level.
• It looks raw, red, and irregular, with the ridges or Cardiac output then gradually decreases from this
cotyledons that separate blood collection spaces high level, within the first hour after birth, by about
evident; 50%.
• “shiny” with Schultze (the fetal membrane surface) Blood Pressure
and “dirty” with Duncan (the irregular maternal
surface With the increased cardiac output caused by contractions
• Normal blood loss – 300 to 500 ml during labor,
→ And not great amount in relation to the extra • Systolic blood pressure rises an average of 15 mm
blood falling that was formed during Hg with each contraction
pregnancy • When a woman lies in a supine position and pushes
→ This stage can be any in 1 to 30 minutes. And during the second stage of labor, pressure of the
can still be considered normal

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uterus on the vena cava causes her blood pressure • Specific gravity may rise to a high normal level of
to drop precipitously, leading to hypotension 1.020 to 1.030
• An upright or side-lying position during the second • It is not unusual for protein (trace to 1) to be evident
stage of labor not only makes pushing more in urine
effective but also can help avoid such a problem. → Because of the breakdown of the protein
caused by the increased muscle activity
B. Hemopoietic System
• Pressure of the fetal head as it descends in the birth
• Development of leukocytosis, or a sharp increase in canal against the anterior bladder reduces bladder
the number of circulating white blood cells. tone or the ability of the bladder to sense filling.
→ Possibly as a result of stress and heavy
G. Musculoskeletal System
• At the end of labor, the average woman has a white • Relaxin, has acted to soften the cartilage between
blood cell count of 25,000 to 30,000 cells/mm3, the bones.
compared with a normal count of 5000 to 10,000 → Relaxin – ovarian released hormone
cells/mm3 • In the week before labor, considerable additional
softening causes the symphysis pubis and the
C. Respiratory System
sacral/coccyx joints to become even more relaxed
• Total oxygen consumption increases by about 100% and movable, allowing them to stretch apart to
during the second stage of labor. Women adjust increase the size of the pelvic ring by as much as 2
well to this change, which is comparable to that of cm
a person performing a strenuous exercise. It can
H. Gastrointestinal System
result in hyperventilation. Using appropriate
breathing patterns during labor can help avoid • Inactive during labor, probably because of the
severe hyperventilation. shunting of blood to more life sustaining organs and
also because of pressure on the stomach and
C. Temperature Regulation
intestines from the contracting uterus. Digestive
• The increased muscular activity associated with and emptying time of the stomach-prolonged
labor can result in a slight elevation (1 F) in • Some women experience a loose bowel movement
temperature as contractions grow strong.
• Diaphoresis occurs with accompanying evaporation → Just like similar to what they may experience
to cool and limit excessive warming: with the menstrual cramps

D. Fluid Balance I. Neurologic and Sensory Responses

• Insensible water loss increases during labor • The neurologic responses that occur during labor
• Fluid balance is further affected if a woman eats are responses related to pain
nothing but sips of fluid or ice cubes or hard candy → Increase pulse and respiratory rate
• Although not a concern in usual labor, the • Early in labor, the contraction of the uterus and
combination of increased fluid losses and decreased dilatation of the cervix cause the discomfort
oral intake may make intravenous fluid • At the moment of birth, the pain is centered on the
replacement necessary if labor becomes prolonged. perineum as it stretches to allow the fetus to move
past it
F. Urinary System
2. Psychological Responses of a Woman to Labor
With the decrease in the fluid intake during labor and
the increase insensible water loss, A. Fatigue

• The kidneys begin to concentrate urine to preserve • By the time a date of birth approaches, a woman is
both fluid and electrolytes generally tired from the burden of carrying so much
extra weight
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• Most women do not sleep well during the last → To make labor positive experience be
month of pregnancy (Beebe & Lee, 2007) prepared to adapt care of women’s specific
→ Because of the discomfort needs. If a woman has a traditional that run
→ Side-lying position causes backache; pag nag counter to the hospital protocols, you’re
turn sa back yung fetus gagalaw/magkikick going to address these differences and make
at magigising ang mother, pag bumalik sa arrangement to accommodate her desires.
side-lying mag cause ulit backache Ex. Advocating for special foods to eat or
• It can make the process of labor loom as an saving the placenta in order for the mother
overwhelming, unendurable experience unless they to take it home.
have competent support people with them.
3. Physiologic Effects of Labor to a fetus
B. Fear
A. Neurologic system
• Women appreciate a review of the labor process
→ The pressure in circulatory changes that
early in labor as a reminder that childbirth is not a
occur with contractions not only affect the
strange, bewildering event but a predictable and
mother but also detectable physiologic
well-documented one
changes in the fetus as well.
• Being taken by surprise-labor moving faster or
• Uterine contractions exert pressure on the fetal
slower than the woman thought it would or
head, so the same response that is involved with
contractions harder and longer than she
any instance of increased intracranial pressure
remembers from last time-can lead a woman to feel
out of control and increase the pain she experiences
→ The baby who has a hydrocephalus, yung
▪ Explain that labor is predictable, but also
pressure na naccause doon sa fetal head
variable, to limit this kind of fear
during uterine contraction is the same ang
→ It depends upon individual because some
naicause na pressure ng fluid doon sa brain
women have a low pain tolerance, yung iba
sa mga structures and it will cause ICP
mataas ang pain tolerance.
• The fetal heart rate (FHR) decreases by as much as
→ Must consider of being a multipara or
5 beats per minute (bpm) during contraction, as
nullipara and how is the attitude of the
soon as contractions strength reaches 40 mm Hg
women to the labor
• This decrease appears on a fetal heart monitor as a
▪ Explain that contractions last a certain length
normal or early deceleration pattern.
and reach a certain firmness but always have
a pain-free rest period in between B. Cardiovascular System
→ During interval, it allows placental perfusion
• The ability to respond to cardiovascular changes is
C. Cultural Influences usually mature enough that the fetus is unaffected
by the continual variations of heart rate that occur
• Cultural factors can strongly influence a woman’s
with labor- a slight slowing and then return to
experience of labor
normal (baseline) levels
• Women are educated to help plan their care
• During a contraction, the arteries of the uterus are
→ Internet, books, knowledge and information
sharply constricted and filling of nutrients of
they’ve taken during labor classes or
cotyledons almost completely halts, the amount of
prenatal classes
nutrients, including oxygen, exchanged during this
• Every woman responds to cultural cues in some time is reduced, causing a slight but inconsequential
way. This makes her response to pain, her choice of fetal hypoxia.
nourishment, her preferred birthing position, the
→ So filling of blood or oxygenation temporarily
proximity and involvement of a support person, and
stop during contraction because of arteries
customs related to the immediate postpartal period
are constricted
individualized (Price, Noseworthy, & Thornton,
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C. Integumentary System 2. Abnormal Pulse

• The pressure involved in the birth process is often • Most pregnant women have a pulse rate of 70 to 80
reflected in minimal petechiae (tiny purple, red or bpm. This rate normally increases slightly during the
brown spot on the skin) or ecchymotic(flat blue or second stage of labor – due to exertion that’s
purple patch measuring 1 cm occur when the blood involved
leaks on a broken capillary into the surrounding • A maternal pulse rate greater than 100 bpm during
tissue around the skin) areas on a fetus (particularly the normal course of labor is unusual and should be
the presenting part). reported. It may be another indication of
• There may also be edema of the presenting part hemorrhage
(caput succedaneum) edema of the skull
3. Inadequate of Prolonged Contractions
D. Musculoskeletal System
• If uterine contractions become less frequent, less
• The force of uterine contractions tends to push a intense, or shorter in duration, this may indicate
fetus into a position of full flexion, the most uterine exhaustion (inertia). If this problem cannot
advantageous position for birth be corrected, a cesarean birth may be necessary
→ It presents the narrowest AP diameter of → Hypotonic inertia
fetal head → Uterine contractions are infrequent, weak
and short in duration. Some factors include
E. Respiratory System
multigravida, elderly generally pwedeng
• The process of labor appears to aid in the anemia, improper use of analgesia,
maturation of surfactant production by alveoli in malpresentation/malposition or over
the fetal lung distention of the uterus.
• The pressure applied to the chest from contractions • A period of relaxation must be presented between
and passage through the birth canal helps to clear it contractions so that the intervillous spaces of the
of lung fluid uterus can fill and maintain an adequate supply of
• An infant born vaginally is usually able to establish oxygen and nutrients for the fetus. As a rule, uterine
respirations more easily than a fetus born by contractions lasting longer than 70 seconds should
cesarean birth be reported
→ Dapat kinukuha ung duration of contraction,
MATERNAL DANGER SIGNS and interval para malaman kung nag
1. High or Low Blood Pressure kakaroon ng placental perfusion or rest
period between contraction because interval
• Normally, a woman’s blood pressure rises slightly in causes placental perfusion or it will allow
the second (pelvic) stage of labor (because of her blood flow to the placenta and to the fetus to
pushing effort) supply adequate oxygen and nutrients
• A systolic pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and a → Should be reported especially in the early
diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg, or an phase of labor
increase in the systolic pressure of more than 30
mm Hg or in diastolic pressure of more than 15 mm 4. Pathologic Retraction Ring
Hg (the basic criteria for pregnancy-induced • An indentation across a woman’s abdomen, where
hypertension), should be reported the upper and lower segments of the uterus join,
• Important to report is a falling blood pressure, may be a sign of extreme uterine stress and possible
because it may be the first sign of intrauterine impending uterine rupture. For this reason, it is
hemorrhage (excessive blood loss) important to observe the contours of a woman’s
abdomen periodically during labor
• Fetal heartbeat auscultation automatically provides
a regular opportunity to assess a woman’s abdomen

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→ Physiologic retraction ring = normal it’s a lign → Last longer than or equal to 15 seconds or
of demarcation between upper and lower less than 2 minutes from the onset to return
uterine segment that’s present during to baseline
normal labor and cannot usually be felt • The FHR may return to a normal range in between
abdominally pero kung yung retraction ring these irregular patterns, giving a false sense of
is pathologic hindi dapat iniignore it can be a security if FHR is assessed only between
sign of extrauterine stress/ and impending contractions
uterine rupture
2. Meconium Staining
5. Abnormal Lower Abdominal Contour
• Meconium staining, a green color in the amniotic
• If a woman has a full bladder during labor, a round fluid, is not always a sign of fetal distress but is
bulge on her lower anterior abdomen may appear. highly correlated with its occurrence
This is a danger signal for two reasons: • The fetus has had loss of rectal sphincter control,
▪ First, the bladder may be injured by the allowing meconium to pass into the amniotic fluid.
pressure of a fetal head It may indicate that a fetus has or is experiencing
▪ Second, the pressure of the full bladder may hypoxia, which stimulates the vagal reflex and leads
not allow the fetal head to descend to increased bowel motility
❖ To avoid a full bladder, women need to • Although meconium staining may be normal in a
try to void about every 2 hours during breech presentation, it should always be reported
labor immediately so that its cause can be investigated
6. Increasing Apprehension 3. Hyperactivity
→ Anxiety, fear of something unpleasant will • Ordinarily, a fetus is quiet and barely moves during
happen labor. Fetal hyperactivity may be a sign that hypoxia
• Warnings of a psychological danger during labor are is occurring, because frantic motion is a common
as important to consider in assessing maternal well- reaction to the need for oxygen.
being as are physical signs
4. Oxygen Saturation
• A woman who is becoming increasingly
apprehensive despite clear explanations of • If a fetus is assessed for oxygen saturation level by
unfolding events may not be “hearing because she a catheter inserted next to the check, a low oxygen
has a concern that has not been met saturation level (under 40%) or if fetal blood was
• Increasing apprehension also needs to be obtained by scalp puncture, the finding of acidosis
investigated for physical reasons, because it can be (blood pH 7.2O) suggests that fetal well-being is
a sign of oxygen deprivation or internal becoming compromised
hemorrhage. • Oxygen saturation in a fetus is normally 40% to 70%

1. High or Low Fetal Heart Rate

• As a rule, an FHR of more than 160 bpm (fetal

tachycardia) or less than 110 bpm (fetal
bradycardia) is a sign of possible fetal distress
• An equally important sign is a late or variable
deceleration pattern on a fetal monitor
→ Variable deceleration occurs when the FHR
decrease greater than or equal to 15 BPM.

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