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➢ Pressure on the cervix, which

INTRAPARTAL CARE stimulates the release of oxytocin from the
WEEK 7: COURSE UNIT (MODULE) posterior pituitary
▪ The uterine distention also causes
pressure on the cervix which
At the end of this unit, the students are stimulates the release of oxytocin
expected to: from the posterior pituitary gland
Cognitive: which stimulates uterine
1. Describe common theories explaining the contraction
onset of labor and the role of passenger, passage,
and powers in labor. ➢ Oxytocin stimulation, which works
2. Assess a family in labor, identifying the together with prostaglandins to initiate
woman’s readiness, stage, and progression. contractions
3. Understand the components of labor for ▪ Studies have shown as pregnancy
successful delivery. nears term. Oxytocin production by
4. Identify areas related to labor and birth that the posterior pituitary gland
could benefit from additional nursing research or increases while the production of
application of evidence-based practice. oxytocinase by the placenta
Affective decreases
1. Listen attentively during class discussions ▪ Oxytocin stimulates uterine
2. Demonstrate tact and respect of other students contraction while oxytocinase
opinions and ideas inhibit uterine contraction
3. Accept comments and reactions of classmates ▪ As a result, the uterus become
openly. increasingly sensitive to oxytocin
Psychomotor: ➢ Change in the ratio of estrogen to
1. Participate actively during class discussions progesterone (increasing estrogen in
relation to progesterone, which is interpreted
2. Use critical thinking to identify areas of care
as progesterone withdrawal)
that could benefit from additional research or ▪The progesterone helps maintain
application of evidence-based practice. pregnancy by its relaxant effect by
3. Implement nursing care for a family during the smooth muscles of the uterus
labor such as teaching about the stages of labor thereby preventing uterine
THEORIES OF LABOR ONSET ▪ As pregnancy nears term the
Labor normally begins when a fetus is production of progesterone by the
sufficiently mature to cope with extrauterine life placenta decreases and this decline
yet not too large to cause mechanical difficulty in progesterone allows uterine
with birth. Several theories including a contraction to occur
combination of factors originating from both the ➢ Placental age, which triggers
woman and fetus have been proposed to explain contractions at a set point
why progesterone withdrawal begins: ▪ As the placenta ages it becomes less
➢ Uterine muscle stretching, which efficient, producing decreasing
resultsin release of prostaglandins amount of progesterone
▪ As pregnancy advances, the uterus ➢ Rising fetal cortisol levels, which
becomes increasingly distended by reduces progesterone formation and
growing fetus, placenta and increases prostaglandin formation
amniotic fluid. ▪ Cortisol is a hormone produced by
▪ Prostaglandin - group of lipids an adrenal gland and it’s produced
made at the site of tissue damage in response to stress or fight and
and they’re involved dealing with flight response or when we have
injury and/or illness. stressful event.
▪ They control processes such as ▪ During labor as baby face the event
induction of labor. it sends signal to the adrenal
glands to produce quantity of by the placenta. This additional
cortisol to reduce the progesterone epinephrine prepares a woman’s body for
formation and increase a the work of labor ahead.
prostaglandin formation ▪ Initiated by low progesterone level
▪ This prostaglandin is being formed and adrenal glands large amount
in these tissues in response to of epinephrine or adrenaline.
injury, inflammation and pain ▪ This happens to provide woman
through contractions with energy with extraneous work
➢ Fetal membrane production of of delivering a baby. As a nurse
prostaglandin, which stimulates we’re going to advise the mother
contraction not to use her energy for doing
▪ It has been known that when the house hold chores but to save it for
fetus reached maturity, the fetal labor and delivery
membranes produce large amount ➢ Slight loss of weight - As progesterone
of arachidonic acid which is level falls, body fluid is more easily
converted by maternal residual excreted from the body. This increase in
into prostaglandin. Again, urine production can lead to a weight loss
prostaglandin is a hormone that between 1 and 3 pounds.
initiates uterine contraction. ▪ Progesterone promotes fluid
retention but when progesterone is
SIGNS OF LABOR withdrawn, the fluid acquire
during pregnancy will be excreted
PRELIMINARY SIGNS OF LABOR - Before resulting also in weight loss
labor, a woman often experiences subtle signs ➢ Braxston Hicks Contraction - woman
that signal labor is imminent. It is important to usually notices extremely strong Braxton
review these with women during the last Hicks contractions. •
trimester of pregnancy so they can more easily ▪ Regular painless contraction of
recognize beginning signs. pregnancy becomes stronger,
➢ Lightening longer and more frequent when
→ descent of the fetal presenting part labor is near
into the pelvis ▪ Sometimes its intensity may cause
→ In primiparas, lightening, or descent the mother so much discomfort and
of the fetal presenting part into the leading her to believe that she has
pelvis, occurs approximately 10 to 14 entered into a true labor
days before labor begins. ▪ The descent of the presenting part
→ This fetal descent changes a is referred to as the prelabor and
the increase to uterine activity is
woman’s abdominal contour, because
important because it’s responsible
it positions the uterus lower and more
for significant degree of effacement
anterior in the abdomen.
➢ Ripening of the cervix - At term, the
→ Lightening gives a woman relief from cervix becomes still softer (described as
the diaphragmatic pressure and “butter-soft”), and it tips forward. Cervical
shortness of breath that she has been ripening this way is an internal
experiencing and“lightens” her load. announcement that labor is very close at
▪ Lightening results in relief of
dyspnea, increase frequency of
▪ Before pregnancy, maihalintulad
urination, increase vaginal
natin ang cervix na kasing soft ng
discharge and decrease in fundic
ating nose and during pregnancy
soft as our earlobe and during
➢ Increase in Level of Activity - This labor it’s describe as “butter-soft”
increase in activity is related to an
increase in epinephrine release initiated
by a decrease in progesterone produced
SIGNS OF TRUE LABOR - Signs of true labor which could cut off the oxygen supply to
involve uterine and cervical changes. the fetus (Lewis et al., 2007). In most
➢ Uterine Contraction - The surest sign instances, if labor has not spontaneously
that labor has begun is productive uterine occurred by 24 hours after membrane
contractions. Because contractions are rupture and the pregnancy is at term, labor
involuntary and come without warning, will be induced to help reduce these risks.
their intensity can be frightening in early
labor. Especially in primis COMPONENTS OF LABOR
➢ Helping a woman appreciate that she can A successful labor depends on four integrated
predict when her next one will occur and concepts:
therefore can control the degree of 1. A woman’s pelvis (the passage) is of
discomfort, she feels by using breathing adequate size and contour.
exercises offers her a sense of well-being. 2. The passenger (the fetus) is of
▪ How are we going to help women appropriate size and in an advantageous
appreciate that she can predict position and presentation.
when her next contraction is by 3. The powers of labor (uterine factors) are
sharing them the phases of the first adequate. (The powers of labor are
stage of labor, particularly the strongly influenced by the woman’s
uterine contraction, the interval, position during labor.)
duration of contraction. So we can 4. A woman’s psychological outlook is
set her mind and to prepare herself preserved, so that afterward labor can be
if when is her next contraction. viewed as a positive experience.
➢ Show - As the cervix softens and ripens,
the mucus plug that filled the cervical
canal during pregnancy (operculum) is
▪ Habang nag ddescend ang fetus sa
birth canal, the continuous
pressure exerted by the presenting
part against the soft tissues can
result to the rupture of several
blood vessels in the cervix.
1. PASSAGE - The passage refers to the
➢ The exposed cervical capillaries seep route a fetus must travel from the uterus
blood as a result of pressure exerted by through the cervix and vagina to the
the fetus. This blood, mixed with mucus, external perineum.
takes on a pink tinge and is referred to as
“show” or “bloody show.” Women need to → Two pelvic measurements are
be aware of this event so that they do not important to determine the adequacy
think they are bleeding abnormally. of the pelvic size: the diagonal
➢ Rupture of Membranes - Labor may conjugate (the anteroposterior
begin with rupture of the membranes, diameter of the inlet) and the
experienced either as a sudden gush or as transverse diameter of the
scanty, slow seeping of clear fluid from the outlet.
➢ Early rupture of the membranes can be
advantageous as it can cause the fetal head
to settle snugly into the pelvis, shortens
➢ Two risks associated with ruptured
membranes are intrauterine infection
and prolapse of the umbilical cord, ▪ Diagonal Conjugate can be
obtained through internal the ischial tuberosities and in the
examination and it can be front by the interior aspect of the
measured from the anterior symphysis pubis
portion of the sacral promontory ▪ The passenger will negotiate with
up to the inferior margin of the the passage. The biparietal
symphysis pubis. diameter of the fetus measures 9.25
▪ Accdg. Pilitteri, the diagonal cm and the suboccipitobregmatic
conjugate measures an average of measures 9.5 cm.
11 cm ▪ Suboccipitobregmatic,
▪ Transverse diameter particularly occipitofrontal & occipitomental –
the bi-ischial diameter AP diameters of the fetal head
▪ Ischial tuberosity diameter is the
distance between ischial
tuberosities or the transverse
diameter of the outlet. The
narrowest diameter at that level
or the most up to cause a misfit??
▪ Suboccipitobregmatic, (smallest AP
▪ It’s made at the medial and lower
diameter) – pag naka fully flex ang
most aspect of the ischial
kanyang head, the diameter na
tuberosities at the level of the anus
nakapresent and it’s measured
▪ A diameter of 11 is considered
mula sa inferior aspect of the
adequate because it will allow the
occiput up until the anterior
widest diameter of the fetal head
which is 9 cm to pass freely
through the outlet
→ At the pelvic inlet, the
anteroposterior diameter is the
narrowest diameter; at the outlet, the
transverse diameter is the narrowest. ▪ Occipitofrontal – diameter
presented when the head is
partially extended and the
presenting part is the anterior
fontanel, it will be measured from
the bridge of the nose up to the
occipital prominence and the
average size is 12 cm

▪ Occipitomental – Diameter
▪ Pelvic inlet is the entrance through presented when the head is
pelvis; Upper ring of the bone extended and the presenting part is
through which the fetus must pass the face. It’s measured from the
to be born vaginally. chin to the posterior fontanel.
▪ It’s at the level of linea terminalis ▪ Transverse diameter – biparietal;
or is marked by the sacral this is the most important
prominence at the back transverse diameter in the fetal. It
▪ Pelvic outlet – inferior portion of must be the greatest diameter that
pelvis; portion bounded in the must be presented to the pelvis inlet
back by the coxy, on the sides by AP diameter and at the outlet
transverse diameter
2. PASSENGER - The passenger is the
fetus. The body part of the fetus that has
the widest diameter is the head, so this is
the part least likely to be able to pass
through the pelvic ring. Whether a fetal
skull can pass depends on both its
structure (bones, fontanelles, and suture ● Fetal Attitude - Attitude describes the
lines) and its alignment with the pelvis. degree of flexion a fetus assumes during
● Molding is a change in the shape of the labor or the relation of the fetal parts to
fetal skull produced by the force of each other.
uterinecontractions pressing the vertex of ● A fetus in good attitude is in complete
the head against the not-yet-dilated flexion: the spinal column is bowed
cervix. forward, the head is flexed forward so
▪ Molding is the overlapping of the much that the chin touches the sternum,
skull bones along the suture lines the arms are flexed and folded on the chest,
which caused a change in the the thighs are flexed onto theabdomen, and
shape of the fetal skull to one long the calves are pressed against the posterior
and narrow that facilitates aspect of the thighs.
passage of the rigid pelvis.
▪ It will return eventually into its
normal shape
● Engagement – refers to the settling of
the presenting part of a fetus far enough
into the pelvis to be at the level of the
ischial spines, a midpoint of the pelvis.
▪ It’s equivalent to Station Zero or
the presenting part settles at the
level of the ischial spine
● Station refers to the relationship of the
presenting part of a fetus to the level of
the ischial spines.
● When the presenting fetal part is at the ▪ full flexion - vertex presentation.
▪ Moderate flexion – sinciput
level of the ischial spines, it is at a 0
presentation; considered as the
station (synonymous with engagement).
military attitude
● If the presenting part is above the ▪ Poor flexion – cephalic
spines, the distance is measured and presentation – brow presentation
described as minus stations, which ▪ Full extension - face presentation
range from 1 to 4 cm.
● If the presenting part is below the
ischial spines, the distance is stated as ● This normal “fetal position” is
plus stations (+1 to +4). advantageous for birth because it helps a
● At a +3 or +4 station, the presenting part fetus present the smallest anteroposterior
is at the perineum and can be seen if the diameter of the skull to the pelvis and also
vulva is separated (i.e., it is crowning). because it puts the whole body into an
ovoid shape, occupying the smallest space
● A fetus is in moderate flexion if the chin is
not touching the chest but is in an alert or
“military position”.
● A fetus in partial extension presents the → The four types of cephalic
“brow” of the head to the birth canal. presentation (vertex, brow, face, and
● Descent - means that the widest part of mentum).
the fetus (the biparietal diameter in a
cephalic presentation; the
intertrochanteric diameter in a breech
presentation) has passed through the
pelvis inlet or the pelvic inlet has been
proved adequate for birth.
● Fetal Lie - Lie is the relationship between
the long (cephalocaudal) axis of the fetal
body and the long (cephalocaudal) axis of
a woman’s body; in other words, whether
the fetus is lying in a horizontal
(transverse) or a vertical (longitudinal)

▪ Vertex is the ideal presenting part,

because skull bones are capable of
effectively molding to
accommodate the cervix.
▪ From the bridge of the nose up until
the anterior fontanel is considered
as the sinciput presentation.
▪ From the anterior fontanel to the
prominent part of the occiput is the
▪ From the prominent part of occiput
up to the base of the occiput –
occiput of the baby
▪ Back of the fetal head up to the base
of the head is considered as the
▪ There are two presentations under occiput
longitudinal lie. Cephalic ▪ Mentum can be the presenting
presentation and breech part, it depends upon with the
presentation degree of extension
▪ In shoulder presentation - ▪ Vertex presentation – head is
Transverse Lie and Oblique Lie completely flexed; Chin touches the
chest and it’s the most ideal type of
presentation, because the smallest
TYPES OF FETAL PRESENTATION diameter of the fetal head which is
Fetal presentation denotes the body part that the suboccipitobregmatic 9.5 cm,
willfirst contact the cervix or be born first. This presented in posterior fontanel as
is determined by a combination of fetal lie and the presenting part.
the degree of fetal flexion (attitude). ▪ Sinciput presentation it occurs
1. Cephalic Presentation - A cephalic when the head is partially flexed,
presentation is the most frequent type the anterior fontanel is the
of presentation, occurring as often as presenting part. The occipitofrontal
95% of the time. With this type of diameter which is 12 cm is
presentation, the fetal head is the body presented for delivery. It also
part that will first contact the cervix. called as the military position
because it gives an appearance of a
military person at attention.
▪ Brow presentation, it occurs when
the head is extended and 3. Shoulder Presentation - In a
backward causing the transverse lie, a fetus lies horizontally in
occipitomental diameter to be the pelvis so that the longest fetal axis is
presented for delivery. perpendicular to that of the mother. The
▪ Face presentation it occurs when presenting part is usually one of the
the head is sharply extended shoulders (acromion process), an iliac
causing the occiput to come in crest, a hand, or an elbow.
contact with the back of the fetus.
▪ Chin presentation or mentum it
occurs when the head is
hyperextended with the chin as the
presenting part.

2. Breech Presentation - A breech

presentation means that either the
buttocks or the feet are the first body
parts that will contact the cervix. Breech
presentations occur in approximately
3% of births and are affected by fetal
attitude. A good attitude brings the FETAL POSITION
fetal knees up against the fetal • Position is the relationship of the
abdomen; a poor attitude means that presenting part to a specific quadrant of
the knees are extended. Breech a woman’s pelvis.
presentations can be difficult births, • For convenience, the maternal pelvis is
with the presenting point influencing divided into four quadrants according to
the degree of difficulty. the mother’s right and left:
→ Three types of breech • (a) right anterior,
presentation • (b) left anterior,
(Complete, frank, and footling) are • (c) right posterior,
possible. • (d) left posterior.
▪ Complete breech – leg folded with
feet at the level of the baby’s
bottom • Vertex Presentation (occiput) –
▪ Footling breech – one or both feet LOA, left occipitoanterior
point down so the legs would LOP, left occipitoposterior
emerge first LOT, left occipitotransverse,
▪ Frank breech – Leg points up with ROA, right occipitoanterior
feet by the baby’s head so the ROP, right occipitoposterior
bottom emerges first. ROT, right occipitotransverse


▪ Occiput, Sacrum, mentum &
acromion process – fetal point of
▪ First letter indicates whether the
occiput or the fetal points of
direction or denominator of the
baby is in the left of the mother
▪ The “A” in Occiput whether in
anterior part of the mother
▪ When we say fetal points of
direction, this is the point of the
presenting part that is used to
orient into the maternal pelvis
▪ LOA – the occiput of the baby is at
the left side of the baby in anterior
in the mother’s pelvis

• Breech Presentation (sacrum)

LSaA – left sacroanterior
LSaP – left sacroposterior
LSaT – left sacrotransverse
RSaA – right sacroanterior
RSaP – right sacroposterior
RSaT – right sacrotransverse

▪ Sacrum is at the left side of the

mother and it is the anterior LSaA
▪ Sacrum of the baby is at the left
side of the mother and in posterior
• Face Presentation (Mentum) (CARDINAL MOVEMENTS)
LMA – left mentoanterior • Passage of a fetus through the birth
LMP – left mentoposterior canal involves several different position
LMT – left mentotransverse changes to keep the smallest diameter
RMA – right mentoanterior of the fetal head (in cephalic
RMP – right mentoposterior presentations) always presenting to the
RMT – right mentotransverse smallest diameter of the pelvis.
• These position changes are termed the
• Shoulder Presentation (acromion cardinal movements of labor:
process) • descent, flexion, internal rotation,
LAA – left scapuloanterior extension, external rotation, and
LAP – left scapuloposterior expulsion.
RAA – right scapuloanterior
RAP – right scapuloposterior


to the birth canal. Flexion is also aided by
abdominal muscle contraction during
▪ It measures 9.5 cm
▪ Kapag ang fetal bumababa deeper
into the pelvis, nakaka meet siya ng
resistance simula cervix, pelvic
floor or wall of the pelvis. This
resistance causes for the head of
the baby to flex in order for the chin
to brought close contact with the

● Descent is the downward movement of

the biparietal diameter of the fetal head
to within the pelvic inlet. Full descent
occurs when the fetal head extrudes
beyond the dilated cervix and touches the
posterior vaginal floor.
● Occurs because of pressure on the fetus
by the uterine fundus. The pressure of the
fetal head on the sacral nerves at the
pelvic floor causes the mother to ● Internal Rotation. During descent, the
experience a pushing sensation. Full head enters the pelvis with the fetal
descent may be aided by abdominal anteroposterior head diameter
muscle contraction as the woman pushes. (suboccipitobregmatic, occipitomental, or
▪ In primipara the descent usually occipitofrontal, depending on the amount
occurs with lightening in about 2
of flexion) in a diagonal or transverse
weeks before the labor onset
▪ In multipara the descent usually
takes place with engagement at ▪ Kapag ang head na reach na reach
the start of labor ang level of the ischial spine it will
rotate from transverse diameter to
AP diameter so that its largest
diameter is presented to the largest
diameter of the outlet.
▪ This movement will allow the head
to pass through the outlet
● The head flexes as it touches the pelvic
floor, and the occiput rotates to bring the
head into the best relationship to the
outlet of the pelvis (the anteroposterior
diameter is now in the anteroposterior
plane of the pelvis). This movement brings
the shoulders, coming next, into the
optimal position to enter the inlet, putting
● Flexion. As descent occurs and the fetal the widest diameter of the shoulders (a
head reaches the pelvic floor, the head transverse one) in line with the wide
bends forward onto the chest, making the transverse diameter of the inlet.
smallest anteroposterior diameter (the
suboccipitobregmatic diameter) present
diameter of the outlet and be able
to pass through the pelvis
● This brings the aftercoming shoulders into
an anteroposterior position, which is best
for entering the outlet. The anterior
shoulder is born first, assisted perhaps by
downward flexion of the infant’s head.

● Extension. As the occiput is born, the

back of the neck stops beneath the pubic
arch and acts as a pivot for the rest of the
head. The head extends, and the foremost
parts of the head, the face and chin, are ● Expulsion. Once the shoulders are born,
born. the rest of the baby is born easily and
▪ The combine forces of uterine smoothly because of its smaller size. This
contraction, pushing effort of the movement, called expulsion, is the end of
mother and the resistance sa pelvic
the pelvic division of labor
floor that causes for the head to
extend towards the vaginal
opening. As the head extends, the
chin is lifted up and it’s born POWERS OF LABOR
● The second important requirements for a
successful labor are effective powers of
labor. This is the force supplied by the
fundus of the uterus, implemented by
uterine contractions, a natural process that
causes cervical dilatation and then
expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.
After full dilatation of the cervix, the
primary power is supplemented by use of
the abdominal muscles. It is important for
women to understand they should not bear
down with their abdominal muscles until
● External Rotation. In external rotation, the cervix is fully dilated. Doing so
almost immediately after the head of the impedes the primary force and could cause
infant is born, the head rotates (from the fetal and cervical damage.
anteroposterior position it assumed to ● Uterine Contraction - The mark of effective
enter the outlet) back to the diagonal or uterine contractions is rhythmicity and
transverse position of the early part of progressive lengthening and intensity.
labor. ● Phases - A contraction consists of three
▪ Kapag lumabas na yung head phases: the increment, when the intensity
yung shoulder which enter the of the contraction increases; the acme,
pelvis ay naka transverse position when the contraction is at its strongest;
and it will turn into AP diameter and the decrement, when the intensity
position for it to become in line decreases
with the anteriorposterior
Power - This is the force supplied by the fundus
of the uterus, implemented by uterine
contractions, a natural process that causes cervical
dilatation and then expulsion of the fetus from the
Psyche - refers to the psychological state or
feelings that a woman brings into labor.

● Cervical Changes – Even more marked

than the changes in the body of the uterus
are two changes that occur in the cervix:
effacement and dilatation.
○ Effacement - it is shortening and
thinning of the cervical canal.
Normally, the canal is
approximately 1 to 2 cm long. With
effacement, the canal virtually
○ Dilatation refers to the
enlargement or widening of the
cervical canal from an opening a
few millimeters wide to one large
enough (approximately 10 cm) to
permit passage of a fetus

The fourth “P,” or a woman’s psychological

outlook, refers to the psychological state or
feelings that a woman brings into labor. For many
women, this is a feeling of apprehension or fright.
For almost everyone, it includes a sense of
excitement or awe.

Passenger - The passenger is the fetus.
Passage - refers to the route a fetus must travel
from the uterus through the cervix and vagina to
the external perineum

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