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Small Group Guide – Matthew 6:25-34 (Lectio Divina)

How to Break down the Time

1. Before we begin, let’s just take some time to settle down and get in a comfortable position. If it helps
you focus, you can close your eyes.
2. For our first reading, let’s hear the text read out loud and just take it in. Read the text slowly and gently
to allow the group to savor it.
3. After you are done, allow a brief moment of meditative silence.
4. Instruct them for the second reading: For our second reading, think about: What word or phrase stands
out as I listen?
5. After a little silence, give permission to stay in their posture, but feel free to share what word stood out.
Then take some time to meditate on that word/phrase.
6. For the third reading, being with the question, where does this word or phrase touch my life experience?
7. For the last reading, ask the question, what is God inviting you into right now? How is he inviting me to
8. Take some time to share with each other what you sense God was inviting you into. If this is the first
time your group is doing this type of Bible study, you can also ask how was that experience.
9. Take some time to share prayer requests and turn into groups of 2 or 3 to pray for each other.

Ice Breaker
What are you most looking forward to in your Spring Break?

Brief Explanation of the Method

 Here in InterVarsity one of the primary ways that we try to engage the Bible is through inductive study,
BUT TODAY, we will be doing a different method of Bible study called Lectio Divina.
 Lectio Divina is Latin for “divine teaching.” Earlier in history, majority of people could not read, so
Scripture was taught and learned by hearing. Our usual method of Bible study focuses on being curious,
asking questions, and trying to answer them, which requires more analysis and thinking. This method
allows us to soak in the Word and let the Spirit speak whatever He may bring up.
 Give them a play by play of what will happen: I will read out loud the Scripture 4 times. Before each
reading, you will give the group a question to focus on.

 Take Prayer Requests!
 Pray together for Spring Con and International Con
 Invite to the fun/study large group this Thursday 7:30pm Dorm MPR
 Cast vision for everyone gathering back together for our next small group after Spring Break 

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