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Child abuse is a life-scaring experience for a child, not to mention the emotional trauma
for the family. Feeling of shame, guilt or even confusion prevent young children from informing
their parents about the event. This reluctance could also be a result of any threat from the
abuser, and that is the reason why parents should be able to recognize the signs of abuse. It can
make a huge difference to a child’s life if she knows that the parents understand her feeling.


The physical, psychological, or sexual maltreatment or neglect of a child is termed as
child abuse. This can happen at the hands of a parent, a close relative or a caregiver and has a
significant detrimental effect on the child’s psyche. The highest risk of child abuse is to children
who are five years and below. When both parents are out to work, the child is often entrusted
to the care of a babysitter. A creche or a family this case, it is natural for the parents
to be concerned about the child’s safety.


There are many ways in which a child may be maltreated or abused, and these include sexual
abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect.

 Physical abuse occurs when a parent or a caregiver causes deliberate physical injury to a
 When a child is exploited for a sexual purpose or is involved in a sexual act, sexual abuse
 If a child’s social and mental development is compromised by a parent, it is called
emotional abuse.
 Neglect of a child occur when the parent or caregiver does not carry out necessary care
and support activities necessary for a child.
Abuse of children can occur in several circumstances. Here are some scenarios where a child
may be victimized:

1.Domestic Violence
Children who are part of households where is frequent domestic violence are prone to
becoming victims of abuse themselves. Men who abuse their female partners are responsible
for abusing the children in their homes too.

2. Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Parents who have a history of alcohol and drugs can be responsible for child abuse.
Dependence of substance abuse is one of the major causes of child abuse and maltreatment
which includes physical abuse and intentional neglect. Alcohol or drugs abusing parent is more
likely to initiate child abuse with kids of five years or below.

3. Stress and Lack of Support

Many children face psychological mistreatment when their caregivers or parent are
under stress. Parents find it difficult to deal with the emotional needs of a child especially when
they face stressful situations. Divorces, relationship issues, financial worries and job-related
problems can lead to parents meting out abuse to their children.

There is always nagging fear and doubt about a child’s safety in the minds of parents
who are unable to be around her. It is always easy to ignore or overlook signs of abuse
especially when you do not know what to look for. Check your child if anything unusual has
happened to him or her during the day, while at school or in daycare. Ask if she feels
uncomfortable or frightened about a particular situation or person. You should also keep an eye
on any physical or emotional changes you notice. Signs of injury to the body or constant crying
and fussiness are direct pointers of your child being an abuse victim.


Child abuse and neglect often leave long-term scars or the child, ones that are difficult
to erase from the mind and the body too. It can have a massive impact on the way the child will
manage relationships during adulthood and can dent their self-confidence. Children are unable
to function normally at school, college, or work when they grow up.

 Develop Trust Issues

It is very difficult for children to trust other people, especially when their parents have
been responsible for abuse. If one’s parents can trusted, who else can? An abused child
may not be able to form strong relationships nor maintain a healthy relationship.

 Felling of Being Worthless

It is extremely difficult to overcome negative feelings if one is constantly being berated
or even beaten up. Abused children harbor feelings of inferiority and being worthless
and thus settle for lesser education and low-paying jobs when they grow up. Similarly,
sexually abused children cannot ignore the shamefulness of the act the stigma attached
to it.


1. One of the most important ways of stopping child abuse is to recognize its signs in the
first place. Children tend to suffer in silence hence it is necessary to ask them to open up
and share.

2. Children often imitate the adults in their lives and if they have seen a parent inflict
abuse, they feel the behavior is acceptable, opt for therapy and counselling for children
who are vulnerable to abusive situations.

3. Spread knowledge about child abuse in the neighborhood or your town. When people
become aware of the harsh realities of abuse and neglect, they will spread the word
about it and this can stop a potentially abusive situation.

4. Educate children about “the good touch and the bad touch”.


 On hearing or knowing about abuse of a child, make sure you respond with urgency and
 Believe what the child has told you and not repeat it to others without reason.

 Never stop them from talking about it or make them feel guilty about it.

 Tell the child that he or she is now safe, and you will take care of the situation.

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