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This year world have a very serious problem about health and enviroment that makes people

anxious about live and interaction. It cause by a virus called covid -19. This virus can bring
people to daeth if they get infacted.
Mrs A have long holiday this year aand she decided to back to her home town and spend her
time with her family. When she arived at her home town she don’t do checup obligation to
avoid transmission of the virus.

Daughter : Hallo mam,i’m going back home now. I’m have a long holiday. So i’m decided to
spend my time whit you. Wait for me. I’m arrived at 10.00 Am.

Mother : Oh dear, i’m so happy such good news. I’ will make your favoriet food when you

Daughter : mom i’m home....

Mother : come in, i’m in the kitchen.have you eat?

Daughter : not yet. Lets eat together.

Mother : I heared the virus goes really bad out ther. Are you oke?

Daughter : don’t worry mam. I’m good...

Somedays leter mrs A got very sick and her mom just take care of her at home. 10 AM some
group of people come to their home. They said that they are health inspector who going to
check people that come from outside the countryside area.

Nurse : excuseme, we are a health inspector. We heard that your daughter come from
other city. According to the virus that we faced these days we must do a check up for
your daughter to avoid the transmission.

Mother : What a coincidence, my daughter had a fever and hard cough, please care in.

Nurse : After we chack the body temperature of your daughter is very hight do you have a
caugh right?

Daughter : yes, i feel sick on my throat

Nurse : you’ll be suspecting. We’ll bring you to the hospital for more detail.

Mother : Please do anything that can help my daughter.

Nurse : We well do our best.

Daughter : Don’t worry about me mom, i will get well son tomorrow. Don’t cry again. I don’t
you always cry. Be healthy mom and don’t forget to pray for me

Mother : I always pray for you dear, Please come back to our home oke. I will wait you...

IN The Hospital

Nurse : Excuseme doc, we have new suspected patien.

Docter : Do a laboratory check now.

Nurse : Oke doc. I will do it..

Nurse : I will accompany you to your room.

Daughter : Oke.thank you

Docter : This is a laboratory result mrs A. She positif covid-19. Please bring pasient to the
isolasi room. Please tell her about her condition.

Nurse : oke i’ll tell her.

Nurse : mrs A i would to tell about your laboratory result. You are positif covid 19 so we
will bring you to isolasi room.

Daughter : cant i recover nurse? I heard the virus cant make people death

Nurse : we well do best for you,so don’t worry. Just do what we say to you.
Docter come to her room

Docter : you’ll isolated here for about 14 days and we well take care of you. You must
wear mask and don’t go outside this area. And her your schedule. First thing first you
must do sunbathing for about 15 minute at 10 AM and the nurse will bring you
medicine everyday. You must get enough rest. And don’t forget to drink enough

Daughter : oke thank you for information.

Nurse : this is your medicine, drink this after you eat. Your food will be come.

In the nurse station, the nurse call family of Mrs A. And talk to her mother about mrs A

Nurse : hallo mrs B. I’m nurse C from hospital. Iwant infrom you about your daughter. She
was infected. And now being isolated. It will be take 14 days. We will do the best for
your daughter. And if you feel same symptoms like your daughter,please call the
hospital or health inspector.

Mother : oh my dear... please take care my daughter... i belive you... thaank you so much for

After 14 days mrs A do a laboratory check to know her condition now. If there any changes
on her condition she will discharge.

Nurse : mrs A have you sunbathing today? Today we are going to chack your laboratory.

Daughter : yes. How long i can wait the result?

Nurse : We will give you in this afternoon..

In afternoon

Docter and nurse : mr A this is your laboratory result. Congratulation now you fully recover
and we will discharge you.

Daughter : really?? I’m so glad to hear that. When i can go?

Nurse : tomorrow at 9 Am we will take your home.

Daughter : Thank you for everything. I always remember when i’m here. And god bless you.

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