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Shrinking –withdrawal or reducing


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Outsourcing- subcontracting

Author: Ismael Inoussa Nchare Koffa ‹ Previous Post | Next Post ›

Posted date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:22:59 PM
Last modified date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:22:59
Total views: 6  Your views: 1

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Through my experience working in the areas of logistics and supplier management, I

noted that the failure of managing suppliers correctly is a leading trend that is impacting
the global community. I observed that good supplier management within any company
plays a great role and has an important impact on the overall profits and working
environment. Strong and consistent policies regarding supplier and contract
management improves client/supplier relationships because suppliers understand the
company’s goals, aspirations and way of working.

When I began working for UNICEF in 2009, there were no clear policies in place regarding
supplier management, causing deliveries to arrive late, incorrect shipments, incorrect
quantities and quality as there was no consistent follow up. This not only impacted on
the workload of the logistics staff but also caused humanitarian programmes to be
delayed and thus impacting on the lives of communities. In order to rectify this problem
UNICEF implemented a system called the “Total Quality Management”. This system put a
particular focus on supplier management and the value for money service. Due to the
new system the relationship between UNICEF and its suppliers dramatically improved as
deliveries were as per the agreed contracts due to the new responsibility suppliers felt
towards UNICEF and the communities that it serves.

I believe that supplier management is evidence of an expanding global community as

suppliers can now be located outside the country or even continent of the company. The
reason for this is the ever globalizing world due to new communication technology which
allows clients to easily advertise global tenders. This means that clients can get a more
competitive price and possibly better quality or more appropriate products. This cross
long distance relationship means that supplier management policies and follow-up is

In conclusion, a lack of good supplier management policies can have significant cost and
time impacts on all projects causing companies to lose current or potential business.

Hi Lornezo,

I read your posting saying that “Nowadays countries that others used to outsource have the
challenges of finding other cheaper outsources to reduce cost given the examples where Chinese are
delocalising to Mongolia, etc”. Although I fully agree with you in that, cost reduction is paramount to
businesses across the globe, consumers also have preferences and are likely to cut down on the
consumption of goods and services that do not provide the needed satisfaction thus making that
outsourcing not profitable.

Author: Ismael Inoussa Nchare Koffa
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:22:59 PM EDT
Subject: RE: Seminar 1 Discussion

Through my experience working in the areas of logistics and supplier management, I noted
that the failure of managing suppliers correctly is a leading trend that is impacting the global
community. I observed that good supplier management within any company plays a great
role and has an important impact on the overall profits and working environment. Strong
and consistent policies regarding supplier and contract management improves
client/supplier relationships because suppliers understand the company’s goals, aspirations
and way of working.

When I began working for UNICEF in 2009, there were no clear policies in place regarding
supplier management, causing deliveries to arrive late, incorrect shipments, incorrect
quantities and quality as there was no consistent follow up. This not only impacted on the
workload of the logistics staff but also caused humanitarian programmes to be delayed and
thus impacting on the lives of communities. In order to rectify this problem UNICEF
implemented a system called the “Total Quality Management”. This system put a particular
focus on supplier management and the value for money service. Due to the new system the
relationship between UNICEF and its suppliers dramatically improved as deliveries were as
per the agreed contracts due to the new responsibility suppliers felt towards UNICEF and
the communities that it serves.

I believe that supplier management is evidence of an expanding global community as

suppliers can now be located outside the country or even continent of the company. The
reason for this is the ever globalizing world due to new communication technology which
allows clients to easily advertise global tenders. This means that clients can get a more
competitive price and possibly better quality or more appropriate products. This cross long
distance relationship means that supplier management policies and follow-up is crucial.

In conclusion, a lack of good supplier management policies can have significant cost and
time impacts on all projects causing companies to lose current or potential business.

Author: Raphael Asuliwonnu ‹ Previous Post | Next Post ›

Posted date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:26:38 PM EDT
Last modified date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:26:38
Total views: 5  Your views: 1

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Author: Anonymous
Date: Thursday, December 2, 2010 1:33:15 PM EST
Subject: Seminar 1 Discussion
What current trend in your field is impacting the global community? What is an example from your own background
or experience which illustrates the impact you have identified? Is this trend evidence of a shrinking or expanding
global community? Explain your answer. To conclude your posting, share a picture or description of your working
environment in order to help your classmates understand your unique perspective.

Though Elections observation have become an integral part of democratic

elections around the world, the phenomenon of Domestic Electoral
observation is gradually gaining international importance. The work of
domestic elections observation is now acknowledged as having equal
importance as international observation
Domestic Elections Observation gives a sense of national/citizenship
ownership of the electoral processes. It is generally believed and rightly so
that if citizens and the civil society of a country takes an active interest in the
process, they understand better and also gain knowledge necessary for a long-
term sustainability of the democratization process of their countries.
This renewed interest in domestic elections observation is an indicative of
both a shrinking and an expansion of the international community. On the
one hand, since international elections observers team up with domestic
observers and assist them in capacity building and knowledge sharing and
resources the reach and influence of the international community is extended
to many countries. Thus there is an expansion or a globalization of ideas on
human rights, human progress and human development.
However, on the other hand, this same expansion of the international
community’s influence and the globalization ideas is also indicative of a
shrinking international community since there is a realization that we share
the same values no matter our race, sex or creed. It makes us realize our
common humanity and so close the gap and our differences.

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