Indiana Jones & The Emperor-S Tomb 2003 LucasArts

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“SS HEALTH BOARD NOTICE, | 5} fans) ancu Says T need 2 eatting cack foe wl ats Safety Advisory For Travelers Abroad oud i eae and pod “smaper sted. nm es | Te dome telbering to mull over, rub q Ct, 24 | WARNING: READ BEFORE USING YOUR PLAYSTATION®2 | athched cf to the cover, I think ef dian, | COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. My cligucs sds Cologe hind I fc an A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when } exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or j pep grunds on a television screen or while playing video! games, iachiding ou saan foo much on a Batiet oudsive played on the PlayStation 2 console, may induce an epileptic seizure in these What's the. ee aeferrach gf ee had ho f ' T need bo wake dure [ have individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic apple len 25k symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. Ifyou, oranyone in your family, has an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior tm eee nyone in your family, pileptic o t your physician p i canes ellie defi hoo playing. Ifyou experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video game ~ dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, cv a in another de hake any involuntary movement, or convulsions ~- IMMEDIATELY discontjnug, use 4, and consult your physician before resuming play. od f onget | do ay cd deren t or the pil = a is, tipt \ bets Bhrepuoud ee LOM, ye WARNING TO OWNERS OF cin TELEVISIONS: te chads OG cell Do/not connect your PlayStation 2 console to a projection TV without ireemmmn Yletc, Cad T kpow anes will no interedde ds consulting the user manual for your projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. . yoo ia a ae jan 6 ae Otherwise, it may permanently damage yaur TV screen. USE OF UNAUTHORIZED PRODUCT: To Pree The use of software orperipherals not authorized by Sony Computer Entertainment | Opa ca hes America may damage your console and/or invalidate your warranty. Only officialor | sf, ig i ficensed peripherals should be used in the controller ports or memory card slots. | 2 journal go nae Coal . Unfortupately for we, Dad nate 4 ope a HANDLING YOUR PLAYSTATION 2 FORMAT DISC: e tt ‘This disc is intended for use only with PlayStation 2 consoles with the NTSC § 1G Shated 2 Lywentory 2] 2 ee hs J al Shaking Un 3 gree 4 ono} Genad craaht ine salt meceme a GeestgE ving apd f. aading 25 Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat. i Maen. Menu 7 36 stare to teks an dccapioual feat bacal-Uatioe extended play. : 0 inbson 7 Yow lo Confacd Keep this compact disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case when not in use. Clean the dise with a lint-free, soft, dry Research to fucadAatd 30 cloth, wiping in straight lines from center to outer edge. Never use solvents or Ceedicle abrasive cleaners. ; adic Moved IS 3 22 tf Specizt Moves 16, pees Update: Customs requires all medications obtained outside of the United Satay’ Combad Moves 20 Ow ‘a be accompanied by documentation at the time of reentry. No exceptions, = Acdton Teond 24 Saige ieapes 58 Shtut 25 aoe anaes 36 061281 -SETUP&IE _ | RENDITION: MEMORY CARD slot 2 MEMORY CARD slot 1 USB connector. $400 i.LINK connector controller port 1 controller port 2 DESCRIPTION: Set up your PlayStation® the disc tra information on using the software. PLAYSTATION®2 COMPUTER ENTER 1 AINMENT SYSTEM NATIONAL MUSEUM ANTIQUITIES ARCHIVE RESEARC TIES FORM AND ITS CONTENTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL UNTIL VERIFICATION PROCESS IS COMPI GETTING STARTED computer entertainment system according to the! instructions in its Instruction Manual. Make sure the MAIN POWER swite! (located on the back of the console) is turned on. Press the RESET button. When the power indicator lights up, press the open button and the disc tray will open. Place the Indiana Jones® and the Emperor’s Tomb™ disc on the disc tray with the label side facing up. Press the open button again and will close. Attach game controllers and other peripherals, as _ appropriate. Follow onscreen instructions and refer to this manual for 7a INTERUVEPARTUEET MEMO 01/09/35 he se te reviens w x tepartment Heads route to all instrugj | ATT. reg Sn fivese guideline and changes take eifect ammediately. Use ds outlined below 1 Bev = Ni New departmental procedures concerning the manipulat ulatory controls. See diagram for specitications and e dise tray RESET button (OPEN) button | MAIN POWER switch (located on the back of unit) ided by the campus Board of Education, courtesy of the Patent Office, reg. 052489 STARTING UP PALbA Doc. 14, Ske a'mnente-spent 2 Jan. 1, 1935. 1,985,804 DUALSHOCK®2 ANALOG CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION LI button 12 button RI button LOOK MODE/ROLL/ —/ DRAW& HOLSTERWEAPON/ GUARD MODE RESET CAMERA LAST ITEM USED R2 button RELOAD AMMO. LXbutton ACTION O button JUMP D1 button SECONDARY ATTACK X button i PRIMARY SELECT button ATTACK peer ioal buttons © Jefi analog stick START button right analog stick ENTORY/ MOVE/ PAUSE, CAMERA VIEW NAUGATE NAVIGATE (R3 button when MENUS ANALOG pushed down) (L3 button when mode switch PATENT OFFICE pushed down) Beta (CLES) sett ts (CLE) St aces information prov aie a ei I have read the above and agree to these procedures as outlined by this institution, EXCAVATION WORKS EFT f Commonly Found Stone Implements 4 and Their Strata Associations ee ? fie ob ded dion With F/ oy nae ne onde a bat bevel Gace laden” on hee speccaen tate MEE twa do Wociug wanded oud dome of the recent finds of fa whens Fel Rt ee i more Lime than T2 the He al pl fd aecend epee fan. 12 id the thivey. 7 mutt be x commection im Folie lay tad tos be hada tb te geave cbbesceg in Vou! Men Cechaly fecance intay on the dagger a he ne ve ad ieee a 5 ese ho et Zo Dae pyre edition that would oo we Ot be viseting [gtantub on 724 sont ug, es gabbatical. So muck for Hawace! ropdifehen Hafen. opean port. LINES pTEAMER ES Eten Reljenden (ber Familien the UNITED STATES m worden. pred the head of the family , 5 /2 reentereses ns Me He vor fil be provided trom im britter Staffe des the third class of the heron N®W YORE — Gifenbabn CL. Rafe) Hil (Third Class) folgt vereinbart ‘agreed and pald as follows ie die Belterdefirderung continuation of journey i i pHIP TIC IRD CLASS G | crea wt er Pao Gofen nihts mehr pt oof in baggage (with the ‘uname Family name Pra diss. STEAMSHIP TICKET SCHIFFSKARTE: ict for transportation to a non-European por Dee Fahepreis The passage}. Alter pressing the START button at the Title Screen, the Main Menu appears. Press the left analog stick or directional | butions to highlight your selection, and press the @9 button io confirm. Press the | ‘Sormam : =e @ button to exit a menu. Given names NEW GAME Select after loading a previously saved game or after choosing to begin a New Game. Before you can start a new game, a session must be created so your progress can be saved. To create a session, enter a name from the alphabetical menu by navigating with the left analog stick and pressing the @ button. Up to ten games can be saved. "| Allist of previously saved games is available through this LOAD GAME OPTIONS RAILORDER ISSUED bin fiber 30 Jase Fens: pon 1 Hb 10 ‘under T year | Sie 17 aie. ARTIFACTS CREDITS * US selection. Saved games may also be deleted from this sereen, Sec page 28 for more information on loading, —_ To enhance your gameplay experience, you may want to adjust the following: | Controls: You can reconfigure the controller with the provided presets, and turn the vibration function ON/OFF, Camera: You can reverse the vertical viewing direction for your first-person views, and the vertical and horizontal views for your third-person view. Audio: You may set the volume levels of the game's Music, Sound FX, and Voice. Display: You can turn the subtiiles ON/OFF. Difficulty: There are three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard. These options alter your maximum Health Level and the strength of your enemies, and may provide a more challenging experience. Find all the artifacts in the game to unlock a bonus. See ihie’adiventirers who brought you this incredible indy ‘experience! . STEAMER LINES yk NEW YORE i 4 |= RESEARCH Fee conbacted Lhe Vadconal A ghocintion ing Saapetts copdribull | for field work, Recend funding from WPA had increaded my overall expende wage, bat the Board geewd to think Iu, more of i gare robber Han 2 higdorian, Apparently, | the Works Progrets Akmini station Specifies ply, 2ig68. guidelines for “conservation | YA tert the Hudeum knows Tm © onby inderedted in prederving and protecting 7 -# feb 6 Good news! Marceud wants me to help locate 24 aebefied im Ceylon, and the comput Beard of ses at ir & Sead gm baticsé, thoulSil have ms ol eee ne Ph hope oud my bulged Sitgubel [ve cabled uy frcerd ad the Contutate for the inthe devon. Ttb head out im berrch of the boat city of Aranpurs and the Savacsde [Bot a4 coon aT hese back from him, ¥ > ‘ Mec Yow Sek 7 fle Me ab awl : comed from 2 wogl upli ; 7 Bettog! Though Settog and T Font a aps actifacts, ct appered the tate ae 10. of Beck apd Selloy cg even greater! ; Barnett Go vilgge Hew York U- SsA4 Sritish Embace,/Ceyior bi a s a > 4 5 B 5 eS H at a EATHER FORECAST Showers prot Saturday; not “ XDlain the epoenemen, ESDAY, FEBRUAKY 20, 192 Vera) 2 Perhaps th the Es nae sone ex his ener SEVENTY-SIXTH YEAR—NO.282 ; NEA Feature Serv RUMORS OF LOST | TOMB CAUSE + ir TTALIANS WILL [77g START WAR BY YEAR’S END Expect Campaign to Consume Four Years tOndisclosed | “Emperor Ch'in Shil:-t the Empire of China by power into an autocracy to govern the feudal communities in 246 B.C. Though Emperor Ch'in Shih-huang-ti was techni- cully the uirth c+ or to rule, he was the first 10 unity the seven states of China through agricultural and m y reform. His mame, “Shik” meous “first,” and Huang” was the tith of the previous three emperors, and Emperor Ch'in Shih- huang-ti has beer. .cnsidered the “First Emperor” since his self-proclamation. He created townships, built roads. standard- ized ag unified economic and cultural exc across the continent. When be >» ended the throne, Emperor! i began the construe- d said that plans to ite in a Republican (oday were “news to Jto comment iuriher, Paris, Feb. 16- “Itis uy informed Italy that an invasion of: Ethiopa w ult in the collapse of “ic in likely ty: Cincinnati, O., Feb. 1 The Chief of Police, € Department of Justice omb. in the tradition ofiall-| League of Nations and a resumption of of the political leaders antiquity. and died in] the dangerous pre-war “balance af ecause they come tome } and killed in a gun be 210 B.C, while can ay from} power” in Europe, authoritative sources: ments,” ie said, adding | sight and his slayer, resident, was woury ‘The gun battle oc in his home, wher agents attempted Suspect automobi The alleged thi charged with mut and was pospialh fed to tpend the day a prominent publisher the Capital. said today. The tomb of the Emperor is wid known, and his be ed by loess for centuries; however the actual crypt or| mausoleum of the Emperor himself has never heen #senvered, nor has a full-scale excavation been commissioned. We interviewed Dr. Abner Ravenwood, an expert on Antiquities of the Orient, vial Informatiomin the hands of the Brit cablegram over se\ tal days. Currently he] military intelligence is that slim is in Nepal working on personal research. } tary Feb London, Iuily intends to attack Ethiop:a on two fronts during the later part of the ycar and will be prepared for a four-year campaign. according to expert snilitary opinion. ‘resident is en route from v his California home When asked for his opinion about the current state of the U.S. economy, he politely declined t0 comment. sBuns17-SN Wi Yod-10jsu194 Beek hi eile Nit3dd3Z VIA ya b SReRTERVEDIEL Par! td Pht A! ee” ahd @ Frecp Manat I sciutever tae | COMBAT MOVES KNOW YOUR ENEMY You will fight your enemies in cither Close Combat or Ranged Combat. three button actions. If is down, you will Close Combat is bare-knuckled, no-holds-barred fighting involving hand-to- | S2'fsem Kick Combinagons at well, hand moves, your whip, and improvised weapons. © button - @ button — @ button Ranged Combat is useful in situations where long-range firepower is more (basic triple-left combination) effective than bare-fisted brawling, and involves a variety of guns from your | @ 5 ten — @)hution —€ huton trusty OA oe ean (basic triple-right combination) in Soubl, when “ex! een, | Example grabs: Once you have grabbed an enemy, you can perform special grapple punches or knee attacks by pressing emgie “or ora oe the Primary Attack button (@ button) and Secondary ec ance steele eeeredee hick, Encd Attack button (@) button). You can also throw an | smashes, head-butts, shoulder throws and eee ag beeen gra ty resing the ete aes flea Aiapieriaehiee butters Jou analog stick in any direction. Grabbing an enemy i] : press and your position to the enemy. a Peclorig 20 race ygpowestal head. ne . |) & To punch, press the Primary Attack button © button + @ button (grab), ]) £@ button) or the Secondary Attack then @ button ~ @ button (knee attack), () | = button @ button), which correspond to then left analog stick (throw enemy) ; 5 your right and left fists. These buttons may Mi eabee: also kick an enemy if the enemy is down in front of you. Use the left analog stick to control the direction of your attacks. In addition to the combinations above, alternately pressing the Primary Attack button (@ button) and Secondary Attack button (@ button) will perform more advanced (and devastating) combinations. Furthermore, pressing the left analog stick in varying directions while tapping out any of the button combos will result in different attacks. @ button — @ button — @ button @ button — @ button - @ button To grab an enemy, press the Primary Attack button (@ button) and Secondary Attack button (@ button) simultaneously. P THIS AND OTHER TACTICAL DOCUMENTS CONFIDENTIAL FOR YOUR SAFETY AND THE PROTECTION OF YOUR COUNTRY. Study the examples shown at right. PREPARED BY THE TRALNING DIVISION, Fievy Manvuat: Prysica Trarnine Series — Hanp-To-Hanp } Frecp Manuat: Prysicat Tratninc Series — Hanv-To-HGi np ™ aw 2 uheuueaaal : - ES eS = ee vz) | i seas er ‘The Whip: To use the whip effectively in combat PREPARED BY THE TRAINING DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF Wait Ae OMBAT MOVES Your Close Combat weapons include your whip and a wide selection of improvised weapons you can pick up from the environment and wield for a limited time. Close Combat weapon attacks are performed. with the Primary Attack button (@ button) and Secondary Attack button (@ button). ot Leven THREE ‘Fequires skill and practice, because the whip is not a particularly fast weapon. However, its ability to drive enemies backwards and its variety of special attacks makes the whip a versatile and stinging weapon. Pressing the Secondary Attack button (®@ button) will crack the whip, and is effective in pushing back multiple enemies. Pressing the Primary Attack button (@% button) quickly may perform a quick overhead strike that will knock a weapon out of your enemy's hand. Note: If you disarm an enemy, sometimes you can pick up and use his weapon. Be careful, however, as other enemies can do the same thing and use the fallen weapon against you. Pressing and holding the Primary Attack button (@& button) may wrap the whip around an enemy's neck and pull him towards you automatically for a powerful combination punch, Machete: Use the machete to hack your way through vine-covered passageways, or cut some ropes. Improvised Weapons: You can use items in your environment as improvised weapons, such as a shovel, bottle, chair or even a table leg (if the table is broken first). Some improvised weapons can be used to parry blows, while others can only be thrown at an enemy. Unlike your whip, some improvised weapons may only be used a few times before they break! To pick up an improvised weapon, press the Action button (® button) . Use the Primary Attack button (@ button) to wield TITASMOAINN NOLISOANS-SEGL SITHXMG a? the object. Some objects (like bottles) can be thrown by pressing the Primary Attack” (€) button. Pressing the L2 button or selecting a new weapon will make you drop the improvised weapon, Grenades: Grenades will explode several seconds after you press the Primary Attack button (@ button). Make sure that you are out of range of the explosion! -— Maa 9 cutting Koes | tedveen Aim | Throw Meter: IF you pick up certain throwable objects, like grenades, press the Primary Attack button (& button) to make a Throw Meter appear on screen. As the Throw Meter rises and falls, release the Primary Attack button (@ button) to throw the object at different strengths. Blocking (Guard Mode): To block Close Combat attacks, hold down the Ri button and enter Guard Mode. You will automatically face your nearest enemy. You can. block any frontal attacks but you cannot block attacks that come directly from behind, so position yourself to protect your back when combating multiple enemies. While in Guard Mode, holding down the Jump button © button) and pressing the left analog stick will allow you to quickly execute special evasive moves: dash left/right, or dash back/forward. Pressing the L1 button executes a forward somersault. Trap Mode: Occasionally, when confronted with dangerous traps, you will automatically enter Trap Mode. While in Trap Mode, pressing the left analog stick will execute quick evasive dashes, but you cannot change the direction you are facing, RANGED COMBAT | 5 , i, Your primary Ranged Combat weapons are your pistol and whip. Unlike the whip, suns only utilize the Primary Attack button (@ button). Pressing the Secondary \ttack button (@ button) will bash your opponent (if they are close enough) with the butt of your pistol. For weapons that fire, holding down the L1 button will initiate the Look Mode and an aiming cross hair appears (see page 15). Holding down the R1 button enables you to lock onto one target, increasing your accuracy. As you select or fire your weapon, your Ammunition Status appears in the lower right portion of the screen. The ammunition is shown in two counters. The first indicates the number of shots you can fire before reloading, and the second indicates the number of rounds remaining in your inventory. You can reload your i weapon at any time by pressing the R2 button. dag ost S swoon AL vorshes wa LY as Fiecp MANWAL: PuystcaL TRAINING Serres — Hanp-To-Hanp ah WASHINGTON D.C. SAFETY AND THE PROTECTION OF YOU COUNTRY. you _S AND OTHER TACTICAL DOCUMENTS “ONFIDENTIAL FOR ———— The Cupecor ceahint- t . : : rae Db el ee “AROHSO LOGY 101 = : RUQUIRED MATERIALS Bem eR ah." : ' . Jan 97,. 1935 antiquarian researc’ covers mails introductory course to pasic field methods and the interpretation ot material evidence irom the excavations’ ol pistorical sites; with emphasis on strate association “(sequenc! ng and seriation} *echniques) and the prevention of site contarination. | Excavation is inherently destructives there ; ‘history of excavation methodology and the ¢ disturbing sites ot cultural signiticance Will also be 5 ‘examined. This is a hands-on courue, and requires each P student to become familiar with the following in order t, propexly interact with the {oulum? ACTION ICONS fhe action Ieons are iniormative graphics that -appeaxr in the top-right corner o1 jhe screen when & special action can be periormed, hese Icons can provide valuable aints ii you are uncertain about Sod what to do. four 3% are in L the Ll buttor). impER: Your Health Meter ranges irom gree to red and retlects your current condition wach time. you”receive damage (from a punch.’ pistol shot, ial] or drowning) the Health kever y on ‘sere Whip Pill Out ‘ appears 25 Swing Canteen Item ’~ Intexsactive! watch you ageG hee | By huxt, you up corwar = “ | exhaustion. Once your health al r | drops below 20 percent, the a c Health Meter will remain on the ze . y sereen. Once your Health eter 3 Zz Fick Up Lever a Fash BLP 4] reaches zero, the game is over. . Ovject End £ bine : ‘ aa ER: You need water 10 survive on jour gdventures. aS weter, your Health esses proportionately. Operate 2 Water trom your anne > canteen and reiill it at the ‘ ¢ountains ound throughout the level(see Inventory on Page SNe ) Deno Charge * ? si oe i 1 MATERIALS RELEASE FORM | Barnett Cottege | \ “a { a \ MEMO: All materials issued are property of Barnett College and cannot be obtained without a signed expense voucher issued | ae y by yourdepartment, and all requests must be approved by the supplies « before materials can be released. “He hall not bind his soul with elay."—Alired T. Tennyson (1809-189) SS > AD lodidun DEPARTMENT } e COURSE_arcuscioay4 ecause the condition of the Savarati Idol WAS, || ]) PROFESSOR _zohes. 2 1s | | = . SEMESTER__#222 '35 i } shall os say, LESS thay satisfactory, our exhibit DEPT. APPROVAL_De._& | on religious idolatry is being pos ‘. 2. | | disruption oC she, = pestpoved, much to MATERIALS f Seum's ; an operatini T &T i | I'm vet glVing up, however. The Mos fo } INVE : ITORY f melee a ik cu AAS yet The inventory in your tark VII Wu) ike. 5 . satchel changes as you acquire ¢ ccovered in time new items during gameplay. Your OF A speci, ape standard kit contains your whip special exhibit ov the South American pistol, asd cartoon, S30 adzokl @ sya) Warriors r through your inventory, press the) eNiNa earl direct. 2 buttons , er 3 ty Next year, ane preva the disecuens oe i We have bequa preliminary research awed | hope te locate the temple which we believe. may vuttons ff to select, or press the® ectional buttons § to deselect. i i . ““WBaPous: Your whip, pistol, and ctier weapons are explained on CONtAIN A 2,000-year-ole Iden idol page 22. te a ae golden idol. Not much KNOWN About. site; only that we are iv VGaNTEER? The canteen restores your health by reireshing you with water. The canteen holds |] enough water to restore your health irom 0-100 percent. You can drink water at any time by selecting it irom your inventory and holding down the Primary attack button (9 button) until ou reach the level you desire or until your canteen is empty. The canteen can be refilled at countains found throughout the levels. To refill our canteen, stand at a fountain and hold doun She action putton (@ button). It’s a good idea to fil] your carteen at every opporturity. Sempetition with several } collectors, which may Aceh other museums Anich | are still oor most profitable “expert, of | Antiquarian acquisitian,” > = 8 es e = - € wx r 5 ct Go FLLRIM LON O02 INW terrace wee j | Uar: ry you should find a map, you can view St by selecting it trom your inventory. ae ee Aggro tei te wort SPECIAL TEM REQUESTS 1 ag orb Guedly | Book:“Poisons, antidotes, a: 21 Theories” by sddison. | Khyber Bowie Sword Textbook: Thawks Again, Itdy, antic better luck vext time. MOnRALA ¥ POLICY, AMMU earning to Fly! an Introd: ction to Pad. 3 eniitg St 58 —————— 4 YAL who Vieg 27 a PARIS wkG YPT Nek Dat 6. Validid uy lates pet re les vo tuds yages - chard. Ss” pen are Doi Pac urée de la dant i Perse validité y automaticall) saved at various points will be presente with tO yo Main Menu: in pragressr you! gst ¥ veturned * amie, e a game isin Jair yOu swell oe FEI Point or Quit ots the memory: if you ait FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ESS al ae re RSET B) ne time showa in the date line oa telegrams and day letters is Standard Time ivedat 5 xs 9 RY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS BA] | fall-rate Telegram or Cablegram unless its A character is indicated by a suitable sign receding the address. at point of origin. Time of receipt is Standard Time at point of destination. DIANA JONES, BARNETT COLLEGE, NEW YORK FIND US ONLINE Support. HOW 90 Goxnde” Tooasaens YOU CAN FECEIVE ONLINE TECH SUPPORT NEED HELP? WH HAVE TOP MEX WORKING ow Im, THROUGH YODA'S HELP DESK (AN INTERAGTIVE, 24 HR/7 DAY KNOWLEDGE BASE), BROWSE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS, OR LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR AN ONLINY REPRESENTATIVE, LUCASARTS CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT OUR LATEST GAWES, HINT AND GAMEPLAY @ ASSISTANCE, AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT. | ox 5 eae Hae eeae Ces.) ECHNICAL SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER : : 1=415=507-4545 POR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ONLY 1-900=740-sEDI (5334). YOU MUST BE 18 YRS RINTS). WE ARE ABLE 10 HE U MONDAY= OLD OR HAVE PARENT'S PERMISSION. Requires py ‘0 PINTS) ARE ABLE TO HELP YOU MONDAY ) FRIDAY 9:00 A.M, to 6:00 P.M. st. 4 TOUGRTONE PHONE. COSTS $1.99 PER MINUTE. : Broo = ie Fs P ; ™Q TALK 10 A LIVE OPERATOR, CALL DURING : \ ; 3 Diem TECHNICAL SUPPORT FAX NUMBER REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS (9:00 Au. 70 2 : a 1-415-507-0300 70 FaX YOUR TECHNICAL 6:00 Peli. PST). AVERAGE CALL LENGTH Is soo : f Meets QUESTIONS. INCLUDE YOUR NAME, RETURW Fax ] AND AREA CODE, AND A VOICE ies s HINT LINE (CANADA) NUMBER (IN CASE WE EXPERIENCE ANY PRO 1-900-677-JEDI (5334). YOU MUST BE 18 YRS IW FAXING YOU BACK). OLD OR HAVE PARENT'S PERMISSION. REQUIRES 4 A TOUCHTONE PHONE. COSTS $1.25 (U.S.) PER ‘ECHNIGAL SUPPORT MAILING ADDRESS s MINUTE. TO TALK TO A LIVE OPERATOR, caLL ) LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM i DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS (9:00 NTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. =r TO 6:00 Peli. PST). AVERAGE CALL LENGTH IS °0- BOX 10507, SAN RAFAEL, Ca 94912 3 MINUTES. ATEN: PRODUCT SUPPORT . THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY Tl SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR 0 Break 2rcheolocc ges wlwiye ee P aS Cas wk Safest? Ttl bke 2 febo ove A father a “The Collective like singleton a + Euban jane “PROJEO? DIRECTORS < YP Production yi eae, 7 © vouglas Bare Gigative Lirector, VP Bishard Hare VP Developzent Qary Priest PROJEC? L¥ALS Lead artist tre; Brian Horton Brett Cook Adaz Creston Ware toCall Level Lesign Purner Lead Lesigner Brad Santos Lead Programmer Robert iobbs frent Wartines Richard Starr Lead Engine Prograamer 7#°¢ Cornero Nathan Hurt Uead Tools Programmer 75828? Semen es, Zave Winstead Lead PS2 Progranner Willjam Chen Producer i animation pouenerere Paul Belmore PROJEOR THaut Paul ‘Grin’ Lee ‘Technology David Kilsen Brian Beliield Kevin Christensen Patrick Cyr Emil Dotohevsk1 Pachia El Guerrab Paul In Foberta Browne Bodelers reg Baldwin allen Kerry Wdohel de tessieres James ula Yarn Robert Bireeeaa Hong Ly Lucasarts Entertainnent Company Producer Level Design John Drake Production Garren Hedges Story/tialog Consultants Michael Stenmle Karen Fiinen a Qa esters Hugh ‘3030’ toore, Lead Roger Romero, aust. Lead Bryan Tinoki, asst. Lead Bertrand Estrellads Bod ieGehee Erie Knudson Jerivey Gullett John Lowenthal ac Music Composer 32 Clint aajakian rik O"Keag, Wark wontu; aiatt Chang ck Peck Sound Assistant andrew Cheney jollen Ungugh dhe wthaud Kelp cial thayhd to Merce WS the Nadtonal adeum, Oh, anf G 4d Stevtatod® Nil alt Hote Ue whan J ondkicdcl: of peopte—~ Sp Additional Technology additional Level iesign Tony Giovannini Character Design/Seripting Additional Character Design/Soripting Environment art Zavid Robert Lonatucci Additional animation Tim 280 a Testers (cont. Seott Taylor Assistant Producer ‘Tim Temmerman Fate Schaumberg Sonny Rice Eri Rauch Manager oi International International Producer International Testers lead Lead Sound Lesigner ——— Send 5 Angine Technology Pachid £1 Guerrab like Singleton Andi Smithers Additional Engine Technology Boris Patkin Additional 0018 Technology lee Cooper Sound Designer Steven von Kanpen I? Support Taniel salzedo Human Resourees: Kelly Krumplitson administrative support Shelley Canpion Susan Horton Production Testing Brian Zenns Eikitova Li0= Cinematics, tiodeling Olya Fikitova andrei Pozolotin Sergey Golubchuk, Lead Roman Deuba k Yyacheslay Kondrashov alexey danite AtGanes- Ginexatics, Wodeling Ulehael Gates, Lead Jackie Liu, Lead Jandy Cheng Berlin Cheng andy Liaw Shark Liu Voice irector/Producer Darragh O'Tarrell Lead Voice Baitor Cindy Wong Volee Editor W112 Beckman Asistant Voice Yaitor Burke Pemberton Voice & International Dept. Coordinator Jennirer Sloan "the Raiders warch" Prom the Zotion picture RAILERS OF THE f ARK Written by John Williams. Published by Bantha iusie (Rut) and administered py 7s. Cormoration throu.) ore Voice Credits * Indy Homonculus, Triad Ghoul David Zeek Kevin lidohael Richardson Wed Ting 88 Soldiex 2 Vivian Wo Tim Ward liarshai2 Kai, Oh!in Shi-Ruang-ti Keone Young Phil Proctor oriad Grunt 1, ‘Dried Grunt 2, arthus Eng 88 Soldier 1 Herbert Prinig Yon Beck, Ivory Hunter (South advican) Fick Janeson Richter, $3 Soldier 3 Kad wuliz Teng win 1, Feng twin 2 Jennizer Yen Kerem Hanoi Palace Guard Led Tin Wu Hey Alan irevin Voices Recorded at Soxeenmusic Studios Engineers urnde sheesly Gordon suizield arnold Geber Asuletent Engineers Brie Lewis Lisa Cazlon Orystal Weight Chicago Recording Company Engineer Wdohael tiason Assistant Ungineer anny Karabaic Jucasiibm Licensing Etecy Cheregotis Ananda Burns Chris Gollener Kriets Kausman Content Coordinator Justin lambros: pirector of Uarketing Tie allen Product Warketing Yanage? Sam Saliba Public Relations Bom sarris Heather Twist Phillips alexis Wervin Gales and Channel warketing. Yeredith Oanill Alyx Huynh Greg Robles Katy Walden ike tiaguize Tia teore Internet Warketing Jin Passalacqua lielivsa Tederoit Tony Deweese Oveative Services Patty #412 Onesie Loningues German Pa announcer, Ivory Hunter (Russian) Surkish lereenary ak non Waiter | Gestapo agent 1, S& Oolonel — Torsten Voges Gestapo agent 2, rie SS Otiteer latt Lindquist Thanks to George Cheung Brooks Gardner 1d Design tanual Writing, art a>: Gregory Hezeh, Beeline Sroup wamual Yditors Mollie Boexo Brett Rector yee "Strcean, ritustration fabagani/Oarvoil & asuooiates, peaien Product Support supervisor Jay gerect | Ob Burning Goddesses Kellie Walker Wendy Kaplan Very Special Thanks George Iucas

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