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Malec one shots!

by bright.eyes800
As Alec woke up in the morning he expected Magnus's hands around himself giving him that
warmth he loved so much. But there was none, just cold. He turned around thinking that maybe he
had fall off the bed. That wouldn't be the first time... But he wasn't in the floor.

''Mags?''He asked quietly not having response. He leaned to watch the time, it was only eight in
the morning and it was dark.

Alec rubbed his eyes yawned and strech himself before he got up. He didn't have anything else on
except his boxers. Fuck it's cold in here. Alec cursed. He drag himself to bathroom and did his
stuffs and walked open the bedroom door, but when he got it a little open Chairman ran to
bedroom and under the bed and Alec could see why. There was smoke everywhere that he could
barely see anything and it smelled horrible so he had to cough a little. Fire alarm was on and kept
so loud noise Alec had to cover his ears. He closed the bedroom door so there didn't went much
of the smoke and everything. He took one of Magnus's magazines and waved the smoke away
from his face. He walked to the kitchen and found Magnus in front of arrange with melted pot in his

''BANE!''Alec screamed, he was furious and he couldn't believe he slept trough all of this.

Magnus's head turned towards Alec and he smiled to him.''Hi darling! Good morning! Could you
shut the fire alarm pease!?''

Alec obeyed him and went to shut the thing down. Magnus did some magic and make the smoke
disappear. Magnus came out of the kitchen and smiled like nothing happened.

''What, the fuck happend?!''Alec screamed.''Why din't you woke me up!? Why don't we have fire
alarm in our bedroom!? Magnus what the fuck!?''

Magnus chuckled and went to kiss Alec on the cheek and took his hand and lead him to the
couch.''I just wanted to surprise you. I wanted to make you breakfast, but when I came to sit here I
fell asleep and the porridge was all black and on fire and stuff. And I put a spell to this whole
apartment, the neighbours can't hear what id going on here or the other room can't hear what is
going on in the other room.''

''Why didn't you just snap your fingers?''Alec asked.''You always do that. And why did you sound
proof all of the rooms?''

''You know why I did that darling, don't bother to ask.''Magnus smirked.''I just wanted to surprise
you. I wanted to make you a good brekfast.''

Alec couldn't be mad at him when Magnus did something like this. He only did it for him. He
wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and kissed him.''Thank you, it was nice for you to do. Very

''Thank you darling.''Magnus said and held him close.

''You know, it's not too late for us to cook?''Alec smirked.''It's only 8.0 am.''

''But you are awake.''Magnus pointed out.''Or are you sleep walking and kissing and screaming?''

''No I'm not sleep walking or screaming or kissing, tought you would like the last one.''Alec smirked
to him and kissed his neck.''Now stand up and come.''

''I'd rather come when Im sitting or laying.''Magnus smierked but he went After his almost naked
Alec went to their cabinet and took big blowl and flour and gave it to Magnus.''I'll go chance.''

''No!''Magnus yelled.''I'll enjoy more if you don't do that.''

Alec blushed and said to him.''Alright then. What are we doing by the way?''

''You were the one who gave me this.''Magnus said.''But let's bake a cake!''

''No, it's morning. I'm not eating cake on morning.''Alec said to him.''We are making... fruit salad
and... some healthy pie.''

''That's boring, but sure. You are the boss.''Magnus said to him and snapped the fruits to their

''You do the pie thing and I'll do the fruits.''ALec said to him.

''I like if you'd better do me.''Magnus whispered to his ear when he walked past Alec who was
blushing furiously.

Alec grabbed few fruits and put them down on top of the chopping board and he took one of his
fighting blades from the wall where he had threw it last night when they were having sex and it
was in their way. He was just about to cut the fruits with it when Magnus stopped him.''I'm not
going to eat it if you cut those with that. You've killed demons with that. Nasty.''

''Sorry.''Alec said and put it back in the wall and took another knife and pealed the apple.

They did their cooking in silent. Poor Alec didn't even know what Magus was about to do. Alec cut
the fruits in peace and Alec was just about to get something more when Magnnus threw a handful
of flour to his face.

''Magnus!''Alec yelled.

''What?''Magnus asked innocently and whipped his hands to his pants.

''Why'd you did that for!?''Alec asked.

''Because I love you.''Magnus purred and went to kiss his boyfriend, but Alec didn't notice that
either that Magnus had another handful of flour and he put it inside Alec's boxers.

''Oh my God Magnus!''Alec screamed and took his boxers off and he left naked.''Jesus Mags, I
have flour in my ass.''

''I have perfect solution to get if off.''Magnus smirked.

''Oh no warlock, you are not having sex with me for the next month.''Alec said to him as he
whipped the stuff from his ass.

''Come on Alexander.''Magnus whined when he went to Alec. He pressed his body against Alec's
and Alec moans when his dick was between Magnus's tighs.''No sex for an month, huh darling?''

''Shut up.''Alec said to him. He kissed Magnus, but that was distraction. He pushed Magnus
against the table where the flour was and took it quietly to his palm and quickly threw it to
Magnus's hair and back off before Magnus started to yell.

''Alexander how dare you! You ruined my hair!''Magnus screamed.

Alec just smirked, not taking Magnus seriously.

''I am gonna make you pay you back.''Magnus said and watched Alec angrily, but playfully. Alec
watched as Magnus went to their fridge and before Alec could run away Magnus they egg to his
stomak. And before Magnus threw few more Alec ran away to their livingroom and went behind
the couch before Magnus came too with eggs in both of his hands and flour in his pockets. Oh my
Raziel. Alec tought and took pillow to his hands and tried to cover his face.

Then Magnus started it. He threw the eggs first and hit his TV and Alec's head. They laughed so
much. Alec felt himself as a kid again and that was amazing. It reminded him of Jace and Isabelle
and Max when they were all little. But they weren't naked and they weren't throwing food to each

After a while Alec was all over in flour eggs, whipped cream and few fruits. He had almost White
hair because of the flour. And their apartment wasn't so pretty either. Magnus was about to throw
pie to him when Alec lifted his hands.''Okay! Okay! I surrender! Please, no more food.''

Magnus walked to Alec and put the pie right in front of his face.''Say it, or you'll get the pie to your
pretty face Lightwood.''

''I'm sorry for messing with your hair!''ALec yelled.

''Thank you.''Magnus said and put the pie down.

''You know we made big mess to your place.''Alec said to him and watched around him.

''Our place, and I don't mind at all.''Magnus grinned.''You look delicious darling.''

''Is it because I'm naked or that I'm walking buffet?''Alec asked.

''I ment one part of yours.''Magnus purred and watched down on Alec's dick what was covered
with whipped cream.

''No, I'm still sore from last night.''ALec said instantly.

Magnus looked disapointed but nodded.''Fine, no sex tonight.''

''Oh no, I ment what I said. No sex for month.''Alec said to him when he walked to the bedroom
door.''I'll go to shower, you make sure it's clean in there when I come back.''

''Sure thing babe.''Magnus yelled.

He sat on the couch for twenty seconds doing nothing when he got boread already. Magnus
watched the bedroom door where Alec had went.

Maybe that selibat could start tomorrow.


So new malec ONESHOT! YEPPEE!

I wrote this like mont and I finally got it done, so Ihope you like this.

And it's a little bit sad story.



Alec was sitting on couch in Magnus's and his apartment.

He was thinking, about their future. Alec was now almost twenty-nine, and there was already two
grey hairs in his head. But Magnus just kept being young, without any signals of getting older. This
wasn't fair to eater of them. Magnus had to watch him getting older and older and eventually die.
And Alec had to watch Magnus slipping away from him with the years.

''Honey I'm home!''Magnus yelled and pushed the front door close after him.

''Hi.''Alec said and fake smiled to him.

''Are you alright?''Magnus asked and went to stand in front of him.

''Yeah.''Alec said.

''Good, cuz I have something to ask for you.''Magnus smiled and kneeled in front of him and took a
little box from his tight pants.''Alexander Lightwood. In my eight hundred years of living, I haven't
ever love anyone as much as I love you. I want to spend forever with you. So, do you give me the
oner to become your husband?''

Oh no. Alec tought. I have to do this now. If I do it later it'll hurt more.

''Alec? What do you say?''Magnus asked, he still and smile on his lips, but it was unsure.

''Magnus I don't wanna marry you.''Alec said to him trying to act feeling less, but this was killing
him inside.

''What?''Magnus asked, theat goofy smile long gone.''What do you mean?''

''I mean I don't wanna marry you. Are you that stupid that you don't understand if someone reject
you.''Alec said coldly.''Let me say this to you so you can understand it.''I. Don't. Wanna. Marry.

''What is wrong with you Alexander?''Magnus asked, now tears rolling down in his cheek.''Why are
you being so cold?''

''How could anyone be kind to you? You are monster, a freak.''Alec spatted and stand up and
walked to the door.''And just so if you didnt understand. I. Am. Leaving. You.''

''But Alec.''Magnus cried and went after him when he already walked out of the door.''I love you!''

''I don't love you, I never have. You know I hate downworlders. Expecially warlocks. I wanted to
break you Magus Bane, and I've done it. So I have no use for you anymore.''Alec hissed.''Izzy and
Jace come to pick my stuffs. If they want to step in your disgusting house.''

Then he turned and left. Leaving his heart behind with the sobbing warlock. When he got outside
he couldn't stop his tears anymore. He crumbled down to the ground and sobbed. He hugged his
knees close and dropped his head down.

He never ment to be so cruel with Magnus, but now he knew Magnus wasnt trying to get him back.
WHo would want him back afer that..?

Alec moved back to Institute where Jace was still living with Clary. Isabelle was still living in there
alone, but she visited Simon almost every day and Simon came to her as well.
It's not like Alec didn't ever tought about turning in to vampire. He tried to get Raphael turn him into
a vampire because Simon was too sissy so turn against Magnus with this. He was afraid of him.
But when Alec was talking to Raphael about that in the hotel Dumont (Sorry I don't remember the
name), Magnus stormed in there and took him away from there and deny it.

''Are you alright Alec?''Clary asekd and sat in his bed end.

''Do I look like I w-was alrig-alright?''Alec asked her.

''What happened in Magnus place?''Clary asked.

''No-None of you-your business.''Alec snapped.''I-I'm so-sorry.''

''It's alright. Isabelle and Jace are in there right now. Picking your stuffs. So are you going to stay
in here no on?''

Alec gave a little nod and started to tell her what happened few days back.

''Why te hell did you do that?!''Clary screamed.

''Mommy you can't swear.''Came a little boys voice from the door.

''Sorry Max.''Clary said to him.''Go play with Church please baby.''Clary said to him.

''I love him, b-but I... I'm gonna di-die he'll le-leave alon-alone agai-again.''

Clary couldn't say anything to that, she just hugged him. That was all she could do cuz she didn't
know how that felt.

In Magnus's apartment where Isabelle and Jace were just now.

Jace had lifted Magnus from his collar and had pinned him to the wall whan Isabelle tried to calm
him down and pick up his brothers stuffs in the same time.

''What do you mean you don't know! You fucking bastard!''Jace screamed in Magnus's face.

''Stop it Jace. Can't you notice how broken he is too.''Isabelle said to him and went trip Jace off of
Magnus who just collapsed to the ground when Jace let go of him.

''W-What do-Do yo-you mea-n to-too?''Magnus sobbed.

''What do you mean! He is all broken! He hadn't talk you in days! And what are you crying in
there?! You left him, you have no rights!''Jace yelled.

''Shut up Jace.''Isabelle said to him and help Magnus up.

''H-He lef-left me-e.''Magnus said quietly.

''Tell us everything, I promise we won't get mad or hurt you.''Isabelle said and sat beside Magnus
in the couch.

It took a while when Magnus told what happened, because he was sobbing so hard in the end so
he had to tell it few times before they understand what he was talking.

''Alec could never say that to you. He always told us how much he loved you.''Isabelle said to
him.''Please come to the Institute, I think he wants to talk with you. And you have to talk with him.''
''N-No.''Magnus said to them.

''Fine.''Jace said and pulled Isabelle out of the door and slammed it close.

They walked back to the Institute and Isabelle was pissed to Jace for giving up so easily.

''Don't look so grumpy sis.''Jace smirked.''I have perfect way to bring those two idiots back
together. But I need Clary and you and Simon.''

''I don't like that face you are making, and your plans are terrible anyway.''Isabelle said to him.''But
I don't think I don't have a choise.''

''No you certainly don't.''Jace smirked.

In the Institute Clary was waiting for Jace and Isabelle with Alec who was like walking dead.

''Do you know what they want?''Alec asked lifeless.

''No, Jace just called me and asked me to come and get you in here.''Clary said to him.

Then there was that silence again, they were all quiet until they heard the loud door shutting close.
Alec jumped up and went to meet his sibling and Clary followed him.

''Why the fuck did you want Jonathan?''Alec asked furiously.

''Nothing from you, yet.''Jace said and pushed Clary to another room and shut the door.

''Jace what?''Clary asked Jace gave her a little kiss and then he started to talk. He hold her about
his 'great' plan.

''You've got to be kidding me!''Clary yelled.

''No I'm not, I want Alec to be happy, and he is that with only Magnus. So we have to do this.''Jace
convince her.

''Fine, but I wanna big kiss for this you know.''Clary said to him and left the room and went back to
Isabelle and Alec and Simon who had came too.

''Alec, can I try this new rune I invented? It's, better healing rune than Iraze.''Clary facked.

Alec just nodded and went to sit down. Clary quickly draw a big rune to him and Alec was blacked

''What did you do to him!?''Simon yelled.

''Calm down, it's just this... unconscious rune I invented couple of months ago. He is not dead or
anything. He'll wake up about two hours ago.''Clary explained.

''So quickly.''Isabelle said and ran to her room to get her make up and lighter and scissors. She cut
Alec's other and burned them without really burning her brother.''Simon give the blood.''

Isabelle took the animal blood and pour it to Alec's chest and everywhere. Then she put her black
eye make up to his face.

''It's done.''Isabelle said happily and watched her work.

Now Alec looked like he was hurt and going to die.

''We have half hour.''Clary said to them.

Quickly Isabelle threw the last blood towards Jace and cit his clothes a little bit.

''What about you?''Simon asked.

''I'm a lady, I don't get dirty.''Isabelle smirked.

Clary was done of drawing the portal and it was now glowing. They step to there, but Simon didn't

They were in front of Magnu's house. Jace was carrying Alec who really looked like dead. Clary
had to check few timed if he was breathing.

''What ever you want you don't get it.''Came Magnu's voice from the speakers.

''Mangus it's us, please let us up. Alec is hurt badly.''Isabelle pretend to have a panic attack.

''What?''Mangus asked.

''Let us up idiot before he is dead!''Jace screamed.

Magnus pressed them up without saying a word. They ran the stairs and they kicked the door
open and ran to Mangus's flat.

''Oh my god.''Magnus said and there was instantly tears in his eyes he took Alec from Jace and
carried him to his bedroom.

''What happened?''Magnus asked.

Alec went to hunting alone and after you send up away we found him fighting alone. There was
like twenty demons and he was already injured.''Jace said to him.

Alec started to shift a little bit and Isabelle and the others quickly went away from the room and
closed the door and Clary draw a big rune to the door. It was closing rune. They couldn't come to
the room and no one could go to the room for the past 5 hours.

In Magnus's bedroom. Alec was now fully woken up and he was looking at Magnus who had his
back against the wall and he was staring him with fear glowing away to his body.

''Why the hell am I here?''Alec asked.

''Y-your siblings brou-brought you here.''Magnus stuttered.''Y-you were attacked by d-demons.''

''No I was not. The last thing I remember was that Clary was drawing me a rune.''Alec
explained.''Those fuckers had planned this! I'm gonna fucking kiss them!''

''Pl-please don't, don't hurt me.''Magnus whispered quietly.

''I could never hurt you.''Alec broke. He wasn't strong enough to push Magnus away from him.''I
only said what I said because I was afraid. I'm old Magnus. You are 19, I'm almost thirty. It
wouldn't be fair to you or me to marry you. I would die, you would still be married to me. It would
hurt you, I don't wanna hurt you.''

Y-You don't wanna kill me?''Magnus asked.

''No I don't. I love you. Everything what I said was just faking. I love you.''Alec said to him.
''You stupid nephilim.''Magnus's voice softtened.''Marriage isn't normal to the warlocks. It's more
than just ring and name to some stupid papers. It's a bond. If warlock married mortal, the mortal
would become immortal on the warlock mortal. I was ready to become mortal for you.''

''You can't make that decision on your own, I wanna be with you forever.''Alec said to him.''I wanna
became immortal so I cam be with you and the Chairman forever.''

''You stupid nephilim.''Magnus said to him and jumped to him and pressed him down to the bed
and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

''What about we'll do that now?''Alec asked.''Do you have that ring?''

''I've carried it with me sence the day you left me.''Magnus said and took it to his pocket and gave
it to Alec after he made a little spell to it.

When Magnus put it to Alec's finger there was a little cold air hitting Alec when he felt amazing. He
felt his heart beat faster and his muscles live again and his hair to glow again.

''You are like you were when you were 18.''Magnus smiled to him.

''Like the day we met.''Alec laughed and kissed his fiance.''I won't ever leave you again. I promise.
I love you.''

''I love you too my darling.''Magnus smiled.

Wasn't that great?

They got back toghether, loving that.

I don't know about this story, it's a little bit odd, but give me your opinions.

I really wanna hear them.

Should i write my own yet?

What do ya think, I think not, but I don't know.

Hope you liked this!



Another oneshot!

Hopy you'll like this!

Magnus had bad day. This stupid needy client came to him this morning and she wanted him to
make her a love potion right now. But Magnus didn't want to do anything to her. She was annoying
so he just made spell what shut her up and he threw her out. Not very professional, but it was
morning and Alec was waiting him in th bed.

And the rest of the day went pretty much towards hell. He did all of the spells wrong and potions
and everything. But the one thing was the worst. He was casting a spell when Alec disturbed him.
He turned around and the spell flew towards Alec. Then there was cat's ears on Alec, then he got
smaller and he had cat's legs and it's body and face and a little furry tail. Alec had turned to a little
black blue eyed cat from that strong shadowhunter. Dear lord... What did I just did?

Alec looked himself all over and Magnus tought that was screaming and yelling furiously, but it
sounded like meowing to Magnus.

''I'm sorry darling, but I can't understand what you are saying.''Magnus said and leaned down and
petted Alec. He had to, Alec was so damn cute.

''Meow! Meow meow meow meow!''Alec makes a noise and jumped away from Magnus's touch.

''Come on babe. You know you love it when I pet you.''Magnus purred to him and took Alec to him
arms and carried him to the living room and sat down to his hot pink couch and watched Alec
closely trying to figure out how the hell did he did this. It was simple spell he was making, so why
did Alec turned into a cat when the spell hit him.

Then Chairman came from their room yawning and watching around. He went to Magnus and then
he realized there was another cat in his master's arms. Charmian hissed to Alec who got scared
and tried to hide behind Magnus's back.

Magnus chuckled and picked Chairman up and took Alec ro his embrace too and hushed
Chairman who was hissing to Alec.

It went about twenty minutes when Charmian went to sniff Alec. He was very confused right now.
But Chairman wasn't such a bad cat after all. He was being gentle to Alec. Magnus tought was
adorable how Alec played with Chairman. Or weird. But when Chairman nuzzled his head to
Alec's neck and licked his face Magnus took Alec away from him.

''He is still mine.''Magnus said to Chairman.''So back off.''

Chairman hissed to Magnus and jumped to the couch and bite Magnus's hand so that Magnus
dropped Alec, and so did he. Alec dropped to the floor and shook his head a little, he was pretty
dizzy. Didn't know how to land with four legs.

''OW! Chairman!''Magnus screamed to the cat.

Alec was standing there a little while and watching Magnus and Making sure he wasn't badly hurt.
Then he felt someone climbing to his back from behind and he felt back and forth moving.
Chairman was humping him.

Alec ran quickly back to Magnus's arms and stayed there.

''Good kitty.''Magnus said to Alec.''I think he is lonely, we have to get him another play mate than


''Shit, I forgot your siblings are coming here today to have a dinner.'' Magnus said and went to
buzz them in. Alec tried to get away from Magnus, he didn't want to his sibling to see him that way.
But Magnus held him very tight.

''Hello Isabelle, Goldilocks, Clarissa, Sherwin.''Magus said to them and invited them in.

''It's Simon you sparkly... whatever.''Simon tried to be clever.

They went to sit down on his couch.

''Aww! You got another cat!''Isabelle yelled and opened her arms, wanting to take him to her arms.

Magnus gave him to her. And Isabelle cuddle Alec to his cheek.''She is so soft!''

''She is he, Isabelle.''Magnus chuckled.

Alec looked annoyed so Magnus took him away from Isabelle. Of course he wouldn't hurt his
sister, not much tough. He was very pissed.

''Where is Alec?''Clary asked.

''He is in bed.''Magnus said quickly.

''So you finally fucked him so much he can't even stand up?''Jace asked.

Magnus glanced at Alec who was staring at him with big eyes looking terrified.

''No I did not!''Magnus said quickly.

''Then why is he still in bed?''Isabelle asked.''It's not like he was hunting or anything. But we need
him. Wake him up. There is things going on with the Clave.''

''Umm...''Magnus mumbled and watched Alec in his arms watching him with his little eyes.''Actually
Alec is not sleeping. He is right in this room.''

Jace chuckled.''Is he invisible or something?''

''No he is right here in my arms.''Magnus said to them.''I turned him into a cat.''

Isabelle and Jace and Clary and Sherwin were watching at the little cat in his arms. Alec watched
them with his big blue eyes tried to smile to them, but while he was still cat, that was impossible.

''So it's really Alec in there...''Isabelle tought outloud.''How did that happened?''

''I was doing magic and he got in my way.''Magnus siad, but earned a little scratch from
Alec.''Okay, It was my fault.''

''I tought so warlock.''Jace said and went to pet him.''But he is so cute!''

Alec hissed at him and jumped away from Magnus and landed with a thud.

''Oh ym god.''Magnus breathed and went to pick him up again.''Darling are you okay?''

Alec just gave a little meow and nuzzled his head to Magnus's hands.

''You two are still so cute!''Isabelle squeked''Tough that is a little weird.''

''Oh shut up.''Magnus said to him and whispered at Alec.''I'l chance you back today evening. You
are just so cute so I need a couple of pictures.''

Alec hissed at him and Magnus just kissed his head and chuckled.

Hope you liked this!

Love you all!

Reviews please! :)

Another one shot :)

About jealousy, isn't that great?

Well I hope you'll like this.



Magnus was throwing a party again. Well he couldn't call it again. It was his first party after two
months. He wanted to make Alec happy so he didn't thew so much parties. Alec loved how
Magnus sacrified for him. But he didn't want to be that asshole boyfriend either who was denying
everything what his boyfriend liked to do.

There was loud music, people dancing and drunk people who almost had sex in their couch.
Magnus's old friends and very many downwolders who were glaring Alec because he was a
shadowhunter an all. Some of the new born vampires took pictures of him and he couldn't be more
annoyed than he was now. He was like some kind of show animal to the downwolders and
Magnus wasn't anywhere to be seeing.

He felt someone grinding against him. He yelped, and jumped away. But he wasn't the one who
was being grinned. It was the girl who used Alec as a wall. And now the couple were on the floor
still grinning to each other.

''Oh fuck this...''Alec breathed and went to the bar task and make himself a drink called Scotch. He
had saw Magnus make that himself very often so he knew how it taste and how it should look like
and he make pretty damn good for it. But it went right up to his head. He barely drank anything,
maybe a class of wine every once in a while, but nothing stronger so it was feeling weird already.

After he drink it he made another one, and another one... And the last thing he remember was that
he was dancing with somebody. Someone who wasn't Magnus.

Magnus was dragged away from Alec by his friends. He wanted to punch them for that, but come
on, they were his friends. So he stayed with them for a little while, but that little while turned into a
hour. He couldn't care less what they were talking about. He just wanted to go back to his

He didn't trust there downwolders and least of all he trusted these vampires. He was nephilim, and
downwolders don't like nephilims. He just hoped that he was alright and no one had hurt him or
something. He were afraid that some vampire will suck his blood after what happened to Simon
when he drank Jace's blood.

''Magnus are you listening me?''His little fairy friend asked.

''I'm sorry. But I have to find my boyfriend. I haven't see him over half hour, if not more.''Magnus
said politely and walked away to the people.

This was his usual party. Everyone were talking to each others, kissing to each others even when
they didn't know who the person was who they were making out. But those were mostly fairies and
few vampires and warlocks. werewolf are extremely loyal, they would never cheat on their love

He were looking for Alec and asking people had they saw black haired nephilim in here, but they
were so drunk that they just giggled and laughed and tried to kiss him.

He pushed few people out of his way and then he was his Alec. There his shadowhunter was.

He was drunk, he saw it from his eyes. And Alec had bottle of Vodka in his hands. And he was
dancing with someone else. With a male fairy. The fairy had his arms on Alec's waist and he had
pulled Alec's and his hips together and was moving his hips side to side brining Alec's hips with his
and grinding their hips together and moaning. Alec had his other hand limp beside him and it was
moving with him, not barely moved that hand. And the other hand was resting on his shoulder and
he was holding the Vodka in that hand. He was taking a little sip's once in a while. And he was
smiling to the guy. He didn't mind that this guy was almost dry humping him.

His eyes mirrored anger, jealousy and frustration and lust. Yes, lust. It was incredible hot to see
his boyfriend like this, even if it wasn't him he was dancing with. Then he saw the fairy moan and
grinned their hips even more closer to each others. This was enough.

Magus walked to Alec and ripped the guy off of Alec.

''Hey what's your problem?''The guy asked and tried to grab Alec's waist again, but Magnus
stepped in his way and between them.

''Alexander is my boyfriend you idiot. And I'm hosting this party, and this is my apartment. So If I'd
be you, I would be scared for my ass.''Magnus said to him warningly.

''Why don't let him decide. You know we had very nice time. Before you came and ruined
everything.''He said and stepped closer to Magnus.''He moaned when we were dancing.''

''Oh go fuck yourself.''Magnus said and grabbed Alec by his hand and he pulled him away.

They went to upstairs to Magnus's room and he put Alec to sit in his bed when he closed the door.
And when he turned around Alec was taking a sip from the bottle.

''For god's sake.''Magnus said and went to take the bottle away from him and snapped it away.

''Hey!''Alec screamed.''Honey why did you do that for? I want to go back to the party Maggieeee.''

''No, you are drunk. You have to sleep.''Magnus sand and went to help Alec. He took his clothes
off and laid Alec tot he bed and covered him with warm blankets.

''Well it's your fault.''Alec said suddenly.

''What?''Magnus asked confused.

''That I'm drunk. You left me alone. Then I started to drink.''Alec muttered.

''I know baby. Let's talk about this tomorrow.''Magnus said.''I'll go to kick everybody out. Just sleep
darling. I'll come back soon.''

''Good night Maggnie.''ALec smiled to him.

Yes he was drunk, he wouldn't call him Maggnie if he was alright.

I hope you liked this :)

Writing myself again without editor, so how did I do?

Reviews are great, so can I have them :)



I am so terribly sorry!

It had been so long, but I haven't just had time to write.

Okay I had very much time to write...

I had almost finished with the chapter 13 in 'U R my everything' and tat will be long.

Thank you for all of your reviews and everything lovelies.

I hope you'll like this!

They both had a rough night behind them and they were already sleeping in their king sized bed.

Alec had Clave meeting and then he had to fight few demons with his siblings and Clary. And then
he had to get some food to Maryse and then he was free to leave to Magnu's place. But he called
it home already now.

And Magnus in other hand had very annoying client who asked him to do almost impossible and it
took all of his powers. And then he had to walk home from where his client lived. And that was
pretty far away. And when he got home he expected Alec to be home already. He hadn't seen his
shadowhunter for a three days and he fell asleep before he even came home.

In the middle of the night Alec woke up because he was squeezed against something very hard.
Then he realized that it was Magnus. Magnus squeezed Alec very tightly from his waist and
stomach against himself and he was moaning.

Alec was awake immediately and so was his lower half. He carefully took Magnus's hands off of
him and turned around trying not to wake him up.

''Oh my gosh.''Alec breathed quietly.

Magnus was moaning and bucking his hips up in the air and clinched the sheets and bit his lip at
the same time.

''Alexander... I need you. Don't leave me. I'm so hard.''Magnus moaned out loud what made it hard
to Alec not to jerk off.

Watching his lover like this made him almost cum in his own pants.

''Magnus, Magnus sweetie.''Alec tried to wake him up.

''I knew you wanted me too!''Magnus screamed and Alec saw Magnus slipping his hand under the
sheets.''Take care of me baby! Please! OH GOD! YES! THERE! THERE!''

Alec couldn't take it anymore and he took his boxers off and touched his hard and wet penis.

''Mmmm... I knew you liked it. Now fuck me baby.''Magnus talked and smiled in his sleep.''Don't be
Alec climbed on top of Magnus and rubbed himself to Magnus and he reached for Magnus ass.

''Oh Magnus... I ha-have no idea h-how you c-can be asleep right now.''Alec panted.

''Oooooh! Fu-Fuck me! Fuck me!''Magnus demanded and Alec kissed his lover.

Alec was lucky since his lover wasn't wearing underwear. Alec positioned himself on top of
Magnus's dick and then he lowered himself and Magnus's dick pushed inside him slowly and Alec
was about to scream, but then he remembered that Magnus was sleeping and he was actually
harassing his boyfriend when he was sleeping. He couldn't care less.

Alec kissed him quickly and started to move. Alec panted and moaned and everything and he was
a mess. When he hit his prostate he almost screamed, but he bit his lip and he tasted blood and
he hit it couple more times when he felt that he was close.

''Oh.. Make me cum baby!''Magnus yelled and then he came inside of Alec.

Alec couldn't take it anymore and he came all over Magnus's chest with a loud moan. He pulled
himself up and dropped beside Magnus and gave him a little kiss and he put the covers over them
not caring about the mess in Magnus's chest.

''I can't understand how you didn't wake up.''Alec breathed and snuggle closer to Magnus.''But I
still love you honey.''

Magnus smirked with himself. It worked.

I hope you liked it.

There was a little smut for you pervs ;)

Reviews please and I'll give you the 13 chapter.

BTW I haven't got those 4 reviews to that story yet.

So reviews!

Hello! So new One shot.



And GLITTERY ANGEL I'll write that prompt that you gave me sometimes. I try to start it
this week.

I hope you'll like this!

Alec and Magnus weren't seen each others for a week. Alec had few things with the Clave and
last talks about Sebastian. They had won the big war and everything was now fine. There was a
lot of shadowhunters to watch when they finally burned Sebastian's body and tossed his ashes to
a little jar what they kept in a little cage. They were extra careful right now with that.

Alec was walking to Magnus's house. Actually he was running in there he was so excited to see
him after a long break. He was minding his own business when he heard a loud roars. Demon. He
draw quickly rune to himself what made mundines impossible to see him. He took his seraph
blade and whispered it's name and it opened to it's all glory.
Alec walked quitely to the corner and pressed his back against the wall and kept the blade against
his body, close. He listened and tried to listen what demon it was. He stand there thinking about
the demon when he felt a sharp claw rip him off of the wall in there where the demon was and that
was the demon who pulled him there. It had a human form. But it had a creepy long sharp claws
as an arms and very long legs and it's face was very weird looking. It was a girl. And it was a
greater demon. He had neverr saw this kind of demon.

The demon tried to slice him in two parts with it's arms and Alec quickly dropped himself down and
managed to dodge it. He slice the demons leg with the blace, but it made a loud klonk sound like it
was iron or something. Alec was slightly amazed by this and he quickly stand up and started to
punch and kick the demon since the blade didn't affect in anyways. Alec didn't need to do anything
to it. He couldn't harm it.

''What! The! Fuck! Are! You!''Alec screamed. He was fustrated that he couldn't touch the demon.

That demon noticed it and it screamed in Alec's face that he quail it a little bit and stepped back
what was not smart move. Demon opened it's mouth and a long black stuff came from there to
Alec's face and clothes and it burned. The stuff was so strong he fell down and screamed. He
backed up to the wall and the demon just stared at him not doing anything.

Alec took his phone and dialaded Magnus's number. He didn't anwer so Alec left a voice

''M-Magnus. Ple-please come f-find me- Pl-Please.''He sobbed. He tried to get that black stuff off
of him, but the stuff was like skin, it didn't go away. He tried to call Magnus again. He was shaking
and the demon was still staring at him, not doing anything and he felt his strenght sliping away.
Then he realized that Magnus had answered. But there was no sound from there.''M-Magnus?
Hel-help me.''

Now he just sobbed and listened closely if there was anyone in there. His face burned now too, it
burned trough his cloths and it felt like he was on fire , but he just didn't burn.

Then he heard something what broke his heart. He heard a long deep moan and it was not
Magnus. It was someone moaning Magnus's name.

''Oh god Stuart...''He heard Magnus.''I have to be home soAH!''

It made Alec sob even more and he threw his phone away and it made the demon move. It came
towards Alec in such a speed and Alec closed his eyes and waited for a death to come and pick
him up. He was ready to die...

Magnus was taking to his old friend in the local bar. His name was Stuart or something, he wasn't
sure, he was already drunk so he didn't know anything anymore. But he rememberred that he had
slept with this man before. He was fairy.

''How you've been?''Stuart asked sratching his tigh.

''Oh I've been wonderful. I havethe most beautiful boy in my life. I love him so
much.''Magnusstuttered and took more beer.

''Is it another vampire again?''He tilted his head to side to side.

''No, it's shadowhunter.''Magnus stuttered.

''So a boy toy. Okay. Dont get too attached to it.''

''He is not it, he is he and I love him.''Magnus said.

''He is going to die so soon. Why don't you want someone immortal like me?''Stuart asked and
leaned forwards and pressed their lips together.

''No I can't this is so wrong. I love my Alec.''Magnus said with a puppy dog eyes.

''We don't need to tell him. Come on.''Stuart said to him and dragged him with himself.''We are
going to my apartment.''It's not far.''

They stumbeled to Stuart's apartment lips locked and Stuart was carrying him. Magnus snapped
their clothes off and and they moaned when their erections touched each others. Stuart fell on op
of Magnus on the couch and they started to move against each others. Then Magnus's phone
rang and he jsut let it ring while they kissed each others. Then it rang another time and Magnus
just snapped it to the floor beside them, and he tried to put it off. But he didn't knew he anwered in
that and he just continued to cheat on his dying boyfriend.

( Sorry I don't want to write their... That So I'll just skip to the morning )

Magnus woke up in the morning. His head and back hurt so much... He opened his eyes. He was
not home and he was sleeping in a couch without clothes...

''Morning Maggie.''He heard someone sayin from his back. He watched and saw Stuart. He was
butt naked and he was smirking at him.''We sure had fun last night. Don't you think?''

''NO! NO NO NO NO!''Magnus screamed and snapped some clothes to him and Stuart.''HOW
GONNA LEAVE ME! OH MY GOD! I have to call him.''

He tok his phone and he watched. He had one voice message from Alec. He must wonder where
he was because he was supposed to see him last night.

''M-Magnus. Ple-please come f-find me- Pl-Please.'' He heard Alec sob.

Magnus dropped is phone and there started to be tears in his eyes. He was shaking like crazy. Is
he dead? I can't believe this... He can't be.

Magnus calmed down a little bit and lifted his phone still shaking. He called Alec at the same time
when he did tracking spell. He couldn't track a someone who was dead so hr hoped that there was
going to b something from Alec. And he got signal almost at the same time when his call was

''Hello it's Gus, he can't come to phone right now. So what's up?''He heard male voice saying,
some other than Alexander.

''WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS MY BOYFRIEND!?''He yelled in the phone, he was furious. Did
this Gus guy hurt his Shadowhunter? If he did... God help him. He knew where Alec were and he
was putting his jacket on and walking outside already. He was few blocks to East.

''Calm down. I'm just helping him. He was attacked by a very powerful demon and he was about to
die. Once one of my useless walks payed off.''It sounded like the guy was talking to himself.

''I'm coming there.''Magnus ended the phone call.

Am I in Heaven? It is sure light in here and I have no pain...

Then it started to all clear in Alec's vision. He saw all the colors of the wall and shells and
everything. He wasn't home, or in Magnus's place.

Then it all hit him. What happened last night. All of that demon he saw. And the phone call to
Magnus. And he was sad again. Magnus was cheating on him.. How long had this even go on like

''Oh, you are awake. Your friend Magnus is coming over. What is your name by the way?''The guy
asked.''That was quite a fight what you were doing with that demon yesterday.''

''You saved me? Why?''Alec asked.''You don't even know me?''

''I've always admire Shadowhunters. You are so brave and I've always wanted to be
shadowhunter. But what can you do... I am Gus by the way. I'm just 100 years old.''Gus told him.

''No one can choose how they come to this world.''Alec said and sat up.''And I am Alexander
Lightwod, but call me Alec.''

''Why were you hunting alone? You don't usually hunt alone. I mean all of you.''

''I was going to my boyfriends house...''He said and pressed his head down.

''Oh, I see. You don't want to talk about it.''He said and smiled to him.''I'll go get you some water.
Wait here.''

Alec smiled to him and lay back and closed his eyes for a bit.

Gus didn't look so old, he was about... 25 or so. And he was just 100 years old... He had pretty
green eyes and he was very nice.

He heard glass broke.

''WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?''He heard familiar voice scream.

He hopped up immediately and ran to the living room trough two doors facing Magnus holding Gus
from his collar.

''Alexander!''Magnus yelled and let go of Gus and he landed to the ground with a loud thump, his
ankle making a weir sound.

Magnus walked to Alec, but Alec went around him and walked to Gus helping him up.''Are you

''Yeah, just have to put something cold to that.''He said and jumpd to his bedroom with one leg and
snapping a ice bag to his hands.

''Look what you did!''Alec screamed and turned to Magnus.''He helped me! He was there when
you were fucking somebody else!''

''How do you know?''Magnus asked with a broken voice.

''You answered your phone you fucking cheater!''

Magnus was silent, but there was tears coming from his eyes.

''You can't even say sorry... Izzy and Jace will come pick up my stuff from your place today or
tomorrow. Now, would you fucking leave!''

''I am sorry Alexander. I just... Don't leave me. It was just a drunken mistake. I love you.
Please.''He plead.''I love you honey. Please, please. G-give me just one more chance.''

''How do you think I can ever trust you again?''Alec asked now he had tears in his eyes too.

''How can you just throw everything we've been trough, away?''

''You already did that by sleeping someone else. Magnus I needed you. I was dying and you were
just... I can't even look at you right now. Go away please. This is it. I hope you'll have happy
forever Magnus Bane.''Alec sobered, he couldn't believe h was doing this right now. He thought he
was going to die in Magnus's arms when he was old enough after living happy life with the love of
his life.

''Don't do this.''Magnus sobbed and reached for Alec, but he stepped away.''I love you Alexander.''

''Magnus you broke my heart.''Alec whispered quietly. He couldn't talk louder anymore. There was
now tears streaming down from his face too.

''I'll fix it. Please. I'm so sorry.''

''Leave Magnus.''Was only thing Alec said and when Mangus didn't move.''I SAID LEAVE!''

''I'll always love you Alexander and I won't ever give up on you.''Magnus said and walked to him
and gave him a one final kiss with love, lost and sadness.

''Forever is a long time.''Alec said to him before Magnus walked out of the door and away from his
life. But I'll still love you forever.

He wanted to go after him and say he love him and hold him till his little life ended. But he couldn't.

He just couldn't...

So sad ending.

I'm sorry people, but I hope you liked it anyways.

I want reviews to this and to YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING or at least I won't give you the
other chapter.


So this is little one shot I wrote.

I have so many one shots what I want to erite, but I don't have time for all of those...

I hope you'll like this!

There was a big bedroom and there was big bed in the middle of the room and one person was
sleeping under the covers peacefully. It was morning and he was waking up. He moved more to
the other side and stretched his hand like he was trying to grab something. But when his hand
dropped down to the mattress his cat like yes flashed open.

''Alexander?'' The man asked.''Baby where are you?!''

''I'm here Magnus!'' Alec's came from the living room.

Magnus got up from the bed and he put his bathrobe on and walked to his lover. ''Why are you up
so early?'' He yawned.

''I got hungry and I couldn't sleep anymore, so I'm just watching TV.'' Alec smiled and trapped
Magnus in his arms when he sat next t him and leaned on him.

''And you are watching the commercial channel?'' Magnus chuckled.

''They showed this candy just now, it's called Sugar Daddy. I want one.'' Alec said like he wanted
that candy more than weapons.''Is there any candy... place in here?''

''You are talking about Brooklyn, hon. Of course there is candy shops in here. I'll eat something
and take shower and get my hair and face done and then we can go.'' He said and got himself out
of Alec's embrace.

''Do you rally have to do your hair and make up just because we are getting few candies? Come
on, you don't need to.'' Alec whined.

''Yes I do. You know what I think about me going out naked.''Magnus yelled from the kitchen.

''What?'' Was all Alec said.

''I didn't mean it like that. I meant from the neck up.''He walked back to the living room with banana
and apple juice.

''You are going to be skeleton if you keep eating like that.'' Alec criticized.

''Well you eat like blue whale.'' Magus snapped. He didn't like anyone talking about his eating.

Magnus looked back to Alec who was pouting.

''Baby I'm sorry. I didn't meant that in the mean way. You eat because you are shadowhunter and
you have to have your energy on all the time. I'm just an old warlock who snap's everything in his
hands so he doesn't need to move anywhere.'' Magnus said and smiled a little and hoped he could
make Alec smile too.

Little smile came to Alec's perfect lips. ''I love you.''

''Wow yaa too.'' Magnus said while he was eating his banana.

''Take your shower and lets go! I want Sugar Daddy!''Alec yelled to him like a little kid.

Magnus swallowed his banana and smirked to Alec. ''You can have your sugar daddy if you'll
come with me in to the shower.''

''No, let's go.''

''Okayyyy, no sex tonight.'' He sighed and he walked to the bathroom and soon water started to

Alec took those glasses and everything what Magnus left on the table to kitchen.

Alec felt a little white thing rubbing against his leg and he looked own and saw their little cat
Chairman Meow. He was so cute he had to grab him to his arms and rubbed him to his cheek. He
was so fluffy and warm.

''Mrow!'' The cat hissed when he got tired of that.

''Oh god. Sorry.''Alec said to the cat and put him down and the cat ran away.

''You know. I think Meow doesn't like that.'' Magnus said behind his back.

Alec turned around and saw fully dressed Magnus. He didn't have his make up on or had his hair

''Why aren't you ding your... head?''Alec asked.''I wanna goooo.''

''You said you like my head like this.''Magnus chuckled and went to Alec and wrapped his arms
around Alec's waist. ''I'm all natural babes.''

''I believe you about that one, but now I want to go. Please? I'll top tonight.'' Alec whispered the
last part to Magnus's ear.

''Okay let's go.'' Magnus immediately was putting his shoes and jacket on.

Alec did know how to get Magnus moving.

They walked on the street towards the candy shop and Alec was acting like a child.

''Come on Magnus!''Alec yelled to his boyfriend who was laughing at him.

He ran few foot in front of Magnus for couple of minutes.

''Hey! Why did you stop?'' Alec asked when Magnus wasn't following him anymore.

''I said it's not far away and we are there now. That's why I stopped.'' Magnus said as he opened
the door to the store.

There was just few people there with them, none of them were children. It was odd. Usually this
place is full of children.

''Hello, I'm Brandon, tell me if I can help you!''The guy yelled from the counter for Alec who was
walking in the store and trying to find the candy. Magnus went the other side and tried to help him
too because he didn't like the way Brandon looked Alec.

While Magnus was looking those candies he heard Alec's voice. The shop wasn't that big so he
heard them well.

''Hi, how can I help you?'' The guy Brandon asked.

''I'm looking for those candies what are on TV, Sugar Daddy.'' Alec explained.

''Mmm, well aren't you straight forward.'' The guy purred. Magnus turned around to look at them
and saw that the guy was eaning over the counter as close as he could get to Alec.

''I-I-I... What?'' Alec asked.''I would like to buy two Sugar Daddies.''

''I can give you thirth one for free babes.'' He whispered. Alec was so red that his head would fly
off in any minute now.

''Umm... I just need two.'' Alec stuttered.

Magnus decided to go safe his boyfriend. He walked behind Alec and wrapped his hands around
Alec's waist and kissed his neck. ''Yes, one for me and one for my boyfriend.''

''Ok sure.''The guy said now he was more professional. He took two little bars under the counter
and gave those to Alec and when the machine spilled out a recepti he wrote something in it and
gave it to Alec too.''Thank you. Come again.''

Magnus held his tongue when Brandon said that. He walked out very quickly.

''Magnus are you okay? You are very red.''Alec said when he tried to open his candy.

''Give me the recepti.''Magnus said.


''Because that jerrk wrote his number in it.''Magnus said and tear it apart.

''Do you really think I would call him?''Alec chuckled.''You are so cute when you are jealous.''

Magnus smirked.''So I must look cute all the time.''

''Why are you so jealous? I would never leave you for someone else. It's jsut the other way
around.''Alec said and took bite of his candy.

''Love, I am 800 years old. I know when I meet my match.''He smiled.

Alec chuckled and gave a little kiss to Magnus.

Hope you liked it!

Am I the only one who is excited about the next How To Train Your Dragon movie?

I don't know, maybe I am, but I don't care.

Tell me what you think about this chapter.


Love you!


Another one shot.

I have nothing else to say so I hope you'll like this!

Magnus was watching himself on the mirror, his hands on his sides and stomach. He turned
around so he could look his back and his sides. The bathroom door opened and Magnus saw Alec
watching him from the mirror. Alec was confused Magnus could tell.

''Umm…'' Alec mumbled and walked beside Magnus.''If I don't give you enough love that you have
to give yourself some. I'm sorry.''

Magnus chuckled.''No it's not that, you give me plenty of love. Like last night.''

Magnus grinned at Alec who blushed a little but gave a little kiss to his forehead.
''Tell me.''

''I've been gaining weight. I'm fat..'' Magnus whined and put his hand on his stomach.

Alec looked down to his stomach and shook his head.''Why do you think that? You are beautiful.''

Magnus looked offended.''That's not enough to confirm me babe. We are going to gym.''

''Why can't I just take you with me to train in the Institute? That's real training.'' Alec asked, he
really didn't want to go to public gym.

''I don't want to learn how to work with swords, I want to train my stomach off.'' He whined.

''You can't then you would die.''Alec snapped.

''Please, come with me?''Magnus begged. He lowered his shirt and took Alec's hand.''Please? I
don't want to go alone in there. I'll be surrounded by all those muscular mundanes and well
shaped women.''

''So you are going to that road?''ALec asked.''Okay. I'll come with you. I'll show those muscular
mundanes how it's really done.''

''I'm sure you will.''Magnus smirked.''Now get your stuff together and we are going. Take towel and
water at least.''

''Are we seriously going now!?'' Alec screamed.''I have training session with Jace, and he is going
to be mad if I don't show up.''

''Then I'll turn him into a rat and feed it to the neighbor strays.'' Magnus said.''Now come on!'' He
yelled and slapped Alec's ass what made Alec yelp and Magnus chuckle.

He went to kitchen and fill their water bottles. He put those on the fridge and went to change his
clothes but Alec was changing right then. Alec yelped again and hide his lower section from
Magnus with his shirt.

Magnus chuckled.''Babe, you and me know that I have seen that before, no need to hide.'' Then
for the top of the icing he winked and glanced down to Alec's crotch.

''Yes but I don't want you to watch me when I'm changing. Do you want some other clothes for
yourself after the shower?'' Alec tried to sound normal but he was blushing furiously.

''I'm not leaving. I have to change and then we will get going.'' Magnus ordered and stripped down
and went to his closet and started to throw his clothes all around the room and some of those
landed on Alec.

''Here!''Magnus yelled.

Alec winched a little at the sudden yelling.

''I found my clothes by the way.'' Magnus pointed behind the closet's door.

''Yes I noticed.'' He rolled his eyes.''And knowing you, I think those clothes are as bright as the
sun. Am I right?''

''No you are not.'' Magnus said and came in front of Alec.
He had black v-neck t-shirt and it showed a lot his chest. And he had blue loose gym pants (i
don't know what those are really called, but I guess you figured it out). And those pants had
little glitter on the waist.

''Like what you see?'' Magnus smirked.

''Those clothes are so not you.''Alec said and turned around and packed his sneakers in the
bag.''Do you have one?'' Alec lifted his eyes off of the bag.

''Now I do.'' He snapped his fingers and took the bag from Alec and took their drink off the
fridge.''Let's go.''

''You could have packed and change your clothes with one snap? And still you wanted me to do all
the work.'' Alec whined as he ran down the stairs after Magnus.

''Where is the place?''

''Just around the corner.''Magnus said.''Your clothes are so dull… Do you want me to snap some

''No!''Alec said immediately.''I'm training with Jace in these clothes. That mocking would never end
if I'd had glitter and rainbows on these.''

''But you are all black… Your eyes match with blue and you know that. And it would be
cute.''Magnus said.

''No Magnus.'' Alec said the last time and they stopped about the clothes and walked in silence. It
wasn't uncomfortable silence, sometimes they just lied on the couch or bed just enjoying
eachothers company.

They finally got there and stepped in to a big room where was many doors and people were going
in and out almost all the time. There was woman standing behind the counter and was just talking
with customer or walked there and the other customer moved away.

''Hi, welcome to Jim's Gym. You are here to work out I assume.'' She smiled.

''Yes we are.'' Magnus smiled.

''Okay, and i also assume you are new. If you pay 20 dollars you can use our gym two hours and if
30 then three hours. It works like that and if you join our gym you can have three first time free and
the ten next one all together 300 dollars and two hours is the time.'' She explained.

''I think we go with the three hours now right Alec?'' Magnus asked.''So we have time to shower.''

''Sure whatever.''Alec mumbled, he wasn't even paying attention, he was just looking at the door.

''So it's 60 dollars. The mens room is on the right and there you will find showers and here is key
to your locker. Do you need two?''

''No thank you.''Magnus smiled.''Thank you. Alec come on.''

Magnus took Alec with him when they went to their room. They found their locked pretty quickly
and just put their things in there and took their water and towels walked through the showers and
turned left and then opened a big dor what lead them to the gym. There wasn't so much people in
there what they were expecting. There was very, very many exercise machines and to Alec it was
just a big room with weird metal devices and people were under or in between those things.
''Magnus… Why did we came here?'' Alec whispered

''Because I want lean stomach.'' Magnus said back.

''But you have one.''Alec started this again.

They just stood there before some young man came to them, he was one of those people who
worked in there for sure.

''Hello, I'm Adam, I'm free right now so I can help you to train Mr…..'' He started.

''Just Magnus.''Magnus smiled and shook his hand.''And this is Alec.''

''Okay Alec and Magnus. I'll help you to use these machines. Come with me.''He said and started
to walk but then he stopped and it was close that Magnu's didn't bump on him. ''My co-worker
Celine is free right now so Alec, if you go to her. She is that blond girl with glasses.''

Alec glared at him and went away. That was the guy who he was targeting from the lobby. He was
constantly staring at Magnus in there.

''Okay, how do you want to start?'' Adam asked.

''I don't know, you tell me. You're the personal trainer.''Magnus said and watched when Alec find
that blond girl Celine.

''Let's start with a little warming up. Let's run.'' He said and lead Magnus to treadmill.

Magnus thought he could have trained together with Alec, not with this intruder. Okay, he was
good looking and in very good shape but he was pushy. Magnus could instantly tell this guy was
gay. So he didn't have any fun. He tried to spot Alec all the time, and when he saw him Alec was
having a good time. He was doing something with some machine and the girl was laughing at
something Alec had said what made Magnus pretty jealous. Magnus had ran and walked in the
treadmill about 45 minutes while Adam talked something he didn't even listen.

''Okay, I think we can move somewhere else.''Adam said to Magnus who quickly stepped out out
the moving carpet and followed Adam, again.

''What about we try kettlebells. Let me show you what to do. Come behind me and put your hands
on my hips.''

''Excuse me?'' Magnus's instant reflect was.

''Come on.'' Adam said and took one of those balls to his hands. Magnus uncomfortably moved
behind him and did as he was told.

''Now, you feel my muscles and you'll see how your beck should go.'' Adam told him. He kept his
back straight as le bend his knees bringing himself down. And as he pushed his ass back to
Magnu's crotch and staid there.''You feel that?''

''Oh my god!''Magnus yelled and hit his neck with his fist.''I have a boyfriend. Goodbye.''He said
and walked away to find Alec. Alec smiled at him when he went to hug him.

''I was just about to come right there and hit him. But you got first. You know how much I like to
hit.'' Alec murmured.
''Yes, but I want to have some fun too.''Magnus smirked.

''This is Celine.''Alec said and introduced those two.

''I don't like Adam either, it was so funny you did that.'' She giggled.

''Now, let's let to work.'' Magnus said.''I want my stomach off.''

Celine looked at him and said.''But you don't have one.''

Hope you liked it.

Yes I know I have a problem with jealousy...

Isn't Adam dick?

Yep I tought so.

Reviews would be nice.


Another one shot written.

Thank's for the reviews.

Hopy you'll like this!

Magnus and Alec both had had a very long and hard day.

Alec had to leave at Magnus's in the morning to train with Jace. Then they had urgent call that
they had to go to Brooklyn to hunt and right after that they had to go to another place near their
Institute. That got them pretty tired already and when they finally got back inside the Institute, all of
them took long warm shower and they gathered to the living room. Not long after that Alec got call
from his mother who was now in Idris with his dad and Max. There was some meeting and since
he was already 18 he had to be there. And it wasn't even anything that important or interesting.

Magnus in the other hand had to deal with his customers all the day. And they all lived in different
areas of New York and one was in Montana too. There he that to create portal, but to the other
places he couldn't waste any energy.

And now they were home in each others arms just watching TV and taking about their day and
everything so random they were almost positive sure they can't remember that tomorrow morning.

''This show is so weird. why are they talking about their sex life?'' Alec wondered and glanced
Magnus, but he noticed that he was very much asleep. That was amazing how fast Magnus could
fall asleep and Alec didn't even notice anything.

Alec got himself away from Magnus's tight grip and tried not to wake him up. Alec picked him up
carefully, but when he did that Magnus suddenly woke up and got scared and dropped himself
from Alec's strong arms to the floor. Before Alec could react in any way Magnus casted some kind
of spell and it was in Alec's body in less than half second. And it made him pass out and fall on the
floor and hitting his head.

Magnus was still lying on the ground and he was waking up. He watched around himself and saw
Alec lying on the ground.

''Alec!'' Magnus yelped and sat up and dragged himself beside Alec so he could check him
up.''Alec sweetie wake up!''

Magnus tried to wake him up, but he couldn't get him awake. He check if there was anything
physically wrong with him and he couldn't find anything Alec didn't already have. But he could
sence that something was now wrong with him and it was magic. There was some kind of spell
casted on him and he was sure about that. Who could have done this to him? I was here all the
time.. Magnus wondered.

Magnus pick Alec up and carry him in their bedroom when he didn't find anything dangerous.
Magnus was very confused when he put Alec between the sheets and strip him up. He lied beside
him and curled up next to him. ''Good night Alexander. I hope you'll be okay when we wake up.''

Before Magnus fell in deep sleep he could feel something shifting under him but he didn't pay any
attention at it. And he had no idea that this was because of him.

In the next morning.

He woke up for someone outside yelling at someone. This is how he was used to wake up in
Magnu's flat. Someone yelling. Great. He wasn't sure what had happened last night but now he
was feeling just fine, and Magnus was lying his head on his breasts. He smiled at the sight,
Magnus was so cute. He couldn't be had at him. Wait a minute. Breast. Since when he had
breasts? Alec looked down on himself and saw two woman breasts. He wanted to scream. What
the hell! Was all Alec could think of. He lifted the sheet a little and watched down to himself and
his boxers were now flat. He had more curves too. He was so freaked out he let the sheet back
down and rubbed his head. Then he realized his hair. It wasn't short anymore. It was long like
Isabelle's. Oh God. That spell surely did something to me. Alec started to jostle Magnus very hard
until he woke up.

''Good morning Alexander.'' Magnus smiled to Alec and gave him a little kiss.''You are alright.

''Do I look like I'm 'Great'?''Alec yelled at him.''Look at me!''

Magnus blinked couple of times and sighed until he looked Alec properly and then he noticed
Alec's body changes. ''Oh my god. Umm... How did this happen?''

Alec was now totally pissed.''What do you think!? I look like a fucking cheat copy of Isabelle!''

''I'm so sorry Alec. I'm so gonna revenge to that person who did this to you.'' He was already
developing some devious plan in his mind.

''Are you serious?! You did this to me! I tried to carry you to bed and you woke up and casted
some stupid spell!'' Alec yelled at him and jumped out of the bed, but he forgot the fact that he was
topless and he now had woman's body. He quickly cupped his hands to hide his breast, but he
didn't go anywhere. He still had few words to say to him.

''You look positively delicious darling.'' Magnus glanced at his boyfriends body. He looked so
different, but as beautiful as when he is man. Now he had about B-cup beautiful breasts and he
had abs. But those didn't make him look less feminine at all. It just made him hotter. He had more
curves in his hips and his legs were more curvy too, not too much.

''Are you serious!? I can't look like this! I am a man you stupid warlock!''Alec just kept yelling to

''Shh. Alec I'm so sorry. Please don't yell at me. I didn't know what happened last night, at all I was
so tired. I just found you lying on the floor next to me. And that spell isn't going to last forever, you
know. Maybe one week or something like that. You'll be fine.'' Magnus tried to ease the mood.

Alec just stared at him like he couldn't believe what Magnus just said.''You really don't remember

Magnus shook his head.''Nothing, I swear.''

He looked so much like Isabelle right now, beside he had smaller breast and he still had blue eyes
and he had little bit shorter hair. Not so much but still. And his voice was different too. It was lower
than Isabelle's but higher than when he was man.

''Fix me now warlock or I will attack you.'' He really looked pissed and he was dead serious that
Magus was almost afraid to tell him that he couldn't do anything to this. He had done this spell
yesterday to chance gay man to woman because he was crushing into some man who wasn't gay.

''I can't.'' Magnus said and got up from their bed and stand in front of Alec and put his hands in
Alec's hips.''It will wear of. About two days and It's gone. And you'll be man again. I promise. Now
will you please stop yelling at me?''

Alec looked at Magnus's eyes and it felt like he had watched straight to his soul.''Okay, I won't yell.
But I have to explain this to my family. And I can't go hunting looking like this. I can't use this

''Just say them that you want some alone time with me.'' Magnus smirked..''That will keep them
away for a while.''

''Okay... I.. I have to go put some clothes on. Do you have any bra?'' Alec asked him.''Oh forget it.''

''Wait a minute.'' Magnus said and he snapped his fingers and Alec was wearing red small dress
what was very tight and jus barely hide Alec's ass.

Alec walked in front of a mirror and his mouth opened and he gasped. He let go of his breasts and
stroked his sides and turned around the mirror couple of times. ''Why would you do this to me?''

''You look ravishing darling.'' Magnus smiled to his boyfriend and went to kiss him to the cheek.''I
could do something to that messy hair. And put some mascara on you.''

''I'm a guy. I don't wear make up or dresses. Now get me off of this dress.'' Alec insisted and tried
to take it away, but it was very tight.

''I'm happy to.'' Magnus smirked and pull the zipper down from the back of the dress and it slipped
right off and Alec was all bare and naked again, but now he didn't have boxers, he had thong.

''I'm so gonna kill you when I'm guy again.'' Alec spatted.''Now please do something useful!''

Magnus thought for a little while and he snapped his fingers again.''Is that alright for you princes?''

''Yes, thank you.'' Ale looked himself at the mirror again. Now he just had white t-shirt and black
jeans and he had bra. And those were so uncomfortable he wanted to take those off right now.

''Okay. What are we gonna do now?'' Alec asked smiling.

''I like that smile after all that yelling sweetie.'' Magnus said sweetly.'' I have customer who is
coming he-''

Buzz Buzz

''Never mind. He is here now.'' Magnus said and walked to the livingroom.

''You do notice that you have nothing but boxers on?'' Alec yelled after him.

Magnus snapped his fingers and he had his regular clothes on and he snapped his fingers once
more and Alec felt like something happened to him and he just was too tired to care about that.

''Okay, his name is Andrew and he is werewolf and he wanted some potion and it would be lovely
if you could keep him company when I'm making the potion.''Magnus said before he opened the
door and there was black haired man standing in the hall, he was about their age. Maybe a little bit
older than them.

''Hello, Andrew. I'm Magnus Bane and this is Alexander-Alexandra.'' Magnus introduced them and
lead him to their living room and sat him down on the couch and he and Alec sat beside him.

''How can I help you?''

''You did knew I need potion. Potion what will make the person who drinks it whatever I want.'' He
said and Magnus couldn't not notice that Andrew was starring Alec all the time.

''Okay, It'll take me about ten minutes and it would be five thousand.'' Magnus said and left the
room to make the potion and left Alec alone with that man.

It was akward for a little while until Alec spoke.''So, where you you need that potion?''

''I rather not speak about it.'' He said.''but we can talk about something else. Like you and Mr.
Bane. Are you his girlfriend?''

''No.'' Alec said to him. He was about to correct it, but he kept his mouth shut. But then, it would be
better if he told him that right away, because now he was sitting way too close to him.''What are
you doing?''

''I'm trying to make conversation with you.'' He said and laid his hand on Alec's tigh and pushed his
face in front of Alec's face.

''This is not conversation.'' Alec said to him and tried to move away, but Andrew pushed im down
on the couch and laid on top of him and tried to kiss him.

''Get off of me!''Alec yelled and tried to get away from him, but the werewolf was too strong and he
was too weak in this body.

''Shh.'' Andrew whispered and put his hand on Alec's mouth and attacked his neck and roamed his
other hand inside of Alec's shirt.

Alec wanted to puke, this was the most gross thing anyone had ever done to him. This would be
good with Magnus but this guy smelled like shit and his hand tasted like fucking cigarette.

''What is going on in here?'' Magnus asked. Alec couldn't see him but he was sure Magnus
couldn't see them yet.''Where?- Get the fuck off of my boyfriend!''

And Alec felt that Andrew was lifted away from him and he got up and put his shirt down and
touched his neck. There was wet spot but he wasn't sure if there was mark in there or not.

''What do you think you are fucking doing to him!'' Magnus yelled and threw him to the floor.

''She said she want you girlfriend!'' Andrew yelled at him back and gestured with his hands.

''No he is not. He is my boyfriend!'' Magnus screamed furiously.''Get the fuck out of my house!''

Magnus pushed him out of the loft and shut the door with force and stayed there a while. Just
breathing in and out, trying to calm down.

''Magnus I swear it wasn't me. He did that to me.'' Alec begged and went behind him.

''I know. You would never fall for anyone like that.'' Magnus said with calmer voice, but he was still
very tense. He turned around and faced his boyfriend. He put his hand on Alec's neck and did
some magic.''I don't want anyone else's marking on you. You are mine.''

''I know that.''Alec said and hugged him and snuggled against him.

''What do you think if we just put on some sweat pants and go to the store, buy something sweet
and some here and watch movies all day?'' Magnus asked.

''That sounds great. Lets do that.''

Hope you liked it!


Yes yes, another jealousy thing.

I have a problem, sorry.

I finally read COHF and it was amazing, but I'm a little confused because I didn't catch
those six main characters death in there.

Thank you!


Here is the second chapter like I promised.

Thank you for all of your reviews and follows and favorites.

I hopy this makes sence.

And I hope you'll like this!

Woman Alec and Magnus did just that what Magnus had earlier suggested. there were just sitting
in there and laughing at Jim Carey.

''I never thought mundane movies would be so funny!'' Alec laughed.

''I know right!?'' Magnus was slapping his things and he sounded like he was gonna choke.

''Calm down Magnus. It was not that funny.'' Alec said but he could not laugh at Magnus.
Magnus coughed few times and he turned to look Alec with poker face.''I hope you were joking
Alexander. That is the best movie ever made. Don't you dare mock it.''

Alec smiled at him, but Magnus's face didn't softed. And then Alec's face turned serious too. He
was not sure if Magnus was joking or was he being serious. ''Umm... Magnus?''

''I'm gonna punish you for saying that you know.'' Magnus asked and climbed on top of Alec on the
couch and started to kiss him. Their lips moved in sync and it was passionate and loving and full of
lust. Magnus started to wonder his neck with his mouth and out his hand inside Alec's shirt. But
Alec pushed his away.

''Did I do something wrong?'' Magnus asked and lifted himself away from Alec.

''I don't want to have sex with you when I'm in this body.''

''Yeah, right..'' Magnus sighed.

''I think you can handle few days without sex. If you can't I'll take you somewhere you
somewhere.'' Alec smirked they noticed the movie was over and now they had nothing to do
anymore. It was only three o'clock.''What do you want to do now?''

Magnus's face got a whole lot brighter.''Shopping. We are going shopping!''

''NO!NO NO NO!'' Alec yelled eyed wide open.

''YES YES YES!'' Magnus yelled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek and ran away to chance
his clothes.

''Don't yell like that people are gonna think we are having sex!'' Alec yelled to him.

It didn't take long, maybe wo or three minutes for Magnus to come back to Alec who didn't even
notice Magnus came back. Magnus sneaked behind Alec and whispered.''Oh honey, this is
nothing. Wait till you are man again.''

Magnus could almost feel Alec's face going all red from his words.''Get up. We're going.'' And
Magnus clapped his hands together once and he heard Alec gasp. Magnus turned to look at him
and he was again wearing dress again. Now it was longer dress than the other. It was like summer
dress with thin shoulder straps. It was blue, so it matched his eyes. It was very simple and pretty
dress. At least that was what Magnus thought.

''Magnus!''Alec yelled.''What the fuck?! I'm not doing this again!''

''Yes you are. Now, let's go already.'' Magnus whine and pulled Alec with him.

Buzz Buzz

Magnus groaned and went to open the door and Isabelle was standing in the hallway with Jace
and Clary.

''Thank you for interrupting us.'' Magnus said sarcastically.''Please come in.''

''Who is that?'' Isabelle asked. Magnus turned to look at the direction where Isabelle was looking.
He saw Alec was behind the couch, trying to hide. But it was very bad.

''Umm... That's Alexandra.'' Magnus muttered.

''Are you fucking cheating on my brother?!'' Jace yelled.

''No I'm not. Umm... She is my sister...'' Magnus lied, he wasn't good at that.

''Don't lie to me. If I find out you have been cheating on my brother I will kill you.'' Isabelle
threatened him with her hand on one of her seraph blades.''Come here you slut and show your

Magnus watched as Alec stood up slowly and looked like he was gonna die of embarrassment.
Magnus couldn't take that anymore and he walked to him.''It's okay honey.''

''What?'' Jace asked.''Did he just call her honey?''

''Are you serious? You really don't recognize your own brother?'' Magnus asked.''Baby can you
look at them.''

Alec lifted his head a little and Mangus wished that he would have camera with him. Because their
faces were picture worthy. All of them were mouths open.

''What did you do to my big brother?'' Isabelle asked and she went to Alec and looked him closely
and took his long hair to her hands. ''This is so weird.. You look like a cheap copy of me. No

Before Alec said anything Jace opened his mouth.''Who could have known that you would be so
hot as a girl.'' Jace was giving him weir looks what mage Alec look away ashamed and Magnus
got a little jealous and angry.

''Jace! That's your brother! That is your girlfriend! And that's your brother's boyfriend! And I'm your
sister!'' Isabelle yelled and hit him on the shoulder, everyone were giving her a confused look.''My
point in that was that Jace's comment was totally inappropriate for everyone.''

''Yes I got that, but you can't say that he doesn't look really good.'' Jace smirked at his sister and
got weird face from Isabelle and he had to say.''Maybe even better than you.''

The others could see that Isabelle was not happy about that comment at all. She didn't have to
say anything to show that. She just looked at Jace and if look could kill he would be long gone.

''I'm this close from kicking you out of our house Jonathan.'' Magnus said finally and showed with
his fingers how close he was.''Do you have anything important? Or did you just came here to
irritate us?''

''Well we just came to ask if you guys would like to go eat together? Simon is already waiting for
us so.. What do you think?'' Clary asked. She was the only one who wasn't so creeped out about
this, and was not angry to anyone.

''Yes.''Alec said immediately. Clary was little surprised how quickly he answered.

''But we were suppose to go shopping.'' Magnus whined.''Aleec you promised.''

Alec saw Magnus was pouting now and he couldn't look at him being like this so he went to him
and gave a little kiss to his cheek and said.''If we go now and you buy be a loads of suff and then
when I turn back I won't be able to use the clothes.'' Alec tried to catch Magnus's gaze.''we can go
when I have male parts again.''

And of course Magnus's face lightened up at the minute he said that.''I'll hold on to that promise,
babe. Let's go. Sherwin is gonna eat his hat if we don't be there soon.''
''He is Simon and he doesn't wear a hat. What does that even means?'' Isabelle asked confused
as they walked out of the door. Everyone were on the hallway already but Alec was still inside and
the other's were waiting for him.

''Umm... Magnus, can you maybe... Change this.'' Alec asked and pointed his dress and hair.

''But you look so pretty on that.'' He whined again but he saw that look on Alec's face what means
that he wasn't joking now. So he snapped his fingers and Alec was wearing a blue t-shirt, same
color as the dress and black and very tight jeans and high heels.

It was funny how Alec tried to move on those. He was very tall already and that made him even
taller. Alec couldn't even stand straight. He was wobbling like thin tree on a windy day.

''Why do you do this to me?'' Alec wobbled to Magnus and placed his hands on Magnus shoulders
to support himself.''Do you hate me or something?Are you trying to make me feel like I wanna go
under the ground and die!''

Magnus frowned and the others understood to give them a little space.

''We'll be waiting outside.'' Clary said and pushed the snooping pair away.

Magnus turned his attention back to Alec who was now looking at the ground.''I never ment to
embares you. I just thought this would be funny. I'm sorry. I do love you. Love you very much. I
never ment to make you feel like that. If you want we can just... I don't know I can snap something
more masculine on you.''

''You can get rid of these high heels.'' Alec suddenly smiling to him.''I am sorry I snapped like that
in front of our friends. I am just very frustrated.''

''Don't worry about it love. What's going on in the Shadowhunter world?'' Magnus asked. He tried
to make Alec talk about his problems so he could help him.
Not that he was snooping. Not at all.

''I don't know. I'm nor sure. The last Clave meeting was very boring and I feel like they are not
telling us everything. My parents know everything, but they won't tell me anything. I have been
snooping around their papers on the Institute, but dad catched me and he got angry.'' He told

''They'll tell you if it's something very important, maybe it's not so important. And when have you
started snooping around other people's stuff? That's not you at all. You couldn't care less if no one
tells you anything.'' Magnus tried to ease the mood but failed.

''What if you just go and have dinner with the others? I wanna stay here alone.''

''What did I say now?''

''Nothing. I just don't feel like going out. I want to sleep. I didn't sleep well last night.'' He did sound
very tired.

''Are you sure? After what happened with my client?'' Magus asked.

Alec only nodded and went to their bedroom without saying anything else.

Magnus didn't know how to react to that. Alec told him to go with the others but he didn't want to
leave Alec alone. On the other hand Alec needed some alone time... Maybe he can leave and he'll
just come back like two hours ago.
''I'll be back soon Alexander! Sleep well!'' Magnus yelled from the door and his response was
moan and he smiled a little until he walked out of the door.

Hopefully there was nothing else wrong with him what he didn't share with me.. Magnus thought

Magnus went downstairs and met the others and told them that Alec wasn't coming. This was
whole new experience to Magnus. He had never been out with them without Alec. So this would
be interesting. But fun. He could now have a real conversation with them. Without all that sexual
comments about Alec and him all the time.

But he missed having Alec with him in there. Clary was in Jace's arms and Isabelle Sherwin's. He
waned someone under his arm too.

''Listen guys. I already ate so I'll go back to Alec and see what's going on with him.'' Magnus told
the others.

They all understood and Magnus was sure they were a little happy too that he left.

He didn't got far from the restaurant when Alec called him.

''M-Magnus. can you come home? T-there is blood coming from me.'' Alec stuttered from the other

Magnus's eyes went wide and he started to jog.''I'm on my way. I'll come as soon as possible.''

Magnus put the phone back to his pocket and started to run. There was too many people around
to make a portal and if Alec was badly hurt he needed his energy to heel him.

And it was about tem minutes when Magnus had run up the stairs of his apartment to his loft.

''Alec! Where are you!? Are you okay!?'' Magnus yelled and ran to their bedroom but Alec wasn't
there, just blood on the white sheets.

''I'm here.'' Quiet voice came from their bathroom.

Magnus went in and Alec was sitting on the bathtub. He was holding his stomach and there was
blood under his bottom.

Oh my god... He had his period now. I better call Isabelle.

''Okay honey. You have nothing to worry about you are just having you period. You do know what
it is do you?'' Magnus went to Alec and lowered himself to Alec's level and touched his
shoulder.''Does you stomach hurt?''

Alec nodded.

''I'll call Isabelle she knows more about this. Okay? It'll be alright.'' Magnus tried to calm him down
and he went back to their bedroom and called Alec's sister.

What a day..

Hope you liked it!

I admit, the first one was better and this was a little too fast going.
But I still hope I can get some reviews so I know if this was any good.

'See' you later.


Thank you for all of your reviews and follows and favorites!

I apprecate them very much.

I haven't been posting to this in pretty long time...

But I have so much ideas and I don't have time to write them all.

But this is one of those.

I hope you'll like this!

''Alec I'm breaking up with you.'' Magnus said after long time of being quiet.

''Because of that? Magnus you are being ridiculous.'' Alec sighed.

''My status can't be 'In a relationship with Alexander Lightwood' if you are not even in Facebook.
My friends are gonna think you are not real!'' Magnus was freaking out.

''So you are breaking up with me because I don't have Facebook. Thank you very much.'' He
ended the sentence sarcastically.

''No, because you don't even know the word 'Internet' who teenager don't know internet? Weirdos I

''First, I have no time for internet Magnus, I'm a shadowhunter. Second, I'm not teenager. Third,
are you calling me a weirdo?'' Alec didn't understand Magnus sometimes. ''If it bothers you so
much. Teach me.''

''Really?'' Magnus asked excitedly.''Really really?''

''Yes, really.'' Alec smiled. And before he even noticed Magnus was dragging him with him to their
bedroom.''Hey hey hey! I thought you were gonna help me with computers!''

''I am. My computer is in here on my desk.'' Magnus laughed and kicked the bedroom door open
and sat Alec down on him computing chair.

''Where is it?'' Alec asked.'' Are you gonna snap it in here?''

Few seconds went by when Magnus didn't say anything. He just stared Alec with an open mouth.

''Can you say something?''

Magnus blinked few times and kissed Alec's head.''I dodn't know you were this out of things what
happens in the mundane world...'' He said and took the flat thing from the table and lifted it's other
half.'' It's a lap top sweetie. And it is the computer.''

''Oh... I didn't even know.''

''There is so much you don't know, but I'm gonna teach you.'' Magnus said sweetly.
He started to teach Alec. He thought him how to put the power on and log in and log out and close
it. And he explained like hundred times why the keyboard wasn't in alphabetical order. Well he
didn't know either, but it just was like that. And when Alec opened it again and tried to log in he
searched one letter like half minute and it was annoying Magnus a little but he kept remembering
himself that this was Alec's first time to do this.

''No babe, remember. This is the mouse.'' Magnus said to Alec who tried to look the mouse.

''Why are they calling this mouse again? Tat makes no sence, it looks nothing like mouse. It's just
flat.'' Alec asked.

''I don't know.'' Magnus just said.''I think you can open and close it now... I want to show you some
pictures. Now press that one.''

''What one?''

''The mouse is already on it. Just click.'' Magnus said.


''Press down the mouse.'' Magnus had closed his eyes. He never guessed this could be annoying
and frustrating.

After ten minutes they were now watching Magnus's photos. There was photos of Alec and him
when they were in Europe and just them lying on the bed together and kissing. There was one
Magnus liked very much.

''Why would you do this to me!?'' Alec yelled when he saw the photo.

''It's amazing sweetie. I can copy it for you if you want. You look so hot.''

The picture was about when they were having sex, Alec was under Magnus and they were having
sex. They could see very well all the details and right in the photo Alec was coming and they could
see the white cum what was about to land on Alec's chest.

''I want this to be burned down and buried.'' Alec said to him. His eyes this very wide.

''No, it's hot. And I have use to it.''

''What? You're gonna touch yourself while you watch it?'' Alec asked, he didn't even look at
Magnus when he said that. He just said that, without thinking it.

''Mmm..'' Magnus moaned and kissed Alec's neck.

Alec sighed and turned his head to the other side so Magnus could kiss him better. Magnus
started to bite and suck his neck leaving a big hickey in there. Then he backed off.

''Why did you stop?'' Alec asked confused and looked Magnus.

''I was supposed to teach you how to use computer, not have sex with you.'' Magnus chuckled at
him.''Now, do you want to go look out Facebook? Everybody are always talking about it.''

''I have heard Isabelle taking about it loads of times, but she never explains me what it means. It's
just confusing.'' Alec frowned.

''Oh sweetie. It's a social media. There people can talk to their friends and share pictures and tell
about their day on public.'' Magnus kissed the top of Alec's head and logged in Facebook.''Now,
this is my page. I just wrote my email and password in there and now we are in my wall.''

''What?'' Alec asked and glanced back at the walls.''

''No, not like that. I mean that this page is called wall.'' Magnus pointed at the computer.


''And this is my page.'' Magnus clicked the one little picture and they were in Magnus's personal
paige.''There is my profile picture and here is stuff I tell about myself.''

''In a relationship.'' Alec blushed a little.'' And you put your real birthday. Aren't they suspicious
about it?''

''No, they think it's a joke and I have some warlock friends in here. Hey! I have one picture of you
in here.'' Magnus said and started to click again.

''What!? Without my permission? God help you if it's like that one picture in your files.'' Alec started
to raise his voice again.

''Here.'' Magnus said and the picture opened in the screen. It wasn't so bad. It was exactly pretty
cute. They were in Magnus's couch cuddling and Alec sat between Magnus's legs. They were both
smiling and Alec had his eyes closed and Magnus was pressing kiss on top of Alec's head. But
then he noticed the one part he didn't like in this picture. Magnus had his right hand on Alec's
crotch. Now Alec realized why he had his eyes closed.

Alec turned to look Magnus and his face was all serious and it was scaring Magnus a little bit. He
knew Alec would never punch him. But now he felt like he will in any second.

''No sex for you in a two months!'' Alec yelled at him and turned his head to the computer screen
again.''What is that!?''

Magnus snorted at the first thing Alec had said. Like i could do that. Or you. ''What did you see?''

''Is that Izzy?'' Alec asked and pointed at the little picture on the side.

''Yes, it's her name isn't it.''

''Klick it!''

''Yes sir.''

Magnus clicked it and her page opened right there. Alec's eyes widened when he saw her sister's
picture. Isabelle was lying on a beach on the sand, she only had bikini on and nothing else. She
was lying on her back with one leg bend.

''Oh my gosh... Is that really my little sister?'' Alec asked shocked.

''I think she is. Wanna see her other pictures? They are not like this.''

Alec didn't say anything or nod, but Magnus opened her album anyways. All her pictures popped
in there and one of them was Alec and Jace and Clary. Jace and Clary were making out in a
couch and Alec was sitting uncomfortably on the chair next to them.

Alec just sighed and put his face to his palms.

''Now come on babe. It's not that bad. Let's see Jace's profile. It's even worst than this.''

''I'm not sure if I want to see.'' Alec mumbled between his fingers.

''I'm pretty sure you want to. Then you won't be mad at Isabelle anymore. But I think I'll be jealous
if you stare it too long.'' Magnus chuckled and they waited for a little while for the page to open.

When it finally did Alec was shocked again and Magnus was laughing at his expression.

In Jace's profile picture Jace was lying on a boat and he was completely naked and he was lying
on his stomach and his ass was showing in the picture very vividly on the other corner.

''Okay, I think this is over now. I have no will to live anymore.'' Alec siged and stood up and walked
few steps and he fell on the bed with his face first.

Magnus chuckled and turned the computer off and went to sis boyfriend and turned him around.
Have you ever tried to turn around full grown shadowhunter and what work out it was?

Magnus dragged Alec completely on the bed and climbed on top of him and kissed his cheek
before he unbuttoned his shirt.

''I told you, no sex in two months.'' Alec whine.

''I know you can't do that. I can't do that.'' Magnus smiled sweetly ans tugged Alec's shirt off. After
he had done that he pressed kiss on Alec's chest and kissed his way up to Alec's ear and
whispered.''What do you think?''

Alec smiled him and captured Magnus's lips.

I hope you liked i!

No lemons for you in this chapter ;) Sowwy

In the next one. Maybe..

Reviews would be nice. Thank you!


Sorry... again.

I started to write that eight chapter for togetherr as one.

But I don't know when it'll be ready.

Thank you for all of your reviews, so much.

And I hope you like this!

Magnus and Alec both had very long and exhausting day and they went to bed already at nine
o'clock. And they both expected to sleep the whole night without interruptions. But of course that
didn't happen.

Alec woke up in the middle of the night because his phone was beeping ans the light was on. He
looked at it and it was Simon.
I'm outside your door, can you come open up?

Alec sigh and got up from the bed. He didn't mind to get dressed. Well Of course he had boxers
on since he hadn't had sex with Magnus before they got to sleep.

Alec opened the front door and Simon was standing right in front of him. He was all covered in
blood and he was panting. If vampires can actually be panting.

''What happened to you?'' Alec asked and lead him inside the loft. He didn't put the lights on
because Magnus was very light sleeper and he didn't want to wake him up.

''I got in a little fight with few werewolf. Well I didn't fight with them. I tried to stop them from
fighting against few vampire.'' Simon said.

Alec got up and walked to the kitchen and took a bunch of paper with him to clean Simon up.''
Here.'' He sat back down.''SO why didnt you came here?''

''Becuase this was the closest place to go.'' Simon said.''And because I need blood. Where is

''I don't want to wake him up. He is exhausted from today. He had a lot of unhappy clients and I
don't think he has energy for doing that anyways. I'm sorry.'' Alec said apologetically.

''That's okay. Can I sleep here? I don't have energy to go on.'' Simon asked.

''You can always take my blood. You've done it before. Why not now?'' Alec asked.

''Really?'' Simon asked. He was a little suspicious.

''No problem.'' Alec said and went to sit next to Simon.''Do your thing vamp.''

Simon looked a little bit uncomfortable when he was trying to find place to bite Alec.

''Oh come on. Grow some balls.'' Alec sigh and placed his head so Simon could bite him.

''Umm... Okay.'' Simon said. Alec felt Simon coming closer to his neck and finally his fangs were
already touching the neck but not biting yet. Then he put his fangs in his flesh and Alec yelped a
little he felt his blood sliding down his neck while Simon sucked it.

Then the lights turned and Alec startled a little.

''And I thought I would have been the only one who has their mouth on Alec's neck.'' Magnus
said.''Get your ugly face away from my boyfriend.''

''Come on Magnus he is hurt. He needs blood.'' Alec said. Simon was still on Alec's neck. Unsure
what to do next.

Magnus moved his fingers a little and a bowl of red liquid formed on the coffee table.''There, now
let go of my boyfriend.'' Magnus walked to the two of them and sushed Simon away from Alec.

Simon went straight to the blood bowl and didn't pay attention to Magnus and Alec anymore.

''Did that hurt?'' Magnus asked and touched the spot on his neck what was still bleeding. He shook
his palm a little and a wet towel was on his hand and he started to clean Alec up.

''No, it was pretty nice actually. It's pleasuring.'' Alec said he saw Magnus' face and corrected
himself.''Not sexually, it just feels nice. How come you don't know?''

''Oh yeah because I'm old and I must have experienced everything.'' Magnus snapped.

''No. You did have vampire for girlfriend.'' Alec remembered. Magnus's expression softened.

''I never let her do that. It would mean she would be the dominating one. No one dominates the
great Magnus Bane.'' Alec chuckled at that and smirked.

Alec suddenly took firm grip from Magnus's chin and smashed their lips together to a passionate
and hot kiss. Immediately Alec pushed his tongue in Magnus's mouth and Magnus couldn't do
anything else but go along with it.

Alec moved his mouth to Magnus's neck and he took a lot of Magnus's skin to his mouth and

''Oh god... Alexander...'' Magnus moaned and whined.

When Alec thought it was enough he let go. And he watched his work. Magnus was all panting
and looked at Alec with lust. And there laid a big dark hickey on Magnus's neck. He was very
pleased what he did.

''Why did you do that?'' Magnus asked, but he was smiling.

''You are not letting anyone dominate you, huh?'' Alec asked smirking.

''You are expection dear. How could I resist my beautiful boyfriend who is almost naked and wants
to have his dirty ways with me.''

They stared at each others for a while until.''Ummm... I'm still here.'' They both turned their heads
to look at Simon who was now all covered in blood.

''You are acting like a child!'' Magnus yelled.'' And you are dripping blood on my floor!''

''Go shower Simon. We are busy. And don't interrupt us or it's on you.'' Alec said to Simon while
he was watching Magnus.

''Can I sleep here?''

''Do whatever you want.'' Magnus said. He picked Alec up bridal style and ran to the bedroom and
kicked the door shut.

I hope you likd it.

It was't that long sorry.

I'll try to update soon to that other one.

Reviews would be great.

See youu!


This is a bit weird one shot :D

Thank you for all of your reviews and followers and favorites!

And your support.

I would love to hear how I can write english on my own without beta.

I hope you'll like this!

''Come on sweetie we have to go to the park. We'll meet you daddy there.'' Alec was trying to get
his five year old daughter to get ready, but she wasn't having any of that she wanted to keep
playing with her G.I Joe figure. She was a bit picky with her toys, she didn't want any dolls or
anything, she wanted these solider figures.

''But I want to play!'' She yelled at him.

''No, we are going to see your dad at the park. And you'll see your friends. Annie and Emma. Don't
you wanna see them?'' Alec asked and kneaded besides his daughter.

Ellie nodded at his father.''It's Anna, like from Frozen.''

''Sure thing sweetie. Go get your shoes and jacket and we can go.''

''Okay.''She giggled and ran away to get her stuff.

Alec had waited her for like five minutes already and he went to look for his daughter. Only to find
her with her shoes on the wrong feet and her hair was stuck between the zipper.

''Oh Ellie. How many times I have told you that you can't do that on yourself yet. You have to ask
me to help you. Or at least supervise that this doesn't happen.'' Alec sighed and went to her and
helped her.

It took them twenty minutes to go out of the door because she decided she wanted another pair of
shoes and then she didn't want them anymore and when Alec refused to change them anymore
she started to cry. But luckily these little scenes of hers doesn't lat long and then she was her
happy self again. But then she wanted a french braid, and Alec was not good at doing those. It
was almost impossible for him to bent his fingers and do such work. So in the ended up looking
pretty hideous.

''Now can we go? You daddy is already waiting for you.'' Alec asked his daughter.

''Yes. I wanna see Anna and Elliot.'' Ellie announced.

They walked out of the door and Alec lifted Ellie on his back and started to jog. They were so late
already and usually that five minute trip would stretch to fifteen minutes trip. Because she wanted
to see everything and everyone who walked past them and sometimes she wondered to ditch,
because she thought she saw anima in there. That's how they got Chairmen and Church. she
spotted them from the ditch and she refused to leave the kittens there. So they took them with
them. But those would be the last animals what will leave with them.

''Alec! Over here!'' He saw his husband to yell at them from the park bench.

Alec speed up there and there and gave Magnus little gentle kiss.''Hi.''

''Daddy!'' Ellie yelled and Alec let her down and she jumped on Magnus's arms.

''Hi baby girl. What did you do today? Did you have fun day?'' Magnus asked.
''Me and dad had a food fight and then I played with Giggi (G.I Joe) and I watched Frozen and
then dad dressed me and did my hair.'' She explained.

''Yes I see he did your hair. Alexander?'' Magnus asked and watched Alec.

''You know I can't do her hair! It's impossible! You do it before you leave for work. Please?'' Alec
asked and leaned into Magnus and gave him another kiss.

''I don't think she wants to wake up at six am.'' Magnus chuckled.

''Can I go play with Anna and Elliot?'' Ellie asked.

''Sure, but don't go too far.'' Magnus said to him.

She giggled and ran away with her friends, not too far. They could still see her and her friends.

Alec and Magnus sat down on the green grass and Alec leaned down to lay on the grass.

''How was your day?'' Alec asked him.''And don't lie to me. I see it from your face.''

''Yeah, she was still being a bitch to me. And my boss in completely ignoring the rest of us. He
was all over her. All day. In front of all of us. She gets all the work, so she gets paid more. at the
end of the day... I think I have to get another job with this.''

''Do you think you can handle that? You are already working eight hours a day. Then we would
barely see you. I could go working again.''

Magnus watched him.'' Do you think you can?''

''I can try.'' Alec said.

It still haunted Magnus and it has almost being two years. That day Alec was on the car accident.
He remembered the day he got the call to work that Alec was hit by a car. Some 16 years old
drunken boy had hit him with his car... Magnus rushed to the hospital. The doctors hadn't given
him any good news. They told him that Alec's head was damaged and his legs. And then Alec fell
into a coma for two weeks. All the doctors he met said the same thing 'he was not gonna wake up
and if he was to wake up he would never be able to walk again and he would be like mentally
deficient'. They were wrong. After two weeks Alec woke up, and he was totally alright mentally.
But he couldn't walk. They had to develop that. It was awful. They already had Ellie then, but she
was so young she couldn't understand what was happening while Alec was slowly falling apart.
But Magnus did everything to keep him together and keep practising his walking.

When Alec was recovered Magnus didn't let him go back to work again. He almost forced him to
stay at home. Alec had physically hard job and his legs would have given up at any time. So it was
safer for him to stay home with Ellie.

''Okay... But you can't go back to your old job.'' Magnus said.

''I don't think they would even take me back.'' Alec chuckled. ''I could try bartending?''

''Well It would be cool. But I wouldn't see you. And I would get jealous of you. You are all night
with those drunken girls and boys trying to hit on you.'' Magnus grinned.

''Come on.'' Alec blushed and hit his shoulder playfully.

They were quiet for a while watching Ellie play with her friends. She was playing Anna, her old
friend and some little boy. Who neither of them had ever heard about.

They were playing some sort of tag. But the little boy gave Ellie a kiss.

Alec was about to get up and go there but Magnus grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

''Let them be, that's just how little kids are.'' Magnus said to him.

''They go around and kiss each others? What kind of games did you play when you were young?''
Alec asked still watching Ellie like a hawk.

''This is how they are Alec. They see something adults do and they want to do the same thing. And
don't tell me that wasn't cute.'' Magnus kissed his cheek.

''She is five! She shouldn't be kissing boys!''Alec yelled at him before he yelled Ellie to come to
them.''Ellie, I have something for you!''

She ran to her parents and the little boy followed after her with Anna.''This is Elliot we are gonna
get married one day. And our kid's name is gonna be Elsa. Like the snow queen from Frozen!''

''That's cute sweetie but it's gonna be years until you can even date anyone.'' Magnus said to her

''When I'm ten?'' She asked.

''More like 30.'' Alec corrected.

''Dad!'' She giggled.''Then I'm old! 12.''




''18 and that's it.'' Magnus said smiling.''Go back to play sweetie.''

''And no more kissing!'' Alec yelled after her.

''You are so cute when you are protective.'' Magnus grinned and gave him a kiss.

''I was serious. I'm gonna home school her.'' Alec said looking Magnus all serious.

Magnus laughed and gave him a bigger kiss. ''I'm gonna plan her wedding to be so glittery and

''Yes, when she is 50.''

''You are impossible.''

I hope you liked it!

Reviews would be great!

Nothing else to say.


This is the Christmas one shot I was talking about in my other story I decided to post it
today already because all the Christmas stuff. It's a little different from the other Christmas
one shots, at least the ones I have read.

Thank you for all your reviews and follow and favorites.

This has not been edited by anyone so please tell me if you find mistakes in this.

I hope you like this!

It was Christmas Eve and Magnus was wondering on usually busy streets of Brooklyn. But tonight
there was no one else in there but himself. It would have been nice to be alone and in peace even
once. But it was Christmas. He didn't want to be alone. His friends were with their families or on
vacation somewhere around the world. His own family was too. They were in Spain. His mom dad
and little sister Madeline. They did ask him to go with them. But Magnus said no. And now he
didn't even know why. It would have been so much better to be with his family in the warm than in
cold alone. He could go home to Chairman Meow, his cat, but he would just sleep and then bite
him if he were to wake him up.

Happy fucking Christmas to everyone.

As he walked he was glancing around him. He hasn't been in this area of Brooklyn so much.
maybe once or twice drive trough but never just walked. So he looked around if someone was
gonna attack him. And with all that he got a little suspicious and he started walking faster and
faster, he squeezed his hands in to fists. He startled at every little sound he heard behind him.

He was so busy at glancing around that he didn't notice the people that were walking towards him.
About four pretty big looking guys dressed in black and three good looking girls in very little
clothing were leaning and kissing the guys. Magnus's heart started to pump like he had been
running for at least one hour. He tried not to look the guys and stay calm.

''Hey!'' Magnus heard one of the guys yell at him. His voice was very low and 'manly'.''You there
you glittery guy. What are you doing in here this late and alone. Not good idea.''

Magnus didn't make eye contact with any of them, he just kept watching down and walking fast.
The guys didn't seem to like that. Soon he felt someone push him by his shoulder. And by and
instincts he started to run. And he heard someone yell something and quick steps behind him.

Tonight is the night I'm gonna die.

He ran between the houses and the little allies trying to find at least a little store that would be
open. He was so stupid he didnt' even have his phone with him. And of course nothing was open,
It was Christmas at least. And he still heard those guys following him and yelling insults at him. But
he was too busy running away that he didn't understand anything they said.

When he turned to a little street he saw little light in one place. He sprinted in there before those
guys saw where he was going.

He ran inside the little place and didn't even see what kind of place that was until he stopped in the
farest corner from the door. It was little bar. Very comfortable little bar. All tables and chairs were
out of wood and walls were wood it was good. And there was warm too because of the fireplace.

''Umm... Can I help you sir?'' Silky and rather beautiful male voice said besides him.
''Yes, I'm sorry. I was just running from some guys who were chasing me.'' Magnus panted. He
was so out of breath, to gym it is.

''Do you want something to drink?'' And that was when Magnus laid his eyes on the guy who was
talking to him. It was like he had seen an angel. The guy in front of him was so beautiful. He had
black messy hair. His skin was fair like snow and looked smooth as silk. His lips were beautifully
full and red. And his eyes, blue as the sky and the sea. Most beautiful eyes he had even seen.

''Something to eat?'' He asked with his angelic voice.

Suddenly Magnus's mouth felt very dry and he started cough.

''Drink it is.'' He said with smile.''Sit down and I'll bring you glass of water.''

Magnus nodded and followed the guy to the bar table and sat down on the bar bench. He leaned
his head on his palm and he just stared at the guy when he did his work.

''Here you go.''

Magnus took the water and drank and then he felt like talking again.

''Thank you.'' Magnus gave the water glass back to the guy and ordered beer to himself. ''Why is
guy like you working on Christmas eve?''

The guy chuckled.''Guy like me?''

''Beautiful, I would think you wanted to spend this holiday with your girlfriend or boyfriend.''
Magnus turned on his flirt his mode.

The guy's cheeks flamed up. It fit him good.''I own this place. My family is away for the holidays.
And no I don't have boyfriend and certainly not girlfriend. Look around you.''

And Magnus did there was only four other customers in the bar with him. All were a little older men
in their 30 or 40 and one older woman. There wasn't rush there for sure.''Well... You are not that
busy. And that's good for me.'' Magnus winked at him.

''I know the people who come here. I know what their situation in life is. That man in red jacket. He
lost his family in car accident, he is here every day. And that woman, she is widow. Only four
months when she lost his husband, he was great man. And that man with blonde hair, he used to
be a cop before he hit someone with his car and lost his job, now he is living in a homeless
shelter. Last man was in jail for killing someone, if you leave that behind he is the funniest man I
have ever met. They are like my other family.'' This guy seemed to care a lot of his customers. It
was great. The places where Magnus went they weren't so friendly. They didn't even say hello to
their customers. This is place where Magnus is gonna come back and back. and not just because
of this guy.

Magnus smiled at the guy.''I hope everyone were as caring for their customers as you are. I'm


''As an Alexander?''

''Yep, I like Alec better though.''

Before Magnus got anything to say to that the little bell on top of the front door made a sound.
Magnus's eyes met with that guy from before. And his buddies were coming right behind him.

''Well well well boys look who we have here.'' Dude in blonde hair and very much muscles started
to move towards him while he talked. And the gang behind him just chuckled and smirked.

Magnus stood up and started to back off a little. He saw from the corner of his eyes Alec, who
moved from the back of the counter besides Magnus and lifted his hands. He must have done this

''Let's calm down here I'm sure we can talk things trough without any violence.'' Alec talked to the
big guy.

''No we can't. We have to teach that faggot a little lesson.'' The guy his his fists together angrily.

''If you don't leave now sir I'm gonna have to call the police.'' Alec warned him. But then out of the
blue the guy his him on the face and Alec fell backwards on Magnus's arms.

And then the all hell broke loose. That prison guy stood up and jumped to beat that guy who hit
Alec and the ex police went to help him.

''Are you okay?'' Magnus asked from Alec who was still lying on his arms. Not that he minded he
would liked to hold him like this the whole night.

''Yeah. I can take a hit. That just came so out of the blue. Thanks for catching me.'' Alec blushed
again and Alec leaned away from him. Just in time to see blood splash on his floor. Prison guy had
just stabbed one of the guys who were messing with them.

''You are crazy!'' The guy yelled as he was keeping his arm with his palm from bleeding.''I'm gonna
report the police!''

And then they all an out of the door.

''Thanks man.'' Alec fist bumped both of the men.''I think we should all leave now. No one tell
anything to anyone about this. Jim I think you should not be in here for at least two weeks just in
case. I'll close now before the cops arrive. I was never open today. Okay? Good night.''

They really are a family, sort of.

''Can I walk you home?'' Magnus asked Alec who was already closing the place.

''If you promise you are not gonna tell anyone about this.'' Alec smiled to him.

''Scouts honor.'' Magnus chuckled.

After Alec got the place look like no one was ever there they left the bar and walked together on
the dark streets. But Magnus wasn't scared this time when Alec was there.

''So, do you always work alone?'' Magnus started the conversation.

''My brother and sister are also working there, and few of my come guy like you is alone in

It was very nice to walk to Alexander. He got to know to him on the way. Alec had dog named
Adam, he had three siblings he was the oldest. His dad had disowned him. His mother's name
was Maryse and she was successful businesswoman He was born in Long Island. he went to art
school he is 23 yeas old. He wanted to be an artist. He almost lost his little brother when Alec was
twenty. Someone drove over him. He had had one ex and that was a girl. He was virgin and most
importantly, Alec was gay.

''This is me.''Alec said and pointed at the house next to them.

''This seems to be pretty nice area.''

''It is,no crimes. Luckily. Do you wanna come in?'' Alec asked and Magnus grinned and Alec
blushed.''Not like that!''

''Naah, have work to do. I think I have to sleep.'' Magnus told him. He took Alec's hand on his own
and kissed it.''It was pleasure to meet you Alexander I hope we can meet again.''

''Yes we can. I haven't heard a thing about your life yet.'' Alec said. He still had a little pink on his

''Good night Alexander and Merry Christmas.'' Magnus said politely.''Can I see you phone?''

Alec was a little confused but gave Magnus is phone. Magnus wrote his number on it and gave it
back to him with wink.''Call me.''

Then Magnus turned around and walked away.

Nailed it! This is the best Christmas in a long time.

I hope you liked it!

Tell me what you think.

Happy Christmast and New Year to everyone!

Love you!


One of these after a while right?

Thank youfor all your reviews and favorites and follows

This is not edited so there is gonna be some errors there. I tried to clear them.

So I hope you'll like it!

''Fuck! Why can't he just come home!? They have been there for two hours! What the fuck!?''
Magnus was talking t himself and partly to the cat that was watching him with his tiny head tilted.
''Oh what the fuck do you know? You are just a cat...''

Chairman hissed at him and walked away head held high. It was like sometimes that cat couldn
understand what Magnus talked to him.

Then his phone rang on the coffee table.

Magnus grabbed his phone and that was like the fastest he had ever moved and that was a lot to
say about warlock that was 800 years old.

''Hey Magnus, Sorry I was late. I'm on my way to home. Bye.'' Then Alec just shut the phone.
Before Magnus could even say anything.

That was weird. Alec always lets Magnus say something too before he just hungs up. And he tells
him he loves him.

Maybe something happened with him in the hunt. Magnus was gonna find out what. But now he
could relax. Alec was allright and he was coming home. Finally. He was gonna keep him such a
spech hwould never be this late again. And then he will lay him down on their bed or sofa or
whatever and fuck him furiously.

He sat comtorably on the couch and stared a the front door and waited for Alec to walk in in any

When he finally heard keys from the other side of the door he jumped up and rushed to the door
and opened the door before the person in the other side could. Right in the moment when he
opened the door and saw who stood in the other side he thought he saw red hair. But when he
blinked he saw Alec. His beautiful Alexander with his black hair and blue eyes. That were a littl bit
darker blue than they were before Alec left. That was propably nothing, his eyes usually turned
darker when he was turned on or when he was angry.

''I was so worried about you!'' Magnus yelld at him and embraced Alec into a very tight hug.''How
could you tell me the wrong time!?''

''I'm sorry, okay? We just ha sme business with the downworlders. Those shitty werewolfs were
talking some shit.'' Alec just told and immediatey took step back from Magnus.''Don't worry so
much. Do we have any food?''

Magnus watched as Alec walked to their kitchen. He was confused. Alec never behaved like this.
After hunt Alec always shows him some affection. Alec knows Magnus is waiting him in home
worried about if he was gonna see him again.

''What is wrong Alec? You are weird. You were acting weird in the phone too.'' Magnus asked. He
walked to Alec in the kitchen where he was focused on their fridge. He had both of his hands
inside as he was roaming around the fridge looking like he had never seen food before. He looked

''What is wrong with you?!'' Magnus yelled at him. He pulled Alec's hands gently out of the fridge
and closed the door and stepped in front of him. For a split second he thought ALec's eyes
changed again. And he showed Magnus his teeth like animals do when they want to scare
someone off.

''Alec?'' Magnus asked. This wasn't Alec at all.

''I'm sorry. It's just that I... Umm.. Had a rough time today. Sorry. I just want to eat and shower and
sleep.'' Alec said and turned away from Magnus again.

''Okay..'' Magnus said, he was very confused.''Are you hurt? Can I make us something? Spaghett?
You favorite food?''

''Umm... No thanks.'' Alec said and took likke can of tuna from the fridge.

Magnus narrowed his eyes. Alec hated tuna. It makes him nauseous. He can't even smell it
without him getting sick. This is not his Alec.

''Who are you?'' Mangnus asked. He took few steps back and was ready to blast him with his
magic if he had to.

Alec, or who ever, what ever it was chuckled and smiled to Magnus. His blue eyes sparkling. That
is not Alexander. ''What are you talking about Mags?''

''I asked you a question. Who are you?'' Magnus yelled again and took a tep forward to scare him,
mut he didn't react in any way.

''I am Alexander Gideon Lightwood, love. You are Magnus Bane, my boyfriend.'' He smiled and
came clser to Magnus and wrapped his hands around Magnus's neck and kissed his cheek.
Magnus still didn't let his guards down. Magnus didn't believe this creature. All the changing of the
eyes color, hissing at him like an animal and the tuna and his behavior. Too much weird in too
short time.

''What did you do to my Alexander?'' Magnus hissed, flamesstarted to burn in his palms.''Tell me
or I'll kill you.''

Then Alec's expression changed again, he let go of Magnus and now he looked scared.''WHat are
you talking about? Magnus, I love you. You wouldn't hurt me would you?''

Magnus squeezed his eyes shut. Even if this wasn't his Alec, he looked like him. And ounded like
him.''What did you do to my Alexander!? Answer me demon!''

''Magnus it's me. Please don't hurt me.'' He pleaded Magnus.

''You are not my Alexander. I know him from the bottom if his shoes to the tip of his head. You are
not him. You are very bad shapeshifter. You can't even hold on to his eyes. Your eyes just keep
changing back and forth. So you must be new at this. So Ican scare you off easily. I will know who
you really are and I will kill everone you love. Everyone you have ever cared about. Everyone
around you. So you'll be all alone. And just because you didn't told me what the fuck did you do to
my boyfriend.'' Magnus growled. He wanted to scare him. He needed to know where Alexander
was kept.

''Magnus?'' The demon asked. His voice was so vulnerable and scared. His heart hurt. He couldn't
let that demon fool him.''I love you.''

''Are you gonna tell me where they keep him of not!?'' Magnus yelled.

The demon watched him, he pretended to be confused. He shook his head.''Please Magnus wake
up from this. It's really me. WHy would you hurt me? You love me. I love you. We can like the rest
of our lives together. Please don't hurt me.''

The demon was compleately out of the subject. Magnus was done with this shit. So he blasted his
magic traight to the demon. The demon fell on the ground. He was still on Alec's form. He was
squirming on the ground. The spell burned him. It was killing him. Poisoning his blood.

''Magnus? Why?'' Demon whimpered. He looked straight to Magnus's eyes. Hurt was shown from
his face and one tear slipped out of the corner ofhis eyes.

Magnus couldn't look at him anymore. His heart was breaking from the whimpers of this demon.
Of his Alexanders voice. He did this. He made him whimper like that.

''Magnus please. Help me. Please. I thought you loved me.'' He was crying now.

''What if it really was just Magnus's mind. What if that really was his Alexander. Oh my god.
Magnus faced the creature again. It was still Alec. But now it was even paler and little bit blueish

''Please, Magnus...'' He cried.

The lump on Magnus's throat moved and tears started to fall from his eyes. He put his åalm on his
mouth. Is it really Alexander?


''Yes, it's really me. Why did you do this to me?''

Magnus went down to Alec's side and took him in his arms.''Oh my god what have I done? I'm so
sorry my love. I thought it wasn't you. I love you so much. Please don't my god. I did this to you.''

''Mags it's alright.'' Alec smiled at him.

''No it's not. I'm the reason you are going to die.'' Magnus sobbed.''I killed the person I love the
most in the world. How could I be so stupid!? I can reverse this. I have to reverse this. No no no no

''Shh... It'll be okay.'' Alec calmed his down. Not succesfully.''One last kiss?''

''Whatever you want my love. I'lm coming after you. I'll join you in the afterlife sweetie.'' Magnus
kissed his foreheard. Alec smiled at him and leaned up a bit. Magnus met him at the middle and
he went down to kiss Alexander. The kiss was salty from all the tears. And Alec's lips were already
so cold. But it didn't change anything. Kissing Alec was the most amazing feeling in the whole
world. And this was the last thing he was ever going to do it. Because he was so stupid.

''I love you.''

Alec chuckled. Magnus frowned and he looked at Alec's eyes. They were all balack. Magnus let
go of him an dhe stood up. He was shocked. He whiped off his tears and watched the creature.

''Magnus Bane. It's so easy to fool you.'' The creature said. It stood up and turned to a fully black
creature. Like a shadow.

''Where is Alecander?'' Magnus asked. His voice was shaking, and his full body was shaking form
what just happened.

''Why should I tell you that?''

''Because I'm gonna kill you if you don't.''

''You aready tried, your magic won't work on me.'' The demon smirked.

''WHERE IS HE!?'' Magnus screamed at his face.

''I don't know if he is alive anymore. He was a tough fuck when we tried to question him about the
Clave. He was unconcious when I left. Don't get your hopes up warlock.'' The demon said and
vanished into the air.

Magnus's heart dropped. Alec might be dead right now. He started to shake again and think about
the worst.

But he knew he couldn't just stand there and think about the worst. He had to find Alexander.
I hope you liked it

That ending was very bad, I know.

But I try. :)

So please tell me if I should continue this somehow or was it so bad you don't want to read
about this anymore.

Till next time.

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