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Arab Republic of Egypt

Group members :

Trieu Ngoc Mai-1906090066


Hoang Thu Hue-1906090043

Phan Thi Hoai- 1906090041


Egyptian tourism promotional slogan INTRODUCTION
“People to people”.
( “people”, “peace”, “passion”, “progress” ● located in the northeastern
corner of Africa
and “pride”) ● dominated by the Nile
4 parts:
1. The Nile valley and delta
2. The eastern desert
3. The western desert
—2018--- 4. Sinai peninsula Mount
Catherine in the Sinai, at 8,743
feet (2,665 meters).


The current population of Egypt

Climate basically biseasonal 103,768,245

1.31% of the total world population.

2 Seasonals 14th in the list of countries
winter lasting from November to March (cool and mild)
The population density in Egypt is 103 per
summer from May to September ( hot) Km2 (266 people per mi2).

Total land area 385,229 square miles

Humidity National emblem Flag On October 4, 1984

Humidity diminishes noticeably from north to south and on the red, white and black horizontal stripes and
desert fringes eagle

The Red Sea coastal plain and the Western Desert are almost Language : from 12th century,: Arabic
without precipitation
Religion: Islam ( sunni)- 90% of the
population are Muslim and 8% to 10% are
Christian, with the Coptic Orthodox
Church being the largest Christian

1. Currency: Egyptian pound

=1.46,65 VND Social class: upper, middle and lower ( status
decided by weath )
1. National flower: Nymphaea Bride >= 13 ; Groom 18-21
a. Brightened ancient history The historian Thompson:
of Buddhism and Hinduism "Egypt treated its women better than any of the
other major civilizations of the ancient world. The
2. Papyrus ̣̣ ̣̣papuro Egyptians believed that joy and happiness were
legitimate goals of life and regarded home and
family as the major source of delight.”

Egyptian women : own land, homes, run businesses,

and preside over temples ,pharaohs

(as in the example of Queen Hatshepsut, 1479-1458

BCE) or, earlier, Queen Sobeknofru, c. 1767-1759


Religion belief: Female custom

"everyday piety."

● Islam is in the oneness of God

● the Ramadan fast
● the pilgrimage to Mecca Male custom
● the five daily prayers
● the giving of alms


the best-known tourist destinations

in the Middle East (a timeless
civilization of more than 5000 Facts
years )
1. Great Pyramid (+ Spinx)
2. The valley of king
3. Historic Cairo (Al-azhar
Mosque,...) Homogeneous
4. Abu Simbel Calendar invention Historical spots
5. Aswan
99% population is Islam Calendar with 12 Home to seven
- sunni months UNESCO-designated
World Heritage sites

Tourism development the world's first

● 102.8 million tourists ( 10 yrs- CAPMAS) Previous capital prosthetic limb
● 2018, 9.8 million international arrivals (an increase of
48% compared to the previous year).
● international tourist arrivals--- European countries Cairo has served as a toe composed of leather,
(59%) Egypt's capital for more wood and thread and
○ ( Germany, Ukraine and the United Kingdom, than 1,000 years dated between 950 and
the Middle East (22%) 710 B.C.
○ The average stay in 2018 was 10.8 nights, up
from 7.9 nights the previous year.

Al-Azhar Mosque
The Resplendent Congregational Mosque

Its historical development

OVERVIEW OF Al-Azhar Mosque
1. Caliph al-Mu'izz li-Din Allāh conquered Egypt through his general Jawhar,
wresting it from the Ikhshidid dynasty.
2. Cairo became the center of the Ismāʿāli sect of Shi'a Islam
3. The mosque was completed in 972 and the first Friday prayers were held there
01 02 03 04 on June 22, 972 during Ramadan.
4. Under Fatimid rule, al-Azhar became a center of learning in the Islamic world.
Official pronouncements and court sessions were issued from and convened
Brief introduct Status Function there.
Established 5. The mosque was expanded during the rule of the caliph al- Aziz (975–996)
Address: El-Darb El-Ahmar, the second oldest the foremost 6. Cairo's primary congregational mosque during Eid ul-Fitr in 973.
the first mosque
Cairo Governorate, Egypt continuously run institution in the 7. Al- Azhar's library was endowed with thousands of manuscripts in 1005.
established in Cairo
university in the world Islamic world for the 8. It was largely destroyed in the fall of the Fatimids and became a Sunni institution
Leadership: Ahmad al-Tayyeb after Al Karaouine in study of Sunni shortly after the death of the Caliphs.
Under the Fatimid
dynasty Idrisid Fes theology and sharia,
Date established: 972 or Islamic law

Style: Fatimid

Branch/tradition: Sunni Islam


-The original structure -a

hypostyle mosque
the aisles defined by round
arches on pre-Islamic marble
columns (spolia)
-Corinthian capitals
the axis to the mihrab
emphasized by a wide
longitudinal aisle (transept),
higher than the rest of the prayer
-The other aisles are transverse,
running parallel to the qibla wall.
-The termination of the transept
at the mihrab is marked by a

-Consist of
1. five distinguished minarets
2. a large prayer hall
3. white marble courtyard

The present main entrance- Bab al-

Bab al-Muzayinin - not have been a part of the qibla wall Muzayinīn the façade of
al-Azhar during the Fatimid Dynasty the Madrasa
1. a double-arched portal constructed out of Aqbughawiyy
stone with recessed arches around the two a in the
doors northeast
2. panels decorated with floral and vegetal North façade, portal
patterns, traditional to Islamic

white marble-paved courtyard

the Madrasa al-
Taybarsiyya in the

● The courtyard was originally enclosed with three arcades.

the rectangular, marble courtyard
● Part of the work of Caliph al-Hafiz (1138) is the addition of an
arcade around all four sides of the courtyard, displaying keel-
shaped arches, roundels, and keel-arched niches
● The transept commences with a pishtaq, which is set in the
courtyard's prayer-hall facade and was also built in the time of al-

The keel-shaped arches in the arcades

● The main entrance into the prayer hall

● A clear image of two of the minarets
1. The minaret to the left of the dome is the
Minaret of Qaytbay. Built in 1483
2. The minaret has a square base that leads
into an octagonal shaft, 10-sided polygon
shaft, finally a cylindrical shaf
3. three balconies decorated with muqarnas
4. a staple element in Islamic architecture


❖ stucco panels and a window screen in the original

qibla wall
❖ stucco representations of a palm tree on the piers of Detail decoration
the wall facing the original qibla wall.
❖ the stucco decorations on the inside of the northeast
wall of the sanctuary, including bands of Kufic
inscriptions framing windows with geometric stucco
❖ the Kufic inscriptions and stucco carving in the hood of
the mihrab.
❖ belong to the restoration of Sultan Baybars I.

stucco inscriptions Sahn Qibla riwaqs

transitional zone of the dome at
beginning of transept (dome of al-Hafiz)


● covered in an Arabesque design with floral and vegetal patterns
INSIDE : ● over the Madrasa al-Aqbughawiyya, which contains Amir Aqbugha's

The prayer hall tomb

● This dome, the arches supporting it, the striking stucco decoration
both on the spandrels of these arches and the interior of the dome
1. built as a hypostyle hall ● the window grille above the qibla side arch
2. A roof supported by
3. Contain: five aisles deep
with arcades of marble
column arches

Mamluk madrasas were established in the

ziyada (outer enclosure)

Taybarsiyya in 1309 The mihrab built (reign of

❖ The Taybarsiyya has two iwans, one for the
Abbas Hilmi II)

Shafi'ites and the other for the Malikites.
❖ Its mihrab is representative of an early Bahri
Mamluk combination of glass mosaic and
polychrome marble inlay.
❖ The mihrab's semi-dome -a molding which
forms a loop at its apex, and continues (The Nubian Monuments
horizontally and then vertically downwards to from Abu Simbel to Philae)
form a rectangular outer frame for the
spandrels of this arch.
❖ The upper part of the mihrab is framed by a
band of white marble with a decorative motif
inlaid in black.


1. Overview
This outstanding archaeological area contains
The two locations are over covering a string of
such magnificent monuments as the Temples of 100km apart and are some of 01 03 ancient archaeological
Ramses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of the best-preserved temples in sites in southern
Isis at Philae, which were saved from the Egypt Egypt

rising waters of the Nile thanks to the In the 1960s, the two masterpieces of this set (the
International Campaign launched by UNESCO, in temples of Abu Simbel and the sanctuary at
Philae) were moved in their entirety to a nearby 02 04 included in the list of
1960 to 1980. location due to the creation of the Aswan High
Dam and Lake Nasser. UNESCO World
Heritage Sites in
- The World Heritage -

3 reasons for Including in the list of UNESCO

World Heritage Sites in Egypt

Dating back to more than

3,000 years ago -> considered
among one of the most
important Pharaonic
monuments in Egypt. Philae Temple
Moved to new locations in order
to prevent damage caused by 1453 the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae

the potential rising of the water

in Lake Nasser - Location

reflecting the architectural

The Temple of Isis from Philae at its current
grandeur and state of the location on Agilkia Island, Aswan. The most
ancient was a temple for Isis, originally built in
region during the New the reign of Nectanebo I, 4th century BC.
Kingdom of Egypt under the
rule of King Ramesses II.

- Interesting Facts

Completed in around 690 AD
the last of the ancient temples
constructed in the “classic” Egyptian style
Built in honor the goddess Isis
believed that Osiris had in fact been buried on the
island where the temple stood
l wealth


The first pylon consists of two 60 foot towers with a gate between them. There are grooves cut into each side of the pylon to
The temple complex was dismantled and moved to Agilkia Island as part of the UNESCO Nubia
support flag poles. In front of the main gateway to the first pylon stand two Roman style lions carved from pink granite. Parts
Campaign project, protecting this and other complexes before the 1970 completion of the Aswan High
of this pylon date back as early as to the time of Nectanebo I. At the base of the first pylon a series of small personified Nile
figures present offerings.

The Mammisi (birth-house) is located on the western flank of the inner courtyard. It is
surrounded on three sides by a colonnade of floral topped columns each crowned
with a sistrum and Hathor-headed capital. The Mammisi (birth house) was a common
feature of Ptolemaic temples and the example on Philae is similar in layout and
decoration to examples at Dendera and Edfu.

The Second pylon is approximately 105 foot wide and 40 foot high and is not set parallel to the First Pylon. A series of
small steps lead to the gateway between the two towers. The pylon towers depict scenes of Pharoahs making offerings
to the gods. A staircase in the western tower leads to the roof and the “Osirian Chambers”. Both towers have grooves
for flagpoles just like those on the First Pylon.

Forecourt or the 'dromos' is the large,

paved, trapezoidal area in front of the
Temple of Isis. This forecourt is flanked by
two colonnades on its eastern and western
On the eastern side of the inner courtyard ends. The court, perhaps inspired by
(opposite the Mammisi) there is a colonnade Hellenistic public spaces was created
with access to a few small storerooms and in under Ptolemy VI or VIII and destined to
the north the Second Pylon provides access receive visitors during festivities.
to the main structure of the Temple of Isis


The 77 m long western colonnade with 32

columns and 12 openings in the rear wall
was decorated under Augustus, Tiberius,
Claudius, and Nero and served as a
pronaos of the sanctuaries located on the
neighboring abaton.

The 42 meter long, largely unfinished first

eastern colonnade with 16 columns
functioned as a common vestibule for the
sanctuaries located behind the rear wal,
which were accessible through six doors.

Originally two granite shrines stood here,

one containing a gold statue of Isis and
another containing the barque in which the
statue travelled, but these were long ago
moved to Florence and Paris, and only the
stone pedestal for the barque remains,
inscribed with the names of Ptolemy III and
his wife, Berenice.

Beyond the hypostyle hall there lie three

vestibules, leading into the Inner Sanctuary
of Isis.

Ancient Hieroglyphs

Amongst the large carvings of the gods of Ancient

Egypt are the inscriptions in the ornate pictorial
alphabet, telling the stories of this civilisation.


How to get there

The quay (locally known as
Philae Port) for motor boats to
the islands between the dams,
is south of the old Aswan Dam
at Shallal, which can be
reached by taxi from Aswan.
The easiest way to visit Philae
Temple is as part of an
organised trip, which often will
not cost much more than going
it alone. The ticket office for
Philae is at the end of a tourist
bazaar at the gate to the boat
landing. Tickets for the temple
cost LE50.

Egypt plans to turn Philae Temples into open tourist

attraction zone (2019)

The governor said that this plan will be carried out in

a way that doesn’t impact the environment,
especially at the site located between the entrance
and the exit of the temples where the land will be
flattened to the same height of the green spaces.


The Abu Simbel temples were a celestial

solar miracle that inspired every single soul
that put their eyes on it revealing images of
ancient definitions of beauty, glory, and
Abu Simbel Temples bliss

- HISTORY Built to two main reasons

The great Abu Simbel temples
were constructed by Ramses the 01 02
Great (1279-1213 BCE) which
began in 1264 BC till 1244 BC
taking 20 full years which was
dedicated to the gods Ra-Horakty,
the deified Ramesses II (The Great for the
Temple) Ptah, and the goddess glorifying and to showcase his
Hathor and Queen Nefertari. It was immortalizing love for his
known as “Temple of Ramesses, his victory and beautiful wife
Beloved By Amun” accomplishm Nefertari

The temple was rediscovered after being

buried under the sand for a long time in
1813 by Swiss explorer John Lewis
Burckardt who was led to the site by an
Egyptian Nubian boy called Abu Simbel.

The sand was entirely removed off the
temple in 1909 to become one of Egypt’s
most incredible attractions.

• Already in the 6th century BC, the sand

covered the statues of the main temple up to
their knees.
The great temple of Abu Simbel is located at the end of Upper
Egypt on the southern border in the Nubian lands across the
border of Sudan on the west bank of the Nile just 230 km (140 mi)
southwest of Aswan on the western bank of Lake Nasser carved
directly into the mountainside as a symbol for the might of the
ancient Egyptian civilization.


The complex consists of 2 temples

• The larger one is devoted to Ptah
of Memphis, Amon-Re of Thebes, Ra-
herakti, and to the deified
Ramesses himself.
The Architecture
Great temple of Ramesses II

•The smaller one is dedicated to the

goddess Hathor and Ramesses II’s chief
wife, Nefertari (in total, the pharaoh had some
200 wives and concubines).

The temple of Hathor and Nefertari,

Great temple of Ramesses II


The temple of Hathor and Nefertari,


How to get to Abu Simbel temples?

To get to Abu Simbel temples there are several options, you can
go by bus, by plane. You can also hire everything in different
places. If you are going to cruise on Lake Nasser, you can skip
the rest of the information, as the boat stops directly in front of
the temples.
The plane is the fastest option, as it takes half an hour to get from
Aswan to Abu Simbel. In the end, if we add up the time to go to the airport, the security control, the previous wait and the trip, it
HCDQikYVnCA doesn’t save as much time as it might seem.


Driving to Abu Simbel

The sun trying to break
Published by Kristine on February 26, through the morning haze

Sahara Desert

A city way out in the middle of nowhere Egypt

Desert landscape

I walked back along the path around the

back side of the fake mountain the
temples are assembled in, enjoying the
cool breeze blowing off Lake Nasser to
dampen the heat of the sun.


Seed pods
Fluffy plant things

A. Great Pyramid of Giza

Flowers and palm • symbol of Egypt and the last of the ancient Seven Wonders
trees of the World
• Location: Giza plateau, near Cairo
• Time: during the reign of the king Khufu (2589-2566 BCE,
also known as Cheops) of the 4th Dynasty
• Tallest human-made structure before Eiffel was built
• Height: 479 feet (146 metres)
• Base: 754 feet (230 metres)
• Comprised of over two million blocks of stone with
immense size and positioning
• Found in 1880 by an English archeologist Sir William
Matthew Flinders Petrie
• Constructed as a tomb for the king

• Exactly how it was built, however, still

puzzles people in the modern day.
Deciding the best location

The ramp theory C

Organzing the crew and
allocating the materials
By the second most powerful
man in Egypt
The ̣̣“Fringe” ̣̣or ̣̣
“New ̣̣Age” ̣̣theory No evidences of how it was bulit

If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow

the link, change the data and replace it here


Why Khufu chose Giza to build his The ramp theory

pyramid: • Once the foundation was firm,
Djoser's pyramid complex was these ramps could have easily
built in necropolis of Saqqara been raised around the
while other sites such as Dashur structure as it was built and
had been used by Sneferu. An provided the means for
older necropolis, however, was hauling and positioning tons
also close by and this was Giza.
of stones in precise order.
Khufu's mother, Hetepheres I (c.
2566 BCE), was buried there • The problem is lack of wood
and there were no other great to make ramps the
monuments to compete for impossibility of moving heavy
attention close by; so Khufu stone bricks and granite slabs
chose Giza as the site for his into position without a crane.

the French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin who

claims ramps were used inside of the
pyramid. Houdin believes that ramps may
have been used outside in the initial stages of
construction but, as the pyramid grew taller,
work was done inside. The stones were
brought in through the entrance and moved
up the ramps to their position.

The problem is this theory does not account

01 03 compensated for their time

for the weight of the stones or the number of
workers on the ramp required to move them
up an angle inside the pyramid and into
Skilled and unskilled workers

02 Volunteer to pay debt

04 Work in the flood period

The Great Pyramid as Tomb: an eternal home for the king.

The ancient Egyptian belief in a life after death and the concern for the
soul's welfare in this new world.
There are many arguments against the Great Pyramid as a tomb because THOUSAND WORDS
there were no mummies and grave good

Egyptologists from the 19th century CE

onwards have recognized that the Great
Pyramid was looted in antiquity and, most
likely, during the time of the New Kingdom (c.
1570-1069 BCE) when the Giza necropolis
was replaced by the area now known as The
Valley of the Kings near Thebes


Tomb art
The pharaoh’s relatives, such as Nefertiabet,
Khufu’s daughter—depicted on this relief found in
The Great Sphinx
her tomb in Giza—were buried beside the
sovereign’s pyramid
a recumbent lion with the
Tomb art includes depictions of ancient farmers
head of an Egyptian king,
working their fields and tending livestock, fishing
and fowling, carpentry, costumes, religious rituals,
was carved out of
and burial practices. limestone on the Giza
Inscriptions and texts also allow research into
Egyptian grammar and language.


• Time: 2558-2532 BCE the reign of the king Khafre during the Old • The statue was never known as 'the
Kingdom's 4th Dynasty. sphinx' by the ancient Egyptians.
• When masons (workers) constructing the pyramid complex came upon • The word 'sphinx' is Greek and came to
a large piece of limestone and decided - or were directed - to carve the be applied to the Egyptian sculpture at
Sphinx from it. Although some scholars claim it was created by Giza.
Djedefre (2566-2558 BCE), Khafre's brother who tried to usurp the • Sphinx in the Greek’s story has the
throne after the death of the king Khufu (2589-2566 BCE), the creator body of a beast and head of a woman.
of the Great Pyramid. When Greek people visited Egypt, they
• Some scholars and archeologists supposed that it was built before 4th misunderstood the nemes (the striped
Dynasty headcloth of the king) for a woman's
• The one who carved the Sphinx and when it is created are continually shoulder-length hair.

During period of New Kingdom of
Egypt (1570-1069 BCE)
• During period of New Kingdom of Egypt (1570-1069 BCE) it
was known as Horemakhet (Horus of the Horizon - A Sky
God). Horemakhet (Horus of the
• There was a cult (religious movement) that worship the Horizon - A Sky God).
Sphinx. Amenhotep II (1425-1400 BCE) may have patronized
this cult. Amenhotep II's son, prince Thutmose, fell asleep one
night near the Sphinx and had a dream in which the statue
spoke to him complaining of its state and how the sand
pressed upon it. The Sphinx promised that he could become
the next Pharaoh if he restored it.

• The prince did that and became Thutmose IV, Pharaoh of Bel-hit (The
Egypt (1400-1390 BCE). The cult of the Sphinx grew up after
the reign of Thutmose IV, encouraging people to look upon the
statue as a living deity (god) who influenced the future.
The 4th-century CE
Coptic Christians until now


Myth: Oedipus and the Riddle of the Sphinx
The Sphinx asked a riddle of everyone
Oedipus came upon who tried to enter the city Height: 66 feet (20 meters) and length: 240
the town of Thebes _____ feet (73 meters) oriented
on a straight west-to-east axis
The Sphinx is directly in line with Khafre's
pyramid complex and this
_____ also supports the claim that he was its
the Sphinx was so What goes on four
upset that she fainted feet in the morning,
and two feet at noon, and
Oedipus went on into three feet in the
Thebes evening? Answer: a

• Khafre succeeded Khufu and began his
Mysteries of the Sphinx
own pyramid complex next to his father's.

• In the process of building Khafre's pyramid, ∙ There is little mention of the statue in Egyptian inscriptions (words carved in the
workers uncovered a large mass of rock
considered unsuitable for the pyramid complex sculpture). None of the materials unearthed at Giza or anywhere else in Egypt
and carved the statue from it. make any mention of the statue's construction
• The Sphinx is directly in line with Khafre's ∙ Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) mentions the statue in his work on Natural History
pyramid complex and this also supports the
claim that he was its creator.
and claims it was revered as a god and also served as a tomb; no other ancient
writer either confirms or contradicts his claim.
• Its location led some hypothesis that
Sphinx already existed and Khafre’s complex was ∙ There is a myth relating The Sphinx called “New Age”. It is believed to have a
purposefully designed to line up with the supernatural power and there are a lot of tunnels beneath it involving the aliens.
sculpture. Some claimed that Sphinx could be
built in Early Dynasty (3150-2613 BCE) However, in facts, these tunnels lead nowhere.
• But there are some evidences that strongly argues
for construction during Khafre's reign. The face of Sphinx
looked like Khafre. In addition, the limestone which
constitutes the Sphinx and the technical skills are the
same as that used in Khafre's pyramid.

Travel tips
The destruction of the nose of the Sphinx:
1. Check the calendar: Ramanda and Eid Al Adha
2. Appropriate Clothing
01 02 03 3. Use cash rather than credit card
4. Bargaining
5. Time: avoid visiting in the summer (in June, July, August)
Napoleon's troops Arab Invasion a Muslim cleric 6. Don’t rent a car
Yes, this is the Neptune is the It has a beautiful
7. Always carry tissues and toilet paper
ringed planet. It’s farthest planet name and is the 8. Bring sunglasses, sunscreen, hat, jacket, scarves to protect skin from sunray
a gas giant, from the Sun and second planet from 9. Don’t drink the tap water
composed of the fourth-largest the Sun. It’s quite 10. Hire a tour guide/company
hydrogen and by diameter in our hot, even hotter
helium Solar System than Mercury 11. Visa: purchase a visa-on-arrival for US$25 from the National Bank of Egypt


Where to stay
What to eat

01 02 03 04

Baladi Bread Falafel Koshari Mahshi 1390 1530

Maadi Downtown

Zamelek 1450 Heliopolis 1610

THANKS Do you have any questions?

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by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik


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