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A very good morning to the honourable judges, esteemed timekeeper, respected teachers and
fellow contestants. My name is ________________. I am here to recite a poem called If I
May had the chance to be a better friend written by my English teacher. So sit back and enjoy
my recital. Hope you like it.

If I may had the chance to a better friend,

I will be the one by your side when no one else was there,
I will be the one that you will always count one,
If I may request a chance to undo my actions,
Will you grant me a chance?

If I may hurled harsh words and draw blood,

Left you with a wound cut deeper than a knife,
I bow my head down in shame for pain that I caused.
If I may request a chance to undo my words,
Will you grant me a chance?

If I may tricked you into believing me,

Shed a few crocodile tears seeing your fallen form,
Secretly rejoicing upon your failure, chameleon I was dripped with venom,
If I may request a chance to as be sincere as a I pretended,
Will you grant me chance?

If I may have stolen your glory,

When it was your time to shine bright like a diamond,
Used cheap tactics to rob you of your limelight,
If I may request a chance to repent and clean my blacken soul,
Will you grant me a chance?
A very good morning to the honourable judges, esteemed timekeeper, respected teachers and
fellow friends. My name is ________________. I am here to recite a poem called If I May
written by my English teacher. So sit back and enjoy my recital. Hope you like it.

If I can dream, I will make sure my dream is supreme,

Of all the things I wish to be,
May I be a superwoman, will you agree?
Have you heard that it’s better to have an impossible dream than no dreams at all?

If I may be a superwoman,
I want to fly high,
Like an eagle soaring the sky, with eyes like a hawk
Seeing all in view
To make the world a better place to live.

If I may be a superwoman,
I’do save all the animals and trees,
From hills to oceans and bees,
With my quick and magical powers,
To keep the world safe and green.

If I may be a superwoman,
I will help the poor, feed the poor,
Swoop in to save the day by giving them food
Hunger is eradicated and disappeared like the shadow thrown by a passing cloud,
To make sure no one goes to sleep in hunger.

If I may be a superwoman,
I will banish Covid-19 from the earth.
From South to North,
I won’t rest until the world is safe,
Pandemic erased and peaceful awaits,
To make the world a safer place to live.

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