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Software Quality Assurance

(Section A)

Assignment: 1

Software Quality Assurance Plan

Submitted To:
Prof. Rabia Khalid

Submitted By:
Nouman Saifi (F2020027031)
Shawal Ali (F2020027020)
Ansa Mumtaz (F2020027019)
Muhammad Usman Ansari (F2020027003)
E - Tutor (Smart Way to Learn Skills)
Quality Assurance Plan
August 14, 2021

E- tutor Team
Version 1.3

Team Members
Nouman Saifi
Shawal Ali
Ansa Mumtaz
Muhammad Usman Ansari

Revision Date Author Comments

0.1 12/6/2013 Ahmed Osman First Draft
0.2 19/6/2013 Shail Shimpi Introduction section completed.
0.3 23/6/2013 Tom Mooney Section 7 completed
0.4 25/6/2013 Ahmed Osman Add QA strategy and Review process
0.5 30/6/2013 Shail Shimpi Tool and Techniques section completed.
0.6 8/7/2013 Tom Mooney Grammar and clarity revisions. Added some
0.7 18/7/2013 Shail Shimpi Introduction is edited as per the comments
posted and added MSTest for unit testing.
0.8 20/7/2013 Isaac Pendergrass Updated Documentation and Organization
0.9 27/7/2013 Shail Shimpi Tools and Techniques section is modified.
1.0 4/8/2013 Nouman Saifi Updated the documents depending on Stuart
1.1 7/8/2013 Usman Ansari Updated the test coverage information per
Stuart feedback
1.2 9/8/2021 Shawal Ali
1.3 14/8/2021 Ansa Mumtaz


Version Comments Responsible Party Date

0.9 I have reviewed the QA plan, some Rabia Khalid 4/28/2013

comments are embedded in the attached.

Overall the plan is well organized and clearly

written. It makes clear the overall QA
approach as well as the QA methods to be
applied to each project in each development
phase. The use of tables makes it easy to
find specific parts of the plan.

The parts of the plan I found less convincing

were those describing the QA metrics (Goals
and process measures). As indicated in my
comments it was not really clear what, if
anything, one could conclude about the
actual quality of the software even if all of
the quality goals are satisfied. The Process
Metrics did not given enough specifics to be
clear how the cited measures will be used. I
think these aspects of the plan would benefit
from further thought.
Table of Contents

1. SQA Plan
1.1 Introduction
1.2 SQA Plan Objectives
1.3 Reference Documents

2. Management
2.1 Organization
2.2 Responsibilities
2.2.1Project Manager
2.2.2Team Leader
2.2.4SQA Tester

3. Documentation
3.1 Minimum Documentation Requirements
3.1.1Software requirements specifications
3.1.2 Software verification and Validation Plan
3.1.3 Software Architecture Document
3.1.4 Engineering Note Book

4. Standards, Practices, Metrics

4.1 Documentation Standards
4.2 Coding Standards
4.3 Metrics

5. Review & Audits

5.1 Purpose

5.2 Minimum requirements

5.2.1 Software requirements review

5.2.2 Preliminary design review

5.2.3 Critical design review

5.2.4 Software verification & validation plan review

5.2.5 Functional audit

5.2.6 Physical audit

5.2.7 In-process audit

5.2.8 Managerial reviews

5.2.9 S/W configuration management plan review

5.2.10 Post mortem review

5.3 Other

6. Software Development Process

7. Testing
7.1 Bugs Reporting and Corrective Actions
Development Plan in SQA Plan

Development Plan in SQA Plan is consisting of procedures which is followed to

develop the product.
Elements of Development Plan
 Project Products, Specifying Deliverables
 Project Interfaces
 Project Methodology, and Development Tools
 Software Development Standards and Procedures
 MAP of The Development Process
 Project Milestones
 Project Staff Organizations
 Required Development Facilities
 Development Risks and Risk Management Actions
 Control Methods
 Project Cost Estimates

1.1 Introduction
Software quality assurance plan (SQAP) is basically a road-map which
ensures how to perform SQA activities. SQA Plan is a document that defines
processes which should be use in each step of software development and
procedures followed in each activity of that process. SQA Plan defines
procedures, provides methodologies, techniques which helps software
quality assurance staff to ensure the software quality by following SQA Plan.

1.2 SQA Plan Objectives

SQA team’s objective is to make ensure that the product is moving
right on track as it is suppose to which they have defined in SQA Plan
document future deviations and also correct the previous ones. SQA team
will analyze the product quality at any particular stage of development. If any
enhancement or fixing needed then they will notify it to developers.

1.3 Reference Documents

 IEEE Guide for Software Quality Assurance Planning, IEEE Std 730.1
– 1995.
 IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans, IEE Std 730 –
 Software Quality Assurance Principles and Practices BY Nina S.
 Software Engineering, Roger S. Pressman
2. Management
2.1 Organization
E-Tutor is managed by a group of Four members.
Roles and Responsibilities of project as per members are as

Members Roles
Nouman Saifi Project Manager
Shawal Ali Project Leader
Ansa Mumtaz SQA Tester
Muhammad Usman Developer

2.2 Responsibilities

2.2.1 Project Manager

The role of Project manager is manage the whole
project.He will make sure that the project is meeting the
timelines and the customer requirements. He will also
make sure the all the resources that are required to
complete this project are available. He will motivate the
team members. He will be then in all the meetings related
to the project.
2.2.2 Project Leader
The role of project leader will be to guide the junior
developer and other team members and keep a check on
them that they are working properly. Other member will
report to him and he will report to the Project manager.

2.2.3 Developer
The role of Developer is to develop the product from
scratch according to system requirement specifications.He
will develop the design plan of project.He will develop all
the functional features of product.

2.2.4 SQA Tester

The role of SQA Tester will be to test all the functional
feature and the whole product according to the specified
Requirements by using different tools. If there is any bug
she will report to the project leader.
3. Documentation

The essential documents required are described below.

3.1 Minimum Documentation Requirements

3.1.1 Software requirements specifications

SRS consists of the requirements of a system which
should be accurate. It specifies the features and their
functionalities , the efficiency and response.It also specifies
the constraints and standards to be followed and how the
product will interact with the users.

3.1.2 Software verification and Validation Plan

The main purpose of this document is to develop and
document all the procedure for verification and validation.

3.1.3 Software Architecture Document

This document will describe the complete structure
of the Product.

3.1.4 Software design description

3.1.5 Software verification & validation report

3.1.6 Engineering Note Book

This book consists of
 Time log
 Cost Estimation
 Gantt Chart
3.1.7 Software configuration management plan

3.1.8 User Documentation

This document consists of
 User Manual
This manual will identify the program
limitations with their corrective measures and all the
error messages.
 Source Code
 Testing Code with required files
 Installation Guide

The Developer will provide the following documents

at the end of each phase

Phase I :Software requirement

 Project Overview
 Software requirement specifications
 Ghantt Chart of Project Plan
 Cost Estimate
 Prototype of the tool
 Software quality assurance plan


  Phase II :Software Design

 Formal Requirement Specification

 Architecture Design
 Test Plan
 Implementation Plan

 Phase III :Software Implementation

 User Manual
 Testing Evaluation
 Project Evaluation
 References
 Source Code

3.1.9 Other

4. Standards, Practices, Metrics

4.1 Documentation Standards
          The IEEE software engineering standards will be followed
in the designing of software requirements specification and the
software quality  assurance plan.
4.2 Coding Standards
         The source code will follow the guidelines coding standards
of JAVA.

4.3 Metrics
         Source lines of code will be a measure of the size of the
5. Review & Audits
For this particular project Quality Assurance will conduct
at least one review at each stage of development. The Analysis of
reviews will assure that all the specified project processes and
procedures are being followed and all the risk factors will be identified
and discussed.

The review phase includes a formal presentation at the end

of each phase in which all the work which is completed so far will
presented and the manager will make sure that the work done is
according to the project specification.
5.1 Purpose

5.2 Minimum requirements

5.2.1 Software requirements review

5.2.2 Preliminary design review

5.2.3 Critical design review

5.2.4 Software verification & validation plan review

5.2.5 Functional audit

5.2.6 Physical audit

5.2.7 In-process audit

5.2.8 Managerial reviews

5.2.9 S/W configuration management plan review

5.2.10 Post mortem review

5.3 Other

6. Software Development Process

There are three main stages in the development process

 Requirement Phase
 Design Phase
 Implementation Phase

During every phase the project manager will review the work
done so far and will assure the the product is being developed
according to the specifications and the standards. The project manager
can also ask for some changes to meet the quality standards and to
follow the SRS document(which consist of all the user requirements).
7. Testing
Testing phase is to validate all the features and specifications. At
the end of every phase some test cases will be designed to test all the
critical points and features. During testing phase these test cases will be
used to test all those features and functionalities and the quality
department will make sure that product’s features are according to
quality standards and requirements.

8. Problems Reporting and Corrective Actions

During the test the tester will test each and every major or
minor features and their breaking points. After testing the bugs
will be documented and after analysis the corrective actions will
be taken.

9.0 Tools, techniques, and methodologies

 Oracle Database is used as the database server

 MS Visual Studio Code will be used as IDE for this project.
 Lucid Chart tool is used for the UML model design
  USE-2.0.1 is used for the formal OCL specification
10. Training
The following courses taken by the developer will provide the
required training in the development of the project:
·        CIS 620: Software Engineering – I   
·        CIS 723: Software Engineering – II
·        CIS 742: Software Management
·        CIS 778: Software Specification 

10. Code control

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