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Clarity Clarity is the first John writes the business When mark writes the
element of all business letter with clear and business letter to the
letters. It comprises the complete purpose. company where he
purpose of the letters wants to be employed,
and words used within the letters and the
the text. It suggests that words that are used are
a business letter must ambiguous. The purpose
have a clear point near also of his letter is not
the beginning to allow clear.
the reader a clear
understanding of the
letter’s purpose.
Conciseness The content, the words The content of the Leo writes a letter to the
of the business letter, business letter written company for he plans to
must be concise. Extra by Levi excludes have a sick leave. When
words and superfluous unnecessary words. He he writes the business
information are includes only the words letter, he includes
excluded. The statement that are needed in the redundant and extra
of the idea must be letter. words that are not
expressed in the fewest needed for the content.
words possible.
Consideration A business letter should A business letter written Fredie writes a business
also be considerate to by Gibson demonstrates letter to his employer.
the reader and his thoughtfulness to the Considering himself that
feelings and point of recipient’s feelings. he is the boss, he
views. demonstrates
intolerance and
tactlessness in his letter.
Courtesy The business letter Elvie begins her business Bryan writes a business
should manifest good letter by greeting the letter to his boss
manners and right recipient in a polite disrespectfully. His
conduct. It must also manner. business letter contains
pay respect for the contempt and
reader and the company indignation.
he works.
Concreteness Concreteness refers to The content of the May’s business letter is
using vivid wording business letter written not a appealing and it
within the letter. The by Reniel evokes a clear manifests a lack of
words that are used impression and appeals interest and excitement.
must appeal to the to the reader’s senses.
reader’s senses.
Cheerfulness The business letter must The business letter The characteristics of
manifest a positive written by Ron the business letter of Jan
attitude that expresses demonstrates affability are pessimistic and
joy and cheer. and optimism. irascible.
Correctness A business letter must The content, specifically The data that are
always be accurate. the words and the included in business
Every words within the spelling of the business letter written by Jovie
document must contain letter written by Trish are inaccurate and
accurate facts and are correct. erroneous.
Character A business letter should Leni writes a business When Manny writes an
show a bit of letter to her company. application letter to the
uniqueness from the She makes the letter company he wants to be
writer. Uniqueness gives more creative and employed, he just copies
the letter character and innovative so that it will the sample letter that he
may make it more appear interesting to found in the internet.
interesting. the reader.

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