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Introduction (Person 1): Good Morning everyone. We are Group 4 and today we are
going to discuss the topic- Managing Sexuality-Related Issues.

Sexuality (Person 1): First and foremost, what is sexuality?

- Sexuality is diverse, and there are many different types. It can take time to figure
out the sexuality that fits you best. And your sexuality can change over time.
- Coming to terms with your sexuality can be a very liberating, exciting and positive
- Sexuality is an important part of who you are. There is no right or wrong, it’s
about what’s right for you.
- Some people have a hard time accepting others who are different to themselves.
If someone gives you a hard time about your sexuality, it’s good to talk to
someone about it. You don’t need to deal with it by yourself.

Good Sexuality (Person 2): Of course in finding one’s sexuality, there could be several
issues that may come within. Healthy sexuality has also been suggested to include
components of communication and acceptance of love, expressing emotion and giving
and receiving pleasure, having the ability to enjoy and control sexual and reproductive
behavior without feelings of guilt, fear, or shame.

Sexuality-Related Issues (Person 3): Speaking of a healthy sexuality, here are

examples of issues that may affect our sexuality. These includes:
● Impotence
● Lack of sexual desire
● Anxiety or uncertainty about sexual orientation
● Conflicting sexual desires between partners
● Recovery from sexual abuse or assault
● Loneliness
● Body image issues
● Sexual impulses or compulsions that cause distress
● Promiscuous behavior
● Influence from society

Causes of Issues (Person 4): Before we move on to ways of management, let us

discuss first what are the causes of said issues.
Sexual intimacy can be satisfying and fulfilling. But for some, sex does not bring
pleasure. Sexual issues may come from negative feelings or trauma. These can
prevent someone from taking part in sexual intimacy. Sex therapist Jill Denton
explains, "Each of us possesses a unique model of sexuality, formed at least in part
by incoming family messages, childhood abuse or neglect, culture, the media, and,
of course, religious influences." These messages may disrupt healthy intimacy.

Sexual problems can also surface due to a mental health issue. Physical or medical
concerns can also cause problems with sex.

Mental health issues that may cause sexual issues include:

● Anxiety
● Depression
● Posttraumatic stress (PTSD)
● Issues with body image
● Trust issues

Management (Person 1): Moving on to management, sexuality-related issues can be

managed through different ways:
- Making responsible decisions
- Educating yourself
- Support groups
- Self evaluating

Making responsible decisions (Person 5): You must surely understand that decision-
making should be done with clear minds and intentions. Always think of what’s best and
what’s not going to hurt you or anyone in your surroundings. A responsible decision is
choosing the correct and suitable plans for you.

Educating yourself (Person 6): Your school is one of the places you can learn
knowledge about sexuality. If things are confusing you, always remember to ask people
you know will give you proper answers. Avoid making your own opinion to make
yourself more welcome to ideas.

Support groups (Person 7): The family is the number one support group you have
during your teenage years. Always remember that they will help you with choosing your
plans. Also, other trusted people like mature friends and members of the school can
assist you in issues related to sexuality.

Self evaluation (Person 2): From time to time, do a self-check. Evaluate your plans and
actions. If there are mistakes done, learn from it and never do it again. Doing this will
help you trace your identity. It will make you analyze if you are still on the right track.

Closing (Person 1): To finalize everything, here we share this quote that says,
“Happiness occurs when you forget who you're expected to be. And what you're
expected to do. Happiness is an accident of self-acceptance. It's the warm breeze you
feel when you open the door to who you are.” Thank you for listening to our

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