Mobie Computing

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Mobile Computing

• Mobile communication
• Mobile hardware
• Mobile software
Mobile computing environment

A mobile computing environment involves accessing

information through a wireless network connection. The
mobile unit may be stationary, in motion, and/or
intermittently connected to a fixed (wired) network.
Mobile computing
• User mobility
• Network mobility
• Bearer mobility
• Device mobility
• Session mobility_CDMA continues despite
• Agent mobility feature
• Host mobility-client-server
Mobile computing
• User mobility:means a user who has access to
the same or similar telecommunication
services at different places, i.e., the user can be
mobile, and the services will follow him or her.

• Network mobility: Mobility of an entire

network that changes its point of attachment
to the internet as a single unit

Mobile computing
• Bearer mobility :user should be able to move
from one bearer to the other and use the same

• Device mobility: a user should be able able to

move from one device to the other and use the
same service
Mobile computing
• Session mobility: A user session shuld be able
to move from one agent user environment ot
the other._CDMA continues despite

• Agent mobility feature

• Host mobility: The user should be either a
• The network-centric mobile computing
architecture uses three-tier architecture
 1) Presentation Tiers
2) Application Tiers
 3) Data Tier
In three tier architecture, the first layer is User
Interface or Presentation Tier.
This layer deals with user facing device
handling and rendering. this tier includes a
user system interface where user service reside
• The second tier is the Process Management or
Application Tier
• This layer is capable of accommodating
hundreds of users.
• The middle process management tier controls
transaction and asynchronous queuing to
ensure reliable completion of transaction.
• The third final tier is the Database
Management or Data Tier.
• This Layer is for database access and

• The three-tier architecture is better suited for
an effective networked client/server design. It
provide increased performance , flexibility ,
maintainability , reusability and scalability ,
while hiding the complexity of distributed
processing from user.
• All these characteristic have made three-tier
architecture a popular choice for Inter
application and net-centric information system
• Describe the three tier architecture for mobile
Adaptability in mobile computing

Vision :To be able to roam Seamlessly with your

computing devices while continuing to
perform computing and communication tasks
• Transparency :Transparency is the ability of a
system to hide some characteristics of its
underlying implementation from users. Much
of the research effort in distributed computing
has been devoted to developing mechanisms
for providing various forms of transparency
• Examples of transparency include
• Access transparency is the ability of a system
to hide the differences in data representation
on various machines and the mode of access of
a particular resource.  
• Location transparency is the ability of a
system to conceal the location of a resource.
Related to location transparency are name
transparency (which ensures that the name of a
resource does not reveal
• any hints as to the physical location of the
resource) and user mobility (which ensures
that no matter which machine a user is logged
onto, she should be able to access resources
with the same name).  
• Failure transparency is the ability of the
system to hide failure and recovery of a system
• 1. Mobile computers can be expected to be
more resource-poor than their static
• 2. Mobile computers are less secure and
• 3. Mobile connectivity can be highly variable
in terms of it’s performance (bandwidth and
latency) and reliability
Adaptation Mechanisms
• Functionality
• Data
Examples of adaptive applications
• Odyssey
• Rover
• Mobile computing is the field of wireless
communication and carry-around computers,
such as laptop computers. In some ways the
mobile computing field spun out of work
initialized within the ubiquitous computing area.
Likewise, the early focus on wireless networking
led to wireless communication mechanism
research. Work on these mechanisms began in
the mid-1980s and led up to the standards
around wireless local area networks (WiFi) that
started forming in the late 1990s.
Architecture of mobile computing
• With the aid of a diagram Explain Mobile
Computing Architecture in detail
Mobile computing architecture
Mobile computing architecture
• A 3-tier architecture is an application program that is
organized into three major parts, comprising of:
• The data access layer tier at the bottom,
• The application tier (business logic) in the middle and
• The client tier (presentation) at the top.
• Each tier is distributed to a different place or places in
a network. These tiers do not necessarily correspond
to physical locations on various computers on a
network, but rather to logical layers of the application.
1. Presentation Layer (UI):

• This layer presents data to the user and

optionally permits data manipulation and data
entry, also this layer requests the data form
Business layer.
• This layer accomplished through use of
Dynamic HTML and client-side data sources
and data cursors.
2. Business Logic Layer:

• The business logic acts as the server for client requests

from workstations. It acts according Business rules
fetch or insert data through the Data Layer.
• In turn, it determines what data is needed (and where
it is located) and acts as a client in relation to a third
tier of programming that might be located on a local or
mainframe computer.
• Because these middle-tier components are not tied to
a specific client, they can be used by all applications
and can be moved to different locations, as response
time and other rules require.
3. Data Access Layer:

• The third tier of the 3-tier system is made up

of the DBMS that provides all the data for the
above two layers.
• This is the actual DBMS access layer.
• Avoiding dependencies on the storage
mechanisms allows for updates or changes
without the application tier clients being
affected by or even aware of the change.

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