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Psychology and ethics: How important are they in business?

 First, let us deal with the importance of psychology in business.
According to its definition, psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. It
encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental
factors that affect how people think, act, and feel. It is said that gaining a richer
and deeper understanding of psychology can help people achieve insights into
their own actions as well as a better understanding of other people. Psychology
deals with the mind and the behavior. According to philosophy, “agere sequitur
esse", “action speaks being”. The way you act speaks what kind of person you
are. Moreover, behavior also is the result of how we think. Thus, self-awareness
is indispensable and psychology can help a lot in gaining it. In business, we will
be dealing with diverse professional activities; and the way we think and behave
in our professional activities affect our business. Thus, there is a need for a good
foundation in psychology when we are in business field.

We will now deal with the importance of ethics in business. Accordingly,

there is an innate goodness in man. Part of man's nature is his goodness.
However, as he grows and continues his journey, he will be sometimes deceived
and misled. Thus, he needs guidelines and principles so that he will continue to
manifest the goodness that is innate him. Thus, he needs ethics. Ethics is the
moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
In business, we deal with people from all walks of life- people with different
characteristics. In dealing with different people we must abide to the moral
principles whether they will treat us badly or duly. In business, we will also deal
with money. According to the cliché, “Money is the root of evil.” Thus, we also
need ethics so that we will have a guiding principle on how to deal with it. Thus
ethics is also needed in the field of business.

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