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Lecture 1

Database System

Introduction to Database
 Database: organized collection of logically related data

 Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and


 Structured: numbers, text, dates

 Unstructured: images, video, documents

 Information: data processed to increase

knowledge in the person using the data

 Metadata: data that describes the properties and

context of user data

Data in context

Context helps users understand data

Summarized data

Graphical displays turn data into useful

information that managers can use for
decision making and interpretation
Descriptions of the properties or characteristics of the
data, including data types, field sizes, allowable
values, and data context
Drawbacks of File Processing System
 Data redundancy and inconsistency

 Difficulty in accessing data

 Data isolation

 Integrity problems

 Atomicity problems

 Concurrent access anomalies

 Security Problems
File Processing Versus Databases

• Each department has its • Programs and users share

own set of files data
• Used for many years • Reduce data redundancy
• Have data redundancy • Improve data integrity
• Isolate data • Share data
• Allows easier access
• Reduces development time
• Can be more vulnerable
File Processing Versus Databases

Costs and Risks of the Database
 New, specialized personnel

 Installation and management cost and complexity

 Conversion costs

 Need for explicit backup and recovery

 Organizational conflict

Database Models
 The abstraction from the real world to the digital format
is done with the help of models, so called database
 Database systems can be based on different data models
or database models
 Definition:
 collection of concepts and rules for the description of
the structure of the database.
Database Models
 Hierarchical Model:
 A data model where the data is organized like a tree.
The structure allows repeating information using
parent/child relationships.
Database Models
 Network Model
 Database systems use a network model to store their
data in a graph.
Database Models
 Relational Model
 The relational model is the best known and in today’s DBMS
most often implemented database model. It defines a database
as a collection of tables (relations) which contain all data.
Database Models
 Entity-Relationship Model
 uses a collection of basic objects, called entities, and
relationships among these objects.
 Object-Based Data Model
 extending the E-R model with notions of
encapsulation, methods (functions), and object
identity. The object-relational data model combines
features of the object-oriented data model and
relational data model.
Instances and Schemas
 Instances and Schemas

The collection of information stored in the database at a

particular moment is called an instance of the database.

The overall design of the database is called the database

Database Languages

 A database system provides a data-definition language to

specify the database schema and a data-manipulation
language to express database queries and updates. In
practice, the data-definition and data-manipulation languages
are not two separate languages; instead they simply form
parts of a single database language, such as the widely used
SQL language.
Database Management System
 A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled
access to user databases

Order Filing

Invoicing Central database

Contains employee,
order, inventory,
pricing, and
customer data

Components of the Database Environment

Components of the
Database Environment

 CASE Tools–computer-aided software engineering

 Repository–centralized storehouse of metadata

 Database Management System (DBMS) –software for

managing the database

 Database–storehouse of the data

 Application Programs–software using the data

Components of the
Database Environment
 User Interface–text and graphical displays to users

 Data/Database Administrators–personnel
responsible for maintaining the database
 System Developers–personnel responsible for
designing databases and software
 End Users–people who use the applications and
The Range of Database Applications

 Personal databases

 Workgroup databases

 Departmental/divisional databases

 Enterprise database


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