Horned Society

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The Horned Society

Ruler: The Dread and Awful Presences, the Hierarchs

(true names mostly unknown, particulars vary)
Government: feudal oligarchy; settlements, military units, religious sects, and humanoid tribes are unified and organized under the leadership of the ruling
Provinces: numerous military holdings and at least ten humanoid territories
Major Settlements: Molag (LC, capital), Balmund (LT), Charn (SC), Dingaverge (LT), Neang Kazar (LT), Uriah Kazar (LT)
Population: 45,000 Racial Composition: OFs
Demi-humans: very doubtful
Humanoids: considerable numbers (goblins, hobgoblins, norkers, orcs; some lesser giantkind {annis, ogres} and trolls {common, giant}; also bugbears
and kobolds in Fellreev Forest)
Alignments: LE; also NE, CE Languages: Common, various humanoid languages, also Araphi, Velondi
Major Faiths: deviltry, Hextor, Maglubiyet, Nomog-Geaya, other humanoid deities
Coinage: death’s head (g.p.), devil (s.p.), imp (c.p.), serpent (bz.p, 2 bz.p = 1 c.p.)
Resources: none outstanding


In ancient times the open lands between the Opicm, Veng, and Ritensa Rivers were inhabited mainly by centaurs, Flan nomads, and humanoids who survived
by hunting bison and other herd animals across the plains. The lower part of the region was settled by Oeridians during the Great Migrations. These folk came
under Aerdian rule during the second century, and gradually expanded northward, establishing homesteads and small settlements. The territories thus created
became the lower part of what were known as the Northern Reaches, a sparsely populated and loosely administered region ruled by a collection of petty nobles
and owing nominal vassalage to the Viceroy in Dyvers.

After the secession of Ferrond (468), the lands around Molag were ravaged by Aerdian forces for several years. The region never fully recovered from this
chaos, and even after the Aerdians’ departure remained wracked by warfare between the southern nobles, widespread banditry, raids by Rover war bands, and
humanoid invasions that overran several of the northern holdings. Ferrond soon washed its hands of the troublesome territory, leaving its rulers to their own
squabbles. This state of affairs persisted for two centuries.

Late in the seventh century the region began to come under the control of a group of clerics, warlords, and petty nobles who were devotees of the Lords of Hell
and called themselves the Horned Society. During the 670s and 680s this group came to absolutely control the southern lands, seized power in most of the
surviving northern territories, and brought many of the region’s humanoid tribes into their service. In 693 their armies joined with those of Iuz, with whom the
Hierarchs formed a short-lived alliance, to deliver a crushing defeat to the Rovers at the Battle of Opicm River. In the wake of this victory the last obstacle to the
Hierarchs’ dominion in the north was eliminated, and their rule over the entire territory became absolute.

In 695 the Horned Society invaded Empryea, its neighbor to the east, starting a devastating conflict that came to be known as the War of Ending. Horned
Society armies won many early victories, but the Empryean defenders rallied and the war turned into a quagmire. In 727, after thirty-two years of debilitating
conflict, it ended in catastrophic defeat for both sides when a monstrous outpouring of arcane energies destroyed the Citadel of Empryea and several miles of
surrounding countryside, instantly annihilating both armies. As Empryea collapsed into chaos the Horned Society’s surviving forces were forced to abandon
their hard-won gains and retreat across the Ritensa.

With their armies depleted or destroyed, the Hierarchs’ grip on power was seriously weakened. For some fifty years their attentions were turned inward, as they
squabbled among themselves for power and were forced to quell uprisings, secure disputed borders, and repel raids from the then-leaderless domain of Iuz. By
the 780s these struggles were resolved, and the Horned Society has since been building up its armies for new wars of conquest.

Present Day

The Horned Society is ruled with an iron fist by the Hierarchs. Outside of the Horned Society little is known of these individuals, not even most of their names or
how many of them there are, but their ranks are thought to include several clerics, a trio of fighter lords, at least two wizards, and a master thief. There are in
fact thirteen Hierarchs, all of lawful evil alignment and dedicated to the worship of various archdevils. The mightiest of them are The Unnameable Hierarch (18th
level cleric) and Krellokk, Lord of Molag (18th level magic-user); the others are the clerics Andrade Mirrius (16th level), Blontug (half-orc cleric / assassin, levels
8 / 14), Guiliana Mortidus (13th level), Nezmajen (15th level), and Vazirian (14th level); the fighter lords Ritek (17th level), Rostal (12th level), and Vurgo (half-
orc, 13th level); the wizards Maskaleyne (12th level magic-user) and Ducheval (15th level illusionist); and the master thief Durgoth Shem (13th level).
Ducheval was apparently killed at the Battle of Baranford (Sunsebb 792), so it is possible that only twelve Hierarchs now remain, or that another high-ranking
member of the Horned Society has been elevated to take the fallen wizard’s place; available intelligence is uncertain.

The Horned Society has a human population of about 45,000, and a humanoid population of over 100,000, including 54,000 hobgoblins, 21,000 orcs, 14,000
goblins, and 10,000 norkers. Most of the populace is of lawful evil alignment, and the major religions are deviltry, Hextor-worship, and the various humanoid
cults. There are also thriving temples of Nerull and Wee Jas at Molag.

The Hierarchs’ goal is to build an empire in the northern Flanaess. They plan to begin by conquering New Empryea, the Shield Lands, and the Bandit
Kingdoms, and to eventually move against the larger states to east and south, such as Furyondy, Veluna, Tenh, the Pale, Urnst, and Nyrond. The setbacks they
suffered during the Quest of the Egg (787), and the recent Treaty of Chendl (792), have convinced them not to invade New Empryea and the Shield Lands,
since that would provoke open war with not only Furyondy but also Nyrond. They therefore limit themselves to spying and sabotage against Furyondy, New
Empryea, and the Shield Lands, seeking to keep the former state off-balance and on the defensive, and weakening and corrupting the latter two territories to
make them easier to capture when the time comes. No such concerns govern their actions against the Bandit Kingdoms, however, and they are presently
waging wars of attrition against the western territories of Freehold, Wormhall, and Warfields. The Horned Society and Iuz are on generally favorable terms, but
the Old One and the Hierarchs do not trust each other, for each hopes to use the other for their own benefit, and would conquer the other if the opportunity
arose. Iuz does what he can to undermine the Horned Society, hoping to one day seize it; the Horned Society encourages Iuz’s campaign in the Vesve,
knowing that it will siphon Furyondy’s strength away from its own border with that land.

The Horned Society has three outposts on the east bank of the Ritensa: the town of Fairway, whose Lord declared his allegiance to Molag in 787, and the
underground humanoid cities of Neang Kazar and Uriah Kazar, which it captured during the War of Ending. It uses these settlements as bases for spying and
raiding in New Empryea and Warfields. See the New Empryea file for further information.

The Horned Society is able to field over one thousand human cavalry (light, medium, and heavy). These warriors wear ring (light), mail (light), banded mail
(medium), splinted mail (medium), or plate mail (heavy), carry shields, and employ lances, battle axes, swords (bastard, broad, falchion, long, sabre), light
crossbows, and horseman’s weapons (flail, mace, pick). Their mounts are armored with leather (light), scale (medium), mail (heavy), or plate (heavy) barding.
Most of the Horned Society’s infantry is humanoid, but it is also able to field human infantry units with a total strength of a few thousand. These soldiers may be
light or heavy foot, archers, arbalists, hobilars, artillerists, engineers, or sapper / miners, and their arms and armor vary widely. Humanoid contingents may be
commanded by humanoid generals and/or senior officers, or by humans or half-orcs, but junior officers and non-commissioned officers are usually humanoid.
These units are armed and armored in the fashion favored by their tribe; see “Humanoid Tribes,” below.

The Hierarchs have recruited countless thousands of the huge and giant ravens that are so numerous in the territory, regularly employing them as scouts, spies,
hunting and fighting birds, and familiars. Their armies are frequently accompanied by great flocks of these birds. They have also recruited several sorts of
monsters, including dragons (red, and a few blue and green) and wyverns. Several of the Hierarchs and their high-ranking servants are served by minor
creatures from the Hells, such as imps, hellcats, and lesser devils.

The standard of the Horned Society is sable, a devil’s skull cabossed gules, attired argent and crowned or.

Major Settlements

Balmund (pop. 4,000, hex F4-63) - The small stone keep of Balmund was built by a robber baron of the same name during the sixth century. After the Battle of
Opicm River a garrison was established there, and a rude town grew up around the keep. Balmund is a chill, squalid, haphazard place, in some parts little
more than a permanent tent camp. It is inhabited mostly by soldiers and humanoids.

Charn (pop. 7,000, hex I4-72) - A fortified pirate port on the Whyestil, established as a base for raiding by a robber baron around the turn of the seventh century.
Horned Society naval vessels and an assortment of privateers sail forth from Charn to attack lake and river traffic and raid Furyondy’s northern shores. Charn
is a rough and unsavory place that swarms with human and humanoid cutthroats of every description.

Dingaverge (pop. 5,000, hex C4-68) - A walled town near the Fellreev, established as a forest settlement by Oeridian settlers during the second century. It was
for centuries a place of refuge for the foresters who cut timber and cleared the woods for cultivation, as these folk were continually menaced by local orc and
goblin tribes. Now that those tribes have been recruited by the Hierarchs, the town has opened its gates to them, and they come there to trade and roister.
Most of the town’s old temples have been abandoned, and large temples of Hextor and Incabulos now dominate local religious life.

Molag (pop. 16,000+, hex E4-73) - An ancient, soot-blackened city of dark stone and dull grey brick, the fortified port of Molag was established more than a
millennium ago by the region’s first Oeridian settlers. It is a hive of evil. Diabolical creatures walk openly in its streets, and it is a gathering place for
thousands of brigands, pirates, humanoids, and other outlaw rabble. The lord of Molag encourages this, so long as the raiders ply their trade in the lands of
the Horned Society’s enemies. Major temples to Hextor, Nerull, Wee Jas, and all the archdevils operate in the city. The present Lord of Molag, Krellokk the
Tangg-Lord, is a lich archmage who has ruled with an iron fist for over a century. He is the most widely known of the Horned Society’s Hierarchs, and his
name is a curse in the mouths of all Empryean folk. His palace is said to be guarded by a retinue of devils and several hellhounds of the largest size.

Neang Kazar (pop. 3,000, hex Z3-70) - Formerly the dwarf settlement of Rock Haven, this underground fortress town in the Empryean Highlands was overrun
by the Horned Society during the War of Ending, and is now inhabited by orcs. Neang Kazar serves as a base for raids into New Empryea, and the orc hill
tribes (Garchclaw, Skabrous Skull, Spydrox) receive their instructions and pay from Horned Society agents based in the town. Neang Kazar is powerfully
defended, thanks to the old dwarven fortifications.

Uriah Kazar (pop. 3,500, hex Y3-69) - Once the gnome settlement of Loamburrow, Uriah Kazar was captured by a force of goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs during
the War of Ending, and these creatures now use it as a base for raids into Warfields. The city is inhabited by orcs (40%), goblins (30%), and smaller numbers
of hobgoblins, norkers, and other humanoids. It is an underground town, with architecture and fortifications that combine gnome, dwarf, goblin, and orc

Humanoid Tribes

Hobgoblins and Norkers

Hobgoblins are more numerous in the Horned Society than any other race of humanoids, with a total population of over fifty thousand. They are divided among
two major tribes, the Marrow Suckers and Slow Killers, and three minor tribes, the Corpse Rapers, Entrail Spillers, and Giant Slayers. There are also two norker
tribes in the territory, the Salt Burners and Skull Splitters. These tribes have a total membership of about ten thousand. Hobgoblins are most commonly
employed as heavy infantry, or occasionally as artillerists or sappers, while norkers ordinarily accompany hobgoblin units as light infantry or sappers.

The Marrow Suckers (16,000) occupy a large tribal domain in the upper part of the Horned Society, in the lands that lie between the lower Opicm River and the
Fellreev. They are very numerous in and around Balmund and along the Horned Society’s northern border, and make up most of the hobgoblin contingents
presently striking through the Fellreev into Freehold. They wear scale, mail, and banded mail, use shields, and fight with morning stars, pole arms (halberd,
pole axe), spears, swords (bastard, long), and composite short bows, employing hand axes, maces, short swords, and whips as secondary weapons. They are
closely allied with a norker tribe, the Skull Splitters (6,000), whose warriors are employed by the Marrow Sucker commanders as light skirmishing troops. These
norkers worship Maglubiyet and Nomog-Geaya. They wear leather and studded leather armor, employ small shields, and fight with long-hafted battle axes,
maces, morning stars, spears, swords (bastard, long), and slings. Both tribes are semi-cannibalistic; the Marrow Suckers break open the bones of their dead
opponents to feast upon their marrow, while the Skull Splitters are infamous brain-eaters.

The Slow Killers (21,000) control much of the central Horned Society, from the upper Whyestil Lake almost as far south as Molag. Though they still worship the
hobgoblin deities Nomog-Geaya and Moragg, they have also converted to the worship of Hextor, and are highly militant and militarily sophisticated even by
hobgoblin standards, providing the Hierarchs with great numbers of elite heavy infantry and skilled sapper-miners. Their leaders and champions are of the
fighter class, they have a small corps of trained assassins, and in place of shamans and witchdoctors they have full-fledged clerics and cleric / magic-users (of
Hextor and Nomog-Geaya only; Moragg’s priestesses are normal tribal spell-casters). Their warriors wear mail, banded mail, or plate mail, employ shields
(spiked buckler, small, large, pavise), and fight with flails, morning stars, pole arms (mainly military forks, including a pike-like variety over fifteen feet in length
and used by large infantry formations; also bec de corbin, lucern hammer), swords (broad, sabre), and composite bows (long, short), employing horseman’s
flails, scourges, short swords, or whips as secondary weapons. They are notorious lovers of torture, and control Molag’s Guild of Torturers.

The Corpse Rapers (5,000) are a northern tribe whose territory lies near the mouth of the Opicm River. They are the smallest of the region’s hobgoblin tribes,
but also one of the most savage, whose abominable practices are widely infamous. They are hereditary enemies of the Skull Smasher hobgoblins (see Iuz),
and will attack members of that tribe on sight. Corpse Raper hobgoblins wear scale or mail, use shields, and fight with axes (battle, bardiche), morning stars,
spears, swords (bastard, long), and composite longbows, employing hand axes, maces, short swords and whips as secondary weapons.

The Entrail Spillers (6,000) are a southern tribe, based along the Veng River below Molag. They are numerous in that city, and deal frequently with humans.
They have converted entirely to deviltry, and their spell-casters are full-fledged clerics and cleric / magic-users in the service of various archdevils. Warriors of
the Entrail Spillers tribe wear mail or banded mail, employ large kite-shaped shields, and fight with fauchard-forks, spears, swords (long), and short composite
bows, employing maces, short swords, and whips as secondary weapons.

The Giant Slayers (6,000) occupy a territory along the Ritensa River, south of the Empryean Highlands. The tribe is named for long-ago battles it fought with the
hill giants of the Empryean Highlands, whom it eventually exterminated. It is allied with two other tribes, the Hill Beater goblins and the Salt Burner norkers,
frequently working in cooperation with both. Its warriors wear scale or mail, occasionally use small shields, and fight with morning stars, pole arms (bill-
guisarme, glaive-guisarme), spears, swords (bastard, two-handed), and short composite bows, employing military picks, short swords, and whips as secondary

The Salt Burner (4,000) norkers are allied with the Hill Beater goblins and Giant Slayer hobgoblins, occupying a small territory near the lower Ritensa. They
worship Maglubiyet and Khurgorbaeyag. Many serve in the Horned Society’s armies as infantry or sappers. Salt Burner warriors wear leather, studded leather,
or brigandine, employ shields, and fight with morning stars, spears, swords (broad), and slings.

Orcs and Ogres

There are over twenty thousand orcs in the Horned Society, divided between three tribes, the Blackened Skull, Jagged Blade, and Red Fist. Orcs usually serve
as light or heavy foot, or occasionally as hobilars, marines, sappers, or assassins. There are also about three thousand ogres in the territory. Roughly half of
them are allied with the Red Fist orcs, alongside whom they fight as shock troops. Of the rest, about half are associated with the Jagged Blade orcs, and the
rest have no particular affiliation.

The Blackened Skull (5,000, venerates Shargaas) is a forest tribe that holds the lower tip of the Fellreev, below the Ritensa River. Orcs of this tribe are very wily
and cunning, dwelling in hidden caves and tunnels by day and stealing forth by night to raid and murder. All Blackened Skull warriors can backstab, move
silently, and hide in shadows as a thief with as many levels as they have hit dice, and many are actually of the assassin class, these individuals being frequently
employed by the Hierarchs as spies and saboteurs. Blackened Skull orcs wear leather or studded leather armor, carry long daggers, and fight with throwing
axes, short bows, short spears, and swords (long, short). Their tribal standard depicts a black orc skull.

The largest of the three tribes is the Jagged Blade (10,000, venerates Gruumsh and Ilneval), a very militaristic tribe that produces well-trained and well-
disciplined warriors, some of whom are actually of the fighter class. The Jagged Blade holds a territory in the lands between Charn and Molag, and its warriors
are numerous in both cities. The tribe is allied with some ogre clans, and has some ogrillon members. Orcs of the Jagged Blade wear scale, mail, or banded
mail, often employ shields, and favor axes (battle), crossbows (light, heavy), pole arms (ranseur, spetum), spears, and swords (broad, long). Their ogrillon
shock troops wear banded mail or plate mail, and fight with halberds and swords (bastard, two-handed), employing flails (horseman’s), military picks, and
swords (broad, long, short) as secondary weapons. Ogres fight with great axes (treat as halberd) and swords (two-handed). Jagged Blade pole arms and
swords are frequently serrated; such weapons inflict an extra point of damage with each strike, but are more difficult than normal blades to properly maintain.
The Jagged Blade’s tribal standard depicts a pair of crossed serrated broadswords.

The Red Fist (6,000, venerates Bahgtru) is a very warlike tribe that holds a territory in the far south, between the Ritensa and the Veng. They are closely allied
with several ogre clans, and have maximum numbers of ogrillons in their ranks. Their tribal standard depicts a mighty fist bloodied to the wrist. Orcs of the Red
Fist are usually employed as heavy foot, with battle formations spearheaded by ogrillon and ogre shock troops, but the tribe is also able to field two berserker
companies. Most Red Fist orcs wear ring, scale, or mail, and employ axes (hand, battle), war clubs, flails, maces, morning stars, spears, and swords (broad,
two-handed). Their ogrillon shock troops wear splint or plate mail, and fight with axes (battle, bardiche), flails (footman’s), morning stars, and swords (two-
handed), usually also carrying a hand axe, horseman’s flail, mace, or broadsword as a secondary weapon. Ogres fight with great axes (treat as bardiche or
halberd), war clubs (as morning star), or swords (two-handed).

The Red Fist’s berserker companies, called “We Who Bathe In Our Enemies’ Blood” and “We Who Devour Our Enemies’ Souls,” each consist of three hundred
orc and ogrillon berserkers. These fanatical elite warriors have 1+1 (orc) or 2+10 (ogrillon) hit dice, attack as berserkers, and have the highest possible morale.
Members of the “Blood” group wear scale and fight with axes (battle, bardiche) and swords (two-handed), while those of the “Souls” group wear ring and fight
with war clubs, footman’s flails, footman’s maces, and morning stars. There is a great rivalry between the two units, each of which constantly tries to outdo the
other in battle.

Ogres not associated with any particular orc tribe may fight with axes (treat as bardiche or halberd), clubs or mauls (as morning star), spears (as medium horse
lance), or captured swords (bastard, two-handed) or pole arms.

Goblins and Bugbears

The Horned Society has only one native goblin tribe, the Hill Beaters, which numbers around five thousand. There are also three major tribes in the lower arm
of the Fellreev Forest between the Artonsamay and Ritensa, the Red Moon, Tree Killers, and Wicked Eye, all of which have in recent years been recruited by
the Hierarchs. These tribes have a combined membership of nearly twelve thousand, and are allied with local bugbears numbering about two thousand. Hill
Beater troops serve as light or heavy foot, while forest goblins serve as scouts and light infantry.

The Hill Beaters (5,000) are a tribe of tunnel-dwelling miners who occupy the western Empryean Highlands. They serve as infantry, sapper / miners, and
engineers. They wear leather, studded leather, or brigandine, sometimes use shields, and favor morning stars, military picks, spears, short swords, and slings.

The Red Moon (4,000), Tree Killers (5,000), and Wicked Eye (3,000) are forest tribes. The Red Moon is a worg-riding tribe whose members venerate Wogar
alongside the usual goblin deities. It holds a territory near the heart of the Fellreev’s southern arm, and its tribal standard depicts a blood-red full moon. The
Tree Killers control a territory near the top of the forest’s southern arm. They are great haters of treants, elves, and faerie creatures, and skilled at woodcraft,
tracking, and camouflage. Their tribal standard is a dead tree hacked by axe blows. The Wicked Eye occupies a territory near the Ritensa. Goblins of the
Wicked Eye venerate Incabulos above all goblin deities, and are extremely malicious, avoiding direct battles and defeating enemies by poisoning wells,
unleashing plagues and blights, destroying food stocks, killing livestock, and engaging in stealthy terror tactics. Their tribal standard depicts a great evil eye.
Warriors of all three tribes wear leather or studded leather armor, and sometimes use shields. Red Moon goblins ride to battle on worgs, fighting with short
glaives, spears, short swords, and javelins hurled from atlatl. Tree Killer goblins fight with axes (hand, battle), spears, and short bows, and are frequently
accompanied by wolves. Goblins of the Wicked Eye favor curved swords and knives (treat as scimitar or swordlet), spears, and short bows, and often carry a
small poisoners’ kit.

Forest bugbears fight with axes (battle, bardiche), flails, morning stars, spears, and swords (bastard), employing hand axes, small (horseman’s) flails, and
spears as throwing weapons.

Other Humanoids
The only other sorts of humanoids native to the Horned Society are trolls, giant trolls, and annis. Annis and common trolls can be found throughout the territory,
but are not particularly numerous, though there are larger numbers of trolls along the edges of the Fellreev. The giant trolls are normally found only in the
Empryean Highlands area, where they are fairly numerous. They are the only surviving remnant of the the hill giant clans that once dominated those hills,
before they were wiped out by warfare with the Giant Slayer hobgoblins.

The Hierarchs have made efforts to recruit the kobolds of the eastern Fellreev, who belong to several discrete clan groups that have united as the Black Forest
tribe. These efforts have met with no success, since the kobolds have long warred with the lower forest’s goblin tribes, and are deeply uninterested in joining
forces with the humans that their hated goblin enemies have befriended. The Hierarchs are forced to pay tribute to local kobold chiefs in order to move their
troops through certain areas of the forest, a situation that greatly displeases them, but for which there is as yet no good solution. Kobolds of the Black Forest
nation wear hide doublets, use wicker shields, and fight with clubs (sometimes spiked, treat as footman’s mace), javelins, spears, and short swords.

Encounters in the Horned Society

The “Open Areas (North)” column is used in the upper Horned Society, from the northern border around Balmund to as far south as a line drawn roughly
between Charn and Dingaverge. The “Open Areas (South)” column applies in the lands below that. The “Empryean Highlands” column applies only to the hills
that lie west of the Ritensa, and encounters in the rest of the chain should be rolled on the table in the New Empryea file. The “Lower Fellreev” column applies
only to the forest’s southern arm, and encounters elsewhere in the forest should be rolled on the table in the Bandit Kingdoms file.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Encounter
01-03 01-03 01-02 01-02 anhkhegs
04-05 04-05 03-04 03-04 ants, giant
- - 05 - assassin bugs
06 06 06 05-07 beetles, giant
07-08 07-08 07-08 08-10 centipedes
09 09 09 11 chimera, gorgon, or manticore
10 10 10 12 cockatrices
11 11 11 13-15 demi-humans
12-13 12-13 12-13 - displacer beasts
14 14 14 16-17 dogs
15 15 15 18 dragons
16 16 16 19 dragonet
17-18 17 17 20-22 faeriefolk
19 18 18 23 forlarren
20-31 19-28 19-34 24-30 giantkind
- - 35-38 - goats, giant
32-50 29-45 39-67 31-45 humanoids
- 46 68 - hydra
- - - 46-48 kech
51-53 47-48 69 49-51 lycanthropes
- 49-50 70 52 meenlocks
54-55 51-53 71 53-54 men, bandits
56 54-55 - - men, merchants
57-59 56-58 - 55-56 men, patrol
60 59-60 - - men, pilgrims
61-62 61 72 57-58 men, raiders
63-65 62-64 - - men, soldiery
66-69 65-69 - 59-60 men, villagers
- - - 61 miner
70 70 73-74 62-63 orgautha
71 71 75 64-65 owls, giant
72 72 76 66-68 owlbears
73-74 73-74 77-78 69-72 plants, dangerous
75-79 75-82 79-82 73-75 ravens
- - 83 - rock reptiles
80 83 84 76-77 skunks, giant
81-82 84-85 85-86 78-80 snakes, giant
83-84 86-87 87-88 81-83 spiders
85-86 88-89 89-92 84-86 stirges
87-88 90-91 93 87 ticks, giant
89 92 94 88-89 toads, giant
90 93 95-96 90-91 volts
91 94 97 92-93 weasels, giant
92-96 95-97 - 94-97 worgs
97-00 98-00 98-00 98-00 wyverns

Anhkhegs: From 1-6 will be encountered. In open areas, 10% of these encounters may instead be with one (90%) or 1-2 (10%) bullettes, at the DM’s option.

Ants, Giant: These encounters are with 1-100 foraging workers (90%) or a nest with 20-200 workers, one warrior for every five workers, and a queen (10%).

Beetles, Giant: In the Fellreev, these encounters are with 1-12 bombardier (50%), 3-18 boring (25%), or 1-12 stag (25%) beetles. Elsewhere they are usually
with 1-6 bombardier beetles, though only in wooded or overgrown areas, but near the Fellreev encounters with 1-12 raiding stag beetles are also possible.

Centipedes: These encounters are with 5-30 huge centipedes (60%), 2-24 giant centipedes (35%), or both (5%).

Chimera, Gorgon, or Manticore: These encounters may be with 1-4 chimerae (10%), a gorgimera (5%), 1-4 gorgons (60%), 1-4 manticores (15%), 1-2
mantimerae (5%), or a mixed group of two compatible types (5%).

Cockatrices: From 1-4 will be encountered.

Demi-Humans: These encounters may be with grugach, sylvan elves, or spriggans, as determined below.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Demi-Humans
- - - 01-25 elves, grugach
- - - 26-95 elves, sylvan
01-00 01-00 01-00 96-00 spriggans

Grugach encounters are with traps (30%), a hunting or foraging party (30%), a patrol (15%), a war party (15%), or a settlement (10%). Trap encounters are
with an area protected by 1-8 traps, so well-concealed that creatures passing near them are 90% likely to be caught in them unless a careful check for such
dangers is being made, in which case the chance drops to 30%. The traps may be pits, snares, or deadfalls (equal chance for each). Pits are normally ten
feet deep and spiked (damage 1-4 plus 1-6 per spike, victim is “attacked” by 1-6 spikes as if by a 4 hit die monster, spikes are 50% likely to be poisoned,
requiring victims to save or die), snares are usually set to encircle creatures’ lower limbs and sweep them off their feet to dangle five or more feet off the
ground, and deadfalls crush victims under a falling log (5-8 six-sided dice of damage, save versus petrification or be pinned and helpless). There is a
cumulative chance of 10% per turn after any trap is triggered that a hunting party (60%) or patrol (40%) arrives to investigate. Hunting parties consist of 2-12
grugach, patrols with 5-12 grugach led by 1-2 with 2nd-3rd level fighting ability, and war bands with 20-80 grugach mounted on stags, accompanied by 1-2
with 2nd-3rd level fighting ability for every twenty present, led by a war chief with 4th-7th level fighting ability, and possibly (20% chance per twenty grugach)
1-4 druids or fighter / druids of 1st-8th level. Settlements include the same numbers as war parties, plus females and young equivalent to 100% and 5%
respectively of the number of adult males. Grugach warriors wear leather or studded leather armor and fight with short bows, spears, and swords (long,
short). They are unfriendly to all other races.

Sylvan elf encounters are with a scouting or hunting party (35%), patrol (35%), war band (20%), or settlement (10%). Scouting parties consist of 3-12 elves
and are 50% likely to be accompanied by 1-4 cooshee. Patrols include 8-18 elves and 1-8 cooshee, led by an elf with 2nd-3rd level fighting ability. War
bands include 20-200 elves and 10-60 cooshee, may (25%) be accompanied by 2-8 giant owls, and are led by an officer (4th-7th level fighter), one sergeant
(2nd-3rd level fighter) per twenty elves, and one mage-sergeant (fighter / magic-user, 2nd-3rd level) per forty elves. If the war band numbers one hundred or
more there are also 3-8 cleric / fighters, cleric / magic-users, or fighter / magic-users of 4th-6th (fighter) or 4th-9th (cleric, magic-user) level. Settlements
include the same composition as a war party, plus 2-7 officers (4th-7th level fighters), 3-8 spell-casters (cleric / fighters, cleric / magic-users, fighter / magic-
users, or cleric / fighter / magic-users of 4th-6th {fighter} or 4th-9th {cleric, magic-user} level), and females and young equal to 100% and 5% respectively of
the number of males. Sylvan elves wear leather, studded leather, or ring armor, and fight with short bows, spears, and swords (long, short). In this part of the
Fellreev elves are generally suspicious and hostile, killing or avoiding intruders.

Spriggan encounters are with 3-12 of the creatures. They raid human, demi-human, and humanoid settlements impartially.

Displacer Beasts: From 2-5 will be encountered.

Dogs: In the Fellreev, these encounters may be with 1-4 cooshee (75%) or 2-16 blink dogs. Elsewhere, they are always with blink dogs.

Dragons: These encounters are with one (50%) or 1-4 (50%) dragons. If two are encountered they are a mated pair, and three or four are they are either a
mated pair and offspring or a group of sub-adults. Black dragons are normally encountered only in wetland areas, or along rivers and lake shores.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Dragons
01-05 01-05 - 01-05 black
06-45 01-45 01-45 06-10 blue
46-60 46-55 46-55 11-85 green
61-00 56-00 56-00 86-00 red

Dragonet: These encounters may be with 1-3 faerie dragons, 1-8 firedrakes, or a lone pseudo-dragon (80%). Firedrakes are rarer in the western Empryean
Highlands than they are to the east.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Dragonet
01-20 01-15 01-10 01-05 faerie dragons
- 16-25 11-70 - firedrakes
21-00 26-00 71-00 11-85 pseudo-dragon

Faeriefolk: These encounters may be with 20-50 atomies, 2-12 brownies, 5-20 buckawns, 4-24 centaurs, 1-4 dryads, 5-30 grigs, 1-3 killmoulis, 1-12
leprechauns, 1-3 nymphs, 4-16 pixies, 2-12 quicklings, 2-8 satyrs, 10-60 sprites, 1-3 swanmays, 1-4 unicorns, or a mixed group of 2-4 compatible types. In
this region most of these creatures are extremely cautious and reclusive.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Faeriefolk
- - 01-05 01-04 atomies (25%), grigs (25%),
pixies (25%), or sprites (25%)
01-04 01-05 06-10 - booka or killmoulis (50% / 50%)
05 06 11-15 - brownies
06-08 07-09 16-30 - buckawns
09-91 10-91 31-35 - centaurs
92 92 36-45 05-35 dryads
93 93 46-55 36-38 leprechauns
94-95 94-95 56-65 39-43 nymphs
- - 66-70 44-46 quicklings
96 96 71-75 57-76 satyrs
97-98 97-98 76-85 77-86 swanmays
- - 86-95 87-90 unicorns
99-00 99-00 96-00 91-00 mixed group

Forlarren: These creatures are encountered singly.

Giantkind: These encounters may be with 1-3 annis, a greenhag or shellycoat, 2-40 ogres, 1-10 ogre magi, 4-48 qullans, 1-12 trolls, 1-12 giant trolls, or mixed
groups of 2-4 types, as shown below.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Giantkind
01-10 01-15 01-10 01-10 annis
11-20 16-25 11-20 11-20 greenhag or shellycoat
21-45 26-65 21-60 21-50 ogres
46-48 66-70 61-62 51-52 ogre magi
49-70 - - 53-55 qullans
71-95 71-90 63-70 56-90 trolls, common
- 91-95 71-90 - trolls, giant
96-00 96-00 91-00 91-00 mixed group

Goats, Giant: These animals are badly over-hunted by local humanoids, but a few flocks still roam the hills. From 1-12 will be encountered.

Humanoids: The type(s) of humanoids encountered may be determined on the table below. All humanoids are armed and armored in the fashion favored by
their tribe; see “Humanoid Tribes,” above.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Encounter
- - - 01-10 bugbears
01-05 01-05 01-55 11-50 goblins
- 01-00 01-00 - Hill Beaters
01-02 - - 01-35 Red Moon
03 - - 36-70 Tree Killers
04-05 - - 71-00 Wicked Eye
06-00 - - - others
06-60 06-40 56-70 51-55 hobgoblins
01-35 - - - Corpse Rapers
- 01-25 - - Entrail Spillers
- 26-40 01-00 - Giant Slayers
36-95 41-45 - 01-50 Marrow Suckers
96-00 46-00 - 51-00 Slow Killers
- - - 56-65 kobolds
61-80 41-50 71-85 66-70 norkers
01-05 01-95 01-00 - Salt Burners
06-00 96-00 - 01-00 Skull Splitters
81-90 51-90 86-90 71-95 orcs
- 01-10 - 01-00 Blackened Skull
01-95 11-65 01-50 - Jagged Blade
96-00 66-00 51-00 - Red Fist
91-00 91-00 91-00 96-00 mixed group

Bugbear encounters are with hunting parties (3-12 bugbears, 50%), war bands (12-36 bugbears, 40%), or lairs (12-48 bugbears plus females and young
equal to 50% each of the number of males, 10%).

Goblin encounters are with hunting or foraging parties (7-18 goblins, 60%), raiding parties (20-120 goblins, 30%), or lairs (40-400 goblins plus females and
young equal to 60% and 100% of the number of males, 10%). Hill Beater goblins are 25% likely to be working in cooperation with Giant Slayer hobgoblins
and/or Salt Burner norkers; treat these as “mixed group” encounters. Red Moon hunters are 40% likely to be riding worgs, those in raiding parties are 100%
likely to be, and lairs include 30-180 worgs. Tree Killer hunting parties are 60% likely to be accompanied by 2-7 wolves, raiding parties 90% likely to be
accompanied by 11-30 wolves, and lairs 100% likely to have 20-70 wolves. Goblins of other tribes are usually worg-riding nomads from the north, or from
across the border in Iuz. They generally wear leather or studded leather armor, use shields, and fight with hand axes, short bows, spears, and swords
(falchion, short).

Hobgoblin encounters are with patrols (5-12 hobgoblins, 20% chance for 2-5 war dogs, 45%), war parties (20-200 hobgoblins, 50% chance for 10-40 war
dogs, 45%), or lairs (40-400 hobgoblins plus females and young equal to 150% and 300% respectively of the number of males, 50% chance for 10-80 war
dogs, 10%). Marrow Sucker and Giant Slayer hobgoblins are 50% likely to be accompanied by norkers, and those of the Giant Slayer tribe are also 25%
likely to be accompanied by Hill Beater goblins; treat these as “mixed group” encounters.

Kobold encounters may be with scouting or foraging parties (8-18 kobolds, 10% chance for 1-2 giant weasels, 60%), war parties (30-300 kobolds, 70%
chance for 2-8 giant weasels, 30%), or lairs (40-400 kobolds plus females and young equal to 50% and 100% of the number of males, 90% chance for 2-12
giant weasels, 10%). Kobolds are hostile to the Horned Society, as noted above.

Norker encounters are with hunting parties (5-12 norkers, 50%), war bands (20-160 norkers, 40%), or lairs (30-300 norkers plus females and young equal to
100% and 200% respectively of the number of males, 10%). Norkers are 50% likely to be operating under the leadership of hobgoblins; treat these as
“mixed group” encounters.

Orc encounters are with patrols or hunting parties (5-16 orcs, 50%), war parties (30-240 orcs, 40%), or lairs (30-300 orcs plus females and young equal to
50% and 100% respectively of the number of males, 10%). Orcs of the Jagged Blade and Red Fist may be accompanied by ogrillons or ogres, as follows:
Jagged Blade, patrols 30% chance for 1-4 ogrillons and 10% chance for 1-2 ogres, war parties 60% chance for 6-24 ogrillons and 30% chance for 5-20 ogres,
lairs 65% chance for 6-36 ogrillons and 35% chance for 6-24 ogres; Red Fist, patrols 60% chance for 2-8 ogrillons and 30% chance for 1-3 ogres, war parties
always include 8-48 ogrillons and 6-36 ogres, lairs always include 10-60 ogrillons and 8-48 ogres.

Mixed group encounters are with 2-4 types of humanoids working in cooperation. In most cases their numbers are reasonably equal - i.e. a mixed hobgoblin
and norker war party will contain the number of both creatures that would normally be encountered in war bands - but this may not always be true, as one
group of creatures may be serving as scouts for a larger group of other creatures, or something similar.

Hydra: These encounters are with a common (90%), Lernaean (5%), or pyrohydra (5%).

Kech: From 2-8 will be encountered.

Lycanthropes: These encounters are with one foxwoman (90% chance for 1-6 slaves, 10% chance for a daughter), 1-4 werebears, 1-8 wereboars, 3-18
werewolves, or 1-3 wolfweres, as determined on the table below.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Lycanthropes
- - - 01-15 foxwoman
- - - 16-30 werebears
01-10 01-10 01-05 31-50 wereboars
11-70 11-75 06-75 51-80 werewolves
71-00 76-00 76-00 81-00 wolfweres

Meenlocks: From 2-5 will be encountered.

Men, Bandits: These encounters may be with bandits (25%) or brigands (75%), and may be with a scouting party (6-36 bandits led by 0-3 fighters of 2nd-3rd
level, 50%), a large force (20-200 bandits, 40%), or a base (20-200 bandits, 2-20 prisoners, 5-30 camp followers / slaves, 10%). They are accompanied by a
3rd level fighter for every 20 encountered, a 4th level fighter for every 30, a 5th level fighter for every 40, and a 6th level fighter for every 50, and large groups
are additionally led by a chief (8th-10th level fighter), a lieutenant (7th level fighter), and six bodyguards (2nd level fighters). For every 50 there is a
cumulative 25% chance that they are accompanied by a 7th-10th level magic-user, and a cumulative 15% chance that they are accompanied by a 5th-6th
level cleric and a 3rd-4th level assistant cleric. Bases are camps or stockades (80%), hidden mine or cavern complexes (10%), or small castles (10%). Most
(80-100%) of a bandit group will be horsed. Bandits wear leather, studded leather, brigandine, or mail (leaders only), and may employ shields. Their
weapons may include light crossbows, short bows, pole arms (partisan, ranseur, spetum, others), spears, and swords (bastard, broad, falchion, long, sabre,
short), among others.

Men, Merchants: Merchant trains consist of 50-300 persons (10% traders, 10% drovers, 80% mercenary guards). The guards are led by a 6th-11th level
fighter, a 5th-10th level lieutenant, and 3-18 sergeants of 2nd-3rd level. For every fifty members in the group there is a 15% chance for an 8th-10th level thief
and 1-4 lesser thieves (2nd-7th level), 10% chance for a 6th-8th level magic-user, and 10% chance for a 5th-8th level cleric accompanied by 0-3 lesser clerics
(1st-4th level); all chances are cumulative. Mercenaries will mostly (50-100%) be mounted, wear ring, mail, or plate mail, may use shields, and may fight with
battle axes, crossbows (light, heavy), flails, lances, maces, morning stars, pole arms (halberd, partisan, ranseur, spetum, others), spears, or swords (bastard,
broad, falchion, long, sabre, short), among other weapons.

Men, Patrol: In the Horned Society, these groups are with local troops; in the Fellreev they are with foresters from Freehold or Wormhall. Patrols are generally
comprised of 9-24 0-level regulars, 7-10 1st level veterans, six 2nd-3rd level sergeants, two 3rd-4th level subalterns, a 5th-6th level officer, and a spell-caster
(5th-6th level cleric or druid, or 4th-5th level magic-user). Horned Society patrols are always mounted, and may be heavy (20%), medium (40%), or light
(40%). Heavy patrols ride heavy or medium warhorses and wear splint or plate mail, medium patrols ride medium or light warhorses and wear mail or banded
mail, and light patrols ride light warhorses and wear ring or mail. All employ small shields, and fight with lances, battle axes, swords (bastard, broad, falchion,
long, sabre), light crossbows, and horseman’s weapons (flail, mace, pick). Spell-casters are always clerics (60%) or magic-users (40%). Forest patrols are
only 50% likely to be mounted, and may be medium (40%) or light (60%). They are similar to Horned Society patrols in most respects, but use short bows in
place of light crossbows, and their spell-casters may be clerics (25% Freehold, 60% Wormhall), druids (50% Freehold, 10% Wormhall), or magic-users (25%
Freehold, 30% Wormhall).

Men, Pilgrims: These encounters are with 10-100 lawful evil (95%) or neutral evil (5%) pilgrims led by a cleric of 8th-10th level, 1-3 clerics of 5th-6th level, 1-6
clerics of 3rd-4th level, and 1-8 clerics of 1st-2nd level. They are also 50% likely to be accompanied by 1-6 assassins of 3rd-10th level, 25% likely to be
accompanied by 1-4 monks of 1st-6th level (lawful evil pilgrims only), 10% likely per ten pilgrims to be accompanied by 1-10 fighters of 1st-8th level, and 5%
likely per ten pilgrims to be accompanied by a magic-user of 6th-9th level. Lawful evil pilgrims fight as berserkers, but most are only lightly armed, usually
with daggers. Pilgrims are 75% likely to be afoot, 25% likely to be horsed. They are 5% likely to be transporting an unholy relic, which will always be carefully
hidden and protected.

Men, Raiders: In the northern Horned Society these groups are with Rover war parties; elsewhere they may be with raiders from Furyondy, the Bandit
Kingdoms, the Shield Lands, or New Empryea. Raiders from the latter nations may be treated as patrols (q.v.) of maximum numbers plus 5-30 additional
troops, but those from Furyondy, the Shield Lands, or Warfields may be heavy (30% Furyondy, 20% others), medium (40% Furyondy, 40% others), or light
(30% Furyondy, 40% others), and bear weapons appropriate to their nation. Rover raiding bands consist of 35-330 (30d10 + 5d6) horsemen (60% 0-level,
40% 1st level) and “wardog” footmen (1st level), plus one 3rd level fighter per 30 raiders, one 4th level fighter per 40, one 5th level fighter per 50, one 6th
level fighter per 60, twelve guards of 2nd level, a sub-chief of 6th-8th level, a leader of 8th-10th level, 2-4 clerics of 2nd-4th level, and possibly (cumulative
15% chance for every fifty raiders) 1-2 clerics of 5th-8th level. Rover warriors surprise opponents on a 1-4 when in their favored terrain, ride light warhorses,
wear leather armor, carry hide shields, and fight with axes (hand), javelins, lances, lassos, short bows, and spears.

Men, Soldiery: These encounters are with one or more companies of Horned Society soldiery. Each company includes 140-190 soldiers (75% 0-level, 25% 1st
level), 10-20 1st level scouts, two 2nd-3rd level sergeants for every ten soldiers or scouts, five 4th-5th level lieutenants, a 6th-8th level captain, and a 5th-6th
level cleric (60%) or 4th-5th level magic-user (40%). These men are armed and armored identically to a Horned Society patrol (q.v.)

Men, Villagers: These encounters are with hunting or foraging parties (3-12 people, 50%) or a small settlement (20-240 people, 50%). Settlements are led by
exceptional individuals of whatever type is appropriate to the settlement. Villagers in the Horned Society are mostly farmers or foresters. Those in the
Fellreev are foresters loyal to Freehold or Wormhall.

Miner: These predators are encountered singly.

Orgautha: One (95%) or 2-4 (5%) will be encountered.

Owls, Giant: From 1-5 (roll 1d10÷2) will be encountered.

Owlbears: From 1-5 (roll 1d10÷2) will be encountered.

Plants, Dangerous: These encounters may be with 10-80 explodestools, a single hangman tree, 1-2 kampfults, 1-12 obliviaxes, 1-4 giant sundews, 1-6
treants, 1-4 vampire roses, or 1-2 whipweeds, as determined below.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Dangerous Plants
01-05 01-05 01-05 01-05 explodestools
06-07 06-10 06-10 06-10 hangman tree
08-47 11-40 11-40 11-30 kampfults
- - - 31-55 obliviaxes
48-49 41-45 41-45 - sundews, giant
- - - 56-70 treants
50 46-50 46-50 71-75 vampire roses
51-00 51-00 51-00 76-00 whipweeds

Ravens: These encounters are with flocks of 10-100 ordinary ravens (60%), 2-40 huge ravens (30%), or 1-12 giant ravens (10%). The latter two types are 90%
likely to be agents of the Hierarchs, and may spy upon intruders or report them to nearby Horned Society troops.

Rock Reptiles: These creatures are rare west of the Ritensa. From 1-2 will be encountered.

Skunks, Giant: These encounters are with one animal (95%) or a group of 1-6, usually a female and young (5%).
Snakes, Giant: These encounters are with 1-6 giant adders (70%) or copperheads (30%). The venom of giant adders is weak, inflicting only 2-8 points of
damage if the victim’s saving throw is unsuccessful.

Spiders: These encounters are with 1-8 giant, 1-12 huge, or 1-20 large spiders, as shown below.

Open Areas Open Areas Empryean Lower

(North) (South) Highlands Fellreev Spiders
- - - 01-30 giant
01-60 01-50 01-50 31-65 huge
61-00 51-00 51-00 66-00 large

Stirges: From 3-30 will be encountered.

Ticks, Giant: From 1-12 will be encountered.

Toads, Giant: From 1-12 will be encountered.

Volts: From 1-20 will be encountered.

Weasels, Giant: These encounters may be with weasels, woodland-dwelling fishers or martens, or water-dwelling minks. From 1-8 will be encountered.

Worgs: From 2-16 will be encountered.

Wyverns: From 1-6 will be encountered.

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